CLJ Law Reports 02
CLJ Publications 06
CLJ Online 22
Singapore Academy of Law 26
Thomson Reuters 36
Eastern Book Company 39
CLJ law
CLJ Law Reports CLJ’s Consolidated Index
10 Bound Volumes Per Year CLJ’s Consolidated Index 2011 - 2014
Price : RM2,950 Price : RM600
CLJ’s Consolidated Index 2004 - 2010
Since its inception some 35 years ago, the Price : RM600
Current Law Journal (CLJ) has transformed into CLJ’s Consolidated Index 1993 - 2003
a first-point legal reference for members of the
judicial, legal and academic fraternities in the Price : RM690
country. CLJ’s Consolidated Index 1981 - 1992
Price : RM590
The journal reports cases from the Federal
Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court of The ‘CLJ’s Consolidated Index’ seeks to
Malaya and the High Court of Sabah and introduce and bring forth to our subscribers a
Sarawak, in addition to cases from the multi-faceted research tool that will assuredly
Supreme Court of India. It goes without saying assist them in their search for cases,
that the reports are concise, articulate and legislation and other relevant materials
elucidatory, and cover practically the whole published in the CLJ reports of the period in a
gamut of subject matter modules known to way that is most efficient, efficacious and time
law. saving. The information compiled are
comprehensive and concise, and will prove to
As a subscriber, you stand to receive a total of be indispensable for both the judicial and
10 print Bound Volumes of the CLJ a year and legal fraternities. Contents of this volume
the indexes for the year. In addition, you will comprise of Table of Articles, Table of Cases
also receive the CLJ’s full normal reports, Reported, Table of Legislation Judicially
carrying the latest cases and judgments from Considered and Subject Index all
the courts, which will be delivered weekly to comprehensively and compendiously laid out
you via your email. for easy reference.
Prices stated are subject to 6% GST CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Industrial Law Reports (ILR) Sessions & Magistrates’ Cases
4 Bound Volumes Per Year
Price : RM1,045 Loose part (4 Issues)
Price : RM450
The Industrial Law Reports or ILR showcases an
impressive collection of head-noted Industrial 1 Bound Volumes Per Year
Court awards dating back to the journal’s Price : RM480
debut in 1981. Since its inception, the ILR has
strived to report as many awards emanating The birth of the Sessions & Magistrates’ Cases
from the Industrial Court as possible. This or SMC in the year 2012 is very much
includes all Collective Agreements which the intertwined with the need to harness, and
court had resolved and ratified. With the rise in indeed embrace, the reservoir of judgments
the number of awards, the ILR has since opted that are now flowing from our “fourth corridor
to report the more prominent awards of the of justice”, the Subordinate Courts. The
Industrial Courts. What the ILR lost in volume judgments reported in the quarterly journal,
has now been replaced with appellate together with the miscellanea of reports
landmark labour and industrial law cases from carried in compendium form in it – namely the
the Civil Courts. The additional appellate Digest of Sentencing Decisions, Quantum and
cases, as the feedback indicates, has made a Liability, Appeal Updates and Judicial Quotes –
profound impact and was-heartily welcomed we have no doubt – will prove beneficial, and
by both the HR and IL practitioners. The ILR indeed indispensable, to the legal practitioners
subscribers are however not deprived of the who ply their trade in the courtrooms of the
vital information on the unreported awards, as Subordinate Courts, and the legal profession
such awards are listed down in a special index as a whole.
published at the end of the year.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017 Prices stated are subject to 6% GST
Singapore Law Reports (SLR) Supreme Court Cases
5 Bound Volumes Per Year • Supreme Court Cases Bound Volume
Price : RM1,500* from 1969 until present
• Supreme Court Cases 1980
The SLR embodies Singapore’s jurisprudence Bound Volume and Supplement
and is a pillar in the development of the law from 1980 until present
and the legal system in Singapore. As • Supreme Court Cases Bound Volume
Singapore’s official law reports series, the SLR
publishes legally-significant decisions of the from 1996 until present
Supreme Court of Singapore and the
Constitutional Tribunal. Cases are selected for The Supreme Court Cases (SCC) provides the
reporting by a Selection Panel appointed by entire case law of the Supreme Court of India,
the Academy’s Council of Law Reporting. The making it a comprehensive and dependable
Council of Law Reporting oversees the function source of legal information, and a first source
of law reporting in Singapore. The Selection of reference for your research on Indian law.
Panel, comprising senior members of the SCC further facilitates its readers with a subject
profession, selects judgments that meet the index, chronological table of cases cited,
established criteria for reporting in the SLR. cross-citations, particular references to the
Cases reported in the SLR are prefixed by judgments cited and more, thereby making
headnotes prepared by Justices’ Law Clerks. your search for rulings easy and convenient.
Each headnote contains, inter alia, SCC also provides latest case notes from three
catchwords, summary of the facts, summary important Common Law Jurisdictions: United
of the holding, list of case(s) referred to and list Kingdom, Singapore and Malaysia. The case
of legislation referred to. notes contain novel developments of law,
relevant in the Indian and Commonwealth
*Postage cost is applicable
Prices stated are subject to 6% GST CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
CLJ Publications
Ismail Shariff’s Islamic Banking & Finance
Islamic Banking & Finance: Principles, Instruments & Operations
The Law And Practice In Malaysia (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Mohamed Ismail Shariff Author(s): Adnan Trakic & Hanifah Haydar
ISBN No : 978-967-457-068-2 Ali Tajuddin
Pages : 632 ISBN No : 978-967-457-065-1 (Hard cover)
Price : RM290 (WM) / RM300 (EM) Pages : 882
Publication Year : 2016 Price : RM290 (WM) / RM300 (EM)
Publication Year : 2016
There is some degree of ignorance about the
true basis of Islamic banking and finance The second edition of ‘Islamic Banking &
among bankers (even Islamic bankers), Finance: Principles, Instruments and
lawyers and the general public who are the Operations’ provides readers with an extensive,
ultimate users of the system. The tendency is to critical, and up-to-date information on Islamic
think of Islamic banking and finance in banking and finance. As with its predecessor,
conventional terms and to compare the the book emerges amidst rapid development
former to the latter. This will lead to a in the industry. It is a comprehensive guide as it
misunderstanding of the true nature of the discusses the tenets of Islamic banking and
system. Ismail Shariff’s Islamic Banking and finance in a single book, based on
Finance: The Law and Practice in Malaysia well-established concepts of Islamic law
seeks to fill some of the void that currently exists (Shari’ah). Carefully divided into eight parts,
in the market. It covers many areas of the comprising of 36 chapters, it embraces almost
emergent banking system that is novel and all aspects of Islamic banking and finance.
intriguing to many who are not familiar with
Islamic principles of finance.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
IFSA 2013: Introduction to Islamic Finance
Commentaries On Islamic Author(s): Dr. Mohd Yazid Zul Kepli
Banking And Finance ISBN No : 978-967-0820-57-6
Pages :396
Author(s): Mohd Johan Lee & Umar Oseni
ISBN No : 978-967-0820-59-0 Price : RM120 (WM) / RM130 (EM)
Pages : 514 Publication Year : 2015
Price : RM230 (WM) / RM240 (EM) Introduction to Islamic Finance is a quick and
Publication Year : 2015 easy guide to Islamic banking and finance,
covering both the theorical and practical
The enactment of the Islamic Financial aspects of the subject in a concise style and
Services Act 2013 (IFSA 2013) marks an suitable for bankers, practitioners, university
exceptional milestone in the development of students and any reader new to the topic. This
the domestic Islamic financial industry. While timely book is also a useful and insightful guide
the Act caters to all regulatory and supervisory to the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013. In
aspects of the industry, this book aims to addition, this book provides in-depth analysis
provide a succinct commentary on the on the development of Islamic finance in
provisions within the Islamic Banking selected Southeast Asian jurisdictions including
parameters. As the nature of legislative Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore,
demands change from a detailed and Thailand and the Philippines.
prescriptive approach to one which is
principle-based, this book provides a perfect
companion to assist readers in understanding
and navigating the current legislative maze on
Islamic Banking.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Islamic Law Of Succession Islamic Transactions And Finance
A Practical Guide To The Laws Of Principles And Developments
Faraid (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Mohammad Hashim Kamali
Author(s): Wan Noraini Mohd Salim & Sheila Ainon Yussof
ISBN No : 978-967-0667-72-0 ISBN No : 978-967-0379-32-6
Pages : 248 Pages : 504
Price : RM99 (WM) / RM109 (EM) Price : RM140 (WM) / RM150 (EM)
Publication Year : 2014 Publication Year : 2015
The second edition of “Islamic Law of ‘Islamic Transactions and Finance: Principles
Succession, A Practical Guide to the Laws of and Developments’ takes stock of past
Faraid” provides readers with an updated and developments, reviews existing challenges
more in-depth discussion on the essential rules, and explores fresh thinking on future prospects.
principles and actual distribution of an estate It reflects on issues that the Islamic finance
based on the portions prescribed in the divine industry has encountered over the years.
sources of Islamic law. While retaining the Divided into three parts: Part One - Shari‘ah
original work, this edition includes new Foundations; Part Two - Good Governance
information on hibah and the method of and Part Three - Issues and New Frontiers, the
distribution in cases of multiple deaths. book contains 18 chapters which here on
responsible economic development and
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Rules And Rulings Arbitration
Of The Bar Council Malaysia Stay of Court Proceedings and Anti-Suit
Updated as at 12 March 2015 Injunctions
ISBN No : 978-967-0820-60-6 Author(s): Arun Kasi
Pages : 88 ISBN No : 978-967-0748-20-7
Price : RM28 (WM) / RM38 (EM) Pages : 256
Publication Year : 2015 Price : RM130 (WM) / RM140 (EM)
Publication Year : 2014
From time to time, the Bar Council, to address
prevailing circumstances or in response to Litigation pertaining to arbitration can occur in
enquiries made by Advocates and Solicitors or three stages – pre-arbitration, pending
members of the public, issues Rulings to arbitration and post-arbitration. This book
regulate matters concerning legal practice, provides a thorough discussion on the
and professional conduct and etiquette of pre-arbitration relief, focusing on stay of court
Advocates and Solicitors. The Rulings serve as proceedings when an action is instituted in
a guide in maintaining the decorum of the breach of an arbitration agreement, and
long-respected and honoured profession. The anti-suit injunctions when an action is instituted
Rules and Rulings of the Bar Council Malaysia or threatened to be instituted in a foreign court
are revised and brought up to date from time in breach of an arbitration agreement.
to time. This updated version is intended to
provide Members of the Bar with a quick point
of reference and includes new Rulings issued in
recent years.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Practice Directions 1993 - 2013 Labuan Acts & Regulations
Incorporating relevant Registrar’s ISBN No : 978-967-0667-72-0
Circulars Pages : 780
ISBN No : 978-967-0748-21-4 Price : RM190 (WM) / RM200 (EM)
Pages : 884 Publication Year : 2014
Price : RM210 (WM) / RM220 (EM)
Publication Year : 2014 The enhancement of the Labuan International
Business Financial Centre (LIBFC) legislative
framework in 2010 introduced several new Acts
CLJ’s “Practice Directions 1993 – 2013” is a and brought about fundamental changes to
comprehensive collection of Practice Notes, the way Labuan financial activities are
Practice Directions and Registrar’s Circulars governed. This first-of-its-kind compilation of
issued by the superior courts in Malaysia. It Labuan Acts and Regulations provides an
contains essential directives and guidelines for updated one-stop comprehensive resource
practitioners and provides a road-map on the governing Labuan laws. It is the perfect
through the many procedural and companion for all companies, lawyers, trust
non-procedural changes that the courts have agents or anyone with an interest in business
implemented over the course of 20 years. activities in the LIBFC.
Published in a convenient format, this book is a
must-have for all practitioners and those who
work closely with the courts in the
administration of justice.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
CLJ’s Digest Of Sentencing Stay Of Proceedings
Decisions Author(s): Nasser Hamid
Incorporating Selected Decisions ISBN No : 978-967-0379-28-9
Of The Malaysian Courts Since 1990 Pages : 293
Price : RM290 (WM) / RM300 (EM)
Author(s): Wan Sharif Ahmad
Publication Year : 2013
ISBN No : 978-967-0667-74-4 Stay of Proceedings provides readers with the
Pages : 321 principles and its application within the context
Price : RM240 (WM) / RM250 (EM) of decided authorities from all over the
Publication Year : 2014 Commonwealth. Extracts from key case laws
are provided where necessary. The book will
CLJ’s Digest of Sentencing Decisions leads the be an asset to practitioners due to its breath of
market in providing an accurate, coverage, scope and detail. It is
comprehensive and dependable comprehensive with thorough reviews of case
compendium of sentencing decisions, and laws and civil procedure.
addresses the entire spectrum of criminal
sentencing of more than two decades. The
all-encompassing case narratives advert not
only to the issues in dispute and substantive
findings of the courts, but also to every other
material detail such as trial number, citation,
relevant statutes, brief facts of case as well as
ratio of sentence – all succinctly summarised
with clarity and precision.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Striking Out Personal Data Protection
Cases And Commentary With Applied
Author(s): Nasser Hamid
ISBN No : 978-967-0379-20-3 Syari’ah Principles
Pages : 542 Author(s): Dr. Leo Desmond Pointon
Price : RM280 (WM) / RM290 (EM) & Jeong Chun Phuoc
Publication Year : 2012 ISBN No : 978-967-0379-13-5
Pages : 666
Powers to strike out pleadings are necessary to Price : RM180 (WM) / RM190 (EM)
enforce the basic rules of pleadings and to
dispose of proceedings which are hopeless, Publication Year : 2012
baseless or without foundation of law or in
equity or are otherwise an abuse of process of This book deals with the various issues that arise
the court. This book is a comprehensive in the process of protecting the rights of
examination of such powers by the courts persons whose personal data are in the
when striking out pleadings. possession of personal data providers. In the
public mind there is often confusion between
privacy and personal data. It will be seen from
the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the
dissertation herein that they are separate issues
in the eyes of the law.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Rules Of Court 2012 Kaedah-kaedah Mahkamah
P.U.[A] 205/2012 2012 P.U.[A] 205/2012
As at 1 March 2013 Sebagaimana pada 1 Mac 2013
Incorporating the amendments in Merangkumi Pindaan P.U.(A) 67/2013
P.U.(A) 67/2013
ISBN No : 978-967-0379-258
ISBN No : 978-967-0379-24-1 Pages : 625
Pages : 555 Price : RM80 (WM) / RM90 (EM)
Price : RM70 (WM) / RM80 (EM) Publication Year : 2012
Publication Year : 2012
The 1980 High Court Rules and the 1980
The 1980 High Court Rules and the 1980 Subordinate Court Rules had since merged to
Subordinate Court Rules had since merged to become the Rules of Court 2012. The purpose
become the Rules of Court 2012. The purpose of the new Rules of Court 2012 is to facilitate
of the new Rules of Court 2012 is to facilitate and standardise civil case procedures in
and standardise civil case procedures in court, as well as improve the quality of the
court, as well as improve the quality of the justice system in the country. The Rules of Court
justice system in the country. The Rules of Court 2012 which has come into effect on 1 August
2012 which has come into effect on 1 August 2012, replaces the Rules of The High Court
2012, replaces the Rules of The High Court 1980 and the Subordinate Courts Rules 1980.
1980 and the Subordinate Courts Rules 1980.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
60 Years German Basic Law: Use Of Force In International
The German Constitution And Law
Its Court Author(s): Mohammad Naqib Ishan Jan
Landmark Decisions Of The Federal ISBN No : 978-983-9680-96-6
Constitutional Court Of Germany In Pages : 386
The Area Of Fundamental Rights Price : RM99 (WM) / RM109 (EM)
Publication Year : 2011
Author(s): Jurgen Brohmer, Clauspeter Hill
& Marc Spitzkatz (Eds.) This book, consisting of ten chapters, succinctly
ISBN No : 978-967-0379-16-6 adverts to the essential aspects of the ‘Use of
Pages : 850 Force in International Law’. It analyses the
Price : RM610 (WM) / RM620 (EM) history of the UN Charter, and its conception
Publication Year : 2012 and role in today’s world. The member States
and the provisions on the concept of the use
The German Basic Law – the Constitution of the of force are also scrutinised. It also delves into
Federal Republic of Germany – has been in the similarity of the Shariah provisions relating to
force for more than 60 years now and it is the the use of force and those of the UN Charter.
foundation of democratic statehood in
Germany. The Basic Law’s central focus is the
principle of the rule of law as expressed by the
broader German concept of the
“Rechtsstaatsprinzip”. The protection of
fundamental individual rights is one important
cornerstone of this “Rechtsstaatsprinzip”.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
CLJ Publication
The HR Managers The Art Of Human
Handbook Resource Management
Author(s): T. Balasubramaniam Author(s): Param Moorthi
ISBN No : 978-967-457-110-8 ISBN No : 978-967-457-071-2
Pages : 178 Pages : 178
Price : RM75 (WM) / RM85 (EM) Price : RM95 (WM) / RM105 (EM)
Publication Year : 2016 Publication Year : 2016
This book is designed as a ready reckoner for The Art of Human Resource Management is a
all Human Resource practitioners. The first very practical, easy to understand and yet
chapter deals with how an Employees’ comprehensive book that’s meant for both the
Handbook should be prepared and provides a Human Resource and Business Leaders. It
sample. The second chapter deals with a step covers the best practices of the industry and
by step approach to Domestic Inquiry addresses some of the more challenging
Procedure with samples of all the relevant issues faced by HR and Business Leaders in
letters. The third chapter explains how all the today’s workplace.
calculations should be done under the
Employment Act 1955. Chapter four is a set of The aim of this book is to enable the readers to
40 FAQs and answers on the Employment Act apply easy ways of being on top of the
and Regulations. Chapter five deals with the business strategies whilst staying current with
different types of termination of employment the changes and challenges confronted by
and provides sample letters. Chapter Six deals the business. It is meant to stimulate the
with how a claim for recognition from a Union reader’s thinking about how HR has
should be dealt with and chapter seven is transformed itself and what HR and Business
about Collective Bargaining. The aim of this Leaders can do to enhance Individual and
book is to provide a practical guide on all Business Excellence.
matters that HR Managers have to deal with.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Human Resource Employment Law Manual
Management for Practitioners For Practitioners
Author(s): Maimunah Aminuddin &
Param Moorthi Author(s): Maimunah Aminuddin
ISBN No : 978-967-457-064-4 ISBN No : 978-967-0379-30-2
Pages : 470 Pages : 800
Price : RM250 (WM) / RM260 (EM) Price : RM380 (WM) / RM390 (EM)
Publication Year : 2015 Publication Year : 2013
Human Resource Management for This Manual serves as a comprehensive
Practitioners is a survival guide for human handbook on employment laws for the
resource executives and managers. It is written practice of human resource management. It
in an easy to read style with charts and describes in detail the relevant legislation
diagrams to illustrate and highlight the key including the Minimum Retirement Age Act
points. It covers all functions of human 2012 and provides illustrative examples of the
resource management including hiring application of these laws. Topics such as
employees, preparing their contracts and statutory benefits, safety and health, industrial
managing the onboarding process, deciding relations, termination and trade union rights are
on wages and benefits to be provided to intensively discussed by the author.
employees, training, creating an engaged
workforce, performance management
systems, safety and health at work, disciplinary
systems and industrial relations. For each of
these functions, suggestions are given on how
to best establish a workable system.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Foreign Workers Termination Of Employment
The Law And Practice In Malaysia Understanding The Process (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed, Author(s): Maimunah Aminuddin
Farheen Baig Sardar Baig, ISBN No : 978-967-0379-23-4
Muzaffar Syah Mallow & Pages : 488
Mohammad Naqib Ishan Jan Price : RM140 (WM) / RM150 (EM)
ISBN No : 978-967-0379-26-5 Publication Year : 2013
Pages : 762
Price : RM180 (WM) / RM190 (EM) This book offers tools and techniques which will
Publication Year : 2013 assist employers to stay safe when taking
disciplinary action, conducting retrenchment
This book contains naratives on the recruitment exercises, removing non-performers and in any
and the rights of foreign workers in Malaysia. situation which leads to the termination of the
Relevant international instruments and employee’s services.
domestic legislations have been discussed at
length to highlight the rights and protection
accorded to these workers. The Islamic
approach on this subject has also been
featured in this book.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Employment Law And Theory Sexual Harassment At The
A Malaysian Focus With A Workplace In Malaysia
Comparative Perspective
Author(s): Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed,
Author(s): Dr. Vanitha Sundra-Karean Muzaffar Syah Mallow &
ISBN No : 978-967-0379-02-9 Farheen Baig Sardar Baig
Pages : 352 ISBN No : 978-983-9680-97-3
Price : RM120 (WM) / RM130 (EM) Pages : 670
Publication Year : 2012 Price : RM140 (WM) / RM150 (EM)
Publication Year : 2011
Employment Law and Theory – A Malaysian
Focus with a Comparative Perspective is a Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious
publication which provides the reader with an misconduct as it belittles an employee’s
overview and general background of honour, reputation and dignity. ‘Sexual
employment law in Malaysia. It provides a Harassment at the Workplace in Malaysia’
concise but sophisticated explanation on the features the Malaysian courts’ approach
major principles influencing employment law towards the subject matter, with reference to
and invites the reader to partake in debate statutory provisions, common law and Islamic
and reconsideration on evolving legal law. The fundamental principles of the subject
principles and concepts. are explained in a clear, concise and
organised manner.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
To be or
Not to be
... a Lawyer
... a Lawyer
Mariette Peters
CLJ Publication
CLJ’s Words & Phrases To be or Not to be... a Lawyer
ISBN No : 978-967-0820-58-3 Author(s): Mariette Peters
Pages : 346 ISBN No : 978-967-457-066-8
Price : RM60 (WM) / RM70 (EM) Pages : 334
Publication Year : 2016 Price : RM80 (WM) / RM90 (EM)
Publication Year : 2016
CLJ’s Words & Phrases is an indispensable
research tool for members of the legal ‘To be or Not to be… a Lawyer’ is an excellent
fraternity and other parties who need to deal guide for law students as well as other
with the intricacies of the language of the enthusiasts who aspire to understand, read, or
law on a regular basis. Covering a vast array of even practise law in Malaysia. Readers are
legal topics, readers will be able to easily introduced to the legal world – from its
locate and apply the court’s interpretation on inception (the essential academic
the language used in various legislative qualifications and legal professional
provisions and commercial documents for requirements), to practising law, as well as
their professional needs. Published in an other career options available within the
easy-to-read format, the book will be an industry, should one wish to explore the path
invaluable addition to your library. less trodden. Each chapter seeks to unravel
the complexities and challenges in every
stage of the journey.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Saya Tidak Akan Melutut I Will Never Beg
Author(s): Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad Author(s): Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad
ISBN No : 978-967-457-073-6 ISBN No : 978-967-457-067-5
Pages : 620 Pages : 620
Price : RM190 (WM) / RM200 (EM) Price : RM180 (WM) / RM190 (EM)
Publication Year : 2016 Publication Year : 2016
'Saya Tidak Akan Melutut' menjejaki perjalanan ‘I Will Never Beg’ traces the journey of Tun Abdul
Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad dari kampung Hamid Mohamad from the dirt–poor kampung
yang miskin di mana beliau dilahirkan where he was born to his retirement as the
sehingga beliau bersara sebagai Ketua Hakim Chief Justice of Malaysia. Readers are
Negara. Pembaca dibawa ke belakang ke transported back in time from the 1950s to the
tahun 1950-an dan bergerak ke hadapan present, while witnessing many of the defining
hinggalah sekarang, sambil menyaksikan events that have shaped our nation. A
banyak peristiwa penting yang telah no–holds–barred memoir, it captures his
membentuk negara kita. Satu memoir yang principles and ethics authentically – every
terus terang; ia menggambarkan prinsip dan word written by himself in his trademark clear,
etika beliau dengan sahih - setiap perkataan simple and precise language coupled with wit,
ditulis oleh beliau sendiri dalam bahasa yang humour, penetrating observation, incisive
jelas, ringkas dan tepat ditambah dengan wit, analysis, logical arguments, honesty and, last
humor, pemerhatian tajam, analisis tepat, but not least, without fear or favour. Hence, I
hujah-hujah logik, kejujuran dan tanpa takut Will Never Beg.
atau pilih kasih.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
The Malaysian Judiciary Fiat Justitia
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohamed
General : Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi
Editor With A Team Of Contributors Apandi Ali
ISBN No : 978-967-457-074-3 Author(s): Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohamed
Pages : 226 Apandi Ali
Price : RM100 (WM) / RM110 (EM) ISBN No : 978-967-457-072-9
Publication Year : 2016 Pages : 796
Price : RM220 (WM) / RM230 (EM)
Our judicial system is a key aspect of our
democratic way of life. It upholds peace, order Publication Year : 2016
and good governance. The judiciary, on the other
hand, is one of the three branches of The book Fiat Justitia, otherwise Let Justice Be
Government, the other two being the legislature Done, compiles the more notable judgments
and the executive. Whilst the Federal Constitution of Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, which
has conjured up very distinct and critical roles for he wrote or concurred with during the twelve
each of these branches, understanding the years he was on the bench of the High Court,
judiciary is pivotal to our ultimate understanding of the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. The
how democracy or the government works. This judgments, selected upon the strict criterion of
book is an overview of the historical background novelty and relevancy, were eloquent and
of the Malaysian Judiciary, including the Islamic discerning, and spoke not only on the
judiciary. It illustrates the brief history of the substantive law and procedures, but also on
judiciary from the time it found its roots in the topics of universal concern as the rule of law,
English Common Law to the more recent
developments where modifications were constitutional supremacy, prisoner’s rights, et
perennially made to the law by judges to suit local cetera. In a way, the judicial thoughts thus
customs and conditions. It also traces expressed cater for the lawyer’s working needs
customary-legal practices that were peculiar to and make up for a useful tool for the legal
the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, profession.
which practices had since been blended into
and become very much part of the Malaysian
judicial system.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Companies Act 2016 Companies Act 2016 [Act 777]
The New Dynamics of Company Law Akta Syarikat 2016 [Akta 777]
in Malaysia
ISBN No : 978-967-457-069-9
Author(s): Kenneth Foo Poh Khean 978-967-457-070-5 (BM)
& Lee Shih Pages : 426
ISBN No : 978-967-457-120-7 Price : RM80 (WM) / RM90 (EM)
Pages : xx Publication Year : 2016
Price : RM250 (WM) / RM260 (EM)
Publication Year : 2016
'Companies Act 2016: The New Dynamics of
Company Law in Malaysia' is a practical guide on the
newly enacted Companies Act 2016. The new Act will
have a tremendous impact on the corporate legal
framework and this book will serve as an authoritative
text to allow readers to navigate into this new
corporate landscape. It provides an in-depth analysis
and commentary of all the major and significant
areas of the new Act.
The Companies Act 2016 is a culmination of
recommendations from the Companies Commission
of Malaysia and the Corporate Law Reform
Committee to revamp the previous Companies Act
1965. In enacting this new Act, Malaysia has adopted
the best practices from other jurisdictions to enable
Malaysian companies to compete, innovate and
become globalised. Reference to latest case laws
from the UK, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia will aid
readers to understand and navigate the new Act.
Readers will also have the benefit to compare and
contrast the new Act with the previous provisions
under the Companies Act 1965 in order to
comprehend the major developments of the law in CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
this area.
Made Simple is an essential legal research platform for you and your organization. It provides a comprehensive library of Malaysian
case law from the Current Law Journal, Legal Network Series (unreported cases), and all federal laws with specialized modules
which include the Industrial Law Reports and Shariah Reports etc. It is also the first local online provider to offer Enactments from
13 States in Malaysia and foreign content from India, England etc.
Cases Federal Legislation
• All Current Law Journal (CLJ), CLJ Reprints, CLJ • Principal Acts • Act Noter-Up
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Users have access to a large database of information 24/7 which includes:
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CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
of Law
Corporate Law Competition Law and Policy
In Singapore (2nd Edition)
Hans Tjio, Pearlie Koh & Lee Pey Woan General Editor(s):
ISBN No : 978-981-09-6882-3 Cavinder Bull SC & Lim Chong Kin
Price : RM320 (WM) / RM330 (EM) Contributor(s):
Cavinder Bull SC, Lim Chong Kin, Richard
This textbook incorporates all the changes Whish, Ng Ee Kia, Chia Voon Jiet & Yu Ken Li
introduced by the Companies (Amendment)
Act 2014, which made the largest series of ISBN No : 978-981-09-4153-6
amendments to the Companies Act since it Price : RM317 (WM) / RM327 (EM)
was enacted in 1967. The first set of
amendments came into effect in July 2015, Since the first edition was published, the
and encompassed changes in areas Singapore competition law regime has
including: expanding the scope of the developed considerably. New enforcement
statutory derivative action to allow a decisions have created a small but growing
complainant even in a listed company to depository of local cases which will continue to
apply to court for leave to intervene in shape the development and practice of
proceedings, which now also includes competition law in Singapore. This book
arbitration; relaxing further the capital provides a comprehensive guide to how
maintenance rules generally, in particular, by competition laws in Singapore will be
removing the prohibition against financial implemented, and how businesses,
assistance by private companies; and the practitioners and students should navigate the
introduction of a small company audit regime. This second edition explores the
exemption. lessons from the infringement decisions issued
by the Competition Commission of Singapore,
many of which take into account Singapore’s
unique circumstances.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Personal Property Law The Law of Contract in
Author(s): Tan Yock Lin
ISBN No : 978-981-07-6801-0 General Editor(s):
Price : RM470 (WM) / RM480 (EM) Andrew Phang Boon Leong
This book states, discusses and methodically Goh Yihan, Pearlie Koh, Lee Pey Woan,
analyses not only the common law but also Andrew Phang Boon Leong & Tham Chee Ho
the common law of Singapore. It strives to
engage with theories and doctrines of property ISBN No : 978-981-08-8693-6
as well. For students, the theoretical and Price : RM450 (WM) / RM460 (EM)
doctrinal discussions should help expose the
intellectual framework of personal property law This is the first textbook on Singapore contract
and the deeper and broader currents that law that is written for a local audience. It offers
shape the diverse and incongruous a comprehensive and structured discussion of
conceptions of personal property. These all aspects of Singapore contract law. The
discussions are helpful in gaining an book also draws, wherever applicable, on
understanding when being initiated into a salient decisions from other Commonwealth
subject. Practitioners will no doubt focus on the jurisdictions (particularly with regard to areas of
details, avoiding the theories, for concrete Singapore contract law that are not
outcomes. Nevertheless, when serious well-settled or which may benefit from
controversies arise, answers will not be found comparative contract jurisprudence). In
unless and until the rules which have a bearing addition, the book contains references to
are seen against the intellectual framework relevant secondary literature as well as
into which they fit. These discussions will help suggestions for reform, where applicable and
one to penetrate behind the form of the rules necessary. Given its comprehensive treatment
to their sense or substance, expose errors of of Singapore contract law as well as its
perspective and reasoning, and distinguish the reference to a wide range of comparative
core from the peripherals. material, this book will be useful not only to
local practitioners and students but also to
practitioners and students from other common
law jurisdictions.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Principles of Civil Procedure Intellectual Property Law
of Singapore
Author(s): Jeffrey Pinsler SC
ISBN No : 978-981-07-4505-9 Author(s): Susanna H S Leong
Price : RM270 (WM) / RM280 (EM) ISBN No : 978-981-07-3151-9
Price : RM270 (WM) / RM280 (EM)
This book examines the rules of civil procedure
and the ever-increasing case law in the This book centres on the discussion of
context of carefully designed, underlying intellectual property law in Singapore. The
principles. This is a unique approach and its chapters are categorised into six Parts:
purpose is to inculcate a fuller and deeper Introduction; Copyright; Patents, Innovation
understanding of procedure. Principles of Civil and Inventions; Designs; Trade Marks, Passing
Procedure will enable the reader to gain a Off and Unfair Competition; and Confidential
fundamental understanding of the elements of Information. Each Part is written with the
civil procedure in a very meaningful way at objective that it may be studied on its own.
every level. It will assist lawyers in mastering However, as there may be overlapping rights
difficult issues of procedure and present them between the categories, cross-referencing
with persuasive points which they can use in between Parts and chapters is necessary.
their arguments in almost every area. Civil Singapore’s intellectual property law, like that in
procedure is not merely a body of rules. Rules many other countries, is intricately bound to a
are the mere facets of the subject. A true larger set of international legal norms and
understanding of civil procedure comes only standards. Therefore, the study of this branch of
with an appreciation of the purposes of the the law is not complete without consideration
rules and their link to the objectives of litigation. of the historical perspectives as well as the
influences of international treaties and
conventions in the different categories of
intellectual property.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
A Treatise on Singapore The Criminal Procedure Code
Constitutional Law of Singapore - Annotations
and Commentary
Author(s): Thio Li-ann
ISBN No : 978-981-07-1516-8 Editor-in-Chief:
Price : RM270 (WM) / RM280 (EM) Jennifer Marie
General Editor(s):
A Treatise on Singapore Constitutional Law Mohamed Faizal Mohamed Abdul Kadir
explores how constitutional law operates within Contributor(s):
the context of a non-liberal, secular Lee Lit Cheng, Han Ming Kuang, Lee
constitutional democracy, within a religiously
and racially diverse social setting. This treatise is Jwee Nguan, Toh Shin Hao, Crystal Ong
concerned with both theory and doctrine, with Wai Mun, Chua Ying-Hong & Sharmila
explaining the black letter rules of constitutional Sripathy-Shanaz
practice and their underlying rationales, as well ISBN No : 978-981-07-0498-8
as critically examining how they work in Price : RM270 (WM) / RM280 (EM)
practice. It seeks to draw out the broader
significance of legal rules by identifying their Authored and edited by a team of prosecutors
underlying legal philosophy and engages the under the guidance of the former Chief
normative, conceptual and empirical Prosecutor of the Criminal Justice Division (who is
dimensions of constitutional law, to present a now the Deputy Chief District Judge of the
thorough study of the law in Singapore. This Subordinate Courts), this book attempts to provide
book addresses both what the state of the law an insight into the raison d’être of each of the
“is”, and evaluates this against what it “ought” provisions in the Criminal Procedure Code 2010. It
to be or to aspire towards. also discusses some of the jurisprudence
surrounding predecessors of the provisions (where
applicable) and how they might serve to form the
contours of some of the provisions of the new
Code. This book serves as a useful guide to all who
are involved in the administration of criminal
justice in Singapore, as well as academics and
students of criminal law.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
The Law of Agency Sentencing Principles in
Author(s): Tan Cheng Han SC
ISBN No : 978-981-08-5629-8 Author(s): Kow Keng Siong
Price : RM240 (WM) / RM250 (EM) ISBN No : 978-981-08-1486-1
Price : RM450 (WM) / RM460 (EM)
This book sets out the circumstances in which a
principal may become bound by the acts of This book weaves together the many
the agent. In many cases, this outcome is the fragmented threads of sentencing
result of the principal’s manifestation of assent pronouncements and organises them into a
that the agent should bring about the result series of sentencing principles. Each principle
sought. However, a principal may find his legal discusses the source of the relevant principle,
position affected even where the agent has the rationale behind it, and the issues relating
acted in excess of the authority that was to its application. Both local sentencing
conferred on him, and also where the “agent” precedents and foreign cases and literature
did not have any authority whatsoever. Such are provided as illustration. Also included
outcomes may be necessary to protect the are parliamentary speeches, judicial and
legitimate interests of the third party and extra-judicial pronouncements, and a
represent a cost that the principal has to bear comprehensive list of local articles and legal
for the convenience that comes from the use commentaries. Written primarily for
of an agent. One major theme running practitioners, academics, law students and the
through this book is that the law of agency has public, the discussion and commentaries take
to balance the interests of all the actors in the a non-prescriptive approach and are
tripartite principal-agent-third party relationship arranged into succinct reader-friendly
and strike an optimal balance between paragraphs and sub-paragraphs to facilitate
commercial convenience and fairness. easy references and searches. This title is a joint
publication of the Author, Academy Publishing
and the Subordinate Courts of Singapore.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Singapore Syariah Appeals Modern Advocacy –
Reports (1980-2010) Perspectives from Singapore
ISBN No : 978-981-08-5629-8 General Editor(s):
Price : RM1,150 (WM) / RM1,160 (EM) Eleanor Wong, Lok Vi Ming SC and Vinodh
Coomaraswamy SC
The Syariah Court of Singapore hears and Contributor(s):
determines disputes on Muslim marriages, Joseph Grimberg SC, K Shanmugam SC,
divorces, the ancillary matters thereto and Ang Chen Hock, Kenneth W K Tan SC,
betrothal as prescribed by the Administration Steven Chong SC, Alvin Yeo SC and more.
of Muslim Law Act. Cases at first instance are ISBN No : 978-981-07-0498-8
heard by the Syariah Court. Appeals from Price : RM270 (WM) / RM280 (EM)
decisions of the Syariah Court are heard by the
Appeal Board. Each appeal is heard by a
separately-constituted Appeal Board. Modern Advocacy is a book on trial advocacy
Published by the Syariah Court, the Singapore written by Singapore practitioners for Singapore
Syariah Appeals Reports (SSAR) is the official practitioners. The book is an illuminating insight
report series of grounds of decisions delivered into what Singapore advocates do and how
by the Appeal Board. This inaugural backset is they go about doing it. It is a singularly unique
a complete compilation of all significant cases piece of work, not only for making inroads into
decided by the Appeal Board between 1980 the market (which until now survived on
and 2010. Grounds of decisions for appeals general primers from other jurisdictions) by
heard by the Appeal Board from the decision providing a locally-flavoured book on
of the Registrar of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) advocacy, but also for its stellar list of
are also published in this series. Where the contributors and General Editors. No less than
decision is delivered in Malay, the original 17 Senior Counsel, a retired Judge of Appeal,
Malay version of the Appeal Board decision is two High Court Judges, and a former best
reported together with its English translation. oralist (championship round) winner of the
Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court
Competition collaborated to bring this
publication to fruition.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
The Law of Torts in Singapore Data Protection Law in
(2nd Edition) Singapore - Privacy and
Sovereignty in an Interconnected
Gary Chan Kok Yew & Lee Pey Woan World
ISBN No : 978-981-09-7709-2 Editor(s):
Price : RM320 (WM) / RM330 (EM) Simon Chesterman
Tort law has continued to develop apace in Simon Chesterman, Warren Chik, Graham
the intervening period since the first edition of Greenleaf, Hannah Lim Yee Fen, Abu Bakar
the book was published in 2011: new torts Munir, Daniel Seng, Bryan Tan & Tan Cheng
have emerged, existing torts re-formulated, Han SC
and important clarifications made on the ISBN No : 978-981-07-7903-0
scope of specific torts and doctrines. The
scope and impact of new statutory torts Price : RM180 (WM) / RM190 (EM)
introduced pursuant to the Protection from The adoption of the Personal Data Protection Act
Harassment Act and Community Disputes has transformed the legal regime for data
Resolution Act 2015 are also examined. As with protection in Singapore. This book explains the
the previous edition, a comparative view is history and evolution of data protection in
offered by considering, where relevant, new Singapore, highlights issues that will need to be
developments in other leading worked out in practice as the new law is
Commonwealth jurisdictions. implemented and derives lessons that may be
taken from other countries in the region and
beyond. Bringing together leading scholars and
practitioners in the field, the book will be of interest
to the academic, legal and business
communities. Key questions considered in the
book include how to reconcile notions of privacy
in an information age, and how national laws can
regulate an increasingly interconnected world.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
Ethics and Professional An Asian Perspective on
Responsibility: A Code for the Mediation
Advocate and Solicitor
General Editor(s):
Author(s): Jeffrey Pinsler SC Joel Lee & Teh Hwee Hwee
ISBN No : 978-981-05-8092-6 Contributor(s):
Price : RM300 (WM) / RM310 (EM) Joel Lee, Teh Hwee Hwee, Ian Macduff,
Melanie Billings-Yun, John S K Ng & Law
Ethics and Professional Responsibility: A Code Siew Fang
for the Advocate and Solicitor was specially ISBN No : 978-981-08-2997-1
commissioned by the Chief Justice to address Price : RM150 (WM) / RM160 (EM)
the pressing need for such a Code. It presents
a practical and detailed explanation of all the This book draws on applicable concepts in
major rules and principles that govern an literature, and from wisdom and experience
advocate and solicitor’s professional conduct, that mediators in Asia have accumulated over
and is an invaluable and indispensable the years. It presents an Asian perspective on
resource whether you are an experienced mediation that includes a culturally
practitioner or a fresh law graduate. appropriate framework, with strategies and
recommendations for managing and settling
disputes in the Asian context.
08 CLJ Catalogue 2017
Singapore Construction Adjudication
Review [2013]
Author(s): Chow Kok Fong, Christopher
Chuah, Mohan R Pillay &
Edwin Lee Peng Khoon
ISSN No : 1793-9364 (hardcover)
Price : RM780 (WM) / RM790 (EM)
The Singapore Construction Adjudication
Review series is the authoritative report of
adjudication determinations made under the
Building and Construction Industry Security of
Payment Act. Each volume contains
commentary and reports on adjudication
determinations made with respect to
adjudication applications lodged with the
Singapore Mediation Centre. This volume
focuses on adjudications between 1 January
2012 and 31 December 2013.
CLJ Catalogue 2017 08
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