Math E-Portfolio
Seph RJ G. Sajota 8 - Emilio Jacinto
I realized that this is
one of the easiest
tasks since I enjoy
completing the words
in the box.
Because of that performance task, I realized
the lessons and remember what I learned in
math when I was in seventh grade.
Furthermore, of course, because of this I was
able to express my expectation and opinion
regarding Factoring polynomials.
Because of the Numeracy test activity, I was
able to revisit the lessons we were taught in
Math when I was in seventh grade.
Moreover, because of this, I better
understood the new lessons taught to us.
I realized that this activity was difficult but even
so, I was able to finish it and pass it on at the right
time. Although it is difficult to learn, this lesson is
worth it because I learn new knowledge here.
Furthermore, all I can say here is that it is a fun
activity and besides that, I learn and know the
process of problem-solving involving rational
algebraic expression.
What I can say about this activity is that
it was really fun even if I made a
mistake in putting the point on the
graphic paper. Also, it was worth it
because apart from the fun I had doing
this activity, it was like I was just
playing a puzzle game. So, in short, it is
the easiest activity for me.
Because of that activity, I realized and learned about the process
of graphing linear equations. That activity is hard to do, but it
gives me new knowledge about graphing linear equations. Also,
because of that activity, I know and learn how to do the rise and
run process in graphing linear equations.
For me, this is the most difficult activity
because the answers to this use different
formulas. But even though I had a hard time
answering, I still managed to pass. Besides,
when I finished this activity it became easy
for me to understand and answer such tasks. I
would say that it is hard at first but soon it
will be easy.
Thank You!
Have a Great Day Ahead!