TheP i p e rAlpha Omicron Pi | October 2016
Xi Rho Chapter (Sonoma State U) poses
for a picture during Formal Recruitment
Preference 2016.
ELC Applications Available
AOII Night Out Information
AOII Foundation Updates... and more!
SAVE THE DATES BFoaorudnMdateiossnage
OCTOBER 3 Koren Phillips
ELC Applications Available
OCTOBER 14 (Phi Chi/U of Chicago)
AOII Scholarship Reader
Applications Due Foundation Board President
AOII Night Out! Click to hear a welcome message from
NOVEMBER 1 Koren Phillips.
Scholarship Applications Dear Sisters,
Available Recently, I’ve been reminded of the
unwavering devotion of Alpha Omicron
1 Pi and the support and opportunities
that we are lucky enough to experience
through our sisterhood. When we pledged
ourselves to AOII, we made the joint
commitment to be there in both good
times and in bad. It is heartening to
witness this promise come to fruition through the AOII Foundation.
Through grants to the Fraternity, we are able to support a portion
of the Educational Leadership Consultant program. I was fortunate
enough to spend time with this outstanding and dynamic group
of young women over the summer, and I know they are making a
wonderful difference in our chapters as they travel throughout the
United States and Canada. This investment in young leaders is a
remarkable commitment to the future success and vibrancy of our
In more challenging recent circumstances, we saw the Ruby Fund
answer the call of our sisters following major natural disasters. We
were reminded of why we refer to the Ruby Fund as the “heart” of
AOII as we responded to requests for support following the flooding
in Louisiana and inquiries from sisters during the wildfires in
California. We are fortunate that our sisters continue to generously
donate to this fund to ensure that we will be able to support AOIIs in
dire need in perpetuity.
I am grateful for the generosity of each and every one of you – and
I am most grateful to steward the precious resources with which
you have entrusted us to continue to fulfill our promises to Alpha
Omicron Pi sisters in the years to come.
My very best wishes for a happy fall season! Enjoy this issue of The
Executive Board Excerpts
Click to hear the message.
Hello sisters and welcome to what is sure to be an amazing fall! It was my pleasure
to join my Executive Board sisters at our International Headquarters in August
for our fall meeting. Along with our staff partners, members of the board spent
the weekend hearing reports and recommendations from our various board
committees, assessing the financial health of the Fraternity, and reviewing our
progress toward the goals outlined in our strategic plan. We were also fortunate to
be joined by John Mountz, an expert in board operations and development.
Some exciting work done by our programs committee with execution by our Susan Bonifield
excellent staff has focused on alumnae engagement. We know that our Fraternity’s
overall health is directly tied to our ability to truly realize the lifetime commitment (Nu Beta/U of Mississippi)
we make when we are initiated. Some ways to ensure that those bonds continue to
grow throughout our lifetimes are to celebrate and create opportunities for sisters International Vice President
to connect. AOII Night Out has become a wonderful way to celebrate our existing
connections. By encouraging AOIIs across North America to post pictures from
their adventures with their sisters on social media, we can all take part in and enjoy
the amazing meals, laughter-filled happy hours or informative museum visits,
among other things. By focusing on our partnerships with the Arthritis Foundation
and Major League Baseball, we have been able to create connections by hosting
receptions prior to Strike Out Arthritis events in several major cities including
New York, Atlanta and Chicago. These events have been a huge success in not only
building these new connections but in raising awareness for our international
I was able to report that, financially, our Fraternity has never been stronger. We continue to outperform our budget
through membership growth and prudent expense management. The close of the Fraternity’s fiscal year brought
about the kick off of the annual external audit, which will provide an assessment of our financial management
practices and internal controls, and the audit committee of the Executive Board looks forward to reviewing the audit
report as soon as it is finalized.
A critical responsibility of the Executive Board is to continually assess our own performance and focus on the
continuous improvement of board operations. We devoted a significant portion of our time together at this meeting
to reviewing the recommendations related to optimal board performance and determining ways in which we could
improve. By always using the Fraternity’s strategic plan as a guide for our work, we will ensure that our focus remains
steadily on those items that will consistently and readily advance the Fraternity.
Finally, following an amazing Leadership Institute, where we were all challenged to Be The Story, it was wonderful
to be able to celebrate the stories of so many of our chapters. Throughout the weekend, we were thrilled to hear
from so many of our collegiate chapters who were celebrating successful recruitments. We were amazed by reports
of record breaking philanthropic events from both our collegiate and alumnae chapters and academic success that
makes each of us proud to wear our letters. Finally, we were excited for the future as we discussed the specific plans
for welcoming five new collegiate chapters to our sisterhood this fall. Thinking about the mutual promises that the
Fraternity and these colony members will make to one another is a fitting reminder of both the obligation and the
privilege that we each have to be a strong and active part in shaping the future of the organization that has shaped
each of us.
With Alpha Love and All of Mine, and on behalf of the AOII Executive Board, I am Susan Bonifield, 2015-2017 2
International Vice President of Finance. Thank you.
AOII Night Out
We are so excited for our next AOII Night Out, Wednesday, October
26, 2016! It has been so much fun watching sisters all over the United
States and Canada celebrating friendship and AOII sisterhood! We
encourage all of our alumnae and collegiate sisters to plan anything
from grabbing a cup of coffee, enjoying happy hour together,
watching a movie, having a play date with your kids or even catching
up over the phone! Connect with your sisters everywhere by posting
your AOII Night Out photos or updates on social media using the
hashtag #AOIINightOut! We hope you will take time on October 26th
to enjoy another fabulous AOII Night Out!
ELC Applications Now Available!
The application is now open for our
2017-18 Alpha Omicron Pi Educational
Leadership Consultant team! Can you
picture yourself working and growing with
a dynamic team of sisters as ambassadors
for the Fraternity? AOII ELCs serve as
liaisons between our collegiate chapters
and International Headquarters through
individualized chapter support and
education. Along the way, our ELCs create
lasting memories and friendships that
make this an exciting opportunity full
of many rewarding experiences! More
details including application instructions,
a position description, responsibilities, and
expectations for the role are accessible on
AOII’s website at www.alphaomicronpi.
Get your application started today!
Review this section to learn about all of AOII’s educational updates and opportunities for personal development. If you
have ideas or suggestions about resources your chapter needs, contact the Education Committee at
[email protected]. Recently Added to the ORL
Leadership Institute 2016 Materials
Elections & Officer including:
Transitions Building the Best You
Own Your Own Time
Are you looking to knock your elections Telling Your AOII Story
and officer transitions out of the ballpark? The Art of Graciousness
Start this "inning" of your Elections
ballgame with an organized and efficient
Nominating Committee. The Caucus
Chairman Training on the ORL lays out the Relevant Workshops for this
duties and responsibilities of the Month:
committee as well as highlights ways to use Year-Round Recruitment
Ritual during elections. Ensure that all your Alcohol Policy
"bases are covered" and review the Elections FAQ and Elections Procedures PowerPoint. If
your chapter is in a "league of their own" and looking to re-structure the leadership
positions, you may benefit from the Small Chapter Structure Preference Sheet. Your VPA Resources in Production
and CP will be "batting a thousand" if they begin now for officer transitions. Before Network Specialist Training
Caucuses, the VPA should share the Outgoing Officer Checklist and review Standards of Digital Footprint Alpha Essential
Excellence with outgoing officers. Don't be a player that "watches from the bleachers" this
year. Be a strong teammate by helping the incoming officers maintain continuity of the
chapter's progress.
Just as eating a balanced diet and getting
AOII Champions Cyb•er Security exercise are important to our health, keeping
Phired Up preaches authentic and • Check and adjust social media privacy our machines clean and owning our online
vulnerable connection with our settings often presence are critical habits in this century.
members and new members. • Only post information and items that The Cyber Awareness conversation does not
Thinking about how this idea of contribute to a positive reputation of have to end in October. Stay tuned for the
connection interplays with social yourself and the Fraternity. release of a new Alpha Essentials about
media and personal safety, maintaining your digital footprint and PR in-a-
AOII has co-branded with the STOP. • Do not reveal personal information, box materials. Mark your calendars: January
THINK. CONNECT.™ campaign, for especially your address, phone 28th is Data Privacy Day.
the month of October. We know number and current location.
our members are sharing photos, How does your collegiate or
texts, emails, and memes all day • Keep your computer programs and alumnae chapter promote
long and probably don't think software up-to-date, including cyber hygiene and positive PR?
twice about what is floating around Internet browsers and anti-virus
in cyberspace. This campaign
brings awareness to all digital • Exert caution when using public Wi-Fi
If you are interested in sharing more of these
educational tips with your chapter, visit https://
citizens and provides tangible ideas The Social Media and Public Relations 4Bempeadritaobfyth#foeClcyloobwnervinAegrwstaahtrieeohnaoshntsaogcs:ial
for staying safer and more secure Policy in the Governing Documents #STOPTHINKCONNECT
online. Sisters, check out these reminds us that we are to be
strategies for protection. ambassadors to the Fraternity's brand.
AOII Foundation News 1 Readers Wanted for the AOII Foundation Scholarship
Want to be an integral part of the AOII Foundation scholarship process?
Consider joining the Scholarship Committee as a Reader. The application
and job description can be found on our website at Applications are due on
October 14!
“I have learned through serving on several scholarship committees and
securing gifts for scholarships that they do make a huge impact for our
students to decide if they can pursue their dreams and obtain their degree.
I became a reader for the AOII Foundation because I have seen first-hand what a scholarship can mean to a
collegiate member. I know a reader is a small role with the Foundation but after meeting the recipients during
Leadership Institute I know that I am helping make a difference in someone’s life! What a way to assist our
collegian women!!” -Aimee Meyers, Gamma Delta, AOII Foundation Scholarship Reader
2 Scholarship Application Available November 1
The Foundation Scholarship Application will be available online on Tuesday, November 1. Diamond
Jubilee Scholarships are available for undergraduate, graduate and returning alumnae; several named
scholarships are also available.
New this year: alumnae who will be attending graduate school part-time are now also eligible for a
scholarship. Visit the Foundation website now at for scholarship criteria and
eligibility information.
Don’t forget to get started early! All applications must be submitted by March 1, 2017. Please contact
Sydney Talley at [email protected] with any questions.
3 Join us for the Global Day of Giving!
It’s almost time to join with other AOII sisters to celebrate
#GivingTuesday—a global day dedicated to giving! On
Tuesday, November 29, we ask that you donate $18.97
to the Loyalty Fund of the AOII Foundation for one
common purpose--to give thanks.
Last year, you gave more than $5,500 towards #GivingTuesday! Help us reach our goal of $7,000 for 2016
by visiting our website on Tuesday, November 29 and making your online donation of $18.97!
4 How to submit your Chapter Donations to the AOII Foundation:
For those of you beginning your SOA! or chapter fundraising event, checks from your chapter event should
be made out to the AOII Foundation and submitted with the event report form or a cover letter stating
the intention of the funds within 30 days. The Foundation will designate the donation to whichever fund
(arthritis, loyalty and scholarship funds, etc.) mentioned on the check memo line or cover letter from
the chapter. Any checks made payable to organizations other than the AOII Foundation (i.e. Arthritis
Foundation) will be returned to the chapter and no credit will be given to the chapter until the check is re-
All chapter donations are appreciated and benefit our sisterhood and arthritis research and programs. The
guidelines above will ensure your chapter receives the credit you deserve for your donation.
Please mail your donation to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
5 5390 Virginia Way
Brentwood, TN 37027
Volunteering for AOII
The Human Resources International Committees
Committee always accepts Human Resources Committee Member
volunteer applications. To Network 1
speak to a member of the Human Resources Ambassador
HRC team about which Network 2
position is right for you, No vacancies
please email Network 3
[email protected]. No vacancies
To complete a volunteer Network 4
application, visit www. No vacancies Network 5
volunteer-opportunities1 No vacancies
and click on the link at the Network 6
bottom of the page. No vacancies
Network 7
The positions listed here No vacancies
are currently open - HRC Network 8
is actively recruiting to No vacancies
fill these vacancies as of
September 1, 2016:
AOII Career Center
Alpha Omicron Pi is proud to launch a career center for all members! This database, accessible through a link
on the AOII website main toolbar ( provides alumnae and collegiate members with a
safe and easy place to:
• search for potential employment
• feature internships or jobs
• upload resumes for employers to view
• find employment positions within AOII
• search for potential employees
Another added bonus to the new career center is our partnership with FinLogic and Lorman Education
to provide resources for continuing professional education for alumnae at a 10% discount!
Join Our JBR Team!
Every AOII Collegiate and Alumnae Chapter is encouraged to be a part of Team AOII National
for the 2016 Jingle Bell Run!
More than 100 JBR events are being held throughout the country in November and December.
AOII has pledged to raise $150,000 from the collective efforts of our chapters and members.
And if an event is not near you, the option to Jingle in Your Jammies allows you to still be on
the team. Visit to find out if there is an event near you.
To Participate in an Event:
If you are starting an AOII team:
• Select either Register One Individual or Register Multiple Individuals w/the same
credit card
• Select Start a Team then select New Team Under Group
• From the drop down box, select Team AOII National Scroll down and type
in your team name and enter your team fundraising goal and participant goal
- Collegiate Example: Team AOII Alpha—Columbia University
- Alumnae Example: Team AOII--Mid Missouri Alumnae
• Select Continue
• Fill out the form and click Continue
If you are joining a team:
• Select either Register One Individual or Register Multiple Individuals w/the same credit card
• Select Join a Team
• From the drop-down box, select Team AOII National and click Select
• If there is an AOII team in your city, the team name will appear, click Join Team to the right of the team you will
be joining.
• Fill out the form and click Continue
If you choose to Jingle In Your Jammies (if there is no nearby event):
1. Register a Jingle in Your Jammies Team for your chapter in the Franklin, TN event
• Select the Franklin, TN Jingle Bell Run at
• Select either Register one Individual or Register Multiple Individuals w/the same credit card
• Select Start a Team then select New Team Under Group
• From the drop down box, select Team AOII National Scroll down and type in your team name and enter
your team fundraising goal and participant goal
- Collegiate Example: Jingle in Your Jammies Xi Rho—Sonoma State Univ.
- Alumnae Example: Jingle in Your Jammies—Kalamazoo Area Alumnae
• Select Continue
• Fill out the form and click Continue
2. Register as individuals on the general Jingle in Your Jammies Team in the Franklin, TN event
• Select the Franklin, TN Jingle Bell Run at
• Select either Register one Individual or Register Multiple Individuals w/the same credit card
• Select Join a Team
• From the drop-down box, select Team AOII National and click Select
• Click Join Team to the right of the AOII Jingle in Your Jammies team
• Fill out the form and select the Jingle in Your Jammies registration fee option, click Continue
Ritual Moments
Spend some time with AOII’s Founders! The Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee
(RT&J) has recorded and developed a monthly podcast series called “Ritual Moments,”
where members can learn, understand and reflect on AOII’s rich history. A new podcast will
be released on the AOII Facebook page on the second Monday of each month. September’s
recording is a “Note from Stella” from 1953. Watch for a new “Ritual Moments” installment
on the second Monday of each month! Members can also access a transcript of each
recording in the Ritual section of the Officer Resource Library on Fulfilling the Promise
( > Officer Recourse Library > Ritual > Ritual Moments & Ritual
Moments Transcripts).
Interested in proposing a revision to
the Constitution and Bylaws?
Each biennium when members of Council meet at Convention*, delegates have the opportunity to consider and vote
on amendments to the Fraternity’s Constitution and Bylaws. The Constitution Interpretation and Revision Committee
(“CIRC”) asks that you, as officers and members of the Fraternity, review the Constitution and Bylaws as presented to
you in The Governing Documents of Alpha Omicron Pi. This document may be found on Fulfilling the Promise in the
Operations tab of the Officer Resource Library. The document also contains the Standing Rules and Book of Policies as
established by the Fraternity’s Executive Board.
Any proposed revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws that you wish to be considered at Convention next year must
be submitted to and received by CIRC no later than November 13, 2016. Pursuant to Title IV, Article II of the Bylaws,
proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws may be submitted by:
• The Fraternity Executive Board
• Any officer or committee if the amendment relates to that office or committee
• Any five members of Council acting jointly (see Article VI of the Constitution for Council composition)
Proposed amendments should be submitted to CIRC via e-mail at [email protected].
Please note that you do not need to submit the actual proposed
amendment. Rather, you can simply raise the problem and describe the
solution you propose. CIRC will work with you to achieve the proper
form and wording for the amendment.
The November 13, 2016, deadline is important as CIRC must have
time to draft, review and edit proposals, and transmit them to the
Executive Board for its position statement. We look forward to your
participation and to receiving your suggestions for the improvement
of our governing documents. Please do not hesitate to e-mail us with
*2017 Convention will take place in Washington, D.C.
NPC Information
Evaluating Recruitment Programming and Rules
For most of us the weather is definitely shifting and days are growing shorter and cooler. The leaves are turning color
and holiday preparations will soon be upon us. This time of year also begins a time of transition for many of our campus
leaders as Panhellenic and chapter elections take place over the next several weeks.
Thoughts should also be turning to the review of your College Panhellenic Association recruitment program in order to
make necessary changes and strengthen what is already in place. The goal is to evaluate, assess and determine the need
of your Panhellenic’s recruitment program through a step-by-step process in order to use the information gathered for
planning the next recruitment.
The College Panhellenic Council should evaluate all aspects of the membership recruitment program immediately after
it concludes. Input from chapter officers, advisors and new members from the recently completed recruitment should be
reviewed and discussed. Also, it is important to determine reasons women withdraw from a fully or partially structured
recruitment. Samples of evaluations for all of these groups may be found in the Resource Information section of the NPC
Manual of Information.
College Panhellenics should evaluate, review and update guidelines and recruitment rules annually using the NPC
recruitment rules and code of ethics templates also found in the Resource Information section of the NPC Manual of
Information. Attachments to the rules should include recruitment dates/event schedule and a list of fines as separate
documents to be updated/voted on annually. Be sure your College Panhellenic Association’s guidelines include only
those statements which are necessary to provide a positive recruitment experience for the women who seek the sorority
experience on your campus.
Additionally, if your Panhellenic Council has not already done so, the following changes should be incorporated into the
recruitment rules:
Automatically Adjusting Total: Total shall be reviewed each academic term -- within 72 hours of bid distribution for the
term during which primary recruitment is held and within one week (no more than 7 days) from the start of the academic
term(s) in which primary recruitment is not held. The adjustment will be to median chapter size unless the Panhellenic
Council adopts an acceptable alternative method according to the NPC Manual of Information. College Panhellenics
may use one of the following methods to determine total: median chapter size, average chapter size or larges chapter size
(recommended for College Panhellenics with three or fewer chapters).
Values-Based Recruitment: All College Panhellenics and their member chapters shall incorporate the following policies
into their membership recruitment programs:
• Focus on conversations between chapter members and potential new members about organizational values and member
• Establish guidelines for membership recruitment budgets and set a cap on membership recruitment expenses, including
the value of all donated goods and services.
• Keep decorations to a minimum and confined to the interior space used for recruitment rounds.
• Determine recruitment event attire for chapter members that reduces \
individual financial burden and eliminates costuming.
• Eliminate gifts, favors, letters and notes for potential new members.
• Eliminate recruitment skits.
The Panhellenic officers, delegates and advisor should work in conjunction with their NPC Area Advisor toward a creative,
rather than restrictive, approach to recruitment.
As a reminder, the recruitment chairmen and advisors from each chapter may participate in the evaluation and make
recommendations for changes to programming and rules, but the Panhellenic Delegates must vote on the recommended
changes during a College Panhellenic meeting. Proposed revisions should be sent to your NS-R and NPC Delegate liaison
for review prior to the chapter and Panhellenic vote.
Did you know that all AOII merchandise must be
purchased through an official, licensed Greek vendor?
The Greek Licensed Product seal is an indicator that companies are an approved
vendor by our partner Affinity Consultants. In collaboration with Affinity, AOII
is committed to raise awareness for our protected trademarks. Affinity has
launched the Official Shopper Program to help protect AOII's trademark and
ensure all products are being purchased through licensed vendors. It's easy to
participate and be rewarded for doing so! Chapters and members
can turn in receipts from any Greek-related purchases from
licensed vendors and earn merchandise credit for future purchases.
The more receipts you submit, the more merchandise credit you
can collect!
For more information visit: or email
[email protected].
Stay Connected:
AOII’s social media outlets are the best way to stay up-to-date on AOII news. From recruitment results
and photos, to Strike Out Arthritis! and other philanthropic events, to notes of congratulations to
exemplary members and chapters for accomplishments and good works in the community, we are
always sharing the latest information. If your chapter has news or photos to share with us, please send
them to [email protected]! Photos to be considered for To Dragma should be sent to
[email protected] and must be 1MB or larger in size. Instagram: @alphaomicronpi