Encyclopedia of Me by Danny yuan
A: Ability My ability is to play basketball. It can not count for a ability, but that is a hobby. I
play basketball for 10 years already. I like basketball, i think that is an important part in my
B: Basketball My favorite sport is basketball. The reason that i like basketball is i think
playing basketball can make me tall. And also it is a sport that can make me healthy and thin.
There has on match that really make me crazy. It is last year KIS against NLCS tournament.
At first, they scored a lot of point. Then Mr Oren called a meeting with us. I still can remember
what he say. He said i don’t need zombies on the court. I need beast now. I still can
remember last shoot, when it get in, we all yelling like monster. That is the victory belong to
C: China I come from China, and i am Chinese. I live in shenyang, i guess you don’t know
that place. I love China, the food there is tasty. I take school in China until i was 14. Then i
come to Korea. I still miss my country.
D: Danny My name is Danny, It spells DANNY. This is given from my first English teacher.
I already forgot her name but i will always remember Danny. When someone asked me where
did i get that name now, i always say that to the person.
E: Enjoy I have a lot of things that i enjoy. But i like challenge things, i enjoy the things that
exciting. I enjoy the things that are fun. I
F: Facebook This is one of my favorite appFACEBOOK. I can chat with my friend in
facebook, also i can see what are they doing. When i have something that i want to share, i
can put in facebook.
G: Giraffe Giraffe is my favorite animal. The reason that i like giraffe is i like the way they
chew things. The lips are moving side to side. I think it is fun. When the first time
H: History My favorite subject is History. Specially China history. I always got an A in History
when i was in China. The reason that i like history because i like how they develop from
nothing to now.
J: Jeju I am a Chinese but now i leave in Jeju. The reason is i am taking School in Korea,
jeju. Jeju is a really beautiful place. I love here. It is clean, warm, and pretty.
K: KIS KIS stand for Korea international School. It is the school that i am studying at. I love
L: League of legend My favorite game is LOL. I think this game is fun. And it also can let us
think a lot. A lot of people disagree it, but if you really play that game, you will know you need
to think a lot when you are playing. You need to think about you team, your teammates, your
turret, and where should you gank next. It is a really hard game but if you actually think about
it, you will love that game.
M: Miss I miss my school in China, i miss my friend in China. But i can not go back. The only
way to see China is vacation.
N: NBA As other people who likes basketball, i like NBA too. I have been to LA and watch a
real NBA game. It is cool. My favorite team is LA LAKERS.
P: Pacific Rim Pacific Rim is my favorite movie. It is talk about the Robot that fight with
monster. I think that is the coolest movie that i have ever seen.
Q: Question I always have a lot of question. My mum said i am i question mechine. But i
don’t agree it. I think asking question is good, but i always ask some question that are not
R: Rap I like rap. My favorite singer in Rap is Eminem. I like his “Love the way you lie” and
“The monster”. I think Rap are awesome.
S: Sea I like sea, because the color is blue. My favorite color is blue. The sea still have the
things that human that don’t know. But they will know that soon.
T: TV I like to watch TV in my free time. I can relax on the sofa and watch the things that i
like. It is very cool.
U: upset I always upset by the thing that i don’t like. I hate bully, i hate romantic movie.
Sometime i upset by a movie that i don’t like.
V: Video I like to watch video in my break time. Specially NBA or LOL. When i am i middle
school, teacher always let me shut my macbook because i always watch them in hallways.
Now i still do that too.
W: Want to want me My favorite song is Want to want me. It is song by Jason Derulo.
Y: Youtube The other App that i like is Youtube. I China i can not watch Youtube because the
government in China block the Youtube.
Z: zombie I don’t really like zombie, but i think it is a cool object that living on earth.