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Published by nurulizz54, 2019-04-01 23:32:37

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Latest Kajian Tindakan

QR Code : Language Learning Booster



Towards implementation of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) as part of
English Language Education reforms in Malaysia, there are lots of interesting supporting
materials provided such as CD-ROM and myriads of online materials which have stimulation,
rich graphics, animation, songs, audio and sound effects. These elements are undeniable crucial to
foster literacy development. However, there are two issues to ponder; (i) not all pupils can access
the CD-ROM back at home and; (ii) How to ensure pupils excess the specific online
materials which cater English Language syllabus in Malaysia? Nevertheless, it does not mean
that teachers and pupils have to give up on these wonderful engaging materials. Therefore,
QR Code is the perfect medium to cater the issues arises and thus becoming language
learning booster. Hence, to review the effectiveness of QR Code as the language learning
booster, this study will look into ; (i) QR Code as additional option to CD-ROM ; (ii)
Implementation of QR Code in English Language Learning as a bridge to specific selected
online materials, (iii) QR Code as Language Learning Booster; and (iv) the impact of
implementation from perspectives of pupils, parents and educators.


1. QR Code materials
2. Language Learning Booster
3. Self-learn culture
4. ICT integrated



In this fast-paced and rapidly changing world where teaching profession is becoming
adventurous, the challenge is much more for an English Language Educators as English has
been widely regarded as the global language (Gradol, 1997). Besides, educators are expected
to fulfil a long list of requirements by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the
globalisation phenomena in order to blend into the society and be functional. Gradually, one
policy after another has been introduced and demanded to be implemented. Recently, the
Malaysia Education Blueprint (PPPM) 2013-2025 and 21st Century Education are the two
high demands in our education system. In the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013-2025), the
Ministry of Education has outlined 11 new shifts for the education transformation. One of the
shifts is to transform education system towards leverage ICT to scale up quality learning
across Malaysia. Undeniably ICT has the potential to accelerate wide range of knowledge and
thinking skills. Therefore, it is crucial for educators to first becoming ICT savvy and at the
same time creating opportunities for learners to engage in the use of ICT as part of their
learning process.


Despite the fact that the culture of self-learn is crucial, the used of CD Rom and online
materials as part of ongoing language learning process is yet to be materialised. Realising the
trend of learners who are engaged to ICT gadgets and online materials, this research will look
into manipulating learners’ interests in ICT towards encouraging them to self-learn and thus
creating effective meaningful language learning process.

However, regardless of positive beliefs that teachers has towards implementation of CD
Rom and online materials in teaching and learning process, the issues arise are lots of pupils
having limitation to get access the CD Rom because of not having CD player back at home;
and though there are thousands online materials, teacher are having difficulty to ensure pupils
access to the specific online materials which tally to the syllabus. Therefore, this study will
also look into on how QR Code becoming alternative to CD Rom and implementation of QR
Code as a bridge to ensure pupils access the specific selected online materials.



The objective of this research is to look into the implementation of QR Code as
Language Learning Booster.

By implementing QR Code, teachers should be able to:
i. provide alternative for pupils to get access to the materials in the CD Rom;
ii. arise pupils interest in language learning;

iii. boost language learning process;
iv. engage learners in using ICT innovation into creating self-learn culture; and
v. generate supporting PdPc materials which embrace one of the shifts in the Malaysia

Education Blueprint.


i. How QR Code materials could create a self-learn culture?
ii. What are the ways to implement QR Code as supporting materials and thus boost

language learning process?
iii. What are the impact of QR Code materials towards educators, learners and parents?


i. Malaysia Education Blueprint (PPPM) 2013-2025
Malaysia Education Blueprint (PPPM) 2013-2025 was officially launched by Prime

Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in September 2012. In preparing the nation to perform
at an international level, the Blueprint aspires Malaysian Education system with five
outcomes which are; Access, Quality, Equity, Unity and Efficiency. Besides, to ensure that
learners will become globally competitive, each learner will be well equipped by the six key
attributes; Knowledge; Thinking Skills; Leadership Skills; Bilingual Proficiency; Ethics and
Spirituality; and National Identity. The blueprint outlines 11 shifts required in transforming
the national education system to be on par with and comparable to developed nations, in 13
years’ time. However, in unveiling the blueprint, the transformation would be carried out in


three waves where we are now at the second wave (2016 - 2020). In the second wave,
education system should accelerate system improvement and one of the crucial expectations
is accelerating in ICT innovation especially for distance and self-paced. Hence, the
implementation of QR Code in language learning process somehow embraces the Malaysia
Education Blueprint at the very significant wave. Therefore, there is a high hope that this
innovation will contribute towards making these aspirations, a reality.

ii. Defining 21st Century Education
In order to endure the era where ICT and technology gadgets are ubiquitous,

educators are encouraged to be well equipped with updated technology and demands. This is
to ensure educators are competent and able to fulfil the requirements of 21st century
educators. However, 21st century education covers not only the usage of ICT tools and
gadgets. It also takes into consideration the teacher’s and learners’ roles in the lesson itself. In
contrast to the definition of a teacher, ‘a person who teaches and guides’, an article entitled
‘21st century schools’ defines 21st century teachers as “From primary role as a dispenser of
information to orchestrate of learning and helping students turn information into knowledge,
and knowledge into wisdom.” Besides, according to the Microsoft Worldwide Public Sector
vice-president, Ralph Young said that “The use of technology in education is the starting
point for students to develop problem-solving and collaborative skills.”(The Star, Dec 14,
2008). This implies that learners in 21st century classroom are expected to be more
constructive where it promotes development of positive learning environment; collaborative
by mean that it encourages teamwork with respects of individual’s abilities and contributions
in group and; active.

iii. Defining Lifelong Learning
According to the Online Macmillan Dictionary, lifelong learning is the ongoing,

voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal development, self-
sustainability and globally competitive. During the last fifty years, constant scientific and
technological innovation and change has had a profound effect on learning needs and styles.
Nowadays, schools are not the only source where knowledge acquisition takes place. Instead,
learning can be seen as an ongoing basis from our daily interactions with others and with the
world around us. It can be formal learning, informal learning, or self-directed learning.
Whichever kind of learning it is, the culture and initiatives towards lifelong learning is very


crucial to ensure learners can adapt in a constantly changing world. Realising the importance
of lifelong learning, QR Code materials was generated mainly based on the concept of
learning through learners’ paced.

Research Participants

This research involved English Language teachers from various states in Malaysia and
parents 2 Pintar pupils. The research instrument used in order to gather data and information
is questionnaire.

Data and Findings
Background of the QR Code implementation as Language Learning Booster

A) QR Code as alternative to CD Rom
1. Print the QR Code given on A4 paper or sticker.
2. Cut out each QR Code.
3. In each QR Code, there is page number given.
4. Paste the QR Code according to the page number given.
5. Install QR Code Reader in your smartphone.
6. Scan the QR Code on pages of the book.
7. Video related to the page will appear in your smartphone.


B) QR Code as customized link to various online materials.
1. Prepare Revision Booklet at the end of every topic.
2. Include QR Code in the booklet for pupils to self-learn at home.
3. The QR Code will link to specific online materials.
4. Install QR Code reader in your smartphone.
5. Scan the QR Code and the online materials will appear in your smartphone.
6. Include also written task in the booklet.


Questionnaire: QR Code Vs CD Rom
Respondents: Teachers from various states in Malaysia
QR Code to view the Google Form:

1. Which form of supporting materials do you prefer?

Based on the data collected, approximately 96.3% over 4.9% respondents prefer to use QR
Code compared to CD Rom. One of the crucial reason agreed by all respondents who prefer
CD Rom is because internet limitation in their school area which then CD Rom will allow
them to access the materials, offline.
2. Why do you prefer QR Code?


Analysing the data collected, 81.5% respondents agree that QR Code allows them to access to
the materials anywhere they are. Followed up by 74.1% respondents agree that by using QR
Code materials, both teachers and learners will save time a lot in compare to using CD Rom.
Next, 67.9 % respondents admit that they use their smartphone a lot compared to computer.
Finally, 37% and 34.6% respondents agree that CD Rom can easily get lost or corrupted.

Questionnaire: QR Code as Language Learning Booster
Respondents: Parents of 2 Pintar pupils.
QR Code to view the Google Form:

1. Do you agree on the implementation of QR Code as revision materials for pupils?

96.4% respondents agree on the implementation of QR Code as revision for pupils back at
home. The only one respondent did not agree to the method because of the respondent
believes that not all pupils have smartphone and internet connection, back at home.
2. What are the implications of QR Code towards pupils’ English Language learning



Based on the data collected, more than 80%repondents agree that QR Code materials will
increase pupils’ interest in learning English Language and also promotes self-learn culture. In
addition, 53.1%agree that QR Code materials could help to improve pupils’ pronunciation.
Besides, there is also another implication stated by the respondent where the respondent
mention about the QR Code materials also encourage other siblings to explore the materials
and interested in English Language learning.

Comments and Suggestions by Respondents
Questionnaire: QR Code Vs CD Rom



Based on the data presented earlier, most of the respondents agree and positive towards
the implementation of QR Code materials due to numbers of advantages not only to educators
but also towards learners from the perspectives of parents. Some of the advantages towards
educators are; QR code will make them save their time to access to the materials as they
don’t have to use the CD or scroll down the list in Google Drive. They just need to scan the
QR Code which has been paste on the pages of the book and the materials can be view or
listen straight away. Most of the educators in their comments hope that there will also be QR
Code for other subjects. Reflecting the respond and comments by parents, pupils show their
interest in learning the language as they excitedly explore the materials back at home.
Besides, the selected materials help pupils to self-learn doing revision even without having
their teacher with them. Pupils also don’t have to depend on the parents to revise the notes.

Furthermore, the impact of this ICT innovation which promotes self-paced learning
environment was actually being highlighted in second wave of Malaysia Education Blueprint
(PPPM) 2013-2025. Learners can scan the QR Code and access to the materials at home
where they are doing revision at their own pace and drilling will be according to their own
need. Besides, to compare with the common method of revision where the notes are on paper
or in the textbook, using QR Code allows pupils to explore materials which full with colours,


having audio, songs, interesting animation, educational games and puzzles. Consequently,
pupils are having fun in learning the language. This will attach them more to the materials
and thus enhance their language learning process.

The impact has also shown even in the classroom where pupils eager to check their
reading skill with the teacher as they are now more confident as they well revised back at
home. Pupils’ mastery in vocabulary according to topics has also been tremendously amazing
as pupils able to complete the written tasks perfectly. These imply that QR Code has truly
being Language Learning Booster.


Aspin, D. (2001). Lifelong learning : concepts, theories and values. SCUTREA 31ST Annual
Conference (p. 15). Australia: University of East London.

Chitravelu, N. (2005). ELT: Methodology Principles and Practice. Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn

Macmillan Dictionary. (2016, September Thursday). Online Macmillan Dictionary. Retrieved from
Macmillan Dictionary:

Ministery of Education. (2012). Preliminary Report: Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025.
Ministery of Education.

Gradol, D. (1997). The future of English? United Kingdom: The British Council.


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