The City School 2021-2022
1. In this example, we want to join the agent’s name written in column A and region
written in column B. The result will be displayed in column C
Analysing Data
2. CONCATENATE will combine exactly what you tell it to combine, and nothing more.
3. If you want punctuation, spaces, or any other details to appear in the cell, you’ll need to
tell CONCATENATE to include it. To add a space, we can simply add another argument:
“ “ (two double quotes around a space). Make sure the three arguments are separated
by commas: =CONCATENATE(A2,” “,B2)
The City School 2021-2022
The SUM function can be used to find the total of numbers entered in a range of cells. The
SUM function follows the following syntax:
=SUM (number1, [number2],
[number3], ...)
1. Move the cell pointer to the cell (E2). Select SUM from the Autosum dropdown menu
available in the Functions tab.
2. Now enter the cell range B2:D2 within the two brackets appearing in the (E2) cell. The
cell range can also be given by using the mouse. Click on the starting cell (B2) of the
range and then drag the mouse to the last cell (D2) of the range, while holding down
the mouse button.
The City School 2021-2022
3. Press the enter key. You will then see the result of the function in cell E2.
Analysing Data
4. Now follow the same procedure to enter the formula in E3, E4 and E5 cells.
The Excel AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of supplied
=AVERAGE (number1, [number2], ...)
The example below, calculates the average sale of the flowers sold in the months of
January, Feburary and March.
The City School 2021-2022
The Excel MIN function returns the smallest value from a supplied range of cell. The
syntax of the function is:
=MIN(number1, [number2], …)
Cell E5 of the following spreadsheet shows the Excel Min function, used to retrieve the
smallest value from the set of values in cells E2:E4.
The City School 2021-2022
Analysing Data
The Excel MAX function returns the largest value from a supplied range of cells. The
syntax of the function is:
=MAX(number1, [number2], …)
Cell E5 of the following spreadsheet shows the Excel Min function, used to retrieve the
smallest value from the set of values in cells E2:E4.
Quick Tip
Min and Max functions are also available in the Autosum dropdown
menu available in the Functions tab. You can use the same SUM function
procedure to insert the average function in a cell. The only difference is
that you have to select Min or Max function instead of SUM.
The City School 2021-2022
4.7. Formatting Cells in Excel
All cell content uses the same formatting by
default, which can make it difficult to read Around 95% of companies
a workbook with a lot of information. Basic say their inability to
formatting can customize the look and feel of understand and manage
your workbook, allowing you to draw attention to unstructured data is holding
specific sections and making your content easier them back.
to view and understand.
Adding Borders
1. Select the cell(s) you want to modify.
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Borders command on the Home tab. The
Borders drop-down menu will appear. Select the border style you want to use. In our
example, we will choose to display All Borders.
The City School 2021-2022
3. The selected border style will appear.
4. You can draw borders and change the line style and colour of the borders with the
Draw Borders tools at the bottom of the Borders drop-down menu.
Format Painter
If you want to copy formatting from one
cell to another, you can use the Format
Painter command on the Home tab. When
you click the Format Painter, it will copy
all of the formatting from the selected cell.
You can then click and drag over any cells
you want to paste the formatting to.
The City School 2021-2022
Insert Currency Symbol on Cells
1. Select the cells you want to format.
2. Then, select Currency from the Number Format drop-down list in the Number section
of the Home tab.
The City School 2021-2022
4.8. Header and Footer in Excel
You can make your workbook easier to read and look more professional by including
headers and footers. The header is a section of the workbook that appears in the
top margin, while the footer appears in the bottom margin. Headers and footers
generally contain information such as page number, date, and workbook name. Analysing Data
1. Locate and select the Page Layout view command at the bottom of the Excel
window. The worksheet will appear in Page Layout view.
2. Select the header or footer you want to modify. In our example, we’ll modify the footer
at the bottom of the page.
The City School 2021-2022
3. The Design Tools tab will appear on the Ribbon. From here, you can access commands
that will automatically include page numbers, dates, and workbook names. In our
example, we’ll add page numbers.
4. The footer will change to include page numbers automatically.
The City School 2021-2022
4.9. Getting Worksheet Ready for Print
Setting Page Orientation
1. Click the Page Layout tab on Analysing Data
the Ribbon.
2. Select the Orientation
command, then choose either
Portrait or Landscape from
the dropdown menu.
Fitting and Scaling
In some cases, you may need to make
small adjustments from the Print pane Checkpoint
to fit your workbook content neatly onto
a printed page. The Print pane includes A function is a predefined formula that
performs calculations using specific
several tools to help fit and scale your values.
content, such as scaling and page margins. The header is a section of the workbook
If some of your content is being cut off by that appears in the top margin, while the
footer appears in the bottom margin.
the printer, you can use scaling to fit your
workbook to the page automatically.
The City School 2021-2022
1. Select the desired option from
the Scaling drop-down menu.
In our example, we will select
Fit Sheet on One Page.
2. The worksheet will be
condensed to fit onto a single
page. When you are satisfied
with the scaling, click Print.
Printing Worksheet
1. Select the File tab. Backstage view will
appear. Select Print. The Print pane will
2. Navigate to the Print pane, then select
the desired printer.
3. Enter the number of copies you wish to
4. Select Print. The Print pane will appear.
5. Click Print.
The City School 2021-2022
Let’s Review
1. The AutoFit feature will allow you to set a column’s width to fit its content
2. Wrapping the text will automatically modify a cell’s row height, allowing cell
contents to be displayed on multiple lines.
3. Merging allows you to combine a cell with adjacent empty cells to create one large
4. A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values
in a particular order.
5. The CONCATENATE function allows you to combine text from different cells into
one cell.
6. The SUM function can be used to find the total of numbers entered in a range of
7. AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of supplied numbers.
8. MIN function returns the smallest value from a supplied range of cell.
9. MAX function returns the largest value from a supplied range of cells.
10. Format Painter allows to copy formatting from one cell to another
11. The header is a section of the workbook that appears in the top margin, while the
footer appears in the bottom margin.
My Word Bank!
MIN Header
MAX Format painter
Wrap Text Footer MAX
Different Types of Websites
Blogging Websites
Features regularly updated articles, photos and
Business Websites
Committed to depicting a particular business. It conveys the
sorts of items as well as services the company/ business
e-Commerce Websites
An online shopping destination where users can purchase
products or services from your company.
Social Media Websites
These websites are normally made to let individuals share
contemplations, pictures or thoughts, or just associate with
others corresponding to a specific topic.
Forum Websites
Network or Social Forums are an incredible method to connect
and share thoughts with individuals with similar interests.
Building a Website
Different Types of Websites
Blogging Websites
Features regularly updated articles, photos and Student Learning Outcomes
Business Websites After going through this chapter, students will be able to:
Committed to depicting a particular business. It conveys the 1. Understand the purpose of the website and webpage
sorts of items as well as services the company/ business 2. Getting familiar with Mobirise interface
offers. 3. Select a website theme
4. Insert and design a new webpage
e-Commerce Websites 5. Manipulate webpage design and content
An online shopping destination where users can purchase 6. Insert media such as photos, videos, social media links and location map
products or services from your company. 7. Apply hyperlinks on the text
8. Save and export website source files
9. Preview and publish the website
Social Media Websites 10. Modify and republish the modified website
These websites are normally made to let individuals share
contemplations, pictures or thoughts, or just associate with ISTE Student Standard Coverage
others corresponding to a specific topic.
Forum Websites Empowered Knowledge Innovative Creative
Network or Social Forums are an incredible method to connect Learner Constructor Designer Communicator
and share thoughts with individuals with similar interests. 1a 1d 3a 3b 4b 4c 6d
The City School 2021-2022
5.1. Website and Webpage
A web page is a document with text, images, sound and video that can be accessed on
the web from any device that is connected to the internet. You have to use a web browser
to be able to read a web page.
A website is a set of web pages joined together. All the websites are kept on computers
on the Internet, which are called web servers. The first page of a website is called the
Homepage. From there, you can go anywhere you want using links to the other web
pages. These links are called Hyperlinks. You can use a hyperlink to go to another web
page on the same website or to another website. You can also use a hyperlink to pop up
more information on a subject or to show an image in detail.
5.2. Getting Started with Mobirise
Mobirise is a free offline app for Window and Mac to
easily create small/medium websites, landing pages,
online resumes and portfolios, promo sites for apps,
events, services, and products. You probably already
know about it if you’re reading this manual.
Setting up Mobirise
1. Go to the official site of Mobirise
and download the installation
files. Select the installation file
depending on your OS.
The City School 2021-2022
2. You will get a .zip file. Just unpack it and run the .exe file to install the app. Now you
have a powerful and simple tool for creating your own personalized web sites.
Building a Website
Quick Tip
To update your app to the next version you must do all the same
procedure i.e. download and install the proper file. After this, Mobirise will
be updated.
5.3. Creating an Account on Mobirise
Once, you have downloaded and installed
Mobirise website builder you need to register
your account. After launching the app, you will
see its interface, a first page of the project and 75% of people form their
a login window. opinion of a website based
on its aesthetics.
The City School 2021-2022
Signing-up with email address
Type your email address in the empty field. Mobirise will send you an email with a
password for your account. You will receive a password in the email that you registered
with. Type the password in the empty field of a new pop-up window.
Signing up with Facebook or Google account
You can also register using your Google or Facebook accounts. Click on Login with Google
or Login with Facebook in the sign-up window respectively.
When creating an account on Mobirise, you need to consider the following:
• You can log in with this email/account only on 2 devices.
• All extensions are attached to one account, i.e. to email which was mentioned, during
activation of the extension.
• It is impossible to change the email address of an account, but you are free to create
more accounts with different emails.
The City School 2021-2022
You will see the following message on your Mobirise application after you have
successfully created an account.
Building a Website
5.4. Working with Themes
When you are starting the project, you must choose one of the available themes.
Themes that you see in the window when you are starting a project, are free. If you want
to get more Mobirise themes, then you will have to purchase them.
1. To access themes, click on Sites and then select Create New Site.
The City School 2021-2022
2. Navigate to the Themes tab. Here you can see plethora of website themes that are
either free or paid.
5.5. Site Settings
1. Open the main menu and click on Sites list. Click on the blue Gear icon.
The City School 2021-2022
2. You will have access to the following site settings. Refer to the image below.
Building a Website
• Theme name: you can see the theme your
project is based on. Unfortunately, the site
theme cannot be changed.
• Site name: set a name of your site that is
displayed in the Sites list. This site name is Checkpoint
shown only in the app.
• Site files: find two buttons here: Export Site A web page is a document with text,
images, sound and video that can be
and History accessed on the web
• Export site: export your project files to A website is a set of web pages joined
another location.
Mobirise is a free offline app for Window
• History: revert previous versions of your and Mac to easily create small/medium
project back. websites
• Favicon: a small image that is seen on a tab
in browsers and also in a list of bookmarks. You can use your menu logo as a favicon in
the app or set a separate image for it.
• Site domain: if you publish your site to mobirise servers, you can also connect your
domain. This feature is not free.
The City School 2021-2022
5.6. Creating a Website
In order to start creating your website, follow the steps below:
1. Open the main menu and navigate to Sites list.
2. Click on the Create New Site button and select a theme for your website.
The City School 2021-2022
3. Enter your site name and click OK.
Building a Website
Adding Menu and Footer
Every modern site needs to have a nice and convenient menu on the top of its pages. In
Mobirise you can add this kind of drop-down menu in your project. It is important to note
that menu block is same for all pages of your projects.
1. Click red + in the bottom right corner to add a new block.
The City School 2021-2022
2. You will see that the menu block is the very first one. Just click to add it to your project.
3. Click the blue gear icon in the top right corner to change a size of the logo; hide/show
brand name, menu items, buttons text, title; change the block background and other
useful stuff.
4. Click on the menu item to add a link, change the font style or colour, to add an icon,
submenus, and so on.
The City School 2021-2022
5. You can also add some footer on the bottom of your pages. The footer may
Building a Website
include your contacts, social links (Facebook, Twitter etc.), privacy policies and
even embedded map with your address. You can access Footer from the Block list.
You can make different footers for your project pages, unlike a header menu.
6. You can delete blocks by clicking on the red trash can icon.
The City School 2021-2022
Adding Page Title
When you set the Page Title in the app, it defines the title of the document. This title is
shown on a tab in browsers. Change your page URL to change its filename.
1. Open the main menu and navigate to the Pages list
2. Double-click on the Page Title and enter the title of the page.
The City School 2021-2022
3. Alternatively, click on the Page Settings icon and enter the page title.
Building a Website
Adding a Button
1. To click on an existing
2. Click on the Add button.
Adding Link to an Image
1. Click on the image.
2. Set your link in the Link section.
3. Click OK
The City School 2021-2022
Changing Favicon
The favicon is a small square image that represents a website in web browsers. Favicons
help us quickly visually match every browser tab with a certain website.
1. Open the main menu and navigate to the Sites List. Click on the gear icon of the site to
access Site Settings.
The City School 2021-2022
2. Click on Change Favicon and select the image. Click Publish.
Building a Website
Linking Pages in Website
1. Select the text or click on a button and then on the Link button to open the Link window
or click on the image.
The City School 2021-2022
2. Open the Block on Page list. Select the needed block. Click on the Insert Link button.
Setting Page Order
1. Open the main menu and
navigate to the Pages list.
2. Drag the Page Title of the
required page.
3. Move it up or down the list
and drop it.
5.7. Working with Site Styles
To make your site even more original and
attractive, use the Site Styles option. With this
Site name refer to the name of your
feature, you can quickly and conveniently site that is displayed in the Sites list.
edit the colour tones, font styles, and do other Favicon is a small image that is seen on
cool things. a tab in browsers and also in a list of
Page title defines the title of your
The City School 2021-2022
Open the left-side menu and go to Sites
Building a Website
list. Find the site you want to edit and click
on the Edit Site styles button represented
by brush.
The right-side menu will open.
Here you can:
• Set the main colour for the
site and also a colour for
buttons and links.
• Set the font size and colour
for every title of your site.
• Also, you can turn on
Rounded buttons, Animation
on scroll and Scroll to top
Changing Font Size
If you want to change the font
size for some text elements on
your site, you should know, that
you can only select the needed
text type. In Site Styles, you can
set the font sizes for project text
types. Set the size in EM, you
can use the sliders to set the
size or enter it manually. In older
Mobirise themes, you can set the font and font-size separately for each block.
The City School 2021-2022
5.8. Adding Location Map
If you want to add a Google Map to your website, drag and drop a website block with a
map, click on the blue gear button in the upper right corner of the block to open block
parameters. Paste a location into the Map field.
The Google Maps API might not work for your map. In this case, you can add a Google
Map iFrame instead.
To embed a Google Map iFrame into your website, follow these steps below.
1. Visit Google Maps. Type the location in the search box and click on Share.
The City School 2021-2022
2. In the new window click on Embed a map and copy the HTML code of the map.
Building a Website
3. Open Mobirise. Drag and drop a block with a map. Click on the blue gear button in the
upper right corner of the block to see parameters. Embed the copied HTML code into
the Map field.
The City School 2021-2022
Let’s Review
1. A web page is a document with text, images, sound and video that can be accessed
on the web
2. A website is a set of web pages joined together.
3. All the websites are kept on computers on the internet, which are called web servers.
4. Mobirise is a free offline app for Window and Mac to easily create small/medium
5. Favicon a small image that is seen on a tab in browsers and also in a list of
bookmarks. You can use your menu logo as a favicon in the app or set a separate
image for it.
6. Every modern site needs to have a nice and convenient menu on the top of its pages.
7. The footer may include your contacts, social links (Facebook, Twitter etc.), privacy
policies and even embedded map with your address.
8. When you set the Page Title in the app, it defines the title of the document. This title is
shown on a tab in browsers.
9. You can customize font type and size in Site Styles.
My Word Bank!
Site Styles
Site Files Site Domain
Benefits of Coding
Expert problem solvers!
Kids who code strategivallly breakdown
challenges and overcome problems
Logical thinkers!
Boost logical thinking and this contributes to more
progress in other subject tool
Unlimited creativity
Coding contributes to
creative thinking
Incredible focus
Children run how to concentrate and complete
project effectively
Interactive Stories
Student Learning Outcomes
After going through this chapter, students will be able to:
1. Understand the purpose of the computer program
2. Familiarize with the scratch program interface
3. Add a new sprite.
4. Add a new background.
5. Edit an existing scratch program.
6. Insert and program multiple sprites in an animation.
7. Use programming blocks in Scratch
8. Understand the concept of robotics
9. Understand what Edison Robot is and connect edison using EdComm cable
10. Understand the sensors, buttons and switches of Edison robot
11. Program Edison robots using barcodes
12. Understand the interface of EdScratch and setup programming devices using Edscratch
ISTE Student Standard Coverage
Empowered Computational Creative
Learner Thinker Communicator
1a 1d 5d 5c 6d
The City School 2021-2022
6.1. What is a Computer Program
A computer program is a series of instructions that tell a computer to perform an action.
Computer programs are a defined set of algorithms or processes that are completed in
order to achieve a task.
A program is created using a programming language, which allows a computer
programmer to write lines of code that the computer can understand. Everything that a
computer does is achieved using a program, whether that be browsing the web with or
processing a document using Microsoft Word.
6.2. What is Scratch
Scratch is a free visual programming
language developed to help simplify the
process of creating and programming
animations, games, music, interactive
stories and more.
With Scratch, you can program your own
interactive stories, games, and animations
and share your creations with others in the
online community.
Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to
16 but is used by people of all ages. Millions
of people are creating Scratch projects in a
wide variety of settings, including homes,
schools, museums, libraries, and community centres.
Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided
free of charge. In Scratch, we write programs called Script. Each script controls an object
called a Sprite. The orange cat that you see when you start up Scratch is an example of a
The City School 2021-2022
6.3. Scratch Interface
In Scratch, we write programs called Script. Each script controls an object called a Sprite.
The orange cat that you see when you start up Scratch is an example of a sprite. Here is
an example of what a script looks like.
• The Stage is the background that our program runs on.
• The Sprite pane shows all of the sprites that are part of our program.
• The Block Palette contains the blocks that we can use to make our scripts. Each block
represents one instruction in our program.
We build our scripts by dragging blocks from the block palettes to the Script Area.
The City School 2021-2022
File Menu
• New: creates a new project from a
blank template.
• Save: saves the current project in Interactive Stories
the directory from which it came
from. If the project is new it opens
a file browser, allowing you to save
a project as a new file, except when
• Save as a Copy: creates a copy of the
current project.
Edit Menu
• Undelete: undeletes a sprite, costume,
sound, or script that was recently deleted
• Small Stage Layout: makes the stage shrink
to a smaller size.
• Turbo Mode: sets the player into Turbo
Mode, where the code is executed very
The duplicate button (stamp icon) duplicates anything on the screen. It duplicates sprites
(in the sprites area or stage), costumes, costume selections, sounds, blocks, and scripts.
The delete button (scissors icon) deletes anything on the screen. It deletes sprites (in the
sprites area or stage), costumes, costume selections, sounds, blocks, and scripts.
The City School 2021-2022
Enlarge Button
Clicking on a sprite in the stage, costume editor, or a selection in the costume editor will
make the sprite or selection grow bigger.
Shrink Button
Clicking on a sprite in the stage, costume editor, or a selection in the costume editor will
make the sprite or selection shrink.
? Help Button
The button opens the Tips Window. Clicking on a part of the editor or a block will give help
on that section.
All Tips
These are informational sections with
helpful tutorials and information about
the scratch website itself.
Each object in our program is a sprite.
The default sprite is the orange cat,
but you can pick from a library of
different sprites. Let’s get rid of the cat.
Right-click on the cat and select delete.
The City School 2021-2022
6.4. Adding Sprite
Interactive Stories
1. To add a sprite, click one of the following buttons (refer to the image below)
Choose sprite from library
Paint your own sprite
Computer program is a series of
instructions that tell a computer to
perform an action.
Upload your own image or sprite Scratch is a free visual programming
language developed to help simplify the
process of creating and programming
Take a picture (from a webcam)
The City School 2021-2022
2. To add a sprite from the sprite library, click then select any sprite of your
6.5. Adding Background
To add background, click to choose a new backdrop from the library.
6.6. Script Area
To get our sprites to animate, move, or interact with one another on the stage, we need to
create one or more scripts for each sprite. If you click on a sprite from the list, the project
editor will show the existing stacks of blocks in the scripts area. To create a game, story, or
animation in Scratch, we stack blocks together to form a script that gives instructions to
the project sprites.
In the middle of the project editor screen, we have categories of blocks that are grouped
by the kinds of tasks they represent. They are Motion, Looks, Sound, Pen, Data, Events,
Control, Sensing, Operators, and More Blocks.
The City School 2021-2022
We mix the blocks together to form our artwork. Each type of block is colour coded
so that we can easily identify them by their type in our scripts.
Interactive Stories
Motion (Movement Block)
move 10 steps
Sprite is move by 10 steps in the current direction.
turn 15 degrees
Rotate the sprite to 15 degrees clockwise.
turn 15 degrees
Rotate the sprite to 15 degrees counter-clockwise.
go to x: 0 y: 0
Move the sprite with the specified X and Y coordinates using the centre of the sprite. Using
this block is equal to two blocks: Set X to and Set Y to simultaneously.
point in direction 90
Rotate the sprite in the specified direction.
The City School 2021-2022
Looks Block
say hello! for 2 sec
Sprite will display the word “Hello!” Script execution will be suspended.
say hello!
Sprite displays the word “Hello!” without stopping the script. The phrase will constantly
accompany sprite until changed.
think hmm... for 2 sec
Sprite will display “Hmm…” Script execution will be suspended.
next costume
Sprite will change its current costume to the next costume.
Sound Block
play sound meow
Play the sound meow chosen from the library of sounds, without stopping script execution.
stop all sounds
Silence! stop all sounds.
The City School 2021-2022
play drum 1 for 0.25 beats
Interactive Stories
The first drum to play one-quarter of a beat. In the drop-down list, select one of
eighteen drums.
change tempo by 20
Change the beat by 20 or more beats per minute.
set tempo to 60 bpm
Change the beat by 20 or more beats per minute.
Pen Block
Clears all printed and drawn-by-a-pen blocks on the stage.
pen down
Pull down the Pen. After this command, all actions with a pen will be accompanied by a
line on a stage.
pen up
Move the Pen Up. After this command, an action with pen will not leave any traces on a
The City School 2021-2022
set pen color to
Set Pen colour. The colour choice can be made using the cursor.
set pen size to 1
Change the pen colour to 10 or any other colour. The change in colour is the same as
colour effect.
set pen shade to 50
Set pen shade to 50%.
Event Block
when clicked
Block begin program execution. The program executes if the green flag is pressed.
when space key pressed
Block keyboard control. It is executed if a key chosen from the drop-down menu is
when this sprite clicked
Block Mouse control. It is executed if you click a sprite with the mouse.
The City School 2021-2022
Control Block
Interactive Stories
repeat 10
Block Cyclic repeat. This block repeats execution of all the scripts it contains.
wait 1 sec
The script will pause for the specified number of seconds.
The script will pause for the specified number of seconds.
if then
Computers operate on what is
called a “binary code.” All of the
software that runs them is written
Condition block if is used when condition in using only 0’s and 1’s, and there
the block heading is true, then the blocks are infinite combinations of these
which are inside will be executed. two digits.
The City School 2021-2022
6.7. Sample Projects
Making a Square in Different Line Colours
when clicked
go to x: 0 y: 0
pen down
set pen color to
move 100 steps
turn 90 degrees
set pen color to
move 100 steps
turn 90 degrees
set pen color to
move 100 steps
turn 90 degrees
set pen color to
move 100 steps
go to x: 0 y: 0
stop all
The City School 2021-2022
Make a Sprite Jump
Interactive Stories
when this sprite is clicked
go to x: -99 y: -1
wait 0.5 secs
go to x: -99 y: 56
wait 0.5 secs
6.8. Introduction to Robotics
Robotics is becoming increasingly important at all levels of education and a variety
of educational robots have been developed. Each robotics set comes with detailed
instructions on how to set up your robot and how to program it to follow specific
commands. Then you can make changes to the robot by adding or removing parts and
can change the program to do whatever you like!
6.9. Getting Started with Edison
Edison is the perfect tool to help learn and teach
coding, robotics and STEAM (science, technology,
engineering, arts and mathematics) in a fun and
engaging way. Edison is a programmable robot. It
is suited to learning basic concepts and complex
processes as it supports block-based & Python
programming. Edison can expand its features as it is
The City School 2021-2022
compatible with LEGO® building blocks, providing unique capabilities to create new robotic
models. It is also equipped with different sensors to understand its environment and
interact with it.
Meet Edison
Edison robot is LEGO brick compatible on four of its sides, has a removable skid and two
removable wheels and includes a range of built-in sensors. Familiarity with your robot will
allow you to create an incredible range of robotics and coding projects.
Edison’s sensors, buttons and switches
To use Edison, you’re going to need to know where all of Edison’s sensors are
located and become familiar with the robot’s three buttons.
Default settings of Edison’s three buttons:
• Record button 1 press = download program, 3 presses = scan barcode
• Stop button 1 press = stop program
• Play button 1 press = run program
Turn the Edison robot over to see where the
power switch, removable skid, and line tracking
sensor are located on the bottom. Edison’s line
tracking sensor is made up of two parts: a red
LED light and a light sensor. The line tracking
sensor also reads special barcodes that activate
pre-installed programs.