Spring 2018
Finances The Fatal Alumnae
Through The Ages Truth Chapter News
Omicron (U of Tennessee)
2 | Spring 2018
18 20
24 30
4 Editor’s Letter 30 Inspiring Ambition Since 1897
7 Viewpoint 36 Mini Features
8 Fraternity News 39 Spring Photos
11 Lambda Psi Chapter Installation 42 Alumnae Chapter News
12 2018 Leadership Academy Recap 60 AOII Foundation Focus
16 JWH Cup Celebrations 62 Life Loyal AOIIs
18 Behind Happy Faces 64 Things We Love
20 Finances Through The Ages 66 Shop The Emporium
24 The Fatal Truth
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Who else is absolutely elated about the arrival of
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella spring?! As I write this, it’s 40 degrees outside,
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. with gray skies and clumps of residual snow on the
ground. Spring, you can make an appearance any
The Object of the Fraternity: day now!
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage While this new season always marks a time of rising
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; temperatures, blooming flowers and lush greenery,
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- it is always a busy, jam-packed time! As a college
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support student, this time of year always kicked off the countdown to the end
the best interest of the colleges and universities of the semester, with looming deadlines and a massive to-do list to
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to accomplish before exam week. As an alumnae member, I find this time
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the of year always comes with many deadlines and projects to wrap up in
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity both my personal and professional life.
or any of its chapters. Just as spring is a vibrant, yet jam-packed time, this issue is full of a
variety of important and enlightening content.
Mission Statement: You know physical fitness is important for your well-being, but financial
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. fitness is critical too! Check out Finances Through The Ages on page
20 for guidance regarding smart financial decisions you can make at
Culture Principles: every age for financial security in your life.
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability If you attended Leadership Academy, you may recall the Inspiring Am-
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, bition Since 1897 session about the founding of Alpha Omicron Pi dur-
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication ing the Progressive Era. If you missed this session, be sure to read the
article on page 30 and find the Leadership Academy recap on page 12!
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: While 2018 is well underway, you are likely still reading and hearing
Visit the AOII website (alphaomicronpi.org), or con- about hazing incidents in 2017 as well as more recent hazing incidents
tact [email protected]. that have occurred this year. This important topic cannot be brushed
under the rug, and the time is now for members of AOII to recognize
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: this problem and stand against it. Read more about this dangerous
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an culture starting on page 24.
alumnae chapter near you. Rounding out this issue is news about AOII’s new mental health cur-
riculum on page 18 and a subscription box themed Things We Love on
International President page 62! I especially love this issue’s Things We Love as I have recently
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) become obsessed with subscription boxes—food, beauty, fitness—I
love to try them all! Who doesn’t love getting a box of fun, new goodies
Executive Director at their door step each month? We all deserve a treat!
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) This issue is full of such a variety of content, and I hope you find each
article as refreshing as this new spring season!
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Happy reading,
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity
Communications Association.
4 | Spring 2018 Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Editors Note: Cindy Visot, Properties Board Director was incorrectly listed as a Gamma
Theta initiate in the 2017 Fall/Winter Volunteer Directory. Cindy is an initiate of our Kappa
Tau Chapter (Southeastern Louisiana U).
We want to feature
your photos!
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email your photos to
[email protected] to be featured.* Don’t forget to follow
AOII to stay in the know!
About To Dragma:
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
View To Dragma Online:
How to Contact To Dragma:
Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
email: [email protected].
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
(www.alphaomicronpi.org), email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:**
Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
should be mailed to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
*To be featured in To Dragma, photos * Collegiate members receive every copy of To
must be emailed and at least 1 MB. Dragma, as well as dues-paying alumnae chapter
members and Life Loyal members. All other mem-
bers receive the summer issue only.
Lambda Iota (U of California, San Diego)
6 | Spring 2018
Since the unveil- our AOII brand alive in all that we do within
ing of our new our respective chapters and campus commu-
brand at Interna- nities. It was awesome to see the excitement
tional Convention and energy from the attendees sharing best
last summer, it has practices on incorporating our new brand in
been inspiring to recruitment, sisterhood and overall chapter
see AOII’s “new operations. Leadership Academy remains
look” embraced by one of my favorite events to attend as Inter-
our chapters and national President!
members. Our new April is volunteer month, and I would like offer
brand comes to life a special thanks to our many volunteers who
when we embrace it spend their time supporting our members
and communicate it and working to advance AOII. Whether you
within our chapters volunteer at the local, or international level,
and to the outside world. Our new tagline your contributions make a difference! Without
of “Inspire Ambition” is more than just our your service, we would not be able to work
tagline. It is reflected in how we, as members together to move AOII forward and provide
of AOII, speak it, act it and live it every day. our members with the opportunity to have
Our actions reflect how we inspire ambition an exceptional experience. It has been said,
throughout our membership and our com- “one of the greatest gifts that you can give is
munities. We are living our values that our your time.” You are an inspiration to all of us.
Founders provided to us that have guided You have let your light shine brightly on our
our past, present and future. AOIIs have been commitment to AOII. I am grateful for your
inspiring ambition since 1897! service to AOII!
To further cement our new brand, it was the I look forward to seeing everyone who will
cornerstone of Leadership Academy this past be attending Leadership Institute in June to
February. This was an opportunity for our celebrate our great sisterhood!
collegiate chapter leaders and advisers to
spend the weekend focusing on how to keep
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President
Fraternity News
Women’s Health Week: May 13th - 20th
May Is Arthritis Awareness Month May Is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Arthritis Awareness Month and with it comes the Mental Health Awareness Month is upon us and
opportunity to help spread awareness around how arthritis we have chosen to bring the conversation of
affects people across the world and why the need for a mental health to the forefront of our organiza-
cure is more important than ever. Throughout May, join us tion. As you read through this issue you will
in adding AOII’s Arthritis Awareness Month Facebook frame find an article explaining the journey AOII has
to your profile picture to help spread awareness. Watch our embarked on and partnered with Ross Szabo,
social media for this frame release and for more ways you CEO of Human Power Project, which created
can be a part of helping to find a cure! the Behind Happy Faces curriculum. This cur-
riculum is an educational resource to help begin
8 | Spring 2018 the conversations around mental health aware-
ness and the importance of discussing mental
health with the same respect as physical health.
Throughout the month of May our social me-
dia will feature information and conversations
around mental health awareness leading to the
launch of the Behind Happy Faces curriculum.
Register For Walk To Cure! Save The Date!
2018 Walk To Cure events are here! Leadership Institute
With Walk To Cure events in more than June 29 - July 1, 2018
60 cities arcross the United States, Franklin, Tennessee
there is sure to be an walk near you! Franklin Marriott Cool
The 2018 season kicks off in March Springs
and lasts through June. Search for a 5k
walk in your state and sign up today at Leadership Institute 2018
www.arthritis.org. is open to all AOII mem-
bers and will surely inspire
you with exceptional
training and education to
drive ambition within your chapter! You will join hundreds of other
sisters as you learn how to lead with confidence and resiliency
and overcome obstacles. Leadership Institute allows you to expe-
rience all that AOII has to offer, while making lifetime memories
with other members who share your passion!
Registration will open in late spring 2018.
Become A Life Loyal Member Today
Are you graduating soon?
Now’s the perfect time to join Life Loyal and kickstart your alumnae life in AOII!
Life Loyal Benefits
• Discounted alumnae chapter dues
• Lapel pin to distinguish your Life Loyal membership
• Personalized Life Loyal gift
• Lifetime subscription to To Dragma
Are you a parent of a graduating senior?
Life Loyal is the gift that keeps connecting your daughter to AOII throughout her alumnae years!
For more information and to join please visit:
Update Your Contact Information
Moving soon? Recently married and changed names?
Swapped your college email address for a new one?
Be sure to update your contact information with AOII! Ac-
curate contact information ensures you receive the latest
communication from AOII, including To Dragma!
To update your contact information, email
[email protected] with the changes you
would like to make.
Fraternity News
Strike Out Arthritis! With AOII AOII Foundation Board Announcement
And Major League Baseball!
Barbara Hiss Bruning has been ap-
Spring is here, which means baseball season pointed to fill the final 13 months of
is in full swing! Mark your calendars for the 2018 Kathy Jensen’s term of office as a
Strike Out Arthritis! Major League Baseball games Foundation Director, effective June
starting in April and continuing in September! 1, 2018. Kathy will remain in her
The most up to date information and information position through May 31, 2018.
about purchasing tickets can be found at
www.alphaomicronpi.org/arthritis/2018-soa-mlb/. Barbara was initiated into Theta Psi
chapter at the University of Toledo.
She has currently been serving
AOII as a Foundation Ambassador
and as a member of the Founda-
tion Governance Committee. In Barbara Hiss Bruning
addition, Barbara has been repre- Theta Psi (U of Toledo)
Los Angeles Dodgers April 20 senting AOII as a Panhellenic Del-
Oakland Athletics April 21 egate to the Rochester Alumnae
Chicago Cubs April 28 Panhellenic. Since 1996, Barbara has been a
San Francisco Giants September 1 member of the Rochester Alumnae chapter,
Seattle Mariners September 7 and among other offices, she has served as
Milwaukee Brewers September 8 their President.
Arizona Diamondbacks September 8
New York Mets September 8 Barbara is a Rose Award winner, a Life Loyal
Pittsburgh Pirates September 8 Charter member, an 1897 Society Founder,
Cincinnati Reds September 8 and she won the Philos Award for Excellence
Boston Red Sox September 14 in Panhellenic for the Rochester Alumnae
Los Angeles Angels September 15 Chapter. Barbara established the Barbara
Houston Astros September 15 Hiss Bruning Scholarship Fund within the
St. Louis Cardinals September 15 AOII Foundation, which will benefit our col-
Cleveland Indians September 15 legians for many years to come.
Baltimore Orioles September 15
San Diego Padres September 15 What to look forward to in the next issue:
Kansas City Royals September 16
New York Yankees September 16 • Chapter Anniversaries
Philadelphia Phillies September 16 • Leadership Institute 2018 Recap
Miami Marlins September 21 • Collegiate Chapter News and more!
Texas Rangers September 22
Detroit Tigers September 22 Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting
Chicago White Sox September 22 www.alphaomicronpi.org/news-events/fraternity-news/
Colorado Rockies September 29
Tampa Bay Rays September 30
Games not yet scheduled (as of April 5, 2018):
Atlanta Braves, Minnesota Twins, Toronto Blue
Jays, Washington Nationals
10 | Spring 2018
Introducing AOII’s 214th Chapter, Collegiate Chapter Installation
Lambda Psi Submotto: Living with Purpose
Installed: January 21, 2018
at Arizona State University Installing Officer: International President
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
Lambda Psi’s chartering period was full of fun activities including a sisterhood retreat, a pumpkin patch and rollerskating
sisterhood events, and intramural sports, to name a few. The chapter was proud to have 17 members with a GPA of 3.7
or higher. Additionally, members of the chartering chapter were also part of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars,
ASU Young-Life, ASU Dancing Devils, Arizona Animal Welfare League, ASU women’s rugby team, powerlifting club sports
team and more.
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Crystal Alvarez Casey Guidera Morgan Otis
Hailey Anderson Bonnie Gulley Desiree Pacheco
Jacquelyn Anderson Natalia Gutierrez Leilani Parker
Amber Armenta Kaylin Harding Emily Piesens
Haleigh Arviso Becca Hesse Christina Popow
Cassidy-Grace Atkins Sydney House Krista Rask
Jolene Avila Valerie Ibal Stephanie Santiago
Lindsey Ball Taylor Jacobsen Makaila Schmidt
Emily Beale Jade Jacoby Maddie Schroeder
Bailey Beuchat Breanna Keller Tess Scuderi
Kaylee Carr-Taylor Corinne Kurpakus Hope Segal
Aspen Cashin Jenna Lampert Haley Seidman
Giana Cesario Deanna Ludke Annika Skigen
Kasey Chadwick Arielle Margalit Ciera Slater
Sophia Colon Marisa Mariscal Arlene Smola
Reagan Concha Madi Mccurdy Kaitlyn Soriano
Kati Cornelius Trish McKenzie Lindsay Sprenker
Alexandra Crippen Christina Mora Baylee Stipp
Sandra Crnogorac Aitana Moreno Ashlee Traasdahl
Tylie Dibene Yemile Moreno Kimberly Tran
Desiree Domitrowski Euridse Murillo Sarah Yamada
Mackenzie Domroe Joslyn Murillo Dominique Ziegler
Lauren Florendo Olivia Napolitano Madison Zumstein
Sadie Foley Kelly Norris
Amber Godbehere Brigid O’Leary
Event Recap
12 | Spring 2018
Chapter Advisers, Chapter Presidents and Vice Postcards were written for children with
Presidents of Communications flocked to Frank- juvenile arthritis Friday evening.
lin, Tennessee in early February with one topic on
their minds: branding. Alpha Omicron Pi’s 2018 to pursue?” was proposed by keynote speaker, Vice
Leadership Academy was a whirlwind of a weekend President for Student Affairs of Radford University, Dr.
which revolved around all facets of the AOII Brand Ann Marie Klotz, Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U). “B”
that was unveiled last summer as the exciting launch Is For Branding (And Beyoncé) was an energetic hit that
of 2017 International Convention. AOII Headquarters truly inspired ambition among attendees while getting
staff, Education Committee members and Fraternity them out of their chairs to channel their inner Beyoncé.
volunteers lead sessions and trainings on an array of Dr. Klotz underscored the importance of women’s choice
subjects to enhance attendees personal and profes- to pursue their goals while she articulated her personal
sional growth and emphasized the importance of story of being a first-generation college student who
effective communication. Everything from intentional never allowed others to hold her back.
details of proper brand execution to how branding The evening concluded with a conversation around phi-
supersedes a website or a color palette was commu- lanthropy lead by Mary Faith Erwin, Beta Zeta (Kennesaw
nicated to attendees to take back to their chapters. State U), Danielle McCullough, Beta Zeta (Kennesaw
This information provided AOII leaders with poten- State U) and Mariellen Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Ala-
tial changes, ideas and best practices to position bama). Talk Philanthropy To Me centered around AOII’s
themselves as campus leaders and successful brand relationship with arthritis and how to tell the story of
ambassadors. philanthropy through features and benefits. Sisters were
painted a scene of what the families attending arthritis
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND conferences experience, due in part to AOII, through
stories told by the children affected. Attendees then
International President Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho participated in a small service project in which they wrote
(Oregon State U) opened the weekend with Ritual, words of encouragement on notecards. The notecards
and Education Committee Chair Sandy Stewart, Alpha Chi filled with words to strength and support will be tied to
(Western Kentucky U) introduced the weekend’s program the pandas that are handed out children at JA confer-
facilitators. She discussed why attendees were specifical- ences over the summer.
ly chosen to attend Leadership Academy, the importance
of effective communication and the impact officers could
make not only on their campus, but in the larger picture
of AOII.
After dinner, the buzz of the new brand from International
Convention was reignited as HQ staff members Hill-
ary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U), Alex
LeForge, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U), Troy LeForge,
Beta Phi (Indiana U)
and Jackie Petrucci,
Omega Upsilon (Ohio
U) took the stage to
walk the room through
the reasoning behind
the rebranding and the
process involved in up-
dating AOII’s brand.
From there, the ques-
tion “how do you
brand your work and
leadership to attract
opportunities you want
Keynote Speaker Dr. Ann Marie
Klotz, Lambda Eta (Grand Valley
State U)
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD Inspiring Ambition Since 1897 lead by Fitzpatrick, Stewart
and Amanda Highland, Iota (U of Illinois) delved into the
Collegians began their days bright and early Saturday lives of our ambitious founders in 1897 and how to ap-
morning with officer specific trainings and a road trip to preciate Ritual as ambitious women today.
Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters for an hour of shopping Collegians spent their afternoons in sessions that mir-
the Emporium and tours. Chapter Presidents explored rored their advisers’ including Branding 365, Inspiring
the importance of having presence as a president and Ambition Since 1897 and Communicating The Good, Bad
how to leave a legacy. Vice Presidents of Communica- & Ugly.
tions explored the ‘why’ behind effective communication As the sun began to set on the day, collegians and
and were able to walk through and develop an effective advisers alike reconvened together for one last dinner
PR plan to utilize in their chapters upon returning home. and were treated to an interactive presentation and
Q&A session Social Media, Merchandise, And Brand,
Chapter Advisers spent their morning rotating around Oh My! The session lead by Brewer and Courtney West,
through different sessions covering topics such as how Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama) focused on explain-
to define success as a Chapter Adviser and how to ef- ing the importance of brand consistency in social media
fectively communicate with Generation Z collegians. The and merchandise as well as identifying specific ways to
day began with an enlightening session designed to execute and ensure this consistency.
teach advisers skills to increase professional confidence Attendees were then encouraged to change into their
lead by keynote speaker, Dr. Klotz. Prior to reconvening best athletic wear and return to the conference center.
with their collegians at lunch, advisers gathered together Splitting into various meeting rooms by network, advis-
to participate in a panel discussion titled: Communicating ers and collegians were invited to discuss the topics of
The Good, Bad, & Ugly lead by Mandy Doyle, Omicron (U recruitment, retention, relationships and communication
of Tennessee), Jessica Li, Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U ), with peers from around their geographic area. The over-
Petrucci and Sasseen. Together, advisers explored how arching theme of active communication was brought for-
to partner and navigate the new Crisis Management Pro- ward once more as participants were instructed to swap
cedure and promote positive communication on campus. contact information or follow each other on social media
and keep in contact should they ever hit a roadblock in
After lunch, Chapter Advisers had an opportunity to shop being a chapter leader.
and tour around AOII HQ. They learned how they could
infuse branding into different initiatives year-round and The night ended by the light of hundreds of glowsticks.
attended a riveting session centered around Ritual. An express Jazzercise class lead by certified
instructor and Education Committee Mem-
ber, Lori Goede, Gamma Omicron (U of
Florida) got everyone up and mov-
ing with a fun playlist and quick
dance moves.
Delta Nu’s (U of Nevada, Reno) Chapter President
and Vice President of Communications.
14 | Spring 2018
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH Tau Mu’s (Texas A&M U) Chapter President
during her tour of AOII Headquarters.
Attendees gathered for breakfast before breaking up
one more time to unpack the weekend’s events and
takeaways. All Collegiate Presidents, Vice Presidents
of Communications and Chapter Advisers broke out
in their various peer groups for the wrap up event
titled What? So What? Now What? which allowed
attendees to self-reflect on all that had been brought
forward this weekend, what it meant when applied to
their leadership roles and how they were planning to
implement change.
Following closing Ritual, attendees gathered in the
friendship circle to sing the “Epsilon Chapter” song
to conclude the weekend.
Another successful and meaningful event, Leader-
ship Academy 2018 allowed for the elevation of
chapter leaders and fostered connections among 144
collegiate chapters across all networks. These lead-
ers are further empowered to advance and impact
the campuses AOII calls home.
25 chapters received scholarships from the AOII Foundation to attend Leadership Academy 2018. 15
Leadership Academy 2018 was partially funded through education grants from the AOII Foundation.
Event Recap
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
The Alpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama) celebrated
their JWH Cup win February 24, 2018 at the University
of Alabama Ferguson Center Ballroom. More than 200
guests were in attendance including chapter members,
university faculty, alumnae, AOII Fraternity staff, NPC
Chairman Carole Jones (Alpha Delta, U of Alabama) and
International President Gayle Fitzpatrick (Alpha Rho,
Oregon State U). The chapter was excited to have three
guest speakers at the event and enjoyed infinity rose
themed cookies and cupcakes after the ceremony.
Chapter President Caroline Barksdale said her favorite
part of the event was having Gayle Fitzpatrick in atten-
“The fact that our International President traveled all the
way to Tuscaloosa to re-present our chapter with this
award reiterated to our members how big of a deal this
award really is for us,” Barksdale said. “Winning the JWH
award has been such an honor for the Alpha Delta Chap-
ter. Our chapter’s leaders and members are constantly
working hard to be the best chapter that we can be. Be-
ing recognized so highly by AOII by winning the JWH felt
like all of our hard work had paid off.”
Fitzpatrick began the evening by commending the chap-
ter for its hard work and dedication, noting that it was
especially fitting to celebrate this accomplishment on the
51st anniversary of the chapter’s installation in 1967.
“As Nick Saban has said, “Success doesn’t come from
pie-in-the-sky thinking. It’s the result of consciously doing
something each day that will add to your overall excel-
lence.” Alpha Delta has proven these words to be as fit-
ting for your chapter’s success as they have proven to be
for the Crimson Tide football team,” Fitzpatrick said.
The university president also spoke to the chapter’s suc-
cess, congratulating them for being leaders in AOII and
on the University of Alabama campus.
The JWH Cup is given to AOII’s top chapter(s) from those receiving
the Collegiate Chapter Excellence Awards. It honors our collegiate
chapter(s) with the most outstanding service to its college or commu-
nity, and fulfillment of obligations to Alpha Omicron Pi. The JWH Cup is
the highest level of distinction a chapter can receive.
16 | Spring 2018
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
The Kappa Tau Chapter (Southeastern Louisiana U)
celebrated their JWH Cup win with a reception March
10, 2018 at Fleur de Lis, one the chapter’s favorite local
reception venues in Ponchatoula, Louisiana. Approxi-
mately 250 people were in attendance including SELU
campus professionals, AOII Executive Board members,
AOII Fraternity Staff, AOII volunteers and International
President Gayle Fitzpatrick (Alpha Rho, Oregon State U).
“We not only viewed this cherished moment as an oppor-
tunity to share our deep fraternal love for one another,
but we saw this as an opportunity to show our immense
thanks to every single person that has impacted us and
molded us into a chapter that is even worthy of the im-
mense honor that is the JWH cup,” said Kappa Tau Chap-
ter Presidnet Lyndsey DeVaney. “Kappa Tau contributes
the majority of our success to the massive support sys-
tem that we have from our local alumnae chapters and
our university staff alike. “
Devaney said the most memorable part of the event was
being re-presented with the JWH Cup by International
President Gayle Fitzpatrick.
Fitzpatrick congratulated the chapter for their commit-
ment to excellence, and the great credit the chapter
brings to our Fraternity.
“Now that you have achieved this great honor, I hope
that you will continue to set the bar high for Kappa Tau
Chapter, to inspire each other to be the best that you can
be as members and as a chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi,”
she said.
The chapter concluded the celebratory weekend with
their Founders’ Day celebration.
The Alpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama) and the Kappa Tau Chapter
(Southeastern Louisiana U) chapters were presented with the JWH Cup
at the 2018 AOII Convention in Washington, D.C. Each chapter recently
celebrated this incredible accomplishment with receptions at their
respective universities. Congratulations to each chapter for this notable
Education Feature
WHY MENTAL HEALTH? graduation stage. In the years leading up to their col-
legiate career, they spread themselves thin with extra-
According the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- curriculars, volunteer work and course loads heavy in
tion, suicide is one of the top three causes of death AP classes. Alpha Omicron Pi felt it was necessary to
among those under the age of 19. Someone does not bring the conversation of mental health to the forefront
have to suffer from a severe mental illness to be affected. of our members minds and underscore the importance of
Stress, depression, fear and bullying are just a few issues self-care with the haven of sisterhood. Amid this stress-
the average collegiate member will face before ever ful stage of life, students need an outlet and an arena to
stepping foot on a college campus. While many universi- express their true selves. Confiding in sisters is not only
ties offer resources and help to those who seek it, what cathartic but helps strengthen the ties that bind us as
happens to those who fear the stigma of being seen AOII and is an exceptional benefit of the enriching soror-
walking out of these offices on campus? What if some ity membership.
do not feel their hurdles require help? What happens to
someone who thinks these feelings will never stop? BEHIND HAPPY FACES
A 2016 survey conducted by the Association for Univer- When AOII decided to embark on the opportunity to pro-
sity and College Counseling Center Directors found the vide members with mental health education, there were
following: many options. The need to provide this material to bridge
the gap in campus mental health programs was great,
“Anxiety continues to be the most predominant and and AOII wanted to provide the best available content
increasing concern among college students (50.6%), that underscored the development of a safe commu-
followed by depression (41.2%), relationship concerns nity to engage in intimate, personal dialog. Ross Szabo,
(34.4%), suicidal ideation (20.5%), self-injury (14.2%) CEO of Human Power Project which created the Behind
and alcohol abuse (9.5%). 57% of directors surveyed Happy Faces curriculum, understood through his own life
report an increase of students demonstrating severe experiences that many feel the need to mask their emo-
mental health concerns over the previous year. Less tions to go through their days and not upset others. He
than 1 percent saw a decrease.” wanted to use his experience to help people develop the
skills necessary to not only address their own emotions,
INTRODUCING AOII’S NEW but also how to identify when others are experiencing
MENTAL HEALTH CURRICULUM traumatic mental health episodes. Szabo saw how openly
people discuss topics such as physical wellness and
Why decide to tackle the topic of mental health? Today’s wanted to create a dialog that utilized a culture of care to
college student faces deadlines, exams, multiple jobs openly discuss mental health wellness.
and an ever-changing economy on the other side of the
The concept of the Behind Happy Faces curriculum is Once the curriculum was selected, AOII wanted to
simple and easily molds itself into sorority life. Peer-to- complete a small pilot program to see first-hand how
peer conversations that are rooted in care and compas- the program would culminate in our chapters’ cultures.
sion are designed to create a safe space for sisters to Fourteen chapters across all eight networks representing
connect and navigate the learning objectives. Through a a variation of campus cultures and chapter sizes were
series of three interactive lessons, which can be facili- selected to participate in a piloting phase of the Behind
tated at an educational chapter meeting or sisterhood Happy Faces curriculum. Our piloting chapters were able
event, sisters will learn appropriate vocabulary to discuss to share their opinions and observations on the imple-
mental health, how to change ineffective coping mecha- mentation of the lessons. The insights garnered over the
nisms and how to effectively help sisters you feel are in course of the piloting phase have resulted in several best
need. practices to be shared with all AOII membership as the
Lesson 1: “Understanding Mental Health” lays the content becomes available to all in the fall.
groundwork for the curriculum. This lesson defines
mental health and provides members with a way to talk 2018 LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE
about their mental health. The goal of this lesson is for
members to discuss current thoughts and feelings about AOII is excited to welcome Szabo to Franklin, TN this
mental health, while offering a clear definition for them to summer as a conference keynote where he will share his
build a positive foundation of understanding. The pro- story with attendees in his presentation at Leadership
gram underscores the importance of a vocabulary that Institute. Both the collegian and adviser Behind Happy
allows members to contemplate how they balance their Faces materials will be available on Fulfilling the Promise
lives and what they need for self-care. following LI later this summer.
Lesson 2: “Changing Ineffective Coping” explains the
differences between effective and ineffective coping and ROSS SZABO
allows members to further examine how they are ad-
dressing issues in their lives. Through a series of self-re- Founder and CEO of
flective discussions and examples, members are charged Human Power Project
to identify what coping looks like and what mechanisms Szabo channels his
they currently rely on that could be improved upon. This personal experi-
lesson stresses the importance of self-love and how to ence and passion for
treat ourselves with the kindness we show others. mental health into his
Lesson 3: “Talk To A Sister” helps members learn more work with the Behind
about how to approach a sister who needs help. This les- Happy Faces curricu-
son is important in helping members be better prepared lum and as a profes-
to assist their sisters. One of the most common dynamics sional speaker.
in sisterhood is seeing that someone needs help, but not After obtaining a
necessarily knowing what to do or say. The goal of this Bachelor of Arts in
lesson is to give members tools to make seeking support Psychology from
more approachable for their sisters. American University and serving in the U.S. Peace
Advisers can follow their collegians’ journies into mental Corp, Szabo saw a need to get people positive
health as well through their own series of workshops. messaging around mental health and he wanted
Five web-based workshops, which can be completed to be a part of that narrative.
in short, 15-minute stints, mirror the collegians’ work- He wants the topic of mental health to be as
shop topics, as well as provide insight into AOII’s Crisis openly discussed as one’s physical health. He
Management Procedure. Participation in the program is wants young people to understand the power of
designed to advance advisers’ personal and professional their stories. He wants people to feel empowered
development while enhancing their ability to advise and to share their journey. Szabo’s program, Behind
support collegians. Happy Faces, is teaching students across the na-
tion how to create this culture of care while letting
them know that they are not alone.
THE Ages
by Barb Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U), Past International President
As intelligent, college-educated women, it is important that we
take charge and ownership of our finances to ensure financial
security through each decade of our lives. You do not have to
be a professional accountant or financial advisor to effectively
manage your money and plan for the future. Whatever phase
of life you find yourself in, there are several things you can do
to set yourself up for financial success.
Late Teens & Early Twenties
⊲ Banking
Open a checking and a savings account, and learn about the power of compounding interest! A savings
account with compounding interest means the $50 you put away today will be worth more next week, next
month, next year and so on.
⊲ Budget
Establish a budget and stick to it whether you have a full-time, part-time job or are receiving funds from
your parents or guardians. Creating a budget will ensure you have sufficient funds for things like food,
gas, rent, chapter dues, while still having disposable funds for enjoyable activities such as shopping trips
with your friends, brunch at that trendy new restaurant in town, or a fabulous spring break trip with your
chapter sisters.
⊲ Credit
If you have earned income and no other debt, open a credit card account to begin establishing credit, but
you need to be able to pay it off each month. Having a credit card can help raise your credit score, which
is beneficial when purchasing a home or car, among other things. Having a credit card can help raise your
credit score, only if you pay it off each month. Otherwise, you may see your credit score plummet. It is
critical to remember that in order to pay off the balance each month, you should only spend money you
have. If your credit card statement each month is more than you can afford to pay, your credit card
company will likely hit you with hefty interest charges that will continue to add up until it is paid off. When
applying for a credit card, be sure to shop around. Many credit card companies offer great incentives like
cash back, flyer miles, gas cards and more. Also keep in mind, if you have never had a credit card before,
your initial spending limit may be low but can increase over time.
20 | Spring 2018
Late Twenties & Thirties
⊲ Pay Off Debt
Establish a plan to pay off debt such as student loans or car loans, starting with the highest interest rate
loan first. While credit card companies expect minimum payments, you should always try to pay more so
you can pay off your debt faster and pay less overall interest on the debt over time.
⊲ Emergency Fund
It is never too early to have an emergency fund for life’s unforeseen circumstances. Work towards
building up an emergency fund, which should be approximately six months of your basic living expenses,
if not more.
⊲ Invest in the Future
It might be hard to think about retirement if you are a recent college graduate, starting your first job, but
it is so important to start planning for your retirement early, so you can have financially security when
you no longer work a full-time job later in life. Open a retirement account through your employer, bank or
brokerage company and contribute monthly. One of the most common options is a 401k. This is an
especially great option if your company offers to match a portion of your contribution. Plus, the amount you
contribute to your 401k is tax-exempt, meaning you will have a lower taxable income, which is a good thing
when tax season rolls around each year. Also consider an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), a Simplified
Employee Pension (SEP) plan, or a health savings account. You may also consider a Money Market Account
(MMA), which is similar to a basic savings account, but it accrues a higher interest rate.
WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT Check out www.nerdwallet.com. The website is
IRAS, SEPS AND MMAS? packed with articles, guides and tools to help you gain
a better understanding of investing, plus credit cards,
banking, mortgages, loans, insurance and money.
Forties & Fifties
⊲ Wills
It may sound morbid, but we are all mortal, so
it is important to create a will and a healthcare
power of attorney. Also consider putting the
AOII Foundation in your will for a donation after
you pass, so you can truly leave your AOII
legacy. For more information about financial
contributions to the AOII Foundation, visit
⊲ Investments
With retirement nearing, now is a great time
in life to max out on your retirement savings
contributions, which means contributing the
maximum allowable amount to your retirement
savings. In 2018, the maximum amount you can
contribute is $18,500. Remember, the money you contribute to a retirement
account will ensure your financial security when you are no longer working.
The more you contribute now, the more wealth you will have later.
⊲ Life Insurance
Your insurance needs at 25 are definitely different than they are at 55. Review
your life insurance needs, especially if your health, housing or marital status have changed.
Barb Zipperian’s AOII resume includes honor-
able roles such as Past International President
and Vice President-Finance, but her professional
resume in nothing short of inspiring as well. She
has more than 38 years of experience in banking,
is a Certified Public Accountant, and was a Co-
Founder and Chief Financial Officer of Avenue
Bank, until its sale to Pinnacle Financial Partners.
Zipperian now serves as Director, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer at Tennes-
see Bank & Trust in Nashville, Tennessee and will
retire effective April 30, 2018.
22 | Spring 2018
Sixties & Beyond
⊲ Budget
Just as you did as a college student, you will need to budget for this phase of life as well. Determine your
financial needs, post retirement and set up a budget which will cover all of your bills, but also leave you
with disposable funds for family, recreational activities, travel and more.
⊲ Healthcare
Just like your insurance needs have changed, your healthcare needs may be different now also. Begin
searching for healthcare options and costs specific to your needs.
The Women’s Institute for Financial Education
Women’s Finance
Live It Love It Earn It: A Woman's Guide to
Financial Freedom by Marianna Olszewski
by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
24 | Spring 2018
Hazing. The simple, six letter word domi- ranging from involuntary manslaughter to
nated headlines in 2017 with the tragic tampering with evidence. University officials
death of four individuals on college cam- permanently banned the fraternity from cam-
puses as a result of hazing. Hazing does pus and called for reform and restrictions for
not always end in death, though. Numerous other organizations. At the time this article
other incidents of hazing in 2017 surfaced went to press, a Pennsylvania judge had dis-
as well, bringing significant light to hazing missed charges of involuntary manslaughter
culture on college campuses. As members of against five of the former fraternity men.
a Greek organization, our role is to educate
ourselves on current events regarding this Maxwell Gruver, an 18-year-old freshman at
dangerous culture and work with our fra- Louisiana State University, participated in a
ternity and sorority peers to be catalysts for hazing ritual known as “bible study” on the
change moving forward. night of September 13, 2017 with members
of a fraternity he planned to join.
“Bible study” was a ritual where
pledges were asked questions
related to the history of the frater-
Hazing: The imposition of strenuous, often nity. If answered incorrectly, they
humiliating, tasks as part of a program of rigorous were forced to drink alcohol or do
physical training and initiation; humiliating and physical activities such as planks
sometimes dangerous initiation rituals, especially or wall sits while elder brothers
as imposed on college students seeking
walked across their legs. Court
documents reveal Gruver was
membership to a fraternity or sorority.* placed on a couch at some point
during the night and monitored by
other members. At approximately
9 a.m. on September 14, 2017, members
A YEAR IN REVIEW checked his pulse, only to find it weak and
Gruver barely breathing. He was taken to a
In order to change the narrative, we must Baton Rouge hospital and pronounced dead
understand the events that have culminated as a result of acute alcohol poisoning with
in this critical call for action.
Timothy Piazza, a 19-year-old Penn State aspiration. At the time of his death, toxicol-
University sophomore, was forced to drink 18 ogy reports indicated his blood alcohol level
alcoholic beverages in less than 90 minutes was .495—more than six times the legal limit
at a hazing ritual the chapter called “the for drivers. Ten members of the fraternity
gauntlet” on the night of February 2, 2017, were charged with misdemeanor hazing, and
according to court documents. Surveillance one of the 10 members charged with neg-
video from the fraternity house has signifi- ligent homicide, which carried a maximum
cantly aided in piecing that night together. sentence of five years in prison, a $5,000
Footage showed Piazza emerging from the fine, or both. Four individuals were indicted
house basement at 10:30 p.m. visibly intoxi- in his death. The university formed a “Greek
cated, staggering, and falling in and out of Life Task Force” following Gruver’s death
consciousness. It is estimated that Piazza’s and placed a ban on alcohol at fraternity and
blood alcohol content level was between sorority events.
0.28 and 0.36 percent, which is more than Andrew Coffey, a 20-year-old junior at
four times the legal limit for drivers. Footage Florida State University, attended “Big
over the next several hours showed Piazza Brother Night” on November 2, 2017. At the
twitching and vomiting, as well as his multi- party, pledge members were introduced
ple attempts to stand, walk and ultimately fall to their big brothers and were expected to
several times—falls so severe he sustained drink in excess. Coffey consumed an entire
major traumatic injuries. At 10:48 a.m. on bottle of bourbon, drinking until he passed
February 3, 2017, nearly 12 hours after Piazza out on a couch outside the home. One
initially emerged from the fraternity base- brother brought him to a couch inside, where
ment visibly drunk, a brother called 911. With he reportedly was snoring loudly while other
traumatic brain injuries, a fractured skull and brothers played pool. On the morning of
shattered spleen, Piazza was pronounced November 3, 2017, Coffey was found unre-
dead at Hershey Medical Center on February sponsive with purple lips and a stiff body.
4, 2017. Twenty-six members of the fraternity Police were called to the scene shortly after
were charged with more than 1,000 counts
*As defined in the Oxford Dictionary
10 a.m., The 911 call revealed multiple members These are just four of the more than 40 deaths
of the fraternity attempted chest compressions that have occurred as a result of hazing since
for several minutes under the direction of the 2007, according to data gathered by Frank-
dispatcher while waiting for paramedics to lin College Professor Hank Nuwer, who has
arrive. When police arrived at the scene, they dedicated much of his career to studying the
pronounced Coffey dead. At the time of his subject matter.
autopsy, his blood alcohol level was deemed
.447—more than five times the legal limit for DEEP ROOTS
drivers. While few details have emerged re-
garding the night leading up to Coffey’s death, While hazing dominated headlines in 2017, the
nine members of the fraternity were charged history of hazing is far more extensive and not
with third degree felony hazing and alcohol limited to alcohol abuse. Hazing can be traced
abuse. Court information indicated that at least even earlier than the 1800s with new members
12 other pledge members had vomited during of organizations being branded, blindfolded
the night due to excessive alcohol consump- and forced to find their way home, or even
tion, and though fraternity members did not submerged in water until they nearly drown.
physically force them to drink, they did create Hitting the news in most recent years are haz-
an environment where it was expected, or the ing incidents that include, but are certainly not
potential new members would be outcast. Im- limited to, vomiting and urinating on potential
mediately following the event, the president new members, forcing potential new members
of FSU indefinitely suspended the school’s to eat rotten food, paddling, and scavenger
55 fraternities and sororities and temporarily hunts.
banned alcoholic events for another 700 stu- In 2010, two women seeking membership in a
dent groups on campus. sorority at East Carolina University were killed
Matthew Ellis, a 20-year-old sophomore at in a car accident after the driver fell asleep. Po-
Texas State University was found unresponsive tential members of the sorority were allegedly
on the morning of November 13, 2017, after denied sleep, and that sleep deprivation led to
attending initiation for his fraternity the night that fatal car crash.
before. Few details have emerged about his In 2013, an 18-year-old student at Baruch Col-
death, but toxicology reports did indicate his lege took part in a fraternity ritual where he was
blood alcohol level was 0.38. The university blindfolded while others tackled and beat him.
had been investigating the chapter after other During the brutal game, Deng fell to the ground,
allegations of misconduct earlier in the school hitting his head and becoming unconscious. He
year. Immediately following the tragic death, was taken to a nearby hospital, placed on life
the fraternity’s national organization suspended support and later died as a result of blunt force
the chapter, and the university’s president sus- trauma to the head and traumatic asphyxia.
pended all Greek life activities on campus. The
investigation is ongoing.
26 | Spring 2018
In March 2018, a sorority was banned from The popular 2000s television show, 7th Heav-
LeHigh University after members hosted a lewd en, sheds light on hazing in season three. When
scavenger hunt that involved drugs, alcohol, one of Matt Camden’s (Barry Watson) college
sexual activity and other misconduct. friend Kevin (Steve Monroe) attempted to join
a fraternity, he was forced to do pushups and
HAZING OUTSIDE OF GREEK LIFE consume obscene amounts of alcohol. He was
nearly left for dead in his vehicle, when a fra-
Though hazing and Greek life may seem synon- ternity member called Matt for help. Kevin was
ymous with one another, it is critical to note that taken to the hospital, where the tending physi-
hazing has and continues to occur in non-Greek cian said Kevin’s blood alcohol level was nearly
organizations as well. five times the legal limit—an amount with a 50
In 2003, 12 high school women and three high percent survival rate, according to the physician.
school men in Illinois faced misdemeanor bat- The 2016 drama GOAT with James Franco and
tery charges following an off-campus powder- Nick Jonas portrays the disturbing and danger-
puff football game—an event some called an ous hazing culture on college campuses with
“initiation” of the junior women into their senior scenes of hazing during “Hell Week” for mem-
year by current seniors. The Glenbrook North bers pledging a fraternity. The list of hazing
High School juniors were videotaped chugging incidents is quite extensive, including forcing
beer from kegs, while seniors physically abused members to drink alcohol until they vomit, forc-
the juniors, threw items including blood, buck- ing members into a cage while fraternity broth-
ets and trash at them, smeared fecal matter on ers urinated on them, covering pledge members
them, among other acts. Though only 15 stu- hands and entire faces with duct tape, requir-
dents had charges filed against them, 31 stu- ing pledge members to wrestle one another in
dents were suspended and later expelled. what appears to be feces, in addition to multiple
In 2014, The Ohio State University marching other lewd, physical and dangerous acts. While
band rocked headlines with the revelation of the Hollywood drama may seem hyperbolic, the
numerous sexual hazing incidents, in addition graphic scenes are unfortunately not far from
to harassment and alcohol abuse. New mem- the truth of what has happened and continues
bers were given sexually explicit nicknames, to happen on many college campuses.
each with inappropriate and offensive mean- Unfortunately, the examples in this article are
ings. Groping was common and new members just a handful of the countless incidents of
were also required to mimic sexual acts under hazing which have been discovered. Garner-
the watch of the band director, Jonathan Water, ing more and more media attention, the call for
who was fired after the investigation. action is heard loud and clear more than ever
before, as is evident with 38 of 55 states in the
HAZING ON THE BIG SCREEN U.S. outlawing hazing, numerous inter/national
organizations stripping charters from guilty
Hazing is no stranger to Hollywood, with the chapters, and many college and university of-
topic hitting big screens and appearing in many ficials banning Greek life activities on campuses
family favorite TV programs. altogether.
HAZING IS OUR PROBLEM Pi to participate in the event or activity? If the
answer to any of these questions is “yes,” the
Hazing is not a problem specific to one orga- activity is likely hazing and not permissible.
nization. It is not a problem specific to men’s With a clear understanding of hazing and AOII’s
fraternities, and it is not a problem specific to stance on hazing, how will we, as members of
Greek life. It is not a problem specific to one AOII, as members of a sorority, as members of
university or just to college campuses. The the Greek community, as college students, as
incidents in this article could have happened graduates, as individuals change this narrative?
on any campus and in any organization. We “Today, our message to host institutions, and
are one with our peers and what impacts them, particularly to our student life colleagues, is that
impacts us. Hazing is not their problem—hazing we want to partner with you. Student safety is
is our problem, and it is a problem we must all too important for us to do anything other than
recognize and have the courage to stop. work together,” said NPC Chairman Carole
Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) in a recent
HAZING & AOII message about campus safety. “We’ve always
known that rules alone are not sufficient, so we
Hazing is not in conformity with the rituals of Al- must create cultures where students advocate
pha Omicron Pi, nor does it project an image of for one another. We believe this can happen,
sisterhood and fraternal love. AOII’s position on and we believe it can happen in ways that also
hazing is clear. Our policy (available on the AOII respect the rights of students.”
website) clearly defines hazing and includes Women of Alpha Omicron Pi shall encourage a
a list of more than 25 activities that are identi- spirit of fraternity love among its members; to
fied as hazing and will not be tolerated, such as stand at all times for character, dignity, schol-
sleep deprivation, paddling, use of alcohol or arship and college loyalty; to strive for and
controlled substances, indecent exposure and support the best interests of the colleges and
more. The policy includes information regarding universities in which chapters are installed; and
hazing education, documentation, reporting and in no way to disregard, injure or sacrifice those
sanctions. interests for the sake of the prestige or ad-
As the policy states, no chapter or member of vancement of the Fraternity or any of its chap-
AOII shall encourage, authorize, ratify or engage ters.
in conduct or omissions which is, or may be The Object of the Fraternity is a guiding light for
classified as hazing, relative to any of its new each member and can help guide us through
members, nor relative to any individual by any many areas, including hazing.
other collegiate fraternity or other organization. Hazing does not encourage a spirit of fraternity
What does that mean? Alpha Omicron Pi has and love. AOII members will not stand for haz-
zero tolerance for hazing of any AOII members ing, rather for character, dignity, scholarship and
or new members. Additionally, AOII has zero tol- college loyalty. Hazing does not support the
erance for hazing of members of other organiza- best interests of our chapters; hazing is blatant
tions by AOII members. disregard and injury to the prestige and ad-
While the policy is clear, members may find vancement of our organization.
themselves questioning if they are participat- “Just as it’s on us all to fight sexual assault, it’s
ing in acts of hazing. AOII has outlined a list of also on us all to fight against hazing, alcohol
common sense questions to help identify situ- abuse and dangerous social cultures on college
ations of hazing. Will initiated members of the campuses,” Jones said. “Simply put, sorority
organization refuse to participate with the new women must be more engaged as advocates in
members and do exactly what they are being this fight.”
asked to do? Is there risk of injury or a ques- Members of Alpha Omicron Pi should not stand
tion of safety? Would you object if the activity for hazing, but against it. How can you do that?
were featured in the school newspaper or on a If you suspect hazing on your campus, report it.
local TV news program? Would you have any If you hear about hazing on campus, report it.
reservations about describing and justifying the
activity to your parents, to a professor or the
chancellor? Would you have any reservation in
inviting the executive director of Alpha Omicron
28 | Spring 2018
If you see a member of an organization being quickly identify when someone is being hazed
hazed, call for help. If you question someone’s and it should be reported immediately—not
well-being, call for help. If someone confides in a few hours, not tomorrow, not next week—
in you about hazing, report it. Unfortunately, immediately.
hazing is often reported when it is too late, and If you see something, you need to say some-
damage cannot be undone. Remembering thing. You might just save a life.
the characteristics of hazing can help you
Suspect hazing in your chapter or on your campus?
Access the AOII Hazing Hotline form under the ‘Policies’ tab of the ‘About’
section of the AOII website (alphaomicronpi.org). All information submitted
remains confidential, and your identity is not released to any parties. You can
also report hazing in your community through the Greek Anti-Hazing Hotline.
Dial 1-888-NOT-HAZE (1-888-668-4293) or complete the report form at
by Jaynellen Behre Jenkins, Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U)
Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership & Administration
AOII Foundation Scholarship Recipient, 2017
The Barnard College Mortarboard (yearbook) editors in 1897. Pictured (left to right): Jessie Wallace Hughan and Stella
George Stern Perry, along with their fellow Barnard College yearbook editors. Absent: Helen St. Clair Mullan.
Photo courtesy of Barnard College archives.
30 | Spring 2018
How exactly has AOII inspired ambition since our
founding? Elizabeth Heywood Wyman commuting 28
miles daily to Barnard by horse car and ferry from Bloom-
field, New Jersey provides evidence of her commitment.
Stella being the first southern woman to attend Barnard
when there were options closer to home demonstrates
her dedication to her interest of study. Helen earning
the highest average on the Barnard entrance exam
demonstrates her drive. Jessie’s dissertation later being
published as a book reveals her passion. Taking a closer
look at the time period in which Alpha Omicron Pi was
founded also provides compelling examples.
Founded in 1897, Alpha Omicron Pi was established dur-
ing the Progressive Era, the period identified between
1890-1920. Fifteen of our 26 NPC counterparts were
founded during this time period. What were the common
experiences of women of that generation motivating
them to join together for a purpose higher than them-
selves? Why did our Founders develop a sisterhood
whose purpose was to benefit the world around us? As
members of the first large generation of college gradu-
ates, our founders and their Panhellenic sisters set out
upon their graduations to change the world. After all, isn’t
that what we all intend to do?
The Progressive Era arose out of the complications as-
sociated with the Industrial Revolution. Leaders of this
era advocated for the welfare of workers, immigrants and
children, as well as advocating against the ills associated
with the economic disparity within the nation caused by
corporate trusts.
Famous progressive female leaders of this time period As they entered the workforce, this generation of women
included: often found themselves employed as writers, teachers,
social workers and lawyers. With a greater volume of
• Susan B. Anthony, suffragist and member of the Ameri- college degree holders, women were poised to serve as
can Anti-Slavery Society. She attended the Seneca Falls activist seeking reforms or simply by providing greater
Convention and was a co-signer of the Declaration of service to their local communities. Because the Found-
Sentiments. ers ambitiously pursued the purpose of our motto, their
undergraduate experience served as the underpinning to
• Jane Addams, a member of Phi Beta Kappa and their leadership development.
founder of the Hull House in Chicago, which provided
services to immigrants and founding member of the Na- INSPIRING AMBITION
tional Child Labor Union chartered by Congress in 1907. AS COLLEGIANS
• Ida B. Wells, a suffragist and civil rights activist for The generation of our Founders can be characterized
African American rights, and one of the founders of the through two words: leadership and involvement. The
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Barnard class of ‘98 was richly engaged in their college
People (NAACP). community. Their friendships first formed through their
common interests of a variety of campus activities. Much
• Alice Paul, a suffragist and political strategist, and like today where we promote campus and community
founder of the Congressional Union and the National involvement as a means of recruiting new sisters, the
Women’s Party. She led Silent Sentinels in the first Founders inherently lived this through their leadership
protest at the White House for women’s suffrage. She in literary societies, as class officers, yearbook editors
was imprisoned for blocking traffic during protests and and as individuals who launched new organization to the
force-fed during a hunger strike, which gained Congres- Barnard community in addition to AOII. They understood
sional attention and support for women’s right to vote. that the bonds between them should strengthen their ties
She was the author of the Equal Rights Amendment. to their college community.
• Crystal Eastman, a suffragist and peace activist, who Scholarship was a priority as most clearly demonstrated
worked professionally monitoring labor conditions. She by Jessie Wallace Hughan and Helen St. Clair Mullan be-
worked in partnership in the Congressional Union with ing named Phi Beta Kappas for their collegiate academic
Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, co-authored of the Equal performance. Phi Beta Kappa was founded well after
Rights Amendment, and was a member of the Nu Chap- their graduation, but the chapter invited into its member-
ter of Alpha Omicron Pi at New York University. ship nine years of Barnard graduates. Jessie and Helen
were among the 16 members first inducted. Additionally,
Progressives believed a good education was the key Helen’s academic success was so recognized that one of
to enhancing opportunities. With significantly more her professors approached her with a scholarship op-
women enrolling in college, the percentage of women portunity at New York University Law School. Helen was
attending college in the early 1920s was double that of
1870. Today, the percentage of women attending college consistently ranked number one
outnumbers men. or two in her class where less than
10% of the students were women.
Caption Reads: Anne Richardson
Hall, The First Initiate, Alpha ‘98
A photo taken from the Founders’ graduation in 1898 on the steps of the Library of Columbia University.
Founding Alpha Chapter occurred she felt the need of a firm, fearless word, Stella George Stern Perry
through their interest in bringing to the word was spoken. Whenever she saw Helen St. Clair Mullan
Barnard a new entity that was open to the need for a guiding hand, the strong Jessie Wallace Hughan
diversity. As expressed by Stella, the but gentle hand was at the helm.”
Founders sought to bring a fraternity Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
to Barnard that reflected that spirit and Stella’s alumnae service to AOII included
enthusiasm of the class of ’98. Evidence serving as our first National President and
in their personal actions and viewpoints Grand Historian. Her documentations of
demonstrates both their shared ambitions AOII’s early history is invaluable in, Cel-
and that they were tolerant of their differ- ebrate the Centennial, published by AOII
ences. These differences appear in their in 1997. The digital version of this book is
religions, political affiliations and means available in the Officer Resource Library
of activism and service. on the Fulfilling the Promise website. For
her life’s work, Stella was named in Who’s
INSPIRING AMBITION Who of American Women, A Biographical
IN POST GRADUATE Dictionary of Contemporary Women of
ENDEAVORS the United State and Canada (1914-1915)
by John W. Leonard.
Our earliest AOII sisters, like their con-
temporaries, sought opportunities in their Learn: Helen St. Clair Mullan
careers and their communities to form or (June 28, 1877 - July 29, 1936)
join an organization that supported their Helen is credited for writing AOII’s initial
ideals. With the zeal demonstrated during constitution and bylaws and serving as
their college years, they worked to make the Grand Secretary after her college
a difference in the lives they touched. years. Helen began her post graduate
Their life work reflected credit upon the life by attending NYU law school on an
Fraternity. academic scholarship receiving her law
degree in 1901. During her time at NYU,
Live: Stella George Stern Perry Helen helped to establish Nu Chapter of
(December 8, 1877 - November 7, 1956) AOII. She married her husband George
Upon graduation, Stella worked in the Vincent Mullan in 1899. Her marriage to
advertising field. She published 17 books George, who was also an attorney, fueled
between 1911 and 1940, with all but one of her passion for law. They later had two
those being published before 1929. She daughters who attended Barnard, but
was public spirited and was especially only after fraternities were banned from
interested in issues involving women the university. By 1912-1913, Helen’s com-
and children. She held national and state munity service in New York City includ-
offices in child welfare groups and relief ing being on the Mayor’s Committee on
organizations. Stella self-identified as a Markets and by serving as a member
suffragist. She was appointed by Wood- of the New York Board of Education.
row Wilson as a volunteer inspector of Helen’s legal career included advocating
labor for women and children in New Jer- for children and volunteering to provide
sey. When her husband George Hough legal aid to the Red Cross. Helen demon-
Perry became director of the Panama-Pa- strated her commitment to learning and
cific Exposition in 1915, the couple moved college loyalty by serving on the Barnard
to San Francisco. Stella served there as College Board of Trustees. Helen’s alum-
the secretary of the Joint Committee of nae service to AOII included serving as
the San Francisco Child Labor Commit- National President from 1907-1908.
tee and the Juvenile Protection Agency.
Later when returning to New York, she Lead: Jessie Wallace Hughan
became a counselor to Mayor Fiorello (December 25, 1875 - April 10, 1955)
LaGuardia on child protection. Regarding Jessie received a Ph.D. in philosophy
her service in the advancement of the from Columbia’s School of Political Sci-
Fraternity, Grand President Jessie Ashley, ence in 1911. She professionally worked
Nu (New York U) spoke of Stella stating, as a high school teacher and for many
“The Fraternity owes much of its spirit to years as an activist leader for socialist
Stella. Stella never imposed herself upon causes. Employed as a school teacher,
us by virtue of her office, but whenever she was forced to defend her pacifist
affiliations. Jessie was even the teacher of the future expansion of AOII into Canada. As Stella was preparing
Senator from New York, Jacob Javits. Javits in later a speech about Bess she asked her, “Please do not say
years said of Jessie, “It was not at time particularly or a great deal about me, I am just an everyday person and
felicitous for Socialists, but her character was so high you look at me through rose colored glasses.” In her
and her motivation so unimpeachable that she was truly speech Stella first joked about Bess’ modesty and then
beloved by members of our class and all who knew her.” thanked her for being the kind of everyday person we all
Jessie frequently ran for office, most notably for the U.S rely upon. Stella stated, “I admit that I do look upon you
Senate under the Socialist Party. Jessie was a suffragist with shining glasses. They get that way because they are
who was the founder of the War Resisters League, which reflecting the brightness they gaze upon.”
is still in existence today. Jessie’s published numerous
leaflets discussing socialist issues and a book of poetry INSPIRING AMBITION
titled, The Challenge of Mars and Other Verses. Jes- IN THE FIGHT FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS
sie’s alumnae service to AOII included serving as Grand
Recording Secretary and Grand Door Keeper. Jessie’s Women of the Progressive Era used inspirational leader-
work is highlighted in Scott Bennett’s 2003 book titled, ship to build ambition in one another to defend women’s
Radical Pacifism: The War Resister League and Gandhian rights. The Women’s Suffrage Movement had a critical
Nonviolence in America, 1915-1963. outcome. Leaders of the movement relied on Panhellenic
resources to recruit sorority women as the next genera-
Serve: Elizabeth Heywood Wyman tion of suffragists. In 1890, Carrie Chapman Catt spoke
(April 1, 1877 - August 30, 1953) at the Pi Beta Phi Convention with a speech titled, “The
Elizabeth (Bess) dedicated herself to the service of her New Revolution.”
community of Bloomfield in a number of roles upon her
graduation. Her primary role was as a high school English A number of members of Nu Chapter (New York U)
and German teacher at Bloomfield High School. She later served in an active role working for women’s right to
became the Supervisor of English and worked at the vote. Ida Rauh, Nu (New York U) graduated from NYU
state level on curriculum development. Bess was among Law School and later served in the women’s suffrage
two female members of the Board of Education in that movement in England. She went on to become involved
time period. She taught Sunday school for her church in the Women’s Trade Union which sought to protect
and served in a variety of community roles such as the women’s rights in the workforce and eliminate sweat-
War Memorial Committee and as a member of a town lit- shops. Perhaps the most notable suffragist of the Nu
erary society. Bess’ written works were published by the Chapter members was Crystal Eastman who later part-
Newark Evening News and the Girl Scouts of America. nered with Alice Paul and Lucy Burns to urge NAWSA to
Bess’ alumnae service to AOII is highlighted in her roles change tactics and focus, helping to form the Congres-
as the first Registrar opening our first national office in sional Committee within NAWSA in 1913. Eastman went
her home and also leading AOII steadily during the de- on to help write the Equal Rights Amendment with Alice
pression years as 13th National President. Bess oversaw Paul in 1923. In addition, Crystal Eastman was a co-found-
er of the American Civil Liberties Union and was inducted
into the National Women’s Hall of
Fame in the year 2000.
EXPANSION 1897-1920
Sharing our sisterhood across this
continent occurred by spreading
the message of AOII’s values and
mission through personal relation-
ships. Undertaking expansion oc-
curred with purpose so that even
from afar women were selected
who would work their best with
body, brain, spirit and substance
for Alpha Omicron Pi. AOII’s
interest in becoming a national
organization was realized through
Stella’s friendship in New Orleans
with Evelyn Reed an alumna of
Sophie Newcomb College. It was
Alpha Chapter members in their chapter room.
Evelyn’s undergraduate aged sister Katherine and A horse drawn trolly commonly used as public
her circle of friends who were our inspired first transportation in the era of AOII’s founding.
initiates of Pi Chapter (Tulane U). Nu Chapter un-
folded similarly as the bonds of friendship Helen AOII Founders in their caps and gowns, 1898.
was making in NYU Law School resulted in her in-
troducing her new classmates to AOII. The college
world about them began to take notice and slowly
and steadily AOII was approached with requests
for charters across the continent. The respect for
the uniqueness of our chapters is displayed in the
AOII tradition of allowing them to select their own
chapter name and sub-motto. Our shared values
took root because our newest members were
inspired to have their friends, sisters and cousins
experience all that AOII sisterhood offered; a so-
ciety whose teachings are enobling and one that
is free from narrow exclusiveness. When we take
women into our AOII membership, we do so as no
light thing. By 1920, AOII established 26 collegiate
chapters in 19 states. Today, AOII has established
214 collegiate chapters across the United States
and Canada, with 144 active chapters.
Context certainly provides clarity. The rapid ex-
pansion of female college enrollment resulted in a
greater depth of education among our collective
womanhood during the period from 1890-1920.
The climate of the Progressive Era coupled with
empowered females with advanced degrees
resulted in their having the means to join together
for mutual support. Through their post graduate
roles, women of their generation founded orga-
nizations such as the League of Women Voters,
the ACLU, the NAACP and the War Resisters
League. Womens’ tendencies to affiliate with each
other for a higher purpose continues to serve our
world today. With intention, we
inspire one another’s ambition
and support our shared pas-
sions. Stella, Helen, Jessie and
Bess were members of a gen-
eration who certainly sought to
make their mark on the world.
The most important question
is, how will we? The future of
AOII and the world about us is
in our hands!
Special thanks to Jessie Casteel, Phi
Chi (U of Chicago) for contributing her
research of notable AOIIs to the Fraternity,
which aided in the research for this article.
Mini Features
Current Location: Dallas, Texas In August 2016, the Cookies
Chapter of Initiation: Xi (U of Oklahoma) for a Cause program she
created from scratch was
The day she was initiated into the Xi Chapter of picked up by McAlister’s
Alpha Omicron Pi, the values of AOII revealed Corporate and was imple-
what Amy had always subconsciously believed mented in 300+ McAlister’s
in: if you let your light shine and live a life that Deli restaurants.
exuberates kindness and love, you can in fact April is National Autism
change the world. AOII’s values centered around Awareness Month and
charity eternally resonated with Amy and have she has partnered with
propelled her in the career she has today. Autism Speaks for the
Amy Dickey graduated from the University of next rendition of Cookies
Oklahoma in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts in for a Cause. The Saxton
journalism and mass communication. Currently, Group’s McAlister’s loca-
Dickey is The Saxton Group’s Marketing Man- tions will be selling blue
ager. The Saxton Group is the country’s largest sprinkle cookies during
McAlister’s Deli Franchisee, owning and oper- the entire month of April.
ating 75 McAlister’s across Texas, Oklahoma, Dickey hopes The Saxton
Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. Group’s McAlister’s restau-
In October 2015, just four months after joining rants will sell over 100,000
The Saxton Group, Dickey created McAlister’s blue sprinkle cookies,
cause marketing program: Cookies for a Cause. which would result in a
Cookies for a Cause takes McAlister’s Deli’s $50,000+ donation to
beloved sugar cookie and pairs its cookie sales Autism Speaks.
to a non-profit for an entire month, with 50 cents Cookies for a Cause is
of each cookie sold being donated directly to the now held twice a year at
designated non-profit. McAlister’s sugar cookies The Saxton Group’s McAli-
are decorated to match each non-profit’s brand ster’s Deli locations. When selecting the next
through colored sanding sugar or custom blends Cookies for a Cause charity, Amy draws inspira-
of sprinkles. tion from visiting different McAlister’s restaurants
Dickey has partnered with notable non-profits across the Midwest and seeing what not only
including: Susan G. Komen, Special Olympics and effects the people who dine at McAlister’s, but
Wounded Warrior Project. what is impacting the team members who work
During October 2015’s Cookies for a Cause for McAlister’s.
campaign, 36,105 pink sugar cookies were sold, “Being an AOII has shown me what it means to
which resulted in a $18,052 donation to Susan G. live with ambition,” Dickey said. “How do I inspire
Komen. During April 2017’s Cookies for a Cause ambition? By letting my light shine. I’m able to do
campaign, 96,694 rainbow sprinkle cookies were this by putting people at the heart of everything I
sold, which raised $48,347 for Special Olympics. do. If you practice kindness, radiate humility and
During November 2017’s Cookies for a Cause, empathy, and put people at the heart of every-
96,407 camo sprinkle cookies were sold, result- thing you do - you can leave an impact on your
ing in a $48,203 donation to Wounded Warrior community and on the world.”
Project. Combined, the three campaigns have not
only raised $114,603, but have brought additional
awareness to each charity.
36 | Spring 2018
Current Location: Hamburg, Germany
Chapter of Initiation: Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis)
Jordan Beck Wagner, Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. women look-
Louis) took quite a plunge after graduating, moving to ing to form a
Heidelberg, Germany to complete an 18-month graduate global community
program in American studies and political science at the through meet-ups,
University of Heidelberg. dinners, conversa-
Upon finishing her master’s degree, Wagner was selected tions and events.
for internships at the U.S. Embassies in Zagreb, Croatia and The American
Sofia, Bulgaria. She worked in the political and economic Women's Club
sections of these embassies and attended an array of of Hamburg, a
events, forums and other programs to enhance and pro- non-profit organization, specifically focuses on Americans
mote U.S. relations within these countries. abroad. The organization participates in local outreach
After her internships, she enrolled in business school at the projects and charities to support and uplift disenfran-
University of Edinburgh in Scotland, focusing on interna- chised women in Hamburg, in particular refugees. She also
tional business in emerging markets. She graduated with volunteers with Washington University's Alumni & Parents
distinction and made the decision to move to Hamburg, Admission Program for potential students living abroad.
Germany. She now works in digital advertising for a start-up
in Hamburg as the head of English-speaking markets. “While I love my time in Germany, my ultimate goal is to
With all of her European adventures, Wagner decided to move back to the United States and run for political office,”
start the travel blog "Wayfaring With Wagner" (wayfaring- she said. “I was very active in the 2008 and 2012 presiden-
withwagner.com) in September 2013. She has documented tial elections, as well as multiple other local and state elec-
everything from her wayfaring adventures, woes and tions. I am lucky enough to have a supportive family and
triumphs, a multicultural relationship and graduate school significant other that recognize my long-term dreams and
in Europe. aspirations, and continually challenge me to meet these
“Through my blog, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with goals.”
other AOIIs after they've found my blog! With over 15,000
page views a month, I've been able to leverage my follow- When it comes to following your ambitions, Wagner said it
ing and convert it into business ventures, brand partner- is important to never take “no” for an answer and always
ships and travel collaborations with luggage companies, embrace opportunities for growth.
different food and city tours and hotel accomodations.
Additionally, I’ve been invited to multiple blogging confer- “My post-collegiate plans were unique, scary, and unusual,”
ences across Europe. I've traveled to over 40 European she said. “I decided to move halfway around the world to a
countries in less than five years. I have also formed a com- foreign country without knowing anyone. To anyone facing
pany, Wayfaring Strategies, to help other small businesses a crossroads in their collegiate or post-collegiate career,
and bloggers increase their online presence through social my number one piece of advice is not to prematurely close
media strategies.” any doors. I didn’t apply for graduate school in Germany
Wagner said travel blogging has not only been a great until March of my senior year, and I found out I was accept-
way to meet others, but she has learned valuable career ed during graduation week. Without taking this chance in
skills including establishing a business, implementing life, I wouldn’t have had the amazing personal, professional
SEO for Google, social media strategizing, coding, pho- and travel opportunities I’ve been able to experience.”
tography and writing.
Wagner stays very active outside of her blog, as well. Wagner is also a proud, two-time childhood cancer
Since moving to Hamburg 18 months ago, Wagner has survivor and will celebrate 25 years cancer-free this
become very active in Girl Gone International, the Ameri- year. During her undergraduate years, she was part
can Women's Club of Hamburg, an international book of the Relay For Life committee at Washington U in
club and an array of expat organizations. Girl St. Louis that raised over $1 million in four years for
Gone International focuses on local and international cancer research, advocacy and support programs. A
high percentage of this money went directly back to
the hospitals, research facilities and other available
services in the St. Louis region.
What’s your story?
Every member of AOII has a story, and we love to share them!
Story submissions about yourself or another sister are always ac-
cepted. Email your article ideas to [email protected]
to potentially be featured in an upcoming issue of To Dragma!
2018 Spring Photos
Spring Photos
3 1 Xi Omicron (U of Arkansas)
2 Beta Gamma (Michigan State U)
3 Lambda Alpha (U of La Verne)
4 Lambda Tau Alumnae (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
1 1 Pi Omicron (Austin Peay State U)
2 Delta Kappa (Washington U in St. Louis)
3 Omicron (U of Tennessee)
4 Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
5 Zeta Pi (U of Alabama at Birmingham)
6 Theta Iota (California State U, San Marcos)
7 11
7 Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe)
60th Anniversary Attendees
8 Delta Theta (Texas Woman’s U)
9 Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
10 Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U)
11 Theta Psi (U of Toledo)
Alumnae Chapter News
United States Alumnae Chapters
Alabama and each one started with a different letter of the alphabet.
The chapter has enjoyed events including paint parties and
This past year, the Greater Gadsden Alumnae Chapter movie nights. We had a great time with the collegiate chapter
focused on better serving the local collegiate chapter, Delta at their recruitment practice, Smoke Out Arthritis! event and
Epsilon at Jacksonville State University. We were happy to homecoming tea. We hosted a new member luau for the 50
participate in a recommendation letter writing party for local collegiate new members and started a secret Stella program
women going through recruitment at numerous colleges and where new members were paired with alumnae. The high-
universities in Alabama. We were also pleased to donate a light of the year was honoring 14 alumnae at our first 25- and
meal that served all 100+ members of the Delta Epsilon Chap- 50-year anniversary service at Founders’ Day. All of these
ter during recruitment. women who were celebrated have been AOIIs for longer
than 25 years or 50 years and were honored that we recog-
The Huntsville Alumnae Chapter enjoyed another success- nized them.
ful year filled with sisterhood and philanthropic activities. We The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter had fun participating in the
started the year with a celebration of our founding with the local Jingle Bell Run in December and celebrated Founders’
sisters of Delta Tau. Our members had several social outings, Day with a brunch in January.
including a gathering at a local restaurant to participate in the
AOII-wide sisterhood night in October. Our chapter continues California
our twice-yearly sales of final exam survival kits, which we
call Pandagrams, to the parents of collegiate chapters in our The Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter celebrated our
region. We supported Delta Tau by providing meals during 25th anniversary this year with nights out on the town and
recruitment. Our sisterhood supported a local homeless shel- nights in with sisters! The annual holiday party always kicks
ter by collecting personal hygiene supplies and we made our off the season for our members and we had a blast with our
annual donation to the AOII Foundation. We ended our year legendary Yankee Candle gift exchange.
with our annual mother-daughter tea for area collegiate AOIIs Greater Sacramento Valley: It was a busy year in Califor-
and their mothers. nia’s capital, with events that mixed fun and philanthropy. In
March, we had a Pi Day (3/14) dessert night. In August, we
Arizona did a Convention recap at our annual mimosas and member-
ship brunch. In October, we did a “beer bike” tour through
The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a year full of great Midtown with many of our young alumnae. For community
events. We started the year by celebrating our founders service, we annually participate in the Arthritis Walk and
at our Founders’ Day luncheon. We enjoyed watching the volunteer at our local Jingle Bell Run. In 2017, we also helped
Arizona Diamondbacks play a game for Strike Out Arthritis! the Sacramento LGBT Center decorate for their Q-Prom event
We then participated in the Walk to Cure Arthritis in May. For and organized our first-ever holiday panda drive. Our chap-
fall brunch, we gathered at a restaurant owned by an AOII ter donated 83 pandas to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s
member. Later in the fall, we celebrated the installation of the Department that will go into deputies’ patrol cars for use by
Arizona State University chapter, Lambda Psi. We are so ex- kids in crisis.
cited for a new collegiate chapter to be in the state of Arizona. Southern Orange County: Our chapter consists of women
from 20 different collegiate chapters, but that common bond
The Tucson Alumnae Chapter is thrilled to share our deserv- of sisterhood makes for a smooth step into our chapter. We
ing sister Lynne Wood Dusenberry has been named the are all looking for the same things: a sense of belonging,
2017 Woman of the Year by Greater Tucson Leadership. This a place to do good things and have fun! We kicked off our
award is given to recognize those who have distinguished year with a mimosa bar. At Jingle Bell Run, we had members
themselves for active support of community projects, dem- running the 5K, walking and working as volunteers. Stella’s
onstrated excellence in leadership, and who are a source of Trunk, our annual fundraiser in the fall, is a fabulous morning
positive influence and inspiration for others. Sisters Betsy with friends, family and sisters. We enjoyed a presentation
Bolding, Carla Keegan and Mary Christoph attended the Feb- on gems and jewelry and raised money for the Ruby Fund,
ruary 2018 award ceremony to support Lynne on this special Strike Out Arthritis! and more. In November, we had an amaz-
evening. ing cheese and wine pairing and we just had our January
philanthropy event. We choose a different philanthropic event
Arkansas almost every month, such as donating new and filled back-
The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter’s first event of the year was
the alphabet soup potluck where we exchanged 26 recipes
42 | Spring 2018
2017 Recap
1 3
1 Greater Los Angeles Alumnae
2 Greater Sacramento Valley Alumnae
3 Huntsville Alumnae
4 Jonesboro Alumnae
Alumnae Chapter News packs for children in need, collecting used towels for an animal
shelter, etc. For January, we filled red gift bags with books and
1 stuffed pandas for Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital in Long
Beach to be given to the children.
Ventura County Alumnae Chapter had another successful
3 year supporting the Chi Psi Chapter at San Luis Obispo with
Halloween gift bags for all 300 members and handwritten
1 Central Connecticut Alumnae notes to each graduating senior. We participated in the local
2 Greater Miami Alumnae Jingle Bell Run and are getting ready for our Strike Out Arthritis!
3 Athens Alumnae Bingo night. We enjoyed our traditional holiday gift/ornament
exchange as well as participating in staffing a polling place for
44 | Spring 2018 the national elections.
The Denver Alumnae Chapter had an exciting year! In October,
several members were able to take part in the once-in-an-AOII-
lifetime opportunity to witness the installation of Carole Jones
as NPC Chairman. Other activities this year included our annual
Back to AOII Night, a IIOA holiday party, the Jingle Bell Run and
Founders’ Day in January, which we celebrated with the Epsi-
lon Gamma Chapter from the University of Northern Colorado.
The Central Connecticut Alumnae Chapter worked hard to
grow the chapter and hold events throughout the state. Each
month, a different member hosts an event of her choosing,
open to alumnae members and their families! Of note is our
annual philanthropic event where we put together baskets
donated to Life Haven shelter in Connecticut. This year, we
hope to partner with our local collegiate chapter to expand our
event and increase our philanthropic efforts. Our chapter has
continued to grow its relationship with the Lambda Lambda
Chapter, where we welcomed three new women to alumnae
status. With our new additions to our chapter, the year ended
on a high note at our annual holiday business meeting where
we conducted Ritual and planned for a great 2018 of continued
growth and sisterhood!
The Delaware Alumnae Chapter started 2017 by celebrating
our 15th anniversary with our Founders’ Day celebration. We
had the honor of having Amber Countis, International Vice
President, as our guest speaker. In February, we had our annual
secret alumna sister reveal luncheon. Chapter members ‘adopt’
seniors from the local collegiate chapter and send them cards
until we meet in person in February. We hosted a Strike out Ar-
thritis! event in March, participated in the Arthritis Foundation’s
Walk to Cure in May and Jingle Bell Run in December. We also
collected cans for a local food bank and baked Christmas
cookies for the troops. Throughout the year, we like to gather
at local restaurants for a sisters’ night out. At International
Convention, we were happy to earn an award for Excellence in
Chapter Operations.
Florida 2017 Recap
The Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter held a Greek night We were able to join our Kappa Gamma sisters at the end of
with an authentic Greek cuisine. We participated in a walk- the semester to distribute the care packages personally and
a-thon for diabetes and jingled in our jammies for arthritis encourage alumnae involvement.
research. For our Founders’ Day lunch and auction, we tried
a silent auction for the first time opposed to a live auction and Georgia
were very successful.
The Greater Miami Alumnae Chapter held various events The Athens Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a year full of sister-
throughout the last year. We “Fell in Love with Wine” in Febru- hood, fundraising and social events. We love to gather in
ary and organized our very first trip to Walt Disney World in each other’s homes or to meet at our favorite local spot
June - a magical weekend that will become an annual tradi- to spend time together. Some of our highlights included a
tion. In July, GMAC hosted a pool party filled with flamingos, wintertime game night with homemade soup and desserts,
pineapples and sisterhood. Toward the end of the year, a spring garden party remembering our favorite AOII songs,
philanthropy was the chapter’s main focus. In October, we spring and fall Cabi Clothing Show Fundraiser, homecoming
organized a vixen workout fundraiser and raised $440 for the week gathering with tailgate dishes, old photo albums and
Walk to Cure. We hosted a VIP table in support of our local college memories, jewelry design 101 and last but not least,
collegiate chapter’s philanthropy event and later that month, “Christmas is HUGE” gathering and gift exchange. Located in
sisters from all over south Florida met up at the ballpark as the Athens, we are home to the University of Georgia, the Rose
Miami Marlins faced the Atlanta Braves to Strike Out Arthritis! Bowl Champions, Georgia Bulldogs and the AOII Lambda
The year concluded with a sisterhood bonfire, complete with Sigma Chapter. We volunteered and participated in Lambda
hot chocolate and s’mores. 2017 was a great year for GMAC Sigma’s Founders’ Day, Run for the Roses, senior transition
and we cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store. Ritual and recruitment. Through our Cabi fundraising efforts
The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter kicked off the year with year, we were able to send our President to Convention in
its annual Ritual and business salad luncheon. We have had Washington D.C. and will help some of our local chapters with
several events with the local Mu Lambda Chapter, including Ritual equipment. We look forward to celebrating our 50th
a philanthropic fundraiser for a sister diagnosed with cancer, Anniversary in 2018 as we continue to build and improve our
a senior to alumnae service, pumpkin painting, mock recruit- chapter and enjoy our time together in Athens.
ment practice, and snack bags for finals week. The year
finished up with a small but hardy team at the local Jingle This year was a great year for the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter!
Bell Run. We started the year off right by celebrating Founders’ Day
This past year has been fun and giving for the AOII Palm with a lovely luncheon filled with sisterhood. We have started
Beach Alumnae Chapter. We have lots of seasonal members to include casual dinner meet-ups on the last Wednesday
(also known as “snowbirds”) and most activities get started of the month for sisters to decompress, de-stress and bond
around November. We hosted our annual fall meeting where after a long day. We also have enjoyed trips to the Botanical
we discuss upcoming events, dates and info. We participate Gardens, a fabulous picnic in the park, a shopping trip, a hot
in Walk to Cure Arthritis, followed by our angel tree luncheon chocolate bonfire, and tailgating and baseball at an Atlanta
where we selected an angel from our community to pur- Braves Strike Out Arthritis! event. Although our Jingle Bell
chase gifts for. We celebrated Founders’ Day at the beautiful Run team was totally prepared to have a blast on the course,
Sailfish Marina overlooking West Palm intercostal and we icy stormy weather put that on hold. We didn’t let that get us
started the new year off with lots of philanthropic events. We down, and we all jingled in our jammies!
participated in the “Chef for the Day” at the Quantum house
where we prepared a meal for families with children receiving Northwest Georgia Alumnae started off the year in August
life-changing limb extension surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital. with our annual kickoff dinner at Tin Lizzy’s. We had a great
We plan to wrap the year up with Easter baskets for the local time catching up with all of our sisters on what they had done
foster care families and a sisterhood night out! during the summer and meeting new faces. Our chapter also
Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter held a kickoff luncheon to participated in recruitment for both Beta Zeta and Lambda
launch the year at a local country club. The alumnae donated Delta by providing drinks and/or dinner and many of our
various items to provide care packages to our sisters of Kap- members were in attendance to help each chapter as neces-
pa Gamma in Lakeland, Florida during their final exams. Our sary. We continued our Alpha Always dinners at Muss and
events this year included a book discussion and wine tasting, Turner’s in Smyrna. Finally, we jingled in our jammies at our
plus an enthusiastic group participating in the Jingle Bell Run. December meeting and Christmas brunch. It was a great
beginning to our year and we are looking forward to the rest
of our year!
Alumnae Chapter News Chicago West Suburban: Last fall, we made key chains
for our adopted chapters’ new members and sent all the
Illinois members Halloween candy and study snacks for finals. Last
spring, we had our first Strike Out Arthritis! event, where we
The Chicago City Alumnae Chapter celebrated summer raised $2,000. We had our most successful nut sale fund-
together at Millennium Park. It was a beautiful evening filled raiser this fall. Our members continue to enjoy our monthly
with joy and laughter. We kicked off our new year of mem- meeting with our August appetizer night, December holiday
bership in late August at our annual barbecue. We had a party/gift exchange, and our May ladies’ night out being very
great night connecting with sisters and catching up after popular. Members also get together for monthly book club
the summer season. We hosted our first event, AOII Team meetings and sisterhood events. We have exercised, done
Trivia, at Fado Irish Pub in River North. We meet every other escape rooms, painted and enjoyed holiday lights together
month to test our knowledge in a variety of categories. Our this year. We have also been using our Facebook page to
team has even come in fourth place! We always have a great Inspire Ambition by highlighting what our members do in their
time catching up with our sisters and meeting up at this cozy personal and professional lives.
spot during the cold months in Chicago. We also celebrated Lake County of Illinois Alumnae Chapter used ‘inspire
the holidays with a “friendsgiving.” We enjoyed homemade ambition’ for our meeting and event theme. Each month, we
dishes and each other’s company before the busy season brought donation items such as children’s books, toys for tots,
started. The year finished with the Chicago Jingle Bell Run, school supplies and cards to our troops. We were inspired
where our team raised $964. with stories of summer adventures and Convention recap at
Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter supported our September meeting as we learned about our new tagline
our area Panhellenic by participating in their Feed My Starv- and branding. The volunteers at Feed My Starving Children
ing Children event, International Badge Day, fall scholarship inspired us as together we packed meals in October. We
luncheon to raise money for scholarships, as well as their also visited and shared appetizers at our member Joanne’s
spring banquet where six winners were announced. We cel- home. November was our annual dinner theater event. Linda
ebrated Chicago area AOII sisterhood at the area Founders’ Grandolfo was our hostess for the holiday potluck and gift
Day at DePaul University, the spring Walk to Cure Arthritis, exchange where we celebrated Shirley Aiken’s (Miami Univer-
and Jingle in Your Jammies to raise money for the Arthritis sity, Omega chapter) 75 inspired years as an AOII!
Foundation. Chicago NW sisters raised an additional $8,200
for our philanthropies through our spring auction, summer Indiana
garage sale and fall nut sale. We distributed and helped pay
for school supplies for needy families, collected personal The Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter remained busy in
care items for Hesed House, and gave several pounds of its efforts to reach a greater number of sisters through various
pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald House. We support six events, meet ups, family-friendly activities and more. Our
collegiate chapters with notes, small gifts and monetary dona- long-standing third Thursday lunches are still held monthly
tions. Monthly meetings have included game night, flower with great attendance, but some of our other efforts are
arranging, book share and swap, Ritual education, our annual building in number! We supported Chi Lambda and Beta Chi
potluck and a sock exchange. We have enjoyed breakfast, throughout the year in efforts regarding alumnae initiation,
lunch and dinner out, at one point squeezing nine sisters into Bid Day and the like. Our fall kick-off meeting was changed
a booth at Egg Harbor! Chicago Northwest celebrates our up a bit this year, so members could see and hear from Chi
sisterhood and values through the work we do in our com- Lambda as to what they have been doing and it was met with
munities. great success! We finished up the year with fabulous leader-
Our chapter expanded our goals for the coming year. We ship and representation at the local Jingle Bell Run. From
want to grow our sisterhood by increasing our membership, planning, to organizing, volunteering, running and much more,
offering more activities and giving more support to the Arthri- our presence was in full force this year!
tis Foundation. Chicago South Suburban Alumnae Chapter The highlight of 2017 for the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
meets monthly September through May with a special Lake was our revamped arthritis fundraiser, Party with a Purpose,
Geneva gathering during the summer. In September, we had which was held in April at McCormick and Schmidt. With
Lunch with the Founders, which featured voice recordings of generous community and personal donations, we were able
the Founders. We played Halloween-themed Bingo in Octo- to raise $5,000 which allowed local children to attend camp
ber and held a Christmas/Hanukkah celebration in December. for free. The chapter enjoyed our annual fall gathering which
Founders’ Day was celebrated in February with all the Chi- attracts recent graduates to 50-year members and is one
cago area alumnae groups and the collegians from Delta Rho of the highlights of the year. We enjoyed two activities that
and Phi Chi. We met for book exchanges, movies, cupcake included our family and friends—the Irvington Ghost Walk and
decorating, Italian food nights and a Swedish smorgasbord. the Christmas gift exchange. Of course, the year wouldn’t be
Our fun-loving group met in November to “Jingle in our Jam- complete without our monthly book club and gathering with
mies” in support of the Arthritis Foundation. Each year, we sisters to socialize over breakfast, lunch or dinner.
conclude with a ladies’ night out at a local restaurant.
46 | Spring 2018
2017 Recap
1 Chicago West Suburban Alumnae
2 Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae
3 Indianapolis Alumnae
4 Atlanta Alumnae
Alumnae Chapter News
1 Acadiana Alumnae
2 Central Kentucky Bluegrass Alumnae
3 Hammond Area Alumnae
4 Monroe Alumnae
48 | Spring 2018
Kentucky 2017 Recap
Monthly activities full of sisterhood was our theme of this year party, Pokeno party, holiday gift exchange, The Escape Room,
for the Central Kentucky Bluegrass Alumnae Chapter. The and vodka cocktail making party. We were also proud to be
chapter enjoyed holiday potlucks, game nights, a fall meet at the host alumnae chapter along with Kappa Tau Chapter for
Keeneland, and learning about skin care, all while celebrating Louisiana State Day at Southeastern Louisiana University
our sisterhood. This year, the chapter partnered with Epsilon with the theme of AOII: Empowering Women Since 1897.
Omega to celebrate the collegiate chapter’s 30th anniversary, We topped off our great year with many community events
including tailgating for the football game and a catered dinner including donations to the LSU food pantry, Sexual Trauma
to meet the members and share collegiate memories. In De- Awareness Resource Center, LA SPCA, and top 10 finishes at
cember, the chapter awarded two Epsilon Omega members both Walk for the Cure in Baton Rouge and Jingle Bell Run in
with CKB’s Anne Jones Scholarship, which was established New Orleans raising over $1,000! We also had another great
in honor of our sister who impacted both chapters with love year of membership with an increase of 20% from last year to
and sisterhood. At this same event, the alumnae chapter over 60 members and growing. The chapter also announced
members made over 700 cookies to give the treats to Epsilon the Elaine Ellis Certificate of Honor Badge for a BRAAC mem-
Omega members before finals. This spring holds a derby ber to wear for a year along with a scholarship for a Louisiana
painting event at Artfully Yours (a member’s painting studio) collegian that will rotate among the four Louisiana chapters.
and a Ritual workshop. Inspire Ambition was the theme this year for Central Louisi-
ana Alumnae Chapter! We started off the year with a fund-
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a variety of events raiser that reached sisters all over the continental U.S. by us-
throughout the year. Last fall, we enjoyed our kick-off happy ing our new branding and partnering with PopSockets to get
hour, sisterhood dinner, craft night, pumpkin picking with our everyone one of the best cellphone accessories out there!
local collegiate chapter, a Thanksgiving potluck, our annual We’ve also teamed up with a women’s shelter in our region
holiday party and cookie exchange, and a running training to donate toiletries and clothing. This has been an amazing
program in preparation for Jingle Bell Run! Last year, our second year for CLA, and we just can’t wait to see what the
chapter raised close to $2,000 for Jingle Bell Run Louisville future holds!
and we had many sisters and family members participate in Hammond Area Alumnae: 2017 was filled with many wonder-
the run. ful memories. In July, officers planned events and set goals
for the upcoming year. In August, we supported Kappa Tau
Lexington Alumnae Chapter kicked off the year in August with recruitment week and held mock recruitment along with
with a planning dinner meeting at Puccini’s. Our monthly an alumnae dinner. In September, we kicked off our new year
activities included lunch on third Thursdays and rose vine with Ritual discussing the new tagline and symbol. Attendees
connection happy hour on the first Tuesday. In October, we brought donations for Camp MASH. Members also participat-
celebrated National Sisterhood Day by going out for brunch ed in our Aunt Stella program, which allows us to mentor new
and bowling. At the end of November, several members members embarking on their AOII journey. We held a pizza
joined Tau Omega at their annual holiday bingo event that party during the new member retreat, presented roses and
raised funds for the Arthritis Foundation. notes at initiation, and gifted spa kits to help them through
their first finals week. This embodies a spirit of fraternity and
Louisiana love and shows these women that AOII’s sisterhood is for a
lifetime. In October, ladies displayed college loyalty by at-
The Acadiana Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a year filled with tending Southeastern Louisiana University’s Alumni Dinner. In
fun and AOII sisterhood. We began 2017 by celebrating November, we combined our love for driftwood art and enjoy-
Founders’ Day with our Delta Beta sisters and ended the year ment of each other’s company by going to a local art studio
with our annual Christmas cookie and ornament exchange. to create beautiful seasonal pieces. Last, in December, the
Throughout the year, we enjoyed several scrumptious HAAC hosted its first HAAC Founders’ Day. We honored our
brunches and dinners at restaurants around Lafayette and a Founders, the successes of our chapter and the excitement of
margarita party at an alumna’s house. We supported Delta beginning of a new year with our sisters.
Beta by providing meals and snacks for the collegians during The Monroe Alumnae Chapter focused on increasing the
recruitment, attending the chapter’s 60th birthday party, and number of dues-paying members in our chapter. In doing so,
participating in their give-back nights for charity throughout we have really enjoyed getting to know some new sisters that
the year. One of our focuses this year was on community have moved into our area. During the fall, we actively partici-
involvement. A team of alumnae sisters participated in Lafay- pated in Bid Day with the local Lambda Tau Chapter as well
ette Habitat for Humanity’s Woman Build by helping to frame as homecoming festivities. Our alumnae also supported the
a house for a partner family. We also volunteered at LARC’s local chapter during initiation. A fun night was had by all
“Noel au Village” fundraiser. during our Rose Ball. During our November meeting, we
donated items for a local shelter. On December 2nd, we
The Baton Rouge Area Alumnae Chapter had a great year joined up with the local Lambda Tau Chapter for the Run for
with many events such as our 70th Founders’ Day, king cake
Alumnae Chapter News glasses and bowls with the assistance of a professional glass
artist. In May, the Seniors of Theta Beta Chapter at Towson
the Roses 5K where over $10,000 was raised. This winter, we University were welcomed to alumnae status at a chapter
partnered with the local chapter to provide Christmas pres- Ritual meeting. Our annual potluck salad supper marked the
ents for the Girls and Boys Clubs as well as donating to the start of our fall meetings in September. In November, exam
CASA organization. treat bags were packed and delivered to our Towson Univer-
sity sisters. December found several Baltimore alumnae walk-
The New Orleans Area Alumnae Chapter started 2017 with ing the Jingle Bell Run at Centennial Park in Columbia, Mary-
our annual Founders’ Day luncheon, which is always sim- land, followed by brunch to celebrate the holiday season.
ply beautiful. In true New Orleans fashion, we stuffed our-
selves with way too much delicious king cake to celebrate Massachusetts
Mardi Gras! Before we took our break for the summer, we
had a family day picnic at the park. At our fall kickoff event, The Boston Alumnae Chapter hosted a series of events last
we played a few games of Bunco, giving away prizes that year, as well as attended Northeast Weekend, Strike Out Ar-
highlighted AOII’s new brand! Sisters were able to shop for thritis! with the Red Sox and Jingle Bell Run in Boston! Other
new clothes and support the Arthritis Foundation during our activities included yoga, paint night, a sisters-giving brunch
LuLaRoe fundraiser, where over $600 was raised! We had and apple picking.
a very nice Thanksgiving potluck dinner to start the holiday The sisters of the Suburban Maryland Alumnae Chapter
season and ended 2017 with the Jingle Bell Run! started the semester with their annual “Welcome Back Bar-
becue” to catch up with new and returning members. Over
Shreveport-Bossier City Alumnae Chapter members enjoyed the fall semester, the chapter held fun events such as an “AOII
a 2017 full of new friendships and fun. The chapter welcomed Foodie Dinner” at a pizzeria in D.C., a trip to the local pump-
new members and spent time with returning members. In the kin patch, yoga by the Potomac River, “friendsgiving”, and of
spring, the chapter celebrated Mardi Gras and held Ritual. course the annual holiday party. Perhaps the most rewarding
Sisters met for a business meeting in May and in July for a event of the semester was being honored at a local reception
calendar planning meeting. Fall entailed a meet-and-greet at for AOII’s 50-year partnership with the Arthritis Foundation.
Well+ Fed, a tailgating party for an LSU game, a night out at It was a lovely event, and the chapter was privileged to be
Lewis Gifts with the Shreveport Bossier Panhellenic Associa- given an award alongside many other influential people in the
tion, and a holiday party in December. Though there was not local Arthritis Foundation.
a Jingle Bell Run in Shreveport, the chapter supported the
event held in Fort Worth, Texas. Michigan
Maine The sisters of Detroit North Suburban Alumnae have en-
joyed a year filled with sisterhood, monthly luncheons and
Greater Portland Alumnae: We met in September and had a activities. We hosted the 2017 Founders’ Day and enjoyed the
very productive business meeting and a successful potluck. opportunity to visit with sisters from several of the area alum-
At our October meeting we learned all about essential oils nae chapters as well as a few out of state guests. The Bottom-
and how to start to “go green” in our everyday life. Greater less Toy Chest, a charity that donates toys to pediatric cancer
Portland ran/walked the Jingle Bell Run Freeport in Decem- patients, was the focus of another meeting when we met to
ber. Seven sisters participated and raised $775, which ranked donate and wrap gifts. Spring saw our annual flower sale and
us fifth in fundraising! The second weekend in December, the Walk to Cure Arthritis. We enjoyed catching up with each
we ran a fundraiser with LulaRoe; we are all loving our new other at our business meeting and planning session that was
leggings! We ended the year with our holiday party where held over lunch in September. Macomb County hosted the
we held Ritual, enjoyed our Yankee Swap, and auctioneer area alumnae chapters at a lovely fall brunch. In December,
Barb Wentworth headed our ornament auction where we we helped at the local Arthritis Foundation office in prepara-
raised funds for our treasury. Members also donated paper tion for Jingle Bell Run. This year we decided to jingle in our
goods for the McAuley House, a residence for disadvantaged jammies with a potluck brunch at a member’s home giving us
women and children. We have had a busy start and we look an opportunity to support our team as well as have time to-
forward to continued sisterhood in 2018. We are excited and gether before the busy holiday season. As we enter the new
immersed in planning our 40th anniversary celebration of year, we look forward to the other events we have planned.
our chapter. Macomb County Alumnae began the year by having all
members and potential members fill out a survey about what
Maryland they would like to do and what the most convenient times for
meeting would be. We had our first Sunday dinner in Sep-
The Baltimore Alumnae Chapter kicked off the year with a tember and happily welcomed a new AOII who lived in the
Founders’ Day Tea. Sisters gathered at Tea by Two with a full
tea to elegantly celebrate our founding sisters. In March, sis-
ters and their Pi guy or friend attended a glass blowing event
at McFadden Art Glass, where everone created pendants,
50 | Spring 2018