Format poetry
By Raegan Dienner
Biographical Poem.……………………………………….……….….....2
I Am Poem......…………………………………………….……………..3
Look In The Mirror Poem………………………………….………….....4
Opposite Poem…………………………………………….…………….5
Acrostic Poem…………………………………………………………...6
Japaneese Lantern poem……………………………………………….7
Daimanté poem……………………………….………………………….9
Pyramid Poem…………………………………………………………...10
Parts of speech poem…………………………………………………...11
Tanka Poem……………………………………………………………...12
Sensory poem…………………………………………………………...13
Mystery Poem…………………………………………………………..17
I have a dream poem…………………………………………………...18
Two sides poem………………………………………………………...19
Raegan is
A jokester, a good friend and a sister
loves animals, her family, and her friends
Is good at reading, running and swimming
Feels loved, excited for horse riding, and happy
Needs new sneakers, time to be outside, and sleep
Wants a guinea pig, a dog, and my own room
Fears poisonous spiders, cave bugs, and stink bugs
Likes to eat ice cream, cheetos, and mac and cheese
Watches white collar, animal movies and Disney movies
Is a resident of Rockingham, Virginia
I am poem
I am kind and fun
I wonder what I will become when I am an adult
I hear the doorbell ringing
I see a bright future
I want to become fluent at S panish
I am kind and fun
I pretend that everything is perfect
I feel excited when I win a race
I touch the horse’s silky coat
I worry that my cat has asthma
I cry when I think about my old cat
I am kind and fun
I understand that the world is changing
I say to always try your best
I dream that I will one day be a Physical Therapist
I try to keep a positive attitude
I hope to improve on my horse riding skills
I am kind and fun
Look in the
Mirror Poem
I look in the mirror and what did I see?
A fun, kind, and responsible person looking back at me
I am really good at making people laugh
And love to hang out with horses
I spend lots of time with my family
And I can’t wait for Christmas
I could improve my soccer skills
And catching a football is hard for me
But I know if I try, I can be the best I can be
Opposite Poem
I love books
I dislike dark and empty nooks
I have a fishing net
I want another pet
My friends say I am responsible
My family says flexible
One day I will be a zoologist
I will never work e lectrologist
My favorite foods are ice cream and mac and cheese
I will never eat blue cheese
I feel sad when my animals die
I feel happy when I eat apple pie
I feel safe when I am with my mom
I feel scared when I hear a bomb
Acrostic Poem
Reads a lot during free time
Always offers help to others
Eating, tasting and trying out new foods? Definitely.
Good at making people laugh
Adores horses
Never stops trying to reach a goal
Lantern poem
Man’s best friend
Never judges
Flexible, fun
Flipping, jumping, twisting
Go the extra leap
Daimanté poem
Unique, wild
Interesting, discovering, crawling
Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, vertebrae
Boring, disgusting, nonliving
Same, distinct
Pyramid Poem
Enjoyable, fun
Entertaining, amusing, inspiring
I love spending my time reading. Do you?
Parts OF speech
A hamster
Speedy and small
Running and chewing
Tanka poem
The wind comes and goes
Like a bird in migration
With powerful speeds
Or the smallest of whispers
Roaming free forever more
Sensory poem
Happiness is yellow
It sounds like the contented sigh after a hard days work
It tastes like a spoonful of homemade ice cream
It smells like the aroma of a fresh tulip
Happiness feels like a swim in the pool on a summer day
Couplet Poem
Some say that video games are really funny
I think that video games are a waste of money
They use up all of your time
When you could be playing in the sunshine
You play all day
And then you hit the hay
Getting nothing done
Lowering your grades one by one
Haiku poem
Gliding through the night
Feared but they never do harm
Catching pesky bugs
There once was a boy named Jay
Who sat in the barn on the hay
He sat in the hay so long
He decided to make a song
And that song he started to play
Mystery Poem
I went outside and what did I find?
A box to open. I hope no one will mind.
It was tied on top with a bow of gold
I was nervous to open it but I decided to be bold
Opening it up I stand in shock
A bronze jewelry box, concealed with a black lock
I have a dream
I have a dream that animals would be treated with kindness
Homes of animals would not be destroyed
All poachers would be extinct
Violent treatments would not exist
Elephants would not be killed for their tusks
All creatures would be free, not caged
Dodos wouldn’t be extinct
Rhinos would roam the savannah without worry
Every creature, safe from human industry
All animals living a good life
More fun less worry
Two sides poem
The night The day
Was Is
Short, Long,
Boring, Thrilling,
Dark, Sunny,
Relaxing. Tiring.
I slept all night I worked all day
The still black darkness The rising bright sun
The lazy laying down The busy school day
I miss running around I miss laying down
I wish the night was over I wish the day would end