Convention Highlights
Women's Health Issues
Scholarship Recipients
V olunteer Opportunities
170th Collegiate
Chapter Installed
A new look for 7b Drogma
To Drasma of
Ref leclHn's. oFSisfe
VOL. l.W 1. No.12
a m essage from our President
Reflections of Sisterhood. Isn't it a lovely picture? The cover of this issue of To Dragma is a reproduction of the print of an oil painting done for Alpha Omicron Pi by Anne Cushing Gantz in celebration of our upcoming Centennial.
It is one of those pictures that you see and experience more each time you stop to consider all aspects of the work Those are the times of reflection...
If you research the meaning of this word you will find reveal as through a mirror... to think or consider seriously... rnanifest/to show plainly. In simple terms, we may recall ourselves as children sitting by a pond or a rain puddle and seeing our reflection. We may remember passing a store window or a mirror and checking our appearance in the reflection. We know that we are a reflection of our
Fraternity by bringing credit and making it proud.
As we begin a new biennium and look forward to Celebrating the Century, we will share many reflections on the past, present and, most certainly, the exciting future of Alpha Omicron Pi.
In the picture you will find three women of varying ages. Representative of the membership of our Fraternity and your per- sonal stages of A O n involvement, you can see that the artist has
reflected the lifetime commitment of our members.
In reflecting on the Fraternity as a whole, AOFI, too, has passed through many states of development. Our early years were ones of tentative extension of the name of Alpha Omicron Pi. There were periods of great growth during the more positive years of enthusi- asm for the Greek experience. As other groups, there were years in which we suffered a decrease in interest and respect for the interfratemal system. This attitude caused many to reflect on our actions in the world about us.
Today, we are on a new threshold and have an exciting opportunity to continue our leader- ship with our prograrnming and guidance for the women in our Ftaternity... represented in our lovely picture.
We have the confidence to reflect on the past and make it a basis for our future. We have die enthusiasm of our membership for die Centennial and the excitement it will bring. We have die anticipation for the new structure and direction for success of our chapters and our members.
Stella George Stern Perry wrote, "We wanted a society that should continue our companion- ship dirough life, and extend the like joys to others, usefully, unselfishly, and without petti- ness... We wanted a fraternity that would carry on the delightful fellowship and cooperation of college days into the workaday years ahead and do so magnanimously, both in school and afterwards." I believe our lovely picture puts those words to canvas.
It also sets forth a feeling of The Power of Friendship. AOI1. Those of you at Convention were fortunate to be a participant at the introduction o f this, our new External Positioning Statement It is our declaration to the outside world of the core of our Fraternity.
In the months ahead, reflect on your picture of Alpha Omicron Pi. Share it with others. Help the spirit of excitement and pride grow. Be a part of The Power of Friendship. AOFI.
To Dragma/FALL 1995
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$3.00 per vcar. Lifesubs,;ription:$7.r>.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TO DRAGMA of Alpha Oniicron Pi. 9025 Overlook Blvd.. Bnniv, i T N 37027. Address all editorial com m unications to the Editor al the sam e address.
Printed on recycled paper Printed in t h e U.S.A.
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist International President
To Dragma , .
c o n LGH xs
2 A Message From our President 4 Eating Disorders
8 Convention 1995
16 1995-1997 Executive Boand 18 AOn Moves Forward
22 AOn Magazine Program
24 Renowned Artist Dedicates Centennial Painting
26 Women ofAchievement
27 Profile: Lucy Howorth
28 Leadership Institute
29 Officer Directory
31 Emporium
35 Foundation ScholarshipWinners 39 Alumnae News
46 Rho Delta Installed at Samford U.
47 Collegiate News
50 Hazing. Whose tradition is it?
52 Chapter Consultant Introductions 54 To DragmaTurns 90 in '95
56 BRIDGES Programming
57 Scandinavian Cruise
58 The Power of Friendship. AOTT.
60 Notables
62 Announcements
Our cover:
This issue features an original work of art by Ann Cushing Gantz, Pi (Newcomb College, Tulane). This painting was a gift to the Fraternity in honor of our upcoming Centennial Celebration. See article on page 24 for more information
To Dragma/FALL 1995 3
a closer look at what they are and what we can do to help
women's health issues
"Today's young women are not the first generation to be exposed to this preference for lean body type, but they are the first to be exposed to it in childhood and to be raised by mothers rejecting their own bodies and concerned about the size of their daughter's body from the moment of birth."1
shocking facts about anorexia and bulimia
An estimated8,000,000peopleinthis country suffer from eating disorders
Amongthese,anestimated3-6%of serious cases will die...a far higher rate than for any mental illness
• Some victims experience malnutri- tion and can develop serious problems such as heart, kidney,
and liver damage; intestinal ulcers, ruptured stomach; esophageal tears; dehydration; tooth gum erosion;
and electrolyte imbalance
Eating disorders affect 10-15% of college women
Although most anorexics and bulimics startintheirteens,victimsrangefrom as young as five years old to as old
as seventy
Courtesy of ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders)
Do you have a roommate who seems to have no time for anything but exercise? Or a daughter who claims she's simply not hungry, all the time? How many times have you heard a sister say that she is fat when, in fact, she is very slender? Or, do you know someone who is gaining a noticeable amount of weight? All of these things happen so often that they can usually be dismissed as a normal part of our modern lives. However, these sce- narios could be glaring signs of an eating disorder. "When image becomes an obsession..." for our friends, sisters, and loved ones, "its time to take a closer look." 2
Anorexia Nervosa is a common eating disorder associated with control. In today's society, we expect women to be able to juggle numerous stressors all at once. When she realizes that there are many things she can't gain control over, men her own body becomes her object o f obsession. Ironically, what she believes she has mastered, has unconsciously spun out of con- trol. The fear of being fat takes command of her.
"Someone who has anorexia will control her food intake, eventually decreasing it to almost nothing. The anorexic often starts off simply wanting to lose a few pounds. What happens, though, is that she becomes so preoccupied with the control that she loses sight—literal- ly—of what is a proper, realistic weight for her."3
"Every rime I looked in the mir- ror, I thought I'd be fat. I thought I could control my weight. It is definitely a control issue," said an AOn who acknowledges that she
is a recovering anorexic.
Common signs and symptoms
of anorexia range from deliberate self-starvation with weight loss to a sensitivity to cold. A person facing this disorder has an intense, persis- tent fear o f gaining weight, refuses to eat (except for tiny portions), and continues to diet. She may deny that she's hungry, will exercise compulsively, and has a distorted body image. Other signs are abnormal weight loss, excessive face or body hair, hair loss, and absent or irregular menstruation.
Does this sound familiar?
Bulimia Nervosa also deals with control, but in a much different way. A bulimic "binges" on large amounts o f food at one sitting and feels the aftershocks of guilt when she stops eating. Although bulim- ics are known to do this, "their dis- ease is primarily one of self-starva- tion; a part time' anorexia. The starvation required to attain a thin, boyish look plunges them into such hunger that they inevitably lose control over their eating...Then they try to undo the damage."4
There are two ways a bulimic attempts to "undo" her food binges. The "purge type" bulimic induces vomiting or takes laxatives to relieve her guilt or to try to manage her weight. The "non-purging" bulim- ic uses fasting or intense exercise to compensate for binges.5
"My daughter took 40 laxatives a day for four years. I first noticed she was having a problem when she had a considerable weight loss (20 pounds), and I started to find her laxatives around the house. She had to leave graduate school because she was so troubled," said a
To Dragma/FALL 1995
risk factors
• Beingfemale
• Strongneedforsocial
• Difficultyassertingneeds
• Poorself-control(especially
with bulimia) •"Appearance" or "food
concerned AOIl mother whose daughter experienced bulimia. "We took her to a hospital for help. Now, she is totally free and doing great!
Women tormented by bulimia have a preoccupation with food and binge eat often, usually in secret. They might vomit after binging, abuse laxatives, diuretics, diet pills, or emetics (an agent that induces vomiting); or even com- pulsively exercise. They could have swollen salivary glands or broken blood vessels in their eyes.
Have you seen these symptoms in someone you know and love?
Compulsive overeating is anoth- er illness that can affect us, but it revolves around feeling a lack o f control. "Emotions can play a role; just as some people reach for a drink or a drug when upset, others cope by overeating.6
"People with an overeating disor- der become dependent on their eating behavior as a way to deal with life and a way to regulate their feelings. They give up healthy cop- ing skills and react to stress, anxiety, fear, or pain by overeating."7
"A person at m y Overeaters Anonymous meeting said that food is the perfect lover. I t never talks back or makes fun of you," said an AOIl who is fighting her overeating disorder. " I come from a compulsive family, so I find sometimes that I just can't help myself I realized that until I got my head on straight, I'd never solve my problem."
Some medical problems related to being extremely overweight include diabetes, gallbladder dis- ease, hypertension, cancer, heart failure, or respiratory failure. The dilemma, however, is that these
problems are not signs; they could be happening right under our noses. The only true sign of severe overeating is excessive weight gain.
Are you worried about someone you love?
Experts are not certain why some people are susceptible to eat- ing disorders. There are several theories or combinations of theo- ries that could explain this ques- tion. One theory suggests it could be a learned behavior from our youth, since 86% of people with eating disorders report the onset by age twenty. When bad eating habits from childhood continue into adolescence, a weight gain is expected. With such a priority put on a healthy, slim figure, it's no wonder why young girls are faced with such problems.
Another theory proposes that society is to blame. The mass media gives out
thousands of con-
flicting messages daily. Slim women are portrayed as successful and attractive at the same time that food is portrayed as something that can improve the quality o f life. This could easily confuse anyone.
Yet another theo-
ry suggests that eat-
ing disorders could
be a psychological
problem. A woman who suffers from an eating disorder might be more obsessional than another woman, thus making the illness a possible personality disorder.
Lastly, anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating could quite
• • • •
• •
conscious" professions (flight attendant, model, dietician, etc.)
"Helping" profession (nursing, counseling, etc.)
Drug or alcohol misuse Sexualtrauma Prolongeddietbehavior Early puberty and onset
of menstruation
History of alcohol abuse
or depression in family Specialmeaningattached
to food and appearance in family
Familieswhohavedifficulty expressing conflict and negative emotions
places that can help
"Itell people allthe time that it's worse than recovering from alcoholism. You can't live without food, so you have to deal with
your problem constantly"
• NationalAssociationof Anorexia Nervosa and
Associated Disorders (ANAD), Box 271, Highland
Park,II,60035 (321)831-3438 • AmericanAnorexia/Bulimia
Association, Inc., 133 Cedar Lane,Teaneck, NJ, 07666 (201)836-1800
Center for the Study ofAnorexia and Bulimia, I West 91 St, NY, NY, 10024 (212)595-3449
Overeaters Anonymous, PO. Box 44020, Rio Rancho, NM, 87174 (505) 891 -2664
To Dra«ma/FALL 1995
possibly be caused by chemical imbalances in the body, making them physiological problems.8
We don't know the answers to WHY, so it's hard to figure out H O W to stop eating disorders from happening. However, as people who care, we can help.
"Because many (people with eating disorders) deny that they are ill, family and friends play a critical role in recognizing eating disorder problems and getting help immediately." 9
We can help our friends, sisters, and loved ones by learning more about eating disorders so that we will know the signs when we see them. We should recognize that eating disorders are potentially fatal and treat them accordingly. W e must listen to them with under- standing, respect, and sensitivity. We can be consistent and insist that they need help, be available when they need someone, and share our own struggles.
We should NOT take any action alone, but, instead, get help; they need qualified professionals to try to solve their problem. Don't blame them for doing something wrong or tell them they are acting silly. Don't be afraid to upset them, because they need to talk about it. And, don't reject them, because they need you.1 0
"I tell people all the time that it's worse than recovering from alco- holism. You can't live without food, so you have to deal with your prob- lem constantly. Even when you think you're O.K., it's still on your mind," said one recovering AOIT sister.
We, as members of Alpha Omicron Pi, can reach out to help our family, our friends, or even our- selves face these difficult diseases.
by Heather Leisure, Beta Gamma (Michigan State U.)
sources & additional info
alpha omicron pi chapters to receive womens health program
The Society for the Advancement of Women's Health Research and die office on Women's Health of the U.S. Public Health Service has generously donated 110 videos and written guides dealing with women's health issues to Alpha Omicron Pi.
This will be a wonderful way for both col- legiate and alumnae chapters to update their programming efforts. The 27 minute video called "Get Real-Straight Talk About Women's Health" is an informative resource that briefly deals with several health issues including nutrition and exer- cise, heart disease, osteoporosis, eating dis- orders, alcohol and substance use, sexual harassment and violence, contraception and STDs, HIV/AIDS, cancer, and smoking. The additional resource guide explains all of the issues in detail and helps the program facili- tator lead useful discussions. The guide also has information about the program, helpful hints on how to find a knowledgeable speaker, icebreakers for discussions, and several fact sheets about all of the issues.
"We're very excited about being a part of this program!" said Leigh Perry, Coordinator of Programs and Training. "Members of all ages call me every day wanting AOIT to address women's health."
The videotape and resource guide are currendy in production and will be mailed direcdy to our collegiate chapters this fall. Additional kits will be available for alumnae chapters to borrow through the Resource Library at Headquarters.
Wolfe, Sidney M.,
M.P.. Women's Health Alert. 1991.
* National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
3 When Thin Does You In,"Teen Magazine," July 1989.
* Thinness Mania, "American Health," Oct. 1986.
Hales, D. and Robert Hales,M.D.,
Caring for the Mind...
6 Hales
* Hazelden Educational Materials
TM Abraham, Suzanne and Derek Llewellyn- Jones,
Eating Disorders. The Facts, 1992.
0 "Food for Thought," Randolph-
Macon Woman's College
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Century. with AO!! Centennial Commemoratives
CC04 Note cube, white with burgundy Centennial Celebration logo. $6.00
CC03 Brass key chain with burgundy Centennial Celebration logo. $7.00
CC06 Mug, burgundy with gold Centennial Celebration logo,
microwave safe. $8.00
CC05 Sweat shirt, burgundy tone on tone with Centennial Celebration logo (L, XL)
Charm, 10 karat gold with Centennial Celebration logo. $100.00
Charm, goldklad with Centennial Celebration logo. $25.00
"Reflections of Sisterhood," a limited edition signed and numbered lithograph o f an original painting. A O f ! artist, A n n Cushing Gantz, Pi, presented this painting to the Fraternity as a gift for our Centennial Celebration. 20 x 24 inches. $50.00
CC01 Music box. Handmade Sorrento Italian music box with inlaid red
rose finished in black laquer. The inside features a brass engraved plaque with Centennial Celebration logo. Swiss-made Regue musical movement plays "The Rose". $120.00
Print of "Reflections of Sisterhood"
Please send completed form and check to: AOIl Emporium, AOF1 International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027 or place a phone order: 1-800-shop aoii or (615) 370-0920, Mon. through Fri., 9am to 5pm CST. If ordering a history book, please include your name chapter and ini- tionation date as your would like it to appear on the cover.
Official Centennial Celebration
( \\\
»Cfoipter Name;
Daytime Phone: Zip:
T-Shirt (L, XL)
CCW. Celebratethe Century History Book, pre-order before March 1, 1996 and have your name, chapter and initia- tion date stamped in gold
on the cover at no addi- tional cost. This magnifi- cent limited edition coffee table style book is a valu- able reference, as well as a wonderful keepsake. Expect delivery in the fall of 1996. $40.00
Initiation Date
History Hook
in forum turn
•Canadian customers please double amounts for shipping & handling charges.
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Canadians add 2 5 S currency exchange
TN residents add 8.25tf sales tax
Shipping & Handling (sec chart)
total amount enclosed
Hxpiralion Dale Card Number:
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Convention 1995
The Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona, was the beautiful site of our 1995 International Convention. Over 600 Collegiate and Alumnae members met for train- ing, personal development, sisterhood and recognition for achievements. Our ritual and candlelighting ceremonies were touching. Workshops and speakers on such topics as Achieving Excellence, Friendship in the Age of AIDS, and Fraternity Development were educational and inspiring. Council boldly voted on a new structure plan for the Fraternity effective July 1, 1996; and we heard exciting plans for our Centennial Celebration in 1997 in New York City.
,There has beena n .
love and
-•th-is •)•) place...
The Power
of Friendship.
Smiles, laugher, debates, cheers... food, speakers, hugs, tears... discussions, meetings, votes, hikes... shopping and sleepless nights...
all were a part of Convention 1995 told on the following pages through the faces and the words or those who were there.
To Dragma/FALL L995
Convention 1995
This Convention
was absolutely
/ can't tell you how much I've learned!...Whot an
inspiration you are...
The enthusiasm here is >
Calling All Pandas!
As part o f our convention activities and to honor our host city, AOR donated stuffed panda bears to the "Teddy Bear Patrol Program" for the Phoenix and Scottsdale Police Departments. The departments give stuffed animals to children involved in auto accidents or domestic violence scenes who need something to hold on to until medical help arrives, especially i f a parent has been injured.
All alumnae and collegiate chapters were asked to bring at least one Panda to join our giant display. The Police Chiefs of both cities were on hand at our Inspirational Breakfast for the donation of over 300 pandas.
- 46tb
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Convention 1995
Tau Defe at Birmingham Southern wins Jessie Wallace Hughan Award
Most Outstanding Collegiate Chapter
This Founders' Award is presented to the collegiate chapter selected as AOITs top chapter. This years' recipient, Tau Delta, has a long-standing tradition of excellence on their campus, especially during the past 10 years. The president of their university writes, "The members of this chapter are, individually and as a group, the best this campus has to offer." They are outstanding in rush, exemplary in scholarship, active in Panhellenic and campus activities, maintain a wonderful sisterhood and contribute generously to the AOil Foundation. Carol Stevenson, Vice-President of Development, stated in her award presenta- tion, "this chapter is always seeking ways to improve...always striving for excellence...always reaching out to help and serve others... always living up to the AOTI ideals expressed in our ritual... they are the best in Alpha Omicron Pi this biennium."
Gayle Cook is honored as outstanding
in her field
The Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award honors an alumna who has achieved outstanding success and/or national acclaim in die arts or her profession. This years deserving recipient is Gayle Cook, Beta Phi (Indiana University),
and a member of Bloomington, Indiana, Alumnae Chapter.
Gayle Cook is a business- woman, philanthropist, author, preservationist and active AOIT She has helped build a local busi- ness into a worldwide conglomerate; she has improved the quality of lifeinsouthern Indiana through the restoration and preservation of beau- tiful, historic landmarks; and she has funded area civic and educational organizations.
Gayles accomplish- ments are impressive and her time and resources have consis- tently benefitted others.
Headquarters Cooperation Cup
•Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U McCausland C u p (Highest Chapter Scholarship) •Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern
To Dragma/FALL 1995
The Helen St. Clair Mullen Award
honors an alumna who has given service to the Fraternity
national officers look on.
Peg has unending enthusi- asm and atireless loveand devotion to AOTT She truly has shown a lifetime com- mitment to AOTF
Peg Crawford with Linda Collier, Executive Board Vice President of Finance
above: Tau Delta members proudly display their JWH Cup as region
Peg Kramer Crawford, lota (U. of Illinois) justly qualifies for this presti- gious honor A Past International President, Peg has given selflessly of herself to AOTT for fifty years.
In addition to serving as International President from 1985- 89, she has served the Fraternity in numerous
major alumnae chapter offices and three colle- giate chapter offices, including Chapter President.
For many years she has represented AOTT at all NPC functions, authored and spoke at con- ventions and confer- ences and has deliv- ered countless Founders' Day Messages. Her ser- vice goes on and on.
beyond Executive Board and
necessity for many years.
Collegiate Awards
Distinguished Service Awards •Alpha Chi,
W estern Kentucky U
International Standing Committee positions. She has also held all
•Delta Delta, Auburn U •Delta Upsilon, DukeU •Epsilon, Cornell U •Epsilon Omega,
Eastern Kentucky U •Gamma Delta,
U of South Alabama •KappaAlpha, Indiana State U •Lambda Tau, Northeast Louisiana U
•Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U •Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern •Tau Omicron,
U of Tenn. Martin
Perry Award honors Alexis Persons Most Outstanding Collegiate President
Convention 1995
"Whenever the Fraternity presents our most prestigious awards, our Founders' Awards, it is very difficult to cap- ture in a few words the essence of the recipient and why she was singled out for this honor," said Ginger Banks in her presentation speech to the recipient of the 1995 Perry Award, Alexis Persons.
As president of Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), Alexis stressed the importance of scholarship; was instrumental in helping Panhellenic and IFC revise and implement a new alcohol policy; spearheaded efforts to improve com- munication and cooperation between the collegiate chapter, corporation, and alumnae chapter and demanded that chapter officers be disciplined and prepared to handle their responsibilities. In addition, she regularly quot- ed ritual during chapter meetings; emphasized financial responsibility leading to a dramatic improvement in the
Above: Alexis waspined by her pmity plowing Rose Banquet
Mary Louise Filer Roller: a personal example & inspiration to others
The Adele K. Hinton Award is present-
ed to one alumna who has worked tire-
lessly for the Fraternity and who has,
most especially, served as a personal
example and inspiration to others. It is
named in loving memory and honor of Adele Kuflewski Hinton, Past International President. This year's recipient is Mary Louise Filer Roller, Alpha Pi (Florida State University).
Mary Louise is one of the very special women who continue to provide guidance to Fraternity leaders and members long after most would have considered themselves retired. In 1969, twenty- six years ago, she received the Helen St. Clair Mullen award for outstanding service to the Ftaternity. A t that time, she had already given twenty-seven years of service on the international level, including International Presidenr, Vice President of Alumnae, and Treasurer. She represented AOIl at NPC for well over a decade. Currently she serves as a Special Adviser to the Centennial Planning Committee and an Emeritus member of our Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry (RT & J) Committee. Her service to our Fraternity is unmeasurable.
She works for AOFI with determination and dedication; and she cares about AOFI and her members with a passion.
Muriel T. McKinney Award salutes Dottie Leek:
In honor of AOITs 20th International
President, the Muriel T. McKinney Award is
awarded biennially to one outstanding alumna for her guidance and service to a collegiate chapter. This year's winner, Dottie Leek, has served as Chaptet Adviser for N u Omicron at Vanderbilt University for the past seven years. The chapter has flourished under Dome's guidance in coundess ways. She has recruited and unified a 13 member Alumnae Advisory committee to support the chapter and even has a waiting list of other volunteers willing to serve. Dottie encourages a cooperative Panhellenic spirit, sets scholarship as a priority, and promotes ritual on a daily basis. She is said to have a forth- right attitude, fine judgement, and has demonstrated consistency in her guidance of the chapter.
Dottie has shown consistent love and support to her chapter, even during periods when she has delt with major health problems. These problems, unfortunately, prohibited Dottie from attending Convention. N u Omicron collegians, attending Convention, placed a call to Dottie at home to tell her about her award. Dottie said, " I was so surprised and when the girls returned from Convention, they came out to the house to personally pre- sent the award to me. They cried, I cried, and Tommy (her husband) cried, too. It was one of my greatest AOfl moments."
financial status of the chapter, and emphasized the impor- tance of the statement "AOf! is for life."
At rightAlexis with her Regional Director,judy Rogers, as the award is being announced,
As a surprise, her parents, sister and grandmother were observing the award ceremony and sur- prised Alexis as she came forward to accept her award. Her regional director wrote in her nomina- tion, "This is a young woman each of us should be proud to call a sister. She demonstrates toler- ance and judgment in her daily life and with her chapter. Her ability to set a good example with scholarship, college loyalty and following our guidelines is exemplary. I think AOIl is a better place for having her as a member." The Perry Award Committee (Past International Presidents
Joan MacCallum, Eleanore MacCurdy and Ginger Banks), along with the Executive Board could not have agreed more.
Scholarship Cups
•Delta Upsilon, DukeU •Epsilon, Cornell U •Gamma Omicron, U of Florida
U of Illinois •Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College •Nu Delta, Canisius College •Nu Omicron,
Vanderbilt U •Omega, Miami U •Omicron,
U ofTennessee •Phi Sigma,
U of Nebraska-Kearney
•Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern •Tau Omega,
Transylvania U •Theta Pi, Wagner College
Philos Award
(Panhellenic SpiritAward) 2-9 N P C Groups •Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U •Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Convention 1995
above: Collegiate Chapter Distinguished Service Awards.
"Whateverit cost 'it was worth every cent. I got so many great ideas that will benefit
my chapter, I cant
wait to get back
and share them...
I could sit for hours and
share ideas with everyone...
The explanation of ritual was positively beautiful...
I'm so motivated...
Our Executive board has guided us with vision and wisdom... I loved the idea exchanges...''''
There were plenty of
opportunities to capture
a moment on film...
The Centennial plans are exciting and the Gantz painting
is incredible...Bravo...
Three cheers...Can I take you
home?...So many wonderful ideas, I can't write that fast...''''
"Scottsdale is breothtakingly
below. Rush Excellence Award winners.
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Philos Award
(Panhellenic SpiritAward)
Over 10 NPC Groups
•Chi Delta,
U of Colorado •Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U (citation)
Panhellenic Definite Difference Award
(Efforts to improve Panhellenic) •Delta Omega, Murray State U •Kappa Sigma,
U ofWisconsin
Excellence in Rush
•Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U •Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
•Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U •Tau Delta,
Birmingham Southern •Tau Omicron,
U ofTenn.Martin •Delta Omega, Murray State U (citation) •GammaAlpha, George Mason U (citation) •KappaAlpha,
Indiana State U (citation) •Zeta, U of Nebraska (citation)
Public Relations Award
•Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Jones, below;
Winners of the McCausland Cup and Scholarship Cups.
a part of a
women's fraternity
that's honestly dealing with
the issues
of the 90's..."
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Our sisterhood
at both the collegiate and alumnae level
is thriving...
The Pandas were so cute... The Camelback Inn is 5-Star and the food
has been delicious...
Thankyou from a
74 year old alum...
/ think it's too cool that
the State of Arizona proclaimed June 22, 1995 asAlpha Omicron Pi Day...
n .
Fill proud to be
Convention 1995
above; Mary Williams (right) presents The Outstanding Regional Director Award to Kay
I love the
•Zeta, U of Nebraska (citation)
Outstanding Alumnae Advisory Committee •Delta Omega, Murray State U •Sigma Phi,
California State U
Outstanding Corporation Award
With a House
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U •Beta Phi,
Indiana U (citation) •Delta Sigma, San Jose State U (citation)
Without a House
•Gamma Alpha, George Mason U •Gamma Delta,
U of South Alabama (citation)
•Randi Jo Shields
Carmichael,KK •Laura Harshbarger Coble, AT •Judith Ann Gambrel Flessner, I •Mary D.Hall,OA
Rose Awards
•Carroll Mites Brass, BA
Convention 1995 t
44 The sessions and
speakers have been
Miss America is more than just a
beautiful face..."
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• .•
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•Foundation Keynote speaker, Haley Scott, inspired us with a story of tragedy and comeback from a spinal cord injury to return to competi- tiveswimming.HaleypreparatoryswimteamcaptainforNotreDameU.,istherecipientofthe 1994WomenofDistinctionawardbythe NationalAssociationforWomeninEducation.Shealsoreceivedthe 1995HondaInspirationawardforhercomebackfromtheinjuryshesuf- fered in a 1992 team bus accident that took the life of two of her teammates and left her temporarily paralyzed. Her speech emphasized the importance that charity from others played in overcoming her challenges in life.
•Joel Goldman andTJ. Sullivan received an overwhelmingly favorable response for their dynamic and sensitive discussion on "Friendship in the Age of AIDS." Goldman, who is HIV positive, discussed the challenges of living with this deadly virus and Sullivan spoke on alcohol's effect on decision-making, the workings of the HIV virus and ways students can reduce risk and prevent infection. Their honest and entertaining approach was an educational opportunity for all ages.
. . ;.•
I^H^MMT *Mat
!*u,t -s "
Keynote Speakers
above: Alumnae Chapter Distinguished Service Award winners.
"...Convention should be
remembered as a resounding
success and entered into the
below: Rose Award
minutes of council as such.
•Lori Moore, c E •Nancy Spires Norris, A X •BarbaraAnn Johnson Ottinger, KK •RitaVeronica (Pincy) Polese.en
To Dragma/FALL 1995
•Margaret Ponsford Hansen, T •RebeccaAdmire Herman,XA •Beverly Hatcher Kirby.G^
•Margie Arbaugh Lamar, XA •Shirley Allen Lee, A Z •Nancy Graham Leuschner,EA •VirginiaWertin Under, O n •Sandra Stanford
Loeffler.YA •Audrey Herbster Lueth,n •ElaineOckajik McCraney,©^ •Mary Riley Michael, NO
•Dolores White Rhodes, AA
•Judith (Judy)Ann Rogers,11 •Cynthia Ann Skaff.OT •Under Bearden Snider, A X
• Heather Whitestone, Miss America 1995, delivered a moving speech during the Panhellenic Brunch on Friday Speaking on her platform of "Anything is Possible," she encouraged us to overcome the barriers that prevent each of us from reaching for our dreams. As a profoundly deaf woman, she is a living example of someone who has overcome many obstacles. She defined the essential elements in achieving success as I) having a positive attitude, 2) believing in your dreams, 3) facing your obstacles, no matter how great 4) working hard, and 5) build- ing a support team.
To close her speech, she signed the words to "The Rose" which she had learned especially for the occasion. Heather was an AOn pledge at Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State LJ„ before going on to win Miss America.
ATributeTo Ann
The Following is a tribute by Keith Gilchrist to his wife and our newly elected International President, Ann McClanahan Gilchrist. He delivered this message, in person, immediately following her Rose Banquet speech. Keith currently serves his Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Lambda, as Executive Director. Ann is also a member of the staff ofAlpha Kappa Lambda, serving as Director of Chapter Services.
Madam President, Distinguished Past Presidents, Executive Boand, m y Alpha Omicron Pi Interfratemal Sisters and Guests;
Ann, your comments were very moving, truly spoken from the heart. However, in the wotds of a well- known tadio commentator: "Now, for the rest of the story."
When I learned that I would have the opportunity to come here to pay tribute to this very special woman, whom you have selected to lead your grand Fraternity into it's centennial celebration, four things came to mind: BEING THERE, HUGS, RITUAL and PRIDE.
From her days at Theta Chapter at DePauw University you have been therefotAnnandindoingsoyou have been there for me. While Alpha Omicron Pi has played a very important role in Ann's life, I was never made to feel excluded... for that I thank you.
I remember when I first met Peg Crawford at an interfratemal confer- ence, she lamented that we did not have much time to visit. Since then, I have made it a point to spend rime with my AOn Interfraternity sisters at the many meetings we have found ourselves attending. I treasure the friendships drawn from those times.
Gteeks hug a lot... That's nice, and AOFI hugs are especially nice. May I suggest that when you tetum home
you give an AOFI hug to your hus- bands, significant others and family members and thank them for shar- ing you with your Fraternity. They may not appreciate nor undeistand the importance of your work.
There probably has never been a time in the histoty of the Gteek Lettet Societies that your involve- ment with your collegiate chapters has been more needed. Our very future depends on you.
My union with Ann, is without question, my greatest personal accomplishment. I believe our rela- tionship is strong, in part, because we live our ritual. Although the words we recite are different, the meaning is the same. Beyond the bonds forged within our Orders, our Ritual creates an even greatet interfratemal bond.
I am proud of Ann and I am proud of Alpha Omicron Pi. I recall remarking to Ginger Banks, after spending a day in an NPC "Vision 2000" planning session, that I believed AOFI to be a Fraternity for today's woman. The action taken here this week demonstrates your wisdom in recognizing our changing society... and, your courage to create a new order to assure success. Further evidence that A O n is a Fraternity for todays woman.
Soon aftet I accepted the position o f Executive Director, A n n joined our staff The knowledge and skills she brought suited her well to become Directot of Chapter Services and we proceeded together with the task o f revitalizing a Fraternity. She has been a major contributor to die successes enjoyed by Alpha Kappa Lambda. She is a valued professional associate, a trusted counselor, my best friend, a beautiful person and one with whom Iamverymuchinlove.Weliveina
Convention 1995
unique interfratemal world. We are each privileged with certain knowl- edge o f the other's otganization. Although we may discuss matters between ourselves, we will not violate this confidentiality. It is a compli- ment when the president of the NPC Executive Board, introduces me to women unaccustomed to a man in their meeting by saying: "It's OK, Keith can be trusted, he has been well trained".
We become the third hus- band/wife team to each serve as president of their respective Fraternities. It is the first time a professional staffmembet of a men's fraternity has become the International President of a women's fraternity. I am not sure this is quite what Mary Williams had in mind when she selected the slogan
•Kathy Brakesfield Sowell.AT •Barbara HuberWard, FLK •Kay Kettering Welch, OF!
Regional Director Award
•Kay Gomillion Jones, Sigma Delta Huntingdon College
Distinguished Service Awards
•Bloomington-Normal •Chicago Northwest Suburban •Hammond Area
•Indianapolis •Nashville •Orlando •Philadelphia •St Louis •San Jose
•Toledo Area •West Los Angeles
Philos Award
(Panhellenic Spirit Award)
•Northern Virgina •Nashville (citation)
To Dragma/FALL 1995
"Reach Out
Now in closing; I bring greet- ings from Kathleen and Richatd, Kent and Susan, Stuart and K i m , Scott and Laurel, Benjamin and Jonathan; in the words o f a wise philosopher our family has grown to love:
Congratulations, Ann
Today is your day
You're off to great places
You're off and away!
And willyou succeed?
Yes, you will indeed! (100% guaranteed!)
edited from: ONThe PlacesYou'll Go! by Dr Seuss
Convention 1995
In Dra-iim/FM.I. IW5
the 1995-1997 International
Executive Board
International President Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
•Theta (DePauw U.)
•Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter since '65,
Formerly a member of Terre Haute and
South Bend Alumnae Chapters. •Executive Board Director since 1993 •Regional Director Region I V 1969-86 •Regional Vice President, Region IV 1986-92 •Currently Director of Chapter Services,
The Fraternity of Alpha Kappa Lambda
Vice President/Operations Julie Brining
•Gamma Delta (U. of South Alabama) •Mobile Alumnae Chapter •International Nominations Committee,
Human Resources Task Force
•Regional Director, Region V I '87-'90, •Regional Finance Officer '90-'92 •Regional Vice President '92-'95 •Currently owner of John M . Brining Co.
left to right: Mary Matarazzo Bryant, Elaine James Kennedy, Linda Martin McLaughlin, Ann McClanahan Gilchrist Julie Brining, Linda Peters Collier. Robin Mansfield Wright, Debora Dellinger Harllee
Suburban (citation)
Public Relations Award
•Hammond Area
O v e r 31 m e m b e r s
•Toledo Area •Indianapolis (citation)
Foundation Awards
•Huntsville (citation)
Membership Recruitment Award
Under 30 members
•Ottawa (citation) •Detroit North Suburban (citation) Over 31 members •SanJose •Toledo Area (citation)
•Indianapolis (citation)
Membership Education Under 30 members •Piedmont •Triangle (citation)
International Director Mary Matarazzo Bryant
•Delta Omega (Murray State) •Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter •Regional Vice President, Region V '93- 95 •Also served as Regional Public
Relations Officer, Regional Rush
Officer and Regional Director •Currently a Teacher, Jefferson County
Public Schools
International Director Debora Dellinger Harllee
•Zeta Psi (E. Carolina U)
•North Carolina Piedmont Alumnae
•Executive Board Director since 1993 •International Alumnae Programming
Chairman '91-'93
•Regional Director for Alumnae
Chapters '88-'91
•Currently Independent Creative
Director/Design Director.
Convention 1995
Vice President/Development Linda Martin McLaughlin
•Alpha Theta(Coe College) •Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter,
formerly a member of Tampa, So. Conn., Lake Co. of Illinois, Ventura and Arlington/Mid Cities Alumnae Chapters
•Chairman of both Collegiate Programming and Alumnae Membership Committees
•Regional Director and Regional Vice President across multiple regions
•Currently wife, mother, & volunteer
International Director Elaine James Kennedy
•Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U) •Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter •Executive Board member since 1991 •Regional Vice President, Region V '87-'91 •Also served as Regional Director and
Chapter Adviser •Consultant, B M C , Inc.
Vice President/Finance Linda Peters Collier
•Chi Omicron (Central State) •Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter •Executive Board member since 1991 •Regional Director, Region III '85- 87 •Regional Vice President '87-'91 •Currently Human Resource Manager: Lowe, Price, LeBlanc & Becker
International Director Robin Mansfield Wright
• Gamma Delta Chapter (U of South Alabama)
•Pensacola Alumnae Chapter •Executive Board Director since 1992 •Regional Vice President '90-'92 •Regional Director
•Currently Sr. Deputy Court
Administrator for 1st Judicial Circuit.
Collegiate Largest Donation
•Delta Delta, Auburn U •Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia (citation)
•KappaKappa, Ball State U (citation)
H i g h e s t P e r C a p i t a
•Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
•AlphaChi.Western Kentucky U (citation)
•lota Sigma, Iowa State U (citation)
Alumnae Largest Donation •Southern Orange County •Indianapolis (citation) •Atlanta (citation) •Phoenix (citation)
Highest Per Capita
•Macomb County •Southern Orange County (citation) •West Los Angeles (citation) Phoenix (citation)
To Dragjna/FAIX 1995
i :
To Dragma/FALL 1995
A Oil moves
The Fraternity Development committee proposed the plan...The Executive Board reviewed it, considered it, solicited input regarding it...CIRC sorted through the Constitution and Bylaws...Council considered and evaluated it...The delegates approved it...AOIl moves forward.
A lengthy period of time and an enormous amount of effort have gone into the introduction, adoption and imminent implementation of the new structure of our Fraternity.
Following our convention in June, your Executive Board and the Administrative Committee consisting of the current Regional Vice Presidents gathered in Headquarters for their annual meeting of planning and review. At this time, the Board and RVPs worked through some con- tinuing considerations and developed a positive attitude of expectation. Additionally, they brainstormed names of women throughout our organization who should be considered to be a part of the vanguard of volunteers in the new structure.
Many names were brought forth... some women who are currently serving our Fraternity. Others, who are new to the alumnae ranks and those who may have not stepped forward with interest in the past. W e feel confident that all positions can be filled by the full implementation of the plan in June of 1996 at Leadership Institute.
On the following three pages of To Dragma, you will find a synopsis ofjob descriptions as well as an application for service. As you review the opportunities, consider your strongest interests, talents and expertise. You may want to continue in an area of previous participation. Others may want to try new directions. Those who have not been actively involved, we welcome your questions, interest and potential involvement. This is the time for all members to step forward with confidence in their particular qualifications for leading our Fraternity into the second cen- tury with pride and accomplishment.
Whether you wish to become a volunteer in the Networks, serve on a particular committee, assume responsibilities at a specific chapter (collegiate or alumnae) or by continuing financial support... each of you will contribute to The Power of Friendship. AOI1.
Let your light shine... do not be hesitant. It is an exciting time to be involved with Alpha Omicron Pi. We look to the future with promise, faith and knowledge that it will take contin- ued commitment from all members of AOFI. The mode of contribution will be up to you.
by Ann McClanahan GilchristTheta (DePauw U.)
Council approves new
V olunteer Structure of the Fraternity
Comefindyour newplace in AOTI
and help us take AOTI soaring into the 21st Century!
Position Interested In:
Miss Mrs. Ms.
Name: Address:
Maiden Name:
P h o n e : (home)
Fax: Email:
Chapter of Initiation: Alumnae Chapter: Member #(7digit number found on vour ToDravmamailing label)
Please explain why you are interested in this position.
List your previous AOI1 collegiate and alumnae experience.
Position Term Dates Position Term Dates
List any volunteer or work related experience specific to this position.
Position/Organization Dates Position/Organization Dates
Ifyou are recommending someone for a position, have you obtained her permission? _Yes References fmembers of Alpha Omicron Pi)
Optional: Attach a resume or additional information as necessary.
Send completedform to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
9025 Overlook Boulevard Brentwood, T N 37027 (615) 370-0920
_ N o
To Dragma/FALL 1995
or Fax to: (615) 371-9736
Alpha Omicron Pi Application for Volunteer Position
Attention All AOTIAlumnae
The new structure plan of the Fraternity, which was approved by Council at the 1995 Convention, sets up a new volunteer structure system effective July 1, 1996. Below is a brief job description o f each o f the volunteer positions that will be appointed within this new structure. All positions are for a two year term. You must be an alumna member in good standing with Alpha Omicron Pi to be eligi- ble to serve in one of the following positions.
You may request more specificjob descriptions and/or an application through Melanie Doyle, Executive Director, 615/370-0920.
International Standing Committees
Chairmen and members approved by the Executive Board based upon recommendation by the Human Resource Committee (HRC).
HumanResource Committee (HRC)
6 members - 1 serves as chairman
Qualifications: Creative ability, flexibility, interpersonal skills, knowledge of Fraternity operations and volunteer needs, ability to assess qualifications.
Basic Duties: Cultivate and recruit resource people and potential volunteers for leadership positions among alumnae and collegiate members of the Fraternity. Manage the application, performance evaluation and mutual commitment agreement process. Accept and review applications and solicit input from Networks and committees to make rec- ommendations to the Executive Board, Network Directors and Committee Chairmen for positions.
Extension Committee (EC)
6 members - 1 serves as chairman
Qualifications: Interpersonal skills, cre- ativity, flexibility, interest in collegiate and alumnae extension.
Basic Duties: Solicit input from NPC Delegation, Network volunteers, and the local alumnae regarding expansion. Work closely with the Headquarters Staff to devise guidelines and models for expansion of collegiate chapters and implement plans as they receive information from university and college campuses.
Fraternity Development Committee (FDC)
6 members - 1 serves as chairman
Qualifications: Creative ability, flexibili- ty, interpersonal skills, knowledge of Fraternity operations, membership needs, collegiate and community trends, histori- cal perspective of the Fraternity.
Basic Duties: Develop and present infor- mation on trends affecting the Fraternity and Fraternal groups, including the devel- opment of long range plans for the Fraternity. Review the operation and organization of the Fraternity and help it adjust to changing societal and environ- mental conditions.
Constitution Interpretation and Revision Committee (CIRC)
3 members - 1 serves as chairman
Qualifications: Creative ability, flexibili- ty, interpersonal skills, knowledge of fra- ternity operation and membership needs, knowledge of Governing Documents.
Basic Duties: Interpret the provisions o f the Constitution and Bylaws. Provide rulings as requested as to the meaning of any provision of the Constitution and Bylaws o f the legality thereunder o f any action taken or proposed to be taken by any officers, committee, chapter, or mem- ber. Receive and compile proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws for distribution to Council in the Call to Convention.
TrainingandEducation Committee (TEC)
6 members - 1 serves as chairman
Qualifications: Creative in development of programs. Capable of presenting to small/large groups. Good interpersonal skills. Strong writing skills. Good communicator.
Basic Duties: Design and execute train- ing and educational programs for A A C , Network Directors and committee chair- men. Design Leadership Institute print- ed materials and identify program ele- ments including speakers and session top- ics. Collect information and evaluations of conventions and make summaries of such materials in conjunction with the Vice President of Education.
Ritual, Traditions &Jewelry Committee (RT & J)
6 members - 1 serves as chairman
Qualifications: Creative ability, flexibili- ty, historical perspective of the Fraternity, understanding of needs of membership.
Basic Duties: Interpret the basic princi- pals & traditions of the Fraternity. Define ritualistic procedures and approve all official jewelry and other insignia.
To Dragma/FALL 1995
All networks will have at least one Network Director. She will oversee the Specialists and report to the Executive Board member in charge of the Network. Some travel to chapters will be requested of Specialists and occasionally of Directors. Directors and Specialists are approved by the Executive Board based upon recommendation by the HRC.
Special Appointments
Positions appointed by the Executive Board based upon recommendation by the Human Resource Committee.
FinanceandBudgetComm. (FBC)
7 Members:
1 chairman - Vice President of Finance 2 additional Executive Board Members 1 Executive Director of the Fraternity 1 Controller of the Fraternity
2 appointed Committee members
Qualifications: Possess expertise in banking, finance and/or investment management.
Basic Duties: Review the proposed Fraternity and International Loan Fund budgets and recommend any necessary changes to the Executive Board. Review the Investment portfolio o f the Fraternity annually. Review and summarize quarterly correspondence o f all fund activity statements.
National Panhellenic Conference Delegation (NPC) 1 Delegate, 3 Alternate Delegates
(one ofwhom isthe IP)
Qualifications: Creative Ability, flexibility, interpersonal skills, general Fraternity knowledge, Greek Affairs knowledge.
Basic Duties: Represent the Fraternity at meet- ings of the National Panhellenic Conference, voting there in accordance with the policies of the Council and the Executive Board. The del- egation also attends area Greek conferences. Interact with the collegiate department of both the XB and H Q staff regarding campus trends and concerns.
Qualifications: Creative ability, flexibility, interpersonal skills, knowledge of parliamen- tary procedures.
Basic Duties: Advise the IP, the XB, H Q and all other offices, committees, members, chapters and colonies of the Fraternity on matters of par- liamentary procedures and the conduct of a business meeting.
Qualifications: Creative ability, flexibility, knowledge of history of Fraternity, archival and organizational skills.
Basic Duties: Guard archives of the Fraternity that have been entrusted to her. Collect inter- esting and valuable information concerning the Fraternity, its chapters, and its members.
Alumnae Advisory Committee Network (AACN)
AAC Network Directors AAC Network Specialists
Qualifications: Knowledge of the policies and programs of Alpha Omicron Pi. Interpersonal skills, flexibility.
Basic Duties: Develop methods for recruitment of Advisers. Develop pro- gramming for local training of AAC. Review reports from the AAC's.
Programming Network (PN)
Members: Programming Network Directors Programming Network Specialists
Qualifications: Knowledge of BRIDGES (Total Chapter Programming), Keystones, Ritual, other programs and policies of Alpha Omicron Pi. Writing ability relative to educational modules. Interpersonal skills.
Basic Duties: Develop methods for inno- vative collegiate chapter programming. Assist in training of Alumnae Advisory Committees. Review reports from AAC with emphasis on programming
Rush Network (RN)
Rush Network Directors Rush Network Specialists
Qualifications: Knowledge of rush and other programs and policies of Alpha Omicron Pi. Interpersonal skills, creativity.
Basic Duties: Develop methods for inno- vative membership recruitment programs and continuous open bidding initiatives. Review reports from A A C with emphasis on rush information
Collegiate Finance Network (CFN)
Collegiate Finance Network Director Collegiate Finance Network Specialists
Qualifications: Creative development, flexibility, interpersonal skills, interest in financial matters.
Basic Duties: Receive and respond to collegiate chapter and financial adviser reports and concerns.
Collegiate Corporation Network (CCN)
Collegiate Corporation Network Director Collegiate Corporation Network Specialists
Qualifications: Creative development, flexibility, interpersonal skills, interest in financial matters.
Basic Duties: Receive and respond to Collegiate Corporation Board reports and concerns.
Alumnae Network (AN)
Alumnae Network Directors Alumnae Network Specialists
Qualifications: Interpersonal skills, creativity, flexibility, writing skills, exposure to alum- nae chapter operations, organizational skills.
Basic Duties: Respond to alumnae chap- ter reports. Coordinate AOFI's expecta- tions for Alumnae Chapters. Correspond with Alumnae Chapter Presidents. Coordinate Alumnae Chapter extension. Develop innovative alumnae program- ming and recruitment plans.
Members of International Council as of July 1, 1996:
• Past International Presidents
• Executive Board
• NPC Delegate
• AOn Foundation President
• Int'l Standing Committee Chairme n
• Network Directors
• Network Specialists
• Collegiate Chapter Presidents • Collegiate Chapter Advisers
• Alumnae Chapter Presidents
To Dragma/FALL 1995
AOTT aeazine
We all love magazines, music and videos. And AOTT has found an easy way for you to enjoy these items and benefit our Fraternity at the same time. It's through the Alpha Omicron Pi Magazine Program. You now have the opportunity to order new magazines, books, music and videos or renew all your favorite magazine subscriptions without missing an issue. You'll receive the lowest rates available in the industry and A O n International will receive 40<£ out of every dollar you spend. If you find a lower subscription rate any- where, the A O n Magazine Program will honor it.*
The proceeds from your support of the magazine, music and book sales will go directly to AOTT training and volunteer support. This will include funding for programming, Leadership Institute, Adviser Training, chapter enhancement, collegiate and alumnae services, and development. Your support of the magazine program will allow us to reach our goals and to better serve our chapters, both collegiate and alumnae.
We are pleased to be working with QSP, Inc., a subsidiary of The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., and the number one fund-raising company in the magazine industry.
This program is NOT intended to replace the philanthropic efforts your chapter already participates in to benefit Arthritis Research and the other funds in the AOTT Foundation, and it is NOT intended to be a door-to-door solicitation program for our members. It IS intended to be an easy way for our current membership, their family and friends to renew and order sub- scriptions at the lowest rate available and benefit AOTT as well. This new program, which will continue for years to come, will allow us to hold increases in your collegiate and alumnae fees and dues to a minimum.
In recognition for participation in the magazine program, AOTT will offer incentives to our members for their efforts:
•$250 for highest chapter per capita sales. (Collegiate &Alumnae) •$250 to the chapter with the top (total) sales. (Collegiate &Alumnae) •$150 for each alumna and collegiate member with the top (total) sales. •$100 for one alumna and collegiate member drawn from the pool
of members who meet the minimum sales by October 31,1995.
You may order through your collegiate or alumnae chapter, as well as through International Headquarters. All collegiate and alumnae chapters have received order booklets and our collegiate chapters should have a Magazine Program Chairmen in place. Placing your order through your chapter will allow them to receive award credit for your order. If you live in an area where there is no alumnae chapter, please contact AOTT International Headquarters to receive detailed order information or order from the form included in To Dragma.
Contact Dana Ray,
Magazine Program Coordinator,
at AOTT International Headquarters, 615-370-0920 ext. 29,
for more information .
*The publishers of the magazines listed below will only accept subscriptions for the prices and terms listed in our booklet:
• Entertainment Weekly • Fortune • Golf Plus Sports Illustrated • Life/Money* • People • Sports Illustrated • Sports Illustrated for Kids Super Sports Package • • Time Magazine •TV Guide •
The AOTT Magazine Program is the perfect way for you to get the lowest prices available on your magazine subscription orders and renewals while also benefitting AO¥.
To Dragnia/FALL 1995
Order Information:
Below are just a few of the magazine selections available. For a more detailed magazine listing or information on ordering books, music and videos, call your alumnae/collegiate chapter's Magazine Program Chairman or contact Dana Ray, Magazine Program Coordinator, at AOI1 International Headquarters, 615-370-0920 ext. 29. Prices are good through May 30, 1996. New subscription service will begin within approximately 12 weeks. Renewal orders will extend your current subscription from date of expiration.
Code Title
3642 American Health
4171 American Homestyle
0037 Architectural Digest*
0080 Better Homes & Gardens
0104 Bon Appetit
0140 BusinessW eek
0170 Car & Driver
0201 Catholic Digest
4110 Computer Shopper
9170 Conde Nast Traveler
3321 Consumer Reports
9521 Cooking Light
# Iss. Price Code Title # Iss. Price Code Title
# ISs. Price
9561 Cross Stitch & Country Crafts 6
3469 Discover 12
0350 Ebony 12
9335 Elle 12
7095 Entrepreneur 12
0430 Family Circle 17
0440 Family Handyman 10
0719 Fast & Healthy 6
0450 Field & Stream 12
0460 Flower & Garden (2 yr) 12
0500 Forbes 27
0510 Fortune 26
0530 Glamour 12
0540 Golf Digest* 12
0560 Good Housekeeping 12
0570 Gourmet 12
3318 Guideposts* (11/2 yrs) 18
4206 Home 10
0940 Home Mechanix 10 note
6 16.91
48 38.16 0494 American Girl (age 7-11)
12 14.81 0110 Boy's Life (age 8-18)
10 10.57 0240 Child Life (Age 9-11)
•Up to 3
selections may be sent to the same address per ~ order form. 1
•When i renewing :
• RENEWAL -11$ —
magazines, copy name —
and address ,
exactly; fCODEJ
as it appears 1 on current 1 mailing label ,
AD ) E
13.75 0690 House Beautifu I 12 21.17 3231 Travel Holiday
10.57 0760 Kiplinger's Personal Fin 12
19.05 1780 TV Guide
31.75 0820 Ladies'Home Journal
13.75 0840 Life
19.08 2738 Martha Stewart Living
25.97 0930McCall's
12 12.72 1970 US News & World Report*
12 16.93 2000 Vogue
10 25.44 2040 W oman's Day
12 10.59 2050 Workbasket (2 yrs.)
13 38.11 2060 W orkbench (2 yrs.)
1012 Money
1050 Motor Trend
3638 National Gardening
1200 Newsweek*
1190 New Yorker, The
1230 Outdoor Life*
4288 Parenting
1260 Parents Magazine
8367 PC Magazine*
3313 People
1350 Popular Mechanics
1370 Popular Science
1390 Prevention*
1420 Reader's Digest
12 12.69 2068 Working Woman
13.75 1440Redbook
12 14.78 0700 Humpty Dumpty's (Age 4-6)
12 20.08 0780 Jack & Jill (Age 7-10)
12 23.81 0983 NBA Inside Stuff (Age 9-14)
12 10.60 4997 Nintendo Power* (Age 8+)
26 25.39 3331 Sesame Street (Age 2-6)
12 26.47 1640 Seventeen
12 15.87 1830 Teen
1487 RollingStone
1580 Scientific American
1637 Self
1699 Smithsonian
8403 Southern Living
1710 Sports Afield
7995 Sports Illustrated*
1760 Sunset
1845 Tennis*
1850 Time*
12 23.32 3217Turtle(Age2-5) 8
•TOTAL DUE A make checks payable to your organization.
To Place an order:
Complete the order form above and make checks payable to Alpha Omicron Pi Magazine Program. Send check and order form to: AOn Magazine Program, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027
To Dragma/FALL 1995
12 53 36.43 Children and Teen Titles
12 10.57 9900 Children's Surprises (Age 5-9)6
22 31.77 0982 Crayola Kids (Age 4-8) 6
20 42.19 3330 3-2-1 Contact (Age 8-14) 10
12 19.05 2576 Disney Adventures (Age 7-14)12
12 25.39 2090 YM
12 10.57 7040 Zoobooks (Age 5-14)
40 63.59
12 19.05
12 12.69
52 42.35 * Includes Free Gift
make great
,.cirtist dedicates
original workfor . i
Lentenmal Celebration
Artists who believe in "art for art's sake" are a dying breed. Ann Cushing Gantz is a Dallas artist and teacher who truly feels that art is more meaningful when it is a "thing in itself" and not merely a "product." Gantz, Pi, (Newcomb College) has honored AOn by painting a magnificent commemorative painting, dedi- cated to the 1997 Centennial Celebration. This original work of art is featured on the cover of this issue. Gantz is considered one of the outstanding contem- porary artists of our time and AOn is deeply appreciative of her generosity.
Currently, Gantz is listed in Who's Who in American Art, the International Biographical Dictionary, International Who's Who of Women, and the Southwest Art Review. Her art is included in the collections of museums in Boston, Portland, Seattle, and Norfolk, as well as in the Smithsonian Institute.
A dedicated A O n through the years, she served as Pi Chapter President and in 1989 won the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Founder's Award, given to an alum- na that distinguishes herself in her profession, the arts, or service to humanity. Her love for Alpha Omicron Pi continues through her daughter, Melissa, who is a member of Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke University.
Upon being approached by the Centennial committee, Gantz gladly volun- teered to create a painting for the celebration and to donate this painting to our International Headquarters as a gift. The hardest part for her, she said, was deciding what the subject of the painting should be.
Gantz believes there are many different ways to view her Centennial painting entided "Reflections of Sisterhood." "Upon first glance, the subject seems to be a vase of roses, but this painting is about reflection and perception. The reflections of the three figures in the mirror, three women in front of the flowers, are sym- bolic of the different ages of the members of Alpha Omicron Pi. The women are reflecting on their lives and their relationships. The flowers are symbolic of Alpha Omicron Pi. Each rose is, by itself, very pretty. However, when the roses are grouped together, they make an even more beautiful bouquet. The reflections in the mirror and the enameled table indicate the benefits that radiate from the cen- tral group - our Fraternity. Reflections can obscure perception: some forms are obvious and clear, while others are difficult to discern."
ToDrajjma/KAU. 1996
When Gantz started painting "Reflections of Sisterhood," she began with a color wash of transparent pigments (called imprimatura) in order to plan the composi- tion and idea. She then made a detailed drawing in paint line to clarify the forms. Next, opaque paint was applied as the forms were delineated in thick paint (also called impasto) in a variety of stylistic degrees of realism. Once dry, glazes of transparent color were added to heighten the illusion of reflection and to create shadows and amplify color. The many layers of paint help to increase the depth of emotion and the luminosity of the color.
Gantz demonstrates these techniques to her students at the Cushing Studio in Dallas, Texas, where she has been teaching silkscreen; woodblock printmaking; painting with oils, acrylics, and watercolors; and figure drawing since 1964. She emphasizes to her students that "there are no rights and wrongs in art."
The Dallas Visual Arts Center is honoring Gantz with a month long retrospec- tive of her work beginning January 5, 1996. She has been painting since 1958, and many of her early works will be included. She also has many new works to display during this event.
The Dallas Visual Arts Center also plans to establish the Ann Crushing Gantz Award of Excellence to be presented annually to an emerging Dallas artist who exhibits exceptional talent.
Lithographs of "Reflections of Sisterhood" have been printed and are available for purchase from the Emporium. Gantz personally signed 250 of these special edition lithographs available for $50 each. An additional 800 unsigned litho- graphs are available for purchase for $25 each. An order form for this litho- graph and many other Centennial Commemoratives is on page 7. The money collected from the sales will go toward offsetting the costs o f our Centennial Celebration in 1997. The original framed painting, along with another Gantz original painting, hangs at Alpha Omicron Pi Internarional Headquarters.
"It is very special to have a tangible memory of an occasion designed for (the Centennial) alone," said Mary Williams, Past International President. "We, in AOn, are especially privileged to have this beautiful painting by Ann Gantz to mark our Centennial. Ann has shared a personal statement about AOfl, as well as her great talent, making this painting doubly meaningful," she said.
hasshared a personal
1 statement
about AU11,
as well as her great
talent, making this
painting doubly.
To Dragma/FALL IW5
It is certainly not uncommon to find one of our members balancing family, career, community service, and AOIL To salute these women, we are compiling a directory of those who have made sig- nificant achievement or shown outstanding leadership in their career, the community or the lives of others. If you know someone like this, then you know an AOll Woman of Achievement!
Jane Batterson Dickman, Rho (Northwestern U.), is one of our nominees fbrrheAOn Womenof Achievement program. Jane
was a wife, mother, career woman and community service leader in an age when women's roles were often less diversified. Her career began when she took a position working with Will Rogers on his New York Times daily col- umn until his death in 1935. She then went on to Life Magazine as the Assistant Advertising Promotion Manager for eight years. Community service is a passion for Jane, as evidenced by her founding of The Meals on Wheels Program. With help from Readers Digest and the National Manufacturer's Association, the Meals on Wheels concept has spread to all areas in the United States. In addition
to all this, she has held leadership posi- tions in church, P T \ , scouting, hospital auxiliary, the United Way, Lions Club, Girls Villa, and others. Yet, she still finds timeforAOll. Janehasservedasthe president of many of our alumnae chapters (New York City, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and New Jersey), a Regional Alumnae Director (1938- 1942), and is a permanent trustee of the Greater Pinellas Alumane Chapter in Florida. She was friends of Stella Perry, Jessie Huhgan, and Elizabeth Wyman. In fact, "Bess" often helped care for her son when he was ill!
Dr. Kristen Ries, Epsilon Alpha, (Pennsylvania StateU.)is another member nominated as a Woman of Achievement.
Her busy medical career has been dedi- cated to people with infectious diseases. She has held numerous posi-
with AIDS Coalition of Utah (1993). She has also written 22 original publi- cations and has given over 50 oral pre- sentations. Kristen was nominated for theHizabethHeywoodWyman Award in 1989.
Helen Holbrooke Keohane, Sigma, (U.G-Berkeley), another Women of Achievement nominee, is a "pioneer" of
women's soccer. Aside from her career as a Home Patient Representative who delivers medications and supplies to home bound patients, she is responsible for selecting and training eight different girl's soccer teams. Among many other accomplishments in soccer, Helen was an assistant coach for the West Region U.S. Olympic Sports Festival Team in
1987 that won the Gold Medal. She is one of only four women in the country who currently holds the U.S. Soccer Federation "A" Coaching license. She also finds time to be a Sigma Corporation Board member and has been Secretary, Treasurer, and President ofthisCorporation.
There are so many of our sisters like these who make our lives better. I f you know of someone that exhibits excellence and outstanding leadership in her profession or service to her com- munity, it would be fitting to nominate that person as an A O n Woman of Achievement.
The Women of Achievement Directory, scheduled to be pub- lished in the Summer of 1996 will help us celebrate our Centennial. We need to add as many marvelous women to our nominations as we possibly can. For further information, call or write:
tions including Chief of Laboratory Services and Radiology and established her own successful private practice. Sheiscurrentlya professor of Internal Medicine at the U. of Utah. Kristen has won 18 different community service awards including the N O W
W oman of Courageous Action Award (1988) and the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the People
To Drapna/FALL 1995
Alpha Omicron Pi Women of Achievement 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027
Alpka1 !
P i
flielifeofone of AOH most no W e pioneeirso
O n July 1 of this year, Judge Lucy Somerville Howorth, Kappa (Randolph-Macon Women's College) and winner of AOITs 1985 Elizabeth Heywood WymanAward,celebrated her 100th birthday. She has experi- enced many notable firsts during the past century, such as being the first woman to serve as top legal counsel to any executive or administrative agency of the Federal government and being
the first woman to chair the Mississippi State Board of law Examiners. She also served as a member of the Mississippi State Legislature, following in the foot- steps of her mother, Nellie Nugent Somerville, who was the first female elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives.
Lucy Somerville Howorth's remarkable life began in Greenville, Mississippi in 1895, a mere 30 years after her home town was burned during the Civil War. She grew up fascinat- ed by history and has played a role in many of the most histori- cal movements of the past centu- ry. In September of 1912, her lifelongassociation with ACO began when she pledged Kappa chapter. Lucy wrote, "As I was helped off the Memphis Special at Lynchburg, three girls rushed up and took possession of me: Linda Best, Shirley McDavitt, and Lida Belle Brame, all AOIls. Never had I seen such attractive girls. I was enchanted. W e con- tinued to be devoted friends as long as they lived; so it was with all the chapter."
Followinggraduation from Randolph-Macon in 1916, she
began a four year term serving on AOn's Executive Committe (now referred to as the Executive Board) as National Examining Officer. In 1918 she was off to Columbia Universitywiththeintentionof studying international law. During this time she joined the New York Alumnae chapter and had the opportunity to meet three of our founders. Ironically, Columbia was not admitting women to their law school, so in 1920 she entered the University of Mississippi School of Law and returned to her home state. While in Oxford, she formed a writer's group and began a book review column in the cam- pus newspaper, editing the work of, among others, William Faulkner.
O n August 26, 1920, Lucy trav- eled to Nashville with her mother to personally witness Tennessee become the final state to ratify the ninetheenth amendment giving women the right to vote. Following graduation from law school in 1922, as validictorian, she joined the Cleveland law firm of Shands, Elmore, and Causey. Her career made steady progress, and soon she was arguing cases before the state Supreme Court One of her projects during these years was working to help establish Delta State Teachers College
in Cleveland, Mississippi.
In 1927 she was appointed U.S. Commissioner of the Southern District of Mississippi, an appoint- ment from which the tide "Judge" originates. Her February 1928 marriage to fellow attorney, Joseph Howorth, began what Lucy describes as "52 wonderful years." They set up a law practice together and Lucy was soon elected to the
state legislature in 1931. Connections she made during her attendence at the 1932 National Democratic Convention led to a presidential appointment to the BoardofAppealsoftheVeteran's Administration. She and Joe moved to Washington, D.C. and spent the next twenty-five years there in public service. Joe worked at the Pentagon and Lucy ulti- mately became general counsel of the War Claims Cbmmission. Following retirement from public service, she and Joe returned to Cleveland and opened a law firm in 1958.
In addition to serving as AGT1 National Examining Officer from 1917-1920, she has been a trustee for the AOIT Endowment Funds and oversaw the building of the Nu Beta chapter house at the University of Mississippi. After receiving the Wyman Award in 1985, at the age of 90, Lucy wrote,
above: Lucy (leji)is photographed in Aug, 1985 with Katrina McDonald, Past International President 1925-'27. below: Lucy is the guest of honor at her 100th birthday celebration in Cleveland, Mississippi.
To Dragma/FALL 1995
"For someone who like me has had an extensive professional career and who has worked with national organizations, it has been a great sustaining force to know that anywhere I might go, if need arose, there would be an AOI1 standing near, ready to help and to add warmth to the greeting of others. If I had had a more restricted life, I think the awareness of friends "out there" would have added a glow to living. My message? Cherish your membership in AOI1, cling to your friends and know you are never alone."
To Dragma/FALL 1995
InstituteWhat is the Leadership
The Nashville Airport Marriott
June 28-30,1996
Who should attend?
Collegiate Chapter Presidents * Alumnae Chapter Presidents * Collegiate Chapter Advisers* Collegiate Rush Advisers *
Network Directors Network Specialists
Executive Board Past International Presidents International Standing Cornrnittee Chairmen Leadership Institute Committee
Also recommended are: Corporation Board Presidents* Collegiate Vice President of Education* Collegiate Chapter Relations Chairman* Collegiate Chapter Treasurer* Collegiate Public Relations Chairman* Collegiate Alumnae Relations Officer*
* Chapter and/or Corporation Expense
The Leadership Institute was envi- sioned to foster personal and leader- ship development of our members through professional and personal seminars and trainings. Our first Leadership Institute, in June 1996, will have a two-fold purpose:
1) to implement the transition of vol- unteer support for the collegiate and alumnae chapters to the Network system under the new structure of the Fraternity, and 2) to provide a broad based program geared toward the development of leaders not only in AOn, but in the community, work force and life.
This first Leadership Institute will emphasize the relationship between the Network Directors and Specialists through meetings with their assigned chapters and will establish lines of communication and support. In 1998, the second Institute will feature a more educa- tional environment with emphasis on broadening our AOn and per- sonal horizons. The casual atmos- phere of the Institute will assist in the concentration on development. We h o p e y o u w o n ' t m i s s t h i s opportunity to gather in Nashville in June. Make plans to attend the first Leadership Institute! Registration materials will be sent in January, 1996.
•Registration: $65 (personal expense for all participants)
• Rooms (per night): $25 Quad;
$35 Triple;
$50 Double; $100 Single •Meal Package (Friday-Sunday): $100
Directory 1995-96
The following is a condensed version of the
Fraternity Directory. All Council members
received a full directory in their fall mailing. If
you need the name, address or phone number
of a volunteer not listed here, please contact Nancy Moyer McCain,Rho, 1957-59
Norma Marshall Ackel. Kappa Theta, 1976-79 Joan Deathe MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-81 Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-85
Peg Kramer Crawford,lota, 1985-89 Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, 1989-93 Mary McCammon Williams,Phi, 1993-95
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood.TN 37027,(615) 370-0920, FAX (615) 371-9736 E-MAIL [email protected]
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma, Exectutive Director;
Sandra Click, Nu Omicron,
Office Manager;
Amy Worsham, Rho Omicron, Administrative Assistant;
Beth Swartz.Zeta Tau Alpha
MaryAnneWoKersberger, Rho Omicron, Property Coordinator;
Lisa Brown,Nu Beta,
Finance Coordinator;
Jackie Lynch, Rho Omicron,
Accounting Coordinator;
Donna Kumar, Rho Omicron,
Chapter Services Coordinator;
Leigh Perry,Upsilon Lambda, Coordinator forPrograms andTraining; Dina D'Gerolamo.KappaTau, Membership Development Coord.l Systems Administrator;
Ruth Hosse,Alpha Chi,
Chapter Consultant/Extension Coordinator; Ann Conlon Griesmer, Gamma Alpha, Alumnae Services Coordinator;
Dana Ray,Alpha Delta,
Public Relations/Conference Coordinator Mariellen Sasseen,Alpha Delta, Coordinator of Editorial Services;
Rebecca Brown,Delta Delta,
Graphic Design/Marketing Coordinator
Mary Ann Caldwell,Tau Delta, Information/Hospitality Coordinator;
Linda Fuson, Omicron,
Emporium Coordinator;
Shannon Mitchell,
Emporium Customer Service Assistant; Colleen Caban, Rho Omicron, Archive/Centennial Coordinator;
Cheryl W eaver,
AM Receptionist;
Pauline Overdorf,
PM Receptionist;
Christine Anneken,
Shipping and Receiving Clerk;
Pat Helland, Rho Omicron, Foundation-Director of Development;
Kristie Ryan, Rho Omicron, Foundation-Assistant Director of Development Pat Larson,
Foundation-Administrative Assistant;
Denise Scott, Gamma Phi Beta Foundation-Bookkeeper
International President, Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Theta, 5613 Skyridge D r . , Indianapolis, I N 46250,
(H) (317) 849-6142
(W) (317) 924-4265
(F) (317) 924-4271
Vice President o fOperations, Julie B r i n i n g ,
Gamma Delta, 5851 Overlook Rd.,
Mobile,AL 36618, (H) (334) 344-0649 (W) (334) 432-9741 (F) (334) 344-2952
Vice President o f Development, Linda Martin McLaughlin,
Alpha Theta, 1308 Somerset, Colleyville.TX 76034,
(H) (817) 788-8856 (F) (817) 581-3755
Vice President o f Finance, Linda Peters Collier,
Chi Omicron, 2910 Jessica Court, Vienna,VA 22181,
(H) (703) 242-0560 (W) (703) 518-5406 (F) (703) 242-0561
Elaine James Kennedy,
Alpha Chi, 5921 Camden Acres D r . Crestwood, K Y 40014,
(H) (502) 241-7318
(F) (502) 241-7364
Robin Mansfield Wright
Gamma Delta, 2610 Devlin Way, Cantonment, FL 32533,
(H) (904) 937-9212
(W) (904) 436-9360
(F) (904) 937-9002
Mary Matarazzo Bryant,
De/to Omega, 2113 Maryland Ave., Louisville, K Y 40205,
(H) (502) 458-1202
(F) (502) 454-7124
Debora Dellinger Harllee,
Zeto Psi, 2133 Bethabara Rd., Winston Salem, N C 27106, (H) (910) 924-5621
(F) (910) 924-4739
Jessie McAdam Lamed, Tan, 1965-67 Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, lotaAlpha, 1971 -73 Janirae Linebaugh Callaway, Omicron, 1975-76
Foundation Board President, Rosalie Gorham Barber,
Sigma Omicron, 1713 MacArthur Park
Jonesboro,AR 72401, (H) (501) 935-3393 (W) (501) 972-1890
Foundation Vice President, Becky Shook Weinberg,
Chi Delta, 4163 N . Lomond, Mesa.AZ 85215,
(H) (602) 924-1442
Foundation Secretary, Jean Marcy Sells,
Zeta, 29 Parker Rd.,
Framingham, M A 01701, (H) (508) 879-7094
Mary Batman Converse,
Phi Kappa, 4916 Chanticleer Ave., Annandale.VA 22003,
(H) (703) 978-9617
(W) (703) 893-2660
(F) (703) 893-2123
Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, 930 17th Ave., Grafton.WI 53024,
(H) (414) 377-7766
(W) (414) 238-4900
(F) (414) 238-4949
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist,
(see Executive Board listing)
Elise Moss,
Tau Delta, 10001 Greenview Dr. SE, Huntsville.AL 35803,
(H) (205) 880-1275
(W) (205) 536-9645
(F) (205) 536-1544
Dot Waters Williams,
Lambda Sigma, 6521 Rivoli Dr., Macon, G A 31210,
(H) (912) 477-1742
(W) (912) 745-5822
(F) (912) 743-8636
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Edith Huntington Anderson, EetUPhi, 1933-37 Mary Louise Filer Roller,Alpha Pi, 1955-57
Annual Fund Chair,
Dot Waters Williams
(see Foundation Board listing)
Major Gifts Chair, Barbara Daugs Hunt
(see Foundation Board listing)
Arthritis Research Grants Chair, Jean Marcy Sells
(see Foundation Board listing)
Ruby Fund Chair, Marianne Davies Carton Upsilon, 1262 Upas St.,
San Diego, CA 92103
(H) (619) 298-2150
Corporation Supervisor: Shirley Pinneke Knipfel lota Sigma, 4615 Toronto, Ames, IA, 50014
(H) (515) 292-5805 (W) (515) 239-5190 (F) (515) 292-5805
Fraternity Development: Marsha Guenzler
Beta Lambda,
4000 Massachusetts Ave. NW Apt. 1124,Washington, DC,20016 (H) (202) 237-5304
(W) (301) 314-8505
Historian/Archivist: Nancy Moyer McCain Rho, 38775 Byriver Dr.,
Rituals,Traditions, & Jewelry (RT&J):
Mary Jane Bell Sharp Omicron,245 Peters Rd. SW, Knoxville.TN 37923
(H) (615) 693-3579
Carole Jurenko Jones
Alpha Delta, I 19 W ellington Dr., Madison.AL 35758
(H) (205) 461-4831
(W) (205) 532-4526
Scholarship Chair, Elise Moss
(see Foundation Board
N o m i n a t i o n s :
Beverly Landes Townsend Alpha Phi, 8040 Lupine Lane, Bozeman.MT 59715
(H) (406) 586-6422
(W) (406) 994-5937
National Panhellenic Conference:
Collegiate correspondence should be directed to the Delegate Delegate: Barbara Daugs Hunt, (see Foundation Board listing)
I st Alternate:
Peg Kramer Crawford Iota, 91 13 S. Massasoit Ave., Oak Lawn, IL 60453
(H) (708) 422-5244
(W) (312) 702-6569
2nd Alternate:
Troylyn Johnson LeForge Beta Phi, 210 Barnes Mill Rd., Richmond, KY 40475
(H) (606) 624-3186
(W) (606) 622-3855
3rd Alternate:
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist (see Executive Board listing)
Ingrid Latimer Schulz Beta Lambda, 3902 Jade Ave., Wausau.WI 54401
(H) (715) 848-0787
Perry Award:
Ginger Banks
Pi Kappa, 3108 W.Terrace Dr., Austin.TX 78757
(H) (512) 454-8572
(W) (512) 475-0810
(F) (512) 463-7388
Assurance Review Chair, Karen Thomas Tucker
Delta Delta, 32l4Andre/vsCourtNVY Atlanta, GA 30305
(H) (404) 233-8019 (W) (404) 233-8440
Educational Grants Chair, Jean MarcySells
(see Foundation Board listing)
Marketing Chair,
Becky Shook Weinberg (see Foundation Board listing)
Alumnae Programming: Janis Tremble Nelson Upsilon Alpha, 42 San Juan Ct., Los Altos, CA 94022
(H) (415) 948-6583 (W) (415) 855-5649
Nancy Anderson Clark, Rho,I207W. Haven Dr., Arlington Hts., IL 60005 (H) (708) 392-1936
(W) (708) 255-7010
Chapter Financial Supervisor: Joanne Williamson Earls Zeto Psi, P.O. Box 313, Catlett,VA 22019
(H) (540) 788-9051 (F) (540) 788-1724
Constitution Interpretation & Revision (CIRC):
Karen Norene Mills
Chi Alpha, 20 Sage River Cir., Sacramento, CA 95831
(H) (916) 393-7311 (W) (916) 924-4035 (F) (916) 923-5318
• Susan Bonifield, Nu Beta (U. o f Mississippi)
• Lisa Darnley, Alpha Delta, (U. of Alabama)
• Kristin Ingwell, Theta (DePauw U.)
• K i m Koepke, Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U.) • Chrissy Kowalczyk, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia)
• Andrea Miner, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville)
• Michelle Newton, Kappa Omega (U. of Kentucky) • Cami Wacker, Zeta (U. of Nebraska)
Chapter Consultants may be reached by contacting AOIT International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027, (615) 370-0920, F A X (615) 371-9736 o r o n the E-Mail [email protected] o r [email protected]
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Clinton Township, Ml (H) (810) 463-4124
Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen Beta Tau, 27 Burndale Rd., Gloucester, O N
Canada KIB 3Y4
(H) (613) 837-3361
Cathy Connelly Wieand Gamma Beta, 1538 N.Valley Rd„ Pottstown, PA 19464
(H) (610) 970-0385
Susan Reid Mattern Chi Delta, 204 Lake C t., Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (H) (919) 942-4308 (W) (910) 842-2453
Renee Pugh Smith
Phi Upsilon, 3205 Hensel Dr., Carmel.lN 46033
(H) (317) 846-6246
(W) (317) 872-8113
(F) (317) 872-8584
Kristi Farmer Lykins
Kappa Omega, 4129 Clearwater Way Lexington, KY 40515
(H) (606) 271-7540
(W) (606) 266-6241
(F) (606) 266-9812
Judi Foster Gulledge
Gamma Delta, 102 Sintabouge Cir. Daphne.AL 36526
(H) (334) 626-5355
(W) (334) 415-2127
(F) (334) 415-2150
Tamee Dark
Lambda Tau, 4110 Echo Mt. Drive, Kingwood.TX 77345
(H) (713) 361-4624
(W) (713) 359-2103
Kathy Brakefield Sowell Lambda Tau, 5424 Mona Lane, Dallas.TX 75236
(H) (214) 780-0619
(F) (817) 795-1416
Beverly Landes Townsend Alphi Phi, 8040 Lupine Lane, Bozeman,MT 59715
(H) (406) 586-6422
(W) (406) 994-5937
Bonnie Somers Berger Tau, 13 I12 WoodmontSt., Poway, CA 92064
(H) (619) 748-8854
Everything that's AO
the largest collection ofAOTT sportswear
and gifts! Proceeds from our sales support and enhance
AOTT Fraternity.
Cover items described on page two.
We havear , sense of style
that fits the attfajdeofAOTT.
COVER: Top Photo
175 Navv Lined Anorak. Embroidered nautical
L&XL s50.00
164R Red Sweatshirt. 1 leavvueight cotton.
Stewart plaid w/embroiderv. L & XL "52.00 183 T one on li me lie) I Sweats!iir1. Embroidered
eeorative design. L&XL "38.00
I46 Navv Red Rose Sweatshirt. L&XI. "42.00
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22 Balloons. Red or white w/AOOL ".25
COVER: Bottom Photo
HOC Black Vt'alch PMdCap, flannel. Leather
trap, navv embroidery. " 15.00
I0K Khaki Cap. cotton w/plaid AOR "14.00
OA White (lap, cotton. Kmhroidered front and back. "14.00
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KJWWhilel :ap.eoitonw/mi\edplaid \< >n."l4.00 Til ISPACE:
A.the future's so bright I66 Embroidered Xig-XagT-Shirt. Multi-colored
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188 'leal Gear Jacket. Embroidered. Cardinal &
m rple accents. Soft sanded nylon. (Also available: naw jacket. I89) L&XL "54.00
l920ld\YeslT-S'h'irt, Multi-colored western design on white t-shirt. L & XL "15.00 194 SunshineT-Shirt. Design reads: "the
future's so bright! ....Alpha Omicron Pi."
•72L Order toll-free * 1-800-shop aoii
Or call •(615)370-0920
L&XL "15.00
0)213 CupofRosesT-shirt. Design reads:"AOn
is a r:up ol roses... ahvavs over I lowing w ith friendship." L& XL "15.00 motto poster
0 206 One Motto Poster. This limited edition
poster was designed to compliment our (hie Motto T-shirt (p. 2). Quote from founder, Stella George Stern Perrv. 27x18 inches. "8.00
C.&D.alumna essentials J@ 145 Navy Alumna T-shirt w/official alumna.
L&XL "15.00
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196 Polo Shirt. Cotton pique. Embroidered
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177 Natural Alumna Sweatshirt. Paisley letters
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W e have expanded our line of sportswearandgiftsto meettheneeds
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180 <)ne Motto T-Shirt Quote from St.
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it will be sent to you absolutely fee!
95-96 AOTT Chapter Consultants
Hie ChapterConsultant*traveltoAOFI chapters across the United States and Canada. The CCs are: Top row: Chrissy kowalczvk. II. of Georgia: Garni Waeker, U . of Nebraska: Andrea Miner. [ '. of Kvansville; Michelle Newton. U. of Kenlncky: Lisa Darnley, U.
of Alabama. Bottom row: Kristin Ingwell, Del'auw I .: Snsan Boniiield. I), of Mississippi: & Kim Koepke. (California ['olvlechnic State I . in style
HOC Black Watch I'laid Cap. flannel. Leather
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176 (* rev Sweatshirt, flannel black watch s
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Senior, University of Colorado-Boulder Major-Business Administration-Accounting Fraternity Service-President, Panhellenic Delegate, Jr. Panhellenic Representative, Panhellenic Programming Representative, Alumnae Committee
"Aonhasdevelopedmy leadership and professional skills. I have learned organization, time management, and public speaking skills all of which will be crucial in finding ajob after graduation. Without A O n I would not be as
Philanthropy Chairman, Administrative Vice President, Founders' Day Chairman "Onereason, IfeelAOnhasbeena significance in my life is the legacy bond I shore with my grandmother. This has been so signikant because I have never felt this type of bond before."
Amy Elizabeth Cathey, Omicron
Region V
Undergraduate, University of Tennessee- Knoxville Graduate, University of Tennessee-Knoxville Major-Political Science/Economics Fraternity Service- Rush party Chairman, Recording Secretary, Big Sister/Little Sister Award for Highest GPA-1986, 1987;
President, Knoxville Alumnae Chapter, Secretory, Assistant Philanthropic Chairman, Philanthropic Chairman
"ThroughAOn,Ihavelearned the importance of sharing with others the bounty which by God's grace has been given to me. In each of my offices in
A o n , I have remembered the importance of charity, of giving and doing for others, and in each case, the return has been tenfold. Thisideal of 'the sweet spirit of charity' carries into many other aspects of my life, and I am thankful to A O n for giving me the structure that
Alpha Omicron Pi's
1995-1996 Foundation
Scholarship W inners
also developed agreater love for the things and the people that surround me."
Michelle Lynn Geller, Chi
Undergraduate School-Syracuse University Graduate School-Mount Sinai School of Medicine Degree Pursuing-Doctor of Medicine
Fraternity Service-Scholarship Chairman, Leader's Council
"The values and ideals I have gained from being amember ofA on'hove remained with me throughout my medical school training, from learning the importance of helping others, I have been inspired to become involved in a variety of
community service projects to help those in need."
Junior, Indiana State
Major-Elementary Education
Fraternity Service-Rush Chairman, COB Rush Chairman, Rush Secretary, Keeper of the Ritual, Scholarship Committee, Social Committee, Chapter Program Committee, Vice President Spring Pledge Class "AOn'has shown me diverse opportunities for women in the work force through educational programs and leadership conferences I have attended.
professionally developed as I am AOnhasbeenafun learning experience for me and has taught things I would not have learned the University."
me through
Junior, Bowling Green State University Major-Interpersonal Communications Fraternity Service-President, Rush Chairman, Junior Delegate, Pledge Class Scholarship Chairman
"A O n has made me realize that we are in this world for a purpose to help others not just for the selfishness of ourselves. By holding several positions
the chapter I slowly began to realize
there is a whole world out there that is a lot worse than I am and they need me and my chapter to help them succeed."
Sophomore, Ball State University Major- Public Relations
Fraternity Service-Vice President of Education, Foundation Chairman, Chapter Educator, Basketball Marathon Chairman, Rush Committee
"AOn'hasgiven metheopportunity
find more leadership abilities within
myself than I thought I possessed.
A O n has given me the chance to use these abilities to the fullest, not only in
A On' but also throughout the Ball State campus."
Junior, Georgia State
Major-Business: Accounting
Fraternity Service-Executive Cabinet Chairman, Intramural Chairman,
helps me keep that ideal as my
in that
Region IX
Undergraduate, University of Washington Graduate, Seattle University School of Law Major-Undergraduate - Sociology Graduate Law Fraternity Service-Treasurer, Seattle Alumnae, Regional Director, ScholarshipAdviser "AOnhas given me my truest friends - those women who, more than 20 years later, ore still my best hiends. Also, A o n has given me a way of life, a rule to live by."
Carolyn Elizabeth Whittier, Theta Region IV
Sophomore, DePauw University Major- Music Education-Vocal
Fraternity Service-Administrative Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Phone Rep., Food Committee Chairman, Rush 5 Party Head, Song Leader
"A O n has definitely given me the chance to develop my leadership skills. Through my experience as Administrative VP, I have really learned how to work with others on the Leader's Council to do what is best for Theta Chapter. I feel that I have
/FALL 1995
This has broadened my interests and increased my goals. A O n h a s opened my heart and let me express who I really am with confidence."
Region IV
Undergraduate, Ohio Northern University Graduate, Ohio Northern University Major- Philosophy/Political Science Fraternity ServicePresident, Administrative Vice President, Membership Education, Greek Week Chairman, Pledge Class Historian, Homecoming Candidate "AOF!hasbeensignificant inmylife for the growth I have experienced and the principles I hove learned. Through ritual, I have learned the ideals of personal
comfort and what humanity should be about, simplicity."
Region V
Undergraduate, University of Louisville Graduate, University of Louisville School of Medicine Major-Biology
Fraternity Service-President, Chapter Relations Committee, Voting Delegate 1993, Leader's Council, Public Relations Chair, ToDragma reporter, panhellenic Council member
"Without my A o n involvement, I do not believe I would have been given the opportunity that I have to pursue my medical education. Involvement in
A O n has opened many doors for me and given me the opportunity to assume various leadership roles on campus and in the community, as welt as to develop group and interpersonal skills."
Region I
Undergraduate, Cornell University Graduate, University of Illinois Major-Animal Science & Biology FraternityService-lota-AlumnaAdvisory Committee, Corporation Board, Director, Treasurer Champaign/Urbana Alumnae Chapter, Region VII Financial Advisor Award
"Alpha Omicron Pi has played a significant roleinmylifebothasacollegiate andas
Undergraduate, Coe College Graduate, Miami University Major-Biology and General Science Fraternity Service-Vice President Administration; Environmental Awareness Chairman (Founder); Recording Secretary; Pledge Class President
"Since I have been an alumnae of
A On, it has come full circle the value of our fraternity. I recognize that whoever we are or wherever we may be, we all
Leaders' Council, Total Chapter Programming Committee, Rush Team, Day Head-Fall Rush, Scholarship Chairman, Neighbor Relations Chairman, Ritual Committee, Pledge Class Scholarship Chairman
"The most significant impact A O n has hod on my life is the role models I have come to know. Women like Leigh Perry, Debbie Wolf, Stephanie Marsh, Tracy Maxwell, Melinda Kelly and Charlene Murray hove given me inspiration, motivation, education and guidance."
Kaliopi Pappas, Sigma Region X
unior, University of CAot Berkeley Major- Political Science
Fraterntity Service-Chapter Relations Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, Chapter Relations Committee Representative "Alpha Omicron Pi has provided me with a niche within a massive campus
community, and has also given me a chance to develop leadership skills while at college. Joining A O n was a good decision for me-l have a permanent campus home, asteady group of friends and an organization to belong to and believe in."
Region V
Junior, University of Louisville Major- Political Science
fraternity Service-Vice President of Education, Philanthropic Chairman, Scholarship Chairman
" A O n has given mean opportunity to lead not only in the sorority but on campus and in my community. I have always thought trying to lead people of your own age group was the most difficult type of leading and A o n has given me experience with that type of leadership which will be priceless when I am searching for a job in the future."
JENNIFER STEWART, Upsilon Lambda Region VIII
Senior, University of Texas Major-Interdisciplinary Studies FraternityService-President,Vice President/Administration, Rush Chairman, Corresponding Secretary, Pledge Class Scholarship Chairman
"Through Alpha Omicron Pi I have developed leadership skills. I have learned how to manage conflict in a large group by dealing with a variety of attitudes and personalities."
havethestrength ofAOn together."
LORI HART, Delta Delta
Region VI
Undergraduate, Auburn University Graduate, Georgia State University Major- Education
Fraternity Service-Chapter President, Recording Secretary, Various Committees, Delta Alpha International Rush Team, Regional Director Region VI, Atlanta Alumnae Association
"I am a legacy to A o n . I remember growing up, my mother would always wear a white sweatshirt with the red letters 'AOn' onthefront. I remember her singing "I'm an AO, AO Cutie Curie Pi". After I pledged, she sent me a rose. As I began to learn more about A O n , I learned more about my mother."
Undergraduate, University of Minnesota Graduate, University of Minnesota Mojor- General Management, Finance Fraternity ServicePublic Relations Chairman, Assistant Treasurer, Scholarship Choirman, Administrative Vice President; member Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter
" A O n has given me the support structure andguidance todevelop into the selkonfident caring person I am today. AOnhas helped me develop adult relationships and how to work with a
variety of different
an alumna, following graduation
Cornell, I hod accepted a research
at the University of Illinois. Over
summer, I wrote a letter to lota
offering my assistance with their fall Push. Two days after moving 900 miles from home, I found myself in a new 'home'."
horn position
STEPHANIE ROLOFF, Delta Sigma Region X
Senior, San Jose State University Major- Accounting
Fraternity Service-New member Educator, Mr. Fraternity Chairman, Assistant Rush/C.O.B. Chairman, Bylaw Committee, Fundraising Committee,
mat Chapter
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Region II
Junior, Shippensburg Major-Finance Fraternity Service-Philanthropy Chairman, President
"AO n has taught me agreat deal of skills that I will use for the rest of my life. Skills such as leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills have given me the ability to speak up and be heard when I have something to say, rather than be the shy wall flower that I used to be."
Junior, Georgia State University Major- Nursing, Biology Fraternity Service- President, Relations Chairman, Corresponding Secretary, Panhellenic Delegate
"Being involved with A o n over the last three years has given me the opportunity to have personal growth and developed mystrengths asaleader, team player, and as being a friend."
Region VI
Junior, University of ALat Birmingham
Fraternity Service-President, Vice President Administration, Scholarship Chairman
"AO n has given me self-confidence that I never thought I could possess. I have held three offices in my chapter -1 was unable to run for anything in High School due to the lack of faith that I had in mysel A o n has also taught me to
" A O n has taught me a lesson that is reinforced by the principles the University of Chicago was founded on: the free exchange of ideas and diversity. I feel like I have met the world through my sisters and I am eternally grateful to them for making my world abigger and better place."
forms with a dedicated alum advisor. Jo me there was a sparkle about A O n from the moment I stepped foot in our chapter. Knowing that I can be myself around my sisters has helped me continue displaying my humorous and caring personality to others that I meet in my everyday activities."
Region VII
Junior, Arkansas State University Major- Journalism/Public Relations Fraternity Service-Chapter President, Public Relations Officer, Regional Leadership Conference, organizer for collection of food for local food bank, organized AOPride Day
"Alpha Omicron Pi has allowed me to experience the impact that o group can make when holding to their hearts the same goals. Alpha Omicron Pi has made a significant lasting impression on me as it has made on the world about us."
Region IV
Junior, Indiana State
Major-Elementary Education
Fraternity Service-Vice President of Administration, Scholarship Chairman, Rush Secretary, Historian, Pledge Class President, Bylaws Committee, Jr. Panhell Delegate
"AOn hasincreased myleadership and social skills. Through the many activities in which I have been involved, I have encountered several situations mat improved my ability to work with others and have confidence in myself."
Region VII
Junior, University of Minnesota Major- International Business
Fraternity Service-President, Vice President of Education, Chapter Relations Chairman, Bylaws Committee Member, Parents' Club Cochair, Standards and Policies Committee Chairman
" A O n has further developed my leadership skills. A OJ7 has been a place where I can use these important skills. These skills include oral and written communication, conflict resolution, time management, group
adaptability/flexibility, and
TONYATARVIN, Epsilon Omega
Region V
Senior, Eastern KY University Major-Speech and Communication Fraternity Service-President, Jr. CR delegate, Officer Selection Committee "BeinganAOTlhasimpacted mylifein that it has expanded my comfort zone so that I have more tolerance and restrained judgement toward those who make choices that are different from my own."
Senior, Murray State Major-Accounting Fraternity Service-Vice President of Administration, Spirit CoChairman
" A O n has given me the self-confidence and determination to become involved in many organizations and obtain a leadership role. AOnhos shown me the value of friendship and loyalty and the true meaning of "giving of one's self."
Junior, Washington Stote University Major- Communications (Advertising)
a / F A L L 1995
be a more loving and feeling
Region VIII
Junior, University of Kansas Major-Economics & Women's Studies Fraternity Service-President, Vice President for Member Education, New Member Educator, Scholarship Chairman, Pledge Class president
" A O n is significant tome because it has turned me into a conhdont and caring woman, and because through ritual I have
learned the value of sisterhood sincere friendship."
Region VII
Junior, University of Chicago Major-English Fraternity Service-Public Relations/Historian/ 7b Drogmo
Fraternity Service-Public Relations Chairman, President, Rush Choirman
"AO n means unconditional support, matter if I am chatting with a college sister about classes or discussing report
To Dragma/FALL 1995
In 1997, Alpha OmicronPi will celebrate its 100 years of existence. T h e AOFl Foundation Board of Directors would like to make the celebration even more special by presenting 100 Centennial Scholarships at the 1997 International Convention in New York City! Can you imagine how wonderful it will be to know we can have a positive impact on 100 sisters?
We are looking for members who understand the importance of scholarships and who will agree to contribute up to $1,000 for a one—time Centennial Scholarship. All pledges can be paid anytime between now and June 30, 1997. The A O n Foundation will be happy to send you quarterly, semi—annual or annual reminders of your commitment. Centennial Scholarships will be presented at the
1997 International Convention in New York City.
The Foundation Annual List of Donors will be printed in a new annual report to be distributed in October. The list of donors will not appear in To Dragma. If you would like to receive the AOIT Foundation Annual Report which will include financial information for the 1994/95 fiscal year, please call Pat Larson in the Foundation Office at 615/370-0920, ext. 31.
Lisa Akers, X A '80 Centennial Scholarship in honor of Cheryl Hallquist Rosalie Gorham Barber, £ 0 '57 Centennial Scholarship
Lisa Martine Brown, NB '83 Centennial Scholarship
Mary Batman Converse, O K '62 Centennial Scholarship
Melanie Nixon Doyle, A X '61 Centennial Scholarship Laura Freville, 0IT64 Centennial Scholarship
Anne Zipp Game, NO '80 Centennial Scholarship Julie Gates, Y A '89 Centennial Scholarship
Kimberly Campbell Hamilton, Y '80 Centennial Scholarship in honor of Katie Hallahan Lisa Tewksbury Hauser, Y A '75 Centennial Scholarship in honor of Marilyn Herman Marilyn Rose Herman, Y '53 Centennial Scholarship in memory of Norma Godfrey Taylor Deborah Hernas, A T '70 Centennial Scholarship
Lorraine Chanatry-Howell, X '52 Centennial Scholarship Kathy Jensen, QQ. '71 Centennial Scholarship
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, IA '59 Centennial Scholarship Karen Norene Mills, X A '78 Centennial Scholarship
Dr. Judy Thompson Moore, NB '80 Centennial Scholarship
Karen Morauski, OA '82 Centennial Scholarship
Elise Moss, T A '70 Centennial Scholarship
Tau Delta Chapter Centennial Scholarship in honor of Elise Moss and Region VI Officers Jean Marcy Sells, Z '69 Centennial Scholarship
Mary Ann Vaughan Stark, AA '68 and Tracy Stark, AA '91 Centennial Scholarship Anne Buechlein Wilmes, X A '77 Centennial Scholarship
Mary Matarazzo Bryant, AQ '70; and Elaine James Kennedy, A X '76 Centennial
Scholarship in honor of Anne Allison
Birmingham Alumnae Chapter, Zeta Pi, Tau Delta, & Rho Delta Centennial Scholarship 1993/94 Chapter Consultant Centennial Scholarship
Headquarters Staff Centennial Scholarship
Nu Beta Chapter & Zeta Pi Chapter Centennial Scholarship
Nu Beta House Corporation Centennial Scholarship
Region VI Centennial Scholarship in honor of Mary Louis Roller
Region VI Centennial Scholarship
Region X Centennial Scholarship
Sigma Phi & West Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter Centennial Scholarship
Winner's Circle Centennial Scholarships - (2)
diamond'^(Ju£l&e ^^ew/eMwia£S^<dlo$^^
• Yes, I want to sponsor a $1,000 one-time Centennial Scholarship.
• Yes, I want to contribute $100 $250 $500 $ other
to a Centennial Scholarship. Please select one of the following options.
Thefollowing Centennial Scholarships will bepresented at the 1997 Centennial Convention
Full payment enclosed opportunities)
(see below for Visa or MasterCard payment
Name Address_ City
Annually Semi-Annually Quarterly Initiated Chaprer_
I prefer my pledge to be paid
(reminders will be sent by the Foundation Office)
I wish to charge my gift to Credit Card Account Number Name on Card
State MasterCard
. Exp. Date. Date.
alumnae news
"As alumnae,we weave AOn into the many aspects of our lives. I'm sure that our collegiate sis- ters can attest to this, as they witness us scurry to their chapter from work, between baby sitters, etc. W e are multi-dimensional. W e have a professional life (be it at home or in the workplace,) a volunteer life, and a private life - as spouses, parents, friends, and individuals.
As professionals, we educate, litigate, tabulate, and incorporate. W e create, regulate, translate, and debate. W e investigate, operate, illustrate, and speculate. W e innovate, deliberate, stipulate, and negotiate. W e always emerge first-rate.
As volunteers, we participate, donate, obligate and alleviate. W e demonstrate, mediate, equate, and contemplate. W e motivate, relate, liberate, and rededicate. W e never, ever procrastinate.
As individuals, we calculate, formulate, enumerate, and articulate. W e venerate, meditate, conse- crate, and supplicate. W e celebrate, invigorate, emulate, and radiate. W e love to date, or match a mate. W e circulate, congregate, recreate, and relocate. And, then - we all recuperate.
Into our lives, all these things we integrate. And so, to all alumnae - we appreciate and heartily congratulate!"
Excerpt from speech by Executive Board Director. Debbie Detlinger Harllee, delivered at the Alumnae Luncheon, International Convention in Scottsdale.
alumnae changes make AOTT more accessibleto all members
Sarasota Alumnae at a Christmas gft wrapping fund raiser.
Alumnae chapters are not limited to pursu- ing the minimal requirements in their applic- able category, and may strive to achieve much more. But those groups that just can- not attempt a broad range of activities need not be discouraged. All are welcome and are urged to gather as AOITs and participate on the level that is appropriate for their mem- bers. AOITs philosophy is that whether 3 or 33 wish to get together as AOIls in a struc- tured manner, these women should have equal recognition as official alumnae groups.
While categorized by size, alumnae chapters are encouraged to provide for a variety of activities suited to the individual chapters members, while still offering joint gatherings. Some chapters offer separate day and evening events, in addition to joint occasions. Some have special interest groups such as Mothers Morning Out, after work get-togethers, etc. within their chapters. It is important to AOn that all members benefit from the opportunity to know and learn from each other, no matter their age or interests. Each alumnae chapter determines its individual focus and the members have flexibility in how they choose to convene.
We will continue to search for avenues to help make alumnae chapter participation feasible for every AOn, and for ways to assist alumnae chapters in their operation. For example, alumnae chapter reports were streamlined last year to make this necessary task quicker and easier. The Fraternity has begun revitalizing inactive alumnae chapters through regional participation in our new Alumnae Chapter Enhancement Program.
The above words ring true for all AOF! alumnae. You are busy women, with many worthwhile activities as well as daily requi- sites that consume your time. While Alpha Omicron Pi is always going to be a pan of your life, we hope that you will choose for it to be a continuing aspect through the years.
Recognizing that you have busy lives, we wish to make AOn more accessible to all alumnae - so that you may share in the friendship, enrich- ment and fun that are derived from active alumnae involvement.
New Alumnae Chapter Categories
groups. All of the other NPC alumnae offi- cers were surveyed two years ago when we met jointly at the NPC Conference. They generously shared their various approaches to alumnae associations, clubs and chapters in written form. W e remain in contact, sharing other alumnae information.
We used this internal and external scrutiny, in formulating a new way to organize our alumnae groups. Council approved this pro- posal at Convention in June 1995.
There are now four categories of alumnae chapters, organized by size. Each category has varying requirements, as the sidebar on page 40 indicates. W e will be working with existing active colonies to transition them into alumnae chapters.
To this aim, we examined our existing sys- tem of alumnae groups - colonies and alum- nae chapters, to investigate how we might increase opportunities to participate. In some locations, there might not have been the fifteen A O n alumnae that were required to form an alumnae chapter. While a colony could be formed with fewer women, there was a three year time frame in which to grow into a full chapter. Also, small chapters sometimes struggled to operate. AOITs who were filling a collegiate Alumnae Advisory Committee in a town where there
To l)raS ma/FALL 1995
were a limited number of alumnae, were very busy in advisory capacities and faced a juggling act in simultaneously operating an alumnae chapter.
As well as taking an internal look, we checked to see how our fellow sororities address organization of their alumnae
... «•
Greater Jackson Area Alumnae at their Reorganizational Luncheon.
alurnnaenewsAlumnae chapters across the United States and Canada are just beginning a new year. Check out the following list of alumnae chapters at the end of this section to find one near you. Not one in your area? Consider starting one. There's plenty
We are also developing some special recruit- ment ideas and methods for alumnae chap- ters. Additionally, an alumnae chapter start up kit is also in the works.
Rose Members
An option that some alumnae have elected in order to remain involved, is our Rose Member program. For ACHls who live outside a fifty mile radius o f an established alumnae chapter, this program affords another chance to remain connected to your fraternity. Members receive The PIPER, our educational and informa- tional newsletter for AOn leaders, plus news of AOn events in dieir area. It is somewhat like an international alumnae chapter, with members from various locations.
Charter bers of the Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter at their 25th Anniversary Luncheon.
of help available. Just call our Alumnae Services Coordinator at Headquarters. She'll help you find the names of AOITs in your vicinity and put you in touch with an AOIT volunteer who will guide you through the steps.
Sisters for a Lifetime
Being an active AOn alumna is truly a bene-
fit of membership in
our Fraternity. You
meet women from
chapters across the
continent and across
a wide span of years.
There are alumnae
who have interests in
common with you as
well as those who can
contribute new ideas
and broaden your
scope. Personal
enrichment, profes-
sional sharing, and
community involve-
ment are rich rewards
to be experienced.
There may also be
'± possibilities for
New Categories a t a Glance
(Basic requirements*)
3-10 Members
• Hold minimum of two meetings per year
• Officers: President, Secretary/ Treasurer combined
• Two main reports, fall and spring
I 1-20 Members
• Hold minimum of four meetings per year
• Officers: PresidentVice President SecretaryTreasurer
• One formal Ritual per year
• Two main reports, fall and spring
21 -45 Members
• Hold minimum o f four meetings per year
• Officers: Presidencies President SecretaryTreasurer Rushee Recommendation Form (RRF) Chairman
• One formal Ritual per year
• Two main reports, fall and spring
46+ Members
• Hold minimum of four meetings per year
• Officers: PresidentVice President SecretaryTreasurer Rushee Recommendation Form (RRF) Chairman
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Detroit North Suburban members work hard again this year on their annual flower sale fund raiser
Our Numbers are Growing
It is exciting to note that AOn alumnae involvement is growing. This past year, our alumnae chapters added 667 members to their chapter rolls! Two hundred of these were new alumnae taking advantage of our Senior K it offer to exempt the international fees portion of alumnae chapter dues during their first year as alumnae (see To Dragma, Summer'95).
If you are not currently an alumnae chap- ter member, now is a great time to join!
involvement with a
nearby AOFI colle- giate chapter. Underlying all of these com- ponents are the friendships and fun that
await you as an active AOFI alumna!
by Debbie Dellinger Harllee, ZetaPsi(E.CarolinaU.),NCPiedmont •
One formal Ritual per year Two main reports, fall and spnng
Alumnae Chapter, Executive Board Director,
The Alumnae News is changing.... All Chapter reports will appear in the Winter 1995 7b Dragma Special Edition. For more information about the new Alumnae News section, see page 54.
• A supplement forAOTTsAlumnae Chapter Operations Manual will detail suggested activities for well-rounded alumnae chapters, reports and attach- ments as well as awards. For those who choose to pursue awards, all alumnae chapters will be eligible, within applicable categories.
Alpha Omicron Pi is fortunate to have exceptional alumnae chapters! Members truly experience lifelong sisterhood in an active alumnae chapter Membership Recruitment a n d Retention are integral aspects of a vibrant alumnae chapter Our Distinguished Service Award ( D S A ) Semi-finalists share some o f their successful ideas. Perhaps y o u will recognize some that your chapter practices, and discover others that your chapter can employ.
alumnae news
This has been so successful for them this year that eleven new members have joined. These members agreed to be involved with a com- mittee or special project right away. Impressively enough, approximately one half of their attendance at meetings this year has been new members!
Hammond Area:
The Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter has created a survey to tty to reach all area alumnae, and, in order to get as many filled out as possible, they have staited a contest with Kappa Tau colle-
The members of the Atlanta chapter con- tinually try to get everyone involved and feel like they belong. A red rose is given to visitots to welcome them. Allof theit members, including new members, are involved in a committee in some way. They invite seniors to special events includ- ing a "W elcome to alumnae status" recep- tion at a country club. They exempt recent gtads from paying local dues, and they make a contribution to the Foundation to honor the death ofa members mother.
Austin membets attempt to make new mem- bers feel like many aspects of their lives can be involved with A O n . This chapter hosts a Mother/Daughter event for theit local colle- giate chapter so everyone can get to know one another Once they obtain members, the phone committee consistently calls them to keep them involved in chaptet activities.
Aside from great phone communication, the Bloomington/Normal chapter puts notices in local newspapets and sends many postcatds in order to recruit new members and retain them. They also try to get mothers involved by inviting collegians mothefs to a salad supper Their member- ship chair personally contacts all new grad- uates who move to the area to invite them to join their chapter.
Chicago Northwest Suburban:
To Dragma/FALL 1995
This chapter has had a very successful two
years! Based upon a response to inquiry let-
ters and phone calls, the chaptet throws a
New Member party. These parties have been
so successful for them that many of the new
membets who attend them are now officers! giate chapter to see who can complete the They send summer newsletters to ALL area
AOris in hopes of attracting members. They also send invitations to join their member- ship to A O n collegiate chapters in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and othet chaptets in the midwest. They make sure to regularly thank membets fot what they do by holding a Thank You Meeting once a year.
F t Lauderdale:
The Ft. Laudetdale chaptet uses theit younger members to tectuit new members.
most surveys. Also, each Kappa Tau New Member is matched with an "alum chum" to develop a special telationship between them. This alumnae chapter continues to have a wide tange of activi- ties to appeal to alumnae ofall ages.
The Huntsville chaptet relies strongly on the power of the telephone. They use direct call- ing o f recent gtaduates and current alumnae to recruit support. Dues-paying members
Members of the Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter at their international Potluck Dinner.
alumnae news
receive a phone call every month simply to touch base with them and say "Hi!" This has been so successful that many of the people who come to a meeting after receiving their first phone call, join their membership then.
New Members who are brought to the Indianapolis chapter by younger members are taken to a gathering at a local restaurant and the chapter pays for the appetizers. Several of these new members have enjoyed the event so much that they pay their dues right then and there! First time attendees at their meetings receive a copy of their newsletter and several AOTI gifts in a red bag. After a few meetings, these new mem- bers are asked to help on a committee.
Lake County of Illinois:
The first meeting of the year is dedicated to new members and AOlTs who are not acquainted with their chapter. A t this meeting, they display scrapbooks and pictures. The chapter gives them AOfl memorabilia, adds them to the phone list, and offers them the chance to carpool for meetings. The Lake County of Illinois chapter also tries to accom- modate members with busy schedules by hav- ing meeting times on weekdays, week nights, and weekends.
Indianapolis Alumnae registering for their Spring Luncheon/Fashion Show.
during the summer, so they can have future contacts with people they meet. They also gain a better understanding of alumnae life.
The Phoenix alumnae try to be a presence for collegians while they are still in school to promote continued involvement. Recent graduates are contacted by phone and invited to attend the next event. All new members are introduced at all functions, and a men- tion is made when it is someone's first visit. A New Member Packet which contains their directory, goodies, and a calendar of upcom- ing events is given to all new members.
W Ii
Dearborn Alumnae proudly display their AOTI Alumna t-shirts.
San Jose:
The San Jose chapters Collegiate Liaison is a recent graduate and has a close relationship to Delta Sigma, their local collegiate chapter. This enables them to develop a program that can appeal to alumnae of all ages, plus they can develop specific programs for younger
Members of the
Nashville chapter
who are living near
their newer mem-
bets take these
women under their
wings and assist
them in whatever
way they can. They
make sure to deter-
mine the level of a
new member's
interest before ask-
ing for committee help. A way that they determine this interest is to put a clip-out coupon in their newsletter, that asks for any kind of help what-so-ever, so mem- bers can decide what they want to do and respond in their own time frame.
New members of the Orlando chapter are assigned buddies who are close in age to them, so they can have close contact with their contemporaries, someone who can give them rides to a meeting, or someone with whom they can work on chapter projects with. The president contacts members her- self if they are showing a lack of interest. They try to offer something to all age groups, since their members range from the ages of 22 to 90.
A letter is mailed to all alumnae who attend their meetings for the first tim e to thank them for com- ing, and to encourage future attendance. These women are also telephoned personally to invite them to attend their next meeting. Collegians
50 year members.Lois Wilkinson Keenan and Eleanor Beshgetoor DILuigi, are invited to an
both of Psi, were honored at the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter Founders' i n f o r m a l Day Banquet Banquet Chairman, Amy Stasko, is pictured at right
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Suburban Alumnae
the chapter's annual Christmas party.
members such as their "Thursday at Fridays." Their luncheon honoring graduat- ing seniots from Delta Sigma has become a special day they all look forward to.
Sarasota Area:
The Sarasota Area alumnae chaptet keeps in contact with area collegians. In fact, they have always offered theit first year free so these women can take advantage of theit member- ship. They offer a B & B program for recent gtaduates and seniors, and they have the opportunity to make cateer connections through the alumnae membets. They take pride in A O n and wear their letters on every- thing so people who have not been involved can see them in public.
Southern Orange County:
The members of the Southern Orange County alumnae chaptet have a Senior Recognition Night where they actively tecruit new members. Each member o f the
Original member, Williams,
Jerry McGinnis (right), and long time member, Mary at Bloomington/Normal Chapter's 25th Anniversary
West LA:
This chapter has worked so hard on recruit- ment tactics that they have incteased their membership to the highest it has evet been, up 11% ovet last year They are familiar with many membets of local collegiate chap- ters allowing them to personally know peo- ple who are graduating. They have tevamped their programming to atttact their diverse age range (22-94), including Girls Night Out and Women In Politics Speakers.
young members. Anothet wonderful idea they've been work- ing on is a play group for women with young children called "Panda Pals." Membets make sure to touch base with less active membets and assist them with any life challenges they are facing.
Toledo Area:
chapter is given recruitment responsibilities. Through numerous PR efforts, they are able to get their name out to the general public and to AOJTs who are not so active.
St Louis:
This chapter has worked hard to identify the type of programming that will attract and tetain mote members. This effort has result- ed in more social activities that interest recent graduates and other
alumnae news
Virginia Tidewater:
These women make sute to make member- ship recruitment a priority during late sum- mer and early fall periods. With only 17 membets, they revel in the uniqueness of their members and believe that this is what makes their chapter remain strong. Their love for one another is obvious, and this allows them to draw AOFIs from all over the country who move to Virginia.
Chicago Northwest
members get into the spirit of the holidays at
T h e chapter has creat-
ed a new board position called Vice Ptesident of Membership which will be in charge of overseeing all recruitment and tetention. They believed this job deserved board status. With such a high priority on membership, it is no wonder why they are so successful. They include collegians in four meetings during the year, and they make sure to show that "AOn is for a lifetime." They also have a senior buddy program which matches a gtaduating senior to an alumna.
AOn Alumnae at the Florida State Day reception at the University Centre Hotel in Gainesville.
To Dragma/FALL 1995
alumnae news Alumnae Chapters
AOFI has chartered over 220 Alumnae Chapters in the United States and Canada. Below is a list, by state, of each active Alumnae Chapter or Colony, Chapter President and her phone number. If you live in one of these areas, join an alumnae chap- ter and experience their fellowship first hand. If you live elsewhere, consider starting your own, or become a Rose Member.
If you have further questions, please contact the Alumnae Services Coordinator at head- quarters for more details.
The Power of Friendship. AOTT.
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Julie Samuel (403) 235-2061
Montreal Alumnae Chapter
Sarah Smith Allan: (514) 694-8710
Ottawa Alumnae Chapter
Mary Jane R.Jacobsen (613) 837-3361
Toronto Alumnae Chapter
Lydia Charalambakis (416) 492-7248
Vancouver Alumnae Chapter
Anne Ridsdale Mott (604) 738-7764
Birmingham Alumnae Chapter
Kelli Wright (205) 491 -7782
Decatur Area Alumnae Chapter
Mary Louise B. Ogle (205)350-2936
Huntsville Alumnae Chapter
Christina Burson Bragg (205)880-0102
Mobile Alumnae Chapter
Melanie Loper Lauder (334) 343-3654
Montgomery Alumnae Chapter Vonda FarrisWood
Tuscaloosa Alumnae Chapter Gloria Hamner
Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter
Jennifer K. Dammeyer (313) 995-9653
Anchorage Area Alumnae Chapter
Melissa Ballard Addams (907) 563-8499
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
LisaTewksbury Hauser (602) 905-3019
Tucson Alumnae Chapter
Chris Flores Flores-Low (602) 795-2396
Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter
Amy Shelton (501) 972-9530
Little Rock Alumnae Chapter
Mychelle Kleypas (501) 225-6655
Northwest Arkansas Alumnae Chapter Elaine Olszewski (501) 824-5759
Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter
Claudia Bishop Samson (510) 831 -9231
East Bay Alumnae Chapter
Galen Short Rothman (510) 849-1949
Long Beach Alumnae Chapter
Carla Kramer Jesse (714) 968-0090
Monterey Alumnae Chapter
Margaret Tompson Riggs (408) 484-1086
Northern California Council JudyWest(5IO) 537-0149
Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter
Lynne D. Mitulinsky (813) 961 -8026
Athens Alumnae Chapter
Christy D. Chambers (706) 546-8207
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
Carol Cotten Smith (404)984-9655
Augusta Area Alumnae Chapter
Linda Graham Sigg (706) 863-641 I
Hawaii Alumnae Chapter
Mary Delpech (808) 395-3534
Boise Valley Alumnae Chapter
Renee Knudsen Munn (208) 344-9917
Pocatello Alumnae Chapter
Rita D. Haggardt (208) 233-3313
Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter
Janice Greive Buxton (309) 454-2424
Champaign-Urbana Alumnae Chapter
Kathleen Rippel Holmes (217) 235-4317
Central Illinois Colony
Karen SchmittYoung (217) 423-8918
Chicago Area Alumnae Council
Lisa Hahn O'Reilly (708) 852-2237
Chicago Beverly Hills Alumnae Chapter
Kay Olson Shannon (708) 422-4828
Chicago Loop Alumnae Colony
Terri Mascherin (708) 492-3792
Chicago N W Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Judy Gambrel Flessner (708) 623-3354
Chicago W est Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Susan Gilliland Barker (708) 852-0694
DeKalb-Kane Alumnae Chapter
Julia Clemens Winters (708) 742-7802
Lake County of III Alumnae Chapter
Victoria C. Biarnesen (708) 855-1459
Rockford Alumnae Chapter
Tara Salisbury (815) 397-5069
Bloomington Alumnae Chapter
Mildred Frazee Allen (812) 334-2917
EvansvilleTri-State Alumnae Chapter
Charleen Macken Moore (812) 425-6985
Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Anne Pandl Stover (317) 844-5013
Lafayette Alumnae Chapter
Millicent M. Mitchell (317) 743-2054
Muncie Alumnae Chapter
Barbara J. Ottinger (317) 289-4080
Terre Haute Alumnae
Gail M.Thompson (812) 460-0132
Ames Alumnae Chapter MalisaWord(5l5) 836-4486
Cedar Rapids Alumnae Chapter
Barbara ErnstTupper (319) 363-8005
Des Moines Alumnae Chapter
Colleen L.Anderson (515) 266-4136
Topeka-Lawrence Alumnae Chapter Karen Basey
To Dragma/ FALL 1995
Northern Orange Co. Alumnae Chapter
Karen Van Dyke W atson (714) 826-2065
Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter
Trish Shelton Moxon (415) 967-0639
San Diego Alumnae Chapter
Amy Forsythe Herman (619) 793-3493
San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter NatalieSvider(8l8) 760-7576
San Jose Alumnae Chapter
Karen Youngman Ryan (408)268-2831
San Mateo Alumnae Chapter
Cindy Ruskin Castle (415) 349-8913
South Bay/PalosVerdes Alumnae Chapter DianeVer Steeg (310) 316-2720
Southern California Council
Heidi Morrison Gould (310) 945-1131
Southern Orange County Alumnae
Carol Relfson Frogue (714) 830-5218
Ventura County Alumnae Chapter
Dorothy Keen Robinson (80S) 495-6074
W est Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter Ann Schmidt (310) 275-3327
Denver Alumnae Chapter
Diane Boone (303) 680-7172
Southern ConnecticutAlumnae Chapter
Cathy Quine Carter (203) 634-3783
Wilmington Alumnae Chapter
Stephanie Parker (302) 644-2169
Boca Raton Area Alumnae Chapter
Elizabeth Gordy Schulz (305)946-1827
Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter
Caroline G. Courtney (305) 566-3561
Gainesville Alumnae Chapter JaneTessmer (904) 726-0157
Greater Miami Alumnae Chapter
Lauren Turner Huffman (305) 665-7853
Greater Pensacola Alumnae Chapter
Karen Cory Stewart (904) 434-1259
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter
MargotTanner McBath (813) 347-9562
Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter
Laura Freville (904) 727-3916
Orlando Alumnae Chapter
LisaAkers (407) 696-5430
Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter
Helen Lawton Zientek (407) 624-2018
Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter
Mary Niedenthal Huber (813) 921 -1514
Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter
Elizabeth Hardee (904) 894-0538
Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter
Nancy Spires Norris (502) 782-8341
Hopkinsville Area Alumnae
Carrie W. Brookshire (502) 466-5589
Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter
Linda Madden Stroud (502) 231 -9007
Lexington Alumnae Chapter
Karen Halcomb (606) 223-4936
Northern Kentucky Alumnae Chapter
Coleen Cahill Klensch (606) 341-5819
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter
Lisa Markland Pultz (504) 291-3983
Greater Lafayette Alumnae Chapter
Melissa Ragan Myers (318) 234-3989
Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter
Laura Ethridge Litolff (504) 345-0102
Monroe Alumnae Chapter
Catrina O. Mayo (318) 345-4570
New Orleans Alumnae Chapter
Maria G. McLellan (504) 737-9953
Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter
Nancy Pistaki Chard (207) 774-0475
Baltimore Alumnae Chapter
Carmel Gabriele Kaiser (410) 666-7756
Boston Alumnae Chapter
Jodi Epstein Harger (508) 250-9186
Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter
Jennifer K. Dammeyer (313) 995-9653
Dearborn Alumnae Chapter
Rosemary Malish (313) 278-7268
Detroit N Suburban Alumnae Chapter Mary Palo Levi (810)654-5471
Grand Rapids Alumnae Chapter
Kathleen K. Snyder (616)957-1219
Kalamazoo Alumnae Chapter
Annette Martz Daniel (616)329-1182
Macomb County Alumnae
Virginia Krupa Shaw (810) 939-8135
Minneapolis/St Paul Alumnae Chapter Cheryl Oulicky (612) 588-3899
Greater Jackson Alumnae Chapter
Angela Abraham (601) 853-3309
Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter Theresa W eathers (816) 353-7862
Mid-Missouri Alumnae Chapter
Elizabeth B.Rackers (314) 634-8060
St Louis Alumnae Chapter
Donna J. McGinnis (314) 230-6214
Bozeman Alumnae Chapter
Heidi Pfeil Dougherty (406) 585-0237
Kearney Alumnae Chapter
Anne Gnuse Leaf (308) 381-8763
Lincoln Alumnae Chapter
Maureen M. Hergert (402) 423-6644
Omaha Alumnae Chapter
Linda Hassler Hall (402) 895-1837
alumnae news
State College Alumnae Chapter
Nancy Mellinger Zendt (814) 867-9995
York County Alumnae Chapter
Katy Smith (717) 767-4168
South Carolina
Hilton Head Alumnae Chapter
Dawn Hansen (803) 689-2702
T ennessee
Dyersburg Alumnae Colony
Pattye Johnson Williams (901) 627-9517
Knoxville Alumnae Chapter
Jennifer Holder (615) 546-4900
Memphis Area Alumnae Chapter
Stephanie BAdams (901) 756-9748
Nashville Alumnae Chapter
Anna Eubanks (615) 320-7129
Arlington/Mid-Cities/Ft.Worth Alumnae Chapter Shirley R. McCracken (817) 261 -6948
Austin Alumnae Chapter
Janna W arren Heliums (512) 869-7674
Beaumont Alumnae Chapter
Janet Hiller Shackelford (409) 722-2996
Dallas Alumnae Chapter
Cynthia Lyons (214) 306-4774
Houston Alumnae Chapter
Judith Wright Rose (713) 868-2884
N Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter
Barbara Schmidt Kenny (713) 370-6779
San Antonio Alumnae Chapter MargaretWhitbeck (210) 699-3855
Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
Jean D.Zimmermann (703) 680-5489
Richmond Alumnae Chapter
Deana Rivera (804) 353-7479
VirginiaTidewater Alumnae Chapter Patsy Willis (804)491-2734
Palouse Alumnae Chapter
Kathleen Jinks (509) 334-1738
Seattle Alumnae Chapter
AlisiaTrejo Roozen (206) 241-0522
W ashington D C
Washington DC Alumnae Chapter Darby Elgin (301)869-8332
W est Virginia
Northern WestVirginia Colony
Paula Moore Thorn (304) 598-2165
Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter
Wendy Klotsche Kohler (414) 377-8433
To Dragma/FALL. 1995
Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter
Elizabeth C. Amundson (702) 254-2419
New Jersey
Central New Jersey Alumnae Chapter Jennifer Dorfeld (908) 725-4819
Jersey Shore Alumnae Contact
Kathryn Kwaak (908) 536-3127
New York
Buffalo Alumnae Chapter
Wendy Hoke Evenden (716) 648-0838
Long Island Alumnae Chapter
Kathryn Tomsula Priven (516)829-8563
New York City Area Alumnae Chapter Susan Stone (201) 653-7399
NY/NJ Metro Alumnae Chapter
Bridget Pfeiffer Scanlon (718) 981 -8318
North Carolina
Charlotte Alumnae Chapter
Lori Hawkins Andersen (704) 567-8162
Piedmont, N C Area Alumnae Chapter
Kate M.Crawford (910) 584-4974
Triangle Alumnae Chapter
Mary Ann Kidder Smith (919) 460-9877
Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter
Sonya Rasmussen (513) 871-5709
Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter
Kathleen A. Goebel (216)943-0611
Columbus Alumnae Chapter
Jenney Knight Seely (614) 764-8971
Dayton Alumnae Chapter
AmyWiedeman (513) 277-2831
Toledo Area Alumnae Chapter
Cynthia Skaff (419) 535-7092
Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter
Kathleen Raney Sands (405) 340-4972
TulsaAlumnae Chapter
Karen P Ravenscroft (918)492-5963
Portland Alumnae Chapter
Susan S. Dalrymple (503)774-5472
Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter
Ruth Souders Bissot (717) 367-4807
Lehigh Valley Alumnae Chapter
Graciela Pelagio (610) 776-0883
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter
Polly Quigley (215) 648-0226
Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter
Karen Synder Galehan (412) 341 -2321
Reading Alumnae Colony
Adele Miskie (610)796-0490
Rho Delta Chapter Installed at Samford University
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Rho Delta Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed at Samford University on May 7, 1995. Past International President Mary McCammon Williams conducted the initiation and installation ceremonies for our 170th collegiate chapter. Assisting in the installation were Robin Wright, Executive Board Director; Julie Brining, Regional Vice President Region VI (cur- rently Vice President of Operations); Laura Burcham, Regional Director; Dolores Rhodes, Regional Public Relations Officer; and Toni Morgan, Regional Director.
Other alumnae who assisted in the initiation and installation were Colleen Walker, Colony/Chapter Adviser; Debbie Dailey, Chapter Relations Adviser; Beverly Badger, New Member
Adviser; April Bryan, Panhellenic Adviser; Carla Callahan and Mary Sheffield, Rush Advisers; Cynthia Swearingin, Education Adviser; Lisa Krusinski, Financial Adviser; and Jana Branch, Birmingham Alumnae Chapter
President. Tracy Stark, Chapter Consultant, as well as International Headquarters staff members Donna Kumar, Leigh Perry, Ruth Hosse and Dana Ray were also in attendance.
A Rose Reception was held at the Birmingham Country Club in honor of the New Members, their families and friends, as well as representatives o f Samford University. Also in attendance at the Rose Reception were members from Tau Delta, Zeta Pi, Nu Beta, Alpha Delta, and Delta Delta chapters. Mary Williams served as toastmistress for the reception.
Rho Delta Chapter became not only the 170th chartered collegiate chapter o f AOn but also the seventh chapter locat- ed in the state of Alabama. The AOn chapter became the sixth National Panhellenic Conference Fraternity on the Samford campus joining Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Phi Mu.
Congratulations to the charter members of Rho Delta
Jenna Arrington, Gretchen Baker, Lara Bishop, Tiffany Bloodworth, Jill Brooks, Rachel Burton, Elizabeth Catterton, Kelley Cox, Loti Ctonon, Rebecca Darlington, Melissa Deaton, Amanda Dunn, Angela Elder, Jennifer Eley, Karen Eubanks, Rebekah Falk, Tracy Fettig, Paige Fisher, Amanda Gannett, Jennifer Gordon, Karen Goss, Tara Gravette, Shelley Harmon, Rebecca Harris, Sara Herron, Kristen Hoek, Kimberly
Holliday, Laura Howell, Lori Imboden, Julie Johnson, Candace
Jones, Jill Jones, Karly Kandel, Brenda Keneally, Jennifer Lee, Catherine Lipop, Jennifer Mahaffey, Monti Marsh, Karen Marshall, Heather McCollough, Kristen McComber, Collyn Milsted, Mary Moberg, Leslie Moore, Katherine Patterson, Amy Payne, Jill Peterson, Katheiine Phillips, Janet Roberson, Allison Rotch, Brownie Rushing, Cherington Shucket, A m y Smith, Holly Sparks, Jessica Stoner, Karen Thompson, Christy Vaughn, Shannon Watson, Elizabeth Wells, Lisa Wells, Ttaci Wells, and Andrea Young.
collegiate news
^-^1 Striving to be the best!
Stephanie Carroll and Marci Klein of Epsilon Chapter (Cornell U)
Alpha Chi Chapter;
Western Kentucky University
This chapter continues to refine chapter operations. Chapter members are involved in all areas of campus and community as individ- uals and as a group. They have been leaders on their campus in alcohol education and have brought "Our Chapter, Our Choice" to cam- pus. They have embraced the BRIDGES pro- gram and have done an outstanding job edu- cating their members.
They pledged "quota plus"
and initiated 100% o f
their new members.
Campus and individual
recognition were diverse
and extensive last spring.
AOn's ritual and its mean-
ing are important parts of
this chapter. Devotion 1 and life long commitment
is instilled in their mem-
bers without exception.
They received recognition
from Panhellenic by
receiving the Sisterhood
Award, Scholarship Award
and the Most
Outstanding New
Member Program. The
Greek Adviser writes "The
chapter provides the cam-
pus with many leaders. Chapter members hold Student Government, Panhellenic and leadership positions in over 20 organizations. The chapter is a leader in our Panhellenic. Besides the leadership positions that the chapter members hold, they have been a leader in endorsing and implementing new policies."
Squeals of excitement rang out across the room as each chapter president made her way forward to receive one of the highest honors AOTT bestows on our collegiate chapters, the Distinguished Service Award (DSA). Presented only once during a bienni- um, the coveted DSA is awarded to just 10-12 of our collegiate chapters who have excelled during the previous two years in all areas of programming and operations.
"What does it take to be selected a DSA finalist?" is a question often asked immediately following an International Convention. Convention often inspires chapters to strive for excellence, but some never fully understand what they need to do to get there. The selection criteria is established, in part, by the Collegiate Chapter Performance Standards that all of our chapters have in their possession. In recognition of AOTTs best, and to explain what it takes to be the best, we have briefly highlighted a few of their accomplishments:
ToDr^ma/FAFL 1905
Delta Delta Chapter
Auburn University
This chapter is a campus leader, excelling in all areas across the spectrum, from scholarship to spirit, from leadership to lending a helping hand, from intramurals to involvement, from visibility to valued support. They are recog- nized on their campus for their commitment to service, supporting numerous significant and diverse projects. They help make conditions
sends monthly updates to the ROC describing the chapters activities and their goals. The Greek Adviser writes "AOn is known as one of the top sororities. The members are well rounded women who are involved in many other activities on campus, yet manage to con- sistendy be in the upper third in terms of schol- arship." This chapter fully understands and supports Panhellenic principles and cultivates these in their membership. This chapter has in excess o f 170 members.
Delta Upsilon Chapter;
Duke University
This chapter continues to excel in all areas and are leaders on their campus. They consis- tendy have an outstanding rush and are above campus total. They initiated 100% of their New Members this year. Their service to the community is evident through their many hours of community service, outreach and involvement in peer counseling and tutoring programs which benefit students as well as other members o f the community. This chap- ter has a tradition of excelling in scholarship. They are extremely active in Panhellenic. They worked closely with Panhellenic to bring anoth- er sorority to their campus and continued to provide support to them throughout the year. Chapter members are visible on campus and hold many leadership positions that reflect posi- tivelyonthechapteraswellasAOI~I.Atotalof $1161 has been given to the Foundation. These funds were raised during their Crush sales and the annual Charity Bash. Their Greek Adviser states, "The chapter is clearly devoted to working for the benefit of all sororities and devotes extensive time and exceptional leader- ship which demonstrates their desire to serve others."
Delta Delta (Auburn U.) members, Heather Denneke and Jennifer Fernandez prepare a chapter display.
better for the community youth through Project Uplift and Boykin Center Projects. They have developed an affiliation program due to the large number of affiliates on this campus. This chapter has contributed more than $7000 to AOn's Foundation through their annual Stick U p for Arthritis. T h e chapter
collegiate news
Epsilon Chapter;
Cornell University
This chapter continually pledges quota and initiates 100% of its New Members. They excel in all areas of programming, scholarship and service to the community. They have been recognized as a model chapter on their campus. The Greek Adviser states "The sisters of this chapter are indeed a quality group of women. They have been actively involved in the com- munity. Members have held several positions within the Panhellenic Association and the Panhellenic President is an AOIl." They were recognized this Spring by Panhellenic with the following awards: Most Outstanding Programming, Overall Most Outstanding Panhellenic Chapter on Campus and the Most Outstanding Community Service Chapter. This chapter takes special pride in their philan- thropic and community service programs. They are involved in a nutrition program for the elderly which includes serving lunches in a low-income residential complex and with the Salvation Army. Another of their accomplish- ments was successfully implementing the AOIl Brown Bag Luncheon Series.
Epsilon Omegt
Epsilon Omega Chapter;
Eastern Kentucky University
This chapter excels in rush, leadership, and friendship. They consistently pledge quota and last year initiated 100% o f their new members. All areas of chapter programming are outstand- ing. This chapter truly exemplifies all that
AOIl stands for from their academic achievement, campus activities, community involvement and most importantly their understanding o f ritu-
al. Their campus involvement is impres- sive. The Greek I Adviser states, "Their peers consider them to maintain a close and
supportive sisterhood, and are impressed by their sense of commitment, cooperation and strong leadership. They clearly understand the meaning of fraternity and somehow they always manage to exemplify it. They serve as role models and are the chapter you can mea- sure your success against." They have received their campus Distinguished Service Award for the past four years. Their RVP states, "Chapter operations and programs are excellent and posi- tive. Ritual is an important focus for this chap- ter. They are always cooperative and respond to requests. They are a true example of what our Founders wanted in a chapter of AOfl."
ToDragma/FALL I'M5
a members participating in Eastern Kentucky U's Phonathon '95.
but with other campus organizations. They received the Panhellenic Spirit Award, placed first in scholarship for the last 3 years and received the Dean's Cup for recognition of their service hours. In 1993-94 an AOIl was Panhellenic President and she was instrumental in bringing "Our Chapter, Our Choice" to the campus. The Greek Adviser writes "This chap- ter has excelled in areas of leadership, scholar- ship, rushing, membership selection and ser- vice, and they are well respected not only by the Greek system but the administration as well." They have been active in the community, par- ticipating in many local events, from buying bricks in Cathedral Square to participating in Walk America.
Kappa Alpha Chapter;
Indiana State University
This chapter has dedicated themselves to becoming one of AOil 's best and they have suc- ceeded. Their willingness to help whenever asked by A O n or the University is well docu- mented. They have hosted a rush workshop for another sorority on their campus, served as a rush team within their region as well as partici- pated in a presentation with AOfl International. They recently received from Panhellenic the Order of Omega Programming Award, Most Outstanding Rush Programming, Most Outstanding Pledge/Associate Program and Most Outstanding Alumni Relations Program. The Greek Adviser states "The chap- ter's participation in campus events is excellent and the individual chapter members' leadership contributions are exemplary. The chapter has successfully pursued appropriate academic, social, and service goals and values." This chap- ter understands the meaning of sisterhood. They have consistently maintained 95% atten- dance at chapter meetings. O u r ritual is instilled in their members from the time they pledge through graduation.
Gamma Delta Chapter;
University of South Alabama
This chapter excels in all areas of our perfor- mance standards. They have an excellent rela- tionship with their AAC and their Coqioration Board. The chapter members have proven their leadership skills not only in their chapter.
Lambda Tau (Northeast LA U.) members show off their Panhellenic Award.
LambdaTau Chapter
Northeast Louisiana University
This chapter continues to excel in all areas of chapter operations. They are dedicated to excellence in ritual, scholarship, Panhellenic and alumnae relations. This chapter loves and respects ritual and has understanding of the day to day application. They have been instrumen- tal in helping their Panhellenic achieve awards at the Panhellenic Conference. They are com- mitted to local service projects including MS Run, Walk and Roll and the Annual Trash Bash. For six years they have received the Chapter of the Year Award. They were recog- nized for the Most Outstanding Alumnae Relations Program. The Greek Adviser writes "This chapter is a very fine group o f dedicated achievers whose goals are not only to meet each members needs but to meet the needs of the Greek community. As indicated by their com- mitment to Panhellenics various programs throughout the year, they have proven their excellence and dedication to fraternal and Panhellenic purpose." This chapter has embraced BRIDGES and continues to instill in its members that AOF1 is for a lifetime.
Nu Omicron Chapter
Vanderbilt University
This chapter continues its tradition o f excel- lence. They consistendy have a strong rush, outstanding public relations, excellent program- ming and a commitment to philanthropy. Scholarship continues to be outstanding on this highly competitive campus. They are known as leaders on campus and are very involved in the community. They have participated in a cook- book sale for Arthritis Research, hosted inner- city children from an elementary school, helped distribute cans of food for the needy, worked with Habitat for Humanity and participated in Alternative Spring Break. The Greek Adviser stated "They are truly an outstanding chapter on our campus. AOFl represents a diversity o f interest and activities, intense campus involve- ment and leadership as well as commitment to Panhellenic ideals and individuality. AOIls have always been leaders on our campus, but they also know how to be reliable, productive followers." They have traveled outside of their region to assist another chapter with rush and have hosted Tennessee State Day.
Tau Delta Chapter;
Birmingham Southern
This chapter excels in every way. This chap- ter is a leader on its campus. They are involved in campus organizations, honoraries, philan-
collegiate news
thropic activities as well as in the community. Members understand the meaning of our mis- sion statement o f sisterhood, service, scholar- ship and leadership. Not only do they excel as a chapter, individual members have obtained outstanding achievements. They consistently pledge quota and initiate 100% of their New Members. They have embraced BRIDGES and Total Chapter Programming. This chap- ter has developed an outstanding chapter rela- tions handbook which has been used by other
ball game for young girls, assisting with the Special Olympics, and collecting clothes for the needy. The Greek Adviser writes "When I think of AOn, I think of individuals over the years who have made so many contributions, not only to the sorority but to the University as well. With strong leadership, caring advisers and hard work, they have become the sorority
To Dragma/FALL 1995
Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.) members at a Big Sis/Little SisEvent at a local Iceskating rink.
chapters. They have established Panhellenic relations and hosted Panhellenic picnics and a luncheon during rush. The RD writes, "When I envision what a DSA chapter is, I am think- ing of a chapter who is continuously leading, striving to achieve, and constandy educating themselves. This chapter is doing this and more." They participated 100% in the Senior Challenge program this year. This chapter is always willing to help when called upon. They have helped with chapters locally, from con- ducting rush workshops, to participating in a colonization and installation.
Tau Omicron Chapter;
University ofTennessee at Martin
This chapter has a history of maintaining the highest standards of AOn. They continual- ly pledge quota and are above campus total. They consistently earn first place awards from Panhellenic in the areas of service, leadership and scholarship. This chapter is very proud of its community service and have participated in the following ways: Adopt-a-Highway, Adopt- a-Grandparent Program, V olunteering for the American Heart Association, sponsoring a t-
that others use as a role model." Eight chapter members received University Service Awards which are presented to individuals who have shown outstanding service to die University and the community. In addition to giving to others, the chapter has strong internal bonds and understands the meaning of our ritual.
The Collegiate News is changing.... All Chapter reports will appear in the Winter 1995 To Dragma Special Edition. For more information about the new Collegiate News section, see page 54.
Why areyou
doing away
with all of
our traditions?"
Asked the woman in the third row.
"Well," I replied, "first I need you to clar- ifywhetheryoumean the traditions ofthe first fifty years,orthetraditionsofthesec- ond fifty years?"
Alpha Omicron Pi has been around near- ly 100 years and our traditions have evolved during this time. I f you look back you will notice our Founders did not have traditions which involved pledge classes, pledge programs, or even formal rush. And they certainly did not have a tradition o f hazing!
Can you imagine Jessie inflicting a mid- night interrogation on a New Member class? Bess telling a New Member that she would not be initiated if she refuses to use the back staircase and answer the phone with a jingle? H o w about Stella requiring New Members to run her errands? Or Helen refusing to allow the New Members to wear AOfl letters?
Not very likely examples, are they? Unfortunately, they're all very real exam- ples o f events that really do happen today.
If we can not imagine our Founders par- ticipating in "our traditions", why do we participate in them now? And more importantly, why will we not stop?
Two years ago, prior to the implementa- tion o f BRIDGES, a regional vice presi- dent wrote this to one o f her chapters:
"Hazing occurs because peo- ple are reluctant to abandon demeaning traditions or activ- ities which they consider nec- essary for pledge class unity, for learning to respect chapter members or for making pledges earn' the right to membership. Hazing destroys chapter unity by intimidating the newest, most vulnerable persons in our chapters. W e cannot expect pledges to be strong and creative individuals after initiation unless we treat them as much loved sisters during their pledgeship. Hazing has no place in our chapters. It does not teach sis- terhood or express how mean- ingful membership is. There are no positive features o f haz- ing, only negative."
Suzanne Bowman, Delta Upsilon
When AOn extends a bid to a young woman, we are inviting her to become a member of our Fraternity. During our Pledge Ritual, the New Member's sponsor states, " . . . in order that you may con- tinue worthily to maintain the ideals of our Fraternity." The key word here is continue. She doesn't have to earn the
right to initiation, or prove her respect for the Fraternity or her future sisters because we have already deemed her worthy of initiation by extending her a bid.
There is a wide variety ofbonding/sister- hood building activities available that do not embarrass women or damage our self esteem. I f you need additional sugges- tions for positive activities, contact your regional director or Headquarters.
"We don't haze our New Members."
But, on some campuses, our chapters require their New Members to visit men's
To Dragma/FALL 1995
fraternity houses
their members.
comes from A CHI or some other group— it's still hazing.
and get signatures o f W hether the hazing
"But, we don't do anything that bad—ours is just subtle hazing "
We all know the psychological damage that abuse can cause; permanent scars thatnoonecansee. Howmanywonder- ful women and potentially outstanding AOFIs have we lost because o f senseless acts our Founders would never condone?
What are the results of hazing?
We've all seen it in chapters with the destruction of self esteem and morale, the loss of respect for those who "should know better," and the loss o f our members.