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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-07-13 22:40:53

1998 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXVIII, No.1


a message from our President
Expanding our Philanthropy
One question that we are often asked is "Why is arthritis research AOITs philanthropy?" I'm not sure that I can answer that question myself, but as a member of the AOFI Foundation Board I have had the opportunity and responsibility to do some research on the subject of arthritis. Recently, the Executive Board and the Foundation Board voted to expand our philanthropy's
scope to include all areas of arthritis—not just research. In thiseditionofToDragmayouwillfindanarticleabout juvenile arthritis. In doing my research, I have found some interesting facts that I would like to share with you about arthritis.
Did you know...
• Arthritis is America's leading cause of disability in people over age 15.
• Arthritis refers to more than 100 different diseases that cause pain, swelling and limited movement in joints and connective tissue throughout the body.
• Nearly 4 3 million Americans have arthritis. That's one in every six people. • Arthritis is one of the more prevalent chronic health problems and the
number one cause of limitation in movement in the United States.
• Anyone can get arthritis—it affects people in all age groups, including as
many as 285,000 children.
• The condition takes an especially heavy toll among women; nearly two-
thirds of people with arthritis are women.
• Arthritis costs the U.S. economy $65 billion per year in medical care and
lost wages.
• For nearly three million Americans, arthritis limits everyday activities such
as walking, dressing or bathing.
• By the year 2000, more than 5 9 million Americans could have arthritis.
Arthritis is not an "old person's disease". It can affect you and it can (and already has) affected me. Many things can be done to reduce the impact of arthritis on everyday life. The key is early diagnosis and a treatment plan tai- lored for the individual. The mission of the Arthritis Foundation is "to support research to find the cure for and prevention of arthritis and to improve the quality of life for those affected by arthritis." Our contributions to arthritis research are part of this effort to find a cure.
AOFI chose arthritis because the disease affects so many women. AOI1 is committed to helping find a cure that will benefit people of all ages.
Linda Peters Collier Internationa] President
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To Dragma/Wl INTER 1998

To Dragma
Kids get arthritis, too.
Collegiate News
Become an AOTT Volunteer
rt's Not Just About Amy
NPC Update
Alumnae News
AOTT Foundation
Building a Better Tomorrow for Kids
News 7
27 Become an
AOJJ Volunteer
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Alumnae News

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation &
American Juvenile Arthritis Organization
by Dr. Janet Austin, Ph. D„ Vice President, American Juvenile Arthritis Organization and Mary Ann Jenkins, Director of Development, Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
A New Partnership
With pride, the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce a new partnership with the American Juvenile Arthritis Organization. After many months of planning, Alpha Omicron Pi expanded our philanthropy, Arthritis, to now include juvenile arthritis.
giate and alumnae chapters will be able to get involved on a local level and have more 'hands-on' projects. We feel strongly that our members can be instrumental in juve- nile arthritis education and can provide the means of support for families to attend arthritis conferences. This new partnership demonstrates AOITs concern for assisting
Washington, D.C. The Cole family, from Sweetwater, Alabama, whose son, Brandon, has juvenile arthritis was the AOFI sponsored family. Brandon is thir- teen and has never had the opportunity to meet another teenager with arthritis. Can you imagine a teenager living with arthri- tis and never having direct contact with anyone else who lives with arthritis? This conference provided Brandon and his family with wonderful experiences for interaction with other families who are facing the same issues.
This first AJAO grant was presented in honor of Delta Delta Chapter (Auburn FJ). for top giving to the AOFI Foundation. Next year, the Foundation hopes to increase the number of families we spon- sor to attend this conference.
Arthritis is an old person's disease.
Arthritis affects about 285,000 children
Rho Delta's (Samford U) Philanthropy Day during rush this fall. Chapter members and guests made t-shirts for pandas which were later donated to an arthritis clinic at a local Children's Hospital.
Many people have never heard of juvenile arthritis. AOFI members are committed to raise public awareness of the disease by volunteering their time to educate and raise money for the Foundation to sponsor chil- dren to attend arthritis camps and confer- ences. Jean Sells, AOFI Foundation Arthritis Chair, says "The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Board is very proud and excited about this new partnership with the .American Juvenile Arthritis Organization. By expanding our philanthropy, arthritis, to now include juvenile arthritis, our colle-
cure for arthritis, thanks in large part to AOn's support. Some arthritis related diseases can now be cured, such as gout and Lyme disease. And the good news is all rheumatic conditions can be treated and, for the most part, controlled.
At Leadership Institute this past June in Nashville, Tennessee, the AOFI Foundation awarded the first AJAO grant This grant allowed a family from Alabama to attend the National American Juvenile Arthritis Organization Conference in
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
»l i
and serving others, which is one of our founding principles."
Alpha Omicron Pi and the Arthritis Foundation have long worked together in the spirit of a true family tradition. Since 1967, AOFI has been committed to find- ing the cure for arthritis and many other related conditions. Over $1 million has been con- tributed by AOn for arthritis research. Tremendous strides have been made in the past years to finding the

What is the AJAO?
AJAO (American Juvenile Arthrilis Organization) is a Council of the Arthritis Foundation devoted to serving the special needs of children, teens, and young adults with childhood rheumatic diseases.
Awareness Week (JAAW) information encouraging .Arthritis Foundation Chapters to make contact with their local AOFI chapters. Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Week is scheduled for March 1-7,1999. An AOFI-JAAW Planning Guide has also been distributed to assist AOFI Chapters in plan- ning their future events. Volunteer to work with your local Arthritis Foundation Chapter to make this week a success.
Kids on the Block
Training Kit
Arthritis Foundation chapters now have access to a training video that can also assist AOn chapters in learning how to be pup- peteers. During Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Week, hundreds of presentations will be made in the elementary schools uti- lizing two-life size puppets, one who has artliritis. Collegiate and alumnae chapters can actively participate.
AJAO Conferences -
Family Retreats
The AJAO national and regional conferences represent a unique opportunity for families, health professionals, interested volunteers and friends to work together toward the ful- fillment of the goals of die AJAO to improve the quality of life for children with rheumat- ic diseases and their families. Get involved
• Arthritis is an ageless disease affecting 285,000 American children.
• 8.4 million young adults are affected by arthritis.
• Medically, it is different from the adult form, and in some cases it is far more severe.
• There are over 100 forms of arthritis and related conditions.
• The most prevalent form of arthritis in children is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, which affects about 134 children per 100,000.
• Arthritis affects girls twice as often as boys.
• Many people have never heard of juvenile arthritis.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis in chil- dren. Common features of JRA are joint inflammation, joint contracture, joint damage and altered growth. The signs and symptoms of JRA vary from child to child. Even with considerable advances in treatment, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis remains an important cause of chronic pain and disability in childhood.

Gamma Deltas assisted in tie-dying shirts with children at Camp MASH. (Make Arthritis Stop Hurting).
A young arthritis sufferer enjoys the sunshine and makes
at N o t i o n a l AJAO Conference in Washington, D.C.
How AOTT Chapters and Members can
get involved:
Working Together Brochure
Review the brochure which was recendy distributed by the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation to every collegiate and alumnae chapter across the United States and Canada. This brochure developed by the Arthritis Foundation, conveys how arthritis and related condi- tions affect young adults, especially young women and how AOIJ chapters can get involved with their local Arthritis Foundation Chapters.
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Week
Planning Guide
In October, the Arthritis Foundation National Office, distributed an AOFI chap- ter contact list with their Juvenile Arthrilis
Sabrina Simmons, Gamma Delta (U of S.Alabama), a Camp M.A.S.H. counselor, dines with campers and their families.
with a conference near you.
Studies have shown that the AJAO family conferences improve not only the chil- dren's emotional functioning, but reduces stress on families as a whole. One parent wrote, "We have seen tremendous growth in our daughter, a willingness to take more responsibility for her medical care and we know much of that is due to these confer-
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

Kellie Galloway (Gamma Deka) helps a young boy tie-dye a t-shirt one of the many fun activities for the youth at Camp M.A.S.H.
ences! Thank You!" Another parent said, "The Conference is a wonderful resource of information, people and support. We are inspired to continue the fight against arthri- tis and feel the conference helps us know that we are really in this together."
This year's National AJAO Conference was held on July 23-26, 1998. It was the largest conference in the Arthritis Foundation's history. The highlight of the conference was the first AJAO Advocacy Day Rally and Picnic held on the West Capitol Lawn. A crowd of f,000 children, parents, volunteers and staff and more titan 100 congressional representatives gathered to increase awareness that "Kids Get Arthritis, Too."
The following excerpt is from a letter of a 16 year old girl who attended her first
AJAO Conference:
"The talks with young adults helped me realize that people with arthritis can grow up and have life with arthritis on the side, instead of having arthritis with life on the side".
The AIAO is similar to Alpha Omicron Pi in that it sponsors a National AJAO Conference every other year. During the off year, the AIAO sponsors Regional AJAO Conferences. In 1999 the Regional Conferences will be held:
June 24-27, 1999 Western Regional Tucson, Arizona Hosted by Artfiritis Foundation, Southern Arizona Chapter
August 5-8,1999 Southeast Regional Chattanooga, Tennessee Hosted by Arthritis Foundation, Tennessee Chapter
August 12-IS, 1999 Midwest Regional Arlington Park, Illinois Hosted by Arthritis Foundation, Greater Chicago Chapter
For further information on these Regional Conferences, please contact the host Arthritis Foundation Chapters. Get involved!
Special Events
The Arthritis Foundation and the AOF1 Foundation encourages chapters to contact their local arthritis chapter for more infor- mation about how to participate in events such as Joints in Motion, Jingle Bell Walk/Run, and Joint Parade.
"I want to thank you lor all you do for the Arthritis Foundation and research. It means a lot to know that you, who most likely do not suffer from the dis- ease, are so compassionate as to do so much for those of us who ask for so little. .Again, thank you. I appreciate all you do for me and others like me,"
Mindy Walton, a 19 year-old college student - diagnosed at 14 months.
'It is vitally important to get the message out that "Kids Get
Arthritis,Too". Together the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation and the Arthritis Foundation can accomplish this challenging goal. The AOII Foundation invites each member to share a strong commitment to join thischallenge."
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation and the Arthritis Foundation are proud of our part- nership and as we look ahead, we see a bright future held fast and true through our continued commitment to family tradi- tion. A family of caring individuals united in their bond to find the cure for arthritis and to improve the quality of life for those who live everyday with the challenges of
arthritis and related conditions.
It is vitally important to get the message out that "Kids Get Arthritis, Too" Together the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation and the Arthritis Foundation can accomplish this challenging goal. The AOII Foundation invites each member to share a strong commitment to join this challenge. With our support, public awareness of juvenile arthritis can be increased and we can help children achieve their dreams. AOIJ van make a difference in the lives of children with arthritis.
For further information, check out the
AJAO website:
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Rho Delta sisters play games with children at the Children's Arthritis Clinic.

e> Each year, the National Interfraternity Foundation presents a check for $1,000 to a recipient of the NIF Mary Louise Roller Fellowship. This fellowship is given to honor this AOI1 Past International President and recognizes one
who has outstanding leadership qualities and academic achievement The recipient of this year's award is Sara Victoria Jenkins,
U of Cincinnati.
e> Tail Delta Chapter (Birmingham-Southern College) pledged Tyrenda Williams, 1997 America's Junior Miss. Tyrenda won the tide inJune 1997 while
a student atVestavia Hills High School in Birmingham, AL She is a broadcast journalism major at Birmingham- Southern College with a special interest in dance.
» Congratulations to the Omega Upsilon Chapter (Ohio U).
At their recent campus Greek Awards Banquet, the chapter won the Outstanding Leadership Award, Outstanding Service Award, and the Outstanding Sportsmanship Award. In addition, senior Carry Bella was awarded the Margaret Deppen Award for Outstanding Greek Leadership. Keep up the good work.
«s> Alpha Psi Chapter (Bowling Green State U) and the fraternity of Phi Kappa Tau, won the Gold Cup recognizing their effort to raise the most money for BGSU's Dance Marathon. In only it's third year, these two chapters took the lead in helping the campus raise over $153,000.
e> Theta Chi Corporation Board (Morningside College) recently presented $100 scholarships to two out- standing chapter mem- bers, Malibu Boyce and Carrie Poser. The scholarships were awarded based upon the applicants' grade point averages, involvement in campus and volunteer activities, and involve- ment and commitment to Alpha Omicron Pi. Theta Chi Corporation Board hopes to present these scholarships annu- allyto recognize individ- uals in the chapter that exemplify the high stan- dards of AOFI.
e> Congratulations to Dr. Viki Annand on receiving the 1997-98 FacultyAdviser of theYear award from the U of Maryland. An alumna of the Epsilon Alpha Chapter, (Pennsylvania State U) Viki is currently Director of Student Services for the College of Health and Human Performance. She holds a BA from Penn State, an M.A. from George Washington U, and a
Ph.D. fromTemple.
One of herfourchildren is also an AOIT Viki is the Faculty Adviser to AOITs Pi Delta Chapter at the U of Maryland.
e> Jacksonville State U (Delta Epsilon Chapter) is proud
to announce that AmandaVoss was selected this year's Homecoming Queen. Chapter members also hold the titles of Miss
Jacksonville State U and Miss Friendly.
The National Leadership Honor Society, Omicron Delta Kappa, is pleased to announce the following AOIIs who were inducted into their society. Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes and encour- ages superior scholar- ship, leadership and exemplary character for
faculty and students on 248 campuses across the nation. Unlike an "honorary," a member- ship into the honor soci- ety demands further leadership on the part of its members whether they be initiated as undergraduates,gradu- ate students, faculty/administration, alumni, or "honoris causa." Omicron Delta Kappa now has over
190,000 members.
U of Alabama
Allison Cheryl Black Tanya Leigh Garner Elizabeth Hope Kinsaul Carla Jeanette Sharpless Cameron MicheleWells
U ofAlabama- Birmingham Cynthia Lea Propst
Auburn U
Katie Jo Gilbert Lauren E Reagin Catherine B. Ryals
Birmingham- Southern College Carey Leigh Crook Clarissa Adrianne Hall Sarah Ann Merritt
Lisa Suzanne Newman Patricia Camille Spratling
Cal State U- Northridge Stacy Rotter
Elon College Amanda L Harrington Jennifer Ann Kleckner Ashley Grayson Lane AllisonAnne Leslie Jennifer I. McCumber Rachel S. McPhillips Julie Elizabeth Messina Marisa Claire Morgan Jane Perie Omohundro
Florida Southern College
Jennifer Lynn Eckert
U of Georgia
Julie Ellen Lawrence
Amy MarieVandergheynst Catherine LouiseWelch
Jacksonville State U Jennifer L Roberts
U of Kentucky Angela Elizabeth Ashley
Lehigh U
Tracy L Barbagiovanni
U of Maryland- College Park Jennifer Lynn Kipe
Murray State U Sarah Jo Clark
Emily Ann Forbes Elizabeth Brooke Fryer Alison Carol Hill Kariye Chase Smith
Northeast Louisiana U
Jessica Lynne Graves Amanda Gayle McNeefy
Pennsylvania State U Roni Sue Altman Rebecca Ellen Delong
Purdue U Victoria Burke
Rhodes College Stephanie Jean Boyd Diane Dlizabeth Faires
Judith Allegra Smelser Elisabeth Nicole Thomas
U ofTennessee Mary Elizabeth Martin Sarah Ann Rymer Amy Lynn Skaggs
Transylvania U
Kelly Elizabeth Hoskins
Wagner College Annabelle Merola
W ashington College Darlene April Schaub
Huntingdon College Elisajane Lowry
East Stroudsburg U Kristie Lynn Darnell
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

To Dragm a/WINTER 1998

You will learn from reading the collegiate news summaries that our chapters and members are having a great deal o i f u n this year. But you will also notice that they are giving countless dollars and service hours to campus and community projects. Additionally, they are building sisterhood, improving Greek relations, and educating their members on critical campus issues such as safety, health and substance abuse.
All collegiate chapters were encouraged to submit reports for this annual issue, and thevastmajoritydid. Ifyourchapterisnot listed here, encourage them not to miss this opportunity next year. We want all chapters to have the chance to let their light shine.
Take a moment to read the news that your chapter submitted, as well as several oth- ers. You might even drop the chapter a note of congratulations or good wishes for the remainder of the year. We all salute their creativity and enthusiasm!
Dragma/WINTER Ii998
Delta Delta (Auburn U)

Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
Our chapter was fortunate this year to wel- come back our AOII Mud Volleyball Tournament. Each sorority played each other, as well as each fraternity. This tourna- ment is one of the most well attended Greek events held all year. Everyone had tons of fon andthewinnersreceivedfreet-shirts.
Alpha Detei
I! of/ abarr a
Our chapter worked hard during a fall rush filled with changes to obtain 42 unique new members. On Philanthropy Day, we enjoyed making gratitude journals and learning more about arthritis. We donated the books and 100 stuffed panda bears to hospitals in the name of the Arthritis Foundation and Oprah's Angel Network. Our new members have been impressive. Melissa McClure, Rebecca Myers, and Ashley Thomson made Freshman Forum, an organization representing the top 50 freshman on campus. Many new members were also selected to the Student Alumni Association and Triangle service organiza- tion. During Homecoming week, the chap- ter participated in the Roll Tide Run, the pool shoot, parade and placed third in the choreography competition. The chapter also placed second in the annual Paint the Town Red competition. Finally, we are extremely proud that our spring scholar- ship ranking was 2nd among all sororities. We are striving to be # 1 and are proud of our accomplishments.
Alpha Gamma (Washington State U)
Alpha Gamma
Washington State U
The 1998 school year started off with a suc- cessful rush - we pledged 38 women (quota plus 3). The chapter was thrilled that our corporation had completed a major remod- eling of the house's third floor and we greet-
ed our new house parents, Anna and Dave. Our annual fall philanthropy, a Day in the Park, was held in September. It included relay races and a skit competition for all fra- ternities which raised money for arthritis research. Each month, Alpha Gamma pre- sents a program such as the one in September when a police officer spoke on the effects of alcohol. It was an excel- lent and bene-
ficial program. We are looking
forward to our Dad's week- en d, fa m i 1 y Christmas, and being involved in many WSU activities.
Alpha Lambda Georgia Southern U
'98 receiving quota and won 3rd place in Delta Tau Delta's philanthropy contest We look forward to the completion of our house in which 15 members will reside. We are truly proud of our accomplishments during the past year.
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green State U
(U of Alabama)
Alpha Theta (Coe College)
Alpha Psi had a very productive year. Our spring 1998 recruit- ment yielded 13 new members and our chapter won the overall award for Greek Week Along with Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, Alpha Psi won the Gold Cup for Dance Marathon, an event that supports the Children's Miracle Network. This trophy is awarded for the
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
In the past year, our chapter has been busy with numerous events. In November *97, we celebrated Homecoming with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon and won second place in the Doo Dah contest We ended 1997 with an Under the Boardwalk social with Delta Tau Delta and our annual Christmas party. During 1998, we held a walk-a-thon, a crush party, parent's weekend and a garage sale. In May, we held a Decade Ball to celebrate ten successful years at Georgia Southern. Also in May, the chapter won first place in Greek Week We ended the exciting year with a pajama party social with the TKEs. Alpha Lambda had a great fall rush
highest total raised between a fraternity and a sorority. We held our first 3 on 3 basket- ball tournament with Kappa Alpha Order. The proceeds were donated to the Wood G)unty Special Olympics. In April, we held our annual formal, the Rose Petal Ball, and saw Nicole Herman honored by the Panhellenic Council as Most Outstanding Chapter FVesident Most recently, Alpha Psi celebrated its 10th anniversary at BGSU during Homecoming weekend. To com- memorate this event, we initiated our cook of eight years, Mary Lou Shertzer. We also had a successful fall formal recruitment as we reached quota

Coe College
This year started out great for Alpha Theta. We pledged 18 awesome new members through rush, including one legacy. We planned a very busy fall semester. In October, we travelled to Iowa State to par- ticipate in Iota Sigma's Run for the Roses. Sisterhood retreats, Hayrack, Homecoming competitions and our annual teeter-totter- athon rounded out the agenda for the semester. We also plan to maintain the highest cummulative CPA among Greek organizations. This April we will celebrate our 30th anniversary at Coe College and are planning an event for alumnae. Alpha Theta is excited for this year and wishes everyone a great year.
Alpha Lambda (Georgia Southern U)
Beta Lambda
Illinois Wesleyan U
Beta Lambda's rush parties were unique and entertaining. One party centered around the game Que. The mystery began as the rushees walked into the house to hear scary piano music filling the air. Our tables were decorated with Que games, including the cards and pieces. Our skit
involved player pieces, such as
"Patty Peacock", and each sus-
pect presented a clue to deter-
mine the person who stole the
jacqueminot rose in one of the
nine rooms. At the end of the
presentation of the clues, the
rushees filled out cards saying
whom they thought the crimi-
nal was. Our buder collected
all of the guesses and our
detective "Scully" presented
the answer to the game.
Finally, we ended the night of
fun and conversation with a song by "Mustard", "Scarlet" and "Peacock".
end of rush, all of our dedication paid off when we pledged quota of 31 new mem- bers. At this year's Greek Awards Ceremony, We received the Most Improved Chapter award among all the Greek chapters on campus. This award has helped raise chap- ter enthusiasm and given our chapter the endurance to achieve our future goals. Another goal which we have achieved was to till our house for this year. We also helped organize an alcohol awareness program, where two speakers spoke about the harsh
Beta Gamma
U of Toronto
Beta Tau Chapter is alive and kicking! After saying goodbye to the '97-'98 school year with a beautiful Rose Banquet held at the Adantis Pavilion overlooking the Toronto Border, and a memorable initiation weekend, we bid farewell to our graduating seniors. We geared up for fall with our rush retreat and completed a successfulformalrush, and held a Halloween Haunted House for children with Beta Theta Pi to benefit the Daily Bread Food Bank. Our Apple Pie day sisterhood event is a Beta Tau tradition and we enjoyed numerous other events, including a Thanksgiving food drive. We are thrilled to have a great AAC and congratulate the Toronto Alumnae Chapter on dieir success.
Syracuse U
One of the objectives for our chapter this year was to hold a strong formal rush. At the
icr gan teU
Beta Gamma
State U)
numerous activities. This has been a period of strength for Chi Chapter and we are excit- ed about what is to come for next year.
Chi Defe
U of Colorado-Boulder
Chi Delta returned to campus with an out- standing new member class along with a newly implemented program entitled T.O.A.S.T. (Together Our Actions Stop Tragedy &Think Of Another Sister Tonight) to help keep our sisters safe at night both on and off campus. They also have a new Internet/Computer Chair to keep the entire chapter and alumnae updated with the weekly minutes of meetings combined with pictures and their own personal guestbook for all to sign in and say hello!
Chi Epsilon
Ohio State U
At Ohio State U, our goal as a Greek system is to show the campus community we are supportive of each other and to try to change the well known stereotype the word "Greek" has. To do this, the Greek system
Beta Gamma has just come off a successful lall rush and is having a great time with our new members. We held a sisterhood retreat on October 9th, carved pumpkins for each fraternity and helped Lambda Chi Alpha with their annual food drive a week later. To keep us even more busy, we teamed up with Kappa Kappa Gamma on October 30 to sponsorasafeHalloweenforlocalchildren
. Upcoming events include a swing date party, initiation, rose brunch and semi-for- maL Several girls in Beta Gamma are also planning a trip to Cancun for spring break so maybe we will bump into other AOITs while we are there. Good luck to all of you for a great year.
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Chi Psi (Col Poly San Luis Obispo)
realities that come from the abuse of alcohol. We also hosted a dinner at our house with Sigma Delta Tau featur- ing a speaker on nutri- tion and other health topics. We later teamed up with Tri Delta for Homecoming which helps improve campus unity. We have strengthened our chap- ter leadership in our community through

of our chapt er welcomed 23 awesome new girls. They showed their spirit and enthusiasm at Panhellenic's Parents' Weekend, which included a day of barbecue and softball with our par- ents planned by Natalie Godhardt. Philanthropy Chair, Jennie Carlson, has been busy organizing a
fund raiser for the Breast Cancer Foundation. We are doing this in memory of one of the charter members of Chi Psi who died last year of breast cancer. It has been truly amazing to walk across our campus and see women from every sorority wearing pink ribbons, provided by AOIX in honor of women suf- fering from this disease. Other events included a soccer tournament, our date party, semiformal, initiation, and making
many wonderful memories!
Tufts U
Delta Chapter has had an exciting fall semester! September brought a successful informal rush as we welcomed some of the most amazing women on campus. Our cus- tom designed rush t-shirts created an air of enthusiasm among sisters and also served as great publicity. In October we were busy with philanthropies and raised over $500 for the Arthritis Foundation walk-a-thon through historic Boston. On Halloween, we continued our tradition of trick or treating
for canned goods, which were donated to a food pantry with Zeta Beta Tau. We held our mystery date semi-formal, and saw two members inducted into the reinstated Order of Omega. Our leaders' council remains strong and sisters continue to show commit- ment as we anticipate a fabulous fall.
Delta Beta
U of Southwestern Louisiana
The Delta Beta Chapter has shifted into high gear. Our annual fall philanthropy event, "Go to the Joint" is when we lock up local celebrities until they raise their bail. We had a great time with our first social, Arrest a Date, a cops and robbers style party that was ahugehit Thisyearweplantostartanew tradition at L'SL, a Christmas Party with Kappa Delta. We look forward to its success and the strengthening of our Panhellenic ties. Delta Beta would also like to welcome our new sisters - we love you.
teamed up with our student government and is helping to support many functions for the non-Greek community. First, the Ohio State Greek System came up with a motto and printed t-shirts that would make all the Greeks look to be one. Our motto for '98-'99 is "No Matter the Letter, We're all Greek Together." Next, we held an all - campus street fair. We also held an all - Greek open house for the public. We held a community commitment event. Buses shipped out volunteers to do work in our community. Not only Greeks came, but the campus community turned out in great numbers. It made us all one.
Chi Lambda
U ofEvansville
This has been an exciting year forChi Lambda. Our winter Homecoming repre- sentative, Lisa Cunningham, was crowned queen. In February $900 was raised for arthritis research through our third annual Alpha Love Connection, and our campus Greek Week awarded Angie Crawford with Outstanding Greek Woman of the Year. Three of our members attended Leadership Institute over the summer. This fall our chapter made a change in the rush theme party. After only days of planning and pratr tice, this change was an obvious success as we have welcomed 28 new girls to Chi Lambda. We are looking forward to many philanthropic and social events,
and anticipate as much success as we
had this past year.
Chi Psi
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Chi Psi has been gearing up to have one of our best years yet! After long hours of preparation and hard work. Rush Chair Julie Petersen and the rest
Delta Omega (Murray State U)
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Once again, the year is off to a great start. Rush was a success and our chapter is extremely pleased to have 56 new members. These members are already making their mark on campus and upholding our presti- gious image. Thanks to Andrea Coggin, rush chairman, assistant Anna Carpenter,
Delta (Tufts U)
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Delta Beta (U of Southwestern
and the entire rush committee for their hard work Delta Delta sisters are well represented on campus. We had three candidates for Miss Homecoming and we were proud that we were #1 in spirit among sororities. Our philanthropic activi- ties included our annual Walk-a- Thon for Arthritis, which raises a substantial amount of money. This year our philanthropic chairman,

Leslie Gordon is heading up a new fund raiser called Throw a Pie at an AOLI taking place during Auburn's annual "Hey" Day. We donated stuffed panda bears to give to Auburn's police department to aid abused children. From the plains of Auburn, AOll strives to grow and develop as a strong, active sisterhood of women. We have had a very exciting quarter and look forward to the rest of the year.
Defta Epsilon
organized the entire event Ten of the thir- ty-six new members are legacies. Their enthusiasm strengthens the sisterhood. T h e chapter raised more than $4,000 for arthri- tis research. Heather Howell produced the Mr. MSU pageant and directed other fund raisers for the cause. 'Hie response was overwhelming, making Delta Omega proud to be at MSU.
cdlegiate H P IJ U\-0
will be made during the "98-'99 year. Delta Rho looks forward to making a Iffetime of new friends.
Defta Sigma
Delta Sigma has had a terrific year so far. W e recendy said goodbye to a great collegiate mem- ber Angela Harper, who is now touring the country as a CC. Last March, we participated
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) in Sigma Chi Derby Days. Alter a tough
JacksonvilleState U
Delta Epsilon is having our best year ever. We worked hard with Alpha Tau Omega during Homecoming buildingfloatsand get- ting everything ready for a great day. Amanda Voss represented us f o r Homecoming Queen and we were all proud ofher. Wehavealsobeenbusywithour community and philanthropy, including our mile clean-up and our stick up for arthritis. We are enjoying a great intramural football season and enjoyed hosting our alumnae chapter for brunch at the alumnae house.
Defta Omega
Murray State U
Delta Omega continues to shine in the com- munity and on campus. Our members can be seen in almost every campus organiza- tion, and because of our outstanding leaders and role models, our chapter remains one ofthe leadinggroupsatMSLI. Wewerewell represented this past year. Eight members were elected to participate in the Miss MSU pageant, with three placing in the top five. The chapter president, Alison Hill w as selected as the 1998 Homecoming Queen. Other candidates representing AOn were Sarah Clark and Shannon Moore. We also had an exciting recruitment. Liz Fryer
Defta Psi
U of Albany
Delta Psi's year is off to a great start Our rush went great and we ended u p with a total of six new members who will help maintain the bond of sisterhood, during this our tenth year on Albany's campus. We're proud to report that all members participat- ed in the Heart Walk on September 24 and the Diabetes Walk on October 24. October was a busy month. We planned a hazing seminar to help inform other sororities and fraternities about the dangers of hazing. W e are also planning to continue th e self- defense course, that was a huge success last year. As we grow, we hope to continue and surpass all our achievements.
Defta Pho
In the spring of 1998, Delta Rho held our first formal. The event was put together by our social chair, Lea Larson and our chap-
battle we placed second overall, while our candidate, Joanne Elek, was crowned the Derby Darling. Our chapter is also very proud of members who hold key positions in campus organizations. Last semester, Kristina Palos won three first place CEDA
debate tournaments.
Nisha Ahluwalie is
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Psi (U of
ter president, Shannon Stacey.A ll members looked beautiful in their formal gowns and were surrounded by flowers given to them by their dates. Because of its success Spring Formal will be held each year with the hope of having just as much fun as we did on that night. Fall rush was held on September 18-20. Delta Rho is happy to announce that eleven new members were wel- comed into the chapter. Each mem- ber andnewmember isexcited about the wonderful memories that
Delta Tneta (Texas Women's U)
currendy the president of the Society of Women Engineers and Danielle D'Ambrosio is the treasurer for the Liberal Studies Society. While maintaining a 4.0 CPA Nicole Cefalu is a member in the Golden Key National Honor Society and was awarded a mentorship in the Financial Woman's Association. Even though we can't mention her name, one of our sisters is a professional mascot for two Bay Area Sports teams. It has been an exciting year for Delta Sigma. We love our new mem- bers and we look forward to what 1999 holdsforus.

Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U)
TexasWomen's U
This year, Delta Theta has placed more emphasis on community service. For exam- ple, our Panhellenic chair arranged for us and other sororities on campus to go to a state school lor children with disabilities. While we were there, we participated in bingo, a talent show and arts and crafts. Not only is it a way to get our organization's name out there, but it is also a way that we can give back to the community.
Delta Upsilon
The sisters of Delta Lpsilon have been busy with some amazing activities this past fall. We've continued our traditional favorites and added some new ones, making for a great start to the school year. The chapter kicked off the semester with our annual Back to the Beach philanthropy event Greek groups competed in games like the dizzy bat relay and three-legged races on the main quad to win Kaplan prep classes and a weekend of scuba diving for two. The day was rainy and muddy, but no one's spirits were dampened, especially after the total money raised was
announced. Between t-shirt sales and dona- Epsilon Alpha
tions, this was the most successful year ever! Pennsylvania State U
Asfornewevents,thechapterswungintofall EpsilonAlphastartedlitisfalloilwithagreat
with a Swing Fling, where sixty sisters learned a few new steps and danced the night away with their dates. With all the poo- dle skirts and swingin' steps, it was hard to tell what decade we were in. Add to all of this, our annua] Homecoming brunch Halloween party, winter formal, sister mixers at Ben & Jerry's and a scholarship award ceremony, it's clear the Delta Lpsilon Chapter has had a busy, muddy, swingin' fall semester.
rush. After getting seven great new mem- bers in the spring, we reached quota and got 20 amazing new women this fall. Homecoming was a blast as we pomped and grooved to the theme of Austin Powers. It was great to see our alumnae at our Alumnae Tea on homecoming weekend. Greek Sing is another big event for us. After a week of practicing songs and dances, our eight minute personal rendition of Jekyll and Hyde is sure to bring us another first place victory. We got into the Halloween spirit by doing arts and crafts with commu- nity children at the Halloween festival host- ed by Panhellenic. Our efforts for Dance Marathon, the largest student run philan- thropy, began this fall as we hit the streets and neighborhoods to raise money for kids with cancer. Look for us in your town.
Cornell U
The women of Epsilon Chapter have been
very busy during the past year. After wel-
coming our new members, we got down to
business with our numerous philanthropic
activities. Our Penny Drive raised over
$1000 for arthritis research last spring and
we continued our
strong commitment to
Foodnet. This pro-
gram is unique to
Epsilon and allows us
to visit a low income
elderly care facility
each week to serve
lunch and visit with
the residents. We
continued our schol-
arship streak with the
highest GPA among sororities and our
members were awarded Outstanding
Academic Excellence in each of Cornell's
seven colleges. One of the most exciting
things going on at the Epsilon Chapter has
been recent renovations to our house. The
remodeling of ourfoyer,chapter room and
dining room was completed last spring and
our rec room will be finished just in time for Alpha's Pumpkin Fest and Sigma Chi
Epsilon Chi
Greek Woman of the
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)
spring rush. In the meantime, we are still busy with blood drives, Breast Cancer Walk-a- Thon, and women's history month. We can't wait to wel- come yet another group of incredible women in January.
Derby Days. Plus we are so excited to defend our title as Homecoming champs.
Epsilon Omega
Eastern Kentucky U
The sisters of Epsilon Omega have had a very exciting year so far. After an awesome rush, the chapter couldn't wait to get involved and show off our new sisters to the rest of the Greek community. We have par- ticipated in coundess events including Phi Kappa Tau OKToberfest, Beta Football, Sigma Chi-AOn Adopt-a-Highway and
Epsilon Chi (Eton College)
Bon College Epsilon Chi has had quite a year. At our spring Greek banquet, AOFI cleaned up in awards. We received Sorority of the Year, Chapter of Excellence,
Year, Most Improved Chapter and were recognized for our ser- vice. This fall we have been keeping our- selves busy with our annual fund raiser A- O-Pie in the Face, and Have-a-Nice-Day from AOFI, when we promote goodwill by giving away baked goods. We are also Trick-or-Treating lor arthritis research this Halloween, participating in Lambda Chi

many mixers, including our own Preference Dance. Epsilon Omega sisters have also shined our lights at Panhellenic, having the highest attendance of any other chapter each week. In October we held our annual AOFI Lip Sync to raise money for arthritis research. Lip Sync is one of the most popu- lar philanthropy events on campus, with both fraternities and sororities participating. This year all but three chapters took part in Lip Sync making it one of the most success- ful ever. It has been a fantastic year for Epsilon Omega.
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
Rush Adviser, Pam Boley and Rush Chair, Christine Kerner, lead Gamma Alpha through one of our most successful rushes. Gamma Alpha is pleased to have achieved quota. This September, the chapter was proud to help the outside community by
Gamma Omicron (U of Florida)
eagerly awaiting more events. We are also collecting grocery receipts to donate to local schools. Aside from our fun mixers, we are all looking forward to sailing away on a boat lor semi-formal this December.
Gamma Chi
Gamma Chi was extremely proud to meet quota plus one during formal rush, adding 11 wonderful new members to our chapter. We were also pleased to place 2nd in Greek Olympics. As a high- light of the fall, the chapter successfully planned and coordi- nated a fashion show
to raise
money for arthritis research. All Greek groups, men and women, from Carleton and Ottawa Universities participated and the event was very well attended. Our annual Rose Ball was an excellent
on writing and setting up the new skit All of our time and hard work paid off as we reached quota plus two. Also this summer at Leadership Institute we received the Chapter Proficiency Award and 100% par- ticipation in Senior Challenge. Everyone is very excited about the upcoming year. Our new sorority house is currendy being built and hopefully we will be moving in at the beginning of spring semester. We would also like to welcome Judi Gulledge back to Gamma Delta as our new Financial Adviser.
Gamma Omicron
U of Honda
Rush this year went exceptionally well for our chapter. With the excellent leadership
volunteering at the AIDS Walk held in Washington D.C. Two days later we marched along side fellow students at a GMU sponsored event chanting, 'Two, four, six, eight, out with violence, out with hate," in our efforts to take back nights of violence. Later in the month the ladies were active participants in Volunteer Week. The chapter helped to raise awareness of breast cancer by attending an educational session to support Zeta Tau Alpha's philanthropy. Jessica Chiricotti, Philanthropy Chair, keeps us
To Dragma/WINTER 1W8
w a y to finish off the fall semester. For Valentine's Day, the chapter will sell rose-o-grams and candy-grams for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the AOFI Endowment Fund. We are proud ol our
achievements this year.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
Gamma Delta would like to welcome our 26 new members. We had an awesome rush thanks to our new Light and Lively Skit, The Real World. It was a busy summer for Gamma Delta as the entire chapter worked
Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U)
of our rush chairs, everything went smoothly and we proudly accepted 63 new members. The way that rush was organized helped, alongwidithenewRush2000plansforour campus. Our Panhellenic system is working toward an updated rush plan called Rush 2000. This plan guides the sororities toward less formal and uncomfortable situations for rush. Our round two parties went from a skit to a philandiropy round. In this round, all of the chapters had an activity to give back to the community. Our members and rushees painted tiles for a wellness wall in the Shands Hospital cancer floor. We had a wonderful opportunity to give to the com- munity and allow the rushees to be a part of this wonderful experience;.

Gamma Sigma
Georgia State U
The Gamma Sigmas started the 1998 school year, once again, with a successful fall rush. Gamma Sigma was one of only four chapters at Georgia State to make quota. Every women going through fall rush, except for three, received their first choice of a sorority. On day one, the sisters got to know every rushee at Open House. On day two, a new theme was used, Philanthropy Day. Each sister paired up with a rushee and made "Boo Buddies," which were sent to Egleston Children's Hospital for arthritis patients. On day three, Theme Day, the chapter per- formed "Grease" for the sixteenth year in a row. On the last day, Preferentials, the sisters showed the rushees the true meaning of sis- terhood. Bid Night was filled with fun when Gamma Sigma welcomed our twelve new members, and everyone celebrated at Hard Rock Cafe in Atlanta.
U of South Florida
We had this year's CR retreat at an alumna's house and it was great fun. We remembered what it felt like to be kids again, as we ran around playing kickball, TV freeze tag, and duck duck goose. We stayed up late that night listening to ghost stories, and scaring ourselves half to death. Sometimes sisters get so involved with meetings and the serious side of AOIl that we forget to just have fun. This year's CR retreat was definitely fun!
lota Chi
U ofWestern Ontario
Iota Chi kicked off the school year with the
annual rush retreat This year's retreat was held at a cottage just outside of London and a great time was had
by all. With rush just beyond us,
plans are now underway for our annual fashion show. The show is scheduled for mid-February and Iota Chi is proud to be the host of the largest on-campus philanthropic event of the Greek system. The spectacle includes members from various sororities and fraternities modeling fashions from local mer- chants. The event is a great success, money is raised for arthritis research
also raised money for chil- dren suffering from abuse through a Blue Ribbon Run last spring. We are continu- ing to brain storm for new philanthropy events as well as continuing our other fimctions.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
The Kappa Kappa Chapter is making its mark as the new academic year begins. AOIl had an outstanding recruitment this fall. We added 23 new members to
our sorority. Only five chapters at Ball State made quota this fall, and we were one of them. Our new member educator, Carrie Trent, was in charge ol their education and initiation was in November. Kappa Kappa really shined in this year's Ball State Homecoming. We had two women elected to the court, and two women on the steering committee. Academically, Kappa Kappa is tin- holder of the highest greek CPA on campus. Our fall new member class of 1997 alsoreceivedthehighestGPAfornewmem- bers on campus. Kappa Kappa is making its name known on campus with involvement, grades and excellence.
Kappa Omega
and it gives everyone the opportunity to get involved in front of and behind the stage.
Indiana State U
The Kappa Alpha Chapter is very involved on campus. Fall recruitment was a great suc- cess and was the first year that Indiana State involved fellow sororities to educate rushees of their philanthropies through rush. We are very excited about our new members who once again are the best Homecoming this year went well as our members worked real- ly hard to build our float for the parade and won first place. Our trike team worked hard to win second place. Before the game, our sorority had a tent outside the stadium. We made sure our parents were involved and invited them to a brunch to meet their daughters sisters. Our parents are also invit- ed to our Red Rose Ball to help us recognize our new initiates. Additionally, we also set aside a weekend for the parents to visit Indiana State and the sorority. The chapter always strives for excellence and we are proud of our achievements. We have had a busy semester so far and are looking forward
U of Kentucky
Kappa Omega has
started off the 1998-
99 school year with a
bang. We were wel-
comed back to school
by Alma Keltner, our
new housemom. We
all feel honored to
have Mama K here as
one of the newest members of our family. Other additions to Kappa Omega include 46 beautiful new members. Each one is so excited about being an AOIl and has so much to share with our chapter. We have had a lot of exciting events already this year mcluding a chapter retreat at a ropes course and a toga date party. In addition, we are especially happy to announce that our presi- dent, Margaret Andrus, was named to this year's Homecoming court The year is off to a great start, and we hope to continue our success in future events and endeavors.
Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U)
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U)
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Nu beta (U of Mississippi)
to a great year.
Florida Southern
The Kappa Gamma Chapter has had a very successful year. We raised substantial amounts for the Arthritis Foundation through our annual
"Star Search." We

Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
The sisters of Kappa Omicron are pleased to report outstanding achievements in philan- thropy, scholarship and rush. Kappa Omicron's philanthropy has been taken to a new level this year with the introduction of an additional philanthropy event. We already actively participate in Stick-up for Arthritis, Heartthrob, and Mud Sling, and this year we are also co-sponsoring a campus wide band event to raise money. Scholarship has always been an important aspect of our chapter. For two consecutive years, KO members have had the highest CPA on campus. We are also fostering out- standing scholarship with our academic big sister/little sister program. The chapter proudly welcomes all of our new members. We revamped our skit party, changing the theme from the Wizard of Oz to a more hip
Our other plans include a party at a popular Montreal Club and taking a road trip to visit another AOIT chapter. We are a group of really tight friends who are ready to show our strength on campus.
Omicron (U ofTennessee)
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
The 1998 year has proven to be a very successful one for the sisters of Kappa Rho. During the winter semester, Kappa
Rho achieved a number of accomplish- ments. Two of our sisters were elected as president and vice president ol Panhellenic, as well as two sisters being elected president and treasurer of Order of Omega. Kappa Rho won four awards at Western's Greek Awards. We welcomed
our new faculty adviser, Dr. William McCarty, whose daughter in an alumna member of Omega Chapter, as well as seven wonderful new members. The fall semester began with a tremendous start. We wel- comed beautiful new members with our fall rush Throughout the fall semester Kappa Rho planned a number of public relations and sisterhood events. Our annual sumo- wrestling all-Greek tournament raised money for arthritis research. Starting the final year of the century, Kappa Rho looks forward to our continuous improvement toward excellence.
Kappa Sigma
U ofWisconsin,RiverFalls
The spring semester of 1998 was busy for Kappa Sigma. We held many socials during the year including a philanthropy event with Delta Tau Sigma, a toga party with Phi Sigma Kappa, bowling with Alpha Gamma Rho, a picnic with Theta Chi and volleyball with
Sigma Tau Gamma. We topped the year oil with a huge Greek Week At the Greek ban- quet, we received several awards mcluding, the Founders award for service and support the Fal«)n Award for scholastic and member- ship development the Chapter Standards ol Excellence Award, Most Improved All Greek GPA, Highest All Greek GPA, and Highest Sorority GPA Chapter Relations chair, Jen Price, received Greek Woman of the year, and corresponding secretary, Monica Mayer, along with Erica Hangslabien, Jessica Eaton, Jenny Kendall and Susan Landers, won the Lip Sync contest or their rendition of "Ice, Ice, Baby." The chapter ended the year on the ultimate high.
Southeastern Louisiana U
The sisters of Kappa Tau have been enjoying a great fall semester. Leadership Institute gave us great new ideas, and made us pre- pared for the falL We started off with a suc- cessful rush, welcoming 25 new members into our sisterhood. Kappa Tau has also been gready involved in philanthropy this semester. A panda bear was collected from each member and then donated to the Child Advocacy Center, where the local newspaper captured the moment and put it into the paper. Volunteer work is also a great aspect of Kappa Tau. Many of our members are volunteering for the Rape Crisis Hotline, where they were trained to know the right procedures to help the victim. In addition, we have several more philanthropy events planned, especially around the holidays.
Omega Upsilon (Ohio U)
and upbeat d u b AOPI. Enthusiasm during rush was at an all-time high this year, and we have already begun to plan for rush '99. This year promises to be excellent
Kappa Phi
McGill U
Kappa Phi is back in full fort* with a great start to the l9S^99 school year. We had an excellent fall rush this year; by meeting quota-plus-one we have doubled our chap- ter size. Last year ended with our Rose Ball Formal, where we celebrated the accom- plishments of the year. We also had a work- shop on arthritis with our alumnae chapter where we learned more about our philan- thropy and got to know each other better. This semester, bid night was celebrated with a formal supper held in honor of our new members. Next month, we are going to have a new member retreat in Quebec Gty.
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska - Kearney)

collegiate newsLambda Eta GrandValley State U
Northeast Louisiana U
Wow, what a wonderful year Lambda Tau has had. We helped our community by devoting time for the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon and donated food to our local Youth House. All of our socials have been a hit among the fraternities on campus. We had a karaoke social, wet n' wild social, and many others. With all of this fun, we still managed to win NLU's Chapter of the Year for the ninth year in a row. We are very excited about that honor. Also, AOfl was thrilled to win Greek Week which was a con- test between all Greeks on campus. One more thing that we are excited about is one of our sisters, Kelli Brian, won Miss NLLJ and had AOITs support all the way to Miss Ixmisiana. We are very proud of her. All of these honors, and our sisterhood still contin- ues to grow strong.
Nu Beta
U of Mississippi
We had an awesome rush this year. We received 56 of the greatest women on the planetandhadagreattimeduringrush.We have been busy educating our new mem- bers and they are getting excited about initi- ation in January. We also were excited about Homecoming and all the events surround- ing the game. We have had education ses- sions on rape;, drugs and alcohol. They were each interesting and informative. For Halloween this year, Panhellenic arranged for the children of Oxford to trick-or-treat at all of the Greek Houses on campus and that was a great deal of fun.
Rbo Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
Nu lota
Northern Illinois U
This school year, Nu Iota is really taking off. For starters, we made quota through formal
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
Kappa Tau is always actively involved in the community and we let our light shine through philanthropy.
Lambda Beta
California State U, Long Beach
This past formal rush, we had a privileged visit from our sisters of the Theta Omega Chapter. Not only were they a great addi- tion to the excitement and sisterhood of rush, but they were of great help when we needed it most. Their skit was superbly done and the additional numbers to the chapter helped contribute to the success of our preference party. Everyone's help con- tributed to the overall success and the extra miles driven by the sisters of Northern Arizona U was greatly appreciated. The number of women we received is a great contribution to our chapter and to Alpha Omicron Pi as a whole.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
The Lambda Chi Chapter has been very busy fall quarter with exciting events such as rush, COB parties, Homecoming, triek- or-treat for arthritis research, sister's night out and, most excitedly, our trip to International Headquarters. During winter quarter we will be equally busy since we are adopting a mile to clean up for commu- nity service as well as preparing for our annual participation in LaGrange College's step sing competition. Last year we came in second, so our goal this year is to be number one. We will also be helping in the community by making cards for a local nursing home and will be helping the col- lege by ushering for a play. Another new community service project we will be start- ing is collecting cola taps all quarter to donate to our local Shriner's Hospital.
The women of Lambda Eta met the cast of MTVs The Real World-Boast during the first week of classes at Grand Valley State U. Both the university and the chapter adopted "The Real World" as a common theme this fall Ihe GVSU campus is expanding rapid- ly and Lambda Eta is undergoing many changes this year as well. From new on- campus housing, to welcoming nearly one quarter of the fall 98 rushees to AOFI, Lambda Eta is already taking great strides toward taking their _place in the real world.

Lambda Sigma
U ofGeorgia
• Rho Delta (Samford U)
This year Lambda Sigma celebrated its for- mal Red Rose Ball at Port Armor Country Club. Lnlike other chapters, Lambda Sigma celebrates Red Rose once every four years honoring sisters and alumnae. It is eagerly anticipated by all members since they may only attend it once as a collegiate member. Otherwise, they may attend another time as an alumna, since all alumnae from Lambda Sigma are invited to share in this night of sis- terhood. Red Rose is distinct among all other formals in the special recognition of our presidents. The current president, and all former presidents, wear a red gown in contrast to the white gown attire of other members. The tradition of the Red Rose Ball at Lambda Sigma has been in place since the 1940's and remains one of the most anticipated events among collegians and alumnae alike.
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

rush, getting 12 great women and a week later through informals, we rushed two more bringing our fall total to 14. Also, we planned a community service project to help entertain children at the local hospital's Halloween party. For an extra treat, we are decorating and carving pumpkins for them. Nu Iota is also promoting a strong positive Greek image on campus by sponsoring a teacher of the month program. Last semes- ter we held a Spring Egg Hunt for the child care classes. We had a strong and involved Homecoming team with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. With the many activities we have been involved with and members jumping at the chance of involvement, there is hardly time for boredom.
Nu Omicron
Vanderbift U
At Leadership Institute, Nu Omicron received a Collegiate Chapter Performance Award, a Foundation Award, and the Senior Challenge Award. The delegates had a wonderful time meeting and making Mends with other AOFIs from around the world. AOris can be seen in almost every organization around Vanderbilt's campus, such as Alternative Spring Break, SGA, Honor Council, Swinging Dores, Vanderbilt Off Broadway, Campus Crusade, RLF, and
Interhall Cabinet. This fall, AOFIs are actively involved with the community as well. We can be seen volunteering with die AIDs Walk, Downs Syndrome Walk, Habitat for Humanity and Oyster Easter. Members are also collecting pandas to donate to the V anderbilt Children's Hospital. During Fajita Fest, our chapter raised over $2000 for arthritis research. Our fall Semi-formal was held in September at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and was a wonderful opportunity to socialize away from the school setting. The 1998
Sigma (U of California-Berkeley)
fall semester has been an amazing, exciting, and busy one for the sisters of Nu Omicron.
Miami U
The members of Omega have many things planned for this year. One thing the Omega's are working toward is a no frills rush. We are looking forward to this because we want to get back to the basics. Our members have written a mission statement which will be hung in our suite during rush. Another big event that is planned is State Day. We are inviting members from all the chapters in Ohio to join us for a day of fun and discussions. This year is also Omega's 80th anniversary and we have some big plans lor our Founders' Day. This is a day of celebration and we will invite alumnae back for a banquet in which awards are given and funishadbyall
Omega Upsilon
Omega Upsilon has had a busy and very successful year. We have continued to spon- sor collegiate activities such as All Greek Trick-or-Treat, Breast Cancer Awareness Week, and "Mr. Universe-ity" In addition, we had an exceptional Greek Week last spring with the men of Lambda Chi Alpha and ACACIA We won fifth place overall; third place in airbands, our dance competi- tion; third place in pennywars; and second place in volleyball, our signature sport In Spring, we took 12 new members into our sisterhood, before saying goodbye to our seniors at senior send-off. We also won the Sportsmanship Award and the award for Outstanding Service on our campus. For Homec»ming, we were paired with the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon. This past fall, we also had a very successful rush adding over 40 wonderful women to our chapter.
U ofTennessee
Our chapter is continuing to grow in sister- hood, philanthropy and community activi- ties. We began the year with a successful rush, as we received 46 of the 800 women who came through this year. Our chapter exemplified their beauty, talent and person- ality when they placed 2nd overall in the annual new member Lip Sync contest The Omicron Chapter held another successful barbecue to benefit arthritis research. We had a great turnout, as the barbecue was held just before the UT vs Florida game. Two ol our sisters headed to Dublin, Ireland for fall break to run in a marathon benefit- ting arthritis patients. We continued our community outreach, as we participated in Vol Challenge with the Boys and Girls Club of Knoxville. We also participated in Homecoming activities with Kappa Alpha and All-Sing with Alpha Tau Omega. We have had such an exciting semester and look forward to the rest of the year.
Sigma Alpha (West Virginia U)
Phi Beta
Over the past two years, Phi Beta Chapter has experienced a reorganization of officers and implemented great officer training. In reward for our efforts, we received a Most Improved Chapter Award from our campus Panhellenic. In addition. Chapter President, Kristie Darnell received the Outstanding Leadership Award. Chapter officers, Pamela Fake, Janna Harris, Chrissy Fenton and Heather Stamm each attended L I this past summer. Their AOfi enthusiasm has helped to ignite our chapter's energy. As a result, our Philanthropic officer, Nicole Jacobi, has been helping us to let our light shine this past fall by conducting coin drops for arthritis research and by participating in
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

a Halloween sisterhood trick-or-treat for (armed foods for a local shelter. October 1999 will mark Phi Beta's 3()th anniversary. We are currently making plans for a great celebration. We would like to dedicate this anniversary to developing a stronger rela-
tionship with our Phi Beta alumnae.
Phi Sigma
U of Nebraska - Kearney
What a great year 1998 has proven to be for the Phi Sigma Chapter, last spring, we were proud to present the first annual Big Man on Campus contest In our latest fund raiser for arthritis research, collegiate men represent- ing various organizations displayed their tal- ents while vying for the award. Everyone hadawonderfultimeandcan'twaitfornext year. Phi Sigma would also like to congratu- late Monae Quincy who was named Pedalin' Petunia after UNK's annual Bike Bowl Way to go, Monae! After another great rush this fall, Phi Sigma welcomed an awesome new member class to AOI~I. We were all excited alKKit our Homecoming Week activities as well as initiation and Parents' Day. Good luck to all the other ACO chapters in the year to come.
Phi Upsilon
Purdue U
Our Men of Purdue calendar is sure to be another big hit All men from Purdue have the opportunity to petition for an interview to be in the calendar. All of the women in the chapter plus the featured men sell the calendars to raise money for arthritis research. Each fall, we co-sponsor Slayter Slammer with three other fraternities and sororities.'Ihisyear,Eve6performedforall the Purdue students as a welcome back con- cert. In scholarship, our chapter increased our average by .188, and two-thirds of our chapter was honored for having a CPA of
3.0 and above. This fall, we took a break from everyday activities and had an awe- some sisterhood rush retreat at Camp Tecumpseh. We had a great time planning parties and getting pumped for rush. The next day we went canoeing and had a blast
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
Pi Alpha Chapter is doing excellent things allthetime.First,thechapterhasdone wonders in Greek activities and social events. Pi Alpha placed in every fraternity event throughout the year. We were second in Tau Kappa Epsilon skits, first in Sigma Chi Derby Days skits, second in Tau Kappa Epsilon Coin Wars, second in Phi Tau's Phitoberfest Week, first in the Kentucky Harvest Can Drive and second in Sigma Phi Epsilon's Volleybrawl competition. Also, Pi Alpha's own Jama Cornelius was crowned as Pi Kappa Alpha's Dream Girl. Also, the chapter was excited to host our annual All- Greek Social in the suite, welcoming other Greeks with coke floats and friendly smiles. Rush has been very successful with out- standing events and outstanding new mem- bers. The chapter recently hosted our annu- al Guys and Dolls calendar comptetition in which men and women from all different organizations compete to have their face on a month of the calendar. All proceeds bene- fit arthritis research.
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U)
our chapter has bonded together to ensure a successful rush. Phi Chi has planned many events for the upcoming months in which we can show our campus and potential rushees our philanthropy, scholarship, sister hood and most of all, our love of AOll. One of our exciting annual philanthropic events is a Halloween pumpkin sale. We sell our decorated AOFI pumpkins in the student center and give the proceeds to charity. It is agreattimetoshowprospectiverushees AOITs commitment to our community.
Pi Delta
U ofMaryland
The sisters of Pi Delta at the U of Maryland are beginning this year with a fresh out- look. We are increasing our participation in community service activities, maintain- ing high academic standards, and having fun. We hosted a Halloween party for chil- dren from a Washington D. C. orphanage that included trick-or-treating as well as making decorations for them to take home. Sisters also made boo bunnies for children of a local hospital Some of our other com- munity service projects include working with inner city children, and helping to raise money for Camp Friendship, a camp for children with cancer. Academically, Pi Delta was ranked with the fourth highest GPA of the fifteen sororities on campus. While continually working hard, the sisters of Pi Delta are having a great time with social events such as a Swing Date Party, Homecoming, and Fall Formal. We are enthusiastically looking forward to a pro- ductive and fun filled year.
Samfond U
Rho Delta had an awesome rush. Hard work paid off with our great new member class. Samford U established a philanthropy theme day for all sororities to have during rush and our rushees painted tiny t-shirts for
Phi Chi
U ofChicago
TheAOnPhi Chi Chapter is facing an exciting build- ing year i n 1999. Even with the loss of 18 wonder ful seniors,
To Dra^na/WINTER 1998
Sigma Tau (Washington College)

stuffed panda bears. We donated these bears to Camp MASH (Make Arthritis Stop Hurting). Everyone enjoyed helping the kids and being creative. The project was a success and so was our rush. We are putting on our black leather for the Bikers and Babes Bash. Rho Delta also enjoyed the annual trick-ortreat for arthritis project that included a witch's brew costume party to end the week. Another fun tall event was our elegant formal. Rho Delta had a fall full of great events.
Tau (U of Minnesota)
Rho Omicron
MiddleTennessee State U
Rho Omicron again had a very successful rush with a new member class of 40. Rush brought the chapter together again this year and made the sisterhood grow even stronger. The new member retreat was held at Outer Hill Lake where the mem- bers roughed it, swam, and bonded. For part of their education, they visited Headquarters to see the archives. This new class seems so excited to be in AOFI, it inspired all our other members. This year the chapter picked the Martha O'Bryan Center, in Nashville, as a major service pro-
ject This center is involved in the Boys and Girls Club, Meals on Wheels, tutoring adults and children, the alter school program and even a kids cafe on Mondays. Rho Omicron is very excited to be involved. The second annual Smoke Arthritis Barbecue was held this year raising about $5,000 for the AOFI Foundation while showing Murfreesboro that AOFI really does care. Rho Omicron even co-hosted the MDA run with another fraternity this fall.
U o f Cal'rfomia - Berkeley
Rush has been amazing here at Sigma with 30 fabulous women pledging our chapter. Sigma Chapter wants to thank all our alum- nae sisters who volunteered time during rush - you make sisterhood happen. Our
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
fall calendar has been full of activities that have included the Greek Gala sponsored by COA, exchanges with fraternities, and phil- anthropies including Christmas in April, Jingle Bell Run for arthritis research and Halloween Trick-or-Treating for inner city kids. In the field of academics, we achieved our chapter goal GPA the following semes- ter. At our annual professor's dinner we instituted a new tradition, the Ruby Roll, which recognizes the highest GPA within each class. Many AOFIs are involved in community service such as the YWCA Youth Mentor Program and tutoring in Oakland. It is inspiring to see AOLTs shape future gener- ations in such positive ways and sharing Alpha love. We are tying hard to create a strong base of sisterhood from which future Sigmas will be able to build and excel.
Sigma Alpha
WestVirginia U
Last summer, a few of our sisters attended LI. They have brought back so many new and fun ideas. This fall the chapter wel- comed many wonderful new members to
help continue the excellence of our sister hood within our chapter. We are all so proud of our new member class. Our chap- ter as a whole, is off to a great start This fall we donated over 50 bears to a local chil- dren's hospital and have many more charity events coming up. Within the Greek system, we participated in Greek philanthropies and have placed in each one. We arranged a Hawaiian Luau this fall, which was a huge success. We are all looking forward to our formal and Christmas Date Party. This promises to be an exciting year for the Sigma Alpha Chapter.
Sigma Delta
Huntingdon College
"Fabulous" is a good word to describe Sigma Delta's start to a new year. We arrived on campus to find that we had a fabulously new decorated chapter room due to the hard work of our corporation board. Thanks to their time and effort, our rush was a success along with reaching quota with ten fabulous new members. We have already had our Walk for Roses-Red Wagon Pull for Arthritis, new member pool party, surprise Sadie Hawkins Fun meeting, and AOPie in the face at Parent's Weekend. Likewise our chapter retreat, Mafia Wedding social, Zoo Boo semi-formal at the Zoo, initiation, and (all party were big hits. We have had a busy semester and many thanks go to a fabulous leaders' council. Now we are looking for- ward to the fabulous year ahead.
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
Sigma Omicron has once again proven to be the best sorority on campus for fall
1998. The sisterhood, leadership roles, community involvement and friendliness of members and new members are the rea- sons the chapter stands out above the rest The chapter had a terrific rush with our Brady Bunch theme. We pledged every women who was offered a bid and were the only chapter at ASU to reach quota. During Homecoming week, AOFI swept away awards from nearly all other Greek organizations. Sigma Omicron won first place in Step Show Competition, best bar-
Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern U)

and caring. It lends a spark of fun to the good works we are trying to promote.
U ofMinnesota
The Tau Chapter was
recendy awarded the Most
Outstanding Sorority at
the University of
Minnesota. We had to
compete with nine other
NPC sorority chapters to
receive the award. The
categories judged included educational modules for chapter members, scholarship programs, alumnae relations, philanthrop- ic events, outside activities of members, and financial planning. Beginning this fall we had a sisterhood retreat at a nearby camp. We had a huge bonfire, made smores and played silly games. We also had an extraordinary moment sharing sto- ries with one another and bonding as a family. It was a definite highlight for the fall. We also had a fantastic recruitment this fall and currently have 74 members. We planned many activities for the fall and are preparing for initiation. We received many new ideas at Leadership Institute and are looking forward to implementing them. Good luck to every- one this year.
Tau Delta
Birmingham-Southern College
Tau Delta began another great year by initi- ating 19 new members. We received the Panhellenic Scholarship award again for the highest CPA of any group on campus and also received the Most Improved Scholastic Average Award. Tau Delta was well repre-
becue sauce competition lor the second year, won the spirit award and took home the President's Cup Award for the fourth year in a row. Two AOITs, Stephanie Curton and Heather Smith, were chosen forASU'sHomecomingcourt Thechapter strives to be the best it can be with help from all members and this is the reason that we are the best of the best
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock U
Our chapter is very proud to have; had the second highest number of new members pledging last semester. Sigma Rho is also proud of one of our sisters, Noel Skavery, who was chosen as a candidate for Homecoming Queen this fall. She was cho- sen from her qualification by the entire stu- dent body. Our chapter is involved in many activities in order to spend time together. For example, we go on a camping sisterhood retreat together. It is a lot of fun and helps us keep a close bond within our chapter. In the area of philanthropy we have con- tributed many hours of community service as well as raised money. Each week, we have a sister dinner and letter day when we proudly wear our letters.
Washington College
Our chapter explored new ways to make a difference in our community by donating time and money to our local humane soci- ety. We volunteered to sell sodas at a fund raiser sponsored by a local band. It is easy to make a difference when you have a group of people who are loyal, enthusiastic,
Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U)
award as well as being honored as HomecomingQueen. TauDeltaishonored to have Miss BSC and America's Junior Miss as members. Another sister was honored as Sigma Chi sweetheart and will serve as First VP of SGA Congratulations to all of our sis- ters who serve in leadership positions across campus and thanks to our alumnae for their continued support.
TauLambda (Shippensburg U)
Tau Gamma
EasternWashington U
The women of Tau Gamma have started the new school year with enthusiasm after a ter- rific week of rush. We are excited to have a group of new members who have already shown what sisterhood means to them. We kicked oil' fall quarter with our fifth annual Teeter-Totter-a-Thon, a 24 hour event with a fraternity to raise money for our philan- thropies. Through rain, hail, and shine, we could be seen on the teeter totter, asking for donations for arthritis research. Later on in the quarter we helped the local parks and recreation with their Halloween Haunted House. We like to use this activity as a big sister and little sister event We also partici- pated in highway pickup along our adopted stretch of highway. May 1999 marks our ten year anniversary as a chapter. We will be celebrating and inviting our alumnae to join us. Our rush adviser, Linda Rust gave us a creative look into AOITs history. Dressed as
sented in many academ- ic honoraries. We raised over $4000 for arthritis research through Mr. Hilltopper and Stick-Lp for Arthritis. Tau Deltas also logged over 6000 hours of service this year. We would like to con- gratulate our intramural teams for seizing the All- Sports Trophy. One sis- ter received the Sportswoman of the Year
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Omega (Transylvania U)

Stella, she sat with us and told us about the events of the founding of AOFI. She answered questions and made us all feel as if we were bads in 1897. From her cap and gown, down to her buttoned boots, Linda, aka "Stella", offered us a very special treat
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U GreetingsfromtheTauLambdaChapter. We have had yet another successful, fun filled year. Once again we maintained the highest GPA on campus and were recog- nized as Greek organization of the year. Over the summer, our president, alumnae relations chair, vice president- education and sophomore leader attended the Leadership Institute in Nashville. They brought back a lot of new ideas which have contributed to bettering our sisterhood, and made lasting friendships with AOFIs from all across the country. Recently we celebrated our Homecoming welcoming back our alumnae. We were proud that one of our sisters, Jodi Hutler, was elected to the 1998 Homecoming Court We plan on continuing another exciting year.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Tau Omega began the year with a successful rush. We now have 31 wonderful new members to further strengthen our chapter. This semester we have all been working hard to make all our new members feel at home in AOFI. Our new member educator has made a registry of all the new members with their pictures and interesting facts about them. Our new sisters were further welcomed to the chapter by having the initi- ated members come to the first part of the new member retreat. Initiated members were paired with new members in get-to- know-you games and fun sisterhood events. Tau Omega has also continued its rose buddy and big sister program. Tau Omega's integration programs emphasize that AOFI is not what you've become, it's what you've always been.
Tau Omicron
U ofTennessee - Martin
The sisters of Tau Omicron began the year with a powerful start and haven't slowed down for a minute. We began with an excit- ing rush week and ended it by meeting
quota with 26 of the most wonderful women. Tau Omicron has already made our mark in competitions on campus this year by winning Lip Sync. We were also honored to have one of our very own new members win the first ever Miss Greek Pageant But aside from all the recognitions and awards we are proud to say that we initi- ated 100% of our new member class in October.Wehavehighaspirationsforagreat year and hope the same for all
ties such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Siouxland. AOn means more than the world to the sisters of Theta Chi.
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U ThewomenofThetaOmegareturnedto NAFJ with the second highest sorority grade point average. Theta Omega had a very suc- cessful fall rush. Twenty three new mem- bers were initiated. Members of Theta Omega also travelled to Cal State Long Beach to help the Lambda Beta Chapter with their fall rush. It was a great experi- ence. Our chapter retreat gave everyone a chance to bond and discuss leadership and chapter improvements. With only a few weeks of the semester completed, Theta Omega had already finished over 1,100 community service hours. The first dance of the year was a blast. The theme was AOKokomo. Everyone wore tropical clothes and leis to get into the festivities.
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
Theta Psi had a very successful fall formal rush. We gained 16 wonderful new mem- bers. We are continuing to bring more excellent women into the Theta Psi Chapter through informal rush. We have been very active since school began, participating in Habitat for Humanity, Student Government's Dorr Street Clean-up, and Adopt a Highway. Our Homecoming float took third place in the parade and our seniors have already started planning our spring formal which will be held in April. We were also very excited to have Leslie, our CC, visit us in October. Theta Psi held its fourth annual philanthropic event, Bowling for Roses, at the end of October. The ladies
Tau Omicron (U
This fall, Theta Chapter held its second annual AOFI in Your Face Philanthropy, raising over $230 dollars to benefit arthritis research. During Little 5 Spirit Week the chapter placed 5th in special events and 2nd in Cyclorama Sing. During the past year, Theta members also highly participated in DePauw community service, with over 80% member involvement In order to increase relations, AOFI also actively participates in fellow sorority and fraternity philanthropies as well as those throughout the community.
Theta Chi
"• ingside C ilege
We have taken the values that the founders cherished and applied them to the Theta Chi Chapter. Our heavy involvement on and off campus has given AOFI a positive image. During this year's formal rush, we along with rushees, constructed candy cans and delivered them to a local care center. We have also hosted a car wash to raise money for the AOFI Foundation, cleaned our portion of an adopted highway, and held a pop can drive for a choice charity. This semester, we co-sponsored a Paint the Walk activity with the Homecoming committee. We are also planning to donate a Christmas tree to the Jaycee's Festival of Trees, an annual auction for charity. We have sisters involved in numerous campus activities such as honor fraternities and community activi-
Theta Chi (Morningside College)
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

cdkgiate ne
of Theta Psi worked very hard to make this year's event campus wide. We had corporate sponsors assist us, which made it the most successful ever.
Upsilon Lambda
U of Texas at San Antonio
1998 has proven to be one of the most excit- ing and challenging years for our chapter. As the university continues to grow, so do we. We welcomed 34 new members this fall,
very well. We had i the rushees make
Boo Boo Bunnies
for the local hos-
Theta Psi (U ofToledo)
and are excited to say that this was the largest rush week- end we've ever had. We also participated in Greek Week last spring where our own Lisa Tobias won the title of Greek Goddess. We had a beautiful rose covered golf-cart to
pital and they
enjoyed putting
their time into
something that
went to a good
cause. If you have
not incorporated
Philanthropy Day
into rush, we encourage you to educate your Panhellenic on this idea. Our Homecoming activities were the week of October 12 and our Homecoming chair, Nicci Lesak, did a great job organizing everything. We won 2nd place in the talent show because of our great singers Seanna Attwood, Cynthia Schutz, Heather Peckham and Kylah Magee. We also won 2nd place for the window painting contest. Our president, Heidi Hawks, made the top ten for Homecoming Queen. It was SWT's 100 year anniversary, so it was a special year for us as well. Unfortunately, due to the biggest flood our area has ever seen, the Homecoming game was cancelled. Our formal is planned for December 4th and is going to be a elegant evening.
Zeta Pi
Zeta Kappa (Southwest Texas State U)
AOn Women of Leadership Award. We were also honored to receive an award for our improved scholarship program. We had a great time working on our Homecomingfestivities.Two of our sisters were up for Miss LAB. Our fall calendar has brought many exciting activities rang- ing from a fall formal, to sisterhood retreats, to a Trick or Treat for arthritis. Zeta Pi recendy presented a Panhellenic education session for all UAB sorority women on campus safety. It was very successful and provided vital information to everyone who attended. Keep up the good work A O R
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
Zeta Psi had an incredible fall rush. We worked very hard and it paid off. There were wonderful things said all through rush
about "those AOFI girls." We wanted quota, and we got it. Now AOn is unstoppable. AOFI is the only sorority at East
grace the Homeroming parade. Rose Ball, as always, was a huge success, and date night was certainly an adventure. Best of all, we've made important strides within our educa- tional and philanthropic programs. We're involved in more community service than ever before, and it gives us all great pride to see AOITs name out there doing good for others all the time.
Zeta Kappa
SouthwestTexas State U
The Zeta Kappa Chapter had a successful rush. We initiated 16 new members on October 20 and are very proud to add them to our chapter. They will be our future lead- ers. In our fall rush, it was the first time we incorporated Philanthropy Day. It went
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
U ofAlabama-Birmingham
Zeta Pi had an incredible start
to the '98-'99 school year. The
best just got better when we
gained 25 talented new mem-
bers. Our rush chair, Cheri
Williams, did a wonderful job.
AOIT was well represented on
UAB's Panhellenic Council
because five AOfls served as
well as Elizabeth Zane as head
Rho Chi. Five of our members
attended LI this summer and brought back
valuable infor- mation and resources for our chapter. We were proud that one of our sisters, Andrea Brindley, was honored as one of five women to receive the
4' V* Carolina U to have two 5f philanthropies. Zeta Psi has taken on the Pitt County Humane Society as a second phdanthropy and incorporated it into rush by using dog and cat paraphernalia. AOIT was also the only sorority to have a philanthropy activity to do with the rushees. The chapter learned from L I of how a philanthropy activity could benefit our chapter. This was very successful and our Panhellenic was
impressed with our creativity.
Zeta Pi (U ofAL-Birmingham)
To Dragma/WINTER 1998


I am pleased to enclose my contribution.
Amount enclosed $
(Make check payable to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation)
• I wish to charge my gift. > • VISA • MasterCard Account #
Card expiration date
UPTO$ 124 - Friend
$ 125 - Sustaining Member $250 - Sponsor
$500 - Wheat Club
$1,000 - Rose Club
Maiden Name Address
State & Zip Code Chapter
$5,000 - Ruby Club $ 10,000 - Pi Circle
$25,000 - Omicron Circle $50,000 - Alpha Circle
• Please include my name in the Second Century Society. 1 have included the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in my estate plans.
• I would like more information about Major/Planned gift opportunities and the Second Century Society.

Convention Registration Packets Are Now Available
Bring your family and come to the 1999 A O n International Convention, at Coronado Springs Resort, Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL, June 23-27. To receive a packet of information and registration materials, contact Angela Mills at AOFI Headquarters, (615)370-0920 or e-mail [email protected]. Convention highlights include an "Alice in Wonderland" Opening Brunch, "Hercules" Panhellenic Brunch, a "Mickey's Clubhouse" private children's party, and a fabulous "Beauty and
the Beast" Rose Banquet Friday
after and evening are open
for the delegates to enjoy all that Disney has to offer. It's a World of Possibilities, so plan to be at Disney with your sisters in June, 1999.
Corporation Meeting Announcements
• lota Corporation. January 31, 1999, 2:00 p.m., 706 South Matthews, Urbana, IL 61801. For more information, contact Judith Thompson, (217)352-5300.
• Chi Theta Corporation. March 6,
1999, 2:30 p.m., 2815 Kimberlea
Dr., Muskogee, OK 74403. For
more information, contact Karen Dowling-Bradley, (918)687-1445.
State College AC to
Celebrate 50th
The State College Alumnae
Chapter, Pennsylvania, is planning
a 50th year celebration of the founding of it's chapter on April
17, 1999, on the campus of the Pennsylvania State L. A luncheon
and tour are planned. Members and for- mer members of the alumnae chapter can obtain more details about the celebration by contacting Jean Holcombe Lundy, (814)238-5282 or by writing to P.O. Box 1193, State College, PA 16801.
Atlanta AOITs to the rescue!
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Alpha To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Omicron Pi and Zoo Atlanta will be hosting the first annual "Roses to the Rescue" fund raiser to benefit the new Chinese Forest Exhibit for Giant Pandas scheduled to open in Summer 1999. The event, which will include a silent auction and live music is set for Saturday, March 6, 1999 7:00 -11:00 p.m. at the Atlanta Athletic Qub, Duluth, GA. Tickets are $60.00 in advance. For more information on tickets, contact Shirley Lee (770)971-7510.
AOn Establishes the first Collegiate Advisory Board
This innovative group is made up of colle- giate chapter presidents elected by their peers to serve one year terms commencing with LI or convention. Their assignment is to represent chapters of similar size and Panhellenic situations and bring ideas and concerns to the attention of the Executive Board through the International President Each year, the group will gather at Headquarters in Nashville to meet with the International President and HQ Staff. They then communicate ideas and solutions back to the chapters they represent, and commu- nicate monthly with each other via a chat room on the AOIT website.
Serving on this year's board are: (Top L-R)
f ft?
Raychelle Johnson, Kappa Kappa; Angela Watkins, Chi Theta; Megan Kiessling, Sigma Phi; Michelle Finley, Alpha Lambda; Rachael ZabeL Kappa Sigma. (Bottom L - R) Erin Gabel, Sigma; Melissa Parsons, Omega; Mandy Burgess, Lambda Eta; Mary Beth Martin, Omicron; Heather Spurrier, Sigma Tau.
New Alumnae Chapters Installed
Alpha Omicron Pi is very pleased to announce three new alumnae chapter installations. WeencourageAOFTslivingin these areas to take an active role in making them successful chapters.
Central New Mexico October 17,1998
Bucks County, PA November 22,1998
Cleveland West (Ohio) January 16,1999
Texas State Day Scheduled
The AOn Alumnae and Collegians in the Lone Star State are celebrating AOn Texas State Day on Saturday, February 20, 1999 in Austin, Texas at the U of Texas Ex- Students Association Center. For more information contact: Kathy Jensen, Chairman, (713)941-9402. Or visit our AOFI Texas State Day Website at:
Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation
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A Message from the Foundation President Wow...Do We Have Exciting News!
• On November 19th, at the Carter Presidential Center in Atlanta, the A O n Foundation was honored by the Arthritis Foundation with a Corporate Hero Award. The Foundation received this award in recog- nition of the Foundation's support of the Arthritis Foundation, which has exceeded one million dollars! r fhis award was accepted by the Foundation in honor of all members and chapters who have given dona- tions for research in support of this very deserving organization
• On October 17th, a reception hosted by the Foundation was held in Dallas, Texas to honor Linda Collier, our International President and Barbara Hunt, Past International President Tricia Conover, a Foundation Ambassador and member of the Dallas Alumnae Chapter, graciously hosted this event
• Our 1998-99 Annual Campaign has a new "look". The Foundation is excited about our new design and hope you are, too! After our first mailing the gifts have increased significandy. Thank you for caring and sharing. Your gifts to the Foundation bring sister hood to life, allow us to share with others the AOI1 circle, and let us benefit society.
The Foundation is YOU!
With heartfelt appreciation,
Becky Shook Weinberg, Qu Delta
Honor and Memorial Gifts
A contribution to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation continues to be a wonderful way to honor or memorialize an AOFI sister, family member or friend. Gifts are acknowledged prompdy with the appropriate card. What a great way to celebrate sis- terhood, friendships and special occasions and at the same time support the Foundation. Memorial gifts express sympathy for someone remembered and their family.
Gifts should be sent to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation office at 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood,TN 37027.
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Applications Available
Marilyn Herman, Chair of the Foundation Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Committee, is pleased to announce scholarship applications for 1999-2000 are now available from the Foundation Office. Scholarships are avail- able for undergraduate, graduate students and alumnae. The D.IS application can also be found on the AOn Foundation website. Applications are due March 1,1999.
Board Profile
DotWatersWilliams, Foundation Secretary
Chapter: Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Home: Macon Georgia Family: Husband,
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Director of Development
Position Available
The A O n Foundation is seeking an experienced professional to assume the Director of Development responsibilities.
Responsibilities include:
(1) Planning, implementing & evaluating
a comprehensive fund raising program.
(2) Administration of day-to-day of the Foundation.
Bachelor's degree, at least 4 years experience in development or fund raising related field, and an established record of success in personal solicitation.
Competitive & commensurate with experience.
Foundation Office:
AOFI Headquarters, Brentwood, Tennessee
Send letter of application,
and credentials to:
Carol Stevenson, Director; AOFI Foundation; 1712 Grandview Drive, Newtown, PA 18940.
below: Dot Williams with Husband, Ron.
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Ron Williams, President/Owner of Williams, CanadyPrinting,MaconGAandRicePrinting, Manchester, GA
Two daughters, Dawn, AOFI and Julie, KKG. One grandson Carter.
-New- Limoges Box
The Foundation has a new heart-shaped Limoges porcelain box beingdesigned. This new box will be avail- able early 1999.
Activities: Camellia District Director, The Garden Club of Georgia Board of Directors, Macon Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Hobbies: Gardening, Cooking, Speaking. Dot's favorite hobby is working in her garden. She said "I love to dig in the dirt" Dot has won numerous cook ing awards. She is famous for her Carmel-Amaretto Apple Pie with homemade cinnamon vanilla ice cream, Plantation Apple Chicken Salad, and Peachy Chicken Salad. Dot delivers presentations on 'Trees & Breeze," which focus on environmental issues.

Become an AOfl Volunteer
How About a Standing Committee?
by Janet Slagowski, HRC member, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
You want to be an AOFI volunteer, but you don't have the time to devote to being a Network Specialist? The Human Resources Committee (HRC) invites you to look into being a member of a standing committee.
To be eligible, you need to complete a volunteer application: the same application that all volunteers complete, uidicate on this application that you would be interested in serving on an international Standing Committee.
Some of the International Standing Committees are Extension, Education and Training, RT&J (Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry), Fraternity Development, CIRC (Constitutional Interpretations and Revisions Committee), and Leadership Institute. Be sure to read the article, "The Role of the Human Resources Committee", in the Fall 1998 To Dragma, The committees are recruited in much the same way as other AOFI volunteer posi- tions. So, be sure that your application is on file with Headquarters, because, without an application, you cannot receive an appointment
Each committee chair "designs" the workings of her committee in cooperation with the Executive Board and within the frame- work established by the Constinition and Bylaws. Julie Efferson, who is Chairman of the Extension Committee, divides all of Canada and the LS among her five members. Each member gathers information relevant to possible extension opportunities within her territory for the committee. They find themselves working with local alumnae and the campuses in their area. When Julie and her HRC counterpart are looking for prospec- tive committee members, they look at the candidate's degree of interest her past campus presentation experience, her involve- ment in Greek and Panhellenic activities or is she a Greek Adviser, and has the candidate been a colony member herself. Committee members average approximately 10 hours per month on behalf of the committee. This is in contrast to the 40 hours a week devoted by Executive Board members. Only min- imal travel is required of committee members.
In the case of all Committees, oidy the Chairman is a Member of Council. Committee members are welcome at Leadership Institute and Convention, but at their own expense.
We hope that every AOFI will evaluate her volunteer commit- ment and join us in making AOFI the best that it can be!
Watch for an upcoming To E)ragma article about the actual work of the Extension Committee. My thanks to Julie Efferson and the members of the HRC for their input
Alumnae Network Specialists
by Sue Placke, HRC Committee, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska-Kearney)
So, you've just filled out your AOIT volunteer application. Now what? Who are these people and what do they do? What kind of ladies actually serve AOFI as these specialists? The Human Resources Committee would like to highlight two special Alumnae Network Specialists (ANS) for the education and love they give to AOFI. Bouquets of roses to both of you!
One of our exceptional Alumnae Network Specialists is Robbie Peterson, Kappa Rho, 1967. She currendy lives in Canton, MI and serves as the ANS for the following alumnae chapters: Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit N. Suburban, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Kalamazoo, Lafayette, Macomb County,
Muncie and the Toledo Area. Robbie's personal touch is evi- dent in the fact that she has already visited 1/2 of her chap- ters. She is in constant contact with them and her reports are concise yet thorough. She is knowledgeable, caring and is always available for them with information and enthusiasm. Many thanks for your dedicated and loving work, Robbie!
We wish to also recognize Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma, 1954. She lives in Apopka, FL and is the ANS for the following chapters: Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale, Gainesville, Greater Miami, Greater Pinellas, Okaloosa County, Orlando Area, Palm Beach County, Sarasota Area and Tampa Bay. She, too, loves
to visit and see first hand what is going on. She is creative and keeps in constant touch with these chapters. Her organizational talents show in her work with her chapters and her reports. Because she has been an active alumna in many AOIT chapters across the nation, Marty brings a variety of experience and ideas to the ANS position. Alpha love to you, Marty!
As you can see these two wonderful ANSs have many things in common. First of all they have a great love of AOIT. They are organized creative and willing to travel when necessary. They have a knowledge of AOFI and can share it with others. But most of all, along with AOFI love, they have energy and enthu- siasm and want to make AOIT the best it can be! So come, fill out your application and join our team! Lend your love and tal- ent to AOFI! You'll be glad you did!
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
To request a Volunteer Application, contact Headquarters at 615*370*0920.

To Dragma/WINTER 1998
It's notjus
Editors note: The following is the transcript of a speech delivered by Pest International President Ginger Banks for Delta Iheta's (Texas Women's U) Initiation Banquet Herniece,AmyTate, was a member of this new member class. Though the years, hundreds of AOITs have enjoyed Ginger's "Amy and Stephen"sto- ries. I hope you eqoy reading about this latest chapter.
It was funny to see people examining the envelopes, trying to figure out what they were all about. But, carefully to follow instructions, everyone obeyed the admonition, "Do not open yet"
With that, I pulled out an 18" and 24"
photo of Amy and Stephen and mounted
it on front of the podium. As I did, I
explained, "Where I come from (Texas), Stephen had "been" to the last conven- that's a wallet-sized photo." tions. I said since I couldn't get Amy and
Stephen to this Convention in person, I Two years passed and we approached wanted each person to have a memento
Convention was a challenge. But I was up to it Instead of talking about Amy and Stephen, I told everyone, I thought I wouldshowthemtotheaudience.
As many of you have heard, in every speech and presentation Fve given during the last 21 years, I have worked in at least a mention of my niece, Amy Tate. Especially since she is in the new member class that was initiated today, I don't think this is the occasion to break the trend.
It all started in 1979 when Amy was two years old. During the AOQ International Convention in Nashville, I presented three awards. Each time, I managed to work mention of Amy into the presentation.
Later, AOTI Executive Director Sue Lewis said, "You talked about Amy all the time." I responded, "I only mentioned her three times." Sue said, "Yeah, but they were the only three times you were at the microphone." It was then when I realized a very important maxim for meetings: she who has the microphone has the power.
good meeting."
The next AOTI Convention was to be my
swan's song as International President
Recognizing that I was about to lose the
microphone (and, consequently, the
still working Amy and Stephen into the power) I had to come up with some- really special. It is an acknowledgment thing really special to work Amy and that this chapter also feels strongly about
the 1983 Convention in New Orleans. The pressure was on to "top" the ways I had worked Amy and Stephen into previous conventions.
fromthem. Withthat,Itoldeveryone to open the envelopes. Inside each envelope was a wallet-sized photo of Amy and Stephen. Each of them was dressed in red and white. They were holding a sign which read, "Hi, AOTI friends."
I decided that the only solution was to
turn to the "sources." I asked Amy, who
was then six years old, and Stephen, who Now, why am I telling you all of this? was three, to paint a welcome sign for
the Convention. I unveiled their work of
art during thefirstbusiness meeting of
the Convention.
Between the 1979 Convention and the
1981 Convention in Kansas City, my
nephew Stephen was bom. Thefirsttime
I was at the microphone during that
Convention, I told everyone about Sue's
comments after the Nashville Stephen saying, "Bye, AOTI. Have a dren. But more importantly, kids have a
Convention. I joked that since in the interim I had become an aunt for the sec- ond time, the AOTI Executive Board had imposed a gag order on me.
way of reminding us of the need to acknowledge the nature and support of our families.
Honoring that gag order, I kidded, and
Seeing so many parents, brothers, sisters, and other family members here today is
"With all the pressures in our lives, with all the demands on our time, with all the questions about our future, it is nice
to know that AOI1 is always there."
Stephen into the proceedings.
My first choice, of course, was to have Amy and Stephen attend the Convention. Since we weren't able to work that out, I had to implement "Plan B."
When the 500 members of Council came into the business meeting one day, at each person's place was a small manila, sealed coin envelope. Printed on one side of the envelope in red letters was, "Top Secret Do not open yet"
that point about families that Fve been emphasizing for years.
Another thing about kids, they are a way of helping adults keep things in perspective. That's so important in everything we do, and especially in the lives of our chapters.
Kids symbolize the future.
They also symbolize the fun and fellow- ship that should be integral parts of every AOFI activity.
But that wasn't enough. Amy and
Stephen also had recorded a greeting for
the Convention. It featured Amy singing
a song and concluded with her and and Stephen were darling, wonderful chil-
WhenIsteppedtothemicrophone,Igave everyone a brief history of how Amy and
First, I thought you might get a little kick out of it But, more importantly, I want you to know the reasons why I brought Amy and Stephen into AOFI proceedings whenever I got the chance - and amicrophone.
Of course, thefirstreason was that Amy

about Amy
So these are among the reasons I've "used" Amy and Stephen the ways I have - not just to glorify them, but to make some important points.
Having told you all of this, I want to has- ten to underscore that this very special initiation weekend is not just about Amy. It's not even about this wonderful class of new initiates.
What this weekend is about is what we share as AOITs What is that? It's our Ritual. Our Ritual contains our philoso- phy. It's the heart of AOFI.
You family members are here today because you know that your presence is important to your AOIl family member. But you may not know why AOFI is important to her. I want you to know why AOIl is special. I want you to know what AOIl philosophy is all about
So, I'm going to tell you what our Ritual says. I'm NOT going to tell you exactly how we say it or exactly what we do in the Ritual itself. But I am going to tell you what our Ritual says. It says:
•Be there lor your friends.
•Do good work but don't brag
about it
•Keep your promises forever. •Make sure AOIT is of value to
others, as well as to us. •Let your light shine.
Getting to share something about our Ritual with you today is very special - for a number of reasons.
Myfamilyalwayshashadclosetiestothe Dallas area. I was born in Dallas (but got to Austin as fast as I could). My Dad worked for the Dallas Morning News in the Austin bureau for years. My sister and her family live in Bedford. And I installed Delta Theta Chapter when I was AOIT International President in 1984.
To think that I would have the great good fortune to install a collegiate chap- ter in my home state...and then to think that years later, that chapter, in a part of the state my family always has been close
to, would initiate my niece Amy... it s just all too special to comprehend.
m alwaysbegratefulfortherichnessyou have added to my life today.
When Delta Theta Chapter was installed, I had the honor of speaking during the installation banquet I'd like to share some of what I said on the occasion 14yearsago.
My topic was "the beauty of AOFI."
"What makes AOIT special? What makes AOFI particularly beautiful? And what makes each of us want to advance Alpha's interests and cherish them as our own?
"There are probably as many answers to that as there are AOITs. But to me, there is only ONE answer - a very simple answer.
"AOFI is especially beautiful and is filled with beautiful people because of one thing: our philosophy.
"Our philosophy is the basis for the 'heart part' of AOIT. Our philosophy, as con- tained in our Ritual, is meaningful. It is profound. And what makes those facts even more special is that our Ritual has not changed since four young women, our Founders, wrote it nearly 90 years ago.
"And yet our Ritual - our philosophy - is just as vital and just as applicable today as it was then. We take great pride in those facts. But our Ritual's greatest impact is in its personal value to each of us.
"Our Ritual is a philosophy. It is a guide- line for living. It is a tool for helping us cope with decisions, with pressures, with other people.
"But none of us can fully realize the Ritual s impact or importance without studyingitSoreaditTakeitapartand put it back together. Discuss it with your sisters.
"Don't think of it as being just a ceremony. Think of it as being a celebration. But most important think of it as a philosophy
that will bring you fulfillment throughout your life.
"So, today, we think about the "heart part" of AOFI. And we think about the beautiful tilings we share.
"What we share is a common philosophy. That is the beauty of Alpha Omicron Pi.
What we share is a mutual commitment That is the beauty of Alpha Omicron PL What we share is a lifelong association that will become increasingly more rewarding and fulfilling as we develop our friendships through the years. That is the beauty of Alpha Omicron Pi.
"With all the pressures in our lives, with all the demands on our time, with ail the questions about our future, it is nice to know that AOFI is always diere. Always providing security. Always providing opportunities. .Always providing love.
"So as we reflect on the special, warm, and wonderful feelings we share this weekend let us project thosefeelingsinto the future and translate them into contin- ued AOIT involvement
"If we do that I can promise that the beauty of AOIT will be apparent in each of our lives. Not just for today. But always."
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

NPC Update
involvement in your localAlumnae Panhellenic can offer you another great Greek experience.
Place it over your heart with pride'. National Panhellenic Badge Day
March 1, 1999
NPC National Badge Day
SlatedforMarch 1,1999
"Place it over your heart with pride"
March 1,1999 will mark the third annual National Panhellenic Badge Day, an effort that encourages sorority women to cele- brate their Greek affiliations by wearing their badge or letters. The public aware- ness campaign entided, "Place it over your heart with pride" is slated for March 1st "National Badge Day gives sorority women of all ages and in all locations a way to show their Greek pride," said Ussa Bradford, Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference.
"We have lots of great news to share," said Bradford. "During the last year over $2 million was given in scholarships and dona- tions to charitable organizations, alumnae involvement is up and membership num- bers continue to climb. We have a lot to be proud of."
Alpha Omicron Pi encourages our mem- bers to participate by proudly wearing their AOFI badge or letters on March 1st Both collegians and alumnae can help us make an impact
"A badge is a great conversation starter," Bradford contended, "it provides the chance to share what Greek membership is... a lifetime opportunity for friendship, leadership, learning and service." The National Panhellenic Conference will send out promotional materials to Alumnae and College Panhellenies in late 1998. For more information about NPC's National Badge Day, contact the NPC Central Office at (317) 872-3185 or visit our website at:
Alpha Omicron Pi gratefully thanks each of the 73 alumnae and/or alumnae chapters who represent our Fraternity in their local Panhellenic Alumnae Chapters. Your contribu- tions are a credit to your local AOn alumnae chapter as well as to our International organization.
According to information received Irom the 140 Alumnae Panhellenies submitting 1998 annual reports, we still need representation in several areas. If you live in one of the areas listed below and would be willing to represent Alpha Omicron Pi in these established Alumnae Panhellenies, please contact Peg Crawford, AOFI NPC Delegate, (708)422-5244 (phone) or (708)422-5437 (fax). You may represent AOFI even if thereisnotanestablishedAOn alumnae chapter in your area. Or, if no Alumnae Panhellenic is operating in your area and you would be will- ing to start one, Peg can also help you with that process.
Central Orange County, CA Downey, CA
Fresno, CA
Glendale/Burbank, CA Pasadena Area, CA Vista, CA
Fort Collins, CO Wilmington, DE Hawaii
Chicago North Shore, IL Hammond, IN
Junction Gty/Ft Riley Topeka, KS
Lake Charles City; LA
Shreveport-Bossier, LA Phelps County, MO Bergen County, N J Greater Buffalo Area, NY Akron, OH
Fort Wayne Women's, IN Mansfield Area, O H Edmond Area, OK Oklahoma City, OK Stillwater, OK
Corvallis Area, OR Lancaster, PA Amarillo, TX
Fort Bend, County, TX Forth Worth, TX Ffidalgo County, TX Houston County, TX Longview, TX
Northwest Harris County, TX Odessa, TX
Richmond, VA
We salute the following sixAOTTs who are currently serving as President of their Alumnae Panhellenies.
LizSawicki, Mid Houston Aph
Liz Amundson, Clark Co., Las Vegas, NE Aph AnnSchleper, Evansville, IN Aph
Julie Kasper, Rancocas Valley, NJ Aph
Beckie Walker, Arlington, TX Aph
Vera Judycki, St Mary Parish, LA Aph
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

To Dragma/WINTER 1998
A O n is for a lifetime! We have heard that phrase before, but reading the news reports from our alumnae chapters reminds us of the lastingness of our sisterhood.
While consistendy providing activities to interest everyone, these chapters also enjoy participating in meaningful community service and philanthropic events.
The name and number listed at the end of each report is the contact person for perspective new members. If you live in one of these cities and are not already involved, we hope you will give the chapter a call.

olumnoe n
The past months have found our members very distracted by 'life' events such as wed- dings, bahies, children and active retire- ments. In spite of all this, we have found time for AOLT and each other. The holiday poduck brunch was special. We give per- sonal gifts and a monetary donation to clients for Meals on Wheels. It was a very easy way to share with an age group that is often overlooked at Christmas. In the spring, we spent a day in nearby Granbury enjoying the sights and tastes of that delightful little town. Our yearly garage sale always amazes us when our discards turn into cash. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved. As we continue trying to keep up, we look forward to taking time for ourselves and welcome any nearby AOITs wanting to do the same.
Iinda Webb 817-468-4862
ing at Christmas at Callanwolde, the spring Decorator Showhouse, the Senior PGA Golf Tournament, and at our annual Christmas luncheon
new toys are brought for underprivileged children.
We try to provide some- thing for everyone. Also,
we have strong member-
ship and telephone com- mittees who contact our members by phone or letter
for all of our activities and events. Susan Shenefield: 770-921-2580
illH. (In
Although the Atlanta Chapter has one of the
Riverwalk The Six Flags theme is carried through the chance to win a prize. Certain events can earn members a flag. The French Legation visit earns attending mem- bers the French flag, the steamtrain ride earns attending members the Confederate flag and so on. A member that earns all six flags will win a wonderful prize.
largest memberships in the country, we con-
tinuetowork toward increasing this number
in several ways. Each (all, we send out a
detailed newsletter to all AOTIs in the
Adanta area. We thank our International
Headquarters for providing this information.
We try and keep our current members inter-
ested as well as getting new members
involved in AOI1 activities. For the conve-
nience of our members, we have scheduled
day and night meetings, luncheons and spe-
cial events. To encourage alumnae to partic-
ipate in our fund raising and community
service projects, we try to stage activities at
differenttimes.Someofthesearevolunteer- edseveralgroceryitemsfortheFoodBank
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Our alumnae chapter has taken full advan- tage of themed programming. Our theme for the 1998-99 year is "Six Flags Over Texas - Fly High with AOIT'. This theme helps us to incorporate a little Texas history with a lot of fun as over half of our chapter
Atlanta AC
our year was a very successful Louisiana State Day, chaired by Lori Miller. We are already planning the next one. At Leadership Institute we were proud to have been awarded a Performance Certificate and a Foundation Certificate.
Susan Mele: 225-752-6638
The newly re-energized Bloomington Alumnae Chapter is diligently working toward the recolonization of the Beta Phi Chapter on the Bloomington campus of Indiana L. At the August meeting, members
Boca Raton AC
dinner, a ride on the Hill Country Flyer steamtrain, a visit to the city's French Legation, and a trip to San Antonio's famous
September, committee chairmen and other alumnae met following an IIJ pep rally to lis- ten to the AOII sponsored band. Other events included an October tailgate party complete with tent and food at the IU Homecoming game vs. Iowa, a Christmas get together and an upcoming Founders' Day luncheon. We sold nuts for our annual fund raiser and plan many more community activities in the spring. The chapter has over 40 women working on committees and is optimistic of the recolonization of AOIT on our campus.
Angela Scott: 812-855-3913
We began our year with a surprise luncheon for Carole Ringer, a 1998 AOLT Alumnae Women of Leadership Award winner. Congratulations Carole! Thank you for all that you have done for our community and your profession. Our chapter members are being welcomed back to school this year. The theme of our events and membership education focuses on the collegiate chapters of our members, and school events such as
Christina Mendoza: 512-918-3822
Baton Rouge
The Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter meets each month to renew friendships, have fun, and to thank AOLT for bringing us togeth- er. We share pot luck dinners, decorate t- shirts, and have crawfish boils. We collect-
at our Holiday Pantry, and our Founders' Day was well attended. The highlight of
members are from
another state. Our
activities include a
presentation by Dr.
David Gracy, a U of
Texas graduate pro-
fessor, a barbeque developed goals for committees. In

Homecoming and sorority initiation. In November, we will learn about the philan- thropies of other countries at Crossroads. We are excited to be hosting a joint event in January with the area Kappa Delta Alumnae Chapter, when we will teach them how to play A O n Crazy Bridge. Our March pro- gram will be at the newly opened Cancer Center in Normal. Here we will broaden our scholarship and learn more about breast cancer. We look forward to a year of exciting events, renewed friendships, and meeting new alumnae sisters in the area.
Sheila Kaurin: 309-263-1434
Boca Raton
The Boca Raton Area Alumnae Chapter had lots of fun last year while regaining mem- bers. Throughout the year, we held events each month. We started off with a Founders' Day ceremony and AOFI jeopardy. The rest of the year was spent hosting a white ele- phant exchange, a creative memories class, and a tea party in which we learned little tid- bits on how tea originated. We enjoyed a dinner party with our significant partners at a sister's home in the early summer. The past year has reunited previous collegiate friends, brought about new family members, and helped new friendships blossom through common bonds. We would love to have anyone join us.
Kimberly Granville: 561-912-0925
The Boston Alumnae Chapter has been quiet for the last few years but we are back, and beginning a new page in our group's history. The chapter has added several new members and we are in the process of actively recruiting more women. The first official meeting of the year was in early November followed by a Founders' Day cel- ebration with the local collegiate chapter at Tufts U in December. In the spring, we plan
to begin our philanthropic efforts for the year. I f you are currently living in the Boston area and have not heard from us yet, we encourage you to contact us. We are extremely excited and motivated to get our chapter back on its feet once again. Join us as we begin our journey.
Jennifer Curley: 781-736-7875
Bowling Green Area
The Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter wel- comed Nancy Gilbert, Alumnae Network Specialist, to visit our chapter. She went on a tour of the Alpha Chi AOFI house and chapter room. Then she visited with some key members at a cabin on Barren River Fake. The next day she joined us for our monthly lunch bunch before leaving to visit another alumnae chapter. She left us with some great ideas
and positive
thoughts for the
upcoming year.
Members of the
Bowling Green
Area Alumnae
Chapter invite all
area alumnae to
join us in any of our activities.
Cindy Hines: 502-781-9982
Fhe Bozeman Alumnae will work with the Alpha Phi Chapter to raise funds to com- plete the AOfl bench that will be placed on the Montana State U Centennial Plaza, in honor of our own Centennial. The Bozeman Alumnae kicked off the new year with AOITie Night at the Alpha Phi House. Members bring pies to share with the chap- ter and the recipes to compile in the chapter cookbook. The cookbooks are given to new alumnae at the senior salad in April. Alumnae, collegians and new members get to know each other a little better at AOFIie night with fun mixer activities. An update and presentation on the bench project was a highlight of the meeting. We are especially excited about our three generation family. New alum, Sandi Furu Hudson, Karen Stanturf Furu and Mable Stanturf. A special event of July '99 is planned when the chap- ter plans a weekend of fun at Karen Stanturf Furu's cabin on Hebgen Fake just outside of Yellowstone Park.
Heidi Dougherty: 406-585-0237
Bucks County
The Bucks County chapter of AOFI had its first meeting in February at the home of Kathleen Kuffel. At this time, we signed a petition asking to become an alumnae chap- ter. Our petition was accepted, and we were formally installed on November 22 at the home of Carol Stevenson. We have met sev- eral times since February, always for brunch, at various sisters' homes. At every meeting each sister brings paper or personal products which will be donated to a women's shelter in our area. We are a small, very congenial group, and just have had a wonderful time getting to know one another.
Kathleen Kuffel: 215-321-4193
Bowling Green AC
The Buffalo Alumnae Chapter hopes to take this year by storm. We have several different fund raisers going on to raise money for the Foundation. We are selling '"Entertainment Books" and collecting gro- cery store receipts to raise money. We will also pass a bucket around at our Founders' Day brunch to add to our collections. Hopefully, we can send an even larger check to the Foundation this year.
Heidi Schmalheiser: 716-839-1202
Central Maryland
The Central Maryland Alumnae Chapter was installed on September 26, 1998 in Columbia. XB/Director of Alumnae, Kim McGowan, was our installing officer. Ritual was followed by refreshments and an officer workshop. Charter members are: Kathryn Barry, Peg Buntz, Barbara Cart, Jennifer Day, Michelle Johnson, Marlene Murray, Eileen Nelson, Heather Novak (Vice President), Mary Parr (President), Jennifer Roberts (Recording Secretary), Erin Scammel, Ginny White, Kathy Wimbish (Corresponding Secretary), and Tori Young
To DrainnaAvlN ITR 1998
Bucks County AC

alumnae ews
State Day "98. Along with these special events, we contin- ued with our time honored traditions 6 3 of bib showers for ^ new legacies and M riOA's, survival kits, and supporting our international and local philan- thropic activities. We lost, through job relocation, some of our hard- est workers. They will be sorely missed. However,
Central Maryland AC our new members are full of promise.
We are all looking forward to 1999. Karen Fleischer Steigmann: 217-352-4210
The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter has many activitiesplannedfortheyear. InNovember, we will dine together at Fifth Street Cafe. In December, we will have our holiday party and ornament exchange. We will celebrate Founders' Day in January by having brunch.
Chicago Gty
Exciting things are happening with the Chicago Gty Alumnae Chapter. We all keep busy with our sisters, whether it is support- ing the surrounding collegiate chapters in various positions or enjoying each other's company. Everyone is excited, because in the past lew months, four members have given birth to four potential legacies. We have recently reorganized our programming calendar for one official meeting per month, plus the opportunity to attend monthly din- ners, lunches and philanthropy events. Every summer we attend a Cubs game and this summer's game was spectacular with Sammy Sosa hitting two home runs. We also participated as a group in the AIDS Walk and raised over $700. For the upcoming year we have planned a Silent Auction, Architectural Walk, and Progressive dinner. Julie Shepherd: 773-477-5123
Chicago Northwest Suburban
The women of Chicago Northwest Suburban have an exciting and fun tilled year planned. Our much loved annual holi- day auction will be returning in November. It is a wonderful event that gets many AOils and their friends involved in raising money
(Treasurer). Also attending was Joanne Earls, VP of Finance; Sally Wagaman and Kathy Wieand.
Mary Parr: 410-531-2874
Central New Jersey
The Central New Jersey Alumnae Chapter is currently assisting Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg State U) Chapter. Our group provided cookies, brownies and punch lor two of their rush parties. The alumnae group will also be there for their initiation ceremony. Two fund raisers this year were a garage sale and a phantom tea. Invitations to contribute to the tea included a tea bag, a wish (or a pleasant tea time and a hope for a generous contribution. A good response was realized from both functions. We devoted time in each of our meetings to re-acquaint- ing ourselves with the many beautiful
Rituals of our sorority. We wore white and borrowed robes for our Founders' Day lun- cheon and had a full Ritual ceremony. Donna Temple: 908-752-8422
Where in the world is Stella George Stern Perry? Pursuing Ms. Perry around the world would make a busy year for anyone. The Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Chapter was no exception. All year,we used the theme of travel around the world - always one step behind that elusive ladie. A whirlwind tour, to be sure. Eye on AOT1, our monthly newsletter, debued in September. This has proven to be wonderfully entertaining and informative. We were proud to host the 101st Founders' Day celebration and Illinois
for arthritis. This year our members are also getting involved with the Jingle Bell Run. We will be organizing food for the runners and hopefully hav- ing some 5K Run/Walk.
In February, we will hold a Ritual meeting. In March we will host a mock baby shower with proceeds benefitting our local battered women's shelter. We will celebrate all of our birthdays once again at our April birthday party and we will wrap up the year at our May barbecue. Two fund raisers are planned for the year, selling "Entertainment Books, and producing a cookbook entitled Pandemonium in the Kitchen. The cook- book contains over 300 recipes from local alumnae, international officers, and local personalities. Cookbooks are only $8.00- $11.00 including shipping. We welcome all alumnae in our area to get involved. AmyRawson: 704-522-8390
members participate in the
This should be a fun challenge to our mem- bers. Besides fund raising and sisterhood, our chapter plans to learn a thing or two about A O n this year. We have involved Nancy Clark, our membership education chairman, in teaching us something unique about A O n at every meeting. As we ring in the new year, women's health, Liz •airborne fashions, and creative memories will keep us very busy. Rounding out the year is our festive pot luck. A favorite meet- ing for many members, not only for the sis- terhood but for all of the wonderful treats. Michelle Hogan: 815-759-1996
To Dragma/WI INTER 1998

Chicago South Suburban
This year Chicago South Suburban Alumnae Chapter has developed a yearly theme with Petal Power. Our programs will bloom with a flower theme. We had such fundevelopingflowertidesforeachmeeting. Some of our specific plans include Forget Me Not's - Remember AOFI game night, Queen Ann's Lace - a philanthropy activity to benefit others, Impatiens - a seminar on dealing with stress, White Rose Christmas pot luck dinner and Jacqueminot Rose by Candlelight Ritual Other plans lor the year include our continued focus on increased membership and friendship. We were very fortunate last year to gain many new mem- bers through a mass mailing and plenty of follow-up. We hope to continue to grow this year as well. We also are trying a new fund raiser, selling pewter pins, that was discov- ered at Leadership Institute. It should be a great year for Chicago South Suburban. Please join us.
Cathy Brennan: 708-424-1151
Chicago W est Suburban
1997/98 was a successful year for our chapter. We welcomed several new mem- bers and raised over $1,700 through our annual nut and candy sale, hi October, we learned all about stamping and made
bookmarks to send to our adopted colle- giate chapter. Our annual holiday auction and brunch earned the chapter over $800. Our December Christmas party was a culi- nary adventure. Members brought their favorite appetizer to share and then we voted on our favorite. In January we cele- brated the founding of our sorority with sis- ters from throughout the Chicagoland area, including sisters from Milwaukee. We also held a phone-a-thon to contact area AOils not currently active in our group. In February, we learned the ins and outs of making a scrapbook to be proud of. We ended the year in May with a celebration of our successes by taking ourselves out for a nice dinner at a local Italian restaurant, LizHafner-Pietsch: 630-357-6974
Cleveland Area
Cleveland Area Alumnae capped off a suc- cessful 1997-98 year as Panhellenic President with Panhellenic's annual spring luncheon featuring beloved AOFI Ginger Banks as our guest speaker. Ann Gilchrist visited earlier in the year to address the
sorority presidents' luncheon and provided valuable insight to all on issues of member ship recuritment and retention. Cleveland Area Alumnae are grateful to both for con- tributing to our successful tenure. Hats off to Chris Wieland as well, for serving so capably as our leader. 1998-99 promises to be a year of fun and games for us. Volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House and Providence House Crisis Nursery, touring local museums, and attending a self- improvement seminar will fill our calendar. Beth Kaufman: 440-247-1550
Cleveland W est
It may seem hard to believe but an AOI1 may be your neighbor, boss, doctor or even your child's teacher. Isn't it time you found out who you may have a bond with? Many of us on Cleveland's West side are finding that answer and proving AOFI is forever. Meetings are currently being held in antici- pation of our January t6, 1999 installation date. We are looking for women who miss the sisterhood and philanthropy of their col- legiate days. Meeting once a month provides us a chance to catch up on each other's daily lives, have fun and share ideas on how we can spread the AOFI name throughout the Cleveland area. We care about Cleveland and how AOFI can make a positive impact If you have the desire to keep AOFI alive and active in your life, even if you only have a little time to share, please make a quick and simple call to us. We are looking for- ward to having you join us for this new, fun and exciting alumnae chapter.
Chris Wieland: 216-521-5519
The Dallas Alumnae Chapter surveyed our eighty-one mem- bers over the summer and it resulted in a very exciting calen- dar. We have already started off with our "Get Back to AOFI" social and have started our fund raising for the Foundation. Other fall plans have included a holiday cookirig class, our annual Make It-Bake It Auction and a Founders' Day Brunch. Spring plans include a wellness fair, AOFI Texas State Day, a lecture on Texas weekend getaways and a visit to a winery. Two new phil- anthropic events include a panda
bear drive and a mock baby shower. 1999 marks our 80th year in celebrating AOFI and sisterhood in Dallas. We invite all AOfTs in the area to join us.
MarciaWehrle: 972-304-4317
Dearborn alumnae have a busy year of activities planned. Events will include a managing your stress seminar in December to provide tips on handling the holidays. In February, we will have tea at a nearby Ritz- Carlton Hotel to acknowledge Valentine's Day and our love of sisterhood. Fund raisers include a January candle light party to help support First Step a local shelter for abused women and children. In March, we will have a muffin meeting-nibble night to bene- fit the Panhellenic Scholarship Fund. Springtime brings our flower sale. We all enjoy picking up theflowersto see the mass of beautiful blooms which help to brighten and pick up all spirits with the arrival of warmer weather.
Nora Hankinson: 313-278-4557
Dekalb-Kane County
The women in the Dekalb/Kane County chapter are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. We are proud to have several new members joining our group this year. Not only do we have a full calender of events planned - we have three members getting married and have several members adding "new members" to their families. Our schedule includes a Halloween Cookie Exchange, makingfinalsbaskets for the col-
Chicago City AC
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

legiate chapter, our annual trip to Pheasant Run for dinner, and a show. This year's fund raiser is a new one for us. We will be selling a Chicagoland Entertainment book full of discounts and offers for establishments in and around Chicago.
Crigette Glenn: 847-706-4699
Detroit North Suburban
Our chapter began its 1998-99 year with an oriental friendship tea. We tasted four teas made in oriental antique ports. Carrie Levi wore an antique Japanese wedding kimono and Judy Kruger wore a traditional Chinese dress. An abbreviated tea ceremo- ny led by Marcia Rowbottom emphasized AOFI beliefs in friendships. To represent our theme for the year, "A Fan of Friendship," oriental friendship fans were given to new members and guests of our chapter. Highlights of our events for the coming year are a chocolate road rally, a fashion show to benefit a women's charity, and our second annual golf outing featur- ing a prize fan from our "What's in Stella's Trunk" antique mall trip. We look forward to more celebrating of our friendship.
Judy Bradley: 248-853-1776
"Take a Collegian to Work" is one of the new programs the Evansville Tri-State alum- nae have started this year. Collegians were paired with alumnae working in the area of their major and they shadowed them one day at their place of employment. More col-
activities for this
year include
our Founders'
Day luncheon
with a panel
discussion of
AOn Then and
Now, a breast
cancer aware-
ness informa-
tion night, fol-
lowed by a
reception i n the
new Chi Lambda suite and a senior alum- nae status ceremony. In coordination with our spring geranium sale for arthritis, the alumnae of Evansville Tri-State will visit a local garden center for tips on spring plant- ing. We all hope to have beautiful yards in the spring. Our new officers are bringing enthusiasm, new members and new ideas to our alumnae chapter. AOI1 sisterhood is strong with the Evansville Tri-State Alumnae.
ShanaBrownlee: 812-471-7187
Greater Harrisburg
Our theme for this year has been "Remembering Sisters," because of our belief that members who have moved from our immediate area or who are celebrating weddings, births, recoveries, or honors should be remembered by notes, flowers or gilts. Special remembrances were given to Kay Lyons, 70 years a sister; and to Deborah Wirth, selected Pennsylvania's Humane Teach of the Year. In addition to our usual meetings, speakers, and social events, we have continued to support local philan- thropies providing food, clothing, toys, cash, household and personal items. A new endeavor is retarding random acts of kind- ness which we call "Sister Acts." Our mem- bers also are active in the community on committees and boards representing mental
health, libraries, museums and other educa- tional endeavors.
NancyLeuschner: 717-545-0263
The Greater Jackson Alumnae have been very busy as usual. We have 23 members and we meet monthly. Our annual garage sale was held in August and raised over $1000 which was given to the local Arthritis Foundation. We also sent rush goodie bags
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Detroit North Suburban AC
to Nu Beta Chapter at Ole Miss for support during their fall rush. Greater Jackson has been focusing on fun this year with many of our meetings held on Sundays where fami- lies can be involved.
Greater Kansas City
Meeting on the third Monday of the month, Greater Kansas Gty Area alumnae meetings kicked off in September with a presentation onDKFamilyEarning.(Apercentageof members' sales purchased books for Children's Mercy Hospital). Members also began developing a chapter web site. In October, members created one-of-a-kind pottery designs and spent November's meet- ing assembling final-exam survival kits for Central Missouri State U collegians. December focused on Founders' Day, fol- lowed by January's lunch and tour of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. February's meeting focuses on investment planning. In March, books purchased at September's meeting will be presented to a representative of Children's Mercy Hospital who will pre- sent a video tour of the hospital In April a speaker will demonstrate self-defense, fol- lowed by Ritual and the installation of new officers. The season's programs will wind down in May with a year-end pot luck and new-graduate welcome.
KateSwingle: 913-469-1211
Greater Lafayette
Our Centennial project was to fund an English Scholarship in honor of Delie Bancroft and Edith Garland Dupre, the alumnae who were responsible for establish- ing Delta Beta Chapter at LSF. The schol- arship is very close to being fully funded due to our silent action at Founders' Day and memorial contributions from several mem-
Chicago NW Suburban AC

bers. Leigh Perry was our Founders' Day speaker and did a superb job of inspiring the collegians, alumnae and especially the par- ents who attended. For several dedicated and hardy souls, the month of July was spent gardening at the lodge. By the opening of rush week, we had weeded, mulched, replanted and dug enough St. Augustine grass to plant another yard. Along with their new awning, the chapter house looked out- standing. We also made counted cross stitch badge pillows for their new members. AnnisShields: 318-988-3077
Greater Miami
Miami is sweltering hot in May, June, July and August and most of our members, who can, escape to the mountains. We know that autumn is approaching because the humidi- ty has finally dropped to 85% and our hair is straight for the next few months. Relatives from up north want to be invited to our homes for Thanksgiving and stay until New Years; and our electric bills finally go down a bit as the nights are not 90 degrees any- more. Since all of these phenomena have occurred, We know it is time for our mem- bers to come together once again for lun- cheons and meetings. Be a part of our sis- terhood by attending girl's night out at restaurants, Valentine's Tea, and a trip to the Florida Museum. If you are still lost in Miami, and like good food and camaraderie, Greater Miami Alumnae Chapter is the place to be.
Lauren T.Mehalik: 305^43-1645
Greater Pinellas
Greater Pinellas started the year with the old/new board meeting in May. In June we received three awards at Leadership Institute in Nashville - a Performance Certificate, Outstanding Support Award, and Innovations in Programming for Best Events. The later honored our annual "Spirits of Christmas" brunch in December along with our lunch bunch, book club, investment group, gift makers and sunset beach group. A poster was made to show these activities as gifts under a Christmas tree. In November, we held our annual lun- cheon/fashion show to raise money for arthritis research. In January, we celebrate Founders' Day; February will find us meet- ing with nOA's for dinner and entertain- ment and again in May for Derby Day. In March, we will take the Museum of Fine
Arts Garden Tour. All of these activities help us attract new members.
Betty Dyer: 727-360-9&31
Hammond Area
The Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter has a f u n year of shared sisterhood planned. October brought a haunting tour of famous New Orleans haunted houses together with the New Orleans chapter. Founders' Day will be celebrated jointly with Kappa Tau Chapter and we plan to participate in Louisiana State Day hosted by the Baton Rouge Alumnae. This biennium, we hope to compile a Louisiana Cookbook - AOI1 style. All Louisiana AOITs are .invited to submit their favorite recipes for publishing to: Janin Johnston. 86 Rosedown, Destrehan,. LA 70047. Be sure to include your year and chapter of initiation. Everyone knows Louisiana is famous for food so it's sure to be a hit.
JaninJohnston: 504-764-1319
oiumnae new
their new house. On a somber note, we regret to announce the deaths of two of our sisters, Pat Kelly and Margaret Moore. A memorial Ritual is planned for the spring. Wewillmissthem.
LisaJ.Schucker: 843-785-7869
Thirteen years of the Hopkinsville Area Alumnae have seemed to fly by. The dedi- cated and financially supportive alumnae have seen to the many successes of our small chapter during our brief history. Our love of sisterhood is the strongest bond we all share. The dedication of our beloved chapter treasurer. Ruth Baker VanBooven, is an excellent example. Ruth has served unfailingly for thirteen years. She is a 50-1- year member who adds a wealth of knowl- edge and enthusiasm to our chapter.
Dedication is also shown through our chapters on-going network of MIFs mailed to colleges and universities. This has always been our strongest area of expertise, having prepared over 200 MIFs for high school senior women. It seems that our small alumnae chapter will continue to serve Alpha Omicron Pi with two words in mind...sisterhood and dedication.
Carrie Joy Brookshire: 502-466-5589
Houston roses are blooming! Newcomers from all over the country are joining us for our dinner gatherings the 1st Wednesday of every month. Last year was very exciting.
We raised funds through a jewelry show, tasted wines under $10 and kicked off the year in spendor, at homes of our alumnae. Through our involvement with " I Have A Dream - Houston", a local charity, we helped children gain success in school. Working with children directly as tutors, mentors, and program evaluators, and attending and host- ing fund raising events, we made a differ- ence. AOITs also volunteered at events held by the local chapter of the Arthritis Fbundations. For the upcoming year, several of our AOFIs are part of the state committee to organize an AOFI Texas State Day. It will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with AOris across the state.
Karen Roush: 281-890-4765
Hilton Head
To Dragma/WI INTER 1998
In June, a lew members of our chapter ven- tured across the border to historical Savannah, Georgia and enjoyed a luncheon with our Savannah sisters. We savored the southern hospitality and beautiful sights along the water at TGI Fridays. Our annual fall family picnic at Dolphin Head Recreation Area proved to be the perfect day for great fun, food and the surroundings of nature's beauty. A salad luncheon and gift exchange will help us to ring in the holidays at the home of one of our sisters in December. January will bring to us a Founders' Day celebration with Alpha Lambda at Georgia Southern. They have been anxiously awaiting the completion of
Greater Harrisbrug AC

The Indianapolis .Alumnae Chapter began
1998 by celebrating AOITs Centennial with a Founders' Day Tea at the Propyleaum, a Victorian mansion in downtown Indianapolis. In March we held our annual Arthritis Luncheon and Fashion Show to raise money lor the multipurpose arthritis center in Indianapolis. The fashions were provided by Steinmart and modeled by members of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter. We learned to preserve our memo- ries and photographs as Creative Memories taught us how to make our scrapbooks both fun and safe from the ravages of time. Summer was celebrated with a salad lun- cheon. We welcomed several new members to our chapter this past September with a happy hour at a local Chi Chi's. Please call for more information about joining the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
KerrieMyer: 317-577-4252
Each fall the Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter hosts a dinner for the new members of the Sigma Omicron Chapter (Arkansas State U). This year we were excited to out grow our usual location of an alumnae member's home, moving to the First Baptist Church. The alumnae chapter hosted 45 new mem- bers at the annual event. It is always a wonderful opportunity for the alumnae to get to know the new members and express that AOTI is a lifetime journey. Carolyn Wyatt, our vice president provided each new member with a keepsake bookmark of the local press release listing their names as new members of AOTI. The evening was filled with good food, fun and sisterhood. We would like to extend our best wishes for a wonderful first year to the Sigma Omicron new members and congratula- tions to the chapter for another exciting and successful rush.
Desha Reid: 870-930-9466
The Kentuckiana chapter has planned a very exciting year for our members. We started off with a kickoff brunch where members got the chance to show off their culinary skills by sharing their favorite brunch dish with their sisters. The next
week we gathered together for food and fun at a local favorite hang out In November, we are participating in the Kentucky Arthritis Foundation's annual Reindeer Romp, a 3K Walk around Iroquois Park where all proceeds go to the local chapter. Later that month we are planning to get together for a Christmas shopping spree to give a chance for members to finish up their last minute shopping or maybe even get started. Our year will end with a Christmas party with Pi Alpha where Santa Qaus will make an appearance to entertain the chil- dren and holiday fun will be shared wih the sisters and their families.
Karen Tierney Toombs: 502-244-5310
Kentucky Lakes
The Kentucky Lakes Chapter is very inter ested in being involved with our hometown collegiate chapter, Delta Omega Our fund raiser for the fall is going to be making good- ie bags for the collegiate chapter during finals week. The chapter was installed on January 25, 1998 as part of Delta Omega's Founders' Day celebration. Thirty-eight members took part in the installation. The alumnae chapter had a salad supper in June and a formal tea at Cherry-Hill Bed and Breakfast in September. The alumnae chap- ter also attended the senior send-off for the collegiate chapter at Murray State U. We
Kentucky Lakes AC
encouraged the graduating seniors to stay involved in AOTI by getting involved with our Alumnae Chapter.
DotrieKraemer: 502-759-1850
Las Vegas
When the Las Vegas Chapter decided to set a goal of increased membership, no one had any idea the members would take it upon themselves to do just that Of the twenty- one members, five were expecting babies within weeks of each other. Expecting later to be AOFI boyfriends were Danette Adams, Ann Marie Peters, and Liz Amundson. Expecting AOFI legacies were Cynthia Darcy and Tami Barnes. A huge gala baby shower was held in their honor at the home of Debi Jacobson. Baby shower games were provided by Megan Serben. Gifts were exchanged with members bringing small essentials. One of the great gifts was a rub- ber ducky that told the temperature of the baby's water. With two additional AOFIs already expecting, we expect this event to become an annual event Las Vegas wishes roses to Megan Serben as she leaves us to spend three years in Germany with her Air Force husband, Hall. We will miss you. Las Vegas has over one thousand people move here a month, if you are one, please call and join today.
CyndieGraves: 702-657-9092
Lake County
Lake County of Illinois has a year-long cel- ebration planned for their 10th anniver- sary. We have planned a quilt making party to create a quilt for our anniversary, each member will donate 10 books to the Lake County Literacy Program, we will create sundaes with 10 different toppings with the children at Safe Place in Lake County, and we would love 10 new mem- bers this year. Our 10th Anniversary Celebration Tea will take place on November in Long Grove, IL. One of our several fund raisers this year will focus on
10 good reasons to return to reading. All in To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Lake County AC

all it has been 10 great years for Lake County of Illinois.
Linda McElhany: 847-831-0295
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Valley was privileged to celebrate Founders' Day with the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter, and also with the Central New Jersey Alumnae Chapter. Being a small chapter, celebrating with other chapters is a great experience. We enjoyed AOFI movie night - watching con- vention videos. We meet at members' homes and area restaurants. We wore our AOfl t-shirts and met at Musikfest, in Historic Bethlehem, PA and experienced the music, food and fun of this annual music festival in the heart of our Lehigh Valley. Wearing our letters helped us meet other sisters who were also attending Musikfest. We plan on making this an annual event Two of our members attend- ed the inspiring Leadership Institute where our chapter received a Performance Award and an Innovations in ftogramming Award for Membership Recruitment and Retention. All alumnae in our area are invited to join us.
Shawn Mengel: 610-588-8915
cold weather and drab surroundings, we will be uplifted by aromatherapy and massage therapy sessions. If you live in Lexington and its surrounding counties, feel free to call us to get back to AOn.
We'd like to extend an open invitation for Long Island alumnae to join us this spring
for fun and sisterhood. Nancy Elliott: 516-588-2919
Macomb County
Highlights of our summer meeting were the rave reports about
LeaAnne Box:
Little RockAC
I Leadership Institute expressed by I our president, Robin Lee Beltramini, and Nancy Moyer McCain. Among the mementoes displayed were recognitions pre- Macomb Alumnae including a
Los VegasAC
1999 will mark a special milestone for our chapter. We will celebrate our 25th anniver- sary. If you have ever been a member of the I^exington Alumnae Chapter, please contact
LeaAnne, so we can include you in our chap- ter's celebration either in late May or early June. Prior to our anniversary, we will hold a memory scrapbook workshop in March. There, we will be sure to learn creative ways to spruce up our chapter's scrapbooks before the big event and take home crafty ideas for our own family albums. We will celebrate Founders' Day with the collegians in January, and induce the collegiate seniors into our chapter in April Despite February's usually
Little Rock
The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter has a busy year planned with a garden party at Barbara Alexander Herring's, a garage sale at Irene Edmunds Sniegocki's, a Pampered Chef Party at Frankie Frazier Roberts', the Jingle Bell Run, holiday brunch, Founders' Day Luncheon, Valentine craft night at Imelda Del .eon Home's, curious cuisine, and ending the year with a family picnic. We are also involved throughout the year helping the Arthritis Foundation with their fund raising events,roUectingcanned food for St Francis House, and giving stuffed animals to Children's Hospital We enjoy the friendship A O n offers and have about 27 collegiate chapters represented in our membership. JanePrather: 501-663-2473
Long Island
The Long Island Alumnae Chapter kicked off its 1998-99 program with a special treat, facials, compliments of a local Mary Kay representative. Once our business meeting was completed and we were looking "so fine," we sat down to an autumn brunch and shared stories of summer vacations. Sisters donated non-perishable foods which were given to the local soup kitchen. Other fall activities included a recipe exchange. Sisters brought their favorites and samples with were gobbled up quickly. For the second year, we gathered various holiday foods to make a Thanksgiving basket which we donated to a needy family. In addition to our annual paper sale fund raiser, our chap- ter is considering several service projects to round out this year's program. Founders' Day was celebrated with a dinner at a local restaurant Fveryone had a great time play- ing our traditional "dirty shame" game!
Performance Award and a Certificate for Outstanding Support of AOfl Foundation. This year, in addition to the annual Valentine's candy, we gave two Ritual robes to each of Michigan's three collegiate chap- ters. Some of us attended the Welcome to Alumnae Status Celebration for Beta Gamma's graduating seniors. We arrived bearing refreshments and tote bags contain- ing Senior Kits and information about Detroit's three AOFI alumnae chapters. At Founders' Day, Macomb helped Detroit North Suburban celebrate its 40th anniver- sary by, in their honor, presenting forty dol- lars to the AOFI Foundation signifying North's four decades of successful alumnae activity. Macomb is especially proud of Virginia (Gini) Krupa Shaw, who presided with her customary competence and charm as the 1997-98 president of Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic Association.
Kathleen Budnick Hopman: 810-247-1928
Madison Area
The Madison Area Alumnae Chapter is heading into its second year and is looking for interesting alumnae in the area to join us. Our first year was spent getting to know each other. It was such fun. We made some dis- coveries, one being the Wisconsin Badger football games had priority over AOI1 so alteration have been made to upcoming cal- ender dates. This year we have many excit- ing activities planned including a holiday cookie exchange/ornament swap, a green thumb education day, where we will be putting together hanging baskets, and we will be joining the Chicago Area Alumnae and collegiate chapters for Founders' Day, just to name a few. Our group consists of all
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

alumnae m
ages and we encourage all area alumnae to come and be part of our group.
Jamie Gunter: 414473-7332
Minneapolis/St Paul
The Minneapolis/St Paul chapter had an active year this year. It started in September with our members volunteering to help both Tau and Kappa Sigma Chapters with fall rush. Later that month, we had our Reach Out to A O n party. 1Tie party, which was an afternoon tea, was a success and four new alumnae joined our chapter. In November, we celebrated Founders' Day at the Minneapolis Women's dub. This event was attended by over 100 alumnae and colle- giate members. Our annual spring luncheon
was held in April at the Tau Chapter house with over 20 alumnae attending. Senior ini- tiation into our alumnae chapter followed later that month with 10 seniors being initi- ated. Our annual fund raiser, the spring flower sale, ended the year's activities. The fund raiser was a success and we made over $200 for our chapter. The Minneapolis/St Paul Alumnae Chapter is always looking for new members.
Theresa Jones: 612-379-2780
Monroe .Alumnae honored our collegiate sis-
ter Kelli Brian, 1998 Miss Northeast
University, with a brick of her own in the
famous Inspiration Walkway at
Headquarters. In April, fifteen seniors were
the guests of alumnae at a luncheon. Each
senior was the special guest of one alumna,
and each received a gift to remember the

occasion. MIF parties and rush saw the chapter busy with their duties, lambda Tau received quota, and the alumnae took a
ning again.
We hon-
ored the
brand new
class of
1998 with a reception immediately after initiation. Parents, new members and alum- nae enjoyed the beauty of the Beidenharn Home, Gardens and Bible Museum.
Susan Donald: 318-388-2428
Madison Area AC
Kappa, (Ball State U) members to sustain them during consideration hours in the final weekend of rush. We hope the sand- wiches, brownies, and "brain food'' snacks in some way contributed to the outstand- ing new member class. A carry in dinner
In October, we were up and run-
promises to be equally as diverse. In September, members discovered the world of cruise ship vacations from a travel agent and in December, we will present a donation to an arthritis researcher from McGill on behalf
Alumnae very actively involved in many fun events, such as an evening of pottery paint- ing and a morning of play with our kids at Discovery Zone. In addition, we spent time giving back to our community by decorating a school for exceptional children for the hol- idays and playing "Santa" for these children and their families. This was a fun event that we shared with Nu Omicron Chapter (Vanderbilt U). We held our annual fund raising event, selling Exam Survival Baskets, and are happy to report a successful effort with this event Our chapters' day group meetings were also revitalized (his vear. Our day group consists of alumnae who like to get together during the day for a luncheon and sharing of AOFI sisterhood. We stared the 1998-99 year off with a great kick-off
Two of our great events take place in the opened our year's activities with
winter and in the spring. At Christmas, all
members contribute an item to be auc-
tioned. Ihe bidders are always enthusiatic,
as well as generous, and the proceeds are
donated to arthritis research. The other spe-
cial event occurs a the first signs of spring holiday auction in November. Our goals
begin to show. We host a mother/daughter tea for the Sigma Delta collegiate chapter at Huntingdon College, ihis special afternoon continues each year to be a wonderful opportunity to share AOFI sisterhood with collegians, alumnae and our mothers. VondaWood: 334-279-8510
include a closer relationship with our col- legiate chapter and reaching more of our area AOFI alumnae.
JudyMcFarland: 765-284-9449
The Napa Valley Alumnae Chapter has a busy year planned. We started with a September Baby Shower for our Secretary Treasurer, Kathy Fitzgerald. We will have a Christmas social w ith a local Panda Drive supporting the Napa emergency women's shelter. We also are planning a St Patrick's Day social, May pool party and a June, 1999 mystery social.
Priscillakannarr: 707-255-9515
Nashville Area
With the Montreal winter almost upon us,
the chapter sends AOITs everywhere warm
greetings and a heart\ "Bonjour." In 1997-
98, our calendar was extremely varied with a
silent auction, Founders' Day Banquet, a visit
to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and
our annual year-end potluck dinner. In
addition, many of our members helped the
collegians of Kappa Phi at McGill with the
Formal Rush. The 1998-99 calendar The 1997-98 year saw the Nashville Area
a program about Building Bright Beginnings, a new mother mentoring pro- gram. We are looking forward to acquiring some new wardrobe items at the October meeting and are busy making items for the
To Uragma/WINTER 1998
Montgomery AC
of AOFI at our Founders' Day event We would like to welcome all recent alumnae and welcome back other alumnae to all our upcoming events. Wendy Moon: 514-933-1657
Seventy sack suppers were prepared by the Muncie Alumnae for the collegiate chapter Kappa

event which was attended by more than 50 AOrisrepresentingover 15 collegiate chap- ters. We have many fun events planned for the year and are sure we have something that will interest everyone. We look forward to celebrating Founders' Day in January with both Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U) and Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) Chapters. We will honor several 50 and 75 year AOTI members at this event So, if you're in the Nashville area, please give us a call and join us at one of our events. We promise youll have a great time!
Donna Kumar: 615-370-0920
New Orleans
1998 marks anodier (Centennial for AOTI.
The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter was thrilled to celebrate the 100th anniversary of AOITs second collegiate chapter, Pi Chapter, established September 8, 1898, at Newcomb College/Tulane University. We obtained a signed "Reflections of Sisterhood" print from Pi and Newcomb alumna, Ann Cushing Gantz. We presented the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women with the print as well as a copy of AOITs history book, Celebrate the Century. In honor of this special occasion, we invited the presidents of the other local Panhellenic alumnae chapter, the presidents of the colle- giate chapters currendy on Tulane's campus and the Tulane Greek Adviser. This was a great way to show the community the Power of Friendship. AOTI.
Amber P. Williams: 504-227-2496
After our fall events, a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge, volunteering for the New York City Marathon and pot luck holiday party, the New York Alumnae Chapter can- not seem to get enough of each other. We plan to celebrate our Founders at a special tea at the Stanhope Hotel on January 10th. In February we will hold our biannual meet- ing with election of new officers. For March we will celebrate the last day of winter at an ice-skating event Once spring is here we will hold a fund raiser for arthritis research in April and see the New York Gty Ballet's performance of Swan Lake at Lincoln Center. All sisters are welcome at any of our events. Please join us and help make a big city like Manhattan seem a bit smaller. Heather Lynch: 212-535-3957
Piedmont North Carolina
1998 was a busy year for the Piedmont NC
Alumnae Chapter. We received a Performance Award at Leadership Institute and Teresa Ward's mother, Carolyn Ward, was initiated as an associate member. Carol is Epsilon Chi Corporation treasurer and alumnae chapter secretary. Our fall fund raiser started with an accessary auction, and the AOfl coffee house for the parents of Epsilon Chi during parent's weekend in September. October is a recruitment party with a Halloween theme. November will be at a Mexican restaurant making stress balls for arthritis suffers and the balls will be donated to a local convalescence center. December is very busy with Founders' Day with Epsilon Chi, Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, ornament auction, and (Collecting Pandas for a battered women's shelter. We will swap books in January, and share lunch with the women of Epsilon Chi in February. A multi-purpose party for everyone's birth- day and a wedding or baby shower is held in March. We will decorate flower pots in April and May will bring an afternoon tea to honor the Epsilon Chi seniors as they become new alumnae.
Pat Floyd: 336-6234487
North Houston Suburban
The North Houston Suburban Chapter had a reorganizational meeting in August 1998. We elected Kelly Reynolds new AP and Kiane Schmidt to Treasurer. We were also lucky to have our ANS, Kathy Jensen, join us for this session. We had a great lunch together at Chili's Restaurant and made plans for the year ahead. Our October kick- off was held at Diane Schmidt's, to be fol- lowed by shopping together in November and an arthritis fund raiser in December. We also plan to celebrate Founders' Day with the Houston chapter and look forward to Texas State Day in February, 1999. We welcome all alumnae on the north side of Houston and its suburbs to join us for some AOnfun.
Kelly Reynolds: 281-361-7492
Northern Kentucky
The Northern Kentucky Alumnae chapter has a fun year of activities planned. We start- ed with a kick-off meeting at Barleycorn's, a restaurant on the Ohio River. In October, we took a class in chocolate. We learned the process of making chocolate from cutting
the pods from a tree to mixing the right ingredients for delicious chocolates. We got samples and some recipes to use at home. In December, we will be hosting a Founders' Day Brunch. Other events in 1999 include dinner with the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter, a night at the races and our closing Spring Luncheon. We always have fun and we enjoy seeing new faces.
Angie Ziegelmeyer: 606-727-4577
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a sucxKSsful year of fun and mean- ingful activities in 1997-98, mcluding our best annual fund raising auction in November. We started the year with pizza with International President Linda Peters Collier, VP of Finance Joanne Earls, who are members of Northern Virginia Chapter. In July, several members helped at the National Conference of the American Juvenile Arthritis Organization held in Washington, D.C. area. We made boo bunnies for a local children's hospital this past September, an idea brought home from Leadership Institute in June. In October, a paint-your- own-pottery night challenged our artistic tal- ents. Plans for future months include com- pletion of our chapter web page, an exchange with another sorority, learning about the health benefits of massage thera- py, touring a local art gallery, and welcoming the summer with a theme party. AmiCwalina: 703-352-6595
Northwest Montana
The Northwest Montana Alumnae Chapter, KalispeL Montana, meets twice a year. Our
Virginia AC

Reminiscences of AOFTs Centennial Convention dominated Ottawa Alumnae Chapter's September potluck supper. With scores of pictures and memorabilia, the nos- talgically set out to recreate the ambience and inspiration of our New York experience for our sisters who were unable to attend. In October, we created exotic herbal oils which we poured into decorative bottles to use as gifts, and also participated in a cookie exchange. Our Founders' Day brunch held in a local heritage building along with the members of Gamma Chi Chapter. Skating along the Ridess Canal with a poduck sup- per afterwards brought out our spouses and best beaus in January, while breakfast at Daly's on the canal during Wintertide inter- ested yet other sisters. As our new members welcome in April for Gamma Chi, we inter- viewed each other and discovered what fas- cinating people we were. We amazed our- selves with our varied backgrounds, talents and experiences. We ended our year in May helping Gamma Chi make money for the chapter at the Great Glade Garage Sale. In all, a busy fun filled year.
Shirley M.Gaudreau: 613-749-6965
The Oxford Alumnae Chapter decided to have a phantom tea party this fall. Of course, we did not actually hold a tea party that members attended. Instead, we sent out invitations to all of the local collegiate chap- ter's alumnae. Enclosed in the invitation
coming year's activities with brunch at the home of Janis Tremble Nelson. The mem- bers were joined by ANS Sandy Henninger Thompson and were lucky to be among the first alumnae to see the new AOFI Foundation video, which had arrived at AP Fisa Richtermeyer Shemwell's only the day before. The morning was capped off with a candle passing to announce the engagement of Anita Bretoi, the first one in many years for almost all in attendance. Members are looking forward to the rest of the year's pro- gram, which includes a Breast Cancer Awareness evening, Christmas couples party, Chinese New Year's luncheon, Northern California Founders' Day, Pampered Chef Fund Raiser, Salad Supper and Installation of officers and the summer barbeque. We also plan to collect good used clothing for the Clothes Closet, a non-profit organization that collects business attire for homeless women who are trying to reenter the job market, and toys at the Christmas party to give to a local Christmas toy drive.
Palm Beach Count/
Palm Beach County Alumnae have complet- ed 26 years of friendship and service togeth- er. We have contributed our annual tradi- tions of Founders' Day, Sweetheart Dinner with spouses and annual picnic. Our philan- thropic project is the Foster Parents' Association of Palm Beach County. This agency provides placement and service to children who need to be removed from unsafe home situations and placed in foster care. In December, the AOIls fill holiday stocking with items suitable for teenagers and in the spring, fill Easter baskets for younger children. These are distributed to the needy. This year we plan to join other chapters in South Florida for Founders' Day and participate in Palm Beach County Panhellenic activities. We invite all alumnae in the area to join us. We are a small but very enthusiastic group.
Nancy Munson: 561-694-9984
1998 has been a great year of fun, philan-
thropy and sisterhood for the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter. Social events included a mother/daughter collegiate dessert and tea, a nOA game night, a financial planning seminar and dinner at the House of Hunan restaurant. The chapter was honored at Leadership Institute with the Performance
To Dragma/WINTER 1998
Piedmont North Carolina AC
April meeting was held at the home of Sharon Berger. It was a salad pot luck evening meeting. We had a good turnout One of our members lives in Germany, but was able to be with us during her visit to the states. Since we meet only twice a year, it was wonderful to see and spend a few hours with old friends. Our September meeting was held at the Big Fork Inn. Big Fork, an artist community, is always a great place to wonder and enjoy. The Inn is an old land- mark and very popular with locals and tourists alike. Again, it was nice to visit and be brought up to date on each others activi- ties. Our next meeting will be in April 1999. Aimee Dugan: 406-257-7366
Orlando Area
The Orlando Area Alumnae
Chapter has started out with a
bang. We have several new
members and past alumnae
have returned. This October
our members participated in
the arthritis Foundation
Central Florida Branch's
annual garden party and fash-
ion show. Some of our mem-
bers even modeled the clothes prepared by DfUards. We are gearing up for a busy year, which will include attending Festival of the Trees, commemorating Founders' Day, and preparing for an exciting summer. We are the hosts for the 1999 International Convention at Walt Disney W orld's Corornado Springs Resort and are looking forward to a great convention.
Marty Harrison: 407-886-1922
Orlando Area AC
was a tea bag with a request for a small donation. The proceeds will be used to send one or more collegiate members, who would otherwise be unable to attend, to the AOI1 International convention at Disney World in the summer of 1999.
Crystal Grafton: 601-236-7080
Palo Alto
On October 3, seventeen members of the Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter kicked off the

Award and Support of the Foundation Award. We are very proud of chapter mem- ber and event chairman, Sally Wagaman, who was on of five recipients for the Alumnae Women of Leadership Award. In addition to the kick-off barbecue, a flOA Oktobertest party, a jeweler presentation, and holiday party; we will hold a "panty raid" (donating new underwear) and a "Pillow Fight" (donating new pillows) for the Laurel House, a local domestic abuse shelter. Also, we are looking forward to December's Jingle Bell W alk/Run for
Arthritis. Local alumnae are always wel- come at any event
NmaMirabileNoska: 610-970-1203
Members of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter are always on the lookout for a few good bears. This year we made our annual dona- tion of 100 panda bears to the Phoenix Fire Department in October. These bears are carried on the fire (rucks and are used to comfort children in emergency situations.
The firemen are appreciative of our efforts and we know that we have touched many young lives in our community. Our fall bninch was a great success thanks in part to the effort of our programming chair and Ritual chair. We used the first part of the new Ritual workshop video for part of our programming and found it both thought provoking and entertaining.
Lisa Hopsicker: 602-874-9505
On Sunday, September 13, the Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter had its first meeting for this new term. We had a lively conversation and quite a bit of fun. Business discussed included plans for the year. We are ready
The Poeatello alumnae always look forward
to the Founders' Day luncheon in December. Members of our small chapter each take a salad to share for lunch. Rolls are provided by the hostess. Each one also takes Christmas candy or
cookies. Some of these serve as our dessert, the rest are divided and each person takes home a plate of goodies. A candle ceremony honoring our Founders', and written by Betty Howear, Chi Delta, is the highlight of the occasion. Elaine Smith: 208-237-1462
This year's tour on our AOfl journey started with a luncheon in October. The next stop will be a potiuck in December when we will bring donations of non-perishable food for the local food pantry. Founders' Day will l>e celebrated at a member's home with a catered luncheon followed by a formal Ritual. Local collegians will be invited. Our chapter is in charge of the Panhellenic Bunny Breakfast this year. With a model
train ride, a clown, face-painting and other entertainment this is a popular event with the younger set and raises money for schol- arships. The final stop on this year's journey will be an authentic English tea. We will invite guests to join us in learnign about the traditions surrounding this English custom. This fund raiser will complete our journey for this biennium.
Dora May Meredith: 815-399-5349
Saint Louis
The Saint l^uis Alumnae Chapter has an exciting year planned, scheduling social events each month in addition to our regular
San Diego
San Diego is having another fun-filled year with a variety of meeting topics from a Feng Shui workshop to the traditional 50 year member tea. In addition, we try to plan spontaneous events. The "rosebuds" tend to have business lunches coordinated via many e-mails while the "roses in foil bloom" pre- fer weekend brunches. Besides bonding
over food, other unplanned events may occur given interest levels. Members were quite excited when this past fall as art exhibit of AOFI Margaret Bourke-While came to town. She was the first photographer for LIFE magazine. San Diego has also expanded on our traditional newsletter by instituting a web site. We try to include our current calendar as well as e-mail like to the officers. We also started a general e-mail address that all officers can check Please
visit us to find out more at or drop us an e-mail at [email protected].
laurel latto: 619-587-9768
Ottawa AC
and excited with new ideas lor fund raising for arthritis research, social events, and new ways to increase our membership. Some of our upcoming events include our holiday luncheon in December and our Founders' Day Tea on January 3, 1999. We encourage anyone to con-
tact us for more information. Marnia Rober-Alexander: 412-276-3142
monthly meeting/program, including happy hours, hayride, tea the Ritz, gallery night, family picnic, and visits to the city museum and botanical gardens. We are also gearing up for our second annual trivia night in March to raise money for arthritis research. We hope the turnout will be even better
than last year. Because the collegiate chap- ter at St Ixxiis has closed this year, we hope to contribute time and money to other chap- ters in the state, as well as chapters in neigh- bor) ng states. The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter is now on the web. Please check it out ( andsigntheguestbook.Wealsohaveane- mail address ([email protected]) and we would love to hear from you. Melania Harris: 314-530-7608
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

San Fernando Valley
On February 7, 1998 the San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter hosted the Southern California Founders' Day Luncheon at the Red Lion Hotel, Glendale, California. 1Tie efforts of our members truly paid off, and we are proud to say we were able to raise over $2,300 for the Ruby Fund. There were 110 Southern California Area sisters in attendance. Our group meets once a month, and we look forward to meeting new alumnae sisters. We are all looking forward to our 1st annual Mardi Gras party in February.
Marta Pemberton: 805-498-1799
San Jose
The San Jose .Alumnae Chapter has kicked off a new year of activities. We enjoyed a summer barbecue in July and a tailgate at a San Jose State Football game in September. Our annual fall brunch is scheduled tor October. We have (hanged our calendar this year to include more social meetings in addition to regular business meetings. The purpose of the social meetings are to do a lit- tle business and a lot of visiting. Our first social meeting was held at a local pizza par- lor and it was a huge success. We are look- ing forward to the next one. We will finish off this year by adopting a local family dur- ing the holidays and having an ornament exchange. Our annual holiday party has been moved to January in hopes of fitting in better with everyone's schedules. We hope to have a big turnout to celebrate 1999.
Beth Russel: 408-374-2071
Seattle AC
Renewal has been the theme of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter's biennium. We renewed ties to each other at our family picnic in September. Our October meeting was dedi- cated to supporting our adopted collegiate chapter, Tau Gamma. We assembled, stuffed and sewed Panda Beanie Babies lov-
ingly designed and supervised by
Kathy Busch. The adorable bears
will be presented to the new mem-
bers with an original poem during pre-initiation activities. We have renewed our commitment to the Hickman House for battered women
and children by cwllecting food and
gifts for each of the families. We'll put together Easter baskets for the kids this spring. In addition we plan to participate in our local arthritis walk this spring. Personal enrichment and sisterhood are renewed each month at our meetings which feature various topics, not to mention our annual Christmas auction. It's shaping up to be a busy, fun-filled year in Seattle. AlysonTurner: 206-525-3188
Southern Orange County
The Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter of AOIT is well known for its annu- al fall boutique. Our members enthusiasti- cally spend months crafting wares to be offered for auction. Boutique workshops are especially fun, bringing sisters together to create those special items. Food is con- sumed, stories are told, and creativity abounds as hands are kept busy sewing, glu- ing, and painting. On the day of the event, a lovely brunch is served, and AOITs young and old, along with friends and family, bid
for these treasures. As well as raising money for arthritis, this event provides our chapter with an opportunity to spend precious time together, unified by a common goat
Carin Adler: 949-248-79a3
State College
Since the State College Alumnae Chapter know that both old and new friendships are valuable, we have been personally inviting new alumnae to our latest events. Judy Moyer hosted the senior dessert last April as we welcomed our newest alumnae into the fold. The fall was kicked off with a backyard meeting at Linda Domin's home as plans were made to assist die Epsilon Alpha's with their rush Nancy Gilbert hosted an AOn Tailgate in September as we cheered the Nittany Lions. October found us raiding our closets for old coats to donate to the local women's shelter and making plans to see the collegiate chapter's newly decorated suite at a meeting in Laurie Sigel's home. We are also looking forward to the alumnae chap- ter's 50th birthday bash in the spring.
Anne Rohrback: 814-237-1920
St. Louis AC
Suburban Maryland
The Suburban Maryland Alumnae Chapter serving Montgomery County and neighbor- ing counties was installed on May 30, 1998 at the AOFI Pi Delta Chapter House, LIof Maryland College Park. Mary Converse, AOIT Foundation Board Treasurer, presided over the installation. Nineteen sisters were present to sign the official charter. They were: Nancy Bernard, Gretta Blatner, Amelia Brown, Jill Cantor, Pamela Clar, Heather Comfort, Michelle DeWolfe, Tara Dressier, Kimberly Faulkner, Shannon Keehn, Yvonne King, Alison Lang, Lisa Spiridopoulos McQuiggan, Elizabeth
Mullican, Mary Peterson, Suzanne Sebastian, Jennifer SeideL Angela Powers Snider, and Danielle Warfield. Our chapter began meet- ing in February after Liz Mullican and Angela Snider met when posting their names on the AOIT web site guest book. Since our installation, our chapter has blos- somed and currently has over 30 members. We hold monthly activities and were hon- ored to have Linda Collier, Joanne Farls, and Mary Converse at our first chapter meeting. Visit our web site at members.tri-
Jill Cantor: 301-519-2609
Tampa Bay
The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter is looking forward to an exciting new year. One of our greatest long-term goals is to increase our membership by promoting greater sister- hood. We have scheduled many new events this year to increase sister involvement including fund raising activities, Ritual renewal, arts and crafts, and even a Founders' Day celebration with a nearby alumnae chapter. We will be supporting our local collegiate chapter, Gamma Theta at the U of South Florida to raise funds for the ground breaking of their long awaited soror- ity house. Our chapter will also be involved in several community service events such as the Chase Global Day of service, where w will be helping an organization called Wildlife on Easy Street to create new habi- tats for many wild animals, hi addition, we
To Dragma/WllNTKR 1998

have many social activities planned for some good, old-fashioned fun.
Jennifer Carito: 813-960-5556
Terns Haute
Since reorganization last year, the Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter has had several exciting meetings. We've hosted the seniors from nearby Kappa Alpha Chapter (Indiana State U), for a make-your-own-ice cream sundae event, as well as holding our annual new members' reception for the collegiate chapter. Alumnae members also are active in supporting the Kappa Alpha Chapter as Corporation Board members, advisers, and recruitment volunteers. Besides assisting the collegiates, the alumnae chapter also plans monthly alumnae events. One such event, held earlier this year was an after- noon pool party, at one of our members' homes. It gave sisters a chance to sit back, relax and catch up, while still having an informal alumnae meeting. Other meetings have included a healthy living seminar at a local hospital sponsored by an alumnae member who works at the hospital. We have also held a ladies' night ut at a local Mexican restaurant
Karin Tremoulet Grunden: 217-463-3519
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter has planned a year of fun, varied meetings to foster friendship and philanthropy. We began the year with a cookout at Dana Thomas' home in September. Each alumna brought toiletry items to donate to the residents of the Salvation Army Women's Shelter. Our October meeting at Amazing Glaze ceramic studio showcased our artistic skills. In November, at Amy Caulfield's home, we exchanged ornaments, and we performed our Ritual the "rite" way. In December, our members baked homemade cookies and assembled exam goody kits for the Delta Lpsilon Chapter (Duke U). This activity is our largest fund raiser for AOIT philan-
thropy, and it is a wonder- ful way for the alumnae to bring smiles to the colle- giates' faces during exams. We also celebrated Founders' Day with the Delta Upsilon Chapter. Activities for the remainder of the year include a lunch at the Fox and Hound
restaurant in Cary, a welcome to senior sta- tus ceremony, a craft night to create "stiffy" bows, a dinner at Nikko's Tavern, prepare goody kits and our annual corporation board salad supper.
JoyLashley: 919-181-3697
Toledo Area
Musical hits are a real hit with Toledo Area Alumnae. "The Scores of AOIT" based monthly meetings on musical titles for another year of innovative programs. American Pie featuring an apple-filled din- ner and a local orchard expert, while Fight My Fire found members painting ceramics at a pottery playhouse. Handmade crafts were Sold at our auction, and AOFI families walked in a Winter Wonderland at a holiday lights display. The Rose, Founders' Day luncheon, brings together collegians from Theta Psi and Alpha Psi, and a luxurious evening at a day spa will bring out the Pretty Woman in each member. Don't Worry, Be Happy will feature an editorial cartoonist Graduating seniors will see that You've Got a Friend in alumnae chapters at a ritual/dinner meeting, and AOIT families will Take Me Out to the Ball Game for a picnic and baseball game.
Lisa DiQemente: 419-536-5778
Twelve charter members and guests were present as International President Linda Collier installed the Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter on December 14, 1997. Guests included members from the Tidewater Alumnae Chapter. Hud Slagle Clark, Beta Phi '47, who has been an active alumna for many years, was responsible for organizing the chapter, which was
the third one she founded. Chapter members come from all over the country and from varied and inter-
esting backgrounds. Janet Johnson Slagowski presented a program
on Little Known Facts about
alumnae m
Jamestown. Audrael Chiricotti showed members how to make their own painted flower pots during the craft night meeting. At the chapter's September meeting,mem- bers will be asked to bring care packages for Avalon, the local women's shelter. December will bring area friends together again with a cookie exchange in Virginia Beach with the Tidewater Chapter. The new chapter is off to a great start and hopes to increase our membership.
Audrael Chiricotti: 757-259-9229
Winston-Salem Area
We have a full program of monthly meet- ings planned for 1998-99. We started off with a baby shower and have a Ghoul's Night Out Halloween soup supper, tailgate party and Founders' Day celebration planned for the fall 1998. Our winter/spring programs will include a chapter birthday party, craft night, college days memory night, a Panheflenic pasta dinner and our FIOA "AOnineapple Party" luau.
Barbara Hill: 336-722-4455
W est Los Angeles
West LA started off the year with a welcome backfiestafor old and new members. The pot-luckfiestawas also a celebration of the chapter recognitions received at Leadership Institute. The chapter is especially thankful to Janel Crensaw for her guidance in helping the chapter achieve it's award-winning mag- azine sales. Congratulations to Jennifer Dalessandro on her Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. The plans for the coming year include providing a rush lunch to the Cal State Northridge collegiates, scrapbooking class, a gourmet cooking class, several 5K walks (which are needed after the cooking classes), the annual holiday party and our Phantom tea. Katie Miller, our PR chair is bringing us onto the information highway witii our up-coming web page.
Francheska Andrews: 818-760-1412
Williamsburg AC
Suburban Maryland AC
To Dragma/WINTER 1998

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Thank you! Emporium sales benefit AOIT!

Ask about express delivery!
A 7 4 N Collectible Bear w/knit A O n sweater '26.00 Collectible Gifts

56 j r Centennial Brass Ornament Logo signifies AOITs 100 year celebration. Collector's Ornament gift boxed w/Centennial information card. * 16.00
5 6 A >£ Histoncal Brass Ornament Barnard College/Columbia University. Depicts Old Columbia U. Library, the site of AOITs founding. Collector's Ornament gift boxed w/historical information card.114.00
I 57 Olive T-shirt w/plaid letters. L, XL. '22.00 209 IndigoT-shirtw/khakiembroidery.LXL'22.00 340 Indigo Sweatshirt w/khaki embroidered AOn design.Oversized.L,XL.'40.00
3 4 0 B Buckskin Sweatshirt w/khaki embroidered AOn design.Oversized.L,XL.'40.00 360 OxfordTriple LetterT-shirt. L. XL. '24.00
Thanks to our collegiate models for the time and devotion they have contributed to AOFT Emporium.

Fun Sportswear
08 Panda Bubble Letter T-shirt. M, L, XL '24.00
12 NavyT-shirt w/primary colors. L, XL. '22.00
I24B Royal Blue Wmdbreaker. L XL '36.00
160 White Sweatshirt w/gingham and embroidered zig zag letters.
L. XL'42.00
166 Embroidered
Zig Zag T-shirt. M,L, XL '24.00

• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:
AO!! International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood,TN 37027
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Postmaster - Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood.TN 37027

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