Cherry Inspection Manual
QC Contacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2016 Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
QC Cherry on-line S.O.P’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
QC on-line iPad Line Name Coding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Additional iPad on-line Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Action Steps: Out-of-grade Cherry Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Cherry Inspection Process at Shipping Point (WSDA Information). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Pitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bruising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Cracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Other defects (blemishes, decay, double, mildew, sutures/spurs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Temperature and Sizing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2016 Chelan Fresh Cherry Packing Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Package Type Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
(Red Cherry/ Rainer/ Organic/ Ruby Red)
Consumer Pack Weights (Clam Shell & Bag (lbs)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Red Cherry Defects Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Red Cherry Grading Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Rainier Cherry Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Rainier Cherry Normal Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Rainier Cherry Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Federal Marketing Order #923 Finished Product Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Red Cherry Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Rainier Cherry Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Shipping & Destination “Premium” Rainier Language (2 Docs)
Cherries 2016
• Marc Griggs (QA Manager) 509.670.8000 [email protected]
• Al Parsley (QA Lead) 509.808.3796 [email protected]
• Tracie Novak (QA Lead) 509.808.9110 [email protected]
• Adriana Roman 509.808.3982 [email protected]
• Noe Mendoza 509.881.7908 [email protected]
• Austin Benson 509.449.0766 [email protected]
• Donnitia McClellen 509.322.6269 [email protected]
• Eduardo Gonzales 509.280.3992 [email protected]
• Elena Pilkinton 509.322.4825 [email protected]
• Shane Langwell 509.885.5221 [email protected]
• Ari Medina 509.828.2545 [email protected]
• Garrett Groenen 509.630.4423 [email protected]
• Greg Marble 509.885.8504 [email protected]
• Shane Langwell 509.885.5221 [email protected]
• Javier Ontiveros 509.885.8503 [email protected]
• Travis Dejarnett 509.449.6465 [email protected]
• Alvaro Blanco 509.449.6460 [email protected]
Summer Cherry Season
• Darcy Austin 509.679.1653 [email protected]
• Derek Brunner 509.860.4629 [email protected]
• Kaitlin Soost 509.881.0869 [email protected]
• Jeff DeJarnett 509.670.7260 [email protected]
• Jesse Villalobos 509.449.0091 [email protected]
• Michael Tucker 626.807.8751 [email protected]
• Sydney Austin 509.860.5333 [email protected]
• Allie Phelps 509.679.9702 [email protected]
• Alejandra Ruiz 509.421.0528 [email protected]
• Kylee Adamek 509.670.7576 [email protected]
• Kyra Wyant 509.679-0825 [email protected]
• Lyndsey Fox 509.699-3047 [email protected]
• Tonette Brender 509.560.3784 [email protected]
• Elliot Peebles 509.264.0632 [email protected]
• Char Smith 509.670.6293 [email protected]
Page 3
Chelan Fresh Employees
Pedestrian / Forklift Safety 05-01-2016
FORKLIFT PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Nearly 20% of all forklift accidents involve a pedestrian be-
ing struck by a forklift. This is nearly 19,000 people a year, according to the National Institute
for Occupational Safety & Health. Many of these accidents are preventable. Make sure you are
not one of these individuals.
• A lot of forklifts swing from the rear end (steers with the rear tires)
• Sound the horn, operators are trained to use the horn frequently
• Falling Loads – DO NOT walk or stand beneath a raised load of product
• Riders – NOT ALLOWED
Chelan Fresh employees who are not forklift operators have a responsibility for safe forklift op-
erations within the Chelan Fresh Shipper facilities. The following actions can be taken to make
forklift operations safe for the operator and the pedestrian. ALWAYS wear a brightly colored
safety vest (yellow). ALWAYS sign in and sign out of Shipper facilities.
Whenever a forklift approaches, stop and make sure the operator sees you. Make eye contact
with the driver and make sure your eyes and the operator’s eyes meet. You cannot wear mirror
or tinted safety glasses. The forklift operator must be able to see your eyes.
Look both ways before stepping into an aisle, around a corner, or through a side door, and be-
tween tubs and carts.
Always let a forklift operator know you are around. DO NOT walk or work beneath loads on
raised forklifts.
Only approach a forklift that has come to a complete stop. Approach the forklift from the side.
Never approach directly in front or at the rear of the forklift.
Maintain a safe distance (10 feet) from an operating forklift that is taking material off racks. In
the event of an unstable load, or other occurrences, keep away when a forklift is loading or
Never be an extra rider. DO NOT allow yourself to be lifted on a pallet or the fork blades.
Report any unsafe behavior from forklift operators. Likewise, forklift operators are required to
report unsafe behaviors from others.
Page 4
2016 Cherry Standards
Focus Area Goals Plan of Action
Packing Standards Get the fruit in the right box for the Formalize process for setting minimum packing
right customer. standards for enterprise using daily reporting
to CFM
-Size (i.e. no 12 row)
-Grade (i.e. no no-grade)
Expectation that fruit at the time of packing will
be evaluated by the shipper and allocated to
the fruit category that it best fits. The catego-
ries are:
- Export – Avg. 270 (270 Bings), no
brown rot, bright red to light ma
hogany, green stems, low defects
- Domestic – Avg. 250 (230 Bings)
- Utility – under 250, marginal size,
color, defects
Export Packs should stamp the name of the
cherry variety on the box. Domestic Packs will
be stamped as “Sweet Cherry,” except Sam’s.
Overflow Standard for Red Cherries package
type will be balanced between demand
for domestic (822Z) and export (L20) (2) “Pre-
mium” labels, and (1) “Standard” label for
Export usage by the shippers.
Common methodology for isolating Also, NW Fruit label available as utility label for
sub-standard fruit that is identified at “sub-standard” fruit identified at the time of
the time of packing. packing for the domestic market.
Consistent “looking” pack for cus-
tomers from all packing locations CFM QA role for Cherry season will be primar-
ily online to monitor grade and advise packing
We expect that some small lots will create
prob- lems that are out of tolerance during the
day. In the end we:
- Must pack to WA 1 grade.
Questionable or weak fruit will be packed in
the NW label if the shipper decides to pack.
Product inspected after packing that is not
good will marked RL by the shipper.
Page 5
2016 Cherry Standards
Focus Area Goals Plan of Action
Packing Standards Standardized Shipping Expectations Pre-shipping Cooling Standards
(Continued) - Ability to lower core fruit temperature to 38
degrees (ocean 34) within 12 hours of packing.
Export Standards - Apply Cool Guard in cold room- Honor FIFO
Shipping Policy
Shipping Pallet Plan: Walmart, Costco, Sams,
Safeway, Kroger all on Chep, Export on LD7,
others will be split between chep and white five
board pallets.
Post natural Event Standard Practic- Post rain Fugicide application on line- growers
es spray fungicide immediately on orchard.
Our highest quality fruit in premium Air Shipments
export markets for both air & water Fruit Color (range): Light Mahogany to Mahog-
shipments ony
Fruit Pressure (range): 270 (Average)
Water Shipments
Fruit Color (range): Bright red to Light Mahogo-
Fruit Pressure (range): 290 (Average) Post Har-
vest Fungicide: mandatory
Systems Approach (Japan)
Red Cherries- (rules & est. volume by timing)
Rainier Cherries-(rules & est. volume by timing)
Consistent Supply of Fumigated Requirements:3,000 cases per day
Cherries for export markets in Korea List of acceptable varieties for fumigation:
& Australia Sweet Heart, Skeena & Bing
Earlier notification for Export Sales Bins harvested per day reported by 3pm daily
team of quantity of export of export Firm tech data for on-line reporting required
fruit available in next 24 hours for
Communicate: Sales to warehouse Pinpoint the volume needed of each export and
Warehouse to Sales domestic, balance the default
Page 6
2016 Cherry Standards
Focus Area Goals Plan of Action
Export Standards Develop a uniform Premium Raini- Fruit Color: 75% minimum blush
(Continued) er standard that ensures customer Fruit Pressure: 250 Average
accecptance of our export Rainier Fruit Soluble Solids: Average of 19-brix min
program Develop domestic large Rainier business
Don’t pack volume above orders,
Other Notes: Maintain sales velocity all season, either domes-
tic or export.
Use Chelan Fresh lid for Kroger to distinguish
quality segregated for them.
Harvest Standards Maximize Shelf life of fruit post har- Cold Chain:
vest Fruit hydro-cooled within 2 hours of harvest Cold
fruit maintained in reefer trucks for long haul
Stop Harvest before 85 degrees
No fruit setting/staged in direct sun light
Humidity (Stem Protection)
Wet pads utilized for moisture in reefer trucks
Minimal handling of fruit
Fewer touches to fruit (best practices)
Pre cool all cherries to between 45-50F Try to
stop packing at 85 degrees
Consistent application of good Global Gap Certification
“Food Safety” practices All orchards must be Global Gap certified ASAP
Uniform acceptance by all members Agreement to not accept growers (rejected) fruit
without first discussing issues/ situation with the
Page 7
Chelan Fresh Marketing Cherry On-Line
Quality Assurance S.O.P’s - 2016
Tools: CFM cherry on-line QC iPad, cherry sizer card, temperature probe, empty clamshells/
box, daily run list
Step 1- Randomly choose a packed box from the cherry packing line.
Step 2- Document all information from the box onto the CFM cherry ON-Lin QC I-Pad
1. Using the temperature probe, stick the probe into a cherry in the packed box. Document the
temperature of the cherry.
2. Document the variety of the cherry. Bing, Chelan, Lapin, Sweetheart, etc.
3. Document the grower number of the box.
4. Document the %Blush. Relates to Rainier Cherries 1=<10%, 2=11%-49%, 3=50%+
5. Document the size
6. Document the packing line name. (note in Location)
7. Document the number of cherries you examine will be 50 cherries per sample, note on I-Pad
8. Document the overall color of the cherries in the box. you rate the color of the cherry 1-5
using the cherry
color chart. (1= White 5=Dark Mahogany) Section #7 CFM Cherry Manual
9. Note Package type
10. Stem quality: 1= Good, 2= Fair, 3= Poor
11. Destination: Export or domestic or unknown
Step 3- Count out 50 cherries from your sample box into an empty clam shell.
Step 4- examine each cherry. Separate the good cherries and the defective cherries placing
them into empty clam shells.
Step 5- Document all defects by category from the cherries onto the QA On-Line I-Pad. In-
dicate the actual num- ber NOT %. After this is done, consolidate all cherries into one empty
clam shell. % of defects will be automati- cally created.
Step 6- Measure each cherry using the cherry sizer. Place all over size cherries in one empty
clam shell, count the cherries and document this number on the QC I-Pad. Place all under size
cherries in another empty clam shell, count the cherries and document this number on the QC
I-Pad. Put all correct size cherries back in the cherry box.
Note the chart for “Out of Grade samples” Includes: Defects, Undersize and Over-size (section
** Please pay close attention to:
Export Cartons- must be very clean, and the correct size and quality
Smaller Size fruit- 11 and 11.5 Row: The smaller fruit tends to have more defect and sizing is-
sues in boxes. All consumer packages i.e. Clams must ALWAYS meet the proper weights.
Page 8
Chelan Fresh Marketing
Cherry Line Code Locations
Gebbers Farms
MAF 24 Day Shift. . . . . . . . . . . . E1
MAF 24 Night Shift . . . . . . . . . . E2
MAF 36 Day Shift. . . . . . . . . . . . D1
MAF 36 Night Shift. . . . . . . . . . .D2
Chelan Fruit Company
New Compaq 36. . . . . . . . . . . . .CG
Yellow Optical Line. . . . . . . . . . . CI
Husky Roll Line . . . . . . . . . . . . .CK
Cougar Optical Line . . . . . . . . . .CL
Orondo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CP
Phillipi Fruit Company . . . . . . . . PH
Apple House
Brewster Line Day Shift. . . . . . . . .BD
Pateros Line Day Shift . . . . . . . . . CD
Pateros Line Night Shift. . . . . . . . CN
Gold Digger
Roll Line Day Shift . . . . . . . . . . . . .G1
Roll Line Night Shift . . . . . . . . . . . G2
Roll Line Swing Shift . . . . . . . . . . . G3
Optical Line Day Shift . . . . . . . . . . Y1
Optical Line Night Shift . . . . . . . . .Y2
Optical Line Swing Shift. . . . . . . . .Y3
Jack Ass
JackAss Cherry Line . . . . . . . . . . . .JA
Page 9
Additional QC iPad Cherry Information
Additional Detail: Cherry QC On-Line I-Pad coding 6/5/13
Date: Month/Day/Year, automatically entered onto I-Pad
Time: Automatically entered onto I-Pad
Inspector: Enter in Inspector name from drop-down menu
Inspection Type: On-Line (mostly Cherries) Dock (possible cherries)
Sample Size: Important to indicate either 25-50 cherries collected for QC
Grower Number: May be a two, three or four digit number, enter in I-Pad
Packing Line:
JA- Jack Ass (Tri-Cities) AHC-AppleHouse C-line
BB- Chelan fruit, Beebe Plant CFC- Chelan Fruit- Cougar Line (Brewster)
AHA- AppleHouse A-line CFH- Chelan Fruit-Husky Line (Brewster
AHB- AppleHouse B-line GF- Gebbers Farms
GD- Gold Digger (Red Line) OR- Chelan Fruit- Orondo Plant
GM- Gebbers farms- MAF line AHP- AppleHouse- Pateros
WB- Webber Line (E. Wenatchee) GDR- GoldDigger (Rainier Line)
Variety: Indicate cherry variety of the pack from drop-down menu. Bin, Chelan,
Sonnet, Santina, Lapin, Skeena, Sweetheart, Rainier, Van, Tieton, Cowiche, Lam-
bert, Sonnet, Benton, Brooks, Ataca, Orondo Ruby, other.
Temperature: Core temperature of the cherries (use temp probe) i.e. 33.5 must
be three digits Package Weight: Ok, Under or over
% Blush (Rainier Cherries Only): 1=<10% 2=11%-49% 3=50%-74% 4=75%+
Size: Note cherry size of sample, 8.0+ 8.5, 9.0 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12
Buyer/Retailer: Indicate which retailer package is for: Wal-Mart, Costco, Kroger,
Page 10
Additional QC iPad Cherry
Information Continued
Destination: Domestic, Export, Unknown
Stem Quality: 1=Green 2=Mostly Green 3=Brown
Fruit Color: Use color chart under Section #7 CFM Cherry Manual 2013
Package Type: 5 Kilo, Bulk Loose, Bags, Clam Shell
Defects Found: Indicate actual number of cherries in each category. IF NO
Over-Size: Count the actual number of cherries in the over-size category, indi-
cate on I-Pad
% Total Defects, %Over-Sized, %Under Sized, automatically calculated on I-Pad
Page 11
Out-of-Grade Action Steps
(Example of a 50 Cherry Sample)
• Sample 10%+: Show sample to sorting leader
• 10%+ found consecutively: Contact supervisor
• 14%+ found consecutively or 14%+ shown in 4 out of 8 samples:
Contact plant manager
• Sample 14%+: show sample to sorting leader
• 14%+ found consecutively: Contact supervisor
• 24%+ or 3 consecutive samples of 18%+ or 4 out of 8 samples
with 18%+: Contact plant manager
• Sample 10%+: Show sample to sorting leader
• 14%+ found consecutively: Contact supervisor
• 18%+ or 3 consecutive samples of 14%+ or 4 out of 8 samples of
14%+: Contact the plant manager
Page 12
Cherries: Inspection Process at
Ship Point

• Randomly select fruits.
• Remove number of fruits required.
-Cherry sampling: 1% of total containers, or a minimum of two cartons; 50 ct.
per sample
• Individual fruits are NOT peeled to determine bruising. This is not a process
used by the WSDA during fruit inspection.
• Fruit is ONLY peeled to determine bruising depth, or to inspect damage depth.
• Good lighting is essential for inspecting fruit – natural light is preferred whenever
• Individual fruits should NOT be held to the light to determine the presence of
• Thumb pressure is one method applied to fruits to indicate fruit flesh firmness.
• Bagged product is removed from the bag and inspected on an individual basis.
* For Training Purposes Only*
Page 13
The Pits on cherries are usually elongated in shape, of irregular outline
and brownish in color, es- pecially on light colored cherries. Larger pits are
frequently underlaid by brownish discoloration of the flesh in which small
hollow spots may develop.
1. Non-Scorable: When a pit is no greater than 1/4 inch in diameter and slight
or when aggregate pits are no greater than 3/16 inch each and slight;
Does not distract from appearance.
2. Damaged, Scorable: When a pit is greater than 1/4 inch in diameter and
deep or when aggregate pits are greater than 3/16 inch each and deep;
Distract from appearance.
3. Serious Damage, Scorable: Large multiple pits and deep; Seriously distracts
from appearance.
At the time of packing no more than 8% total defects allowed, including in
that amount not more than 4% serious.
**For Training Purposes Only**
Page 14
Aggregate pits are less
Pit is less than 1/4” in than 3/16” in diameter
diameter & slight
each & are slight
Pits are greater than 1/4” Aggregate pits exceed Large multiple pits that are
in diameter & deep 3/16 inch each & are deep & seriously detract
deep from appearance
Page 15
Bruising may occur on cherries and unless they are severe or have had time
to discolor, bruising is often difficult to see. Old bruising will show brown
discoloration under the skin, more recent bruising will show as a more
“watery” appearance in the flesh.
1. Non-Scorable: Light superficial damage; Does not distract from appearance
or edibility.
2. Damaged, Scorable: Bruises which materially affect the appearance,
edibility or marketing qual-
3. Serious Damage, Scorable: Bruises which seriously affect the appearance,
edibility or marketing quality.
*Ripe fruit showing damage or serious damage by soft bruises should be
scored as bruising and not as soft.
At the time of Packing no more than 8% total defects allowed, including in
that amount not more than 4% serious damage.
*For Training Purposes Only*
Page 16
Page 17
Rain during or just prior to cherry harvest often causes major crop losses due
to the cracking of the cherries as a result of the excess moisture.
1. Damage, Scorable-
• Cracks within the stem cavity: Should be scored as defects when they are
deep or are not well healed or when the appearance of the cherry is
affected to a greater extent than that of a cherry which has a superficial
well healed crack 1/16 in width extending 1/2 of the greatest circumfer-
ence of the stem cavity.
• Cracks outside the stem cavity: Should be scored as defects when they are
deep or are not well healed or when the crack has weakened the cherry to
the extent that it is likely to split or break in the process of proper grading
and handling or when the appearance of the cherry is material- ly affected.
2. Serious Damage, Scorable- Cracks which are not well healed: Which
seriously affect the appear- ance or shipping quality should be scored as
serious damage against the 4% tolerance in each
grade for this degree of injury.
Page 18
Scoreable when width is
more than 1/16th” & more
than 1/2 the circumference
Page 19
Page 20
Page 21
Scoreable only if doubles are not even.
Page 22
If mildew is present, let a supervisor
know right away.
Page 23
Page 24
Taking Temperature & Sizing Cherries
• Put three cherries on the tem- • Depending on the sizing of the
perature probe at a time cherry if it can fit through the hole
of the size smaller, than the cherry
• Put probe through the middle of is undersized
all three to get an accurate tem-
perature. • If it can not fit in the hole of the size
above it, then the cherry is over-
• Let sit until the number is done sized
changing and record
(Do NOT force cherries through the
• make sure to keep temperature sizing holes)
probe in box after to keep a
steady temperature
Page 25
2016 Chelan Fresh Cherry
Packing Guide
Idenitfying Location/ Line/ Entity/ Owner
Chelan Fruit
-CFC Magi (Brewster)
Cougar Line (optical)
Husky Line (Roll Sizer)
-Plant 3 (Beebe)
New Compaq 36
Yellow Optical Line
Gebbers Farms
-MAF 24
-MAF 36
Apple House
Gold Digger
-Roll Line
-Optical Line
Jack Ass
Refer to Cherry Line Code Designation Sheet
When manually inputting the entity number, we need to input it EXACTLY as
it appears on the box
The owner is easiest identified by the grower or the lot number printed on
Page 26
Apple House-
Ownership is designated with an (A)
Ownership is designated with a (B)
Chelan Fruit Co.-
Ownership is designated with a (C) or NO letter.
Chelan Fruit Companies fruit will only be packed at
their facilities. So if in a Chelan Fruit facility and no
letter is in the grower code, assume it is a Chelan
Fruit Company fruit.
Page 27
Gold Digger-
(LOT 2630)
Jack Ass
(LOT 255)
Page 28
Chelan Fresh Cherry Package
Type Key 2016
Euro Bag
Standard Bag
Page 29
Clam Shell
Bulk (18lb/ 20lb cartons)
1/2 Carton (4/5/2.5 Kilo and others
smaller than the standard carton)
Page 30
Consumer Pack Weights
Clamshell & Bag Weight (Lbs)
Acceptable Gross Weight per Package Type: (consumer packs, closed containers)
1lb Bag= 1.02-1.06 1lb clam= 1.13-1.18
1.25 lb Bag= 1.28-1.32 2lb clam= 2.12-2.20
2lb Bag= 2.04-2.10 3lb clam= 3.23-3.3
2.25lb Bag= 2.26-2.35 4lb clam=4.27-4.32
Conversion Table: Kilos to Pounds
(includes 2% shrinkage)
454 Grams 1lb 1oz
1.0 Kilo 2lbs 5oz
1.2 Kilo 11oz
1.3 Kilo 2lbs 15oz
1.5 Kilo 3lbs 6oz
1.8 Kilo 4lbs 0oz
2.0 Kilo 4lbs 8oz
2.6 Kilo 5lbs 14oz
3.0 Kilo 6lbs 12oz
4.0 Kilo 9lbs 0oz
4.5 Kilo 10lbs 1oz
5.0 Kilo 11lbs 4oz
1Kilo= 2.21 lbs
1lb=.454 Kilos
1lb= 454 grams
1oz=283 grams
Page 31
Page 32
Page 33
Page 34
Rainier Cherry Characteristics
The Rainier cherry is an exceptional, dessert quality cherry with excellent eating
quality. It is well known for the low acid, very sweet, aromatic flavor. It is this intense
eating experience that Rainier connoisseurs love.
Rainier is also highly prized for aesthetic beauty, with most cherries having a blush
of red over a cream background. The skin is very thin and shiny, which gives these
cherries an almost translucent, glowing finish. However, this skin characteristic results
in high sensitivity to scuffing and damage. This scuffing is many times confused with
injury bruises or breakdown. This makes Rainier one of the most misunderstood
cherries in the marketplace. In this document, there are descriptions and illustrations
of common Rainier characteristics and serious quality problems. These should help to
identify serious quality issues.
Rainier Cherry Characteristics
Background color Cream to light yellow
Blush Color Light Pink to Dark Red, varying from tinge to 80% of surface
Size 11 Row to 9 Row
Firmness Moderately Firm to Very Firm
Soluble Solids 17 to 24 Brix
Rainier Skin Damage
Difference between wind scuffing and bruising
Wind Scuffing- Light to medium brown areas on the skin surface. Areas usually show
small lines or marks indicating a wear spot where a leaf, another cherry, or limb has
rubbed on the fruit surface. Similar to limb rub on apples or pears. Medium colored,
non-sunken areas are very common and are normal to most Rainier cherries. Flesh
color under wind scuffed areas will be normal, not discolored. Large, sunken areas
with dark brown color are damage and are scrabble.
Bruising- Discolored, brown areas showing through the skin with cellular damage
under the skin surface. Bruising can be identified by looking for damaged cells under
the skin, which show the brown discoloration.
Page 35
Page 36
Page 37
Dark Sweet Cherries
Federal Marketing Order #923
Lot Sample Lot Sample
20% under 54/64 in
Certified to meet WA 8% including 4% 16% including 8% 10% under 54/64
No.1 or marked WA Serious Damage, serious damage, inch including 5%
No.1/No min. dia. including 1/2 of 1% including 1% decay under 52/64 inch
Marked nor certified decay
to a row size.
10% including 5% No Sample Toler- 10% under 54/64 20% under 54/64 in
Serious Damage, ance inch including 5%
Northwest No. 1 including 1% Decay under 52/64 inch
No size marked.
US No.1 8% including 4% 16% including 10% under 54/64 20% under 54/64
Serious Damage, 8% Serious Dam- inch including 5% inch including 10%
No min. dia. Marked, including 1/2 of 1% age, including under 52/64 inch under 48/64 inch
or certified toa row Decay 1% Decay including 5% under (Sample Tolerance
size 48/64 inch does not apply to
under 52/64)
8 84/64
8.5 79/64
9 75/64
9.5 71/64
10 67/64
10.5 64/64
11 61/64
11.5 57/64
12 54/64
Page 38
Variety Guidelines
Red Cherry Specifications
Shipping Point
Grade Computer total grade serious
Code defects damage decay
Washington No. 1
WA1 8% 4% 1/2%
(Chelan Fresh Standard) included
Northwest No. 1 NW1 10% 5% 1%
US No. 1 included
US1 8% 4% 1/2%
At Destination
Grade Total Grade Permanent serious permanent
Defects grade def damage serious damage decay
Washington No. 1
24% 12% 6% 4% 2%
(Chelan Fresh Standard)
24% 10% 7% 5% 2%
Northwest No. 1
US No. 1 12% 8% 6% 4% 2%
Page 39
Variety Guidelines
Rainier Cherry Specifications
Shipping Point
Grade Computer total grade serious
Code defects damage decay
Pre (50% 10% 5%
Premium for Export 1%
min color) Costumer spec
17 minimum brix/sugar
Premium Pre (15% 10% 5% 1%
min color) 10.5 row 17 minimum brix/sugar
Retailer grade
90% cherries with at least 15% pink
No Grade No offical grade in effect 15% defects max 15%
US1 allow s ome w ind ma rks & s un bur n max
(Use for No. 2 grade/) 11R non retailer
grade) 11 row size m inimum , 17 b rix
WA No. 1 WA 1 10% 5% 1%
(see Premium above) 10.5 row 17 minimum brix/sugar
At Destination
Grade Total Grade Permanent serious permanent
Defects grade def damage serious damage decay
Premium for Export
24% 12% 6% 4% 2%
Premium 24% 12% 6% 4% 2%
Retailer grade At destination, most cherries are graded at US1 standard below by USDA
No Grade 12 8 6 4 2
(Use for No. 2 grade/) 11R non retailer No grade must be sold with an understanding with customers
Typically we will sell to non retailers
Large blonde cherries and all the 11 row
WA No. 1 24% 12% 6% 4% 2%
(see Premium above)
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