AASTERINIAN rest peacefully during their travels. The architecture of
Messenger of Io such shrines is generally simple, with building designs
Demigod that emphasize functionality and comfort. A shrine
Symbol: Grinning dragon’s head typically has a library, or at least a shelf holding a few
Home Plane: Outlands miscellaneous books, with a sign indicating that travel-
Alignment: Chaotic neutral ers are welcome to take a book if they leave one book to
Portfolio: Learning, invention, pleasure replace it.
Worshipers: Chaotic dragonbloods, free thinkers
Cleric Alignments: CG, N, CN, CE Rites
Domains: Chaos, Dragon*, Luck, Travel, Trickery Every time a worshiper learns or creates something new, he
APPENDIX: [Charm, Illusion, Trade] is honoring Aasterinian. Whether laughing with pleasure,
DR AGON Favored Weapon: Scimitar (claw) smiling with delight, or sighing with contentment, the
Messenger’s followers remember their god.
Aasterinian is a cheeky deity who enjoys learning through
play, invention, and pleasure. She is Io’s messenger, a huge Herald and Allies
brass dragon who enjoys disturbing the status quo. Aasterinian’s herald on the Material Plane is an ancient
She loves all who enjoy innovation and whimsy and brass dragon with a turquoise-sheened forehead bear-
is accepting of all dragonblood creatures. Spellscales ing a golden star in the center. Her allies are chaotic or
prove exceptionally amusing to her. She enjoys their neutral dragons, half-dragons, and draconic creatures
changeable natures. of all sorts.
Aasterinian is flighty and quick-witted. She encour- The Acquisitor, the Hoardmistress
ages her followers to think for themselves, rather than Lesser Deity
relying on the word of others. The worst crime, in Symbol: A 12-faceted gem
Aasterinian’s eyes, is not trusting in yourself and your Home Plane: Outlands
Illus. by W. England own devices. Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Acquisitiveness, status, wealth
Clergy Worshipers: Dragonbloods, those who seek wealth
Aasterinian’s clerics are typically wanderers who travel in Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, N, CN, NE
disguise or secrecy. The majority of her clerics are draconic Domains: Dragon*, Protection, Wealth* [Cavern,
or half-dragon humanoids. Spellscales who become clerics Metal]
often find Aasterinian the most compatible deity Favored Weapon: Scimitar (claw)
for them.
Her followers enjoy friendly relations with Astilabor represents the natural draconic desire
those of Garl Glittergold, Fharlanghn, Olidam- to acquire treasure and power. She dislikes the
mara, and similar deities. naked greed displayed by Tiamat
and her followers. She appears as
Quests a Huge dragon who shimmers
Aasterinian’s quests are more variable than with all the chromatic and metal-
most other deities’ tasks. There’s no pre- lic colors of dragonkind.
dicting what she’ll ask of her follower.
Almost all involve travel and new ex- Dogma
periences, though. The quests upon Astilabor values wealth and power,
which she sends a supplicant tend but without any stigma of greed.
to focus more on the journey than She instills in dragonkind the
the destination. innate need for collecting and pro-
tecting the hoard. She claims that
Prayers she cannot abide theft of any kind
Aasterinian values diversity of from her worshipers, but often turns
experience, learning, and inno- a blind eye if such acts are performed
vation. Prayers to her often take in the name of building one’s hoard.
the form of expressions of desire for
change. One daily prayer is “Let today Clergy
differ from both yesterday and tomorrow,” Astilabor accepts only clerics with an el-
expressing a desire for new experiences. ement of neutrality in their alignment, the
better to remain pure to the goal of acquiring
Temples and protecting the hoard. Her clerics prefer
Temples to the goddess are rare in the extreme, not to become involved in conflicts between
though simple shrines dot the landscape— Holy symbol dragons, but often reward those whose hoards
quiet, hidden places where worshipers can of Aasterinian become large and valuable.
Astilabor is revered by dragons of all types and align- Lesser Deity APPENDIX:
ments, but actively worshiped by few. Most at least Symbol: Star above a milky nebula
scratch out her symbol as a protective ward over their Home Plane: Celestia DR AGON
hoards. DEITIES
Alignment: Lawful good
Astilabor’s worshipers are friendly toward Portfolio: Good dragons, wind, wisdom
those of Moradin and Garl Glittergold Worshipers: Good dragons, anyone seek-
(since those gods respect the value ing protection from evil dragons
of a gem or coin as much as any- Cleric Alignments: LG, NG
one), but they distrust followers of Domains: Air, Dragon*, Good, Luck,
Olidammara, whom they believe to Protection [Nobility, Storm]
be thieves at heart. Favored Weapon: Heavy pick (bite)
Quests Holy symbol Bahamut is revered in many locales. Illus. by W. England
Acquiring a specific item of val- of Astilabor Though all good-aligned dragons
ue or a set amount of gold to add pay homage to Bahamut, gold, sil-
to one’s hoard are the most com- ver, and brass dragons hold him
mon pursuits of the followers of in particularly high regard. Other
Astilabor. If a worshiper offends dragons, even evil ones (except per-
her, the treasures gained by the haps his archrival Tiamat), respect
quest are turned over to one of her Bahamut for his wisdom and power.
In his natural form, Bahamut is
Prayers a long, sinuous dragon covered in silver-
Prayers to Astilabor are often performed white scales that sparkle and gleam even in
while counting one’s hoard. While running the dimmest light. Bahamut’s catlike eyes are
one’s hands or claws through a pile of gold coins, deep blue, as azure as a midsummer sky, some
a worshiper might say, “All this gold belongs say. Others insist that Bahamut’s eyes are a frosty
to me. May I add to my riches tenfold, ten- indigo, like the heart of a glacier. Perhaps the
fold times.” colors merely reflect the Platinum Dragon’s
shifting mood.
Temples Dogma
There is a decided tension between Astilabor’s worship- Bahamut is stern and very disapproving of evil. He
ers’ need to add to their own hoards and their desire to brooks no excuses for evil acts. In spite of this stance, he
honor their deity. Temples to Astilabor are generally is among the most compassionate beings in the multi-
grand structures that are secure and well protected. The verse. He has limitless empathy for the downtrodden,
lavish furnishings and accoutrements are typically ob- the dispossessed, and the helpless. He urges his fol-
jects loaned to the temple by the congregation. lowers to promote the cause of good, but prefers
A temple might have elaborate platinum to let beings fight their own battles when they
candlesticks and wall sconces provided can. To Bahamut, it is better to offer informa-
by one dragon and cloth-of-gold wall tion, healing, or a (temporary) safe refuge
hangings provided by another. The rather than to take others’ burdens upon
ownership of each item is made clear oneself.
by some means, usually a particular An equally important aspect to Ba-
mark engraved on an item or sewn into it. hamut is his constant conflict with Tiamat.
He continually stands in opposition to her
Rites world-dominating schemes. Most recently, she
Most of Astilabor’s rites involve a group of suppli- has begun a campaign to heavily populate the world
cants seeking to gain wealth. Some of these groups with her spawn. Bahamut has answered this outbreak
resemble traditional adventuring parties. of evil by recruiting stalwart heroes to his side—the
Herald and Allies In addition to the dragonborn, Bahamut is served
Astilabor’s herald is a neutral 19th-level draconic by seven great gold wyrms that often accompany him
human rogue. Her allies include dragons, half- when he visits the Material Plane.
dragons, and draconic creatures. Sometimes these
allies have celestial or fiendish lineage, but even Clergy
then those individuals always have a neutral com- Bahamut accepts only good clerics. Clerics of Bahamut,
ponent to their alignment. whether they are dragons, half-dragons, or other beings
BAHAMUT attracted to Bahamut’s philosophy, strive to take constant
but subtle action on behalf of good, intervening
The Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Holy symbol wherever they are needed but striving to do as
Dragons, Lord of the North Wind of Bahamut little harm in the process as possible.
Bahamut’s chief foe is Tiamat, and this enmity is Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
reflected in the attitude of each deity’s worshipers. Follow- Base Atk +12; Grp +32
ers of Bahamut respect Heironeous, Moradin, Yondalla, Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack
and other lawful good deities. Special Actions breath weapon, Tempest Breath (DC 18)
Quests Abilities Str 34, Dex 9, Con 26, Int 23, Wis 24, Cha 23
Bahamut’s worshipers are most apt to go on a quest to Feats Alertness, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
destroy or stop one of Tiamat’s spawn. Whenever they have
a reasonable opportunity to do so, followers of Bahamut Tempest Breath*
act to thwart Tiamat or her minions. *Described in Draconomicon, page 74
Skills Diplomacy +23, Handle Animal +21, Intimidate +21,
APPENDIX: Prayers Knowledge (arcane) +21, Knowledge (history) +21,
Worshipers follow the philosophy that one should “pray Knowledge (nature) +21, Knowledge (the planes) +21,
DR AGON with one’s deeds, not one’s mouth.” Each act that promotes Knowledge (religion) +21, Listen +24, Ride +2, Search
DEITIES the welfare of good dragonkind or thwarts the depravity +19, Sense Motive +22, Spot +24, Survival +9
of evil dragonkind is a prayer of action.
Breath Weapon (Su) 1/day, 40-ft. cone, 12d6 cold, Reflex DC
Temples 24 half
Temples to Bahamut are rare in the extreme. Those that exist
are beautiful, elegant structures with clean, simple lines. Hook This long, sinuous dragon is covered in silver-white
The furnishings of a temple are simple, without embellish- scales that sparkle and gleam with a light all their own. Its
ment or adornment. The building includes meeting rooms catlike eyes shift between the blue of an azure sky and the
where followers can gather to worship or to plan their next chill of a frozen glacier, as its mood determines.
campaign against Tiamat’s spawn, as well as smaller, private
rooms where individuals can pray, meditate, or rest and An aspect of Bahamut is an embodiment of a small
recuperate in privacy. portion of the deity’s life force. Unlike the much more
Many gold, silver, and brass dragons maintain simple powerful avatars of Bahamut, an aspect of Bahamut is not
shrines to Bahamut in their lairs, usually nothing more an extension of the original deity. Rather than extending
elaborate than Bahamut’s symbol scribed on a wall. the deity’s personal self, an aspect is a short-lived echo
Bahamut is not appreciative of being honored by objects, of the deity’s will, a temporary biological expression of
emphasizing deeds instead. divine power.
Rites Occasionally an aspect of Bahamut arises spontaneously
Bahamut’s worshipers and clergy don’t have formal rituals on the deity’s home plane or a closely related plane. More
or ceremonies. The only activity that one would call a rite often, aspects are called forth on other planes by magic
is the Rite of Rebirth (see page 8), by which a humanoid of some kind, including the planar ally and planar binding
becomes a dragonborn. spells or the summon aspect of Bahamut spell (see page 118).
In any case, they are short-lived, usually fading back into
Herald and Allies nonexistence within a day.
Bahamut uses a mature adult celestial gold dragon as his
herald. His allies include good dragons, half-dragons, Aspects of Bahamut are more willing than most divine
draconic creatures, and dragonborn. aspects to converse with mortals. Their diplomatic skills
If a dragonborn strays from her holy duties, Bahamut are legendary, though they only speak from the position
sends one of his aspects to visit her. The aspect endeavors to of superiority due them as representatives of the Master
talk with the transgressor, and uses reason and diplomacy of the North Wind.
to remind her of the commitment she accepted when she
became a dragonborn. Combat
An aspect of Bahamut is a fantastically intelligent combat-
Aspect of Bahamut CR 12 ant. It is fearless, caring nothing for its continued existence
unless its existence is strategically more important than
LG Huge dragon (extraplanar) the tactical damage it can inflict by fighting ingeniously to
the death. Its coldly calculated rage, its capacity for flight,
Init +4; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light and its penchant for well-timed counterattacks make it far
more dangerous than a normal dragon, whose anger and
vision; Listen +24, Spot +24 strength in combat are derived in part from its awareness
of its own mortality.
Aura frightful presence Unless it suits its purposes to be surrounded, an aspect
of Bahamut is quite cagey about picking off its enemies
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic one by one. Whenever possible, it chooses the battlefield
to prevent its foes from using their strengths and their
AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 25 prepared spells. Although an aspect cannot cast spells of
hp 179 (12 HD); DR 5/epic its own, it is willing to team up with spellcasting allies who
Immune cold, sleep, paralysis can provide it with powers that increase its opportunities
Fort +16, Ref +7, Will +14 for surprise.
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 100 ft. (good) CHRONEPSIS
Melee bite + 22 (3d6+12) and
The Silent, The Watcher
2 claws +17 (2d6+6)
Lesser Deity Temples
Symbol: An unblinking draconic eye Temples to Chronepsis are usually mausoleums, places for
Home Plane: Outlands the dead that the living can visit. They feature dozens or
Alignment: Neutral hundreds of large hourglasses that symbolize the trickling
Portfolio: Fate, death, judgment away of the life spans of dragons. No matter whether a
Worshipers: Dragons, those who would observe creature was good, evil, chaotic, lawful, or neutral in
Cleric Alignments: N life—in death, all creatures’ remains are welcome to rest
Domains: Death, Dragon*, Knowledge [Fate, Planning, in Chronepsis’s care.
Favored Weapon: Scythe (claw) Rites
A small ritual part of daily life for worshipers of Chronepsis APPENDIX:
Chronepsis is neutral—silent, unconcerned, and dispas- is to possess and turn over an hourglass at least once a day DR AGON
sionate. He is the draconic god of fate, death, and judgment. to remind them of their own lives trickling away. Often,
His form is colorless and without luster, marking him as before a follower goes to sleep, she turns over an hourglass
an outsider in the struggles between the chromatic and and then spends a moment or two contemplating the
metallic dragons. “empty” glass when she wakes.
Dogma Herald and Allies
Chronepsis is a passionless observer of the world. He Chronepsis’s herald is a neutral wyrm black dragon (one
passes judgment on all dragons when they die, decid- of a rare breed). His allies include neutral dragons, half-
ing where their souls go in the afterlife. Unlike Lendys dragons, and draconic creatures of all sorts. Chronepsis
(see below), Chronepsis is uninterested in justice—he generally does not interfere in events, so his envoys are
merely observes what is and is not. He is also singularly extraordinarily rare. If you are using Draconomicon, his
uninvolved in the activities of the living, and strives herald is a 3rd-level storm drake cleric. His allies include
to remain so. It is said that only a cataclysm of world- battle dragons and all manner of landwyrms (both found
shaking proportions could move Chronepsis from his in Draconomicon) .
disinterest. FALAZURE Illus. by W. England
Clergy The Night Dragon
Chronepsis has very few active worshipers Lesser Deity
and even fewer clerics, since most dragons Symbol: Draconic skull
don’t possess the balanced outlook necessary Home Plane: Hades
for them to avoid interfering in the events Alignment: Neutral evil
they observe. Portfolio: Decay, undeath, exhaustion
The followers of Chronepsis count other Worshipers: Evil dragons, necromancers,
faiths neither as friends nor enemies. undead
Of the other deities, only Boccob the Cleric Alignments: N, LE, NE, CE
Uncaring shares a similar outlook, but Domains: Death, Dragon*, Evil [Dark-
neither deity cares enough to forge an ness, Undeath]
alliance. Favored Weapon: Scimitar (claw)
Quests The terrifying Night Dragon, Falazure, is the
A worshiper of Chronepsis might be tasked lord of energy draining, undeath, decay, and
with retrieving the remains of a dead dragonblood exhaustion. Some claim he has a decaying skeletal
so they can be interred in a temple. It is also form; others believe that he looks like a superan-
not unusual for a follower to be sent to attend and nuated black dragon whose flesh is pulled tight
protect a dying dragon. over his bones.
Prayers Dogma
Worshipers of Chronepsis do not pray in Falazure teaches that even a dragon’s long
any traditional sense. They know that either Holy symbol life span need not be the limit to a dragon’s
petitions for aid or praises of their god’s of Chronepsis existence. Beyond the world of the living is
glory will go unanswered and unheeded. another realm, one of undeath eternal. It is
Prayer is not necessary, since Chronepsis is not swayed generally accepted that Falazure created (or had a hand
by words. Instead, worshipers often meditate upon in creating) the first undead dragons, such as dracoliches,
the cyclical nature of life and death. A common saying, vampiric dragons, and ghostly dragons (see Chapter 4 of
though none would call it a true prayer, is “We begin to Draconomicon for descriptions of these creatures).
die the day we are born.”
Among the draconic gods, perhaps only Bahamut and
Tiamat have more nondragon worshipers than Falazure. 153
Many necromancers of all races revere the Night Garyx the All-Destroyer symbolizes the sheer
Dragon, as well as intelligent undead such as power and destructive force of dragonkind.
liches and especially dracoliches. Some argue that Garyx is actually insane, as
The followers of Falazure count all good- a result of his long residence on the Wind-
aligned faiths as their enemies. They swept Depths of Pandemonium. He appears
occasionally ally with the forces of Nerull, much like a great wyrm red dragon.
but such instances are rare.
Quests Garyx teaches by example, periodically
Falazure’s quests revolve around the traveling to the Material Plane to wreak
APPENDIX: transformation from a living creature unholy swaths of destruction across the
DR AGON to undead status. Sometimes a follow- landscape. Those who revere follow the
er is sent to aid another dragonblood’s example, using their power to bring ruin
transformation, but more often a quest and devastation.
involves the follower’s own change to an undead
creature. Clergy
Garyx pays little or no attention to his clerics and
Prayers worshipers, but they do not care. They believe that
Devout worshipers of Falazure pray every evening he grants them the power to perform acts of destruc-
and midnight to honor the Night Dragon. Their tion, and that is enough. Perhaps curiously, some
prayers celebrate death and decay. For example, druids also revere the renewal aspect of Garyx,
“When night comes, let me wake from the sleep,” or knowing that some devastation is always neces-
“Let me die and be reborn in undeath.” sary for rejuvenation.
Garyx shares traits in common with Kord and
Temples Erythnul, but has no interest in alliances.
Temples to Falazure are always deep beneath Holy symbol
Illus. by W. England the earth, cloaked in darkness and far from of Falazure Quests
the sun and fresh air of the surface world. Wars, battles, and campaigns of destruction are
common quests for worshipers of Garyx.
The rites of Falazure focus on the undead. The ceremonies Prayers
involve either raising up undead minions or working When lighting a fire, a worshiper of Garyx murmurs a
toward transforming oneself into a powerful undead. benison such as “Grant me the power to destroy.”
Herald and Allies Holy symbol Temples
The most common herald Falazure uses is a 16th- of Garyx Few temples to Garyx have been found, though
level half-black dragon necromancer. His allies his worshipers often carve his symbol near
include dragons, half-dragons, and draconic their handiwork.
creatures, usually skillful clerics or necroman-
cers. If you are using Draconomicon, his herald Rites
is a vampiric black dragon. His allies include Garyx’s clerics conduct a variety of rites connect-
undead dragons of all sorts such as ghostly
dragons, skeletal dragons, and zombie ed to the seasons. At the winter solstice, they
dragons (see Draconomicon). celebrate All-Consuming Night, when they
keep a large bonfire lit and followers bring
GARY X a variety of flammable items to be de-
stroyed. At the spring equinox, they hold
Firelord, All-Destroyer, Cleanser of Worlds a Sanctification of Renewal in which the
Lesser Deity ashes at the site of the All-Consuming
Symbol: Reptilian eye superimposed Night bonfire are sifted and examined.
Any useful remains are taken to be reused.
over a flame For instance, bits of metal are taken to be
Home Plane: Pandemonium reforged into swords, armor, or other useful
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Fire, destruction, renewal tools of destruction. Any seedlings that might
Worshipers: Dragons, sorcerers, warlords, some have taken root in the area are nurtured.
druids Herald and Allies
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NE, CE The herald Garyx sends most often is a mature
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Dragon*, Evil, adult red dragon. His allies include chaotic
dragonblood creatures of all kinds and fire
Fire [Renewal] elementals of all sizes.
Favored Weapon: Sickle (claw)
HLAL a small holy symbol of Hlal, reminding the performers
The Jester, The Keeper of Tales that their actions honor that deity.
Lesser Deity
Symbol: An open book Rites
Home Plane: Arborea Her worshipers say that Hlal presides over the first
Alignment: Chaotic good performance of a new entertainment piece by one of her
Portfolio: Humor, storytelling, inspiration followers. An eager performer, conductor, or playwright
Worshipers: Dragons, bards, performers often dedicates this initial presentation to Hlal’s glory (if
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN serious) or for Hlal’s amusement (if comic).
Domains: Chaos, Dragon*, Good, Trickery [Rune]
Favored Weapon: Short sword (claw) Herald and Allies APPENDIX:
Hlal’s herald is a very old copper dragon. Her allies include DR AGON
Hlal is a sleek, copper-colored dragon with a ready grin dragons, bards, and spellscales.
and a happy glint in her eye. Of all the dragon gods, she IO
is the most friendly to nondragons.
The Concordant Dragon, the Great Eternal Wheel, Swallower
Dogma of Shades, the Ninefold Dragon, Creator of Dragonkind
Hlal enjoys sharing stories and songs with those who Intermediate Deity
appreciate such things, regardless of the listener’s race Symbol: A multicolored metallic disk
or background. She has little use for tyrants—even well- Home Plane: Outlands
meaning ones—and even less patience for cruelty or Alignment: Neutral
bullying. She teaches that one must be free of restraint, Portfolio: Dragonkind, balance, peace
whether real or psychological, in order to freely express Worshipers: Dragons
one’s opinions. Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, LE,
Clergy Domains: Dragon*, Knowledge, Magic,
Hlal’s clerics are often cleric/bards who use Strength, Travel, Wealth* [Spell] Illus. by W. England
music, poetry, and tall tales to spread the faith. Favored Weapon: Scimitar (claw)
Places of worship to Hlal are usually simple
shrines, which can be packed up and moved Io is the Ninefold Dragon, known as
to the next town or dragon’s lair at a such because he embodies all align-
moment’s notice. ments within his outlook. Io is regarded
The followers of Hlal have much in as the creator of dragons, subtly ma-
common with those of Olidammara, nipulating the destinies of all dragons
and many characters pay homage to by operating out in the open where
both deities simultaneously. Both nobody suspects his involvement. Io
Hextor and Vecna are among Hlal’s is concerned solely with the affairs of
chief enemies. dragons and dragonkind, interfering in
their lives only when he deems it abso-
Quests lutely necessary.
Whatever Hlal sends a follower to do
is worthy of being memorialized in Dogma
story or song. Quests undertaken for Io cares only for his “children” the
Hlal often involve mistaken identity, dragons and their continued existence
impersonation, and merry resolution. in the world. In some cases, this means
They always feature ample measures of audac- taking the side of the dragons against other
ity, bravery, trickery, and humor. races. In other situations, Io might help non-
dragons fight against a dragon who would
Prayers otherwise jeopardize the survivability of the
Prayers to Hlal center around stories and Holy symbol race as a whole.
humor. They usually involve relating one of of Hlal He prefers to remain out of conflicts
the many tales about Hlal and the heroic acts between dragons, though if such a conflict
of her worshipers. threatens to escalate, he might step in (either personally or
by dispatching Aasterinian or some other servitor).
Established temples to Hlal are only found in the largest Clergy
of cities. They serve as much as performance or concert Io has even fewer clerics or shrines than most of the
halls as they do places of veneration, because entertain- other draconic deities, since his outlook is so broad and
ment and worship are inextricably linked for the devout all-encompassing. Still, even the most devoted cleric of
of Hlal. Even in the smallest of thorps, though, often a Bahamut, Tiamat, or another dragon god pays at least a
theatre, tavern, or other place of performance includes modicum of homage to the Ninefold Dragon. He also 155
occasionally finds clerics or adepts among the reptilian Rites
races, such as lizardfolk and troglodytes. The theme of blending is central to observances in Io’s
Io’s clerics are few, and they have no established honor. He contains the essence of all dragons
dogma. Each individual has his own way of paying and shows no favoritism or enmity toward a
homage to the creator of his kind. given alignment or deity. Since half-dragons
Candidates for Io’s clergy embark on an in- are themselves blended beings, they make
trospective journey to rid themselves of every excellent leaders of such rituals. A typical ac-
judgmental impulse that colors their opinion tivity might be to mix wine with a drop of blood
of the world. They do so in the hope of one day from each participant, then pass the cup for all
perceiving all creatures and events with true to drink.
APPENDIX: objectivity. Many candidates never succeed Io’s name is evoked in matters of dragon
DR AGON in this endeavor, even after a lifetime of heritage and history, and when predicting
soul-searching. the future of dragons and dragonkind.
Io counts no faiths among his enemies, “Only the discerning eye of Io knows how
knowing the value of neutrality in one’s this will turn out.”
outlook. Even those of greatly varying
alignment can find common cause under Herald and Allies
the banner of the Ninefold Dragon. Io’s most impressive herald is Aasterinian,
a Huge (mature adult) brass dragon who
Quests acts as his messenger but also intervenes in
Io’s followers are tasked with seemingly random matters of great importance. Io tends to send a
quests, such as “Decrease the hoard of [a specific herald blooded to the race of the dragonblood recipi-
silver dragon] by one-quarter” or “Fortify [a par- ent. For example, to a half-dragon or a kobold, Io’s
ticular green dragon’s] influence over its herald is a half-dragon/half-kobold 9th-level
region.” Io rarely offers an explanation for fighter/9th-level sorcerer His allies are celestial
his assignments, but expects every follower or fiendish dragons. Planar dragons (described
Illus. by W. England to trust his impartiality. Holy Symbol in Chapter 4 of Draconomicon), although not
Half-dragon followers of Io seek accep- of Io outsiders, can also be called on for assistance
tance and inner peace in the god’s boundless at the DM’s discretion, using the dragon ally
love for his children. A typical quest involves finding spells in Draconomicon.
other half-dragons and revealing Io’s love to them. Lo-
cating or consecrating a shrine to Io—sometimes in LENDYS
hostile territory—is a common mission for clerics of Io. Scale of Justice, the Balancer, Weigher of Lives
Sometimes a follower must journey to the lair of a wyrm Lesser Deity
or older true dragon, face the dweller, and return with a Symbol: Sword balanced on a needle’s point
piece of long-forgotten lore. Home Plane: Mechanus
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Prayers Portfolio: Balance, justice
Io’s prayers have a deep resonating quality that pleas- Worshipers: Dragons
antly reverberates throughout the entire body and Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, N, LE
invigorates the follower. One often-used supplication Domains: Destruction, Dragon*, Law, Protection
is “Io, Swallower of Shades, shine in the face of your [Retribution]
servant.” Among half-dragons, prayers to Io are more Favored Weapon: Longsword (claw)
like questions: “Why, though I walk with you, are my
steps in darkness?” Unlike Chronepsis, who judges the life of a dragon
Io does not usually answer prayers, though he does listen only after its death, Lendys metes out justice during a
to them. dragon’s life. His scales are a tarnished silver, some say
because he cares more about judging others than tending
Temples to himself.
Io has very few temples, as is typical of dragon deities.
Small shrines in his honor are erected among some Dogma
draconic or reptilian peoples. His half-dragon priests are Lendys is the arbiter of dragonkind, serving as judge, jury,
wandering ascetics, some of whom advance to become and executioner alike. When a dragon has committed an
Singers of Concordance. injustice against dragonkind, Lendys (or one of his trio
A shrine to Io is a simple pillared construction open to of great wyrm silver dragons) is dispatched to deal out
the air and covered with a half-dome, the inside of which appropriate justice. Punishments are severe, and appeals
is usually inlaid with draconic lore. These shrines are unheard of.
always located in wide-open spaces, such as the middle
of a desert, the center of a valley, on a featureless plain, or Clergy
atop a mountain peak. The clerics and paladins of Lendys are justice-bringers,
156 often serving as arbiters in local communities. In some
cases, towns even rely on the local draconic worshiper Dogma
of Lendys to parcel out justice. Tamara believes in mercy both in life and in
Clerics of Lendys get along well with wor- death. Not only does she heal the sick and
shipers of St. Cuthbert, and poorly with those tend the injured, she also delivers a merci-
who follow chaotic deities such as Kord, Oli- ful end to those dragons nearing the end of
dammara, or Erythnul. their natural life span. She fiercely detests
those who artificially prolong the life of a
Quests dragon, particularly when it is against that
Lendys primarily assigns his followers to dragon’s will.
quests involving meting out punishment to a
dragon who has harmed dragonkind. Clergy APPENDIX:
Tamara’s clerics are healers, but also deliverers DR AGON
Prayers of death to those who would escape it. They
Prayers to Lendys focus on judgment. They prefer to destroy any undead they encoun-
are recited in solemn tones. ter, particularly draconic undead (such as
Temples Though theirs is a peaceful and merci-
Temples to Lendys are few. More often, a ful faith, the worshipers of Tamara do not
simple shrine, perhaps marked only by the hesitate to stand against evil or tyranny. She
god’s symbol, is set up in a courtroom or other counts Pelor among her staunchest friends and
justice-dispensing place. Falazure, Hextor, Nerull, and Erythnul among
her enemies.
For followers of Lendys, any trial is a holy rite. Quests
The duty of weighing evidence and rendering Holy symbol The most common quest from Tamara is
judgment is taken very seriously. Although of Lendys undertaken in opposition to some endeavor of
Lendys focuses his judgment exclusively on Falazure. Those seeking undeath are corrupt- Illus. by W. England
dragons, worshipers usually generalize any ing the natural order and must be stopped, so
act of justice as an honor entrusted to them Tamara’s quests focus on destroying or thwart-
by their god. ing undead creatures, especially undead dragons.
Herald and Allies Prayers
Lendys uses a contingent of four marut inevitables Prayers to Tamara have joyous, uplifting cadences and are
as his herald. Acting in perfect unison, the often melodious paeans to light and life.
construct performs the task the deity set
them. His allies include silver dragons, Temples
inevitables, and draconic formians. If Tamara’s temples are not simple places
you use Draconomicon, the golems in of worship. They tend to be hospitals,
that book make suitable allies. infirmaries, or hospices where the sick
TAMARA are welcomed. Severely or terminally ill
individuals are cared for with dignity
Her Beneficence, Her Mercy and respect. When a patient dies, his
Lesser Deity passing is greeted as good news, a merci-
Symbol: Seven-pointed star on a ful escape from the cares of this life.
field of black
Home Plane: Elysium Rites
Alignment: Neutral good Births, returns to life (such as through raise
Portfolio: Life, light, mercy dead or resurrection), and even final deaths are
Worshipers: Good dragons, healers, those who celebrated. They are opportunities to reflect upon and
desire mercy praise Tamara’s generosity, mercy and peace.
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, N
Domains: Dragon*, Good, Healing, Strength, Herald and Allies
Sun [Family] An old silver dragon is Tamara’s primary herald.
Favored Weapon: Scimitar (claw) Her allies include good dragons, half-dragons, and
draconic creatures of all sorts.
Tamara is the kindest and most benevolent of the
draconic deities. Some mistake this characteristic
for weakness, though such beings don’t make the
same error twice. She appears as a luminously
beautiful silver dragon, her eyes shining with Holy symbol
the brightness of the sun. of Tamara
The Chromatic Dragon, Creator of Evil Dragonkind Tiamat accepts only evil clerics. Tiamat’s clerics, like Tiamat
Lesser Deity herself, seek to place the world under the domination of
Symbol: Five-headed dragon evil dragons.
Home Plane: Baator Tiamat claims not to need allies, though most
Alignment: Lawful evil believe she has bargains with many archdevils and
Portfolio: Evil dragons, conquest, greed lawful evil deities such as Hextor. Her enemies are
Worshipers: Evil dragons, conquerors numerous, including Heironeous, Moradin, and, of
Cleric Alignments: NE, LE course, Bahamut.
Domains: Destruction, Dragon*, Evil,
APPENDIX: Greed*, Law, Trickery [Hatred, Scaly- Quests
DR AGON kind, Tyranny] The followers of Tiamat are sent on a variety
Favored Weapon: Heavy pick (bite) of quests to further her grand machina-
tions. Some are easily understood, such
All evil dragons pay homage to as aiding one of her spawn against a
Tiamat; green and blue dragons dragonborn who seeks to destroy it.
acknowledge her sovereign- Others are less obvious and include
ty the most readily. Many tasks as varied and hard to under-
are proud to call themselves stand as burying a specific magic
her spawn, able to trace their item at a designated place.
bloodlines back to their god.
Good dragons have a healthy Prayers
respect for Tiamat, though they Tiamat urges her evil dragonblood follow-
try to avoid mentioning or thinking ers to go forth and populate the world, fill it
about her. with her spawn, and either destroy or enslave
In her natural form, Tiamat is a thick-bod- all others. Prayers to Tiamat focus on the goal
Illus. by W. England ied dragon with five heads and a wyvern’s of world domination.
tail. Each head is a different color: white,
black, green, blue, and red. Her massive body Holy symbol Temples
is striped in those colors. of Tiamat Though most evil dragons honor Tiamat, few
Tiamat has many consorts, including keep shrines dedicated to her in their lairs
great wyrms of the white, black, green, blue, and red because they don’t want Tiamat’s greedy eyes gazing at
varieties. their treasure hoards. Instead, they dedicate vast, gloomy
caverns to their deity and keep them stocked with treasure
Dogma and sacrifices.
Tiamat concerns herself with spreading evil, defeating
good, and propagating evil dragons. She enjoys razing Rites
the occasional village, city, or country, but only as a To commemorate a victory such as destroying a town,
diversion from her subtle, world-spanning plots. She is repulsing a thief seeking to pilfer from one’s hoard, or
the villain who lurks in the shadows. Her presence is gaining a great treasure, the followers of Tiamat celebrate
felt but seldom seen. by indulging in great wickedness, including torturing
Tiamat constantly seeks to extend the power and prisoners or even fighting one another to prove their
dominion of evil dragons over the land, particularly supremacy.
when her subjects find themselves embroiled in territo-
rial disputes with good dragons. Tiamat also unfailingly Herald and Allies
demands reverence, homage, and tribute from her Tiamat’s herald is an old red dragon. Her allies include evil
ssubjects. dragons, baatezu, and evil draconic creatures of all sorts.
ABOUT THE DESIGNERS Miniatures. Her previous design credits include Savage Species
and Sandstorm.
GWENDOLYN F.M. KESTREL works for Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. as a game designer. Her previous design credits include KOLJA RAVEN LIQUETTE, a relative newcomer to professional
Races of Eberron, Planar Handbook, and Monster Manual III. game writing, is best known for creating The Waking Lands web
Gwendolyn lives in Washington State with her husband, game site. In addition to being a coauthor of Weapons of Legacy, he has
developer Andy Collins. also contributed articles to Dragon Magazine. Kolja is grateful to
his wife Barbara, who keeps him from being an undernourished
JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES works for Wizards of the Coast, Inc. freelancer.
as an editor for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Miniatures and Star Wars
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