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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 15:43:26

1976 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LX, No. 8



New initiates of Nu Lambda Chapter are: (first row, left to right) Julie Larson, Elizabeth Wannamaker, Madelyn Koll, Gail Sul-

livan, Susan Pulone, Valerie Glaze, Sue Schrack, Bobette Leslie, Liz Lassan. Second row: Cheryl Ransone, Adriana Lanting,

Patty Jones, Cindy Barrett, Odett Thaxton, Georgia Spinney, Dorene Opava, Suzanne Donahue, Sydney Sullivan, Bonni George,

Michele Paddio, Laurie Lester, Moira Breslin, Corinne McCann, Caren Scarbrough. Third row: Kim Rodgers, Katherine Gulmert,

Bonnie Bunting, Carol Novy, Sue Hart, Therese Hall, Carlene Anderson, Annette Leach, Kathy Zesiger, Molly Myer, Laurie Dawes,

Julie de Campos, Denise Stringer, Teri Hooker, Carol Levonian, Debbie Samuelian.

Their Story numerous to mention from chapters and friends all over the
country. A silver Revere bowl given to N u Lambda by Jeffi
On May 8, 1976. Initiation and Installation of N u Lambda Parker, ®Q transfer, added that special "Alpha Love" to the
Chapter of the University of Southern California of Alpha program.
Omicron Pi was held in the Trojan Room of the University
Hilton, Los Angeles, California. The original charter was presented to N u Lambda by
Beryl A r b i t . This lovely day ended with songs f r o m Sigma
The initiation of 40 pledges began at 9:30 A . M . and was Phi and Lambda Beta, very special AOIIs, who each spon-
followed by the installation of the officers. Norma Ackel. sored a memorable evening during N u Lambda's inspiration
International Vice President/Operations and installing officer, week.
was assisted by collegian f r o m Lambda Beta, California State
University-Long Beach and Sigma Phi, California State U n i - :
Charter members of Nu Lambda Chapter.
Shortly following the ritual, the Rose Banquet was held,
planned by a committee f r o m the South Bay—Palos Verdes
Alumnae Chapter for N u Lambdas past and present and
their guests. Sue Holtkamp, International Scholarship Chair-
man, was the toastmistress. Greetings f r o m N u Lambda
were offered by Sue Hart, President of N u Lambda, A O I I
greetings came f r o m Arlene Roupinian, Gifts Chairman and
the University and Panhellenic greetings by Elizabeth Carr,
Assistant Director, Office of Residential Life and Debbie
Hadley, Collegiate Panhellenic President. The Red Rose of
A O I I was given by: Marianne Carton, Regional Director—
Its Roots; A n n Cordes, President Southern California Coun-
cil—Its Stem; Beryl Arbit, N u Lambda Chapter Adviser—
Its Foliage; Marilyn Herman, Regional Vice President—Its
Buds; and Norma Ackel-—Its Beauty.

A beautiful silver punch bowl and tray was the fraternity
gift. The International Officers present at the rush dinner
in February sent a lovely silver ladle to complement the
fraternity gift. N u Lambda received many beautiful gifts too




Officers of Nu Lambda Chapter are: (first row, left to right) Therese Hall, Vice President; Gail Sullivan, Chapter Relations Chair-

man: Beryl Arbit, Chapter Adviser; Susan Pulone, Scholarship Chairman; Madelyn Koll, Intramurals Chairman; (second row) Kath-

erine Gulmert, Songleader; Julie Larson, Activities Chairman; Suzanne Donahue, Philanthropic Chairman; Adriana Lanting, Member-

ship Chairman; Sydney Sullivan, Patty Jones and Cindy Barrett, Rush Chairmen; Odett Thaxton, Panhellenic Delegate; Georgia Spin-

ney, Social Chairman; (third row) Bonnie Bunting, Public Relations Chairman; Laurie Dawes, Historian; Kim Rodgers, Correspond-

ing Secretary; Bonni George, Assistant Treasurer; Sue Hart, President; Carol Novy, Treasurer; Michele Paddio, Fraternity Education

Chairman; and Laurie Lester, Recording Secretary.


- 1 I
> •1


Nu Lambda members present on May 8th smile at having AOll return to the U.S.C. campus.

Their School

The University of Southern California is certainly
one of the nation's foremost institutions of higher learn-
ing. U.S.C. began with 53 students in 1880; fall enroll-
ment in 1975 reached 15,950 full-time students and
8,130 part-time students. I t is the oldest major inde-
pendent nonsectarian coeducational university in the
West. Land f o r the university's beginning was donated
by a Catholic, a Jew and a Protestant.

The park-dotted campus now encompasses 150 acres,
in addition to other off-campus facilities. Greeks at
U.S.C. are housed primarily along one street, referred
to as "The Row." A O I I w i l l rejoin those houses this

While academic offerings at U.S.C. are among the
finest, it may be even more well known f o r its athletics,
especially Rose Bowl appearances. The Trojan March-
ing Band, of which several A O I I s are members, has ap-
peared in the Rose Bowl 20 times!

A l p h a Omicron Pi is proud to once again become a
part of campus life at the University of Southern

Photos courtesy of U . S . C . News Bureau.

lb Dragila of

Omkroq Pi
Vol. LX, No. 8
Summer, 1976

Published since January 1905 by

A L P H A O M I C R O N PI Fraternity, Inc.

Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897

2 N u Lambda—University of Southern California Installed
6 Millie Murphy Retires As Editor
6 Alpha Rho—Oregon State University Celebrates
7 Reflections From . . . Collegiate Chapters
13 Perry A w a r d Announced
14 R T & J On Jewelry
14 A Letter T o The Graduates
15 Get I t Together For F a l l — W i t h A O I I Supplies
16 What K i n d Of G i r l Is A n A O I I ?
18 A O I I Wants Y o u T o Send Rushee I n f o r m a t i o n !
19 Rushee I n f o r m a t i o n F o r m
20 R T & J Appointments
21 Directory For Rush

Jessie Wallace Hughan PI, the official organ of Alpha Omicron
Helen St. Clair Mullan Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omi-
Stella George Stern Perry cron Pi, at Williams Printing Company,
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 417 Commerce Street, Nashville, Tennes-
The Founders were members of Alpha see 37219. Subscription price is $1.00 per
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia copy. $3.00 per year. Life Subscription,
University and all are deceased. $25.00. Send change of address and
correspondence of a business nature to
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro Road,
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee 37212.
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 Address all editorial communications to
Telephone: 615-383-1174 the Editor: Editor, care of Central Office.
Second Class Postage paid at Nashville,



An AOII Accolade

M i l l i e M i l a m M u r p h y , NO, w h o , after serving six years as E d i t o r of
T O D R A G M A , retired with the publication of the Spring, 1976 issue.

A Nashville native, Millie transferred from Vanderbilt University to
Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y where she graduated f r o m the M e d i l l School
of Journalism.

She is editor of the Suburban News i n Nashville and had spent sev-
eral years o n the Nashville Banner staff as a feature w r i t e r and w i t h
the society and women's section of that paper. While her four children
were very young, she contributed her w r i t i n g and public relations
talents to various community organizations.

Recipient of a 1976 Community Service A w a r d f r o m the Nashville
Y M C A , she is one of a h a n d f u l of w o m e n i n the U n i t e d States w h o
are officers of local Civitan Clubs and will represent that organization
at the international meeting in Acapulco this summer.

A O I I s everywhere send their best wishes and a very special "thank
• you," Millie!

Alpha Rho Marks Golden Anniversary

Alpha Rho Chapter, Oregon State University, celebrated The chapter honored several 50-year members, chapter
its 50th anniversary the weekend of April 3 and 4. Over president A n n Casale received Alpha Rho's Member of the
125 alumnae attended the festivities, which included a ban- Year award, Pledge of the Year was Missy Bras, and the
quet at the Corvallis Country Club. M r s . August Ackel Carolyn Turner award went to Shelly Shirley.
(Norma, K®), International Vice President/Operations, pre-
sented the fraternity gift, a silver bowl lined with gold. A n all-university tea ended the weekend's activities.

r • V,;,




Alpha Rho collegians show visiting alumnae plans for house From left to right, Mrs. Ruth Baines, chapter adviser; Mrs.
addition. August Ackel, International Vice-President /Operations, Ann Ca-
sale, chapter president; and Mrs. Fritz,
6 housemother.

Winnie Herr, KK, Homecoming Queen, with KK sisters.

ALPHA DELTA—UNIVERSITY space f o r all their members. Harrison for first place. The I U Health Fair
O F A L A B A M A has the spirit—and Street will be a busy place while the saw Beta Phis busy in a booth f o r
their school's Spirit Trophy for the chapter house addition goes up. arthritis information. Beta Phi also
second consecutive year. That Alpha ALPHA SIGMA—UNIVERSITY OF has a new "little sister," f o r the chap-
Delta feeling touches many people, as O R E G O N didn't leave anyone behind ter is sponsoring a child in Hong Kong.
evidenced by their houseparent appreci- when they went out tapping the Alpha BETA RHO—UNIVERSITY OF
ation week, alumnae kidnap-rush party Sigma A O I I Guys. Visiting Alverna M O N T A N A capitalized on a house
and philanthropic projects which raised Swan-RVP V I . and Lue Satterfield. "face-lift," entertaining party themes
over $1000 for the Arthritis Founda- R D , joined in the f u n . A L P H A and their traditional red velvet cake,
tion. A L P H A OMICRON—LOUISI- T H E T A — C O E C O L L E G E goes all resulting in a 64 percent increase in
A N A STATE U N I V E R S I T Y enthusi- out for philanthropy by sponsoring a membership for Beta Rho this year.
astically took first place in this year's Sheaf Week. Projects included a stu- CHI ALPHA—UNIVERSITY OF
homecoming pep rally. Alpha Omi- dent body picnic, a campus lemonade C A L I F O R N I A A T D A V I S has had a
cron's football skills, put to a week- stand and time spent collecting dona- year o f firsts—their first rush as a
long test in the Muscular Dystrophy tions for arthritis work in the Cedar chapter, their first candle-passing and
Marathon, proved worthy of the sweep- Rapids area. BETA C H I — K E N - their first anniversary. Chi Alphas
stakes trophy. Sigma Chi Derby Days TUCKY WESLEYAN COLLEGE give everything their all—the pledge
also saw the Alpha Omicrons grab demonstrated their support of the program, philanthropic activities, intra-
another first. Even after all this ac- Arthritis Foundation by marching in mural sports, and get-togethers with
tivity, the chapter had energy enough the annual United Way Parade in Sigma Chapter. C h i Alphas are also
to clean up and prepare a new office Owensboro. BETA L A M B D A — I L L I - dedicated students, evidenced by re-
for the Baton Rouge Chapter of the NOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY ceiving the Panhellenic Scholarship
Arthritis Foundation. ALPHA P H I — played up the homecoming theme of Award for having the highest grade
MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY "Once Upon a Time" with court jes- point average of all campus sororities.
members have individual honors galore. ters and a larger-than-life dragon to CHI D E L T A — U N I V E R S I T Y OF
Alpha Phis, despite their involvement win the overall women's sweepstakes. C O L O R A D O headed for the hills with
in campus and community affairs, still Beta Lambda also helped make fairy their kidnapped pledges to begin an
found time for a fantastic Founders' tales come true f o r others by collecting exciting year for the chapter. Chi Delta
Day, with over eighty AOIIs attend- over $200 for U N I C E F . BETA P H I pledges kept the chapter hopping with
ing, including a charter member and — I N D I A N A UNIVERSITY partici- a bake sale f o r the Arthritis Founda-
one o f the first pledges o f Alpha Phi pated in the revival of a campus tra- tion, and a real western hoe-down
chapter. A L P H A RHO—OREGON dition, the Greek Week Olympiad. party, complete with chuckwagon
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , growing ever The frisbee throw was only one of dinner. More great cooking was in
larger in its 50th year, ran short on the events leading Beta Phi to a tie store f o r U C professors who attended

Cathy Cole, Afi, president student govern- Janice McDonald, AP, Panhellcnic rush Chi Delta's scholarship dinner. D E L T A
ment, Murray State University. and delegate coordinator. W E S T E R N L O U I S I A N A began the
year with its fantastic rush, going on
Evie Hynes, 2, outstanding Creek Sheri Gilmore, Afi, Panhellcnic president. to receive honors in every category of
Woman. competition during homecoming. USL's
Annual Langniappe Day added to
Delta Beta's achievements as they re-
ceived first place overall i n the sorority
division. Delta Betas conducted bake
sales all over Lafayette at various
churches in order to make their con-
tribution to the Arthritis Foundation.
D E L A W A R E found that confidence is
the key to success, and that enthusiasm
helps reach chapter goals. Delta Chi
more than tripled chapter size this year,
and members' commitment to one an-
other and to A O I I has seen them
through a difficult time. You're an
inspiration to us all, Delta Chis!
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y really has a
hand in their student government—
including Cathy Cole, first woman
president of Murray State's Student
Government Organization. Delta Ome-
ga spirit won recognition in Sigma Chi
Derby Days and Lambda Chi Alpha
Watermelon Bust. Delta Omega sister-
hood crossed state lines during a pledge
walkout to Nu Omicron Chapter.
STATE U N I V E R S I T Y wowed parents
at their first annual Parents' Luncheon.
A slide show and a pledge class skit




Delta Chi pledges demonstrating AOII spirit. Beta Chi members marched in support of The Arthritis Foun-

r. —at least half o f the chapter has been
on the Dean's List for two consecutive
1 quarters. Athletic competition, Sigma
N u Sweepstakes, homecoming and
\r Greek Week have all brought awards
to Gamma Sigma. I O T A — U N I V E R -
Shannon Ellis, I , 7976 Punhellenic president and Suzanne Meyer, I , 1975 Panhellenic SITY OF I L L I N O I S , 1975 winners of
president. the J.W.H. cup, are even more inspired
after bringing home the coveted award.
demonstrated the A O I I feeling to the project. Fraternity men at USA will- Rewards came Iota's way not only in
150 people attending. One of Delta ingly pay for an A O I I shine. Gamma rush, but in Greek Olympics and home-
Pi's many philanthropic efforts was Delta keeps in close contact with the coming. Their annual T a f f y Apple sale
their contribution o f time to the Spe- Arthritis Foundation, and have on raised $500 for the Arthritis Founda-
cial Olympics for Handicapped Chil- campus a foundation-supported re- tion. Iota's talents have also extended
dren. G A M M A B E T A — I N D I A N A searcher. G A M M A O M I C R O N — to the music world with the formation
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA U N I V E R S I T Y OF F L O R I D A put phi- of a singing group called Potpourri.
homecoming float sported a nine-foot lanthropy on their top priority list, IOTA SIGMA—IOWA STATE UNI-
tall pink panther, among other creat- and the Arthritis Foundation gained VERSITY auctioned off a wine and
ures. Gamma Beta's philanthropic over $500. Athletics rate high at cheese party to raise money f o r the
contributions have included participa- Gamma Omicron, placing them fre- Campus Chest, with money going to
tion in the Theta Chi Marathon, which quently in the number one spot. charities in the Ames area. Another
supports the Big-Brother-Big-Sister During Parents' Weekend. Gamma project is designated f o r an Iota Sigma
Program on campus. Among the Omicron enthusiasm led to the forma- scholarship fund. Christmas joy (and
Gamma Beta Christmas tree decora- tion of the chapter's first Mothers' plenty-of hot chocolate) was shared
tions were wrapped dollar bills, which Club. Topping off a great year, Gam- at Iota Sigma by children f r o m a
were donated to the Arthritis Founda- ma Omicron won first place in the school f o r the mentally retarded.
tion. February saw Gamma Beta cele- Sigma Chi Derby Days. G A M M A KAPPA ALPHA—INDIANA STATE
brate its 10th anniversary with col- SIGMA—GEORGIA STATE UNI- U N I V E R S I T Y began the school year
legians and alumnae. G A M M A D E L - VERSITY honors A O I I by being selling coffee and cookies at registra-
TA—UNIVERSITY OF S O U T H named Best Sorority at G S U due to tion with proceeds to the Arthritis
A L A B A M A pledges again sponsored its outstanding achievements. One of Foundation. Kappa Alpha also com-
their traditional shoe-shine f u n d raising Gamma Sigma's many accomplishments piled and sold campus calendars at
ISU. Homecoming proved to be a
winner f o r Kappa Alpha, with a first
in the women's division of the largest
student-sponsored parade in the nation.
S O U T H E R N C O L L E G E spent last
summer creating items to sell at their
fall bazaar, one of their philanthropic
projects. Kappa Gammas are on the
top at FSC in academics, sports and
campus activities. Some Kappa Gam-
mas are truly international A O I I s .
electing to study in Ireland f o r a se-
mester. K A P P A K A P P A — B A L L
STATE U N I V E R S I T Y dazzled Mun-
cie f o r the fifth consecutive year with
its legendary Basketball Marathon f o r
the Arthritis Foundation. Kappa Kap-
pa's goal o f $3000 was exceeded. Be-
sides the marathon. Kappa Kappa gives
time once a month to various phi-
lanthropic projects such as donating
blood, collecting f o r the cancer fund,
participating in Muscular Dystrophy
Dance-a-thon, and donating food
baskets. Kappa Kappas manage to
find time f o r a realm o f campus ac-
tivities, individually and as a chapter.
U N I V E R S I T Y found a new home this
year. October 10 saw Kappa Pis move
from their apartment into a three-
story house, and, only one week later,
win first place f o r their homecoming
float. K A P P A T A U — S O U T H -


EASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVER- Pant Hubbard, AA, top Corolla beauty. Jenine Fermo, N I , Northern Illinois
S I T Y possesses a five-foot trophy pre- women's tennis team, 2nd in A1AW
sented them f o r being chosen Sorority class f o r the chapter. O M E G A — tournament.
of the Year three consecutive times. M I A M I U N I V E R S I T Y came up win-
Three is a good number f o r Kappa ners in Greek activities, with Omega pledges did A O I I proud by placing sec-
Tau, f o r they have also had three pledges winning the Sigma Chi Melon ond in the Lambda Chi Alpha Decadron
consecutive Sugar Bowl Queens. Kappa Mess, and the chapter placing second at M S U . Spring break found Omega
Tau stays busy year-round; one of with their homecoming float. O M E G A Xis heading south, where they were
their chief interests is homecoming, OMICRON—LAMBUTH COLLEGE overnight guests o f Gamma Omicron
which is sponsored by A O I I . Kappa sang their way into the hearts of the Chapter. O M I C R O N — U N I V E R S I T Y
Tau not only organizes homecoming judges in the annual Greek All-Sing, OF TENNESSEE, Knoxville alumnae
f o r S L U , but participates as well! and placed first in the competition. and the Mothers' Club once again
LAMBDA OMEGA—NORTHWEST Omega Omicron is duly proud of M a r y sponsored their pre-football game bar-
MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Cay Alexander, elected president of beque, with proceeds to the Arthritis
received rewards for their interpreta- Lambuth College Student Government Foundation. To bring Omicron mem-
tion of the homecoming theme "Broad- Association, its first woman president bers in closer touch with arthritis, the
way Hits." Something even more re- in 25 years. This spring Omega Omi- chapter held a craft center for arthritis
warding, though, for Lambda Omega cron bids farewell to Mrs. Clarence patients on six successive Friday after-
was the installation of the Maryville Hampton, chapter advisor since its noons. P H I BETA—EAST STROUDS-
Alumnae Chapter. N M S U men's var- installation. O M E G A X I — M O R E - BURG STATE COLLEGE captured
sity diving team is certainly benefitting H E A D STATE UNIVERSITY spring their school's Greek Week trophy this
f r o m the presence of two Lambda spring, taking firsts in the sing and the
Omegas, Julie Ausmus and Barbara talent show, where they featured
Potter, ending a 15 year all male pro-
gram. L A M B D A SIGMA—UNIVER- **
SITY OF GEORGIA transformed their
house into a McDonald's f o r rushees, inn
with the help of the company's execu-
tives from Athens and Atlanta. Their mm
originality paid off in a great pledge
class f o r Lambda Sigma. Chapter
philanthropic efforts included an under-
privileged children's Christmas party.
Toys for Tots, a dinner raffle, Muscular
Dystrophy Dance-a-thon, blood dona-
tions and several Lambda Sigmas did
recordings for the blind. L A M B D A
A N A U N I V E R S I T Y earned over
$1000 for the Arthritis Foundation
this year, through roadblocks and door-
to-door donation drives in Monroe.
The N L U Panhellenic Scholarship
trophies for the highest group grade
point averages went to the Lambda
Tau 1975 Pledge Class and Lambda
Tau Chapter. N U I O T A — N O R T H -
ERN ILLINOIS welcomed twenty
visitors f r o m an Ohio high school, in
DeKalb for a track meet for the blind.
This fall N u Iota will be hostessing
many visitors at a dedication ceremony
for their new permanent home on
Greek Row. N U L A M B D A — U N I -
F O R N I A rejoined the ranks of A O I I
on M a y 8. See the story o f their
i n s t a l l a t i o n on page 2. N U O M I -
SITY "socked it to Arthritis" with a
sock sale, and raised over $200. N u
Omicrons also spend time weekly with
a troop of handicapped Cub Scouts.
N u Omicron rush featured a Nashville
"Hee Haw" with Grandma "Rose,"
Charlie " A O I I " Corn and Minnie
"Pearl" resulting in a fantastic pledge

This house is sold—to Kappa Pi.


4f ing them. Singing valentines proved
Region I leadership seminar, sponsored by Sigma Rho. successful f o r Phi Upsilon, as they
***** earned over $200 for the Arthritis
Foundation. PI DELTA—UNIVER-
Janice Irwin, K T , 1976 Sugar Bowl queen. Yvonne Blemley, IIA, outstanding senior SITY OF M A R Y L A N D co-sponsored
two all-campus philanthropic events
"Women in Musicals." The Phi Betas sorority woman. this year—the Red Cross Blood Drive
devoted time each week, all year long, and a Cancer Dance Marathon. The
to visiting Stroud Manor, a home for ence Committee. Panhellenic ( o f which latter collected $31,500 for the Ameri-
the elderly. P H I L A M B D A — A O I I was president), women's varsity can Cancer Society. Pi Delta hit the
YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVER- athletic teams, campus government and court running, and wound up as D i -
S I T Y gave homecoming their all, win- Hanover Family Day. PHI SIGMA— vision Champions in basketball intra-
ning a first f o r their float, plus food KEARNEY STATE COLLEGE murals. SIGMA IOTA—WESTERN
and drink for themselves by having the worked Panhellenically this year, with I L L I N O I S U N I V E R S I T Y received the
most members of any campus organi- members as president and rush chair- President's Commendation for Fra-
zation at the game. The Panhellenic man. Phi Sigma Deb Hynes and part- ternal Excellence for the fourth con-
spirit of Phi Lambda showed itself by ner danced for 30 hours to win the secutive year. A O I I chaired the Greek
assisting the sisters of Sigma Sigma Muscular Dystrophy dance marathon, Week Charity Drive netting $800 for
Sigma, whose chapter house burned. which raised over $10,000 for M D . United Cerebral Palsy. S I G M A L A M B -
L E G E members have kept busy this VERSITY participated in S o r o r i t y A T LACROSSE hostessed Wisconsin
year in a number of campus activi- Sister Swap by sending members to State Day, with R D Barbara Hunt at-
ties—Hanover's Bicentennial Confer- Delta Gamma, Alpha Delta Pi and tending. Sigma Lambda carried home
Zeta Tau Alpha; the chapter then had a first place trophy for participation in
three different sorority members visit- a Dance for Cancer, sponsored by a
campus fraternity. S I G M A O M I -
V E R S I T Y fall pledges kept the chap-
ter on the go; one of their surprises
for members came at Thanksgiving,
where pledges gave a party for the
members. T o find the party, members
were given clues to follow, and formed
a car caravan to do so. Besides giving
parties, the Sigma Omicron pledges all
trod a 10 mile course in a walk-a-thon
for charity. SIGMA P H I — C A L I -
N O R T H R I D G E received the Dean's
Award for most improved chapter,
presented at the Panhellenic f o r m a l . A t
the same time. Sigma Phi saw three o f
its members installed as Panhellenic
officers. Plans have been drawn up f o r
enlargement of Sigma Phi's home, to
accommodate the ever-growing chap-
S T A T E C O L L E G E were hostesses f o r
a Region I Leadership Development
Seminar, the theme of which was
"Revolutionize Through Pride—Ring
Out for A O I I . " Workshops, called
First and Second Continental Congres-
ses, were held on various topics. A l -
though everyone kept busy, those at-
tending still had scheduled time to
eat—at Reveille, Battlefield R a t i o n s
and the Boston Tea Party! S I G M A
organized a special Founders' Day, by
welcoming collegians from Pi Delta
and Delta Chi, as well as area alum-
nae. Initiation for pledges of Sigma
Tau and Delta Chi was included in the
day's program. Sigma Tau's participa-
tion in intramural sports resulted in
a trophy for their champion volleyball


team. During the course of the year, were attended by Rosalie Barber and anniversary. Theta Pi will have a Sep-
Sigma T a u charter president Mrs. Dolly several charter members. T H E T A — tember luncheon to commemorate the
McCool Thorton, presented Sigma Tau D E P A U W U N I V E R S I T Y is involved occasion. U P S I L O N — U N I V E R S I T Y
with a clock in memory of her sister- in activities covering the entire on- O F W A S H I N G T O N starts off its
in-law, also a charter member of the campus spectrum, though still empha- Christmas season in a sharing way—
chapter. Other Sigma Tau activities in- sizing their scholarship. Theta's inter- each chapter member donates two or
cluded collecting for U N I C E F in ests include sports, the campus maga- more items to be sold by a chapter
Chestertown. T A U — U N I V E R S I T Y zine, the campus radio station, music "auctioneer," with proceeds to the
O F M I N N E S O T A reports an action- and theater. Four Theta members ap- Arthritis Foundation. UPSILON
packed year, beginning with a fall rush peared in a DePauw production of A L P H A — U N I V E R S I T Y O F ARI-
that doubled the chapter membership. "The Apple Tree." T H E T A C H I — Z O N A is well represented in the
Some activities Taus enjoyed this year M O R N I N G S I D E C O L L E G E started campus Panhellenic, as well as a variety
were working with United Way, a their year successfully, winning best of campus activities. During Greek
pledge reception, homecoming, a com- window display during Morningside's Week, Upsilon Alpha placed first in
bined Founders'-Mothers' Day celebra- Fall Festival. The chapter made a Softball and cheerleading competition,
tion, Greek Week and Rose Ball, not to week-long celebration of Theta Chi's also receiving three second and three
mention plenty of fraternity exchanges. 10th anniversary, highlighted by an third places in assorted events. Z E T A —
T E N N E S S E E A T M A R T I N set a goal week for Theta Chi came with Greek splashed through a car wash with Phi
of $5,000 to be raised this year when Week, where the chapter received re- Delta Theta to earn money for the A l l
they assumed responsibility for the cognition for participation and for University Fund charities drive. Ap-
Arthritis Drive in their county. Tau winning Greek Week Olympics in so- parently Zetas had to cool off after
Omieron spirit showed up during home- rority competition. T H E T A P I — their fantastic, but extremely warm
coming and intramurals, winning them W A G N E R C O L L E G E didn't win first rush.
awards for being the sorority with the place with their Liberty Bell float,
most school spirit, and having the best but another organization liked it so Is your chapter missing?
sportsmanship. T a u Omieron talents much, they bought it from Theta Pi to Then we're missing your report
took them to first place in Phi Sig use in another New York parade. This to To Dragma.
Follies. The chapter also celebrated its year is a special one for celebrating at
10th anniversary this year. Ceremonies Theta Pi, for it is the chapter's 25th

Greek Letter Bicentennial
Celebration in Williamsburg

The year 1976 is the bicentennial President Gerald R. Ford, Delta College where Phi Beta Kappa had
not only of our country but of the Kappa Epsilon, has been invited as established its fifth chapter in 1817.
American Fraternity, and this fact will the speaker at the closing banquet on Two years later Sigma Phi and Delta
be celebrated by men and women of Thursday, December 2. Phi were founded there, and the pat-
both general and professional fraterni- tern for the American fraternity was
ties December 1 and 2 at Williamsburg, Members of Alpha Omieron Pi who firmly set.
Virginia. are interested in attending may write
Central Office for more information. By 1850 there were 16 fraternities,
The gala events of the Greek Letter each with one or more chapters on
Bicentennial are the result of joint plan- Williamsburg was chosen for the ob- other campuses.
ning by the four Conferences rep- servance because Phi Beta Kappa, the
resented in the Interfraternity Re- forerunner of all college Greek Letter In the early part of the 19th century,
search and Advisory Council: National groups in America, was founded there women as college students were very
Interfraternity Conference, National December 5, 1776, just scant months rare, but Georgia Female College
Panhellenic Conference, Professional after the signing of the Declaration of (later Wesleyan College), founded in
Interfraternity Conference and Profes- Independence. 1836 in Macon, Georgia, granted the
sional Panhellenic Association. Mem- first degrees to women. It was here
bers of all other college Greek Letter The weekend will encompass the that the first women's fraternities were
societies also are being invited to par- actual date of the founding of Phi founded: Alpha Delta Pi in May, 1851,
ticipate. Beta Kappa as a social and literary and Phi Mu in January, 1852. By the
society at the College of William and end of the century there were 18 na-
Fraternity leaders and members from Mary. During a flurry of anti-fratern- - tional sororities with satellite chapters
across the nation will gather for meet- ity agitation in 1831, the fraternity in various colleges and universities.
ings of individual Conferences and changed to an honor society.
Associations on Wednesday, December Today the college fraternity world
1, and for a joint "Interfraternity Day" Meantime other student groups were has an estimated five million living
on Thursday at the Williamsburg formed for social and literary purposes members. N P C sororities count ap-
Lodge. and many developed into the strong, proximately 1.5 million living mem-
national organizations we know today. bers.
12 The first of these was Kappa Alpha
Society, founded in 1825 at Union

The Perry A w a r d Committee is . . . and knowing you share something stronger than the
Linda Broeckel, 1976 pleased to announce the 1976 immediate moment.
Stella George Stern Perry Award
Perry Award, Alpha winner, Linda Kaye Broeckel of The hunger
Alpha Gamma Chapter, Washing- to read and devour everything you can find
Gamma Chapter. ton State University. about the history of our fraternity

Linda's dedication to the fra- and you learn that those glorious Founders
ternity, her intelligence and in- were "just plain folks"
volvement in many facets of life like me
are a shining example of a mature
college and sorority woman, and that Jessie dropped things, too
of a chapter president of Alpha and Stella loved to write and
Omicron Pi. shared the goal of an advertising agency.

You may send your congratula- The privilege
tions to Linda's home address: as you initiate a new sister
Star Route, Lacrosse, Washington accepting and returning those very special vows
99143. as you flash-back to your own moment of new membership.

The Perry Award Committee The learning
Jessie M c A d a m Larned about yourself . . .
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer about others . . .
Ruth Lee Leichtamer, Chairman about leadership . . .
. . . about A O I I . . .
What they couldn't tell me . . .
And now . . . the thrill
No one ever said it would be easy. as they tell me I've done a good job
There would be times of difficult decision they want to nominate me for an award
requiring discipline with sensitivity dedicated to Stella.
responsibility with direction
leadership with fairness and tact A year ago,
all woven together by love. I thought

I knew the requirements. There was so much to know.
But there was so much I didn't know. . . to accomplish,
to achieve.
The anticipation
of those first chapter meetings— How could I do it?
eager, newly-installed officers How would I do it?
ready to jump head-first into our Pullman-part of A O I I . Where do I begin to begin?

The beauty But " I " didn't have to.
of our Rituals, read slowly A chapter is no " I . " It is "us." Together.
filling me with a sense of AOII-understanding never felt President and pledge. New initiate and "old" alum. Sister and
before. sister.
A year ago,
The satisfaction
as we faced, discussed, and decided upon I thought
a multitude of issues There was so much to know
controversial and otherwise.
so much energy and time to give.
The agony
of a difficult decision But there was so much more
requiring discipline toward another. reflected back to me
"She's my sister . . . I don't want to judge." in so many ways
that will far outlast the short time I've spent in office.
And the tearful hugs that follow (later) when you both realize
that decisions, while difficult No one said . . .
may still contain mutual caring and respect. . . . because there was no way to say it.

The information So much is unexplainable
in that stack of files and red notebooks and when you try
rules-and-suggestions-and-hints-and-ideas-and-psychups-and- you sound sentimental
calmdowns-everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about- ambiguous
AOII lovey-dovey
. . . or something like that. or just plain nuts.

The belonging But those who have been there know
as you share stories and laughter and understand.

with a 20-year-old-collegian from Florida And a rose
and 29-plus housewife from Iowa or a wheatfield
and an international president (once a pledge like me) or those three simple letters

will bring back the memory of it all.

and I know I've been given so much more
than I could ever give.
— L . Broeckel
Alpha Gamma



Wilma Smith Leland, Tan on the outer garment of a dressy pants side of dress or blouse. Place the thumb
suit. One does not wear it on messy in the hollow of the throat and measure
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is a privilege for sweat shirts. It is worn in all places to a spot with the open hand. Your
TO DRAGMA to present another in where a member wishes to be identi- badge may be pinned in a slightly dif-
the regular series of articles by mem- fied. Pride in membership should be ferent place than another member's,
bers of the Rituals, Traditions and the criterion. but the general area will be proper.
Jewelry Committee.
Again the position of the badge has Although some other fraternities may
Workshops at Convention always changed with styles. Men and women have more pieces of jewelry and permit
bring questions from A O I I members used to wear fraternity badges on different usage of it, the jewelry of
about jewelry, regulations and tradi- lapels of suits, on ties or scarves to Alpha Omicron Pi is in keeping with
tions. Articles in the past issues of T o hold them together. The A O I I badge our philosophy of distinguished sim-
Dragma will give more details than and the pledge pin are worn on the left plicity.
this short piece will supply: Pledge pin,
Autumn, 1964; Recognition pin, Win- Dear A O I I Graduates of 76,
ter, 1964; Rings, Spring, 1965; and
Badge, Summer 1965. Welcome to the alumnae world of A O I I ! Remember that day long
ago when someone said " A O I I is forever?" We really did mean it.
These are official pieces of jewelry The best is yet to come.
together wtih the A O I I lavalier, the
Mother's Club pin, the 50-year mem- But how can you even think about A O I I now, with so many other
ber's pin, the colony pin, the pledge things on your mind? Let me illustrate with a story I once heard.
circlet honor pin and the Ruby A honor
badge. It seems an older, actively involved Sigma N u was on his way to a
fraternity meeting, when he ran across another, younger Sigma Nu.
Regulations concerning purchase and The younger man noticed his pin, introduced himself, and began to
ownership of the badge have changed say " I was a Sigma N u at . . ." and there the older man stopped him.
in recent years due to changes in gov-
ernment regulations. These changes are "I'm sorry to hear you say that," he remarked, "for I am a Sigma
made-by the Executive Board, but types Nu, no matter where I'm at."
of badges available under these regu-
lations are discussed with the Jewelry Y o u are an A O I I , and will be both before and after graduation.
Committee which is a part of Rituals How you choose to demonstrate that to others is up to you. A l l that
and Traditions Committee's responsi- A O I I asks is that you try to live up to the ideals you have accepted
bilities. as your own, for the rest of your life. T o be an A O I I is to attempt
to live your ideals.
Alumnae only may have their badges
placed on a gold disk on a charm We do urge you to remain involved with the organization of A O I I
bracelet; This permission, like .others itself. Y o u personally can give like no other A O I I . It can be as an
made by R T and J Committee, stem- adviser, in an alumnae group, on a corporation board, as a regional
med from the fact that alumnae were officer, as a member of special committees, maybe eventually on the
not wearing their badges, yet they international level. It is only through the continued efforts of other
wished to be known as A O I I members. A O I I s that you were given the opportunity to be one at all.
The manufacture of the lavalier arose
from the same kind of need among So, when your life settles down, we hope you'll join alumnae
collegiate members. During the '60s, efforts, for you are an A O I I , forever.
the prejudice against fraternity mem-
bers made the wearing of badges dif- Fraternally,
ficult. The lavalier was the first piece
of jewelry sanctioned after the death Darci Sullivan
of Stella George Stern Perry, the chair- Class of 7 4
man of the Jewelry Committee from
the founding.

The new recognition pin, with the
A O I I initials in sequence, was ap-
proved prior to 1971 because it was
felt that the rose pin was not sufficient
for identification.

Where does one wear the badge and
when? One wears it always when one
is dressed properly. Style changes. In
the '20s one did not wear a badge on
middy blouses when worn with gym
bloomers; one wore it on middy blouses
worn with skirts. Today one wears it


Get It Together for Fall

The following items are available from Central Office. Prices are subject to change.

RUSH SLIDE SHOW, 80-slide presenta-

tion picturing many A O I I people, places

and events. Complete with script. Three A O I I MAKES THE DIFFERENCE, a AN -INTRODUCTION TO ALPHA
sharp looking, informative brochure about
loan copies available. A O I I . Good for favors, also pledges and OMICRON PI, our international pledge
their parents.
Cost: Postage handbook, required for each pledge.
Cost: $.10 each, plus postage
Cost: $1.40

booklet of information for pledge par- for parents, friends of pledges, with
ents, with envelopes. envelopes.
Cost: $.55 each, plus postage
Cost: $-.15 each, plus postage

MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Clip and send to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
BLANKS, standard forms for recommen- 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
dation for membership. Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Cost: $2.00 for 100, plus postage

Can we use the slide show? Our rush dates are
We would like to order:

ALPHA OMICRON PI Membership information Jnformation Acknowledg-
blanks ment Cards
AOII Makes the Difference
Your Daughter and AOTT .Introduction to AOII
.Pledge Announcement


Charge to: Chapter

Name: Office:

Address: Zip Code:

INFORMATION ACKNOWLEDG- If address to which material is to be sent differs f r o m above, please
MENT CARDS, post card size to com-

plete and mail to alumnae.

Cost: $.03 each, plus postage





Photographs courtesy of Alpha Gamma, Alpha Sigma, Chi Alpha, Delta V"
Beta, Delta Omega, Delta Pi. Gamma Delta, Gamma Sigma, Kappa Kappa.
Kappa Pi, Lambda Sigma, Phi Beta, Sigma Lambda and Sigma Cmicron. <3m





AOII Wants You to Send
Rushee Information

It is expected that, as college women, chapters will make
reasonable, mature judgments. But how can alumnae help?
Supply rushee information! Chapters are no longer re-
quired to obtain recommendations on rushees before pledg-
ing, but the information available from alumnae is still
invaluable, for the chapter and for the rushee.

Knowledge of the rushee can only help in chapter de-
cisions, since one complaint is that rush is "never enough
time" to really get to know someone. A chapter implement-
ing this information can conduct an even more personal
rush. With rush numbers on the rise, this is increasingly
difficult to do. And no rushee enjoys feeling like a number
rather than a real person!

What are we looking for in a rushee? We are looking
for the future of Alpha Omicron Pi. We are looking for
positive women—those who do, those who give, those who
care. Do you know a young woman like that? Then let
our chapters know—use the information form on page 19
in this issue!


Information Form

Rushee's Name last first nickname Picture
Home Address _ number state zipcode
Parent/Guardian street. city

name (address if other than above)


High School , Year Graduated
Number in C l a s s
name and location

Scholastic Average Class Rank

College/University name and location ..
Scholastic Average Terms Completed



Is rushee familiar with AOII? .

Does rushee have AOII relatives? If so, please give name, chapter and relationships.


To: Chapter From: _ Chapter
Send to Chapter Adviser, see directory for address. Telephone:


Appointments DIRECTORY

Rosalie Gorham Barber EXECUTIVE BOARD Director
The Executive Board and the Ritual, Mrs. William M. Westerman (Phyllis
Traditions and Jewelry Committee an- President
nounce with pleasure the appointment Mrs. George B. Callaway (Janirae Arner P)
of Rosalie Gorham Barber (Mrs. 88 Lake Shore Drive
Michie, Sigma Omicron) and Gwen Linebaugh O) Youngstown, Ohio 44511
Everetts Lee (Mrs. W. D., Rho) to the 2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103 Telephone: 216-788-3956
R . T . and J . Committee. Nashville, Tennessee 37212
Both Rosalie and Gwen have worked NATIONAL PANHELLENIC
with A O H locally, and as officers of Vice President/Operations CONFERENCE
past Executive Committees. Jones- Mrs. August Ackel (Norma
boro, Arkansas, is home for Rosalie, (Collegiate correspondence should be
while Gwen may be found in Urbana, Marshall K©) directed to First Alternate)
Illinois. 5340 Yarmouth, Apartment #308
Other members of the committee are Encino, California 91316 Delegate:
Virginia Mylander, Mary D. Drum- Telephone: 213-345-5199 Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise
mond, Wilma Smith Leland and Nancy
Moyer McCain. Each issue of To Vice President/Development Filer AH)
Dragma features an article by one mem- Mrs. John D. MacCallum (Joan (See Executive Board listing for
ber of the committee. Wilma Smith
Leland, Past International President, Deathe K<f>) address)
contributed the story found in this issue. 13195 Edison Crescent
Also joining this prestigious commit- Picrrefonds, Quebec, C a H8Z 1Y5 First Alternate:
tee (ex-officio) will be this year's Perry Telephone: 514-626-1247 Mrs. Richard C. Crawford, Jr.
Award winner.
(Through July and August) (Margaret Kramer I )
Gwen Everetts Lee c/o D. W. MacCallum 9113 Massasoit
20 South Shore Road, Rural Route # 2 Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453
Clarenceville, Quebec, C a JOJ OBO Telephone: 312-422-5244

Secretary/Treasurer Second Alternate:
Mrs. Wayne R. Moore (Mary Mrs. Willard D. Berry (Norma

Hansuld 12) Nierstheimer P)
2601 Oakwood Road. Route # 3 Fairway Estates A-41
Ames, Iowa 50010 8005 San Point Way, N E
Telephone: 515-292-8555 Seattle, Washington 98115

Director Third Alternate:
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (Adele

Huey AS) Kuflewski P)
2965 Pharr Court South, N W
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 CENTRAL OFFICE
Telephone: 404-237-1487
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office
Director 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Mrs. Ralph M. Aderman (Alice ©*) Nashville, Tennessee 37212
2302 E . Newberry Blvd. Telephone: 615-383-1174
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211 Hours: 8:30-4:45 Central Time
Telephone: 414-962-3804
Administrative Director
Director Mrs. Frederick W. Hinton (P)
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Accountant
Mrs. Charles Skibo (Sherron)
Filer A n ) Collegiate Secretary
Post Office Box 2317 Mrs. Ron Samuels (Lynn O )
Sanford. Florida 32771 Secretary/Receptionist
Telephone: 305-349-5675 Miss Betsy Smith
Membership and Supplies Secretary
(July 1 through October 1) Mrs. Wayne Southcrland (Debra)
Post Office Box 198 Associate Membership Secretary
Balsam, North Carolina 28707 Mrs. Greg Ward (Pat)
Telephone: 704-456-6284

Chapter ALABAMA Chapter Adviser Iota Alpha Idaho State University 3759 Heron
Alpha Delta School, City, Month of Rush Mrs. J. Donald Banks Pocatello, Idaho Pocatello. I D 83201
University of Alabama (Sue Ellen) August Mrs. Ray W. Grant
Alpha Kappa University, Alabama 1015 7th Ave., Apt. 7 (Terry)
Delta Delta August Tuscaloosa, A L 35401 912 W. Wyeth
Patricia Chandler Pocatello, I D 83201
Gamma Delta University of North Alabama 1107 Willingham Road
Sigma Delta Florence, Alabama Florence, A L 35630 Beta Lambda ILLINOIS Mrs. Roger Schweirjohn
Tau Delta August Mrs. Gus Barnes I I I Iota Illinois Wesleyan University (Rosemary)
Auburn University (Charlotte) Nu Iota Bloomington, Illinois R. R. # 2
Auburn, Alabama 320 Shelton Road Sigma Iota September Bloomington, I L 61701
September Auburn, A L 36830 University of Illinois Mrs. Russell Young
Miss Margaret Hook Urbana, Illinois (Linda)
University of South Alabama 2005 Dauphin St., # 1 September 505 S. Draper
Mobile. Alabama Mobile, A L 36603 Northern Illinois University Champaign, I L 61820
September Mrs. James Beck (Diane) DeKalb, Illinois Mrs. Peter Taubenheim
Huntingdon College 3127 Old Dobbin Road September (Barbara)
Montgomery, Alabama Montgomery, A L 36111 Western Illinois University 1770 Sussex Walk
September Mrs. Steve Fredericks Macomb, Illinois Hoffman Estates, I L 60172
Birmingham Southern College (Lvnne) September Mrs. James Conley (June)
Birmingham, Alabama 107 Malaga Ave. 152 Penny Lane
August Birmingham, A L 35209 Macomb, I L 61455

Theta Omega ARIZONA Mrs. Toni Morris (Gail) Beta Phi INDIANA Mrs. C. J. Woertz (Rose)
Upsilon Alpha Northern Arizona University 1505 N . Aztec Chi Lambda Indiana University R.R. # 1 , Box 40-D
Flagstaff, Arizona Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Kappa Alpha Bloomington, Indiana Bloomington, I N 47401
August Diane Spencer August Miss Antoinette Reitz
University of Arizona 4525 E. Bermuda Kappa Kappa University of Evansville 521 Runnymeade Ave.
Tucson, Arizona Tucson, AZ 85712 Evansville, Indiana Evansville. I N 47714
August Phi Omicron September Mrs. Paul Gibbons
Phi Upsilon Indiana State University (JoAnn)
Sigma Omicron ARKANSAS Mrs. Thad Wyatt Terre Haute, Indiana 35 Gardendale Road
Arkansas State University (Carolyn) Theta September Terre Haute. I N 47803
State University, Arkansas 1812 Eldridge Mrs. William Huber
September Jonesboro, AR 72401 Ball State University (Mary Lou)
Muncie, Indiana 2000 W. Jackson St.
CALIFORNIA August Muncie, I N 47303
Hanover College Mrs. James Jacob (Sue)
Chi Alpha University of California-Davis Mrs. A. L. Blubaugh Hanover, Indiana 707 East 2nd St.
Nu Lambda Davis, California (Esse) September/January Madison, I N 47250
Lambda Beta September 3010 Dorlaine Purdue University Mrs. John Wagoner
Sacramento, CA 95821 West Lafayette, Indiana (Nancy)
Sigma University of Southern Miss Beryl Arbit Ajgust/January 18 Spring Valley Ct.
Sigma Phi California 1943 Point View DePauw University Lafayette, IN 47906
Los Angeles, California Los Angeles, CA 90034 Greencastle, Indiana Mrs. James Johnson
August August (Martha)
California State at Long Beach Mrs. James T. Ferrell 314 Highfall
Long Beach, California (Penne) Greencastle, I N 46135
August 21152 Binghampton
Huntington Beach, CA
92646 IOWA
University of California— Mrs. Neil MacNeil (Leah) Coe College
Berkeley 7033 Hemlock Alpha Theta Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mrs. Allen Pesavento
Berkeley, California Oakland, CA 94611 Iota Sigma September (Renee)
September Theta Chi Iowa State University 1425 36th St. NE
California State at Northridge Mrs. Joe Compese (Crystal) Ames, Iowa Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Northridge, California 23063 Baltar St. September Mrs. Wayne Ellingson
September •Canoga Park, CA 91304 (Regina)
Morningside College 1230 25th
Chi Delta COLORADO Mrs. Richard Powell (Jan) Sioux City, Iowa Ames, IA 50010
University of Colorado 3825 Armer Drive September Miss Linda Renfro
Boulder, Colorado Boulder, CO 80303 East 21st and G Street
August So. Sioux City, NB 68776

Delta Chi DELAWARE Mrs. Fred Polaski Alpha Chi KENTUCKY Mrs. Neil Allen (Rachel)
University of Delaware (Mary Jean) Beta Chi Western Kentucky University 459 Brentmoor
Newark. Delaware Seymour Road Delta Omega Bowling Green, Kentucky Bowling Green, K Y 42101
September Bear, DE 19701 August Miss Ellen Fortune
Omega X i Kentucky Wesleyan College R.R. # 1
Alpha Pi FLORIDA Mrs. E. Burke Jolly Owensboro, Kentucky Utica, KY 42376
Florida State University (Judy) September Mrs. Kenneth Harrell
Tallahassee, Florida Regional Director Murray State University (Ellen)
1409 Raa Ave. Murray, Kentucky 801 Doran Road
Gamma Omicron University of Florida Tallahassee, FL 32303 August Murray, K Y 42071
Gainesville, Florida Mrs. David Cox (Patsy) Dr. Mildred Quinn
September 1125 NW 36th Terrace Morehead State University 1379 Sherwood Forest
Gainesville, FL 32605 Morehead, Kentucky Morehead, K Y 40351
Kappa Gamma Florida Southern College Miss Ann Colvin August/January
Lakeland, Florida 1040 Euclid Ave.
September Lakeland, FL 33802 Alpha Omicron LOUISIANA Mrs. Harold Mele, Jr.
Delta Beta Louisiana State University (Susan)
Gamma Sigma GEORGIA Miss Mary Rawlings Reese Kappa Tau Baton Rouge, Louisiana 343 W. Chalfont Dr.
Lambda Chi Georgia State University 41 25th Street Lambda Tau August Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Lambda Sigma Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta. GA 30309 Pi Mrs. Brenda Waguespack
September Mrs. Michael Etheridge University of Southwestern 1507 Kaliste Saloom Road
LaGrange College (Julianna) Louisiana Lafayette, LA 70501
LaGrange, Georgia 18 Cherokee Street Lafayette, Louisiana Mrs. Lionel Laurent
September Newnan. GA 30263 August (Rose)
Sharon Key Kelly Southeastern Louisiana 805 Louisiana Ave.
University of Georgia 198 Dearing Street University Hammond, LA 70401
Athens. Georgia Athens, GA 30601 Hammond, Louisiana Mrs. David Barnes
September August (Felicie)
Northeastern Louisiana 2304 Pinehurst
Beta Sigma IDAHO Mrs. Richard Smith University Monroe, LA 71201
Boise State University (Elaine) Monroe, Louisiana Mrs. Ted Grace, Jr.
Boise, Idaho Regional Director August (Georgiann)
August H. Sophie Newcomb Regional Director
Memorial College 17 Longwood
New Orleans, Louisiana Monroe, LA 71201


Chapter MAINE Chapter Adviser Phi Lambda Youngstown State University Mrs. Norma Anderson
Gamma School, City, Month of Rush Mrs. David Sprague Theta Psi Youngstown, Ohio 4153 Canfield Rd.
University of Maine (Debra) September Canfield. OH 44406
Orono, Maine Elm Street, Box 4 University of Toledo Mrs. Warren C. Kerry
September Winterport, ME 04496 Toledo, Ohio (Prudence)
September 5953 Therfield
Sylvania, OH 43560

Pi Delta MARYLAND Lorraine Cuerou Alpha Rho OREGON Mrs. John R. Baines
Sigma Tau University of Maryland 9346 Cherry Hill Rd., #204 Alpha Sigma Oregon State University (Ruth)
College Park, Maryland College Park, MD 20740 Corvallis, Oregon 204 NW 27th St.
September Mrs. Alan Goldstein September Corvallis, OR 97330
Washington College (Cecilia) Mrs. Lester Hixson
Chestertown, Maryland 110 Campus Ave. University of Oregon (Connie)
October Chestertown, M D 21620 Eugene, Oregon 1523 Russet Drive
September Eugene, OR 97405

Eastern Michigan University
Beta Pi Ypsilanti, Michigan Mrs. John Strack (Denise) Gamma Beta Indiana University of Miss Peggy Fletcher
September 46020 Lake Villa Dr. Phi Beta Pennsylvania 1354 Water Street
Building 2, Apt. 105 Sigma Rho Indiana, Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15701
Belleville, M I 48111 October Mrs. Joseph Catanzaro
East Stroudsburg State (Judy)
Beta Epsilon MINNESOTA Mrs. Robert Smith (Jane) College Parkway Drive
Tau Bemidji State University 1401 Beltrami East Stroudsburg, Delaware Water Gap, PA
Bemidji, Minnesota Bemidji, M N 56601 Pennsylvania 18301
September Mrs. Gerald Zapettillo September Mrs. Joseph Marks
University of Minnesota (Deborah) Slippery Rock State College (Ramona)
Minneapolis. Minnesota 12836 Nicollet Ave. S„ #301 Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania Route 4
September Minneapolis, M N 55337 August Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Nu Beta MISSISSIPPI Miss Debely Mathis Kappa Omicron TENNESSEE Mrs. Brian Rushton
University of Mississippi Box 5433 Nu Omicron Southwestern at Memphis (Priscilla)
University, Mississippi University, MS 38677 Omega Omicron Memphis, Tennessee 95 Hollyoke Lane
August Omicron October Memphis, T N 38117
Phi Alpha Vanderbilt University Mrs. Ann Matthes
Delta Pi MISSOURI Mrs. Thomas Bruening Tau Omicron Nashville, Tennessee 500 Plantation Ct.
Lambda Omega Central Missouri State (Barbara) August/January Nashville. T N 37221
University Route 1 Lambuth College Mrs. Clarence O. Hampton
VVarrensburg, Missouri Higginsville. MO 64037 Jackson, Tennessee (Rena)
September Mrs. Charles O'Riley September 575 Lambuth Blvd.
Northwest Missouri State (Carol) Jackson, T N 38301
University 327 N . Grand Ave. University of Tennessee Mrs. Ronald Henry (Patty)
Maryville, Missouri Maryville, MO 64468 Knoxville. Tennessee Rt. 1, Lakefront Lane
August September Concord. T N 37720
East Tennessee State Mrs. Gene Clark (Helen)
Alpha Phi MONTANA Mrs. William Fahrman University 1302 Peterson Place
Beta Rho Montana State University (Merry) Johnson City, Tennessee Johnson City, T N 37601
Bozeman, Montana 419 South 5th September Miss Elaine Mitchell
September Bozeman, MT 59715 University of Tennessee at G-H Dorm. UTM
Mrs. Michael Milodragovich Martin Martin. TN 38238
University of Montana (Chris) Martin, Tennessee
Missoula, Montana Box 2553 September
September Missoula, MT 59801

NEBRASKA Alpha Gamma Washington State University Mrs. Thomas Ruff (Nancy)
Chadron State College Upsilon Pullman, Washington NE 600 Illinois
Chadron, Nebraska August Pullman, WA 99163
Nu Zeta September Mrs. Marvin Muirhead University of Washington Mrs. Bruce Busch
(Kathleen) Seattle, Washington (Kathleen)
Phi Sigma Kearney State College Chappell's Trailer Ct. #44 September 5700 29th NE
Zeta Kearney, Nebraska Chadron, NB 69337 Seattle. WA 98105
August Mrs. James Smith (Donna)
University of Nebraska 22 Skyline Dr. WEST VIRGINIA
Lincoln, Nebraska Kearney, NB 68847
August Mrs. Dennis Stelzer (Sue) Phi Kappa Morris Harvey College Mrs. t ; idy Norman
5031 Cresthaven Dr. Charleston, West Virginia 409 Marshall Ave.
Lincoln. NB 68516 August Rand, WV 25306

Sigma Chi NEW YORK Mrs. Fred Hickein (Ellie) Iota Tau WISCONSIN Mrs. James White (Jeannie)
Theta Pi Hartwick College 82 Elm Street Phi Delta Stout State University Route 1
Oneonta, New York Oneonta, NY 13820 Menomonie, Wisconsin Eau Galle, W I 54737
September Mrs. Michael Giannetto Sigma Lambda September Miss Sharon Fliess
Wagner College (Mary Lou) University of Wisconsin- 4033 North Bartlett
Staten Island, New York 746 Armstrong Ave. Milwaukee Milwaukee, W I 53211
September Staten Island. NY 10308 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Mrs. Nan Ladehoff
September 607 West Gale St.
University of Wisconsin- Galesville, W I 54601
LaCrosse, Wisconsin


Zeta Psi East Carolina University Mrs. V. P. Arbegast BRITISH COLUMBIA
Greenville. North Carolina (Jeannie)
Kappa Pi August Rt. #2, Box 491 Beta Kappa University of British Mrs. Kerry Spence (Judi)
Omega Greenville, NC 27834 Columbia 2173 Tompkins
Vancouver, British Columbia North Vancouver, B.C.
OHIO September
Ohio Northern University
Ada, Ohio Mrs. Jeffrey McLean Beta Tau ONTARIO Mrs. Michael Owoc
October (Jeanne) University of Toronto (Lynette)
Route 1 Toronto, Ontario 1310 Gulleden Drive #7
Miami University Ada, OH 45810 September Mississauga, Ontario
Oxford. Ohio Mrs. Robert Schuette L4X 1Y9
August (Alice)
9 Robin Court
Oxford, OH 45056


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June 16-20 Camelback Inn Scottsdale

miA time to make memories

Post-convention tours being planned:
The Grand Canyon — 2 days, 1 night
Hawaii — 8 days, 7 nights

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