Providence—Maude Covell (Mrs. L . E . ) , Barrington, R. L
Boston—Helen N. Crowell, Arlington Heights, Mass.
Los Angeles—Marion B. Wagoner (Mrs. Carroll), 4821 Oakwood Ave.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
Lincoln— Helen Fitzgerald, 1971 D. St., Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago—Marion Abele, 1340 Glenlake Ave., Chicago, III.
Indianapolis—Geraldine Kindig, 911 Woodruff Place. Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Louise Church, 1711 Valence St., New Orleans, La.
Minneapolis—Alice B. Goodwin (Mrs. J . ) , 2719 Humboldt Ave. S., Min-
neapolis, Minn.
Bangor—Aileene Libby (Mrs. Lewis), 105 Centre St., Oldtown, Me.
Portland—Lucile Hood (Mrs. W. K . ) , 984 Clackamas St., Portland, Ore.
Seattle—Beryl D. Kneen (Mrs. O. H . ) , 4329 2nd Ave. N.E., Seattle,
Knoxville—Lida Moore McLean (Mrs. H . ) , Washington Pike, Knoxville,
Washington—Pauline Hobson, 1016 16th St. N.W., Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia—Alice Conkling. 3533 N. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas—Eleanor Hull (Mrs. Leon), 6722 Oram St. Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City—Florence K. Bruce, 5836 Oak St., Kansas City, Kan.
Omaha—Helen Hayes, 312 S. 37th St., Omaha, Neb.
Syracuse—Emily A. Tarbell, Lock Box 518, Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit—Dorothea Comfort, 2605 Ford Court, Detroit, Mich.
Nashville—Virginia Martin, 1705 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland—Velma Carter, 1433 Olivewood Ave., Lakewood, Ohio.
Memphis—Sadie Ramsay,
Miami Valley—Mrs. J . B. Dennison, Tallawanda Road, Oxford, Ohio.
Milwaukee—Dorothy Wiesler, 2400 Hadley St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Birmingham—Mary E . Wood, 1023 Sycamore St., Birmingham, Ala.
Oklahoma City—
Northern Illinois—
Co Dragma
1': *f % % i '%
Jllpba Omicroti Pi
voi. xxi IRovember, 1925 NO
of A l p h a O m i c r o n P i F r a t e r n i t y
Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
Pi—H. Sophie Newcomh Memorial College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Rho—Northwestern University, F.vanston, HI.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Miami University. Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.
Pi Delta—University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
Tau Delta—Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala.
Kappa Theta—University of California at Los Angeles.
Kappa Omicron—-Southwestern University, Memphis, Tenn.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago. III.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, La.
Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis. Minn.
Rangor Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnae—Portland. Oregon.
Seattle Alumnae—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville. Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumnae—Lynchburg. Va.
Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia Alumnae—Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas Alumnae—Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City Alumnae—Kansns City, Mo.
Omaha Alumnae—Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumnae—Alumnae Association (temporarily), Tacoma, Wash.
Syracuse Alumnae—Syracuse, N. Y.
Detroit Alumnae—Detroit, Michigan.
Nashville Alumnae—Nashville. Tenn.
Cleveland Alumnae—Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Association—Champaign. 111.
Memphis Alumnae—Memphis. Tenn.
Miami Valley Alumnae—Oxford, Ohio.
Bozeman Alumnae—Bozeman. Mont.
Milwaukee Alumnae—Milwaukee, Wis.
Birmingham Alumnae—Birmingham. Alabama.
Oklahoma City—Oklahoma City, Okla.
Northern Illinois—Chicago, III.
X O V E M R B R , 1925
Seattle's Orthopedic Bed 90
The Providence Alumnae Children's Ward 92
New Orleans Alumnae Child Welfare Work 94
The Office of Registrar 97
Our New Officers 100
Commercial Art 104
Keep a Health Budget 109
A Defense 110
A Word About Rushing 122
Correct Your Directories 124
Items of Interest 126
Editorials 127
Announcements 145
Active Chapter Letters 157
Alumnae Chapter Letters
Alumnae Notes
T O DRAGMA is published at 415 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.,
by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for
mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
T O DRAGMA is published four times a year, September, November,
February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.00.
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TH E IDEA of an Alpha Omicron Pi bed in the Children's Ortho-
pedic Hospital in Seattle originated with the Seattle Alum-
nae Chapter at the time that the national work of the sorority
Was announced. The Seattle Orthopedic Hospital has been i n
operation f o r some years and is a very favorite charity, so with
the decision of the national organization to enter upon work for
handicapped children, it was natural that we would think of this
The cost of a bed in the hospital is $250 per year under the
plan of "naming" a bed, or $5,000 f o r an "endowment" of a
bed, which would establish the bed in perpetuity. Many of the
cases in the hospital are matters of charity, f o r no fees are col-
lected, unless the parents of the children can afford the cost.
Since many cases require the care of the children f o r months
and sometimes years, the expense would often be extremely
heavy f o r the child, f o r many surgical and corrective measures
are usually necessary.
During the first six months of 1925, the hospital accepted f o r
treatment 841 little children. The hospital becomes more
crowded each year, not because the number of crippled children
increases, but because more learn of the work that the hospital
is doing.
The hospital is a good-sized modern brick building on the top
of Queen Anne H i l l , one of the loftiest of Seattle's many heights.
A n old cottage on the property has been enlarged f o r a convales-
cent home, and other small buildings house the manual training
department and other adjuncts of the hospital. W i t h i n the hos-
pital, there are chiefly wards with several children in each. A
few more private rooms house the worst cases, there is a separate
ward f o r babies, which no one is allowed to visit, except mem-
bers of the families of these little tots, and in general the various
types of disease are segregated.
The scenes in the hospital are interesting and p i t i f u l , though
the great help that is given to most cases is a most happy thought
for the visitor to keep in mind. Many children lie i n bed all
day, held up often by frames and straps, placed in certain fixed
positions to aid in their cure, or encased in plaster casts. Others
who have progressed farther move around the hospital with
crutches or small wagons and carts, or i f parts of their bodies
are affected that do not interfere with walking, you see them
around with frames about their heads to correct disfigurements
of the neck and shoulders, or with casts on their arms. For the
children of school age, instruction is kept up, and one of the
common sights is a teacher beside the bed of a youngster who is
being coached in arithmetic or history and is keeping up with his
grade, though lying strapped to a board.
Jean Gordon, a little girl of about eight, has been in the Alpha
Omicron Pi bed since it was endowed. She is suffering f r o m a
spinal trouble, some f o r m of tubercular infection, and when a
group last visited her she was lying propped up in bed with her
head slanting downward, a position which she has been i n f o r
some time. Jean is a cheerful youngster and was greatly de-
lighted at having her picture taken with Miss Wyman and mem-
bers of the Seattle Alumnae Chapter, who visited her during
the stay of our founder in Seattle. The nurse in charge esti-
mated that Jean would require from eighteen months to two
years to be cured. •
Tubercular spines and affections of the bones are among the
most numerous troubles in the Orthopedic, though of course
many other injuries and diseases are brought to the hospital.
One interesting case was that of Darlene, a five year old girl
who suffered a severe burn on her left arm and side when only
two months old. The Orthopedic Hospital had her with them
for five months, treating the raw surfaces and correcting con-
tractures. She was sent home i n a greatly improved condition.
Of course, many cases are so bad when the children are
brought to the hospital, that they can only be relieved and the
children cannot be restored to entirely normal condition. I n other
words, sometimes a crooked leg f r o m a badly set bone or f r o m
tubercular trouble cannot be made completely straight or a
limp cannot be taken away entirely. Usually, however, the child
is improved so that he is enabled to get around and return to more
normal and happy life. O f course, many cases are complete cures
and not all are of equal seriousness. Some children are restored
to health within a short time, requiring only comparatively minor
operations or special care.
The Orthopedic Hospital cares for children f r o m all the
northwest states and Alaska, and while the majority come from
Seattle and towns near-by, many come from great distances f o r
the help of the hospital, which takes all it can possibly care f o r .
When the Seattle Alumnae Chapter decided to finance the
naming of a bed at the hospital, as their share of the national
work, they began by installing a candy and cigarette counter at
the Orthopedic lunch room, a small restaurant maintained by the
guilds who work f o r the hospital. The proceeds f r o m this
restaurant, which is located in the down town shopping district,
help to support the hospital. The sorority spent one summer at
the lunch room with the candy counter, but found that the profits
were too small and slow f o r the work. I n the fall, the national
voted the first $250 to Seattle to establish the bed. and the alum-
nae began to plan for carrying the bed on after that. The chap-
ter has just paid the $250 f o r the second year and is beginning
work to raise the third $250, which will be due on October 1,
Last year the funds were raised by several means. First, of
course, were the small sums cleared by the candy counter, which
was abandoned after three months' work. Next the chapter
tried rummage sales. These wqfe found to be very profitable
and probably are the minimum of work for the amount of money
raised. The chapter held these two sales, one in the fall and the
other in the spring, in conjunction with the mother's club and
proceeds were divided. Otherwise, the chapter would have had
more than enough from the rummage sales alone, f o r about $350
was cleared from the two and divided. On the other hand,
because so many of the alumnae are professional women and
cannot give time during the day, the help of the mothers' club
was almost essential to the success of the sale, which would have
been hard to conduct without their advice and experience. A
chapter that could do all the work itself, could easily have made
more than we needed f o r our bed. The rummage sales are rather
messy affairs for the fastidious, but except for the rent of the
building, (sometimes this is donated) they are all profit.
Several bridge parties were given by the chapter. Seattle
Alumnae did not attempt any large bridge parties; the biggest
was about thirteen tables. These were held at the homes and
the expenses were, of course, confined to food, prizes and tally
cards. The profits on bridge parties were fair. On big bridge
parties, probably much more could be made proportionally. The
problem of handling a big prize party to say 50 to 100 tables is
a hard one however. The City Panhellenic Association has man-
aged parties of this size, but the Seattle chapter did not feel itself
big enough to undertake such an extensive sale of tickets.
Papers and magazines were sold to buyers of waste paper dur-
ing the year, and about $8 to $10 can be made on an average col-
lection of papers and magazines, gathered from members who
have a large number.
These means cover about all the money-making efforts last
year. The fund ended about $25 short of the required amount,
due to some unusually heavy expenses i n the spring and also due
to the fact that the last one of the series of bridge parties planned
was not held, because our date conflicted with one that the
mothers' club arranged and i t was impossible to get one in suc-
cessfully during the summer.
During the coming year, the chapter hopes to make all the
money i n one grand effort. A t present to make up the deficit
from last year, a sale of Christmas cards is being held with
moderate success. The large number of organizations and indi-
viduals selling Christmas cards interfere with any excessive
profits in this line in Seattle.
The plan which we hope to use f o r raising the funds this
year, is that of obtaining the donation of a new theatre in the
University district f o r an afternoon. The sorority will sell the
tickets and buy the film and also put on a fashion show as an
added attraction. I f this plan goes through, we hope to make
most of the $250 at one time. The paper-selling plan is also
being used again and one or two bridge parties may be given
after the first of the year, both as social affairs f o r the chapter
and as money making efforts.
Beryl Dill Kneen. Upsilon.
P ROVIDENCE A L U M N A E CHAPTER of Alpha Omicrou P i has com-
pletely equipped a ward f o r children in the Rhode Island
Homeopathic Hospital as its contribution to our national philan-
thropic work. This ward was given to the hospital in memory of
our past Grand President, Lillian McQuillin McCausland, who so
devotedly served her fraternity and her community during her
life. The picture serving as the frontispiece to this issue of T o
DRAGMA will give you some idea of the attractiveness and com-
pleteness of this ward. I t is regretted that we could not secure,
for this number, an article f r o m some member of Providence
Alumnae who could tell us more fully about the ward and the
work it is doing. W e hope to print such an article in the future.
The following letter, which was sent to Katrina Overall McDon-
ald, then Grand Treasurer, by Edith J. L . Clapp, the Superin-
tendent of the Hospital, is an expression, by the hospital authori-
ties, of appreciation to Providence Alumnae and to Alpha Omi-
cron P i , of their generosity and cooperation in planning the
Dear Mrs. McDonald,
A formal receipt f o r the check of five hundred dollars re-
ceived from Mrs. Helen E . Rose toward the equipment of the
children's ward in memory of Mrs. McCausland would be inade-
quate to express our appreciation of your cooperation in helping
us give our children what they need.
Please accept our hearty thanks f o r this generous share in
that equipment. W e want you all to feel that a corner in our
new building belongs to each one of your group, and to the
memory of the one f o r whom you send this gift, and when you
come i n this direction, I hope you will want to stop i f only f o r
a little visit to see your ward children.
Sincerely and appreciatively.
Edith J. L . Clapp.
SEVERAL YEARS AGO the New Orleans Alumnae Chapter of
Alpha Omicron Pi began to look about for a philanthropic
work i n keeping with the national policy of our organization.
I t was then that the New Orleans Child Welfare Units were
brought before our attention and we decided to raise funds f o r
the maintenance and development of stations of this organiza-
tion. The Welfare operates clinics in the poor but thickly popu-
lated districts of the city an.d there is a large and ever increasing
field for work of this character in this community of some 400,000
population. I t was, therefore, with gratitude that our stations
were received and we were happy, realizing that this was a work
which really counted and for which there was a real need.
The first step taken after deciding our policy was the raising
of necessary funds. I n this regard we were most fortunate.
Rummage sales conducted at stated intervals furnished the major
part of the money. There were bridge parties, donations from
out of town alumnae, and unsolicited donations from the families
of the girls f o r whom our two memorials were named. During
the last two years our chapter has raised some $575, all of which
is being used f o r our Child Welfare Units. This money buys
and maintains furnishings, paint, wall paper, supplies and appar-
atus f o r waiting rooms and consulting rooms. The rent, nurses
and doctors fees are handled through the Welfare Association,
but the units are credited to Alpha Omicron P i .
Our first station, the Helen Grevemberg Memorial, began to
receive patients in the fall of 1923. The clinic is maintained in
one of the most crowded poor districts of the city, and at present
treats more patients than any other station operated. The unit
itself occupies three rooms, two of which are waiting rooms and
one of which is the consultation room. I n a report sent us last
year, this station from January to May had 178 patients under
its care, with 417 clinic visits, 62 deliveries, no maternity mor-
tality, and .015% infant mortality.
Although this station had been operating f o r almost a year,
we had not had a formal opening. I t was December 8, Founder's
Day, last year, that we formally presented this station to the
Welfare Association. The ceremony was simple but impressive
and was especially fitting f o r our own Founder's Day ceremony.
The second clinic, the Lucy Renaud Memorial, opened its
doors to patients last January. This unit also is located in a
needy district and has done great work. The report given f o r
it from January to May states 78 patients on the roll, with 225
clinic visits, 32 deliveries, no maternity mortality, and no infant
mortality. As yet, we have not had our formal dedication but
will arrange for it at our earliest opportunity.
W i t h these two Welfare stations in operation, we feel that
we have accomplished much that is to be desired in philanthropic
work. Besides helping the community, it has materially aided
the spirit of the chapter. O f course, the two stations are only
beginnings and we hope gradually to open others on the same
Margaret B. Lyon, Pi.
Lordee, it do smell good—
Fish fried over de wood!
Hyah's me!
E f I ain' done like I should,
Forgive me, please!
'Cause, takin' my ease,
I n my cabin now,
Fse 'bleeged to vow
You's moughty kind to me,
A n ' Fse bound try to be
Jess like Y o u wish.
Thank God f o ' fish!
Stella George Stern Perry.
P ERHAPS T H E MOST important matter upon which action was
taken at the Convention in June was the reorganization of
the Business Department of the fraternity. As the fraternity
has grown through its years of existence, always increasing in
numbers and spreading out through its chapters over the entire
country, the problem of efficiently conducting the national or-
ganization has become a more and more pressing one. W i t h a
membership of over four thousand, Alpha Omicron Pi had be-
come an organization which could no longer be properly con-
ducted by an Executive Committee which was seriously ham-
pered by masses of clerical work. The need f o r immediate
reorganization seemed imperative. Accordingly, the Conven-
tion in June voted to establish a Central Office f o r the fraternity.
This Central Office is administered by an officer called the
Registrar and through it will be handled all orders for directories,
song books, constitutions, jewelry, stationery and supplies of all
sorts; all reports will be sent directly to the Registrar whereas
they have previously gone to the Secretary and Treasurer and
to this office will come all requests f o r information which have to
do with the records of the fraternity. I t is important, too, that
all changes of addresses be reported to the Office immediately so
that the records may be kept up-to-date and authentic.
I t was particularly gratifying to the Executive Committee that
there were five splendid applications f o r the position of Regis-
trar. From these applicants was chosen Elizabeth Hey wood
Wyman, one of our well-loved Founders. Miss Wyman's abili-
ties and qualifications indicated that she would be a most capable
Registrar and the Executive Committee felt that it was especially
fitting and auspicious to have the office first held by one of the
Founders of the fraternity. The Office has now been function-
ing f o r about a month and the Executive Committee is well satis-
fied with the way in which it is working out.
There is still need f o r considerable adjustment and reorganiz-
ing before the new Office will be running smoothly and to the
entire satisfaction of all. But a little patience and thorough
cooperation will be all that is needed, it seems, to prove that the
action of the Convention was most decidedly f o r the best inter-
ests of the fraternity.
Joanna Donlon Huntington.
MAGAZINES: Mrs. L . A. Higgins.
2122 Evans St., Omaha, Nebraska.
Important Note: Checks and money orders must be
made payable to Mattie W . Higgins, and not to the
publishers, or we cannot get any commission.
S T A T I O N E R Y : The Wolfeboro Press, Inc., Wolfeboro, New
Hampshire, offers 25 percent commission on orders (after
January 1st) on E N G R A V E D stationery, three lines on
paper and envelopes, single sheets 6 by 7 in excellent qualitv
paper, 100 sheets, 50 envelopes f o r $1.50. They will accep't
not less than ten orders f r o m one address, but each order
will be wrapped separately. This is a special offer, but they
have other lines and will send samples to persons who can
show they can place orders. They will supply any number of
order blanks which serve as samples f o r this particular style.
The commission is deducted before the order is sent, and
should be sent to the Grand Vice-president f o r credit to the
general National W o r k fund, and not retained by the chap-
L I N G E R I E : Mrs. Frederick Kranz, Craig Knitting Co., 153
Lovering Ave., Buffalo, N . Y.
Important Note: Give your chapter and fraternity, so
that credits f o r commissions may be properly entered.
C H R I S T M A S CARDS : Mrs. A . A . Gutgesell, 602 Sixth Ave. So.,
Minneapolis, Minn., or
James Spencer 22 North Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
T N T H I S ISSUE we continue our plan of introducing our new
A grand officers, under considerable difficulties though, as some
of them are possessed to hide their lights under bushels, and
divulge none of the details as to their careers, public or private,
much less relinquish unto our hands a picture. A t any rate
here's the rest of our receiving line on paper, somewhat wabbly
though it may be.
Margaret Vaughan Branscomb, who succeeds Rose Gardner
Marx as Extension officer, is a graduate of Southern Methodist
University and a member
of N u Kappa chapter, a
charter member, in fact,
as she transferred to S. M .
U . from Randolph Macon,
where she was a member of
Kappa, and helped to estab-
lish the new chapter at
Southern Methodist Uni-
versity. After graduation
she furnished further proof
for the statement that at S.
• M . U . , A . O. Pi stands for
• After Our Professors, by
marrying a member of the
faculty, Harvie Brans-
comb. Being the busy wife
of a professor in a college
town and the mother of
two small sons has not
made her less interested or
OCTAVIA CHAPIN a c t i v e i n fraternity affairs.
Examining Officer Always active in N u Kap-
pa and Dallas alumnae, she
served as chairman of the 1925 nomination committee. Now
most of her energies will be diverted to her national office as she
has moved to Durham, S. C , where M r . Branscomb has been
appointed a member of the New Duke University faculty. A l -
ready as a result of her work in her new office a new chapter
has been installed into Alpha Omicron Pi.
Octavia Chapin, Delta, graduated f r o m T u f t s College in 1913.
Since that time she has taught science in various high schools
in and around Boston. For the past two years she has taught,
or rather directed, the teaching of the Alpha-Beta, chapter roll
and constitution to undergraduate members of Alpha Omicron
Pi. This work will continue under her leadership for the next
bienium. From 1920-1923 she was president of Boston Alum-
nae. Aside from her fraternity activities, she has made herself
exceedingly useful along other lines. Being the President of
the Association of Tufts
Alumnae, t h e Assistant
Secretary of the New Eng-
land Association of Chem-
istry Teachers, and the
Vice - President o f t h e
Maiden H i g h S c h o o l
Teachers' Association are a
few of her outside activi-
Rochelle Rodd Gachet
has done such a number of
things, both in the fraterni-
ty and outside it, that we
will let her speak f o r her-
M y career briefly is
this: I graduated from H .
Sophie Newcomb College,
B. A . degree, in 1909; was
elected to Phi Beta Kappa,
and won the medal in the
English essay c o n t e s t . R O C H E L L E RODD G A C H E T
Stayed at home one year,
National Panhellenic Delegate
and then taught f o r six
years,—in high schools where I taught a bit of everything, but
mostly English, and mathematics; then for four years I
taught in what is now Alabama College in the mathe-
matics department. I n 1918 I went to Washington to
engage in war work in the Ordnance Department of the
Army, and following the armistice I stayed i n Washington for a
year and a half with the Bureau of W a r Risk Insurance, doing
statistical work. I n 1920 1 came to New York, and until the
summer 1924 I was with the American Engineering Standards
Committee as office manager. Then I decided I simply must
get back to "Dixie," and took work with the Southern Woman's
Education Alliance in Richmond, Va., as statistician and research
worker. I left there last December, and went on home where
1 was enjoying a visit with my family, when a wire came asking
me to take over the work of Executive Secretary of the Pan-
hellenic House Association. I had been on the Board of Directors
of the Panhellenic House f o r several years, and was so greatly
interested i n the project that I could not resist the temptation to
do what I could towards putting across this big effort of f r a -
ternity women to demonstrate practical idealism, so I deserted
"Dixie"—temperorarily—and came on back to New York, where
I now am.
As f o r fraternity offices. I was President of Pi Chapter in
my senior year. I n my junior year I attended the first real con-
vention Alpha O ever held—in New Y o r k in 1908. I have at-
tended all but two conventions since then. I was one of the group
that organized the Washington Alumnae Chapter, and was first
president of that chapter, representing i t at the convention held
at Greencastle. where I was elected National Vice-President, and
undertook the task of trying to get the beginnings made towards
establishing a national work for Alpha O. and enlarging the num-
ber and interests of our alumnae chapters. I n October. 1923,
I was appointed by the Executive Committee as national Pan-
hellenic Delegate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of L i l -
lian McCausland. and attended the National Panhellenic Con-
press with Laura K u r d , who presided. A t this past convention
T was elected National Panhellenic Delegate.
As a result of the $4100 pledge made to the Hospital Fund. Kappa
Delta will have the privilege of endowing her fourth bed in the
Crippled Children's Hospital, Richmond. V a . It was only four years
ago that the hospital became the setting for Kappa Delta's national
philanthropy, but for each year there is a Kappa Delta nameplate. In
addition to the beds, four go-carts and mattresses, and five hospital
cribs have been added to the hospital equipment, and numerous parties
have made the children happy at holiday-time. In the past four years
approximately forty-five children have been helped by Kappa Delta
to find the strength of body that leads to joy of life.
Angelos of KA.
A SKED TO WRITE about the Natchitoches A r t Colony and about
my work, I confess I had visions of a two-volume book,
but the request had mercifully stated that it was f o r the Voca-
tional Guidance Department, so after much elimination and
boiling down of mental chapters I shall t r y to pass on to you
something that I hope will be of definite help to the art student
who wishes to enter the field of business art.
Unfortunately there is no recipe f o r becoming a successful
artist. There are as many different methods as there are people,
but from my own experience and from the experiences of others
I have found a few outstanding requisites f o r getting into the
field—"all things being equal."
For my own convenience I have divided that type of art into
commercial art and illustration.
Under commercial art I have placed all detailed representa-
tive drawings and paintings of commodities such as alarm clocks,
locks, candy boxes, department store accessories, ordinary letter-
ing, etc. For this, the artist must be a good draftsman. One
who is not a good draftsman but who knows spacing and compo-
sition can be a "layout" artist arranging copy and sketches on
pages, etc. Illustration requires all this and more, opening a
limitless field f o r artistic achievement. I t takes two forms,
illustration f o r stories and the like and for advertising.
My advice to the art student is first to obtain as much expe-
rience as possible on school annuals and magazines or on any
publication whatsoever i n order to become familiar with the
different treatments required in drawings f o r different types of
reproduction. A visit to a printing or publishing establishment
is invaluable. There is a large field, however, f o r work which
is not reproduced, as in poster work f o r movies, department
stores, banks, etc.
Of all the things I could tell you the most important is to
have as many as possible neatly mounted samples of your best
work in every line but especially in the line i n which you are
most interested. The publishers and advertisers have no way of
knowing what kind of work you do except by seeing samples and
they must be samples of the particular kind of work of which
they are in immediate need.
Above all, never be discouraged. What one publisher does
not like or need another may enthusiastically accept. Continue
to make new samples as you become dissatisfied with your old
ones. Enter every contest whether you w i n or not. I t supplies
a definite problem against which to match your ability and gives
experience and occasion f o r making samples besides opportunities
for practical criticism.
You may get a position as general artist with an advertising
agency or, finding yourself more capable in one line, specialize
in that and finally have a studio of your own (free lance).
Free lancing is uncertain but interesting, especially i f one
wishes to submit one's own ideas and to work them out accord-
ing to one's own tastes.
I have, personally, found that much more satisfactory since
I do not live in a city where the demand is greatest and I must
come and go at intervals. This also furnishes an opportunity to
select one's clients among those who need the type of work one
wishes to do.
Fortunately there are organizations wishing to appeal to a
clientele of educated people.^ These require the highest type of
art work and spend the most f o r it so that it is not necessary
to sacrifice art for advertising. Rather they go hand in hand.
The more one knows of the fine arts the better are her chances
in this particular field.
The value of ideas cannot be overestimated in art f o r adver-
tising and the more one Knows about adveitising, the better.
The salaries f o r art work range f r o m about twenty to one
hundred dollars a week. I n free lance work it is limitless both
ways, the charge being based upon the drawing or upon the time
required to make it. I n New York some of the best commercial
artists rate their work at ten dollars an hour. Greeting card
designs which one can do at home bring f r o m about five to
ten dollars each. I should advise a beginner to consider the
money value least of all and devote all energies to experience
and quality in her work. Prices for illustrations vary according
to the reputations of the artists and the budgets of the publishers.
I n the Natchitoches A r t Colony we have a less tangible ambi-
t l o n — t h a t of fostering art i n the South and of helping the
artist to interpret the beauty of Louisiana. However, among
the byproducts of our colony are advantages even more wonder-
f u l than those of a business artist.
In the first place the instruction which the student receives
here will prepare him well f o r the highest type of advertising art
and illustration, and the opportunities of exhibition will lead
him to the best art dealers and salons.
M r . Lorado T a f t wrote to us saying:
" I have a happy memory of my visit in your picturesque town.
I can imagine what a delight it would be to a painter and I am
sure that your Colony will be a great success. How our country
needs such genial centers of artistic endeavor."
Mr. Ellsworth Woodward has said of the Natchitoches A r t
"Many places in America have been interpreted f o r us by
the artist and have thereby become a national possession in which
we have a common pride. Louisiana awaits discovery to the
world of artists and art lovers. I look forward with confidence
to the day when, through the agency of this Colony of earnest
students, the beauty and romantic charm of Louisiana landscape
will be familiar in National art. I have never seen a spot where
in so small a space one can find as much that is paintable as on
the banks of the Cane River."
Irma de B. Sompayrac, Pi.
Oldest Fraternity Man Dies
Cornelius Cole, former United States Senator, the oldest fraternity
man and the second oldest living college graduate, died on November 3 at
the age of 102. He was a Psi Upsilon, Wesleyan University, Middletown,
Conn., of the class of 1847. The oldest living college graduate is John
A. Stewart, Columbia '40, who was born just 27 days before Mr. Cole.
Sigma Chi Quarterly.
T HERE is no question but that the federal budget works. We
see and hear favorable comments about its efficiency pub-
lished or spoken nearly every day. There is no question but that
a health budget works, also.
In keeping the health budget a man or woman is putting by a
nest egg f o r the rainy day without which any money budget,
however carefully followed, will be useless; f o r what does it mat-
ter i f , after years of careful planning to live economically and
successfully, a person's health fails? A l l the riches of Croesus in
the later years of life are of no use unless one has health to enjoy
their benefits, for, after all, health is the basts of all enjovment
of life.
As you portion out your yearly income, devoting so much
money to housing, so much to food, to clothing, to charity, to
amusement, so should you portion out your health budget. A
happy, comfortable home f o r oneself (and, i f fortunate, f o r one's
family) is the goal toward which everyone primarily is working;
and to keep this home comfortable and in excellent condition,
repairs and improvements are constantly demanding their share
of the money budget.
In planning the health budget you will center everything about
the body home—after all, everyone's real home. First, you must
know just what sort of a home your body is. Can it give the
proper amount of service? Can it compete with other homes
about it? Do its boards squeak or its windows rattle? Does its
roof leak or are its ceilings cracked ? Is its attic untidy with the
accumulation of years of neglect? The best way to find out about
its condition is to have a thorough overhauling of your body
by a good doctor. I f he finds any boards that are rickety, such
as a weak heart, a poor liver, bad tonsils or teeth, you can take
care of them before real trouble occurs.
Then, as you allow so much of the money budget f o r lighting,
heat, and fuel, so must you put thought ( f o r the health budget
requires thought rather than money) into planning the fuel for
the body. Food is the fuel that keeps it running. Eat the right
foods as conscientiously as you buy the best wood or coal. Plenty
of leafy vegetables; more meat i f you are doing hard physical
labor than i f you have work that keeps you confined to a desk;
fruit to keep the digestive apparatus functioning properly; m i l k ;
bran or wholewheat breads; well-cooked cereals and enough
sweets to add variety but not enough to make you flabby.
Fresh air is a big part of the health budget. That is indirectly
associated with practically every other item. Fresh air day and
night helps to keep every part of the body working well. I t is
a cleanser, a purifier, and without it one's home would become
as dusty and musty as the old-time unopened "guest chamber."
Not only the lungs need the fresh air but every part of the body
responds to this tonic and will give better service. Fresh air is
a sickness preventive and is cheaper than any other medicine.
Especially at night in the bedrooms should windows be opened
wide to allow the outdoor air to do its work.
Rest is also most essential. Just as we know me must oil
our lawn mowers, put grease into our motor's oilcups, so must
we keep lubricating our systems. Everybody needs rest to keep
his body engine running. Edison, who claims he can live on but
a few hours' sleep at night, often rests on a couch at intervals
during the day. When there has been a strain either mental or
physical the body needs more rest. T r y going to bed earlier
when the office or business has seemed particularly trying.
Mothers, go to bed earlier when the children or housework have
given you a difficult day. The next day's efficiency will be
Exercise should be in the health budget. Exercise keeps every
muscle in good working order, and i f only a mile walk a day is
possible, that is better than nothing. The more exercise in the
sunshine and fresh air the better will be the physical service
rendered in later years.
Play is also necessary, f o r this is stimulating when taken at
the proper time and of the right kind. Play, moreover, is mental
relaxation. Anything that is of mental benefit is pretty sure to
be of physical help, too, f o r a happy, contented mind can often
buoy up a tired-out body.
These are a few of the main items in the health budget.
They will practically guarantee happiness for later years and for
that reason i f f o r no other they are closely linked with the money
budget. As one works toward a goal in money so can one work
toward a goal in health. Prevention is far better than cure, just
as a nest egg is better than poverty.
The National Tuberculosis Association and affiliated associa-
tions believe that prevention of tuberculosis through the educa-
tion of men, women, and children has been a great cause f o r
more than cutting in half the death rate from this disease during
the past twenty years. Their work is financed by the annual
sale of Christmas seals. You can help them in December by
buying seals. You can help them all through the year by keeping
a Health Budget.
Tuberculosis Christmas seals are again for sale on the candy
counters, cigar stands, and hotel desks of the country. Millions
of them, too, are pouring into our homes by mail, with the request
that we purchase the little stickers and so further strengthen the
campaign against one of the world's greatest scourges.
This year the Christmas seal comes of age. I t is just twenty-
one years since an obscure postal clerk in Denmark conceived the
idea of a decorative Christmas stamp to be placed on Christmas
mail as a means of raising funds f o r a hospital f o r tuberculosis
children. A few years later the first Christmas seals that were
sold in the United States raised $3,000 f o r the purchase of a
sanatorium site in Delaware. Last year 1,250,000,000 seals were
printed f o r the National Tuberculosis Association and their sale
brought approximately $4,500,000 into the coffers of the fifteen
hundred organizations affiliated with the national body.
During these years the Christmas seal has helped to finance
hundreds of local, state, and national campaigns to secure hos-
pitals, sanatoria, clinics, and dispensaries. A t least twenty thou-
sand public health nurses are at work in the schools and homes to
educate children and parents in the rules of healthful living. I n
this way minor physical defects are detected, and because of early
treatment a physical breakdown in later life, caused by tubercu-
losis or some other serious disease, is often prevented. Every
large city nowadays has its open air schools, preventoria, and
nutrition classes where the children of tubercular parents and
others below par are brought to normal weight and strength.
Approximately three thousand such institutions are in this
country at present. The Christmas seal has made possible the
Modern Health Crusade, the largest child health movement in the
world, through which eight million school children have been
taught daily habits of cleanliness, diet, exercise, and rest so that
they may develop into robust men and women.
—Sent by the National Tuberculosis Association
via The Anchora of Delta Gamma.
A meeting is held over projects and plans for unity in action. There
arc no freshmen, no sophomores, no upper classmen in a meeting.
A chapter is a republic; each has an equal vote and voice.
Don't listen exclusively to your campus heroes in matters of business.
Because a man is a crack basketball player is no sign that he is an authority
on human nature or finances. Similarly, because a man is a freshmn, is
no sign he has no ideas of value.
Don't fall into the rut of sitting back and voting for whatever your
chief luminary thinks is well to do. Think for yourself, each one. But
think largely; don't be prejudiced from some personal factor.
When a subject is under discussion, ask different silent men what they
think about it. Don't call for volunteer speeches. Ask the men directly.
Don't let two or three wordy brothers run away with all the deliberations.
The rest will follow blindly, but their enthusiasm is just as dull as their
Listen to everyone, even though their opinion may sound foolish to you.
Respect a man's point of view. If he was worth taking in, he is worth
listening to always.
Your shy freshman may be a gold mine of ideas, if you make him feel
you want to hear him. Judge a man's ideas by the results he has obtained
in framing his own life, thus far.
Don't argue; no one was ever convinced by argument, ever.
Don't grow personal: don't knock; don't wax sarcastic. Don't hurt a
man's pride. Show up all sides of the question, and then leave it to a vote
just what to do.
Be willing to support the decision of the majority, and expect the rest
to do the same.—Quarterly of Alpha Gamma Delta.
During the years since the war, every fraternity has had
the experience of a badge tendered by some member on the
ground that the wearing of it was "not Christ-like." Such
action usually followed some one of the various religious
gatherings held f o r students under the auspices of the Y . M .
C. A., the Y . W . C. A., or a church. The letter quoted below,
written by Mrs. Barbara Wild Whitaker, of Alpha Chi Omega,
is an unusually fine answer to those who react in this fashion
to religious teachers. Every fraternity man and woman should
read it. The next step needed to clarify this subject is an accurate
stating of the motives of religious leaders who do not sense the
dangers to society through stimulating to the point of self-abase-
ment, the submissive impulse of which everyone has a share,
particularly when they seek to give a dominant position to weakly
sentimental beliefs.
I received your letter some time ago. You requested an imme-
diate reply. Upon second thought, you surely must have realized,
however, that an immediate answer to such a letter was almost
impossible. This matter, of course, is a very difficult one to
discuss on paper. I t would be so much easier to talk to you;
but that is impossible, so I must write.
Your letter was the first intimation I had received of any
disaffection existing in the chapter. From your letter I learn
that after having attended a number of religious student con-
ferences, you have decided that you wish to be released f r o m
membership in Alpha Chi Omega, because you think you do
not approve of fraternities and. therefore, are not in sympathy
with them for the following reasons:
A. Broadly speaking—
1. Fraternities are undemocratic.
a) They do not offer open membership to all.
2. Fraternities are un-Christ-like.
a) They do not include all human relations.
b) They create unhappiness.
c) They produce an "inferiority complex."
B. Particularly speaking—Re: fraternities in your college—
1. Fraternities raise barriers between fraternity and non-
fraternity women.
2. Competitive bidding does not create unity of spirit in
local Panhellenic.
a) Creates antagonism between rival groups.
3. System of voting f o r members non-Christian.
a) Forgetful of fundamental spirit of love.
C. Alpha Chi Omega is unjust.
1. Drops pledges who cannot or do not make grades.
You have been very frank in criticizing the fraternity, so
I assume you expect me to be frank in my statements con-
cerning your reactions toward fraternities, and yourself.
To begin with, it seems to me you have confused the two
different forms of "fraternity." There is, as you know, f r a -
ternity in the larger sense, that ideal fraternity of which Christ
taught and of which we all strive to be worthy members. Then
there is, as you also know, fraternity in the narrower sense,
fraternity in the sense of an association of persons f o r some
common purpose.
Now, suppose we consider what Alpha Chi Omega means to
me—and it means to me now what it does because of what it
meant to me when I was active. I look upon Alpha Chi Omega
as a fraternity in the sense of an association of persons for
some common purpose, and that purpose is set f o r t h in the
opening and closing ceremonies and the initiation ceremony of
the fraternity. To me, the fraternity seems a training school,
as it were, a training school f o r that other fraternity of which
Christ taught, the key of which is love. We can love our
fellows and give the most of ourselves to them, understand
their motives, which means understanding both their virtues and
their weaknesses, and yet find our own most intimate friends in
a smaller group. The close associations and intimate friendships
of the fraternity, I believe, cannot be found anywhere else in
college life, unless it be in the dormitory—and even there it is
different. I f we strive to attain the ideals of the fraternity we
should be that much more able, both in school and after leaving,
tc follow that precept of Christ's wherein He taught: "Make
thv light so shine before men that they shall glorify thy Father
who art in Heaven."
The fraternity helps us to make the most of our opoortuni-
ties. I t not only helps and trains us to live with those about us,
but it also attempts to broaden us bv urging—no. more than that—
even compelling us to take an active part in campus activities,
and in that way we can extend our influence and the influence
and ideals of our fraternity among those about us, not by what we
say so much as by what we do.
I t seems to me that the fraternity might be considered in the
light of a medium, a restricted group, i f you please, but, never-
theless, a group whose members after having striven "to attain
the heights" are that much more capable of fulfilling the demands
of true fraternity in the greater sense. Christ, it is true, desired
all to be included i n His fraternity and to benefit by His teachings,
but, as you know, i n His immediate circle there were only twelve.
These He taught to spread His teachings throughout the world.
He realized the utter futility of the efforts of the individual as
compared with those of a group.
Do you realize that even your attendance at a university sets
you apart as a member of a restricted group? Did you refuse
to attend college because others, perhaps hundreds of others,
less fortunate than yourself, found it impossible to do so?
Even membership i n a university is restricted by the entrance
requirements and the fact that some money is necessary. You
are not refusing to take advantage of these opportunities which
develop your mind. W h y refuse to profit by the opportunities
offered you by a group, the ideals of which only tend to supplement
the opportunities offered by the university, and thereby make
your life more complete i n its influence upon others the greater?
I f all you say about conditions i n your local Panhellenic
and local chapter are true, it seems to me that there is much for a
girl of true nobility to accomplish. I should hate to run away.
I should dearly love to T R Y to bring about better conditions.
Competitive bidding need not necessarily create bitterness
and antagonism. There is rivalry in all sports. W h y should rivalry
cause bitterness in bidding more than in football or any other
sport? I f it does, there is something wrong with your rushing
rules, and perhaps just a little wrong with the spirit of
the girls but, undoubtedly, there is more wrong with the rules
than with the girls. Experience and the desire to cooperate will
remedy this. I n nearly all of the colleges, the rushing rules are
altered in the attempt to overcome just such conditions.
As a matter of fact, it is doubtless true that the plan o f sec-
ond semester pledging that is used i n your college is largely
responsible for the creation of any bitterness and antagonism in
rushing. I t seems to be almost invariably true that a long-delayed
rushing season tends to create just this sort of feeling. I t is not
the fault of the fraternities and it is not the fault of the girls
themselves, f o r they are, after all, only human. When several
people desire the same thing, or think they desire it. it is very easy
for suspicions to arise and i l l feeling to result—all the more easy
when they are kept in suspense f o r some months. Can you not
make an effort to see that rushing rules are changed to permit of
a shorter rushing season. This is one way in which you can help.
The fact that some non-fraternity women feel their exclusion
from fraternities most keenly, is, of course, to be regretted.
However, 1 think you have exaggerated the idea in your mind
that they have suffered an inferiority complex which has affected
them during the remainder of their lives. A fraternity woman
who feels or causes others to feel that she is better than they
are just because she is a fraternity woman is a snob, pure and
simple, and a disgrace to her fraternity. College authorities, par-
ticularly deans of women, and Panhellenics everywhere, are doing
all in their power to improve the relations between fraternity and
nonfratemity groups and to break down these barriers of which
you speak. Long strides have been made in this direction in some
of the colleges.
You seem to have forgotten, also, that many women do not
join fraternities f r o m choice and that there are in the "independ-
ent" body on every campus women who, f o r various reasons, have
preferred to remain outside of fraternities. It is the aim of the
National Panhellenic Congress to foster the creation of so many
fraternities that no woman need remain outside of one i f she wish-
es to join. Can you not help to bring some more Panhellenic groups
to your campus? Y o u r second semester pledging system also
tends to augment any tendency there may be among nonfratemity
women to feel a differentiation, since it keeps ever before the
student body the question of rushing. Panhellenic fraternities
wish to have this phase of their life put aside as soon as possible
and, f o r this reason, do not favor the late pledging day that your
college authorities insist upon. The preference system, where
used, also helps to "iron out" the differences between fraternity
and nonfratemity women, because, under this system, no one
knows just which women remain independent f r o m choice. Can
you not help to install this system in your college?
Your statement that, in seeking new members, the fraternity
takes those who will uphold its prestige and social standing and
neglects those who need fellowship i n the group is part-
ly true and partly not, it seems to me. W e wish to choose our
members because of their congeniality with our group, believing
that, no matter how much others may N E E D the fellowship of a
fraternity, they will not find it unless they have an interest in
common with our members. T have seen many girls taken into
the fraternity whose only credentials were the facts that they
came from respectable homes and were good students. You real-
ize that your group is very new. I t has not the traditions and
experience of years to guide it, and, therefore, perhaps makes
mistakes that an older group would not, so it seems to me all
the more necessary f o r you to overlook much and help them to
succeed in the attainment of their ideals.
I n regard to the dropping of pledges who do not make their
grades: Do you not realize that in making this rule the fraternity
is seeking primarily the good of the girl and not its own? She
is given a whole year to make good, and many a girl will do
work she never would have done had she not desired to be i n -
itiated. Many girls come to college and live under conditions very
different f r o m those under which they lived when attending high
school, and many a young freshman loses her head and forgets
the more serious side of college life. Y o u say you have had sev-
eral heart-breaking incidents in your chapter because of this. D i d
Y O U do all in your power to prevent these f r o m happening?
I f no one else took the responsibility did you yourself go to the
teachers of these girls and find out the kind of work they were
doing in time to help, and then see that the older girls, proficient
in these courses in which the freshmen were failing, tutored and
aided them? I f you did not, then who is partly responsible f o r
the "heart-breaking incidents"? Surely, all of the blame cannot
be attached to this ruling of Alphi Chi Omega.
I n closing, I can only repeat that it seems to me that you
can better serve that greater fraternity of Christ's by serving
your apprenticeship in the smaller, more restricted one, and. by
striving to make your endeavors felt in this group, you will in-
crease not only its power for good but your own as well.
I wish it were in my power to help to see things differently,
so that you could again wear the badge of Alpha Chi Omega
with a feeling of pride and devotion toward the thing for which
it stands.
Most loyally.
via the Elcusis of Chi Omega.
Although Mrs. Calvin Coolidge is the first sorority woman to occupy
the position of "First Lady of the Land," the first representatives of the
women's Greek-letter organizations to enter the White House were Mar-
garet Wilson and Jessie Wilson Sayre, daughters of Ex-President Wood-
row Wilson, who were initiated into Zeta chapter of Gamma Phi Beta at
Goucher College. Margaret Axon Elliott, sister of the first Mrs. Wilson,
was also a member of Gamma Phi Beta—Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta.
S K I ' T E M B E R — T o active girls it means rushing, and it may mean that to
some of the alumnae who can successfully brush away the cobwebs.
The average fraternity girl's capacity for digesting and appreciating
a message of honor and ideals is in a chronic state of being over-stuffed
and it is only af-ter her summer's vacation that we dare offer these obser-
vations, which are the result of a few years of experience in life.
The fraternity receives more adverse criticism than any institution of
university life in this country today. A great deal of this criticism is
based on the conduct of fraternity members during the so-called "rushing
season." Have you not had some mother tell you how she has been dis-
illusioned about, and disappointed in, fraternities since her daughter was
rushed? Certainly, a fraternity as an organization, lias no more excuse for
being discourteous to a freshman than has an individual. Sometimes
there seems to be a different code of social customs in practice at the
rushing season. In the mad race for supremacy, we forget that respect
for personality and lose our sense of proportion. We forget that we
arc college women and because we are, much greater things are expected of
Dr. Henry VanDyke says, "A college education teaches us, through
literature, science, and philosophy, how to see things as they are, imagine
them as they might be, and to make them as they ought to be." Can't
we enter this fall rushing season with the assurance that we are educated
women, ready to do our part in justifying the existence of fraternities?—
Alpha Phi Quarterly.
The University of California, Southern Branch, has recently been
placed on a par with the parent institution at Berkeley. Previous to this
time the courses of instruction have run for two years only in the Los
Angeles Branch and it has been necessary for the student to transfer either
to Berkeley or to some other institution in order to obtain a degree.
Beginning with the opening of college next fall, the course will be
extended to cover four years and degrees will also be granted. This move
has been anticipated for some time by those who have studied the rapid
growth of the Southern Branch of the University. It is a very welcome
one and will mark a new era in the history of the institution.
—The Tomaftawk.
A D D I T I O N S R E P O R T E D T O N O V E M B E R 10, 1925.
Nu Kappa—Ablowitch, Nuraa Katherine, 2109 Park St., Greenville, Texas.
Phi—Adams, Edith, 310 Fifth Ave., Leavenworth, Kansas.
Zeta—Aiken, Frances Jane, Cambridge, Neb.
Pi Delta—Alderman, Fanny Ruth, c/o Mr. L . R. Alderman, Cosmos Club,
Washington, D. C.
Omicron—Alexander, Mary Katherine, Stonega, Va.
Kappa Theta—Allen. Louise Dorothea, 2017 Argyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Epsilon—Altmeier, Kathryn Elizabeth, Port Jervis, N. Y.
Kappa Theta—Amberson, Violet, 1163 N. Gordon, Pomona, Cal.
Beta Phi—Andersen, Roma Kathryn, 647 Lincoln St., Gary, Ind.
Beta Phi—Anderson, Kathryne Louise, A. O. P. House, Bloomington,
Kappa—Anderson, Louise Maury, 928 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va.
Delta—Andrew, Mary Althea, 77 Washington St., Aver, Mass.
Gamma—Andrews, Caroline Delphine, 31 Mill St.. Hallowell, Me.
Omega—Angle, Mildred Lucile, 66 Vennum St., Mansfield, Ohio.
Kappa—Apperson, Martha, 3422 Hawthorne Ave., Richmond, Va.
Omicron Pi—Appleton, Mary Ellen, 725 Fountain St., Grand Rapids,
Psi—Atkins, Maxine, 30 East Walnut Ave., Merchantville, N. J .
Xi—Bacon, Genevieve Blanche, Davidson, Okla.
Iota—Bairstow, Ruth Elizabeth. 225 Ash St., Waukegan. 111.
Epsilon—Baker, Elizabeth, 304 The Parkway, Ithaca, N. Y.
Pi Delta—Baker, Katherine, College Park, Md., c/o University of Mary-
Chi—Baker, Norma Isabelle, 8416 Lefferts Blvd., Richmond Hill, N. Y .
Theta—Baldwin, Dorothy May, 425 E . Maple, Jeffersonville, Ind.
Alpha Phi—Barbour, Alice, Big Timber, Mont.
Upsilon—Bare, Margaret Hope, 3728 No. 28th St., Tacoma, Wash.
Alpha Sigma—Barnes, Marian, 1501 N. 5th St., Tacoma, Wash.
Tau Delta—Barnett, Ellen, 1322 So. 19th St., Birmingham, Ala.
Xi—Barr, Mamie, Dover, Oklahoma.
Psi—Bartlett, Dorothy Deaderick, 209 S. 37th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Gamma—Bartlett, Edwina Marion, Hampden, Me.
Theta—Bartley, M inna Mae, 304 So. Indiana St., Greencastle, Ind.
Iota—Bauer, Dorothea Eleanor, 7649 S. Shore Drive, Chicago, 111.
Nu Omicron—Beasley, Jane Carothers, 1916 West End Ave., Nashville,
Omega—Beaton, Harriet. 19 S. Beach St., Oxford, Ohio.
Pi Delta—Behring, Julia Louise, 3421 Oakwood Terrace, N. W., Washing-
ton, D. C.
Omicron Pi—Belcher, Helen May, Third and Elma Sts., Manistee, Mich.
Beta Phi—Bennett, Dorothy Elaine, 331 Arcadia Court, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Eta—Bennett, Virginia Hight, 307 E . Johnson, Madison, Wisconsin.
Iota—Benson, Eva Lucille, 443 College Ave., DeKalb, 111.
Kappa Theta—Berg, Margaret, 850 Beverly Drive. Alhambra, Cal-
Zeta—Betz, Helen Bemadine, 2023 Nebraska St., Sioux City, Iowa.
Eta—Bird, Roberta Gertrude, 394 Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis.
pi—Black, Elizabeth Hamlin, 1449 Arabella St., New Orleans, La.,
Lambda—Black, Elizabeth Harris, Route 4, Box 712, Pasadena, Cal.
Omicron—Black, Virginia, 1113 Luttrell St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Bland, Coralie, 506 W. Hampton Ave., Sumter, S. C.
Pi Delta—Bland ford, Josephine Mudd, College Park, Md.
Pi Delta—Blandford, Mildred Cecelia, College Park, Md.
phi—Bolinger, Marian, 1415 Morton St., Great Bend, Kan.
Alpha Phi—Border, Elizabeth, 113 N 7th St., Bozeman, Mont.
Zeta—Bowden, Marie, 1972 Sewell St., Lincoln, Neb.
Nu Omicron—Boylin, Martha Straube, 609 Holly St., Nashville, Tenn.
Lambda—Boynton, Katherine, 70 Commonwealth Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Kappa—Brandon, Harriet, Dublin, Georgia.
Lambda—Braunschweiger, Eloise Elizabeth, Palo Alto, Cal.
Delta—Breen, Caroline Louise, 192 Parkway, Winchester, Mass.
Chi—Brill, Mary Campbell, Jamesburg, N. J .
Xi—Brooks, Edna Mae, 1201 W. Main St., Durant, Okla.
Upsilon—Broom. Eidth King, Woodway Park, Edmonds, Wash.
Pi—Broussard, Agnes Putnam, Abbeville, La.
Lambda—Brown, Aileen Maude, 812 28th St., Sacramento, Cal.
Nu—Brown. Margaret Louise, 219 Rugby Road, Brooklyn, N. Y .
Epsilon—Burgess, Gladys Catherine, Auburn, N. Y .
Xi—Burke, Helen Bland, Hobart, Oklahoma.
Omicron Pi—Burkhardt, Annette, Menomonee Falls, Wis.
Pi Delta—Burnside, Edith Frances, College Park, Md.
Pi Delta—Burnside, Edna May, College Park, Md.
Upsilon—Burnside, Margaret Anne, 915 8th Ave., Lewiston, Idaho.
Eta—Butterfield, Hester Elizabeth, 550 Fountain St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Kappa Theta—Byrne, Lillian Marguerite, 4559 Huntington Drive, Los
Angeles, Cal.
Kappa—Calhoun. Margaret Dean, 1701 Terrell Blvd., Ensley, Ala.
Kappa—Call, Elizabeth Somerville, 3211 Seminary Ave., Richmond, Va.
Kappa Theta—Campbell, Helen, 1625 So. 3rd St., Alhambra, Cal.
Tau—Campbell, Lucille, 1815 Penn Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn.
Kappa Theta—Cannon, Doris Dee, 823 N. Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles,
Tau Delta—Cantey, Lila Mae, 725 Princeton Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Pi—Carden. Mary Elizabeth, Munfordville, Ky.
Theta—Carmack, Mary Frances, Rockville, Ind.
Beta Phi—Carpenter, Jennie Browne, Sullivan, Ind.
Tau Delta—Carr, Ruth Hill, .1112 So. 19th St., Birmingham, Ala.
Alpha Sigma—Carter, Dorothy, 732 Sherwood Drive, Portland, Oregon.
Omicron—Cate, Lillian Clementine, Island Home Park, Knoxville, Tenn.
Psi—Cawthorne, Mildred, 301 W . 42nd St., Forest Hill, Richmond, Va.
Lambda—Chapman, Helen Hawley, Alma, Cal.
Pi—Chavanne, Rose Nelson, 6224 South Franklin St., New Orleans, La.
Pi Delta—Chestnut, Gertrude, Hyattsville. Md.
Psi—Choate, Eleanor Kate, 4811 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Omicron—Christrup, Elizabeth Rose, 1266 Peach St., Memphis, Tenn.
Phi—Clark, Maxine Fay, Kiowa, Kansas.
Pi Delta—Clement, Eugenia Withers, 1901 Hamlin St. N . E., Washington
D. C.
Kappa Theta—Clements, Claire Marcene, 329 Winnipeg Place, Long Beach,
Kappa Theta—Clendenen, Florence Omah, 220 E. 7th St., Riverside, Cal.
Iota—Cobb, Florence Valera, Tipton, Iowa.
Upsilon—Cockcroft, Ruth Walcott, Box 94, Lahaina, Maui, T. H .
Pi Delta—Coe, Grace, Berlin, M d .
Phi—Collins, Thora, 813 Neosho, Emporia, Kan.
Tau Delta—Colvin, Edna Elizabeth, 3904 Ave. F, Birmingham, Ala.
Omicron—Conger, Josephine, 15 So. Morrison, Memphis, Tenn.
Alpha Phi—Conkling, Janet Morse, 516 So. Grand Ave., Bozeman, Mont.
Beta Phi—Coombs, Margaret Catherine, 108 W. Wabash, Crawfordsville,
Xi—Cornelison, OUie Tracy (Mrs. J. R . ) , Erick, Okla.
Kappa Theta—Corwin, Eleanor Bouton, 501 No. Kenmore Ave., Los A n -
geles, Cal.
Tau Delta—Cottingham, Harriet Cox, 308 6th Place, S. W., Birmingham,
Tau Delta—Cousins, Rebecca, 1730 Woodland Ave., N . Birmingham, Ala.
Omega—Cox, Virginia, 260 Ward St., Bellevue, Ky.
Nu Omicron—Craig, Louise, Ripley, Tenn.
Tau Delta—Crain, Helen Lillian, 1733 14th Ave. N . , Birmingham, Ala.
Tau Delta—Crimm, Pauline Rheta, Pratt City, Ala.
Psi—Cross, Dorothy, 9 Highland Ave., Cynwyd, Pa.
Omicron Pi—Crossman, Virginia Lorna, 130 Gladstone, Detroit, Mich.
Beta Phi—Cullmane, Sara Alice, 809 N . Union St., Kokomo, Ind.
Pi Delta—Cushman, Alice Wadsworth, 24 Sycamore Ave., Tacoma Park,
Pi Delta—Custer, Helen, Friendville, Md.
Kappa Theta—Daggett, Annice Hortense, 1546 So. Van Ness Ave., Los
Angeles, Cal.
Kappa—Darling, Elizabeth, 336 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I .
Eta—Davidson, Elizabeth Jean, 1416 Dunham St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Epsilon—Davis, Lisbeth Dale, Angola, N . Y.
Lambda—Deimling, Persana Lovell, 1323 N . Broadway, Santa Ana, Cal.
Kappa Theta—Derr, Clara Lucille, 4435 Locjcwood St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Upsilon—Dickinson, Dorothy June, 315 12th, Raymond, Wash.
XI—Donovan, Mildred, 1124 N . Shortel St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Alpha Sigma—Dorris, Catherine Ellis, 1514 Thompson St., Portland, Ore.
p i Delta—Dorsey, Anna Helen Emily, Ellicott City, Md.
p i Delta—Dorsey, Elise, Ellicott City, Md.
phi—Douglas, Isadore, Oberlin, Kansas.
Nu—Drake, Margaret Judith McCabe (Mrs. C. A . ) , 433 Oliver St.. New-
port, Pa.
Kappa Theta—Dupes, Mildred M., 1408 18th St., Santa Monica, Cal.
Sigma—Dwight, Virginia Helen, 260 California St., San Francisco, Cal.
Pi Delta—Earnest, Lillian O., Hyattsville, Md.
Omicron Pi—Eaton, Genevieve Elizabeth, 612 West Ave., Jackson, Mich.
Tau Delta—Edmondson, Thelma, Anniston, Ala.
Alpha Sigma—Eiker, Vivian, 1229 Chemeketa St., Salem, Ore.
jall—Eliason, Winifred Williams, Montevideo, Minn.
Beta Phi—Ellis, Vivian Eloys, Paoli, Ind.
Omega—Engle, Hazel, 1210 Creighton Ave., Dayton, Ohio.
Omega—Engle, Mildred, 1210 Creighton Ave., Dayton, Ohio.
Pi Delta—Eppley, Elizabeth Flemfer (Mrs. G.), College Park, Md.
Upsilon—Evans, Margaret Virginia, 602 32nd Ave., Seattle, Wash.
Xi—Faris, Leone Rachel, Billings, Okla.
Xi—Faught, Bessie Mignon, Fort Towson, Okla.
Tau Delta—Faulk, Knoxie, 2218 22nd Ave., N . Birmingham, Ala.
Iota—Feldwisch, Louise Elizabeth, 4238 Hartford Ave., Saint Louis, Mo.
Omicron Pi—Felio, Clarissa, Harkness, N . Y.
phi—Filson, Gladys Helene, Kiowa, Kan.
Lambda—Fischer, Virginia Frances, 400 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, Cal.
Nu—Fitzpatrick, Marjorie Marie, 990 Woodycrest Ave., Bronx, N . Y.
Pi Delta—Flenner, see Eppley.
Tau—Fliehr, Erma Elizabeth, see Regan.
Pi—Folse, Dorothy Brutt, Oak Ridge, La.
Chi—Foote, Alice Helene, 866 W . Main St., Watertown, N . Y.
Tau—Footh, Josephine Mae, Mankato, Minn.
Lambda—Force, Lillian L., 440 Lagunitas Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Lambda—Forderer, Eleanor Kingsbury, 1548 Howard Ave., Burlingame,
Xi—Fortier, Stella Flora, 1319 S. Corson Ave., Tulsa, Okla.
Pi_Foster, Ruby, 1217 Marengo St., New Orleans, La.
Psi—Frame, Maude M., 4022 Parrish St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Theta—Freeman, June Rosemary, Bicknell, Ind.
Omicron—French, Evelyn Frances, Carrizozo, New Mexico.
Xi—Friend, Alice Ward (Mrs. H . J.), Elwood Apts., Tulsa, Okla.
Nu Omicron—Frierson, Ada Grace, 2112 Highland Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Nu—Froatz, Frances Vollmering, 47 Ridge Drive, Yonkers, N . Y.
Gamma—Fuller, Frances Snow, 5 Lincoln St., Hallowell, Me.
Epsilon—George, Jane Caroline, 114 Parker Place, Ithaca, N . Y.
Sigma—Georgcson, Roberta, Eureka, Cal.
Kappa—Germany, Frances lone, Munroe, La.
Kappa Theta—Gill, Marianne, see Medley.
Omega—Gillham, Dorothy, 4025 Grove St., Norwood, Ohio.
Delta—Glidden, Lydia Florence, 34 Ash St., Danvers, Mass.
Eta—Goedde, Lucille, 546 N . 10th St., East St. Louis, III.
Kappa—Gordon, Margaret, 42nd St., Forest H i l l , Richmond, Va.
Beta Phi—Goss, Catherine Ralston, 123 Vinewood, Birmingham, Mich.
Phi—Graff, Eleanore, 429 East 8th St., Abiline, Kan.
Kappa Theta—Graham, Dorothy, 614 High St., Whittier, Cal.
Omicron Pi—Gratton, Nellie Ruth, 5071 S. Martindale Ave., Detroit,
Tau Delta—Green, Anne, 824 Talulah, St., Birmingham, Ala.
Tau Delta—Green, Lois, 824 Talulah St., Birmingham, Ala.
Omicron Pi—Grcenshields, Jean, Romeo, Mich.
Omicron Pi—Grcenshields. Mary Lillian, Romeo, Mich.
Lambda—Hadenfeldt, Frances, 209 Hillside Ave., Piedmont, Cal.
Xi—Haeber, Ollie Mae, 5007 Crutchei; St., Dallas, Texas.
Pi Delta—Haeseker, Margaret Elizabeth, 3100 Clifton, Ave., Baltimore,
Tau Delta—Hagood, Helen, Route 1, Birmingham, Ala.
Chi—Haitz, Eleanor Louise, 99 W . Main St., Batavia, N . Y.
Rho—Hamilton, Katherine. 412 Walnut St., Winetka, III.
Eta—Hamilton, Margaret, 515 W . Missouri St., El Paso, Texas.
Tau—Hammerbacker, Eva, 2072 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul. Minn.
Nu Omicron—Hand, Mary Alma, 1119 8th Ave., Fort Worth, Texas.
Chi—Harper, Mary Elizabeth, 296 Ravine Ave., Rochester, N . Y.
Sigma—Harrigan, Dorris, 1154 Green St., San Francisco, Cal.
Epsilon—Harris, Dorothy Helen, P. O. Box 2367, Johannesburg, Trans-
vaal, South Africa.
Epsilon—Harris, Winona Lucille, P. O Box 2367, Johannesburg, Trans-
vaal, South Africa.
Omicron—Harvey, Margaret Katherine, 507 East 4th, Knoxville, Tenn.
Tau Delta—Hasty, Helen Gray, 1722 Arlington Ave., Bessemer, Ala.
Nu Kappa—Haughton, Mary Mildred, 3725 Potomac, Dallas, Texas.
Tau—Haven, Kathryn Bernice, 114 Grant St., W., Minneapolis, Minn.
Nu—Hawes, Edna May, 1 Apollo St., Jersey City, N . J.
Lambda—Hawkins, Dorothea Cavitt, 1214 Walnut St., Berkeley, Cal.
Sigma—Hawkins, Elizabeth. Hollister, Cal.
Sigma—Hawkins, Jean, 477 South St., Hollister, Cal.
Theta—Hays, Dorothy Frances, Pendleton, Ind.
Pi—Heaslip, Cora Wirt, 434 Pine St., New Orleans, La.
Pi—Heaslip, Elizabeth W i r t , 434 Pine St., New Orleans, La.
Rho—Hellstrom, Florence Josephine, 1918 Lincoln St., Evanston, III.
Sigma—Herrick, Helen Davis, Clinton Ave., Alameda, Cal.
Upsilon—Hesseldenz, Dorothy Frances, 272 Floral Ave., Portland, Ore.
Eta—Hewitt, Emily Louise, 1419 Henry St., Alton, 111.
Nu Omicron—Hill, Esther Gladys, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.
Tau Delta—Hill, Janie, 1825 14th Ave., N . Birmingham, Ala.
Pi Delta—Hill, Lillie Lucile, 309 S. Carolina Ave. S.E., Washington,
D. C.
Omicron—Hobson, Helen Hull, Somerville, Tenn.
Theta—Hofherr, Hilma, 427 S. Proud St., Muncie, Ind.
Tau Delta—Horton, Mae Hamilton, U . S. Weather Bureau, Birmingham,
Nu Omicron—Horton, Mary, 110 Wellington Ave., Louisville, Ky.
Theta—Houck, Mary Elizabeth, 515 Ashland Ave., Muncie, Ind.
Sigma—Hudner, Helen, Hollister, Cal.
Omicron—Hunt, Virginia Manson, Lagrange, Tenn.
Epsilon—Irish, Eleanor Alice, 76 Marvin Ave., Auburn, N . Y.
Epsilon—Jann, Marie Catherine, 1729 West Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa-
Beta Phi—Jenkins, Mary Ellen, 232 Elvin Court, Lansing, Mich.
Kappa Theta—Jessupp, Effie Frances, Garden Grove, Cal.
Kappa Theta—Johnson, Katherine Winifred, 260 Glassett St., Orange,
Omicron—Johnston, Evasue, Ripley, Tenn.
Zeta—Keefer, Ellen Eloise, 1702 South 15th, Lincoln, Neb.
Kappa Theta—Keenan, Jane Frances, 2518 West Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.
Pi Delta—Keiser, Ellen Jane, 4807 Arkansas Ave., N . W., Washing-
ton, D. C.
Alpha Sigma—Kellogg, Anita, 819 E. 22nd St., N . Portland, Ore.
Theta—Kelly, Kathryn Lucy, Westville, Ind.
Beta Phi—Kemp, Thetis Carolyn, R.R. 1, Union City, Ind.
Chi—Kendall, Carol Louise, 146 College Ave., Elmira Heights, N . Y.
Omicron Pi—Kent, Doris Marjory, 1411 Sherman St., Grand Rapids,
Alpha Sigma—Kilham, Laura A., 648 Tillamook, Portland, Ore.
Phi—Kimball, Genevieve, Neodesha, Kan.
Zeta—King, Alsamene Smead, Maryville, Mo.
Iota—King, Cordius, Keithsburg, 111.
Zeta—King, Frances Louise, Belgrade, Neb.
Kappa Theta—King, Gloria, 3747 Pine Ave., Long Branch, Cal.
Eta—King, Ruth, 5340 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, III.
Tau Delta—Kirk, Mary Tyler (Mrs. J. K ) , 1335 N . 31st St., Birmingham,
Kappa Theta—Koster, Ruth Norma, 5126 Woodlawn Ave., Los Angeles,
Theta—Kreutzinger, Ruth Elizabeth, 632 E. 6th St., Mt. Vernon, Ind.
Pi Delta—Kuhnle, Mary Evelyn, Westernport, Md.
Zeta—Lakeman, Esther Elizabeth, Sargent, Neb.
Pi Delta—Laleger, Grace Elizabeth, 7506 Alaska Ave., N . W., Washing-
ton, D. C.
Kappa Theta—L'AHemand, Frecda Mai, 853V» Heliotrope,' Los Angeles,
Kappa—Lamb, Anne, Hermitage Road, Richmond, Va.
Tau Delta—Landers, Elsie Edna, 2341 16th Ave., Ensley, Ala.
Tau—Lange, Helen Elizabeth, New Richmond, Minn.
Iota—Law, Wilma, 501 Main St., Savanna, 111.
Upsilon—Lawler, Loretta. Raymond, Wash.
Nu—Lawlor, Ruth Gloria, 29 W . 97th St., New York, N . Y.
Epsilon—Leeming, Elsie Mildred, 105 Roosevelt Ave., East Orange, N . J.
Iota—Leete, Florence, 1616 Juneway Terrace, Chicago, 111.
Beta Phi—Leihr, Burnice Dorothea, 2030 N . New Jersey St., Indian-
apolis, Ind.
Epsilon—Leitch. Bertha Doyle, Eastman, Georgia.
Pi Delta—Lemen, Frances Dale, 20 Augusta Ave., Baltimore, M d .
Upsilon—Lemley, Margaret Elizabeth, 615 Cushman, Tacoma, Wash.
Gamma—Lerette. Irene Mary, Hallowell, Me.
Sigma—Lessard, Melzena, 800 Grand Ave. S., San Francisco, Cal.
Zeta—Lessenich, Dorothy Mary, 2702 Nebraska St., Sioux City, la.
Chi—Lewis, Eunomia Eloise, 39 Winthrop St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
XI—Lewis, Evelyn Wells, 3790 Wisconsin St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Kappa Theta—Lewis, Jane, 413 N . Ardmore, Los Angeles, Cal.
Alpha Phi—Lobdell, Marian, 607 S. Tracy, Bozeman, Mont.
Upsilon—Long, Gladys Marie, Port Angeles, Wash.
Omega—Long, Kathryn, 410 W. Franklin St., Kenton, Ohio.
Pi Delta—Long, Lilian Hermoine, Route No. 1, Box 196, Cumberland,
Kappa Theta—Louden, Lilian Idelle, 526 N . Vega St., Alhambra, Cal.
Beta Phi—Luke, Frances Elizabeth, Covington, Ind.
Pi—Lyon, Elizabeth Antrim, 1210 Broadway, New Orleans, Va.
Psi—MacMullan, Grace Emma, 328 Lincoln Ave., Lansdowne, Pa
Pi Delta—McCall, Elizabeth Louise, College Park, Md.
Omicron Pi—McCall, Jennette Baldwin, 825 Chicago Blvd., Detroit, Mich.
Upsilon—McCanne, Gertrude Elizabeth, 4509 Eastern Ave., Seattle, Wash.
Tau—McAuley, Alys Mae, 485 Marshall Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Nu—McCIeary, Edith Wallace, 200 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N . Y.
Beta Phi—McFall, Anne Bennett, 1329 S. 8th St., Terre Haute, Ind.
Pi Delta—McFarland, Freida Wiegand, 15 Wine Ave., Hyattsville, M d .
Nu—McGary, Ethel Marguerite, 1050 Morris Ave., New York, N . Y.
Phi—McKelvy, Marjorie, Waterville, Kan.
Nu Omicron—McMurry, Lucy Reid, Guthrie, Ky.
Tau Delta—McReynolds, Elizabeth Carolyn, 532 Cotton Ave., Birming-
ham, Ala.
Xi—McWhorter, Margueret Madge, Blair, Okla.
Chi—Mapes, Dorothy Beatrice, Firthcliffe, N . Y.
Psi—Marsh, Amelia Rosalyn, 1921 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Omega—Martin, Harriet E., 199 Hillier St., Akron, Ohio.
Alphi Phi—Mason, Helen Marian. 413 Breckenridge, Helena, Mont.
Zeta—Mathews, Gladys Opal, Villisca, la.
Theta—Mayes. Miriam Frances, 624 8th St., Columbus, Ind.
Upsilon—Mayrand. Anita, 1816 24 St. N., Seattle, Wash.
Kappa Theta—Medley, Marianne Gill (Mrs. J. W . ) , Box 340, Indio, Calif.
Delta—Melson, Maxine Frcdrika, Hotel Prisament, New York, N . Y.
Zeta—Mercer, Dorothy Pauline, 500 So. 29, Lincoln, Neb.
Kappa—Meredith, Angie, Munroe, La.
Tau Delta—Mcrrell, Esther, 1176 13th St. N., Birmingham, Ala.
Epsilon—Messing. Corrinne Gaskill, 206 Christiana St. N., Tonowanda,
N. Y.
Nu—Meyer, Margaret Holt, Red H i l l Road, New City, N . Y.
Alpha Sigma—Mielke, Dorothy Louise, 630 Knott St., Portland, Ore.
Pi Delta—Miller, Gladys Marie, Westernport, Md.
Kappa Theta—Miller, Martha, 2517 E. 56th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Omega—Miller, Sara C , 304 Orchard Ave., Niles, Ohio.
Sigma—Mills. Marjorie. 2703 Woolsey St., Berkeley, Cal.
Beta Phi—Mobley, Ethel Mae. Summitville, Ind.
Pi—Moffett, Mary W i l f r i d , 509 Bres Ave., Monroe, La.
Pi—Moise, Marian Aline, 56 Audubon Blvd., New Orleans, La.
Xi—Montgomery, Paula, see Tooke.
Tau Delta—Moon, Annie Louise, Jonesboro, Ala.
Upsilon—Moore, Eloise Winifred, Chewelah, Wash.
Zeta—Moore, Margaret, Tecumseh, Neb.
Kappa—Morfit, Sue Hall, 61 Maple Ave., Welch, West Virginia.
Pi—Morgan. Margaret. 112 Prairie St.. Okolona, Miss.
Pi Delta—Morris, Mildred Lee, Salisbury, M d .
Theta—Morrison, Mary Asenath, 128 W . 15th St., Owensboro, Ky.
Alpha Phi—Mosier, Marion Adeline, Whitehall, Mont.
Epsilon—Mount, Frances DeGray, 1112 North Ave., New Rochelle, N . Y.
Xi—Mozley, Dorothy, 809 N . Wagner St., Electra, Tex.
Tau Delta—Mullins, Mildred Gregory, 312 Sarah Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Gamma—Murray, Grace Woolcock, College Ave., Orono. Me.
Tau Delta—Neese, Anna La Page ( M r s . J. M . ) , 1112 6 Court West,
Birmingham, Ala.
Pi—Neville, Ella, McCoomb, Miss.
Tau Delta—Newsom, Catherine, 31st St. & 12th Ave. N., Birmingham,
Omicron Pi—Nix, Dorothy Alice, Utica, N . Y.
Omega—North, Margaret E., 2411 Madison Ave., Norwood, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Norton, Frances Amelia, 2526 La Mothe Ave., Detroit,
Tau Delta—Norton, Lorena, 404 St. Charles St., Birmingham, Ala.
Upsilon—Nunan, Dorothy Mabel, Ketchikan, Alaska.
Tau Delta—Ormand, Marion Irene, Arlington Place West End, Birming-
ham, Ala.
Tau Delta—Ormand, Marjorie Elizabeth, see Rogers.
Kappa Theta—Orr, Lorna Constance, Porterville, Cal.
Pi—Osborne, Helen Elizabeth, 800 East Beach, Gulfport, Miss.
Gamma—Osgood, Constance, 12 Grove St., Bangor, Me.
Iota—O'Shea, Helen Gertrude, Rogers Park Hotel, Chicago, 111.
Tau Delta—Owsley, Harriet Chappell (Mrs. F. L . ) , 6 Vanderbilt Campus,
Nashville, Tenn.
Pi—Packer, Maxine Lanier, 2027 White St., Alexandria, La.
Zeta—Palmer, Ruth Carolina, Holdrege, Neb.
Alpha Phi—Parkin, Mila Margaret, 522 S. 6th St., Bozeman, Mont.
Eta—Patterson, Helen Elizabeth, 3303 Cedar St., Milwaukee. Wis.
Kappa—Paxton, Phoebe Frances, 315 S. Broadway, Greenville, Miss.
Rho—Pearson, Evelyn, 1310 Hood Ave., Chicago, 111.
Omicron Pi—Peckham, Mildred Louise, Lowell, Mich.
Tau Delta—Pegues, Virginia, 1224 31st N., Birmingham, Ala.
Kappa Theta—Pelletier, Josephine, 3938 So. Harvard Blvd., Los Angeles,
Kappa—Pfau, Kathryn, 1359 First St., Louisville, Ky.
Kappa Theta—Pfahler, Mary, 131 N . Gower, Hollywood, Cal.
Eta—Pierce, Florence Elizabeth, 319 Dahl St., Rhinelander, Wis.
Omega—Pohlman, Helen Louise, 830 Five Oaks Ave., Dayton, Ohio.
Kappa Theta—Porter, Mildred Sophia, 139 Romona Drive, Riverside,
Tau—Pratt, Catherine, 1061 Lincoln Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Zeta—Preszler, Alice Gertrude, Bridgewater, So. Dakota.
Tau—Prouty, Alva, 2418 Dupont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Phi—Purcell, Icy Irene, 116 South Star, El Dorado, Kan.
Pi—Quarles Elizabeth Cleveland, 7915 Zimple St., New Orleans, La.
Delta—Quigley, Ida Armstrong. Orchard Hill Farm, Lockhaven, Pa.
Upsilon—Randall Helen Jean, 728 Tillamook St., Portland, Ore.
Theta—Read, Mildred, 302 N . E. 5th St., Washington, Ind.
Kappa—Reed, Mary Elizabeth, 1598 Victoria Ave., Beaumont, Texas.
Chi—Reeve, Alice Sage, 81 W. Franklin Ave., Ridgwood, N . J.
Tau—Regan, Erma Fliehr (Mrs. A. C ) .
Omega—Rehberg, Barbara, Put-in-Bay, Ohio.
Upsilon—Reichert, Marguerite Catherine, 822 24th St., Seattle, Wash.
Eta—Rendigs, Grace Diehl, 213 Campbell, Madison, Wis.
Omega—Rey, Louise, Milford, Ohio.
Kappa—Richardson, Dorothy, Arvonia, Va.
Nu—Richter, Helen, 145 East 111 St., New York, N . Y.
Delta—Rickard, Eleanor Weld, 136 Alpine St., Franklin, Mass.
Iota—Robison, Mary Leslie, Leslie Farms, Pekin, I I I .
Omega—Robson, Rachel Scott, M i l f o r d , Ohio.
Tau Delta—Roebuck, Celia Elizabeth, 830 Green St., Birmingham, Ala.
Tau Delta—Rogers, Marjorie Ormand (Mrs. L . W . ) , Louisville, Ga.
Beta Phi—Rogers, Mary Elizabeth, East 10th St., Bloomington, Ind.
pi—Rogers, Rosa Lorinne, Tupelo, Miss.
Iota—Roll, Hortense, 165 Burr Oak Ave., Blue Island, 111.
Delta—Rooks Frances Elizabeth, 114 Swan St., Methuen, Mass.
Lambda—Russell Alice Rebecca, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—Saling, Angelene Priscilla, 244 So. Edward St., Decatur, 111.
Omicron Pi—Sample, Winifred Elizabeth, 2281 Lothrop Ave., Detroit,
Tau Delta—Sanders, Elsie, Ensley, Ala.
Tau Delta—Saunders, Christine Orme, 4603 5th Ave. S., Birmingham,
Alpha Sigma—Saunders, Vernita, 754 13th Ave. E., Eugene, Ore.
Nu—Schlauch, Helen Mary, 219 Division Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N . J.
Kappa Theta—Schlinkman, Margaret Louise, 550 N . New Hampshire,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Theta—Schmidt, Katherine Elizabeth, 4205 N . Illinois St., Indianapolis,
Epsilon—Schneider, Elsie May, Warsaw, N . Y.
Nu—Scully, Dorothy Winifred, 200 Holmes St., Belleville, N . J.
Phi—Searcy, Gertrude, 204 Second Ave., Leavenworth, Kan.
Phi—Senor, Jessie Marie, 2609 Mitchell Ave., St. Joseph, Mo.
Kappa Theta—Shaffer, Martha Foster, 421 So. Bixel St., Los Angeles,
Nu Omicron—Sharp, Mary Elizabeth, 1908 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Beta Phi—Shaw, Charlotte Maze, 211 E. Sixth St., Bloomington, Ind.
Beta Phi—Sheets, Dorothy Alice, 3930 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Kappa Theta—Shield, Helen Bertha, 4611 So. Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Kappa Theta—Shields, Cecelia Marie, 215 W . 47th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Kappa Theta—Shiplett, Marjorie, Porterville, Cal.
Zeta—Simanek, Edith Christine, Prague, Neb.
Xi—Smika, Agnes Mae, 528 No. Union, Shawnee, Okla.
Upsilon—Smith, Dorothy Louise, 321 No. 76th St., Seattle, Wash.
Phi—Smith, Frances, 201 East 7th, Washington, Kan.
Theta—Smith, Gertrude Louise, Winamac, Ind.
Sigma—Smith, Grace Lillian, 72 Commonwealth Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Sigma—Smith, Marian Maud, 856 Arlington Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Nu Kappa—Smith, Mildred, 4512 St. John's Drive, Dallas, Texas.
Lambda—Sohlinger, Alice Rebecca, 452 Westminister Ave., Los Angeles,
Zeta—Sparks, Sara Lorene, Washington, Kan.
Kappa Theta—Speer, Ethel Springer (Mrs. W . P.), 4163 Monroe St., Holly-
wood, Cal.
Kappa Theta—Springer, Ethel Elizabeth, see Speer.
Iota—Srout, Bethel, 401 E. Daniel St., Champaign, 111.
Tau Delta—Stansell, Annie Sue, Jaspar, Ala.
Zeta—Steele, Winifred Margaret, 1525 A St., Lincoln, Neb.
Psi—Stevenson, Evelyn Virginia, 636 N . 64th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Pi Delta—Stevenson, Kathryn Claire, Mr. Lake Park, M d .
Zeta—Stockman, Marcella Evelyn, Red Cloud, Neb.
Tau Delta—Stokes, Eliza Bouhvare, Route A, Birmingham, Ala.
Phi—Stoops, Avis, Smith Center, Kan.
Omicron Pi—Storke, Susan Summer, Betsy Barbour House, Ann Arbor
Rho—Street, Helen Mildred, 9 N . 10th St., Lafayette, Ind.
Iota—Stroheker, Roberta Bernice, Barry, 111.
Kappa Theta—Swancutt, Florence Maydine, 1331 Lime Ave., Long Beach,
Zeta—Sweet, Mildred Louise, Sargent, Neb.
Pi Delta—Swenk, Elizabeth Roberts, 1330 Irving St. N . W., Washington,
D. C.
Nu Kappa—Sypert, Artie Lee, 718 North Zangs, Dallas, Texas.
Nu Omicron—Tanksley, Corinne Hayes, Franklin Pike, Nashville, Tenn.
Rho—Tarrant, Ruth Marjorie, 7731 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111.
Pi Delta—Taylor, Elizabeth Josephine, 206 Maryland Ave. N . W., Wash-
ington, D. C.
Pi Delta—Taylor, Mabel Clare. Choctaw, Okla.
Eta—Tegtmeyer, Charlotte Frances, 118 So. Mayfield, Chicago, 111.
Tau—Thomas, Miriam Putnam, Wayzata, Minn.
Pi Delta—Thompson, Nova Orr, 229 Lee St., Cumberland, M d .
Rho—Tinley, Dorothy Frances, 3558 Leland Ave., Chicago, 111.
Pi—Tomlinson, Margaret Elizabeth, Gulf port, Miss.
Xi—Tooke, Paula Montgomery (Mrs. J. W . ) , Tulsa, Okla.
Theta—Townsend, Veraline, S. 15th St., Lawrenceville, 111.
Sigma—Toye, Genevieve, 2111 Hyde St., San Francisco, Cal.
Nu Omicron—Turpin, Marianne Redford. 1910 Adelicia Ave., Nashville,
Tau Delta—Tyler, Mary Elizabeth, see Kirk.
Zeta—Uldrich. Hazel Ferne. Tobias, Neb.
Chi—Vance, Cordelia, 601 E. 2nd St., Berwick, Pa.
Lambda—Van Fossen, Elinore, Dunsmirr, Cal.
Eta—Vaughan, Edith Caroline. Amboy, 111.
Chi—Vincent, Ruth Aphia, 40 State St., Batavia, N . Y.
Nu—Wall, Helen Elizabeth. 304 Halsted St., East Orange, N . J.
Pi Delta—Wallace, Sarah Olive, Landover, Md.
Xi—Ward, Alice Catherine, see Friend.
Kappa—Washburn, Julia Alice, Munroe, La.
Kappa—Washburn, Violet, 405 Louisville Ave., Munroe, La.
Phi—Weatherby, Olive, 1017 Indiana St., Lawrence, Kan.
Pi—Webb, Emma Gertrude, 7325 Hampson St., New Orleans, La.
Beta Phi—Wecker, Marjorie Louise, 552 Van Buren, Gary, Ind.
Tau Delta—Weed, Alice, 1006 Crescent Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Omicron Pi—Weiler, Josephine Marie, Romeo, Mich.
Zeta—Weisner, Opal True, Red Cloud, Neb.
Lambda—Welch, Doris A., 415 West Pine, Lodi, Cal.
j a u — W e l c h , Isabel, 30,39 Humboldt Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn.
—West, Vera Faye, Purcell, Okla.
Omicron Pi—Weston, Harriet Lucile, 1430 Washington Heights, Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Omicron—Wheeler, Martha Carolyn, Covington, Tenn.
Omicron Pi—Whipple, Helen Golds, 415 E. Pleasant St., Grand Rapids,
Nu Kappa—Whitaker, Ethel Mae, 4821 Victor, Dallas, Texas.
Gamma—White, Alma Edna, 37 Pleasant St., St. Johnsbury, V t .
Omega—White, Althea 12324 Arlington Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
Kappa—White, Fan Margaret, 803 Guaranty Bank Building, Alexandria,
Kappa Theta—White, Kathryn Mary, 555 Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles,
Alpha Phi—Whitlock, Kathryn Marilla, 1993 Stanford Ave., St. Paul,
Chi—Whitney, Mary Elizabeth, Wadsworth, N . Y.
Zeta—Wiese, Alyce, Standard Realty, Omaha, Neb.
Lambda—Wilbur, Elizabeth La Grange, Box 854, Stanford University,
Eta—Wilcox, Annette, 613 So. 2nd St., Janesville, Wis.
Lambda—Williams, Bernice Marion, 41 5th Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Tau Delta—Williamson. Rebecca Dickerson, 2321 Clarendon, Bessemer,
Kappa—Wilson, Louisa, 115 West 2nd Ave., Gastonia, N . C.
Pi Delta—Winkjer. Thelma Halsan, 1921 Lawrence St. N . E., Washing-
ton, D. C.
Omicron—Witsell, Lila Tew, 1247 Harbert Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
Phi—Wolford, Henrietta, 3941 Roanoke Road, Kansas City, Mo.
Gamma—Wood, Serena, Webster Ave., Bangor, Me.
Epsilon—Worden, Helen Douglas, 82 Chestnut St., Binghamton, N . Y.
Pi Delta—Wright, Nadia Virginia, 4120 Illinois Ave. N . W., Washington,
D. C.
Kappa Theta—Young, Amber Elinor, 2806 Rock Glen Ave.. Eagle Rock,
Sigma—Young, Elizabeth, 404 North Regent St., Stockton. Cal.
Pi—Young, Ethel Chapsky. 1130 Cheste St., Alexandria, La.
The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce has opened a fraternity in-
formation bureau, where any fraternity man can procure information re-
garding his alumni organization in that city.—Key of Kappa Kappa
Gamma; Trident of A A A .
T F YOU LOOK on page 422 of the October number of Scribners magazine
•*• you will find Mary Ellen Chase's latest story, Garments of Praise. Mary
graduated in 1909 from the University of Maine and is a member of
Gamma chapter. A f t e r graduation she taught for several years, then she
went to Bozeman, Montana, for her health. She taught in the Bozeman
high school and helped organize and install Alpha Phi chapter. Two
juvenile books, mountain stories for girls, are the result of her stay in
the West. I n 1917 she came to be University of Minnesota to teach in
the English department and to work towards her M . A. She was chaperon
at the Tau chapter house for three years. Not a few of us remember those
frequent evenings before the fireplace, with Mary reading aloud out of
some one's favorite book. During this time To DRAGMA was published under
her editorship. I n 1922 Mary received the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
from the University of Minnesota, and the next year was made Assistant
Professor of English at that institution, an achievement indeed for a
woman in a large university. During the last few years her stories have
frequently been printed in Harper's, the Atlantic Monthly, and the Pictorial
Rcviciv. A new book is shortly to be released by the Atlantic Monthly
Press. Alpha Omicron Pi has every reason to be proud of Mary's achieve-
ments as a teacher and as a writer.
A NOTHER NEW BOOK to be added to our Alpha O library is Barbara of
Telegraph Hill, by Stella George Stern Perry. A story for girls, Mrs.
Perry's latest book tells of a little girl who was separated f r o m her parents
in the San Francisco Earthquake, of her subsequent life and the final solu-
tion of the mystery of her birth. Older readers as well as younger, will
enjoy the story, a simple and charming bit of narrative. Barbara of Tele-
graph Hill is dedicated to Janet and Georgia Mullan, daughters of Helen
St. Clair Mullan.
Mrs. Perry is a well known writer of fiction. Some of her best known
books are Palmetto, Come Home, The Kind Adventure, and Gift's Nest.
W E HAVE ANOTHER WRITER in our midst, this one a song writer. Mar-
garet Penn White, of Psi and Washington Alumnae, has recently
written a song, Blue Bonnet, which has been having considerable popularity.
Blue Bonnet was sung for the first time over the radio and broadcast from
station W E A F in New York. So tune in for Blue Bonnet, the latest song
hit by an Alpha O.
TT» URTHER ATHLETIC HONORS of Ethel McGary, Nu, are recounted in this
*• clipping from the New York Daily News.
Miss Ethel McGary, Captain of the New York University swimming
team, not yet eighteen years of age, is the holder of more swimming recordsj
than any one woman has held heretofore. During the first part of August,
while competing at the National Woman's Swimming Association Meet in
Detroit, Michigan, she captured the 880-yard swim in the fast time of 12:33,
defeating her closest rival by several lengths. I n the same meet she also
broke the mile record, finishing in 26:33 seconds. She accumulated the
highest number of points in the meet, earning for herself the title of the
All-American Ail-Around Woman Swimming Champion which was formerly
held by Miss Helen Wainright.
Not satisfied with these honors she later entered another meet of the
Association at Long Beach, and took over the title of the Champion Long
Distance Woman Swimmer of America by finishing the three mile course
in one hour and five minutes, shattering all former records.
Miss McGary is also a member of the Women's Collegiate Champion-
ship relay team, which won so many honors for New York University last
year. Although only a Sophomore, Miss McGary is the Captain and Mana-
ger of the Girl's swimming team in New York University, and Secretary of
the League of Women of Washington Square College.
This stellar swimmer is a product of Evander Childs High School, com-
ing here in 1924. She is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority and takes
part in all social activities for women in Washington Square. She has
served as alternate swimmer on the United States Olympic team.
Miss McGary, as Captain of the Women's Swimming team of N . Y. U .
is very anxious to meet any women who have any inclination at all to
make the team.
N. y. Daily Nezvs.
O ! quiet-sleeping hills beneath the haze,
I look in awe and yearning from afar,
You seem to show a path throughout the maze
By pointing high to where a lonely star
Averts, but upward still directs my gaze
And tells me of all lovely things that are.
Reflected at my feet thou art, 'tis true,
Soft-draped in pastel scarf of early eve,
But, up again, and there I see anew,
Unmarrcd by stubbled grain the harvest leave,
Untouched by stagnant pool, thy deepest hue,
Whilst here below thine outline would deceive.
I would that I might keep thee in my sight,
W i t h eyes aloft, that oftener I might see
The stars, the clouds, the trees, the calm of night,
Companions of thine own sublimity;
So might I ne'er my rising vision blight
By bending low, in thought servility.
—Japan Advertiser.
W E TAKE a note from the daily press in this announcement; Vital sta-
tistics: to Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Omicron, at Memphis, Tennes-
see, on November 20. For our first new chapter of this year, this fra-
ternal year, was installed on that date by Josephine S. Pratt, our Grand
Vice-President. And speaking of fraternities and vitality, what is more
important to the vitality and strength of a fraternity than a strong expan-
sion policy. A too rapid growth, of course, is not at all desirable, but
statistics show that Alpha Omicron Pi has not sinned in this respect.
Ultra-conservatism is the other extreme to be avoided. Sometime we will
make for our book a map showing the location of our active and alumnae
chapters, and the dates of installation. A pictorial analysis, we think,
showing up as it will, wide gaps in time between installations and in what
would seem to be extremely favorable fields f o r expansion yet untilled,
will show you more clearly than ever words will do, just what our policy
is, has been, and should be. I n the meantime every Alpha O extends to
Kappa Omicron, our youngest chapter, all the best wishes that could possi-
bly be and a hearty welcome into our sisterhood.
">T-*HE FIRST YEAR is always- the hardest." This old saw, familiar in the
A first chapter of baby books and in the mouths of grandmothers and
other experienced beings, applies to groups of individuals as well as to the
individuals themselves. W i t h babies, germs are first to be guarded against,
and the instructions tell how to sterilize the bottle, boil the milk, and add
a dash of lime juice, or is it water, now and then for varieties' sake. W i t h
new groups, the chief adversary is debt, the germ of disrepute and discon-
tent. An important way for us to make sure that a new group will be
as free from financial obligations as possible is to encourage the presenta-
tion of simple petitions to the Grand Council as against the more elaborate,
impressive, but very expensive ones so often thought necessary. The pres-
ent administration advocates a much simpler form of petition than is
customary. Such a petition can be just as impressive, just as representa-
tive, complete and adequate, as its much more expensive type. A beauti-
fully made up petition does not necessarily mean that a fine group backs
it. Or, i f you prefer the older way of saying it, "Fine feathers do not
make fine birds." (Our figures do seem a little mixed; we began with
babies and now we have switched to birds but we beg you to note that we
are still within the limits of the Animal Kingdom. Anyway some people
are queer birds.) A new chapter unhampered by debt is much more able
to meet the demands made upon it than one saddled with a printing bill
mounting up into the hundreds. Shall we not keep this in mind when our
next petition is presented?
I N THIS ISSUE of our magazine,' three definite alumnae units of our
national work are described, each admirably carrying into the world
the spirit of Alpha Omicron Pi. Several more such units are being planned,
and its is hoped, and expected, that more and more, alumnae chapters will
turn their attention to work of this kind. Nothing is more strengthening
to the internal organization of a group than a common interest in some
one big work, and nothing is more strengthening to the external interests of
a group or a class, and we suppose fraternity women might be called a class,
than some constructive, helpful work f o r those outside that group or class.
In the September To DRAGMA the national work pledge card was printed.
I f you have not filled it out and mailed it to the Grand Vice-President,
please do so at once, for without your help, our national work cannot
progress as it should.
Kappa Delta has pursued a plan believed to be unique among
Greek-letter organizations in financing her Endowment Fund.
For a long period of years, antedating the W o r l d War, the Na-
tional Council has been definitely reserving a portion of the gross
income of the national treasury, as well as that portion of each
life subscription to The Angelos which is shown by statistics
to be requisite for guaranteeing the magazine during the f u l l period
of the member's lifetime. A t the 1923 Convention the National
Council proposed the by-law providing f o r an Endowment Fund,
consisting of the funds so accumulated, aggregating a minimum
of $25,000 at that time, to be administered by a trust company
under the direction of an Endowment Fund Committee, cooper-
ating with the National Council. I t was provided also that the
f u n d should be augmented yearly by the surplus Angelos sub-
scriptions, plus a percentage of the gross yearly income of the
national treasury.
Angelos of K A .
Jewerly Order Notice
The following orders have been sent to L . Balfour Co. but Section C
has not yet reached the Registrar: 1940; 3034; 780; 1766; 1582; 1587; 3615;
3604; 3413; 3625; 3626; 3410; 4094; 2965; 498; 748; 1775; 1239.
W i l l chapter secretaries please check up on these numbers and in case
they are concerned in the orders, or i f any other jewelry orders have been
unduly delayed, communicate with the Registrar as soon as convenient.
Panhellenic House
Mother Knickerbocker has taken another step forward. Her new
address is 17 East 62nd St., New York City. On October first the
Panhellenic headquarters were transferred to three large comfortable club
rooms at this address. Fraternity women are happy to have a good home
but continue to raise one million dollars with which to erect the Pan-
hellenic club house. They are counting on your help.
Chapter Letters
I n the future, chapter material which comes in on odd-sized paper will
be returned to the writers. Active chapter letters, almunae chapter letters
and alumnae notes will be printed only when they are written on the size
paper specified in the Editor's instructions. That size is standard type-
Writer paper, S ^ x l l 1 / ^ . Each person who is responsible f o r chapter
material to To DRAGMA has been sent an instruction sheet. I f you have
not received your copy, it is because your address was reported incorrect,
or your name had never been sent the Grand Secretary, and upon applica-
tion to the Editor a sheet will be sent you. Letters must follow the instruc-
tion sheet as to form.
Fall at last rolled around and found the AOII's justly proud on
Newcomb Pledge Day, September 26. We had a most successful termina-
tion to our 1924-25 rushing season in the form of nine perfectly wonderful
pledges. I simply must introduce them to you and let you know why we
are so proud of them. Now, are you all ready to be impressed? They
are: Rose Chavanne, Marion Moise. Ruby Foster; Gertrude Webb, Ella
Neville, Elizabeth Quarles. Mary Moffet, Cora Heaslip and Maxine Packer.
Ruby Foster is president of the Sophomore Class, sub-editor of the New-
comb Arcade, a member of Mandolin-Guitar Club, and a member of the
Executive Committee of the College. "Betty" Quarles is also a member of
Mandolin-Guitar Club and Mary Moffet is chairman of the A r t Committee
in the dormitory. From now on, we expect great artistic effects in
the dormitory dances and dinner-parties. Cora Heaslip is treasurer of
the Sophomore class and Maxine Parker is a member of the House Coun-
cil in the dormitory.
Of course we had to do something quite different for our pledges, so
we gave a luncheon for them at the Orleans Club, a quite new and
fashionable one on St. Charles Avenue. Our spirits were too soaring to be
in the least affected by the downpour of rain that followed us even to the
football game, which we attended afterwards. We had pledging the night
of the 26th and finished off the evening by enjoying a five-pound box of
candy, sent us by Margaret Lyon, who is to be married on October 21st to
Mr. Parks Brinkley Pedrick.
Helen Bovard, '27, left the Newcomb fold and was married on October
1 to Mr. Robert Morris Franklin. We will surely miss her but. in all due
humility, we wish her just loads of happiness.
Our Grand President, Mrs. McDonald, came down for the Missouri-
Tulane football game on October 3 and lunched with Charlotte Voss, presi-
dent of Pi. We were very glad to have her, even for such a short time.
We are hoping, however, for a more extended visit soon.
We are proud of our new Assistant Cheer Leader, who is no other than
Elizabeth Heaslip, '27, who is also a sub-editor of the Jambalaya, the Tulane
University year book, and Chairman of Campus Night, a Tulane-Newcomb
entertainment occurring about four times a year. Counting in Charlotte
Voss, president of the Senior class, we consider that Pi is very well repre-
sented at Newcomb in important positions, especially since Rosa Rogers
and Dorothy Folse are also members of the House Council.
I t is a pity that Kappa's loss should be Pi's gain, but all's fair in love
and war and transfers. We are so glad to welcome to Pi, Angie Meredith, a
full-fledged AOn, and Pauline Clarke, a pledge, transfers from Kappa.
Pi hopes that all her sister chapters will have as successful a rushing
season as she has had and that they'll be even half as happy as she is.
H O U S E — H O U S E that potent cry is burnt in the thoughts of every
Nu. On September 15 we opened our tiny quarters at 69 Washington
Place. W i t h two girls living at the house and room for a few stay-overs,
we sail forth. We owe a great many "Thank You's" to our good patroness
Pinkney Glantzberg whose priceless kindness has made our home so comfy.
Thanks are also due M r . and Mrs. Schelnin who have labored long with
pillows, drapes, picture-hanging and what-not. Jeanette Engle has also
given us many useful articles of furniture. We hope that all our sisters
who come to New York will now visit us. Perhaps some of the girls
living in the suburbs will fold our "Nook" comfortable to rest in alter
shopping or while waiting for a later appointment. Our telephone number
is Spring 1539.
Now to get back to terra-firma and relate other happenings since our
last letter. Peg Meyer has an adorable bouncing boy. Evelyn Helland
surprised us all with the announcement that she was marrying Louis Sprigg,
of the faculty, on June 11th. Alice Knecht and Julia Tillinghast went to
convention and returned with a great deal of interesting news. Julia took
an extended trip to the Pacific coast before coming home. Our Senior
Luncheon was held at the Hotel Astor on June 13, at which time tiny
tokens of love were tendered our charming graduates, Alice Knecht, who
is teaching in Suffren, New Y o r k ; Gertrude Bennett, now working for
her Masters at Columbia University; Gertrude Hook who is still about
town; Bee Purdy who has gone to teach in the schools of Camden, N . J.;
and Sallie Burger, who with her Masters Degree has left us to teach in the
Settlement School at Pine Mt., Kentucky. Another event at the luncheon
was the announcement of Edna Hawes engagement to A l Ehlers. Three of
our alums have returned to college as members of the faculty, Peg Prochet
and Marg Brown in the History Department and Frances Froatz in the
Physical Education Department. Just before summer school started Mrs.
"Dean" Lough gave " N u " girls a very delightful party at her home in
Pelham Manor. The N . Y. U. Summer School had two of our representa-
tives, Anna Hughes and Helen Schelnin while Dot Scully studied at Rutgers.
Last but far from least is the wonderful record which Ethel McGary made
in the National Swimming Association's and other contests. She is now
National Champion of many events in the aquatic sport. Proud, well you
should watch us exhibit Ethel's picture which appears regularly in the Sun-
day supplements.
We are just in time to tell you of our successful rushing season which
ended today. Our new pledges are: Sarah and Lyna Flowers, Covington;
Virginia Everette, Jackson; Amelia Morison, Knoxville; Elizabeth Car-
ter, Fayetteville; Mildred McKinney, Fayetteville; Frances CoykenHall,
Knoxville; Jane Pcttway, Knoxville; Lucille Coffee, Knoxville; Louise Car-
rington. Collierville; Laura Ramsey Clark, Knoxville; Josephine Wallace,
Knoxville; and Elizabeth Young. Knoxville; making thirteen. We claim it
to be our lucky number f o r we have thirteen ^active members and thirteen
Amelia is Lucy's little sister and Virginia a sister of Melita from Nu
Frances Dean from Kappa helped us out with a rushing party and came
over today f o r nledging.
Ceil Pennybacker was married October 6 to Frank Pettway, S. A. E.
of Knoxville.
Helen Hobson was elected Treasurer of the Sophomore class.
The AOITs ranked second in scholarship last term and we are deter-
mined to win the cup next time.
Kappa has an art gallery. And the first picture, according to its num-
ber in the baedeker of time, is entitled Initiation: We have just initiated
twelve of our last year's pledges and all of us feel duly proud of every
single one. They are just as fine qualitatively as they sound quantitatively
and we are sure that they will lend all they have towards the continuance
of good work.
The next picture is entitled Convention: At our first regular meeting
our delegate, Margaret Jones gave us a very vivid account of her many
experiences she had during the days she spent at Radisson Inn. During
the summer we had been wondering just what did happen at convention
and when the time came for Margaret to tell us all about it. it is needless
to say just how we "lent her our ears." Her descriptions and stories spiced
with humor, evidence that she had seen a broader view of the real work,
made us feel as" though, we had been there ourselves and we enjoyed hear-
ing about it so very much.
Our chapter has decided to make our plan for this year center around
National work. It is our purpose to buy a set of braces for a hospital
in Colorado and by the time exams come around we hope to tell everything
there is to tell about National work—that is, i f teacher asks it.
The next work of art is Teas: I t is an unfinished picture but there
is a clear outline of a fraternity house with girls, wearing A O n pins,
rushing in and out of it. Some are carrying in pieces of tapestry and satin
sofa pillows, while others, attired in knickers, are down on "all fours"
brightening up the much trodden floor. So you see we are all busy getting
ready for our prospective freshmen's arrival. The teas begin Sunday after-
noon, October 11. and we are all a flutter with excitement. We hone to do
well this year, and while we do not feel that we have many "sewed up"
yet the prospects are very encouraging.
We have just given two of our pictures to n chapter, entitled Angie
Meredith and Pauline Clark. I t was with great reluctance that we gave
them up but we are sure that they will look just as fine at n as they did
at Kappa.
When our last letter was written two officers had not been elected.
"Yosa" Winslow was elected college cheer leader and Betty Darling vice-
president of the Sophomore class.
Rush week at Nebraska proved exceptionally successful for Zeta
chapter. Thirteen new members were pledged, including, Zeta Tate Ailing-
ham. Mary Addison, Cornelia Ayres, Zelma Harris, Agnes Hentzen, Gerald-
ine Hiekes. Beatrix Florance, Edvandean Hillyer, Enid Lakeman, Mddred
Stab!, Mildred Saul, Louise Wohlenberg and Dorothy Lewis.
Zeta Tate Allingham has been elected to "Mystic Fish" freshman girls
honorary society; all of the new girls seem to be real all-around girls and
are showing particular interest in campus activity so we feel quite proud
of them.
Edith Simanek, '25, is our new president, successor to Margaret Wat-
son Edwards. '24. Other newly elected officers are: Marie Bowden, vice-
president, Alsamaine King, secretary and Frances Aiken, treasurer.
Nebraska AOII's are looking forward to the time when they will be
able to move into their own home. This year we are situated some distance
from the campus but the lot already purchased for the new house is located
in sorority row only a block from the main campus district. Both active
and alumnae girls have been working to build the house fund. We are
hoping to be able to see the building under real construction early in Febru-
Zeta is particularly well represented on the Nebraska University faculty
this year—Elsie Pheiffer is assistant dean of women; Grace Tohnson. sec-
retary to the dean, Helen Reynolds, instructor in the Spanish department
and Pauline Gellately is assisting in the Dramatic A r t Department.