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Published by hamiltondgate, 2019-05-07 15:52:22

FAQ 5.2019

FAQ 43019



In addition to coordinating with major regional advertising and PR Agencies of record, DGATE will
engage one of the top 5 most powerful marketing advertising agencies in the country as its representative:

 Omnicom Group
 Interpublic Group
 Grey Advertising
 Ogilvy & Mather

A $15,000,000 budget has been allocated for the 6-month period prior to opening as massive infusions in
television, print, social media, radio and in coordination with both the State and Regional tourism

In this budget is a 53-foot custom tractor trailer
 A traveling multi- media presentation and exhibit
 Complete with fully costumed
o Roman Soldiers
o Amazon Warriors
o Samurai
o Vikings.
 Multiple visits to shopping malls, schools, sporting events and other large population events and
 This is a promotional representation of what is coming.

A full and professionally produced theatrical ‘coming attraction’ trailer will be shown in every
movie theatre and incorporated in the massive television campaign.

 Presented as though DGate was a Hollywood motion picture
 Its finale depicts DGate, not as a film, but as a real-life experience.

 2

Once the DGate Park is open to the public, the second phase of promotion begins supported by an
additional $18,000,000 campaign.

The total marketing allocation of $33,000,000 for each DGate Development/ location will help to
generate over 3 million visitors annually to the DGate Park and the associated ‘frontage’ commercial


As a result of an analysis of the industry, DGate has structured ticketing to compete with other major
family entertainment ticket prices nationally. At the same time prices are designed to provide an
affordable entry, targeting family units. The resulting balance includes not only an affordable price
structure but rejects the ongoing negative perception of “getting what you pay for”. A cheap ticket sends
a cheap representative message. An expensive ticket makes it impossible for a family to attend. We have
therefore structured ticket pricing as follows:

Adult $80
Adult w/costume rental $35
Children (3-12 yrs. old) Free
Children (under 3) $45
Child w/costume rental $60
Seniors (60+) $70
Senior w/costume rental


Adult $265
Children $180
Seniors 0.5% - Discount

Group Sales 3.5% - Discount

2ND DAY TICKET ADD ON 8.0% - Discount $50
Adult 6.0% - Discount $35
Children 2.2% - Discount $40



The DGATE Social Media initiative is enhanced by the DGATE website and on-site radio informational
broadcasts and its free downloadable App. In addition to its primary role of supplying attraction
information, it accommodates reservation requests. The web site is extremely user friendly and very easy
to navigate. Among other menu items the visitor can access:

 Weather and traffic reports
 Special events schedules
 Merchandise Purchases
 Hourly start times for: 
 o Adventures

o Activities
o Attractions
o Shows
The 3 “A’s”

Guests can navigate the site choosing those items they wish to experience when they attend the Park.
Each item is its own link that describes, in detail, each and every item they can experience. In this way
our guests can make fully informed, educated, and custom decisions on what, where, when, and how they
want to experience DGate. Every parent is able to choose what is best for their family and especially, their

Once they have made their choices a full itinerary is created for their visit and reservations to each item
is confirmed. No Waiting Lines at DGate.

Should any of the “3 A’s” be ‘sold out” when reservations are made:
 Proprietary software will readjust their schedule to include their choice for a different or later
time during their visit.
 Automatic schedule adjustment to include everything else they want to do.
 Once this is accepted by our visitor
o The itinerary and reservations are adjusted to accommodate.
o Payment is made through our secured site.

If they choose a particular Adventure, which requires a costume rental, the costume is paid for and is
waiting for their arrival at the Park. (Basic Rental-Without Upgrades: One size fits all).



Here is a sampling from which guests can select scheduled activities.
This family unit:
  Mom and Dad
  Steven – 15-year old son
  Jenny – 12-year old daughter

 Jack and Abby – grandparents in their 70’s



NOON Entire Family Check in-Admission ROME-Marketplace
12:30pm Lunch Gladiator Arena Rome
1:30pm Entire Family Chariot Races City Ancient Healing
Face painting & feeding ducks & baby
Dad & Steven animals Chosen Samurai
Mom & Jenny Tea House Gardens Tea Ceremony Battle Arena
Crimson King Child of Light Lemuria
2:45pm Jack & Abby Ice Cream Festival Village Center Village
Steven Chosen Samurai
Mom, Dad & Jenny Kabuki Show Kabuki Temple
Caesars Front Yard
Jack & Abby Bocce Crystal Cave Wellness
Warm Rocks-Message Center City Healing
4pm Dad & Jack Chosen Samurai-
Mom & Abby Samurai Sword Training Training Center
City of Light
Steven Elvan Adventure with assigned Mentor Legions-Celtic City
Center shopping Market
5:30pm Jenny Legions Celtic City-
6:00pm Entire Family Dinner with King Arthur-clues to the on The Great Hall
line game here Stonehenge Monument
Entire Family Stonehenge Sunset Ceremony City of Ancient Healing
Overnight Camping
7:30pm Entire Family Rome
8:30pm Abby, Mom & Overnight Camping

Dad, Jack & Steven



7:00am Mom, Jenny Sunrise walk along City of Healing City Ancient Healing
8:30am Mom, Jenny, Abby City Ancient Healing
9:30am Mom, Jenny, Abby Vegan & Fruit Breakfast City Ancient Healing

Morning Priestess initiations

3:00am Dad & Steven With Preatorians 1 Hr guard duty thru Rome Encampment
7:00am Roman Village
7:45am Dad, Steven & Jack Breakfast with Preatorians-Steak& Eggs Rome Encampment
8:30am Dad, Steven Exercise Horses-Ride Rome Encampment
10:am Jack Police area -meet Roman Senators Rome Senate
Dad, Steve & Jack tour Roman Market place with Senators
Noon via chariots Inner Common
1:30pm Entire Family Meeting at City of Healing Front Gate Inner Common
Shopping at Retail Shops Rome-Caesars Villa
3:00pm Entire Family Tethered Hot Air Balloon Ride
Lunch with Caesar-Italian Food & Horse Rome-Gladiator
4:30pm Dad and Steven Race Training Camp
5:30pm Gladiator Training Rome-Caesars Villa
7:00pm Abby & Jack Front Yard
8:00pm Knucklebones Board Game Competition Rome-Caesars Villa to
8:30pm Mom & Jenny Gladiators Arena
Participate in Grand Roman Parade Gladiator Arena
Abby & Jack Gladiator Arena
Dad & Steven Gladiator Show Gladiator Arena
Mom & Jenny appearing in Gladiator show Rome
Entire Family appearing in Gladiator show Viking Great Hall
Entire Family Shopping Roman Marketplace The Chosen Samurai
Entire Family Dinner with Thor & Kidnap Adventure The Chosen Samurai
Entire Family Twilight Parade with Fireworks
Evening Shopping in the mystic lighting The Chosen Samurai
Entire Family Samurai Marketplace
Camping -Samurai section & On-Line
Clues here



7:00am Mom, Dad, Jack, Morning walk through Pagoda Village The Chosen Samurai
8:30am Abby
10:00am Entire Family Breakfast The Chosen Samurai
Dad, Jack & Steven Adventure SUMO-DIPLOMACY Rome
Noon Mom, Jenny & Free Time -Morning Concert, Drum Circle City Ancient Healing
1:30pm Abby Stone Circle
Entire Family Lunch-Asian Food Sumo Temple-Sumo The Chosen Samurai
3pm Wrestling
Jack, Dad & Steven "Rome The Revenge of Spartacus" Film Rome 'Backstage'
Mom, Abby & Shopping Info Ed Center Main Building
Entire Family Home

If you do, the DVD of the 'shoot', including out takes, backstage antics 7

and interviews will be on sale, with 'you' in the video!


The smaller building (Castle) up front is where our guests find all of the ticket windows. There are digital
Kiosk specialists for those guests who have not made advanced reservations. This is the site of

  Will Call ticket pickups
  Insurance waivers for advanced adventurers

 Costume rental tickets
The Larger Building (City Hall) is the location (second floor) of the Administration/Operation Offices.

The Main floor:

 Merchandise (Note: access to and egress from the ‘Park” requires all guests to go through the
 DGate Merchandise Center
  Costume Rentals

 Locker Rentals
Left and Right Wings:

  Security
 Safety/ First Aid.



Guests at DGate will basically experience what it would be like to walk through the exterior “Hollywood”
style settings. Like walking through the back lot at Warner Brothers, Paramount or MGM in their hay-day.

Creating this experience does not require that we build entire buildings, but simply the facing façades.
As our guests in our Roman World walk along the ‘Avenue of the Gods’ they discover it leads to the
front door of Caesars Villa…

Guests walk thru the front doors of Caesars villa (the facing Façade) and into a “Baker Building”.
Inside, a full interior Hollywood style ‘set’ has been built. This is Caesars home, inside this
Baker building. (Our guests never suspect they are inside a sound stage)

In this way we can use specialized and delicate theatrical materials and create special effects which are
not affected by weather conditions. Thus we keep costs down, but greatly enhance the overall experience.
We control the experience. Part of this ‘Building” houses the interior set. ‘Backstage’ in this building
also holds the costumes, props, the HVAC, sound and lighting equipment, and dressing rooms and any
other physical requirements for the execution of this spectacular DGATE experience.

At will, whenever we want, we can change the front facades and interiors. Instead of paying $120+
million for a new roller coaster to trigger repeat visits, we can change an entire World for ¼ the cost!

Let it rain, snow or hail…Caesar’s villa is protected.


ADVENTURE EXAMPLE Booked by Reservation


Caesar summons his tribunes to select 4 teams of special individuals
who will travel to the Samurai Village and prosecute the Shogun for
the acquisition of famed Sumo wrestlers to perform in the
Coliseum. However, this task will be difficult to win, since the
Shogun has a reputation of being quite stubborn, dangerous and
protective of his prized Sumo fighters.

The Tribunes (costumed DGate Mentors) engage costumed
guests who have previously signed up for this “Adventure”.

TEAMS are created. Each team is composed of:

  2 prepared to infiltrate the Shogun estates and Sum Barracks
  2 strong individuals
  1 board “Game” player

 3 small individuals (perhaps children) who can squeeze in and out of small spaces and can be
 carried aloft
  1 horseback rider
  1 archer
  1 stilt walker
  1 person unafraid of snakes
  1 person to follow directions blindfolded

 1 thief

The Tribunes don’t know exactly what the Shogun will demand for the release of their Sumo, even if
they would consider releasing them. However, The Tribunes, through past experience know that these
traits will probably come in handy; but they warn the conscripted team to be prepared for anything!

Each team is given an official letter, signed by Caesar, that humbly requests the
release of the Sumos. The team is to present this letter to the Shogun. The teams arrive
in the Samurai Village after experiencing the trials and difficulties encountered along
their travels through the “frontier”. They are escorted to the Shogun’s estate by
Samurai warriors. They select a spokesperson from their team, who presents the
official letter from Caesar. The Shogun informs the team what he
expects in exchange to release the Sumos to perform in the Gladiators Circus.

The team is provided with a map of the Samurai Village. On the map are
Locations in the Village. At each Location the team members will find a

task/challenge to perform. They only have 45
minutes to complete all 15 tasks and return to the
Shogun. If they complete each task successfully, they will receive a “flower”. If
they fail the test, they receive a “dagger”. In the end, they must present the flowers
and daggers to the Shogun for a final tally of wins and losses.



Location 1: Play an ancient board game of Nippon with a “master”.

Location 2: Isolate and catch four goldfish swimming in a tank with 100
black angels, return goldfish in a glass bowl to the Shogun.

Location 3: Shoot three arrows into
separate oranges; return all
three. (Archers have twelve
arrows in the quiver for
this task.)

Location 4: Solve a Confucius riddle presented by a monk at the temple.

Location 5: Wear a dragon costume; however, this costume requires three people. BEWARE, the dragon
can NEVER touch the ground. Team members must walk down the middle of the main street
in the village and back without falling.

Location 6: Locate and retrieve four gold coins hidden in a tank filled with
nonpoisonous snakes.

Location 7: One person must be blindfolded, hold a lit candle, and
light ten candles in the temple. This person will only
have the eyes of another teammate, who must instruct
his friend to go and find each candle; he/she cannot hold
or touch the “blinded candle-lighter”.


Location 8: Five precious jewels must be retrieved. These jewels are located on the crown, gown, and
slippers of the Shogun’s daughter.

  Must ask around to find out where she is in the Village.
 Use any tactic possible to obtain the jewels.

Location 9: Interview the Sumo wrestlers and find out at least five things about them:

 Name They do not speak English.
 Age
 Birthplace
 Favorite food
 Favorite drink
 Weight
 Girlfriend’s name


Location 10: Interview one Samurai Warrior and one Ninja
Location 11: See if you can convince, or trick one of the Royal Guards to leave his post.
Location 12: Pull two wagons from one part of the village, down the main street to the Shogun. Wagon

is filled with drums of water. Don’t spill any.
Location 13: Carry a message to the Viking Camp; Team member must ride an elephant to the

military fortifications; deliver the message and return.
Location 14: Retrieve four Shogun eggs hidden among dozens of

eggs. The eggs are kept in a chicken coop. How do you
get in? Pick the lock? Have a strong man it up and slip
under? Crawl through a tiny hole that only a child could
Location 15: Dress up as a Geisha girl and a Samurai Warrior; then you must make a paper bird and
a model of a Samurai sword; present these to the Shogun in full dress and ceremony.

If successful (as determined by the Shogun), the team escorts the Sumo
wrestlers back to Caesar and are awarded privileged seating in the
Gladiator Circus. Each is honored in front of the crowd of 3,000
cheering “Romans” for their bravery and skill. They are awarded the
wooden “Gladius” for their successes.

It is important to note that throughout this “Adventure” team members will come in contact with and
be interrupted by other “Teams” executing other Adventures.
Sumo Diplomacy Team Members will need to deal with on-going events and actions, activities, and
surprises within and throughout the Samurai and Roman Villages.
Sumo Diplomacy is rated a “Moderate” Adventure for all ages, which takes moderate skills to
The estimated time commitment is approximately 1.5 hours and 2.5 hours including the
entire Gladiators Circus show.



DGate is developing and will present a wide array of DGate branded
retail offerings both in the Park and on the website.

Video and printed materials from The History Channel, The Learning Channel, The Food Channel

and The Travel Channel enhance and preserve the memories of DGate experience.

DCraaegsgaornsspGriavtaeteWcineellsarfrsofmor sale! Both fiction and non-fiction works from
leading publishing houses add to the
knowledge and learning inspired by the
Worlds of DGate.

We haven’t forgotten and neither will
you. DGate will be offering compendiums of
recordings of ancient music themes from Ireland, Scotland,
Britain, Japan and assorted Scandinavian countries.

DraggonsGate’s catalogue of electronic games surpasses
anything available anywhere.


The Worlds of DraggonGate become part of your world.



As a company policy, DGATE knows that it is critical that access and egress to and from a DGate park
will be easy, quick and safe. To that end, once traffic makes it to the DGate property line, the road system
breaks into 5 separate color-coded access points;

1. Overnight Parking
2. VIP Parking
3. RV & Busses
4. General parking
5. General parking

There are no parking charges. This potential revenue stream is folded into our admission pricing.

The DGate ‘army’ of traffic ‘greeters’ (reporting to the Guest Relations Group Office) meet and direct
guests’ vehicles into their parking spaces quickly and efficiently. Once a vehicle is parked, guests are:

 Greeted
 Helped to their destination
 Questions are answered
 Concerns are addressed

After a full day at DGATE
 Getting into and getting out of the park must be quick and efficient
 No one will want to sit in traffic for hours...they simply will not want to come back as often as
we would like, if that’s the case.

“Rain Days”

Unique Adventures, Activities & Shows occur

only on “RAIN DAYS”!

Important clues are made available to help you

$1 million dollars only on





The main economic drivers in the DGATE business model:
  FOOD

 FUN
Fun is what a visit to a DGate park is all about. The entire reason for the existence of DGate is
to produce an atmosphere of excitement, beauty and fun for the entire family demographic.
Shopping is found throughout a DGate park and is mostly filled with international fare, making the
experience unique.
Food is “not” traditional theme park offerings of hot dogs, cotton candy, and calorie filled soft drinks.
Instead our guests will find:
  Asian dining in our Samurai World
  Terrific Italian foods in Rome
  Vegetarian, Vegan and Organics in the City of Ancient Healing
  Interesting and fantastical offerings in our Viking Village
  Dragons Wings and Mermaid Chips in the Child of Light World

 Traditional ancient British foods in our Knights World at Stonehenge.
The park is filled with hundreds of independent vendors offering a wide variety of foods and goods.
Beer, Mead, and Wine is strictly controlled and sold “only” by DGate, as are all chocolate offerings.


DraggonsGate will give away $3m in prize money every season!


Based on the incorporation of the Disney In-Park Stay Time dynamic, the longer people remain in
the park the more they will spend. Therefore:
  Buy 2 days and get the 3rd day free.
  Rent a costume 3 times, you own it and gate admission to DGate at 25% off

 Become a contestant in any one of the several major contests and for as long as you are a
 winner, you and your family, get into the Park free of charge:

o Archery
 o Bocce
 o Ancient Golf

o Musical Contestant
o Paper, Scissors, Rock
o Strongest man
 o Owner of any one of the 13 Treasures of Britain
  Bring your own costume and get 25% off of admission
 Free Admission if a guest becomes a Level 3 trainee in:
Roman Soldier
  Use Public Transportation - 50% off Admission
 Other Corporate Sponsor incentives - TBD

Find the 13 Treasures of
Ancient Britain
and win...




There are hundreds of “period” tents located throughout the Park. All are on platforms, fully air
conditioned and furnished with luxurious sleep cots with Egyptian cotton bedding. Tents can
be rented hourly, daily or for two or three days. Two, four and ten person tents are available.

DGATE can accommodate 2,200 guests a night.



Staff Per Site Sites Staff Rate per Night Nights
4 5 $100 $ 488,000
Meals/Night $ 87,840
Taxes 18% 2,200 @244
2,200 @244 $ 2,684,000
Food for Guests $ 2,684,000

Breakfast 4 5 $5.00

Dinner 4 5 $5.00

Equipment – Cooking utensils, AC/Heat/Cleaning/Cots, pillows, linens, etc. $ 500,000
MISC/Contingency/extra, food, drink, snacks @ $5.00 cap
Additional Labor – Kitchen / Security, etc. $ 500,000
Tent Cost Amortized over 5 seasons $ 200,000
PROJECTED COST $ 10,327,840
GROSS REVENUE $ 26,840,000


This is elegant camping...
…in an ancient world

17 17


Downloaded music sales are often driven by the live Experience of seeing an artist perform in a
dynamic performance venue. This allows the buyer to re-live the live performance when playing the
actual recorded music in their homes, etc. This same dynamic will apply to the music compilations for
sale and downloaded at DGate Parks or from the website.

The very thematic environmental music heard throughout DGate Parks, at Events, during Activities and
as an intricate part of Adventure will appear in compilation format for download purchases at Park Retail
centers and On-Line. Putumayo Music has done reasonably well in the past creating and marketing
world music compilations.

DGate intends to do the same as a product off-shoot from its major marketing efforts and its dynamic
appeal to the millions of visitors each season. DGate Music Compilations will appear in park retail stores
as representative of specific “Worlds” and/or as compilations of all of the different “Worlds”.

Lord of the Rings
Game of Thrones
The Princess Bride

Clash of the Titans

Imagine these films without music

Music is everywhere at 18 18


The Outer Common is designed to accommodate the second phase of DGate. This second Park
which shares the Common may include the Worlds of:

 Game of Thrones
 Conan the Barbarian
 The 300
 Xena-Warrior Princess.
It is this location where every person attending a DGate Park will be exposed to the Sponsorship
identifiers. By isolating sponsor logos, offers and attendance drivers in print and all electronic media
exclusively, we are able to keep advertising out of the ‘ancient worlds’ of DGate helping to maintain our
conceptional “illusion”.
National sponsorship targets include:
 Coca-Cola
 Major Airlines
 Exxon
 AT&T
 Phillips
 Valero
 Dell
 Business Development targets the major employers in Texas to book corporate buy-out days

and events. (list is too numerous to include here)



WEDDINGS: (Business Development/Group Sales Dept)

The Texas and Georgia wedding market as well as other locations especially prides themselves on their
wedding setting offerings.

Imagine getting married:
 In Rome, with the full Praetorian Guard
 In the middle of the Gladiators Circus
 With 100 Samurai in the Pagoda Village
 In the Palace of the Shogun
 With King Arthur and 100 of his Knights at Stonehenge.

Atlanta especially is a very competitive wedding market, one-upping each other’s weddings. It is not
unheard of in Georgia for weddings to cost in excess of $250,000! In addition to being a major source of

revenue, it is a burgeoning and lucrative industry for us to exploit.


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