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Published by Tangmo Wissuta, 2021-09-06 11:37:12



Question and Response (บทสนทนำถำม – ตอบ)

• สงั เกตวำ่ เป็นคำถำมประเภทอะไร เชน่
1. ถำมเพ่ือตอ้ งกำรทรำบขอ้ มลู (WH- questions)
2. ถำมเพ่ือใหส้ อดคลอ้ งกบั ประเภทของคำถำม

• ถำ้ คดิ วำ่ ตวั เลือกนีถ้ กู ใหเ้ ลง็ ไว้ หลงั จำกท่ฟี ังครบทงั้ 3 ตวั เลอื กแลว้ ใหเ้ ลือกฝนช่องคำตอบนนั้ โดยเรว็
• ถำ้ ฟังครบ 3 ตวั เลอื กแลว้ ยงั ไมแ่ นใ่ จใหเ้ ดำและเตรียมฟังขอ้ ตอ่ ไป
**ไม่มีคำถำมหรอื choice ใหอ้ ำ่ น


18. How many books did you sell? 22. Where do you keep pens?
(A) I read as often as I can. (A) They’e in my desk drawer.
(B) I sold only ten. (B) I prefer to use black ink.
(C) I don’t think he looks well (C) That’s my pen. I believe.

[5-second pause] [5-second pause]

19. When is your vacation? 23. It looks like it might rain soon.
(A) To the beach (A) Night will come soon.
(B) At the station (B) The rain arrives at noon.
(C) Next August (C) Then don’t forget to take

[5-second pause] your umbrella.
[5-second pause]
20. Why didn’t they come to lunch
with us? 24. Which coat is yours?
(A) That’s a very nice coat.
(A) I don’t usually drink punch. (B) It’s that black one in the
(B) They were too busy with
work. closet.
(C) It was at a nice little (C) I need it because it’s very
[5-second pause] cold today.
[5-second pause]
21. Do you need anything from the
store? 25. This room is very warm.
(A) I warned you about them.
(A) Yes, I could use some paper (B) Let’s open all the windows.
and envelopes. (C) There’s not enough room.

(B) No, there were fewer than [5-second pause]
26. How close is the subway station?
(C) I go shopping about once a (A) It’s just down the street.
week. (B) You can wear those clothes
[5-second pause] (C) They just remodeled the

[5-second pause]


27. Where can I buy a newspaper? 28. What’s your favorite sport?
(A) We could use some new (A) It’s a very busy port.
(B) I enjoy playing tennis.
paper. (C) He did me a favor.
(B) I read it every day.
(C) At the store on the corner. [5-second pause]

[5-second pause]

Conversations (บทสนทนำ)

1. มีช่วงหยดุ ระหวำ่ งคำถำม เม่อื ตอบคำถำมชดุ หนง่ึ เสรจ็ แลว้ ใหอ้ ำ่ นคำถำม และ choice ในชดุ ต่อไป
ทนั ที จะไดร้ ูว้ ำ่ ควรฟังอะไร

2. เวลำฟังใหอ้ ำ่ นคำถำมและคำตออบดว้ ย เลือกคำตอบโดย Mark ช่องไวก้ อ่ น เม่ือแน่ใจจงึ เติมช่องให้

3. ฟังเนือ้ หำดว้ ย อยำ่ เลอื กเพียงเพรำะ choice มีคำท่ีเหมอื นกบั คำถำม

*****จงระวงั คำท่ีเสยี งคลำ้ ยกนั แตม่ ีควำมหมำยตำ่ งกนั เชน่ to be apart หรอื to be a part / hear
หรอื here

4. เติมชอ่ งคำตอบใหเ้ รว็ จะไดม้ ีเวลำอำ่ นขอ้ ต่อไป
5. ไม่แนใ่ จใหเ้ ดำแลว้ อำ่ นขอ้ ตอ่ ไป


Questions 32 – 34 refer to the following conversation.

Woman: I’m calling an emergency meeting for tomorrow morning at ten. Do

you think you can be there?

Man: I can be there, but not on time. I’ll probably be about fifteen minutes

late. Why are you calling the meeting, anyhow?

Woman: The accounting department has been having some difficulties, and

paychecks will be delated until next week. I want to explain the

situation to everyone.

Man: You know this has happened before. It’s really getting to be a bad

problem. I can’t pretend not to be annoyed about it.

32. What does the man tell the woman?
(A) He can wait for her after the meeting.
(B) He’ll call her after the meeting.
(C) He can’t be at the meeting.
(D) He’ll arrive late to the meeting.

33. Why is the woman calling a meeting?
(A) To check the accounts.
(B) To explain the late paychecks.
(C) To announce a pay raise.
(D) To discuss next week’s work.

34. How does the man feel about the situation?
(A) Supportive of the woman’s plan.
(B) Happy that a problem will be discussed.
(C) Bothered because the situation has occurred before.
(D) Mad that he has to attend so man meetings.


Questions 35 – 37 refer to the following conversation.

Man: May I see your ticket please? Thank you. You’re in Row ten, Seat A,

right next to the window.

Woman: Great. Thanks. Can you tell me how long the flight will be?

Man: There shouldn’t be any delays on a nice cloudless day like today, so I

expect we’ll be arriving right on schedule at two o’clock. We’ll begin

food service in about half an hour.

Woman: I didn’t know there would be food. That’s wonderful. I’m starving.

Will there be a movie, too?

35. Where does this conversation take place?

[8-second pause]

36. What’s the weather like?

[8-second pause]

37. What will happen in a half an hour?

[8-second pause]

35. Where does this conversation take place?
(A) At a restaurant
(B) On an airplane
(C) In a movie theater
(D) On a train

36. What’s the weather like?
(A) Clear
(B) Cloudy
(C) Windy
(D) Snowy

37. What will happen in a half an hour?
(A) The movie will begin.
(B) Food will be served.
(C) Tickets will be collected.
(D) The schedule will be updated.


Short Talks (บทพดู แบบสนั้ )

1. ฟังตอนตน้ ใหด้ ี จะไดร้ ูว้ ำ่ สิ่งท่ีพดู ตอ่ ไปนี้ คอื อะไร เช่น กำรประกำศ, โฆษณำ, ขำ่ วสำร, กำรพยำกรณ์
อำกำศ, เสียงตอบรบั อตั โนมตั ิ หรอื กำรกลำ่ วเรม่ิ กำรประชมุ ทำงธรุ กจิ

2. ขณะท่ีฟังใหอ้ ำ่ นคำตอบตำมถำ้ รูค้ ำตอบใหท้ ำ Mark ไวท้ ่คี ำตอบอยำ่ เพิง่ เติมเต็ม
3. ตอ้ งตอบใหค้ รบกอ่ นท่ีเสยี งอำ่ นของคำถำมชดุ ใหญ่จะเรม่ิ ขนึ้

***จงมสี ติ หฟู ัง ตำดู (โจทยแ์ ละ Choice)

Questions 95 – 97 refer to the following voicemail message.

Hello, this is Joe Jenkins calling from the Furniture Store. I checked with our warehouse,
and we do have the sofa that you were interested in for your building’s front lobby.
However, it’s a little more expensive than what I thought. The price is actually two
thousand dollars, and I know you didn’t want to spend more than fifteen hundred. We
do have several similar sofas that you might like. Some seat three people and some seat
four, and I believe you said you wanted one large enough for four people. In any case,
I’ll e-mail you some information. If you can let me know by tomorrow afternoon which
sofa you want. I can have it delivered to your office by Friday. Thank you.

95. Where does the customer want to use the sofa?

(A) Lobby SOFAS

(B) Office Size

(C) Home Style seats 4 Price
(D) School seats 4
seats 3 $2,000
96. Which sofa will the customer probably Style A seats 3 $1,450
prefer? Style B $1,300
Style C $1,250
(A) Style A Style D
(B) Style B
(C) Style C
(D) Style D


97. What does the speaker offer to do?
(A) Provide free shipping
(B) Give the customer a discount
(C) Deliver the sofa before the weekend
(D) Take the customer to the warehouse

Questions 98 – 100 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting.

Good afternoon. First, I have good news. Our company will be moving to a new office
next week. We just signed the lease for an office located right on Main Street, which will
be convenient for us as well as our clients. There are several good restaurants nearby, as
well as a bank right in the same building. Please let your clients know our new address
right away. Our name is not on the directory yet, but you can tell clients that we’re
across the hail from the law office. And please don’t forget to invite them to our open
house, scheduled for the last day of the month. It will be an informal get-together for
socializing and letting everyone see the new office.

98. What is the purpose of this talk? Building Directory
(A) To make plans for moving to the new office Bank of Springfield……………………..1st floor
(B) To give information about the new office Engineering Firm…………………………2nd floor
(C) To explain the need for a new office Law Office…………………………………..3rd floor
(D) To invite clients to the new office Language Institute……………………..4th floor

99. Look at the graphs. Where is the new office

(A) 1st floor
(B) 2nd floor
(C) 3rd floor
(D) 4th floor

100. What will happen at the end of the month?
(A) The company will host a social event.
(B) The company will move to the new office.
(C) The company will sign the lease on the new office.
(D) The company name will be added to the directory.


Reading Section

Part: Incomplete Sentence
Part: Text Completion
Part: Reading Comprehension

เทคนคิ งำ่ ย ๆ ปรำบ Reading Section ตวั รำ้ ย

1. ตอ้ งรูค้ ำศพั ท์
2. ตอ้ งแมน่ พืน้ ฐำน grammar
3. ทำเรว็ ๆ เพรำะยงั มคี ำถำมอีกหลำยขอ้
4. ขอ้ ไหนไมแ่ นใ่ จใหเ้ ดำไปกอ่ นแลว้ ทำ Mark เลก็ ๆ ไวเ้ ผ่ือกลบั มำดภู ำยหลงั

121. I don’t recommend buying that model of car because it is ______ cheap not
(A) not
(B) both
(C) either
(D) neither

122. We need to buy a more _______ photocopier because the one we have
now is always breaking down.
(A) unique
(B) durable
(C) affordable
(D) contemporary


123. We are using this space only ______ until the renovations on our new
office are completed
(A) temporarily
(B) alternately
(C) partially
(D) timely

124. We decided that the office didn’t suit our needs because it was not very
________ .
(A) space
(B) spaced
(C) spacious
(D) spaciousness

125. Currently they _____ lower prices than any of their competitors.
(A) are offering
(B) to offer
(C) did offer
(D) offered

126. Of all the people who applied for the position, Mr. Sato is the _____
(A) qualified
(B) more qualified
(C) most qualified
(D) qualification

127. I think the new rug will look much more attractive _____ that table.
(A) bottom
(B) under
(C) down
(D) floor


128. We agreed that hiring an outside accountant to ______ the company’s
financial records would be a good idea.
(A) audit
(B) audition
(C) auditory
(D) auditorium

129. We will have the building ______ by a construction specialist before we
close the deal.
(A) inspect
(B) inspected
(C) inspects
(D) to inspect

130. Ms. Lee ______ with us only since November but she is already familiar
with most of our projects.
(A) works
(B) worked
(C) is working
(D) has been working



Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of
the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences.
Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C),
or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 141 – 143 refer to the following letter.

Dear Customer:
After more than 30 years on Spruce Street, Andrew’s Bookstore will be ________ in late March.

141. (A) renovating
(B) operating
(C) relocating
(D) constructing

We have been very successful at our current location, but as our regular _______ know, we are
142. (A) residents
(B) attendants
(C) contributors
(D) patrons

Outgrowing our space, the new site at 2145 Locust Avenue includes ample shelf space and room for
a sitting area and a café. We invite you to visit the shop when it opens on April 3, and we look
forward to ______ to serve you.

143. (A) continuing
(B) will continue
(C) be continuing
(D) continue


Andrew Renolds, Owner


Question 147 – 148 refer to the following advertisement.

Sale! Sale! Sale!

Grover’s Office Supply Store announces
its annual winter sale!

All paper items are on sale, with discounts from
15% to 25% off our already low prices.

Sale ends Saturday
Join our Frequent Buyer’s Club and save even

more. Stop by the manager’s desk for an
application. Once we have your contact
information in our computer files, you will
receive notices of special sales and discounts
available to Frequent Buyer’s Club member only.

Grover’s Office supply Store.
Supplying your office with all its paper needs.

147. which of the following items are most likely on sale?
(A) Envelopes
(B) Desks
(C) Filling cabinets
(D) Computers

148. How can a customer become a member of the Frequent Buyer’s Club?
(A) Visit the store before Saturday
(B) Speak with the manager
(C) Send a request by mail
(D) Contact the club president


Question 153 – 154 refer to the following text message chain.


I left my illustration samples behind. Can you check my desk?

MAI CHEN 10:06
I found them. What do you want me to do with them? 10:09
I’m not sure. I’m on my way to meet the client now.

MAI CHEN 10:10

I could leave them with the guard in the lobby for you to pick up.

Where are you?


In front of the Melrose hotel. If I go back for them now. I might be

late for the meeting.


Maybe you should just messenger them over.

MAI CHEN 10:14

I could. But I think you have time to come back for them yourself.

It’s your call.


You’re right. Drop them off in the lobby, and I’ll pick them up.

MAI CHEN 10:17


153. What is suggested about Mai Chen?
(A) She works for Ms. Osgood’s client.
(B) She is Ms. Osgood’s assistant.
(C) She works as a messenger.
(D) She is at the hotel.

154. What does Mai Chen mean when she writes “It’s your call”?
(A) Ms. Osgood should phone the client right away.
(B) Ms. Osgood should make the decision herself.
(C) Ms. Osgood is responsible for the client.
(D) Ms. Osgood is the owner of the samples.




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