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Gilbert & Gubar's Tke Madwoman in the Attic After Thirty Years Foreword by Sandra M. Gilbert Edited witn an Introduction by Annette R. Federico University of Missouri ...

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Published by , 2016-04-19 00:12:03

Gilbert & Gubar's Tke Madwoman in the Attic - GBV

Gilbert & Gubar's Tke Madwoman in the Attic After Thirty Years Foreword by Sandra M. Gilbert Edited witn an Introduction by Annette R. Federico University of Missouri ...

Gilbert & Gubar's

Tke Madwoman in the Attic

After Thirty Years

Foreword by S a n d r a M . G i l b e r t

Edited witn a n Introduction by

A n n e t t e R. Federico

University o fMissouri Press
Columbia a n d London

Contents ix
Foreword: 1
Conversions of the Mind
Sandra M. Gilbert 34
Introduction: 94
"Bursting All the Doors":
The Madwoman in the Attic after Thirty Years
53-{- Annette R. Federico

1. After Gilbert and Gubar:
Madwomen Inspired by Madwoman
;Q£- Susan Fraiman

2. Modeling the Madwoman:
Feminist Movements and the Academy
;Q£- Marlene Tromp

3. Gilbert and Gubar's Daughters:
The Madwoman in the Attic's Spectre in Milton Studies
23f- Carol Blessing

4. Feminism to Ecofeminism:
The Legacy of Gilbert and Gubar's Readings of Mary
Shelley's Frankenstein and The Last Man
Katey Castellano

5. Enclosing Fantasies:
Jane Eyre
Madeleine Wood

viii Contents

6. Jane Eyre's Doubles? 111
Colonial Progress and the Tradition of New Woman Writing in India 127
3f- Narin Hassan 149
7. Revisiting the Attic: 183
Recognizing the Shared Spaces of Jane Eyre and Beloved 203
Sf- Danielle Russell 217
8. The Legacy of Hell: 257
Wuthering Heights on Film and Gilbert and Gubar's Feminist Poetics 261
Sf- Hila Shachar

9. The Veiled, the Masked, and the Civil War Woman:
Louisa May Alcott and the Madwoman Allegory
3 f Keren Fite

10. Sensationalizing Women's Writing:
Madwomen in Attics, the Sensational Canon, and Generic Confinement
J3£- Tamara Silvia Wagner

11. Ghosts in the Attic:
Gilbert and Gubar's The Madwoman in the Attic and the Female Gothic
23f- Carol Margaret Davison

12. Elizabeth Gaskell:
A Well-Tempered Madness
«Jf Thomas P. Fair

13. Mimesis and Poiesis:
Reflections on Gilbert and Gubar's Reading of Emily Dickinson

Sf- Lucia Aiello



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