Co Dragtna
Hlpba Omicron Pi
vol. x x Hovcmbcr, 1024 N0.2
To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, C a l .
Theta—De Pauw University, Greenca&tle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
G a m m a — U n i v e r s i t y of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
R h o — N o r t h w e s t e r n University, E v a n s t o n , 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
I o t a — U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois, C h a m p a i g n , 111.
T a u — U n i v e r s i t y of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, W a s h .
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, W i s .
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P a .
P h i — U n i v e r s i t y of K a n s a s , L a w r e n c e , K a n .
Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan, A n n Arbor, Michigan.
Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla
P i Delta—University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumna—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumna?—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumna;—New Orleans, La.
Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnae—Portland, Oregon.
Seattle Alumnae—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumna*—Lynchburg, Va.
Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C .
Philadelphia Alumnae—Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas Alumnae—Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City Alumnae—Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Alumna;—Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumnae—Alumnae Association (temporarily), Tacoma, Wash.
Syracuse Alumnae—Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit Alumnae—Detroit, Michigan.
Nashville Alumnae—Nashville. Tenn.
Cleveland Alumnae—Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Alumna; Association—Champaign, HI.
Memphis Alumnae—Memphia, Tenn.
Miami Valley Alumnae—Oxford, Ohio.
Milwaukee Alumnae—Milwaukee, Wis.
Birmingham Alumnae—Birmingham, Alabama.
VOL. X X NOVEMBER, 1924 Xo. 2
Scholastic Honors Among Our Last Year's Seniors 1
French Education 5
A Bed for Crippled Children 8
H o w W e Stand on National Work • 10
Vocations for Women 13
Suggestions for the Girl Interested in General Sciences 13
Opportunities for Women in Journalism 16
Alpha Omicron Pi Annual Scholarship Report • 19
Around the World 20
With an Upsilon G i r l in Peking • 26
Scholarship the Essence 29
Short Cuts to H i g h Grades • 30
Correct Your Directories 31
Are Y o u Proud of Y o u r Chapter? • 33
Unexcused Fines for 1924 34
Items of Interest ' 35
Editorials •• . . . . 3 6
Active Chapter Letters • 40
Alumnae Chapter Letters 55
Alumnae Xotes •• 70
T O D R A G M A is published at 4 1 5 T h i r d Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.,
by T h e Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the Act of March 3 , 1879. Acceptance for
mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 3, 1 9 1 7 , authorized February 12, 1920.
T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September, November,
February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; L i f e
Subscription $15.00.
Grace O'Brien, T a n ; Elizabeth Perry, N u Omicron; Dorothy
Dickinson, Iota; Velma Leigh Carter, Omicron Pi.
G LADYS R I C E , '24, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as well as
Pi Lambda Theta this spring. Gladys was our president
last year, and one of the truest and most f a i t h f u l of Alpha O's.
Iota is very proud of her latest Phi Beta Kappa, Dorothy
Dickinson, '25. Not only does she have the honor of wearing
the key, but she has the distinction of having attained it in her
junior year.
Dorothy is a temperamental girl with unlimited ability i n
many lines. Among other things last year she was made a
member of Mortar Board, senior honorary organization, presi-
dent of Theta Sigma Phi, honorary journalistic, and sponsor of
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman scholastic sorority.
I t is very proper that one who has done so much on the
campus should be Iota's new house president. Her versatility,
executive ability, and charming personality will lead Iota to big
things on the campus.
W i t h all her activities Dorothy has time f o r her many friends
and is very popular. This year she is writing an editorial a day
for the Daily Mini and meets every day with the student honor
commission. She takes first place i n everything she attempts,
showing the spirit of A O I I .
Now and then, during intervals of a half dozen years or
so, there comes into every fraternity a g i r l who is remarkable
because of her talents, her character, and her power to lead
and inspire others. Since her initiation into Tau Chapter of
Alpha Omicron Pi, in the spring of her freshman year at
Minnesota. Grace O'Brien has been an active influence in the
lives of her sorority sisters. She was. f r o m the beginning,
well-known and well-liked on the campus, being a member of
the Freshman Commission and of the Women's Student Gov-
ernment Association. I n her sophomore year, she was very
active in Y . W . C. A . work, and was a member of the cabinet.
She was also, that year, treasurer of the fraternity.
I t was in 1922, in what would have been her junior year
in college, that Grace was given the foreign exchange schol-
arship, and passed the year studying at Versailles in France.
She came back to Minnesota, after havmg spent that summer
in traveling through Germany, filled w i t h ideas and exper-
iences. From the time of her return to her graduation in the
winter of her senior year, Grace was president of the chapter
—one of the most efficient presidents, one may add, that T a u
ever has had. She graduated with a degree of Magna Cum
Laude, and with a Phi Beta Kappa key besides.
Psychology has been her most active interest always; it is
a productive outlet for her desire and her power to analyze
human nature. A t present, she is w i t h the National Child
Guidance Clinic at Minnesota, and she will go, w i t h them, to
Cleveland some time in the winter. T h a t w i l l be after she has
received her M . A . degree in psychology.
A l l this sounds like a cold and impersonal relation of facts,
—almost as though we were making capital of her achieve-
ments. But they fall into insignificance before the equal
reality of Grace as a friend and a sister. Her personality is
v i v i d , colorful—often magnetic. A l o n g w i t h the ability to see
clearly, to judge impartially, and to act with calm purposeful-
ness, there is an immense sympathy and a spirit of friendship
which inspires confidence and love—and awe. She is a favor-
ite among her sisters. A n d we say truthfully, that Tau seldom
has had a g i r l who has exerted a stronger influence upon the
chapter as a whole, or has been more of an inspiration to its
individual members.
Thelma Vinal, Pi Lambda Theta, Phi Kappa Phi, became
a loyal A l p h a O in the f a l l of 1923, while she was getting her
Teacher's Fellowship degree.
Thelma, as most small, red-haired women are. is fired w i t h
ambition, which makes her attain w h a t she has set her heart
Filled with pep and always ready with a witty or wise re-
mark, she is indeed an enjoyable companion.
As her membership in Phi Kappa Phi proves, she won the
respect and friendship of both her faculty and classmates.
Eligibility to this fraternity being based not only on high
grades, but upon personality and good character, the faculty
and students of her college choosing the members.
Thelma is conscientious, not attempting more than she can
do well. She does not take her responsibilities lightly, and ex-
pects the same of others. She is always w i l l i n g to help in
whatever way she can, f r o m acting, in which she is no amateur,
to sitting in a dark room, waiting f o r a rat, who has eaten her
long kid gloves, to appear. She was never known to be angry, and
is a close and true friend, seeming to know in just what mood
one is, and acts accordingly. Thelma is the kind of a woman we
all would like to become.
N u Omicron is justly proud to present Elizabeth Perry,
'24, as one of her most brilliant and attractive members. She
was elected to Phi Beta Kappa a year ago, having the high
distinction of winning this honor at the end of three years.
She was the "little sister" of another A O n and Phi Beta
Kappa of '22, Augusta Perry Schaffner, who also was elected
to this honor w i t h i n three years. Elizabeth is not only pos-
sessed of very unusual mental power, b u t is w i t h o u t a doubt
one of the most attractive and popular members we have ever
had. I could not begin to do her justice in one short article,
for i t is by actual association w i t h her that one realizes the
fullness of her charm and depth of her character.
T w o Psi girls were taken into Pi Lambda Theta last
June. They are A n n Hassan, and Louise Kappella. both
seniors. A n n is medium height, slim, attractive and sweet.
She is always lively and f u l l of fun. Mathematics is her major
and she expects to teach i t when she graduates. I t is con-
ceded that she is "deep" and "terribly bright." Louise, too,
is medium height, dark, and attractive. B u t one is impressed
above all by her capability. She is a hard-worker and makes
a success of whatever she does. Good humor shines in her
b r o w n eyes and she is always ready to do something f o r
someone else. She is m a j o r i n g in chemistry and hopes to do
some t h i n g in this field when she graduates.
Alida Broacher, '24, was secretary of Pi Lambda Theta in
her senior year. Alida lacked a very few points of being a
Phi Beta Kappa. She was an honor student i n the class of
1924, an honor student being one of those classed i n the highest
10 per cent of scholastic standing of the entire University.
Alida was one of our strongest girls in the sorority and
very active in religious work on the Hill.
Velma Leigh Carter of Lakewood, Ohio, was the Omi-
cron Pi Phi Beta Kappa i n the class of '24. Because, in spite of
it all, she was not a Phi Beta Kappa type, we are most proud
of her.
Needless to say, her scholarship was surging around up
in the clouds, but surging with it was her extremely artistic
Velma Leigh, while being especially dramatic and liter-
ary, is an "all-around" girl—not a sit-in-the-corner, forsaken-
by-beauty seekers type—not that—just glance at her picture.
For pep and entertainment we sought out our Phi Beta
Kappa, an unusual sounding statement, it seems, but only
too true.
Of the three thousand, three hundred girls on the Michigan
campus, Velma Leigh Carter was of the best known, having
belonged to many honorary and dramatic societies among
which are Sigma Delta Phi, a national oratorical and dra-
matic honorary society. Wyvern, a Junior honorary society,
Stylus, a literary society, Masques, Mummers and the Little
Player's club, all dramatic organizations—and was a mem-
ber of the Whimsies staff. I n fact, not a better all-around girl
could be found.
Ten presidents of the United States have been Phi Beta
Kappas: Adams. Van Buren, Pierce, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur,
Cleveland, Roosevelt, T a f t , and Wilson.—A Y Quarterly.
I T is RATHER difficult for Americans to conjure up an adequate
notion of what the life of the French girl in a lycee is. I f
they have known anything of American parochial schools, they
might imagine that the lycee afforded a cloistered existence, and
they should not be very f a r wrong. The French lycee combines
frugality and discipline, and demands mental exertion such as
we rarely find encouraged in any American school. The French
child enters the kindergarten of the lycee at a very early age, i f
his parents can afford to pay the tuition of the state-subsidized
school; otherwise, he must attend the public schools, which means
that he belongs to the lowest twenty-fifth percentage of the popu-
lation economically.
There exist two parallel systems of education in France; the
one public, and free, and the other subsidized by the government,
and demanding a slight tuitional fee f r o m students. These two
systems never overlap, and teachers that teach i n the public
schools have been also educated in the public system. For ex-
ample, a girl beginning i n an "ecole publique," and showing signs
of superiority, will probably want to teach—her parents will not
be able to provide her with an adequate dowry to insure a satis-
factory marriage. By a system of scholarships she completes her
very rigid professional training in an "ecole normale," along
with fifty or sixty other girls who all hold similar government
scholarships. I f she passes her examinations successfully, she is
qualified to teach in an "ecole primaire." On the other hand, the
girl that follows the lycee training conies f r o m a different social
milieu. She may or may not discontinue her work in the fourth
or the fifth f o r m a year or two before she obtains the first part
of her "Baccalaureat." The urge for obtaining a bachelor's
degree is not so great as i n America where it is more or less the
accepted thing to do. However, i f she does want her degree, it
involves more independent and closely analytical work than our
average graduate student ordinarily puts into his work. A f t e r
completing the fifth form satisfactorily, she is ready to take her
written and oral examinations at the Sorbonne. About seven hun-
dred others will attempt these examinations, and perhaps only two
hundred will be accepted. She must have information at her
fingers' ends on all details of history, geography, philosophy,
French and English literatures, trigonometry, chemistry, and
physics. She must know the nature of the sediment of the
Amazon river, and the topography of northern Minnesota. She
must be able to talk English, German or Spanish, and be able to
discuss foreign literary history intelligently.
I f she passes her examinations successfully, she may go back
to the lycee f o r another year of more advanced theoretical study,
this is her year "de philosophic" Again she goes back to the
Sorbonne f o r examinations with a four to three chance of flunk-
ing out in the competition. I f she passes, she's educated, b'gosh!
Training f o r teachers is somewhat different. I f it is necessary
for a French girl to teach she may begin her preparation f o r
entrance into the Ecole Normale Superieure de Sevres at the end
of the fourth f o r m when she is sixteen or seventeen years old.
The French government has a very neat system all its own where-
by it pays the tuition and board of all students enrolled in its
normal schools. Every prospective teacher is educated at the ex-
pense of the state, is guaranteed a position upon completion of
her work, and must sign a five or six year contract to teach.
There are two normal schools in France that train women f o r lycee
and university teaching. The one at Sevres, just outside of Paris,
accommodates eighty pupils, and admits eighteen each year into
its freshman class. The Lycee de Jeunes Filles at Versailles is
the best preparatory school. I took many classes there with
flocks of girls studying f o r Sevres. Each year there are about
two hundred that take the entrance examinations f o r admit-
tance to Sevres. A t the end of three years of work the candidate
comes up along with other men and women who have been study-
ing in the universities (Sorbonne, Strassbourg, College de
France, etc.) f o r the "Licence." I f she is successful, she imme-
diately takes a position in the provinces, and strives to get to
Paris as soon as possible. Professional success is measured by
how quickly the teacher obtains a position in Paris or Versailles.
Only a word more—the "doctorat" is a purely honorary degree i n
France that is usually bestowed somewhat later for outstanding
achievement. A n d well it might be, f o r the candidate by this
time has well nigh become a nervous wreck.
I f I've painted French education as a horrible mill of com-
petitive examinations, it is only because I wish by exaggeration
to bring out the difference in the French and American con-
ceptions of educational systems.
I loved the lycee in Versailles. I had three young French
girls as room-mates who were very attractive and vivacious.
Always we went to bed at 9:30, and got up at 6:30, to take r i -
diculous setting-up exercises. When we came in at night we had
to take our shoes down to the basement, and put on bed room slip-
pers before we were allowed to dance in the parlor f o r an hour.
And then Madame would collect all thirty of us, read us selected
items from the newspaper, f o r the girls were strictly forbidden
to have newspapers in their possession—they might read the
murder stories—, and then she'd proceed to scold! We were
treated as youngsters, and really, we got used to it. Every night
the mistress used to tuck us in bed, and kiss us good night be-
fore she went to bed. M y room-mate Henriette was an original
little thing—she convulsed me one day by getting the ther-
mometer and sticking it on the hot radiator so that she could
demonstrate to the mistress that she had a high fever, and couldn't
possibly go to school. Fever was an innocuous and highly ac-
ceptable excuse i f one wanted to cut classes and stay home. A n d
then I ' l l never forget walking to school two by two in a long
band of two hundred and f i f t y girls down the immense Avenue
de Paris toward the old palace. I t all seems dishearteningly f a r
removed f r o m the life that I have since resumed in America.
Grace E . O'Brien. Tau.
W h e n ? — J u n e 3 0 - J u l y 6, 1926.
Where?—Radisson Inn.
W i l l you be there?
T H E FIRST unit of Alpha Omicron Pi's national work for crip-
pled children has been established in Seattle by the naming
of a bed at the Children's Orthopedic Hospital, through the co-
operation of the National W o r k Committee and the Seattle
Alumnae chapter. The first $250 which will maintain the bed
until next October has been supplied by the National W o r k
Fund, while the Seattle Alumnae have already started raising
the second $250 for next year, and plan to continue the bed
annually, hereafter.
The Children's Orthopedic Hospital may be called Seattle's
favorite charity, for many bend their efforts toward the main-
tenance of the hospital, but with all the work that is done, more
funds are always needed to help make little limbs straight and
strong and to send out into the world, healthy, normal children,
instead of men and women handicapped f o r life by some ailment
or accident. The Orthopedic Hospital is a fine, large, modern
establishment, and while there are some paying patients, the
greater part of its work is the care of children whose parents
cannot afford to pay f o r the long, weary period of hospitaliza-
tion and the ex]>ert surgical service which the hospital offers.
The establishment of a bed by Alpha Omicron Pi at the hospital
means that f o r each year that it is maintained, one or a num-
ber of children will rest in that bed and be given free care.
To the warm-hearted, the Orthopedic Hospital is a place of
infinite pathos and also of great wonder. The sight of the chil-
dren who are being relieved of painful and serious deformities
wakens the greatest enthusiasm f o r modern medical and surgi-
cal skill, while the glimpse of tiny arms in braces and splints,
little legs being straightened by slow and tedious work, little
bodies in casts or strapped to boards that strength and ercctness
may come in time, causes the deepest pity that these youngsters
must lie in hospitals often for many weary months before their
troubles can be wholly or partly corrected.
Alpha Omicron Pi may indeed be proud that one of its first
donations to the work f o r handicapped children will help a num-
ber of Northwest children to a happier life. I t is the ambition of
Seattle Alumnae chapter to keep the bed named permanently and
plans are being carried out to raise the needed funds f o r the
second year. A candy counter is being maintained at the Ortho-
pedic lunch room. This venture is not proving to be a great suc-
cess, due to the small margin of profit, which makes the accumu-
lation of a fund very slow. Consequently other means are being
sought. The Mothers' Club has very kindly asked the alumnae to
come in with them on a rummage sale, the alumnae share of the
profits to go to the fund f o r the bed. Other plans are also to be
considered and it is believed that the fund can be raised quite
Beryl Dill Kneen.
Give your friends magazine subscriptions this year. Subscribe thru
Josephine S. Pratt, 56 W e s t 170 St., N e w Y o r k . N . Y . , and help the
National W o r k Fund. Price lists sent on request.
H a r r y E . Smith, B o x 66, Park Ridge, III., will take your orders for
printed stationery, and give the Fund a commission on them. Samples
and prices sent on request.
To Dragma: Show
W h a t could be nicer than a life subscription to our magazine?
your families our subscription blank.
Balance on hand, J u l y 1, 1923: $144.51
Individual Contributions:
$ 5.00
Alpha—Jean Wick Adams 5.00
Elizabeth Wyman
Fannibelle Leland Brown 10.00 31.00
Edith Dietz 5.00 1.00
Florence Sanville 5.00
Josephine S. Pratt • 1.00 6.00
Pi—Ezrene Bouchelle 1.00 5.00
Nu—Elizabeth Boyer 1.00 5.00
Daisy Gaus 5.00 10.00
Omicron—Edith Verran 5.00
Kappa—Helen B. Thurman 5.00 10.00
Zeta—Viola C. Gray 10.00 3.00
Sigma—Rose Marx 5.00
Gladys Courtian Brittan 5.00 16.00
Theta—Frances Kelly 3.00
Delta—Sallie Clark 5.00 6.00
Elsie Tufts 10.00
Helen Foster 1.00 2.00
Gamma—Joanna Colcord 5.00
Edith Tate Brown 1.00 6.00
Epsilon—Amalia Shoemaker 2.00 5.00
Rho—Louise Doniat Braun 5.00 5.00
Mae Barlow Yocum 1.00
Iota—Beatrice Levy 5.00
Tau—Martha Wolfe Benkert 5.00
chi ;
Upsilon—Laura A. Hurd 5.00 6.00
Esther Fleming 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
Nu Kappa—Catherine Rasbury 1.00 2.00
Beta Phi—Laura Alexander 2.00 5.00
Eta—Avis Sunderland 5.00
Nu Omicron—Katrina McDonald 3.00
Psi 2.00
Phi 1.00 5.00
Omega—Alice Venn
Helen J . Scott
Omicron Pi
Alpha Sigma
Xi—Myrtle Umphress
Active chapter contributions or royalties: 0.75 .
Omicron 2.64
Tau or royalties: 25.00
Phi 35.00 $511.27
Name not given $587.78
Alpha Phi 0.14
Alumnae chapter contributions 0.14
New York
San Francisco 18.61
Boston 50.10
Los Angeles 0.63
Chicago 25.90
Chicago Anonymous 25.10
New Orleans 10.00
Minneapolis 12.97
Seattle 5226
Lynchburg 0.75
Washington 1-26
Philadelphia 2.50
Omaha 0.85
Detroit 37.75
Nashville 2.54
Cleveland 0.33
Champaign-Urbana 2.98
Providence 50.54
Lincoln 10.67
Portland 0.75
Dallas 25.00
Kansas City
Miami Valley
Total from all sources:
A n analysis of the contributions shows that most were re-
ceived in response to the pledge cards sent out in May. Many of
the contributions which came in since the last T o Dragma
came out which you w i l l remember was sent to A L L asso-
ciate members, whether subscribers or not, came on the pledge
card which appeared there. Also, most of them were con-
tributions of a dollar, and often were accompanied with the
remark that the paragraph "Supposing" gave courage to send
the small amount. I t should not require courage, or to put it
differently, one should never need to feel ashamed to give a
small sum either to meet a fraternity need, or to help those
who are less fortunate than we. I f enough of us give a dollar,
and isn't it just thoughtlessness that keeps you from doing it,
the National Work Committee could count on a tidy sum
for its work.
C OLLEGE WOMEN are now engaged in as many as eighty kinds
of occupation, a remarkable record as contrasted with that
of only a few years back. That you may hear of some of these
newer ventures, and that you may perhaps receive personal in-
spiration, it is purposed to publish, beginning with this issue, a
few articles written by members of our fraternity, and clippings
from publications which may be deemed of special significance
along vocational lines.
June Kelley, Chairman, Committee on
Vocational Guidance.
A RE YOU interested in biology or chemistry, and are you one
of those girls who say in an unenthusiastic tone, " I sup-
pose I ' l l teach when I get through college"? I f you are, just look
around and see i f you can't find something about which you can
be enthusiastic.
1 want to tell you a little about one field that is a constantly
growing, one f o r girls with a general knowledge of science.
Laboratories all over the country are demanding trained workers
as technicians and research assistants, both in the academic world
and in the industrial world. Chemists, physicists, physiologists,
pathologists, bacteriologists, and many others are realizing the
need of trained assistants, and i f you go into that work you will
find that many interesting associations and opportunities are open
to you. The research field is like a big picture-puzzle, every new
problem has its own little niche, and you are helping to complete
the picture. The fascinating thing about it, however, is that the
picture is never completed, as there are always new things to be
discovered or explained in this wonderful big world of ours.
You may think that you have not the ability to do independent
research, but i f you can do intelligent, interested work under
direction you can be very happy in your work, and much of the
success of the experiments will depend upon you.
The first things necessary in this work are a spirit of enthu-
siasm and a willingness to cooperate with others. I f you have
these you will get much more pleasure out of your work, and
you can make yourself invaluable to the man or woman for
whom you work. These characteristics are fully as important
as the scientific work you take in college, for the chances are that
you will have to learn an entirely new and specialized technique.
Of course, in order to do this intelligently, you must have a good
foundation to work on, but not necessarily a specific one. M y
first work, f o r instance, was in a field about which I knew noth-
ing,—that of radium therapy. I wasn't expected to know any-
thing about it, but I was expected to have a working knowledge
of physics, chemistry, and biology so that I could grasp the idea
of our problems and take an intelligent interest i n their solution.
Make your science courses in college a foundation f o r future
work,—don't expect to become a specialist after four years of
preparation. The important thing to remember is that into what-
ever field of research you go, you will have need of many other
sciences, so plan your course so that you will have plenty of
chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics, and a reading
knowledge of scientific French and German. Don't concentrate
too closely on any one of these unless you know exactly what
you are going to do. The broader your foundation, the broader
will be your future development.
I do not want to misrepresent the work and make you think
it is all sunshine. Y o u will have your hours and possibly weeks
of discouragement when nothing seems to go right with your ex-
periments, or you may get bored with certain routine methods
that accompany your work. But these are all part of the whole
problem and make good results all the more interesting. I f you
lack the patience to carry you through such periods as these I
certainly advise you not to go into research. Patience and a
sense of humor are vitally important.
The salaries paid to technicians and research workers are not
large. I n an academic institution you would begin at about one
thousand dollars and work up to fifteen or eighteen hundred or
possibly two thousand. I n an industrial concern the scale would
be somewhat higher, but the environment would probably not be
so pleasant. Y o u have with either of these, a vacation of three or
four weeks instead of the long, free summers that teachers have,
but unlike them, you have all your evenings free.
A position as research assistant may help to point out to you
a more definite path f o r you to follow i n the future, such as
studying f o r an advanced degree or going into medicine, and i f it
does nothing more than help you find yourself, it has certainly
not been futile.
Elizabeth M . Bright, Gamma.
I shall have a new dress,
And I think I want blue;
F o r ray eyes, I confess,
I shall have a new dress.
Though I do not possess
Much else that is new,
I shall have a new dress,
And I think I want blue.
Was it but yesterday
I met you in the rain,
And stopped you by the w a y ?
Was it but yesterday
Y o u turned your head away
And smiled in proud disdain?
Was it but yesterday
I met you in the rain?
Little boots that are old,
Must I throw you away?
You have twice been half-soled.
Little boots that are old,
And your straps will not hold—
But I want you to stay,
Little boots that are old,
Must I throw you a w a y ?
V I R G I N I A C H A S E , Gamma.
The Minnesota Quarterly.
T ^ I F T E E N YEARS ago the woman who was brave enough to intro-
duce herself professionally as a "reporter" received a deluge
of personal comments upon her unheard-of choice of a career.
I f the object of her interview were a man, she was met with
strained tolerance and not infrequently, with outright disapproval.
Women were apt to exclaim: " M y , how do you ever think of all
those things!" with just the least inference that the ability to
think of "all those things" which commonly go into the making
of a newspaper story was—well, not quite nice.
Less than ten years ago women writers on leading metropoli-
tan papers were still referred to as "sob sisters." Recently, a
well known journalist explained that in the good old days when
reporters were all of the masculine gender, they "covered" fires,
political news, city hall hews and prize fights, exclusively. Any-
thing, he said, which fell outside these distinctly man's world
limits was copy f o r the sob sister, who was known to have a rare
touch with a murder, a lost child, or an erring wife. Every
newspaper office had its sob sister—but only one. That, he ex-
plained, was enough.
Today the "sob sister" has changed her spots. She lost her
name when it became generally known that the ability to write
a good "sob" story was only one of her qualifications—she does
everything now, society, straight news, rewrite work, investi-
gating, feature stories, police reporting and not infrequently, sport
writing. I have heard of two or three women reporters who
boasted that they had "covered" football and baseball games.
Last week I talked to the only woman reporter in Minneapolis
who interviewed Babe Ruth on a recent visit here. A n d she
wasn't a bit afraid of the K i n g of Swat, either. Simply because
she knew what to ask him !
Today there are more than 9,000 women journalists in the
United States. Between 1910 and 1920 women authors, editors
and reporters increased in number 40 per cent. This tremendous
increase in the number of women in journalism is so remarkable
that it is often the subject of comment. Not long ago I heard a
vice president of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
make this statement:
" I f I were starting out to do newspaper work and I wished
to have every chance on my side, I should start, first of all, by
being a woman."
Not only are schools of journalism all over the country pour-
ing out a small army of eager young women who believe that
there are lots of opportunities in their chosen field, but newspaper
work is constantly finding new recruits f r o m other professions. I
know a graduate of the Home Economics Department of the
University of Iowa who began her writing with articles on the
preparation of f r u i t f o r a famous f r u i t trade journal. Now she
is on the staff of the Washburn Crosby Milling Company. That
may not sound like a literary career, but it is. When she is not
giving food talks over the radio now operated by the Washburn
Crosby Company, she is writing articles on food f o r advertise-
ments, circulars, and bulletins. I have a friend who came to the
rather abrupt end of what she had hoped to be an artist's career,
who now writes a weekly feature story on art. The writing field
is always in need of the specialist. The school department which
almost every newspaper conducts, offers opportunities to the col-
lege woman with special training in education.
I n preparing f o r a newspaper career, I emphasize the need
for specializing along some particular line during college. W r i t -
ers who not only can appear to speak with authority, but who are
authorities, are needed by every newspaper and magazine. Cours-
es in municipal problems and city management would be an in-
valuable help to the girl who expects a job as a city hall reporter,
with the federal buildings and welfare organizations. Home
economics courses such as cooking and interior decorating offer
the girl who would have someting to write on about which she is
an authority, a background for a future position.
Not long ago at a national convention of bankers, it was pointed .
out that seventy five per cent of the buying of the nation is done
by women. Managing editors have long been aware of that. I n
justice to their advertisers they must make their papers and mag-
azines appeal to the women who buy things. Here is one very
simple explanation of the increasing number of women writers.
There is a great need for more features that will appeal directly
to women. Editors want articles that have "the woman to
woman" touch—and can men write them? Perhaps. But cer-
tainly not as well.
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Staff jobs on newspapers and magazines are always open., first,
to those who can gather good stories accurately; second, to
those with the specialized knowledge which gives their composi-
tion the stamp of authority; and third, to those with the special
flair for writing which makes interesting whatever they touch.
While she who is listening with both ears f o r Opportunity to
come aknocking will do well to specialize and develop a "line,"
I believe more firmly in the one goal for a writer; no job at all.
Paradoxical as this may sound, I mean it. The final aim of the
writer should be free lance work, with all the freedom in market-
ing, gathering materials and following one's own bent that such a
situation provides. I f one can agree with this line of reasoning
any opening f o r journalistic work is an opportunity.
Muriel Fairbanks Steward, Tau.
The Bureau of Vocational Information in New Y o r k City gives the
following list of vocations about which inquiries were made to the bureau
during 1923. T h e list is arranged in the order of frequency of the re-
currence of requests.
Social work Physical education Diplomatic work
Secretarial work Religious work Occupational therapy
Business, General Selling Pharmacy-
Vocational guidance Employment work Proof-reading
Home economics Hotel work W o r k in textiles
Journalism Art Geology-
Advertising Book-shop work Actuarial work
Teaching Costume designing
Camp work
Foreign language worl Accounting Horticulture
Education other than Nursing Mathematics
Real estate Museum work
Personal work
Industry and trade Bacteriology Physics
Department stores Biology Professional shopping
Library work
Chemistry Child care Public health work
Part-time work
Publicity work Insurance Story-telling
Publishing house work
Statistical work Motion-picture industry Tourist guiding
Dramatic work
Dietetics Crafts Zoology-
Banking Filing Agriculture
Interior decoration Laboratory technician's Catering
T e a room management
Law work Dancing
Landscape architecture Dentistry
Bond selling Mail-order business
Bookkeeping Newspaper syndicate
W o r k in foreign work
countries Politics
Medicine Printing
Importing and exporting Public stenography
Photography Sales promotion
Eighty distinct vocations about which information was sought, and
twenty years ago, teaching, and for the daring, library work, covered the
fields the educated woman was supposed to find vocationally possible!
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Rank No. of Total *Value in fPercentage
in Members Hours Points Rank in local rating
College Sororities in AOn
1. Alpha P h i 22 1163.5 8315 2nd among 5 71.4%
2. Iota 30 875 5135 5th among 29 58.6%
3. R h o 35 1077 6160 9th among 20 56.9%
4. Beta P h i 39 604 3441 55.6%
5. Zeta 28 433 2450 15th among 18 54.1%
6. P s i 20 325 1807.5 53.1%
7. Omega 23 747 4072.5 7th among 8 53. %
8. E t a 31 950 5140 51.3%
9. Omicron P i 33 925 4972 11th among 20 49.9%
10. N u Omicron 17 257 1366.5 4th among 4 40.9%
11, Lambda 18 777 4130
12. Theta 31 1222 6485 6th among 10
13. Alpha Sigma 8 231 1215 13th among 17
14. Omicron 16 480.2 2465.5 4th among 7
15. Sigma 22 329.5 1690 31st among 34
16. Chi 23 750.5 3745 5th among 29
17. P h i 20 582 2896 13th among 13
18. Gamma 23 791.5 3242.5 5th among 6
19. T a u . University will report November 1st.
20. Epsilon. No report (college ruling).
21. P i . N o report (college r u l i n g ) .
22. Upsilon. No report.
23. Delta. No report.
24. N u Kappa. No report (no explanation).
25. Kappa. No report (no explanation).
26. X i . No report (no explanation). Value of 5 given all other
27. N u . No report (no explanation).
• V a l u e of 10 given each highest grade.
passing grades. Value of —5 given failures. Incompletes are considered
fPercentage rating equals value in points divided by the total hours,
multiplied by 10. which represents the possible perfection points.
Edith Goldsworthy.
I IIAVE JUST had such a wonderful experience that I must tell
you about it. Have you ever had a dream that came true?
Well, that's what has happened to me. On the 14th of January,
a friend of mine and 1 sailed f r o m New York on the Cunard
liner Laconia f o r a cruise around the world. Our first port was
Havana, Cuba, and it was rather a shock to see practically every
other shop one of liquid refreshments, bottles and jugs every-
From Cuba we sailed through the Panama Canal, making two
stops, one at either end of the canal. I t is truly a great engineer-
ing feat. A n d it gave one a thrill to think that Uncle Sam did
it. I t was almost spooky to see those great locks open and the
water flow through. A f t e r the vessel had glided through, the
locks closed again and nowhere was there a sign of machinery
or a human being.
Honolulu is a perfect place f o r romance. A large percentage
of the population is Japanese so they have given an artistic touch
to the architecture and landscape gardening. There are beauti-
f u l drives around the island, and nowhere i n the world is the
surf bluer than that which rolls in at Waikiki Beach. The naked
native surf-riders do all kinds of stunts on their surf boards.
We spent nearly two weeks in Japan, landing first at Yoko-
hama, or rather what had been Yokohama, because there was
nothing left but crumbled ruins. And it looked rather pitiful to
see these tiny little people carrying away the debris in two bas-
kets swinging f r o m a pole over their shoulder and dumping it
into the sea. W e spent a few days in Tokio. The great business
buildings in the European section built by Americans were prac-
tically unharmed by the earthquake but the native sections were
entirely destroyed. Tokio was rapidly being rebuilt.
I n Japan we also visited Koloe, Nara, which has felt almost
no European influence, and Kyoto, where we saw the Prince Re-
gent and his bride. They were on their way to their ancestral
home to tell their ancestors that they had been married. This
completed the marriage ceremony. The next day we were taken
through the palace where they had spent the night.
Sailing through the beautiful inland sea which is dotted with
hundreds of fishermen sailboats, we came to Shanghai. The
European section of Shanghai is very lovely with fine hotels,
clubs, excellent shopping districts, and fine homes. W e were
also taken through the slums of Shanghai and may I never see
such a loathsome, horrible place again. The streets are even too
narrow f o r rickshas, only wide enough f o r two people to pass.
Little dark hovels appeared on either side of the narrow passage
ways. Because of many banners and bridges leading across from
the second stories, almost no daylight filtered through. Horrible
beggars i n rags and covered with sores clutched at us f r o m every
side. Because there is no sanitation in the native sections of
Chinese cities, as we have it, the odors are rather a w f u l and they
reached their limit i n the slums of Shanghai.
Hong Kong was our next port and it is one of the most
fascinating places I have ever been in—and such gorgeous things
to buy. Each little street was given over to certain things, for
instance, one street would be all jade shops, another hammered
silver, then brass, ivory, beads and beautiful linens, an egg mar-
ket and next a wooden shoe street. One felt the poverty of
China, the women take the places of beasts of burden and there
is an unhappiness that we didn't feel i n Japan. W e would see
the little women pulling great road rollers and the sign "Govern-
ment Licensed to be Pulled by 20 Women." They carried the
coal, brick, water, in fact did all the hard animal and manual
From Hong Kong we took a river boat up to Canton. The
sides of our boat were covered with barbed wire to keep bandits
from climbing over. Great brown armed Sihks paced the decks.
W e found Canton in a restless state because the armies of the
North and South were at each others throats.
W e spent a few days at Manila and from there sailed across
the equator to Java. Java, like all tropical countries, is truly
beautiful with its mass of foliage, great flowering trees, palms
and canals. A t Batavia we visited a batik factory and watched
Javanese women at work. A good part of our time at Brentzen
Zork was spent in the botanical gardens.
From Java we skirted up the coast of Sumatra to Singapore.
Singapore had always meant pirates to me but i t was f a r from a
pirate town.
The Shew Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon was one of the most
interesting sights of the trip. We had to remove both our shoes
and stockings to enter. Passing through a beautifully carved
entrance gate guarded on each side by fearful looking animals
we walked up a long, narrow alley way over rough hewn stone
flaggings lined, on either side with repulsive beggars and entered
a huge marble court yard. I n the center rose the great golden
pagoda. Surrounding this were many lesser ones, some of beauti-
fully carved marble, others of teakwood, and still others of
mosaic, each one containing its Buddha either of alabastic or
purest white marble. Great diamonds and other precious jewels
were embedded i n the foreheads of the gods.
I n taking in the sights of Calcutta we arrived at one of the
temples just after a sacrifice had been held. Eight goats had been
killed and their gory heads were lying on the court yard. Wor-
shippers were bowing their heads in the sticky blood. A sacrifice
takes place each day and the fresh blood is poured over one of
the goddesses.
From Calcutta we took a trip almost 400 miles north to
Dargeeling, a mountain resort town. A t two o'clock in the morn-
ing we got on little ponies, Tibetans were our guides, and we
climbed the last 1500 feet and saw a very rare sight, the sunrise
on Mount Everest. The base of the mountains was a deep blue
haze so that it looked just like the sky and then away, way up
in the sky were the snow capped peaks of Mount Everest, first
faintly pink, then rose, and gold, a never-to-be-forgotten sight.
Ceylon is an island of jewels. The shops of Colombo are
filled with little plates stacked high with jewels, rubies, sapphires,
diamonds, opals, pearls and many semi-precious stones that I had
never seen nor heard of. From Colombo we took an interior
trip to lovely Kandy. Here we visited the much famed temple
of the Torth.
A f t e r a few days in Bombay we went 850 miles north to Agne.
The foute was fascinating. As the heat was intense we only
saw the inhabitants early in the morning and after the sunset.
Then the long lines of gaily dressed women, with their red, yellow
and orange sairs draped around their bodies, wended their way
to the wells with shiny copper kettles on their heads. During the
heat of the day all natives sleep but f r o m our train windows we
could see much of the animal life, long, gray haired monkeys
swinging f r o m the trees, gorgeous peacocks strutting under the
brush, red foxes running through the fields and here and there
a glimpse of a deer.
The T a j Mahal of Agra is of purest white marble iniaid with
precious stones of jade, cornelian, quartz, topaz, and its back-
ground is the blue, blue sky. Across the river f r o m the T a j
are the old castles of India's show-loving rulers. One of
the most fascinating days 1 have ever spent in my life was
the one when I roamed through those old palaces, walls, floors,
ceilings of purest marble inlaid with precious and semi-precious
stones, banquet halls, reception halls, throne rooms, jewel rooms,
mosques, sleeping chambers, and baths—everything of yellow or
white marble and precious stones. From this palace five under-
ground passages led to various towns, one being to Delhi, 125
miles away. As one walked through these marble halls one could
faintly visualize the glances of ancient India.
Back to Bombay and then on to Suez where we took the train
for Cairo. Cairo w i t h its white sand, white stone round-domed
mosques and slender minarets, with its gaily robed men and veiled
women. Driving out of Cairo about twelve miles along a well
paved road lined with great flowering trees and passing, along
our route, many camel trains, we came to the Pyramids and the
Sphinx. On the edge of the yellow desert they rise, great monu-
ments to ancient Egypt's power.
From Cairo we went down to Luxor where we visited the
ruins of Luxor and Kamac. The ruins of mammoth temples
erected, no one knows how. Here reigned Rameses I I , Cleopatra,
and the Queen of Sheba. There still remains one of Cleopatra's
needles. I t is 99 feet high and is cut f r o m one solid piece of
granite. I n all these ruins there were dozens of great stone
statues of Rameses I I , some of them 20 and even 40 feet high
and around at the side of each statue against his right leg was a
tiny statue, 2 or 3 feet high, of his queen. Women weren't very
prominent in those days.
We took a tiny sailboat across the Nile and of course were
held up f o r "Bachshees" halfway across. On the other side
donkeys and donkey men were waiting for us for the trip to the
Valley of the Kings, a twelve mile donkey trip over white sand
in the white heat. The Valley of the Kings is just a pocket i n
the sand. Not a green thing anywhere, not even one blade of
grass, just whiteness, sky, air and earth. W e saw the outside
of King Tut's Tomb; it was rocked up and guards were stationed
at the closed entrance. W e went into Rameses H'nds tomb and
into Seti's. Down through the alleyways and rooms leading into
the heart of the town were pictures carved out of the stone de-
picting the life of the king buried there. The colors of 3000
years ago were still bright upon the walls.
Coming back through Cairo we entrained to Port Said where
we took the ship to Haifi. A n inland trip to Jerusalem and
Bethlehem was very interesting. The streets of old Jerusalem
are so narrow that one must either travel by foot or on little
burrows. Each stone in the street is individual and after a couple
of days traveling one's shoes are worn out. Jerusalem is a
hotbed of warring religious factions, Mohammedans, Jews, A r -
menians, Greeks, all clamoring to own the places where Christ is
supposed to have been. Even in the Church of Nativity in Beth-
lehem which is erected over Christ's supposed birthplace, sits an
armed guard day and night to keep the different faiths f r o m fight-
ing and destroying the place.
W e struck Greece, too, in rather a war-like time. The last
day we were in Athens, the first of May, the Monarchists opened
fire on the presidential military parade, killing eight of the cavalry.
W e saw the soldiers lined up in the square just as the trouble
started and at the first signs our chauffeur rushed us back to
the pier and we sailed f o r Italy.
A t Naples, my friend and I left the cruise and spent almost
six weeks in Europe, visiting Naples, Sorento, Rome, Florence,
Pisa, Venice, an enchanting city. Milan, then up through the
Italian lakes and into Switzerland, spending a short time at
Lugaro and beautiful Lucerne. A t Lucerne we took a cog wheel
railway up Mount Phatus where we had a magnificent view of
the Alps. Then from Switzerland into Paris. From Paris to
London we flew in one of the big Royal Mail planes, being up in
the air two and one-half hours. I n London we did all the delight-
f u l stunts such as attending the Dipping of the Colors at the
King's birthday celebration and taking tea on the terrace of the
House of Parliament with one of its members, a day at the British
Empire Exposition at Wembley which was a delightful review
of our trip, another clay to the famous race course at Epsom
Downs where we saw the Derby run. another day at Windsor
and Eton, but you know what one does in England, and then back
to America on the Acquitania.
As New York's shoreline looms up you experience a thrill and
know that there is no city in the world like it. And as one thinks
of America and compares it with the Orient which is a thousand
years behind and even Europe which is a hundred years behind,
it is easily understood that America is the Promised Land.
Azalea Linfield. Alpha Phi.
A recent book, "Training for the Professions and Allied Occupations"
covering facilities available to women in the United States may be ob-
tained in one volume or in twenty-three separate reprints, each containing
one chapter as follows: Agriculture. Architecture, A r t , Business, Den-
tistry, Dramatic Work. Education. Engineering, Home Economics, Land-
scape Architecture, Languages, L a w , Library Work, Medicine, Music,
Nursing. Personnel Work, Writing.
Single Volume: $3.50. Reprints: A r t , Education, Home Economics,
SO cents each; Business: 75 cents each: all others 25 cents each: from the
Bureau of Vocational Information, 2 West 43rd Street, New York City.
Among the Universities now offering Arts and Nursing courses com-
bined a r e : T h e University of Wisconsin offers two five-year courses
leading to a B . S. degree and a certificate in N u r s i n g ; College of Letters
and Science grants a B . S. degree to students who complete six semesters
of work in the College and twenty-seven months of work in the School
of Nursing; the College of Agriculture grants the B . S. degree to those
who complete six semesters work in the course in Home Economics and
twenty-seven months of work in the School of Nursing. The school is
organized in association with the State of Wisconsin General Hospital.
T h e Washington University School of Nursing, St. Louis, organized
under the control of the Medical School, offers a combined five-year
course with two years in the College of Liberal Arts, two years in the
School of Nursing and the fifth year in electives.
News Bulletin of the Bureau of Vocational Information.
T H E F I R S T few days I was in Peking I was absolutely thrilled
with the city itself. It is truly a Chinese city. I had the
feeling that I never wanted to leave it and left knowing I would
see it again. Peking is the capital for the greatest number of
people of one race. I t was a capital for a glorious empire and is
now the capital for this experimental republic. It contains the
landmarks of this old civilization in the form of beautiful palaces
and buildings and its huge city walls seem to crowd so many in-
teresting things together that you want to see that you really
don't have time to get a peek at them all.
Don't imagine Peking with barren city walls and grim fort-
resses. I t is a beautiful city with many, many trees. The
Chinese certainly are artistic and the longer you live in China the
more you appreciate their art and architecture.
The big thing in China I have always looked forward to see-
ing was the Great Wall of China. Five of us girls made the
trip to the Wall the first Sunday I was there. We took the train
which goes north to Urga, but our journey was only two hours
to the wall. The Great Wall itself is one of the most thrilling
inventions of human genius I ever expect to see. You have seen
pictures of it I am sure. This huge wall built hundreds of years
ago against the northern barbarians literally looks as though it
were alive and crawling over the mountains. It isn't a straight
wall but twists and turns until it resembles a snake curled up and
ready to spring. And to think it is nearly 2,000 miles long.
Think of the lives it took to build it—because they used prisoners
of war and forced labor in its construction. But it has served its
purpose and today stands as an indication and remainder of past
strife and struggles. We had to walk about a mile from the sta-
tion to the place where we could go up on the wall. This dis-
tance was through a pass in the mountains and the pass used
by the camel caravans on their way from the desert to Peking.
These caravans travel hundreds of miles. One containing about
fifty camels passed us. I wanted a ride and my picture taken
on one, so we had them stop and the deed was done. I wanted
one to send you and it came out very well, especially the camel,
who really was the center of interest. Besides the camel caravans
we saw huge flocks of sheep and cattle which were being driven
down from the northern provinces, to the markets about Peking.
They have been doing this same thing and in the same way for
centuries. The antiquity and history of it all always appeals to
d me so much.
e Of course I saw other interesting places, the Temple of Heaven,
Forbidden City and Museum, and Winter and Summer Palaces.
s All of these places are beautiful and could be revisited indefinitely.
e Isabel Ingram, a friend of Iielen's, is tutoring the Empress.
s You know the Boy Emperor, the deposed monarch, was married
- last year. This family lives in an inner portion of the old for-
y bidden city in Peking. They are kept there and have no outside
communication with the city. They are under supervision of
- the republic now of course. The Boy Emperor is only 18 and
e his wife is 17. Isabel's father was one of the first missionaries
e in North China and much respected by the Chinese. Isabel
graduated from Wellesley College last year and was asked to
- tutor the Empress. She speaks excellent Chinese of course. I t
e is an unusual opportunity for her and she and a Mr. Johnson,
n who tutors the Emperor, are the only foreigners allowed to visit
s this portion of the Forbidden City. Helen wanted me to have
g an opportunity to meet some of the members of the old Imperial
n Family. Of course it wouldn't be possible to see either the Em-
s press or the Emperor but their immediate families who live in
t palaces of their own are not restricted in this way. So Isabel
t arranged a tea. She has met all these people at the palace and
of course they have the utmost respect for her. She asked them
. to come to Helen's house, which even for Helen and the other
s girls was quite thrilling.
s Helen had asked two or three other friends so they could enjoy
t this privilege, because these princesses live rather secluded lives
- and seldom meet foreigners. Of course they knew no English,
- but the girls can speak enough Chinese to manage. Everyone in
Peking learns Chinese; you must in order to talk to your servants,
. so, although I couldn't talk to them or understand a word they
t said I was content to be a mere spectator. I must tell you who
came. These people are Manchus and not Chinese if you know
anything about Chinese history. Of course they look the same.
, The Manchus were the ruling dynasty when China became a
s republic. First the Empress' grandmother came dressed in con-
ventional dark satins which the older women wear. Then the
Emperor's aunt and his cousin, a most attractive girl of about 16
years. She has taken a foreign name too and calls herself
Princess Dorothy. She speaks a few words of English. She was
dressed in satins of the lighter colors and looked adorable. Then
the Empress' mother and aunt came. They were our real thrills,
because they had been to a birthday party of the E m p r e s s in
the Forbidden City earlier in the afternoon and wore the con-
ventional Mauchu head dress, which is most elaborate and which
they only wear on special occasions. Perhaps you have seen pic-
tures of it. A big wide broad effect covered with black satin and
with many large flowers in front. T h e n it is embellished with
semi-precious stones and pearls. Their costumes, too, were color-
ful and made of beautiful satins in different colors. They were
pictures I tell you. Chinese women of this class are perfectly
charming. They are so alert and intelligent looking and display
such refinement and dignity. It was a most thrilling afternoon
for us all, and I shall never forget how adorable Helen looked
when she was pouring tea for them. She has a very delightful
manner and I know could pour tea for the Queen of England
with as much ease as she did for the Manchu princesses. E a c h
princess was accompanied by her eunuch who goes everywhere
with her. These attendants waited out in the open court yard
in front of the drawing room. I think the most thrilling moment
in the afternoon was when the Empress' mother, the last one
to leave, stepped into her closed carriage and disappeared. She
waved to us and was gone. There was a mounted horseman in
front of her carriage and one behind. A l l of these women have
their own motor cars, but I was glad they came in their carriages
that day. Can you wonder that we were thrilled with our after-
noon? I t was one of the most interesting experiences I could
ever hope to have and I shall never forget it.
Marguerite Uhler, Upsilon.
Are you a life subscriber?
Why not?
"It is not our purpose to discuss the essence of scholarship hut scholar-
ship the essence," writes Clara Raynor Rader, Second Vice-president of
Phi Mu. "The essence of scholarship might conceivably be stated in
twelve different ways by twelve different scholars, but upon scholarship
the essence there would be unanimity of opinion.
Scholarship, the essence of what ? Of a college course really complete
and of enduring satisfaction.
Activities are important in such a course, for reasons too obvious to
need statement. Friends are inevitable and even more important. Scholar-
ship, however, not so obtrusive in appeal as activities, and not so
humanly necessary and gratifying as friends is most important of all.
Scholarship is like a government bond; it is sure to pay dividends, and
to increase in value yearly. Activities with all their glamor are for-
gotten; friends, for all their love, drift away; but scholarship leaves its
solid accomplishments behind it always, good in themselves, and basis
for other constructive building, and noble living.
It is easy in these days to drift through college. The classes are so
large that the individual is almost lost sight of, until keen analysis is given
his examination "blue book"; but even at that time, two or three days
good cramming will suffice to get one by. The deceptive fallacy of the
drifting course, however, is that it rather unsuits one ever to do any-
thing else. From scholarship, however, with its attendant discipline, come
life-lasting habits of genuine thoroughness, accuracy, balance, and judg-
ment, and a mind well stored with treasures moths cannot eat or robbers
A mediocre minimum of scholarship is demanded of you by your
college, and your chapter of your fraternity, no doubt sets a standard,
and these you must maintain. If you will invest just a little more time
in scholarship the essence, you will find your interest in your work in-
creased, your status among your fellow students raised, and your welcome
in the Fraternity doubled. Your Fraternity which has given so much
to you, should be repaid by earnest effort on your part, to elevate her
scholastic standing, for that is one tangible and plainly evident standard
of fraternity comparison. What could better promote the interests, and
uphold the dignity of your Fraternity than being a vital factor in bringing
your chapter to the head of the ranks in scholarship? If you are inclined
to be doubtful of this, you have the fundamental quality of scholarship
already—curiosity. If you venture to prove it one way or the other, you
will be already started on the road, the royal road and the only road,
to success in college as well as in life, the road marked W O R K , leading
through S C H O L A R S H I P T H E E S S E N C E to the C I T Y O F S A T I S -
F A C T I O N . — Aglia, of Phi Mu.
"Short cuts to high grades?" quotes the merry little sister. "Do you
believe in short cuts?" "'Sure, I believe in short cuts to any thing pro-
viding the destination is desirable, the short cut safe and I don't miss
anything by taking a bee linej" said the alumna.
Who doesn't believe in getting the most for the amount spent? If
it's money that's spent or time, energy or thought? So short cuts to
high grades are most desirable. There are a number of these cuts, but
few of them are often taken.
First, there is a short cut that in many cases will reduce the mileage
to high grades fifty per cent. The cut is concentration. When you study
trigonometry don't let your mind wander and, instead of dealing with sines
and logarithms, day dream of the signs that indicate a bid to Chi Chi's
ball with its dancing rhythms. Or, if Caesar be the subject, don't spend
any time pondering if the pattern for that Junior Prom dress cuts the
material in three parts. The first short cut is the path of concentration.
The second short cut is always taken on Saturday. Get your Mon-
day's work Saturday. The object of Sunday or the Sabbath was to rest
and refresh the mind as well as the soul of man, woman and child. You'll
have far more sparkle in your work, in your scholarship, the element of
brilliancy that often leads to high grades will develop because of the one
rest day when you catch your breath and rest and get ready for another
week of concentration. The second short cut is Monday's work pre-
pared on Saturday.
The third short cut is the policy of having Monday's lessons whether
you have them on any other day or not. There are two reasons for this.
Most students do not have recitations of great brilliancy on Monday. The
time for a dim star to shine is when all other stars are a bit low in
luster. A good run is a great help for a leap. Well prepared work for
Monday is a leap in the right direction.
Fourth. Keep your work up, if you have to cut a date occasionally.
The tree of high scholarship has not as many dates as the busb of low
grades, but they are lots bigger and more delectable.
Fifth. It is the extra ten minutes that does the polishing. After you
have prepared a lesson, give it an extra ten minutes to take off the rough
Follow these five short cuts and see how rapidly you arrive at the
gateway of high grades.—ATA Quarterly.
Are you a dollar-a-year girl?
T H E D I R E C T O R I E S will be out shortly. The following corrections must
be made by you in your directory in order to keep the list up to
date. You are responsible for the following:
Abbott, Charlotte, 2516 E . 74th St., Windsor Park Sta., Chicago, III.
Abrahamson, Irene, Box 358, Red Lodge, Montana.
Beck, Mrs. C. C. (Anna Patterson), 616 N. Cherry, Ontario, Calif.
Beckford, Mirettal L . , 99 Bemrock St., Orono, Me.
Pender, Mayme, 1577 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Bihler, Mrs. Ernest, 4201 N. 22nd St., Ames Ave. Sta., Omaha, Neb.
Blakey, Mrs. G. B. (Ruth Terwilliger), 108 Beauclaire, Okmulgee, Okla.
Blanchard, Mrs. Glenn, King Ferry, N. Y .
Butler, Ruth Elliot, 309 E . Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Copeland, Mrs. Douglas, 85
Coulter, Alice, The Webster Apt. Hotel, 419 W. 34th St., New York City.
Cowell, Mrs. Win. H . , St. Paul Park, Minnesota. .
Dement, Mrs. Stoney L . , G. M. C. A., Los Angeles, Calif.
De Witt, Mrs. W., 1812 S. Boston, Tulsa, Okla.
Doody, Marie C , 142 West 76th St., New York City.
Duckels, Dorothy, 826 2nd St., Santa Monica, Calif.
Egan, Mary Ursula, c-o American Consolidated Mines, Butte, Mont.
Ellis, Mrs. Carey Jr. (Innes Morris), Rayville, La.
Fleming, Esther, 209 N. 2nd St., Yakima, Wash.
Frudenfeld, Mildred, c-o N. W. Fire Co., Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Fry, Mrs. Owen, 1136 Central Ave., Miamisburg, Ohio.
Graham. Ruth. 1856 Fairmont Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Grater, Mrs. Clyde (Ethel Davis), 319 S. 7th St., Goshen, Ind.
Gould, Helen Margaret, 338'/2 Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Haertel, Mrs. W., 5301 Stevens Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Hanselman, Margaret E . , 920 Monroe, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Harris, Mrs. Ray E . , 2933 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Hawk, Helen, 579 E . Court St., Kankakee, 111.
Heilman, Mrs. F . W., 237 Oliver St., Huntington Park, Calif.
Herman, Lillian M., 845 Wealthy St. S. E . , Grand Rapids, Mich.
Hover, Mildred W., 7301 Fort Hamilton Pkwy., Brooklyn, N. Y .
Huckleberry, Mrs. Nathaniel, 5645 Central, Indianapolis, Ind.
Ivy, Mrs. E . D. (Elaine Buhrman), 2105 Summitview, Yakima, Wash.
Jemison, Mrs. Allan, 2115 P. St. N. W., Washington, D. C.
Jones, Marion, 1552 Seymour Ave., Utica, N. Y .
Jones, Mrs. Robert, R. R. 3, Germantown, Tennessee.
King, Mrs. Win. G. (Jessie Cook), 4334 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Koller, Helen F , Coronado Apts., Seattle, Wash.
Kuehn, Mrs. H . E . (Alma Boehme), 3211 Freemont Ave. S., Minneapolis,
Layne, Ruth, 1222 S. Emporia, Wichita, Kansas.
Levy, Beatrice, 709 E . Broadway, Streator, 111.
McClure, Mrs. B., Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa.
McGinnis, Mary Catherine, 2014 N. 9th St., Boise, Idaho.
McKinley, Mrs. V. W., 469 N. Oxford, Los Angeles, Calif.
Masten, Bess E . , 127 Elderwood Ave., Pelham, N. Y .
Merchant, Mrs. J . H., 31 ]/2 Cedar St., Binghamton, N. Y .
Moise, Mrs. H . A., Waveland, Miss.
Murray, Louise, 510 Daniels St., Toronto, Ohio.
Nelson, Mrs. N., 16 Hillside Rd., Medford, Mass.
Philbrook, Madge H . , 660 W. Jefferson St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Potter, Mabel, Chelan, Wash.
Quarry, Ruth, W. 2627 Sharp, Spokane, Wash.
Rains, Harriet, 414 West 2nd St., Maysville, Ky.
Rapp, Miss Ruby, 2400 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Roberts, Abigail, 421 W. 121st St., New York City.
Rochester, Lois, 336 N. Hillside, Wichita, Kansas.
Schubert, Mrs. G., 4410 N. Whipple St., Eavenwood Sta., Chicago, 111.
Sehon, George L . , Lyndon, Ky.
Sehon, Elizabeth L . , Lyndon, Ky.
Seibert, O. L . , 471 Ross Ave., Long Beach, Calif.
Shaaper, Gladys, West Point, Neb.
Shofner, Mrs. R., 2705 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, Tenn.
Smith, Mrs. H . E . , Box 66, Park Ridge, 111.
Smith, Mrs. Richard, 1819 W. Pershing Rd., McKinley Park Sta., Chi-
cago, 111.
Spengler, Mrs. S. L . , 342 Park St., Menasha, Wis.
Strothman, Mrs. E . P., 835 Summit Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
Swanson, Mrs. A. E . , Hotel Van Rensselaer, New York City.
Swartz, Mrs. Burton A., Box 27, Clarksburg, Calif.
Taarud, Mrs. H., 1408 Hythe, St. Paul. Minn.
Thomas, Mrs. Lyman, 526 So. 51st St., Omaha, Neb.
Venn, Alice, 47 Euclid Ave., Ludlaw, Ky.
Waller, Mrs. Rives, Shady Hill Apts.. Walla Walla, Wash.
Warren, Mrs. W., Box 2169, Tulsa, Okla.
Waybright, Isabel, 14407 Potomac, East Cleveland, Ohio.
Welch, Mrs. Eugene, 1067 Broadway St., San Francisco, Calif.
Wheaton, Mrs. C. C. (Antoinette Webb), 4624 Grand Ave. S., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Willis, Mrs. Lovell A., 622 N. Broadway, East Providence, R. I .
Wills, Mrs. D., 217 N. 1st St., Monmouth. 111.
Wilson, Hildegard N., The Knoll, A O n , Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.
Wilson, Herta S., The Knoll, AOn, Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y .
Wilson. Virginia, 53 Main St., Binghamton, N. Y .
York, Helen, Mooresville, Ind.
T H E F O L L O W I N G is the subscription list, by chapter, of To D R A G M A of
Alpha Omicron Pi. Members whose subscriptions have lapsed are
urged to send their checks to Kathryn Bremer at once. Chapters are
urged to ask their alumnae to take out subscriptions, life or annual, and
so increase our budget, making it possible to put out a bigger and better
magazine, and raise the chapter's rank on the Business Manager's records.
Chapter Total Life Sub- Annual
Membership scribers Sub-
Alpha 83 6 5
Pi 119 22 4
Nu 115 4 7
Omicron 225 10 9
Kappa 171 22 3
Zeta 256 23 16
Sigma 254 41 30
Theta 229 25 14
Beta 11 5 1
Delta 222 41 50
Gamma 217 45 3
Epsilon 157 52 7
Rho 192 50 25
Lambda 137 7 10
Iota 155 25 9
Tau 145 21 25
Chi 129 24 19
Upsilon 175 21 7
Nu Kappa 60 5 6
Beta Phi 120 40 11
Eta 125 19 6
Alpha Phi 92 9 12
Nu Omicron 59 4 0
Psi 63 15 13
Phi 85 24 3
Omega 118 26 7
Omicron Pi 72 31 0
Alpha Sigma 29 2 1
X i 38 2 0
Beta Phi $43.50 Rho 8.50
Phi 32.50 Omicron
Alpha Phi 26.50 8.00
Iota 19.50 Epsilon 7.00
Tau 17.00 Kappa 7.00
Sigma 16.00 Theta 6.00
Upsilon 16.00 Omicron Pi 6.00
Pi 15.50 Chi 6.00
Delta 15.50 Nu Kappa 3.00
Psi 12.50 3.00
Nu Omicron 9.50 Xi
Omega 2.50
Lambda 9.00 Alpha Sigma none
Eta 9.00 Nu none
Zeta 8.50 none
This list of fines for late reports from chapter treasurers and secre-
taries for the past fiscal year is in itself a sufficient commentary on the
carelessness with which chapter business is handled. There is absolutely
no excuse that can be offered for the fines quoted here. All legitimate
excuses were accepted; these are the others. Perhaps some of these
chapters make the individual officer responsible for the failure. That
would certainly lessen the chance of fines, for when one's own purse
strings are pulled, one becomes conscious of the fact. Strangely enough
when it is a group or community matter, some of us have no conscience,
or at least no concern. Some of these fines are alarmingly large. Chapter
officers should straighten this matter out at once.
The Fab Committee reported at our National Convention, held in
Glacier National Park, that up until June 15. 1924, Alpha Phis had sold
3.679 boxes of Fab. This means that $1,839.50 has been deposited for
Alpha Phi of which $919.75 is for our national Endowment Fund, and
$915.75 was distributed at Convention among the active chapters.
—Alpha Phi Quarterly.
E L I Z A B E T H H E Y W O O I J W Y M A N is writing some very charming book re-
views for the literary department of the New York Herald-Tribune.
We hope to be able to reprint some of these in one of our next issues.
P I N C K N E Y E S T E S G L A N T Z B E R G has resigned her position as Assistant Cor-
poration Counsel for the city of New York to take what she calls
a "real job," that of counsel in the Liquidation Bureau of the New York
State Department of Insurance. Mrs. Glantzberg is of Psi.
E L I Z A B E T H D U N F O R D , Nu, has recently been appointed Deputy Assistant
Corporation Counsel for the city of New York.
T H E F O L L O W I N G is a clipping from the New York World, of October
3, 1924. Margaret Burnet is a member of Nu chapter.
Margaret M. Burnet, appointed special attorney to the Department
of Justice, assigned to the Customs Division, is the first woman to receive
a prominent position in the Customs Department.
Miss Burnet will represent the Government in custom cases tried
before the Board of Appraisers. Miss Burnet says the work of the
Board of Appraisers is so heavy under the present Tariff Act, she will
have to devote her entire time to her new position.
A member of the firm of Burnet & Smith, No. 280 Broadway, Miss
Burnet has been engaged in the general practice of the law for twenty
Miss Burnet is First Vice President of the Tenth Assembly District
Republican Club.
Because the people who could send material to the editor have not
done so.
If you know of any Alpha O who is doing especially interesting
things, let us know about her and her work. We should have a depart-
ment in each issue devoted to prominent alumnae.
If you know of any Alpha O who has had a story, poem, or an
essay published in any periodical or college publication, let us know about
it, and, if possible, send us a copy.
T T is F I T T I N G that this number, going to press rather early in the school
year, be devoted to scholarship. The annual report of the Scholarship
Officer appears, some reprints from our exchanges, and pictures and
articles about our last year's Phi Beta Kappas and Pi Lambda Thetas.
The scholarship report is necessarily incomplete, but should there be any
additions to it, they will be duly recorded in the magazine. All honor
to Alpha Phi, who, as the record now stands, holds first place in Alpha
Omicron Pi scholarship, and to these girls whose efforts have been re-
warded by the golden keys. We are proud to call attention to the fact
that they have not only been good students, but they have participated
actively in all phases of college and fraternity life.
' I * H A N K S G I V I N G will soon be here, and the Editor has many things to be
thankful for. She is thankful that there were no late letters, and
that only two active and two alumnae letters are missing. Then she is
thankful because the Dallas Alumnae letter is so interesting and read-
able. Only three chapters used the wrong size paper, and only one of
those had to be completely rewritten. She is thankful that every one didn't
capitalize "Fall." write "libary." mention her "wonderful pledges," or
write "possibley." All levity aside, the chapter letter is more nearly
complete than it has been for some time, and the material, in general,
came in in better shape. Our cup would fairly run over if more people
would send newspaper clippings and poems, and if the Alumnae Assist-
ants to To D R A G M A took their work a little more seriously, sending more
Alumnae Notes, and better ones. Won't you help make Thanksgiving
day come four times a year for the Editor, instead of only once?
A L L O F us cannot travel, and many of us who cannot often feel that
1 compelling urge to learn of strange places, of people and modes of liv ing
different from our own. To D R A G M A invites you who must perforce be
"rocking chair travelers" into far climts with her, for, by means of
letters, extracts from letters, and brief articles from our more fortunate
sisters, we who must sit at home may visit Peru, China, the Canal Zone,
Korea, and all manner of fascinating places. This month a trip around
the world is yours, for the reading, and visit to the great wall of China
or a tea with Manchu ladies of high degree. Will you join us in our
\\T I T H T H I S I S S U E , the vocational Guidance Committee begins a series
of articles along vocational lines. From now on we hope to print,
in each number of the magazine, several short articles on some of the
various professions and occupations open to women, by women of our own
organization who have achieved success in their chosen work. It is
hoped that these articles may be of help to some of you.
B Y T H E T I M E this magazine reaches you, Alpha Omicron Pi will have
three new chapters, one active and two alumnae. Pi Delta chapter
at the University of Maryland was installed on October 25, Milwaukee
Alumnae chapter on October 14, and Birmingham Alumnae chapter
on October 24. The next issue will contain complete details of these in-
stallations about which you are all anxious to read. In the meantime
greetings and good wishes to Pi Delta, Milwaukee, and Birmingham
O U R N A T I O N A L W O R K is an established and growing thing. The last
issue of To D R A G M A told you what the fraternity had done along these
lines and what it hoped to do. This number records another achievement
with the naming of a bed in the Children's Orthopedic Hospital, by the
Seattle Alumnae chapter, assisted, this first year, by the National Work
Fund. Three phases of our national work program are realities, and
not just dreams.
T H E F O L L O W I N G clipping from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, for October
3, 1924, touches a real problem of college and fraternity life and
should be productive of a good deal of thought along its lines:
Because they want to avoid hurting the feelings of girls who failed
to "get in," sororities at the University of Washington refused to publish
the names of their pledges, it was revealed yesterday.
The policy of keeping the names of pledges out of the newspapers has
been adopted by Panhellenic, the inter-sorority council, and is strictly en-
forced. The purpose behind the policy is said to be to make the sorority
system more democratic and minimize the tendency to place girls who fail
to "make" sororities on a different social plane than their more lucky
fellow students.
It is common knowledge to us all that there is a gap between sorority
and non-sorority girls. Various ways of lessening this feeling have been
tried out at different institutions. At the University of Minnesota, for
example, it has been the custom for the pledges to be given corsage
bouquets on pledge night. In olden times it was the custom for the new
pledge to proudly display these trophies pinned to her coat in classes the
next day. A few years ago Panhellenic passed a rule forbidding pledges
to wear their bouquets on the campus. This, like the Washington rule,
tends to remove the sorority girl from the limelight. The whole question
is a vital one, though, and much more could, and should, be done to better
the condition.
* T P H I S I S C O N V E N T I O N Y E A R and we want you all to save your pennies and
*• walk, ride, Ford, or fly your way to Radisson Inn and stay with us
for one week by the waters of Minnetonka. No more delightful place
could be found to make new Alpha O friendships and renew old ones.
There will be canoeing, tennis, swimming, and golfing, and just lots of
talking to be done. If you've never been to convention you want to come
to see what it is like; if you have been you want to come because you
know what it is like. If you haven't but thirty-seven cents to your name
and can't possibly come, you will want to spend it on a subscription to
the convention newspaper, that will be next best to being there yourself.
We will have all four Founders with us, many actives, ideal conditions
and heaps of Grand Officers, past and present. In fact, everything will be
just grand. Talk convention to your chapters and your alumnae and send
a big delegation.
T K 1919, T H E F I R S T L I F E subscription was received for To D R A G M A ; at
* the time this issue goes to press, there are 621 such. If, in the coining
five years the increase is proportional, 1929 will see the life subscription
list numbering 1200. This means that the endowment fund will be cor-
respondingly larger, that the magazine itself will be better because more
money can be spent on it, and that Alpha Omicron Pi will have twelve
hundred members who will, because they are to receive her official pub-
lication four times a year for life, always retain their active interest in
their fraternity. The fraternity owes to Carolyn Fraser Pulling, who, by
her untiring efforts, added 198 names to the list, and, besides, worked out
the present compulsory life subscription plan, a great debt of gratitude.
During the next two years (1921-1923), June Kelley, who succeeded
Carolyn, increased the list by 175 names. 248 names have been added
during the present administration. A life subscription to To D R A G M A
draws interest for the subscriber and for the Endowment Fund. Use the
blank at the end of this number.
' ~ | ~ , I I E F O L L O W I N G resolution of the Executive committee is printed in
order that the fraternity at large might understand just how the last
issue of To D R A G M A was financed:
Resolved that; the September 1924 (National Work) number of To
D R A G M A be sent to every member of the fraternity; that each active
chapter, Nu excepted, be assessed at cost for copies sent their non-sub-
scribing members; that the Grand Treasurer collect these assessments and
reimburse the Business Manager when collections are made; that the
Grand Treasurer pay, from the National Treasury, for copies sent to non
subscribers of Alpha, Nu, and Beta.
T H E E D I T O R has been authorized to announce a cover contest for To
D R A G M A . Full details will be given in the next issue. The contest
will be open to any member of Alpha Omicron Pi, graduate or under-
graduate. It is hoped that some talented member of the fraternity will
submit an original design which can be made the permanent cover of our
publication. The winning design will be chosen by a committee at con-
vention and will be awarded a prize, the nature of which has not yet been
decided. All artistic members are urged to take part in this contest. Watch
To D R A G M A tor further announcements. Let us have a real Alpha O cover.
A C T I V E C H A P T E R S E C R E T A R I E S please send the Business Manager at once
a list of their full paid active life subscribers.
D O E S A N Y O N E know the whereabouts of the following? Please send their
y present addresses to the Business Manager:
Coral Jury, Iota, formerly in Chicago; Frances B. Cottrell, Iota,
formerly in Champaign, 111.; Esther M. Perkins, Zeta, formerly in Omaha,
Neb.; Mrs. W . S. Culver, Eta, formerly in Cleveland, Ohio; Elizabeth T .
Peabody, Gamma, formerly in Portland, Ore.; Margaret Howard, Sigma,
formerly in Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. W. L . Hopkins, Tau, formerly in
Los Angeles. Cal.
\ 7 " O U R A T T E N T I O N is called-to the fact that it is time to be thinking of
nominees for Grand Council Offices and Committees. The" following
is the article from the constitution concerning nominations:
The Committee on Nominations shall consist of the District Super-
intendents and a chairman appointed by the Executive Committee. By
February 1 of Convention year, the District Superintendents shall have
consulted their district chapters, both active and alumnae, seeking available
nominees for national officers and committees. Any member at large
may submit recommendations to her district committee member. Grand
Officers shall submit recommendations to the chairman of the committee.
From these proposed names, the Committee on Nominations shall select
three nominees with special consideration as to their qualifications and
fitness for the office. This list they shall submit to the members of the
Grand Council who may either ratify the names proposed or file addi-
tional nominations with the chairman by April 15. The three highest
additional candidates to be nominated for each office provided that such
candidates shall have been proposed by at least five Grand Council mem-
bers, shall then be added to the preliminary list prepared by the Com-
mittee on Nominations and the complete ballot submitted to the Grand
Council six weeks before Convention. No name shall be placed on the
ballot without the consent of the nominee. Additional nominations may be
made at Convention, but shall be submitted with qualifications and nomi-
nee's consent to the chairman the day prior to election, and the names of
such candidates shall be posted promptly. It is provided that a member,
failing- to be elected, may be nominated from the floor for any other office
for which she is qualified. Election in all cases shall be by secret ballot.
Politics shall not enter and its proved activity for or by any nominee
shall cause the nominee's withdrawal. To permit freedom of discussion,
the candidates for an office shall retire from the floor prior to the ballot-
ing for that office. Tbe complete returns and correspondence of the
committee shall be preserved and be open to the inspection of any Grand
Council member at Convention.
College is college once more; our carefree days of vacation are past.
Each class has made a step upward and we are back with added enthusi-
asm, anticipating a profitable year. The one shadow on our otherwise
cloudless horizon is the great gap which our last year's Seniors left. A
happy reminder of their thoughtfulness is our attractive new room which
they decorated for us while we were in the throes of "exams" last spring.
It was a complete surprise to us.
So many nice things have happened to us recently that we seem to
be living in the clouds. The climax of a frantic week of rushing came
Saturday, September 27th. Excitement broke forth at noon when the
"returns" from the "bids" were announced. Squeals of delight went
forth from Pi chapter when we found that we had won ten adorable
girls. We are so proud of them and we are sure that they will bring
credit to our chapter. The new members are: Margaret Tomlinson, Gulf
Port, Miss.; Ethel Young, Alexandria, L a . ; Dorothy Folse, Oak Ridge,
L a . ; Elizabeth Heaslip, New Orleans, L a . ; Mary Elizabeth Carden, Mun-
fordville, K y . ; Rosa Rogers, Tupelo, Miss.; Elizabeth Lyon, New Orleans,
L a . ; Margaret Morgan, Okolona, Miss.; Agnes Broussard, Abbeville,
L a . ; and Elizabeth Black, New Orleans, La.
The 27th was a strenuous day for us. We gave a luncheon at the
"Louisiane" in honor of our pledges and then hurried them to the foot-
ball game at Tulane. Pledging was at 7:30 that night, at which time
we were surprised with a gorgeous five pound box of candy announcing
the engagement of Jacinto Lobrano.
Last Saturday we had initiation and now we are in the midst of
freshman rushing season. Our most profound hopes will be realized if
we can get as lovely a bunch of girls as we have just initiated.
Helen Bovard has returned to us after a year's absence.
We are sorry that Gertrude Woodward has withdrawn from school.
Sh-h! There are whispers of an engagement.
C H A R L O T T E Voss.
The girls of Nu chapter have spent a most strenuous summer. This
is what some of them have been doing.
Julia Tillinghast, after a summer course at Columbia University,
enjoyed a delightful trip to Bermuda.
Helen Schelnin, Anna Hughes, and Beatrice Purdy were so ambitious
and liked to study so well that they attended summer school.
For four months our girls received cards bearing the post marks
of various countries of Europe and signed Jeanette Engel. Since school
opened Jeanette has been busy visiting the law classes with the intention
of discovering new girls for A O H
During the summer Alice Knecht held a position with the Presbyterian
Board of National Missions.
Gertrude Hook attended the Northfield Sunday School Conference.
Julia Froatz did graduate work in the study of Browning.
Three of the girls who were graduated in June have returned to
take courses. Sallie Burger is working for a Master's degree in Pedagogy.
Both Virginia Little, who has a position with the Woman's Press of
the National Y . W. C. A., and Mary Meeker, who is teaching kinder-
garten, keep in touch with us by taking courses at school.
Edith Ramsay, who this summer was married to George Rowland
Collins, Assistant Professor at New York University, tells us that her
husband's book on salesmanship has been recently published.
Evelyn Helland is an instructor in the chemistry department, and
Dorothy McDowell continues her work as assistant in the mathematics
Miss Agnes Tufverson studies law in the evenings and does corpora-
tion work during the day.
Miss Clara E . Van Emden spent the summer in Holland. She has
completed her work at college and expects to take the bar examinations
in October.
We have mentioned only a few of our girls. When we write to To
D R A G M A again we hope to introduce the others.
At our last meeting we made plans for the coming year. Rush
parties, teas, dances, and all sorts of good times are waiting for us. We
will tell you about some of them in our next letter.
We are all back and hard at work again—seventeen strong. Omicron
had three new members right away this year, for Elizabeth Long, Mar-
garet Harvey and Dorothy Hayes were pledged and initiated in May, just
before we disbanded for the summer. And what's more, last week we
initiated Virginia Black, who was pledged last fall but went to Syracuse
for the second term and thus failed to be initiated with last year's
freshmen. We are also glad to have Margaret Smith back in the chapter
after her year of teaching.
We have bought some new furniture for our room, including a
serving table, a console mirror, draperies, and a new Victrola, which is
our joy and pride. For the first two weeks of school, we weren't allowed
to bring freshmen into the frat room, and the way our hearts were torn
between the desire to play^ the Victrola and fear of turning loose for
an instant our numerous "prospects" was truly agonizing.
Now the rushing season is in full swing, however, and we make good
use of our room. Formal rushing is confined to the week-ends and the
season is only three weeks long, so we are depending largely on our
very industrious "personal" rushing. Pledge Day is October 15, so
naturally we are getting quite excited. We will end things up with a
very "spiffy" dance this week-end.
We wish to extend a vote of thanks to the new Memphis Alumnae
chapter for the way in which they helped our four Memphis girls rush
this summer. They put us in touch with several splendid girls. Here's
hoping they'll feel their efforts repaid when they see the nice new alumnae
we'll send them in a few years!
Everybody is excited over the planning of our rush teas, and the one
week of open rushing following four weeks of silence, both of which
have been instituted as part of our new rushing system. The brightness
of Kappa's prospects for the best and most successful rushing season
ever, we feel, is due, to a great extent, to the kindness of our alumnae
in sending in a bigger number of recommendations.
We are fortunate in having five very attractive little sisters. One
of them has been elected freshman president, and although we have not
been allowed to bid her as yet, we already feel that it is "all in the
- family."
I am sure that you will be interested to know that Louise Johnson,
one of our last year's seniors, who became Mrs. Frank Gilliam this
summer, is now in the Belgian Congo to remain three years with her
husband who is doing mission work there. Evelyn Allen, another of
our alumnae, is also in the Congo, and so there are two very definite
reasons why AOlT may soon become international and rank right along
with the League of Nations, or—in case our northern sisters should objec
—the World Court. All joking aside, we think that these two of our
number show the real spirit of AOII. We hate to brag, but we are Mighty
proud that they are from Kappa.
At the first of school we initiated five of our pledges and we wil
initiate the other of our last year's "Bid-ee's" who was pledged last week
at a very early date.
Twenty of the best girls Zeta chapter ever pledged are now proudly
exhibiting the little gold sheaf of wheat. May I present one of the
best collections of pep and personality that ever made a debut into college
life: Margaret Moore, Tecumseh, Neb.; Edith Simanek, Prague, Neb.
Eloise Keefer, Lincoln; Dorothy Mercer, Lincoln; Winifred Steele, Lin
coln ; Esther Lakeman, Lincoln; Louise Wahlenberg, Lincoln; Haze
Aldrich, Tobias, Neb.; Voline Nichols, Louisville. Neb.; Frances King
Belgrade, Neb.; Frances Aiken, Cambridge, Neb.; Alsamine King, Marys
ville, Mo.; Gladys Mathews, Villisca, Iowa; Dorothy Lisenich, Sioux
City, Iowa; Alice Prezzler, Sioux City, Iowa: Helen Betts, Sioux City
Iowa; Louise Hilsabeck, Loup City, Neb.; Opal Weesner, Red Cloud
Neb.; Lorraine Sparks, Washington, Kansas, and Alice Weese, Omaha
Two of these, Winifred Steele and Alsamine King, are eligible for
initiation and after October 20th will be our real sisters in A O n .
The success of rush week this year was made possible only by the
wonderful cooperation of the alumnae. About forty-five minutes before
every party, a fleet of cars drove up to the AOn house, each driven by
an alumna and occupied only by alumnae; orders and directions were re
ceived by all and rushees were called for at the appointed hour. Active
girls were free to entertain in the house and all went very smoothly. We
want the world to know what loyal alumnae we have and how much we
appreciate them and their interest in the welfare of the actives.
Our members of honorary organizations have been chosen. Margaret
Moore is our Mystic Fish, freshman organization; Evelyn Wilson is the
Xi Delta, sophomore; Margaret Long is the Silver Serpent, junior; and
have you all heard that Pauline Gellatly was elected to Mortarboard?
Yes! And in addition is a charter member of the National Collegiate
Players, which was installed here last spring, as well as increasing her
activities in dramatics, being now a member of the University Players
and having a good part in most every play. "Polly" was also elected
student member of the Panhellenic Board.
Margaret Long is keeping AOn well represented on the campus too
She is a member of Tassels, girls' pep organization, established last year
and always much in evidence at the football games. Margaret is also
assistant news editor of The Daily Nebraskan.
After investigating the sudden increase in volume and harmony in the
AOIT songs we urged Frances King and Margaret Moore to try for the
Vesper Choir. This they did and proved their ability.
Mildred Freas is AOn's representative in Valkyrie, senior girls'
honorary social organization.
The most important thing to write from Sigma Chapter is the an-
nouncement of pledging. On August 28th, we pledged ten wonderful
girls. They are: Elizabeth Avila, '28; Jean Hawkins, '27; Helen Herrick.
f '28; Melzina Lassard, '28; Edna Lyons, '28; Marjorie Mills, '28; Grace
te Smith. '28; Marian Smith, '28 (they are not related); Katharine Weeks,
g '28; and Elizabeth Young, '24. "Libby" Young is a graduate of Mills
ct College and is taking post graduate work at the University of California.
y We really feel that we have twelve new girls this year because Eliza-
beth Ward, '27, from the Oregon chapter, is here at the university, and
Florence Pierce, ex-'17, has returned to Berkeley. She is teaching at a
junior high school and is living at the house. Frances Cady, '24,
ll back this semester to take graduate work and to do practice teaching.
k, But it was very hard to part with Elizabeth Hawkins, '25, who returned
to Vassar College to graduate there. And Jane Dudley, '26, did not return
to college this year at Berkeley. She has gone to the University of
Oregon where she will enter the School of Journalism.
Just at present this quarter is looking forward to the house Formal
to be given on the eighth of November and to Alumni Homecom-
y ing which will be held on November twentieth to twenty-second.
e Homecoming week was tried out last year for the first time at the week
e of the "Big Game" with Stanford University, and it proved so success-
.; ful that it will be an annual affair. The fraternity and sorority alumni
n- return for the week end and stay at the houses. They hold reunion
el lunches on Friday and Saturday and each house arranges dinners and
g, teas for them. Graduates and undergraduates meet at University meet-
s- ing which is held in the Greek Theater. And of course everybody turns
x out for the big game in the Stadium on Saturday. Last year we had a
y, wonderful time and are already beginning to plan this year's program.
a. Everyone is very proud of Helen Herrick, one of the pledges, who
r just passed the tryouts for Treble Clef, women's vocal society. Mildred
Bell. '26. our untiring and efficient rushing captain, has been chosen to
e be property manager for the 1925 Partheneia. The Partheneia is the
e annual masque given every spring by the women of the university. Isabel
y Jackson, '26, was recently elected to Theta Sigma Phi, national journalistic
e- society for women. Several of the girls are serving on dance committees
e and on the University Social Committee. Roberta Georgeson. '26, and
e Evelyn Kendall. '27, are working on the staff of the Daily Calif ornian.
e So, all in all, we're quite busy here at Berkeley and are looking for-
ward to a wonderful year.
s First and of utmost importance is our group of new pledges, fourteen
d darling girls, who are all duly worthy of the little red ribbons and the
pledge pins which we put on them. Two of the pledges arc upper class-
men, Katherine Schmidt from Indianapolis and Minnie Mae Bartlett from
Greencastle; we expect to initiate these girls about the last of October.
o. There are two AOn sisters and one sister-in-law among our pledges—
r Dorothy Baldwin, of Jeffersonville, whose sister is now in school at
o Wisconsin. Kathrin Kelly, our own Ruth's sister, from Wcstville, and
e Ruth Kreutzinger of Mt. Vernon. Then we have two cousins—Mildred
e Humphreys, of Linton, and June Freeman, of Bicknell. Mildred Read
of Washington, has been elected president of Freshman fraternity, and
Veraline Townsend of Lawrenceville, 111., secretary and treasurer. Miriam
' Mayes from Columbus, Louise Smith from Winnamac, Clarice McKinney
from Huntingburg, Dorothy Hayes from Pendleton, and Hylma Hofherr
from Muncie, are the other pledges.
The results of a week of hard work combined with play were highly
pleasing. The first afternoon party was a pot-pourri affair, represent-
ing the holidays of the year. The other afternoon entertainment was a
- lavender and old lace party. The first evening party was a gypsy dance
l and the last rush party was our formal Rose Dinner. Preferential bidding
was used for the first time on DePauw campus and proved to be an
exceptional success.
Mary Carmack, a pledge from last year, was initiated one night after
hours during rush week.
We have "loads" of musical talent—Ruth, Vera, Hylma, Clarice, and
Louise among the pledges and Mary Tinder and Lorena Sloan among the
initiated girls, being in music school. Clarice made the girls' glee club
and Kathryn Kelly, Hylma, Carolyn Pierce, and Mussette Williams are
in the university orchestra. Katherine Schmidt is quite athletic—she
and several of the other pledges are going out for soccer and will prob-
ably win honors for us some time during the year. Tryouts for DePauw's
musical comedy, "Listen Ulysses," were held for more than one hundred
girls; Mary Carmack, Ruth Wilson, and Caroline Pierce were among the
lucky few. Frances Gray has been chosen Sport Editor of the "Mirage,"
DePauw's annual, chairman of the Budget Committees and is on the
W. A. A. Board for this year. Katherine Davis has been appointed to
the judicial committee of W. S. G. A. and has been elected treasurer
of Theta Sigma Phi.
We have several new things for the house, a beautiful taupe mohair
davenport and rugs to match for the living room; the floors have all been
done over.
Last weekend was the Indiana-DePauw football game; 'most every
girl in the house attended. Although the score was most disappointing,
they all had a wonderful time as the guests of the Beta Phi.
Marie Sullivan and Mary K . Geek, both of Beta Phi, were guests at
the chapter house last week.
The marriage of Constance Sunsomo to Howard Weikheart of Fort
Wayne was solemnized October 18 at four o'clock at the First Presbyterian
Church of that city. Mary Driscol attended the wedding and dinner. We
all thought the experience would be good for Mary as her pin serenade
had just been given a week before following the Sigma Nu steak roast.
Theta is proud to announce the arrival of twins to Janice Brown
Smith in the personnel of two darling daughters answering to the names
of Joyce and Jo Ann.
All aboard for a new year with few casualties in our chapter roll.
Besides our seven seniors we've lost "Timmie" Brooks to the bright lights
of New York. Ruth Morris forsook us for a stage career and she's
getting along famously. If anyone sees her name in electric lights above
the foremost theater of any large city just buy a ticket and watch our
"Bimbo" do her stuff. "Liz" Fuller went back to Elmira College from
whence she came to us a year ago. The reason "Liz' gives is vague but
we think she "just couldn't get accustomed to men in her classes. She's
so shy! Helen Bishop heeded the call of the California songs and is
roving through the orange groves, if the report we've heard is true, she's
not roving alone as her "interest" here followed her. Lucia Sleeper, one
of our pledges, has gone into the commercial world to see what she can
Fraternity camp was a huge success. We had Ruth Whiten's summer
home at Salisbury Beach.
Seven Deltas ran the dining room of a club in Vermont with Sue
O'Brien as "boss" (something hard to imagine) and they haven't finished
ecstacizing yet. Libby Atkinson, Brie Field and Peggy Arnold went to
"Baw Hawbor" for the summer where they were royally and heartily
entertained (emphasis on the latter adjective). Peggy has the distinction
of having taught Mrs. Vanderbilt to play parchesi.
So far the classes have had no election of officers. Elections last
semester included several AOn's. Millie Ward, '25, is captain of varsity
basketball, Leola Wagner, '25, treasurer of the All Around Club; Peggy
Pettigrew, '27, is treasurer of Y . W. "C. A . ; Eleanor Prescott, '26, is
secretary of I. C. S. A. and Mary Hall was recently elected secretary-
treasurer of the Pipers, a new poetry club.
We have a splendid class of freshmen and good prospects for Delta
in rushing.
Gamma girls have found a new home. In past years the Art Room
at the Library proved very satisfactory to all but the authorities. This
fall "the powers that be" unceremoniously bundled us into a Chemistry
classroom. We put "Sally'' Palmer on the trail, consequently we are now
renting the "shanty" for fraternity meetings, or any other occasions. The
"shanty" is located on a beautiful estate, shaded by elms, and overlooking
the Stillwater River.
Its architecture is reminiscent of Swiss chalet with American log
cabin thrown in for good measure. The one large room is well equipped
—cozy chairs, piano, and an enormous fireplace prophesying future pop-
corn and marshmallow roasts.
Already it has proved a valuable asset in giving the girls a minute
to pause in the mad whirl of college activity, and become better acquainted.
Before, we disbanded as soon as the meeting was over; now we linger
to gossip over a game of bridge, or perhaps roll up the rugs and have
an impromptu dance.
October 6 we pledged Irene Mary Lerette. Irene is a very popular
member of the class of 1926, and we are especially glad to welcome her.
September 30 we held our first rushing party—a hot dog "bat." At
four-thirty we marshaled some of the freshman girls to the gay autumnal
banks of the Stillwater, a few miles above the college. After everyone
had done justice to the festive dog. supplemented by apples, doughnuts,
and coffee, we gathered around the big fire and sang college songs.
Achsa Bean is back! She is doing graduate work in the biology de-
partment. Achsa was president of Gamma for 1922. We are fortunate
indeed to have her with us again.
Three of the girls from the class of 1926 are not back this year. We
miss them from our circle. They are: Charlotte Osgood, Elizabeth Arm-
strong, and Madeline Gillin.
After our carefree summer vacation, we have come back with a zest
for a successful rushing season. Our living room is all dressed up in
new white curtains and blue silk overdrapes. which the girls made after
they came back this fall. We also hemmed four dozen linen napkins.
We were happy to get one of the mortgages paid off this summer,
and are now honing to nut up a sun parlor under the sleeping porch.
Marjorie Kimball. '24. came over to help us during first week rushing,
and she, Elsie Smith, '24, and Martha McCormick, '24, arc coming for
second week.
Aside from rushine, very little has started. Hilda Wdson, 2o. was
elected to Mortar Board last spring and is one of the six on the Women's
Student Council. Frances Egan, '26. is president of Sage, one of the
women's dormitories, and is also on the Women's Student Council.
Johanna Buecking. '26, and Frances Eagan, '26. were two of the ten
elected last spring to Raven and Serpent, the junior honorary society.
M A R I O N W. S T A P L E S .