Many have challenged the status quo when it comes to a new view of
consciousness, and whether it’s tied to a brain or moves beyond physical
constraints of time and space.
What About Telepathy?
“I used to be a skeptic, but we met strict research guidelines and the results are
statistically significant.”
Daryl J Bem, PhD – psycholoy professor, Cornell University
Bem, D.J Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2011) Nine experiments involving more than
1,000 participants. All but one experiment yielded statistically significant results.
“Statistical results of government sponsored research conducted at Stanford Research
Institute, and at Science Applications International Corporation using the standards
applied to any other area of science, are far beyond what is expected by chance.
Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are
soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude have been replicated at laboratories across
the world.”
Jessica Utts, PhD – Division of Statistics University of California
“It is foolish to be convinced without evidence; it is equally foolish to refuse to be
convinced by real evidence.”
Upton Sinclair – Pulitzer Prize winning author
Because he had a very telepathic wife (subjected to tests), Sinclair wrote a book, Mental Radio, that
endorses this time/space transcending phenomenon.
About the book, Einstein wrote: “The results of the telepathic experiments carefully and plainly
stand far beyond those which a nature investigator holds to be thinkable...In no case should the
psychologically interested pass over this book heedlessly.”
In 1937, when six Soviet fliers crashed in the arctic in Alaska, the Soviet government
commissioned Sir George Hubert Wilkins – a celebrated newsreel cameraman,
reporter, pilot, spy, war hero, scientist, and explorer – to lead an aerial search. Seeing
an opportunity to test his long-standing interest in telepathy, Wilkins and Harold
Sherman, a New York psychic and writer, collaborated on a six-month experiment.
Three nights a week, Wilkins, the “sender,” would attempt to project his thought
impressions from whatever location he was in, to Sherman, the “receiver.”
Sir George Hubert Wilkins Harold Sherman Dr Gardner Murphy
Each night, Sherman sent his written impressions to Dr Gardner Murphy, a
psychologist at Columbia University, who would serve as an independent judge.
Murphy found too many matches to be dismissed by chance...a rate of approx 60%.
Some correspondences were almost identical. On Dec 7, while at Point Barrow,
Alaska, Wilkins heard a fire alarm ring, went to the window and saw a Native house
blazing in the night. 3,400 miles away in NY, Sherman recorded, “Don’t know why,
but I seem to see a crackling fire shining out in the darkness – get a definite fire
impression as though a house burning – you can see it from your location on the ice.”
Does human consciousness exist
independent of the brain and body?
The Out of Body and Near Death Experience (OBE and NDE research)
”It would be most satisfactory if physics and psyche could be seen as complementary
aspects of reality.”
Wolfgang Pauli, PhD – physicist, contemporary of Einstein
One of the first researchers to perform laboratory OBE experiments was psychologist
Dr Charles Theodore Tart. In 1966, in the sleep lab of University of California-Davis, “Miss Z”
would try to leave her body (while physiologically monitored) and identify a quasi-randomly
generated five-digit number otherwise not visible.
At the times informed by Miss Z, the devices demonstrated unusual brain-wave patterns and she
identified the target number: 25132.
In a 2002 BBC Radio debate, Dr Olaf Blanke revealed that an epileptic patient reporting out-of-
body perceptions actually made visual observations the conventional scientific paradigm can’t
explain. Though he excluded these details from the article published in the journal, Nature, the
neuroscientist did not dismiss the OBE, and said more studies should be carried out...
Division of Perceptual Studies/DOPS – University of Virginia Medical Center: Some persons
having an OBE report that from a position above their body they could look down and observe
its condition. This experience occurs in more than 65% of persons who come
close to death and survive.
Bruce Greyson, MD of DOPS at UVA: of people leaving their body during NDE and seeing things
otherwise out of sight, “greater than 90% reported with 100% accuracy.”
100% accuracy is not “hallucination” of a medicated or dying brain.
People Born Blind Could See During NDE
“The principle underlying aim of this study was to determine whether in fact
any reliable evidence could be deduced that the blind really do see under such
Our findings revealed that blind persons, including those blind from birth, do
report classic NDE’s of the kind common to sighted persons, that the great
preponderance of blind persons claim to see during NDE’s and OBE’s; and that
some of the claims of visually-based knowledge that could not have been
obtained by normal means can be independently corroborated.”
Ken Ring, PhD - Journal of Near-Death Studies 1997
professor emeritus of psychology at University of Connecticut
14 of the 31 in the study were blind from birth. Brad Barrows is one of them.
When he was 8, Brad Barrows contracted a severe case of pneumonia and had
difficulties breathing. He remembers he couldn’t breathe anymore, and felt himself
lifting up, floating through the room towards the ceiling. Blind from birth, he saw his
apparently lifeless body on the bed, and his blind roommate get up to get help (later
confirmed), then found himself rapidly going through the ceilings and above the roof.
He could see snow everywhere except for
the streets, which had been plowed but were
slushy, and gave a detailed description. He could
clearly see a streetcar go by and recognized a
playground used by the children of his school and
a particular hill he used to climb.
Brad was eventually gently nudged backward,
ending back in bed gasping for air after nurses
used CPR to resuscitate him.
Whirlpool Galaxy Hieronymus Bosch
The Lancet (Dec 2001) published a study of more than a decade of Near Death Experiences (NDE)
observed in 10 different Dutch hospitals. 18% of the patients reported NDEs. The majority of these
patients felt this was one of the most positively marking experiences of their life, re-prioritizing their
activities to live more purposefully, reducing their fear of death, and even improving their
personality and behavior towards others and themselves.
The phenomenon of clinical death and return
Raymond Moody, MD is a leading researcher of clinical death experiences and near-death
visions. From the testimony of hundreds of people he documented startling similarities
among their visions, including:
• It is beyond words to describe. “They just don’t make adjectives and superlatives to describe this…”
• The patient hears himself pronounced dead. He feels peaceful and quiet. “…I was at ease and all
was good.”
• The tunnel. “…I found myself in a tunnel of concentric circles.”
• Spiritual beings or guides meet him – also loved ones who have died before.
• Coming back. The patient knows s/he must re-enter the body. S/He feels the loss of the “other
world” and its beauty.
Across race, religion (or no religion), and culture.
Suicide: A Special Case
If death is so beautiful then why stay here and suffer?
Why not send yourself up the tunnel of light and find loved ones and peace?
In desperation and pain, suicide often seems the only way to stop the suffering.
But this might be a short-sighted choice.
“The suffering which is the consequence of suicide is said to be much more severe than any amount
of discomfort or suffering which could result from working through the most difficult physical life
situation.” Dr Pascal Kaplan of John F Kennedy University
Plato said”There may be reason in saying that a man should wait and not take his own life…”
Raymond Moody, MD states that in his clinical death research there is support for this view from those
who made an attempt on their own lives and were pronounced dead, but were revived:
“All these people agree on one point. Whatever difficulty they had been trying to get away from was
still there on the other side, unresolved….they were involved in exactly the same problems from which
they had been trying to extricate themselves by suicide. All mentioned they would never consider
trying suicide again.”
“No. I would not do that again. I will die naturally because one thing I realized is that our life here is
such a small period of time and there is so much that needs to be done while you’re here.” A man who
attempted suicide
If you are okay with dying and feel you have nothing to lose,
why not commit yourself to bold ventures to address your own challenges
and to make the world a better place?
Thomas Edison
was convinced that a mechanism could be developed, so sensitive
that it could be affected by consciousness existing on levels of
less density than ours.
In Oct 1920 Edison gave interviews
to Scientific American and American magazines.
“I have been thinking for some time of a machine or apparatus
which could be operated by personalities which have passed
onto another existence or sphere...I am inclined to believe that
our personality in the hereafter does affect matter.”
Edison died before his machine was developed.
Victor Zammit, Esq - author, A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for an Afterlife:
“There are highly credible books by unimpeachable sources on
Electronic Voice Phenomena, or EVP as it is known, yet the media
rarely report it. These most important findings reveal objective
communication between those who live physically here on this earth
and those who died, now living in a different dimension.”
Voices on Tape (EVP)
Decades ago in his ’71 book, Breakthrough, Dr Konstantin Raudive
puzzled the scientific community. He recorded the sounds of voices
coming onto new tape – in a quiet room with no one present while
recording. There were thousands of voices, speaking many languages.
Much of the voice information was verifiable and subjected to rigorous
research tests.
“The recording of so-called discarnate voices on tape may be one of the most significant
steps yet taken to establish proof of survival [of consciousness].”
William A Welch – engineer and environmentalist who had
a major impact on the state and US national park systems
“I have apparently succeeded in reproducing the phenomena. Voices have appeared on
a tape which did not come from any known source.”
Dr Brendan McGann – director of the Institute of Psychology, Dublin
“In view of tests in a screened laboratory, I cannot explain what happened in
normal, physical terms.”
AP Hale – physicist, electronics engineer
“I didn’t say that it was possible, I just said that it happened!”
Sir William Crookes – chemist, physicist, inventor
Past Lives – Another possibility for
continuing consciousness?
Ian Stevenson, MD was Dean of the School of Psychiatry at University of
Virginia Medical Center whose decades-long interest in the possibility of
rebirth started in the late ‘60s because of a “growing dissatisfaction with available
knowledge of heredity and environmental influences that often don’t account for
the personality as we see it.”
Stevenson’s research methods are exhaustive and painstaking as he looks for
verifiable memories. 1n 1977, he was called “a methodical, careful even cautious
investigator” by acclaimed American psychiatrist, Harold Lief, MD when much of the
Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases was dedicated to Stevenson’s work.
Jim Tucker, MD - professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral
science at University of Virginia, continues the research of Ian
Stevenson, MD, testing claims of past lives, especially those of
children with distinct memories.
Like James Leininger, a child called Airplane Boy who
remembered being a WWII fighter pilot.
Since he was young, James loved his toy planes, but around the age of two he
started having horrific nightmares 4 or 5 times a week of his plane crashing off a
boat. He remembered the boat, Natoma, and being killed at Iwo Jima, hit in the
front of the plane and going down in the water. He also remembered his friend, Jack
Larsen, flying the plane next to him. All of which was later verified.
Do we mistakenly pathologize children who
perceive other dimensions?
Can they teach us about a broader reality
to help us transform ours?
barbro karlen
Barbro Karlen is to-date the best-selling poet of
all time in Sweden; she became the best-selling
poet at age 12, on tour speaking to full houses.
As an infant Barbro had a recurring nightmare
of angry men running up the stairs with dogs
barking, beating down her door and dragging
her out of the house. When she was 2 she told
her parents her name was Anne, not Barbro.
They became concerned and took her to the doctor. Barbro learned not
to speak about her memories of being Anne.
• At age 6, once she learned to read and write, Barbro began writing about life and
death, good and evil, and reincarnation but spoke to no one about those memories.
• At age 8 a teacher held up a book that had just been published in Sweden, about
a little girl stuck in an attic to hide from the Nazis. It was The Diary of Anne Frank
and the teacher gave a copy to each student. Barbro asked herself, “How did she
get my book?!”.
• At age 10 on her first trip to Amsterdam (and 30 years before Mapquest) Barbro
was able to lead her parents on a 10 minute walk from their hotel to the Anne Frank
house without directions from anyone.
• In her 40’s she met Buddy Elias, Anne Frank’s cousin and childhood companion, at
his home. Barbro was able to identify art, furniture and artifacts from their youth and
where they had been placed, as well as share detailed and accurate memories from
times spent together growing up. Buddy was convinced Barbro had been Anne and
was excited, but he was forced to keep quiet by those in positions of power.
The materialist paradigm can’t explain distinct, detailed and validated memories -
along with a cluster of personality traits, propensities and/or phobias shared
with someone - from a different time and place.
As their best evidence, those who say that consciousness
is dependent on the brain point to the defects or
disappearance of consciousness if the brain is damaged
or the individual dies. However, such a conclusion is based
on logic that would also have to argue that a radio is the
source of music and news because if the radio is damaged
or “dead” the music and news is affected or disappears.
There is no evidence that, or how,
consciousness emerged from matter.
There is much evidence that consciousness exists independent of
the physical body and survives death of the physical body.
What do Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Carl Jung, Tolstoy, Henry Ford, General
George Patton, Plato, Pythagoras, Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Jalalu Rumi, Socrates,
Thoreau, Gauguin, George Harrison, Mark Twain, Voltaire, Goethe, Barbro Karlen
and millions of others have in common?
They were convinced that consciousness continues.
As a young man in 1728, Ben Franklin composed a mock epitaph:
The Body of
B. Franklin
Like the Cover of an old Book,
Its Contents torn out,
And stript of its Lettering and Gilding,
Lies here, Food for Worms.
But the Work shall not be wholly lost:
For it will, as he believ’d, appear once more,
In a new & more perfect Edition,
Corrected and Amended
By the Author.
Does modern science validate ancient perspectives?
Since ancient times and cultures, the concept of a continuation after
death to enter another body has been part of many customs and
philosophies – as well as various religions. In Christianity, the concept
of reincarnation was debated in 550 AD at the council at Nicea and
removed from the Bible though some references remained:
“…the angel said to him “do not be afraid, Zechariah; your wife Elizabeth will
bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John…And he will go on
before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah…” (Luke 1:13,17)
“For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing
to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.” (Matthew 11:13-14) “And
said unto his servants, this is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and
therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.” (Matthew 14:2)
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there.”
(Job 1:21)
“…when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor.”
(Hebrews 7:10)
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he
shall go no more out.” (Rev 3:12 AV)
The Qur’an also has references – and inspires debate
”The Quran says that soon after death accountability is held. Crimes
are loaded on their backs and they are sent back to the world in an
atmosphere set up according to their deeds…the new life is the shadow
of the previous deeds, which have earned in their previous life. This is
simple application of the law of ‘cause and effect’.” Dr Kashif Khan
Surah 2:28 ْم ُتن ُك َو ِه َّللا ِب َنوُر ُف ْك َت َف ْي َك َّم ُث ْم ُك ُتي ِم ُي َّم ُث ْم ُكا َي ْح َأ َف ًاتا َوْم َأ
َنو ُع َج ْر ُت ِه ْي َل ِإ َّم ُث ْم ُكي ِي ْح ُي
How can you make a denial of Allah, seeing you were dead then gave you
life, thereafter he caused you to die, thereafter, he gives you life again, and
thereafter to Him you will be returned.
In some translations, ”you were dead” has been replaced with “you were
lifeless”, “you did not exist beforehand” or “you were without life” - all which
connote something different than “you were dead.” According to Shaykh
Abbas Qummi, non-existence is not the essence of creation.
Some translations insert resurrection or Day of Resurrection. Is there just
one life, one death and then a resurrection/return to Allah or is it a repeated
process until thereafter a life lived righteously you will return to the source?
Yunus 10:4 ِۥ ُهطُد ْيس ِِعق ُْيلٱَّم ِ ُبث َِتق ْ َٰحل ِ َلخ ْ َّٰلٱص ۟ا ُلؤَٱد ۟اْوُب َل ِيمۥَ ُعهَ َوّ ۟ناِإواُ ًّن َقماَ َحء ِهََّنلي ِلذٱَّ َلدٱ ْع ََوى ِاز ًْعج َي ِي ِم َلج ْم ُك ُع ِج ْرَم ِه ْي َل ِإ
It is Allah who begins the creation and then will repeat it, that He may reward
with justice those that believed and did deeds of righteousness.
Known as Ma’ad, and hotly debated, human beings, on their way back to
God, return to the earthly life after death.
And the Kabbalah:
The following is a quote from Rabbi Shimon Yochai on the Sephar ha
Zohar, the book of Splendor of the Kabbalah:
“The souls must re-enter the Absolute, from whence they have emerged.
But to accomplish this end they must develop the perfections; the germ
of which is planted in them. And if they have not developed these traits
in this one life, then they must commence another, a third, and so forth.
They must go on like this until they acquire the condition that allows
them to [merge] again with God.”
“Learning to share, with rejection of greed, thus the soul’s mission in life
– and in life after life – depends on the soul’s progress toward that goal.”
Rabbi Philip S Berg, The Wheels of a Soul.
Implications – Does it make a difference?
Past lives provide a powerful reframing for the tribalism that pits
groups against one another. If I have been Black, Jewish, Muslim
and Puerto Rican, if you have been Russian, Christian, Hindu and
Swedish, then there is not such an exclusive identification with
the body/circumstances in which we currently “reside,” or with
those most like us. Broader receptivity and relatability will come more naturally.
Connection leads to less fear and more empathy.
Past lives challenge the prevailing materialist/mechanistic scientific
paradigm that the universe is a random accident, devoid of any
transcendent meaning or purpose, that humans are cogs in the
wheels of the big indifferent machine and victims of circumstance.
In the current model, the universe is chilling and scary, life is unfair,
and death is the end. That’s depressing and oppressive (which can
affect psychiatric symptoms) and is an assumption without any scientific evidence. If
there’s no test possible to confirm the assumption of “random accident” can it even be
a scientific assumption?
Reincarnation is about consequences – which are important and healthy. If you
raise children without consequences they likely become manipulative and don’t
learn needed course correction. Consequences follow you…no side-stepping
lessons one needs to learn. Both achievements and challenges follow you. Build on
past skills as well as work to resolve important issues you haven’t yet adequately
dealt with. It’s about responsible action in one’s current life, with greater awareness
from a larger context.
Past Lives can reinforce that we are here to evolve and grow toward an awareness of
our underlying unity, our non-material nature…grow towards self-actualization and,
paradoxically, self-transcendence. Past lives make sense of pain: not as something to
be avoided/medicated at all costs, but something to open us to our deeper humanity
and compassion for others who struggle, or provide us a needed push to look hard at
our self and our life. Which can lead to quantum leaps of change.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD
Dr Kübler-Ross spent decades treating dying patients – especially children. Her research on
death bed visions corresponded to the data of contemporary researchers Raymond Moody
and George Ritchie, and more. Neuropsychiatrist/psychologist Peter Fenwick, MD interviewed
a large number of hospice caretakers and found deathbed visions to be common and
independent of factors (related to illness or medication) expected to cause hallucinations. And
Dr Erlendur Haraldsson (University of Iceland) studied almost
500 terminally ill patients in the United States and India who
reported experiences of being offered help to the other
side, independent of cultural influences or type of illness or
medication administered.
“If you live well you will never have to worry about dying…to live well basically means, to learn
to love.”
“This life here is a very very short part of your total existence.”
“You are here for a very special purpose which is yours alone.”
“Death is simply a shedding of the physical body you don’t need anymore, like a butterfly
coming out of a cocoon.”
“All human beings deserve to die with dignity.”
Mother Theresa
Hospice is a growing movement to provide compassionate care
to those soon leaving their body.
Does light permeate and surround life
and death? There are reports of auras
and light emissions from many cultures
throughout history.
Forensic pathologist, Janis Amatuzio, MD (named the Compassionate
Coroner) recorded many stories.
From her book, Beyond Knowing:
Driving home from the hospital to visit Alfred who had been critically injured,
JoAnn (married to Alfred’s nephew) passed the field that had always been Uncle
Alfred’s favorite. “He loved the way the land gently rolled. That’s when I noticed
a man walking across the hay field. He seemed bathed in soft, bright light that
followed his footsteps… I noticed the light that surrounded him, unlike anything
I had seen before. The light followed him as he walked over near our neighbor’s
barn. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to think.” It turns out Alfred had just died.
humans emanating light have been depicted in art over
time and around the world. Are we non-material beings
of light having a three-dimensional experience?
Albert Einstein
The study of light (photons) launched quantum physics.
Max Planck, PhD founder of quantum mechanics, found that
light did not stream in a flow, but in packets of energy called
photons. Planck said “Photons behave like intelligent
beings”. Photons know ahead of time the fastest (not
necessarily shortest) route to their goal.
Photons defy Newtonian, materialist, and mechanistic laws:
self-organizing, creative, and intelligent; paradoxically material
and non-material at the same time, more than one place at one
time, interconnecting the whole universe across space and time,
and coming from beyond space-time.
The Northern Lights
“Our result gives weight to the idea that quantum correlations somehow arise from
outside spacetime, in the sense that no story in space and time can describe them.”
Nicolas Gisin, PhD – University of Geneva, Switzerland
Provided by National University of Singapore
Photons enter space-time and in a gravitational collapse create the stuff of atoms
“Matter is nothing but gravitationally trapped light. It’s an expression of E=MC2. The
turbulent sea space of Wheeler’s quantum geometrodynamics is simply the continual
trapping and untrapping of photons.”
Bob Toben with physicists Fred Wolf, PhD and Jack Sarfatti, PhD
Photons have no mass and no charge but create the charged mass of the
universe. Photons create everything out of no “thing.”
Out Of Pure Light, Physicists Create Particles of Matter: “A team of 20 physicists from four
institutions has literally made something from nothing, creating particles of matter from
ordinary light for the first time at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) carried out by
scientists and students from the University of Rochester, Princeton University, the University of
Tennessee, and Stanford.” The team reported the work in the Sept. 1 issue of Physical Review
Letters 1997
Blindness and Light
Jacques Lusseyran was a leader of the French student resistance
to Nazi occupation and a concentration camp survivor. He lost his
sight at age 8:
“The source of light is not in the outer world. We believe that it
is, only because of a common delusion. The light dwells where
life also dwells: within ourselves.
Yet I had to make the effort to find my way between doors, walls, human beings
and trees. As happens to all blind people I hurt myself often. But I quickly
learned that I knocked against things only when I forgot the light. When I paid
constant attention to the light I ran a much smaller risk.
There was only one way to see the light and that was to love. When I was
overcome with sorrow, when I let anger take hold of me, when I envied those
who saw, the light immediately decreased. Sometimes it even went out
completely. Then I became blind. But this blindness was a state of not loving
anymore; it was not the loss of one’s eyes.”
? What if light that creates everything ?
from nothing is inside you?
What if love opens your “eyes” to see it
Remember to seek balance
• Love and boundaries
• Compassion and consequences
• Forgiveness and accountability
• Transcend and engage
It’s not black and white
Consciousness and light share a description.
Creative, self-organizing intelligence that interconnects the universe
across space and time, comes from beyond space-time, and is paradoxical/
complementary: material and non-material, temporal and infinite,
individual and intimately, universally, interconnected.
We are wired to be creative, self-organizing, self-directed, seek meaning
for our lives, and feel a fundamental connection to everyone and all of
life. We can expand past the constraints of our 5 senses which perceive
separateness and differences, and beyond our conditioning to be other-
directed, labeled, and to fit into boxes.
We can navigate our three material dimensions (+ time) more effectively
when we more fully develop our whole brain and human capacity to best
engage non-material dimensions for our own wellbeing and for all of life.
Hyemeyohsts Storm: “All things
of the Universe Wheel have
Spirit and Life, including the
rivers, rocks, Earth, sky, plants, and
animals. But it is only humanity, of
all the Beings on the Wheel, who is
a determiner. Our determining spirit can be made
whole only through the learning of our harmony
with all our brothers and sisters, and with all the
other spirits of the Universe. To do this we must
learn to seek and perceive.”
What if there’s a new balance to be sought between having and being,
self and others (even seeming much different from you), and between
here-and-now and bigger picture?
Could the riddle of the sphinx be
What lives within time yet
lives within eternity?
If you knew for sure
would you live your life any differently?