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Published by jessicanm99, 2019-04-01 10:40:49

Technology in Classrooms

Jessica Moore
Ed. 243-01

Incorporating Technology into Classrooms
Jessica Moore


Incorporating Technology into Classrooms

Jessica Moore
Ed. 243-01

Professor Marshall
Winter 2019

Brigham Young University-Idaho


Table of Contents
About the Author………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Interview Questions……………………………………………………………………………12


Author Page

Jessica Moore grew up in Gilbert, Arizona with her brother
and parents. She spent the majority of her childhood on a lake or in
the woods camping, which gave her a grand appreciation of all the
beauties the world has to offer. Jessica currently loves to spend her
time taking pictures, going to Disneyland, and reading. Along with
these 3 hobbies, her other favorite past time is traveling. Jessica has
been to various places all over the world and is excited to continue growing the list of places she
has been by visiting London and Paris later this year. Jessica has a deep love and adoration for
those who have physical and mental limitations in this life. She is currently attending Brigham
Young University-Idaho and is working towards a bachelor’s in special education so that she may
be able to give back to those who have helped her so much in her life. Jessica loves teaching and
seeing those who are struggling finally succeed after so much hard work. She believes that every
single person on this earth has the capacity for greatness, that everybody can learn, grow, and
achieve anything and everything they work for. She got her start in the education program by
becoming a HAB/Respite provider for 4 special needs children. Each of the children have a wide
variation of needs from simply needing help on homework to needing help developing fine motor
skills. Jessica quickly learned that teaching isn’t the easiest job in the world but can be immensely
rewarding. The rewards far outweigh the hardships that teaching can bring and Jessica has never
been more determined or excited to be able to start teaching and helping others. She one day hopes
to be able to earn a masters in speech therapy so that she is able to help children to be able to
communicate with their families and loved ones. [315]



As future generations are being brought up, technology is
becoming more and more prevalent in their everyday lives. Children these days know how to
operate smart phones, tablets, and computers by the time they are 3. They can learn the alphabet,
nursery rhymes, and colors all through videos that you can stream on nearly every device.
Children are often taught to google whatever questions they have. Young children are often
subconsciously taught to calm down just by putting a screen in front of their face. These children
adapt to this lifestyle and thrive with being able to use technology at any time of the day. These
children then grow old enough to enter Elementary schools where all their dependence on
technology is stripped away. The majority of work done in schools is done by pen and paper, the
complete opposite way of learning these children have known their whole life. Is it fair to have
these kids be thrown into a new environment completely different than that of what they have
spent their beginning years doing? Or is it simply just a new way of learning that these children
have to become accustomed to? It is this problem that raised the question whether or not school
classrooms should incorporate more technological ways of learning into the classroom rather
than sticking to the traditional pen-and-paper style of learning. If schools decided to incorporate
more technology into their classrooms, children could possibly have an easier time catching on
and learning about new concepts since their brains are already programmed to think in that type
of teaching strategy. However, children could also be found becoming distracted and
unmotivated to do school work with the use of more technology integrated into classrooms
because if they have the world at their fingertips, why waste time doing school work? While both
sides of the argument hold valid reasonings, the decision of whether or not to include a more
technological style of teaching all depends on what the school board decides. [334]


Article gaining information for the first couple years
of their life? If teachers incorporate more
New upcoming generations are being technology within classrooms, students that
raised in a technological world more than have been raised in a technological world
ever before. Whether parents mean to or not, may be able to be more successful in their
these rising generations of children are educational studies.
becoming more and more dependent upon
technology. Children have been Every teacher has different
subconsciously trained since the moment preferences and opinions on how to best
they were born on
how to use teach his/her
technology. They students. Some
learn to thrive and teachers
succeed on the strongly believe
constant support of that school
the electrical buzz classrooms
of the internet. Technology is their whole should
life until one day they go to school and have incorporate technology and mold their
to learn how to survive in an environment teaching styles to accommodate the culture
that is almost “technology free”. This pen- each new generation of kids are being raised
and-paper way of teaching can be so hard in. Others strongly believe that the current
for some kids to grasp, that they drown in popular teaching style of pen-and-paper
their early educational studies. Is this fair? works and has worked for some time, so
Shouldn’t schools be teaching their students why try and mend something that isn’t
the same way these children have been broken.


Teachers who believe that more These teachers also believe that by
technology should be incorporated into allowing more technology within the
classrooms argue that “sometimes students classroom, it will provide more online
need personalized support” that one teacher discussions and peaked interests. They
in charge of a whole classroom can’t give believe that “learning should be made public
them (McCarthy, 2018). Unfortunately, a [because] students raise their game when
teacher can’t be with a specific student they have to share their results with an
every second of the school day. However, interested outside audience—whether in live
with this addition of technology within events or publications” (McCarthy, 2018).
classrooms, it being a
laptop, tablet, or This “increased game”
desktop, each student will urge and inspire
will be able to be students to go above
provided with and beyond in their
individualized, education, which will
personalized support to be able to help them provide a stronger and
with whatever they need. The internet can more powerful upcoming generation of
provide students with a library of online leaders.
information that they are able to reach
within the click of a button. Students could Along this same idea, some teachers
be able to expand their knowledge at their also believe that allowing more technology
own personal rate, going down whichever into classrooms will provide students to be
avenues in the lesson they please. able to have “your presentation on their
screens and be able to follow along, answer
questions, and actively participate
throughout the entire lesson” (VanBurskirk,


2018). While students are answering rather believe that classrooms should stick to
questions, the teacher is able to see a pen-and-paper sort of learning. These
responses and correct any teachers believe that technology in the
They are also able to classrooms contributes
share correct answers to money pits where all
directly with the class of the school’s budget
on their devices. This is spent on “updating
will provide for higher levels of the outdated softwares
understanding and further learning into which are incompatible with present
school taught concepts. technology.” (15 Disadvantages of
Technology in Education, 2015). These
These teachers also believe that teachers argue that the outdated softwares
technology isn’t a distraction in the then result in wasted classroom time due to
classroom, but that “using devices like a “connection problems, downloading issues,
computer, tablet, or other type of technology policing software and other difficulties [that]
in your classroom can help turn traditionally can cause road blocks when implementing a
dull subjects into interactive and fun lesson in the technology-based classroom”
activities.” (Walden University, n.d.). By (Constitution Guru, n.d.). With a pen-and-
grasping the children’s attention with paper type of teaching, technological delays
something they have known their whole life, won’t prohibit learning from taking place.
your lessons will be able to become All the material you could possibly need to
smoother and run more efficiently. use in order to be successful is already right
in front of you, which maximizes instruction
However, the teachers that believe in
the traditional way of educating students that


time you can give to your students to help the correct spelling thus resulting infinite
them learn the absolute most that they can. spelling mistakes in paper” (15
Disadvantages of Technology in Education,
Teachers who are against technology 2015). These teachers feel as though
in the classrooms also believe that it is “very technology provides students with a crutch
difficult to find the word ‘diligent’ in to be able to slack off more on their
learners nowadays as most of the lessons homework rather than working hard for the
can be easily accessible to them online grade they earn in return. These teachers feel
through different websites” (15 that students won’t reach their full potential
Disadvantages of Technology in Education, by relying on computers and the internet to
2015). They see incorporating technology do all of the hard work for them.
into the classrooms as a way of students to
get the easy way out of learning. Students While both sides give rather
can find all the answers they need for any convincing arguments as to whether
assignment online and not have to put forth classrooms should provide more technology
the work and effort it takes to put together for their students to use or not, it is
an assignment. They likewise believe that ultimately not up to them. The school board
“Relying completely on computers are gives the say as to whether or not place
creating poor studying habits. Many students more technology in classrooms. [1030]
keep browsing websites to find the shortest
possible way to solve problems in
Mathematics instead of solving them in a
traditional way which actually helps them to
gain in-depth knowledge of the subjects.
Spell-checkers prevents them from learning


15 Disadvantages of Technology in Education. (2015, December 9). Retrieved from
Constitution Guru. (n.d.). The Disadvantages of Technology in Classrooms. Retrieved from
McCarthy, J. (2018, September 24). Tech Integration in Blended Learning. Retrieved from
VanBuskirk, C. (2018, May 9). Using Technology in My Classroom. Retrieved from

Walden University. (n.d.). Top 5 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom.
Retrieved from https://www.


Interview Q&A’s

Suzanne Luke - Parent of Students Q- Do you feel that a greater number of
Q- What do you feel are limits to including students are more successful in school
with or without the use of
technology in classrooms? computers/digital technology?
A- I feel as though limits to including
A- I feel as though students are more
technology in the classroom is that successful with the use of
there is always an access to the internet computers/digital learning because of
there distracting the students. I also feel the vast amount of information
like there could be no critical thinking available to them. Any
for oneself, and that the students could question/problem they have can be
get used to only relying on technology answered in a moment’s notice. As
for answers. well as the amount of options available
Q- Do you feel schools should keep to help them learn in the best way for
technology in the classroom or just in them (tutorials, videos, verbal
the computer lab? explanations).
A- I think that technology should be in the
classroom where students have full Q- Do you feel this success is due to the
access to information and technological world these children are
not just in the lab where time is being raised in, or is it simply due to
scheduled, and access is shortened. the technological course having a
Q- Are you for or against digital literacy? better curriculum?
A- I am for Digital Literacy because it is
where our society is and continues to A- I feel that it is because of the
be headed. technological world we live in. More


information is readily available with with or without the use of
the click of a button. computers/digital technology?
A- I learn better on the computers. It’s more
Alyssa Perkins - 3rd Grade Student fun and I can play games and I really
(questions simplified for student) like the games.
Q- What do you feel are limits to including Q- Do you feel this success is due to the
technological world these children are
technology in classrooms? being raised in, or is it simply due to the
A- Sometimes I get distracted and just want technological course having a better
to play games on the computer instead of A- I think that the computers have better
work. lessons. I like being on the computers
Q- Do you feel schools should keep more than I like having a lesson taught
technology in classroom or just in the to me.
computer lab?
A- I like the computer lab! I get to get out Terri Sabin - Pre-School Teacher and
of my classroom and see my friends. I Founder of Tiny Tots Preschool
want the computer lab still. Q- What do you feel are limits to including
Q- Are you for or against digital literacy?
A- I like Read Naturally. There’re so many technology in classrooms?
different books on there that are cool. It A- I feel as though technology allows
helps me be able to read better. (Answer
indicates she is for digital literacy) students to become too distracted during
Q- Do you feel that a greater number of class. All the children end up wanting to
students are more successful in school do is be on the computers the whole
time, which isn’t a healthy lifestyle.


They need to have more stimulation in computers/digital technology?
life beyond a computer screen. A- I feel as though it depends on the
Q- Do you feel schools should keep
technology in classroom or just in the student. Some children honestly have a
computer lab? better time learning on computers. But
A- I feel as though the division of having I believe as a whole, students do better
technology in the computer labs rather outside of a computer. Their attention
than the classrooms will help the span is able to develop, and they are
students be able to compartmentalize able to focus better on tasks. They are
that there is a time and a place for able to become more creative and
technology rather than being on digital innovative when you put a pencil and
devices the entire day. I believe that paper in front of them.
technology should stay in a computer Q- Do you feel this success is due to the
lab. technological world these children
Q- Are you for or against digital literacy? are being raised in, or is it simply due
A- I believe that it is a great and useful tool to the technological course having a
to many, however I also believe that the better curriculum?
best way to learn about literacy is A- I don’t think either curriculum is “better”
through actual books. I want to instill the or “worse”, it all just depends as to what
love of books into as many children as helps the student the best.
possible since it is becoming a lost art.
Q- Do you feel that a greater number of Daisy Peters - HAB/Respite Provider
students are more successful in school Q- What do you feel are limits to including
with or without the use of
technology in classrooms?
A- I feel as though technology can grasp

certain struggling students’ attention


better than other students. With this with or without the use of
being said, it can also be a hindrance to computers/digital technology?
then having these struggling students A- I personally believe that more students
pay attention during non-computer are learning and progressing with the
activities. They could become distracted use of digital technology.
and just want to be on the computer the Q- Do you feel this success is due to the
entire time instead of paying attention to technological world these children are
the lesson. being raised in, or is it simply due to the
Q- Do you feel schools should keep technological course having a better
technology in classroom or just in the curriculum?
computer lab? A- I do agree with the thought that because
A- I don’t see any problem having these students are being raised in a
computers in the classroom if it provides technological world, the technological
to be an aid to those students who need curriculum does better. If these students
it. weren’t raised in such a digital world, I
Q- Are you for or against digital literacy? don’t think the curriculum would be as
A- I would say I am for digital literacy! It successful.
has proven to help lots of students who
would have otherwise been struggling Abby Calhoun - High School Student and
in class. It provides specific one-on-one Future Educator (volunteers in
learning that one teacher can’t give to Elementary School)
every single one of his/her students. Q- What do you feel are limits to including
Q- Do you feel that a greater number of
students are more successful in school technology in classrooms?
A- I don’t feel there are any! I believe that

students need to learn that there’s a


time and a place for the computers and students are more successful in school
if you set the rules early on in the with or without the use of
school year, there won’t be any computers/digital technology?
problems. Students will then in turn A- I feel students are more successful with
learn responsibility and self-control. the use of computers and digital
Q- Do you feel schools should keep technology. I feel as though the amount
technology in classroom or just in the of students who would need extra help
computer lab? in their classes would double, even
A- I don’t see any problem with there triple, without the help of digital
being computers in the classroom! I see learning.
it as if having books in the classroom. Q- Do you feel this success is due to the
They provide sources for learning and technological world these children are
information and the students should being raised in, or is it simply due to
have every right to have access to them. the technological course having a better
Q- Are you for or against digital literacy? curriculum?
A- For! I have seen digital literacy help so A- I think it is a little bit of both. I think
many students. I see it as a blessing and that the curriculum is better because
an extra help to those students who these students are being raised in a
aren’t grasping the normal curriculum. digital age.
Q- Do you feel that a greater number of


Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow
belongs to those who prepare for it today
-Malcolm x


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