H Long before the day of
Codes and Blue Eagles the
L . G. Balfour Company es-
tablished its own code of
business ethics—much of
which has been incorpo-
rated in the present Jew-
elry Code.
Owned and operated by the C
Employees on a profit- '
sharing basis with the fra-
WE DO OUR nun ternities, free from outside T H E BALFOUR
financial dictation or other B L U E BOOK
obligations, responsible
only to our customers, we Your Badge
carry onward with the full Price List
confidence of our associates
and pledge our continued Sent Upon Req"**'
good faith as—
Sole Official Jeweler to Alpha Omicron Pi
lie Highway . . . ^ «•',.»' » • Jean Lackey
Consider Our Heritage .; -•• . . • *• % • The Editor
'Whitby 106 Sister Antonine
«VV . . * f
3ans for Successful R u s h Parties % . Chapter Reporters
bccess i n E f f e m i n a c y Attends D r . D r a n t . Elizabeth B. Martin
A s . A l p h a O m i c r o n P i F e l l o w W r i t e s f r o m F r a n c e . Janet Martin
|jo'a T w e n t y - f i f t h B i r t h d a y ^ H ' ^ V ; .*:'•> . Catherine Lang
U— ——•——-p: ,
blished by ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity
A: run—Barnard College—Inactive. C>«<•-.»—'Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
^ t - f M t fopjita : N f i w ^ | b . iMMMriiil jtibUeaa, Ufaw.' Outcaosf P i — U a i v e t a i t y of Michigan, A n
rille, Oregon, F.i
iit'i College, Lynch-
Xi—University of Oklahot
P i D E L T A — U n i v e r s i t y of Maryland, C<
Lincoln. Neb. T A D D E L T A — Birmingham-Southern To
U M U i — Univ KAPPA OMICMN—South'
ALPHA RHO—Oregon /
CraiLON—Con itoo, 111. ( vanity O t a . T- Colorado,
University, Palo Alto. C H I DELTA—University
Jfelfrr-Norihw. ' Colo.
UWIIIA l.fiaol
Calif. Stanford RITA TH*TA—Butler University, Indiana
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, III. A L P H A PI—Florida Stale C o l l c g S v M
Tallahassee, Fla.
uQu^mi^mf A f r t ^ i F ^ r » n M » * * ^ ¥ i n n « » P O l i * , M i n n . EPSILOH ALPHA—Pennsylvania Sta(e*UH
X*'. •Unrtaraltyy. Syrae*!**, J L
College,,;Pa..» \< t c ,
[ l i t i K m l l i n t i iij of Washington, Seattlet Wash. THKTA EtAK-UrUv«raity. of Gncinna&Q
No KAPPA—Southern Methodist University, Dal* TvftB a r a TAn-Jpniveratty of Toronto,
.:, , , ' ' . . •r A L P H A TAB—DenSson University, Granv
B a rA K A P P A — U n i v e r s i t y of British
BaYA P H I — I n d i a n a Univoraity. Bloomington, l a d .
Tt^t>~Ua*vOrsJty or Wieeo^ain, Madison, W i s .
A u « » PHI—Montana State College, Boxeman.
No OMICCOM—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, A L P H A GSHHA—Washington State Coll
mani Waali
Tmn. .
D E L T A JPm—University of South .Carotin
'Pol I'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, F a ,
PHI—University of Kanaaa, Lawrence, Kan.
NBW Y«>a A t o H U H — N « w York Cttyi MEMPHIS A-lAIUHM—h
S A M F E A M C I S C O ALVuna—San Francisco, Calif.
PaoviaaHca AM-HK.*—Providence, Rhode Island. M I L W A U K E E A L O M M * — M i l w a u k e e , V\ U
BiaUiRCHAU ALBUM*—Birmingham, All
BOSTON A L B U M * — B o s t o n , Mass. OKLAHOMA C I T Y H*—Oklahoma Ci
CHiftuJo-SoBtu SHOBB ALBUM*—Chicago
LIMCOLM A L B U M * — L i n c o l n , Neb. ' i
Los A M O U R S A L B U M S — L o s Angeles, Calif. 'vr
M A S I S O M A L U M M * — M a d i s o n , W i s . '•'
INMIARAFOLSA A L O U R U — I n d i a n a p o l i s , I»----*. BLOOMINGTOM ALBUM*—Bloomington, In
; N i | # ' O a L t A M A 11' >r >' >:- ,\ c « O r l e a n s , !t>»»' PauvHii A L B U M * — D e n v e r , Cold. ''''5,|fjl
M J H H B A P O L U A; jitMAm—Minneapolis, Minn; '' CiKCtNHATt A L B U M * — C i n c i n n a t i , Ohio.
B A M M B A L C H M H — B a n g o r , Ms T n u a A i i! - i f • • i i •• <, - p k l a .
POBTLAMD ALBHMH—Portland, Oft. A H M A E R O B -i B x s c — Ann A r b o y j t h w j
SsATTLa ' : - —Seattle, Wash. FOKT W A T H X A L B U H * — F o r t Wayna* u
KaoxvitLS ALBUMS—KnoxviUe, TOHSL S t . L o u u - A L B U M * — S t . L o n i s , Ma* A-'M
LTBCHBoaa ALBUM*—Lynchburg, Va. '.'•->' •:• n i • » A L B U K M — R o c h e s t e r , N ; ^1x2
w»«ui HdTox •ALBUM*—Waahlnfton, D. C. D A Y T O N A i > * — D a y t o n , OMo. ' •CD
D A I X A A ALBMxA:—Dalian. Te *. 1 S A M D I E G O A L B U M H — S a n Diego, -Calif. ;',
P H I L A M L P H I S AtouM*—Philadelphia, Pa* ' N t i r .. ra-ut A L B U M H — MetropoiiUn N e l
K A a a u C I T Y A L B U M * — K a n s a s City, Mo. B B Y F A L O ALBUHOV—Buffalo, N. Yv
O M A H A A L B U M * — O m a h a , Neb. WEircHXSTaa ALBUHU—Westcheattr- M
STRACUSE ALUWHJS—Syracuse, N. Y. • N. Y , -\ I '• , _
Drmott ALBUM*—Detroit, Mich. ATLAHYA \ I !•»'«*•—AUaata, Go.
NASUVM I t ALBUNH—Nashville, Tana. BALTIUOBX ALBUMH—Baltimore, IfoVP S
o 'imSfL D r a g m a
In the MAY • 1934 Issue-
The Highway Frontispiece
Remember Your Heritage 3
Whitby 106 i5
Rho's Twenty-fifth Birthday 7
Great Lakes Convention on June 18 8
Mississippi P.T.A. President an Alpha 0 9
Success in Effeminacy, Dermatology and Decorating Attends
Dr. Drant 10
Sixteen Years of Phi History 12
An AO II Fellow Writes From France 15
Plans for Rushing Parties Are Novel 16
Presenting A Personality—Grace Morin 23
The Quiet Corner 25
Your Money's Worth in Human Progress 26
Experiment With Lespedeza May Bring New Crop to Mountaineers.. 28
The Pride of Alpha 0 32
Alpha O's in the Daily Press 46
Looking at Alpha O's 51
Wanted 56
Stellar Alpha O's . 60
Alumnae Chapters.... 61
Directory of Officers 77
T o D B A G M A is published by Alpha Oniicron Pi fraternity, 2642 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne-
sota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul
Minnesota, as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special
rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, Section 412, P . L . & R . , authorized February
!12, 1930.
To DHACMA is published four times a year, October, January, March, and May. Send all editorial
material to 2642 University Avenue, St. P a u l , Minn., before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10, and April 10.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; L i f e subscription $15.
By JEAN L A C K E Y , Eta [
Into the realms of knowledge &
To dust-covered volumes I fled, p
Together with fellow students ^
The steps of learning to tread; f
Four years of this climbing for 'wisdom m
'Til subjects I knew every part,
And when I had come to the finish,
I wished I were back at the start.
But I say that if dust-covered volumes
Can give such a joy as this,
Remember the zvorld's full of zvonders
That zvill add much more to your bliss;
For there's always a chance for a worker
A better job to do—
A highway that knozvs no limits,
And that chance is there for you.
TO D R A 6 M A
Remember Your Heritage
em in nmrnep 9s tjOfannin^ ^ Cmi e
[-4- I ' V E J U S T F I N I S H E D E D I T I N G the alum- to each person present. Where group
organization has been effected, the chair-
nae chapter reports and the active man of each group should present the
chapter letters. They are filled with elec- plans of her group, giving dates of
tions and senior affairs. Many look for- meetings. I f the same member would
ward to the fall activities as they sum- plan to take the unaffiliated girl to the
marize the accomplishments of the year. next meeting or group meeting, you'd
A tone of satisfaction runs through many find before long she'd be an established
of them—quotas have been completed member. Belonging to the alumna1 chap-
without slighting local charities; social ter should be a habit. I f your next year
affairs have been enjoyable; lectures is to be successful, all plans must be laid
stimulating. during the summer. Begin now!
Next year should prove to be an While alumna? chapters lay plans to
easier one for many of you. I wish you get Alpha O's interested again, under-
could make your program have a two- graduates are busy with plans of how to
fold purpose—to bring into your mem- get new Alpha O's. This issue contains
bership eveiy Alpha O living in your some recipes for parties tested and ap-
locality and to raise your entire quota for proved by our chapters. I hope they will
the Kentucky Social Service project. In be of use to many of you. Some of our
case you have accomplished the latter chapters are located on campuses where
without difficulty, place the stress on the the quota system of pledging is in effect.
former. A small membership in a city in Your national officers are interested in
which many members live may be due to knowing how successfully it operates
the fact that your chapter program is too and your reaction to it. See that this in-
narrow to include women of varying ages formation is sent to me as soon as rush-
&nd occupations; or the time of your ing is over. Where the system is in ef-
meetings may be inconvenient; perhaps fect, often you may find it difficult to
your officers belong to one age group and limit your choice of girls to the number
the older or younger women feel strange; required by the rule. Sisters and daugh-
Or your meetings are so completely occu- ters of Alpha O's should always be con-
pied by either business or pleasure that sidered a chapter's finest heritages. A n -
a large number feel them a waste of time. other group before you has found the
^Analyze the cause of your small num- sister or mother worthy of the pin; you
bers ; then set about to revolutionize your honor that group as well as the indi-
organization and program and you may viduals when you pin our sheaf of wheat
be surprised at the rapidity with which on the sister or daughter. I want to
fcew members come. Plan a guest day emphasize the importance of extending
for your first meeting in the fall; ask every courtesy to daughters especially.
each paid member to bring an unaffiliated If there must be a choice, I should say,
member. A lovely tea with formal enough choose daughters first. They make up the
informality to please the critical should second generation in chapter life; they
prove an attraction. I f possible, a copy bring prestige of age to your group.
of the year's program should be given
Whitby 106
The College of St. Catherine
T H E SPIRIT OK PEACE has been, among t
other subtle influences in a goodly heri-
•tagc the "strong and dominant angel" in Hie COURTESY, M A I N E Al.l"M>
•writing of Mary Ellen Chase ( F ) . T o no
•Environment, once she has been a part of it, one side by a door opening into the gleaming
•has ^'ie ever been wholly unresponsive and freshness of a bath, on another by a set of
•certainly not inarticulate in giving voice to its wide double doors opening out—for gala oc-
Kniquc charms. The memory of her beloved casions, when there is an overflow of company
•jock-strewn coast of Maine "with all its ac- —into a spacious reception room. But these
Icideiits, its habits, its breath, its name," has, occasions—even for a writer of renown—are
•naturally enough, permeated and even fash- rare, and the doors are usually closed in favor
lioncd, through the very genius of place, the of the security and delightful intimacy and op-
l^est of her writings. Minnesota, too, linked portunity, so dear to an author, of "a room
of one's own."
as is much of the Middle West by ties of
•ancestry and allegiance to the State of Maine, Perhaps one of the loveliest things about the
[has had both its fashioning power over and room is that its windows look out on such
Ijts due meed of praise from the distinguished pleasant vistas. One—a single east window-
Krriter. It is characteristic of her that she overlooks the busier thoroughfares of campus
[could not have spent her years here, susceptible life. Three others, facing south, admit a view
of the tall Chapel tower and the quiet cloisters,
as she would be to the rich fertile beauty of seen through a multiplicity of wide-spreading
[the Mississippi valley, the academic walks of maples, delicate birches, evergreens, chestnuts,
Bhe University of Minnesota campus, and, at and tall cottonwoods—and of the terraces
p later day, the high lawns of The College leading from the chapel steps down the hill to
the little lake and beyond, the lake to the
of St. Catherine, without feeling that here, broad rolling lawns that are lost in the thick-
Jtoo, her "lines had fallen in pleasant places" ness of trees at the west edge of the campus.
K-without having been both responsive and It must have been from one of these windows
wrateful to that imtravelled spirit "lurking in that Miss Chase, seated at her desk, looked
line by-ways and ruling over the towers, inde- out, reminiscent and intent, while she gave
ptructible and indescribable unity." form in Kitchen and Cloisters to thoughts
f And yet the "spirit of place" is perhaps but born one rainy summer afternoon in the sanc-
Fa name for the accumulated and abiding power tuary- of the cloister walk. Still another win-
of personality—disembodied but nevertheless dow, facing west, looks down on the English
peal and somehow very tangible. A place, like
la person, has both its give and its take. Whence
i t has happened that at The College of St.
[Catherine—the St. Hilda's of Tlie Golden Asse
Essays—Miss Chase's f a v o r i t e haunts have
[taken on some of the power of her very domi-
nant self. Most especially is this tfUe of the
Boom occupied by Miss Chase during her too
Bew summers and too occasional mid-winter
Risks at St. Catherine's. The room is, or was,
thist an ordinary room with quite an ordinary
[history, if, indeed, a room once lived in can
fever be said to be ordinary. Once an art
itudio and converted at a later day, because
rof its easy accessibility to all parts of the cam-
mus as well as of its seclusion from the vortex
Eof campus activity, into a guest room, it has
now lost all its former significance and has
|>ecome simply "Miss Chase's room." Other
foeople have lived in it, it is true—some before
&nd many since Miss Chase first inhabited it—
&nd have sensed perhaps its abiding spirit,
[Without, however, being aware of the hidden
Sources of its power.
L The room occupies the south end of the
Southeast wing of Whitby Hall. To the un-
Initiate it goes prosaically enough by the name
pf 106. Its flat yellow walls are broken on
6 To DRAG«1 MA
There is something, too, of the "goodly
garden, hemmed in with its line of stately heritage" of the past, and something of the R
young poplars, and beyond it, over the rolling old world, in this very ordinary room. Sev-
meadows, to the river and the wooded west eral prim straight-back chairs of an earlier ^
banks of the Mississippi. Certain it is that this day give in atmosphere and charm what a few I
window has its associations, too, for it recalls overstuffed chairs—in blue and of distinctly •
not only the hours spent by Miss Chase in twentieth century character—make up in com- B
waging warfare against the cutworms and re- fort. A long mirror in a quaint dark blue I
calcitrant foxgloves in the deep recesses of frame etched in sombre rust-red and the an- I
the garden, but also the hours in which the cient chest of drawers beneath it, come, so r
awareness of the eternal geometrizing of God tradition says, from one of those "substantial I
became so acute and took such beautiful shape homes of wood and brick, homes with wide- |»
in her essay, Mystical Mathematics. mouthed chimneys, broad roofs, and beautiful |
doorways," back in New England. Another
Within, the room has, from an artistic point mirror in a mahogany frame and an equally
of view, no special claim to distinction other ancient chest of drawers are said to have come
than its simplicity. Its color is prevailingly from the home of one of our earliest New
blue—the varied and sHTfting blue, Miss Chase England poets. On a what-not, standing near
might say, of "the blue wings of birds." Other the doorway, there is a miniature Winged Vic-
than that, it has no unity of design. It has tory, a Bible, a worn Reflections for Religiousi
indeed an air of friendly casualness, as if it and a number of the other incongruous ar-
had concurred quite accidentally, acquiring ticles that it is fitting a true what-not should
thereby an effect of genial good fellowship have.
and glad little surprises, as when friends— I do not know what Miss Chase likes best
old and new—just drop in. Its rugs are of a in this room. But I suspect a predilection for
warm blue with sociable patterns of deep reds a carved wooden crucifix, a small replica—
and browns and yellows. Its pictures are old hand-wrought by one of the Sisters at St
favorites and new: a copy of a fresco, depict- Catherine's—with rugged steps and prie-dietl
ing a medieval hunting scene in motley colors; and all, of those picturesque crosses she must
several eighteenth century French prints; an have seen so often along the wayside in the
etching of a nameless English village lane; a countries of Catholic Europe. Or perhaps her
plaque of a Giotto St. Francis of Assisi, a trip- choice would be the desk, of all things the
tych of Franciscan saints with St. Clare as its most personal and the most intimately one's
center; a Luini Madonna; some modern etch- own. For Miss Chase it must be the symbol
ings of English cathedrals, in colors; a Delia of hours of energy and accomplishment. For
Robbia Madonna and Qiild; a still-life study here was read and was written the daily sheaf
of flowers and fruits in vivid colors—here in- of letters; here was done the tedious work of
deed is infinite variety! Behind a lacquered "proofing" The Golden Asse; here were writ-
screen, whose panels are gay with apple-blos- ten many of the fragile pages of The Silver
soms and blue-jays and rea-breasts is the nar- Shell; and here also—or somewhere in this
row bed with its cool blue coverlet and dainty room—were released the first thoughts of The
puffs of blue organdy pillows. The table be- Goodly Heritage. The desk would have an-
side the bed has, for utility, a blue-shaded other source of attraction, too, for Miss Chase,
lamp and, for sheer joy in the having, an an- who loves all "ancient and beautiful" things;
cient pewter candlestick and snuffer and a for it is both antique and strikingly graceful
Majolica water jug. I think it was in this cor- in its lines, having exquisitely carved legs, and
ner and in the opposite one, where there is a housing, in its inmost recesses, whole rows of
very comfortable day bed, that some of Miss secret drawers and mysterious closet-like com-
Chase's most pleasurable and most fruitful partments—the kind of a desk in which one
hours were spent. For here, after the close who delights in the harmony of order could
of a busy day—and even the day of an author catalogue all the avenues of her mind and
who is, ostensibly, resting, can be very busy— still find room for more.
there was time for the companionship of hooks
and sometimes even for long relaxing chats I suppose the room should not rightly be
over the root beer and ice cream, furnished on called an ordinary room with an ordinary des-
hot summer nights by the genie of the nearby tiny. Might it not be that the aspiration and
Frigidaire. It is a part of Miss Chase's philos- released energy of personalities have left their
ophy that root beer and ice cream, "milk and mark on it?—first, of youthful art students,
bread, meat and spice-cake," are "objects of struggling to subject their vagrant fancies to
poetic and spiritual significance surely could the discipline of line and form and harmony
we but break through the veil of our familiar- of color; then of an artist in books, seeking
ity with them, fit symbols of life, 'gratia plena' to give form and color to her fine enthusiasms
indeed." What wonder then that her joy in for the amenities of life, and to the more
the mystic beauty of The Cloud of Unknow- subtle influences of the spirit that moves in
ing, in the reading of Dante and the deepening her? Miss Chase, in her gracious way, has
conviction of his profound and sublime genius, been eloquent in expressing her love for this
in the first meeting with the writings of Baron room and what it has done for her. And yet
von Hugel—all intellectual and spiritual dis- those of us who know her best, know that
coveries made in the lateness of after-convent there are other reasons why Whitby 106 has
hours—should have given way at times to the become and will continue to be "Miss Chases
more mundane and homely pleasures attendant room."
upon convent kitchens and cloisters!
AY, 1934
Rho's Twenty-fifth Birthday
What do I, Merva Dolson Hcnnings, think of Rho's twenty-fifth
reunion? Well, simply that only death or other dire disaster could
keep me from it! 1 am literally counting each of the weeks as it
passes, thinking of you in turn, and what fun it will be to recount
this or that episode of our growth. Those of us who live in
F.vanston, and have thus been able to keep somewhat in touch with
local affairs, hai/S a chapter we're proud to have you meet, and
we're just as anx ous that they in turn shall meet you, and know
on what a firm foundation Rho has built to her present strength.
Do make it possible in some way to be in Evanston on June 16 and
17—it will be one grand reunion, and we want everyone there.
^ - P I A N S ! PLANS! PLANS! Rho is making house for the first time. Alumnae day and
many for the celebration of her silver an- commencement are planned for June 16, the
first day of our party. There will be new
IlUversary in June. Alumnae, actives and sights to see on the old campus, and com-
•Wedges are joining to mark the end of twenty- mencement exercises will be held at Dyche
Bjve years of AOII at Northwestern University Stadium unless the weather is unusually bad.
I With a big reunion. The formation and his- A grand banquet at the chapter house with
IjPry of the chapter over those years will be stunts and songs is being planned.
rfeatured in skits of various kinds. Most of
Ijhe founders and many alumnae are planning We are hoping to have all the chapter
»P come back to the two-day birthday party. founders present. All Rho's actives and
» o m e of them will see our lovely quadrangle alumnae want to meet these women, see them
togethrr, and hoar their tale< of the founding, To DRA<;MJ( M
with all its hardships and joys. Merva Dol-
son Hennings and Carolyn Piper Dorr are most entirely different from last year's Tin- •
going to come, we know. They are enthusi- 1933 mistakes have been corrected and 1934
astic over the prospects of reunion, for rea- starts anew with all the backing that experi- •
sons of inspiration, encouragement, and— ence can give.
we're glad to say—just for sheer fun.
Sunday, June 17, we are planning a tea,
We want to show the alumnae the campus which the alumnae may meet the actives'
improvements, particularly our beautiful new ents and renew acquaintances with old
library, and to have them meet the girls who ulty friends. Our plans are purposely allow-
wear the AOII pin on this campus. We want ing much free time for the visitors, that they;
them to see what the Rho girls are doing for may meet and gossip. For the athlctic-mindul
the university, for the fraternity, for them- there will be swimming and tennis and walks*
selves and each other. about the campus and the village. The activefl
will be "on deck" to fill in at bridge, to poinfl
The World's Fair is an added inducement out the new buildings, to help out generally,]
to make the trip to Chicago. The Fair is al- but mainly just to talk and talk and talk.
Doesn't it sound like a woman's paradise?
Rho Chapter invites you to District Convention fe
District Convention Held June 18 H
-f- THERE is going to be a Great Lakes Dis- is planning to tell us something of the na- p
trict Convention! We are all very excited tional philanthropic work. Who better could? ra
It should be intensely interesting to hear the s
over the extensive plans. From June 18 to woman who is so well acquainted with the V
21 members of seven active and eight alumnae work speak "from the inside, looking out. -f
chapters will be living in the Fast Quad at We shall have a model initiation, at wMgl si
Northwestern, dividing their time between a our popular District Superintendent, Dorothy W
social whirl and the serious discussion of their Worn rath ( T ) , will officiate. L
particular problems—some of them peculiar to c
the district. Though Rho is hostess, each As for amusement!—well, everyone should c
chapter will take an important part in the have a good time. The first night will be fo
planning and actual business of the conven- stunts and singing. Everyone will get ac- c
tion. quainted. The next night 'Iota is giving US •s
a beach party way up on the North Shore
At the two business meetings there will be under the moon. And last, but certainly not e
discussions of the national situation of so- least, Rho is planning a banquet the last night ,
rorities at present: what we can do about it of convention where the menu will be long ti
in following the purpose of AOII. Round and the speeches short. This will be followed
tables will be held on such chapter problems by a convention dance. And for the girls who l
as rushing, which can be more worthwhile want to stay in Chicago for another day & [
by the exchange of ideas and experiences. so there will be the Centurv of Progress c-x" ih
Arrangements are being made to secure sev- hibition, bigger, better, and brighter than
eral Chicago business women prominent in ever. The plans are well made; the chapter* a
various fields to give brief talks on the place are enthusiastic; the place and time arc col f
a sorority girl may find in their particular venient. What more could one ask? ^
line of work. Mary Dee Drummond (A4>) [t
MAY. 19.H
Katrina's four
• sons are the rea-
•sonr for her inter-
in P. T. A.
Mississippi P. T. A. President
Is An Alpha O
In the I latticsbiir<i, M ississippi, .American
" I T IS THE CONVENTIONAL THING for me to of state treasurer two years, which gives her
express my appreciation of the honor con- an insight of the business phases of the work,
erred on me, but I am much more deeply president of her local P. T . A. two years and
concerned over the grave responsibility such county president for a similar period.
H office carries with it," said Mrs. C. C.
RlcDonald (NO) of Bay St. Louis, to a re- Katrina Overall, as Mrs. McDonald was
porter for the Hattiesburg American, shortly known in her girlhood days, was born in Mur-
after her election as president of the Missis- freesboro, Tennessee, the daughter of Mrs.
sippi Congress of Parents and Teachers. Kate M. Overall and the late N. D. Overall.
V "I feel quite inadequate to follow in the At the age of nine years her family removed
footsteps .of Mrs. Cook," she continued, "but to Nashville, where she received all of her
if the Congress feels that this is the place education, studying at both Ward-Belmont
Where I can serve them best, I am willing to College and Vanderbilt University, receiving
Lpttt forth my best efforts. The nominating her Bachelor's Degree from the latter. She
committee has provided me with an excellent was one of five brothers and sisters who
corps of officers." graduated from the University so for nineteen
Elevation to the presidency, the highest hon- years a member of her family was a student
or to be bestowed by the convention, which there. She served her college fraternity,
concluded its session here today, and to be Alpha Omicron Pi, in various district offices
selected by the representatives of 11,000 wom- and also served two years as treasurer and
en because you have proven yourself efficient two years as president of the national organi-
in another office must be a source of gratifica- zation. "I seem to go to the office of presi-
ion to Mrs. McDonald and cause her to feel dent via the treasurer route," she laughingly
like Samuel Johnson did when he wrote: "Re- said, "but I like figures."
fleet that life, like every other blessing, de-
hves its value from its use." Mrs. McDonald's interest, outside of her
leaving aside the capability of Mrs. McDon- home life, is the P. T. A., her incentive being
ald, which is assured, the convention's choice the four young sons of the home, David, C .
for president seems to be a happy one. She C , Jr., Fred and James, all of whom are in
^Possesses vitality and tact, is versatile and has school with the exception of James. She is
the knack of making friends, besides the prom- at present serving as secretary of the Bay St.
>se of presiding with ease—qualities all nec- Louis school board of trustees.
essary to a successful administration. In ex-
perience she can boast of having held the office During the year between her graduation and
her marriage, 1918-1919, she did government
accounting work in a powder plant in Nash-
[ C O S T I X U E D ox P A C E 3 1 ]
Dr. Patricia Drant, Phi, brings beauty, grace and brilliance professio u
to the medical .w
Success inEffeminac^Dermatolomd
• *•
-f- To zvomen in professional fields Dr. Drant has alzvays offered this
"Never forget that you are a woman. Act as a woman, dress as a
ivoman and speak as a zvoman. If the people are right in saying this
is a man's zvorld you certainly are not going to conquer it by pretend-
ing to be a man. But if a zvoman is zcise enough to retain her effem-
inacy, she can afford to let men imagine the zvorld is theirs, in the sure
confidence that it is hers after all."
[_|_ Hir.H ABOVE THE DIN of the noisy streets matological Society and this indeed was a
of Philadelphia, in The Medical Arts great honor to achieve because the society is
made up almost entirely of men—Doctor
1 Building, I find Doctor Patricia Drant (* '18), Drant and another woman physician are the
siamous dermatologist and authority on skin only representatives of the fairer sex in this
cancer. Doctor Drant is dressed in an im- organization. This famous Alpha O writes ar-
maculate white starched uniform which has a ticles for The Medical Jourtwl and for Tlte
high, close-fitting neck. Tall, thin, bright-eyed Cyclopedia of Medicine, and is a Fellow of
and vivacious is Doctor Drant. She has that the Association for the Advancement of Sci-
hnagnetic quality which inspires your confidence ence. She enjoys making after-dinner speeches
and which would make you trust her judg- and also speaks over the radio. Last but not
least she will be found in this year's edition
ment without question. Just to be in her pres- of Who's Who in America.
ence gives you a feeling of security.
I wish you all could have been as fortunate
Doctor Drant received her Bachelor's De- as I was in being privileged to visit Doctor
sgree from the University of Kansas and was Drant in her charming offices. The "waiting
a charter member of Phi Chapter. She then room," as most doctors call it, is, at Doctor
reentered the University of Pennsylvania Medi- Drant's headquarters, really a palatial draw-
c a l School and from this institution she ob- ing-room. The walls are an oyster white with
tained her Doctor's Degree in Medicine. Post- a narrow band of gold around the entire room,
graduate work called her next and for this she about a foot and one-half from the ceiling. A
went abroad and studied in the world-famed large gold mirror, reaching from ceiling to
medical centers of Europe such as Paris, Lon- floor, takes up the greater part of one wall
don, Vienna, Copenhagen and Budapest. Each and a lovely oil painting part of the other
summer finds her busy packing and she sails side wall. Several etchings add to the attrac-
again for Europe to continue her study of tiveness of the room. The rug entirely cov-
dermatology and skin cancer in the clinics and ers the floor and is mulberry-red, as are the
universities of Europe. However hard she draperies at the windows. Here we also find
works while abroad, Doctor Drant confessed white Venetian blinds through which the
that she always manages to find time to buy golden sun casts its colorful rays. The chairs
most of her clothes for the year from Vionnet are mulberry and gold and alabastrine lamps
in Paris. with white shades complete the room. In
Doctor Drant's private office, wc find a vivid
Here in Philadelphia I find Doctor Drant hlue and white color scheme. Blue satin
associated with some of the most outstanding drapes, blue satin chair coverings with white
hospitals in the city. She is dermatojogist at tufts, a white desk and strawberry-red rug.
The Women's Hospital. Methodist Episcopal Of all the rooms this was my favorite. How
Hospital also claims her and at this institu- I wish I might have been able to "snitch" the
tion she is the only woman on the staff. She small painted reproduction of this room which
is an associate member at The Philadelphia
General and the only woman in the dermatol- [CONTINUED ON PAI;E 3 1 ]
ogy department at this hospital. Doctor Drant
•is a past president of the Philadelphia I >cr-
d Decorating Attends Dr. Drant
-+- SIXTEEN YEARS ago a local sorority called were getting along splendidly under the care
Beta Gamma was granted a charter by a of Mrs. Hoffman, their housemother.
national sorority and was installed May 4, The next year was a happy one, full of
1918, as Phi Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. gaiety, activity and success. This was the year
when all the colleges in the state except K. U.
The active members of the sorority at this were closed at Christmas time because of the
time included: Pattie Hart, Edith Phenecie, severe blizzard and a shortage of coal. K. TJ.
Mary E . Rose, Carroll McDowell, Orva Solt, sent one hundred men out to work in the
Betty Watson, Bartell Uncapher, Ruth Ewing, deserted mines, and our sisters, that is, some
Florence Klapmeyer, Jane Morgan, Marjorie of them, had a v« ry difficult time consoling
Kidwell. These girls lived in the house that themselves while their friends were gone.
the EAE's vacated when they built their new
one, and since it was such a good location Although the girls were sorry to lose
they were well pleased. Mother Hoffman, they wen (blighted to have
as their new housemother, Mrs. J . D. Ritchey
The following fall they pledged three girls, of Kansas City. Uush week was very suc-
Clarice Gardner, Bernice Kuhn and Neva cessful as usual and the girls were looking
Brown. There were others whom they con- forward to a great year. They were very
sidered, but they wanted to be very careful busy with such activities as athletics and
the first few years to take only the most Scholarship. They also gave a Christmas ban-
capable and attractive girls. During the course quet and spent the money in entertaining
of the year they were successful in pledging thirty poor children of Lawrence. This was
several other girls, and they felt that they so successful that they decided to make it an
annual affair, and it ha- been given ever since
that time.
Sixteen Years of Phi History P
Phi's house at the University of Kansas has been home fo, •eral college generations. [h
By ALICE WESELY, Phi Chapter Reporter" ;t
MAY, 1934 13
P H I C H A P T E R , 19S3-34, included the follciving girls: Front Row—Jane La Pierre, Belva Roesler, Ruth Pyle,
Eleanor Massman, Joan Dunham, Billozveen Macoubrie, and Duane Coe. Second Row—Jeanne Martin,
Rachel Shetlar, Velma Markham, Imogene Beamer, Margaret Schwartz, Madrc Brown, Elisabeth Hinshaw,
and Jessamine Jackson. Third Row—Isabel Olscn, Elda Mae Clevenger, Vivian Deichert, Alice Irene
Cunningham, Betty Brcwn, Alice Wesely, and Hilda Mae Bushy.
Prove the Chapter's Progress
When the girls returned that fall their new in the Owl during the year, an annual contest.
house was not finished, but several of the Phi received many honors that year. The
Lawrence girls took them in. In spite of
their difficulties they had a successful rush greatest one, of course, was the good news
week, which they carried on in Mrs. Wil- they received that Mary Rose Barrons made
son's home. her public debut the week preceding Thanks-
* Several of the girls received their rifle giving in St. Paul as Lady Catherine, the
sweaters for being members of the national prima donna role in "The Vagabond King."
championship women's rifle team, and others She was a pronounced success.
were members of the Glee Club and of the
University Orchestra. Alpha Omicron Pi had quite a time at
Christmas. Many things were planned, but the
They had open house October 1 in their "flu" epidemic interfered and school was dis-
new home. The new house was French Renais- missed until January 2. Consequently their
sance architecture done in grey with blue formal had to be postponed until January 12.
window trim and a blue and grey roof. From It was a lovely party and everyone had a
the dining room in the rear is a paved court good time. However, one of the men guests
with iron balconies and stairs leading down became ill with spinal meningitis and a few
from the second floor. After their crowded days later died. Of course, the girls were
condition of the previous year, it was a relief quarantined for four days until tests could
to have such a glorious amount of space as be made. During this quarantine each of the
their new home afforded them. girls had the opportunity to prove her loyalty
to the group, and with the true spirit of
December 4, hardly a week after they moved Alpha O's they lived in perfect harmony.
n, they had a housewarming for the other They were ingenious enough to have some
sororities and fraternities on the Hill. They sort of party each night and thus kept up
received many beautiful gifts from the other the morale.
Greekletter organizations.
Mrs. H . C. Landis of Yates Center, Kan-
Mary Rose Barrons came for a visit one sas, was the new housemother that year, and
day in the spring and sang for her sisters. we are happy to have her with us at present.
Much to their pleasure, she stayed for sev-
eral days. Homecoming that year was most busy and
profitable, for the Alpha O's were awarded
When the sorority university scholarship the loving cup for having the best decorated
rating last year was announced that fall, Alpha house on the campus.
Omicron Pi led all the others. A large silver
loving cup was given to them by the Wom- Phi was very busy in musical activities this
en's Student Governing Association. year, having many girls in such organizations
as Tau Sigma, Glee Club, Orchestra, and
The editor of the Sour Owl, the K. U . hu- many outstanding girls in the school of fine
mor magazine, told the Alpha O's that they arts.
Won a cup for having the best sorority page
The Women's Self Governing Association
held its election and we were happy to have
two Alpha O's elected to the council.
Phi again led all the Greekletter organiza-
tions in scholarship and was awarded a silver
loving cup.
Ellen Davis spent ten days between semes-
ters at the Industrial School for Girls at
Heloit, making a survey of conditions there.
The material she gathered there was put in
book form ami sent to the state government
arid the. Welfare Commission in Washington
D. C
Several of the girls won honors in schol-
arship and were initiated into such organiza-
tions as Phi Beta Kappa and Thcta Sigma
Alpha Omicron Pi was awarded a cup at
the Puff Pant Prom for having the largest
percentage of its members at the dance. The
Frascr Hall
Puff Pant Prom is an annual dance sponsored
by W. A. A. For it girls don masculine
attire and escort dates of their own sex to
the prom. Two of the girls won the honor
of being the best dancers there.
This year there are several girls in the
chapter who are outstanding in Hill activities.
They are Ruth Pyle, Jessamine Jackson, Eliza-
beth Hinshaw and Wanda Perrin.
It has been somwhat difficult to pick out
all of the highlights in these sixteen delight-
ful years in Phi Chapter, for there have been
so many interesting things that have hap-
The present members of Phi Chapter are
very grateful to those first Alpha O's who
did so much to make our chapter possible,
and we hope that we may always carry on
our work with as much success as they did
before us.
• li :
Dycke Museum
MAY. 1934 15
An AOII Fellow Writes . .
Lille (Nord), April 12, 1934. From France
legal aspect of the study by obtaining infor-
I N A LETTER you wrote me last spring you mation from books and working in a library,
suggested that, when the spring of 1934 but the investigations made by the Labor De-
arrived, I should send you a resume of what partment are of a very practical nature. We
I had done. Perhaps, I should begin by say- consult primary sources such as payrolls, and
ing that the plan of my study has been con- I have become used to such material. There-
siderably modified by the fact that the French fore in order that I might use basic mate-
Ministry of Justice felt that court records of rial, rather than information collected in a
compensation cases were confidential and, library, I changed the emphasis of the study
therefore, could not be examined by me. I from the civil administration of the law, to
explained their decision to the Committee on the work which has been done to prevent
Fellowship awards, and I may be repeating accidents.
something which has previously been reported
to you. From a research point of view the change
I had planned to call my report "The Ad- may have been unfortunate. Additional in-
ministration of the Workmen's Compensation formation concerning the administration of
Law in France," and I felt that it would be the French law is needed and I think that a
, necessary to have access to the case records study, based on court records, would have
of industrial accidents, in order to make such provided interesting material. However, from
a study. In New York State the Workmen's a utilitarian point of view I think that the
Compensation Law is administered by the modified study may prove of more practical
Division of Workmen's Compensation of the value. The Labor Department has expressed
Department of Labor. Therefore, of course, interest and the study may serve to suggest
the Division of Women in Industry has access certain additions to the accident prevention
to the records. The Civil Tribunal of the work of the Department. I have changed the
Seine thought that I might be permitted to title of the outline and have called it:
examine the French accident records. As you
may be aware, the French Workmen's Com- Industrial Accidents and Accident Preven-
pensation Law is not administered by the
Ministry of Labor, but is entirely a matter of [CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 1 ]
civil procedure. My request for permission
to consult the records was referred to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public
Prosecutor consulted the President of the
Tribunal concerning the matter. The Presi-
dent felt that the records were of a confiden-
tial nature and, therefore, could not be com-
municated to me. However, he said that the
Tribunal would give me information concern-
ing court procedure and statistical questions.
It was explained that one reason why it had
been felt that the court records could not be
given me was that I was not a French citizen.
Of course, as I wrote to the Committee, it
would have been possible to emphasize the
UUSH Plans f
By the w
Chapter th
Reporters h
/ THE \ Ship Ahoy! p
Set Sail for the Land of AOn n
Sailing: Saturday, October 22 t
-f- O N E OK THE MOST ENJOYABLE rushing par- Weighing Anchor: 12 O'clock b
ties at Sigma is the Italian dinner. The A
Docking: 2 O'clock c
rushees are asked to wear afternoon dresses b
and are invited to an informal dinner. The Reservations with t
dinner's most important feature is its decora- Mary Estey, Sawyer (
tions, which, if carried out properly, are most h
effective. Attractive centerpieces are made of candle holders. These holders were made by l
vegetables. Waxed gourds, brussels sprouts, carving holes in potatoes for the candles and b
various greens, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, or sticking toothpicks in the potatoes to make g
any colorful fruits or vegetables in season are legs. We sang several Irish songs during din- b
placed in the center of the table. The larger ner. Our place cards were Irish pipes. An- Y
ones are in the center and the smaller ones other rather clever rushing party was our i
spread from there to the end of the table. "Pink Elephant" dinner. The place cards
Candles are placed in red cabbages, which have were pink paper elephants, lavender alligators,
been cut to hold them. There are also candles and green boa constrictors. We also pinned
in bottles, on the table and around the room. pink elephants and lavender alligators around
The bottles have been covered with many col- on the walls, table, chairs, and ceiling. Of
ors of wax. Bread sticks in pitchers or glass course, we sang the song, "Pink Elephants,'
jars arc also on the table. Only the candle and also danced to it.
light is used. Glasses and dishes are placed
upside down, and the soup dishes are turned Epsilon's most clever rushing party was
up to receive soup served from huge bowls Chinese in scheme. Incense, statues, Buddhas,
at either end of the table. Italian food is and waitresses in costume lent atmosphere,
served, including a highly seasoned salad, spa- while the stunts consisted of a Chinese op-
ghetti, veal with parmesan cheese, Italian eretta and Chinese songs and dances. We car-
breads, various cheeses, olives, green onions, ried out the idea with chicken chow mein. rice
fruit, grape juice, and coffee. As all rushing cakes, leechee nuts, and tea. The chow mein
at the University of California must be done was served very hot and the girls sat about
in the chapter house, there is usually bridge the room on cushions when served while Chi-
and dancing until eight-thirty, when the nese stunts were given for their amusement.
rushees must be taken home. This proved to be by far the most popular of
our rushing parties because of its originality-
Probably Aljrfia Rho's most clever rushing
party this past term was a St. Patrick's Irish One afternoon during rushing there was
Shenanigan dinner. The shamrock invitations much e x c i t e m e n t in Balentine Hall as the
read "AOII Irish Shenanigan Dinner, March Gamma girls got all of the rushees together
14. Sure, an' won't ye come an' join us in for the big rushing party at Monitor Hall in
the wearin' o' the Green?" Orono. We active girls, except a few, went
down to the hall to meet our guests. At five
Our decorations, which were quite simple o'clock the busses loaded with the guests ar-
but effective, consisted of shamrocks scattered rived, and Alice Dyer dressed like a clown
around the table and of green candles in "pig" bobbed out from behind a door to greet the
girls. Everything was in order and we went
upstairs to the circus tent. Around the tent
MAY. 1934
for Rushing Parties Are Novel
were many booths consisting of the usual and she had to stand and read her telegram
things found at a circus and the walls were aloud. Later fraternity songs were sung. At
hung with many bright colored blankets. Near about eight thirty o'clock we all went upstairs,
the door was a booth where one could get and enjoyed a short program, at the end of
paj)er money with which to gamble an after- which we gave each rushee a favor of a set
noon away. Next in line was the "bean bag" of miniature blown glass animals. Nine
contest. Everyone who threw" the bags into o'clock came too soon and the party ended.
the basket the first try received a miniature Epsilon Alpha finds "The Rushin' Drayma"
blue pillow with a large M stamped in white. impressive and amusing.
At the next booth was a "Test your strength"
contest. There was a nail placed in a wooden THE RUSHIN' DRAYMA
box, and the girl was to hit the nail, and if A one-act play by Marion Tomlinson and
the weight went to the top and rang the bell Frances Laubach ( E A ) .
(which the "barker" in the j>articular booth Characters: Three I Eta Pi's and three
held) she received a picture puzzle and a penny rushees. Girl to read prologue.
lollypop. Whom should be in the next booth
but the well known fortune teller with her Properties: Two stools. Twenty or thirty
gazing crystal, the crystal being a large silver
basketball won by a fraternity on campus. pennies. The three I Eta Pi's and the
You entered the gloomy tent, and knelt down Directions:
in front of this witch while she read the for- three rushees should appear to be everything
tune from the depths of her crystal. She told that isn't good fraternity material. They
many of our rushees the wonderful things should speak at all times in a very much ex-
aggerated tone of voice. The skit is first of
which were in store for them. Coming from all a farce and should be given as one.
the darkness of the tent we turned toward SCENE I
the "Nail Hitting" booth. Each girl had a
hammer, and tried three times to pound a nail PROLOGUE
down to the head in a wooden plank. If she
won her reward she got another U . of M. The Russian Drayma, as you know,
Is at this time in vogue; and so
pillow. The most excitement was aroused by
the "Dart Throwers" feat. Each girl tried
three times to hit the middle of a heart, which
was placed three feet away. Pen stocks with I K SHE SNIS tuE UISM SEAS »raxe&xv/9*p=£
pointed pens were used for arrows, and the
prizes were small red skins with white AOII S SHE WEAK THE KEO AND PCA2LS -
letters printed on them. The fun was near-
ly over for we had only a few more surprises
for them. A small fishing pond was a novelty
with its strings, on the end of which packages r if
dangled in the water. Each package contained
a different kind of a trinket. Alice Sisco sat
in the booth nearby and cut out each one's
profile from white paper and pasted it on a
red packground. The last thing which we
came to was the "Guess Your Weight" booth.
Each girl was scrutinized closely by Mercena hV )
Larrabee, who guessed your weight, then
Weighed you, and if she did not guess cor-
rectly the subject won a large striped candy
stick. During all this time the exciting game
of Beano was going on, and many were ex-
claiming about their choice of prizes. Time
had passed so quickly that it was now time to
go downstairs to the banquet in the dining
hall. The room was decorated with red and
white crepe paper and jacqueminot roses. At
the head of the dining hall was placed large
lighted AOII letters. The fraternity col-
ors were carried out through the meal and it
was very effective. A fruit salad consisting
of a slice of pineapple, slices of peaches, strips
of bananas, and a cherry formed the AOII
letters with the ruby. During the meal hu-
morous telegrams were brought to each rushee
We're giving you at Sloppy Joe's Second R:—
A peek into the inner woes I didn't think it was so bad.
That you dear, coveted ruslices You're snootv, Kay, you make me ma
Cause us poor, dumb fraternities.
In this first scene, I think you'll see Third R:—
I Eta Pi's—in number three— Well, the Tau Phi Gam's had better f
They've just got through a rushing brawl, But their personality's not so good.
And, speculating on the haul, On the whole I like the I Eta P i ' s -
They're wond'ring if their fatal charm I think they have some prettv swell
Has done their chances good or harm.
First R:—
My sister was an Alpha Phi—
That's prob'ly what I oughta be,
Scene I But Lucy says I'd be a dunce a
Takes place in I Eta Pi living room. Sign To go because she lived there once. th
hung on wall may denote the place. The three The thing to go is where you'll be d
I Eta Pi's are sprawled about on the two The happiest in sorority. a
benches, yawning wearily. Second R:— fe
First I Eta Pi:— o
I'd like to join the Beta Pi's— h
Well, I for one The kids in there are all my size. p
Am glad that's done! I wore Sue's dress to the Tau Phi G la
Second I:— er
mas— r
Me too! I'm tired. They thought it was the cat's pajamas. f
Joan, I admired Third R:— r
The work you did Well, I don't know what I'm gonna do, s
With the Johnson kid. And, if You're askin' me, neither do you. p
Third I :— Let's toss a coin and go to bed r
And be by its decision led. b
Yeah, that was swell, (They toss a coin, nod solemnly to each o
But you never can tell other, and leave the room.) h
What they're gonna do a
Till rushing's through. w
Johnson's O. K . i
It's safe to say, PROLOGUE TO SCENE i n s
But those other ones w
Are sons o' guns. The rushing season has gone by. c
First I:— Our three pals of I Eta Pi w
Rejoice in learning that those kids b
You're right about that. Affirmed in answer to their bids. c
But I can't see m
How well get anyone SCENE III p
On toast and tea. Sign on wall denotes place as Room 16, Mac p
• Why, the Gamma Gamma Bates Hall. Three rushees jump up from benches m
Had maraschino cherries. as three I Eta Pi's rush into room, clasp the h
I don't see how they do it three rushees in their arms, and pin pledge j
ribbons to their bosoms. All squeal, "I'm so s
happy, etc., etc." Then they form a semi-cir- m
On forty-five berries! cle with their arms about each others' waists.
Second I:—
Three Rushees together:—
I hope they liked us anyway.
It's pretty hard whatever you say
T o satisfy the tastes galore We knew as soon as we saw you
Of twenty people less or more. Just what we three were going to do.
Third I:— (Aside)
I Eta Pi we had to join
I hate to gripe, but I'm not so sure For so decreed the blessed coin.
That they'll succumb to our allure. Three I Eta I'i's together:—
First I:— We're all so thrilled, but even so
Heck, let's try a little free verse for a We knew right off what you would go.
Second I:— (Aside)
You must admit the fact that we
O. K . What say we hit the hay? Have so much personality
We've never failed to get our man
PROLOMTE TO SCENE I I Since this sorority began.
(All strike Napoleonic attitudes)
Scene I I takes jJace in old Mac Hall— / Eta Pi's and Pledges in unison:—
In room sixteen if I recall. The moral is that when in doubt
We see rushees strewn round the floor A coin will always help you out.
Discussing the party of an hour before. (All toss coins to the rushees in the audience)
Let's listen in and see if they
Have anything of note to say. THE END
Sign on wall denotes the place as Room six-
teen, Mac Hall. Rushees are sprawled about One of the rush parties at which Theta
on the two benches, yawning wearily. members have the best time is our Bar*J
First Rushee:— Dance. We scout through the country and
gather up comshocks which grace the corners
Ye gods! that party was a mess. of the room and lend the proper atmosphere.
I'll never give their bid a yes. PtirApkinj and a few rakes and hoes propped
Marion Cysewski, Constance
Ellis, Lois Austin and Edna Mae
Bidwcll show how the waitresses
are dressed when Upsilon gives
'I a Hawaiian luncheon.
around add a realistic touch. A cow bell on Beta Tau's best rushing party was held at
he outside of the door rings whenever the the Falcon Inn. Formal invitations were sent
door is opened. Signs relative to barn dances to each rushee requesting her presence at a
are seen posted around the wall. A s an added dinner and Casino party "Chez Falcon," "Din-
eature, the orchestra can wear straw hats and ner at Eight." The invitations also stated that
overalls, after which nothing is needed save to an escort would call. Members acting as the
have a hilarious time. -Another of our pet escorts and gaily bedecked in tuxedos or full
parties is a circus tea. We have a number of dress suits, called for the rushees. One of the
arge honest-to-goodness colored circus jest- alumna; acted as night club hostess and as the
rs, so tight rope walkers, clowns, tigers, gi- couples came in they were required to sign the
raffes, lions and elephants peer down at us Night Club Register. All then sat down to a
from the walls when we have finished deco- formal banquet. The table was festive with
rating. Clowns with bags of peanuts in the red roses and silver candelabra with red can-
shells refresh the guests with their wares and dles and novel red place cards. Salads were
pink lemonade is served from a gaudily deco- made in the form of the AOII badge and an
rated circus stand. ice cream dessert was served in small flower
pots with a red rose in each one. After din-
Alpha Phi's best rushing party is a studio ner, tables of games such as roulette were set
breakfast. It is usually the last of a series up and counterfeit money was supplied by the
of parties lasting through rush week. We night club banker. A bell-hop in costume sup-
have a very large attic in our house which has plied cigarettes during the evening and a bar
a lovely sloping ceiling and numerous dormer was formed by a long, narrow table covered
windows. The attic is decorated with paint- with black oilcloth. Around the base of the
ings and work done by the art students and table a fire-place railing served as a foot rest
some one spends some time working at easels and on the table were stacked fancy drinking
we have set up. We set up card tables and mugs and numerous cocktail shakers as well
cover them with blue-and-white and red-and- as bottles of cider and dry gingerale, bearing
white checked j»per covers. Red wooden the labels of rare liquors. On the wall be-
blocks are used as holders for gayly colored
candles. Our place cards are miniature easels hind the bar was a list of the drinks avail-
made of dark j»aper with the mshee's name able, all having very fictitious names. At in-
painted on them, or, as we had last year, small tervals during the evening the AOII cabaret
palettes with toothpicks for brushes with the furnished various amusing skits, and other
mshee's name done in gold embossing. The novelties in the way of harmony duets and tap
hostesses wear different types of lounging pa- dancing were given. The party ended with
jamas or smocks, or costumes suitable for a AOIT songs, followed by the University song
studio. Our menu consisted of a fruit or to- and yell.
mato juice cocktail, hard rolls, jam, fried pork
sausages, and coffee. We have a large drip-o-
lator which we brought up from the kitchen,
and coffee was served from a sideboard. The
entertainment is varied, but we endeavor to
keep it as Bohemian as possible. Since we
have the only attic in a sorority house, we
have found that this party can be kept differ-
ent from other similar parties.
2 0 To D R A G MA M
Since Omega lias no chapter house, it is centerpiece of each table. On the mantel sevd t
impossible to have elaborate parties. However, eral small wooden ships were placed. The F
our Studio party, held in one of the patron- ship's log was on a tea table. Little silvered 'r
esses' homes, was successful. For atmosphere: treasure chests made inexpensive favors. The t
fire in open fireplace, low stools, cushions on menu came in the form of a sail supported by H
the floor, and the chapter members wore a toothpick on top of pear salad. On unfold- a
smocks. For entertainment: two children did ing the sail, one read: p
clever tap dances; a magician,, a fraternity f
man on the campus, did several tricks; and g
we played simple games such as "Passing the j
Squeeze." Everybody sat down and held one J
hand of each neighbor; one girl was "it." A S.S e
girl started by squeezing her neighbor's hand Ao n a
—the squeeze was passed rapidly on—"it" had Menu p
Dunt esk p
to spot the squeeze; then, the girl who was You're in the K
caught passing it, was "it." For refreshments: Navv Now W
open faced sandwiches, chocolate cakes, cocoa, C
and nuts. For favors: 10c picture frames y
with movie star pictures in them. Program d
Sea Legs .i
High C's by [t
Chi Delta's rushing party was the traditional The Crew [p
Night Club Party. First, the cloak room was K
turned into a check room, and an attractively [t
costumed girl acted as a check girl. Tallies f
were placed around the large living room, [
leaving the center clear for dancing. Four [a
persons were seated at each table, which was For entertainment we sang regular rushing •
covered with a red and white table cloth. A songs and a few sea-songs. Here is a short w
large flood light giving off red light illumi- original song to the tune of "Sailing": h
nated the room. There was dancing between a
courses. After the last course a floor show- "Sailing, sailitig, T
was given. A number of tap and ballet dances Merrily on we go,
H'c love to have a jolly time
Tho' stormy winds shall blow.
were given by some tiny talented children un-
der the direction of Eileen Hayward. Eileen
SaiJing, sailing,
O join our happy crew,
also gave several of her specialty numbers. And AwOeHwiclal n shoiv you all the things
Cigarette girls in purple and gold costumes An dot"
kept things lively at all times and provided
confetti and serpentines. After the floor show, Three of the girls, in their long white pants
the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. and stiff sailor hats bouncing up and down,
This was kept merry by frequent "cutting in" did a simple sailor jig which was well suited
on the guests. to the occasion and limited deck space. We
ended the cruise by dancing until we reached
Ship Ahoy! Everything sailed smooth when port where goodbyes were waved until we
the Alpha Tan girls launched their sailor rush- should meet again in the land of AOII.
ing party. It turned out to he a gay pleasure
cruise. Two cocky sailors, in perfect uniform, Alpha Gamma recently entertained at two
with their navy hats perched precariously on novel rush dinners at the chapter house. One
their heads, greeted the guests on the land was served in typical Chinese style. Amidst
side of the gangplank. Two more navy lads the enticing aroma of Oriental incense, the
at the other end of the gangplank assisted the girls, seated on cushions on the floor, enjoyed
guests into the yacht. The gangplank con- chow mein and genuine Chinese tea piping
sisted of a number of gymnasium tumbling hot from the kitchens of a local Chinese
mats arranged in an even slant from the front restaurant. Chop sticks would have added
sidewalk up the walk and porch stairs to the much to the atmosphere of the Orient, but our
door. For the railings, a tennis net was lack of experience in their use caused us to
stretched the whole distance on each side of resort to the "good old American fork." The
the mats. Numerous flags waved in the breeze, other dinner centered about Mother Goose
and the large letters, AOIT, were seen above and all her followers. In the center of each
the door. On the inside were the rest of the card table was a miniature of a familiar char-
crew wearing white or navy blue suits. The acter including "Mary and Her Little Lamb."
windows were decorated to represent port- "The Old Women in the Shoe," "Humpty-
holes. This was done by having large pieces Dumpty," "Old Mother Hubbard," and others.
of heavy white paper across the windows with We dressed dolls accordingly, and converted
portholes either painted on or cut out so that an old shoe into the well-known abode of
a round piece swung in like a port-hole door. many children. One of our members, a fine
Paper flags, anchors and ships were strung arts major, made place-cards, p o r t r a y i n g
around, which presented a "sea-going" atmos- Mother Goose herself. In addition there was
phere. As the party was a luncheon we had a copy of a nursery rhyme, every one dif-
further opportunity for decoration. The cloth ferent from the other, laid at each table. Be-
had black paper ships, anchors and fish pasted tween courses the girls pantomimed their re-
on. A large model of a ship made up the spective little poems while the other girls
guessed the limerick represented.
M vY, 1934 21
One of Upsilon's most successful rushing sidered our most successful party, and is be-
coming an annual affair. The decorations are
tarties was given at the Washington Athletic colorful and attractive, easily put up; the
Flub one warm, clear night during summer favors may be very original—one year they
rushing season. We sent out enough invita- were small balloons with feet attached, that
tions (these were in rhyme and suggested the marked the place of each rushee at the tables
Hrpe of party and that sport clothes would be —yet they can be inexpensive; costumes for
appropriate) to be sure of about twenty-five the entertainers, cigarette girls, waitresses, et
pshees, having thirty or thirty-five actives to cetera, are not difficult to secure; and, finally,
fceep them entertained. After completing our the entire atmosphere of the party is gay and
guest list, we delegated certain actives to each not In the least "stiff." The dancing, and
jfushee and those actives called for their shifting after each course enables the actives
Jushee in a car, arriving at the Club about to get better acquainted with the rushees and
eight o'clock the night of the party. At the to meet every rushee present at the dinner.
Club we had taken over the swimming pool Tau has found this party to work equally well
and the adjoining game room, so that our with a small group of rushees or with a very
pushecs could swim, play ping-pong or bridge, large group that could not be adequately
plsten while one of the actives played jazz and "rushed" at the usual type of rushing party.
King, or do a little of everything. The girls
Wrere introduced to as many people as they The Columtis of A E * contained the follow-
Could conveniently and easily meet, and then ing directions and text for a "Lucky' Cabaret"
yere kept busy at whatever they wanted to party. Since Pi rhymes in the text in place of
do. The party was very informal, with girls Phi, it may be easily adapted to AOII parties.
in bathing suits running out of the pool to We reprint it with the permission of the editor
[take a hand at bridge or try a game of ping- of the Columns, Viola Lang Rusnak.
[pong. Our rushees completely lost their self-
Kfisciousness and were soon sitting down at The evening hail all the trimmings of a "Lucky
[the piano to play a comic song, doing tricks, Cabaret." The place-cards were cardboard horseshoes.
fancy dives and prize winning ping-pong shots. There was a master of ceremonies, hat-check girls,
[During the evening the Club professional gave and cigarette girls. The master of ceremonies' theme
[a diving exhibition. Otherwise there was no song to the tune of "This is my L u c k y D a y " was
•attempt at extra entertainment. About 10:30 parodied for our purpose into "Lucky Cabaret." But
w e began to collect the rushees and by 11:00 why not give you the entire program, and here it is:
had taken them all to the home of one of our
activities, where we danced for a short time. Master of Ceremonies—Good evening, my friends.
Then with the guests seated informally about Welcome to our Lucky Cabaret. Tonight we are go-
the room, we served fruit salad on plates deco- ing to entertain you with everything from numbers
rated with tiny bunches of fresh grapes, and by hot cigarette girls to a skit by charming college
freshly baked cheese biscuits. (Our mothers, sorority co-eds. W e want you to sit back and make
two of them, helped us with the food because yourselves comfortable; and above all, we want to
we needed all our girls to entertain the (sings to the tune of "This is my lucky day"):
rushees. Other chapters might ask their moth-
ers for help wtih this part of rushing. Ours Chase your blues away
enjoyed doing it.) Coffee and small nut cook- So we can hear you say,
ies followed this. "Say, that's some Lucky Cabaret."
We'll give you some news,
The party was over by 12:30 and the And you'll say: "Boy. what views.
rushees taken home soon afterwards, each one Gee, this must be my lucky day."
by the girl who had brought her. We'll show you that college grads are plenty wise;
That it's due to pep one gets in AE<f>.
The most clever and effective rushing party So light up your Lucky;
that Tau Chapter has given during the last Watch these girls so plucky
year is the "Cabaret Dinner," given during In this Lucky Cabaret.
formal rushing last fall. Card tables were Our magic carpet won't take you away!
placed around the sides of the living room You've come here tonight and here's where you
and dining room, which open into each other.
A fairly large dancing space was left in the stay.
center of the rooms. Confetti, balloons, and We'll bring things to you right hot off the press.
paper streamers were used as decorations on Singers, dancers, the rest? Well, you guess!
the chandeliers, over doorways, and at win- So, we're off to see six L u c k y Ladies sway.
dows. During the dinner and between courses Are you ready, dancers?—O. K.!
the rushees were entertained with tap dances,
cigarette girls who carried trays of chocolate (Opening chorus dance to same tune.)
cigarettes from table to table, and an accordion
solo by our own Irma Hammerbacher. An or- M. of C—
chestra played throughout the dinner and There's a couple on the radio that just make you
everyone danced between courses, moving on scream
to the next table after every dance. In this Burns and Allen—you know that team.
way, each course was eaten at a different Our magic carpet brings them now.
table. Only the members moved, the rushees You'll okay them! Oh boy, and how!
keeping their original places. This is con-
(The following skit was played from behind a
screen portraying a radio.)
George—Hay, Gracic, c'mere!
Grade—George, it's so nice out I think I'm going to
take a nap.
George—Yes, it's a nice day, except that it's going
to snow pretty soon.
Gracie—Yes, it might rain, too. B u t , still it's a nice
George—And it's a little cloudy, but still it's a nice
Gracie—Yes, and there's no sun out, but still it's a
nice day.
George—Gracie, before I go get an aspirin, I want
to tell you about something. My kid sister's just
written to me from college.
Gracic—Oh, George, do you have a kid sister? I s she That I would have to put on an act. P
much older than you? I ' l l bet she's awful smart H e said, "Sing or dance or out you go!" P
and flunks every exam. Y o u know, I think a col- I ' l l struggle through both for a job, you know.
lege education is wonderful; don't you think so, (Sings ''Fraternity Blues" and tap dances.) I
George? i-
Then follows a routine, " A l l of U s , " done to the
George—I think sol tune of " A l l of Me." A group of four girls repre-
Gracie—It teaches you all kinds of nice things. F o r senting freshmen are sitting on the floor dressed in
instance, my girl friend's sister goes to college, and white and wearing the freshman arm-band. I n their
her boy friend learned to play football there. midst on a chair sits a girl representing the spirit of
Alpha Epsilon Phi.
George—And he still doesn't know how.
Gracie—Yes, that's the idea. O h , George, you're so
George—But, Gracic, that isn't what a college educa- Chorus of Four Girls sings to the tune of "All of
tion's for! Here's the point of this letter. My sister Me"—
wants to go sorority. All of us, why not take all of us?
Graci-e—Oh, George, I wouldn't let her do that. It's Can't you see, we can't live without you?
so depressing. Take our clubs, we'll never miss them;
George—Gracie. I think you're so dumb you don't Take our pins, we'll never need them!
know what I'm talking about. Just say, "Yes," and make us real happy.
Gracie—Oh, George, I ' l l bet you say that to all the You've got our hearts and heads all upset.
girls! So why not take all of us?
George—A sorority, Gracie, is a girls' fraternity. First Girl (spoken)—
Gracie—Oh, a place where all the boys can come and
park! (Lauglxs) a sparking place! I like you; I like your scholarship;
Y o u rate high up there on the campus.
George—Gracie, why don't you put your head in a
bucket of water and hold it there for ten minutes?
Gracie—Gee, George, there you go! Second Girl—
George—These friends of my sister all belong to one You're admired for your activities,
Cups galore and honorary mention.
club, Gracie; and she's asking me if she should
join if she get's the chance. A sorority, you know, Third Girl—
Y o u know the joys of companionship
Gracie—Oh, I know! It's a bunch of girls who live And the camaraderie of true friends.
together and do their own cooking: they have long Fourth Girl—
hair and don't wear any clothes and take sun baths. You're my ideal; I always will feel
That makes me think of Christmas. Jingle bells, That you are my everything.
jingle bells, jingle all the way—
George—Gracie, Gracie, this isn't a nudist cult, but Leader—
a bunch of girls attracted by the same things, hav- Yes, my dears; now that I've heard your pleas,
ing mutual friends and— I can see you can't live without me.
Gracie—Oh, I know, George! "My country 'tis of Keep your clubs, you needn't miss them;
thee!" Keep your pins, I ' l l never need them.
George—Gnicie. pay attention to what I'm sayinc! I'll say, "Yes," and I ' l l say that you're O . K .
My kid sister likes these girls, likes what they do, I'll say, "Yes," and make you all happy.
likes their standing, and so I'm writing her to I want your hearts to be part of me;
join— So I will take all of you.
Gracie—Oh, George, just think she'll be able to sport (Exeunt)
a raccoon coat and wear mums. George, did you
ever have mumps? M y sister's baby had them, and Master of Ceremonies—
A cabaret marriage with a wedding ring
did he look funny! H a s a service in which the principals sing.
George—I knew it was a mistake to mention this to The bride is ready and so iB the groom; Jfl
you. I ' l l settle it myself. Goodbye, and if you
happen to break your neck on your way home, I ' l l Strike up the wedding march! Sound their doom!
send flowers Parson, an austere person, enters dancing and un/js
Master of Ceremonies— the following to the tunc of "Hello, Baby"—
Two little girls dressed in green. Hello, people, how do you do?
"Cigarettes, cigars!" That's what they scream. Hello, people, talking to you!
But they can do lots more than sell. This excitement makes me rave!
Do you call my bluff? Okay—swell! Hello, people, why are you here?
Sit up and take notice. W e won't delay! Hello, people, don't shed a tear.
Two little cigarette girls that are okay. Gosh, this couple surely is brave.
They're crazy, I ' l l say, to get married now;
Just wait one year, folks, and you'll say,
Cigarette Girls enter and say the following before "Boy and how!" I tell you:
dancing— (They dance.) "C'mon, people, let's celebrate;
W e are the cigarette girls. C'mon, people, don't hesitate;
Your smokes we sell. They'll soon come and then we'll have our fun. n
Raleighs, Old Golds, Camels!
But it's Luckies we yell I
Master of Ceremonies— Usher dances in and sings the following—
Introducing the personnel of our cabaret. How do you do, Parson Jones, how no you do?
We present the hat check girls, and can they sway! I s there anything that we can do for you?
I'll wager that after they get out here and start. We'll do everything we can, stand by you to a man.
Instead of your hat, you'll be checking your heart. How do you do, Parson Jones, how do you do?
One Usher sings to the tune of "Three's A Crowd"—
I love her, and so does he.
Hat Check Girls enter and say the following before She's in love, but not with me.
W e are the hat girls of this cabaret. I know two is company but three's a crowd.
I gave rings and jewels to you;
I am Rose, I am Ruth, I am P e a r l , and I'm May. He gave nothing, that is true. .
(the above line spoken individually)
Y o u r hat please and just a dime Here I stand, what can I do, for three's a crowd.
Never tried to hang around someone else's clover-
To thank us for our work and time. Happiness for two you've found, and I ' m the » n e
(They dance.) left over.
W e can still be friends, you say;
Master of Ceremonies (spoken)— Yet I wouldn't care to stay. ,„
Now the Master of Ceremonies by the middle of
the show I would just be in the way, cause three's a crowd.
Becomes an awful bore, that I know. Bridesmaids enter singing the following to the tnnf
H e talks and talks just to take up time of "Let's Put Out the Lights"—
And says the dumbest things to make a rhyme. Girls, oh girls, did you see?
Now to make things worse, the boss just made a
crack [ C O N T I N U E D ON P A C E 7 6 ]
AY. 1934
Presenting a
B Y E S T H E R M A R S H , Epsilon
Grace Morin, Sigma,* ***** of "The Home
to the group of State Colleges, at Cornell. Grace Morin planned the
Martha VanRensselaer Hall " ^ 0 ^ ? ^ \#2&, decoration.
-t- PERSONALITY and achievement frequently the living room trying to discover just what
go hand in hand, the personality stamping was different about it. I felt that nothing
had been added to this room without a
itself upon the achievement and the achieve- thoughtful consideration of its influence <>n the
ment growing out of the personality. Grace total effect of quiet and illusive perfection, a
Morin ( 2 ) , now at Cornell University as the perfection speaking clearly of the person who
head of the Household Art Department in the had planned it.
College of Home Economics, demonstrates the
integration of these two things. Her apart- Before I had half satisfied my curiosity
ment itself, which she has furnished, is an about the apartment, I heard Grace come in.
accomplishment and gives the immediate im- She was wearing a new spring suit as smart
pression of being exactly like her. As if I and unusual as her clothes always are. The
had never seen a well-furnished apartment be- air of preoccupation and intensify that char-
fore, T caught myself staring rudely around acterizes her was about her eyes. She seemed
24 To D&AGxg
to be constantly working out some problem offer she made Grace, she explained, was the ..
that absorbed her. and these problems were best she could do until the State appropriated W
of no mean significance. more money for her. All the budgets for the Th
State Colleges in the University must be au-> Ac
"I've been lying in wait for you. You're tborized by the State Department. She gave Bu
the most difficult person to sec," 1 explained. Grace a week in which to consider the offer.; A
During that week one of the large western' W
"Oh, hello. I'm glad that you came down." colleges also asked Grace to come there to* {A
She spoke sincerely, I knew, for she's always teach at a salary of $700 a year more than Th
been interested personally in every AOLT. She Cornell could give her. Nevertheless, she' A
has become so necessary a part of Epsilon came to Ithaca, believing that there a better '•A
Chapter, serving on our Alumna? Advisory- future lay before her than in the Middle lA
Board for several years, that we feel she he- West. Al
longs to us and forget that Sigma claims her.
At Cornell she began the extension work I
"I've come to talk about you," I said, con- in housing that she and Miss VanRcnsselaer T
tinuing to explain. had planned together, a work that is now an j
important activity of the college. The aim T
"About me?" she questioned. o£ the extension teacher is to show the farm- [
"Yes, AOLT wants to know more of you." ers and people living in rural communities •O
"Of me?" She was puzzled, for she was how to bring beauty and comfort into lives C
bound by a natural modesty. that were uniformly dull. Grace furnished T
model farmhouses in various parts of the O
"You forget that you're a distinguished per- state, showing how an unattractive building '•
sonality, and that you must expect to be could be transformed by the expenditure of A
treated like one." a little money and some real thought. Many B
of the old buildings had had their true love-
She laughed, unconvinced, for she fails to liness of design obscured by unintelligent alter- IW
realize how distinct an individual she is in ations and additions. One aim of the exten- T
spite of the overwhelming evidence showing sion housing work is to show the owner of L
how she has always stood out from the crowd. such a home how to restore it properly, reveal- I
At college, in the University of California, ing its natural grace. The problem of ex-
she was a member of the Prythancan Society, pense was kept constantly in mind during this ', I
a woman's honorary sorority choosing its work. People were taught that, with a little I
members from girls prominent in activities ingenuity, ripping out an old closet here and IS
on the campus. After she graduated with a there, turning two rooms into one, and using
degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts, she worked good taste, they could make an uncomfortable '
with an architectural firm in California until home function in a truly livable way.
the war. Then a course in Naval Architec- I
ture gave her the training necessary to fill an ;
emergency position as ship draftsman at Mare
Island Navy Yard.
After the war she wanted to get a degree Her work drew attention to her. and when
as Master of Fine Arts. Unable to get the President Hoover called the first White House
work she wanted in California, she came to Conference, Miss Van Rensselaer found a
New York to study at Columbia. She wasn't place on it for Grace. She served as a mem-
then quite sure what she wanted to do; she ber of the Housing Committee and as Chair-
had ideas of planning stage-sets; she was in- man of the House Furnishing Committee. She
terested in household art One afternoon she was co-author of the book, The Home and
met a young woman who came from Cornell. the Child, that was written by the House
They talked together about their work. F i - Furnishings Committee. Later, she was at the
nally the other said, "I think Miss VanRens- second of President Hoover's conferences,
selacr would have a place for you at Ithaca." serving this time as a member of the Commit-
Grace was politely responsive but not enthusi- tee for Remodeling Houses.
astic, for Miss VanRcnsselaer was but a name
to her. A few days later she received a note In the eight years that she has been at
from her, however, asking Grace to meet her Cornell, she has advanced to the head of the
at a particular hour for an interview. As Household Art Department and has six assis-
Grace happened to have a class with John tants working in the department with her.
Erskine at the hour mentioned and preferring Her most outstanding piece of work for the
not to miss an hour under him for an inter- University has been the planning of Martha
view with a stranger whose name, although VanRcnsselaer Hall. This building, rcccntlv
she's seen it mentioned in the Delineator, completed and opened, belongs to the group of
didn't mean anything to her, she asked Miss State Colleges at the University, and was bunt
VanRcnsselaer to meet her at another hour from her designs after they had gone through
which would be more convenient for her. the State Department. Her one desire < in
planning the building was to give expression
When she met her later, she discovered that to the life-long aim of Miss VanRcnsselaer
Miss VanRcnsselaer had a vision that ap- and Miss Rose. She worked constantly with
pealed to her. She was conscious of an en- Miss Rose so that the building, which was to
thusiasm for the work they planned. At that express a new ideal in the education of women
time Cornell's Extension Division of the as home-makers, might function properly.
Household Art Department had no people She was one of the three on the Committee
working directly at housing problems. Miss for Furnishings and Equipment and was her-
VanRcnsselaer wanted Grace to come to self in complete charge of all the furnishings.
Ithaca to begin this phase of the work. The
[ C O N T I N U E D ON P A G * 7 6 ]
Y, 1934
A Path in Spring Rain which turns a grey world greyer. Spring
Her eyes tear-moist till dried by the sun.
. summer, -winter, or in fall hop Upon
When whirling lea-ees arc everywhere, .
Her breast wiO freeze the tears that .Intumn
he street is just the common place zeeeps.
ccepted thing.
ui not in spring! And Autumn zeecps because she has grozen old
And is too tired to care.
path in spring lures me aside
Where warm winds blow, where robins Beloved Vagabond
Across the new green grass beneath P>y DOROTHY D A V I S . Psi
he budding trees. I knoze I loz-ed you zeell—oh! all too -well!
winding path— But never wisely, Autumn Lozer gay.
I drank zeith you the sharp and lucent wine
A clearing sky and drifting clouds; Too deeply; watched too long that thin, bent
A new Hope brightens in my Soul
long a path in spring. Of gold, the harvest moon, lie on its back
In the clean and zeind-szecpt sky.
Finished Symphony
I danced zeith you too madly in the wind,
P.y DOROTHY K I L L I A N . XU Kappa Flinging leaves aboz e me, gold and henna,
Rasset, amber; and sang yoftr sharp gay tunc.
want my life to signify the vast unbroken We wandered far, too far zee realize now.
music of a symphony— Across the sun-tanned, honey-colored hills
To live and learn through the pain and bliss Toward the violet smoke of mist that marks
of life's greatest moments. Tlicir end—too far for all rcturniiui. dear.
To search out the depth of undertone struck
in certain chords Dear careless zagabond, I never can
On the keyboard of the instrument of time Forget, nor cease to love, your smooth brown
Chords, notes, strains, all these bring back the throat.
memory of life's fondest hopes.
The radiant vibration of a note sounded over Your tattered blouse, vour ragged scrap of
the vast expanse
Of life everlasting, s-wept clean by the beauty hat.
• of a freed soul. Vour reckless laughter I remember still,
And in the end let me drift out on the sea of Vour fiery VOWS, your kisses, cold so soon.
eternity alone and unafraid
Because my finished symphony -will guide me Far dozen the leafless paths of Winter gay.
on to the inevitable unknown. You haz'e gone, still madcap and forcer
My Youth has follozeed after, silently,
Tears In a thin grey whistle of the zeind
And a scurrying of withered leaves.
By D O R O T H Y D A V I S , Psi So Let Me Live
Weep not for Spring's first fresh soft rain of P.v M A R Y E L L E N R I E L F . X B E R G , Alpha Phi
To live
That hangs a silver mist about the hills.
Lilac-fragrance on its breath, it spills That I might feel again
Its gleam on lovers' cheeks. The bird that The soft touch of the zeind on my cheek.
To lift my eyes
hears .Ind see again the blue in the sky.
Its gentle patter on the leaves must trill And hear the songs of birds
Of delicate, cool loveliness that comes As they call to all mankind at dozening.
So wooingly, when all the icorld is still. To live
That I might knoze again
Spring, weeping, knozes her beauty all loo The joy that comes when sorroze is gone.
To feel my heart
well Leap up zehen you are near,
With loosened hair and feathery lashes zeet. And watch a smile light your face
.Is peace drops 'round you from on high.
But weep "when Autumn's slow tears, leaden So let me live
fall. To take my share of what I may;
To knoze the beauty of another spring.
• \ musty smell of rotting leazes they raise—
Sharp pungent memory of brighter days—
/ hear their ceaseless drip, but no bird's call
Your Money's Worth
Report of Clothing and Money Sent to Kentucky From
October, 1933, to April, 1934
AND CLOTHES Chicago North
Omicron $ -J.flO Shore 5
Kappa — 3.00 New Orleans
Zeta 10.00
Sigma — 5.00 Minneapolis
Theta — - Bangor _ 1
2.00 Portland . —
Delta - Seattle 1
Epsilon Knoxvillc 1
Rho Washington 3
Iota Dallas
Philadelphia 1
Tau Kansas City —
Chi -
Upsilon Omaha 1
Syracuse -
Nu Kappa Detroit
Beta Phi
Eta Nashville 4
Cleveland 2 1.00
Alpha Phi Memphis 1
Nu Omicron 15.50
Milwaukee 1
Psi Birmingham 1 3.00
Omega . Oklahoma City ....
Chicago South
Omicron Pi — Shore 5
Alpha Sigma
Pi Delta Madison 2
Tau Delta Denver
Kappa Theta „
Kappa Omicron .... Cincinnati 1
Tulsa 1
Alpha Rho Ann Arbor 1
Chi Delta
Beta Theta Fort Wayne 2
St Louis 2
Alpha Pi Rochester _ 1
Epsilon Alpha
Theta Eta Dayton
San Diego 2
Beta Tau — New Jersey 1
Alpha Tau -
Beta Kappa Buffalo
Alpha Gamma Atlanta -4
Delta Phi
Baltimore 1
Chicago West
25 $27.50 Side 1
Boxes of Money Alabama Alumna? 1
Clothes for at Large
Al r' l CHAPTERS Miscellaneous Adopt ed Georgia Alumrue
Shoes Child at Large —2
New York $ 3.00 Massachusetts at
San Francisco Large 2
Boston 1 Wisconsin Alumna;
at Large 2
Lincoln „.
Los Angeles 2
56 $22.50 2J4
Mail all parcels to Bland Morrow, Hyden, Leslie County, Kentucky; freight. Hazard, Kentucky.
ft *
In Human Progress
-+. To SAY that we are deeply grateful for all you have done for our Kentucky chil-
dren this year is putting it very mildly. Your splendid spirit of cooperation is
remarkable, and the results are most gratifying. Let's take a look at the statistics.
Total gifts sent by chapters from October 1, 1933, to April 5, 1934:
New toys 600
Used toys —. 150
Pieces of new clothing _ 220
Pieces of used clothing 1,425
Money donated to "shoe fund" during same time:
Active chapters $27.50
Alumna: chapters _ 22.50
The active chapters have sent almost twice as many boxes this year as they did
last year. Just think how many children were made happy at Christmas time by your
thoughtfulncss in sending gifts. Keep up the good work!
The alumna? chapters have more than tripled the boxes of clothing sent last year.
Haven't you people had a good time collecting and mending the clothing? Has not
this national work made a closer bond among the members, in working for a com-
mon cause? When you stop to think of the great number of people wbo have been
warm and comfortable in the clothing you have contributed, you will feel amply
repaid for the time and energy you gave. This is truly a great work.
Owr newest group of contributors this year is the "alumna? at large." We who be-
long to organized chapters have the inspiration of working together. And how that
does spur us on to greater deeds. Special recognition should be given to these small
unorganized groups who are doing their share so well. Here is a big thank-you to
the "alumna? at large."
If the "Clothesline Committee" has not given you credit for the boxes or the
money you have sent, please understand that it is not intentional. It would he well
to write a note to the chairman though, and she will rectify the records.
Again our deepest thanks to everyone.
Fraternally yours.
Vera Uieliel. Chairman
Maude Nolte
Roberta Wood
Janet Weissmiller
Helen Erskine
P. S.
Over the back fences of all America let me introduce you to the "Clothesline
Committee" one by one. Each member is very different from the other one, but all
of them have one common characteristic—they forget themselves in the interest of
Alpha Omicron Pi. Nowhere can more earnest and devoted members be found.
First, there is Maude Bacon Nolte, lota—Ex '09. Not only is she a charter
member of her active chapter, but she is also a "first lady" in the Chicago Alumna?
Chapter as well as the Chicago South Shore Alumna? Chapter. Although Maude is a
very busy person caring for her house, her garden, her husband, a very interesting
daughter and son, she always finds time for AOU. Many times Iota has been
made happy by donations from Maude, and her alumna? chapter can count on her
Next comes Roberta Wood, Phi—'19. Whenever anyone is needed to volunteer
for a particularly hard task, Roberta is right there. Only her faithful and untiring
service as secretary to her alumna? chapter has made possible many of the projects
that have been carried out. When Roberta is not helping AOn, she teaches pho-
nography at the Pullman Free School of Manual Training. Here, besides instruct-
ing high school students, she sponsors the Girls' Club, which is not only a social but
a philanthropic organization as well. Busy and happy is Roberta all the time.
The third member of the group is Janet Ramcy Weissmiller, Zeta—'12. Janet
not only manages a household and looks after her husband and son, but she teaches
high school in Chicago as well. And still Janet has time and energy left to be a
splendid president of an alumna? chapter and • v
to do a lot of charity work besides. Even
after her terrible accident on the way home Fields Like This— P
from the .\<>n Convention last July, Janet
did not lose her spirit to "carry on." ly interested in the Federal experiment in the I
Tennessee valley. Last month I went to the s
The fourth helper on the committee is Helen Conference of Southern Mountain Workers. w
Wolfe Erskine, I. '22. Although Helen is This I did, of course, partly because I want c
the baby of the group in years, she is not in to keep abreast of what others are thinking z
deeds. Always is Helen most efficient in all and doing in this mountain area; but a very w
that she does, whether it be running her important aspect of my interest in this con- s
household, in acting as Study Plan Officer for ference centered about that part of the pro- f
AOn. or in serving as statistician of the
"Clothesline Committee." Many times does B
Helen work far beyond her strength to do
more than her part. s
With helpers such as these it is a joy to be T
chairman of a committee.
P. S. No. 2. The chairman didn't say a
word about herself so Helen Wolfe Erskine
sent this about her:
Were you to be on a committee with Vera
Kiebel, you would find her an ardent enthusiast
and a very hard worker. She has served AOIT
ever since she was pledged and especially
since her graduation from Northwestern Uni-
versity in 1913. She was the first graduate
to be initiated into the Chicago Alumna?, she
aided in the colonization at the University of
Wisconsin to establish H chapter, she formed
the Chicago South Shore Alumna- and, as its
president for several years, developed it, she
has been district study plan officer and is now
a member of the National Work Committee.
Because of her efforts, you are now sending
clothes, toys, and dolls to Kentucky.
Vera teaches English at the Lindblom High
School in Chicago. Her students find her an
excellent, inspiring teacher and a good friend.
A more loyal and conscientious worker in
AOII cannot be found.
* Experiment With Lespedeza May
erein O u r ^)oc\a( gram devoted to addresses by Tennessee Val-
ley Authority officials and discussions of that
Wendover, Kentuckv, whole scheme and its significance for the
April, 1934. Southern Mountains. Our immediate area is,
of course, not in the Tennessee valley; but I
DEAR ALPHA O'S: think it is easy to see that our interest in the
T.V.A. is not purely academic. We who try
-4- COULD xov see my present preoccupation to see the mountaineers' needs in their broad
with seed catalogs, agricultural bulletins, outlines and relate them to some proposal for
a thoroughgoing and feasible answer are
the relative merits of Korean lespedeza versus convinced that some such scheme as that now
soja beans as a hay crop, the essential mini- being tried in the Tennessee valley will b*
mum of tools for a mountain farm, the prob- necessary before we can really eliminate this
lems of farmers who have not and cannot buy "human frontier" where people arc left largely
a plow animal, et cetera, et cetera, you might alone to eke out meager narrow, precarious
be inclined to wonder what is happening to lives. If this is true, it steins to me that we
your social case-worker. Exploring further, who occupy lookout posts in areas not now in-
you would find that this is not my only pre- cluded in this Federal experiment can "1
occupation that falls outside the realm of afford to be uninformed on what is happ< l l l l l L j
ease work in its strict sense. in the Tennessee valley, what is the social
philosophy underlying those activities, what is
For one thing, you would find me enormous- the probability of the scheme's being extended
to other mountain areas.
To tell the truth, I carry this interest in the
T.V.A. even further than a matter of trying
to be well informed on the subject myselt.
MAY, 1934 29
significance for us here is through the field
stall of the local county unit of the Federal
Emergency Relief Administration. I should
explain that this staff is doing something that
pusses for social work among some fifteen
hundred families, the major part of the popu-
lation of Leslie County. (To tell the truth,
everything considered, that staff is beginning
v to do a pretty decent job!) Some two months
ago we finally got permission, after I hail
harped on the subject for about eighteen
months, to make radical change in the per-
sonnel of that staff, placing on it people chosen
on the basis of qualifications for the job,
rather than destitution. This has resulted in
our getting a staff of fifteen alert, active young
people, several of whom have had some col-
lege work, two of whom have their Bachelor's
degrees and, believe it or not, two of whom
have had a little social-work training. You
would appreciate my enthusiasm for this new
order of things if you could see how this
4. group compares with some of the people who
once graced that staff—most of them unedu-
cated, mentally calcified and with little or no
interest in social work of even a very primitive
sort. This new quality of personnel made it
possible for me to undertake with enthusiasm
something I have longed to do ever since I
first found myself involved in large-scale re-
COl'YKIGHTED I1V & SHOOK, LOUISVILLE. K V . lief affairs. And that is, to meet regularly
Produce Tragedies Like This with the field staff of the relief organization
for discussions of social-work principles, case-
work problems, relief jtolicies, the social im-
I have the feeling that among our various re- plications of our own economic plight, and so
sponsibilities is one for preparing the people on—including, incidentally. T . V . A . ! Now we
with whom we come in contact for the social are doing it. We meet for half a day, once
change which seems somewhere on the hori- a week—and try to cover, I must conies-,
zon. I would not be so bold as to predict more subjects than could ever be crowded into
when and how we will see initiated some that amount of time.
scheme for reconstructing the economic basis
for life in the mountains and for heading its
Bring New Crop to Mountaineers
social thinking and social institutions at least Among other things, we discuss farming
in the direction of the best ideals of this and gardening. It is at present our most ab-
Twentieth Century. Perhaps for Kentucky it sorbing topic. Nor do we confine ourselves
will be through a Kentucky Valley Authority to theoretical discussions. First off we
in the not too distant future! Perhaps a com- arranged to use as instructor and consultant
prehensive planned attack on the entire moun- a member of the County Relief Committee
tain problem. Eastern Kentucky included, will who is an agriculturalist of the first water,
have to await another Great Depression and by practice as well as training, and who is
another concomitant sharpening of our na- intensely concerned about the farming situa-
tional social consciousness, since widespread tion here. Then we got stacks of bulletins
want alone seems able to arouse us from the about farming from State and FYderal
smug, lethargic indifference into which most bureaus.
of us fall so long as economic insecurity is
not our own threat, or so long as privation At a recent meeting we decided we must
is not under our very eyes. But whenever do something more concrete than talk about
social change, in a real and desirable sense, the ideas we were collecting. We felt we had
is to come to the Southern Mountains as a to gel down to something active and actual,
whole, 1 do not think we can start too early partly to relieve the pressure in our own
trying to make people ready for change—by brains; but chiefly, we decided we had to try
helping them more actively and hopefully to to make it possible or practicable for some of
want change, giving them some concrete idea the farmers to put into use some of our beau-
of the kind of change that is desirable and tiful theories. Among other things, we had
how it might be achieved, and bringing them generated a good deal of interest in Korean
to believe in the possibility of such change. lespedeza, a legume that promises to be a very
valuable addition to the forage crops of this
One of the avenues by which I try to arouse region as well as a vitally necessary soil
an interest in the T.V.A. and its potential builder. Lespedeza was chosen as the first
item on which \vc would try our hand at get- "shucky beans" (green hulls and all being
ting some definite action. We then began to dried and used) in the winter. The ravages
scout around among our relief families for of the Mexican bean beetle have of recent
farmers who would promise to put up fifty years made bean raising almost impossible. I
cents or a dollar, whatever amount they could am of the opinion it would be easier, and
lay hands on and were willing to stake on the equally satisfactory as a food crop, to substi-
enterprise, to buy lespedcza seeds. We didn't tute this particular variety of peas rather than
know where the money was to come from, try to stamp out the bean beetles—which,
hut we decided that so unfamiliar a crop fortunately, don't eat peas!
would need some cash stimulation. Individuals
would, we thought, catch the idea and he will- Rut as I have already intimated, more is
ing to contribute something; more could prob- involved in these little experiments of ours
ably be secured from the merchants, who, than just the potential material returns for
more than any other group, have profited the few farmers directly interested. I think
financially from the operations of relief in the we may discover something as to how one
county. With these possibilities in mind, we should handle his teaching, for it is really
had the audacity to launch forth on the ex- teaching that one undertakes in this realm,
periment of promising to match with an equal so that he actually does succeed in getting
quantity whatever seed a given farmer would effective substitution of new, workable, hope-
promise to buy. Almost at once the proposi- gencrating ideas for the out-worn ideas that
tion began to assume large proportions, and are entrenched by tradition, habit, resignation
after a week we had to limit the fifty-fifty and non-scientific thinking. I have great,
agreement to the commitments already made. though untried, faith in the efficacy and de-
Then, by a lucky accident, we found we could sirability of teaching by demonstration. Even
get at once two tons of first-class seed at a greater faith have I in the idea of helping
very reasonable price, so we took it on. A farmers to become their own demonstrators.
large part of it is disposed of, most of it I have a suspicion that teaching new farm-
at cost price. We aren't "in" terribly deep ing methods to mountain farmers involves
either and are making headway with collecting even more than proving these methods, how-
funds to cover the fifty-fifty commitments. ever vividly the proofs may be presented. For
one thing, mountain farming, by new methods
My interest in farming and gardening isn't or old, calls for a lot of hard honest work.
by any manner of means limited to work with Nothing short of good substantial food and
the field staff of the relief office. In fact. I plenty of it will support that kind of work.
don't see how a social worker in this situa- Literally hundreds of farmers that we per-
tion can escape a very active interest in the sonally know start their farming operations
way people farm and garden, for thereon every year with practically nothing on hand
hangs the answer to how well they are going to feed them through crop time. I feel posi-
to live or whether they are going to live at tive that much of what is sometimes described
all. With practically every family in the as shiftlcssncss, laziness, half-hcartedness in
county suffering from a seriously inadequate the mountaineer's work habits might better
income, and with the land as the only avail- be explained as the effects of long-time mal-
able source of income, for the present at least, nutrition. Wild greens, a bit of corn bread
it isn't surprising to see a social worker evolv- and white gravy simply do not make for either
ing into an agriculturalist of a sort. physical or moral backbone!
In addition to concerning myself with the Then there is the matter of the cash outlay
problems of seeds, tools, even land, for a few required for the change from the old to a
families in which T can take a more detailed new farming scheme. New crops, fresh seeds
interest and responsibility, I have two or three to replace those that have "run out," better
small experiments going on my own. These equipment—these things, even on a small or
will very likely add to the food or feed sup- piecemeal scale, call for money. Even if the
plies of the farmers with whom I am sharing farmer has the cash, and practically none of
the experiments, but they are aimed primarily them has, it is needed for so many other
at teaching the farmers and myself some basic things that they hardly dare risk it on a new
facts about important crops. One of these enterprise. But there is risk quite apart from
little private enterprises has to do with the the question of the initial cash outlay. The
way to grow potatoes. According to my ob- mountain farmer knows that the family's liv-
servations, results under the usual mountain ing for the year depends entirely upon his
methods of potato culture are so small and so few acres of land and his own labor. By
uncertain that unless a better method can be habit and precept his corn crop is fixed in his
found and "sold" to the farmers, a potato mind as the foremost essential in his farming
crop isn't worth the investment in seeds, labor, operations if his family is to escape starvation.
use of land, et cetera. I have little doubt These new farming ideas postulate the drastic
that the current method can be improved redtiction of corn growing, as the prime req-
upon; the problem is replacing set, genera- uisite of a new day in mountain agriculture.
tions-old ideas with new. 'Tis a poor sort of living the mountain farmer
makes under the old system, but at least he
Another idea I am experimenting with is an knows what to expect of it. Given the terrific
attempt to popularize black-eyed peas as a pressure exerted by economic necessity, I can
possible substitute for string beans. Beans conceive that for him to use even a part of
have always been a very important food crop these few acres of his and part of his labor
here, being used green in the summer, canned,
as "soup beans" (dry shelled beans), and [CONTINUED ON PACK 59]
MAY, 1934 to Paris. I am very anxious to put my mate-
rial in order and to begin writing. I feel that
An A O n Fellow Writes I have collected some very valuable informa-
tion, but, of course, it will be of no use until
[CONTINUED FROM PAGE I S ] it is put in tabulated, written form.
tion in France. A study of certain phases of I have had an extremely interesting time
the application of the workmen's compensa- in France and have gathered material which I
tion law and of certain selected measures of hope will prove of practical value to the De-
accident prevention; Government course in partment of Labor. I should like to thank
accident prevention; plant safety committees; Alpha Omicron Pi for its part in providing
apprenticeship in specified industries. the fund which made it possible for me to un-
dertake the study. I am indeed very grate-
I had planned to spend four months in Paris ful for the assistance which was given me.
before going to other districts. Actually I
spent five months and, because of the central- Very sincerely yours,
ization of records in that city, I shall spend Janet Martin.
comparatively little time in the other districts.
While I was in Paris the three principal Success Attends Dr. Drant
sources from which I obtained information
were the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of ( C O N T I N U E D FROM P A C E 111
Justice and the Union des Industries Metal-
iurgiques ct Minicrcs, the association of metal stands upon her desk and have had it printed
industry employers. From these sources I in color so you all could see what is almost
secured statistics concerning the number of impossible to describe. The next room is a
accidents, the court settlement of the cases, small one done in red and white and then a
and measures of accident prevention. dressing room in brown and yellow, an oper-
ating room in black and white. The operating
I left Paris in February and went to Nancy, table was built especially for Doctor Drant
where T spent a number of interesting weeks. and can be regulated to any height or inclined
The Ministry of Labor had written to the at any angle. Many complicated medical gad-
Chief Labor inspector, in charge of that dis- gets, about which I know nothing, complete
trict, so that he was very helpful, giving me the room. The X-ray laboratory is also in
information and taking me to factories in the black and white. This brief description of
neighborhood. I gave up the plan of going Doctor Drant's suite certainly doesn't do jus-
to Lyons, because I thought that it would be tice to it. The rooms are unusual, different
impossible to studv three important industrial and exquisite. I am sure they are the most
districts in a satisfactory manner. I replaced lovely in all the medical profession in Phila-
Lyons by Nancy because it is situated in the delphia. Not only is Patricia Drant, M.D., a
region in which accident prevention has pioneer in her own field of dermatology and
reached its highest development in France, in skin cancer but a pioneer in the field of deco-
the particular form which I am studying, rating doctor's offices.
safety committees. Furthermore, a Dcpart-
of Labor inspector has been very active in In what spare moments this noted physician
safety work in that district. can wrangle from her busy life you will most
likely find her dancing, attending the opera,
The metal employers' association arranged the theater or horse-back riding, and she also
visits to a number of large foundries and manages to belong to the Philadelphia Alum-
steel mills in the region of Nancy, and the na? Chapter.
plant officials gave me extremely interesting
statistical material. I should add that the Just as this is written comes the announce-
plant managers have been extremely generous ment of her engagement to William Warren
both in giving their time and providing type- Rhodes of Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. Rhodes
written records. I think that such generosity was graduated from the University of Penn-
has been due partly to the fact that compara- sylvania and is sales manager of two sub-
tively few investigations of industrial prog- sidiaries of E . L du Pont de Nemours and
ress have been made in France, whereas large Company.
numbers have been made in England and cer-
tain other countries. In addition they were Mississippi P. T . A. President
motivated by patriotism. As they said, they
wished me to carry a "bon souvenir" back to [ C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A C E 9]
the United States.
ville. receiving her check from Uncle Sam.
I am in Lille at the present time. I have In 1919 she was married in Nashville to Carl
hcen studying textiles, since it is a center of C. McDonald, a prominent business man of
that industry, and have visited only one metal Bay St. Louis.
plant. The surrounding district has been very
severely affected by the industrial crisis. One of the successful enterprises of her
There is a great deal of unemployment in the home town P. T. A. was the P. T. A. special
region and comparatively few plants are work- edition of the Sea Coast Echo, published in
ing full time. Since the textile industry has October of last year in celebration of P. T . A .
not done as much accident prevention work as week. This paper was on display at the ex-
has been done by the metal industry, because hibit tea tendered the visitors to the conven-
of the fact that there is far less hazard, I tion, Wednesday afternoon, and contained a
have secured a certain amount of informa- complete history of the association, opinions
tion concerning the social work done by the of educators on the value of P. T . A. work,
textile trade associations. besides the general news of a weekly paper.
I expect to leave Lille soon and shall return
Pride of
Alpha O
-+- RECOGNITION is due to the active chapter XT Our new officers are: Lenore Morse,
correspondents who, without honor of a president; Mary Schoessler, vice presi-
by-line, have contributed enthusiastically and dent ; Frances Lowuen, corresponding secre-
willingly to the contents of the magazine. tary; Janine Shepard, corresjKindent to To
Your editor wishes to publicly thank the fol- DRAI.MA; Frances Lowden and Lenore Morse,
lowing for their assistance during the year. Panhellenic r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s ; Mildred H.
Listed first are the names of those girls whose Vatnsdal, treasurer; and Evelyn Krause, Alum-
work has been especially fine: Alice Wesely, n;e Xotes Editor. Doris Brawley is back at
• ; Dian Manzcr, T ; Virginia Keane, Z; Emily the house with us, she having just completed
Klingel, ITA; Frances Laubach, EA. Evelyn her cadet teaching at North Central High
Krause, AT; Marv Ellen Bielenherg, A * ; Mil- School in Spokane. At present she is busy as
dred E . William's, A n ; Althea Bruhl, AP; chairman preparing for the tea for our an-
Jean xAiken, A 2 ; Carol Dorr, AT; Eleanore nual High School 1 Mayday. Psi Chi has Gala
Walker, B K ; Mary Gray, B ; Ruth Jenkins, Peed as one of its new initiates and A*A
BT; Mary Alice Burch, B0; Florence Ashley, claims Adria Veleke. In April we are giving
X; Dorothy Miller, XA; Ruth Dresser, A; a fireside and later in May we are going to
Helen Bruno, E ; Jean Lackey, I I ; Rosemary entertain at our semi-formal. We enjoyed
Boardman, P; Jean Dragoo, I ; Margaret Bas- our Easter breakfast a few weeks ago when
kervill, K ; lone Adams, KO; Betty Brad- we invited all our alumna? and several rush
street, K B ; Ellamae Dodds, A; Alice Moblcy guests. One of the features of the morning
Eunghard, N; Mary Virginia McRee, NK; was an egg hunt. Among those receiving Mra
Mary Alice Farr, NO; Edith Cope, fi; Evelyn vitations to Matrix Table, April 4, were Caro-
Ruth. 0; Ruth Sounanstine, Oil; Janice Torre, lyn Writers, Gala Peed, Adria Veleke. Floy
I I ; Estella Von Hagen, ; Catherine Lang, P; Lewis, and Evelyn Krause. We are planning
Jean Kennedy. 2 ; Mary Black, T ; Mary to spend a week-end at Camp Cougar in the
Allen Smith, TA; Janette Fisher, 9 ; Mary Moscow Mountains the latter part of May-
Elizabeth Jones, OH; Margaret Estes, A*.
in t§l
(2 fcLSSf oom
anb on ifyt
Included on the remainder of our all-college the new symphony orchestra that was organ-
social calendar this spring are Mother's Week- ized recently. Alpha Phi Chapter again won
end, Junior Week and High School Conven- the inter-sorority swimming meet. Margaret
tion Week-end. During spring vacation the Herman and Mary Ellen Bielenberg won sec-
Spokane alumna* entertained the visiting actives ond and third individual honors. We also
at a luncheon at the Spokane Hotel. Each won a prize from A. W. S. for paying a spe-
Friday evening Evelyn Krause plays a dinner- cial assessment first. Marjorie Worsdell, who
hour organ recital over Radio Station K \ \ SC. attended school here three years ago, has re-
June 11 finds four seniors graduating: Doris turned this quarter, and we are very glad to
Brawley, Gala Peed, C a r o l y n Wohers and have her with us again. Ethel Sales and Eliz-
Evelyn Krause. As a farewell event the other abeth Pope have accepted positions with the
actives entertained them at a special dinner, Montana Power Company; Ethel is in Butte
and the Pullman alumme gave a luncheon in and Elizabeth is here in Bozeman. Marjorie
honor of the seniors. Neil and Helen Bolton are wearing fraternity
A<I> On February 24 we held initiation, and pins and Margaret Johnson has a diamond.
On Easter day, Marian Warner and Nick Bie-
twelve girls wore their pins to the ban- lenberg passed their candy. Marjorie McKin-
quet which we had for them at the Baxter non has been chosen as one of ten candidates
Hotel. Janet Ralph was pledged to AAA, na- for the all-school queen to be presented at the
tional scholastic honorary for freshman wom- Les Bouffons Ball. Elfrida Lloyd is a candi-
en, and will be initiated soon. April 26 and 27 date for the queen of the Ag Club Ball. Mar-
the "Student Prince" was presented by the ian Warner, our newly elected president, is
college with Marjorie Hungerford in the role Archery Manager, and she has been very busy
of the princess and Jean Carruth in the cho- with all the bow and arrow enthusiasts. High
rus. Helen Thorpe plays the French horn in School Week, held the last of April, was a
34 To DRAG |I
whirlwind of work and fun for many of the retary, Audrey Wiencken Smith ('30) and sp
girls who were chairmen of different commit- sorority presidents were invited. Guests at wi
tees. second dinner included the president of Su
In May we are planning for a tea on Moth- college and his wife, patrons and patroness ('
ers' Day and later in the month we will en- and faculty advisors. Marjory Beeuwkcs (T la
tertain at a dinner in honor of Fathers' Day. was also a visitor at Alpha Rho over the s; lo
Our spring party will be at the 63 Dude Ranch week-end. A number of the girls from Alp' pl
near Livingston, the last week-end in May. Rho attended the Oregon State dance in P H
land in spring vacation, at which several to
A I T Beth Kchlcr attended the annual picnic our rushees were entertained. The Portl M
of Flastdcowo, the college yearbook. Alumna: Chapter gave a formal tea for us, ti
She won the picture offered as prize for the which rushees of both Alpha Sigma and A l _ te
best skit. Beth donated the picture to the chap- Rho Chapters were invited. The annou- lu
ter house. Alpha Pi has begun plans for a ment of the marriage of Margaret Bales o
library. Members and pledges are contribut- Thurston Yocum (211) was a surprise to to
ing volumes. Every Thursday night the mem- chapter. Thev are living in Corvallis at C
bers and pledges hold what we call a "Social South 18 Street. Janice Aikin ("32) a~ o
Problems Parley." We discuss past and pres- Elizabcth Gabler ('33) lived at the cbapt is
ent news and problems of interest. Chapter house for two weeks of winter term while H
elections were held on March 26. The follow- tending a special course in nursery sdv e
ing hold major offices for the coming year: management before their appointments to ' R
Mary Filer, president; Edith Ayers, vice pres- sitions in Oregon. In a campaign at the a
ident; Evaline Rankin, recording secretary; ginning of spring term to encourage paym c
Agnes Goss, treasurer; Sarah Graham, cor- of the optional student body fee. Alpha Onr a
responding secretary. After Easter holidays, cron Pi was the second group to turn in
the chapter house had as its guest Ann Ander- record of 100 per cent student body mcmb S
son Sale, Southern District Superintendent. ship. The Portland Mothers' Club visited e
She was with us from April 5 until April 9. chapter on April 4, driving down to hav V
On April 7 an informal tea was given for luncheon and to spend the afternoon with v
chapter members and pledges. Guests were On Easter Sunday the chapter entertained a id
Mrs. Sale, Dr. Venila Shores, our faculty ad- group of rushees at breakfast, followed by A
viser, and Mrs. Josephine Levy, our house- church. Marie Dew, Thalia Larson and Ma- t
mother. On the morning of April 9 the chap- bel Eidson have dropped out of school but all C
ter gave an informal breakfast for members expect to return next fall. Our newest pledge P
and pledges. The guest was Mrs. Sale. The is Margaret Burns ('36) of Ncwberg, Oregon. a
visit of our Superintendent was a pleasant Jean Allison and Peggy Lehrbach have en- C
privilege. On April 11, 17 and 20 informal tered the inter-house horseshoe tournament, a
rushing teas will be given in the chapter house defending their last year's championship. B
with Alice Porter, Marjorie Carter and Agnes Georgena Samson has been named on the pub- r
Joss in charge. During Easter Holidays an licity committee for Women's Weekend. Al- O
AOII luncheon was given in Lakeland by the thea Bruhl is on the refreshment committee M
city's members and alumnae. Alice Porter has for a rushing tea to be given by 4>X9, national C
been awarded an extra merit star by the F honor society for women in commerce. s
Club for participation in campus activities v
during the past year. Charlotte Cameron led t
the recent campus tennis intermurals. Char- t
lotte and Edith Ayers are in charge of weekly A S Alpha Sigma Chapter won the first all- r
dancing classes sponsored by Cotillion Club, sports plaque ever awarded at the Uni- m
an honorary club for dancing. On April IS versity of Oregon for participation in women's h
the College Glee Club will present a vesper athletics during the last year. The plaque was 9
service. Among its members are: Rosalind presented at W. A. A. banquet in March. We y
Kennedy, Mildred Williams, and Sara Helen are now participating in the baseball and ten- W
Smith. On April 14 the chapter will hold nis tournaments. On March 26 the chapter
open house and an afternoon coffee for Jun- election was held. Our new president, Jean
ior-Senior Prom guests. On April 13 Beth Cook, is a graduate from Kappa Theta Chap-
will be a guest at the banquet of BII0, na- ter ('32). She is taking graduate work in
tional French honorary. Flastacowo will hold French at the University of Oregon. Jean
its annual banquet on April 28. Among the Aiken ('35) was elected vice president; Aud-
guests will be Beth Kehler, Mary Filer, and rey Williams ('35) was elected secretary and
Mary Lee Davis. Alphi Pi will be hostess at Myrna Bartholomew ('35) was elected treas-
a formal dance to be given on the evening of urer. Patricia McKenna ('34) and Ruth
May 5. Mary Carson will represent the chap- Carleton ('36) made the honor roll. One of
ter in the Junior Minstrel to be given during our o u t s t a n d i n g pledges, Man- Margaret
May. Hunt C36), was elected treasurer of W. A. A ,
and vice president of the Physical Education
Qub. Marian Vincent ('34) modeled at the
TAX fashion dance on April 7. E l e a n o r
Coombe ('34) was a member of the Associa**
A P Helen Haller, Treasurer of Alpha Omi- cd Students' Masked ball directorate. Eleanor,
cron P i , was a guest of Alpha Rho as the retiring president of W. A. A . spent
the first two weeks in April in Santa Barbafq
Chapter April 4, 5 and 6. She was honored California, attending the W. A. A. convention
at two dinners, to the first of which the dean
of women, the assistant dean, the dean's sec-
A Y , 1934 35
or the western states. Alpha O led the The following afternoon we held an initiation
pring term pledging for the Oregon campus ceremony at the home of Margaret Carson
ith six pledges—Viola Jensen ('37), Astoria; and on April 4 the installation of the new of-
ue Marshbcrgcr ('37), Portland; Ruth Carle- ficers took place. Out of the goodness of her
on ('36). Springfield; C a t h e r i n e Cochran heart, Margaret lets us use her home, not only
'37), Portland; Helen Cambell ('35). Port- for regular meetings, but for initiations and
and; Pauline Moore ('35), Eugene. We are other occasions as well. Alice Daniels is now
ooking forward to the i n i t i a t i o n of two president of the chapter. His Excellency the
pledges the last part of April, Mary Margaret Governor General and Lady Bessborough vis-
Hunt and Miriam McBride. ited the University during their recent visit to
Vancouver. Our Eleanore again took to the
limelight as she was the only woman student
A T Miriam Dorr received Jane Hastings presented to Their Excellencies at this time.
Scully cup which is awarded each year Kit Tucker of Seattle has been seen here and
there on the campus lately and just a few days
o best all-round pledge. We were glad that ago Carolyn Woltcrs of Pullman visited us.
Mrs. Dorr (P) could come to see Miriam ini- Some of the girls spent the afternoon giving
iated. On March 17 our alumna: in town en- Carolyn a personally supervised sightseeing
ertained actives and pledges at a bridge tour of the campus and town. Exams start
uncheon given at Granville Inn. On April 9, on April 16 and we are wishing ourselves luck.
our president, Mary Estey, formally announced It will probably be news to many of you that
o the chapter her engagement to Joseph Mc- in most of our courses, particularly in the
Clelland. Again Alpha Tau carried away high upper years, the spring final is the only ex-
offices in the spring elections: Lucille Perry amination we have and we are then held re-
s the new W. A . A. president, and Dorothy sponsible for the whole year's work. After
Hartshorn was elected treasurer. Also chos- such an o r d e a l most of us need our five
en lor W. A . A. board were Carol Dorr and months of holiday—which we will be well
Rebecca Mathews. On Y . M. C. A. cabinet started on by the time this magazine comes to
are Vangeline Cook, Dorothy Fuller and L u - hand.
cille Perry. Miriam Dorr, Rebecca Mathews
and Lucille Perry are members of Women's
Student Government council. Rebecca Math-
ews is to be our new Alpha Tau president and B $ In the last month Beta Phi has been
Vangeline Cook was chosen by chapter for quite active, having had our spring for-
vice president Rebecca Mathews will be pres-
dent for the Panhellenic Council. At a W. mal at the chapter house and our State Dance
A. A . banquet eight of our freshmen were at the Indianapolis Athletic Qub. The spring
taken into W. A A . : Helen Barbour, Jean formal was very lovely, the house being dec-
Carle, Lucille Goodman, Dorothy Lea Pratt, orated with spring flowers. Lela Scott was
Phyllis Taber, Nellie Reader, Ruth Klingstedt head of the Social Committee. The State
and Marie Dray. Also Edith Breining and Luncheon and Dance, sponsored by the Indi-
Carol Dorr received their final W. A. A. anapolis Alumna: Chapter, was splendid. Our
award, the College "D." Second Vice President, Mrs. Drummond, was
our guest of honor. She gave us a very in-
teresting talk about the work done in the Ken-
tucky mountains. Honorary awards were pre-
B K A great many things hapj>cn here dur- sented and Beta Phi again won the scholarship
ing the spring term. I have space to pitcher, which is awarded annually at the State
Luncheon. Martha Qevcnger won the Schol-
record only those happenings in which Alpha arship pin, awarded by Beta Phi, to the girl
O's were concerned, however. Every year the making the highest grades. Our greatrst thrill
Musical Society of the University of British this month was the election of Lela Scott as
Columbia produces a musical comedy. This the Indiana University 1934 Prom Queen. The
spring the society chose Gilbert and Sulli- Prom, held Friday, April 13, had Hal Kemp's
van's "Mikado" and our Eleanore Walker was orchestra. Lela was lovely in white, with an
to be seen at the University Theatre during ostrich feather cape. Martha Qevcnger made
the last week in February, in the well known Freshman Mortar Board recognition. Eliza-
role of Katisha. Lois Sanderson was also a beth Garbcr made the Women's University
member of the cast. The Spring Formal was Swimming Team. The girls represented in the
held at the Quilchena Golf Qub on March 1934 Arbutus Beauty Contest are Anita Simp-
9 and was even more of a success than last son and Louise Willard. The judge will be
year's party. On the evening of March 15, the Hoagic Carmichcal, Indiana alumnus. Newly
Women's Athletic Association held its annual elected officers are: president, Anna K. Green-
banquet in the cafeteria. As president of this await ; vice president, Mary Gray; recording
organization, Dorothy Rennie was a very com- secretary, Catharine Edwards; corresponding
petent chairman. Eleanore is always acting as secretary, Ruth Thompson; treasurer, Eliza-
hostess at something or other and, on the beth Garber; rush captains, Lela Scott, and
afternoon of the same day, the Faculty Wom- Alice Baylor; historian-correspondent, Catha-
en's Qub was entertained at tea in one of the rine Edwards.
charmingly furnished women's common rooms.
Saturday, March 17, Mrs. Davis entertained at
luncheon for the seniors in the chapter. The
six of us who hope to graduate arc very grate- B T The last week in February, a very suc-
ful for a very enjoyable luncheon and a pleas- cessful play, "The Torch Bearers." was
ant afternoon before Helen's cozy fireplace.
presented at Hart House Theatre, by the Fac-
ulty of Dentistry of the University of Toron- and woke everyone with disbpans. Mildred
to. The leading role, Mrs. Pampinelli, was McDuff was elected to the W. A. A. Board as
played very capably by Margaret Cowan. manager of dancing. Florence Ashley was on
Margaret has the distinction of being one of the committee for the Military Ball of W.
the three girls in the Faculty of Dentistry and A. A. The pledges were given a formal din-
the only girl in her year. On March 9, Beta ner in February. Mary Pepitone was promot-
Tau held its annual formal dance at the Gran- ed on the Daily Orange. VVe were so glad to
ite Club. Many novel ideas were carried out have Mrs. Anderson visit us. She attended
in the way of p r o g r a m s and dance num- the alumna' luncheon and returned in time for
bers. Receiving the guests were Mrs. N. Bol- initiation. She gave a splendid sjteech at the
ton. Mrs. H . Cowan, Billie Bolton, Beta Tau's banquet that gave us a message we'll long re-
alumna adviser and her president, Margaret member. An alumna of Epsilon Chapter at-
Christilaw. Among the alumna; from out of tended, Miss Frances Meisse. who also spoke a
town who attended were Mr. and Mrs. E . K. few words.
Motes, and Mr. and Mrs. Monoghan of Ham- X A Eleanor Lloyd and Arloa McCanne were
ilton, Alice Grant of Ottawa and Isobel Fraser
of Tottenham. On the afternoon of March recently initiated into IZIl, honorary
17, the Mothers' Club of Beta Tau entertained chemical fraternity. Eleanor has also been
the chapter at a tea and musicale at the charm- pledged to K E , honorary pharmaceutical fra-
ing home of Mrs. Christilaw on Burnside ternity. Alice VVolter, our president, was
Drive. The tea table was gay with St. Pat- chairman of the High School Conference of
rick decorations and music was rendered by the Girls' Athletic Association of Colorado
the Misses Veale and by Billie Bolton. Those which was held for two days at Boulder. We
attending enjoyed a delightful afternoon. The entertained nine of the visiting girls at the
chapter elections took place March 19. The house. Betty Kittle, who also was on the com-
newly elected president is Margaret Cowan mittee for the conference, is in charge of the
with Elinor Doherty as a very able vice presi- Spring Fry given by VV.A.A. on May 12.
dent. Doris Christilaw will be To DKA<;MA Eileen Hayward gave a novelty dance in the
correspondent and Beta Tau is president this annual Woman's League Vaudeville given
year of the T o r o n t o Panhelleuic League. April 2. Our Spring Formal dance will be held
April 14 is the date set for a luncheon to be May 26, at the chapter house. The pledges are
held at the Good Companions Tea Room in entertaining the actives and their dates at a
honor of the six members who graduate this Fry in Left Hand Canyon Saturday evening,
year. Guests of honor are Margaret Giristi- April 14. We are practicing very hard for
law, Mary Willson, Helen McLennan, Made- intramural baseball, and hope to win the cup.
line Coyne. Margaret McHattie and Margaret A Delta was well represented in class elec-
Hill. Our new pledge, Phyllis Morgan, is a
member of the faculty of law. tions this year. Among the freshmen was
B 0 Rosemary Rocap has been pledged to F.milie Farnsworth, treasurer; Audrey Moran,
marshal; and Jean Barker, All-around Club
KAII, educational honorary. May day representative. Our sophomore officers were
at Butler this year will represent Mayday in Ruth Miller, president, and Martha Hender-
England. There will be two queens—the May son. historian. In the junior class, Babs Mac-
queen and Queen Elizabeth of England. Mary lean was elected secretary and Hazel Mac*
Alice Burch has been selected to have the role Carthy. marshal. The seniors are Phyllis
of Queen Elizabeth. Mary Alice is also play- Howard, secretary, Geraldine Goldthwaite, All-
ing the part of Lady Sneerwell in "School for around Club representative, and Kay Ecke,
Scandal," major production of Thespis, dra- marshal and Tree Orator for Commencement.
matic society. Virginia Sheely was a cigarette Helen Christian has been elected chairman of -
girl at the Indianapolis Panhelleuic dance. the Senior Banquet Committee. Beatrice Capi-
Frances and Marian Messick have been work- delupo C33) was married to Dick Valenti on
ing on the Drift staff (junior year book). February 18.
Mary Alice has been chosen to represent the
Butler I'anhellenic Association at a meeting of
Indiana Universities to be held at DePauw A'1* Cornelia Howling has been initiated into
University on April 21. Our pledges will en- XA4>, an honorary literary society. She
tertain with their annual pledge dance, May
4, at the Avalon Country Club. also received a letter in athletics and was ini-
X Out* initiation week-end was fun. VVe had tiated into K2K, an honorary service frater-
nity. Other new members of K S K are Car-
the wonderful luck of having Mrs. An- olyn Smith. Grace Winchrenner, Alyne Mc-
derson with us. The banquet was held in the Neil, Gertrude McDonald and Margaret
Onondaga Hotel after the initiation. The ini- Estes. Carolyn was pledged to ^AIT. Spanish
tiates and speakers had corsages. The theme honorary. Grace was bid to the honorary ed-
of the banquet was the Alpha Omicron Pi ucation club. Eulee Lide has been initiated
Court. Two engagements were announced: into the Damas Club, a social organization,
Lucille DeWitt ('31), who gave the house a and she will be in the beauty contest on April
silver plate, and Dorothy Liddle C35), who 11 in which the May Queen is selected. Mar-
gave us a five-pound box of candy. Sunday garet Niggel, a pledge, is also in the beaut)'
morning the sophomores made the breakfast contest. Gertrude ami Alyne were on the
Dean's List and Alyne received a letter tor
athletics. One of the seven people in the uni*jl
MAY, 1934 37
Versify to make a straight A average is Ruth women's editor of the Collegian, campus news-
Carter. This is not the first time that Ruth paper, and Betty Frear was made junior as-
has accomplished this feat. She, too, has a sistant editor of the Freshman Handbook staff.
letter in athletics. Margaret Estes has recently Janet Beman was awarded the Louise Carne-
announced her engagement to C. Lee Ship- gie Scholarship, while Frances Laubach, Dor-
ton, a senior at Southern Lutheran Theologi- othy Jeter, and Betty Frear were appointed
cal Seminary. The wedding will take place in junior class baseball manager, sophomore class
June and the couple will live in Richfield, track manager, and women's golf manager,
North Carolina, where Mr. Shipton has ac- respectively. Enid Stage, who recently played
cepted a pastorate. Mrs. Sale, our District Su- in Players' production of Tolstoy's "Redemp-
perintendent, is visiting us. A banquet on tion," is now rehearsing for the leading roles
April 10 honored her and Ruth Carter, a new in "Three Cornered Moon" and "Mrs. Moon-
initiate. Eulee Lide visited the Atlanta Alum- light," to be presented in May. Elizabeth
na? Chapter during the Easter holidays. Her Lewis and Frances Laubach were elected to
sister, Valree, is a member of that chapter. membership in #21; national Romance Lan-
guages honorary.
E At a recent W.S.G.A. Mass meeting Cornell
co-eds held a fashion show between elec- H Hazel Kramer has been broadcasting
tions. Helen Fagan, our chapter president, over W H A , and has entertained at 770
was the announcer. She introduced and de- Club, journalism banquet, engineers' banquet,
scribed the dresses. Adele MacDonald mod- and VV'.S.G.A. fashion show. She has been
elled several dresses in such a commendable awarded a Cardinal key, taken part in two
way that it is said that she was the best model Wisconsin Players productions, worked in Kil-
in the show. At this same meeting Dorothea larney Kapers to benefit student loan fund,
Ferguson was elected to Mortar Board. She and has been a member of Glee Club. She has
is on the Woman's Editorial Board of the also participated in D-X programs given by
Cornell Daily Sun; and is a member of Raven university students. Charlotte Goedde will
and Serpent, junior honorary society. Jean give a tango exhibition at 770 Club in connec-
Maloney and Janet Stallman represented tion with Military Ball. She has been ap-
AOII in the Sorority Contract Bridge tourna- pointed mechanics rushing chairman on Pan-
ment, and won their division. They must now helleuic Council for next year, has a lead in
play for first place. A picture in the Cornel- "Catigados y Contentos," a Spanish play soon
jian Council Bulletin of the Cornell W omen's to be presented, and is a candidate for 2AII.
Ski Club included Margaret Kincaid, Virginia honorary Spanish fraternity. She was in a
Lauder, and Doris Struss. Among the cap- style show for teachers' convention and will
tains of Cornell women's 1934 athletic teams attend Matrix banquet. Romance Cowgill is
(picture also appearing in the Cornellian working on Wisconsin players, Cardinal,
Council Bulletin) are Louise Dawdy, captain WHA weekly radio programs of the Wiscon-
of the Rifle team, and Ruth Harder, captain.of sin College of the Air, and is assistant direc-
the Lacrosse team. Ruth Sharp, who is a tor of the Studio Club presentation, "An
student in the College of Agriculture and an Enemy of the People." She was also in the
active member of the Round Up Club, took W.S.G.A. fashion tea. Evelyn Keck is work-
part in the Students' Livestock Show held ing on the finance drive for Parents' Week-
during Farm and Home Week at Cornell. She end, took part in the University style
won the Guernsey showman championship show, and is participating in Y.W.C.A. work.
with a Guernsey heifer, which she fitted and June Schroeder is president of Outing Club,
trained for the show. Ruth was made Reserve publicity chairman for Women's Field day,
Grand Champion showman of Dairy Cattle, manager of Archery Club, Women's Sports
and she was also Reserve Champion Hereford editor for Cardinal, publicity chairman for
Showman. Angela Donnelly Hemingway, who VV.A.A., member of varsity hockey team,
graduated and was married last year, is a rep- chairman of Physical Education Club ban-
resentative for Balfour, and has been spend- quet, intramural manager for Ann Emery Hall,
ing some time at the AOII house on The Knoll participant in Dolphin Club |«geant, treasurer
while she has been busy with the delivery of of Outing Club, and publicity chairman for
the Cornell rings. Edith Huntington Anderson Killarney Kapers. Margaret Heinecke works
visited us several days. Monday we had a on Y.W.C.A., Presbyterian student activities,
formal meeting, Tuesday a tea, and Tuesday and Cardinal Society. Ann Saunders has been
night she talked to the officers. initiated into 2A, an art sorority. Margaret
Olsen is now a Girl Scout leader. Florence
Hubbard is chairman of the reception com-
mittee at the annual Presbyterian student cen-
E A This month, beginning with the election ter banquet. Grace and Helen Marck have
of Frances Christine, F,velyn Lewis, Eliz- been active in Pythia, one of the campus lit-
erary societies. Grace took part in the
abeth Lewis, and Rosamond Raines to 4>K«I', W.S.G.A. fashion tea. Jane Billyeald partici-
has given Epsilon Alpha Chapter cause for cel- pates in the Euthenics Club and is a member
< luatioii. Polly Esbenshadc and Mary Elliston of honorary freshman sorority. Vema
were elected to OX, Home Economics honor-
ary; Emma Rubinkam, Edna Rosenberger, and
Jean Beman to Ellen H. Richards Club, Home
Economics honorary; and Carolyn Gromel, Fossum will be in the tango exhibition to be
Edna Oglevee, Enid Stage, and Selena Wun- held at Military Ball. Helen Clarke is make-
derlich to Les Sabreurs, national fencing hon- up director at the University theatre Mer-
orary. Ruth Koehler was appointed junior ceina Weiss is a member of the basketball
board, junior women's basketball team, and a To DRAGMA
member of W. A. A. She is chairman of
Field day food committee, and is defending usher at "Beyond the Horizon," another Mask
her title in the mixed doubles tennis tourna- and Bauble production. Eleanor Hochn and
ment. Carol Schmitt is doing graduate work Dorothy Brunswick participated in the W. A.
and going to vocational school. Eleanor Arps A. carnival. Eleanor is swimming manager
is in the Commerce club and YAV.C.A. Amy for W. A. A. Eight AOII's were invited
Chisholm is a member of Castalia literary so- to attend the annual O S * Matrix Table at
ciety, secretary of contacts committee for which Miss Fanny Butcher spoke. They in-
Parents weekend, is active in Commerce club cluded Ruth Ferguson, Hedvic Lenc, Katheryn
and Bradford club. Jean Lackey had charge Huxtable, Catherine McCorc, Helen Murphy,
of the recent W.S.G.A. fashion tea skits and Katheryn Graham, Jean Dragoo, and Betty
costumes. The W.S.G.A. tried a fashion tea Ross. Jean was a member of the tickets com-
mittee for the banquet.
for the first time. It was not a commercialized
affair, but an attempt to display suitable K May Court elections were held in Febru-
clothes for coeds at all occasions. The skits ary. Ruby Reed, Edith Christain, and
were given as a burlesque on the evolution Margaret Martin are in the court. The night
of clothes from Adam and Eve to our pres- before May Day the senior minstrel will be
ent times—the nudist colony. She is in charge given. Ruby Reed is one of the four endmcn,
of the Women's Chorus and Band spring nov- and Marie Askew and Addie Cunningham
elties concert, working on Wisconsin Players, have important parts. Ruby Reed will play the
participating in the mixed doubles tennis tour- part of Hermes in the Greek play, "Prome-
nament, E»-X radio programs, "Sweethearts" theus Bound." Roberta Gordon and Lucia
operetta, Pythia, Wisconsin College of the Air Desha are in the chorus. In the dance recital
weekly programs, debate, publicity for Brad- recently Rub}- Reed danced a solo. Other
ford Club and Glee Club, 770 Club entertain- members of the chapter in dances were: Sally
ments. Cardinal features, society, and poetry, Sackett, Nancy Gates, Helen Grinnan, Anne
and will attend Matrix banquet. The basket- Bundick, and Lida Stokes ('33). Mary Vir-
ball team worked up to the semi-finals. The ginia Barnes has recently been elected presi-
line-up was as follows: Knell, Saunders, dent of the Student Body Association for
Billyeald, Lackey, Tomek, Hall, and Weiss. next year. She was also elected president of
The baseball team will begin practice for in- the Southern Intercollegiate Association of
ter-sorority baseball. Student Governments (S. I . A. S. G.) at the
last meeting. Mary Hurt was elected Chair-
man of the Judiciary Committee of Randolph-
r At the annual Vodvil Night first prize was Macon, and Lucia Desha, treasurer of the
awarded to AOIT for presenting the best act Y . W. C. A. Before the last school dance the
of all of the sororities. Lucinda Ripley has chapter had an open house for the chapter
been chosen chairman of the Big Sister Coun- members and their dates which proved very
cil for the year. On April 5, we initiated thir- successful. Six of our pledges were initiated
teen girls. A banquet followed the services. in February. Nancy Gates has been elected
Seventy couples attended our formal dance at president of the chapter, Mary Hurt vice pres-
Orono Town Hall on April 6. ident and Sally Sackett rushing chairman.
I Arnieta Meislahn and Rae Reed will lead K O On February 26 following a lovely ban-
the activities of Iota Chapter during the quet four of our pledges were welcomed
next year, having been chosen president and into the bonds of AOIT. Elizabeth Harvey was
vice president, respectively, at the annual elec- awarded the ring which is presented each year
tion. Arnieta has also been honored by elec- to the best pledge by the former wearer. Ella
tion to the presidency of 2A4>. Mary Court- Kate Malone ('34) was elected Miss South-
right was elected to the office of junior rep- western and was also chosen Queen of the
resentative to Woman's League. Kathryn April Fool Carnival. This is the second year
Graham was elected to membership in 4BK, Ella Kate has had both of these honors and
and Eleanor Dolch was initiated into AAA. Kappa Omicron is very proud' of her. Mary
Lois Davis is chairman of the Illinois Union Allie Taylor ('33) was elected best dressed
bowling week, chairman of the publicity com- girl in school and Betsy O'Brien ('36) was
mittee for the Terrapin Water carnival, and second in the beauty contest. Mary Allie was
a member of the costume committee for "Add- also Co-Editor of the Co-Ed edition of the
ing Machine," Mask and Bauble production. Sou'wester, the weekly school paper, and Betsy
Charlotte McGlade and Alice Duval are was on the staff. The pledges entertained the
working on the business staff of the Ittio. actives with an attractive kid party at the
Alice has been chosen for membership on the lodge on March 17. Teresa Lilly ('36) was
YAV.C.A. freshman cabinet, and she is a mem- recently elected our president for the coming
ber of the reception committee for the year and under her capable leadership we are
YAV.C.A. style show. Florine Petri will be looking forward to a happy and successful
a member of the YAV.C.A. cabinet next year. year. Clay Faulhaber is president of the
Florine is tickets chairman for the Y show. Spanish Club, and she is busy now directing
Edith Lang and Evelyn Howard were mem- a Spanish play to be presented soon. We were
bers of the properties committee for "Adding all very sorry that Peggy Walker ('35) and
Machine." Edith is also on the reception com- Eva Gene Bruce ('36) stopped school in Feb-
mittee for the Y show. Betty Ross was prop- ruary. Eva Gene has just returned from a
erty head for "Adding Machine," and she will Mediterranean cruise. Mrs. Drummond, our
MAY, 1934 McElwain ('34), and Helen Born ('34) acted
Second Vice President, spent April 3 and 4 in as hostesses at a tea given by the Associated
Memphis. Her visit was an inspiration to us Students of Stanford in honor of a visiting
and we hated to see her leave. On April 3 all-star British Columbia rugby team, and
Mrs. Drummond initiated Betty Jane Bloom- again when the Alpha O Mothers' Club en-
pot ('37). At present we are busy making tertained the Stanford Mothers' Club at an
plans for our annual benefit bridge party. afternoon tea. Martha Springer ('35) also
K B A lovely initiation breakfast followed acted as a hostess at the latter event. Marion
the sunrise ceremony, at which the was a member of the Y . W. C. A. nominating
committee, and Louise, with Harriett Pills-
speakers were Marjorie Gilmor and Charlese bury ('33) acted as model at a fashion show
Pepper. Elizabeth Cain was chosen the best given at one of Palo Alto's leading theaters.
all-round pledge. Installation of officers was Lela Blanche Coe ('34) is teaching algebra
conducted April 2: for president, Lucille Bur- at Sequoia High_ School during afternoons, is
beck; vice president, Ruth Oberg; recording acting as coach in German, and is a member
secretary, Harriet Hinds; corresponding sec- of the Stanford choir. Elizabeth Camm ('34)
retary, Marjorie Alice Lenz; assistant, Fran- has just been appointed to the board of di-
ces Kildahl; treasurer, Stella Wilhelm; house rectors of Reins and Ribbons, a riding club,
manager, Betty Hampton; rush chairman, and is considered one of the chief threats in
Sally Culver; social chairman, Beverly Street- the women's ladder tennis tournament. Other
er; correspondent to To DRAGMA, Frances members of Lambda active in tennis circles
Sheeler. On April 14, Beverly Streeter was who are competing in the women's ladder ten-
in charge of an informal dance at the chap- nis tourney include Janet Turner ('36), and
ter house. Spring vacation saw the Kappa two pledges, Sallie Taber ('37), and Helen
Theta's enjoying a house party at Betty Spi- Hannah ('35). Janet is also a member of the
netta's beach home at Balboa. Marjorie Alice publications staff of the Quad, Stanford's
Lenz was recently initiated into AXA (jour- yearbook. Eleanor Cross ('35) has been
nalistic honorary). She justly deserves this named publicity director for interdepartmental
new honor, due to her fine work on the Daily seminars, and Virginia Blair ('35) is a mem-
Bruin, the Southern Campus, and the Claw. ber of the Y . W. C . A . hostess committee.
Rushing is being carried on at the present time Josephine (Judy) Wilson ('34), who was away
under the very able direction of Sally Culver, on a leave of absence last quarter, has returned
who has some very original ideas for attrac- to school, and Eunice Force ('33), former
tive affairs. The active chapter is joining with Lambda president, was graduated in March.
the Mothers' Club in holding a benefit bridge
tea on April 28 to raise money to complete Ellamae Dodds ('34) takes Eunice's place as
Lambda's new president. Juanita Dall ('35),
furnishing the upstairs. after registering for the spring quarter, has
withdrawn from school and taken a leave of
absence to sail for Europe on the Empress of
A With initiation set for May 12, Lambda is Britain on April 27. Juanita has been a mem-
planning to give her spring formal that ber of the sophomore class service committee.
week-end in honor of the new initiates. A se-
ries of Sunday night supper dances throughout
the quarter will also have as guests of honor
the pledges and new initiates. Such a series N Ruth Glidden will be Nu's president;
during the past two quarters has proved very Grace Tessier will assist her as vice presi-
successful, and especially popular with the fra-
ternity men invited. On March 6 Lambda dent • Aina Almen will take charge of the
played hostess to her favorite faculty mem- financial affairs of the chapter; Dorothy Gui-
bers, and to families and friends of members dier will be the recording secretary, and
at a formal reception in the evening honoring Peggy Caleson will have charge of rush-
our housemother, Mrs. Alma Halverson. Fol- ing. March brought us the announcement of
lowing the reception, the doors were thrown the marriage of one of our members, Alice
open to the men of the campus and informal Mobley, to Carl Lunghard (ZN), a mathe-
dancing was enjoyed. As the year progresses, matics instructor in Washington Square Col-
the list of activities in which Lambda's mem- lege. They were married on February 7 dur-
bers are participating continues to grow. An- ing the mid-year vacation period. Alice is
back again to finish her work in June. Muriel
na Louise Aynesworth ('34) had a major part Shanley, one of our pledges, has announced
in the University dance drama given last her wedding plans for April 14 at Sayville,
quarter, has been appointed to the senior com- New York. Muriel will become the bride of
mittee for Announcements and Programs, and Allen John Hoost, and she too will be grad-
has been named a member of the benefit com- ated in June. Maxine Bracker (Education)
mittee of Cap and Gown, Stanford's Mortar and Marjorie Frenlon (Washington Square)
Board. Anna Louise has just completed a are being congratulated on having received an
very successful year as president of the Uni- A average during the first semester of this
versity Y . W. C . A . Ellamae Dodds ('34) has year. Plans are practically completed for the
been made a hostess on the senior reception Intersorority Ball which will be held on June
committee to receive and entertain visiting 2 at Sherry's, and which, as it always has been,
speakers, and has been appointed to two com- will be an elaborate function. Money is be-
mittees investigating the problem of sororities ing raised for national philanthropic work by
on the Stanford campus and compiling a list raffling an electric clock on May 7. We do
of the advantages which the Row affords over hope that whatever we raise will be a large
dormitory life. Louise Ruggles ('34), Marion
enough sum to express our feelings towards Carothers and Lucille Bailey had minor parts.
this work. Lucille played the part of Millie in "The
N K Charlotte Yoss Kearney. Southern Dis- Trap," a freshman dramatics production;
trict Superintendent, visited Nu Kappa Nancy Carmcan was property mistress. \ \ ith
the help of the Dayton Alumna?, Ruth (Shat-
on April 9 and 10. We entertained with a snider) Haas and Ruth (Cox) Segar, the
supper for her at the sorority room on the senior council made nominations. Ruth Haas
ninth and a tea to which representatives of took charge of elections. On March 28 we
other sororities were invited on the tenth. had installations of the officers for next year,
Following initiation in March, a banquet was who are: president, Lois Stringfellow; vice
held at which the Easter motive was carried president, Gwendolyn Williams; treasurer,
out. Ruth D'Arline was presented with the Edith Cope; correspondent to To DKAHMA,
scholarship plaque which is given each year Helen Leon; social chairman, Julia Fisher;
to the pledge having the highest average. Nu recording secretary. Eva Spieler; correspond-
Kappa has been quite active in athletics this ing secretary, Irene Wildermuth; assistant
year. We were second in our league in bas- corresponding secretary, Isabelle Clark; study
ketball, and we are now going out for tennis, plan officer, Emily Corlett; historian, Susan
baseball, and archery. Mabel Robb, Margaret Jane Hughey; doorkeeper, Jeanette Cenfield;
Tallichet, Irma Sigler, and Laurelle Ray are ru^h captain, Alberta (Bodee) Neiswonger;
on the tennis team. The following officers and her assistant, Martha Ascham. The Day-
were recently elected: Mable Robb, president; ton Alumna? Chapter is planning to entertain
Reba Browne, vice president; Winona Blaine, us in the near future. This year the spring
corresponding secretary; May Carroll, record- formal will be on May 19 in the Brant ball-
ing secretary; Floellcn Field, treasurer; Dor- room at Oxford College. We are looking for-
othy Browne and Laurelle Ray, co-rush cap- ward to welcoming many alumna? and as many
tains. Carroll Berly (pledge '35) was one of members of Oil and A T Chapters as can come
the contestants for the "Sweetheart of S.M.U." at that time.
for the Texas "Round-Up." In the annual
Powder and Patches show, the annual inter-
sorority show, AO II was represented by 0 Officers who will direct chapter affairs
Frances Rand, Carroll Berly, and Catherine next year are as follows: Evelyn Roth,
president; Betty Lord, vice president; Bessie
Mitchell, recording secretary; Delia Peet, cor-
responding secretary; Dorothy Smith, treas-
NO Nu Omicron has just had the loveliest urer; June Bayless, I'anhellenic delegate;
visit from Man- Dee Drummond ( A * ) . Emogene Francisco, historian-reporter; Vivian
Gies, scholarship officer; Margaret Lyman,
She was only here a day but every member study plan officer; Katherine Badgett. libra-
enjoyed it thoroughly. We were all very sorry rian ; Katherine Crowe, social service chair-
that she could not stay longer and arc hoping man ; Ella Dudney, doorkeeper. The alumna?
for another visit from her soon. Mary Eleanor advisory committee is comj>osed of hay Mor-
Rodenhouser was elected Junior Prom Queen gan, chairman, Elizabeth Walker Bailey and
at Vandy. This was quite an honor inas- Beverly Baumann Kohlhase, associates. Bessie
much as every girl who attended the dances Mitchell was chosen Queen of Hearts for the
was eligible. Election of officers was recently Engineers' Ball at the University and along
held and we are all pleased as can be that with the three other Queens reigned supreme
Winn Ownbey is to be our president for the during festivities of the annual Ace Day held
next year. Installation of the new officers in April. Ten of our twelve pledges made the
will take place at sunrise Sunday morning, required scholarship average and arc eligible
April 22, at Percy Warner Park. Rehearsals for initiation, which will be held April 20
for Coed Stunt Night, an annual show at at the home of Emily Mahan (Ex. '33), fol-
Yandy, are keeping everyone busy now. The lowed by a banquet at the Cherokee Country
theme is to be Love Among the Nations. We Club. A large number of the alumna? will
drew Italy. Winn Ownbey is business man- join with us for the occasion. The cup
ager of the entire organization. Eloise Robin- awarded to the most outstanding pledge will
son is our sorority chairman and Nita Lanier be presented to June Bayless. One of the fea-
is property manager. Xu Omicron won the tures of the spring social calendar was a "kid
consolation cup in the inter-sorority basketball party" tendered the actives by the pledges at
tournament. Every sorority has a good team the home of Emogene Francisco. Yarina
and the games were all hard fought. We Mayo, one of the pledges who was absent dur-
feel very proud of our cup.
Plans are being made for the celebration of ing the second quarter owing to the illness and
our local Founders' Da}-, which is April 27. subsequent death of her father, Mr. Dale
Mayo (brother of I-aura Swift Mayo Jer-
nagin, '11), has reentered the LIniversity this
Q Following our initiation we had a formal quarter. Lucille Inman, a pledge of last year,
banquet at the New England Kitchen. also came back to school the third quarter and
has been repledged. Our baseball team de-
Although Isabelle Clark is only a junior in feated AAA in the tournament, due largely to
the School of Education, she is now a mem- the fine pitching of Betty Stewart and we have
ber of 4>BK. Bettie Hanson was elected sec- high hopes that our athletes, despite broken
retary of the Y.W.C.A. for 1934-35. Our new fingers and sprained ankles, will continue their
Combus initiate is Susan Jane Hughey. In good showing both on the diamond and in the
the recent production of "The Taming of the
Shrew" by Ye Merrie Players, Mary Jane
MAY, 1934 41
track meet which closes the intra-mural pro- •p Lois Lippitt was chosen as one of the
gram for the year. beauty queens in the junior class. Ruth
Pyle had charge of the choruses in the uni-
versity musical comedy, "Hilarities of 1934,"
OIT As the end of the school year draws and Eleanor Massman was a member of the
to a close, activities of O i l increase. chorus. Phi Chapter entertained some of the
faculty members and also their patrons and
First of all. election of officers presented Mary patronesses at a lovely dinner, Thursday,
Alice Emmett, who was pledged to O Chapter, March 21. The new officers for the coming
and has been active here for the past two year are as follows: president. Ruth Pyle;
years, as our president for the next year. We vice president, Duane Coe; corresponding sec-
feel she is worthy of the position filled so retary, Yelma Markham; assistant correspond-
capably by Helen Gray, who together with
Joan Barnette and Francis Hines will grad- ing secretary, Lois Lippitt; treasurer, Mar-
uate in June. Joan's name made an apj>ear- garet Schwartz; historian-editor to To
ance in a recent student publication, the DsAGMAj Rachel Shetlar; doorkeeper, Imogene
B.M.O.C. Bluebook (which also included Beamer; and song leader, Yelma Markham.
B.W.O.C.). Billie Griffiths, vice president of Phi was very proud to have two girls in the
Comedy Club, was also honored. As a blues Honors Convocation; Elizabeth Hinshaw,
singer in the night club scene of Junior Girls' who made 4>BK, and Margaret Schwartz, a
Play, she was a success. Harriet Oleksiuch sophomore, who made fifteen hours of A.
as a "High Yaller Gal" was startling in a
gown of purple and red, while Stella and
Delta Glass made lively doctors, efficiently EI "Comus" was a great success and every-
assisted by Virginia Matthews as a nurse. body remarked how well Virginia Freret
Eleanor Health appeared as a scrubwoman
and "mug." Dorothy Dorsey, our transfer played the title role. We predict many such
triumphs for her in the future. Quite a few
AOn's took part in the song and dance
graduate student from O H Chapter, made choruses, which helped to make the masque
ITAO, honorary education sorority. In the an effective production. We chose Halcyon
field of athletics, Betty Evans and Joan Barn- Colomb to be the president of our chapter
ette were offered positions on class basketball next year. However, the AOII's are not the
teams—senior and sophomore respectively. only girls with whom she is popular. At a
Pat Woodward, who is as good at studies as recent study body election Halcyon was se-
on the rifle range, made a perfect score re- lected to serve as Newcomb Campus Night
cently. Twin Polly has been named woman Chairman, or mistress of ceremonies at the
editor of the Freshman Handbook. Among monthly entertainments given by the students
our freshmen, Betty Miller has been given a of Tulane and Newcomb. Elizabeth Scales,
committeeship for the Freshman Project, given an A O I I daughter, was elected president of
by girls of the freshman class. The house next year's sophomore class. Mary Elba Mar-
itself has been busy entertaining. The shall fulfilled our hopes for her by being
Bowery Ball, an annual affair, was attended elected to 4>HK Abby Ray's cheer-leading
by sixty couples and proved to be very realistic must have pleased the student body, for she
as to costumes and settings. Another lovely was reelected as head cheerleader for next
affair was the formal dinner, at which five year. Glendy Culligan, one of Newcomb's
of our patronesses were entertained. Later in most brilliant varsity debaters, delivered sev-
the year, the traditional spread was given by eral debates in her witty and unusual manner.
the senior girls of the house for junior mem- Mildred Shaw was one of the few girls chosen
bers of the Junior Girls Play. Freshmen and to particij>ate in a rhythmic design dance,
sophomore women were very much excluded. which was one of the highlights of the Gym
Night program. The active chapter came
As a fitting conclusion to initiation week-end second in scholastic average this year. Our
we entertained actives and new initiates with charity ball for the benefit of the Kentucky
a banquet. Each new member was presented Frontier Nursing Service was very successful.
with a sheaf of red roses by her sorority One of the most amusing fund-raising event>
"mother." Welcoming talks were given by of the evening was a novelty "cake walk"
Helen Gray ('34), Mary Alice Emmett ('35), staged by the alumna? in which the participants
and Ruth Sonnanstine ('36), as representatives walked around in a circle, constructed like a
of their classes. Harriet Oleksiuch responded. raffle wheel, to win a cake. Our other dances
Among Oil's alumna? to whom attention has have all been most enjoyable also, and we are
been directed of late, we find Margaret planning to give a house party on the Gulf
Bourke-White, quite a famous photographer, Coast in the near future.
and one of whose works appeared on tin-
cover of the Gargoyle, campus humor maga-
zine. Marian VanTuyl, of Chicago, enter- I I A For variety this year we had a costume
tained Ann Arbor writh a dance recital late dance for our spring formal. The Uni-
in the winter, and was enthusiastically re-
ceived. Her work has been spreading in fame versity of Maryland sponsored an evening of
and it is with pride that our chapter claims general entertainment called All-University
her as an alumna. Another Chicagoite is Night. A goodly number of IIA's appeared
Billie Johnson ('33) who was prominent in on the program. Theda Wonders starred in a
campus dramatic circles, and who has re- trio which sang popular songs. Flora Wald-
cently been playing the lead in a presentation man, Ruth Summerville, Betty Weaver, Jean
at the Studebaker Theatre. Mitchell, Eunice and Betty Miller, Virginia
Connor, and Katherine Terhune were among
4 2 To Dk\< MA
the dancers. Sarah Louise Short, our presi- Professor in Love," given in Irvine Audito-
dent, has proved herself a campus leader and rium. Frances Hadley, our retiring president
was featured as such in the Diamondback, our who will graduate in June, and Estella Von
weekly newspaper. She is secretary of Pan- Hagen will be ladies of the court in the color-
hellenic Association. "Sue" has concentrated ful pageant of May Day. We were pleased
most of her time and attention on the Foot- to have as house guests recently Margaret
light Club, of which she is secretary. She has Borland, Kay Roberts, Ruth Pabst, and Edna
had parts in "Hurry-Up Love," "Holiday," Lowe from E A Chapter at Pennsylvania State.
and "Berkeley Square." Her newest role is We feel that we just must say how beautiful
the lead in our spring production of "A the McCausland Scholarship Cup is; it is a
Murder Has Been Arranged." Our pledges goal and an inspiration and we are going to
entertained us with an original play for in- work hard to retain it.
formal initiation which included some song
and dance numbers by Theda Wonders, Carol
Hutchison, and Virginia Terry. Each pledge P Alice Eichhorn ('35) and Barbara Trum-
sang an original song to AOII. We were all bull ('36) were pledged to Alethenai
especially pleased with initiation week-end this
year. Pinckney Estes Glantzberg and Anne Literary Society a few weeks ago. Mildred
Anderson Sale were both present. At the Boehm ('35) was a featured toe-dancer in
buffet supper on Saturday night many alumna? the annual W A A - M U show and has been
returned to meet the new initiates and see dancing frequently at the Edgewater Beach
old friends again. Among those who were Hotel. Florence Reddington ('34) and Carol
welcomed back were Edith Burnsidc White- MacNeil ('36) were in the toe-chorus, of
ford, Edna Burnside Howard, Minna Cannon, which Florence was captain, and Jessalyn
'Libby" Taylor, Ruth Miles, Josephine Bland- Malmgren ('36) was in the tap-chorus, which
ford, Mildred Kettler, and Ellen Jane Kaiser was trained by Mildred. Margaret Rowe ('35)
Beavens. Initiation was followed by a ban- and Judith Baird ('37) were in the woman's
quet at the Kennedy-Warren on Sunday. We singing unit. Needless to say, the show was
will long remember Pinckney's speech. One a big success. Carol MacNeil is in charge of
of the highlights of this day was the award- Syllabus sales at the house. Norma Niers-
ing of the pledge ring which is given each theimer ('34) is our candidate for Syllabus
year to the girl who has performed her pledge beauty queen. Three engagements have been
duties most faithfully. To decide between announced lately: Sally Smith ('34) to Prof.
Eunice Miller and Flora Waldman was so John J . B. Morgan of the psychology faculty
difficult that we gave the ring for six months here; Ethel Bomhoeft ('34) to Fred Whit-
to each girl. Eunice drew it first so Flora well, a AX at Northwestern; and Kaye Stah-
received a corsage of roses as a compensation. mer ('36) to William Baum, also a sopho-
The major officers for the coming year are: more. Panhellenic is giving a dinner for the
Helen Wollman, president; Martha Cannon, pledge and active with the highest scholarship
vice president; Elizabeth Ewald, secretary; averages in each sorority. Jane Hupman
Virginia Potts, treasurer. Now that gradua- ('34), with a 6.2 and Barbara Trumbull ('36),
with a 5.7, are our delegates.
tion is so near we are looking forward to
June Week. Francis Benedict has charge of
May Day, one of the events of that week. 2 Dorothy Davis ('37) has been named on
the Little Theater costume staff. Edith
Musser ('34) has been selected to dance in
the Mask and Dagger Revue to be presented
W The following were elected officers of next month. Susan Crane ('37) and Janice
* Chapter for the year 1934-35: president, Hesser ('35) continue to be active on the
Marion Miller; vice president, Dorothy Davis; Pelican. Likewise Jane Lovell ('36) and
recording secretary-, Elizabeth Bold; corre- Patricia Appleton ('37) have survived semes-
sponding secretary, Doris Bastian; treasurer, ter cuts to be among the few remaining on
Edna Diehl; correspondent to To DRACMA, the Personnel staff. The house has been well
Estella Von Hagen; scholarship officer, Ann- represented at all the semester's intramurals
ette Savin; doorkeeper, Lydia Schilling; study- including swimming, archery, and badminton.
plan officer, Eleanor Hibschman. The ritual May Layne ('34) has proved very successful
service and installation of the new officers as intramural manager. Word has been re-
will be held on April 7. We are planning to ceived of the admittance of Ida Dohrmann
have our spring formal a closed dance at the ('34) to B B B , international biological honor
Hotel Normandy on May 5. Our winter dance society. Members of the house and their
was both a social and a financial success due friends attended a group of dramatic mono-
largely to the efforts of Eleanor Hibschman logues presented at the chapter house on the
as chairman of the committee in charge of evening of March 15 by Rose Bell ( 2 ) . Mar-
the dance. Eleanor will have charge of the jorie Hearn ('35) and Marian Jensen ('36)
spring dance, too. Many of our girls will have been elected new president and vice
take part in the unusual May Fete of the president of the chapter, respective!}'. V\'e
University of Pennsylvania to be given at the entertained our fathers at a dinner on Tues-
Morris Arboretum on May 5. Betty Bal- day, March 28. Ardith Fluharty ('35) was
burnie as president of the Zelosophic Society in charge, and the dinner party was pro-
has a main part in one of the three short nounced by both fathers and daughters to be
plays which will be part of the program. one of the most enjoyable of its kind. Our
Dorothy Davis and Betty Balburnie recently spring formal will take place on April 6 at
appeared in major roles in the play, "The the St. FVancis Yacht Club in San Francisco. ^
MAY, 1934 43
It will be a dinner-dance at which twenty or Sue Stewart is leading in individual sales at
more alumna? will be present, as well as the the present and our house is running close
active chapter members. Jean Kennedy ('36) competition for the cup. Maxine Swenson
and Claire Laughlin ('36) are in charge of the was chairman of a rushing tea for 112*.
arrangements. We were all very pleased with Lorraine Kleinman and Dorothy Kuechen-
the opportunity granted us of becoming better meister, two of our new pledges, are active
acquainted with Claire MacGregor, our Dis- in Y.W.C.A. work, and Lorraine is a mem-
trict Superintendent, whose visit last week we ber of the University Singers. Ethylma?
enjoyed. Eylar, retiring president of W.S.G.A., attended
the convention at Iowa State College, Ames,
May Layne ('34) and Gladys Dowden ('34) Iowa, as a representative of the Minnesota or-
have been chosen to act in the Senior E x - ganization. The Mother's Club entertained at
travaganza. Marjorie Slaughter ('36) has a benefit bridge on May 2 at the chapter house
been elected to the sophomore journalistic to raise funds for refurnishing the reception
honor society. Doris Robinson ('37) is one room, and we would like to express our heart-
of the few freshman to be assigned a part felt appreciation for all the things they are
in the Little Theater play to be presented at doing for us.
the end of the semester. The Inter-sorority
formal is to take place April 27. Jean Ken-
nedy ('36) is on the arrangements committee, Q Theta Chapter has added new honors to
and Dorothy Davis ('37) is on the ticket com- her list recently with the addition of the
mittee. presidencies of two of the major organizations
on campus. Mary Garrison Walker was
elected president of W.S.A. She is also a
T A After the initiation on February 24, at member of 02<1>, #21, board of the Associa-
which time T A initiated four girls, the tion of Women Students, and AMFI, sjionsors
of R.O.T.C. Janette Fisher is the new presi-
actives entertained the new initiates and dent of Panhellenic Council as well as a
alumna? with a buffet supper in Stockham member of Student Senate, Y.W.C.A. Cabinet,
Woman's Building. This affair was so well symphony orchestra, collection and society
attended and so enjoyable that the actives de- staffs of the DePauw newspaper. We are
cided to make this a semi-annual affair. Our very proud of our 4>BK, Julia Chapman, who
chapter has recently been honored by a visit was one of the five senior women to attain
from Mary Dee Druminond and Charlotte this honor. She is also a prominent member
Kearney. Everyone enjoyed their visit to the of Duzer Du, dramatic fraternity, and has
fullest extent and many parties were planned taken parts in many of the campus produc-
in honor of them. On Friday afternoon, dur- tions. Our bowling team, made up of Vir-
ing their visit, the active and alumna? chapter ginia Rosstnan, Martha McKinney, and Ruth
entertained at tea, having invited our mothers Braeutigam received the W.S.A. trophy for
and friends to meet our guests. On Satur- winning the co-ed bowling tournament. Lucille
day night Louise Stange was initiated, after Klauser has been appointed a member of a
which we feted our visitors and new initiate student committee to be in charge of plans
with a dinner in the college cafeteria. We for Founders and Benefactors Day, in which
are looking forward to our benefit bridge exercises the entire student body will partic-
party on May 2, and expect to make $15 which ipate. Election of officers was held recently
will be sent to the Kentucky FYontier Nursing resulting in the election of Mary Garrison
Walker as president and Janette Fisher as
T The spring quarter calender for T Chap- vice president. Betty Gadient, our retiring
ter is a busy one. We had three rushing president, is a member of Mortar Board and
dinners the first week with pledging Sunday 0 2 * . We were much inspired by our State
afternoon, April 8, followed by a buffet supper luncheon and dance which was held in In-
in honor of the new pledges. Our traditional dianapolis on March 24. On April 28 we are
Mother's Day luncheon will be given at the having our spring rush dance.
house on May 12, with our Trail picnic for
graduating seniors and our annual spring for-
mal in the latter part of the month. Irma 0 H Theta Eta held initiation in the chapel
Hammerbacher ('35) was re-elected president at the Netherland Plaza hotel. After the
of our chapter; she is one of our most out- service, we had a banquet which was followed
standing girls, and was recently elected Inter- by dancing in the Pavilion Caprice, Mary
professional representative on the W.S.G.A. Meyer was awarded the ring for the best all-
Board. Our other major officers are: vice around pledge. Jeannette Merk received the
president, Mary K. Black; secretary, Jeanette cup which is annually awarded to the most
Eklund; corresponding secretary, Mary Stone; outstanding active. Jeannette is also chairman
treasurer, Phyllis Hawlish; rushing chairman, of the Panhellenic banquet and dance. This is
Jayne Foote. Helen Huseby is vice president the third successive year that the chairman has
of H24>, education honorary, and was hostess been an AOII. Theta Eta gave an informal
at a series of teas given by one of education dance at the Mariemont Recreation Hall. We
instructors. Evelyn Pearson was the chair- are now busy with plans for our spring for-
man of prizes at a Y.W.C.A. benefit bridge, mal. The results of our recent election are:
while Sue Stewart, Mildred Dudding, Betty president, John Alice Morris; vice president,
Anderson, Alice Eylar, and Ruth Pettit were Margaret Mayer; treasurer, Rachel Cox; sec-
members of various committees. Genevieve retary, Elizabeth Bruce. We were greatly
Mattson is the AOII captain of Gopher sales; honored and pleased to have as our guest,
Mary Daniclson Drummond, who visited us Nebraska City, vice president; Happy Kean,
on April 10. Mary John Metcalf ('34), who Lincoln, recording secretary; Betty Peake
graduated in February and has since been in Omaha, corresponding secretary; Arlene Van-
New York, has just returned to Cincinnati. derhook, Pickrell, treasurer; Elfrieda Stauss,
During spring vacation, Mary Meyer visited Lincoln, social chairman; Lorraine Hitchcock'
lota, and Sue Ward was a guest at Rho. Lincoln, state rush chairman; Marjorie Sea-
ton, Lincoln, Lincoln rush chairman; Lucile
T Upsilon's new officers, installed April 9, Berger, Omaha, Omaha rush chairman; Irene
are: Louise Lutey, president; Jean Bain- Barry and Dorothea Kropp, scholarship chair-
men; Dorothea Kropp, Lincoln, study plan
bridge, vice president; Ethel Reid, recording officer; Dorothy Bentz, Lincoln, editor to To
secretary; Dian Manzer, corresponding secre- DRAGMA; and Irene Barry, Woodbine, Iowa,
tary; Lorene Fairborn, treasurer; Frances historian. In the recent Co-ed Follies Zeta
Faurot, social chairman ; Doris Berry, rushing Chapter presented a skit "The What-Not
chairman; Ernestine Bilan, historian-reporter; Shop," featuring a Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Nancy Mason, scholarship chairman; Marie dance, The Cat and the Fiddle, a trio, and a
Anderson, study plan officer; Billie Jane powder box girl who danced. We also had a
Steele, social service chairman; Helen Ahram- girl up for the best-dressed girl on the campus
son, librarian. We were quite thrilled at hav- to be presented at the Co-ed Follies. Jane
ing present Celia Scofield's two older sisters, Temple, Marjorie Bannister, and Muriel Hook
who came to see her initiated on April 7. were models in the show. Lorraine Hitchcock
At the banquet which followed the ceremony, is still adding activities to her list; she was
Margaret Mcintosh did a perfect job of being recently appointed a member of the Student
toastmistress. The other speakers were Council from the Business Administration
Gladys Phillips, Ethel Reid, and Louise Lutey, College. Lorraine has been very active on the
now our president. She acted as proxy for campus this year and will act as our Rush
Dian Manzer, who lost her voice at the crucial Chairman for the coming year. Muriel Hook,
moment. Logan, Iowa, was selected as one of the most
charming pledges on the campus and her pic-
But we have been active in other ways than ture appeared in the last issue of the AwgwQm
the ceremonial. Last quarter, on February Our Mothers' Club entertained the active
27, we combined with KRT and 2K in giving chapter and their dates at a buffet supper at
an all-University fireside which was extremely the chapter house the last Sunday in March.
successful. These firesides are a new idea on The tables were decorated with Easter decora-
our campus, planned to help independents to tions and the favors were little nests of Easter
get acquainted. Both men and women inde- eggs. About forty were present. This was
pendents are invited as guests, with invited our third Sunday night buffet supper, and
fraternity men as hosts and the s o r o r i t y everyone likes them. We have started prac-
women of the hostess houses as hostesses. ticing for the Ivy Day Sorority Sing which
This type of entertainment has attained its takes place on the day the May Queen is pre-
object with remarkable success and, though sented. This year promises to be a good one
only started last quarter, has been so much as we have quite a few good singers and we
fun that it is now an established form of should place high.
social activity. Now that the new quarter has
started and our new officers are getting into Pledges
their stride, we are planning several other
things. We are already looking forward to All— Amelia Griely, Miami, Fla.
an informal dance which we are giving with B<i>—-Anita Simpson) Chicago, 111.
the alumna? at the Club Victor on April 27. BT—Phyllis Morgan, Toronto, Canada.
Frances Fau rot, our new social chairman, has XA—Frances Evans, Boulder, Colo.
been dashing around all week arranging ex- A—Ann Margaret Maher, Medford, Mass.
change dinners, and d i n n e r s honoring our
fathers and our mothers are also being
planned. We have already started the dinners
which will finish our rushing for the year and
are looking forward to a successful quarter,
full of activity and pledges.
Z Saturday, April 8, the Omaha Alumna; EA—Carlyn Goldsmith, Wynnewood, Penn.; Mildred
Chapter entertained sixteen girls of the Isenberg, State College.
Zeta Chapter and many Lincoln alumna: at a r—Carolyn Adams, Marjorie Murch, Portland, Me.;
luncheon at the home of Mrs. Victor B. Smith. Maybellc Ashworth, Elizabeth Gardner, Beatrice Jones,
This is the second time the Omaha girls have Elizabeth Story, Orono; Louise Averill, Charlotte
done this, and we enjoy it so much. After the Miller, Margaret Sewell, Old Town; Barbara Bertels,
luncheon we discussed summer rushing and Geneva Epstein, Louise Hastings, Marion Martin,
other problems so that we will be able to co- Elizabeth Schiro, Margaret Llewelyn Thayer, Bangor;
operate and get better results. This time we Henrietta Cliff, Lincoln; Alice C. Coffin, Gray; Emily
also discussed plans for our annual alumna? Elmore, Augusta; Marjorie Young, Foxboro; Phyllis
banquet to be held in Lincoln sometime in the Phillips, South Orange, N. J .
early part of May. Last week we had elec-
tions for the coming year and Betty Temple, KG—Beatrice Campbell, San Fernando. Calif.
Lincoln, was elected president. Connie Wade,
A—Muriel Pleasant, Palo Alto, Calif.; Sallie Taber,
Keokuk, la.; Elsie Barber, Washington. D. C ; Helen
Hannah, San Francisco.
M A Y . 1934 H—Jean Lackey, Delavan, Wis.; Elaine Marie Scho.
field, Elgin, 111.; Jane Billyeald, Chicago; Amy Chis-
X—Nathalia Armadour, Gladys Moeller, Brooklyn, holm. Madison, Wis.; Margaret Heinecke. Belleville.
X. Y . ; Lilia Arguedas, Forest Hills, L . I . ; Marjorie 111.: Florence Hubbard, Ashland, W i s . ; Eleanor
IJell, Xew York City; Ethel Agnes Putz, Corona, Frieda Arps, Xew Holstein, Wis.
L . I . ; Muriel Shanley, Sayville, L . I . ; Anne Miriam
Jensen, Jersey City, X. J . ; Mildred Stocking, Grant- T—Beatrice Jones, Phyllis Phillips, Barbara ltertels,
wood, X . J . ; Margaret Zinnecker, West Orange. Marion Martin, Emily Elmore, Elizabeth Gardner,
Maybelle Ashworth, Anna Eliasson, Marie Archer,
XO—Clairene Bell, Columbia, Tenn. Charlotte Fuller, Barbara Sanborn, Louise Averill,
Marjorie Murch.
li—Dorothy Brooks, Middletown, Ohio; Irene Car-
ter, Portsmouth; Eleanor Jane Hopkins, Friendship; I—Eleanor Dolch, Margaret Gault, Jean Goughler,
Betty Jane Edmundson, Winnetka, III. Urbana, III.; Alice DuVal, Chicago; Beth Fowler,
Champaign; Kathryn Graham, Tampico; Edith Lang,
On—Thais Bolton, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Rose Per- Park Ridge; Louise Elinor Mollman, Millstadt.
rin, Riverton, Wyo.
K—Cora Fields Craddock, Mary Randolph. Lynch-
1IA—Elizabeth Brown, Janet Weidemann, Anna burg, V a . ; Anne Bundick, Charleston, W. V a . ; Mar-
Ruth Collier, Sophia Hocnes, Washington, 1). C. garet Martin, Xorfolk; Carol Parkham, Petersburg;
Alice Avery Allen, Memphis, Tenn.
P—Dorothy Bartholomew, Des Moines, Iowa; Eliza-
beth Cowen, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; Katherine KO—Dorothy Ferguson, Elizabeth Harvey, Mary
Bond, Chicago, III.; Betty Patter son, Kenil worth; Walton Sohm, Memphis, Tenn.; Ellie May Powell,
Delphinc Wilson, Elmhurst. Helena, Ark.
T—Melissa Robbins, Laurelda Smith, Minneapolis; KG—Elizabeth Cain, Beatrice I.eahy, Los Angeles,
Helen Fisher, Proctor; Dorothy Kuechenmeistcr. Calif.; Maryellen Kirk. Hollywood; Harriet Anne
Wells; Lorraine Kieinman, St. Paul. Stone, Banning, Calif.; Beverley Streeter, Long
Beach; Elza Venn, Santa Ana.
GH—Susan Jane Ward, Fay Bunnell, Marie Hcwe.
A—Mary Krusor Ross, Weston, Mo.
T—Mary Belle Wickerham, Seattle, Wash. N—Muriel Sturtevant, Rutherford, N. J .
Z—Helen Xaeve, Cook, Neb.; Janet Swift. Mar- \ K — M a x i n e Graves, Ruth d'Arlinc Hogg, Dallas,
jorie Temple, June Wilson, Lincoln, Xeb.
Q—Martha Ann Ascham, Findlay, Ohio; Sara Dun-
lap, Cadiz; Marjorie Miller, Greenville.
Initiates Oil—Elizabeth Bliss Miller, Helen Marjorie Wrough-
ton, Detroit. Mich.; Delta Helen Glass, Lynbrook,
X. Y . ; Harriet Oleksiuch, Garfield Heights, Ohio.
AT—Frances Mattie Lowden, Walla Walla, Wash.; •—Elizabeth Beamer, Billowecn Macoubrie, Elda
Alice Janine Shepard, Pullman, Wash. Mae Clevenger, Lawrence, Kans.; Margaret Schwartz,
Mcl'herson; Velma Markham, Topeka; Lots Burke
A*—Mary Eloyse Bailey, Elfrida Lillian Lloyd, I.ippitt, Meadville, Mo.: Rachel Jeanette Shetlar,
Janet Amelia Ralph, Butte, Mont.; Marjorie Alice Johnson, Kans.; Alice Irene Cunningham, Rulo, Neb.
Hungerford, Marjorie McKinnon. Miles City. Mont. •
Helen Verne Bolton. Warm Springs, Mont.; Isabel II—Ernestine Moise, Xew Orleans, L a .
Elizabeth Ford, Helena, Mont.; Ella Virginia Hensen, IIA—Kathryn Marie Terhune, Flora Waldman,
Choteau, Mont.; Margaret Johnson. Round I'p, Mont.; Helen Whitmer, Washington, I). C . ; Anna May
Alice Klla Knowles, Hardin, Mont.; Marjorie Jose- Bailies, Lanham, Md.; Virginia Conner, Hagerstown;
phine Xeil, Forsyth, Mont.; and Helen Thorpe, (ilen- Eunice Miller, Beltsville; Frances Kathryn Powell,
dive, Mont. Brookville.
V—Elizabeth Bold, Philadelphia, Penn.
All—Charlotte Collins Cameron, Winter Haven, P—Caryl Erikson, Grace Tomchek, Chicago, III.;
Fla.; Alice Lee Slone, Mascotte, Fla.; Agnes Gcr- Frances Lindsay, Barbara Trumbull, Evanston; Judith
trude (Joss, Tampa, F l a . ; Alice Rebecca Porter, St. Baird, Edward.-ville; Jane Austin, Highland Park;
Petersburg, Fla. Mary E v a Dyar. Amboy; Marion Ehrmann. Win-
netka; May Ruth Norton, Sedalia; Isabel Queen,
AT—Helen Barbour, Canton, Ohio; Marjorie Be- Lakewood, Ohio.
ville, Chicago; Jean Carle, Canton; Vangeline Cook. T—Mildred Dudding, Susan Stewart. Minneapolis;
Mansfield. Ohio; Miriam Dorr, Snyder, N. Y . ; Jane Lorraine Eunice Hovelrud, Kathryn Reed. St. Paul;
Gebhard, Bryan, Ohio; Lucille Goodman, Canton; Louise Casey, Ellsworth, Wis.; Phyllis Hauli.-h.
Jeannette Hazen, Cleveland; Frances Longiey. Gran- Bricelyn, Minn.; Helen Sethney, Menominee, Mich.;
ville; Mary Myers, Canton; Dorothy Lea Pratt, Kowcna Laska, Rochester.
Parkersburg, W. V a . ; Phyllis Taber, Jamestown, X.
Y . ; Dorothy Walton, Woodstock. 111. TA—Marion Bruce, Mary Virginia Pounds, Mary
Jane Wing, Louise Stange, Birmingham, Ala.
BK—Edna Mary Carter, Lennie Hay Price, Van-
couver, B. C. G—Virginia Berry, Chicago, 111.; Cora Helen Bur-
ress, Gary, Ind.; Harriet Guthrie, New Albany; Mary
B4« —Mary Frances Spurgeon. Hazel E v a n s Combs. Elizabeth Homer, Hartford City; Harriet Knapp, Ft.
Terre Haute, Ind.; Alma Elizabeth Garber, Dunkirk; Wayne; Margaret Lou Mace, Sheridan; Mary Evelyn
Ruth Elizabeth Thompson, Bloomington; Alice Ade- Martin, Richmond; Laura Mitchell, Mt. Vernon, III.
laide Baylor, Speed; Martha Isabel Clevenger, Win-
chester; Marydale Cox, Gary; Catherine Margaret
Edwards, Windfall; Sarah Louise Willare, LaGrange.
X—Virginia Lee Atticks, Middleport, N. Y . : Mary GH—Venda Mary Tow, Dorcas Meyer, Elizabeth
Emma Brodbeck, Mt. Vernon; Jane Grey Burlingham. Bruce, Eloise Archibald, Cincinnati, Ohio; Nancy
Englewood, N. J . ; Mary Jane Hartman. St. Mary's. Margaret Poe, Butler, K y . ; Mary Louise Meyer, West
Pennsylvania; Rose Constance Mysliviec, Xew York- Alexandria, Ohio: Maxine Cooper, Pleasant Ridge.
Mills, X . Y .
T—Izetta Poindexter, Violet Nolan, Celia Grace
XA—Wilma LaVeta Carey. Laura Theresa Dussart. Scofield.
Trinidad. Colo.; Lois Maxine Earl, Casey, Iowa;
Carmelita Rose Hoover, Boulder, Colo. Z—Helen Bannister, Dorothy Bentz, Dorothy Bose.
Marion Craig, Florence Humphrey, Marguerite Kurth,
E — M a r y Dudley Bull, Virginia Mae Goff. Helen Bette Paine, Lincoln, Xeb.; Corris Peake. Helen
Lee Mordoff, Ithaca, X . Y . ; Margaret Johnston Kin- Berger, Omaha, Neb.; Muriel Maxine Hook, Logan.
caid, Blawnox, Pa.; Virginia Marion Lauder. Bing- Iowa; Helen Xaeve, Cook, Neb.: Willa Perry, Red
hamton. X. Y . ; Ruth Lindquist. Xew York City; Cloud; Arlene Vanderhook, Pickrell.
Mary Patricia McCaffery. Xew Hartford; Virginia
Sparr Withers, Berkeley, Calif.
Wisn46 To DRAG MA
Prof "Holds Court" from Bed Mrs. Theodore P. Marbaugh, president of
in U Health Service the Indianapolis Alumna?, presided. Seated at
the speakers' table with her were Mrs. Drum-
" W H Y AREN'T YOU in class today?" Charles mond ; Mrs. Herschel Neal, state chairman of
E . Bartsch, instructor in the School of alumna?; Miss Helen Duncan, president of the
Chemistry, wanted to know Wednesday, when Bloomington alumna?; Mrs. Arthur Eichen-
he woke up in the Students Health service seber, president of the Fort Wayne alumna?;
and found William Wellman, one of his stu- Miss Mary Sullivan, president of the Indiana
dents, in the bed next to his. University chapter; Miss Elizabeth Gadient,
"Well, you see, it was this way," Wellman president of the DePauw chapter; Miss Mary
explained, "I knew we were having a quiz Alice Burch, president of the Butler chapter,
today, and just thinking about it gave me a and officers of the local alumna? club: Mrs.
pain in the neck." Elmer Singer, treasurer; Mrs. J . L . Guthridge,
It happened that Bartsch was in the health secretary, and Miss Giarlotte Peele, corre-
service for a similar reason, only his pain had sponding secretary.
developed into an infection.
Bartsch was preparing to give Wellman the The active chapter president spoke on "Re-
quiz orally when a medical technician entered cent Development in My Chapter." Mrs.
to take a routine blood test on him. The tech- Drummond spoke on "Our National Work."
nician was Ethylmae Eylar ( T ) , a former stu- Stunts were given by active chapters.
dent of Bartsch's. (Ah H a ! Here's where she
gets her revenge.) Miss Martha Gevenger of the Indiana Uni-
While she was busy sticking the needle into versity chapter received the scholarship pin.
her former teacher (part of the test), a class-
mate of Wellman's in Bartsch's class came to On the committees in charge were Mrs.
visit the teacher (after an "A," we'll bet). Frank Cox, general chairman; Mrs. James
The Minnesota Daily reporter popped in Obear, Mrs. Clarence Deitsch, Miss Dorothy
next. (You guessed it—another pupil of Boyle, Miss Ethel Malloch, Mrs. J . Douglas
Bartsch's.) Perry, Mrs. Lester Nicewander, Miss Char-
"Well, well, a class reunion, I perceive," lotte Peele, Miss Mildred Frazee, Miss Mary
quoth the instructor. Jo Spurrier and Miss Rosemary Rocap.
In the afternoon a few more students came
to sec their teacher, and Bartsch didn't have Among those attending from Indianapolis
time to give the oral quiz, but when Wellman were Mesdames Victor L . Brown, E . J. Haerle,
was released yesterday, Bartsch warned him, Ray Harris, J . L . Guthridge, Lester Smith,
"Don't forget to bring me your Health Service Russell Hippensteel, Thomas Evans, Lester
excuse." Nicewander, James Obear, Leo Gardner, Theo-
Moral: Such popularity must be deserved.— dore P. Marbaugh, B. W. Alvis, H . L. Floyd,
Minnesota Daily. Elmer Singer, Clarence Deitsch, Frank Ramey,
Elizabeth Hughes and Laura Stover and
Alpha Omicron Pi Marks Misses Geraldine Kindig, Lucille Bauenfeind,
State Day Dorothy Boyle, Frances Shera, Mary Jo Spur-
rier, Marie Sullivan, Sarah Rohm, Dorothy
-+- M R S . W A R R E N C . DRUMMOND ( A * ) of Rohm, Ruth Young, Elizabeth Westerfield,
Mary Elizabeth Johnson, Helen Maddock, Vir-
Chicago, national vice president of Alpha ginia Traxler, Ruth Catherine Gark, Jean
Omicron Pi Sorority, and presidents of active Maris, Gladys Hawickhorst, Eleanor Maris,
chapters in Indiana were speakers at the an- Ethel McCord and Marjorie Hall.
nual state luncheon of the sorority yesterday
in the Indianapolis Athletic Club. The state From the DePauw chapter were Misses
dance was held last night. Martha McKinney, M a r g a r e t Mace, May
Walker, Harriet Guthrie, Myrtha Coyte, Ruth
The Indianapolis Alumna? Club was hostess Brantigam, Harriet Knapp, Elizabeth Gadi-
group for the luncheon and dance which were ent, Mary Martin, Maribeth Homer, Martha
attended by members from over the state, in- Rector and Marjorie Mclntyre.
cluding the active chapters at DePauw, In-
diana and Butler Universities. Butler chapter members attending were
Misses Frances Messick, Mary Alice Burch,
The luncheon tables, which were arranged Marion Messick, Leonore Winters, Dorothy
for six persons, were decorated with plateaus Winters, Virginia Sheeley, Rosemary Rocap,
of spring flowers and freesias. The sj>eakers' Eileen Rocap, Ruth Brinkman, Elizabeth Wil-
table had a large bouquet of Jacqueminot liamson, Jean McCallum, Bernadeen Patrick
roses, the sorority flower, for the centerpiece, and Jane Compton.
and was lighted with red tapers in silver
holders. From Bloomington were Mesdames Herschel
Neal, Fred Million and G. E . Huntington and
Misses Junia Blair, Helen Duncan, Louise
Rogers, Laura Alexander, Pauline Ellis and
Roena Mann.
Others present were Mrs. Theodore Wood
^jTl^U ^^' ^F*SlA m o n g*
capons of
of Angola, Mrs. D. Wayne Combs, Mrs. May- Knoxville Alumnae Give
nard Lcmen and Miss Carol Philippee of Bick- Egg Hunt
nell, Miss Marjorie Walker and Mrs. H . G.
Thomas of Rensselaer, Mrs. Verne Barker of -+- A N EASTER EGG H U N T will be given by
Linton, Mrs. H . H . Binkley of Tipton, Miss the Knoxville Alumna? Club of Alpha
Maxine Caimack of Rushville, Mrs. IJoyd
Messcrsmith, Miss Agnes King, Mrs. Louis Omicron Pi sorority at the home of Dr. and
Hays, Mrs. Harold Ross and Miss Mimma Mrs. H. A. Morgan, 2424 Kingston Pike, Sat-
Bartley of Greencastle, Miss Ruth Gark and urday, March 24, for the benefit of the soror-
Miss Catherine Fell of Kokomo, Miss Grace ity's national philanthropic work, the Kentucky
Drabing of French Lick, Miss Frances Luke, Frontier Nursing service.
Children of alumna: and their friends will
Mrs. Virginia Scherm and Mrs. Floyd Reisor be guests.
of Muncie, Mrs. George Poole of Newcastle,
Mrs. Lewis Essex of Columbus, Miss Mar- Mrs. Carlisle Dean (Lucile Coffey) is new
garet Leins of Crawfordville, Miss Margaret
Vannice of Danville, Miss Madaline Findley president of the Alumna? Gub, succeeding
of Seymour and Misses DeAlba Robertson and Miss Lucy Shields Morgan.
Helen White of Tipton.—Indianapolis Sundav
Star. Other new officers are Mrs. John L . Callo-
way (Elizabeth Christrup), first vice presi-
dent ; Mrs. John E . Thornton, second vice
president; Miss Elizabeth Young, secretary;
Miss Frances Coykendall, treasurer; Mrs. Paul
Panhellenic President J. Dominick (Mary Moore), chapter editor of
Is Alpha O the sorority magazine.
Members of the committee in charge of ar-
rangements for the Easter Egg Hunt are:
Mrs. John L . Calloway, Jr., Mrs. Eugene Mc-
-f. JANETTE F I S H E R ( G ) has been elected Clamroch, Jr., Mrs. Albert Peet, Mrs. G a r -
president of the Panhellenic Council for ence H . Edmunds, Mrs. Carlisle Dean and
Miss Elizabeth Young.—Knoxx ille Journal.
the coming semester, and Miriam Dumbauld
has been elected secretary-treasurer. Alpha Omicron Pi Defeats Tri
Miss Fisher ('35) is a member of the Alpha
Omicron Pi. Her other campus activities con-
sist of being a member of the society and col- Delia in Bowling Finals
lection staffs of the DePauw, a representative
to the National Panhellenic council, a member -4- A L I - H A OMICRON P I defeated Tri Delta in
of the Student Senate, a member of the Y . W . the finals of the W S A bowling tourney
C.A. cabinet, and a member of the University
Symphony orchestra. this week. Team scores for the last game
were 325-304. First honors in scoring through-
Miss Dumbauld is a member of Tri Delta out the tournament went to Martha McKinney,
and is secretary of the Student Senate and a Alpha Omicron Pi. The winning team will re-
member of the staff of the DePauw Magazine. ceive the W S A b o w l i n g trophy.—DePauw
—DePauw Newspaper. Neivspapcr.