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Published by thomas.ash, 2019-05-31 12:10:32

The CALL June 2019 Draft [V3] PDF

The CALL June 2019 Draft [V3] PDF

LSC-T Excels at United A Revolution in Health- Faculty Member Earns

Nations Competition... care Learning... Statewide Honor...

CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019

2019Like No Other!


IMPORTANT June 2 July 11 August 19 August 26
DATES: Summer 1 begins Summer 2 begins Faculty returns for Fall Fall classes begin

The Headline Goes
Here...and no
where else...

“A quotation goes
here that raises inter-
est in the remainder of
the text.”

› Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, President LSC-Tomball

Tat. Et ma as eum quam aut ut tius, occature quia qui doluptae
fugia doloriasi ius maximpos imperro invelecta cusam quia
etureicim ipsaese audiorro conem. Fugia nulligenim aliqua-
omnim in reperibus res mos menis et excerfe reperitasit ate
eos molum estiam dem vollabo pos apernatem repedis dolupiet
restempelest ea conseni hilibus re cus enis ex et et ullabo. Ita
cilitiantur, con plaborecea con nimus quis et la consedit is
quat. etusantio. Solor solori sectisse-
quo con ea qui aliquaspit volup-
Rovid magnis molesed icientur, tae. Nam fugitaepudit quiasperi-
comnim fuga. Nequi ulparum ori re, occus nate vollaute arum
volorrore plignime es exceri- quuntiaes et qui quia sae volupta
am sere, ommoloressim ulloria dollent quivolor sit fugia ide sunt
porestis dempel ipsapis natem deliquiatio volende lendae voles-
atatur, venis porum recerspera tiuntis sequidebit quam quatem
qui dolupta tibus, nonseca ent optio qui debisci
tibusan tiberumque veres cust
accabo. Ovitem nulluptatur, enditiatecum solupta tiandae
qui qui occupta temquia seque pedio exerro dolum xxxxxxxxxx
offic temporat. volorempos nis dolo qui dolore,
et am ut quo vendaer epersper-
Ihitate idem quam, te pere spel ipsunti aut exceatia nientium
volorum voluptatem quis et eligent, nam re enis sae perum
ped quam vero beris et, qui- faceatetur sa consectas ea volup-
duntus simillautem in conserum tur aut aute volentem ex et autet.
que consed elestiis rem lant, 221WORDS. 1473 Charac-
volorum faccus in pore plata- ters & spaces.


CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019

Graduates Join Alumni and Friends
To Mix, Mingle & Reminisce

Lone Star College-Tomball welcomed its alumni with a warm recep-
tion and opportunity to mix, mingle, and reminisce with faculty and
friends and celebrate with the 2019 graduating class.

The reception was held following the
Commencement Orientation sessions
for the graduates. We held it on the
same day the grads were preparing
for their Commencement ceremony,
making it a perfect time to honor both

We have a lot of graduates
who have earned Associate de-
grees and certificates and have
gone on to do amazing things,
so we wanted to connect with
them and let them know that
LSC-Tomball is still their home!


› LSC-Tomball
HOWL Awards




CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019

The Roy Lazenby President’s Award Winner: Richard Becker ›

Unsung Leader Winner: Robbie Richard Rogers
Sunshine Award Winner: Jeremiah Allison
Above & Beyond Winner: Bruce Zarosky

Rising Star Winner: Magdalena Mendoza-Starck
Rookie of the Year Winner: Kenyan Armstrong

LSC 20/20 Award Winner: Buddy Wiggin

Excellence Awards
Students Matter Winner: Durell Forte
Inspire Excellence Winner: Amy Griffin
Act Intentionally Winner: Mindy Coleman
Better Together Winner: Sean Tiffee

No Fear! Winner: Cory Colby
Trust! Winner: Donna Willingham

Deans’ MVP Awards
Creekside, Business and Industry: Heather Jackson
Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences: Danielle Thornton

Health and Sciences: Lynda Bancroft
First Year Foundations: Christi Biggers

Student Success: Jackie Scrivens
Continuing Education: Marilyn Silva


› There’s nothing like an international challenge
to bring out the best in people. That’s especially
true for Lone Star College-Tomball students par-
ticipating as delegates in this year’s National
Model United Nations Conference competition
where our team was recognized with the covet-
ed Distinguished Delegation Award that placed
the team among the top 25% of competing
colleges and universities from around the world.
While this was the twelfth year we have partici-
pated in the conference, it was the first time the
college competed with a delegation consisting of
students exclusively from our campus.

Students Place in
TOP 25% Worldwide

Two of the team members also earned awards From L-R: ???????????, Faculty Sponsor; Dr Lee Ann N
during the competition. Aisling Lyons, a member Sponsor; Member??; Kim Wilson; Member??; Noelle
of the LSC-Tomball delegation, was recognized ber; Faculty????; not pictured, Therese Delgado.
with an Outstanding Position Paper Award for
her work exploring the role of youth in achieving There’s noth
the Paris Agreement which deals with global cli- international cha
mate change. She said the competition opened
her eyes, not only to the impact of greenhouse out the best
gases, but also to the difficulties poor nations

The third award was won by Paris Rithamel who
was recognized as an Outstanding Delegate in
Committee for her efforts on the UN Entity for
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Wom-
en (UN-Women). This award was determined
by a vote of her peers in committee. She was
recognized for the strength of her policy contri-
butions and her ability to diplomatically repre-
sent the interests of Comoros.

The five day Model United Nation Conference
(MUN) simulates the operations and activities


Nutt, President; Dr Margaret Jelinek Lewis, Faculty CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019
Files, Head Delegate; Member??; Member??; Mem-
of the 74-year-old institution. Student-delegates
hing like an act as diplomats representing their chosen coun-
allenge to bring try and are assigned to committees tasked with
t in people. examining international issues.

Our team represented the three-island nation
known as The Union of Comoros, one of the tini-
est members of the United Nations. Located off
the eastern coast of Africa, Comoros is a poor
country with one of the highest population densi-
ties in the world.

The National Model United Nations annually
draws participants from more than 130 UN
Member States to address current global issues.

›Its experiential learning programs, including the

world’s largest univer-
sity-level Model UN,
provide students with
a forum to hone skills
in diplomacy, negotia-
tion, critical thinking,
compromise, public
speaking, writing, and research. Students benefit
from NMUN’s longstanding partnership with the
UN and utilize simulation procedural rules devel-
oped decades ago with UNITAR.

Participating LSC-Tomball delegates included:
Noelle Files, head delegate, Kimberly Wilson,
delegate to the UN General Assembly First Com-
mittee, Melody Millspaugh, delegate to the UN
General Assembly Second Committee, Georgia
Palmer, delegate to the UN General Assembly
Third Committee, Sarah McFarlane, delegate to
the UN Environment Assembly, Paris Ritthamel,
delegate to the UN Entity for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women),
Aisling Lyons, delegate to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change Conference of
the Parties, and Therese Delgado, who was not
able to attend due to illness.

Faculty sponsors Dr. Sean Tiffee or Dr. Margaret
Jelinek Lewis.


LSC-Tomball Family Summit Connects
With First-Gen Students

› Those of us in higher education know it’s never too early to start thinking about attending col-
lege. And it’s especially true for students who may be the first in their families to even consider
college. There is a lot to think about and a lot to know and without some guidance it’s easy to
just bypass college and move on. That’s why our folks in CLASS put together the first Pathway
With Purpose Family Summit, a one of a kind information session that offers middle school and
high school students and their parents a step by step, how-to guide to college.

The summit began with a free breakfast at 8:30 a.m. that kicked-off a day of concurrent ses-
sions held in English and Spanish. The presentations were divided into different tracks for
middle, high school and current college students and addressed three specific areas.

The first, Getting Prepared, explained the important early steps students and families need to
take during high school, leading up to graduation. For example, recommendations on high
school course selection, information on dual credit courses, and how to enroll in college.

The second presentation, Paying for College, advised on ways to save for college and how to
apply for financial aid.

The third topic, Navigating College, provided information on the support and assistance that’s
available on matters like counseling, tutoring, college activities and organizations.

Representatives from LSC-Tomball’s various departments and organizations wer on hand during
and after the presentations to answer questions, address concerns and provide details tailored
to a student’s specific needs.

Additionally, we provided information about “transfer friendly institutions.” Those colleges we
have agreements with that make it easier for students to transfer to four year institutions. Near-
by colleges with transfer agreements include Sam Houston State University and U of H Down-
town, however there are many others across the state of Texas.

Learn More

8 The Family Summit is being held in partnership with LSC-Tomball’s Academic Initiatives and
Partnerships (AIP) department. AIP coordinates programs that targets high school students like

Early College High Schools, Dual Credit and Home School programs, Pathways, Grit initiatives,

Community U, Summer Bridge, The LSC-T Experience, and more.

CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019


Summer Theatre Workshop for
Aspiring Thespians

Future actors ages 10 to 15 take their first steps onto the stage ›
and into the performing spotlight! LSC-Tomball’s Summer Theatre
Workshop provides four exciting days of theatrical instruction
from Lone Star College-Tomball’s impressive and knowledgeable
student actors and faculty members. The camp’s daily workshops
include acting classes, movement and dance, prop-building, and
WHEN: Monday through Thursday, June 10 – 13, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: Performing Arts Centre, LSC-Tomball Campus.
COST: First child $50, each additional family member $25.
Fees go toward Drama scholarships. Learn more and sign up!

Open the door to a world of learning with
Discovery College Summer Camp

Discovery College at LSC-Tomball helps children ages
6 - 17 grow their interests and skills in a wide variety of
science and technology programs. The summer camp of-
fers an assortment of entertaining and instructive programs
that give children the opportunity to make new friends with
similar interests. Courses are taught by knowledgeable
instructors in a welcoming environment.

WHEN: June 10 – 27 and second session July 8 – 11.
WHERE: ??? LSC-Tomball Campus.
COST: Tuition starts at $115 per session. Learn more and sign up!

Governor’s Summer Merit Program

For summer campers ages 14 – 21, there are two sessions! During the Robotics and
Electricity, participants will build a working robot and explore the technologies, devices
and gadgets that will shape the next generation. The second session focuses on Rocket

Science and Cybersecurity. Campers will build a rocket and take a deep dive
into cybersecurity and includes a field trip to NASA Johnson Space Center!

Both sessions will expose campers to the kinds of jobs that will available to
them in the years ahead.

WHEN: Robots & Electicity June 17 - 21, Rocketry & Cybersecurity June 24 - 28.
WHERE: ??? LSC-Tomball Campus.
COST: Tuition starts at $115 per session. Learn more and sign up!



CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019

Educating the Next

Generation of


Science and healthcare classes will never be the ›
same at Lone Star College-Tomball. The college,
which continues to be at the forefront of educating
a new generation of healthcare workers, has revolu-
tionized the way our students learn anatomy. Now,
when students enter the science lab, they experience,
and interact with, a full size 3-D digital carbon copy
of a complete human body.
Students can see what they would never see in a
textbook. They can rotate the image, zoom in on or-
gans, muscle groups and bones and get a real sense
of the actual size and how all the parts connect with
each other.

The Anatomage Table is a leading-edge table-top
virtual dissection system. It is the most technologically
advanced anatomy visualization system developed
for use in the classroom, featuring an intuitive hands-
on interface that allows students and educators to
quickly explore and examine all aspects of the human
body. It incorporates multiple, high definition touch-
screen monitors that serve to simulate an operating
room table. Instead of a scalpel, fingers touching the
screens can manipulate the images just like using a
cell phone or tablet.

[Continued on next page]

› The table is a powerful teaching
tool and an unparalleled learning
aid for students. It allows for ex-
ploration of the human anatomy.
The Anatomage Table will also
become part of the Veterinary Tech-
nology Department’s educational

The image library has scans of hundreds
of various species and segmented ca-
davers giving students the capability of
comparing the different anatomies for
education and research.
Lone Star College-Tomball is well-known
for providing a quality education to
prepare competent, caring, and ethical
students for the healthcare professions.


CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019

An Extraordinary Commencement

Many Exciting Firsts Make 2019 ›

For the first time in the college’s tion and the student Commence-
history, 19 high school seniors ment keynote speaker, was
who participated in our Early followed across the stage by her
College program graduated with mother, Stephanie Wilson, who
Associate degrees they earned was finishing her long-delayed
simultaneously with their high degree.
school diplomas. Six students
in our LifePATH® program were And if those aren’t enough firsts,
the first to receive Life Skills this was the first year in our
Certifications. Twenty students history we had to postpone the
are the first to earn degrees in Commencement ceremony due
our Advanced Nursing Pathway to a severe weather threat that
program, a partnership we included flash flooding!
have with Klein High School.
And one graduate, with autism, 13
made history when he accept- [Continued on next page]
ed a well-deserved diploma he
worked on for nine years!

Also for the first time we con-
ferred degrees to a student and
her mother. Kim Wilson, the
President of our Student Associa-

Royal HS Early College Grads Show Off Their Well-Deserved Alumni T-Shirts!

Commencement is on Saturday, crossing the stage to accept their were given here at LSC-Tomball
May 11, comprised of two diplomas amid the cheers of were absolutely amazing and
ceremonies, the first at 10:00 family and friends. something we may never have
a.m. for students earning an expected when we started, but
Associate of Arts, Associate of Worth noting is one of the points they helped us grow throughout
Arts Field of Study, Associate of Kim Wilson made during her the years and we will forever be
Science, Associate of Science student keynote. Referring to grateful to those family members,
Field of Study, or an Associate our college’s one wolf-one pack both literal and metaphorical,
of Arts-Teaching. A ceremony rallying cry, she talked about that helped us along the way.”
at 1:00 p.m. is for students how her involvement in groups
earning an Associate of Applied led her to experience the true Excerpt from Dr Nutt’s speech
Science, Certificate or GED. meaning of our slogan. That “all
Both ceremonies take place at for one and one for all” caring
Faithbridge Church Klein Cam- culture is an embedded and driv-
pus, located at 18000 Stuebner ing force at LSC-Tomball.
Airline Rd.
In an excerpt from her keynote
More than 850 will graduate speech, Kim sums it up this
this year with several hundred way, “The opportunities we


LSC-Tomball Vice President Selected as a CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019
2019-2020 Aspen Presidential Fellow

Dr. Scott Stallman, Vice President of Instruction at Lone Star

9 College Tomball has been selected by the Aspen Institute’s
College Excellence Program to join the 2019-2020 class

of the Aspen Presidential Fellowship for Community Col-

lege Excellence, a leadership program aimed at preparing

the next generation of community college presidents to

transform institutions to achieve higher and more equitable

levels of student success, both in college and in the labor Scott Stallman, VP, Instruction ›

Being selected as an Aspen Presidential Fellow is an amazing and prestigious accomplishment
and I’m very proud Dr. Stallman was chosen, but I am not a bit surprised. He is an excellent

choice. I know he will not only have a great experience, but he will also have much to contrib-

ute. His selection demonstrates our commitment to extraordinary at LSC-Tomball.

LSC-Tomball Licensed Veterinary Technician
Receives State Association Award

David Sessum Lone Star College-Tomball is pleased to announce one if its faculty
has been honored with the Texas Veterinary Medical Association’s
(TVMA) Licensed Veterinary Technician of the Year Award. David
Sessum, LVT, received the award at the TVMA Annual Conference &
Expo. The award is given to the licensed veterinary technician who
has displayed outstanding professional performance as a technician.
Nominations are made by TVMA members and the winner is selected
by the TVMA Awards Committee. David is a graduate of the veteri-
nary technology program at Lone Star College-Tomball and has been
a faculty member since 2017.

Each year, the members of the Texas Veterinary Medical Association gather at the Annual Confer-
ence & Expo to participate in veterinary continuing education and to recognize those in the veter-
inary field who have excelled throughout the year. This is the second time David has won the top
Vet Tech award and last year’s winner, Joyce Brod, also from LSC-Tomball marks first the time that
two faculty from the same college have been awarded in successive years.

LSC-Tomball offers a two-year veterinary technology associate of applied science degree that is
fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association.



CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019


› CALL of the Timberwolf - June 2019

Lone Star College - Tomball

Office of the President
281-357-3755 - President
Follow Dr. Lee Ann Nutt on Twitter


18 Return to
page 1


Delegation excels at A Revolution in health- Faculty member wins
Model UN...
care instruction... statewide award...

The Headline Goes Here...and

›there is room for two lines.

Tat. Et ma as eum quam aut ut Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, President LSC-Tomball pedis dolupiet re cus enis ex et
fugia doloriasi ius maximpos et ullabo. Ita con nimus quis et
etureicim ipsaese audiorro “A quotation goes here that la consedit is etusantio. Solor
omnim in reperibus res mos raises interest in the remain- solori sectissequo con ea qui
eos molum estiam dem vollabo der of the text.” aliquaspit voluptae. Nam fugi-
restempelest ea conseni hili- taepudit quiasperiori re, occus
bus cilitiantur, con plaborecea simillautem in conserum que nate vollaute arum quuntiaes
quat. consed elestiis rem lant, volorum et qui quia sae volupta dollent
faccus in pore platatius, occature qui volor sit fugia ide sunt deli-
Rovid magnis molesed icientur, quia qui doluptae imperro in- quiatio volende lendae volesti-
comnim fuga. Nequi ulparum velecta cusam quia conem. Fugia untis sequidebit quam quatem
volorrore plignime es exceriam nulligenim aliquamenis et excerfe ent optio qui debisci
sere, ommoloressim ulloria reperitasit ate pos apernatem re-
porestis dempel ipsapis natem enditiatecum solupta tian-
atatur, venis porum recerspera dae pedio exerro dolum
qui dolupta tibus, nonseca xxxxxxxxxx volorempos nis
tibusan tiberumque veres cust dolo qui dolore, et am ut quo
accabo. Ovitem nulluptatur, vendaer epersperspel ipsunti
qui qui occupta temquia seque aut exceatia nientium eli-
offic temporat. gent, nam re enis sae perum
faceatetur sa consectas ea
Ihitate idem quam, te pere vol- voluptur aut aute volentem ex
orum voluptatem quis et ped et autet. 221WORDS. 1473
quam vero beris et, quiduntus Characters & spaces.

IMPORTANT June 2 July 11 August 19 August 26

DATES: Summer 1 begins Summer 2 begins Faculty returns for Fall Fall classes begin›

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