the world
Maqsood Hasni
Free Abuzar Barqi Kutab'khana
Aug. 2017
Man’s Origin
The Truth About Adam
Allah, Adam, and the Angels
Did Eve Fall or Was She Pushed?
Adam Biography
Creation of man and woman
Life of Adam and Eve
Were Adam and Eve Real People?
The Eve Myth is very controversial as it opens up a
One Adam or Two?
Athena and Eve
Are There Human On Earth Before Adam?
Adam's Birthday
Adam and Eve and the Cave People Too
When the Angels Worshipped Adam
Adam and His Eves
Rape of Eve
God did not curse Eve
The Three Phases of Eve
The Three Phases of Eve
EVE Hebrew and Sumerian goddess of life
Who Was Eve?
Adam Eve’s Garments'
Adam, man and the world
Adam and Eve
Adam, Eve and the garden ……who….what….where?
Eve was a Goddess
Man’s Origin
Has Man Always Been Around?
Today there are basically three ideas about how man
began. Only one of these ideas is correct. The other
two are false. One very popular idea is that man
evolved from lower forms of life. This idea is taught
in most schools and in most books and magazines.
Many people believe this evolutionary theory.
Another idea that some people have is that man
owes his existence to UFOs (Unidentified Flying
Objects from other planets).
This theory has been published in certain
books. Both of these first two ideas are false. The
only true answer as to where man came from is
found in God’s Word, the Bible. According to Genesis
1:26-27 and Genesis 2:7 and 2:21-23, how did man
Here is how the evolutionists tell the story of man:
In the beginning, about four billion years
ago, the air is unfit to breathe. The
young earth is without life. The sun
beats down; storms lash the coasts;
volcanoes pour hissing lava into the
ocean’s waters. These natural jolts fuse
simple molecules into more complex
ones. Amino acids are formed, then
interact with each other, and primitive
protein is fashioned, perhaps as a
worm-like molecule. Somehow the right
molecules get together and the first
living cell appears. This first living cell
is the great ancestor of all plants and
animals on earth, including man. From
this first cell, all other forms of life
evolved. This tiny first living cell is the
father of us all!
How did man come from this first cell?
(Remember, there are more cells in the
human body than there are people in the
Here's the story: As time went on, this
first cell developed into amoeba-like
organisms and other primitive
creatures that could survive in the
ocean. After millions of years, these
creatures evolved into fish. Some of
these fish developed lungs so that they
could survive outside of the water.
Gradually they began to make their way
onto land as the first amphibians. These
amphibians then evolved into reptiles
and the earth soon became populated
with great dinosaurs. Some of these
reptiles started to develop legs that
could move around better, and these
creatures became what we today would
call mammals. Other reptiles developed
wings and flew away to become birds.
Where did man come from? One of
these early mammals was known as a
tree shrew. He was not much larger
than a squirrel and in many ways looked
like a squirrel. This creature lived in
trees and gradually evolved into
primitive monkeys and other apelike
creatures. From these apelike
creatures there evolved two major
groups: 1) the great apes that we can
see in zoos today, such as the gorilla,
orangutan, gibbon and chimpanzee; 2)
a creature who came down from the
trees and who started walking upright
(all monkeys and apes walk on all
fours). He is now known as MAN!
Our father (that first living cell) would
have been very proud of us if he could
have seen how far we have come these
past millions of years!
This information was taken from two
sources: 1) "The Awesome Worlds
Within a Cell," National Geographic,
September, 1976, pp. 392-393; 2)
Evolution, by Ruth Moore published by
TIME Incorporated (TIME-LIFE series),
1964, pp.109-116.
There are many problems with the theory of
evolution. Here are just a few:
1. It's impossible for life to come from
non-life. Evolutionists teach that the first living cell
evolved from non-life. There is no evidence that this
ever happened. Life does not just happen by
chance. The reason we have life on this planet
(animal life, plant life, human life) is because the
Creator made it so. God created all plants and all
living creatures.
2. There is no evidence that amphibians evolved into
reptiles. There is no evidence that reptiles evolved
into mammals. There is no evidence that reptiles
evolved into birds. The fossil record does not back
up the claims of evolution. Evolutionists have a
theory that has never been proven.
3. There are variations found in the various "kinds"
of animals which God created. For example, think of
all the varieties of dogs. Think of all the varieties of
cats. Think of all the varieties of humans. All
humans came from the same parents (Adam and
Eve) and yet we do not all look alike (different
colored skin, different eyes, etc.). God has made the
various kinds of animals with great genetic potential
for variation. He did this for humans as
well. However, one kind of animal does not change
into another kind. Animals always reproduce "after
their kind" (Genesis 1:11,21,25). Lizards do not
change into birds. Reptiles do not evolve into
lions. Dogs do not evolve into cats. Land mammals
do not change into whales. Eels do not evolve into
snakes. Apes do not evolve into humans.
Many things that the evolutionists say cannot be true
because they are the exact opposite of what God
says. To see what God says, open your Bible to
Genesis chapter 1. You will need to find out on what
day of the creation week certain things were
1. The evolutionists say that life must have begun
in the ocean. But God says that the first plant
life was created on Day _________ and the first
life in the ocean was not created until Day
2. The evolutionists say that there cannot be life
without the sun because the sun would have
needed to beat down upon the primitive ocean to
produce life. But God says that the first plant
life was created on Day ______ and the sun was
not created until Day _______.
3. The evolutionists say that reptiles evolved into
birds, but God says that birds were created on
Day ____ and reptiles (or "creeping things")
were not created until Day ______. If birds were
on earth before reptiles, then how could birds
have evolved from reptiles?
4. The evolutionists say that apelike creatures
came along thousands of years before men
(because they believe that man evolved from
apelike creatures). But God says that men and
apes were both created on Day _______.
The theory of evolution faces some very serious
problems. For example, the evolutionists have never
really answered these questions:
1. How can life come from non-life? Even a
one-celled organism is highly complex and could
not have evolved by chance.
2. How can there be so many wonderful and
amazing CREATURES without an intelligent
CREATOR to make them?
3. Every creature on earth shows evidence of
amazing design. Think of the web-making
capability of the spider, the defensive
mechanism of the skunk, the amazing design
found in every animals that is able to fly, etc. If
there is DESIGN, then should not there be a
DESIGNER? Suppose you came across a
beautiful painting of a lake surrounded by
mountains. You ask the owner of the painting,
"Who painted this beautiful nature scene?" The
owner says, "No one painted it. It just happened
by chance. One day I spilled several bottles of
paint and my accidental spill resulted in this
painting." Would you believe this person?
4. How could all of these wonderful forms of
life have come about by mere chance? Genesis
1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth." The evolutionist would
want to rewrite it this way: "In the beginning, it
just happened!"
This last question is especially important.
Evolutionists say that animals have been able to
change from one form to another as a result of
certain "accidents of nature" referred to as chance
mutations. For example, how can reptiles over
millions of years accidentally develop wings? How
can a fish accidentally develop lungs? How can a
land mammal accidentally develop into a
whale? How can molecules accidentally fall together
to form the first living cell? These things are about
as likely as throwing a pile of paper (10,000 sheets)
out of an airplane and having all of the sheets land in
a neat pile on the ground, one on top of the other! It
could never happen!
Evolution teaches that man is nothing more than an
intelligent animal, and like all other animals, man is
an ACCIDENT of nature. Evolutionists suggest that
man is just lucky to be what he is! There is no reason
or purpose as to why he is here--it just happened
that way! Man is nothing but a freak accident of
nature! No one made us--we just happened! It is all
a terrible lie!
Anyone who can contemplate the eye
of a housefly, the mechanics of human
finger movement, the camouflage of a
moth, or the building of every kind of
matter from variations in
arrangement of proton and electron,
and then maintain that all this design
happened without a designer,
happened by sheer, blind
accident--such a person believes in a
miracle far more astounding than any
in the Bible. To regard man, with his
arts and aspirations, his awareness of
himself and of his universe, his
emotions and his morals, his very
ability to conceive an idea so grand as
that of God, to regard this creature as
merely a form of life somewhat higher
on the evolutionary ladder than the
others, is to create questions more
profound than those answered.
"Is There a Substitute for God?", by
David Raphael Klein, Reader's Digest,
March 1970.
The Theory of UFO’s
There are other people who explain man’s origin in a
different way. These people do not believe the Bible,
but they also do not believe many things that the
evolutionists teach.
These UFOLOGISTS (as they are sometimes called)
believe that intelligent creatures from another
planet had something to do with how human life
started on this earth. Here is one theory:
Erick von Daniken (the author of Chariots of the
Gods) says that somehow--although we really do
not know how--all animals and plants evolved on
this planet. He accepts evolution up to that point.
He then says that about 40,000 years ago
super-intelligent creatures from outer space
visited our planet. These space men found the
apes who were then living on earth, and by genetic
engineering they caused mutations in the ape
population which led to the production of man.
Then about 7,000 years ago these space
creatures returned to earth and chose two of
these apelike creatures, and with some more
genetic engineering they made Adam and Eve.
These ideas seem silly, but there is some truth to
them. These UFO people realize that man could not
have come about apart from an INTELLIGENT MIND or
and an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER. They realize that
there are great problems with the theory of
evolution which says that there was no intelligent
mind which produced man. Evolutionists teach that
things evolved by blind chance. To say that
intelligent man was made apart from any intelligent
design is very foolish. That would be like saying that
the world’s largest computer was not made by
anyone but just fell together somehow by accident.
If you want to baffle the UFO people, just ask them
this question: Where did the super-intelligent
creatures from outer space come from? Who made
them? Did other space creatures help them to
These UFO believers also see another problem with
evolution. How did the Egyptians, for example, build
the pyramids? All who study the pyramids
recognize that it took brilliant minds to construct
those amazing burial tombs! It took great
intelligence and know-how and technology! It would
be a great challenge for modern man to build the
same structures today, even with all man's modern
The pyramids are a great problem for the
evolutionists. Evolution says that primitive peoples
of the past were quite ignorant and primitive. They
believe that as the years went by men became more
and more advanced and intelligent. The UFO people
say that there was only one way the Egyptians could
have built the pyramids: intelligent people from
another planet must have told them how to do it, or
they actually helped them to do it (some have even
said that they used their flying saucers to carry the
huge pieces of rock and drop them in place).
The theory of evolution does not fit the facts. The
theory of UFO’s might make good science fiction
reading, but not too many are going to believe a
theory that is so "OUT OF THIS WORLD." That brings
us to the third alternative:
God’s Truth About the Creation of Man
Circle the correct answer in each of the following:
According to Genesis 2:7, man:
a. was made from an apelike creature.
b. was transported from outer space.
c. was made from the dust of the ground.
According to Psalm 139:14,
a. man has wonderfully and accidentally evolved.
b. man has been wonderfully made by brilliant
minds from another planet.
c. man has been fearfully and wonderfully made by
a marvelous Maker whom we should praise and
According to Isaiah 45:11-12, who is responsible for
man being upon the earth:
a. no one; it just happened that man evolved.
b. beings from another planet.
The best way to settle this issue is to ask the One
Person who knows the most about man’s origin and
who is the best Authority on the subject. Who is the
best Authority on the origin of man? (See Matthew
a. A university biology teacher
b. The editor of the National Geographic magazine
c. The President of the United States
d. The Lord Jesus Christ
e. Your parents
What did the Lord Jesus say about the origin of
Read carefully Matthew 19:4. Was Jesus a believer in
creation or a believer in evolution?
Did Jesus believe what the Bible says in Genesis 1:27
How many times do you find the word "created" in
Genesis 1:27?
How many times do you find the word "evolved" in
this verse?
Did Jesus really believe in Adam and Eve (Matthew
The Lord knew exactly what He was talking about.
Indeed, He was the One who created Adam and Eve!
See John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16.
Does it make a difference when a person realizes
that an all-wise, loving, eternal, all-powerful God
created the first man and woman? Recognizing a
personal Creator makes man much more than an
animal or an accident of nature. If we are really
made by an all-powerful God, then He must have had
a reason for our creation. There must be a purpose
for why we are here. We will study the reason man
was created in the next chapter.
Where Was Adam Buried
By Yochanan ben Avraham (John of AllFaith)
Adam's Burial place
A response by John of AllFaith, April 2007
Questioner: Robert
Subject: Adam's Burial place
Where was Adam buried---There is a reference to
Calvary and Noah and Shem meeting an Angel and
being directed to Calvary (Golgotha
John of AllFaith's reply
Hi Robert,
Gen 5:5 says, "...And all the days that Adam lived
were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died."
According to the Book of Jubilees (4:29-30), "And
he (Adam) was the first who was buried in the earth.
And he lacked seventy years from one thousand
years, for a thousand years are like one day in the
testimony of heaven and therefore it was written
concerning the tree of knowledge, 'In the day you eat
from it you will die.' Therefore he did not complete
the years of this day because he died in it"
Beyond this, the accepted scriptures are mute.
There are traditional legends that say that as Noah
was preparing for the flood he recovered the body
of Adam, brought it in the ark, and then later buried
it in a cave at Golgatha. According to this tradition,
Jesus was buried in this same cave. This of course
violates the biblical statement that Jesus was placed
in a tomb never before occupied.
There are also applicable Jewish traditions. The
following is taken from
and may be of interest: The Torah opens with the
story of the human "family" - the descendants of
Adam and Eve. It then proceeds to tell the story of
the family of Israel - the descendants of Abraham
and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob, Rachel
and Leah. Jacob was also given the name "Israel"
(Genesis 35:10).
In the Torah portion of this past Shabbos, "Chayei
Sarah" - the Life of Sarah, we find the story of the
passing and burial of our matriarch, Sarah. After the
eulogy for Sarah, Abraham purchased a plot in the
city of Hebron which contained a cave known as "the
Cave of Machpelah" (Genesis 23:9). The Torah
records that Sarah was buried there; moreover, the
Torah later records that Abraham, Isaac, Rebecca,
Jacob, and Leah were buried there (Genesis 25:9,
49:29-32, 50:13). Our matriarch, Rachel, however,
was buried outside of Bethlehem (Genesis 35:18).
Throughout the generations, Jews would pray at the
Cave of Machpelah, where their forefathers and
foremothers are buried, and during the years of
exile, they managed to reestablish a community in
Hebron centuries before the emergence of the State
of Israel. This ancient Jewish community was
destroyed during the Arab riots of 1929, when
Hebron's Arabs stormed into the old Jewish quarter
and massacred many Jews. The survivors were
forced to flee, and Jews did not succeed in
reestablishing a community in Hebron until a few
years after the Six-Day war.
The Cave of Machpelah is a source of conflict
between Arabs and Jews; but ideally, it should serve
as a reminder that the two "families" are related.
For Abraham is buried in this cave, and both Arabs
and Jews have a tradition that the Arabs are the
descendants of Abraham's first son, Ishmael. At the
suggestion of Sarah, who was unable to give birth
for a long period, Abraham married Sarah's
handmaiden, Hagar, and through this union, Ishmael
was born. One of the sources for the tradition that
the Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael is a
passage in the Book of Isaiah (21: 13-17), where the
Prophet refers to the people of Arabia as "the sons
of Kedar." The Torah records that Kedar is the
second son of Ishmael (Genesis 25:13). Abraham is
therefore the father of both the Jewish and Arab
The Cave of Machpelah not only reminds us that
Jews and Arabs have a common ancestor; it also
reminds us of the common origin of all humanity, for
the Talmud records the ancient tradition that Adam
and Eve are also buried in this cave (Eruvin 53a).
According to the Midrash, Abraham was aware that
Adam and Eve were buried here, and he therefore
wanted to acquire this site for his and Sarah's
descendants (Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer, chapter 36).
Why was the acquisition of this particular cave so
important to Abraham? I would like to suggest the
following three reasons:
1. When Abraham received the Divine call to journey
to the Promised Land, he was given the following
Divine promise, one which was later repeated to
Isaac and Jacob: "through you, all the families of the
earth will be blessed" (Genesis 12:3). Abraham
therefore understood that the family that would
emerge from him and Sarah would have a special
responsibility regarding all the families of the earth;
thus, he wanted his descendants to be reminded of
this universal mandate when they would come and
pray at the site where their ancestors are buried.
For at this site, Adam and Eve, the ancestors of all
the earth's families, are also buried.
2. As we began to discuss in the Hazon series on the
human soul, Abraham and Sarah began the process
of helping humankind return to the original high
spiritual consciousness that Adam and Eve had in
the Garden of Eden before the sin. Abraham
therefore hoped that the cave where Adam and Eve
are buried would remind his descendants of this
spiritual goal.
3. When Abraham and Sarah taught people about the
One Compassionate Creator of all life, they caused
human beings to rediscover their unity as the
children of the Compassionate One. In addition, they
reminded human beings that they are part of one
extended family, since they all descend from Adam
and Eve. When Abraham acquired the Cave of
Machpelah, he realized that this site could serve as a
reminder of this unity, for the ancestors of all
humanity are buried here.
The Compassionate One is waiting for all the families
of the earth to rediscover their unity. The Cave of
Machpelah is to serve as a reminder of this
universal vision, yet the growing violence in the
world indicates that this vision seems to "sleep"
alongside our patriarchs and matriarchs who are
buried deep inside the cave. There is, however, a
Divine promise that one day this vision will emerge
from the darkness of the cave and spread all over
God's earth:
"They shall neither injure nor destroy in all My
sacred mountain; for the earth will be filled with
knowledge of the Compassionate One as water
covering the sea bed." (Isaiah 11:9)
Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen
The Truth About Adam
The truth pertaining to the origin of all human beings is a
matter dear to the hearts of many. People from different
walks of life, including various ethnic origins and
differing educational backgrounds have attempted
explanations, however, no story or explanation can take
the place of the truth. In the Qur’an Allah informed us of
the truth regarding the origin of the humans, and His
Prophet, Muhammad, explained this matter to his
companions, who explained it to their followers, who
explained it to their followers, and so on, until the truth
reached the people today.
Allah created all the other kinds of creations before He
created the humankind. Allah created the water, the air,
the heavens, the earth, the trees, the mountains, the
valleys, the animals and even the small insects--before
he created man. Allah created all these kinds of
creations in six days. Each day was like one thousand
(1,000) years. At the last part of the sixth day, after the
^Asr time, Adam was created. It was Jumu^ah--Friday.
Adam was not derived from apes or animals similar to
apes. The apes existed, as did all the other animal kind,
before Adam was created. The truth is: the origin of all
the humankind is clay, i.e., soil mixed with water. Allah
said in Surat al-Mu’minun, Ayah 12:
Surat al-Mu’minun, Ayah 12
Which means: [The kind of human beings (humankind)
has a parent material--which is the clay.]
The origin of this clay was the soil of this earth. Allah
ordered one of the angels to gather a handful of all the
different types of the earth’s soils: the black soil, the
white soil, the red soil, and all the colors in between
these colors; including the soft soil and the firm soil. This
angel took a handful from all these different kinds of soil
and brought them to Paradise. This soil was mixed with
the water of Paradise and from this mixture, the shape
of Adam was formed. This is why you find among the
offspring of Adam--which includes all people--the white,
the black, the red, the yellow, those who are easy, those
who are difficult, and those who are in between.
For a period of time this shape remained as clay. Then
Allah turned this clay into something dry and hard, like
pottery. In Surat al-Hijr, Ayah 26, Allah, tabaraka wa
ta^ala, said:
Surat al-Hijr, Ayah 26
Which means: [Allah created Adam (the human being)
from a clay that was poured and then dried taking the
shape of Adam.]
Before Allah turned this clay to flesh, blood, and bones,
and before Allah put Adam’s soul into his body, the devil
(Iblis) came and examined this creation. Upon inspection,
Iblis found this creation had internal cavities, and thus he
knew that this creation would need to take things inside
its body. Iblis knew this creation would not have the
ability to go for long periods of time doing different
matters without being in need of some things, like food,
drink, rest, and the like. Iblis knew this creation was not
like the angels, because angels do not have internal body
cavities and need neither food nor drink nor rest. Allah
gave them the strength to perform all what Allah
ordered them to perform--without the need for eating,
drinking, or resting to do so. The angels can bear things
which the humans cannot bear. All this, Iblis knew. So
Iblis, who was created from a pure flame of fire (which
does not produce any smoke); Iblis, a jinn, and the
ancestor of all the jinn, who was a believer at this period
of time and living in Paradise with the angels worshipping
Allah--talked to that shape of Adam. He said to Adam,
"Allah created you for a matter which I cannot perceive."
After the soul of Adam joined his body, Allah bestowed on
Adam the knowledge of the names of everything. Allah
gave Adam that knowledge without a teacher, i.e., without
Adam having to learn from someone to acquire that
knowledge. Then Allah ordered the angels to prostrate to
Adam out of respect for this special new creation (not
out of worship). Iblis was living with the angels, so he,
also, was ordered to prostrate to Adam. The angels
prostrated to Adam because all the angels are obedient;
they do not disobey Allah. Iblis, however, was arrogant.
He objected to Allah. Iblis said, "I was created from fire,
and he was only created from soil, so why should I
prostrate to him? I will not." By his statement Iblis meant
that Allah was not just in ordering him to prostrate to
Adam. Thus, by objecting to Allah and His order, Iblis
blasphemed. This was the first blasphemy Iblis
When Adam’s soul joined with his body, he sneezed, then
said, ‘al-hamdulillah." Thus, the first words Adam uttered
were in praising and thanking Allah. Adam stayed in
Paradise for a period of time. During that period Allah
created Hawwa’ (Eve), Adam’s wife. She was tall, suitable
for the height of Adam who was sixty cubits tall and
seven cubits broad. Hawwa’ (Eve) was created from one
of Adam’sribs. Ibnu ^Abbas said that Allah created
Hawwa’ (Eve) from the shortest rib on Adam’s left side.
Adam and Hawwa’ (Eve) lived together in Paradise for a
period of time. Allah permitted them to eat from all the
fruits of Paradise, except the fruits of one particular
tree. Allah enabled them to go from one place to another
in the apparent locations of Paradise to eat from the
fruits and to benefit from these locations. Adam and
Hawwa’ (Eve) were not given permission to eat from that
tree but Iblis whispered to them to eat from it. Then
Hawwa’ (Eve) started encouraging Adam to eat from that
tree. Eventually they both ate from it. Doing so was
sinful, however it was a small sin and they both quickly
repented. What they said is mentioned in Surat al-A^raf,
Ayah 23:
Surat al-A^raf, Ayah 23
Which means: [O Allah, we did injustice to ourselves. So if
You do not forgive us and You do not have mercy on us,
we would be losers.] They repented and Allah accepted
their repentance.
After this incident, Adam, Hawwa’ (Eve), and Iblis were
ordered to leave Paradise. Adam descended from
Paradise into India, in a land called Sarandib (Syri Lanka,
now-a-days). Hawwa’ (Eve) descended in a location
different from Adam. Iblis, descended into an area in
present-day Iraq, now a town named al-Ubullah (next to
al-Basrah. Later, Adam and Hawwa’ (Eve) were reunited.
After Adam descended from Paradise, where he had
lived for 130 years, he received the revelation of
prophethood from Allah. Adam, the first man, became the
first prophet and the first Messenger to whom Allah
revealed. Prophet Adam and his wife had many children.
Hawwa’ (Eve) gave birth to forty sets of twins. Each
womb held a son and a daughter. Their children married
and had children, who married and had children, and so
on until the humans were spread in the different areas.
Adam is the ancestor of all the human beings--without
any exception. The lineage of all humans goes back to
Adam and Hawwa’ (Eve), even Gog and Magog (Ya’juj and
Prophet Adam taught his children and their children
about Islam. Adam lived for many years. He didn’t die
until he saw 40,000 of his descendents--and all of them
were Muslim. Prophet Adam and Hawwa’ (Eve) loved
and worshipped Allah. They used to pray, fast, and go to
Hajj (pilgrimage).). Prophet Adam taught his offspring
about the attributes which befit Allah and the difference
between the Creator and the creations. He taught good
behavior, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and sincerity.
Allah bestowed much knowledge on Prophet Adam. Allah
created in Adam the knowledge of the
languages--without having to study them. He spoke
eloquently and without having to use signs. Allah created
in Adam the knowledge of the matters of earning a
living--including how to plant wheat, how to make
clothes, and how to make money from gold and silver.
Allah created in Adam the knowledge of how to make
instruments for planting, like the shovel and sickle, and
the knowledge of how to plant seeds, vegetables, and
fruits as well as how to harvest. Prophet Adam knew how
to build and construct homes and houses and he used to
make ceilings and doors for them.
Prophet Adam was the first to build the Ka^bah. During
his time, the Aqsa Mosque was built in Palestine.
Important warnings:
Beware of those who claim matters contrary to the truth
of Islam. Adam was not the first creation, and all human
beings originate from him. Moreover, Prophet
Muhammad descended from Prophet Adam. Prophet
Muhammad was not the first creation, as some people
claim. Also, beware of those who claim the first creation
is the light of our Prophet. This is also invalid. There is no
sahih hadith from the Prophet claiming such. There is,
however, a fabricated hadith that the Prophet addressed
Jabir by saying: "The first creation is the light of your
Prophet, O Jabir." The hafidh, Ahmad al-Ghumariyy,
mentioned this hadith was fabricated in his book entitled,
Al-Mughir ^Ala-l-Jami^ is-Saghir and the hafidh,
as-Suyutiyy, said this hadith is not confirmed. He
mentioned it in two (2) of his books: Al-Fatawa and The
Explanation of at-Tirmidhiyy. What was confirmed from
the Prophet was that the first creation was the original
water, which exists now underneath the ^Arsh.
Beware of theories which say human beings descended
from apes or that Adam was a primitive caveman. Adam
was the first man and the first human to receive the
Revelation of prophethood. He was the first messenger
of Allah and he is the ancestor of every member of the
humankind. He taught the first people how to live and
how to worship Allah correctly. He was an honored and
blessed creation of Allah. He was created from soil. In
Surat al-Hajj Ayah 5, Allah said:
{ي أيه الن س إن كنت فى ري مـن البعث فإنـ خ قن ك مـن
} ترا
5 آية- سورة الحج
which means: [O you people, if you doubt about the
matter of the Resurrection, then think about the matter
that Adam was created from soil.] That is, should one
have difficulty conceptualizing that a person can be
resurrected--considering this matter is unlikely, a weak
possibility, or one that does not occur--then remember
that Allah created Adam from soil. Know that the One
Who created Adam from soil has the Power to resurrect
you after you turn back into soil.
68, p. 72
Allah, Adam, and the Angels
Sam Shamoun
The Quran has a lot to say about the relation between
Allah, Adam, angels and Satan. In fact, some of what the
Quran says regarding these persons or entities raises a
series of questions and comments. This is specifically
the case with Surah 2:30-38 which we will shortly quote.
When thy Lord said unto the angels:
Lo! I am about to place a viceroy (khalia) in the earth,
they said:
Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and
will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and
sanctify Thee?
He said: Surely I know that which ye know not.
And He taught Adam all the names, then showed them to
the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye
are truthful.
They said: Be glorified! We have no knowledge saving that
which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the
Knower, the Wise.
He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when
he had informed them of their names,
He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the
heavens and the earth? And I know that which ye
disclose and which ye hide.
And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves
before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis.
He demurred through pride, and so became a
And We said: O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the
Garden, and eat ye freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye
will; but come not nigh this tree lest ye become
wrong-doers. But Satan caused them to deflect there
from and expelled them from the (happy) state in which
they were;
and We said: Fall down, one of you a foe unto the other!
There shall be for you on earth a habitation and provision
for a time.
Then Adam received from his Lord words (of revelation),
and He relented toward him. Lo! He is the relenting, the
Merciful. We said: Go down, all of you, from hence; but
verily there cometh unto you from me guidance; and
whoso followeth my guidance, there shall no fear come
upon them neither shall they grieve.
S. 2:30-38 Pickthall
The above passage brings up several questions:
First, how did the angels know what the condition of man
would be prior to his creation?
Where did they get the idea that man would be a violent
(Who told them? The text doesn’t say anything about
Allah giving them this piece of information.)
Are angels omniscient?
Secondly, Allah secretly teaches Adam unspecified
names in order to silence the angels for complaining
against man. Was it not unfair for Allah to teach Adam
these names and then proceed to challenge the angels to
do likewise?
Does Allah have to use deception and lies in order to
vindicate himself against the charges brought against
Adam by the angels (charges which turned out to be
Is it not obvious that Adam would have been just as
ignorant as the angels were regarding these things had
it not been for Allah teaching him?
What kind of vindication is this seeing that Adam only
knew of these names because Allah taught him, whereas
the angels were ignorant because Allah hadn't taught
them these things?
And how does the naming of things justify the creation of
man despite all the evil and violence he will commit?
After all, if there is a superior value in humans that
justifies their creation, despite their violent and sinful
behavior, then it should be stated in a clear way instead
of using deceptive tricks that hardly show the
superiority of humans. Allah could have taught those
names to anyone. This act of teaching man to name all
things does not provide a sufficient reason at all why
humans should be created despite the fact that they will
shed blood. Allah could have simply taught those names
to the angels, and then somebody would know them (if
that was the objective), without there being bloodshed.
So what is the point of the story, really?
Thirdly, after using deception to silence the angels Allah
then proceeds to command the angels to worship the
man. (To bow not worship/ the man) This command to
worship was obviously the result of the man having
bested them by naming the things which Allah had
personally taught him. We therefore need to ask, why
make angels worship Adam for being able to name things
that they couldn't when the man only knew these names
as a result of Allah having taught them to him?
And why is Allah commanding them to bow down to Adam,
a creature, when it is absolutely forbidden to do so in
If it is argued that the prostration signified respect and
not worship then why are such acts of respect forbidden
in Islam today? It is obvious that Allah, unlike the true
God of the Holy Bible, is always changing his mind and
commands as time goes by.
Fourth, Aizazeel/ Iblis/ Satan is blamed for not
worshiping Adam even though the command was given to
angels. According to the Quran, Iblis isn't an angel, but
rather he is said to be a jinn:
And when We said to the angels, 'Bow yourselves to
Adam'; so they bowed themselves, save Iblis; he was one
of the jinn, and committed ungodliness against his Lord's
command. What, and do you take him and his seed to be
your friends, apart from Me, and they an enemy to you?
How evil is that exchange for the evildoers! S. 18:50
The late Maulana Muhammad Ali wrote in his Quranic
50a. Iblis is one of the jinn or the evil spirits, so it is an
error to take him for an angel or a good spirit. The spirit
of evil is always rebellious, and it is against this that man
is warned, so that he should resist every evil tendency.
Why then does Allah blame Iblis for not obeying a
command directed to angels, not to the jinn?
The following Muslim thinks he has the answer
The Qur’an in several places says that Iblis was an angel,
but in
Surah Kahf it says that Iblis was a Jinni. Isn’t this a
contradiction in the Qur’an?
1. Incidence of Iblis and Angels mentioned in the Qur’an
The story of Adam and Iblis is mentioned in the Qur’an in
various places in which Allah (swt) says, "We said to the
angels bow down to Adam: and they bowed down: not so
This is mentioned in:
Surah Al Baqarah chapter 2 verse 43
Surah Al ‘Araf chapter 7 verse 17
Surah Al Hijr chapter 15 verses 28-31
Surah Al Isra chapter 17 verse 61
Surah Ta Ha chapter 20 verse 116
Surah Sad chapter 38 verses 71-74
But in Surah Al Kahf chapter 18 verse 50 the Qur’an
"Behold! We said to the angels,
"Bow down to Adam." they bowed down except Iblis He
was one of the Jinns."
[Al-Qur’an 18:50]
2. Arabic Rule Of Tagleeb
The English translation of the first part of the verse ‘We
said to the angels bow down to Adam: they bowed down
except Iblis’, gives us the impression that Iblis was an
angel. The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic. In Arabic
grammar there is a rule known as Tagleeb, according to
which, if the majority is addressed, even the minority is
included. If for example, I address a class containing 100
students of whom 99 are boys and one is a girl, and if I
say in Arabic that the boys should stand up, it includes
the girl as well. I need not mention her separately.
Similarly in the Qur’an, when Allah addressed the angels,
even Iblis was present, but it is not required that he be
mentioned separately. Therefore according to that
sentence Iblis may be an angel or may not be an angel,
but we come to know from Surah Al Kahf chapter 18
verses 50 that Iblis was a Jinni. No where does the
Qur’an say Iblis was an angel. Therefore there is no
contradiction in the Qur’an. (Source)
To show why this adhoc explanation is rather forced and
very weak, let us take his same analogy and change it a
bit. If for example, I address the same class containing
100 students of whom 99 are boys and one is a girl, and
it so happens that there are parents also present with
their children, and I say in Arabic that all the boys should
stand up and yet none of the parents stand, I cannot
legitimately hold them liable since I wasn't addressing
them directly. Let us also assume that at this class, both
the principal and the vice-principal were present and
didn't stand up after having told the boys to rise from
their seats. Could I legitimately hold them accountable
for failing to comply with my orders? Of course not,
since they do not fall under the category of boys, nor do
they come under the category of classmates. If I wanted
both the parents and school officials to stand up I would
need to mention them specifically.
The only way Naik’s example could serve as a valid
analogy is if we took for granted that Iblis belongs to the
same category of being as that of angels. It is obvious
that the girl in Naik's analogy falls under the same
general category of classmates and children, so a
reference to boys can include her since the term boys
wouldn't be gender specific in this case. (But even that
would have to be gleaned from the context in which the
word is being used since you may have a class which is
made up of entirely boys). The mention of boys in this
context would be a general statement referring to a
group consisting of young children and schoolmates. The
term would therefore include all the persons which
would fall under that category, irrespective of gender.
But there is nothing within the Quran indicating that jinn
are of the same category of creatures like angels, or
that they share the same nature. In fact, Muslims see in
the following texts a denial that jinn are angels since they
believe that these passages somehow indicate that they
were formed from different elements and that angels
are said to never disobey whereas jinn actually can if
they so choose:
To God bows everything in the heavens, and every
creature crawling on the earth, and the angels. They
have not waxed proud; they fear their Lord above them,
and they do what they are commanded. S. 16:49-50
O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families
from a fire whose fuel is men and stones; over it are
angels stern and strong, they DO NOT DISOBEY Allah in
what He commands them, and do as they are
commanded. S. 66:6 Shakir
And on the day when He shall gather them all together: O
assembly of jinn! you took away a great part of mankind.
And their friends from among the men shall say: Our
Lord! Some of us profited by others and we have reached
our appointed term which Thou didst appoint for us. He
shall say: The fire is your abode, to abide in it, except as
Allah is pleased; surely your Lord is Wise, Knowing. And
thus do We make some of the iniquitous to befriend
others on account of what they earned. O assembly of
jinn and men! did there not come to you apostles from
among you, relating to you My communications and
warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They
shall say: We bear witness against ourselves; and this
world's life deceived them, and they shall bear witness
against their own souls that they were unbelievers. S.
And certainly We have created for hell many of the jinn
and the men; they have hearts with which they do not
understand, and they have eyes with which they do not
see, and they have ears with which they do not hear; they
are as cattle, nay, they are in worse errors; these are
the heedless ones. S. 7:179
On that Day no question will be asked of man or Jinn as
to his sin. S. 55:39
{Note: To see the problem with the claim that angels do
not disobey please consult the following papers: [1], [2],
[3], [4].}
One main problem with the Muslim position is that even
though there are references that speak of the jinn being
created from fire:
And the jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire. S.
And the jinn did He create of smokeless fire. S. 55:15
The Quran is totally silent on the creation of angels, i.e.
whether they were created from some other element
from the jinn and are therefore a different category of
creatures or whether they were both created from the
same material. Still, it is the belief of many, if not most,
Islamic scholars that angels and jinn are different
Also, there are situations where only part of the class is
supposed to stand up. Just imagine there are 30 boys
and ten girls in a class. The teacher says that all the
boys should stand up. Does he mean all the pupils then?
Or could it be that he meant really only the boys and not
the girls? E.g. because the boys should then leave the