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Published by Myteach, 2020-11-06 11:32:47

OMG 5 English Form 3

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Oh My Guru (Module) English Form 3 OH MY GURU Module Version 5.0

Voice Over Talent
for Listening Audio


Grammar & Vocabulary


Oriented Practice

Real Life
Demo Version
New New New
Teacher’s Edition (ReadinBghYO,otPNtWupaUrmspiS:tea/irn/yPqg1Tdr,3stoSo.wlpMyPeno/aalgdopkweaeinldrbgTw4i,tesLsafittsttening)
Are provided in the Student’s Edition
Teacher’s Edition
You may download the Audio for
Listening at
or scan QR Code at this book to play
the audio file.

3 English
Form 3

OMG Module English Book Guide

G1 G2 G1 G2
F1 F1 F1

Dotted underline
words are distractor

(possible correct answers)

G1 Practice written based on Scheme of Work, from Lesson 1 to
Lesson 112. (Inclusive Enrichment Activity, Action Oriented
Task & Project-Based Lessons). They also comply with
Learning Standard (L.S) and PT3 Oriented Practice.

G2 Real Life Adaption: When would I do this in real life?
To educate pupils on how they are going to use learnt skills in
near future and coming events.

F1 Guided Practice Level 1 (Easy)
Key word with conversation template given to guide student
prepare answer. Upon completion of a conversation, student
may practise the conversation (speaking skill) with friend.
Demo Version F1 Guided Practice Level 1 (Easy)
Words in bold in the text are possible correct answers. To
comply with CEFR (New PT3 Format), each answer comes
with 2 distractors (possible answers).

G1 G2


G1 G2



The tapescript is
purposely layout
upside down.

F1 Guided Practice Level 1 (Easy)
Practice with step-by-step approach.
Step 1: Listen to audio (without tapescript)
Step 2: Listen to audio & turn round the book to read the
tapescript. The tapescript comes with answer hint (words
in bold). To comply with CEFR (New PT3 Format), each
answer comes with distractor (possible answer).

F2 QR Code for Listening Audio. Recorded in Music Studio F1 Guided Practice Level 1 (Easy)
by Professional Voice Over Talent. Clear audio quality Guideline with Key words & essay template given to help
and no weird accent. Audio file can be downloaded at student to follow step-by-step approach. or scan QR Code at this book to play
the audio.



01 04

1 & 2 Reading Part 4: Short Answer (Civic) .... 1 31 & 32 Reading Part 4: Short Answer ............. 33
3 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 2 33 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 34

3 Grammar ............................................................................ 3 33 Grammar ............................................................................ 35

4 & 5 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 6 33 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 38
6 & 7 34 & 35 Listening Part 5: Note Completion (Dialogue) (C) 39
8 & 9 Listening Part 1: 3-option Visual .......... 7 36 & 37 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................ 40
38 & 39 Writing | Story .................................................................... 42
Speaking Part 2: Story Telling ............... 8 Part 2: Notes Expansion
10 40 Literature in Action .......................................................... 43
Writing | Email (Civic) ..................................................... 10

Part 1: Short Communicative Message

Literature in Action .......................................................... 11


02 05

11 & 12 Reading Part 3: Information Transfer .................. 12 41 & 42 Reading Part 1: Short Texts MCQ ....... 44
13 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 13
13 Grammar ............................................................................ 14 43 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 45

43 Grammar ............................................................................ 46

13 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 17 43 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 49

14 & 15 Listening Part 3: 3-option MCQ ............. 18 44 & 45 Listening Part 3: 3-option MCQ ....... 50

16 & 17 Speaking Part 2: Story Telling (Civic) 19 46 & 47 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................ 51

18 & 19 Writing | Review ................................................................ 21 48 & 49 Writing | Informal Letter ............................................... 53

Part 2: Notes Expansion Part 1: Short Communicative Message

20 Literature in Action .......................................................... 22 50 Literature in Action .......................................................... 54


03 06

21 & 22 Reading Part 4: Short Answer ................................ 23 51 & 52 Reading Part 5: Matching (Gapped Text) ............ 55
23 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 24 53 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 56
23 Grammar ............................................................................ 25 53 Grammar ............................................................................ 57

23 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 28 53 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 60

24 & 25 Listening Part 5: Note Completion (Dialogue) *.... 29 54 & 55 Listening Part 1: 3-option Visual .... 61

26 & 27 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task (Civic) 30 58 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................ 62

28 & 29 Writing | Email (Civic) ...................................................... 31 59 & 60 Writing | Review ................................................................ 63

Part 1: Short Communicative Message Part 2: Notes Expansion

30 Literature in Action .......................................................... 32 61 Literature in Action .......................................................... 64

To place order, you may Contact or SMS or WhatsApp to:

Nicholas 012-2885 285 Vally 016-522 5313

John 017-331 3993 Alvis 011-3550 9166

Vincent 012-973 9386 Jackson 011-1890 9869

Kelvin 011-1527 8088 Johnny 011-5507 1039


07 10

62 & 63 Reading Part 1: Short Texts MCQ ........................... 65 92 & 93 Reading Part 1: Short Texts MCQ ............................. 95
64 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 66 94 Vocabulary .............................................................................. 96
64 Grammar ............................................................................ 67 94 Grammar .............................................................................. 98

64 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 70 94 Reading Part 2: Error Correction .............................. 100
65 & 66 Listening Part 2: Matching (Sequencing) ** ....... 71 95 & 96 Listening Part 4: Note Completion (Monologue) ... 101
67 & 68 Speaking Part 2: Story Telling .................................. 72 97 & 98 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................... 102

69 & 70 Writing | Story .................................................................... 73 99 & 100 Writing | Informal Letter ................................................ 103
Part 2: Notes Expansion Part 1: Short Communicative Message

71 Literature in Action .......................................................... 74 101 Literature in Action .......................................................... 104


08 11

72 & 73 Reading Part 5: Matching (Gapped Text) ............ 75 101 & 102 Reading Part 5: Matching (Gapped Text) ............ 105
74 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 76
74 Grammar ............................................................................ 77 104 Vocabulary ......................................................................... 106

74 Reading Part 2: Error Correction ........................... 79 104 Grammar ............................................................................ 107
75 & 76 Listening Part 1: 3-option Visual ............................. 80
77 & 78 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................ 81 105 & 106 Listening Part 2: Matching (Sequencing) .............. 111

79 & 80 Writing | Postcard ............................................................. 83 107 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................ 112
Part 1: Short Communicative Message
108 Writing | Report ............................................................... 114
81 Literature in Action .......................................................... 84
Part 2: Notes Expansion



UNIT THE WORLD OF TECHNOLOGY Reading Part 4: Short Answer (Civic) .................................... 115

09 Vocabulary .................................................................................................. 116

82 & 83 Reading Part 4: Short Answer ............................... 85 Grammar .................................................................................................. 117
84 Vocabulary ............................................................................ 86
84 Grammar ............................................................................ 88 Listening Part 1: 3-option Visual ................................................ 121

85 & 86 Listening Part 3: 3-option MCQ ................................ 91 Speaking Part 1: Interview ........................................................... 122
87 & 88 Speaking Part 3: Discussion Task ............................ 92
Writing | Dramatic Story ...................................................................... 123
89 & 90 Writing | Email ................................................................... 93
Part 1: Short Communicative Message Part 2: Notes Expansion

91 Literature in Action .......................................................... 94 LT TAPESCRIPT 124

(Are provided in Student’s Edition)

Theme: People and Culture

Lesson 1 & 2: Reading PT3 Oriented Part 4: Short Answer Textbook: page 7 PL

Read the text and pay attention to the words in bold, then answer questions 1 to 10. UNIT 01

What I Remember Most in my Childhood

I feel so grateful that now my family owns and lives in a decent two storey house. I remember when I was
born, my father was working as a clerk at the post office in our town. We lived in an 1old wooden house in a poor
section of town. My mother stayed at home to look after my brother and me. We were living from hand to mouth.

After my younger sister was born, things got more difficult. We wished to have some chicken with hot soup
but our meals often consisted of only 2vegetables and plain rice. Our clothes were hand-me-downs from friends
and relatives. When we had to go anywhere, we wished to take a bus but we couldn't afford it. We had to 3walk.

However, I do not remember being 4unhappy during my childhood. Sure, my family did not have many of the
luxuries that others had. But my siblings and I did not need expensive toys to enjoy our time together. Even a
branch from a tree could give us hours of fun. Best of all, our parents always had time for us. Mother helped us
with our homework. Father played with us and he enjoyed 5telling stories.

My favourite memory is of the tales my father told us about his school days and his old school friends. He
would imitate the people he described and we would be rolling on the floor with laughter.

Our life started to change when I was twelve years old, my father got a job offer as a kitchen assistant in
a big restaurant. When I was 6fifteen years old, he was promoted as a 7kicthen supervisor and life became
better for us. We moved into a brick house. Father bought a car and we could travel on holidays.

But the happy memories of our childhood days in the old wooden house keep our 9bond with one another
strong. 8Father’s story-telling sessions are a treat on special10occasions like the New Year or someone’s birthday.
During such times, I feel like as if I am back in my childhood home.
Demo Version Core Civic Value: Love
Questions 1 – 8 (Dotted underline words are possible correct answers.) .
Answer the questions below. Choose no more than five words and/ or a number from the text for each answer. When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
. Reading article from website or social media.
1 When the writer was born, the family lived in an old wooden house .
2 What did the family have for meals when the writer was younger?
Vegetables and plain rice.
3 The family had to   walk   when they wanted to go anywhere.
4 The writer did not have an     unhappy     childhood.

5 What did the writer’s father like to do?
Telling stories.
6 The writer’s childhood life became better when the writer was fifteen years old

7 Life became better when the writer’s father worked as kitchen supervisor

8 The writer's happy moments that she remembers the most are her father's story-telling sessions

Questions 9 and 10
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word
9 a close connection joining two or more people: bond

10 a special of formal event occasion


Lesson 3: Vocabulary Textbook: page 8 The chimpanzees can be very interesting and

We can describe people according to their physical amusing, and they display an intelligence quite

characteristics and their attributes. remarkable for an animal. In fact, the chimpanzee
is considered the most (1)   intelligent   of
Type Example all animals. It reaches a (2)   height   of 1.5
metres when fully grown, and (3)   weighs   as
Words that Tall, broad, short, overweight,
describe physical thin, fat, dark, fair, curly-haired, heavy as 70 kilograms. It has a broad and powerful
characteristics of straight-haired, bald, blonde, (4)   chest  , long powerful arms and
skinny, lanky, hunchbacked comparatively short legs. The (5)   home   of
UNIT 01 the chimpanzee is in the dense jungles of Africa,
Words that hardworking, friendly, lazy,
Demo Versiondescribe attributesgenerous, kind, honest, cunning,especially the rain forests of the Congo and the
easy-going, energetic, active,
of people happy, sad west coast. There, in the wild, the chimpanzee
makes its (6)   nest   in high trees, though it
Practice A PL
spends a good deal of time on the ground as well.
Match the definitions to the correct family members. The chimpanzees (7)   live   in small groups,

1 Your brother from a grandmother but sometimes several smaller groups join up to
different mother
nephew form a larger group of some 25 or even 40 apes. The
2 Your uncle's daughter stepbrother
3 Your aunt's mother chimpanzees eat fruits, vegetables, birds’ eggs, and
4 Your father's father cousin insects. Sometimes, they (8)   hunt   and kill a
5 Your brother's son uncle
6 Your cousin’s father grandfather young bush-buck or similar animal for meat.

Lesson 3: Vocabulary Textbook: page 12

Practice B PL Collocations and Expressions

Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks. Collocations and Expressions are groups of words that
usually go together.
1 Nick is very   friendly   and polite. You
can talk to him   easily   (easily/ friendly/ Type Example
• take a break
quickly) Collocations and • break a promise
Expressions • keep in touch
2 John and Jim are both very  tall . John has black • come to a decision
curly hair whereas Jim has brown  straight  hair. • come under attack

(wavy/ tall/ straight) Practice A PL

3 Mona is a   brilliant  , fun and imtelligent Fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete the
person. She's the   top   scorer in the class. phrases.

(lazy/ top/ brillant)

Practice C PT3 Oriented PL ask do make get catch
Fill in the blanks with the words given.
home 1   make   the bed / progress
weighs intelligent height nest 2   get   a splitting headache / a chance
chest live hunt 3   do   my homework / a headcount
4   ask   for advice / for a favour
5   catch   a cold / your breath


Practice B PL Lesson 3: Grammar Textbook: page 9

Use the collocations and expressions from Practice A to The present simple tense is used:
complete the sentences. • to express a habitual action
• to express a general truth
1 I want to    ask for a favour    from you. • to express a future planned event
2 She stopped running to   catch her breath  .
3 Rashid   gets a chance   to sleep in at the
Demo Version The present continuous tense is used:
weekend. UNIT 01• for an action going on at the time of speaking
4 Boon Huat tries to   do his homework   in the • for a temporary action that may not be happening at

the time of speaking

evening. A stative verb is one that describes a state of being
5 He has been trained to   make his bed   every rather than an action. Example: see, seem, want,
suppose, own, etc.
6 The brothers have   caught a cold   and they Type Example

have been advised to rest at home. Present • Abdul jogs in the park every evening.
7 He   has made   great   progress   in simple • Steve cooks very well.
• He plays online games with his
8 You should   ask for advice   from your friends.

doctor. Present • Sam is swimming in the pool.
9 The bus driver   does a headcount   of the • Seab is playing chess with his father.
• Amu’s friends are baking her
students as they get onto the bus.
10 Mr. Rama   gets a splitting headache  listening continuous favourite chocolate cake.
• Are the players practising football

to the cars honking in the jam. today?

Practice C PL Stative • He feels the cool breeze on his face.
Verbs • She always remembers her parents.
Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions from • Do you recognise him? He is a
Practice A.
famous writer.

1 Have you   made any progress   on your Practice A PL

scrapbook project? Match the 1-4 below with the correct use of the Present
2 My sister gets a   splitting headache   as the Simple Tense.

weather becomes dry and hot. 1 Water freezes at 0OC.
3 It is the   chance   of a lifetime to go on the 2 Sam’s mother works at the clinic.
3 The badminton practice is on this Saturday.
luxury cruise. 4 Many Malaysians drink coffee.
4 Puan Maimunah   advises   her students to

study well to get into the university.
5 The teacher    did a headcount    to make

sure that none of the students were missing. A scientific fact 1
6 She always    catches a cold    when the B future event of a fixed timetable 3
C habitual action 4
weather changes. D permanent situation/ or a truth 2
7 Do yourself a    favour    and wear a

helmet when riding the bike.
8 Dominic always forgets to   make his bed   in

the mornings.


Practice B PL Practice F PL

Match 1-5 below with the correct use of the Present Circle the correct answer.
Continuous Tense.
1 Rebecca like her mother.
1 Tim is always irritating his father. A looks B is looking
2 When are you visiting your mother?
3 I am studying for the exam. 2 Why

4 The kitten is meowing. It must be looking for its

5 The world is becoming more and more globalised.
UNIT 01 father is upset?

Demo Version A do you think B is you thinking

A current events 4 3 Ray and Sue their grandparents every
B situations which are temporary 3 weekend.
C plans for the future 2 A visit B are visiting
D unfavourable behaviour 1 of the flowers is very refreshing.
E present situations which are still 5 4 The
on-going and progressing A smell B are smelling

5 Simon, why so mischievous today?
A are you be B are you being

Practice C 6 Monica overseas for her vacation every
Underline the verbs in the sentences below. year. B is going
A goes


7 Jim and Jane skateboarding on weekends.
A go B are going

1 I love my parents. 8 I going to school late.
2 Who owns this bungalow?
3 Mr Nathan understands his son very well. A hate B am hating

4 The curry smells so delicious. Practice G PT3 Oriented PL

Practice D PL Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given
in brackets.

Fill in the blanks to complete the rule of ‘Present Simple’ Nepal is a fascinating country and there are many
or ‘Present Continuous’. things to learn of the place. Everything (1)  is  (be)
so different and I (2)  am trying  (try) to adapt to
Some verbs describe states of being and not the way of life here. I (3)  am learning  (learn) a

actions. These are called Stative verbs. To talk little bit of the local language to make communication
easier. Although I am a new learner, I believe I (4)  am
about continuous actions, we use the verbs in improving  (improve) slowly. I am on tour and I
the    Present Continuous   . (5)  am travelling  (be travel) with my brother,

Practice E PL Nick, who is two years younger than me. He also
(6)  seems  (seem) to have difficulty in learning
Read the sentences carefully. Explain the meaning of a new language. Nick (7)  is  (be) a nice guy but
'feel' in the two sentences. very impatient. He always (8)  walks  (walk)
ahead of me and (9)  complains  (complain) that
1 I feel that this is the best way. I am too slow. I (10)  am trying  (try) my best to
2 I’ve been feeling unusually tired these days.
In sentence 1, the speaker is stating a personal opinion keep pace with him.

whereas in sentence 2, the speaker is speaking about

his or her health issue.


Lesson 3: Grammar Textbook: page 13 Practice D PL

Countable/ Uncountable Nouns & Quantifiers Tick (3) for words that are used with countable and
uncountable nouns.
• Countable nouns refer to nouns that can be counted.
They can be in the singular or plural form. In the singular Word Countable Uncountable
many 3
form, the article a or an is added before the nouns. much 3
• Uncountable nouns refer to nouns that cannot be some 3 3
a lot of 3 3
counted. These nouns do not have a plural form. a little 3
a few 3
Abstract nouns are uncountable.
• Quantifiers are words or phrases which are used

before a noun to indicate the amount or quantity.
Demo Version
Type UNIT 01Example

Countable • a car • a child • an hour
nouns • a man • a bicycle • an orange

Uncountable • flour • wood • sunshine Practice E PL
Fill in the columns with the correct words.
nouns • earth • happiness • wind

Quantifiers • some • a lot of • a few language air newspaper children
• many • a little • lots of

Practice A PL rice musicians motivation weather

The words in bold are countable or uncountable nouns. Countable Uncountable
Write C for countable nouns and U for uncountable nouns. musicians rice
newspaper air
1 According to scientists, the environment is C language
threatened by pollution. children motivation
2 The baker uses butter as an ingredient in cakes. U

3 I met some nice people in Kuching. C

4 My family and I are going camping this weekend. C Practice F PL

Practice B PL The words 'chicken' and 'paper' can be used as a
countable or uncountable noun depending on their
Underline the correct words. meaning. Write a sentence for each meaning.

1 (Countable / Uncountable) nouns are those that Mom cooked five chickens to celebrate Chinese New
refer to things that can be counted. They are in the Year. Would you like to have some chicken? I showed
singular or plural form. Article a/an is used before my papers to the manager. We need to buy some paper
singular countable nouns.
for the printer.
2 (Countable / Uncountable) nouns refer to things
that cannot be counted and they do not have a plural
form. This includes many abstract nouns.

Practice G PL
Fill in the blanks with 'a', or 'an'.
Practice C PL A: Would you like to have  an  apple?
B: Yes, please.
What is the difference in meaning of the word 'time' in
these sentences? Write your answer below.

1 I visited Tokyo three times. A: This looks familiar.
2 I don’t have enough time to finish reading the storybook. B: It’s  an  old portrait of Grandpa in his younger days.
In Sentence 1, the word ‘times’ is countable as it refers
A: Did you get  a  gift for Darren?
to specific events. In Sentence 2, the word ‘time’ is B: Yes, I bought him  an  imported watch.

uncountable as it refers to a general concept of time.


Reading PT3 Oriented Part 2: Error Correction

Practice A PL

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, underline the correct word in the brackets.

UNIT 01 Karen’s Thirteenth Birthday
Karen is celebrating her thirteenth birthday. She (1) are inviting (inviting / is inviting / was inviting) about
Demo Versiontwenty of her school friends and neighbours. She is very happy and excited. She wears an elegant pink dress
and her hair is neatly tied up with two pink flowers. She looks very sweet and pretty. Her friends start coming
to the house at 5.00 pm in the evening. They (2) wishing (wish / wishes / wished) her ‘Happy birthday’ when
giving her their presents. Karen (3) receive (receive / receives / received) a variety of presents. There are boxes
of chocolates, storybooks, candies and sweets. Karen (4) have (is / has / had) also prepared some games to
entertain her friends. The winners receive sweets, chocolate and stationery. After the games, Karen’s mother
invites everyone to take their seat around the dining table. There is (5) some (any / many / a lot of) food such
as fried noodles, curry puffs, chicken curry, sandwiches, icecream and popiah. At 9.30 p.m, everyone sings the
birthday song and Karen cuts the cake. Before (6) go (going / is going / were going) home, everyone is given a
beautiful bookmark and (7) much (much/ some / a lot of) candies. Everyone (8) going (go / goes / went) home
happily. Karen enjoys her birthday party very much.

Practice B PL

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the correct word in the space provided.

Mr and Mrs Pereira’s Family
Mr and Mrs Pereira (0) lives in Kuala Lumpur. They (1) having a son, Josh and a daughter, Jane. Today, Jane
(2) practice the violin for her school concert. She is looking forward to perform for the school annual concert.
Josh (3) revise for his exam. He (4) hoped to do better than the previous exam and to improve his position in
the class. Their cat, Chester, is playing with a ball of wool on the floor. Mr and Mrs Pereira (5) prepare dinner.
They (6) preferring to cook their own meals than eating takeaway food. They cook mix vegetables, a fried
fish and chicken curry. Mr Pereira is cutting (7) a vegetables while Mrs Pereira is frying some fish. The family
(8) liking to take their meal together.

Example: 3 is revising 6 prefer
0 live 4 hopes 7 some
1 have 5 are preparing 8 likes

2 is practising


Lesson 4 & 5: Listening PT3 Oriented Part 1: 3-option Visual Textbook: page 10 PL Audio

There are five questions in this part. For each part, there are three pictures and a short recording. For each question,

choose the correct answer A, B or C. Listen to the audio and go to page 124 to read the tapescript then pay attention Track 1.1

to the word in bold..

1 Which boy is her brother? UNIT 01

2 Who are the uncle’s children?

Demo Version C
3 What time does he have to be home?

4 Where does Jason’s family live now?

C When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
A B To listen for specific information.
5 When will the boys have their camping activity? SATURDAY



Lesson 6 & 7: Speaking PT3 Oriented Part 2: Story Telling Textbook: page 11 PL


Demo Version
Teacher In this part of the test I’m going to give each of you five pictures which tell a story. I’d like you
to talk about them on your own for about a minute. You also need to answer a question about
Candidate A
Up to 1 minute your partner’s pictures.
(Candidate A), It’s your turn first. Here are your pictures. You now have some time to look at
the pictures. (Allow candidate 45 seconds to look at the pictures.)
Are you ready (Candidate A)? Tell us the story in the pictures.

(Picture 1: What) These pictures show me a     woman and a girl    .
(Picture 1: Where - bakery)     They are looking at some cakes in a bakery
shop    . (Picture 2: What)     The mother is ordering a cake   . (Pic 2:
What - call)     The girl is making a telephone call home   . (Picture 3: What -
invitation)     She is sending out email invitations to friends and relatives    .
(Picture 4: Where - home)     The rest of the family are at home    . (Picture
4: What - clean)     They are cleaning the house    . (Picture 5: What -
decorate)    They are also decorating the house and arranging the table and chairs for

their party .

Teacher Back-up prompts to be used if necessary.
What can you see in the picture(s)? What are the woman and girl doing?

Teacher Thank you. (Candidate B), Have you attended a birthday party? Where was it held?

Candidate B (What - attend)      I have attended my cousin sister’s 15th birthday party    .

approx. 15 seconds (Where - held)      The party was held at her house              .


Lesson 8 & 9: Writing | Email PT3 Oriented Part 1: Short Communicative Message Textbook: page 15

Model Essay
Read the email below sent by your friend, Selena.

Hi, UNIT 01

Mum and dad are planning a surprise party for our brother’s 21st birthday. Mum requests you to invite
our relatives to the birthday party. Meanwhile, I will send out invitations to brother's friends.


In about 80 words, write an email to a relative to invite him/ her to the party.

Send Attach Discard
Demo Version


Birthday Party Invitation

Hi Daniel,

(Opening) How are you?

(Why are you writing this email?) suggestion - party) My brother, Joe, will be turning 21 this August. As
such, our family has decided to hold a party to celebrate his birthday. (Who: participants) We are inviting all
of our relatives to this party. (When: time and date) The birthday celebration will be held on Saturday, 17th
August at 6p.m. We shall prepare a variety of food and activities on this special day. Can you come?

(Closing) The rest of our relatives are coming. (What is your hope?): let me know) I sincerely hope you can
come. Do let me know.

Your cousin, To sign off an email When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Linda Formal: Regards, Best regards, Warm Regards, Write email to invite your friend or family to a party.
Very close relationship: Cheers, Your friend, Lots of love
(85 words)

How are you? Useful phrases to write email
I hope you and your family are well.
Opening Apologies I’m writing to apologise for
Good news
Body Bad news I’m really glad / very happy to hear / to read about
Move the topic on I’m extremely sorry / very sad to hear / to read about

Ending Anyway, the reason I’m writing
Anyway, I wonder
So you want my advice about

Hope to hear from you soon.
Looking forward to hear from you again.


Practice A PL
Read the email from your English-speaking friend, Ramli.


UNIT 01 My father will be celebrating his birthday this weekend.

Do you think I should get him a shirt, a briefcase, or pair of sport shoes – or how about suggesting some
other gifts? Which gift do you think I should get him?

Hope you can help me to decide on a gift to buy for my father.

In about 80 words, write an email to Ramli giving some advice.

Hi Ramli,
Demo Version
(Opening)     Hello, hope you and your family are well    . (How you feel about all the gifts?

interesting) All the gifts you have mentioned sound interesting .

Core Civic Value: Love (Why are you writing this email? best gift - briefcase)     However, I think the best gift to get for your
father is a briefcase    . (How does his father’s old briefcase look like? worn out)     The last time I
visited your house, I noticed your father’s worn out briefcase    . (What should his father do? changes his
briefcase)     Therefore, it is time he changes his briefcase    . (Why does his father need a bigger
briefcase? put his documents)     He also needs to carry a briefcase that is bigger to put his documents .

When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption (Closing: suggestion will help)     I hope my suggestion will help you to decide which gift to get    .
Write email to advise your friend. (What is your hope? help shop)    Please let me know if you want me to company you to buy the gift. Goodbye!

Your friend

(99 words)

Thebattleof EnglishandMathematics!

1 rabbit saw 6 elephants while going to the river. Every elephant saw 2 monkeys going towards the river. Every
monkey held 1 parrot in their hands.
How many animals were going towards the river?
Total of 3 animals approaching the river.
1 A rabbit was going towards the river not the elephants (because of the word WHILE)! Elephants were just

standing aside.
2 Just 2 monkeys were going towards the river because every elephant saw 2 monkeys.
3 Parrots won’t be counted as they are birds not animals !
4 So as a whole just 3 animals.


Video Lesson 10: Literature in Action PL
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d).


Poisoned Talk
Demo Version
UNIT 01Who killed cock robin?Who killed the flowers?

I, said the worm, I, moaned the wind,

I did him great harm. I prowl unconfined,

He died on the branch of a withered tree Blowing acid rain
From the acid soil that poisoned me. Over field, flood and fen.

Who killed the heron? Who killed the forest?
I, mouthed the fish, I ensured that it died,
With my tainted flesh Said sulphur dioxide.
I killed tern, duck and drake, And all life within it,
All the birds of the lake. from earthworm to linnet.

Who killed the lake? by Raymond Wilson
I, boasted Industry,
I poisoned with mercury
Fish, plant and weed
To pamper mens’ greed.

(a) How many verses does the poem have?
There are five verses in the poem.

(b) What phrase is repeated throughout the poem?
The phrase ‘Who killed’?

(c) What does ‘tainted’ mean?
It means polluted or contaminated.

(d) Why do you think the poet uses alliteration in line 20?
I think the poet uses alliteration in line 20 to echo the sound of the wind blowing.


Theme: People and Culture

Lesson 11 & 12: Reading PT3 Oriented Part 3: Information Transfer Textbook: page 19 PL
Read the text and then answer questions 1 to 8.

The very popular Hassan Grilled Fish is my all-time favourite restaurant. Every time I eat out there, I end up
cleaning the plate but still crave for more. The grilled fish is presented on a small sheet of banana leaf which gives
that extra fragrant flavour. A special sauce too is included with the dish to enhance the flavour of the burnt grilled fish.
Depending on your preference, you can either smother the sauce over the fish or you can dip it in.

When asked why there has always been a queue since the day it opened in 2016, Encik Hassan says that
he only has one simple objective that is to sell good and fresh fish and that he never uses shortcuts to reach a
customer’s heart. Therefore, there has always been a queue as early as 7.30 a.m. and you can only have it from
38.30 a.m. onwards. You can find this restaurant in 2Jalan Kelana but there is a shortcut along Jalan Raja Mahmud
if you coming from Desa Ria. The restaurant uses pomfret to make the dish. In the market a whole pomfret would
usually cost about RM13 to RM15. However, a 4cooked fish here costs RM 17. It is indeed a good deal.

You do not have to wait long for your order to arrive as the fish is cooked early in the morning. I'm quite disappointed
cause they don't do my favourite dish grilled squid, but the restaurant serves 5deep fried cracker which is another
great feature to add on. You can eat the grilled fish on its own or with 6rice.

The restaurant owner first started selling the grilled fish at a small stall. Although 7he was a lawyer by profession,
he decided to become an entrepreneur and started a grilled fish stall. His mother taught him the recipe in 2008 but
he only opened the stall in 82010. He spent two years perfecting the recipe. His grilled fish is one of the best and he is
glad that people enjoy eating it.
Demo Version
Questions 1 – 8
Complete the following table.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption Served on Hassan Grilled Fish
Read food review from website or social media. Location of restaurant 1 banana leaf
Opening time 2 Jalan Kelana
Price per fish 3 8.30 a.m.
Available side dishes 4 RM 17.00
5 deep fried cracker
Owner's former occupation 6 rice
Stall opened in year 7 lawyer
8 2010

Lesson 13: Vocabulary Textbook: page 20 Practice D PL

Food is any nutritious substance that you eat to stay Use some of the words from Practice C to fill in the blanks.
healthy and fit. Below are examples of the types of food.
1 I toasted the   bread   then spread butter on
Type Example Type Example
Fruit Pineapple Meat Chicken 2 Please   steam   the vegetables as it is better

Vegetables Lettuce Dairy product Milk for health.

Grain Rice Fat and oil Pastries 3 Shall we have steak for   dinner  ?
4 Mother is cooking a meal in the   kitchen  .
Practice A PL 5 It is rude to   munch   your food noisily.

Look at the foods in the picture. Number them correctly.
Demo Version
1 watermelon UNIT 025 cabbage 9 fish6 You need to add a bit more salt to this dish or it will
2 carrot 6 cupcake 10 burger be   tasteless  .
3 ham 7 noodles
4 oats 8 doughnut 7 Please have a   glass   of water.
8 She used a   knife   to cut the fruit.

10 Practice E PT3 Oriented PL

68 Fill in the blanks with the words given. banana
9 rice crockery flavour
3 chicken eat tasty

12 Melaka Chicken Rice Ball
Melaka is well-known for its (1)  tasty .
57 Hainanese chicken rice balls. There are a few theories
of how it got its round shape.
Practice B PL One of the most popular (2)  chicken  rice
ball shops in Melaka is Hoe Kee. A few decades
Complete the table below with the words from Practice A. ago, Hoe Kee was a fisherman who was arrested
when fishing in the Indonesian waters. Therefore,
Fruit and Proteins Grains and Sugar and in order to support the family, his wife decided
vegetables and dairy cereals fat to sell Hainanese chicken (3)   rice   at the
main jetty to the labourers. These labourers had to
carrot ham cereal burger (4)   eat   their meal quickly. Thus, Hoe Kee’s
fish wife (5)   rolled   up the rice into tennis-sized
cabbage noodles doughnut balls so that the workers could eat the rice balls easily
yam and carry them around. This idea was caught on.
Another theory is that the idea was invented
Practice C PL by travelling peddlers. The peddlers found it too
troublesome to carry (6)  crockery  around when
Study the words below. Then, strike the odd ones out. they were selling their chicken rice. To make it easier,

1 bread bun hungry they decided to roll the rice into balls and wrap them
2 breakfast soup dinner with (7)  banana  leaves. This method too helped
3 dining room grate kitchen seal in the (8)   flavour   of the rice better.
4 steam fish chicken
5 lunch tea munch
6 tasteless bake salty


Lesson 13: Vocabulary Textbook: page 24 of his most salable dishes is the 'sambar'. When he
first served it, a customer complained it was too
Practice A PL (6)  watery  (water). Param apologised to the
Complete the table with the correct words. customer and worked on making the 'sambar' to be

noun verb adjective thicker. He succeeded after a few tryouts.
1 darkness darken dark Another tempting dish is the mutton curry.
sweet 2 sweeten sweet
modernism modernise 3 modern In most restaurants, the dish would be oily and
suggestion 4 suggest suggestive (7)  spicy  (spice) but not here. Their 'biryani'
5 blender blend blended rice is not too (8)  dry  (dryer). The Indian-style
spice spice 6 spicy
7 cook cook cooked soy sauce chicken is also a customer’s favourite. It is
dryer 8 dry dried, dry cooked to (9)  dark  (darkness) brown perfection
9 grease grease greasy
and it tastes delicious. Dessert lovers would enjoy
the (10)  sweet  (sweet) 'gulab jamun'.
Lesson 13: Grammar Textbook: page 21
Demo Version
Practice B PL The Past Simple Tense

Use the words from the table in Practice A to complete The Past Simple Tense is used for:
the sentences. • past routines and habits
• actions which happened one after the other in the past
1 The chef has to   sweeten   the recipe to suit • actions or situations which started and finished in

the customer’s taste buds. the past
2 His grandfather loves eating   dried   meat.
3 Did you add any  spice  to this curry dish? Example
4 Puan Zaiton used a   blender   to combine the • She had a glass of milk last night.
• The boy rode to the field, played with his friends and
flour, sugar and butter.
5 Mother   cooks   dinner every evening. then left.
• The family ordered chicken soup as well for dinner.

Practice C PT3 Oriented PL The Past Continuous Tense

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words. The Past Continuous is used for:
• an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past
Param’s Indian Cuisine • two or more actions that were in progress at the
Do you like Indian food? Love (1)  spicy  (spice)
same time in the past.
mutton curry? Salivate over chicken briyani? Then • an action that was in progress in the past but was

head on over to Param’s Indian Cuisine in Bangsar. interrupted by another action
The restaurant has a (2)  modern  (modernism) • to give background information in a story

and inviting decor. There is a (3)  blend  (blended) Example
• Mother was preparing dinner at six in the evening.
of the east and west in its decoration. The restaurant • We were cleaning the house while they were
opened in 2016 upon the (4)  suggestion  (suggest)
of Param's family and friends. Param is the chief doing gardening.
(5)  cook  (cook) and his food is loved by all. One • The men were doing work when they heard a

loud scream.
• He was running and shouting at no one in



Practice A PL He (2)  planned  (plan) to hold a steamboat
party. Accordingly he (3)  went  (go) to town
Study the sentences below. Underline the regular verb in
the Past Simple. to buy a charcoal-powered steamboat. The guests
(4)  arrived  (arrive) and were enjoying the
1 Leela baked a cake and gave it to her best friend.
drinks in the garden. Soon dinner was ready and all
2 I ate fried rice every day for lunch when I was in Kuantan. (5)  gathered  (gather) around the dining table to
3 Aiman went to the supermarket, bought some fruits tuck in. After some time suddenly, there was a cracking
sound. Lo and behold! The steamboat (6)  sank
and returned home.
(sink) into the table. The cause of the commotion was
Practice B PL found after they (7)  took  (take) a peek under
the table. The charcoal had burnt through the table. A
Match the sentences 1-3 in Practice A with the correct use few ladies (8)  volunteered  (volunteer) to clean
of the Past Simple below.
up the mess while the rest adjourned to the garden.
A An action that happened in the past right Demo Version3
after another action. UNIT 021

B An action that took place in the past and
finished without consequences in the present

C Habits and routines that occurred in the past. 2 Practice F PL

Practice C PL Make sentences in the Past Continuous using the words below.

Study the sentences below. Underline the past continuous. 1 the girls / eat / lunch / canteen
The girls were eating their lunch in the canteen.
1 Lina was stirring the soup when there was a knock
on the door. 2 Linda / cook / food / home
Linda was cooking food for dinner from home.
2 Father was frying the eggs while I was making a drink.
3 It was snowing heavily and yet the man was driving fast. 3 ? / she / bake / cake / evening
4 The woman was making some sandwiches for her Was she baking a cake in the evening?

children early this morning.

Practice D PL 4 ? / chef / try out / new dish / staff
Was the chef trying out a new dish with his staff?
Match the sentences 1-4 in Practice C with the correct use
of the Past Continuous below.

A To shed light on what was happening in a story in Practice G PL

the past. 3 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given
1 in brackets.
B To describe something that was happening
continuously in the past when another action 4 1 They   were having   (have) a picnic when
interrupted it. 2 it  started  (start) to get cloudy.

C During a precise time in the past an action 2 We   were buying   (buy) food when
that was happening. father  appeared  (appear) before us.

D In the past, two or more actions were
happening at the same time.

Practice E PT3 Oriented PL 3 Lisa and Sarah   were enjoying   (enjoy)
coffee after they  had  (have) their ice cream.
Complete the text with the Past Simple of the verbs in
brackets. 4 Mother   was cutting   (cut) some apples
after she   ate   (eat) her lunch.
A foreign accountant with a big company had just
settled in Petaling Jaya. He (1)  wanted  (want) 5   Did   Dania   call   (call) while
to invite his few colleagues to his house for dinner. you   were cooking   (cook) dinner?


Lesson 13: Grammar Textbook: page 25 Practice D PL

Grammar Type Example Fill in the blanks to complete the rule of 'be used to' and
'get used to'.

‘used to’ is used for states or The children used to eat •   Get used   to + verb + -ing or a noun is used
repeated actions in the past. cereal when they were small. to refer to states or actions that we are becoming

‘would’ can only be used The woman would buy accustomed to.
for repeated actions in the vegetables from Mr. Lee •   Used to   + verb + -ing or a noun is used to
past. It cannot be used for when he sold them at the
past states. market. refer to states or actions that we are accustomed to.

‘get used to + verb + You will get used to Practice E PL
-ing’ or a noun is used for eating oats for breakfast.
actions or states that are
becoming familiar to us.
UNIT 02 Study the sentences below. Then, tick (✓) for the sentences
where the words in bold can be replaced with would.
Demo Version
‘used to + verb + -ing’ or a The man used to eat steak 1 These buns used to be tastier. ✓
noun for actions or states every night. ✓
that are usual or familiar. 2 Martha used to cook her own lunch when she
stayed alone. ✓
Practice A PL
3 Mike used to eat porridge when he was ill.
Which sentence can be replaced with 'would'? Tick (✓) for 4 Mother used to steam fish for her children.
that sentence.
5 She used to eat meat when she was in college.
1 My mother used to cook crab curry often ✓
when we lived near the seaside. 6 The little boy used to drink his milk before
going to sleep.
2 Azam used to enjoy eating sweets when he was
a child. Practice F PL

Practice B PL Circle the correct answer.

Fill in the blanks to complete the rule of 'used to' and 1 He  is used to  having a sandwich for lunch every
'would'. day.

We can use  would  when referring to actions A used to
B is used to
that were continually done in the past. However we C is getting used to
cannot use it to refer to states in the past.  Used to
2  Were you used to  eating dinner early when you
on the other hand, can be used to refer to past states
stayed in the hostel?
or to actions that were continually done in the past. A Are you used to
B Were you used to
Practice C PL C Are you getting used to

Study the sentences. Then answer the questions. 3 They enjoyed their vacation in New Zealand but
they  couldn't get used to  the bland food.
Used to and get used to
1 I am used to eating steamed vegetables. A used to
2 I am getting used to eating steamed vegetables. B didn’t use to
C couldn’t get used to
• Which sentence relates to something that is 2
now becoming familiar? 1 4  Is Lisa getting used to  eating smaller portions?
A Is Lisa used to
• Which sentence relates to something already B Did Lisa use to
familiar or common? C Is Lisa getting used


Reading PT3 Oriented Part 2: Error Correction

Practice A PL

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, underline the correct word in the brackets.

Nasi Lemak the Famous Malaysian Dish
Malaysians love eating 'nasi lemak'. The dish has roots in the Malay culture and Malay cuisine. The 'nasi
lemak' is (0) cooking (cook / cooks / cooked) by soaking the rice in coconut milk and then the mixture is

(1) steam (steams / steaming / steamed). The rice is normally cooked with pandan leaves which gives it a
unique flavour. The dish is traditionally (2) serving (serves / serving / served) with a hot spicy sauce, which is
(3) calling (call / calls / called) 'sambal' and usually includes various garnishes such as fresh cucumber slices,
small fried anchovies known as 'ikan bilis', (4) roasts (roast / roasting / roasted) peanuts and hard-boiled
or fried egg. The 'nasi lemak' too may be served with fried chicken, cuttlefish, 'sambal' cockles, and/or beef
'rendang'. 'Nasi lemak' is widely (5) eats (eat/ eating/ eaten) in Malaysia and Singapore. It (6) uses to (use to /

used to / using to) be only sold in hawker food centres and at roadside stalls in both countries. However, now it
is being (7) selling (sell / sells / sold) in restaurants. Then 'nasi lemak' (8) will (can / willing / would) only be

taken for breakfast but it is now eaten for lunch and dinner too.
Demo Version
Practice B UNIT 02PL

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the correct word in the space provided.

Mother's Secret Recipe
One of my mother’s specialities is baking apple pie. She (0) will always bake it for my birthday. She
(1) is getting used to put a lot of sugar in the pie but later cut it down a lot. One day, I (2) deciding to learn how
to make an apple pie. Mother happily agreed to teach me. I (3) were peeling the apples and I accidentally cut
my finger. She told me to wash the wound and quickly put on a band aid. I did as I was told. I then (4) continues
peeling the apples. After that, she told me to cut the apples into small pieces. I followed her instructions.
Meanwhile, she (5) is preparing the crust. After cutting the apples, I (6) mixes them with the sugar, cinnamon
and other ingredients. I then put the mixture on to the crust and put in the top crust. I (7) were so happy when
the pie turned out great and delicious. I (8) will like to bake another one by myself one day.

Example: 3 was peeling 6 mixed
0 would 4 continued 7 was
1 used to 5 was preparing 8 would

2 decided



DJ: Good afternoon and welcome to the food programme. My guest today is Harry Lim, the founder of When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Harmony Food Court, and organiser of a food fiesta. This afternoon we will be talking about the three Listen to radio interview.
weekend-long food fiesta. Harry please tell us a bit about the fiesta.

Harry: Hello Amutha! This food fiesta aims to create the ultimate food court experience serving food from

every continent, including hawker favourites and also haute cuisine, music, games and more. The food
fiesta started in 2010 when about 120 vendors took part. This year we are expecting 30 vendors to

take part. Initially only 26 vendors signed up.
DJ: That’s quite a lot of vendors. Where will the food fiesta be held?
Harry: The food fiesta will take place at the former 2Tamura Warehouse in Kelana Jaya which is adjacent to

the Western Digital building along the Damansara-Puchong Expressway. Previously we held the food
fiesta at Sungai Way Free Trade Industrial Zone, Petaling Jaya.
DJ: That’s interesting. Who are the chefs working at the food fiesta?

Harry: That’s a good question. Chefs from various restaurants will come up with dishes using fresh and rare
ingredients. Other chefs attending the fiesta will be Peter Goh of Peter Goh’s, the 3Asian Food Channel

host, Michelle Gomez and the executive chef of Define, Cindy Davis will also host a weekend each.

DJ: How exciting. What else can we expect?

Harry: If food doesn’t attract them then Harmony Food Court’s architectural display will certainly draw
in the crowd. At the Food Lane, colourful, vibrant streamers hang from the ceilings to reflect the
kaleidoscopic row of food vendors below. Meanwhile, at Fun Arcade, visitors can eat and 4play an

assortment of arcade games. To make the event lively, music will be played during all three weekends

at the communal Food Court.
DJ: I am looking forward to attending this fiesta. By the way what should our readers do if they want to

make corporate bookings for private functions at the fiesta?
Harry: They can 5email at If visitors just want more information, they can visit or follow its Instagram @foodcourtevent.

DJ: Thank you for coming over.

Harry: You’re welcome.
Demo Version
4 What can one do at the Fun Arcade? 1 How many vendors took part in the fiesta in 2010?
A Listen to music A 20 vendors UNIT 02
B Play with arcade games B 26 vendors
C Look at the colourful, vibrant streamers C 30 vendors

5 To book for corporate and private functions they 2 Where will the fiesta be held this year?
should A Tamura Warehouse
A send an email to B Western Digital building
B visit their Instagram page at @foodcourtevent C Sungai Way Free Trade Industrial Zone
C go to their Facebook page at
foodcourtevent 3 Who is Michelle Gomez?
A The owner of Peter Goh’s
B The Asian Food Channel host
C The executive chef of Define

Track 2.1 B Now listen to the audio again. Turn round your book to read the tapescript and pay attention to the words in
bold. For questions 1 to 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. (Dotted underline words are possible correct

A You will hear a radio interview about a food court fiesta.

PL Textbook: page 22 PT3 Oriented Part 3: 3-option MCQ Lesson 14 & 15: Listening Audio

Reminder: This is not a printing mistake, the tapescript is purposely laid out upside down.

Lesson 16 & 17: Speaking PT3 Oriented Part 2: Story Telling Textbook: page 23 PL


Demo Version
Teacher In this part of the test I’m going to give each of you five pictures which tell a story. I’d like you
to talk about them on your own for about a minute. You also need to answer a question about
Candidate A
Up to 1 minute your partner’s pictures.
(Candidate A), It’s your turn first. Here are your pictures. You now have some time to look at
the pictures. (Allow candidate 45 seconds to look at the pictures.)
Are you ready (Candidate A)? Tell us the story in the pictures.

(Pic 1: What) These pictures show a family cooking a meal together .
(Pic 1: Why) The mother is cutting up a fish to cook .
(Pic 2: What) Meanwhile the son is cutting the vegetables .
(Pic 3: What) The daughter is busy stirring the rice .
(Pic 4: Who) The father too is helping to make the gravy .
(Pic 5: What) When the food is ready, the family take their meal happily .

Teacher Back-up prompts to be used if necessary. Core Civic Value: Happiness
Teacher What can you see in the picture(s)? Where is this? What is the family doing? Tell me about… (E.g.
Tell me about the family.)

Thank you. (Candidate A), have you helped to prepare a meal with your family? (Why

Candidate B (Yes/ No) (What/ How/ Why) Yes, I have. We normally cook a simple meal of rice and chicken

approx. 15 seconds or fish .


Lesson 18 & 19: Writing | Review PT3 Oriented Part 2: Notes Expansion Textbook: page 27

Model Essay
You have been discussing restaurants with your classmates. In about 120 words, write a review about a restaurant
you visited. You may use the notes below to help you.

what is the where
restaurant’s is the
name located

would you what type of
recommend it food can you
A review of a find there
Demo Version restaurant

how was the

what food
and drink did

you order

(Introduction: what is the restaurant’s name) Yesterday I decided to have lunch at a newly-opened
restaurant by the name of Pak Ismail’s Restaurant. A friend told me the food there was delicious.

(Body 1: where is the restaurant located) The restaurant is located in Bandar Kinrara in Puchong near my
house. I decided to walk to the restaurant. (what type of food can you find there) The restaurant sells all kinds
of Malay food such as nasi lemak, nasi kerabu, mee rebus and others.

(Body 2: what food and drink did you order) I browsed through the menu and decided to order the nasi
lemak with chicken rendang. I also ordered a glass of orange juice. My order arrived fifteen minutes later. (how
was the food) The food was simply delicious. To my delight, the portion was just nice for me.

(Conclusion: would you recommend it) I will definitely visit Pak Ismail’s Restaurant again as the place is
rather cosy and comfortable. The waiters too are attentive and very helpful. I highly recommend this restaurant
when having a meal out with family and friends. The food served there is delicious yet not pricey.

(159 words)

Useful Descriptive Words for Place

adventure breathtaking view crowded magnificient building popular
ancient bustling dull
attractive open area stone’s throw
beautiful captivating sight fascinating
boring contemporary ground path superb panorama
cosmopolitan lively
picturesque touristic

polluted trail


Practice A PL

A restaurant recently opened in the town shopping mall. You had a meal there but was disappointed. In about 120
words, write a review of the restaurant for your school newsletter. You may use the notes below to help you.

would you where give details tasty bitter Adjective for Food
recommend it is the about the scrumptious spicy fresh
restaurant restaurant piping hot
located bland undercooked
how is the overcooked
service like
Adjective for Restaurant UNIT 02

A review of a slow affordable trendy
restaurant rude
unfriendly dirty old-fashioned
how long
did it take fancy modern
Demo Versionto serve your
how was the Useful Expression
food food

I highly recommend Positive

It’s the perfect restaurant / place for… Positive

It’s the worst Negative

I don’t / wouldn’t recommend… Negative

(Introduction: where is the restaurant located) A new restaurant called Sally’s recently opened in the Dila

Mall. I decided to try it out as the décor looked modern and inviting .

(Body 1: give details about the restaurant)     As it was dinner time, the restaurant was rather
crowded. I somehow managed to get a seat    . (how is the service like)     After looking at the
menu, I finally decided on my order. I tried to get a waiter’s attention. However, no waiter came although a few

saw me waving at them. When one waiter finally came to take my order, he was very unhelpful.

(Body 2: how long did it take to serve your food)     I then placed my order of chicken chop and a When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
glass of iced lemon tea. I had to wait for about half an hour when my order finally arrived    . (how was Write a review about place you visited.

the food) To make matters worse, the chicken chop was overcooked and the fries were too salty. The vegetables

were tasteless and the iced lemon tea was too sweet. When I tried complaining to a waiter about the food he was

rude to me .

(Conclusion: would you recommend it) After such a bad experience, I wouldn’t recommend Sally’s to

anyone .

Writing Guidelines
Make your writing interesting
• In order to make your writing more interesting use variety of vocabulary in your writing.
• When planning in the exam, consider the words you can use to describe people, places or things.
• You should also use different adjectives and try not to repeat them.


Lesson 20: Literature in Action PL Video

1 Moby Dick – Herman Melville Moby Dick

2 The Elephant Man – Tim Vicary Video

3 We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea – Arthur Ransome The Elephant
Based on one of the novels above, write about your favourite character. Why do you like that character?
Provide evidence from the text to support your response.
- in not less than 50 words
- in continuous writing (not in note form)

Demo Version

1. Moby Dick: In the story Moby Dick by Herman Melville, my favourite character is Starbuck. (brief synopsis)

Starbuck is the first mate on board the ship, Pequod while Captain Ahab is the captain of the ship.

(Reason) To start with, Starbuck too is a kind man. When the young helper Pip is caught in a harpoon rope and is We Didn't
Mean to Go

to Sea

drowning, Starbuck orders Tashtego to quickly cut the rope and free Pip. Furthermore, during the last battle with

Moby Dick, Captain Ahab makes peace with Starbuck and Starbuck cries. This means that despite everything that

Captain Ahab puts him through, he still forgives him.

(Conclusion) In conclusion, Starbuck is indeed my favourite character (opinion/hope) as he is practical, courageous

and kind-hearted.

2. Elephant Man: In the story The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary, my favourite character is Dr Frederick Treves. (brief

synopsis) He is a doctor at the London Hospital and also a good friend to the main character, the Elephant Man.

(Reason) To start with, he is my favourite character because he is a kind man. Dr Treves comes to a shop near the

London Hospital. In the shop, he meets the Elephant Man. The Elephant Man is actually a deformed man by the

name of Joseph Merrick. He is owned by a man named Simon Silcock. Mr. Silcock is exploiting Mr. Merrick to make

money. Dr Treves feels sorry for Mr. Merrick and brings him to the hospital to be examined. Mr. Merrick is then sent

back to Mr. Silcock.

(Conclusion) To conclude, Dr Treves is a very good man. In my opinion, (opinion) Mr. Merrick would be homeless,

lonely and live a miserable life if not for Dr Treves’ help and kindness.
3. We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea: In the story We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea by Arthur Ransome, my favourite

character is John Walker. (brief synopsis) He is the eldest among four siblings.

(Reason) Secondly, John Walker is a responsible brother. John has to be the one in charge when Jim does not return
to the yatch. Although the children have promised their mother not to go out to sea, John realises that it would be

safer to go out to sea. Despite all the hardships, John preserves and together with the help of his siblings safely

brings the yacht to the Southern Netherlands where they meet up with their father.

(Conclusion) In conclusion, if not for (opinion) John’s courage, intelligence and responsibility, he and his siblings

might not have survived sailing in the yacht.


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English Form 3 Myteach Author Oh My Guru (Module) English Form 3
Oh My Guru Module | OMG (M) is a teaching and learning module series
written in accordance with the Ministry of Education syllabus. The purpose of
this module is to strengthen and improve student’s understanding during the Written book: 5 titles
teaching & learning sessions (PdP, Pengajaran & Pembelajaran). National & State Master Trainer
Award for Excellent in Service
This module; English Form 3 contains brief but concise notes. The aim of
this method is to help students understand the text better. The illustrations SHARON CHIENG
within the genre are created to enhance the stories or poems and give the
reader a clearer picture and a better understanding of the plot and prose. Written book: 30 titles
More than 20 years writing
To further fulfil the needs of the student, this series is also equipped with experience
PT3 formatted practices along with provided answers, all in accordance with
the current PT3 marking scheme. The production of this module will lend
support to students in learning, understanding, contemplative thinking and
problem solving within the given scope. Towards the end of the PdPc session,
this module would have served as a revision book, a sufficient reference and
a ‘tutor’ for students who will be sitting for their exams.
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