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Special Career Search and Life Planning Issue
With Highlights of Our Upcoming Convention in
Nashville June 30-July 3. . .
Spring, 1979 Vol. LX, No. 7
Published since January, 1905, by Contents 3
ALPHA OMICRON PI What Color Is Your Parachute? 6
FRATERNITY, Inc. What Do You Want to Do? 12
Founded at Barnard College, 13
The Professional Volunteer 13
January 2, 1897 14
Convention in Nashville
Founders TFT
Jessie Wallace Hughan Where Do You Want to Work?
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry A O n Is Everywhere!
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha Who's the Lucky Company?
Chapter at Barnard College of Colum-
bia University and all are deceased. The Reference Shelf
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office ON T H E C O V E R : Deann Halligan, a sophomore
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 member of Alpha Pi chapter at Florida State Univer-
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 sity, introduces this special career search issue by
Telephone: 615-383-1174 catching the essence of the progress A O l i s have
made throughout the years with her cover illustra-
Adminstrative Director: Sue Lewis, tion.
TA, (Rex)
Accountant: Kay Saunders, API
Communications Coordinator: Becky
Montgomery, KU
Office Manager: Jean Ascalese
Shipping Coordinator: Anita Barron
Shipping Clerk: Kim Vaughn, A I
Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins
Traveling Consultants:
Suzanne Colgan, AT
Claire Edgington, AX
Denise Hembree, XA
Leslie Welch, <J>T
Editor: Becky Montgomery, KIT
PI, the official organ of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, is published quarterly by A l -
pha Omicron Pi, Compolith Graphics
and Dixon Publishing Co. Subscrip-
tion price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per
year. Life subscription $25.00. Send
change of address and correspondence
of a business nature to Alpha Omicron
Pi, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103,
Nashville, Tennessee 37212. Address
all editorial communications to the
Editor in care of Central Office, Second
Class Postage paid at Nashville, Ten-
What Color Is Your Parachute?
" I hate to tell you this, but the time i finding the job that is right for you:
to figure out where your parachute 1) Deciding what you want to do, 2)
is, what color it is, and to strap it on, 2W| & Deciding where you want to do it,
is NOW—and not when the voca- and 3) Deciding for w h o m you want
tional airplane that you are pres- • •- to work and finding the person who
ently i n is on fire and diving toward has the power to hire you.
the ground." *The average member of the work force
works 40 hours a week for 50 weeks of You are probably thinking that is
The above quotation is f r o m one the year. Most people work at least one of the craziest ideas you have
of the most respected books on for 10 years (40x50x10 = 20,000 ever heard. Everyone knows that
career development today. What Col- hours . . . ) today w i t h the job market what it is,
or Is Your Parachute? by Richard you have to leave yourself open and
Nelson Bolles is a valuable tool for be w i l l i n g to take whatever you get.
the first time job hunter, the person Right? Wrong! Attitudes like this
re-entering the w o r k force after sev- have led to the unbelievable statistic
eral years' lapse, or the person ready that approximately 80 percent of the
for a career change. But what do working force is UNDERemployed.
parachutes have to do with looking The only difference between under-
for a job? employment and unemployment is
that most people w h o are under-
Just as a parachute is y o u r employed have money to eat w h i l e
security i n an airplane, so your those who are unemployed may not.
goals and skills are your security in Underemployment is the trap into
living a f u l f i l l i n g life. A n d just as w h i c h so many people fall because
you need to know whether your they don't define what they want in
parachute is in working order a career. Underemployed people are
BEFORE you leave the ground, you those who live the majority of their
also need to define your goals and hours in a situation waiting for quit-
your skills . . . BEFORE you begin ting time so they can go home and
the job hunt. Before you graduate do what they really enjoy. For them,
f r o m college, before you leave your a job is just a job. N o challenge, no
present job, before you begin look- satisfaction, no fulfillment.
ing for a job, you need to know what
color your parachute is. When you consider that on the
average it takes as long as nine
In this practical manual for job months to f i n d a job, w h y not use
hunters of all ages and i n all situa- that nine months as an investment
tions, Mr. Bolles explicitly delineates to f i n d the type of career that you
the steps i n the job hunt. It is his really want?
goal to teach you HOW to f i n d a job
that you want and that fits your I n the f o l l o w i n g pages, M r . Bolles'
qualifications. Through his manual, method w i l l be discussed. To really
you learn a skill that w i l l be used benefit from this why not pick up
throughout your lifetime. In this h i s b o o k , What Color Is Your
method (which has been proven Parachute?, at your nearest book-
successful by countless people who store? It's a small investment for
have had the courage and patience what can lead to 20,000 hours* of
to use it), there are three keys to fulfillment and happiness.n
What Do You Want to Do?
If you are a college senior, you have answer, you w i l l be on your way to
f probably heard more times than you
want to remember: "What are you discovering the career that w i l l help
going to do after graduation?" By you realize your dreams and hopes
and utilize your skills.
this point in time in your senior What is involved in deciding what
year, if you do not have some f i r m you want to do? First and foremost,
ideas of what indeed you are going you must realize that it is going to
to be doing after graduation, you are take time. This is not a question that
probably ready to go into hiding. If can be answered after a few minutes
the earth w o u l d be so w i l l i n g to thought. It w i l l take time to really
open up a huge hole, you w o u l d be examine yourself—inside and out —
quite willing to jump into it and to discover what you really want to
come out only when the prospects do. Hand in hand w i t h time is
for doing something with your life motivation. If you still have a year of
are a bit brighter than they are now. school left, or perhaps are just con-
templating a job change and as of
Believe it or not, there is life after yet still have the security of a job,
graduation, and the one person who N O W is the time to begin. If you
holds the key to what type of life wait until your senior year or until
that it is going to be is YOU. Yes, you you are unemployed, the pressure of
are the one in control of deciding needing w o r k w i l l result i n your ac-
what is going to happen after your cepting anything . . . in your
graduation. Unfortunately, for nu- becoming part of that great majority
merous years, the attitude of those of our workers w h o are dissatisfied
involved in career development has and unfulfilled with their work.
been to counsel the job seeker to be
willing to take whatever happens to
come along. A typical approach rec- Another vital element in discover-
ommended to one in search of work ing what you really want to do is
was 1) write a resume 2) send it out deciding your purpose i n life. You
to any and all places that may be i n - need to define what you want to ac-
terested i n you, and 3) diligently complish w i t h your life (goals) and
search the want ads. This method what you have the ability to do
has resulted in the great majority of (skills). You must also decide what
our working force today being em- time frame w i t h i n which you are
ployed in jobs that are below their w o r k i n g and w h o is really i n control
level of qualifications and only of deciding all these things (family,
promise boredom for years to come. friends, you?). The end goal of de-
Considering y o u r alternatives, fining your purpose is to define
why not try a different method? The yourself. Through this thorough self
examination, you seek to f i n d that
first key to this is deciding what you
want to do. It is the most basic step w h i c h is the most vital part of you.
to f i n d i n g the job that is right for You seek to define what you w i l l ac-
you. It is also one of the most diffi- complish w i t h your life.
cult. Deciding what you want to do The final vital element in dis-
requires a lot of thought, work, and covering what you want to do is
dedication. But when you get the having tools w i t h which to work.
Richard Bolles outlines three types can't synthesize this with viable After you have performed some
of tools and suggests several con- career options, perhaps you should or all of these exercises, you need to
crete exercises for using them. These utilize John Holland's The Self- next take the information that you
tools are divided into memories of Directed Search. The SDS is an ex- have learned about yourself, i.e.,
the past, feelings of the present, and tremely useful tool that suggests your basic skills and your goals and
visions of the future. careers that are related to certain to formulate them into patterns that
type of "people-environments." For you can relate to different vocational
For some of you, w o r k i n g example, the SDS first helps you see fields. Various publications can be
through your memories of the past what type of personality to which quite helpful to you. The Dictionary
w i l l be the key to help you see what you are d r a w n (the theory is that of Occupational Titles Vol. I , II, and
you can do with your future. How you are drawn to people with like III. Third Edition: Washington,
do you go about discovering what interests and skills) and then sug- D.C.: Superintendent of Public
has been satisfying and enjoyable gests careers that are compatible Documents, 1965 is an excellent aid.
about your past? One method is to w i t h that type of personality. This is This manual can help you locate
write a diary of your life. Include especially useful for the person who different careers on the basis of
everything of which you can possi- has little or no direction to the field physical demands, working condi-
bly think. A n d don't be afraid to in w h i c h she is interested. However, tions, interest, aptitude, educational
brag a little! What have you done in the Self-Directed Search is only requirements, and vocational prepa-
your lifetime of which you have available to professionals (clergy, ration. Another helpful guide is
been really proud? Why were you counselors, placement officers) from Occupational Outlook Handbook,
proud of that? A big key to dis- Consulting Psychologists Press, 577 Bulletin No. 1700, U.S. Department
covering what you want to do is College Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. If of Labor, Washington, D.C A most
k n o w i n g what you enjoy doing and you are still in school, check w i t h a helpful resource can be your local l i -
what you can do w e l l . . . . so don't counselor in your career develop- brarian. Seek out her or his assist-
be afraid to toot your o w n horn for ment center. If you're out of school, ance in finding resources in your l i -
once! After you have written your check with your minister or perhaps brary. Also, don't hesitate to ask
diary, get a sheet of paper and make a professional career counselor. This friends who are involved in a field
two columns: the first column can be an extremely beneficial exer- in which you have interest for their
should list things that you have cise for helping you define skills and perceptions, ideas, and help.
done in the past that you enjoyed interests.
doing and would like to do in your Sound like a lot of hard work? It
future and the second should list If neither working through past is. However, if you think that find-
things in your past that you did not or present experiences seem to be ing a career that is challenging,
enjoy and do not want to be a part of valuable exercises to you, then an motivating, and fulfilling is a w o r t h -
your future. Also pull out of your exercise dealing w i t h the future w i l l while endeavor, don't shy away
diary those skills which you used be of interest. A most helpful exer- from some hard work. This method
well and enjoyed. Put them in your cise i n this area is to complete this has worked for countless people.
first column and underline twice. statement: "Before I die, I want to Why don't you join their ranks?n
When you are all finished, you accomplish:" The key to performing
should be able to go through the this exercise is focusing on what you
first column and select f r o m ten to wish to achieve. In this list, you
five (but not less than five) skills should include things you have
which you have enjoyed using in already done as well as things that
the past and used well. Rank order you wish to do. When you are
these from top to bottom, and you finished w i t h your list, get another
will have completed a most impor- sheet of paper and put two different
tant step in your career search by columns—one should be labeled
defining skills that you possess. "things that I have already accom-
plished" and the other should be
If you prefer not to work with the labeled "things that I wish to ac-
past but would rather focus on the complish." From this exercise you
present, there are several exercises should glean your goals and dreams
for you to use. One of these is a quite for your life . . . a most important
simple question to be answered: " I f step in deciding what you are going
you could have any job in the world, to do vocationally. This exercise can
what would it be?" Don't worry be ongoing, also. W h y not save your
about what you can do but rather list of what you wish to accomplish
concentrate on what you want to and as you accomplish a goal, strike
do. Remember you are striving to it off your list? Also, you will un-
f i n d that career that w i l l be most doubtedly formulate new goals and
fulfilling and satisfying for you. dreams, add them to your list. By
Don't be afraid to let your imagina- continuing this, you keep a constant
tion r u n free. If you are at the point check on not only your aspirations
of knowing what you enjoy and but also your progress.
what skills you possess, but you
The Professional Volunteer
Have you ever considered becoming a professional volunteer? This area has a multitude of possibilities for women who are
searching for fulfilling careers. This is an especially good area for women who still have family obligations such that they can
only work part-time.
The key to finding fulfillment in being a professional volunteer lies with the individual involved. First of all, you must believe
that what you are doing is an important and vital service (which it is), and secondly, you must not be bogged down by the belief
that a symbol of a PROFESSIONAL career is a paycheck (which it isn't!) Professionalism is not a specific job label such as doctor,
lawyer, or teacher. Professionalism is a combination of actions and attitude. If you believe in what you are doing, strive for excel-
lence in each task that you perform, treat others in a manner that shows respect for both them and yourself, and serve as a credit to
your occupation through your actions and attitude, then you are a professional.
The professional volunteer is a vital lifeforce in our Fraternity as well as in other fraternities. To DRAGMA has gratefully ac-
cepted the opportunity to reprint the article, "The Professional Volunteer" which originally appeared in the 1978 Summer issue
of The Aglaia of Phi Mu. The author, Mrs. Adele Williamson, is a member of Phi Mu and current chairman of the National Pan-
hellenic Conference.
W A N T E D : Professional in the field and make important decisions daily. nity movement and a trademark of
of law, money management, public These women are professionals, but the system.
relations, public affairs, program they make up only a small part of
planning and career development. the world of professionals. The volunteer as a professional
Must often work week-ends and has taken on new dimensions. Look
over-time. Must work out of home. For those of us who have worked for a moment beyond our own
Occasional travel required. No sal- with the fraternity movement over sorority and think about the net-
ary available. the years, we realize the profes- w o r k of volunteers w h o serve as na-
sional volunteer is an integral and tional council members, collegiate
What if this advertisement were to vital part of our organizations. advisers, alumnae chapter members
appear in the classified section of Many of these professional volun- and house corporation advisers to
our daily newspapers? We'd proba- teers are career women w h o take the 26 NPC groups. Incredible, isn't
bly think it was a misprint or maybe time from their jobs to devote their it? There are actually hundreds of
even a joke. We'd probably all expertise and talents to all areas of thousands of women providing
wonder who in their right mind the fraternity. guidance and experise i n every facet
would answer such an ad. The truth of the fraternity. What w o u l d these
is, that while the ad has never actu- Still others make their offices in services cost the fraternity system if
ally appeared, thousands of women their home, in the den or maybe a these women were not 'volunteers'?
have been answering it for years. corner of the kitchen table. Their What if these 'volunteers' were paid
They are the dedicated "professional busy days are often filled w i t h com- extra for the hours they spend visit-
volunteers" who provide their ex- munity interests, family needs and ing chapters, traveling, attending
pertise and time to the 26 National their o w n interests. Their business leadership training and making
Panhellenic Conference Sororities. phone is their home phone, and phone calls?
their paychecks come in the form of
The dictionary defines a "profes- the satisfaction at seeing their frater- It's plain to see that sororities
sional" as someone having great nity's accomplishments. Their skills, would find it almost impossible to
skill or experience in a particular their experience, their loyalty and exist without our professional
field of activity. I n a w o r l d that is i n - their excellence in service all mark volunteers. A n d if the sororities
creasingly becoming more business them as true professionals. could exist, they would prove out of
oriented and specialized, we often reach financially for most college
think of professional women as We are a unique organization. We women. Without their tireless
those confident career-oriented operate with a combination profes- efforts, enthusiasm and dedication,
women i n their three piece suits sional volunteer and paid staff. But most of us would never have
who sit behind large corporate desks for the paid staff members we have, adopted a creed and set of values to
thousands of volunteers. This guide us through our lives.D
6 volunteerism is as old as the frater-
Opryland Hotel
Nashville, Tennessee
June 3 0 - J u l y 4, 1979
(1) Please complete all parts of this form, including the Remittance Form. Type or p r i n t clearly.
(2) Enclose check for the amount indicated on the Remittance Form.
(3) Mail completed form and check to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nashville,
TN 37212.
(4) The deadline for registration is June 8. We cannot guarantee a room at the hotel after that date. S H O U L D A C A N -
C E L L A T I O N BE N E C E S S A R Y , R E G I S T R A T I O N F E E I S R E F U N D A B L E O N L Y U P T O JUNE 15, A N D R O O M
Name in full Part I (First) (Maiden) (Husband's)
Street Address (Last)
City State Zip. Tel. #
I n case of emergency, contact Tel. #
(Include area code)
Collegiate Chapter and year . Collegian FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
Check all that apply to you: Alumna
Fee Pd.
Official Delegate Trans. Form Rec'd.
Non-delegate Incomplete letter sent
Corporation Pres. Conv. Info. Sent
Your A O n Region
Position held as Delegate (Include chapter represented:)
Name in full. Part II (First) (Maiden) (Husband's)
Street Address (Last)
City State Zip Collegiate Chapter and Year
Number of Conventions previously attended
Check all that apply to you:
Official Delegate, representing
Non-delegate (Include chapter and position)
Corporation Pres. I am a: _ smoker I prefer a smoking
Collegian roomate does not matter
Alumna _ non-smoker;
Roomate preference (Non-delegates only)
Roomate Assignment (LEAVE BLANK) _
N O T E : Roomates w i l l be assigned for Collegiate Presidents, Alumnae Chapter Presidents, Chapter Advisers, Interna-
tional and Regional Officers. No official delegate may stay w i t h family members during Convention. Hotel Reserva-
tions for days other than Convention must be scheduled directly w i t h Opryland Hotel (2800 Opryland Drive, Nash-
ville, T N 37214, (615) 889-1000) and w i l l require an additional room charge as a personal expense.
REGISTRATION FEE: (NOTE: This fee is the personal responsibility of
delegates and non-delegates. Includes tickets to Grand Ole Opry.) $45.
u n t i l May 1; $50. May 1—June 8. Registrations after June 8 cannot be
D a i l y Registration Fee (Does not include Grand Ole O p r y Ticket)
Number of days at $10. per day.
R O O M A N D BOARD FOR TOTAL C O N V E N T I O N (Non-delegates) at $210.
Single Room at an additional cost of $60.
Meals for those not paying for entire Convention
(Check meals desired)
June 30 July 2
Panhellenic Lunch at $9.
Opening Banquet at $15. Colligiate Banquet at $15.
July 1 June 3
Lunch at $6. Lunch at $9.
Alumnae Banquet at $15. *Rose Banquet at $22.
TOTAL A M O U N T OF CHECK ENCLOSED (Make check payable to Alpha
Omicron Pi)
includes Convention Gift
Convention in Nashville
In just t w o short months, we w i l l be WORKSHOPS last summer has resulted i n more
meeting in Nashville for what leadership training sessions being
promises to be the most exciting The workshops planned for both planned for Convention. Collegiate
Convention in our history! On the delegates and non-delegates are re- chapter presidents can also look for-
previous page, a registration blank flective of the development of the ward to sessions on rush, pledge
is provided for your use. Fill it out Fraternity. Like officer workshops and fraternity education, scholar-
today so you are sure to reserve w i l l be held for collegiate chapter ship, probations and suspensions,
your place at the Opryland hotel in presidents, chapter advisers, and finances, and our ritual. Alumnae
Nashville for Convention '79. Also, alumnae chapter presidents as well chapter presidents can look forward
at the end of this Convention section as many others. Through like officer to learning more about membership
is the transportation f o r m that needs workshops, you will have the information forms, ritual, extension,
to be completed and returned to opportunity to share ideas and con- and Central Office. These are but
Central Office. cerns with women who hold the some of the exciting workshop ideas
same office as you throughout the being planned for Convention. Be
Why is this Convention going to world of AOn. ready to share your ideas and learn
be so exciting? Our Fraternity is at a new ones!
vital point in its development. Deci- In addition to sharing ideas and
sions that are made at this Conven- concerns, you w i l l also be provided Two of the Convention seminars
tion will have long reaching effects. w i t h vital training sessions i n areas are "first timers" for us. One of the
None will want to miss this oppor- w h i c h w i l l be beneficial to all. The very exciting workshops planned is
tunity to watch our Fraternity in great response to the leadership a career development workshop
action. Below some of the highlights training held at Regional Meetings based on premises similar to those
of Convention are discussed: in this issue of TO D R A G M A . This
workshop w i l l be one that both skirt and blouse if you are to be NASHVILLE
alumnae and collegians will want to either a participant or spectator i n
attend. The skill of learning to plan ritual. During the day for workshop Nashville is an exciting city in
and select your career is most i m - or business sessions, dresses, sepa- which to have Convention. A city of
portant and is one in w h i c h Alpha rates, or pantsuits are appropriate. many personalities, it is "the
Omicron Pi takes great pride i n You will need formals. for both cultural capital, the country music
helping to develop. Saturday and Tuesday evenings. capital, and the state capital of Ten-
The other evenings you w i l l need nessee." Convention-goers w i l l be
Also, for the non-delegates a either a cocktail dress or dressy in for an extra treat as part of your
workshop on the topic of the re- pantsuit. You may also want to Registration Fee includes a ticket to
sponsible use of alcohol is being bring a sweater or light jacket for the Grand Ole Opry. Sunday after-
planned. The Fraternity sees a need during the day since the rooms are noon the entire Convention w i l l be
for alcohol education and is striving air conditioned. Bathing suits attending the matinee performance.
to meet that need through the devel- should also be brought for those
opment of an alcohol awareness wishing to swim. Other famous sites in Nashville
program on the international level. include the Country Music Hall of
Share in the experience of being one Make room in your suitcase for Fame, Cheekwood- Botanical Gar-
of the first to benefit from a new and notebook, pen, and paper. Also, dens and A r t Center, and the
vital program of the Fraternity. plan on expenses for breakfast, Parthenon of Centenniel Park. The
transportation to the Grand Ole Parthenon (featured on the cover of
Finally, for our non-delegates, Opry, and of course souvenirs from the fall TO DRAGMA) is an exact
workshops on chapter relations and the "AOn Country Store!" replica of the ancient Greek
on ritual are planned. Both of these Parthenon. Nashville's Parthenon
areas are so important to the smooth Ill was built as the center of Nashville's
functioning of chapters and the re- celebration of the U.S. Centennial in
alization of our sisterhood in Alpha 1876.
Omicron Pi. Insights into both of
these areas w i l l be something to look Nashville, a city of many per-
f o r w a r d to as you anticipate Con- sonalities, many interests, and now
vention '79 in Nashville. the site for " A O n Country," Con-
vention '79 offers much for Conven-
BUSINESS 'A/ \ tion-goers to do and see.
The Convention Call w i l l be sent CONVENTION
to delegates this spring. I n the Call, TOURS
notice of all the proposed changes in
our Constitution and By-laws will After Convention, the perfect
be given. It is most important that ending to a fantastic time w o u l d be
all delegates read this carefully. This to take part in a post convention
should be discussed by all chapters tour w i t h some of your new-made
so that the delegates w i l l be able to friends. Details of these tours can be
truly represent their chapters. found in the winter TO DRAGMA,
but to refresh your memory, these
Copies of the Call w i l l be available are the tours being offered to our
for our non-delegates at the Reg- Convention-goers by Trademark
istration Desk. Business sessions are Travel:
just as exciting and impressive for
non-delegates as delegates. The L Jack Daniel's Distillery—July 4
opportunity to see our Fraternity i n 2. 3 night cruise to the Baha-
action is one of which everyone
should take advantage. Your oppor- mas—July 6-9
tunity is now . . . join us i n Nash- 3. Bus trip to NASA—July 4.
ville this summer and observe the 4. Disney W o r l d - J u l y 4-7
democratic process that is such an 5. G a t l i n b u r g / G r e a t S m o k i e
important part of our heritage.
Mountains—July 4-5
Your registration for a post conven-
What you should bring to Con- tion tour can be made by filling out
vention is always a big question. As the form on the next page.n
far as clothes, be sure and bring a
street length white dress or white 9
Transportation arrangements for the 1979 Convention are being handled by Trademark Travel, Inc. of Nashville. By
making travel arrangements for A L L of our Convention-goers, Trademark Travel w i l l be able to secure for AOn the
most economical fares possible, arranging charters wherever the numbers make it possible. Therefore, A L L delegates
A N D non-delegates NOT DRIVING to Convention are requested to make their plane reservations through Trade-
mark Travel, Inc. by completing this form and sending it along w i t h your Registration Form to: Alpha Omicron Pi
Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103, Nashville, T N 37212. Your plane ticket w i l l be mailed to you approx-
imately one month prior to Convention. If you have not received your ticket by Monday, June 11, contact Trademark
Travel directly at (615/244-9325.)
IF A L P H A O M I C R O N PI (National) IS P R O V I D I N G YOUR T R A N S P O R T A T I O N :
Transportation is provided to and f r o m home address. If you are traveling to and/or f r o m other destination, you are
personally responsible for any additional travel cost for your ticket. If you are driving to Convention, A O I l w i l l send
you a check for 15C per mile, not to exceed air coach fare.
Name (Please Print)
(City, State, Zip Code)
Preferred Departure Date and Time to Convention
Preferred Departure Date and Time from Convention
If driving, your mileage w i l l be f r o m to Nashville
Delegate Status —
(Include chapter you are representing)
Preferred Departure Date and Time to Convention
Preferred Departure Date and Time from Convention
Transportation costs may be charged or billed f r o m Trademark Travel directly.
Credit Card
.American Express Card Number
.Diners' Club Card Number.
.Master Charge Card Number. MC—4 digit interbank #_
.Visa Card Number.
Full Name on card Expiration Date
Please bill m y transportation to: Please send my ticket to:
(Name) (Name)
(Street Address) (Street Address)
(City, State, Zip Code) (City, State, Zip Code)
Trademark Travel, Inc.
Suite 130 • No. 1 Trademark Square • 220 Great Circle Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37228 • (615)244-9325
The time for our National Convention is drawing near. N o w is the time to select our post convention activities. A p -
proximate cost appear i n parentheses. Please indicate your FINAL RESERVATIONS preference f r o m the below listed
(1) Bus trip to Gatlinburg & Smokey Mountains ($45/person) July 4 and 5
(2) A three night cruise to the Bahamas ($450/person) July 6-9
(3) A visit to the NASA facility i n Huntsville ($20/person) July 4
(4) A group visit to Disney W o r l d ($700/person) July 4, 5, 6, and 7
(5) Barbecue at Jack Daniels i n Lynchburg, T n . ($12.50/person) on July 4th
(6) A day at the races at Churchill Downs ($15/person) July 5
(7) Camping i n immediate area
(8) Other (your suggestion)
Included in the above are:
(1) Round-trip bus transportation to Gatlinburg and overnight hotel accommodations, departure at close of conven-
(2) Round-trip airfare and three night cruise, port taxes & transfers.
(3) Round-trip bus transportation to Huntsville for one day.
(4) Round-trip airfare, accommodations for three nights, admission and Magic Kingdom Theme Park ticket book for
16 attractions.
(5) Bus transportation to Lynchburg and Barbecue.
(6) Round-trip bus transportation to Louisville and general admission to Churchill Downs.
For Disney World or the Cruise, please send a $50.00 refundable deposit. Further information w i l l be provided when
you return your ballot.
NAME Chapter you represent
City State Zip
Phone Number—Area Code ( Non-Delegate
W i l l your family be attending post convention tours? Yes No
If so, how many?
Where 9
Do You
Want to
The second biggest question in your Yes, I d i d say researching. After tered that you want to know more
career search is: "where do you you have direction in your occupa- about the company. When you do
want to w o r k ? " This, too, is in your tional pursuits, it is time to begin talk w i t h people at this stage, re-
control. Contrary to popular belief, thoroughly researching different member that you are not the
it is not necessarily an asset to be fields and eventually different em- INTERVIEWEE. You are just look-
willing to relocate anywhere in the ployers who you feel offer the ing for more knowledge about the
country. This attitude often goes employment that could lead to a company. Relax, know what you
hand-in-hand with the attitude that fulfilling career for you. A good want to ask, and ask it.
you w i l l take any job. With this at- place to start is the library. Do some
titude, the danger of falling into reading on different fields that inter- If you are looking for a position in
underemployment is high. If y o u est you. When you find the field that another city, you still need to
end up with a job that you love, but you want to pursue, begin to seek thoroughly research companies that
are in a city that you hate, chances out friends, relatives, acquaintances interest you. Use your local library
for your finding self fulfillment are who are involved in that field. Don't sources, write the chamber of com-
slim. hesitate to ask people about their merce, and f i n d out if there is an
work. Most people w i l l be flattered A O n alumnae chapter in the area.
As Richard Bolles says, "Career at your sincere interest. Most likely these women could give
and life planning deal with all twen- you much information about the
ty-four hours." In selecting a geo- Then, narrow it down even more. area and perhaps the companies i n
graphic site, you must therefore Select specific companies (this term which you are interested. You really
consider not only your vocational is being used broadly to encompass do need to visit the area at one time
interests, but also what you want to all potential employers) in which or another before you make a final
do the other hours of the day. Con- you are especially interested. Find decision. Try to plan a vacation
sider what social and civic organiza- out all that you can about them. there or perhaps attend a conven-
tions i n w h i c h you w o u l d like to be Again, the library is a good source. tion i n the area. Just be sure that you
involved. Consider how you're The chamber of commerce may be survey the area i n person. Remem-
going to meet new friends. You also another good source. Friends, rela- ber the investment y o u w i l l be mak-
should consider the cost of living i n tives, and people employed in the ing can make the difference between
areas i n w h i c h y o u are interested, company itself are valuable sources. 20,000 hours (at least) of fulfillment
regional characteristics, and the cli- Now is the time to also talk to peo- or 20,000 hours of misery.
mate. In other words, you should ple involved in the high ranks of the
carefully think through what you company . . . for information. Re- Where you live is indeed i n your
want and need i n the place where member you are not looking for a control if you are w i l l i n g to accept
you live. job at this point, but you are just the responsibility. Again, as i n the
seeking information. Chances are first step, you may f i n d this to be a
Some of you do not have the that a high officer in the company lot of work, but the rewards in the
option to relocate due to family w o u l d be more than happy to talk end are very worthwhile. Take the
obligations or some of you may not w i t h you. Most likely he w i l l be flat- time, make the effort. You owe it to
have the desire to relocate. Don't yourself.D
feel that you can not find a satisfy-
ing and rewarding career because of
your unwillingness to move. Stay-
ing where you are is just as an i m -
portant and viable a decision as is
relocation. I n fact, you probably
have an advantage over the woman
who decides to relocate because you
can do all of your researching right
on the spot.
A O n Is Everywhere
If relocation is i n your career plans, District of Columbia, Virginia, Manitoba, North Dakota, South
don't hesitate to contact the alum-
nae chapter that is located in the city and West Virginia. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa,
where you wish to live. If you are
unsure of the alumnae chapter near Barbara Zolnierczak, BI1, 29165 Missouri.
you, contact the Regional Extension
Officer w h o is in charge of the state Hayes #10, Warren, M I 48093. Elaine Pruett Smith (Richard), I A,
in w h i c h you w i l l be living. She can
give you the names of alumnae who 313/776-9502-Region II: Minne- 3759 Heron, Pocatello, I D 83201.
w i l l be living near you. Our Re-
gional Extension Officers and their sota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and 208/237-1462-Region VI: British
area of jurisdiction are:
Ohio. Columbia, Alberta, Saskatche-
Bunny Quayle Baker (Mark), A T ,
1019 Swinks M i l l Rd., McLean, Pat Hardy (James), Tl, 3465 Some- wan, Washington, Montana, Ore-
VA 22101. 703/356-5214-Region rset Trail, Atlanta, GA 30331. 404/ gon, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska.
I : Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia,
Maine, Vermont, New Hamp- 344-2091—Region I I I : Tennessee, Barbara Owens Kramer (Raymond),
shire, Massachusetts, New York,
Connecticut, N e w Jersey, Penn- North Carolina, South Carolina, Bd>, 7516 Chattington Dr., Dallas,
sylvania, Maryland, Delaware,
Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, TX 75240. 214/233-6495-Region
Florida. VII: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisi-
Dea Beck (James), X A , 10922 ana, Texas.
Williamsburg C t , Newburg, I N Jean Hiler Maroder (Edmond C ) , A ,
47630. 8 1 2 / 8 5 3 - 9 1 9 4 - R e g i o n I V 750 Seale Ave., Palo Alto, C A
Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky 94303. 415/327-3230-Region
Jayne Hager Dee (Eric), I I , 106 3rd VIII: California, Nevada, Arizona,
St., NE, State Center, I A 50247. Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Ha-
515/483-2576 -Region V: waii.
Who's the Lucky Company?
You are now ready to decide for in the world to get an interview the actual interview at this point
what companies you would really w i t h a company that most likely is and no mention has been made of
like to work. If you have conscien- not actively recruiting. Richard resumes, the supposed key that
tiously completed the first t w o steps Bolles says that nine times out of ten opens every door. If you follow this
of this process, you should be ready a company president (or whoever method, chances are that you won't
to make this decision. If you didn't, you have discovered has the power ever need a resume. (When you con-
you probably are going to find it to hire you) w i l l be w i l l i n g to see sider that the odds that anyone will
necessary to backtrack and do some you becaue you are coming to them follow-up on your resume range
more preliminary work. on the premise: " I have something f r o m one i n 36 to one 1188, it may
to offer you to help you meet the make you stop and think if resumes
Again, it is vitally important that needs of your company." Most are worth the time or the bother . . . )
you thoroughly research an or- interviewers are as wary of the Elsewhere i n this issue are a few ba-
ganization before making the deci- interview situation as the inter- sic hints on resume w r i t i n g for those
sion to interview w i t h them. This is viewee according to Bolles. So the of you who feel that you still may
important for two reasons. One, key is to do your homework and need one. There are also some more
there is no reason to waste your know what the company needs and in-depth tips on interviewing. How-
time or the company's time if you explain w h y you can do what needs ever, the most important thing to re-
are not pretty certain that you to be done. Besides this fact, getting member about interviewing is that
w o u l d like to w o r k for it. Besides if an interview should not be so hard nothing will insure a strong, im-
you don't do you homework well, because in all of your preliminary pressive interview better than
you're not going to be ready for the research you probably talked with thoroughly doing your home-
interview and your chances of being the person w h o is the interviewer or work.O
hired w i l l be much less if you inter- at least someone w h o can refer you.
view poorly.
Little mention has been given to
You are probably wondering how
The Reference Shelf: Tips,
The Resume The Interview: What Prospective
Employers Want to Know
The only real consensus on resu-
me writing is that there are 1. Why Are You Here?
indeed several schools of thought The only way to know the can answer it from what
on how to write an effective resu- answer to this question is you have learned in the
me! However, there are several to thoroughly do your interview, do so. If you
basic points that most people homework. If you have, really don't know the an-
endorse: you will be confident in swer, it would be better to
knowing that you are at admit that than to make
L Type your resume and the interview because you yourself look foolish.
make sure it is neatly are impressed with the 3 How Much Are You Going
spaced. Have it reproduced company and what they to Cost Me?
professionally as opposed do. If you haven't done
to photocopying. your homework, you're It is important that you are
not going to know why ready for this question.
2. Separate your w o r k , you're at the interview and Check out resources in the
school, and community the interviewer will soon library to get at least a
activities. know that, too. ballpark figure for the in-
dustry. Also, the profes-
3. Limit your resume to one 2. What Can You Do for Me? sional association to which
page. This answer will be a com- the company belongs can
b i n a t i o n of h a v i n g be of help. Remember you
4. Use short concise phrases thoroughly researched the can underprice yourself
rather than sentences. organization and listening out of position just as you
closely to all that the inter- can overprice yourself out
5. Make sure you cover these viewer says. You can pick of position. If you don't
areas: who you are, what up keys from what he/she value your services at a fair
your skills are, and what tells you. If you are asked a price, a company may
you want to do. question that you have not q u e s t i o n y o u r r e a l
done prior research on, but qualifications.
How to Go to Work When Your Hus- No Experience Necessary: A Guide to So You Want to Go Back to School
band Is Against It, Your Children Employment for the Female Liberal
Aren't Old Enough, And There's Arts Graduate Elinor Leiz and Marjorie Hansen
Nothing You Can Do Anyway Shaevitz. New York: McGraw-
By Sande Friedman and Lois C. H i l l , Inc. A realistic look at what is
By Felice N. Schwartz, Margaret H . Schwartz. Dell Publishing Co. The involved in returning to the class-
Schifter, and Susan S. Gillotti. experience of two 1957 graduates room. An excellent guide for any
New York: Simon and Schuster. A in the working area. Information woman considering continuing her
guide to the full-time homemaker on job opportunities in 14 different education.
who needs direction in deciding fields for the liberal arts graduate.
what she can do to make her life
more fulfilling.
Books, and Agencies
If this whole idea of career search Center for Continuing Education for Service, University of Missouri,
sounds somewhat overwhelming, Women, T-9 Building, Berkeley, CA Kansas City, 5325 Rockhill Road,
you may want some help. Although 94704, 415/642-4786; Denver- Kansas City, M O 64110, 816/276-
it is best that the career search be Women's Resource Center, 1545 1442; Career Counseling for Wom-
done by Y O U w i t h lots of assistance Tremont Place, Denver, CO 80202, en, Box 372, Huntington, NY 11743,
and moral support from family and 303/222-0870; University of Con- 516-421-1948; Syracuse University/
friends, there are organizations that necticut, Continuing Education for University College, Women's Center
you can turn to for help. Richard Women, U-56W, Storrs, CT 06268, for Continuing Education, 610 East
Bolles cautions to be aware of those 203/486-3441; University of Dela- Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13202,
who sell the "numbers game," i.e., ware, Division of Continuing Edu- 315/423-3294; Duke University,
sending your resume to organiza- cation, Clayton Hall, Newark, DE Center for Career Development and
tion after organization with no 19711, 302/738-8432; George Wash- Continuing Education, Durham,
knowledge of that organization— ington University, Continuing Edu- NC 27708, 919/684-6259; Salem
only the blind hope that your resu- cation for Women, 2130 H Street, College, Lifespan Counseling Center
me be the one out of 36 (or 1188) N.W., Washington, D . C 20006, 202/ for Women, Lehman Hall, Box
that is not filed in the trashcan. Re- 676-7036; Council for Continuing 10548, Salem Station, Winston-
member, you are the one in charge Education for Women of Central Salem, NC 27108, 919/723-7961;
of deciding what you want to do Florida, Inc., Valencia Community Ohio State University, Women's
w i t h your life. It is an important College, Downtown, 1 West Church Programs—Division of Continuing
decision; i n seeking assistance, Street, Third Floor, Orlando, FL Education, 1800 Cannon Drive, Co-
make sure that you really are not 32801, 305/423-4813; The Greater lumbus, O H 43210, 614/422-8860;
looking for someone to make this Miami Council for the Continuing Women's Resource Center, Inc.,
decision for you. A reputable coun- Education of Women, Miami-Dade 207'/2 East Gray, P.O. Box 474, N o r -
selor or agency w i l l be the first one C o m m u n i t y College, 300 N.E. Sec- man, OK 73069, 405/364-9424;
to tell you that you have a lot of ond Ave., Miami, FL 33132, 305/ Women's Programs, Division of
work to do and many decisions to 577-6840; Southern Illinois Univer- Continuing Education, Oregon State
make i n the career search process. If sity, General Studies Division, Office System of Higher Education, Box
a counselor or agency promises you of Continuing Educaion, Edwards- 1491, Portland, OR 97207; 503/229/
an easy ride to f i n d i n g the career of ville, IL 62025, 618/692-2242; U n i - 4849; Institute of Awareness, 401
your dreams, be careful. versity of Illinois-Urbana/Cham- South Broad Street, Philadelphia,
paign, Student Services Office for PA 19147. 215/KI 5-4400; Options
If you still are in school or live Married Students and Continuing for Women, 8419 Germantown
near a university, contact the uni- Education for Women, 610 East Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118, 215/
versity's career development center. John Street, Champaign, IL 61820; C H 2-4955; Women's Services of
Continuing Education Services, I n - Knoxville, Inc., 4931 Hornberg Dr.,
Often times these centers w i l l be diana University/Purdue Univer- Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/584-0092;
w i l l i n g to offer counseling services sity, 1201 East 38th St., Indianapolis, The University of Texas at Austin,
to non-students. Below is a list of I N 46205, 317/264-4501; University Continuing Education of Women
agencies or programs in various Counseling Service, Iowa Memorial and Men, Office of the Dean of Stu-
states around the country. Contact Union, University of Iowa, Iowa dents, Austin, TX 78712, 512/471-
one of these if you know of no other City, IA 52242, 319/353-4484; 1201; Individual Development Cen-
help near y o u and see what services Baltimore New Directions for Wom- ter, Inc., 1020 East John St., Seattle,
they provide and what their fee en, 1100 N . Eutaw St., Room 205, W A 98102, 206/329-0600; Research
schedule may be. Baltimore, M D , 21201, 301/383- Center on Women, Alverno College,
5579; University of Michigan, Cen- 3401 South 39th St., Milwaukee, W I
University of Alabama, Counsel- ter for Continuing Education for 53215, 414/671-5400, ext. 209.O
ing Service, Box 60, NBSB, Univer- Women, 330 Thompson St., A n n
sity Station—UAB, Birmingham, A L Arbor, M I 48108, 313/764-6555; 15
35294; Center for New Directions, Minnesota Women's Center, U n i -
5800 Fulton Ave., Van Nuys, CA versity of Minnesota, 306 Walter L i -
91401, 213/785-9171 or 785-3955; brary, Minneapolis, M N 55455, 612/
Displaced Homemakers Center, Inc., 373-3850; The Women's Resource
Mills College, Box 9996, Oakland,
CA 94613, 415/632-4600; University
of California, Berkeley, Women's
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