First Vice President
of her collegiate chapters
We are grateful to Jo for her constructive HAVE YOU HELPED prove the agency or can t you be bothered? Serv-
ideas and helpful suggestions for the Cam- critics wrong by doing your share to ice to mankind is basic in our demo-
improve your grades and to give your cratic society—as fraternity women you
pus issue.—EDITOR chapter a higher scholastic rating on have the opportunity to serve. HAVE
campus? YOU HELPED?
fraternities is that of service— Your college offers great opportunity You are an integral part of the com-
service to the university or college in for the development of leadership munity in which your school is located.
which they are established—service to qualities through the many campus or- It has many needs, particularly for
their national organizations in support ganizations it sponsors, and your chap- volunteer workers in its social service
of their philanthropic work—service ter offers you further opportunity field. Your chapter should have a local
to the community—and service to the through its chapter offices. Have you philanthropic project, whether it be
individual chapter. entered into a campus activity, whether entertaining underprivileged children
it be Student Government, the at a Christmas party, doing volunteer
HAVE Y O U HELPED in any or Y.W.C.A., or any of the many others? work at a local hospital, or helping at
all of these phases of service? Or have you done only what was re- a neighborhood house. HAVE Y O U
quired of you in the way of "activity HELPED by giving of your time and
Attacks are still being made on the or merit points" in order to be initi- of yourself?
fraternity system. Have you stopped to ated? HAVE Y O U HELPED your
think that you can help allay criticism chapter achieve campus wide recogni- A l l these phases of college and fra-
by giving service and that as a member tion for participation in activities? If ternity life offer you "your chance" and
of a democratic organization it is your so you have helped all fraternities by an invaluable opportunity to develop
individual responsibility to do so? showing the world that they are of those qualities of leadership which are
invaluable service to the college and to needed so much in the world today.
Your college has a high academic our country by the development of You can project to others through your
standard which is important to main- leadership qualities. You have the op- actions the ever-basic ideals of Alpha
tain. Have you achieved the highest portunity—take advantage of it. Omicron Pi. You can fulfill your obli-
scholastic average of which you are gations to your college and your chap-
capable or have you failed your school, Alpha Omicron Pi supports a na- ter by maintaining a high scholastic
your chapter, and yourself by being tional philanthropy, of which it is standing, by participation in those
content just to "get by?" One of the justly proud. It is financed through many activities available to you, and
criticisms of fraternities is that they subscriptions to magazines. Do you by service to your fellow man. HAVE
are social clubs without purpose. take your magazines through our YOU HELPED?
Delta conducts a food sale at Tufts
for the benefit of their local philan-
thropy. Ann Dysart and Linda Went-
worth prepare for the rush of student
customers. Every week Delta girls
lead the children at the Medford
Community Center in games and
crafts. The chapter sent a basket of
food to a widow with 10 children
who would have had no Thanks-
giving dinner otherwise. To bring
Christmas to a Boston orphanage the
girls decorated frozen orange juice
cans and filled them with crayons.
Posters of Frontier Nursing Serv-
ice pictures helped the girls collect
clothes from the fraternities, which
they sent to Kentucky with six boxes
of their own clothes. The members
solicit magazine subscriptions to meet
their philanthropic quota.—Natalie
Published by
Sdited by Katherine Davis
Campus Issue January, 1953
Have You Helped? Cover I I
Pi Delta Is Tops at Maryland 2
Jac Talbot Installs Pocatello Alumnae 4
Meeting Time Down South 5 Presenting...
Greetings to Mothers 6 Anne Hebert ( K O ) whom you w i l l meet when you go to con-
vention at Memphis next summer; for she w i l l be one of the
Burnt Offering _7 hostesses for Kappa Omicron chapter at Southwestern. Anne,
who has won many honors for herself and her chapter, was
Introducing 4 New District Directors 8 Homecoming Football Princess at Southwestern this past fall
and is the 1952-53 Rose of Kappa Alpha fraternity. As the win-
Meet the Alumnae Department 10 ner of the Southwestern Maid of Cotton contest, she represented
the university in the national M a i d of Cotton contest. A beauty
Queen Song 12 in the school annual last year, Anne is continuing to win ac-
claim in her sophomore year at Southwestern.
Swiss Jayhawkers Plan Wedding 13
Anne and her sisters in Kappa Omicron chapter welcome you
Collegiates Show "Capacity for Good Will" 14 to the fortieth convention of Alpha Omicron P i to be held at
the Peabody Hotel in Memphis June 28 through July 2, 1953.
Couriers for F.N.S 14 Make your plans now to attend. Betty Shea Drummond ( K O )
and Lorena Terry Strickland ( K ) , convention co-chairman, have
Wanted: a Social Service Secretary 15 planned many interesting events for your entertainment.
The Bible and Fraternity Rituals 16 'Back Qover.
Lincoln Alumnae Are Active in Red Cross 17 Marilyn Goble ( A n ) ,
"Venus," was runner-up
Something New Is Being Added 18 in the "Miss Gymkana"
beauty contest at Florida
Albany Area Alumnae Club Has Busy Year 18 State University. Alpha Pi
also had Ardrenn Miller,
Presenting Eleanor Sikes Peters 19 "Miss Rainbow," who
placed fourth in the "Miss
Collegiate Chapters Report 20 Gymkana" contest. In the
contest, which lasted a
Three Colleges Announce Women's Graduate Courses 29 week, the two Alpha Pi
beauties were c h o s e n
Directory 30 from an original field of
32 girls. Marilyn is A l l
Recent Graduate G r o u p Organized at Memphis Cover I I I reporter to T O D R A G M A
Jront Qover.
Frances Swann (ITA) is
being crowned Miss Mary-
land by John F . Durkee,
editor of the Terrapin,
the university yearbook
which sponsored the con-
test to select Miss Mary-
land. Frances was chosen
by the editors of Life
magazine for this coveted
honor. As the P i Delta re-
porter, she wrote the
chapter feature article
which appears in this is-
T O DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404 TO DRAGMA is published four times a year, October 25, January 25,
North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois, and is printed by Kable March 25, May 25. Send all editorial material to the Editor at AOII House,
Printing Company, 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois. Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana, before Sept. I , Dec. 1, Feb. 1, and
Entered as second-class matter Nov. 9, 1950, at the post office at Mount April 1. Send change of address to Executive Offices, AOII Central Office,
Morris, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing 112 S. Campus Ave., Oxford, O.
at special rate of postage provided for in Section 34.40, Act of Feb. 28,
1925, authorized Nov. 9, 1950. The subscription price is 50 cents per copy; $1 per year, payable in
advance; Life subscription $15.
T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
Pi Delta Is Tops
at Maryland
Felice Cohn was crowned Pledge Queen the office of president, and Melis to and Mary Jo Henneberger. Alice Boul-
of 1952 at the Maryland Panhellenic that of historian. Millie is also a mem- den was the first woman to be chosen
ber of Phi Kappa Phi, scholastic hono- to the horticulture honorary, and Jane
dance. rary. At our initiation banquet, she was Mooney and Barbara Close were ini-
presented with a silver bowl, an award tiated into Pi Delta Epsilon, journal-
17 given annually by the Washington ism honorary.
alumnae to the most outstanding mem-
ber of the chapter. Melis is managing Perhaps Pi Delta's biggest campus
editor of the yearbook and secretary of project is in connection with the Red
the Panhellenic Association. Cross plan for hospital entertainment.
Being so near Washington, D.C.,
Three of the girls are sponsors of Maryland University girls are often
the Air Force R.O.T.C., Pat Wiese, asked to visit the many veterans' hos-
Mary Broumas, and Franni Swann, and pitals in this vicinity. For two years,
Franni is treasurer of this organization. this plan has suffered from lack of or-
Three of the school cheerleaders are ganization. This year, however, with
AO lis—Mary Broumas, Felice Cohn, Pat Elliott and Mary Jo Henneberger
as co-chairmen, Pi Delta took up the
program, successfully organized a sys-
tem of rotation for hospital entertain-
ment, recruited volunteers from the
sororities and dormitories, and made
plans with the Red Cross for square
dances, parties, and ward visits for the
wounded men of our country.
For three years an A O I I has held the
important and difficult job of being in
charge of the campus-wide Red Cross
blood drive held twice yearly. This
year Kitty Patrick is chairman, and the
campus quota was far surpassed in the
fall drive.
Pi Delta's local philanthropic proj-
ect is one which all the girls enjoy very
much. Each month a party is given in
the post-operative or post-polio ward
of the Children's Hospital in Washing-
ton. For two hours the children are en-
tertained by stories, songs, games, and
are served refreshments. Somehow, the
girls always feel that they derive as
Pi Delta's beautiful house was the first to be built at Maryland. The pajama party provided a gay evening
during rushing.
JLl DELTA chapter of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi was installed at the University
of Maryland in 1924, the first national
sorority on this campus. Today, com-
peting with 17 other sororities, it is
still tops, both in campus activities and
in the Panhellenic Association. For the
past several years, this chapter has not
failed to be mentioned among the win-
ners of the Interfraternity Sing or the
homecoming decorations.
In individual honors, Pi Delta also
is well represented. Mildred Imirie,
the chapter president, and Melis Roche,
vice president, are both officers in
Mortar Board, the senior women's hon-
orary on campus. Millie was elected to
by FRANCES SWANN ities and fraternities another one of the i TO*
favorite traditions.
Pi Delta Reporter ftp* 12P
Each year the Panhellenic Associa-
much or more benefit from this as do tion gives a dance in honor of all of Jane Mooney serves children at a party
the children. the new pledges. After the dance, the at the Children's Hospital in Washington,
Pi Deltans all return to the chapter D . C . Monthly parties are part of the chap-
At Thanksgiving cans of food are house for a pledge-active slumber
collected, and this year enough was re- party. Mrs. Hardy, our lovely house- ter's philanthropic program.
ceived to give abundant supplies to mother, serves hot chocolate and
two poverty-stricken families. As doughnuts, and everyone joins in the Queens? You will find them, too.
Christmas rolls around, 20 or 30 under- singing and good times. Nelle Hardy was Rossborough Christ-
privileged children are invited to the mas Queen and Sweetheart of Delta
annual Christmas party. Each of the Initiation in the early spring is an- Sigma Pi. Jane Mooney was Phi Sigma
girls donates a box full of gifts, both other time when everyone sleeps at the Kappa Moonlight Girl. Felice Cohn
practical and entertaining, and Santa house. After initiation there is a break- was Pledge Queen of 1952 and Jenny
Claus delivers one of the gaily wrapped fast party at which it is a ritual for Corbin was a finalist in the Miss Wash-
boxes to each child. the seniors to cook, the juniors to serve, ington contest. Franni Swann is Miss
the sophomores to clean up, and the Maryland University.
It is pathetic to see some of these new initiates to be waited on. After
children. One little girl, a member of breakfast everyone attends church to- During rushing, the chapter ac-
a large family of whom four were at gether. quired 27 new pledges, and they have
the party, refused to open her box of already entered enthusiastically into,
presents because she wanted to give Mildred Imirie, ITA president, and Melis campus and sorority activities. One of
them to the younger tots at home. Two Roche, vice president, were tapped for their first projects was to have a party
little boys came back several times dur- Mortar Board, of which Millie is also to which pledges from all of the other
ing the year to visit the girls. At the sororities were invited. Pi Delta is
present time, the girls are also investi- president. proud of the eagerness with which its
gating the possibilities of supporting pledges have accepted the chapter's
a war orphan under the CARE pro- policy of dedication to the work be-
gram. fore it, the philanthropic program,
campus activities, and just plain having
Among Pi Delta's traditions are the fun together.
Christmas dance and the Christmas
party, including a formal banquet,
after which everyone gathers around
the fireplace to exchange gifts and sing
carols. A t the dance, each of the 27
new pledges will walk down the cir-
cular staircase of the chapter house in
her evening gown and be presented to
the guests while an orchestra plays
softly in the background.
Other traditions are the Parents'
Tea, the Dad's day festivities, and a
Mother's day banquet given in the
spring. The girls find their joint din-
ners held with each of the other soror-
Pi Delta's entire chapter with the 27 pledges. Mrs. Hardy, the housemother, is in the center of the second row.
Jac Talbot Installs Pocatello Alumnae Chapter
by BETTY V A N V A L K I N B U R G H O W A R D (Chi Delia, Colorado)
A SMALL group of Alpha Omi- SB*
cron Pi alumnae found each other Members of the Pocatello alumnae chapter, which was installed by Jac Talbot, national
when Marianna Hahl, Theta, came to president, are, seated, Sara Ewart, Mrs. Talbot, Doris Dold, Betty Howard, Mary Mar-
Idaho State College to colonize our garet Golob; standing, Ethel Redfield, Gerry Wood, Marianna Hahl, Lorene Hendricks,
50th collegiate chapter, Iota Alpha, in Bonnie Burton, Genevieve Bistline, Dr. V i o Mae Powell. Not present are Sara Wells
1950. Our joy was doubled when we
learned that our Pocatello alumnae and Kathryn Gasser.
chapter would become the 100th
alumnae chapter. Wood, all Iota Alpha, and Mary Mar- Claire McQuillan, Iota Alpha presi-
garet Hunt Golob, Alpha Sigma. We dent; Lorene Hendricks, Pocatello
Our group is quite young, having are proud to include in our chapter roll alumnae president; Dr. Carl W . Mc-
been formally organized in September the first honorary members to be ini- intosh, president of Idaho State Col-
when Ruth Boehner, from Denver, tiated into Alpha Omicron Pi. lege; Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs. Evelyn
alumnae director for this district, came Young, dean of women; and Marianna
to help us start the chapter. Even The installation of the chapter was Hahl, Iota Alpha alumna adviser.
though we had not been organized be- held in conjunction with Mrs. Talbot's
fore, we were far from idle; for we visit to the collegiate chapter. In addi- Guests at the reception included Mr.
helped the collegiate chapter with rush- tion to installing the alumnae chapter, and Mrs. T. G. Schmidt of Ogden,
ing, chapter dinners, the Mothers' she was entertained at luncheons and Utah. Marion Schmidt, Rho, was dis-
luncheon on Mothers' weekend, and dinners, including a Panhellenic lunch- trict director at the time of the installa-
rummage and cooked food sales. eon, at which time she spoke on cam- tion of the collegiate chapter, and has
pus Panhellenic problems. been interested in the progress of the
On October 17, 1952, we were in- Pocatello group ever since, although
stalled by Jac Talbot at a ceremony A reception, given jointly by the she is no longer our district director.
held in the Student Union Building on collegiate and alumnae chapters, was A l l who were present at the reception
the Idaho State College campus. The held Sunday, October 19, in the Stu- and the Chinese dinner which fol-
installation followed a dinner for all dent Union Building, to introduce Jac lowed, greatly enjoyed meeting Ted
the members in the Red Room of the to Panhellenic members on the campus Schmidt, LTOA of long standing; for
Bannock Hotel, with Jac as our hon- and in Pocatello, and to the faculty of his good humor kept us all laughing
ored guest. Members of Iota Alpha Idaho State College. Those in the re- during the time he was here.
assisting with the installation were ception line in addition to Jac were,
Dorothy Grigora, Grace Ellis, Joyce
Davis, Frances Bliesner, Betty Nimer,
Claire McQuillan, and Marguerite
Charter members include, officers:
Lorene Hendricks, Zeta, president;
Genevieve Bistline, Iota Alpha, vice
president; Marianna Hahl, Theta, sec-
retary; Doris Dold, Iota Alpha, treas-
urer; and Betty Van Valkinburg How-
ard, Chi Delta, historian. Other char-
ter members are: Bonnie Burton, Sara
Jane Ewart, Kathryn Gasser, Dr. Vio
Mae Powell, Ethel E. Redfield, Sara
K. Wells, Geraldine McClanahan
Left, in the receiving line at the tea which C h i Delta gave when Jac Talbot visited Colorado are Connie Lynn, X A president; M r s .
Talbot, national president; Mrs. Kennedy, housemother; Ruth Drotleff, District X I V director; Ruth Boehner, alumnae director; and
Mary Ann Procopio, XA. Right, Chi Delta's fall pledge class.
T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
Meeting Time Down South
by ADELE K. H I N T O N , (P, Northwestern)
National Convention Chairman
One-third of all the cotton sold in the
United States is marketed here in this
area and its hundreds of square miles
of hardwood forests have made it the
largest producer of this type of lumber
4' in the world. The famed "Cotton Car-
nival" held each year in May salutes
"King Cotton."
Southwestern, the site of our Kappa
Omicron chapter, and the University
of Tennessee's schools of medicine,
dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing are
two of the best known of the city's
educational institutions.
Burrow Library at Southwestern University, the home of Kappa Omicron chapter. Beale Street, W . C. Handy, and his
immortal blues songs cannot be over-
HIS is a wonderful time of the bellum homes enhanced by the gar- looked in any mention of Memphis.
year to think of the South and this year dens and acres of parks in and around The street has become an avenue but
it means you will be thinking of Alpha the city. Cotton and hardwood lumber it still is a colorful place and well
Omicron Pi convention, too. Betty form the main basis of its industry. worth seeing. Theatre under the stars
Shea Drummond (KO) and Lorena during the summer in the Municipal
Terry Strickland ( K ) , co-chairmen for Shell is another attraction, as is the
this, our fortieth convention, extend Overton Park Zoo.
the warm greetings of the South and
are eager for you to join us in June in The collegiate chapters at South-
that city of the old and the new, Mem- western, Vanderbilt, University of Ten-
phis—high on the bluffs overlooking nessee, and Arkansas State College,
the mighty Mississippi. joined by the alumnae chapters of
Memphis, Jonesboro, Knoxville, Little
From June 28 through July 2, dele- Rock, and Nashville, will act as host-
gates and guests to the convention will esses. These chapters comprise District
be meeting in the air-conditioned com- V I I under the directorship of Helen
fort of the Hotel Peabody and enjoying Bramwell (NO).
the hospitality of Tennessee's largest
city. Memphis, to us, means more than its
history, homes, industry, and educa-
Registration on Sunday, June 28, tional institutions. Memphis is our
will be followed by an informal dinner convention city for 1953. We'll see
you at the Peabody on June 28.
with the convention chairmen as host- Adele K . Hinton Mark the dates
esses. The opening ritual and initia- June 28 through July 2
tion services will take place that first
evening. The collegiate directors, ad- on your calendar
visers and executive secretary will be
honored at luncheon on Monday with
the evening being devoted to the
scholarship dinner and "fun night."
The Panhellenic luncheon scheduled
for Tuesday is an innovation, with in-
vitations being issued to all member
sororities of the National Panhellenic
Conference. Their representatives will
be our guests for this occasion.
The alumna award dinner and me-
morial service are on Tuesday eve-
ning's program. Philanthropy and citi-
zenship are to be Wednesday's themes
at meal time. The impressive candle-
lighting service is to take place that n
night. The final day of convention ac-
tivity, Thursday, will be climaxed by
the formal banquet.
Memphis, a modern, industrial city, The Peabody Hotel w i l l be the site of the A O I I convention June 28-July 2.
retains the charm of its historic ante-
T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953 5
Greetings to Mothers The membership is made up of moth-
ers of girls who attend many different
by J E A N HILL BOLES colleges but whose homes are in the
Director of Mothers' Clubs same locality. These are very inter-
esting groups since they bring to-
O O M E of you are old hands at being Jean Boles, the new director of Mothers' gether ideas from many different sec-
Clubs, has had much experience in Mothers' tions. Small gifts, such as mono-
the mothers of A O I I daughters and for Clubs. By virtue of having two Alpha 0 grammed playing cards, dish towels,
some of you it is a very new experi- daughters, Molly, now Mrs. Rodger Hill, card tables and covers, or anything the
ence. As I have only recently been and Betsy, now Mrs. R. E . Smith, who were treasury can afford, are sent once a
made director of Mothers' Clubs for members of Omega chapter at Miami Uni- year to each chapter represented and
Alpha Omicron Pi but have been an versity, Jean has belonged to both the are usually much appreciated.
A O I I for many years (Pi chapter) and Omega and Dayton Mothers' Clubs. A very
have had Alpha O daughters (Omega) capable person, she is well qualified for the If a Mothers' club meets once a
for a long time, I feel that I belong in position of national director of Mothers' month and has no local philanthropic
both the old and new categories. Clubs, and we are fortunate to have her project that takes all of its time, it can
serving in this capacity.—EDITOR. make layettes for the Frontier Nursing
Mothers are always interested in Service, as they can always use layettes
their daughters' activities and just now W e suggest that AOIIs take or send this and other clothing. Also many gifts are
a good many of them are wondering article home to their mothers, so that they needed in the hills at Christmas and
what being pledged to Alpha Omicron may become acquainted with the work of are gratefully received.
Pi will mean to the daughters honored Mothers' Clubs.
by an invitation to join. Can they learn The only requirement for member-
anything of value from this affiliation? on Mothers' Day week end, and are ship in a Mothers' Club is having an
Or is it just another expensive social entertained by their daughters. The
adjunct of college life? With what mothers usually present a gift to the A O I I daughter and an interest in the
kind of people are they associated and chapter from their treasury. Since many
to what are they pledged for the rest of these mothers live at a distance from things she is interested in. As few as
of their lives? Answering these and the campus, it is impossible to have eight or ten mothers may meet to-
other questions is one way Mothers' more than this one delightful week end gether to talk over mutual problems
Clubs may be of service to the sorority. together and, when daughter grad- and the group, by contacting mothers
uates, so does mother. of new pledges and initiates in the
Since there has been no planned vicinity, w i l l soon have a large, active,
recruiting for members of Mothers' Another type, and I believe the most and enthusiastic Mothers' Club. Dues,
Clubs by our national organization, numerous, is usually formed in a more number of meetings, and other regu-
the existing groups have grown up out thickly populated area with the girls lations are determined by the indi-
of a need felt by the collegiate chapters belonging mostly to the same chapter vidual clubs.
for some sympathetic support of their in a nearby college. Of course these
projects and the common interests of groups have many more opportunities Some members ask to be put on an
the mothers. This is as it should be, for service and I know are constantly inactive list when daughters graduate
of course, because an organization that being called upon for curtain making, but most of them have made so many
does not fill a need is not of much cookies, costumes, and gifts for the new friends and become so interested
use and cannot exist for long. chapter house as well as moral support in A O I I and its projects that they re-
for many other undertakings. main active for many more years. Our
The simplest Mothers' Club is the Dayton group belongs in this class.
one whose daughters all belong to the The third type is not directly con- While our dues are small and we have
same collegiate chapter. They pay dues, nected with any one collegiate chapter. only an annual white elephant sale for
meet at the college once a year, usually money raising, because of the eager
interest in the group, we manage a
AOIIs with daughters in Omega chapter are Lucile Gardner Horst ( A ) Agnes Hottel large box of layette items for the
Moses ( H ) , Frances Morris Elliott ( 6 H ) , Ethel Rabey Burke (f!). The daughters standing "Tuckies" each year and a box of
back of their mothers are Gretchen Horst, Frances Moses, Patty Elliott, and Barbara Christmas gifts. This year the gifts are
Burke. Over 80 mothers, grandmothers, and daughters attended the dinner given during head scarves for the girls and neck
scarves for the boys, with some flan-
Omega Mothers' Week End last May. nelette shirts, all made by about fifteen
T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
There is a Mothers' Club pin avail-
able, which is a replica of a gold rose
leaf bearing the letters MHTHP (Greek
for mother). The pin may be un-
jewelled or decorated with pearls and
rubies if the purchaser wishes.
Since I do not have very much up-
to-date information concerning our
Mothers' Clubs and I am sure there
must be many I do not know about at
all, would you please write me and
tell me of your programs, your philan-
thropic activities, your money raising
schemes, and all about yourselves. Let
me know if I can be of any help to
you who are or would like to be mem-
bers of Mothers' Clubs.
I shall be eagerly awaiting your let-
ters.—Mrs. Chalmers B. Boles, 2338
Emerson Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio.
Burnt Offering i thing is relative, citizenship cannot be
segregated into an "either" or "or"
by RUTH B R A E U T I G A M Ruth Braeutigam 9, (DePauw) stage; for societies as well as indi-
viduals live by memory and we always
U.S Citizenship Chairman Ruth Braeutigam, who has served on the look backward for guidance in the
citizenship committee for a year and is well future. Patterns of habits nurtured on
" Y c > U are a pagan; deny it if you qualified to be United States chairman, has campus do not crumble upon one's
can! "Believe and you shall be saved" been emphasizing citizenship in her teach- advent into a larger community and
is what you, you, and you have been ing of American history, civics, and social sphere of activity. Duties and privi-
taught to mouth. The fault lies not in psychology in New Albany (Ind.) High leges merely take on a depth of feeling.
your degree of intelligence but in your School. At present she is an exchange teach- Manifold as this phase of life is, per-
iack of understanding. Even Christ er in Langley Prairie, British Columbia, haps we would do well to confine our
revealed that "believing" was just a Canada, an experience which will broaden activity to the one theme of civic re-
static state—listen to his words—"be her citizenship horizon. sponsibility.
meek, be God-fearing, be fishermen,
rejoice." As president of the New Albany Class- I want you, collegiates and alumnae,
room Teachers' Association in 1950 and to invest in the soundest insurance
By now you are probably wondering 1951, she originated civic dinners which policy man ever devised: one that will
what this is all about. I f I call it by brought outstanding speakers to address the insure your chances of living, loving,
its familiar name you'll read no farther. teachers in the community. and creating, but not one that will
It is good for your welfare like spinach guarantee complacency. Below is a very
and liver, so you've conditioned your Ruth has been working for many years sketchy outline of a possible program
mind against it. It's a vague, intangi- with young citizens in the G i r l Scouts, T r i - flexible enough to encompass all of
ble, inescapable, comfortable T H I N G , H i - Y , and Job's Daughters (in which she you. It is a four-point guide:
bestowed freely upon man by God, but served as Queen). She has also been active
given a man-made epitaph. A part of it in the Eastern Star, of which she is a Past (1) Be meek. Give attention to
is born with you, grows with you, and Matron. those in authority; viz, practice prompt-
dies with you. However, in general it ness and accuracy in making reports,
existed before you and lives after you. Kentuckiana alumnae will welcome her recommendations, and expressions of
It began with creation and was begot back from her year in Canada, for she has opinion.
of spiritual idealism and the frailty of been a loyal member and was their delegate
realism. This T H I N G is your citizen- to the Roanoke and Glenwood Springs con- ( 2 ) Be God-fearing. Have a respect
ship. ventions.—EDITOR. for campus rules and regulations and
sorority standards. Be law-abiding and
Now that you know, what are you T O D R A G M A — WINTER, 1953 avoid violating the rights of others
thinking? Whether you realize or not and thus indirectly jeopardizing your
that the above is a definition of citizen- own.
ship, I do not know. My mind is full
of so many little thoughts that defy (3) Be fishermen. Instigate practices
pedantry as I write this that I find my- on campus and in your community to
self baffled. I ' m trying hard to find further tolerance and understanding of
exact words, a kind of blueprint, to others.
pass along to you. I can't. And yet
Alpha Omicron Pi must have a con- (4) Rejoice. Reap the reward of be-
structive program for this indefinable coming a part of all whom you meet
THING. by cultivating altruistic and humani-
tarian practices. In other words grow
The engulfing simplicity of the within yourself and in the eyes of
points one might set forth in such a others.
program is ttemendous. Citizenship
lives and breathes with every breath of I wanted to send a personal letter
mankind, regardless of the belittling and questionnaire to each collegiate
abuse it receives. Each man has de- and alumnae chapter but it was hinted
signed his own version; yet it still that little response would come. What
remains the basic gown in each man's kind of people are you? Pagans offer-
wardrobe of life. Without it man liter- ing up burnt offerings (mouthings) to
ally wouldn't have a thing to wear— static beliefs? If so you are not worthy
nor to eat. To change the metaphor, of the gift of your citizenship. Have
let's call it a star-studded highway to you the fortitude for a good "bull"
living together peaceably. session on the THING? I'm willing to
work on the germ of a constructive
How can our members and others program but without your ideas my
learn to travel this highway? First, di- hands are tied. I f by March 1 I have
vorce the term from the realm of poli- received no reply from your group as
tics and nationalities, where it is con- to what way or how you wish to pro-
stantly publicized and misused. Second, ceed, I shall know that you are hide-
marry it to a daydream; but don't let bound by the social pressures of inertia
it stagnate in that mental bath. Wash and prejudice. Your civic beliefs are
it out with activity. Now the big ques- pure unbeliefs. You are a civic pagan.
tion is, "what activity"? Active col-
legiate and alumnae goals cannot but Cay Draper, Canadian citizenship
be a continuing growth. Since every- committee chairman, will have an
article on citizenship in the Spring
issue of T o D R A G M A .
Introducing 4 New District Directors
by J O DORWEILER, First Vice President
While attending Syracuse University
Adell was president of Chi chapter
and was very active on the campus,
especially in athletics (she was head
cheer-leader) and the University Cho-
rus. When she graduated in 1943 she
became Chi alumna adviser and taught
physical education. Adell has a sister,
9 **•
Peg Kennedy ( I , Illinois) Phyllis Westerman (P, Northwestern)
District X I Director District V I Director
JLHE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Adell Meacham ( X , Syracuse) Phyllis Westerman was pledged to
takes great pleasure in announcing the District I Director Rho chapter at Northwestern Uni-
appointment of four new district di- versity when she was a freshman and
rectors — Adell Woessner Meacham Ann, who also graduated from Syra- as a result she says she "saw sorority
( X ) in District I , Phyllis Arner West- cuse and was a member of Chi chapter. life at its best for four years." As she
erman (P) in District V I , Margaret was a journalism major, she held the
Baker Kennedy in District X I , and Adell is a charter member of the office of historian and reporter to T o
Raydene Green Jenkins in District Hartford alumnae chapter, which was D R A G M A and had charge of publicity
X V I . These directors have shown their installed at the Swampscott conven- for the chapter. She worked on the
ability in other fields of fraternity tion, and she was influential in promot- Daily Northwestern, belonged to the
work, and we feel that they are ex- ing Connecticut's first State Day last Medill Press Club, and was interested
tremely well qualified for their pres- spring. in the Y W C A . When she graduated
ent positions. from the Medill School of Journalism
gm she received the Sigma Delta Chi
We have always thought that being scholarship award.
a director is one of the choice jobs in -A
the fraternity because of the close con- Phyllis was a charter member of the
tact with the collegiate members, and • • Youngstown, Ohio, alumnae chapter
we hope that the new directors will and has held most of its offices, includ-
derive much joy and satisfaction from J ing two terms as president. She has
their work. attended two conventions and was a
Raydene Jenkins ( K 9 , U.C.L.A.) delegate to the last one at Glenwood
No introduction of new district di- District X V I Director Springs, Colorado.
rectors would be complete without an
expression of thanks to the former di- "Before I was married," writes Phyl-
rectors who have resigned. To Helen lis, " I worked as a legal secretary in
Zimmerman, Dorothy Larson, Nancy- the trust department of a bank—a far
Dell Lund (now married), Virginia cry from newspaper work but more in-
Brodie, and Helen Bradley (who has teresting to me than covering tea par-
just resigned because she is moving ties! My husband, who was in the Air
to Chicago): Alpha Omicron Pi has Force, is an aircraft inspector at the
appreciated your loyal service to the General Fireproofing Company here in
fraternity and the fine work you did Youngstown. He attended Youngs-
in your respective districts. town College and is a member of
Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternity. Our
Adell Meacham is not new as a main interest is our new home. We
district director, for she served in this have been in it less than a year; so
position before she was appointed na- there is still much to do. Our newest
tional chairman of the fraternity edu- addition is a red cocker named 'J°%>
cation committee. As traveling secre- which we acquired several months
tary before her marriage she gained ago."
valuable experience in working with
collegiates. {Continued on page 32)
8 T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
Queens and Queens—in Alpha Phi Chapter
1 ©0
• rs
T o p : Alpha P h i chapter has many, many honors at Montana State College, among them eight queens: top row, Marlene Wilson, cheer
queen; Pat Nelson, homecoming queen; Edith Johnston, Spur of the Moment; N o l a Jean Faulkner, Harvest Ball queen; Bertie flank ins.
Junior Prom queen; front, Marilyn Pearson, <t>2K Moonlight G i r l (also a Danforth scholarship w i n n e r ) ; Sanna Green, Les Bouffons
queen; Dorothy Larson, I I K A Dream G i r l ; not pictured Pat Brown, Military Ball queen. Center left: Mortar Board members include
Helen Uhlrich, alumna adviser; Sanna Green, A . W . S . president;Joan Huxley, Mortar Board president; Edith Johnston, A<t> presi-
dent. Center right: Members of Spurs are Connie Neibel, Marlene Wilson, Dorothy Larson, Evelyn Eaton, Sharon Elliott, Patsy Erick-
son, and (not pictured) Charlotte Rodenberg. Six more girls were Spurs pledges. Lower left: Vera Stucky is AAA president and Sally
Kraenzel, Spurs president. Center: When Martha Wright Suter ( A * ) was honored as five-year speaker at Women's Day, the chapter
gave a recption for her. In the receiving line were Edith Johnston, A * prsident; Mrs. Suter; her mother, Mrs. Wright; Dean Harrison;
Mrs. Mabel Findell, AOLT housemother; Muriel Roberts W i l d , Bozeman alumnae president. T o be chosen a five-year speaker is the
highest honor a Montana State girl can receive. Lower right: Allene W i l l s o n goes to England as one of three Montana delegates chosen
for the International Farm Youth exchange program.
Meet the Alumnae Department
says M A R Y A L I C E FIZER, Second Vice President
—*. W E ARE all familiar with the quo- ber of Alpha Sigma chapter at the
tation, " A rose by any other name University of Oregon.
J would smell as sweet." Our A O I I rose
has kept the same name. Not so our Her profession is public relations
Marian Werner (A2, Oregon) alumnae workers in Alpha Omicron work and she assists her husband, Carl
District X V Alumnae Director Pi, for once again their name has been Werner, who is a public relations
changed. I can recall during my under- counsellor in Portland. Marian has
IS*" graduate days these officers carried the served the Portland alumnae chapter
heavy title of alumnae district super- as president and has been their repre-
Ruth Boehner (B0, Butler) intendent; then came state chairman of sentative in Panhellenic for over ten
District X I V Alumnae Director alumnae, followed by alumnae secre- years. And, because of her professional
tary and assistant director. Finally in experience, she has served both groups
1 June of 1951 by vote of council at con- as press representative. Marian's pride
vention in Glenwood Springs, Colo- and joy is her five-year-old grand-
1 rado, a decision was reached to change daughter. She also does much volun-
/ the name again, to alumnae director. teer work with civic groups in her com-
munity and frequently serves the col-
Thelma Ekberg (tt, Miami) Of course, as the name or title legiate Panhellenics in her area as a
District V I Alumnae Director changed, the duties varied somewhat, speaker.
10 but basically the duty of the alumnae
officer is and has been to work with I'm sure many of you remember our
existing alumnae chapters and to as- peppy, pleasant convention treasurer,
sist in forming new chapters or clubs. Ruth Read Boehner of Denver, Colo-
In recent years the alumnae officer has rado. Ruth is beginning her second year
worked under the collegiate director in as alumnae director of District X I V . It
her district. Now the alumnae officer, is a real satisfaction for me to add
as alumnae director, has come into her Ruth's name to our list of national
own, which is indeed fitting, and she workers as I watched her grow up in
works independently with the alum- A O I I . She was pledged to my chapter
nae in her district under the super- the year following my graduation and
vision of the national second vice presi- I followed closely her activities at But-
dent. ler University. I noted then the loyalty
and complete devotion she gave to her
Following the theme chosen by the fraternity and am pleased that she is
executive committee for this biennium, willing to give of her time and talents
"Progress in A O I I , " emphasis this past to the mountain district of A O I I where
year was placed on getting to know our she now makes her home.
alumnae chapters and their problems
so that help could be given. Now, in Like most of us in the alumnae de-
furtherance of the theme, this year partment, Ruth is a "working gal"—
stress will be placed on alumnae ex- she is an automobile and casualty
pansion—either in the formation of underwriter for a Denver insurance
new chapters or the organizing of agency. She has served as secretary and
alumnae clubs. a board member of the Insurance
Women of Denver, is a member of
Candidates for all appointive offi- the National Association of Insurance
cers have been selected during the Women, and for the last two years has
summer by the executive committee been treasurer of the Denver alumnae
and, as second vice president, it is my chapter.
privilege to introduce those selected
to serve our 16 districts as alumnae di- Her family consists of her husband,
rectors for the next two years. I shall Jay, and their two-year-old pup, Mutt,
introduce half of the alumnae depart- of mixed breed. Ruth and her husband
ment staff in this issue and the re- have a stamp collection and also a
maining eight you will read about and mineral collection which they work on
see in the March issue of our magazine. together. Ruth's own hobby is collect-
ing cook books. Right now she is in-
The alumnae director of District terested in foreign recipes. Ruth says,
X V is a person already known to many "We never have the same thing fixed
AOIls, for she has served the last sev- the same way twice at our house, un-
eral years as collegiate director of this less we have guests—then I take no
district. Marian Werner will carry to chances." In addition to all this Ruth
the alumnae of this area the same de- makes her own clothes, including suits
termination to make Alpha Omicron and coats, and this past summer made
Pi tops which has enabled her to leave draperies for her entire house.
behind her a splendid record of
achievement in the collegiate chapters A newcomer to the alumnae depart-
which she served. Marian was a mem- ment down Florida way is Mary Sue
Wesbrook George. She takes over as
T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
director of District I V . Mary Sue is a sessions at last convention was Barbara Bridge on the Eastern Shore of the
graduate of the University of Michigan Fry (P, Northwestern) from Illinois. Bay and that all AOIIs crossing the
and a member of Omicron Pi chap- I told her, i f she voted for me, I'd cer- bridge are invited to come to see her.
ter. Shortly after graduation she moved tainly put her to work. I did and she
to Pasadena, California, where she accepted. Barbara begins her second Virginia Mylander (K, R.M.W.C.)
worked at the California Institute of year as alumnae director of District X . District I I I Alumnae Director
Technology as secretary to the Director She is in the process of moving, as they
of Libraries. After her marriage in are building a new home and are liv- I**
1952 she joined her husband, Robert, ing temporarily until it is finished in a
who was then a lieutenant in the Navy furnished apartment. She writes that Margaret Walker (AT, Denison)
Air Corps at China Lake, California. their camera and all pictures are in District X I I Alumnae Director
While there she worked as adminis- storage and that she'll try to send one
trative assistant in the physics division later when they are more settled. JHHHI
of the research department.
Barbara served this past year as 4
The Georges moved to Florida in president of the Chicago West Sub-
January, 1952, and Mary Sue is pres- urban alumnae chapter and was instru- m
ently employed as secretary in a rope mental in reorganizing their program.
importing company. Her husband is She has two children, a son who is a Elizabeth Hunt (0, Tennessee)
ground and flight instructor for an air- freshman at Brown University and a District X I I I Alumnae Director
lines training school in Miami. Both daughter who is a senior in high
enjoy flying as a hobby, as well as sail- school. Her husband, Orville, is North- 11
ing, and are particularly enthusiastic ern Division Vice President for the
over their latest acquisition, a cruising Public Service Company of Illinois.
sailboat, the Skylark. Mary Sue was Barbara did much community service
president of the Junior alumnae group work when she lived in Oak Park and
in Pasadena. I n Miami, in addition to had to resign from many positions and
the alumnae chapter, she belongs to organizations when they moved. I've
the Miami Panhellenic and A A U W . no doubt though that, once moved and
settled in her new home, she'll soon be
District V I comprises most of the busy again serving her new com-
state of Ohio. Having lived in Dayton, munity.
Ohio, myself for many years and know-
ing what hard-working and loyal alum- District I I I is presided over by that
nae we have there, I felt no one but lovely lady from Kappa chapter, Vir-
a Daytonian could adequately become ginia Mylander. Virginia has all the
director of this district. The first per- loveliness typical of the South plus the
son there who popped into my mind common sense and hard-working quali-
was Thelma Ekberg. She accepted the ties of the Yankee who has become her
post and I know all Ohio agrees with neighbor. After graduation from
me that her selection was a wise choice. Randolph-Macon, Virginia moved to
Her enthusiasm is bound to rub off on Baltimore to become a social worker
others and Thelma has the ability to and there met her husband, Walter.
get things done quickly and without She went on to Smith College to get
fuss. We can expect big things in Ohio. her master's degree and then came back
to Baltimore to Walt. The Mylanders
Thelma is supervisor of the circula- have three children, Charles, 13, Jane,
tion department in a publishing firm in 11, and Paul, 9-
Dayton which publishes magazines for
use in classrooms. Her daughter, Virginia's wintertime activities re-
Linda, now 15, and Thelma's mother volve around the two PTAs of the
are busy members of the Ekberg house- schools her children attend, the Balti-
hold. Her husband, Frank, is a loyal more alumnae chapter, and the
Dayton ITOA, always willing to give Randolph-Macon alumnae club. Sum-
the girls a hand when needed. mertime finds the Mylanders at their
farm on Kent Island on Chesapeake
Thelma graduated cum laude from Bay. As soon as school closes in June
Miami University and is a charter they move down there and stay until
member of the Dayton alumnae chap- school opens in the fall. Walt has an
ter. She has held almost every office in airplane plus an airstrip on the farm;
the chapter including the presidency. so he commutes by plane to his law
She has also been very active in the office in Baltimore five days a week.
Dayton Camp Fire Girls organization,
serving as a guardian and as president Virginia says that the plane will
of the Camp Fire Guardian's Group. carry four people and Walt often ar-
Thelma says that her hobby, from the rives home with a full load of pas-
time it consumes, seems to be getting sengers. So the garden on their farm
her teen-age daughter to all her activi- has become her real hobby as well as a
ties (I'm sure mothers of teen-agers necessity. "You can stretch a dinner to
will understand what she means) but serve several more if you can dash out
she does sew for herself and daughter at the last minute to the garden and
and, in addition, designs and makes pull another dozen ears of corn or pick
lovely dancing costumes for Linda, who a basket of tomatoes," observes Vir-
is an accomplished dancer. ginia. She writes that they are only six
miles from the new Chesapeake Bay
Sitting next to me at the business
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
Elizabeth served as librarian at Tulsa I'm sure all of our alumnae join in
University for almost three years be- wishing these directors a successful
fore the Hunts moved to Oklahoma term of office. I know it can be a joy-
City, their present home. They have ful and rewarding experience and I
one daughter, Virginia, who is almost want it to be so for all of them. Be sure
ten. Elizabeth has held offices in the to read the March T o D R A G M A SO that
Oklahoma City alumnae chapter and is you can meet the other eight alumnae
secretary of the Oklahoma City Pan- directors.
hellenic. She is a member of the Okla-
homa City Garden Club, the City Sym- To those directors retiring from of-
phony, and the Ladies' Musical Club. fice this year who have served us so
Music in general seems to be her well—Betty Linacre, Martha Linton,
hobby, including her daughter's musi- Helen Bowen, Elizabeth Shea, Carolyn
cal activities. Elizabeth was instru- Harris, Jane Ann Briner, Sue Johansen
mental in starting State Days in Okla- and Raydene Jenkins—we extend our
homa and this past spring organized thanks and our gratitude for their serv-
several alumnae clubs during a trip to ice and for the progress the alumnae
Texas. department has made under their
f J- Queen Song
Mary Sue George ( O i l , Michigan) by M A R G A R E T C O N N E R R O C K W E L L
District I V Alumnae Director Kappa Theta, U.C.L.A.
Presiding over District X I I is Mar- Prize-winning Song at Glenwood Springs Convention
garet H . Walker. Peg is an Ohioan by
birth, graduated from Denison, and is AL-PHA OM-I-CROH P I , Olf YOUR PBD-ES-TAL H I G H , I B E - OABD yOD A S
a member of Alpha Tau chapter. Fol-
lowing graduation she took advanced E b Chord Bb7
work at Ohio State and earned her
master's degree in psychology. Her I F • J J -1 l4 f r r -V r r
husband, Harvey, has his Ph.D. in
chemistry but he decided to study medi- 07 A fe C 7 F ulnor F minor C7
cine. In 1949 they moved to St. Louis,
where he entered medical school. He F A I R , YOU D I D S P E A K AND r AMS-WERSD YOUR C A L L . YOUR 3IM- C S R - I J S X
is now in his senior year. They have
one son, David, who is two years old, Q7 T7 F7 Be 7
and a baby boy born in November.
Peg writes that one of their hobbies
is collecting classical and novelty rec- t i p . *">J
ords. This past year most of their spare
time has been spent in cooperation A. b AO F
with another medical school couple H I O H , P L E A S E COMMAND, I ' L L COM-
buying and fixing up an old house— VOT-BD LOYAL- nr. PROM YOUR P E B - S S - 1 A L
painting, plastering, and papering. Be-
fore David's birth, Peg did religious PLY. Y O U ' R B MY CHTBEN, A L - P H A OM-I-CROR
educational and youth recreational
work. She is now treasurer of the St. t
Louis alumnae chapter.
C7 F najor 3 ulnar 7 Es
Elizabeth Hale Hunt, according to
years of service as an officer in the T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
alumnae department, is our senior di-
rector. But no matter how long she
has worked, she is always willing to
keep on working to improve alumnae
relations in her district. District X I I I
is a large and widely scattered one,
which makes it a really difficult assign-
Elizabeth's chapter is Omicron at
the University of Tennessee. After
graduation there she attended Colum-
bia University and received a degree in
library science. She worked for seven
years at Goodwyn Institute Library in
Memphis. After her marriage to John
Wilkins Hunt, a Kappa Alpha from
Tennessee, they moved to Tulsa, Okla-
homa. Incidentally, her sister-in-law,
Virginia Hunt Fain, of Jefferson City,
Tennessee, is also an AOPi.
Swiss Jayhawkers Plan Wedding to Switzerland to visit her parents.
She's coming back in the spring to
by BARBARA TROTTER marry Martin, who is working on his
(Phi, Kansas) Ph.D. in physics. They plan to live
here at first, while Martin gets a job.
LlVING up to the legend that an Use Gerecke, Phi's foreign exchange stu- Then, if they like it, they may stay.
dent, and her fiance, a fellow Swiss.
A.O.Pi always gets her man, Use A l l of Phi's love and best wishes go
Gerecke, Phi's foreign exchange stu- girl; that you could feel if she wanted to Use and Martin and we'll see you
dent, announced her engagement to a goodnight kiss. again next spring.
Martin Gutzwiller, also an exchange
student here at K . U . Use's home town A few days later Martin called Use Food for Thought
is Zurich, Switzerland. Martin lives for a date. He called for her in a taxi,
in Friburg, Switzerland, only 150 miles took her to one of the hangouts, I T IS a complicated, complex web of co-
away. But they met here at Kansas brought her home just a few minutes operation, understanding, discipline and just
University. before closing hours, and kissed her. plain honest-to-goodness hard work that
A real American date. makes this shining thing we call fraternity.
Use dated fellows of eight different It can exist only as you girls who are its
nationalities before she settled on Mar- Martin first proposed to Use in chosen leaders raise your eyes to new hori-
tin. She said, " I think the Swiss are February, and, keeping it a secret until zons of ideals and determine in your hearts
the best, don't you?" Use's first date May, he and Use talked on and on that in this way the fraternity shall go.
with Martin was to our A.O.Pi Platter in French in the chapter house living
Party, the opening social event of last room. W e choose today our destinations, the
fall. When Use asked Martin if he far-horizons of tomorrow. What shall we
had ever dated an American girl, he Use spent this summer touring find when we have traversed that road—a
said, no, that he didn't know how. Methodist Youth Camps and telling land of promise with a temple or a tempest?
Use explained that if he didn't have a them about Switzerland. From here, . . . a promenade or a poorhouse? . . . a
car, the best way to impress the girl to New York, to Paris, and then home mansion of more stately corridors, or a
was to call for her in a taxi. Then he miser's hut infested with mistrust and de-
should take her to the Dine-a-mite, ceit?
the Skyline, or the Stables, the three
hangouts for college kids here in Unto those who come after we bequeath
Lawrence. either a new enthusiasm for work and the
rewards of labor honestly performed, or we
"When you dance with an American give into their hands a heritage already
girl, don't dance so far away," Use grown stale at the heart. Tomorrow comes
said. "Dance close to her; if possible, swiftly on the wings of the sun. W e must
cheek to cheek." European couples do see our beloved fraternity through days of
not dance so close together. coming disruptions caused by war and by
enemies of the entire fraternity system,
"It's very important that you bring pledging ourselves that none of these things
the girl home just a few minutes early, shall take from us that which we have
"so you can goodnight kiss her," Use learned to treasure in our hearts.
told Martin. It's an American custom.
Martin wasn't sure about this point —Amy Olmstead Welch, A r A Quarterly,
and wanted to know how he could November, 1952
tell if she wanted to be kissed. Use
explained that you shouldn't ask the The Interfraternity Research and Advi-
sory Council plans to publish soon a com-
prehensive survey of the philanthropic and
service projects of all collegiate fraternities.
The Council's Chairman, Mr. L . G . Balfour,
has charge of publishing and distributing
the booklet.
Twenty-seven of Upsilon's 29 pledges pose in the living room of the chapter house at Washington. 13
T O D R A G M A — WINTER, 1953
Our Collegiates Show the case of a foreign student being
"Capacity for Good W i l l " provided room and board in the house,
which both Theta and Phi have en-
says M A R G A R E T S. DUDLEY joyed doing, or a scholarship to a
Third Vice President student on the same campus, as Alpha
Tau does.
J_/OVE is a living force; it can never Margaret Dudley, third vice president,
be content with mere words. Or, more visits P i Delta chapter at Maryland to But "the extra mile" has been
temperately, we may term the activities show the Frontier Nursing Service slides. travelled by a large portion of our col-
of our collegiates as "a capacity for legiate chapters today—almost one-
good w i l l " ; for H . A . Overstreet in Philanthropic half. Many of these may be included
The Mature Mind comments, "When- in either or both of the first two
ever we experience a genuine love, we HONOR ROLL groups, but in addition they feel the
are moved by this transforming experi- urge to have a direct personal contact
ence towards a capacity for good w i l l . " 1951-52 in their social work. Or perhaps they
Our collegiates throughout this coun- have more of that precious commodity
try and Canada have more than demon- Chapters of the U.S. which have made their of time—and not money—to give; so
strated this truth. In addition to sup- quotas for the year ending September, 1952, they give of themselves. They give in
porting our national project with the are as follows (an asterisk shows that the the form of a Christmas party for
Frontier Nursing Service, their abun- chapter made its quota last year also; a orphans; they visit regularly in hos-
dant love has overflowed into a variety double asterisk, quota made three years in pital wards where crippled children,
of channels. succession): blind children, cerebral palsy patients,
or veterans bless their coming. They
With the world becoming smaller COLLEGIATE work with Girls' Clubs; they take chil-
as modern communication brings us dren on monthly outings; they bring
closer together we are all more con- • A l p h a Pi •Nu Omicron the pleasure of youth to age—in
scious of the needs of our neighbors, Alpha Tau •Omicron Golden Agers Clubs; they work in
whether in the same college com- "Chi • • O m i c r o n Pi Community Centers—they love i t —
munity, the hospital in the nearby •Delta Delta ••Phi and they hope to do more! They may
town, the mountains of Kentucky or ••Epsilon Pi D e l t a have read in their sociology courses
Korea, or the cities of Greece. Colleges "Epsilon Alpha ••Sigma that the present trend in that line
themselves are conscious of the pres- Gamma ••Sigma Tau places great importance on wholesome
sure of pleas on the students and seek Kappa Omicron "Tau recreation as a necessary part of social
to ease the burden of the many de- Kappa Rho work, but they are following the dic-
mands by organizing one big drive to ••Kappa Theta " T a u Delta tates of their hearts—they are making
cover the majority of these calls for •Nu Lambda Theta love a living force.
help. Thus the "Campus Chest" works "Zeta
in much the same fashion as the fa- Couriers for F.N.S.
miliar "Community Chest." This plan ALUMNAE
is used on the campuses of at least half by J O A N DUDLEY (E, Cornell)
our chapters; our AOPi chapters all Ann Arbor Long Beach
support it vigorously both in terms of "Baltimore Long Island A RE you looking for something
donations and through active par- "Birmingham, Ala. "Los Angeles completely different to do during sum-
ticipation in the Campus Carnival, a Birmingham, Mich. "Madison mer vacation? Do you like to make
method used in some instances to make Boston ••Memphis your summers count in terms of service
the giving more painless. Campus- Buffalo •Milwaukee and experience? Have you ever wished
organized blood donor drives fall into Canton-Massilon "Minneapolis you could get a first-hand view of the
this group while Help Week is another ••Chicago-Beverly Hills Montgomery work of the Frontier Nursing Service,
variety of the same sort of unified ••Chicago-North Shore Nashville the enterprise to which we as AOPis
campus giving, sponsored either by the "Chicago-West •Newark-Granville contribute so much and (in spite of
college, the Panhellenic, or the In- " N e w Jersey efforts to the contrary) know so little?
terfraternity Council. Suburban "Oklahoma City
"Cincinnati Philadelphia Both collegiates and alumnae have
This form of expressing one's capac- "Cleveland-East "Portland complained at times that Kentucky is
ity for good will is part of the pattern "Dayton "Rockford just too far away to be interesting; yet
of college life today—just as we accept "Denver "St. Louis other young women from all over the
the necessity of the Community Chest "Detroit ••San Diego country find it near enough to come to
in supplying the needs of social agen- East Bay •San Francisco join the Service as couriers—and grow
cies in our civic organizations. But our **Eugene Seattle to love it so much that they can hardly
girls go a step further—for at least a ••Fresno Spokane bear to leave. If you have talked to
quarter of our active chapters have Glendale anyone who has visited Wendover
undertaken either the partial or the Houston •Syracuse (Pop. approx. 21), even for only a
complete support of a war orphan, a "Indianapolis "Toledo day or so, you have appreciated how
displaced person, or a foster child. Jonesboro the place impresses people. "The coun-
Their brief reports give little hint that Kansas City "Tri-State try, being mountainous, is rugged and
there is any personal contact in these "Kentuckiana "Tulsa isolated, but extremely beautiful. The
relationships, though occasionally a Knoxville "Washington people are of the old American colonial
chapter may send an additional gift to "Lansing ••Westchester stock, most friendly and helpful." Thus
the child at Christmas or on his birth- "Lincoln "Youngstown states the folder for courier applicants.
day. The exception to this would be in However, no words or even photo-
" G e t s to be a habit, doesn't it? graphs can begin to convey the fasci-
nation of actually being there.
14 T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
The couriers are not only actually N u Lambda Has Clothesline Dinner
there, but they participate in the fine
work of the Frontier Nursing Service. •
As you know, most of the territory
can still be reached only on horseback, ii -v
or at best by jeep.
i tin
The folder continues, "The couriers
have as their direct responsibility, the W i t h Christmas time near, the Southern man, Mary Stodden, and shipped to Ken-
grooming of the horses, and care of all California AOIIs brought their philan- tucky.
the 'tack.' They take the horses to thropic work for the Frontier Nursing
pasture in the morning, bring them Service to a climax with a Clothesline Previous to the dinner publicity pic-
back in the evening, and water them, Dinner. tures were taken for the campus news-
weekdays and Sundays. Sick or lame paper and the Los Angeles papers. The
horses must be nursed and tired horses The dinner was held at the chapter dinner was attended by N u Lambda ad-
at the outpost centers replaced by house on a Monday night when the entire visers and alumnae. The pledges pro-
fresh ones. The couriers are in charge membership is present for dinner. In vided excellent entertainment after the
of the truck and the jeeps. They are order to get into the dining room to eat, dinner. While coffee was served to the
often in the field, not only on business each AOII had to have at least one article alumnae and actives in the living room
connected with the horses, but to act of clothing. Since men's clothing is the pledges did a cancan dance in some
as messengers between the centers, as needed so badly, the majority of the girls of the donated clothes. Following pledge
escorts for guests, patients, and new brought old suits, shirts, and blue jeans. entertainment the juniors did a panto-
staff members, and drivers of the As a dinner of roast beef, mashed pota- mime.
trucks, jeeps, and station-wagon ambu- toes, and gravy was offered to the coeds
lance. They often accompany the nurses bringing clothes, it was an added induce- Along with the Clothesline Dinner,
on calls in the district." For anyone ment for 100% participation. The clothes AOIIs are also turning in their magazine
interested in veterinary work this is an were packaged by the social service chair- subscriptions for the benefit of the Fron-
especially exciting experience. tier Nursing Service.—Jackie Jones.
As you can see, the work of a courier Wanted: a Social Service Secretary
is not easy—but it is highly rewarding.
Does it appeal to you? A note or a Anyone interested in this position may Lexington 29, Ky.
card to F.N.S. at Wendover, Kentucky, July 1, 1952
w i l l bring you the folder with all the write Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, Director, Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, Director
details concerning requirements. Bear Frontier Nursing Service
in mind, of course, the basic necessity Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Leslie Wendover, Kentucky
of being a good horsewoman; also, you Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:
must be 18 or over and through high County, Ky.
school. As chairman of Miss Mary Ann Quarles'
W E HAVE said goodbye with much regret graduate committee I want to thank you
I f you are completing your college to Mary Jo Clark, who came to us first as for your help in making her thesis such a
work in January and are looking for a a secretary in the Post Office, and then took good one. Yesterday all of her committee
"spot" until the following fall, why on the Alpha Omicron Pi Social Service members agreed that Miss Quarles' thesis
not consider courier work for the department for the past two years. Mary Jo was one of the best we have ever had, and
F.N.S.? A n applicant must be recom- is entering Syracuse University this fall for I personally think it is the best. In fact it
mended by one or more friends of the a year's graduate work and her Master's is so good we are planning, if possible, to
F.N.S.—and certainly anyone in AOPi degree in Sociology. publish it as an Agricultural Experiment
stands high in that category. There is Station bulletin. Another compliment paid
no finer place in the world to learn the To date no one has been secured to fill Miss Quarles, by Dr. Gladden—a member
importance of a "person-to-person" the post of Social Service Secretary perma- of our staff, was that she had made the most
service. Here one truly absorbs the nently. At the moment Betty Lester and remarkable improvement in a relatively
depth of the meaning of the F.N.S. Kitty Biddle together are carrying on with short time of any graduate student we have
motto, "He shall gather the lambs with the work of this department. In September had. I heartily concur in that opinion.
his arm and carry them in his bosom, Mary Ann Quarles is returning to carry it
and shall gently lead those that are for a time, and we sincerely hope that we Throughout the course of Miss Quarles'
with young." shall have the post permanently filled be- work, we at the University have been aware
fore Mary Ann has to leave us. of the great value of your support and help
To Alpha Omicron Pi in her development and -want you to know
The final requirement for Mary Ann how much we enjoy working with you and
Ah, youth that was so fair and went so Quarles' Master's degree in Rural Sociology your co-workers.
soon! from the University of Kentucky was the
completion of her thesis, entitled: A Com- Best wishes to you all.
You did not fade as fades the waning moon, parison of Some Aspects of Family Life Sincerely yours,
Nor ever die as setting daylights die between Two Areas of Leslie County, Ken- JAMES S. BROWN
With softly paling glow against the sky. tucky. We quote from a letter received Associate Rural Sociologist
My youth, as from a rose-tree richly flow- from Dr. James S. Brown of the Depart-
ment of Rural Sociology of the University
ered, of Kentucky:
Dropped fertile seed upon a soil embow-
—The Quarterly Bulletin of Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.—Summer, 1952.
So, even as the petals fall, I know
It lives and blooms and grows in Alpha O,
And myriad garlands on the world are hung
Because there grew a rose when I was young.
—Stella G. S. Perry ( A )
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 195? 15
and Fraternity Rituals
—Prepared by the NPC Citizenship Committee
pictured the Gutenberg Bible, first printed
book, now the priceless possession of the
Library of Congress in Washington, D . C.
Acquired in 1930 by an Act of Congress,
© the Gutenberg Bible had for five centuries ©
previous been in the possession of monks
of the Benedictine Order in the monas-
teries of Austria. The handsome case in
which the Bible is displayed is modeled
after one designed by Michelangelo.
AtTENT^^O^., in their devotions. The influence of the unsteady props beneath backsliders;
the past few months on the release of Bible is plainly evident in much of not that 'equality' which would re-
a revised version of the Holy Bible, the ritualistic work of the fraternities. ward them who 'toil not, neither do
and on display at the Library of Con- they spin' . . .
gress in Washington, D.C., has been The patriots of America in 1776
the Gutenberg Bible, the first book wrote, "We hold these truths to be "And so, to those who would like
printed in the western world five cen- self evident, that all men are created to eliminate differences among men,
turies ago. In 3,000 communities, equal, that they are endowed by their it should be said that, i f it were pos-
meetings were held in October, 1952, Creator with certain inalienable Rights, sible to do so, progress would cease.
to honor the Bible, the most widely that among these are Life, Liberty, and Equality cannot therefore mean to
read book in the world, with transla- the pursuit of Happiness." bring all men low. I t must mean op-
tions in 2,000 languages and dialects. portunity for each man to rise to those
Richard L. Evans, producer, writer, heights to which his energies and abil-
Democratic freedom was fostered in and the "voice" on a Sunday radio pro- ities will take him—'and allow all men
our country because of the religious gram featuring the Salt Lake City Tab- the same privilege'—to the end that
beliefs of our forefathers. "The sign- ernacle choir and organ, has been progress may continue, and that there-
ing of the Declaration of Independence quoted by the Foundation for Eco- by all will find benefit. Equality which
and what followed was basically a nomic Education on the subject of means less than this is not equality at
spiritual event," declared the Reverend equality as it relates to freedom. all—it is slavery."
Dr. Edward L. R. Elson, president of
the Washington, D.C., Federation of He says: "What is the meaning of Does not our fraternity system in-
Churches, in an address spread upon equality as applied to men? Does it still the desire to foster such eauality,
the records of the U.S. House of Rep- mean that all men should be alike? to preserve such liberties, to defend
resentatives. Spiritual influences also Does it mean that all men shall be lev- the faith of our fathers, and to inspire
motivated the founders of fraternities eled arbitrarily to a common plane? future progress under God?
in their writing of various fraternity Does it mean that those who have en-
ceremonies. dowments beyond the average shall be New NIC Officers Named
restrained from making a better place
Most fraternity rituals and cere- for themselves and for others? Does it Leadership of National Interfraternity
monies are based on the philosophies mean that those who are content with Conference affairs for the new year has been
of the ancients, the Bible, and the idleness and indolence shall be lifted entrusted to C. Robert Yeager, a graduate
Declaration of Independence. The rit- artificially to an estate beyond what of the University of Kentucky and a mem-
ualistic work of each group differs and they deserve or could enjoy? Surely it ber of Pi Kappa Alpha. His election and
represents a closely guarded secret of does not—and cannot—mean any of installation as Chairman came at the close
the membership. The fact that the cere- these things. For, if it did, there would of the organization's 44th annual session,
monies remain secret throughout the be no reward for the man who looks held at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
lives of thousands of adult members beyond the present. on November 27-29, and attended by 24
indicates to some extent the respect in presidents of member fraternities and by
which they are held. "There must be equality, yes; equal- 497 delegates and guests.
ity in the right to voice our views;
In attendance at national conclaves equality in the right to worship ac- Named as Vice-Chairman was Lloyd S.
are many alumni who participate with cording to the dictates of conscience; Cochran, Alpha Sigma Phi; as Secretary,
solemn reverence in the ritualistic equality before the law; equality at Horace G. Nichol, Delta Upsilon; and as
services which are a part of such gath- the ballot box; equality in the right to Treasurer, Herbert L . Brown, Phi Sigma
erings and which the members realize work without paying tribute to anyone Kappa. Dr. J. Fenton Daugherty, Phi Kappa
have influenced the ideals and prac- for the privilege. This equality is not Psi, of the faculty of the University of Dela-
tices of their lives. No, the defenders circumvented by political pressure, not ware, was re-elected to the office of Educa-
of the fraternity system do not ignore denied to minority groups, not with- tional Adviser.
the spiritual influences of their herit- held from the humble, the friendless,
or the needy but also is not that warped Continuity in Conference affairs was as-
ase- and mistaken 'equality' which would sured by the continuing in service of several
Fraternities can take pride in the push down the able and push up the members of the Executive Committee. New-
indolent. It is not the kind of 'equal- ly elected to that board, however, were
fact that a Bible is part of all fraternity ity that would retard willing men to Edward M . Brown, Beta Theta Pi; Charles
paraphernalia and that college mem- the pace of the unwilling, or that puts M . Carpenter, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Clyde
bers have been encouraged to use it S. Johnson, Phi Kappa Sigma; and George
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 2953 S. Ward, Phi Delta Theta.
—IRAC Bulletin, December, 1952
Lincoln Alumnae Are Active
in Red Cross
by J A N E B R I D G M A N V O I G T f Z , Nebraska)
o ,'PPORTUNITIES to do volunteer ties offered by the Red Cross. An On "blood day" in Lincoln, Nebraska,
work are unlimited in every American Occupational Therapy group assists AOIIs Virginia Gordon Hoppe, Jackie
community and it is gratifying to fra- patients in various arts and crafts such Wightman Deeter, Ethel Weidner Bent-
ternity women to know that members as woodworking, weaving, painting, ley, Marion Miller Weston, Geraldine
of their ranks are among the ablest and plastics. Heikes Sloan and Dorothy Heuman Am-
and most devoted volunteer workers to mon take a brief "time out" for the
be found. A Nurses' A i d group releases the
regular nurses for more urgent and photographer.
In Lincoln, Nebraska, an A.O.Pi skilled duties. Staff and corps people
making her first trip to the Red Cross handle clerical duties, and an enter- Bloodmobile makes its two-day stop
Blood Bank need not feel strange or tainment and instruction group twice in Lincoln. Incidentally, when a can-
uneasy, for she will see as many as a month plans a party and continu- vass was made this spring to urge
four or five of her sisters scurrying ously furnishes entertainment to am- donation of blood, all A.O.Pis who
about serving orange juice, taking tem- bulatory cases in the hospital. A.O.Pis were physically able had given blood
peratures, or performing one of the serve in both the Occupational Ther- to the Red Cross or pledged to do so.
many other tasks incident to "Blood apy and Nurses' A i d groups.
Day." None of the many A.O.Pis The Zeta collegiates keep the alum-
participating in the Lincoln Red Cross Most of us take the conveniences nae on their collective toes by giving
fancies herself as a Florence Nighten- of modern transportation for granted, many hours of service to the University
gale or the dramatic "angel of mercy," not realizing that there are individuals of Nebraska Red Cross organization,
but all have found jobs that must be who have a pressing need for trans- as well as many pints of blood. Many
done and go about them quietly and portation which would not be avail- an afternoon's or evening's coke date
capably. Some started during World able to them were it not for the Red is forfeited to go out to the Veterans
War I I while their PiOAs were in Cross Motor Corps. Geraldine Heikes Hospital to play cards or present skits
the service and have continued to Sloan ( Z ) , is chairman of this busy and other entertainment for the pa-
enjoy Red Cross work ever since. group which trains 24 volunteers an- tients.
nually to carry on this vital part of
Dorothy Heuman Ammon, a ten- Red Cross activities in the county. Although the Lincoln alumnae have
year Red Cross veteran, has, for the Thanks to their efforts, spastic chil- undertaken philanthropic and service
past year, served voluntarily as Red dren not admitted to the public schools projects as a group, these A.O.Pis as
Cross Veterans Administration Hos- were able to attend special classes at individuals have found a way to give
pital representative. In this capacity the University of Nebraska; orphan others a helping hand which truly
she is responsible for all Red Cross children at Lincoln's Cedars Home reflects the fundamental spirit of Alpha
activities at the large Lincoln Vet- had regular trips to doctors and psy- Omicron Pi. National and community
erans Administration Hospital. Dor- chologists; city and county patients service organizations such as the Red
othy's days have little idle time after were transported to Lincoln for medi- Cross need the fraternity women of
she takes care of the many details cal care; and expectant mothers with America. Dorothy Ammon, "Gerry"
related to staffing and supervising the no other means of transportation could Sloan, and the others in Red Cross
special groups who supplement the benefit by regular pre-natal check-ups. have such warm enthusiasm for their
basic hospital functions. The Motor Corps furnishes transporta- work, which if it could only be shared
tion for both the Veterans Hospital personally with all of us would cer-
Although this position was previous- and Orthopedic Hospital whenever tainly diminish the "help wanted"
ly held by a paid Red Cross staff needed, plus serving two days a month cries of the many volunteer service
member, Dorothy works as a volunteer at the Blood Bank. organizations.
and has sacrificed much time and effort
so that the hospital patients could con- Other A.O.Pis may be found once
tinue to enjoy the programs and activi- a month at the Blood Bank when the
Chicago Beverly Hills alumnae Fallen Oak
gave a very successful fashion
show-bridge for the benefit of the Let autumn have its way with the living!
Blue Island Cerebral Palsy Clinic, crimson creep the maple branches,
their local philanthropic project. orange climb the mountain ash;
Pictured are Jeane Bauer (f2), But this tree lies where it has fallen,
fashion show chairman; Joan La- full of years across the brook,
Ross (AT), general chairman; to remind me of the man I've known:
Laverne Norman ( X A ) , alumnae An oak, though dead, has a grandeur of
president; Alice Stewart (P), re-
freshments chairman. its own,
And there will come a day for crossing
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953 the bridge this oak tree made for me.
•—Mary Grant Charles (A)
Canadian Poetry Magazine,
Reprinted in The Montreal Gazette
Something New Is Being Added group can be to its members, its com-
munity, and its fraternity. Alpha Omi-
cron Pi especially needs more organ-
ized alumnae support. Those of us in
by M A R Y A L I C E FIZER the alumnae department feel that
Second Vice President alumnae clubs are the answer. W i t h
the support of those members living in
the smaller communities throughout
AS the number of our alumnae chap- their fraternity—growing gradually to the United States, a sizable number of
ters has reached one hundred, be able someday to assume the chal- clubs can be added to our chapter roll
lenge of operating an alumnae chapter. before next convention.
we find we have formed chapters in Thus, they are making a stronger
all the larger cities of the United
States and Canada. There are many alumna organization, the backbone of Don't wait to be asked. Get started
locations throughout the states, how- our fraternity. in your community today. Our central
ever, where there are a number of our We recognize the difficulties that are office in Oxford, Ohio, will be happy
members living but not a large enough encountered when a small group tries to send you the names and addresses
group to form a chapter. Since these immediately upon organizing to be- of all our members living in a certain
scattered members would enjoy the come a chapter and experiences the area. The alumnae directors, and you
fellowship and fun of meeting together almost complete sense of being over- will find their names and addresses in
as AOIIs, alumnae clubs are being whelmed at what they have taken on. the directory section, are ready to assist
formed in the areas where an interest But, as a club, the organization is you in getting a club started. Your
is indicated.
simpler; there are fewer financial obli- second vice president will also aid you
The forming of new clubs is to be gations, no elaborate projects to sup- in forming a new alumnae club.
a special project of the alumnae di-
rectors this next year. To make these port. As a result the club has time to The success of this new venture—
clubs a real and official part of Alpha put down deep roots, to become firmly alumnae clubs—depends upon the re-
Omicron Pi, the alumnae department established in the area and in the sponse of those of our alumnae not
will present legislation at our next hearts of its members until gradually now affiliated with an alumnae chap-
convention to include them in the or- will come the desire and need for the ter. Let's insure a more prosperous
ganizational framework of our fra- more challenging organization a chap- future for Alpha Omicron Pi by add-
ternity. You can help make this a ter presents. ing to the organizational strength of
more successful project by reporting our fraternity through the medium of
The story which follows is just one
example of such a club. I t shows clearly
to your alumnae director or to the how much and how important such a alumnae clubs.
second vice president locations where
clubs might be organized.
Albany Area AlumnaeSeveral clubs were organized in
Texas this past spring. A club has
been functioning for several years in Club Has Busy Year
Albany, New York. The Albany group
was the first to respond to our request by J O Y C E H . M c C L U S K Y , Secretary
for information; so they are being
featured in this issue. As other groups THE past year was a busy one for with them. Everyone enjoyed a deli-
respond, we will bring you information the Albany Area alumnae club of cious dinner, followed by a very im-
about them and, if such groups will Alpha Omicron Pi. We worked pressive and moving candlelight cere-
send in the name and address of their steadily during and between meetings mony.
chairman or president, a listing of knitting squares for an afghan to be
alumnae clubs will be carried in the given to the Veterans' Hospital in Alpha Omicron Pi was in charge of
directory section of To D R A G M A . Albany. We also gathered old clothes the Albany Panhellenic luncheon in
and sent several large cartons of them April. Joanne Huntington (Mrs.
An alumnae organization can be and to Kentucky. James), our regular Panhellenic dele-
is lots of fun and through the medium gate, was chairman of the luncheon. It
of alumnae clubs we hope to extend The Schenectady group of AOIIs was quite fitting that another A O I I and
to our widely scattered membership invited us to celebrate Founders' Day Joanne's sister, Mary Donlon, was the
the opportunity for active affiliation
speaker chosen for this occasion. Miss
with an alumnae group. Alumnae
Donlon, who is chairman of the New
chapter membership carries with it cer-
York State Workmen's Compensation
tain obligations which are necessary in
Board, a trustee of Cornell University,
order to support our national organiza-
and a member of various important
tion. Members of an alumnae chapter
government committees, such as the
should consider it a real privilege to
one for Civil Defense, proved her-
assume and fulfill those obligations.
self a very able and well-informed
In return your chapter has a vote in
speaker. Needless to say, we were very
the affairs of our fraternity. It is really
proud to introduce her to the Pan-
you who dictate our policies. The na-
hellenic members. Incidentally, each
tional officers merely carry out the
guest at the luncheon received an A O I I
policies and procedures voted upon by
rose as a favor, and the tables were
our members. For this reason we feel
decorated with bouquets of red roses.
alumnae clubs will never replace chap-
ters, but merely serve as stepping Although we had met for some time
stones to becoming chapters. A group informally, we had never had any by-
laws or constitution. This year Joanne
gets to know each other; they learn Thelma Miller, first president of the Huntington did a great deal of work
to work together for the fraternity and Albany Area Club, and her husband, Wal- writing the by-laws for our group.
while so doing are kept informed about
ter Miller, a loyal IIOA.
1 8 TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
We had some help, too, from the na- Elizabeth Kenny (Mrs. George), alter- song, and drama are included in her
tional office of Alpha Omicron Pi. At nate Panhellenic delegate. Joanne selections. Wagner's "Tristan and
the last meeting of the year, we ac- Huntington will continue for another Isolde" forms the background for one
cepted the by-laws and elected officers year as the regular Panhellenic dele- of her productions. Mrs. Peters has
for the coming year. gate. The new president, and really had great success recreating plays and
our first president, appointed Joan doing human interest original sketches.
Barbara Cowen (Mrs. Philips), had Minnock as permanent chairman of
been chairman of our group for two the meetings and program committee A graduate of the University of
years and had done a splendid, single- and Elaine Voorhees (Mrs. James, Jr.), Wisconsin, Mrs. Peters has taught in
handed job of being really a combina- and Mary Sutliff (Mrs. R. C. S.), as Bradley University's School of the
tion president, secretary, and treasurer. permanent co-chairmen of the tele- Theater. She specialized in children's
It was with regret that we let her step phone committee. work, training the boys and girls in
down from this position but we felt dance and rhythmic forms.
we had grown sufficiently to have more At the first meeting this fall, in
officers. The new officers are Thelma September, we entertained all the col- In order to cultivate her dramatic
Miller (Mrs. Walter), president; Joyce legiate members of A O I I who live in talent she took private instruction at
McClusky, secretary-treasurer; and the Albany area. the Academy of Dramatic Arts in New
York City and studied phonetics at
Presenting Eleanor Sikes Peters Northwestern University. She has taken
Dramatic Reader specialized coaching with Maud
Scheerer in New York and Hope Sum-
M i»EET MRS. RUSSELL PETERS, With a club background that has mers in Chicago.
touched of many things—League of
president of the Peoria Symphony Women Voters, Panhellenic and Peoria In her travels about the country
Guild, as she practices for her presenta- Women's Club—Mrs. Peters has gen- Mrs. Peters has found pleasure in
tion of "Peter and the W o l f , " one of erally centered her interest on the pro- meeting local A. O. Pis in cities where
her many dramatic recreations. Elected gram planning of these organizations. there are alumnae chapters and on
only the first part of April, Mrs. Peters Last year as program director of the campuses where collegiate chapters are
has already plunged enthusiastically Country Club of Peoria, Mrs. Peters located. Her interest in her fraternity
into her work. brought to many listeners outstanding was quickened when she heard a for-
musicians. mer national president talk to a group
Since the guild is less than one year of students about A. O. Pi. "As I lis-
old, Mrs. Peters is the first president Many persons will remember this tened to her explain the principles and
under whose direction a musical tea Madam President's dramatic readings ideals upon which A. O. Pi was
has been planned for the benefit of when she has been presented through- founded and the reasons for its im-
the Peoria Symphony Orchestra. out the state as Eleanor Sikes Peters. portance, I was struck with the beauty
One of her approaching engagements and reality of its being and felt again
The attractive and interesting home is a musicale of children's selections to a surge of gratitude that I had been
of Mrs. George Michell on Grand be given by D. Deane Hutchinson at chosen for membership. And I mar-
View drive will be opened to the which she will present "Peter and the veled that as an immature student I
public between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Wolf." had seen and felt, even then, that here
May 7 for the tea. The purpose, of was a group which would enable me
course, is to financially support the Definite in her desire to help the to follow the paths which I was in-
symphony so that Peoria may continue Symphony Guild to progress to the stinctively seeking." Mrs. Peters wrote
to take its place culturally among cities point of bringing the Peoria Symphony your editor the above in response to
of similar size, according to Mrs. into the integral life of the community, a request for a picture to accompany
Peters. Mrs. Peters looks forward to a suc- this article.
cessful year's term of office. This pur-
Probably few people who are not pose may be accomplished through V
musicians themselves feel a deeper actual contact of organizations through-
appreciation for music than Mrs. Peters. out Peoria as well as through the Guild 19
Her interest in music is primarily as meetings which precede each concert
a listener although many of her dra- and where an explanation of the music
matic recreations of plays are presented to be presented is given.—Patricia
to the accompaniment of Mrs. Charles Hickey, Peoria Star, April, 1952.
D. Sneller, a very accomplished mu-
sician. She believes that the deeper Eleanor Sikes Peters (Eta) travels
and richer life that good music opens all over the country giving dramatic
to a person is a treasure that Peoria performances either alone or in duo
can not afford to deprive its future programs with her pianist, Mrs.
generations. Charles D . Sneller. She has appeared
before men's and women's clubs of
Admitting that her own children— all kinds, at high schools and colleges,
Gordon, a senior at Wabash college, at conventions, and in churches. Poetry,
and David, a student at Todd School—
are much more enthralled by tennis Eleanor Sikes Peters (Eta)
than music, she feels that both sports
and music have a place in life. TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
At A. P. I. Edited by SALLY VAULUS, Vhi Omicron
DELTA DELTA began its year's activities At Ball State Joann Hayes and Suzanna Davis are beau-
with the pledging of 25 fine girls. Barbara ties, while Martha Shackleford, Ann Barr,
Lipsey, a pledge, is a semi-finalist and was KAPPA KAPPA of Ball State initiated a help Martha Cunliff, and Barbara Carlisle are
also "Loveliest of the Plains" in our paper, week program last Spring. Nothing of this favorites.—FAYE HENDRIX.
The Plainsman. Ethel Dial, a transfer from sort was ever attempted before by the sor-
Tau Delta at Birmingham-Southern, was orities. A l l of the sorority pledges work on At British Columbia
chosen as a beauty for the Glomerata, our this project together to further Panhellenic
yearbook; and she was also chosen as "Love- relations. Approximately 200 pledges from BETA KAPPA activities were given an ex-
liest of the Plains." Barbara Little was in- 11 sororities shine shoes, wash cars, collect cellent start this year with the B.C. Com-
itiated into Owls, our sophomore honorary paper, and do a variety of other things. petition in Fashion Design sponsored by
society for girls. We are all looking forward There is something unique about our sys- our alumnae chapter. Both collegiate and
to our Founders' Day Banquet Monday tem though; the actives may work, too, and alumnae members modelled, and the Figure
night, December 8. We had our chapter many of them do. "Help week" has been of Fashion award was presented to Martha
room redecorated this summer. The room is limited to just a week end. Wiens, local designer. Proceeds go to aid
pale aqua and our rug is tan. We are all the Spastic Paralysis Society of B.C. Other
proud of our chapter room. We are plan- Since we are the newest chapter, naturally, philanthropic projects carried out by the
ning a big Christmas party at which we will we have had many new and exciting ex- collegiate chapter are attending dinners for
collect gifts to send to Kentucky. We wish periences. I t was a great thrill being in- the blind and preparing a Christmas hamper
everyone a merry Christmas, particularly stalled last spring by Nancy McCain, and for a family in need. Our pledges were
those in Kentucky.—JOANNE EDWARDS. we experienced a similar treat in October formally presented at the Interfraternity
when Jo Dorweiler visited our campus for ball, "Pledges on Parade," and were the
At Arkansas State several days. Last June we were highly centre of attraction at our pledge party,
pleased by the news that we had the highest for which they provided hilarious enter-
SIGMA OMICRON is proud to report that scholastic standing at Ball State—beating tainment. During Jac Talbot's visit—a real
Nancy Cunningham, president of the chap- out all of the other 16 sororities and fra- B K highlight—we entertained delegates
ter, is Homecoming Queen at Arkansas from eight other fraternities at a tea in her
State for 1952. Other honors our girls have ternities.—MARY LOUISE NIEDENTHAL. honor. We are now busy planning the an-
received are, Bobby McDoniel, TKE Sweet- nual Greek Letter Societies Mardi Gras, for
heart, Joan Lindsey, 211 Sweetheart. A At Birmingham-Southern which Sandra Cockburn is our queen candi-
pledge, Patricia Hockle, is entered in the date, and at which Mayli McAlpine and
Maid of Cotton contest, held in Memphis, T A U DELTA has the "Mr. Hilltopper Show", Maureen Kelly are dancing.—MARGUERITE
Tenn. But the best honor of all was our which is an annual event given to make
sorority sister, Jo Daugherty, being elected money for the Frontier Nursing Service. STALKER.
editor of the annual at A. S. C. The annual Nominations for the title of top man on
AOII Rose Formal was a huge success. Our campus are made by the various social At California
theme, a night rose garden scene, was ex- organizations here at Southern. The pro-
tremely pretty, with a silver moon hanging gram consisted of a talent show presented SIGMA began the fall semester with 21 new
above the rose garden and silver stars all by the students. An AOIT chorus line of pledges. The scholarship-activity dinner had
over the ball room. At this formal we in- nine girls began the show and ended it. Mr. added importance this year when scholar-
troduced our many pledges and announced Hilltopper is elected by the popular vote ship chairman Sally Standley announced that
our fraternity sponsors. Each year Sigma of the students. Each ticket entitles the we had attained second place among the 25
Omicron holds an annual Christmas party student to a vote. At the halftime interlude sororities on campus for the past year. The
for the underprivileged children of Jones- in the show a trophy was presented to the arrival of National President Jac Talbot
boro. I am sure the sorority girls have as most outstanding Tau Delta senior, Martha created excitement here, when at last we had
much fun at this party as the children, who Cunliff. the opportunity of talking to our charming
probably thought Santa had forgotten them. first lady in person. We honored her with
But at this party they surely find Santa in Our pledges provided four needy families a formal tea to which many of the campus
the heart of every AOn there, and more with a complete Thanksgiving dinner. This women were invited. Big Game Week came,
than likely find him in their own hearts.— was their fall project. We are very happy and we joined with •PKS to build a float
to say that all six AOIIs who were entered showing our mascot, Oski, in pilgrim at-
PAT DAUGHERTY. in the Miss Southern Accent beauty contest
were chosen either beauties or favorites.
Joanne Kean (A president) is the president of Student Council at Tufts. Carol Hershberger ( 6 ) and Phylis Haas ( © H ) are mem-
bers of Alpha Lambda Delta at DePauw and Cincinnati respectively. Marilyn Mueller ( Z ) is a Cornhusker Beauty Queen at Nebraska.
20 TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
tire. A first place trophy for originality was Also, uniforms may be bought by the chap- we gathered together clothes for the
awarded our efforts. We gave a Christmas ter for one or two needy scouts. "Tuckies," toys for the children, and 25c
party for the underprivileged children of gifts for the Canadian chapters' philan-
a local orphanage home. Other philanthropic Jac Talbot visited the chapter, and we thropic project at our pre-Thanksgiving cof-
work for the semester included staffing the had a tea in her honor to which all house- fee hour.
booths for the Campus Chest Drive and mothers and presidents of all Greek houses
giving blood through a Herrick Hospital on campus were invited. Gail Wright has In keeping with the Denison social whirl,
unit run by the East Bay alumnae chapter. been recently pledged to 02<t>, professional we are looking forward to our annual
We danced at our annual Christmas formal women's journalism honorary. Two pledges Christmas date party, when each girl knits
with thoughts of a semester well done.— and one active have been finalists in recent a tiny sock for her date and hangs it, filled,
queen contests: Syd Freudenthal for the of course, at the fireplace. The AT house
DOROTHY FOWLE. engineers' annual apple-fest, Joan Elsmore has seen many new improvements this year
in the queen court for the LTKA barn dance, —pine paneling in the chapter room, beige
At Cincinnati and Sue Thorstensen, a finalist for the Colo- sofas in the living room, and a new phono-
radoan queen.—BUNNIE BARKLEY. graph well supplied with records—a gift
THETA ETA helps a war orphan and enter- from our Mothers Club. By unanimous
tains children at the Allen House. A l l this At Cornell opinion, however, the chapter agrees that
work is done through the Panhellenic board our 25 new pledges are the best addition.—
along with the other sororities. We send the EPSILON this year, on Wednesday nights,
war orphan money, letters, and cards on the has had several prominent dinner guests, CHRISTINE KORNMAN.
various holidays. Theta Eta took its turn including the Dean of Women and the
entertaining the children at the Allen House. President of Cornell. To become better ac- At DePauw
We spent a whole Saturday at the house quainted with the faculty, we held a faculty
helping the children have a good time. tea. Our annual football open house (all THETA recently took part in a carnival spon-
men on campus invited) was a big success, sored by YWCA. All proceeds from this car-
Theta Eta was honored last spring when and on homecoming weekend we had a nival will go to the World Student Service
one of her girls, Carol Brown Johnson, a house full of alumnae: Helen Santilli, Bar- Fund, a student-financed organization giving
pre-junior, was in the Ivy Chain at the bara Tyldeseley, Barbara Minnock, Sally money to students in various countries for
university graduation. Phylis Haas was taken Kernan, Patricia Stitt, and Joanne Hollo- clothing, hostels, books, school buildings,
into the freshmen women's honorary so- way. At present we are busily knitting and and equipment. House contributions were in
ciety, Alpha Lambda Delta. At the spring sewing for the annual bazaar and tea to be the form of a turde derby, whereby each
formal of Lambda Chi Alpha, Mary Jane held December 7. Some of the articles to house bought any number of turtles for $5
Ellis was chosen their sweetheart for this be sold are: socks, mittens, ties, baby things, each. Profit from the derby was about $250.
year. The pledges this year have challenged aprons, and table mats. The entire campus is We and the Sigma Nus combined our ef-
the actives to a party. I f the pledges have invited to the bazaar, which is our way of forts to have a booth of miniature golf.
more tax stamps than the active chapter, raising money for social work. In the com- Tickets for each booth were 5 cents, and in
they will be entertained by the actives, but munity we have Jean Ritz '53 and Fraeda that way members in the house contributed
if the actives have more, they will be enter- Lane '55 working as scout leaders. Big plans individually. We were so happy to have Jo
tained by the pledges.—JOANNE WARD. are being made for this year's rushing, Dorweiler spend several days with us, giv-
which will start second term. There will be ing us helpful suggestions for improving
At Colorado three open houses instead of the usual two, our house and its facilities. While she was
and five first period coffee hours instead of here we had a dinner in her honor for
C H I DELTA chapter is sponsoring a Girl the usual four. In addition the quota of Greencastle alumnae. On October 1 4 we
Scout troop as part of their philanthropic girls to be invited back to first period parties initiated Susan Brownell and Susan Stewart,
project. The actual meetings have not been has gone up considerably, due to the increas- daughter of Freydis Cox Stewart, Theta '28.
begun, but the tentative plans have already ing enrollment of women at Cornell.— We are especially proud of Carol Hersh-
been laid down. The Troop will consist of berger, our newly-initiated member of
1 0 fourth graders from the University Hill GAYLE GRISWOLD. Alpha Lambda Delta.—PAT BERRY.
School. Their meetings will be held every
Monday afternoon in the school, and Doro- At Denison At Evansville
thy Nelson, a Chi Delta alumna, will act as
their leader. One or two actives or pledges A L P H A T A U continues to sponsor the Gold- C H I LAMBDA has for its service project the
of the chapter will attend each meeting and en Agers Club at Utica, Ohio, with Dottie partial support of a grade school located in
help the children. There will be no finan- Davidson and Carol Beckman as project co- the mountains of Kentucky. The school is
cial aid from the chapter except for a party chairmen. This year, however, the Delta Us a one-room building that accommodates all
which will be given sometime in the future. have joined us in planning special programs eight grades. Every year our chapter sends
for the old people. As is also customary, clothes and money to help the attending
Sigma Omicron members and pledges at the annual Rose Ball at Arkansas State. Nancy Cunningham, chapter president, is at center
front in the red dress.
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1951 21
r 0 hayride held on Nov. 7. Two of our girls,
i Betty Curran and June Walker, won the
• horseshoe tournament again this year and
were rewarded with another cup. The main
1 events of the quarter came to a close with
the Founders' Day Banquet and our an-
Beta Kappa's "Round-up" rushing party was held at the home of Ruth Richardson, nual Christmas party.—JUDY NEIDLINGF.R.
BK president at British Columbia.
At Hanover
children. At Christmas time sorority mem- started, and after a week of strain, worry
bers bring toys to be sent to the children. and hope, two AOIIs came out on top. Out P H I OMICRON boasts this year of the larg-
Besides keeping busy with the service proj- of an original field of 32 contestants, Ar- est pledge class on Hanover's campus. Fol-
ect, Chi Lambda has won honors in social drenn Miller as "Miss Rainbow" placed lowing an exceedingly successful rush sea-
projects. Our homecoming float placed first fourth, and Marilyn Goble as "Venus" son, 38 girls were pledged and are now led
in the women's division. The slogan used placed second. Wedding bells are ringing by pledge president Carla Ortale. In Oc-
was: "Whale 'em Aces." On the float were long and loud. Sisters getting married are tober the chapter was honored by visits from
four girls in slickers standing about a huge Fran Ann Richardson to Jim Ayres (-X). Mrs. Dorweiler, Mrs. Vioni, Jean Horner
papier-mache whale. Individual honors have Edythe Skipper to Leo Mitchell ( A X A ) , Ortale, and the Kentuckiana alumnae. Pat
been received by Douglass Rowe and Vera Pat Harding to Deane Rochester ( 2 * E ) . Brendle of Louisville was initiated. A l l of
Robinson, who have been named to Who's Varian Helms to Bob Roulett ( K 2 ) and the hard work put in on Homecoming
Who. Marlene Day was elected president of Bobbie Santana to Gus Bischoff. Betty Car- preparations was felt to be more than worth-
the Women's Athletic Association. A liter- lile came back from Gainesville with an while when Barbara Gammon, Booneville,
ary tea, an annual function of Chi Lambda, addition, too—a <t>rA pin from Lowell Ed- Indiana, was elected Homecoming Queen,
was held Sunday, Nov. 30, for the faculty she being <t>Os first queen on campus. Bar-
dames of the college.—DELORES SCHABER. wards.—MARILYN GOBLE. bara Eskew and Pat Walne became members
of r 2 H , honorary scholastic fraternity. Jan
At Florida Southern At Georgia Weir and Peggy Heberling had two leading
roles in the campus production of Light Up
KAPPA GAMMA'S new philanthropic project LAMBDA SIGMA established a service pro- the Sky. Phi Omicron's service to Han-
is the adoption of a 5-year-old French war gram last year .which proved very success- over is in the form of an honor code which
orphan, Monique Sobole. We partially sup- ful, and we are continuing it this year. Each places chapter members and pledges on a
port her by sending money every month to quarter the pledges provide amusement for strict honor system and includes such things
aid in her upkeep. For this purpose we sell a group of underprivileged children on the as censored study files. Although Hanover
ourselves food and cold drinks and put the Saturday of informal initiation. They en- does not have a campus-wide honor system,
profit into Monique's fund. We recently tertain the children at the chapter house by many people have been working for one,
gave an all-campus Silver Tea for her bene- directing them in several games and serving and <pO feels that a single group's start in
fit. This fall we received the largest pledge them light refreshments. This has been sub- the right direction will help to promote this
class in our history—20 girls from nine stituted for the less serviceable activities desirable movement.—SALLY PAOLUS.
states. Among individual honors Kappa that were previously a part of informal
Gammas have received are: Elizebeth Page, initiation. Another project for the quarter At Hortwick
elected to Kappa Delta Pi, education hon- was to contribute a basket of food to a
orary fraternity; Shirley Cantwell, chosen to needy family at Thanksgiving. We had a SIGMA C H I is helping Charles Haskin, a
be one of Southern's cheerleaders; and Mar- very successful rush week and are extreme- junior in our college who was stricken with
garet LeRoy, tapped by Cap and Gown, ly proud of our 1 8 new pledges. Our first bulbar polio. He was taken to an Albany
women's honor society. AOIIs recently big social event of the year was the pledge hospital where he was placed in an iron
named in Who's Who are Betty Lee John- lung, and at this point of writing is com-
ston, Monica Darling, and Margaret LeRoy. pletely paralyzed. At the immediate mo-
We also salute our new housemother, Mrs. ment we are working to make a Christmas
Esther Stahl, and faculty adviser, Mrs. for Charlie. As he is a music major, our
Jessie Vose, of whom we are very proud.— crying need was to get a phonograph and
then some records. We set up a system of
JACKIE RICKERSON. letter writing whereby Charlie should get
a set number of letters or cards a day. There
will be a Christmas box and more, but we
have just started, and only time and work
will develop it.
At Florida State \
ALPHA PIS came back from summer vaca- 1
tion and started right in painting and re-
decorating their bedrooms. The result—the . ......
pretty pink room, the "Sunshine room" Alpha Sigma's fall pledge class is photographed with National President Talbot during
(pale blue walls and yellow organdy cur-
tains and spreads), and the pale lavender her visit to the Oregon campus.
bedroom with the deep lavender spreads and
white organdy curtains. Rush week started TO DRAGMA—WINTER, 1953
immediately, and the well planned parties
and clever skits (written by member Frances
Cawthon) were presented. All the work was
well worth it, and the Alpha Pis have 1 8
of the cutest and sweetest pledges on the
campus. The beauty contest for "Gymkana"
Sigma Chi proudly presents Miss Lore Harriett Peterson, Rho's outstanding now living in Rogers T dormitory, we have
Schefter of Czechoslovakia. "My initiation sophomore, was elected to Shi Ai hon- hopeful dreams of our new house for next
into 2 X chapter of AOII makes me a part orary at Northwestern and also won the September. I t will be located on the corner
of a group of American women. I n case of Tenth Street and Woodlawn Avenue next
there should still be any doubt in my mind "Hello Girl" popularity contest. to the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. We enjoyed
as to whether I really belong or whether a very pleasant weekend last month when
I am more or less tolerated as a foreign stu- Week" program this fall for the pledges Jo Dorweiler visited Beta Phi. The girls all
dent, the best assurance of my acceptance as just recently initiated. The girls worked at wish to thank her for the helpful sugges-
an equal is my election in Who's Who in the Christian Center day nursery, which is tions she gave to our chapter.—Jo WIES-
American Colleges." Lore is one of the top devoted to underprivileged children in
ten scholastically at Hartwick, president of Bloomington. They entertained the children MANN.
the Debate Club, member of Foreign Stu- by teaching them simple crafts, playing
dents Club, Student Christian Association, games with them, and reading to them. The At Kansas
student director of freshman camp, in Dra- program finished with a Halloween party
matics Club, and a part time worker.— for the children for whom the chapter fur- P H I chapter brightens the Christmases of
ELVA JOHNSON. nished refreshments. After working at the the needy children of Lawrence with shiny
center we realized all the more how much new toys. Each girl buys a toy and ex-
At Illinois we could help this group of children. We changes it with the others at our Christmas
are now adopting it as a full-time project party. The toys are rewrapped and taken to
IOTA, with the coming of the first snow on for part of our philanthropic work. In the the poorer families in town. Kansas AOIIs,
the Illinois campus, began working hard on near future the girls are going to work with the top sorority team, won second place in
their entry for the Y.W.C.A. Christmas the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, cleaning volleyball intramurals at K.U. Billie Jones
Doll Show. Some girls were busy making Knight House, which is the speech and and Janice Mason were chosen for the gen-
the dolls which were later to be given to hearing clinic home for children. Though eral all sophomore team. Carol Peters was
needy children, while others were making chosen to sing with the woman's choral
the clothes and making and collecting the group. Dianne Miller was elected to Radio
furnishings for the exhibit booth. The social Players and to Jay Janes, women's pep or-
service representative has also been busy col- ganization. Phi has entertained with several
lecting clothes for our Christmas bundle to faculty dinners and parties. The pledges
the "Tuckies." blindfolded the actives and led them from
their beds to the chapter room, sang orig-
When New Year finally rolls around, we inal verses about each active and served
will be able to look back happily on '52. doughnuts, cider, and candy as a surprise
We scored again at Homecoming when we Halloween party. Our Platter Party was a
took first place in decorations in the sorority big success; we're all looking forward to
division for the second year in a row and our Christmas formal on December 5.—
when our own Gale Brittin was honored as BARBARA TROTTER.
Miss Michigan among the Homecoming
queens. Deserving special credit are: Shar- At McGill
lene Mayer and Vaunie Schild, both sopho-
mores, who were promoted to junior and KAPPA P H I has decided this year to help the
senior jobs, respectively, on the Daily Illini; local Red Cross. The girls will send two
Suzanne Ralston, our new Mortar Board; members every Tuesday, Wednesday and
Barbara Nicely, our new Shorterboard; and Thursday of each week to the clinic. There
Mary Jane Fishel, our new Torch, who was they will phone people and answer any calls.
also elected, along with Carolyn Jshnson, The Red Cross is grateful for the offer, and
to Phi Upsilon Omicron, home economics the sisters are happy to cooperate.
honorary.—ANNE DAVIS.
Rushing this year was successful. The
At Indiana big night party was on the Chinese theme
and went over well. The chapter has
BETA P H I had a very constructive 'Help pledged five fine girls: Mona Fawcette,
Judith Hiltz, Marie Hollingsworth, Ann
Left, Theta Eta pledges pose at Cincinnati with their sorority mothers. Right, Theta pledges enjoy a pledge cozy at DePauw: front,
Nancy Cain, Sally Steinkamp, Jane Woodford, June Kerr, Liz Gengnagel; middle, Sylvia Yott, Marcia Brown, Susie Klise, Caroline
Wolfe, Ann Dicks, Evelyn Munn; top, Jo Lohman, Marge Lamb, Lou Younger, Patty Obear; absent, Joan Fetzer, Shirley Shazer,
Carole Trautwein, Jeannine Baer.
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953 23
had more fun, the little children or the At Minnesota
"big" ones.
T A U girls are concentrating their philan-
Following the highly successful rush sea- thropic activities on a local charity this year.
son, homecoming found AOn in the lime- Two members will be spending an after-
light, winning first place in the sorority noon of games and fun entertaining the chil-
float contest. For the float, decorated with dren of Pillsbury Settlement House every
AOn jumping jacks and the slogan, week throughout the year. During the Red
"There's Still Spring in the Old Alum," Cross blood drive, AOn was one of the two
Omega was awarded a trophy. In the spring sororities on campus who pledged 1 0 0 % .
Patty Elliott was not only crowned Queen The "Haunt the Hauks" Homecoming at
of the AFROTC, but was also selected to Minnesota was a great success. Tau was
reign over Greek Week festivities as "Fasi- particularly proud of Jeanne Becker, who
lesa, Goddess of Beauty." This lovely gal was the first woman Homecoming chairman
was also elected honorary member of the in the university's history. Our fall quarter
YMCA! In May, Margie Moren, recent pledges—Mary Boggs, Nikki Chafos, Joan
initiate, became the envy of many as she Gauger, Clare Grover, Marlene Hecker,
was crowned Sweetheart of ATA. Lyn Pugh Betsy Koehler, Virginia Kraft, Joann Span-
and Rachel Kuderer were elected house jers—succeeded in winning the first prize
chairman and assistant house chairman of trophy on their Homecoming float.—CONNI
Swing Hall, largest freshman women's dor-
mitory on the Miami campus.—MARTY ANDERSON.
KRAMER. At Montana State
Gale Brittin ( I ) was Miss Michigan in At Michigan A L P H A P H I has been helping the Bozeman
the Homecoming Queen Court at Illinois. alumnae chapter raise money for their proj-
OMICRON P I started off the semester with a ects in a novel way. Each week two alumnae
Pow, and Doreen Reilly. These girls gave pledge class of 34 wonderful girls. From the bake five dozen cookies each and bring
the parents of the sisters a delightful Sun- time of their pledging, they have been busy them to the active and pledge meetings
day tea. They are also planning a mixed working on all kinds of projects for the cam- where they are given as prizes. The winner,
pledge party, besides the annual Christmas pus and the house. Ten cabins at the Uni- of course, has to treat the losers, but the
party. The latter will be on the same day versity Fresh Air Camp were rejuvenated by alumnae are making money, and we enjoy
as initiation, December 17.—CAROL BOCK. crews of pledges from I.F.C. and Pan- the homemade cookies. Arlene Wilson ' 5 2 ,
hellenic. Marilyn Morris, Sue Stockle, and who was chosen last spring to go to Eng-
At Maine Pat Million were the AOIIs who partici- land and Scotland on the IFYE, has just
pated. On Dec. 13 the pledges will make returned and is thrilling us all with the
G A M M A begins the school year by having a stockings for underprivileged children, a Jr. wonders of her four months abroad. New
house party weekend every fall. This year Panhellenic project. We now have a well- Mortar Board members are: Sanna Green,
we went to Diana Springer's cottage at Cold equipped candy store run by the pledges to Joan Huxley, president, and Edith John-
Stream. We started out on Saturday after- raise money for their own project. ston. Betty Jo Waite is the new president of
noon, September 20, laden with blankets Art Club; Marlene Wilson, Cheer Queen,
and various other necessities for the cot- Nancy Lewis is co-recreation chairman for and Marilyn Pearson, Homecoming Queen.
tage. Upon arriving several went swimming, W A A . Jeanne Freshour was assistant Recent Spur initiates are Sally Kraenzel,
while others played games or prepared for chairman of Panhellenic Ball and is co- president; Sharon Rudeman, vice president;
the evening meal. After eating we held a chairman of Senior Ball. Audrey Murphy, Vera Stucky, treasurer; Alfreda Chambers,
meeting to prepare this year's rushing pro- treasurer of the Senior Board and president Donna Carmichael, and Hazel Waldron.—
gram. The weekend is primarily for this of K4>, became a member on student legis-
purpose. It also helps us to get reacquainted lature for the second year. Marion Charles JOAN HUXLEY.
with our sisters after the long summer vaca- is president of the Women's Glee Club and
tion. Some were lucky enough to sleep in Sue Jacobsen is second vice president of At Nebraska
beds, but this really did not matter much. Panhellenic. Nancy Lewis, Audrey Murphy
By the time we got to bed we were all will- and Sue Jacobsen are members of Scroll, an ZETA gives to polio. Instead of decorating
ing to go to sleep. Sunday was spent swim- honorary society for affiliated women. Social for Homecoming, Zeta gave their allotted
ming, playing badminton and ping pong, or activities included Fathers' Weekend and a $50 to the polio fund. During Help Week
sitting and talking. After our spaghetti din- tea for Mrs. Roberts, our new house mother. last year the entire chapter cleaned the Lin-
ner we hopped on the bus and headed back coln Y W C A . This was a good opportunity
—SUE JACOBSEN. to work for chapter cooperation and com-
to Orono.—HELENA R. M E H L H O R N . munity service. Many members of Zeta
At Michigan State have received campus recognition by being
At Miami initiated into campus honoraries: Nanci
BETA G A M M A directed its efforts toward a DeBord ' 5 3 was tapped for Mortar Board
OMEGA, for the second time in two years, combination of campus and fraternal activi- on Ivy Day; Diane Downing ' 5 3 , Phi Beta
combined efforts with the members of 2X ties. Early in the term, the pledge class Kappa; Marlene Rees, Kay Yeiter, Joan
to make Christmas a never-to-be-forgotten decided that the most beneficial project Vanderhook, and Madeline Gourlay ' 5 5 ,
event for some 60 underprivileged children. would be to finish up some of the "little Alpha Lambda Delta. Marlene is the new
Prior to the occasion, a gift-wrapping party jobs" around the recently completed house. president, and Kay is vice president. Mari-
was held during which time AOIIs and 2Xs The first of these, involving the painting of lyn Mueller ' 5 5 is one of six Cornhusker
alike pitched in to give drums, horns, tops, the utility room, was completed within a Beauty Queens chosen by Dean Martin and
and many other toys that element of secrecy few weeks, while the second, the laying of Jerry Lewis. Marlene Rees was an attendant
which only tissue paper and colorful rib- stepping stones in the back of the house, to the Calendar Girl. Carol Beattie ' 5 6 was
bon can impart. W i t h the arrival of the will be undertaken shortly. Regarding cam- selected Nebraska State Wheat Queen be-
eagerly awaited day and even more eagerly pus activities, the last few weeks before cause of her outstanding 4 : H work.—
awaited 2 X Santa, it was hard to tell who Christmas were spent in a busy flurry of
collecting and wrapping gifts to be used in SHIRLEY MEAD.
the "Red Stocking" Drive for underprivi-
leged children. Fall term also brought 8 5 0 At Newcomb
rushees to the new Beta Gamma house. Due
to the fact that this was the first formal Pi chapter started off this year with plan-
rushing to be held in the house, the girls ning a philanthropic project and adopted an
found it actually a pleasure, and they are idea to support completely a war orphan.
looking forward to a successful rush season. The little girl is a European who has no
family and had been existing solely on
2 4 T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
CARE packages. We not only continue these Nanci DeBord (Z) is a member of Mortar At Northwestern
CARE packages, but send her clothes, let- Board at Nebraska.
ters, and gifts. RHO is now in its fourth year of the Foster
Ion, an education honorary; and Janet Innis School recreational program for colored
The rush season was an extremely suc- was awarded the Borden Scholarship for children. A new system of specialized ac-
cessful one. We pledged 22 girls, including having the highest scholastic average of a tivities, under the direction of Lee Meyer,
Dixie Bader from Cape Girardeau, Mis- senior home economics education major. is successfully completing the philanthropic
souri, who was chosen to be one of the six Many boxes of clothing for the "Tuckies" project. A program of entertainment for
girls on the "Urchin" Pledge Pin-Up Court. have been brought in by Nu. A philan- an old people's home in Evanston was ar-
Other AOIIs who have received honors for thropic project is planned for the near fu- ranged by Judy Larson. Founders' Day cere-
their beauty and personality are Bobbie ture to add to the clothing being sent.— mony will be held at the Edgewater Beach
Webb, who was Maid of Honor of the Hotel on December 7, when the outstand-
1952 Homecoming Court, and Nancy Liljen- MARION PEARSALL. ing sophomore will be awarded the beauti-
stein, who was selected for the Jambalaya ful AOII ring. Jody Thorsteinson, who was
yearbook beauty section. The pledge ban- in May Court, was elected to Mortar Board.
quet ushered in a series of parties given by Rho girls in Dolphin Show were Mary
Pi chapter. The Mothers' Club gave us a Anne Buddenbaum, Lois Fleckenstein, Stella
costume party at Nancy Gooch's home and Gunakis, and Carol Lundquist. Rita Pelz
then joined the chapter in enjoying the was in the University Theater Production
annual Mother-Daughter tea. We are plan- of Doctor Fatislus. Ruth Peters, president of
ning a houseparty which will be held in 2 A I , the music honorary, is first cellist in
Biloxi in December. Skit night will be in the Evanston Philharmonic Symphony Or-
April, and already Pi chapter is planning chestra. She was awarded a bracelet of rec-
for this and for the Campus Carnival, the ognition for being the AOn of the month.
proceeds of which will go to the Com- This is a new tradition starting at Rho this
munity Chest.—ANN CUSHING. year. On the social side, we attended a tea
dance with Acacia, and a party is planned
At New York with Kappa Sigma. Our new pledges had
a party with the Lambda Chi Alpha pledges.
N u plans are under way for a full Christ-
mas schedule. We have planned a Christ- — A N N E MAXFIELD.
mas party for a neighborhood orphanage, a
carol singing party, and a Christmas party. At Oregon State
During this term we have had numerous
successful open houses. Our major success A L P H A R H O members and pledges have
was our annual "Favorite Professors Tea" been working very hard this term helping
at which Mrs. Heald, the Chancellor's wife, at the local hospital. Each big sister works
was guest of honor. This year two of the with her little sister and spends between one
girls have been elected to honorary societies, and two hours a week there. We make
and one has received a scholarship. Joan fluffs, bandages, and do all sorts of differ-
Strobel has been elected to Sigma Epsilon ent jobs that help the nurses. One of the
Chi, secretarial studies honorary; Grace highlights of this term was our formal
Campisi was elected to Kappa Delta Epsi- dance, "Seven Fathoms Deep," honoring
Left: Jean Zimmerman (A) was crowned queen at the Tufts Junior Prom. She was the candidate of ATO fraternity; Center: Ardrenn
Miller ( A n ) , "Miss Rainbow," placed fourth in the "Miss Gymkana" contest at Florida State; Right: Marilyn Pearson (A<t>) was
Homecoming Queen at Montana State College, where she is a senior Danforth girl.
Marlene Rees (Z) was a Calendar Girl Attendant at Nebraska. Carol Beattie (Z) was 1952 Nebraska Wheat Queen. Betty Stemper
(T) was E-Day Queen at Minnesota.
our 23 new pledges. We also have a new of clothing to Simon Christians, a war or- who were attracted by the offer of all they
trophy to add to our collection, which we phan in Holland. The 13 sororities compos- could eat for $1.00. Despite the price of
were awarded for winning first place in the ing the Panhellenic Association at Penn food today and the huge appetites of the
Homecoming noise parade, teamed with the join in the support of Simon through the girls after the intramural fall sports play-
Lambda Chi Alphas. Three honor societies Foster-Parents plan, and in addition one offs, we made a profit. Besides the satisfac-
were represented in the house following fall sorority sends a package to Simon each tion of working for a worthy cause, we had
term tapping. Barbara Gordon '53 made month. This year Psi's contribution to the lots of fun scrambling around in our tiny
Omicron Nu, women's home economics Campus Chest's annual carnival was a gin- kitchen trying to prepare the food in such
honorary; Jane Polka '53, Lambda Kappa gerbread House. Gingerbread topped with outlandish proportions. As Christmas draws
Sigma, women's pharmacy honorary; Jean whipped cream was sold and the proceeds near we are making plans for and eagerly
and Joan Baines '54, Orchesis, modern went to the drive. Those working at the anticipating our annual Christmas party for
dance honorary.—J AND J BAINES. booth were Pat Coughlan, Trudy Slaven, the children of the Lynchburg orphanages.
and Edna Stone. Executive secretary for the Our tiny gifts bring such joy to their faces
At Oregon 1952-53 Campus Chest was Valerie Jaso.— that our whole year is brightened.—ANN-
ALPHA SIGMA held a very successful fall V A L JASO. ETTE PARKER.
term rush period and pledged 19 girls. They
are: Madge Barnes, Shirley Dunning, Sue At Penn State A t San Jose
Galbreath, Diane Gillespie, Sally Hannah,
Donna Hill, Sandra Honkanen, Jackie Hol- EPSILON ALPHA held a knit bazaar De- DELTA SIGMA raises money to contribute to
sten, Sally Ingalls, Dawn Kester, Mary cember 6 for the benefit of the Kentucky the Frontier Nursing Service by holding an
Moran, Sharon Moran, Marilyn Sparks, Frontier Nursing Service, AOII's philan- annual Christmas dance. This year it took
Martha Spatz, Diana Starr, Roberta Toner, thropic work. The pledges are working on place at the Casa del Rey in Santa Cruz on
Joan Willets, Sharell Wright, and Joan individual projects in that each pledge is Saturday, December 6. Members sell bids to
Huse. Alumnae, actives, and pledges en- making five toys to be sent to the children their friends, and many girls attend who
joyed very much the visit of Jac Talbot to of the underprivileged areas of Kentucky. are considering going through rushing win-
the Oregon campus and honored her with The pledges working on the project are: ter quarter. In keeping with the holiday
an evening tea. Freshman pledge Donna Marion Kalbach, Ann Lofquist, Mary Mor- season, the girls wear dressy dresses. As its
Hill was named one of the five finalists in rissey, Marion Romberger, Jo Romeo, Anna local philanthropic work, the chapter do-
the Phi Sigma Kappa "Moonlight Girl" Saylor, Karen Scherer, and Rita Vodila. nates canned food to one of the poorer areas
contest. Sarah Bradley has gotten off to a just outside town. This district's welfare is
busy start in her job as president of the Epsilon Alpha's theme for the annual the entire school's community service proj-
Women's Recreation Association. Many Mardi Gras, sponsored by Mortar Board, ect. Sororities, fraternities, and other groups
AOIIs hold important positions in the vari- was "As Time Goes By," and consisted of participate in a Saturday program of recre-
ous student union committees this year.— a fashion show tracing fashion from its ation. After a slumber party at,the chap-
earliest period to modern times. The soror- ter house, an initiation ceremony was held
HELEN CLARK. ity placed second. Epsilon Alpha and Alpha Sunday, October 26, for Margaret Giorgi,
Zeta fraternity are sponsoring a Christmas Natalie Stilwell, and Carol Thompson. Also
At Pennsylvania party for underprivileged children in the during fall quarter we had a card party for
local area. This is a yearly project of the sorority presidents and housemothers, a
Psi's service projects this year are extensive. sorority.—Lois LEHMAN. scholarship dinner, and the semi-formal
Mortar Board, for which Violet Simmons Panhellenic dance at the Claremont Hotel
was tapped, has undertaken the scheduling At Randolph-Macon
of hours during which students having free in Berkeley.—NANCY GRANEWICH.
time read to their fellow students who are KAPPA was host to Randolph-Macon at the
blind. Carol Taylor and "Skeets" Freeborn chapter's annual chow mein supper on No- At Southern California
read regularly to the blind students on cam- vember 24 to make money for our national
pus, as does Joan Jackson, a recent pledge. philanthropic work in Kentucky. Nancy N u LAMBDA has many activity conscious
Barbara Coan, a member of Sphinx and Key, Gunby, our efficient philanthropic chair- members. Following the AWS Recognition
spent last summer at a Friends' Service man, with the willing but chaotic assistance Assembly in the spring, the AOIIs found
Work Camp in Mexico. Psi has sent a box of both actives and pledges, succeeded in they had the honor of having three mem-
turning out a delicious meal for the guests bers placed on Mortar Board out of the 13
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
selected. Marilyn Beaudry, president of the Our girls are really making news on the
house; Jeanne Warnock, president of the campus this year. Doris Bobo, Berta Neblett,
YWCA at SC; and Dorothy Fucci, newly Mary Katherine Wendell, and Jane Rankin
appointed president of Amazons, were the were chosen Volunteer Beauties. Shirley
three girls tapped in the impressive candle- VanPelt was selected Betty Coed at the
lighting ceremony. Four AOIls are now Betty Coed-Joe College dance; Sally Thorn-
members of Amazons, a service honorary ton and Ann Dillard were initiated into
group on the SC campus. Besides the above Pi Lambda Theta, national education honor-
mentioned girls, who were tapped for this ary; Jane Hollingsworth was named to
organization last year, Lucy Tomboulian, Who's Who; and Margaret Whalen is T -
who returned after a year's absence in Club Sweetheart. Margaret Trotter, Doris
nursing schol, was also tapped. Spurs, the Bobo, and Margaret Whalen are ACE
sophomore service honorary, also gained Queen finalists.—ANN DILLARD.
another AOII in Jackie Jones. After the
tapping ceremonies, pictures were taken of Jeanne Becker (T) was recently honored At Texas
the girls in the uniforms of the groups they by being chosen as the University of Min-
were chosen for. The photograph shows the nesota's first woman Homecoming chair- Pi KAPPA members have been serving on
five girls with Mrs. Verne McKinney, past man. Throughout her college career, and around the campus both in groups and
national president of AOII and present Jeanne has engaged in numerous campus individually. International students were
chapter adviser of Nu Lambda.—JACKIE and sorority activities. As a freshman she invited to share the chapter's Thanksgiving
worked with the Associated Women Stu- dinner, and a group project of aid to the
JONES. dents and Charm, Inc. During her sopho- Red Cross is planned. Christmas gifts from
more year, Jeanne became a board mem- Pi Kappa went to the "Tuckies" and to a
At Southwestern ber of Associated Women Students, co- local orphanage. Three girls take time each
chairman of the Homecoming button sales, week to serve as junior high Y-teen spon-
KAPPA OMICRON is carrying out its local and chairman of the Stardust Dance. Her sors and two others solicited for Campus
philanthropic work in connection with the junior year found Jeanne as assistant gen- Chest, which apportions funds to local
Girls' Club of Memphis, Inc., an organiza- eral chairman of the 1951 Homecoming charities.
tion which takes care of needy girls from and rushing chairman of Tau chapter. As
six to 18. Kappa Omicron members make a senior, aside from holding many club The social calendar shows first of all a
cookies and candy for these girls, entertain and board memberships, she is serving as "College Field Day," open house for Pi
them at the Girls' Club center downtown, the secretary of Tau chapter and a mem- Kappa Alpha fraternity. Next on the agenda
take them to parks, to see movies, and to was the annual retreat which gave the girls
watch the intercollegiate sports at South- ber of A l l University Congress. a chance to become a more closely knit
western. group through discussions and good times
At Tennessee together at a nearby church camp. Pledges
This fall Kappa Omicron has achieved planned the traditional Christmas party for
distinction in campus activities. First we OMICRON brings cheer to orphans. Each dates, after which members and pledges
filled our pledge quota with an attractive Thursday afternoon finds five of us at John exchanged gifts at a slumber party. A circus
group of 1 8 girls. Following rush, KO gave Tarleton Orphanage playing games with party and a picnic also were held for dates.
a friendship supper, inviting girls from the orphans. We usually take some equip-
other sororities. We then won first place ment, such as basketballs, baseballs, and —GWYN MCCULLOUGH.
for the sororities with our Homecoming bats for them to play with. These children
decorations. Anne Hebert, a sophomore are extremely underprivileged and receive At Toronto
member, was chosen Homecoming football very little attention; so they look forward
princess, Southwestern's entry in the na- eagerly to the weekly visits of the OAIIs. BETA T A U assisted in a tag day for the
tional Maid of Cotton contest, and the Rose We are making plans for our annual Christ- University of Toronto Settlement, a social
of Kappa Alpha fraternity. Two Kappa mas party for them, at which time we take service organization which directs a recre-
Omicron members, Liza Rollow and Eliza- gifts and candy for each child. ation center for children. Proceeds from the
beth Carter, were elected cheer leaders, and tagging will go to build a new dining and
Helen Swartzfager, our president, was recreation building for the Settlement sum-
chosen a member of Who's Who. Our mer camp at Gull Lake near Gravenhurst.
Mothers' Club tea honoring the new pledges Besides a permanent staff, it has also volun-
was a lovely party and big success.—ANN tary student workers. Early in the fall the
chapter helped the Mothers' Club at a
Three Sigma Omicron beauties are
Pat Hackle, Arkansas State's candi-
late for the Maid of Cotton; Nancy
Cunningham )0 president and
Homecoming Queen; and Bobby Mc
Doniel, TKE Sweetheart.
• ^1
m HE
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953 27
garden party, the proceeds going to the Sylvia St. Clair, Yvonne Faust, Ann Norris, several proposed local services, Civil De-
Cerebral Palsy Clinic here in Toronto. A l - Denise Dickey, Jeanne Alsobrook, Anita fense, Girl Scouts, and Red Cross work
though our school year does not get under Berg, Nancy Ryles, Alice Sully, Anne being among them.
way until almost October 1, we have man- Crowell, Nancy Cook, Kathy Wirch, Barbara
aged to get quickly into the spirit of things Smith, Joan Butler, Beverly Balleu, Viva Highlighting the quarter was our tea for
with a house party at Brocks Beach and Eilers, Kay Johnson, Pat Eggers, and Donna Jac Talbot October 31. We enjoyed having
have had open houses after all rugby games. Rhoades. This semester we were honored Jac with us and wish she could have spent
The rushing schedule was hectic but a lot by a visit by our national president, Jac more time at Upsilon. We are especially
of fun, and successful. We are now looking Talbot. A dinner was held in her honor, proud of our pledges and their superb dance,
forward to our Founders' Day banquet and which the administration, faculty, and pres- Spanish 'Fan' tasies, which was held Novem-
initiation dance at the Hunts Club on De- idents of various organizations attended.— ber 15. Our pledges have been active with
cember 13.—MARY LOU WALES. other sorority pledges and had them all
BOBBEE PLUMMER. over for coke parties December 3, 4 , and 5.
At Tufts These parties, with unique hat decorations
At Vanderbilt which were used in the entertainment, were
DELTA has adopted another philanthropic planned and carried out entirely by the
project. Two sisters a week offer their N u OMICRON has started the school year
services to the West Medford Community with many honors. Betty Ray Clark and pledges.—AUDREY HOPFENSPERGER.
Center in supervising the children's activi- Vivian Ruth Warren were selected for
ties. Everyone concerned has loads of fun. Lotus Eaters, sophomore honorary, the lat- At Washington College
For Thanksgiving we filled a basket of food ter being elected treasurer of the organiza-
for a needy family in that community. Each tion. The women's junior honorary society SIGMA T A U for the past three years has
basket contained a turkey and all the fruit initiated Mary Phil Thomas and Becky adopted a little Dutch girl, Trienje, as a
and vegetables that help to make a hearty Howell. Becky's charm was also recognized part of our philanthropic work. We pay
turkey dinner and a happy Thanksgiving. on our campus by the band when she served for Trienje's schooling, clothing, and food.
Delta has a campus celebrity in its midst, as their sponsor at the Florida game. Marty We have received several letters from
Joanne Kean, our president. She was elected Post was chosen as a member of the Inter- Trienje telling us how much she appreciates
president of Student Council, the highest national Relations Club. Diane Dorton, re- our help. Each year we have a bazaar and
honor that a student can receive at Tufts. cent 2A<I> honorary literary society initiate, a card party to raise enough money to adopt
We are happy to have with us transfer and Ann Harsh serve as society and typing her for another year.
Rhona Burfoot of Iota Alpha chapter at editors on The Hustler, Vanderbilt's weekly
Idaho State. On November 3 Delta had a newspaper. Tri Arts, honor society for Our sorority is now enlarged by the
patrons and patronesses dessert at which talented women, selected Shirley Brockman, addition of five new pledges, and we shall
we also welcomed Dean Jeffers, the new Ann Harsh, Shirley Locke, Monnie Menefee, pledge more in February. We had a
dean of Jackson College. In October, we and Nancy Simmons as members. NO wel- Hawaiian theme for our informal party. In
AOIIs were happy to have our district di- comed two transfers: Lavinia Neill, (KO, November we entertained Miss Laura Perry,
rector, Adell Meacham, visit us. She is a Southwestern) and Shirley Brockman ( K r , our district director, for a week end. We
wonderful person, and we all wished that Florida Southern). Betty Lentz served as a captured the song cup at our annual song
she could have remained with us longer.—• most capable rush chairman. NO pledged 21 fest with the singing of "In the Still of the
top girls on November 25. The actives and Night." We won the scholarship cup for
JOANNE RICCA. pledges were entertained at a delicious sup- the third straight year. Congratulations to
per prepared by the alumnae.—MARIANNA Lynn White, Sigma Tau's new president.—
KAPPA THETA has done some outstanding
work in supporting Uni Camp, a summer At Washington At Western Michigan
camp for underprivileged children. Last
semester the girls went all out in support UPSILON is proud to introduce Rosine Fau- KAPPA R H O has been having a lot of en-
of this worthy cause, and came up with the gouin of Paris, France, whom we are Spon- joyment this past year sponsoring parties
trophy awarded for raising the most money soring by a maintenance grant for one year. each month for a children's home. For
at the annual Mardi Gras, which is held Other out-of-country aids include a col- Christmas we are giving the children stuffed
each year at UCLA for this purpose. We lection of post office items for Beta Tau animals. Several boxes of clothing which
are very proud to be pledging 23 girls this and a toy collection for Jackie, our Belgian the girls gathered were sent to Kentucky.
semester: Earleen Gordaneir, Sally Walker, boy. We also collected toys for Kentucky. We have been burning the midnight oil
Dee Kipps, Alice Buckley, Marian Stutz, AOITs spread Christmas cheer at a local preparing for our annual stuffed animal
hospital with caroling. For 1953 we have sale. From their toil materialized an assort-
ment of delightful little animals which on
Christmas day will make the kiddies awfully
Left, N u Lambda activity girls are pictured with Muriel McKinney, former A01T national president: seated, Jackie Jones, Spurs;
Jeanne Warnock, Y W C A president, Mortar Board, and Amazons; standing, Lucy Tomboulian, Amazons; Marilyn Beaudry, NA
president, Mortar Board, and Amazons; Mrs. McKinney, NA adviser; Dorothy Fucci, Mortar Board and Amazons president. Right,
Rho chapter's officers at Northwestern are: back, Ginna Wolsey, house president; Jody Thorsteinson, chapter president and Mortar
Board; Renee Reim, general manager; front, Carole Wesselman, rushing chairman; Phyllis Mistlebauer, treasurer; Mary Ann Otto, vice
28 TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
happy. Kappa Rho's activities have included universities as advisers of girls, deans of from business organizations. Among the
the "Campus Couple Fling," an informal women, counselors, heads of residence, so- courses offered are human relations, man-
dance, and work on the Homecoming float. cial directors. Dr. M . Eunice Hilton, dean agement methods and practices, marketing,
Just recently we initiated five girls into of the College of Home Economics at Syra- accounting, and the functions of a person-
Kappa Rho, Sue Rogers, Kay Dobbs, Jean cuse, is the director of the course. nel department. The instructors are for the
Carner, Barbara Friend, and Sue Johnson.— most part members of the faculty of the
Each assistantship is equivalent to a grant Harvard Business School.
HlLDEGARDE NlLL. of $1200 to $1500 per year, awarded in
terms of room, board, and tuition. Each as- In addition to the 15 full tuition fellow-
At Louisiana State sistant will be placed in charge of a small ships there is an Edith G. Stedman Fel-
dormitory and given practical assignments in lowship given by the 400 alumnae of the
A L P H A OMICRON preceeded the gay holi- connection with the office of the dean of Management Training Program.
day season with a scene of the true meaning women.
of Christmas. Our hearts were filled with SILVERWARE
love and warmth when we saw the joy of The scholarships, which are limited to
42 negro children at the Blundeon Orphan- students with a bachelor's degree who are For Mothers' Clubs that wish to
age Christmas party. The children ranged willing to give two years to the program, collect Queen Bess silverware for
from three to ten years of age, an interesting will be awarded on or before June 1. The their daughters' chapters, General
age when Santa is still real and Christmas course consists of lectures, discussions, field Mills has a special service including
is not wholly commercial. The highlighf of work, case work, and original research. containers for coupons, envelopes for
the party, after some carol singing, was the mailing in coupons, stamped cards to
entrance of Imogene Gauthier, our authentic For application forms and detailed in- mail to club members, Betty Crocker
Santa. After her pillow shook like a bowl formation address Dr. Ruth Haddock, As- recipe and menu service, and other
f u l l of jelly, she distributed gifts to children sistant Director Student Personnel Graduate suggestions. Clubs wishing more in-
with sparkling eyes and merry faces. Later Program, Syracuse University, Syracuse 10, formation may write Peggy Adams,
we served doughnuts and hot chocolate and New York. General Mills, Minneapolis 1, Minn.
then played games, all of which made our
party more festive. No doubt, we will leave RADCLIFFE COLLEGE Alpha Omicron Pi extends loving sym-
for the holidays at our respective homes in pathy to Dorothy Bates O'Brien (P) and
many different states with the happiness of FIFTEEN $650 full tuition fellowships Dorothy Toman Stone (P ' 4 l ) , both of
Christmas in our hearts. will be offered for the first time for the whom lost their husbands in October, 1952.
academic year 1953-1954 by the Radcliffe
CYNTHIA KERNAN College Management Training Program, Katharyn Hoadley Fell (B<t>), Kokomo,
Mr. T. North Whitehead, director of the Ind., is vice president of the T r i Kappa
Three Colleges Announce program, announced recently. The Man- State Council.
Women's Graduate Courses agement Training Program is a one-year
graduate course in personnel and business Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira (P) was
OHIO WESLEYAN administration tailored for the specific needs recently appointed part-time principal of
Miss AUDREY M . PARKER, Dean of of women. the Doylestown (Pa.) elementary school.
Women, Ohio Wesleyan University, Dela- Before her marriage Mrs. Franco-Ferreira
ware, Ohio, announces six graduate assist- The program, now in its sixteenth year, served as a superintendent in the Chicago
antships for women in counseling and guid- trains young women from all over the coun- schools.
ance. The program includes an opportunity try for junior administrative positions in
for both training and experience in guidance business, industry, government departments, Mary Rose Truter (AT '46) was one of
and personnel work. While taking courses social service, and educational institutions. 43 women awarded doctor of medicine de-
toward her M.A. degree, the candidate also The curriculum consists of two full-time grees at Women's Medical College of Penn-
serves as an assistant to the resident coun- job assignments which are integrated into sylvania in Philadelphia in June, 1952.
selor in a dormitory. Women between the six months of classroom work at Radcliffe.
ages of 20 and 30 with a bachelor's degree
are eligible. Academic instruction is based on cases
A minimum of 12 months will be needed which have been compiled by the Harvard
to acquire the 30 semester credit hours re- Business School. These cases are descrip-
quired for the degree. The following alter- tions of actual operating situations drawn
native plans are available: A. Four semes-
ters, carrying an average of seven or eight >
credit hours each semester. B. Two semes-
ters, carrying 12 or 13 credit hours each Three past national presidents of AOLT, Chairmen for the breakfast were Lu-
semester, plus five or six semester credit Muriel McKinney, Margaret Rasmus- cile English, Los Angeles alumnae
hours earned during a summer term at sen, and Helen Haller, were among president; Mary Powell, Pasadena
some other university approved by the stu- the 250 members who attended the alumnae vice president; and Jean
dent's adviser. , 55th Founders' Day breakfast at the Knight, Pasadena alumnae president.
Statler Hotel in Los Angeles Decem- "The Spirit of the Ruby" was the
Degrees are conferred only in June. The ber 7. Seven Southern California alum- theme of the program, which empha-
service schedule of the assistant includes 21 nae chapters and the collegiate chap- sized AOII's national and local phi-
hours a week of scheduled time in the dor- ters at U.C.L.A. and U.S.C. were rep- lanthropies. Lillian Stickney gave a re-
mitory plus meetings and occasional com- resented. Scholastic and activity awards view of "Wide Neighborhoods" by
mittee work. were presented to outstanding col- Mrs. Mary Breckenridge, Director of
legiates, and the chapters sang some the Frontier Nursing Service of Ken-
Each assistant occupies a single room in tucky, the site of our national social
the dormitory and receives board, room and of their favorite songs.
tuition totaling $1200 a year. Appointments service work.
are made for the academic year. For further
information and application write Miss
Parker (address above).
T H E GRADUATE SCHOOL of Syracuse Uni-
versity announces 15 to 20 graduate assist-
antships for women interested in pursuing
a curriculum designed to prepare for per-
sonnel work in high schools, colleges, and
TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953 29
DIRECTORY Alumnae Director—Virginia Boggess Mylander Fraternity Education—
(Mrs. Walter C.)» X , Towson Estates, Tow-
son 4, Md. K A P P A OMICRON—Southwestern University,
Memphis, Tenn.
Fraternity Education—Marion Eberts Johnson President—Helen Swartzfager, Voorhies Hall,
(Mrs. E a r l W . ) , E A , 2802 S. Wakefield, A r - Southwestern University, Memphis, Tenn.
ALPHA OMICRON P I FRATERNITY lington 6, V a . N U OMICRON—Vanderbilt University, Nash-
FOUNDED A T BARNARD COLLEGE, K A P P A — Randolph-Macon Woman's College, \ ille, Tenn.
J A N . 2, 1897. Lynchburg, Va. President—Joy Caudle, 208 23rd A v e . N . ,
President-—Martha Cressman Kenyon, Box Nashville, Tenn.
FOUNDERS 188, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, O M I C R O N — U n i v e r s i t y of Tennessee, Knox-
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN, A Lynchburg, Va. ville, Tenn.
171 W . 12th St., New York, N . Y . P I D E L I A — U n i v e r s i t y of Marvland, College President—Janet McCleary, 3413 Alta Vista
Park, Md. Way, Knoxville 16, T e n n .
HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN SlG.viA O M I C R O N — A r k a n s a s State College,
(Mrs. George V . ) , A President—Mildred Imirie, 4517 College Ave. State College, Ark.
(Deceased) College Park, Md.
P S I — U n i v e r s i t y of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia P/cs dent—Nancy Cunningham, State College,
(Mrs. George H . ) A President—Gertrude Slaven, 3707 Locust St Art
Alumnae Chapters—-Jonesboro, Knoxville, Little
37 Willow St., Brooklyn Heights Philadelphia 4, Pa. kuck, Memphis, Nashville.
Brooklyn 1, N . Y . S I G M A TAU—Washington College, Chester
town, Md.
45 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N . J . old), AOT1 Box, Washington College, Ches
tertown, Md. Director—
President—JACINTA LOBRANO TALBOT (Mrs. Ed- Alumnae Chapters — Baltimore, Philadelphia, Alumnae Director—Margaret By rum Auclair
(Mrs. C h a r l e s ) , \Z, 206 Maedris Drive
mond E . ) , Route 2, Box 146B, Hammond, Pittsburgh, Washington, D . C . , Northern Vir- Decatur, Ga.
La. Tel. Hammond 870W10.
First Vice President—-JOSEPHINE SMITH DOR- ginia. Fraternity Education—
W E I L E R (Mrs. Louis C . , J r . ) , 5632 Elliot Ave., DISTRICT IV D E L T A D E L T A — A l a b a m a Polytechnic Insti-
Minneapolis 17, Minn. T e l . Locust 7645. tute, Auburn, Ala.
President—Lela Jacks, Dormitory I I , Auburn,
Second Vice President—MARY ALICE BURCH Director— Ala
F I Z E R (Mrs. William D . ) , 2604 Cameron Mills Alumnae Director—Mary Sue Wesbrook George
Rd., Alexandria, V a . Tel. Temple 2954. (Mrs. Robert H . ) , O i l , 1451 N . W . 14th St., L A M B D A S I G M A — University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga.
Third Vice President—MARGARET S A F F O R D D U D - Miami, Fla. President—Emily H u i e , 1190 S. Milledge,
L E Y (Mrs. Harold J . ) , 21 Florida R d . , Towson Fraternity Education—Frances Antinori, AH,
4, Md. T e l . Towson 4207. Athens, Ga.
912—12th Ave., Tampa, Fla. T A U DELTA—Birmingham-Southern College,
National Secretary — N A N C Y M O Y E R M C C A I N A L P H A PI—Florida State University, Tallahas-
(Mrs. Walter M . ) , Box 465, Granville, O. Birmingham, Ala.
see, F l a . President—Joanne Hayes, Box 62, Birming-
Tel. 8-5822. President — Margaret Ann Moore, 250 S.
ham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala.
Treasurer—MARY L O U I S E F I L E R ROLLER (Mrs. Woodward, Tallahassee,, Fla. Alumnae Chapters—Atlanta, Birmingham, Ala.;
George K . ) , 550 N . E . 56th St., Miami 37,
F l a . T e l . 7-5227. G A M M A O M I C R O N — U n i v e r s i t y of Florida, Montgomery.
Gainesville, Fla.
President—Barbara Berrien, 1222 West Uni-
George H . ) , 37 Willow St., Brooklyn Hgts.,
Brooklyn 1, N . Y . T e l . Main 4-3656. versity Ave., Gainesville, Fla. DISTRICT IX
K A P P A G A M M A — F l o r i d a Southern College,
Assistant Historian—ELIZABETH H E Y W O O D W Y - Lakeland, Fla.
M A N , 45 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N . J . T e l . President—Betty Lee Johnston, 16 Columbia Director—Rosemary Holahan Vioni (Mrs. Hec-
tor R . ) , N , 411 S. 22nd St., Richmond, hid.
2-3257-M. Way, Lakeland, Fla. Alumnae Director—Lora Bohley Stover *,Mrs.
Panhellenic Delegate—MARGARET BOOTHROYD Alumnae Chapters—Jacksonville, Lakeland, Mi-
R A S M U S S E N (Mrs. Darrel B - ) , Route 3, Box ami, Tampa. Wendell), 0, Route 5, Boonville, Ind.
Fraternity Education —
No. 804, Escondido, Calif. DISTRICT V B E T A PHI—Indiana University, Bloomington.
Editor of T o D R A G M A — K A T H E R I N E D A V I S , AOII Ind.
House, Hanover College, Hanover, Ind. Tel. Director—Martha McKnight Tyler (Mrs. Har- President—Patricia Vioni, Box 278, Rogers
9-3821. old), A n , 2175 Lakewood, Detroit 15, Mich. Center P . O . Bloomington, Ind.
Alumnae Director—Gwendolyn Everetts Lee C H I L A M B D A — E v a u s v i l l e College, Evansville.
CENTRAL OFFICE (Mrs. W . D . ) , P , 6330 Buckingham, Allen Ind.
( Park, Mich. President—Vera Robinson, 525 S. Harlan
112 South Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio Ave.. Evansville. Ind.
T e l . 3-S721 Fraternity Education—Jeanette Knoeppel Bis- K A P P A K A P P A — B a l l State Teachers College,
hop (Mrs. Robert P . ) , AT, Heritage F a r m ,
Executive Secretary—J. A N N H U G H E S . Riverview Rd., Peninsula, O. Muncie, Ind.
Financial Secretary—GRACE M . B I B L E R . B E T A GAMMA—Michigan State College, East President—Mary Jean Lowe, Student Room,
Lansing, Mich. AOII Box, Ball State Teachers College,
President—Gloria Wieland, 505 M . A . C . , East Muncie, Ind.
COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS Lansing, Mich. P H I O M I C R O N — H a n o v e r College, Hanover,
B E T A T A U — U n i v e r s i t y of Toronto, Toronto, Ind.
DISTRICT I Ontario, Canada.
President—Jeanne McEachern, St. George President—Helen Clark, Donner Hall, Han-
over, Ind.
Director—Adell Woessner Meacham (Mrs. Apts., Apt. 106, 321 Bloor St. W . , Toronto, T H E T A — D e P a u w University, Greencastle, Ind.
Frederick S . ) , X , 114 Somerset St., E l m -
wood 10, Conn. Ontario, Canada. President — Joan Callahan, 503 Anderson,
K A P P A R H O — W e s t e r n Michigan College of
Alumnae Director—Helen Leavitt, K4>, 4560 Education, Kalamazoo, Mich. Greencastle, Ind.
Alumnae Chapters—Bloomington, Ft. Wayne,
Coronation Ave., Montreal 28, Quebec, Can- President—Mary Reinhardt, Draper Hall, Indianapolis, Kentuckiana, Lafayette, Lake
Fraternity Education— Western Michigan College of Education, County, Richmond, South Bend, Terre Haute,
Kalamazoo, Mich.
D E L T A — T u f t s College, Medford, Mass. O M I C R O N P I — U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan, A n n Tri-State.
President—Joanne Kean, Davies, Tufts Col- Arbor, Mich. DISTRICT X
lege, Medford 55, Mass.
G A M M A — U n i v e r s i t y of Maine^ Orono, Maine. President—Nancy Lewis, 800 Oxford R d . ,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
President—Susan Chase, Colvin Hall, Orono, T H E T A P S I — U n i v e r s i t y of Toledo, Toledo, O. Director—-
Alumnae Director—-Barbara Beimfohr Fry (Mrs.
Maine. President—Marylou Carl, 3029 W . Bancroft, O. E . ) , P, 8 W. Euclid, Arlington Heights,
K A P P A P H I — M c G i l l University, Montreal, Toledo, Ohio. 111.
Quebec, Canada.
President—Constance Harrison, 3560 Univer- Alumnae Chapters — Akron, A n n Arbor, B i r - Fraternity Education—Patricia Jones Schumaker
mingham, Mich.; Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lan-
sity St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada sing, Toledo, Toronto. ( M r s . R i c h a r d ) , P , 5200 Berkeley Blvd.,
Whiteflsh Bay, Wise.
Alumnae Chapters—Bangor, Boston, Hartford. I O T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
Montreal, Providence. DISTRICT VI
President—Doris Adamson, 706 S. Mathews,
Urbana, 111.
DISTRICT II Director—Phyllis Arner Westerman (Mrs. Wil- RHO—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
liam), P, 365 E w i n g R d . , Youngstown 12, O.
Director—Georgie Davidson Lowden (Mrs. G. Alumnae Director—Thelma Sortman Ekberg President—Joan Thorsteinson, 626 Emerson
St., Evanston, 111,
Stanley), A 2 , 48 Redington Road, Needham (Mrs. F . E . ) , fi, 4270 L e F e v r e D r . , Dayton 9, T A U — U n i v e r s i t y of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
92, Mass.
Alumnae Director— Ohio. Minn.
Fraternity Education—Elizabeth Pressprich Nor-
Fraternity Education—Virginia Berry Hamil- pell (Mrs. Thomas E . ) , O H , 986 Lawnview President—Lucy Gullingsrud, 1121 S. E . 5th
St., Minneapolis, Minn.
ton ( M r s . H . W . ) , 6, 7 Beachwood Lane, St.. Newark, O. Alumnae Chapters—Champaign-Urbana, Chicago
Rye, N. Y .
CHI—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y . A L P H A TAU—Denison University, Granville, Beverly Hills, Chicago North Shore, Chicago
President—Winifred Boss, 801 Walnut Ave., President—Jean Hebel, Beaver Hall, Gran- South Shore, Chicago West Suburban, Madi-
son, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Rockford, St.
Syracuse, N . Y . ville. O. Paul.
EPSILON—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
President—-Roberta E . Manchester, Clara Dick- E P S I L O N ALPHA—Pennsylvania State Col-
lege, State College, Pa.
son H a l l , Ithaca, N . Y . President—Nancy Jane Graham, Box 499, Mc- DISTRICT XI
N U — N e w York University, New York 3, N . Y .
President—Edith Vondrak, 13 East 9th, New Elwain Hall, State College, Pa. Director—Margaret Baker Kennedy (Mrs.
OMEGA—Miami University, Oxford, O.
York 3, N . Y . President—Charlene Pound, A O H Suite, Ham- F r a n k ) , I , 202 Pennsylvania, Shreveport, L a .
Alumnae Director—Charlotte Keller Fanz (Mrs.
S I G M A C H I — H a r t w i c k College, Oneonta, ilton Hall, Oxford, O. J . W . ) , IT, 1619 Pine St., New Orleans, L a .
T H E T A E T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Cincinnati, Cin- Fraternity Education—Peggy Mathis Grisso
President—Shirley Kessler, 7 Weidman Place, cinnati 21, O.
Oneonta, N . Y . (Mrs. C . A . ) , I I K , 4005 Villanova, Houston
President—Joan Morin, 2807 Clifton Ave., 5 Texas.
T H E T A P I — W a g n e r College, Staten Island 1, Cincinnati 21, O.
N. Y . A L P H A OMICRON—Louisiana State Univer-
Alumnae Chapters—Cincinnati, Columbus, Day- sity, Baton Rouge, L a .
President—Gwen Zilles, Wagner College, Stat- ton, Newark-Granville, Canton-Massillon, Cleve-
en Island 1, N . Y . President—Nancy Reinhart, Box 7240, Louisi-
land-East, Cleveland-West, State College, ana State University, Baton Rouge, L a .
Alumnae Chapters—Buffalo, Long Island, New Youngtown.
Jersey, New York, Syracuse, Westchester. P I — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New
Orleans, L a .
DISTRICT VII President—Mary Elizabeth Fontaine, 15 Rich-
DISTRICT III mond Place, New Orleans, L a .
Director—Helen Bramwell, N O , 1910 Belcourt Alumnae Chapters—Baton Rouge, New Orleans,
Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Director—Laura Perry, A S , 209 Shawnee R d . , Alumnae Director— Shreveport.
Ardmore, Pa.
30 TO D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953
DISTRICT XII H . ) , On, 715 South Forest, A n n Arbor, Mich. L I T T L E R O C K — A l i c e Lundberg Alexander
A R R O W H E A D — Cecelia Butterworth Nichol- (Mrs. T . C ) , A, 5214 O Street, Little Rock,
Director—Olive Fisher Buesking ( M i s . M . E . ) , Ark
P, 2209 West 49th St., Kansas City 2, Mo. son (Mrs. Kenneth L . ) , K 6 , 2785 Valencia,
Alumnae Director—Margaret. Avey Walker San Bernardino, Cal. L O N G BEACH—Elizabeth Sylvester Wheeler
(Mrs. H a r v e y ) , A T , 4515 Gibson Ave., St. A T L A N T A — G w e n Owen Faith (Mrs. Dawson (Mrs. F . G . , J r . ) , O, 5827 Faculty Drive,
Louis 10, Mo. C ) , E , 5596 Glenridge D r . N . E . , Atlanta 5, Bellflower, Calif.
Fraternity Education— Ga.
P H I — U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. B A L T I M O R E — A u d r e y Bosley Wright (Mrs. L O N G I S L A N D — M a r i o n Lowesthal Master-
President—Elizabeth Hille, 1144 Louisiana F r e d ) , HA, 5106 St. Albans Way, Baltimore, son (Mrs. F r a n k ) , P, Old State Road, Man-
St., Lawrence, Kans. Md. hasset, N . Y .
Z E T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. BANGOR—Jacqueline Springer, Y, R . F . D . 7,
President—Gretchen Hein, 1541 S St., L i n - Bangor, Me. L O S A N G E L E S — L u c i l e Curtis English (Mrs.
coln, Nebr. B A T O N ROUGE—Eloise Babin Barrow (Mrs. Walter A . ) , A, 209 S. Norton, Los Angeles,
Alumnae Chapters—Kansas City, Lincoln, Reeve), A O , 621 Concordia, Baton Rouge, L a . Calif.
Omaha. St. Louis. B I R M I N G H A M , A L A . — M a z i e Gandy Griffith
(Mrs. McMurry L . ) , TA, 22 Stonehurst Green, MADISON—Eloise Keefer Boell (Mrs. Jesse),
DISTRICT XIII Birmingham, Ala. Z, 1011 Grant, Madison, Wise.
B I R M I N G H A M , MICH.—Anne TreadweU Aus-
Director—Fae Houston Messersmith, 0, 3513 tin (Mrs. R u f u s ) , I , 1841 Melbourne, Bir- M E M P H I S — Louise Stanton Payne (Mrs.
Purdue, Dallas 5, Texas mingham, Mich. George R . ) , B<t>, 2048 Jefferson, Memphis,
Alumnae Director—Elizabeth Hale Hunt (Mrs. B L O O M I N G T O N —Shirley Kolbe Harrington Tenn.
J . W . ) , O, 3216 N . W . 22nd, Oklahoma City (Mrs. E d w i n ) , Oil, 918 E . University, Bloom-
7, Okla. ington, Ind. M I A M I — M a r y Ruth Whitley McKnight (Mrs.
Fraternity Education—Peggy Mathis Grisso B O S T O N — M a r y Hempstead Hemman (Mrs. B . A . ) , B * , 4600 N . W . 1st Ave., Miami, F l a .
(Mrs. C . A . ) , I I K , 4005 Villanova, Houston Robert), T, 11 West View Drive, Norwood, O.
5 Texas
P I K A P P A — U n i v e r s i t y of Texas, Austin, Tex. B O Z E M A N — M u r i e l Roberts Wild (Mrs. John), M I L W A U K E E — A r d e l l e Uherka, TA, 2524 N .
President—Donna LaBounty, 1910 Rio Grande, A * , 714 W . College, Bozeman, Mont. 61st St., Milwaukee, Wise.
Austin, Tex.
Alumnae Chapters—Dallas, Houston, Oklahoma B U F F A L O — V i r g i n i a Hornbarger Harrington M I N N E A P O L I S — M a r y Putnam West (Mrs.
City, San Antonio, Tulsa. (Mrs. Charles F . ) , K , 696 Auburn Ave., Thomas), T , 3508 Aldrich Ave. S., Minne-
Buffalo 22, N . Y . apolis 8, Minn.
C A N T O N - M A S S I L O N — Jean Carle Artman M O N T G O M E R Y — B e t t y Ruth McFaden, AA,
Director—Ruth Thompson Drotleff ( M r s . J . H . ) , (Mrs. V . E . ) , AT, R . D . 2, Sunset Ave., Can- 1236 Augusta Ave., Montgomery, Ala.
XA, 370 Grape St., Denver, Colo. ton, O.
Alumnae Director—Ruth Read Boehner (Mrs. M O N T R E A L — M a r y l i n Miller Bower (Mrs.
James A . ) . B6. 1970 Rosemary, Denver, Colo. C H A M P A I G N - U R B A N A — J e r r y Prince Parker R . ) , K # , 3540 Trenholme Ave., Montreal,
Fraternity Education—Cornelia Christmas Flan- (Mrs. Norman), XA, 1710 S. Pleasant, U r - Quebec, Canada
agan (Mrs. James A . ) , B0, 2236 Arbor Lane, bana. 111.
Holladay 7, Salt Lake City, Utah. N A S H V I L L E — M a r y Ann Rice Caldwell (Mrs.
A L P H A PHI—Montana State College, Bozeman, C H I C A G O B E V E R L Y H I L L S — L a Verne Holm Robt. R . ) , TA, Taggert Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Mont. Norman ( M r s . J . H . ) , XA, 2401 W . 104th St.,
President—Edith Johnston, 1119 South Sth Chicago, 111. N E W A R K - G R A N V I L L E — J e a n Reid Kimball
St., Bozeman, Mont. (Mrs. R a l p h ) , Q, 258 Rugg Ave., Newark,
C H I D E L T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Colorado, Boulder, C H I C A G O N O R T H S H O R E — L e o Bloomquist O.
Colo. Wolf (Mrs. Philip), P, 904 Oakwood, Wil-
President—Constance L y n n , 1015 15th St., mette, 111. N E W J E R S E Y — J a n e Batterson Dickman (Mrs.
Boulder, Colo. C ) , P, 538 No. Maple Ave., East Orange, N . J .
I O T A A L P H A — I d a h o State College, Pocatello, C H I C A G O S O U T H SHORE—Elizabeth Hayes
Ida. Forss (Mrs. A . J . ) , I , 936 E . 80th St., Chi- N E W O R L E A N S — G a y l e Marshall Cosgrove
President—Claire McQuillan, 416 South John- cago, 111. (Mrs. Robt.), n, 2846 State St., New Or-
son, Pocatello, Ida. leans, L a .
Alumnae Chapters — Bozeman, Denver, Great CHICAGO W E S T SUBURBAN—June Arm-
Falls. strong Adamis (Mrs. John), XA, 836 New- N E W YORK—Florence Barker Nichols (Mrs.),
berry, L a Grange, 111. X , 678 E . 24th St., Brooklyn 10, N . Y .
CINCINNATI—Dorothy Karstaedt Osier (Mrs. N O R T H E R N V I R G I N I A — President—Beryl
Director—- McGowan Werner David), SJ, Box 55B, R . R . 1, Cincinnati 27, Dill Keen ( M r s . O r v i l l e ) , E , 605 N . Lincoln
Alumnae Director—Marian O. St., Arlington 1, V a .
(Mrs. C a r l ) , A S , 2720 Southeast Pine Lane,
Portland 22, Ore. C L E V E L A N D —EAST—Margaret VanHorn O K L A H O M A C I T Y — R u t h Moore Paine (Mrs.
Fraternity Education— Glover (Mrs. W a l t e r ) , A T , 14765 Elderwood, C . S . ) , O, 1800 Wilshire, Oklahoma City,
A L P H A RHO—Oregon State College, Corval- E . Cleveland, O. Okla.
lis, Ore.
President—Monte K . Middlebusher, 2435 Har- C L E V E L A N D — W E S T — R i t a Hane Long (Mrs. O M A H A — R u t h Saafeld McGee (Mrs. M.G.),
rison, Corvallis, Ore. Mack), 0, 2189 McKinley, Lakewood, O . Z, 6495 Cuming St., Omaha 3, Nebr.
A L P H A S I G M A — U n i v e r s i t y of Oregon, E u -
gene, Ore. C O L U M B U S — M a r y Anne Bohlender Johnson P A S A D E N A — J e a n Boggs Knight (Mrs. Wil-
President—Ann McLaughlin, 1680 Alder, E u - (Mrs. J . R . ) , O, 3274 Kenyon R d . , Columbus, liam R . ) , A S , 332 Cabrillo R d . , Arcadia,
gene, Ore. O. Calif.
B E T A K A P P A — U n i v e r s i t y of British Colum-
bia, Vancouver, B. C , Canada. D A L L A S — G r a c e McVeigh, N O , 4132 Glenwick P H I L A D E L P H I A — L a u r a Perry, A S , 209
President—Ruth Richardson, 5326 Connaught Lane, Apt. No. 2, Dallas, Texas. Shawnee Rd., Ardmore, Pa.
Drive, Vancouver 13, B . C , Canada.
U P S I L O N — U n i v e r s i t y of Washington, Seattle, DAYTON—Mildred Young Gallaher (Mrs. H . P H O E N I X — P e g g y Jane Peebler Decker (Mrs.
Wash. G ) , S2, 2327 Mayfair R d . , Dayton 6, O . T . G . ) , A S , 1105 N . E . F e r n Drive, Phoenix,
President—Kathleen Oliver, 1906 E . 45th St., Ariz.
Seattle 5, Wash. D E N V E R — Sally McCurry Thorniley (Mrs
Alumnae Chapters—Eugene, Portland, Seattle, P a u l ) , 6, 2060 Fenton St., Denver 14, Colo. P I T T S B U R G H — Romaine Murray McKean
Spokane, Vancouver, Willamette Valley. (Mrs. John), E A , 305 E . Waldheim R d . , Pitts-
D E T R O I T — M a r g a r e t Hanna, B r , 11960 Wis- burgh 15, P a .
DISTRICT XVI consin Ave., Detroit 14, Mich.
P O C A T E L L O — L o r e n e Hendricks, Z, 735 E .
Director—Raydene Green Jenkins (Mrs. King), E A S T B A Y — E m e l y n Knowland Jewett (Mrs. Halliday St., Pocatello, Idaho.
Ke, 1015 Amherst Ave., L o s Angeles 49, Harold W . , J r . ) , S, 25 Seaview, Piedmont,
Calif. Calif. P O R T L A N D — E i l e e n Monks Skosberg (Mrs.
Alumnae Director—Paula D e L u c a , 2 , 5723 George E . ) , T, 4333 N . E . 28th St., Portland
Mendocina, Oakland, Calif. EUGENE—Dorothy Clausen Calef (Mrs. G. E . ) , 11, Ore.
Fraternity Education — Olga Seibert Vatcher AS, 601 Willakensie, Eugene, Ore.
(Mrs. Marshall), A, 12038 S. Rives, Downey, P R O V I D E N C E — C a r o l i n e Pierce Allingham, 6,
Cal. F O R T W A Y N E — D o r i s Speaker Coblentz (Mrs. 18 George St., Providence, R . I .
D E L T A S I G M A — S a n Jose State College, San Ralph), B8, 1301 W . Sherwood Terrace, F t .
Jose, Calif. Wayne, Ind. R I C H M O N D — J e a n Worley Heidersback (Mrs.
President—Marilyn Blue, 408 South 8th St., A r n i e ) , B * , 168 S. W . 13th, Richmond, Ind.
San Jose, Calif. FRESNO—Mildred Ewing Taylor (Mrs. Or-
K A P P A T H E T A — U n i v e r s i t y of California at ville), 2 , 75 Terrace Ave., Fresno, Calif. R O C K F O R D — M a r y Elizabeth Wright Lundeen
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. (Mrs. E . P . ) , I, 2615 Lawndale Ave., Rock-
President—Joan Landweer, 894 Hilgard, Los G L E N D A L E — H e l e n Irish Johnston (Mrs. ford, 111.
Angeles 24, Calif. C . B.) E , 1600 Royal Blvd., Glendale, Calif.
N U L A M B . D A — U n i v e r s i t y of Southern Califor- S A C R A M E N T O V A L L E Y — Alleen Brillhart
nia, Los Angeles, Calif. G R A N D RAPIDS—Charmion Griswold Annis Peterson (Mrs. H a r r y ) , S, 3402 Hunnicutt
President—Marilyn Beaudry, 624 W . 28th St., (Mrs. Gordon), Br, 657 N . Park N . E . , Grand Lane, Sacramento, Calif.
Los Angeles 7, Calif. Rapids, Mich.
S I G M A — University of California, Berkeley, ST. LOUIS—Merceina Weiss Parker (Mrs.
Calif. G R E A T F A L L S — A l i c e Treweek Crouch (Mrs. W a r d ) , H, 4027 Magnolia, St. Louis, Mo.
President—Eleanor Wales, 2312 Prospect St., James), A * , 401 Strain BIdg., Great Falls,
Berkeley, Calif. Mont. ST. P A U L — M a r y Helen LaNasa Horty (Mrs.
Alumnae Chapters—Arrowhead, East Bay, Fres- Thomas E . ) , T, 3420 Glen Arden R d . , St.
no, Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasa- H A R T F O R D — R u t h Koziell Tudd (Mrs. E d - Paul, Minn.
dena, Phoenix, Sacramento Valley, San Diego, mond H . ) , A, 3 Lois Ave., Plantsville, Conn.
San Fernando Valley, San Francisco, San S A N A N T O N I O — R u t h Walton Reed (Mrs.
Jose-Peninsula. H O U S T O N — S a r a Lois Freese Breedlove (Mrs. Sam K n o x ) , IIA, 313 Tuttle Rd., San Antonio,
T . D . ) . N K , 1908 Canterbury. Houston, Tex. Tex.
PRESIDENTS H U N T S V I L L E — G e n e Elizabeth Duffey, AA, S A N D I E G O — M a r i e Hlavacek Holbrook (Mrs.
520 Harrison Ave., Huntsville, Ala. Marshall), B4>, 5829 Beaumont Ave., L a
AKRON—Nancy McConnaughy Ehrman (Mrs. Jolla. Calif.
G . G . ) , S2, 463 Aqueduct St., Akron 3. Ohio. I N D I A N A P O L I S — Peggy Thomas Mclntire
(Mrs. Clarence), B * , 4520 Marcy Lane, Apt. S A N F E R N A N D O V A L L E Y — M a r y Baldwin
A N N ARBOR—Jackie Langan Pearse (Mrs. W. 27, Indianapolis 5, Tnd. Gage (Mrs. P e r r y ) , A * , 4512 Ethel Ave.,
No. Hollywood, Calif.
J A C K S O N V I L L E — P r i s c i l l a Carter, A H , 4555
Blackburn Rd., Jacksonville. Fla. S A N F R A N C I S C O — V a d a Morfitt Snider (Mrs.
H e n r y ) , AP, 905 Portola Drive, San Fran-
J O N E S B O R O — M a r t h a Micklish Meador (Mrs. cisco. Calif.
W . H . ) , 1 0 , 333 Culberhouse, Jonesboro, A r k .
S A N J O S E - P E N I N S U L A — J e a n Kennedy In-
K A N S A S C I T Y — H e l e n Clark Rhode (Mrs. R. nes (Mrs. Murray, J r . ) , S, 1240 Dana Ave.,
M . ) , H , 316 E . 28th Ave. North, Kansas Palo Alto, Calif.
City. Mo.
S E A T T L E — E l o i s e Ebright Jared (Mrs. Shel-
K E N T U C K I A N A — M a r y Jane Taylor, B*, 2117 by). T. 1950 15th Ave. N . , Seattle 2, Wash.
Alta Ave., Louisville 5, K y .
S H R E V E P O R T — T a l m a Temple DeLong (Mrs.
K N O X V I L L E — M i s s Ann Dooley, 0, 2016 W . G . L . ) , X S , 107 Lister St., Shreveport, L a .
Clinch Ave.. Knoxville. Tenn.
S O U T H BEND—Muriel Keltner King (Mrs. J .
L A F A Y E T T E — Winifred Bir Guard (Mrs. E d w a r d ) , Oil, 809 Park Ave., South Bend,
Tack). B * . 1318 E l Prado, Lafayette, I n d . Ind.
L A K E C O U N T Y — M i s s Georgia Bopp, B * , 517 S P O K A N E — E t h e l VanZandt Boland (Mrs.
W. Eighth Ave., Gary, Ind. Dan), r, W . 507 28th Ave., Spokane, Wash.
L A K E L A N D — E l l e n Ford Watson (Mrs. Wen- S T A T E C O L L E G E — Marv Lawther Harper
dell H . ) , E T , 618 Lakehurst Drive, Lakeland, (Mrs. John, J r . ) , E A , 906 Taylor St., State
Fla. College, Pa.
L A N S I N G — D o r i s Boyd Hodges (Mrs. James), S Y R A C U S E — Molly Sakesles Felahis (Mrs.
Br, 3009 Timber Drive, Lansing, Mich. Gus), X, 1001 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse, N . Y .
L I N C O L N — B e t t y Bonebright Wegener (Mrs. T A M P A — M a r g a r e t Anderson Johnson (Mrs.
H . J . ) , Z, 1660 Sioux, Lincoln. Nebr. Tom), 0, 110 Adriatic, Tampa, F l a .
T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1953 T E R R E H A U T E — W a n d a Dagett Campbell
(Mrs. A r t h u r ) , A S , 1504 So. Center, Terre
Haute, Ind.
T O L E D O — A n g i e Partoyan Keller (Mrs. Ken-
neth J . ) , QV, 2048 Morengo D r . , Toledo, O.
T O R O N T O — P e g g y Hewitt, IIA, 15 Binscarth
Rd., Toronto, Ont„ Canada.
T R I - S T A T E — Miriam Oilar Woods (Mrs. Members — Muriel Turner McKinney ( M r s . TRUSTEES
W m J , 0, 1206 Parrett St., Evansville, Ind. Verne W . ) , A, 528 N . Formosa Ave., Lo»
TULSA—Eleanor Carrier Rydeen (Mrs. D. A . ) , Chairman—Elizabeth Michael Brotherhood (Mrs.
I, 4022 East 24th St., Tulsa, Okla. Mary Paschen Lindrooth (Mrs. Robert F . ) , F r a n c i s ) , E , 8503 Lynwood Place, Chevy
P , 5909 N . Kenmore Ave., Chicago 40, 111. Chase, Md.
V A N C O U V E R — L e n o r e Smith, B K , 2547 Wal-
lace Crescent, Vancouver, B . C . , Canada. FRATERNITY EDUCATION Members—Clydene Morris, T, 501—3rd Ave.,
W A S H I N G T O N — F r a n c e s King Weigel (Mrs. Chairman—Bebe Kathryn Coffey, 1 0 , Arkansas Seattle 4, Wash.
Herman F . ) , Z , 7108 Pinehurst Pkwy., Chevy State College, State College, Ark. Kathryn Bremer Matson (Mrs. Franklyn H . ) ,
Chase, Md. Members—Listed under Collegiate Chapter Dis- T , 966 Summit Ave., St. Paul 5, Minn.
(Mrs. Francis A . ) , N , 30 Locust H i l l Ave., Chairman—Margaret Wolf Miller (Mrs. C . Jus-
Yonkers 2, N . Y . JEWELRY tin), P , 3913 N . Hoyne Ave., Chicago 18, 111.
W I L L A M E T T E V A L L E Y — G a y l e Rist Merklin Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry ( M r s . Members— Helen M . Haller, 0, 2717 Budlong
(Mrs. E l d o n ) , A P , Rte. 1, Box 434, Corvallis, George H . ) , A , 37 Willow S t . , Brooklyn Hgts.,
Ore. Brooklyn 1, N . Y . A v e . , L o s Angeles 7, Calif.
Josephine Smith Dorweiler (Mrs. Louis C ,
Y O U N G S T O W N — Marie Dray, A T , 71 W . Member—Jessie Wallace Hughan, A , 171 W . J r . ) , T , 5632 Elliot A v e . , Minneapolis 17,
Princeton Ave., Youngstown 7, Ohio.
COMMITTEES 12th St., New York, N . Y . Minn.
CITIZENSHIP Chairman—Mary Paschen Lindrooth (Mrs. Rob- Chairman—Marion Abele Franco-Ferreira (Mrs.
Chairman—(United States)—Ruth Braeuti- ert F . ) . P . 5909 N . Kenmore Ave., Chicago 40, Edgard C ) , P, Buckingham, Pa.
gam, ©, General Delivery, Langley Prairie, 111. Members—Dorothy Bruniga Dean (Mrs. George
B.C., Canada.
Chairman—(Canada)—Catherine Draper, K<£, Members—District Directors. P . ) , P, 2219 Country Club Drive, Montgom-
ery 6, A l a .
3504 Park Avenue, Apt. 10, Montreal, Que- PHILANTHROPY Melita Skillen, E , 3 E . Ontario St., Chicago,
bec, Canada. General Chairman—Third Vice President 11, 111.
Clothesline Chairman—Jean
AND REVISIONS 1000t Audubon Pkwy., Louisville, K y .
Chairman—Ada Mott, I I , c/o Taylor, Porter, CORPORATIONS
Magazine Promotion—Send all orders to A O I I
Brooks and Fuller, L a . National Bank Bldg., Central Office; make checks payable to same Director—Muriel Turner McKinney (Mrs.
Baton Rouge, L a . Frontier Nursing Service—Send clothing and Verne W . ) , A, 528 N . Formosa Ave., L o s
Members—lone Barrett, E , 143 Katonah Ave., other articles to A O I I Social Service Secretary, Angeles 36, Calif.
Katonah, N . Y . c/o Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Les- MEMBERSHIP
Louisa Wilson, K , 2818 Wisconsin Ave. N . W., lie Co., K y . Freight or express should be sent Director—Nancy Beasley, K, 2824 Overhill Road,
Washington, D. C. to Hazard, K y . Birmingham 9, A l a .
Parliamentarian—Sue Stokes, I I , 217 Holloway
Chairman—Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. Director—Jean Hill Boles (Mrs. Chalmers B . ) ,
CONVENTION George H . ) , A . 37 Willow St., Brooklyn Hgts., I I , 2338 Emerson A v e . , Dayton 6, Ohio.
Chairman—Adele K . Hinton (Mrs. Frederick), Brooklyn 1, N . Y . PUBLIC RELATIONS
P, 3106 Woodlawn Drive, Nashville, Tenn. Members—Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A , 45 Director—Carolyn Huey Harris (Mrs. James
Park Ave., Bloomfield, N . J .
EXPANSION Jessie Wallace Hughan, A , 171 W . 12th St., R . ) , A S , 738 E . Wesley R d . , Atlanta, G a .
Chairman—Ruth Young Davis (Mrs. T . C ) , 8, New York, N. Y . SCHOLARSHIP
L a u r a A . H u r d , T , 314 Dexter, Horton Build-
7409 N . Illinois St., Indianapolis 20, I n d . Director — L a Verne Stugard Nowotny ( M r s .
ing, Seattle, Wash.
Members—District Directors. Rose Gardner Gilmore ( M r s . John), 2 , 1028 A r n o ) , * , 1604 W . L y n n , Austin, T e x .
FINANCE Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif. SONG
Mamie Hurt Baskervill (Mrs. George B . , J r . ) ,
Director—Nancy Love Hill, ATI, Sherman
K . 506 Avenue A , Opelika, A l a . Square Hotel, 70th at Broadway, New York,
Chairman—Helen M . Haller, Q, 2717 Budlong N. Y .
Ave., L o s Angeles 7, Calif.
Introducing 4 New she is leader of a Girl Scout troop and ALUMNAE BREVITIES
Directors a den mother for a Cub troop.
When Melita Skillen ( E ) retired after
(Continued from page 8 ) District X V I will be supervised by 33 years as head of the drama department
Raydene Green Jenkins, Kappa Theta. of Senn High School in Chicago, a group
An active member of the Youngs- As a collegiate member her activities of her former students gave a party for her
town Panhellenic, Phyllis reports that included several chapter offices; on and presented her with a purse containing
they have a good organization which campus she was a member of Spurs, a bankbook. Hugh Marlow, the movie star;
is open to all resident members of the assistant advertising manager of the Jerry Lester, the comedian; Brett Morrison,
National Panhellenic Conference. Pan- school yearbook, and one of the fac- the radio actor; and Burr Tillstrom, the
hellenic associations form an excellent ulty-chosen honor guard at commence- K u k l a , Fran, and O l l i e man, are among the
background for her work for Alpha ment. She graduated from U.C.L.A. famous alumni of her courses. K u k l a , T i l l -
Omicron Pi in District V I . with a major in political science. strom's fabulous puppet, made the presen-
tation. T h e party was held after the final
Peg Kennedy, director of District Raydene's interest in people is re- curtain of Miss Skillen's last play. During
X I , was initiated into Alpha Omicron flected through various public relations the 33 years that she has taught, coached,
Pi by the officers of Iota chapter. She jobs which she has held, having worked and directed dramatics at Senn she has pre-
later served as president of Iota, and for Tidewater Associated Oil and sented more than 200 plays.
her campus activities included two Twentieth Century-Fox Film Co. This
years in the Student Senate. After she interest has been further carried out in D r . Elsa Allen ( E ) , an authority on
graduated from Illinois, she did gradu- work she has done for Alpha Omicron
ate work there and at the University Pi, for she has been president of Brent- ornithology, is working on a new book,
of Colorado. Her husband, Frank S. wood junior alumnae, president of
Kennedy, a Sigma Chi, attended the Kabot-Kaiser Auxiliary (the Los An- John Abbott, Ornithologist of Georgia, for
Universities of Oklahoma and Michi- geles alumnae local philanthropy),
gan and is a lawyer in Shreveport, alumnae director, and chairman of which she has received grants from the
Louisiana. The Kennedys have a Kappa Theta advisory committee. She
daughter, Peggy, and a son, Scott. has also been active in the U.C.L.A. American Philosophic Society and the Na-
Panhellenic Association, and is an as-
sistant Campfire Girls leader. tional Academy of Science. She w i l l be
Her family is composed of her hus- working in several southern libraries as
band, King, a Santa Monica Ford
dealer, and two daughters, Cecelia well as in Pittsburg, New England, Eng-
Ann, nine (who attended the 1951
convention), and Rosemary, five. Ray- land, and Germany. Her last book, The
dene's hobbies include collecting early
American and Victorian china and a History of American Ornithology Before
record library, but her favorite hobby
is cooking. Audubon, was published by the American
Peg gained valuable experience in Philosophic Society.
working with collegiates when she
served as alumna adviser for Chi Sig- Doris Ann Smith ( O n '47), Grosse
ma chapter at Centenary. She is a past Pointe, Mich., teaches at the Lawrence In-
president of the Shreveport City Pan- stitute of Technology two days a week, is
hellenic, also good background for a a staff designer and artist for a firm of
director. interior decorators, and manages to find
time i n between the two jobs to serve as
color consultant to a couple of architects.
Before her marriage Peg taught Mary E l l e n Chase ( T ) has a new book,
school and she is now president of the
A. C. Steere P.T.A. Her children's in- Readings from the Bible, which w i l l be
terests have led her into scout work;
reviewed in the spring issue of T o D R A G M A
by Elizabeth Heywood Wyman ( A ) .
32 T O D R A G M A — W I N T E R , 1951
Omega's officers at was the annual AOII Fashion Show and
Miami last year Luncheon in August.
were: front, Terry
Koppin and Jean Officers chosen at the May meeting were
B u c h a n a n ; back, Martha Gullege York ( K and K O '51),
M i r i a m Burbank, chairman; Martha McClanahan Threlkeld
Cornelia Jones (KO '52), secretary; Mary Ann Lilly Steu-
( p r e s i d e n t ) , and terman ( K O '51), treasurer; Laura Jean
Sammye Lessen- Ozanne ( K O '53) and Virginia Ross ( 0
berry. '53), chairmen of hostesses; and Eta Mae
Cut courtesy Murray ( K O '53), publicity chairman.
Miami Recensio
Other charter members are Harriet An-
Recent Graduate Group active chapter with the annual Stunt Night drews Aycock ( K ) , Marlene Baker ( K O ) ,
program at Southwestern. Ann Barnett ( 0 ) , Barbara Bassett ( K O
Organized at Memphis and 0 ) , Pat Bates ( 0 ) , Martha Beggs
In May in addition to holding an election ( K O ) , Myrtle Powell Bowld ( K O ) , Ann
by FRANCES C R O U C H of officers the Recent Graduate group as- Willins Brown ( K O ) , Jerre Worsham Bur-
(/CO, Southwestern) sisted the Memphis alumnae in feting the dett ( 0 ) , June Eggers Butler ( T ) , Claudia
senior members of Kappa Omicron chapter Campbell ( 2 0 ) , lolis Robbins Carruthers
^ ^ E W E S T star on the alumnae horizon at a brunch at the sorority lodge. They (NO and K O ) , Gale Reynolds Clark
is the Memphis alumnae Recent Gradu- also attended the formal dance of the ( K O ) , Pat Harris Cooper ( N O ) , Jamie
active chapter May 3 at Fargason Field Smith Crocker ( K O ) , Frances Crouch
ate group organized December 3, 1951. House. ( K O ) , Kate McDonald Dangler (O), Helen
Boasting a large membership of girls who Deupree ( K O ) , Ann DeWar ( K O ) , Bar-
have graduated or withdrawn from college June brought the AOII alumnae Roof bara Flippin ( K O ) , Joanne Zahner Flani-
within the past two years, the organization Party on the beautiful Plantation Roof atop ken ( K and K O ) , Edwina Fraser ( K ) ,
is to serve as a link between the collegiate Hotel Peabody. The Recent Graduates as- Barbara Howell Hamilton ( K and K O ) ,
chapter and the alumnae chapter. sisted in arrangements. Another project Maxine Croswell Hansberger ( 0 ) , Bar-
upon which the Recent Graduates worked bara Cullins Hedden ( K O ) , Carrie Mae
The realization of a dream for Helen Johnson ( K O ) , Suzanne Johnson ( 6 ) ,
Bramwell of Nashville, District V I I direc- "•TTttTttTTTttTTTfTtTTTTTT^ Kaky Joyce ( 0 ) , Virginia Kirchdorfer ( 0 ) ,
tor; Edwyna Scott ( I I ) , retiring president Pat Gardner Klinke ( 0 ) , Mimi Knowlton
of the Memphis AOII alumnae; and Helen l I H t i I I STATE DAY t ( K O ) , Peggy Land Leppert ( K O ) , Mary
Deupree, last year's president of Kappa Catherine Lynn ( K O ) , Kay McColl ( O ) ,
Oinicron chapter at Southwestern; the new tr March 14, 1953 Lincoln Hotel ^ Joyce Harper Mearns ( n ) , Pat O'Brien
group is primarily a social organization and ( 2 0 ) , Claire O'Callaghan ( K O ) , Sue Ren-
is patterned closely after the Nashville Indianapolis -i shaw Ossorio ( K O ) , Jane Patterson ( 0
Recent Graduate group. and K O ) , Helen Quindley ( K O ) , Margaret
Ruth C . Brock, Chairman -j Evans Rowe ( K and K O ) , Pattie Sue
The Recent Graduates will assist in the Shappley ( K O ) , Jeanne Simmons ( K O ) ,
annual projects of the Memphis alumnae <rj.j.j.j.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.J.j.j.j.J.AJ.xXJ.J.J.^ Betty Cage Sweatt ( K O ) , Nancy Crockarell
and will aid Kappa Omicron chapter in Stevenson ( 0 ) , Zoe Theodore ( K O ) , Helen
rushing and other activities. Twist Thomas ( K O ) , Helen Walker ( 0 ) ,
Marion White ( 0 ) .
The first Monday evening in each month
has been designated as the meeting date. Marion Rees (12 '52) was graduated from
After a brief business session, light refresh- Miami University June 9, 1952, with per-
ments are served and an evening of bridge fect grades for her four years of college.
and canasta is enjoyed. Members are free She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and
to leave when they desire and may sit and Mortar Board.
chat if they do not care for cards.
One <Day Tou ZMay Hear
Under the capable leadership of Helen
Deupree, who was elected chairman at the "Why didn't you get your
first meeting, the group has scheduled a
full calendar of social events. LIFE ALUMNAE
In December members entertained hus-
bands and dates with a spaghetti supper before you graduated?"
and Chirstmas party in the beautiful new Only $10 to Undergraduates
Gothic AOII lodge on the Southwestern
campus. A holiday motif prevailed in deco- Send to:
rations from the snow-painted window
panes to the brightly illuminated Yule tree. AOII Central Office
Members brought gifts to the new lodge.
After supper, bridge, canasta, group sing- 112 S. Campus A v e . Oxford, Ohio
ing, and dancing were enjoyed.
In March the Recent Graduates met for
supper and election of alumnae officers
with the regular alumnae group. Later that
month the new organization assisted the
I 11
• * . E L ' 11