Scholarship Officer Committee on Jewelry of Alpha Omicron Pi
Chairman, M r s . George H . Perry,
Mrs. Edward J . Nichols, K, Central
Office, State College, Pa. A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York,
Committee on Examination
Julia L . Tillinghast, N , Box 469,
Chairman—Examining Officer G r a n d Central Station, 110 East
45th Street, New York, N . Y .
Atlantic—Mrs. E . Arthur Beavens,
Trustees of Anniversary Endowment
ITA, 2915 Connecticut Avenue Fund
Chairman, M r s . George V . Mullan,
N.W., Washington, D . C . Volume 27 Number 3
A , 25 E a s t 83rd Street, New
Southern—Catherine U n d e r w o o d , York, N . Y . Term expires June,
1933. Josephine S. P r a t t , A , 13S
K O , 232 Jones Street, Memphis, West 183rd Street, New York,
Tenn. N . Y . T e r m expires June, 1935.
Ohio Valley—Mis. R . P . Austin, I , Constitutional Revision Committee
Chairman, G r a n d Secretary, E x e c u -
Hagerstown, Ind.
tive Committee, Registrar, Assist-
Great Lakes—Mrs. H e n r y H . E r s - ant Registrar.
kine, I , 7051 Oglesby Avenue, Song Committee
Chairman, Janet M . H o w r y , T ,
C h i c a g o , 111.
1664 V a n Buren Street, St. Paul,
Mid-Western—Winafred Steele, Z , Minn.
Malvern, Iowa. D o r o t h y J a n e Hines, T , 500 F r y
Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Pacific—Elsie Jones, A P , 1080 Mer-
ges Drive, Portland, Ore. co
Committee on Nomination
Chairman, E l i z a b e t h H e y w o o d W y -
m a n , A , 19 Outlook Place, Glen TE TS
Ridge, N . J . Frontispiece
Members, A l u m n a ; Superintendents.
z/llpha £igtna ^Alpha Sxisted Two years A Workers' Club in Moscow 16
"Eyes on Russia" 18
(Continued from page 13) How Can We Satisfy the Conscientious Objectors? 23
Alpha O's Have Space in Beautiful Woman's Building 26
entertaining an investigating committee of Alpha O's from Seattle, Mrs. A Sunshine Farm Whose Crop is Healthy Children 28
Howard G. Rahskopf and Mrs. Martin Norgore of the Seattle Alumnae "Keep Up Appearances" 29
chapter and Virginia Perrish of Upsilon chapter. On April 1 Helen Davis "Socialism or Chaos—Which?" 31
received word that our group had been approved by the Pacific Coast We Can Achieve Results 37
District. We immediately began work on our formal petition to be pre- "Clever Country" I s the Romance of Kentucky 39
sented at the convention in Troutdale, Colorado. We all had to sit back Wherein I G o to Saigon 41
and wait then for word from the convention. In the meantime we spent Dallas Alpha O Leads in Little Theatre Movement 43
a very happy week at sorority camp at Cave Cliff and were fortunate Labrador Offers Opportunities to Nurse 44
in having Helen Davis with us. We had another very enthusiastic Alpha Psi Anthropologist on Expedition in Mosul 46
O to work with us in Jo Sutherland of Pi chapter. These Four Alumna: Are Very Loyal 48
The Quiet Corner 49
On June 26 we received the happy word of our acceptance into the Panhellenic Rules Vary on Campuses 56
Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. Immediately we started plans for our in- These Four Alpha O's Are Very Active 61
stallation, and it seemed no time until the week-end of October 16-18 Alpha O's in the Daily Press 90
when Beta Kappa chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed. The Active Chapters
A l u m n i Notes
Directory of Officers
• MARCH • 1932 •
ACTIVE CHAPTER ROLL <yllpha Omicron *Pi
ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. A L P H A P H I [A*]—Montana State Col- V O L . 27 M A R C H , 1932 NO. 3
P i [ I I ] — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial lege, Bozeman, Mont.
College, New Orleans, L a . N u OMICRON [NO]—Vanderbilt Univer-
Nu [N]—New York University, New sity, Nashville, Tenn.
York City. P s i [ • ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa.
OMICRON [O]—University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, Tenn. P H I [ • ] — University of Kansas, Law- • 1
rence, Kan.
KAPPA [K]—Randolph-Macon Woman's
College, Lynchburg, V a . OMEGA [Q]—Miami University, Oxford,
ZETA [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin-
coln, Neb. OMICRON PI [Oil]—University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
SIGMA [ I ] — U n i v e r s i t y of California,
Berkeley, Calif. ALPHA SIGMA [AE]—University of Ore-
gon, Eugene, Ore.
THETA [9]—DePauw University, Green-
castle, Ind. X i [ £ ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Oklahoma, Nor- <Tfoi
man, Okla. - - ragma
BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive.
DELTA fA]—Jackson College, Tufts Col- P i DELTA. [IIA]—University of Mary-
land, College Park, Md.
lege, Mass.
TAU DELTA [TA]—Birmingham-Southern
G A M M A [I\J—University of Maine, College, Birmingham, Ala.
Orono, Me. KAPPA T H E T A [KO]—University of Call- ,
fornia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca, Calif.
N.Y. University, KAPPA OMICRON [KO]—Southwestern,
RHO [P]—Northwestern Memphis, Tenn.
Evanston, 111. ALPHA RHO [AIM—Oregon Agricultural
College, Corvallis, Ore.
LAMBDA [A]—Leland Stanford Univer-
sity, Palo Alto, Calif. C H I DELTA [XA]—University of Colo-
rado, Boulder, Colo.
IOTA [I]—University of Illinois, Cham-
paign, 111. BETA THETA [B6I—Butler University,
TAU [ T ] — University of Minnesota, Min- Indianapolis, Ind.
neapolis, Minn.
A L P H A PI [All]—Florida State College
CHI [X]—Syracuse University, Syra- for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
cuse, N . Y .
EPSILON ALPHA [EA]—Pennsylvania
UPSILON [ T ] — U n i v e r s i t y of Washing- State College, State College, Pa.
ton, Seattle, Wash.
THETA ETA 1©H]—University of Cincin-
nati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
N u KAPPA [NKJ—Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, Tex. BETA T A U [BT]—University of Toronto, EDITOR
Toronto, O n t
BETA P H I [KM -Indiana University, Send all editorial material to
Bloornington, Ind. Wisconsin, ALPHA T A U [AT]—Denison University, WILMA SMITH LELAND
Granville, Ohio.
ETA [H]—University of 313 Twelfth Street,
Madison, Wis. BETA KAPPA [BKJ—University of British Neenah, Wisconsin
Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
NEW YORK ALUMNA—New York City. O M A H A A L U M N A — O m a h a , Neb. Box 262 .
SAN FRANCISCO A L U M N A — S a n Fran- SYRACUSE ALUMNA—Syracuse, N . Y . Masonic Bldg.
cisco, Calif. DETROIT ALUMNA—Detroit, Mich. State College, Pa.
PROVIDENCE A L U M N A — P r o v i d e n c e , CLEVELAND A L U M N A — C l e v e l a n d , Ohio. T o DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 4D0 Ahnaip Street,
Rhode Island. MEMPHIS ALUMNA—Memphis, Tenn. Mena*ha Wisconsin, and is printed by The George Banta Publishing Company.
BOSTON A L U M N A — B o s t o n , Mass. MILWAUKEE ALUMNA—Milwaukee, Wis. Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, as second class matter under
LINCOLN A L U M N A — L i n c o l n , Neb. BIRMINGHAM A L U M N A — Birmingham, the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro-
vided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12 1920.
Los ANGELES A L U M N A — L o s Angeles, Ala.
Calif. To DR\GMA is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
OKLAHOMA CITY ALUMNA—Oklahoma Subscription price, 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; L i f e
CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, III. City, Okla.
INDIANAPOLIS A L U M N A — Indianapolis, Subscription $15.
cago, 111.
NEW ORLEANS A L U M N A — N e w Orleans,
La. MADISON ALUMNA—Madison, Wis.
MINNEAPOLIS A L U M N A — Minneapolis, BLOOM I NGTON A L U M N A — Bloornington,
BANGOR A L U M N A — B a n g o r , Me.
PORTLAND ALUMNA—Portland, Ore. DENVER A L U M N A — D e n v e r , Colo.
LYNCH; K ALUMNA—Lynchburg, Va. A N N ARBOR A L U M N A — A n n Arbor, Mich.
WASHINGTON A L U M N A — Washington, FORT W A Y N E A L U M N A — F o r t Wayne,
D.C. Ind.
DALLAS ALUMNA—Dallas, Tex. _
PHILADELPHIA ALUMNA—Philadelphia, ST. LOUIS A L U M N A — S t . Louis, Mo.
Pa. ROCHESTER ALUMNA—Rochester, N . Y .
KANSAS CITY A L U M N A — K a n s a s City, SAN DIEGO A L U M HA-^—San Diego, Calif:
Tohe (^Starch ^D^A §<MA
<LA Workers' Qlub in ^Moscow •
The Fascinating Story of That Talented Alpha
0 Photographer, Margaret Bourke-White, O I I
By L O R R A I N E J O N E S M C N A L L Y , NU
SHE loves, so she says, heights—such things as great, multi-storied
skyscrapers and factories. And yet she herself is not very tall; hard-
ly more than a slip of a girl, is Margaret Bourke-White ( O i l ) , who
works high up on the sixty-first floor of the Chrysler Building, New York
City, in her own Studio. On the other hand, there is something about her
personality which suggests heights, a vigor and eagerness which, though
her stature is slight, seem to be capable of carrying her up and up, and
then further upward. Her eyes, deep brown, sparkle with liveliness, and
her hands, long fingered and artistic, twitch to be doing things.
I t was probably that—her love of heights—which sent her off on a
career few women have even so much as thought about, that of an in-
dustrial photographer, and which has placed her, only four years after
college graduation, in a position few women could ever hope to attain. As
a matter of fact, Margaret explained, the idea of going into the field of
industrial photography did not occur to her until she was nearly a gradu-
ate. She had studied art at Columbia University—where she first became
acquainted with photography—when she decided to go out to the Uni-
versity of Michigan and plunge into the field of biology. But when she
had left Michigan and had installed herself in Cornell University to con-
tinue the work in biology, she came to acquire an interest in photography
which, in the end, grew stronger than the other interest and eventually
Mastered it.
Directly after she was graduated from Cornell therefore—1927—she
traveled out to Cleveland and began what has turned out to be—her very
successful career. The thing that really put her on her feet, she said, oc-
4 To DRAGMA M A R C H , 1932
curred right in Cleveland. She had been doing a lot of experimental work J
when she landed a commission to do a series of twelve pictures for the
Otis Steel Company. I t was an immense thing for her; and though the Umm* Bourke-WkiU loves heights, tou-ers. factories. 9reat machines.
work actually took a whole winter to complete, she accomplished such
a thoroughly satisfactory piece of work that from that time on it has been feminine or no—who has clung to steel girders and looked down from
just plain sailing for her. With that record behind her, she continued to dizzy heights for the sake of an art on which one has centered one's de-
get further contracts in Cleveland and photographed many units of in- votion? Well, she got in all right, though it must be admitted that i t
dustry and commerce. took five weeks of waiting on her part to do i t . And no sooner had she
set foot on the soil—two days to be exact—than all official Russia came
Her next move was to New York where, before long, she became con- clamoring about her and, with all sorts of introductions and passports,
nected with Fortune Magazine, an exclusive publication chiefly devoted made her the "guest of the government."
to dramatizing industry. During her first months in New York she went
hither and yon through the city, photographing many of the more nota- She spent some time going all about the country during that first
ble skyscrapers—for which she had always had such a predilection. Her trip to Russia. But eventually she set sail for the States and landed home
most vivid recollection of this work is that of the time when she took much agog over her adventures. She was so enthusiastic over and talked
pictures of the Chrysler Building—a mere skeleton at the time—and so much about her trip that before long she had walked .straight into an-
stood tremulously on girders trying to get cross sections and side sec- other adventure—only this time a new kind and very special. Members of
tions of the steel framework of the building; all this, of course, without the publishing firm of Simon and Schuster, hearing her talk about her
flinging herself into eternity by some chance misstep! She became so experiences, made the suggestion that she write a book about them.
attached to the building while working on it that she made a silent secret
vow to herself to have one day for her very own an office in the building At first, she laughed at them. "Why I can't write a book," she said,
on the floor with the gargoyles—which form a rim of decoration about treating the idea as a great joke. However, once again she ventured to
the outside of the sixty-first floor. And so, one day she did! tread on unfamiliar ground and before long she had written a book, and
a very creditable piece of work at that. She called it "Eyes on Russia,"
Soon after this she was asked to go abroad by Fortune and to go and had as her publishers, Messrs. Simon and Schuster, New York. For
into some of the industrial centers of Germany where there were inter- anyone who is even in the slightest way interested in the Russian situa-
esting things to be photographed. She went-—gladly—and during the tion, it is heartily recommended that the book be looked into, for Mar-
course of her stay had many and varied experiences. For instance, she garet Bourke-White has turned out a very fascinating story, besides a
made a trip through the building center of the North German Lloyd niost instructive one.
Steamship lines; and again, she was permitted to go into the factories of
the I . G. Farben, the chemical and dye trust where she shot innumerable
photographs—the first woman ever allowed to carry on such a task in
all of that company's history!
There was also the site of the German Hollywood—UFA—which
came into the focus of her camera, as well as the Junkers Plant, German
flying center at Dessau. Incidentally, she managed to do a deal of flying
throughout her stay in Germany.
But one of the most amusing—and exciting—events that she remem-
bers of her German tour, was when she was held up in the Ruhr district
and thrust into prison—suspected of being a French spy! She spent eight
hours in the prison but was eventually released—none the worse for her
escapade. And it all came, she says, of traveling without a passport, in an
Italian automobile that had a French-sounding name!
All the while she was working in Germany, an idea had been taking
form in her mind, which had persisted until it finally became a settled
plan—the plan of going into Russia. But the point, once the idea was de-
cided, was how was one to get into that country—especially one de-
termined to go picture-gathering? " I was warned by everyone," she said,
"to expect all kinds of difficulty when trying to get into Russia."
But then—after all—what is getting into a country to a person—
She is very proud of her first "brainchild," as she calls it. "The two SlaU Farm No. 2 Verblud" Apptan in "Eyes on Russia
things I care most about in the world," she said vigorously, "are my
Studio and my book." And well she might, for they are two accomplish- *A "Bourke- White "Panorama
ments well worth caring about!
Here a Camera Becomes
But after completion of the book—it took her half a year to do i t — the Instrument of the
she turned to further adventures abroad and once more headed for Rus- Artist—Photography
sia. On this second trip into that country she went in for more diversified An Art
activity and besides Russian industry, began taking photographs of other
interesting phases of the Russian scene. She took pictures of Russian
villages and of their peasants; Russian nurseries, and, at the other ex-
treme, Russian political meetings; and many pictures of the Russian
theatre—the interior and performances especially. I n speaking about the
Russian theatre—and in answer to the question as to what she thought
about it—Margaret laughed; they are very serious and ultra-dramatic
in the Russian theatre—oh, much more serious than in other countries,
she said. For instance, she saw a performance of O'Neill's "Desire Under
the Elms." I t was terribly dramatic—much more so than any per-
formance of it ever dared to be in America.
But the finest thing in the Russian artistic world to her is the Opera
and the Moscow Ballet school. She had many occasions to work with
these institutions during her stay, and when she spoke about them, she
became eager and enthusiastic. "The Russian Ballet and Opera are the
finest and most interesting things in the world today," she said vehement-
They seem almost like a fairy-tale, her adventures in Russia. For a
young woman—an American at that—to be allowed to trespass into
some of the most "closed" districts of the Soviet Republic and to be
permitted to take photographs of what she saw, is indeed very remark-
able. The whole secret of her success, Margaret explained, lies in the
fact that in Russia one is either accepted or one is not accepted. And she,
apparently, was just one of the few fortunate enough to be "accepted."
She had one final fling at adventure before returning from this last
trip of hers. She boarded a plane at Moscow and flew, over the Ural
Mountains, into Asia where she remained for one week. I n that short
time was crowded what were perhaps her most harrowing experiences,
well filled with hardships. She endured terrific cold flying over the Ural
Mountains which were of course deeply snow-covered. Then too, in Asia,
she had neither the time nor the opportunity for proper feeding; most
of her meals were carried about on her person in a "little tin can," which
she snatched at during her scramblings about the country; many times
her "meal" consisted of a piece of cheese—a far cry from a full fledged
American dinner!
Her picture taking in Asia ran from scenes of Asiastic villages to—
one of her most cherished productions—pictures of Magneto-Gorsk
which, as she explained, is the largest steel center in the world. I t is still
in construction and though work on it has been going on for two years, it
is still only partially finished. Perhaps one of the reasons for the slow
progress is that they continue to use camels in Asia in place of horses.
The fantastic towers of St. Basil face the Towers—Manhattan
Red Square in Moscow.
The tower of the Chrysler Building contains
Margaret Bourke-White's Studio.
10 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 11
Then finally, after Asia . . . home! She returned to New York the J-fow Qan We S f ya t i s ^f e
latter part of November (1931) and installed herself once again in the
Chrysler Building Studio—high up with the gargoyles. Her Studio, by Conscientious ObjectorsI
the way, is an achievement which she might easily take pride in. I t is
thoroughly modernistic in atmosphere as well as "fixings"; yet, it is no Elizabeth Hey wood Wyman, Alpha
cold arrangement of office paraphernalia, but a place very capable of a raises the question and answers it
sense of "hominess" and coziness.
REVALUATIONS are the order of the day. We are viewing things
Of course, she is still connected with Fortune Magazitie—in the ca- soberly and carefully in an attempt to reach honest conclusions.
pacity of Associate Editor. But there are innumerable other things in As fraternity officers or mature members we cannot ignore the
her work that keep her jumping about—such as a series of six articles on trend of the times. We have a starting point in the conscientious ob-
Russia which she has contracted to write for the New York Sunday Times jectors, fine girls who have decided that fraternities are selfish and un-
Magazine, all amply illustrated by photographs gathered in her Russian democratic and who petition to be released from membership. I n fact
tour. (These are to appear shortly after this date—February 15—and it many of us are conscientious objectors in the sense that we feel deeply
might be well for you who have access to the New York Times, to watch the inadequacies and defects of our respective organizations and the sys-
out for this series and see for yourselves the sort of work Miss Bourke- tem in general. However we also see so clearly the tremendous influence
White is doing.) Her Russian adventures and work do not represent, of which they have exerted for good and their still greater possibilities that
course, the entire run of her activities. I n summing up her general work, we dismiss for ourselves the simple and easy course of repudiation in
Margaret mentioned having made a lumber-camp series, a series of the favor of the harder road of facing the facts, admitting our deficiencies
Texas oil fields, and one of American limestone quarries. She likewise and setting our course against them and toward the serviceability which
produces the photographs used by the Republic Steel Corporation in our rituals demand.
their Saturday Evening Post advertising.
Our avowed ends are social, inspirational, altruistic. How have we
And, now just a word about her "theory of photography." As an artist, fulfilled them? Socially we have helped many girls. We have spared them
she is bound to have a "theory" about her work, and, in explaining hers the difficulties and possible dangers of solitary adjustment. Even the
briefly, Margaret brought up the following points. She believes that the comparatively self-sufficient expand in the warmth of human comrade-
art of the machine age—the age in which we live—will come from indus- ship obtainable in the small group. After college days many a person has
try. Most artists, she feels, are failing to realize this fact and are looking blessed her membership as affording an introduction to one whose friend-
for inspiration into the past, and are simply imitating it. But she herself ship might otherwise have been delayed or wholly missed.
believes that the greatest art today is to be found right in the core of our
civilization—that is, in industry. Then, too, she is convinced that the Scholastically we encourage high standards; we make use of the study
expression of that art is to be found in photography. " I t is so honest," she table, the scholarship cup, magazine notice and other artificial stimuli.
says, "and simple, and so truly representative of industry, with a clear, The fraternity library is growing in popularity. We are establishing fel-
black and white suitability." Naturally, Margaret recognizes that it is as lowships, scholarships, and loan funds to assist girls of limited means.
yet a greatly unexplored field and that there is still much to be done in We try to inculcate the principle that scholarship is the main ingredient
i t ; but that it will eventually succeed as a medium for the art of indus- in fashioning the well rounded college career now as truly as it was when
try, she has not the slightest doubt. organized activities were largely in the future and social dates were
merely delightful incidents in an otherwise purely scholastic regime.
All this, she explains much more successfully and interestingly in the
tenth chapter of her book. And so, once again—the title is, "Eyes on
Russia"; the author, Margaret Bourke-White, Omicron Pi of Alpha
Omicron Pi.
12 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 13
Undoubtedly fraternity rituals have had their effect upon person- sections, overemphasis on fraternity membership is carried beyond college
alities. Sophistication at the college age is more often skin deep than
fundamental. Enthusiasms though concealed are still effective. Aspiration days and affects the social listing of people and events. Girls go to college
and hero worship are as necessary as ever. Alumnae officers, combining as
they do the status of the comparative stranger and the family intimate with the definite object of making a fraternity and when this end is
hold a position of strategic importance. The relationship is unique in its
psychological effect. Conversely, the elders themselves must make an accomplished and their future social position strengthened, they drop
effort to live up to the qualities ascribed to them by the imaginations of
the younger generation. I t is a mutually helpful situation. out.
Political logrolling grows directly out of an exaggerated sense of fra-
The fraternities have not neglected the outlet for the emotional effect
of the rituals and inspirational talks. They all have altruistic programs, ternity importance. National policy is not wholly blameless in demand-
local or national or both. Nor have they ignored the element of service to ing prominent campus positions of their members. This stimulation has
their colleges and universities. In disciplinary matters the weight of na- arisen from a legitimate desire to encourage achievement for the sake
tional authority is added to that of the college. Their compact groups of its educational value. When it results in combines against independ-
afford the possibility of quick action when college administrators desire ent students with better qualifications for office it becomes vicious. For-
to foster a new project. Their alumna? are more easily reached and inter- tunately this extreme condition is not universal. That it exists in vary-
ested than those who are unorganized. ing degrees we all know.
The other side of the picture is not so agreeable, but we must concen- Interfraternity relations are none too satisfactory. While the or-
trate on it if we would turn our dissatisfaction into gratification. We can- ganizations maintain a more or less solid front toward those outside, con-
not be completely happy about the companionship afforded by the col- sistent harmony among themselves has not been achieved. Ask Panhel-
lege chapter if it is achieved at the expense of unhappiness on the part of lenic officers what their particular problem is, and the majority will
those who have seen others to whom they have tentatively reached out for answer "Dirty rushing." Cutthroat competition in spite of earnest ef-
friendship absorbed in being rushed and pledged to a group which has forts to minimize its evils still awaits a solution, as witness the con-
made no overtures to them, though they too have a craving for the in- stant change in rushing rules in the hope of finding the perfect system.
formal intimacy of the fraternity group. We are told that psychological There is none. Only a fundamental change of heart will avail.
investigation has shown that the majority of problem cases, failures in
adjustment to college life, are due to the sense of inferiority induced by A favorite outside criticism is that fraternities foster extravagance.
not receiving fraternity invitations. This is a serious accusation. To be This subject admits of no generalizations and justifies no definite con-
sure, another cause for serious unhappiness, a lack of dates, also exists. clusions. Too few facts have yet been collated and there are too many
There is room for suspicion that a girl suffering from this failure to meet pros and cons. Sometimes the more pretentious houses are run so effi-
competition may be loath to admit it and may make the fraternity the ciently that they require less expenditure per capita than the smaller,
scapegoat. With this discount for possible error, the honest course is to and little more than college dormitories. I t has been asserted on compe-
accept the indictment as at least partially justified. I t is said in defence tent authority that the modern dormitory costs more per person than
that such experiences are inevitable in life and one must learn to meet the modern fraternity house. Against this statement, however, is the
them. True, but life in a college community is close knit and the new fact that the capital cost of the dormitory is defrayed by an individual
environment emotionally exciting. The philosophical attitude is not de- donor, the taxpayers of the large group of college alumnae. Usually the
veloped at once. Moreover if such discipline is good, why reserve it for fraternity house is financed by its members alone. While this is a con-
non-members? Fraternities, too, have their disciplinary value. The differ- tribution to the college it adds expense to membership. So does the build-
ence is that in the latter case the training is accepted voluntarily. The ing of a lodge or the renting of rooms or an apartment where houses
girl who is not pledged must submit helplessly. For a student to make do not exist. Dues for national expense, rushing, dances and other social
known her wish to join a certain fraternity is to ruin her chances. events swell the sum total. Though expense is variable and often sur-
prisingly low, it cannot be disregarded. The weak student is sometimes
Allied with this unfortunate phase of the fraternity system is the tempted to make financial engagements that she cannot fulfill. Another
alleged snobbishness of members. This, too, is exaggerated, but it un- popular deduction is that palatial houses create false values and cause
deniably exists, especially in some places. At one university a national dissatisfaction with modest homes. I t may be true at times. On the other
visitor was told that certain groups forbade their members to be intimate hand a taste for comfort and beauty once acquired sets a higher standard
with non-fraternity members. Elsewhere deans assert that while groups o f living. The sensible girl realizing what careful budgeting has done on
are too courteous to be disagreeably snobbish they are too absorbed in a large scale in her chapter house will have a solid basis on which to
their affairs to give much time to matters of general interest. I n certain establish her home. In these days she can create an atmosphere of good
taste in even a small apartment or bungalow.
Legislators have fulminated against the fraternities, magazines have
Published critical articles, newspapers have seized with avidity upon
disgraceful episodes. I t is unlikely that fraternities will fail from any
14 MAKCH- 1932 15
T o dRACMA remain unpledged for various reasons. Academic tests would eliminate
some- Others on the advice of the dean or other college representative
of these causes except locally and temporarily. We should rejoice that Inight pa>> through a probationary period, but all would have the privi-
such is the case, because we still have time to create a new standard lege of working openly for the prize of membership. Such a system would
not through fear, but because justice and good feeling demand it. \ o predicate mure fraternities either local or national. I t would also pre-
one chapter or fraternity can do it completely. I t will take the united suppose an attitude of co-operation between the fraternities and with the
efforts of all to make more than a beginning. Nevertheless anyone can college authorities. I look forward to the day when deans may have con-
begin. fidence enough in the highmindedness of the fraternities to refer to them
problem cases which she feels might benefit by association with them.
The first step is the desire to rid ourselves of hypocrisy. I f we wish
to be social clubs, let us say so. We may not be approved but we shall be The financial element cannot be disregarded. Many girls are unable
respected. I f we wish to fulfill our ostensible aims, and it is incredible to pay the cost of living in an expensive house. While the freshman is
that we should give them up, we need to do three things: first, revise impn--« d by size and luxury, she may iust as probably be repelled by
our ideas in regard to membership; second, come into more truly cordial the thought of the financial obligations. I f in her excitement she pledges
relations with each other; third, prove to college administrators our without considering them too practically she is bound to do so after initi-
sincerity in wishing to co-operate in student adjustment problems. ation. Finances loom large in chapter discussions. She may come to
feel that the chief end of life is to rush and pledge enough girls to fill
First, in regard to membership. We know how superficial the reasons the house and maintain the budget required by national auditors or
for a blackball may be. There is the absurd story of the girl who wore alumna' trustees. Consequently in her rushing talk she is tempted to over-
red cherries on her hat. Red cherries as an adjunct to millinery had not step the bounds of good breeding in stressing the advantages of a fine
become the vogue in that locality so she was blackballed. Later all hats house. Competitive building has brought about this condition; co-oper-
on the campus took to bearing fruit, but it was too late! The chapter lost ative common sense and a higher standard of values alone can eliminate
a splendid girl and she may have suffered deep humiliation. There is it, and then onlv when the fraternities together will bring their diffi-
the equally absurd tale of the chapter which would not pledge a fat culties to the college authorities who know local conditions and college
girl! Because of happenings such as these Alpha Omicron Pi has abol- plans. A fraternity or fraternities might be founded on a platform of
ished the single blackball system. The substitute procedure is generally minimum expense with the girls perhaps doing the work of a rented or
conceded to be successful. inexpensive house as they do in certain dormitories.
Less humorous, but not more sensible bars to membership are lack In the meantime I should like to see a chapter of any fraternity
of poise and social experience or humble origin. When we can give the with courage enough to stand on the principle of simplicity where con-
girl of good character and ambition the training she needs in such mat- ditions make it advisable, and offer to prospective members only the
ters we should not shut her out. To include her is not charity. She can fundamentals of fraternity; friendliness, companionship, inspiration, and
probably teach equally valuable lessons from her experience. Restric- an opportunity to be useful. I f it consisted of only one member I should
tions of race and creed are in a similar category. The college fraternity respect her for her gallant attitude, but I believe she would not be left
cannot go much further than society in general in ignoring such distinc- alone. The most popular house in my college days was in straitened
tions. As a rule it falls short of the tolerance of those outside. College circumstances for the time, but we found there lively conversation, in-
students should be leaders in progress, yet if society in general developed tellectual stimulus, plenty of nonsense, a charming hospitality and no
along the narrow lines of fraternity standards there would be little hope pretence. That is as it should be in college circles. The modern girl,
for better international relations or greater religious harmony. sophisticated i f you like, is intelligent and can appreciate real values
if given the opportunity. We elders should point the way.
Hobart College is developing an interesting situation. To quote The
Greek Exchange for April, 1931: "Many Hobart men see the day ap- College Panhellenics in some places have made important advances
proaching when the only neutrals will be neutrals from choice and there in the direction of good sportsmanship and interfraternity harmony. The
will be fraternities for all." I t is an example of college co-operation and National Panhellenic Congress at St. Louis provided for conferences
fraternity reasonableness. Dean Laughlin of the University of California I between national officers represented on campuses where problems were
at Los Angeles in founding Phrateres is aiming in the same direction acute. The idea could be widely extended. Nationals could agree to
though a different medium. These are rays of light which herald the dawn send representatives at the call of university authorities for a joint
of a new consciousness. Preferential bidding has been successful. The meeting. I t would be materially helpful if undertaken in a spirit of un-
system might easily be extended to all freshmen. A girl on entering selfish desire for the best interests of the college community. I believe
would have the privilege of expressing her desire for fraternity mem- the day will come when we will do these things or devise other means
bership frankly and without fear of its being prejudiced to her interests.
The college officer holding the preferences and knowing the choice and (Continued on page 40)
numerical requirements of each fraternity could refer to the various fra-
ternities the girls not already on their lists. A certain number would
16 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 17
zSllpha O's Jfave ^pace hWeautiful Woman's building
Tau Delta members have used rose taupe and green as a color scheme in their room. Stockham Woman's Building is built in fine old Colonial architecture.
By M A R Y M A B R Y , Tau Delta and the Panhellenic Council hold their regular meetings. I t is open to
W OMAN'S B U I L D I N G . " The name conjured up visions of veri- all the girls at all times and is the scene of small formal and informal
table miles of white tilings and brass fixtures. I was vaguely
prepared, I believe, for something faintly resembling a hospi- get-togethers.
tal ward or some decorous public institution-like place to say the very
least. A l l of which rendered me doubly astounded when I first viewed The large reception hall opening on to a terrace at the back is a
the Stockham Woman's Building on the campus of Birmingham South-
ern College. charming Early American drawing room with crystal chandelier and a
A fine old colonial structure that might be the home of some aristo- large fireplace at one end. Paneled walls in a pale olive green add to its
crat of the Old South was the first idea that entered my head as I
walked down toward its high, cool and thoroughly inviting portals and restful atmosphere, while comfortable tapestried sofas and dainty ladder-
that was the idea that remained with me during the entire visit in the
building and long after I had left. back chairs make it ideal for the open house which is held there every
A russet reception hall sets the keynote for the atmosphere of infor- Sunday afternoon, with the different school organizations acting as hosts
mal elegance and hospitality that abounds throughout. A door on the
right opening in the handsomely paneled wall, leads to a completely to the parents and friends of the students and faculty. A sunken garden
furnished apartment originally intended for the home of the Dean of
Women, but at the present occupied by one of the professors and his below the terrace adds the final touch to the carefully planned land-
wife, insuring a suitable chaperon in the event of any night initiations
or informal gatherings of any kind. On the left one finds a charming gardening.
sitting room filled with comfortable couches and reading chairs with The upper floor is turned over entirely to the sorority suites; each
convenient desks and bookshelves, all in keeping with the Colonial or
Early American setting. I t is in this room that the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet one lovely and decorated with dignity and taste. The decoration and
furnishing of our own suite was given a great deal of care and thought-
ful consideration, and the finished product is a credit to the chapter
and to each girl whose individual efforts helped to make it.
The living room with its buff colored walls, deep soft green chester-
fields and solid rose taupe rug is home-like, gay and thoroughly charm-
ing. A secretary with leaded glass doors—convenient coffee table, and
attractive occasional chairs, all combine to make a cheerful, really usa-
ble room. And the bright, compact and conveniently arranged kitchen-
ette practically makes dishwashing a pleasure.
(Continued on page 25)
^unshine C^arm 'Whose Qrop
is Jfealthy
Writing for Sunset Magazine
the frail little Helen benefited
OUTSTANDING in the reports of those who attended the Child by the routine prescribed
Health Conference in Washington last winter was the statement for her brother. Out of this
that to date nothing adequate had been done in this country in experience the sunshine farm
the way of convalescent care for children of the upper and middle classes was born. San Francisco and
The charge was made that convalescent homes had been provided for Oakland physicians who
the children of the poor, but that nothing comparable was available to knew Dr. and Mrs. Hibbs
the parent who could pay for such health service. and who saw what could be
accomplished by this type of
As far as California is concerned this is not true. For the past seven treatment under the direc-
years there has been on the Pacific Coast a "sunshine farm" where deli- tion of a trained nurse who
cate children are made robust through a regime of air and sun baths was also a mother, urged
prescribed rest and balanced diet. "Top o' the H i l l " or, as the children Mrs. Hibbs to return to Los
love to call it, "the Farm," is situated in the foothills four miles east of Gatos and take a place large
Los Gatos in that climate world famed for its equability. e n o u g h to accommodate
their young patients who so
The story back of Top o' the Hill is worth the telling. Katherine often needed just such care.
Barnes (A ' 1 0 ) , an Oakland girl, left Stanford University to take
her nurse's training at the New York Post Graduate Hospital. There Starting in a small way COURTESY OF Sunset Magasif
she met a young southerner, David Lacey Hibbs, who had just completed
his medical course at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. Re- this was done. The first chil- A blossom-tiinc scene at Top o' the Hill.
sult—a wedding and the return of the pair to Oakland, California, dren sent by interested phy-
where Dr. Hibbs set up as a practicing physician. Two children were
born to the Hibbs, and all went well until young David at the age of sicians responded much as Mrs. Hibbs' own had done. Quartz lamp
five, following measles, developed a bronchial condition bordering on
incipient tuberculosis. Simultaneously little Helen, the two-year-old therapy brought the children through the first winter with their tan
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hibbs, was pronounced a cripple, and prob-
ably would never be able to walk. unfaded and their high spirits unsubdued. The modest venture was a
The pediatrician in charge recommended sun baths and rest for success.
David, and accordingly both children were taken by their mother to
Los Gatos for six months. David was completely restored to health, and From the first a very definite routine prescribed by leading pediatri-
cians was followed at Top o' the Hill. Air and sunshine were given in
"Play is life" said John Dewey large doses, which meant that in good weather the boys wore nothing
but shorts and shoes, and only sleeveless jerseys were added to this
costume for the girls. Sun and air baths were given twice a day, the
time spent with body exposed to the sun being gradually increased
as the child became accustomed to it. Posture exercises followed the
morning sun bath. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon nourishment were
served, and all children were required to rest on their beds daily from
two to four. Seven o'clock was bed time for the little ones, and eight
o'clock for the older children. Naturally many children were not well
enough at first for so normal a schedule, and these were kept in bed for
longer periods or entirely, according as their doctors ordered.
As more and more of these beautifully bronzed boys and girls were
pronounced well and returned to their homes, word of the Farm spread
20 To DRAGMA School lessons
meals, play-life
beyond the physicians and the parents of the San Francisco Bay dis- in the sunshine as
trict, and soon children were sent from Honolulu, Portland, Los Angeles, many hours a da)
and even a few from as far east as Chicago. From accommodations for as possible.
half a dozen children the Farm was soon forced to stretch its walls until
it could care for thirty-five at peak times. The one farmhouse which had Sun baths en
been the nucleus for the experiment was outgrown and other buildings masse, and every
were put up, a dormitory for girls and another for boys, a separate resi- child is glad for
dence for Mrs. Hibbs and—entirely unanticipated, but highly essential the chance to lie
—an open-air school house. quietly.
I t was important that children who were well enough to devote
even an hour a day to school work be kept up with their grades. All
of these expansions meant an increase in personnel, so that soon Mrs.
Hibbs had on her staff house mothers as well as nurses, and a school
teacher as well as a cook.
Only one thing was now needed to make the Farm a complete unit
—a resident physician. What mote logical than Dr. Hibbs, whose inter-
est and whose money had been poured into the Farm from the first,
"If we want civili- Observations of Doctor Hibbs should give up his private practice and join the little group at Top o' the
"Auntie Kay" havt Hill. Nothing was changed. The children continued to be sent by their
sation to march Dr. and Jttrs. jfibbs built a comfortable own physicians, whose instructions were carried out to the letter. But
forward toward there was now a doctor on hand at all times to direct the medical
higher economic There should be ponies to ride—colts home for their regime, to act in emergencies, to keep even more complete case records
to tame—dogs to romp with—pools to little patients at and to add a masculine note to the discipline when necessary. I t was
standards, to moral wade in—lumber for nailing—playmates, Top o' the Hill. now possible^to admit children who were so i l l as to need to be under
and spiritual ideals, and space for all. Rest is the sauce that constant medical observation.
it will march only gives zest to all their play. They have pro-
vided teachers as And so for the past four or five years Top o' the Hill has functioned,
on the feet of Young minds love the freedom of rou- well as nuiscs, caring for from twenty-five to thirty-five children the year around—
healthy children,' tine. feeding them, weighing them, reporting to their parents and their doc-
said Herbert Hoo- pets as well as tors, giving these fortunate children everything that modern science
Health rules can be made part of the pills. as well as Mother Nature can give them to make up for what present-
"gang" code. And the spirit of the gang day civilization seems to have taken from so many of them. And chil-
punishes any infraction of its rules. dren have come from an ever widening field—from London, from Cen-
tral America, from Japan, even one child from Labrador. I n all, sixty
Unhappiness and discontent are always
incompatible with health.
Like the insects these children breathe
with their entire bodies.
Childrm should live in a child's and
not an adult's world. Little growing
minds and personalities should not be
forced to grapple too early with the in-
tricacies of this machine age. If they are,
our children will be broken on the wheel
of civilization.
22 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 23
physiciar - have sent young patients to Top o' the Hill for this normaliz- "Keep Up appearances
ing treatfient. This is the West's answer to the charge that nothing ade-
quate is being done for convalescent children of the upper and middle "Psychologist Warns Women
Reprinted by special permission of the "Philadelphia Public Ledger"
Those who love children find a trip to Top o' the Hill an unforgetta-
ble experience. Driving east from Los Gatos into what many consider THE "skin depth" measurement of beauty is out! The time-worn
the loveliest foothills in all California one comes to the nine-acre Farm, measuring rule of thin-lipped foes to the importance of pulchri-
five acres of which are in orchard. Unless one arrives during meal time tude has been discarded. Modern "social" scientists have found
or rest period there are always boys and girls playing under the oak trees a "fourth dimension" to that quality which, heretofore, has been con-
in the normal, carefree way children have when they are supervised but signed to merely the gratification of the esthetic sense. Beauty is not
not directed. Pets have meant much to the city children, who have not
been able to have horses or goats at home. There are dogs, and often
a litter of puppies; a few rabbits, ducks and chickens, especially after
Easter. But the greatest joy is learning to ride the ponies, two of which
are always on the premises.
Incidentally a behavior problem has several times been worked out
through fostering a child's love for animals and suggesting to the par-
ents that they provide a dog for the boy on his return home.
But whether the visitor sees the children playing with their pets,
swinging under the trees, or lined up in some outdoor game, the things
that most impress him are their beautiful brown bodies, their happy
carefree voices and their evident enjoyment of their physical and mental
freedom. Seeing the children at a meal is likewise a pleasure. Although
a house mother sits at each table and the Hibbs family occupies a nearby
table, the children are not made self-conscious by the presence of their
elders. All appear to be talking at once, and in such a happy environ-
ment is it remarkable that children who cannot be made to eat at home
soon eat as much as the hungriest? For eat they must! A normal, well-
balanced and most attractive menu is provided, and there is no coaxing
or arguing about what shall be eaten. Even the tiniest tot learns on her
first visit to the dining room that she cannot leave the table until she
has not only eaten all the food on her plate but a slice of bread and
butter and a glass of milk as well.
Apart from the great physical good hundreds of children have de-
rived at the Farm, few have sojourned there without also improving
in behavior. Especially is this true of the "only child" who has always
had his way, and of the delicate child who has used his sickness to
tyrannize over his entire family. Such children learn from their com-
panions what they cannot learn at home, and usually return to their
parents much better citizens. But when a firmer voice is needed there
is "Auntie Kay," as the children lovingly call Mrs. Hibbs, and as a last
disciplinary resort there is "Doctor," who stands for no foolishness. That
the system permits of no argument is a great surprise to the modern
child, but it offers him that other thing he greatly appreciates—justice.
Many a child has written home, telling about some prank, " I got called
for it, but I had it coming to me. I ' l l say this, Doctor is always just."
One of the most effective punishments meted out by Dr. Hibbs to the
(Continued on page 89)
Z4 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 t$
just an arresting caption to an inane story. I t is really an important frank," laughed this altogether uninhibited young woman. "Men are
chapter in our present history of readjustment. much harder to attract to marriage today. Many men consider it a dis-
tinct economic disadvantage. Does she attract or frighten a man away
Dr. Charlotte Easby Grave ' 2 1 ) , consulting psychologist, took matrimonially when she is well dressed? If she is not attractively dressed,
a cross-section of humanity, and microscopically and scientifically ex- she doesn't even get a 'buzz.' That's not very scientific sounding,"
amined the effects of personal appearance upon its present-day slump- parenthesized Dr. Grave, "but it says what I mean exactly. On the other
ing morale. hand, if she is well dressed she may scare him away. Men realize today
that it takes management—good sound management to be well dressed,
"The one thing most necessary to a happy adjustment at all times, and any good business man admires efficient management on the part
and especially at the moment, is that thing called 'security,' " Dr. Grave of a woman.
said confidently. "To some persons that thing means success, to others
it would mean just keeping up socially to others' achievement. Hut the "At a dinner party the other night, a married man said to me, 'What
fundamental basis is 'security.' One of the things that makes for a feel- an exquisite white gown—you look like a million dollars—how do you
ing of security is the assurance of the affection of those around us. With do it?' I frankly told him how. I bought out of season, paying less than
woman security very often lies in her personal appearance. That has a third the original cost. And he was as frank in his admiration of my
probably been her weapon of attraction in the first place, in her business management. I t immediately exceeded his superficial flattery about the
life or her marital sphere. dress. We had quite a discussion on budgets and the importance of ap-
pearance, and the like. Woman no longer need simper and evasively
"Some business men never tire of arguing about the way women giggle away a man's compliment. She may meet it on its own ground—
get ahead in the world by using their femininity to advance their busi- juggle with it and balance it perfectly in her scheme of things.
ness positions, yet these very men are the ones who require an orna-
mental stenographer. While this attitude is becoming obsolete and "Whether a girl works for a salary before marriage or receives an
greater understanding and less coquetry is the code of business rela- allowance from her father she should definitely plan a clothes budget.
tionships, this does not mean that there will not always be an inde- Knowledge of just what clothes cost will be of great assistance after mar-
finable something in the relationship between man and woman, wherein riage. She will have a fair idea of what can be bought with the money
personal appearance plays a big part, be it on the ballroom floor, at the her husband will allow her, and she will know something of how to plan
country club, where they play together, or in the office, factory, hospi- other expenditures.
tal, or laboratory, where they work together.
"The emotional background of the entire family depends upon its
"Attractiveness widens the woman's choice of a job or of a life com- woman. I f she slumps, there is little chance for the man and family. I t
panion (which is in itself a big job), and it is important to all parties con- isn't so much that her good looks and well-fitting clothes and well-kept
cerned that her choice cover a wide expanse of humanity. And the im- hair and nails make her vain or superior in her attitude, as that they
portance of looks upon one's job is not confined exclusively to the female create or re-create in her renewed courage. When her mirror tells her the
of the species. Do you know," said Dr. Grave intently, "that there is an sorry tale of vanished good looks and an accompanying 'nobody cares'
organization which actually spruces men up, gives free baths and shaves, wardrobe, she feels a sense of inferiority, and her whole attitude to the
before sending them out job-hunting? marriage situation gets the wrong slant. Instability is always existent,
if in the background of most lives. This depression brings it to the break-
"Today the woman who is employed has many angles to consider. ing point. It's the woman's job to be the mental hygienist of the family.
Having obtained the coveted job, which daily seems to be less rooted, how And she can do that job to much better advantage if she looks her best,"
to inspire within herself a feeling of greater security? Anything that concluded Dr. Grave.
makes her feel more uncertain makes her work less efficient. And what
causes greater uncertainty than a shabby appearance? Her salary is less, Alpha O's Jiave f§pace in Sh(ew Huilding
her expenses and responsibilities as great, she has suffered severe losses.
What to do? There is only one answer," continued Dr. Grave emphati- (Continued from page 17)
cally. "She must make a good show window display. She must never
neglect her clothes budget for something else. A man may appear in a Showers opening off the modern and well equipped gymnasium on
well-cleaned, well-pressed, three-year-old suit and, in the parlance of et n ground floor make it possible to freshen up and slip into your best
the day, 'Get away with it.' A woman must wear the length skirt and the frock in that harassed half hour between the last class and the after-
lines of today's fashion dictatorship. Most employers don't want women noon tea for the parents or faculty advisors.
down at the heels. Her dollar must do twice as much work today. She
must put some of it on her person. So it is—comfortable, convenient, charming—and our great apprecia-
tion is extended to Mrs. William H . Stockham for this very valuable
"Then there is the angle of the unmarried woman whose hardboiled Edition to the convenience and happiness of the students of the college.
shell still contains the making and desires of a potential wife. Let's be
It To DRAGMA frlARCH, 1932 27
(Socialism, or Chaos—Which ? yy
By J E S S I E W A L L A C E H U G H A N , Alpha Election is not a horserace nor one's political allies
TT T H I N K we are riding for a fall," she said thoughtfully. M y friend is one's house guests.
I an Alpha 0 , a successful business woman who has clung for years to
her conservatism, but that night the crisis had moved a step nearer Nothing is so likely to bring this about, of course, as the threat of a
Communist uprising. The possibility of a successful Communist revolu-
to us, and the talk had turned to fundamentals. "What have you to tion in this country is extremely remote, but Americans will not consent
read?" and she went home with a Socialist book under her arm. to starvation peacefully, and the Communist organization stands always
ready to fan into mob violence the flames of grumbling discontent. There
I t is not strange that thinking Americans should lend a receptive ear is some cause for anxiety, too, in the fascination that Communism seems
to the Socialists just now, for the disaster has come upon us which they to hold for many well-fed and well-clothed persons. We Americans are
kept prophesying, with the persistence of Cassandra, through the boom intellectually indolent and far from politically-minded; and Communist
years, and as a result of the same causes to which they drew attention. revolt is easier of comprehension than Socialist economics, besides pro-
Their words, like Cassandra's, were lost in the shouts of prosperity, but viding greater excitement for a public educated by the movies.
economic vengeance grinds more slowly than that of the Greeks, and it
may be that modern Troy will listen in time. I t may be that even you, gentle reader, have read somewhat more
widely upon the Communist experiment in Russia than upon the Socialist
This is not the place to discuss the causes of the depression—the i experiment in the United States.
anarchy of production for profit and the slowing up of purchasing by
the masses. That these causes have been thoroughly misunderstood by Perhaps you have happened upon the leaflet "Milwaukee Gangless,"
the heads of business and government is clear when we review the reme- gotten out by the conservative Committee of Ten Thousand, or upon the
dies they have offered—wage-cuts and sales taxes, public economy, pri- financial column in the Herald Tribune praising the achievements of that
vate spending, and reduction of the payroll—remedies which are plung- city in sound finance. The Herald Tribune does not mention, however,
ing us farther and farther down-hill. Socialists alone are demanding now, that good government in Milwaukee began with the triumph of Socialism
as they demanded in the good days, that industrial anarchy give place in 1910, which still continues with a Socialist mayor fifteen years in office.
to planned production; that heavy taxes upon the higher incomes relieve
the working classes from taxation and check the disastrous accumulation Perhaps, also, you have heard Norman Thomas, and admired the
of private capital; and that the people take over public utilities as the brilliancy and high-mindedness of the Socialist candidate for President.
first step to abolish the outworn profit system. Have you voted for him and for the less-known persons upon his ticket,
you who possess the vote? And if not, is it because you have examined
If not the beginning of Socialism, then what? I t may be, as optimists the Socialist demands and found them wanting? Or is it because you are
tell us, that we have already reached the bottom, or at least a temporary afraid he will not win, and want to have the fun of a triumph Wednesday
stopping-place in the slide; on the other hand, there is nothing visible in morning? Or because you dislike the accent or the manners of those
the prevailing policy of business and government to bring a halt short of Socialists you happen to have come across?
that level almost reached in some nations after the war, the level of
barter and hand-to-mouth existence. Perhaps we should remind ourselves that Election is not a game or a
horse-race, and that the purpose is not to "pick the winner." Moreover
Long before that, of course, something will happen. That happening there is no obligation to invite to tea all the members of one's political
may indeed be another great war, already whispered about as a cure for Party; in the fight to save the republic one's trench-companions need
the crisis, but a cure which would probably mean the end of Western Rot always be chosen from the Social Register.
civilization. I t is quite possible, also, that the American people may decide
in time to set industry upon the path toward Socialism. I t is highly probable that the fate of America will depend upon the
v°tes that will be cast during the next five years. While the two great
If, on the contrary, things are simply left to "muddle along," the al- Parties were bowling the industrial machine ever more swiftly along the
ternatives are pretty sure to be either Communism or some type of Fas- capitalist road, the Socialists alone raised the danger signal, "Chaos
cism—dictatorship of the proletariat or dictatorship of armed capital- ahead." Xow we are catching sight of that chaos in the distance before us.
There is already a friendship to Mussolini's regime among our financiers, M'ght it not be the part of wisdom to pause and make some inquiry as
who draw to themselves daily a more menacing proportion of power, t o the other road which they still continue to point out?
and there needs only some sudden emergency to throw openly into their j . This message, gentle reader, has been dull and possibly annoying.
hands the government and its armed forces. tB u so was Cassandra.
*We Can Achieve l^esults M A R C H , 1932 29
(§pite of Difficulties
; "Qlever Qountry"
By M A R Y D A N I E L S O N D R U M M O N D , Alpha Phi Ss the l^omance of Kentucky
' T ' H E Social Service Committee sent out a letter to all the chapters, under- m
JL graduate and alumna*, requesting them to report their progress in our H AVE you ever gone exploring in your own city? Have you ever
national work. We asked that opinions, pro and con, be recorded, and turned off on the side streets which you pass daily? Have you
whether lack of interest exists. The reason for such a report is to enable been surprised by what you see—a spot daily passed but never
the committee to plan its work more effectively, to clear up any point explored, a bit of beauty passed" which you've gone constantly without
that may trouble various members, and to i n f o r m the fraternity as a realizing it?
whole in what regard the work is held. I t is gratifying that so far, almo-t
no indifference is reported. I n many chapters the work is already in full So are there spots in your countryside, in our nation, by which life
swing, and the great majority is very enthusiastic over the opportunity. rides daily without stopping to wonder what's up the trail. Perhaps if
Already, individuals are asking how they can get in closer, contact. M a n y you were to look you'd find grandeur of scenery, beauty of humanity
of the letters are very helpful and worthy of publication. Vera Riebel and a spot where adventure and romance, steeped in appeal and cour-
w i l l prepare an article w i t h excerpts f r o m these letters for the M a y issue of age lay waiting.
To DRAGMA. A t present the committee merely wishes to comment in gen-
eral on the returns received so far. So Caroline Gardner, Executive Secretary in Chicago of the Frontier
Nursing Service, Inc., found when she and her four children wandered
T o those who feel this is a poor year to begin a national work, to off the Blue Grass Trail into the mountains of Kentucky. "Clever
those who feel that in these days of distress local work should come first, Country" is the result of that exploration, a long summer's length. To
and to those who feel that whatever effort put f o r t h in so barren a ground the uninitiated let us explain that "clever" means "friendly" or "gen-
as the Kentucky hills w i l l avail but little, the answer can only be that erous." And as you ride horseback, muleback, or go afoot with Mrs.
in a measure each is right. I t is a difficult year, but let us remember that Gardner you learn the true meaning of hospitality, warm-heartedness,
for years during boom times Alpha Omicron Pi searched diligently for a generosity, sacrifice. You enter a life where flies and lovely patchwork
national work but every suggestion was rejected. We believe that we can quilts abound; where romance drops from the skies and weaves a pretty
succeed in spite of the times, because never have we been so aware of plot through a story full of wit and wisdom, of graphic experience and
the needs of our fellowman. The press, magazines, books and personal ex- the joys of pioneering in human relations.
periences have taught us much in the past t w o years. Whatever we give
today, we give w i t h a greater sense of obligation, be i t time, money, or The story would be fine in itself, but to Alpha O's it has a special
sympathy. Let us remind ourselves also that for a century and a half con- S1gnificance. I t is the best interpretation on paper you can get of that
ditions in the Kentucky hills have been much worse than what we con- Magnificent organization to whom we have pledged ourselves in social
sider bad today. service work. You live through one hundred and fifty-nine pages of sun-
shine and rain with the nurses who are bringing health and new physi-
T o those who see suffering and need near at hand i t seems irrational cal happiness to that region just off the main road of civilization in
to raise funds to alleviate suffering elsewhere. However, it is possible to pentucky. I n the visits Mrs. Gardner makes with the nurses you can
do both as i t has been in the past. We give to missions in foreign lands; eel the great service a social service department will be. You will
we clothe, and in a measure educate, peoples of different races and faiths nrill with your writer when you read, "Mrs. Breckinridge is not con-
wherever it has been called to our attention that such needs existed. Surely* ent to deliver most of the babies born in an area of nearly eight hun-
making an effort to aid our own can be construed as charity beginning
at home.
T o those who feel that effort put forth in the Kentucky hills will
avail but little, may we point out that that rests entirely with the mem-
bers of Alpha Omicron Pi. Speedy results cannot be hoped for. However,
if we could put f o r t h as much effort, planning, and thought as has the
Frontier Nursing Service we might find results as astonishing as it has
found in a six-year period. The question is, have we the high courage to
effectively pool our efforts to achieve results in spite of difficulties?
3 0 To DRAGMA 1932 31
dred square miles—she has under way a vast health program, which erein & Qo to ^aigon
leaves hardly any department of physical welfare untouched. In addi-
tion a social service department has recently been added to the work of i
the Frontier Nursing Service and subsidized through the generosity of
Alpha Omicron Pi. The whole field is used as a training center to de- i fi
velop a technique for other similar areas, and exhaustive research is —
carried on into underlying economic conditions. It will be seen that the -
Frontier Service is a philanthropy on a major scale." r
In Mrs. Breckinridge's introduction she answers the question some n i-
of you are asking, "What the use of it? Why liberate from their im-
memorial shackles, these mountaineers? Our answer comes in terms of i
citizenship. 'There is no wealth but life,' said a great Englishman; 'Three
times in every century the only wealth of nations is levelled in the quest The causcua\ leading to the great Cambodian Temple, Angkor Vat
to rise again from helpless infancy.' Where do we find the creative value
of this rebirth so evident as on the land? In struggling to achieve parity ^4nd Qet the Jaundice
in our industrialized civilization and to vindicate the values of rural life,
the country districts stagger under social and economic handicaps. Yet By L I L L I A N S C H O E D L E R , Alpha
it is from them we may expect much of tomorrow's leadership."
WE F I R S T went north to Porte du Chine, beginning our southward
To chapters whose members are unsympathetic to our philan- trip from the very border of China itself. And for four weeks that
thropy, I suggest the purchase of the book as a path to understanding. follow-d, we took almost every road that one could take between
It would make an appropriate prize for "quota" bridge parties or tour- there and Saigon. Down the whole length of the coast we drove, by way
naments. For you who wish to have as much material as is available of the famous old Route Mandarine, which hugs the lovely shore so
on the subject, this book will be invaluable. closely, riding sometimes in the midst of flat rich ricefields, sometimes
among the wonderful mountains that come sheer down to the arm of the
Your orders may be placed with Mrs. E . C. Franco-Ferreira, 901 blue China Sea. We detoured inland through vast virgin jungles to
Argyle Street, Chicago, Illinois. Thakkek and Savannaket on the banks of the Mekong River, with Siam
just across the way, and again further south through more almost un-
14 touched jungle land to Kontum and Ban Me Thuot—through country
famous for its tigers and other wild beasts. In one of the most tiger-
• mfested regions our car had its one accident of the whole trip, a broken
A typical mountain family sit in front of This shack in the foothills, like hundreds of
the door of their crude home. Our service others, consists of one room and a lean-to, » 1
can change the future for this little lad. dilapidated porch and outside stoni
32 To DRAGMA M A R C H , 1932 33
ball bearing necessitating our spending a night in a primitive thatched 7/
Annamite roadside hut inhabited by several Annamite families, one of
which moved off of its community bed to free a single place to lie for all f
of us, so that we might not be in danger of furnishing the tigers' din-
ner that evening. It took two days' time, the Resident Superior's car, "In the lap of the Godsl" Lillian Sehoedler and an old stone Buddha strike up a
and a collection of all the spare ball-bearing parts in every community friendship in the rums at Angkor.
within a radius of several towns before one that fit could be found and
the repair could be made in that little-traveled country. We spent much were opened on all sides, dinners were given at the Residencies, the
time along our route in the territory of the Moi's, primitive, almost heads of the tourist bureaus were delegated as our special guides, etc.
naked savages as little touched by civilization as anything I saw in Cen- It was a royal trip, as you can imagine—the more wonderful because
tral Africa. In many places the Moi villagers came out to welcome us French Indo-China has not as yet been really opened up to tourist
with their symbols of hospitality—a basket of eggs and a bottle of travel. The northern and southern parts of the country aren't even yet
drink of not uncertain alcoholic content. Their popular form of saluta- linked with a railroad, and until recently the attitude of the government
tion was to take our right hands as a Frenchman would to kiss it, and toward foreign visitors has been anything but one of welcome. Outside
instead merely to smell of and then drop it!—perhaps to sniff whether contact is just beginning to be courted. To be able to go through the
we were friend or foe! We went to the Baie d'Along, one of the most whole of the country so thoroughly at a time when tourist travel is not
remarkable natural scenic wonders of the world, but a place so hidden only in its very infancy and fairly difficult, but also most expensive,
and little known in its corner of Tonking that in two years of travel and under the unusual conditions under which I made the trip, ab-
up and down the China Coast I had never even heard its name. Words solutely as a guest of such wonderful hosts, was too marvelous for
could never describe the strangeness and loveliness of that inland sea, words.
perhaps a hundred miles in area, its sparkling sunlit blue waters full of
upcropping gray rock jags from ten to several hundred feet high, rising There was only one fly in the ointment during all of the time, and
sheer from the sea, and ranging from almost needle-like points to great that is that in the middle of January, at Hue, after almost two and a
cliff-rock islands, some bare, some covered with greenery, but almost all half years of perfect health even in the heart of the tropics, a malaria
full of grottos and caves and passages that furnished never-ending possi- mosquito "got" me, and I found myself one day suddenly burning with
bilities for exploration and amazement, both for trips on foot or from the fever. Not wanting either to hold up the rest of the party, or, worse
boat in which we wound for hours on end among the jutting crags. still, to be left behind (1), I stayed in bed with it for only one day,
and then went on. The result of the long days' marches through the
We saw fine modern cities like Hanoi and Saigon modeled after thick jungle country which followed, with insufficient rest and not al-
Paris in their gay boulevard life; and in contrast quaint old ones like ways the proper diet (for we were in the middle of the most primitive
Hue, the capital of Annam, on the banks of the River of Perfumes, so part of Laos and had to take pretty much what we could get), was a
reminiscent of all that is most charming in Peking, with its Palace gorgeous attack of jaundice, which turned me into the color of a lemon.
modeled after Peking's Forbidden City and its imperial tombs, not un- Even the whites of my eyes were yellow. You never saw such a sight!
like those of the Mings, set in lovely hillside parks in the outskirts of The result of that was a ten-day rest-halt for me with strenuous treat-
the city. (We spent a fascinating few hours at one of these tombs with ment and diet at the Continental Hotel in Saigon, while my friends, be-
the five surviving concubines of one of Annam's former emperors, Tu
Due—dear old withered cronies of ninety who lived in a temple build-
ing near his tomb, and kept his memory green.) We saw ancient Cham
and Khmer ruins, twelfth and thirteenth century temples remarkably
like the modern Siva temples in India; we stayed for five days at Dalat,
south French Indo-China's charming hill station—in short, we left al-
most nothing unseen or undone in Tonking, Laos, Annam, Cambodia or
Cochin-China (which are the four protectorates and one colony that make
up French Indo-China). The roads for the most part were excellent, even
in the most sparsely settled areas; our hotels varied from first-class
hostelries to the most primitive little resthouses for which not even food
or bedding were supplied. Everywhere we went, however, we were won-
derfully looked after, for my host was a member of the French Par-
liament, and an honored guest of the Colonial government. Official doors
34 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 35
cause of their early departure for France, had to go on to Angkor with- fascinating trips also through the city's "klongs" (canals), and particu-
out me. I had my reward for good behavior, however, in being well larly to the unique floating market, to which all the world comes in tiny
enough to follow them at the end of the ten-day period. I was still far crafts to purchase its wares from boat-mounted shops that vary in size
from rosy in tone, but at least some of the citrous effect had gone, and from large establishments almost like houses, to tiny dugouts in which
so had the pains and nausea. merchants glide in and out peddling a few vegetables or chickens or
what-not. The Siamese friends who entertained me, and with whom I
On the way from Saigon to Angkor I stopped for a day en route spent many happy hours, were related to the royal family. One day I
at Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, with its picturesque palace, its even had tea with the King's secretary, whom I met through them!
fine museum, and its pagoda with a floor of solid silver and a Buddha of
solid gold weighing more than one hundred and sixty pounds. (I for- From Bangkok I went north through Siam almost to the place where
got to tell you that just before leaving Saigon also I had shared in the it touches Burma, stopping at Chieng Mai, in an interesting and entirely
big Chinese New Year celebration, with its terrificfirecrackers,its hos- different kind of country from the flat, bare lands of central and south-
pitable entertainments and its street dragon dances, and had been for- ern Siam. Chiang Mai stands out in my memory not only as the place
tunate in being taken by a wealthy young English-speaking Chinese on near which that wonderful picture "Chang" (Siamese for "elephant")
his and his wife's round of New Year calls on the rich Chinese ricemill was taken years ago, but as the very most friendly and hospitable com-
owners in Cholon, the Chinese suburb of Saigon—a most interesting ex- munity that I have ever been privileged to visit. On the way back to
perience. Incidentally, after three Christmas dinners, I have shared in Bangkok from Chieng Mai I stopped at Lopburi and at Ayuthia, with
jour different New Year celebrations this year—our own on the boat their wats and palaces and interesting native life. Siam at present has
to Hongkong, the Chinese in French Indo-China, the Malay New Year four railroad lines. I went to the ends of three of them—and from the
in Java, and the Hindu New Year in Kashmir! Not a bad record. But I northern tip of the country to its most southern point. On my way to
am getting ahead of my story! Singapore, then, I traversed the length of British Malaya also after
leaving Siam, and stopped once more at Penang and Kuala Lumpur be-
Angkor, with its stupendous ruins, is a chapter in itself which will fore the five-day train journey from Chieng Mai to Singapore was
have to wait until another time. Suffice it to say here that it was a more completed.
thrilling thing to see than even the most exaggerated accounts gave
promise of. The size and plans of the palace and temple buildings; the [To be continued]
marvel of their carvings (Angkor Vat alone is a temple more than four
times the size of Columbus Circle, according to statistics, and practically On one of the stone elephants that
every stone in its miles and miles of corridors and walls is covered with survive tn the ruins at Angkor.
the most delicate carvings!); the romantic location of the buildings in
their jungle setting, and more than anything else, the mystery of what 1
happened after the thirteenth or fourteenth centuries to the city and the
more than two million people who lived in it, are indescribable. Yet all £'«''* a "Moi- woman in a native village
that is known is that the Khmers built the place between the ninth and
the thirteenth centuries; that something happened after that so that the , *re"ch Indo-China. The heavy silver
city was deserted; that the jungle came and completely engulfed it; that lobr'"°i a r e hansing on the elongated
in 1861 a French scientist came on it by the merest chance and reported
finding it; and that in the last fifteen or twenty years the French Gov- e s of the woman's ears I
ernment, bit by bit, has been digging out, reclaiming from the jungle
and restoring as it can these thrilling remains of one of the world's
most interesting and baffling mysteries. Word or camera pictures could
never begin to do justice to Angkor's ruins. They must be seen.
We (an American army doctor, his wife and I) spent several days
at Angkor, and then I went to Siam. I had a wonderfully interesting
week in Bangkok, a city of temples (there called "wats") if ever there
was one. But such different temples!—buildings with tall, slim, fairy-
like colored or gilt roofs or spires that, like the palace roofs, rose high over
the low city sky-line in all directions. I never wearied of looking at and
photographing them, or of browsing in the courtyard that houses the
Temple of the Emerald Buddha, in the palace precincts. We had many
T o DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 37
This is Margaret Donner Bentley (N
K ) , who placed the box of Little Theatre
mementoes in the cornerstone of the
new building. Henry Coke Knight, the
architect, stands be- side her.
gg Ttallas ^Alpha 0 J^eads in
Dallas Little Theatre is housed in thts attractive building. J^ittle Theatre (^Movement
By N U M A S U R G E O N , NU Kappa
MA R G A R E T BONNER B E N T L E Y has been interested in dra-
matic work for several years, even before the organization of
the Dallas Little Theatre, with which she has been identified
3 5 an invaluable member. Her active theatre work began with a group
°f friends who presented a series of plays at the Unitarian Church in
Dallas. Others became interested in the project and soon the Dallas
Little Theatre was organized from this nucleus. Prominent among the
3 8 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 39
original group is Mr. Talbot Pearson, present director of the Little J^abrador s
Theatre in Shreveport, Louisiana. Offers
Sir the organization Margaret has been an interested worker Opportu
and a., influential member, having served on the board of directors nities to
continuously from that date. She is now vice president of the Little 3\urse
Theatre and chairman of the Executive Committee. She has been box
office chairman for three years and has also assisted with the prop- J
erties and other departments, her interest centering in the actual work
of the theatre rather than in the acting. However, she has taken some Nursing & la snowshocs.
speaking parts notably "Fashion," "Liliom," and several Christmas
plays. She also has to her credit the successful direction of several a By B A R B A R A J A C K S O N
one-act plays presented at the Dallas Woman's Club.
•i Alpha Tan
The success of the Dallas Little Theatre is evidenced by the fact
that it won the national competition trophy (Margaret was in the suc- !
cessful play) and has also been able to erect a beautiful new theatre
home of its own. The present director is Charles Meredith, who has A R D E L L A B A R T H (AT), is the head nurse of the Whisler Me-
succeeded Oliver Hinsdell. now in motion picture work. ^""^morial Hospital at Denison. She returned to us this year after
By unusual and special arrangement the Dallas alumnae of Alpha O a year in the Grenfell Mission in Labrador.
will reserve the lower floor of the Little Theatre for a matinee at each Two years ago she heard Doctor Grenfell lecture and was so fasci-
of the remaining plays this season and will make a small amount on nated by his description of the work at the mission that she wrote her
each ticket for their charity work. application and in about six weeks received her appointment. She went
to Labrador in July. After a journey of two weeks, she arrived at Bat-
The name of Margaret Bentley symbolizes Dallas Little Theatre tle Harbor where she performed regular hospital duties.
success and we hardly think of one without the other. In limited time
and space it is difficult to give due credit for the splendid work which In the middle of September, however, she was transferred to the
she has done. In addition she is quite active in Dallas club work, being village of Northwest River, "The Paradise of Labrador," which is about
on the board of the Dallas Woman's Club. She is also an active mem- one hundred and fifty miles inland. The trip was made by boat. As the
ber of the Dallas alumna? of AOI1. Recently she has taken an important boat passed the villages they were obliged to look for signals indicating
part in the "Trial of Vivien Ware," a radio play, presented in episodes that medical assistance was needed.
each night for several weeks.
One day they had been following a whaler for about ten miles and
Add to all this an unfailing friendliness and a charming personality had been watching the men on its deck skinning a whale, when an op-
and you have a slight picture of one whom Nil Kappa is proud to call erator came to them and informed them that there had been a shoot-
a founder.
"The No 'Count Boy" ami the Belasco Trophy in New York.
Margaret Bentley sits in the rocker.
MARCH, 1932 41
ing in one of the villages in which two men were wounded. Miss Barth On Expedition in ^Mosul
was traveling with a doctor and his wife, and when they arrived at the
village they found it necessary to amputate a hand. All the supplies By D O R O T H Y M A S T E R S O N , Psi
for the operation had to be improvised as they had very little equip-
ment with them. The patient was placed on the floor, and the amputa- DOROTHY CROSS (* '28), is making a rapid and interesting
tion performed. The only implements which were available were five climb toward fame in anthropological fields. We are proud; Doro-
thermostats, a pair of scissors, a knife, and a saw. The patient had to thy is happy; and, you will be interested.
be left to be taken to a hospital later. The most remarkable feature of In September, 1928, she decided to study for her master's degree
the operation, Miss Barth says, is that the patient did not suffer from in anthropology. The following year she was one of three students in
an infection afterwards. the United States chosen to go on an expedition to Illinois. When she
returned from this expedition, Dorothy decided that she would not
All the trips from the little hospital during the winter were made take the time to write her master's thesis, but would continue her
in a "komatik" which is the Eskimo word for sled. These, Miss Barth studies with a doctor of philosophy degree in view.
claims, are much more difficult to steer than a Buick. Summer trans-
portation was mainly by boat. This past summer she proudly conducted her own expedition to
the Pocono Mountains, where she spent several months excavating and
There were a great many Indians at the hospital, and although they cataloguing the remains of Indian rock shelters.
were unable to speak with Miss Barth, they got along splendidly. One
morning a boy came to the hospital and reported that an Indian boy In September she sailed with Dr. Speiser's University Expedition
was dying nearby. When Miss Barth arrived the boy was unconscious. tor Mosul, Iraq. It is this trip that makes us so proud and Dorothy
She brought him to the hospital and, after a study of his case, decided ^° happy, for she is the only woman sent on the expedition by the
the sickness was caused by something he had eaten. She administered University of Pennsylvania Museum. She has achieved a lifetime dream,
first aid and by afternoon the boy was dismissed, quite well again. To tor when she was a little girl, instead of playing ball, Dorothy played
the Indians this was nothing short of a miracle, and their admiration
for the worker of such wonders must have grown immensely. going on expeditions."
In winter plenty of sport was to be had in skiing and tobogganing.
In the summer the inland was warm enough to allow swimming. Other
recreation had almost to be created as many of the popular forms of
amusement were unavailable. One afternoon they were seized with a de-
sire for some ice cream. They were able to get this by going to a nearby
iceberg and chopping off enough for the freezing of the cream. Ac-
cording to Miss Barth, these icebergs with the northern lights make a
scene of magnificent beauty.
Food consisted mainly of fish and wild game. Venison, porcupine,
and sealivers were included. The last dish is considered a great delicacy.
"What on earth does porcupine taste like?" we asked.
"It's something like pork only it is the texture of veal and has a
strong spruce taste also. The porcupines of the north feed on spruce
buds, you know," was her answer.
When Miss Barth first reached Northwest River, the school teacher
had not yet arrived and so, along with her nursing, she taught first,
second, and third grades. She also did quite a bit of dental work.
Qan We ^atisfy the Conscientious Objectors?
(Continued from page 15)
for satisfying our conscientious objectors. We need the spirit of humil-
ity which recognizes what we have received in our fraternity contacts.
We need the spirit of honesty which shall acknowledge our hypocricies.
We need the spirit of service which shall blot out prejudice and selfish-
ness and set our feet on a new path.
41 To DRAGMA These tfour Alumnae Are Very J^gyal
She has beauty as well as brains. Wherever she is, there is a party,
for she is just that kind of a girl, and she has never been known to
miss anybody else's party.
Christmas Day in Mosul was very gay. During dinner a servant
announced that a traveling circus troupe, upon hearing that the village
was very rich, had come to entertain them. "And sure enough, there
they were, all in costume and unloading their baggage, getting ready
to entertain us." After dinner the townspeople came to pay homage
to the visitors, and when the circus troupe had finished, these people
danced their own native dances. When the entertainment was over and
the guests had gone home, the chauffeur's wife presented Dorothy with
a native Turkish woman's costume. She was very anxious to know if
it fitted. She spoke to the cook's wife in her native language who trans-
lated it in Arabic to Dr. Speiser who translated it in English to Dot.
"All in all, we got along great, and the costume does fit," Dot wrote
She has been field director in charge of the excavation of rock shel-
ters. Upon her return to the States in April, she will resume her work
at Trenton Museum.
<tCyoungest 'Professor" Teaches at Stanford Jessie Wallace Hughan (A), is known
to us not only as a Founder but also as
By E U N I C E F O R C E , Lambda Louise Church is District Alumna Su- one of the most outstanding socialists
perintendent for the Southern District.
C LAIRE MACGREGOR, and teachers in New York City.
Lambda, has crowded many- Her picture came too late to oe
things into the past few years. used in the January issue.
Graduating from Stanford in 1929,
she received her master's degree from
Stanford in 1930. The following year,
with the distinction, or, as she terms
it, the "inconvenient stigma" of the
"youngest college professor in the
United States," Claire was appointed
to the faculty of Sioux Falls College,
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as head
of the public speaking department.
While there, she embarked upon
many new experiences, such as re-
organizing the work of the entire de-
partment, participating in radio work,
and producing several noteworthy
plays, the most outstanding being an M t Stanford.C l a i r e
elaborate presentation of Shake- a c C r e g o r is b a c k a
speare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," which won recognition through- Fay Morgan (O), coached Omicron s; bas- Pauline Mills Edward (H), « president
ketball team to a championship. She is of Oklahoma City Alumna Chapter and
out the entire state. their alumna adviser, and in their words State Chairman of the Oklahoma district.
"doctor, coach and friend." She *s editor A tovat alumna, she was a junior f H ft
And this year finds Claire again at Stanford, filling a teaching posi- and vice president of the Woman s Self-
tion in the department of public speaking. of Omicron's notes and of hnoxville s
alumna chapter letter. Governing Board while at the
To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 45
UtE? Desideratum
The cJHorrow ^Arrives
Why? . . . the question finds its way men,
By G . H . M . , Psi Recurrent in my consciousness.
A little word, it halts the flow
Adrift on a cloud, Of thoughts, and stops the tongues of
Engulfed in a mist, Reverberating through the strains
Gliding thru space Of simple conversation. Why?
With never a list.
Tip-toeing in blue An April breeze with sanguine brnitli
With never a thought, Caresses rows of tulip heads;
Glimpses of Heaven Clean, tall and dignified, the winds
Thru sunlight are brought. Have no avail against their pride;
Vibrant, expectant One day green buds are hard, the next
The morrow arrives An arrogant display of red. I wonder why?
Fulfillment of dreams,
With joy . . . sorrow dies. Familiar sounds of city streets stars
Turn strange with night's dark frown; while
Derelict Break through to compensate day's loss,
And fold the edges of events
By MARGARET Z E L M A M I L L E R , Epsilon About us close and warm. Why does
God grant me surcease from this pain! Night lend a finesse to common forms?
Pluck out my heart, morphine my brain!
Can mortal care—to live or die— Why? . . . the question finds its way
When hope and joy both pass him by? Across the wind-swept prairie lands;
Torn from all things once held so dear, A meadow lark sings clear at dawn,
Like Jesu Christ, they've nailed me here. 1 pause and know at least one truth:
My life, this flesh, is still quite whole When 1 have ceased to ponder, then
They've only crucified my soul. I shall have ceased to live. But why?
The .Moon 3 Shall J\ot gear
By E D N A L E E COOMBS, Xi By VIVIAN E L L I S HOWARD, Beta Phi world,
The moon is a vagabond lover tonight, 1 shall not fear to cross the bounds into another
If only, straight before me, I can see
As he journeys across to the west. Your smile, the tender, wistful smile,
His coat is a torn and ragged cloud That always, in life, you saved for me.
But he's wearing a silver vest. If 1 can only hold your hand, I'll know,
His face is haggard, his smile is wan, As the long dark aisles of death I tread,
Not lovely Dawn's dark wakening shall fright me—
His pathway is very dim. Nor even Death, my dear—though 1 were dead!
He wakens the nightingale from her sleep,
^4 <Prayer
And she sings and sings to him.
By JEAN D R Y N A N , Alpha Rho
Oh, Lord,
Give me the strength
That I might find
A new and higher aim,
The noble kind,
That I might take
The trite and petty things
From out my soul.
Oh, give me wings
To soar above
This restlessness of mine.
And give to me content
With God, and faith, and love
46 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 47
'Panhellenic Ttyshing Ttyles Including Oklahoma, and excepting Ohio State, every campus uses the prefer-
ential bid system. Ohio State straddles. I t ought to pull that lame leg over the
T)«ry on Qampuses fence and stand squarely.
By A M Y COM STOCK Out of the thirty colleges—and there were as many different systems—the
Former Chairman, N.P.C. Publicity Committee simplest, yet most comprehensive plan has been worked out at Northwestern. "We
A L L rushing rules may be bad, as one dean of women, hot and tired from have found that it is satisfactory to have a tea or reception," writes Miss Jean
£ \ the stress and strain of legislative investigations, replied. However, a reading Olson, assistant to the dean of women, "where each sorority entertains all its
JL j L o f the regulations from some thirty college Panhellenics inclines one to rushees for short twenty-minute calls, so that in this way the rushee is able to visit
believe that there are at least bad, worse and worst. Quite the worst are the Okla- all those sororities which are rushing her and can decide which one she wishes to
homa rush rules. Unless it be South Dakota where one date is apparently allotted see further. Also," says Miss Olson, "our system of having a 'break' between sets
to each sorority in a rush period of three days. Oklahoma is the only campus that of party invitations, seems to be an advantage to both sororities and rushees."
allows 24-hour dates. There are just three dates—all day and all night dates at
that—in the O.U. rush program. There is no period of silence between the last The Northwestern Panhellenic issues a neat, tight little pamphlet which it
date and the receiving of bids. calls "Sororities and You." I t states the case for the sorority, and also the relative
Let's look at campuses where this "necessary evil" has developed to some- unimportance whether a girl is invited to join one or not. I t contains all the
thing resembling sanity. I would cite you to three colleges; they all happen to be information helpful to a freshman confronted with the rush season; warns her
mid-western universities—University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin and to give certain matters careful thought; urges cooperation to observe rushing
Northwestern. There are other campuses that have most of the better features of rules which are printed in a separate leaflet and advises the rushee to be suspicious
these. The best single feature of all these rushing rules is the initial tea which of the fraternity whose members will violate either the letter or the spirit of these
every sorority holds on the first day of rushing. The sorority invites to this tea rules.
all the rushees with whom it has any dates. Therefore a rushee will receive as
many invitations as the number of sororities she has dates with. Rushees are urged Minnesota also has a good statement of N.P.C. relations and obligations.
by Panhellenic to attend as many teas as possible and instructed to stay not more With but two exceptions, the rushing season at all these universities comes
than half an hour at any one. Practically every campus uses this excellent method of at the beginning of the school year. Stanford and Minnesota have postponed rush-
introducing all rushees to the whole picture. Oklahoma and South Dakota are ing until the second quarter. Of this deferred rushing Dean Mary Yost of Stan-
exceptions. Oklahoma launches right into its twenty-four hour a day, three-day ford University writes:
rush period, sending the rushees direct from third date to bid house. "We have tried at Stanford all types of rushing—long and short—and we
A good many of the colleges divide their rush into two periods of three or have had the rushing at the beginning of the freshman year and at the end of the
four days each. Invitations to parties in the second period may not be sent until freshman year and for several years we have put it in the middle of the year. All
the last day of the first period of rushing. Usually invitations to affairs in the periods have distinct disadvantages, but we have found that they are perhaps less
first period may not be sent until some date late in August or early in September. in the middle of the year than they are at any other time."
At Northwestern invitations to the initial tea may not be mailed before September
1. Invitations for the rest of dates are sent out after this tea. (Oklahoma sororities For freshman pledging but sophomore initiation, Dean Elizabeth Conrad of
have high school sophomores all dated up.) There are all the way from eight to
twenty luncheons, teas, dinners or evening affairs scheduled within these four to Michigan State College writes:
fourteen days. This gives a rushee an opportunity to accept at least one or two " I have come to the point of belief in freshman pledging, at least in these great
dates with every sorority that invites her. At Michigan a sorority may not have
more than four dates with one rushee. In cases where three affairs are scheduled state universities, the freshman needs the direction and guidance of her sorority at
for a day, no sorority shall entertain at more than two in one day. Or a rushee that time . . . I am a strong believer in sophomore initiation because I think it
may attend only one formal party at any sorority house. Again, excepting Oklahoma makes for a more carefully selected sorority group."
( I am sorry to seem to be hard on my own state) every set of rushing rules---
and I have read carefully thirty sets—provides for one day of silence at the end Texas has deferred rushing and pledging. No pledging until grades are in at the
of rushing, before the bids are issued. end of the first semester. "The consensus of opinion," writes the assistant to the
dean of women, "seems to be that the average grades are better than in the old
days of short rushing period and pledging in September. That to be sure is a
strong argument in favor of deferred pledging. On the other hand I question
whether many groups refrain from rushing until the appointed time. There is, I
fear, much sub-rosa rushing through the first semester, a most unfortunate condi-
For the short rush season the office of the dean of women at the University
of California writes:
"Rushing in any form is bad and is the weak point of the sorority system,
because, instead of accenting the ideals and aims which the ritual of every sorority
states, it brings to life petty ambitions, competition and jealousy. I f ever anyone
could invent a plan of rushing which could be undertaken and carried through in
the spirit of good sportsmanship, respect and confidence for the other fellow,
willingness to accept victory without conceit and defeat with self-respect, some-
thina would be accomplished. But this is undoubtedly a counsel of perfection. For
ourselves, at the University of California, a short early rushing season has been
•ound the least damaging method by which to recover from this disease of the
sorority system."
It is hardly conceivable that the women's national Greek-letter societies are
jeady to admit that a "counsel of perfection" is beyond their power to achieve.
. u t it behooves them to look to their codes of honor, their Panhellenic word, given
m good faith to be kept honorably.
MARCH, 1932 49
These Cjfour zjllpha O's c^fre Very <_Active m
m si o • B
•I Cfranees 'Price Ss ^ueen at <J\(ewcomus Krewe
Elisabeth Lamont (XA), «j a member of Yetive Browne (B • '34), is a member THE court of the Krewe of Newcomus reigned over an assemblage of subjects
Spurs, a member of the House of Rep- of Garrick Club and 0 A 4>, both dra- gaily dressed in masquerade and original costumes as the residents of Newcomb
resentatives and played a role in the matic societies. She had one of the lead- College's three dormitories, Josephine Louise House, Doris Hall, and Warren
Women's League yaudeville last year. ing roles in "Jordan River Revue," and House held their annual Carnival ball in the throne room of Josephine Louise
House Wednesday night.
She is social chairman and pledge is a member of the Varsity co-ed
sponsor for Chi Delta. debating team. With Miss Audrey Fay Sayman, president of the dormitories and king of
the ball by virtue of that office, sat Miss Frances Price ( I I ) , chosen as queen for
Mary Alice Burch (B9), is president of \ the occasion. Maids, who with the queen were named for unrewarded service
Torch Club, sophomore women's hon- to the college were Misses Eunice Hausman, Sophie Rollins, Mamie Packer ( I I ) ,
Elizabeth Pote (A+), is battalion spon- Elizabeth Jones (IT), Tom Turner, and Nancy Stack ( I I ) .
orary, at Butler University. sor for the R.O.T.C. at Montana
State College. Dukes, pages, and jester were appointed by Miss Sayman. The dukes were
Misses Hilda Simon, Elizabeth Trowbridge, Betsy Green, Phala Hale, Margaret
Roberts, and Virginia Brown. Misses Claudia Barrett and Helen Goldman were
pages and Miss Katherine Mahorner was jester.
Miss Peggy McMahon, closely wrapped in the manner of King Tut's mummy,
was awarded the prize for the cleverest and most original costume. The most beau-
tiful costume award was presented to Miss Janet Quillian. Souvenirs were given
to the maids of the court.
Dukes of the court were attired in tuxedo, the maids in evening dress. Many
of those gathered to witness and participate in the annual affair wore varicolored
costumes, some effective in their beauty, others in their originality. Dancing fol-
lowed the ceremonies of the court.—New Orleans Time Picayune.
IMo Qirls Dance "With Orchesis
APROGRAM of interpretative dancing will be presented by Orchesis, honorary'
dancing society of Northwestern University at eight-thirty o'clock Tuesday eve-
ning in the Northwestern University theatre. Presentation of "Moon Folly," a
fiance drama based on Fannie Stearns Davis' poem, "The Song of Conn, the Fool,"
arranged by Mrs. Isabel Carothers Berolzheimer, a member of Orchesis, will be
among high lights on the program. Mrs. Berolzheimer is popularly known as Lu
°» the WON radio trio. Clara, Lu 'n' Em.
I # Another feature will be the interpretation in dance movements of poems
•ritten by Lew Sarrett, Evanston poet and a member of the faculty of the school
°» speech, and by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Sara Teasdale, and others.
Interpretations with musical accompaniment will make up another part of the
concert. This will include "Love and Color," a pantomime based on five colors
*n<l their emotional response, and interpretations of two poems with musical set-
"ngs by Miss Gladys Bezazian, president of Orchesis.
p Among the junior members of the society taking part in the concert are Miss
H g B o r Bobb, Miss Winifred Hanan, Miss Katherine Imig, Miss Mae Marty,
liss Florence Reddington, Miss Jane Stauff, Miss Eleanor Stewart, and Miss
i eM a r Tolonen. Senior members participating in the program include Miss Bezazian,
50 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 51
Miss Alice Bovee, Miss Evelyne Brown, Miss Ann Buschnell, Miss Grace Croxalt, Alpha 0 Wins "Prize for "Best Dressed Doll
Miss Eleanor Fretter, Miss Josephine Hildreth, Miss Ruth Hommel, Miss Evelyn
Johnston, Miss Beatrice Kaplan, Miss Josephine Nichol, Miss Margaret Ramsey,
Miss Naome Schilling, Mrs. Ruth Batterson Solheim (P), J/155 Ann Teuscher (P),
and Miss Elise Weisenberger.
The piano accompaniment will be played by Miss Croxalt. Mrs. Fritze Walters
Stransky is supervising the costuming for the concert.
Orchesis is directed by Mrs. Margaret Schultz Kranz of the faculty of the
school of speech and Miss Agnes Jones, director of the women's physical educa-
tional department in the school of liberal arts.
Members of the organization devote themselves to creative work, and the recre-
ation of music, poetry, myth, and legend into the movements of the dance.—Chi-
cago Tribune.
J^ambda Cjrateful for Ttyshing Assistance
T AMBDA owe their Mothers' Club a vote of thanks for the aid given during
rushing. One mother was here to assist in the preparations for every date,
and we were not obliged to fix flowers and table decorations. They planned and
decorated small card tables for the prettiest and most original of our dinners,
a progressive affair which gave all the girls a chance to sit with all the rushees
for one course. They also redecorated the den during Christmas vacation. Especial
thanks is due to Dorothy Bogan Farrington ('30), who served as rush captain,
and who devoted all of her time for two weeks to the house. Her efficiency and
advice were the more appreciated since many of us had never seen this side of a
rushing season before.
Our alumna? association gave us new hardwood floors, and rugs in the up-
stairs hall, which have improved its appearance immensely.—Eleanor Furst (A).
Omicron *Pi ffirl Assistant Sditor of THAT the well-dressed doll should wear this Christmas" is demonstrated by
the smart-appearing doll in the picture for she, among a large number of
"Cameo" Z $ H | sister and brother dolls, carried off the silver cup offered in the annual doll show
at Butler University, for her costume.
THE first office holder of our newly cre- m Miss Mary Elizabeth Hall, a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, de-
ated assistant editorship, is called the signer and maker of the costume, is shown with the cup and the winner of it.
"backbone" of Lambda chapter at the Uni- The cup is given by the Y.W.C.A. of the university that is sponsor for the show.
versity of Michigan. We introduce to you The dolls are sold and proceeds given to charity.
Mary Kent-Miller Tennant who had her pre- The doll was given by the sorority, but to Miss Hall alone go the honors
paratory work at Wellington College, Hastings, for dressing it. Evidently Miss Hall became attached to "Betty, Jr." as the girls
Sussex, England. She is a graduate of the Uni- a t the chapter house named the doll, for she bought it herself to give as a
versity of Michigan with an A.B. degree in Christmas gift. Betty, Jr., makes a long trip as Miss Hall will spend the holidays
1927, and an M.A. in 1928. After serving as at her home in Plainfield, New Jersey. She is the only out-of-town girl at the
assistant in the Department of English at the chapter house this semester.—Indianapolis News.
University, Mary was head of the Department
of Speech in the Hazel Park High School, De- 3\(ew york "Panhellenic Jfonors Dr. Wooley
troit. She has twice been president of the Ann
Arbor Alumna? of Alpha Omicron Pi, chapter T ^ H E New York Panhellenic co-operated with the New York Branch of the
editor of To D R A G M A of AOIT, and now fac- American Association of University Women and other organizations, including
ulty adviser to Lambda of 2<£H. A past mem-
ber of the Board of Control of the Junior |he New York alumna? clubs of eleven colleges, in tendering a dinner on Tues-
American Association of University Women, •ky* January 19, at the Hotel Roosevelt, in honor of Dr. Mary Emma Woolley,
Mary is vice president of the organization for President of Mount Holyoke College and delegate by appointment of President
1931-32, and is chairman of the Dramatic Hoover to the International Disarmament Conference, on the eve of her sailing
Unit of the A.A.U.W. Each year she is an ex- 10 attend the conference at Geneva. Over eight hundred men and women at-
hibitor of painting at the Ann Arbor Art As- ended. Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn (Kappa Kappa Gamma), speaking for the New
sociation. May we call your attention to her ^•ork Panhellenic, extended to Miss Woolley the felicitations and best wishes of
original and artistic article "heads" in the "jf" a million Greek-letter women. Of the alumna? clubs co-operating in arrange-
Cameo.—Cameo of Z4»II. !?ents for the dinner, the Cornell and Goucher Clubs represented colleges where
there are active chapters of N.P.C. fraternities.—Mary H. Donlon, B.
52 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 53
<SMay Vreuss Works on Unemployment Soviets Through an
zSflpha 0 Qamera
M AY PREUSS ( 2 '16), is one of the leaders in placement work for the un-
employed in New York. The bureau in which she works as Placement Sec- Did you wonder how Mar-
retary is different from the average in that it tries not only to find work for garet Bourke-White took
applicants, but also to find work which they will be content to do permanently. the picture of the Chrysler
This bureau is housed by the State Employment Bureau and is sponsored by River- spire ? Well, here she is, bal-
side Church, the Charity Organization Society, and also by former Governor Al anced on a scaffolding,
Smith's Committee on Unemployment. While another young woman scours the many feet above Lexington
country for jobs, Miss Preuss attempts to find the right person for each. Her Avenue. A most daring
experience in personnel work with the San Francisco Community Placement Bu- business card, wouldn't you
reau and Californians, Inc., stands her in good stead.—California Monthly. say?
Itysalie Qoodhart Active in Dramatics COURTESY TIME MAGAZINE
DURING the past year, the Footlighters were led by Gordon Zimmerman, presi- IN 1930 Margaret Bourke-White ( O i l ) , expert camera-woman traveling free-lance
dent; Helen Mead, vice president; Virginia Cooke, secretary; and Ralph Wil- with Governmental blessing, took 800 photographs in Soviet Russia. Artistically
liams, treasurer. Next year the players will have Gordon Zimmerman as presi- in love with her work, she took great pains, gave none. Happy posers said "Thank
dent, Virginia Cooke as vice president, Rosalie Goodhart (IIA), as secretary, and you" when her shutter clicked; one woman even wept for joy. The Russians "con-
Herbert Eby as treasurer.—Diamondback. sider the artist an important factor in the Five-Year Plan, and the photographer
the artist of the Machine Age." They appreciated Bourke-White. Starting as their
Omicron Team Wins basketball Tournament photographer she soon became their comrade.
SORORITY basketball champions! These girls known in official circles 3S mem- In "Eyes on Russia," 32 selected pictures are accompanied by running com-
bers of Alpha Omicron Pi cage sextet, gave a packed Jefferson Hall auilience ments from under the black cloth. Sprightly travelog, philosophy, technique, anec-
a great exhibition of basketball Wednesday night when they rose to supreme dotes focus the view through the ground glass. I n front of Bourke-White's sympa-
heights to defeat Zeta Tau Alpha—their first defeat in three years—and to gain thetic but anastigmatic eye files the Five-Year cake-walk—agricultural, industrial,
the top of the ladder. probably unworkable. The spirit of the proletariat was irresistible; but industrial
idealism, sauced with scarce goods and inefficient service, she found hard to swal-
A 0 on low whole. Living on cold canned beans, on "hard" trains that gave her few
transports, she loved the Great Experiment with a grain of salt.
n A0 n
The photographs range from one-man shots to the greatest dam in the world.
P AOU A The selection includes not too many machines, almost enough men. Her pictures
confirm the conviction that photography is an art, that she is a photographer of
the first hypo.
Margaret Bourke-White was graduated from Cornell in 1927, went home to
Cleveland where she became a professional photographer when she found her
hobby paid. Otis Steel Company gave her her first big job, which she did so
*ell that Cleveland's Van Sweringen brothers engaged her to take pictures of
jheir Terminal Tower project. Then Fortune sought her, Brought her to Man-
hattan. Now at 26, her income is $50,000 a year. Nervy, she has gone where her
'ye led her, never takes no for an answer. She has shot pictures in Canadian
umber camps at 27 degrees below zero, on the spire of Manhattan's Chrysler
"wilding, where it took three men to steady the tripod. Her 1930 New York
Usiness announcement, an ascending view of the Chrysler spire taken from atop
^ e scaffolding, made recipients gasp. I n her recent five weeks in Russia she had
V e proposals of marriage. She uses an Ansco "view-type" camera (but always
^rr'es a Graflex, too); develops her plates herself.—Time Magazine.
Left to right, front row: Smith, Scott, Nowlin, Koclla, and Gunn. Back row: FoSte*'
WttStU, Wagner, Stewart, Maiden, and Hale. Inset: Mabry.—"KnoxvMe NeW
54 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 55
'Press Associations to Qombine J^ambda Qirl Sn '"Bird Sn Jfand"
' T ' H A T there is a possibility of the amalgamation of the Maryland Scholastic T O H N DRINKWATER'S amusing play, "Bird in Hand," opened the spring season
JL Press Association with the Dixie Scholastic Press Association, in the near future, J at Stanford University Friday night, being given in Assembly Hall before an
was learned recently from William M . Kricker, vice president of Pi Delta Epsilon audience that should have been larger. The chances taken by a group of students in
and former chairman of the Maryland Association. putting over comedy are great, for so many things go to make up a performance of
this type of play—speed, characterization, delicacy of touch, mood—the probability
Kricker has been negotiating with Miss Genevieve Wright (ITA '30), leader of failure is increased perceptibly. Happily the students at Stanford have in Harold
of the Dixie Association, and a Maryland graduate of the class of '30, with refer- Helvenston a director who knows his business and is besides able to get good work
ence to the consolidation. I f the proposal materializes into fact, the group from from his players.
the western end of the state will adopt the name of the local Press Association.—
Maryland Diamondback. The Drinkwater play has a very simple plot. The Greenleafs, for generations
hosts at the Bird in Hand Inn, have a daughter whose education has made her mod-
'Dorothy J^auth 'Prominent in $ B ern in thinking. She and young Gerald Arnwood, son of the local big man—the story
is laid in rural England—are in love.
ONE of the attractive members of the younger set who is active in campus
affairs at the University of Southern California is Miss Dorothy V. Lauth Her father does not believe in letting down the bars between classes. He objects
(KG), daughter of Mrs. A. Donald Davis (Adele D. Lauth). Miss Lauth is a strenuously to a marriage between his family and that of the "county"—a form of
member of Alpha Omicron Pi, Phi Beta, and is head of the social service com- caste pride as great as that of the nobility that refuses to marry with commoners.
mittee of the Y.W.C.A., and active member of the U.D.S. Miss Lauth was coun-
selor at Camp Estelle, Mt. Baldy, last summer. In the end Gerald's father. Sir Robert Arnwood, comes to ask old John Greenleaf
for Joan's hand for his son. However, the fun of this comedy lies in the casual char-
Miss Lauth and her mother entertained Wednesday evening at their home acters, three men guests at the inn, who take an absorbing interest in the love of Joan
in honor of the Phi Beta Sorority, the occasion serving to install the officers and Gerald. They are a quaint little man who "travels in sardines"; young Cyril
for the ensuing year and another feature was the induction of patrons, the Beverly, an impudent young idler, and Ambrose Godolphin, K.C., a pompous, but
guests including many professional people of the Southland. kindly, old barrister.
Among the newly appointed patrons are Dr. and Mrs. A. Schreiner, Maestro Frederick Stover's settings had utility and beauty, but the lighting of the second
Pietro Cimini, A. Donald Davis, Roy Harris, Judge W. R. Garrett, Mrs. Grace act was too bright, particularly at the front of the stage. I t destroyed the makeup of
Wood, Jess and Nell Gothold. the characters, obliterating lines and showing the middle-aged men of the story to be
nothing more than school boys. The lights should have come down very low when
Phi Beta is a national professional fraternity of music and dramatic art. Both the candles were put out. The furnishing also was too complete for good taste. And
Mrs. Davis and Miss Lauth are members.—Los Angeles Times. while finding fault it may be well to say that Virginia Wilson looked ravishingly
pretty in the velvet negligee of Act I I , but Joan Greenleaf would certainly not have
Alpha O's Among 'Ball 'Patronesses possessed so expensive a garment.
H P H E Panhellenic ball, given annually under the auspices of the New York Miss Wilson was an excellent Joan, playing the role simply and sincerely, and
JL City Panhellenic, of which Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn is president, will take having a pleasant lover in Ruhland Isaly as Gerald. Honors go in this comedy to the
place on Friday night in the Cascades of the Biltmore. Miss Marion J. Davis character actors, for whom Drinkwater has provided richly.
heads the ball committee. Assisting her are Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs. James F. McNaboe,
and Mrs. Frank K. Hoffman. Harry Hay was splendid as the crusty John Greenleaf, keeping in character al-
ways and giving a fine performance. James Sandoe was deliriously droll as Mr. Blan-
Among the patronesses are: Mrs. Owen D. Young. Mrs. Curtis B. Dall, Mrs. quet, the sardine traveler, a character that wins and holds attention in any presentation
Burton Henry White, Mrs. Paul C. Boyd, Mrs. Douglas J. Johnson, Mrs. Jesse of this comedy. David Davis as Godolphin played with the dignity that covered the
Merrick Smith, Mrs. Arnold L. Davis, Mrs. Beverly Robinson, Miss Florence You- humorous intent of the author, and was especially successful in the long silent scene
mans, Mrs. Carl B. Merner, Mrs. Harold Pickering, Miss Elizabeth Howells, Mrs. at the beginning of Act n .
Charles T. Green, Miss Cora B. Emery, Mrs. Richard B. Scandritt, Mrs. Frederick
A. Ives (N), Miss Katherine Maclntyre ( I ) , Miss Frances Brewer, Mrs. John Beulah Dimmitt (A '34), made a great deal of the role of Mrs. Greenleaf; James
Burke, and Miss Dorothy Gaylord—New York Times. Lyons was a saucy Cyril Beverly and Craig Thomas was good as Sir Robert.—San
"rancisco Chronicle.
Cfern Allen Sleeted to Sagles
(Jour 'Phi "Beta's at Kappa Tfieta
F ERN ALLEN ( O , has been elected as the tenth member of the Sophomore
Eagles society. Only nine girls were made Eagles last spring instead of the APPA THETA is proud to announce that there are four Phi Beta's in her
customary eleven, thus giving the new Eagles the privilege of electing two more ^ chapter, and not only are they just members but Bijou Brinkop ('33), is
girls, if so desired, this fall. Miss Allen was the only new member chosen. President of the local chapter while Rose Marie Mclnerny ('33), is vice president.
Oorothy Lauth and Dorothy Piper are the other two girls who wear the Phi
She has taken part in many of the campus activities, especially in hockey, Beta p\n.~Madeline Hannon (KG).
" Y " work and journalism, and is a member of the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority —
Maine Campus. Council Secretary Ss an A O n
A T A meeting of the Freshman Woman's Council of the M.C.A. on Tuesday,
as f ^ 'c t o l e r 27, officers were elected for the coming year. Those elected were
o. jollows: Elsie Dunn, chairman; Evelyn Brumbaugh, vice chairman; and Mary
fallings (ITA), secretaryDiamondback.
56 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 57
S will be seen in "Coed Follies." Gretchen Schrag, a pledge, was chosen chairman
of the program committee for the Lincoln League of Women Voters.
Jfere and There "With the Undergraduates
Sigma tied with r * B for the award of SX at the Channing Way Derby—
Being a New Form of Chapter Letters twenty-one pledges walking up their way. At initiation banquet, September 14,
Marion Selig and Josephine Esterly were awarded the chapter scholarship cup.
CHAPTER letters have come in for their share of discussion at every editors' Josephine is a member of «£BK. Sidney Walthall had the lead in "March Hares,"
meeting and convention where magazine content and cost have been the a Little Theatre production.
topic of conversation. Each time your editor has "held on," as it were. She
has argued that they have a distinct place in the type of magazine required by Delta was in the midst of second quarter rushing. Pat Sweeny ('32), is to be
Tree Orator for commencement and Prue MacKissoch ('32), is on the Class Day
The dean's list at the University of Maine included Hildreth Matheson ('32),
Sylvia Hickson ('32), Isabelle Robinson ('32), Evelyn Gleason ('33), Grace Quar-
rinzton ('33), Jeanne Kennedy ('33), Adele Allen ('33), Ruth Walenta ('34).
Ernestine Merrill ('33), was Lady Crane in "The Lady of the Jury." Sylvia Hick-
son ('32), Hope Clark ('34), Adele Allen ('33), were in the cast. Winnifred
Gushing ('34), is secretary of W.A.A. Marion Dickson ('33), is secretary of the
Home Economics Club and treasurer of Balentine Hall. Effie Mayberry ('34), is
Balentine Hall secretary.
Helene Browne (E), and Barbara Kirby (E '34), played in "The Bat," Junior
Week production and in "The Adding Machine," respectively. Ethel Kellinger ('33),
is associate women's business manager of Columns. Initiation banquet saw for the
first time the presentation of a pledge scholarship cup.
the moderate numbered group; that they tend to keep alumna? in touch with Volleyball at Northwestern University found Virginia Shaw, a P pledge,
chapters and each other; that they have some historical value. In other words, as junior manager; Betty Ross, Jessie Lou Butler, Ethel Bomhoeft were on the
it has been her conviction that three active chapter letters, two alumna? chapter team. Virginia was on the rifle varsity team and has received her minor " N . "
letters, and three sets of alumna? notes a year, averaging one hundred and fifty-nine Virginia Sanders has the comedy lead in the W.A.A.-M.U. Show. Mary Loyd
pages and costing approximately $510 per year, have been worth the expenditure. Gapouch and Florence Reddington, Mildred Baume and Virginia Liddle, the last
Her editorial work on the chapter letters for this issue came to an end just two pledges, are in the chorus. Florence is also in the toe ballet. Kathryn Gridley
as a letter from the Grand Treasurer came giving a resume of credits and debits is in the singing group, and Anne Higgins is a "show girl." Betty Ross draws for
thus far this year. There was no question in your editor's mind what action the Purple Parrot. Margaret Dorr is on the Charity Ball committee; Virginia Speirs
must ensue. Something must go to cut down the cost of the magazine (which is is on the sophomore class social committee. Florence Reddington belongs to Or-
exceedingly low under any circumstances). Having considered the chapter letters cnesis and Daughters of Neptune.
decidedly below standard this time, as a whole, she decided to belabor herself
further and give you the short digest of them that follows. She will be anxious The Stanford Dramatic Council's production of Drinkwater's "Bird in Hand"
to hear all comments pro and con. I n this issue it is an emergency measure, un(!ef! *as successful because two of the three feminine parts were taken by Alpha O's—
taken on her own responsibility. May letters will be due on April 10 as stated oeulah Dimmitt as Alice and Eleanor Furst as the maid. Ellamae Do'dds and Anna
in the Constitution. Our policy next year will depend upon income and the opinion Louise Aynesworth are copy editors on the Daily staff. Eleanor Furst has been elected
of our readers. «> German Club. Beth Pinkston, medical school, made almost a straight " A " average.
We will not dwell on social events of the chapters. There have been the
usual formal and informal dances, all of them most exciting and most beautiful. A pause to tell our readers that when these letters came in Numa Surgeon,
Nor will we pause to expostulate over the merits of pledges and initiates. Lists southern District Superintendent, and Kathryn Bremer Matson, Grand President,
*ere on inspection trips—Numa in her district; Kathryn in the Pacific and M i d -
«t districts. Each chapter visited felt that it had received valuable aid and
of each will be found elsewhere in the magazine. entPIral-'°n ^rom tne ' ' -v s t s E t i v e l3 0 0 a canfalumna? chapter offered some type of
Margaret Bovard ( I I '32), was a maid at Proteus Ball, and Marietta Grifnn "'ertainment for the officers. At KB the chapter was overjoyed to have three of
n e four members of the Executive Committee at a formal meeting.
was in the Court of Momus, both Mardi Gras festivities. ,
Nu has three varsity basketball players: Evelyn Noble, Iris Jacobb, Mildrea I o t a honored Maria Leonard, Dean of Women, at a birthday dinner. Their
and -guests w e r e chaperon, Mrs. Kate MacDonald, and her guest, Mrs. Wild,
Erb. Marjorie Jervis (N), won a scholarship in Fine Arts. thcir
Omicron's championship basketball team was entertained with a dinner g K f l ^ nine chaperons from other houses. Mary Krueger ('34), Ruth Ferguson ('35),
cha-1" chorus of "Castles in the Air," Women's League musical comedy. Co-
by "Coach" Fay Morgan after their laurels had been won. Their relay team oi danr 3 n °f , h e committee is Wilma Haeger; Edna Kline ('32), is on the
Worth Mabry, Frances Gunn, Nell Nowlin, Elisabeth Witsell won the News Sen- roMume
tinel sorority relay race on January 15. They also won both the sorority and pledge ('34? . ;c o m m i t t e e yB e t t Walker ('33), is on the ticket committee; Hedvic Lenc
Helen p ° n t h e P "r o r a m committee. Marvel Graf ('32), Florence Beidelman ('34),
scholarship cups, making five of seven cups offered this year. by tv Granger ('32), were in the cast of the operetta, "Hansel and Gretel," given
Louise Wolfe, Virginia Boggess, Jane Hardin, of Kappa, are new n i e n * r j j
of I i r M , honorary social science fraternity. Their scholarship average of °0.3
a good help toward the scholarship cup. Two of their pledges, Sally Sacket an Y.VVrA - ° 'i C S c h 0 1
Virginia Underwood, Betty Press, Ruth Ferguson are on the
Eliza Mount, led the annual fancy dress ball in Lynchburg. _ numer ' ls o c a committee. Virginia, a pledge, has been doing tap dancing at
Madeline Wostoupal (Z '31), had the lead opposite the professional aciot
Hart Jenks, when "Othello" was presented at Nebraska. Julia Simanek was a " e Spfj ° U s teas and programs. Eleanor Hall is to be the animal trainer in W.A.A.'s
Cord / > ^ Ja r i v a L Dragoo ( ' ) >3 5 h a s ^ e n Promoted to the lllini staff. Kay Mc-
gate to the convention of the National Students' Federation of America at T ? 1 ^ ) ' n a s ' ) e e n initiated into 2A<E>, public speaking fraternity; Marian Kusz
Ohio. Lucille Hendricks is a new member of Student Council. Doris Heumanns
Mask * 'r o r e n c e Beidelman into Alenthenai Literary Society; Billie Haeger into
da n Bubble. Edna Kline, I president, has become a member of AKO, honor
58 To DRAG MA MARCH, 1932 59
society; Illini Theatre Guild Board of Directors; secretary, First t'ouncil, Execu- hostesses at a League tea given for Miss Bazier, the Junior Girls' Play director. Jean
tive Council, and Advisory Board of Woman's League. Mitchel, Helen Gray, Martha Greenshields are in the chorus of "Robin Hood."
Dean Anne Dudley Blitz was a guest of Tau chapter at dinner on January 18. Jean, Helen Holden, and Eleanor Welsh are dancers in the Junior Girls' Play.
Two scholarship cups, one for making the greatest advancement in scholarship
and one to the pledge group making the highest average, are now in their pos- Virginia Grone (AS), was general chairman of the Co-ed Capers, an affair
session. Lenore Wolfe, K l \ has been debating with women's varsity debate team. for women at the University of Oregon given for funds for the foreign scholar-
Elaine Nortz is president of honorary speech sorority; Dorothy Verrell, sec- ship. She is chairman of the refreshment committee for Senior Ball. Margaret
retary of Panhellenic Council; Lorraine Crouch, president of OHO, home economics Hammerbacher sang at a <I>B tea and in a music school recital. She is secretary
honorary. Dorothy Sonnenfeld, Ruth Brace, Neota Silvers, Inez Kolar are in the of the Senior Ball committee. Peggy McKie was in the freshman Co-ed Capers
cast of "Julius Caesar." stunt; Dorothy Illidge in the senior stunt. Dorothy Morgan is on the casting com-
Dorothy Bordcherdt (X '33). has been elected to AI'.A. home economics hon- mittee for Westminster plays. Florence King, chapter president, is on the Con-
orary; Barbara Anne Rogers (pledge '34), to IIAN, chemistry honorary. Elsewhere stitution revision committee for heads of houses. Isabelle Crowell is secretary for
now and later you will read of the fine achievements of Betty Frank C33), and Junior Vodvil.
Hazel Jordan ('33). Anita Prior ("33), received the highest average of the last
year pledges, and her name is the first to be engraved on the new alumnae schol- Four of ten members of AAA, national freshman honorary, are IIA girls:
arship cup. Sarah Louise Short ("34), president; Charlotte Hood ('34), vice president; Chris-
Gladys Phillips (T), has been named one of two members of the woman s tine Finzell ('34), secretary-treasurer; and Margaret (Peggy) Burdette ('34). Of the
debating team at the University of Washington. Eleanor Bennest, a pledge, gave eleven pledges to the society, three are AOlTs. Katherine (Kay) Moore ('35),
a piano recital at the house on January 22. A silver offering was given to the Mary Stallings ('35), and Mary Alice Worthing ('35), are the honored girls.
philanthropic fund. "Ditto" Beeuwkes has been bid to AP, art honorary; she,
Dottie Reid, Mary Hilke, Sallie Sue White attended Town Criers' Ball, given by Marjorie Lenz (pledge. KB '35), conducts a column in the Daily Bruin. Bijou
FAX, women's advertising honorary. Brinkop ("33), is vice president of the University Dramatics Society. Lorry Conrad
Yetive Browne (Bi>), is a member of the "coed" debating team and had a is treasurer of ITKIT, junior-senior women's journalistic honorary.
part in the Convocation play, "George Washington." Selma Drabing will appear
in "Mrs. Bumpstead-Leigh." Mary Sullivan is vice president of Newman Club. One of ten outstanding junior women is Betty Israel ('33), Alpha Rho's
At the International Livestock and Horse Show held at the University of president. She sang at a Physical Education Club tea recently. Maude Bally ('35),
Wisconsin Stock Pavilion on February 3, Helen Lawton (H '32). won two third was one of fourteen students at Oregon State College who made a straight " A "
places and a fourth for her riding. Margaret Sweeney ('32), is a member of the
women's varsity debating team, and is conducting a "shoppers' column" in the -e last term. Janice Aikins ('32), is on senior Table Top committee. Kath-
Madison Capitol Times. Marian Douglass ('33), was society editor of the SAX leen O'Leary ('32), will speak at the state meeting of home economics clubs at
Prom Cardinal. She was chairman of the decoration committee for the Pre-Prom McMinnville on February 27. Helen Pietarila ('33). is vice president of W.A.A.
dance, and a member, together with Elizabeth Osborn. of the Orientation com- and has received her senior life saving certificate. She is a member of the junior
mittee. non-minor basketball team and of Aquabats. Barbara Adams (pledge, '35), won
Ann Harrington (A«I»), has charge of a swimming meet between Montana a Beaver for the house by getting our subscriptions 100 per cent.
State and Montana l T girls in March. Mary Vorhces has been pledged to «PK*.
Opal Petrausch to AAA; Kathleen Vaughn is a reporter for IIAN, chemistry hon- A feature of XA's initiation banquet on January 31 was Mrs. Montgomery's
orary, and president of AAA. Ann and Ellen Pope are on the Exponent *U£ place cards—tiny girls dressed as jacqueminot roses. Eugena Wilkinson made all
Elizabeth Griffith, Eleanor Rice, Pauline Wirak, Margaret Kunkle are on tnc the costumes for one of the Little Theatre plays. Effie Lu Gleason and Christine
staff of the Montanan. Mary Elizabeth Hamilton is secretary of AAA. freshinan Gustafson have been initiated into KAII, educational honorary.
scholastic honorary. Margaret Kunkle is president of Spurs with Mabel Burklan
and Mary Balkovatz new members. Evelyn Mattmiller was queen at the W"1 Jacque Lacker (HO '32), directed a three-act comedy, "Nothing But the Truth,"
growers' convention. She had the lead in "The Bad Man." - presented by Thespis Workshop on January 28. This was the first major play to
Mildred Taylor ( * ) , had charge of interfratemity basketball. Vivian rai be cast and directed by a Butler student.
is in Dance Guild again, and. with Ruth Ash, will have charge of dance
when the spring production is given by bowline Green. Evelyn Tyson , s Edith Ayres (pledge, A l l , '35), was tapped by Cotillion Club. A spaghetti
chairman of Sergeant Hall, active on the Record Book, and in idee club. . miner was given at the house by Miss Lorene Riley, faculty adviser. The Dean of
Macdonald is a member of Darby Dental Society, treasurer of Sergeant ' 'H a l ^ Women, Mrs. Charlotte Beckham, and Miss Bettv Griffing, a faculty member, were
a proctor. Isabella Hunter belongs to OA«f>. dramatic national, and Jane r- the other guests.
has been initiated into IIS*, honorary classical. .
A dancer at the annual architects' ball and in several acts of a recital - j * ^ Beta Tau has gone money-seeking. Their first venture was a very successful
sored by TS at the University of Kansas, Ruth Pyle ( * '32). has brought: n rummage sale, with policeman aid and a philanthropic bent toward those who
to her chapter. Ellen Davis ('32), spent ten days between semesters at | .t n ooked long but had no wherewithal to buy. A subscription bridge of seventy
frr tables, given at several Toronto homes accommodating from six to ten tables
dust rial School for Girls at Beloit, Kansas, making a survey of conditions ^ch, was the next attempt. There was a prize for each table and lovely refresh-
The material she gathered there will be put in book form and sent to the Th"15 3 t ^ v e ° ' c ' o c k - ^ e t a Tau has a very inspiring tradition at initiation time.
heir service comes on Saturday, and on Sundav morning, the chapter attends
'iivine service at St. Paul's Cathedral. The rector. Canon Cody, who is to become
e president of the University next year, welcomed them to the service, and he
Poke of their custom of attending church service as being part of their initiation
reniony, and added "that any organization having such a basis must have a very
foundation." Toronto Panhellenic banquet at the Royal York Hotel was
iu-nded by the entire chapter. Beta Tau sang "S-O-R-O-R-I-T-Y" as their char-
*ctenstic song.
Government and the Welfare Commission in Washington, DC An: '. ; , j , < - in * v u P Sh a T a u a s a Part of the Panhellenic dance
wU1 have its s rin
('33), is secretary of Panhellenic. Oleta Markham ('33), is president of J"1"*] •leli r "a r ) e n i s o n fraternities will participate. The three members of the women's
Bar? ' ' ° ' ' eodora Jones, andt C a m
matics Club. . . aadsft sent to 0,lio U were Alpha s: M a r y E s t e y Th
Three Omega girls, Jean Rust, singer, Isabelle Clark, and Luanda ledi' ^ J -faa The c h a P t e r average for last semester was B. The chapter will
violinists, took part in the semester student recital on January IS. ^ dedir t % 'a rce o n a new street t o ° P e n e d °y the University. Each tree, so
Omicron Pi, together with the Michigan chapters of A r and AA3, d ,a t e will be marked with a brass plate. Dolly Bellamy, who by the way
60 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 51
is a sister of Ralph Bellamy of cinema fame, took the part of the mother in an rr
original play, "Lower Than the Angels," which was presented by the dramatic
society in January. One of the pledges, Harriet Johnson, was the stage manager.
Eleanor Walker ( B K pledge), is president of Parliamentary Forum, a mem-
ber of Musicale Society, and of Players' Club. She had a leading role in one of
the Christmas plays, a "cockney" part.
PLEDCES BK—June Duncan, Gladys Frost, By MARIAN M O I S E
Eleanor Walker.
2—Helen Boyle, Barbara Barker, Letters sent to Pi Alumnae for the an- here on a visit to her brother's family
Rosalind Cargill, Elizabeth Cussen, INITIATES nual news letter published by New Or- at Christmas.
Dorothy Cahill, Margaret Killian, Jean leans Alumna? chapter brought some in-
Kinzie, Winifred McCargar, Claire Mc- 2—Jean Coughlin, Bernice Heywood, teresting news of members who have We hear that Edna Reed Whaley
Evoy, Leigh Peavey, Jacquiline Ramsay, Katherine Kuchman, Ruth Milburn, been "out of touch" for a number of ('02), has an antique shop in Columbia,
Shirley Rohrbough, Doris Shean, Sid- Marion Selig, Ruth Traugh, lteverly years. Virginia Withers ('13), writes that South Carolina; that she is quite an
ney Walthall, Joelle Walsh, Betty Bishop, Helen Boyle, Betty Bunting, after teaching in several colleges, includ- artist; and that she has a daughter at
Wheatley, Janice Kerner, Jane Leitch, Rosalind Cargill, Bobbie Day, Therma ing Ncwcomb, and capturing a Ph.D. in the head of an art department in a
Marjorie Shean. Duarte, Margot Gist, Betty Jensen, Chicago, living abroad, and especially North Carolina college. Speaking of
Eleanor Hill, Janet Letson, Winifred after adopting two sons, she has opened heads of departments, of course you
P—Sally Smith (Tiptonville, Tenn.) McCargar, Doris Shean, Sidney Walthall and is conducting a nursery school in know that Edith Dupre ('00), is at the
A—Jesse Marie McWilliams ('33), Richmond, Virginia, where French is be- head of the English Department at
Helen Hambleton ('33), Marion Mc- T—Janet Aldrich, Jean Bainbridge, ing used conversationally. Sue Gillean Southwestern in Lafayette; that is her
Elwain ('34), Helen Gilchrist ('35), Margaret Benedict, Evelyn Hoff, Mary ('03), has been busy this winter in her official title, but we have heard that she
Muriel Spaulding ('35), Marion Rose- McArthur, Byrdette Mason, Gladys Phil- capacity as head of the Children's B u - is pretty nearly everything there. Jo
berry ('35), Louise Whitaker C35), lips, Dorothy Salladay, Mildred Sutter, reau in New Orleans, and as a member Handy Sutherlands writes from Van-
Eleanor Cross ('35), Elizabeth Wicher Inez Swartzlander. of the Steering Committee of the Lou- couver, where she and her daughter,
('35), Martha Springer ('35). isiana Follow-up of the White Hou e Janet, live since the death of Jo*s hus-
I—Gayle Sampson, Irene Murray, A4>—Ellen Pope, Jane Jaccard, Kath- Conference. She also finds time to col- band in 1929. She was present at the
Irene Underdahl, Alice Nienaber, Elaine ryn Byrnes, Ebba Young, Marian War- lect old furniture and play much con- installation of Beta Kappa chapter, and
Nortz, Eileen Berquist, Helen Claire ner, Margaret Herman, Butte; Betty tract bridge. We hear from Mary Young tells us what a splendid chapter we have
Landrum, Margaret Mulroy, Margaret Ann Goe, Ann Stokan, Anaconda: Hel- Minniese ('00), that she is "a gray- at British Columbia. Bess Lyon Cox is
Skinner, Irma Hammerbacher, Neota en Wellman, Augusta; Helen Shaw, haired grandmother, somewhat inclined very busy with husband, four children,
Silvers, Alta Davis. Coffee Creek; Opal Petrausch, Vanetta to stoutness," that she has lived in the home, the school (Mississippi State
T—Anna Marie Radovan ('33), a Johnson, Bozeman. Meridian all of her married life, that she College for Women), and the farm of
sister; Janet Douglas, Seattle. has been interested in club work and in 430 acres.
0—Mary Conover, New Madison, educational matters, and has been a
B<&—Ophelia Fender and Eupha and Helan Leon, Columbus. trustee of the Meridian public schools Living in Central America, Spain,
Payne. for the past seven years. She has a Mexico, and France has been Julia
A2—Patricia McKenna, Marshfield; daughter i n d three sons, the youngest Byrne Carrico's lot. Going back to her
A*—Vivian Ory, Glandive. Clarissa Campbell, Audrey Williams, •t the University of Texas. Katherine music: piano, violin, and voice, and
—Lucile Brooks ('33), Spcarville, Portland; Marion Vinson, San Diego, Reed ('00), writes enthusiastically of spending her spare time in studying
California; Peggy McKie, St. Helens^ her work as Assistant Professor of Mod- Spanish and French, Julia illustrates the
and Lucile Tandy ('35), Independence, Frances Droste, Evelyn Schaeffers, E u - ern Languages at the University of proverb)—"Tell me what you do with
gene; Mary Louise Martin, Claremont, Akron in Akron, Ohio. Besides her your leisure time, and I can tell you
Mo. California; Edith Clement, Salem. teaching at the University and the di- what you are." Julia now lives in San
[Ij-ting of the French Circle there, she Antonio. Rita Garland Albritton ('15),
fi—Regina Miller, T r o y ; Ellison IIA—Virginia Cronin ('33). Aberdeen. has found time to join various clubs is just back in New Orleans with her
Ewald, Akron; Mary Louise Shraufe, AP—Althea Bruhl ('35), Maude Bal- (college, music, and civic), to chaperon two children, Roger and Eloise, after a
Georgetown; Sarah Immler, Canton; ly ('35), Dorothy Bumstead ('33). European tours of college students, and five-year stay in Siam.
Marjorie Duclos, Cleveland. *° lecture for the past three years on
XA—Katherine Montgomery, Jeanette *rench literature to a group of women Innes Morris Ellis, who was here re-
IIA—Frances Benedict ('35), Silver Gooch, Naomi Lewis, Eleanor Lloyd, J0 Akron. Many of us had the oppor- cently, told of a beautiful trip she,
Springs. Evelyn Thomas. tunity of seeing Katherine when she was Carey, and Carey, Jr., took last summer
through South America, and actually
TA—Maybeth Sheppard ('36), Mar- A T — C a r o l Dorr, Margaret Rowe, crossed the Andes. She said that she was
jorie Stafford ('36), Elizabeth Stanton Evelyn Freda, Dorothy Hartshorn, Re- contemplating buying a lorgnette with
C33). becca Matthews, Harriet Johnson. Mil-
dred Hudson, Jeannette Hollingswortl
AP—Lucile Moss, Thalia Larson, Vel- Miriam Sears, Lucille Perry.
la Poyfair, Florence Grant.
BK—Margaret Carson, Grace Parkin-
AIT—Norma Curtis ('34), Tallahassee. son.
62 To DRAGMA MARCH, \9S2 63
the 510 T o DRAGMA prize she had won hear that Genevra Washburn ('24), has Moise ('28). The latter also saw M a r y - keeping up her art and is living in
for the best article written in two "a wonderful job in New York, giving em Colbert Folkes ('30), and her hus- Haverford, Pennsylvania.
years, but so far, she has not had time! tests to school children." Elizabeth Os> band, who had stopped their travels
The Folk School project has assumed borne ('27), has returned f r o m Europe, over the country long enough to see the Eloise Tippins ('30), to Jackie Becker
such proportions that the government is and Betty Quarles ('26), has come back game. Mildred Renshaw Stouse ('17), of Brookhaven, Mississippi.
thinking of taking it over. Delie Ban- f r o m France and is ready to take her had a party during the holiday season
croft toured Europe last summer, and old place i n the New Orleans Alumna for Erin and "Kat" O'Neill, who hadn't Births
had tea w i t h Dagmar Renshaw LeBre- chapter. been here in years. Erin is M r s . Gibson
ton ('12), and her son Edmond, who Tucker, and has a son; "Kat's" family Louise Adams Roddy ( I I , I '24), has
were spending the summer in England Anna McLellan Kastler ('19), says name is McSween, and she has a daugh- a son, born in October.
and France. Dagmar, on her way home, that during a recent trip which she and ter, Kathleen, and a son, Charles.
stopped in Philadelphia to spend the aft- Arthur took in their Ford, they stopped Amonir those at the party were: Clara Betty Johnston Wright ('30), and
ernoon with Georgia Belle Gillean Du- in Knoxville and saw and chatted with Hall and Sara Bres, who were down "Doc" are the proud parents of a son,
voisin and M r . Duvoisin at Clifton Fay Morgan ('20). Dorothy Dalton from Monroe where they teach; Dr. born in January.
Heights. Margaret Foules Barton and ('28), and M a r y Emma Williams ('30), Mary Raymond Gould ('17), who es-
her geologist husband have about cov- made a t r i p to Hawaii last summer, and capes now and then f r o m anesthetics Helena Chalaron ('28), and Judson
ered the earth scouting for oil. Seven- are both teaching school this winter. to see her friends; Rosamond H i l l Hardy announce the arrival of John
year-old A n n Foules Barton is some- Other teachers are Janie Price C31), Schneidau ('14), our efficient and Judson in November.
times taken along, sometimes parked. Jane Williams ('31), Irene Clark ('28), charming New Orleans Alumnae chapter
When Margaret is home i n her charming Ruth Kastler ('20), Odette Chalaron president; the Renshaws, except f o r Sol- Betsy Dupre Pavy ( ' I S ) , has another
house i n Houston, she is busy w i t h ('26), and Elizabeth Lyon ('27). Char- idellc, who is at Fort Leavenworth, K a n - son, Donald, born during the summer.
civic and club work. From Orangeburg, lotte Voss Kearny ('26), has not let a sas, where her husband is studying; and
South Carolina, comes news of Angie new husband and home interfere with many others. Deaths
McLees McMichael ('14), w h o says her teaching, but is keeping up with
that she has an uneventful but happy both quite competently. Clara Mae Bu- Marriages We were very shocked and grieved at
life taking care of her husband and little chanan ('31), who is taking graduate the sudden death of one of our young-
daughter, and keeping up her music. courses this winter, tells of a lovely visit Rose Chavanne (Ex. '28), to Francis est alumnae members, Elsie Magruder
Willie White ('14), tells of some time she paid to Nellie M a b r y (Ex. '30), in ('30), on November 28. Deepest sympa-
spent in N o r t h Hartey, Canada, at Clarksville, Tennessee. Nellie is also Manson Radford in July. Rose is still thy is extended to her family.
"Teddy" Sumner Powell's summer home numbered in the teaching ranks. Kath-
on Lake Massiwippi. Mary Sumner, you erine Byrne ('31), is taking a year at Our sympathy goes out to Betsy D u -
know, is a Ph.D. and the psychiatrist at Normal School, and Marcelle Leverich pre Pavy ('15), who lost a second son,
Vale. ('31), is studying stenography and typ- Francis, shortly after the death of little
ing. William.
By K A T H R Y N L A W L E R
Rosalie D u f o u r Woolfley ( ' I S ) , is We have just enjoyed a short visit On March 12, 1932, the New Y o r k sity. Rosemary Holahan Vioni ('28),
state vice president of the A.A.U.W. and f r o m Coralie Bland ( K , I I '28), who Alumna; and the N u chapter will give a welcomed a daughter into her home on
president of the A.A.U.W. in Lafayette, tells of a summer spent in Boston, and bridge party jointly. Eloise Tessier ('29), August 3, 1931. She was named Rose-
where her husband is stationed. Caroline a job in her home, Sumpter, South 0 the chairman. I t is being held for mary Patricia. Mildred Stewart La Due
Slack Adams ('18), her husband, and Carolina. Dorothy Benedict ('30), was charitable purposes. This is the second (Ex. '28), had a baby recently. Eliza-
their t w o boys are living near Hatties- one of the fortunates w h o went to the lime this year that the two chapters beth Reilly ('28), has been made the as-
burg, Mississippi. Cecelia Slack Estes Rose B o w l to see the Tulane-Southern have combined. On December 8, 1931, sistant buyer in the book department of
('21), and her family are in New York California game. She was chaperoned by they celebrated Founders' Day at the Macy's department store. Maxine Cook
City, and Emily Slack Slade ('24), and M r . and Mrs. Dalrymple, parents of the Panhellenic House. Edith Prescott Ives ('29), is affiliated w i t h Sloan and Com-
her husband are in New Brunswick, famous "Jerry." Rochelle Gachet ('09), ('05), is the assistant hostess at the Pan- panv. and is doing statistical work.
New Jersey, where Jerry is Assistant is the statistician in the Sales Depart- hellenic House so we received unusually Ethel McGary ('28), is in the Red
Professor of Engineering at Rutgers. ment of the Alabama Power Company. fine service. Cross Life Saving Department of New
News from Mary Overall McCullogh She served on the board of the Panhel- Y o r k City. Mabel Anderson ('28), is
in Charlotte, North Carolina, contains lenic House in New York f o r several . Ruth Lawlor McFadden ('27), is l i v - teaching English at Evander Childs
an invitation to all Pi alumna; who years in the early stages of the project, ?"g at Oconomowoc. Jeanette Engel High School in New York City. Ada
travel her way to look her up. Marjorie and was its first paid worker, organizing Wintraub ('2o), received a law degree, Munroe ('31), is at the University of
Goodwine Scull, Wilmington, North its office. The completeness of the News ahe is the wife of the manager of the Oklahoma. She came east during the
Carolina, passed through New Orleans Letter, f r o m which much of these notes f i f t h Avenue Hotel and is giving the Christmas holidays and attended the
some time ago w i t h young Billy and have been gleaned, is due to Rochelle s active chapter a tea which they are go- winter formal at the new Waldorf-As-
Marjorie. Marjorie Fell Wallace ('19), suggested plan. !n_^ to use as a rush party. Julia "Frank- toria Hotel.
and her family, are also living in Wash- te Froatz ('23), is the chairman of
ington, N o r t h Carolina. Betty Bethea M a r y Pearce Bradburn ('10). is »n . Omen's athletics at New York Univer-
('24), has developed the art department Florida, while her house in New Orleans
at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute from is being remodeled. She drove f r ° ' n Otnicron
practically nothing to a major depart- there to Athens, Georgia, for the Tu-
ment of the college. M a r y M o f f a t t ('28), lane-Georgia game, and there met ana By F A Y MORGAN
is one of Betty's assistants in art. We chatted w i t h Ernestine Bres McLellan
('06), and Alice (*28), and Marian Emily Phillips Fortescue C29), and ing to Knoxville for the annual home-
j[ess McFarland Thompson ('13), were coming exercises of the University last
SW n o n the numerous " o l d grads" return- fall. Emily and Zach are living at 1061
64 To DRAGMAJ MARCH, 1932 (>5
Academy Street, Winston-Salem, North Cotham ('31), are taking graduate work Tennessee. They are living in Coving- work later at the University of New
Carolina. M r s . Thompson has been a in dietetics at the Vanderbilt Hospital ton where " D i c k " is practicing dentistry. Mexico f r o m which she was graduated
resident of Rogersville, Tennessee, f o r in Nashville this year. Lily Meadofi Dr. Young attended Vanderbilt and re- in 1930. A t the time of her death she
a number of years. Jane Zuccarello ('30), is teaching home economics again ceived his professional training at the was teaching at Capitan, New Mexico.
('30), Eleanor Graham ('28), Lyna at the Somerville, Tennessee, High University of Tennessee College of Den- The memory of her gay charm, un-
Flowers (Ex. '29), Martha Baptist (Ex. School. Frances Musgrave ('31), is | | tistry. He is a member of A T O . swerving loyalty, and quiet courage will
'30), Mary King Mason (Ex. '24), and home in Shelbyville helping her father always be kept among the finest tra-
Lucy Cooper ('30), were all in evidence w i t h business details at the pencil fac- Birth ditions of Omicron chapter.
at the Vanderbilt-Tennessee football tory. W i n i f r e d Caldwell ('31), despite
game. "Zuc" changed her mind about a rather serious illness of scarlet fever, Alice Hayes Graf ('14), has a daugh- Our deep sympathy is extended to
going to LaFollette this year and has last fall, is making a success of her ter, born in September, at Nashville Mary Taylor Johnson Andrews ('24),
been teaching at her home i n Pulaski. home economics teaching job at Deca^ where Alice and the children are living. and M r . Andrews in the death of their
Martha Baptist is doing office work in turville, Tennessee. Felicia Metcalfe infant son, Earle, Jr., on January 20,
Covington. Mary Mason, Meredith, and (*09), is instructor in French and Span? Deaths at their home in Babylon, Long Island.
young A n n are now living i n Nashville, ish in the Birmingham High School and
and Meredith commutes to Old Hickory figures prominently in alumna; activities Evelyn French (Ex. '28), died at Car- We also extend our sympathy to
where he is helping B y r d Douglass Cain there. Her niece, Evelyn Isom, of Annb- rizozo, New Mexico, her home, on Jan- Laura Swift Mayo Jernagin ('11), in
run the Old Hickory News. "Pat" ton, Alabama, is a pledge of Omicron uary 10 following a brief illness f r o m the recent death of her mother, Mrs.
Cooper divides her days between teach- this year. Blanche Holland (Ex. '31), blood poisoning. After leaving the Uni- D. R. Mayo, and to Elizabeth Wallace
ing school in the Nashville city system and Josephine Wallace Deaver (Ex. '28), versity of Tennessee, she taught school ('29), in the death of her father, M r .
and keeping house for her father. Elea- are kept busy with Knoxville Junior in New Mexico completing her college B. Y . Wallace, Sr.
nor Graham is also w i t h the Nashville League affairs nowadays. "Joe" served
schools. Betsy Carter Faison ('28), Joe, as stage manager for the recent success- Kappa
and the baby live in Birmingham, Ala- f u l presentation of "Sleeping Beauty" by
bama, and Betsy has her hands f u l l the League and was largely responsible By A N N ANDERSON SALE
looking after a healthy youngster. f o r the lovely stage settings.
Martha Wheeler ('25), is teaching again Although many of the alumnae of requested all missionaries whose f u r -
in Memphis this year. She lives at 308 Blossom Swift Edmunds ('14), is Kappa chapter receive the Alumtue Bul- loughs were due between November 1,
North Evergreen. Elizabeth Christrup Commissioner of the Girl Scouts in the letin of Randolph-Macon, I am going 1931, and December 3 1 , 1932, to re-
('28), has regained her health to such Knoxville district and is very busy, but to include in these notes a few items main in their respective fields for an-
an extent that she has been back at she finds time nevertheless, for many an from the last issue that they might have other year. Although this did not apply
work for the past several months, serv- extra "good deed'' which has to do with missed. to Virginia technically, she decided to
ing as office assistant to D r . Sam Raines alumna? activities. Jess Edmunds Cro- wait another year before coming home.
of Memphis. Frances Christrup (Ex. mer (Ex. '11), M r . Cromer, and the The first is about Virginia Allen ('16), Those of us who live near Lynchburg
'31), is also doing office work in M e m - four children live in San Diego, Califor- and is as follows: " A n interesting let- will look forward to seeing her in July,
phis now and recently won an award nia. As "Miss Jess'' has the distinction ter (dated September 20, 1931), f r o m 1932.
for speed typing. of being our "farthest west" alumna we Virginia Allen tells of her work as a
shall read accounts of the San Diego missionary in Bibanga, Congo Beige, Virginia's change in plans was a great
Josephine Johnson Hobson (Ex. 'IS), chapter's activities w i t h more than or- Africa. From this letter we quote the disappointment to her family, especially
Cannon, and the children recently dinary interest. following paragraph concerning the B i - to Frances (Ex. '13), who had gone to
moved from Atlanta to Forrest City, banga School. England to meet her. We hope that
Arkansas, where Cannon is now located Marriages Frances w i l l enjoy her trip abroad, how-
in business. We have just reclaimed " 'Next week at commencement we ever, in spite of not seeing her sister.
Genevieve Shea Reddick ('21), f r o m the Catherine Wemyss ('29), and Louis are to graduate for the first time a class
Memphis Alumnae chapter since she, Leseman were married on September 18. of pupils. This year's class w i l l lie com- Margaret Baskerville COS), is a mem-
John, the two boys, and baby Carol at the Little Church Around the Corner posed of teachers who have been learn- ber of the faculty of the Medical School
have returned to Knoxville to live. Mary in New Y o r k . M r . Leseman is a native ing as well as teaching for the past of New York University. Her address
Rowe Moore Boyd ('26), and Jack, of Charleston, South Carolina, and » three to five years. They and I have is 157 East 37th Street. Lola Wanna-
foreswore the lights of New York sev- graduate of Citadel. They are making been hard at i t this term to complete in maker (Mrs. R. K . Matheson, '08), has
eral months ago and are living at Orch- their home in New York. off hours a second course in geography, moved f r o m Hartwell, Georgia, to 65
ard Acres, Rosemont, Virginia, Jack's Outline Study of the Historical Back- Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Georgia.
ancestral home, for the present. Chris- Lyna Flowers (Ex. "29), and James ground of the Old and New Testaments,
tine Moore Inge (Ex. '23), after spend- the Metric System, an Introductory Fannie Butterfield ('17), contributed
ing the past year at Trudeau Sanitarium Shields Matthews, Jr., were married <» Course in Note Music, and a stiff course recently to the Rare Book Room of the
had regained her health sufficiently to jr» French grammar and verbs. They Library at Randolph-Macon a copy of
return to New York in January, Dr. January 7, at Covington. Tennessee love to study and are as eager to make William Robertson's Key to the Hebrew
Inge who was also at Trudeau for some good grades as boys are at home. I Bible published in London in 1656. Fan-
months has resumed his practice, and he Lyna's home, and are now living shall be very happy to present eight of nie is now teaching high school English
and "Chris" have a lovely new apart- these boys w i t h Teacher Certificates be- at Elmhurst, Long Island, but she lives
ment on 57th Street. Jackson where "Jimmy"' is engaged » fore I leave.'" in New Y o r k City at 326 East 71st
Street. She is also working on her mas-
Lilias Scales ('31), and Katherine business. Sarah Flowers Johnston l * * Virginia's fur.'jugh was due to begin ter's degree at Columbia University. Her
kst October, but due to the financial sister, Elizabeth Butterfield Jones (Ex.
'28), was the only attendant. "J"11"'*, crisis the Executive Committee of the '20), has a little daughter, Betty, who
Southern Presbyterian Mission Board is six years old and going to school. Her
is a graduate of Tennessee and a me
ber of 2 A E . nr
Mildred (Ted) M c K i n n c y and u>•
Richard Young were married on J*
tember 22 at Ted's home in Fayettevu*"
6a To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 07
young son, Bobby, is two. Elizabeth Representatives. Her mother, Mrs. Nellie her husband and daughter have taken ma Foster Gustafson who lost her
lives in Brookhaven, Mississippi. Louise Nugent Somerville, who was the first a house at 3325 South Street. We are mother in January, and to Grace Gan-
Butterfield (Ex. '22), is Mrs. Gordon woman elected to the Legislature of Mis- sorry though to have lost Faye Curry non Grady and Dorothy Gannon whose
Kahr of 2022 Walnut Street, Philadel- sissippi, had the pleasure of seeing her Stannard ('21), who moved to Wichita, father passed away in February.
phia, Pennsylvania. Her husband plays daughter installed as the first woman Kansas, last fall.
the viola in the Philadelphia Symphony ever elected from Hinds County. For M a r y Herzing Parmalee ('22), has
Orchestra, and Louise herself sang in the last ten years Lucy has been prac- Beryl McClure ('28), who teaches in moved from Carney's Point to Salem,
opera for two years. Julia White ('20), ticing law with her husband in Green- Streator, Illinois, spent the Thanksgiving New Jersey, where her address is 104
has just been operated on for appendi- ville, Mississippi. The firm name is Ho- holidays i n Lincoln as the guest of Seventh Street. Many of the Lincoln
citis, and we hope will get well soon. worth and Howorth. Bonnie Drake and the Christmas vaca- girls attended a benefit bridge on Feb-
She and Fannie Butterfield are planning tion with her family at Wayne. Marie ruary 9, at the chapter house, given
a trip to England next summer. Anne Jeter Nichols ('26), took a short Bowden ('28), of Santa Barbara, Cali- by the Mothers' Club. This group has
vacation f r o m her work at Pennsylvania fornia, was a holiday visitor in Lincoln always been very helpful to the chapter,
We sympathize greatly with Margaret State College to go to Washington, D.C., where she was the house guest of Pauline and they have given many lovely gifts
Atkinson Roller ('16), on the death of for an art exhibition of Harriet Fitz- Ryman. Several girls who are teaching to the house. The proceeds f r o m this
her little son, Roger Pryor, aged eight. gerald's w o r k . Y o u may read her ac- elsewhere spent Christmas w i t h their benefit went into the house f u n d .
He was struck by a truck on January count of it in the last Alumnce Bulletin families here. Among these were Wina-
18 and died the next day f r o m the i n - from Randolph-Macon. After the ex- fred Steele (Ex. '26), Malvern, I o w a ; Marriages
juries. Margaret is Mrs. John Baker hibition, she went to Danville to visit Dorothy Gannon ('26), and Laverne In June, Laura Perkins (Ex. '29), be-
Roller and lives in Coeburn, Virginia. Harriet f o r a few days, and now is back Wright ('26), Denver; Mildred Wright came the bride of Charles Dokken and,
at her desk at the Central Office. I n ad- ('30), Sutton; Ruth Hitchcock (Ex. '30), to our misfortune and Minnesota's good
Eliza Wallace Rawles (Ex. '19), has dition to being Assistant Registrar, she Scottsbluff; and Eloise Keefer ('28), luck, Laura moved to Minneapolis,
returned home from Philadelphia where is now Scholarship Officer. who is working toward her doctor's de- Minnesota. On September 5, Zeta Tate
she has been since before Christmas w i t h gree at the University of Wisconsin. Allingham (Ex. '29), became the bride
her husband's mother who is i l l . Martha I am planning a trip to Lynchburg Margaret McNerney (Ex. '23), was of Francis Edward Baird, and on Oc-
Craddock ('21), is still teaching at Ro- the last of February to be in a friend's forced to begin her vacation early be- tober 24, Marjorie Nelson (Ex. '30),
anoke Rapids, North Carolina. Last wedding and am looking forward to cause of illness. However, she was able became the bride of Bruce Austin. Fol-
spring Jean Jones ('25), was elected to seeing our alumnae while I am there. to return to Springfield, Illinois, the lowing right in their footsteps and not
membership in ADA, national medical News f r o m the alumna? chapter in first of the year. Darlene Woodward giving us time to breathe between wed-
fraternity at the University of Virginia. Lynchburg is that M r s . Surgeon, the Jones ('25), and Dorothy Woodward dings came announcements of the en-
During the past summer she served as Southern District Superintendent, will Barnard ('23), and their families of gagements and approaching marriages of
a clinical clerk in medicine at the Massa- visit them in February. They are plan- Evanston, Illinois, and Mesick, Michi- Alice Sheehy, Luree Combs, and Leola
chusetts General Hospital in Boston, ning a luncheon for her and a meeting gan, respectively, visited their parents Jensen.
Massachusetts. We hear that her sister, at the chapter house to see the movie during the holidays. Darlene, who has
Elizabeth (Ex. '32), has been elected of our National Work, "The Forgotten returned to Evanston, has been very i l l Bethyne DeVore ('30), was married
to the House Council at Sophie New- Frontier." By the way, alumnae, have for more than a year, but she is con- to N . Keith Demmon ( A S * ) , at Norfolk
comb College where she is a member you sent your contribution for this work valescing rapidly now. Dorothy and her on October 24. They are living at N i -
of Pi chapter. in the mountains of Kentucky? ' family expect to be in Lincoln for sev- agara Falls, New York. Margaret Peter-
eral months. Helen Piper Hagenbuch of son ('28), was married in November and
Martha Prettyman (Mrs. Leon Jour- Births Roanoke, Virginia, spent December here is living at Imperial, but we have been
olmon, '25), is now living at 945 Tem- with her parents and her sisters, Elsie unable to learn the name of her hus-
ple Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Elea- M r . and Mrs. William Stokes (Lily Ford and Jennie Lou. Mrs. Piper, their band. Evelyn Wilson and Dr. Keith
nor Powell ('30), is doing historical and Banks Clark, '24), have a second daugh- mother, has been quite i l l following a Folger were married New Year's eve i n
genealogical research in the Virginia ter, born last summer. 'all a few weeks ago so Helen is ex- Brooklyn, New York, where they are
State Library. Rebecca Wright ('31), is pected to come again this week to be living. The marriage of Jean Marie Oh-
studying at Johns Hopkins University. M r . and M r s . Edmondson Parkes with her mother during the latter's con- ler ('31), and Willard Urban ( A S * ) , took
Her address is 401 Greenway Apart- (Alice Washburn, '27), have a son, who valescence. Mildred Sweet Gunnerson place in Lincoln on January 23. Their
ments, Baltimore, M a r y l a n d . Sue H a l l arrived in August, I believe. new home is in Omaha.
M o r f i t ('28), is teaching in the high ('27), Sargent, Nebraska, and her hus-
school at Huntington, Long Island, this M r . and M r s . Jesse E. Moreland band have been living in Tucson, A r i - Births
winter. She spent the Christmas vaca- (Helen Hardy, '17). have a third daugh- zona, the past year f o r the benefit of
tion with her family in Saskatchewan, ter, now six months old, named Mary Mildred's health. Mr. and Mrs. Doane Pickering (Roma
Canada—mostly on the train, however, Em. They are living in Porto Alegre, Rush, Ex. '28), are the parents of a
she writes. Brazil. The Lincoln alumnae were shocked by son, born September 13.
[he sudden death of Cullen Hubbard,
Lucy Somerville H o w o r t h ('16), has Born t o M r . and Mrs. J. Boiling Jones, husband of Dorothy H o y (Ex. '28), Mr. and Mrs. William Hein (Emily
been elected to the Mississij>pi House of Jr. (Frances Germany, '27), a son, R ° D " which occurred in Denver in December. Simanek, '25), Alliance, announce the
ert William Germany Jones, on Decem- Dorothy and her small son and daugh- arrival of a daughter, Frances Gretchen,
ber 30. ter are now in Lincoln w i t h her parents on August 11.
while she finishes her university w o r k
Zeta ' ° r a degree. We also extend our sin- Edith Simanek Greer ('26), H u m -
C e f e sympathy to the Simanek family boldt, has a son, Jack Thomas, born
By B O N N I E H E S S D R A K E whose father died in November, to W i l - September 19.
Lincoln Alumnae chapter has t w o Joy Ley Hein ('28). Thelma and ber
charming new members this year: family moved here f r o m Alliance an<j Bonalyn Scott Newby (Ex. '31), has
Thelma Burgen Potarf (Ex. '19), and are living at 1935 South 27th. Joy a°° a daughter, born October 29.
MARCH, 1932
68 To DRAOMA on June 25. Mrs. Bowman is living at
609 Kitchell Avenue, Pana, Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson son, James Reynolds, who arrived De- has moved to 5021 N o r t h College Ave-
(Elizabeth McGraw, Ex. M l ) , Sioux cember 28. nue, Indianapolis, Indiana. Births
City, Iowa, are also the parents of a
daughter, born in November. M r . and Mrs. Myron Noble (Arlene Marriages Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Means
Reese), Bridgeport, have a second daugh- (Mabel Carter, Ex. '29), of Indianapolis,
M r . and Mrs. Bernard Nevin ( Kat h - ter, w ho was born January 11. Jane Farmer became the bride of are the parents of a son, Raymond Car-
ryn Knapp, Ex. '24), welcomed a broth- Louis Hays in June. After a wedding ter, born October 9.
er for four-year-old Ned on December 4. M r . and Mrs. Kenneth Neff (Inez trip in the West, they have returned to
Abbott, '21), announce the arrival of a 107 West Poplar Street, Greencastle, I n - M r . and Mrs. Kyle Huuhes are the
M r . and Mrs. James Miller (Helen daughter on February 10. They also diana, to make their home. parents of a son. Mrs. Hughes was for-
Reynolds, '24), are the parents of a have another daughter and a son. merly Elizabeth Swindler.
Adeline Kriege ('31), was married to
Sigma M r . and Mrs. Ted Proud are the par-
James Campbell (<I>K*I', Purdue), June ents of a daughter, Elizabeth Ann.
By MARTHA Q U A Y L E Mrs. Proud was Elizabeth Morrison be-
8. fore her marriage.
When not in college we find it diffi- ing in San Francisco. Mildred Hunter Theta alumna; w i l l be interested in
cult to follow the months of the year Stahl and her husband are living in Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Howell (Mar-
as we no longer go by '•semesters." I t Bakersfield, having come f r o m Texas. the marriage of M a r y Gertrude Manley, garet Loop. '26), of Crawfordsville, arc
is February, and we are still saying, We hope to see more of both of these our District Superintendent, to Theodore the parents of a son, Richard, born Jan-
"Isn't it exciting about the marriage of girls. Alice Norris has moved to Fresno. P. Marbaugh of Indianapolis, Indiana. uary 21.
our former Grand President, Rose Gard- Numerous parties have been given in
ner Marx, to Professor John W. Gil- Virginia Cook Whitamore, the wife honor of the bride-elect.
more, in Reno, January 4, after which of a British Consul, has been in Shang-
they enjoyed a short honeymoon in the hai for nine years, but is now in Lon- Marguerite Norris ('20), Rensselaer,
Sierras." Professor Gilmore was president don, expecting to be sent back to China. Indiana, became Mrs. Elmont Bowman
of the College of Hawaii f r o m 1008 to Gertrude Davis Arnold is in Shanghai
1913, and is now professor of agronomy w i t h her husband, Julean Arnold, U . S. Gun ima
at the University of California College Commercial Attache. They have been
of Agriculture at Davis. He was gradu- there for twenty-five years and are, to- By A N N A M . L Y O N
ated f r o m Cornell in 1906 as a master day, in the heart of this Oriental con- M r . and Mrs. James Quine (Marion
of agricultural sciences. Since then he flict. On New Year's Day, Pauline "Polly" Day, Ex. '23), who were married May
has been associated at various times with Stearns ( ' 3 D . became the bride of Rich- 11, are living at 24 Royal Road, Ban-
the Provincial College at Wuchang, Lorene Kenney Honeywell was re- ard W. Loring in Millinocket. At the gor. M r . Quine is a graduate of the U n i -
China; the Honolulu Normal and Train- cently married to Wallice Hyde. Jos- reception which followed Margaret versity of Maine Law School.
ing School; the Philippine Bureau of ephene Olcese was married to Joseph "Mamie" Fellows ('3D, poured. Mr.
Agriculture; and with the Agricultural Hamilton in October. They are living in ami Mrs. Loring are living at 80 Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Delyte Morris (Dorothy
Department at Cornell. They live in Hornitus. Lillian Force Fletcher has a Street, Augusta. The new librarian in Mayo, '30), are living in Orono. M r .
Davis, California. baby girl. Virginia Dwight is the mother I he New Y o r k Training School for Morris is assistant to Prof. M a r k Bailey
of a baby boy, and Grace Jory has a ('•iris is Isabella Lyon ('31). The school of the Dramatics Department at the
Elizabeth Morgan Barker is in South new little girl. Louise Warner Reyburn is in Hudson where Isabella is living. University of Maine.
Africa with her husband who is man- ('25), was married recently in New
ager of a large mine. Isabel Avila Ward York to Frank Capra, a moving picture Katherine " K a y " Andrews C30), has Alice Whitten, R.N. (M3), is working
and her husband, Thomas Ward, are liv- director of Hollywood.
been appointed to the staff o f social at her profession in Belfast, her home
Theta service workers of the University of
Pennsylvania, and has taken up her town.
duties. Eunice Barrows ('30), became Anna Torrens Dymond (Ex. '27), is
Mrs. Harold N . Powell in Orono on
September 7. They are residing in Wash- teaching music in Monson. Sarah Brown
ington, D.C. Hazel Parkhurst ('31), was Sweetser ('08), of Portland, Oregon, is
back on campus November 21. Ellen the guest for a time of her parents, M r .
Wareham ('31), is the domestic science and Mrs. Oscar T . Brown, in Old T o w n .
teacher in Biddiford High School, Biddi-
ford. Margaret "Mamie" Fellows ('31), Mr. and Mrs. Harry Balyea (Pauline
K attending Yes|>er George A r t School Smith, '22), are living in Portland. M r .
Balyea is connected with the radio
broadcasting station there.
By M U S E T T E VV. HAMMOND to Boston. She is living at 26 Irving Births
Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, with
On June 12. a daughter, Barbara, to
Katherine Davis ('25), has returned lace cloths, and two dozen matching "Holly" Hawkes ('29). Sybil Leach
f r o m a trip to Florida. While there she napkins. We wish to thank Mrs. Stir-
visited the A l l chapter at Florida State .man, our housemother, who hemmed the ('29), is teaching history in the high M r . and Mrs. H . Laton Jackson (Lois
College. M r . and Mrs. Earl Collings and cloths and napkins for us.
son, Earl, Jr., are in Miami, Florida. school at Westerly, Rhode Island. Her M a n t o r , '23), of Rockland, Maine.
Mrs. Collings was formerly Ruby Larkin Betty Hieb Leist's new address is 1256 address is 31 Granite Street, Westerly.
('25). Mr. and Mrs. Homer Powers, Jr. University Avenue, Adrian, Michigan- On August 7, a son, Kenneth Austin,
(Alpha William, Ex. '30), of Brook- Margaret Safford Dudley's present ad- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hammond (Sally to Mr. and Mrs. C. Ivan Huntley (Ruth
haven, Mississippi, will attend the Mardi dress is 3736 Winterbourne Road, Balti- Jordan, '21), of Old Town, Maine.
Gras in New Orleans. more, Maryland. Ebba Anderson Han- Palmer, '27), are living at 32 M y r t l e
sen lives at 1104 West Church Street, On August 15, a son, James Stacy
Theta alumna; presented as a Christ- Champaign, Illinois. Elizabeth Morrison Street, Orono. Pauline "Polly" Longley Stevens, to M r . and Mrs. Arthur Stev-
mas gift to the active chapter six linen Proud's address is 2532 Kimball Avenue,
table cloths, four dozen napkins, two Chicago, Illinois. Ruth Phillippe EvanS * 3 l ) , is m Haven, Connecticut.
Helene Johnson ('30), is an instructor in ens (Joyce Cheney, '19), of Orono,
[ne Child Education Foundation, 535 Maine. This young man is named for
**st 84th Street, New York. his grandfather, Dean J. S. Stevens, of
70 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 71
the College of Arts and Sciences, U n i - Marion L . Jordan and Ruth Jordan Carpenter ('28, M . D . '31), is finishing took place on October 31 in Ithaca. They
versity of Maine. Huntley, occurred in August; Betty his internship. She looks well, but as are living in Washington.
Bright lost her father the last of Sep- usual is so busy that i t is difficult to
Deaths tember ; Edee D . Gammon lost her only see her. This brings me to the end of my news.
brother in October; in November, Vir- As I write, plans are being made in
Since our last report sorrow has en- ginia Averill Castle's father passed away Kay Altemier told us that D o r o t h y Ithaca for our annual initiation of
tered several o f our homes and to these and Emma Perry Means of Machias Harris ('28), is in New York City with pledges, and we in New York who can,
members and their families we extend lost her husband by drowning while on her mother and living at 400 East 58th are planning to return for it. Frances
our very sincere sympathy. The death a hunting trip. Street. Elizabeth Michael's ('27), mar- Eagan ('26), w i l l be toastmistress.
of Mrs. Clara L. Jordan, mother of riage to Francis Brotherhood ( B e n ) ,
Edith Jordan Lord and grandmother of
Epsilon Rho
First of all I want to let Marion Sta- heir, S. S., Jr., born January 30, and After the exciting Northwestern-Min- Bernice Anderson Hahn ('26), has a
ples Haller ('25), k n o w through this that M r . and Mrs. M u r r a y Sarr (Elsie nesota football game last fall, Rho had small daughter, born on January 16.
column that all of the AOII's here in Schneider, '28), of Hague, New York, its annual Homecoming banquet. Hazel A valine Kindig Seiner is living at 1115
New York were delighted to learn that have a baby daughter, Elizabeth, born Wilbar ( .50), is one of the most f a i t h - Lebanon Street, Lebanon, Indiana.
she w o n the Eastman Kodak award f o r February 2. f u l ; each year since graduation she has Merva Dolson Hennings ('10), has
that lovely picture of her child. A t a come up f r o m Texas for Homecoming. moved into her new home at 2425 L i n -
recent gathering at Maybelle Eisemann News leaked out from Ithaca, New Norma Coe ('30), is teaching physical coln Street, Evanston. I t is lovely w i t h
Reed's ('26), home i n Hempstead, Long Y o r k , that Eleanor Irish ('28), hos education in Niles, Michigan. Rita Bion- high arched window's, new furniture, and
Island, we talked it over and brought at Willard Straight, has announced her di ('27), is Dean of Women at Alma exceptionally modern and handsome ap-
out the picture to display it before the engagement to H a r r y L . Case ('29). College, Alma, Michigan. H o w one tells pointments throughout the entire house.
eyes o f t w o o f the guests w h o were not Ruth Washburn ('32), Epsilon presi- the Dean of Women f r o m the students, Merva is proud of her young son, J i m ,
Alpha O's. And by the way that was dent, has announced her engagement to I can't imagine, because Rita is just as who is a freshman at Northwestern this
a good party. Katherine Altemier ('28), Stewart Williams. She w i l l be married peppy, talkative, and gay as when she year. Caroline Piper Dorr ('10), Buffalo,
Elizabeth McAdam Griswold ('26), Ve- in Sage Chapel in June. M a r y Barvian was a student at Northwestern. Another New Y o r k , must also l>e very proud of
ronica Brown ('25), Muriel Drummond ('31), has become engaged to Henry news item f r o m Michigan. "Peg" Tawes her daughter, Margaret, who w i l l soon
('27), Corinne Messing McConnell ('28), Purcell. I was in Ithaca last October, Matthes (Ex. '25), is living in Adrian, be one of the alumna;. Margaret was presi-
Marie Jann ('28), and I were there. I t when the house received a stork card Michigan. She and her husband have a dent of Rho chapter this year, president
was a marathon talking and news giv- f r o m M r . and Mrs. Paul Wernier (Jane lovely home on Clarke Lake and also of W.A.A., and also a member of M o r -
ing contest w o n by K a y Altemier for she George, '28). two lively young sons, William, Jr. and tar Board. The afternoon of January 16
seemed to have seen, heard f r o m , or Gordon Tawes, who is seven months. saw the marriage of Jane Martindale
heard of everyone that it was possible Kay Altemier is teaching physical edu- ('30), and Charles Hall at the Rogers
for her to know. Here is some of the Park Presbyterian Church. Five of the
news I've gleaned since last time. Rob- cation in Morristown, New Jersey, and Ruth Batterson Solheim ('27), has bridesmaids were AOII's. Mildred Parker
erta ( B o b b y ) Radford ('28), has an- been taking her dancing more seriously ('30), Avis Martell ('33), Mary Alice
nounced her engagement. Sorry, I didn't lives at 133 East M a i n Street. lone Bar- than ever the past t w o years. R u t h is Mclnemy ('33), Myra Crowder ('31),
get the name of the lucky man. M r . the picture of health, and so is her and Margaret Goebel ('30), wore very
and Mrs. Harold Dochtermann (Marion rett ('28), is taking her bar examina- sister, Jane Batterson Buckley (Ex. '30), Incoming gowns of blue crepe de chine.
Davison, '28), have a son, Robert Har- and Jane's young son, Edwin, who is Margaret Wolf ('28), is working for
old, born in September. They live at tions i n February. Hilda Wilson ('25), now three vears old. K a t h r y n Moss Lar- the Textile Craft Company which makes
324 Anderson Street, Hackensack, New son ('27), is living in Niles Center. She and sells g i f t novelties in Chicago,
Jersey. M r . and Mrs. John McConnell is on the last lap of her Ph.D. in chem- has two daughters, M a r y Louise, and Evanston, and Oak Park. "Peg" has
(Corinne Messing, '28), have moved to Judith. Judith is six months old, and been managing the exhibits the company
Sheldon Place, Hastings on Hudson, istry. She is teaching and studying in has had during the g i f t shows i n differ-
New York. They have a daughter, M a r i - •^ay" claims she is the prettiest baby ent cities. The next show is this Feb-
on, who will celebrate her first birthday Bellevue this year. Elizabeth Lynahan she has ever seen, and I agree w i t h her. ruary at the Palmer House in Chicago.
on June 26. A cable on January 26 tveryonc was so glad to see Goldie H a l -
from Lausanne, Switzerland, announced ('30), is in the House Service Depart- Wist Buehler ('20), at one of the alum- Gretchen Baarsch ('31), is working i n
the arrival of a son, Edward Philip, to the Northwestern Personnel Office in
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Dear (Frances ment of Corning Electric Light and gatherings. Goldie has been i l l for Evanston; she is also managing the
Mount, '28). I also heard that Dr. Dear several years. She looks more like her- ticket raffle the Chicago Alumna; chapter
was honored just recently by the Italian Power Company. Muriel Drummond is having to raise money f o r our na-
Government. The mail man brought me tional philanthropic fund. Helen Slaten
two cards in the same delivery bearing heard recently f r o m Charlotte Teeple Nelson ('19), has moved into a house at
the news that M r . and M r s . Samuel S. 4 Imperial Street, Park Ridge. Letters
Evans (Ella Behrer, '27), have a son and Hayner ('26). Charlotte's home is "J f r o m Marguerite Ford Drees, who is l i v -
ing i n Hawaii where her husband is
Wapiti, Wyoming, where her husband teaching, sound very glowing, and I
owns a dude ranch. This winter she is
in New Mexico. Kay Altemier reported
that Mildred Leem'ing ('28), married
Joseph Taulane last June 15 and was »
very lovely bride. She is living at 17' khe°rW ' and s e e m s ,ike 0 , d t i m e s t0
Dodd Street, East Orange. New Jersey- happy smile and to hear her
On February 6, Helene Browne ( j ^ y "hello" she alwavs has f o r every-
announced her marriage to Harold «*• ° n e - Qucenie Broad Rosendahl ('27), is
Nelson (Amherst). , ^ l n g in Evanston. We don't see her
I have seen Helen (Sunny) Worden ye r often; she claims that her one and
Carpenter ('28), several times this win-
ter. She is a leader in the BrooWJJ "ne-half-year-old baby takes all her
Y.W.C.A. while her husband, A , v
Anne Teuscher ('30), is teaching
gjysical education at Evanston High
72 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 73
imagine that the trouble in the East ('30), was quite i l l last fall, but she is Francisco, and later moved to Los A n - who is now nine and a half years old.
keeps things rather exciting. Florence well now and back at her desk in the geles for several weeks. "Betty," in the She reports that she has had a letter
Ross ('31), is traveling in Europe. K a t h - Furniture M a r t where she has a posi- important role of "Olympe" scored f r o m Sheda Lowman ('12), and that
erine Blair ('31), is working on a news- tion as a secretary. Harriet Manley ('30), quite a success. Norma Meads Graham she often sees Louise Curtice Clawson
paper in Florida. Dauphine Hahn ('28), is teaching in Belvidere. M a r y Stephen- ('22), is now living at 1186 Yosemite ('14), and her two daughters.
is working in the book section at Macy's son McClintock ('27), and her husband Avenue, San Jose. Dorothea Hawkins
in New Y o r k C i t y ; she is also writing decided that a month in California ('27), has been attending the Univer- Minna Vrang Orme ('16), writes a
book reviews for a large publishing would be rather nice; so in a few days sity of California to get a teacher's cer- most interesting letter from the Quarter-
house. A letter f r o m Dauphine tells me they were ready, and off they went to tificate in public speaking. Dorothy Circle Bar-V Ranch at Mayer, Arizona.
that Elinor Wallace Schroeder C28), is sunny California! Dorris Bennett John- Kimberlin Thayer ('30), and her hus- Besides her own three children, the ten-
working at Macy's. Dorothy Hills ('28), son ('27), and Bob, her husband, spent band have moved to 10 Hobart Ave- year-old son of a friend is staying with
Dorothy Tinley Boodin ('28), Grace ten days at Christmas time down in nue, Menlo Park. Velda Hancock Berry them. They have their own school on
Langguth Lund, and I had luncheon to- Jackson, Tennessee. Jackson is Bob's ('23), and her family enjoyed a real the ranch. M i n n a and "Chick" seem
gether the other day. Grace has a nice home town, and from all reports Dorris snow-storm during their stay at Castle very happy, although busy. They run a
position as secretary for the National and Bob were royally entertained. They Crags the first week in January. Syd- "paying-guest" department—during the
Geographic Magazine in the Palmolive went antique hunting and came home ney Davant ('30), visited the chapter last winter they had about an average
Building. Ruth Marshall (Ex. '28), has w i t h some lovely pieces of early Ameri- house on the day of the Big Game; she of fifteen people staying w i t h them—
charge of the textbook department at can furniture. Mildred James Maclntyre is now living at home in San Diego. and do truck-farming, have raised t w o
Chandler's in Evanston. ("27), is living in Newton, Iowa. "Mac," Dorothy Williams ('31), has been teach- thousand turkeys, have built farm build-
Mildred's husband, has turned inventor; ing the lower grades in a little country ings, fence, a swimming pool, and have
Phyllis Yoorhies Lund's ('29), hus- he has already taken out several patents school not far f r o m Watsonville. Abbie planted trees and gardens. Minna vis-
band, Arnold, is running for Congress. and has more ideas w i t h which he hopes Wood Martin ('18), and her husband ited Caroline Rochfort White ('18),
We want an AOIT in the White Houre to profit. enjoyed a two weeks' stay at Palm last year and also saw many old friends
some day; so let's wish Arnold success. Springs early in January. Anne Delie in Los Angeles.
At the active chapter's formal dance, I wish that some of you alumnae who Bancroth ( I I '15), spent her summer
which was held at the Fortnightly Club never come to the Chicago Alumna; in Europe and is now teaching in L a f a y - Katharine Boynlon Tuttle ('27), is
this year, there were about seventeen gatherings would try to come out to ette, Louisiana. Greta Reed Cowan (Ex. now living at 225 West Howell Ave-
Rho alumnae present. I t was a nice one soon. We who do attend the month- '31), and her husband are living at 3400 nue, Del Ray, Alexandria, Virginia,
party, and the alumnae as well as the ly dinners manage to have a good time, Fulton Street, San Francisco. M r . Cow- which is just across the Potomac f r o m
actives seemed to have a good time. and it certainly is a good chance to an is associated w i t h an insurance com- Washington, D.C. She has a bungalow
Dorothy Blair DeBeer ('29), was there, keep in touch with old friends. I t really pany. Margaret M a i n ('31), has a new with a "rose-garden and a real grape-
and so was M a r y Louise Wakefield doesn't matter where you live, because secretarial position in a legal office in arbor." She says, " M y days are filled
C29), who is now attending the Univer- there are meetings each month in the San Diego. Frances Worthington ('29), with a-keeping-of-the-house and Teddy-
sity of Chicago where she is working on north, south, west and central sections is teaching in San Diego. She and her tending. I did have an interruption of
her master's degree in history which she of Chicago. mother are occupying an apartment to- this last fall when I worked on a sur-
hopes to receive in June. Ellen Hood gether. Harriet Day ('31), is spending vey for the American University Wom-
Part of her days at the children's clinic en, which has its headquarters here. I t
Lambda at the Stanford Hospital in San Fran- was analyzing international news pub-
cisco, doing secretarial work. Doris lished in all the big United States news-
By D O R O T H Y BOGEN FARRINGTON papers, and we worked at the Carnegie
Welch ('28), is living at 1521 39th Peace Institute, and the L i b r a r y of
Helen Delatour ('28), now includes ports they are enjoying San Diego very Street, Sacramento, and is working for Congress. I t was very interesting, and
a private class and a night class in much. Nan Surface Brand ( T ) , has also a finance company in that city. Eleanor I rejoiced over all that I learned."
French among her work at the Wat- moved. She and her husband are now Wllett ('27), writes that she has re-
sonville Union High School. Also, Helen living at 450 E i Escarpo. This is the c i t e d Stanford several times during the The rushing season in January
actually attended a meeting of the Penin- Hotchkiss home where she and Car! spring vacation, but never has found brought back many older Alpha O's.
sula Alumnae Association at Palo Alto were married. Emily Poindexter ('lS)» anyone at the chapter house. She taught Among those present at various times
on February 6. She spent her Christmas is still teaching in Eureka. She spent her art in the Long Beach schools for three were Ruth Carson Crary, Celeste Et-
vacation at Long Beach with her aunt. Christmas vacation with her mother in y ^ f s , but decided that she would like cheverry, Katherine Williams Carr, and
Nora Blickfeldt ('31), has been asso- San Francisco, and came down to spend a year of freedom, so she resigned her Mona Say—all of Sigma. Also there
ciated with the last political campaign a day w i t h " M o t h e r T " in Los Gatos. Position, and is enjoying her leisure very were Ellowene Delahoyde Evans ("24),
in San Francisco. Beatrice Freuler C y k - Gladys Crofoot ('31), is taking care of y|uch. Mary Virginia Dungan Roberts Harriet Day ('31), Gladys Crofoot
ler ('13), attended a meeting of the "her" Homan-Purdy twins at 722 Fun- ' 2 3 ) , has just returned f r o m a four ('3D, Francis McNelly ('28), Dorothy
Peninsula Alumnae Association at Ruth ston Street, San Francisco. Doris Hoi- monthg- trip to Europe. Williams ('31), Nora Blickfelt ('31),
Crary's home on November 18. She also st on Prather ('27), and her husband and Dorothy Bogen Farrington ('30).
paid the chapter house a brief visit just are now living in Healdsburg. Doris ana Mildred Cowdry Mosher ('17), sent Dorothy Kimberlin Thayer ('30), was
before the meeting. Aileen Brown Small her small son visited with Doris s Mother T " a picture of Barrv, her present almost every day, as was Claire
('27), and her husband are now resi- mother in Palo Alto last July. E ' i z a " youngest son. He is a delightful young- McGregor ('29). Helen Delatour ('28),
dents of San Diego. They are living at beth Wilbur ('27), as you all know, Pa1" Mildred is planning a visit to dropped in one Sunday, as did Margaret
1406 Plumosa Way, and they plan to has been playing w i t h Jane Cowl , n asadena in the near future. Margery McLeod of Alpha Rho.
stay for a year or more. From all re- "Camille." The "play opened in S a n eJ>'e Happy ('13), has also sent " M o t h -
Muriel Turner McKinney ('16), drove
a picture of Cyrus Happy I I I , the Grand President to San Diego dur-
ing her recent visit to Los Angeles. Wana
74 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 75
Keezling Kunsel ('25), president of the was in the east last September and Oc- well White at Carson City, Nevada, on more, San Francisco, Apt. 204. M r .
San Diego Alumna;, drove them to Ca- tober, and visited in New York, Con- November 26. Their present address is Mohrhardt is in the real estate busi-
liente on an inspection trip. On their necticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. No. 5, 708 University Avenue, Reno, ness.
return they motored by San Marino, Alice Shinn Miner ('09), whose husband Nevada.
stopping at the home of Natalie Collins died about a year ago, is living with Births
Haines ( * '22), who gave a tea on that her sister and is teaching English at Allison Rose Loeffler ('30), to Ken-
day, February 4, honoring the Grand the Roosevelt High School in Oakland, neth Kellar on January 12 at Las Ve- M r . and Mrs. William Peden, Jr.
Officers. Lucille Curtis English ('15), Lucile Newberg Korn ('09), is living gas, Nevada. M r . Kellar is a member (Jeanette Owens, '29), announce the
State Chairman for Alumnae Work, was at 140 Palm Avenue, San Francisco. of Sigma N u , and is now practicing birth of a daughter, Nancy Jean, in
busy securing changes of address, ex- Her husband is manager of the serv- law in Los Angeles. He is a graduate San Francisco on December 28. The
plaining concerning the National Work, ice department for the Zellerback Pa- of the Stanford Law School. little girl was christened at the Stanford
and encouraging the formation of an per Company. Rosetta Polaski Fisher's Chapel. The Pedens are living at 1138
alumnae group in Pasadena. Many ('10), husband is a consulting engi- Frances Jongeneel ('26), to Edward Portola Avenue, San Francisco. M r . Pe-
promised to join and showed unusual neer. Mildred Merritt Parmelee ('20), F. Mohrhardt. The wedding took place den is connected with Schwabacker Frey
interest. has a six-year-old boy, James. M i l - on January 19 at the home of Frances' Company.
dred's husband is with Dorman Com- parents in Berkeley, in the presence of
Grace Dickover McClusky (Ex. '15), mercial Company. The husband of Fran- the immediate family. For their wed- M r . and M r s . Lawrence S. Fletcher
has moved into her new home at 2125 ces Hadenfeldt Boynton (Ex. '27), m ding trip they took a motor tour of (Lillian Force, '28), announce the birth
Sherwood Avenue, San Marino. N o w electrical engineer at the San Francisco the South, stopping at Del Monte, San- of a second daughter, Joanne Marie, on
that she is M r s . Jess W . McClusky, Airport. Elaine Adrian Willoughby ('22), ta Barbara, Palm Springs, and Agua Ca- January 14. M r . Fletcher is deputy Dis-
she is going to renew her interest in lias a three-year-old daughter, Phile liente. They are now living at 3720 F i l l - trict Attorney at the City Hall in Oak-
Alpha O. Lylah Hall McDermott (Ex. Jane. Her husband is general sales-man- land.
*17), who has been living i n Nice, ager for Foster Kleiser Company.
France, for four years, is visiting her Iota
mother at 109 South Normandie Street, The Penninsula Alumna; Association
Los Angeles. Lylah has decided to finish has been flourishing. I t sponsored a By FRANCES C O T T R E L L
college, so she entered U.C.L.A. this card party at the chapter house on Oc-
month, all pepped up over the belated tober 22, where about f o r t y tables were? Minnie Phillips, our Iota physician, Homecoming visitor. Helen Beazell,
degree—she looks like a freshman, too. sold. During Christmas vacation the is now pediatrician connected w i t h L y - president of the Chicago South Shore
Association had hardwood floors put in ing-in Hospital of Chicago. She also Alumnae chapter, was their delegate to
Bertha Knapp George ('10), has a on the second-floor hall of the house maintains a downtown office. Agnes Convention last summer. Captain and
daughter, Paula, who has entered Bev- and also provided five new rugs in a Fuller Ward ('20), had an interesting Mrs. Englehart (Helen Grimes, '26),
erly Hills High School. Paula is very lovely shade of blue. The Association group of pictures to show at Homecom- who were in the Philippines for two
gifted. A number of years ago she pub- held an informal tea on February 9, ing. Of course, they all concerned her years are now stationed at Ft. Leaven-
lished her own lovely poems, full of honoring K a t h r y n Bremer Matson. The twin sons who are two and one-half worth, Kansas. Jane Brown Hood ('24),
beauty and imagination. We are look- tea was held at the home of Ruth years old, and Jack and Peggy who are still lives in Chicago and has t w o bounc-
ing for great things from Paula, and Crary, and Norma Meads Graham ( ' 2 2 « now in school. Helen Wolfe Erskine ing boys. We all extend our sympathy
we were happy for you, too, Bertha! Meta McQuoid ('22), and Helen Rich- ('22), new examining officer for the to Maude Bacon Nolte, whose parents
ardson Clayton ('25), were the host- Great Lakes District, to which Iota were killed i n an automobile accident
I am sorry to report that Gladys esses. T h e Association is now busy Chapter has been transferred, was also near Chicago last October. Hazel Stev-
Emma Stelling Green ('20), is at pres- planning a new social event for the present at the Homecoming dinner. A t ens Bodenschatz ('19), and Nettie Stev-
ent i l l at the St. Francis hospital, San spring. that time she presented to Iota chapter ens Schute were recently called home
Francisco. Also, Anna Fitzhugh Bell the cup which is given by the national by the serious illness of their mother.
('25), is just recovering f r o m an illness. I want to thank Lucile Curtis Eng- organization to the chapter selected at Mrs. Stevens is now improving, and
Anna's husband is with an investment lish, Minna Vrang Orme, Katherine the Convention as being the most out- Hazel and Nettie have returned to their
banking house. She says that her six- Boynton Tuttle, and Eleanor Willett for standing. Grace Dallenback Finfrock homes in West Virginia.
teen-months-old son is thriving. the co-operation that they have given was telling us that her third son had
me in getting news for me. I am cer- started to school this fall, and Elsie Esther VanDoren Malcolmson ('21),
Adele Gist Davis ('30), whose hus- tainly very grateful! Noel Waldo, w h o can always be relied lives at Pacific Palisades, California,
band is w i t h the Wells Fargo Bank, uPon to appear at Homecoming func- where Dave has enthusiastic classes in
has been busy w i t h a number of things. Engagement tions, chimed i n w i t h the news that short story writing. Esther writes that
She is captain of a Girl Scout Troop, Francis McNelly ('28), to Ivar Johns- Margaret was now in school, too. Mary she and Dave have most interesting
and is doing charity work for the Epis- son. The wedding w i l l take place some ] Brearton ('27), who is teaching in Sa- guests each Sunday at their afternoon
copal Church. Also she collected almost time in the early spring. The youn^' cou- vannah, was a campus visitor—stopping tea. M o l l y , who is eight years old, is
nineteen hundred dollars for the Com- ple w i l l live in San Francisco. to see the girls at the house and a in the fifth grade at school. Bert Stein
munity Chest in San Francisco. Adele's brother who is in school here. Henke ('18), spent Christmas greetings
sister is an Alpha O at California, and M arriages to several Champaign-Urbana alumna;
she has a brother who is now a fresh- Frances Cassidy ('28), teaches Music from the ranch, Box 22, Pharr, Texas.
man at Stanford. Lois McClung ('22). to Vernon Hal- and English i n the high school at A m - Mate Geddings ('18), and Florence Moss
lenbeck on August 23, 1030. They are ooy- Richolene Hughes ('29), and Olive Fairbanks ('17), were two other Iota
Reba Bland Stevens ('15), has t w o now living at Pinegrove, Broadmoor, j?Sren (Ex. '29), tpent a summer vaca- alumnae who sent greetings to Anna
little girls, one of whom is eight years Colorado Springs, Colorado. f1.," .i n California. D o r o t h y Gardiner Hoffert Kirk at Christmas. Mate wrote
old, and the other six. Reba's husband i °)> is now living at 3608 Balsam that she was spending her vacation w i t h
is in the stock and bond business. Lucy Janette Durfey ('30), to John Bid- A v e n u e , Indianapolis. She was also a Emma Wardall who was formerly of
Shinn ('09), is a real estate broker. Lucy
MARCH, 1932 77
the Home Economics department at I l - Harris of Seattle, Washington, on No- teaching position in Teaneck. I was the vid Cannon. Alice expects to be mar-
linois and who is now doing w o r k at vember 14. They live at 1810 15th Ave- fifth one present. I was so thrilled at ried in June and will make her home
the Hospital at Ft. Leavenworth. Fran- nue, Apt. 201, Seattle. Founders' Day banquet. I sat between in Plainfield.
ces Fowler Browne ('19), and family Elizabeth Wyman and next to our Pan-
enjoyed a short visit with Ruth Bern- Pricilla Wilcox (Ex. '29), to D r . C. Fi hellenic Delegate, Mrs. Glantzberg. I Betty Sadelmyer to Addison French.
reuter Watts ('19), and her family at Hausserman of Champaign. was disappointed in not seeing any Chi Betty has fully recovered f r o m an auto
Christmas time. Ruth has three young- girls present. Here's a joke on me— accident she had last fall.
sters. Births Radburn Association made me chairman
of the Children's Work Committee. This Births
Matrfages Mr. and Mrs. John Howard (Beulah committee has charge of the pre-school
Parkhill, Ex. '24), announce the birth child and nursery school. The Dramatic Mr. and Mrs. Ted O'Leary (Florence
Velda Bamsberger ('18), to George of a son, John Robert, July 20. society to which I belong gave Chan- Gilger), announce the birth of a daugh-
Glenn Carver, vice president of the ning Pollock's play, "The Enemy." I ter, Harriet Lou, born in November.
Gennison Wright Company of Toledo, A son, Carl Alvin, was born to Mr. played the heroine. Every Thursday aft-
Ohio. and Mrs. A. H . Bodenschatz (Hazel ernoon I coach a girls' basketball team. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Merchant (Ruth
Stevens, '19), in December. Sydney), announce the birth of a
Wilma Law ('28), to "Bud" Johnson Katherine Jenkins Clement ('24), is daughter on October 31.
early in December. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cowan (Barbara enjoying her position in the University
Porter, '22), announce the arrival of of Chicago. Carol Kendall C26), my old M r . and Mrs. Ted Bartlett announce
Minnie Frances Harris Faust to A. C. Peter Albert I I on January 27 at A l - partner in collecting news, let me down the birth of a son, Robert Graham, on
bany, New York. this time, the trouble being winter and November 12.
Chi Death
By T H E L M A ROBERTSON M I T C H E L L Our sympathy is extended to Helen
Alice Reeve (Ex. '25), to Phillip Da- Gregory on the loss of her father, who
died in December.
At last Marjorie Townsend Bartlett The following is f r o m the Syracuse U psilon
('22), has a rival, her little son, Robert. Herald. "Eighth grade music pupils at
Robert was born November 12. His Salem Hyde School taught by Mrs. Mar- ( By MARY G E N E V I E V E SCOTT
hair is brown and straight as a poker, shall Hardy (Katherine Latimer, '26),
and his eyes are dark blue. A l l this at Friday morning's assembly staged a Eileen Monks Lovely ('30), w i l l say Engagements
and more gleaned from a letter of Mar- puppet show on Wagner's opera 'Lohen- farewell to her Seattle sisters about Feb-
jorie's. grin.' So far as is known this was the! ruary 16, after a stay that has been all Grace Ginger has become very "air-
first attempt of this nature in the Syra- too short. M r . Lovely's business takes minded." So much so, in fact, that it
Hazel Olin ('25), is teaching at Port cuse school system. I t came about, Mrs. them to Portland. Ruth Holten ('31), would not surprise us if she "hopped a
Jervis. She visits New York City long Hardy said, at the request of the pu- whose chief interest during the day is plane" to Chicago. Grace recently an-
enough to shop and see some shows. pils themselves." the importing-exporting business, has nounced her engagement to Donald G.
Faith Trull ('25), and Hazel were back chosen ice skating as her avocation. She MacDonald, formerly of the Operations
to Syracuse for the Colgate game. Alice Peggy Kreisel Powell ('22), has] and Charlotte Nelson ('31), are becom- Office, Oakland Airport, now of Chi-
Coulter (Ex. '25), was there, too, I un- moved into a larger house in Potsdam. ing expert figure skaters. Marion cago. For the time being, Grace will
derstand, just as f u l l of pep as ever. Her small son, Robert, is twenty months (Sparky) Elder is often at the ice arena. continue to hold her position with the
old. Ona Rosbrook Brodie, her hus- Helen Lea ( ' 3 D , has a special talent for Boeing Company of Seattle.
Alice Bronson has charge of a girls' band and children, Marcia Jean, aged entertaining. She is giving a Valentine
group on the campus at the University three, and Merton, aged seven, visited i party, Saturday, February 13, at her Dorothy Louise Smith ('27), has an-
of Washington. Frances Carter is as i n - Peggy one week-end. Ona and Peggy I " home in Tacoma. Esther Melby Valen- nounced her engagement to M y r l e Fal-
veterate a reader as ever, but alas, not have a fine time visiting back and forth. tine is very active at the Women's U n i - kenburg ( K Z ) , f r o m Case, Ohio.
so prolific a correspondent. Nellie Retan versity Club of Seattle. She is chairman
and Emily Tarbell were two of the M a r y Adams, w i t h a girl friend, took of the special tea committee for this Marriages
Syracuse delegates to the House of Dele- an auto t r i p west last summer for six year. Marcella Lawler ('30), has the g i -
gates of the New York State Teachers' weeks, camping en route and spending a ! gantic title of "Secretary to the Super- Eileen Monks ('30), came to Seattle
Association at Utica last November. good bit of time in the Rockies, going intendent of Schools" in Raymond. She f r o m Portland that same week-end, but
Grace Stowell is scholarship chairman on from Yellowstone Park up along in- teaches t w o classes a day. Virginia Par- for more important reasons than Home-
for Chi. to the Canadian Rockies. Norma Baker r's is teaching in Sunnyside; Ruth Noo- coming. On November 14 she was mar-
('26), has an art studio in Atlanta, "an, in Yelm, a "suburb" of Tacoma. ried here to Christy Lovely, a member
Louise MacBain Mienhardt (Alathea, Georgia. Helen M o r f o r d Carstens has completely of $ 2 K from the University of Cali-
'12), sent E m i l y Tarbell a note recently recovered from a dreadful accident that fornia. "Monkey" brought her new hus-
from the American Consulate at Tsinau, The New Jersey Alumnae had a meet- kept her in the hospital for weeks. N o w band out to the house Sunday afternoon
China. Her son David, thirteen, is at ing at Miss Wyman's one Saturday, that she is able to be w i t h us again, to show him off; they left shortly aft-
school in Shanghai. She writes, "Our and there were five Chi girls there. *e hope she won't leave immediately erwards for San Francisco on their
home here is lovely, and we have a Mildred Sittscr Olsen ('23), is still as honeymoon.
large formal flower garden as well as a busy as ever, keeping house anil sub- I o r Honolulu to join her husband.
vegetable garden. There is a good sized stituting in Summit. Mildred Hover 1*1 Another Alpha O very close to our
foreign community and such a cordial president of the Parent-Teachers' Asso- hearts took the marriage vows last sum-
one, t o o ! I ' m enjoying Tsinau a lot. So ciation in Fanwood and head of the- mer. She is Peggy Yeaman (Ex. '33),
far it has been very quiet due to our dramatic department of the Woman*j who became the bride of Barret Kane,
having the best governor in China lo- Club. Agnes Rood is very busy in the
cated here. Here's hoping it continues. social world. Reva Vanderbilt has M
78 To DRAGMA ARCH, 1932 7"
a member of Theta X i . The wedding maids. All wore frocks in pastel organdy, Eta
took place on July 25. Her wedding with picture hats to match.
gown was of white lace; she wore a By J E A N N E T T E NORTH
lace veil and carried a shower bouquet Birth
all in white. Her attendants were Sallie Mr. and Mrs. J . Charleston had Dorothy Stangel ('31), is teaching thur Marshall at our alumnae banquet
Sue White as maid of honor and Marian son several months ago. This is the-' mathematics and history in Oconto. last June. Gwen Dowding ('29), has
Cysewski and Dorothy Reid as brides- second son. Pauline Waterman ('31), is doing social been Mrs. Cyril T . Hagan since last
service work in Milwaukee, and Lorraine June. They are living in Bloomington,
Nu Kappa McMannamy ('29), and Florence Rey- Indiana. Mrs. Herman Wirka and Mr.
nolds ('30), are both teaching in Mil- and Mrs. Gilbert Schmitz attended the
By A L I C E R E Y N O L D S waukee. Nancy Janeis is the name of wedding of Dorothy Marsh and Robert
Marion Whittemore Lange's ('29), Ewans which took place last October
Martha Baird ('29), is going back to Marriages brown-eyed baby who celebrated her in Milwaukee.
Southern Methodist University to get first birthday last month; and Mrs. Ray
her Master's degree. Carolyn Davidson Mary Alice Wren ('30), became t Baer (Pauline) has a six months' old We all were sorry to hear that Marion
('31), is also working on her master's bride of Archie F . Wood, Jr., of Athen' son named Robert Charles. E v a Adams Bain ('31), has suffered a broken hip
degree at Southern Methodist Univer- Texas, on Wednesday, February 3. Mrs Miller ('30), and her husband vaca- from participation in winter sports.
sity this year. Lois Moseley ('28), is J . E . Ashby (Lillian Cox) came hon:. tioned this summer at Lake Delavan Isabel (Biz) Thompson ('31), and Wil-
studying this winter in New York City. from Chicago to be matron-of-honor. and took a short trip up to Madison. l>er Peterson were married last June
Lois was staff pianist at W F A A . Elinor Lucille Goedde Hadfield ('28), is liv- and are living in Madison. Isabel 01-
Manning Walker of the Kappa chapter Constance Romberg ('29), became t* ing in Schenectady, New York. Her hus- brich ('29), has announced her engage-
is with us in the Dallas Alumnae. We bride of Ewing Capers on November 5 band is athletic coach at Union College ment to Richard Teare. We were pleased
are all so pleased to have her. Beulah She had a very quiet at home. Ewing and is studying for his doctor's degree to see "Peg" Lunceford (Ex. '32), and
McGee Dunlap is with us again after and "Connie" are living at 3641 Uni in history. Irma Corlies ('31), an- Virginia Knauf ( E x . '33), at Prom
living in Houston for several years. versity Boulevard. nounced her engagement to Charles A r - which was held between semesters.
They are living on Palo Pinto Street.
Births Alpha Phi
Norma Pendleton Lyte had an appen-
dicitis operation in Oklahoma City. We Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brodnax (Et By M A R I E JORGENSON
are glad to know she is getting along May Whitaker, E x . '29), have a daugh
fine and back in Dallas with us again. ter, Jean, born January 21. I'll frankly admit now that I wasn't Kirk. She and Tom are living in M a -
Numa Ablowich Surgeon ('27), our very proud of the last letter, I sent in nila, Philippine Islands, where T o m is
Southern District Superintendent, is now Mr. and Mrs. J . E . Bush (Gladys for T o DRAGMA. I didn't know until working for some implement company,
making a six weeks' tour of the chap- Bandy, E x . '28), have a daughter, Jean, two days before the letter was due that and Mary teaches a few hours each day
ters in this district. Lucy Tucker T o - born in November. I was to do this work again this year, in a convent. In case you would like
Iand has just returned from a six weeks' so it was either pay to fine or send a to write, here's the address: 726 A. Ma-
trip to Illinois, Mississippi, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Marian Conn (Steve very short and snappy letter. I chose bini, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Louisiana. Thackston, '31), have a son, bom the the latter, and now I'm going to try
first part of January. They are living to make up for it this time. Mickey and Mark Ferris and family
We are all proud of Catherine (Babe) in Longview, Texas. have just recently moved into a new
Rasberry Flythe, our Alumnae State The following girls joined the alum- home in Helena. A picture of it on their
Chairman. Mr. and Mrs. I . E . Dejernett (0' na last June, and are located as follows: Christmas cards gave them a very per-
Mae Haber), have a daughter, Jeai Dorothy Garrett is teaching at Baker; sonal touch. Evelyn Border and her
Mildred Pepple (Ex. '27), worked for bom November 15. Mary Hakala at Forsythe; Hazel mother spent the holidays with Eliza-
Shuttle Brothers and Lewis, wholesale Thompson at Eureka; Mary Lyman at beth and her family in Helena. Alta At-
and retail jewelers, during the Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. Wilson (Ro- Ekalaka; Mary Taylor is working in kinson journeyed to Chilliwack, Brit-
mas holidays. She is now working at berta Wilson), have a son, George 0. Bozeman; and Gladys Elliot is at home ish Columbia, to spend the holiday sea-
Bachrach Studio. Margaret Bentley has Wilson, Jr., born January 28. >n Livingston. son with her family. She developed a
been making jig-saw puzzles for which severe case of tonsilitis enroute, and is
she has had much success and publicity. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C . Bennett (Ali' Lots of you remember Margaret Doe just recovering. Alta is in Ann Arbor,
Margaret Harris ('31), has chosen to do Kizer), have a son, bom the first and Hyacinth Rowley. Margaret Doe is Michigan. Mary Egan and Ruby Gill
Y.W.C.A. and Camp Fire Girls work in January. Mrs. L . U . Maxon, living at Philips- spent the holiday season with their par-
the Dallas elementary schools. We are °Urg. She has two boys, Billy, who is ents in Butte. Marilyn Hauseman came
proud of Margaret for this is all charity Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hauger (3 over for a one day visit, to take her
work. Two of our girls were made E v a Barnett), have another son, be years and John David, four years. young son Dean back to Bozeman with
members of A © local correspondent February 7. Hyacinth is Mrs. Burl Blackwelder of her.
to * B K , while in Southern Methodist Winifred. Her daushter, Jean, is three
University. They are Carolyn Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C . Dix y?»rs old. Erma Collins L a Salle is Lucille Strudwick is supervising art
('31), and Margaret Harris ('31). (Mary Reynolds), have a daught ("Strict chairman of the Parent-Teach- in the Durham, North Carolina, schools,
Dorothy Louise, born October 31. e f s ' Association. She assists in organiz- while Clem has an art class in Durham
g, n new groups in this district, and is for adults and also uses the Hillsboro
Death yV e r active in Parent-Teachers' work. studio for portrait work and has a
T k # a recent telephone call to Martha class there. Did you know that our
Our sympathy is extended to Mr. J.-
Mrs. Wilber S. Jones (Lucile Price), Ma*ey Bolles, I learned about Mary
at the death of their infant daughter.
80 To DRAGH MARCH, 1932 81
Helen Tripp Davis helped to organize Dorothy Scott is expecting Ruth No- University of Pennsylvania Medical Mrs. Elliot Dallas (Bertha Bennett, '30),
and sponsor the new active chapter of ble Dawson to visit her soon. Helen School in June, 1929. on September 5.
Alpha Omicron Pi at Vancouver, British Noble Fryer and her husband have
Columbia ? moved to Montana, and are living near Elizabeth Stewart ('29), to Willis A son, Carl F., Jr., to M r . and Mrs.
Great Falls. Bailey Goodspeed, on October 24. Their Carl F. Rumpp (Avis Hunter, '18),
Martha Haynes, Mary Vorhees and home is at 19 East Upsal Street, Ger- on October 4, 1930.
Ethel Keyes are taking work at M o n - Death mantown.
tana State College. Martha is working Deaths
for her M . A . degree, while M a r y and Our deepest sympathy is extended to Ann Hassan ('25), to Raymond E.
Ethel are completing work f o r their B.S. M r . and M r s . John Chrystal in the loss Trainer on November 14. They are at We extend our sympathy to Helen W.
degrees. M a r y O'Leary was granted a of their daughter, Margaret, on Septem- , home at 64 Overhill Road, C y n w y d . Horner ('27), in the loss of her moth-
fellowship at the State College, Pull- ber 29, 1931. Word of her untimely er in January.
man, Washington, and is studying for passing came as a profound shock t o ] Births
her M . A . degree. Helen Waite completed her many friends. High tribute was We wish to express our sympathy to
work f o r her M . A . degree at Columbia paid to "Peg" by all who knew her, A son, Richard Bennett, to M r . and Mary Fahnestock Flathers ('24), on the
last June, and is now on the staff at and associated with her in their work. recent loss of her mother.
the University of Iowa. We realize the loss in Margaret's pass-
ing, but realize, too, that our memories Phi
Harriet Kimmons wrote that young of her will never fade.
Bob developed the mumps after the By E L L E N E . DAVIS
holidays, so she has been very busy Birth
playing nurse. Gladys Bradley ('31), is teaching Marriages
Minnie Ellen and John Hastings an- school at Yates Center and tells many
Chloe and Charles Lyndon are living nounce the arrival of William Marquis, interesting tales of the escapades of her Josephine Braucher C24), was mar-
in Edmonton, Alberta, at 11110 89th August 21, 1931. Their other children third grade pupils. Mary House ('31), ried in January to Justus Fugate who
Avenue, where Charles is dairy exten- are Minnie Ellen, who is seven and one- is teaching in Miller, but, since she is practicing law in Wichita.
sion specialist. Helen Patterson is far half years old, and John, three and one- drives a Victoria coupe, all her week-
away, teaching at Cristobal, Colon, Canal half years old. ends are spent at Lawrence. Virginia Halburt Bartlett ('29), was married
Zone, and Valborg Rivines Popham and Stimpson ('31), and Frances Thompson in November to James Dye. They are
her family are now residents of Wash- ('31), are both head of the home eco- now living in Ulysses.
ington, D.C. nomics department in the respective
schools at M c L o u t h and Eudora. Irene Maxine Clark ('28), was married in
Psi Hansen ('31), is teaching music in Quin- September to Robert Schooley who is
cy. Speaking of music, Margaret Dren- manager of the telephone company at
By MARGARET A . L Y N N non ('29), who is teaching in Denver, Altamont.
won the Colorado state contest spon-
Eleanor D . Culin ('27), is doing week w i t h Evelyn S. Webster ('28), sored by Atwater-Kent this year. K a t h - Edith Adams ('28), was married in
family case w o r k for the M a i n Line who has made her home there since erine Brook ('31), is attending business October to Phares McFerren of Leaven-
Federation of Churches. Her particular September. Cornelia Patterson ('29), rfra college in New Orleans, Louisiana. w o r t h . M r . McFerren is an aviator and
district is Ardmore. Because of the large cently christened a Sea Scout ship, "Blue is now located at Kelly Field, Texas.
territory to be covered in this suburban Anchor," at the launching held at the
section, i t is necessary for the workers Neighborhood Club in Philadelphia. Birth
to use a car. Eleanor had a chauffeur at Dorothy Bartlett ('26), had us all fasci-
first, but now enjoys driving the car nated by her skillful handling of "hu- Phi Chapter is happy to announce Thora Collins ('28), and Merle R.
herself. Most of these destitute families man interest" stories surrounding a re-.l that Mrs. A. J. M i x ( E ) , is now the Judkins announce the birth of their son,
own automobiles, strange to say, due cent famous murder trial. Her column alumna adviser of Phi. Richard Foster, in October.
to the nature of their work, landscape- appeared daily on the f r o n t page of',
gardening. They only work in the sum- the Philadelphia Inquirer. Dr. Mar- Omega
mer, however, and the closing of banks garet M c H e n r y ('25), has temporarily
this winter took away all their sav- abandoned her plans to teach in Shang- Bv I R E N E W I L T
ings. hai, China, until the war clouds have
somewhat cleared. D r . Charlotte Easby Margaret McLennan Lindenmeyer is Dorothy Jackson's address is 3316
Dorothy Cross (*28), who has been Grave, consulting psychologist, recently visiting her sister, Helen, in Tenafly. Ault Park Avenue, Hyde Park, Cincin-
w i t h the Speiser Expedition in Mesopo- gave an interview on "Clothes and Suc- New Jersey. Lucille Trowbridge M a d i - nati. She is still w i t h Smith Kassons.
tamia since September, w i l l leave for cess," in which she advises the modern son writes that " B i n g " (her husband) Adelaide Graham is at home this w i n -
home about the last of March, arriv- woman that clothes and beauty do at- has just graduated f r o m the Cincinnati ter at St. Mary's, Ontario. Clarissa
ing in Philadelphia the last of April. feet her success in life to an immeasura- School of Embalming. Scott and Helen were both in Ohio for
Her position with the Expedition was ble degree. a few days at the time of their fath-
that of field director in charge of the Louise Herbert ('31), is teaching in er's death, in early November. Clarissa
excavation of rock shelters. Dorothy will Marriages Xenia, and from all reports, likes it. made the trip f r o m Los Angeles by air-
resume her work at the Trenton M u - Dorothy Crumback fJQ), to Dr. J » h n Carolyn Clark ('31), is attending Busi- plane. The Dennison children have been
seum upon her return. McDonald Noecker on October 25, lWJj e s College in Cleveland. Florence having birthday parties. John is six and
Dr. Noecker was graduated from Rench ('31), is working in the Dayton Ellen four.
Marian S. Willis (Ex. '28), w i l l leave Library. M a r y M u r r a y ('31), is attend-
on February 11 for Mercer to spend a ing the University of Cincinnati. Rober- Bernadette and Chester M u r p h y are
ta Bayman is teaching at Reily, Ohio, living at 413 Probasco Avenue, C l i f t o n ,
*nd living with her sister, Arvilla, who Cincinnati. Helen Lindsey entertained at
B Mrs. Gene Albaugh. home in Piqua during vacation, for the
82 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 83
AOII's of Greenville. Everyone reported K a t h r y n Long and George Bowers Girl Scout organizations of New York Theresa Young ('30), Nadine M c M u r r y
quite an enjoyable time. We hope that ( 2 X from M i a m i ) , were married on were conducting through the hotel. For- (Ex. '33), and Bobby Reid ('31), were
by this time Helen Gump is much bet- December 26 at Kenton, Ohio. They are tunately, I was able to accompany Hel- among her attendants. Jean and Reba
ter. She had pneumonia just as she was living at Condersport, Pennsylvania, en on one of the tours which proved are living in Eugene and have a most
about to be put in a cast f o r neuritis. where George is doing legal work for to be a high-light i n my New Y o r k attractive home on Judkin's Point. Jean
A f t e r her recovery f r o m pneumonia, she the East Penn Gas Company. experiences. En route home I spent a is athletic coach in the Eugene public
was allowed to return home, and the day in Cleveland and had a visit with schools, and Reba is continuing her
cast was set there. Births Dot and Jack Renshaw. Dot ('27), was teaching at Pleasant H i l l .
very fortunate in securing a position in
R u t h Cox Segar, who is now State M r . and Mrs. James E. Robinson, a Branch Library only a short distance Another Eugene wedding took place
Chairman of Alumna?, is quite anxious Jr. (Margaret North, '28), have a son, from the City Hospital where Jack is early last October. A m y Porter ('31),
to hear f r o m as many of the girls as born on November 21. He is James Ed- interne, and they have an attractive and Lee Rapp were married at a large
possible. The more personal the letter gar Robinson, I I I . apartment not far from the hospital. I n church ceremony. They are living in
the better she w i l l like i t . Her new ad- a recent letter D o t said that she had Portland where Lee is in business.
dress is 1931 Benson Drive, Dayton, M r . and M r s . William Segar ( R u t h attended a meeting of the Cleveland
Ohio. Cox) have a baby girl, Carole, born on Alumnae and had met some very inter- Marjorie Clark ('29), and Thomas
November 19. esting girls. Prence Thayer were married in Los A n -
Marriages geles on November 19. M a r j o r i e is
Margaret McLennan ('26), and Ar- Vesta Magee Angle and Paul have a Our deepest sympathy is extended to teaching in Pasadena, and M r . Thayer
min Lindenmeyer were married on Oc- son, born last June. Their little girl, Roberta Wilcox Robnett ('29), and to is working toward his Ph.D. at Cali-
tober 1, at Cincinnati, Ohio. They are Paula, w i l l soon be four years old. Thelma Downer (Ex. '31), in the re- fornia Tech. Their address is Apart-
residing at 1628 Orchard Grove, Lake- cent loss of their fathers, and to Cath- ment 2, 185 N o r t h Catalina Avenue,
wood, Ohio. Mildred Engle Mattern and M r . Mat- erine Mayhew ('29), whose father Pasadena, California.
tern announce the birth of Barbara passed away the latter part of Decem-
Anne. ber. Catherine and her mother are now Births
living at the Raddant Apts., 619 Ever-
Alpha Sigma ett Street, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller (Mary-
lee Andrus, Ex. '28), of Ryderwood,
By ROMA W H I S N A N T Marriages Washington, announce the birth of a
son, January 7.
L y n n Jackson ('29), who had been classes held at Lincoln High School. Vir- Reba Brogdon ('31), and Jean Eber-
teaching in Montana spent the holidays ginia is now living in Vancouver, Wash- To M r . and Mrs. Leland C. Lapham
in Portland w i t h her sister, Elizabeth. ington. Rhoeda has been capitalizing on hart were married at the First Baptist (Laverna Spitzenberger, '24), of M c -
After Christmas, L y n n returned to her her domestic tendencies, and in her spare Minnville, a son, Leland Gene, Janu-
school in Libby, Montana, and a few time makes fancy cookies for several Church in Eugene on December 24. ary 16.
weeks later surprised us by stopping i n stores and for private orders. Rhoeda
Portland en route to Eugene where she and Betty have organized a Sunday Xi
opened the new term in the Eugene morning riding class at the Highlands
public schools. She is teaching clothing. Riding Academy. By R U T H B L A C K
We were all glad to see Pat B o y d (Ex.
'31), who spent the holidays in Port- Muriel McLean (Ex. '31), who is as- I t seems that hard luck has befallen Madge McWhortor Jones ('25), is
land with her aunt. Pat is attending sistant librarian at the Longview Public our chapter! Perhaps I shouldn't men- teaching at Boswell. Marie Taylor (Ex.
the Teachers' State College at San Diego. Library took a few days off the first tion this just now, but i t seems to be '31), is attending school at Edmond this
Theresa Young ('30), who is teaching of the year to pay her Portland friends the thing foremost in my mind. We year. Julia Taylor ('30), is attending
at Cottage Grove, and Barbara Crowell a visit. She won the Southwestern must all stick together, work harder school at Phillips University at Enid.
('30), who is taking library training at Washington women's golf tournament at than ever, and above all send girls, so Francis Roland Rider ('30), is teaching
the University of Washington were in the Longview Country Club recently. that the active girls can pledge them. at Foss again this year.
town during the holidays. Elizabeth M a r y Haseltine Rossiter (Ex. '30), ac- We must work to save X i chapter for
Plummer ('31), returned to Portland companied by her husband and small which we have all worked so hard. Let's The alumna; of Tulsa and Oklahoma
at Christmas time after completing her son, returned to Portland several months not give up! City entertained at a tea in honor of
primary training course which she took ago via the Panama Canal. They had our Grand President, Kathryn Bremer
at Monmouth Normal last fall term. been living in New Y o r k City and are Juanita Brown Stevens ('24), has Matson, during her visit at X i chapter.
Ruth and Henriette Hansen C29), spent spending the winter at the home of moved from Cordell to Enid. Mary The tea was at Francis Kennedy's ('28),
Christmas in Portland but left by auto Mary's parents at Portland Heights. Catherine Sprehe ('30), is teaching in home in Oklahoma City. Representa-
the day after f o r San Francisco where Oklahoma City. Mildred Noble Meade tives f r o m each alumna; chapter of the
they welcomed in the New Year. Hen- Your alumnae notes' editor took * £23), is living in Columbia, Missouri. different sororities of Norman were in-
riette has returned to Eugene where she is couple of weeks' extra vacation last Katheryn Depuy ('27), spent three vited.
completing her course and R u t h has fall and jaunted to New Y o r k where ^eeks at the house after rush this fall.
resumed her duties at the Oregonian she visited Helen Cantine ('26). Helen Katheryn always seems to be on the Olive Mae Saber De Jernette is now
office. has an interesting j o b as assistant Gin !°b- Dorothy Boatright ('31), is teach- living in Dallas. We hear you have a
Scout director for the Bronx Gin n? a t P o r t o r t h i s winter. D o r o t h y F r y new baby. We had quite a reunion at
Virginia Vaughan (Ex. '33), Betty Scouts. While I was in New York, Hel- .( t x '31), is attending Tulsa Univer- Frederick at Christmas time. Mariem-
Freeman (Ex. '33), and Rhoeda Golle- en was stationed at the new Waldorf- s , t y this year. Bernice Berry ('30), has ma Wilson ('30), Helen Cole ('28), Ena
hur (Ex. '33), have been completing Astoria Hotel, which was being » £ ' Bob Mounts Miller ('29), Pearl Eady
their University work at the extension mally opened at that time, where s&e Pened her own law office in Enid. We ('27), Virginia Black ('28), and I all
served as hostess f o r the tour which tne a r e proud of Bernice and know she's assembled for part of an evening of
§g 0 m to do big things. gossip. Eva is living in Dallas, and she
M To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 85
is so happy. During her leisure hours charitable organization for the relief of cisco, and she has been working so hard Hereford Drive, Los Angeles. Let's have
she draws sketches for the Holland disabled veterans. at it that she almost had a breakdown a long letter in the fall issue.
Magazine. Bernice Alexander ("31), is when she was visiting here. We were
spending the winter at her home in Births certainly glad to see her, if only for a Engagements
Jacksonville, Texas. Edna Mae Lloyde short time. Margaret Poulton (Ex. '30), Kappa Theta president, Margaret
C31), is in Altus this winter. Ollie Mae eVra Daggs Moore ('23), a son, deserted the alumna? last fall and went Poulton ('32), announced her engage-
Tracy Cornelison ('25), w h o has been Johan. back to school at University o f Cali- ment to Ensign Ray Needham of the
teaching school in C y r i l for the past fornia at Westwood. She is president S.S. "Saratoga" on January 4. The
three years, was given the lead in the Virginia White Parks ("24), a daugh- of the active chapter. pledges gave a surprise lingerie shower
faculty play to be presented this spring. ter, Jeanne. for her at the Los Angeles Country
Mary Louise Fox Squyres (Ex. '26), is Kappa Theta is proud of the fact that Club on February 5. The success of
serving this year as departmental junior Irene Baird Fogarty ('26), a daughter. Helen Shield Dixon ('27), is president the affair was due for a great part to
vice president of the women's state Mildred Noble Meade ('23), a daugh- of the Los Angeles Alumna; chapter this Gertrude Long ('34), and to be sure it
ter, Helen. year. Helen was the first president of was a success as well as a complete
Juanita Stevens Brown ('23: our active chapter so this is not her surprise to Margaret.
daughter. first experience. However, i t is quite an On January 11, two Kappa Theta's,
undertaking now that she has little both of whose names are Mildred, and
Tau Delta Nancy Ann Dixon, requiring a good deal who have roomed together for the past
of her time. Kappa Theta's extend tardy, four years, announced their engagements
By A L I C E N E L S O N BURTON but nevertheless most sincere, congratu- to two Kappa Sigmas! They are " M i l -
lations to Muriel McKinney on her lie" Bostwick ("32), and " M i m i " Gill-
Mary Mabry (Ex. '32), was the iron star at Birmingham-Southern, on election as Grand Vice President of our mor ('32). Their marriages will take
"voice back stage" in an operetta held December 10. Evelyn Coffin ('29), at- sorority at convention last summer. A l - place some time in March. " M i l l i e "
recently by the Church of the Advent, tended her as maid of honor. Genevieve though Muriel is not of our chapter, served as vice president of Kappa Theta
and proved of great assistance to the now makes her home in Tulsa, Okla- we feel very close to her because she this year, while " M i m i " was our last
directors in the rehearsals, with her homa. Lois Green was recently presented has done so much more for us than we year's treasurer.
suggestions and support. Elizabeth in two musicales by the Birmingham could ever express, and we wish her
Crabbe ('30), is busy these days as as- Music Study Club, sharing honors with all the success in the world in her new Marriages
sistant director of the Birmingham two other outstanding musicians of the office. To Helen Haller, also, we wish Grace Crenshaw (Ex. '31), was mar-
branch of Girl Scouts. Elizabeth Logan city. Jane H a m i l l Westbrook ("30), en^ the best of luck i n her national office. ried to R. J. O'Donnell, Jr., and is liv-
('29), has announced her engagement to tertained the Birmingham Music Study ing in San Francisco.
Ralph Hackney, their marriage to take Club, as a compliment to the Birming- Speaking of novel experiments, here's Martha Foster ('25), is Mrs. Charles
place in the spring. Gertrude Moore ham Conservatory of Music, in "An a good one. Last summer Betty Scott W. Jobe, and Therese Allen ('30), is Mrs.
('31), is working with the Liberty N a - Evening of Pianoforte Works of Rob- Bulkley ('29), and Lillian Loudon Van- L. J. Myers.
tional Life Insurance Company in Bir- ert Schumann." A t a recent rush party, der Laan (Ex. '27), and their respec- Effie Jessup ('28), has become Mrs.
mingham. Everette Elliott ('30), is taking the form of a bowery party, tive husbands, started out apartment Matthews, and is living in Tustin, Cali-
teaching at M i n o r School, and we are Jane caused quite a commotion in her hunting and ended up by getting a triple fornia. Kathaleen Merriam ('30), was
told there are four hundred children un- original costume as a bowery tough. She apartment and moving in together. Bet- married recently to George Fisher.
der her supervision. She is sponsoring a is one of the most beautiful girls iri ty and Lillian were working in the Mary Jarvis ('29), was married some-
marionette show for the pleasure of our city, and an outstanding artist W| same bank at that time, and it worked time last spring, and now has a young
children who are not able to attend the the musical world. Helen Johnston out beautifully. They all say the ex- son. Her married name is Baldenburg.
movies. Margaret Cooper Hammond ('31), has been one busy girl, attend- periment was a success. I t lasted over Alma Young ('29), was married last
(Ex. '31), has deserted us to live in ing all sorts of lovely parties. She was four months, anyway, and at that time spring to Peyton H . Moore, at Ven-
South Carolina. She is greatly missed presented by the Redstone Club at Lillian and her husband moved to M o n - tura. They surprised everyone by run-
i n both active and alumnae circles. Christmas time, one of the smartest tebello Park to be near his work. ning up there for a week-end, taking
Genevieve Hopson ('30), married clubs of our city. Alice and Felix Werner with them, and
Charles (Yank) Miller, a former grid- Florence Summerbell ('31), went back getting it all over in very short time.
to New York last fall. She is studying Alma has been making a name f o r her-
Kappa Theta Photography. Grace Summerbell ('30), self by writing a book on filing, which
her sister, went back for the Christmas has been accepted, and her system is
By L I L L I A N VANDER LAAN holidays, and as yet has not returned being used in the public schools.
IP Los Angeles. They are living at the
Louise Newbold ('31), is teaching past year. Dorothy Graham Ralston Ihree Arts Club in New York. Amber Births
school at Redondo Beach, and Flor- ('27), is living in Pomona now. Her Young c | a r k {-26), is still teaching Florence Corwin has a daughter,
ence Clendennan ('27), in Long Beach husband, who is a dentist, is starting h e r e . Her husband expects to graduate Charla-Lou.
this year. Marche Agens and Cornelia new offices there. Lenore Edwards (£*•] into a full-fledged dentist this summer. Margaret Connor Rockwell ('29), has
Christmas are teaching in Baker, Ne- '32), graduated f r o m business college Jwry Pfahler ('25), took a trip with a baby, born last spring. He is Robert
vada. Cornel'a took the place of Kitty here i n Los Angeles and is working » l Rockwell, Jr. Margaret is living in Long
Christopherson ("29), when K i t t y be- the Retail Credit Company. parents to Alaska last summer. A t Beach. Marjorie Shiplett White ('28),
came Mrs. Gordon Griswold and • ship costume party Mary won a prize who has been living up near Porterville
moved to Elko, Nevada, last fall. Lorna Mildred Porter Winterbotham C2*H
Orr ('28), has been living, and also took a flying t r i p down to Los Angeles ^p5"essing as an Olympic runner.
working, in Huntington Park for the last summer. Mildred has a studio ' lease, Kappa Theta's, if you know
her own of commercial art in San Fran-
nything of interest about anyone, drop
ea , l n to Lillian Vander Laan at 6030
86 To DRAG MARCH, 1932 S7
ever since her marriage, has her second Deaths been teaching home economics in the ('26), is still teaching home economics
baby. I think it's a girl. Bloomsburg High School this year. in Sunbury. Marco visited the chapter
Kappa Theta alumna? extend their Madge is teaching the same subject in during Alumni Homecoming Week-end.
Alice Negus Werner ('29), is the proud sympathy to Helen Campbell in the the Spring Mills Vocational School, Grace Boyle ('23), is on the Freeland
mother of a son, William Felix, born loss of her father last summer. Helen about fourteen miles from State Col- High School faculty as science teacher,
last September. Virginia Davis Nowlin was married very quietly in the fall to lege, and manages to come over to see and also has charge of the local T r i - H i -
('29), is the mother of a baby boy, Reginald King. They are living in Al- the Epsilon Alpha's quite regularly. Y work for girls. As a light hot-weather
born in September, too. hambra, where Helen teaches. pastime, she is studying clinical pa-
The sympathy of all the chapter is thology. She spent last summer in the
Dorothy Battey Striff ('29), has a We also offer our sympathy to Elea- extended to Sally Lowenberg ('31), laboratory of the King's County Hos-
baby son born last August and named nor Corwin ('27), whose father passed whose mother passed away in Blooms- pital, Brooklyn, New York, doing blood
Harlan, Jr. Those of you who remem- away last year. Eleanor is still teaching burg last August. Sally is spending this chemistry and expects to continue with
berber Violet Amberson ("25), will be in Chino. Mrs. Corwin is housemother year at Columbia University and ex- the same work this coming year. An-
interested to hear that she has a young for the active chapter at Westwood now, pects to receive a master's degree next nette Murphy ('31), is in social serv-
daughter several months old. Violet has and she surely makes a very charming June. Nora Sheridan ('27), is still ice work in Philadelphia. She is living
been Mrs. Charles Gotabed for quite one. -teaching junior and senior English in at home—5067 Reno Street, Philadel-
some time. They are living in Pomona. the high school at North East. In ad- phia. Gladys Stranahan ('28), of Mead-
dition, she is coach of the high school ville, attended the Annual Educational
Kappa Omicron basketball team. Mail will reach her at Congress in Harrisburg, November 4, 5,
Box 123, North East, Pennsylvania. and 6. On January 23, she was in Wash-
By E L I Z A B E T H W I L L I A M S |Peggy Kline Kostenbauder (Ex. '31), ington, D . C . , and attended the National
would like to hear from some of you. Press Club inaugural ceremonies for
Harriet Shepherd Pond ( E x . '31) improved in health. Her home, since Her new address is 7485 Church Street, their new president. "Bugs" Baer was
New Orleans, visited her mother here her marriage, has been in Sumner, Mis- Swissvale Branch, Pittsburgh. Helen master of ceremonies, and the most dis-
in the fall. She writes now that she is sissippi. Anne Trezevant (KO, K ' 3 0 ) , (Pat) Boyle ('29), became Mrs. Joseph tinguished guest was, of course, Presi-
enjoying the festivities of her first Mardi is continuing her work in library sci- Valentine Fischer last July. Betty Mel- dent Hoover. Mildred Wheeler ('28), is
Gras season in her new habitat. Mary ence at the University of Illinois in lor C30), is successfully teaching home- girls' worker at the Neighborhood
Evelyn Wailes Rash ('30), is now vis- spite of several bank failures. She was making at the Honey Brook Vocational House, 43 Wildey Street, Tarrytown,
iting her family in Memphis. Her home home during the holidays. I was glad School. Her students received a number New York. She supervises a great va-
is in Seabright, New Jersey, where she to note from the last issue of To DRAG- of prizes on their exhibits at the local riety of children and likewise, a great
says that she can sit in her front win- MA that Betty Hagan ( E x . '33), who and county Farm Products Show. In her variety of activities, such as cooking
dow and watch the waves roll in. moved to Seattle, Washington, last sum- spare time, Betty is junior class adviser, classes, supper clubs, social groups, and
Pauline Barton Newton ( E x . '31), of mer, had made herself known to that assisting in preparations for a food sale, basketball teams. Mattie Jupenlaz ('28),
Kew Gardens, Long Island, has been chapter there and was being so gra- supervising assembly programs and the has been taking work in secretarial sci-
here with the Bartons since before ciously received into the activities of plans for the banquet for the seniors. ence at Elmira Business Institute, E l -
Christmas. Pauline has a very new and Upsilon although not a student of the Additional extracurricular interests lie in mira, New York.
a very adorable little daughter. University. the Homemaking Club, Glee Club and
the Girl Scout Troop. Marco Reigner
Gladys Gibson ("30), was in Chicago Marriage
at Christmas time. It is rumored that Beta Tau
Gladys is doing a lot of sewing lately Betty Lake Jones ( E x . '32), to Maury
and on those pretty things that one Hull. The wedding took place last May, By W I N N I F R E D E . BARLOW, Acting Editor
makes once in a lifetime. Josephine E l - but was not announced until October.
lington (Ex. '32), has been visiting her We regret to announce that our alum- ing trained to "teach the young idea
cousins, the Pharrs, in Detroit of late. Births na; notes editor, Elsie Sumner, has been how to shoot," at the Ontario College
Mary Mitchell ('31), is an inveterate stricken with scarlet fever and is in the of Education here. Isabel Fraser ('31),
traveler, for every time I hear of her, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee Newton Isolation Hospital in Toronto. Elsie's entered the Western Hospital in T o -
she is out of the city, and each time in (Pauline Barton, E x . '31), have a little exit will be on the day of the A O I I ronto on New Year's Day to take her
a different direction. Bennie Belle M c - daughter, Pauline, born in Memphis on formal dance, and everyone hopes that pupil dietitian work. Jessie Grant ('30),
Craw McMullen ( E x . '28), has spent December 2. Louise Barton lias a son, she will be in a condition to celebrate. and Winnifred Barlow ('31), are still
quite a bit of time lately in the Baptist too. laboring at the Manufacturers' Life I n -
Hospital in Memphis. I'm happy to re- Ida Hinds ('31), is doing postgradu- surance Company. Jessie has been ap-
port that at this writing she is greatly Mr. and Mrs. Ben Powell (Mary ate work in Household Science. At pres- pointed State Chairman of Canadian
Frances Young, E x . '29), have a baby e t , Ida's problem is to determine the and Foreign Alumnae and would wel-
born in the late fall. value of vitamin D in bread; she is come news of activities from the mem-
Working under Dr. Barker of the On- bers of this broad district. "Winkie"
Epsilon Alpha tario Foundation of Research. Doris swims a little, and bowls a little, just
freeman ( E x . '34), is taking a course enough to make it rather difficult for
By H E L E N M . SAVARD *n Interior Decorating, perhaps she in- her. to attend her night classes. Adelaide
tends to be helpful when the Toronto Graham (Q), whose assistance was so
Helen May David ('27), was married at May's during the holidays. Margaret: Alpha O's get a house on the campus. helpful in the establishment of the T o -
to Warren Fair Drumm on October 31 Alice Judy arrived at the home of By-
in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Phila- ron R. and Marie Knoll Judy ('25), Elizabeth (Betty) Potter ('31), is be-
delphia. They are living at 31 Roslyn on October 21, at Cochranville. The
Avenue, Glenside. Emaline Passmore Terwilligers ('31), are no longer twins!
Childs ('27), from Eldred, accompanied Marian took time out in January to
by her husband and brother, had dinner have her appendix removed. She has
88 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 m
ronto chapter, has been at her home in months. A l l the AO l i s are hoping she
St. Mary's, Ontario, for the past few w i l l be back in Toronto soon. ers included J. Overton Butler of M u r - and on their return w i l l take posses-
freesboro, George B. Knox, I I I , Dr. J. sion of their apartment on Belmont
Miscellaneous Notes C. Overall and John Orr. Boulevard.
(These notes have been gleaned f r o m alumnae chapter letters and active The bride wore a Hattie Carnegie For traveling the bride wore a suit
chapter reports. Except for Betty Johnson ( B K ) , the editors of other mis- gown of wedding ring satin fashioned of skipper blue with blue hat and slip-
cellaneous notes failed to send their letters.) on princess lines, w i t h a close fitting pers. Mrs. Wells, who has made her
bodice and peplum of rosepoint lace, home in New York City for the past
Betty Johnson reports that Donalda and Mrs. Robert Thompson (Mary Vir- finished with square neckline and long year, is a graduate of Vanderbilt Uni-
McCharles ( B K "31), a member of the ginia Goodman, T '27) of 385 Ashland sleeves. The skirt was full and fell to versity where she was a member of the
local group of A 2 A , had been initiated Avenue, St. Paul, have given their form a long train at the back. She A O n fraternity and the 4>BK honorary
by the girls of Beta Tau. Donalda is daughter, born Wednesday, October 1.- wore an heirloom lace veil of rosepoint fraternity. Before attending Vanderbilt
attending the University of Toronto which has been worn by brides in the she studied at Randolph*-Macon.
where she is studying at the Library Catharine Pratt (T '26), was married family f o r three generations. Her flow-
School. on New Year's Eve to Kendall T . Bas- ers were brides' roses and lilies of the M r . Wells is also a graduate of Van-
sett. They are at home at 70 Marble valley. derbilt University where he was a mem-
Gwendolyn Sargent ( I I A '31), was H i l l Avenue, New York City. Mrs. Bas- ber of the KA fraternity, and the * A *
married to Clarence Blanz (University sett formerly was in Marquette, Michi- The girl attendants wore Vionnet legal fraternity. He is now a member
of Maryland, '27), on Christmas Eve. gan. models of lace over satin. The decollege of the editorial staff of the Nashville
at the back was finished w i t h short Tennessean.
Engagements of Pi Delta members are Adelia Hanks ( O i l '30), is on the capes and soft satin bows at the waist-
as follows: M a r y Dezendorf ('32), to teaching staff of the School of House- line. They carried arm bouquets of A daughter, December 2, to M r . and
Charles Fonts ( 2 $ £ ) ; Genevieve Wright hold Administration, University of Cin- Dresden flowers tied w i t h ribbon to Mrs. Geary Eppley (Elizabeth Flenner,
('31), to Claude Smith ( A T O ) ; Doro- cinnati, this winter. Her work is in the match their gowns. IIA '26).
thy Simpson ('33), to John Doyle University Kindergarten School. She is
also doing graduate work and expects Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Warren Dr. Eleanor Bisbee (A '15), has been
Frances Kimsey ( X A '28), is still to get her master's degree next June. wore gowns of peach lace over flesh appointed assistant professor and acting
working for the American Telephone satin: Mrs. Gordon wore yellow lace head of the department of philosophy
and Telegraph Company in Denver. The Nashville Tennessean gives the over pale yellow satin; and the brides- at the University of Cincinnati.
M a r y Virginia Wells ( X A ) , is teaching account of Dorothy Overall's (XO), maids, Miss Wells and Miss Bond wore
in the journalism department of the wedding: "Notable among the fall wed- gowns of pale green lace and satin. Anna H . E. Dorsey ( I I A ) , was married
Englewood High School. dings was that of Miss Dorothy Overall, to Dr. Giles B. Cooke on October 3 at
daughter of Mrs. N . D . Overall to Hor- Immediately after the ceremony M r . "Oak Hall," Howard County, Maryland.
Evelyn Van H o r n ( A ) , is very happy ace Vinson Wells, Jr., son of M r . and and Mrs. Wells left for a motor trip They are at home at 667 Juliette Avenue,
working for the Gates Rubber Com- Mrs. H . V. Wells, which took place through the North Carolina mountains, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
pany in Denver. Monday evening at Belmont Methodist
Church. Dr. George Stoves performed 1 Sunshine Ofarm Jfas Qrop of Jfealth
A series of showers in honor of Sadie the ceremony at 8 o'clock in the pres-
Taylor ( O H ) , who was married to ence of a large assemblage of friends (Continued from page 22)
Florin Busby on New Year's Eve was and relatives of the young couple.
started on Sunday, December 6, by- unruly is an hour under a prune tree. Since one can sit under a prune tree on
Ruby Doench who was maid of hon- Preceding the ceremony a program of the hillside and get an abundance of fresh air and rest it is what might be called
or. This shower was followed by one nuptial music was given by Miss Mary a beneficial punishment. Yet i t seems to the culprit very severe, for the simple
at the home of Catherine Johnson (GIT), reason that he sees the life going on about h i m , but without him, and after serving a
Sunday, December 13. The wedding B. Allison (Ex. '23), organist, Miss Vil- few such sentences he decides it is better policy to obey the rules and remain i n the
took place at 8:30 in the drawing ma Tinsley, violinist, and Mrs. Justine games. M a n y a parent has asked D r . Hibbs if he w i l l sell seedlings of prune trees. I n
room of Knox Presbyterian Church. Dumm, vocalist. The altar of the church fact one desperate parent telegraphed f r o m Portland, " W i l l pear tree do just as well?
Mary Louise Ray and Dorothy Kratzer was banked w i t h palms and ferns and Have Junior sitting under one but he says only prune trees work. Wire reply."
( O i l pledge), played violin duets ac- centered with standards of white chry-
companied at the piano by Frances santhemums and lilies of the valley in- Questions galore w i l l rise in the minds of mothers and fathers who read this
Morris Elliott ( O H ) , before the cere- terspersed w i t h white candles in single article. What age children are taken at the Farm? H o w long must they stay? Are
mony. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reilly candelabra. children ever homesick? H o w often can parents visit them? Are contagious cases
(Frances Yost, © I I ) , have a young son taken? Did little Helen Hibbs recover?
who has been named William Dennis The bride entered with her brother,
O'Reilly. Robert M . Overall, of New York, who The rule is that only children f r o m three to thirteen are admitted at Top o' the
gave her in marriage. Her sisters, Mrs. H i l l , but there have been exceptions. One or t w o babies have enlivened the place at
M a r y Gertrude Manley ( B * ) , because times, and there have been several High School students who greatly needed up-
Mrs. Theodore Marbaugh on Wednes- C. C. M a c D o n a k f ('18). of Bay St. building. Children are not taken for less than three months, as i t is thought they can
day, February 3. After a southern Louis, Mississippi, and Mrs. W. K. War- °ot benefit permanently under that time. H o w much longer they stay depends upon
honeymoon, they were at home at 5353 ren ('20), of Tulsa, Oklahoma, vfttm what their physicians advise.
College Avenue, Indianapolis. the matrons of honor.
Children suffering f r o m tuberculosis or other contagious diseases are not accepted
Margaret Caverly (A '29), has an- Mrs. Morgan Gordon (Ex. '3D.was a t Top o' the H i l l . Neither are mental defectives.
nounced her engagement to William maid of honor and the groom's sister.
Oscar Forssell. Miss Frances Wells, and Sliss Lucy Mai Only very occasionally have children been homesick. I t is the parents who suffer
Bond were the bridesmaids.
M a r y Virginia is the name which M r . w » h that sickness.
Julian B. Wells, brother of the groom, Today Helen Hibbs is a large brown girl ready to enter Junior High School.
was the best man, and the list of ush-
Although she walks w i t h a cane she swims and rides horseback.
. . Yes, parents can see their children whenever they wish. Indeed those are joyous
*JSUS, but when they are over the children settle down happily again to the routine
Which they have come to love.
00 To DRAGMA M A R C H , 1932 91
OF mnam Mid-Western District ( Z , #, A * , S, X A ) — M r s . Walter Haertel, T , 5301 Stevens
Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn.
tjllpha Omicron 'Pi C^raternity
Pacific District ( 2 , A , T, A S , K G , A P , B K ) — M r s . Michel H . Etcheverry, 2 , 3233
Founded at Barnard College, New Y o r k City, January 2, 1897 Jackson Street, San Francisco, Calif.
Atlantic District (New Y o r k , Boston, Providence, Bangor, Washington, Philadelphia,
Syracuse, Rochester)—Alice J . Spear, A, 32 Pierce Street, Hyde Park, Mass.
Southern District (New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Nashville, Memphis, B i r -
mingham, Dallas)—Louise Church, I I , 1719 Valence Street, New Orleans, L a .
Ohio Valley District (Indianapolis, Cleveland, Bloomington, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne
D a y t o n ) — M r s . Lester A . Smith, * , 126 Berkeley Road, Indianapolis, I n d .
Great Lakes District (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago South
Shore, Madison, A n n A r b o r ) — M r s . William S . Thomson, A , 926 Forest Ave.,
Evanston, 111.
Mid-Western District (Lincoln, Kansas City, Omaha, Oklahoma City, Denver, T u l -
sa, St. Louis)—Elsie Ford Piper, Z, 1731 D Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Pacific District (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, San Diego)—Roma
Whisnant, A S , Route 2, Box 14, Portland, Ore.
Masonic Building, Box 262, State College, Pa.
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B4>. Alabama (Georgia, Florida, N o r t h and South Carolina)—Mrs. Walter B . Rountree,
Assistant Registrar—Mrs. Edward J. Nichols, K . NO, 216-2nd Street, Thomas Station, Birmingham, Ala.
FOUNDERS OF ALPHA OMICRON PI California—Mrs. Walter A . English, A , 502 N o r t h P l y m o u t h Boulevard, Los Angeles,
Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, 171 West 12 Street, New Y o r k , N . Y . Calif.)—Ass't.—Mrs. Alfred L . Ricconi, S, 1755 Van Ness Avenue, San Fran-
Mrs. George V . M u l l a n , A , 25 East 83rd Street, New Y o r k , N . Y . cisco, Calif.
Mrs. George H . Perry, A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N . Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, A , 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J . Canada (Foreign)—Jessie I . Grant, B T , 49 Dundonald Street, A p t . 55, Toronto,
Ont., Canada.
Illinois—Mrs. E. P. Willerton, 911 East Virginia Street, Peoria, 111.
Grand President—Mrs. Franklyn H . Matson, T, 881 Fairmont Avenue, St. Paul, Indiana ( K e n t u c k y ) — M r s . A . L . Eichenseher, B4>, 2940 Oliver Street, Fort Wayne,
Grand Vice President—Mrs. Verne W . M c K i n n e y , A, 528 N o r t h Formosa Avenue,
Los Angeles, Calif. Kansas (Missouri)—Mrs. M . H . Stacey, 4>, 26 West 74th Terrace, Kansas City, M o .
Louisiana (Arkansas, Mississippi)—Mrs. P. B . Pedrick, n , 5673 West End Blvd.,
Grand Secretary—Mis. A r t h u r K . Anderson, B # , 127 South Sparks Street, State
College, Pa. New Orleans, La.
Grand Treasurer—Helen H a l l e r . f i , 2138 L a Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Maine (New Hampshire, V e r m o n t ) — R u t h Meservey, T, 44 Webster Avenue N o r t h ,
Grand Historian—Mrs. George H . Perry, A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New Y o r k , N . Y . Bangor, Me.
Assistant Historian—Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n , A , 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge,
Maryland (Delaware, District of Columbia)—Mrs. Joseph H . H o w a r d , ITA, As-
N.J. tor Court, Baltimore, M d .
Extension Officer—Mrs. George B . Baskervill Jr., K , Arlington H a l l , Pennsylvania
Massachusetts (Connecticut, Rhode Island)—Jeanne W . Relyea, A, 18 Bainbridge
Station, Washington, D . C .
Examining Officer—Knoxie Faulk, T A , 2816-12th Avenue N o r t h , Birmingham, Ala. Road, West Hartford, Conn.
Editor of T o DRAGMA—Mrs. Leland F. Leland, T, 313-12th Street, Neenah, Wis. Michigan—Mrs. George R. Snider, O i l , 11950 Ohio Avenue, Detroit, M i c h .
Minnesota ( I o w a ) — M r s . Victor P. Reim, T, 304 South German Street, New U l m ,
Chairman—Mrs. Edward D . Prince, Webster City, l a . Montana ( N o r t h and South Dakota, Wyoming)—Berneice Crane, A * , Box 623,
AOn Panhellenic Delegate—Mrs. Ernst Glantzberg, 35 Claremont Avenue, New Manhattan, Mont.
York, N.Y. Nebraska—Mrs. Donald Gorton, Z, 3432 South Street, Lincoln, Neb.
New York City (New Jersey)—Mrs. Edward Mitchell, X , 9 Berkeley Place, Rad-
burn, N.J.
New York (Exclusive of New Y o r k C i t y ) — M r s . W . P. Van Wagenen, O i l , 186
Summit Drive, Rochester, N . Y .
DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS Wftio—Mrs. William Segar, fi, 1931 Benson Drive, Dayton, Ohio.
Oklahoma (Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona)—Mrs. Warren H . E d -
Atlantic District ( N , A, T, E, X , H A , E A ) — M r s . G. Rowland Collins, V, wards, S, 1220 West 39th, Oklahoma City, Okla.
One Bank Street, New York, N . Y . fegon (Idaho)—Elizabeth Plummer, A S , 252 Radcliffe Road, Portland, Ore.
Southern District ( I I , 0 , K , NO, T A , KO, A n , N K ) — M r s . Edward G. Surgeon, NK, Pennsylvania—Mrs. F l o v d T . Crawford, E, 426 East 10th Street, Erie, Pa.
5625 McComas Avenue, Dallas, Tex. le»nessee—Mary B . Alison, NO, 1109B-18th Avenue, South, Nashville, Tenn.
Ohio Valley District (G, B<f>, fi, BO, O i l , A T ) — M r s . Theodore P. Marl-augh. B*. i e i a j _ M r s . Allen Flythe, N K , 4524 Edmondson, Dallas, Texas.
5353 College Avenue, Indianapolis, I n d . Wg,L i a ( W e s t V i r g i n i a ) — M r s . W . Goodridge Sale Jr., K , Welch, W.Va.
Great Lakes District (P, T, H , O n , B T , I ) — M r s . Silas Spengler, I I , 342 Park Street, *ashington—Margaret V. Evans, T, 602-32nd Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Menasha, Wis. "Kconsin—Mrs. Fred H . Dorner, G, 1107 East Knapp Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
92 To DRAGMA MARCH, 1932 93
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. House Address—560 Madison
Pi President—Edna Kline. Street,
President—Winnifred Folse, Josephine Meetings—Monday evenings. Corvallis, Ore.
President—Betty Israel.
Louise House, Sophie Newcomb Col- LAMBDA Stanford OMEGA Meetings—Mondays at 7:30.
lege, New Orleans, L a .
Meetings—Mondays at 4:30. Mailing Address—Box 1367, President—Margaret Barr, 30 Hepburn C m DELTA
University, Calif. Hall, Oxford, Ohio. House Address—1015-15th Street, Boul-
President—Lucile Morgan. Meetings—Wednesday evenings. der, Colo.
President—Helen Wilkinson, 118 Wav- Meetings—Mondays. President—Vivian Gingles.
erly Place, New York City. OMICRON P I Meetings—Mondays.
Meetings—Mondays at 6:00. House Address—1121 5th Street S.E., House Address—1052 Baldwin Avenue,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
OMICRON Minneapolis, Minn. BETA THETA
President—Mary Pettit. President—Sarah Bond. House Address—714 Berkeley Road, I n -
President—Beverly Baumann, 1818 West Meetings—Mondays at 5 :30. Meetings—Monday evenings.
Clinch Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. dianapolis, Ind.
CHI ALPHA SIGMA President—Ruth Dale.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. House Address—1680 Alder Street, E u - Meetings—Wednesdays at 7 :30.
House Address—603 University Avenue,
KAPPA Syracuse, N . Y . gene, Ore. ALPHA P I
President—Florence King.
President—Louise Wolff, R.M.W.C., President—Norma Palmer. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. House Address—AOII House, Tallahas-
Meetings—Monday evenings. see, Fla.
Lynchburg, Va.
President—Elizabeth Markey.
Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00. UPSILON Xi Meetings—Mondays at 9:00.
ZETA House Address—1906 East 45th Street, President—Mildred Hurst, Hester Hall, EPSILON ALPHA
Seattle, Wash. Norman, Okla. House Address—AOII House, State Col-
House Address—1S41 S Street, Lincoln,
Neb. President—Marjory Beeuwkes. Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. lege, Pa.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. President—Gladys Kaufman.
President—Lucile Hendricks. Pi DELTA Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. N u KAPPA College
House Address—AOII House,
SIGMA President—Enid Mayer, A O i l Box, Park, Md. THETA ETA
President—Virginia Nolloth, 3566
House Address—2311 Prospect Avenue, S.M.U., Dallas, Tex. President—C. Buckey Clemson. St.
Berkeley, Calif. Meetings—Tuesdays at 7 :00. Charles Place, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Meetings—Monday at 7 :00 at 3529 Mc- Meetings—Mondays at 7:30.
President—Gautier Harris.
Meetings—Mondays. Farlin. TAU DELTA
BETA P H I President—Charlotte Matthews, 909 BETA TAU
President—Jean Fraser, 49 Dundonald
THETA President—Mildred Frazee. South 30th Street, Birmingham, Ala.
Street, Apt. 51, Toronto, Ont., Canada.
House Address—AOII House, Greencas- House Address—103 East 7th Street, Meetings—Every other Wednesday at Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
tle, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. supper.
President—Helen Walker.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Meetings—Monday evenings. KAPPA THETA ALPHA TAU
President—Marion Mohr, Denison Uni-
ETA Bouse Address—894 Hilgard, West Los
House Address—636 Langdon versity, Granville, Ohio.
DELTA Street, Angeles, Calif. Meetings—Monday afternoons.
Madison, Wis.
President—Winifred Blackmer, Gamma President—Helen L a w t o n . President—Margaret Poulton.
House, Tufts College, Mass. M eetings—Mondays.
Meetings—Mondays. BETA KAPPA
Meetings—Mondays at 7:15. President—Margaret W. Hubbs, 4663
GAMMA House Address—119 South 6th Street, President—Virginia Richmond, 1780 For- Bellevue Drive, Vancouver, B . C .
Meetings—First and third Tuesday of
President—Margaret Merrill, 395 Center Bozeman, Mont. rest Avenue, Memphis, Tenn.
Street, Old Town, Me. President—Vivienne Boulware. Meetings—Fridays at 2:30. month at 4:30.
Meetings—Tuesday evenings.
Meetings—Mondays. ALUMNA CHAPTERS
EPSILON N u OMICRON President—Harriet Dunham, N, 1785 BOSTON
President—Frances Rodenhauser, 308- University Avenue, New York, N.Y.
House Address—The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y . Meetings—Arranged by Executive Com- President—Mrs. Carl Schmalz, A, 170
President—Ruth V. Washburn. 20th Avenue North, Nashville, Term. mittee. Lovel Road, Watertown, Mass.
Meetings—No set time. SAN FRANCISCO
Meetings—Saturday afternoons. President—Dorothy Ann Mills, 2 , 2703 M eetings—
RHO Psi Woolsey Street, Berkeley, Calif. LINCOLN
House Address—3412 Sansom Street, Meetings—First Monday of month.
House Address—626 Emerson Street, President—Mrs. C . A. Reynolds, Z, 2939
Evanston, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. PROVIDENCE Stratford Avenue, Lincoln, Neb.
President—Mary Emma M a r t i n . President—Mrs. Alanson D . Rose, B, 27
President—Clara Kuhn. Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Second Saturday noon, Octo-
Meetings—Monday evenings. *>uit Hill Avenue, Providence, R . I . ber to June.
« e e t m g J _ S e c o n d Saturday of month,
October to June. President—Mrs. LeRoy Dixon Jr., K©,
House Address—704 South Mathews House Address—1144 Louisiana Street,
1445 West 92nd Street, Los Angeles,
Street, Urbana, 111. Lawrence, Kan. Calif.
94 To D R A G M A M A R C H , 1932 95
Meetings—Fourth Saturday of month, PHILADELPHIA Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at A N N ARBOR
September to May. President—Mrs. Norman C . Horner, President—Mrs. E. G. Wiedman, I , 206
Pastorius Court, Lincoln Drive and MADISON South Washington Street, Ypsilan*
CHICAGO Horter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mich.
President—Mrs. Kenneth J. Jackson, I I ,
/ resident—Elizabeth Roberts, 2 , 747 Meetings—First Saturday of month. 416 Chamberlain Avenue, Madison, Meetings—First Tuesday of m o n t h .
Cass Street, Chicago, 111. KANSAS CITY FORT W A Y N E
Meetings—Second Wednesday of month
Meetings—By arrangement. President—Mrs. William E. Burrus, #, at 6:30 at Memorial Union Bldg. President—Dorothy Bennett, B * , 331
700 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, M o .
INDIANAPOLIS Arcadia Court, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month.
President—Ruth Lindenborg, B 8 , 1038 BLOOMINGTON Meetings—Second Monday of month.
West 35th Street, Indianapolis, Ind. OMAHA President—Mrs. Robert Ellis, B4>, 211 ST. LOUIS
East 6th Street, Bloomington, I n d .
Meetings— President—Mrs. A. J. Werner, Z, 316 President—MIS. Earl Gauger, I , 7208
Meetings—Second and f o u r t h Wednes-
N E W ORLEANS South 50th, Omaha, Neb. days of month. Tullane, St. Louis, M o .
President—Mrs. Oscar Schneidau, I I , Meetings—First Saturday of month. Meetings—Luncheon, second Monday of
7101 Hickory Street, New Orleans, La. DENVER month.
Meetings—First Wednesday of month. SYRACUSE President—Evelyn Van H o r n , A , 8-13 ROCHESTER
MINNEAPOLIS President—MIS. E. M . Perry, X, 613 Adams Street, Denver, Colo. President—MIS. W . P . Van Wagenen,
President—Mrs. Edward A . Schlampp, University Avenue, Syracuse, N . Y . Meetings—Second Monday evening of O i l , 186 Summit Drive, Rochester,
T, 1511 West 28th Street, Minneapolis, Meetings—Last Friday of month. month. N.Y.
Minn. DETROIT CINCINNATI Meetings—Third Monday evening of
Meetings—Second Tuesday of each President—Frances Barrett, Oil, 7811 President—Lucile N e w t o n , O H , Hillcrest month. T-.
month. Reuter, Dearborn, Mich. School, Wyoming, Cincinnati, Ohio. DAYTON
Meetings—First Monday of month at Meetings—Second Thursday of month. President—Mrs. H o w a r d O. F r y , O, 433
BANGOR 7:30. TULSA Central Avenue, Miamisburg, Ohio.
President—Mrs. E . M . Dunham, T, 203 NASHVILLE President—Mrs. H a r r y J. Friend, E, Meetings—First Friday of month.
1407 South College, Tulsa, Okla.
Main Street, Orono, Me. President—MIS. J. R. Shackleford Jr., SAN DIEGO
NO, 22 Bellevue Drive, Nashville, Meetings—Second Tuesday of month at
Meetings—Third Saturday of month 2:00. President—MIS. Frederick Kunzel, 1946
Sheridan, San Diego, Calif.
from September to June. Tenn.
Meetings—Fourth Thursday of month.
PORTLAND Meetings—Second Saturday of month.
President—Mrs. Wilbur K . Hood, P, CLEVELAND COMMITTEES
1493 East 32nd Street, Portland, Ore. President—Mrs. G. W . Rosencrans, H ,
Meetings—Second Thursday evening of 1559 Northland Avenue, Lakewood, Committees on National Work Extension Committee
month, October to June. Ohio. I . Fellowship Award—H o n o r a r y Chairman, Extension Officer
SEATTLE Meetings—Alternate t h i r d Monday eve- Chairman, Grand Vice President; Atlantic—E. Louise Hoffeditz, EA,
President—Mrs. M a r t i n Norgore, E, 3403 nings and Saturday noon luncheons of Chairman, Mrs. John W. Gil- A O n House, State College, Pa.
West 71st Street, Seattle, Wash.
month. more, 2 , Box 437, Davis, Calif. Southern—Mrs. W . Jolley Carr, I I ,
Meetings—Second Monday of month at
chapter house, 8:00. MEMPHIS Atlantic—Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, Gulfport, Miss.
President—Catherine Underwood, KO, 171 West 12th Street, New York, Ohio Valley—Mis. Charles A.
232 Jones Street, Memphis, Tenn. N.Y. Keener, P, 402 Michigan Avenue,
KNOXVILLE Meetings—Last Wednesday of montn, Southern—Gladys Anne Renshaw, Urbana, 111.
President—Mrs. John B . Bailey, O, 1825 3:30. n, 3369 State Street Drive, New Great Lakes—Frances Barrett, O i l ,
West Clinch Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. MILWAUKEE Orleans, L a . 7811 Reuter, Dearborn, M i c h .
Meetings—First Monday of month at President—Dorothy Marsh, H, 3 Z W Ohio Valley—Martha Jaques, Q, Mid-Western—Mrs. Ernest Bihler,
7:30. North Shephard, Milwaukee, Wis. 315 East Race Street, Oxford, Z, 4201 N o r t h 22nd Street, Oma-
LYNCHBURG Meetings—First Tuesday of montn, Ohio. ha, Neb.
President—MIS. R. Clark Scott, O, 2106 7:30. Great Lakes—Elizabeth Bond, T, Pacific—Catherine Mayhew, AS,
Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, Va. BIRMINGHAM 2601 West 49th Street, Minneap- 871 Montgomery Drive, Portland,
Meetings—Fourth Tuesday of month.
President-Jame H i l l , T A , 2909 Thorn- olis, Minn. Ore.
hill Road, Birmingham, Ala. . Mid-Western—Viola Gray, Z, 1527
WASHINGTON Meetings—Second Saturday of mom . South 23rd Street, Lincoln, Neb. Committee on Rituals and Traditions
President—Mrs. Roger White Ford, I I A , 1:00 in T A room. Chairman, Mrs. George H . Perry,
815-I8th Street N.W., Washington,
D.C. OKLAHOMA CITY # n - Social Service—Honorary Chair- A , 9 St. Luke's Place, New York,
Meetings—Third Thursday of month. President-Mrs. Warren H . Edwards.- man — Grand Vice President; N.Y.
1220 N . W . 39th Street, Oklahoma Chairman, Mrs. E. C. Franco- Life Members: The Founders,
City, Okla. „ , .f n n t D Ferreira, P, 901 Argyle Street, Laura H u r d , 4756 University
Meetings—Second Thursday of m ° n i
DALLAS Chicago, 111. Vera Riebel, P, 1541 Way, College Center, Seattle,
President—Mrs. Ashley DeWitt, N K , CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE , East 60th Street, Chicago, 111. Wash.; M r s . Ralph S. M a r x ,
4038^ Lemmon Avenue, Dallas, Tex. President-Mrs. Russell F. Beazei, Mrs. W. C. Drummond, A * , 610 Bowles Hall, University of Cali-
Meetings—First Friday of month at 6943 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, Hinman Avenue, Evanston, 111. fornia, Berkeley, Calif.
Scholarship Officer Committee on Jewelry of Alpha Omicron Pi
Mrs. Edward J. Nichols, K, Central Chairman, Mrs. George H . Perry,
Office, State College, Pa. A , 9 St. Luke's Place, New York,
Committee on Examination
Julia L . Tillinghast, N , Box 469,
Chairman—Examining Officer Grand Central Station, 110 East
45th Street, New York, N . Y .
Atlantic—Mrs. E. Arthur Beavens,
HA, 2915 Connecticut Avenue Trustees of Anniversary Endowment
N.W., Washington, D.C.
Southern—Catherine Underwood, Chairman, Mrs. George V . Mullan,
A , 25 East 83rd Street, New
KO, 232 Jones Street, Memphis, York, N . Y . Term expires June,
Tenn. 1933. Josephine S. Pratt, A, 135
West 183rd Street, New York,
Ohio Valley—Mis. R. P. Austin, I , N . Y . T e r m expires June, 1935. Volume 27 Number 4
Hagerstown, Ind.
Great Lakes—Mrs. Henry H . Ers- Constitutional Revision Committee
kine, I , 7051 Oglesby Avenue,
Chairman, Grand Secretary, Execu-
Chicago, HI. tive Committee, Registrar, Assist-
ant Registrar.
Mid-Western—Winafred Steele, Z,
Song Committee
Malvern, Iowa.
Chairman, Janet M . H o w r y , T,
Pacific—Elsie Jones, A P , 1080 Mer- 1664 Van Buren Street, St. Paul,
ges Drive, Portland, Ore.
Dorothy Jane Hines, T, 500 Fry
Committee on Nomination Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Chairman, Elizabeth Heywood W y - CONTENTS
man, A , 19 Outlook Place, Glen
Ridge, N.J.
Members, Alumna? Superintendents.
Day Dreams Frontispiece
Steps 3
A-Rushing We Will Gol 6
O F course you want a copy of the The Lady from Hinds 11
new Alpha Omicron Pi Songbook
so that you won't be caught among the Mother Makes the Household Harmonious 13
silent when Alpha O's burst into song.
It's complete and very attractive in its Alpha O Wins Honors at U.C.L.A 15
shiny red cloth cover stamped in white
ink. It's sewed so that it will lie flat when Wherein I Drive in Persia Again 17
placed on the piano music rack. Use the
order blank below: Sorority Philanthropy Will Extend Down the Ages 22
Survey Shows Chapters Approve Our Philanthropy 33
AOIl's Short Stories Are Published 33
Why? 34
Alpha Gamma Chapter Is Second in Scholarship 38
Washington State Passes Through Trial Years 40
Memories for Sale 42
Tiny Bookshop Succeeds 45
Dinner for 1 2 or 1200 47
Send me the Songbook . . . Here's my dollar bill-' Circulation Librarian Belongs to Nu Omicron 49
Dormitory Life With Fraternity Centers in Lodges Ideal for Group 50
Name *W The Quiet Corner 55
Street 1
City and State Co-operative Buying Cuts Expenses 56
Alpha O's in the Daily Press 59
The World Looks at Alpha O's pictorial
The Active Chapters 72
The Alumnae Chapters 89
Directory of Officers 106
M A I L T O A O n Central Office, S T A T E C O L L E G E , P A MAY • 1932