have time for our fun sisterhood activities. We love pizza parties or movie nights, and we enjoy catching up on our weekly activi- ties with each other during these events. Whether it's helping our community, attending socials, or getting down and dirty with intramurals, Thcta Omega stays busy with our calendar full of events!
Theta Pi
Wagner College
Our chapter loves CR activities. We always have fun and realize that even though we know so much about each other, we can learn so much more. We learn a lesson by having fun, and we then try to apply the lesson to the business aspects of AOII. It could be something as simple as playing
Upsilon Lambda
U ofTexas - San Antonio
Upsilon Lambda's favorite thing to do is spend time together whenever we can. Whether it is at a Creek flag football game, a spaghetti dinner, or an 80's movie night, we simply enjoy sharing favorite memories and making new ones. We have never been closer!
U of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Zeta Chapter enjoys doing sisterhood events that range from guessing the name of the person on your back by giving that person clues to having a candle passing after dinner. We all definitely love going to the Husker football games together. Many of us hang out on a regular basis. Whether it's to go shopping, to the movies or just out to eat at our favorites restaurants, we always enjoy being with our sisters.
c legate Zeta Kappa
SouthwestTexas State U
Sisterhood! We have the best sisterhood events. A few of these include a sisterhood retreat with another chapter (Upsilon Lambda), a Christmas party with another sorority (Delta Gamma), a comedy club outing, and a night for pizza and games.
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
Our chapter most enjoys just spending time together doing absolutely nothing but being ourselves. Our chapter has very unique girls with unique personalities, and we have the most fun when we are all just sitting around with each other and those different personalities shine. Our fondest memories of each other will be sitting in the chapter room late at night just talking
AOII jeopardy. us laugh.
Being together just makes
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
The chapter enjoys doing philanthropic events the most We host a "Bowling for Roses Tournament" to benefit Arthritis Research. Almost every
organization on the cam-
pus of the U of Toledo
looks forward to this
event every year. Basically
we rent out a bowling
alley and every organiza-
tion can have a maxi-
mum of 6 people per
team, $30 per team.
Every girl in the chapter
gets contributions from
local establishments to
have food and a raffle. We
also get sponsors which
are $50 each. Everyone
enjoys one game and we
have two winners — a
guys' and a girls' team.
This year we raised over
$1000 for Arthritis
Research from this phil-
Theta Seta (Towson U) members take a trip to the National Zoo in Washington DC to visit the Panda Exhibit.
and acting silly.
It's what we do best!
To Dragma/FALL 2002
Idea Sharing;
A Salute to an Outstanding Member
For this issue, we have again offered
our alumnae chapters the opportunity
to salute one of their own members. These are the women who keep the
local chapters ninning; or their AOII enthusiasm is so contagious, their ) whole chapter benefits. We thank them.
Susanne Ofiaro Banks, Beta Gamma, is a people person! You can tell by her warm smile, her sense of humor, and her gracious mannerisms. She is a lesson for all of us in finding the perfect job to match one AOIFs personality. As Director of Volunteer Services for the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, she is responsible for placing volunteers at the hospital - 650 peo- ple in 2000! Susanne exemplifies the words "Let your light so shine before men." She shines when she mentions her two teenagers. She shines when she organizes our chapter AOII philanthropy projects.
She shines with an easy demeanor and car- ing words when visiting cancer patients. This remarkable woman began her career in the hospital field with the American Bed Cross as a "Donut Dolly" in Korea and went on to be responsible for blood donations in eleven counties. She has been awarded numerousawardsforheractiveparticipa- tion in the community and her children's schools. This gregarious woman appears in many local theatrical productions and sings in a quartet and with her church choir. She is a walking billboard lor AOII wearing rose shirts and proudly displaying her college
Lori Andersen is an alumna from the University of Kentucky who was initiated in
1990. She has been an active member of our alumnae chapter for years, serving as membership chairman, public relations offi- cer, historian, president, and currently as our treasurer. She is very dedicated to her hus- band, Morten, and son, Tyler. Lori works in sales for Old Dominion Box Company from her home so that she may give her love and attention to her young son. hi addition to serving as our treasurer, she maintains an email list so that we are all about to keep in touch. We are proud to salute Lori as an outstanding member of our chapter!
Chicago City
Chicago City would like to salute our very active member Kristin Walters. Kristin is our Vice President of rV ogramming and works long hours to plan exciting activities and events. Her duties include planning a monthly lunch and dinner as well as coor- dinating the topic or activity for our monthly meetings. Kristin makes reserva- tions, buysticketsto baseball games and does all the little things to make the meet-
composite picture on her office wall! on, Susanne!
Chicago South Suburban
Our chapter honored Joan McGovem last year for celebrating 50 years with AOII. She is a great example of friendship, kind- ness, generosity and a loving spirit Joan is alwayscheeringusonandhasagreatposi- tive attitude about life. She is a great sister whom we feel honored to have as part of our group.
ChicagoWest Suburban
Cathy Lavigne is a member who has willing- ly volunteered for an office in our group ever since she joined us. She has worked hard on our chapter directory for two years now and has helped board members with projects even when she was not on the
To Dragma/FALL 2002
board. She whole heartedly takes on any- thing anyone asks her to do, and is truly loyal to our alumnae group. Cathy is presently our Becording Secretary.
Detroit N Suburban
Marcia Bowbottom, President of D.N.S. has made a search of community events look- ing for areas that would accept a small dedicated group to partner with them. She found a need in her neighborhood. When the Villa Homeowners Association asked forsmallpresentsforseniorstobrighten their days, she knew it was the right place for AOII to contribute. Her next communi- ty service partnering was with Furniture Resource charity. They needed helping hands and a gift to raise money. She saw a chance to give not only money and time but the AOII spirit of sisterhood to a section of the Oakland County community who
did not know AOII existed. Through her friendlymannerandwillingnesstowork long hours to find venues, Marcia helped showcase the AOII spirit to over 400 people during these two events.
Dina Willrning is a very enthusiastic and positive member. She is at our monthly activities consistently and is also involved at the collegiate level, as she is the adviser of Chi Lambda Chapter at U of Evansville.
Greater Jackson
Bethany Harless is a real estate broker by tradeandisagreatassettoourgroup. While she is constantly in the market for new clients, she is able to meet and greet those with AOII contacts. She has brought a number of new folks into our group and we are proud of her for that
Greater Pinellas
G-Pac thanks Betty Dyer, Gamma Sigma, for her friendship, encouragement, support and generosity in hosting meetings or socials at her home. She introduced fun
ings of her sisters a success. is a really good sport!
Her husband
friendship groups as a means of sharing sis- terhood outside of regular meetings. She is a loyal AOII who truly cares.
Hilton Head
since this chapter was reinstalled. Debi has served as treasurer for the last six years, been a hostess several times and organized two philanthropic projects: donations to a women's shelter, and a Tupperware party donation to benefit Classroom on Wheels. Debi is as dependable as they come and this chapter thanks her for her dedication.
alumnae n e w s president for our Alumnae Chapter. And
she does both well! She's always willing to go the extra mile and conducts her duties with professionalism and a heaping serving of fun and sisterhood. Thank you, Sarah.
NewYork CityArea
Sigrid Whaley, one of our oldest members, just celebrated her 50th anniversary as an AOII. We ordered her a 50-year pin and certificate and surprised her with the spe- cial Ritual ceremony and gifts at our Founders' Day brunch. Sigrid maintains her activity within our chapter and is a cherishedadditiontothegroup.Sheoften offers to host events at her home and has served as Historian/Scrapbook chairman in previous years.
Northern Kentucky
We would like to salute Monica Gardner as an outstanding member. Monica has taken on the office of treasurer for many years and continues to do a terrific job. Her reports are alwaysontimeandwedonotknowwhat we would do without her. Thanks Monica!
Northern Virginia
Helen McMahon - Helen is celebrating her 50th year as an AOII. Helen continues to participate in all of our events, as well as events with all of the other groups that she is a member. Helen was our Panhellenic delegateforover25years.Helenstill keeps some of the older alumnae in the chapter active and encourages them to attend events.
NY/NJ Metro
Trina Moumblow was one of our two Rose Award recipients at the International Convention in 2001 (Palm Desert, CA). She is a very active alumnae chapter member and we can count on Trina to make us laugh at every activity. She will always be seen with her trusty camera to document all our AOII events. She is a Theta Pi adviser and Corporation Board member as well and enjoys working with collegians. She is mar- ried to Bob and has two adorable boys, Robert and Ryan. We all know that Trina will be there whenever we need her.
Instrumental and continuously critical to the
"behind the scenes" work that keeps our
Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter going
is Jane Stitt Over the years she has served
in all officer positions in our chapter and
continues to serve as Treasurer among other
titles. She has given countless hours of her
time to ensure that we remain strong and
connected. Ouralumnaechapterwould
notexistwithouthertirelessefforts.Thank andworkwith.Wecanalwayscountonher
you, Jane, for exemplifying loyalty and lead- ership in our chapter and community. We
support and hard work at all of our events.
Long Island
Our chapter would like to salute Nancy Elliot for all her out-
love you!
We honor Janet McGeorge, our treasurer and vice president Janet has taken on these two offices in her first year in the alumnae chapter.Shehasbeenatreattogettoknow
standing contributions to the Long Island Alumnae Chapter. She currently holds the office of secretary and is our immediate past president Nancy
is always available with a smile and a
helping hand.
Middle Georgia
We would like to salute Kathy Culpepper. She ThesememberswereinitiatedbetweenthemidSOstoearly60s. isanoutstandingmem-
For the I2th straight year, seventeen members of Omicron (U ofTennessee) met for a reunion.
We would like to recognize Kandyce Harber, who has served as our chapter treasurer for several years. She was also honored by AOII
ber of our alumnae chapter as well as being an adviser of the
chapter at the U of Georgia. She spends sev- eral nights a week traveling back and forth to help with the Lambda Sigma Chapter. She also gives all she can to help the alum- nae chapter succeed. Thanks, Kathy.
Our chapter salutes Nancy Mannies, our Vice President She is an outstanding volun- teer at Ball Memorial Hospital and a faithful member of our chapter.
Nashville Area
Is there anything Sarah Creekmore can't do? She serves as the president of the Nu Omicron Corporation as well as the new
at the International Convention in
Lake County of Illinois
We salute Sue Ballinger for doing such a great job as our chapter's fund raiser. She not onlydonateshertime,butalsothepro- ceeds that she would normally receive by selling Tupperware.
Las Vegas would like to salute Debi Jacobson. Debi has been an active member
To Dragma/FALL 2002
^ Bp
" i ^ W
^ P H I •
alumnae nem
The Philadelphia AC salutes our VP
of Membership, Michelle Raybin Campbell. Recruiting and retaining members are always our top goals. It takes time and dedi- cation, not to mention a great cheerleader. Michelle is definitely our biggest cheerleader, and so much more. Whenever we get word of a prospective member, whether they con- tact us themselves or we hear about them through the grapevine, Michelle is on the phone with them in minutes. And more often than not, she gets them out to the very next meeting. Michelle has also spearheaded our newest recruitment event, a new mem- ber mixer every October, which has been especially effective in recruiting younger members. She truly is the "hostess with the mostest" Thank You, Michelle - we couldn't do it without you!
Sacramento Valley
Junior League of Pasadena, and looks for- ward to continued involvement in her com- munity. Weforeseea candle passing for Celeste and her long-time beau, Richard Riley. We salute Celeste Musick as an out- standing member of the San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Chapter.
Suburban Maryland
Angela Snider is the current FYesident of SMAC Angela, along with Iiz Mullican started with a list of local AOII phone num- bers and eventually got 35 charter members to join the Suburban Maryland Alumnae Chapter. Angela has served as VP of Programming, and is in her second year as President Angela has done all of this while working as a full-time mom, wife, Girl Scout Troop Leader, and Pampered Chef Kitchen Consultant This year she's doing all this while expecting a second child. The mem- bers of SMAC appreciate eveiything Angela has done throughout the years.
Tampa Bay
Julie Bishop is an outstanding member of the TBAC Her officialtitleis treasurer, but she is always willing to volunteer for other projects as well!
We want to say a special thank you to Fran Olin for everything she does; espe- cially sending out newsletters and keep- ing us in touch.
Toronto Area
We salute Dee Campbell, Gamma Chi. She recently served as Vice FYesident - Membership of the TAAC Dee Campbell is a strong leader and devoted sister. Her enthusiasm, creativity and drive are conta- gious ~ once her excellent ideas are in motion, there is no stopping her! She was
the drivingforcebehind our Reunion 2000, she is key in gaining donations and sponsor- ships for our golf tournament and she keeps us aware of new opportunities for volunteer- ing! Dee strives to grow our membership annually and does so with personal outreach to our members - past and present As sup- port to her collegiate sisters, Dee goes out of herwaytogiveitemsfortheirclothingdri- ves,financialsupport and, most importantly, her experience and friendship! Dee also gives volunteer time to the Girl Guides of Canada,asaPathfinderleader. Araregem, Dee works in the true spirit of charity.
Joy Lashley is without a doubt one of the most active and dedicated members of the Triangle Chapter. She was nominated and received an AOII Rose Award at the 2001 Convention for her service and dedication to AOII. She serves as an ANS for our chapter, as well as other chapters in the Southeast She can always be counted on to make sure things get done, and that we stay focused on our end goals.
We must mention one of our long-time members, Mary Gentry. She is there to remind us of how we have done things in the pastandtohelpuswithwaystoimproveon matters in the future. She has a practical sense and advises us on how to keep our chapter running on the straight path. She entertains us with stories ol her cooking stu- dents and trips she takes with them - hats off to Mary!
Judy Alkire has served in a variety of roles for AOII through the years. She has taken the last few years off from AOII to devote time to her church, Fair Oaks Presbyterian, where she and her husband I.any have served two terms as Admirals of the Fair Oaks Mariners, a church-wide couples' min- istry and fellowship group. She also is a member of the church choir, and works full- time as a pharmacist
Toledo Area
I would like to share with you a little about a very special Toledo Area Alumna, who was very deserving of our 2001 Certificate of Honor. This woman is incredible, she has been involved with AOII in one capacity or another for the past 30 years! It all began with her dedication with the AOII Mothers' d u b in the 1970s, serving as president During which she became very active in her daughter's AOII collegiate years, and, if I may quote her daughter "she's the best momintheworld." AOIIhassuchan impact in her life. This AOII mom was nom- inated by the Theta Psi Chapter to be the first Toledo Area Alumna Initiate, and was initiated in 1991. Our honoree became involved with the Toledo Area Corporation Board during its reorganization in 1993 and has served in various capacities through 1999 along with numerous positions in the alumnae chapter. Just ask and she's there to help. This special AOII is Helen Hatcher.
San GabrielValley
We salute Celeste Musick, Lambda Iota.
charter member of the SGVAQ Celeste was
voted Outstanding Member in 2001. In
addition to being an Alumnae President she
serves AOII as Recording Secretary of
Southern California Council, and Chapter
Relations Adviser for Lambda Beta Celeste
jumps to the task whenever something
needstobedone. Thisvearshehastaken
on the added responsibility of writing and distributing the chapter newsletter. Celeste reflects credit upon the Fraternity in all she does. As a victim advocate in Los .Angeles County, she assists crime victims through the criminal justice process and improving their lives. She also works part-time as a Clinique Consultant which enabled her to treat us to a makeover event last spring. Celeste recently joined Mary Ann Jenkins in the
To Dragma/FALL 2002
Sixty years of AOII cookies!
The table decorations at last year's Orlando Area Founders' Day luncheon caused quite a buzz, as each table was decorated with AOII letter shaped cook- ies. It was revealed that the cookies were made by Molly Boles Hill Folken (Omega '43), with cookie cutters handmade by her father, Chalmers B. Boles, husband of Jean Hill Boles (Pi '13). The cutters were made around 1940 when Jean and the Dayton, Ohio Alumnae Chapter were assisting Omega (Miami U) Chapter dur- ing recruitment. They were first used for a Dayton Founders' Day luncheon. Molly's sister, Betsy (Omega '45), mem- ber of the Greater Pinellas Florida Alumnae Chapter has been the keeper of the cutters for many years. When she heard about Orlando Alumnae assisting the colonization of our new chapter at Rollins College, she sent the cookie cut- ters to her sister to use. More than 60 years and coundess cookies later, the cut- ters are still serving AOII well.
Alumna Recieves Honor
Danica Rodemich Mathes has been selected as one of the St. Louis Business Journal's 30 Under 30 Class of 2002. 30
Under 30 recognizes 30 professionals in the St. Louis metropolitan area who already are on their way to being the next business generation of movers and shakers. Mathes is an Entertainment and Intellectual Property Attorney with Blumenfeld, Kaplan & Sandweiss, P.C. in St. Louis. A t 26, she has already worked with record label Maxjazz, rap sensation Nelly and the St. Lunatics, and Oscar-nominated film producer Buzz Hirsch. She graduated from DePauw U in 1998 with a B.A. in Communications and Music. There
she played in the Symphony Orchestra, was a member of two choirs that per- formed in Carnegie Hall and was a television reporter with the NBC affili- ate in Quincy, Illinois. Mathes
received her J.D. in 2001 from Washington University School of Law, where she was inducted into the Order of Barristers and was an Editor for the Washington University School of Law Journal of Policy & Law.
Distinguished AOII Alumna
Lana Garner Porter, Delta Omega (Murray State U), has been named a Distinguished Alumni by the universi- ty. She is president and chief execu- tive officer of epixtech inc., formerly Ameritech Library Services, the world leader in library information manage- ment systems. As the former presi- dent and CEO of Ameritech Library Services, she secured long-term financing to create epixtech inc. Porter has more than 25 years of experience in the software and telecommunications business, and supervised the installation of Poland's first cellular telephone system. She and husband, Michael have one daughter and live in Eola, Illinois.
50 Year Members Honored in Atlanta
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter honored their 50 year members at the chapter's annual "Birthday Luncheon" at the
Ansley Golf and Country Club in Midtown Atlanta. Twenty-nine 50-year members were honored, with 12 in attendance. Front row from left to right: Cordie Barksdale, Zadie Scott, Camilla Dickinson, Rosalyn Bering, and Bobbie King. Back row: Dee Allen, Adair Williams, Dot Wood, Josephine Wells, Jo Christian, Ann Edwards, and Laura Barre.
To Dragma/FALL 2002
The AonAlumna Initiate Program by Sherry Haman, Sigma Omicron, (Arkansas Stale U) AOII Alumnae Services Administrator
Do you know someone who graciously volunteers her time to a collegiate and or alumnae chapter? Do you know a unujue WOTTUUl in your family that would be an asset to our Fraternity?
Do you have a friend who shares the Same Values as Alpha Omicron H ? AOII is very proud to offer a program to women who share our philosophy and purpose to
becomeapart ofoursisterhood.
The AOII Alumna Initiate Program extends an invitation for membership beyond the traditional environment of our collegiate chapters across the United States and Canada. We offer women of various ages and situations the opportunity for member- ship as alumnae initiates. Our Alumna Initiate Program is available tor women who are not eligible to be collegiate members and are not members of another National Panhellenic Conference organization.
An alumna initiate becomes an initiated member of Alpha Omicron Pi for life. She is entitled to the same privileges enjoyed by all AOII alumnae members - eligibility to serve the Fraternity in any elected or volunteer capacity; participation in alumnae program- ming; plus a lifetime subscription to our Fraternity magazine, 7b Dragma.
The Alumna Initiate Program was revised in May 2002. By contacting the Alumnae Services Administrator at International Headquarters, you can request the following materials: Bevised Policy &Procedure Forms, Fees Schedule, Becruitment Guide (for spon- soring chapter or member), Alumna Initiate Information Brochure (for Alumna Initiate), Bid Day Card and Official Application.
Over 900 women have been initiated into AOIIs membership as Alumna Initiates, and the number continues to increase. As
women who share our objectives and friendship, we expect alumnae initiates to fully experience AOII membership by choosing to participate through an avenue of involvement suited to them.
They may choose to join an alumnae chap ter. By joining an alumnae chapter, it pro- vides a network of AOIIs with diverse ages, geographical backgrounds, collegiate chap- ters, professions, and interests. We share camaraderie while in pursuit of AOIFs ideals and community service.
They may choose to work with collegians. Accepting an opportunity to work with col- legians as an Adviser or as a mentor offers a unique occasion to both teach and learn from today's young women.
Alpha Omicron Pi's Alumna Initiate Program continues to provide sisterhood and opportunities to its members. Many women are already experiencing the benefits of AOII through this wonderful program. If you know a woman that would be an asset to our Fraternity, please consider the Alumna Initiate Program. It is a great way to include women who share our ideals and values to become a part of our sisterhood.
For additional information, contact Alumnae Services Administrator at AOII International Headquarters.
Who are Alumna Initiates ?
• Female friends and relatives of an AOII.
• Women who have given their time and talents to an AOII collegiate chapter.
• Former colony members and other past collegians who were pledged into an AOII collegiate chapter, but were not initiated.
What are the
membership requirements?
• Completion of at least one year of col- lege (may be waived by a vote of the Executive Board).
• One time fees - covering initiation, badge costs, and lifetime subscription to To Dragma. Additionally, alumnae chap- ters charge nominal local annual dues.
• All Alumna Initiate candidates must have a sponsor who they know person- ally and who lives locally.
f am forever grateful to the girls from Lambda Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi for giving me the oppor- tunity to share in the camaraderie of such a wonderful group of women. This is true from the girls here at Lehigh, to the wonderful women who now make up the newly formed AAC for Lambda Upsilon, to our Network Specialist and Director, to the national staff and ALL of the outstanding sisters I met at convention. I continue to thank the girls for giving me such a wonderful gift... the gift of friendship, love and sisterhood."
Elizabeth Marie Fisher, Initiated March 31,2001, Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U) S4 To Dragma/FALL 2002
2002-2003Alumnae Chapter
Canada Alberta
Kristy Manchul
eek56 Hidden Cr Park N W
Calgary ABT3A 6C6 (403)275-6062 [email protected]
Mary Ddpech 29l6Ticevalley D r Apt 8 Walnut Creek.CA 94595 (925) 932-6742
Ventura County
Mary Newman 2086 Laurarwood Dr Thousand Oaks. C A 91362
G e o r g i a
Marcy Gonzalez
Athens, G A 30605 [email protected]_ton.ga.us
Mary O'DonneS
10425WilliamTr (815) 623-2762
British Columbia Vancouver
Carolyn Rhee-lhompson
#802 Vancouver BC V6M4E2 (604)267-1795 [email protected]
Tracy Stork 8630 Niblick Drive Alpharett_,GA 3X22 (770)998-9932
4307 Maefield St Bloomington,IN 47404 (812) 876-9924
Gloucester, O N KIB3Y4 (613) 837-3361 [email protected]
Toronto Area
KnstjnaHunt 78 Holly SL# 1108 Toronto O N M4S3C9 (416)481-8225 [email protected]
(818) 349-4812
Long Beach
Anne Koo
[email protected]
Gail Blackwood
Dorval Quebec H9S 3JI (514)633-7087 geb_d<wocKf@rK_scapej'iet
United States A l a b a m a
Lottie Vfarx/ergow 39VillagePkwy Napa,CA 94558 (707)259-0626 [email protected]
Northern Orange County
Jan/e Crawford 9615LaCimaDr
Florida Muncie
KmberiySpeorf Pelham, AL 35124 [email protected]
2649 N Chandatar Ln (205) 664-8951
Des Moines
Tracey Krueger 1011 NE Hyacinth Ln Ankeny !A 50021 (515) 964-3046 Traceyk_50021 @yahoo.com
Judith Sharpe 2208 Shades Crest D r Huntsville. AL 35801 [email protected]
Greater Pensacota
Karen Stewart 12560 Ophelia Dr
K a n s a s
Tope ka-Lawrence Rhonda Beardshear Lawrence, KS 66044 [email protected]
313 East 17th (785) 841 -6850
Elizabeth DeWftt Mobile, AL 36606 [email protected]
2204 Dauphin Street (251) 471-9888
CynthiaYarbrough 7208 Brisbane Race Montgomery, AL 36117 (334)271-2327
redheadsmom 11 @aol.com
Dolores Rhodes 606 Highfield Rd
DorisAnn RudtsU
Bowling Green
Angela Lawrence 117 Wispering Hills Brvd Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 796-4922 [email protected]
Autumn Stith
3230 Silver Springs Drive #22 Louisville.KY 40220 (502) 499-1379 [email protected]
Kentucky Lakes
Rudy10221 @cs.com
1514 First Street Neptune Beach. FL 32266
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 [email protected]
(205) 247-5391
Orlando Area
Elizabeth McHale
A r i z o n a
Chandra Whafey
Phoenix. A Z 85050 [email protected]
(270) 534-1705
3017 BlenheimWay (859) 296-9888
Northern Kentucky
AngelaZegefrneyer 3211WoodwardSt Erlanger, KY 41018 (606)727-4577 [email protected]
Baton Rouge
Elaine Elk 4713 Beech Harbor Dr
Chnstjna flores 424 E Yvon PI Tucson. A Z 85704 (520) 795-2396 [email protected]
South Bay/Palos Verdes
Dana Miter 2207APullmanLane Redondo Beach.CA 90278
(310) 318-2677 [email protected]
Southern Orange C o
Betty Colby 2939 Bonanza San Clemente.CA 92673
Sarasota Area
MiChek Setmer 7284 N Serenoa Dr Sarasota, FL 34241 (941)922-4500 mmbettner2@comcas_net
Tampa Bay
ToshaWcters 1195 57th St N Saint Petersburg. FL 33710
(727) 345-8560 [email protected]
Quad City Area
A r k a n s a s Jonesboro CarolynWyatt Jonesboro, AR 72401 [email protected]
5750 Larch St
7033 Hemlock St
27 Bumdale Rd
Southern Connecticut
Angela LeBeds 7 WhiteWoods Ln W estpoaCT 06880 (203)454-1637 [email protected]
Southern Delaware
AfyssaSimon 4 PlymouthCourt Lewes.DE 19958 (302)6444034 [email protected]
6 Linden Drive (912)352-0220
10154 Breezy Point Dr (317) 585-6960
125 CloverdaJe Apt 4
Muncie, IN 47304 jmcfariand@_Tieritech.net
4356 E Briles Rd (480) 419-4077
Palm Beach County
Nancy Munson 106 Coventry Place Palm Beach Gardens.FL33418
(561) 694-9984 [email protected]
Lake County of III
3629 Blueridge Cir (501) 932-1155
2122 South 39th (217)222-5907
Little Rock Area
jane Prather 1000 N Cleveland St Litde Rock. A R 72207 (501) 663-2473 [email protected]
To Dragma/FALL 2002
East Bay
Leah MocNeH
[email protected]
Greater Los Angeles
Francheska Anderson 9338 Geyser Ave NorthridgeXA 91324
Long Beach. CA 90807 [email protected]
WhittierCA 90603 [email protected]
Palo Alto
Bloomington, IL 61701 [email protected]
2105 Harbortown Circle Champaign, IL 61821 mrjohns I@uiucedu
Chicago City
(309) 287-4198
Stephanie Putnoky
C o n n e c t i c u t
Greater Hartford
Linda Stroud One Willard St
Middle Georgia
RebeccaTjga 2288 Briar-cliffDr
4686 N Banner Dr #4
Lon Elizabeth Castdkxri 1551 Granger Way Redwood City. C A 94061 (415) 365-6837 Loriange@worldnet_itt.net
Sacramento Valley
Kathenrte Farmer 10308 Rinda Dr Rancho Cordova. C A 95670 (916)366-6825 [email protected]
San Diego
Mefcjnie Rasnck
12047 Mahogany Isle Lane
Terre Haute, IN 47803 [email protected]
(812) 877-9854
831 Allerton C t (858) 488-4353 [email protected]
San FernandoValley
Mary Kenney 5235 Kester#l 10 Sherman Oaks.CA 91411
(818) 386-0936 [email protected]
San GabrielValley
Cynthia\foienaa 6711 N LongmontAve San Gabriel.CA 91775 (626)451-6562 [email protected]
San Jose
Pensacota, FL 32506
Greater Pinellas
(813) 360-8442
(904)246-7170 jrnalsobrook@yahoacom
San Diego. C A 92109
10221Tarpon Drive Treasure Island FL 33706
StaceyAnne King
San Jose. C A 95128 [email protected]
San Mateo
518 Appleton PI (407)366-6953
jo Hawiey
JudithRessner 510 Capital Ln Gumee.IL 60031 (847)223-7827
1311MonteroAve BurlingameXA 94010 (650)342-7085
1970 Randolph Drive (408)295-8686
OviedaFL 32765 [email protected]
2838 Greenwood Acres D r
DeKalbJL 60115 (815)756-3366
[email protected] [email protected]
(805) 492-3854
[email protected]
340 Red Fox Run (706)227-0476
Roscoe, IL 61073 [email protected]
Denver Atlanta Bloomington
ChrvTomsula 10834W 79th Place
ArvadaCO 80005 (303)467-0957
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
SimsburyCT 06070 [email protected]
Fort Lauderdale
B o a Raton, a [email protected]
Bloom ington-Normal
AliciaDust l3l4NrellAve
Judith McFanand
3515W Godman Ave (765)284-9449
Greater Lee County
Terre Haute
Monna Egien
5124 Knightsbridge Court
FortMyers.FL 33913 [email protected]
Greater Miami
Miami.FL 33177 [email protected]
jan Mitchell
Lexington, KY 40503 Tucson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Baton Rouge, LA 70817 [email protected]
12237 SW 210 St (305) 281 -1755
Amy Mice/
617W Drummond Place #3BE Chicago, IL 60614 (773)244-6425 [email protected]
Chicago N W Suburban Alumnae
Judith Zawacke 1302 W Palatine Rd Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (847)253-5538 heyjudeatl302@a_.net
Chicago South SuburbanAlumnae
EvaJaBoay 22924 Sunriver Drive Frankfort,IL 60423 (815)464-9840 [email protected]
Chicago W est Suburban
juBe Oberdmg 510 Campbell Ct
Gordon, GA 31031 [email protected]
Allison Hers Savannah, GA 31405 [email protected]
Newburgh,IN 47630 [email protected]
Fishers,IN 46038 colleen_rmr^[email protected]
Oirisftne Thayer
3830 NorthWfestShaferDr
Monticello IN 47960 (219)583-7821 [email protected]
Wheaton, IL 60187 [email protected]
Linda Munson
(630) 665-2671
MicheleSapp Moline.IL 61265 [email protected]
Jennifer Drew
Quincy.IL 62305 [email protected]
I d a h o
Mary McCune
PocatellcID 83201 (208)233-8467 [email protected]
30 Colgate
2521 13thAvenue (309)797-1874
Leah Rnhrboch
KeSy Scruggs 5935 Majestic Oak D r
Paducah. KY 42003
Numnae Chapter Presided
Central Louisiana
Sandy Oesthecher
Alexandria,LA 71303 [email protected]
Greater Lafayette
6 0 8 W Shore D r (318) 443-3353
Greater Jackson
Johanna McMuttan
912 Newiand Street (601) 956-2526
NewYork Capital Region
AndreaLoran 4 Normanside Dr
Bucks County
Kathleen Knffel
Washington Crossing, PA 18977
(215) 321 -4193 [email protected]
Greater Harrisburg
KarenAnthony 4 W Green St Shiremanstown,PA 17011 (717)763-9585 karen@acamort_ige.com
Lehigh Valley
Laura Segers 3811 Shipman Ln SpringTX 77388 (281)353-8306 [email protected]
N Houston Suburban
Cynthia Simpson 1707 Mercoal
MaryThomas 201 Bambi Dr
204Tanner Drive (662)234-3292
PhoebeMoll 202W 81st St# 5D
Lafayette, LA 70503 [email protected]
Hammond Area
Oxford. MS 38655 [email protected]
New York. NY 10024 plmoll23@hotmail,com
NY/NJ Metro
(917) 488-8801
SpringTX 77386 [email protected]
San Antonio
janin Johnston 86 Rosedown D r Destrehan. LA 70047 (504) 764-1319 [email protected]
St. Louis
April Gesmann
Saint Peters, M O [email protected]
LauraMonegan 961VictoryBSvd#7S Sraten Island, NY 10301 (718) 727-4503 [email protected]
Denise Sanchez 4903AliAvenue#l SanAntonio.TX 78229
(210) 614-5878 [email protected]
Monroe, LA 71203 [email protected]
New Orleans Area
Lee O'Neal 9756 S. Dante Circle
Aiysta Fortier 300Transcontinental D r Metairie,LA 70001 (504)780-8578 [email protected]
Heidi Dougherty Bozeman. MT 59715 [email protected]
North Carolina Charlotte
Kathryn Stevenson
9525 Arborview Court Charlotte. N C 28269 sks699@earthlinknet
Greater Greenville
State College
Anne Rohrbach 619 E FairmountAve StateCollege,PA 16801
(814)237-1920 [email protected]
South Carolina
Paige MacMeekin
311 Harbor Pointe Dr Apt5
Mt Pleasant SC 29464 (843) 856-8715 [email protected]
Hilton Head
Wendy Methvin 6 Saxton Ln
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 (843)689-9554 [email protected]
Northern Virginia
AmieeCold 12211 Densmore Court Lake Ridge.VA 22192 (703) 670-2107 amieegold [email protected]
Virginia Tidewater
Misty Colvin
744 GreenTree Or Apt 201 Chesapeake.VA 23320
(757) 548-5632 [email protected]
DeJlo Shefton 111 Kings Grant D r Yorktown,VA 23692 (757) 875-9579 della.shefton@coxnet
W a s h i n g t o n
Columbia Basin
Dyan Woodward 2634 Scottsdale PI Richland.WA 99350 (509) 375-4056 [email protected]
Palouse Washington
Carol Nelson 202 Ryde Road Farmington,WA99l28 (509)635-1576 [email protected]
SbefoSh-fa 75I8SE I5lst Ave #2-7 RentoaWA 98058 (425)235-4649 [email protected]
Maryland Baltimore
Kathleen Campanella Sykesville, MD 21784 [email protected]
Central Maryland
6l4Trixsam Road (410) 795-6287
Northwest Montana
Jennifer Roberts 513 Jan Rd Millersville,MD 21108 (410)987-0280 Jennifer I [email protected]
Suburban Maryland
HopeTpton 4 Pinemont Place # I- D
MackenzieGreen 1023W IstSt Grand Island N E 68801 (308) 382-0233 [email protected]
Susan Margaret Vaccaro
6640 Old Dominion Road
Lincoln.NE 68516 (402) 420-5434 [email protected]
Saroh Roth
1892 North 115th Plaza #3924 Omaha,NE 68154 (402)827-7199 [email protected]
Piedmont - N C
LsaCWe 16MillPathLn Greensboro, N C 27407
Bakimore.MD 21236 [email protected]
2533 Bay Harbor D r (919) 231 -9434
jean Larson 150 Nottidge Court Clemmons,NC 27012 (336) 766-7994 [email protected]
Greater Portland
Nancy Chard 35 CandlewyckTerrace
(865) 523-0381
PortlandME 04102 [email protected]
Ann Arbor DonnaMcCollum
Saline. Ml 48176 [email protected]
Aftene Kak 20665 W Grosselle. Ml 48138 tayiorsisu@ao!.com
Detroit N Suburban
To Dragma/FALL 2002
336 Crestway Court (734)429-8106
Las Vegas
Sarah Arnold
LasVegas,NV 89121 (702)247-4598 [email protected]
Central New Jersey
JillBengis 31 Canada Goose Drive Hacketistown.NJ 07840
(908) 684-3145 [email protected]
jersey Shore
LisaEde 7 Cutter Dr
3901 BerangerCt
(513) 688-0331
Martia Rowbottom 1384Villa Birmingham, Ml 48009 (248)644-6963 [email protected]
Grand Rapids
Jennifer WbV/jfe 12409 128th
Grand Haven.MI 49417 (616)847-6084 [email protected]
Macomb Count/
MarilynAndreint l403Yorkshire Rd Gross Pointe Park, Ml 48230
(313) 884-3402 [email protected]
Minneapolis/St Paul
Christine Berqutst 189 Penisula Rd Medicine Lake, MN 55441
(763) 593-5068 [email protected]
Greater Hattiesburg Area
Michete Keen PO Box 85 Ellisville,MS 39437 (601) 477-2494 [email protected]
1955 Radcliffc Dr (440) 835-4427
River Rd
(734) 676-5575
Cleveland Area
UndoStandish 28850 Gates Mills Blvd Pepper Pike. O H 44124
W i s c o n s i n Madison
WhitewaterWI (262) 473-7332
2312 Andrew Rd Kettering,O H 45440 (937)439^1083
Jackson,MS 39211 [email protected]
Albany.NY 12208 [email protected];corn
NewYork City Area
Sharon Lee Berger Kalispell.MT 59901
208 RiverView Drive (406)755-1440
Alexandria Kinney 2917 Cedar Creek
Ocean, NJ 07712 lisa@micro-teckcom
Austin.TX 78759 [email protected]
196 Black Lantern Ct 63376 (636)240-9631
Shown Mengel
Monroe Rochester Utah
Penny Hakim 3707 Sabine St
Greater Kansas CHy
MargaretAdams 9036 N LaneAvenue Kansas City, M O 64157
(816)407-9523 [email protected]
Gynnts Siskind 1679W est Point Pike
Lansdale.PA 19446 (215)616-0433
[email protected] terryoneal@earthlinknet
2425Turkey Red Ln (406)585-0237
3235 Dawnflower St # C
New Mexico
Central New Mexico
Kathleen Adams 816 SilverAve SE Albuquerque. NM 87102
(505) 224-9535 [email protected]
New York
Renee Rocchio-NigTo 420X1Thornwood Lane Wllliamsville.NY 14221 reneen [email protected]
[email protected] Beaumont Lynn Martin
8115 Medinah Drive
Long Island
Smrthtown. NY [email protected]
Patricia Bojinoff
Portland.OR 97216 (503)252-5182 [email protected]
Dallas,TX 75370 [email protected]
3Ward Dr
(631) 724-4066
8815 SE Taylor St
GreaterTarrant County
AdinaRich 6721 Camarron Lane PlanaTX 75024 (972) 491 -3405 [email protected]
Denise Anthony 71 Fallingbrook Rd FairportNY 14450 (716)425-4515 [email protected]
Salt Lake City
Rd. Apt #14 (252) 752-5673
Greenville.NC 27834 [email protected]
(336) 855-6061
[email protected]
Shawn Fenimore
Raleigh. N C 27604 [email protected]
T ennessee
Allison Gift
Knoxville, T N [email protected]
Memphis Area
O h i o
KariaWhite Cincinnati.OH 45255 [email protected]
Jamie WhMngton 6 Archway Circle DicksonTN 37055 (615)446-2722 [email protected]
Murireesboro Area
Janna Heliums 2307WoodridgeTrail MurtreesboroJN 37130
(615)217-4601 [email protected]
Nashville Area
Sarah Creekmore
444 BmingtonAveAptl 16 NashvilleTN 37205 (615) 269-6186 [email protected]
T exas
MefesaTsi 10306 Morado Cove# 118
(216) 765-0739
[email protected]
Cleveland W est Michelle Snevel
W estlake, O H 44154 [email protected]
N7640 RidgeRd 53190
[email protected]
Janice Daniels
Forming Alumnae Chapters
Alumnae Chapters are forming in the following areas. Contact Sherry Haman. AOII Alumnae Services Administrator for more informa- tion,[email protected] or (615) 370-0920.
Central Kentucky Bluegrass Central Oklahoma Honolulu, Hawaii
Northeast Arkansas/ Northwest Oklahoma Northern Colorado Richmond.VA
Santa Barbara, CA Shreveport Area,LA West Central Ohio Youngstown Area
Toledo Area
Beaumont,TX 77707 [email protected]
(409) 840-6822
3747 Hampstead Dr (419)841-6137 [email protected]
Sytvania,OH 43560
Oklahoma Tulsa
Hannah Henley TulsaOK 74136 [email protected]
Jacquefyn Cashdokir 2104 Cotton Mill Dr McKinneyTX 75070 (214)726-1949 [email protected]
4404 E 79th St (918)491-1912
Denton County
Nicole DeBusk
165 N 8th St Bangor.PA 18013 (610)588-8915
PO Box 701752 (972)820-7055
Sandy, LIT 84092 (801)733-6707
Your opinion
We believe it is important to regularly check the needs and interests of our members in order to serve you better. With that in mind, we are asking you to take a couple minutes tofiM out thefoUoiving questionnaire and tell us hoivimportant ToDragma istoyou andwhat sectionsyou readmostoften.
IIow often do you read To Dragma? Always
Occasionally Rarely Never
What sections do you read most often? (Always -1; Sometimes - 2; Never - 3)
President's Letter (AOII Perspective)
Fraternity News
Collegiate News or Collegiate Idea Sharing Alumnae News or Alumnae Idea Sharing Foundation News or Annual Report
Member Information Lists (50 yr.,75 yr., Deceased Members, Bragging Rights, etc)
Feature Articles
Member Profiles
Emporium Merchandise Ads Other
What would you like to see more of in To Dragma?
Have you ever visited the AOII website? • www.alphaomicronpi.org:
yes. If yes, how often?
no. Ifno,why?
Sisters Online (member's only section of above site): yes. If yes, how often?
no. If no, whv?
* Tlie Sisters Online (members' only) area of the AOII website
has recently been updated. Usingyour member number on your To Dragma mailing label, log on to Sisters Online today
at www.alphaomicronpi.org)
Currently, a few articles from each To Dragma issue are post- ed on the public website. If the entire magazine were to be posted on the AOII website, would you be more or less likely to read it?
I would be more likely to read the magazine on the website than in the version mailed to my house.
I would be less likely to read the magazine on the website than in the version mailed to my house.
To Dragma is currently mailed 4 times a year to every AOII. Do you believe a quarterly magazine is:
Too frequent
Not frequent enough
The appropriate number of issues
On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the highest) how would you rate the following:
The quality of To Dragma
The importance of ToDragma to you as a member The importance of the AOII website to you as a member The importance of AOII staying in touch with you
General Comments?
Your year of initiation
Phase return by November 15,2002
by mail: To Dragma Editor, Alpha Omicron Pi, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, 77V 37027;
orbyfax: (615)371-9736.
'The PDF version oftins questionnaire can also befound on the AOII website, wivw.alphaomicronpi.org.
To Dragma/FALL 2002 57
wAsix aMfan m n M n ulpliaiink jz=jLz-zjr .^£=£7
the new sisters onlin
Visit Sisters Online today!
A newly redesigned area of our website was created for AOIIs only and is divided into three sections. The first, My AOII, is filled with fun information for all of our members. The second, Officer Resources is the place for any AOII officer to find helpful information at the click of a mouse. The third area is AlphaLink, AOIFsinnovativeonlinereportingsystemforofficersonly.YourAOIImembernumberisrequiredforentry into these areas and can be found on your 7b Dragma mailing label.
This is the site for fun and sisterhood! There are many interesting facts and resources to find here, with creative ways to share our sisterhood and friendship!
We are pleased to provide the My AOII Scrapbook. This will be updated regularly and will feature photos submitted by AOII members. Follow the guidelines on the site for submitting your photos to the Scrapbook
Ihe Sharing News section consists of bulletin boards where members may post information, ask questions or share stories with other sisters. Spend a few minutes each time you visit My AOII to read what other sisters have to say and feel free to add your comments. Just a few of the board topics include: Class Notes, Brag Board, Business Card Exchange, Looking for Lost Sisters and Sisterhood Stories.
Keep in touch by sending an e-card to a sister. Fun e-cards are availabletosendtoasisteracrosstownoracross theworld.
Check out the FAQ page to learn things like "Why don't we call it 'rush' anymore?"
Need a MIF? This is where you can download a Membership Information Form to print on your home printer.
Our database keeps traik of birthdays of registered Sisters Online visitors. Birthdays lists are posted month by month. Surprise a sister on her birthday by sending an e-card.
What arc AOIFs goals and plans for the corning year? Read the latest updates on Executive Board meetings. You will find these things and much more when you visit My AOII.
Officer Resources
This exciting area of our site has been developed to proxide quick, easy and up-to-date resources to benefit all AOII officers.
What are the duties of your office? What
reports do you have to complete? What
AOII resources are available to help you
do your job? These questions and many
others will be answered under each officer
section. To begin, select a category from
the tool bar such as Collegiate, Alumnae,
AAC, Corp or International, then select
your individual office within each area. There are also Bulletin Boards for you to share ideas and questions with like officers. AOII officers should visit Officer Resources often as new information, news and announcements will be posted regularly.
The third section of Sisters Online is AlphaLink, our online, paperless reporting system. Access to AlphaLink is allowed for AOII officers only. It is con- standy being updated and improved to make the task of reporting easier for our volunteers and chapters. All officersshouldalwaysbefamiliarwiththeirformsand duedatestomakethissystemrunefficiently.
To Dragma/FALL 2002
Who do you think should be "New Member Educator" or "Who should 1 nominate?" or "How will I know who they are, what they stand for, what their skills are?" or " I think I/we should let people who really know decide."
How many of us have heard these ques- tions? Often we receive them from newer initiates when it comes to chapter elections in large chapters. We also hear it on a much grander scale when it comes to AOH's election of international officers. Did you, or someone in your chapter, take this attitude recently? Is it too late to do something?
It is not too late to make a difference in your chapter, or to make a difference in AOII international elections. Here are the steps:
1. Take an interest Get to know your local sisters, your Network Specialist, and any other AOII who visits your chapter or
home. At the very least, you get a new friend lor your efforts.
2. Learn what special talents that sister possesses. Every one of us is special in some way!
3. Encourage your sister to share her skills with the Fraternity. She can start with local projects and offices or, if she is an alumna member, by completing an Application lor Volunteer Service on our Website (www.alphaomicronpi.org).
4. Give positive feedback to all sisters will- ing to share their time and talents with you and with the Fraternity. Give them the confidence which only a friend can instill. 5. Suggest to your chapter members, or to AOII International, that we take advantage of your sisters skills.
6. Don't forget yourself. YOU are special too. Be an example of how each of us is an important part of the whole that is Alpha Omicron Pi.
For such an easy process, we certainly have a lot of angst over who can lead us. Choosing leaders is not a seasonal activity,
but we tend to treat it that way. It's an ongoing sharing and evaluation of goals, commitment, and abilities. Doing your best to advance our interests is not realized with only part-time awareness and effort. You notice there are no deadlines with these steps. The process works for any position, volunteer, ad hoc, or elected. Yes, there are deadlines for each election's nominations, but the steps are for you to make a differ- ence in choosing a leader. That is a never- ending journey.
The future direction of your chapter and the Fraternity truly are in your hands— and it's all based upon what you have chosen to learn—about yourself, your sis- ters, your chapter, and the international organization. And, the realization of that future is in the combination of what each of us chooses to share.
by: Robin Lee BeltraminL Iota (V of Illinois) Guiirman oftheHuman Resources Committee and a member of the
Macomb County- Alumnae Chapter
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death: Please complete this form, indicating the change above and return to:
Zip/ Postal Code:.
Chapter/College where initiated:.
Place of Employment:
Zip/Postal Code:.
Alumnae Chapter:, Special Interests:
AOII International Headquarters, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 email the following information to: [email protected]
)_ email:
_Year Initiated:
)_ email:
.Current AOTT Office:.
Please help AOII save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 60<t, in addition to the original cost of mailing. Ifyou are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. Ifyou know of others who are not receiv- ing their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
To Dragma/FALL 2002 59
stay warm, be cool
in comfy long sleeve tees!
Show your pride in Alpha Omicron Pi!
^ to order visit www.aoiiemporium.com or call 1-800-746-7264^
141 Yellow Long Sleeve T-shirt w/navy and white letters. S, M, L, XL $28.00 347 Oxford Long Sleeve T-shirt w/red a n d navyletters. S,M,L,XL $28.00
110E Charcoal Fleece Alpine H a t w/red embroidery. $17.00
142 Oxford "Perfect Tee" w/burqundv AOII letters. M,L,XL $17.00
(A/so shown on page 6)
143 AOII Scrubs. Authentic Surgical Scrubs runlarge. S,M,L,XL $25.00
101 AOII Flip Flops. Sizes 5-10. (No 1/2 sizes) $20.00
18 Rose Picture Album. Holds 80 4X6photos. $12.00 19 Large Scrapbook/ Photo Album (acid free/20 pages). $20.0'
also available
I20RF Scrapbook Refill Pages. (12x12) (10/pkg.) Intended fo use with scrapbook #19. $5.00
Alpha Omicron Pi Emporium is AOII's official merchandise program. We offer over 400 AOII items to sisters worldwide.
All proceeds help to fund various AOII educational programs and offset Fraternity administrative costs.
Support your sisterhood and start shopping!
96LB AOII "Pout Protector" Lip Balm. (Strawberry flavor) $3.00
96 "Sniffs"TissuePack.$3.00
scuba dub dub. pamper yourself!
47T AOII Hand Towel. 100% Cotton. $10.00 I01A Terry Cloth Slippers w/red embroidery.
(One size fits all) $21.0
173 White Towel Wrap. 1 0 0 % Cotton
Terry Velour. (onesize) $24.00
I73R Red Towel Wrap. 1 0 0 % Cotton
Terry Velour. (onesize) $24.00
82B AOII Bath Salts in decorative bottle. $7.50
on the move!
for your copy of the free
20 page emporium catalog call 1-800-746-7264
70p 70M 70D
to order ca 1-800-746-726^ or visit aonemporium.com
2 0 9
Red Hooded Sweatshirt w/tall
letters. M, L,XL $32.00
2 0 9 N Navy Hooded Sweatshirt w/tall letters. M, L,XL $32.00 225 Oxford Classic Hooded Sweatshirt. M , L, XL $32.00
14 AOII Key Lanyard. $5.00
16 Canvas Checkbook Cover, $5.25
I6B Panda Design Checkbook Cover. $3.50 I6L Leather Checkbook Cover. $15.00
57BP Backpack Pen. Cushioned for comfort, the "never-lost"
pen conveniently hooks to your backpack! 70 Plaid Ribbon Kevchain. $3.00
70D Pewter Kevchain. $7.00
70H Bubble Letter Kevchain. $5.00
70M Mini Letter Kevchain. $4.00
70P Beaded Panda Kevchain. $4.00
70R Luggage Tag. $2.00
70S Engraved Silver Kevchain. $12.00 I07LT Engraved Silver Luggage Tag. $16.50 II9A Panda Design LP. Kevchain. $3.00 II9F Leather I.D. Kevchain. $10.00
1191 Traditional I.D. Kevchain. $2.50
I 19V Canvas I.D. Kevchain w/velcro. $4.50
double felt letter sweatshirts
fall forecast: hooded sweats!
213 Oxford Hooded Sweatshirt w/Red and Navy Sewn on Letters. M,L,XL $40.00
217 Oxford Hooded Sweatshirt w/Columbia Blue and White Sewn on Letters. M,L,XL $40.00
177 Yellow Garment Dve Sweatshirt w/charcoal sewn on
letters. Heavy, pre-washed fabric makes sweatshirt super soft.
You have to feel it to believe it. (Sweatshirt is oversized. Order one size small- er.) S,M, L $46.00
192 Granite Sweatshirt w/cardinal sewn on letters.
193 Cardinal Sweatshirt w/charcoal sewn on letters.
S, M, L, XL $36.00
S, M , L, XL
AO/7V '^tT M
Sterling Silver Jewelry
64J Sterling Snake Chain. (18 in.) $9.00 239J Sterling Lavaliereon Beaded Chain.
(18 in. chain) $15.00
301J Engraved Oval Bracelet. $32.00 304J Dome Ring. Sizes 6,7, 8 $30.00 306J Faith.HopeandCharityNecklace.
SterlingSilvercharmson18"chain. $28.00
309J Ring w/Continuous AOII. Sizes 6,7, 8 $16.00
3I3J Engraved Bracelet. $30.00
3I6J Engraved Square Ring. Sizes 6,7, 8 $20.00
3I7J Engraved Ball Drop Earrings. $15.00
3I8J Engraved Square Pendant. $19.00
320J Engraved Oval Pendant. $19.00
321J Engraved Square Bracelet. $32.00
322J Choker. $22.00
324J Engraved Round Pendant. $19.00
326J Hematite Toggle Bracelet w/charm. $42.00
334J Sterling Toggle Bracelet. (Tiffany Style) $48.00 336J Toggle Necklace w/AOII & rose dangle. $30.00 338J Oval Lavaliere on beaded 18" chain. $14.00
339J Whimsical Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $33.00 343J Cuff Bracelet. $35.00
352J Rectangular Link Bracelet. Sterling Silver. $49.00 357J Large Multicolor Bead Bracelet
w/Sterling Silver charm. $32.00 363J Primary Bead Bracelet
w/Sterling Silver charm. $30.00 388J Large Pearl Bracelet
w/Sterling Silver charm. $20.00 389J Fresh Water Pearl Bracelet
w/Sterling Silver charm. $30.00 39IJ Sterling Silver Child's Legacy Braclet
6 inches (Not recommended for children under three years o f age.) $ 18.00 (Also shown on page 17)
392J Large Bead Multi-Crystal Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $38.00
393J HandcraftedAntiquedDesignRing. SterlingSilver. Sizes6,7,8 $30.00
394J Turquois Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $40.00 395J Black Crystal Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $40.00
FREE Catalog
In order to safeguard the use of our federally registered trade- marks and to guarantee quality products, Alpha Omicron Pi is has entered into a trademark licensing agreement with Affinity Marketing Consultants.Weencourage membersofAOIItobuy AOII products from the AOII Emporium, but if that is not a pos- sibility, please buy products that display the GLP logo. Be sure to look for the Officially Licensed Creek Product logo when shopping at local shops and bookstores.
order toll free:
Monday thru Friday 9to5 est.
Or Call: 615-370-0920 Fax To: 615-695-2677
mail order to:
A O n International Headquarters 5390 Virginia Way. Brentwood. T N 37027
email order to:
[email protected]
order online:
Emporium's online catalog
sparkle and shine
in these campus favorites.
170 Spice Baby Doll Tee w/rhinestones. M, L, XL $16.00 I70R Red Baby Doll Tee w/rhinestones. M , L, XL $16.00
Most orders shipped within 48 hours. We guarantee quality merchandise.
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Price Each
TN residents add 9,25% sales tax
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$0 to $5 $5.01 to $25 $25.01 to $50
$50.01 to $75 $75.01 to $100
$4.00 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00
Shipping & Handling (see chart)
Total amount enclosed
Please add $200 for
every $25 after $100.
•Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping & handling changes-
Thank you! Emporium sales benefit AOFI!
^ to order visit aoiiemporium.com or call 1-800-746-7264
I23P Oxford Polar Fleece Blanket w/black and white check gingham letters. Black carrying straps included. 48x56 inches $40.00
I23C Navy Sweatshirt Blanket. Blanket rolls with string tie for storage or carrying (54x84 inches) $35.00
348 Navv Flannel Lined Anorak w/white stripe. S, M, L,XL $48.00
342 Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/red stripe. S, M, L, XL $48.00
344 Red Flannel
I. ined Anorak w/white stripe. S, M, L, XL $48.00
370 Navv Flannel Lined Anorak w/orange stripe. S, M, L, XL $48.00
191 Burgundy Flannel Lined Anorak w/navy stripe. Size M only. $48.00
190 Navv Flannel Lined Anorak w/yellow stripe. S, M, L, XL $48.00
I23T 100% Cotton Tapestry Throw. Emporium Exclusive features AOII heritage. Washable. Exclusively Designed.
48x65 inches $60.00
I04B Black Tote Bag. Perfect for Gift Packs and Bid Day! $10.00
39 AOII Banner. (28x42) Show your pride! Display at your next event. Nylon banner has 3 inch opening for hanging. $30.00
stripe anoraks:
a must-have!
40 Historical Poster. Memorabilia collage from AOII Archives. Information key included. 18X24 inches. (Limited Quantity) $12.00
356 Navv Flannel Lined Anorak w/forest stripe. M, L, XL $48.00
SS $25 10KS100
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To Order Call: 1-800-746-7264
Official Jeweler to Alpha Omicron Pi WWW.aoiiemporium.com
ALPHA OMICRON P I EMPORIUM S390 Virginia Way Brentwood,TN 37027