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Published by mudassir.islam, 2022-01-04 04:56:48

Computing E-Book Grade 8

The City School 2021-2022

5.1. Single-Board Computers

A single-board computer (SBC) is a complete computer built on a single circuit board,

with microprocessor(s), memory, input/output (I/O), and other features required
of a functional computer. Single board computers were made as demonstration or

development systems, for educational systems, or as embedded computer controllers.
Many types of home computers or portable computers integrate all their functions

onto a single printed circuit board.
Unlike a desktop personal computer, single board computers often do not rely on

expansion slots for peripheral functions or expansion. Single board computers have
been built using a wide range of microprocessors.

Simple designs, such as those built by computer hobbyists, often use static RAM and
low-cost 8- or 16-bit processors. Other types, such as blade servers, would perform

similar to a server computer, only in a more compact format.

5.2. Introduction to Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi, which is a single board computer (SBC), is a small credit card sized

computing device that can be used for a variety of purposes that include but not
limited to:

• experimentation
• learning how to program,

• building a media player or NAS drive, robotics
• home automation

• performing computing tasks such as web browsing or word processing.

SBCs are also increasingly used for a wide range of industrial applications in areas

that include robotics and the Internet of things (IoT).


The City School 2021-2022

Exploring the Raspberry Pi

Besides having all the essential components of a traditional
computer Raspberry Pi has one special feature that normal

computers don’t: General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) Pins.
Thus, allowing you to connect with the real world.


The City School 2021-2022

Components of Raspberry Pi

• GPIOS: to connect devices to real world, for instance, sensors, LEDs, motors etc.

• USB Port: to connect a mouse, a keyboard, or other peripherals.
• Ethernet Port: to connect to the internet using an Ethernet cable.

• Audio Jack: to connect an audio device.
• CSI Connector: to connect a camera with a Camera Serial Interface ribbon.

• HDMI Connector: to connect a monitor or TV.
• Power Port: to power up your Pi.

• DSI Connector: to connect Display Serial Interface compatible display. Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers

Accessories Needed for Raspberry Pi

When you buy a Raspberry Pi board, you only get a bare electronic board that doesn’t

do much on its own. You need several accessories to get started. There are a lot of

accessories for the Raspberry Pi, but you need at least a microSD card and a power
supply. Without these accessories your Raspberry Pi is useless.

Power Adapter: you’ll need one that provides 2.5 amperes and 5 volts.

Micro SD Card: you’ll need one with at least 8GB storage, speed class 10.

SD You need a microSD card to store your files and the Pi’s operating system.

8 Gb The Pi doesn’t have hard drive, so everything you do on your Pi is saved on
the microSD card, even the operating system. You can get a microSD card with the
operating system preloaded or install the operating system yourself.

There are also useful accessories you may consider important such as an HDMI

cable to connect an LCD. A spare mouse and keyboard can also be useful to set your
Raspberry Pi as a desktop computer.


The City School 2021-2022

5.3. Raspberry Pi Architecture

The Raspberry Pi has an ARM Architecture based Processor. With a high-speed

processor and 1 GB RAM, the PI can be used for many demanding projects like digital
image processing and many IoT and connected projects. The Raspberry Pi also

consists of a set of pins that allow it to communicate with other nearby electronic

General purpose input-output (GPIO)

A powerful feature of Raspberry Pi is the set of GPIO pins along the top edge of the
board. GPIO pins can simply be used to turn devices on and off. GPIO pins allow the

Raspberry pi to be configured for different purposes, interact with different circuits,
and work with several types of electronic components, for example, motors, LEDs,

switches, etc. GPIO pins can simply be used to turn devices on and off.

The image on the right provides an
understanding of the pinout labelling.
3V3 Power 1 2 5V Power
Raspberry Pi pins are labelled in two GPIO 2 (SDA) 3 4 5V Power
ways, i.e. the GPIO pinout labelling and GPIO 3 (SCL) 5 6 Ground
GPIO 4 (GPCLK0) 7 8 GPIO 14 (TXD)
Physical pin labelling. The physical pin Ground 9 10 GPIO 14 (RXD)
GPIO 17 11 12 GPIO 18 (PCM_CLK)
labelling is starting from 1 and ending GPIO 27 13 14 Ground
on 40 in the image. GPIO 22 15 16 GPIO 23
3V3 Power 17 18 GPIO 24
Ports: GPIO 10 (MOSI) 19 20 Ground
GPIO 9 (MISO) 21 22 GPIO 25
• Raspberry Pi is equipped with four GPIO 11 (SCLK) 23 24 GPIO 8 (CE0)
USB 2.0 ports and one LAN Port. Ground 25 26 GPIO 7 (CE1)
GPIO 0 (ID_SD) 27 28 GPIO 1 (ID_SC)
• USB ports allow USB devices to be GPIO 5 29 30 Ground

connected together and transfer GPIO 6 31 32 GPIO 12 (PWM0)
GPIO 13 (PWM1) 33 34 Ground
data over a USB Cable. GPIO 19 (PCM_FS) 35 36 GPIO 16

• The LAN port allows the raspberry GPIO 26 37 38 GPIO 20 (PCM_DIN)
Ground 39 40 GPIO 21 (PCM_DOUT)
pi to connect to a network using a

wired connection.


The City School 2021-2022

Raspbian OS

Raspbian is a Debian-based (32 bit) computer operating system for Raspberry
Pi. There are several versions of Raspbian including Raspbian Buster and

Raspbian Stretch. Since 2015 it has been officially provided by the Raspberry Pi
Foundation as the primary operating system for the family of Raspberry Pi

single-board computers. The operating system is still under active development.
Raspbian is highly optimized for the Raspberry Pi line’s low-performance ARM CPUs.

Raspbian uses PIXEL, Pi Improved X-Window Environment, Lightweight as its main
desktop environment as of the latest update. The Raspbian distribution comes with a

copy of the computer algebra program Mathematica and a version of Minecraft called Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers
Minecraft Pi as well as a lightweight version of Chromium as of the latest version.

Menu to access
tools, software
and preferences
Chromium Power & battery
web browser Wi-fi/Wireless CPU usage
File manager
Terminal Bluetooth


The City School 2021-2022

5.4. Python Basics

Python is a high-level programming language designed
to be easy to read and simple to implement. It is open-

source, which means it is free to use, even for commercial
applications. Python can run on Mac, Windows, and UNIX

systems. Running Python Using IDLE- The IDLE interpreter
is a sort of “sandbox” where you can work with Python

interactively without having to write whole scripts to
see what they do. The name IDLE stands for Integrated

Development Environment.

You can find IDLE in the taskbar under the label of programming. Follow the steps to

run your first program:

1. Click on the Raspberry Pi icon in the

taskbar and then go to programming and
hit Python 3 (IDLE).

2. Let’s start with the first program that
prints “Hello World” message on the

3. Write print (“hello world”) on IDLE

and hit enter.

Running Python as a Script on IDLE

A script or scripting language is a feature

of computer language with a series of Checkpoint

commands within a file that is capable of
being executed. Scripts are just the piece of The Raspberry Pi, which is a single
board computer (SBC), is a small credit
code, in which the code is written in the form card sized computing device that can
be used for a variety of purposes.
of scripts and get executed. Error checking is GPIO stands for General Purpose

done when the code is executed or run. Input/Ouput pins.


The City School 2021-2022

Follow the steps to run python as script on IDLE:

1. On Python IDLE click File>>New File.
2. In the resulting window type the following program and then save the file as in the default location.
3. Then press F5 to execute the program.

4. The program output will be 15..

Sample code:

# This program adds two numbers

x = 10 Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers
y = 5

# Add two numbers and store result in z
z = x + y

# Display the sum

5.5. Variables in Python

A variable is the storage placeholder for text and numbers. It must have a name
so that you can find it again. The variable is always assigned with an equality sign,

followed by the value of the variable. Variables can store data that can be used
elsewhere. They’re one of the most powerful tools programmers can use.

In python IDLE, enter the following statement: score=9 All this does is tell Python
that you want to use score as a new name for the value 9. After this point, whenever

Python sees score, it will insert the value 9. To demonstrate this, try entering the
following: print(score).

Remember that python executes instructions in order, and you must give score a
value before you use it or you will get an error.

Sample code:

# This defines a variable score and assigns a value to it

score = 9
# Display the value stored in the variable



The City School 2021-2022

This illustrates another great aspect of python and that is dynamic typing. This

concept is defined with respect to the point at which the variable data types are
checked. In our code, the variable is score which holds the value 9 which is a number,
or we can label it as a data. A variable just stores the value, whereas the value could

be of different data types. The data type defines the type of data that is stored in the

Being said that, dynamic type languages are those in which the data type checking
is done at the run time. We don’t have to declare the data type in our code in python.

Python is smart enough to judge which data type is being held by the variable.

Data Types in Python

Values have types, every piece of data has to have a type associated with it so it
knows what it is dealing with. Python sets the variable type based on the value that is

assigned to it. Following are the data types which will be used throughout in coding:

Numbers: integers and float
String: any character or text

Boolean: true or false

5.6. LIST in Python

In Python, you can store your data into variables, but you can also put them in lists. A

list is just an ordered collection of items which can be of any data type. Creating a list
is as simple as putting different comma separated values between square brackets.

Each element of a list is assigned a value by using an index.
An example of list could be: newList=[10,20,30,”Samsung”]

To call or print a specific element of list, write the following code:

Sample code:

# This defines a list called newList

# Prints the third element in the list; starting from 0



The City School 2021-2022

Delete Elements in List

Del command is used to delete a list element as mentioned in the example below:

Sample code:

# This defines a list called newList

# Deletes the element at the index 1
del newList[1]

# Prints the list after deleting an item

Output: Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers

[10, 30, ‘Samsung’]

Add Elements in List

To add an item to the end of the list, use the append() method. The code below
demonstrates this:

Sample code:

# This defines a list called thisList

# adds a new element at the end of the list

# Prints the list after deleting an item



The City School 2021-2022

5.7. Conditional Statements in Python

Conditional statement is a set of rules performed if a certain condition is met.

IF Statement

if statement is a programming conditional statement that, if proved true, performs a
function or displays information. An if statement in python is written by using the if

keyword. The sample code below shows the if statement in python.
Sample code:

# This program compares two numbers using if

a = 33
b = 200
# if block

if b > a:

print(“b is greater than a”)

In this example, we use two variables, a and b, which are used as part of the if
statement to test whether b is greater than a. As a is 33, and b is 200, we know that 200

is greater than 33, and so we print to screen that “b is greater than a”. Indentation
is necessary; if we do not use the indentation as mentioned in example, python will give

an error.

Elif Statement

The elif keyword is Python’s way of saying “if the previous conditions were not true,

then try this condition”. The sample code below demonstrates Elif statement.

Sample code: Del command is used to delete a list
element whereas append() method is
# This program compares two numbers using elif used to add an item to the list

a = 33

b = 200 Checkpoint
# if block
if b > a: List is just an ordered collection of items
which can be of any data type.
print(“b is greater than a”) Del command is used to delete a list
element whereas append() method is
# elif block used to add an item to the list.
elif b == a:
print(“a and b are equal”)


The City School 2021-2022

In this example a is equal to b, so the first condition is not true, but the elif condition is

true, so we print to screen that “a and b are equal”.

Else Statement

The else keyword catches anything which isn’t caught by the preceding conditions. The
sampe code below shows else statement.

Sample code:
# This program compares two numbers using else statements

a = 33

b = 200 Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers
# if block
if b > a:

print(“b is greater than a”)

# elif block
elif b == a:
print(“a and b are equal”)

# else block

print(“a is greater than b”)

In this example a is greater than b, so the first condition is not true, also the elif
condition is not true, so we go to the else condition and print to screen that “a is

greater than b”. We can also use the else without using elif.

5.8. Conditional and Logical Operators

Conditional operators refine the statement you’re testing for. For instance, you can
specify the statement whether it’s greater than, less than, and a whole lot more.

Operator Meaning

= Equal too
> Greater than

< Less than
>= More than or equal to

<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to


The City School 2021-2022

Logical operators are similar to Boolean expressions that return a boolean result.
These operators are called binary because they acquire two operands.

Operator Meaning

AND Both sides must be true
OR One one the two conditions must be true

XOR One side or other must be true but not both
NOT Negates truth

5.9. Looping Statement in Python

A For loop is used for repeating over a sequence (that is either a list or a string). This

is less like the FOR keyword in other programming languages and works more like an
iterator method as found in other object-orientated programming languages.

For example, we have a list of students and we want to display the student with the
highest marks without using the max() function:

Sample code:

# This defines a list of student marks
stdMarks = [70, 80, 92.5, 60.2]
# This variable keeps track of the max marks

maxMarks = 0

# for loop block
for i in range(0,4):
if stdMarks[i] > maxMarks:

maxMarks = stdMarks[i]

# Prints highest student marks
print(“Highest student marks are:”, maxMarks)


The City School 2021-2022

5.10. Python Functions

In Python, a function is a group of related statements that perform a specific task.

Functions help break our program into smaller and modular chunks. As our program
grows larger and larger, functions make it more organized and manageable.

Furthermore, it avoids repetition and makes code reusable. Function names cannot
have spaces in between. Instead of spaces use _ underscore to connect the words.

In Python, a function is defined using the def keyword and for executing the function
we can use the function name along with parentheses ().

The sample code below demonstrates how functions are used in python: Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers

Sample code:

# This declares the function called my_function()
def my_function():

print(“Hello from a function”)

# Calling the function


Hello from a function

5.11. Getting Started with Python and Raspberry Pi

One of the classic electronic analogy to “Hello World”

is to make an LED blink. It is one of the very basic
tutorials to begin with. To get started, you first of all

need to build the circuit on the breadboard; a board
for electronic prototyping.

Equipment needed

Following componentes are required for this project:

• 1 breadboard

• 1 LED

• 2 jumper wires
• 1 resistor: 220Ω/1KΩ


The City School 2021-2022

The circuitry of LED blink is pretty simple, you just have to connect the electronic

component with raspberry pi properly as shown in the picture above.

1. Connect resistor through jumper wire (represented in blackcolour) with PIN 6.

2. Connect the positive leg of the LED with PIN 12 (GPIO 18).
3. After completing the circuitry, it’s time to move on to Raspberry Pi.

4. Turn on the Raspberry Pi.
5. On the desktop, go the start menu and click on python IDLE and enter the following


# calling header file for GPIO’s of PI.
import RPi.GPIO as IO

# calling for time library to use sleep command
for delays in program

import time
# programming the GPIO by BCM

IO.setmode (IO.BCM)
# initialize digital pin as an output.

# turn the LED on (making the voltage level HIGH)

# sleep for a second








The City School 2021-2022

BCM stands for Broadcom SOC channel. These pin numbers follow the lower-level

numbering system defined by the Raspberry Pi’s Broadcom System on Chip (SOC)

brain. The above program will turn the LED on and off thrice with a one second delay.
Resistor: The resistor is a passive device that controls or resists the flow of current to
your device, for example if we don’t use the resistor in the above experiment, the LED

may allow too much current to flow which can damage both the LED and the Pi.

Bread Board: Breadboards are one of the most 1 A B C D E Horizontal holes I J 1
2 are linked 2
fundamental pieces when learning how to build 3 together 3
4 4
circuits. A breadboard is a construction base for 5 5
6 But not across 6
prototyping of electronics for temporary testing. 7 8 the middle 7 8
9 9
The following diagram shows how a breadboard is 10 10
11 11
connected. 12 12
Jumper Wire: A jump wire (also known as jumper 14 14
16 16
wire, or jumper) is an electrical wire, or group of them in a 17 17
18 18
cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes 19 19
without them – simply “tinned”), which is normally used to 21 21
23 23
connect the components of a breadboard or other prototype 24 24
25 25
26 26
or test circuit. Jumper wires typically have a solid core which 27 27
28 28
means they have 1 single strand of wire as opposed to the 29 29
30 30
usual multiple thin strands used in electrical circuits. This makes them easy to bend into
a particular shape.
Blinking LED Program
In this program, the same components will be used which we have used earlier, but this

program is a bit different than the previous one as we will use the while loop for
continuous repetition of the program.

Enter the following code in Python IDLE program using the raspberry Pi:


The City School 2021-2022

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time


while True:



Button Controlled LED

In this program, the same components will be used which we have used earlier, except

the button. In this program, we will control the blinking or turning on and off the LED
using a button. Enter the following code in Python IDLE program using the raspberry Pi:

import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import time as t


gpio.setup(18, gpio.BCM)
gpio.setup(23, gpio.OUT)

while True:
if gpio.input(18):



In this program, we will understand the SONAR Sensor and its working. SONAR is an

acronym of Sound Navigation & Ranging. It is used for measuring distance regardless
of the shape colour and surface of the object. Hardware of this project is made simpler

for your handling and does not require any soldering or messy wiring. We will use the
Pi Shield on the top of the GPIO pins of Pi as a stack and connect the SONAR sensor

on the Pi shield. But this time we will power the Pi via power adapter or battery outlet
available on the Pi Shield.


The City School 2021-2022

We have also used the conditional statements in while loop. According to the if

condition, if the voltage is detected on the GPIO18, then the Pi will turn on the LED,
which is connected to GPIO23. The voltages will be detected on GPIO18 when the

button is pressed.

5.12. Interfacing with SONAR Sensor

Equipment needed

Following components are required for this project:

• Sonar Sensor

• Pi Shield
• Raspberry Pi

• Power Adapter / Battery
• Keyboard, Mouse & LCD

Hardware of this project is made simpler for your handling and does not require any

soldering or messy wiring. We will use the Pi Shield on the top of the GPIO pins of Pi as
a stack and connect the SONAR sensor on the Pi shield. But this time we will power the

Pi via power adapter or battery outlet available on the Pi Shield.

Interfacing code:

import RPi.GPIO as gpio

import time as t

trigger=17 Python is one of the official

echo=27 programming languages at Google

gpio.setup(trigger, gpio.OUT) and YouTube is one of Google’s
gpio.setup(echo, gpio.IN) products that are powered by
def distance():



The City School 2021-2022


while gpio.input(Echo) == 0:

while gpio.input(Echo) == 0:


return dis
while True:


print(“Measured distance= ”, D, “cm”)

In this program we are determining distance by using a Sonar Sensor. This explains the
application of sensors and they talk to the real world. We have created the function by

the name of Distance. This function will control voltages to trigger pin which will cause
Sonar Sensor to transmit the ultrasonic sound wave, which is inaudible to human ear,

for 0.0001 seconds. The transmitted wave will bounce back when it hits the object and
will be received by the echo pin. We have included two libraries in this code as well.

First is the RPi.GPIO and second is the time library. Distance is the product of Speed
into time.

5.13. Interfacing with Servo Motor

A servo motor is an electrical device that can push or

rotate an object with great precision. If you want to
rotate and object at some specific angles or distance,

then you use a servo motor. It is just made up of
a simple motor and the servo mechanism. In this

program, we will work with the concept of Pulse-Width
Modulation as it is one of the basic operating principles

of a servo motor. We will learn how to control servo motors. These motors have its


The City School 2021-2022

application where an object must be pushed or rotated at a precise angle.

We will use the Pi Shield on the top of the GPIO pins of Pi as a stack and connect the
Servo motor on the Pi shield. And this time we will also power the Pi via power adapter

or battery outlet available on the Pi Shield. Colour codes are marked on the Pi Shield
(B for brown, R for Red, and Y for Yellow). Make sure to connect the correct wire on the


Equipment needed

Following components are required for this project:

• Servo Motor Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers
• Pi Shield

• Raspberry Pi
• Power Adapter / Battery

• Keyboard, Mouse & LCD

Interfacing code:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time as t



while True:





The City School 2021-2022

Servo motors are controlled by PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). PWM works like On-

time and Off-time of a signal. On-time represents the active time of the signal required
to power the servo motor whereas the Off-time is for the inactive time of a signal.

In the code, we are instructing the Pi to start the wave at 24% using the start command.
Then we use the command ChangeDutyCycle() which understands the value in

percentage format, referring to the on-time of signal or to change the angle. We just
have to input the percentage of on-time signal to rotate servo motor to a particular

angle. This is the standard method to program a servo motor.
The ChangeDutyCycle() is in while True loop which means that the servo motor will

keep changing its angle after a particular time.

5.14. Building Smart Robotic Car

Bumble Pi is an educational robot kit specially
designed for beginners to learn and get hands-

on experience with mechanics, electronics, and
Computer Science. Bumble Pi is easy to assemble.

Follow the step-wise instruction for making
Bumble Pi.

Equipment needed

• Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian OS)
• Pi Shield

• Screw Set
• Chassis (Upper and lower planks

and side planks)
• Battery with a zip tie

• DC Motors Chassis (upper and lower planks) DC Motors
• SONAR with Holder

• Servo Motor
• Wheels & Caster Wheel

• Android Mobile Device with
TechTree Bumble Pi Application

installed in it.

Wheels for DC Motor Caster wheel for the front


The City School 2021-2022

Pi Shield

Bumble Pi is an educational robot kit specially designed for beginners to learn
and get hands-on experience with mechanics, electronics, and Computer Science.

Bumble Pi is easy to assemble. Follow the step-wise instruction for making

Bumble Pi. Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers


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Steps to Assemble

servo motor

Pi-sheild screws

Chasis screws


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Bumble-Pi Programming

Enter the following code in Python IDLE and save the file name as SRC

# importing the libraries
from Bluetooth import *

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

# Addressing the GPIO Pins as per Pi Shield configuration


# Creating variables for motor functionality Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers
MotorL1 = 21
MotorL2 = 18

enA = 20

MotorR1 = 26
MotorR2 = 12
enB = 19

# initializing the output pins





#setting up the speed of motors




The City School 2021-2022

#activating the on-board bluetooth

port = 1



uuid ="94f39d29-7d6d-437d-973b-fba39e49d4ee"


print("Accept connection",client_info)

#setting conditions
while True:

print(“Receive[ %s]” % data)

if (data == ”quit”):


#forward functionality
elif (data == ”F”):



#backward functionality
elif (data == ”D”):




The City School 2021-2022

#stop functionality
elif (data == ”S”):



#turn right functionality

elif (data == ”R”):
GPIO.output(MotorL1,True) Programming Robots & Single-Board Computers


#turn left functionality

elif (data == ”L”):




After successfully entering this code and saving your file with the name of follow
these steps to connect your smart car using the android mobile device.

1. Connect and pair the Bluetooth of the mobile device
with raspberry pi.

2. Open terminal and type sudo python & Checkpoint
3. You will notice the blue LED light will be on Pi Shield, In Python, a function is a group of
related statements that perform a
this means that bluetooth module is ready to specific task.
connect. SONAR is an acronym of Sound
Navigation & Ranging. It is used for
measuring distance.
4. Open the TechTree-Bumble pi application on the
A servo motor is an electrical device
mobile device which you have already paired with that can push or rotate an object with
great precision.
Bluetooth to this Raspberry Pi.


The City School 2021-2022

5. Click on the Bumble Pi icon on the right bottom corner.

6. For security purposes, your mobile device will ask for permission to give bluetooth
module access to this application. Select the Allow option to give permission.
7. After that, a list of Bluetooth devices will be available to connect, select the

raspberry pi option which will be listed with the physical (MAC) address of the

8. Car Controlling screen will appear and the Blue LED on your bumble pi shield will
turn off it means your Bluetooth connection is successful now you can control your

car from your smartphone.

9. If Blue LED doesn’t turn off it means you’re not connected with the Raspberry Pi so
reboot your Raspberry Pi by turning off its switch and then repeat from step 2.

Making a Bootloader

For mobility purposes, we can also make a bootloader which will automatically start
the command whenever the Raspbian OS will boot. By doing this we won’t be needing

the Keyboard, Mouse and LCD to be connected for configuring or executing the

Note: This Step will not exclude the process of pairing the android device.

Follow these steps to make the bootloader:

1. Open terminal and type the command sudo nano /etc/rc.local
2. There will be a lot of text written in that file. Locate the comment stating # write a

path for the code to run here”. And enter this command sudo python /home/pi/ & and press ctrl+x

3. The terminal window will ask to save the file, press Y for yes.
4. After that terminal will ask to save this file on the same location where we have to

press Enter key.
5. Unplug the cables and restart the Pi by typing the Reboot keyword within the

terminal window.
6. Wait for the Pi to boot completely and you will notice the blue light is lit and the Pi is

ready to connect with the paired mobile device using the Tech Tree Bumble Pi app.


The City School 2021-2022

Let’s Review

1. A single-board computer (SBC) is a complete computer built on a single circuit
board, with microprocessor(s), memory, input/output (I/O), and other features

required of a functional computer.
2. The Raspberry Pi, which is a single board computer (SBC), is a small credit card

sized computing device that can be used for a variety of purposes.
3. GPIO pins allow the Raspberry pi to be configured for different purposes; interact

with different circuits, and work with several types of electronic components.
4. A list is just an ordered collection of items which can be of any data type.

5. Del command is used to delete an item from list where as append() command is
used to add an item at end of the list.

6. In Python, a function is a group of related statements that perform a specific task.
7. SONAR is an acronym of Sound Navigation & Ranging. It is used for measuring

distance regardless of the shape colour and surface of the object.
8. A servo motor is an electrical device that can push or rotate an object with great

9. Bumble Pi is an educational robot kit specially designed for beginners to learn and

get hands-on experience with mechanics, electronics, and computer science.

My Notes!


The City School 2021-2022


Developing Applications

Hello World

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnReaction.Click
lblReaction.Text = “Hello World”

End Sub
End Class

Declaring Private Variable

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer

num1 = TextBox1.Text

num2 = TextBox2.Text
Label1.Text = num1 + num2

End Sub
End Class

Declaring Public Variable

Public Class Form1

Public pub As Integer
Private Sub btnRst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnRst.Click
pub = 0

Label1.Text = pub


The City School 2021-2022

End Sub

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click

pub = pub + 1 Appendix
Label1.Text = pub

End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click

End Sub

End Class

If...Then Statements

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim number As Integer
number = textBoxNumber.Text

If number >= 7 Then
lblResult.Text = “Congratulations! You win”

End If
End Sub

End Class

If...Then...Else Statements

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim number As Integer

number = textBoxNumber.Text


The City School 2021-2022

If number >= 7 Then
lblResult.Text = “Congratulations! You win”


lblResult.Text = “No luck...Try Again”
End If

End Sub

End Class

If...Then...Elseif Statements

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim score As Integer
Dim grade As String

score = TextBox1.Text

If score >= 90 Then
grade = “A”

ElseIf score >= 80 Then

grade = “B”
ElseIf score >= 70 Then

grade = “C”

grade = “Needs improvement”

End If
lblGrade.Text = grade

End Sub

End Class


The City School 2021-2022

For Loop

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click Appendix

Dim i As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
sum = 0

For i = 1 To 50

sum = sum + i
lblResult.Text = sum

End Sub

End Class

Do...Next Loop

Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim i As Integer

Dim sum As Integer

i = 0
sum = 0

Do While sum < 500
i = i + 1

sum = sum + i

lstResult.Items.Add(i & vbTab & sum)

End Sub
End Class


The City School 2021-2022

Event Handling

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub
Private Sub Form1_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Me.MouseHover

MsgBox(“This window pop-up window appears when mouse is hovered
over the button”)

End Sub
End Class

Functions and Subroutines

Public Class Form1
Private Function BMI(ByVal Height As Single, ByVal weight As Single)

As Double

BMI = weight / Height ^ 2
End Function

Private Sub btnBMI_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnBMI.Click

Dim h As Single

Dim w As Single
h = Val(TextBox1.Text)

w = Val(TextBox2.Text)

lblBMIResult.Text = BMI(h, w)
End Sub

End Class


The City School 2021-2022

Program Debugging and Error Handling

Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal
e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click Appendix

lbl_errorMsg.Visible = False
Dim firstNum, secondNum As Double

On Error GoTo error_handler

firstNum = firstNumber.Text
secondNum = secondNumber.Text

lblAnswer.Text = firstNum / secondNum
Exit Sub

‘to prevent error handling even when inputs are valid’

lblAnswer.Text = “Error”

lbl_errorMsg.Visible = True

lbl_errorMsg.Text = “One of the the entries is not a Number! Try

End Sub

End Class


The City School 2021-2022


Angular gradient: shades in a counter-clockwise sweep around the starting point.

Arguments: the argument is a parameter that can pass a value back to the function.

There is no limit to the number of arguments that can be added.
Bevel and emboss: add various combinations of highlights and shadows to a layer.
Bitmap: a rectangular grid of pixels, with each pixel’s colour being specified by a

number of bits.

Button: it is used as a standard Windows Button. In most cases, the Button Control is
used to generate a click event,
Checkbox: checkboxes are similar to radio buttons in the way that they are also used

in groups, however, a user can select more than one item in the group.

Clone stamp tool: the clone stamp tool paints one part of an image over another part
of the same image or over another part of any open document that has the same
colour mode.

Colour overlay: fills the layer’s content with color.

Colour palette: displays the current foreground and background colours and RGB
values for these colours.
ComboBox: it is similar to the list but it works as a dropdown for the user. A user can

click on the downwards aero on the right side and select any item.

Conditional operators: conditional operators refine the statement you’re testing for.
Cyber bullying: Bullying that occurs online, often through instant messaging, text
messages, emails, and social networks.

Database: a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible

in various ways is called Database.
DateTime picker: this control allows the user pick the date and time via a Calendar
and a clock.

Decision making statements: allow to specify one or more conditions to be executed

if the condition is determined to be true.
Digital citizenship: digital citizenship means being part of the group of people that use
technology to communicate.

Diamond gradient: shades from the middle to the outer corners of a diamond pattern.

Digital resiience: the ability of young people to develop a critical mind-set when


The City School 2021-2022

accessing digital information to reduce their vulnerability to potentially harmful

Drop shadow: Adds a shadow that falls behind the contents on the layer.
Error handling: An essential procedure in Visual Basic 2010 programming that helps Glossary

make a program error-free.
Event: user action like key press, clicks, mouse movements, etc., or some occurrence

like system generated notifications.
Fake news: deliberately made up stories or images to make people believe something

that isn’t true.
Field: a way of organizing information by type.

Filter gallery: a preview of many of the special effects & filters.
Foreign key: a column or group of columns in a relational database table that

provides a link between data in two tables.
Forms: display cases in stores that make it easier to view or get the items that you

Free transform: lets you apply transformations (rotate, scale, skew, distort, and

perspective) in one continuous operation.
Function: a type of procedure that returns a value that is passed on to the main

procedure to finish execution. A function is similar to a subprocedure but there is one
major difference, a function returns a value whilst a subprocedure does not.

Gradient overlay: fills the layer’s content with gradient.
GPIO: general purpose input-output pins.

Healing brush: lets you correct imperfections, causing them to disappear into the
surrounding image.

Inner glow: add glows that emanate from the inside edges of the layer’s content.
Label: it is used to display some informative text on the GUI which is not changed

during runtime.
Layers: layers let you organize your work into distinct levels that can be edited and

viewed as individual units.
Layer blending mode: defines how the layer’s pixels blend with underlying pixels in the

Layer mask: allows you to hide certain parts of the layer, which can then be revealed

by using the paintbrush and the white paint colour to expose portions of the layer.


The City School 2021-2022

Layer visibility: the eye shows that the selected layer is visible.

Linear gradient: shades from the starting point to the ending point in a straight line.
Live streaming: broadcasting of real-time, live, video to an audience over the internet.

Logical operators: similar to boolean expressions that return a boolean result.
Loop: a sequence of instructions that is repeated until a certain condition is reached.

Microsoft forms: allows Office 365 users to create custom surveys, quizzes, polls and
questionnaires in minutes.

Mirror gradient: mirrors the same linear gradient on either side of the starting point.
Not null: this constraint enforces that this field cannot be left unused.

Outer glow: add glows that emanate from the outside edges of the layer’s content.
Pattern overlay: fills the layer’s content with pattern.

Popups: adverts for products and services and other times they are phishing scams
asking you to enter personal details to claim an unbelievable prize.

Primary key: a key in a database that is unique for each record.
Private variables: variables that are accessible only to a certain part of the program

or code.
Properties: properties define the field’s characteristics and behaviour.

Public variables: are variables that are accessible to the whole program.
Query: a special “question” you apply to the database to find specific data and get the

information you want.
Radial gradient: shades from the starting point to the ending point in a circular

Raspberry Pi: the Raspberry Pi, which is a single board computer (SBC), is a small

credit card sized computing device that can be used for a variety of purposes
Raspian-OS: raspbian is a Debian-based (32 bit) computer operating system for

Raster graphics: a dot matrix data structure that represents a generally rectangular

grid of pixels (points of colour), viewable via a monitor, paper, or other display.
Record: a record is one unit of information. Every cell on a given row is part of that

row’s record.
Reports: offer a way to view, format, and summarize the information in your Microsoft

Access database.
Resolution: the number of pixels on a printed area of an image.


The City School 2021-2022

Responsive: responsive also means the interface provides some form of feedback.

Search engine: a search engine is designed to search for information on the World
Wide Web by using specified keywords.

Servo motor: an electrical device that can push or rotate an object with great
precision. Glossary

Single board computer: a single-board computer (SBC) is a complete computer built
on a single circuit board, with microprocessor(s), memory, input/output (I/O), and

other features required of a functional computer.
SONAR: SONAR is an acronym of Sound Navigation & Ranging. It is used for

measuring distance regardless of the shape colour and surface of the object.
Style palette: allows you to view, select, and apply pre-set layer styles.

Swatches palette: allows to choose a foreground or background colour and add a
customized colour to the library.

Table relationships: allows to join tables when you need to use them in a database

Textbox: it is used to accept textual input from the user. The user can add strings,
numerical values and a combination of those.

Unique: this constraint enforces that the data entered in this field cannot be repeated
or all the values entered should be unique to each other.

User interface: the graphical layout of an application.
Variable: a name given to a storage area that our programs can manipulate.


The City School 2021-2022


The ICTECH curriculum engages students at technical and practical level,

equipping them with skills required in areas of research, publication

designing and prediction. The computing curriculum aims at teaching

principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and

how to put this knowledge to use through programming. ICTECH

activities incorportae a range of technology skills into student learning

such as word processing, programming, Animation, Programming,

Spreadsheets, Photoediting, Desktop Publishing, Digital Citizenship,

Databases, Operating system, Robotics, and Presentation Skills.

We are a Microsoft School

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