Report on Joint Survey of abandoned Haflong Hill Railway Station on old
meter gauge line for establishment of Permanent Court Complex along
with residential Quarters for Officers and Staff conducted on 02.03.2020.
1. The Joint Inspection team comprised of Shri Abhijit Bhattacharyya,District &
Sessions Judge, Shri Bankim Sarma, Chief Judicial Magistrate and Shri Abdul
Kader, Secretary, DLSA representing Dima Hasao District Judiciary, Shri Dipak
Jidung, Addl. D.C, representing District Administration , Shri P. Jeme,
Revenue Officer, NCHAC and Shri Surjit Hasnu, Lot Patowary, NCHAC,
representing Autonomous District Council, Dima Hasao, Shri Anurag,
Asstt.Divisional Engineer, N.F Railway (HGS), Shri N. Pallei, SSE/W/TIJTG
representing N.F.Railways, Haflong.
2. A Joint survey was taken up by the team starting from the abandoned
Haflong Hill Railway Station.
3. After the Joint survey was carried out, it was decided that the Railway
Authority will furnish a Map of the proposed site i.e from abandoned Haflong
Hill Railway Station till Jatinga Railway Station to the District Judiciary,P.W.D
4. The PWD (Bldg) will then prepare a site plan on the Map furnished by the
Railway Authority.
5. The PWD (Bldg) will then furnish the site plan to the District Judiciary.
6. The District Judiciary will then furnish the site plan prepared alongwith a
proposal of the total land required for establishment of Permanent Court
Complex along with residential Quarters for Officers and Staff to the Railway
Authority as per specifications of Hon’ble Gauhati High Court, Guwahati. A
copy of which will be sent to the NCHAC, Dima Hasao and the District
7. The District Judiciary will then seek N.O.C from the Railway Authority for
establishment of Permanent Court Complex along with residential Quarters for
Officers and Staff.
Note :
I. The Authorities of Railway Deptt. contacted their superiors at Lumding
Division who promised, assured and declared that Railway Authority are
ready and willing to part with and handover 150 Bighas of Land for
establishment of Permanent Court Complex along with residential Quarters
for Officers and Staff.
II. Prior to today’s joint survey, a meeting was held on 27.02.2020 at the
conference hall of the District Court complex involving all the stakeholders
including all the Judicial Officers of Dima Hasao, Shri Dipak Jidung, Addl.
D.C, Dima Hasao, Shri Saindesh Ardao, Revenue Secretary,NCHAC,Dima
Hasao, Shri P. Jeme, Revenue Officer, NCHAC, Dima Hasao, Shri P.K Das,
DEN/SPL/LMG, from Divisional Office Lumding (DRM Office, Lumding), Shri
Anurag, Asstt.Divisional Engineer, N.F Railway (HGS), Shri N. Pallei,
SSE/W/TIJTG N.F.Railway, Haflong, Police Authority and others.
III. Today itself the Railway Authority has handed over a copy of the
blueprint/ Map of the concerned land/area (Haflong Hill Railway Station).
IV. The Railway Authority has been requested to demarcate the concerned
land/area (Haflong Hill Railway Station) comprising of 150 Bighas of
Land by erection/affixing of boundary pillars/columns.