Biennial Report
Alpha Omicron Pi’s Culture Principles
AOII’s Culture Principles provide our membership with a consistent approach to
“how” we do things. Their purpose is to help all members achieve the meaning of
Fraternity as outlined in our Ritual.
Accountability & Ownership:
We personally accept responsibility for our actions and explain those actions in a
straightforward manner. We take ownership of the outcomes of those actions.
We work together, practicing consensus and teamwork. We collaborate so that our members
feel valued, a part of the bigger picture, and to ensure a better result is achieved because our
members are partnering and working together.
We impact the hearts of our members and promote an exceptional membership experience by
building relationships and creating emotional connections to AOII and our goals. We keep
the ideals of AOII fresh in our minds through association with sisters, service to our organization
and striving to always reflect credit upon our Fraternity. We forever honor the obligations, which
we have voluntarily taken upon ourselves, and will remain devoted to Alpha Omicron Pi
throughout our lifetime.
We have the courage to embrace new ideas that will create value for our members. We
challenge the status quo when appropriate and are open to smart risk-taking in order to meet
our short and long-term goals. We leverage new technologies and practices to connect and
share information with our members.
Open & Honest Communication:
We communicate openly, honestly and transparently. We listen first and solve later; we
act on facts and understanding of the actual situation. We are inclusive and value
different perspectives.
A Letter from our International President
At the start of could not be stronger. Thanks to the work
the biennium, I of our collegiate and alumnae members,
challenged us to our support of the Arthritis Foundation is
“think big, focus at an all-time high. This past biennium,
on success, be Carole Jones, NPC Delegate and Past
confident and International President, has served as
take action.” Vice Chairman of NPC. I am proud of
As you will see the work that AOIIs are doing in our local
throughout Panhellenics, both collegiate and alumnae,
this report, to advance the sorority experience. AOII’s
you accepted service to NPC and the Panhellenic community will
this challenge, continue to be in the spotlight as AOII moves into the
and we have NPC Chairman role in October of this year.
great success As technologies evolve, so must the tools that AOII
throughout uses to connect with our membership and represent
AOII. Thanks our brand to the outside world. We have embarked
to each of you on a branding initiative over the biennium, and
for believing in the culmination of that work was unveiled at this
the art of the possible! Working together, we have Convention. Our new brand represents the mission,
achieved the excellence that was envisioned by our vision and principles of our organization. It enhances
Founders and countless others who came before us. our connection to our members through updated
The dedication that you have shown through your tools and technology.
time, talents and treasures has taken our beloved AOII
to new and greater heights. As Henry Ford said, “If Our collegiate and alumnae membership continues to
everyone is moving forward together, then success grow. With our membership reaching nearly 190,000
takes care of itself.” since our founding, we are sharing our sisterhood
and lifetime experiences across the world. We are
The areas of Experience, Service, Advancement and providing new ways for connections to our Ritual and
Growth were prioritized in the 2015-2019 Strategic educational opportunities for all members. You will
Plan. These four areas serve as the compass of AOII see many examples in this report of connection and
through 2019. There is an action plan for each of engagement with our members.
these areas and you will see that in the first two years
many milestones have been achieved. We need to There is much to celebrate this biennium! As we
keep the positive momentum moving forward to gather together at Convention, let’s take a moment
continue to enhance the membership experience for to reflect on our many accomplishments. It is through
our collegiate and alumnae members. friendships, sisterhood and our lifetime commitment
to AOII that we can think big, inspiring each other to
We have embraced AOII’s Culture Principles of be ambitious and to believe that we can do what we
Open and Honest Communication, Collaboration, set our minds to, to advance AOII. As Stella George
Engagement, Innovation, and Accountability and Stern Perry said, “We know that you will always lay
Ownership that were introduced at Convention 2015. the same fraternal foundations and that you will build
These principles have been integrated into all that we upon them with consistancy, patience and unfaltering
do and provide a consistent approach to “how” we faith.” I am excited to see what our future will bring!
live our values and achieve the meaning of fraternity
as outlined in our Ritual. Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President
Our Founders were dedicated to service to others
and this legacy remains strong! Our chapters and
members have been leaders in their service to their
communities and to the Arthritis Foundation this
biennium. We are in our 50th year of partnership
with the Arthritis Foundation, and our relationship
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 3
Strategic Plan Review
AOII’s Strategic Direction
Our Fraternity Strategic Plan was developed by AOII leadership to serve as a
four-year planning model and compass to guide decision-making and allocation
of resources for both the 2015-2017 and 2017-2019 biennium. It will be updated
and revised following International Convention 2017 by the newly elected
Executive Board.
We are proud to report progress in our focus areas of Experience, Service,
Advancement and Growth. This Strategic Plan has helped us to achieve significant
achievement in our initiatives while staying true to our mission, values, and purpose.
Delivering an Unparalleled Championing a
Membership Experience: Culture of Service:
We have enhanced lifetime engagement by We made incredible progress on advancing our
introducing programs like AOII Night Out that sisters partnership with the Arthritis Foundation to make a
across North America participated in together. difference in our communities and inspire impactful
service to the world about us. AOII contributed a
We have enriched AOII’s culture of living our values record-setting $1,141,000 to the Arthritis Foundation
by incorporating AOII’s Culture Principles in all during the biennium. In addition, we exceeded
Fraternity operations, resources, initiatives and expectations of growing our partnership with Major
programming. The CPs are reflected in all volunteer League Baseball by securing Strike Out Arthritis!
position descriptions, collegiate membership games with every MLB team over the biennium. Our
selection processes and our awards/recognition and members also donated more than 1,000 pandas
SOE materials. during the biennium to give to children attending
Juvenile Arthritis Conferences. Read more about our
We continue to develop exceptional members by incredible service initiatives on page 12.
cultivating extraordinary local teams to elevate
collegiate chapters and by expanding AAC training We have enhanced AOII’s leadership in the
materials. We also launched the AOII Career interfraternal community, and we continue to promote
Center Portal online for collegians and alumnae creative interactions with our interfraternal friends.
and expanded the opportunities for increased AOII will hold the Chairmanship of the National
connections and lifetime engagement. Read more on Panhellenic Conference from October 2017-October
pages 10-11. 2019, and in preparation for this honor, we focused
on Panhellenic Delegate training at Leadership
Academy 2017. Read more on pages 11 and 22.
Providing Fostering
Exceptional Resources: Membership Growth:
We have fostered a high-performance environment We have enhanced our resources on recruitment,
by increasing cash reserves and leveraging existing retention and engagement for alumnae chapters,
assets to make it possible for the Fraternity and which has resulted in a 3% increase in alumnae
Properties to address member needs more efficiently chapter participation and two new chapters. Read
and effectively. We also made no increase in more on our outstanding alumnae cultivation on
International Fees and Member Dues this biennium. page 9.
Read more on pages 14-17.
Our collegiate chapters have grown our Fraternity
We continue to enhance member connections to our largest active membership numbers ever
through innovative and relevant technologies and in our history. Our chapters continue to strive to
improve our operational efficiency. Learn more about to achieve Quota and Campus Total set by their
ChapterBuilder, Retained and Engaged, AlphaLink Panhellenic communities and expanding our year-
and other technologies on pages 10-11. round recruitment efforts to eliminate membership
recruitment potential (MRP), we have made profound
Convention 2017 marks the launch of a powerful new strides in advancing collegiate recruitment, retention
branding initiative for AOII that will ensure brand and engagement outcomes. Read more on page 6-7.
consistency across all platforms for the Fraternity,
Properties and the AOII Foundation. We will also We have expanded the positive presence and
launch a redesigned AOII website and additional influence on collegiate campuses through extension
access to AOII’s brand and resources through mobile and recolonization efforts, and have added nine
technology. new or returning chapters to the Fraternity since fall
2015. Read more on page 8.
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 5
Collegiate Advancement Membership Growth
Collegiate members at the end of the academic year: Total New Members Pledged:
2016-2017 18,558 2013-2015 biennium: 10,971
2015-2016 17,689 2015-2017 biennium: 12,259
2014-2015 16,207
2013-2014 13,989 11% Increase from 2013-2015 biennium
14% Increase from 2013-2015 biennium Pledging statistics do not include
charter members for any year.
New members pledged in the academic year:
Total Members Initiated:
2016-2017 6,256
2015-2016 6,003 2013-2015 biennium: 11,516
2014-2015 5,782 2015-2017 biennium: 12,273
2013-2014 5,189
6% Increase from 2013-2015 biennium
Educational Leadership Consultants:
Number of Chapters & New Chapters Visited:
2015-2016: 139
2016-2017: 143
Number of Chapters & New Chapters Visited:
2015-2016: 238
(including revisits/multiple visits to a single chapter)
2016-2017: 289
(including revisits/multiple visits to a single chapter)
New members initiated in the academic year: Number of Chapters:
2016-2017 6,217 2015-2016: 139
2015-2016 6,056 2016-2017: 143
2014-2015 5,971
2013-2014 5,545 Number of New Chapters:
2015-2016: 4
2016-2017: 5
Number of Chapters Closed:
2015-2016: 0
2016-2017: 1
(Sigma, U of California, Berkeley)
2015-2016: 17,689
2016-2017: 18,558
Collegiate Chapters Achieving Standards of Excellence
Categories 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017
79 90
Ruby 64 77 19 13
14 14
Pearl 20 9 27 26
0 0
Gold 19 17
Did Not Meet 21 24
Did Not Submit 1 1
Chapters Chapters Achieving Suspensions of
Pledging Quota Campus Total Collegiate Membership
2013-2014: 95% 2013-2014: 88% 2013-2014: 3.3%
2014-2015: 95% 2014-2015: 88% 2014-2015: 3.0%
2015-2016: 96% 2015-2016: 86% 2015-2016: 3.0%
2016-2017: 96% 2016-2017: 82% 2016-2017: 4.0%
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 7
Extension & Colonizations
Collegiate Chapter Biennium Installations
Theta Sigma Chapter Tarleton State U November 21, 2015
January 24, 2016
Beta Nu Chapter Illinois State U February 13, 2016
April 30, 2016
Beta Eta Chapter Gettysburg College November 6, 2016 Chapters installed
November 13, 2016 in the biennium
Beta Sigma Chapter Boise State U January 7, 2017
January 22, 2017 Total AOII
Phi Alpha Chapter East Tennessee State U January 29, 2017 Collegiate Chapters
Delta Gamma Chapter Missouri State U
Omicron Pi Chapter U of Michigan
Tau Mu Chapter Texas A&M U
Lambda Lambda Chapter U of Connecticut
Future Collegiate Opportunities Secured
Arizona State U Tempe, AZ Fall 2017 Colonization
Fall 2017 Colonization
Troy U Troy, AL
3 Chapters
Beta Sigma
Omicron Pi
Phi Alpha
Alumnae Advancement
“Alpha Omicron Pi, Life Loyal
Friends as the years go by,
We are excited to be celebrating
Loving sisters are we, 12 years of our Life Loyal program
Loyal forever, Alpha to thee.” and thrilled that we have over
4,630 devoted sisters as members
Epsilon Chapter Song of the program.
Total Alumnae Chapters: 164 New Alumnae Chapters: 2 Alumnae Initiate Program
Dues Paid Members First Year On Us Members In 2015, we launched our Alumnae
Initiate Application online, making
2015-2016: 2,562 2015-2016: 209 it easier for members to nominate
2016-2017: 2,635 2016-2017: 268 friends and relatives of AOIIs,
faculty advisers and notable
Alumnae Chapter Biennium Installations women from the local community
for membership. Members are able
Aiken South Carolina Alumnae Chapter to initiate non-collegiate women
Aiken, SC July 18, 2015 who exemplify AOII’s values and
who will contribute their time and
Central Louisiana Alumnae Chapter resources to our Fraternity.
Pineville, LA August 6, 2016
AOII Night Out
Alumnae Chapters Achieving Standards of Excellence
In 2015, we launched an exciting
Categories 2015-2016 2016-2017 new event called AOII Night Out!
The idea is to encourage sisters
Ruby 61 70 everywhere to get together and
do something fun! Sisters gathered
Pearl 26 27 together for coffee, dinner, movies
and many other events and
Gold 16 10 shared with other sisters through
social media using the hashtag
Collegiate Chapter Support (SOEs)
120 chapters assisted and/or
adopted a local collegiate chapter
through time, financial contribution,
gifts or correspondence.
107 chapters assisted a
collegiate chapter by providing
Advisers for local Alumnae
Advisory Committees and/or
providing alumnae members to
assist with recruitment parties, bid
matching, etc.
118 chapters submitted at least
one MIF to a collegiate chapter
for recruitment.
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 9
Education, Programming & Technology
Network Training Ambassador Programs
Alpha Omicron Pi developed and executed Network The Training Ambassador program serves to
Specialist training during the 2015 International empower Alumnae Advisory Committees, who in
Convention and 2016 Leadership Institute conferences. turn support the advancement of collegiate chapters.
In an effort to position all Network Specialists with Through this program, advisory committees have
the skills and personal development needed to access to 15 different training programs focused on
successfully elevate collegiate and alumnae chapters overarching volunteer responsibilities and operations,
so that they may flourish and prosper, the following enhancing one’s personal leadership skills, and
training themes were presented and delivered: interpersonal and communication skills which cultivate
Effective Programming, Enhancing Conflict Resolution a thriving Alumnae Advisory Committee experience.
Skills, AOII Advancement, Incorporating Ritual With the success of the Training Ambassador program,
into Daily Actions and Operations, Mental Health the Fraternity saw the need expand the program,
and Wellness, Yearlong Budget Process and allowing trainings to reach collegiate chapters through
Resource Review. training by the Recruitment Ambassador team. The
Recruitment Ambassador team serves to advance
In order for collegiate and alumnae chapters to thrive, collegiate chapters through recruitment-specific
chapters and members need to be supported by training centered on conversation workshops, brand
highly trained and dedicated network teams. Alpha identity, IMSP/MS training and teaching collegians how
Omicron Pi is excited to announce the development to articulate our AOII story. Since the inception of the
of an engaging and innovative onboarding training ambassador program, both teams have conducted 81
program, which includes 13 training modules that training visits.
blend the training needs of individuals serving in
network volunteer roles with training topics including: Retained and Engaged
Alpha Basics (history of AOII), Knowing Your Role
as a Network Specialist and Goal Setting. These We continued to have success in the areas of
trainings also dig deeper and provide well-rounded, membership retention and cultivating an exceptional
specialized training with two modules: Knowing Your membership experience. This success is in part
Role as (Insert-Specialty) and Details to do Your Job due to the carefully crafted content shared within
as (Insert-Specialty). These trainings blend personal AOII’s Retained and Engaged program, accessible
development with AOII-specific education, ensuring through the Fulfilling the Promise e-learning site. This
that all specialists are equipped with the information specialized curriculum keeps our members engaged,
needed to mentor the teams they support and help underscores the expectations of Alpha Omicron Pi
collegiate and alumnae chapters reach new heights. membership, and ensures chapter members feel
valued within the collegiate experience.
In an effort to expand the philosophy of recruiting 365 days a year, Alpha Omicron Pi has embarked on a two-year
pilot program with Techniphi. During this biennium, 28 chapters representing all eight geographic networks, ranging
in size, campus experience and recruitment style were welcomed into the pilot program. Through this engaging and
interactive software, every initiated member has access and plays a pivotal role in elevating the year-round recruitment
selection process. Through the ChapterBuilder software, collegiate women document experiences with potential new
members, thereby chapters are able to develop their wish list both for continuous open bidding (COB) opportunities and
in advance of formal recruitment, as well as use the software in conjunction with library time. The relationship-building
tool has also aided chapters in organizing their names list, gathering referrals, making personal connections with women
participating in the recruitment process, and reducing spots to total through COB.
Leadership Institute Leadership Academy
Leadership Institute 2016: “Be the Story” was held Leadership Academy 2016: “Creating Connections”
in Franklin, Tennessee with over 780 attendees was the central theme throughout the 2016 LA
learning how to tell one’s story within and outside of experience had by 440 attendees. The weekend-
the AOII experience. Power session topics included: long training was focused on recruitment driven,
The Gift of Sorority, AOII’s Story and You, AOII’s values-based conversations. Engaging and purposeful
Executive Board Update, and We are the Story as relations were forged with idea sharing among all
voiced through the captivating tales from the PIPs. attendees: Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents of
The weekend continued with 25 engaging Learning Membership Recruitment and Recruitment Advisers.
Path breakouts including an array of topics such as
Alumnae Chapter Recruitment, Circle of Sisterhood, Leadership Academy 2017: Our 2017 Leadership
Sexual Assault Awareness and Victim Support, Healthy Academy was a celebration of all things Panhellenic,
Habits, Owning Your Time and the Halftime Report, with 455 attendees including Chapter Presidents,
all of which focused on leadership and personal Panhellenic Delegates and Chapter Advisers. Alpha
development. An additional educational element was Omicron Pi was able to focus education on truly
added to the 2016 LI experience, as all New Member living out the panhellenic spirit and what it means
Educators were invited to take part in a day-long to be a true leader on today’s college campuses by
training with four Learning Paths centered on the role highlighting one of the pillars of AOII’s object, college
responsibilities of the New Member Educators. In an loyalty. Just as NPC advances the lives of women, AOII
effort to meet and exceed AOII’s 2015-2017 Strategic incorporated a service component into LA, donating
Plan, an evening of service was brought to life through toiletry items to the Women’s Center of the Nashville
six interactive, educational and activity-driven Arthritis Rescue mission.
Awareness stations.
International Convention 2,577 members
attended an
Convention 2015: As the trailblazing trendsetters international
Alpha Omicron Pi members are, AOII was “Trending” event during
in Los Angeles, California with 902 attendees taking the biennium.
part in education sessions on topics such as Finding
Your Authentic Self, Using the Governing Documents,
Arthritis 365, and Life Hacks. In addition to the
aforementioned training, participants made history
through business sessions, laughed the days away
with sisters and relished the tales shared during
PIP storytelling.
Fulfilling the Promise Website
The Fraternity’s e-learning site Fulfilling the Promise continues
to serve as a successful education center for all members seeking
resources, trainings and personal development. To date, the site
serves Alpha Omicron Pi by hosting over 300 educational resources, including but not limited to the exceptional
updated and Ritual-driven International Membership Selection Criteria and advanced New Member Lesson Facilitator
Guide which parallels the content within the member guide “The Promise.” This ensures new members receive an
exceptional and engaging start to their Alpha Omicron Pi experience. Exploring the many educational components within
the portal, new members and alumnae alike are sure to have an exceptional and engaging Alpha Omicron Pi Experience.
Alphalink is our online member management system – here members can updated their profile information, make
membership changes to their group’s roster, send messages, create events and pay dues. Our refreshed Alphalink
platform will allow members to maintain their own records, and at the same time the information will update the
international database. We are excited that Alphalink will be hosted by Salesforce, which is considered the world’s #1
customer relationship management system and the best database solution for any sizable member-based organization.
With Salesforce in place, it will make our organization a more efficient, well-oiled machine.
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 11
Communication & Information
Publications and PR
Eight issues of To Dragma were published including the first two digital issues with specific themes of Arthritis and
AOII Volunteers. The summer print issues and the two digital issues were all distributed to our entire membership. The
other four issues were distributed to collegians, dues paying alumnae members and Life Loyal members. To Dragma
won three awards for excellence at the annual Fraternity Communications Association conferences during the biennium.
Several “In A Box” programs were updated or added to Fulfilling the Promise including “PR in A Box” and “Strike
Out Arthritis! in A Box.”
Multiple social media outlets were used to engage members with special campaigns such as Where is Rosie, Jingle in
Your Jammies, Ritual Moments, volunteer appreciation month, and Strategic Plan promotional videos.
Members and chapters
raised $1,141,000 for
the Arthritis Foundation
during the biennium.
Arthritis Foundation Partnerhip Branding
AOII International President Gayle Fitzpatrick served AOII successfully launched a re-branding initiative
as the 2016 National Jingle Bell Run Chair. Along during the biennium with the official roll-out occurring
with an AOII Jingle Bell Leadership Team, Gayle at Convention 2017. The Fraternity partnered with
lead the Fraternity to successfully reach our national Rhyme and Reason Designs for the 14-month project
fundraising goal of $150,000. to create a new mark, tagline, logo, color palette,
patterns, website and all supporting materials for
AOII chapters and members raised $566,000 in life loyal, extension, MLB, education and resources,
2015 and $575,000 in 2016 for contributions to Properties and the Foundation.
the Arthritis Foundation. Major fundraising activities
include chapter Strike Out Arthritis events, Jingle Bell Focus groups and surveys were conducted with the
Run and Walk to Cure Arthritis. Executive Board, Foundation Board and Properties
Board, and hundreds of Network Specialists,
More than 1,000 pandas were collected and alumnae and collegiate members, and high school
donated to kids with Juvenile Arthritis during the seniors to gather input on AOII’s new brand.
Arthritis Foundation’s Juvenile Arthritis Conferences
in 2015 and 2016. After collecting and assessing the valuable
information and feedback, the Fraternity began
AOII has moved its focus to partnering with all 30 working toward a brand that would articulate Alpha
Major League Baseball teams in the past biennium Omicron Pi’s Vision and Principles, while connecting
for Strike Out Arthritis! with Major League Baseball our membership to each other, our communities and
events. Selling over 4,000 tickets, hosting three the world around us. The new brand will inspire AOII
luncheons with three different teams and promoting sisters to continue to believe in and advance the
alongside the Arthritis Foundation, our MLB Fraternity’s values, enhance the overall membership
partnership continues to grow. experience and elevate members’ pride in Alpha
Omicron Pi Fraternity.
Over the 2015-2017 biennium, the AOII Foundation focused on
implementation of our Strategic Plan in the five areas of Stewardship,
Volunteer Leadership, Operations, Communications and Young Alumnae.
Goal 1: Stewardship Goal 4: Communications
Increased Loyalty Fund giving by 30.5%. Further established our social media presence
Increased new monthly donors by 49%. resulting in a 325% increase in new gifts to our
Increased membership in the Second Century Foundation through Giving Tuesday and Pi Day
Society by 5%. initiatives for a 351% increase in dollars raised.
Launched a marketing campaign to Share Our Story
Goal 2: Volunteer Leadership and create a stronger awareness of Foundation
programs and illuminate why our sisters give back to
Achieved 100% participation from all members of the the Foundation.
AOII Foundation Board, AOII Properties Board, and
the AOII Executive Board in donating at a leadership Goal 5: Young Alumnae
giving level.
Bylaws and governance processes updated and The Young Alumnae Council developed strategic
implemented for the current biennium. initiatives to engage and educate AOII sisters,
specifically collegiate and recent alumnae sisters, to
Goal 3: Operations the idea of consistent giving to our sisterhood though
the AOII Foundation.
Achieved a 5% increase in the total dollars awarded Social media campaigns were launched to
to scholarship recipients. specifically reach young alumnae and engage them
Increased the number of scholarships awarded in the programs of the AOII Foundation.
by 30%.
Successfully transitioned to a new donor *The figures above are from July 1, 2015 through March 15, 2017.
management system specifically for fundraising.
Launched 14 new named scholarships.
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 13
Alpha Omicron Pi Properties
Alpha Omicron Pi Properties establishes the standards of excellence for leadership in property
management, creates an environment of safety and provides competitive chapter facilities
with the purpose of enriching the collegiate experience and enhancing the sisterhood of all
members of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
Purpose Biennial Highlights
The Purpose of AOII Properties is to support the Restructured staff Member Finance Department under
Fraternity and its collegiate chapters by promoting the leadership of AOII Properties to better optimize quality
health, safety and welfare of pledged new members and efficiency of service to all collegiate chapters.
and initiated members of those chapters, and ensuring
the existence of competitive chapter facilities through House Dedications conducted to celebrate new
the coordinated management of the real property homes and/or significant renovations:
interests of the Fraternity, AOII Properties and chapter
corporations. Alpha Pi, Florida State U
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U
Corporations Managed: 143 Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee at Martin
Housing Facilities: 56 Xi, U of Oklahoma
Lodges (non-residential): 4 Zeta Theta, California State U, Chico
Residence Hall Floor with Chapter Room: 17
Apartment/Suite/Townhouse: 26 Over 200 chapter visits made by Properties Board
Room on Campus or No Facility: 40 Members, Headquarters and CSL staff teams.
Expenses Acquired new facilities and chapter rooms – university
or AOII Properties – for more than 15 chapters.
$4,789,096.29 in expenditures made for renovations
of Chapter suites, lodges and housing More than 30 house directors attended a three day
professional training hosted by AOII Properties.
$1,330,000.00 in expenditures for interior design
projects of Chapter suites, lodges and housing “The changes to our parlor have
had the most incredible impact on
$2,250,000.00 in expenditures for maintenance and
safety of Chapter suites, lodges and housing not only the spirit of the entire
chapter, but each individual member
$85,000 in expenditures for Ritual supplies and other
discretionary items for all AOII chapters. as well. We were all in shock the
moment we stepped into our newly
Educational and Financial Support renovated house. It is as cozy as it is
Over $530,000 in financial support was made available beautiful. It’s somewhere where
to chapters for chapter educational initiatives and to members want to hang out and bond
send members to AOII educational events. together, and we couldn’t have been
more blessed to receive this opportunity!”
Hosted 12 sessions of the Undergraduate
Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) at AOII’s Beta Phi - Corinne Kirkland, Kappa Tau
(Indiana U) Facility. (Southeastern Louisiana U) President
Renovations, New Builds and Interior Design Projects
(completed and underway)
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U Delta Theta, Texas Woman’s U Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama Epsilon Chi, Elon U Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama Pi Alpha, U of Louisville
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U Gamma Omicron, U of Florida Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Alpha Mu, Duquesne U Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U Rho Delta, Samford U
Alpha Phi, Montana State U Iota, U of Illinois Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Alpha Pi, Florida State U Iota Sigma, Iowa State U Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U Kappa Chi, Northwestern State U Sigma Chi, Hartwick College
Alpha Rho, Oregon State U Kappa Gamma, Florida Southern College Sigma Phi, California State U, Northridge
Alpha Theta, Coe College Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College Sigma Tau, Washington College
Beta Eta, Gettysburg College Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U Tau, U of Minnesota
Beta Gamma, Michigan State U Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College
Beta Nu, Illinois State U Lambda Rho, Texas Christian U Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
Beta Phi, Indiana U Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia Tau Mu, Texas A&M U
Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State U Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee at Martin
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville Nu Beta, U of Mississippi Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U Theta Psi, U of Toledo
Delta, Tufts U Omega, Miami U Upsilon, U of Washington
Delta Beta, U of Louisiana at Lafayette Omega Upsilon, Ohio U Xi, U of Oklahoma
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U Omicron, U of Tennessee Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
Delta Gamma, Missouri State U Omicron Pi, U of Michigan Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Delta Sigma, San Jose State U Phi Alpha, East Tennessee State U Zeta Psi, East Carolina U
Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U Zeta Theta, California State U, Chico
Fire, Environmental, Health & Safety Improvements
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U
Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Beta Gamma, Michigan State U
Beta Phi, Indiana U
Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State U
Epsilon Gamma, U of Northern Colorado
Iota, U of Illinois
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U
Kappa Omega, U of Kentucky
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U
Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Omega Upsilon, Ohio University
Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Tau, U of Minnesota
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
Xi, U of Oklahoma
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 15
Fraternity Finances
Biennial Highlights
AOII membership has grown significantly despite a slowdown in Fraternity growth across all
NPC organizations. This is due to the investments that have been made in housing, programs,
technology and recruitment.
Consistent member growth of 14%, as well as increased member retention has improved our
revenue stream. Not only has there been significant increase in member revenue, but there has
also been a strong increase in revenue from events.
Increased revenue from our membership has been leveraged to reinvest into AOII facilities and
member initiatives such as the Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) Program, our network
teams, recruitment and training ambassadors, Retained and Engaged, extension, new chapter
development, educational training and additional recruitment training.
Specifically, the ELC Program has further expanded over the past biennium increasing from 10 ELCs
to an annual range of 12-14.
Cash on hand, investments and restricted cash have increased significantly over the last two
years as the continued focus has been on building operating reserves to provide subsidies for
renovation projects at existing houses as well as expansion projects and new facilities.
AOII Properties has a strong cash position as well as a strong forecasted net income which is
essential to properly maintaining a real estate portfolio. Real estate value and leasehold interests
are estimated at $100,000,000.
Biennium 2015-2017 Key Revenue Trends
14% membership growth and increased retention are anticipated to result in increased sources of
funds, which will allow for increased programming and the opportunity to solidify the Fraternity by
increasing operating reserves.
No increase in member dues this biennium (2015-2017) and none are projected for the
2017-2019 biennium.
Increased revenue has resulted in increased cash reserves, which has made it possible for AOII
Fraternity and AOII Properties to address member needs more efficiently and effectively.
With many retail options available, sales directly from the Emporium have decreased. Though
purchases from any authorized licensed vendor using the AOII trademark result in a royalty being
paid to AOII Fraternity, purchases from the Emporium result in AOII Fraternity receiving the most
amount of cash from each purchase to reinvest in member experience.
Biennium 2015-2017 Key Expense Trends
Fraternity Operations expenses have increased over the biennium in large part to additional
investments in technology such as AlphaLink, Fulfilling the Promise, chapter websites and
communications tools.
The Fraternity continued to see an increase in Collegiate Experience costs during the biennium
due to the increase in membership, new chapters, and total number of chapters, however we
expect Extension costs to reduce after 2017 due to a forecasted slowdown.
The Fraternity funded approximately $97,000 during the biennium to honor the privilege and meet
the expectations and responsibilities of its NPC chairmanship rotation.
AOII Corporations paid for $85,000 worth of Ritual supplies and other discretionary items during
the biennium.
During the last biennium, the Corporations of AOII contributed $120,000 to send members to
Leadership Institute and an additional $175,000 or more is anticipated to be spent to send
members to Convention.
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 17
Standing Committees & Special Appointments
Constitution Interpretation and Revision Committee
Biennial Accomplistments: Governing Documents Committee Members
Responded to numerous inquiries from collegiate and Janet Siegel Brown, Chairman
alumnae officers and advisers, network volunteers and Angela Noble
staff regarding the interpretation and application of Mary Williams
Governing Documents provisions. Gayle Fitzpatrick (Ex-Officio)
Sally Wagaman (Ex-Officio)
Finalized and published the Constitution and Bylaws
following approval of amendments by Council at Biennial Accomplistments: Training and Education
International Convention 2015.
Created a sample hearing script to guide
Reviewed the Standing Rules and Book of Policies and Hearing Panelists.
collaborated with the Executive Board Governance
Committee to propose revisions to the Executive Board Conducted two phone trainings for new Hearing
to conform with the amended Bylaws and to enhance Panelists on relevant Governing Documents provisions
clarity and user-friendliness of the documents. and how to conduct a hearing and decide an appeal.
Reviewed the Constitution and Bylaws and Conducted two phone trainings for new Network
collaborated with the Executive Board Governance Directors on the role of CIRC and issues relevant to
Committee and individual members of Council to network volunteers.
draft amendments for consideration at International
Convention 2017. Conducted two Learning Path sessions at Leadership
Institute 2016 entitled “Governing Documents: What
Biennial Accomplistments: Appeals Every AOII Needs to Know.”
Decided procedural appeals arising out of one Participated in a webinar to educate attendees about
member suspension and one charter withdrawal. the Convention business sessions.
Answered questions from staff and hearing panelists to
ensure a fair and efficient hearing process.
Education Committee
Biennial Accomplistments Committee Members
Selected participants, planned, executed and Sandy Stewart, Chairman
facilitated educational curriculum for Leadership Paula Daigle
Academy 2016 and 2017, as well as Leadership Laura Dunlap
Institute 2016. Lori Geode
Julie Anne Hughey
Planned educational sessions for International
Convention 2017. Updated the Recruitment Manual and revised the
International Membership Selection Guidelines to align
Facilitated and/or supervised curriculum for 13 with our Ritual and values.
webinars including Life Hacks, Jingle Bell Run,
Membership Selection Criteria and Fulfilling the Managed a team of 25 network volunteers throughout
Promise for Alumnae. the content creation phase of the series of 13 training
modules, developed to elevate the initial training of
Created an internal task force reviewing all resources those serving alumnae and collegiate chapters in a
which make up the content housed in the Officer network specific volunteer role as well as on updating
Resource Library. Through this work, the Education specific resources.
Committee and Education Department were able
to collaborate on items that need to be compiled, Planned and executed Network Specialist Trainings
removed and/or refreshed to keep the content up to at international events.
date and engaging for all AOII constituents.
Updated the New Member Educator Manual and
Facilitator’s Guide.
Historian / Archivist
Biennial Accomplistments Committee Members
The Fraternity’s valuable collection of Margaret Joan MacCallum, International Historian
Bourke-White (Omicron Pi) photographs were framed Barb Zipperian
and displayed in a new Bourke-White photo gallery
in Headquarters. Two educational sessions on how to use the
Chapter Archives Guide were presented at
Digitization of past issues of To Dragma was Leadership Institute 2016.
advanced and is nearing completion.
A new display case in the Historial Museum was
The Historian made three week-long trips to created to highlight all past AOII International
Headquarters to work in AOII’s Archives. Headquarters locations.
The Staff Archivist attended the 2016 National Archives New shelving and storage materials were
Conference for Fraternities and Sororities installed so collegiate chapter records could be
at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. properly archived.
A Chapter Archives Guide was created to instruct Historical information was researched and written in
collegiate and alumnae chapters on how to set up ongoing preparation for an Archives website.
and manage their Chapter Archives.
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 19
Standing Committees & Special Appointments
Human Resources Committee
Biennial Accomplistments Committee Members
Partnered with Communications Staff to promote Dana L. Moreland, Chairman
volunteer vacancies in The Piper and across all Kathleen Niple Donohue
Fraternity social media platforms. Julie Mason Groob
Anne Marie Toy Hall
Recruited 243 applications for 81 volunteer vacancies. Marissa Lo
Filled two Properties Board, six International Standing Ambassadors
Committee, five Human Resources Ambassador, four
Network Director and 64 Network Specialist positions. Network 1: Michelle Scali
Network 2: Kari Freidaurer
Revised the volunteer application and applicant Network 3: Chris Miller
feedback forms and processes for ease of use. Network 4: Ashley Crabtree Hume
Network 5: Annalise Sinclair
Began testing electronic application, applicant Network 6: Cher Serhal
feedback and volunteer development forms in Network 7: Ashleigh Welsh
partnership with the Administrative and IT staff. Network 8: Allie Bassett
Public Relations Committee
Biennial Accomplistments Committee Members
Wrote Champion Profiles for Jingle Bell Run. Natasha Sherwood, Chairman
Served on Recruitment Committee for Jingle Bell Run. Kera Bjornerud
Assisted in creation of PR In A Box. Mallory Grooms
Created Social Media Cheat Sheet for chapters. Kelly Stoll Hespel
Developed social media presentation for LI 2016. Cindy Skaff
Served on Revenue Committee for Jingle Bell Run. Katherine Thornton
Served as liaison to networks and committees.
Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee
Biennial Accomplistments Committee Members
Instituted the RT&J Liaison program to facilitate Ginger Banks, Chairman
information exchanges between RT&J, networks and Mary Bryant
collegiate and alumnae chapters. Kay Elam
Dr. Shokooh Miry
Conducted conference calls for Keepers of the Ritual Leigh Perry
and their advisers in each Network to help orient them Bev Townsend
to their positions. Gayle Fitzpatrick (Ex-Officio)
Joan MacCallum (Ex-Officio)
Started a column in each edition of the Piper to
address Ritual-related topics and highlight RT&J Approved the NPC commemorative badge to honor
initiatives. AOII’s chairmanship of the National Panhellenic
Conference (2017-2019).
Recorded 19 “Ritual Moments” and made them and the
related transcripts available through the Fulfilling the Convened for an RT&J meeting in November 2016.
Promise website.
Eliminated the specification that Pledge Ceremony
Conducted Ritual workshops for 22 collegiate chapters sponsor also is the sponsor during Initiation.
and day-long Ritual training for the Educational
Leadership Consultants during 2015 and 2016. Also, Continued efforts to make Ritual increasingly more
conducted Ritual educational sessions for collegians accessible by relaxing Ritual attire requirements for
and alumnae during the 2016 Leadership Institute. AOII events and for alumnae attending collegiate
chapter Rituals.
Wrote the introductions for the New Member Educator
and Recruitment Manuals. Each introduction linked our Contributed revisions to the Rituals sections of the
Ritual with the responsibilities of the respective officers International Membership Exam and Collegiate Chapter
and operations of the entire chapter. Standards of Excellence.
Proposed 11 changes to the Standing Rules and Book Served as keynote speakers during six Founders’ Days
of Policies (which the Executive Board approved). and one chapter anniversary celebration.
They included: allowing collegians to wear badges
as pendants and on rings and bracelets; adding the Approved six new chapter names and submottoes.
Keeper of the Ritual to collegiate chapter Leaders’
Councils; changing ownership of the badge from Responded to various inquiries regarding AOII
the Fraternity to each member; authorizing a 75th proceedings and jewelry.
membership anniversary pin; and changing the Pledge
Ceremony to a Service to allow the public to attend.
Standing Committees & Special Appointments
National Panhellenic Conference Delegation
Biennial Accomplistments AOII NPC Delegation
Worked with our collegiate chapters on successfully Carole Jones, Delegate
implementing NPC’s new policy on campus total Mary Ann Stark, Alternate Delegate
allowing College Panhellenics to keep chapter sizes Kerry Soller, Second Alternate Delegate
comparable and support the continued growth of Lisa Moore, Third Alternate Delegate
smaller chapters.
Service on NPC Committees
Provide on-going support with regard to implementing
values-based recruitment. Vice Chairman: Carole Jones
100% of our chapters have a Delegation liaison to NPC Foundation President: Janet Brown
support the chapter and campus decisions regarding
extension, campus Panhellenic rules and regulations Secretary of the 26 Inter/national Presidents
and campus governance concerns or issues. Group: Gayle Fitzpatrick
Monitored campus safety issues affecting sorority New College Panhellenics Committee Chairman:
women and encouraged efforts to promote sexual Mary Ann Stark (Chair)
assault awareness.
College Panhellenic Area Advisors: Mary Ann Stark,
Partnered with the Education Committee to Kerry Soller, Lisa Moore
facilitate Leadership Academy 2017 dedicated to all
things NPC. Fraternity & Sorority Political Action Committee:
Dian Volkmer
Legislative Committee: Lisa Moore
RFM Specialists: Kaya Miller, Jenna Lutz and
Jackie Petrucci
National Panhellenic Communications Conference Vice
Chairman: Mariellen Sasseen
Student Safety & Sexual Assault Awareness Special
Committee: Kerry Soller
University Housing Committee: Veronica Kentish
Chapter Financial Transparency Task Force: Mary
Ann Stark
Technology Task Force: Gayle Fitzpatrick
Gayle serves on the Technology Task Force as they review
NPC’s current capabilities and make recommendations
for upgrades.
Gender Identity Study Group: Kerry Soller
Kerry serves on the NPC Gender Identity Study Group and
is specifically working with other study group members
to develop resources for College Panhellenics and
member organizations as they consider the inclusion of
transgender and gender non-conforming persons.
Inspire Ambition
Alpha Omicron Pi Biennial Report Page 23
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way
Brentwood, TN 37027