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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 15:46:07

1976 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LX, No. 9

1 A L P H A O M I C R O N PI „

District Superintendent's Report

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Fall, 1976 Vol. L X , No. 9

Published since January 1905 by
A L P H A O M I C R O N PI Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897


Selection of A O I I
2 Traveling Consultants and Special Assistants memorabilia now at
5 A O I I Texas State Day the Central Office. A
6 Regional Meetings special Historical Ex-
18 Three New Regional Vice Presidents Elected hibits Committee will
20 Letter f r o m the Executive Board be working on display
21 Alpha Omicron Pi Directory and further collection
29 Recipients of A O I I Arthritis Grants of historical items.
30 A O I I s Attend Meeting of the Arthritis Foundation
31 A O I I Diamond Jubilee Awards Mrs. Ronald L . Samuels
35 R T & J—The Beginnings and Purpose (Lynn Reagan,O)
36 Installation of Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter Guest Editor
37 A O I I in Miss Canada Pageant
38 Notes and Quotes f r o m A l u m n i

Jessie Wallace Hughan PI, the official organ of Alpha Omicron
Helen St. Clair Mullan Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omi-
Stella George Stern Perry cron Pi, at Williams Printing Company,
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 417 Commerce Street, Nashville, Tennes-
The Founders were members of Alpha see 37219. Subscription price is $1.00 per
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia copy. $3.00 per year. Life Subscription,
University and all are deceased. $25.00. Send change of address and
correspondence of a business nature to
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro Road,
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee 37212.
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 Address all editorial communications to
Telephone: 615-383-1174 the Editor: Editor, care of Central Office.
Second Class Postage paid at Nashville,

Traveling Consultants and Special Chapter
Assistants "Learn-By-Doing"

"OK, Traveling Consultants . . . 1
"What would you do if you arrived
at the airport (with your 18 suitcases) Traveling Consultants leave - to right: Chris
and were greeted by five collegians in a Masher, Joan Piper. Lower:
Volkswagen? Nashville to begin chapter visits. Top left
Marsha Murphy and Caroline Drury.
"What would you do i f you arrived
at a chapter the day before formal rush Piper (Sigma Rho); and SCAs Mary president and treasurer. Marsha Mur-
started and learned that the chapter Crawford (Lambda Beta) and Linda phey also was Zeta Psi's philanthropic
had not made any rush plans?" Russell (Chi Lambda). chairman. Marsha, who holds a degree
in physical therapy, was one of the
These and other heart-stopping, While attending graduate school, the few United States students selected to
"hypothetical" questions were among SCAs will each assist a particular chap- participate in an intern program in
those that confronted AOII's four ter in every phase of its operations. England's Stokes-Mandeville Hospital
Traveling Consultants and two Special Mary will work with N u Lambda in last spring. A budding photographer,
Chapter Assistants during their "learn- Los Angeles and Linda will assist Phi Marsha hails f r o m Manassas, Virginia.
by-doing" training session in Nashville. Omicron in Hanover, Indiana.
There are many reasons Joan Piper
Ensconced in the attractive N u Omi- Each TC and SCA got a "head start" wanted to be a Traveling Consultant,
cron Chapter lodge f o r two weeks in on her 1976-77 responsibilities through but, she kiddingly says, the main one
August, the TCs and SCAs fielded service to her own chapter as president. was to prove to "the outside w o r l d "
"what would you do if . . ." brain- This is the first time in several years that there really is a Slippery Rock
teasers, participated in hundreds o f that all of A O I I ' s TCs and SCAs are State College in Pennsylvania. Joan has
role-playing situations, learned group former collegiate chapter presidents. a degree in special and elementary edu-
dynamics games, brainstormed and cation from SRSC to prove it. Also a
were even schooled in the art of main- In addition to serving Theta Omega former chapter president and treasurer,
taining their sanity. as president, Caroline D r u r y was song Joan likes to hike and swim. Her home-
leader, philanthropic chairman and town is Pittsburgh.
They learned about the international pledge trainer. A native of Scottsdale,
and regional operations of A O I I , cor- Arizona, Caroline holds a degree in The SCAs are interesting folks, too.
porations, alumnae chapters, advisers, special and elementary education. Nash- M a r y Crawford served as president
collegiate chapter officers, Central Of- ville was an appropriate place for of Sigma Chapter at Berkeley, Califor-
fice, rush, rituals, travel tips and pan- Caroline to go f o r T C training. She nia, after transferring from Lambda
hellenics . . . among other things. They may go back there someday to record Beta in Long Beach, California. Mary's
built on their past experiences to gain her own songs. sister, A n n , also has served A O I I in
the broadest possible perspectives on various capacities. They are f r o m Long
their roles, the functioning of A O I I Although she describes herself as Beach.
and people in general. A n d they learned "just a little farm girl from Illinois."
how to exist without much sleep. Chris Mosher is not the least bit naive. An Indiana native, Linda Russell
Someday she would like to work in the was very active in student government
In short, the TCs and SCAs would areas of environmental protection, land at the University of Evansville. Linda,
probably say that training taught them use planning and conservation. A n agri- former president of Chi Lambda Chap-
more about A O I I than they had ever cultural sciences graduate, Chris served ter and Region IV's Collegiate Liaison
dreamed about wanting to know! Sigma Iota as treasurer and president. Committee member, received the re-

But more important than anything Another former collegiate chapter
else, each o f them learned that no one
expects them to know all the answers—
just where to find the answers.

Helping provide some answers—as
well as posing many questions-—were
several expert T C and SCA trainers:
International Secretary-Treasurer Mary
K. Moore, Administrative Director
Adele K. Hinton, former Region I I I
Vice President Mary Ann Caldwell,
1975-76 T C Frankie Gotlieb and T C
Program Coordinator Ginger Banks.

Not only did the trainers make the
trainees do some thinking, the opposite
was true, too.

Keeping the trainers on their toes
were TCs Caroline Drury (Theta
Omega). Chris Mosher (Sigma Iota),
Marsha Murphey (Zeta Psi) and Joan


Special Chapter Assistants Linda Russell and Mary Crawford discuss chapter operations with the new TCs.

gion's 1976 collegiate leadership award. sourcefulness, willingness to learn and a T C or SCA position, you may ob-
Each T C and SCA is selected on the dedication to the principles of Alpha tain information and application forms
Omicron Pi. I f you are interested in from Central Office.
basis of her enthusiasm, capabilities, re-

(Report on T C and S C A Training from Ginger Banks, U K , Traveling Consultant Program Co-ordinator)

Please send a Traveling Consultant Application To: 1




AOTT Texas State D a v

On January 31, 1976, A O I I alumnae *
f r o m around Texas gathered in Austin
f o r the first annual A O I I Texas State Barb Kramer, Regional Extension Officer, chats with alumnae before the start of
Day. Sponsored by the Austin Alum- Texas State Day activities.
nae Chapter, A O I I ' s convened f o r a
"family reunion" and discussed plans *
for future A O I I activities in the state.
Texas AOII alumnae looking through mementos from college days.
The day's schedule included a morn-
ing coffee, a luncheon, afternoon
discussion sessions, and an entertain-
ment hour. Mrs. Raymond Kramer,
Regional Extension Officer, was the
luncheon's guest speaker. I n ad-
dition, afternoon information ses-
sions were held on the following topics
and led by the following alumnae:
" A O I I on the Move: Changes in Inter-
national A O I I " (Mrs. Hugh Heflin,
Region V I I R V P ) ; "Sorority Trends on
the College Campuses in the Seventies"
(Ms. Ginger Banks, International Rush
Chairman); "Maintaining and Building
Effective Alum Groups" (Mrs. Tom
Spencer, Regional Director) and " A
Look at Our Ritual" (Ms. Deb Stanley,
former R D and traveling consultant).

In addition to an A O I I sing-along,
and the performance of skits by various
Texas alum groups, the state's sisters
spent time during the day discussing
plans for future A O I I expansion in
Texas at the collegiate and alumnae

Ms. Janet Brown. President of the
Austin Alumnae Chapter, was toast-
mistress for the occasion, while Mrs.
John Witherspoon and Ms. Marshal
Westfall were co-chairpersons in
charge of planning.

The day ended with the passing of
a loving cup in hopes that Texas State
Day would become a tradition.

Janet Brown, President of the Austin Alumnae Chapter & Toast- Ginger Banks presents honorary Texan certificates to Grace
mistress for the 1976 AOII Texas State Day, kicks off the State LaMarca (Regional Finance Officer) and Carol Barrow (Regional
Day luncheon with a toast to all Texas alumnae. Director from Oklahoma).


Philadelphia Backdi


Visiting Liberty Bel! pavilion are Elaine Britton, Theta Pi, Kristine Burjeind, Phi Kappa,

Allentown-Bethlehem Alumnae, and Debra Clark, Gamma.

by Laura Palmer Perry. Lambda Sigma The Trustees sponsored "The Jubilee
Room," a hospitality suite where pic-
Region I met on the campus of the tures of the 17 girls receiving scholar-
University of Pennsylvania. June 5-7. ships this year were displayed, litera-
under the chairmanship of Carole Wat- ture was available, and members were
ters ( E A ) . She was assisted by Joan entertained and interviewed as to,their
Simonin (Psi) in charge of registration, attitudes toward and recommendations
housing, and arrangements for the city f o r the future of the Foundation.
tour of Philadelphia and historical sites
of its Bicentennial celebration. Workshops on rituals, chapter man-
agement, rushing, pledge training, pub-
Region I contains 11 collegiate and lic relations, and leadership were held
22 alumnae chapters; 175 members for collegiate and alumnae officers and
were present for one or more of the members. Interesting presentations
meetings and programs. The Board of were made by chapter presidents on
Trustees of the Diamond Jubilee Foun- "our heritage" and by the DJF trustees
dation held its annual meeting in con- on the operation of the scholarship
junction with the regional meeting. This fund.
added members from California. Mon-
tana, and Illinois to those f r o m Region Contributing to the success of these
I itself. sessions were three Traveling Con-
sultants—Terri Thomas, ®Q, Joan

Lynn Sibley, Sigma Rho Rush Advisor, Presidents of collegiate and alumnae chap-
Phyllis Westerman, P, and Clara Fowler, ters make a report to the group.
GO, DC Alumnae, are seen during a
meeting break.

d for Region I Meeting

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Collegians Elaine Britton, Theta Pi, and Debra Clark, Gamma, pose before Independence
Hall before taking a ride in the 1834 Studebaker carriage.

Piper, 5P, and Marsha Murphey, — plays—Sigma Tau, Washington Col-
Joan MacCallum, K<£, VP-Develop- lege, and Philadelphia Alumnae; A l u m -
ment, and Virginia Mylander, K, Chair- nae Chapter Achievement—Northern
man of the RT&J committee. Virginia, Philadelphia, and Syracuse.

Phyllis Westerman, P, was the official Thelma Mitchell, retiring RD, re-
representative of the Executive Board ceived a special award of love and ap-
to the sessions and featured speaker at preciation f r o m Phi Beta and Theta Pi
the Rose Banquet. Marion Clouse, X , Chapters.
outgoing Regional Vice President, was
toastmistress of the Banquet. A highlight of the Banquet was the
presentation of 50-Year Pins to five
Awards presented at the Rose Ban- members: Mary Flather, Mary Margret
quet included: Most Improved Col- Fulton, Mary Glowacki, and Helen
legiate Chapter—Delta Chi. University Horner, all of Psi, and to Ruth Hess,
of Delaware; Most Improved Alumnae Epsilon. There were eleven 50-Year
Chapter—Baltimore: Outstanding Col- members in attendance!
legiate Member—Mary Kay, President
of Pi Delta, and a campus leader at New officers of Region I are Carole
University of Maryland; Outstanding Watters, EA, RVP, Mary Bunny Ba-
Alumna—Helen Gilbert (X) of Wash- ker, AT, REO, and Lynn Sibley, 2P,
ington, D.C.; Best Historical Dis- RFO.


rmm Scene at opening banquet—table decora-
tions by New Jersey and Camden Alum-
Virginia Mylander, K, chairman of RT&J nae.
Committee, leads workshop on ritual.

Eastern Michigan University
Scene of Region II Meeting


Joan (Betsy) Radecki, president of the newly installed Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter 3£ items
thanks the people who helped start the Alumnae chapter in Ann Arbor. Pictured at Joan MacCallum, VP/D inspects the
for sale at the Region II Regional
right are: Jane Stilt, RVP, Joan MacCallum, VP ID, Barb Zolnierczak, REO, Vicki ing Boutique.

Downs, Regional Meeting Chairman.

by Suzanne Leichtamer Amaru, I I
Beta Gamma I
More than 75 actives and alums
f r o m Region I I gathered Friday, June A portion of the Ann Arbor 1 after the installation, charter signing
18, at Hoyt Conference Center on the and a "Welcome to Region thrown by the ROC—before instal-
campus of Eastern Michigan Univer- lation dinner. Alumnae, as pictured
sity, Ypsilanti, for a weekend of work II, Ann Arbor" party
and fellowship.
ual, a gift from the Executive Board. A representative f r o m each collegiate
Among the visual highlights of the Also in honor of the newly-reactivated and alum chapter then outlined her
four-state meeting were the chapter his- chapter, the Detroit alums presented a chapter's history. Birthday greetings
torical displays. Judge Joan MacCal- check for the Central Office Acquisition were extended to the following alum-
lum, International Vice President for Fund. nae chapters: 60th—Minneapolis; 55th
Development, awarded plaques for the —Detroit and Cleveland East; 45th—
winning displays to Sigma Lambda, Following the dinner, a session titled Dayton; 30th—Grand Rapids; 10th—
University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse "Our Heritage" linked the growth of Detroit. Collegiate chapters having
(Best Collegiate) and to Detroit. Mich- the United States with that of the b i r t h d a y s included: 15th — Sigma
igan (Best Alumnae). Also on'display American fraternity and educational Lambda, University of Wisconsin, La
was a red, white and blue afghan cre- systems. The two oldest chapters in Crosse; 10th—Kappa Pi, Ohio North-
ated by Alice Aderman, Executive Region I I . Tau, University of Minne- ern University and Iota Tau, Univer-
Board, and presented to A n n Arbor sota (estab. October 29. 1912) and sity of Wisconsin, Stout; 5th—Beta
alums to be raffled. The winner was Omega, Miami University (estab. Epsilon, Bemidji State University.
Sarah Coley, Toledo Alumnae chapter. January 4, 1919) received recognition
The proceeds were donated to C O A F . plaques. A t Saturday's Philanthropic Lun-

Friday's scheduled activities com-
menced with opening ritual and the
installation of the Ann Arbor Area
Alumnae Chapter. Officers installed
include Betsy Radecki. O i l . President;
Janice Twork, B I I . Vice-President;
Karen Eglinton, B I I , Secretary; and
Alta Dennison Antal. B I I , Treasurer.

That evening AOIIs attended the
Red. White and Blue Dinner at which
Joan MacCallum presented the newly-
installed chapter president with a Rit-
uals Book and Rituals Instruction Man-


cheon, a generous check for the A r - Northwest, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. newly-elected regional officers.
thritis Research Grants was presented Paul and Toledo; the Alumnae Award Thanks for a well-organized and en-
by the Detroit Council. A feature of for Oustanding Service to Constance
the afternoon workshops was ' A O I I Kay Brodbeck, president, Kappa Pi, joyable three days go to Vicki Downs,
Before ' 7 6 : Personal Reminiscences" Ohio Northern University; Alumnae Royal Oak, meeting chairman, her com-
with Past International President, Ruth Chapter Improvement Award to Day- mittee, and the host chapters of the
Lee Leichtamer sharing her A O I I ton; and Collegiate Chapter Improve- Detroit Council, Dearborn, Detroit,
experiences. ment Award to Phi Lambda, Youngs- Detroit Northwest, Macomb and North
town State University. Suburban alumnae.
Among the presentations made at
Saturday evening's Rose Banquet were: As a fitting close to this meeting's Officers of Region I I include Vice
Alumnae Chapter Achievement Certifi- activities, Nancy Moyer McCain, Past President Jane Stitt, Extension Officer
cates to Dayton, Detroit, Detroit International President, installed the Barbara Zolnierczak and Finance Offi-
cer Sue Roach.

Atlanta Hosts Region III Meeting

by Kathy Trye t haunt. Gamma Sigma told the group that the Bicentennial is not only f o r us to
look back on our history, but to inspire us to look forward
Over 150 alumnae and collegiate members f r o m through- and that it means more to the young women of today as
out the southeast met at the Royal Coach Inn in Atlanta.
June 25-27 for the Spirit of A O I I Region I I I Meeting. Pictured above is the new ROC and Regional Directors for

The three day session included workshops on leadership Region III. Lower, left to right: Pat Hardy, Regional Extension
and rush; meetings with regional directors; and case study
sessions f o r collegiate chapter officers, alumnae chapter Officer; and Judy Jolly. Top, left to right: Jane Gibbs, June
presidents and corporation presidents.
Bogle. Suzy Banks, Mary Rawlings Reese, Nancy Bettis, Loui
These learning sessions were highlighted by a panel of
A O I I experts who spoke to the group about various areas Bass, Regional Finance Officer; Linda Blau, Sue Lewis, Regional
of interests of the sorority. Moderated by Carolyn Harris,
Past International President and Executive Board member; Vice-President.
the panel included Sue Lewis, New Regional Vice-President;
Adele H i n t o n , Past International President and Administrative
Director; Phyllis Westerman, Executive Board member;
Loui Bass, Regional Finance Officer; Dorothy Kurras, Inter-
national Philanthropic Chairman; Dorothy Dean, Past Inter-
national President and Chairman, Ruby Fund; and Darci
Sullivan, past traveling consultant.

Phyllis Westerman addressed the Friday night Fun Banquet
which was hosted by the Atlanta Tri-County Alumnae. Mrs.
Westerman briefly traced the history of A O I I and spoke
on goals for the coming years.

Ben W . Fortson, Secretary of State of the State of Geor-
gia, delivered an inspiring speech at the Rose Banquet, the

wmtheme of which was "Red, White and A O I I . " Mr. Fortson
•Jk. t

VIPs attending the Region Three meeting included, left to right,

Phyllis Westerman, member, Executive Board; Adele Hinton,

Executive Director and Past International President; Carolyn

Harris, member, Executive Board and Past International Presi- Region III winners of the historical exhibit competition included
dent; Mary Louise Roller, Past International President; Dorothy Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia and the Atlanta Lambda

Dean, Director, Ruby Fund and Past International President Chapter. Pictured above are Doris Gude, president of

and Dorothy Kurras, International Philanthropic Chairman. Sigma and June Gordon, president, Atlanta Alumnae.


Traveling Consultants, past and present, were also in attendance.
Left to right, Deb Matins, Margaret Hook, Wendie Nowlin,
Marsha Murphey, Frankie Gottlieb, Candy Kirkwood Colyer,
Darci Sullivan and Sue Lewis.

they are in a better position to bring this nation to greatness. Outgoing RVP Mary Ann Caldwell and her successor, Sue Lewis,
The Rose Banquet hostess group was the Atlanta Alumnae are pictured above with Ben W. Fortson, Secretary of State of
Chapter. the State of Georgia. Mr. Fortson delivered an inspiring speech
at the Rose Banquet.
The newly elected Regional Operations Committee for
Region I I I is Sue Lewis, Tau Delta, Regional Vice-President; University of South Alabama; Alumnae Service Award.
Loui Bass, Zeta, Regional Finance Officer; and Pat Hardy, Lanie Bixby, University of Georgia; Collegiate leadership
Gamma Sigma. Regional Extension Officer. Award, Kathy Whitley, Alpha Delta, Tuscaloosa; and Col-
legiate-Alumnae Operation Award. Gamma Omicron.
Mary Ann Caldwell, outgoing Regional Vice-President, was
warmly recognized at the Rose Banquet. In an emotional pre- The masterminds and co-chairmen for the three day event
sentation, the region awarded Mary A n n several presents in were Shirley Lee and Pat Hardy. They did a terrific job and
recognition for her years of service. the Region is most grateful f o r all their efforts.

Awards presented at the Rose Banquet included Historical
Exhibit. Alumnae-Atlanta Alumnae Chapter and Collegiate
Lambda Sigma, the University of Georgia; Regional Finance
Award, Omega Omicron, Jackson State; Newest Chapter,
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College; Apple Pie Award, ( f o r
having reports in on time) Tau Omicron, Alumnae Chapter
Achievement Certificate. Knoxville. Tenn.; Montgomery,
Ala.; and Broward County; Chapter Improvement Awards,
Alumnae-Montgomery, Ala. and Collegiate-Gamma Delta.

AOII History Highlighted At
Region IV Meeting In Evansville

by Anne Pampe Schleper, C h i Lambda

A O I I history and historical displays highlighted the Region of finding many items of historical interest during the re-
I V meeting June 11-13 at the University o f Evansville in location of Central Office. They reported that it is hoped
Evansville, Ind. many other items will become part of the international his-
torical display in the future.
Some 112 delegates f r o m 15 collegiate chapters and 15
alumnae chapters f r o m Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky at- Groups attending the meeting also prepared their own
tended. historical displays, with Delta Omega (Murray State Univer-
sity) and the Chicago Alumnae winning special awards pre-
The Region I V delegates were fortunate to have the sented by Mrs. Ackel. These displays varied f r o m scrap-
A O I I international historical display, prepared by Edith books to a large "helping hand" showing the vast reach of
Anderson (Mrs. Arthur) on view during the weekend. The A O I I alumnae. A l l gave insights into each chapter and pro-
display included several A O I I badges, ritual equipment, pic- vided an interesting way to learn about other chapters in
tures and letters f r o m the founders and the first by-laws of the region.
the fraternity.
Delegates gained much information and many new ideas
Norma Ackel (Mrs. August). International President, and f r o m the sessions they attended. Alumnae sessions focused on
Peg Crawford ( M r s . Richard), first alternate delegate to the sharing programs, f u n d raising ideas, and means to stimu-
National Panhellenic Conference, told of their experiences


late interest in inactive alums. Also discussed at length were Norma Ackel, International President, presents awards at Region
methods of more effective relations with collegiate chapters IV Meeting to:
and making more positive use of philanthropic ideas and
projects. 9&* i Collegiate Award.

Collegiates concentrated on rush—its importance to a chap- Linda Russell, Chi Lambda, Most Oustanding
ter, various party ideas, rotation systems, legacy problems,
selection sessions and continuous rushing after pledging. J

Officer sessions were evaluated as being among the most I Huber (Mrs. William) Advisor to Kappa Kappa.
valuable. The sessions produced new insights into the role
and function of the various officers and the importance of Mary Lou Alumna Award.
responsibilities being carried out. Outstanding

The " A O I I after 7 6 " session, led by N o r m a Ackel, f u r - \
nished delegates with information about the new international
officer structure and the move to Nashville by Central Office. fcijf award for
Mrs. Ackel also projected future hopes for A O I I .
Susan Guenzler, Beta Lambda President accepting
Pat Mottweiler (Mrs. Wilbur), Treasurer of the Diamond Most Improved Chapter in Region IV.
Jubilee Foundation, explained how the foundation operates,
and stressed its importance to A O I I .

A special highlight of the weekend activities was the Rose
Banquet, featuring the 25th anniversary celebration of the
installation of Chi Lambda chapter on the University of
Evansville campus. Some 80 Chi Lambda alumnae were
special guests at the banquet.

Chi Lambda's historical display depicted the chapter's 25
years through pictures, newspaper clippings, paddles, name
tags, dance favors and other memorabilia. A special display
prepared by the present collegiate chapter traced the heritage
Chi Lambda shares with the former Castalian Literary Soci-
ety which became Chi Lambda.

Peg Knopsynder (Mrs. W i l l i a m ) , an alumna who helped
organize the Chi Lambda colony, gave a short talk on the
colony organization and chapter installation. Collegiate
chapter president Miss Nancy Burnett gave a chapter update,
and Miss Toni Reitz. chapter adviser, related her memories
of Chi Lambda during the years.

Mrs. Ackel gave the keynote address during the banquet,
using the topic, "The Spirit of '76." She discussed the Central
Office relocation, shared some of the AOH's history and
hopes for the future, and urged all AOH's to consider con-
tributions to the Central Office Acquisition Fund.

Awards presented by Mrs. Ackel at the banquet included
the Outstanding Collegiate Award to Linda Russell of Chi
Lambda; Outstanding Alumna Award to Mary Lou Huber
and Most Improved Chapter Award to Beta Lambda.

Officers elected at the Region I V meeting were Kay Suther-
lin. (Mrs. Stephen W . ) Regional Vice President: Ruth Brown
(Mrs. L . Victor) Regional Finance Officer: and Peg Knop-
snyder (Mrs. William). Regional Extension Officer.

Ginny Krekc (Mrs. Kenneth L . ) , of Newburgh, was
chairman of the regional meeting. Other committee chairmen
were Mrs. Dale Hennessey, assistant regional meeting chair-
man; Mrs. Ken Harrell of Murray, Ky., resolutions; Mrs.
Robert Williams o f Bloomington. 111., nominations; Mrs.
Paul Johns of Evansville, registration; Mrs. William Nimnicht
of Evansville, housing; Mrs. Phil Raben of Evansville, hos-
pitality; Mrs. William Thomas of Evansville, meals; Mrs.
Richard Bernhardt of Evansville. audio-visual aids; Miss
Nancy Burnett of Evansville, songs; Mrs. Larry Lawrence of
Evansville, secretary; Mrs. Charles Schleper of Evansville,
printing; Mrs. L. Victor Brown of Indianapolis. Ind., trea-
surer; Mrs. Charles Wright of Evansville, ritual; Mrs. Jack
Schmidt of Evansville, awards.

Additional international and regional officers who attended
were Mrs. Laurence Frerk, International Regional Meetings
Chairman; Miss Terri Thomas and Miss Chris Moshcr. travel-
ing consultants; and Mrs. David Towell, out-going regional
extension officer.


Collegiates and alumna attending celebration including: Toni Reitz, Chapter Advisor, Chi Lambda, fifth from left on first row;
Ginny Kreke, President, Evansville Alumnae Chapter, seventh on first row; Linda Russell, past Chi Lambda President, seventh from
left on second row; Liz Coffey, Regional Director, fifth from left on fourth row; Nancy Burnett, Chi Lambda President, ninth from
left on last row.


parties in her home, and was instrumental in seeing that all
of the tasks necessary f o r colonization were successfully

Esther also has been a mainstay in the Tri-State Alumnae,
which she also helped organize. She is a past president of
that group and has also served in many other officer posi-
tions. She remains active in the alumnae group, and in other
community activities, including the Evansville Association
for the Blind.

The Evansville Tri-State Alumnae of A O I I presented "If
Esther Lundquist (Mrs. L . ) a special award of appreciation
f o r her service and loyalty to C h i Lambda chapter f o r 25 Nancy Burnett. Chi Lambda Chapter President, with a gift from
the Fraternity for Chi Lambda's Anniversary. Seated left to right:
The award was presented at the 25th anniversary celebra-
tion of the founding of Chi Lambda chapter at the University Kay Sutherlin, Regional Vice President; Virginia Kreke, Regional
of Evansville at the Rose Banquet of Region I V meeting.
Meeting Chairman.
Esther Lundquist ( R h o ) is a 50-year member of A O I I .
It was her idea to colonize a chapter of A O I I on the campus
of the University of Evansville. and it was she who persuaded
other A O I I alumnae to join her efforts. She hosted rush


Kearney Site of Region V Meeting

by Cindy Lichtenberg Jeter, Phi Sigma Julie Underriner, Chapter President, accepts Collegiate Chapter

Centennial Towers East on the campus of Kearney State Improvement Award for Iota Sigma from Sharon Martin.
College, Kearney, Nebraska, was the site of the June 4-5
meeting o f Region V . Serving as co-chairman f o r the 3-day ment that our retiring RVP, Sharon M a r t i n , will now be
event were Linda Erickson and Cindy Jeter. Delegates repre- chairman of the Ruby Fund. To conclude her presentation,
sented collegiate and alumnae chapters f r o m Iowa, Kansas, Alice announced the winners of the "George Washington
Missouri, and Nebraska. Honored guests included the follow- Historical Displays." Selected as the outstanding collegiate
ing: Alice Aderman and Mary Moore, Executive Board display was Lambda Omega, with Phi Sigma and Iota Sigma
Members; Frankie Gotlieb, Traveling Consultant; and Jessie receiving honorable mention. Outstanding alumnae display
Marie Cramer, Past International President f r o m Kansas. went to the Omaha Alumnae chapter.
Regional Officers in attendance included: Sharon Martin,
Regional Vice President; Karen Smith, Regional Extension Sharon Martin presented the following Regional Awards:
Officer; Maxine Charity, Regional Finance Officer; and Alpha Award: Theta Chi, Sioux City, Iowa
Ginny Struble, Regional Nominations Chairman. Scholarship: Zeta

A n informal dinner held at Shirley Walker's lovely home Collegiate Chapter Improvement: Iota Sigma
Friday evening helped all of us to become acquainted. High- Alumnae Chapter Improvement: Topeka, Kansas
light of the evening was an interesting "conversation" with Outstanding Alumnae Service: Pat Overton, Lincoln,
Jessie Marie Cramer, who spoke to us on her years as an
AOII. Nebraska

Saturday morning brought everyone together for a buffet Outstanding Chapter Advisor: Sue Stelzer, Lincoln,
breakfast, served by Phi Sigma and Kearney Alumnae Chap- Nebraska
ter members. The morning was spent in various sessions f o r
the collegians and alumnae attending. Election of the Re- Collegiate Leadership: Lisa Richtermeyer, Delta Pi
gional Operations Committee was conducted by Ginny Stru- Rosebud Awards: Columbia/Jefferson City, Missouri
ble. Those elected were: Shirley Walker, Regional Vice Presi-
dent; Karen Smith, Regional Extension Officer; and Maxine Maryville/Missouri
Charity, Regional Finance Officer. After a buffet lunch, Rose plaques were presented to retiring RD's—Nancy Med-
Frankie Gotlieb presented a leadership training slide show. itz, Missouri, and Shirley Walker. Nebraska. Sharon Martin,
retiring RVP, was presented a lovely rose painting by Joyce
The Rose Banquet was hostessed by the Nebraska Alumnae Hall, a Kansas City alumnae member. The efforts of every-
Chapters. Each chapter contributed to the overall theme of one made to become acquainted, share, and learn made the
"The '76 Spirit o f A O I I . " Omaha alumnae brought rose meeting a most successful one.
centerpieces accented with flags. Lincoln and Kearney alum-
nae provided favors wrapped in red and white gingham. Phi
Sigma designed program covers depicting a stylized Liberty
Bell with A O I I in Old English Script. Linda Erickson, Re-
gional Meeting Co-chairman, greeted the 65 guests and
introduced the Rose Banquet speaker, Alice Aderman. Alice
led us back through time to the beginnings o f sororities and
fraternities, took us on a tour through the new Central
Office, introduced us to the ladies who labor there, and gave
us a picture o f the future of A O I I , including an announce-

Donna Culver, Alumnae Chapter President, Lincoln, Nebraska and Jean Kraus, Vice-President of the Kansas City Alumnae Chap
ter discuss plans with Karen Smith, REO.


Region V I Gathers In Missoula

by Patty Kelly McPherson, Beta Rho

More than 70 delegates f r o m Washington, Oregon. Idaho, '1 I
and Montana attended Region V I meeting June 12-14 at the
University of Montana Beta Rho Chapter House in Mis-
soula, Montana. Polly Hanson and Colleen Kelly served as
Co-chairman for the three-day meeting.

Alumnae and collegians attended business and workshop •
sessions. Jane Hamblin, Traveling Consultant, conducted a VI Meeting—Polly
Leadership Training Program and slide show. Carolyn Harris.
Executive Board Member, taught a Ritual Workshop. Elec-
tions for Regional Officers were held also. The newly elected
officers for Region V I include the following: Alverna Swan,
Regional Vice President; Marilyn Lundberg, Regional Fi-
nance Officer; and Marianna Beers, Regional Extension

Special treats included a discussion of the history of A O I I • Hanson, BP, and
by Laura H u r d , Upsilon, Past International President, enter-
tainment by the Missoula Sweet Adelines, and a Diamond Co-chairman for Region
Jubilee presentation by Judy Jones. I n addition, delegates Colleen Kelly, BP.
listened to the Founder's tape made at the 1951 convention.

The Rose Banquet was highlighted by Nancy Walker,
guest speaker, speaking on women's history in America.
Alverna Swan presented the following regional awards:

Outstanding Alumnae: Mary Beth Baker i

Most Improved Collegiate Chapters: Beta Kappa and

Alpha Phi

Most Improved Alumnae Chapter: Pocatello

Also presented was a special Hospitality Award for Beta Rho.

Carolyn Harris, Executive Board Member, presents award to
Dr. Jane Siegel, one of the 1976 AOII Arthritis Research Grant



Region VI Directors pictured on front row include: Audrey

Humason, Upsilon; Lue Satterfield, Upsilon; and Elaine Smith,

Iota Alpha. Back row includes: Regional Finance Officer, Marilyn

Lundberg, Upsilon; Regional Vice President, Alverna Swan,

Jane Hamblin, past traveling consultant, conducts leadership Upsilon, and Regional Extension Officer, Marianna Beers, Iota
workshop for Region VI.


"Spirit of AOII," Felt At
Region VII Meetings In Little Rock

by Elizabeth Watson, Sigma Omicron Region VII Chairwomen—Left to right, Libby Watson and Micky Butler, Publicity,

The spirit of A O I I was definitely felt Jane Hoffman, Secretary, Susanne Mitchell, Rose Banquet, Ann Horton, Registration,
by collegians and alumnae representa-
tives from Louisiana, Oklahoma, A r - Melanie Doyle, General Chairwoman, Not pictured, Micky Barfield, Social.
kansas, and Texas who attended the
Region V I I Meeting June 18-20 in Lit-
tle Rock, Arkansas.

The Little Rock and Jonesboro
Alumnae and Sigma Omicron chapters
were joint hostesses f o r the three days
of fun, learning, sharing, and getting
acquainted. Melanie Doyle, (Mrs. Ed-
gar, Lambda Sigma) of Little Rock
served as general chairman o f the

Mary Louise Roller, Director, repre-
sented the International Executive
Board at the meeting. Also present at
the meeting were: International Rush
Chairman, Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa;
Traveling Consultant, Jane Hamblin,
Phi Upsilon; Regional Directors: Carol
Barrow, Kappa Phi; Michael Lord, Pi
Kappa; and Georgiann Grace, Lamb-
da Tau; and past Regional Director,
Jan Spencer, Sigma Omicron.

I n addition to workshops, business
meetings, and special events on the
agenda, was a festive extension lun-
cheon hosted by the Jonesboro Alum-
nae chapter. Fresh green pot plants gar-
landed the table highlighted with bright-
colored, octagon-shaped candles. The
pot plants were given to those in at-
tendance as a special favor. Featured

if speaker at the luncheon was Barbara
Kramer, Region V I I Extension Vice-
Suzanne Mitchel, Toastmistress, presents International Board member Mary Louise Roller President.
with a special token of appreciation from Region VII.
Candlelight, red roses, sheafs of
wheat, and a fabulous view of Little
Rock at night all contributed to the
atmosphere of the Rose Banquet. Su-
zanne Mitchell was a gracious toast-
mistress on behalf of the Little Rock
Alums. Mary Louise Roller and Rosalie
Barber were special guest speakers at
the banquet. Highlighting the Rose
Banquet was the presentation of awards
by various Region V I I VIP's.

Receiving awards were:
Extension Cooperation: San Antonio

and Austin Alumnae. Sigma Omi-
cron Chapter.

Collegiate Chapter Improvement
Award: Alpha Omicron

Alumnae Chapter Improvement
Award: Little Rock

Collegiate Chapter with Highest %



Region VII Officer and Regional Directors—Front Row, Barbara Kramer, B<I>, Extension, Jane Hoffman presents a special award to
Jo Beth Heflin, U K , Regional Vice-Pres. and Grace La Marca A T , Finance. Second Susie Gannaway for length of service to
Row—Michael Lord, U K , Georgiann Grace A T , and Carol Barrow K®. AOII.

of Pledges Initiated: Lambda Tau Mele. Alpha Omicron Advisor Rock Alums f o r her many years of
Outstanding Collegiate Chapter: Alumnae Service A w a r d : Pat Lock- service to A O I I .

Lambda Tau hart. Theta Eta, Dallas Alum A t the close of the meeting. Mary
Outstanding Alumnae Chapter: Louise Roller installed the continuing
Collegiate Chapter Leadership and capable officers for Region V I I .
Baton Rouge Award: Elaine Spell, President They are: Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa,
Alumnae Chapter Achievement: Kappa Tau Regional Vice President; Barbara Kra-
Greater Lafayette. Jonesboro. and mer, Beta Phi. Regional Extension Offi-
Most Outstanding Historical Dis- cer; and Grace LaMarca, Lambda Tau,
Shreveport play: Alpha Omicron and Monroe Regional Finance Officer.
Highest Scholarship Award: Elaine Alumnae Chapter

Spell, Kappa Tau A special award was presented to
Outstanding Chapter Advisor: Susan Susie Gannaway, Kappa, by the Little


Joan Werstler Hunter, (Mrs. William Jay), left, with high school senior receiving rush Joan Hunter, Iota, is the 1976-77
materials from high school advisor. Shreveport Panhellenic President. She
is pictured supervising the distribution
of rushing materials. The cards are
not only used f o r compiling rec-
ommendation information, but also f o r
sending out invitations to the Annual
Panhellenic Happening. I t is at this
function that the seniors view the tables
set-up by the 19 participating sororities.
Their questions concerning rush are an-
swered by a panel of collegians f r o m
six campuses. In addition a scholarship
is given to two graduating high school
seniors f r o m proceeds f r o m the Annual
Panhellenic's Child's Movie-Money-
Making Project. Movies are shown
during Thanksgiving vacations so
mothers can do Christmas shopping
while their children are watching the


Region VIII Meets High In
Rocky Mountains—Boulder

by Jan Fuller Powell, Kappa Kappa Marilyn Herman, Upsilon, Regional Vice President presents
awards at Region VIII Meeting:
Eighty delegates attended Region V I I I ' s meeting held
March 26-28 at the Chi Delta chapter house on the U n i - ;
versity o f Colorado campus at Boulder. W i t h the Rocky
Mountains as a backdrop, sisters renewed friendships and v Collegiate Service Award
discussed many topics including rush techniques, pledge pro-
grams, creative leadership, and fund-raising activities. Sarah Gross, Chi Delta, Outstanding

On Saturday, March 27. the Denver Area Alumnae Chap-
ter "taxi service" escorted delegates mid-way up Flagstaff
Mountain to a cozy restaurant overlooking Boulder for the
Rose Brunch. As keynote speaker, Edith Cope Lockard
(Mrs. Robert L . , Omega '35) who has been active in A O I I
since her 1931 pledgeship at M i a m i University at O x f o r d ,
Ohio, traced those years of involvement. Sisters were given
an impression o f the durability of A O I I ideals as Edith remi-
nisced her collegiate days and her alumnae participation
through the Depression and World War I I years to the
present Bicentennial year.

True charity, selfless dedication, and tolerance were some
of the visions Edith shared with the delegates. She donned
one of her own once-fashionable hats as she spoke and
cautioned, especially her married sisters, to "wear just one
hat at a time," indicating that involvement outside the home
can be rewarding, but families take precedence.


n the Greatest
Arlene Roupinian, South Bay-Palos Verdes, accepts
Improvement Award for her alumnae chapter.

"Wear just one hat at a time" is one bit of advice Edith Cope 3.
hats, •fit
Lockard, Omega, sporting one of her own once-fashionable
has for Region VIII meeting delegates.

Following the keynote address. Executive Board member Helen Holbrooke, Sigma, accepts the Greatest Improvement
Mary Moore (Mrs. Wayne R., Iota Sigma) presented awards
for the best alumnae and collegiate historical displays to A ward for her collegiate chapter.
Southern Orange County and Chi Alpha, respectively.
Chairwoman for Region V I I I ' s meeting was Elinor (Fid-
Regional vice-president Marilyn Herman (Mrs. Gerald R., ler) Siecke (Mrs. Donald, Zeta). The Denver Area A l u m -
Upsilon) presented the following awards: Outstanding nae Chapter hosted the weekend with the assistance of Chi
Collegiate Service, Sarah Gross (Chi Delta); Exceptional Delta Chapter. The Denver Alumnae Chapter supports the
Alumnae Service, Penny Ferrell (Southern Orange County); Arthritis Foundation by assisting at the Arthritis Craft Shop
and Greatest Improvement, South Bay-Palos Verdes Alumnae in Denver and by conducting an annual Book Fair at a local
Chapter and Sigma. shopping mall.

Prior to the Rose Brunch, regional officers were elected.
Marilyn Herman and Jean Maroder ( M r s . Edmond, Lamb-
da) will each be serving another term as vice-president and
extension officer, respectively. Sandy Jaeger (Mrs. Allen,
Sigma will assume the position of finance officer.


Three New Regional
Vice Presidents Elected

• mm Carole Watters —Regional I

Carole Watters Region I's new R V P is a junior high school guidance counselor f r o m Perkasie,
Pennsylvania. In addition to working with her pupils, Carole counsels with their
\4 parents in effective communication. Prior to becoming a guidance counselor,
*5 Carole taught French and social studies.

Sue Lewis Carole, Epsilon Alpha Chapter, graduated f r o m Penn State and received a
18 Master of Education Degree from Villanova University with further graduate
work in affective education at Marywood College.

She belongs to both the Philadelphia and Greater Allentown/Bethlehem A l u m -
nae Chapters since she lives half-way between the two. Offices held in A O I I
include: President of the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter, Vice-President, Cor-
responding Secretary, Regional Director, and Regional Extension Officer. She
recently was chairman f o r the regional meeting in Philadelphia.

When not at school, Carole is helping husband, Dave, f a r m 150 acres in Upper
Bucks County. Carole has learned to drive the tractor and even bale hay. They
raise most of the food that they eat, and Carole spends August in the kitchen
canning and freezing. Carole is also busy w i t h their five year old legacy, Christi.
Christi already has a repertoire of A O I I songs.

On pretty days, Carole can be seen pumping around Perkasie on her three
wheel bike with Christi in the basket. Carole says that she is such an athletic
klutz that she never learned to ride a two wheeler, so she just bought herself a
three wheeler. She also enjoys needlework and has a green thumb f o r house

Sue Lewis —Region III

The new R V P f o r Region I I I is also the Dean o f Student L i f e at Huntingdon
College in Montgomery, Alabama. As Dean, Sue w i l l be in charge o f the super-
vision o f all student activities on campus, such as the Student Government Associ-
ation. She w i l l also work in a counseling capacity f o r the students in testing and
personal conferences. On Huntingdon's campus, as Associate Dean o f Student
L i f e , she served as initiator and director o f the Search Program, which was
designed f o r adults who wish either to begin a degree in liberal arts or to resume
previous studies. Sue was also in charge o f student housing and acted as advisor
to many student groups.

Sue, a native of Sylacauga, Alabama, graduated cum laude f r o m Birmingham-
Southern College with a degree in psychology and received her M . A . degree f r o m
the University of Alabama. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and M o r t a r
Board, and selected f o r recognition in "Who's Who A m o n g Students in American
Colleges and Universities."

Her new position as R V P is "co-sponsored" by husband Rex, better k n o w n
as "Uncle Rex" to all the A O I I s . Rex considers himself a member o f the I I O A
Chapter. When Rex is not assisting Sue as "co-sponsor" he is busy w i t h a Mont-
gomery contracting f i r m . Sue and Rex have a f o u r footed "legacy" by the name
of Ginger. I n between jobs and graduate school, they are busy building a lake
cabin. I n just one summer, Sue has graduated f r o m mason's aide to assistant

Sue served as president of her collegiate chapter, Tau Delta, and has been
serving as Regional Director in Region I I I prior to her election as Regional
Vice President.

Shirley (Shoo) Walker —Region V Shirley (Shoo)

Sharon Martin, retiring RVP for Region V , describes her successor. Shirley
(Shoo) Walker, as "dynamic, very knowledgeable, and a real organizer. Every
" j o b " she's tackled has been handled effectively and efficiently—I cannot rec-
ommend her more highly!"

A few of her A O I I involvements include: member of Zeta Chapter; helped
colonize and install Phi Sigma Chapter at Kearney State College. Kearney.
Nebraska (and the Kearney A l u m Chapter); Corporation Board President; F i -
nancial Advisor and Panhellenic Advisor to Phi Sigma; served on the Regional
Nominations Committee and is serving on the International Nominations Com-
mittee; and has served as Regional Director f o r the past three years.

In addition to Shoo's A O I I activities, she is quite active in the Kearney com-
munity and busy with f o u r children, ranging f r o m age 8 to 18. Husband, Robert,
is a cattle feeder (via the telephone) and a member of the Nebraska State Col-
lege Board of Trustees. Shoo likes to read, swim and bicycle—weather permitting.
They spend two to three months a year traveling, mostly in California and Mexico.
Most recently. Shoo has taken up the games of tennis and golf, the latter being
Robert's favorite sport.

Shoo holds a Bachelor of Music degree f r o m the University of Nebraska, and
was a member of Pi Lambda Theta and M o r t a r Board. She was president of her
collegiate chapter and an officer in the Pep Club and Sigma Alpha Iota, her
music sorority.




A\fhd Omiaon Pi



O c t o b e r , 1976

I t i s w i t h d e e p e s t r e g r e t t h a t we a c c e p t t h e r e s i g n a t i o n of J a n i e L . C a l l a w a y
from t h e o f f i c e o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r e s i d e n t . We s h a l l e n d e a v o r t o keep h e r s p i r i t
of p r i d e and progress i n c o n t i n u i n g the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of the F r a t e r n i t y .

A c c o r d i n g to the R u l e s of P r o c e d u r e of the E x e c u t i v e Board, Norma A c k e l , V i c e P r e s i -
d e n t / O p e r a t i o n s , will assume t h e o f f i c e o f P r e s i d e n t . Norma h a s been a c t i n g i n
t h i s capacity s i n c e J a n u a r y when J a n i e was t e m p o r a r i l y e x c u s e d from h e r d u t i e s
b e c a u s e of the p r e s s u r e s of p e r s o n a l a f f a i r s . Norma has an e x c e l l e n t background
of F r a t e r n i t y b u s i n e s s e x p e r i e n c e from which the F r a t e r n i t y has and w i l l b e n e f i t .

In order to place an experienced administrator i n the p o s i t i o n of Vice President/
O p e r a t i o n s , the E x e c u t i v e Board has named P h y l l i s Westerman to t h a t o f f i c e .
P h y l l i s , who h a s b e e n a D i r e c t o r s i n c e 1975, h a s s e r v e d t h e F r a t e r n i t y i n numerous
a r e a s , i n c l u d i n g many r e l a t e d to f i n a n c e .

In accordance with The R e s o l u t i o n passed at the Chicago Convention, the Executive
Board i s r e q u i r e d t o a p p o i n t a r e p l a c e m e n t f o r any v a c a n c y o c c u r r i n g on t h e Board.
Jo B e t h H e f l i n h a s been named to f i l l t h i s v a c a n c y . Jo B e t h , who h a s r e c e n t l y
been r e - e l e c t e d to s e r v e as R e g i o n a l V i c e P r e s i d e n t f o r R e g i o n V I I , h a s been a c t i v e
I n F r a t e r n i t y l e a d e r s h i p i n T e x a s and h e r R e g i o n f o r a number o f y e a r s . We welcome
her to the Board.

As provided f o r i n the C o n s t i t u t i o n and Bylaws, the E x e c u t i v e Board has appointed
G r a c e l.aKavca as R e g i o n V I I ' s V i c e P r e s i d e n t . She will c o m p l e t e Jo B e t h ' s u n e x -
p i r e d term of O f f i c e . Grace has served i n s e v e r a l c a p a c i t i e s and most r e c e n t l y
has been elected as Regional Finance Officer i n Region V I I .

I n making appointments, r e p l a c e m e n t s and a d j u s t m e n t s we, n a t u r a l l y , r e f l e c t and
f o r e c a s t and r e a l i z e t h a t we a r e proud o f many t h i n g s t h a t h a v e been done and
t h a t will be done . . .

-Regional Meetings were outstanding - i n p r e p a r a t i o n and i n format.
- C o n v e n t i o n , 1977, a t Camelback I n n , S c o t t s d a l e , A r i z o n a , i s b e i n g

planned to be one of the most i n t e r e s t i n g and e x c i t i n g i n y e a r s .
- T r a v e l i n g C o n s u l t a n t s ' T r a i n i n g Program was productive and s u c c e s s f u l .

Our four TCs a r e , of course, a l r e a d y on t h e i r scheduled assignments.
- S p e c i a l C h a p t e r A s s i s t a n t s f o r Nu Lambda and P h i Omicron C h a p t e r s

h a v e r e c e i v e d t r a i n i n g and u p d a t e and a r e now w i t h t h e i r c h a p t e r s .
- A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Committee Meeting i s scheduled for November.
- R e a c t i v a t i o n and r e c o l o n i z a t i o n of designated c o l l e g i a t e c h a p t e r s

i s a top p r i o r i t y - with innovative planning throughout.

A l l s t a t i s t i c s i n d i c a t e a resurgence of i n t e r e s t and enthusiasm f o r the Greek System
Be a s s u r e d t h a t we a r e p r e p a r e d to make e v e r y e f f o r t to i n s u r e t h e p r o s p e c t t h a t
A O I I •will e n j o y i t s f u l l m e a s u r e o f t h i s renewed G r e e k a c t i v i t y .




Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Keep This Directory
Founded at Barnard College The Directory is Printed

January 2, 1897 O n l y Once Each Year

•FOUNDERS CENTRAL OFFICE Ex Officio Members: M r s . August A c k e l
International President
Jessie Wallace Hughan Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office (See Executive Board listing)
Helen St. Clair Mullan ( M r s . George V . ) 2401 H i l l s b o r o Road, Suite 103 Miss Linda Broeckel ( A r )
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) Nashville, Tennessee 37212 Star Route
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Telephone: 615/383-1174 Lacrosse, Washington 99143
*The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter RUSH
at Barnard College of Columbia University and STAFF
all are deceased. Miss Ginger Banks ( U K )
Administrative Director: M r s . Frederick W . H i n - 3108 West Terrace Drive
ton (Adele P) Austin, Texas 78731 '
Accountant: M r s . Charles Skibo (Sherron)
EXECUTIVE BOARD Collegiate Secretary: M r s . Ron Samuels ( L y n n O) SCHOLARSHIP
Secretary/Receptionist: Miss Betsy Smith Mrs. Philip Holtkamp (Susan Davis i l )
President Membership & Supplies Secretary: M r s . Wayne
Mrs. August Ackel (Norma Marshall K9) Southerland (Debra) 485 Santa Dominga
5340 Yarmouth Ave., A p t . #308 Associate Membership Secretary: M r s . Gregg Solana Beach, California 92075
Encino, California 91316
Telephone: 213/345-5199 Ward (Pat)
Vice President/Operations
Mrs. William Westerman (Phyllis Arner P) Traveling Consultants: SPECIAL COMMITTEES
88 Lake Shore Drive
Youngstown, Ohio 44511 Miss Caroline Drury (©ft) COLLEGIATE LIAISON COMMITTEE
Telephone: 216/788-3956 Miss Chris Mosher (21) 1976-1977
Vice President/Development
Mrs. John D . MacCallum (Joan Deathe K * ) Miss Marsha Murphey ( Z * ) REGION I: Miss Barbara Green (Sigma T a u )
13196 Edison Cresdent Washington College
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada H8Z 1Y5 Miss Joan Piper (SP) Chestertown, M D 21620
Telephone: 514/626-1247
(Through July and August) Traveling Consultant Program Coordinator:
c/o D. W. MacCallum
South Shore Road, Rural Route # 2 Miss Ginger Banks ( U K )
Clarenceville, Quebec, Canada JOJ 0B0 3108 West Terrace Drive
Secretary/Treasurer Austin, Texas 78731 REGION II: M i s s Chris H o f f m a n (Sigma
Mrs. Wayne R. Moore (Mary Hansuld IS) Lambda)
2601 Oakwood Road, Route # 3 PARLIAMENTARIAN c/o Sigma Lambda Chapter
Ames, Iowa 50010 Univ. Wise, LaCrosse
Telephone: 515/292-8555 Mrs. John D. Ennis (Florence Dodge K A ) Cartwright Center
Director 200 Gardendale
Mrs. J. Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey AS) Terre Haute, Indiana 47803 LaCrosse, W I 54601
2965 Pharr Court South, N W
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 REGION III: Miss H e i d i Herlong ( N u Beta)
Telephone: 404/237-1487 P. O. Box 6092
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer A l l ) STANDING COMMITTEES University, M S 38677
Post Office Box 2317
Sanford, Florida 32771 CONSTITUTION INTERPRETATION REGION IV: Miss Marsha Guenzler (Beta
Telephone: 305/349-5675 AND REVISION Lambda)
1314 N . Fell
(June 1 through October 1) Members: M r s . A r t h u r K . Anderson ( E d i t h
Mrs. George K . Roller Huntingdon B*) Bloomington, I L 61701
Post Office Box 198 836 South Henderson St., A p t . 1
Balsam, N o r t h Carolina 28707 Bloomington, Indiana 47401 REGION V: Miss Cindy Dodson ( D e l t a P i )
Telephone: 704/456-6284 Mrs. Robert W. Belk (Nancy Herlihy YA) Panhellenic H a l l — A O I I
255 Jayne Avenue Central Missouri State University
Director Oakland, California 94610
Mrs. Ralph Aderman (Alice Rath e*) Warrensburg, M O 64093
2302 E. Newberry Boulevard
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211 CONVENTION REGION VI: Miss Julie Foster ( A l p h a Sigma)
Telephone: 414/962-3804 Mrs. Fred R. Burghard (Valerie Christmann P) 1680 Alder

Director 940 Sylviawood Eugene, OR 97401
Mrs. Hugh W. Heflin (Jo Beth Walling n K ) Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
1403 N o r t h r i d g e D r . REGION VII: Miss Susan Bloxham ( L a m b d a
Austin, Texas 78723
Telephone: 512/459-0746 Tau)
P. O. Box 411
Northeast Louisiana University
HISTORIAN Monroe, L A 71201
Huntingdon REGION VIII: M i s s Jennifer (Jeffi) Parker
Mrs. Arthur K . Anderson (Edith
B<f>) (Theta Omega)
(See C I R C listing) 647 West 28th Street

NOMINATIONS Los Angeles, C A 90007
Chairman: M r s . Michie M . Barber PERRY AWARD COMMITTEE
Gorham SO) Chairman: M r s . M a h l o n P. Leichtamer ( R u t h
1713 M a c A r t h u r Park
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 Lee 6 * )

3455 Goddard Road

Toledo, Ohio 43606

PHILANTHROPIC Members: Mrs. Wesley G. Cramer (Jessie
Chairman: M r s . Richard K u r r a s ( D o r o t h y K i s h
Marie Senor * )
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC 4711 Jefferson 8830 Delmar
CONFERENCE Hollywood, Florida 33021
Prairie Village, Kansas 66207
REGIONAL MEETINGS Mrs. Grant H . Lamed (Jessie M c A d a m T )
Chairman: M r s . Laurence F r e r k (Peg M a l e c k i I ) 2354 N o . 84th Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed 1523 N o r t h Douglas Avenue RUBY FUND
to 1st Alternate) Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
Chairman: Miss Sharon D . M a r t i n A l l )

A O I I Delegates 2212 H a l l Rd.

Delegate: M r s . George K . Roller (Mary Louise RITUALS, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY Independence, M O 64052

Filer A l l ) Chairman: M r s . W a l t e r C. Mylander, Jr., ( V i r - Telephone: 816/252-0617
See Executive Board Listing
1st Alternate: M r s . Richard C. C r a w f o r d , Jr. President: M r s . Robert D . M a c C u r d y (Eleanore
(Margaret Kramer, I ) Stevensville, Maryland 21666
9113 S. Massasoit Avenue Dietrich IA)
Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453 Members: M r s . W a r r e n C. D r u m m o n d (Mary 100 N o r l e n Park
Telephone: 312/422-5244 Danielson A * ) Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02324
610 Hinman Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60202 Telephone: 617/697-7855
Mrs. Wilma Smith Leland (T)
2nd Alternate: M r s . W i l l a r d D . Berry ( N o r m a 4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310-A Treasurer: M r s . W i l b u r Mottweiler (Patricia
Nierstheimer P) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 Jacobs 6 )
Fairway Estates A-41 504 South Owen
8005 San Point Way, N E Mrs. Walter M . McCain (Nancy Moyer P)
Seattle, Washington 98115 38775 Byriver Drive M t . Prospect, Illinois 60056
M t . Clemens, Michigan 48043
3rd Alternate: M r s . Frederick W . H i n t o n (Adele Scholarship Chairman: M r s . Raymon Eldridge
Kunewski P) (Mildred Ward A)
N o . 51 Versailles Apartments Mrs. Michie Barber (Rosalie Gorham O) 27 M o u n t f o r t Road
3000 Hillsboro Road (See Nominations) Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02161
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Telephone: 615/297-8022 Mrs. W . D . Lee (Gwen Everetts P) Seals Project Chairman: M r s M o n t e Eliason
1004 E l i o t Drive (Sheryl Mooney A * )
Urbana, Illinois 61801 Route 2, Box 252A
Bozeman, Montana 59715


Vice President: M r s . D a v i d Watters ( C a r o l e - E A ) , 311 W a l n u t Street, Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944. Telephone: 215/257-4880
Extension Officer: M r s . M a r k Baker ( B u n n y , A T ) , 1019 Swinks M i l l R o a d , M c L e a n , V i r g i n i a 22101. Telephone: 703/356-5214
Finance Officer: M s . L y n n Sibley ( T P ) , 506 Hawthorne Avenue, K i t t a n n i n g , Pennsylvania 16201. Telephone: 412/542-1641

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Tau Miss Judy Ovens, 24 Madison Ave., To- Mrs. Michael Owoc (Lynette B T ) , Mrs. John Amos (Sandy K « ) , 46
University of
Toronto ronto, Ontario, Canada M 5 R 2S1, 416/ 1310 Gulleden D r . , U n i t 7, M i s - Chartres, D.D.O., Quebec, Canada
922-3646 sissauga, Ontario, Canada L 4 X H 9 A 1J5, 514/683-4993
Delta Chi 1Y9 Mrs. H a r o l d K l o t z ( L o i s X ) , 506 Shan-
University of Cynthia Livingstone, 209 Gilbert H a l l D , Mrs. Frederick Polaski (Mary Jean non Lane, State College, Pennsylvania
Delaware Univ. of Delaware, Newark, D E 19711, AX), Seymour Road, Bear, D E 16801
Gamma 302/366-9245 19701 Mrs. John Amos
University of Mrs. David Sprague (Debora), E l m
Maine-Orono Donna Williams, A O I I , Penobscot Hall, St., Box 4, Winterport, M E 04496 Miss Helen M c M a h o n ( P ) , 7432 Col-
Gamma Beta U M O , Orono, M E 04473, 207/581-7750 shire Cr., # 5 , McLean, V A 22101, 703/
Indiana Univ. Ms. L a u r a M u c c i ( T B ) , 32 H a r r i s o n 983^746
of Pennsylvania Penny Weaver, 709 South Street, Indiana, St., H o m e r City, Pa. 15748
Phi Beta PA 15701 Mrs. Joseph Grant (Sarah Jane B4>),
East Stroudsburg Mrs. Joseph Catanzaro (Judy * B ) , 6 Robin Hill Rd., N . Caldwell, NJ
State College Susan Kish, Box 882 ESSC, E . Stroudsburg, Delaware, Water Gap, P A 18301 07006, 201/228-3487
Phi Kappa PA 18301, 717/424-9954
Morris Harvey Mrs. Cindy Norman ( * K ) , 409 Miss Helen McMahon (P)
College Kathy Tramel, Box 49, Morris Harvey Marshall Avenue, Rand, W V
Pi Delta Coll., Charleston, W V 25304, 304/346- 25306 Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X )
University of 2801
Maryland Mrs. Theodore Florenz (Lori n A ) , Mrs. John A m o s (Sandy K4>)
Sigma Chi Mary Kay, 4517 College Ave., College 5047 Berwyn Road, College Park,
Hartwick College Park, M D 20740, 301/927-9871 M D 20740 Mrs. Harold Klotz (Lois X)
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock Lisa Bernstein, 17 M a p l e Street, Oneonta, Mrs. Fred H i c k e i n (Eleanor X ) , 82 Miss Helen McMahon (P)
State College N Y 13820, 607/432-4271 E l m Street, Oneonta, N Y 13820
Sigma Tau Mrs. Joseph Grant (Sarah Jane B * )
Washington Francine Summa, 150 Towers, Slippery Mrs. Joseph Marks (Ramona XP),
College Rock State, Slippery Rock, P A 16057, R.D. # 4 , Slippery Rock, PA
Theta Pi 412/794-9918 16057
Wagner College
Taylor Connor, Washington College, Mrs. John Price (Karen X T ) , P.O.
Chestertown, M D 21620, 301/778-9882 Box 92, Chestertown, M D 21620

Barbara Rogers, 817 H a r b o r View H a l l , Miss Nancy D a r i n (611), 33 Scran-
Wagner College, Staten Island, N Y ton Street, Staten Island, N Y
10301, 212/447-9005 10304


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Albany Mrs. Arthur Zweibel (Joyce E ) , Taliska Ottawa M r s . A . P. Baerg (Barbara K * ) , 812

Baltimore Ave., R D # 1 , Rensselaer, N Y 12144, Philadelphia Cork St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K 1 G ,
T E : 518-283-0086 1Y2, T E : 613-733-6392
Boston M r s . Les Bley, Jr. (Sharon n A ) , 1204 Pittsburgh Mrs. Joan K . Simonin ( * ) , 600 Park Lane,
Edgemont Rd., Towson, M D 21204, T E : Wyncote, P A 19095, T E : 215-884-6961
Camden, NJ 301-828-1102 Richmond
Area Miss Mary E. McAllister ( E A ) , c/o Bon- Miss Lesley A . D o t t ( E A ) , 600 Mayville
Charleston, W V nie H o w e l l , 140 Kenrick St., A p t . 23, Southern Ave., Pittsburgh, P A 15226, T E : 412-561-
Brighton, M A 02135 Connecticut 0919
Mrs. Len J. Basting (Dorothy on). 47 State College, PA
Wagon Lane, Cherry H i l l , N J 08002, T E : Mrs. Kris Lincicome (Ziji), 4424 Huguenot
609-667-1057 Rd., Richmond, V A 23235, T E : 804-
Mrs. W e b Chenoweth ( S u e ) , 1090 H i g h - 272-6531
land D r . , St. Albans, W . V . 25177
Mrs. Nathaniel F. Tarbox, (Francis NO),
Greater Allentown/ Mrs. Ravmond Forsthoefel (Christine X A ) , Dawn H a r b o r L n . , Riverside, C T 06878,
Bethlehem 1114 T r e m o n t Circle, W h i t e h a l l , P A T E : 203-637-9394

18052, T E : 215-432-2277 Mrs. Edith A . Richards ( I ) , 243 W . White-
hall Rd., State College, P A 16801, T E :
Greater Harrisburg Mrs. Kenneth Lyons (Katharine * ) , 383 Staten Island 814-238-2303
No. 49th St., Harrisburg, PA 17111, T E :
Mrs. Bruce Lambert ( J o A n n e l l ) , 1329
717-564-3310 Forest Ave., Staten Island, N Y 10302,
T E : 212-273-4346
Long Island Mrs. Walter Semmelmeier (Joan en), 1622 Syracuse
Wilson St., Baldwin, N Y 11510, T E : Mrs. Jerome Bornhurst (Betty X ) , 3894
W i l l o w b r o o k L n . , Liverpool, N Y 13088,
Montreal 516-868-9418 Toronto T E : 315-457-7464

Mrs. G. A . Kaine (Yvonne K4>), 311 Bruce Miss Ruth Bolsby ( B T ) , 90 Heath St.,
St., Kirkland, Quebec, Canada, H 9 H #309, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, T E :
New Jersey 3L5, T E : 514-697-6028 Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Joseph Grant (Sarah B * ) , 6 Robin Mrs. Bruce L . Mikesell (Marilyn AX),
9244 Three Oaks Dr., Silver Springs, M D
H i l l Rd., North Caldwell, NJ 07006, T E : 20901, T E : 301-585-9056

Northern Virginia 201-228-3487 Wilmington Mrs. Robert B . M i l l e r (Elizabeth ti/), 2505
Mrs. John Garrett (Nancy A A ) , 8527 For- Lindell Rd., Grendon Farms, Wilming-
ton, D E 19808, T E : 302-994-5493
rester Blvd., Springfield, V A 22152, T E :

I—Regional Directors f o r A l u m7n0a3e-4C51h-a0p6t0e5rs:

Mrs. John Amos—Albany, Ottawa, Syracuse, Toronto. Mrs. Harold Klotz- Harrisburg, Northern Virginia, Philadelphia, Washington, Wilmington,
Pittsburgh. Miss Helen McMahon—Baltimore, Charleston, Montreal, New Jersey, Richmond, State College. Mrs. Joseph Grant—Allentown/Bethlehem,
Boston, Camden, Long Island, So. Connecticut, Staten Island.


Vice President: M r s . R i c h a r d A . Stitt (Jane A T ) , 2204 Applewood Court, A n n A r b o r , Michigan 48103. Telephone 313/994-4665
Extension Officer: Miss Barbara Zolnierczak ( B I I ) , 29165 Hayes # 1 0 , W a r r e n . M i c h i g a n 48093. Telephone: 313/776-9502
Finance Officer: M r s . E r i c Roach (Susan B T ) , 571 T o b i n Drive, A p t . # 2 0 8 , Inkster, Michigan 48141. Telephone: 313/274-4090


Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Epsilon Sharon Midkiff, AOII-Hobson Union, BSU, Mrs. Robert Smith (Jane I T ) , 1401 M r s . Walter Klus (Carolyn O ) , 7017
Bemidji State
University Bemidji, M N 56601 Beltrami Avenue, Bemidji, M N Valley View Road, Edina, M N 55435,
Beta Pi 56601 612/941-5195
Eastern Michigan Becky Besserer, A O I I - O f c . of Student L i f e , Mrs. Arnold Escher, 714 Parker Mrs. John L . Russell ( A d a B A ) , 4357
University Eastern Michigan Univ., Ypsilanti, M I Avenue, Detroit, M I 48214 Stoneycroft, Okemos, M I 48864, 517/
Iota Tau 48197 349-4158
University of Mrs. James White (Jean I T ) , Route Mrs. Cecil Hunt (Barbara * A ) , 930-17fh
Wisconsin-Stout Jennifer Johann, 2103-5th St., Menomonie, I , Eau Galle, W I 54737 Avenue, Grafton, W I 53024, 414/377-
W I 54751, 715/235-9345 7766
Kappa Pi Mrs. Jeffrey McLean (Jeanne K I I ) , M r s . Samuel B i l l i g ( L o i s OV), 3772
Ohio Northern Karen Grane, Clark Hall, O N U , Ada, O H Rte. U Box 104, Ada, O H 45810 Schneider Road, Toledo, O H 43614,
University 45810, 419/634-8586 419/385-5802
Mrs. Robert Schuette (Alice 11), Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 0 ¥ )
Omega Lynda Kerzic, Suite 180, Richard H a l l , 9 Robin Court, Oxford, O H 45056
Miami M i a m i University, Oxford, O H 45056, Mrs. Cecil Hunt (Barbara * A )
University 513/529-3684 Ms. Sharon Fliess ( * A ) , 4139 N .
Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee, W I Mrs. Samuel Billig (Lois 6 * )
Phi Delta Terre Palabrica, U W M Union, Box 6, M i l - 53211
University of waukee, W I 53211, 414/354-6663 Mrs. Cecil Hunt (Barbara * A )
Wisconsin—Milwaukee Mrs. Robert Anderson (Norma A T ) ,
Susan Shaffer, 145 Bissell A v e . , Youngs- 4153 Canfield Road, Canfield, O H Mrs. Walter Klus (Carolyn G)
Phi Lambda town, O H 44505, 216/744-7132 44406
Youngstown Mrs. John Russell (Ada B )
State Univ. Joy Roden, U W L , Cartwright Center, La- Mrs. Robert Ladehoff (Nan B E ) ,
Crosse, W I 54601, 608/782-8985 607 West Gale St., Galesville, W I
Sigma Lambda 56340
University of Audrey Ashenbeck, 1121 S.E. 5th St.,
Wisconsin—LaCrosse Minneapolis, M N 55414, 612/331-1381 Mrs. Jerry Zappitello (Deborah T ) ,
12836 Nicollet A v e . S., A p t .
Tau Catherine Martineau, Student Activities Ofc. 301, Barnsville, M N 55337
University of U T Student Union, Toledo, O H 43606,
Minnesota 419/531-4870 Mrs. Warren Kerry (Prudence Ann
Theta Psi T O ) , 5953 Therfield, Sylvania, O H
Toledo 43560


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Detroit North
Ann Arbor M r s . Lawrence Radecki (Betsy on), 2155 Suburban M r s . Paul T . M o o r a d i a n ( P a m O i l ) , 13326
Cram PI., # 2 , A n n Arbor, M I 48105, Detroit Northwest Sherwood Dr., Huntington Woods, M I
Cincinnati T E : 313-663-9916 Grand Rapids 48070, T E : 313-547-8630
Cleveland East
Miss Janice Slater (4>0), 6588 Hearne R d . , Greater Lansing Area Mrs. W m . C. O'Shea (Joan O * ) , 35979
# 3 0 , Cincinnati, O H 45211, T E : 513-574- Middleboro, Livonia, M I 48154, T E : 313-
5004 Macomb County 525-1399

Mrs. Robert A . Richardson (Carolyn A T ) , Madison, W I Mrs. Elton Kruger (Judith B r ) , 7495
2870 Plymouth, Cleveland, O H 44124, Candlewood S.E., Grand Rapids, M I
Cleveland West T E : 216-831-8869 49508, T E : 616-942-0259
Minneapolis/St. Paul
M r s . S. G . Bryant (Phyllis Z ) , 10806, M r s . L y n n P. Slee (Sandra B r ) , 2124
Fidelity Ave., Cleveland, O H 44111, Toledo Pleasant View, Lansing, M I 48910, T E :
Columbus T E : 216-252-1970
M r s . James K i r b y ( M a r i l y n OV), 39307
M r s . M o r t o n K a t z (Carolyn E X ) , 2245 Columbia, M t . Clemens, M I 48043, T E :
Lane Rd., Columbus, O H 43220, T E : 313-165-4817

Dayton 614-457-2807 M r s . C l i f f o r d Andreoli ( K a r y l • P ) , 205
Dearborn S. Owen D r . , M a d i s o n , W I 53705, T E :
Detroit M r s . George F . Schmitt ( A n n B X ) , 1500
Wardmier Dr., Washington Township, OH 906-231-2209
Mrs. Lee Kottke (Alyson 2 £ ) , 851 E.
Mrs. Fred Kalsic (Sandra B I I ) , 7590 Glen Ave., Whitefish Bay, W I 53217,
Ziegler, Taylor, M I 48180, T E : 313-388-
8135 T E : 414-332-2973

Mrs. William W. Wilson (Patricia on), Mrs. Orrin M . Haugen ( M a r i l y n T ) , 6612
20661 Wedgewood, Grosse Pointe Woods, Indian Hills Rd., Edina M N 55435, T E :
Detroit Council M I 48236, T E : 313-881-1852
Mrs. Joe Coley (Sarah 6 * ) , 3930 W o o d -
Miss Barbara Zolnierczak ( B I I ) , 29165 hurst Rd., Toledo, OH 43614, T E : 419-
Hayes, # 1 0 , Warren, M I 48093, T E :
I I — R e g i o n a l Directors f o r A l u m3n1a3e-77C6h-a9p5t0e2rs:

Mrs. Walter Klus—Minneapolis/St. Paul, Milwaukee. Mrs. Cecil Hunt—Grand Rapids, Greater Lansing, Madison. Mrs. John L . Russell—Ann Arbor,
Dearborn, Detroit, Detroit North Suburban, Detroit Northwest, Macomb County, Toledo. Mrs. Samuel Billig—Cincinnati, Cleveland East, Cleveland
West, Columbus, Dayton.


Vice President: M r s . Rex Lewis ( T A ) , 4409 Pepper Avenue, Montgomery, A l a b a m a 36109. Telephone: 205/277-2799 ( h o m e ) , 205/263-1611 (office)
Extension Officer: M r s . James H a r d y (Pat T S ) , 3465 Somerset T r a i l , A t l a n t a , Georgia 30331. Telephone: 404/344-2091
Finance Officer: M r s . George D . Bass ( L o u i Z ) , 3041 N . E . 46th Street, F t . Lauderdale, F l o r i d a 33308. Telephone: 305/776-0948

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director 1217
Alpha Delta Donna Byrd, P.O. Box 2407, University, Mrs. Jerry Batts (Marilyn A A ) , Mrs. Thomas Gibbs (Jane T A ) , AL
University of
Alabama A L 35486, 205/348-4900 1015-7th Ave., # 4 , Tuscaloosa, Greensboro Road, Birmingham,
Alpha Kappa Debbie Mansell, Box 5516, U N A , Florence, A L 35401 35208, 205/324-4990
University of M s . Patricia Chandler. 1107 W i l - Mrs. Thomas Gibbs (Jane TA)
North Alabama A L 35630, 205/764-1839 lingham Road, Florence, A L
Alpha Pi Debbie Sorsby, 123 N o . Copeland, Talla- 35630 Mrs. A r t h u r Blau (Linda n ) , 7913 Vene-
Florida State Mrs. Rick Hoffmeister (Charlene tian St., Miramar, F L 33023, T E : 305/
University hassee, F L 32304 A n ) , 1621 A i r p o r t D r . , Talla- 983-6381
Delta Delta Ginger Avery, A O I I Box, Dorm C, Auburn hassee, F L 32304
Auburn Miss M a r y Rawlings Reese ( T A ) , A t l a n t a
University University, Auburn, A L 36830 Miss Margaret H o o k ( N B ) , 2005 Federal Savings, 4605 Roswell Road,
Dauphin St., # 1 , Mobile, A L N E , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E : 404/875-
Gamma Delta Donna Haswell, AOII-Univ. Center, USA, 36606 5072 ( h o m e ) , 404/252-5246 ( w o r k )
University of Mobile, A L 36688, 205/342-8662
South Alabama Miss M a r i l y n Renfroe (ro), 2925 Mrs. Thomas Gibbs (Jane T A )
Gamma Omicron Anne George, 819 W . Panhellenic D r . , SW 28th Place, Lot 69, T E : 372-
University of Gainesville, F L 32601, 904-373-4550 5407 ( h o m e ) . 376-9485 ( w o r k ) . Mrs. E. Burke Jolly
Florida Gainesville, F L 32601
Lisa Adamson, AOII-GSU, Univ. Plaza, M r s . Boyd Bogle, I I I (June N O ) , 6037
Gamma Sigma Box 540, Atlanta, G A 30303, 404/659- Miss M a r y Rawlings Reese T A ) , Sherwood Drive, Nashville, T N 37215,
Georgia State 1743 (See Regional Director listing) 615/383-2842

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beverly Adams, Box 68, FSU, Lakeland, Mrs. E. Burke Jolly (JudyAS),
Kappa Gamma Ms. A n n C. Colvin ( A n ) , 1040 E u -
Florida F L 33802, 813/683-5521 clid Avenue, Lakeland, F L 33802
College Barbara Ashcroft, 2000 N . Parkway, M e m - Mrs. Brian Rushton (Priscilla KO), M r s . Charles E. Bettis (Nancy O ) , 7709
phis, T N 38112, 901/458-5669 95 Hollyoke Lane, Memphis, T N Bennington Drive, Knoxville, T N 37919,
Kappa Omicron 38117 615/693-1514
Southwestern Gwen Vickery, LaGrange College, La-
at Memphis Grange, G A 30240 Mrs. Michael Etheridge (Julianna Miss M a r y Rawlings Reese ( T A ) , Atlanta
Lambda Chi A X ) , 18 Cherokee Street, Newnan, Federal Savings, 4605 Roswell Rd., N E ,
LaGrange Doris Gude, 1190 South Milledge Ave., G A 30263 Atlanta, G A 30342, T E : 404/875-5072
College Athens, G A 30601, 404/548-3366 (home) 404/252-5246 (work)
Mrs. Patrick Kelley (Sharon AS),
Lambda Sigma Pam M c H u g h . P.O. Box 4415. University 458 Dearing St., Athens, G A Miss M a r y Rawlings Reese ( T A )
University of Mississippi, Oxford, M S 38677, 601/ 30601
of Georgia 234-2718 Mrs. Boyd Bogle, I I I (June NO)
Nu Beta Miss Deb Mathis ( A n ) , 26 Lar-
University of Bridgett Luther, 2415 Kensington Place, honda, O x f o r d , M S 38655 M r s . A r t h u r B l a u ( L i n d a fl)
Mississippi Nashville. T N 37212, 615/329-3760
Nu Omicron Mrs. David Mathes (Ann NO), Mrs. D o n Banks (Suzy A A ) , 1015-7th
Vanderbilt Mary Watlington, Box 277, Lambuth Col- 500 Plantation Ct. R-3, Nashville, Avenue, Apt. # 7 , Tuscaloosa, A L
University lege, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/422-4963 T N 37221 35401, 205/345-9630
Omega Omicron
Lambuth Janie Roose, A O I I R o o m , 1531 W . C u m - M r s . Roy Evans ( A n i t a K a y CIO), Mrs. Don Banks (Suzy AA)
College berland Ave., Knoxville, T N 37916, 615/ 146 Skyhaven, Jackson, T N 38301
Omicron 525-3752 Mrs. Boyd Bogle, I I I (June NO)
University of Mrs. James C. Brennan (Kathy
Tennessee Janie Martin, Box 02, ETSU, Johnson City, * A ) , 8229 Foxall C r „ Knoxville, Mrs. Charles E. Bettis (Nancy O)
Phi Alpha T N 37601 T N 37921
East Tennessee M r s . A r t h u r Blau ( L i n d a CI)
State University Marsha Brown, Box 549, Huntingdon Coll., M r s . Gene C l a r k (Helen N O ) , 1302
Sigma Delta Montgomery, A L 36106, 205/264-9082 Peterson Place. Johnson City, T N Mrs. Don Banks (Suzy AA)
Huntingdon 37601
College Shawn Freeman, P.O. Box A-56, B'ham- Mrs. Charles E. Bettis (Nancy O)
Tau Delta Southern College, Birmingham, A L 35204, M r s . James Beck (Dea X A ) , 3127
205/322-6417 Old Dobbin Road, Montgomery,
Birmingham-Southern A L 36111
College Carolyn Sweeney, A O I I , Box 126, U T M ,
M a r t i n , T N 38238 Mrs. Steve Frederick (Lynne T A ) ,
Tau Omicron 107 Malaga A v e . , B i r m i n g h a m ,
University of Beverly Barnes, 805 Johnson Street, Green- A L 35209
Tennessee-Martin ville, N C 27834, 919/758-4290
Miss Elaine Mitchell (TO), G-H
Zeta Psi H a l l , U T M , M a r t i n , T N 38238
East Carolina
University Mrs. Jeannie Arbegast ( Z ) , Rt. 2,
Box 491, Greenville, N C 27834


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Athens Knoxville M r s . D o n Walsh (Sherry O ) , 1320 H u n t -
Miss Karen Denman ( A S ) , 120 Beverly Lakeland Area
Atlanta Dr. Athens, G A 30601, T E : 404-543-8470 Macon Area ingdon D r . , Knoxville, T N 37919, T E i
Martin 615-588-7643
Atlanta Tri-County Mrs. H . E. Hodge (June £ ) , 5601 Windy Memphis Mrs. Dean A . Shimer (Becky K r ) , 210
Birmingham Ridge D r . , N E , Atlanta, G A 30342, T E : Mobile Lk. Hollingsworth Dr., #707, Lakeland,
Broward County 404-252-3104 Montgomery F L 33803, T E : 813-688-6582
Charleston, SC Nashville Mrs. Kenneth Henderson (Silva A H ) , 5651
Charlotte, N C M r s . Thomas Chaffin ( K a t h y TX), 3317 Orlando-Winter Park Kentucky Downs D r . , Macon, G A 31204,
Spreading Oak Dr., Douglasville, G A Palm Beach County T E : 912-477-8952
Chattanooga 30134, T E : 404-949-6546 St. Petersburg Mrs. Phillip Pinion (Linda T O ) , 2021
Shoals Area Longview Rd., Union City, T N 38261,
Cocoa-Melbourne M r s . Thomas Gibbs, Jr. ( N i n a T A ) , 1217 Tallahassee T E : 901-885-9175
Tampa Bay Area Mrs. M . B . Baker (Suzanne A T ) , 1421 Oak
Columbus, G A Greensboro Rd., Birmingham, A L 35208 Manor, # 9 , Memphis, T N 38138, T E :
Greater Pensacola M r s . Leonard Stafford (Sylvia A A ) , 1916 Mrs. Arthur F. Palmer, Jr. (Jan), 200
SE 21st Ave., F t . Lauderdale, Fla. 33316, Rapier Ave., Mobile, A L 36604, 205/
Huntsville, A L T E : 305-523-4136 433-4262
Mrs. John T . G a m m i l l (Freida A A ) , 2614
Jackson, T N Mrs. Larry Millhouse (Mary Ellen AO), Baldwin Brook Dr., Montgomery, A L
55 M u e l l e r D r . , Charleston, SC 29407, 36116, T E : 205-2814358
Johnson City Area T E : 803-7664528
Mrs. Christine Marino (en),580 Ben Frank-
M r s . M e l v i n L . A l l e n (Joyce 6 ) , 3513 lin PI., Orlando, F L 32809
Highview Rd., Charlotte, N C 28210, T E :
704-364-5708 Mrs. Vincent Filomio (Lucinda A n ) , 2041
Radnor Rd., Juno Isles, F L 33408, T E :
M r s . Charles A . H o l t (Candace T A ) , 8262 305-626-2218
Danube Dr., Chattanooga, T N 37421,
T E : 615-894-3737 Mrs. Thompson N . Berdeen (Mildred T ) ,
5720 S. 34th St., St. Petersburg, F L
Mrs. Wentworth H . Taylor, Jr. (Martha 33711
T O ) , 923 L y d i a Circle, Indian H a r b o u r
Beach, F L 32937, T E : 305-773-3289 M r s . W . Gregory Lewis (Pattv N B ) , 207
N . Sequoia Blvd., Florence A L 35630,
Mrs. W. Mizell Alexander (Julia AA), T E : 205-766-5057
2813 Roswell L n . , Columbus, G A 31907,
T E : 404-561-5251 M r s . W i l l i a m Peterson (Barbara A n ) , 1911
Devra Dr., Tallahasse, F L 32303, T E :
Mrs. Paul R. Burch (Eleta A A ) , 12064, 904-386-2217
Gulf Beach Highway, Pensacola, F L
32507, T E : 904-455-0541 Miss K h a k i Eustace ( T O ) , 3602 Vasconia
St., Tampa, F L 33609, T E : 813-839-0683
M r s . R. D . Stewart (Janet B A ) , 2015
Roundleaf Green, Huntsville, A L 35803,
T E : 205-883-0994

M r s . Ben Truex ( L i n d a CIO), 255 Channing
Way, Jackson, T N 38301, T E : 901-668-

Miss Linda Kirby ( * A ) , No. # 1 1 , Oaks
Apartments, Rt. 9, Jonesboro, T N 37659,
T E : 615-477-8222

HI—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Mrs. Don Banks—Jackson, Martin. Knoxville. Mrs. Charles E. Bettis—Montgomery, Memphis, Charlotte, Chattanooga, Mrs. Arthur Blau—Nashville,

Birmingham, Palm Beach, Orlando-Winter Park, Tallahassee. Mrs. Boyd Bogle—Atlanta, Atlanta Tri-County, Johnson City, Cocoa-Melbourne, Mrs. Thomas
Gibbs—Shoals Area, Mobile, Huntsville, Pensacola. Mrs. E. Burke Jolly-Lakeland, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Broward Co. Miss Mary Rawlings Reese-Athens,
Charleston, Columbus, Macon.



Vice President: M r s . Stephen W . Sutherlin ( K a y e ) , 4723 R o u n d Lake Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205. Telephone: 317/251-4203
Extension Officer: M r s . W i l l i a m Knopsnyder (Peg B * ) , 2416 E . Chandler, Evansville, Indiana 47714. Telephone: 812/853-8555
Finance Officer: M r s . V i c t o r B r o w n ( R u t h B 9 ) , 811 E. 80th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Telephone: 317/255-3422

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Chi Sue Spieser, College Heights. P.O. Box 291, Mrs. Neil Allen (Rachel A X ) , 459 M r s . David Towell (Karen A X ) , 1551
Western Kentucky
University W K U , Bowling Green, K Y 42101, 502/ Brentmoor Drive, Bowling Green, Chestnut, Bowling Green, K Y 42101,
Beta Chi 748-2620 K Y 42101 502/843-1231
Charlene Sizemore, Box 310, Peeples H a l l , Mrs. Thomas N . Thompson (Judy Mrs. David Towell (Karen AX)
Kentucky Wesleyan Kentucky Wesleyan Coll., Owensboro, X A ) , 1400 M i d d l e g r o u n d , Owens-
College K Y 42301, 502/684-9039 boro, K Y 42301 M r s . Jack Clark (Nancy P ) , 1207 West
Beta Lambda Sue Guenzler. 1314 N . Fell, Bloomington, Mrs. Roger Schwierjohn (Rose- Haven, Arlington Hts., I L L 60005 , 312/
Illinois Wesleyan I L 61701, 309/829-1890 mary I ) , R.R. 2, Bloomington, 392-1936
University I L 61701
Beta Phi Robin Roberts, 901 E. 10th St., Blooming- Mrs. C. J. Woertz, Jr. (Rose B4>), Mrs. Thomas Redmon (Lynn K K ) ,
Indiana ton, I N 47401, 812/332-7296 Thistle Dr., R.R. 1, Bloomington, 1709 Carlsbad Drive, Lafayette, I N
University I N 47401 47905, 317/447-2984
Chi Lambda Nancy Burnett, A O I I Suite, 400 S. Rother- Antoinette Reitz (Toni X A ) , 521
University of wood, Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-6838 Runnymeade, Evansville, I N 47714 M r s . W i l l i a m Coffey ( L i z X A ) , 7754 N .
Evansville Whittier Place, Indianapolis, I N 46250,
Delta Omega Patrice Carroll, Box 3099, University Sta- Mrs. Kenneth Harrell (Ellen KO), 317/849-3030
Murray State tion, M S U , Murray, K Y 42071, 502/753- Box 3026 Univ. Station, M u r r a y ,
University 8656 K Y 42071 Mrs. David Towell (Karen AX)
University of Linda Weingartner, 706 S. Mathews, U r - M r s . Russell Young (Linda I ) , 505 Mrs. Jack Clark (Nancy P)
Illinois bana, I L 61801, 217/344-0136 S. Draper, Champaign, I L 61820
Kappa Alpha Mrs. Thomas Redmon (Lynn K K )
Indiana State Bonnie Cline, 122 L i n c o l n Quad, I S U , Mrs. Paul Gibbons (JoAnn K A ) ,
University Terre Haute, I N 47809, 812/232-1051 35 Gardendale, Terre Haute, I N M r s . R. Keith Gilchrist ( A n n 6 ) , 5613
Kappa Kappa 47803 Skyridge Drive, Indianapolis, I N 46250,
Ball State Margie Harrelson, A O I I Suite, Rogers Hall, 317/849-6142
University Muncie, I N 47306, 317/285-4416 Mrs. Wm. J. Huber (Mary Lou
Nu Iota K K ) , 200 W . Jackson St., Muncie, Mrs. Harry W i n n , Jr. ( D o t t i T ) , 2809
Nancy Crist, 918 Kimberly, D e K a l b , I L I N 47303 Lincoln, Evanston, I L 60201, 312/866-
Northern Illinois 60115, 815/785-5332 7863
University Mrs. Peter Taubenheim (Barbara
Omega X i Miss Becky Albert, U P O 1284, M S U , N I ) , 1770 Sussex W a l k , H o f f m a n Mrs. David Towell (Karen AX)
Morehead State Morehead, K Y 40351, 606/783-3858 Estates, I L 60195
University Mrs. Thomas Redmon (Lynn K K )
Phi Omicron Sandra Grush, A O I I House, Hanover Col- D r . M i l d r e d Quinn ( O S ) , 1379
Hanover College lege, Hanover, I N 47243, 312/866-3327 Sherwood Forest, Morehead, K Y Mrs. William Coffey (Liz XA)
Phi Upsilon Pat Mongaraz, 1001 D a v i d Ross Road, W . Mrs. Harry Winn, Jr. (Dotti T )
Purdue Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/463-9566 M r s . James Jacob (Sue * 0 ) , 707
University E. 2nd Street, Madison, I N Mrs. R. Keith Gilchrist (Ann 6 )
Janice L u n a k , 1545 Riverview D r i v e , M a - 47250
Sigma Iota comb, I L 61455, 309/833-5507
Western Illinois Mrs. J. Edward Wagoner (Nancy
University Julie Tucker, A O I I , DePauw Univ. Green- B * ) , 18 Spring Valley Ct., W .
castle, I N 46135, 317/653-9793 Lafayette, I N 47906
DePauw M r s . James Conley (June S I ) , 152
University Penny Lane, Macomb, I L 61455

Mrs. James Johnson (Martha © ) ,
314 H i g h f a l l , Greencastle, I N


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Indianapolis Mrs. Michael L . Hanlin (Lucita K K ) , 5140
Bloomington, I N M r s . M a r k M a d d o x (Cindy X A ) , 3502 Kentuckiana
Windcrest Dr., Bloomington, I N 47401, Kokomo East 76th Ct., Indianapolis, I N 46250,
Lafayette T E : 317-849-5482
Bloomington-Normal T E : 812-332-9513 Lake Co. M r s . A n d r e w S. Rust ( M a r t h a * 0 ) , 479
Lexington, K Y Long Ct., New Albany, I N 47150, T E :
Mrs. Roger Schwierjohn (Rosemary, I ) , Muncie 812-944-1802
R.R. 2, Bloomington, I L 61701, T E : Rockford, I L Mrs. Robert C. Larrick (Madonna * 0 ) ,
South Bend 235 Greenbriar, K o k o m o , I N 46901, T E :
Bowling Green 309-663-4744 Terre Haute 317-452-6637
Mrs. Charles Stewart (Jane K A ) , 2806,
Mrs. James R. Rockhill (Sharon A X ) , Barlow St., West Lafayette, I N 47906,
Rt. 17, 2429 Heather Dr., Bowling Green, T E : 317-463-2055
Mrs. Charles Coburn (Karla B * ) , 736
Champaign-Urbana K Y 42101, T E : 502-781-6459 Wood St., Crown Point, I N 46307, T E :
Mrs. H . Norton Harrison (Linda AO), Mrs. Mark Hume (Katherine A X ) , 477
1580-A White Dr., Rantoul, I L 61866, Potomac Dr., Lexington, K Y 40503, T E :
Chicago Area T E : 217-893-4528 M r s . Richard Goetz (Patricia I ) , 105 E .
Council Hickory Grove Rd., Hartford City, I N
Chicago-Beverly M r s . L a r r y C r i p p i n (Jean B A ) , 21 S. 47348, T E : 317-348^1891
Hills Illinois, Villa Park, I L 60181, T E : 312- Mrs. John Preble (Betty 4>T), 4604 Pepper
Chicago-North Shore 279-1057 Dr., Rockford, I L 61111, T E : 815-877-
Chicago-Northwest M r s . John E . Parker ( L y n n e CI), 4131 Oak-
Suburban wood L n . , Matteson, I L 60443, T E : 312- M r s . Paul Kepner (Judy B ) , 14250 Pierce
747-1880 Rd., RR # 2 , Bremen, I N 46506, T E :
M r s . Carl Schulz (Ingrid B A ) , 1700 Lake
Ave., Wilmette, I L 60091, T E : 312-256- M r s . K i p K u m p f ( D o t t i K A ) , 1015 N .
0472 Meridian St., Brazil, I N 47834, T E : 812-
Mrs. David H . Conway (Betty 4>A), 42 E.
Dundee Rd., Barrington, I L 60010, T E :

Chicago-West 312-381-2176
Mrs. Michael J. Broggi (Patricia N l ) , 4050
Fairview Ave., Downers Grove, I L 60515,

Evansville Tri-State T E : 312-852-5916

M r s . W i l l i a m Thomas ( K a r e n K A ) , 1201
A p r i l Dr., Evansville, I N 47710, T E :

Fort Wayne 812-867-5545
Mrs. David A . Fishbaugh (Mary B * ) ,

1011 Oneida, F t . Wayne, I N 46805, T E :
I V — R e g i o n a l Directors f o r Alu2m19n-a4e22-C5h9a9p6ters:

Mrs. Jack Clark—Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana. Mrs. William Coffey—Evansville-Tri State, Lafayette. Mrs. Keith Gilchrist—Ft. Wayne,
Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lake County, Muncie, South Bend. Mrs. Thomas Redmon—Bloomington, Terre Haute. Mrs. David Towell—Bowling Green
Kentuckiana, Lexington. Mrs. Harry Winn, Jr.—Chicago-Beverly H i l l , Chicago-North Shore, Chicago-NW Suburban, Chicago-West Suburban, Rockford.



Vice President: M r s . Robert L . W a l k e r (Shirley (Shoo) Z ) , 15 Hillcrest D r i v e , Kearney. Nebraska 68847. Telephone: 308/234-9524
Extension Officer: M r s . Robert S. Smith ( K a r e n A H ) , 5305 Kentucky, R a y t o w n , Missouri 64133. Telephone: 816/356-1469
Finance Officer: M r s . Leon F . Charity ( M a x i n e T ) , Timberland Heights, R. D . # 3 , Ames, I o w a 50010. Telephone: 515/292-4339

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Theta Holly Burke, Box 554, Coe College, Cedar Mrs. Allen Pesavento (Renee I X ) , M r s . Jerry C. Beck (Chris I X ) , 2240
Coe College
Rapids, I A 52402 1425 36th St., N E , Cedar Rapids, North 92nd Ave., #22, Omaha, N B
Delta Pi I A 52403 68134, 402/391-6980
Central Missouri Kathryn Boyle, AOII—Panhellenic Hall. Mrs. Tom Bruening (Barb A H ) , Mrs. William Struble (Ginny * ) , 2330
State University C M S U , Warrensburg, M O 64093 , 816/ Route 1, Higginsville, M O 64037 S.E. Alamar Road, Topeka, K S 66605,
Iota Sigma 747-3234 913/233-0842
Iowa State Mrs. David Huston (Cindy 12), Mrs. Jerry C. Beck (Chris 12)
University Julie Underriner, 2007 Greeley, Ames, I A R.R. 1, Kelley, I A 50134
Lambda Omega 50010, 515/232-1520 Mrs. William Struble (Ginny * )
Northwest Missouri Mrs. Charles O'Riley (Carol A l l ) ,
State University Linda Barnes, 209 Roberta Hall, N W M S U , R.R., Graham, M O 64458 Mrs. Judith A n n Hansen ( Z ) , 4312 Pres-
N u Zeta MaryviUe, M O 64470, 816/582-7234 cott, Lincoln, N B 68506, 402/489-8509
Chadron State M r s . James N o r d s t r o m ( A n i t a ) , 117
College Rhonda Schommer, Box 6, K l i n e Campus N . Chadron, Chadron, N B 69337 Mrs. Judith Ann Hansen (Z)
Cntr., Chadron, N B 69337, 308/432-3808
Phi Sigma Mrs. James Smith, Jr. (Donna * S ) , Mrs. Jerry C. Beck (Chris IS)
Kearney State Vicki Fintel, Conrad Hall #112, Kearney 22 Skyline Drive, Kearney, N B
College State College, Kearney, N B 68847, 308/ 68847 Mrs. Judith A n n Hansen ( Z )
Theta Chi Mrs. Linda Renfro ( 8 X ) , 2200 G.
Morningside Janet Y o u n g , 3823 Garretson A v e . , Sioux Street, South Sioux City, N B
College City, I A 51106, 712/277-5603 68776

Zeta Sara Mushlitz, 1541 S. Street, L i n c o l n , Mrs. Dennis H . Stelzer (Sue Z ) ,
University of N B 68508, 402/475-9238 5031 Cresthaven Drive, Lincoln,
Nebraska-Lincoln N B 68516


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Ames M r s . Steve Abel (Tanna, I S ) , 787 Pammel Lincoln
M r s . Duane K . Culver (Donna Z ) , 2236
Columbia- Court Ames, I A 50010, T E : 515/292-6569 Maryville, M O So. 56th, Lincoln, N B 68506, T E : 402-
Jefferson City, M O 488-8721
Des Moines Mrs. Leonard Rutledge (Quinetta A n ) , Omaha
R.R. # 2 , Jefferson City, M O 65101, M r s . C. O'Riley (Carol A n ) , Box 153,
Greater T E : 314-635-6081 St. Louis Graham, M O 64455
Kansas City
Kearney M r s . Greg Schlueter (Nancy e x ) , 6500 Topeka Miss Kathleen Lewis ( * S ) , 1407 Buck D r . ,
Aurora, Des Moines, I A 50322, T E : 515- # 1 3 1 , Bellevue, M N 68005, T E : 402-291-
276-3664 5994

Mrs. Harry L . Gregory (Dorothy A l l ) , Mrs. Michael W o l f (Karen A l l ) , 2641
9505 Bennington, Kansas City, M O 64134. Deloak Dr., St. Louis, M O 63129, T E :
T E : 816-763-1306 314-846-8052

Mrs. Robert Placke (Sue • £ ) , 4411 Ave., Mrs. Ronald Oberhelman (Melinda A l l ) ,
E. Kearney, N B 68847, T E : 308/237- 1000 W . 19, Topeka, K S 66604, T E :
2917 913-233-0884

V—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Mrs. Jerry C. Beck—Ames, Des Moines. Mrs. Judith Hansen—Kearney, Lincoln, Omaha. Mrs. William Struble—Columbia/Jefferson City, Greater
Kansas City, Maryville, M o , St. Louis, M o . Topeka.


Vice President: M r s . Forrest E. Swan (Alverna Y ) , 7406-78th S. E., Mercer Island, Washington 98040. Telephone: 206/232-3721
Extension Officer: M r s . Kenneth R. Beers ( M a r i a n n a I A ) , 3595 Johnny Creek Road, Pocatello, Idaho 83201. Telephone: 208/233-0684
Finance Officer: M r s . Lawrence Lundberg ( M a r i l y n Y ) , 16035 B u r k e A v e . , N o r t h , Seattle, Washington 98133. Telephone: 206/542-3390

Collegiate Chapter President Pull- Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Gamma Mrs. Mike Hinz (Sue A r ) , N . W . M r s . H a r l a n Humason ( A u d r e y ? ) , 14548
Washington State Laurel Wescott, N . E . 820 Campus,
University man, W A 99163, 509/335-8502 1915 Kenny, Pullman, W A 99163 Edgewater L n . , N E , Seattle. W A 98155,
Alpha Phi 206/363-0151
Montana State Marsha Bell, 1119 S. F i f t h A v e . , Boze- Mrs. John Baines (Ruth A P ) , 204 Mrs. Richard L . Smith (Elaine I A ) , 3759
University man, M T 59715, 406/587-0691 N W 27th, Corvallis, OR 97330 Heron, Pocatello, I D 83201, 208/237-
Alpha Rho 1462
Oregon State A n n Casale, 2435 N W Harrison, Corvallis, Mrs. R. Lester Hison (Connie A S ) , Mrs. Ode Satterfield (Lue Y ) , 16503-145th
University OR 97330, 503/752-2494 1523 Russett Drive, Eugene, O R Ave., SE, Renton, W A 98055, 206/271-
Alpha Sigma 97401 1096
University Shannon Phillips, 1680 Alder Street. Eugene,
of Oregon OR 97401, 503/485-9677 Mrs. Kerry Spence (Judi B K ) , 2173 Mrs. Ode Satterfield (Lue Y )
Beta Kappa Tompkins Crescent, N . Vancouver,
University of A n d r a Thomson, R o o m 10, Panhellenic BC, Canada Mrs. Ode Satterfield (Lue Y )
British Columbia House. Univ. of British Columbia, Van-
Beta Rho couver, BC, Canada Mrs. Mike Milodragovich (Chris Mrs. Harlan Humason (Audrey y)
University of A r ) , P.O. Box 2553, Missoula,
Montana Dianne Smart. 220 Daly, Missoula, M T M T 59801 Mrs. Richard L . Smith (Elaine I A )
Beta Sigma 59801, 406/728-2151
Boise State M r s . Bryce Smith ( S h e r r i ) , 1910 Mrs. Richard L. Smith (Elaine IA)
University L o r i Loder, 4703 Kootenai, # 2 1 , Boise, I D Boise Ave., # 5 , Boise, I D 83706
Iota Alpha 83705, 208/336-0430 Mrs. Harlan Humason (Audrey T)
Idaho State Mrs. Ray Grant (Terry I A ) , 912 W .
University Rebecca Skinner, Box 8801, Pocatello, I D Wyeth, Pocatello, I D 83201
Upsilon 83209, 208/236-3504
University of Mrs. Bruce Busch (Kathy y ) , 5700-
Washington K a t h y Madden, 1906 N . E . 45th, Seattle, 29th N E , Seattle, W A 98105
W A 98105, 206/524-*669


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Missoula Pullman Mrs. George Bruehl (Arline A r ) , Rt. 2,
Mrs. Charles E . Valach (Alvera A * ) , 528
Pocatello Dearborn, Missoula, M T 59801, T E : Seattle Box 532, Pullman, W A 99163, T E : 509-
406-549-1330 564-8733
Portland Vancouver, BC
Mrs. Terry L . Haggardt (Rita I A ) , 2037 Mrs. George Lucker (Yvonne y), 4137
E. Lewis, Pocatello, I D 83201, T E : 208- 94th SE, Mercer Island, W A 98040,
233-3313 T E : 206-232-8245

Miss Diane M a r i e Eaton ( P S ) , 633 SE Mrs. W . H a l l (Valerie B K ) , 3692 W . 35th
81st, Portland, OR 97215, T E : 503- Ave., Vancouver, BC Canada, T E : 604-
252-1680 266-8679

VI—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Mrs. Harlan Humason—Pullman, Missoula, Seattle. Mrs. Ode Satterfield—Vancouver, Portland. M r s Richard L . Smith—Pocatello.


Vice President: M r s . Anthony L a M a r c a (Grace A T ) , 2610 Wilshire, M o n r o e , L A 71201. Telephone: 318/387-3573
Extension Officer: M r s . Raymond K r a m e r (Barbara B * ) , 7516 Chattington D r i v e , Dallas, Texas 75240. Telephone: 214/233-6495
Finance Officer: M r s . Randy Ellis (Elaine A O ) , 1898 Dabney Drive, Baton Rouge, L A 70816, T E : 504/272-3197

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Omicron Kathy Finley, Box 16990-A, L S U , Baton Mrs. Harold Mele, Jr. (Susan K T ) , Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann A T ) ,
Louisiana State
University Rouge, L A 70893, 504/387-4294 343 W . C h a l f o n t D r . , B a t o n 17 L o n g w o o d D r i v e , M o n r o e , L A
Delta Beta Rouge, L A 70815 71201, 318/343-6162
University of Jan Moreaux, P. O. Box 2130, Lafayette, Mrs. Carrol Waguespack (Brenda Miss Michal Lord ( U K ) , 2412-A Trail-
Southwestern Louisiana L A 70501, 318/233-0134 A B ) , 1507 Kaliste Saloom R d . , side Drive, Austin, T X 78704, 512/441-
Kappa Tau Lafayette, L A 70501 1864
Helayne Culotta, P. O. Box 948, College Mrs. Lional Laurent (Rose K T ) , Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann A T )
Southeastern Louisiana Station, Hammond, L A 70401 Rt. 1, Box 611 Jodi D r . , H a m -
University mond, L A 70401 Miss Michal Lord ( U K )
Susan Duggins, P. O. Box 4556, N L U , Mrs. David Barnes (Felicie A T ) ,
Lambda Tau Monroe, L A 71201, 318/322-6515 2304 Pinehurst, Monroe, L A Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr. (Georgiann A T )
Northeast Louisiana 71201
University Lynne Raney, Box 928, State Univ., Jones- Mrs. Thad Wyatt (Carolyn 2 0 ) ,
Sigma Omicron boro, A R 72467, 501/972-2184 1812 Eldridge, Jonesboro, A R
Arkansas State 72401


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Arlington- Mrs. Gary Hildebrandt (Virginia * K ) , Jonesboro
Mid Cities Little Rock Mrs. O'Neil Y o r k (Carolyn S O ) , 1100 W .
Austin 1413 Woodway D r . , Hurst, T X 76053, Monroe Jefferson, Jonesboro, A R 72401, T E :
T E : 817-281-1644 New Orleans
Baton Rouge Ms. Janet D . B r o w n ( U K ) , 8012 H i l l - Oklahoma City 501-935-2715
rise Dr., Austin, T X 78759, T E : 512- San Antonio
Beaumont 345-2313 Shreveport Mrs. Michael Mitchell (Suzanne 2 0 ) ,
Mrs. A r t h u r Favre (Charlene A O ) , 10349 Tulsa 1013 Barbara, Jacksonville, A R 72076,
Dallas Azrok Ave., Baton Rouge, L A 70809, North Central T E : 501-982-6129
T E : 504-293-1879 Texas Council
Fort Worth Mrs. John Phelps ( L o u Ellen U K ) , 975 Mrs. Johnnie Rogers (Melody A T ) , 1600
Greater Iris L n . , Beaumont, T X 77706, T E : 713- Dawnview Ln., Monroe, L A 71201, T E :
Lafayette 866-5577 318-387-2570
Hammond, L A Mrs. Richard Beltramini ( R o b i n I ) , 7817
Thistle Dr., Dallas, T X 75240, T E : 214- Miss Deborah Anderson ( A T ) , 3202 M e -
Houston 661-1579 morial Park Dr., #166, New Orleans, L A
Mrs. Jonathan Gardner (Bunny N B ) , 3701
Stoney Creek Rd., Fort Worth, T X 76116, 70114, T E : 504-362-8338
T E : 817-737-3624
Mrs. Clyde Mitts ( D i t t y S O ) , 319 N W
Mrs. Alan Heath ( C a t h y ) , 208 Van- 18th, Oklahoma City, O K 73103, T E :
couver Dr., Lafayette, L A 70501, T E :
318-235-6023 405-524-7609

Miss Jackie Parr ( K T ) , Collegetown Apt., Mrs. M i k e Gaines ( D i n a h U K ) , 503
#25, Hwy. 51, Hammond, L A 70401, Antler Dr., San Antonio, T X 78213,
T E : 504-345-1472
T E : 512-341-0442
Mrs. E d DeZevallos (Pam N O ) , 10106
Mooreberry L n . , Houston, T X 77055, T E : Miss Rosetta Gregono ( A T ) , 2137 Rodney
715-465-1231 St., Bossier City, L A 71010

Mrs. Andrew Orr (Peggy O ) , 4725 So.
67th E. Ave., Tulsa, O K 74145, T E :


Mrs. Roger Walker (Becky U K ) , 4301
Valleycrest, Arlington, T X 76013, T E :

VII—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Mrs. N o r m a n Barrow. 6010 S. 75th East Ave., Tulsa, O K 74145. T E : 918-627-5267—Arlington Mid-Cities. Baton Rouge, Dallas, F t . W o r t h , Little R o c k .
Monroe, Oklahoma City, Shreveport, Tulsa. Mrs. Ted Grace—Hammond. Jonesboro. Miss Michal Lord—Austin. Beaumont. Greater Lafayette, Houston,
New Orleans, San Antonio.


Vice President: M r s . Gerald P. H e r m a n ( M a r i l y n V ) , 8805 Cliffridge Avenue, LaJolla, C A 92037. Telephone: 714/452-8453
Extension Officer: M r s . Edmond C. Maroder (Jean A ) , 750 Seale Avenue, Palo A l t o , C A 94303. Telephone: 415/327-3230
Finance Officer: M r s . A l l e n Jaeger ( S a n d r a ) , 1817 Capistrano Avenue, Berkeley, C a l i f o r n i a 94707. Telephone: 415/526-6667

Collegiate Chapter President Street, Davis, CA Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Chi Alpha Mrs. William Huston (Alice A * ) , Mrs. E d w i n M a r k e l (Sandra T ) , 882
University of Sally A b e l , 802 " J "
California-Davis 95616, 916/758-4855 8719 Fallbrook Way, Sacramento, Russet Drive, Sunnyvale, C A 94087,
Chi Delta C A 95826 408/732-4657
University of Catherine Lucas, 1015-15th Street, Boulder, Mrs. Louis Spomer (Jan P ) , 6991 Mrs. Edward F. McMahon (Peggy B K ) ,
Colorado CO 80302, 303/443-0546 E. Cornell, Denver, C O 80224 5376 S. M o r n i n g Glory L n . , L i t t l e t o n ,
Lambda Beta CO 80123, 303/798-4486
California State Susan Billington, 210 Temple Ave., Long Mrs. James Ferrell (Penne N A ) , Mrs. Edwin Markel (Sandra T )
University-Long Beach Beach, C A 90803, 213/433-9592 21152 Binghampton Cr., H u n t -
Nu Lambda ington Beach, C A 92646 Mrs. W . A . Carton (Marianne Y ) , 1262
University of Susan Hart, 647 W . 28th Street, Los Upas Street, San Diego, C A 92103,
Southern California Angeles, C A 90007, 213/746-8426 Ms. Beryl A r b i t ( K G ) , 1943 Point 714/298-2150
View, Los Angeles, C A 90034


Collegiate Chapter President St., Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Mrs. Edwin Markel (Sandra T )
Sigma Helen Holbrooke, 2311 Prospect Mrs. Neil McNeil (Leah A S ) ,
University of Berkeley, C A 94704, 415/845-9279 7033 Hemlock St., Oakland, C A Mrs. W. A . Carton (Marianne Y)
California-Berkeley 94611
Sigma Phi Patti Rosvall, 9950 Zelzah, Northridge, C A M r s . Stanley Gilson ( P h y l l i s ) , 18000
California State 91325, 213/349-9873 Mrs. Joseph Compese (Crystal X A ) , Collins, Encino, C A 91316, 213/344-
University-Northridge 23063 Baltar St., Canoga Park, 9275
Theta Omega Carol Burbrink, Box 7617 N A U , Flag- C A 91304
Northern Arizona staff, A Z 86001, 602/523-4747 Mrs. Stanley Gilson (Phyllis)
University M r s . G a i l M o r r i s ( T o n i 9 f l ) , 1505
Upsilon Alpha Lisa Tewksbury, 1731 E . Second St., W . Aztec, Flagstaff, A Z 86001
University of Tucson, A Z 85719, 602/795-9570
Arizona M s . Gina Davis, 2928 E . Chula
Vista D r . , Tucson, A Z 85716


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President

Albuquerque Mrs. Hazlet Edmonds ( K e ) , 2120 Valencia Palo Alto M r s . Joan M c D o n a l d ( I ) , 356 Waverly,
N E , # 9 , Albuquerque, N M 87110, T E : # 4 , Menlo Park, C A 94025, T E : 415-
505-266-9248 325-0425

Amador-Livermore M r s . Richard Bilheimer (Carol K G ) , 2308 Pasadena M r s . R. J. DesJardin (Arlene X A ) , 1845
Denver V i a Espada, Pleasanton, C A 94566, T E : N . Santa Anita, Arcadia, C A 91006,
Diablo Valley 415-846-6115 Phoenix
East Bay T E : 213-355-2884
Glendale M r s . George H . Coulter (Beverly T ) , 3659 Sacramento
Hawaii E. Nobles Rd., Littleton, CO 80122, T E : San Diego M r s . James Polese (Rita 611), 5924 E .
Las Vegas 303-770-4309 Calle del Norte, Phoenix, A Z 85018,
Long Beach San Fernando
Los Angeles Mrs. Thomaf. Thomnsnn (Joanne S ) , 312 Valley T E : 602-945-2063
Marin County Camino Sobrante, Orinda, C A 94563, San Jose
Northern California T E : 415-254-2516 M r s . David Cardenas (Sally A B ) , 5304
Council San Mateo Terrace Oak Cir., Fair Oaks, C A 95628,
M r s . A l l e n W . Jaeger (Sandy S ) , 1817
Capistrano Ave., Berkeley, C A 94707, South Bay T E : 916-961-9425
415-526-6667 Palos Verdes
Southern California M r s . Robert K i r k (Carroll A S ) , 3958
Mrs. Richard Dunham (Barbara K 6 ) , Council Bonita View D r . , Bonita, C A 92002,
1531 Sunshine D r . , Glendale, C A 91208, Southern Orange
T E : 213-246-2153 County T E : 714-479-8335
M r s . Joseph Macario (Barbara A S ) , 978 Mrs. Stanley W . Gilson (Phyllis S * ) ,
Lunalilo Home Rd.. Honolulu, Hawaii 18000 Collins, Encino, C A 91316, T E :
96825, T E : 808-395-4120 213-344-9275

Mrs. Robert Goldberg, (Constance S * ) , M r s . D a v i d Jury ( C a r o l A S ) , 1273 Lorelei
3500 E . Cortez Ave., Las Vegas, N V Ct., Campbell, C A 95008, T E : 408-374-
89102, T E : 702-870-1140 7426

Mrs. L. Wade Svicarovich (Karen A B ) , Mrs. Robert Schaezlein (Christine Y ) ,
5311 E. 4th St., Long Beach, C A 90814, 1144 Lake St., San Francisco, 94118,
T E : 213-597-8740 T E : 415-221-6923

Miss M a r t h a Hilands ( A P ) , 547 N o . M r s . Robert M c W h e r t e r ( A S ) , 1923 P u l l -
Bundy Dr., Los Angeles, C A 90049, man L n . , Redondo Beach, C A 90278,
T E : 213472-8733 T E : 213-372-3174

Mrs. Robert Panizzon (Jeanmarie A S ) , Mrs. Thomas Longmire ( N o r m a K P ) 6783
15 Owlswood D r . , Larkspur, C A 94939, Oleander Ct., Riverside, C A 92506
T E : 415-924-1646
M r s . J i m M e r r i m a n ( K a y Z ) , 9882 Vicks-
burg Dr., Huntington Beach, C A 92646,
T E : 714-963-2149

Mrs. A r c h Fulton (Donna T A ) , 8748 East
Patterson Drive, Tucson, A Z 85710

Northern Orange M r s . Gilbert Haugen (Juanita N A ) , 3845
County Pinot Ct., Pleasanton, C A 94566, T E :


M r s . Robert Adams (Beverly Y ) , 6309
VIII—'Regional Directors f o r ASel uambonrane SCt.h, apLtaekrse:wood, C A 90713, T E :

M r s . W . A . Carton—Glen2d1a3l-e4,21L-2o2s08Angeles, N o r t h e r n Orange Co., San Fernando Valley, South Bay Palos Verdes, Pasadena. M r s . Stanley Gilson—
Tucson, Phoenix. Mrs. Edwin Markel—Diablo Valley, East Bay, Long Beach, Sacramento, Southern Orange Co. Mrs. Edward F. McMahon—Albu-
querque, Amador-Livermore, Denver, Hawaii, Las Vegas, M a r i n County, Palo A l t o , San Diego, San Jose, San Mateo.


1976 Recipients of
AOTT Arthritis

Research Grants

A large percentage of Americans, especially among those

\ over sixty, suffer f r o m pain and incapacity caused by arthritis.
Despite the variety o f possible causes, the result of all forms
of arthritis is the eventual destruction o f a component o f the
I cartilage tissue called proteoglycan. The proteoglycans are

responsible f o r the unique mechanical properties of this tissue
providing a smooth gliding surface for the movement of
opposing bones. Unfortunately nothing is known of the way
the body naturally metablizes cartilage proteoglycans or how
this relates to the excessive degradation seen in the process
of arthritis.

Janet H . Glaser, Ph.D., one of the A O I I Arthritis Research
Grant Recipients, is directing her research toward investi-
gating the enzyme activities which may be involved in the
destruction of cartilage tissues. Cartilage cells isolated f r o m
chick embryo limbs are grown in tissue culture. By using
radioactive isotopes both the synthesis and degradation of
proteoglycans can be monitored. Intermediates in the process
are then isolated, and we begin to build up clues as to the

Janet H . Glaser, Ph.D.

pathway the cell uses to metabolize these molecules. Once •
the events at the biochemical level are understood then there
w i l l be a basis f o r a rational approach to drug therapy and Jane M . Siegel, Ph.D.
alleviation of the pain and loss o f joint function of osteo-

Dr. Glaser is conducting her research at the University o f
Illinois at Urbana, where she is a Research Associate with
the Department of Biochemistry.

Jane M . Siegel, Ph.D.. recipient of one of the 1976
A O I I Arthritis Research Grants, is investigating the factors
which predispose to the development of autoimmune and
rheumatoid diseases i n an animal model, the New Zealand
Black ( N Z B ) strain mouse.

These mice f o r m antibodies against their own tissues,
called autoantibodies. For example, autoantibody against
their own red blood cells results in a hemolytic anemia with
greatly enlarged spleen and liver. Autoantibodies directed
against nuclear components of their cells, especially against
nuclear D N A , results in the formation of immune complexes
which deposit in the blood vessels, capillaries and joints. One
serious consequence of this is kidney damage and loss of
function. This is common both to these mice and patients
with systemic lupus erythematosus. The formation of similar
antigen-antibody complexes in the joints also triggers the
painful inflammatory reactions characteristic of arthritis.

Dr. Siegel h ' 3 recently received an appointment as Assis-
tant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Immunology,
Allergy and Rheumatology, University of Oregon Medical
School, Portland, where she is carrying out these studies.


Six AOTTs Attend
Annual Meeting of
The Arthritis Foundation

Report from Dorothy Kurras,
International Philanthropic Chairman

From left to right: Marilyn Haugen, Dorothy Kurras, and Gwen omy. Despite this staggering toll, the Report highlighted some
Lee. of the accomplishments that took place last year: new medical
advances; expanded programs and services by chapters; en-
The Arthritis Foundation recently held its 28th Annual actment of the National Arthritis Act; and record public
Meeting in Chicago in conjunction with the 40th Annual support totaling $13.5 million. Several times recognition was
meeting of the American Rheumatism Association Section given to A O I I for its local contributions of over 30,000
and also with Allied Health Professions Section. For the volunteer hours and $40,000, in addition to the research
first time, six A O I I s attended this Annual Meeting in various grants presented on a national level.
capacities. They were, in addition to the International Phi-
lanthropic Chairman, Dorothy Kurras, ALT; Millie Sweeder, M r . Clarke also paid tribute to Jerry Walsh, Director of
A T , Scottsdale, Arizona; Gwen Lee, P, Urbana, Illinois; Special Services f o r the Foundation f o r 23 years, who died
Marilyn Haugen, T , Minneapolis, Minnesota; Mary Ann in November. He acknowledged a check for $500.00 which
Wanatick, ®<J>, Toledo, Ohio; and Sue K r e f t , <pA, Cincinnati, A O I I sent in Jerry's memory. It along with other checks
Ohio. received i n his memory w o u l d be restricted f o r use to launch
a special patient services program i n Jerry's name, to be
Of particular interest to A O I I , Dr. Jane Schaller, U n i - announced later this year.
versity of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, a 1971
recipient of one of our research grants, presented a paper It was once again a privilege to represent A O I I and to
on the study of 54 patients with pauciarticular juvenile hear more and more good reports from A F Executive D i -
arthritis. rectors and Board members of the wonderful working rela-
tionships between A O I I and A F . W E have every right to
Mr. Clifford M . Clarke, recently hired by the Arthritis be proud o f our philanthropic endeavor.
Foundation in New Y o r k as its Executive Director, presented
the AF's 1975 Annual Report. The theme of the Report was
the $13 billion annual impact of Arthritis on the U.S. econ-

Dorthy tflOU Brochure to Left to right: Millie Sweeder, Dorothy L. Kurras, Maureen Rea-
Clifford Foundation. gan and Marilyn Haugen. Maureen Reagan filled in for her
Kurras presents AOII Pen and Arthritis mother, Jane Wyman, who is Honorary Chairman of the Arthritis
M. Clarke, Executive Director, The Arthritis Foundation.


Alpha Omicron Pi


Investment in Education


The Diamond Jubilee Foundation Committee an- quests, memorials and fund-raising activities.
nounces the 1976 Scholarship Awards. Financial need, campus and chapter participation,

Seventy applications were received and eighteen awards scholastic achievement, individual goals and initiative
were granted, including one in memory of the late Muriel were all part of the evaluations by the Committee. The
Turner McKinney. The foundation, a dream of Muriel Committee weighed, in so far as possible, all aspects of
Turner McKinney, was born at the 1959 International the needs of the student, and adjusted to individual situ-
Convention in Vancouver and incorporated in 1961. The ations when necessary to assist the worthy Alpha Omicron
foundation is supported f r o m gifts, contributions, be- Pi member to achieve her goal.

Sally May Abel of Davis, California
Chi Alpha Chapter
Class of 1977, University of California—at Davis
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter: Vice President, Chapter Relations and Pledge training. Chapter's
highest Scholarship Award twice.
Campus: Spectrum news reporter, volley ball captain, political campaign
Future Plans: Law School and Political career

Christie Rae Barnes of Martinsville, Indiana
Kappa Alpha Chapter
Class of 1977, Indiana State University
Degree Sought: B.A. English

Chapter: Recording Secretary, Chapter Relations, Jr. Panhellenic, Treasurer
Campus: Member Blue Beret, State Day Committee, Homecoming Steering
Committee, Chairman Poster Committee.

Future Plans: Teacher (English)

Lisa Marie Behnke of Seaford, New York
Theta Pi Chapter
Class of 1977. Wagner College, Staten Island, N . Y .
Degree Sought: B.S. (Nursing)
Chapter: Rush Chairman, Founder's Day Chairman, Leaders Council
Campus: Student Affairs Committee, Student Nurse Fellowship, Athletics
Future Plans: Nurse—Master's Degree in Hospital Administration. Join Long
Island Alumnae Chapter


Deborah Ann Bookhahn of Grand Island, Nebraska
Zeta Chapter
Class of 1977, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Degree Sought: B . A .
Chapter: Panhellenic Representative and Vice President, Rush Song Leader,
Pledge Social Chairman
Campus: Student A l u m n i Board Committee, University Judiciary Board,
Reporter f o r Nebraska newspaper, Volunteer day care center
Future Plans: Career in Journalism—in Public Relations—Goal—United Nations

Recipient of Muriel T. McKinney Award of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation

Nancy Burnett of Evansville, Indiana
Chi Lambda Chapter
Class of 1977, University of Evansville, Indiana
Degree Sought: B . A .
Chapter: Pledge Class Secretary. Sophomore Treasurer, Junior President,
and, as o f March. 1976, President, Collegiate Liaison o f Region
IV, Roby A Award
Campus: Association of Childhood Education Workshop Leader f o r Educa-
tion Students
Future Plans: Master's Degree and Teach

Peggy Ellen Butts o f Warsaw, Indiana
Beta Phi Chapter
Class of 1977, Indiana University
Degree Sought: B.S. Business Education
Chapter: Corresponding Secretary, Vice President, Chapter Relations,
Class Vice President
Campus: Alpha Lambda Delta ( H o n o r a r y ) Treasurer—Fellowship of Chris-
tian Athletes, Public Relations, Intramurals, Fund Raising
Future Plans: H i g h School Teacher—Business


Julia Elizabeth Christian of Fulton, Missouri
Chapter Delta Phi
Class of 1977, Central Missouri State University
Degree Sought: B.S.E. English Functional
Chapter: House Manager, Philanthropic Chairman, Corresponding Secretary
Campus: English Club, Committee Member o f U n i o n Program Cabinet,
Sigma Tau Delta. Honorary
Future Plans: Teach English, Speech and Theatre, Junior or Senior H i g h School

Karen Marie Grane of Lakewood, Ohio
Kappa Pi Chapter
Class of 1977, Ohio Northern University
Degree Sought: B . A .
Chapter: Vice President. Pledge Class, Rush Chairman, President, 1976
Campus: Alpha Lambda Delta, Honorary—President, Secretary Honors
Council, Homecoming Committee, Panhellenic Rush Council
Future Plans: Graduate School—Hospital Administration or Law

Debra Lynn Ham mitt of Kirkwood, Missou

Zeta Chapter
Class of 1977, University of Nebraska
Degree Sought: B.A.

Chapter: Assistant Social Chairman, Fraternity Education
Campus: Committee Member Student Life on Campus, Tutor- -Nebraska

Indian Children

Future Plans: Develop day care projects for large corporations

Christina Ann Hubbard of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Phi Beta Chapter

Class of 1977, East Stroudsburg State College, Pennsylvania

Degree Sought: B.S.

L - . ML Chapter: I.S. Council Representative, Rush Chairman

Campus: Officer, Student Senate, Kappa Delta Pi (Honorary Education),
Who's Who American Colleges, Big-Little Sister Community Pro-

Future Plans: Elementary School Teacher, Master's Degree in Reading Program

Denise Sue Larson of Bozeman, Montana
Alpha Phi Chapter
Class of 1977, Montana State University
Degree Sought: Health Education
Chapter: House Manager, House Efficiency Committee
Campus: Spurs, Campus Gold Girl Scouts, Associated Women Students,
Secretary. Students Scholarship Chairman, Student Ambassador
Future Plans: Graduate School—after High School Teaching one year


Brenda Gayle LeBrun of Glendale, Arizona
Theta Omega Chapter
Class of 1977, Northern Arizona University
Degree Sought: B.S.


Chapter: Treasurer, Rush Chairman
Campus: Sophomore Service Organization, Northern Arizona Spurs, Alpha

Pi Sigma, Police Science Honorary
Future Plans: Graduate School—Master's Degree Political Science


Patricia Ann Mongarez of Highland, Indiana
Phi Upsilon Chapter

Class of 1977, Purdue University, Indiana
Degree Sought: B.S.

Activities: President, Fraternity Education Chairman, Assistant Pledge
Chapter: Trainer, Leaders Council, Representative to Purdue's Alumnae
Campus: Programs, Intramural Sports
Honorary Skull and Crescent Honorary Women in Communica-
Future Plans: tions, Greek Staff Writer and Photographer, Purdue Panhellenic
President's Council
Advertising—Travel or Industrial


Donna Rae Smith of Henderson Kentucky
Beta Chi Chapter
Class of 1978, Kentucky Wesleyan College
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter: Song Leader, Penhellenic Secretary, Pledge Class Trainer, Pledge
Class President
Campus: Wesleyan Players and Singers, Chamber Choir, Intramural Sports,
Student Recruiter
Future Plans: Master's Degree in Theatre and Performing Arts

Peggy Sommers of Vancouver, Washington
Alpha Gamma Chapter
Class of 1978, Washington State University
Degree Sought: Special Education
Chapter: Scholarship Committee, By-Laws Revisions Committee, Fraternity
Education Chairman
Campus: Mothers' Weekend Committee
Future Plans: Additional Education necessary to teach deaf children

September Lynn Urfer of West Memphis, Arkansas

Sigma Omicron Chapter

Class of 1978, Arkansas State University

Degree Sought: Early Childhood Education


Chapter: Social Chairman. Pledge Class Chaplain, Little Olympics Chairman
Campus: Rotarac Member and Program Chairman
Future Plans: Teacher


Kathleen Cora Walker of Carmel, California

Sigma Chapter

Class of 1977, University of California, Berkeley

Degree Sought: B.A.

Activities: Recording Secretary, President Pledge Class, Fraternity Education
Chapter: California Marching Band (representing California on six week
Campus: East Coast Tour for Bicentennial) Junior Honorary Society, Sopho-

more Honorary Society, Coordinating Committee Marching Band,

Concert Band, Choir, American Field Service Student to Denmark


Future Plans: Nursing School to secure RN

Catherine Louise Wells of Beaverton, Oregon
Alpha Rho Chapter
Class of 1977, Oregon State University
Degree Sought: B.S.
Chapter: Public Relations, Jr. Panhellenic Delegate. Chairman 50th Anni-
versary Celebration
Campus: Treasurer and President Student Home Economics Association,
Greek Week Steering Committee, Jr. Panhellenic Advisor Red
Cross Blood Drive
Future Plans: Dietetics Program—Hospital or Administrative


RT & J-The Beginnings and
Purpose of the RT & J Committee

Mary D. Drummond, Alpha Phi and recording. The "working principle" officers, and individuals and deal with
was performing effectively. mottoes, robes, symbols, lost badges,
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is a privilege for illegal badges, exact interpretation of
TO DRAGMA to present another in Thus the need for a Committee on words, changes and design in jewelry,
the regular series of articles by mem- Fraternity Traditions. It was so ordered etc. The Committee works in co-op-
bers of the Rituals, Traditions and at the Convention. The four Founders, eration with the Executive Board in
Jewelry Committee. along with Gladys Courtian Britton, regard to appointments and policy.
A, and Laura A . Hurd, Y, were chosen
"The essential tradition of our Fra- as members. Stella Perry became the It is hazy in the records exactly
ternity is, that its rituals and promises Chairman and held that office until when the name was changed to Rituals,
are to be considered not as an emo- her death in 1956. The function of the Traditions and lewelry. The Committee
tional expression of an uplifted mood, committee was and is "To serve as on lewelry was appointed in the very
but as a working principle among advisor and expositor, that there may beginning. Stella Perry served as
members and non-members, in college be those who can transmit in accuracy chairman and Julia L. Tillinghast, N ,
or out of it." Stella Perry. the spirit and basic principles of Alpha as her assistant. This committee deals
Omicron Pi." A t that time all mem- primarily with an authorized jeweler,
In 1921 Alpha Omicron Pi had bers were elected for life. This no designs and patent laws. What the
demonstrated that she possessed the longer obtains. The term of office is jewelry means to us falls into the
ability to grow. In review at the Con- six years. Besides the original mem- Rituals and Traditions area. It was
vention in Syracuse, N . Y., she had bers those who have served, or are therefore logical to combine the two.
withstood the growing pains that all serving on the Committee are: Rose
fraternities must face at the start. She Gardner Marx Gilmore, % Mamie Hurt Our Rituals were issued in book
had withstood the loss of Alpha Chap- Baskervill, K, Wilma Smith Leland, T, form in 1928. Rituals designed for
ter, a loss through no fault of her Mary Dee Drummond, A*, Mary various occasions have been added as
own. She had weathered the vicissitudes Paschen Lindrooth, P, Nancy Moyer need for such increased. These are
that World War I brought to the McCain, P, Verginia Long Miller, P, adaptations of the original written by
campuses across the land. She had Virginia Bogges Mylander, K, current the Founders. The Book of Rituals has
achieved the goal of a chapter a year Chairman. Recent members to fill out had two reviews, one in 1961 and the
and alumnae chapters were increasing the term of Verginia Long Miller and last in 1972. There has been no ma-
in numbers. She had made notable to replace the late Mary Paschen terial alteration in the original. The
contributions in money and services Lindrooth. are Gwen Everetts Lee, P, adaptations have had changes in
on the campus and in the communi- and Rosalie Gorham Barber, SO. The phraseology in some respects.
ties where alumnae were at work. Alpha International President serves as an ex
Omicron Pi was doing so many worth officio member. Cicero said, "The Heritage of the
while things that needed remembering past is the seed that brings forth the
Questions come from chapters. harvest of the future." The "working
principle" at work.


Sharon Martin has been named Ruby Fund Chairman replacing
Dorothy B. Dean, P, who has served in that capacity since 1962.
We take this opportunity to commend and thank Dorothy, also a
past International President, on the excellent job she has done.

A bank trust officer, in Independence, Missouri. Sharon is past
Regional Vice President for Region V. The Kansas City Alumnae
Chapter selected Sharon their Outstanding Alumna for 1975. As a
collegiate, Sharon was President of her Delta Pi Chapter.

The Ruby Fund was approved by council in 1946 for AOIIs in
need. The fund is supported by voluntary contributions from collegiate
and alumnae chapters and from individual members. Founders' Day
celebrations are planned to include special emphasis to the fund.


Installation of Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter


• A

Li I


I if

Charter Members of the Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter: Seated on couch, left to right, are: Ann Pare, Upsilon; Helen Horton,
Sigma: Joanne Thompson, Sigma; Thelma Waigand, Theta Psi; Nancy Haviland, Sigma; Alice Winthrop, Epsilon Alpha. Front
row left to right: Janet Farreira, Sigma; Helen Bolstad, Phi Delta; Carolyn Annis, Lambda Beta. Second row left to right: Doriel
Parkinson, Sigma; Edna Davis, Sigma. Third row left to right: Louise Hubbard, Rho; and Sally Duvall, Sigma.

by Carolyn Miller Annis, and Joan McDonald (Iota. Palo Alto Ann Schultz Pare (Mrs. Ronald, Upsi-
Lambda Beta Alumnae Chapter President). Adding lon), Secretary; and Erica Belden
their enthusiastic help, also, were the Rubenstein (Mrs. Ron, Sigma), Treas-
Installation of the Diablo Valley following collegians: from Sigma ( U . urer.
Alumnae Chapter was held on May of California, Berkeley), Mary Craw-
26, 1976. at the home of Louise Rytz ford, past President; Lisa Parker, Ac- Other charter members are: Carolyn
Hubbard in Moraga, California. Fol- tivities Chairman; Cindy Bucholz, Miller Annis (Mrs. Lawrence, Lambda
lowing ritual the many alumnae and Treasurer; and Gwen Ortmeyer; and Beta), Sherril Lercari Barber (Mrs.
collegians present celebrated the event from Chi Alpha (U. of California, Richard W., Delta Sigma), Helen
at a dessert and coffee. Davis), Sally Abel, President; Denise Biederer Bolstad (Mrs. James A., Phi
Hembree, past Vice President and Presi- Delta). Sally Wemple Duval (Mrs.
Nancy Herlihy Belk (Mrs. Robert dent; and Ellen Gwinn, Rush Chairman. Marvin L , Sigma), Carolyn Smith
W.. Upsilon Alpha), member of CIRC Eller (Mrs. Leland J., Nu Lambda),
and past Region V I I I Vice President, Installed as officers of the new chap- Janet Laufenberg Ferreira (Mrs. Alfred
was the installing officer, assisted by ter whose 19 charter members reside L., Sigma), Helen Fink Horton (Mrs.
Jean Hiler Maroder (Mrs. Edmond in the Diablo Valley area of Contra Raymond L., Sigma), Louise Rytz
C , Lambda), Region V I I I Extension Costa County, were: Joanne Lowry Hubbard (Mrs. Donald R., Rho), Rita
Officer; Sandee Rodgers Markel (Mrs. Thompson (Mrs. Thomas J., Sigma), Pelz Lucas (Mrs. Lawrence L . Rho).
Edwin L., Tau), Regional Director; President; Nancy Christman Haviland Doriel Goltz Parkinson (Mrs. Warren
Alice Crouch Huston (Mrs. William, (Mrs. Perry, Sigma), Vice President; R., Sigma), Connie Corten Root (Mrs.
Alpha Phi, and Chi Alpha Adviser);


Grosvenor T., Jr., Sigma), Joanne Enjoying dessert at installation are from left to right: Sandee Market (Tau) Regional
Meyer Vance (Mrs. Robert L., Sigma), Director, Nancy Belk (Upsilon Alpha) installing officer, and Jean Marder (Lambda)
Thelma Coen Waigand (Mrs. L. Gram, Regional Extension Officer.
Theta Psi), Laura Bepler Wheeler
(Mrs. Leonard A., Sigma), and Alice
Janota Winthrop (Mrs. Robert C ,
Epsilon Alpha).

Other alumnae from the San Fran-
cisco Bay Area present at the instal-
lation were: Leah Hardcastle MacNeil
(Mrs. Neil, Delta Sigma), Sigma Ad-
viser; Beth Lindsay Gordon (Mrs.
Donald, Rho), representing East Bay
Alumnae Chapter; and Marianne Lar-
son Kleman (Mrs. Frank, Tau) from

Of special note was the news that
Mary Crawford of Sigma had just re-
ceived a full scholarship from A O I I
to the University of Southern Cali-
fornia for the school year 1976-77.
She will be doing graduate work in
special education and will be the special
chapter assistant to Nu Lambda.

The evening ended on a very flavor-
ful note as the guests and charter mem-
bers all enjoyed the variety of desserts.
The successful installation was the
culmination of many months of plan-
ning and organizing by the charter

AOTT To Be Represented
In Miss Canada Pageant
In November

Beauty and brains do mix. . . . Debbie Fernandez,
a first year law student at Osgoode Hall Law
School, is the new Miss Toronto. While at the
University of Toronto, Debbie served as Rush
Chairman for Beta Tau. As Miss Toronto,
Debbie received a $2,000.00 scholarship to
further her education. "To many people, law
school and beauty pageants don't mix, but these
are two challenges which I have set for myself
and since both demand a desire and ability to
communicate with people, I find the two quite



AOII is Mineral Economist

Elizabeth Semon Bonczar, Epsilon
Alpha, has become the first woman
to receive her Ph.D. in mineral eco-
nomics at Penn State. The degree was
among those conferred at the Summer
Term commencement exercises.

Penn State is one of only six edu-
cational institutions in the country that
awards doctorates in mineral economics
and the University believes that Dr.
Bonczar may be the first woman to
have received a doctorate in this field.

Dr. Bonczar's doctoral dissertation
was titled "An Economic Analysis of
the Secondary Cooper Industry in the
United States," while her master of
science thesis was on the subject, "Bulk
Transportation of Anthracite Coal Ref-

Kappa Gamma Alum is ONLY fe- State University, a church worker, and demar Scheyer, for five years, finally
male sales Representative for Amckem a volunteer for cancer and cystic f i - to be reunited in the States in 1946
Products, Inc. brosis fund drives. She has held all after unbelievably difficult times. Mem-
the major offices in the Harrisburg ories of those unfortunate years have
Kappa Gamma Alum is ONLY fe- Alumnae Chapter and was instrumental helped motivate Inga's dedication to a
male sales Representative for Amckem in founding the group in the 50s. life of serving others.
Products, Inc.
Her childhood years during World The mother of three children and
Deborah E. Botner of Lakeland, War I I in Germany read like a tragic the wife of the President and the Chair-
Florida, has been the only female sales novel of intrigue. Victimized by Nazi man of the Board of Hershey Estates,
representative for Amckem for the past persecution, Inga and her mother were this A O I I is an inspiration to all who
separated from her father. Dr. Wal- know her.
three years. She sells herbicides and
chemical growth regulators for plants. COPY CALL
Her territory includes Florida, Georgia,
North Carolina, and South Carolina. TO: Collegiate Reporter for TO DRAGMA 1976-77
Deborah handles 14 major lawn and FROM: Editor of TO DRAGMA
garden distributors in this 4 state area,
as well as their dealers. "Just goes to SEND—Stories and pictures on chapter activities and
show we women can handle the same honors, plus reports on outstanding chapter
responsibilities as men!" members—tell it all and don't forget the
* **
DEADLINE—December 1, 1976
Inga Scheyer Book—President of Cen- Mail copy to: Editor, c/o AOTT Central Office
tral Pennsylvania Arthritis Foundation
Guild 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
The Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter is
extremely proud of Inga Book (Mrs.
Edward R., EA) for her contributions
both to the chapter and community.
At present Inga is serving a two year
term as president of the Guild, en-
compassing 23 counties in the state.
Her work over the past few years has
brought her in contact with various
celebrities who have participated in
local fund raising activities sponsored
by the Foundation—Jane Wyman, Pat
Nixon, Mamie Eisenhower, and Joan
Fontaine (pictured receiving a token
of appreciation). This year's arthritis
luncheon netted a profit of $7,500

Inga is also Coordinator of Volun-
teer Service for the Milton S. Hersehey
Medical Center of the Pennsylvania


Change of Address or Name

Clip and send to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nashville,
Tennessee 37212.

Husband's Name. .Effective. . chapter. Last Zip Code
Maiden Name of. at which
New Address
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Collegiate Chapter . ZIP
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We're Interested

in YOU, alumnae. We enjoyed hearing from you and would like to hear
more. So if we haven't heard your story—please write. If you want to
write us about an AOTT friend, we'd like that too. . . .

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Submitted by: .Chapter:.


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Ai 1

• 1

I 1

Window of the library at
Barnard College

dualio" Day Bat nard College, Class ol
Gta e r

First AOTT pledge class,
Alpha Chapter, Barnard

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