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Published by m.chamisa56, 2021-08-14 08:49:23

NewsHawks 13 August 2021-min

NewsHawks 13 August 2021-min



WHAT’S INSIDE Friday 13 August 2021 BBUanSkINs EwSaSry SLPoOgaRbTack
of lending in Zim
NHEigWhlSy connected out US ‘soon’: Zifa
Kaseke refusing dollar loans
ZTA exit Story on Page 56
package Story on Page 19

Story on Page 4

behind the
mega deal

ALSO INSIDE Outrage grows against Zanu PF farm invaders

Page 2 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

NYASHA CHINGONO Mnangagwa associates behind number is 12835465 -- was
US$1.3 billion megabucks deal registered on 25 August 2020,
PRESIDENT Emmerson raising questions around issues
Mnangagwa’s political and busi- of experience and capacity to un-
ness cronies, including his new dertake such a huge project. 
associate Eddie Cross, are behind
the US$1.3 billion megabucks It is located at Flat 501, 1 Bo-
petroleum products pipeline lander Grove, London, England.
project – whose cost has quick-
ened from US$850 million to The company, whose first
US$1.3 billion, and will ulti- accounts are due on 25 May
mately surge to US$4 billion, 2022, has four directors includ-
fronted by South African busi- ing Gregor, who is chair and was
nessman Errol Gregor. appointed the day the company
The massive yet shady project was registered. 
has many shades of grey, trans-
parency and accountability gaps Other directors are Alexander
and raises eyebrows at various Fraser Russell, Stephanus Du
levels.  Toit Burger, both South African
Investigations by The New- nationals, and Ghanaian Leon
sHawks, which covered Zim- Kendon Appenteng. 
babwe, South Africa and the
United Kingdom, have un- Information on the company
earthed revealing details about registry shows Coven is effective-
the project that was largely facil- ly controlled by Gregor and The
itated by Cross and state-owned Highlands Group.
National Oil Infrastructure
Company of Zimbabwe (Pvt) Although the shareholding
Ltd (Noic) chairperson Daniel structure is not explicitly re-
McKenzie Ncube, an engineer vealed, documents say The High-
who is a long-time Mnangagwa lands Group’s nature of control is
ally. Ncube is also Zanu PF Mid- through holding shares which
lands provincial chair. are more that 50%, but less than
Cross, previously a top busi- 75%. Gregor’s nature of control
ness executive and former main is through holding shares which
opposition MDC senior leader are  more than 25%, but not
and MP, is now an informal ad- more than 50%. 
viser to Mnangagwa and Finance
minister Mthuli Ncube.  The two also have ownership
He is more listened to by of voting rights in line with their
Mnangagwa than the redundant shareholding and the right to ap-
and dysfunctional Presidential point and remove directors. 
Advisory Council, hence he en-
abled the deal. Only last week, Curiously, both Gregor and
Cross launched Mnangagwa’s bi- the Highlands Group have the
ography, opening a new chapter same address as Coven Energy. 
in their cosy relations.
The President’s men want to Gregor’s control started effec-
build Zimbabwe’s second fuel tively on 25 August 2020 when
pipeline from Beira in Mozam- the company was registered,
bique to Harare, which they say while The Highlands Group was
will service the whole of southern notified on 16 November 2020.
Documents obtained from The Highlands Group is reg-
the UK show the  project is a 50- istered in England and Wales.
50 joint venture between Brit- National Oil Infrastructure Company of Zimbabwe chairperson Daniel McKenzie Ncube. The registration number is
ish-registered Coven Energy Ltd, 10485227. It has one active di-
fronted by Gregor, and Noic, to push the project. million.  ness partners resisted it and project will run for 30 years, rector, Heine Jan Van Niekerk,
which imports, transports, stores “His task was to look for a However, when Zanu PF won Mnangagwa’s government starting off with eight million a South African resident in the
and handles petroleum products shelved it again. Mutsvangwa tonnes of product per annum.  UK. 
locally. company that could design and the election in 2013 it stalled was livid about it at the time, and
The state enterprise has de- fund a new Beira-Harare pipe- movement on the proposed proj- had public outbursts over it. Cabinet approved the project The company is, in turn, con-
pots at strategic sites around the line. He did so and found the ect. Part of the problem became on Tuesday.  trolled by Africa Focus Group
country, including Harare (Mab- Mining, Oil and Gas Supply that Gregor later sold his 51% to Limited whose address is Cosco
vuku and Msasa), Bulawayo, Company (Mogs) in Johannes- The Noic pipeline remained Royal Bafokeng Holdings. Mogs Announcing the deal, In- Tower, Unit 1411, 14th Floor,
Mutare and Beitbridge that have burg, South Africa,” the source the main petroleum products was already controlled 49% by formation minister Monica Cosco Tower, 183 Queen’s Road
capacity to store 400 000 tonnes said. transportation infrastructure, South Africa’s state-owned Public Mutsvangwa said: “The proj- Central, Sheung Wan, Hong
of product. largely used by several fuel Investment Corporation. ect will result in the National Kong.
The project resembles one “The company had been companies. It was later mainly Various engagements followed Oil Infrastructure Company of
which Gregor tried to implement founded by Gregor, a South controlled in terms of capacity behind the scenes and when Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd and Coven It is registered in Hong Kong
in 2018 working with Cross and African chemical engineer who utilisation by Trafigura, an inter- Tagwirei sold his fuel business Energy Ltd entering into a 50:50 under registration number
Christopher Mutsvangwa, a for- refused to serve in the apart- national commodities giant, and to Trafigura to concentrate on public-private partnership. 2452086. It was notified on 30
mer minister and Mnangagwa’s heid army and left South Africa its local partner Sakunda Hold- building a new business empire November 2020 and the nature
ex-adviser. to start a new life in Texas, the ings owned by business tycoon – one of the biggest companies The project will create employ- of control is through 75% share
Investigations show that the United States.  Kudakwashe Tagwirei. in southern Africa as he said in ment opportunities and generate control.  Records show Gregor
project was actually mulled in recent leaked documents – a new foreign currency for the country. was a shareholder in The High-
2010 during the Government “While there, Gregor estab- The new pipeline was seen window of opportunity opened.  It will also help reduce vehicular lands Group between 28 July
of National Unity between the lished Mogs as a service company as a commercial threat to their But Gregor had moved on. congestion and the smuggling of 2017 and 16 November 2020.
late president Robert Mugabe for the oil and gas business in the Beira-Harare oil infrastructure He had gone to establish Coven petroleum products.” He held 75% or more shares in
and founding main opposition southern states of America. This stranglehold. Noic controls the Energy in the UK. So when he the Highlands Group. 
MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, became a major operation and existing pipeline despite reports was given a second bite of the However, investigations show
who has also died. spread wings into the Middle that Tagwirei does.  cherry he agreed. the deal is controversial as com- Other entities with signifi-
Cross was the deal-maker. He East region.” In 2019, Mnangagwa then pany records in the UK show cant control who resigned from
initially worked with former En- Ncube told The NewsHawsks moved to appoint Ncube the Coven was only established by the company are the Caledonia
ergy minister Elton Mangoma Another source in Johan- the pipeline is wholly-owned by Noic chair to further facilitate Gregor in August last year, ap- Highland Trust and Africa De-
over the deal. Mangoma wanted nesburg added: “When Nelson the government, not Tagwirei. the project. parently for this project only. fence Group Limited. 
to build a regional fuel hub in Mandela was released from jail in “After that, Ncube then en-
Zimbabwe.  February 1990, Gregor returned In the past, Noic had a part- gaged and negotiated with Cross Ncube confirmed that Gregor A check on Highlands Group
A UK source said given his ex- home to South Africa and moved nership with Lonmin, for- and Gregor to establish a 50-50 was part of Mogs and now Co- micro-entity balance sheet as at
perience as a business executive, his headquarters to Johannes- merly the mining division of joint venture between Noic and ven.  30 November 2019, approved
first as Dairy Marketing Board burg. After some time, he sold Lonrho plc,  now acquired by Coven,” the UK source said. “It’s by the board on 26 November
boss, then head of the Cold 51% to Royal Bafokeng Hold- Sibanye-Stillwater, a South Afri- a regional project based in Zim- “We are fully aware that one 2020, shows the company is not
Storage Commission and later as ings (RBH) and they built up ca mining giant, but the shares babwe. So essentially Ncube and of the former top executives of really operating.
chief executive of the Beira Cor- the company to the point where were acquired by the government Cross, working with the Energy Mogs is now with Coven Energy.
ridor Group, which rehabilitat- they were operating drilling ma- after the 2017 coup.  ministry and Noic officials, craft- There is no collusion at all. Mogs It had nominal capital and re-
ed the Beira pipeline in the late chines for the mining oil and gas ed the deal.” on several occasions made over- serves of £100; the same as it was
1980s, Cross was given the task industry as well as building and When Mnangagwa seized Documents show that the tures to Noic and government, in 2018. 
operating storage and pipelines power in November 2017, the but nothing concrete was agreed.
for fuel and gas.” new pipeline project was revived, The question of collusion does Previously, the Highlands
with Cross – who had crossed not arise,” Ncube said.  Group was known as Protected
Mangoma and Cross tabled sides from the opposition to gov- Mobility International between
the project at a cost of US$850 ernment – playing a major role. Details on the UK companies 17 November 2016 and 28 July
registry show that Coven Energy 2017.
However, Tagwirei and busi- Limited — whose registration
It was later known as Lewis
and Clark Group Limited be-
tween July 2017 and 14 April
2020.  Several dodgy deals have
been cut under Mnangagwa’s

Asked for details on this, Ncu-
be said: “Please give us time to
work things out.” See Page 3.

NewsHawks News Page 3

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

... President’s record of dodgy deals

Draxgate genesis: President Emmerson Mnangagwa meeting Drax
Consult SAGL’s Ilir Dedja (left) and Delish Nguwaya (third from left)
right) in Harare over a corrupt US$60m Covid-19 deal.

NYASHA CHINGONO the questionable track record of The US$4.2 billion cost had ministry — in May. Verify to implement the proj- assume control over the mor-
investors involved. been plucked out of thin air, At that time, the deal raised ect, considering that none of ibund CSC for 25 years in a
PRESIDENT Emmerson raising questions over the value the companies have undertaken multi-million-dollar deal.
Mnangagwa’s appetite for During the start of his ten- of the investment. The Pouro- questions over Nkosikhona’s major infrastructure projects of
opaque deals from shady shelf ure, Mnangagwa claimed he lis family holds a 42% stake technical and financial suitabil- a similar nature. Further checks revealed the
companies and dodgy business- had clinched US$11 billion in Tharisa Plc, which has only ity to execute the project. The government had misled the
persons was once again brought worth of business commit- managed to mobilise US$8 mil- company had not undertaken There were also questions public on the CSC deal. Bous-
into the spotlight this week ments, the bulk of which were lion for the implementation of any major infrastructural proj- over whether the government tead (Pvt) Ltd is not a UK com-
after British-registered Coven murky deals, spearheaded by the platinum project.In 2005, ects. had thoroughly assessed the pany.
Energy Limited was awarded dodgy characters. Pourolis made a fortune after technical suitability of Nkosik-
a US$1.3 billion deal to build acquiring South Africa’s Impa- The obscure company later hona, a company which Boustead (Pvt) Ltd is actu-
Zimbabwe’s second fuel pipe- Some of the deals Mnangag- la Platinum subsidiary Elands- cashed in on the Lisulu coal de- was only registered in 2013 ally a local start-up owned by
line. wa clinched in the “New Dis- fontein Platinum Project for posits in Hwange, under registration number Nick Havercroft and only com-
pensation” involve controversial US$15 million, before selling it K2013/011831/07. Its directors menced operations in 2013.
Revelations that the com- business characters, including two years later for US$1.1 bil- Matabeleland North, after are Immink and Caroline Mak- The local firm operates under
pany was incorporated on 25 Zunaid Moti, Lucas Pourolis lion to Xstrata in a speculative roping in Canadian consortium horo, who was once swindled registration number 4852/2013
August last year, with assets and Jacco Immink. deal. Karo Resources is a com- Magcor to implement the proj- R120 000 in a botched trans- as recorded by the Companies
amounting to £100, only to be pany registered in Cyprus and ect modelled along the lines of port deal in South Africa. Registry.
awarded such a big deal, has re- In 2018, Moti reportedly Guernsey, a tax haven blacklist- South Africa’s Sasol Limited.
sulted in growing belief that the invested US$300 million to ed by the European Union. The credibility and reputa- In the UK, there is Boustead
company was formed specifical- set up a chrome extraction and Nkosikhona cashed in by tion of Immink and Makhoro Agriculture, registered under
ly to be awarded the deal. processing plant in Zimbabwe Again, that year, an ob- bringing on board Magcor were also under scrutiny. number 08154075 and is do-
along the mineral-rich Great scure South African company, to fund the project in a capi- miciled at 78-80 St John Street,
Coven Energy’s name has Dyke. Nkosikhona Holdings, signed tal-for-equity deal, which has Mnangagwa’s flirtation with London, England, EC1M 4JN.
been added to the list of foreign a massive US$5.2 billion deal seen the Canadian consortium controversial businessmen and It was only set up by Boustead
companies awarded massive During that time, Moti was with government to transform taking over. The deal meant companies also continued in (Pvt) Ltd founders to raise
projects with no traceable track arrested in Germany on charges coal into fuel, before cashing that Nkosikhona basically 2019, with the government money for the CSC deal.
record. that he defrauded his former in on the mineral resource after played the role of facilitator be- misleading the nation that a
business partner Alibek Issaev roping in Canadian consortium tween Verify and Magcor before “British beef giant” Boustead According to details filed at
Since Mnangagwa took over an estimated US$35 million in Magcor International to imple- reaping huge rewards. Private Limited would inject the Companies House, Bous-
power in a coup that toppled a sham mining deal in Lebanon ment the project. US$130 million towards the re- tead (Pvt) Ltd, whose interest is
the late former president Rob- in 2013. As a result, a new entity, Vec- vival of the Cold Storage Com- “growing of vegetables and mel-
ert Mugabe in 2017, many of The South African company, tol Zimbabwe, was created to pany (CSC). ons, roots and tubers and mixed
the companies that have signed In June that year, Mnan- which was registered in 2013 implement the project. Mag- farming”, had a paltry £10 000
mega deals have either been gagwa’s crony Pourolis signed and has a questionable track cor is the major shareholder in It however emerged that in its books of accounts at the
connected to the President, his a controversial US$4.2 billion record, signed the deal with the Vectol, while Nkosikhona and the purported beef giant was, time the deal was announced,
family or cronies in govern- deal with the government, pav- government through Verify En- Verify will not have significant in fact, an agricultural start-up raising doubt around its capac-
ment. ing way for his investment vehi- gineering Private Limited — an roles. company with a small balance ity to mobilise millions of dol-
cle Karo Resources to grab min- agent of the Higher Education sheet. lars required to resuscitate the
Nothing much has come out eral claims stretching over 23 There were questions over debt-ridden state-owned meat
of the deals partly because of 903 hectares previously held by the technical capacity, track The government had an- processing enterprise.
Zimplats along the Great Dyke. record, financial ability and nounced that the firm would
suitability of Nkosikhona and

Page 4 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Cabinet bigwig protects ZTA boss

From left: ZTA chief executive officer Karikoga Kaseke, former board chairperson Chipo Mtasa and former Tourism minister Walter Mzembi

BRIDGET MANANAVIRE ga Kaseke, who is refusing a retirement and Cabinet, Misheck Sibanda. Concern, Mtasa wrote to then minister ly when accountability issues arose.
package despite not reporting for work Kaseke suffered a stroke in Novem- Mzembi complaining about Kaseke’s Kaseke was also reportedly in the hab-
CORRESPONDENCE between for- after suffering a stroke two years ago. conduct and combativeness which bit of using his links with Zimbabwe
mer Zimbabwe Tourism Authority ber 2018 and has failed to report for made him feared at the ZTA. Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc)
(ZTA) former board chairperson Chi- Government and ZTA officials told work since then, but is refusing the officials to intimidate board members.
po Mtasa and former Tourism minister The NewsHawks this week that Kaseke exit package being offered by the inter- At the time, the ZTA board was
Walter Mzembi has exposed how the has over the years enjoyed the protec- im board, complicating the processes trying to offer Kaseke a contract, as he “Upon informing the chief exec-
ZTA board has over the years failed to tion of the Office of the President and to replace him. was operating without one, while re- utive that I was unable to proceed
contain chief executive officer Kariko- Cabinet (OPC), particularly that of ceiving a package which the authority with finalising without clear direction
the Chief Secretary to the President In a 20 July 2017 email with the could not afford. from the OPC, he seemingly accepted.
subject: ZTA Board Chairman Issues of However, I then got a surprise visit in
“Hon minister, I still feel that I am the week from Mr Goodson Nguni (a
CONFERENCE ROOM AVAILABLE not capable of handling the chief exec- former Zacc commissioner) claiming
utive and issues around him. I fear this he was only on a courtesy visit. He then
PRIVATE MEETINGS I INVESTMENT MEETINGS I WORKSHOPS I would be harmful to me as a person said his team at Anti-Corruption were
PRODUCT LAUNCHES I MEDIA OR FINANCIAL BRIEFINGS I both in business and privately and it’s consulting him on my case of alleged
TRAINING I STRATEGIC PLANNING not going to work. There is a lot of fear malpractices while at RTG (Rainbow
within ZTA and I know the team is Tourism Group). He then further stat-
ACCOMMODATES ABIDING BY THE unwilling to talk for fear of reprisals,” ed that he was with Mr Kaseke who
36 COVID-19 Mtasa wrote. requested him to be careful with my
cases as I was now the ZTA board
DELEGATES PROTOCOLS “I wish to inform you Hon Minister chair. I took this as a veiled threat for
of my concerns around ZTA which I me,” Mtasa wrote in the email.
The package comprises of Wi-Fi, Stationery, Catering Services, believe will make my continued ser-
Projector ip chart/whiteboard. vice as chairperson very difficult. She also informed the minister
about how Kaseke lost his cool when
For more information visit: BOOK NOW!!! “1. Governance Issues (a) Chief she tried to stop him from abusing a
The NewsHawks Executive Contract: finalisation of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe facility
#100 Nelson Mandela Avenue CONTACT DETAILS contract remains in limbo due to dif- meant for tourism development, by
Beverly Court Charmaine 0735 666 122 ferences on the remuneration levels. buying himself and ZTA directors lux-
6th Floor Chief executive expects package and is ury vehicles.
Ruth 0784 674 193 actually getting this, but is way above
or E-mail what our view as a board we can af- “ZTA was granted a (US)$1mil-
ford. He keeps citing a 2005 letter lion facility by RBZ and then pro- from OPC. This is so difficult to re- vided the board with loan utilisation
solve.” schedule of which (US)$550 000 was
The NewsHawks TheNewsHawksLive going to be allocated to vehicles for
In an audit report published in July the chief executive and the directors.
2019, Auditor-General Mildred Chiri I then enquired with RBZ on the loan
also reported that Kaseke was heading utilisation to which RBZ were furious
the authority without a contact of em- that the funds were going to be used
ployment. (abused) in buying vehicles instead of
tourism development,” she wrote.
“There was no contract of employ-
ment for the chief executive. The refer- “When the chief executive discov-
ence point of the conditions of service ered this, it became a major issue, in
for the chief executive was his contract which a lot of emotions arose and for
of employment with his previous em- peace at the board, I had to apologise
ployer. The implications thereof are no that I had ‘blocked’ the facility. This
basis for legal recourse in case of dis- was going to derail all board activities,
putes hence a contract of employment so I then undertook to take the chief
should be negotiated, documented executive to RBZ to have it reinstat-
and signed,” the audit report read. ed. Upon going to RBZ, the governor
reinstated that he would not have the
In the report, management respond- facility abused and although I was
ed, saying that Kaseke was being paid vindicated, it had to be a very delicate
in accordance with the instruction manoeuvre.”
from the Secretary to the President
and Cabinet, as he had been appoint- ZTA has been operating without a
ed though the Office of the President, substantive chief executive officer and
hence his contract was to be deemed to board chairperson for more than two
be in existence. years.

Mtasa also reported that the board It is a state entity responsible for
had not been given access to audited marketing and the branding of Zimba-
accounts from 2014 to 2016, despite bwe as a destination, as well the licens-
audits having been conducted, a devel- ing and registration of tourism players.
opment she found worrisome.

She said Kaseke was generally very
threatening and combative, especial-

NewsHawks News Page 5

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Zim restaurant
operators sweat
over lockdown
massive losses

BRIDGET MANANAVIRE sector is estimated to have dramati- Local broadcasting personality Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa enjoying her food at Organiks
cally declined from between 9 500 Restaurant in Chisipite, Harare.
ZIMBABWEAN restaurant oper- and 11 000 as at March 2020 by at
ators — whose businesses employ least 2000. ed up to 50% by the level four lock- having not been able to survive the income earned for the equivalent pe-
thousands of people and are inextri- down. initial closure and the subsequent riod of full operation, for each busi-
cably linked to various economic sec- The job carnage has also filtered partial operation phases,” Roaz says ness. Where a business has been able
tors — are fretting over intensifying to the sector’s suppliers of goods and The operators estimate that as in a position paper. to enjoy a lifeline income through
bleeding of their operations due to services that include small-to-medi- many as 2 000 jobs have been lost takeaways, this income can be de-
the devastating impact of Covid-19 um enterprises (SMEs), agriculture, since March last year, with loss of “As has been stated in the Roaz ducted from the required total relief
and the rigid lockdown. commerce, industry, financial ser- contract work affecting almost all the position paper on the effects of lock- funding.”
vices, ICT services, transport services, estimated 2 500 contract workers, down, this has created a severe finan-
Restaurants Operators’ Association arts and entertainment. according to a research the operators cial crisis for the restaurant trade, The operators also suggested an
of Zimbabwe (Roaz) is pushing for conducted. which appears to have borne the extension of the tourism rebate on
the re-opening of the hospitality and Job losses within these SMEs and brunt of action taken to control or duties paid for capital goods to cover
food service industry under Covid-19 within larger operations could reach The research estimates the future of eliminate Covid-19, and as the time restaurants, as well as inclusion of a
compliant conditions to save their as high as 3 500, according to re- up to 100 SMEs service providers is of writing is still unable to perform restaurant rebate on imported inputs
businesses, jobs and the broader search done by Roaz. under threat as the continued closure the only task that allows for reason- to allow restaurants to upgrade and
economy which is reeling from the absence may result in the collapse of able viability: full operation with sit- re-stock at a more affordable level of
shattering effects of the pandemic. The grave concerns of business run some entities and staff lay-offs. down diners.” expenditure.
in the face of Finance minister Mthu-
Roaz says government should li Ncube’s optimistic predictions “It is estimated that between 450 Roaz says a number of measures “As has been pointed out in the po-
move quickly to allow restaurants to which seems to ignore reality on the and 500 business operations form the could be implemented to save the sition paper, the restaurant trade is on
reopen while balancing saving lives ground and the damage inflicted on principal supplier base for the trade. sector. the brink of collapse, and implemen-
and livelihoods — big dilemma for the economy by Covid-19. Of these, 15 percent are large-scale tation of these measures is required
governments around the world. operations while the remainder are “It is now clear that a series of fi- urgently to save businesses and possi-
Delivering his budget and eco- small to Medium Enterprises,” a re- nancial measures need to be provided bly allow for the return to the trade of
The hospitality and food ser- nomic review speech on 29 July, Ncu- search by the operators says. to save the restaurant trade from col- businesses already closed,” Roaz says.
vice industry has been badly hit by be said GDP growth for the year is lapse and to ensure that operators can
Covid-19 lockdown restrictions projected to remain strong at 7.8%, Among the large suppliers, income enjoy recovery. The alternative will be Restaurants contribute 40% of the
largely in place since March 2020, slightly above the 2021 national bud- from restaurants accounts for any- closures and job losses, as indicated Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA)
with operators fearing an escalation get growth forecast of 7.4%. thing between 5 percent and 20 per- with facts in the position paper,” it revenue.
of permanent closures, job losses and cent of overall income, while for the says.
dwindling of tax revenues to ensure “The strong rebound of the econ- SMEs there is a higher dependency, Restaurant owners also recom-
public and social service delivery. omy is anchored on better 2020/21 with reports of income from restau- “Exemption from payment of VAT mended formation of a Restaurants
rainfall season, higher international rants of between 40 percent and 100 and corporate tax for a period of six Survival Task Force with represen-
Operators say government should mineral commodity prices, stable percent of total income.” months from initiation of the mea- tation from Roaz, Tourism Business
urgently intervene to save business- macroeconomic environment and sure. This will create a situation in Council of Zimbabwe, ZTA, Min-
es by among other things allowing Covid-19 pandemic response mea- Roaz says although they appreciate which price competitiveness can be istry of Finance, Ministry of En-
them to reopen for sit-down meals sures, including vaccination pro- the measures put in place to curb the created for businesses in the trade. vironment, Climate, Tourism and
and drinks, while also providing re- gramme,” he said. spread of the coronavirus, their im- Hospitality and key local government
lief funding and exempting the sector pact on business has been devastating. “Receipt of urgent relief funding authorities, especially those in Hara-
from some taxes. “Higher growth rates are projected from government to restore viabili- re, Bulawayo, Mutare, Gweru, Masv-
in agriculture, electricity generation, “Since the initial lockdown of 30 ty to businesses. It is estimated that ingo and Victoria Falls.
The hospitality, food and beverages accommodation and food services, as March 2020, it is estimated that up to such funding should be equivalent to
sector is critical for economic recov- well as financial services.” 100 restaurants have not re-opened,
ery and growth in Zimbabwe.
However, conversations with-
The United Kingdom economy in Roaz show business is looking at
grew by 4.8% between April and things differently and in fact is pan-
June, according to official figures, as icking as their operations continue
most businesses emerged from lock- to hemorrhage from Covid-19 and
down. economic problems that precede the
Data from the Office for National
Statistics showed that the expansion As part of measures to show how
in gross domestic product (GDP) was desperate the situation is and how
fuelled by retail, restaurants and ho- serious they were about providing
tels. safe spaces, Roaz members have been
conducting vaccination drives to en-
Zimbabwean hospitality sector op- sure that their staff members are vac-
erators say government take note of cinated, with at least 1000 restaurant
this. workers having been inoculated so
UK growth in the second quarter
contrasts with the first three months Government a fortnight ago gave
of the year, when the economy shrank restaurants operating in Victoria Falls
by 1.6%, while Covid restrictions the green light to operate for sit-
were still in place. downs after opening up the Kazun-
gula and Livingstone border posts to
Chancellor Rishi Sunak told the fully vaccinated tourists.
BBC: “Today’s figures show that the
economy is recovering very strongly, This week cabinet also allowed
exceeding many people’s expecta- churches to conduct in person ser-
tions. vices, but only to vaccinated congre-
“But I’m not complacent. The
economy and our public finances Restaurant owners say they should
have experienced a significant shock. also be allowed to do business, having
It is going to take us time to fully re- suffered for more than a year.
cover from that.”
Since lockdown began at the end
The impact of Covid-19 on the of March 2020, the hospitality sector
Zimbabwean economy has been rav- experienced a crisis with one of the
aging. biggest restaurant chains Simbisa,
saying its operations had been affect-
The number of employees in the

Page 6 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

BERNARD MPOFU Rwanda steals Sadc, Zim
thunder in Mozambique
“JUST IN: The port city of Mocímboa da
praia, a major stronghold of the insurgency Rwandan soldiers after capturing Mocimboa da Praia, the insurgents’ stronghold in Cabo Delgado for a year.
for more than two years, has been captured
by Rwandan and Mozambican security forces. the government had hoped would transform are also used to export illicit timber and wild- “The security situation in northern Mozam-
The city holds the district headquarters and the economy. life products such as ivory to Asia. Indications bique suggests a need for the Sadc to intervene,
airport.” are that the ASWJ is financing its operations in particular, and the international communi-
A research paper done by Zimbabwean re- through proceeds derived from this illicit trade. ty, in general. This assistance would aim to
This tweet was posted on the Twitter plat- searcher Dr Linos Mapfumo, who was at the come up with speedy and extensive counter
form of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) on time with the University of KwaZulu-Natal, “As a result, the Cabo Delgado province has measures that not only address the conflict sit-
8 August at 14:08pm. It was accompanied by although he now works for the state, titled The now evolved into a melting pot for violent ex- uation, but help the local populace to partic-
three photos of triumphant Rwandan forces Nexus Between Violent Extremism and the Illicit tremism and a major illicit trading and transit ipate in the exploitation of natural resources.
and two aerial pictures of the town which had Economy in Northern Mozambique: Is Mozam- hub due to its neglect by the central govern- The growing insecurity has hampered devel-
become the headquarters of the Jihadists since bique Under Siege From International Organ- ment.” opment and service delivery to the province,
August last year. ised Crime?, shed some light on the nature and leading to further underdevelopment. It has
dynamics of the conflict. Mapfumo said that marginalisation and also affected food security in the province as
While the Southern African Development alienation were also behind the conflict. locals now have restricted access to their crops
Community (Sadc) has now deployed some “Since October 2017, Mozambique’s north- and livelihoods. If not well managed, the con-
military contingent on the ground, it has been ernmost province of Cabo Delgado has been “A general assessment of the conflict situa- stellation of violent extremism and the illicit
Rwanda that has stolen the show with a perfor- under sustained militant attacks from the Is- tion within the province shows that grievances economy could result in regional insecurity
mance that has not only helped to push back lamist extremist group, Alu Sunna Wa-Jama are primarily driven by feelings of exclusion with serious consequences.”
the militants, but expose the lethargy and in- (ASWJ), resulting in thousands of people among the local population in the exploitation
eptitude of regional leaders and their security either being killed, kidnapped or displaced, of the state’s natural resources. Despite their So when Rwandan and Mozambican forces
system. while their properties have been destroyed,” it resource abundance, Cabo Delgado is the least capture Mocímboa da Praia on 8 August, there
said. developed province in Mozambique. The prov- was jubilation.
Sadc leaders held meetings in Harare, Ga- ince is dominated by dilapidated infrastruc-
borone and Maputo — a number of meetings, “These incidents have reportedly escalated ture, high poverty rates and a lack of access to A 1 000-strong Rwandan force has hit the
both physically and virtually — since May last every year, with the group’s changing tactics social services,” the study said. ground running.
year to work an intervention strategy, but in- from night-time attacks on isolated targets to
ternal divisions, suspicions and lethargy stalled more nuanced and well-coordinated daylight “The situation is further compounded by In two weeks, the troops — the first foreign
the move. After endless meetings, Sadc agreed attacks. These attacks have mainly targeted the complicated series of underlying factors force to be deployed against the insurgents —
to deploy in April. installations and employees of multinational such as conflict over land, controversy over a took a key road junction held by the militants
companies such as the American oil company, resettlement programme, as well as communi- for the past year, before launching an assault
Regional leaders said the Sadc Standby Force Anadarko (now Total), and government securi- ties’ distrust of their local political actors. on Mocímboa da Praia.
should deploy to help Mozambique, which ty departments such as the Policia da Republi-
needed help with logistics and intelligence, as ca da Mocambique. “Moreover, while the region is awash with In four years the insurgents have taken con-
well as boots on the ground, to retake territory, rich mineral resources, locals are at the eco- trol of most of five districts in Cabo Delgado
particularly the strategic port of Mocimboa da “The growing popularity of ASWJ among nomic periphery in terms of both employment province in the north east of Mozambique.
Praia. It recommended that 2 916 personnel be the people of Cabo Delgado indicates wor- opportunities and profit sharing. Instead, the
deployed, the bulk of which should be ground rying social cleavages and the growing rift process of awarding concessions is murky. When in March the insurgents captured
forces, and including 140 special force mem- between the general populace and the ruling Palma, the gas boom town adjoining Total’s
bers. The special forces would go in first to elite. This social alienation and disillusionment “For instance, in several cases where natu- US$20 billion development of the second
“conduct targeted operations”, in parallel with is happening at the same time that northern ral resources have been found, the indigenous largest gas field in Africa, the French oil giant
naval assets to “eliminate maritime crime in Mozambique is quickly emerging as a hub and population has been unilaterally driven off abandoned the massive construction site.
the area of operation”. transit route for an illicit economy dominated their land without fair and just compensation.
by drug trafficking, poaching and illegal trad- Meanwhile, only a small percentage of profits Mozambique’s defence forces are widely
It also recommended that 100 members of a ing in timber, rubies and ivory. from resource extraction find their way back regarded as corrupt, poorly-trained and ill-
logistics company go in to support the opera- to the province as successive (Frelimo) govern- equipped, hence no match for a growing yet
tions, by setting up a field hospital and field re- “In fact, the towns and ports of Pemba, ments have structurally weakened local gover- still rag-tag band of insurgents.
covery, and another 100 members be deployed Nacala, Mocímboa da Praia and their sur- nance structures. This has led to a widespread
to help with air support, including four air in- rounding environs have become nerve centres perception that the Mozambican government While Sadc forces, including Zimbabwe, are
telligence personnel. of illicit trading, organised crime and transit and multinational companies are not only ex- now on the ground, they are playing second
points for illicit consignments into southern ploiting the north’s resource base, but are also fiddle to Rwanda’s efficient army, which swiftly
It called on the Sadc to deploy six helicop- Africa and beyond. The same ports and towns causing insecurity within the region — as shall moved in and took control after Mozambican
ters, four transport aircraft, two maritime sur- be highlighted later in this chapter. President Filipe Nyusi met his Rwandan coun-
veillance aircraft and two “unmanned aerial terpart Paul Kagame in April.
vehicles”, or drones.

However, Sadc stalled on quick deployment.
It took a long while for South Africa, Botswana
and Zimbabwe to send troops to Mozambique.

Yet the bilateral arrangement between
Rwanda and Mozambique led to fast deploy-
ment and turning of the tide against the ter-
rorist insurgents.

The militants had on 12 August last year
seized the heavily-defended port in Mozam-
bique after days of fighting. Mozambican
forces that were in the far northern town of
Mocimboa da Praia fled, many by boat, after
Islamists stormed the port.

The town is near the site of natural gas proj-
ects worth US$60 billion.

Hence, it has been at the centre of Mozam-
bique’s war against jihadists.

For years the town has been home to ag-
grieved Muslims from the Mwani ethnic
group, angry at how the mostly Catholic Ma-
konde elite dominate politics and business.

The conflict has politics, economic and so-
cial causes sharpened by the discovery of world
class deposits in the region.

Given its location, the town became the
cauldron of Islamic militancy, fundamentalism
and, later, money and guns. Militants from
East Africa converged there.

In October 2017, the militants upped the
ante and the first battle of a conflict raged
there. The strife has left in its wake at least
3 200 dead and over 800 000 people displaced.

From there, the insurgents surged. They
seized Mocímboa da Praia in August last year.

As they grew in aggression and confidence,
the insurgents launched a daring attack on Pal-
ma, 80km along the coast, in March, which
led to the shelving of a nearby gas project that

NewsHawks News Page 7

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Zezuru hardliners
blocked me from
becoming Defence
minister: Mnangagwa

BERNARD MPOFU was also an exceptional intellect and Zezuru network... The late former president Robert Mugabe (right) with the late former army commander retired
with legal training. Both men were rec- General Solomon Mujuru (middle) and his widow Joice Mujuru (left).
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangag- ognised at the time as potential nation-
wa’s previous ambition of becoming al leaders — and this was not welcome
the country’s Defence minister was in the dominant Zezuru quarters.”
blocked by the ethnically driven poli-
tics of hawkish Zezuru stalwarts in the The book further notes that despite
ruling Zanu PF, a new book on his life facing resistance from hawkish Zezuru
has claimed. politicians, Mugabe — who for more
than four decades was Mnangagwa’s
Tribalism, kinsmanship and clans- mentor before turning into a tormen-
manship have been at the centre of key tor just before the 2017 coup — as-
political appointments before and after signed Mnangagwa to be in charge of a
Zimbabwe’s Independence. This has 1990s Democratic Republic of Congo
often resulted in the emergence of fac- (DRC) military operation that ousted
tions along tribal lines. Mobutu Sese Seko.

Last week on Thursday, Mnangagwa “What was fascinating about this
launched his biography titled A Life Of operation was that President Mugabe
Sacrifice. The 154-page book, which did not put his Minister of Defence
Mnangagwa described as a “brief win- or Security in charge, he turned to his
dow” into his life, was authored by Minister of Justice. This was testimony
Eddie Cross, a former high-ranking of- to his confidence in Emmerson Mnan-
ficial in the opposition Movement for gagwa and his abilities as an organiser
Democratic Change. It was edited by and strong man,” the book reads.
businesswoman and musician Rachel
Jambaya, who is also known as Rachel Scholars however say the DRC war
J. Mnangagwa, who has in the past was a pyrrhic victory for Zimbabwe as
served as State Security minister, Jus- it left the country’s economy battered.
tice minister, minister of state for Local The campaign cost Zimbabwe over
Amenities and Finance minister for a US$1.5 billion, the book states.
short stint, said tribal political dynam-
ics in the ruling party were played out According to the biography, Mug-
in the 1990s when Zezuru politicians abe deployed 10 000 troops “with all
influenced the then President Robert their equipment and the air force and
Mugabe from appointing him Defence heavy arms, to support the campaign
minister. by Laurent-Desire Kabila to take pow-
er from the long-standing dictator
He said this came at a time the Mobutu Sese Seko.”
southern African country was on a
growth trajectory. Mnangagwa, who “But the Congolese war did more
hails from the Midlands province, is than establish his reputation as an ef-
Karanga while Mugabe was Zezuru. fective Minister. It established him as
Solomon Mujuru, the late army gen- the man most likely to succeed Mr
eral, saw Mnangagwa as a threat to his Mugabe as President when he finally
wife’s ascendancy as vice-president. stepped down,” the book reads.
Joice Mujuru, who was appointed
Mugabe’s deputy after a series of plots “In the highly charged atmosphere
and counterplots, was later succeeded in Zimbabwe and the polarised charac-
by Mnangagwa after her fallout with ter of its ethnically driven politics, this
Mugabe’s wife Grace. was both an advantage and a threat.
After this experience, he became a tar-
“During the period of his life, Em- get not only for President Mugabe’s
merson found himself partially mar- paranoia but also for other leaders with
ginalised as a Karanga political figure,” similar aspirations. It would result in
the book reads. an 18-year struggle to secure the Presi-
dency of his homeland.”
“He had ambitions to become the
Minister of Defence after his years in Interestingly, following his takeover
security and intelligence, but powerful after the 2017 coup, Mnangagwa has
Zezuru elements in Zanu PF opposed also been on the receiving end, with
this and insisted that he play a lesser critics saying his government is now
role. It is significant that his predeces- being led predominantly by people
sor as Minister of Justice was another from the
Karanga leader, Eddison Zvobgo who
Midlands and Masvingo provinces
which are both dominated by the Ka-
ranga tribe.

Page 8 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

THE Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zim- Zimra keeps whistle-blowers
ra), caught in a series of multi-million-dollar at bay . . . only pays Kujinga
rackets involving whistle-blowers, is refusing
to pay its informants, except one — whis- Zimra acting commissioner-general Rameck Masaire.
tle-blowing kingpin Evans Kujinga, who has
captured the tax collector. Zimra’s corruption skeletons also involve agreed to bypass the property company once by senior officials through illicit diamond
Chinese diamond miner Jinan Mining (Pvt) terms had been agreed. deals.
Case after case, Zimra has of late been Ltd’s shady US$585 million financial transfers
telling whistle-blowers that they have either across various jurisdictions, including Zimba- Documents show that they then invited an- The whistle-blower on the Derbyshire prop-
found nothing wrong after purported inves- bwe, without paying tax. In both these cases, other agent who facilitated the sale, but did erty then approached Zimra and made a re-
tigations of reported tax avoidance matters or Zimra executives were caught lying by whis- not pay value added tax which would have port on how the tax authority had been preju-
there was no breach of tax laws to avoid pay- tle-blowers they are refusing to pay. been mandatory for the sale of the property. diced of tax dues on its disposal.
ing informants. Vat is applied on the disposal of fixed property
The latest case relates to a local property in terms of section 6(1)(a) of Value Added Tax “The proceeds of the sale went to the private
When it wants to avoid paying whis- firm which brokered a deal which involved Act. use and benefit of Richard Brian Pearl who in-
tle-blowers usually for corruption reasons, the sale of a warehouse in Harare’s southern structed that the purchase price be paid into
after getting their information and using it suburbs, but violated the country’s tax laws by The property was initially valued for his company in Mauritius. Thus as such the
for self-serving ends, the tax collector and its wiring the proceeds of the sale to a tax haven. US$10,5 million, which was the asking price, beneficiary of the sale proceeds (that is), R.B
mangers has a repertoire of excuses. These in- but was sold for US$9.5 million. Bard was ex- Pearl owes the sold company money and it is
clude misleading claims like saying that the It is understood that the owners of Water- pected to get US$475 000 in commission (5% prudent that Zimra should recover their mon-
cases were already under investigation or the falls Industrial Park, which is also known as the cost of the property). In 2017, Zimra took ey from properties that he owns,” one of the
company concerned has since closed down. the Remainder of Subdivision Derbyshire, Glen Hoaks, Richard Brian Pearl and another documents addressed to Charles Jaure, Zimra’s
gave Bard Real Estate the mandate to sell the person to the Fiscal Court over the matter. former commissioner in charge of revenue as-
In a letter, dated 27 July 2021, to a whis- property. Bard began negotiations with poten- surance and special projects.
tle-blower — who wishes to remain anon- tial buyers in 2009. It was to be paid the com- In 2014, the United States Treasury’s Office
ymous — behind a case on tax avoidance mission once the deal was completed. of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned Sam. While Zimra says the company concerned
involving the dodgy sale of Derbyshire (Wa- has shut down, the whistle-blower has given it
terfalls) Industrial Park in Harare, Zimra said The owners of the property on sale — Glen Sam, who funded the late president Robert various properties owned by the tax offender.
it was unable to pay the informer even they Hoaks and Richard Pearl and controversial Mugabe’s regime, was designated for under-
had provided all the details needed because Chinese businessman Sam Pa — reportedly mining democratic processes and institutions Zimra previously failed to respond to ques-
the company was no longer operating. in Zimbabwe, facilitating public corruption tions on this issue. — STAFF WRITER.

Whistle-blowers report cases in terms of
Section 34B of the Revenue Authority Act
(Chapter 23:11) and are entitled to 10% of
the recovered amount from any tax avoidance

“I refer to your email dated 22 July 2021,”
Zimra officer Rumbidzai Rurevo wrote to the
whistle-blower on behalf of the authority’s
commissioner for revenue assurance Regina

“Kindly be advised that the matter was at
the fiscal courts under reference FISCAL AP-
PEAL 03/2012 as the taxpayer had challenged
the determined tax liability. Whilst the matter
was at the courts awaiting set down hearing,
the taxpayers’ lawyers advised the authori-
ty that they had closed their file and did not
have further instructions to continue with
the appeal because the taxpayer had no assets
and was going to be struck off in terms of the
Companies Act.

“We made efforts to get more information
from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, but no
information has been received. The authority
went on to check with the registrar of compa-
nies to confirm whether the company was still
registered or not.

“However, all our visits to the registrar of
companies have so far been in vain. We will,
however, continue to make follow ups with
the registrar of companies so as to get closure
on the status of the taxpayer.”

Whistle-blowers say this usually happens
when Zimra executives would have stolen cas-
es and given them to their associates to report
to make money for themselves — and then
share the proceeds — or have been bribed by
companies implicated in tax scandals.

That corruption is rampant at Zimra has
been shown by The NewsHawks beyond rea-
sonable doubt through a series of stories span-
ning months, including the Delatfin Invest-
ments (Pvt) Ltd tax avoidance case.

Due to The NewsHawks’ exclusive reports,
Zimra ended up moving to garnish bank ac-
counts of Harare land baron Felix Munyaradzi
after its final demand ultimatum to his com-
pany Delatfin to pay US$12 million in tax ob-
ligations had elapsed without settlement.

Besides the Derbyshire Industrial Park deal,
Zimra also gave excuses and refused to pay its
informers in the Second Nominees (Pvt) Ltd
case, although it rewarded Kujinga for related
matters. The same happened in the Jinan case.

The Second Nominees case involved a
US$680 million tax evasion investigation.

The dodgy deal is one in a catalogue of
cases relating to Zimra’s corruption-ridden
multi-million-dollar whistle-blowing fund
characterised by looting of public funds.

Cumulatively, Zimra’s whistle-blowing in-
vestigations run into billions.

NewsHawks News Page 9

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Outrage grows
against Zanu PF
farm invaders

PRESSURE is mounting on gov- further deterioration in the rule Esidakeni Farm in Nyamandlovu.
ernment to decisively act against of law and property rights under
lawless and greedy senior Zanu President Emmerson Mnangag-
PF leaders in Matabeleland North wa’s government, Esidakeni Farm
province, including provincial manager Makhabane Nkomo was
minister of state Richard Moyo on Thursday evening last week
and former cabinet minister Ob- hounded out of the land in Ny-
ert Mpofu, who have been wreak- amandlovu with his family - and
ing havoc by instigating farm sei- forced to sleep in the bush - by a
zures. group of thugs who claimed they
had taken over the hotly-contest-
Moyo, Mpofu, who is also ed property.
Zanu PF secretary for adminis-
tration and Central Intelligence In an interview on the Zimpa-
co-deputy director-general Gatsha pers Television Network State of the
Mazithulela have been pushing Nation programme on Wednes-
to grab a productive farm – Esi- day, Zimbabwe Democracy In-
dakeni - co-owned by Siphosami stitute director Pedzisai Ruhanya
Malunga, of Open Society Initia- queried why the government was
tive for Southern Africa executive going after privately-owned land.
director, businessman Charles
Moyo and National University of Ruhanya was part of a panel,
Science and Technology scientist together with former minister
Zephaniah Dhlamini. Chris Mutsvangwa Mutsvang-
wa and Bishop Anselm Magaya,
Malunga, who has been vocal discussing the topic, “Peace and
but civil over the issue, upped Social Cohesion Dialogue Series
the ante over the farm dispute on Celebrating Heroes Day - a Na-
Friday through his social media tion Building Process”.
platforms by calling on the Zim-
babwe Anti-Corruption Commis- Agriculture minister Anxious
sion to investigate those behind Masuka, who signed the gazetting
the attempt to corruptly and il- of the farm last December, has
legal seize the farm they actually distanced himself from the illegal
bought and have title deeds to. process, saying it was Matabele-
land North leaders responsible.
The NewHawks has seen the
ownership documents for Esida- During the debate, Mutsvan-
keni Farm. gwa, Mnangagwa’s former advis-
er and War Veterans leader, de-
“The same minister (Richard scribed the bid to seize Esidakeni
Moyo), same dispossession of farm from black farmers as “unac-
blacks and parcelling out of land ceptable”, especially given that it
to CIO cronies, same false alle- is productive land. —STAFF WRITER
gations that blacks are front for
whites, the same lies that the farm SUBSCRIBING
was acquired in the 2000s, same MEANS MORE
corrupt acquisition of our farm
#Esidakeni by the same minister Your subscription to The Newshawks brings you
Richard Moyo and his ally CIO MORE news and information, MORE value and
deputy director Gatsha Mazith-
ulela and others,” Malunga posted MORE access than ever before!
on Facebook.
SUBSCRIBE Register now for a FREE
“Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption SUBSCRIBE Trial Subscription.
Commission (Zacc) – please in- SUBSCRIBE
vestigate these officials for crim- To receive a free copy of
inal abuse of office and corrup- TheNewshawks E-paper
tion.” (PDF), send your Full Name,
Phone Number and E-mail
This came as it emerged, ac-
cording to the weekly Zimbabwe Address to
Independent, that Richard Moyo
previously seized some black-
owned farms Plot 12 and 16 Hon- Landline no:0242 721 044/5
ey Bird Farm - which is illegal –
and parcelled them to his cronies The NewsHawks @NewsHawksLive
in the CIO and lower army ranks.

The same officials were also
involved in a conflict over Tabas
Induna Farm in Ntabazinduna
owned by the Davies and Parsons
families who were behind brand

Brian Davies is fighting with
Floyd Ambrose, former vice-pres-
ident Kembo Mohadi’s son-in-law
(his young brother is married to
the co-deputy Zanu PF leader’s
daughter) over property.

In a move which underlines a

Page 10 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

JONATHAN MBIRIYAMVEKA Storm over killing of aged
Hwange male lion Mopane
THEIR stories and cir-
cumstances of life may be Mopane the Lion killed recently in Hwange.
different, but they have
one thing in common: toinette concession is Dispersal of frightened Bush, Castor, Isipoko, population in the country “It is widely known that
They were both killed by owned by Honest Ndlovu lions fleeing creates po- Ebusuku, Kakori, Lu- is generally healthy and Zimbabwe contributes to
American trophy hunters. and is the same concession tential human-wildlife muno, Nxaha, Peugeot, this is a result of good the sustainable use of its
where Cecil was killed. conflict with communities Cruiser, Raah, Tequila and management process since wildlife through both con-
Trophy hunting is a con- living on the borders of Vanilla, among others. the first park was created sumptive and non-con-
troversial sport involving Almost every year, a the park. Many argue that in 1928 to the present-day sumptive use of its natural
the stalking and killing of dominant pride male in the current level of lion Of the 62 Hwange li- management under the resources.  It’s a fact that
wild animals as trophies. that environment is taken hunting is not sustain- ons (28 males and 34 fe- leadership of Dr Fulton U. Zimbabwe’s tourism is
out by hunters. Anti-tro- able in the area bordering males) tagged during a Mangwanya,” he said. driven by the same princi-
The killing of Cecil phy hunters say this is Hwange National Park. five-year (1999 to 2004) ple,” he said.
the Lion on 2 July 2015 appalling. Conservation- research project by Oxford “Over the years the
around Hwange National ists argue as a result there Before he was targeted, University’s Wildlife Con- country has witnessed the “Hunting plays a critical
Park caused global out- is significant impact on Mopane had formed a co- servation Research Unit, mushrooming of West- role in the development of
rage. It was collared and pride dynamics. alition with another male 24 were killed by trophy ern-sponsored NGOs who the country and is one of
was being tracked and named Siduli. hunters. Of these, 13 were in most cases raise money the mainstay economic
studied by a research team Trophy hunters and adult males and six were in the name of wildlife activities that generate on
of the  University of Ox- their supporters say it is On 10 August 2019, sub-adult males.  management for their per- average US$2.1 million
ford as part of a long-term legal and permissible. World Lion Day, Sidu- sonal benefit. In 2015, a every year in Campfire
project. li was shot and killed by Zimbabwe Parks and lion called Cecil was hunt- projects in 58 districts in
When male lion leaders hunters on the outskirts of Wildlife Management ed and it generated a lot the country and benefit
On the night of 1 July are killed, their prides be- the park. Authority spokesman Ti- of publicity on false infor- about one million people.
2015, Cecil was wound- come vulnerable and that nashe Farawo said the Mo- mation. It is important to Thus, banning hunting
ed by an arrow by Walter often causes conflict as Over the last 12 years, pane killing was legal and note that the Cecil hunt without provision of al-
Palmer, an American rec- other hostile males move hunters have killed more imperative for economic was legal, so is the recent ternative modes of conser-
reational big-game hunt- in resulting in bloody dis- than 20 named lions and conservation reasons. lion hunt in Hwange (Mo- vation financing will have
er, then tracked and killed ruptions of normal life in the region. Some of pane). severe negative impacts on
with a bow and arrow the - loss of lionesses, weak their names include The “All decisions by Zim- community livelihoods,
following morning, be- males or cubs taken out by Ngamo Boys (four lions), Parks are science-based in Farawo said was critical rural development and
tween 10 hours and 12 the new males, usually to Judah, Scaredy-cat, Ugly, contrast to critics of hunt- for wildlife management general wildlife conserva-
hours later. force females into oestrus Seamus, Oliver, Cecil, ing who want to offer un- and economic develop- tion.”
or heat to mate and breed Xander, Xander’s broth- tested methods in wildlife ment.
Cecil was 13 years old. again. er, Chikarubi, Almondo, management. The wildlife
Palmer had a permit and
was not charged with any
crime; authorities in Zim-
babwe said he is still free
to visit the country as a
tourist, but not as a hunt-
er. Two Zimbabweans, the
owner of the safari con-
cession and the hunting
guide, were briefly arrest-
ed, but the charges were
eventually dismissed by
The killing drew inter-
national media attention,
caused outrage among an-
imal conservationists, crit-
icism by politicians and
celebrities and a strong
negative response against
Now another male lion
known as Mopane has
been killed in a hunting
area on the outskirts of
Hwange National Park.
The lion was targeted by
a bow hunter in the same
area that the renowned
Cecil was killed.
Mopane, which was not
collared, was a 12-year old
pride male with a litter of
six cubs.
The trophy hunter who
killed Mopane is Phillip
Smith from the United
Mopane was feeding on
a bait (a dead animal used
to lure the trophy lion
into a position where the
hunter could shoot him),
which is not allowed.
The killing took place on
the border of the park, in a
hunting concession called
Antoinette. There are no
fences between Hwange
and Antoinette.  The An-

NewsHawks News Page 11

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Local authorities heavily
contaminate rivers in Zim

A test at Morton Jaffray by a South African company revealed Harare City Council was pumping water with deadly toxins.

CHIPA GONDITII Large quantities of raw and partly treated sewer water is discharged into water bodies on daily basis. prioritise proper sewer treatment that does
not compromise the health of the public and
AN estimated 399 megalitres (399 million increased between January and June this “Generally, manganese concentrations integrity of the environment,” she said.
litres) of raw and partly treated sewer wa- year, threatening aquatic life. were also observed to have increased from
ter being discharged daily by local authori- January to June in three of the five rivers, “From this half-year consolidated analysis,
ties into water bodies is threatening public High phosphate concentrations in ambi- namely Nyatsime, Manyame and Umguza. Nyatsime, Umguza and Manyame rivers are
health and aquatic life, a bi-annual river ent water contribute to eutrophication and highly polluted mostly due to poor sewer
analysis by the Environmental Management ultimate fish death due to reduced dissolved “High manganese concentrations in ambi- management by local authorities they tran-
Agency (Ema) has revealed. oxygen level. Manganese was also among the ent water is normally attributed to untreated scend through.”
problem parameters identified in the five riv- or inadequately treated industrial effluent.
The analysis focussed on five rivers, namely ers. The environment watchdog also warned
Manyame in Harare, Nyatsime in Chitung- “The average manganese concentrations that legal action had been taken against local
wiza, Umguza in Bulawayo, Mtshabezi in “Phosphates concentrations in the five riv- for the three rivers were noted to be above authorities found illegally disposing sewage.
Gwanda and Runde in Masvingo. ers were generally observed to be increasing the recommended limit of 0.1 mg/l, with
from January to June. The recommended Umguza recording the highest at 0.49mg/l. “In the meantime, the Agency has opened
Three parameters used to determine the limit for phosphates is 0.5mg/l against the The primary concerns of manganese in cases against all local authorities found illegal
extent of pollution in these rivers were dis- six-month computed average phosphate drinking water are its objectionable taste and discharging sewer into the environment, and
solved oxygen saturation, phosphates and concentrations for the five rivers ranging be- its capacity to stain plumbing and laundry.” currently there are four cases before the High
manganese. Dissolved oxygen percentage tween 0.023mg/l and 2.71mg/l, with Nyat- Court and about six more local authorities
saturation is a critical parameter which in- sime and Umguza rivers being the worst According to Ema’s environmental edu- awaiting to be taken to court for the same
dicates the ability of a water body to sustain affected by both dissolved oxygen and phos- cation and publicity manager, Amkela Si- offences of polluting the environment,” Si-
aquatic life forms that depend on oxygen for phates,” the report reads. dange, water quality from these rivers was an dange said.
survival. The minimum recommended limit indication of the impact of poor waste water
for dissolved oxygen is 60% saturation, be- “Phosphates in ambient water are usually management in the country, especially sewer. Community Water Alliance founding
low which organisms such as fish may find it contributed by municipal sewage containing trustee Timothy Chitambare blamed the lo-
difficult to survive. domestic and industrial phosphate-based de- “This (discharge of raw or partly treated cal authorities for settling residents on wet-
tergents. Agricultural contaminated runoff sewage) renders water quality in these riv- lands which, in turn, leads to water pollution
According to Ema’s analysis of the rivers may also contain phosphates from fertilizers ers compromised and putting health of the via runoff.
for the period January to June 2021, there and pesticides residues. public at risk, especially downstream users,
was a decrease in dissolved oxygen from Jan- hence the call to urban local authorities to “Local authorities should protect the peo-
uary to June in three of the five rivers, name- ple because we pay for the water that we get
ly Nyatsime, Mtshabezi and Umguza, owing and we pay for the sewer that we discharge
to sewage disposal. but now it has an impact on the pricing of
cleaning water. Harare on its own they are
“These rivers receive sewage effluent from charging residents for the 10 chemicals (for
urban sewer treatment plants as they pass water purification) they are buying.
through urban set-ups and recorded dis-
solved oxygen below the recommended limit “So the water is expensive, but they are
ranging between 35.28% and 42.45% satu- allowing people to settle on wetlands yet
ration,” the report says. wetlands are a natural source of water pu-
rification. So instead of the wetlands to do
“Low dissolved xygen levels in ambient the purification, which the city council is in-
water is normally associated with high nu- capable of, they settle people there and the
trient content thus high concentrations of water there becomes runoff, leading to pol-
phosphates and nitrogen, which in turn are lution of our rivers,” he said.
released by organic matter in the water body.
Ema’s recent analysis of the five rivers is
“Untreated effluent containing human not the first such study to bring to light the
waste (sewage) and uncontrolled agricultural extent of local water pollution.
runoff containing organic matter and agro-
chemical residues are the main sources of nu- In 2019, Nanotech, a South African-based
trients in water bodies,” the analysis revealed. water solutions company, revealed during a
test at Morton Jaffray Waterworks that the
The study also revealed that the concen- Harare City Council was pumping water
tration of phosphates within the rivers had polluted with deadly toxins that could affect
the liver and central nervous system.

Page 12 Feature NewsHawks

Apostolic predators prey Issue 43, 13 August 2021
on young vulnerable girls
An apostolic sect healing shrine in Marange.
NHAU MANGIRAZI marry. The marriage is not rosy. Majority of these
young girls are blindfolded by lustful men taking
AT 47, Norest Kubaya (not her real name, she advantage of the minors,’’ she said.
requested to use another name because her hus-
band did not grant her permission to speak), who ‘‘If the truth was ever to be told, men in our
was married at the age of 12, has lost 10 children sect deceive young girls. They lure them into
out of 14 births. marriage by providing some goodies. Majority of
these young girls, if they were given choices, they
Kubaya says many other girl brides had suf- could never get married early. Church members
fered the same sad fate, such that in her Johane accept the abnormal as normal. Many parents are
Marange apostolic sect community, it is not against the early marriages and I am one of the
something out of the ordinary. elder women who teach the young girls against
early marriages, but the young girls don’t listen.
She believes her children died at a tender age Whenever they get goodies, including biscuits,
because they did not get adequate healthcare as zapnaks (snacks) among others, they can easily
infants, although she was lucky to survive unlike be married at a tender age,’’ she said.
many other child brides.
Kubaya said some girls who managed to fur-
Kubaya shared her story following the death of ther their education snubbed early marriages.
14-year-old Memory Machaya during labour in
Marange on 15 July 2021. ‘‘Few of those girls who have been to school
know and understand their rights and cannot be
‘‘I was in Grade Five when I eloped for my taken advantage of by men,’’ she revealed.
marriage. I must admit that its actually me who
wanted to get married. My father was against it. Defying Taguta
He feared for my well-being since I was still too She however revealed that most of the men
young to be married. Being a child, I was lured are defying Noah Taguta, the sect leader, who is
into the marriage by the prospects of a better life. against early marriage.
My father wept when he heard I was pregnant the ‘‘Some Johanne Marange sect men are worst
following year,” Kubaya said. culprits on child marriages as our leader Noah
Taguta has on several occasions warned that he
She eloped in 1987, becoming the seventh will never defend anyone who abuses young girls.
bride. Her husband married four other minor He even said anyone arrested over child marriage
wives after her. must face the wrath of the law and be jailed.
He has said he will expel and excommunicate
‘‘The government was not as strict on child those who are arrested for abusing the girl child
marriages soon after Independence. It was not through forced marriage. Some men are crimi-
such a big issue then, as it is now, so no one saw a nals who must be arrested for abusing the young
problem with it,” Kubaya said. girls. It is against the church doctrine and culprits
must not take advantage when government re-
Her husband sired 64 children from his 11 spect our leader,’’ she added.
wives. Kubaya said losing her children was trau- Shamawari YeMwanasikana, a girl child em-
matic. She revealed how after the death of every powerment organisation in Mashonaland Cen-
child she would go back to her family for emo- tral, Mashonaland East and Manicaland prov-
tional support. inces, has been pushing for community-based
campaigns to end child marriage through public
‘‘After a child’s death, you go back to your par- engagement.
ents for a few months as part of consoling. When ‘‘We have also been engaging religious and tra-
I returned to him, it was my duty to conceive as ditional leaders to curb child marriages. We also
part of replacing the deceased child. This is how engage men and boys through forums that play
I lost several of my children,’’ she explained in a a pivotal role in ensuring women and children’s
deep and sorrowful voice. rights are upheld in society,’’ explained Louis
Tatswareyi, the communications coordinator.
She said the majority of women from the ap- The African Union’s goodwill ambassador to
ostolic sect give birth at different shrines across end child marriage, Nyaradzai Gumbodzvanda,
the country. said the late Machaya’s death is an important is-
sue in looking at girl child’s rights.
‘‘There are trained midwives at the shrine but, ‘‘This sad news is the most important frontier
personally, I was attended to by my mother, who for the whole country in rooting out the practice
is also a midwife. Several young women have died as a cultural or religious norm that forced the ma-
while giving birth because of complications that jority of underage girls falling prey to early mar-
needed operations and may lose a lot of blood. riages,’’ Gumbodzvanda said.
The scenarios differ,’’ she added. The United Nations in Zimbabwe condemned
the sexual violation of young girls following
‘‘There will never be official statistics on how Machaya’s death.
many young women have passed on during birth ‘‘UN in Zimbabwe notes with deep concern
at the shrines. Burials are done secretly by few and condemns strongly the surrounding circum-
family members. The doctrine is that we must stances leading to the untimely death of 14-year-
not reveal much to outsiders. I lost 10 of my old Memory Machaya. Sadly, disturbing reports
children at different ages, the oldest being seven of the sexual violation of under-age girls, includ-
years. It was due to different illness, but I never ing early forced child marriages, continue to sur-
went to hospital to get medication for them. We face and indeed this is another sad case,’’ the UN
accepted that it was natural for them to die. Even said in a statement.
some of the newly married still believe this,” she In Zimbabwe, one out of three girls will be
revealed. married before the age of 18.
“The current trend of unresolved cases of vi-
Kubaya said although women are not allowed olence against women and girls in Zimbabwe,
to speak to the media, the death of Machaya “is including marriages of minors cannot continue
so heartrendering” that it must not be swept un- with impunity. All forms of violence and early
der the carpet. forced marriages severely affect the mental and
physical health of girls and are a violation of the
‘‘Women are gagged from speaking to the me- Convention on the Rights of the Child which
dia. The world must know and understand the Zimbabwe is a signatory,’’ the UN statement
challenges faced by young girls married in our read.
church,’’ she added.

Entangled into marriages
She said many young girls are lured into mar-
riages by some uncaring and selfish men.
With the benefit of hindsight, she now sees
why her father was against her getting married
early. ‘‘I regret how I ended up in this polygamous
affair when I was still young to start off a family.
There is no limit to how many wives a man could

NewsHawks Feature Page 13

Issue 43, 13 August 2021 Inside a Johanne
Marange apostolic
sect healing shrine

Chief Mutasa

Nyamana village head
Blessing Nyamana

BERNARD CHIKETO thousands. She did not deny maternal deaths. ings-on in the church believe that beyond Mem- stretching their birth canals using hands, she said.
“We used to keep a register, but we just could ory’s case such probes could be exercises in fu- The methods were corroborated by those used
ZIMUNYA, MUTARE — A TINY heavi- tility.
ly-pregnant teenager in a tight-fitting maroon not keep up with the paperwork and stopped a by Mbuya Mashava, another Johanne Marange
polyester dress over-stretched by her tummy am- long time ago. We lost count, but they are thou- The marrying off of minors is often done at Apostolic Church healer whose shrine is in Dzin-
bles past with a stick to steady her wobbly step. sands,” she says. the behest of the girls’ trusted relatives ranging girai village on the confluence of Odzi and Mu-
from parents to their female relatives. pudzi rivers. The shrine was established in 1999
At the same time a middle-aged woman arrives “. . . life or death are in God’s hands and in- about 30 kilometres west of Mbuya Chigaro’s
in a black Honda Fit accompanying two preg- deed some might not make it,” she said. Aunts and older sisters bring in their brothers’ healing parlour.
nant teens whom she later introduces as her hus- daughters and younger sisters respectively in a
band’s fourth and fifth wives, even though they The healers do not have any referral system for scenario they said was akin to getting a crown in Thomas Mashava, who runs the shrine with
appear barely 15 years of age. any condition, with Mbuya Chigaro saying she a game of draught, said Jofirisi Jofirisi, a former his wife taking the lead in gynecology issues, said
could prove their prowess by attending to cases member of the church who now belongs to an- in a previous interview the practice of sitting in
These are scenes at the Johanne Marange. that conventional medical practice would have other apostolic sect. hot water daily helped “relax their muscles and
Apostolic Church’s healing shrine in Nyamana failed to deal with — albeit with the patient first eliminate any risk of obstructed labour.”
village in Chitora, 45 kilometres south of the city joining the church. “In many cases, a wife would get these young
of Mutare. girls from her own family and if anything hap- He sensationally claimed they had not had any
Twisting her face with the pangs of labour The prophetess is a popular healer and her pens to them it would not get out of the family, maternal mortality in 16 years.
pain, the heavily pregnant teen wanders aimlessly shrine is littered with over 30 huts of varying let alone the church,” Jorifisi said.
before disappearing back in her two-metre-wide sizes, which they refer to as barracks, with many “We will be acting under God’s instructions
and one-and-a-half-high thatched hut with a reed more under construction. “This is a very closed community and it’s going and, so far, we have not had any maternal mor-
door. Her fate lies in the hands of Mbuya Chiga- to be very difficult for anyone to fully appreci- tality since we began in 1999,” Mashava said in a
ro, an amiable dark tall “prophetess” donning a The council that runs the centre however said ate the extent of the problem, especially where 2015 interview.
white doek, red golf T-shirt and a long turquoise healers could not be held responsible for the fate the minor children would have been recruited by
skirt whose rusty front teeth have an overbite. of any of their patient as all they offered were their own female relatives in what they said is a Chief Mutasa, an ardent critic of the practice,
She walks around bare-foot with a fatalistic prayers and would only act within the bounds of bhobho (crown).” said the management of such cases by non-pro-
perspective on fate. Nothing is guaranteed here “wisdom that God would have revealed” in man- fessionals was making a bad situation worse.
— neither life nor good health. aging individual cases. He said this would help the older wives to have
“If God wills something, no one can prevent control of the household as sister-wives that have “We are losing many of these girls during
it. People are healed or die according to his will,” Johane Marange members believe prayer is the no relation to them would present greater com- child birth because their bodies are under-de-
Mbuya Chigaro says, shrugging her shoulders, solution for those with under-developed pelvises petition. veloped and their lives could still be saved by
betraying an insidious embrace of death. as there is no option for any caesarean procedure trained medical professionals resulting in death
An evangelist who was monitoring the inter- unless the woman had died pregnant as they This has also helped keep a lid on the maternal and complications like fistulas,” said the chief,
view, who said he would only agree to give his would not bury a pregnant woman mortality and ages of girls who have died during who has written a book on ending child marriage
name if somehow this reporter’s beard miracu- childbirth as they occurred within these closed and received multiple awards locally and inter-
lously outgrew his before the interview was over, This healthcare system caters for the over two families. nationally.
argued that since there was no modern injection million — about 10% of the country’s popu-
that could guarantee life there ought not be any lation — who belong to the Johanne Marange Police sources who spoke on condition of He said the biggest misnomer was referring to
noise in the event of death among their members. Church. anonymity said the lid has now been blown off the practice as some form of a “marriage”, adding
“Death occurs everywhere. Do you have any because Memory’s family was not deeply en- that even if the children survived childbirth they
injection that you can say can guarantee that Nyamana village head Blessing Nyamana con- trenched in the church with her father’s family were not supposed to experience motherhood in
someone would not die?” he asked. firmed the commonplace practice of child mar- having been able to demand justice because they childhood.
“If not, then you should not pontificate over riage among members of the church in his village, were not members of the sect.
our own healthcare system because you even have but said he felt powerless to stop it. Marriage in “I want to implore fellow traditional leaders to
mortuaries because you accept that life is for God the sect had been made into part of their religious “This has presented a rare opportunity to in- say no to this practice which should be rightly
to decide and not man,” the evangelist said, con- acts as it was often conducted on the sidelines of vestigate what actually goes on in the church for termed an abuse as calling it ‘child marriage’ was
temptuously dismissing the criticism that some their annual Passover gatherings, he said. the very first time,” a senior cop said. legitimising it. They should also say no to moth-
of their patients do not make it out alive. erhood in childhood,” Chief Mutasa said.
Born in 1952 and having started her prophetic “Girls would just disappear and new girls ap- Confirming having assisted and continuing to
duties in the 1970s, Mbuya Chigaro established pear in the village after their Passover and as a assist underage girls, Mbuya Chigaro said she has Human rights lawyer Passmore Nyakureba
the healing shrine soon after Independence and traditional leader I do not have any mandate to assisted hundreds of 13 to 15-year-olds without said the government is complicit in the contin-
has lost count of the number of women and girls investigate or intervene,” he said. any problems. “We pray for them and God gives ued abuse of the children in the church because
she has handled with the numbers running into us wisdom to manage such cases.” of its influence in politics.
The system is however under intense scrutiny,
as police opened homicide investigations into The wisdom for the church that is mortally “These people enjoy immunity and protection
the death of 14-year-old Memory Machaya — opposed to modern medicine includes giving from the state. If the acts that they commit, some
who was married into high priest Noah Taguta’s newly-born babies fizzy soft drinks — an artifi- of which are atrocious, were to be committed by
priesthood family at a similar healing shrine in cially manufactured food product — soon after an ordinary citizen, the state would come down
Marange during the church’s Passover festival last child birth. on them with heaviness, but it doesn’t happen
month. with them because they are a large political con-
Underage girls are prepared for child birth by stituency to the ruling party,” Nyakureba said.
Those with intimate knowledge of the go- sitting them in hot water to add to physically

Page 14 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights say it is critical for health workers to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

Access to healthcare improving: Doctors

ZIMBABWE has been experiencing a decline access to healthcare, especially in the districts. bers of the security services were the main perpe- But right now, the situation has improved.
in Covid-19 deaths and new cases of infection. We now need to move to the district hospitals trators. How do you see the situation now? BM: In July, the government announced that
In an effort to limit the spread of the disease, to ensure that they have up-to-standard Covid
the authorities in Harare have announced units, so that patients to do not travel to provin- NM: We are still receiving reports of people it would withdraw Covid-19 allowances for
several measures such as curfews, banning cial and central hospitals to seek access to things who are assaulted by security forces for allegedly frontline workers who have not been vaccinated.
inter-city travel, rolling out vaccines, among such as oxygen. breaching either Covid-19 regulations or lock- What is your comment on this, given that the
others. Critics say in the process of tackling down regulations. So there is still some form of vaccination programme should be voluntary?
Covid-19, the government has violated human BM: When Zimbabwe first reported its first violence taking place, especially for those who
rights. In a wide-ranging interview, The New- case of Covid-19 last year, your organisation have allegedly broken the law. So as the Zimba- NM: That ultimatum from government is sort
sHawks Digital Editor Bernard Mpofu (BM) reported that there was a shortage in personal bwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights, of a very fluid or tricky situation that we find
spoke to Dr Norman Matara (NM, pictured protective equipment (PPE), among other es- we continue to call on the government to re- ourselves in. We believe that things like vacci-
right), the secretary-general of the Zimbabwe sentials required in fighting the disease. Has this spects the rights of those who would have broken nations need not to be mandatory. We need to
Association of Doctors for Human Rights on improved since then? the law. They need to be arrested and have due teach people so that they voluntarily get vacci-
whether or not the mandatory vaccination of process followed rather than having people being nated. But you also see that health workers on
health workers is justified. Below are excerpts NM: Definitely, the issue of PPE was some- assaulted by security personnel. So, I think that the frontline, they work with very sick people
of the interview: thing that was a major issue, especially last year. on that front, we are still having a challenge. We and the chances of spreading the disease, espe-
This has somewhat improved again. We see that see that some rights like access to information on cially to diabetic patients. So I think that it is
BM: Covid-19 cases have over the past few PPEs are now available in hospitals. I think that Covid-19; access to health care have improved. government’s duty and responsibility to ensure
days declined. Does this signal an end to the the situation has greatly improved. I think there You would notice that last year we had problems that while we are serving the population during
third wave and what may happen next? was a bit of prioritisation in terms of PPEs. We with access to health for other conditions — the the pandemic, we as health workers we do not
have heard many reports of hospitals working major public hospitals were operating on what become a threat to the patients we serve as well.
NM: We have been witnessing that the cases without PPEs from our members compared to we call emergency mode, where people were ac- I think that from February, when we started
have been going down as reported by the min- the reports that we were receiving last year. tually dealing with Covid and all other health- our vaccination process, the health workers and
istry of Health and Child Care. We actually be- care was not proritised. Outpatients departments other frontline workers were actually prioritised
lieve that we have sort of reached our peak and BM: Closely linked to that, when you issued had to be closed and theatres were closed too. without being forced to take the vaccines. But
it’s actually slowing down. We are still recording your periodic reports, you also reported on hu- you see that there is some form of resistance from
quite a high number of cases though. Hopefully man violations, in which it was noted that mem- the health workers, the vaccination of frontline
we will reach the tail of the peak very soon. workers has been very slow and I think the gov-
ernment has been patient for quite a bit, but we
BM: Your organisation advocates human cannot keep on exposing our patients. I think
rights. How accessible have been health services that is why government has taken such a stance.
during the current lockdown? I think that for health workers it is a priority that
they get vaccinated because they might become
NM: Well, I think there has been somewhat a danger to their patients. And you also see that
an improvement in terms of access to healthcare, it is not only Zimbabwe that has taken such a
especially at public hospitals. If you compare stance. Many other countries are doing that and
the second wave in January and the third wave, we think, although we may not support manda-
which we are witnessing right now, there has tory vaccinations, we think that the government
been a bit of improvement in terms of access, may be justified in trying to push for health
especially when cases were not as high as they workers to get vaccinated.
were in the past three weeks. After the second
wave, there were some improvements in terms BM: While Zimbabwe is recording a slow-
of Covid units. We saw that the government ac- down in new cases, elsewhere we are seeing re-
tually went on to open Covid units, especially at ports of the Delta-plus variant and possibly a
provincial hospitals out there. So there was a bit fourth wave. What can Zimbabwe learn from
of improvement in terms of access. But as the such developments?
number of cases continued to increase, we then
witnessed that the system was actually being NM: We find ourselves in difficult times with
overwhelmed and bed capacity was reached to Covid-19 at the moment. We had a wave in Jan-
full capacity and some people were now having uary and we had another wave in June/July. We
challenges in accessing healthcare for their rela- are mostly likely to see another wave because of
tives and their patients. But overall, we see there the variants that we are witnessing, so we would
was a bit of improvement compared to the sec- want to advise the general public continue to
ond wave, although we still need to invest more play their part as we watch the government and
in terms of making sure that there is improved health workers play their part. It is also our part
to be responsible.

NewsHawks News Page 15

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

VIRGINIA ZIFESHO Ban on commuter omnibuses
plunges families into poverty
AS passengers jostle to board a commuter om-
nibus at Rezende Bus Terminus in central Ha- Government is holding firm on its decision to stop private commuter omnibuses from operating.
rare, one of the touts frantically whistles and
the driver takes off at high speed. sisting. bornly remained on the road have resorted will create employment for the youths and re-
Nyabadza said he will continue digging to using cardboard boxes, plastics papers and duce the overcrowding at terminuses, thereby
The whistle was a signal that police officers wooden boards in place of windows, which are limiting the spread of Covid-19.
were approaching. After a few minutes, the wells when he recovers. routinely smashed by police officers as they en-
omnibus comes back and starts loading pas- “I do not have a choice, otherwise I will force the ban. “Zupco has failed to operate properly. This is
sengers again. The police officers had made at not the time for people to be overcrowded,
a brief stop before moving to another part of starve. As a man I have to provide for my fam- Some innocent commuters have been in- but rather for social distancing. There is no so-
town. As the touts shout “Epworth-Overspill!” ily and digging wells is the only option that I jured in the cat-and-mouse games. In some cial distancing in ranks,” Maguramhinga said.
their eyes are constantly scanning the urban have, unless they bring back private kombis to instances, omnibuses have been involved in
jungle for signs of danger; the danger being operate again,” Nyabadza said. accidents while fleeing from the police. “Being jobless after the ban, some kombi op-
police officers and City of Harare officers en- erators are now into drugs, and doing illegal
forcing the ban on commuter omnibus in line The banning of commuter omnibuses has Zimbabwe Union of Drivers and Conduc- and corrupt activities.”
with Covid-19 restrictions. aggravated transport woes for commuters, giv- tors Association (Zudac) president Frederick
en that the state-owned Zupco is failing to ser- Maguramhinga said the association is lobby- He said some commuter omnibus opera-
Some daring omnibus operators are, how- vice all commuter routes. Huge crowds are the ing for commuter omnibuses to operate again. tors have not franchised with Zupco because
ever, taking a risk and have continued operat- order of the day, especially during peak hours. He said the livelihoods of commuter omnibus of contractual disagreements. Sticking points
ing since the ban which came into effect on 30 owners, drivers and conductors have been af- include the amounts paid to transporters and
March last year. Commuters are spending hours at crowded fected by the ban. the payment modalities.
pick-up points, exposing them to Covid-19 in-
“If we don’t take the risk, we will die of hun- fections, although the ban on commuter om- “We have managed several times to talk to The national coordinator of Passengers As-
ger,” Michael Padare of Warren Park said. nibuses was ironically introduced to stem new relevant authorities so that kombis start to op- sociation of Zimbabwe (PSZ), Tafadzwa Golia-
infections. erate again. We talked to Local Government ti, said the transport system must have many
“We can’t listen to them because they do officials, telling them that we do not see the franchises. “As PAZ, we are against the central-
not understand hunger, so we are prepared for Open trucks have become popular among reason why we should not be allowed to oper- isation of the transport sector, especially in ur-
running battles. That’s it.” commuters, while “go fasters”, which are pirate ate. We even engaged the ministry of Finance, ban areas. We need more players in this sector.
taxis, also referred to as mushikashikas, have telling them that the ban on kombis causes People must have a choice when it comes to
The tout stationed by the omnibus door in- also increased their presence to take advantage revenue loss for tollgates, route authority and transport,” he said.
spects everyone trying to come on board, care- of the transport blues. The illegal taxis are al- operator’s licences and so on,” he said.
fully vetting them in case they are undercover ways on the run from the police, placing pas- But for now the government is holding firm
police officers. A number of people who are sengers at risk. Maguramhinga said bringing back kombis on its decision to stop private commuter omni-
either clean shaven or who are deemed to be buses from operating.
looking like police officers are turned away. Commuter omnibuses which have stub-

This has become the life of many kombi op-
erators trying to operate through clandestine
means since last year. Cat-and-mouse games
with the police are common.

Tapiwa Makore (27) a kombi driver told The
NewsHawks that he never stopped operating
since the ban came into effect.

“After the announcement, I had to find ways
of continuing to operate because this is my
life,” he said.

“Since my boss did not register the kombi
with Zupco, I could not just sit at home, so at
first we took routes that did not have much po-
lice presence,” he said.

Makore, who has been in the transport
business for six years, said they now ferry peo-
ple everyday from Harare’s central business
district to the Overspill area in Epworth and

“l am now comfortable with this route be-
cause that is where l stay. This is also helping
me to take care of my family because I get
something at the end of the day, unlike being
at home,” Makore said.

Despite the risks, Makore said he will con-
tinue operating.

“Operating in the CBD needs one to be
watchful because you never know when the
officers will show up because they only want
Zupco buses or commuter omnibuses regis-
tered with Zupco to operate.”

Junior Nyabadza (35), who was once a kom-
bi driver, said he had resorted to digging wells
to fend for his family. The father of two minor
children said life was better for him before the
ban, as he would get paid weekly.

“All I can say is when I was a kombi driv-
er, I managed to cater for my family very well
than now because I dig wells here and there.
You don’t get that sort of job daily, so income is
hard to come by,” he said in an interview at his
home in Budiriro suburb.

Life is full of risks and the injury on his
heavily-bandaged leg, as well as the limp, are
testimony to the dangers that always lurk a
moment away.

It has been a month since his injury and he
has not been able to work since then.

“I left home early in the morning as usu-
al with my two colleagues after we had been
called to dig a well somewhere. When it was
lunch time, I was called out to eat and, in the
process of coming out from the well, I stepped
on a brick and it broke, forcing me to fall back
into the well and my leg got injured.”

He said in the meantime his wife is fending
for the family alone through menial jobs in the
community. Some relatives have also been as-

Page 16 News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Special Covid-19
PANDEMIC coverage

NEARLY 700 frontline workers in the Mid- Midlands — Covid-19 affects
lands Province have either been affected or close to 700 frontline workers
infected by Covid-19, with six frontline
workers succumbing to the respiratory infec- Zimbabwe has in recent weeks recorded a decrease in Covid-19 cases.
tion, an official has revealed.
ments of our frontline workers, in order to tion to PPE, the government must adequate- vaccinated,” she said in an interview.
Addressing stakeholders at Kwekwe Gen- make their jobs safe, knowing they are pro- ly remunerate health personnel. Meanwhile, the country has in re-
eral Hospital recently, provincial medical di- tected from the pandemic,” he said.
rector Mary Muchekeza said the figures are “As Parliament, we are pushing govern- cent weeks been witnessing a decrease in
quite startling. The health sector has been crippled by ment to increase salaries for health person- Covid-19 cases.
debilitating industrial job actions by health nel, so that they will be motivated. In addi-
“Our health workers, being on the front- personnel who have been protesting against tion, the health personnel have told us that The Midlands provincial medical director
line, have not been spared either, as a total poor remuneration. In an interview, Parlia- another motivation is for people to get vacci- urged citizens not to be complacent in the
667 of them have been affected or infected mentary Portfolio Committee on Health nated because they are tired of looking after face of the impending fourth wave, hence
by Covid-19 and unfortunately six of them chairperson Dr Ruth Labode said in addi- very sick patients who would not have been the need to continue mobilising resources
succumbed to the virus (since its outbreak for the health sector. — STAFF WRITER.
last year March),” she said.

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the Mid-
lands has recorded 9 435 cases and 376

“During this terrible time of Covid-19, we
are facing the heart-wrenching effects of the
pandemic. While the country is being rav-
aged by this deadly virus, our province has
not been spared either. In fact, it must be
noted that the first case of the highly conta-
gious Delta variant of Covid-19 was detect-
ed here in Kwekwe in May 2021 . . . We have
witnessed an exponential increase of cases
and deaths over the past couple of months,
as we were experiencing the third wave of the
pandemic,” Muchekeza said.

She said emphasised the need for resource
mobilisation to ensure that health workers
have personal protective equipment (PPE).

“This then buttresses the fact of the un-
disputed need for more resources such as the
PPE, in order to enable them to combat this
deadly enemy. We are at war. It is therefore
important that synergies in resource mobili-
sation are very much-needed to successfully
beat the pandemic,” she said.

Midlands Provincial Affairs minister Larry
Mavima, speaking at the same ceremony for
the handover of PPE donated by Old Mutu-
al, said government is concerned in ensuring
that health personnel get equipped.

“Here in the Midlands Province, we have
lost six of our frontline workers to the pan-
demic. This is a sad thing, but unavoidable,
due to the circumstances we find ourselves
in. We would wish for this pandemic to end,
but we have no control over it. As a nation,
we have to go a long way to meet the require-

Govt seeks to decongest teachers’ accommodation

GOVERNMENT is working on decon- sources, ablution facilities, and the decon- “Cabinet further wishes to inform the cine access to private companies, hotels and
gesting teachers’ accommodation at schools gestion of teacher accommodation. Testing nation that work to increase bed capaci- other institutions, provided they pay a fee
across the country ahead of the opening of for Covid-19 is also being escalated in com- ty at several Covid-19 treatment centres to the Health ministry.
schools as part of measures to contain the munities,” the briefing read. throughout the country is continuing.
Covid-19 pandemic. The country’s companies and universities “This is on the provision that they seek
Although cases have been receding, Pres- have enough raw materials to increase the authority from the ministry for qualified
More accommodation will be provided ident Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday production of personal protective equip- persons to conduct the vaccination of their
in the form of tents, according to the 27th extended the Level Four lockdown mea- ment, as well as medicines for managing staff and or patrons. Special care should also
post-cabinet press briefing. sures by two more weeks. Covid-19.” be taken to ensure that standard equipment
is used for vaccination.”
The government has been postponing the Cabinet this week reported a 42% de- Meanwhile, churches have been given
opening of schools, owing to inadequate crease in Covid-19 cases compared to the the go-ahead to open, but only to fully vac- “Vaccination in border towns, other
protective clothing, other essential materi- previous week, however, noting an increase cinated congregants. The other conditions hotspots and peoples’ markets is progress-
als and mechanisms to prevent the spread in cases in the Midlands Province. for conducting services include adhering to ing as scheduled. Two million syringes were
of the virus. ministry of Health and Child Care and the procured from Sinopharm of China and re-
“More effort is required to contain the World Health Organisation protocols. ceived on 7 August 2021. The vaccination
“Assessments on the state of preparedness third wave of the pandemic. The only ex- programme will be ramped up in provinces
for the safe re-opening of schools is ongoing ception is Midlands province, which is “All those found in breach will be arrest- with low uptake such as Mashonaland Cen-
across all provinces. The ministry of Prima- experiencing another surge. Concerted ef- ed, including the leaders of the churches,” tral and Mashonaland West provinces, and
ry and Secondary Education has redoubled forts will be made to address the situation the briefing read. Chitungwiza where progress has been slow,”
efforts towards the targeted provision of in that province, as well as in other known the cabinet briefing reads. — STAFF WRITER.
tents, additional furniture, reliable water Covid-19 hotspots,” the briefing read. In addition, cabinet resolved to give vac-

NewsHawks News Page 17

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Lack of support undermines remote learning


PROGRESSIVE Teachers Union Zimba- PTUZ says the online learning initiative by government has been unsuccessful due to lack of required gadgets and electricity.
bwe (PTUZ) says the government’s televi-
sion and radio learning for pupils during tion partners. Candidates that are in Grade model works and this will work, especially strategy for e-learning, which entailed the
Covid-19 lockdown has not produced in- Seven, Form Four and Upper Six should for those from poor backgrounds and those acceleration of connectivity in schools, as
tended results, as a recent survey revealed be supplied with those gadgets because with disability, as long as there is a network well as development of adequate techno-
that less than 10% of learners have access the majority of their families cannot afford at their nearby centres,” Zhou said. logical capacity in learners and educators,
to the facility. them, especially in rural areas.” regardless of geographical location, through
The Zimbabwe School Examinations the provision of free internet services to
Last year, the government launched the “We want a situation where those pu- Council (Zimsec) says 184 249 pupils reg- 400 schools that already have connectivity,
online radio lessons for early childhood de- pils in rural areas can have centres where istered for Ordinary Level examinations in but are encountering difficulties in paying
velopment (ECD), primary and secondary they can access connectivity on their gad- 2020 and, of this number, only 45 644 pu- monthly bandwidth subscriptions.
school classes. gets, meaning there are consultations that pils passed five subjects at grade C or better.
should have been done. The e-learning strategy will be funded
Television lessons were introduced in To improve the results, Information by the Unicef Giga Schools Connectivity
April this year as part of the alternative “This is because our teachers who are Communication Technology minister Jen- Project.
learning platform for pupils in response to already using that method have said the fan Muswere recently tabled the national
the closure of schools due to Covid-19.

PTUZ president Takavafira Zhou says
the model has failed due to a lack of con-
sultation with teachers.

“Government partners like Unicef are
assisting with resources, but their pre-
ferred learning modules are not proper be-
cause, for example, they have told us that
they prefer television and radio lessons,
but our survey has shown that these have
only reached less than 10% of our students
countrywide,” Zhou said.

“The factual truth is that 75% of primary
schools and 65% of secondary schools do
not have electricity throughout the country
and what make makes it even worse is that
we have more than 95% of rural homes
that are not electrified.

“So it means that it becomes difficult to
do online learning for these pupils because
their parents or guardians also do not ac-
cess to power or even have such gadgets like
phones, television or radio to conduct these

Zhou said the teachers have suggested
having WhatsApp learning, especially for
students sitting examinations.

“They should invest in gadgets for class
and support WhatsApp learning with the
money that is being accrued from educa-

Steady progress for Hurungwe in Covid-19 response

NHAU MANGIRAZI Awareness campaigns on Covid-19 vaccination played an integral role in Hurungwe . ing fishers, marketplaces, artisanal miners
and tobacco farmers yielded positive results.
HURUNGWE district is steadily winning to a surge in cases around the province,’’ he lines. These include vaccination, consistent
its fight on Covid-19, three months after it said. and correct use of face masks, hand-wash- “We are happy that Hurungwe scored
was placed under localised lockdown, The ing and social distancing. first in vaccination within the province,
NewsHawks has established. Chidaushe was however cautious, say- through community awareness campaigns
ing there is a possibility for another wave, Mashonaland West provincial heath pro- with other organisations like the Lions
The country’s second-largest district was hence the need for the population to con- motion officer George Kamupondo said Club International Karoi chapter, that has
placed under localised lockdown with Kari- tinue observing Covid-19 preventive guide- immunisation outreach campaigns target- been forthcoming and the community re-
ba following a surge in infections. sponded well,” Kamupondo said.

In an interview this week, district med- Hurungwe has vaccinated 46 874 people
ical officer Munyaradzi Chidaushe said from the 52 394 first dose vaccines it was allo-
although Hurungwe is not yet “out of the cated, while Chegutu is second-placed with
woods”, it is making progress. 38 403 inoculated out of 54 489 vaccines
delivered. Kariba received 27 286 vaccines
On Thursday, 590 tests were carried out and administered 25 670, while Makonde
in the district and 18 of these 18 turned out inoculated 27 376 from 35 075 vaccines.
positive. Mhondoro vaccinated 25 207 out of
28 660, while Sanyati managed 20 771 out
“Currently, we have one patient in the of 23 236 and Zvimba had 29 911 out of
isolation ward who is in stable condition. 32 560.
This is positive for the district and the na-
tion at large,” Chidaushe said. On the second dose, Hurungwe inocu-
lated 18 657 from 56 874 vaccines deliv-
“As we speak, the Covid-19 cases and ered, while Chegutu had 20 564 inoculated
deaths have declined in the district. There out of 43 528 vaccines delivered.
has been a decline in the admissions in the
isolation ward and fewer deaths recorded. Kariba had 5 534 vaccinated out of 26
These are the facts we have at hand and it’s 338 on the second jab while Makonde ad-
a positive development for us as a district. ministered 14 038 out of 31 418 second
vaccines, with Mhondoro inoculating 12
“However, we urge the communities not 631 from 22 511 vaccines. In Sanyati, 8
to be complacent as the Covid-19 risk re- 002 people received their second vaccines
mains high. This also explains the extension from the 11 476 allocated whereas Zvimba
of the Level Four lockdown. Our scoring had 10 411 people inoculated from 35 852
first can be attributed to the measures vaccines.
that were put in place by the government
through its localised lockdown in response

Page 18 Editorial & Opinion NewsHawks

CARTOON Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Apprehensive dictators
cannot silence Africans

THE Zambian authorities have restricted access to WhatsApp, Twit- Authorities should act on Zimra rot
ter, Facebook and Instagram since election day on Thursday this
week as jittery leaders executed a calculated assault on free expression. FOR months on end, The NewsHawks has since closed down. ance case.
has been reporting on corruption at In most cases these excuses are easy to Due to  The NewsHawks’ exclusive re-
To circumvent this outrageous attack on civil liberties, many cit- the  Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zim-
izens resorted to virtual private networks. History across Africa has ra) which runs deep and wide. disprove. ports, Zimra ended up moving to garnish
shown that whenever authoritarian governments default to analogue In a letter, dated 27 July 2021, to a bank accounts of Harare land baron Felix
thuggery, the masses always find digital solutions. There is nothing new about corrup- Munyaradzi after its final demand ulti-
tion at Zimra or government institutions whistle-blower – who wishes to remain matum to his company Delatfin to pay
In 2016, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights as it were.   In fact, corruption is com- anonymous – behind a case on tax avoid- US$12 million in tax obligations had
condemned the patently undemocratic practice. monplace in Zimbabwe in almost all fac- ance involving the dodgy sale of Der- elapsed without settlement.
ets of life, including churches. byshire (Waterfalls) Industrial Park in
The commission’s Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Ex- Harare, Zimra said it was unable to pay But there is no evidence it actually gar-
pression provides that “everyone shall have an equal opportunity to However, that is not good reason for the informer even if they had provided nished Delatfin accounts.
exercise the right to freedom of expression and to access to informa- government and people to allow it to all the details needed as the company was
tion without discrimination”. It also provides that “any restrictions become second nature to the public and no longer operating. Besides the Derbyshire Industrial Park
on freedom of expression shall be provided by law, serve a legitimate cancerous to society. deal, Zimra has also given excuses and
interest and be necessary in a democratic society”. Whistle-blowers report cases in terms refused to pay its informers in the Sec-
Although corruption and tax evasion, of Section 34B of the Revenue Authority ond Nominees (Pvt) Ltd case, although
The African commission encourages governments to guarantee, or indeed avoidance, are distinct and Act (Chapter 23:11) and are entitled to it rewarded Kujinga for related matters. 
respect and protect citizens’ rights to freedom of information and separate problems, they can easily be- 10% of the recovered amount from any
expression through access to Internet services. come intertwined and mutually reinforc- tax avoidance case. The same happened in the Jinan case.
ing; they are not mutually exclusive. The Second Nominees case involved
The continent is not re-inventing the wheel. The United Nations Zimra said the company concerned a US$680 million tax evasion investi-
Human Rights Council Resolution HRC/RES/20/8 of 2012 recog- If society and the economy are to sur- gation. The dodgy deal is one in a cat-
nises “the global and open nature of the Internet as a driving force vive, corruption has to be tackled head- Hawk Eye alogue of cases relating to Zimra’s cor-
in accelerating progress towards development in its various forms”. on. It’s never easy, but it has got to be ruption-ridden multi-million-dollar
It also affirms that “the same rights that people have offline must done. The alternative would be to allow Dumisani whistle-blowing fund characterised by
also be protected online, in particular freedom of expression, which creation of Sodom and Gomorrah in Muleya looting of public funds.
is applicable regardless of frontiers and through any media of one’s Zimbabwe.  Cumulatively, Zimra’s whistle-blowing
choice”. The UN resolution further calls upon all member states “to had been closed.  Yet the whistle-blower investigations run into billions.
promote and facilitate access to the Internet and international co- As we report this week, Zimra, caught told it that he knew of many properties Zimra’s corruption skeletons also in-
operation aimed at the development of media and information and in a series of multi-million-dollar rackets that the tax offender held. volve Chinese diamond miner Jinan
communications facilities in all countries”. involving whistle-blowers, is refusing to Mining (Pvt) Ltd’s shady US$585 mil-
pay its informants, except one – whis- Of course, Zimra officials are not in- lion financial transfers across various ju-
The message is loud and clear: citizens’ access to social media and tle-blowing kingpin Evans Kujinga who terested in that. If they were they would risdictions, including Zimbabwe, with-
the Internet is a human rights issue that must be taken seriously by has captured the tax collector. go after the company’s properties. out paying tax.
every government in line with international law. In both these cases, Zimra executives
Case after case, Zimra has of late been Whistle-blowers say this usually hap- were caught lying by the whistle-blowers
A British-based company which analyses cyber security, Com- telling whistle-blowers that they have pens when Zimra officials would have they are still refusing to pay.
paritech, recently released a report titled Internet Censorship 2021: either found nothing wrong after pur- stolen cases and given them to their asso- The latest case relates to a local prop-
A Global Map of Internet Restrictions. It reveals that Zimbabwe is ported investigations of reported tax ciates to report to make money for them- erty firm which brokered a deal which
southern Africa’s worst culprit in internet censorship. avoidance matters or there was no breach selves – and then share the proceeds – or involved the sale of a warehouse in Ha-
of tax laws - all this to just avoid paying have been bribed by companies implicat- rare’s southern suburbs, but violated the
In January 2019, the Zimbabwean authorities blocked access informants for corruption reasons. ed in tax scandals. country’s tax laws by wiring the proceeds
to social media. Spooked by protests against a fuel price hike, of- of the sale to a tax haven.
ficials resorted to crude cyber-censorship. Coming soon after the When it wants to avoid paying whis- That corruption is rampant at Zim- Surely, these cases and many others
cold-blooded murder of unarmed civilians on the streets of Harare tle-blowers usually due to corruption, ra has been shown by The NewsHawks warrant immediate investigation and
on 1 August 2018, the blocking of social media connectivity was a after getting their information and using beyond reasonable doubt in a series of action by authorities, especially Finance
clear confirmation that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is big on it for self-serving ends, the tax collector stories spanning months, including the minister Mthuli Ncube.
“reform” rhetoric but dismal on real democratic transformation. and its executives have a repertoire of ex- Delatfin Investments (Pvt) Ltd tax avoid- Authorities have a duty to act on this
cuses.  brazen and systematic corruption.
This year, Reporters Without Borders has ranked Zimbabwe
130th on the World Press Freedom Index, four places below the pre- These include misleading claims like
vious year. saying that the cases were already under
investigation or the company concerned
It is not difficult to see how Mnangagwa has regressed. His admin-
istration has pushed through legislation making it easy for the state
apparatus to snoop on private communications, placing in jeopardy
not just journalists but every citizen. His government is also cobbling
together a “Patriotic Bill” meant to criminalise dissent. Every Zimba-
bwean must pay attention when the State Security minister describes
social media as “a threat to national security”. To many people, it
has come as something of a surprise that Zambia has emerged as the
second-worst perpetrator of cyber censorship in this region.

Zambia, a country with relatively solid credentials in multipar-
ty democracy since 1991, has been backsliding in recent years. In
this week’s election, we have witnessed a shocking spectacle: the
deployment of soldiers by President Edgar Lungu. When govern-
ment deploys the military, democrats must ask tough questions. Is
it really necessary to play your last card in national security? Have
other options been exhausted? What does the constitution say? Is the
deployment reasonable, lawful and in the national interest? We must
ask these questions because, in much of Africa, authoritarian rulers
have used the military as an instrument of brutal political control.

African leaders who still believe in silencing dissenting voices are
living in the past and their days are numbered. Technology as an
instrument of democratic expression is a far greater force than their
dictatorial insecurities. Africans are sovereign and no dictator under
the sun will get away with crude censorship in the 21st century.

Reaffirming the fundamental impor- The NewsHawks is published on different EDITORIAL STAFF: Marketing Officer: Voluntary Media
tance of freedom of expression and me- content platforms by the NewsHawks Digital Managing Editor: Dumisani Muleya Charmaine Phiri Council of Zimbabwe
dia freedom as the cornerstone of de- Media which is owned by Centre for Public Cell: +263 735666122
mocracy and as a means of upholding Interest Journalism Assistant Editor: Brezh Malaba The NewsHawks newspaper subscribes to the
human rights and liberties in the con- No. 100 Nelson Mandela Avenue Code of Conduct that promotes truthful, accurate,
stitution; our mission is to hold power Beverly Court, 6th floor News Editor: Owen Gagare
in its various forms and manifestations Harare, Zimbabwe Subscriptions & Distribution: fair and balanced news reporting. If we do not
to account by exposing abuse of power Digital Editor: Bernard Mpofu +263 735666122 meet these standards, register your complaint
and office, betrayals of public trust and Trustees/Directors: with the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe
corruption to ensure good governance Beatrice Mtetwa, Raphael Khumalo, Reporters: at No.: 34, Colenbrander Rd, Milton Park, Harare.
and accountability in the public inter- Professor Wallace Chuma, Teldah Mawarire, Bridget Mananavire, Nyasha Chingono, Enoch Muchinjo
est. Doug Coltart Telephone: 024-2778096 or 024-2778006,
Email: 24Hr Complaints Line: 0772 125 659

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WhatsApp: 0772 125 658, Twitter: @vmcz

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GBP/USD 109.29 +0.38 +0.35 *OIL 63.47 -1.54 -2.37
USD/CHF 1.38 -0.014 -0.997 *GOLD 1,769.5 +1.2 +0.068
1.229 +0.001 +0.07 *SILVER 25.94 -0.145 -0.56

0.913 +0.005 +0.53 *PLATINUM 1,201.6 +4 +0.33

0.771 -0.006 -0.76 *COPPER 4.458 -0.029 -0.65

Banks wary
of lending
out US
dollar loans

DUMISANI NYONI FEAS.  Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Building.
“This explains the under-
ZIMBABWE’S banks are sit- sive price hikes for most goods currency, thus any US dollar a market-oriented market, in- beginning to lend to firms be-
ting on US$1.7 billion and statement of export returns as and services in the country. exposure requires banks to vest in building confidence in cause they are currently sitting
not willing to lend it to cor- well as the smuggling of min- seek other avenues of closing the financial sector, stamp out on about 50% of their depos-
porates due to the uncertain- erals as a way of limiting losses Finance minister Mthuli such gaps, which might not be corruption and make sound its that are forex, but they are
ty around currency reforms associated with formal report- Ncube defended the govern- tenable.  currency reforms to safeguard not extending loans and that’s
which exposes them if they ing of exports. Although the ment’s repeated promulgation the integrity of the country’s not good or healthy for an
issue United States dollar-de- Treasury secretary would have of SIs as a way of addressing “From a credit risk perspec- banking and financial sector,” economy.”
nominated loans, The News- anticipated banks to lend US multiple economic and po- tive, few corporates record it said.
Hawks has learnt. dollars to corporate entities, litical challenges facing the viable USD sales – making it “So we expect the govern-
the uncertainty around cur- country. untenable for banks to extend Stevenson Dhlamini, an ment to create incentives for
Whilst the foreign exchange rency reforms exposes banks US$ loans. For better avail- applied economics lecturer our financial sector as well to
auction system (FEAS) is in if they issue out US dollar-de- All the same, Zimcodd said ability of forex on the mar- at the National University of start playing its role of credit
dire need of US dollar liquid- nominated loans,” Zimcodd the central bank no longer kets, the government must Science and Technology, said: creation in the economy,” he
ity, Treasury recently revealed said.  plays the role of lender of last disband the FEAS and adopt “We need to see the banks said.
that US$1.7 billion was lying resort with respect to foreign
idle in banks.  “Legacy issues around the
government’s tendency of
“This not only points to turn-coat currency reforms
an ‘incomplete market,’ but have undermined overall
exposes the weaknesses of the confidence in the local bank-
FEAS as a forex market. It ing sector. That explains why
also showcases the knock-on most of the US dollars are
effects of the legacy challenges unbanked whilst the banked
broadly reflected by the lack US dollars are largely transito-
of market confidence,” the ry. Ideally, banks keep the US
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt dollar deposits to meet call de-
and Development (Zimcodd), mand by clients.” 
a social justice advocacy or-
ganisation, said.  Last year, President Em-
merson Mnangagwa’s admin-
Bids worth US$200 mil- istration promulgated a record
lion remain unpaid–point- 300 Statutory Instruments
ing to the illiquidity of the (SIs) and, in the process, vio-
FEAS. By design, the FEAS is lated laid down procedures on
supposed to provide fair and most of the subsidiary laws.
predictable access to forex
for corporates. Compulsory This year, the government
surrender requirements on has also gazetted a couple of
export earnings and local US SIs with the latest being the
dollar sales partly finance the controversial SI 127 of 2021.

The new law triggered mas-


The NewsHawks TheNewsHawksLive

Page 20 Companies & Markets NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Sweet times roll for sugar industry

DESPITE low disposable Hippo Valley Estates chief executive officer Aiden Mhere by private farmers nearly
income, strong demand doubled to 270 024 tonnes
from the domestic market chasing power terms,” said Kenya, a key regional sponding period the previ- 833 tonnes. Cane deliveries from 139 297 tonnes.
saw 31% growth in local Mhere.  deficit market, continues to ous year. Total industry sug- from the company’s plan-
sugar sales for the first quar- be characterised by periodic ar production for the period tations and private farmers While the sugar indus-
ter to 30 June 2021. Although demand was temporary import restric- rose 27% to 128 044 tonnes were above same period try as a whole has not been
strong on the domestic tions which the industry from 101 063 tonnes pro- prior year, having benefited significantly impacted by
Sugar processor Hippo market, export sales for the closely monitors and re- duced during the same pe- from prior year carryover the Covid-19 pandemic as
Valley Estates chief exec- quarter declined by 66% to sponds to by supplying oth- riod last year. cane and an earlier start to an essential service provid-
utive officer, revealed that 10 873 tonnes compared to er deficit markets.  the harvesting season, which er, Hippo has indicated it
total industry sales volumes 32 080 tonnes in the com- At Hippo, sugar produc- began on 20 April, whereas will continue to focus on
for the domestic market parable prior year period as Price realisations on the tion jumped 35% to 66 harvesting began on 5 May mitigating supply chain dis-
totalled 86 843 tonnes for sales were maximised in the export markets were 9% 664 tonnes while total cane last year. Cane harvested ruptions. To date, the sugar
the quarter under review local market.  higher than in the corre- milled rose 34% to 554 processor has managed to
compared to 66 492 tonnes meet domestic sugar de-
recorded during the corre- mand as well as fulfill export
sponding period last year. commitments.

Of the local sugar indus- “Marketing is focused on
try’s total sales volume of 98 maximising supply to the
718 tonnes, Hippo account- local market with residu-
ed for 52.1%, an increase al stocks being allocated to
from the 47.9% achieved in regional and international
the prior year’s comparable premium markets to gener-
period.  ate foreign currency for the
company and the country,”
The Zimbabwe sugar said Mhere.
industry has a single mar-
keting desk at brown sugar Overall, prospects are
level, administered by Zim- high as the Lowveld dams
babwe Sugar Sales (Private) hold sufficient stored water
Limited (ZSS).  for approximately three sea-
sons of irrigation at normal
“Total industry sugar water usage, following a sat-
sales into the domestic mar- isfactory rainy season. 
ket for the quarter at 86
843 tonnes (2020: 66 492 Additionally, the mill-
tonnes) were 31% above ing season commenced on
same period prior year due schedule and is progressing
to a combination of strong satisfactorily. 
demand and the non-repeat
of supply containment mea- “Barring unforeseen cir-
sures implemented in prior cumstances for the balance
year to curb then existing of the harvest season which
speculative trading on ac- is almost halfway through,
count of price distortions.  industry sugar production
for the current season is
“Price realisations in both forecast at levels similar to
local and foreign curren- last year,’” said Mhere.
cy on the local market re-
mained firm in current pur- —STAFF WRITER

LIZWE SEBATHA Knives out for NRZ boss my people. All positions
as workers demand ouster that are being created are
KNIVES are out for Na- restructuring exercise faces 18. Four people cannot officer and chief finance of- done procedurally and in being advertised internally
tional Railways of Zimba- resistance from some line cope with our rail gauge ficer. Already, the parastatal line with corporate gover- unless in cases where we fail
bwe (NRZ) acting general managers and other execu- which weighs 4.5kgs. This board has sacked general nance virtues.” to get skills from within.” 
manager Respina Zinyan- tives who are now pushing is destroying the NRZ to manager Engineer Lewis
duko as disgruntled workers for Ziyanduko’s removal. the bone marrow,” reads a Mukwada and three other In an interview on Thurs- In June 2020, the late
opposed to a restructuring petition to the board by dis- senior executives: director of day, Ziyanduko denied the Transport and Infrastruc-
exercise push for her oust- Zinyanduko is now ac- gruntled employees dated 4 marketing Elector Mafunga, slew of charges against her ture Development minister
er, but she claims to be cused of failure to consult, August 2021. director of operations Sam- as untrue and influenced by Joel Matiza directed the
unmoved, saying resistance nepotism and favouritism son Bhuza and director of “resistance to change”. board to restructure man-
was always expected. by using the restructuring “She has instructed our corporate services Misheck agement and bring in fresh
exercise to, among other ob- HR (human resources de- Matanhire. “Everything is being done blood to revive the rail para-
Zinyanduko, a former jectives, hire or promote her partment) to internally above board. The compa- statal.
board member, is overseeing close circle of friends and advertise jobs for her of- The petition adds: “Some ny position is clear. These
a restructuring exercise that relatives by creating new top fice with high grades.  Her workers who have been (new) structures are not the The NRZ requires
began in June 2020 and is positions. secretary or PA (personal told to revert back to their GM’s structures but those US$400 million in the short
ostensibly meant to turn assistant) has been raised proper grades have basi- of the shareholders that will term and US$1.9 billion in
around the fortunes of the “Normally, when a big from C4 to D3 just like that cally downed tools, thus drive the business. When- the medium to long term to
railways. She was appoint- organisation like NRZ is without any job evaluation affecting the organisation’s ever you are introducing recapitalise its operations.
ed acting GM in February restructuring, certain things or use of the Petterson sys- operational pulse. Govern- change, you are bound to Its operational efficiency
2021, taking over from the are followed like engaging tem that NRZ uses. Most of ment should consider oth- face resistance,” she said. and capacities have largely
late Joseph Mashika who human resources consul- our engineers are graded in er options if they want to been affected by maladmin-
passed away in January this tants who would guide the D1 and her secretary now re-awaken NRZ because the “Those that are affected istration, impropriety and a
year. process. Experts in different surpasses them.” acting GM has no capacity will obviously not be happy harsh economic climate.
branches or departments are whatsoever and does not but will always want to vilify
Mashika was acting GM consulted for input because As part of the restructur- have any vision or strategy the process. How do I favour At its peak, the NRZ
at the time of his death. NRZ is an industry on its ing, the NRZ is trimming for the organisation. There my PA? I do not want a typ- moved 14.4 million tonnes
own. As we speak, the new the number of its executives is no harm in NRZ going ist but someone who will be against an installed capacity
The ongoing restructur- structure has reduced peo- from six to three, a process through reforms and re- useful. We advertised those of 18 million tonnes annu-
ing exercise will, among ple who work on the track that will leave the parastatal structuring but it should be positions internally and I do ally.
other things, see the abol- to just four from a total of with a GM, chief operations not understand why then I
ishment of some positions, am accused of promoting The NRZ is also seek-
redeployment of some man- ing a strategic partner after
agers, executives and general the government cancelled
workers while short-term a US$400 million deal the
contracts will not be re- parastatal and the Diaspora
newed. Infrastructure Development
Groupand Transnet had
Insiders, however, said the agreed.

NewsHawks Companies & Markets Page 21

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Blanket Mine glitters profitably ZITF to deploy
‘Covid-19 police’ at
RESOURCES outfit Caledo- annual exhibition
nia Mining Corporation real-
ised gross profit of US$13.9 CHIPA GONDITII Participants are encour-
million after producing 16 aged to pre-schedule their
710 ounces of gold during the THE Zimbabwe Interna- meetings using the ZITF
second quarter of this year, up tional Trade Fair (ZITF) 2021 Mobile App.
24% compared to the corre- Company says exhibitors, “Utilise electronic pay-
sponding period last year. visitors, contractors, sup- ment channels, ie RTGS
pliers and vendors will (bank transfer) and mo-
Caledonia’s primary asset is be required to produce a bile money platforms to
the lucrative Gwanda-based Covid-19-free PCR test avoid contact onsite.”
Blanket Mine. certificate issued no later The ZITF’s stipulations
than 48 hrs before the an- come after the govern-
In its financial results for nual showcase begins. ment last month an-
the quarter ended 30 June The Trade Fair will also nounced plans to with-
2021, Caledonia said gross deploy “Covid-19 police” hold Covid-19 allowances
revenues stood at US$30 mil- to enforce disease preven- for unvaccinated civil ser-
lion, a 31% increase on the tion guidelines. vants, a move which has
US$22.9 million achieved in Covid-19 had claimed 4 since been emulated by
the second quarter of 2020. 047 lives as of Thursday large corporate entities
while the cumulative con- such as Delta Beverages
Chief executive Steve Cur- firmed cases stood at 118 and TelOne.
tis said over 165 000 tonnes 754. The ZITF management
were milled in the quarter, The trade and investment also said a Covid-19 po-
which is a new record for exhibition, usually held lice force will be at hand
Blanket and reflects the con- Blanket Gold Mine. in April every year, had to enforce World Health
tribution of Central Shaft the preceding quarter and access controls to the mine to be postponed due to Organisation guidelines
which is now operational. US$5.4 million in the com- and the mine village to limit 89% increase from 6.875 the Covid-19 pandemic on disease prevention.
parable quarter,” he said. the rate of transmission of the cents paid in October 2019. which has wreaked havoc “The ZITF Company has
“Higher production, lower coronavirus.  across the globe. ZITF trained its frontline staff
costs and a higher gold price He said excellent pro- “This has been a strong will run from 23 to 27 to help in enforcing the
resulted in a significant in- duction was achieved with- Blanket is also in the pro- quarter and these results have August. strict Covid-19 health
crease in the underlying prof- out compromising on safe- cess of vaccinating its workers left us well placed to achieve The Trade Fair’s Covid-19 and safety protocols,
itability of our business with ty. During the quarter, and their families. our guidance of between 61 safety and risk manage- thereby creating a safe
gross profit increasing by Blanket passed the milestone 000-67 000 ounces for the ment plan guideline for environment. Covid-19
51% compared to the com- of achieving two million fa- “The solar project, which is year,” Curtis said.  exhibitors emphasises Police will be located
parable quarter in 2020,” he tality-free shifts. expected to provide approxi- that all stakeholders have around all client service
said.  mately 27% of Blanket’s av- He said the company’s to be vaccinated before points and around public
“Production in July was erage daily electricity usage, immediate strategic focus the commencement of areas to remind people to
“Net profit was adversely slightly less than 6 000 ounces is now in the procurement continues to be to increase the showcase and that all adhere to recommended
affected by the impairment of of gold, which demonstrates phase and project completion production to 80 000 ounces registration and payments show Covid-19 protocols
the Glen Hume exploration that Blanket continues to is expected in April 2022,” he in 2022, while undertaking should be done online. such as masking up, hand
asset following the board’s de- ramp up production towards said. further exploration and de- “All stakeholders are sanitisation and social dis-
cision not to proceed further the target rate of 6 700 ounc- velopment with the objec- strongly encouraged to tancing,” read the notice.
with this project because the es per month that is required The Caledonia boss said in tive of extending the life of have vaccinated against ZITF management also
property does not meet Cale- to achieve the production April the company paid a fur- mine beyond 2034, thereby Covid-19 to increase the indicated that signage
donia’s strategic requirements target of 80 000 ounces per ther increased quarterly div- safeguarding and enhancing level of herd protection at promoting everyday
in terms of size, grade and annum from 2022,” he said. idend of 12 cents per share, Blanket’s long-term future.  the show,” the guidelines Covid-19 protective mea-
width.” then in July declared a quar- say.
Although Covid-19 had no terly dividend of 13 cents per Caledonia will also eval- “Everyone will be re-
Curtis said earnings before discernible effect on produc- share, paid at the end of July.  uate further investment op- quested to present a valid
interest, taxes, depreciation tion in the quarter, manage- portunities in Zimbabwe and Covid-19 Free Certificate
and amortisation (EBITDA), ment has re-introduced strict This was the sixth increased elsewhere, he said. taken not more than 48
excluding foreign exchange quarterly dividend and an hours prior to beginning
gains and losses, export in- —STAFF WRITER. of the show.
centives and asset impair- “All exhibitors and visi-
ments, increased over 100% tors should pre-register
to US$14 million in the re- online to reduce contact
view quarter. and gathering at the reg-
istration points on arrival.
“The increased production
meant that cash generated by
operations was almost US$15
million for the quarter, com-
pared to US$2.5 million in

sures such as proper wear-
ing of masks, washing
Credit to private sector up 2.7% hands and social distanc-
ing will be put in public
places such as entrances,
halls and restrooms.
So far, Zimbabwe has ful-
THE Reserve Bank of Zim- tor was largely channeled bwe have limited access to economy is informal, second ly vaccinated 1.3 million
babwe (RBZ) has reported towards inventory build-up, external finance sources  from only to Bolivia’s 62.3%. people, representing 7.7%
that credit extended to the (38.84%); other recurrent intermediary banks makes the of the population whereas
private sector by banks rose expenditures (27.64%); and country a credit-constrained Another 2015 study by the 1 966 321 people have re-
by 2.78% in the month of fixed capital investment, economy. Zimbabwe National Statistics ceived their first dose.
March 2021 amid concerns (18.54%). Analysing the fig- Agency (ZimStat) established
on the urgent need to revamp ures, economist Prosper Chi- “Alternatively, the govern- that   94.5% of the 6.3 mil-
lending policies in order to tambara described the coun- ment can implement policies lion  people defined as em-
boost economic productivity. try’s lending pattern as highly which encourage banks to ployed work  in the informal
conservative in nature. lend money such as offering economy out of which the
This follows revelations by tax incentives or holidays to largest number, 4.16 million
the central bank’s latest eco- “While the increases are financiers who lend to com- people, comprise smallholder
nomic monthly review report commendable, they still re- panies,” he said. farmers in communal agricul-
showing that on a month- main very low, creating the ture, followed by 615 000 in
on-month basis , credit to need for the banking sector Zimbabwe also faces a trade and commerce.
other financial corpora- to take account of the  infla- double jeopardy of limited
tions recorded an increase of tionary levels which make the lending for small to medium Some 210 000 are said to
ZW$2.68 billion, translating lending percentage increases enterprises (SMEs) with latest have informal jobs in manu-
to 203.51%, for the month very low. As it stands, it ap- statistics by the RBZ showing facturing, 70 000 in mining,
under review. pears most companies are that loans extended by the 118 000 in education and 92
relying on other sources of country’s financial institu- 000 in transport.
The credit advanced to the financing and this may have tions to the sector stand at a
private sector increased to the implication of choking paltry 4%. Resultantly, the critical sec-
ZW$94.48 billion (2.78%), economic growth,” he said. tors with the potential to turn
from ZW$91.93 billion re- This is despite findings by around the country’s econo-
corded in February 2021. Chitambara said the fact the International Monetary my continue to suffer gross
that most banks in Zimba- Fund (IMF) that more than under-funding.
Credit to the private sec- 60% of the Zimbabwean

Page 22 Companies & Markets NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

DUMISANI NYONI Treasury chief big on re-engagement process. Ncube
talk, sketchy on action said ongoing engagements with
ZIMBABWE’S Treasury chief critical stakeholders should result
Mthuli Ncube presented the pillar due to corruption involv- telsat satellite service lease, and food or drought. We still have a Finance minister Mthuli Ncube. in the development of a compre-
2021 national budget on 26 No- ing government officials. Some Aucom service-level agreements, long way to go. We also expect the latest being the controversial hensive programme that address-
vember last year under the theme of the forms of corruption in the installation of television studio that the minister is going to oper- SI 127 of 2021. The SI triggered es key areas of concern covering
“Building Resilience and Sustain- mining sector established by the equipment and a digital transmit- ationalise the budget by ensuring massive price hikes for most both political and economic.
able Economic Recovery”. study conducted by the Zimba- ter in Gokwe-Sengwa-Chitekete, that these social protection grants goods and services in the country. 
bwe Environmental Law Associa- revamping of frequency modula- are delivered on time before they The government has formu-
The budget was anchored on tion include under-declaration of tion (FM) transmitters and digi- are undermined by inflation,” Finance minister Ncube de- lated an Arrears Clearance and
the National Development Strat- profits from mining companies, talisation of Mbare studios. Dhlamini said.  fended the government’s repeat- Debt Relief Strategy to assist
egy 1 (NDS 1) pillars which are: resulting in illicit financial flows ed promulgation of SIs as a way the country regain access to new
inclusive growth and macro-sta- (IFFs), lack of up-to-date geologi- However, analysts said the pil- Robertson said preparing of addressing multiple economic concessional financing from both
bility; developing and supporting cal data, and illegal selling of min- lar was still lagging behind as the endless lists of projects and pro- and political challenges facing the multilateral and bilateral devel-
productive value chains; optimis- ing claims, among others. country still needs a lot of invest- grammes has never resulted in the country. opment partners, critical to the
ing value in natural resources; ment in this area.  needed jobs being done.  achievement of NDS 1 and Vi-
infrastructure, ICT s and digital “When you look at the Au- Recently, the Auditor-Gener- sion 2030 goals.
economy; social protection, hu- ditor-General’s report, we know “We haven’t seen much re- “That is why a power station al`s report on Covid-19 funds re-
man capital development and that our natural resources, though sources being put there but now project approved in 2012 has vealed that approximately US$89 “The government has started
wellbeing; effective institution they are plenty, are not fairly dis- the government has committed to yet to be started, an even older million meant for vulnerable to engage with the International
building and governance; and tributed. They are being exploit- the deliberate process to improve approved plan for a new Harare Zimbabweans heavily affected by Monetary Fund, and is still look-
international engagement and ed instead of being explored,” infrastructure and ICTs and the water-supply dam has yet to be the pandemic was looted.  ing to other multilateral lending
re-engagement. Dhlamini said.  digital economy because almost built, why the national airways institutions. How is it attaining
all businesses are now moving and railways are barely function- The money was meant for that? It is through creating poli-
We present below an assess- Economic analysts say they towards the digitalised economy. al, and why the education system, cushioning the elderly, people cies that are favourably towards
ment of each of the pillars to see were still looking forward to the So it is very imperative that he formerly the best in Africa, is now with disabilities, child-headed the demand of those institutions,”
how much ground has been cov- government implementing poli- implements that pillar. It’s very struggling to match the pass-rates households, food insecure house- Dhlamini said. 
ered so far.  cies that will ensure that the natu- relevant,” Dhlamini said.  achieved elsewhere,” he said. holds, chronically-ill persons as
Inclusive growth and mac- ral resources benefit the country’s Social protection, human capi- Effective institution building well as small and medium enter- “But we are hoping that these
ro-stability economy instead of building oth- tal development and governance  prises whose operations have been re-engagements will not increase
The government wants to achieve er countries.  This is one of the most critical That one is also very critical. An- affected by lockdowns.  the public debt and lead us to
inclusive growth and macro-sta- pillars because inflation has been alysts say they have seen from another legacy debt again in this
bility but the reality on the ground “So we are looking at the undermining people’s incomes. the Auditor-General’s report that The Zimbabwe National Wa- new dispensation. But, yes, he has
is that the growth has not been government implementing even Zimbabwe’s inflation is currently most institutions are failing when ter Authority, on the other hand, covered much ground but still he
inclusive. Main policy measures value-addition programmes in hovering around 56.4%, accord- it comes to corporate governance is rocked by a US$109 million has room to engage, especially the
for the pillar included strict ob- the mining sector and other nat- ing to the central bank, having issues and it is important for a tender scandal for the construc- issue of the informalisation of the
servance of the budget and Public ural resource exploitation so as to dropped from 837.5% in July country not to be run on the ba- tion of Kunzvi Dam which was economy, the issues of unemploy-
Finance Management (PFM) Act boost domestic resource mobilisa- 2020. The Poverty Datum Line sis of statutory instruments but controversially awarded to Chi- ment, they are still critical.”
rules; borrowing only for budget- tion and rely less on taxes which is around ZW$41 000 yet most through effective institutions that na Nanchang when there was a
ed expenditures and through the are hurting the average citizen,” civil servants are earning less than observe sound governance. This is cheaper and more reputable bid at “They need to be addressed
market; no recourse to central Dhlamini said.  ZW$30 000 a month. The min- critical also for ensuring smooth US$66 million from Sino Hydro.  more deliberately by the minister
bank overdraft window; continu- ister has committed to increasing service delivery and attracting in- and we need to see the banks be-
ous review and rationalisation of Independent economist John the social grants in line with the vestment, Dhlamini said.  This presents a variance of ginning to lend to firms because
public posts; rolling of PFM con- Robertson said gold miners and changes in inflation.  US$43 million which could have they are currently sitting on about
trols to all departments and local tobacco farmers were causing Last year, President Emmerson been channelled to the procure- 50% of their deposits are in forex,
levels; managing employment massive environmental damage “Human capital development Mnangagwa’s administration pro- ment of more vaccines as well as but they are not extending loans
costs; ensuring value for money and farmers have failed to feed the and wellbeing are still lagging mulgated a record 300 statutory improvement of the living condi- and that’s not good or healthy for
for all expenditures; winding up nation in 19 of the past 20 years. behind as we can see. Like I said, instruments (SIs) and, in the pro- tions of the masses by strengthen- an economy. So we expect the
retentions by line ministries; ad- people are still living way below cess, violated laid down procedure ing social protection systems. government to create incentives
herence to new procurement Act “Our unemployment rate is the poverty datum line and about on most of the subsidiary laws. Engagement and re-engage- for our financial sector as well to
rules; minimising subsidies that more than 80% and thousands 7 million Zimbabweans are said ment  start playing its role of credit cre-
are targeted and accommodated of factories are no longer in op- to be susceptible to dire need for This year, the government has Consistent with NDS 1 and Vi- ation in the economy,” he said.   
in the budget; complete migra- eration. also gazetted a couple of SIs with sion 2030, one of the major pil- Conclusion
tion to Public Service Pension lars of the 2022 national budget is Ncube has performed fairly on
Scheme from Pay-As-You-Go to Skilled Zimbabwean techni- the international engagement and pillars such as inclusive growth
defined benefit pension scheme; cians, nurses, teachers, railway and macro-stability; developing
directing more resources to devel- workers, pilots, accountants, law- and supporting productive value
opment programmes and social yers, motor mechanics, hoteliers chains.
services delivery. and chefs are now working in
foreign countries, sending what More needa to be done regard-
“Macro-economic stability has they can save from their monthly ing optimising value in the coun-
been achieved but growth has not wages to support their local fami- try’s natural resources; infrastruc-
been inclusive as we see a number lies. I can see no sign that NDS 1 ture, ICTs and digital economy;
of people are still without jobs, is making the slightest difference social protection, human capital
and a number of people still live to any of these problems,” he said. development and wellbeing; ef-
below the poverty datum line of Infrastructure, ICT and digital fective institution building &
ZW$41 000. So the pillar there economy governance; and engagement and
might be targeting growth but The Covid-19 pandemic has ac- re-engagement.
has not yet attained it. Yes, mac- celerated digital transformation
ro-economic stability is there,” across the board, with businesses Robertson said the claims that
said Stevenson Dhlamini, an ap- shifting operations to cope with government departments and
plied economics lecturer at the lockdowns, restricted movement agencies have aligned their strate-
National University of Science of staff and supply interruptions. gic plans to the NDS 1 have not
and Technology. made the slightest difference as
Productive value chains Ncube said the first half of these strategies amounted to no
On this pillar, Ncube said fiscal 2021 witnessed the completion more than a wish list.
policy was targeting to limit gov- and commissioning of the Na-
ernment support to vulnerable tional Data Centre on 14 May By translating the NDS 1 into
households, extension services 2021, which will act as a reposito- 14 languages, sign language and
and other capital development, ry of all national data and ensure Braille, plus audio recording to
while private sector supports efficient and effective information cater for the visually handicapped,
commercial farming; and estab- sharing and communication by Robertson said the government
lishment of a medium-term ac- various government departments. has simply added to the adminis-
commodation facility in support trative work, none of which will
of productive sectors. Dhlamini Furthermore, resources were help make the wishes come true. 
said the government invested a lot also availed towards operation-
of funding into agriculture. This alisation and commissioning of He said that would call for the
would boost or support the pro- 57 public finance management commitment of skilled personnel
ductive value chains, but there is district kiosks with solar systems who have been funded and au-
still a lot of corruption, especially having been installed at these thorised to get on with the job. 
in the extractive sector.  nodes to mitigate against power
outages. Choosing instead to fund
“We have known from the outreach programmes that will
past that some policy efforts that Resources were also availed disseminate NDS 1 to all parts of
are made to support farmers have towards the establishment of 38 the country will waste many more
been susceptible to misuse by community information centres months during which the mo-
certain officials, but we are confi- (CIC), two of which have been mentum of the entire strategy will
dent the performances of tobacco, commissioned at Nyachuru and dissipate into nothing, he said. 
cotton and other agricultural pro- Nyadire.
duce are consistent with the pil- “By uploading performance
lar of developing and supporting With regards the Zimbabwe information into the whole of
productive value chains,” he said.   Digitalisation project, Ncube said government performance man-
Optimising natural resources value ZW$300.7 million was availed agement system, the completed
There is still a huge gap in this for the operationalisation of Eu- drafts of provincial economic de-
velopment plans will be seen to
require redrafting and the funding
will be siphoned away, as has hap-
pened with every other govern-
ment plan, going back through
more than 40 years of ineffective
central planning,” Robertson said.

NewsHawks Companies & Markets Page 23

Issue 43, 13 August 2021



The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) hereby invites investors, including but not limited to pension and provident Issue Price: $100,00 per cent.
funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, commercial banks and other interested institutions as well as individuals in
Zimbabwe, to subscribe for the abovementioned bond. The Director
Financial Markets
The Prospectus and Application Forms are available on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe website (, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
banks and on email via the following email address; 80 Samora Machel Avenue
P.O. Box 1283
Features of the Bond HARARE

Issuer: Government of Zimbabwe Dear Sir/Madam
Amount on offer: ZW$1,550,000,000.00 (One billion five hundred and fifty million dollars)
Coupon Rate: 18% per annum payable semi-annually I/We hereby irrevocably apply for the Zimbabwe Treasury Bond 2023 (No. 1/2021), and undertake to accept
Tenure: Two (2) years the same or any lesser amount that may be allotted to me/us at the average weighted rate of the tender.
Purpose of Issue: Funding of Government Programmes
Offer Opens: Wednesday, 11 August, 2021 at 0800 hours Amount in Figures ZW$...........................................................................................................................
Offer Closes: Wednesday, 18 August, 2021 at 1100 hours Amount in Words
Payment: Thursday, 19 August, 2021 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………........
Issuance Date: Friday, 20 August,2021
This bond is to be registered in the name(s) of :-
Special Features
• Prescribed Asset Status Full Name & Address and Contact Details……..…………………………………………………….
• Liquid Asset Status
• Tradable …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
• Redeemable/payable at RBZ on maturity
• Acceptable as collateral Authorized Signature (s) ……………………………………………………………………………..

The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or portion thereof. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Investors may use a photocopy of the attached application form.
My / Our nominated custodian is (where applicable)……………………………………………………….
For further details, contact Local Dealers on +263 242 253474/2253166/2253151 or +263 242703000
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
Financial Markets Division 1. The minimum application amount is ZW$1 000 000 (One million Zimbabwean Dollars)

2. Authorized signatory (ies) must authenticate any material alteration on application form.

3. Settlement should be done through the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) as advertised.

Foreign Exchange Auction Results 11 AUGUST 2021
Issue Price: $100,00 per cent.
Number of Bids Received SMEFX52/2021 MAIN FX58/2021
The purpose of this loan is to assist in financing of the Government of Zimbabwe Programmes 382
Number of Bids Disqualified : 46 38
Interest is payable at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Harare, half-yearly on the following dates 20 February Total Number of Bids Accepted : 665 344
and 20 August until maturity of the bond through ZETSS to the registered bondholders through the 344
nominated Custodian bank. Total Number of Bids Allotted : 665 USD34,814,140.90
REDEMPTION OF BOND Total Value of Bids Accepted : USD10,762,380.86 92.0000
The Bond will be redeemed at par in Zimbabwean dollars at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Harare on the 82.1500
maturity date. Amount Allotted : USD10,762,380.86 82.1500

REGISTRATION Highest Rate Received : 92.0000
Transfer of the Bond must be done through registered Custodians who hold accounts within the Central
Securities Depository at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Lowest Bid Rate Received : 82.0000

APPLICATIONS Lowest Bid Rate Allotted : 82.0000
The acceptance of applications will start at 8:00 am on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 and close on Wednesday,
18 August 2021 at 11:00 am. Applications must be for not less than $1 000 000 nominal value of the Bond. Weighted Average Rate : 85. 7467
The Bank reserves the right to reject any application or part thereof.
The full payment of ZW$100,00 per cent of the allotted amount must be made on the settlement date of this ALLOTTED SME MAIN AUCTION
Bond. Raw Materials
AUCTION 14,011,320.21
Application for this issue must be on the form provided with the prospectus and should be sent to the Machinery and Equipment
following email address : Consumables (Incl. Spares, 2,351,192.10
Tyres, Electricals, etc)
The Prospectus and application forms may be obtained from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe website, banks Services (Loans, Education, 2,559,391.68 7,939,559.49
or by request via email at: Dividends, Disinvestments, etc)
In due course, applications will be made for the listing of this issue on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Retail and Distribution (Incl. 2,432,945.36 2,406,795.44
Food, Beverages, etc)
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Fuel, Electricity and Gas 859,923.67 1,589,893.19
Harare Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals
Zimbabwe Paper and Packaging 1,331,734.37 3,064,452.54
GRAND TOTAL AWARDED 254,155.57 1,217,751.92
589,863.17 2,429,520.05
10,762,380.86 652,120.15


1. Bids with overdue CD1s, outstanding Bills of Entry (BOEs) and

those with sufficient FCA balances were also disqualified.
2. Some Bids were allotted on a pro-rata basis.

11 AUGUST 2021

Page 24 Executive Chat NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Sadc Marketers Association on the cards

AS part of efforts  to  bring RM: We shall work with all in-
together nations and conti- stitutions and the private sec-
nents  through  various  me- tor to help promote the region.
dia, a Sadc Marketers Associ- That’s part of our mission too.
ation, an umbrella body for Now, more than ever, we have
the marketing profession, is together to find the strategies
on the cards. to promote the potential of our
The president of the Angola tourism either domestically or
–Zimbabwe friendship aso- internationally. We must also
ciation, Rui Matata (RM), is promote the Buy Local Initia-
coordinating the commitee. tive (BLIn). Tourism has been
Zimbabwe is set to benefit highly affected by Covid-19.
immensely from this initia- People cannot travel, lodges
tive. Our reporter Ronald are empty, resorts are not wel-
Muchenje (NH) last week coming people, it’s urgent that
spoke to  Matata, who says  we work together. Tourism is
the official commencement of our hope for diversification.
the African Continental Free We must embrace also the vir-
Trade Area (AfCFTA) pres- tual tourism, which many Eu-
ents higher  competition, thus ropean and Asian countries are
the need to enhance diversity. doing to continue to have the
visits amidst the pandemic.
NH:  Tell us more about the NH: What should Sadc
Sadc Marketers Association. countries expect in the short
RM: A group of Sadc mem- Angola –Zimbabwe friendship asociation president Rui Matata RM: We must work togeth-
ber states citizens made up of er. We want all countries to
businessmen, journalists and formation, so that we see more NH:  How do you intend to Mozambique, who are Portu- tinue to be present at inter- feel part of it. We all want to
practising marketers and PR inflow of investment (be it coordinate the association, guese speakers, and the DRC, national business events and sell more, so we must come
(public relations) profession- domestic or foreign) and im- considering that you are gov- which speaks French. We like showcase its potential to do- together in this initiative. We
als have gathered in an online proved trade figures. erned by different business this difference of cultures and mestic and foreign investors. shall also ensure that training
meeting to put together ideas RM: What do you seek to legislations? languages, we see it as a market The focus should be to attract sessions, promotional and in-
towards the constitution of the achieve and over which time- RM: We are a team. And that opportunity for entrepreneurs. more private investments, be vestment attraction activities
Sadc Marketers Association. lines? can no longer be a stumbling they small, medium and large are held in all of the countries
NH: We hope that in the next stone in the current age, when We can’t be confined to our investments. Despite all chal- in the next 24 months. What I
The aim is to have a plat- 12 months we shall find the all our people, politicians and borders. Now with the open- langes, what is there in Zim- have learnt from experience is
form focused on promoting required support from all gov- business leaders are more than ing of the African Continental babwe that makes it different that you can’t just have a good
the African brand. We need ernments of the region, to en- aware that we must work to- Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), from other countries? People, product, like we do have in Af-
to see more products from our sure the association and their gether. As such, we are sure competition is higher and we resources, etc? That should be rica (good soil, fish, diamond,
countries being consumed by members are free and get sup- that we shall count with the must be open to diversity. the focus in promotion. I am gold, oil, silver, etc), you must
our people. port to do their research works support of the Sadc secretari- NH: For a country like Zim- happy that Zimbabwe has an- also know how to sell and add
about market environment, at as well as of each member babwe that has numerous nounced the possible relaxing value to them. That is what we
We need to reduce imports consumer behaviour, pricing, state government in matters of problems ranging from poli- of visas for all African pass- want to work on as well. Some
and dependency on foreign production, etc. We also ex- legislation to ensure that activ- cies, governance, what would ports, that’s a heroic step. time back, it brought pride
markets. For that, market- pect to have the support of the ities are carried out within the be the benefit of joining such to use products made in the
ers play an important role in private sector, SMEs and large legal framework of each coun- an organisation? We see that Rwanda took US, then made in Japan, then
promoting and doing market enterprises as well. In fact, all try with little or no embarass- RM: The benefits are the same such steps towards openness made in China. Why not pro-
research and studies to make we are seeking to achieve is for ment. However, we would like for all members. Opportuni- 11 years ago, and we all know mote now the Made in Africa,
information available for the the benefit of SMEs and large to make it clear that, despite ties are the same. It’s the re- the positive changes the coun- Made in Sadc?
investors in the region and the enterprises as well. the collaboration we need sponsibility of Zimbabwean try has gone through. They NH:  How do you see the
whole continent. Many of our from legal authorities, this is entrepreneurs to grab them. have promoted the gorilla in association in the next five
people are hungry, while many Another target is to ensure a citizens’ initiative, a private Policies differ, as mentioned, such a way one may think it years in terms of life-chang-
of our producers actually see that the African brands are sector initiative. but because the country has cannot be found elsewhere. ing initiatives?
production getting deterio- more known than imported NH: What challenges are you ratified AfCFTA and is ready I have lived in Zimbabwe for RM: We expect to be a source
rated because they lack the brands. likely to face? for trade, it’s already an ad- about six years, 1999-2005, of transformation. People
marketing skills to reach the RM: We are aware of the leg- vantage. We encourage Zim- and often travel to Zimbabwe. dream to start a business to
market, to find buyers. They We have quality coffee, islative, language and also geo- babweans to join. In fact, we I know Zimbabweans are very become rich, just to find that
are short of impactful strategy. wines, clothings, juices, elec- graphical barriers. Members of already have a good number active when it comes to differ- that was simply a dream, be-
This association has the objec- tronic devices, shoes, furni- the association are expected to of Zimbabwean entrepreneurs entiating their products and cause of the challanges they
tive to contribute to the res- ture, etc, made in our coun- respect the legislation of the and researchers in our net- services. Zimbabweans love find on their way. One of these
olution of such problems, by tries, produced by our local countries in which they op- work. what they do and I feel proud challenges is actually competi-
bringing together companies, entrepreneurs and also by for- erate. Also, we have the three NH: From a marketing per- about that too. tion, which brings their faith
professionals, researchers and eign investors operating in our main languages spoken in the spective, what key improve- NH: Several African coun- down.
academics in the fields of mar- region. All these brands must region. Although the major- ments do you think Zimba- tries have been on the drive
keting, market research, PR, be known. We have quality ity has English as the official bwe needs to put in place.? to promote domestic tour- How can we prepare our en-
communication. Mazoe drink from Zimbabwe, language, there is Angola and RM: The country must con- ism in the face of Covid-19. trepreneurs for market compe-
NH: What has motivated the Laricmal wine from South How will the association be tition? Our mission is to offer
you to take this route? Africa, the Coffee Ginga from helpful? training and free information
RM: One of the challenges Angola, and other brands. to our members, to help them
investors have been facing in make sound business deci-
Africa is shortage or lack of sions.
integrated information for
decision-making. Also, we We expect to have in our
have seen that among our own database over 5 000 active
countries, there has been very companies, researchers, schol-
low connection between the ars and professionals, from the
private sector, hence affecting region and beyond. We are
the percentage of intra-trade building a web platform that
figures, which are low, below will ease these connections
25%. We are working on a among our members.
platform that will bring to-
gether marketers in the region, We hope that the Sadc Mar-
and in partnership with all the keters Institute will be a reality
other key players, we expect to for either physical and online
change the current low trade activities.
ratios and lack of market in-

NewsHawks Stock Taking Page 25

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Price Sheet


Company Sector Bloomberg Previous Last VWAP Total Total Price Price YTD Market
Ticker Price Traded (cents) Traded Traded Change Change (%) Cap
AFDIS Consumer Goods (cents) Volume Value ($) (cents) ($m)
African Sun Consumer Services AFDIS: ZH Price 8000.00 (%)
ART ASUN: ZH 7500.00 774.00 800
Ariston Industrials ARTD: ZH 773.89 8000.00 850.00 500 64,000.00 500.00 6.67 233.33 9,384.48
Axia Consumer Services ARISTON: ZH 841.40 800.00 348.99 1,700 3,870.00 0.11 0.01 355.29 6,670.11
BNC AXIA: ZH 346.75 850.00 2549.09 33,100 14,450.00 8.60 1.02 78.08 3,714.31
BAT Consumer Goods BIND: ZH 2550.58 349.00 496.20 76,700 115,517.00 2.24 0.65 160.44 5,679.45
CAFCA Basic Materials 499.28 2550.00 115102.94 27,600 1,955,150.00 -1.49 -0.06 178.28 13,889.85
Cassava BAT: ZH 115102.94 495.00 17000.00 136,950.00 -3.08 -0.62 30.58 6,201.79
CBZ Consumer Goods CAFCA: ZH 17000.00 1592.43 - 109.28 23,749.78
Dairibord Industrials 1600.23 - 9404.41 - - - - 89.10 1,484.97
Delta CSZL: ZH 9404.41 - 3600.00 42,000 - - - 144.99 41,253.13
Econet Technology CBZ: ZH 3626.67 1590.00 9242.35 - 668,820.00 -7.80 -0.49 10.04 64,630.09
Edgars Banking DZL: ZH 9482.69 - 3991.92 200 - - - 174.81 12,888.03
FBC DLTA: ZH 3729.95 3600.00 324.55 614,100 7,200.00 -26.67 -0.74 306.24 118,714.40
Fidelity Consumer Goods ECO: ZH 316.25 8995.00 2888.06 878,300 56,757,270.00 -240.34 -2.53 322.43 103,413.75
First Capital Consumer Goods EDGR: ZH 2995.07 3900.00 1100.00 1,100 35,061,060.00 261.97 7.02 170.46 1,061.25
FML Telecommunications FBC: ZH 1100.00 370.00 339.39 5,400 3,570.00 8.30 2.62 92.36 19,406.32
FMP Consumer Services FIDL: ZH 331.14 2900.00 2800.00 200 155,955.00 -107.01 -3.57 476.82 1,198.16
GBH FCA: ZH 2352.02 1100.00 1445.00 271,700 2,200.00 - - 208.54 7,319.69
Getbucks Banking FMHL: ZH 1445.10 340.00 199.82 400 922,119.00 8.25 2.49 166.67 19,324.01
Hippo Financial Services FMP: ZH 197.40 2800.00 875.68 100 11,200.00 447.98 19.05 345.99 17,891.37
Innscor GBH: ZH 919.05 1445.00 19000.00 59,700 1,445.00 -0.10 -0.01 732.58 1,072.21
Lafarge Banking GBFS: ZH 19000.00 200.00 9633.18 2,200 119,290.00 2.42 1.23 6905.44 10,185.20
Mash Financial Services HIPO: ZH 9929.64 875.00 9800.00 12,800 19,265.00 -43.37 -4.72 111.11 36,673.91
Masimba INN: ZH 9800.00 19000.00 340.00 230,900 2,432,000.00 - - 160.15 54,405.93
Medtech Real Estate LACZ: ZH 338.92 10000.00 4002.01 - 22,243,010.00 -296.46 -2.99 920.83 7,840.00
Meikles Industrials MASH: ZH 4008.96 - 27.96 9,200 - - - 265.59 6,320.85
Nampak MSHL: ZH 28.84 340.00 9400.00 244,800 31,280.00 1.08 0.32 257.32 9,671.01
NatFoods Financial Services MMDZ: ZH 9400.00 4005.00 1332.20 223,900 9,796,930.00 -6.95 -0.17 253.92
NTS Consumer Goods MEIK: ZH 1334.92 28.00 52900.00 12,800 62,599.00 -0.88 -3.05 327.18 849.92
NMBZ NPKZ: ZH 52900.00 9400.00 1080.00 4,100 1,203,200.00 - - 483.66 23,748.73
OK Zim Industrials NTFD: ZH 1080.00 1300.00 1600.00 - 54,620.00 -2.72 -0.20 780.20 10,066.74
Proplastics Industrials NTS: ZH 1600.00 - 1801.23 300 - - - 3834.43 36,183.66
RTG Real Estate NMB: ZH 1805.76 1080.00 3360.00 200 3,240.00 - - 299.95
RioZim Industrials OKZ: ZH 3360.00 1600.00 518.00 1,640,100 3,200.00 - - 100.14 2,741.82
SeedCo Healthcare PROL: ZH 523.11 1800.00 2801.00 - 29,542,010.00 -4.53 -0.25 290.25 6,466.75
Simbisa Industrials RTG: ZH 2801.00 - 8000.00 500 - - - 170.14 22,457.97
Star Africa Industrials RIOZ: ZH 8000.00 518.00 4377.96 - 2,590.00 -5.11 -0.98 87.33 8,465.04
Truworths Consumer Goods SEED: ZH 4470.99 - 259.29 65,800 - - - 247.83 12,926.67
TSL Industrials SIM: ZH 257.92 8000.00 221.00 71,900 5,264,000.00 - - 264.29 3,418.05
Turnall SACL: ZH 221.00 4200.00 4960.00 12,600 3,147,755.00 -93.03 -2.08 860.33 19,642.25
Unifreight Banking TRUW: ZH 4960.00 259.00 400.00 - 32,670.25 1.37 0.53 649.15 24,612.23
Willdale Consumer Services TSL: ZH 400.00 - 2877.50 - - - - 187.54 12,225.74
ZB TURN: ZH 2877.50 - 287.54 5,000 - - - 330.11
Zeco Industrials UNIF: ZH 287.78 400.00 8000.28 - 20,000.00 - - 15370.43 848.79
Zimpapers Consumer Services WILD: ZH 8000.00 - 0.03 19,000 - - - 798.56 17,712.28
Zimplow ZBFH: ZH 0.03 288.00 293.75 352,400 54,632.00 -0.24 -0.08 233.35
ZHL Basic Materials ZECO: ZH 293.75 9000.00 1733.81 - 28,193,000.00 0.28 0.00 50.00 1,972.16
TOTAL Consumer Goods ZIMP: ZH 1688.26 - 419.00 200 - - - 199.74 3,063.80
Consumer Goods ZIMPLOW: ZH 403.53 293.75 54,900 587.50 - - 246.76 5,112.47
Consumer Goods ZHL: ZH 1700.00 12,800 951,860.00 45.55 2.70 33.66 14,015.74
Consumer Services 419.00 4,990,000 53,632.00 15.47 3.83
Consumer Goods 199,112,146.75 0.14
Industrials 4,133.07
Industrials 7,620.16
Industrials 844,020.20

Consumer Services
Financial Services

ETFs 250.02 250.00 250.08 69,607 174,074.50 0.06 0.02 149.53 200.06

Old Mutual ZSE Top 10 ETF

FINSEC Financial Services OMZIL 7000.00 7000.00 -- - 164.15 5,810.82

Old Mutual Zimbabwe

VFEX (US cents) Consumer Goods PHL:VX 18.10 - 18.10 - -- - -49.72 US$m
Consumer Goods SCIL:VX 25.20 25.20 25.20 98.03
Padenga - -- - 40.00 60.76
SeedCo International

Index Close Change (%) Open YTD % Top 5 Risers Price Change % YTD %
ZSE All Share 7,060.72 +0.19 7,047.56 +168.53 FML 2800.00c +447.98c +19.05 +166.67
Top 10 3,773.68 -0.45 3,790.71 +128.09 Econet 3991.92c +261.97c +7.02 +322.43
Top 15 4,337.43 +0.17 4,329.98 +122.65 AFDIS 8000.00c +500.00c +6.67 +233.33
Small Cap +0.58 234,706.37 +1887.78 ZHL +15.47c +3.83 +33.66
Medium Cap 236,071.81 +1.09 18,182.05 +230.32 Zimplow 419.00c +45.55c +2.70 +246.76
18,379.92 1733.81c

Top 5 Fallers Price Change % YTD %
Getbucks 875.68c -43.37c -4.72 +6905.44
FBC -3.57
Medtech 2888.06c -107.01c -3.05 +92.36
Innscor 27.96c -0.88c -2.99 +253.92
Delta -2.53 +160.15
9633.18c -296.46c +306.24
9242.35c -240.34c

SALES & TRADING: Davide Muchengi: | Lungani Nyamazana: | Tatenda Jasi:
RESEARCH: Batanai Matsika: | Precious Chagwedera: | Tafara Mtutu:

Tel: (+263) 08677008101-2 | Email: | Address: 1st Floor, Block D, Smatsatsa Office Park, Borrowdale, Harare

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Page 26 News Analysis NewsHawks

NYASHA CHINGONO Child marriage crisis Issue 43, 13 August 2021
spirals out of control
GOVERNMENT lethargy in tity. The suggestion that the per-
dealing with endemic child mar- UN Women said. crime scene and should be treated Appalling in the ordeal is that The Zimbabwe Catholic Bish- petrator and his church are being
riages in Zimbabwe has raised Machaya’s death speaks to a as such.  the teenager was immediately ops Conference has called upon protected because they command
questions over President Em- buried without the knowledge of the authorities to act swiftly. a large constituency and hence
merson Mnangagwa’s sincerity cancerous system in the apostolic After mid-wives diagnosed her family. made up of potential voters, it is
in protecting the girl child and sects that allows rape in the name that Machaya had developed “It is more than three days not only worrying but causes so
dealing permanently with the of marriage.  complications during labour, she Thankfully, the police are now since the receipt of the case has much discomfort,” the bishops
barbaric practice.  was denied medical attention. treating the Machaya issue as a been acknowledged by the Zim- said. 
Zanu PF’s cosy relations with Naturally the 14-year-old’s body possible murder case. It is appar- babwe Republic Police but no
Last week, Zimbabweans were the apostolic sects also complicate had not fully developed to go ent that the team of mid-wives arrests have been publicly an- Nyaradzai Gumbonzvanda,
shocked by reports that 14-year- the investigations into gory activ- through labour and the adults at and church leaders wanted to nounced. It is expected that by African Union goodwill ambas-
old Memory Machaya had died ities that happen in the churches.  that shrine should have known.  conceal her death.  now ZRP should have the iden- sador on ending child marriage,
during childbirth at a religious who has been spearheading the
sect’s shrine in Marange, eastern The tightly secured shrine is a #JusticeForMemory campaign
Zimbabwe. online, has also called upon the
authorities to apprehend the per-
Citizens took to social me- petrator, saying this would send
dia, expressing outrage at the a strong message to older men in
paedophile, identified as Evans the habit of marrying young girls. 
Momberume, who reportedly
married the now deceased as a She said child marriages is
13-year-old. Machaya, who died rape. 
on 15 July, was forced to drop out
of school before she was married “This child has a name, a fam-
off to Momberume.   ily, a community, and a govern-
ment. Her death has created out-
Civil society, the opposition rage. We are all angry because it
and international agencies like is not a single child, its thousands
the United Nations also voiced of them in the country and mil-
their anger at Machaya’s death, lions in Africa who are raped, sex-
while the police promised to ually abused and some die with-
crack the matter. out anyone talking about them,”
Gumbonzvanda said. 
But Machaya’s death has
brought into sharp focus the The online campaign #Justice-
weak marriage laws that continue ForMemory has been trending
exposing young girls to polyga- since last week, along with a peti-
mous marriage, especially in ap- tion to stop child marriage.
ostolic sects. 
Child marriage in Zimbabwe
The government has contin- is often driven by poverty and has
ued to turn a blind eye to child been worsened by the Covid-19
marriage. pandemic which has seen fam-
ilies marry off their children for
Zimbabwe’s marriage laws do survival. 
not stipulate a minimum age of
marital consent, while customary But most child brides are likely
law allows polygamy.  to remain in poverty as they lack
personal development and edu-
This is problematic as it expos- cation.
es teen girls, who are denied the
joys of childhood when they are According to the children’s
married off to older men.  rights organisation Girls Not
Brides, families see little worth
The process of synchronising in girls.
the two laws, which include ban-
ning marriage of anyone below “In many communities, eco-
18 years and prosecuting anyone nomic opportunities are severely
involved in the marriage of a mi- limited, especially for girls and
nor, has been moving at snail’s women. Families therefore see
pace, observers say.  little value in educating their
daughters and instead marry
The lack of urgency in Parlia- them off to fulfil the role of a wife
ment to debate and pass the Bill and mother,” says the organisa-
is appalling as cases of child mar- tion.
riage continue to soar, under the
cover of Covid-19.  About 34% of girls in Zimba-
bwe are married before they are
The Zimbabwean authorities 18  while 5% are married before
are complicit in endemic child they are 15, Girls Not Brides says.
marriage, a practice described by
many as rape. Rights defenders say child
marriage, outlawed by the Con-
UN Women in Zimbabwe stitutional Court in 2016, has
weighed in, saying perpetrators of spiralled out of control in the ru-
violence against women should ral areas where up to 67% of all
not get away with impunity. Zimbabweans reside. 

“The current trend of unre- Between January and Febru-
solved cases of violence against ary, almost  5 000 teenage preg-
women and girls in Zimbabwe, nancies were recorded in Zimba-
including marriages of minors bwe and nearly 2 000 girls under
cannot continue with impunity,” the age of 18 were married off,
Parliament heard last month.


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NewsHawks The Big Debate Page 27

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

How Mnangagwa consolidated his grip

Alex T. President Emmerson Mnangagwa. few months later. The purpose
Magaisa of the election was to sanitize
turned home in a feat of glory. method by which he got into a blot on his leadership. The tial election than his illustrious the power-grab, but sadly for
Grab power by any means It all fitted in perfectly, giving power was unclean. Propagan- coup had left a hangover of predecessor. It was even more them, they retained power but
FOR a man who waited 37 the impression that the entire da labels such as “military-as- illegitimacy which weighed remarkable because he did so failed to win the legitimacy
years as an understudy, the story had been pre-scripted. sisted transition”, which gull- heavily on him. He thought on a shoe-string budget and they so coveted.
past three-and-a-half years The generals had done their ible media, politicians, and an election would sanitise his with very little time to cam- Buy the opposition
have been an anti-climax of job. even diplomats latched onto ill-gotten power. paign since Tsvangirai died in The easiest way to consoli-
enormous proportions. were not enough to launder February with the election just date authoritarian rule is by
They had jettisoned Zim- the coup. Some people, even Several factors gave him 5 months away. weakening the opposition. All
One might have thought babwe’s longstanding ruler, in the opposition, thought confidence that it would be a authoritarian rulers in histo-
that he used the long period but in the process, they had that there would be a pow- smooth ride. The popularity of In the end, the election ry have used several methods
of political apprenticeship to also vanquished a faction that er-sharing arrangement af- the coup among Zimbabwe- brought more trouble than to eliminate the opposition.
identify the errors to be avoid- was vying to succeed Mugabe, ter the coup. The removal of ans made him too confident he had anticipated. It did not They can ban all opposition
ed if ever he got an opportu- paving the way for Mnangag- Mugabe was supposed to ush- that the people liked him. He resolve the legitimacy ques- and create a one-party state,
nity to lead. However, near- wa’s faction. The nation had er in a new era of cooperation overestimated his popularity tion, especially as his main but this method lost currency
ly four years since grabbing watched from the sidelines as between like-minded forces. and did not realize that peo- rival refused to give the elu- in a previous era. However,
power in a coup that toppled Mnangagwa’s Lacoste faction This was a gross misjudgment, ple were more excited by the sive loser’s consent because he this has not stopped authori-
his long-time boss, Robert battled it out with the G40 especially by the opposition departure of Mugabe who had maintained that the election tarian rulers from still trying
Mugabe, Emmerson Mnan- faction whose principal face which underestimated Mnan- seemed unremovable after 37 had been rigged for Mnan- to establish a one-party system
gagwa has struggled to uplift was Grace Mugabe. Mnangag- gagwa’s ambitions. He had years in office. He wrongly gagwa. This dispute has hung of government. They simply
Zimbabwe from the depths of wa took the prize but it was no intentions to share power conflated the popularity of like a cloud over Mnangagwa’s make the practice of oppo-
poverty, and citizens remain the military that made him. with anyone. What stood in Mugabe’s removal with the first term even after the Con- sition politics impossible. If
under the yoke of political re- the way of power was Mugabe reception of his ascendancy to stitutional Court ruled in his they can’t ban the opposition,
pression. The average Zimba- The coup had helped him and the faction that was op- the top. favour. they simply control it.
bwean is no better today than achieve the first step in consol- posing him. Once they were
he was when Mnangagwa took idating power: Grab Power by removed, the path to power The death of Morgan If the election was sup- Past dictators have killed
office in those heady days of Any Means. But getting to the was clear. Tsvangirai, the popular oppo- posed to launder his power their opponents. Others have
November 2017. helm is one thing. Maintain- sition leader who had given and confirm his legitimacy, it jailed them. Harassment is
ing power is a different prop- If the parties that united for Mugabe sleepless nights, led was largely a failure because a common strategy. The law
Three and a half years ago, osition. This article examines the coup had arranged to sus- him to believe that the MDC the stain could not be washed is weaponized against oppo-
Mnangagwa was forced to flee how Mnangagwa has used the pend elections, Mnangagwa’s would be a much-diminished off. The election itself was nev- nents. Selective application of
Zimbabwe in the dark of the first three and half years to ride might have met with very opponent. He was also wrong er going to be anything other the law is a common weapon.
night. He had just been sacked consolidate his power. little opposition. But apart on this count. The youthful than a charade. The generals They also try to bankrupt the
by Mugabe from his position Sanitize dirty power from the ambition to exercise Nelson Chamisa, who suc- had not taken the audacious opposition party, a method of
as co-Vice President. The sack- Mnangagwa knew that the exclusive rule, the coup was ceeded Tsvangirai went on to step to carry out a coup in or- financial asphyxiation to snuff
ing followed a dramatic period win more votes in a presiden- der to give up the power just a the life out of opponents.
during which Mnangagwa was When they identify fault lines,
the subject of verbal attacks they use the divide and rule
at political rallies. The charge strategy by sponsoring fac-
was led by Mugabe’s wife, tions within the opposition.
Grace who was in her element. They can infiltrate the oppo-
The end seemed nigh but the sition to create or exacerbate
sacking turned out to be Mug- conflicts and divisions, in ad-
abe’s greatest undoing. It was dition to extracting strategic
the trigger that propelled his information.
own downfall.
In a previous article, I have
It sparked a chain reaction explained how the Mnangag-
of events that saw the military wa regime has made use of the
generals disobeying his com- twin strategies of coercion and
mand and defying the Con- co-optation against the oppo-
stitution to carry out a coup. sition. If you cannot repress
Mugabe had stayed in power them, bribe them to your side.
for so long he forgot that he Opposing an authoritarian re-
was propped up by the mil- gime is tiring and costly for in-
itary and his hold on power dividuals. For the ruling party,
was only assured if he did not chasing the opposition is like
threaten their economic inter- a predator chasing prey. The
ests. predator targets the weaker
members of the herd and goes
When he took the gap, after them. After some time,
Mnangagwa made a confi- the isolated and weary targets
dent, if haughty undertaking. lose their legs and the predator
In a memo from his tempo- pounces.  The last three years
rary lair, he made a promise to has seen many weary opposi-
Zimbabweans that he would tion warriors fall prey to the
return in two weeks to lead bite of the crocodile. Their fu-
them. The true story of what ture is now in Zanu-PF, not in
happened then has not yet the opposition. They are gone
been told with sufficient au- and they will be more vicious
thority and objectivity. There towards the opposition than
are too many hagiographies the original Zanu-PF mem-
that glorify Mnangagwa and bers.  
other critical commentaries
from the wounded. Mnangagwa has used sev-
eral of these methods in his
Perhaps one day there quest to eliminate the threat
will emerge a more objective of the MDC Alliance led by
and authoritative account of Nelson Chamisa. Just this
events. But what is clear is week, he handed over brand
that the plan to carry out a new vehicles to members of
coup was already in existence the Political Actors Dialogue
long before it was executed (Polad) which is made up of
and Mugabe had ignored the several of the losing candidates
threat, believing that his lieu- of the 2018 election. Just a few
tenants were loyal to the end. weeks ago, one of Mnangag-
The sacking was a rare act wa’s cronies, Kuda Tagwirei
of political misjudgment in handed over 5 vehicles to the
Mugabe’s long career. It was Zimbabwe Republic Police
the spark that lit the pow- (ZRP), a move that raised eye-
der-keg. brows as it increases the risk
of capture of the law enforce-
And so Mnangagwa re- ment agency by private actors.

Why would the government
have no money to buy the po-
lice service vehicles but have

Page 28 The Big Debate NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

enough to buy 20 vehicles for evil, speaks no evil, hears no personnel. You would be hard- and Paradzai Zimondi who the gullible, and he probably Mnangagwa’s lifeboat, Malaba
political upstarts whose only evil about Zanu-PF’s failure pressed to find a state-con- oversaw the prisons. Another hopes for some political os- would have sunk on a paltry
qualification is their ambition of governance and repressive trolled entity that does not general, Nyikayaramba also mosis by which this patronage package quoted in the weak
to become president? politics. have a military presence. They succumbed to the pandemic. might transfer to him. But as Zimbabwean dollar. The irony
are not only the eyes and ears the cliché goes, there is no free was that in two previous judg-
Besides, the gift of vehicles The minor party’s obsequi- of the military establishment, Chiwenga, the man who lunch, and these megalomani- ments he had condemned liti-
to Polad members is arguably ous stance toward Zanu-PF but it also guarantees them ac- led the coup, has been bat- ac characters milling around gants to receive their awards in
a violation of the Political Par- is a  quid pro quo  for all the cess to public resources. This tling a mysterious illness that him are certainly milking their the weak Zimbabwean dollar,
ties (Finance) Act which regu- backing that the regime gave ensures that both the institu- has taken him to several coun- proximity to the highest office but when it was his turn, he
lates state funding of political it during the battle for par- tional interests of the military tries. This has led him to an in the country.    was unwilling to take it.   
parties. None of the parties ty representatives, assets, and and the individual interests of embarrassing situation where
whose leaders were gifted a ve- funds against the MDC Alli- the deployed are catered for. although he banned health The narcissism which drives But it is not just the judi-
hicle qualify for political party ance during 2020. It is heavily tourism, he is a regular and this deification includes the ciary that has been severely
funding under the law because indebted to Mnangagwa and Another way is to guaran- high-profile health tourist re-writing of history in ways compromised by these uncon-
they did not get the requisite his regime.  tee the military establishment to China. The illness has not that centre Mnangagwa in stitutional changes. While the
minimum 5% of the total a large piece of the economic only debilitated him, but his the national narrative. Even constitution establishes the
votes at the election. Although Mwonzora and pie. Deployment into strategic pursuit of overseas treatment otherwise noble ideas such as Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption
his party are sure candidates national assets is one way but has also damaged his integri- the honours system that is de- Commission as an indepen-
But Mnangagwa has simply for severe punishment by vot- direct control of the means of ty and credibility. The recent signed to honour individuals dent institution to fight cor-
circumvented this by reward- ers at the next election, by production is another. This death of the army command- that have made outstanding ruption, Mnangagwa created
ing members of the Polad, a then they would have served is achieved through critical er, Edzai Chimonyo is another contributions to society are his parallel structure housed in
structure that he created in the their purpose. Their politics is sectors like agriculture and loss of an old comrade who contaminated by nepotism his office which he called the
aftermath of the controversial no longer about opposing or mining. Public programs like was catapulted to the top after and conflict of interest. In the Special Anti-Corruption Unit
2018 elections. overcoming Zanu-PF’s mis- Command Agriculture have the coup. The demise of old latest decree, Mnangagwa un- (Sacu). It is a contradiction to
rule, no. Their raison d’etre is been hugely beneficial to polit- comrades has not diminished ashamedly awarded his wife establish an anti-corruption
For their part, members of to oppose ZANU PF’s stron- ically exposed persons (PEPs). Mnangagwa. It has strength- a national honour which he unit in an office that is poten-
Polad have accepted the gifts, gest opposition, the MDC Al- All the Mnangagwa regime ened his hand because it has calls the Order of the Star of tially the epicentre of high-lev-
to which they believe they liance and it is a role they have must do is to avoid upsetting enabled him to replace them Zimbabwe Gold.  el corruption. It is as if Mnan-
are entitled. People ask why taken with the pleasure of a this arrangement. The regime with his own men. A post- gagwa established the unit as a
Mnangagwa does not prior- duck to water. protects their economic inter- coup ruler always needs men One is reminded of the gatekeeper against the scrutiny
itize more important social ests, and they protect the re- that are beholden to him. embarrassing episode in 2015 of corrupt activities in his of-
needs during a pandemic, but Since they have virtually no gime. The game-changer is if when the University of Zim- fice. Such disdain for strong
for the authoritarian mindset, prospects of winning the next the regime begins to threaten There are other softer ways babwe granted Grace Mug- and independent institutions
there is no greater priority election, they are staking their the economic interests of the of keeping rivals at bay. One abe a doctoral degree in very is part of the strategic agenda
than to control the opposi- future, not in an opposition military establishment. of the easiest ways is to use controversial circumstances. It in which all power is centered
tion. When he created Polad, victory but a future in which the power of appointment is all the more disappointing in the presidency.
the idea was to dilute the voice Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF re- A good example is the Great to deploy potential rivals far because Mnangagwa came in Conclusion
of his main rival, Nelson Cha- main in power. In that event, Dyke Investments deal which away from the seat of power, with a promise to be differ- Mnangagwa is making use of
misa. He wanted to drown Mnangagwa will drop another was revealed by The Sentry where they pose no threat. ent. In reality, there are more all the rules in the dictator’s
him in the sea of political lifeboat for them in the form report last month. It had long Mnangagwa has done this by continuities than differences. playbook – from weakening
chancers and pretend that he of another Polad, diplomatic been known that the Zimba- appointing key figures to dip- Mugabe lurked behind the and eliminating both internal
was engaged in dialogue with posts, or other public offic- bwean military had a  signifi- lomatic missions. The general university. Mnangagwa has no and external rivals to personal-
the opposition. Chamisa re- es. For authoritarian rulers, cant interest in GDI, a joint who also led the military cam- regard for such formal nice- ising power and weaking state
jected this proposition. the power of appointment venture with a Russian com- paign that killed six citizens ties. He has gone a step further institutions. He wasted a great
is a handy accoutrement in pany for the multi-billion-dol- and injured scores on 1 August to personally hand his wife a opportunity in the first few
Other opposition leaders a system of patronage where lar platinum mining project. 2018, Sanyatwe, was posted to national honour. He is simply months when citizens and the
that have a better sense of po- sycophants and enablers are The project was struggling to Tanzania. Nyiakayaramba had raising the middle finger to international community gave
litical decency like Nkosana rewarded. get international financing been posted to Mozambique. the citizens and telling them him the benefit of the doubt.
Moyo, Noah Manyika, Joyce Keep the military sweet because of the involvement While former opposition fig- he does not care what they Despite feigning to be as soft
Mujuru, Daniel Shumba, Mnangagwa is eternally in- of the military. Operating ures might see favour in being think of him. as wool, it did not take him
and Elton Mangoma saw that debted to the military because through its investment vehi- deployed as an ambassador, Control and weaken institu- long to show his true colours.
Polad was a charade. They without them he would not be cle, Pen East (Pvt) Ltd, the for ruling party stalwarts it’s a tions       If his co-conspirators thought
recognised that it was a mar- in power. It was the military military sold its stake to Ku- demotion. It’s like a first team Authoritarian rulers do not he was just a seat-warmer, they
ionette show in which Mnan- that toppled Mugabe in 2017, vimba Holdings, a company player being loaned out to play like strong institutions be- misjudged his ambitions. If
gagwa was the puppet-master creating an easy pathway to in which significant PEPs are in the lower league. That is cause they get in the way of the charge against Mugabe
wisely decided to keep away power for Mnangagwa. If the involved. But as The Sentry re- what happened to Victor Me- exercising power. Strong de- was that he wanted to die on
from it. But there was a des- putsch had not happened, port warned, these off-budget temadanda who lost his role as mocracies have independent the throne, his successor is no
perate lot that was eager to Mnangagwa would probably deals for the military create a Deputy Defence Minister and institutions that act as checks different.
join and sit within sniffing be living in exile, with his parallel power structure which Commissar of Zanu-PF when and balances on the exercise of
distance of the gravy train. nemesis the G40 faction in may prove to be Mnangagwa’s he was shipped out to Maputo executive power. However, au- His biggest mark has been
Their role was to sanitize the charge of the state. For that undoing. His attempts to keep to replace Nyikayaramba. thoritarian rulers prefer to ex- on the opposition, where
regime and give the world a reason, Mnangagwa knows he the military sweet may back- Build a personality cult ercise total power without any co-optation has worked to his
false impression that there must keep the military sweet. fire if an independent and Most authoritarian rulers institutional oversight. One advantage. There were sev-
was a working arrangement I have argued before that the wealthy military discovers that centre themselves in the na- of the most important insti- eral weary individuals in the
between Mnangagwa and the coup fundamentally reshaped it can push and fund its agen- tional narrative and build a tutions is the judiciary, which opposition, and he has man-
opposition. Mnangagwa made the structure of the state, con- da independent of Mnangag- personality cult. Mnangagwa is why judicial independence aged to capture them. But he
them feel important and they firming in all but name the wa’s executive. arrived late in the presidency is critical. This is the reason knows that his chief nemesis
in turn began to believe the military as the fourth arm of Eliminate co-conspirators and lacks the charisma and why Mnangagwa has gone full lies in the MDC Alliance. He
lie.  the state apart from the exec- Rulers that get into pow- charm to build a personality throttle to control the judi- will not stop until his goal is
utive, legislature, and the ju- er through a coup might be cult. He does not have the gift ciary by  unlawfully changing achieved. Know your enemy,
Every authoritarian regime diciary. grateful to their co-conspir- of the tongue which makes the Constitution which is less says Sun Tzu, which is why
has a set of enablers, the so- ators, but they do not trust listening to his speeches a try- than 10 years old. the opposition would do well
called useful idiots. Polad is Not only did the military them. They know that the ing experience. But this has to go beyond the traditional
the platform and they have establishment call itself the co-conspirators are just as not stopped him from trying. Two big changes have been rhetoric and understand the
demonstrated excessive ea- “stockholders” of the nation ambitious and may even be In just three and a half years made to the judiciary, impact- creature they are dealing with.
gerness to play that role. The but the judiciary conferred a impatient to have their turn. there have been several hagi- ing its independence. The first
vehicles represent an incentive veneer of legality to the coup, The coup would have plant- ographies written to amplify was the change to the judicial The challenge is to not only
to continue in the regime-san- endorsing the claim that the ed the seed and as the cliché his story. But the story has so appointments process from fully appreciate the structure
itisation project. The fact that military had not violated the goes, a coup begets a coup many holes it leaks like a sieve. one that was open and trans- and pattern of power under
they will be surely punished Constitution even though it which means that one coup The narratives always sidestep parent back to a procedure the Mnangagwa regime, but
by voters at the next election had acted without its Com- is more likely to be followed gruesome episodes of his life, that is opaque with powers also to devise strategies to
does not bother them. They mander-in-Chief ’s author- by another. The ruler must such as Gukurahundi in the concentrated in the presiden- counter and overcome it. This
will be ready to play their role ity. Any theorization of the therefore guard against the 1980s where he had a starring cy. This gives Mnangagwa the is not to say the opposition has
to sanitize another rigged elec- Zimbabwean state that fails risk of another coup, which role as Minister of State Secu- power to control the compo- a duty to explain those strate-
tion and to join another Polad to consider this abnormality would topple him. He must rity that oversaw the dreaded sition of the judiciary. With gies in public.
where they will be handsome- would be misdirected.   keep ambitious lieutenants Central Intelligence Organisa- control of the critical political
ly rewarded again. If all else on the leash. In extreme cases, tion (CIO). These omissions referee, Mnangagwa can sleep That would be political na-
fails, they will just take the di- The military has stamped co-conspirators are killed, or make the narratives vacuous easily. ivety. Where in the world has
rect route taken by the likes of its mark by the deployment of they meet suspicious deaths. and dishonest. a political party fighting au-
Lilian Timveos or Obert Gutu military personnel to virtually In other cases, they are jailed. The second method was thoritarian rule disclosed its
to join Zanu-PF and wait for every pocket of public power In recent months, his advis- amending the Constitution strategies? To what end and
rewards. Gutu was rewarded that is of strategic importance. Whether it is by the hand ers have brought dubious char- to allow the Chief Justice who to please who? But this does
with a role as a commission- To be sure, this militarization of nature or humankind, sev- acters to State House probably was due for imminent retire- not mean the opposition must
er while Timveos got a board of state institutions has always eral individuals that were key to boost his profile among ment to retain his job for an- be distracted by sideshows. If
membership in a state-con- been a recurring feature, but it to the success of the coup young people who by most other five years. He did this by the MDC Alliance judges it-
trolled entity. seems to have intensified after have succumbed over the in- reasonable estimations are changing the Constitution to self against the MDC-Ts and
the coup as leaders of the coup tervening period. History will likely to play a significant role effectively raise the retirement NCAs of this world, it will be
As for the MDC-T led by exchanged their military fa- record that the coup was fol- in the next election if they are age of judges from 70 to 75 wasting precious time and en-
Senator Douglas Mwonzora, it tigues for suits and took pub- lowed by a deadly pandemic registered to vote. Mnangag- years just a few days before ergy.
is just a matter of time before lic office. that retired several influential wa is probably fascinated by Chief Justice Malaba was set
it formally joins Polad. But figures. They include gener- the way these pseudo-religious to retire upon reaching the *About the writer: Dr Alex
even if it keeps away, it has al- The body that oversees pub- als S.B. Moyo who was the figures have mastered the art age of 70. It does not require Magaisa is a law lecturer at
ready shown its disposition to- lic procurement in Zimbabwe, face of the coup, Perence Shi- of building a personality cult. a rocket scientist to observe Kent Law School in Britain
ward the Mnangagwa regime. the Procurement Regulatory ri who headed the Air Force, They have large followings of that the Chief Justice is now in and was adviser to Zimba-
Its so-called philosophy of “ra- Authority of Zimbabwe (Praz) Mnangagwa’s debt. Without bwe’s late Prime Minister
tional disputation” is no more has nearly half of its board po- Morgan Tsvangirai.
than a politics of appeasement sitions occupied by military
whereby the MDC-T sees no

NewsHawks Reframing Issues Page 29

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Travails in Africa: 
Perils and pitfalls 
of criss-crossing 
the continent 
during Covid-19

Libreville and N’Djamena, capitals of neigh-
bouring Gabon and Chad, are just more than
1 400km apart as the Boeing flies. But covering
that 1 400km has so far entailed a two-day jour-
ney via Istanbul and Addis Ababa (we managed
to miss Paris this time).

EDDY MALOKA and for work. It was there where RwandAir flight attendant serving passenger.
I had a rare, memorable encoun-
TRAVELLING around the Af- ter with the late Brenda Fassie aged us. My friends in Cameroon Our shuttle arrived in the The owner was caught un- The boss’s ego had to give in.
rican continent during Covid-19 when she was in Cameroon to warned us that the road trip could morning as expected. The driver prepared by our reaction; he All passengers were now on board.
times has its own challenges — perform. I was lucky to be on the take hours, perhaps even 10 hours was there, and so was the owner, thought there was no limit to our The aircraft had been waiting for
PCR tests, wearing masks all same flight with her as she land- or so. Flight options to next-door in jeans, with his associate dressed desperate state. He had clearly us in its parking bay for about 20
the time, manoeuvring around ed to a thunderous reception by Chad were not just pricey, but in a black suit. Instead of hitting overplayed his hand. He was left minutes. One of his colleagues
lockdown measures of countries, a crowd playing her “Vulindlela”, would also take us via Paris. the road, we experienced a long with his tail between his legs as we pointed him to a reference on the
or walking the thin line through full blast, from speakers carried delay which I thought was be- headed back to our hotel. internet which he reluctantly ac-
airport traffic and restaurants in on top of a car that led the town- We got emboldened when cause of an omission on the part cepted to allow us through — but
countries where masks are not bound procession. We were both our ECCAS hosts told us that of colleagues in my delegation.  Our office found us an evening after some heavy tongue-lashing
enforced. headed to the same destination, they did use the road occasional- flight via Istanbul. It was a long from him to show he’s the boss.
Yaoundé, and even stayed at the ly. They even helped us secure a However, I would later learn way to go next door, to Chad, but We accepted this verbal abuse the
My trip to the headquarters same hotel, the Hilton. The last shuttle service to take us to the that the owner kept on renego- it was the only viable option. As way a sheep would consent to
of the Economic Community of time I saw her was on our re- Gabon border, to cross into Cam- tiating the agreed fee, to push it we were boarding our flight, re- being slaughtered. We were just
Central African States (ECCAS) turn flight home from Douala. I eroon. up and up. He played his tricks lieved, we thought our troubles happy to get through this unnec-
in Libreville, Gabon, was no dif- remember her being so furious, on us several times, exploiting were over. But we were wrong. essary iron curtain.
ferent. The African Peer Review speaking to my face, telling me Our plan was to hit the road our desperate situation, causing
Mechanism may be headquar- how her instruments were stolen the following day, first thing in us delays. He also wanted to be We got into Istanbul quite I am now on an Ethiopian Air-
tered in South Africa where we by her hosts.  the morning. We had some paper- paid in cash, and on the spot — early in the morning and secured lines flight, wishing that the jour-
are at Level Three lockdown, but work still to navigate — a govern- not through electronic transfer as our boarding passes for our con- ney ahead of me will be less stress-
we just can’t avoid missions to our So, I knew that in Douala, we’d ment permit we would need to be per internal controls in our office. necting flight to the capital of ful. I’ll spend this night in Addis
national offices or partner insti- have to push, to hassle to find a allowed across the border during One ECCAS colleague came to Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. As we Ababa to connect to N’Djamena
tutions, as most of them are still connecting flight to Libreville. lockdown. The combined efforts our rescue and issued the owner were about to board our flight tomorrow morning. By then, it
operating close to normal. I had We found a partner in anoth- of our AU and ECCAS colleagues a cheque. We were now set and we realised that our office had would have taken me more than
to make my way to Libreville to er hassler eager to make a quick quickly secured this paper. ready for the road. mistakenly put me on another two days to travel the 1 400km
avoid another postponement of buck from stranded foreigners. flight scheduled for the afternoon, between the neighbours, Gabon
our long-overdue engagement He got us into a VIP lounge for a Myself, I had another problem The twin-cab bakkie took off. about 12 hours away. We had to and Chad. I am less concerned
with this important regional eco- small fee. Next, we were in a cab which I had forgotten. Travelling I was squeezed but relaxed at the call home to wake up colleagues about another Covid-19 test I’ll
nomic community. as he accompanied us to the Afri- on a South African diplomatic back, thinking of the six hours at 5am. They responded well and have to take in Addis Ababa as
jet offices in town where we were passport has one disadvantage. the driver told us it would take rectified their mistake, just in the one from Libreville will expire
Libreville is one of the most lucky to get our three seats. This You can find yourself in the him to reach the border. From time for me to join the queue to tonight. My main worry is my
unforgettable cities on the conti- airport is full of vultures who will crossfire of reciprocal retaliation there, we were going to cross to board the flight.  luggage. I lost my principal suit-
nent, thanks to its sophisticated give you a low exchange rate for by African countries against the Cameroon to find a local shuttle case between Kigali and Douala
urban landscape and location local currency if you don’t know hard immigration barriers of my service to Douala. Given all the Then, another scene started on and requested RwandAir to send
along the edges of the Atlantic your way around here.  country. All South Africans are time we had already lost negoti- the margins of this queue. Airport it back home. I am counting on
Ocean with its enticing waves. required to have a visa to enter ating the shuttle fee, the best-case security refused to allow my two my colleagues who are still to
But getting there became an un- Our efforts as makeshift has- Cameroon. Being the afternoon scenario was to make the three- colleagues who were travelling on make their way to N’Djamena to
expected adventure; and exiting slers were well rewarded. When before my departure, I did not hour journey from the border to AU passports to board the flight. add it to their luggage. I had to
was like the proverbial journey this small Afrijet aircraft landed in have enough time to get this visa. Yaoundé where we could spend The tall, hefty, Turkish male secu- buy some clothing items and cos-
around the globe. Libreville after a short, 40-minute Our office moved into action; I the night. The trip to Douala for rity guard was adamant, standing metics in Douala and Libreville
flight, we were among its fortu- also called around for advice. our two-hour afternoon flight to his ground. His argument was to be presentable at my meeting
Gabon is very resolute in its nate passengers. We were relieved, N’Djamena could happen the simple — he did not know what with ECCAS. Now, these newly
response to Covid-19. All arriving but just exhausted from all that My colleague in Cameroon, next day. the  AU was, and had never had acquired items are in my small
passengers are subjected to a PCR hassling between the morning rightly so, referred me to the to deal with AU passport holders. suitcase that I have left behind in
test at the airport even if you did when our flight from Kigali land- South African embassy either in As I was running this scenar- Istanbul because of the mix-up
yours at your point of departure. ed, to the early evening when we Libreville or Yaoundé. I called the io in my head, the car suddenly As he couldn’t find any refer- about my connecting flight.
Furthermore, all international arrived in Libreville. The warm former and encountered an em- stopped, the driver jumping out. I ence to the AU passport in his
airlines are limited to a maximum airport reception from colleagues bassy reception officer who was realised we were back at our point manual, we resorted to Google, I am thinking about options
of two flights a week. The result from our AU office in Libreville more keen to play the gatekeeper of departure. We could see the and emails on our laptops about because I know that Chadian
is that flights in and out of Libre- turned the troubles we had just than offer consular services that I owner with his associate through our official mission, hoping to protocol will not take kindly to
ville are very scarce, and full when had into just a mere adventure to am entitled to as a South African the front windscreen. He tried convince him. It didn’t help try- a fellow arriving for official busi-
available.  the African tropics. Our meeting citizen. I was saved by the deci- another trick to query the fee. ing to tell him that Addis Ababa ness dressed in a black and white
with ECCAS was a cherry on the sive action of the efficient head of Not again, we thought. We had is our headquarters because he sweater as if he’s here for an Or-
Reaching Libreville under top.  our AU office, who activated her already agreed to pay him about didn’t know what the AU was lando Pirates soccer match. 
these conditions is a mountain contacts in the embassy of Cam- five times the going rate, but he in the first place. His colleagues
to climb. The road is not rec- Our next destination was eroon in Libreville, who were still wanted more. It was now joined our web-browsing research — Daily Maverick.
ommended by nationals. Still, I Chad for an event organised by kind enough to overlook legal midday. The Gabon border closes effort to help us convince their *About the writer: Eddy
forced my way, insisting that we our national office in the capital, requirements and quickly issue at 18h00. We were clearly not go- stubborn boss. They could not Maloka is the CEO of the Afri-
should proceed to ECCAS. When N’Djamena. Chad and Gabon me a visa. All systems were now in ing to make it. We had to pull the hide their embarrassment as they can Peer Review Mechanism.
we checked in at OR Tambo In- are neighbours, and the distance place. We were ready to roll — so plug on this circus. paced around trying to hide their
ternational, the Rwandan airline, between their capital cities by air we thought! faces.
RwandAir, staff were reluctant to is just more than 1 400km.
let us through since we did not
have a confirmed connection to We had been toying with the
our final destination. We reached idea of exploring ground trans-
a compromise to be checked in port as an option to head back to
to Douala, the industrial hub of Douala, where flight connections
Cameroon. were less of a challenge than in
Libreville. By air, it takes only 40
I consider Douala my home minutes to make this trip. But the
ground, having been to this city road is a different story. Gabonese
many times — with friends, colleagues in our office discour-
during my days as an academic,

Page 30 The Big Debate NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Malaba: The informal and casual approach
litigated by an attorney. It appears
chief justice Mugabe would have happily
appointed McNally whom he
Tererai company chose an advocate shortest stint as chief justice. offered the job despite being Chief Justice Luke Malaba. had known from their student
Mafukidze whose father had been a mem- He died within seven days 67—two years above retire- three political prisoners in days in South Africa. 
ber of the Cape legislature. of appointment. Lewis was ment age at the time. He re- 1968. He was trusted to be
THIS newspaper has run a se- Judge Joseph Vintcent had the son-in-law of Dr Leander tired at 73. He was the oldest fair. Mugabe did not appoint • Gubbay was surprised
ries of articles over the last six served as a crown prosecutor Starr Jameson—the first head person to hold the position of Leo Baron, who had been by his own appointment. It
months analysing the history in Botswana. He was a trusted of the judicial arm in colo- chief justice.   deputy chief justice in Zambia probably served a purpose for
of appointment of chief justices and experienced colonial em- nial Rhdoesia and Rhodes’s and had impeccable struggle Mugabe. He replaced Dum-
since colonial days. What one ployee with the “necessary ex- best friend. He was married • Murray was followed by credentials. It is believed Bar- butshena, who had turned
discerns from history is that the perience” of dealing with com- to Jameson’s daughter. Lewis Hugh Beadle. He again was on was bypassed because of his out to be independent mind-
position of head of the judiciary pany interests and “natives”.  had been Minister of Justice an accomplished politician, closeness to Mugabe’s bitter ed with a white judge initially
is politically contested terrain. It was no surprise that when and Defence before he went served in the Second World political rival Joshua Nkomo. appointed by Smith.  Gubbay
This is more pronounced in Jameson was in prison in the to the bench. Lewis was fol- War, had been a parliamen- Upon his retirement, a Ca- had defended some of the na-
post-Independence Zimbabwe. Transvaal after the calamitous lowed by Robert Tredgold, the tarian, senior civil servant and ribbean named Philip Telford tionalists as an advocate. Soon
Politicians prefer judicial offi- Jameson Raid of 1895, Judge son of Clarkson and grand- cabinet minister responsible Georges, who had served as after the appointment, Gub-
cers that are unlikely to upend Vintcent administered the son of John Moffat and great for Justice, Internal Affairs, chief justice in Tanzania, was bay made a public statement
their political power. They prefer new territory and performed grandson of Robert Moffat.  Law and Order, etc. Beadle, imported.  criticising Mugabe’s intended
yes-men and yes-women. They executive, judicial and mili- John Moffat’s grandson How- while minister of Justice, ap- land acquisition legislation.
prefer what the old Ndebele tary roles. He was command- ard Unwin Moffat had been pointed himself a High Court • When Georges retired, This pronouncement earned
adults called “oYes Nkosi”. With er-in-chief suppressing the Southern Rhodesia’s second judge. He was subsequently Mugabe appointed Enoch him vicious brickbats. By the
this political desire in mind, 1896 Ndebele-Shona rebel- prime minister of self-gov- appointed chief justice. He Dumbutshena, the first black time the chaotic land reform
politicians prefer the third arm lion and declared martial law.  ernment, succeeding Charles deployed his political skills on African judge in Zimbabwe, to programme started ten years
of government to be placed in Coghlan.  the bench and was described be chief justice. Dumbutshena later, Gubbay was a marked
the hands of trusted allies. Po- • When a second High by Chief Justice Dumbutshe- had preceded Mugabe in the man. He did not last after
litical tides vary. In one season, Court judge was required, • The junior Tredgold had na as more a right wing politi- nationalist movement. He had making decisions that Mugabe
the politician prefers one who the BSA Company appoint- had a political career before cian than a judge. Beadle was remained loyal to Joshua Nko- did not like regarding land. He
will bend the law to suit his or ed Joseph Philip Watermeyer, appointment to the bench. He replaced by Hector “Hanging” mo when Zapu spilt in 1963. was forced out of office before
her designs. In another season, another Cape advocate. Wa- had served as a parliamentari- Macdonald. Macdonald was Dumbutshena served as chief reaching his retirement date. 
the politician would prefer one termeyer sentenced Nehanda, an and in a few cabinet posi- a diehard racist and backer of justice for six years until his
who does nothing to impede the Kaguvi, Chief Mashonganyika tions, including that of min- the racist Rhodesian Front. He retirement in 1990. Mugabe • In his place, Godfrey
political class should there be a and others to death in 1898 ister of Justice and Defence.  hanged freedom fighters with refused to extend his term by a Chidyausiku was appointed
political controversy. A too polit- for disrupting the colonial When Tredgold was elevated alacrity. He misjudged the pol- further two years as requested from the ranks of the High
ical chief justice can be as much project through the 1896 re- to the position of chief justice itics of the late 1970s and de- by Justice Gubbay who subse- Court, thereby bypassing sev-
a liability as a supine one. Pow- bellion.  The executions were of the Federation of Rhode- clared that should the Patriotic quently succeeded Dumbut- eral senior judges, two of them
er, when reposed even in a judi- meant to deliver a message to sia and Nyasaland, Garfield Front (Zanu PF and PF Zapu) shena. Mugabe seemed not to black. Chidyausiku had been a
cial figure, does tend to create its “natives”.  Todd’s Southern Rhodesian win he, together with his ap- like his independent-mind- parliamentarian on the black
own ambitions.  government imported judge pellate court colleagues, would edness. When Dumbutshena voters’ roll in Rhodesia. He
• When the first two High John Murray from South Af- resign. This move ensured he subsequently re-entered pol- had served as a deputy min-
• As we have seen, Cecil Court judges died within two rica to be chief justice.Mur- would have to leave office on itics on retirement and chal- ister at Independence before
John Rhodes placed the first weeks of each other in 1914 ray was appointed ahead of attaining 65 at Independence. lenged Mugabe’s rule, Mugabe being appointed Attorney
judicial arm in the hands of leaving the country without a qualified sitting Rhodesian It also cost his preferred suc- publicly rethorically asked: General. True to the political
his right-hand man Dr Lean- a judge, the BSA Compa- judge. It is believed that the cessor, John Lewis, the son of “HwuChief Justice hwacho mission, Chidyausiku paved
der Starr Jameson—whom he ny called upon Rhodes and Rhodesian judge, Ralph Mor- Vernon Lewis, the position of akahupuwa nani?” (Did I not the way for Mugabe’s land
loved dearly. As I write, they Jameson’s old friend, William ton, was bypassed on account chief justice at Independence. give him the Chief Justice po- reform agenda on the Bench.
lie in death side by side like Musgrave Hopley, to cross of lenient sentences imposed Mugabe would not appoint sition?” When he found himself in
Siamese twins on the Matopos from South Africa and hold on white farmers who had as- Lewis in light of the position the minority on the Supreme
hill. Jameson was a medical judicial reins. Amongst oth- saulted their black labourers. they adopted towards the Pa- • It appears Gubbay, who Court bench, Mugabe ap-
doctor with no legal training. er judicial appointments was This would naturally have up- triotic Front. Instead, Mugabe had been appointed a judge by pointed two High Court judg-
Yet he understood his role as the appointment of Clarkson set Todd who was a liberal and appointed John Fieldsend, Ian Smith in 1977, was only es Mischek Cheda and Luke
chief magistrate to be support- Tredgold as a High Court believed in uplifting the stan- who had resigned in protest appointed chief justice after Malaba on the pretext that
ive of the colonial enterprise judge. He was the son-in-law dards of blacks. Murray was over the hanging of the first Justice Nick McNally had in- there was more workload. The
by ensuring law and order. of John Moffat, having mar- dicated that he was not inter- subsequent allocation of seats
ried John Moffat’s daughter. ested in the position after an in political cases followed a
He hanged Louw Andries, Senior Tredgold had been a discernible pattern. McNally
despite doubts on the qual- faithful servant of the early co- and Sandura were particu-
ity of the evidence against lonial administration, holding larly omitted. At his funeral,
Andries, to make the point office as Attorney-General. Mugabe proudly announced
amongst settlers. Next, he that since the appointment of
hanged Zulu Jim to make • The first person to hold the Chidyausiku as chief justice
the point to the conquered formal position of chief justice his government had not lost a
natives. 70 years later, Judge was Murray Bisset in 1927. single case.
Macdonald used the noose He was imported from South
to deliver the message to the Africa where he had fought in • In 2016, when Chidyausi-
freedom fighters who dreamt the Anglo-Boer war and had ku was about to reach retire-
of liberating the African from also been a politician, cricketer ment, Emmerson Mnangag-
colonial rule.  and practising advocate. Bisset wa’s faction tried to prevent an
was replaced on his death by open race for the position of
• When the time came for another South African import, chief justice as required by the
the British South Africa Com- Alexander Fraser Rusell. Fraser Constitution. The 2013 Con-
pany to appoint the first prop- Rusell was followed in office stitution required the position
er judge to man the newly cre- by Robert Hudson. Hudson to be advertised, public inter-
ated High Court in 1894, the had been minister of Justice views and the recommenda-
and Attorney-General and tion of three candidates to the
also minister of Defence. He President for appointment.
crossed from the executive to Chidyausiku was sent home
the bench. He was a veteran of on leave pending retirement,
the First World War.  apparently without Mugabe’s
knowledge. Mnangagwa was
• Hudson was followed by one of the two Vice Presidents
Vernon Lewis who had the and also served as the Minister
of Justice. Chidyausiku was re-
portedly returned to office by
Mugabe, with the instructions
to proceed and find a possible

The litigated chief justice-

• Malaba’s appointment
as Chief Justice became a lit-

NewsHawks Reframing Issues Page 31

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

igated affair fronted by a law and Supreme Court judges Damage to public confi- with far reaching powers.  pendent and effective, they are and positions. This is patently
student, Romeo Zibani. It was to a retirement age of 75. The dence in the judiciary These powers are essential to also required to be seen as in- unconstitutional. This revela-
the first time in the history of 2013 Constitution set this at the protection of our consti- dependent and effective. With tion may have shocked those
the country that the appoint- 70. The effect of the amend- • Whatever judicially pro- tutional democracy. Public justice and judges, perception who believed that South Afri-
ment became a litigated af- ment is that instead of retiring nounced outcome will be confidence is of the highest is as powerful as reality. No ca was exemplary in terms of
fair.  On 11 December 2016, in 2021, Malaba would be due made regarding this judicial importance.  As US Supreme wonder there is the oft-quot- protecting the courts from po-
Judge Hungwe interdicted the for retirement in 2026 at the saga, the biggest casualty is Court Justice Felix Frank- ed aphorism: justice must not litical influence. It is not. The
Judicial Service Commission age of 75.  public confidence in the ju- furter once said, “The court’s only be done, but also be seen ruling party, like others across
from conducting interviews diciary, and the damage done authority – possessed of nei- to be done. Public confidence the continent, has a vested in-
which had been set for 12 • Litigation was instituted to it will endure for years to ther the purse nor the sword in the courts is based on per- terest in ensuring that courts
December to choose the three in the High Court to declare come. The importance of an – ultimately rests on sustained ceptions of the justness of ju- are manned by cadres. Unless
names to be recommended to the extension inapplicable to independent and accountable public confidence in its moral dicial decisions, the efficacy we collectively arrest it, our
President Mugabe as replace- Malaba. Three judges of the judiciary in our constitutional sanction.”  Courts make deci- of the court system, and the politicians will forever seek to
ment of Chidyausiku. Zibani High Court declared that democracy cannot be debated. sions which affect the liberty, integrity of judges  control the third arm of the
approached the High Court this extension did not apply Once public confidence per- property and dignity of indi- State.
arguing that since the candi- to Malaba. All judges of the ishes, the observance of the viduals. These decisions are • On Wednesday 11 Au-
dates were known to the JSC Supreme Court were cited in rule of law will be in jeopardy. accepted by society because gust 2021, the South African • When personal and polit-
members, a committee of re- the litigation. The JSC and the Before Malaba’s ascendancy to its members believe that they President Cyril Ramaphosa ical ambition have long dissi-
tired judges should instead judges have appealed to the the position of chief justice, have been made honestly, im- appeared before the Zondo pated, we shall look back and
conduct the interviews and Supreme Court. The appeal is our country had been preced- partially and independent of Commission into State Cap- wonder whether this assault
recommend the next chief jus- yet to be heard.  ed by 17 years of unrelenting any external pressures.  When ture. He shocked the nation on a freshly minted democrat-
tice. In response to the appli- assault on the rule of law.     one torpedoes that confi- by admitting that the ruling ic constitution was at all nec-
cation, Mnangagwa curiously • From the blind side, a lit- dence, there can be no faith African National Congress’s essary. Without independent
attached a draft Constitution- igant named Marx Mupungu • Our   Constitution vests in the rule of law.  Courts and cadre deployment committee judges and courts our rights
al Bill which he stated was to applied to the Constitution- the judicial authority in the judges must not only be inde- discusses which judges should and democracy are in peril. 
be presented to Parliament to al Court to hear the matter courts. They are entrusted be appointed to which courts
amend the procedure set in the on the basis that the effect of — Tererai R Mafukidze ©
Constitution. It would give the High Court decision was
power to the President to ap- that the President had failed SUPERLIFE
point the Chief Justice, Dep- to fulfil a constitutional obli-
uty Chief Justice and Judge gation in extending Malaba’s STC30
President of the High Court term of office. This constitu-
without the open and public tional application was given As we age our stemcells (basic building blocks in our body for repair
contestation required by the priority and has already been processes), like other cells, they age, get weakened, die and get depleted in
2013 Constitution. The judg- heard. Mupungu deliberately
ment of the High Court de- did not cite the judges cited process (owing to the heavy toll our lifestyle has on them)
parted from the case brought in the High Court matter. At
by Zibani and interdicted the the hearing, one of the parties, STC30 stemcell supplement, made to allow your body to regenerate, heal
interviews pending Mnangag- Musa Kika applied to have the itself and deal effectively with:
wa’s Bill being presented and judges recuse themselves. The
promulgated by Parliament. application was dismissed. The Ÿ Arthritis Ÿ Cysts
reasons for dismissing the ap- Ÿ Diabetes
• The JSC immediately ap- plication will be given by the Ÿ Acids Ÿ Skin Disease
pealed to the Supreme Court Court later.  Ÿ Allergies
suspending the High Court Ÿ Eyesight Problems, Prostrate Disorder Ÿ ETC
interdict. The interviews went • Kika then withdrew from
ahead. Of the initial four can- participating in the hearing on WhatsAPP +263 71 379 6159
didates only three, DCJ Mala- the merits. The Young Law-
ba, Justices Makarau and Gar- yers Association participated
we turned up. Judge President in the hearing on the merits.
Chiweshe did not turn up for The Court appointed its own
his interview. The leaked re- amicus curiae, that is, a friend
sults of the interviews showed of the court, to present ar-
that the real contest was be- gument. Judgment has been
tween Malaba and Makarau, reserved. Litigation brought
with Garwe placed a distant by other individuals and or-
third. The Supreme Court ganisations challenging the
subsequently heard the appeal constitutionality of the two
on an urgent basis and over- amendments to the Constitu-
turned the High Court deci- tion before the Constitutional
sion. Behind the scenes, there Court is pending. It has not
were damaging rumours about been given the priority given
political interference in the to the other matter. 
litigation. Chidyausiku in fact
struggled to put together a five • After the High Court
judge panel he had intended declarator, it appeared Mal-
to hear the matter. He ended aba was unsure of his own
up calling up one retired judge position. The JSC announced
to complete a panel of three. that DCJ Gwaunza would be
Mugabe went on to appoint the acting Chief Justice. She
Malaba as Chief Justice to re- indeed performed some of the
place Chidyausiku. It was the tasks. However, silently, Mal-
first time that ascendancy to aba returned to the office and
the position was preceded by performed some of his cere-
litigation.  monial roles, like swearing in
new judges. 
• This appears to have been
a bad omen. Litigation, which • Recently, new Supreme
ushered the chief justiceship Court judges and the Judge
of Luke Malaba, has returned President appear to have been
to haunt his extension of term appointed despite the pend-
from retirement at 70 years to ing challenge to the consti-
retirement at 75 years. Despite tutional amendments which,
initially being opposed to Mal- if successful, would render
aba’s appointment in 2016, the appointments invalid. An
Mnangagwa’s faction seems to organisation such as the JSC
have warmed up to Chief Jus- should have deferred any ap-
tice Malaba. The government pointments until the litigation
presented the Constitutional over the enabling legislation is
Amendment No.2 to extend finalised. That would enhance
the term of office of the Chief the rule of law. To go ahead in
Justice, Constitutional Court the face of legal challenges is
damaging. Does the JSC be-
lieve that the result is guaran-

Page 32 Reframing Issues NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021


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NewsHawks The Big Debate Page 33

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Sabelo J. Dynamics of the Zimbabwe
crisis in the 21st century 

This opinion by Sabelo J.
Ndlovu-Gatsheni was sup-
posed to be published last
week but unfortunately due
to space constraints we re-
grettably couldn’t accommo-
date it.

Continued from 30 July issue President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
All the above efforts were
regime security and keeping Ranger, the Zimbabwean human security. new culture of peace, human 1997). In 1981, Robert Mug-
meant to fulfil the aspirations Zanu PF in power forever. situation in 1980 was a com- It is vital to note that a rights, democracy and human abe justified re-militarisation
and wishes of the people and plex and plural one, which security. However, instead of Zimbabwe by saying “a
were part and parcel of the A number of factors com- required complex and mul- number of factors indicat- of adopting a broad-based large army is necessary to an-
nationalist legacy of popu- plicated Zimbabwe’s growth tiple solutions. However, the ed the government’s move de-militarisation process, swer the threat that South Af-
lism. However, while all these to democracy, and favoured ruling Zanu PF government away from the people to its the new ‘politically correct’ rica poses to our democracy”
commendable steps were growth towards regime secu- attempted to use a hegemon- pre-occupation with regime military units were  formed (Martin & Johnson 1986:51-
being taken, an opposite de- rity. In the first place, rural ic and monolithic solution security. The first move was such as the North Korean 76).
velopment was taking place assertions of collective rights underpinned by the sword of the creation of so-called trained Presidential Guard,
concurrently – in the wrong to land, tradition and local its violent agencies inherit- ‘politically correct’ military the Artillery Regiment, the The de-militarisation pro-
direction and away from the economy soon conflicted ed from the past such as the units, parallel to the nation- People’s Militia and the no- cess was also marked by the
people. with the state-led, state-de- party Youth League, Women’s al integration of Zipra, Zanla torious Fifth Brigade. These failure to achieve a non-vio-
termined, state-formulated League, ex-combatants, the and Rhodesian forces into a units were highly politicised lent and smooth integration
It must be noted that the and confident interventions Central Intelligence Organ- unified Zimbabwe National and partisan, and they were of ex-Zipra, ex-Zanla and
authoritarian legacies from in the people’s lives. Second- isation (CIO) and the army Army (ZNA) (Mazarire & formed in the midst of and ex-Rhodesian combatants
the nationalist liberation ly, workers’ attempts to assert (Bhebe & Ranger 2003:18). Rupiya 2000; Ndlovu-Gat- parallel to the tenuous demo- into the new ZNA. This
struggle emphasised the con- their rights and their de- sheni 2003c). Secondly, there bilisation of some ex-Zanla, failure was demonstrated by
cept of monolithic unity. mands for a solution to their In the 1980s, an ambigu- was the move to destroy PF ex-Zipra and ex-Rhodesian savage fighting between the
The result was that even the long standing grievances dat- ous and contradictory situa- Zapu as an opposition par- forces (Mazarire & Rupiya ex-Zipra and ex-Zanla forces
celebrated policy of recon- ing back to the colonial peri- tion prevailed in Zimbabwe ty through violent means. 2000:72-73). at Entumbane, Connemara
ciliation announced by the od, soon conflicted with the whereby the powerful aspira- Thirdly, there was enthusiasm and other Assembly Points
government in 1980 was not hegemonic desire of the rul- tions of the ordinary citizens in the use of the military in Thus, the overarching (APs) around the country, as
part and parcel of acknowl- ing party to subordinate trade for rights, democracy and the maintenance of internal framework of de-militarisa- well as the defection of some
edgement of diversity, but unions and to speak on their human security co-existed order. Fourthly, there was the tion was abandoned midway ex-Zipra combatants from
was a move to co-opt the for- behalf. Thirdly, the women’s with the strong and resilient official sanction of violence as the Zanu PF government the ZNA and the fleeing of
mer warring parties into the advocacy movements inevi- practices of authoritarianism against the citizens, partic- felt threatened. Zimbabwe others into the countryside to
dominant party structures. tably came to clash not only and violence. This meant ularly the workers, students had to deploy forces on two become what became known
The same is true with regard with the essential patriarchy that even the noble ideas of and members of the opposi- fronts in the early 1980s, as “dissidents” (The Catholic
to the idea of a government of African nationalism but welfare socialism that un- tion movements. barely two years into inde- Commission for Justice and
of national unity. also with the new govern- doubtedly promoted human pendence. This was on the ex- Peace and The Legal Resourc-
ment’s desire to de-politicise dignity in the  1980s, were One of the disturbing is- ternal front in Mozambique es Foundation 1997).
These populist policies and re-domesticate women tainted with top-down au- sues about Zimbabwe in the along the Beira, Limpopo and
were meant to endear the (Ndlovu-Gatsheni 2003a:10- thoritarianism. The situation 1980s was the failure of the Nyamapanda Corridors and What is even more reveal-
opposition into joining forc- 15; Ranger 1985; Kriger was further complicated by society to de-militarise itself inside the country in Mate- ing about the ruling Zanu
es with Zanu PF and at the 1992; Raftopoulos & Phimis- the pre-occupation with re- more rapidly in line with the beleland and the Midlands PF’s conception of peace and
end being swallowed up. This ter 1997; Raftopoulos  1992; gime security, which by its new political realities. Such (The Catholic Commission security, came from the gov-
argument is vindicated by Nhongo-Simbanegavi 2000). very nature allowed for offi- a de-militarisation was itself for Justice and Peace and the ernment response to the so-
the case of PF Zapu, which cial violence at the expense of an indispensable pre-requi- Legal Resources Foundation called  ‘dissident problem’ in
joined forces with Zanu PF As noted by Bhebe and site for the entrenchment of a Matebeleland and the Mid-
to form the first coalition
government of Zimbabwe in
1980, but was later violently
crushed because of its attempt
to continue as an opposition
movement. Indeed PF Zapu
ended up being swallowed by

As noted by Richard Saun-
ders in his book,  Never the
Same Again:

Zimbabwe’s Growth To-
wards Democracy, the top-
down strategies and politics
needed to win a liberation
war strongly influenced the
behaviour of the national-
ist parties once they were in
power. The nationalist lead-
ership now in government
soon displayed strong signs
of intolerance, which raised
questions about the nature
of Zimbabwe’s emerging de-
mocracy (Saunders 2000:20).
Intolerance and authoritari-
anism permeated the official
populist ideology and the
dominant political rhetoric.
Immediately after 1980, the
ruling elite began to subordi-
nate imperatives of econom-
ic development and people’s
freedom to the major goals of

Page 34 The Big Debate NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

lands. As noted by Bhebe and The late Zimbabwean nationalists Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo singing the Lancaster House Agreement in London in 1979. the people, hence it intensi-
Ranger (2003:21), the violent fied the agenda of a one-party
response was not conditioned 24). The insecurity grew as a Zapu leadership. You’ve only voices. It was part and par- bate and political expression state that was going to close
by objective security dangers result of the realisation by the seen the warning lights. cel of the authoritarian and within the ruling party; the the door for regular elections
but more by the nature of people that the atrocities were We haven’t yet reached full top-down strategies of Zanu promulgation of the party’s as well as party choice. De-
Zimbabwean nationalism. not an accident but officially blast…the murderous organ- PF meant to strengthen re- views and perspectives (to spite the fact that the agenda
blessed by the ruling elite of isation and its murderous gime security rather than the exclusion of others) in of a legislated one-party state
Government forces, par- Zimbabwe. For instance, in leadership must be hit so hard to entrench the desperately the wider space of civil so- was officially shelved in 1990,
ticularly the newly formed April 1983 Robert Mugabe that it doesn’t feel obliged to needed culture of democra- ciety; and the “colonisation” the ruling party continued
“politically correct” units as the Prime Minister stated do the things it has been do- cy and peace. The agreement by the party of the state, the to devise more strategies of
sympathetic to Zanu PF as a that: ing (Lawyers Committee for was confined to the top lead- bureaucracy and a range of keeping power and destroy-
party, combed the Matebele- Human Rights 1986:52). ership of PF Zapu and Zanu public institutions. Most ing opposition.
land and Midlands villag- Where men and women PF. What was at stake was importantly, it involved the
es, looking for the ex-Zipra provide food for dissidents, All these statements and not the security of the peo- marginalisation if not eradi- One of Zanu PF’s most
forces. In the process gross when we get there we eradi- speeches were said in the ple but power sharing among cation of the opposition par- eloquent and articulate ide-
violations and abuse of civil- cate them. We don’t differen- midst of the violence in Mate- the political elites. As such ties, which were seen as the ologists, Dr Eddison Zvobgo,
ians’ rights were committed tiate when we fight, because beleland and the Midlands, the Accord lacked a compre- chief obstacle to one-party superbly summed up his par-
by the military. The atrocities we can’t tell who is a dissi- and had the effect of making hensive post-conflict peace rule (Saunders 2000:20-21). ty’s obsession and pre-occu-
committed in Matebeleland dent and who is not… (Law- the security forces commit building arrangement, which The details on the debate on pation with regime security
and the Midlands are well yers Committee for Human more and more atrocities up is always necessary for the en- the one-party state in Zimba- in the following manner:
documented in the Catholic Rights 1986:38). until the time of the Unity hancement of human securi- bwe are well captured in Ibbo
Commission for Justice and Accord in December 1987. ty. Worse still, the swallowing Mandaza and Lloyd Sachi- A party’s eyes are focused
Peace in Zimbabwe and the In the same month 1983, of PF Zapu by ZAlanu PF konye’s book, The One Party on one thing if it is a politi-
Legal Resources Foundation Emmerson Mnangagwa, who The celebrated Unity Ac- tended to confirm the success State and Democracy: The cal party: conquest of power,
Report, Breaking the Silence: by then was the Minister of cord as a conflict resolution of the authoritarian legacy Zimbabwe Debate (Mandaza and retention of power. Con-
Building True Peace: A Report State Security, told a gather- measure succeeded only in of nationalism predicated on & Sachikonye 1991). quering power and keeping
on the Disturbances in Mate- ing of Ndebele speaking peo- meeting the minimalist con- monolithic unity rather than it – that is the primary func-
beleland and the Midlands, ple in Matebeleland North, ditions for peace, human se- diversity and pluralism (Chi- The ruling party moved tion of Zanu PF (Saunders
1980 to 1988  (The Catholic that the army had come to curity and human rights. On wewe 1989:242-286; away from identification with 2000:38).
Commission for Justice and Matebeleland like fire and the positive side, one can cite the basic aspirations of the
Peace and The Legal Resourc- that in the process of cleans- the fact that the violence that Ndlovu-Gatsheni masses, remaining in agree- The one-party state polit-
es Foundation 1997)  and in ing the area of the dissident had engulfed Matebeleland 2003c:19-28). ment with popular hopes ical system was meant to be
a courageous academic book menace, had also wiped out and the Midlands for almost only at the level of rhetoric. the major method of keeping
written by Jocelyn Alexander, their supporters. a decade came to an end. The Unity Accord was The government leadership power in the 1990s. The lib-
Joan McGregor and Terence However, modern studies on at best a pact between the pursued its own enrichment eration war and the violent
Ranger, Violence and Memo- He went on to state in a conflict resolution and peace petit-bourgeois nationalist at the expense of the people. military  campaign in Mate-
ry: One Hundred Years in the parody of scriptures that: building such as F. Deng elite in PF Zapu and Zanu Corruption and primitive beleland and the Midlands
‘Dark Forests’ of Matebele- Blessed are they, who will and I.W. Zartman’s  Conflict PF, who by the fact of their wealth accumulation by the were used to conquer power
land  (Alexander, McGregor follow the path of the gov- Resolution in Africa  and P. common  class position re- political leadership led to the by Zanu PF in the 1980s. In
& Ranger 2000). ernment laws, for  their days Mathoma, G. Mills and J. alised that they shared a introduction of a Zanu PF its quest to remain in power
on earth shall be increased. Stremlau’s  Putting People common ideology. As such, leadership code in 1984, as a in the 1990s, Zanu PF used
The violence that engulfed But woe unto those who will First: African Priorities for the post unity period saw means of curbing avaricious the following broad methods:
Matebeleland and the Mid- choose the path of collabo- the UN Millennium Assem- the “new united” Zanu PF behaviour on the part of se-
lands in the 1980s  demon- ration with dissidents for we bly, have clearly shown that openly pushing for a legis- nior party and government constant amendments to
strated more than any other will certainly  shorten their the absence of overt violence lated one-party state in Zim- officials (Zanu PF Leadership the constitution, manipu-
episode in the history of in- stay on earth (The Chroni- or open conflict does not babwe. Saunders saw this as Code 1984). lation of state institutions,
dependent Zimbabwe, the cle 1983). mean that there is peace and one of the clearest examples coercion, intimidation and
Zanu PF regime’s prepared- security in a society (Deng & of the government’s move The state, the government outright violence.
ness to use violence against Another culprit was Enos Zartman 1991; Mathoma, away from the people. He and the ruling party became
defenceless citizens. The Nkala, the Minister of Home Mills & Stremlau 2000). argued that the party lead- alienated from the people. In pursuit of regime se-
ruling party, in a bid to vio- Affairs. He did not mince ership worked determinedly The people realised that the curity, Robert Mugabe was
lently crush once and for all his words when it came to One of the tragedies of the towards the establishment of political elite was beginning elevated from a Prime Minis-
PF Zapu as an opposition the intentions of the violent Unity Accord is that it was a one-party state using the to betray them. The ruling ter to an Executive President
movement, eagerly seized the campaign in Matebeleland not a product of a broad- following means: the tight- party quickly realised the with very wide, discretionary
security problem in Mate- and the Midlands. He once based democratic consensus ening of control over de- danger of being rejected by and arbitrary powers. For in-
beleland and the Midlands. stated that: that included the people’s stance, the president was giv-
Enthusiastic, politically mo- en unlimited powers to inter-
tivated and partisan forces We want to wipe out the fere with the electoral process
such as the CIO, Fifth Bri- and even to manipulate it to
gade, Zanu PF Youth Bri- the advantage of the ruling
gade, Police Internal Security party (Constitution of Zim-
Intelligence (Pisi), Zimbabwe babwe; Moyo 1992:43-50,
People’s Militia (ZMP) and Makumbe & Compagnon
others less enthusiastic forces 2000:15-35). The idea was to
such as the ZNA, the Police make sure that all restraints
Support Unit (PSU) and the on absolute and supreme
Zimbabwe Republic Police power were removed, and
(ZRP), lumped together PF the intention was to create
Zapu as an opposition party, an  ‘imperial presidency’ in
PF Zapu leadership, PF Zapu Zimbabwe.
supporters, the de-mobilised
ex-Zipra combatants and Besides the use of strate-
all Ndebele speaking people gic electoral reforms, Zanu
as  ‘dissidents’ and as a secu- PF has mobilised other as-
rity threat (Ndlovu-Gatsheni pects of the state machinery
2003c:16-23; Nkomo  1984; to guarantee regime security.
Werbner 1991; The Catholic John Makumbe and Daniel
Commission for Justice and Compagnon’s book,  Behind
Peace and The Legal Resourc- the Smokescreen: The Politics
es Foundation 1997). of Zimbabwe’s 1995 Gen-
eral Elections  and Jonathan
As a result of the violent Moyo’s  Voting for Democra-
handling of the security sit- cy, provide detailed evidence
uation in Matebeleland and of the openly partisan use
the Midlands, the remaining of public facilities by Zanu
hopes for human security and PF, including a monopolis-
the expected spaces of peace, tic access and use of public-
democracy and human rights ly-owned media, such as the
in the two regions and the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cor-
rest of the country, were rap- poration (ZBC) and Zimpa-
idly replaced by the culture of pers, as party mouthpieces
fear, suspicion and insecurity during and after elections
(Ndlovu-Gatsheni 2003c:16- (Moyo 1992; Makumbe &
Compagnon 2000).

Muzzling of opposition
is another strategy used by

NewsHawks The Big Debate Page 35

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Zanu PF to remain in power. unproven charges of wanting These developments did not adoption of Esap attractive piece of legislation in its bid ahead, gaining 57 seats in the
Opposition political move- to dethrone the government only expose the one-party and feasible (Bhebe & Ranger to contain the pressure from parliamentary elections and
ments in Zimbabwe have not of Zanu PF. In the  1990s, state system model of govern- 2003:23-4; Bond & Manyan- various civil society organisa- winning substantial votes in
been tolerated by the ruling Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole ment as prone to corruption, ya 2002; Nabudere 2000). tions in the form of the Pri- the presidential elections,
Zanu PF party ever since of Zanu (Ndonga) was also dictatorship and unworkable, vate Voluntary Organisations nearly defeating the ruling
1980. The intolerance of op- summoned before the courts but also inspired a renewed While the conditionality Act (PVO). This Act replaced party. At the moment the
position was embedded in on charges of attempting to debate and activism on the of the Western Financial In- the liberal Welfare Organisa- MDC is challenging the re-
the nationalist struggle itself, kill president Robert Mug- part of Zimbabwean civil stitutions (FIs) like the World tions Act of 1967 (Saunders sults of the presidential elec-
where disagreement could abe and for forming a rebel society formed around the Bank (WB) and International 2000:74-79). tions in the high court of
lead to death. movement called  Chimwen- pertinent issue of good gov- Monetary Fund (IMF) dic- Zimbabwe.
je. In the run up to the March ernance, democracy, human tated the need to adopt tri- However, these harsh mea- The Zimbabwe crisis and
Beginning with PF Zapu 2002 presidential elections, rights and human security. umphant liberal democratic sures were not able to extin- blocked democracy
in the 1980s, opposition the MDC leaders, Morgan political reforms as well as guish the pressure of civics. The nationalist project repre-
movements have been treat- Tsvangirai, Professor Welsh- The Zanu PF government reduced cabinet, this was ig- For instance, in 1997 the sented by Zanu PF in Zimba-
ed as political enemies rath- man Ncube and Renson Gas- was forced to abandon its nored by Zanu PF as a threat ZNLWVA openly confronted bwe has failed to provide the
er than political opponents. ela were hurled before the selfish idea of establishing a to regime security. Instead of the government, demanding broad masses of the people
The strategy used to destroy courts on treason charges of one–party state in Zimba- opening up the political space to be given compensation with human security and so-
PF Zapu combined out- organising with a Canadian bwe. Under pressure from the the Zanu PF government and gratuities for their par- cial peace. This failure is well
right violence and attempts consultant firm to assassinate civil society, particularly stu- tightened its grip on power ticipation in the liberation treated in Patrick Bond and
to  ‘rubbish’ its nationalist president Robert Mugabe. In dents, workers and intellec- through intolerance of any struggle. They accused the Masimba Manyanya’s most
credentials. The leader of PF February 2003, the treason tuals, Zanu PF government opposition. This led to what government of being neg- recent classic book,  Zimba-
Zapu, Joshua Nkomo was trial began in the Supreme was also forced to repeal the Bhebe and Ranger (2003:19) ligent on the plight of the bwe’s Plunge: Exhausted Na-
subjected to character assas- Court in Harare based on a colonially conceived and preferred to term “the rights war veterans. Their struggle tionalism, Neoliberalism, and
sination. He was portrayed very unclear videocassette constructed State of Emer- and democracy crisis of the successfully forced the gov- the Search for Social Justice,
as a coward who reluctantly and very unreliable state wit- gency (Ncube 2001). During late 1990s”. ernment to award each war where they wrote that it is
embraced the armed strug- ness, Ari Ben-Menashe. All the same period of hope and veteran a ZW$50 000 lump clear that two decades after
gle and who always avoided this was and is being done to anxiety, the government ad- The crisis was precipitated sum, a ZW$2 000 monthly independence, fatigue associ-
detention by going overseas. enhance regime security of opted the neo-liberal Eco- by the fact that the welfare pension and various other ated with the ruling Zanu PF’s
Nkomo’s continued search Zanu PF in Zimbabwe. nomic Structural Adjustment socialism of the  1980s was social benefits. This prefer- malgovernance and economic
for peace through negotia- The democracy and human Programme (Esap), without now scrapped by Esap and ential treatment extended to mismanagement has reached
tions with Ian Smith until rights crisis of the 1990s consulting the people. This in the political arena there the war veterans bought them a breaking point (Bond &
1976 was portrayed as an The Zanu PF regime has not arbitrary decision reminis- was no credible opposition to to the side of Zanu PF, and Manyanya 2002). The fact
act of selling-out. Nkomo taken the people’s quest for cent of the authoritarianism chart an alternative political they were and are being used that Zimbabwe has reached
was said to have committed democracy and human rights of the 1980s provoked wide- dispensation. People demon- by the party to intimidate, ‘a breaking point’ is also im-
a few military forces to the kindly. For instance, follow- spread criticism, mainly by strated their hatred of Zanu harass, threaten, and even plied in Amanda Hammar
front, keeping the bulk of ing the findings of the San- the workers and the students PF politics by just not par- torture civilians on behalf of and Brian Raftopoulos’s re-
well-trained forces in Zambia dura  Commission and stu- (Mlambo 1997). ticipating in elections in large Zanu PF. cent book,  Unfinished Busi-
with the intention of staging dent demonstrations against numbers. Political analysts ness: Rethinking Land, State
a coup d’état if Zanu PF won corruption in high places as The adoption of the West- came to talk about apathy. The current struggle for and Citizenship in Zimba-
elections. For instance, Rob- well as the rejuvenation of a ern conceived ESAP and This was not until the civil democracy and human rights bwe, where the two authors
ert Mugabe in 1983 public- critical voice from the civil misinforming people that it society organisations, partic- in Zimbabwe is still cham- noted that the dramatic
ly  called for violent action society, Robert Mugabe ad- was home grown was a direct ularly the ZCTU and some pioned by the civil society, changes in Zimbabwe’s eco-
against Joshua Nkomo’s per- mitted that: assault on the economic and new human rights groups and the current credible op- nomic, political and social
son. He told the supporters social security of the people. like ZimRights, rose to the position in the country was landscape since early 2000,
of Zanu PF that: We now must admit that Government subsidies on occasion to fill the political born out of the civics, more have come to be known as the
we are reaping the bitter health, food, education and vacuum (Moyo, Makumbe & specifically the ZCTU and “Zimbabwe Crisis” (Ham-
Zapu and its leader, Dr fruits of our unwholesome other basic social protection Raftopoulos 2000). National Constitutional As- mar & Raftopoulos 2002).
Joshua Nkomo, are like a and negative behaviour. Our schemes were removed. Prices sembly (NCA). The role of Moreover, this crisis takes
cobra in a house. The only image as leaders of the party of goods skyrocketed in  the The civil society organ- the civil society, particularly place against a background of
way to deal effectively with a and government has never midst of retrenchments. The isations such as the Zim- the labour movement in the deeply entrenched structural
snake is to strike and destroy been so tarnished. Our peo- workers through the Zim- babwe National Liberation struggle for democratisation impediments as well, which
its head (Nkomo 1984:2). ple are crying for our blood babwe Congress of Trade War Veterans’ Association in Zimbabwe, is well treat- hinder the development of
and they certainly are enti- Unions (ZCTU) embarked (ZNLWVA) and others were ed in Brian Raftopoulos and democracy in Zimbabwe.
The harassment of PF Zapu tled to do so after watching on strikes and stay-aways, committed to address their Lloyd Sachikonye’s brilliant
leadership and the killing of our actions and conduct over which were met by violent members’ needs and interests and well edited book,  Strik- The Zimbabwe crisis is ba-
its supporters, which began the nine years of our Govern- response from the govern- in the face of the deepening ing Back: The Labour Move- sically that of legitimacy, gov-
in 1983 and continued up ment (Saunders 2000:37). ment. What is even more economic crisis and the dev- ment and the Post-Colonial ernance, economic decadency
to 1987, forced PF Zapu to important to note is that the astating HIV and Aids pan- State in Zimbabwe, 1980- as well as a humanitarian cri-
enter into a unity agreement Indeed the people had adoption of Esap did not demic. Others like the Cath- 2000  (Raftopoulos & Sachi- sis. It is worsened by the fact
with the ruling party and into been watching the actions of only demonstrate the aban- olic Commission for Justice konye 2001). that the democratic embers
a process of disbanding itself the ruling party and the gov- donment of the people by and Peace, the Zimbabwe are now trapped by the bank-
as a political party. ernment busy trying to ‘pri- the government, but also the Council of Churches and the The MDC represents the rupt and violent nationalist
vatise’ politics as a preserve successful transformation of Legal Resources Foundation most formidable challenges backlash. This is demonstrat-
The year 1989 saw the of the petit-bourgeois nation- the Zimbabwean petit-bour- concentrated on the protec- to the ruling party,  though ed by the widening polari-
formation of the Zimbabwe alists that led the liberation geois nationalists over time tion of people’s rights in the it has faced the same treat- sation and tension between
Unity Movement (ZUM) struggle from Zambia and into a state-based bourgeoi- face of an arrogant, corrupt ment as PF Zapu including the ruling Zanu PF and the
by Edgar Tekere. This par- Mozambique in the 1970s. sie with capitalist interests. and power-hungry political the character assassination of civil society. People are crying
ty vehemently opposed the The people also watched the Hence the ease with which it elite manning the state. There its leader Morgan Tsvangirai. for protection from hunger,
one-party state agenda of avaricious behaviour of the readily embraced neo-liberal were also women move- The party has been described disease and poverty. Indeed
the ruling party in its cam- party leaders in accumulating structural realities against the ments such as Women Action as foreign sponsored and re- Zimbabweans are  facing a
paigns throughout the coun- wealth at the expense of the wishes of the people. This, Group (WAG) and Msasa duced to a front of the im- serious drought coupled with
try. Like Zapu, ZUM was peasants, workers, youth, stu- however, happened within an Project, which concentrated perialist forces bent on  the the existing ravaging HIV
harassed and its supporters dents and women. ambiguous and contradictory on the protection of women’s re-colonisation of Zimba- and Aids pandemic. Zanu
attacked by the supporters of framework characterised by a rights (Moyo, Makumbe & bwe. The supporters of the PF’s legitimacy is under se-
the ruling party. The clearest As a result of these ob- fragile process of accumula- Raftopoulos 2000). MDC have faced threats to rious scrutiny and critique.
case of intolerance of ZUM servations coupled with tion that was being curtailed their lives, others have been Nationalism has lost its
by the ruling party was the international and regional by the same Esap. With the The government response killed and yet others detained emancipatory appeal to the
shooting of Patrick Kombayi developments of the 1990s, adoption of Esap the Zanu to the pressure from the civil (Zimbabwe Human Rights people. The threat of state
in broad daylight by a state including the end of the PF leadership became less society organisations involved NGO Forum August 2001). violence has failed to silence
agent (Saunders 2000:41). Cold War, the fall of the So- and less concerned about the the use of the ‘stick and car- the masses’ critique of exist-
The other opposition parties viet Union, the crumbling of welfare needs of the peasants rot’. Attempts were made to To constrain the opera- ing bankruptcy of the exist-
that existed included Zanu the Communist regimes of and workers and abandoned castrate the ZCTU and the tions of the MDC, the ruling ing government. Basic com-
(Ndonga), the United Parties Eastern Europe, the retreat the goal of equity (Mlambo students through introduc- party has enacted new draco- modities such as mealie-meal,
(UP), the Zimbabwe Union of apartheid in South Africa 1997). tion of the Labour Relations nian pieces of legislation such sugar, salt, petrol, bread and
of Democrats (ZUD) as well and the collapse of dictato- Amendment Act of 1992 as the Public Order and Se- cooking oil are nowhere to be
as the MDC formed in 1999. rial and one-party state re- Thus, by the 1990s, the and the University Amend- curity Act (Posa). This piece found in Zimbabwe.
gimes of Kenneth Kaunda in Zimbabwean former nation- ment Act of 1990. These two of legislation has been used
The other clear strategy Zambia and Kamuzu Banda alist elites had not only ar- instruments were meant to to harass MDC members The politics of the period
used by Zanu PF to frighten in Malawi, Zimbabwe en- rived at the accommodation limit the autonomy and as- and to deny them permits to from 1996-2002 witnessed a
the opposition is to trump up tered its own ambiguous and of each other through the sertiveness of the workers and hold rallies and to campaign concerted effort to provide a
treason charges against oppo- contradictory period of  glas- Unity Accord but also ac- the students in the political freely. Despite the formida- ‘post-nationalist’ framework
sition leaders. In the 1980s, nost  (Saunders 2000:35). commodated itself with glob- landscape of the 1990s. In ble factors working against it
Dumiso Dabengwa and al capital, which made the 1995 the government intro- in the Zimbabwean political
Lookout Masuku of PF Zapu duced a further draconian landscape, MDC has forged
languished in detention on

Page 36 The Big Debate NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

of debate. This post-national- (Zanu PF manifesto, as quot- the context of a multi-polar sible for Zanu PF to cling isation, it is impossible for The existing constitution
ist position was clearly artic- ed in Raftopoulos 2001:18). international dispensation. to power with its bankrupt any nation, including the de- no longer satisfies the name
ulated in March 2000 by the This multi-polar dispensation ideological trappings, which veloped West, to try and iso- constitution. It has been
MDC leader, Morgan Tsvan- The long-standing land requires a flexible and prag- are in turn trapped in a time late itself even in a ‘splendid overtaken by events and has
girai when he stated that: question was utilised as the matic ideological orientation warp. The democratic train isolation’ fashion from the been ghettoised through con-
central organising theme for amenable to the imperatives has been blocked by the  in- complex web and framework stant amendments. A new
In many ways we are mov- the Zanu PF election cam- of globalisation and democ- transigence of Zanu PF and of the international commu- constitution derived from
ing away from the nationalist paign. The slogan “Land is ratisation. At the local level, this has worsened the crisis nity  of states. Samir Amin’s the people themselves is one
paradigm to politics ground- the Economy, Economy is Brian Raftopoulos (2001:34) in Zimbabwe. For instance, notion of ‘de-linking’ as a of the fundamental pre-req-
ed in civil society and social the Land” was popularised has summarised the situation Zanu PF stepped up its na- way forward seems to be too uisites for the burial of the
movements. MDC politics at the expense of other per- very well when he stated that: tionalist authoritarianism, theoretical to be practical in past authoritarianism and a
are not nationalist inspired, tinent issues such as employ- violence and intimidation. dealing with the threats of necessary condition for the
because they focus more on ment creation and reduction Zimbabwe is caught on Zanu PF has been portrayed capitalist globalisation. As entrenchment of a new genu-
empowerment and partici- of inflation. In line with its severely contested terrain in as bloody (ndeyeropa) and such, the way forward for ine, people-centred, pluralist
pation of the people. Zanu’s attempt to force Zanu PF’s which a beleaguered state, its leadership has projected Zimbabwe lies in returning and democratic consensus in
thinking has always been history down the throats presiding over an economy an image of having degrees to the diplomatic chessboard Zimbabwe.
top-down, centralised, always of hungry and unemployed in severe crisis, nevertheless in violence. The state  has and to bargain from within,
trapped in a time warp. Na- Zimbabwean youth, the gov- retains a critical mass of rural undergone re-militarisation rather than to adopt a bellig- There is need for the
tionalism was an end in it- ernment introduced the so- support through a combina- through the war veterans erent stance against the in- de-militarisation of the Zim-
self instead of a means to an called national service. This tion of a populist articulation and the youth brigades in ternational community. The babwean society. This  cen-
end. One of Zanu’s constant national service is in real of the land question, and the the opposite direction from starting point in this arena tury does not belong to the
claims is that everyone in terms a revival of the notori- use of force to break an alter- the worldwide demilitarisa- is to take open steps towards warlords and their militaries.
Zimbabwe owes the nation- ous Zanu PF Youth Brigade native political presence in tion in the post cold war era. restoration of the rule of law It belongs to civil society.
alist movement our freedom. that was famous in the 1980s the rural areas. The militarisation of the state at home and a commitment What is desperately needed
It’s therefore also become a for intimidating people into culminated in the treasonous to good governance conso- in Zimbabwe is not coercion
nationalism based on patron- voting for the ruling party. For the purposes of gaining statement uttered by the mil- nant with internationally derived from military might,
age and cronyism (Southern support during the June 2000 itary  chefs  prior to the pres- cherished and accepted stan- but consensus framed around
Africa Report June 2000). On the other hand, the parliamentary and March idential elections of March dards. the pertinent issues of gov-
MDC became ambiguous as 2002 presidential elections, 2002, that they would not ernance, democracy, human
However, this post-na- it tried hard to pose the la- Zanu PF was indeed capa- salute anybody without lib- Perhaps Zimbabwe should rights, human security and
tionalist framework was soon bour movement as the true ble of raising itself from the eration war credentials even not shun the current Nepad economic stability and pros-
beaten back by a radical, vin- inheritor of the now bank- looming political cemetery if that person was elected package as it incorporates at- perity.
dictive and authoritarian na- rupt nationalist legacy. This through a populist articu- by the people as the coun- tractive principles regarding
tionalism. In the meantime, was clearly revealed its Mani- lation of the land question. try’s president. Secondly, the governance in Africa, partic- The practice of ‘privatis-
however, the embers of such festo that partly read: However, this can only work ruling party has gone ahead ularly the unique peer review ing politics’ as a preserve of
a post-nationalist politics are in the short term for Zanu with its practice of endless mechanism. Zimbabwe needs the nationalists and war vet-
still burning. The advocates The political struggle in PF. The future requires Zanu amendment to the remain- to take advantage of Nepad erans is not consonant and
of post-nationalist politics in- Zimbabwe, historically led PF to adjust its ideological ing constitutional structures. to return to the ambit of the amenable to democratisation
clude bigger coalitions of civil by the working people, has orientation in such a way This has reduced the current ‘global village’. in Zimbabwe in the twen-
society such as the NCA and always been for dignity and that it suits the imperatives constitution to nothing more ty-first century. It stifles the
the Zimbabwe NGO Forum, sovereignty of the people. In of the multi-polar world and than an instrument of politi- There is need for a sincere necessary broad-based, open
and they have agreed that the the first Chimurenga, work- globalisation if it is to survive cal warfare. and honest search for a dem- and honest dialogue involv-
popular consensus created ers fought against exploita- longer than now. The nation- ocratic consensus grounded ing civil society over the way
by the nationalist movement tion in the mines, farms alistic arrogance of trying to The existing constitu- in the civil society. The time forward for the country. Op-
in the 1960s and 1970s has and industry, and peasants withdraw Zimbabwe from tion has been turned into a for high-sounding speeches is position needs to be tolerated
served its purpose and that it against the expropriation of the international community shield for Zanu PF regime over. The way forward lies in as a necessary audit and cri-
has broken down under the their land. The nationalist of states is a disastrous option protection and a sword to the development of an urgent tique in the body politic of
weight of new demands in movement that led the sec- in the twenty-first century. be used against the commer- and concerted leap forward Zimbabwe.
the twenty-first century. The ond  Chimurenga  was born cial farmers and the MDC beyond the authoritarian,
nationalist inspired consen- from and built on the strug- Zimbabwe at the moment (Okoth-Ogendo 2000:41- violent, intolerant and hege- At the moment Zimbabwe
sus was not based on consent gles of the working people. is trapped in an ideological- 43). The government also in- monic tendencies of the lib- desperately requires a coura-
but on authority and coer- The current nationalist elite ly muddled situation, which troduced new draconian leg- eration war. geous and bold adjustment
cion. What is needed is a new hijacked this struggle for its continues to generate eco- islation such as the Posa and of the existing inflexible na-
consensus emanating from own ends, betraying the peo- nomic crisis, social strife, Access to Information Act, The truth is that the na- tionalist ideology, and the
the civil society, a consensus ple’s hopes and aspirations political conflict and more further limiting the rights of tionalists have made their adoption of a new flexible
which is pluralist, democrat- (MDC Manifesto Summary importantly, fostering uncer- citizens, and not enhancing contribution and must quick- people-driven, visionary and
ic, human rights oriented 2000:2). tainty about the future on human security. Thirdly, un- ly change their mentality of pragmatic ideology consis-
and people-driven and peo- the part of Zimbabwean pop- der the guise of making the seeing themselves as the al- tent with global develop-
ple-centred. In terms of real policy ulace in general. It is more fast track land programme pha and omega leadership of ments, while at the same time
framework, the MDC pre- than clear at the moment possible, the ruling Zanu Zimbabwe. After all, the na- not sacrificing local needs and
The “Zimbabwe crisis”, sented itself as a social dem- that Zanu PF is ideologically PF government has tied and tionalists are not indispens- demands of Zimbabweans.
therefore deepened and be- ocratic party, committed to bankrupt save for the remain- clipped the hands of the ju- able and irreplaceable. There
came complicated as the new “human-centred, equitable ing populist rhetoric that has diciary, ushering in a phase is urgent need for a flexible, Finally, the inevitable
social democratic process development policies, pur- failed to revive the failing of lawlessness, particularly in malleable and visionary lead- march of the social demo-
soon locked horns with a sued in an environment of economy. the designated farms. Fourth- ership capable of charting a cratic movement needs to be
concerted, defensive, well cal- political pluralism, partic- ly, the image of Zimbabwe new dispensation not cloud- nurtured and tolerated as an
culated and hard line nation- ipatory democracy and ac- On the other hand, the abroad has been damaged be- ed in bankrupt ideologies, essential pre-requisite for so-
alist backlash championed by countable and transparent MDC as a promising alter- yond repair. but consonant with the pre- cial peace and human securi-
the ruling Zanu PF party. The governance” (MDC manifes- native, is now trapped in a Conclusions: The way vailing local, regional and in- ty in the twenty-first century.
ruling party has taken refuge to summary 2000:2). What is neo-liberal web and matrix, forward ternational developments.
in its history and has tried to interesting to note is that the where it is finding it diffi- The starting point for Zim- This means that the follow-
remind the masses about the MDC was clear on the need cult to reconcile the specific babwe is to accept first of all The Zimbabwean case ing steps be taken in Zimba-
longevity of its revolutionary for a ‘human-centred’ po- “justice-related issues”, like that the country is in a very study has demonstrated the bwe: firstly, politics must be
credentials. It loudly pro- litical dispensation and that the land question that pow- deep crisis. The government failure of the nationalist proj- liberated from its present per-
claimed that: Zanu PF too was forced to erfully influences politics in must accept that this crisis is ect to develop and nurture a ception of warfare. Secondly,
masquerade as an organisa- former settler colonies, with not only a product of the so- democratic and human se- the electoral process must
Our party is the only one tion that “puts people first”. the demands of neo-liberal called enemies of Zimbabwe curity oriented dispensation. emerge from its present con-
with a proven history of capitalism and globalisation. or the current drought, but Nationalist inspired econom- version into an intellectual
revolutionary achievements The fast-track land reform Worse still, the MDC has is due to unsound past and ic policies have proved to be fraud and a political illusion.
whenever the political and programme was expressed to not succeeded in projecting a present economic and politi- antagonistic to market forc- Thirdly, the Zimbabwean
economic situation in our the people as a monumen- clear, attractive and pragmat- cal policies that need urgent es, but amenable to regime society must be saved from
country has  called for real tal indication of Zanu PF’s ic post-nationalist paradigm, review. This is a necessary survival and security. What its current division into the
transformation. Ever since its concern with human security capable of rendering Zanu pre-requisite for the review is clear is that while market “people” and “their leaders”.
formation, Zanu PF has  dis- after twenty years of neglect. PF’s exhausted nationalism of past performance, before forces require moderation, Lastly, the security of the
tinguished itself as an unwav- If the fast track land reform redundant and at the same looking for new alternatives. they cannot just be ignored state must cease to be privi-
ering, principled, revolution- programme is anything to go time taking the peasants, What is clear is that econom- by any serious government leged over other forms of se-
ary party with a tradition of by, then credit must go to the youth, women, intellectuals ic crisis cannot be solved by or subordinated to the im- curity such as human securi-
promoting political partici- emergence of credible oppo- and other social groups on populist rhetoric, devoid of peratives of regime security ty, social security and security
pation, social and economic sition that forced Zanu PF to board. pragmatism. always. from arbitrary power.
advances and total human go back to the people.
freedoms that are constitu- The net effects and impli- In this century of global- In terms of practical steps *About the writer: Profes-
tionally protected and guar- A fundamental dimension cations of this confused situ- to be taken to push Zim- sor Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsh-
anteed under conditions of to the current ‘Zimbabwe ation have been far-reaching babwe beyond this current eni, Chair in Epistemologies
unity, peace and development crisis’, however, relates to and adverse for Zimbabwe. crisis, one cannot ignore the of the Global South, Univer-
the ideological contest be- Firstly, it has made it pos- need for a new constitution. sity of Bayreuth, Germany.
tween Zanu PF and MDC in

NewsHawks Africa News Page 37

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

THE Electoral Commision of Zambian opposition takes democratic dispensation like
Zambia has announced consoli- lead in early vote counting ours. People should have access
dated results from 15 of the 156 to information to make in-
constituencies. The opposition Opposition UPND party’s presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema waves to supporters after casting his ballot in Lusaka, Zambia formed decisions,” he said.
United Party for National De-
velopment (UPND) was lead- tycoon Hichilema, who are fac- voting at a secondary school in a But by afternoon the internet (26), who had been queueing “You are shutting down the
ing after the counting in 15 con- ing off at the polls for the third leafy suburb of Lusaka. “People was partially shut down in the for four hours to vote in Chawa- voice of people and this will im-
stituencies as follows: (UPND) time and who between the two want change -- you can see it in capital. ma township, said he checked pact... how people view the elec-
171 604 votes and the ruling of them garnered almost 98 their faces,” he told reporters. his phone in the early afternoon tion,” he said.
Patriotic Front percent of the votes in the 2016 “Social media and messag- and found that WhatsApp and
election. It is Hichilema’s sixth Addressing opposition fears ing platforms including Twitter, Facebook had been switched off. The government had threat-
garnered 110 178 votes. This attempt at the presidency. of fraud, Hichilema said Zam- Facebook, Instagram and Mes- ‘We are winning’ ened to cut off internet access if
means based on the results an- bia’s next leader “must be deter- senger are now restricted,” said “That’s quite unfortunate in a people peddled “falsehoods that
nounced so far, the UPND’s “We are confident that we mined by the... voters, not the global observatory NetBlocks. could destabilise” the election.
Hakainde Hichilema is leading will carry the day,” he said after people who count the votes”.
by 61 426 votes. Vote counting Student Edward Musayani, After voting earlier Lungu ex-
continues and final results are uded confidence that he would
expected on Sunday. retain the job he has held for the
past six years in the copper-rich
Security situation southern African country.
After 12 hours of voting on
Thursday, polling stations start- “We are winning,... I wouldn’t
ed closing at 6pm, although have been in the race if we were
several hundreds still in queues not winning,” Lungu said after
were being allowed to cast their voting in Chawama, a working
ballots. Some voters complained class surburb.
about the slow pace of the vot-
ing in an election that is seen as a The vote “is a test of democ-
test of Zambia’s democracy. racy in Zambia, it is a test ulti-
President Edgar Lungu de- mately of how fair and freely
ployed more troops in parts of (the voting takes place),” said
the country to quell election political economist Trevor Si-
violence in the tightly contested mumba, adding that the “real
polls pitting him against long- test will be in the counting pro-
time rival Hichilema. There was cess.”
also a partial internet restriction.
Lungu said election-day vi- A flagging economy and
olence had killed two people rising living costs have eroded
-- including the chairperson Lungu’s support base in recent
of his party in North-Western years, surveys suggest.
In a statement, he said he had Lungu is accused of borrow-
directed the army commander ing unsustainably, particularly
“to quickly re-enforce security from Chinese creditors, to fi-
in North-Western, some parts nance a spree of infrastructure
of Western, and Southern prov- projects.
inces where this unprecedented
violence is taking place”. Under his administration,
Fraud fears Zambia became the first African
“I will not take kindly to these country to default on its sover-
evil schemes,” he vowed. “How eign debt since the coronavirus
can you talk about free and fair pandemic began, while inflation
elections when our opponents soared to more than 20%.
have taken this election as war?”
he said. Winding queues of hun-
The troop deployment was dreds of people formed before
just a “distraction”, opposition dawn outside polling stations
UPND spokesperson Anthony throughout the day, pointing to
Bwalya told AFP. high turnout.
Sixteen candidates were vying
for the top job, but the front- Lungu’s critics point to pover-
runners are Lungu and business ty and joblessness in the midst of
glittering infrastructure.

Around seven million citizens
were eligible to vote for a pres-
ident, legislators and local gov-
ernment representatives.

The winning candidate must
acquire more than 50 percent of
votes to avoid a second-round

--News Diggers/Africa News.

Page 38 World News NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

A hacker who stole just over Cryptocurrency hacker offered precedent for criminal hackers to
US$600m worth of cryptocur- reward after US$600m heist white-wash their actions.
rency was offered US$500 000
and immunity as a reward for that it is working with the hack- US$33.4m of stolen Tether [to- seen on the blockchain that “a on Thursday as a thank you for Katie Paxton-Fear, a white hat
returning the money. er. kens] - because it has been fro- few thousand dollars’ worth of returning the money. hacker and lecturer at Manches-
POLY Network made the con- zen by Tether themselves,” Tom various other tokens” were being ter Metropolitan University, says
troversial offer after the hacker A portion of the stolen coins Robinson, co-founder of Elliptic, held onto by the hacker. Other money outstanding that “labelling this hack as white
pledged to send back the money. were frozen shortly after the a London-based blockchain ana- also includes a 13.37 Ether tip hat is just really disappointing”.
attack have not yet been trans- lytics and compliance firm, told It was not clear, however, if (US$40 000), which the hacker
The attack was uncovered on ferred but can’t be used by the the BBC. these were part of the stolen as- sent to a user who warned them Mrs Paxton-Fear has found
Tuesday when Poly Network hacker anyway. sets, or donations that the hack- that the Tether tokens had been over 30 vulnerabilities in organ-
publicly pleaded with the hacker He added that it could be er requested people to send them frozen by its developer. isations ranging from the US
to help. “The hacker still holds Department of Defence (DoD)
In a three page Q&A posted to Verizon Media.
One former FBI official said online the anonymous hack- ‘No authority’
“private companies have no au- er claimed he or she carried out “White hat hacking is all about
thority to promise immunity the heist for fun and to encour- having a scope, not touching
from criminal prosecution”. age cryptocurrency exchange some systems, working with the
firm Poly Networks to improve team, writing professional re-
The attack is one of the larg- its security. ports detailing our findings, not
est hacking heists in history. Poly Immunity going further than we have to to
Network said the person had Poly Network appears to have demonstrate risk,” she said.
exploited a vulnerability in its accepted the explanation and
system. dubbed the hacker “Mr White “Our approach is ‘first, do no
Hat”. harm’, potentially verifying fixes
Most of the money has now are put in place and not putting
been given back, although the White hat hackers are ethical any users data at risk.”
hacker says they are not interest- security researchers who use their
ed in the reward. skills for good to help organisa- Charlie Steele, Partner at Fo-
tions find security flaws. rensic Risk Alliance and former
Shortly after the hack the Department of Justice and FBI
anonymous individual posted Poly Network confirmed that official is also concerned about
notes to the publicly available it sent a note to the attack saying the alleged offer from Poly Net-
blockchain taunting the compa- “we believe that your action is work.
ny and asking for advice on how white hat behaviour, we plan to
to launder his stolen riches. offer you a US$500 000” reward. “Private companies have no
authority to promise immunity
Later, the criminal claimed The firm added: “We assure from criminal prosecution,” he
“not to be interested in money” you that you will not be account- told the BBC.
and promised to return it all. able for this incident.”
He added: “In this event where
By Thursday evening, Poly The alleged move has angered a hacker stole the US$600m ‘for
Network said most of the re- some in the security world who fun’ and then returned most of it,
maining assets in the hacker’s are worried that it might set a all while remaining anonymous,
possession had been transferred is not likely to lessen regulators’
to a digital wallet controlled by concerns about the variety of
both the hacker and the compa- risks posed by crypto-curren-
ny. cies.”

Poly Network says it is still -— BBC.
waiting for the repayment pro-
cess to be fully completed but

Russia tells BBC journalist to leave the country

Sarah Rainsford, Moscow’s BBC bureau journalist. RUSSIA has told a BBC journal- cording to our experts, this correspon-
ist working in Moscow to leave the dent of Moscow’s BBC bureau will not
country by the end of this month in have her visa extended because Britain,
retaliation for what it called London’s in the media sphere, has crossed all our
discrimination against Russian jour- red lines,” Rossiya-24 said.
nalists working in Britain, state TV
reported late on Thursday. “The expulsion of Sarah Rainsford
is our symmetrical response,” it said.
In an unusual move that signals a
further deterioration in already poor Tim Davie, the BBC’s Direc-
ties between London and Moscow, the tor-General, called her expulsion “a di-
Rossiya-24 TV channel said that Sarah rect assault on media freedom, which
Rainsford, one of the British broad- we condemn unreservedly.”
caster’s two English-language Moscow
correspondents, would be going home “We urge the Russian authorities to
in what it called “a landmark depor- reconsider their decision. In the mean-
tation”. time, we will continue to report events
in the region independently and im-
The step, a de facto expulsion, fol- partially,” he said.
lows a crackdown before parliamen-
tary elections in September on Rus- Rainsford did not reply to a request
sian-language media at home that the for comment. Maria Zakharova, a
authorities judge to be backed by ma- spokeswoman for the Russian foreign
lign foreign interests intent on stoking ministry, said that BBC representa-
unrest. tives had been at the ministry in recent
days and that everything had been ex-
Rossiya-24 said Russian author- plained to them in detail.
ities had decided against renewing
Rainsford’s accreditation to work as a Zakharova said Moscow had warned
foreign journalist in Moscow beyond London many times that it would re-
the end of this month when her visa spond to what she called visa-related
expires. persecution of Russian journalists in
The move was a response to Lon-
don’s refusal to renew or issue visas to The British Embassy in Moscow de-
Russian journalists in Britain, it said. clined immediate comment.

The channel cited Britain’s treat- Rainsford is part of a team that sup-
ment of state-backed Russian broad- plies the British public service broad-
caster RT and of online state news caster’s English-language outlets with
outlet Sputnik, saying neither could content about Russia and the former
get accredited in Britain to cover inter- Soviet Union. The BBC also operates
national events. a large Russian-language service in
The British government did not
immediately respond to a request for Rainsford, a Russian speaker, is an
comment. experienced BBC foreign correspon-
dent who has also done stints in Ha-
“Sarah Rainsford is going home. Ac- vana, Istanbul and Madrid.

— Reuters.

Porsche just got angrier Being a Fashion Model

&Life Style


Page 39 Issue 43, 13 August 2021

JONATHAN MBIRIYAMVEKA High Glen barbeque laidback and meant for fami-
hot spot for revelry ly outings, this is the day the
IT is one of the flashiest car venue gets packed.
collections you will ever see With the deadly Covid-19 waters. complained of slow service in cal distancing gets violated al-
anywhere in southern Africa, a Delta variant wreaking havoc, It is not just the adults who the pubs and the long queues though some people could be The latest statistics from the
parking lot that will leave mo- many people decided to spend by the braai stands. seen wearing their face masks. ministry of Health and Child
toring enthusiasts awestruck. the long Heroes and Defence are thronging the place but Care indicate that as at 9 Au-
Forces holidays within the also children. Some families “The vibe is good and every- Located along Willowvale gust 2021, Zimbabwe had
You might imagine that this confines of Harare, having fun are finding the place decent thing, but then the long wait Road, High Glen Shopping 116 853 confirmed cases, in-
fun spot is in a plush neigh- in the soothing sun of Zimba- enough to bring their children at the bar and braai stands Mall is as good as any other cluding 90 210 recoveries and
bourhood, surrounded by lux- bwean winter.  along. is quite annoying,” she said. sought-after upmarket barbe- 3919 deaths.
ury suburban homes. “The price of braaied chicken cue place in town.
Zimbabweans are a peaceful “We love coming here be- is quite high as it costs US$7 Surprisingly, people are
Well, it is not.  people by nature, and merry- cause there are clean toilets per full chicken while the sau- What with long-distance oblivious of the fact that,
It is, in fact, located at High making is one of their special- and the place is clean and well sage and pork chops are also travellers who return home to date, a total of 1 897 414
Glen Shopping Mall, on the ties. Indeed, High Glen Mall maintained,” one reveler told expensive.” from South Africa and other people have been vaccinated
peripheries of Harare’s low-in- has become the new place of The NewsHawks. neighbouring countries. against Covid-19.
come township of Budiriro. convergence for those seeking One pub, close to the park-
The Beemers, Benzes, Bent- a day of fun. Another frequenter said: ing lot, is often busy but looks The place has breathed life Sadder still, Zimbabwe is
leys and other top-of-the- “We got fed up with other rather shabby. The braai area is into a shopping centre once yet to achieve herd immunity
range marques will catch your And with Mashwede hang- venues where it’s dusty and teeming with people placing dismissed as a white elephant.  so that it can open up or at
attention. out being closed, itself a stone’s crowded. Here is more spa- orders. In fact, revelers also least move from Level Four
Loud music blaring from throw away, everyone seems to cious and there are no beggars have to queue to buy their fa- The place is open through- lockdown restrictions to Level
the vehicles’ boots, and the de- trek to High Glen Shopping and vagabonds.” vourite chops and meat in the out the week, but the roaring One to allow entertainment
lectable aroma of barbeque are Mall for barbeque and the wise butchery. This is when physi- business is experienced during places and eateries to fully
the main attractions to revelers A newcomer said she was weekends. function.
and passers-by.  impressed by the hangout, but
And among the revelers is a While Sundays are usually According to health experts,
cross-section of Harare’s cos- without vaccination, the Delta
mopolitan population – the variant is highly transmissible.
well-to-do, yuppies, weirdos, It is one of the most infec-
groupies, hustlers as well as tious viruses. Being vaccinated
some hangers-on all in colour. against Covid-19 helps protect
against severe illness and hos-

Page 40 Life & Style NewsHawks

JONATHAN MBIRIYAMVEKA Koffi Olomidé (left) and Rockford ‘Roki’ Josphat. Issue 43, 13 August 2021

On 15 July 2012, South Patati Patata album is about Mtukudzi’s
Korean singer Psy released critique of the 2000 cha-
his smash hit Gangnam . . . It will not end well! otic fast-track land redis-
Style off his sixth studio tribution programme. Al-
album titled Psy 6. views. heights. themselves more divided number. though the messages were
And then, of course, The lesson learnt is that than ever, simply because And now the song is subtle, Tuku as he was
The K-pop and dance- music has the power to of the lyrics of the song. fondly called, made it easy
pop song refers to a life- there was the “horse bring people together and more like a jingle or rath- for people to read between
style associated with dance” itself. Psy had al- transcends generations Koffi Olomide mumbles er campaign song ahead of the lines.
Gangnam district of ready built a reputation and borders. The two the words “ED Mnangag- the 2023 general elections.
Seoul, often known as the for his memorably sil- songs are devoid of any wa Number 1”, much to But Koffi Olomide went
Beverly Hills of Seoul. ly dance moves. Keen to partisan politics, they are the bemusement of music That said, the song was all out dancing lackadaisi-
give his fans something just pieces of music.  fans, mostly from the oth- pathetic as a propaganda cally in the video that also
The song received mixed unique, he and his chore- And coming back home, er side of the fence. piece because the message features raunchy dancer
reviews, with praise for ographer spent a month early this month our very was so open to the extent Beverly Sibanda as well as
its catchy beat and Psy’s coming up with Gangnam own Roki dropped his The brickbats that that the Congolese failed Ginimbi wanna-be --- Pas-
amusing dancing (which Style’s signature horse trot song Patati Patata featur- rained on Twitter were to excite fans as he nor- sion Java. 
has itself become a phe- and lasso spin. ing the legendary Koffi stark evidence of a divided mally does in his videos.
nomenon) in the music Olomide and Tanzanian and polarised country. And for all that Koffi
video and during live per- Just across the Limpo- Bongo Flavour singer Ray- Usually, propaganda Olomide was paid hand-
formances in various loca- po, we had the massive hit vanny. The song could have messages should be sub- somely over and above his
tions around the world. Jerusalem by Master KG Not only was the song been a great hit had Koffi tle, leaving room for peo- executive flights to and
featuring Nomcebo Ziko- promoting partisan poli- Olomide steered clear of ple to think through it. A fro Harare as well as being
Gangnam Style debuted de which reached totemic tics, but also failed in its partisan politics. good example is the album wined and dined.
at number one on South levels.  bid to unite a nation in Vhunze Moto by the leg-
Korea’s Gaon Chart.  more ways than one. While it is typical of endary superstar Oliver But for Roki, whose real
A remix of Jerusalem Zimbabweans find Koffi Olomide to shower Mtukudzi. name is Rockford Josphat,
The song and its music featuring the Nigerian praises on his paymasters the story is quite blurred.
video went viral in August Afro-beat megastar Burna in songs, the problem was The messages on the al-
2012 and have influenced Boy also scaled the dizzy that he messed up what bum are loaded and packed While he and fans alike
popular culture  world- could have been a great like nuggets of advice. The went to town that he
wide.  broke his own record as
only 48 hours after its re-
In the United States, lease on YouTube, Patati
Gangnam Style peaked at Patata had streamed over
number two on the Bill- 2.1 million views.
board Hot 100.
In July, Roki’s  pre-
By the end of 2012, vious hit Uchandifun-
Gangnam Style had ga  streamed 2 million
topped the music charts views in only two weeks,
of more than 30 countries a first for locally based ar-
including Australia, Cana- tistes.
da, France, Germany, Ita-
ly, Russia, Spain, and the Sadly, Roki does not
United Kingdom. own full rights to his mu-
sic. That video appears on
According to Discover Passion Java Records You-
Music, an online maga- Tube channel.
zine, Gangnam Style mu-
sic video was shot in a Secondly, while he cel-
mere 48 hours and stuffed ebrated a million views
with a host of well-known milestone, the royalties are
South Korean celebrities being paid to Passion Java
to ensure local success. Records, his record label.
Seven-year-old Hwang
Min-woo, whose dancing And lastly, Roki’s much-
had proved a sensation on hyped comeback is al-
television talent shows, ready in jeopardy as his
was brought in to add his latest single Patati Patata,
distinctive moves along which has been christened
with comedian and TV “Patight” in street lingo,
host Soon Jae-suk (who meaning tough times, has
dances alongside Psy in a created more enemies than
yellow suit). TV personal- fans for him.
ity No Hong-chul provid-
ed the infamous elevator That he is one of the tal-
dance, with K-pop star ented musicians from the
Hyuna featured as the ro- urban grooves era is not
mantic interest. disputed, but the fact that
he sold his soul for an old
The music video, also Mercedes-Benz E Class ve-
released the same day, at- hicle is a pity.
tracted global media at-
tention and a public audi- Roki could be earning
ence.  big money on his own
without making himself
In September 2012, vulnerable to opportunis-
Gangnam Style was rec- tic political handlers. But
ognised by Guinness he took the shorter route
World Records as the most by signing up with Passion
“liked” video on You- Java Records.
Tube at the time. 
There are many artistes
It subsequently won whose careers ended be-
Best Video  at the MTV cause they chose to sing
Europe Music Awards. It not for the people but for
became a source of paro- politicians.
dies  and reaction videos
by many different individ- For instance, the likes of
uals, groups, and organisa- Tambaoga, Simon Chim-
tions.  betu and Andy Brown
whose twilight came too
On 21 December 2012, soon. In this country, his-
Gangnam Style became tory has shown how tricky
the first YouTube video to it is for singers to chant
reach 1 billion views.  political slogans.

Wikipedia says as of 27 Whatever contract Roki
July 2021, the video  had signed with Passion Java
more than 4.1 billion Records is unlikely to end
well. In fact, it could end
in tears!

NewsHawks State of the Culture Page 41

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Music coming out of the City of Kings


THINK about this: a cu- Social media maven Thembi Terry Zulu.
rated playlist on YouTube
of music strictly out of perative that artistes adapt will open up a whole new TTW: The hashtag for the received links to 227 Bu- has been helping artistes
Bulawayo and which will and turn to digital spac- market for an audience for #BulawayoMusicStream- lawayo music videos from distribute their music
be available for streaming es to seek new revenue Bulawayo artistes in the ingParty has hit 1.5 mil- the public on social me- online. CulxureMag is
from 1 September on- streams. Live shows from diaspora. We want more lion in reach in just under dia. As one of the admins multi-award-winning and
wards.  Bulawayo were having low numbers for the Bulawayo three days. This is amazing of the playlist, I can safely has been showcasing the
turnouts. The concept for artistes on their YouTube not just for us, but for Bu- say that 75% of the mu- Bulawayo arts and artistes
Why now and why Bu- the live-streaming party videos. lawayo artistes in general. sic I didn’t know existed. for close to a decade now.
lawayo specifically? Well, was just to give Bulawayo It shows me that it can be At this point, whether or Early Entertainment rep-
the answers to these and artistes a boost in their We want their music done, which is one of the not people show up to the resents the young artistes
other questions are con- numbers in both subscrip- videos to be more acces- objectives of having this streaming party is trivial and newbie creatives who
tained in the following tions and views and to cre- sible to a wider audience. party. because it’s been such an are trying to hack it into
interview with the mas- ate a culture of consuming We want to simplify the enlightening journey for the arts industry, especial-
termind of the initiative, digital works online.  ease of being able to find We want to show Bu- me to get educated about ly film and theatre. Media
one Thembi Terry Zulu, a Bulawayo music in one lawayo artistes that it is Bulawayo artistes and I and Arts Zimbabwe is one
social media maven, poet We also aimed to show- place. We also want to possible to rake in the hope everyone who tunes of the main reasons why
and entrepreneur that I case music from Bulawayo show Bulawayo artistes numbers and trend. If into the playlist can find Khura Agency is back. I
have known over time as a in a visual manner. We saw that it can be done to come there’s one thing I hope at least one song that they attended a workshop by
volunteer and pusher of all a lot of posts on Facebook together, collaborate and they take away from this, can say I had never heard them for music business
things creative before she from people who were say- achieve something great. it is that they are stronger before. managers and some of the
made a move to the capi- ing that they couldn’t find Collaboration is a key ob- together. The artistes that AK: Talk about the part- skills that I learned there
tal city.  A couple of years Bulawayo music. They jective for this project. As signed up to help push the ners for this project and are the reasons why Khu-
down the line, with her wanted to support Bul- a business, this will be a event initially were nine. what they are bringing to ra Agency is doing so well.
own set up, Khura Agen- awayo music, but it was case study of how we can Now imagine if all the Bu- the table?  iNgudukazi Magazine is
cy, in conjunction with not visible so we thought, execute creative projects lawayo artistes could rally TTZ: The partners for this new to the Bulawayo arts
iNgudukazi Magazine and okay, let’s come up with meticulously. behind each other every project are people who scene and has its ear to
six other partners, she is the playlist and this play- AK: What has been the time one of them released have been making strides the ground when it comes
throwing what promises to list will be available forev- progress to date with the something new. The op- in the arts industry for to fresh new ideas from
be an online mega party of er on YouTube across the current initiative versus portunities are endless! years. MGIZ Publishing the young people. Loziba
sorts running with under globe and anyone can ac- what you hope to achieve?  Another objective is for us Movement is a branch of
the hashtag #ByoMusic- cess it at anytime. to be able to discover new the Youths for Innovation
StreamingParty.  music. Currently we have
This, in turn, hopefully
The normal refrain about
creatives from Zimbabwe’s
much-lauded but un-
der-rewarded cultural hub,
Bulawayo, is one of being
overlooked blah blah. But
no more. The pushback
has begun, says Zulu, oth-
erwise now known as Mrs
Whande. And no, signing
on does not give project
leaders rights to any of the
videos on the playlist. 

All the views, streams,
subscriptions and en-
gagement will benefit the
artistes directly on their
respective YouTube chan-
nels.  Vusa Mkhaya is one
of the key artistes and
supporters of the initia-
tive alongside Msiz’Kay,
Noluntu J, Indigo Saint,
Novuyo Seagirl, M.U.S.E,
Bhekiwe, Mimmie Taruk-
wana, Vuyo Brown, Nkwa-
li, Ziee Xayn and Thandy
Dhlana, who have rallied
behind the #ByoMusic-

Interview excerpts:
AK: What was the moti-
vation behind the con-
cept and why now? 
TTZ: Due to the Covid-19
pandemic, it became im-

Page 42 State of the Culture NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

Trust and they are doing display your creative inno- in the front. This shows referral marketing is the pay attention to engage- ideal person to lead this
stellar work with female vation. How do you stick me that there is a re-pro- best form of marketing. ment. Content that is en- initiative? 
artistes in Bulawayo. All out from a sea of creatives? gramming that needs to Back in the day you’d ask gaged with gets served to TTZ: After a career span-
the above partners have How will you be differ- happen which sees artists a girl who did her hair and you more. The algorithm ning over five years in
used their clout, their ent? Bulawayo is a small as the same. I don’t know then you get the number basically tries to find out advertising and market-
numbers, their time, their city but it’s not the whole if my colleague was sex- from her. That was a refer- what you like the most ing, for big brands where
experience and expertise world, there’s room for ist or tribalist but at that ral, but now we are going based on what you would money was concerned
to help push the #ByoMu- everyone. Promoters want moment I was disappoint- on social media and we have engaged with. It gives and the results were mea-
sicStreamingParty to their to know if you can pull a ed. On the other hand, vouch for certain brands you more of that. By do- surable, I have learned to
respective spheres of influ- crowd. Can you make peo- Bulawayo artistes have to and people who trust our ing this project, if we can be strategic and how to
ence. Cottage 47 is a group ple part with their money work on their social media recommendations will be have more people engage communicate effectively
of young artistes in Bula- to see you perform live? management, digital pres- able to make a purchasing with Bulawayo music, with strong key messages
wayo who have produced When a boutique dresses ence and online branding. decision based on what we can have them served using multiple commu-
high quality work which you, will people flock to It’s a game of numbers somebody said about that more Bulawayo music in nication channels. I’m an
has built them a following them to buy an item of and those numbers are certain product. What ar- the future. When we say avid learner, after study-
of a new generation of arts clothing because you were attainable. There is defi- tistes need to work on now engagement, we’re refer- ing journalism and media
enthusiasts. They all bring wearing it?  nitely a need to help our is building an audience ring to a simple process studies; I still take courses
something different to the AK: As far as corporate artistes to be able to reach that trusts them so that of whether you have liked and read widely on brand
table that can benefit Bul- partnership or endorse- those numbers. Harare is when opportunities come a post, commented on it, management. My mentor
awayo artistes in the long ment is concerned, what not Zimbabwe and once to partner with brands retweeted it or shared it. In is a household name in the
run. If we can come to- is being missed by the brands realise this we will they have the numbers to the case of YouTube, have personal branding space
gether and collaborate, so both sides, that is, the all be better off.  show that they do have you watched a video for a in Zimbabwe. I married a
can the artistes themselves. corporate entities them- AK: Can you break down influence over their com- certain length? Have you digital strategist who has
We’ve led by example. selves and the Bulawayo for us what opportunities munities’ purchasing deci- ever been on YouTube and a YouTube channel teach-
AK: Can we talk a little artistes on the other side social media presents for sions.  watched a video and start- ing Zimbabwean creatives
about your take on the in terms of beneficially pushing brands?  AK: In relation to that ed getting recommenda- and content creators how
state of Bulawayo artistic working together?  TTZ: I hate to sound like question, explain the as- tions similar to that video? to make better use of new
brands in terms of online TTZ: I remember working a cliché, but social media pect of algorithms in new That’s how the algorithm media. As a creative my-
presence?  on a campaign for a big presents a wide plethora of media?  works because you’ve en- self, I know the plight of
TTZ: Bulawayo artistic brand and in the artwork opportunities for brands. TTZ: Algorithms across gaged with certain con- creatives and a fixed, func-
brands need to do more we placed a Bulawayo art- Word of mouth used to social media platforms, tent; it keeps showing you tional, lucrative industry
work in terms of improv- ist in the front and centre be the most powerful tool despite which platform content that is similar to ensures that I can also get
ing their online presence. of the visual. A colleague to get a message to spread you’re dealing with, Face- that.  paid for my work. Also,
Growing the numbers of mine looked at the visu- like wildfire, but nowa- book, Instagram, Twitter AK: What are your past who is a bigger music en-
takes a lot of hard work al and said, “move that art- days we are using word and YouTube, have one projects and experiences thusiast than me?
and consistency. As a cre- ist to the back and replace of mouth just with digital thing in common: they have you done and heard
ative, the pressure is on to them with a Harare artist tools. Statistics state that utilise engagement. They related to pushing brands Follow me on twitter @
online that make you the KuditaAddy

NewsHawks Page 43

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

84 COLOURMAXMAL INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 2,184,245 1,566,033 3,750,278 0.2% 247 YATAKALA TRADING 911,350 816,602 1,727,951 0.1%

85 CURECHEM OVERSEAS P/L 2,168,694 1,423,787 3,592,481 0.2% 248 Steelmate Investments 1,250,904 458,420 1,709,324 0.1%

86 FERTS SEED & GRAIN (PVT) LTD 1,129,604 2,444,125 3,573,729 0.2% 249 CAUDLISS INVESTMENTS T/A NUTRIE FOODS 1,209,234 474,850 1,684,084 0.1%

87 INTREPID TRADING CLOSE CORPORATION 1,121,222 2,408,161 3,529,383 0.2% 250 RSC Farming (Pvt) Ltd 994,500 686,000 1,680,500 0.1%

88 TYREZIM PVT LTD 1,478,897 2,030,153 3,509,050 0.2% 251 ECONET WIRELESS PVT LTD 431,528 1,246,906 1,678,434 0.1%

89 OILMARK (PVT) LTD 1,433,578 2,067,423 3,501,001 0.2% 252 AFRIFOR PVT LTD 150,000 1,528,351 1,678,351 0.1%

90 GERIBRAN SERVICES T/A TRANSERV 1,610,035 1,886,661 3,496,696 0.2% 253 INNSCOR AFRICA LIMITED T/A COLCOM FOODS 720,044 952,653 1,672,697 0.1%

PRESS STATEMENT 91 AROPAK BOARD AND TIMBER 1,739,378 1,755,692 3,495,070 0.2% 254 ZLG (PVT) LTD 1,113,848 552,440 1,666,288 0.1%

93 TRAYLISH INVESTMENTS 2,038,070 1,370,000 3,408,070 0.2% 256 TECHSOL SYSTEMS 1,153,159 494,901 1,648,060 0.1%
94 ACCESS BRANDS 2,304,131 1,099,806 3,403,937 0.2% 257 EKEZAL ENTERPRISES PVT LTD T/A GOLDEN FOODS 763,422 878,086 1,641,508 0.1%
This statement is issued in line with the Bank’s commitment to regularly keep the public
informed of developments in the foreign exchange market. 95 VIGILANT RESOURCES (PVT) LTD 380,000 3,000,000 3,380,000 0.2% 258 NATIONAL FOODS PROPERTIES (PVT) LTD 1,639,203 1,639,203 0.1%

In terms of the foregoing, the Bank hereby publishes the following: 96 POWERSPEED ELECTRICAL 1,200,731 2,150,115 3,350,846 0.2% 259 UMBINGTON TRADING 1,569,118 67,001 1,636,119 0.1%

1. A list of the 1632 beneficiaries of US$1 557 840 624 allotted under the Main Foreign 97 NOVAFEED P/L 1,858,198 1,438,297 3,296,495 0.2% 260 SEPTEMBER ONE P/L 1,381,200 250,000 1,631,200 0.1%
Exchange Auction;
98 AE ELECTRICAL LIGHTING AND MANUFACTURING 2,006,490 1,284,177 3,290,668 0.2% 261 CHEESE GALORE P/L 1,093,177 536,346 1,629,524 0.1%
2. A list of the 2887 beneficiaries of US$172 861 399 allotted under the SMEs Foreign
Exchange Auction; and 99 GRAIN MARKETING BOARD 3,284,133 3,284,133 0.2% 262 MOREYEAR INVESTMENTS COMPANY (PVT) LTD 799,852 821,580 1,621,432 0.1%

3. A Schedule showing the total foreign exchange payments by source for the period 100 GRAINCO (PVT) LTD 1,629,576 1,595,095 3,224,671 0.2% 263 GLIDWELL TRADING TA BHOLA HARDWARE 792,322 828,807 1,621,129 0.1%
January 2021 to July 2021 amounting to US$3 177 707 862 broken down as follows: -
foreign currency accounts (US$1 847 720 717), interbank market (US$226 538 108) and 101 LEMONSEED INVESTMENTS P/L 1,788,417 1,416,854 3,205,271 0.2% 264 BARMORE INVESTMENTS 400,222 1,207,807 1,608,029 0.1%
the Foreign Exchange Auction System (US$1 103 449 036).
102 TETTOLA INVESTMENTS 1,099,510 2,074,073 3,173,583 0.2% 265 EUROPE AFRICA SEED INITIATIVE (PVT) LTD T/A EASI SEE8D8S0,412 720,000 1,600,412 0.1%
The Bank is encouraged by the fact that the bulk (70%) of the funds allotted through the
Foreign Exchange Auction System were towards procurement of raw materials (US$708.2 103 COMOX TRADING PVT LTD 1,840,643 1,332,466 3,173,109 0.2% 266 MAGCHEM (PVT) LTD 1,594,917 1,594,917 0.1%
million), machinery and equipment (US$324.7 million) and consumables (US$168.5 million).
The Foreign Exchange Auction System continues to support the productive sectors of the 104 PROFEEDS PVT LTD 2,456,914 689,935 3,146,850 0.2% 267 BROYLAY INVESTMENTS 950,000 644,600 1,594,600 0.1%
economy and remains a key factor in sustaining the current economic growth trajectory.
105 NEW AVAKASH INTERNATIONAL 2,603,493 542,600 3,146,092 0.2% 268 FACADE TRADING PVT LTD 790,645 801,800 1,592,445 0.1%

106 AFGRI ZIMBABWE 1,576,800 1,543,700 3,120,500 0.2% 269 STRAUSS ZIMBABWE 1,381,462 194,400 1,575,862 0.1%

107 EXCLUSIVE BRANDS 1,372,388 1,747,338 3,119,726 0.2% 270 X-SEA IMPORTS (PVT) LTD T/A TECH AFRICA 747,955 822,402 1,570,357 0.1%

108 VIFOT INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 1,361,517 1,750,000 3,111,517 0.2% 271 POLARIS HORTICULTURE (PVT) LTD 318,131 1,244,894 1,563,025 0.1%

109 OPTIMUM AGRO (PRIVATE) LIMITED 2,325,251 755,709 3,080,960 0.2% 272 MAKA FARM P/L 1,349,738 206,543 1,556,281 0.1%

110 FLIK NIK ENTERPRISES 1,201,502 1,869,385 3,070,887 0.2% 273 PLANAS STATIONERY 1,167,938 374,334 1,542,272 0.1%

111 TINEO ENTERPRISES 2,303,658 724,251 3,027,909 0.2% 274 Penanel Trading (Pvt) Ltd 877,639 655,722 1,533,361 0.1%

112 PARAMOUNT EXPORTS (PVT) LTD 2,275,469 750,000 3,025,469 0.2% 275 Sino Truk Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 1,010,000 523,175 1,533,175 0.1%

113 ANOTHER RIVER INVESTMENTS 1,975,322 1,038,831 3,014,152 0.2% 276 FEGMA Investments (Pvt) Ltd 875,700 654,800 1,530,500 0.1%

114 FOSSIL MINES PL 946,603 2,066,913 3,013,516 0.2% 277 PHARMANOVA P/L 1,289,686 237,499 1,527,185 0.1%

115 AGRICULTURAL BANK OF ZIMBABWE LIMITED 2,500,000 500,000 3,000,000 0.2% 278 INAMO AGRI PVT LTD 482,433 1,042,291 1,524,724 0.1%

116 ZIMBABWE ONLINE PVT LTD 1,268,676 1,719,702 2,988,378 0.2% 279 MEDIRITE HEALTHCARE P/L 1,023,328 501,185 1,524,512 0.1%

117 DISTRIBUTED POWER AFRICA PVT LTD 898,528 2,080,317 2,978,846 0.2% 280 DC COETZEE & SON P/L 1,513,122 1,513,122 0.1%

John P Mangudya 118 Bell Petroleum 2,508,875 429,391 2,938,265 0.2% 281 ZESA HOLDINGS PVT LTD 1,508,249 1,508,249 0.1%
6 August 2021 119 HASTT ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 2,835,288 100,800 2,936,088 0.2% 282 STM HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 941,836 559,177 1,501,013 0.1%

120 G NORTH AND SON T/A MAXIPREST MANUFACTURING1,017,019 1,913,898 2,930,917 0.2% 283 MOMENTUM SP REID 1,387,653 107,537 1,495,190 0.1%

121 BRAND AGRO P/L 1,774,048 1,149,181 2,923,230 0.2% 284 STC MINE CYNIDE CHEMICALS PVT LTD 468,121 1,022,162 1,490,283 0.1%

FOREIGN PAYMENTS FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 2021 TO JULY 2021 BY SOURCE OF FUNDING (US$) 122 MASIMBA HOLDINGS LIMITED 1,603,770 1,309,246 2,913,016 0.2% 285 MANSEY TRADING 1,488,422 1,488,422 0.1%

123 FOSSIL AGRO P/L 2,081,705 806,306 2,888,011 0.2% 286 A I DAVIS & COMPANY (PVT) LTD 607,773 874,056 1,481,830 0.1%

Month Foreign Interbank Market Foreign Currency Total 124 SUNRAY CORPORATION 2,168,937 713,776 2,882,713 0.2% 287 BLACKBOX OILS AND LUBRICANTS (PVT) LTD 1,480,213 1,480,213 0.1%
Currency Payments Auc�on allotments
24,276,155 421,990,702 125 PROCUREMART TRADING (PVT) LTD 1,855,354 1,024,236 2,879,590 0.2% 288 WATERWRIGHT IRRIGATION (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,154,625 321,661 1,476,286 0.1%
37,049,364 99,600,008 637,499,030
Jan-21 298,114,539 52,958,997 144,492,215 590,166,538 126 CROCO MOTORS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,862,812 1,014,419 2,877,231 0.2% 289 PRIMEGREEN (PVT) LTD 1,376,424 96,640 1,473,064 0.1%
29,558,900 178,876,453 373,966,118
29,713,430 128,056,464 324,666,221 127 Post and Telecomunica on Regulatory Authority of Zimb6a8b4w,0e69 2,170,057 2,854,126 0.2% 290 HANAWA SUPER FOODS 1,058,069 412,250 1,470,319 0.1%
27,953,907 159,699,141 428,067,067
Feb-21 455,957,451 25,027,355 207,003,995 401,352,186 128 Frolgate Technology (Pvt) Ltd 1,458,019 1,388,633 2,846,651 0.2% 291 ROCKDRILL TRADING 529,339 935,800 1,465,139 0.1%
185,720,760 3,177,707,862
Mar-21 358,331,088 226,538,108 1,103,449,036 129 SAIWIT HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 1,912,785 903,821 2,816,606 0.2% 292 CROSS COUNTRY CONTAINERS 962,003 500,843 1,462,845 0.1%
7% 100%
Apr-21 216,350,754 35% 130 AMTEC MOTORS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,833,480 950,832 2,784,312 0.2% 293 COMPROP (PVT) LIMITED 1,454,079 1,454,079 0.1%

May-21 135,253,650 131 MAFURO FARMING 1,764,135 1,009,266 2,773,401 0.2% 294 BETA LOGISTICS PVT LTD 1,438,469 1,438,469 0.1%

132 KENSYS INVESTMENTS 1,795,409 976,013 2,771,422 0.2% 295 Star Africa Corpora on 1,283,458 147,552 1,431,010 0.1%

Jun-21 193,109,165 133 HAMPTONS INCORPORATED 600,826 2,144,448 2,745,273 0.2% 296 PERFORMPLUS PVT LTD 425,000 1,005,000 1,430,000 0.1%

Jul-21 190,604,070 134 CAIRNS FOODS LIMITED 1,911,937 831,803 2,743,740 0.2% 297 SCANLINK PRIVATE LIMITED 240,831 1,187,017 1,427,848 0.1%

Total 1,847,720,717 135 MAMBO INCORPORATED (PVT) LTD 1,733,087 1,000,776 2,733,863 0.2% 298 HIGH PERFOMANCE LUBES 647,756 777,565 1,425,321 0.1%

Proportion 136 AXIS SOLUTIONS 1,091,421 1,618,000 2,709,421 0.2% 299 TEVASON INVESTMENTS P/L T/A FRESHPRO 1,024,845 381,536 1,406,381 0.1%

58% 137 ENERGY PARK P/L 2,283,781 396,104 2,679,884 0.2% 300 BRANDS AFRICA 1,009,907 392,252 1,402,159 0.1%

138 DAVIPEL TRADING (PVT) LTD 1,024,679 1,639,505 2,664,184 0.2% 301 INNSCOR AFRICA LIMITED T/A BREAD COMPANY 1,386,393 1,386,393 0.1%

JUNE 2020 TO JULY 2021
140 MUTARE MART & EXCHANGE (PVT) LTD 1,713,413 908,411 2,621,824 0.2% 303 REACHOUT TRANSPORT (PVT) LTD 842,213 536,328 1,378,541 0.1%

Main SME Share 141 PISTA INVESTMENTS 1,613,112 1,005,053 2,618,166 0.2% 304 TOJA VENTURES (PVT) LTD 586,500 786,457 1,372,957 0.1%
Au��on Au��on (%)
Purpose Total 142 KERSHELMAR DAIRIES (PVT) LTD 2,511,733 103,000 2,614,733 0.2% 305 RETVIC TRADING PVT LTD 793,373 575,000 1,368,373 0.1%
Raw Materials 665,958,901 42,225,962
143 KEVKUL INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 2,196,631 404,980 2,601,611 0.2% 306 GIANT WRAP (PVT) LTD 655,315 711,688 1,367,003 0.1%

708,184,862 41% 144 BLANKET MINE (1983) P/L 2,600,946 2,600,946 0.2% 307 EQUIP SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 472,000 894,048 1,366,048 0.1%

Machinery and Equipment 285,588,436 39,135,838 324,724,274 19% 145 TOYOTA ZIMBABWE 1,411,334 1,187,808 2,599,142 0.2% 308 AFRICA ARISE INITIATIVE 1,363,651 1,363,651 0.1%

146 AGRO SHAPE PVT LTD 1,806,912 778,242 2,585,154 0.2% 309 ALMAREX INVESTMENTS T/A TENGA4WENA 1,357,302 1,357,302 0.1%

Consumables (Incl. Spares, Tyres, Electricals) 129,357,791 39,189,936 168,547,727 10% 147 VAITIVE TRADING (PVT) LTD 1,028,673 1,548,271 2,576,943 0.2% 310 REDAN BULK (PVT) LTD 1,350,000 1,350,000 0.1%
Retail and Distribution (Incl. Food, Beverages, etc) 128,695,133 14,929,365 143,624,499 8%
148 BLOOMSHELTER INVESTMENTS 946,802 1,610,495 2,557,296 0.2% 311 INVEST SOLAR PVT LTD 1,350,000 1,350,000 0.1%

149 CHILMUND INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 1,620,276 935,115 2,555,391 0.2% 312 CLOREX ENERGY PVT LTD 100,000 1,248,814 1,348,814 0.1%

150 SANDVIK MINING AND CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LTD 1,198,499 1,350,000 2,548,499 0.2% 313 Wellod Traders 946,116 400,000 1,346,116 0.1%

Services (Loans, Dividends and Disinvestments) 113,797,688 13,782,770 127,580,459 7% 151 POMONA HARDWARE 857,690 1,689,203 2,546,893 0.2% 314 GEORGIA PETROLEUM 450,000 895,000 1,345,000 0.1%
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals 103,177,031 10,524,588 113,701,619 7%
152 CONSOLIDATED FARMING INVESTMENTS 1,030,396 1,513,704 2,544,100 0.2% 315 NAVEBERRY PVT LTD 1,339,554 1,339,554 0.1%

153 HALSTED BROTHERS (PVT) LTD 1,576,476 965,000 2,541,476 0.2% 316 JANI S FABRIC CENTRE T/A ANWAR AND RASHID P/L 1,334,899 1,334,899 0.1%

Fuel, Electricity and Gas 98,452,176 7,027,033 105,479,209 6% 154 Primtrim (Pvt) Ltd 1,072,797 1,467,336 2,540,133 0.2% 317 FORTHPORT ENTERPRISES 407,692 925,637 1,333,329 0.1%

155 Kingfav Incorporated 2,234,630 300,830 2,535,460 0.2% 318 DELTA BEVERAGES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,330,872 1,330,872 0.1%

Paper and Packaging 32,813,467 6,045,907 38,859,374 2% 156 APPLIED ENERGY SOLUTIONS (PVT) LTD T/A GAS MAST1E,R6S44,437 886,014 2,530,451 0.2%

157 GRIPTON INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 900,000 1,619,950 2,519,950 0.2% 319 SPARKLE BEVERAGES PVT LTD 1,155,576 170,250 1,325,826 0.1%

Total 1,557,840,624 172,861,399 1,730,702,023 100% 158 HWANGE COAL GASIFICATION COMPANY 2,459,316 59,850 2,519,166 0.2% 320 CHEMICAL PROCUREMENT SERVICES AFRICA PVT LTD 730,703 590,408 1,321,112 0.1%

159 POWERFUL GRAND INDUSTRIES 1,627,412 888,621 2,516,033 0.2% 321 STORM ENERGY ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 1,320,436 1,320,436 0.1%

160 XGMA ZIMBABWE 1,783,721 725,060 2,508,781 0.2% 322 RICHAW SOLAR TECH (PVT) LTD 862,712 457,214 1,319,926 0.1%

162 BUFFALO STEEL 2,103,371 394,245 2,497,616 0.2% 324 TANAKA ENERGY 909,175 408,641 1,317,816 0.1%

163 AYAN TRADING P/L 1,821,733 667,382 2,489,115 0.2% 325 GRANT WELLINGTON THULISA T/A GWT POWER 50,000 1,265,000 1,315,000 0.1%

NO BIDDER JAN -JUL 2021 JUN-DEC 2020 TOTAL SHARE (%) 164 AIR ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 2,426,539 51,935 2,478,474 0.2% 326 Astra Paints (Pvt) Ltd 1,003,589 309,189 1,312,777 0.1%

1 BLUE RIBBON FOODS LIMITED 12,953,325 10,498,404 23,451,729 1.5% 165 IRVINES ZIMBABWE 1,402,752 1,067,029 2,469,782 0.2% 327 QUALITY GAS (PVT) LTD 700,000 611,589 1,311,589 0.1%

2 VARUN BEVERAGES (ZIMBABWE) (PVT) LTD 12,955,639 8,233,042 21,188,680 1.4% 166 GRATON INVESTMENTS 1,054,390 1,400,000 2,454,390 0.2% 328 MILLPAL P/L T/A KEMICO AGENCY 1,025,830 283,777 1,309,606 0.1%

3 CANGROW TRADING (PVT) LTD 9,860,170 8,690,105 18,550,275 1.2% 167 PROPLASTICS LIMITED 2,166,540 272,416 2,438,956 0.2% 329 PEPARY INVESTMENTS P/L 614,713 693,915 1,308,628 0.1%

4 UNITED REFINERIES LTD 11,623,864 6,874,844 18,498,708 1.2% 168 BROWN ENGINEERING P/L 1,585,082 844,470 2,429,552 0.2% 330 NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICES ZIMBABWE 571,588 736,415 1,308,003 0.1%

5 WILLOWTON GROUP ZIMBABWE 10,735,798 5,210,883 15,946,681 1.0% 169 MONTERO TRADING INTERNATIONAL (PRIVATE) LIMIT1E,4D64,067 963,853 2,427,920 0.2% 331 CENTRE PIVOT IRRIGATION (PVT) LTD 428,946 876,979 1,305,925 0.1%

6 SURFACE WILMAR PVT LTD 8,207,727 7,646,492 15,854,219 1.0% 170 CONTINENTAL MILLERS PVT LTD 792,349 1,599,424 2,391,773 0.2% 332 SHAPE IT ADHESIVES 1,105,283 200,000 1,305,283 0.1%

7 OLIVINE INDUSTRIES 8,723,045 5,935,069 14,658,114 0.9% 171 ALLIANCE MEDIA (PVT) LTD 2,114,952 259,900 2,374,851 0.2% 333 SANLAM AFRICAN FRONTIER MARKETS FUND 450,260 852,794 1,303,053 0.1%

8 PURE OIL INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 7,479,526 6,848,464 14,327,990 0.9% 172 WESTBILL TRADING T/A STEEL WAREHOUSE 1,424,355 949,057 2,373,412 0.2% 334 SBSA RCN HUB 1,302,945 1,302,945 0.1%

9 DAIRIBORD ZIMBABWE P/L 9,076,656 4,832,119 13,908,776 0.9% 173 DIVYA ENTERPRISES 1,732,503 590,844 2,323,347 0.1% 335 MINE SUPPORT SOLUTIONS 1,300,165 1,300,165 0.1%

10 ZIMBABWEAN BRANDS 6,594,342 5,381,089 11,975,431 0.8% 174 RELIANCE MANUFACTURING (PVT) LTD 1,642,672 677,088 2,319,760 0.1% 336 CAPLAW ENTERPRISES 629,753 665,193 1,294,946 0.1%

11 ZFC LIMITED 7,637,489 4,186,899 11,824,387 0.8% 175 BULLS POWER FUELS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,398,767 910,838 2,309,605 0.1% 337 AFRITRACTORS ZIMBABWE 553,209 722,913 1,276,121 0.1%

12 DENDAIRY 6,697,534 4,560,585 11,258,120 0.7% 176 EAGLE ITALIAN TEXTILE PVT LTD 1,637,282 658,762 2,296,044 0.1% 338 HILLCHEST INVESTMENTS 1,272,631 1,272,631 0.1%

13 Windmill (Pvt) Ltd 5,776,054 5,389,954 11,166,008 0.7% 177 INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL IMPORTERS (PVT) LTD 1,076,804 1,202,438 2,279,242 0.1% 339 WIRIYA TRADING PVT LTD 1,258,864 1,258,864 0.1%

14 SABLE CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 6,851,786 3,651,978 10,503,764 0.7% 178 Highfield Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd 1,506,612 771,622 2,278,233 0.1% 340 SINO ZIMBABWE CEMENT COMPANY 906,839 350,000 1,256,839 0.1%

15 TELONE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 6,174,254 3,965,149 10,139,403 0.7% 179 CZIM CORRUGATED BOX SOLUTION (PVT) LTD 1,300,000 964,622 2,264,622 0.1% 341 FERT MAP PVT LTD 621,500 628,500 1,250,000 0.1%

16 NATIONAL FOODS 2,207,334 7,497,000 9,704,334 0.6% 180 OMNI AFRICA 978,400 1,281,000 2,259,400 0.1% 342 HANG UP (PVT) LTD T/A HOMESTYLE CANDLES 1,245,800 1,245,800 0.1%

17 NATPAK PRIVATE LIMITED 4,854,421 4,566,081 9,420,501 0.6% 181 VELVETEA ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 1,325,904 928,503 2,254,407 0.1% 343 Doves Financial Services (Pvt) Ltd 995,106 250,000 1,245,106 0.1%

18 HUNYANI PAPER & PACKAGING (1997) (PVT) LTD 4,379,555 4,652,932 9,032,487 0.6% 182 CLASSECON ROOFING AFRICA (PVT) LTD 1,561,545 674,981 2,236,526 0.1% 344 WAVERLEY BLANKETS PVT LTD 982,501 261,499 1,244,000 0.1%

19 PRODAIRY (PVT) LTD 4,990,479 3,442,445 8,432,924 0.5% 183 DATA CONTROL SYSTEMS (1996) PVT LTD T/A LIQUID T1E,8L8E3C,O82M4 350,000 2,233,824 0.1% 345 SPEEDLINE MARKETING (PVT) LTD 1,145,704 92,292 1,237,996 0.1%

20 SCHWEPPES ZIMBABWE LIMITED 7,443,038 736,297 8,179,335 0.5% 184 INTABA TRADING (PVT) LTD 1,558,206 667,164 2,225,370 0.1% 346 FORIT CONTRACTING (2018) (PVT) LTD 487,550 750,000 1,237,550 0.1%

21 BARZEM ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 5,471,841 2,124,114 7,595,955 0.5% 185 SLUCKRIDGE INVESTMENTS 1,361,375 848,685 2,210,060 0.1% 347 AFROCHINE SMELTING (PVT) LTD 330,615 902,851 1,233,466 0.1%

22 ZUVA PETROLEUM (PVT) LTD 4,012,979 3,514,345 7,527,324 0.5% 186 MULLER BROTHERS 1,055,826 1,137,805 2,193,630 0.1% 348 PSMAS 508,918 724,074 1,232,992 0.1%

23 TREGER PRODUCTS 6,071,907 1,314,181 7,386,087 0.5% 187 SELONA AFRICA (PVT) LTD 1,642,519 532,010 2,174,529 0.1% 349 DYNAMASTER PVT LTD 836,974 396,007 1,232,981 0.1%

24 CAPRI APPLIANCES (PVT) LTD 5,086,325 2,173,409 7,259,733 0.5% 188 MUNELLA ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 1,599,598 545,141 2,144,739 0.1% 350 UNICORN TRADING (PVT) LTD 620,290 608,053 1,228,343 0.1%

25 MASHWEDE DIESEL SERVICES 3,471,532 3,644,828 7,116,360 0.5% 189 LEGEND LOUNGE 1,243,089 889,554 2,132,643 0.1% 351 KENAC COMPUTER SYSTEMS 623,112 599,000 1,222,112 0.1%

26 JP MORGAN 4,202,512 2,863,016 7,065,528 0.5% 190 Astra Chemicals Private Limted 1,479,087 650,794 2,129,881 0.1% 352 EXPERT CHOICE AGROCHEMICALS (PVT) LTD 352,126 868,253 1,220,378 0.1%

27 AGRI VALUE CHAIN ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 3,287,981 3,540,983 6,828,965 0.4% 191 W CRANE CONTRACTORS (PVT) LTD 770,900 1,358,496 2,129,396 0.1% 353 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATION COUNCIL 281,611 933,926 1,215,536 0.1%

28 BLACKBOX INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 3,851,324 2,916,054 6,767,378 0.4% 192 ZHONG JIAN INVESTMENTS 1,381,274 747,500 2,128,774 0.1% 354 REYDELLET INVESTMENTS T/A HUKURU CHICKS 374,301 840,157 1,214,458 0.1%

193 SCB MAURITIUS - IMARA AFRICA SERIES LIMITED - ZIM2B,0A0B1W,0E89 113,129 2,114,218 0.1% 355 PAPERMART INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD 698,050 515,152 1,213,202 0.1%

29 ALL COMMODITY EXPORTS P/L 5,156,011 1,555,601 6,711,612 0.4% 194 C AND T MINING COMPANY PVT LTD 1,562,800 516,650 2,079,450 0.1% 356 CONNICK INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 243,881 961,456 1,205,337 0.1%

30 VALLEY SEEDS ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 2,122,740 4,300,000 6,422,740 0.4% 195 YZ HOLDINGS P/L 601,985 1,467,466 2,069,451 0.1% 357 FIDDICH COMMODITY BROKERS 1,001,974 202,080 1,204,054 0.1%

31 RAWFERT OFFSHORE SAL 3,460,718 2,869,028 6,329,746 0.4% 196 PARAGON PRINTING AND PACKAGING (PVT) LTD 961,810 1,100,293 2,062,103 0.1% 358 TENDO ELECTRONICS PVT LTD 802,863 398,413 1,201,276 0.1%

32 MEGAPAK ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 4,408,447 1,906,111 6,314,558 0.4% 197 PIONEEER HI-BRED (ZIMABABWE) PRIVATE LIMITED 1,375,000 685,257 2,060,257 0.1% 359 REDIMERE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 660,000 539,366 1,199,366 0.1%

33 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 3,849,401 2,346,589 6,195,991 0.4% 198 African Banking Corpora on 2,059,798 2,059,798 0.1% 360 FIDELITY PRINTERS AND REFINERIES 543,040 653,602 1,196,642 0.1%

34 THE ZIMBABWE BATA SHOE COMPANY (PVT) LTD 3,744,021 2,424,895 6,168,916 0.4% 199 CITY GLASS & PAINT SUPPLIERS 1,653,007 388,792 2,041,799 0.1% 361 LETRISE TRADING 1,191,860 1,191,860 0.1%

35 PROBRANDS (PVT) LTD 4,245,448 1,903,984 6,149,432 0.4% 200 BITUMEN WORLD 1,160,523 864,204 2,024,727 0.1% 362 AMCOTTS TRADING (PVT) LTD 1,176,820 1,176,820 0.1%

36 Farmec (Pvt) Ltd 3,537,028 2,574,280 6,111,308 0.4% 201 CASSETTE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED 1,783,272 240,540 2,023,813 0.1% 363 COALZIM MARKETING P/L 871,138 305,000 1,176,138 0.1%

37 Reinforced Steel Contractors (Pvt) Ltd 3,794,481 2,166,542 5,961,023 0.4% 202 FIRST PACK MARKETING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,296,918 723,156 2,020,074 0.1% 364 EFT CORPORATION ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 1,001,515 173,800 1,175,315 0.1%

38 ESSAR TUBES AND TOWERS 3,129,630 2,805,000 5,934,630 0.4% 203 NATIONAL PROPSHAFT CENTER (PVT) LTD 1,658,353 351,030 2,009,383 0.1% 365 Veterinary Distributors 976,873 195,000 1,171,873 0.1%

39 STATE STREET BANK 3,173,751 2,687,940 5,861,691 0.4% 204 EAGLE AGENCIES (PVT) LTD 1,221,400 775,335 1,996,735 0.1% 366 LIGHTBAND INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 1,162,602 1,162,602 0.1%

40 BOC ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD T/A BOC GASES 3,199,759 2,488,982 5,688,741 0.4% 205 BRAFORD INVESTMENTS P/L 1,272,697 718,732 1,991,428 0.1% 367 DISTRIBUTION GROUP AFRICA 813,676 344,004 1,157,680 0.1%

41 CRASTER INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD 2,911,414 2,690,000 5,601,414 0.4% 206 INSTANT TAR (ZIMBABWE) P/L 1,790,000 200,000 1,990,000 0.1% 368 FUCHS ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 910,202 245,000 1,155,202 0.1%

42 UNILEVER ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 3,972,720 1,577,596 5,550,316 0.4% 207 CUT RAG PROCESSORS 1,588,480 400,000 1,988,480 0.1% 369 HITESH NATWARIAL ANADKAT 968,500 185,000 1,153,500 0.1%

43 LOTUS STATIONERY MANUFACTURERS T/A RANK ZIMB2A,9B9W8,E278 2,461,152 5,459,430 0.4% 208 VITAL LOGISTICS 108,300 1,854,569 1,962,869 0.1% 370 REFRESHING SANITARY PADS P/L 998,462 150,959 1,149,421 0.1%

44 MEGA MARKET MILLING (PVT) LTD 2,893,636 2,529,520 5,423,156 0.3% 209 ACOL CHEMICALS HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 1,870,151 90,000 1,960,151 0.1% 371 FIRESPEAK INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 1,140,000 1,140,000 0.1%

45 CP CHEMICALS 3,040,708 2,342,308 5,383,016 0.3% 210 ETG INPUTS ZIMBABWE P/L 650,298 1,299,010 1,949,308 0.1% 372 AC DC DYNAMICS (PVT) LTD 50,000 1,086,449 1,136,449 0.1%

46 MEGA MARKET (PVT) LTD 2,201,517 3,037,503 5,239,020 0.3% 211 MAYOR LOGISTICS 626,389 1,321,360 1,947,749 0.1% 373 RESTNANCE (PVT) LTD 1,133,444 1,133,444 0.1%

47 CAFCA LIMITED 3,866,305 1,360,698 5,227,003 0.3% 212 CREDFIN (PRIVATE) LIMITED 656,235 1,289,843 1,946,078 0.1% 374 LAFARGE CEMENT ZIMBABWE LTD 1,133,133 1,133,133 0.1%

48 PAZA BUSTER CAR SALES 3,991,251 1,154,981 5,146,232 0.3% 213 EDNAT MINING SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 387,900 1,554,644 1,942,544 0.1% 375 MBUKWE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 582,500 548,947 1,131,447 0.1%

49 NEON SHADES PVT LTD 2,639,788 2,320,000 4,959,788 0.3% 214 J MANN & COMPANY (PVT) LTD 1,635,150 300,000 1,935,150 0.1% 376 ZVEMVURA TRADING 1,065,668 64,600 1,130,268 0.1%

50 AFRICA STEEL PVT LTD 2,758,669 2,200,000 4,958,669 0.3% 215 UNICARE (1989) PVT LTD 1,680,086 251,746 1,931,832 0.1% 377 CHROMBURG ENTERPRISES 158,909 967,558 1,126,466 0.1%

51 Intrachem (Pvt) Ltd 3,953,133 975,737 4,928,870 0.3% 216 PETROTRADE 1,918,573 1,918,573 0.1% 378 TAITA TYRES (PVT) LTD 820,852 295,802 1,116,654 0.1%

52 KEFALOS CHEEESE PRODUCTS P/L 3,537,563 1,351,941 4,889,504 0.3% 217 ORIGEN CORPORATION (PVT) LTD 737,146 1,181,084 1,918,230 0.1% 379 CYCLOTRAD INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 1,115,965 1,115,965 0.1%

53 Polypackaging (Pvt) Ltd 2,890,705 1,987,930 4,878,635 0.3% 218 CLOVER LEAF MOTORS P/L 834,578 1,069,145 1,903,723 0.1% 380 GRINESTAND ENTERPRISES 1,115,930 1,115,930 0.1%

54 MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY S.A. (ZIMBABW2E,5)1(P6R,9IV70ATE) LIM2,3IT0E9D,773 4,826,743 0.3% 219 NETONE CELLULAR 1,901,935 1,901,935 0.1% 381 ZIMBABWE SPRING STEEL (PVT) LTD T/A LOAD AGROPOW81E6R,318 295,035 1,111,353 0.1%

55 PANGOLIN PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED 2,531,344 2,231,844 4,763,188 0.3% 220 NATIONAL AIDS COUNCIL 1,900,000 1,900,000 0.1% 382 VERITRAN (PRIVATE) LIMITED T/A ZSS 478,572 629,970 1,108,542 0.1%

56 STEWARD BANK LIMITED 2,757,140 1,950,000 4,707,140 0.3% 221 ECOCASH (PVT) LIMITED 1,082,564 816,009 1,898,573 0.1% 383 POLARIS AGRICULTURE 1,105,024 1,105,024 0.1%

57 PHARMACEUTICAL AND CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTORS 2,818,083 1,888,103 4,706,186 0.3% 222 WARDSTORE ENTEPRISES (PVT) LTD 1,769,224 126,929 1,896,153 0.1% 384 ZIMASCO (PVT) LTD 1,094,922 1,094,922 0.1%

58 CABS 2,365,663 2,286,132 4,651,795 0.3% 223 CHINYA INVESTMENTS 1,888,299 1,888,299 0.1% 385 SAXIN ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 1,092,299 1,092,299 0.1%

59 UNIVERN ENTERPRISES 3,514,978 1,110,615 4,625,593 0.3% 224 PULSE MEDICAL CARE 1,076,900 798,500 1,875,400 0.1% 386 MERRYLIGHT ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED 887,006 204,375 1,091,382 0.1%

60 CITI BANK 3,822,269 776,173 4,598,441 0.3% 225 ABBIAMO TRADING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,156,371 718,213 1,874,584 0.1% 387 MUSHANA GAS PVT LTD 1,016,885 61,308 1,078,194 0.1%

61 CHINA NANCHANG ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 2,178,825 2,399,280 4,578,105 0.3% 226 BULLION COMMODITIES INTERNATIONAL 877,050 970,805 1,847,855 0.1% 388 ZINWA 114,217 962,191 1,076,409 0.1%

62 SONDELANI RANCHING P/L 2,871,755 1,678,437 4,550,192 0.3% 227 Tuff Industrials (Pvt) Ltd 1,279,649 561,886 1,841,535 0.1% 389 AYESTOCK INVESTMENTS 1,076,049 1,076,049 0.1%

63 PREMIER AUTO SERVICES P/L 2,463,212 1,980,217 4,443,429 0.3% 228 OMNIA FERTILIZER ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 1,370,118 465,000 1,835,118 0.1% 390 PEPPERTREE TRADING (PVT) LTD 779,427 290,103 1,069,530 0.1%

64 ISOQUANT INVESTMENTS P/L 2,908,152 1,494,274 4,402,425 0.3% 229 BETAR CHEMICALS 1,670,515 150,000 1,820,515 0.1% 391 SYNDICATED RESOURCES 195,334 865,473 1,060,807 0.1%

65 FARAMATSI MOTORS (PVT) LTD 3,850,329 550,000 4,400,329 0.3% 230 CHINA INTERNATIONAL WATER AND ELECTRIC 100,182 1,720,000 1,820,182 0.1% 392 NATURAL STONE EXPORT COMPANY 722,393 337,030 1,059,423 0.1%

66 DULY HOLDINGS PVT LTD 2,643,831 1,737,436 4,381,266 0.3% 231 UPLAND GAS INTERNATIONAL 1,813,971 1,813,971 0.1% 393 LOBELS BREAD PVT LTD 839,125 218,700 1,057,825 0.1%

67 VIVO ENERGY FORMERLY ENGEN PETROLEUM 2,477,849 1,902,462 4,380,311 0.3% 232 BULK COMMODITIES (PVT) LTD 1,113,279 697,059 1,810,338 0.1% 394 YELLOWCOB ENTERPRISES 781,879 273,470 1,055,349 0.1%

68 PARROGATE ZIMBABWE 2,748,585 1,563,977 4,312,562 0.3% 233 PAULOS CONSTRUCTION 1,810,000 1,810,000 0.1% 395 LANEWIZ TRADING AND PROJECTS P/L 955,000 100,000 1,055,000 0.1%

69 PROTON BAKERS (PVT) LTD 1,797,518 2,460,983 4,258,501 0.3% 234 ADLEBON INVESTMENTS 1,158,563 648,261 1,806,825 0.1% 396 FLOWELL FARMING T/A FAIRHILL FARM 646,168 408,693 1,054,861 0.1%

70 RARDON INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 2,063,664 2,183,723 4,247,387 0.3% 235 ONE STOP SOLAR 1,181,812 620,175 1,801,987 0.1% 397 ZIMBABWE MOTOR DISTRIBUTORS (PVT) LTD 744,032 297,166 1,041,198 0.1%

71 Discount Steel Zimbabwe 2,715,364 1,487,000 4,202,364 0.3% 236 PHOSPHOGEN INVESTMENTS PVT LTD T/A NUTRIMASTE9R36,359 863,983 1,800,342 0.1% 398 SEF PROSPERO CAPITAL (PVT) LTD 1,039,170 1,039,170 0.1%

72 BREASTPLATE SERVICES P/L T/A NEMCHEM 2,008,638 2,156,978 4,165,616 0.3% 237 Harava Solar Park (Pvt) Ltd 1,800,000 1,800,000 0.1% 399 SPACE GEAR INVESTMENTS 1,038,200 1,038,200 0.1%

73 PROBOTTLERS 2,174,861 1,868,168 4,043,029 0.3% 238 Capital Agriculture (Pvt) Ltd 1,098,884 689,940 1,788,823 0.1% 400 BANQUE PICTET AND CIE SA 935,556 100,000 1,035,556 0.1%

74 RESTAPEDIC MANUFACTURING (PVT) LTD 2,185,605 1,844,162 4,029,767 0.3% 239 PRODISTRIBUTION PVT LTD 1,696,187 86,379 1,782,566 0.1% 401 THE SOLAR WAREHOUSE PVT LTD 834,700 200,000 1,034,700 0.1%

75 FEEDMIX (PVT) LTD 2,016,358 1,942,400 3,958,757 0.3% 240 ALPHA PACKAGING (PVT) LTD 1,612,768 165,000 1,777,768 0.1% 402 GOODSHOW MANUFACTURING PL 934,501 100,000 1,034,501 0.1%

76 FASTJET ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 1,364,813 2,590,816 3,955,628 0.3% 241 POLYOAK PACKAGING ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 1,119,810 655,908 1,775,718 0.1% 403 J R GODDARD CONTRACTING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,024,124 1,024,124 0.1%

77 IETC ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 2,173,732 1,770,000 3,943,732 0.3% 242 SUNNY YI FENG TILES ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 1,290,274 480,000 1,770,274 0.1% 404 NETRADE MARKETING (PVT) LTD 964,376 51,600 1,015,976 0.1%

78 INNSCOR DISTRIBUTION P/L 1,834,677 2,097,047 3,931,724 0.3% 243 FE TATMIF T/A Greens Supermarket 626,000 1,135,581 1,761,581 0.1% 405 SQNEED CHROME ZIMBABWE P/L 448,189 565,011 1,013,200 0.1%

79 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO ZIMBABWE 2,301,756 1,622,198 3,923,954 0.3% 244 ZORWAY INTERNATIONAL 902,100 855,850 1,757,950 0.1% 406 NATAFLEX PRODUCE PBC 1,004,088 1,004,088 0.1%

80 ARENEL (PRIVATE) LIMITED 1,739,524 2,158,370 3,897,895 0.3% 245 Eurostar Electric Co Pvt Ltd 1,733,545 1,733,545 0.1% 407 PREMIER SERVICES MEDICAL INVESTMENTS 550,000 453,269 1,003,269 0.1%

81 AGRICON EQUIPMENT (PVT) LTD 2,318,613 1,537,376 3,855,989 0.2% 246 ZIMBABWE NEWSPAPERS 1980 LTD 927,483 805,015 1,732,499 0.1% 408 SOLUTION MOTORS 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.1%

82 DRIPTECH IRRIGATION 2,305,330 1,464,577 3,769,907 0.2%

83 PAROAN VISTA (PVT) LTD 2,397,049 1,367,813 3,764,862 0.2%

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Issue 43, 13 August 2021


409 ASSOCIATED FOODS ZIMBABWE 708,707 290,100 998,807 0.1% 571 STRENGTHENED INVESTMENTS 641,976 641,976 0.04% 733 SILKSILVER INVESTMENTS 416,003 416,003 0.03%

410 AREGELIA TRADING PVT LTD 996,339 996,339 0.1% 572 AQUAFEEDS PVT LTD 542,125 97,814 639,939 0.04% 734 ZIMBABWE CRSG CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 165,000 250,000 415,000 0.03%

411 KINTEX INVESTMENTS 300,000 694,372 994,372 0.1% 573 ALEF STEEL 638,505 638,505 0.04% 735 LEOPACK MARKETING P/L 83,868 329,253 413,121 0.03%

412 GLADMIL INVESTMENTS 992,960 992,960 0.1% 574 PRIME SEED CO 415,964 222,000 637,964 0.04% 736 AMAZING PROJECTS PVT LTD 404,400 404,400 0.03%

413 GAPBAN INVESTMENTS 602,900 388,713 991,613 0.1% 575 RIBITIGER TRADING 57,079 578,368 635,447 0.04% 737 CAROUSEL (PVT) LTD 232,982 171,284 404,266 0.03%

414 HONDA CENTRE 2010 PVT LTD 989,323 989,323 0.1% 576 BLASTCARE TRADING 630,994 630,994 0.04% 738 DUCKBLU ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOLUTIONS P/L 198,070 205,489 403,559 0.03%

415 HURUDZA INTERNATIONAL 662,699 325,000 987,699 0.1% 577 MACHINERY EXCHANGE 255,801 374,805 630,606 0.04% 739 TIPCALL INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD T/A CUTING EDGE 164,650 235,896 400,546 0.03%

416 PEDSTOCK INVESTMENTS PL 979,336 979,336 0.1% 578 BESPOKE DELIGHTS PVT LTD 630,000 630,000 0.04% 740 Loadhigh Trading 400,085 400,085 0.03%

417 STACKGROVE TRADING 978,519 978,519 0.1% 579 BESTFY INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 629,170 629,170 0.04% 741 NQOFARI INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD 400,000 400,000 0.03%

418 POCK ISLAMP PRIVATE LIMITED TA ZIMBABWE FREIGHT 975,198 975,198 0.1% 580 ADELA CONTRACTING 626,988 626,988 0.04% 742 FBC HOLDINGS 400,000 400,000 0.03%

419 VICTORIA FOODS (PVT) LTD 969,298 969,298 0.1% 581 Zambezi Tanners 175,940 450,000 625,940 0.04% 743 AC CONTROLS PVT LTD 400,000 400,000 0.03%

420 BAKETECH ZIMBABWE P/L 968,255 968,255 0.1% 582 LOBELS BISCUITS (PVT) LTD 422,804 200,000 622,804 0.04% 744 Bilcro Holdings 397,755 397,755 0.03%

421 SANLAM QUALIFYING INVESTORS FUNDS PLC/SANLAM AFRICA EQUITY FUND966,980 966,980 0.1% 583 SOLGAS PVT LTD 191,926 430,000 621,926 0.04% 745 BLACKWOOD HODGE ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 266,005 128,000 394,005 0.03%

422 FLOOKTEX ENTEPRISES (PVT) LIMITED 613,479 348,167 961,646 0.1% 584 ROLVEX INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 517,694 100,243 617,937 0.04% 746 ZIMTILE PVT LTD 286,145 107,230 393,376 0.03%

423 Payth Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 751,820 208,600 960,420 0.1% 585 PIVOTAL AGRO SERVICES (PVT) LTD 370,356 245,105 615,461 0.04% 747 JVS Automa�on (Pvt) Ltd 391,842 391,842 0.03%

424 COOPER ZIMBABWE (1992) (PVT) LTD 909,000 51,000 960,000 0.1% 586 WRAPRITE (PVT) LTD 308,486 306,000 614,486 0.04% 748 AGRIMAP PVT LTD 391,712 391,712 0.03%

425 CONGAREE TRADING PVT LTD 692,882 264,345 957,228 0.1% 587 STEEL BRANDS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 474,488 137,000 611,488 0.04% 749 OLOMIDE TRADING P/L 389,954 389,954 0.03%

426 Tuvaiddo Investments Private Limited TA Wholesale Spares 839,070 115,462 954,532 0.1% 588 CAPS (PVT) LTD 554,307 55,000 609,307 0.04% 750 PROVALLEY ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 334,508 54,513 389,021 0.02%

427 MAKA RESOURCES PVT LTD 750,928 200,000 950,928 0.1% 589 KUSONA TRADING PVT LTD 443,007 166,166 609,173 0.04% 751 DOSBAI INVESTMENTS 237,298 150,000 387,298 0.02%

428 RESTINERED INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 456,267 493,842 950,109 0.1% 590 BRIAN LAWRENCE 344,868 262,600 607,468 0.04% 752 Drum City Industry Private Limited 287,492 98,061 385,553 0.02%

429 FUSER TECHNOLOGIES 683,280 265,662 948,942 0.1% 591 SMART GAS PVT LTD 108,763 497,188 605,951 0.04% 753 GREENWAVE MILLING 385,489 385,489 0.02%

430 REDAN PETROLEUM PVT LTD 943,676 943,676 0.1% 592 MAKATA BANANAS 604,598 604,598 0.04% 754 NATIONAL TYRES SERVICES LIMITED 115,037 270,016 385,053 0.02%

431 HYPERY BRANDS PVT LTD 940,882 940,882 0.1% 593 ZADA CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 70,000 533,004 603,004 0.04% 755 Conardic Investments 380,000 380,000 0.02%

432 William Bain and Company Holdings 262,332 670,818 933,149 0.1% 594 Ecomark (Pvt) Ltd 450,000 153,000 603,000 0.04% 756 PINTAIL 379,190 379,190 0.02%

433 PUNGWE B POWER STATION PVT LTD 925,329 925,329 0.1% 595 ZEP-RE REINSURANCE 450,000 150,000 600,000 0.04% 757 CALUNDIKE EXPORTS 312,857 65,121 377,978 0.02%

434 COPIER KINGS P/L T/A NASHUA ZIMBABWE 925,141 925,141 0.1% 596 FUTA FARMING PL 500,000 100,000 600,000 0.04% 758 PELLIER ENTERPRISES 377,164 377,164 0.02%

435 PAN AFRICAN MINING 450,000 472,476 922,476 0.1% 597 CLOREX HOLDINGS 225,503 373,400 598,903 0.04% 759 SNOWPIERCER INVESTMENTS 375,765 375,765 0.02%

436 BETA BRICKS PVT LTD 922,065 922,065 0.1% 598 BREXHILL ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 598,237 598,237 0.04% 760 CRESTLIFE ENTERPRISES 195,296 179,265 374,561 0.02%

437 BEITBRIDGE JUICING P/L 919,888 919,888 0.1% 599 SATNOFF INVESTMENTS 596,992 596,992 0.04% 761 FRUGIPARUS ENTERPRISES 374,306 374,306 0.02%

438 LAUETTA INVESTMENTS PL 918,465 918,465 0.1% 600 CBZ BANK LIMITED 594,468 594,468 0.04% 762 WATT GENERATOR PVT LTD T/A CAPRI SOLAR 370,058 370,058 0.02%

439 LAWREAL ENTERPRISES 349,898 568,331 918,228 0.1% 601 LANDOS FARM 593,585 593,585 0.04% 763 THE BOOKPLACE 120,000 250,000 370,000 0.02%

440 KDV BEDDING PVT LTD 914,948 914,948 0.1% 602 MEDWISE PHARMACY T/A MEDWISE MEDICARE 215,059 378,268 593,328 0.04% 764 G. NORTH & SONS P/L 369,056 369,056 0.02%

441 KARIBA HYDRO POWER COMPANY PVT LTD 902,500 902,500 0.1% 603 SOUNDTECH INVESTMENTS T/A EFTTEES ENTERPRISES 593,000 593,000 0.04% 765 G AND T SCALE SERVICES 50,000 319,000 369,000 0.02%

442 CHARLES STEWART DAY OLD CHICKS (PVT) LTD 597,297 304,666 901,963 0.1% 604 SOLAR FARMING (PVT) LTD 227,558 363,012 590,570 0.04% 766 TWOWORK ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 368,456 368,456 0.02%

443 PETRICHOR IRRIGATION (PVT) LTD 551,172 350,000 901,172 0.1% 605 GEMATCH PETROLEUM (PVT) LTD 589,583 589,583 0.04% 767 Abercro� Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 367,500 367,500 0.02%

444 MIRROR IMAGE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 343,885 551,146 895,031 0.1% 606 JIN AN CORPORATION 583,564 583,564 0.04% 768 WILLRED MINERALS AND ENERGY 366,352 366,352 0.02%

445 STEELMAKERS ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 370,496 514,602 885,098 0.1% 607 ALLIANCE TIMBERS 298,283 284,559 582,842 0.04% 769 ADIANTAR MEDICAL IMAGING CENTRE 229,835 135,270 365,105 0.02%

446 ZHONG AN ENTERPRISES 485,336 396,945 882,281 0.1% 608 CHARTER SEEDS 331,688 248,327 580,015 0.04% 770 CENTRAL AFRICAN PACKAGING CORPORATION 363,884 363,884 0.02%

447 FOOD DISTRIBUTORS 480,000 400,000 880,000 0.1% 609 EAGLETRON INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD T/A PUMP AND STEEL57S9U,P1P0L9IERS 579,109 0.04% 771 INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES (PVT) LTD 363,855 363,855 0.02%

448 Central Millers (Pvt) Ltd 281,100 597,381 878,481 0.1% 610 WILLOWVALE MAZDA MOTOR INDUSTRIES 338,817 237,043 575,860 0.04% 772 STODART BROTHERS PL 252,690 110,572 363,262 0.02%

449 PEOPLE`S OWN SAVINGS BANK 471,462 403,705 875,167 0.1% 611 M AND H EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIERS 472,976 100,000 572,976 0.04% 773 PHOENIX OIL (PVT) LTD 259,760 103,400 363,160 0.02%

450 ELEGENT EDGE P/L 773,770 100,000 873,770 0.1% 612 SILKWOOD MANUFACTURING P/L 572,389 572,389 0.04% 774 PROCLASSIC TRADING 312,891 50,000 362,891 0.02%

451 HITIRA INVESTMENTS 871,247 871,247 0.1% 613 SIXDRUM INVESTMENTS 570,000 570,000 0.04% 775 LED TRAVEL AND TOURS 161,241 200,000 361,241 0.02%

452 KUKURA SEED HOUSE (PVT) LTD 861,342 861,342 0.1% 614 Build Your Dreams Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 570,000 570,000 0.04% 776 NICNEL PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 360,598 360,598 0.02%

453 DGL INVESTMENTS NUMBER NINE (PVT) LTD 859,881 859,881 0.1% 615 RAVEN ENERGY 567,203 567,203 0.04% 777 CAPRCEND INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 360,506 360,506 0.02%

454 Chandiwana Mines Pvt Ltd 79,787 779,040 858,828 0.1% 616 HAILGROOVE PETROLEUM 466,286 100,502 566,788 0.04% 778 ZIMBABWE ZHONGXIN ELECTRICAL ENERGY 360,000 360,000 0.02%

455 KARIMEDA T/A PRIME AGRO (PVT) LTD 854,300 854,300 0.1% 617 TIMBER AND BOARD CENTRE PVT LTD 564,685 564,685 0.04% 779 THORNVILLE MARKETING P/L 173,848 183,347 357,196 0.02%

456 AFRICAN DISTILLERS (PVT) LTD 751,133 102,329 853,462 0.1% 618 HARVEST LINK (PVT) LTD 321,351 242,015 563,366 0.04% 780 EASY FETCH ENTERPRISES 300,500 54,213 354,713 0.02%

457 CHINA JIANGXI CORPORATION 850,000 850,000 0.1% 619 CHAYVEN 561,575 561,575 0.04% 781 PROCOMM PVT LTD 268,824 85,000 353,824 0.02%

458 MING HAO MINING MACHINERY PVT LTD 593,821 255,000 848,821 0.1% 620 NUVERT TRADING 307,308 252,451 559,759 0.04% 782 TARA CAPITAL PVT LTD 353,493 353,493 0.02%

459 INTERTOLL ZIMBABWE (PTY) LTD 734,662 112,928 847,589 0.1% 621 ILOG ZIMBABWE 557,676 557,676 0.04% 783 PINGAN PVT LTD 352,302 352,302 0.02%

460 SOOMNET INTERNATIONAL 726,500 120,000 846,500 0.1% 622 MUTARE BOTTLING COMPANY 556,388 556,388 0.04% 784 CROPATE FARMING (PVT) LTD 202,549 149,036 351,585 0.02%

461 FCJ DISTRIBUTORS 356,633 486,994 843,627 0.1% 623 ZIMSWITCH TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 289,302 266,970 556,272 0.04% 785 PLATINUM RESOURCES 351,347 351,347 0.02%

462 NELSPOT BRANDS 395,393 447,041 842,434 0.1% 624 RING PETROLEUM 555,878 555,878 0.04% 786 Spencer Muchamiri PBC 301,102 50,000 351,102 0.02%

463 YALA BV 155,000 682,353 837,353 0.1% 625 POSE POSE TRADING (PVT) LTD 555,011 555,011 0.04% 787 Lopdale Energy (Pvt) Ltd 350,874 350,874 0.02%

464 FORTUNE DRIVE ENTERPRISES 114,298 720,400 834,698 0.1% 626 Realqout Investments (Pvt) Ltd 249,824 304,822 554,646 0.04% 788 RAINBOW TOURISM GROUP 350,668 350,668 0.02%

465 ZIMBABWE GRAIN BAG (PRIVATE) LIMITED 637,200 194,746 831,946 0.1% 627 POLBERRY INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 554,500 554,500 0.04% 789 INGWEBU BREWERIES 350,466 350,466 0.02%

466 FINMARK HOLDINGS P/L 114,246 714,967 829,214 0.1% 628 ENERGEX INTERNATIONAL 550,997 550,997 0.04% 790 BLUE CALL INVESTMENTS 350,000 350,000 0.02%

467 V & S HEALTHCARE PL T/A FIVET 727,709 100,000 827,709 0.1% 629 DULUX (PVT) LTD 550,380 550,380 0.04% 791 CHRIS TRUCK 349,313 349,313 0.02%

468 CHICAGO COSMETICS 626,870 197,691 824,561 0.1% 630 TINRUG TRADING (PVT) LTD 449,885 100,000 549,885 0.04% 792 LYDDON PROPERTIES 346,748 346,748 0.02%

469 EFE COMMODITIES 821,310 821,310 0.1% 631 PAIKIM INVESTMENTS 543,912 543,912 0.03% 793 MUKUSHI SEEDS PVT LTD 346,361 346,361 0.02%

470 INTERNATIONAL COATINGS COMPANY 662,555 151,862 814,417 0.1% 632 QUODEC ZIMBABWE 201,430 336,621 538,051 0.03% 794 PAM PHARMACEUTICALS 194,720 150,138 344,858 0.02%

471 CIH INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 810,200 810,200 0.1% 633 EDPATH GLOBAL INVESTMENTS 537,154 537,154 0.03% 795 RUBRICAL ENERGY PVT LTD T/A RUBRICAL RESOURCES 340,000 340,000 0.02%

472 Expo Energy P/L 806,500 806,500 0.1% 634 JOJO TANKS P/L 283,078 251,807 534,884 0.03% 796 BRIGHT BIRSIR TRADING P/L 339,116 339,116 0.02%

473 ELIZABETH FLORIST 749,115 56,000 805,115 0.1% 635 VARICHEM PHARMACEUTICALS 300,701 229,694 530,395 0.03% 797 UTANDE INTERNET INVESTMENTS 337,923 337,923 0.02%

474 WAVERLEY PLASTICS 718,236 86,661 804,898 0.1% 636 Globe Trade Communica�ons 530,000 530,000 0.03% 798 AGRIPEAK INCORPORATED (PVT) LTD 337,513 337,513 0.02%

475 VISION CREDIT SOURCE (PVT) LTD 804,805 804,805 0.1% 637 BROADCASTING AUTHORITY OF ZIMBABWE 528,410 528,410 0.03% 799 HAGGIE RAND ZIMBABWE 200,000 135,650 335,650 0.02%

476 EARLGREY MOTORS 802,274 802,274 0.1% 638 SENGABAY PVT LTD 378,396 148,260 526,656 0.03% 800 Fintech 335,541 335,541 0.02%

477 AEROMAT TRADING (PVT) LTD 729,345 72,850 802,195 0.1% 639 CHIP TRADING 425,000 100,000 525,000 0.03% 801 NEW SAHARA VENTURES PVT LTD 335,204 335,204 0.02%

478 I PACK ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 405,879 395,225 801,104 0.1% 640 COMPULINK SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD 132,000 392,383 524,383 0.03% 802 IMPERIAL PLASTICS P/L 75,075 257,236 332,311 0.02%

479 EDLAW LOGISTICS 799,000 799,000 0.1% 641 IRVINES DAY OLD CHICK 523,962 523,962 0.03% 803 CITY PLASTIC INDUSTRIES P/L 49,991 281,860 331,851 0.02%

480 Hedscot Investments 797,516 797,516 0.1% 642 NHAKA LIFE ASSURANCE (PVT) LTD 521,015 521,015 0.03% 804 Grindberg Investments Private Limted 196,545 135,000 331,545 0.02%

481 CHEMMODITIES TRADING PVT LTD 697,991 99,128 797,119 0.1% 643 INVESTPOOL INVESTMENTS 520,000 520,000 0.03% 805 Industrial Products Solu�on (Pvt) Ltd 63,000 264,841 327,841 0.02%

482 Fedorah Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 796,000 796,000 0.1% 644 TERRACE AFRICA 100,000 419,713 519,713 0.03% 806 SCULLY TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 270,751 57,087 327,837 0.02%

483 NAKA VENTURES (PVT) LTD 381,575 411,649 793,224 0.1% 645 DRY RIVER RANCH PVT LTD 516,925 516,925 0.03% 807 Tsanga Power Sta�ons Pvt Ltd 75,322 250,000 325,322 0.02%

484 PG MERCHANDISING LIMITED 309,775 482,720 792,494 0.1% 646 WEIXI MINING INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 515,340 515,340 0.03% 808 WEYLOO RESOURCES PRIVATE LIMITED 242,927 82,226 325,153 0.02%

485 LAFE INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES 789,103 789,103 0.1% 647 WHIRLWYN TRADING 514,919 514,919 0.03% 809 FERGANDOR MINING PVT LTD T/A TRUE GAS 62,946 261,584 324,530 0.02%

486 BRAINMAN INVESTMENTS 60,623 726,295 786,919 0.1% 648 THE COLD CHAIN 116,649 396,966 513,614 0.03% 810 SKM MOTORCYCLES (PVT) LTD 94,115 230,000 324,115 0.02%

487 RAVENHILL 785,000 785,000 0.1% 649 MEDSURE HEALTHCARE 512,704 512,704 0.03% 811 RELCO INDUSTRIES T/A RELCO ENERGY 322,000 322,000 0.02%

488 SARATOGA INVESTMENTS 783,347 783,347 0.1% 650 TRISTRENCE SUPPLIERS T/A STAR DISTRIBUTORS 385,000 126,830 511,830 0.03% 812 B BRAUN ZIMBABWE 265,287 56,599 321,886 0.02%

489 STOCHACK TRADING T/A EUROSTAR 778,280 778,280 0.05% 651 NEONLITE ENTERPRISES 510,000 510,000 0.03% 813 BERMONT MASTER FUND (CI) LP 125,047 195,873 320,919 0.02%

490 RESIMUNDE INVESTMENTS 777,547 777,547 0.05% 652 CORDILLERA P/L 509,419 509,419 0.03% 814 ZENGEA P/L 269,541 49,999 319,540 0.02%

491 SHORTPAGE TRADING 322,416 453,992 776,408 0.05% 653 DUMILE INVESTMENTS P/L 406,426 100,336 506,762 0.03% 815 MEISTER INDUSTRIES 318,880 318,880 0.02%

492 EXCLUSIVE PROJECTS 774,071 774,071 0.05% 654 MELROSE CONSTRUCTION (PRIVATE) LIMITED 400,999 105,746 506,745 0.03% 816 NSHUTI INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 318,537 318,537 0.02%

493 Nappon Investments 773,300 773,300 0.05% 655 VORTIGEN INVESSTMENTS (PVT) LTD T/A CPL 308,347 197,583 505,930 0.03% 817 BITUCHEM PVT LTD 317,801 317,801 0.02%

494 Tredcor Zimbabwe 773,134 773,134 0.05% 656 LANWOOD TRADING (PVT) LTD 429,742 72,000 501,742 0.03% 818 RAWPLAST INVESTMENTS P/L 188,764 128,451 317,215 0.02%

495 ASPECT MINING (PVT) LTD 710,349 58,509 768,858 0.05% 657 CLEAR OPTIONS ENTERPRISES 501,300 501,300 0.03% 819 WETO TRANSPORT PVT LTD 316,200 316,200 0.02%


497 ASSOCIATED TYRES (PVT) LTD 565,454 200,000 765,454 0.05% 659 ROSEWOOD FARMING PVT LTD 500,249 500,249 0.03% 821 LINCOLN CAPITAL 260,929 51,733 312,662 0.02%

498 Paramount Cables P/L 630,076 130,893 760,969 0.05% 660 TOTAL ZIMBABWE 500,000 500,000 0.03% 822 GRID TRANSMISSION 312,322 312,322 0.02%

499 CROPSERVE P/L 753,683 753,683 0.05% 661 BOLTREC ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 264,560 234,581 499,140 0.03% 823 POWERTEL COMMUNICATIONS 59,889 249,739 309,628 0.02%

500 EDURATE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 601,620 150,000 751,620 0.05% 662 Classic Super Foods Private Limited 150,200 348,000 498,200 0.03% 824 EASYCOUNT INVESTMENTS 54,410 255,190 309,600 0.02%

501 JEISA ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 655,428 96,000 751,428 0.05% 663 SCHINDWE LIFTS ZIMBABWE P/L 200,000 297,500 497,500 0.03% 825 ALMIN METAL INDUSTRIES 306,987 306,987 0.02%

502 RUNDALE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD t/a P & R HYRAULICS 751,084 751,084 0.05% 664 LABANTU RESOURCES (PVT) LTD 238,000 258,535 496,535 0.03% 826 ALTURAS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 202,598 103,664 306,262 0.02%

503 SEDAN CHAIR TRADING (PVT) LTD 178,500 571,800 750,300 0.05% 665 CNBM INTERNATIONAL COMPANY ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMI4T9E6D,309 496,309 0.03% 827 TIMBER CENTRE 204,158 100,895 305,054 0.02%

504 OK ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 750,000 750,000 0.05% 666 BULAWAYO STEEL PRODUCTS T/A TASSBURG 495,684 495,684 0.03% 828 ACCINGE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 305,000 305,000 0.02%

505 LASHWEDJ DISTRIBUTORS T/A JD DISTRIBUTORS 747,861 747,861 0.05% 667 DROPVIEW INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 50,412 444,805 495,218 0.03% 829 Shallow Gain Trading (Pvt) Ltd 304,650 304,650 0.02%

506 HARDSTOCK INVESTMENTS 277,795 467,731 745,525 0.05% 668 CONTAINER TECH COMPANY 494,161 494,161 0.03% 830 LIBERTY STOCK ZIMBABWE 304,000 304,000 0.02%

507 GLENRAGE INVESTMENTS 740,940 740,940 0.05% 669 RAYSURGE P/L 249,124 244,235 493,358 0.03% 831 NAKLON TRADING 158,695 144,795 303,490 0.02%

508 G & C WAUGH SALES & MERCHANDISING (PVT) LTD T/A WARP6A3C3K,952 101,500 735,452 0.05% 670 ENERGY CONSUMABLES DISTRIBUTORS 492,677 492,677 0.03% 832 COBTRADE INVESTMENTS 302,981 302,981 0.02%

509 POLACHEM INVESTMENTS P/L 648,500 85,000 733,500 0.05% 671 Envirogas (Pvt) Ltd 490,000 490,000 0.03% 833 OLD MUTUAL ZIMBABWE 302,232 302,232 0.02%

510 CARNAUD METALBOX ZIMBABWE 352,622 380,343 732,965 0.05% 672 KITHRA ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 352,168 136,676 488,845 0.03% 834 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE ZIMBABWE 301,242 301,242 0.02%

511 DAIRYHILL INVESTMENTS P/L 57,676 672,884 730,560 0.05% 673 MIMJ ENTERPRISES 487,480 487,480 0.03% 835 ON DEMAND LOGISTICS 300,520 300,520 0.02%

512 MERCANTILE ONE P/L 280,016 450,000 730,016 0.05% 674 CIMAS HEALTHCARE PHARMACIES (PVT) LTD 485,000 485,000 0.03% 836 NOTTINGHAM ESTATES P/L 300,000 300,000 0.02%

513 ANWAR AND RASHID (PVT) LTD 322,407 406,312 728,719 0.05% 675 RIVERSIDE POWER STATION 200,063 282,431 482,494 0.03% 837 FLINLON TRADING (PVT) LTD 300,000 300,000 0.02%

514 CRYSTAL CANDY 727,555 727,555 0.05% 676 AGRIFORCE (PVT) LTD 296,293 185,053 481,346 0.03% 838 CALMRIDGE INVESTMENTS 300,000 300,000 0.02%

515 PHIREBROOK INVESTMENTS 561,798 164,915 726,713 0.05% 677 BAUXIM LOGISTIC PVT LTD 478,846 478,846 0.03% 839 PAPER CIRCLE 100,000 199,882 299,882 0.02%

516 NHUNGU TRADING (PVT) LTD 725,019 725,019 0.05% 678 LABELFLEX PRIVATE LIMITED 130,000 348,838 478,838 0.03% 840 SEEDEX ENTERPRISES 170,850 128,569 299,419 0.02%

517 HONDE HYDRO POWER CONSOLIDATED 725,000 725,000 0.05% 679 CHECKERED TECHNOLOGIES 377,108 100,705 477,813 0.03% 841 LIQUID CARGO AFRICA 299,299 299,299 0.02%

518 SALTIS CONSULTING 724,803 724,803 0.05% 680 LIGHTHOUSE PRINT 475,270 475,270 0.03% 842 ZINARA 299,128 299,128 0.02%

519 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 724,780 724,780 0.05% 681 MASSBREED INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 475,000 475,000 0.03% 843 TSING INTERNATIONAL 297,909 297,909 0.02%

520 WRS SWITCH GEAR (PVT) LTD 229,181 494,985 724,166 0.05% 682 INDUCON INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 100,693 373,198 473,891 0.03% 844 OLITRADE (PVT) LTD 200,028 95,000 295,028 0.02%

521 KUMBULANI SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 651,050 69,986 721,036 0.05% 683 TARIPEX INVESTMNTS P/L 473,706 473,706 0.03% 845 Corrugated Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 295,000 295,000 0.02%

522 SOLARQUIP ENERGY 661,545 59,152 720,698 0.05% 684 Lean Import and Export (Pvt) Ltd 473,000 473,000 0.03% 846 WESTMORELAND PROPERTY 203,856 90,908 294,764 0.02%

523 LATMAK SUPPLY CHAIN P/L 720,000 720,000 0.05% 685 KUDU CREEK FARM 467,805 467,805 0.03% 847 STEM MAGNETICS 294,000 294,000 0.02%

524 NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS 1981 P/L 541,024 178,495 719,519 0.05% 686 TSL CLASSIC LEAF / CLASSIC TOBACCO COMPANY 466,910 466,910 0.03% 848 AGRICURA (PVT) LTD 293,971 293,971 0.02%

525 ACTIVE HIRE AND SALE 718,549 718,549 0.05% 687 Sky Pharmaceu�cal (Pvt) Ltd 163,541 301,950 465,491 0.03% 849 CHITUNGWIZA MUNICIPALITY 293,402 293,402 0.02%

526 Drekofil Investments (Pvt) Ltd 241,833 474,076 715,909 0.05% 688 PLUMBCORN INVESTMENTS 465,058 465,058 0.03% 850 GODIMA ENERGY 293,000 293,000 0.02%

527 ZIMBABWE TRADE EXCHANGE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 483,687 230,500 714,187 0.05% 689 MATANUSKA DISTRIBUTION PVT LTD 275,829 187,644 463,473 0.03% 851 MATTER MINING 291,100 291,100 0.02%

528 SUBSAHN ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 439,541 273,259 712,799 0.05% 690 AZBO INVESTMENTS 155,700 307,096 462,796 0.03% 852 AgriSwiss Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 190,631 100,000 290,631 0.02%

529 PRESSUPY INVESTMENTS 655,796 53,360 709,156 0.05% 691 THE CARAVEL FUND (INTERNATIONAL) FUND 462,564 462,564 0.03% 853 LEADGATE ENTERPRISES T/A CORPORATE COPIERS 98,890 188,600 287,490 0.02%

530 MD DE CHASSART AND SON PVT LTD 584,086 123,957 708,042 0.05% 692 SLIGO FARM 461,947 461,947 0.03% 854 CALCULUS HOLDING 285,944 285,944 0.02%

531 MAROPAFADZO ENERGY PVT LTD 701,000 701,000 0.04% 693 BILTRANS SERVICES 458,635 458,635 0.03% 855 TRIP TRANS 285,663 285,663 0.02%

532 BULLRED FARMING (PVT) LTD 346,369 352,876 699,245 0.04% 694 Tyras Enterprises 457,275 457,275 0.03% 856 JVS PROJECTS (Pvt) Ltd 280,671 280,671 0.02%

533 VASCERT INVESTMENTS P/L 50,000 645,347 695,347 0.04% 695 ALLITRACK TRADING T/A RADZIM AGRI POWER 96,551 360,660 457,211 0.03% 857 TEECHERZ FURNISHERS 61,848 218,635 280,483 0.02%

534 Paperhole Investments (Pvt) Ltd 693,886 693,886 0.04% 696 G-TIDE MOBILE PHONE ZIMBABWE 221,038 236,099 457,137 0.03% 858 DUO VALLEY COMMODITY BROKERS 60,000 220,000 280,000 0.02%

535 DAMPAB INVESTMENTS 692,250 692,250 0.04% 697 TRADEROUX PVT LTD 454,800 454,800 0.03% 859 EASYGAS DOT COM PVT LTD 164,841 115,000 279,841 0.02%

536 CHEMS AFRICA 691,374 691,374 0.04% 698 SINOMACH MOTORS 454,071 454,071 0.03% 860 BYWORD TRADING (PVT) LTD T/A BYWORD MOTORS 278,643 278,643 0.02%

537 PALMLIFE P/L 689,392 689,392 0.04% 699 TEDEUM ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD TA C R RANCHING 189,472 263,710 453,182 0.03% 861 MAX HAIVO ELECTRICAL AND HARDWARE P/L 276,333 276,333 0.02%

538 PICKGLOW TRADING 689,000 689,000 0.04% 700 LIVETOUCH INVESTMENTS 201,055 250,167 451,222 0.03% 862 MANJOLO FARM PVT LTD 275,829 275,829 0.02%

539 ONBEPERK PRIVATE LIMITED 688,478 688,478 0.04% 701 TM PICK N PAY 175,904 275,000 450,904 0.03% 863 TABITHA MERCHANTS PVT LTD 274,961 274,961 0.02%

540 ICECASH PRIVATE LIMITED 228,417 456,978 685,395 0.04% 702 PLANAS INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 145,602 305,300 450,902 0.03% 864 SAFEGUARD ALARMS (PVT) LTD 109,531 164,490 274,021 0.02%

541 MOTOR GEAR TRADING PVT LTD 524,164 159,000 683,164 0.04% 703 COLOUR CHAMPION PVT LTD 450,376 450,376 0.03% 865 CHIMAYO INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 273,840 273,840 0.02%

542 NEWHOPE VENTURES P/L 465,228 213,513 678,741 0.04% 704 NATIONAL SPICEWORKS P/L T/A F.NEILL & SONS 300,172 149,921 450,093 0.03% 866 VELVET GAS PVT LTD 119,237 154,350 273,587 0.02%

543 PURITY TRADING COMPANY 214,500 463,000 677,500 0.04% 705 CRUSCATE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 160,000 290,000 450,000 0.03% 867 KEVAREZ INVESTMENTS 272,000 272,000 0.02%

544 MOONBROCH HOLDINGS 676,795 676,795 0.04% 706 KUNATSA ESTATES 448,200 448,200 0.03% 868 SPLASH PLASTICS 271,597 271,597 0.02%

545 JJ BENATAR (PVT) LTD T/A DIESEL GEAR 294,975 380,189 675,164 0.04% 707 EBRAHIM STORES (PVT) LTD 375,723 72,000 447,723 0.03% 869 ALSAA PETROLEUM ZIMBABWE 271,332 271,332 0.02%

546 EXODUS AND COMPANY 466,253 208,674 674,927 0.04% 708 JACOB BETHEL CORPORATION 248,312 198,667 446,979 0.03% 870 PETROMOC EXOR PRIVATE LIMITED 270,787 270,787 0.02%

547 ATOM RESOURCES PVT LTD 670,407 670,407 0.04% 709 VALVETECH INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIER 285,068 160,000 445,068 0.03% 871 GENERAL BEDDING 270,594 270,594 0.02%

548 STATUS ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 670,314 670,314 0.04% 710 Sherwood Park Estates 444,704 444,704 0.03% 872 LYONAIS INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 270,424 270,424 0.02%

549 ZIMKINGS TRADING (PVT) LTD 619,702 50,000 669,702 0.04% 711 MIKE HARRIS TOYOTA (PRIVATE) LIMITED 444,658 444,658 0.03% 873 UNTU CAPITAL 120,000 149,917 269,917 0.02%

550 COMPETITIVE BRAND SHAPERS (PVT) LTD 287,643 381,386 669,028 0.04% 712 CLASSIC ENERGY PVT LTD 443,572 443,572 0.03% 874 ASSET RELIABILITY SERVICES (PVT) LTD 87,000 182,000 269,000 0.02%

551 COMMOPAK P/L 667,075 667,075 0.04% 713 Sidal Engineering 272,038 170,676 442,714 0.03% 875 NESTLE ZIMBABWE 118,000 150,000 268,000 0.02%

552 WORKSIDE INVESTMENTS 660,656 660,656 0.04% 714 PLAYTIME MANUFACTURERS (PVT) LTD 144,801 297,653 442,454 0.03% 876 LAKE HARVEST DISTRIBUTION P/L 105,000 161,250 266,250 0.02%

553 SBSA OBO INVESTEC SECURITIES 259,424 397,563 656,986 0.04% 715 NATIONAL HANDLING SERVICES 174,050 268,249 442,299 0.03% 877 MFS GROUP PVT LTD 122,699 142,267 264,966 0.02%

554 THULI PETROLEUM 656,939 656,939 0.04% 716 CRAMWELL INVESTMENTS 437,418 437,418 0.03% 878 MUTURI ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 53,000 209,607 262,607 0.02%

555 PUNGWE C POWER STATION PVT LTD 656,840 656,840 0.04% 717 G & M Panel Beaters 433,059 433,059 0.03% 879 Horta�ve Investments PL t/a Tile and Carpet Centre 261,672 261,672 0.02%

556 ZIMCOLOR INVESTMENTS 430,000 223,200 653,200 0.04% 718 CFAO MOTORS ZIMBABWE 332,686 99,541 432,227 0.03% 880 DEEDSGATE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 261,253 261,253 0.02%

557 Yafei Enterprise (Pvt) Ltd 352,700 300,000 652,700 0.04% 719 EAGLE ITALIAN SHOES PVT LTD 124,618 305,790 430,408 0.03% 881 DINSON COLLIERY MINING 260,608 260,608 0.02%

558 WHEATSTAR P/L 90,000 561,500 651,500 0.04% 720 TADAKARA BRAND SOLUTIONS 380,000 50,000 430,000 0.03% 882 SPENCERS CREEK PVT LTD 260,000 260,000 0.02%

559 DAVJON PVT LTD 650,516 650,516 0.04% 721 AGRO ACRES INVESTMENTS 428,862 428,862 0.03% 883 SEALACHEM INVESTMENTS 156,590 103,360 259,950 0.02%

560 ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION CO1M5P0A,0N0Y0 500,000 650,000 0.04% 722 LOZINO INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 167,410 260,800 428,210 0.03% 884 EMERANCE PVT LTD 78,757 179,964 258,721 0.02%

561 BAMHARE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 650,000 650,000 0.04% 723 AULION TRADING PVT LTD 426,850 426,850 0.03% 885 KAMOSO INVESTMENTS 256,932 256,932 0.02%

562 ATRIA COMMODITIES 150,000 500,000 650,000 0.04% 724 HILART INVESTMENTS 426,759 426,759 0.03% 886 DIFIC INVESTMENTS P/L 256,872 256,872 0.02%

563 TRUCK IT PRIVATE LIMITED 385,592 264,217 649,809 0.04% 725 FIRSTPACK SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED 426,158 426,158 0.03% 887 MODNAT HARDWARE AND INDUSTRIAL TOOLS (PVT) LTD 256,582 256,582 0.02%

564 ROMWE FARMING (PVT) LTD 421,643 225,581 647,224 0.04% 726 FLOWERUE ENTERPRISES 424,000 424,000 0.03% 888 PALMGATE TRADING 256,399 256,399 0.02%

565 CORYPHAEUS (PVT) LTD 646,693 646,693 0.04% 727 NATIONS HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL (PVT) LTD 187,874 234,809 422,683 0.03% 889 LOTRUM MARKETING T/A VALUE GAS 206,000 50,000 256,000 0.02%

566 THORNVILLE MARKETING P/L 382,088 264,278 646,366 0.04% 728 KITELIGHT INVESTMENTS 419,665 419,665 0.03% 890 BRAND PORT P/L 207,156 48,439 255,595 0.02%

567 DEVICES & DISPOSABLES (PVT) LTD T/A DMD HEALTHCARE 550,572 94,708 645,280 0.04% 729 FIRMACTION (PVT) LTD T/A HARRISON AND HUGHSON 64,700 354,690 419,390 0.03% 891 LIDOSINE TRADING (PVT) LTD 154,687 100,000 254,687 0.02%

568 Manieard Investments T/A Ceiling and Allumin Par��oning 394,965 249,304 644,269 0.04% 730 GRANITESIDE CHEMICALS (PVT) LTD 417,532 417,532 0.03% 892 OLYMPUS ENERGY 254,401 254,401 0.02%

569 GUTTENBURD INFORMATION SYSTEMS 421,552 221,612 643,164 0.04% 731 CERATREX ENTERPRISES P/L 417,322 417,322 0.03% 893 PULSE MEDICAL SUPPLIERS 254,000 254,000 0.02%

570 BEN MUCHENJE JOINT PVT LTD T/A BMJ 642,176 642,176 0.04% 732 CADERLAN TRADING 416,752 416,752 0.03% 894 DESTINY INCORPORATED 252,600 252,600 0.02%

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Issue 43, 13 August 2021


895 FAIRCLOT INVESTMENTS P/L 69,998 182,570 252,567 0.02% 1057 TRAC-KING (PVT) LTD 102,850 54,787 157,637 0.01% 1219 TENSOR CONSTRUCTION 100,000 100,000 0.01%

896 EXPLOCHEM 250,400 250,400 0.02% 1058 SEMEGAL INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 156,367 156,367 0.01% 1220 STEADYBASIS INVESTMENTS 50,000 50,000 100,000 0.01%

897 UNIFREIGHT AFRICA PVT LTD 250,000 250,000 0.02% 1059 CHITA ONE LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED 156,175 156,175 0.01% 1221 TIRIPANO SHADRECK T/A TRIP TRANS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

898 WORLD MOTOR CYCLE PVT LTD 250,000 250,000 0.02% 1060 ARCHER ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 52,366 103,782 156,148 0.01% 1222 SUBSTANTIA INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

899 PREMIER SERVICE MEDICAL NVESTMENTS 250,000 250,000 0.02% 1061 TLOZ INVESTMENTS 155,553 155,553 0.01% 1223 TAKURA II (PVT) LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

900 SCB MAURITIUS - IMARA AFRICAN OPPORTUNITIES FUND LTD250,000 250,000 0.02% 1062 ACREFRUITS ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 105,350 50,000 155,350 0.01% 1224 THEMBISA INV 100,000 100,000 0.01%

901 Liafos (Pvt) Ltd 50,000 200,000 250,000 0.02% 1063 A S KEMP ENTERPRISES P/L t/a MINEPRO ZIMBABWE 155,346 155,346 0.01% 1225 WATER MARK TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

902 HUAWEI CORPORATION 250,000 250,000 0.02% 1064 REDAN GAS (PVT) LTD 155,000 155,000 0.01% 1226 WRADDLE INVESTMENTS T/A WRADDLE GAS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

903 CAPE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 250,000 250,000 0.02% 1065 GRAMIN ENERGY PVT LTD 155,000 155,000 0.01% 1227 WOVENSTARS PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

904 BUILDERS POWER HOUSE PVT LTD 250,000 250,000 0.02% 1066 LOSPEN FARMING (PVT) LTD 153,638 153,638 0.01% 1228 SPACE GEAR INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

905 ZX FUELS PVT LTD 249,686 249,686 0.02% 1067 BEST FRUIT PROCESSING 153,308 153,308 0.01% 1229 POWER VENTURES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 100,000 100,000 0.01%

906 ZAMBEZI GAS ZIMBABWE PRIVATE LIMITED 245,867 245,867 0.02% 1068 FIXBREW INVESTMENTS 152,400 152,400 0.01% 1230 SIX HUNDRED ZIMBABWE 100,000 100,000 0.01%

907 FTN ZIMBABWE 244,144 244,144 0.02% 1069 ADDROTECH TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT 50,000 102,134 152,134 0.01% 1231 RIGHTMARK INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

908 BERTGOLD INVESTMENTS P/L 243,990 243,990 0.02% 1070 AVM AFRICA (PRIVATE) LIMITED 152,000 152,000 0.01% 1232 PRODUTRADE PRIVATE LIMITED 100,000 100,000 0.01%

909 PRIDHAM INVESTMENTS T/A CAROL FOAM 240,258 240,258 0.02% 1071 MAXMIND ZIMBABWE 151,886 151,886 0.01% 1233 SOLUTIONS PLAZA P/L 100,000 100,000 0.01%

910 CLIPSOAK TRADING 240,100 240,100 0.02% 1072 PREEDON (PRIVATE) LIMITED 151,651 151,651 0.01% 1234 PRESHAM PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

911 CIMAS MEDICAL AID SOCIETY 240,000 240,000 0.02% 1073 SUSTAINABLE AFFORESTATION ASSOCIATION 151,280 151,280 0.01% 1235 NQOBA MINING 100,000 100,000 0.01%

912 COLBRO MASVINGO T/A COLBRO TRANSPORT 73,022 165,414 238,436 0.02% 1074 POLYVISION PVT LTD 50,334 100,590 150,924 0.01% 1236 MUROWA DIAMONDS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

913 FARMFORD ENTERPRISES 236,920 236,920 0.02% 1075 MEIZON PETROLEUM (PRIVATE) LIMITED 150,600 150,600 0.01% 1237 NASH MINING 100,000 100,000 0.01%

914 FIDELIQUIP MACHINERY 236,501 236,501 0.02% 1076 MARLBOROUGH TOBACCO FARMING 93,395 57,000 150,395 0.01% 1238 LONGPRESS INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

915 FLOWCAPE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 236,500 236,500 0.02% 1077 VENOM FARMING (PVT) LTD 150,061 150,061 0.01% 1239 Medical Imaging (Pvt) Ltd 100,000 100,000 0.01%

916 HALSTED TIMBERS 144,501 91,590 236,091 0.02% 1078 ZADA GRANITE P/L 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1240 MANDEBVU CONTRACTING 100,000 100,000 0.01%

917 AZAM MEDIA ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 235,634 235,634 0.02% 1079 SOLAR WAREHOUSE 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1241 Nanotech Technology Private Limted 100,000 100,000 0.01%

918 AMBERFILEDS INVESTMENTS 100,000 135,470 235,470 0.02% 1080 Pratmark Marke�ng (Pvt) Ltd 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1242 Kenge Foods 100,000 100,000 0.01%

919 SPARE PARTS EXCHANGE (PVT) LTD 185,247 50,000 235,247 0.02% 1081 GREEN POWER PVT LTD 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1243 HUME PIPE COMPANY LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

920 MOORHILL INVESTMENTS 233,831 233,831 0.02% 1082 EID ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1244 LAKE HARVEST AQUACULTURE PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

921 G M PANEL BEATERS T/A SUPREME PANEL BEATERS 231,175 231,175 0.01% 1083 BARRONSWAY INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1245 GEORGIA COMMODITY BROKING 100,000 100,000 0.01%

922 UNIVERSAL FURNISHERS T/A GENERAL BEDDING 118,785 112,157 230,941 0.01% 1084 BALD TELECOMS 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1246 IMPLOW INCORPORATION PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

923 PACKAGERS HUB 230,000 230,000 0.01% 1085 CHECKSURE PVT LTD 150,000 150,000 0.01% 1247 Latmark Farm and Seed 100,000 100,000 0.01%

924 FUNGIOLIV INVESTMENTS 230,000 230,000 0.01% 1086 SLICE DISTRIBUTORS T/A CHICKEN SLICE 149,794 149,794 0.01% 1248 HOZMA ENTERPRISE 100,000 100,000 0.01%

925 ST-ONE MACHINERY P/L 229,834 229,834 0.01% 1087 W.T.SWAN P/L 149,660 149,660 0.01% 1249 EGGWHITE INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

926 DESTINY ELECTRONICS 100,030 129,190 229,220 0.01% 1088 RISING CENTURY 149,500 149,500 0.01% 1250 FREIGHT WORLD P/L 100,000 100,000 0.01%

927 UNLIMITED PROCUREMENT 228,487 228,487 0.01% 1089 LITEFLUSH INVESTMENTS 49,978 99,263 149,241 0.01% 1251 DASWA INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

928 FINEART TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 128,048 100,000 228,048 0.01% 1090 SUMPLUS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 149,100 149,100 0.01% 1252 CRAMESHORE INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

929 AGHSHALOM INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 227,000 227,000 0.01% 1091 MULTIMETER ELECTRONICS PVT LTD 148,866 148,866 0.01% 1253 EXCOGITATE INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

930 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF ZIMBABWE 226,874 226,874 0.01% 1092 VISUAL PLASTICS (PVT) LTD 52,100 95,922 148,022 0.01% 1254 CHINA-ZIM INTERNATIONAL MINERALS CORPORATION 100,000 100,000 0.01%

931 DOVES FUNERAL ASSURANCE P/L 225,718 225,718 0.01% 1093 BETHEL RESOURCES 147,249 147,249 0.01% 1255 CHAMPION CONSUMER BRANDS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

932 BAINES INTERCARE PVT LTD 225,497 225,497 0.01% 1094 SIMRAC ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 147,239 147,239 0.01% 1256 BLUEFORT 100,000 100,000 0.01%

933 MAP COMMUNICATIONS P/L 176,433 49,047 225,480 0.01% 1095 ZIMBABWE ENERGY REGULATORY AUTHORITY 145,442 145,442 0.01% 1257 AFRICAN PRESERVES (PVT) LIMITED 100,000 100,000 0.01%

934 SYPREMO INVESTMENTS 135,790 89,685 225,475 0.01% 1096 PROGROUP HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 145,318 145,318 0.01% 1258 ASSOCIATED BELTS AND BEARINGS (PVT) LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

935 INTERWICK INVESTMENTS P/L 225,000 225,000 0.01% 1097 PAPYRUS PAPER AND STATIONERY 50,000 94,315 144,315 0.01% 1259 BULLION CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

936 TECHOLD ENGINEERING PVT LTD 224,490 224,490 0.01% 1098 FINANCIAL GAZETTE T/A MODUS MEDIA 143,228 143,228 0.01% 1260 CERNOL CHEMICALS 100,000 100,000 0.01%

937 FOOD AND INDUSTRIAL PROCESSORS ZIMBABWE 91,226 131,977 223,203 0.01% 1099 HALE FARMING PVT LTD 142,000 142,000 0.01% 1261 ALMOND EYED INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 100,000 100,000 0.01%

938 THAMES POWER COMPANY (PVT) LTD 125,400 95,990 221,390 0.01% 1100 WINDFIELD PROPERTIES 141,348 141,348 0.01% 1262 LYNATECH MARKETING 99,895 99,895 0.01%

939 NEWTHOUGHT INVESTMENTS 221,160 221,160 0.01% 1101 SYNERGY HARARE CAR RENTAL T/A IMPALA CAR RENTAL 140,477 140,477 0.01% 1263 MASHUNGUPA AND MUHITA ENG AND PROJECTS 99,846 99,846 0.01%

940 ARTISAN TRADING 220,518 220,518 0.01% 1102 WASHROCK INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 80,000 60,000 140,000 0.01% 1264 RADIO SOLUTIONS P/L 49,999 49,833 99,832 0.01%

941 FISCAL SUPPORT SERVICES PVT LTD 220,111 220,111 0.01% 1103 RESTAPEDIC BEDDING P/L 140,000 140,000 0.01% 1265 THANKFUL TODDLERS 99,780 99,780 0.01%

942 PREMIER STONE CRUSHERS 219,068 219,068 0.01% 1104 H AND H MICRO FINANCE PVT LTD 140,000 140,000 0.01% 1266 RAM RETAIL (PRIVATE) LIMITED 99,619 99,619 0.01%

943 ZIMBABWE STOCK EXCHANGE 94,374 122,842 217,216 0.01% 1105 HASHMON MATEMERA 77,000 62,333 139,333 0.01% 1267 MANAVHELA INVESTMENTS 50,000 49,603 99,603 0.01%

944 GEMVILLE INVESTMENTS 215,449 215,449 0.01% 1106 REVCO PVT LTD 89,068 50,000 139,068 0.01% 1268 KIMBER AGENCIES (PVT) LTD 99,500 99,500 0.01%

945 ICHTUS CRANES PVT LTD 214,638 214,638 0.01% 1107 ATTRIBECA INVESTMENTS 138,651 138,651 0.01% 1269 PUROIL TRADING 99,475 99,475 0.01%

946 FIABLE MEDICAL SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 164,487 50,000 214,487 0.01% 1108 INVICTUS STEEL AFRICA 138,342 138,342 0.01% 1270 WATERBREEZE INVESTMENTS 99,190 99,190 0.01%

947 ESPN TRUCKING 212,476 212,476 0.01% 1109 GRAMEEN FINANCE 138,000 138,000 0.01% 1271 MEDICIVE PVT LTD 99,000 99,000 0.01%

948 SEBASTIAN DURKIN PVT LTD 121,598 90,000 211,598 0.01% 1110 GREENWAVE TRADING 137,836 137,836 0.01% 1272 HASHTAG WORLD PVT LTD 99,000 99,000 0.01%

949 DERIVATIVES RESOURCES 211,440 211,440 0.01% 1111 DAVIS CORE 85,000 52,800 137,800 0.01% 1273 ALMID P/L 98,023 98,023 0.01%

950 LJ AND H VENTER PL 96,280 115,000 211,280 0.01% 1112 MCCAIN DISTRIBUTORS 137,259 137,259 0.01% 1274 PREMIUM MOBILITY PVT LTD 97,919 97,919 0.01%

951 Shenxin Investments (Pvt) Ltd 60,000 150,000 210,000 0.01% 1113 LILFORDIA SCHOOL 137,085 137,085 0.01% 1275 ACQUAFEEDS 97,814 97,814 0.01%

952 GRAPESPORT INVESTMENTS 150,000 60,000 210,000 0.01% 1114 ZIMBABWE NATIONAL ARMY (ZNA) FOOD PRODUCTION 135,000 135,000 0.01% 1276 CHENGETO INVESTMENTS 97,800 97,800 0.01%

953 ABATIS INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 210,000 210,000 0.01% 1115 OAKWAY INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 134,844 134,844 0.01% 1277 NILE RESOURCES 97,701 97,701 0.01%

954 GLOBAL SOLAR (PVT) LTD 209,103 209,103 0.01% 1116 NUTRIMASTER (PVT) LTD 134,091 134,091 0.01% 1278 WILLSGROVE FARM 46,489 50,837 97,326 0.01%

955 BROWN ENGINEERING GROUP (PVT) LTD 209,049 209,049 0.01% 1117 TURNING POINT INVESTMENTS 132,870 132,870 0.01% 1279 WGA LIQOUR P/L 97,045 97,045 0.01%

956 EKNOR INVESTMENTS 208,741 208,741 0.01% 1118 TAMUDA ENTERPRISES 132,160 132,160 0.01% 1280 MUKUMBA BROTHERS 97,003 97,003 0.01%

957 ORANGE HEALTH (PVT) LTD 110,315 97,148 207,463 0.01% 1119 GROW AGRICULTURE P/L 31,611 100,000 131,611 0.01% 1281 GOLDEN HORN JOINT COMPANY 96,931 96,931 0.01%

958 SITELINK INVESTMENTS 206,645 206,645 0.01% 1120 MAKNEY ENTERPRISES 131,160 131,160 0.01% 1282 LIGHTGROOVE INVESTMENTS 96,749 96,749 0.01%

959 SHRIJI LUGGAGEWARE PVT LTD 51,400 155,231 206,631 0.01% 1121 AFRISUN MARKETING 80,997 50,000 130,997 0.01% 1283 MY GAS 96,720 96,720 0.01%

960 LYBRAND INVESTMENTS 206,000 206,000 0.01% 1122 VISUAL POINT CREATIVE GROUP 130,652 130,652 0.01% 1284 PCD DIAGNOSTICS PVT LTD 96,219 96,219 0.01%

961 INLINE VENTURES 205,917 205,917 0.01% 1123 Plas�c and Pipe Industry 129,600 129,600 0.01% 1285 DRAWLINK CIVIL ENGINEERING 96,000 96,000 0.01%

962 EROZIM PVT LTD 50,000 155,000 205,000 0.01% 1124 SIRDC 129,521 129,521 0.01% 1286 Asca Healthcare (Pvt) Ltd 96,000 96,000 0.01%

963 RANA BROTHERS 153,779 50,000 203,779 0.01% 1125 SILVER SKILLS INVESTMENTS 129,450 129,450 0.01% 1287 CLEOPORT ENTERPRISES 51,536 44,000 95,536 0.01%

964 SOUTHLON TRADING PVT LTD 202,330 202,330 0.01% 1126 AMALGAMATED ENGINEERS (PVT) LIMITED 129,066 129,066 0.01% 1288 BRAFORD LUBRICANTS 95,500 95,500 0.01%

965 GUARD ENSEMBLE 135,500 65,250 200,750 0.01% 1127 Groundswell Africa Pvt Ltd 127,587 127,587 0.01% 1289 EQUITY DISTRIBUTORS SERVICES (PVT) LTD 94,830 94,830 0.01%

966 EPHRAIM PASIPANODYA 100,300 100,000 200,300 0.01% 1128 KANU EQUIPMENT ZIMBABWE 127,206 127,206 0.01% 1290 ISLE OF GUERNSEY INVESTMENT 94,000 94,000 0.01%

967 WEIRD LEAF INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1129 COMARTON CONSORTIUM PENSION FUNDS 127,000 127,000 0.01% 1291 DRY FLY TRADING P/L 92,778 92,778 0.01%

968 Toolpost Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 100,000 100,000 200,000 0.01% 1130 NAILIT INCORPORATED 125,650 125,650 0.01% 1292 DRILLING RESOURCES ZIMBABWE 91,674 91,674 0.01%

969 YELLOW METAL EQUIP SPARES 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1131 GEC Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 125,625 125,625 0.01% 1293 Sador Trading (Pvt) Ltd 90,400 90,400 0.01%

970 LAINGREEN PVT LTD 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1132 MUTARE TEACHERS COLLEGE 125,550 125,550 0.01% 1294 MIKE APPEL HOLDINGS 90,000 90,000 0.01%

971 FAIRLINE INVESTMENTS 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1133 MIKELEDI RESOURCES 125,409 125,409 0.01% 1295 NEMALA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 88,720 88,720 0.01%

972 BARAKAH LOGISTICS (PVT)LTD 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1134 ONEBW EXPORTS 123,807 123,807 0.01% 1296 ASSOCIATED AFRICAN NICKEL MINES (PVT) LTD 88,500 88,500 0.01%

973 ANATECH SCIENTIFIC 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1135 COLORPLAST ZIMBABWE PRIVATE LIMITED 68,080 54,886 122,966 0.01% 1297 CHESTLAND INVESTMENTS 88,000 88,000 0.01%

974 CARDEX CARD SOLUTIONS 200,000 200,000 0.01% 1136 E STANGER AND SON 122,865 122,865 0.01% 1298 MICHAEL MUTASA 87,991 87,991 0.01%

975 FORRESTER ESTATE (PVT) LTD 199,919 199,919 0.01% 1137 MULTIPEST SERVICES P/L 70,817 50,000 120,817 0.01% 1299 TURATHI TRADING 87,804 87,804 0.01%

976 HUTSI FARMING P/L 199,000 199,000 0.01% 1138 MAWAMPANGA MWANANANGA 120,605 120,605 0.01% 1300 BAK LOGISTICS (PVT) LTD 86,475 86,475 0.01%

977 INTERCONTINENT ENERGY T/A INTERGAS 49,994 148,867 198,861 0.01% 1139 SSCG 120,000 120,000 0.01% 1301 MICONEX (PVT) LTD T/A MINE MACHINES 86,214 86,214 0.01%

978 HONDA COVENTRY PVT LTD 143,532 55,005 198,537 0.01% 1140 MEDTECH MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC 120,000 120,000 0.01% 1302 NANAVAC INVESTMENTS T/A CHOPPIES ZIMBABWE 85,282 85,282 0.01%

979 LESAFFRE ZIMBABWE 198,067 198,067 0.01% 1141 LATROM SYSTEMS P/L 120,000 120,000 0.01% 1303 ACE FOAM PVT LTD 85,258 85,258 0.01%

980 AXE ENERGIES PVT LTD 198,000 198,000 0.01% 1142 CITY OF GWERU 120,000 120,000 0.01% 1304 Diagnos�c Laboratory Services 84,366 84,366 0.01%

981 SUNSET MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED 142,273 55,000 197,273 0.01% 1143 BOX OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 120,000 120,000 0.01% 1305 JOYVINE INVESTMENTS P/L 84,000 84,000 0.01%

982 HENOCK RANCHING 95,920 100,000 195,920 0.01% 1144 ART CORPORATION T/A KADOMA PAPER MILLS 119,764 119,764 0.01% 1306 Mota Engil 82,696 82,696 0.01%

983 FINANCE AID PVT LTD 195,600 195,600 0.01% 1145 REFILOE TRADING 119,715 119,715 0.01% 1307 TURBOFORCE INVESTMENTS 82,648 82,648 0.01%

984 TWOWORK ENTERPRISES 195,000 195,000 0.01% 1146 Clean Box (Pvt) Ltd 119,541 119,541 0.01% 1308 HEADREST INVESTMENTS 82,352 82,352 0.01%

985 NETRADE COMMODITIES (PVT) LTD 95,491 99,291 194,783 0.01% 1147 DRILL RIG ENGINEERING 119,500 119,500 0.01% 1309 CHADSHUNT RANCH PVT LTD 82,000 82,000 0.01%

986 SARNER INVESTMENTS 64,191 129,844 194,035 0.01% 1148 KNARSDALE ENTERPRISES 119,399 119,399 0.01% 1310 TAGONESWA INVESTMENTS 81,664 81,664 0.01%

987 ZIMBERLY INVESTMENTS 193,181 193,181 0.01% 1149 BOKWEST INVESTMENTS 119,205 119,205 0.01% 1311 GRACIOUSE MEDICAL 81,000 81,000 0.01%

988 WARAPP ENGINEERING 192,495 192,495 0.01% 1150 AEL MINING SERVICES ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 118,209 118,209 0.01% 1312 DOMINION MARKETING PVT LTD 22,926 58,000 80,926 0.01%

989 GARDENER MAGANDI 189,985 189,985 0.01% 1151 Rockbuster Drillers 118,000 118,000 0.01% 1313 CORPSERVE REGISTRARS 80,825 80,825 0.01%

990 AL SHAKUR INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 189,600 189,600 0.01% 1152 SELECT BRANDS INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 116,050 116,050 0.01% 1314 PHILIP & WATSON PLANT HIRE (PVT) LTD 80,721 80,721 0.01%

991 SECTUS INVESTMENTS 188,000 188,000 0.01% 1153 SONDAG ENTERPRISES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 115,940 115,940 0.01% 1315 SALERNO RESOURCES PVT LTD 80,465 80,465 0.01%

992 DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS (PVT) LTD 107,072 79,349 186,422 0.01% 1154 ATRAK PAINTS INVESTMENTS 115,724 115,724 0.01% 1316 HWANGE COLLIERY COMPANY 80,400 80,400 0.01%

993 Lovol Kingfisher 185,800 185,800 0.01% 1155 MOLDON MARKETING 115,115 115,115 0.01% 1317 PROCURE CHAIN 80,060 80,060 0.01%

994 JC RAYS PRIVATE LIMITED 70,000 115,000 185,000 0.01% 1156 SAMBURN PRESSINGS 114,979 114,979 0.01% 1318 TECHEARTH MINING 80,000 80,000 0.01%

995 CRANRID INVESTMENTS 119,914 64,390 184,304 0.01% 1157 FBC REINSURANCE 114,064 114,064 0.01% 1319 KOSHA DISTRIBUTION 80,000 80,000 0.01%

996 VICTORIA FALLS SAFARI LODGE 184,125 184,125 0.01% 1158 MECER IT DISTRIBUTION (PRIVATE) LIMITED 114,052 114,052 0.01% 1320 G&M Panelbeaters P/L t/a Supreme Panel Beaters 80,000 80,000 0.01%

997 FUTA VENTURES (PVT) LTD 183,984 183,984 0.01% 1159 ROAD ANGELS 113,946 113,946 0.01% 1321 GAIN CASH AND CARRY 80,000 80,000 0.01%

998 FBC BUILDING SOCIETY 183,702 183,702 0.01% 1160 CORPORATE HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS 113,400 113,400 0.01% 1322 FINANCE AID PVT LTD 80,000 80,000 0.01%

999 FIVE THREE INVESTMENTS 133,801 49,479 183,280 0.01% 1161 SIBREN AND SIBRAD 53,100 60,096 113,196 0.01% 1323 CAMENARY PROJECTS 80,000 80,000 0.01%

1000 PAT DUNN & MARK FUTTER (PVT) LTD 182,625 182,625 0.01% 1162 RIMBI TRAVEL AND TOURS 112,120 112,120 0.01% 1324 AMALGAMATED CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD 78,813 78,813 0.01%

1001 JARAN ENTERPRISES 181,547 181,547 0.01% 1163 Primedia Events and Entertainment 61,570 50,310 111,880 0.01% 1325 BOLTGAS INTERNATIONAL 78,600 78,600 0.01%

1002 DELOF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 181,530 181,530 0.01% 1164 WORDCROFT INVESTMENTS 111,854 111,854 0.01% 1326 CLIMZONE TRADING (PVT) LTD 25,718 52,622 78,340 0.01%

1003 CON-PLANT TECHNOLOGY (PVT) LTD 181,000 181,000 0.01% 1165 BIGTULL INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 110,891 110,891 0.01% 1327 BIREL TRADING (PVT) LTD 78,154 78,154 0.01%

1004 SYNEGRY HARARE CAR RENTAL 180,898 180,898 0.01% 1166 NCP Dis�llers 110,852 110,852 0.01% 1328 ELITE HOLDINGS 77,284 77,284 0.005%

1005 ALUN HART ENTERPRISES 179,956 179,956 0.01% 1167 ZIMBABWE SILICATES P/L 110,625 110,625 0.01% 1329 MARK XTRA PACKAGING EQUIPMENT & CONSUMABLES 76,961 76,961 0.005%

1006 W & E Silks P/L 67,930 111,621 179,551 0.01% 1168 Yardoak Trading (Pvt) Ltd 110,123 110,123 0.01% 1330 CITY OF MASVINGO 76,672 76,672 0.005%

1007 MENDIP ENERGY (PVT) LTD 135,179 43,831 179,010 0.01% 1169 PROPAK HESSIAN 31,262 78,845 110,107 0.01% 1331 Lunesco Investments (Private) Limited 76,358 76,358 0.005%

1008 ZIMBAGS INVESTMENTS 176,000 176,000 0.01% 1170 NEW BLOOMS (PVT) LTD 109,997 109,997 0.01% 1332 GANGO TRADITIONAL FOODS (PVT) LTD 76,156 76,156 0.005%

1009 THE STEEL BUILDING COMPANY 175,541 175,541 0.01% 1171 ZUNDE RAMAMBO INVESTMENTS PL 109,613 109,613 0.01% 1333 TAILOR MADE CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 76,000 76,000 0.005%

1010 EARTHEN FIRE PVT LTD 175,518 175,518 0.01% 1172 UPMAN SERVICES 108,781 108,781 0.01% 1334 SWANDICK WELDING 75,869 75,869 0.005%

1011 YANLIN PVT LTD 174,622 174,622 0.01% 1173 KINGLAND REAL ESTATE PVT LTD 108,536 108,536 0.01% 1335 KERLBOX INVESTMENTS 75,500 75,500 0.005%

1012 SIGNATURE AFRICA 74,200 100,000 174,200 0.01% 1174 RM AFRICA PROPERTY CONSULTANTS T/A RAWSON PROPERTI1E0S7,822 107,822 0.01% 1336 INK SOLUTIONS 75,321 75,321 0.005%

1013 RASTAL FARMING 173,340 173,340 0.01% 1175 GOLDRUSH EQUIPMENT (PRIVATE) LIMITED 107,680 107,680 0.01% 1337 RAINWEB TRADING 75,254 75,254 0.005%

1014 AMA WELDERS AND PIPE FABRICATION ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 173,199 173,199 0.01% 1176 LYSAVAY ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 107,289 107,289 0.01% 1338 STEVEN JOHN AND KATE SWANEPOEL 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1015 DHARWIZI 172,010 172,010 0.01% 1177 Cranbrook Zimbabwe 106,500 106,500 0.01% 1339 Retvic Trading 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1016 BRAVO GROUP MANUFACTURING 171,000 171,000 0.01% 1178 GIGABYTE CONSULTANTS 106,000 106,000 0.01% 1340 MEDLIVE MARKETING P/L 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1017 GRATRIC TRADING 170,300 170,300 0.01% 1179 Sinet Africa (Pvt) Ltd 105,200 105,200 0.01% 1341 LECHLADE INVESTMENTS 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1018 DANJOE INVESTMENTS 170,000 170,000 0.01% 1180 PATHOLOGY LABORATORIES PVT LTD 49,433 55,762 105,195 0.01% 1342 LAB ASSIST ZIMBABWE 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1019 COOVER BOTTLERS (PVT) LTD 169,998 169,998 0.01% 1181 PRODEX PLANT HIRE 104,541 104,541 0.01% 1343 Kutanga Investments 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1020 GLANMOT MANUFACTURING 169,500 169,500 0.01% 1182 PHOENIX CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES LTD T/A SCANDIA STEE1L0&4,W23I5RE 104,235 0.01% 1344 Hor�field Engineering 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1021 ROCKODOX MINERALS 169,149 169,149 0.01% 1183 B AND T FARMING PVT LTD 103,304 103,304 0.01% 1345 FLYTSERV ENTERPRISES 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1022 I FINTZ TRADING 168,836 168,836 0.01% 1184 TURNALL HOLDINGS LTD 103,264 103,264 0.01% 1346 ESGOOD ENTERPRISES T/A FUTURE COMMUNICATIONS 75,000 75,000 0.005%

1023 SPORROW HAULIERS 168,682 168,682 0.01% 1185 GWERU GOLD MILLING P/L 103,154 103,154 0.01% 1347 POLYWORLD TRADING (PVT) LTD 74,979 74,979 0.005%

1024 Z VAN DER MERWE FARMING 167,810 167,810 0.01% 1186 ZIMBABWE SPINNERS & WEAVERS (PVT) LTD 103,111 103,111 0.01% 1348 SEPHTUNE LOGISTICS 74,965 74,965 0.005%

1025 RD ARCHITECTURAL ALUMINIUM 167,101 167,101 0.01% 1187 EXTRA GAS 103,090 103,090 0.01% 1349 WESTROLF PVT LTD 74,666 74,666 0.005%

1026 RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGENCY 166,820 166,820 0.01% 1188 KARELO PVT LTD 102,557 102,557 0.01% 1350 SPELLBOUND 74,665 74,665 0.005%

1027 STEEL CENTRE ZIMBABWE T/A STEELBASE 165,732 165,732 0.01% 1189 INVESTLINE PVT LTD 101,918 101,918 0.01% 1351 SPAKNESS INVESTMENTS 74,600 74,600 0.005%

1028 Fullers Aggregate 165,000 165,000 0.01% 1190 MAXICAST ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 101,842 101,842 0.01% 1352 Gransharp Mining 74,021 74,021 0.005%

1029 BATOKA LODGES PVT LTD 165,000 165,000 0.01% 1191 POLYVISION (PVT) LTD 101,639 101,639 0.01% 1353 GUTA RAJEHOVHA 74,000 74,000 0.005%

1030 HAZELDALE ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 164,786 164,786 0.01% 1192 LARN DISTRIBUTION P/L 101,542 101,542 0.01% 1354 GSTAR P/L 73,900 73,900 0.005%

1031 HERNMERG INTERNATIONAL SERVICES 49,965 114,671 164,636 0.01% 1193 LINKFRONT FARMING (PVT) LTD 101,486 101,486 0.01% 1355 MACHIAREER INVESTMENTS 73,612 73,612 0.005%

1032 BLACKBOX MINING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 164,562 164,562 0.01% 1194 TRINITY PHARMACY 101,383 101,383 0.01% 1356 BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN 73,455 73,455 0.005%

1033 Feed Solu�ons (Pvt) Ltd 164,405 164,405 0.01% 1195 CARDENCE INVESTMENTS 101,080 101,080 0.01% 1357 REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES 73,422 73,422 0.005%

1034 Nikel Gas and Energy 164,350 164,350 0.01% 1196 WOODMANIA PL 50,000 51,000 101,000 0.01% 1358 BREAKTHRU MINERALS 73,300 73,300 0.005%

1035 Ibhubhesi Trading Private Limted 164,102 164,102 0.01% 1197 RUROCHROME PVT LTD 100,952 100,952 0.01% 1359 ZADA GRANITE GWERU P/L 73,292 73,292 0.005%

1036 CENTRAL AFRICA DEVELOPMENT P/L 51,150 112,575 163,725 0.01% 1198 POWERMEC 100,922 100,922 0.01% 1360 HMC PRIVATE LIMITED 73,260 73,260 0.005%

1037 KINGKOLD (PVT) LTD 109,284 53,756 163,040 0.01% 1199 SEBAM ENERGY 100,800 100,800 0.01% 1361 NICMART BUSINESS SOLUTIONS P/L 72,857 72,857 0.005%

1038 FIVE STAR INDUSTRIES 62,980 100,000 162,980 0.01% 1200 PRINTBASE SOLUTIONS 100,800 100,800 0.01% 1362 BUYERS INCORPORATED 72,421 72,421 0.005%

1039 SACTORUM AGENCIES 162,712 162,712 0.01% 1201 C P VAN HEERDEN PVT LTD 100,768 100,768 0.01% 1363 MAXWELL CLOTHING CO 72,000 72,000 0.005%

1040 NATIONAL BUILDING SOCIETY 54,605 106,903 161,507 0.01% 1202 KITELIGHT INVESTMENTS 100,735 100,735 0.01% 1364 ESCAPADES PVT LTD 72,000 72,000 0.005%

1041 DASAPA PVT LTD 50,000 111,500 161,500 0.01% 1203 OCTABRIDGE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 50,380 50,347 100,727 0.01% 1365 LONGDEN ENTERPRISES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 70,891 70,891 0.005%

1042 ATLANTA DRILLING INVESTMENTS 161,278 161,278 0.01% 1204 POWER SEVEN CANVAS 100,652 100,652 0.01% 1366 UNITED SPRING AND FORGING 70,784 70,784 0.005%

1043 DON FOSS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 110,919 50,000 160,919 0.01% 1205 WOODTHORPE INVESTMENTS 100,504 100,504 0.01% 1367 RIVERLEIGH ELECTRICAL 70,776 70,776 0.005%

1044 FARM PRIDE (PVT) LTD 160,600 160,600 0.01% 1206 SKYLOOM ENTERPRISES 100,471 100,471 0.01% 1368 THE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX COMPANY 70,181 70,181 0.005%

1045 INSHARK INVESTMENTS T/A VIRTUAL COMPUTERS 160,577 160,577 0.01% 1207 ODZI TRANSPORT PVT LTD 100,417 100,417 0.01% 1369 TRI SPIRIT DISTRIBUTORS 70,000 70,000 0.004%

1046 Afrimoola 60,000 100,000 160,000 0.01% 1208 CONSOLIDATED FARMING PROPERTIES 100,377 100,377 0.01% 1370 TEEZIK 70,000 70,000 0.004%

1047 Peter Haritatos (Private) Limited 53,600 106,154 159,754 0.01% 1209 Kingfisher Auto (Pvt) Ltd 100,345 100,345 0.01% 1371 Tiera Marke�ng (Pvt) Ltd 70,000 70,000 0.004%

1048 OAKBROOK INVESTMENTS 159,283 159,283 0.01% 1210 BHILA ESTATE 100,275 100,275 0.01% 1372 DSC HEALTH 70,000 70,000 0.004%

1049 JADECON ENTERPRISES 158,865 158,865 0.01% 1211 STANDARD CHARTERED BANK MAURITIUS 100,246 100,246 0.01% 1373 HORTATIVE INVESTMENTS 69,965 69,965 0.004%

1050 NYATI GAS 158,800 158,800 0.01% 1212 SPONGE IRON MINING & BENEFICIATION INDUSTRY (PVT) LTD100,179 100,179 0.01% 1374 PRIME GREEN (PVT) LTD 69,800 69,800 0.004%

1051 SAN HANRIQUE TRADING 158,700 158,700 0.01% 1213 RIDGE RANCHING (PVT) LTD 100,150 100,150 0.01% 1375 DARTEX INVESTMENTS 69,500 69,500 0.004%

1052 SELBY ENTERPRISES P/L 101,286 56,970 158,256 0.01% 1214 Kotrum Enterprises 100,143 100,143 0.01% 1376 THE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX 69,405 69,405 0.004%

1053 CPS AFRICA 158,147 158,147 0.01% 1215 POWER CONTROL SYSTEMS 100,085 100,085 0.01% 1377 CUBALAYA INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD T/A SPRINGWATER ENGINE6E9R,3I5N7G SERVICES 69,357 0.004%

1054 BINDURA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE EDUCATION 158,119 158,119 0.01% 1216 PENIKATI MAGWADA 100,061 100,061 0.01% 1378 ENTIRE OFFICE SYSTEMS 68,571 68,571 0.004%

1055 BEAUTY MAX TRADING 157,908 157,908 0.01% 1217 WORSTAKE ENGINEERS 100,000 100,000 0.01% 1379 INGA ENERGY 68,000 68,000 0.004%

1056 KOEVERMANS INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 157,826 157,826 0.01% 1218 WOOD TECHNOLOGY 100,000 100,000 0.01% 1380 GRANVISTA INVESTMENTS P/L 68,000 68,000 0.004%

Page 46 NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

1381 WORLD BICYCLE RELIEF P/L 67,833 67,500 0.004% 1543 SUNRISE SERVICES INCORPORATED 50,000 50,000 0.003% 72 LETABA ZIMBABWE P/L 137,777 185,858 323,635 0.2%
67,277 0.004% 73 NEYWEL TRADING
1382 SOUTHLAND PROJECT 67,500 66,893 0.004% 1544 VIMBIKA TRADING 50,000 50,000 0.003% 74 TECHNICAL HYGIENE SOLUTIONS 237,797 85,653 323,450 0.2%
1383 LYNDEN PVT LTD 67,277 66,500 0.004% 1545 ZAMGROW INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 76 WRAPRITE (PVT) LTD 301,693 19,996 321,689 0.2%
1384 APPLIED CONTROLS 66,893 66,095 0.004% 1546 TORQUE TRADING 50,000 50,000 0.003% 78 ROSHANI INVESTMENTS 226,668 94,609 321,276 0.2%
66,000 0.004% 79 COMPULINK SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD
1385 Anyhome Investments 66,820 65,800 0.004% 1547 UTANO AFRICA (PVT) LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 80 KASHEP ENTERPRISES P/L 300,708 19,315 320,022 0.2%
65,345 0.004% 81 PAYLOADS P/L
1386 POWERSAVE PVT LTD 66,500 65,157 0.004% 1548 SCB MAURITIUS RE IPRO FUNDS LIMITED 50,000 50,000 0.003% 82 DANDY ZIMBABWE P/L 216,274 100,000 316,274 0.2%
1387 CLOUD AFRICA 66,300 65,000 0.004% 1549 SPRING BASE STEEL (PVT) LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 84 DELOF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 293,087 22,500 315,587 0.2%
1388 RELMAC TECHNOLOGIES 66,095 64,537 0.004% 1550 SPEC HARDWARE 50,000 50,000 0.003% 86 AQUABRIDGE PVT LTD 182,528 132,943 315,471 0.2%
64,500 0.004% 87 Easwald Trading (Pvt) Ltd
1389 SOURCE FUEL P/L 66,000 64,300 0.004% 1551 SOFTEX TISSUE PRODUCTS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 88 PAM PHARMACEUTICALS 290,118 25,335 315,453 0.2%
64,152 0.004% 89 KUSONA TRADING PVT LTD
1390 M H GOLDSCHMIDT 65,800 64,080 0.004% 1552 Polar PlasƟcs (Pvt) Ltd 50,000 50,000 0.003% 90 G & S CHEMICAL AGENCIES P/L 262,264 51,000 313,264 0.2%
1391 CELESTINO BASERA 65,345 63,596 0.004% 1553 PROSPEROUS DAYS INVESTMENTS T/A MINEQUIP AND CHEMICAL 50,000 50,000 0.003% 92 THANKFUL TODDLERS 160,432 150,138 310,570 0.2%
63,529 0.004% 93 Industrial Products SoluƟon (Pvt) Ltd
1392 SEVIGNY ENTERPRISES T/A MARJEN 65,157 63,300 0.004% 1554 RUWA LOCAL BOARD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 94 BROOKE WHEELS 254,113 53,708 307,821 0.2%
1393 ZIMINX P/L 65,000 62,635 0.004% 1555 Square Twenty Two Maintanance 50,000 50,000 0.003% 96 ONSDALE ENTERPRISES 198,388 108,898 307,286 0.2%
62,570 0.004% 97 ALITA AGRO TRADING
1394 ZAMBEZI GAS AND COAL MINE (PVT) LTD 65,000 62,515 0.004% 1556 POSITIVE TYRES PVT LIMITED 50,000 50,000 0.003% 98 SEASONS PHARMACEUTICALS 191,149 115,679 306,828 0.2%
1395 BULLION ESSENCE 64,980 62,299 0.004% 1557 ProducƟon Services InternaƟonal 50,000 50,000 0.003% 100 RANA BROTHERS 219,649 85,844 305,493 0.2%
62,182 0.004% 101 LAUSIDE TRADING
1396 SATCHMO INVESTMENTS 64,537 61,900 0.004% 1558 ROCK CHEMICAL FILLERS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 102 POLYCROWN PACKAGING PVT LTD 262,907 40,000 302,907 0.2%
61,710 0.004% 103 Incotrade (Pvt) Ltd
1397 WINSTEN PRECAST 64,500 61,522 0.004% 1559 Pride of Africa Exports P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 104 Bell PTA 151,235 151,150 302,384 0.2%
1398 RUVALE RANCHING 64,300 60,087 0.004% 1560 REMEKEDZO INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 106 ICLIK PVT LTD 246,276 55,178 301,454 0.2%
1399 KALIMBA INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 64,152 60,000 0.004% 1561 SOUTHERN BUSINESS SERVICES 50,000 50,000 0.003% 108 LUUSH BEVERAGES PVT LTD 223,889 76,688 300,577 0.2%
1400 ITRO ENGINEERING PVT LTD 64,080 60,000 0.004% 1562 REDMARK SERVICES P/L T/A STEM MAGNETICS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 110 SEVIGNY ENTERPRISES T/A MARJEN 274,937 25,532 300,469 0.2%
1401 DECRIRE ENTERPRISES 63,981 60,000 0.004% 1563 RUN AUTO SALES 50,000 50,000 0.003% 112 LAMAPEX PACKAGING 299,980 299,980 0.2%
60,000 0.004% 113 ROAD HAULIERS
1402 LIQUID CONTROL CORPORATION 63,596 60,000 0.004% 1564 NaƟonal Railways of Zimbabwe 50,000 50,000 0.003% 114 KURIMA MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY 205,429 92,720 298,149 0.2%
59,544 0.004% 115 Sky PharmaceuƟcal (Pvt) Ltd
1403 ROSEWIN 63,529 59,374 0.004% 1565 MUELLER INVESTMENTS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 116 BARRONSWAY INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 240,000 56,979 296,979 0.2%
1404 AMPS ENGINEERING 63,300 59,267 0.004% 1566 PICKTALK INVESTMENTS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 118 W & E Silks P/L 201,678 94,800 296,478 0.2%
59,032 0.004% 119 PETACHE FIRST P/L
1405 GL ELECTRICAL PVT LTD 63,000 59,000 0.004% 1567 PATSIME OIL PL 50,000 50,000 0.003% 120 Sino Truk Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 296,116 296,116 0.2%
1406 MICONEX T/A MINE MACHINES 62,635 58,528 0.004% 1568 MERRY ELLEN FARM P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 122 Afrisahara IncorporaƟon (Pvt) Ltd 278,971 15,605 294,576 0.2%
58,294 0.004% 123 RADIO SOLUTIONS P/L
1407 NIJAYS (PVT) LTD 62,570 58,243 0.004% 1569 PASI FLOORING 50,000 50,000 0.003% 124 JASBRO FOODS PVT LTD 274,104 19,950 294,054 0.2%
1408 MWENJE TECHNOLOGY (PVT) LTD 62,515 57,880 0.004% 1570 MORGAN AND CO 50,000 50,000 0.003% 126 SCHINDWE LIFTS ZIMBABWE P/L 210,610 81,258 291,868 0.2%
57,800 0.004% 127 METROSOL (PRIVATE) LIMITED
1409 AQUAMARK WATER CONSULTANTS 62,483 57,714 0.004% 1571 PARAMOUNT ELASTIC AND TAPES 50,000 50,000 0.003% 128 TOMIC RESOURCES (PVT) LTD 291,594 291,594 0.2%
57,640 0.004% 129 VIVON INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD
1410 MEGABULK DISTRIBUTORS 62,299 57,500 0.004% 1572 MARY ELLEN FARM MANAGEMENT P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 130 SEAROVER INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 224,537 66,299 290,836 0.2%
57,458 0.004% 131 GRID TRANSMISSION
1411 MITRA SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD 62,182 57,366 0.004% 1573 LION STORES 50,000 50,000 0.003% 132 CARDENCE INVESTMENTS 242,509 48,020 290,529 0.2%
57,266 0.004% 133 OMM INDUSTRIES
1412 FORSTER IRRIGATION 61,900 57,251 0.004% 1574 LINDOSINE TRADING (PVT) LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 134 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF ZIMBABWE 290,000 290,000 0.2%
57,000 0.004% 135 INDALE ENTERPRISES P/L
1413 YELLYN ENTERPRISES P/L 61,710 57,000 0.004% 1575 INTEGRATED GAS DISTRIBUTION INFRASTRUCTURE 50,000 50,000 0.003% 136 MOLDON MARKETING 290,000 290,000 0.2%
56,953 0.004% 137 COBLEM ENTERPRISES P/L
1414 FIRST MUTUAL FUNERAL SERVICES 61,522 56,855 0.004% 1576 INTERGRATED HYGIENE SYSTEMS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 138 PINELAND TECHNOLOGY 146,127 143,000 289,127 0.2%
1415 PLARTFORM TRADING PVT LTD 61,380 56,531 0.004% 1577 GOMBOLA (PVT) LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 140 POLYFIBRON TECHNOLOGIES 280,741 8,340 289,081 0.2%
1416 WEBTEX PRIVATE LIMITED 60,087 56,103 0.004% 1578 LAZENBURY ENGINEERS T/A TOP-TECH COMPUTERS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 142 Yafei Enterprise (Pvt) Ltd 240,905 47,890 288,795 0.2%
56,070 0.004% 143 HAGGIE RAND ZIMBABWE
56,018 0.004% 1579 Houghton Park Service StaƟon 50,000 50,000 0.003% 144 Open Curve Investments 147,120 141,445 288,565 0.2%
56,000 0.004% 145 Envirogas (Pvt) Ltd
1417 SANER INVESTMENTS 60,000 55,944 0.004% 1580 GARIKVERIO INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 146 MARNVAL BUSINESS GROUP 288,487 288,487 0.2%
1418 PORTDEAL PVT LTD 60,000 55,832 0.004% 1581 GOAL LOGISTICS PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 148 INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES (PVT) LTD 208,472 78,830 287,302 0.2%
1419 PETACHE FIRST P/L 60,000 55,659 0.004% 1582 JUST ME P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 150 W & M ENTERPRISES 260,547 26,323 286,870 0.2%
55,514 0.004% 151 POLYVISION PVT LTD
1420 HELCRAW ELECTRICAL 60,000 55,500 0.004% 1583 IPRO FUNDS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 152 MACHIAREER INVESTMENTS 139,843 144,124 283,967 0.2%
55,500 0.004% 153 Primepep Services Private Limited TA Tradecom Africa
1421 GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS 60,000 55,496 0.004% 1584 H E ELSWORTH HOLDINGS PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 154 OPTICARE P/L 283,561 283,561 0.2%
1422 FERRO CONSULTING OF ZIMBABWE PL T/A GOODCREW MINING SYNDICATE 60,000 55,376 0.004% 1585 INDALE ENTERPRISES P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 156 TYRES PLUS P/L 266,985 16,200 283,185 0.2%
55,236 0.004% 157 NYANGANI INDUSTRIES
1423 CORK LABELS 60,000 55,107 0.004% 1586 DOUBLE C ROYAL 50,000 50,000 0.003% 158 RIBITIGER TRADING 256,515 23,475 279,990 0.2%
1424 ARTFORT PVT LTD 60,000 54,967 0.004% 1587 DR. SHAMU PRACTICE 50,000 50,000 0.003% 160 UNTU CAPITAL 181,509 97,440 278,949 0.2%
1425 MAINBEAM ENTERPRISES 59,544 54,711 0.004% 1588 DR DUMISANI NDLOVU PRACTICE 50,000 50,000 0.003% 162 GADENIA ENTERPRISES P/L 211,820 64,923 276,742 0.2%
54,706 0.004% 163 Tiera MarkeƟng (Pvt) Ltd
1426 AFRIBAG (PVT) LTD 59,374 54,650 0.004% 1589 FIREMELT INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 164 FAIRCLOT INVESTMENTS P/L 192,647 83,350 275,997 0.2%
54,572 0.004% 165 POWERSAVE PVT LTD
1427 Heent InsƟtute Pvt Ltd 59,333 54,500 0.003% 1590 DONJOE INVESTMENTS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 166 PEMA FASHIONS PVT LTD 141,457 133,520 274,977 0.2%
54,279 0.003% 167 ROOFING TWO SIX THREE
1428 REMA TIP TOP (PRIVATE) LIMITED 59,267 54,000 0.003% 1591 CHT ZIMBABWE (PVT) LIMITED 50,000 50,000 0.003% 168 BHUNHU HAULAGE P/L 274,612 274,612 0.2%
53,936 0.003% 169 LABANTU RESOURCES (PVT) LTD
1429 Unki Mines (Pvt) Ltd 59,032 53,920 0.003% 1592 ELITE COLLECTIONS 50,000 50,000 0.003% 170 PEOPLE`S OWN SAVINGS BANK 219,450 54,857 274,307 0.2%
53,842 0.003% 171 EXTRA GAS
1430 ASIAN LEAF TOBACCO 59,000 53,579 0.003% 1593 FORMER ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 172 THEMERDEX ENERGY RESOURCES 228,808 43,700 272,509 0.2%
53,550 0.003% 173 TEWSBURY TRADING
1431 Xtreme Oils 58,842 53,535 0.003% 1594 Doltek Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 50,000 50,000 0.003% 174 TIPLONG TRADING 244,221 27,950 272,171 0.2%
1432 ORIGINAL HAULAGE PVT LTD 58,528 53,320 0.003% 1595 FIRST MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY (PRIVATE) LIMITED 50,000 50,000 0.003% 176 G-TIDE MOBILE PHONE ZIMBABWE 251,911 20,000 271,911 0.2%
1433 FEED THE NATION ZIMBABWE 58,294 52,762 0.003% 1596 CANDOVER TRADING T/A BUILDERS HOME 50,000 50,000 0.003% 178 NATIONAL BUILDING SOCIETY 271,381 271,381 0.2%
1434 MAMBANO HOTEL PVT LTD 58,243 52,500 0.003% 1597 BRADFORD SENIOR SCHOOL 50,000 50,000 0.003% 180 ABBIAMO TRADING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 271,194 271,194 0.2%
1435 ARMMINNI PRIVATE LIMITED 58,200 52,274 0.003% 1598 BRIGHTWATER ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 182 SPRING BASE STEEL (PVT) LTD 248,676 22,320 270,996 0.2%
52,241 0.003% 183 Lincoln Chirinda
1436 KERLFASHIONS (PVT) LTD T/A KERL LOGISTICS 57,880 52,208 0.003% 1599 BRITA CHEMICAL COMPANY P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 184 MEDLIVE MARKETING P/L 199,865 70,341 270,206 0.2%
52,072 0.003% 185 VISUAL PLASTICS (PVT) LTD
1437 SAWIN INVESTMENTS 57,800 52,040 0.003% 186 POWERDRIVE ENGINEERING 270,000 270,000 0.2%
51,942 0.003% 187 FI Laptops (Pvt) Ltd
1438 FIRSTGRADE INCORPORATED 57,714 51,881 0.003% 1600 BLUE AGRI TRADING P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 188 SUMMERFALL INVESTMENTS 211,757 57,878 269,635 0.2%
51,831 0.003% 189 REVCO PVT LTD
1439 IMIG Trading 57,640 51,751 0.003% 1601 BULATEKE MILLING P/L 50,000 50,000 0.003% 190 EARTHEN FIRE PVT LTD 249,400 20,000 269,400 0.2%
51,734 0.003% 191 RESTAPEDIC BEDDING P/L
1440 FREDDY HIRSCH GROUP PVT LTD 57,500 51,720 0.003% 1602 BRIGHTWATER ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 50,000 50,000 0.003% 192 Data Transfer Computers t/a Sai Systems 96,375 172,055 268,430 0.2%
51,701 0.003% 193 CRYSTAL SERENITY PVT LTD
1441 THE BIG ROCK LOGISTICS 57,458 51,696 0.003% 1603 RILBEX T/A RIMBI TRAVEL AND TOURS 49,990 49,990 0.003% 194 MUSHANA GAS PVT LTD 171,226 96,810 268,036 0.2%
1442 TARISAI IMPORT AND EXPORT T/A NATIONAL SPRING STEEL 57,366 51,630 0.003% 1604 NEYWEL TRADING 49,986 49,986 0.003% 196 SOFTEX TISSUE PRODUCTS 161,882 103,982 265,864 0.2%
51,397 0.003% 197 YETSEERAH P/L
1443 TELECEL ZIMBABWE 57,266 51,360 0.003% 1605 DHL INTERNATIONAL (PRIVATE) LIMITED - DHL GLOBAL FORWA49R,D9I6N4G 49,964 0.003% 198 VITA NOVA (PRIVATE) LIMITED 140,059 124,834 264,893 0.2%
51,247 0.003% 199 Meithrin Investments
1444 Haingate 57,251 51,116 0.003% 1606 POWERSEVEN INVESTMENTS 49,954 49,954 0.003% 200 ALYSASH ENTERPRISES T/A LINEN AND EXTRA 123,659 140,534 264,193 0.2%
1445 SUPREME BRANDS (PVT) LTD 57,000 51,013 0.003% 1607 July Fourth (Pvt) Ltd 49,950 49,950 0.003% 202 AFRIBAG (PVT) LTD 263,821 263,821 0.2%
50,972 0.003% 203 FUTURE FOCUS ZIMBABWE
1446 COLOUR RAY P/L T/A CENTAPE 57,000 50,950 0.003% 1608 AGROTOUCH PVT LTD 49,930 49,930 0.003% 204 CHASDIEL INVESTMENTS 251,139 12,500 263,639 0.2%
50,850 0.003% 205 OLYMPUS ENERGY
1447 GLENULAS TRADING 56,953 50,766 0.003% 1609 SQUAREMARK INVESTMENTS 49,930 49,930 0.003% 206 TRINITY PHARMACY 249,539 13,230 262,769 0.2%
50,710 0.003% 207 SUPREME BRANDS (PVT) LTD
1448 Prochem 56,855 50,608 0.003% 1610 BOARDEX ZIMBABWE 49,908 49,908 0.003% 208 ELENGROW INVESTMENTS P/L 220,575 42,129 262,705 0.2%
50,600 0.003% 209 SYNDICATED RESOURCES
1449 Delports Tobacco Beetle Ext 56,802 50,584 0.003% 1611 SAN HE MINING 49,792 49,792 0.003% 210 BRIECO TRADING P/L 252,674 9,551 262,224 0.2%
50,546 0.003% 211 HMC PRIVATE LIMITED
1450 PRAVALA PUMA ELECTRICALS 56,531 50,527 0.003% 1612 CBZ INSURANCE 49,684 49,684 0.003% 212 RAYDEN INCORPORATED PVT LTD 208,883 51,126 260,008 0.2%
1451 TECHNICAL HYGIENE SOLUTIONS 56,310 50,500 0.003% 1613 STABLE TECHNOLOGIES 49,639 49,639 0.003% 214 NAVIDALE TEXTILES PL 260,000 260,000 0.2%
50,460 0.003% 215 DOSBAI INVESTMENTS
1452 HARDMONDS ENGINEERING 56,103 50,447 0.003% 1614 EARTHLINK TECHNOLOGIES 49,625 49,625 0.003% 216 Realqout Investments (Pvt) Ltd 260,000 260,000 0.2%
1453 AFRICAN CENTURY LIMITED 56,070 50,304 0.003% 1615 OGONVILLE INVESTMENTS 49,574 49,574 0.003% 218 ORIGINAL HAULAGE PVT LTD 207,832 52,000 259,832 0.2%
1454 MITEK ZIMBABWE 56,018 50,150 0.003% 1616 WEST END CLINIC 49,411 49,411 0.003% 220 HERNMERG INTERNATIONAL SERVICES 119,646 140,000 259,646 0.2%
50,137 0.003% 221 AUTOBAHN INVESTMENTS P/L
1455 GEODRILL (PVT) LIMITED 56,000 50,137 0.003% 1617 SYLVESTER AND KITCHEN P/L 49,360 49,360 0.003% 222 NEW SAHARA VENTURES PVT LTD 207,021 52,500 259,521 0.2%
50,100 0.003% 223 BLUETEK INVESTMENTS P/L
1456 R & S DieselPro Services 55,944 50,095 0.003% 1618 OBBRIDGE ENTERPRISES 49,345 49,345 0.003% 224 PARKER PAINTS PVT LTD 221,412 37,847 259,260 0.1%
50,005 0.003% 227 AIRBOAT AFRICA PVT LTD
1458 BUSINESS OPTIMISATION SYSTEMS 55,832 50,004 0.003% 1620 Incotrade (Pvt) Ltd 48,970 48,970 0.003% 228 KDB HEALTHCARE 237,947 19,978 257,925 0.1%
50,000 0.003% 229 CAPLAW ENTERPRISES
50,000 0.003% 1621 CHEETAH EXPRESS LOGISTICS T/A FEDEX 48,795 48,795 0.003% 230 TLOZ INVESTMENTS 139,620 118,069 257,689 0.1%
50,000 0.003% 231 SKM MOTORCYCLES (PVT) LTD
1459 HILLTOP MEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS PVT LTD 55,816 50,000 0.003% 1622 LETABA ZIMBABWE P/L 48,677 48,677 0.003% 232 DON FOSS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 149,004 107,947 256,951 0.1%
1460 NXUSA HOLDINGS 55,659 1623 Zambezi Bulk (Pvt) Ltd 48,620 48,620 0.003% 234 MAINBEAM ENTERPRISES 190,348 65,467 255,815 0.1%
1461 INTERCANE ENTERPRISES P/L 55,514 1624 BEST SOUTHERN DRILLING SUPPLIES PVT LTD 48,560 48,560 0.003% 236 Lunesco Investments (Private) Limited 255,300 255,300 0.1%

1462 RADAR INVESTMENTS 55,500 1625 WORLDWIDE COMMODITY BROKERS 48,016 48,016 0.003% 165,784 87,235 253,019 0.1%

1463 POWADRIVE PVT LTD 55,500 1626 SEAPRIDE FOODS PL 47,390 47,390 0.003% 216,988 35,774 252,763 0.1%

1464 ETRAN ENTERPRISES 55,496 1627 ONSDALE ENTERPRISES 45,552 45,552 0.003% 223,793 28,538 252,331 0.1%

1465 RIPTILL (PVT) LTD 55,433 1628 NYAHUNDA INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 44,945 44,945 0.003% 99,425 152,294 251,718 0.1%

1466 JUVILEDGE PVT LTD 55,376 1629 ALG WORLD INVESTMENTS 38,374 38,374 0.002% 240,419 10,600 251,019 0.1%

1467 CHINHOYI IMAGING CENTRE 55,236 1630 C0NGAREE TRADING 33,207 33,207 0.002% 249,470 249,470 0.1%

1468 TOMBILL TRADING 55,107 1631 ESAMI 29,001 29,001 0.002% 183,002 64,973 247,975 0.1%

1469 ACCESS SOLUTIONS 55,000 1632 POWERTROVE PVT LTD 25,700 25,700 0.002% 167,025 75,911 242,936 0.1%

1470 CRUNDALL BROTHERS 54,967 TOTAL 965,088,298 592,752,326 1,557,840,624 100% 87,573 155,248 242,821 0.1%

1471 IMAGE MAGIC CORPORATE 54,904 162,000 80,755 242,755 0.1%

JUNE 2020 - JULY 2021
1473 TENGWA TRANSPORT (PVT) LTD 54,706 145,398 95,743 241,141 0.1%

1474 MAKOAFRICA (PVT) LTD 54,650 NO BIDDER JAN -JUL 2021 JUN-DEC 2020 TOTAL Share (%) 240,800 240,800 0.1%
1475 CANEQUIP PVT LTD 54,572 2 LITEFLUSH INVESTMENTS 519,752 288,450 808,202 0.5% 240,000 240,000 0.1%
1476 COCHRANE PUMP ZIMBABWE 54,500 4 BOARDEX ZIMBABWE 396,336 267,917 664,253 0.4% 240,000 240,000 0.1%
1477 GATELEADER INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 54,279 6 NATIONAL SPICEWORKS P/L T/A F.NEILL & SONS 431,978 204,573 636,551 0.4% 120,000 119,963 239,963 0.1%
1478 BOKONE GAS INVESTMENTS 54,000 8 TAGONESWA INVESTMENTS 440,933 171,789 612,722 0.4% 148,964 89,872 238,836 0.1%
1479 LEENGATE (PVT) LTD 53,936 10 AAROLIN TRADING 378,116 233,163 611,278 0.4% 237,915 237,915 0.1%
1480 POMONA STEEL AND FENCING 53,920 12 LIGHTGROOVE INVESTMENTS 363,666 236,523 600,189 0.3% 237,500 237,500 0.1%
1481 PHANDA RESOURCES (PVT) LTD 53,842 14 TIMBER AND BOARD CENTRE PVT LTD 372,943 226,888 599,831 0.3% 206,988 27,941 234,929 0.1%
1482 THREE CHOIRS TRADING 53,579 16 MAXICAST ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 464,767 96,714 561,481 0.3% 169,317 65,064 234,381 0.1%
1483 TRACK IT 53,550 18 PLAYTIME MANUFACTURERS (PVT) LTD 437,614 123,573 561,187 0.3% 207,172 27,128 234,300 0.1%
1484 LUUSH BEVERAGES PVT LTD 53,535 20 ZIMINX P/L 345,284 215,635 560,919 0.3% 157,925 74,937 232,862 0.1%
1485 PROGRIP INCORPORATED 53,500 22 WRADDLE INVESTMENTS T/A WRADDLE GAS 368,600 169,845 538,445 0.3% 153,326 79,505 232,831 0.1%
1486 SEASONS PHARMACEUTICALS 53,320 24 PHOENIX PVT LTD 463,546 72,979 536,525 0.3% 113,282 118,002 231,284 0.1%
1487 AAROLIN TRADING 52,938 26 ESKILL TRADING 336,921 199,294 536,215 0.3% 104,524 126,453 230,976 0.1%
1488 NURENCHIA POWER RITE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 52,762 28 KERSROCK MINING PRIVATE LIMITED 307,321 222,807 530,128 0.3% 158,412 72,359 230,771 0.1%
1489 EMPOWERBANK LIMITED 52,706 30 DECRIRE ENTERPRISES 384,328 137,186 521,514 0.3% 147,789 81,648 229,438 0.1%
1490 CYCLE POWER HARDWARE CENTRE (PVT) LTD 52,500 32 ZIMCOLOR INVESTMENTS 458,765 58,658 517,423 0.3% 195,000 31,500 226,500 0.1%
1491 AUTOBAHN INVESTMENTS P/L 52,284 34 AMALGAMATED ENGINEERS (PVT) LIMITED 377,235 132,321 509,556 0.3% 167,000 58,840 225,840 0.1%
1492 EASTERN HIGHLANDS PLANTATIONS 52,274 36 FORTHPORT ENTERPRISES 329,960 153,970 483,930 0.3% 225,022 225,022 0.1%
1493 AUTOCONTROL SYSTEMS 52,241 38 LEADGATE ENTERPRISES T/A CORPORATE COPIERS 334,097 149,808 483,905 0.3% 207,984 15,990 223,974 0.1%
1494 S & M BRICKS AND TILES 52,208 40 DOMINION MARKETING PVT LTD 355,700 125,150 480,850 0.3% 222,955 222,955 0.1%
1495 REDAN KEROSIN (PVT) LTD 52,072 42 PROCLASSIC TRADING 345,127 130,422 475,549 0.3% 222,400 222,400 0.1%
1496 MINE ELECT PVT LTD 52,040 44 UK ELECTRICAL 355,823 118,500 474,323 0.3% 220,000 220,000 0.1%
1497 GARAQUIP (PRIVATE) LIMITED 51,942 46 Drum City Industry Private Limited 409,960 20,000 429,960 0.2% 97,900 122,017 219,917 0.1%
1498 YUNUS MAHOMED ADAM 51,881 48 PALEMOON INVESTMENTS 410,000 18,675 428,675 0.2% 218,053 218,053 0.1%
1499 SMACPER PRINTING 51,831 50 LighƟng World (Pvt) Ltd 310,000 117,767 427,767 0.2% 217,656 217,656 0.1%
52 LIDOSINE TRADING (PVT) LTD 332,900 93,776 426,676 0.2% 202,597 13,794 216,391 0.1%
1500 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AUTHORITY 51,751 54 PAPYRUS PAPER AND STATIONERY 298,017 128,546 426,563 0.2% 215,708 215,708 0.1%
1501 Bakers Inn LogisƟcs Private Limted 51,734 56 LOTRYLE TRADING T/A BAMM STATIONERS 342,453 81,626 424,079 0.2% 215,564 215,564 0.1%
1502 SOLID VISIONS TECHNOLOGIES P/L 51,720 58 MITEK ZIMBABWE 348,006 72,837 420,843 0.2% 200,000 15,000 215,000 0.1%
1503 GIFT INVESTMENTS 51,701 60 NETRADE COMMODITIES (PVT) LTD 353,379 66,716 420,096 0.2% 214,519 214,519 0.1%
1504 WATSIKAYI INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 51,696 62 LABELFLEX PRIVATE LIMITED 259,546 158,551 418,097 0.2% 214,106 214,106 0.1%
1505 NS LOGISTICS P/L 51,667 64 RIGHTMARK INVESTMENTS 273,000 144,450 417,450 0.2% 125,608 86,449 212,058 0.1%
1506 MADECARE PHARMACEUTICAL T/A ESP CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 51,630 66 MACHINERY EXCHANGE 309,359 98,868 408,227 0.2% 209,318 209,318 0.1%
1507 RED DANE AGRI SOLUTIONS (PVT) LTD 51,397 68 ECOTRACK INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 355,227 48,322 403,550 0.2% 209,250 209,250 0.1%
69 Rarespot Investments (Pvt) Ltd T/A Cool Cat LogisƟcs
1508 SIYPAK FOODS PVT LTD 51,360 70 IMPERIAL PLASTICS P/L 276,864 121,485 398,348 0.2% 209,098 209,098 0.1%

1509 GLOBAL ROOFING SOLUTIONS ZIMBABWE 51,247 325,454 71,935 397,389 0.2% 171,550 37,370 208,920 0.1%

1510 SQUARE DEAL 51,116 336,125 58,766 394,891 0.2% 208,490 208,490 0.1%

1511 ZIMBABWE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CONSORTIUMS (ZULC) 51,112 263,835 130,260 394,095 0.2% 207,697 207,697 0.1%

1512 Acsend Concrete 51,013 389,414 389,414 0.2% 128,674 78,729 207,403 0.1%

1513 SCOTIA AUTO PARTS 50,972 308,974 73,159 382,132 0.2% 136,319 71,016 207,335 0.1%

1514 NYANGANI INDUSTRIES 50,950 320,000 61,000 381,000 0.2% 125,508 81,204 206,712 0.1%

1515 HAANSBRO (PRIVATE) LIMITED 50,850 380,811 380,811 0.2% 206,198 206,198 0.1%

1516 TERRAWORLD INVESTMENTS 50,766 306,791 69,294 376,085 0.2% 205,527 205,527 0.1%

1517 ARTIN INCORPORATION PVT LTD 50,710 309,617 65,962 375,579 0.2% 205,040 205,040 0.1%

1518 ASTIZ 50,608 206,868 165,872 372,740 0.2% 159,828 44,218 204,046 0.1%

1519 NUTRIMASTER PVT LTD 50,600 291,449 79,071 370,519 0.2% 198,384 4,368 202,751 0.1%

1520 SUNGROW PRIVATE LTD 50,584 370,000 370,000 0.2% 187,483 14,113 201,596 0.1%

1521 HENKIK INVESTMENTS 50,546 252,586 112,937 365,523 0.2% 109,374 91,316 200,690 0.1%

1522 NATIONAL FOODS LOGISTICS (PVT) LTD 50,527 345,095 20,000 365,095 0.2% 109,950 90,242 200,192 0.1%

1523 SUNFIRM DISTRIBUTORS 50,519 343,486 17,700 361,186 0.2% 140,000 59,900 199,900 0.1%

1524 MUHAMBI WE AFRICA 50,500 307,407 51,846 359,253 0.2% 199,868 199,868 0.1%

1525 MICROWAREHOUSE 50,460 299,392 59,844 359,236 0.2% 94,467 105,391 199,858 0.1%

1526 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 50,447 238,170 119,501 357,671 0.2% 157,297 42,365 199,662 0.1%

1527 WILLIAM SCOTT P/L 50,377 280,000 73,244 353,244 0.2% 66,059 133,513 199,572 0.1%

1528 DAYTONE INVESTMENTS 50,304 185,000 167,680 352,680 0.2% 168,107 31,235 199,343 0.1%

1529 HUKURU CHICK PRIVATE LIMITED 50,222 320,292 30,776 351,068 0.2% 160,846 38,466 199,312 0.1%

1530 EXTREME HUSTLE INVEST 50,150 169,552 177,966 347,518 0.2% 199,263 199,263 0.1%

1531 MODERN NICHE DIGITAL CONSULTING AFRICA 50,137 295,474 51,783 347,257 0.2% 199,016 199,016 0.1%

1532 LE SEL BRANDS 50,137 257,520 87,112 344,632 0.2% 198,505 198,505 0.1%

1533 ELIMA FUELS 50,100 274,926 67,793 342,718 0.2% 198,000 198,000 0.1%

1534 YANLIN (PVT) LTD 50,095 244,000 98,260 342,260 0.2% 197,958 197,958 0.1%

1535 MR R WHITE 50,009 310,283 30,579 340,861 0.2% 197,692 197,692 0.1%

1536 KNARS PETROLEUM 50,008 273,765 64,228 337,993 0.2% 102,185 94,815 197,000 0.1%

1537 Converge Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 50,005 260,396 74,356 334,752 0.2% 176,723 20,000 196,723 0.1%

321,360 12,000 333,360 0.2% 195,945 195,945 0.1%

1538 CAXDON INVESTMENTS 50,004 215,064 118,182 333,245 0.2% 177,305 18,530 195,835 0.1%

1539 UMBRELLA HOLDINGS 50,000 202,980 129,650 332,630 0.2% 133,019 62,132 195,151 0.1%

1540 YAMUKURA FARMING (PVT) LTD 50,000 207,896 123,480 331,376 0.2% 141,104 54,007 195,112 0.1%

1541 WILD FLAME SERVICES 50,000 221,680 107,571 329,251 0.2% 149,082 45,908 194,990 0.1%

1542 UHAUL TRANSPORT P/L 50,000 236,022 88,871 324,893 0.2% 194,411 194,411 0.1%

NewsHawks Page 47

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

237 Intergrated Digital Security Solu�ons (Pvt) Ltd 123,503 70,792 194,296 0.1% 404 CELERA INVESTMENTS 135,999 135,999 0.1% 571 ALTICO GLOBAL 84,858 8,976 93,833 0.1%
238 MULLER BROTHERS 117,877 75,562 193,439 0.1% 405 MR. CONTAINER PVT LTD 135,736 135,736 0.1% 573 OLYMPIUS INVESTMENTS 93,600 93,600 0.1%
239 JUVILEDGE PVT LTD 192,856 192,856 0.1% 406 CFAO MOTORS ZIMBABWE 118,029 17,569 135,598 0.1% 575 GARAQUIP (PRIVATE) LIMITED 93,513 93,513 0.1%
240 K B DAVIES PVT LTD 167,885 24,444 192,329 0.1% 407 INVICTUS STEEL AFRICA 135,248 135,248 0.1% 577 SEALACHEM INVESTMENTS 93,379 93,379 0.1%
241 NEWTHOUGHT INVESTMENTS 192,202 192,202 0.1% 408 ESPN TRUCKING 134,188 1,057 135,245 0.1% 579 ALU-MEN SHOPFITTERS 92,998 92,998 0.1%
242 FORTUNE DRIVE ENTERPRISES 99,544 92,300 191,844 0.1% 409 VOLTAGE CITY (PVT) LTD 134,800 134,800 0.1% 581 TRAC-KING (PVT) LTD 53,810 38,983 92,793 0.1%
243 BASTION FREIGHT T/A INCOFREIGHT (PVT) LTD 130,476 61,247 191,723 0.1% 410 FISCAL SUPPORT SERVICES PVT LTD 83,426 51,300 134,726 0.1% 583 DRUM CITY PRIVATE LIMITED 72,466 20,000 92,466 0.1%
244 Peener Trading 191,690 191,690 0.1% 411 DIVYA ENTERPRISES 134,399 134,399 0.1% 585 OPTIC ZIMBABWE 79,840 12,558 92,398 0.1%
245 INTELLI AFRICA SOLUTIONS 190,880 190,880 0.1% 412 BULLS POWER FUELS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 60,000 73,865 133,865 0.1% 587 SLABS AFRICA 76,488 15,383 91,871 0.1%
246 A.LUCKY BRAND (PRIVATE) LIMITED 159,323 31,235 190,558 0.1% 413 ARAVAS PHARMACEUTICALS 117,366 16,080 133,446 0.1% 589 ZADA GRANITE MASVINGO P/L 91,860 91,860 0.1%
247 STEEL BRANDS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 115,644 74,486 190,130 0.1% 414 CANELOX INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 132,822 132,822 0.1% 591 Mag and Rods (Pvt) Ltd 91,602 91,602 0.1%
592 Questvest (Pvt) Ltd
248 WMT PHARMACEUTICALS P/L 151,276 38,326 189,602 0.1% 415 ESSAKS TRADING 117,699 14,980 132,679 0.1% 593 PRASHANT SHAH 61,334 29,948 91,282 0.1%
249 BULLION CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 189,350 189,350 0.1% 416 TANISHA ENTERPRISES 132,396 132,396 0.1% 595 KOMODO ENERGY 65,496 25,730 91,226 0.1%
596 AgriSwiss Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd
250 ORANGE HEALTH (PVT) LTD 189,130 189,130 0.1% 417 AEROMAT TRADING (PVT) LTD 41,687 89,850 131,537 0.1% 597 WILTAN AFRICA 91,160 91,160 0.1%
251 MINWELL INVESTMENTS 189,094 189,094 0.1% 418 TEDEUM ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD TA C R RANCHING 131,387 131,387 0.1% 599 NECST CONSULTING PVT LTD 79,100 11,923 91,023 0.1%
252 WHOLLYECO COLLECT 188,432 188,432 0.1% 419 REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES 94,403 36,518 130,921 0.1% 601 KAMATECH PROJECTS PL 54,493 36,502 90,995 0.1%
253 DIJV STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS 188,384 188,384 0.1% 420 INTERCONTINENT ENERGY T/A INTERGAS 110,506 20,000 130,506 0.1% 603 TWINE AND CORDAGE MANUFACTURING 28,096 62,119 90,215 0.1%
254 AFRICA ALUMINIUM AND GLASS PVT LTD 168,198 20,000 188,198 0.1% 421 Plas�c and Pipe Industry 130,500 130,500 0.1% 605 SHORTWATERS TRADING P/L 90,162 90,162 0.1%
255 ALEX MAKAMURE 58,700 129,491 188,191 0.1% 422 JEPNIK INVESTMENTS 111,493 18,998 130,491 0.1% 607 ALTURAS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 90,022 90,022 0.1%
256 SARNER INVESTMENTS 90,499 95,052 185,551 0.1% 423 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 123,453 6,270 129,723 0.1% 609 MULTIPEST SERVICES P/L 90,000 90,000 0.1%
610 R & S DieselPro Services
257 INCYTE INVESTMENTS P/L 153,963 31,300 185,263 0.1% 424 MARK XTRA PACKAGING EQUIPMENT & CONSUMABLES 15,194 114,458 129,652 0.1% 611 AGGOKA INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 90,000 90,000 0.1%
258 EASYCOUNT INVESTMENTS 132,340 52,371 184,711 0.1% 425 MCCARTNEY INVESTMENTS PVT LTD T/A PREMIER STEEL 129,146 129,146 0.1% 613 NETFIELDS TECHNOLOGIES 89,800 89,800 0.1%
259 NEWLANDS DISTRIBUTORS 154,058 30,392 184,450 0.1% 426 HEALTHYARD ENTERPRISES 112,641 16,350 128,991 0.1% 615 BAMM STATIONERS 55,713 33,857 89,569 0.1%
616 SFI Construc�on Private Limited
260 LINKFRONT FARMING (PVT) LTD 183,466 183,466 0.1% 427 ZADA CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 128,800 128,800 0.1% 617 DAMEHIDE INVESTMENTS 53,860 35,700 89,560 0.1%
261 AUTOCONTROL SYSTEMS 182,241 182,241 0.1% 428 PATCH SOLUTIONS 127,979 127,979 0.1% 619 ZAMGROW INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 82,542 7,000 89,542 0.1%
262 CHEESE GALORE P/L 125,023 57,130 182,152 0.1% 429 CARA BRANDS P/L 92,390 34,655 127,045 0.1% 621 NEONLITE ENTERPRISES 85,362 3,671 89,034 0.1%
263 PROSPEROUS DAYS INVESTMENTS T/A MINEQUIP AND CHEMICAL 182,025 182,025 0.1% 430 DR Z K SIRDAR 126,627 126,627 0.1% 623 NGWARATE ESTATES 70,558 18,095 88,653 0.1%
264 BRITA CHEMICAL COMPANY P/L 141,168 40,000 181,168 0.1% 431 NICOLAS SCALE COMPANY 72,056 53,159 125,215 0.1% 625 INVESTPOOL INVESTMENTS 88,429 88,429 0.1%
265 WRS SWITCH GEAR (PVT) LTD 94,455 86,608 181,063 0.1% 432 MUELLER INVESTMENTS 124,000 124,000 0.1% 627 HARDWAVES AUDIO ACOUSTIX 39,824 47,280 87,104 0.1%
266 MICROMAN P/L 125,823 55,224 181,047 0.1% 433 Bullion Leaf Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 123,579 123,579 0.1% 629 DAV NIX TRUCKS AND SPARES 86,470 86,470 0.1%
267 MAP COMMUNICATIONS P/L 181,026 181,026 0.1% 434 PHOENIX CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES LTD T/A SCANDIA STEEL & WIR1E23,514 123,514 0.1% 631 AC CONTROLS PVT LTD 86,290 86,290 0.0%
269 TRUSCATH LOGISTICS 180,000 180,000 0.1% 436 SHAPE IT ADHESIVES 121,991 121,991 0.1% 635 LYSAVAY ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 60,873 25,048 85,921 0.0%
270 QUEST HUB SOLUTIONS 180,000 180,000 0.1% 437 RUNPOWER RESOURCES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 96,399 25,376 121,775 0.1% 637 Kotrum Enterprises 85,753 85,753 0.0%
271 OCTABRIDGE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 180,000 180,000 0.1% 438 MIDA ENTERPRISES 75,320 46,281 121,601 0.1% 639 LOCKER FUEL PRIVATE LIMITED T/A UNIVERSAL GAS 70,782 14,620 85,402 0.0%
272 PAIDROY MARKETING 180,000 180,000 0.1% 439 BOM INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIERS 105,532 16,000 121,532 0.1% 641 Grindberg Investments Private Limted 85,205 85,205 0.0%
273 MIMSEM INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 180,000 180,000 0.1% 440 HALSMAN ENTERPRISES 83,827 37,024 120,851 0.1% 643 POLYFOIL ZIMBABWE 44,763 40,000 84,763 0.0%
274 LEDGER PAINTS 180,000 180,000 0.1% 441 Tuvaiddo Investments Private Limited TA Wholesale Spares 74,495 46,220 120,714 0.1% 645 AXIS SOLUTIONS 47,904 36,671 84,575 0.0%
275 FENCOST INVESTMENTS 180,000 180,000 0.1% 442 TEPLAV COMPANY PVT LTD 120,000 120,000 0.1% 647 APPLIED ENERGY SOLUTIONS (PVT) LTD T/A GAS MASTERS 84,295 84,295 0.0%
276 BITUMEN RESOURCES 179,990 179,990 0.1% 443 RSC Farming (Pvt) Ltd 120,000 120,000 0.1% 649 POWER SEVEN CANVAS 17,900 66,307 84,207 0.0%
277 TAITA TYRES (PVT) LTD 179,983 179,983 0.1% 444 SPACE GEAR INVESTMENTS 100,000 20,000 120,000 0.1% 651 ROCKODOX ENERGY 58,929 25,058 83,987 0.0%
278 AL SHAKUR INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 179,976 179,976 0.1% 445 RAINWEB TRADING 120,000 120,000 0.1% 653 PULSE MEDICAL CARE 65,000 18,600 83,600 0.0%
279 MOORHILL INVESTMENTS 179,964 179,964 0.1% 446 KERLFASHIONS (PVT) LTD T/A KERL LOGISTICS 120,000 120,000 0.1% 655 ASACAL TRADING P/L 50,580 32,158 82,738 0.0%
280 BUILDERS ONE STOP 179,303 179,303 0.1% 447 INTERGRATED GAS DISTRIBUTION AND INFRASTRUCTURE 100,000 20,000 120,000 0.1% 657 AUTOMOBILE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 32,200 50,000 82,200 0.0%
281 FEMINA GARMENTS 132,654 46,607 179,261 0.1% 448 GREEN POWER PVT LTD 120,000 120,000 0.1% 659 New Health 263 (Private) Ltd 81,740 81,740 0.0%
282 SWITCH LIGHTING 178,471 178,471 0.1% 449 BRIDAL WARDROBE PVT LTD 120,000 120,000 0.1% 661 INTERNATIONAL COATINGS COMPANY 50,853 29,994 80,847 0.0%
283 ZHONG AN ENTERPRISES 145,752 32,530 178,282 0.1% 450 CAPE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION 120,000 120,000 0.1% 663 GRANVISTA INVESTMENTS P/L 80,716 80,716 0.0%
284 PROSPERAJ ELECTRICAL AND SOLAR 178,022 178,022 0.1% 451 ALTERNATE SUPPLY (PRIVATE) LIMITED 99,940 20,000 119,940 0.1% 665 POWERFLEX CONTROLS 80,294 80,294 0.0%
285 SECHON ENTERPRISES 177,948 177,948 0.1% 452 Hallmark Marke�ng PL 62,444 57,392 119,836 0.1% 667 Felrich Paper and Plas�cs P/L 80,135 80,135 0.0%
286 A I DAVIS & COMPANY (PVT) LTD 177,146 177,146 0.1% 453 FIDELIQUIP MACHINERY 119,618 119,618 0.1% 669 DAVIS CORE 80,000 80,000 0.0%
287 SAFHAN ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 177,133 177,133 0.1% 454 EXOTIC GLAMOUR 119,584 119,584 0.1% 671 AFRITRACTORS ZIMBABWE 80,000 80,000 0.0%
288 POWERVISION P/L 160,831 16,191 177,022 0.1% 455 BRADFORD SENIOR SCHOOL 119,335 119,335 0.1% 673 UNLIMITED PROCUREMENT 80,000 80,000 0.0%
289 GAS COURIERS PVT LTD 116,622 60,000 176,622 0.1% 456 PROGRIP INCORPORATED 39,865 79,430 119,295 0.1% 675 ASSOCIATED TYRES (PVT) LTD 80,000 80,000 0.0%
290 PAPERMART INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD 113,676 62,169 175,845 0.1% 457 Pandi (Pvt) Ltd 119,199 119,199 0.1% 677 FERRIS RUTSITO 80,000 80,000 0.0%
291 SOLUTION CENTRE 138,927 36,221 175,147 0.1% 458 BUSINESS OPTIMISATION SYSTEMS 39,800 79,306 119,106 0.1% 679 SHULTON AGENCIES (PVT) LTD 80,000 80,000 0.0%
292 Liafos (Pvt) Ltd 156,355 18,000 174,355 0.1% 459 SHUGDAILE ENTERPRISES 119,080 119,080 0.1% 681 PARTRID INVESTMENTS 80,000 80,000 0.0%
293 HARARE PUMPS & IRRIGATION 153,354 19,981 173,334 0.1% 460 GODIMA ENERGY 119,000 119,000 0.1% 683 Alro Shipping Private Limited 80,000 80,000 0.0%
294 GGT LOGISTICS 171,423 171,423 0.1% 461 EYE ATTIC T/A TRADE AFRICA 118,968 118,968 0.1% 685 WALKNOTT INVESTMENTS 80,000 80,000 0.0%
295 POLACHEM INVESTMENTS P/L 90,000 80,000 170,000 0.1% 462 RESQ ENERGY 118,635 118,635 0.1% 687 MBENGO ELIMON TAUNDI 80,000 80,000 0.0%
296 EKEZAL ENTERPRISES PVT LTD T/A GOLDEN FOODS 80,000 89,968 169,968 0.1% 463 GOLDRUSH EQUIPMENT (PRIVATE) LIMITED 79,771 38,800 118,571 0.1% 689 KARASONS FOOTWEAR P/L 80,000 80,000 0.0%
297 FIREX SERVICES 106,722 62,922 169,644 0.1% 464 COLORPLAST ZIMBABWE PRIVATE LIMITED 118,287 118,287 0.1% 691 MSASA AGRI PVT LTD 80,000 80,000 0.0%
298 CLIMZONE TRADING (PVT) LTD 138,333 30,526 168,858 0.1% 465 POWERSTAR INVESTMENTS 118,190 118,190 0.1% 693 GATEMASTER INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 80,000 80,000 0.0%
299 VALTUM INVESTMENTS 122,748 45,325 168,073 0.1% 466 FRAMPOL INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 86,255 31,910 118,165 0.1% 695 DEVICES & DISPOSABLES (PVT) LTD T/A DMD HEALTHCARE 79,995 79,995 0.0%
300 WATTLEFIELD ENGINEERS 128,477 39,160 167,637 0.1% 467 COPIER KINGS P/L T/A NASHUA ZIMBABWE 117,926 117,926 0.1% 697 Groundswell Africa Pvt Ltd 79,980 79,980 0.0%
301 TURNING POINT INVESTMENTS 129,547 37,782 167,328 0.1% 468 BARMORE INVESTMENTS 39,222 78,700 117,922 0.1% 699 ZADA GRANITE P/L 79,975 79,975 0.0%
302 AGRIQUEST PVT LTD 106,764 60,200 166,964 0.1% 469 MOLVA FOODS P/L 117,850 117,850 0.1% 701 B BRAUN ZIMBABWE 79,965 79,965 0.0%
303 STEM MAGNETICS 166,895 166,895 0.1% 470 RESTNANCE (PVT) LTD 97,250 19,500 116,750 0.1% 703 NOGGIN TRADING PL 60,000 19,960 79,960 0.0%
304 CONGAREE TRADING PVT LTD 121,061 45,213 166,274 0.1% 471 CHINHOYI IMAGING CENTRE 85,762 30,784 116,546 0.1% 705 LONGDEN ENTERPRISES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 50,714 29,209 79,923 0.0%
305 RAWPLAST INVESTMENTS P/L 96,758 69,341 166,099 0.1% 472 CHARLES STEWART DAY OLD CHICKS (PVT) LTD 97,783 18,300 116,083 0.1% 707 Post and Telecomunica�on Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe 79,831 79,831 0.0%
306 TOMBILL TRADING 165,979 165,979 0.1% 473 JARNFIEL ENTERPRISES 109,026 6,879 115,905 0.1% 709 DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS (PVT) LTD 79,708 79,708 0.0%
307 MULTIMETER ELECTRONICS PVT LTD 165,494 165,494 0.1% 474 LAZENBURY ENGINEERS T/A TOP-TECH COMPUTERS 40,000 75,510 115,510 0.1% 711 BLESSMORE CHANAKIRA 79,675 79,675 0.0%
308 LYNATECH MARKETING 92,420 72,702 165,122 0.1% 475 CROSVALE ENTERPRISES P/L 115,425 115,425 0.1% 713 TRANSNATIONAL AGRO INDRUSTRIES 79,530 79,530 0.0%
309 NCP Dis�llers 165,097 165,097 0.1% 476 ONBEPERK PRIVATE LIMITED 115,154 115,154 0.1% 715 ASSOCIATED FOODS ZIMBABWE 79,369 79,369 0.0%
310 EDEN VINE CONSTRUCTION 145,480 18,720 164,200 0.1% 477 EARTHLINK TECHNOLOGIES 98,064 17,084 115,147 0.1% 717 ARATAS CORPORATION PVT LTD 79,102 79,102 0.0%
311 GREENVELD DISTRIBUTORS 163,756 163,756 0.1% 478 ZIMBABWE TRADE EXCHANGE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 71,051 43,568 114,619 0.1% 719 EXCOGITATE INVESTMENTS 79,029 79,029 0.0%
312 THE GAP COMPANY 163,651 163,651 0.1% 479 BULAWAYO STEEL PRODUCTS T/A TASSBURG 75,464 37,720 113,185 0.1% 721 LUIPARDAL INVESTMENTS 79,000 79,000 0.0%
313 CHAMPION CONSUMER BRANDS 80,850 80,000 160,850 0.1% 480 FRISERV INVESTMENTS 93,514 19,548 113,062 0.1% 723 HEBDEN ENTERPRISES 78,891 78,891 0.0%
314 FIRST PLASTICS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 160,003 160,003 0.1% 481 Dans Furniture Group 80,749 32,057 112,806 0.1% 725 EXCELLENCE ENGINEERING 78,681 78,681 0.0%
315 SOURCE FUEL P/L 160,000 160,000 0.1% 482 ARCHER ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 64,763 47,509 112,272 0.1% 727 CLEAN O PVT LTD 78,370 78,370 0.0%
316 PHOENIX OIL (PVT) LTD 160,000 160,000 0.1% 483 SOUTHWOODS CHICKENS P/L 60,000 52,260 112,260 0.1% 729 TENDO ELECTRONICS PVT LTD 58,320 20,000 78,320 0.0%
317 LADELENOS RESOURCES PVT LTD 160,000 160,000 0.1% 484 SMACPER PRINTING 105,185 6,893 112,078 0.1% 731 COMMAF HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED 78,050 78,050 0.0%
318 GRAMEEN FINANCE 160,000 160,000 0.1% 485 VISPERFAIDE T/A SYNERGY BISCUITS 111,459 111,459 0.1% 733 MIKE APPEL HOLDINGS 77,913 77,913 0.0%
319 DEEDSGATE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 160,000 160,000 0.1% 486 SYNERGY BISCUITS 111,214 111,214 0.1% 735 PREMIER PEST CONTROL SERVICES 38,685 38,685 77,369 0.0%

320 ATTANNA PVT LTD 60,000 100,000 160,000 0.1% 487 A S KEMP ENTERPRISES P/L t/a MINEPRO ZIMBABWE 88,903 21,957 110,860 0.1% 27,000 50,000 77,000 0.0%

321 AXE ENERGIES PVT LTD 160,000 160,000 0.1% 488 ZED KOUDOUNARIS 40,000 70,542 110,542 0.1% 56,907 20,000 76,907 0.0%

322 BAKELS ZIMBABWE 110,649 49,258 159,907 0.1% 489 SHEPCO BMA FASTENERS PVT LTD 64,267 46,244 110,511 0.1% 76,894 76,894 0.0%

323 PALMLIFE P/L 159,628 159,628 0.1% 490 GRAND WOOD & BOARDS 109,493 109,493 0.1% 76,849 76,849 0.0%

324 Build Your Dreams Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 139,500 19,950 159,450 0.1% 491 PARAGON PRINTING AND PACKAGING (PVT) LTD 109,400 109,400 0.1% 76,818 76,818 0.0%

325 Event Planet Private Limited 159,395 159,395 0.1% 492 MOBILE KENTUCKY (PVT) LTD 109,000 109,000 0.1% 76,800 76,800 0.0%

326 X-SEA IMPORTS (PVT) LTD T/A TECH AFRICA 158,985 158,985 0.1% 493 NURENCHIA POWER RITE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 89,506 19,294 108,800 0.1% 76,677 76,677 0.0%

327 ROAD ANGELS 158,951 158,951 0.1% 494 ROONEYS HIRE SERVICES P/L 86,342 22,264 108,606 0.1% 76,634 76,634 0.0%

328 LOTRUM MARKETING T/A VALUE GAS 138,838 20,000 158,838 0.1% 495 Doltek Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 91,267 17,250 108,517 0.1% 76,303 76,303 0.0%

329 PINK FROST PVT LTD 99,600 58,650 158,250 0.1% 496 PEPPERTREE TRADING (PVT) LTD 33,629 74,707 108,336 0.1% 39,526 36,600 76,126 0.0%

330 MAYOR LOGISTICS 140,414 17,587 158,001 0.1% 497 ALPHA MADE IT 107,924 107,924 0.1% 76,000 76,000 0.0%

331 LINDEZI TRADING PVT LTD 99,350 58,575 157,925 0.1% 498 BELTS N HOSES (PVT) LTD 83,758 23,892 107,650 0.1% 59,755 16,085 75,839 0.0%

332 EZEE ZIM PVT LTD 148,616 9,202 157,818 0.1% 499 TIPCALL INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD T/A CUTING EDGE 91,670 15,805 107,475 0.1% 75,813 75,813 0.0%

333 BULLION HEALTHCARE PVT LTD 157,776 157,776 0.1% 500 PROFOAM PRIVATE LIMITED 80,000 26,546 106,546 0.1% 75,311 75,311 0.0%

334 AURTCHEN ENTERPRISES 117,877 39,782 157,658 0.1% 501 FIRST PACK MARKETING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 106,442 106,442 0.1% 75,304 75,304 0.0%

335 GENERAL BEDDING 157,269 157,269 0.1% 502 ROTATE TECHNOLOGIES 65,003 41,328 106,331 0.1% 75,043 75,043 0.0%

336 STAR SAFETY (PVT) LTD 147,923 8,754 156,677 0.1% 503 KIMYA INVESTMENTS 85,800 20,000 105,800 0.1% 75,000 75,000 0.0%

337 Tuff Industrials (Pvt) Ltd 120,000 36,500 156,500 0.1% 504 SATCHMO INVESTMENTS 105,582 105,582 0.1% 68,341 6,646 74,986 0.0%

338 LUCIDITY TRADING COMPANY 156,389 156,389 0.1% 505 KANU EQUIPMENT ZIMBABWE 70,299 35,165 105,464 0.1% 74,976 74,976 0.0%

339 UNIVERSAL BAG 56,368 99,693 156,060 0.1% 506 JESTER MEDIA SERVICES 105,313 105,313 0.1% 74,841 74,841 0.0%

340 MARLBOROUGH TOBACCO FARMING 53,259 102,676 155,935 0.1% 507 ZIMKINGS TRADING (PVT) LTD 59,697 45,416 105,113 0.1% 47,937 26,786 74,723 0.0%

341 ORIGEN CORPORATION (PVT) LTD 40,000 115,582 155,582 0.1% 508 IYNOTTE INVESTMENTS 105,025 105,025 0.1% 74,336 74,336 0.0%

342 ACREFRUITS ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 134,982 20,000 154,982 0.1% 509 LOADRITE INVESTMENTS 92,615 12,179 104,795 0.1% 74,007 74,007 0.0%

343 CHICAGO COSMETICS 139,965 15,000 154,965 0.1% 510 JETVEST PRIVATE LIMITED 104,020 104,020 0.1% 74,000 74,000 0.0%

344 SOLAR FARMING (PVT) LTD 153,568 153,568 0.1% 511 GEARTALK MOTORS 84,297 19,191 103,489 0.1% 60,000 14,000 74,000 0.0%

345 EASYGAS DOT COM PVT LTD 116,483 36,876 153,358 0.1% 512 SPECTRUM ENGINEERING P/L 92,676 10,634 103,310 0.1% 63,900 10,000 73,900 0.0%

346 KRAIN LABORATORIES 112,637 40,679 153,316 0.1% 513 CHT ZIMBABWE (PVT) LIMITED 95,336 7,704 103,040 0.1% 46,865 26,982 73,847 0.0%

347 Converge Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 117,931 34,795 152,726 0.1% 514 DRYSM PETROLEUM 102,900 102,900 0.1% 33,678 40,000 73,678 0.0%

348 PLASMOTECH ENTERPRISES 152,176 152,176 0.1% 515 THARSUS INVESTMENTS TA SALTRAMA PLASTICS 102,634 102,634 0.1% 73,644 73,644 0.0%

349 PAT DUNN & MARK FUTTER (PVT) LTD 151,706 151,706 0.1% 516 MUKATI INVESTMENTS 96,385 5,956 102,341 0.1% 73,534 73,534 0.0%

350 CLASSIC MARKETING 50,913 100,749 151,661 0.1% 517 ORBANVILLE INVESTMENTS 101,718 101,718 0.1% 73,448 73,448 0.0%

351 YATAKALA TRADING 111,609 40,000 151,609 0.1% 518 EASTERN FOREST 101,366 101,366 0.1%

352 AGRIFORCE (PVT) LTD 150,499 150,499 0.1% 47,252 25,541 72,793 0.0%

353 AT TELECOMS 122,225 27,839 150,064 0.1% 519 Penanel Trading (Pvt) Ltd 59,060 41,716 100,776 0.1% 19,080 53,520 72,600 0.0%

354 G & M Panel Beaters 150,000 150,000 0.1% 520 UNIVERSAL RUBBER & HOSE BYO P/L 61,123 39,372 100,495 0.1% 72,560 72,560 0.0%

355 REMEKEDZO INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 94,738 54,985 149,722 0.1% 521 FLOWELL FARMING T/A FAIRHILL FARM 74,202 26,005 100,207 0.1% 72,550 72,550 0.0%

356 NETRADE MARKETING (PVT) LTD 119,098 29,996 149,093 0.1% 522 Pratmark Marke�ng (Pvt) Ltd 100,000 100,000 0.1% 50,000 22,500 72,500 0.0%

357 GLOBAL PAPERS P/L 107,825 41,001 148,826 0.1% 523 HAMBURG ENERY 100,000 100,000 0.1% 71,549 71,549 0.0%

358 PROPANE ENERGY GAS COMPANY 74,642 72,992 147,634 0.1% 524 DESTINY INCORPORATED 100,000 100,000 0.1% 71,447 71,447 0.0%

359 CRYSTAL CANDY 138,277 8,261 146,538 0.1% 525 CRAMESHORE INVESTMENTS 100,000 100,000 0.1% 71,445 71,445 0.0%

360 WOODMANIA PL 126,298 19,986 146,285 0.1% 526 BROADMADE APARTMENTS (PVT) LTD 100,000 100,000 0.1% 62,400 8,800 71,200 0.0%

361 PRIDHAM INVESTMENTS T/A CAROL FOAM 146,173 146,173 0.1% 527 ARTFORT PVT LTD 99,984 99,984 0.1% 61,358 9,646 71,004 0.0%

362 AFRI TRUCKS AND TRAILER SPARES 137,763 8,118 145,881 0.1% 528 RELCO INDUSTRIES T/A RELCO ENERGY 99,983 99,983 0.1% 58,033 12,528 70,561 0.0%

363 ATTICUS INVESTMENTS PL 145,064 145,064 0.1% 529 CENTURY WORX (PVT) LTD 99,975 99,975 0.1% 43,215 27,128 70,344 0.0%

364 LION STORES 74,990 69,981 144,972 0.1% 530 PROCOMM PVT LTD 92,146 7,809 99,956 0.1% 70,269 70,269 0.0%

365 SEEDEX ENTERPRISES 144,198 144,198 0.1% 531 RESOURCE BANK (PVT) LTD 99,955 99,955 0.1% 70,205 70,205 0.0%

366 RED DANE AGRI SOLUTIONS (PVT) LTD 102,858 40,975 143,834 0.1% 532 STAINZIM ENTERPRISES 27,903 72,028 99,931 0.1% 37,202 32,888 70,090 0.0%

367 AMES ENGINEERING 130,685 12,940 143,624 0.1% 533 COLONIAL MINING SERVICES (PVT) LTD 99,880 99,880 0.1% 50,000 20,000 70,000 0.0%

368 KNELLER ENTERPRISES 143,594 143,594 0.1% 534 FLOSSY HOMES 99,832 99,832 0.1% 70,000 70,000 0.0%

369 PURPLE LILAC INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 96,783 46,593 143,376 0.1% 535 PRIME SEASONS 39,943 59,839 99,782 0.1% 41,986 27,997 69,984 0.0%

370 HASRAKI ZIMBABWE 143,122 143,122 0.1% 536 SUBSAHN ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 79,719 20,000 99,719 0.1% 69,931 69,931 0.0%

371 VETERAN INVESTMENTS P/L T/A LONZIM METALS 118,757 24,272 143,029 0.1% 537 LONGRANGE PHARMACY PVT LTD 99,669 99,669 0.1% 69,866 69,866 0.0%

372 BERTCRIS INVESTMENTS 143,000 143,000 0.1% 538 FIRSTGRADE INCORPORATED 99,657 99,657 0.1% 66,670 3,000 69,670 0.0%

373 BIOPHARM PRIVATE LIMITED 142,550 142,550 0.1% 539 GEMATCH PETROLEUM (PVT) LTD 99,556 99,556 0.1% 69,595 69,595 0.0%

374 MUGONI INVESTMENTS 142,249 142,249 0.1% 540 ZIMBAGS INVESTMENTS 99,439 99,439 0.1% 38,161 31,242 69,403 0.0%

375 FOOD AND INDUSTRIAL PROCESSORS ZIMBABWE 68,407 73,705 142,112 0.1% 541 RAULTAI INVESTMENTS 99,324 99,324 0.1% 69,243 69,243 0.0%

376 NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS 1981 P/L 56,776 85,171 141,947 0.1% 542 Haingate 98,966 98,966 0.1% 69,210 69,210 0.0%

377 NOVAFEED P/L 141,855 141,855 0.1% 543 BATEMAN WATER ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 67,759 31,155 98,914 0.1% 49,540 19,637 69,177 0.0%

378 NUVERT TRADING 141,100 141,100 0.1% 544 MEDWISE PHARMACY T/A MEDWISE MEDICARE 98,784 98,784 0.1% 69,119 69,119 0.0%

379 CHEETAH EXPRESS LOGISTICS T/A FEDEX 140,316 140,316 0.1% 545 AC DC DYNAMICS (PVT) LTD 78,707 19,950 98,657 0.1% 48,910 20,000 68,910 0.0%

380 DUSK HOME STORES 109,825 30,424 140,250 0.1% 546 HIGH VOLTAGE CONSTRUCTION 98,489 98,489 0.1% 30,130 38,391 68,521 0.0%

381 SUN TO MOON INVESTMENTS 140,000 140,000 0.1% 547 APACK ZIMBABWE T/A CLASSIC MARKETING 98,356 98,356 0.1% 67,700 67,700 0.0%

382 LIMITLESS INCORPORATION ZIMBABWE 140,000 140,000 0.1% 548 STEELLAND ENTERPRISES 98,106 98,106 0.1% 67,690 67,690 0.0%

383 CITEPAGE ENTERPRISES 140,000 140,000 0.1% 549 CASSIE-CAN PVT LTD 97,766 97,766 0.1% 29,969 37,658 67,627 0.0%

384 Anmack Mining (Pvt) Ltd 140,000 140,000 0.1% 550 TUNGA MARKETING P/L 97,600 97,600 0.1% 67,200 67,200 0.0%

385 TASHLLYT INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 99,980 40,000 139,980 0.1% 551 JACOB BETHEL CORPORATION 97,536 97,536 0.1% 66,956 66,956 0.0%

386 POSE POSE TRADING (PVT) LTD 139,748 139,748 0.1% 552 VLAMSTRO TECHNOLOGIES 97,515 97,515 0.1% 66,655 66,655 0.0%

387 FIABLE MEDICAL SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 100,000 39,659 139,659 0.1% 553 LEAPIUM HOLDINGS 78,409 19,021 97,430 0.1% 66,585 66,585 0.0%

388 G & C WAUGH SALES & MERCHANDISING (PVT) LTD T/A WARPACK 139,593 139,593 0.1% 554 KUNEST HATCHERY PVT LTD 97,394 97,394 0.1% 66,497 66,497 0.0%

389 BRAINWEST INVESTMENTS PVT LTD T/A AURORA ENERGY 139,058 139,058 0.1% 555 ETRAN ENTERPRISES 97,357 97,357 0.1% 56,829 9,556 66,385 0.0%

390 M H GOLDSCHMIDT 49,200 89,400 138,600 0.1% 556 PANAROB INVESTMENTS P/L 44,300 52,750 97,050 0.1% 66,382 66,382 0.0%

391 KUMBULANI SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 39,922 98,574 138,496 0.1% 557 COLOUR RAY P/L T/A CENTAPE 51,497 45,284 96,781 0.1% 58,211 8,060 66,271 0.0%

392 PALE WHITE (PVT) LTD 79,300 58,850 138,150 0.1% 558 ROUTEWILL MARKETING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 96,278 96,278 0.1% 66,153 66,153 0.0%

393 ATRAK PAINTS INVESTMENTS 128,346 9,700 138,046 0.1% 559 WISDOM SOLUTIONS 96,164 96,164 0.1% 48,248 17,830 66,078 0.0%

394 NORTHLANDS RESOURCES 118,251 19,704 137,955 0.1% 560 ROLLING STONE 66,320 29,565 95,885 0.1% 34,704 31,165 65,868 0.0%

395 MINRES TRADING 137,900 137,900 0.1% 561 INAMO AGRI PVT LTD 78,553 17,291 95,844 0.1% 65,758 65,758 0.0%

396 JJ BENATAR (PVT) LTD T/A DIESEL GEAR 137,773 137,773 0.1% 562 GARDENIA ENTERPRISES PL 95,285 95,285 0.1% 33,665 31,966 65,631 0.0%

397 HOME AND KITCHENWARE 137,709 137,709 0.1% 563 MIDLANDS ACRES 94,984 94,984 0.1% 28,434 37,108 65,542 0.0%

398 ICECASH PRIVATE LIMITED 137,252 137,252 0.1% 564 MYRIAD DEVELOPMENT P/L 94,338 94,338 0.1% 54,716 10,612 65,328 0.0%

399 WELLCROFT INVESTMENTS 107,730 29,389 137,120 0.1% 565 NARSCO Holdings (Pvt) Ltd 60,000 34,300 94,300 0.1% 27,174 37,926 65,100 0.0%

400 HYVELD SEED COMPANY 137,020 137,020 0.1% 566 BUILDERS POWER HOUSE PVT LTD 94,300 94,300 0.1% 64,818 64,818 0.0%

401 INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL IMPORTERS (PVT) LTD 136,945 136,945 0.1% 567 ZUNDINE TRADING 70,534 23,451 93,984 0.1% 64,800 64,800 0.0%

402 CITY PLASTIC INDUSTRIES P/L 136,776 136,776 0.1% 568 MANDEBVU CONTRACTING 93,984 93,984 0.1% 64,500 64,500 0.0%

403 AFRISUN MARKETING 84,791 51,559 136,350 0.1% 569 FAMBISA INDUSTRIES 93,851 93,851 0.1% 30,000 34,360 64,360 0.0%

Page 48 NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021

737 TERRAQUIP AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 64,191 64,191 0.0% 903 MARINE CENTRE 47,211 3,000 50,211 0.0% 1068 MADECARE PHARMACEUTICAL T/A ESP CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 38,500 38,500 0.0%
739 NAVATON INVESTMENTS 19,888 44,099 63,987 0.0% 905 LASTWEAVE INVESTMENTS 50,075 50,075 0.0% 1069 BICESTER SERVICES T/A PRESTIGE PAINTS 38,497 38,497 0.0%
741 FLANCON INVESTMENTS 50,483 13,500 63,983 0.0% 907 RTCNOW ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 49,830 49,830 0.0% 1070 TROXINE TRADING 18,976 19,503 38,478 0.0%
743 PAN CLEANING SERVICES 34,325 29,549 63,874 0.0% 909 RESHUFFLE AUTO PVT LTD 30,637 19,121 49,758 0.0% 1071 MUPFUTI POULTRY GROUP 38,400 38,400 0.0%
745 WEBTEX PRIVATE LIMITED 63,730 63,730 0.0% 911 VERDUN SERVICES PVT LTD 49,734 49,734 0.0% 1072 BENOX AND NANGISAI JESSICA MUGABE 38,334 38,334 0.0%
747 Sa�sh Patel 63,720 63,720 0.0% 913 ESVEE PRIVATE LIMITED 49,693 49,693 0.0% 1073 VYAS WHOLESALERS 38,286 38,286 0.0%
749 BHE TECHNICAL SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED 63,714 63,714 0.0% 915 ZEOTEC ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 49,421 49,421 0.0% 1074 STRYKER INTERNATIONAL 38,273 38,273 0.0%
751 VOLTAS TRADING PVT LTD 31,732 31,862 63,594 0.0% 917 BROWN ENGINEERING P/L 49,290 49,290 0.0% 1075 Kingfisher Auto (Pvt) Ltd 38,200 38,200 0.0%
755 AT NTK AUTO P/L 34,154 28,811 62,964 0.0% 921 WEST AGENCIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 48,810 48,810 0.0% 1077 SONIC SIGNALS TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 38,142 38,142 0.0%
757 SACTORUM AGENCIES 27,931 34,845 62,776 0.0% 923 Nel And Sons t/a Hunyani Farm 48,731 48,731 0.0% 1078 LIFTECH ELEVATORS 29,294 8,751 38,045 0.0%
759 SILKWOOD MANUFACTURING P/L 8,486 54,282 62,768 0.0% 925 POWEREX 22,812 25,876 48,688 0.0% 1079 CONTAK PVT LTD 38,000 38,000 0.0%
761 SIGN ACES (PVT) LIMITED 36,546 25,770 62,316 0.0% 927 TENDAI CHIKWANHA 13,493 35,144 48,636 0.0% 1080 BEANEC ENTERPRISES 38,000 38,000 0.0%
763 SEARCH TYRE CENTRE 50,459 11,301 61,759 0.0% 929 EXPO GAS PVT LTD 48,550 48,550 0.0% 1081 DR DUMISANI NDLOVU PRACTICE 37,958 37,958 0.0%
765 VASCERT INVESTMENTS P/L 61,686 61,686 0.0% 931 INSPIRATION AFRICA ENTERPRISES 30,981 17,555 48,536 0.0% 1082 SNOWMASTER ICE PRIVATE LIMITED 37,929 37,929 0.0%
767 TRUCK AND GRADER SPARES 14,399 47,274 61,673 0.0% 933 FORICHI ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 35,941 12,588 48,529 0.0% 1083 Pride of Africa Exports P/L 37,907 37,907 0.0%
769 Toolpost Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd 61,567 61,567 0.0% 935 CHINA AND ZIMBABWE BAOCHENG BRICKS 48,461 48,461 0.0% 1084 JVS PROJECTS (Pvt) Ltd 37,883 37,883 0.0%
771 Rockbuster Drillers 61,525 61,525 0.0% 937 RISBLESS INVESTMENTS 48,435 48,435 0.0% 1085 BT ENGINEERING & PROJECT COMPANY 34,493 3,380 37,873 0.0%
773 Prince Hwenjere 41,324 19,870 61,194 0.0% 939 MOPTA INDUSTRIAL P/L 11,200 37,073 48,273 0.0% 1086 EMMANUEL ANESU FUNDIRA 37,860 37,860 0.0%
775 LUKUTA POWER COMPANY 31,100 30,000 61,100 0.0% 941 MICHAEL BESILENI 48,271 48,271 0.0% 1087 CONSTANTINE MUTZURIS 29,500 8,357 37,857 0.0%
777 MANDALOR INVESTMENTS 51,489 9,442 60,931 0.0% 943 KANPROOF INVESTMENTS 32,942 15,200 48,142 0.0% 1088 FINMARK HOLDINGS P/L 37,830 37,830 0.0%
778 MURTHY INVESTMENTS 944 Primtrim (Pvt) Ltd
779 LIQUID CARGO AFRICA 41,640 19,100 60,740 0.0% 945 HONDA SERVICE CENTRE 48,025 48,025 0.0% 1089 EUREM INVESTMENTS T/A EUREM POWER 19,236 18,478 37,715 0.0%
781 ELIZABETH FLORIST 60,685 60,685 0.0% 947 NATIONAL FOODS LOGISTICS (PVT) LTD 47,822 47,822 0.0% 1090 Isambane 37,680 37,680 0.0%
783 EXPERT CHOICE AGROCHEMICALS (PVT) LTD 60,632 60,632 0.0% 949 PRAVALA PUMA ELECTRICALS 38,000 9,770 47,770 0.0% 1091 STM HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 37,655 37,655 0.0%
785 ARMMINNI PRIVATE LIMITED 60,517 60,517 0.0% 951 ESCAPADES PVT LTD 47,718 47,718 0.0% 1092 WAITIRI FARM ENTERPRISES 27,910 9,719 37,628 0.0%
787 Wellod Traders 33,877 26,377 60,254 0.0% 953 PROFESSIONAL OPTICAL 36,100 11,600 47,700 0.0% 1093 BARCO CHEMICALS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 37,472 37,472 0.0%
789 FLAME-ROW INCORPORATED (PVT) LTD 57,738 2,500 60,238 0.0% 955 NEWHOPE VENTURES P/L 47,580 47,580 0.0% 1094 DRILL RIG ENGINEERING 37,435 37,435 0.0%
790 AZELE RESOURCES (PVT) LTD 956 Tafarno Industries (Pvt) Ltd
791 GLOBAL HORIZONS PRIVATE LIMITED 60,094 60,094 0.0% 957 LINSTON P/L 47,500 47,500 0.0% 1095 SAFECO PRIVATE LIMITED 37,432 37,432 0.0%
792 BERTGOLD INVESTMENTS P/L 958 Samansco Industries Private Limited
793 KHULE LOKHO INVESTMENTS 60,090 60,090 0.0% 959 MARK ZINHU 47,372 47,372 0.0% 1096 GLYTIME FOODS P/L 7,235 30,135 37,370 0.0%
795 INTERGRATED HYGIENE SYSTEMS 60,000 60,000 0.0% 961 TRANSHAUL PT LTD 47,350 47,350 0.0% 1097 MICROPLAN FINANCIAL SERVICES 37,267 37,267 0.0%
797 OPEN SKIES ENTERPRISES 60,000 60,000 0.0% 963 WILLGREEN INVESTMENTS 29,397 17,871 47,268 0.0% 1098 ELITE HOLDINGS 37,230 37,230 0.0%
799 SIYPAK FOODS PVT LTD 60,000 60,000 0.0% 965 PROVALLEY ZIMBABWE PVT LTD 47,258 47,258 0.0% 1099 SAFEWEAR INDUSTRIAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT P/L 37,224 37,224 0.0%
801 DZIMBAHWE TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS 60,000 60,000 0.0% 967 LAWREAL ENTERPRISES 47,132 47,132 0.0% 1100 TARISAI IMPORT AND EXPORT T/A NATIONAL SPRING STEEL 34,157 2,912 37,069 0.0%
803 SEAPRIDE FOODS PL 40,000 20,000 60,000 0.0% 969 KUTAURA ENTERPRISES 47,112 47,112 0.0% 1101 PSMAS 29,402 7,652 37,055 0.0%
805 TRUSTMORE DZINORUMA 60,000 60,000 0.0% 971 MUTARE BOTTLING COMPANY 47,055 47,055 0.0% 1102 PRAWELL INVESTMENTS 37,000 37,000 0.0%
807 REYDELLET INVESTMENTS T/A HUKURU CHICKS 60,000 60,000 0.0% 973 ZAMCO 47,000 47,000 0.0% 1103 LOSPEN FARMING (PVT) LTD 18,000 19,000 37,000 0.0%
809 MVULE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 60,000 60,000 0.0% 975 BURAYAYI MUKUDZAVU 46,867 46,867 0.0% 1104 MAVAMBO GRAIN SUPPLIES 36,992 36,992 0.0%
811 OAKBROOK INVESTMENTS 60,000 60,000 0.0% 977 CAILOGISTICS PVT LTD 38,139 8,526 46,665 0.0% 1105 LARN DISTRIBUTION P/L 36,948 36,948 0.0%
813 FLYTSERV ENTERPRISES 60,000 60,000 0.0% 979 FRAZIER ENTERPRISES P/L 46,350 46,350 0.0% 1106 FLIK NIK ENTERPRISES 36,872 36,872 0.0%
815 INTREPID TRADING CLOSE CORPORATION 60,000 60,000 0.0% 981 MMG INVESTMENTS 23,300 22,928 46,228 0.0% 1107 Frolgate Technology (Pvt) Ltd 36,867 36,867 0.0%
817 RANWA MARKETING P/L 60,000 60,000 0.0% 983 FUNWELL GWIZA 10,882 35,307 46,189 0.0% 1108 AVELYN INC PVT LTD 36,720 36,720 0.0%
819 T & J Rorke Gold (Pvt) Ltd 60,000 60,000 0.0% 985 KELTFREE ENTERPRISES 29,000 17,000 46,000 0.0% 1109 LJ AND H VENTER PL 36,700 36,700 0.0%
820 FARAI CHIKUWA 986 Sidal Engineering
821 COLUMBUS MCKINNON (PVT) LTD 60,000 60,000 0.0% 987 TEEZIK 45,810 45,810 0.0% 1110 SPONGE IRON MINING & BENEFICIATION INDUSTRY (PVT) LTD 36,615 36,615 0.0%
823 Broline Transport 60,000 60,000 0.0% 989 TINPAN INVESTMENTS 45,324 45,324 0.0% 1111 SEPHTUNE LOGISTICS 36,496 36,496 0.0%
825 DAECO PVT LTD 40,000 20,000 60,000 0.0% 991 RIMBI TRAVEL AND TOURS 45,288 45,288 0.0% 1112 GREATSURE INVESTMENTS 36,370 36,370 0.0%
827 COSMOTECH PVT LTD 40,000 20,000 60,000 0.0% 993 POLYVISION (PVT) LTD 31,627 13,642 45,269 0.0% 1113 NEA CRANE PCT LTD 36,200 36,200 0.0%
829 Binum Tyre Services 60,000 60,000 0.0% 995 PULON LAND DEVELOPERS 39,650 5,535 45,185 0.0% 1114 PRIME HEALTH MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC LAB 36,160 36,160 0.0%
831 MAJOR MEATS BUTCHERY PRIVATE LIMITED 60,000 60,000 0.0% 997 KINGKOLD (PVT) LTD 26,630 18,540 45,170 0.0% 1115 JAY GOPAL INVESTMENTS 36,096 36,096 0.0%
833 COCHRANE PUMP ZIMBABWE 60,000 60,000 0.0% 999 LED TRAVEL AND TOURS 45,104 45,104 0.0% 1116 ADELFOS INVESTMENTS PVT LTD T/A TNT HAULAGE 36,035 36,035 0.0%
835 COOLEY SOMSAK MEDICAL T/A CS MEDICAL 20,000 40,000 60,000 0.0% 1001 GRANT WELLINGTON THULISA T/A GWT POWER 45,072 45,072 0.0% 1117 ARTM RESOURCES 35,996 35,996 0.0%
837 GOVERNMENT PENSIONS OFFICE 40,000 20,000 60,000 0.0% 1003 GOODPALM INVESTMENTS 40,031 5,000 45,031 0.0% 1118 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AUTHORITY 35,985 35,985 0.0%
838 Delports Tobacco Beetle Ext 1004 GOODSHOW MANUFACTURING PL
839 ARTIN INCORPORATION PVT LTD 59,993 59,993 0.0% 1005 EMERANCE PVT LTD 44,912 44,912 0.0% 1119 WIRIMAI CHIMBONGORE 35,978 35,978 0.0%
841 GRAINWELL FARM PVT LTD 59,992 59,992 0.0% 1007 CONSUFLEX MARKETING (PVT) LTD 44,863 44,863 0.0% 1120 GREENWOOD PARK OPTICAL CENTRE 35,909 35,909 0.0%
843 REDAN GAS (PVT) LTD 59,980 59,980 0.0% 1009 CELLNET (PVT) LIMTED 44,837 44,837 0.0% 1121 W AND D CONSULTANTS 35,885 35,885 0.0%
845 MOTOR INDUSTRY PENSION FUND 59,980 59,980 0.0% 1011 ATOM RESOURCES PVT LTD 10,795 33,732 44,527 0.0% 1122 RICHAW SOLAR TECH (PVT) LTD 35,842 35,842 0.0%
847 GREAT FORTUNES 59,978 59,978 0.0% 1013 BROMATT INVESTMENTS 44,500 44,500 0.0% 1123 PROVEN INCOME INVESTMENTS 28,147 7,661 35,808 0.0%
849 Stall Coll Investments 59,963 59,963 0.0% 1015 BLUE INFERMO P/L 44,272 44,272 0.0% 1124 EMMA FUNDIRA 35,767 35,767 0.0%
851 MARJORIE MADAMOMBE 59,954 59,954 0.0% 1017 NAYWEL TRADING 17,647 26,545 44,192 0.0% 1125 FURIC PLASTICS 26,699 8,998 35,697 0.0%
852 Paramount Cables P/L 1018 WILLCHART
853 WATERWRIGHT IRRIGATION (PRIVATE) LIMITED 59,845 59,845 0.0% 1019 INFINITY NEW TECHNOLOGIES 18,000 25,908 43,908 0.0% 1126 TURF ENGINEERING AND HARDWARE 35,651 35,651 0.0%
855 COH COH ENTERPRISES 59,835 59,835 0.0% 1021 HICORP PVT LTD 43,740 43,740 0.0% 1127 KLETO CHIKETSANI 35,622 35,622 0.0%
857 EXCEL MEDICAL GROUP 59,670 59,670 0.0% 1023 DONJA INVESTMENTS 43,729 43,729 0.0% 1128 REACHOUT TRANSPORT (PVT) LTD 35,562 35,562 0.0%
858 Bigstock (Pvt) Ltd 1024 ICEFEED P/L
859 WESTBILL TRADING T/A STEEL WAREHOUSE 59,651 59,651 0.0% 1025 BERYL TWENTY FOUR 43,720 43,720 0.0% 1129 CHAS HOTELS 35,519 35,519 0.0%
861 BENEDETTO TRADING (PRIVATE) LIMITED 33,737 25,880 59,617 0.0% 1027 GAMELINE TRADING 43,411 43,411 0.0% 1130 TRISPIRIT DISTRIBUTORS PVT LTD 35,417 35,417 0.0%
863 ROMWE FARMING (PVT) LTD 59,452 59,452 0.0% 1029 IMARA TRUSS AND TIMBER COMPANY 43,401 43,401 0.0% 1131 BAZTECH INCORPORATED 35,333 35,333 0.0%
865 BRIGHTON MAPUNDU 59,440 59,440 0.0% 1031 EXCLUSIVE BRANDS 34,073 9,219 43,292 0.0% 1132 WILCHART ENTERPRISES 15,346 19,911 35,257 0.0%
867 GLOFEX PVT LTD 59,437 59,437 0.0% 1033 ASPHALT PRODUCTS 43,233 43,233 0.0% 1133 ADDERLEY CONSULTANTS P/L 35,189 35,189 0.0%
869 FLYNOTE INVESTMENTS 59,400 59,400 0.0% 1035 PATSIME OIL PL 43,080 43,080 0.0% 1134 MUCHANETA NDACHENA 2,500 32,500 35,000 0.0%
871 TM WELDING SOLUTIONS (PVT) LTD 59,350 59,350 0.0% 1037 PLASTIC PROFILES P/L 42,965 42,965 0.0% 1135 HEADREST INVESTMENTS 15,000 20,000 35,000 0.0%
874 Feed Solu�ons (Pvt) Ltd 1040 TURATHI TRADING
875 HOBIN SERVICES P/L 56,378 2,742 59,120 0.0% 1041 Prevail Interna�onal Pvt Ltd 42,423 42,423 0.0% 1137 FIBION RUTOPE 35,000 35,000 0.0%
877 NITS ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 41,954 17,110 59,063 0.0% 1043 S & M BRICKS AND TILES 35,359 6,779 42,138 0.0% 1138 PATIENCE MAKUMBORENGA 34,927 34,927 0.0%
879 CRAMATMUN HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 56,769 2,242 59,011 0.0% 1045 CHARTER SEEDS 41,943 41,943 0.0% 1139 PRINTBASE SOLUTIONS 14,922 20,000 34,922 0.0%
881 TAKURA II (PVT) LTD 59,000 59,000 0.0% 1047 PLATINUM CHAINS 41,896 41,896 0.0% 1140 WAVE MARKETING 34,859 34,859 0.0%
883 DAMARIS INVESTMENTS 58,900 58,900 0.0% 1049 BUFFALO STEEL 31,050 10,569 41,619 0.0% 1141 SUSTECH PVT LTD 34,646 34,646 0.0%
885 ACCESS SOLUTIONS 58,876 58,876 0.0% 1051 MILDGOLD INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 23,024 18,448 41,472 0.0% 1142 Norman & Stockdale Pvt Ltd 34,541 34,541 0.0%
887 SERVIETTES ZIMBABWE P/L 10,687 48,123 58,809 0.0% 1053 TOPSHAFT ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED 37,762 3,639 41,401 0.0% 1143 NATHAN MAKANDA 34,504 34,504 0.0%
889 SURRIDGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 39,770 18,877 58,647 0.0% 1055 Airli� Engineering P/L 14,838 26,546 41,384 0.0% 1144 MAKOMWE TRANSPORT 15,000 19,500 34,500 0.0%
891 RADAR INVESTMENTS P/L 58,559 58,559 0.0% 1057 MUDYIWA EDSON PADYA 15,463 25,899 41,363 0.0% 1145 MAC BROTHERS P/L 34,489 34,489 0.0%
893 WAVERLEY BLANKETS PVT LTD 47,765 10,764 58,529 0.0% 1059 FORMER ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 12,144 29,170 41,314 0.0% 1146 ELEGENT EDGE P/L 34,350 34,350 0.0%
895 LIVESTOCK IDENTIFICATION TRUST 58,310 58,310 0.0% 1061 OKI PRINTERS (PVT) LTD 16,939 24,256 41,195 0.0% 1147 ZIM REFLECTIVE PVT LTD 34,253 34,253 0.0%
897 VIVA MARKETING 58,247 58,247 0.0% 1063 YANO MUSH 40,920 40,920 0.0% 1148 VEENITA PATEL 23,300 10,930 34,230 0.0%
899 I PACK ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 48,561 9,566 58,127 0.0% 1065 OVACODA INVESTMENTS 16,300 24,432 40,732 0.0% 1149 Asca Healthcare (Pvt) Ltd 34,200 34,200 0.0%
901 NSHUTI INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 21,992 36,000 57,992 0.0% 1067 MANJOLO FARM PVT LTD 40,336 40,336 0.0% 1150 TICHAFA RINOMHOTA 28,687 5,475 34,162 0.0%

57,891 57,891 0.0% 40,168 40,168 0.0% 1151 NOBUHLE MAGAVA 34,109 34,109 0.0%

57,835 57,835 0.0% 40,046 40,046 0.0% 1152 ASPIRE ELECTRICAL DEVICES 33,991 33,991 0.0%

40,356 17,453 57,809 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1153 NOTTINGHAM ESTATES P/L 33,980 33,980 0.0%

57,750 57,750 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1154 LOZINO INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 13,960 20,000 33,960 0.0%

57,475 57,475 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1155 CRANE AND PUMP MAINTANANCE SERVICES 33,958 33,958 0.0%

31,190 26,256 57,445 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1156 LARN COMPRESSOR REBUILDING 33,888 33,888 0.0%

20,000 37,330 57,330 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1157 D MBIBA 33,800 33,800 0.0%

57,300 57,300 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1158 ILANGA FOODS 23,090 10,675 33,765 0.0%

41,823 15,333 57,156 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1159 CAROLINE GARMENTS [PVT] LTD 33,735 33,735 0.0%

57,102 57,102 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1160 SILICOADE CAPITAL PVT LIMITED 33,720 33,720 0.0%

57,074 57,074 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1161 NEMALA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 33,600 33,600 0.0%

57,000 57,000 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1162 Fintech 33,539 33,539 0.0%

56,989 56,989 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1163 OUDTSHOORN VAN FARMING 33,500 33,500 0.0%

56,927 56,927 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1164 FRAWONE ENGINEERING 33,500 33,500 0.0%

56,900 56,900 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1165 PANA MERA INVESTMENTS 33,458 33,458 0.0%

48,446 8,400 56,846 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1166 PHARMANOVA P/L 33,399 33,399 0.0%

52,049 4,703 56,752 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1167 RITEON INVESTMENTS 33,290 33,290 0.0%

56,745 56,745 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1168 SKILLPACE INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 19,082 14,179 33,261 0.0%

38,111 18,618 56,729 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1169 ANDREW Z CHENJERAI 33,127 33,127 0.0%

56,700 56,700 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1170 RAVEN COURT FUELS 33,100 33,100 0.0%

19,203 37,467 56,670 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1171 GIDS MARTZ INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 33,100 33,100 0.0%

46,610 10,000 56,610 0.0% 20,000 20,000 40,000 0.0% 1172 AMANZI OASIS 13,083 20,000 33,083 0.0%

56,477 56,477 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1173 VPEK PLASTICS ZIMBABWE 17,390 15,665 33,055 0.0%

56,468 56,468 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1174 HELLO PROJECT DEVELOPERS 2,861 30,167 33,028 0.0%

56,160 56,160 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1175 FEGMA Investments (Pvt) Ltd 20,000 13,000 33,000 0.0%

56,141 56,141 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1176 CRAIG HODGSON 23,114 9,878 32,992 0.0%

16,075 40,000 56,075 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1177 ANDULAR TRADING 28,127 4,847 32,975 0.0%

56,071 56,071 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1178 PROCUREMART TRADING (PVT) LTD 32,878 32,878 0.0%

56,000 56,000 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1179 PETEFIN (PVT) LTD 32,210 32,210 0.0%

55,793 55,793 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1180 MEIZON PETROLEUM (PRIVATE) LIMITED 32,200 32,200 0.0%

55,691 55,691 0.0% 40,000 40,000 0.0% 1181 MULLER BROTHERS 32,198 32,198 0.0%

55,550 55,550 0.0% 39,999 39,999 0.0% 1182 OUTBACK COUNTRY PRODUCTS 32,193 32,193 0.0%

15,690 39,770 55,460 0.0% 39,991 39,991 0.0% 1183 ZEFIS ENGINEERING 32,100 32,100 0.0%

55,385 55,385 0.0% 39,984 39,984 0.0% 1184 WONDER GASES P/L 32,022 32,022 0.0%

18,174 37,053 55,227 0.0% 39,980 39,980 0.0% 1185 KUDYAYI MUNYAKA 32,000 32,000 0.0%

43,800 11,386 55,186 0.0% 39,979 39,979 0.0% 1186 Cybertech Media 32,000 32,000 0.0%

55,132 55,132 0.0% 39,977 39,977 0.0% 1187 FRUGIPARUS ENTERPRISES 31,854 31,854 0.0%

27,166 27,665 54,831 0.0% 39,953 39,953 0.0% 1188 AFRILINE HAULAGE 31,819 31,819 0.0%

54,577 54,577 0.0% 39,950 39,950 0.0% 1189 HILART INVESTMENTS 31,815 31,815 0.0%

54,551 54,551 0.0% 21,678 18,258 39,936 0.0% 1190 SEMEGAL INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 31,606 31,606 0.0%

20,000 34,444 54,444 0.0% 39,920 39,920 0.0% 1191 DAVID MARANGE 31,527 31,527 0.0%

36,260 18,000 54,260 0.0% 39,913 39,913 0.0% 1192 ADEPT SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED 22,979 8,524 31,503 0.0%

50,758 3,500 54,258 0.0% 39,900 39,900 0.0% 1193 STALLVIC ENT 31,481 31,481 0.0%

23,076 31,121 54,197 0.0% 39,860 39,860 0.0% 1194 AUTHENTIC FIRE 18,596 12,765 31,360 0.0%

44,399 9,784 54,183 0.0% 39,854 39,854 0.0% 1195 EDWIN GUMBO 23,974 7,359 31,333 0.0%

54,135 54,135 0.0% 39,830 39,830 0.0% 1196 WILLIAM OVER PHOTOGRAPHIC 31,294 31,294 0.0%

54,100 54,100 0.0% 39,794 39,794 0.0% 1197 WAYEBA INVESTMENTS P/L 11,200 20,000 31,200 0.0%

22,310 31,735 54,045 0.0% 39,754 39,754 0.0% 1198 ESTELLA NKIWANE 25,188 5,972 31,160 0.0%

54,029 54,029 0.0% 39,745 39,745 0.0% 1199 SKILZ SHOPFITTERS & JOINERS (PVT) LTD 31,064 31,064 0.0%

28,900 25,087 53,987 0.0% 26,500 13,239 39,739 0.0% 1200 GM Tarpaulins 31,030 31,030 0.0%

53,950 53,950 0.0% 39,706 39,706 0.0% 1201 SAWIN INVESTMENTS 19,295 11,720 31,015 0.0%

53,800 53,800 0.0% 39,700 39,700 0.0% 1202 SQUAREMARK INVESTMENTS 31,000 31,000 0.0%

48,188 5,397 53,585 0.0% 19,950 19,744 39,694 0.0% 1203 INKOSINATHI KHAKA 31,000 31,000 0.0%

53,565 53,565 0.0% 39,681 39,681 0.0% 1204 POWERTECH ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 30,968 30,968 0.0%

53,179 195 53,374 0.0% 39,623 39,623 0.0% 1205 KHAYA EQUIPMENT 30,950 30,950 0.0%

53,270 53,270 0.0% 39,620 39,620 0.0% 1206 BUNGATA PVT LTD 30,925 30,925 0.0%

9,936 43,284 53,220 0.0% 39,600 39,600 0.0% 1207 UNITED MILLING COMPANY (PVT) LTD 30,900 30,900 0.0%

53,208 53,208 0.0% 39,600 39,600 0.0% 1208 AIFOS MANUFACTURING 14,080 16,800 30,880 0.0%

53,141 53,141 0.0% 39,553 39,553 0.0% 1209 DESTINY ELECTRONICS 30,853 30,853 0.0%

53,061 53,061 0.0% 39,500 39,500 0.0% 1210 EXPECTANT ENTERPRISES 30,835 30,835 0.0%

53,060 53,060 0.0% 39,500 39,500 0.0% 1211 INDEX WATERPROOFING ZIM t/a ENG WATER PROOFING SYSTEMS 18,852 11,945 30,797 0.0%

53,010 53,010 0.0% 39,450 39,450 0.0% 1212 PREETASH PATEL 30,750 30,750 0.0%

15,702 37,211 52,913 0.0% 39,440 39,440 0.0% 1213 AFROSOFT HOLDINGS 30,714 30,714 0.0%

28,681 24,000 52,681 0.0% 39,413 39,413 0.0% 1214 STANLEY MATIZA 30,701 30,701 0.0%

36,375 16,299 52,674 0.0% 39,401 39,401 0.0% 1215 ARCH 360 BRANDING 30,700 30,700 0.0%

52,414 52,414 0.0% 39,349 39,349 0.0% 1216 WHEATSTAR P/L 30,600 30,600 0.0%

28,901 23,494 52,395 0.0% 39,322 39,322 0.0% 1217 NIXJOEN MANDAZA MAPESA 30,576 30,576 0.0%

39,567 12,826 52,393 0.0% 19,660 19,660 39,320 0.0% 1218 EW AND J KIRY PARTNERSHIP T/A SEDGEMOOR 30,400 30,400 0.0%

52,300 52,300 0.0% 39,308 39,308 0.0% 1219 Diagnos�c Laboratory Services 30,379 30,379 0.0%

16,479 35,636 52,115 0.0% 39,233 39,233 0.0% 1220 MASHBOLTS PVT LTD 15,050 15,325 30,375 0.0%

51,900 51,900 0.0% 39,200 39,200 0.0% 1221 NELI KETCHEROVA BOYNOVA 19,231 11,115 30,346 0.0%

11,869 40,000 51,869 0.0% 39,195 39,195 0.0% 1222 GALLES INVESTMENTS P/L T/A SOUTHERN COMFORT 30,330 30,330 0.0%

51,810 51,810 0.0% 39,150 39,150 0.0% 1223 RIVERLEIGH ELECTRICAL 30,226 30,226 0.0%

32,904 18,679 51,583 0.0% 39,109 39,109 0.0% 1224 GROUND GRANITE TRADING 25,200 5,000 30,200 0.0%

38,702 12,878 51,580 0.0% 39,064 39,064 0.0% 1225 UNIVERSAL FURNISHERS T/A GENERAL BEDDING 30,163 30,163 0.0%

51,571 51,571 0.0% 39,000 39,000 0.0% 1226 BLACKBREW INVESTMENTS 19,975 10,120 30,095 0.0%

19,908 31,455 51,363 0.0% 38,973 38,973 0.0% 1227 OPTIMUM DRILLING 30,010 30,010 0.0%

51,122 51,122 0.0% 38,838 38,838 0.0% 1228 Bilcro Holdings 30,000 30,000 0.0%

19,600 31,448 51,048 0.0% 38,775 38,775 0.0% 1229 ARM FRONTIER INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 30,000 30,000 0.0%

51,000 51,000 0.0% 38,730 38,730 0.0% 1230 INK SOLUTIONS 29,995 29,995 0.0%

50,852 50,852 0.0% 38,699 38,699 0.0% 1231 NELSPOT BRANDS 29,976 29,976 0.0%

50,605 50,605 0.0% 38,600 38,600 0.0% 1232 BENSON NDACHENA 27,347 2,596 29,942 0.0%

50,392 50,392 0.0% 38,587 38,587 0.0% 1233 S J BURGER T/A MACHAKWI CROPPING 29,900 29,900 0.0%

NewsHawks Page 49

Issue 43, 13 August 2021


1234 LAMCAST REFRACTORIES 29,780 29,780 0.0% 1400 STANDFAST CONTRACTORS PVT LTD 14,724 5,701 20,425 0.0% 1570 VISPETRFAIDE 19,915 19,915 0.0%
1401 PHARMACURE DISTRIBUTORS 0.0% 1571 FARAI RWODZI 19,901 19,901 0.0%
1235 MEDICLIFF PHARMA DISTRIBUTORS 10,116 19,619 29,735 0.0% 1402 RUEBEN TINEI JAVA 20,358 20,358 0.0% 1572 YEARSIGNS INVESTMENTS T/A BIGSAVE 19,900 19,900 0.0%
1403 MASH VHU TRADING T/A JMK 0.0% 1573 MATHILDA ZVINAVASHE 19,900 19,900 0.0%
1236 BELMONT NDEBELE 29,700 29,700 0.0% 1404 RONALD CHIBWE 20,097 20,097 0.0% 1574 HIGH PLAN ENTERPRISES 19,900 19,900 0.0%
1405 UGE ZIMBABWE 0.0% 1575 ALLUWORKS INVESTMENTS 19,900 19,900 0.0%
1237 BONWIN MEDICALS (PVT) LTD 29,615 29,615 0.0% 1406 TSELENTIS GROUP 20,082 20,082 0.0% 1576 POWER CONTROL SYSTEMS 19,898 19,898 0.0%
1407 THERMACOOL 0.0% 1577 SIRDAR MANUFACTURERS 19,886 19,886 0.0%
1238 DATACOPY INVESTMENTS 16,863 12,570 29,433 0.0% 1408 ZERBA CRAFT PVT LTD 20,054 20,054 0.0% 1578 DONAX ENTERPRISES 19,879 19,879 0.0%
1409 TOP NUTRIE BRANDS 0.0% 1579 TRIMEX DISTRIBUTORS (PVT) LTD 19,863 19,863 0.0%
1239 LILCARE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 29,416 29,416 0.0% 1410 TERRAWORLD INVESTMENTS 20,050 20,050 0.0% 1580 AMBERFILEDS INVESTMENTS 19,861 19,861 0.0%
1411 Westdawn Enterprises t/a The Watchman Security 0.0% 1581 SCENT SEI 19,860 19,860 0.0%
1240 NATIONAL PROPSHAFT CENTER (PVT) LTD 18,705 10,700 29,405 0.0% 1412 Tex�le Gallery 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1582 PAIKIM INVESTMENTS 19,860 19,860 0.0%
1413 THOMAS DHEKA 0.0% 1583 MURREYS TRADING P/L 19,860 19,860 0.0%
1241 MISRAH INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS 29,338 29,338 0.0% 1414 WEALTHBAG INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1584 Furbank Trading 19,850 19,850 0.0%
1242 LINDIWE M SIBANDA 29,337 29,337 0.0% 1416 ZIMBULK TANKERS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1586 MAJOR M TIKIWA 19,836 19,836 0.0%
1417 ZADA GRANITE GWERU P/L 0.0% 1587 FIVE THREE INVESTMENTS 19,831 19,831 0.0%
1243 AFRO-ASIA ZIMBABWE 29,280 29,280 0.0% 1418 TRYBAL MARKETING SERVICES PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1588 JEISA ENTERPRISES (PVT) LTD 19,800 19,800 0.0%
1419 VELD-BELT INVESTMENTS 0.0% 1589 HOUSE OF BOOKS 19,800 19,800 0.0%
1244 Pearson Gowero 6,480 22,691 29,171 0.0% 1420 SARATOGA INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1590 GLADERCOM ENTERPRISES 19,792 19,792 0.0%
1421 Square Twenty Two Maintanance 0.0% 1591 BARMLO CONSTRUCTION 19,784 0.0%
1245 MONECREW SUPPLIES PVT LTD 29,000 29,000 0.0% 1422 SUCCESS MICRO FINANCE 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1592 TRUCK IT PRIVATE LIMITED 19,780 19,780 0.0%
1423 SATEL PVT LTD 0.0% 1593 NSKBURG INVESTMENTS 19,774 19,774 0.0%
1246 EDWARD NDAIMA 14,500 14,500 29,000 0.0% 1424 SYLVESTER & KITCHEN 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1594 WHIRLWYN TRADING 19,772 0.0%
1247 CEASARS PLACE DISTRIBUTORS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 28,900 28,900 0.0% 1426 ROBERT KUIPERS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1596 CRADLAB PVT LTD 19,750 19,750 0.0%
1427 Spencer Muchamiri PBC 0.0% 1597 TABITHA MADZIKANDA 19,748 19,748 0.0%
1248 SUBLIME BRAND COMPANY 19,358 9,480 28,838 0.0% 1428 SQNEED CHROME ZIMBABWE P/L 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1598 BULLION COMMODITIES INTERNATIONAL 19,747 0.0%
1429 STATUS QUO 0.0% 1599 BESTFY INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 19,708 19,708 0.0%
1249 EMILLIAH MABIKA 28,830 28,830 0.0% 1430 Sador Trading (Pvt) Ltd 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1600 PURE IMPACT (PVT) LTD 19,700 19,845 19,700 0.0%
1250 AAYU PACKAGING (PVT) LTD 28,830 28,830 0.0% 1432 ROATANG INVESTMENT 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1602 Bruice Finch 19,700 19,784 19,700 0.0%
1433 SAFEDRIVE MOTORSPARES 0.0% 1603 AGRIANALYSIS CENTRE PVT LTD 19,700 19,772 19,700 0.0%
1251 EGIKAI INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 28,762 28,762 0.0% 1434 SYVERN INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1604 SCANLINK PRIVATE LIMITED 19,688 19,747 19,688 0.0%
1435 SAHAI HAULAGE 0.0% 1605 TERRIER SERVICES 19,657 19,657 0.0%
1252 RILSTONE INVESTMENTS T/A CHANTON ELUTION PLANT 28,690 28,690 0.0% 1436 SLIGO FARM 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1606 RECIPROCAL ENTERPRISES 19,646 19,646 0.0%
1437 Taitos Gangata 0.0% 1607 DR NQOBILE NGWENYA DENTAL SURGERY 19,607 19,606 19,607 0.0%
1253 TAWBET (PVT) LTD 9,200 19,477 28,677 0.0% 1438 SOOMNET INTERNATIONAL 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1608 FARAMATSI MOTORS (PVT) LTD 19,596 19,606 0.0%
1439 SPEC HARDWARE 0.0% 1609 G STAR P/L 19,536 9,500 19,596 0.0%
1254 Highfield Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd 28,632 28,632 0.0% 1440 REMICK CONTRACTORS PL 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1610 WINPAT AGROCHEM 10,011 19,536 0.0%
1441 NQOBA MINING 0.0% 1611 HAZVINEYI NJUKUYA 19,510 7,237 19,511 0.0%
1255 PALM PHARMA T/A MEDORANGE PHAMACY 28,623 28,623 0.0% 1442 RAINBOW FOODS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1612 DIRECT IMPACT INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 19,501 19,510 0.0%
1443 POSCLOUD PVT LTD 0.0% 1613 FOUNDATION FOR FARMING 19,500 3,000 19,501 0.0%
1256 IRON INN TRADING TA ALMOND PEST CONTROL 20,331 8,220 28,551 0.0% 1444 PHIREBROOK INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1614 TSORO TECHNOLOGIES 19,500 19,402 19,500 0.0%
1445 PADDOCK GEARS & ENGINEERING PVT LTD 0.0% 1615 TG NHEWEYEMBWA 19,500 19,500 0.0%
1257 DONBON INVESTMENTS 28,480 28,480 0.0% 1446 NYATI GAS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1616 MR M MARONGWE 19,500 19,350 19,500 0.0%
1447 PRINTABLE SOLUTIONS 0.0% 1617 CLIPSOAK TRADING 19,500 19,285 19,500 0.0%
1258 INTERCANE ENTERPRISES P/L 28,466 28,466 0.0% 1448 POWADRIVE PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1618 Corn Ridge Trading 19,500 19,275 19,500 0.0%
1449 ODZI TRANSPORT PVT LTD 0.0% 1619 DIGNITY SOLUTIONS 19,477 19,274 19,500 0.0%
1259 NORLEEN MUNYEZA 28,300 28,300 0.0% 1450 PIUS RATEIWA 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1620 HILLCHEST INVESTMENTS 19,477 19,257 19,477 0.0%
1260 MORBMAN LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED 28,247 28,247 0.0% 1452 PLASCYCLE INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1622 EMMAH MUNGONI 19,459 19,150 19,472 0.0%
1453 POLYOAK PACKAGING ZIMBABWE (PVT) LTD 0.0% 1623 SOURCE GLOBAL ALLIANCE 19,450 19,145 19,459 0.0%
1261 ROCKDRILL TRADING 28,245 28,245 0.0% 1454 POCK ISLAMP PRIVATE LIMITED TA ZIMBABWE FREIGHT 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1624 TINOTENDA NYAUMWE 12,207 19,105 19,450 0.0%
1455 OMEGA ENERGIES 0.0% 1625 DOLPHIN AQUATECH WATER TREATMENT PVT LTD 19,435 19,035 19,444 0.0%
1262 M & V FOOTWEAR MANUFACTURERS 19,576 8,577 28,153 0.0% 1456 PANKEYA INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1626 WESTMORELAND PROPERTY 19,433 19,014 19,435 0.0%
1263 CREDLE ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 28,080 28,080 0.0% 1458 PROCURE CHAIN 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1628 YEJVT INDUSTRIAL MINERALS PVT LTD 19,431 18,900 19,432 0.0%
1459 PRESTON HWENA 0.0% 1629 SANDRA VIMBAYI CHIKWAVA 16,408 6,210 19,431 0.0%
1264 CHLOENDRA INVESTMENTS 28,000 28,000 0.0% 1460 Palewhite (Pvt) Ltd 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1630 WINNIE MOTSI 6,385 19,408 0.0%
1462 MARY ELLEN FARM MANAGEMENT P/L 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1632 CUNARD INVESTMENTS P/L 19,380 18,692 19,391 0.0%
1463 MR & MRS LG MCBEAN 0.0% 1633 AGRO SHAPE PVT LTD 19,360 18,680 19,380 0.0%
1265 BRAND AGRO P/L 18,541 9,421 27,962 0.0% 1464 LLOYDS SERVICE STATION 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1634 SYLVESTER AND KITCHEN P/L 19,356 19,360 0.0%
1465 MORNACA INVESTMENTS 0.0% 1635 ZENGEA P/L 7,618 19,356 0.0%
1266 TABITHA MERCHANTS PVT LTD 27,951 27,951 0.0% 1466 MOSES DUBE 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1636 UVONGO PROJECTS PVT LTD 19,334 18,426 19,350 0.0%
1467 MWENJE TECHNOLOGY (PVT) LTD 0.0% 1637 SABLE PRESS 19,318 18,400 19,334 0.0%
1267 OPTINOVA AFRICA (PVT) LTD 27,932 27,932 0.0% 1468 MULTIMEDIA ELECTRONICS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1638 KETTLEWELL SAFARIS t/a BATEMAN VALVE & FILTRES 19,318 0.0%
1469 MZORENA ZAR (PVT) LTD 0.0% 1639 LETS GROW INVESTMENTS 19,265 15,274 19,285 0.0%
1268 PLATINUM GRACE INVESTMENTS 27,909 27,909 0.0% 1470 MARTNANC 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1640 Ibhubhesi Trading Private Limted 18,210 19,275 0.0%
1471 MEDIX LTD 0.0% 1641 BULAWAYO ABATTOIRS 19,255 18,125 19,274 0.0%
1269 MAKJONES INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 20,000 7,900 27,900 0.0% 1472 MORNACA INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1642 JOSEPHINE SIBANDA 19,250 18,077 19,265 0.0%
1270 DR LAZARUS CHITAMBO 27,900 27,900 0.0% 1474 HOWO TRUCK SALES AND SPARES PVT TD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1644 DR BLESSINGS NDLOVU 19,237 9,889 19,255 0.0%
1475 ITAYI MEMORY MITI 0.0% 1645 SAFHAN ENT 19,228 18,000 19,250 0.0%
1271 BRUVOC TRADING 27,888 27,888 0.0% 1476 JC CAPITAL 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1646 MICRO MAN PVT LTD 19,172 18,000 19,241 0.0%
1477 HELIOS PROCUREMENT P/L 0.0% 1647 EXCELLENCE ENGINEERING PVT LTD 19,156 6,687 19,237 0.0%
1272 WEDDIE TASIYANA 27,877 27,877 0.0% 1478 JOHN FLORENCE INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1648 TAMBA BRANDS 19,151 17,930 19,228 0.0%
1273 NANGISAI J MUGABE 27,753 27,753 0.0% 1480 JOY SEMWAYO 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1650 PAEDICARE P/L 19,128 6,227 19,156 0.0%
1274 ARNEST CONSTRUCTION PVT LTD 27,675 27,675 0.0% 1482 HERPSONS ENGINEERING 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1652 Rio Douro Construc�on (Pvt) Ltd 19,084 17,779 19,150 0.0%
1275 SECURITY DEVICES 27,621 27,621 0.0% 1484 KAMUNDA INVESTMENTS P/L 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1654 VIVAT HEALTH SOLUTIONS 19,128 0.0%
1485 ITAYI AND TERRENCE MITI 0.0% 1655 TERRACE AFRICA 19,035 19,105 0.0%
1276 INFO RELAY SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD 15,132 12,414 27,546 0.0% 1486 KARUZI 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1656 INTERFEED INVESTMENTS P/L 19,033 19,084 0.0%
1487 LASTMARK VENTURES PL 0.0% 1657 MARS EARTH PVT LTD 19,033 19,075 0.0%
1277 FAIRGLOW INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 27,540 27,540 0.0% 1488 KEVAREZ INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1658 Yardoak Trading (Pvt) Ltd 19,035 0.0%
1489 JADE TAKUDZWA TSOKODAYI 0.0% 1659 LINDA HARRIS 19,000 19,035 0.0%
1278 NYAZENGA PATRICIA 9,400 17,998 27,398 0.0% 1490 INKOMU AFRICA PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1660 MEGA TUBES T/A NECTICLOUD SERVICES 19,000 19,033 0.0%
1491 KIMBER AGENCIES (PVT) LTD 0.0% 1661 NECTICLOUD SVS TA MEGA TUBES 19,000 19,033 0.0%
1279 GLOBAL SOLAR (PVT) LTD 13,684 13,684 27,368 0.0% 1492 Elijah Chima 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1662 FE TATMIF T/A Greens Supermarket 19,000 19,014 0.0%
1493 HAGADOL ENTERPRISES 0.0% 1663 TSITSI PHIRI 18,998 19,000 0.0%
1280 CORKED SPIN INVESTMENTS PVT LTD T/A YO MILK 24,100 3,250 27,350 0.0% 1494 ELIZABETH MUDAVANHU 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1664 PARKVOO MUTENDERA 18,997 19,000 0.0%
1495 GRESTARON INVESTMENTS 0.0% 1665 A CHITUMBA 18,950 19,000 0.0%
1281 NHUNGU TRADING (PVT) LTD 27,329 27,329 0.0% 1496 GEORGEMOSE INVESTMENTS PL 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1666 ALG WORLD INVESTMENTS 18,900 19,000 0.0%
1282 AREGELIA TRADING PVT LTD 27,300 27,300 0.0% 1498 EROZIM PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1668 RUTENDO YVONNE MUSIMWA 18,835 18,997 0.0%
1499 Expo Energy P/L 0.0% 1669 HUMPHREY SITHOLE 18,810 18,950 0.0%
1283 TENGWA TRANSPORT (PVT) LTD 27,283 27,283 0.0% 1500 H E ELSWORTH HOLDINGS PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1670 SHEPCO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 18,810 18,900 0.0%
1501 EVARESTO RUKASHA 0.0% 1671 GLENRAGE INVESTMENTS 12,597 18,900 0.0%
1284 SAINTFORD VENTURES (PVT) LTD 11,496 15,750 27,246 0.0% 1502 GBRANDS PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1672 TENDAI PANAISHE 18,800 18,835 0.0%
1503 Elsport 0.0% 1673 K W ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 18,800 18,810 0.0%
1285 SAMBURN PRESSINGS 27,242 27,242 0.0% 1504 GLANMOT MANUFACTURING 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1674 TOBIAS MAPUVIRE 12,400 18,810 0.0%
1505 GRAMIN ENERGY PVT LTD 0.0% 1675 QUALITY FOODS 18,760 18,807 0.0%
1286 SILKSILVER INVESTMENTS 27,156 27,156 0.0% 1506 FRABELLA PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1676 Curlew Chemical Industries 18,720 18,800 0.0%
1507 CROPSERVE P/L 0.0% 1677 CENTRE PIVOT IRRIGATION (PVT) LTD 18,700 18,800 0.0%
1287 SKINGLEY INVESTMENTS 27,100 27,100 0.0% 1508 CIVILNET ENGINEERING 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1678 EDIAS MWENJE 18,700 18,785 0.0%
1509 DURO PARTS 0.0% 1679 Tafi Zulu 18,696 18,760 0.0%
1288 MAK CAB PVT LTD 11,981 15,068 27,049 0.0% 1510 EARLGREY MOTORS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1680 MIKE BILLION 18,720 0.0%
1289 MR WILBROAD AND MRS HOPE JOYCE TSUROH 23,400 3,570 26,970 0.0% 1512 Drekofil Investments (Pvt) Ltd 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1682 MAGCHEM (PVT) LTD 18,659 18,700 0.0%
1513 DRISYM PETROLEUM 0.0% 1683 Paint and Air 18,642 18,696 0.0%
1290 ADELA CONTRACTING 26,911 26,911 0.0% 1514 CAUDLISS INVESTMENTS T/A NUTRIE FOODS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1684 HAMA SOLUTIONS INVESTMENTS 18,626 18,692 0.0%
1515 CAROLINE GARDNER 0.0% 1685 MUSORO DOMBO 18,600 18,680 0.0%
1291 C W MAGGS 11,682 15,196 26,878 0.0% 1516 Colourfast Tex�le Printers Private Limited 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1686 MAVULOUS MARONGWE 18,595 18,678 0.0%
1517 DURO PARTS 0.0% 1687 CREDFIN (PRIVATE) LIMITED 18,487 18,659 0.0%
1519 CRAMWELL INVESTMENTS 0.0% 1689 STEINWOK 10,867 18,626 0.0%
1293 DAVID AND NESTHA CHINYEMBA 26,688 26,688 0.0% 1520 EASYBONE INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1690 SHIPSERVE PVT LTD 18,461 18,600 0.0%
1521 Cranbrook Zimbabwe 0.0% 1691 WHADCOAT SYSTEMS PBC 18,449 18,595 0.0%
1294 WOODLOT TIMBERS 26,665 26,665 0.0% 1522 CITY OF GWERU 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1692 RICHARD MANGI 18,442 18,487 0.0%
1523 CLEVER MUBATAPASANGO 0.0% 1693 Neschick 18,486 0.0%
1295 MICONEX T/A MINE MACHINES 26,621 26,621 0.0% 1524 Clean Box (Pvt) Ltd 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1694 FIDELITY LIFE FINANCIAL SERVICES 18,421 18,484 0.0%
1296 AEROWISE ENTERPRISES P/L 26,520 26,520 0.0% 1526 ANNE ARCHITECTURAL&INTERIOR DESIGNS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1696 JOHN KUDADIRGWA 18,400 18,449 0.0%
1297 KERSHELMAR DAIRIES (PVT) LTD 26,435 26,435 0.0% 1528 BINDURA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE EDUCATION 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1698 ETHERTON MPISAUNGA 18,371 18,426 0.0%
1529 BOKONE GAS INVESTMENTS 0.0% 1699 SPRINGLARGE TRADING P/L 18,346 18,421 0.0%
1298 WERTPA ENGINEERING P/L T/A APPLIED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES26,279 26,279 0.0% 1530 BULATEKE MILLING P/L 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1700 L D MAVIMA 3,071 18,400 0.0%
1531 BRIAN SAMU 0.0% 1701 GODNAS KABAYA 18,333 18,400 0.0%
1299 MY COMPANY PVT LTD 26,269 26,269 0.0% 1532 BRENTWOOD INCOPORATION 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1702 FAIZEN PATEL 18,278 18,391 0.0%
1300 MEDTECH MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC 26,225 26,225 0.0% 1534 BROYLAY INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1704 MOTORVULT TRADING 18,346 0.0%
1535 ARMS FRONTIER INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 0.0% 1705 Laptops Direct (Pvt) Ltd 18,200 18,345 0.0%
1301 BIONOME P/L 20,748 5,425 26,172 0.0% 1536 ALTERNATE SUPPLY PL 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1706 ADVISUAL MARKETING 18,333 0.0%
1537 BRAFORD INVESTMENTS P/L 0.0% 1707 CEDAR PETROLEUM 18,100 18,278 0.0%
1302 Zikrag (Pvt) Ltd 6,636 19,512 26,148 0.0% 1538 BOX OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1708 MAGFLEX INVESTMENTS P/L T/A ECOFARM 18,090 18,231 0.0%
1540 BOLTREC ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1710 TENDAI SAMANGA T/A SAMANGA DAIRY FARM 18,075 18,200 0.0%
1541 BUSH HOG VENTURES 0.0% 1711 Bestcast Alloys Founders and Engineers 18,070 18,125 0.0%
1303 P DOBROPOULOS AND SONS 13,003 13,059 26,062 0.0% 1542 RESTINERED INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1712 STEINWOK MINING PRIVATE LIMTED 18,061 18,100 0.0%
1543 PRISCILLA KOKERAYI 0.0% 1713 TOTHMET INVESTMENTS 18,042 18,090 0.0%
1304 ALIDALE TRADING PVT LTD 26,055 26,055 0.0% 1544 COMPETITIVE BRAND SHAPERS (PVT) LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1714 SCULLY TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 18,024 18,077 0.0%
1305 SCENTPRO ENTERPRISES 26,030 26,030 0.0% 1546 CHARIBLE ENTERPRISES 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1716 CHOICE BRANDS 18,000 18,070 0.0%
1306 PROBOARD MASTERS 26,025 26,025 0.0% 1548 Blankets for Africa 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1718 PRAVALA PUMA ELECTRICAL 18,000 18,042 0.0%
1549 LOGISTICS MAESTRO 0.0% 1719 FELTON KAMAMBO 17,985 18,024 0.0%
1307 JabeZ Trading Pvt Ltd 26,000 26,000 0.0% 1550 HAPPYYEAR INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1720 COMPUSIGN 11,293 18,021 0.0%
1551 JESKINUS Z MUKONOWESHURO 0.0% 1721 Roadberry transport 17,970 18,000 0.0%
1308 ZYNMAT HEALTH CARE PVT LTD 26,000 26,000 0.0% 1552 ZIMSWITCH TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1722 Laboratory, Equipment and Consumables (Pvt) Ltd 17,947 18,000 0.0%
1309 PROLINCH 26,000 26,000 0.0% 1554 INTERGRATED COMPOUNDS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1724 BAYHOT INVESTMENTS 17,920 18,000 0.0%
1555 SECURE PRIM INV 0.0% 1725 MARY MADZIMA 17,883 17,985 0.0%
1310 NEWMATIC TOOL 6,688 19,199 25,887 0.0% 1556 WAVE MARKETING 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1726 OPEN GATES INTERNATIONAL 17,880 17,980 0.0%
1557 PRISIAH CONSTRUCTION 0.0% 1727 TENDAI MARUFU 17,877 17,970 0.0%
1311 STATPHARM (PVT) LTD 25,846 25,846 0.0% 1558 WHITE OX TRADING PVT LTD 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1728 FUNGIOLIV INVESTMENTS 11,621 17,947 0.0%
1559 ALEXIO MUDEFI 0.0% 1729 CERNOL CHEMICALS 17,846 17,930 0.0%
1312 DR KUMBIRAI RUTSITO 18,825 7,009 25,834 0.0% 1560 DUMILE INVESTMENTS P/L 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1730 Chipo Chigumadzi 17,829 17,920 0.0%
1313 CAMCAY INVESTMENTS 25,803 25,803 0.0% 1562 TAVONGA MABUTO 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1732 ADROTECH TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT 17,750 17,880 0.0%
1314 VIRESH KEWADA 25,798 25,798 0.0% 1564 LABMORE INVESTMENTS 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1734 EDY CONSULTANCY T/A TURBOTECH 17,847 0.0%
1565 PRIDE MURENGWE 0.0% 1735 RACHAEL MUSHOSHO 17,846 0.0%
1315 Sawpower Blades (Pvt) Ltd 25,785 25,785 0.0% 1566 HOME EXPRESS PRIVATE LIMITED 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1736 TAMUKA MASEYA 17,829 0.0%
1567 EXTREME QUICK 0.0% 1737 BSCC CIVIL WORKS & PLANT HIRE P/L 17,800 0.0%
1316 FYCE INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 25,714 25,714 0.0% 1568 Brand Digital (Pvt) Ltd 20,000 20,000 0.0% 1738 FTN ZIMBABWE 17,779 0.0%
1569 CLEVER BROTHERS 0.0% 1739 Emily Mudzivo 17,750 0.0%
1317 CROPATE FARMING (PVT) LTD 25,707 25,707 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1318 RISTEN MINING 25,700 25,700 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1319 BEAM AND RAYS 25,685 25,685 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1320 NIGEL SHUMBAMBIRI 19,182 6,500 25,682 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1321 GARY ESTCOURT PARHAM 16,600 9,000 25,600 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1322 DAVID TAPERA GAMANYA 6,500 19,024 25,524 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1323 Transkingzim 25,500 25,500 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1324 LACKSON MONDO 18,157 7,296 25,453 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1325 ADVANCED CATRIDGE TRADE 25,404 25,404 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1326 FAIRTRAC ADVENTURES 25,251 25,251 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1327 CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PENSION FUND 25,245 25,245 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1328 MUCLESS PVT LTD 25,200 25,200 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1329 Ditamal Investment 25,161 25,161 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1330 A R M HEYES OPTOMETRIST P/L 25,092 25,092 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1331 TN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY 25,000 25,000 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1332 NGONI WEBB MASHUMBA 4,682 20,240 24,922 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1333 CANADA MALUNGA 24,749 24,749 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1334 TICHAONA MABEZA 24,735 24,735 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1335 TIMBER CENTRE 6,743 17,985 24,728 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1336 ANGELA MUDOKA 24,685 24,685 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1337 Florence Sambana 24,626 24,626 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1338 ABBAS SARTIPI 24,560 24,560 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1339 PATEL DEVEN BHUPENDRA 24,521 24,521 0.0% 20,000 20,000

20,000 20,000

1340 CURTNER INVESTMENTS T/A DUSK STUDIO 24,500 24,500 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1341 SOAPBOX ENTERPRISES 19,485 4,900 24,385 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1342 BRIGHTON PIGGERY AND ABATTOIRS 12,656 11,660 24,316 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1343 APPLIED CONTROLS 24,103 24,103 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1344 Jasper Makunungunu 24,000 24,000 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1345 DEES ENGINEERING (PVT) LTD 24,000 24,000 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1346 KALAHARI SOLAR SOLUTIONS (Pvt) Ltd 23,977 23,977 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1347 J MED SUPPLIES 23,910 23,910 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1348 PERIVIEWS ENTERPRISES 23,900 23,900 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1349 GRACE MABODZA 16,303 7,550 23,853 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1350 TILSIT STATOINERS 23,807 23,807 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1351 ALPHERBRANDS 16,834 6,937 23,771 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1352 CP VANHEERDEN P/L 23,658 23,658 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1353 CHRISTIANJAVAN INVESTMENTS 3,572 20,000 23,572 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1354 ADIANTAR MEDICAL IMAGING CENTRE 23,554 23,554 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1355 MURREYS TRADING 23,549 23,549 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1356 WINNING SALES AND DISTRIBUTORS 23,492 23,492 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1357 LINK OPTICAL PVT LTD 23,489 23,489 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1358 C P VAN HEERDEN PVT LTD 23,432 23,432 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1359 CHEMICAL MERCHANTS 23,376 23,376 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1360 Edward Mapokotera 17,441 5,915 23,356 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1361 FAIR VALUE INVESTMENTS 23,283 23,283 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1362 Alignomile 23,259 23,259 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1363 MEGA LIVE ELECTRICAL P/L 12,250 10,759 23,009 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1364 NORGADE INVESTMENTS 23,000 23,000 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1365 BRIAN CHANDIWANA 22,936 22,936 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1366 BASE YEAR PROPERTIES 22,916 22,916 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1367 SUPREME MEDICAL SUPPLIERS 22,895 22,895 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1368 ALSAA PETROLEUM ZIMBABWE 11,960 10,900 22,860 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1369 HERBERTS CONSTRUCTION 6,008 16,803 22,811 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1370 VEINMAT ENTERPRISES 19,625 3,100 22,725 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1371 ANGELINE ZENGENI 22,705 22,705 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1372 EDINAH MUKURAZHIZHA 9,575 13,000 22,575 0.0% 20,000 20,000

1373 CHIMLA ENTERPRISES 22,517 22,517 0.0% 19,998 19,998

1374 KEZINET NDLOVU 22,491 22,491 0.0% 19,998 19,998

1375 LYNN GORDON MCBEAN 22,325 22,325 0.0% 19,997 19,997

1376 ELLIOT AND NEPHEW (PVT) LIMITED 22,300 22,300 0.0% 19,996 19,996

19,995 19,995

1377 TINASHE REBECCA PASIPAMIRE 22,297 22,297 0.0% 19,993 19,993

1378 FUTURE TIDE INVESTMENTS 22,127 22,127 0.0% 19,985 19,985

1379 EQUALS SOLUTIONS PVT LTD 17,162 4,958 22,120 0.0% 19,984 19,984

1380 CHIPO CHIPUDHLA 22,073 22,073 0.0% 19,983 19,983

1381 FREDERICK ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION P/L 7,591 14,300 21,891 0.0% 19,982 19,982

1382 BEST BEGININGS PRESCHOOL 21,881 21,881 0.0% 19,981 19,981

1383 ALGAMAT INDUSTRIAL AND MINING P/L 21,649 21,649 0.0% 19,980 19,980

1384 SPRINGQUIP P /L 21,585 21,585 0.0% 19,980 19,980

1385 JOGMART PHARMACEUTICALS LTD 21,518 21,518 0.0% 19,977 19,977

1386 TEXTWRIGHT PVT LTD 19,989 1,367 21,356 0.0% 19,977 19,977

1387 AMAG LABORATORY SOLUTIONS 17,344 3,947 21,292 0.0% 19,976 19,976

1388 MASKOP ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 16,753 4,285 21,038 0.0% 19,975 19,975

1389 TINASHE DHOBBIE 21,000 21,000 0.0% 19,968 19,968

1390 PATHOLOGY LABORATORIES PVT LTD 20,997 20,997 0.0% 19,954 19,954

1391 FIREX-MAXIDOR 20,983 20,983 0.0% 19,954 19,954

1392 SYLVESTER MUTAMBA 20,895 20,895 0.0% 19,950 19,950

1393 LOU CORBI AGENCIES T/A AFRICA SALES 20,816 20,816 0.0% 19,950 19,950

1394 Exactsol (Pvt) Ltd 20,808 20,808 0.0% 19,948 19,948

1395 ARM HEYES OPTOMETRIST P/L 15,380 5,401 20,781 0.0% 19,942 19,942

1396 VIRGINIA MASUNUNGURE 20,656 20,656 0.0% 19,930 19,930

1397 Rosprim Investments Pvt Ltd T/A St Elmos 20,623 20,623 0.0% 19,930 19,930

1398 ITACHI PLASTICS 20,474 20,474 0.0% 19,926 19,926

1399 SKIP IT WASTE MANAGEMENT 20,450 20,450 0.0% 19,918 19,918

Page 50 NewsHawks

Issue 43, 13 August 2021


1740 CATER TRADING 17,748 17,748 0.0% 1910 AGILETRANS 13,400 13,400 0.0% 2080 TM RIBBON SUPPLIERS 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1741 MPAHLO GLOBAL CONSULTANTS P/L 17,732 17,732 0.0% 1911 GEODRILL (PVT) LIMITED 13,394 13,394 0.0% 2082 SAFE AFRICA 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1742 NDORO MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED 17,641 17,641 0.0% 1912 LYNTON EDWARDS STOCKBROKERS 4,764 8,557 13,321 0.0% 2084 NORAH KANGANGA 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1743 SAUL CHINANGA 17,635 17,635 0.0% 1913 MUNYARADZI SHAYA 6,055 7,250 13,305 0.0% 2086 ISRAEL MUREFU 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1744 CAROTIRAM 17,616 17,616 0.0% 1914 ENPEE ENTERPRISES 13,233 13,233 0.0% 2088 KIMVIN ENTERPRISES 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1745 Urocare PBC 17,607 17,607 0.0% 1915 JOHANNES RUSHWAYA 13,212 13,212 0.0% 2090 GBRANDS PVT LTD 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1746 DEVEN B PATEL 17,600 17,600 0.0% 1916 ALPHA PRINT (PVT) LTD 13,168 13,168 0.0% 2092 Chisahwira Maxwell 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1747 DZINORUMA TRUSTMORE 17,600 17,600 0.0% 1917 SPERONI IRRIGATION 13,147 13,147 0.0% 2094 CUP BEARER TRADING (PVT) LTD 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1748 COLLIN CHIWANZA 17,600 17,600 0.0% 1918 HAPPYMORE MAPARA 13,138 13,138 0.0% 2096 EXPRESS REFUND INVESTMENTS 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1749 Eperex Invetsments (Pvt) Ltd 17,560 17,560 0.0% 1919 Palento Investments 13,095 13,095 0.0% 2098 LINDA KALENGA GWAUNZA 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1750 JANE NHEMA 17,550 17,550 0.0% 1920 MAINLINE BUTCHERY 13,080 13,080 0.0% 2100 Mr Alister Campbell 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1751 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 11,722 5,779 17,501 0.0% 1921 FLOOKTEX ENTEPRISES (PVT) LIMITED 13,057 13,057 0.0% 2102 Ms Helen Dingani 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1752 Peter Haritatos (Private) Limited 17,500 17,500 0.0% 1922 PROLONS INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 13,050 13,050 0.0% 2104 PROBOTTLERS 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1753 MARGINED CONSULTANTS 17,490 17,490 0.0% 1923 GOPAL PROPERTIES 13,047 13,047 0.0% 2106 YAMALEK INVESTMENTS 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1754 HWINDI INVESTMENTS 17,489 17,489 0.0% 1924 FREIGHT WORLD P/L 13,000 13,000 0.0% 2108 SUPER ARMATURE WINDING AFRICA 10,000 10,000 0.0%
2109 Full Circle Comms Pvt Ltd
1755 SCOTIA AUTO PARTS 17,475 17,475 0.0% 1925 MUNYARADZI CHIHWAI 12,979 12,979 0.0% 2110 EVERGAS 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1756 CORALCOM 17,417 17,417 0.0% 1926 WVL ENGINEERING 12,965 12,965 0.0% 2112 CP PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD 10,000 10,000 0.0%
1757 CHIPO MTASA 17,400 17,400 0.0% 1927 GOLDEN HORN 12,916 12,916 0.0% 2114 NORMAN TAURAI LIKUKUMA 9,949 9,949 0.0%
1758 EUROSTYLE TRADING 17,350 17,350 0.0% 1928 PORTIA MABIZA 12,887 12,887 0.0% 2116 SAPPS PHARMACEUTICALS 9,945 9,945 0.0%
1759 BIDVEST ENGINEERING 17,310 17,310 0.0% 1929 Tinashe Wellington Mbengegwi 12,881 12,881 0.0% 2118 T GWESHE 9,935 9,935 0.0%
1760 THANDIWE KAMALIZA 17,300 17,300 0.0% 1930 LIFETIME VENTURES 12,852 12,852 0.0% 2120 JMCD ENTERPRISES P/L 9,925 9,925 0.0%
1761 OPTON ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 13,761 3,521 17,282 0.0% 1931 DR. SHAMU PRACTICE 12,851 12,851 0.0% 2122 T CHIKWIZA 9,900 9,900 0.0%
1762 Geoham Investments Pvt Ltd 17,265 17,265 0.0% 1932 MOSES F. MAKONI 12,819 12,819 0.0% 2124 OLD MUTUAL SECURITIES PVT LTD 9,896 9,896 0.0%
1763 RICHSON INVESTMENTS 17,201 17,201 0.0% 1933 LAFE INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES 12,814 12,814 0.0% 2126 FISH LOVERS 9,886 9,886 0.0%
1764 CASTON MUSA 17,181 17,181 0.0% 1934 MASVINGO BRICK & TILE 12,785 12,785 0.0% 2128 TICHAONA CHIPANGURA 9,873 9,873 0.0%
1765 MARK C HOUNSELL 17,150 17,150 0.0% 1935 LAMBORE INVESTMENTS 12,781 12,781 0.0% 2130 SOUTHLAND PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PVT) LTD 9,868 9,868 0.0%
1766 BROWN ENGINEERING GROUP (PVT) LTD 17,145 17,145 0.0% 1936 ROSE MANDY PROPERTIES 12,781 12,781 0.0% 2132 J CHIPAMPALI 9,847 9,847 0.0%
1767 STRADIC PRIVATE LIMITED 17,118 17,118 0.0% 1937 KINGSTONE MUNYAWARARA 12,765 12,765 0.0% 2134 ERITIA CHIGWIDA 9,830 9,830 0.0%
1938 Furytek (Pvt) Ltd 12,723 12,723 0.0% 2136 METHUSELI BRIAN AND ESTELLA SIPHAMEHLO NKIWANE 9,814 9,814 0.0%
1769 VOLTMAN PVT LTD 17,045 17,045 0.0% 1939 MIKE MUNYARADZI CHINGOSHO 9,265 3,448 12,713 0.0% 2138 CLARA NGWENYA 9,801 9,801 0.0%
1770 DIGJET ENTERPRISES P/L 17,035 17,035 0.0% 1940 MAMRE GLOBAL 12,676 12,676 0.0% 2140 TAFIRENYIKA MASVORE 9,801 9,801 0.0%
2141 G NCUBE
1771 MARSHALL PEMHIWA 17,000 17,000 0.0% 1941 BLISSCARE SOLUTIONS ENTERPRISES 12,665 12,665 0.0% 2142 CYCLE KING 9,798 9,798 0.0%
1772 JEETESH K BHIKHA 17,000 17,000 0.0% 1942 THE SALES ARENA (PVT) LTD 12,659 12,659 0.0% 2144 TECHNOLAB ENGINEERING T/A WEIGHRIGHT SYSTEMS P/L 9,773 9,773 0.0%
1773 EUROPE AFRICA SEED INITIATIVE (PVT) LTD T/A EASI SEEDS 16,999 16,999 0.0% 1943 Professional Engineering (Pvt) Ltd 12,650 12,650 0.0% 2146 PORTIA MARINGE 6,766 3,000 9,766 0.0%
1774 GETRUDE CHAGARESANGO 16,980 16,980 0.0% 1944 ADMIRABLE INVESTMENTS 12,650 12,650 0.0% 2148 HorƟĮeld Engineering 6,291 3,443 9,734 0.0%
1775 SAMSONG TRANSPORT 16,956 16,956 0.0% 1945 DAMTRADE INVESTMENTS 12,623 12,623 0.0% 2150 JUSTICE FELICIA CHATUKUTA 4,810 4,911 9,721 0.0%
1776 ZVIDZAYI BIKWA 16,922 16,922 0.0% 1946 GLENN CAMPBELL 12,600 12,600 0.0% 2152 STELECOM BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 9,707 9,707 0.0%
1777 WL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 16,885 16,885 0.0% 1947 AFRICA ON SOLAR 12,590 12,590 0.0% 2154 JB MEDIA INTERNATIONAL P/L 9,707 9,707 0.0%
2155 Memory Mukondomi
1778 SENWORK TIMBERS 16,853 16,853 0.0% 1948 BUMMAN INVESTMENTS PVT LTD ta BMH BARGAINS 12,589 12,589 0.0% 2156 W MOTSI 9,700 9,700 0.0%
1779 TOBIAS S DZANGARE 16,852 16,852 0.0% 1949 Ransom Nherera 12,500 12,500 0.0% 2158 SHORTPAGE TRADING 9,700 9,700 0.0%
1780 STRATWELD INVESTMENTS 16,809 16,809 0.0% 1950 LIVENSTY ENTERPRISES 12,500 12,500 0.0% 2160 ONTIME PHARMACEUTICALS 9,696 9,696 0.0%
1781 MR CONTAINER 16,809 16,809 0.0% 1951 N NEDZIWE 12,468 12,468 0.0% 2162 NHAKA CONSTRUCTION 9,680 9,680 0.0%
1782 TopHedge Enterprise 16,740 16,740 0.0% 1952 ZIBUKO CAPITAL P/L 12,418 12,418 0.0% 2164 ABIGAIL MUDOKA 9,676 9,676 0.0%
1783 HANNIF MOHAMMED PATEL 16,740 16,740 0.0% 1953 INNOCENT GANGAIDZO 12,405 12,405 0.0% 2166 C CHARINGA 9,672 9,672 0.0%
1784 CHANCROD INVESTMENTS 16,729 16,729 0.0% 1954 H N LITHO P/L 12,400 12,400 0.0% 2168 MAXWELL CHATINDO 9,637 9,637 0.0%
1785 DAVISON MANGE 16,677 16,677 0.0% 1955 MARTIN MAKONESE 12,384 12,384 0.0% 2170 BITUCHEM PVT LTD 9,600 9,600 0.0%
1786 HIGH DENSITY WAREHOUSE T/A OPEN HOUSE HARDWARE 10,870 5,796 16,666 0.0% 1956 AVANOS ENTERPRISES P/L 12,379 12,379 0.0% 2172 PETRONILLA MHUNDWA 9,587 9,587 0.0%
1787 TENDAI CHITOWA 16,662 16,662 0.0% 1957 DEEPSIGNS P/L 12,360 12,360 0.0% 2174 ALLIANCE CARE PARTNERS T/A PARKTOWN HOSPITAL 9,581 9,581 0.0%
1788 AE ELECTRICAL LIGHTING AND MANUFACTURING 16,593 16,593 0.0% 1958 MICROLAB SCIENTIFIC 7,059 5,284 12,343 0.0% 2176 DE WET VERONICA 9,569 9,569 0.0%
1789 MARSDEN SIBANDA 16,575 16,575 0.0% 1959 OPEN HURST MARKETING 12,311 12,311 0.0% 2178 SANCHEZ TARIRO MANYIKA 9,502 9,502 0.0%
1790 SANJAY RAINA 16,571 16,571 0.0% 1960 SHAILLON CHISWA 12,296 12,296 0.0% 2180 FARAI NYAMBIYA 9,500 9,500 0.0%
2181 Agnes M Ngandu
1791 AYLWIN CHIYOKA 16,541 16,541 0.0% 1961 TAYVALE INVESTMENTS 12,256 12,256 0.0% 2182 DR DOUGLAS TENDAI MOMBESHORA 9,500 9,500 0.0%
1792 CAR GUARD 16,517 16,517 0.0% 1962 BUILDERS CHOICE 12,238 12,238 0.0% 2184 ADMORE MUDEKWA 9,500 9,500 0.0%
1793 CLEMENCE NDENGU 16,500 16,500 0.0% 1963 MANTRAY INVESTMENTS 12,237 12,237 0.0% 2186 SHIRAZ PATEL 9,500 9,500 0.0%
1794 KEPZITE INVESTMENTS 11,705 4,721 16,426 0.0% 1964 TWENTY FOUR HOUR DIAGNOLABS 12,228 12,228 0.0% 2188 QUADFIN FINANCIAL SERVICES 9,500 9,500 0.0%
1795 BERNARD GWARADA 16,400 16,400 0.0% 1965 ERNEST RUTENDO DOKA 12,207 12,207 0.0% 2190 PLAXEDES R MATANDIRE 9,497 9,497 0.0%
1796 ESTHER MUREMBA 13,885 2,500 16,385 0.0% 1966 NESOP (PVT) LIMITED T/A N1 HOTELS 12,200 12,200 0.0% 2192 Kuyper Investments 9,479 9,479 0.0%
1797 CHESANI JAIDI 16,336 16,336 0.0% 1967 KENNEDY NGIRAZI 12,200 12,200 0.0% 2194 L NYAMUPAGUMA 9,477 9,477 0.0%
1798 XION INVESTMENTS T/A BARRIER TECH 16,300 16,300 0.0% 1968 MUDIRIRA INVESTMENTS 12,177 12,177 0.0% 2196 SIMON CHINGANGA 9,451 9,451 0.0%
1799 EMMAND INVESTMENTS PL 16,241 16,241 0.0% 1969 Sherwood Park Estates 12,121 12,121 0.0% 2198 SCHOOL SPORTS WAREHOUSE 9,439 9,439 0.0%
2199 R G VALLA
1800 MONEYMART FINANCE PVT LTD 16,172 16,172 0.0% 1970 APPOLONIA MUDHEREDHE 12,100 12,100 0.0% 2200 KUDA MASARIRA 9,400 9,400 0.0%
2201 AC JANI
1801 MITRA SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD 16,161 16,161 0.0% 1971 RUGARE MANDIMA 12,067 12,067 0.0% 2202 REUBEN JAVA 9,400 9,400 0.0%
1802 NAKLON TRADING 16,085 16,085 0.0% 1972 WILBERT FUNGURA 12,050 12,050 0.0% 2204 MATSIMBA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD 9,400 9,400 0.0%
1803 WEST END CLINIC 16,022 16,022 0.0% 1973 JAMES JUTAS 12,044 12,044 0.0% 2206 STODART BROTHERS PL 3,235 6,165 9,400 0.0%
1804 FIRMEDGE INVESTMENTS 16,000 16,000 0.0% 1974 SNIPE SERVICES 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2208 OBBRIDGE ENTERPRISES 9,385 9,385 0.0%
1805 EVERISTO RUKASHA 16,000 16,000 0.0% 1975 PROGROUP HOLDINGS (PVT) LTD 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2210 KAILIV ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED 9,385 9,385 0.0%
1806 COLBRO MASVINGO T/A COLBRO TRANSPORT 16,000 16,000 0.0% 1976 MAUREEN MARIMIROFA 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2212 ERICK P MAKARIMAYI 9,322 9,322 0.0%
1807 ALTAM ENTERPRISES 16,000 16,000 0.0% 1977 LIONEL VALENTINE STEFFENS 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2214 KPMG ZIMBABWE 9,300 9,300 0.0%
1808 AFRICAWIDE ZIMBABWE 16,000 16,000 0.0% 1978 Mushure Taurai 6,000 6,000 12,000 0.0% 2216 CHRISTOPHER CHITEMERERE 9,293 9,293 0.0%
1809 BAYOBA 15,995 15,995 0.0% 1979 MAROCOURT ENTERPRISES TA MUNA INTERNATIONAL 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2218 OBERT MURAMBIWA 9,286 9,286 0.0%
1810 FINTZ INVESTMENTS P/L 15,959 15,959 0.0% 1980 MR JOHN ALEXANDER RENNIE 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2220 COSMAS MARUTA 9,286 9,286 0.0%
1811 SILVER STREAM INVESTMENTS 15,950 15,950 0.0% 1981 Harare Hospital 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2222 LAMULANI SITHOLE 9,254 9,254 0.0%
1812 DAVIS AND SHIRTLIFF ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED 11,280 4,653 15,933 0.0% 1982 KOMAL JADAVJI 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2224 C MAPEPA 9,251 9,251 0.0%
1813 MRC AUTO PARTS 15,890 15,890 0.0% 1983 FLEXBRIDGE INVESTMENTS 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2226 TAONA MUNZVANDI 9,245 9,245 0.0%
1814 MILESTONE AND GREATMAN PVT LTD 15,875 15,875 0.0% 1984 Fortunate Chikamhi 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2228 REPOQUAD INVESTMENTS 9,244 9,244 0.0%
1815 CHRISTOPHER PAMHIDZA PASI 15,858 15,858 0.0% 1985 GLADYS MARWERE 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2230 CONSTANCE CHIUTSI 9,235 9,235 0.0%
1816 SPERONI IRRIGATION 15,829 15,829 0.0% 1986 ESTHER MUDZVOVA 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2232 NTOKOZO MKANDLA 9,227 9,227 0.0%
1817 GILLIAN T SHAMU 15,697 15,697 0.0% 1987 DRIPTECH IRRIGATION 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2234 MACILLINE JONI 9,200 9,200 0.0%
1818 TAWANDA PADZIRI 15,689 15,689 0.0% 1988 AFRICA THREADS 12,000 12,000 0.0% 2236 EUNIDAIR INVESTMENTS 9,194 9,194 0.0%
1819 KUDZAI E HOVE 15,689 15,689 0.0% 1989 TISSIMA INVESTMENTS 11,998 11,998 0.0% 2238 LENDEL TRADING 9,190 9,190 0.0%
1820 RICHARD RASHAI 11,500 4,174 15,674 0.0% 1990 VIMAL KUMAR RAMESHBHAI PATEL 11,979 11,979 0.0% 2240 NERDSYS ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 5,533 3,652 9,185 0.0%
1821 DUGGEN MOORE ENTERPRISES PVT LTD T/A DUGGEN MOORE MEDICA1L5S,659 15,659 0.0% 1991 KABOR TRANSPORT 11,905 11,905 0.0% 2242 WELLINGTON MAGARABA 9,181 9,181 0.0%
1822 JULIE JOY ENTERPRISES PVT LTD 7,139 8,505 15,645 0.0% 1992 Blue Oranges Products (Private) Limited 11,888 11,888 0.0% 2244 THABANI DUBE 9,175 9,175 0.0%
1823 PRISCILLA CHIGUMBA 15,631 15,631 0.0% 1993 GIFT INVESTMENTS 11,865 11,865 0.0% 2246 VALERIE TAKUNDWA 9,160 9,160 0.0%
1824 NOKUTHULA MARUMAHOKO 15,600 15,600 0.0% 1994 URSULA CECELIA ODENDAAL 11,860 11,860 0.0% 2248 TAKUDZWA GWESHE 9,154 9,154 0.0%
1995 PROF EDIAS MWENJE 11,803 11,803 0.0% 9,150 9,150 0.0%

1826 KEVIN BRETT STIRRUP 15,510 15,510 0.0% 1996 OSTELEA BUHLENKOSI NCUBE 11,800 11,800 0.0% 9,142 9,142 0.0%

1827 RIDGE RANCHING 15,500 15,500 0.0% 1997 CALVIN SHARA 11,787 11,787 0.0% 9,106 9,106 0.0%
1828 PURLEIGH INVESTMENTS 15,500 15,500 0.0%
1998 Mahesh Bhagat 4,850 6,888 11,738 0.0% 9,100 9,100 0.0%

1829 ZIMFLORA P/L 15,499 15,499 0.0% 1999 Dzapata Herbert 11,720 11,720 0.0% 9,076 9,076 0.0%

1830 CATHRINE SWANEPOEL 15,454 15,454 0.0% 2000 CONSTANTINE TUMAZOS 11,700 11,700 0.0% 9,072 9,072 0.0%

1831 CHIRIKURE FARAI 15,413 15,413 0.0% 2001 HACHU ENTERPRISES 9,079 2,551 11,630 0.0% 9,060 9,060 0.0%

1832 CROWN HEALTH CARE 15,400 15,400 0.0% 2002 Polypackaging (Pvt) Ltd 11,600 11,600 0.0% 9,058 9,058 0.0%

1833 ZACKS CHIZAMBIRE 15,400 15,400 0.0% 2003 SYLVESTER TEMBO 11,510 11,510 0.0% 9,024 9,024 0.0%

1834 ANGELA KAMHIRIRI 15,352 15,352 0.0% 2004 RACHEL GWEZERA 6,050 5,450 11,500 0.0% 9,024 9,024 0.0%

1835 Blessing Mabhamu 15,270 15,270 0.0% 2005 LEOTRUM PVT LTD 11,500 11,500 0.0% 9,023 9,023 0.0%

1836 JANE NELLY KATSANDE 15,200 15,200 0.0% 2006 LETWIN MAWIRE 11,430 11,430 0.0% 9,017 9,017 0.0%

1837 OLD MUTUAL FINANCE 15,196 15,196 0.0% 2007 OAKTIC SYSTEMS P/L 11,406 11,406 0.0% 9,013 9,013 0.0%

1838 CHITAITAI CHEMICAL 15,189 15,189 0.0% 2008 MARTHA AND SONS PHAMACEUTICAL 3,800 7,473 11,273 0.0% 9,000 9,000 0.0%

1839 MANAVHELA INVESTMENTS 15,120 15,120 0.0% 2009 CLEOPATRA N. MAKONI 11,217 11,217 0.0% 9,000 9,000 0.0%

1840 RIPTILL (PVT) LTD 15,108 15,108 0.0% 2010 BERGHOT INVESTMENTS 11,212 11,212 0.0% 9,000 9,000 0.0%

1841 Herbert Dzapata 15,100 15,100 0.0% 2011 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AFRICA P/L 11,146 11,146 0.0% 9,000 9,000 0.0%

1842 Archford Chasara 15,095 15,095 0.0% 2012 CLOVER LEAF MOTORS P/L 11,118 11,118 0.0% 8,984 8,984 0.0%

1843 M A CHIFODYA 15,031 15,031 0.0% 2013 TOMSON MAKUYANA 11,100 11,100 0.0% 8,975 8,975 0.0%

1844 SPIWE N KATINYU 15,027 15,027 0.0% 2014 ODENQUIP PVT LTD 11,100 11,100 0.0% 8,963 8,963 0.0%

1845 RONALD MUTANDAGAYI 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2015 HARVEST MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC 11,100 11,100 0.0% 8,925 8,925 0.0%

1846 SIMBARASHE PARKVOO MUTENDERA 2,500 12,500 15,000 0.0% 2016 TELAC INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED 11,075 11,075 0.0% 8,900 8,900 0.0%

1847 STEPHEN MUZA 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2017 FAWCETT SECURITY 11,061 11,061 0.0% 8,900 8,900 0.0%

1848 MAUCH T. R. 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2018 ZIMIND AGRO P/L 11,054 11,054 0.0% 8,857 8,857 0.0%

1849 Megamouth Holdings (Pvt) Ltd 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2019 TATENDA GWATIRINGA 11,047 11,047 0.0% 8,820 8,820 0.0%

1850 EDWIN EDWARD GUMBO 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2020 MUNYARADZI CHINYEMBA 11,045 11,045 0.0% 8,800 8,800 0.0%

1851 DMTC INVESTMENTS PVT LTD 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2021 NYASHA MAGADZA 11,023 11,023 0.0% 8,800 8,800 0.0%

1852 DRILLMARK INVESTMENTS 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2022 KALOSE COSMETICS 11,000 11,000 0.0% 8,798 8,798 0.0%

1853 BP SAMUDZIMU 15,000 15,000 0.0% 2023 KHAKA NKOSINATHI 11,000 11,000 0.0% 8,797 8,797 0.0%

1854 MUNYARADZI DOBBIE 14,963 14,963 0.0% 2024 INNOCENT MUTSVEDU 11,000 11,000 0.0% 8,775 8,775 0.0%

1855 Datamark (Pvt) Ltd 14,952 14,952 0.0% 2025 HARVEST ACRES (PVT) LTD 11,000 11,000 0.0% 8,774 8,774 0.0%

1856 MID END COMPUTERS 14,950 14,950 0.0% 2026 NYATWA NYAMANGODO 10,981 10,981 0.0% 8,742 8,742 0.0%

1857 PRECISION MEDICAL LABORATORIES 14,949 14,949 0.0% 2027 ARCHFORD MURAPA 10,965 10,965 0.0% 8,710 8,710 0.0%

1858 VIVAT CLEARVIEW 14,925 14,925 0.0% 2028 BOTEREKWA TECHNOLOGIES 10,963 10,963 0.0% 8,700 8,700 0.0%

1859 DR DAVID MADZIWA 9,938 4,977 14,915 0.0% 2029 NUNGU ENERGY 10,952 10,952 0.0% 8,700 8,700 0.0%

1860 MANSEY TRADING 14,900 14,900 0.0% 2030 SM MAYER 10,924 10,924 0.0% 8,670 8,670 0.0%

1861 TAPIWA SIPANI 14,850 14,850 0.0% 2031 M NDORO 10,915 10,915 0.0% 8,640 8,640 0.0%

1862 KENNEDY P MUNDA 5,500 9,311 14,811 0.0% 2032 DYSORT ENTERPRISES 10,909 10,909 0.0% 8,595 8,595 0.0%

1863 SILVEN CHISEWE 14,810 14,810 0.0% 2033 Millenium Farmer Supplies Pvt ltd 10,883 10,883 0.0% 8,593 8,593 0.0%

1864 CAPITAL FACTOR PVT LTD 14,800 14,800 0.0% 2034 SHINGAI LIONEL MPOFU 10,880 10,880 0.0% 8,565 8,565 0.0%

1865 GERALD ENGINEERING PVT LTD 14,770 14,770 0.0% 2035 ORBET ZHANJE 10,872 10,872 0.0% 8,542 8,542 0.0%

1866 SOUTHSEA INVESTMENTS 14,744 14,744 0.0% 2036 ELEANOR N MUGWAGWA 10,870 10,870 0.0% 8,538 8,538 0.0%

1867 IAN MATHIESON 14,700 14,700 0.0% 2037 VUKANI DHLADHLA 10,860 10,860 0.0% 8,538 8,538 0.0%

1868 JENTONE ENTERPRISES 14,691 14,691 0.0% 2038 TATENDA CHIRONDA 10,843 10,843 0.0% 8,523 8,523 0.0%

1869 Handon Enterprises TA ORAC Systems 14,690 14,690 0.0% 2039 KALIMBA INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 10,823 10,823 0.0% 8,522 8,522 0.0%

1870 PNELAND TECHNOLOGY 14,659 14,659 0.0% 2040 SIMBARASHE MASHONGANYIKA 10,760 10,760 0.0% 8,520 8,520 0.0%

1871 HAEMATOLOGY LABORATORY 9,875 4,705 14,581 0.0% 2041 E Nyamupingidza 10,751 10,751 0.0% 8,500 8,500 0.0%

1872 BECHR FILING CONCEPT PVT LTD 14,560 14,560 0.0% 2042 FOZIMA PVT LTD 8,744 2,000 10,744 0.0% 5,200 3,300 8,500 0.0%

1873 GEORGE CHITSIKA 14,528 14,528 0.0% 2043 JOSHUA CHIMHANDA 7,148 3,574 10,722 0.0% 8,500 8,500 0.0%

1874 RAM RETAIL (PRIVATE) LIMITED 14,526 14,526 0.0% 2044 Mutual Finance Pvt Ltd 10,668 10,668 0.0% 8,474 8,474 0.0%

1875 PATRICK MUNYANYI 14,500 14,500 0.0% 2045 COOLMAN DISTRIBUTORS 10,654 10,654 0.0% 8,460 8,460 0.0%

1876 GREATER MUNGONI 8,500 6,000 14,500 0.0% 2046 RITEMAX TRADING 10,650 10,650 0.0% 8,457 8,457 0.0%


1878 LANDOS FARM 14,461 14,461 0.0% 2048 SELECT BRANDS INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD 10,620 10,620 0.0% 8,400 8,400 0.0%

1879 OLGA RINDAI MUTAMBA 14,456 14,456 0.0% 2049 UMGIGWA MILLING COMPANY 10,600 10,600 0.0% 8,381 8,381 0.0%

1880 SIBONGINKOSI NCUBE 14,428 14,428 0.0% 2050 BANDE HOLDINGS 10,600 10,600 0.0% 8,355 8,355 0.0%

1881 CLEARFACE INV 14,416 14,416 0.0% 2051 MORRIS MADZIYIRE 10,560 10,560 0.0% 8,300 8,300 0.0%

1882 SEDAN CHAIR TRADING (PVT) LTD 14,400 14,400 0.0% 2052 UKUBAMBANA COMMODITIES (PVT) LTD 10,560 10,560 0.0% 8,280 8,280 0.0%

1883 FLOVEN SHUMBAMHINI 14,335 14,335 0.0% 2053 VIDAMAC PVT LTD 10,536 10,536 0.0% 8,242 8,242 0.0%

1884 DELLYWAY INVESTMENTS 14,327 14,327 0.0% 2054 TAUYA MUGWAGWA 10,500 10,500 0.0% 8,218 8,218 0.0%

1885 FRESHTICK PL 14,245 14,245 0.0% 2055 SHADRECK MATSVAYI 8,000 2,500 10,500 0.0% 8,210 8,210 0.0%

1886 TSITSI MARIMO 14,200 14,200 0.0% 2056 Lengthwhile Investments 10,500 10,500 0.0% 8,200 8,200 0.0%

1887 KANSAZ INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED 14,200 14,200 0.0% 2057 EMMANUEL CHINGOZHO 10,500 10,500 0.0% 8,192 8,192 0.0%

1888 SUSAN MAWONAWANI 14,170 14,170 0.0% 2058 GRESTARON INVESTMENTS 10,500 10,500 0.0% 8,191 8,191 0.0%

1889 ANDREW TINASHE MATENGAMBIRI 14,145 14,145 0.0% 2059 CLAPPERTON CHINHENGO 10,500 10,500 0.0% 8,181 8,181 0.0%

1890 SANJEEV HILANARD HASSAMAL 14,140 14,140 0.0% 2060 STANFORD DOBVU 10,490 10,490 0.0% 8,175 8,175 0.0%

1891 Nyaradzo MaƟndike 14,115 14,115 0.0% 2061 BATSIRAI DEMBETEMBE 10,466 10,466 0.0% 8,174 8,174 0.0%

1892 MARILYN HUGILL 14,110 14,110 0.0% 2062 PATHIAS MATAMBO 10,413 10,413 0.0% 5,262 2,900 8,162 0.0%

1893 SIFISO MUTEMA 11,500 2,500 14,000 0.0% 2063 JONAS & RACHAEL SPIWE MUSHOSHO 10,392 10,392 0.0% 8,161 8,161 0.0%

1894 PHYLLIS SHUPIKAYI NYAHADA 14,000 14,000 0.0% 2064 ROBERT MUNYARADZI ZINATSA 10,380 10,380 0.0% 8,157 8,157 0.0%

1895 OTIMUS INVESTMENTS 14,000 14,000 0.0% 2065 PLASTILINK (PVT) LTD 10,350 10,350 0.0% 8,120 8,120 0.0%

1896 CLOUDIOUS SANDUKIRA 14,000 14,000 0.0% 2066 RUNGANO ZENGEYA 10,332 10,332 0.0% 8,100 8,100 0.0%

1897 EVERGREEN FIBREGLASS 13,900 13,900 0.0% 2067 PULLED SUGAR INVESTMENTS 10,322 10,322 0.0% 8,088 8,088 0.0%

1898 REBECCA PASI 13,889 13,889 0.0% 2068 MOSES GAMBIZA 10,275 10,275 0.0% 8,080 8,080 0.0%

1899 SELBY ENTERPRISES P/L 13,887 13,887 0.0% 2069 SAROVER INVESTMENTS 10,250 10,250 0.0% 8,042 8,042 0.0%

1900 PEARL STATIONERY MANUFACTURERS (PVT) LTD 11,106 2,741 13,848 0.0% 2070 RUVARASHE MATAMBO 10,250 10,250 0.0% 8,040 8,040 0.0%

1901 SANDRINGHAM INCORPORATED 13,847 13,847 0.0% 2071 WASHINGTON ZHAKATA 10,215 10,215 0.0% 8,034 8,034 0.0%

1902 MULTI MANUFACTURING 13,800 13,800 0.0% 2072 PRECISION EQUIPMENT 10,193 10,193 0.0% 8,003 8,003 0.0%

1903 LESLEY MUKURAZHIZHA 13,790 13,790 0.0% 2073 Ralph Dikinya 10,192 10,192 0.0% 8,001 8,001 0.0%

1904 EARTHSWOPS ENTERPRISES T/A BIDVEST CHEMICALS 13,718 13,718 0.0% 2074 MERCY MADZIVA 10,170 10,170 0.0% 8,000 8,000 0.0%

1905 BLASTCARE TRADING 13,650 13,650 0.0% 2075 TAFADZWA MAIGURIRA 10,160 10,160 0.0% 8,000 8,000 0.0%

1906 REDFORD PROPERTIES 13,644 13,644 0.0% 2076 APPLIED AUTOMATION T/A WETPA ENGINEERING 10,092 10,092 0.0% 8,000 8,000 0.0%

1907 HAPPYEAR TECHNOLOGY 13,560 13,560 0.0% 2077 LEERITE INVESTMENTS 10,090 10,090 0.0% 8,000 8,000 0.0%

1908 LLOYD MUCHAKA 13,436 13,436 0.0% 2078 LEON CHABVEKA 10,085 10,085 0.0% 8,000 8,000 0.0%

1909 OLIVER MTASA 13,428 13,428 0.0% 2079 TEDRA GARA 10,009 10,009 0.0% 8,000 8,000 0.0%

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