2018 Annual Report
Have you ever planted flowers and then forgotten they were there until they
crop up in the spring? Every year we plant perennials in the fall before the
ground gets too cold. By spring I forget that we’ve planted them, and I’m
amazed at the beauty that the Lord brings out of the earth from the seed that
was planted.
In a recent meeting, Mark Sorenson, a Deaf leader at DOOR, was sharing with
members of a partner Deaf organization when he noticed that over a third
of the Deaf people in the audience had been trained by DOOR at some point
over the last 20 years. The devotional that day was from the parable of the mustard seed. Mark
realized that the mustard seeds planted by DOOR through leadership training in the lives of these
leaders are now continuing to bear fruit around the world, even in partner organizations we work
with today.
Since 1999, DOOR has trained over 2,700 Deaf leaders and helped plant over 870 Deaf churches
in 16 different sign languages. This work over the last 20 years represents mustard seeds sown
in Deaf hearts and Deaf communities that God continues to water and use to bear fruit for
His Kingdom. It also represents mustard seeds of support that you have given over the years.
Perhaps, like the spring flowers, you may have forgotten that you sowed the seed, but it continues
to reap a harvest year after year.
We are so privileged to partner with you, to report on what God has done over this last year, and
to look toward what He will do in the coming years through the 50 by ’25 movement.
Please continue to join us in prayer and support as we scatter more seeds together in 2019!
Rob Myers, President/CEO
Seeds Planted Testing Scripture in the
community in Eurasia.
1988 1991 1995 1997 1998
Reach Out to
Texas Deaf is formed ROTD changes its name DOOR’s first international DOOR joins United Mike & Linda Buus join the DOOR partners with New
to Deaf Opportunity trip to Romania World Mission leadership of DOOR Tribes Mission to develop
OutReach (DOOR)
Chronological Bible
172 91
Leaders Deaf churches
trained planted
7 15
Sign language Consultants-in-
translations training completed
in progress
their multi-year
New projects initiated in 2018
1st Trained church
planters and leaders
in a new strategic
project in the Asian country
Middle East
1999 1999 2000 2004 2005 2005
New organization DOOR DOOR establishes first First graduating class DOOR has five training DOOR graduates its 250th DOOR discovers that
International launched training center in of Deaf leaders centers on four continents leader from its training translation and follow-
Nairobi, Kenya programs
up are needed
Research, strategy, and
prayer help determine
next steps.
2005 2006 2006 2007 2010 2010
DOOR 2-by-2 program Wycliffe USA and SIL train Kenya, South Asia Sign Jojo Ninan knighted as DOOR Africa Center built First DOOR 2-by-2
launched in South Asia DOOR in translation work Language translation world’s first Translation teams complete their
Consultant with a specialty
projects start work and move
in sign language
Our International Leadership Team (ILT) is a Deaf-majority group that guides
strategy and methodology for DOOR’s outreach work. In 2017, God led the
ILT to pray and cast a big vision: that 50% of the Deaf worldwide would have
access to God’s Word and Deaf-led church planting by the year 2025. In
February 2018, the ILT met to develop strategy to see this “50 by ‘25” vision
come to pass.
The process involved prayer, gathering critical research data, examining
DOOR’s current work, and reimagining how DOOR could build capacity to
support this big vision. The result was a new and flexible strategic plan with
a re-envisioned ministry structure for how God might use DOOR in the next
one, four, and seven years. God is on the move, and we are humbled to be a
part of his great work!
In a historic moment for DOOR, one of our consultants-in-training (CIT)
became a full translation consultant. Shadrack Kakui completed his
internship and was certified as a consultant with a specialty in sign language.
We celebrated this achievement with a knighting ceremony.
Shadrack approves portions of various sign language Scripture translations,
and his work is integral to helping get God’s Word out to more Deaf
communities. He also remains involved in training and developing more
CITs for DOOR.
2012 2012 2013 2015 2016 2016
First Sign Language South Asia Training DOOR 2-by-2 work DOOR work expands DOOR 2-by-2 program DOOR becomes a
Chronological Bible Center dedicated begins in Africa into Eurasia nearly doubles in size full member of the Forum
Translations published
of Bible Agencies
One of our Deaf translators from South Sudan, John “For the first time in
Baicheng, grew up thinking and believing that only hearing my life, I realized that
people could share the Good News. Like many Deaf Jesus has sent all of us—
children, John attended a hearing church with his mother. including me, a Deaf person.”
“All I ever did in the church was sit down and mirror
everyone else’s actions. I never understood what they did
or why they did it,” he shares.
“I was convinced that my sole role was to just sit there in
the church and be ministered to. I didn’t think I could be
useful in the house of the Lord.”
“I finally had the opportunity to attend a Deaf-led church
in Juba about three years ago. I saw Deaf people leading
worship, praying, and sharing God’s Word. I was stunned.
Even then, I still looked at myself and thought I didn’t have
any gifts to contribute to the body of Christ.”
“My perception changed when my team and I drafted
a sign language translation of the following passages:
Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:4-12a. The first passage talks
about the Great Commission, of Jesus’ sending out the 11
disciples to teach the nations about Christ. The second
passage is when Jesus ascended into heaven, but before
His ascension, He charged the disciples with the important
responsibility of becoming his witnesses to the world.”
“For the first time in my life, I realized that Jesus has
sent all of us—including me, a Deaf person—to share the
Gospel and disciple those who receive Him. I recognized
that God truly desires me to serve Him with the gifts and
talents He has given me. Through translating the Bible into
South Sudanese Sign Language, I am learning so much.”
“My name is Hilda. I was stuck in a life I did not want,” shares a Deaf
woman from Tanzania. “I accepted Christ years ago when I was studying
tailoring in a vocational school. There were other Deaf Christians in the city
and they taught me about Jesus and the Gospel.”
“I studied in Dar es Salaam for two years before returning to my home
village in Mangula. I didn’t have a place to live or family to stay with. I met
someone who led me into a life not pleasing to God. I lived like an immoral
woman and I knew I was far from where God wanted me to be.”
“I wanted to seek help from the church and to turn to God for forgiveness.
But there was no Deaf church in my region. I couldn’t communicate with
the pastor of the local church.”
Fed up with her life choices and desiring “I couldn’t
forgiveness, Hilda traveled to Morogoro communicate
seeking a Deaf church. She had to travel all with the pastor
day because it was over 100 miles away.
But it was worth it. of the local
She met the DOOR 2-by-2 team who church.”
introduced her to the Bible in Tanzania Sign
Language. That discovery changed her life. She rededicated her life to Jesus
and is healing from the bad relationships in her past.
Hilda is currently being trained by DOOR 2-by-2 teams so that she can start
up Chronological Bible Studies (CBS) classes in her home village.
“God used my very own people—the Deaf—to pull me out of the
darkest time in my life,” said Hilda. “I know now that God rescued me
from that darkness so that I could reach others living in the same darkness.
I am so grateful that Deaf people are equipped for ministry by having God’s
Word in Tanzania Sign Language.”
Through prayer, a passion for the Great
Commission, and the prompting of the
Holy Spirit, DOOR is launching the 50 by
‘25 movement. We want to see 50% of the
world’s 70 million Deaf have two critical
things by the year 2025: Access to a portion
of God’s Word in their heart sign language,
and a Deaf-led church planting movement
started in their people group.
Goals (2019) 12 Deaf Impacted (Millions) 40 DEAF IMPACT
Total Active Translations* 15 35 37.4 M
Total Church Planting Teams
New Translation Consultants 5 30
New Consultants-in-Training
25 20.5 M
Deaf Impacted 13% or
(9.5 million) 20
15 9.5 M
5 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
JAN 2018 FEB 2018 MARCH 2018 APRIL 2018 MAY 2018 JUNE 2018
First Scripture launch for DOOR ILT establishes US Board endorses Issachar Summit GR Recruitment in Consultant knighted.
2.4 million Deaf people 50 by ‘25 plan 50 by ‘25 strategy focuses on Deaf East Asia Scripture dedication:
Kenya, Mozambique,
in East Asia
South Sudan
New Programs (2019) • Middle East Translation
• East Asia: 5 Church • Democratic Republic of the
Planting Teams Congo: Translation* + Church
Planting Team
• Southeast Asia: 1 Translation*
• South Asia: 2 Translations*
*Translation = Chronological Bible Translation
JULY 2018 AUG 2018 SEPT 2018 OCT 2018 NOV 2018 DEC 2018
Sign Language Scripture First-ever meeting of new Scripture passages are 1st translation project Two Deaf churches Finishing the Task
inspires worship songs Deaf Strategic Alliance community tested in Eurasia planned for the Middle East in South Asia report focuses on reaching
in Tazania thriving growth all Deaf groups
Contributions 1% 77% INCOME FY 2018
Donated Services 21% Contributions
Grants Donated Services $2,808,603
Other Income 1% Income Grants $25,480
Other Income
Program 11% $777,905
Fundraising Total Income $43,492
Administration 11%
EXPENSE $3,655,480
Expenses Program Expense
Fundraising Expense $2,777,748
78% Administration Expense $414,139
Total Expense
Other non-operating expenses
2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
Plant 5 teams in Eurasia Begin 4 new New leaders trained and Celebrate 15 new Impact 9.5 million Survey teams conducting
translations goals set translation consultants Deaf (13%) research in 4 new Deaf
DOOR began the 50 by ‘25 movement in 2018 and is responding to
the many opportunities presented for reaching the Deaf. If you are
inspired to take action, the ways to give are listed below.
Mail your gift to:
DOOR International
DEPT. 9012 • PO Box 30516 • Lansing, MI 48909-8016
An envelope is enclosed for your convenience.
Visit DOORInternational.org to make an online gift.
In 2018, DOOR International teamed up with Money for
Ministry to advance DOOR’s mission with legacy donors.
Consider updating your Will to reflect your values and
impact Deaf ministry world-wide.
Go to ChristianWill.org/door to bless your family with a
God-honoring Will.
Have you already included DOOR International in your estate
planning? We’d like to hear from you and offer our gratitude
on behalf of the Deaf.
To bring God’s Word and reproducing
Christian fellowships to the Deaf of the
world. Our calling is two-fold: translation
and training.
We help Deaf communities translate
the Bible (and other resources) into their
sign languages.
We train and equip Deaf leaders in
evangelism, discipleship, and church
planting to reach their communities
for Christ.
Deaf reaching Deaf for Jesus Christ,
empowering the Deaf to reach their
own peoples.
135 N. State St., Suite 200
Zeeland, MI • 49464