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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-01 18:41:07

1917 September - To Dragma

Vol. XII, No. 4


secret of the successful chapter meeting. I f you have a financial problem be of
sure to go back with an idea for its solution. I f your membership has dwindled
below the safety point, absorb some of the "pep" from the successful chapter Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
delegates, and learn the art of efficient rushing. I n short, take every depart-
ment of your chapter life, especially those points wherein you are deficient, and ®abl* nf (EnntentB
find the way to improve it.
A Letter f r o m the Commissioner of E d u c a t i o n . ..P.P. Claxton 294
D o n ' t let this conclusion be made by your f r i e n d s because of your


We had just about concluded that the good oldfashioned afternoon call had
been put aside by the time-eliminating, energy-saving telephone, when our
companion—a fine Gamma Phi alumna of many years' standing, of unbounded
enthusiasm—remarked, with the air of introducing another modern problem,
"The acknowledgment of a note of courtesy is also a past art. The spirit of
the age—for, of course, everything is blamed upon the spirit of the age—
does not give us time for the personal touch." We waited for fuller explana-
tion, and she added—"For example. Before college closed, I wrote several little
notes to girls in whom I was interested—to whom pleasant things had happened.
One had gained Phi Beta Kappa—I congratulated her upon her laurel crown;
another had announced her engagement—I wished her happiness. Another had
worked faithfully and well in the sorority office which had been given her—
I sent her a word of appreciation. And how many acknowledged my good
wishes—how many responded, in appreciation of my friendly messages? Not

Efficiency has been impressed with deadly persistency upon the college girl.
Courtesy is a running mate. For, after all, as the good alumna said, it's the
personal touch that counts. Even if it takes the time and effort of a busy
college girl, it is never a mistake to be grateful for kind thoughts and friendly
words that come her way.—Crescent of T * B.—Banta's Greek Exchange.

September Ideas and Ideals:

Planning f o r the Year's W o r k , Isabelle Henderson Stewart 296

Keeping One's Head Barbara Dunn, T 297

Rushing Under Present Conditions, Merva Dolsen Hennings 299

Getting Into Things Helen C. Worster, Y 300

"Humanness" Genevieve Grace, N K 302
Editorials 303

Announcements 305

Alpha Omicron Pi Calendar 308

The Directory '313

Pi—Theodora Sumner, 1427 Delachaise St., New Orleans-, L a .
FOUNDERS OF ALPHA OMICRON P I Nu—Alice L . Clark, 210 W. 21st St., New York City.
Omicron—Roberta Williams, Faust Addition, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 378 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y . Kappa—Augusta Stacy, Stacy, Ark.
Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '90, 118 \ V . 183rd St., New Zeta—Jane L . Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Alice De Vewve, Larkspur, Cal.
Theta—Irene Miller McLeod (Mrs. LeRoy), Browns Valley, Ind.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, 2243 Green Street, San Delta—Etta Phillips MacPhie (Mrs. E . T . ) , 49 Daniels St., Lowell, Mass.
Gamma—Elizabeth Hanly, Caribou, Me.
Francisco, Cal. Epsilon—Clara GraefTe, 255 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J . Rho—Edith G . Meers, 2301 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Harriet Maines, 439 Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.
OFFICERS Iota—Helen W. Whitney, 212 S. Catherine Ave., LaGrange, 111.
T a u — E l s a Steinmetz, 1917 Emerson Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chi—Ruby Davis, 17 3rd Ave., Gloversville, N . Y .
Grand President, Isabelle Henderson Stewart (Mrs. B. F . , J r . ) , Sierra City, Cal. Upsilon—Ruth Fosdick, Goldendale, Wash.
Grand Recording Secretary, Helen N . Henry, 264 Boylston S t , Boston, Mass. Nu Kappa—Margaret Bonner Bentley (Mrs. W. P . ) , 4617 Gaston Ave., Dallas,
Grand Treasurer, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland (Mrs. Norman), 517 Angell
St., Providence, R. I . Beta Phi—Vedah Covalt, 717 S. Washington St., Kokomo, Ind.
OTHER OFFICERS Eta—Vera Alderson, 2252 W. 111th PI., Chicago, III.
Alpha Phi—Ruth Noble Dawson (Mrs. E . E . ) 315 n t h St. N . , Great Falls,
Grand Vice-president, Jean Loomis Frame ( M r s . J . E . ) , 606 W . 122nd St.,
New York City. Mont.

Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , 2243 Green St., San ALUMN/E ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGERS
Pi—Mary Thomas Whittington (Mrs. G . P . ) , Alexandria, L a .
Francisco, Cal. Nu—Daisy Gaus, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Registrar, Marie Vick Swanson (Mrs. A . E . ) , 1926 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Omicron—Roberta Williams, Faust Addition, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kappa—Frances Allen, 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, Tenn.
PL Zeta—Jane L . Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Dorothy K . Clarke, 840 Contra Costa Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Assistant Registrar, Julia Fuller Crane ( M r s . R . S . ) , 1823 Wesley Ave., Theta—Celia Bates, Winchester, Ind.

Evanston, III. Delta—Etta Phillips MacPhie (Mrs. E . T . ) , 49 Daniels St., Lowell, Mass.
Gamma—Alice Farnsworth Phillips (Mrs. G . H . ) , 11 Norfolk St., Bangor,
Auditor, Helen Dickinson Lange (Mrs. W . R . ) , 1646 F a i r Oaks Ave.,
Pasadena, Cal. Epsilon—Isabelle Stone, 27 Lincoln St., Needham, Mass.
Examining Officer, Lucy R . Somerville, 509 Central Ave., Greenville, Miss. Rho—Doris Wheeler, 639 Forest Ave., Evanston, III.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Viola Clark Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St., Lambda—Hazel Hartwell, 1145 21st St., San Diego, Cal.
Iota—Ethel Brooks, Beecher City, HI.
Lincoln, Neb. Tau—Inez D. Jayne (Mrs. Trafford), 2511 Logan Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.
Editor-in-chief of T o D R A C M A , Mary Ellen Chase, Blue Hill, Me. Chi—Ethel Harris, 641 Emerson St., Watertown, N . Y .
Business Manager of T o DRAOMA, Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe (Mrs. W. F . ) , Upsilon—Carrie I . Bechen, McMinnville, Ore.
Nu Kappa—Nell Harris, Frederick, Okla.
Bozeman, Montana. Beta Phi—Hannah Blair, 801 N . Maple St., Bloomington, Ind.
PANHELLENIC CONGRESS Eta—Esther Fowler, Fithian, 111.
Alpha Phi—Grace Mclver, 115 11 St. S., Great Falls, Mont.
Delegate, Anna Estelle Many, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, La.
EDITORIAL BOARD OF TO DRAGMA Pi—Anna McLellan, 2108 Prytania St., New Orleans, L a .
N u — E d n a Rapallo, 129 E . 29th St., New York, N . Y .
Editor-in-chief, Mary Ellen Chase, Bozeman, Montana. Omicron—Eleanor Burke, 1635 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Frances Hardy, R.-M.W.C, Lynchburg, Va.
Business Manager, Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe ( M r s . W . F . ) , Bozeman,


Assistant Business Manager, Antoinette Treat Webb, 134 Cottage St., Nor-

wood, Mass.
Exchanges, Helen Charlotte Worster, Caribou, Maine.
Chapter Letters, Margaret June Kelley, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Maine.

Eastern District (Xu, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Chi)

Marion Rich, 17 Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass.
Southern District (Pi, Kappa, Omicron, Nu Kappa, Nu Omicron)

Lucretia Jordan Bickley (Mrs. W. E . ) , 1516 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Middlewestern District (Zeta, Theta, Rhn, Iota, Tau, Beta Phi, Eta, Alpha Phi)

Merva Dolsen Hennings ( M r s . A. J . ) , 817 S. 6th Ave., Maywood, I I I .

Western District (Sigma, Lambda, Upsilon)
Virginia Judy Esterly ( M r s . Ward B . ) , 244 Alvarado Rd., Berkeley, Cal.

Zeta—Alice Sheehy, A 0 I I House, Lincoln, Neb. Upsilon—Nellie McColl, 4732 21st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Sigma—Marion Black, 2913 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal.
Theta—Agnes Lakin, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, lad. Nu Kappa—Rhea Burgess, 4505 Munger Ave., Dallas, Tex.
Delta—Loma Tasker, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Barbara Dunn, I I Bennoch St., Orono, Me. Beta Phi—Vivian Day, A O II House, Bloomington, Ind.
Epsilon—Dagmar Schmidt, 308 Waite Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho— Ruth Sharer, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111. Eta—Margaret Melaas, 217 N . Murray St., Madison, Wis.
Lambda—Leuell Garvin, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Mary Caldwell, 706 W . H i l l St., Champlain, 111. Alpha Phi—Harriet Arneson, Hamilton Hall, Bozeman, Mont.
Tau—Muriel Fairbanks, 406 n t h Ave. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Frances Carter, 503 University PI., Syracuse, N . Y . Nu Omicron—Katrina Overall, 1904 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Upsilon—Elizabeth McCausland, 1847 E . 55th St., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Genevieve Groce, 3530 Cedar Springs R d . , Dallas, Tex. CHAPTER ROLL
Beta Phi—Mildred Begeman, A O I I House, Bloomington, Ind. P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Eta—Elizabeth Pruett, 217 N . Murray St., Madison, Wis. Nu—New York University, New York City.
Alpha Phi—Etta Norcutt, Hamilton Hall, Bozeman, Mont. Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Nu Omicron—Katrina Overall, 1904 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
A L U M N J E CHAPTERS Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
PRESIDENTS Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
New York—Daisy Gaus, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y . Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
San Francisco—Daisy Mansfield Shaw (Mrs. Norman), 3073 Bateman St., Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Berkeley, Cal. Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Boston—Marion Rich, 17 Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass. Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Providence—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A. D . ) , 25 Tenth H i l l Ave., Providence, Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
R. I. Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Lincoln—Annie E . Jones, 1710 B St., Lincoln, Neb. Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Los Angeles—Lucile Curtis, 1933 Oxford Ave., Los Angeles,' Cal. Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Chicago—Mabel Wallace, 7000 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 111. Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Indianapolis—Ruth Ritchie, 3241 N . New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University. Nashville, Tenn.
New Orleans—Anna E . Many, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a . New York Alumna?—New York City.
Minneapolis—Carolyn Frazer Pulling (Mrs. Arthur), 100 Malcolm Ave., San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Minneapolis, Minn. Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Bangor—Margaret June Kelley, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Me. Los Angeles Alumna?—Los Angeles, Cal.
Portland—Alice H . Collier, 438 E . 52d St., Portland, Ore. Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Puget Sound—Cornelia Jenner, East Seattle, Wash. Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
ACTIVE CHAPTER SECRETARIES New Orleans Alumna;—New Orleans, L a .
Pi—Evelyn Pigott, 3706 Prytania St., New Orleans, L a . Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Nu—Jessie C . Buchanan, 56 E . 59th St., New York, N . Y . Bangor Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Omicron—Dorothy M. Nolan, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Portland Alumnae—Portland, Ore.
Kappa—Eliza D. Wallis, R.-M.W.C, Lynchburg, Va. Puget Sound Alumna;—Seattle, Wash.
Zeta—Edna Hathway, A O I I House, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Margaret Forsythe, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Helen Lange, A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Ruth Brooks, 40 Warren St., West Med ford, Mass.
Gamma—Ella Wheeler, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Florence Coupe, 308 Waite Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Faith Morse, 5045 N . Robey St., Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Ruth Chandler, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ruth Percival, 906 W . Green St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Margaret Boothroyd, 406 n t h Ave. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
C h i — I n a Miller, 503 University P L , Syracuse, N . Y .

To D R A G M A

VOL. X I I S E P T E M B E R , 1917 No. 4

To D R A G M A is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.

To D R A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May,
and September.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; single copies,

twenty-five cents.

Mary Ellen Chase, Editor-in-chief. Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe, Business

T h i s college year w i l l be a hard one! K n o w i n g this, w e
must be ready to meet it seriously and t h o u g h t f u l l y . I n every
college in our land, there w i l l be a "difference." Brothers and
their friends w i l l be missing, and every college organization,
every national fraternity w i l l be doing its share i n this time of
national crisis. The policies of last year are not those of this
year; elaborate entertainments and expensive rushings you
w i l l be spared, they are not good f o r m ! N o sacrifice is too
big for us when i t means life to some starving child, material
help to some bereaved mother, and victory to our soldiers.
Especially should w e be most w i l l i n g to accept this sacrifice,
w h e n i n so d o i n g w e f i n d again something that has l o n g been
lost—simplicity. T o serve, to economize, to be simple, are i n
some w a y applicable to every circumstance that arises. Ac-
c e p t i n g these w i t h a seriousness of purpose as o u r f r a t e r n i t y
ideals is the only w a y to meet the t r u s t that is n o w imposed
upon us.

Grand President.


A LETTER FROM T H E COMMISSIONER OF EDUCA- that is now passing away in the horrors of war. I n the new world
TION: AN APPEAL TO YOUNG WOMEN I N women will play new roles; they w i l l take a more important part
COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, NORMAL in the industrial and professional life than they have taken in the
SCHOOLS, A N D TECHNICAL past and w i l l hare much greater and much more direct influence
SCHOOLS on the public policies of city, state, and nation. I n our own country
there w i l l be need f o r a much higher level of general intelligence
Washington, D. C , May 17th, 1917. than we have yet attained, and to our country w i l l come f r o m a l l
I t has been reported to me that many young women now i n the the world greater demands for both men and women of education
colleges, universities, and normal schools of the United States may and training than has ever come to any country at any time. There-
not return to continue their work at the beginning of the next school- fore, a l l young women who would serve their country and the world
year, either because o f their desire to serve their country i n some most effectively in this time o f their greatest need should take ad-
capacity while i t is i n war, or because of lack of money to pay ex- vantage of every possible opportunity to gain preparation f o r it. N o
penses. one should leave school or college f o r any service which can be given
as well by another whose preparation f o r greater service w i l l not
T h e country w i l l need the services of many women of good native be prevented thereby. T o prevent any having to leave because of
ability and education i n the Red Cross and to take the places i n the lack of means to pay expenses, colleges should reduce their expenses
trades, industries, and other professions made vacant by the volun- and the cost of l i v i n g as much as possible, and societies and i n d i -
teering or d r a f t i n g of men f o r the a r m y : and i t is good to see the viduals should endow temporary scholarships or lend money to stu-
readiness and the willingness with which women are offering their dents at low rates of interest until they can repay it.
services by thousands. Fortunately f o r us the rapid growth of our
high schools and our liberal policy of higher education for women I do not forget, nor would I have anyone forget, that necessarv,
i n the last two decades have given us something like two millions immediate service to the country must have precedence over a l l else.
of women with high school education and several hundreds of thou- But when the immediate service can be rendered by others, those
sands w i t h the training of the colleges and normal schools. I n this who are preparing f o r such services as cannot be rendered by most
time of need they w i l l more than repay the country f o r a l l the cost should continue their preparation w i t h as l i t t l e i n t e r r u p t i o n as possi-
of their education. ble.

For this very reason i t should not now be necessary f o r any young Therefore, I make this appeal to all young women i n college, uni-
woman to leave school, shorten the time and lessen the amount of versity, normal school, and technical school who can do so to con-
her education that she may enter the immediate service of her tinue their studies to graduation so that they may be prepared to
country. For every one of the 190,000 young women i n colleges, render the fullest and best service in the years of war, i f they con-
universities, and normal schools (approximately 100,000 in colleges tinue, and in the years of peace which w i l l surely come.
and universities and 90,000 i n normal schools) there must be two
or three having no less preparation who could enter the services of Yours sincerely, P. C L A X T O N ,
the country without breaking up homes or leaving more important
work undone. I t w i l l be f a r better f o r the country that these go P. of Education.
and that the supply of educated and trained women shall not be cut
off in the earlier years of the war. I f the war is long, there w i l l U. S. Commissioner
be need before it is ended f o r a l l the trained women our schools
can turn out. Even i f a l l are continued at their f u l l capacity there
w i l l be need f o r them in fields of service where as yet there is l i t t l e
or no need.

When the war is over, the w o r l d must be rebuilt with greater wis-
dom and more skill than have gone into the building of the world



PLANNING FOR T H E YEAR'S W O R K W i t h the opening o f the new college year, we, as A l p h a O girls,
begin to think of strengthening our chapters which are yearly de-
College l i f e is the whole, fraternity life is but a part of i t . She who pleted by the loss o f the senior girls. The loss is soon remedied by
looks l i g h t l y upon the former, slights the latter. She who does the the "bidding" of new girls. This "bidding" is one of the most
most i n the one, does the most i n the other. W h a t do you do? difficult tasks that a chapter undertakes. I t is a serious matter to
select f r o m a group o f one hundred or more equally fine girls, ten
Your college year is mapped out w i t h classes. Do your best to or so who are to become our sisters. I t is a task which requires the
attend faithfully. Incidentally you are working for a high frater- thought and best judgment of every member of every chapter.
nity scholarship. N e x t to classes are the activities. College l i f e Alpha Omicron Pi stands f o r high ideals. For twenty years A l p h a
is impossible without them. Incidentally you are representing your O girls throughout these United States o f ours have striven to live
fraternity. N o w we come to the fraternity and your officers whom up to these cherished ideals, and f o r twenty times twenty years more
you have chosen f o r their particular qualifications. they are going to strive to live up to them. The only way to bring
about realized ideals is to " b i d " girls who are worthy of sharing
T h e chapter president is familiar, in some way, with every par- our secrets and capable o f l i v i n g up to our aims.
ticular t h i n g that she is asking o f you, nor can she herself f a i l to
carry out similar duties that are imposed upon her. She is responsi- And how are we going to determine which girls are most worthy
ble for instilling into the chapter the high principles of the frater- of becoming our new sisters? This is a very difficult question to
nity, and she lives them. She is a respecter of authority i n college answer. T o me, i t seems that the only way a f r a t e r n i t y can suc-
and i n the fraternity, therefore her, as an authority, you must also cessfully answer it is to decree that every member of the chapter
respect. She is responsible f o r the officers under her, and i f they "keep her head'' d u r i n g the rushing season.
are not efficient through her efforts, then she must find someone who
is. I know that it is very hard to sit by and see your dearest f r i e n d
black-balled, while a g i r l who i n your estimation isn't " h a l f as nice"
T h e secretary is prompt and accurate, and knows that small de- is voted in. I t is enough to make the average g i r l become sad and
angry at the same moment. Hut cannot the fraternity g i r l make it
tails are as important as big ones. She is courteous. She must be. an opportunity to show her sisters that she has enough "back-bone"
and enough "woman" in her to "keep her head." Nothing sounds
for you are judged through her. more petty and selfish, yes, and unwomanly, than to hear someone
say, " M y candidate was black-balled, so I ' l l black-ball some one
T h e treasurer is businesslike. Bills are promptly paid, books else's candidate." It's just a little more mature way of saying, "She
slapped me first, so I slapped back."
are kept up to date.
Let us measure a possible sister by this tape: " W i l l she be a
Your officers were chosen because o f their deep sense o f responsi- sister to be p r o u d o f ? W i l l our chapter be better and stronger be-
b i l i t y . Some day you, too, w i l l f i l l the same positions, and now cause she Is i n i t ? " Perhaps the girls decide that the candidate does
is the time to train. Already you have a personal responsibility in not reach quite to the top notch o f the measure. Then does it help
your attitude toward college and toward your fraternity, and in things out for a girl to "lose her head," show resentment and
your cooperation in the smallest duty asked of you. This and this make things generally uncomfortable? Does it better her friend's
only is going to make smooth sailing f o r your chapter, and make it chances of becoming a member o f the chapter, and does it raise her
possible to devote patience and energy to the serious affairs that have i n the estimation of her sisters? So why does she not use the same
come recently upon our horizon. amount of energy (and often it takes even more) and show her
sisters that her feelings are under absolute control, and that even
1 do not need to tell you that some of our officers are doing their a more severe blow than that is necessary to make her crumble.
share, and a prodigious share i n some instances, f o r our country.
They cannot freely give the unnecessary attention that some chapters
have thoughtlessly required in the past. T h i s is why we beg
of you to carry out your share of the work f a i t h f u l l y — b e prompt,
be accurate, be courteous, do not be indifferent to the smallest service


Grand President.


"The man worth while is the man who can smile
W h e n everything goes dead w r o n g . " W i t h a m i n d filled w i t h thoughts of Red Cross w o r k and vexing
itself w i t h the many possible ways of food conservation, I find i t
T h e n let us as A l p h a O girls show our determination to be difficult to realize that, of course, there w i l l be " r u s h i n g " to be done
" w o r t h w h i l e , " and i n doing this we w i l l be an asset to our sorority. this f a l l . ( N o t i c e I do not say "rushing as usual," f o r I feel that
our college girls w i l l be blessed w i t h keener insight and more feel-
There is another thing to be considered i n rushing. I t is the ing than some of our business men have shown w i t h their "business
proper employment of the black ball. I consider i t a weapon which as usual" slogan.) B u t rushing of some k i n d there w i l l necessarily
should be employed i n some instances. Let us imagine that a popu- have to be, and the problem that every chapter w i l l have to solve f o r
lar g i r l is being rushed by the chapter. One of the Alpha O girls itself w i l l be how to rush w i t h as l i t t l e expenditure of time, energy,
who has come to know her well has discovered some well-defined and money as possible, and s t i l l bring the desirable girls into our
reason w h y she w o u l d be an undesirable addition to the chapter. ranks. I am sure you a l l feel w i t h me that under the present circum-
I n such a case i t seems best to place the facts before the sorority stances expensive and conspicuous rushing w o u l d be most improper
members, and they should remember that she who points out the i f not absolutely w r o n g . I f at this time we show ourselves to be
flaw does i t not f r o m personal feeling, b u t f o r the good o f her fonder of gayety and carried away by our own selfish interests, we
chapter. She "keeps her head" when she goes against the popular cannot expect the people about us to hold us i n much respect. T h i s
current, and shows others what seems to her sufficient reason f o r is a time, rather, when we have every opportunity to show the world
b l a c k - b a l l i n g ; and no resentment should be shown her f o r so doing. about us that our ideals are so high that of themselves they help us
bear our share of the Nation's burden, and that our fraternities are
A n d while the rush season is at its height let us say w i t h K i p l i n g . f a r f r o m being the mere social organizations which so many people
have judged them to be.
" I f you can keep your head
While all about you N o w is the chance to use the simplest methods f o r meeting the
new girls; to let natural friendships take the place of feverish
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you "crushes," and to show the new girl the compliment of believing
that she is capable of choosing the group w i t h whom she w i l l be
******* happiest and most congenial without the whirlwind accompaniment
of dinners, dances, and expensive "eats." T h e impressionable young
Yours is the earth, and everything that's in it, g i r l who comes into college this f a l l , i t seems to me, is going to be
A n d what is more—you'll be a man, m y son." struck most of a l l by that crowd of girls that is laying aside thoughts
O f course, we can't be "men," but we can "keep our heads" and of self f o r those of service to country, and she w i l l readily realize
be "womanly," w h i c h is every b i t as fine. that expensive entertaining f o r her w i l l mean less time and money
f o r the more essential duties before us now. Let us keep our rushing
BARBARA D U N N , r '20. simple f o r this f a l l at least; perhaps—who knows? we may find the
plan so much better after a l l that our old methods of rushing w i l l
seem obsolete and ridiculous, and i n a f e w years we w i l l look back
and wonder why we tolerated them so long.

District Superintendent MERVA DOLSEN HENNINGS,

of Middle Western Chapters.



GETTING INTO THINGS different now. Let's not bother this year." Get into things and
make them worth w h i l e ! A r e you seniors w i l l i n g to let your last
"Getting into things I " Stirring phrase, brisk, breezy, suggestive vear. instead of being the finest, be the least f r u i t f u l ? A r e you
of cool f a l l nights and the tang of autumn air. I t is a bugle call juniors at the critical portion of your course going to lose the love
of back to duly w i t h a zest. I t seems, however, a sad error i n the o f i t and the zest of college l i f e ? A r e you sophomores going to
scheme of magazines that our relentless editor must demand these let the freshmen f i n d that college is so different, so flat, so meaning-
bracing, inspiring challenges to renewed f a l l effort to be written i n less, compared w i t h their dreams? T h e n "get into things," "get
the summer months, which steal the energy even as they quicken the into things," and keep college worth while, and fraternity l i f e more
spirit. Seated in the sun-burned grass, watching on the horizon a vital than ever!
pile o f opalescent thunder heads, luminous white, rosy grey, and
shadow blue, I am too f u l l of the peace of summer to f i n d words H E L E N C. WORSTER, T '12.
to sting you into action for autumn.

But did you ever think that in the college world to get the sum
total of good f r o m each of your f o u r years, you must put into the
following eight months what the four months of summer have given
you in rest, renovation of nerves, renewal of aspirations. This fresh
energy is most needed in the f a l l f o r the actual "getting into things"
again. There is an a b c lesson which you have already mastered:
that the girl who at the opening of college can put behind her with
her dainty dresses, her lacy hats, and fluffy parasols, the summer
feeling that she is mostly f o r ornament, f o r f u n , and f o r romance,
is the one who gets heartily into college work and f r a t e r n i t y l i f e .
You have learned that "the trailing clouds of glory" brought over
f r o m summer are a deadly haze obscuring the autumn goal. A l l
of this you have acquired, some p a i n f u l l y , some easily, and some

But this f a l l of 1917 brings you a lesson of "getting into things"
far harder. You come back to college changed by war. You come
back to circumstances which make you so long f o r the old w o r k i n g —
and playing—conditions that you wonder you were ever reluctant to
settle to the routine before. W i t h the old friends gone, the classes
perhaps smaller, some courses altered, some functions omitted, and
a general air of solemnity, you are tempted to think there is little
l e f t worth getting into. Your thoughts are of the nurses, the or-
ganizers, the soldiers, the leaders of the country; and how trivial
seems everything to be done i n college.

Yet there, my dears, is your mistake. I f is you, you who have the
privilege of going back, who have the double duty of "getting into
things" not only f o r your part but f o r the part of those missing.
Your enthusiasm for society, f o r Red Cross work, f o r economy, for
classes, f o r sorority l i f e , must be limitless! I f you have f e l t i n the
past a bit not needed, you find yourself of double importance now.
Don't j o i n the w h i n i n g chorus of "what's the use? Things are so




September. I think, should be the Alpha of every college girl's T H E CONVENTION W H I C H D I D NOT CONVENE
ideals. There is so much to be bettered i n our aims and intentions; so
much that we realize we have failed in during the previous year; J N spite of the fact that we did not get together last June on the
and so much more to be expected of us as we pass f r o m year to year banks of the James w i t h the most cordial of hostesses, we are very
i n the short, too short, span of college l i f e , that September comes to much together this September. Together in fraternity spirit, in sin-
us w i t h almost providential voice: " N o w is the time to start in and cerity of aim, in loftiness of purpose, in a real, honest desire to meet
fight, heart and soul, f o r your ideals." new conditions of l i v i n g , new requirements of t h i n k i n g , i n a sane,
alert, optimistic way. Perhaps the singleness of our opinion that,
H o w many there are, of us who have ideals buried deep i n our under the circumstances, the Convention would be inappropriate,
hearts and who yet never f a n them into the glow that perhaps might caused a getting together in spirit which was proof against miles and
light the way f o r others. We may strive to realize our aims our- mountains.
selves, but the greater good lies i n instilling them in those about us.
T h i s is especially true i n f r a t e r n i t y l i f e where one member can so T h e entire f r a t e r n i t y owes a debt of gratitude to our Kappa host-
easily hinder the best intentions of the others, unless a l l hold alike, esses who were b e a u t i f u l l y ready f o r a party which never came. But
an ideal before them as a sort of guiding light. it is coming some day—not a mythical some day either, or the kind
our weary mothers used to promise us i n days long. past. U n t i l then,
"Humanness," i t seems to me, should be the ideal of every A l p h a Kappa must keep our gratitude against the day when we can express
O. " T h a t characteristic," an author once wrote me, referring to it at Randolph-Macon.
humanness, "is a l l that makes this world go round and the folks
upon it happy." T H E DIRECTORY

I t is not impossible to describe humanness but i t is difficult to do W E trust you w i l l study the Directory i f only to find the mis-
so. T h e first element, the fundamental basis of this all-embracing ' takes which doubtless lie therein. A n d as you study i t , w i l l
ideal, is sympathy with your fellow-men; not the weep-when-they- you please see a Grand Secretary copying hundreds of names when
weep idea, but a deep, general interest in the affairs and cares of she longs to look at the sea, a harassed Registrar upon whom most of
others. Few college girls can plead guilty to enough human sympa- the work falls, mentally cursing careless chapter secretaries and gaz-
thy to entitle them to be called "human." The "human" person can ing at indelibly inky fingers, and a f r o w n i n g E d i t o r , whose f a m i l y
"understand" the little personal things, is tolerant, and what is more has just told her she is "too cross to live w i t h . " I am sure that a
positive, is active in interest. The "human" person in a school knows Directory has never been compiled w i t h more thought or care, and
everyone just a little better, speaks to everyone just a l i t t l e oftener, it is with an annoying sense that we ought not to beg appreciation,
and is liked just a l i t t l e more, than her comrade who is not so human. that we are begging yours. Please read your chapter roll at least,
H u m a n persons come most near being "Citizens of the W o r l d " al- and i f you find an incorrect name or address, w i l l you please take the
though they may pass their entire span i n the same l i t t l e village. time to report it corrected to Miss Henry and to Mrs. Swanson.
They are adaptable in all company and circumstances, convincible
and open to conviction, fair, upright, and pleasure-giving; they are T H E QUESTION OF L I F E SUBSCRIPTIONS
the salt of the earth and should be sought after to swell the ever-
growing ranks of Alpha Omicron Pi. A 1. T H O U G H there was no Convention and although the Con-
Btitution has not been amended as yet to provide f o r l i f e sub-
scriptions to T o D R A G M A , l i f e subscriptions have become a reality
with the receipt of a ten-dollar check f r o m our Grand President.
Who w i l l be the next? A l l grand officers and a l l alumna.', i n fact,
are urged to become l i f e subscribers. The ten dollars asked is most
inexpensive, and T o D R A G M A is not in any danger of dying before


you receive your money's worth and more. Neither are you! A l l ANNOUNCEMENTS

such sums received w i l l be placed at interest, f o r m i n g a T o D R A G M A A L U M N A ASSISTANT EDITORS—TAKE NOTICE!

nest-egg. A l l alumnae assistant editors are expected to send to the Editor of
We trust that shortly arrangements may be made through the ac- T o D R A G M A the alumnae notes of their respective chapters. These
notes should be written on one side of paper, 8 x 1 1 , perferably typed,
tion of Grand Council by which a compulsory life subscription will and sent to the E d i t o r on or before the first day o f the f o l l o w i n g
be exacted of each active member, the ten dollars thus required to months—October, January, and A p r i l . T h i s w o r k should be as
be paid i n quarterly installments, i . e., two dollars and fifty cents conscientiously done as the chapter letter of each chapter, and the
each year while i n college, and the amount sent by the chapter Editor is, this year, going to print an honor r o l l of those alumnae
treasurer at some stated time during the year to the Business Man- assistant editors who are regular and prompt and painstaking in this
ager of T o D R A G M A . U n t i l such arrangements are perfected, the work.
Grand Treasurer w i l l continue to pay the one hundred dollars quar-
terly. The notes should be divided under the f o l l o w i n g heads: Engage-
ments, Marriages, Births, General. These editors should also send
N a t u r a l l y we shall be still glad of one-dollar yearly subscriptions, announcements o f deaths, w i t h dates and brief particulars, so that
but we would ask a l l alumnae assistant business managers to make publication of the same may be made i n T o D R A G M A .
a special plea to the members of their respective chapters f o r life
subscriptions. I f our alumnae are expected to support T o D R A G M A , then we must
be f a i t h f u l i n our service to them. T h e d u t y o f an alumnae assis-
Since M r s . Schoppe has resigned, much to the regret o f the f r a - ant editor is not a small one, as by her faithfulness she may increase
ternity, and since no successor has been definitely chosen, checks the interest f e l t in our magazine by those who have l e f t college.
f o r l i f e subscriptions may be sent the E d i t o r at Bluehill, Maine, until
announcement of the new Business Manager is made i n the Novem- A l l notes sent to the E d i t o r on or before October 1st, w i l l please
ber T o D R A G M A . M a y they be many! be addressed to Bluehill, Maine. A later address w i l l be given.

ANNOUNCEMENTS The work described above is the chief work o f such an alumnae
assistant. From time to time other requests may be made by the
L E A S E do not overlook the announcements in this number. Editor, but this is the routine of service. N o other notice w i l l be
They are of especial importance. sent to alumnae assistant editors. Please have your notes ready to
send by October 1st.
AT the request of several Grand Officers we are again publishing
an A l p h a Omicron P i Calendar. I t has meant a great deal D u r i n g the present Editor's term of office, no chapter letters w i l l
of work. Please make use of i t . appear i n the September numbers of T o DRAGMA. A l l chapter
editors are to prepare their chapter letters and have them ready to
send on the twenty-fifth of September, December, and March,
for the November, February, and May numbers, respectively. Letters
received a f t e r the tenth o f October, January, and A p r i l w i l l be
termed late. T h e f o l l o w i n g directions should be c a r e f u l l y observed:

I . Write your letter on paper 8x11, and mail in manuscript

I I . Write on one side o f the paper. Type or have typed i f

I I I . Always head your letter with the name of your chapter,
followed by the name of the college or university, i.e., Delta, Jack-
son College.


I V . Begin by giving your chapter roll, written in two columns. Since much of the material f o r the November number is therefore
Be sure numerals are placed after names. ready and waiting, we shall probably not have that number a Song
Number as we had planned. Last year The Purple, Green and Gold
V. Strive to make your letter interesting and original. of Lambda Chi A l p h a issued a most interesting Song Number, and
Remember it is not merely a chronicle of events. because of the excellent work of our Song Committee, and the inade-
quateness of our present A l p h a Omicron Pi Songbook, we are tempted
V I . I n m a i l i n g see that you put on two stamps ( f o u r cents.) to follow its example, and do likewise. However, considering the
The average letter takes double postage always. material already on hand, i t w i l l be impossible to prepare such a
number before February, and hence the November number w i l l be
V I I . Always sign your letter with name and office. general in interest.
V I I I . Be on time.
The f o l l o w i n g chapter editors w i l l send their letters to Miss Mar- Charters have been granted by Alpha Omicron Pi to two alumna;
garet June Kelley, 52 Essex Street, Bangor, Maine. groups, situated at Lynchburg, Virginia, and Knoxville, Tennessee.
We shall hope to hear of the installations of these chapters in an
Nu, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Chi, Pi, Kappa, Theta, and Rho. early number of T o DRAGMA.
The following w i l l send their letters to Mary Ellen Chase, Blue-
h i l l , Maine, until they are notified f u r t h e r :
Omicron, N u Kappa, N u Omicron, Zeta, Iota, Tau, Beta Phi.
Eta, Alpha Phi, Sigma, Lambda, and Upsilon.
The secretaries of New York, Providence, Boston, New Orleans,
and Bangor Alumna; w i l l please send their letters to Miss Kelley.
The secretaries of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Lincoln, Chicago,
Indianapolis, Minneapolis, Portland, Oregon, and Puget Sound will
please send their letters to the E d i t o r at Bluehill, Maine, until f u r -
ther notice shall be given.
The letters written by the alumna? secretaries are subject to the
same directions as those w r i t t e n by the active editors, except that
i n the case of alumna; letters no chapter r o l l is given.
These directions are a l l that w i l l be given. Notices of changes
of address w i l l be sent later by mail.

We regret exceedingly that the geographical list, so carefully
prepared by the Registrar, assisted by Mrs. Crane, Esther Vincent,
and Frances M c N a i r , of Rho, cannot be included i n this number.
However, the treasury of T o D R A G M A does not permit it at this time.
I t is sincerely hoped that the list may be separately printed, or
included i n one of the later numbers of T o D R A G M A .

Much material intended f o r publication i n this number has been
necessarily omitted on account of the size of the Directory. W e
would especially mention some of the M a y reports to Grand Council,
and the accounts of the installations of Puget Sound Alumna;; and
of Vanderbilt. T h e first account, that of Puget Sound, has been
set aside once before, and i t is w i t h sincere regret that we repeat
the process. But the September number is going to be alarmingly
fat as i t is, and we cannot omit the Directory.



FOR Grey skies and leafless trees,
And the sound of falling rain,
1917-1918 A sodden path, a lonely hnt.

AUGUST And memories!

I n the school of life many branches of knowledge are taught. But the only Nov. 1. Chapter Panhellenic delegate send report to
philosophy that amounts to anything, after all, is just the secret of making National Panhellenic delegate.
friends with our lives.
Nov. 5. Lambda's birthday.
Aug. 23. Theta's birthday. Nov. 5. Corresponding secretary send report to Registrar.
Aug. 30. Corresponding secretary's report to Grand Secre- Nov. 10. Treasurer send Grand Council dues to Grand
tary to be sent on this date. ( F o r chapters whose colleges are Treasurer.
in session.) Nov. 30. Corresponding secretary send report to Grand

Aug. 30. Treasurer's report to be sent to district superin- Secretary.
tendent. (For chapters whose colleges are in session.) Nov. 30. Treasurer send report to district superintendent.

They might not need me, yet they might,
Could every time-worn heart but see Thee once again,
I'll let my heart stay just in sight; A happy, human child among the homes of men,
A very little smile might be The age of doubt would cease, the vision of Thy face
Would silently restore the childhood of the race.
Precisely their necessity!
Dec. 1. I s your chapter feeling the Christmas spirit?
Sept. S. Corresponding secretary send report to Registrar This is the year when it must burn brightest. W h y not sing
on this date. carols at chapter meetings?

Sept. 8. Pi's Birthday. Dec. 5. Corresponding secretary send report to Registrar.
Sept. 18. Upsilon's Birthday. Dec. 8. Founders' Day.
Sept. 25. Chapter editor's letter for November issue of Dec. 19. Chi's birthday.
T o Dragma due to be sent on this date. Alumnae chapters Dec. 25. Chapter editor send letter for February T o
take notice. Dragma. Alumna; chapters take notice.
Sept. 25. Nu Kappa's birthday. Dec. 26. Nu's birthday.
Sept. 30. Corresponding secretary send report to Grand Dec. 31. Corresponding secretary send report to Grand
Secretary. Secretary.
Dec. 31. Treasurer send report to district superintendent.
September 30. Treasurer send report to district superin-
tendent. JANUARY

OCTOBER When my dream robe is tattered.
Oh, how the thought of the things that are great enlarges the eyes! I f ever it is so,
Lead me out of the narrow life to the peace of .'he hills and the skies. And men may seem to scorn it—
Oh, I shall let them know
Oct. L Corresponding secretary send scholarship report. That it was torn on points of stars
Oct. 5. Corresponding secretary send report to Registrar. And gold of the rainbow !
Oct. 31. Corresponding secretary send report to Grand
Secretary. Jan. 1. W h y not make New Year's resolutions as a chap-
Oct. 31. Treasurer send report to district superintendent. ter, and keep them?
Oct. 31. Alumnae Assistant Business Managers, are you
working to add to your chapter's subscription list? Jan. 5. Corresponding secretary send report to Registrar.
Jan. 20. Eta's birthday.


Jan. 31. Corresponding secretary send report to Grand A p r i l 1. C o r r e s p o n d i n g secretary send scholarship report
Secretary. to member of standing committee to w h o m the chapter is

Jan. 31. Treasurer send report to district superintendent. assigned.

A p r i l 5. C o r r e s p o n d i n g secretary send r e p o r t t o Reg-

FEBRUARY istrar. 13. Kappa's birthday.
Friendship is love without wings. April 13. Delta's birthday.
April 14. Omicron's birthday.
Feb. 1. B e g i n y o u r w o r k o n the revised chapter d i r e c t o r y , April 16. Gamma's birthday.
Corresponding secretary. April 23. Epsilon's birthday.
F e b . 5. C o r r e s p o n d i n g secretary send r e p o r t t o R e g i s t r a r .
Feb. 6. Sigma's b i r t h d a y . A p r i l 28. N u Omicron's birthday.
Feb. 23. A l p h a Phi's birthday.
Feb. 27. Iota's Birthday. A p r i l 30. Corresponding secretary send secretary's report
Feb. 28. Corresponding secretary send secretary's report
to Grand Secretary. to G r a n d Secretary.
Feb. 28. Treasurer send report t o district superintendent.
A p r i l 30. Treasurer send report to d i s t r i c t superintendent.


Let the howlers howl I'm glad you love the flowers so much;
And the prowlers prowl , I hope you love the birds, too;
And the growlers growl You see it is economical!
It saves going to Heaven !
And the geegaws go it!
Behind the night M a y 1. E l e c t i o n of officers. D o n o t f o r g e t the alumnae
There is plenty of light, advisor and Grand Council member. Chapter Panhellenic
And things are all right, delegate send report to Alpha Omicron Pi National Panhel-
lenic delegate.
And I know it!
M a y 5. C o r r e s p o n d i n g s e c r e t a r y send r e p o r t t o R e g i s t r a r .
Prepare for your fraternity examinations.
M a r c h 1. C o r r e s p o n d i n g secretary send revised d i r e c t o r y M a y 15. A n n u a l r e p o r t f r o m a c t i v e a n d alumnae c h a p t e r s
of the chapter to the Grand President, Grand Secretary, due to Grand Secretary. This includes by-laws and list of
Registrar, and Business Manager of To Dragma. officers f o r 1917-1918. Recording secretary prepares this re-
M a r c h 5. C o r r e s p o n d i n g secretary send r e p o r t t o R e g - port.
M a y 15. A n n u a l r e p o r t o f a l l c o m m i t t e e s t o reach E x e c u -
M a r c h 19-23. F r a t e r n i t y examination. tive Committee on or before this date.
M a r c h 25. Chapter editor send letter f o r the M a y issue of
To Dragma. Alumnae chapters take notice. M a y 15. A n n u a l reports f r o m all national officers to E x -
March 31. Corresponding secretary send secretary's report ecutive Committee to reach Grand Secretary on or before this
to Grand Secretary. date.
March 31. Treasurer send report to district superintendent.
M a y 16. N o m i n a t i o n s f o r d i s t r i c t superintendents t o be i n
APRIL the hands of E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e b y June 1.

O the smell of rain is lovely May 31. Corresponding secretary send secretary's report
And the feel of rain is good! to Grand Secretary.

And once I spent all morning May 31. Treasurer send report to district superintendent.
With rain in a wood! A r e y o u as a chapter closing the year better t h a n w h e n y o u
began it?



The love that leads life upward is the noblest and the best. IMPORTANT! PLEASE TAKE NOTICE!

June 3. Beta Phi's birthday. W e do not want to lose track of any member of our big
June 11. Rho's birthday. and dear family. W i l l anyone who can supply the addresses
At commencement—Be sure that your books are in perfect of the following kindly send the same to the Grand Secretary
order and completion. Be sure that your new officers under- and the Registrar? Don't neglect to do this, for you will be
stand their duties. giving great help.

JULY Alpha Picabia, Marie Marrin (Mrs. Lorenzo), ex-'07
Pi Frierson, Lucia D., ex-'08
Fire flies glimmer and glow and gleam, Nu Arthur, Helen, '01
Each a sudden and magical spark. Cassasa, Ida, '10
And I like to think that somebody's dream Kappa Dillingham. Alice, '05
Wakens—out there in the dark! Zeta Garland, Olive R., '02
Theta McKeen, Helen J., '05
July 25. During the term of office of the present Editor, Myers, Priscilla N . , '09
there will be no chapter letters in the September numbers- Gamma Saufley, Helen O'Rear (Mrs. R. C ) , ex-'12
Chapter editors please take notice. Epsilon Trabue, Gladys, ex-'12
Lambda Wilson, Harriet, ex-'09
West, Madge Alderman (Mrs. R. M . ) , Sp.
Hilburn, Bernice Young (Mrs.), '14
Scully, Inez Gardner ( M r s . Richard), ex-'12
Walker. Mary Tillett (Mrs. Russell), Sp.
Townsend. Agnes Burnham (Mrs. J. M . ) , '00
Pritchard. Roberta Van Horn (Mrs. F. J.), Grad.
Hodge, Viola Steele ( M r s . Fred), '08


ALPHA Dietz, Edith A., '05,
P. 217 W. 105th St., New York, N . Y .
Adams, Jeanette Wick (Mrs. Perry), '04,
P. 33 W . 42nd St., New York, N . Y . Doody, Marie, '15,
P. 107 W. 82nd St., New York, N . Y .
Allan, Alice R., ex-'og,
Dorrance, Mary Maxon (Mrs. Wayland), '08,
P. 209 Midland Ave., Montclair, N . J . P. 2549 Decatur Ave., New York, N . Y .
Anderson, Helen B. (See Moses)
Aron, Beatrice M. (See Coolidge) Downes, Helen R., '14,
Becker, Elsa G . , '14,
P. 526 Van Courtland Park Ave., Yonkers, N . Y .
P. 233 \ V . 137th St., New York, N . Y .
Blaisdell, Hetty Dean (Mrs. Ferren), 'io, Drew, George, '99,

P. Red Bank, N. J . P. 342 Gregory Ave., East Orange, N. J .
Bolger, Julia, '14,
Druley, Eugenia Lee (Mrs. Waldo P . ) , Sp. '08-11,
P. 1891 Madison Ave., New York, N . Y .
Boss, Anna (See Campbell) P. 735 2nd St., Bremerton, Wash.
Brackett, Mary, '99,
Earle, Ruth (See Lawrence)
P. 604 W. 115th St., New York, N . Y .
'fragg. Jennie Preston (Mrs. Charles M . ) , '01, Elliman, Margaret (See Henry)

P. 151 Irving PI., South Orange, N . J . Ellyson, Helen Glenn (Mrs. ) , ex-'04,
Brodie, Eleanor VanCott (Mrs. Orrin L . ) , '02,
P. 33 Forest Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
P. 240 Fiske Ave., West New Brighton, S. I . , N . Y .
Brown, Fannibelle (Mrs. Oswald), '05, Farrell, Grace, '15,

P. Bryn Mawr, Wash. P. 443 W. 42nd St., New York, N . Y .
Burchenal, Emma, ex-'o7,
Fettretch, Edith (See Marsh)
P. 2790 Broadway, New York, N . Y .
Burgess, Esther (See Hadsell) Fleer, Frieda, '15,
Ilurrows, Edith M., '08,
P. 301 W. Lincoln Ave., Mt. Vernon, N . Y .
P. 26 Hamilton PI., Tarrytown, N . Y .
Campbell, Anna Boss (Mrs. Clarence), '05, Frame, Jean Loomis (Mrs. James E . ) , '04,

P. 14 W . 95th St., New York, N . Y . P. 606 W. 122nd St., New York, N . Y .
Chadwell, Elizabeth (See Pitney)
Clark, Margaret (See Sumner) Garvin, Cecelia Sillcox (Mrs. Win.), '08,
Cochran, Jessie I . , '09,
P. Kings Park, L . [, N. Y .
P. 120 W. 12th St., New York, N . Y .
Coddington, Elizabeth C , '02, Geraty, Constance M., '15,

P. 11 E l m St., Passaic, N . J . P. S. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J .
Conant, Bessie Scott (Mrs. Frederick B . ) , '05,
Glenn, Helen (See Ellyson)
P. 282 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N . J .
Coolidge, Beatrice Aron (Mrs. George P . ) , '09, Grunow, Edwina Dearden (Mrs. Wm. R . ) , '15,

P. 35 Washington Sq., New York, N. Y . P . 125 E . 91st St., New York, N . Y .
Cowell, Beatrice Ritch (Mrs. W. H . ) , '10,
Hadsell, Esther Burgess (Mrs. Irving W . ) , '13,
P. 651 Laurel Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Curdy, Anne H a l l (Mrs. Robert J . ) , '98, P. 5151 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111.

P. 2544 Forest Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Hall, Anne (See Curdy)
Dean, HeUie (See Blaisdell)
Dearden, Edwina (See G.runow) Hamilton, Edythe Hulbert (Mrs. E . W . ) , Grad.,
De Villalvilla, Maria, '13,
P. 114 Morningside Drive, New York, N . Y .
P. 536 W . 113th St., New York, N . Y .
Dickson, Agnes L . , '99, Harris, Sarah Lay (Mrs. J . A r t h u r ) , '07,

P . 52 Summit Ave., Jersey City, N . J . P. Cold Springs Harbor, L . I . , N. Y .

Henry, Margaret Elliman (Mrs. J . B . ) , '02,

P. 240 Prince George St., Annapolis, Md.

Holden, Eleanor, '06,
P. Madison, N. J .

Howard, Lillian (See Perry)
Hughan, Ethel (See Rockwell)
Hughan, Jessie W., '98,

P. 378 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .

Hulbert, Edythe J . (See Hamilton)

Hunley, Ethel V . , '15,
P. 526 W. 173rd St., New York, N . Y .

Hurty, Kathleen E . , '07,
P. Erasmus Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y .


Jacques, Mary, 'io, Richardson, Adelaide A., '09,
P. 839 Jennings St., New
P. 44 Morningside Ave. W., New York, N. Y. York, N. Y.
Johnson, Lucetta P., '07, Ritch, Beatrice (See Cowell)
Robinson, Anna K . , '14,
P. Morristown, N . J .
Jones, Elizabeth T . , '12, P. Sea Cliffe, L . I . , N. Y .
Robinson, Elizabeth (See Marriott)
P. 1 Midland Ave., White Plains, N . Y . Rockwell, Ethel Hughan (Mrs. Frederick F . ) , '04,
Jordan, Anna, '15,

P . 126 W . 102nd St., New York, N . Y . P. R . F . D. No. 2, Putnam, Conn.
Kutner, Margaret, '12,
Rusk, Hester M., '12,
P. Berlin W., Nassauischestrasse 21, Germany.
Lawrence, Ruth E a r l (Mrs. Richard), '02, P. 310 S. n t h St., St. Joseph, Mo.
Rusk, Louise, ex-'u, deceased.
P. 2519 Sedgwick Ave., New York, N . Y . Ryder, Viola Turck (Mrs. Chas.), '13,
Lay, Sarah (See Harris)
Lee, Eugenia (See Druley) P. 320 E . Uintah St., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Lclond, Fannibelle (See Brown) St. Clair, Helen (See Mullan)
Loomis, Jean (See Frame, Mrs. James) Sanville, Florence L . , '01,
MacDonald. Evelyn P., '08,
P. 4839 Pulaski Ave., Germantown, Pa.

P. 119 W. 70th St., New York, N . Y . Schlessinger, Milded (See Ragan)
Marrin, Marie (See Picabia)
Marriott, Elizabeth Robinson (Mrs. W m . ) , '08, Schoedler, Lillian, ' n ,

P. 2433 Guilford Ave., Baltimore, Md. P. 249 W. 107th St., New York, N . Y .
Marsh, Edith Fettretch (Mrs. H i r a m ) , '05, Schramm, Ethel B . , ex-'o7,

P. 103 Jason St., Arlington, Mass. P. South Vineland, N . J .
Maxon, Mary (See Dorrance)
Morrison, Elinor Nu (Mrs. J . A . ) , '12, Scott, Bessie (See Conant)

P. 137 Lynch St., Brooklyn, N . Y . Sercomb, Margaret G . , '05,
Moses, Beatrice Anderson (Mrs. Henry C . ) , '05, P. 531 Lake Drive, Milwaukee, Wis.

Shipman, Helen, '14,
P. 4732 21 st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.

P. 460 Convent Ave., New York, N . Y . Sillcox, Cecelia (See Garvin)
Mullan, Helen St. Clair (Mrs. George V . ) , '98,
Sillcox, Laise M., '11,
P. 118 W. 183rd St., New York, N . Y .
Muzzy, Martha Moore (Mrs. Samuel), '02, deceased. P. 610 W. 139th St., New York, N . Y .
Nelson, Bessie Swan (Mrs. A . M . ) , '04, Smith, Alice (See Thomson)

P. 340 Langdon Ave., Mt. Vernon, N . Y . Smith, Josephine Prahl (Mrs. Chas. T . ) , '08,
Nu, Elinor (See Morrison)
Perry, Lillian Howard (Mrs. F . T . ) , ex-'oo, P. 71 N . Brighton Ave., East Orange, N . J .
Stern, Stella George (See Perry)
P. 93 St. Mark's PI., New Brighton, S. I . , N . Y . Sumner, Margaret Clark (Ms. Francis B . ) , *02,
Perry, Stella Stern (Mrs. G. H . ) , '98,
P. L a Jolla, San Diego, Cal.

P. Hotel Maryland, San Francisco, Cal. Swan, Bessie L . (See Nelson)
Petri, Lucie A., '14,
Sweeney, Lora R., Sp. '08-11,
P. 739 Quincy St., Brooklyn, N . Y . P. 333 Park Ave., Paterson, N . J .
Picabia, Marie Marrin (Mrs. Lorenzo), ex-*07,
Pitney, Elizabeth Chadwell (Mrs. F . V . ) , ex-'07, Thomson, Alice Smith (Mrs. Wm. S . ) , '05,

P. Morristown, N . J . P. 230 Parker Ave., Buffalo, N . Y .
Pollock, Wilma V . , '08,
Thorp, Anna F . , '05,

P. 459 Ellison St., Paterson, N . J .

P. 3 Washington Sq., New York, N. Y . Toms, Elizabeth I . , '06,
Prahl, Josephine (See Smith)
Pratt, Josephine S., '07, P. 118 W . 128th St., New York, N . Y .

Turck, Viola (See Ryder)

P. c/o O. Hundson, 68 W. 162nd St., New York, N . Y . Van Cott, Eleanor (See Brodie)
Preston, Jennie (See Bragg)
Van Duerson, Helen (See Wilson)
Ragan, Mildred Schlessinger (Mrs. Carroll), '09,
P. 373 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N . Y . Van Horne, Katherine, 'oo,
P . 50 Maple Ave., Morristown, N . J .


Watkins, Julia, 'oo, Cox, Elizabeth Lyon ( M r s . W m . E . ) , ex-'os,
P. I I James St.. Montclair, N . J. P. Robinsonville, Miss.

Wayt, Hazel I . , 'io, Crippen, Josephine (See K i n g )
P. 161 Franklin St., Astoria, L . L , N . Y . Davis, Leonora Lewis ( M r s . Corey N . ) , '04,

W i c k , Jeanette (See Adams) P. c/o Campbell, Brown & Davis, Huntington, W . Va.
Wilson, Helen Van Duerson ( M r s . D a v i d ) , '04, Davis, Marguerite Saunders ( M r s . Eugene), '07,

P. 48 Church St., Amsterdam, N . Y . P. 1215 V i r g i n i a St., Charleston, W . Va.
Wylie, Jane D . , '09, Demarest, Cora Spearing ( M r s . F r a n k ) , '12,

P. 830 West End Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y . P. 1452 Calhoun St., New Orleans, La.
Wyman, Elizabeth H . , '98, D u f o u r , Rosalie, '15,

P. 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N . J . P. 1663 Valmont St., New Orleans, La.
T. Lake Charles, La.
Yates, Margaret H . , '08, Dupre, Betsy, '13,
P. 611 W . 112th St., New Y o r k , N . Y . P. Opelousas, La.
T. Lake Charles, La.
PI Dupre, Cleveland (See McNees)
Ayres, Mattie G. (See Newman, Mrs. J. W . ) Dupre, Edith G., 'oo,
Bancroft, Anne Delia, '15, P. Lafayette, La.
Dupre, Mary Lilybel, '07,
P. 108 Hobson St., Hot Springs, A r k . P. Opelousas, La.
T. Lake Charles, La. Eustis, Nell Bres ( M r s . Ernest L . ) , '07,
Barker, Dorothy Safford ( M r s . Augustus L . ) , '10, P. 7500 Hampton St., New Orleans, La.
P. 183 H u n t St.. Atlanta, Ga. Fairchild, L i l y Mysing ( M r s . E . H . ) , '08,
Beard, Hazel, '16, P- 5537 Pitt St., New Orleans, La.
P. 1772 Prytania St., New Orleans, La. Fortier, L i l l i a n , '17,
Boland, Marion, e x - ' u (Sec Gamma) P. Houma, La.
Bradburn, Mary Pearce ( M r s . W . ) , '10, Foules, Margaret D., '14,
P. 2336 Octavia St., New Orleans, La. P. 310 E . 34th St., Kansas City, Mo.
Bres, Io L . (See Moise) T. Lake Charles, La.
Bres, Marie E . (See McLellan) Frere, Mary (See Caffery)
Bres, Nell (See Eustis) Freret, Emily, 'io,
Bres, Sarah, '16, P. 1480 N . Johnson St., New Orleans, La.
Frierson, Lucia D., ex-'o8.
P. 630 Pine St., New Orleans, La. Gachet, Rochelle, '09,
Byrnes, Julia (See Carrico) P. Ponchatoula, La.
Caff cry, Mary Frere (Mrs. J.), ex-'u, T. Mountevallo, Ala.
Garland, Rietta. '17,
P. Franklin, La. P. 1639 Arabella St., New Orleans, La.
Carrico, Julia Byrne ( M r s . J o h n ) , '07, Gillean, Georgia I . , '14,
P. 1625 2nd St., New Orleans, La.
P. Truxillo, Spanish Honduras. Gillean, Grace, '16,
Carter, Alice Sandige ( M r s . Thomas), Grad., P. 1625 2nd St., New Orleans, La.
T. Lake Charles, La.
P. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Gillean, Sue K . , '03,
Carter, Helen Gurley ( M r s . Chas.), ex-'o7, P. 1625 2nd St., New Orleans, La.
Gimper, Alma Wilson ( M r s . E. H . ) , 'oo,
P. Hammond, La. P. 1116 S. Ash St., Spokane, Wash.
Chalaron, Magda, '18, Grevenbcrg, Helen, '19,

P. 1509 Pine St., New Orleans, La. P. 8514 Sycamore St., New Orleans, La.
Chapman, Lillian (See Marshall) Gurley, Helen (See Carter)
Colcock, Mary (See Sinclair) Guyol, Caroline (See Cook)
Conery, Eva Howe ( M r s . J . ) , ex-*04,

P. 8313 Pritchard PI., New Orleans, La.
Cook, Carolyn Guyol ( M r s . A . H . ) , ex-'og,

P. Quataw Ave., Hot Springs, A r k .
Cope, Marguerite (See Wood)


H a l l , Clara W . , '16, Norton, Mildred (See Waterman)
P. 7627 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, L a . O'Neill, E r i n , '16,
T. Lake Charles, La,
P. 1229 Calhoun St., New Orleans, La.
Handy, Josie (See Sutherland) T. Vicksburg, Miss.
Hardie, Flora Sanders ( M r s . Eben), '05, O'Neill, Kathleen, '17,
P. 1229 Calhoun St., New Orleans, L a ,
P. 815 Pine St., New Orleans, La. O'Neill, Laura (See H i m e l )
H i l l , Jean, '17, Parkerson, May S., '03, deceased.
Patton, Bertha Meader ( M r s . A v e r y ) , '99,
P. Napoleon Ave. & Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. P. 9 Pinckney St., Greenville, S. C.
H i l l , Rosamond, '14, Pearce, M a r y (See Bradburn)
Pigott, Evelyn, '19,
P. 1418 Jena St., New Orleans, L a . P. 3706 Pry tan ia St., New Orleans, L a .
H i m e l , Laura O ' N e i l l ( M r s . R. V . ) , '02, Provosty, Andree (See W a l k e r )
Provosty, Eliska (See Tobin)
P. Franklin, La. Rand, Blythe White (Mrs. P. K . ) , ex-'n,
Howe, Eva M . (See Conery) P. Alexandria, La.
Ivy, Alice P., '03, Raymond, M a r y , '17,
P. 1 i n Fern St., New Orleans, La.
P. 1556 Calhoun St., New Orleans, La- Read, Edna L . (See Whaley)
Jung, L i l l i a n (See Stanton) Reed, Katherine M . , '00,
K i n g , Josephine Crippen ( M r s . Stanhope), '02,
P. Coker College, Hartsville, S. C.
P. 1514 Fern St., New Orleans, La, Renshaw, Dagmar (See LeBreton)
LeBreton, Dagmar Renshaw ( M r s . E. L . ) , '12, Renshaw, Gladys A . , '14,

P. 741 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, L a . P. 741 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Lewis, Leonora R. (See Davis) Renshaw, Mildred, '17,
Lyon, Elizabeth B. (See Cox)
Madison, Lessic H . , '17, P. 741 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, La.
Renshaw, Solidelle F., '16,
P. Bastop, La.
Many, Anna Estelle, '07, P. 741 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, La.
T. Franklin, La.
P. 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a . Safford, Dorothy (See Barker)
Marshall, Lillian Chapman ( M r s . C a r l ) , '16, Sanders, Flora (See H a r d i e )
Sandige, Alice (See Carter)
P. Bay St. Louis, Miss. Saunders, Marguerite A . (See Davis)
McLellan, Anna, '19, Sinclair, Mary Colcock ( M r s . F . W . ) , '02,

P. 2108 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, L a . P. Short & Burthe Sts., New Orleans, La.
McLellan, Marie Bres ( M r s . Chas.), '06, Snyder, Clara L . , ex-'17,

P. 552 Walnut St., New Orleans, L a . P. 1201 N . Dorgenois St., New Orleans, L a .
McLees, Angie L . , '14, Snyder, Jennie, '16,

P. 1715 Pickens St., Columbia, L a . P. 1201 N . Dorgenois St., New Orleans, L a .
McNees, Cleveland Dupre ( M r s . Oswald), '04, Spearing, Cora (See Demarest)
Stanton, L i l l i a n J u n g ( M r s . Gideon), '08,
P. 1634 Robert St., New Orleans, La.
Meader, Bertha E. (See Patten) P. 1314 Jackson Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Mercier, Adele (See W i n n ) Sumner, M a r y C , '17,
Menise, M a r y Young ( M r s . J . ) , '00,
P. 1427 Delachaise St., New Orleans, La.
P. 3418 Serento St., Meridian, Miss. Sumner, Theodora, '14,
Moise, l o Bres ( M r s . H . A . ) , '00,
P. 1427 Delachaise St., New Orleans, L a .
P. 1610 Dante St., New Orleans, L a . Sutherland, Josie Handy ( M r s . W . ) , '07,
Morgan, Edna F., '20,
P. 644 Sinclair St., Edmundton, Alberta, Can.
P. 7902 E l m St., New Orleans, La. Thomas, Mary (See W h i t t i n g t o n )
Morris, Innes, '10,

P. 8011 Jeannette St., New Orleans, L a .
Mysing, L i l y (See F a i r c h i l d )
Newman, Mattie Ayres ( M r s . J. W . ) , '04,

P. 4324 S. Lookout Drive, L i t t l e Rock, A r k .
Norman, M a r y M . , ex-'o6,

P. Aurora Plantation, La.


Tobin, Eliska Provosty ( M r s . J . F . ) . ex-'o5, London & Globe Bldg., New Chapman, Edith, '12,
P. c/o M r . J . F . T o b i n , 601 Liverpool, P. 37 Clinton St., Jamaica, L . I . , N . Y .
Orleans, La.
Clark, Alice L., ' n ,
Walker, Andree Provosty ( M r s . C ) , '06.
Waterman, Mildred Norton ( M r s . G . ) , '05, P. 210 W . 21 st St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Cornish, Ruby Norton ( M r s . R. G. S.), '10,
P. Baton Rouge, La.
Whaley, Edna Reed ( M r s . M . A . ) , '03, P. 585 E. 23rd St., Portland, Ore.
Cothren, Marion B. ( M r s . Frank H . ) , Sp.,
P. University PL, Columbia, S. C.
White, Blythe (See Rand) P. 387 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .
White, W i l l i e W., '14, Day, Alice (See Jackson)
Dillingham, Alice, '05,
P. Alexandria, La. Donegan, Sara Cecelia, ex-'i8,
Whittington, Mary Thomas (Mrs. P.), ' u ,
P. 5 Henderson PI., New York, N . Y .
P. Alexandria, La. Doty, Madeline Z., '02,
Wilson, A l m a (See Gimper, Mrs. E . I I . )
W i n n , Adele Mercier ( M r s . W m . ) , ex-'o2, P. 83 Washington PI., New Y o r k , N . Y .
DuBois, Alison G. (See Murphy)
P. 611 Mission St., San Rafael, Cal.
Withers, V i r g i n i a R., '09, D u n f o r d , Elizabeth A., '19,
P. 110 Morningside Drive, New York, N . Y .
P. Greensboro, Ala.
T. Newcomb College, New Orleans, La. Earp, Emma Miller ( M r s . W . F . ) , '07,
Wood, Marguerite Cope ( M r s . B . ) , ex-'i2,
P. 627 Pine St., New Orleans, La. P. 67 Riverside Drive, New Y o r k , N . Y .
Young, Mary M . (See Menise)
Eastman, Catherine Crystal (See Fuller)
Eastman, Ida Rauh ( M r s . M a x ) , '02,

P. 118 Waverly PL, New Y o r k , N . Y .

Edgerly, Lillian H . , 'l8,

NU P. 67 Watsessing Ave., Bloomfield, N . J.
A r n o l d , Blanche Hammet, deceased.
A r t h u r , Helen, '01, Fuller, Crystal Eastman (Mrs. ) , '07,
Ashley, Jessie, '02,
P. 103 Waverly PI., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 27 Cedar St., New York, N . Y .
Baker, Theodora Wadsworth ( M r s . Frank C ) , '04, Fuller, Flora Todd ( M r s . Bert C ) , '03,

P. 509 W . 121st St., New Y o r k , N . Y . P. 380 Lewis Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Booth, Laura B., '04, Garland, Olive R., '02,
Gaus, Daisy, '04,
P. 125 Washington PI., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Boyce, Florence (See Bryant) P. 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Bruning, Florence E., '07,
Greeley, Helen H o y ( M r s . H a r o l d D . ) , '03,
P. 1925 7th Ave., New Y o r k , N . . Y . P. 17 W . 8th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Bryant, Florence Boyce ( M r s . Fred H . ) , '05,
Grout, Katherine, '07,
P. Malone, N . Y .
T. Statesville, N . C. P. 88 Central Park W . , New Y o r k , N . Y .
Buchanan, Jessie C , '18, Haag, Florence G., '17,
P. 473 W . State St., Trenton, N . J.
Burd, Adelina H . , '03, P. 625 W . 156th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 27 Cedar St., New Y o r k , N . Y . Harrison, Elizabeth, '19,
Burnett, Jean (See Tompkins)
Burnett, Margaret M . , '01, P. 103 E. 86th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 2 Rector St., New York, N . Y . Hartshorne, Elizabeth H . , '18,
Brynes, Elinor, Sp.
P. 27 Cedar St., New York, N . Y . P. Seabright, N . J.
Calhoun, Emma (See Stephens) Hascall, Florence K . , '02,
Carson, Alice S., '19,
P. Spartanburg, S. C. P. 120 E . 31st St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Cassasa, Ida, '10. Herzog, Sadie Rothschild ( M r s . S. A . ) , '04,

P. 71 E. 87th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Higgins, Mary O'Connor, '19,

P. "Oropax," Quienton, Va.

Hoy, Helen (See Greeley)

Hoyt, Dorothy Vanderwater ( M r s . Francis G., J r . ) , '12,
P. Cedarhurst, L . I . , N . Y .

T . 200 W . 70th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .


Humiston, M a r y Grace Quackenbos ( M r s . H o w a r d ) , '03, Shaw, Mabel E., '19,
P. 50 E . 42nd St., New York, N . Y . P. 343 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .

Iselin, Cecile, 'l6, Sheil, Cecilia Mallory ( M r s . Peter A . ) , '10,
P. 3239 Olinville Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 125 Riverside D r i v e , New Y o r k , N . Y .
Ives, E d i t h Prescott ( M r s . F . A . ) , '05, Silberhorn, Rosina J., '07,
P. 89 Midland Ave., Montclair, N . J.
P. 318 W . 75th St.. New Y o r k , N . Y .
Jackson, Alice Day ( M r s . P e r r y ) , '04, Smart, Elizabeth A . , '13,
P. Cambridge, N . Y.
P. 63 E . 52nd St., New York, N . Y . T . 132 W . 12th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Kenyon, Dorothy, '17,
Stark, Nora I . , '15,
P. 321 W . 82nd St., New Y o r k , N . Y . P. 67 Spencer Ave., Lynbrook, L . I . , N . Y .
Mallory, Cecilia (See Sheil)
Stephens, Emma Calhoun ( M r s . W i l l i s C ) , '07,
Marshall. Frances Worstell ( M r s . C l i f t o n G . ) , '02, P. 580 St. Nicholas Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 155 W . 58th 9 t , New Y o r k , N . Y .
Tompkins, Jean Burnett ( M r s . Leslis J . ) , '11,
McKeen, Helen J., '05, P. 55 Central Park W . , New Y o r k , N . Y .
Miller, Emma (See E a r p )
Mollenhauer, V i r g i n i a M . , '12, Towle, Mary R., '10,
P. 165 Broadway, New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 2178 Grand Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Monroe, Elizabeth J., '17, Vanderwater, Dorothy (See H o y t )
Vollmer, Helen G., '15,
P. 144 W . 104th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Moss, Elizabeth J., '05, P. 887 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Walters, Frances L . , '19,
P. 23 E. 127th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Murphy, Alison DuBois ( M r s . Deacon), '17, P. 5 Lodge St., Albany, N . Y .
T . 79 Washington PI., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 25 W . 49th St., New Y o r k , N . Y . White, Aldana Quimby ( M r s . W m . L . ) , '15,
Myers, Priscilla N . , '09, P. 278 W . 86th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Norton, Ruby (See Cornish) Williams, Helen M . ( M r s . W m . K . ) , '17,
Notman, W i n i f r e d , '16, P. 70 5th Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Witte, Mabel E., '10,
P. 136 Joramelon St., Brooklyn, N . Y . P. 535 2nd St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Peaks, Mary B., ex-'17, Woodclton, Grace A., ' i o ,
P. Box 49, Elkins Park, Pa.
P. 165 Broadway, New Y o r k , N . Y . Worstell, Frances (See Marshall)
Pope, Elizabeth S., '06,
P. 68 W i l l i a m St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Potter, Helen, '08, Adams, lone Mathis ( M r s . A . A . ) , '07,
P. 1210 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
P. 80 Maiden Lane, New Y o r k , N . Y .
Potter, M a r y G-, '07, Allen, Frances, '13,
P. 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va.
P. 855 West End Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y . France.
Prescott, Edith (See Ives) Allen, V i r g i n i a A . , '16,
Quackenbos, Mary Grace (See Humiston) P. 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, V a .
Quimby, Aldana R. (See W h i t e )
Radtke, Eve P., '07, Argue, Laura, '13,
P. Woodville, Miss.
P. 2094 5th Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Ranlett, Helen A . , '07, Alkinson, Anna Field (See Craddock)
Atkinson, Margaret B., '16,
P. 106 E . 52nd St., New York, N . Y .
T . Lyceum Club, 8 Rue de Ruthierc, Paris, P. Champe, Va.
Rapallo, Edna, '19, Baskerville, Margaret L . , '08,
P. Greens Farms, Conn.
Rauh, Ida (See Eastman) P. Columbus, Miss.
Rembaugh, Bertha, '04, Baskerville, Mary H a r t ( M r s . G. B . ) , '09,

P. 165 Broadway, New Y o r k , N . Y . P. Eutaw, Ala.
Bedford, Huella (See T h u r m a n )
Rice, Frances Martin (Mrs. ) , Grad.,

P. 515 Macon St., Brooklyn, N . Y .

Rothschild, Sadie (See Herzog)


Berny, Clarice Watkins ( M r s . L . F . ) , ex-'09, Eady, V i r g i n i a Nunn ( M r s . G. M . ) , ex-'09,
P. Cliff Rd. and Glenwood Ave., Mountain Terrace, Birmingham, Ala.
P. 18 Walden PI., Louisville, K y .
Best, Linda (See T e r r y )
Blair, Marva Thomas ( M r s . J . M . ) , '12, Echols, Grace Harris ( M r s . D . S.), ex-'02,

P. Carthage, Mo. P. New Decatur, Ala.
Bouldin, Louise, '19,
Echols, Mary (See E l l i o t , Mrs. Council B.)
P. Houston, Va.
Bowman, Genevieve (See M o r r a n ) Elliott, Mary Echols ( M r s . C. B . ) , '06,
Bradshaw, Blanche (See Mendez)
Brame, L i d a Belle, '14, P. New Decatur, Ala.

P. 970 State St., Jackson, Miss. Foulke, Flora Clarke ( M r s . Chas. F . ) ,
Brown, Saidee, ex-'16,
P. Pecan St., Texarkana, A r k .
P. 420 Eagan St., Shreveport, La.
Bryan, Elizabeth, '15, . F r i t h , Mary B., '19,

P. Alexandria, La. P. Bunkie, La.
Bullit, Margaret (See Camblos)
Butler, E l l a , ex-'o6, Gibbs, I r i s Newton ( M r s . Frederick), '11,

P. 1417 Early St., Lynchburg, Va. P. 461 Hudson Lane, Monroe, La.
Butter field, Fannie W., '17,
Gilbert, Annie Kate, '13,
P. Brookhaven, Miss.
Campbell, M a r y (See Jackson) P. 4121 Swiss Ave., Dallas, Tex.
Camblos, Margaret Bullit (Mrs. J. L . ) , ex-'i2,
Glasgow, Genevieve W . , '19,
P. 101 Cole St., Marietta, Ga.
Carscadon, Mattie, '14, P. 4521 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

P. Glyndon, M d . Gleaves, H i l d a , '18,
Chapman, L i l l i a n Donovan ( M r s . W . A . ) , ex-'o8,
P. Roanoke, Va.
P. 538 Washington Ave., Macon, Ga.
Chatham, Courtenay, ex-'16, ( l o r d u n , Katherine R., '14,

P. Aledo, Tex. P. 5 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va.
Cherry, Frances (See Parks)
Clarke, Flora (See Foulke) Gwathmey, Mary Vaden (Mrs. Robert), ex-'l2,
Clcland, Clara M u r r a y ( M r s J. E . ) , ex-'o7,
P. 900 Grace St., Richmond, Va.
P. Norfolk Ave., Lynchburg, Va.
Cleveland, Lucy Mabry ( M r s . G. W . ) , ex-'10, Hamilton, Frances G., '18,

P. 706 Polk Ave., Houston, Tex. P. Lexington, Va.
Crabb, Juno W r i g h t ( M r s . C. G . ) , ex-'14,
Hardy, Frances G., '18,
P. Plant City, Fla.
Craddock, Anna Atkinson ( M r s . G. G . ) , '13, P. Bedford, Va.

P. Madison St., Lynchburg, Va. H a r d y , Helen E., '17,
Craig, Mary (See Crenshaw)
Crane, Carrie, ex-'16, P. Bedford, Va.

P. 4005 Gaston Ave., Dallas, Tex. H a r d y , Saidee (See B r o w n )
Creagle, Genevieve Smith ( M r s . J . W . ) , ex-'o8,
H a r r i s , Grace (See Echols)
P. Abbott Ave., Selma, Ala.
Crenshaw, Mary Craig (Mrs. H . D . ) , ex-'l4, Hart, Mary (See Baskerville)

P. Crenshaw, Miss. Hatcher, Gertrude C , '19,
Davies, Marion (See Singleton, Mrs. E . H . )
Dexter, Annie Lauve ( M r s . C . ) , ex-'10, P. Ashland, Va.

P. 2902 Holmes St., Dallas, Tex. Heard, Bernice Sheppard ( M r s . Bryant), ex-'11,
Donaldson, Ada (See Montgomery)
Donovan, L i l l i a n (See Chapman) P. Danville, Va.

Hearne, Marion, ex-'16,

P. Shreveport, La.

Hicks, Marjorie R., ex-'i6,

P. 807 Main St., San Antonio, Tex.

Hoofnagle, L i l l i a n G., '12,

P. Ashland, Va.

Hopson, W i l l i e (See W i l l i a m s )

Jackson, Mary Campbell (Mrs. C. E . ) , e x - ' l l ,

P. Warrensburg, Mo.

Jennison, Ruth Williams, (Mrs. ) , ex-'io,

P. "The Fridonia," Macon, Ga.

Jones, Eileen (See Marshall)

K i n g , Delia (See Pettibone)

K i n g , Carle B., '19,

P. 60 Gilmore St., Waycross, Ga.


Lamar, Rebecca B., '16, Cuba. O'Rear, Helen (See Saufley)
P. Rockville, Md. Palfrey, Bernie P., 'l8,

Lamb, Elise, ex-'02, P. 1808 White St., Alexandria, L a .
P. Fayetteville, Tenn. Parks, Frances Cherry ( M r s . F r a n k ) , ex-'o8,

Lauvc, Annie (See Dexter) P. Halls, Tenn.
Linne, Anna, ex-'i3, Paxton, Josie E., '14,

P. 10 Wendell St., Cambridge, Mass. P. Greenville, Miss.
Little, May, ex-'io, Payne, Elizabeth Webber ( M r s . Gordon), '12,

P. 819 Beach St., Texarkana, A r k . P. 412 Cable St., Lynchburg, Va.
Mabry, Lucy (See Cleveland) Pettibone, I >dla King ( M r s . I L ) , e x - ' n ,
M a j o r , Frances H . , '19,
P. 60 Gilmore St., Waycross, Ga.
P. 2005 Beach St., Texarkana, A r k . Radford, Laura (See Yates)
Mann, Susie, '16, Ramsey, Margaret, e x - ' l l ,

P. 814 H i c k o r y St., Texarkana, A r k . P. Camden, A r k .
Manning, Eleanor F., '19, Reed, Annie E., '17,

P. 3900 Miramar Ave., Dallas, Tex. P. Yazoo City, Miss.
Marsalis, Lucile, '16, Roberts, Lillie Belle, ex-'io,

P. Centerville, Miss. P. 200 Wells St., Valdosta, Ga.
March, Katherine (See Thomas) Sale, Elizabeth G., '19,
Marshall, Eileen Jones ( M r s . E. A . ) , ex-'02,
P. 2618 Hanover Ave., Richmond, Va.
P. 1424 Washington St., Columbia, S. C. Salley, Helen, ex-'io,
Massie, Claudia (transferred to Sigma)
Mastin, Bessie, '13, P. Orangeburg, S. C.
Sanderson, Lucile (See Sheppard)
p - 4343 Campbell St., Kansas City, M o . Saufley, Helen O'Rear (Mrs. R. C ) , ex-'i2,
Matthews, Wingate (See Walker) Scott, Helen L . , '18,
Mathis, lone (See Adams, Mrs. A . A . )
McBride, Linna M . , '19, P. 418 Raleigh Ave., N o r f o l k , Va. '
Shands, Eleanor Somerville ( M r s . A . W . ) , '12,
P. 3906 S. Stonewall St., Greenville, Tex.
M c D a v i t t , Shirley, '14, P. Cleveland, Miss.
Sheppard, Bernice (See Heard)
P. 5530 Delmas St., St. Louis, Mo. Sheppard, Lucille Sanderson ( M r s . M o r r i s ) , ex-'10,
McCaw, Agalice, Sp.,
P. Texarkana, Ark.
P. 4618 Pry tan ia St., New Orleans, L a . Sheppard, Olga (See Thomas)
Mandez, Blanche Bradshaw ( M . A . A . ) , ex-'o;, Singleton, Marion Davies (Mrs. E. H . ) , ex-'ll,

P. c/o United Fruit Co. Hospital, Banes, Orient, P. Magnolia, Ark.
M i n k w i t z , Mollie, '14, Smith, Clara M . , '17,

P. 127 Cook Ave., Meriden, Conn. P. 915 16th St., Lynchburg, Va.
Montgomery, Ada Donaldson ( M r s . F r a n k ) , '09, Smith, Genevieve (See Creagle)
Smith, Julia A . , '15,
P. Tazewell, Tenn.
Morrow, Genevieve Bowman ( M r s . W . F . ) , ex-'l5, P. 3314 Pasco, Kansas City, Mo.
Somerville, Eleanor (See Shands)
P. 512 F r a n k l i n St., Hillsboro, Tex. Somerville, Lucy R., '16,
M u r r a y , Clara (See Cleland)
M u r r a y , M a r y (See Wooley) P. 509 Central Ave., Greenville, Miss.
Nelson, Katherine, ex-'og, Stacy, Augusta, '17,

P. Winchester, K y . P. Menesha, A r k .
New, Minnie Woodard ( M r s . H . W . ) , ex-'o6, Streetman, Nell, '16,

P. 898 Willet St.. Memphis, Tenn. P. 2616 Louisiana Ave., Houston, Tex.
Newton, I r i s (See Gibbs) Strother, Martha Virginia, '17,
Noell, Eleanor Terry (Mrs. John), ' i l ,
P. Randolph-Macon, Lynchburg, Va.
P. Hopewell, Va. Summcrlin, Olive, ex-'l3, -
Nolan, Sarah (See Williams)
N u n n , V i r g i n i a (See Eady) P. 2912 7th Ave., Tampa, Fla.


S w i f t , Frances L . , '17, Wilson, Harriet, ex-'og.
P. 1392 Court St., Memphis, Tenn. Woodard, Minnie (See N e w )
Wooley, M a r y Murray ( M r s . Price), ex-'07,
Taylor, Anna F., '19,
P. Ivor, Va. P. Newnan, Ga.
W r i g h t , June (See Crabb)
Terry, Eleanor (See Noell) Yates, L a u r a R a d f o r d ( M r s . R i c h a r d ) , ex-*o6,
T e r r y , Linda Best ( M r s . W . L . ) , '13.
P. 308 Madison St., Lynchburg, V a .
P. 231 Avalon PI., Memphis, Tenn.
Thomas, E l l a S., '19, OMICRON Tenn.

P. 526 Campbell Ave., Roanoke, V a . Albers, Emma (See H u n t )
Thomas, Katherine March ( M r s . S. J . ) , ex-'l2, Armstrong, Nettie B., Sp.,

P. 5120 Regent St., Philadelphia, Pa. P. Rogersville, Tenn.
Thomas, Margaret, '18, T . East Tennessee N o r m a l , Johnson City, Tenn.
Ayres, Elizabeth C , Sp.,
P. 4939 W o r t h St., Dallas, Tex. P. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Thomas, Olga Sheppard ( M r s . C. F . ) , '09, Banks, Holmes Smith ( M r s . E . L . ) , ex-'o7,
P. 4521 Columbia Ave., Dallas, Tex.
P. 4939 W o r t h St., Dallas, Tex. Berghauser, Ailsie Powell ( M r s . A l b e r t ) , '02,
Thomas, Marva (See B l a i r )
Thompson, Maude (See Waters) P. Greenville, S. C.
Bickley, Lucretia Jordan ( M r s . W . E . ) , '08,
Thurman. Huella Bedford ( M r s . Beverly R . ) , ex-'07,
P. Statesville, N . C. P. 1516 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.

Toombs, Ruby S., ex-'i4, Bondurant, Nelle L . , '14,
P. 1428 Monroe Ave., Memphis, Tenn. P. Hickman, K y .
T . 1007 Market St., Greensboro, N . C.
Trabue, Gladys, ex-'l2,
Vaden, M a r y (See Gwathmey) Braly, Wista, '17,
Vaden, Nannie P., '13, P. Lewisburg, Tenn.

P. 1517 Grove Ave., Richmond, Va. Bryant, Sarah Sue, '18,
Vaughan, Margaret (transferred to N u Kappa) P. Lewisburg, Tenn.
Walker, Annie Laurie, ex-'ll,
Buchanan, Lois Waggoner ( M r s . Sumner), ex-'os
P. 38 Gilmore St., Waycross, Ga. P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Walker, Wingate Matthews ( M r s . J. S.), '10,
Buchanan, Mary H . , ex-'io,
P. Waycross, Ga. P. Granada, Miss.
Wallis, Eliza D . , '19,
Burke, Eleanor, '20,
P. Brevard, N . C. P. 1635 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Wannamaker, Anna, ex-'io,
Bushnell, N i n a Gookin ( M r s . C. S.), '03,
P. Orangeburg, S. C. P. 414 N . E l m St., Greensboro, N . C.
Wannamaker, Lola, '08,
Caldwell, H a r r i e t M . , ex-'o7,
P. Orangeburg, S. C. P. 410 W . M a i n Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.

Waters, Maude Thompson ( M r s . A. R . ) , ex-'11, Calhoun, Alice (See Cox)
P. Kansas City, Mo. Caulkins, E d i t h , ex-'o8,

Watkins, Clarice (See Berny) P. 503 W . M a i n Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Watkins, Daisy C , ex-'io,
Caulkins, Fannie L . , c.v'04,
P. 1109 H i c k o r y St., Birmingham, A l a .
Webber, Elizabeth (See Payne) P. 436 McCallic Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn.
White, J u l i a , '19, Coit, L i l l i a n Wells ( M r s . B u r t o n ) , ex-'o8,

P. Alexandria, La. P. Charleston, S. C.
Wilcox, Theresa, ex-'io, Conover, Margaret Clare, '16,

P. Fitzgerald, Ga. P. Dandridge Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
Williams, R u t h (See Jennison)
Williams, Sarah Nolan ( M r s . H . E . ) , '08, Converse, Ellen C , '16,
P. 1700 Bennett Ave., Ridgedale Sta., Chattanooga,
P. 1632 Pearl Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. T. Hickson, Tenn.
Williams, W i l l i e Hopson ( M r s . Seaman), ex-'o6,
Cox, Alice Calhoun ( M r s . H . M . ) , ex-'l7,
P. Quitman, Ga. P. Paris, Tenn.


332 TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Kennedy, Helen, Sp.,
P. 728 N . Central St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Cromer, Jessie Edmunds ( M r s . Paul), Sp.,
P. 1134 21st St., Des Moines, Iowa. Kyle, AUcy (See Peet)
Landy, Mary Annie, '16,
Cullen, Jessie McFarland ( M r s . W . G . ) t '13,
P. Tucson, Ariz. P. Lewisburg, Tenn.
Mayo, Janie, '09, deceased.
Cunningham, Myrtle (See Tompkins) Mayo, Laura S., '09,
Douthat, Kathleen M . , '09, deceased.
Edmunds, Jessie (See Cfomer) P. Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
Faulkner, Aubrey V . , '16, McAnulty, Margaret, '20,

P. 1327 Fremont PI., Knoxville, Tenn. P. Bolivar, Tenn.
T. Jacksboro, Tenn. McCargo, Elizabeth, Sp.,
Francis, Sallie (See H a r r i s )
Gibson, Anna W . , ex-'o9, P. M t . A i r y , N . C.
P. 7th and Chestnut Sts., Chattanooga, Tenn. T. Warrensburg, Tenn.
Gookin, Nina (See Bushnell) McConnell, Queenie (See Owensby)
Graf, Alice Hayes ( M r s . J. R . ) , Sp., McDaniel, Wallace Smith ( M r s . C. F . ) , ex-*07,
P. 109 N . 105th St., Poplar Bluff, M o .
P. Magnolia Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Gresham, Katherine (See Harrison) McFarland, Jessie (See Cullen)
Greve, Dorothy (See Jarnigan)
Greve, H a r r i e t C , '06, McNutt, Anne L . , '19,
P. Concord, Tenn.
P. 523 W . 121st St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
T. Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn. Metcalfe, Felicia L . , ex-'cx),
Gronig, Laura Waggoner ( M r s . Pete, J r . ) , ex-'o8, P. Fayetteville, Tenn.
P. 2207 W . Walnut St., Louisville, K y . T . 221 E . Holmes St., Huntsville, A l a .
Harris, Sallie Francis ( M r s . E d w a r d ) , ex-'o5,
P. Fayetteville, Tenn. Moore, L i d a M . , '19,
Harrison, Katherine Gresham ( M r s . R. B . ) , '07, deceased. P. Washington Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
Hayes, Alice N . (See G r a f )
Herbst, Bernice Taylor ( M r s . Albert), Sp., Nolan, Dorothy M . , '18,
P. 44 N . Belvedere Blvd., Memphis, Tenn.
P. San Benito, Tex.
Hobson, Pauline, '16, Owensby, Queenie McConnell ( M r s . W . S.), '07,
P. 1418 Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
P. Somerville, Tenn.
T . Laurens, S. C. Pease, Marjorie I I . , ex-'l2,
Houston, Mary Dora (transferred to N u Omicron) P. Poplar Bluff, Mo.
H u n t , Emma Albers ( M r s . J . C ) , ex-'os,
Peavy, Janie, Sp.,
P. 709 W . Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. P. 1520 Austin Ave., Brownwood, Tex.
Hunt, Mina E., ex-'ll,
Peet, Ailcy Kyle ( M r s . A . S.), ex-'io,
P. 509 E. H i l l Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. P. 22 Strathmore Rd., Brookline, Mass.
Jarnigan, Dorothy Greve ( M r s . M i l t o n ) , '05, T . 2121 Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.

P. University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Powell, Ailsie (See Berghauser)
Johnson, Josephine, Sp., Powell, Mary Q., ex-'l3,

P. 713 W . Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. P. 558 Oak St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
T . 249 S. Bellevue, Memphis, Tenn. Ramsey, Sadie R., '19,
Johnson, Katherine, '17,
P. 713 W . Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. P. Somerville, Tenn.
Jones, Martha L., ex-'ig, Rankin, Jessie Swan ( M r s . L a m a r ) , ex-'o6,
P. Bailey, Tenn.
Jordan, Lucretia (See Bickley) P. Jefferson City, Tenn.
Kennedy, Elizabeth, '19,
Rather, Julia F., '20,
P. 728 N . Central St., Knoxville, Tenn. P. 263 McCowatt St., Jackson, Tenn.

Rogers, Margaret E., ex-'i8,
P. Buford, Tenn.

Rust, M a r y , '13,
P. Acadia Seminary, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Can.

Smith, A l f a , '16,
P. goo N . Kansas Ave., Roswell, N . M .
T . 1016 Chamberlain Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn.


Smith, Holmes (See Banks) Baumann, Eunice (See Stuefer)
Smith, Wallace (See McDaniel) Beachly, Mabel Williams ( M r s . W m . ) , ex-'o7,
Stokely, Annie M . , '06,
P. 1500 Washington St., Lincoln, Neb.

P. Newport, Tenn. Beaumont, Luree Beemer ( M r s . Frederick A . ) , Sp.,
Swain, Marian, '19, P. 2202 Washington St., Lincoln, Neb.

P. Lemon City, Fla. Beckman, Emma Bennett (Mrs. A l f r e d ) , Sp.,
Swan, Jessie (See R a n k i n )
Swift, Blossom I . , ex-'l4, P. 1425 S. 15th St., Lincoln, Neb.

P. Palestine, Tex. Beemer, Luree (See Beaumont, Mrs. Frederick)
Tarpley, Elizabeth, '20, Bell, Martha, 'io,

P. 1131 Mound Ave., South Pasadena, Cal.

P. 1017 V i l l a PL, Nashville, Tenn. Benner, Catherine, '20,
Tarpley, Ruth, Sp.,
P. 1610 M St., Lincoln, Neb.
P. 1017 V i l l a PL, Nashville, Tenn. Bennett, Emma (See Beckman)
T. Huntland, Tenn. Bigelow, L u l u K i n g ( M r s . C l i f f o r d ) , '04, deceased.
Taylor, Bernice (See Herbst)
Terry, Ethel, ex-'16, Birkner, Alma (See Rawlings)

P. 1544 Jackson Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Birkner, Gisella, '12
Tompkins, Myrtle Cunningham ( M r s . G. W . ) , '10, P. 2009 Sewell St., Lincoln, Neb.
T. Creston, Iowa.

P. Toms Creek, Va. Bollard, Frances L . , ex-'l9, Neb.
Vaughan, Kathleen B., '19, P. 2115 Sherman Ave., Omaha,

P. Winchester, Tenn. Boynton, Beth (See Phelps)
Verran, E d i t h B., '16, Bratt, Frances (See Gorman)

P. Rockwood, Tenn. Bratt, Lourene, Sp.,
Waggoner, Laura (See Gronig) P. 1501 C St., Lincoln, Neb.
Waggoner, Lois (See Buchanan)
Wells, Lillian K . (See Coit) Bratton, Salome Schwertley ( M r s . Lester), '13,
Wiley, Louise M . , '13, P. 542 S. 27th St., Omaha, Neb.

P. 922 9th St., Knoxville, Tenn. Bridenbaugh, Nell, '08,
Wilkey, Kathryn, ex-'17, P. Dakota City, Neb.

P. Rockwood, Tenn. Bryant, Mabel Roper ( M r s . Glenn A . ) , '04,
Williams, Harriette A., ex-'ll, P. David City, Neb.

P. 1510 Faust Addition, Chattanooga, Tenn. Buchanan, Laura (See Shockey)
Williams, Roberta B., ex-'o8, Burgen, Thelma E. (See Potarf)
Burkitt, Pauline (See Reynolds)
P. 1510 Faust A d d i t i o n , Chattanooga, Tenn. Burr, Grace (See W i n n e t t )

ZETA Butler, Agnes F., ex-'i5,
Adams, Jeannette, '18, P. Arion, Iowa.

P. Eagle, Neb. Butler, Stella (See Collier)
Alden, Meta Nunemaker ( M r s . Chas. N . ) , Sp.,
Butterworth, Mildred, ex-'i5,
P. Tobias, Neb.
Alderman, Madge (See West) P. Dorr City, Iowa.
Anderson, E l l a Toomey ( M r s . Oscar A . ) , '12, Campbell, Nettie Chapline (Mrs. Burnham), ex-'n,

P. Saco, Mont. P. 1971 Sewell St., Lincoln, Neb.
Andrews, Katherine Lee ( M r s . R. N . ) , Sp.,
Carter, M i r i a m (See Smith)
P. 410 Paso St., La Crosse, W i s .
Ayers, Helen, ex-'i8, Chace, Ethel, '17,
P. Stanton, Neb.
P. David City, Neb.
Baker, Frederique Stenger ( M r s . Oscar), Sp., Chace, Gladys Dominy ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , '16,

P. Columbus, Neb. P. 218 4th Ave., Lewiston, Idaho.
Barnum, Laverna (See Cheney)
Bauman, Minnie (See Force) Chace, Lou Belle (See Shultz)
Chamberlin, Esther, '20,

P. Nelson, Neb.
Chambers, Bessie May, '10, deceased.

Chapline, Nettie (See Campbell)



Charlton, Ruby D . , '08, Follmer, Katherine, 'io,
P. Loop City, Neb. p . Oak, Neb.
T . 430 S. 17th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Chase, Rose Krause ( M r s . Chas. H . ) , ex-'i4,
P. Schuyler, Neb. Force, Minnie Bauman (Mrs. Carl E . ) , Sp.,
p . 585 E . 12th St., Portland, Ore.
Cheney, Laverna Barnum ( M r s . W a r d ) , ex-'07,
P. Union, Neb. Fordyce, Mabel Ritchie ( M r s . Glenn), ex-'14,
P. Yankee H i l l Brickyard, Burnham, Neb.
Clement, Amanda, ex-'io,
P. Hudson, S. D . Fredericks, Alfreda Powell (Mrs. K . Philip), Sp.,

Collier, Stella Butler ( M r s . N . T . ) , '13, P. 1617 S. 13th St., Lincoln, Neb.
P. Hastings, Neb.
Froyd, Edna, '16,
Collins, Beulah Rush (Mrs. Merrill), ex-'l7, P. 435 Washington St., Springfield, 111.
P. 130 N . 27th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Froyd, Sarah H e r r i n g t o n ( M r s . E r w i n ) , '11,
Coman, Carrie M . (See Potter) P. 435 Washington St., Springfield, 111.
Cook, Hazel L, ex-'ig,
Gannon, Grace, '12,
P. 25th & F Sts., Omaha, Neb. P. 500 S. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb.
T . 1215 Grant St., Denver, Colo. T. Nebraska City, Neb.
Correll, Florence J. (See M c K i n n a )
Damon, Corris (See Pcake) Gilcrest, Leila L . , '14,
Damon, Lucy E. (See Keeler) P. R. F. D . No. 3, Grand Junction, Colo.
Davis, Lorene Emery ( M r s . Wm. W . ) , Sp.,
Gillilan, M i l f o r d , '19,
P. 3929 N . 20th St., Omaha, Neb. P. Hardy, Neb.
Dawson, Lydia, '18,
Good, Anabel (See Paine)
P. Linwood, Neb. Gorman, Frances Bratt ( M r s . Bernard 0 . ) , ex-'07,
Devalon, Esther (See Smith)
Deyo, Doris A., ex-'i8, P. Genoa, Neb.
Graham, Charlotte Wallace (Mrs. Harold Smith), Sp.,
P. B r a d f o r d . 111.
Diehl, Breta E . (See Wendstrand) P. 127 N . D i l l o n St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Dickinan, Lillian K., ex-'l8, Grainger, Helen Westveer ( M r s . Herbert N . ) , ex-'14,

P. 141 Carter Lake Club, Omaha, Neb. P. 1821 Pepper Ave., Lincoln, Neb.
Dominy, Gladys (See Chace) Gray, Viola C , '02,
D u r b i n , Cora, '08,
P. 1527 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
P. Malvern, Iowa. Griswold, Florence, '20,
D u r b i n , Florence, '08,
P. Gordon, Neb.
P. Malvern, Iowa. Hagenbuch, Helen Piper ( M r s . Clark), Sp.,
Eckles, Helen, '17,
P. 2128 E. 100th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
P. 605 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. H a l l , E d i t h (See Lansing)
Emery, Lorene (See Davis) Harper, Eloise (See Evans)
Ericson, Leta Thompson (Mrs. Rollin), Sp., Harper, Helen, ex-'13,

P. York, Neb. P. 1950 Washington St., Lincoln, Neb.
Evans, Eloise Harper ( M r s . Robert), Sp., Harpham, Edna M . , Sp.,

P. Missoula, Mont. P. 1546 S. 22nd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Everett, Mathilde Stenger ( M r s . E d w i n ) , ex-'14, Harrison, Estelle Stevens ( M r s . B e n j . ) , ex-'i5.

P. Allen, S. D . P. 4236 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.
Farquhar, Ruth, '20, H a r t , Marion S. (See Krites)
Hathway, Edna M . , '18,
P. 138 S. 28th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Fiske, Helen (See Steckley) P. 301 S. 16th St., St. Joseph, Mo.
Fitzgerald, Elsie, ex-'12, Hauptman, Irma, ex-'i7,

P. 1971 D St., Lincoln, Neb. F . 1655 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Fitzgerald, Helen, Sp., Hayes, Helen, cx-'l3,

P. 1971 D St., Lincoln, Neb. P. Denison, Iowa.
Haynes. Ethel (See Skeen)

Heck, Maud Williams ( M r s . Chas. M . ) , ex-'o6,
P. 219 Forrest R d . , Raleigh, N . C.


Hendricks, Lorene, '20, Maus, Lucile Johnson (Mrs. Elmer J . ) , ex--15,
P. Loup City, Neb.
P. Wahoo, Neb.
Herrington, Sarah (See Froyd) McAllister, Janet, ex-'i3,
Higgins, Mattie Woodvvorth (Mrs. Leslie A . ) , '08, P. Columbus, Neb.

P- 3317 Walnut St., Omaha, Neb. McCutcheon, Laura Rhodes (Mrs. D a n ) , '08,
Hill, Florence Parmalee (Mrs. Robert T . ) , '07, P. Belle Fourche, S. D .

P. 305 Parkwood Blvd., Schenectady, N . Y . McEachron, Allene (See Mumau)
Hill, Vera M. (See Phillips) McKinna, Florence Correll (Mrs. Wm. James), Sp.,
Holland, Vera Young (Mrs. John J . ) , ex-'i6,
P. 322 N . Union St., Los Angeles, Cal.
P. Verdigree, Neb. Mitchell, Elizabeth E . , Sp.,
Hunter, Emma Schreiber (Mrs. Frederick M . ) , '06,
P. 3207 Castellar St., Omaha, Neb.
P. c/o City Supt. of Schools, Oakland, Cal. Mitchell, Margaret L . , ex-'i8,
James, Nellie Kitchin (Mrs. J . A . ) , Sp.,
P. 1092 15th Ave. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
P. 857 King's Highway, Springfield, Mo. Mitchell, Nina Troyer (Mrs. D. O.), ex-'i3,
Jeffrey, Georgiana (See Westveer)
Johnson, Anna Lucile (See Maus) P. 1395 Chelmsford St., St. Paul, Minn.
Johnson, Helen, Sp., Mohler, Gertrude (See Krajicek)
Moran, Winnifred, '18,
P. 1121 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Jones, Anna E . , '07, P. Hyannis, Neb.
Mosher, Jessie M. (See Wigton)
P. 1710 B St., Lincoln, Neb. Mumau, Allene McEachron (Mrs. Sidney L . ) , '05,
Kean, Verna, ex-'18,
P. Tobias, Neb.
P. Havelock, Neb. Murty, Mabel, '15,
Keeler, Lucy Damon (Mrs. Burr C ) , ex-'07,
P. Weeping Water, Neb.
P. Mason City, Iowa. Nesbit, Lois, Grad.,
Killen, Ethel A., ex-'i8,
P. Tekamah, Neb.
P. Beatrice, Neb. Nissen, Elna, Sp.
King, Edna B., '07,
P. Kennard, Neb.
P. 300 Ringgold St., Peekskill, N . Y . Nissen, Nellie M., ex-'16,
King, Hazel (See Pearson)
King, Lulu (See Bigelow) P. Kennard, Neb.
Kitchen, Nellie O. (See James) Nombalais, Florence (See Thorp)
Koutz, Amy, ex-'i2, Nunemaker, Meta (See Alden)
Nunemaker, Greta, '18,
P. Ponca, Neb. Neb.
Krajicek, Gertrude Mohler (Mrs. Stanley), Sp., P. Tobias, Neb.
Ohlsen, Marie, ex-'19,
P. 4529 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio.
Krause, Rose K . (See Chase) P. Loup City, Neb.
Kreidler, Jessie G., ex-'10, Ohlsen, Orena, ex-'18,

P. Fullerton, Neb. P. David City, Neb.
Krites, Marion Hart (Mrs. Frederick), '09, Olsen, Ethel, ex-'16,

P. Chadron, Neb. P. Sioux City, Iowa.
Lansing, Edith H a l l (Mrs. H a r r y ) , ex-'13, Paine, Anabel Good (Mrs. C . K . ) , '12,

P. Shurtleff's Apts., 502 S. 12th St., Lincoln, P. 320 W . 10th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Lee, Katherine (See Andrews) Parmalee, Florence (See Hill)
LeGore, Lila M. (See Ritchie) Peake, Corris Damon (Mrs. Edmund J . ) , '04,
Logan, Maude Pierce (Mrs. W m . ) , Sp.,
P . 316 N . Delaware Ave., Mason City, Iowa.
P- 745 S. 15th St., Lincoln, Neb. Pearson, Hazel King (Mrs. Morley), ex-'16,
Lowenberg, Gladys, '17,
P. 325 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, Mo.
P. Albion, Neb. Perkins, Ethel (See Warner)
Marshall, Carrie, ex-'18, Perry, Emma (See Thayer)
Perry, Margaret, '20,
P. Weeping Water, Neb.
T . Schuyler, Neb. P. 2637 P St., Lincoln, Neb.


Peterson, Laura, ex-'i2, Salmon, Mabel, '12,
P. n o i N . 23rd St., South Omaha, Neb. P. 2209 Spencer St., Omaha, Neb.

Phelps, Beth Boynton ( M r s . Vernon), ex-'i2, Sanders, Lucille, ex-'i7,
P. Los Angeles, Cal. P. Superior, Neb.

Phillips, Vera H i l l ( M r s . C l a r k ) , Sp., Sanders, Mabel R., ex-'l7,
P. Dixon, Neb. P. Superior, Neb.

Pickering, Roma Rush ( M r s . Doane), ex-'18, Schoell, Grace T r i g g ( M r s . A u g u s t ) , '06,
P. 130 N . 27th St., Lincoln, Neb. P. Edgemore, Del.

Pierce, Maude E . (See Logan) Schreiber, Emma (See Hunter)
Piper, Elsie Ford, '04, Schwertley, Salome (See Bratton)
Scroggin, Doris, '17,
P. 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
T. Wayne, Neb. P. Oak, Neb.
Piper, Helen (See Hagenbuch) Sears, Helen Webb ( M r s . W m . C ) , Sp.,
Piper, Jennie L . , '04,
P. 41 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
P. 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Potarf, Thelma Burgen (Mrs. Ernest), ex-'iq, Sheehy, Alice M . , '20,
P. 1815 S. 35th Ave., Omaha, Neb.
P. New Castle, Wyo.
Potter, Blanche Woodworth ( M r s . H e r b e r t ) , '12, Shockey, Laura Buchanan ( M r s . Geo. C ) , '06,
P. 619 17th Ave., Melrose Park, 111.
P. Omaha, Neb.
Potter, Carrie Coman (Mrs. Herbert M . ) , ex-'i5, Shultz, L o u Chace ( M r s . H e n r y J . ) , '14,
P. Stanton, Neb.
P. Regina, Can.
Powell, A l f r e d a (See Fredericks) Skeen, Ethel Haynes ( M r s . D o n ) , '06,
Ramey, Janet (See Weismiller) P. 525 Monroe St., Gary, I I I .
Rawlings, Alma Birkner (Mrs. Floyd), ex-'io,
Smith, Esther Devalon (Mrs. Victor), ex-'u,
P. 2001 Sewell St., Lincoln, Neb. P. 2101 Evans St., Omaha, Neb.
Rawls, Bernice M . , ex-'10,
Smith, Marian Carter ( M r s . S. M . ) , ' i t ,
P. Kent, Wash. P. 1471 E . 14th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Rennard, Elizabeth, ex-'i8,
Spears, Alice R., ex-'o6, deceased.
P. Arlington, Neb. Spears, Margaret E., '05,
Reynolds, Pauline Burkitt ( M r s . Ameral C ) , ex-'oq,
P. 630 N . 16th St., Lincoln, Neb.
P. 2809 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. Steckley, Helen Fiske ( M r s . E d w i n ) , Sp., deceased.
Rhodes, Laura (See McCutcheon) Steiner, Helen M . (See Wallace)
Ritchie, Lila LeGore ( M r s . Chas. D . ) , Sp., Stenger, Frederique C. (See Baker)
Stenger, Mathilde (See Everett)
P. McCook, Neb. Sterling, Katherine (See Ross)
Ritchie, Mabel (See Fordyce) Steyens, Estelle B . (See Harrison)
Rohman, Essa Belle, Sp., Studts, Marie M . , '19,

P. 1435 L St., Lincoln, Neb. P. 728 S. 27th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Roper, Grace C , '06, Stuefer, Eunice Baumann ( M r s . Otto), ex-'10,

P. 1213 S. 22nd St., Lincoln, Neb. P. 30 Hastings Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Roper, Mabel A . (See Bryant) Swain, Edith, Sp.,
Ross, Katherine Sterling ( M r s . Ellison L . ) , '04,
P. Greeley Center, Neb.
P. 6411 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. Swain, Gertrude, Sp.,
Rush, Beulah (See Collins)
Rush, Roma (See Pickering) P. Greeley Center, Neb.
Ryan, Kathleen, Sp. Taylor, E d i t h (See Sadler)
Thayer, Emma Perry ( M r s . Ralph I I . ) , '09,
P. Columbus, Neb.
Ryan, Nelle M . , Sp., P. Norwood Heights, Norwood, Ohio.'
Thompson, Leta (See Ericson)
P. Columbus, Neb.
Sadler, Edith Taylor ( M r s . Clarence B . ) , Sp., Thorp, Florence Nombalais ( M r s . Frank G . ) , '13,

P. 101 Breard St., Monroe, La. P. Crawford, Neb.
Toomey, Ella (See Anderson)


Toomey, Maude, '09, SIGMA
P. Saco, Mont.
Adams, Grace, ex-'i8,
Trigg, Emily W., Sp., P. 620 4th Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
P. 1817 Sewell St., Lincoln, Neb.
Ahlers, Blanche E . , '11,
Trigg, Grace (See Schoell) P . 2300 Devisadero St., San Francisco, Cal.
Troyer, Nina (See Mitchell)
Tyson, Isabelle, ex-'i3, Ahlers, Viola (See Whelan)
Alvarez, Florence, ex-'ll,
P. Skidmore, Mo.
Waite, Edna, ex-'o9, P. 2180 W . 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Anderson, Myrtle, ex-'13, deceased.
P. McCook, Neb. Armstrong, Jean^ ex-'ig,
Wallace, Helen Steiner (Mrs. Arthur H . ) i ex-'ii,
P. Phoenix, Ariz.
P. Brown Hotel, Des Moines, Iowa. Armstrong, Mabel Lothrop (Mrs. Claude), ex-'l5,
Wallace, Charlotte (See Graham)
Walton, Martha M., Sp., P. Elko, Nev.
Armstrong, Marjorie, '17,
P. 1971 B St., Lincoln, Neb.
Warner, Ethel Perkins (Mrs. Ernest), ex-'09, P. Fowler, Cal.
Arnold, Gertrude Davis (Mrs. Julean I I . ) , '04,
P. 1214 H St., Sacramento, Cal.
Waters, Mary, '20, P. American Legation, Peking, China.
Bachman, Marion, '17,
P. 1818 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Waters, Melvina N., '14, P. 2771 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Bachus, Hattie Fish (Mrs. Geo. S . ) , ex-'o6,
P. 1818 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Waters, Winifred, '09, P. 404 W . 7th St., Leadville, Colo.
Ball, Margaret Weeks (Mrs. Chas.), '15,
P. 1818 S. 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Webb, Helen M. (See Sears) P. 23 N . Aurora St., Stockton, Cal.
Wehrli, Helen, '16, Bancroft, Evelyn (See Moore)
Bancroft, Helen (See Gove)
P. Mound City, Mo. Barber, Alice M., ex-'14, deceased.
Wersmiller, Janet Ramey (Mrs. Ralph), ex-'i2, Barker, Elizabeth Morgan (Mrs. Edgar E . ) , ex-'o6,

P. Bruning, Neb. P. Nevada City, Cal.
Wendstrand, Breta Diehl (Mrs. W. W . ) , "13, T . Chuiquicamata, Chili, S. A.
Batz, Grace (See Guyles)
P. Wahoo, Neb. Beach, Flora Miller (Mrs. Wesley), '05,
West, Madge Alderman (Mrs. Rhea N . ) , Sp., P. 1954 T a f t Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Westveer, Helen (See Grainger) Beal, Miriam, '19,
West veer, Georgiana Jeffery (Mrs. E d w a r d ) , ex-'13, P. 36 Moss Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Bell, Rose Von Schmidt (Mrs. Geo. L . ) , '09,
P. 216 N . 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. P. 2118 Marin Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Wheelock, Ruth A., ex-'14, Belshaw, Ada Shreve (Mrs. W. W . ) , '05,
P. Antioch, Cal.
P. Beatrice, Neb. Bergland, Eloise Forsyth (Mrs. Harvey), ex-'i5,
Whitford, Gladys, '19, P. 825 4th St., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Bingaman, Genevieve Kimball (Mrs. Jos. W . ) , '07,
P. Arlington, Neb. P. 454 Crescent St., Oakland, C a l .
Wigton, Jessie Mosher (Mrs. Harrison), ex-'o7, Black, Emma F . , '13,
P. 2913 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal.
P. 3020 S. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. Black, Marian, '20
Williams, Hazel V., '13, 2913 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal.
Boardman, Esther (See Busby)
P. Ponca, Neb. Boyd, Dorothy, '18,
Williams, Mabel (See Beachly)
Williams, Maud (See Heck) P. 2814 Prince St., Berkeley, Cal.
Winnett, Grace Burr (Mrs. Joseph R . ) , Sp., Br yd, Roberta Bliss (See Tyson)
bright, Carrie (See Kistler)
P. Adair, Iowa.
Woodworth, Blanche (See Potter)
Woodworth, Matrie (See Higgins)
Young, Vera A. (See Holland)
Zumwinkle, Alvina C , '12,

P. Utica, Neb.


Britton, Gladys Courtian (Mrs. John A., Jr.), ' i o Day, Mary Wight ( M r s . John), ex-'19,
P. 116 Monticello Ave., Piedmont, Cal. P. 753 24th St., San Diego, Cal.

Brown, Hertha Herrmann ( M r s . Ernest C . ) , '14, DeLong, Verna Ray (Mrs. R. C ) , ex-'io,

P. 4988 Coronado Ave., Oakland, Cal. P. Box 69, R. F . D . No. 2, Santa Rosa, Cal.
Brownlie, Nora Tower (Mrs. John), ex-'i6.
DeVeuve, Alice, '15,
P. 311 Y o r k St., Vallejo, Cal. P. Larkspur, Cal.
Brownlie, Ruth, '16,
DeVeuve, Laura, ex-'20,
P. 311 York St., Vallejo, Cal. P. 1645 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Bryant, Bernice McNeal ( M r s . Ober W . ) , '07,
D e W i t t , Mary, '13,
P. 801 W i l d Rose Ave., Monrovia, Cal. P. 1221 Paru St., Alameda, Cal.
Busby, Esther Boardman ( M r s . Leonard A . ) , ex-'07,
Dickinson, Edith, Sp.,
P. 3118 Sheridan Rd., Lakeview Sta., Chicago, III. P. 2215 E- 3 ™ d St., Oakland, Cal.
Butler, Winnifred M . , ex-'l8,
Donovan, Nad''ne, '20,
P. 1420 O x f o r d St., Berkeley, Cal. P. 1003 College Ave., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Call, Una (See Jeffers)
Cameron, Mary A . (See Pierce) Donovan, Thelma, '19,
Cardwell, Esther, '20, P. 1003 College Ave., Santa Rosa, Cal.

P. Chowchilla, Modesto Co., Cal. Doolittle, Anna G., '20,
Carson, Ruth, ex-'i6, P- 3290 Park Ave., San Diego, Cal.

P. 900 Guerrero St., San Francisco, Cal. DuBois, Blanche M . , '03,
Chase, Margaret, ex-'17, P. 2044 Central Ave., Alameda, Cal.

P. Vacaville, Cal. Dudley, Margaret Henderson ( M r s . C. D . ) , ex-'o3,
Clarke, Dorothy K., 14, P. 2655 Wakefield Ave., East Oakland, Cal.

P. 840 Contra Costa Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Eastman, Muriel (See Martin)
Clarke, Ethel B., ex-'o4, Eddy, Margaret Stone ( M r s . A . J . ) , '15,

P. 177 Post St.. San Francisco, Cal. P. 902 San Benito Rd., Berkeley, Cal.
Clowes, Helen W., '17, Edson, Helen (See Wixon)
Elliot, Elizabeth, '17,
P. West Lane, Stockton, Cal.
Cook, Virginia, '20, P. 1722 Blake St., Berkeley, Cal.
Esterly, Virginia Judy (Mrs. Ward B.), ex'06,
P. 304 Lakeshore Blvd., Oakland, Cal.
Corlett, Frances, '16, P. 244 Alvarado Rd., Berkeley, Cal.
Etcheverry, Celeste L a Coste ( M r s . Michel H . ) , '05,
P. 113 Division St., Napa, Cal.
Courtian, Gladys (See Britton) P- 3233 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal.
Cowie, Charlotte (See Manzer) Evans, Aileen, '19,
Cox, Catherine V . , '20,
P. Pomona, Cal.
P. 2512 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal. Finnell, Christine (See Wheeler)
Cranston, Alice, '17, Fish, Hattie (See Bachus)
Flanagan, Irene (See Gay)
P. 305 Cypress Ave., Santa Ana, Cal. Ford, Savory, '15,
Crawford, Ella G., '18,
P. Nevada City, Cal.
P. 5631 C a l i f o r n i a St., San Francisco, Cal. Forsyth, Eloise (See Bergland)
Crawford, Leona Mudgett ( M r s . David), '12, Forsyth, Margaret, '19,

P. Claremont, Cal. P. 825 4th St., Santa Rosa, Cal.
Crossett, Marion (See Strong) Foskett, Ethel M . , ex-'l4,
Cullom, Ethel Porter ( M r s . F. B . ) , ex-*l3,
P. Concord, Cal.
P. Coram, Shasta Co., Cal. Foster, Kate B., '02,
Cutter, Olive E., '11,
P. 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
P. 3514 Grove St., Oakland, Cal. Freuler, Alice (See N o r r i s )
Davis, Gertrude (See A r n o l d ) Freuler, Olivia, ex-'l6,
Davis, Mary A . (See W a r i n g )
Day, Gertrude, ex-'19, P. 2946 Russell St., Berkeley, Cal.
Furlong, Martha Rice ( M r s . Herbert W . ) , '04,
P. 140 W a l n u t St., San Diego, Cal.
P. 2305 Regal Rd., Berkeley, Cal.


Gardner, Rose (See M a r x ) Keane, R i t a C , ex '14.
Garrett, Edna (See Wetherbee) P. The W a r r i n g t o n , 2nd and Main Sts., Riverside, Cal.
Gay, Irene Flanagan (Mrs. Wm. W . ) , 'i2,
Kemp, Rosemarjorie (transferred to Lambda)
P. 1504 Fernside Blvd., Alameda, Cal. Kimball, Genevieve (See Bingaman)
Georgeson, V i r a , '18, Kistler, Lucile (See W a g y )
Kistler, Carrie Bright ( M r s . Lewis A . ) , ex-'10,
P. 907 6th St., Eureka, Cal.
Googgel, Gladys, '17, P. 1328 Spruce St., Berkeley, Cal.

P. 1328 Hyde St., San Francisco, Cal. Knight, Mae I . , '06,
Gove, Helen Bancroft ( M r s . Leon M . ) , 'io, P. 333 Cedar Ave., L o n g Beach, Cal.

P. 1073 Walker Ave., Oakland, Cal. La Coste, Celeste R. (Sec Etcheverry)
Graham, Lucile, '19, LaRue, Elizabeth Johnson (Mrs. Morgan E.), ex-'i5,

P. 378 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. P. 531 21st St., Sacramento, Cal.
Green, Jeanette, '05, Lawton, Claudia Massie ( M r s . Oswald), '14,

P. Alhambra High School, Alhambra, Cal. P. 3025 Claremont Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Guyles, Grace Bate ( M r s . G. B . ) , '09,
Lewis, Blanche O., ex-'og,
P. 724 N . K St., Tacoma, Wash. P. 2211 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal.
Hackley, Sarah Matthew ( M r s . P h i l i p H . ) , ex-'o8,
Lorenz, Alice Washburn ( M r s . Geo. B . ) , ex-'o6,
P. 2200 Los Angeles Ave., Berkeley, Cal. P. 1826 G St., Sacramento, Cal.
H a l l , Netha (See H i l l )
Lothrop, Mabel (Sec Armstrong)
Harlowe, Wynne Meredith (Mrs. Geo.), cx-'i3. Lowell, L i l l i a n (See Paine)
P. Mantica, Cal. Magill, Claire H a r t ( M r s . Chas. I . ) , cx-'i5,

H a r t , Claire (See M a g i l l ) P. 709 I I addon Rd., Oakland, Cal.
Haseltine, Margaret, '14, Maguire, Phyllis (See Welch)
Mains, Kathleen (See Osborne)
P. 1014 Madison Ave., Baltimore, M d . Mallon, M i l d r e d , '20,
Heller, Hattie M . . '20,
P. 1007 Grand St., Alameda, Cal.
P. 2406 B St., San Diego, Cal. Manning, H i l d a (See Thompson)
Henderson, Isabelle (See Stewart) Mansfield, Daisy (See Shaw)
Henderson, Margaret (See Dudley) Manzer, Charlotte Cowie ( M r s . Tilden T . ) , '14,
H e n r y , Helen N . , '03,
P. Powers, Ore.
P. 264 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. M a r t i n , Florence Schultz ( M r s . M . M . ) , '09, deceased.
Herrmann, Hertha (See B r o w n ) Martin, Muriel Eastman ( M r s . Willsie M . ) , '01,
H i l l , Elizabeth, ex-'i6,
P. 1020 State St., Boise, Idaho.
P. 1028 3rd St., Santa Monica, Cal.
H i l l , Netha H a l l (Mrs. Geo. C ) , e x - ' l l , Marty, Eva A., '05,
6oi W . 127th St., New Y o r k , N . Y .
P. 422 Rose St., Oakland, Cal.
Homage, Evalyn B., '15, Marx, Rose Gardner ( M r s . Ralph S.), ' n ,
P. 1019 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
P. 1028 Sutter St., Stockton, Cal.
Howard, Margaret, ex-'i6, Massie, Claudia (See L a w t o n )
Massie, Elaine Standish ( M r s . Andrew M . ) , ex-'l2,
P- 534° V i r g i n i a Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Hubbard, Bernice, ex-'18, P. c/o M r s . Reed, 667 Rue Ratard, Shanghai, China.

P. 2959 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Matthew, Marian H . , '20,
Hubbard, Katherine, ex-'i6, P. 830 5th St., Santa Rosa, Cal.

P. 2959 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Matthew, Sarah (See Hackley)
Hunter, Mildred (See Stahl) McGinnis, Mary C , '20,
Hurley, Margaret M . , '12,
P. Waterville, Wash.
P. Phoenix, Ariz. McNeal, Bernice (See Bryant)
Jeffers, U n a Call ( M r s . J . R . ) , ex-'o6, McPherron, Grace A . , '04,

P. 822 Garfield St., Pasadena, Cal. P. 1016 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Johnson, Elizabeth (See LaRne)
Judy, Juanita (See Vitousek) McVey, Margaret, '20,
Judy, V i r g i n i a (See Esterly) P. 1800 3rd St., San Diego, Cal.


Meredith, Georgia, ex-'13, Ray, Verna (See DeLong)
Rice. Lillian J., '10,
P. 1004 Union St., Alameda, Cal.
Meredith, Wynne (See Harlowe) P. National City, Cal.
Miller, Flora (See Beach) Rice, Martha (See Furlong)
Miller, Jennett L., ' n , Richardson, Dorothy (See Parkinson)
Robertson, Mabel P., ex-'10,
P. R. F . D . N o . 2, Turlock, Cal.
T . State N o r m a l School, San Jose, Cal. P. 909 Center St., Salem, Ore.
Moore, Evelyn Bancroft (Mrs. Justin H . ) , ex-'i3, Robie, Edwina, '20,

P. 400 Convent Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y . P. East Auburn, Cal.
Morgan, Elizabeth (See Barker) Schieck, Gertrude A . , '17,
M o r i n , Grace E., '10,
P. 2627 Haste St., Berkeley. Cal.
P. 2422 Durant St., Berkeley, Cal. Schieck, Helen, '19,
Moroney, Ethel, '17,
P. 2627 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
P. 2000 Laurel St., San Francisco, C a l . Schmidt, Gladys A., ex-'i7,
M o r r i l l , Evelyn M . , '09,
P. 2712 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
P. College City, Cal. Schnabel. Hazel Skinner ( M r s . Carl K . ) , '08,
Lothrop, Mabel (See Armstrong)
Morris, Marjorie, ex-'l5, P. Newcastle, Cal.
Selwood, M a r j o r i e , '20,
P. 635 N . Ardmore Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Muckleston, E d i t h W h e r r y ( M r s . H a r o l d S.), '07, P. 1326 5th Ave., San Francisco. Cal.
Shaw. Daisy Mansfield ( M r s . Norman W . ) , '07,
P. 167 Stanley St., Montreal, Can.
Mudgett, Leona (See C r a w f o r d ) P- 3073 Bateman St., Berkeley, Cal.
Neely, Marguerite, '18, Shreve, Ada (Sec Belshaw)
Singleton, Norma H., ex-'l3,
P. 920 T St., Fresno, Cal.
Norris, Alice Freuler (Mrs. Homer A . ) , ex-'l5, P. Pacific Grove, Cal.
Slaughter, Helen, ex-'i7,
P. 4507 42nd St., Tacoma, Wash.
Oberdeener, Elsa, ex-'i7, P. 1202 E . 18th St., Oakland, Cal.
Stahl, M i l d r e d Hunter ( M r s . Leslie W . ) , "13,
T . San Jose Normal School, San Jose, Cal.
Olcese, Rosalinda, '17, P. 420 N . Bright St., Whittier, Cal.
Standish, Elaine (See Massie)
P. Hornitos, Cal. Stewart, Isabelle Henderson ( M r s . Benj. F., J r . ) , '05,
Osborne, Kathleen Mains ( M r s . Chesley), '16,
P. Sierra City, Cal.
P. Turlock, Cal. Stoddard. M i l d r e d (See W i n t o n )
Paine, Lillian Lowell (Mrs. Frederic C ) , ' o i , Stoddard, Minette L., ex-'ll,

P. Okanogan, Wash. P. 732 20th St., Merced. Cal.
Parkinson, Dorothy Richardson (Mrs. John B.), cx-'i4, Stone. Margaret (See E d d y )
Strong, Marian Crossett ( M r s . Addison), '13,
P. 1601 I St., Sacramento, Cal.
Periolat, Ruth B.. ex-'18, P. 730 The Alameda, Berkeley, Cal.
St. John, Beatrice, '20,
P. 2202 Divisadero St., San Francisco, Cal.
Pierce, Florence, ex-'i7, P. 3«36 College Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Taber, Edna M . , '16,
P. Bath St., Santa Barbara, Cal.
Pierce, Mary Cameron ( M r s . Geo. W . ) , ex-'15, P. 451 Hudson St., Oakland, Cal.
Thayer, Helen, ex-'14,
P. i n 26th Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Pierce, Pearl L . , ex-'i4, P. Whittier, Cal.
1 hompson, Hilda Manning (Mrs. Ira F.), ex-'io,
P. 2344 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal.
Porter, Ethel (See Cullom) P. 622 Merchants' Trust Bldg..
Pride, Katherine V., ex-'20, c/o Manning, Thompson & Hoover, Los Angeles, Cal.
Tower, Nora (See Brownlie)
P. Chamouny Apts., Los Angeles, Cal. Tyson, Roberta Boyd ( M r s . R. J . ) , '09,
T . 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. P. 9 Sea View Ave., Piedmont, Cal.
Preuss, May Sarah, '16, Vitousek, Juanita Judy ( M r s . R o y ) , ex '15,
P. Marshfield. Ore.
T . 2608 Ben venue, Berkeley, Cal. P. Healdsburg, Cal.


Von Schmidt, Rose (See Bell) Baker, Ruth, ex'17,
Wagy, Lucile Kistler (Mrs. Earl W . ) , 'Hi P. 17 Raymond Ave., H a r r i s b u r g , I I I .

P. McKittrick, Kern Co., Cal. Barnes, Carrie Leavell ( M r s . Claude), ex-'14,
Waring, Mary Davis (Mrs. Robert A . ) , ex-'io, P. Winchester, Ind.

P. 1324 21st St., Sacramento, Cal. Barrey. Helen Sutton (Mrs. J. Irvin), ex-'i7,
Warren, Marie (transferred to Lambda) P. Greencastle, I n d .
Washburn, Alice (See Lorenz)
Watson, Geneva E., e x - ' n , Barris, Delia Wintrode ( M r s . M o r t i m e r ) , '03,
P. Ithaca, N . Y.
P. Fair Oaks, Cal.
Weeks, Anna, ex-'o7, Bates, Celia, '\2,
P. Winchester, I n d .
P. 207 N . Almansor St., Alhambra, Cal.
Weeks, Dorothy, '19, Beck, Maro M . , ex-'i4,
P. Warren, Ind.
P. 2911 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal.
Weeks, Florence E., '09, Beeson, Ivah, '14,
P. Summitville, I n d .
P. 2225 23rd Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Weeks, Grace Y., ' i a , Bennett, Marguerite, '18,
P. Greencastle, I n d .
P. 2225 23rd Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Weeks, Helen F . , '06, Bicknell, Jessie, ex-'i9,
P. 510 E . Seminary St., Greencastle, I n d .
P. 207 N . Almansor St., Alhambra, Cal.
Weeks, Margaret G. (See Ball) Bicknell, Mary, '19,
Welch, Phyllis Maguire ( M r s . Eugene R . ) , '13, P. 110 E . F r a n k l i n St., Greencastle, I n d .

P. 1245 Washington St., San Francisco, Cal. Bills, Lura Davis ( M r s . E l m e r ) , '11,
Wetherbee, Edna Garrett ( M r s . Wm. C ) , ex-'13, P. 719 University Ave., Laramie, Wyo.

P. 810 N . Kellogg St., Galesburg, 111. Blair, Mary, ex-'10,
Wheeler, Christine Finnell (Mrs. Rollo C.)i ex-'i8, P. 1024 Madison St., L a Porte, I n d .

P. St. Helena, Cal. Bonham, Lenore, ex-'i5,
Whelan, Viola Ahlers ( M r s . John L . ) , '08, P. 1016 F r a n k l i n St., Columbus, I n d .

P- 3323 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Bowen, Minnie (See T r a v i s )
Wherry, Edith (See Muckleston) Brain, Olive Beatrice, ex-'i6,
W i g h t , M a r y R. (See D a y )
Williams, Amelia N . , '20, P. 1547 S. 28th St., Omaha, Neb.
Bywater, Irma Horn (Mrs. Benjamin), ex-'ll,
P. 2030 Sunset Blvd., San Diego, Cal.
Winton, Mildred Stoddard (Mrs. Gordon EL), ex-'u, P. 206 Parker Apts., Portland, Ore.
Cain, Ruth, ex-'l5,
P. 56 aist St., Merced, Cal.
Wixon, Helen Edson ( M r s . S a n f o r d ) , '11, P. -1702 S. Boots St., Marion, I n d .
Canaday, Esther, ex-'i8,
P. 2710 Q St., Sacramento, Cal.
Young, Elaine, '17, P. Fortville, I n d .
Carter, Avanelle Maurine, '19.
P. 310 3rd St., Napa, Cal.
P. Wingate, I n d .
THETA Carver, Ethel (See M a r t i n )
Cates, Mary Duncan ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , '08,
Adomeit, Lucretia Loring (Mrs. Erich), ex-'io,
P. 9920 Parkgate Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. P. Tipton, I n d .
Chambers, Ivah Work ( M r s . Court), ex-'i3,
Allen, Lucy E., '08,
P. 1560 College Ave., Indianapolis, I n d . P. Spencer, I n d .
Couchman, Jessie (See Diggs)
Allen, Mabel J. (See Stevens) Connor, Eleanor Day, ex-'l5,
Antrim, Elizabeth B., ' n ,
P. New Albany, I n d .
P. Royal Center, I n d . Coons, Daisy M . (See Stout)
Babcock, Blanche (See English) Cooper, Leona Kelly ( M r s . Forest M . ) , ex-'12,
Babcock, Margaret J., '20,
P. S. Locnst St., Greencastle, I n d .
P. Rensselaer, I n d . Cossairt. Margaret Robbins (Mrs. Fred), ex-'i6,

P. 201 S. Harrison St., Shelbyville, I n d .
Covalt, Juva (transferred to Beta Phi)
Covalt, Vedah (transferred to Beta Phi)


Davis, Lura (See Bills) Glendinning, Edna, '20,
De Prall, Nelle, Sp. (transferred to Beta P h i )
Dice, Mabel (See Manuel) P. Portland, I n d .
Diggs, Jessie Couchman ( M r s . J o h n ) , '10,
Greely, Hazel McCoy (Mrs. L . W . ) , ex-'il,
P. 54 Healing Ave., Indianapolis, I n d .
Dilts, Clara C , '16, P. Yorktown, I n d .

P. Winamac, I n d . Greist, Edna Stafford (Mrs. John), ex-'io,
Dilts, Lenore Obright ( M r s . Russell A . ) , ex-'15,
P. Albany, Ind.
P. Winamac, I n d .
Dorner, Frieda Pfafllin ( M r s . F r e d ) , '07, Gwartney, Beryl Hawkins (Mrs. Gilbert), ex-'l5,

P. 716 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, W i s . P. Kokomo, Ind.
Douthitt, Margaret, '18, Harvey, Edna, '13,

P. 712 S. College Ave., Greencastle, I n d . P. Markle, Ind.
Downs, Elsie, ex-'13, Harwell, Ruth, ex-'l5,

P. Idaville, I n d . P. Glenwood, Ind.
Driscoll, Luella, ex-'19,
Hawker, Cora McCready (Mrs. Clarence), e x - ' i l ,
P. Liberty, Ind. P. F r a n k l i n , 111.
Duncan, M a r y (See Cates)
Dunn, Dorothy (transferred to Iota) Hawkins, Beryl (See Gwartney)
Edmundson, Nila (transferred to Iota) Hays, Hazel, '15,
English, Blanche Babcock ( M r s . W a l t e r ) , ex-'14,
P. Burns City, I n d .
P. 509 N . 7th St., La Fayette, I n d .
Etter, Avis Kelley ( M r s . R a l p h ) , '10, Hazelett, Helen Savage ( M r s . Richard), ex-'og,

P. Greencastle, I n d . P. Putnamville, Ind.
Ezell, Bertha Walker ( M r s . James), '05,
Hedde, Mabell E., 'ao,
P. Klamath Falls, Ore.
Farmer, M a r y J., '10, P. Cliff Drive, Logansport, Ind.

P. Greencastle, I n d . Hedde, Marie, ex-'i8,
Fee, Mary E . (See Palmer)
Fellows, Goldie H u f f m a n ( M r s . Ray S.), '08, P. Cliff Drive, Logansport, Ind.

P. 1414 Bernett St., Tulsa, Okla. Hedde, Wilhelmina, '19,
Ferguson, Cleo (See W o o d )
Fields, Florence, ex-'n, P. Cliff Drive, Logansport, Ind.

P. 125 E . Wiley St., B l u f f t o n , I n d . Henderson, Ethel Spang (Mrs. William), ex-'i2,
Forkner, May H . (See Schlaback)
Foster, Florence, '16, P. Georgetown, 111.

P. Cloverdale, Ind. Hendrix, Melva, ex-'19,
Foster, Nell H . , ex-'13,
P. Crawfordsville, Ind.
P. Albany, I n d .
Fouts, Bess Levering ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , '09, Henring, E d i t h M . , '08,

P. 607 S. Center St., Terre Haute, I n d . P. New Harmony, Ind.
Frazier, Cora E., '07,
H i a t t , Mary W r i g h t ( M r s . E d g a r ) , '14,
P. Hillsboro, I n d .
Frazier, Flora O., '10, P. Portland, Ind.

P. Hillsboro, Ind. Hilburn, Bernice Young ( M r s . ) , '14,
Gardner, Inez (See Scully)
Gilkey, Georgia, '17, Holman, Ruth, ex-'15,

P. Win gate, Ind. P. 521 N . Main St., Kokomo, I n d .
Glascock, Laurabelle, ex-'16,
H o r n , I r m a (See By water)
P. Crawfordsville, I n d .
Hosman, Vev V i l l e , '19,

P. Akron, I n d .

Hostetter, Florence Irvin ( M r s . Stewart), ex-'i2,
P. 2324 Park Ave., Indianapolis, I n d .

Huckleberry, Merle Huffman (Mrs. Nathaniel), ex-'i8,
P. N . Jackson St., Greencastle, I n d .

H u f f m a n , Goldie (See Fellows)
H u f f m a n , Merle (See Huckleberry)
Hughes, Florence, '15,

P. Greencastle, Ind.
I r v i n , Florence (See Hostetter)
Jacques, Laura (See Leazenby)
Jayne, Gertrude, ex-'l9,

P. 1318 Belmont Ave., Indianapolis, I n d .


Jayne, Margaret, ex--'16, Little, Ruth, '19,
P. 1318 Belmont Ave., Indianapolis, I n d .
P. Darlington, I n d .
Jean, Nell, ex-'is,
P. Worthington, Ind. Lorenz, Estelle Johnston (Mrs. Carl), ex-'io,

Johnston, Estelle (See Lorenz) P. 715 W . Central Ave., Toledo, Ohio.
Jones, Florence, '14,
Loring, Lucretia (See Adomeit)
P. R. F . D . No. 2, Greencastle, I n d .
Jones, Jessie, '18, MacLachlan, Allison M . , '17,

P. R. F . D . N o . 2, Greencastle, I n d . P. 2423 Park Ave., Indianapolis, I n d .
Jones, Ruby, '12,
Manuel, Mabel Dice ( M r s . V i r g i l ) , '11,
P. R. F. D . N o . 2, Greencastle, I n d .
Jordan, Fern Thompson ( M r s . Parker), '12, I'. Crawfordsville, Ind.

P. 1708 Hillside Rd., Boulder, Colo. Maple, Nina, '14,
Kelley, Avis (See E t t e r )
Kelley, L i d a Leona (See Cooper) P. Westfield, Ind.
Kelley, Lucille, '20,
Martin, Ethel Carver (Mrs. Marion), ex-'og,
P. 619 Anderson St., Greencastle, I n d .
Kelley, Vera, :I5, P. Rockville, I n d .

P. 619 Anderson St., Greencastle, I n d . Maze, Pearl W . , '08,
Kelly, Frances,
P. Cloverdale, Ind.
P. Winamac, Ind.
Kendrick, Delia Antrim (Mrs. W. A . ) , ex-'ll. McClure, Edna, '17,

P. Youngstown, Ohio. P. R. F . D . No. 28, Ehvood, I n d .
Kibele, Mary, ex-'l8,
McCorkle, Bernice, '19,
P. 800 E . Adams St., Muncie, I n d .
K i e f e r , Louise (See K o n f e r ) P. Wingate, I n d .
Konfer, Louise Kiefer ( M r s . K a r l ) , '09,
McCormick, Jessie Leavell ( M r s . R o y ) , ex-'10,
P. Greencastle, I n d .
Kreutzinger, Rose Witaker ( M r s . H e n r y ) , ex-'i5, P. Albany, Ind.

P. 3908 E . Michigan Ave., Indianapolis, I n d . McCoy, Hazel (See Greely)
Kyle, Forest, '15,
McCracken. Gladys Whitaker ( M r s . E d w i n ) , *io, deceased.
P., Greensburg, Ind.
Lakin, Agnes, '19, McCready. Cora B. (See Hawker)

P. Coatesville, I n d . McDonald, Ruth Stafford (Mrs. Grover). :io,
Lange, Helen L . . '19,
P. Blnomington, Ind.
P. North Vernon, Ind.
Langwith, N . Olive, ex-!i4, M c j u r y , Pearl Wenger ( M r s . F . M . ) , '12,

P. 760 E . H i g h St., Davenport, Iowa. P. 308 Stanton St., Portland, Ore.
Lanning, Verne H . , '13,
McLeod, Irene Miller ( M r s . L e R o y ) , '15,
P. LagTange, I n d .
Layne, Ruth E., ex-'ig, P. Browns Valley, I n d .

P. 630 Morton Ave., Greencastle, I n d . Medbourne, Bessie (See Slonaker)
Leachman, Nell H . , '14,
Meissner, Eva Thompson ( M r s . ) , '09,
P. Coatesville, I n d .
Leamon, Nelle Ringo ( M r s . W . G.), ex-'17, P. 1704 E . 69th St., Chicago, 111.

P. Westfield, Ohio. Miller, Irene R. (See McLeod)
Leavell, Carrie (See Barnes)
Leavell, Jessie (See McCormick) Mills, Earla, '05,
Leazenby, Laura Jacques ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , e x - ' l l ,
I'. Andrews, Ind.
P. c./o Pacific T e l . & Tel. Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
Levering, Mary B. (See Fouts) Mitchell, Bernice, ex-'19,

P- '35 W . 33rd St., Indianapolis, I n d .

Montgomery, Estelle, '10,

P. Poseyville, Ind.

Morris, Esther, '18,

P. Kansas, 111.

Newman, Irene B., ex-'10,

P. 612 E . 13th St., Indianapolis, I n d .

Norris, Grace M . , ' n ,

P. Rensselaer, I n d .

Norris, Marguerite O., '20,

P. Rensselaer, Ind.

Obright, Lenore (See D i l t s )

O'Hair, Ivah Smith (Mrs. Fred), ex-'i3,

P. Greencastle, I n d .


Palmer, Mary Fee ( M r s . Walter J . ) , e x - ' n , Thomas, Myrtle Spaulding (Mrs. Evan), ex-'u,
P. 210 S. Rifter Ave., Indianapolis, I n d . P. New Haven, I n d .

Pfafflin, Frieda (See Dorner) Thompson, Eva (See Meissner)
Pike, Ethel, '18, Thompson, Fern (See Jordan)
Tillett, Mary (See W a l k e r )
P. Francesville, I n d . Travis, Minnie Bowen ( M r s . F r a n k ) , '08,
Place, Pauline A., '14,
P. Sivley, Iowa.
P. Pennville, I n d . Wadsworth, Goldie (transferred to Iota)
T. Aoyama Jo Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan. Walker, Bertha (See Ezell)
Pnckett, Loey Read (Mrs. T r o y ) , ex-'l2, Walker, Mary Tillett (Mrs. Russell), Sp.
P. Winchester, I n d . Wallace, Lura, '13,

Pyke, Margaret L . , '09, deceased. P. West Point, I n d .
Read, Loey C. (See Puckett) Wenger, Pearl (See M c j u r y )
Ringo, Elizabeth X . (See Leamon) Whitaker, Gladys (See McCracken)
Whitaker, Rose F . (See Kreutzinger)
Risk, Rema, e.v'15, White, Anna, '18,

P. Connersville, Ind. P. 61S S. Washington St., Marion, I n d .
Ritchie, Ruth, ex-'i5, W i l h e l m , Bernice, '19,

P. 3241 N . New Jersey St., Indianapolis, I n d . P. Knox, Ind.
Wintrode, Delia (See Barris)
Robbins, Margaret (See Cossairt) Wood, Cleo Ferguson ( M r s . Frank S.), ex-'io,

Roberts, Fern (See S w i n f o r d ) P. Rockville, I n d .
Robertson, Grace, ex-'17, Woodward, Beatrice, ex-'l8,

P. Kansas, 111. P. 1029 Lincoln Way E., Mishawaka, I n d .
W o r k , Ivah M . (See Chambers)
Savage, Helen E . (See Hazelett) Worthley, Lnella M . , '18,

Schlaback, May Forkner (Mrs. Bert), ex-'u, P. Sheridan Beach, Michigan City, Ind.
P. Kendallvillc, I n d . W r i g h t , Mary E . (See H i a t t )
Young, Bernice O. (See H i l b u r n )
Scully, Inez Gardner (Mrs. Richard), ex-'i2. Y o r k , Maurine, '19,

Sharp, Helen A., ex-'14, P. Cloverdale, Ind.

P. Edgerton, Ohio. BETA
Shock, Mary K., ex-'13,
Brown, E d i t h A. (See Winters, Mrs. Curtis A . )
P. 12 Winslow PI., Detroit, M i c h . Clark, Maude E . (See Covell)
Covell, Maude Clark ( M r s . Louis E . ) , '02,
Slonaker, Bessie Medbourne ( M r s . C. L . ) , ex-'o9,
P. Leiters Ford, Ind. P. R. F . D . No. 245, Barrington, R. I .
Crossley, Elise McCausland ( M r s . Moses M . ) , '09,
Smith, Ada, ex-'i6,
P. Mitchell, Ind. P. 80 W i l l i a m St., Middletown, Conn.
Darling, Louella Fifield (Mrs. Lyman M . ) , ex-'oi,
Smith, Ivah (See O ' H a i r )
Spang, Ethel (See Henderson) P. Pawtucket, R. I .
Spaukling, Myrtle (See Thomas) D r u r y , Daza M o w r y ( M r s . Leon A . ) , '02,
Stafford, Anna C., ex-'i2,
P. 28 Beacon St., Fitchburg, Mass.
P. 918 W . Main St., Crawfordsville, I n d . Eddy, Helen (See Rose)
Stafford, Edna M . (See Greist) Fifield, Louella (See D a r l i n g )
Stafford, Roxie E., ex-'14, Handy, Caroline Vose ( M r s . Russell H . ) , ex-'04,

P. Albany, Ind. P. Manville, R. I .
Hubbard. Grace Lawton (Mrs. George W . ) , ex-'oq,
Stevens, Mabel Allen ( M r s . R u f u s ) , e x - ' u ,
P. 26 Plaza Apts., Indianapolis, I n d . P. 101 Canner St., New Haven, Conn.
Lawton, Grace (See Hubbard)
Stout, Daisy Coons ( M r s . T i l m a n ) , ex-'i4, McCausland, Elise (See Crossley)

P. Jacksonville, 111.

Sutton, Helen (See Barrcy)
Sutton, Mary E., ex-'l3,

P. Poplar Bluffs, Mo. ) , ex-'i5,
Swinford, Fern Roberts (Mrs.

P. 1109 Congress Ave., Indianapolis, I n d .


McCausland, L i l l i a n MacQuillin ( M r s . Norman L . , J r . ) , '99, Browne, Helen Miller ( M r s . Marcus M e t c a l f ) . "09, 'pj.
P. 517 Angell St., Providence, R. I . P. 611 Slater Bldg., Worcester, Mass.

MacQuillin, Lillian G. (See McCausland) Bruce. Blanche (Sec Bryne)
Manchester, Alice, '05, Bryne, Blanche Bruce ( M r s . J o h n ) , '03.

P. 663 Public St., Providence, R. I . p . 9 Pine Sr., Winchester, Mass.
Mowry, Daza P. (See D r u r y ) Bock, Dorothy Bartlett ( M r s . Frederick Earle), '13,
Perry, Jennie M . (See Prescott)
Prescott, Jennie Perry ( M r s . H a r o l d S.), '05, P. 138 Appleton Ave., Pittsficld, M:i>>.
Buckman, Beatrice Fraser ( M r s . A l v a h ) , '07,
P. 14 Main St., Paw-tucket, R. I .
Rose, Helen Eddy ( M r s . Alanson D . ) , ex-'99, P. 644 Main St., Woburn. Mass.
Burbank. Ruth, '16,
P. 25 F r u i t H i l l Ave., Providence, R. I .
Sheldon, Helen. '03, P. 134 Belvue Rd., L y n n , Mass.
Burrage, Louise Eames ( M r s . A l v a h ) , '06,
P. 1158 Westminster St., Providence, R. I .
Vose, Caroline B. (See H a n d y ) l 1 . Fairview Ave., Reading, Mass.
Winters, Edith Brown ( M r s . Curtis H . ) , '05,
Buxton, Sara (See Field)
P. Manville, R. I . Cannell, Florence Walker ( M r s . W i n b u r n S.), '04,

DELTA I ' . 22 Pari Ave., West Somerville, Mass.
Cspen, K m h (See Farmer)
Anthony, Madge (See Reed) Carter. Beatrice Grant ( M r s . M o r r i s ) . '98,
Ashworth, Margaret. '14.
P. 676 Hammond St., Chestnut H i l l , Mass.
P. Waldoboro. Me. Carvill, Maude, "99,
Atkinson, Martha (See Lougee)
Atwood, Louise, ex-'97, 28 Highland Ave., Somerville, Mass.

P. 15 Chestnut St., M e d f o r d , Mass. Chapin, Octavia, '13.
Bailey, Dora (See Lough) P. 102 Summer St.. Medford, Mass.
Bartlett, Dorothy (See Buck)
Bartlctr, Ethel (See Hay ward) Chapman, Elizabeth Russell ( M r s . Chas. E . ) , '02,
Bartlett. Gertrude (See Wilson) P. 2312 Russell St., Berkeley, Cal.
Bellows, Louise (See Norcross)
Bennett, Marion, 'ao, Charnock. Helen Harmon (Mrs. Percy), ex-'l2,
P. 50 Quincy St., T u f t s College, Mass.
P. Post Ave., Westbury, N . V.
B i c k f o r d . Katherine, 11. Clark. Florence Fray ( M r s . Walter R . ) , '09,
P. 1875 Park Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.
P. 123 N . Common St., L y n n , Mass.
Bisbee, Eleanor, '15, Clougli, Emma. e.\-'09,
P. Hillsdale Rd., T u f t s College, Mass.
P. "The Milestone," Arlington Heights, Mass.
Bodge, Mabel Taylor ( M r s . H . H . ) , '05, Collins. Eleanor (See D u r g i n )
Cook. Helen, '01,
P. 21 Ashland St., A r l i n g t o n Heights, Mass.
Boothby, Marion Brooks (Mrs. R. E.), ' n , P- 397 Massachusetts Ave., A r l i n g t o n , Mass.
Coombs, Isabel (See Healey)
P. St. Stephens School, Colorado Springs, Colo. Crawford. Pearle Longley ( M r s . I I . Wadsworth), '12,
Boynton, Alice Paine ( M r s . Augustus S.), '06,
P. Webster, Muss.
P. 66 Grove St.. Putnam, Conn. Cummin^s, Maidelle (See De Lewandowski)
Bramhall, Helen H i l l i a r d ( M r s . Otis H . ) , '99, I ashing, Mary, '04,

P. KSS Fresh Pond Parkway. Cambridge, Mass. P. 80 Pond St., Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Bray. Bertha, '04, Davis, Beatrice (See W i l b u r )
Davis, Ethel. '00,
P. 98 Professors' Row, T u f t s College, Mass.
Brooks, Marion (See Boothby) P. Yarmouth Port. Mass.
Brooks. Ruth, '19. T. 120 Curtis St., T u f t s College, Mass.
l»av:>. Marion, '15.
P. 40 Warren St.. West Medford, Mass. P. 94 Pearl St., Somerville, Mass.
Brown, Dorothy (See F u l l e r ) Dean, M a r j o r i e , '17,
Brown, Helen (See Keating) P. 125 Cliff Ave., W i n t h r o p .

De Lewandowski, Maidelle Cummings ( M r s . Josephi),

P. 137 Peterborough St., Boston, Mass.

Dolbear, Mary (See Sanborn)


D r u r y , Isabella Owler ( M r s . R a l p h ) , '13, Grant, Beatrice (See Carter)
P. 139 June St., Worcester, Mass. Graves, Gladys (See Wales)
Greenwood, Rena, '15,
Dudley, Florence, ex-'16,
P. Reeds Ferry, N . H . P. 347 M a i n St., M e d f o r d , Mass.
Hall, Adeline Steinberg ( M r s . George L . ) , ' n ,
D u r g i n , Eleanor Collins ( M r s . John W . ) i '12,
P. 6 Perkins St., St. Johnsbury, V t . P. 8 East Rd., Baltimore, M d .
H a l l , Marion, '16,
Durkee, Margaret, '18,
P. 38 Professors' Row, T u f t s College, Mass. P. Salem Depot, N . H .
H a l l , Pauline Lamprey ( M r s . Percy), '12,
Eames, Louise (See Burrage)
Eaton, M a r y H . , ex-'99, P. 31 Grand View Ave., M e d f o r d , Mass.
Hapgood, E d i t h Kinne ( M r s . Ernest H a p g o o d ) , '01,
P. Box 45, R. F . D . , No. 1, P i l g r i m , N . H .
Emerson, M i l d r e d , ex-'17, deceased. P. 19 Forest St., Newton Highlands, Mass.
Emerson, Ruth Seavey ( M r s . C a r l ) , '15, Harbison, Frances H u n t i n g t o n ( M r s . J. R . ) f '12,

163 G i r a r d Ave., H a r t f o r d , Conn. P. Cooperstown, N . Y.
Estabrook, Nina Rice (Mrs. F. B . ) , ex-'oi, Harmon, Ethel (See Wood)
Harmon, R u t h (See Monroe)
P. Upland Rd., Cambridge, Mass. Harmon, Helen (See Charnock)
Eveleth, E m i l y , '14, Harvey, Edith May Sanborn ( M r s . George), '13,

P. 27 A n n St., L i t t l e Falls, N . Y . P. Amesbury, Mass.
Fairbanks, Myra (See T a y l o r ) Haven, Genevieve, '09,
Farmer, Ruth Capen, '02,
P. 69 Curtis St., West Somerville, Mass.
P. Brandywine Mills, Mont. Hayward, Ethel Bartlett ( M r s . D . Baxter), ex-'97,
T. Chanin, Del.
Farnsworth, Frida Ungar ( M r s . Ray D u r n e l l ) , '07, P- 394 Quincy Ave., East Braintree, Mass.
P. 50 Carver Rd., Newton Highlands, Mass. Healey, Isabel Coombs ( M r s . Warren R . ) , '03,
Fay, Margaret, '04,
P. 92 Professors' Row, T u f t s College, Mass. 12 W i n t h r o p St., Winchester, Mass.
Fay, Ethel (See Robinson) H i l l i a r d , Helen (See Bramhall)
Fessenden, Margaret, '15, Hodges, Caroline Worthen ( M r s . Roger), ex-'99,
P. 95 Ossipee Rd., West Somerville, Mass.
Fickett, Mary, '96, P. 105 Waban Park, Newton, Mass.
P. 24 Elston St., Somerville, Mass. Holden, K a t h r y n , '14,
Field, Sara Buxton ( M r s . Chas.), '05,
P. 1401 Longmeadow St., Longmeadow, Mass. P. 2 Crestwood Park, Roxbury, Mass.
Folsom, Josephine ( M r s . M i l o G . ) , '07, Hooper, Anne, '14,
P. 53 Lincoln Ave., Gardiner, Me.
Fosdick, Genevieve, '10, P. 124 Professors' Row, T u f t s College, Mass.
P. 3 Summit Ave., Somerville, Mass. Hooper, Blanche, '04,
Fraser, Beatrice (See Buckman)
Fraser, Carolyn (See Pulling) P. 124 Professors' Row, T u f t s College, Mass.
Fray, Florence (See C l a r k ) Hooper, Gertrude, '15,
Fuller, Dorothy Brown ( M r s . W m . A . ) , '06,
P- 330 Church St., Clinton, Mass. P. 124 Professors' Row, T u f t s College, Mass.
Fulton, Eva (See Mellish) Houghton, Dorothy, '15,
Gardner, Pauline, ex-'i3,
P. 51 Davis St., N o r t h Andover, Mass.
P. 4 Arlington St., Cambridge, Mass. Huntington, Adeline, ex-'l6,
Gifford, Frances, '98,
P. Palmerton, Pa.
P. Provincetown, Mass. Huntington, Frances (See Harbison)
Glidden, Bernice, '10, Ingalls, Mary (See Lambert)
Jackson, Mabel, ex-'o6,
P. Hampton, N . H .
Grant, Mary, '20, P. 1632 Ramona Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
Jackson, Margaret Tupper ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , '08,
P. 41 E l l i o t St., Beverly, Mass.
P. Y. W . C. A., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Jameson, Helen, '17,

P. 18 University Rd., Brookline, Mass.
Jeffers, Madeliene, '16,

P. 91 F r a n k l i n Ave., Chelsea, Mass.


Johnson, E d i t h , '15, Nay, Priscilla Young (Mrs. Frank Bartlett), ex-'i7,
P. 20 Salem St., Andover, Mass. P. 60 H i g h St., Exeter, N . H .

Jouett, Blanche, '08, Neal, Martha, '19,
P. 16 Brooks St., Winchester, Mass. P. 48 E. Broadway, Derry, N . H .

Keating, Helen Brown ( M r s . Maurice G . ) , '97. Nichols, Marian, '15,
P. 244 Weston St., Waltham, Mass. P. Hathorne, Mass.

Keith, Gladys (See Shute) Nickerson, A b i g a i l Waldron ( M r s . Nathan G . ) t '05,
K i m b a l l , Margaret, '19, P. 62 Prospect St., Wollaston, Mass.

P. 35 Moultrie St., Dorchester, Mass. Norcross, Louise Bellows ( M r s . Josiah), '99,
Kingsley, Mary, '03, P. 126 O x f o r d St., Cambridge, Mass.

P. California Ave., Urbana, 111. Osborn, Emilie, '16,
Kinne, Edith (See Hapgood) P. 8 Emerson St., Peabody, Mass.
Kinne, J u l i a (See Tarment)
Ladd, Esther, '08, Paine, Alice (See Boynton)
Parker, Madeline L . , '19,
P. Medford, Mass.
Lambert, Mary Ingalls ( M r s . Fred D . ) , '00, P. 1773 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester, Mass.
Paul, Emma (See Price)
P. 120 Curtis St., T u f t s College, Mass. Penniman, Ruth E., '13,
Lamprey, Pauline (See H a l l )
Lane, Elizabeth (See Stebbins) P. 108 Lowell St., Peabody, Mass.
Little, Inga, '19, Perkins, Madeline, '18,

P. 28 Harvard St., Laconia, N . H . P. Box 97, Agunquit, Me.
Logie, Alice Buchanan ( M r s . E . R . ) , ex-'o9, Phillips, Etta (See MacPhie)
Phillips, Marion, '20,
P. 2 Chicora Ave., Toronto, Can.
Lovgee, Martha Atkinson ( M r s . Orman T . ) , '00, P. 5 Roslyn St., Salem, Mass.
Pipe, Monica, '01,
P. 147 Pleasant St., Laconia, N . I I .
Longley, Pearle (See C r a w f o r d ) P. 64 Chandler St., West Somerville, Mass.
Lough. Dora Bailey ( M r s . James E . ) , '98, Piper, Josephine, '16,

P. 2190 Andrews Ave., University Heights, New York, N . P. South Biddeford, Me.
Lowell, Charlotte, '03, Price, Emma Paul ( M r s . W m . I I . ) , '02,

P. 37 Harvard St., Somerville, Mass. P. 67 Shinska Machi, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan.
Mac Knight, Annette, '14, Pulling, Carolyn G. ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , '08,

P. 20 W . 76th St., New Y o r k , N . Y . P. 100 Malcolm Ave., Minneapolis, M i n n .
Mac Phie, Etta Phillips ( M r s . E l m e r ) , '13, Reed, Madge Anthony ( M r s . Walter H . ) , '00,

P. 29 Daniels St., Lowell, Mass. P. 1340 College Ave., Racine, W i s .
Mellish, Eva Fulton ( M r s . M u r r a y H . ) , '10, Remele, Ethel, '08,

P. 174 Ferry St., Maiden, Mass. P. 357 Charles St., Boston, Mass.
Miller, Elizabeth, '19, Rextrow, Jane, '10,

P. Ivory ton, Conn. P. 5 Washburn Terrace, Brookline, Mass.
Miller, Helen (See Browne) Rice, Nina (See Estabrooke)
Rich, Marion, '07,
Miner, Dora Thayer ( M r s . A r t h u r Weeks), '09,
P. 21 A r l i n g t o n St., Pittsfield, Mass. P. 17 Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass.
Rich, Alice (See Wakefield)
Morse, Dorris, ex-'17, Richardson, Ethel, '19,
P. South Easton, Mass.
P. Royal St., Medford, Mass.
Morton, Anna, '99, Roberts, Harriet (See Moses)
P. 36 Bay State Ave., West Somerville, Mass. Robinson, Ethel Fay ( M r s . Thomas), '00,

Moses, H a r r i e t Roberts ( M r s . Elliot L . ) , '04, P. Woburn St., Wilmington, Mass.
Root, Martha (See Wonson)
P. Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Rowe, Helen, '17,
Munro, Ruth Harmon ( M r s . Melville S.), ex-'o3,
P. 20 Vine St., Winchester, Mass.
P. 101 Talbot Ave., T u f t s College, Mass. Russell, Clara, '04,
Nash, Gertrude Symrnes ( M r s . Curtis W . ) , '06,
P. 23 Hancock St., Winchester, Mass.
P. 7 Myrtle St., Winchester, Mass.


Russell, Elizabeth (See Chapman) Wakefield, Alice Rich ( M r s . Ralph Campbell), '09,
P. 505 Orange Ave., C r a w f o r d , N . J .
Sanborn, M a r y Uolbear ( M r s . W m . A . ) , '08,
P. 608 Central Ave., Westville, Conn. Waldron, A b i g a i l (See Nickerson)
Wales, Gladys Graves ( M r s . Winthrop L . ) , '09,
Sanborn, E d i t h (See Harvey)
Sargent, Elizabeth, '18, P. 19 F a i r f i e l d St., N o r t h Cambridge, Mass.
Walker, Florence (See Cannell)
P. a Sargent Ave., Winter H i l l , Somerville, Mass. Waler, Martha, '20,
Sawyer, Mildred (See Stickney)
Scammon, Helen, '13, P. New Market, N . H .
Ware, Kennetha M . , '18,
P. 3 Rock St., Middleboro, Mass.
P. 101 Capen St., T u f t s College, Mass.
Searey, Ruth (See Emerson) Wedge, Ruth, ex'14,
Schnur, Elizabeth (See Smith)
Shorley, Marion, '11, P. 58 Southborne St., Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Wellman, Abby (See Stevens)
P. 19 Bellevue Ave., W i n t h r o p , Mass. Wells, Gladys, '07,

T . Grafton, Mass. P. 69 Curtis St., West Somerville, Mass.
Shute, Gladys Keith ( M r s . P h i l i p ) , '15, Wheeler, Grace (See W o o d b u r y )
Wilbur, Beatrice Davis (Mrs. Clinton B . ) , 'ia,
P. 93 Capen St., T u f t s College, Mass.
P. 417 Belmont St., Fall River, Mass.
Simpson, Mildred, '17, Wilde, Zilpah, '11,

P. 102 L o r i n g Rd., W i n t h r o p , Mass. P. Duxbury, Mass.
Smith, Elizabeth Schnur ( M r s . John P a u l ) , '14, T. 6 Norwood Ave., Summit, N . J.
Wiley, Alma G., '13,
P. 193 Myrtle PI., A k r o n , Ohio.

Snow, K a t h l y n S., '19,

P. 10 South St., Biddeford, Me. P. 103 Belmont St., Somerville, Mass.
Spear, Alice J., '12, Wilson, Gertrude Bartlett ( M r s . Rodney I f . ) , '07,

P. 32 Fierce St., Hyde Park, Mass. New Rochelle, N . Y.
Wonson, Martha Root ( M r s . W a v e r l y ) , '98,
Stebbins, Elizabeth Lane ( M r s . C. B . ) , '00,
P. 116 H o f f m a n St., Three Rivers, M i c h . P. 139 Beech St., Roslindale, Mass.
Wood, Ethel Harmon ( M r s . E d w a r d H . ) , '00,
Stebbins, Katherine (See Stevens)
Steinberg, Adeline (See H a l l ) P. 114 Curtis St., West Somerville, Mass.
Wood, Gladys Waite (Mrs. Theodore), ex-'io,
Stevens, Abby Wellman ( M r s . Damon B r y a n t ) , '09,
12 Wachussett Ave., A r l i n g t o n Heights, Mass. P. 13 Maynard St., Pawtucket, R. I .
Woodbury, Edna, '13,
Stevens, Katherine Stebbins ( M r s . A . M . ) , '98,
P. aaa6 Loring PI., New York, N . Y . P. 9 Howe St., Somerville, Mass.
Woodbury, Grace Wheeler ( M r s . Chas.), '05,
Stickney, Mildred Sawyer ( M r s . George), '11,
P. 10 Summit PI., Newburyport, Mass. P. Fair Haven, Mass.
Worthen, Caroline (See Hodges)
Sturtevant, Ethel, '07, Young, Priscilla, '17,
P. 78 Columbus Ave., Somerville, Mass.

Symmes, Gertrude (See Nash) H . ) , '05, P. 60 H i g h St., Exeter, N . Y .
Tarment, Julia Kinne (Mrs. John
P. Foxboro, Mass.
Tasker, Lorna B., '19,

P. 575 Beach St., Manchester, N . H . Aiken, Edith Nora, '07,
Taylor, Mabel (See Bodge)
Taylor, M y r a Fairbanks ( M r s . A m o s ) , '05, P. Milo, Me.

Bailey, Frances Jones ( M r s . H a r o l d P e r r y ) , '17,

P. 117 School St., Belmont, Mass. P. St. Francis, Me.

Thayer, Dora (See M i n e r ) Balentine, Elizabeth A . ( M r s . W a l t e r ) , Sp., deceased.
T u f t s , Elsie, ex-'03, Balentine, Florence (See Hanaburgh)
Balentine, Marion (See Reed)
P. 13 Boylston Terrace, West Medford, Mass.
Tupper, Margaret (See Jackson) Bartlett, Emily, 'ia,

Ungar, F r i d a (See Farnsworth) P. Orono, Me.
Van de Bogart, E d i t h , '12, Bartlett, Frances, *ao,

P. Bearsville, N . Y. P. Orono, Me.


Bartlett, Louise, '14, Chase, Florence (See Stover)
P. Orono, Me. Chase, Mary Ellen, '09,

Bean, Anna (See Brown) P. Bluehil'l, Me.
Bean, Ida (See Snugden) Chase, Olive, '20,
Beaupre, Estelle Inez, '14,
P. Bluehili, Me.
P. 396 Hammond St., Bangor, Me. Cheney, Joyce, '19,
Benson, Grace Sawyer ( M r s . F r a n k ) , '15,
P. 497 Wilniot AVe., Bridgeport, Conn.
P. 3 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Chilcott, Rebecca (See Jackson)
Bickford, Miretta, '12, Clayton, Pearl (See 'Swain)
Coffin, Celia" (See Thompson)
P. Orono, Me. Colbath, Muriel (See W y m a n )
Bidwell, Helen Morris (Mrs. Harold), 'l6, Colcord, Joanna, '06,

P. Highland Ave., Auburn, Me. P. Searsport, Me.
Boland, Genevieve, '02, T . 949 Ogden Ave., New Y o r k , N . Y .
Colcord, Maude, '06,
P. Adrian College, Adrian, Mich. ' P- 375 Court St., N o r t h Plymouth, Mass.
Bradstreet, Helen Steward ( M r s . Randolph), '09, Colvin, Zella, '16, .
P. Williamsburg, Ind.
T. North Jay,'Me. Conner, Irene Richardson ( M r s . W a r r e n ) , '09,
Brawn, Edith Tate ( M r s . E d w i n D . ) , '07,
P. 16 N . Main St., Rutland, V t .
P. 92 Putnam St., Bridgeport, Conn. Copeland, Lennie, '04,
Brewer, Alice Harvey ( M r s . W a r r e n ) , '13,
P. 263 French St., Bangor, Me.
P. Suite I t , 10 L o n g Ave., Allston, Mass. T . Wood Cottage, Wellesley, Mass.
Bright, Elizabeth, '17, Cousins, A r l i n e Brown ( M r s . E d g a r ) , '15,
P. Great Works, Me.
P. 765 Hammond St., Bangor, Me. Cousins, Autense (See H i n c k s )
Brown, Anna Bean ( M r s . E l m e r ) , '08, Cousins, Irene, ' i l ,

P. 56 College St., Littletown, N . H . 82 N . Main St., Brewer, Me.
Brown, Arline (See Cousins) Cousins, Mary, '14,
Brown, Florence (See M a r k l e )
Brown, Sarah (See Sweetser) P. # 8 2 N . Main St., Brewer, Me.
Bumps, Imogene, e x - ' l l , Crosby, Ruth, '19,

P. Dexter, Me. P. 223 State St., Bangor, Me.
Burghart, Helen A v e r i l l ( M r s . L l o y d ) . '11, Crowe, Frances Hinckley ( M r s . Joseph), '03,

P. Orono, Me. P. 820 Ellis Ave., Boise, Idaho.
Burham, Agnes (See Townsend) Currier, Doris (See Treat)
Burke, Frances Webber ( M r s . M a r t i n ) , '06, Cutler, Frances, Grad.,

P. 353 State St., Bangor, Me. P. 12 Moffat Rd., Waban, Mass.
Bussell, E d i t h , '02, T. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N . Y.
Dan f o r t h , Helen (See West)
Oldtown, Me. Daniels, Elsie Fitzgerald ( M r s . H a r r y M . ) , '01,
Buzzell, Hazel Mariner ( M r s . Robert), '12,
P. Guilford, Me.
P. Mulford, Me. Davis, Mary K n i g h t ( M r s . Sydney H . ) , ex-'o9,
Calvert, Cora Shaw ( M r s . Raymond A r t h u r ) , '09,
P. Port Clyde, Me.
P. Orono, Me. Derby, Pauline, '18,
T . 10 Roosevelt Ave., Ponghkeepsie, N . Y .
Campbell, Carrie Green ( M r s . W i l l i a m J . ) , '96, P- 33° French St., Bangor, Me.
P. n 6 Emery St., Portland, Me. Dow, Mildred, ex-'17,
Carr, Cleora May, '03,
Oldtown, Me. P. Honolulu, T. H .
Carroll, Margaret McManus (Mrs. Lloyd), ' I I , T. Vinal Haven, Me.
P. South West Harbor, Me. D u n n , Barbara, '20,
Chalmers, Ruth, '18, P. Orono, Me.

P. 396 Center St., Bangor, Me.
Chaplin. Leola, '17,

P. Cornish, Me.


368 TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI Hincks, Autense Cousins ( M r s . Joseph L . S.), '00,
P. Oldtown, Me.
Durgin, Claire Weld (Mrs. Albert G.), ' u ,
P. * Orono, Me. •Hobart, Aileen, '14,
P. M i l f o r d , Me.
Elliot, Priscilla G., 'ao,
P. Guilford, Me. Holyoke, Margaret, '15,
P. 164 State St., Brewer, Me.
Ellis, A l f r e d s '17, T. Bridgeton, Me.
P. Belfast, Me.
Howard, Flora, '17,
Estabrooke, Marion, '12, P. 82 Montgomery St., Bangor, Me.
P. Orono, Me.
Hunt, L i l l i a n , '17,
Flint, Edith, ex-'i4, P. Oldtown, Me.
P. West Baldwin, Me.
Ingersoll, Ruth, '20,
Flint, Fannie, 'l6, P. OTono, Me.
P. West Baldwin, Me.
Jackson, Irene Chase, ex-'20,
Flint, Margaret (See Jacobs) P. Waterville, Me.
Gallagher, Cecelia Rice ( M r s . Joseph F . ) , '02,
Jackson, Rebecca Chilcott ( M r s . A l t o n ) , '13,
P. Court St., Bangor, Me. P. 2729 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis, M i n n .
T . 49 St. Louis Sq., Montreal, Que., Can.
Gammon, Edith, '03, Jacobs, Margaret Flint ( M r s . Lester W a r n e r ) , '12,
P. Oldtown, Me. P. West Baldwin, Me.
T . 167 Lowell St., Reading, Mass.
Gardner, Ruth, '19, Jones, Frances (See Bailey)
P. 12 Pleasant St., Westfield, Mass. Jones, Gertrude (See N u t t e r )
Gallerson, Vera, '18, Jordan, Marion, '14,
P. Houlton, Me.
Gilbert, Anne (See Woods) P. Oldtown, Me.
Gould, Madeline, '19, Jordan, Ruth, '19,
P. 9 Poplar St., Bangor, Me.
Greeley, Helen, '17, P. Oldtown, Me.
P. Bar Harbor, Me. Jordan, Edith (See L o r d )
Green, Carrie (See Campbell) Kelley, Margaret, '12,
Greenleaf, Florence, '16,
P. 79 H i g h St., A u b u r n , Me. P. 52 Essex St., Bangor, Me.
Gregson, Luzetta Stearns (Mrs. Lawrence), ex-'is, Knight, Martha, '09,
P. Millinocket, Me.
H a l l , Rachel Winship ( M r s . Preston), '15, P. Deer Isle, Me.
P. 383 Ridgefield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. T. Derby, Vt.
Hamlin, E m i l y (See M e r r i l l ) Knight, Mary (See Davis)
Hanaburgh, Florence Balentine ( M r s . E m o r y ) , '05, Knowles, L i d a (See Smith)
P. Buchanan, N . Y.
Hanly, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, '15, L o r d , Edith Jordan ( M r s . Leslie Roland), '10,
P. Thomaston, Me. P. Oldtown, Me.
T. Caribou, Me.
Harvey, Florence, '09, Lougee, Frances, '16,
P. Orono, Me. P. Winterport, Me.
T . 220 N . Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Harvey, Alice (See Brewer) MacLeod, Florence, '20,
Harvey, Luella Woodman ( M r s . Everett), '12, P. Oldtown, Me.
P. Bar Harbor, Me.
Hersey, Lottie Small ( M r s . C. S.), '04, Maines, Muriel Young ( M r s . Esca A . ) , '13,
P. R. F . D . No. 1, Agawam, Mass. P. Milbridge, Me.
Hinckley, Frances (See Crowe) T . 104 Lincoln Ave., Portsmouth, N . H .

Mansfield, Mildred, '07,
P. Orono, Me.

Mariner, Hazel (See Buzzell)

Markle, Florence Brown ( M r s . Bert C ) , deceased.
McGinley, Mabel Powell ( M r s . M . C ) , '05,

P. 49 Central St., Ipswich, Mass.
McGinley, Mildred Powell ( M r s . Andrew J . ) , '99,

P. 9 Beacon Blvd., Peabody, Mass.
McManus, Margaret (See Carroll)


McWilliams, Mona, '18, Savage, Doris, '17,
P. 29 Madison St., Bangor, Me. P. 35 Maple St., Bangor, Me.

Merrill, Emily Hamlin (Mrs. Joseph), 'oi, Sawyer, E d i t h Folsom ( M r s . E d w a r d ) , '12,
P. Orono, Me. P. Stillwater, Me.
T. Central Coustancia, Coustancia, Cuba.
Scammon, Christine Shaw ( M r s . W i l l ) , '09,
Mersereau, Vera, ex-'18, P. Orono, Me.
P. 8 Russell Rd., West Somerville, Mass. T. Claremont, N . H .

Mills, Bessie, '20, Schoppe, Marguerite Pilsbury ( M r s . W i l l i a m ) , '08,
P. 208 E l m St., Bangor, Me. P. Bozeman, Mont.

Mills, Marguerite, '20, Shaw, Christine (See Scammon)
P. 208 E l m St., Bangor, Me. Shaw, Cora (See Calvert)
Simpson, Helen, '19,
Norris, Helen (See Bidvvell)
Nutter, Gertrude Jones ( M r s . G u y ) , '06, P. Oak St., Waterville, Me.
Small, Lottie (See Hersey)
P. Corinna, Me. Smith, Bernice Rich ( M r s . W i l l i a m Vernon), '12,
Perkins, Marion Wentworth ( M r s . O l i v e r ) , '05,
P. Plaistow, N . H .
P. Kennebunk Beach, Me. Smith, Faye, '19,
Perrin, Ola (See Reynolds)
Perry, Emma, '16, P. Machias, Me.
Smith, Lida Knowles ( M r s . Rainsford J.) ,'03,
P. Machias, Me.
Perry, Estelle, '06, P. Presque Isle, Me.
Snow, Eveline, '20,
P. Penobscot, Me.
T . 67 E . Cedar St., Chicago, 111. P. Rockland, Me.
Philbrook, Beulah, '11, Snow, Kathleen, '20,
P. 55 Holyoke St., Brewer, Me.
Phillips, Alice Farnsworth ( M r s . George A . ) , '08, P. Rockland, Me.
P. 11 N o r f o l k St., Bangor, Me. Snugden, Ida Bean ( M r s . Charles), Sp.,
Pilsbury, Marguerite (See Schoppe)
Pol, Frances, Grad., P. Oldtown, Me.
P. Bangor, Me. Springer, V i d a (See Stephens)
T . 520 W . 22nd St., New Y o r k , N . Y . ( T ) Stearns, Luzetta Allen (See Gregson)
Powell, Mabel (See McGinley) Stephens, Vida Springer ( M r s . Glenwood), '13,
Powell, Mildred (See McGinley)
Prentiss, Mildred (See W r i g h t ) P. 6 Prospect St., Rumford, Me.
Reed, Gladys, '18, Steward, Helen (See Bradstreet)
Steward, Mary Weston ( M r s . Hanley J . ) , '98,
P. 37 E l m St., Bangor, Me.
Reed, Marion Balentine ( M r s . Lowell J . ) , '07, P. 167 Ellsworth Ave., New Haven, Conn.
Stinchfield, Helen Louise, '18,
P. Orono, .Me.
Reynolds, Ola Perrin ( M r s . Percy), Sp., P. Dan forth, Me.
Stover, Florence Chase ( M r s . M a x w e l l ) , '09,
P. 129 E . 1 oth St., New York, N . Y .
Rice, Cecelia (See Gallagher) P. Key West Elec. Co., Key West, Fla.
Rich, Bernice (See Smith) Sturtevant, Jessie, '17,
Richardson, Irene (See Conner)
Robinson, Madeline, '15, P. Milo, Me.
Swain, Pearl Clayton ( M r s . J o h n ) , '99,
P. 462 Main St., Bangor, Me.
T. Freedom, Me. P. Portland High School, Portland, Me.
Russell, Asenath, '15, deceased. Sweetser, Sarah Brown ( M r s . Geo. R . ) , '08,
Russell, Mary, '12,
P. Orono, Me. P. 1414 Wistaria Ave., Portland, Ore.
T. Bucksport, Me. Townsend. Agnes Burnham ( M r s . George), '00,
Russell, Sibyl, '16, Treat, Doris Currier ( M r s . John), '16,
P. Orono, Me.
T. Belfast, Me. P. 99 Kenduskeag Ave., Bangor, Me.
Treat, Gladys, '13,

P. 100 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass.
T. Saranac Lake, N . Y .

Watson, Bernice, '10,
P. 36 Chestnut St., Augusta, Me.


Webb, Antoinette Treat, '13, Conlan, Margaret G., '18,
P. 14; Essex St., Bangor, Me. P. 117 E . Main St., Johnstown, N . Y .
T. 134 Cottage St., Norwood, Mass.
Cornell, Ethel L . , '14,
Webber, Frances (See Burke) P. 6740 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Weld, Claire (See D u r g i n )
Wentworth, Marion (See Perkins) Coupe, Florence, '19,
Wheeler, Ella A., '19, P. 1517 Oneida St., Utica, N . Y .

P. 185 Pine St., Bangor, Me. Darville. Marion, '12,
Whitten, Alice, ex-'14, P. 26 W . H i g h St., Somerville, N . J.

P. Belfast, Me. Davis, Ethel, '09,
White, Helen, '20, P. 77 Congress St., B r a d f o r d , Pa.

P. Orono, Me. De Forest, Mabel G. (See Starkweather)
Winship, Mary, '16, Dengler, Viola B., '17,

P. R. F. D . No. 1, Livermore Falls, Me. P. 3518 German town Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
T. Caribou, Me. Dobbins, Agnes M . , '13,
Winship, Rachel (See H a l l )
Woodman, Luella (See Harvey) P. South Orange High School, South Orange, N . J.
Woods, Annie Gilbert ( M r s . H a r r y ) , '11, Donlon, Joanna M . , '18,
P. Orono, Me.
Wormwood, Carolyn I . , '14, P. 1323 Seymour Ave., Utica, N . Y .
P. 202 N o r f o l k St., Bangor, Me. Donlon, Katharine A . , '12,
Worster, Helen, '12,
P. R. F . D . No. 1, Bangor, Me. P. 1323 Seymour Ave., Utica, N . V .
W r i g h t , Mildred Prentiss ( M r s . H a r o l d W i l l i a m s ) , '11, Donlon, Mary, '20,
P. 188 E l m St., Bangor, Me.
Wyman, Muriel Colbath ( M r s . Perley), '16, P. 1323 Seymoor Ave., Utica, N . Y .
P. Hampden, Me. Dragonetti, Edvidge, '13,
Young, Kathleen, »n,
P. Waldoboro, Me. P. 122 Mount Prospect Ave., Newark, N . J.
T. Houlton, Me. Duggar, Marie Robertson (Mrs. Benj. M . ) , Grad.,
Young, Muriel (See Maines)
P. 5236 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
EPSILON Eldridge, Helen LaForge (Mrs. Joseph), ex-'uj,

Albertson, Mary S., '17, P. Hotel Waban, Wellesley, Mass.
P. Delaware, N . J. Fish, Laura C. (See M o r d o f f )
Fitch, Mary, Grad.,
Allen, Anna (See W r i g h t )
Allen, Catherine (See Sharp) P. 1252 Hi Jefferson St., Springfield. Mo.
Allen, Elsa Guerdrum ( M r s . A . A . ) , '12, Genung, Anna, '09,

P. Glenside. Ithaca, N . Y. P. 501 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Bodine, Mattie, '11, Graeffe, Anna L . , Sp.,

P. Indiana Normal School, Indiana, Pa. P. 255 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Bowman, Anna (See Rose) Graeffe, Clara A., '15,
Britton, Josephine, Grad.,
P. 255 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
P. 294 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y . Graham, Margaret, '08,
Bungart. Helen (See Leavens)
Campbell, Sarah L . , '17, P. 163 W . 105th St., New York, N . Y .
Greenawalt, H i l d a L . , '19,
P. Suffern, N . Y.
Colpitts, Kathleen W., '16, P. 85 S. Sherman-St., Denver, Colo.
Greene, Irene E., '19,
P- 5475 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111.
Combs, Gladys K . , '16, P. 17th & Master Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Guerdrum, Elsa (See A l l e n )
P. Rockville Centre, L . I . , N . Y . Hallsted, Marguerite M . , '10,

P. Rosedale Ave., Madison, N . J.
Hausman, Ethel Hinckley ( M r s . Leon), '19,

P. 802 University Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Hawley, Lucy C , '16,

P. 10 Pleasant St., A u b u r n , N . Y .
Hieber. Dorothy B., '20,

P. 1500 Oneida St., Utica, N . Y .


Hieber, Evelyn, '18, Peters, Jessie K i n g ( M r s . A . ) , '16,
P. 1500 Oneida St., Utica, N . Y . P. 42 Bryn Mawr Rd., East Cleveland, Ohio.

H i l l i d g e , Marcia, '20, Pritchard, Roberta Van Horn (Mrs. Fred J.), Grad.,
P. Front Royal, Va. Rehfeld, Frances, '17,

Hinckley, Ethel (See Hausman, Mrs. Leon) P. 855 Cambridge Ave., Milwaukee, W i s .
H o f f m a n , Calista, '18, Richards, Maria W . , '08,

P. Lewiston, N . Y . P. Wethersfield, Conn.
Keopka, Clara \V., '14, Robertson, Marie (See D u g g a r )
Rose, Anna Bowman ( M r s . C l i f f o r d ) , '15,
P. Westfield, X . Y.
Ketcham, Lottie, '12, P. Connelly, N . Y.
Schmidt, Dagmar A . , '18,
P. Southern Seminary, Buena Vista, Va.
Kielland, Dorothea E., '13, P. 109 Valentine PI., Ithaca, N . Y .
Schmidt, Ellen Alfven ( M r s . Nathaniel F . ) , Sp.,
P. Grandview, Rhea Co., Tex.
K i n g , Jessie L . (See Peters) P. 109 Valentine PI., Ithaca, N . Y .
L a Forge, Helen (.See E l d r i d g e ) Sharp, Catherine Allan ( M r s . H . L . ) , '10,
Langdon, Helen, '19,
P. Hamburg, N . Y .
P. 763 Genesee St., Utica, N . Y . Sharp, Eleanor, ex-'19,
Leavens, Helen Bungart ( M r s . Austen), ex-'i6,
P. Genoa, N . Y .
P. 20 Butler PI., Brooklyn, N . Y . Shaw, Dorothy M . , '17,
Loeffler, Mathilde, '19,
P. Lake George, N . Y .
P. 5000 N . 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sheffer, Jennie C , ex-19,
Lyon, Katherine, '16,
P. Mechanicsville, N . Y .
P. 737 Warren St., Hudson, N . Y . Sherman, Charlotte (See McCloskey)
Madsen, Ruby C , ex-'14, deceased. Sherman, Loraine (See W i l l i a m s )
McCloskey, Charlotte T . Sherman ( M r s . James), '14, Short, Jeannette, '17,

P. Hamburg, N . Y . P. 120 Oak Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Merrick, Grace, '13, Skillen, Melita H . , '11,

P. Homer, N . Y . P. 5859 Glenwood Ave., Chicago, 111.
Moore, Mary E., '20, Starkweather, Mabel DeForest ( M r s . A . K . ) , '12,

P. 914 E . State St., Ithaca, N . Y . P. 366 Van Houten Ave., Passaic, N . J .
Mordoff, Laura Fish ( M r s . R i c h a r d ) , '14, Stone, Isabelle, '08,

P. 215 Kelvin PI., Ithaca, N . Y . P. 27 Lincoln St., Needham, Mass.
Morris, Natalie Thompson ( M r s . J. F . ) , '14, Thompson, Natalie B. (See Morris)
T u r n b u l l , M a r y C. (See Wanmaker)
P. Glen Sutton, Quebec, Can. Van H o r n , Estelle Roberta (See Pritchard)
Morrow, Anne, '17, Wanmaker, Mary Turnbull (Mrs. Walter), ex-'i3,

P. 109 Park PL, Ithaca, N . Y . P. Hamburg, N . Y .
Mosier, Gertrude G., '15, W h i t w o r t h , Martha, '15,

P. Demarest, N . J. P. Gates Mills, Ohio.
Mosier, Merle, '14, Williams, Lorraine (Mrs. Arthur P.), Grad.,

P. Demarest, N . J. P. Hamburg, N . Y .
Mosier, Mildred, ' n , W r i g h t , Anna Allen ( M r s . A . ) , '09,

P. Morton Lane School, Moulmein, Burma, India. P. Upland Rd., Ithaca, N . Y .
Munsell, Cornelia, '20, Yerkes, Bertha F., '16,

P. New Hartford, N . Y. P. 51 Prospect Ave., Amsterdam, N . Y .
Neely, Elizabeth, '19,
P. 1553 E . Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Outterson, Bettina, ex-'i7, Abele, Marion Elizabeth, '17,
P. 1340 Glenlake Ave., Chicago, 111.
P. 219 Brown St., East Stroudsburg, Pa.
Palmer, Katherine M . (See Peck) Aldrich, Katherine, '15,
Peck, Katherine Palmer ( M r s . W e l l s ) , '14, P. 833 S. W . Grand Ave., Springfield, 111.

P. 2735 1st Ave., East Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


Allen, Sarah Edna, '13, Fuller, Julia (See Crane)
P. Kalona, Iowa. Castfield, Mabel, '16,

Anderson, Coila, '14, P. 4754 N . Paulina St., Chicago, 111.
P. Preston, Minn. Gilbert, Grace Pierson ( M r s . Samuel H . ) , Sp.,

Anderson, Merle, '11, P. 2714 Hartzell St., Evanston, 111.
P. Preston, Minn. Halquist, Goldie, '30,

Ariess, Erna, '20, P. 3624 Maple Square Ave., Chicago, 111.
P. 5028 N . Clark St., Chicago, I I I . Henderson, Irene, Grad.,

Ariess, Margaret Florence, '19, P. 307 Cedar St., Ottowa, Kan.
5028 N . Clark St., Chicago, 111. Hennings, Merva Dolsen ( M r s . A . J . ) , '10,

Ayres, Florence (See Boyd) P. 817 S. 6th St., Maywood, 111.
Barlow, Mae (See Yocum) Harrington, Estelle Martin ( M r s . R. W . ) , '15.
Baxter, Sarah (See Webb)
Belts, Edna (See T r a s k ) P. Muskegon, Mich.
Blum, Kate, '18, Ilerberger, Ruth (See Muckian)
Hiestand, Elizabeth, '12,
P. 6248 Wayne Ave., Chicago, 111.
Bond, Ruth, '16 P. 1506 Fargo Ave., Birchwood, Chicago, H I .
Hoffman, Louise, '17,
P. St. Martha's Settlement House, Philadelphia, Pa.
Boyd, Florence Ayres (Mrs. Harry Fullerton), ex-'is, P. 2020 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.
Hollen, Cora, '14,
P. 730 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111.
Brace, Elsie May, '19, P. Eau Claire, Wis.
Jelleff, Margaret, '19,
P. Kansas City, Mo.
Brown, E d i t h , '19, P. New London, Wis.
Johnson, Dora, '12,
P. 2120 Wilson Ave., Chicago, 111.
Brown, K a t h r y n , '18, P. North Loup, Neb.
Kaye, Gladys, '09,
P. Hillsboro, 111.
Brucr, Marguerite Symonds ( M r s . Urban R . ) , ex-'14, P. 1006 Mansfield Ave., Spokane, Wash.
Kellogg, Marguerite ( M r s . Lawrence), '12,
P. 5218 N . Lincoln St., Chicago, 111.
Chall, Louise (transferred to Zeta) P. 719 W . 20th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Clemes, Julia Norton ( M r s . Stanley W . ) , '10, Kennedy, Jane, '18,

P. M . E. Mission, Meerut, India. P. 827 Monroe St., Evanston, 111.
Crabill, Hazel, ex-'i6, Kenner, Arie, '14,

P. 3101 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, C a t P. Macomb, 111.
Crane, Julia Fuller ( M r s . Ronald S.), '14, Kenyon, Edith Moody (Mrs. Horace Simpson), ' n ,

P. 1823 Wesley Ave., Evanston, 111. P. 1335 n t h St., Douglas, Ariz.
Curry, A n n (See R a y h i l l ) Kerr, Dorothy, '19,
Dolbeer, Loverne, '06,
P. 1422 Berteau Ave., Chicago, 111.
T . 1115 Edbrooke Ave., Chicago, 111. Kindig, Avaline, '11,
Doniat, Lenora, '16,
P. Monticello, Ind.
P. 4210 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, I I I . Kindig, Geraldine, '14,
Dolsen, H a r r i e t (See Vanderwort)
Dolsen, Merva (See Hennings) P. Monticello, I n d .
Dorr, Carolyn Piper ( M r s . Louis B . ) , '07, K i r l i n , Arleta, '18,

P. 3432 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn, 111. P. Watertown, S. D .
Dueringer, Stella F., '15, Kolb, Alice, '17,

P. 126 Tennyson Ct., Elgin, uL P. 556 Arlington PI., Chicago, 111.
T. Lawrenceville, 111. Kolb, Marguerite, '20,
French, Louise Norton (Mrs. Chas. Lemmel), Grad.,
P. 827 Elmwood, Evanston, 111. P. 556 Arlington PI., Chicago, 111.
Frye, Gladys, '20, Lloyd, Hazel, '20,
P. Morristown, Minn.
P. M t . Vernon, 111.
Lloyd, Lucile, !i8,

P. M t . Vernon, 111.
Maltby, Dorothy, '18,

P. 1422 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111.


Marthens, Eunice, '19, Seegmiller, Alma, '15,
P. 1420 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. P. 1200 Wealthy St., Grand Rapids, M i c h .

May, Grace, '17, Sharer, Ruth, '18,
P. 4923 N . Lowell Ave., Chicago, 111. P. M t . Morris, 111.

May, Mabel, '20, Shipman, Helen (transferred to Alpha)
P. 4923 N . Lowell Ave., Chicago, I I I . Shirk, Lydia, ex '15,

McConnell, Mabel, '18, P. 4444 Lowe Ave., Chicago, 111.
P. 1914 Center St., Des Moines, Iowa. Shultz, Edith (transferred to Iota)
Slaten, Helen, '19,
Mclnnes, Edna, Sp.,
P. Sandwich, 111. P. L a Grange, 111.

McNair, Prances Dwight, ex-'l5, Smith, Fae, '10,
P. Macomb, 111.
P. 512 Lee St., Evanston, 111.
Mee, Marguerite (See Kellogg) Smock, Miriam, ex-'ig,
Meek, Florine Sefton ( M r s . H e r b e r t ) , '15, P. Park Ridge, 111.

P. Greensburg, I n d . Spang, Genevieve, ex-'14,
Meers, E d i t h , '14, P. Georgetown, 111.

P. 2301 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Staats, Regina, ex-'l4,
Minard, Barbara (transferred to Iota) P. Fort Worth, Tex.
Moody, Edith (See Kenyon)
Morse, Faith, '19, Swanson, Marie Vick ( M r s . Arthur E . ) , * t t j
P. 1926 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.
P. 5045 Robey St., Chicago, 111.
Muckian, Ruth Herberger ( M r s . Peter F . ) , '16, Swanson, Myrtle, '20,
P. De Kalb, 111.
P. Osakis, M i n n .
Nachtrieb, Athene, 'l6, Symonds, Marguerite (See Bruer)
T a f t , Mildred (See T i n k m a n )
!'• 3523 I r v i n g Ave., Berwyn, I I I . Talcott, Bessie, '20,
Xizze, Gertrude, '16,
P. 1729 Carmen Ave., Chicago, 111.
P. 841 George St., Chicago, I I I . Thompson, Lenore, '13,
Norton, Julia (See Clemes)
Norton, Louise (See French) P. Devils Lake, N . D .
Noyes, Louise, 'll, Tinkham, Mildred T a f t ( M r s . R. H . ) , '13,

P. 1048 Grove St., Jacksonville, 111. P. Grand Ledge, Mich.
Pearson, Louise (See H u f f m a n ) Trask, Edna E. Belts ( M r s . W . I f . ) , '13,
Peek, Ruby, '16, •
P. 1045 Ashland Ave., Wilmette, 111.
P. 109 N . State St., Springfield, 111. Vanderwort, Harriet Dolsen (Mrs. John Clinton), ex-'l8,
Pierson, Grace (See G i l b e r t )
Piper, Carolyn (See D o r r ) P. Bend, Ore.
Pittman, Margaret, '13, Vick, Marie (See Swanson)

P. 426 2nd Ave., Santa Barbara, Cal. Vincent, Esther, '15,
Power, Caroline, '12, P. 614 Clark St., Evanston, 111.

P. Enid, Okla. Wade, Dorothy, '17,
Ralston, Helen, '19, P. 2545 Bryant Ave. S., Minneapolis, M i n n .
T . Music School, Evanston, 111.
P. Caledonia, 111.
Rapp, Ruby, '14 Walker, V i r g i n i a (See W e i r i c h )
Webb, Sarah Baxter ( M r s . J . A . ) , '09,
P. 1114 Grant St., Evanston, I I I .
Rayhill, A n n C u r r y ( M r s . Johnson), '12, P. Fairmont, Sask., Can.
Weirich, V i r g i n i a Walker ( M r s . W m . ) , '11,
P. Oregon, Mo.
Recht, Elizabeth, '18, P. 1544 M a i n St., Jacksonville, 111.
Wheeler, Doris, ex-'i7,
P. Lancaster, Wis.
Richardson, Jean, '16, P. 639 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111.

P. 1217 Lee St., Evanston, I I I . Whitmore, Hazel, Sp.,
Riebel, Vera, '13, P. 1812 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111.

P. 6552 Gale Ave., Chicago, I I I . W i l l n i a n , Ethel, '20,
P. Kankakee, 111.


Wilson, Alice, '17, Coil, M a r j o r i e , '19.
P. Woodstock, I I I . p. Woodland, Cal.

Wilson, Phoebe, '20, Collier, Alice, '10,
P. Woodstock, I I I .
P. 438 E . 62nd, Portland, Ore.
Wynne, Margaret, ' t i , Collin, Helen Montague ( M r s . O t i s ) , '13,
P. Macomb, 111.
T . St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, 111. •p. 5656 Fountain Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.

Yocum, Mae Barlow ( M r s . E a r l ) , '11, Compton, Anita, '20,
P. Galva, III. P. 437 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal.

LAMBDA Cooke, Hazel (See W o o d w a r d )
Adams, Eleanor (See Lockridge) Cowdrey, Mildred, ex-'17,
Barnes, Katherine (See Hibbs)
Barneson, Pauline Beeger ( M r s . John Leslie), '08, P. 744 Waverly Ave., Palo Alto, Cal.
T . 150 Wakee Rd., W a u s t i k i , Honolula, T . H .
P. Fair Oaks, San Mateo Co., Cal. Crippen, Ruth (See Hakes)
Beeger, Gertrude, '07, Cuneo, Irene, '14,
P. 134 E l m St., San Mateo, Cal.
P. Redwood City, Cal. Curtice, Louise (See Clawson)
Beeger, L u l u , '10, Curtis, Lucile, '15,
1933 O x f o r d Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
P. Redwood City, Cal. Cykler, Beatrice Freuler ( M r s . E m i l ) , '13,
Beeger, Pauline (See Barneson) p. Honolulu, T. H .
Benton, Helena Weyse ( M r s . Charles Ernest), ex-'i6, Dickinson, Grace (See H a r r i s )
Dickinson, Helen (See Lange)
P. 611 Hermosa Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Dickover, Grace, ex-'15,
Bland, Reba, '15, P. Hawley Hgts., Santa Barbara, Cal.
Eaton, Alma (See Peters)
P. 125 S. 8th St., San Jose, Cal. Ehrenberg, Adele (See Macomber)
Boal, Helen (See T i t u s ) Everett, Eileen (See Folsom)
Boal, Marian, '16, Ferguson, Eva Dickover ( M r s . Abe L e r o y ) , '08,
P. 207 N . Kenwood St., Glendale, Cal.
P. National City, Cal. Fleming, HoTtense, '20,
Border, Chetanna Nesbitt (Mrs. L . S.), :I2, P. 2250 B St., San Diego, Cal.
Fogel, Marguerite, '17,
P. 821 Marin St., Vallejo, Cal. P. 1247 5th St., Santa Monica, Cal.
Brown, Edna (See M o r r i s ) Ferand, Natalie (See W a r r e n )
Browne, EUa ( M r s . Chas. E . ) , '13, Folsom, Eileen Everett ( M r s . Ernest), '14,
P. Carson City, Nev.
P. 623 W . 41st St., Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Freuler, Beatrice (See Cykler)
P. Porterville, Cal. Garvin, Linell, '19,
Bullard, Corinne, '15, P. 1701 5th Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Brydolf, Marvel, '17, George, Bertha Knapp ( M r s . H a r r i s o n ) , '10,
P. 656 2nd St., San Bernardino, Cal. P. T a f t , Cal.
Burg, Marion, ex-'15, Gilbert, Marian, 'l8,
P. 1054 Ingraham St., Los Angeles, Cal. P. Montrose, Colo.
Bush, Rowena, '15, Gilbert, Rea, '17,
P. Montrose, Colo.
P. 1048 S. O x f o r d Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Goodan, May Chandler ( M r s . Roger), '14,
Cates, Ella (See B r o w n ) P. 834 Burck PL, Los Angeles, Cal.
Chandler, Constance, '18, Hakes, Ruth Crippen ( M r s . B r y a n t ) , '12,
P. 767 B Ave., Coronado, Cal.
P. 2330 H i l l h u r s t Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. H a l l , Lyle (See Jaquins)
Chandler, Francesca, ex-'i7, Harris, Grace Dickinson ( M r s . Roy W . ) , ' t t j
P. Monita, Cal.
P. 2330 H i l l h u r s t Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Chandler, Mae (See Goodan)
Chandler, Ruth, '19,

P. 2330 H i l l h u r s t Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Clawson, Louise Curtiss ( M r s . James I r w i n ) , '14,

P. 2502 1st St. N . , Portland, Ore.
Cline, Sheda Lowman ( M r s . Eugene), '12,

P. 684 New Hampshire St., Los Angeles, Cal.


Hartwell, Hazel, 'i6, Nott, Edith Moore (Mrs. Lawren A . ) , '07,
P. 1145 21st St., San Diego, Cal. P. 3°74 Richmond Blvd., Oakland, Cal.

Hibbs, Katherine Barnes ( M r s . D . L . ) , ' i o , Newberge, Lucile (See K o r n )
P. c/o Dupont Hospital, City Point, Va. Odenheimer, Marguerite, '18,

Hodge, Viola Steele ( M r s . Fred Hodge), '08, P. 981 Gramercy Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.
Hughson, Flora Reith (Mrs. Caroll), '18, Peters, A l m a Eaton ( M r s . Jerome D . ) , '15, deceased,
Poindexter, Emily, '15,
P. Phoenix, Ariz.
Jaquins, Lylah Hall (Mrs. Edward A r t h u r ) , '17, P. Los Gatos, Cal.
Polaski, Rosetta, '10,
P. 1126 N . 41st St., Los Angeles, Cal.
James, Edith, '20, P. Hartman Apts. Washington & Oak Sts., Los Angeles, Cal.
Quinlan, Lily Morrison (Mrs. Earl), '18,
P. 388 VV. 10th St., Riverside, Cal.
Johnston, Petra, '13, P. Covelo, Mendocino Co., Cal.
Reith, Flora (See Hughson)
P. Redwood City, Cal. Rice, Lila Morrison ( M r s . Rodger L . ) , ex-'10,
Jolly, Mabel, '16,
P. R. F . D . No. 1, Santa Cruz, Cal.
P. Laramie, Wyo. Roberts, Holly, ex-'20,
Kemp, Rosemarjorie (See Schoop)
Kline, Shida Loroman (Mrs. Eugene), '12, P. 1146 W . 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Roberts, Marguerite, ex-'20,
P. 684 New Hampshire St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Knapp, Bertha (See George) P. 1146 W . 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Korn, Lucile Newburg (Mrs. Felix), '09, Rochfort, Marie, '18,

P. 184 15th Ave., San Francisco, Cal. P. San Anselmo, Cal.
Knox, Marguerite (See Loud) Sayre, Marjorie, '13,
Lange, Helen Dickinson (Mrs. W. R.), ex-'i2,
P. 1318 S. 4th St., Tacoma, Wash.
P. Fallbrook, Cal. Schoop, Rosemarjorie Kemp ( M r s . A r t h u r ) , '12,
Leonard, Florence (See Scott)
Lochridge, Eleanor Adams (Mrs. Harvey), '11, P. Sitka, Alaska.
Scott, Florence Leonard ( M r s . Winfield M . ) , '09,
P. 1415 E . 1st St., Long Beach, Cal.
Loomis, Marion, '20, P. c/o Glendale H i g h School, Glendale, Cal.
Shinn, Alice, '09,
P. 737 Junior Terrace, Chicago, 111.
Loud, Marguerite R. Knox (Mrs. Henry), '11 P. 638 Walsworth Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Shinn, Lucy, Sp.,
P. El Centro, Cal.
Lowman, Shida (See Kline) P. 638 Walsworth Ave., Oakland, Cal.
Macomber, Adele Ehrenburg (Mrs. Frank), '11, Steele, Viola (See Hodge)
Stelling, Emma, '20,
P. San Diego, Cal.
Maines, Harriette, '14, P. 104 S. 13th St., San Jose, Cal.
Stoddard, Jeanne, '18,
P. 439 Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.
Mickelson, Lois Walton (Mrs. J. M . ) , '13, P. 732 20th St., Merced, Cal.
Taylor, Erma, '18,
P. 2414 Fletcher Ave., Santa Barbara, Cal.
Montague, Helene (See Collin) P. 309 E. 36th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Moore, Alice, '16, Taylor, Ruth, '19,

P. Los Gatos, Cal. P. 309 E. 36th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Moore, Virginia, '12, Titlow, lone, ex-'l7,

P. Los Gatos, Cal. P. 410 S. Sheridan St., Tacoma, Wash.
Moore, Edith (See N o t t ) Titus, Helen Boal (Mrs. Horton Le Clerc), '11,
Morris, Edna Brown (Mrs. Ray), '17,
P. 3575 1st St., San Diego, Cal.
P. 236 Alamo St., Durango, Colo. Turner, Muriel, '16,
Morse, Genevieve, '16,
P. Castelleja School, Palo Alto, Cal.
P. Lodi, Cal. Vrang, Minna, '16,
Morrison, Lila (See Rice)
Morrison, L i l y (See Quinlan) P. 417 D St., San Rafael, Cal.
Nesbitt, Mabel Irene, ex-'i2, deceased. Walton, Lois (See Mickelson), '15,
Nesbitt, Chetanna (See Border) Warren, Esther, '15,

P. 2002 17th Ave., Bakersfield, Cal.


Warren, Marie, '16, Dallenbach, Grace (See F i n f r o c k )
P. 2002 17th Ave., Bakersfield, Cal. Davison, Ruth (See Langelier)
Dennison, Barbara Crow (Mrs. Ray), '09,
Warren, Natalie Ferand (Mrs. William), ' I I ,
P. 400 Central Ave. E., Orange, N . J. P. Brainerd, Minn.
De Witt, Emma, ' n ,
Weyse, Alice, '13,
P. 811 Beacon St., Los Angeles, Cal. P. Broadlands, 111.
T. Roundup, Mont.
Weyse, Helen (See Benton) D u Common, Nina, ex-'is, deceased.
Wilkie, Laura, '17, Downing, Inez (See Jayne)
Dunn, Dorothy, '19,
P. Truckee, Cal. P. Waukegan, 111.
Wood, Abbie, '18, Ebert, Margaret Gorham (Mrs. Fred), ex-'n,
P. SIX Pine St., Champaign, 111.
P. 616 Forrest Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. Edmundson, Jessie, '13,
Wood, Elizabeth, '18, P. Balbec, Ind.
T . Kankakee, 111.
P. 616 Forrest Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. Edmundson, Nila, '16,
Wood, Jacqueline, '15, P. Balbec, Ind.
Erskine, Nellie (See Benjamin)
P. 1515 E. Madison St. (Fenton C o u r t ) , Seattle, Wash. Finfrock, Grace Dallenbach (Mrs. Chancey), e.v-!i6,
Woodward, Hazel Cook ( M r s . Robert), '09, P. 707 S. Race St., Urbana, 111.
Fluharty, Florence Shim (Mrs. Lee), '12,
P. Sutter Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. P. 215 Madison St., Walla Walla, Wash.
Fowler, Atha Wood (Mrs. Leland Stanford), ex-'i7,
IOTA P. Penfield, 111.
Gautz, Grace, '19,
Alkire, Hazel, '12, P. Anchor, 111.
P. Greenview, 111. Giddings, Mate, '17,
P. 911 N . Vermilion St., Danville, I I I .
Bacon, Maude (See Nolte) T . 712 W . Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Bamesberger, Velda, '18, Goodman, Eva (See M i l l e r )
Goodman, Leola (See Scales)
P. 402 E . Daniel St., Champaign, 111. Gorham, Margaret (See Ebert)
Barnett, Elizabeth Nickolls (Mrs. Calvin Otis), '09, Gregg, Marion, '17,
P. 4237 N . Keeler Ave., Chicago, 111.
P. Bridgeport, 111. Grotevant, Nina, '18,
Benjamin, Nellie Erskine (Mrs. Robert), '13, P. 900 Prince St., Pekin, 111.
Harley, Mildred (See McDonald)
P. Hawarden, Saskatchewan, Can. Hash, Susan (See H u b b a r d )
Bigler, Leota Mosier (Mrs. H . E . ) , '16, Hedgcock, Martha, '18,
P. Plymouth, 111.
P. 5546 Maryland Ave., Chicago, 111. Hedgcock, Nellie, '16,
Blood, Louise Clarke (Mrs. Lyle), '09,
P. Plymouth, 111.
P. Sheridan, Wyo. Henion, Lora, Grad.,
Bowman, Edna Hunter (Mrs. Geo.), '13,
P. 9 0 1 ^ W . Green St., Urbana, 111.
P. 108 31st St., Milwaukee, Wis.. T . 208 E . Walnut St., Pontiac, 111.
Brauns, Helen, '19, Hoffert, Anna (See K i r k )

P. West Chicago, 111. Hollister, Pauline Davis (Mrs. Claude), ex-'n,
Brooks, Ethel, '16, P. Manteno, 111.

P. Beecher City, 111. Hubbard, Susan Hash ( M r s . Dale), '12,
Brunner, Mary, '12, P. Boswell, Ind.

P. 1609 Edgar Ave., Mattoon, 111.
Buenger, Katherine, '15,

P. Granite City, 111.
Buhrman, Elaine, '17,

P. Nashville, 111.
Caldwell, Mary, '17,

P. 706 W . H i l l St., Champaign, 111.
Clarke, Louise (See Blood)
Coultas, Avis,

P. 503 S. Main St., Sycamore, 111.
Crow, Barbara (See Dennison)
Dallenbach, Maybelle, '17,

P. 512 W . Clark St., Champaign, 111.

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