Science Write-ups The latest news and
Open Schools Journal for Open Science
…………..……...............................Page 2 science opportunities
Hellenic OCR Team: Cooperation with
Patras Science Park…………….....Page 2
Science in Action
Open School for Open Societies project
………………….….........................Page 3
CREATIONS Final Conference 2018:
“Creating Conditions for Deeper
Learning”……………….............Pages 4-5
1st Training Workshop “Learning Science
Through Theater”……………….......Page 5
#LivingRRI: opening research to the
needs and values of society….…..Page 6
CREATEskills: Social Learning for STEM in
Primary education; next steps..…..Page 6
Events - Save the date
EMINENT 2018 Conference………..Page 7
Neuromyths, and the science behind
them…………………….…..............Page 7
Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years of
Genius…………………...................Page 7
2019 Infoday, Ensuring Excellent
Research………….….....................Page 8
The Art of Rhetoric in Teaching
Practice……..………......................Page 8
European Science Engagement
Conference 2019 ……......….........Page 8 Science View is communicating science to society since 2008,
sharing a vision of science literacy and science awareness.
Science opportunities
Olympiad on Natural and Technological In this issue you will read about:
Hazards 2019.………………….......Page 9 Discover Events, Conferences, Seminars and the most recent
e-Technology Lab Primary Teacher Science News!
Training Session……………….........Page 9
OSOS Summer School 2019..…......Page 9 Open Schools Journal for Open Science
CASE 2019 Athens Summer Open School for Open Societies project
School………………………………Page 10 CREATIONS final conference 2018
Education @ EU #LivingRRI
EU eduNews..................................Page 11
Science in a nutshell Subscribe here if you want to receive monthly these interesting
Science News.........................Pages 12-14
To download the issue click here.
Cover photos from Pixabay
Open Schools Journal for Open Science
The first European peer review scientific journal written by students!
We all know researchers In the same way as researchers share their work,
conduct their research inside students who conduct research at school can also
research centers, Universities, now share their findings with the rest of the world. In
Companies, in nature, the exactly same way as researchers do. Via
oceans even in space. publishing their results in a real scientific journal.
We also know that very often The Open Schools Journal for Open Science is the
students with their teachers first European peer review scientific journal which
become researchers too accepts original papers written by students from
while they conduct research Primary to Secondary schools across Europe under
in their classrooms, school the mentoring of their Teachers on all aspects of
labs, streets or close Science, Engineering and Technology. Students and
communities producing Teachers via school projects produce scientific data
results worth sharing! that are invited to be published in this journal. The
Journal publishes articles on a regular basis.
Once experiments are
finished, samples are gathered, trials are made, Publication is free of charge and the Journal carries
researchers draw conclusions and make articles in English.
discoveries. These findings are important to be The Journal is supported by the Openaire Advance
shared with the rest of the world and this is what we Project and the Open Schools for Open Societies
have been working on! project both funded under the European
Learning how to conduct research is one thing. But
researchers need to explain what they did, why they Find out more about Open Schools Journal for Open
did it, what did they find and what is left Science here!
Hellenic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Team
Cooperation with Patras Science
The Patras Science Park, a prominent Technology the cooperation includes the
Park in the Greek ecosystem of research, exchange of study visits and
technology and innovation, and the Hellenic know-how, technical and
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Team, an scientific support in the use of
innovative crowdsourcing platform for the state-of-the-art technology,
processing and analysis of parliamentary data, are and substantive support for
pleased to announce the launch of their t h e e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l
cooperation. exploitation of innovative
The cooperation agreement will allow the members
of the Hellenic OCR Team to access the Patras For membership and additional enquiries visit the
Science Park network of researchers as well as H e l l e n i c O C R T e a m w e b s i t e ,
specialized know-how from companies in Western or send an email to
Greece, thus paving the way for the exploitation of [email protected].
the results from their research activity. In particular,
Open School for Open Societies
The three-year carried out more than 200 open school projects
Open Schools for and these are shared on the OSOS portal.
Open Societies In conclusion, great results were achieved in the
project (OSOS) aims pilot phase of the Open Schools for Open Societies
to implement an project. The pilot phase will be completed at the
open school end of 2018 and the implementation phase will start
approach at more in January 2019. Curious which schools are already
than 1000 European schools to enrich the learning participating? Look at the OSOS portal and search
experiences of students. An open school is a more for a school to see their level of Openness.
engaging environment for students and will
increase their motivation: student projects are At the end of the implementation phase, at least
connected to real needs from the community and 1000 schools in Europe will have joined the OSOS
can draw upon local expertise and experience. In project. It is expected that together they have
addition, an open school will be inspired by its implemented more than 1500 open school
community and they can use these new insights to projects.
innovate their education.
Different European organisations, such as
universities, schools, policy making organisations,
science centres and organisations representing
school heads and physics, are participating in this
European education project.
Photo Credits: OSOS
The OSOS-project will enable Achieved goals
schools to: in the pilot Is your school interested to participate in the
phase of the OSOS-project?
Reach out to members of
their community and OSOS project Does your school want to become an open school?
build lasting relations The Open Schools Please contact your national coordinator! Your
Offer students the unique for Open Societies national coordinator will ensure that each new
possibility to learn from project aims to school can join an existing network of open schools
real life projects support 1.000 and will also support the school with all the
Develop students’ com- European schools important steps that are necessary to take. New
schools can choose from many tested and
petences such as team to become Open improved open school projects, but they can also
work, problem solving, Schools. What has
presentation and entre- the consortium be supported with the creation of a completely new
preneurial skills achieved until project.
Improve students’ motiva- October 2018? If your school is not taking part yet, please contact
tion and self-esteem More than 200 the national coordinator in your country. If you want
Build a network of stake- primary and to join an OSOS-event, then you can also contact
holders and benefit from secondary your national coordinator.
their knowledge and schools from 10
resources different European Schools can count on:
countries have support around curriculum, pedagogy and
joined the assessment;
adventure in the
pilot phase of the guidelines and advices on different issues
project. The schools are supported by National such as staff development, redesigning time
Coordinators. They have provided assistance on and partnerships with the community;
setting up Open School Development Plans, the a range of possible implementation models;
implementation of at least one open school project and a database full of successful ‘open
and the formation of a network with other open school’ projects.
schools with the same mission. Together, the schools
Continued on next page 3
CREATIONS Final Conference 2018
Can we use art and creativity to introduce complex Learning in Science through Art. A set of innovative
scientific concepts to students? How can we develop workshops for teachers was delivered: They were the
an engaging science classroom and create first ones to experience the classroom of tomorrow,
conditions for deeper learning in science? where the chalkboard is replaced by Augmented
and Virtual Reality Instruments
On the 2nd and 3rd of in order for students to create
November 2018, more than their own Mission to Mars and
150 European teachers had where the music classroom
the opportunity to engage becomes an interactive sound
in a productive dialogue laboratory where students are
between Science and Art able to design, test and 3D
using creativity as a vehicle. print their own virtual musical
With speeches from leading instruments using the iMuSciCA
experts in creative science virtual infrastructures. Teachers
education, stimulating were introduced to data
workshops which introduce sonification using the IPSOS
teachers in the classroom software and forged connections between
of the 21st century and the artistic exhibition Mathematics and Art in the “Everything is Number”
"Everything is Number", the CREATIONS Final exhibition. They explored the application of
Conference "Creating conditions for deeper learning Democratic Values in the Classroom and learned
in Science", organized by Ellinogermaniki Agogi, how to connect Science and Art with the “Learning
provided insights and answers in these crucial issues.
Science through Theater” action.
The conference was initiated by a keynote speech
from Professor Dr. Franz X. Bogner, from the University
of Bayreuth, coordinator of the CREATIONS project,
who presented the project’s vision for “Creative
inquiry-based long-term learning”. The next keynote
speech, “Numbers and Art”, was given by Professor
Peter Baptist, Chair of Mathematics and their
Didactics, University of Bayreuth, coordinator of the
prestigious EU projects SINUS and SINUS – Transfer.
The first day’s keynote speeches were concluded
with the keynote speech: “Creative Encounters with
the Sound of New Physics” in which the sonification of
data coming from particle collisions at the LHC was
demonstrated by Dr. Scott Wilson, Director of
Electroacoustic Studios & Electroacoustic Sound
Theatre, University of Birmingham.
The second day included a plenary session with
presentations regarding STEAM approaches in
Education and how to Create Conditions for Deeper
Continued on next page 4
The second day’s program was framed by two keynote speeches
on “Informal Science Education” by Prof. Martin Storksdieck,
Director of Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning,
College of Education and School of Public Policy, Oregon State
University and the way “Towards a Transcultural Music and
Transcultural Musical Theatre” by Dr. Michael Ellison, Reader and
Composer from the School of Arts of the University of Bristol, UK.
During the second part of the day, teachers involved in activities
of the CREATIONS project presented their work in a dedicated
poster session and participants had the opportunity to visit and
discuss with them about the implementation of creative science
education in the school practice.
The conference was concluded
with the 2017-2018 winning 1st Training Workshop
performance of the Learning “Learning Science Through Theater”
Science Through Theater activity,
“A Seagull in storm”, performed Primary and secondary
by students of the 3rd High teachers from all over
School of Glyfada, Greece. Greece, attended the
The large participation and 1st Training Workshop
enthusiastic feedback provided “Learning Science
by the conference participants, Through Theater” (LSTT),
provides evidence that the on Saturday, November
creative approaches in science 3rd, conducted in Ellino-
education presented by the germaniki Agogi, within
CREATIONS final conference can the framework of the
act as a foreground for CREATIONS Final Conference "Creating Conditions for Deep Learning in
changing the way science is Science".
taught in secondary education In the first part of the workshop, the participants were informed about
using art and creativity as the ways of participating in the activity, how to integrate it into the
vehicles. educational process, and the capabilities and tools provided to the
Moreover, Ass. Prof. Zacharoula Smyrnaiou, NKUA, presented the
pedagogical framework of the activity, as it has been shaped in the
context of the European project OSOS, and the benefits of the activity
both for students and pupils. Additionally, the director Mr. Argyris
Mardas and the musician, Mr. Petros Stergiopoulos, gave guidelines to
the participants on how to write a script, to direct a theatrical play and
to compose or integrate music in their performance.
The workshop was concluded with a practical exercise, entitled
"Creativity and Inquiry based Learning". When it comes to educational
purposes, traditionally the body is rarely used to its full potential. Every
involvement of the body has mostly been excluded from the
educational practice, the process of learning, and interaction among
students. The lesson’s main aim was to give the participants the
opportunity to learn how to stage a play and dramatize scientific
concepts based on
material from any field of
Photo Credits:
Photo Credits: Science View
Ellinogermaniki Agogi
#LivingRRI: opening research to
the needs and values of society
The 4th NUCLEUS Conference, Living RRI: Opening accumulation. Awareness and mitigation of possible
research to the needs and values of society, took negative outcomes of innovations should be on top
place on 11-12 October 2018. The largest RRI of the research concern related to innovation and
themed conference in recent years in Europe, regional development studies.
brought together several stakeholders (researchers,
practitioners, science communicators, policy
makers, NGO and CSO representatives) under the
common scope, to discuss how RRI could open
research to the needs and values of society. The
NUCLEUS Conference acted as a platform of
discussion between the stakeholders and as well as
to set the basis for collaboration and networking
between relevant projects. During the Conference
there were discussions concerning the relation
between RRI and regional development. Keynote
speeches shared insights into the scope for, and
importance of, aligning practices and procedures
between all actors to deliver meaningful public
policies for societal impact. It was made clear that
innovations are no longer seen as purely means of
gaining economic growth and technological
advancement. The social, cultural, environmental
and political aspects of innovations are more widely
discussed, which shifts the focus to broad impact
and implications of innovations. Business and public
sector activities can cause unanticipated outcomes,
also of a harmful nature, such as environmental
degradation, health threats, or increase of socio-
economic stratification due to intense capital
CREATEskills: Social Learning for STEM in
Primary education; next steps
The second transnational meeting of the CREATEskills project took place
on 26-27 September at the premises of the University of Murcia in Spain.
Partners from four different EU countries agreed on the steps forward which
include the development of an Online Web Platform which will create a
community for primary
education stakeholders
and practitioners and will
host the Training Materials which will be based on
innovative best practices selected across the consortium.
As from spring 2019 primary teachers from Greece, Spain,
Portugal and Lithuania will be engaged both in
professional development trainings and in implementation
activities in their classrooms. To stay up to date with the
latest developments of the innovative project you can
follow the website and social media. Photo Credits: CREATEskills
EMINENT 2018 Conference
New models for developing teachers’
Lisbon, Portugal 13-14/12/2018
EMINENT is the Experts Meeting in Education Networking annual event organized by European Schoolnet. It brings
stakeholders from across Europe together to discuss the next challenges and solutions for innovative education.
Participation is by invitation only.
EMINENT 2018 will be devoted to new models for developing teachers’ competences. The topic is of high interest
to many Ministries of Education across Europe, who decided to make it this year’s focal issue. Developing teachers’
competences is crucial, as they are the key agents of change and can drive innovation in the classroom, to
benefit all students.
During the conference participants will have the opportunity to explore and discuss with experts and colleagues
about new trends in teacher training models, and tackle questions such as what are the most effective forms of
online professional development, and how can we successfully assess, recognize and certify it? Innovative case
studies from our member countries will also be showcased in order to share best practice, and discuss
collaboratively about challenges and solutions.
More info here.
Neuromyths, and the science behind
BNA Christmas Symposium 2018
London, UK 17/12/2018
The Symposium, organized by the British Neuroscience Association, will give the attendants the opportunity to
discuss common misconceptions about brain mechanisms, (e.g. that we only use 10% of the brain); the science
of why and how neuromyths arise (e.g. cognitive biases) and ways the neuroscience community can help address
or prevent mis-understandings in neuroscience.
Neuromyths emerge in many forms, and research suggests that people are often seduced by neuroscientific
explanations, even if these are not accurate or even relevant.
Scientists and neuroscientists are by no means immune to neuromyths either; studies have shown that trained
neuroscientists as well as the general public still find them hard to dismiss.
Such myths can be a drain on time and money, and it is important to explore and expose them, determine their
impact, and to consider how we can address them.
More info here.
Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years of Genius
Athens, Greece 30/11-30/3/2019
A new and immersive exhibition, ‘Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years of Genius’ comes to Athens, allowing visitors to
explore the life and work of this great artist and inventor, 500 years after his death. Masterpieces, inventions,
codices, and drawings from the Renaissance master come to life in an experience that is simultaneously
enchanting, entertaining and educational.
75 models of his inventions, natural reproductions, interactive machines and copies of his famous codes are on
display, with more than 200 exhibits that have been designed in collaboration with the Leonardo da Vinci Museum
in Rome.
More details at:
2019 Infoday, Ensuring Excellent Research
by Investing in Researchers Talents, Skills
and Career Development
Brussels, Belgium 29/01/2019
Implementing the Human Resources Strategy to comply with art. 32 of the H2020 multi-beneficiary grant
agreement. This INFO-DAY addresses 'newcomer' universities, research institutions and research funders investing in
researchers’ talents, skills and career development by implementing the 40 principles of the 'European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C)'.
It also addresses beneficiaries and potential applicants of H2020 contracts/projects who have to comply with
article 32 stipulating the need to take measures to implement the European Charter and Code (C&C) for the
benefit of all researchers and their institution. It also brings forward policy issues related to skills and talent
management in an Open Science environment closely linked to the European Framework for Research Careers.
Seven invited high-level speakers from different European research or funding institutions will evidence benefits and
impact, showcase improved training opportunities, career development and talents and skills management in their
respective institutions.
For more information and registration click here.
The Art of Rhetoric in Teaching Practice:
Seeking the Modern Forms of Rhetoric Education
Athens, Greece 9-10/2/2019
Rhetoric and the Greek word “Logos”, meaning both logical thought and speech, is the cornerstone of
education. Thus, knowing how to efficiently use spoken and written language, is an integral part of teaching that
can shape students’ intellectual and social life. But, how is the art of rhetoric and “logos” taught in modern
education? How do we help students to become sufficient speakers, readers, writers in different fields?
The Art of Rhetoric in Teaching Practice: Seeking the Modern Forms of Rhetoric Education Conference , which
will be held on 9-10 February 2019 in Athens, Greece, is organized by the "Saint Paul-Delasal" School in
collaboration with the Hellenic Institute of Rhetorical and Communication Studies (IRESE) on the occasion of the
celebration the 10 years of operation of Primary School in Greece.
More info at:
European Science Engagement
Conference 2019
Vienna, Austria 9-10/5/2019
The next European Science Engagement (EUSEA) Annoual Conference will be held, on 9-10 May 2019, in one of
the most beautiful, open-minded, diverse and dynamic cities in Europe – Vienna!
Cultures of (Science) Communication will be the main focus of #EUSEA19. Participants will share, discuss and
develop the diversity of knowledge, experiences, tools and methodologies that make our field vital and relevant
across boundaries of institutions, subjects and countries.
For the first time, three partners will join expertise and enthusiasm to create an excellent program: The conference
will be co-organized by EUSEA, OPEN SCIENCE and SCIENCE CENTER NETWORK. Based on your proposals and ideas
there will be developed two days filled with lively discussions, swirling debates, inspiring talks and challenging
The call for proposals is open until 7 January 2019.
More info at:
Olympiad on Natural and Technological
Hazards 2019
Natural hazards and technological accidents can cause victims and great economic losses. If prevention is not
possible for many hazards, we can try to reduce vulnerability to disasters by providing, in particular to teachers and
school students, accurate information on hazards, disasters and how to mitigate its consequences.
In order to foster knowledge on hazards and the associated preventive measures among secondary school
students, an Olympiad on Natural and Technological Hazards will be organized in April 2019 under the auspices
of the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA) of the Council of Europe, a platform for
co-operation between 26 countries of Europe and the South of the Mediterranean.
Secondary education teachers who want to participate in OLYMPIAD2019, have to create a team and to report
the data of the school unit to which they belong. The registration is made through the link below, until Tuesday 9
April 2019 at 9.00 am. (GMT):
More info here.
e-Technology Lab Primary Teacher Training
Primary school teachers from ESA Member and Associate States are invited to apply to technology and robotics
workshops to be delivered by the ESA Education Office at the e-Technology Lab in the ESA Education Training
Centre, located in Belgium, on 7-8 March 2019.
During each of the workshops, teachers will be guided through activities that can be performed in the
classroom, such as creating robots using the LEGO WeDO hardware and software and using them to perform a
‘mission on Mars’. Gear and pulleys, energy, and computer programming are among the subjects that will be
covered and investigated. Teachers will also be introduced to Astro Pi, a Raspberry Pi computer used to explore
computer programming in a space context!
Inspired by real ESA space missions, teachers will learn about the different kinds of expertise and skills necessary
to make a space project successful, and how they can use space to engage their students in STEM subjects.
The workshops are open to primary school teachers of STEM-related subjects residing and working within any ESA
Member or Associate State. Priority will be given to teachers who have never attended any ESA e-Technology
Lab (formerly e-robotics lab) workshop before.
The deadline to submit application is 4 January 2019 for the workshop taking place on 7-8 March 2019.
Applicants will be notified on 11 January, whether successful or not. The number of available places is limited, so
apply now so as not to miss this opportunity!
More info here.
OSOS Summer School 2019
Are you a school head or a teacher seeking to bring innovation to your school
and open it to the local community? The OSOS Summer School aims to offer a
high-impact and transformative experience in personal and organisational
level through a series of workshops, good practices and challenges.
Contributing to your own professional development, we will provide open
school strategies and tools to implement the necessary changes in order to
introduce openness in your own school. During the OSOS Summer School,
personal and individualized support will empower you to engage in innovative
practices. Instead of suggesting a one solution fits all approach, you will learn
how to choose existing or design new open school activities addressing real needs of the local community.
More information about the training and the Funding opportunities of Erasmus can be found at
or please contact [email protected] for further information.
CASE 2019 Athens Summer School
“An innovative summer school that marries Creativity, Arts and
Science in primary Education”
Science View, partner οf the Erasmus+ programme CASE (Creativity, Art and Science in primary Education),
participates in the organization of the second summer school on 30 June - 5 July 2019. Join the 5-days intensive
training in science education at Golden Coast hotel at Marathon (just outside Athens), for teachers, early stage
researchers, artists as well as science communicators that are working with primary schools.
CASE summer school elaborates a methodology that regards teachers as agents of change. It aims to empower
their profession with skills and competencies that will enable them to widen their teaching capabilities by
incorporating creativity and art in science education.
The scope is to motivate participants to become aware of specific weaknesses in their own practice and the need
to make necessary improvements aligned to the guidelines of Europe for the future of science education.
Enhancing teacher skills, strengthening their ability to motivate innovation and creativity is crucial. It is precisely the
enrichment of the creative elements in Inquiry Based Science Education as an integral part of such a system,
based on a wealth of existing European knowledge, which is the cornerstone of the CASE summer school.
The CASE summer school is the collective construct of innovative case studies for creative science inquiry, namely
Learning Science Though Theater, Learning Science Though Puppetry and Learning Science Though Slowmation &
Digital Storytelling.
You can take part in by:
1. Apply for Our Institutional Grant (for partner institutions only). Applications open on 15 December 2018 and
close on 28 February 2019 at 23:59 CET .
More info
2. Pay a Registration Fee. Registrations open on 15 December 2018 and close on 15 May 2019 at 23:59 CET.
More info
3. Apply for ERASMUS+ Mobility Grant. Applications must be submitted through your organization before 5
February 2019 at noon 12:00 (Brussels time).
More info
For more information see
or contact [email protected]
Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, CASE is led by the
Hogskulen Pa Vestlandet (HVL), with the following partners:
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (AUTH), Dublin City
University (DCU), Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA), Science View
(SV), Speel Je Wijis (SPEEL), Klaipedos Universitetas (KU).
EU edu News
Education and Training Monitor 2018
The Monitor is the European Commission's flagship States. The full report for
annual publication on education and training in the EU. 2018 that was published
With its international comparison and country analysis, mid-October.
the Education and Training Monitor fuels the debate on
priority themes for education and informs national Access the EC’s Education
education reform debates. Relying on a broad range and Training Monitor 2018
of quantitative and qualitative sources, the Education here.
and Training Monitor includes Eurostat data,
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) studies and surveys as well as the
analysis of education systems by the Eurydice network.
The Monitor is the reliable and up-to-date source of
information for peer learning among the 28 EU Member
Erasmus+ call for proposals 2019
The Erasmus+ Programme is one of the flagship strategic goal towards establishing a European
initiatives and achievements of the European Union as Education Area by 2025.
a whole. The European Commission published its 2019
call for proposals for the Erasmus+ programme.
Additionally, the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2019 has
been published outlining all relevant information for
interested applicants about the rules and the different
calls of the programme. The total expected budget to
be allocated is €3 billion for next year, including €30
million which is to be dedicated for European
Universities. This new initiative, is another part of the
Cedefop’s new European skills index: a tool for
informed policy-making
The European Skills Index (ESI) is Cedefop’s composite various layers and finally the Index score is formed. It is
indicator measuring the performance of EU skills a tool that makes understanding and analysing the
systems. The ESI measures countries’ “distance to the performance of skills systems, within and across EU
ideal” performance. This ideal performance is chosen Member States, possible for the first time.
as the highest achieved by any country over a period
of 7 years. The ideal performance is scaled to be 100
and the scores of all countries are then computed and
compared to that. The ESI consists of three pillars; skills
development, activation and matching, each of which
measures a different aspect of a skills system. The
scores are calculated across countries at the
indicators’ level. The scores are then averaged at the
On 16 November 2018 metrologists and policy-makers from 60
countries around the world gathered at the General Conference on
Weights and Measures in Versailles. Member states made history by
voting to adopt the most sweeping change to the International System
of Units since its inception in 1960. The change included new definitions
for a number of fundamental units, perhaps most significantly the
kilogram. The new definition of the kilogram uses a measurement from
another fixed value from nature, Planck’s constant (h).
NASA made history on 26 November 2018 with its newest Mars probe,
the InSight Mars lander, will touch down on the flat plains of Elysium
Planitia to study the Red Planet's core like never before. NASA's InSight
lander touched down safely on the Martian surface, pulling off the first
successful Red Planet landing since the Curiosity rover's arrival in August
2012 — on the seventh anniversary of Curiosity's launch, no less. Armed
with a crane, heat probe and seismometer, InSight will look deep to
understand Marsquakes and other Martian secrets. See our full
coverage of the mission below. (Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
China is about to write history on astronautics. In December, the country
will launch the first spacecraft ever to land on the farside of the moon.
Another craft, slated for takeoff in 2019, will be the first to bring lunar
rocks back to Earth since 1976. These two missions — the latest in
China’s lunar exploration series named after the Chinese moon
goddess, Chang’e - are at the forefront of renewed interest in exploring
our nearest celestial body. India’s space agency as well as private
companies based in Israel and Germany are also hoping for robotic
lunar missions in 2019.
Shining a light onto the skin could become a new test to see if people
are in the earliest stages of diabetes and heart disease. The approach
may offer a way of screening people for these health conditions that’s
quicker and easier than current methods that include blood tests, and
assessing risk factors such as people’s weight and family history. The
method works because glucose in blood and other bodily fluids can
randomly stick to many different protein molecules in skin and other
tissues. “It’s like glue,” says Bruce Wolffenbuttel of the University of
Groningen in the Netherlands.
Scientists have created a solar atlas of Egypt, revealing where the sun’s
rays shine most brilliantly and where dust storms obstruct its light. These
are just a couple of many applications coming out of schemes to help
less developed countries tap into openly available data pouring out of
programmes such as the European Union’s Copernicus Earth
observation system, which supplies satellite, airborne and surface-based
measurements and services. These schemes are enabling
governments, private companies and research institutes to zero in on
data that can be used to address pressing local and national problems.
(© European Union, 1995-2018)
Continued on next page 12
Creativity is often defined as the ability to come up with new and useful
ideas. Psychology and neuroscience researchers have started to
identify thinking processes and brain regions involved with creativity.
Recent evidence suggests that creativity involves a complex interplay
between spontaneous and controlled thinking — the ability to both
spontaneously brainstorm ideas and deliberately evaluate them to
determine whether they’ll actually work. Despite this progress, the
answer to one question has remained particularly elusive: What makes
some people more creative than others? A new study examined
whether a person’s creative thinking ability can be explained, in part, by
a connection between three brain networks.
The next NASA Mars rover will hunt for signs of ancient life in what used to
be a river delta, the agency announced on November 19. The rover is
expected to launch in July 2020 and to land on Mars around February
18, 2021. It will seek out signs of past life in the sediments and sands of
Jezero crater, which was once home to a 250-meter-deep lake and
a river delta that flowed into the lake. Any evidence of life that may
once have existed in the lake water, or even evidence that came from
the river’s headwaters and flowed downstream, could be preserved in
the rocks that are there today.
Artificial cells have attracted much attention as substitutes for natural
cells. There are many different forms of artificial cells. They can be
integral biological cell imitators with cell-like structures and exhibit some
of the key characteristics of living cells. Alternatively, they can be
engineered materials that only mimic some of the properties of cells.
These artificial cells can have applications in many fields from medicine
to environment. Nevertheless, recent progress in the formulation of
artificial cells ranging from simple protocells and synthetic cells to cell-
mimic particles, suggests that the construction of living life is now not an
unrealistic goal.
Athens is the winner of this year's European Capital of Innovation Awards,
funded by the EU research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, a
prize that enables European cities to showcase their contribution to
developing local innovation ecosystems for the benefit of businesses
and the wellbeing of their citizens. The runner-up cities - Aarhus,
Hamburg, Leuven, Toulouse, and Umeå - received €100,000 each. The
prize money will be used to scale up local innovation activities and
collaborate with other cities. The City of Athens has placed a lot of
importance to innovation and how it can help the local community
bring about change and open up to the world.
When it comes to measuring ice loss at the poles, and predicting what
might happen next, scientists need as much accurate data as they can
get. A new study published in Scientific Reports, suggests there's a big
source of geothermal heat underneath East Antarctica that we haven't
yet factored into our calculations. Ice in this area appears to be melting
from the bottom up, according to radar readings taken by an aircraft
flying over the frozen continent. The radar was able to penetrate through
three kilometres (nearly two miles) of ice to map the conditions
underneath it. As the base of the Antarctic ice sheet melts, meltwater
drains away and fills up subglacial lakes downstream.
Continued on next page 13
Around a fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions are produced by
industries so if we’re going to work towards an emission-free society then
this is a good place to start. And one promising technology may have a
key role to play. 'Hydrogen and fuels derived (from it) is capable of
reducing the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels in the very, very
long term, down to zero,’ said Klaus Scheffer, project manager at
Siemens. ‘You don’t need fossil energies in a future world.’ The
technology is green hydrogen and if this is powered with renewable
energy then it produces no carbon emissions. (Image credit - Siemens) (© European Union, 1995-2018)
More than half of the work that’s done on plant earth will be completed
by robots or some form of automation by the year 2025, according to
the latest projection from the World Economic Forum. That’s the
equivalent of some 75 million jobs lost in many fields, though the
organization also estimates that society’s push to automation will create
a lot more jobs than it eliminates. A lot of the automated work will
probably be in fields like information and data processing, where robots
will overtake humans in terms of task hours logged by the year 2022.
WEF’s report estimates that by then, automation will handle about 28
percent of the task hours spent on decision making, up from about 19
percent today.
Cancer treatments are suspected to accelerate certain aging
processes in the body. A new study has found that indicators of such
biological aging correlate with declines in cognitive function in women
who had undergone breast cancer treatment several years earlier.
Published early online in CANCER, the findings point to an aging-like
effect of cancer treatments and further connect this to cognitive
decline. Certain treatments, including radiation and some
chemotherapeutic drugs, work by damaging the DNA of cancer cells,
but they can also cause damage to DNA of normal cells, which can
contribute to accelerated biological aging.
Scientists are working to dramatically speed up the development of
fusion energy in an effort to deliver power to the electric grid soon
enough to help mitigate impacts of climate change. The arrival of a
breakthrough technology—high-temperature superconductors, which
can be used to build magnets that produce stronger magnetic fields
than previously possible—could help them achieve this goal.
Researchers plan to use this technology to build magnets at the scale
required for fusion, followed by construction of what would be the
world's first fusion experiment to yield a net energy gain. (Photo Credit:
Ken Filar)
According to the World Health Organization, air pollution currently poses
the biggest environmental risk to human health. A new type of outdoor
filter that could cut city air pollution and is scheduled to be debuted at
the 2024 Paris Olympics has been awarded the €3 million Horizon Prize
on materials for clean air. The prize, which was announced on 30
October at the Innovative Industries for Smart Growth Conference in
Vienna, Austria, was launched by the European Union in 2015 to find the
most affordable, sustainable and innovative solution to reduce the
concentration of particulate matter in urban areas.
(© European Union, 1995-2018)
Mr. Menelaos Sotiriou is a science writer
and communicator. He was the editor of
the official Research and Technology
online magazine in Greece, E&T ( that was published from the
General Secretariat of Research and
Technology. He started his professional
career by developing various Management Systems,
mostly in the field of Education as well as Health Care
and Telecommunications, in over 40 public and private
Organisations. He is a certified auditor and has realised
over 50 audits, mostly in the field of Quality
Management Systems and Assurance. The last twelve
(12) years he is running (project management) and
organising European and national projects for several
institutions (including research institutions) mainly in the
areas of new and innovative technologies (ICT). He has
been involved in more than 30 EU projects in the areas
of SiS, SSH, ICT, Research for the Benefit of SMEs. He has
vast experience in networking activities as the project
Coordinator of EUROSiS Project that is the Network of the
Science in Society NCPs. (Greek NCP for SiS
Programme). During this project he has organized a lot
of brokerage events as well as info days / trainings
concerning the participation of institutions in the specific
programme. He is holding the position of President of
Science View ( a nonprofit, non
governmental organization that has expertise in Science
Communication and Science Journalism. He is
specialised in science communication, organisation of
events (science cafes, conferences, science festivals,
exhibitions, science weeks), publications, science
writing, outreach activities for young students (mainly in
the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy and
health), and creativity in science education
(Introduction of creative ways to provide science
education like science theatre, music and science).
Finally, he is included in the Evaluators’ Data Base of
theEuropean Commission for the HORIZON2020 and of
the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and also he had
participated in several EC meetings as an expert in
Science Communication and Journalism issues.