S P E C I A L O F F E R G O O D U N T I L J A N . 1, 1 9 2 2
• • • Graduate and Associate Mem-
bers of A l p h a O m i c r o n P i
A t t e n t l O n lA i i
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Frontispiece .- 193
Mirrors of Alpha O •• 197
Glimpses of Chapters 206
The Noble Alpha Phis 208
National Vocational Guidance Plans 209
The Vocational Adviser 211
Alpha O, We Love Thee Dearly 212
Convention Program -213
Convention Transportation Schedule 216
Reports on Chapters 218
A Toast to Alpha 0 220
Editorials 222
Announcements 225
Exchanges 228
Active Chapter Letters 240
Alumnae Chapter Letters 253
Alumnae Notes 269
1922 - 1923
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 132 West 12th St., New York City.
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '98, 118 W. 183 St.,
New York, N. Y .
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, 45 West
Thirty-fifth Street, New York, N. Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J .
Grand President, Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A. J . ) , 2734 Park Place,
Evanston, Illinois.
Grand Secretary, Laura A. Hurd, 524 Riverside Drive, New York City,
N. Y.
Grand Treasurer, Viola C. Gray, 1527 South Twenty-third St., Lincoln, Neb.
Grand Vice President, Katherine March Thomas (Mrs. S. J . ) , c|o Prof.
F . A. March, College Campus, Easton, Pa.
Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , 45 West
35th St., New York City, N. Y .
Extension Officer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph), 1028 Oxford St.,
Berkeley, Cal.
Examining Officer, Edith Goldsworthy, 1132 Metropolitan Bank Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
National Panhellenic Delegate, Lillian McQuillan McCausland (Mrs.
Norman L . , J r . ) , 246 Waterman St., Providence, R. I.
Editor of To Dragma, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. Harry E . ) 2855
N. Richmond St., Chicago, 111.
Business Manager of To Dragma, June Kelly, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood.
President, Lillian MacQuillan McCausland (Mrs. Norman L , J r . ) , 246
Waterman St., Providence, R. I.
Editor-in-Chief. Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. H . E . ) , 2855 N. Rich-
mond St., Chicago, 111.
Assistant Editor, Anna Hofert Kirk (Mrs. B. L . ) , 1011 W. Clark St.,
Champaign, Illinois.
Exchange Editor, Marguerite P. Schoppe (Mrs. W. F . ) , 602 So. 3rd Ave.,
Bozeman, Mont.
Business Manager, June Kelley, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood, Mass.
North Atlantic District, Gladys Wales (Mrs. Winthrop L . ) , 416 West
Ononandaga Street, Syracuse, N Y.[Nf J, T, E, X, W.)
Southern District, Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. Carl C ) , Bav
St. Louis, Miss. [77, K, O, NK, NO.)
N E . Central District, Melita Skillen, Greenleaf Ant. Hotel, 1445
Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, 111. I 0 . P , J , H,X), Oil.]
N. W. Central District, Charlotte Hall Uhls (Mrs. Kenneth B . ) , 3403
Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. T,A4>, <2».]
Pacific District. Lucile Curtis English (Mrs. W. A.) 1933 Oxford Ave.,
Los Angeles. Cal. [ 2 , ^ , f ]
North Atlantic District, Josephine S. Pratt, 156 West 170th St., New
York City. New York, Providence, Boston, Bangor, Washington,
Philadelphia, Svracuse.
Southern District, Genevieve Shea Reddick (Mrs. J . D.) 1298 Vinton,
Memphis, Tenn. New Orleans. Knoxville, Lynchburg, Dallas, Nash-
N. E . Central District, Grace Pierson Gilbert (Mrs. Samuel H . ) , 2714
Hartzell, St., Evanston, 111. Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleve-
land, Champaign-Urbana Association.
N. W. Central District, Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lincoln, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha.
Pacific District, Louise Dow Benton, 5566 29th Ave., N. E . , Seattle, Wash.
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma
Pi—Dorothy Weston, Newoomb College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Lillian S. Griffin (Mrs. R. M.) 5 West 124 St., New York City.
Omicron—Lucy Morrison, 939 North 5th Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Rose Smith, R. M. W. C , Lyndhburg, Va.
Zeta—Pauline Gellatly, 500 North 16th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Elizabeth Hesser, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Barbara Beeson. A. O. P. House, Greencastle. Ind.
Delta—Susan O'Brien. Start House. Tufts College. Mass.
Gamma—Mary Perkins, Mt. Vernon House. Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Catherine Campion, The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Dorothy Pearson, 1310 Hood Ave., Chicago. 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailev. A O I I House. Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ruth Ann Coughlan, 712 West Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Minnie Hanson, 914 4th St., S E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Helen Roszell. 818 S. West St., Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—Helen Hepler, 1909 25th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kapna—Josephine Garvin, 3520 Drexel Drive. Dallas. Tex.
Beta Phi—Gertrude Baily, 703 E . 7th St., Bloomineton, Ind.
Eta—Jeannette Boyer. 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Margaret Conkling. 516 S. Grand St., Bozeman. Mont.
Nu Omicron—Nell Fain..315 22nd Ave. N., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Esther James, 49 E . Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia,
Phi—Mary Hook, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence. Kans.
Omega—Vesta Magee. West Hall, Miami University, Oxford. Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Dorothy Jacobs, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich
Pi—Emily Slack, Newcomb College, New Orleans, L a .
Xu—Dorothy Crowley. 25 Fifth Ave.. New York City.
Omicron—Dorothy Whitaker, 413 W. Cumberland. Knoxville. Tenn.
Kappa—Bessie Minor Davis, R. M. W. C , Lynchbursr, Va.
Zeta—Margaret McNernev, 2736 P Street, Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Mildred Ewing, 2721 Haste St.. Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Margaret Safford. A. O. P. House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Mary Sears, Metcalf Hall, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Ruth Spear, Balentine Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Ruth Oviatt. The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y.
Rho—Louise Lowry, 1643 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago, III.
Lambda—Doris Bailey. A O I I House, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Vera Bean, 712 West Oregon St.. Urbana. 111.
Tau—Elizabeth Reinertsen. 914 4th St.. S. F... Minneapolis. Minn.
Chi—Matilda N. Petri, 1017 Harrison Ave., Syracuse. N. Y .
Upsilon—Margaret Shotwell, 1906 E . 45th St., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Mary Marshall, 4712 Sycamore St., Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Gertrude Manley, 703 E . 7th St., Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Maude Irene Jones, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Helen Waite, 901 S. Willson Ave., Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Margaret McCoy, 1612 Linden Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Margaret Story, 318 Pembroke Road, Cynwyd, Pa.
Phi—Eva Drumm, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans.
Omega—Frances Lew Ivins, West Hall, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Irene Swain, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan.
New York—Mary H . Donlon, 40 Exchange Place, Room 1108, New York
Boston—Octavia Chapin, 102 Summer St., Medford, Mass.
San Francisco—Grace Weeks Jory (Mrs. S. L . ) 1421 Scenic Ave., Berke-
ley, Cal.
Providence—Muriel Wyman (Mrs. P. H.) 1739 Broad St., Providence,
R. I.
Los Angeles—Margaret H . Pittman, 1338 Sierra Bonita St., L o s Ange-
les, Calif.
Lincoln—Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D. St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Chicago—Marie Vick Swanson (Mrs. A. E . ) 829 Forest Ave., Evanston,
Indianapolis—Ethel Hippensteel (Mrs. R.) 2911 N. New Jersey St., In-
dianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Jessie Roane, 2231 Marengo St., New Orleans, La".
Minneapolis—Lucilc Haertel (Mrs. W . G.), 1522 Aldrich Ave N., Min-
neapolis, Minn.
Bangor—Aileen Libby (Mrs. Lewis), Box 75, Milford, Maine.
Seattle—Irma McCormick Crook (Mrs. C. G.) Box 671, Seattle, Wash.
Portland—Edna Froyd, Nortonia Hotel, Portland, Ore.
Knoxville—Minn Elois Hunt, 509 E . Hill Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg—Laura Radford Yates (Mrs. R. T . ) ; 300 Madison St.,
Lynchburg, Va.
Washington—Elizabeth Farrington (Mrs. J . R . ) , 3603 Norton Place,
Washington, D. C.
Dallas—Lura Temple, 4912 Worth St., Dallas, Tex.
Philadelphia—Avis Hunter Rumpp (Mrs. Carl F . ) 3006 Midvale Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Kansas City—Florence Klapmeyer, 5836 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha—Mattie W. Higgins (Mrs. L . A . ) , 6547 N. 24th St., Omaha, Nebr.
Syracuse—Elizabeth French, Syracuse Public Library, Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit—Cora L . Wiedman (Mrs. E . G.), 206 S. Washington St., Ypsil-
anti, Mich.
Nashville—Florence Tyler, 1706 Sweetbrier Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland—Margaret Betz, 1290 W. 104 St., Cleveland, Ohio.
J U N E K E L L E Y , Gamma
Business Manager of To Dragma
Vol X V I I I May, 1923 No. 4
T O D R A G M A is published at 415 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis,
Minn., by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minne-
apolis, Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in sec-
tion 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.
T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September, Novem-
ber, February and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.00.
Gamma chapter girls of the years 1908 to 1912 and many
who came to know M . June Kelley later remember vividly her
two dominant characteristics, a lovable disposition and an execu-
tive ability. We who felt the power of these in college days
have wondered how they would be utilized in the following
years. This is the tale, though I must interrupt to remind that
that same executive ability is being exercised strenuously in her
business manager-ship of "To Dragma."
From 1912 to 1914 she taught in Freedom Academy in
Freedom, Maine; and all one's talents and abilities are put to
test in teaching in a small town academy. She was at once the
beloved idol, the fount of wisdom, and the strong arm of justice,
to those eager country children. I n 1914 she returned to the
University of Maine to continue in advanced work in German
and to act as student teacher. She again identified herself with
student activities, being adviser to the girls along many lines.
She took a deep interest in the work of the Bangor Alumnae
Chapter and was indispensable in helping Panhellenic relation-
ship to make its new and precarious way among the rapidly
increasing sororities. I n 1916 she received her Master of Arts
degree in German, but continued with the college until 1918,
when she went into the business world. She became connected
with the Plimpton Press of Norwood, Massachusetts. The press
plant was at that time practically given over to war work and
her executive ability soon made her head of the bandage depart-
ment, consisting of 150 women. That task of management i n -
volved more than directive force; her sympathetic disposition
stood her in as good stead as when the undergraduates needed
W i t h the cessation of war work, her ability was not for-
gotten; she was given charge of the planning room, and later
of the order department. This in turn, led into experience in
the sales office. W i t h that double equipment she was granted the
opportunity of organizing a new office, the purpose of which was
to link the sales and production department, and so give better
service to customers. Evidently the organization was a success
for June still holds the position and has not, as many women
who entered business during the war, proved a temporary stop
She has made a place in a big business which she is needed
to fill. So lovable a disposition combined with executive ability
will take one far. The best of luck to you, June!
M A R Y R. T O W L E , N U
Mary Rutter Towle is a Massachusetts woman and a graduate
of Bryn M a w r College with the degree of A . B. and A . M . A f t e r
graduation she studied at Radcliffe College and at New York
University Law School. She was admitted to the bar in 1912,
and since 1913 has been a member of the firm of Rembaugh &
Towle, with offices at No. 165 Broadway, New Y o r k City. I n
June, 1921, she was appointed Assistant United States District
Attorney in the office of the United States District Attorney f o r
the Southern District of New York.
Her work in the United States District Attorney's office re-
lates chiefly to Customs matters, including collection of duties and
forfeiture actions, and also includes various kinds of contract
actions to which the United States Government is a party, admir-
alty cases, and miscellaneous matters. The work is entirely civil
in character, excepting f o r an occasional prosecution f o r smug-
gling, other criminal cases in the office being handled by a separate
Miss Towle was an ardent suffragist. From 1913 to 1919 she
served as legal adviser to the National American Woman Suffrage
Association, and in 1915 and 1916 was Chairman of Congressional
W o r k f o r Manhattan Borough of the .Woman Suffrage Party of
New York City. I n politics she is Republican and is a member
of the Republican County Committee of New Y o r k County. She
is First Vice-President of the Women Laywer's Association and
is a member of the Criminal Courts Committee of the New York
County Lawyers' Association.
When Delta Sigma became Delta of Alpha Omicron Pi there
was initiated among the group, Carolyn Fraser, who graduated
f r o m T u f t s in 1908. I t was not very long before one M r . A r t h u r
C. Pulling carried her away f r o m the east to a home in Minne-
apolis, where she has been ever since. She was a charter member
of Boston and Minneapolis Alumnae chapter and a great help to
Tau in its infancy. T o know how Carolyn became a national
figure in A O Pi, one must follow the fortune of To Dragma
f r o m 1918 to 1921 when under her able administration as Busi-
ness Manager, the magazine was put on a sound financial basis.
But her greatest achievement for A O Pi was to work out and
put through the L i f e Subscription Plan, of which we are just
beginning to reap the benefits. There are few in this fraternity
as good at finances and with a better head f o r details. I t must
not be supposed that she is all business and cold facts though, for •
a warmer hearted girl cannot be found. T o know her is to love
P T S" c * 'a t h e r Philadelphia Alumnae Margaret K. Story, Psi
Ruth H . Savage, Gamma Alice Campbell, Upsilon
H o w I would like to make all of you see the chapters I've
visited as I have seen them—and yet how well I realize just
what an undertaking that is! Each chapter i n the list has heard
me tell of the preceding visits and each time after I have finished
I have wondered just how well I had succeeded i n getting across
to them the varying personalities of the many girls which make
up active AOIT, and the like and unlike characteristics of the
various chapters which make both f o r uniformity of type and
ideals and yet give the pleasing variations which any group must
have to make it a truly "all-round" group. First of all I want
to tell you how much I liked all the chapters and how very much
I liked the individual girls—it seems to me that I have come home
with a lot of new friendships which have given me a new fund
of inspiration and joy for the years to come. Everywhere I was
met with the most cordial goodwill, with the most earnest desire
to cooperate with me in every way possible, and with the realiza-
tion that all the efforts and criticisms of the National Officers are
not personal but are the result of an earnest desire to help us
build above our weaknesses to the f u l l strength that should be
ours, as chapters and as a national organization.
Omega was the first chapter I inspected—Miami is as you
know a small university but one that abounds in college spirit—
everywhere I was struck with the cordial goodwill of the students
one toward another and of the prevailing fine spirit of democracy.
There are six women's fraternities at Miami, Delta Gamma just
having installed a chapter there. The other groups were most
cordial to me, sending me candy and flowers and in every way
possible making my stay in O x f o r d a happy one. Due to the
unfortunate time of my visit—I was there in the midst of exam-
inations—I did not meet as many of the other girls as I could
have wished but i f all the girls at Miami are like our Omega
chapter, Miami is indeed fortunate in her student body. Dean
Hamilton I found most pleasant, anxious to cooperate in every
way with the fraternities and help build up the groups to the
highest possible point. The chapter is also fortunate in having
had as alumna adviser f o r so long a time, Helen Haller, who has
been in very close touch with the chapter ever since her own
graduation. The girls themselves I found very attractive, very
much interested in all phases of college activities, and well repre-
sented in the big things of college life. The)' were girls of very
evident good breeding, happy in their chapter life, and evidently
very popular with the men—almost too many fraternity pins and
engagement rings floating around. A l l in all I was very pleased
with the advance the chapter had made in the four years that they
had existed on the Miami Campus, and very proud to think that I
had had some small share in their installation so short a time ago.
Then an overnight trip and I was in Knoxville being met by
the girls of Omicron very early in the morning. I n fact, almost
all of my train connections brought me to the different places at
most ungodly hours but I have to give the girls credit—they
met me—regardless of the hour! Knoxville is a pretty little city
set in the midst of hills and the campus is itself on a rather steep
hill, especially steep to climb for one that has added considerable
avoirdupois in the past two years! But I did climb that hill
several times and enjoyed each climb, especially when the result
was an interview with Dean Greve. Perhaps you don't remember,
but Dean Greve is also an AOIT, a member of Omicron chapter
and a most lovely person. I cannot tell you how wonderful it is
going to be f o r all of us to have her as Dean when we meet f o r
Convention with Omicron—I only hope that all of you may go
and get to know her f o r yourselves. A n d of course it was pleasant
to see Lucretia Bickley again, to go over the plans f o r Convention
with her, to meet Ailcy Kyle Peet, Blossom S w i f t Edmunds, Willa
McLemore, Martha L o u Jones, aren't the names sweet?—and
many others whom you had known by name and always hoped
you would have the chance to know in person some day. A n d
of course I was more than delighted over the prospects we have
for an exceedingly happy Convention at Whittle Springs, and
more enthusiastic over the plans each day as they grew as we
talked and planned. Needless to say it is not necessary f o r me to
urge any of you to attend—I know you are all just as anxious to
go as T am—and that is saying a good deal!—and that you'll be
there i f it is at all possible, and that if you can't be there in person
you will at least be there in spirit and will be hoping that this
may be a most successful convention f o r A O I 1 . As to the chapter
itself—do I need to say much? You will love them all I know
when you meet them in June. I stayed at one of the dormitories
with the chapter—a huge old southern home that has been slightly
adapted f o r present day needs—I say slightly advisedly, when I
remember.the huge high ceilinged-room that I occupied—almost
large enough to make a small home in these days of conservation
of space—with its three single beds, three dressers, study tables,
chairs, trunks, etc.—all of which hardly seemed to fill it. A n d the
huge staircase, with its graceful curve and heavy railing—need I
say that at night when the soft lights were on I half expected to
see some gracious southern lady of the early forties come trailing
her draperies down on the way to some gorgeous party ? A n d the
air was so balmy that despite the soft coal dirt I loved the place
and only wished I might have stayed longer. A n d yet I haven't
said much about the girls, have I ? They are southern of course,
and delighted me with their soft mannerisms, their "yes'ms" and
their "sure nuff" with a slightly rising inflection. They seemed a
bit more reserved than the northern college girl, a bit more mature
for their age perhaps and with more of a serious purpose in life
apparent in their ordinary conversation. I remembered one of the
girls told me that they didn't run around with men much after
their sophomore year unless they had a definite affair—and I re-
member too the little air with which she said it—Omicron, can you
guess whom I mean? But in spite of their seriousness I found
them very likeable and f u l l of f u n , as pleasure-loving as most
girls of their age—I know you'll like 'em when you know them in
Nu Omicron next—and I arrived in rain which continued
almost constantly during all my stay in Nashville. Naturally I
was told that weather like this was unusual—but then I've been
about enough to be used to that! and I had a good time in spite
of the weather! Saturday was the day of my arrival and as I
was also attending a wedding in Nashville at which M r . Hennings
was to be a member of the bridal party, the girls were kind enough
to give up the entire day to me, and I got to know a lot of them
well. We went right out to the campus where I found conditions
most interesting. Vanderbilt is in the main a men's school and
the girls are allowed only i n very limited numbers, fifty each
year, I believe. This means a women's body of about 150, and
a very cordial spirit among all the girls. There are only three
women's fraternities, KA(~), A A A and AOIT. While I was on
the campus we held an informal reception, I think one might call
it, in the women's dressing room—and I think I met most of the
Vanderbilt girls there before I had a chance to meet them again
at the tea the girls gave f o r me in the afternoon. I t was all very
pleasant and very happy. There is no dean of women at Vander-
bilt but I met the Dean of the School who told me how wonder-
fully well our chapter ranked on the campus and the Dean of
Men whose wife happens to be an A O I I — o u r own Mary D .
Houston Saratt. Mrs. Darden of Sigma Kappa called on me just
to tell me. 1 think, how much she liked our girls at Vanderbilt!
And well she might; they are attractive and "peppy"—combine
the southern girls' charm with the northern girls' vivacity. They
are building a little club house not far f r o m the campus which
is fully as pretty as those the other groups have and which is
going to raise the chapter quite to the seventh heaven when it is
completed. Naturally most of the girls are town girls and as such
have no need for a chapter house to live in-—but they will have
a lot of use f o r this little club house. They can entertain, have
small luncheons and can meet there f o r their own pleasant times.
I surely should love to see it when it is completed—and the N u
Omicron girls in i t !
And then I traveled still farther south to lovely quaint New
Orleans. I have to hold myself in check here lest I go clear out
of bounds and spend too much time telling you how charming this
southern city is with its old French quarter f u l l of curio shops
where one is constantly tempted to spend all he has and more, its
narrow streets with the overhanging balconies whose railings
are of hand wrought iron, the old "Cabildo" which was the home
of the government way back in the days of Spanish possession
and where you can still see the old prison cells, and the torture
implements of those f a r gone days. A n d the old cemeteries, and
the little Saint Joseph which some one gives you and which is
supposed to bring you the most desired g i f t in the world—could
mi m . - i H BE
Helen Mac Lcnnan, Omega Alice Stranahan. Alpha Phi
Dorothy Wiley. Omicron Pi. Georgia Morrison. Pi
one help but be charmed with all of this, especially when you
have girls to guide you who know the place f r o m A to Z? A n d
the weather, eighty-five and the sun shining! A n d that in January!
The green grass, the palms and magnolias, and the birds—it was
like a whiff of summer that seems like a dream now to me as I
look out on my world which is still barren and muddy. A n d the
girls seemed to go with the place—don't you love the sound of
the names ? I don't suppose you can get it when they are merely
written out—but doesn't Jacinto Lobrano, Andrea Martinez, Nora
O'Neill, Genevra Washburn for instance, tell you a lot about the
mixed races from which we draw? Newcomb, as you know, is
the women's college of Tulane University. They have their own
separate buildings, all new, and very modern and complete. A l l
the walks leading up to the buildings are bordered with red roses
—wasn't that a lovely greeting? Of course you know too under
what hard conditions the girls of Pi rush—they have had sopho-
more pledging f o r so long that they are sick to death of rushing
and the rather natural result is a system of "promising" which
is hardly ethical but which is nature's rather natural reaction to a
most difficult situation. How long the girls will have to struggle
along under such hardships—no one knows—but we're certain
that they feel how much we all hope that easier times are ahead
for them and that some day the chapter will have the chance to
know something more of fraternity life than that part connected
with rushing. Pi is to have charge of the singing at Convention,
many of their girls will be there, and I know they'll help make you
happy as only southern girls know how to do. Another Alpha
Omicron Pi Dean, Anna Many, is at Newcomb. She is adored
by all the girls—and we hope she, too, will be at Convention.
And what do you suppose I ran into next? A snowstorm
in Texas! A n d O, how cold it seemed, especially as it was so
warm when I left New Orleans that I put my coat in my trunk
and wore my suit. A n d the houses in Dallas are heated mainly
with natural gas and in the larger homes you freeze when you
are three feet f r o m the fireplace—of course this also was unusual
weather! but indeed I could see it was, f o r all the girls were
raving about the beautiful snow—and we would call it but a begin-
ning at home. A l l the students were out that Sunday after the
storm, with sleds dug up f rom-goodness-knows-where and when
sleds were lacking, with improvised ones made f r o m ladders and
boards and what-not. I t was great f u n to watch them. But i f
Dallas was cold, my reception there certainly wasn't. I t was
great f u n to see Margaret Bentley again and such a pleasure to
stay in Margaret Vaughan Branscomb's pretty new home, to meet
her charming mother, her splendid husband, and to love her
precious baby—even i f it did make me homesick f o r small Mar-
garet Ellen—so many, many miles away! Many of you remember
both of these girls f r o m the last two Conventions and I ' m hoping
you'll meet them both at the next one, as well as other Dallas
alumnae who surely will be there i f they can. The active chapter,
you know, are going to edit the paper and you'll all be waiting
anxioush' f o r each new issue—of that I ' m confident. The girls of
Nu Kappa chapter live in the dormitories and have a big chapter
room f o r their meetings. They have a lot of town girls, and rank
very well both in Dallas and on their own campus. For N u Kappa
they have an unusually large chapter this year—twenty-two girls,
very attractive and very well-liked by the dean.
Next on the list came Kansas City and a luncheon with the
alumnae chapter there; it seemed good to see Charlotte Hall Uhls
again, to meet members f r o m Alpha, Kappa and Phi and talk over
the fraternity affairs with girls as interested as they were. Then
Charlotte took me all around the beautiful residence sections of
K . C. and later in the afternoon, with her car filled with things
for the actives we drove over to Lawrence f o r my visit with Phi.
Phi is buying her own home which is prettily located on a hill
and isn't far from the campus. By the way, did you know that
Kansas U.'is on a hilltop? I didn't, I ' l l confess—in fact I think
that all I really knew about Kansas was her "Rock-chalk-Jay-
hawk" college yell! Such is fame! Well, anyway, the campus
is very beautiful in its natural features and as the years go by
it should have every opportunity of becoming one of the most
beautiful of American campi. O f course in coming f r o m N u
Kappa I was leaving entirely the southern atmosphere f o r one
more strictly western—and the type varies with the locality.
There are 11 national women's fraternities at K . U . which covers
only about one-third of the women. Our chapter there is as you
know rather new, but has of course been mighty fortunate in
having two alumnae of other chapters near at hand to help its
growth—Charlotte Uhls of Upsilon and Katherine M i x of Epsilon
— I can't quite imagine what the chapter could have done without
either of them. Charlotte is the indispensable right hand man
when it comes to getting things done f o r the chapter and Kath-
erine has been the most f a i t h f u l almuna adviser possible. Inci-
dentally I wish I could stop right here and give you some idea of
some of the wonderful alumnae advisers I met with on my trip
and I am convinced that this officer above all others has a tre-
mendous influence f o r good or i l l to the chapter—good i f she is
the type who has the interest of her chapter close to her heart—
if she can handle girls tactfully and gain their confidence—and
for i l l i f she is the rather hike-warm type who attends meetings
"occasionally," advises once and awhile (when she can't get out
of i t ) and expects the girls to carry her about on a platter. For-
tunately not many of this latter type are advisers, but I do think-
that most advisers could make more of their position in the better-
ment of the chapter in their charge than they do. Some of the
advisers, however, are as near perfect in their positions as humans
could be and among these I place two Epsilon girls—Katherine
Mix, adviser f o r Phi and Melita Skillen, adviser for Rho. Epsilon
should be proud of the girls she has sent out who have made
themselves almost indispensable to other chapters. The girls
of Phi will reward this close care—of that I ' m confident; they
are making every effort to become well and favorably known on
the campus and they are willing and anxious to do any and every-
thing that is suggested to them by the officers of A O I L I found
a- lovely spirit of cooperation in every suggestion I had to offer.
Many of the girls are gifted musically—indeed they furnished
their own orchestra for their "Tea." A n d Rose Mary Barrons.
a Junior, has been one of the stars in the dramatics of the uni-
versity. W e shall all watch Phi grow with a great deal of confi-
dence in her ability to make good.
A f t e r another night's trip I found myself in Lincoln, busy
talking over matters with Viola Gray and happily learning to
know some of Zeta's most loyal alumnae. Monday early I went
over to the chapter house, most anxious to meet the "Hullinger"
girls of whom I had begun to hear rumors from way beyond
Lincoln! Both seniors, both Mortarboard members—one a dele-
gate f r o m Nebraska to the national Convention of Mortarboard
—both active in almost every phase of college activities I found
them all that rumor had said they were. A n d I found too, a
chapter made up of girls that ably seconded the Hullinger girls
in all their activities—a group that is well and favorably known
on all the campus. I met and liked the dean of women too, found
her most willing to assist the fraternity officers in any of their
efforts to help build up their chapters. Zeta is bending her efforts
—as so many other of our chapters are, toward building herself
a home that will be adequate f o r her needs. Very few of the
chapters at Lincoln own their own homes and there are very few
attractive houses. The situation in Lincoln is made difficult by
the fact that the campus is so near Lincoln's downtown section,
that there are very few vacant lots left and that property is ex-
ceedingly high. Zeta will probably have to buy an old house and
tear it down to make room f o r a new one—and of course all of
you that are in the house-buying or house-building proposition
know what that means! A n d we are all just as anxious as is
Zeta to see her in a home of her own before -many more years
pass—all luck to you in your aims, Zeta!
In the midst of that cold spell that hit all the country I got to
Omaha and had the pleasure of meeting one of the "livest" groups
of alumnae that I think we have. The girls come f r o m many
chapters, give their time freely f o r A O l ! and in spite of the
weather turned out well to meet me, avid f o r all my news of the
other chapters. And poor Mattie Higgins, their president, had
the doubtful pleasure of waiting at the station for me f o r my
belated train to arrive! But eventually I did arrive in Minne-
apolis and as the colored porter said, "Too bad it was too late to
have breakfast with my fiance," was it the big Valentine box of
candy that Lincoln Alumnae had given me or was it just the
happily expectant expression I wore at again seeing so many
of my old friends in Minneapolis that gave him that idea? A n d
indeed I was glad to be in Minneapolis again—it felt just like
coming home! There was Carol Pulling, Edith Huntington,
Edith Goldsworthv, Inez Downing Jayne, many others whom I
had met and known before—many of them knew me well enough
to call me Merva—did it sound good? Like home! A n d the
girls themselves were easy to know, happy together, and the
chapter seemed filled with that indefinable spirit that represents
AOIT at its best. Tau sang the best and the most of all the chapters
I visited—their chaperon is charming, their table service gracious
—their home atmosphere lovely. Tau is such a chapter as I
could wish we might have everywhere—and that we could keep
just that indefinable spirit of happiness and love and mutual serv-
ice—and "pep" always at its height.
Then on to Eta—Eta, too, is young and has I think been
well-known through all A O I l f o r the wonderful name she has
made for herself on the Wisconsin campus in the few short years
she has been in existence there. She is buying her own home—a
lovely house right in the fraternity section and with a lovely
view over one of the small lakes which dot Madison. The chapter
is small f o r a Wisconsin chapter but the girls have a happy time
together and seem very congenial. Dean Nardin seems very
anxious to have all the groups reach their highest development
and gave me much help and good advice. I wish that my stay
at Madison could have been longer, but time would not permit.
(Material about the Eastern Chapters did not reach us in time for
With the initiation of Joy J . Noble, February 24, Alpha Phi claims
the distinction of having five sisters on her chapter roll and wonders if
any other chapter can equal or eclipse that record. First is Ruth Noble
Dawson (Mrs. Elmer) of Belt, Montana. "Ruthie" has the distinction of
having been chairman of Montana's first Vocational Congress of High
School Girls held at Montana State, said to be the first gathering of the
kind in the country. Now, Marjorie, Dorothy and baby George claim most
of her time and attention. Dorothy '22, recently resigned as Dietitian of
the Great Falls Deaconess Hospital, to be at home with her mother for a
time. Nita '23 was the successful chairman of this year's Vocational
Congress. Helen '25 is one of the girls in college taking an Aggie Course
and is a loyal member of the Aggie Club. Now that Joy '26 is an Alpha
O we are looking forward a dozen years or so and hoping that little Jane
now in kindergarten will elect to continue her education at Montana State,
and that we may some day claim a half dozen Nobles!
Pauline Hobson, Washington Alumnae Mary Rose Barrons, Ph
Florence Tyler, Nashville Alumnae Gladys Rice, Zcta
The interest in Vocational Guidance for college students has been
growing steadily for the last few years, as is evidenced by the increasing
number of institutions including Vocational Counsellors or Advisers on
their staffs, as well as the growing number of Vocational Conferences
throughout the country. The present day undergraduate has much greater
opportunity of knowing what openings there are for the college trained
woman, and how to prepare for them before graduation than had her
older sister.
There are a number of organizations from which both the graduate
and the undergraduate may secure occupational information, such as the
Bureau for Vocational Information in New York City and the Southern
Woman's Educational Alliance in Richmond, Va. These both issue bulle-
tins of information, but neither does placement work. This is provided
for by the various Occupational Bureaus, located chiefly in large cities,
such as New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Pittsburgh, etc., as well as the
College and University Appointment Bureaus, which are prepared both to
give information as to openings and to make recommendations for posi-
Up to the present time the National Vocational Guidance Committee
of Alpha Omicron Pi has existed chiefly on paper, principally because of
lack of an occupational census of the fraternity. Now, however, that a
survey of the membership has been accomplished through the Grand Sec-
retary's office, we hope to make possible a Vocational Clearing House by
utilizing the knowledge and experience of our own members and in this
way supplement other sources of Vocational help and information. The
local committees of some of our Alumnae chapters have already been
functioning most effectively, as for example, the Seattle Alumnae, who
were able, not long since, to find openings for two of their eastern sisters
who wished to come west.
When we realize that Alpha Omicron Pi has nearly 3,000 associate
members and that these are scattered, not only in every state and terri-
tory of the Union, but in many parts of the world, we get some idea of our
fraternity potentialities. Over 50 per cent of these are married, from
some 10 per cent or 15 per cent we have been able to secure no information,
but the rest are engaged in more than fifty different businesses or profes-
sions, some of them leaders in their particular fields. There are, perhaps,
more in the teaching profession than in any other, but a few of the other
lines of work represented are: law, medicine, social and religious work
(including the ministry), nursing, banking, insurance, real estate, journal-
ism, music, art, dramatics, science (including chemistry, bacteriology,
pharmacy, etc.), tearoom and gift shop management, etc.
We have thus a finely equipped body from which to secure informa-
tion and advice as to openings in various fields in different sections of the
country and abroad, and it only remains to devise some means by which
to make effective and efficient use of it. With the cooperation of alumnae
chapters and individuals the National Vocational Guidance Committee
hopes to be of real service to the fraternity membership at large by acting
as a Clearing House of Information and Opportunities. May we not
count on your help?
Chairman. National Committee on Vocational Guidance.
There is no division of the teaching profession in which opportunities
for work and service are increasing' more rapidly than in the field of
Continuation School work, and no position more interesting than what
is known in New York City schools as "Preparatory Class" teacher, or
Vocational adviser.
Continuation Schools now in operation in nineteen states, are designed
to furnish compulsory part-time instruction to boys and girls who have
left school without completing the course, and are employed. This tre-
mendously large group includes the mentally and physically handicapped
who could not complete an elementary course, those compelled by financial
necessity to contribute to their own support, and those to whom the
conventional elementary or high school offered nothing of interest. Some
come direct from school, some have been in industry for months before
they are discovered and brought in. Few come willingly, because school
has meant either boredom or hopeless battling with tasks unsuited to
their powers. It is the duty of the preparatory teacher or vocational
adviser, whichever the official title may be, to begin that adjustment
between the young worker and his environment which is the aim of the
Continuation School. It is from this class of children that the ranks
of industrial drifters, misfits and malcontents will be recruited unless
means are found to widen their knowledge of occupations and encourage
them to discover their aptitudes.
One of the most interesting and valuable features of the work are
the daily visits to industrial plants and commercial establishments, which
must be made to secure employment, get first-hand information about
the mental and physical requirements for various positions, judge of its
suitability for certain individuals and secure the fco-operation of em-
ployers. Training of this sort would fit one for business positions as
employment managers, plant welfare-workers, or supervisors of plant
training classes which are maintained in all department stores, many
banks, large commercial houses and industrial plants. It is difficult to
find workers with both the academic and the practical knowledge necessary
for such positions, so a person with pedagogical training and the intelli-
gence for job-analysis has many opportunities in business organizations.
But it is within the school that the greatest possibilities for interest
and service lie. If the confidence necessary for success in this work is
established in the initial interview, at registration, the boy or girl will
come back for advice or confession as long as he or she remains in the
school. New problems arise every hour, in economics, psychology, manners
and morals. What shall be said to a sixteen-year-old girl who is about
to marry simply to escape a father's tyranny; what appeal made to a
boy who prefers to be a helper on a rum-runner's truck because it is
more exciting and lucrative than operating a drill press? When one
realizes that three-quarters of the voters in the United States never get
beyond the sixth year in elementary school, so the girls will derive their
ideas of child hygiene and training, from their mothers and the boys
their economic principles from the union delegate unless some other agency
moulds their adolescence, one gets some idea of the opportunity for
service that the continuation school affords.
To qualify as a vocational adviser one needs (1) knowledge of child
psychology and hygiene, including the problems of exceptional children;
(2) study of industry, occupations, labor problems and enough of industrial
processes to understand the practical problems confronting the child on
entering industry; (3) understanding of the principles of interviewing,
investigation and the utilization of community resources; (4) teaching
experience or supervised and sympathetic observation of teaching.
Octavia Chapin, Boston Alumnae
Geraldine Canfield, Helen Hood, Iota
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J U N E 25-30, 1923.
Monday—June 25
Delegates arrive before dinner. Registration.
Dinner at Whittle Springs.
Splash party and evening at home with Omicron and Southern Chap-
Tuesday—June 26
Opening Rituals. Roll Call.
Welcome—Dean Harriet C. Greve, University of Tennessee.
Response—Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Founder.
President's Address, Report of the Executive Committee.
Reports of Grand Officers, Chapters, Committees.
Announcements, Convention Committees.
Election of Alpha Omicron Pi Mardi Gras queen and court.
Evening—Nu Omicron in charge of Alpha Omicron Pi Mardi Gras.
Wednesday—June 27
Convention Business and Round Table Discussion.
Evening—Omicron in charge of Formal Reception.
Thursday—June 28
Convention Business and Round Table Discussion.
Knoxville Commercial Club—Automobile Tour of Knoxville for Alpha
Omicron Pi.
Formal and Initiation Rituals, Memorial Service at the Tower, Univer-
sity of Tennessee. Alpha Omicron Pi Pageant.
Pi Chapter in charge of Candle Light Service. The Founders will
be the speakers.
Friday—June 29
Election of Officers, Convention Business.
Open Meeting—Assembly at University of Tennessee. Joanna C.
Colcord, Gamma, Supt. City of New York Charity Organization
Society, speaker.
Convention Business. Reports of Convention Committee.
Announcement of honor chapters and awards.
Installation of Officers.
Closing Ritual.
Omicron in charge of Formal Banquet.
Saturday—June 30
Omicron hostess—Trip to Elkmont.
Omicron assisted by all Southern Chapters.
Omicron—Registration, Splash Party, Reception, Open Meeting, Ban-
quet, Elkmont.
Kappa—Arrangement of Ritual Meetings, Pageant.
Nu Omicron—Alpha Omicron Pi Mardi Gras. Delegates in Costume.
Nu Kappa—Editors of the First Convention Newspaper.
Pi—Convention Singing. Candle Light Service.
(Program subject to change.)
To Grand Council Members and Guests Traveling to Convention:
A schedule of suggested fares and routes is printed in this issue of To
Dragma. No particular railroad is favored but expert advice has been
given in selecting roads, time schedules making best connections at transfer
points and timing arrival at Knoxville in order that delegates will not be
late for the opening of Convention. The Knoxville Committee has also
given helpful suggestions to indicate the prettiest routes, avoidance of
excessive number of tunnels, and recommended daylight travel in arrival
at Knoxville. Members are advised to consult their local passenger agents
to verify the schedule printed herein and are at liberty to make their own
arrangements as to routes, etc.
In the case of delegates travelling to Convention at the expense of
the Fraternity or the convention active chapter pool—voucher must be
presented to the Grand Treasurer showing price paid for fare and pullman.
The prices listed in schedule are considered the maximum allowance for
delegates. Delegates making more expensive trips than direct to Knox-
ville and return on summer tourists rates, e. g. making Washington,
D. C , rather than Knoxville, Chattanooga or Tate Station the terminal
point, may have travelling allowance reduced in order that fraternity bears
its proper share of the expense. In no case shall allowance exceed the
amounts printed in schedule.
As soon as chapter payments to the pool are completed in May—the
Grand Treasurer will mail one-way transportation to the delegate. Return
allowance will be appropriated by the Executive Committee at Convention
—and any adjustment in allowance made, upon presentation of the required
voucher to the Grand Treasurer.
To reach Whittle Springs, buy ticket to Knoxville. The Omicron
Committee will meet all trains and arrange transportation from depots
to Whittle Springs Hotel. Notify local committee of time of your arrival.
Members in some instances can make material saving on transportation
costs by inquiring of local passenger agents for terminal points affording
round-trip rates. Knoxville is not a terminal or summer tourist point but
tickets can be purchased to take member through nearest summer tourist
point and then one-way ticket purchased to Knoxville; or members visiting
terminal points further south, West or East may make stop-over arrange-
ments in Knoxville. The local passenger agent alone can give you the
best advice in this matter. Special arrangements for leaving Knoxville
will be made for exclusive A. O. Pi pullmans to be parked, and which
members may board upon return from the Elkmont trip.
(Subject to change. Consult local passenger agents.)
Very Important: Be sure on purchasing tickets that the passenger agent
writes in the names of the various railroads on which the delegate is to
travel. In some instances different railroad companies use the same tracks
but not all companies have as convenient schedules. The following recom-
mendations are based on the best information available at the present time.
Consult passenger agents. Buy tickets to Knoxville.
To Knoxville from: Suggested Routes Fare Pullman br Seat
Bangor, Maine ( Me. Central to Port- $43.33 To New York $4.13
Orono, Maine \ land; B. & M. and N. Y. 43.63 N. V. to Knoxville
N. H . & H . to New York. $8.25
Thru train Penn. System
to W a s h i n g t o n and N. V. to Knoxville
Southern to Knoxville. $8.25
arrive Knoxville 1 :35 8.25
P.M. Another train ar- 2.10 (seat)
rives 7:15 P.M. 7.50
Boston, Mass. [ N. Y . N. H. & H . to 34.69 6.38 to Cincinnati
Providence, K. L \ New York in time to take 33.11 3.75 to Knoxville
thru train. (See Bangor-
Orono.) 5.63
New York City ( S e e Bangor-Orono) 26.43 7.50
Ithaca, N. Y . Take thru train. 2.63 (seat)
L . V.-P. & R. to Phila- 28.92 6.75
Syracuse, N. Y . delphia; Penn. System to .75 (seat)
Washington and South- 5.25
ern to Knoxville. (New 3.75
York thru train.) 6.00 to Memphis
N. Y . C. and C. C. C. 29.50 5.25 to Knoxville
and St L . to Cincinnati
and L. & N. to Knoxville.
Trains leave Cincinnati 7
and 8:35 A.M. and 8
P.M. arriving Knoxville
3:26 and 7:29 P.M. and
5:40 A.M. respy, or
Via D. L . & W. to Wash- 31.11
ington and Southern to
Philadelphia, Pa. Penn. System to Wash- 23.19
ington and Southern to
Knoxville. (New York
thru train.)
Washington, D. C. Southern at 10 P.M. 18.29
arrive Knoxville 1 :35
P.M. (New York thru
Lynchburg, Va. N. & W. Ry. and South- 12.07
New Orleans, L a . L. & N. or N. O. & N. 21.92
E. and Southern arrive
2:45 P.M.
Chattanooga, Tenn. L. & N. or Southern ar- 4.00
rive 2:45 P.M.
Memphis. Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn. L & N. or Southern 15.30
Dallas, Texas Tenn. Central & Southern 8.32
Tex. & Mo. Pac. to 32.15
Memphis; L. & N. or
Southern to Knoxville.
(Probable delay between
trains at Memphis.)
Kansas City, Mo. [ Wabash to St. Louis and 29.49 3.75 to St. Louis
St. Louis, Mo. J L . & N. or Southern to 5.63 to Knoxville
Lawrence, Kan. Louisville and Knoxville. 3.75 and 5.63
Chicago, 111. Via Kansas City (See 30.92 6.38
Kansas City Schedule.)
Omaha, Neb. Penn. System leaving at 20.79 4.50 to Chicago
8:30 and arriving on L. 6.38 to Knoxville
Lincoln, Neb. & N . Knoxville 3:26
P.M. Big 4 leaves at 8:55 5.63 to Chicago
A.M. and arrives on L . 6.38 to Knoxville
& N. 5:40 A.M. 3.75 to Chicago
Leave Omaha in time to 34.55 6.38 to Knoxville
take Chicago trains or 3.75 to Cincinnati
St. Louis and Memphis 3.75 to Knoxville
trains. (See Chicago, St. 3.75
Louis and Memphis
schedules.) 3.75
(Same as Omaha.) 36.53 3.75
Minneapolis, Minn. C. M. & St. P. or C. B. 35.45
Urbana, 111. & Q. to Chicago, then
Cincinnati, O. follow Chicago schedule.
Big 4 to Cincinnati, then 18.90
Cleveland, O. follow Cincinnati sched-
Columbus, O. ule.
Oxford, O. L . & N. leaving 7, 8:35 10.76
Indianapolis, Ind. A.M. and 8 P.M. and
arriving 3:26. 7:29 P.M.
and 5:40 P.M. respy.
Big 4 to Cincinnati, L . 19.91
& N. to Knoxville.
See Cincinnati schedule. 15.07
C. I. & W. to Cincinnati, 12.21
L . & N. to Knoxville.
Leave Penn. System 10 14.18
P.M. arrive L . & N. 3:26
I ' M . or Big or South-
Detroit, Mich. M. C. and Big 4 to Cin- 20.14 3.75
Ann Arbor, Mich. cinnati, L . & N. to Knox- 3.75
Greencastle, Ind. ville. (See Cincinnati 4.50 via Indian-
Bloomington, Ind. schedules.)
Ann Arbor Ry. to 20.36 apolis
Toledo. Big 4 to Cincin- 3.75 via Cincin-
nati, L . & N. to Knox-
ville. (See Cincinnati or nati
Detroit schedules.) 4.50 via Indian-
Via Indianapolis or Cin- 15.33
cinnati schedules. apolis
3.75 via Cincin-
Via Indianapolis or Cin- 13i
cinnati schedules. nati
(Continued on Page 224)
Chapter Promptness Form Content
Pi Good Good Interesting
Nu Good Excellent Good
Omicron Excellent Poor Fair
Kappa Fair (1 fine) Poor Fair
Zeta Excellent Fair Fair
Sigma Excellent Very good Very good
Theta Good Good Fair
Delta Poor (2 fines) Good Good
Gamma Excellent Excellent Excellent
Epsilon Excellent Good Good
Rho Good Good Interesting
Lambda Good Excellent Good
Iota Excellent Good Fair
Tau Excellent Fair Fair
Chi Fair (1 fine) Good Good
Upsilon Excellent Fair Good
Nu Kappa Fair (1 fine) Fair Fair
Beta Phi Fair (1 fine) Fair Good
Eta Poor (2 fines) Poor Good
Alpha Phi Fair (1 fine) Fair Good
Nu Omicron Excellent Excellent Interesting
Psi Poor (1 fine) Poor Fair
Phi Fair (1 fine) Excellent Well written
Omega Fair (1 fine) Good Well written
Omicron Pi Good Good Interesting
New York Excellent Good Interesting
San Francisco Excellent Excellent Interesting
Providence Fair (1 fine) Excellent Good
Boston Excellent Excellent Interesting
Los Angeles Excellent Excellent Well written
Lincoln Excellent Fair Interesting
Chicago Good Excellent Excellent
Indianapolis Excellent Good Interesting
New Orleans Poor (2 fines) Fair Well written
Minneapolis Excellent Excellent Interesting
Bangor Excellent Good Excellent
Portland Excellent Excellent Excellent
Seattle Excellent Excellent Interesting
Knoxville Excellent Excellent Fair
Lynchburg Good Fair Well written
Washington Excellent Good Interesting
Philadelphia Excellent Fair Interesting
Dallas Poor (2 fines) Fair Fair
Kansas City Fair (1 fine) Fair Fair
Omaha Fair (1 fine) Excellent Well written
Syracuse Excellent Good Interesting
Detroit Good Good Interesting
Nashville Poor (2 fines) Excellent Good
Cleveland Excellent Excellent Interesting
The Editor wishes to commend particularly the work of the following
Assistants: Jane Piper ( Z ) , Anna Kirk ( I ) , Edith Huntington ( B $ ) ,
Lucy Allen ( 0 ) , Clarissa Scott (Q), Alice Cagwin ( 2 ) , Alice Spear ( A ) ,
Marion Jordan ( T ) , Mary Egan ( A $ ) , Mrs. Rennebohn ( H ) , Helena
Silver ( O n ) , Alma Boehme ( T ) . and Mary Donlon ( E ) .
Chapter Secretaries
Excellent—Kappa, Sigma, Theta, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Rho, Upsilon,
Nu Omicron, Omicron Pi.
Very Good—Pi, Omicron, Zeta, Iota, Tau, Chi, Nu Kappa, Alpha Phi,
Psi, Omega.
Good—Lambda. Beta Phi.
Fair—Nu, Eta (fines).
Poor—Phi (.fines).
Chapter Treasurers
Excellent—Pi, Zeta, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Iota, Eta, Alpha Phi, Psi.
Very Good—Kappa, Sigma, Theta, Rho, Upsilon, Nu Kappa, Nu Omicron.
Good—Tau, Chi.
Fair—Omicron, Lambda.
Poor—Nu, Beta Phi (fines), Phi (fines), Omicron Pi.
Note—The books of Omega Chapter are kept by an accountant em-
ployed by the University. This year has seen improvement in the use
of the uniform bookkeeping system—but some of the forms in use are
being better adapted to the needs of our chapters. A complete and
efficient budgeting system has been placed in operation.
Chapter Study Plan Officers
Excellent—Kappa, Sigma, Gamma, Epsilon, Lambda, Chi, Upsilon, Nu
Omicron, Omicron Pi, Nu Kappa, Alpha Phi.
Good—Pi, Theta, Rho, Iota, Tau, Eta, Psi, Omega.
Fair—Delta, Beta Phi, Phi.
Poor—Omicron, Zeta.
No rating—Nu.
Convention 1921 established the system of bi-monthly reports from
local panhellenic delegates. Every delegate has responded to the special
appeals made for definiteness of detail—a very complete survey of the pan-
hellenic conditions in all institutions, where Alpha Omicron Pi has chap-
ters, has been made, and this compilation is one of the most valuable in
the possession of the fraternity. The excellence of these reports as a
whole rests in the frankness with which information has been given and
data carefully collected. The sole basis on which chapter delegates could
be rated would be the fluency in writing some of the reports, rather than
any criticism as to lack of data or merit of the report itself. This com-
pilation includes the laws of local panhellenics, programs of local pan-
hellenics, directory of fraternities by institutions, the numerical strength
of Alpha Omicron Pi, our comparative strength among our competitors,
determination of reasons why pledges prefer Alpha Omicron Pi, etc.
C«,€. a t - s f j (»»-»•», a™i •*»» tiijd ^.r jlti-s«»,»» h*>1 " I - pf>« o ;
f,,n UcJ, « n e (Wis b« -fr.wJ-«d T i l l i f t s j o v r - n r j - J m d - « d , f l » * W ffce ye«rs we
Cjt ttU, o^A c^-tAi ^ s~>
.5. dV.»k J <k«p f w« )•«« » « t -T» A l - r k a .t*"*»
W H E N Y O U H A V E R E A D the notes of our Grand Presi-
dent on her visits to the various chapters, it certainly will
take a great effort to keep you away from convention, where you
can meet some of these same girls so interestingly described.
You will want to know Omicron and her home. You will want
to meet your far off sisters f r o m Montana and f r o m Maine.
You will want to feel the "golden thread" that binds us close and
closer to each other. O h ! it cannot be necessary to urge you to
be there. We'll all be
"Close bound in Alpha
Far and near in Alpha
North or South or East or West
It's Phi Mu Chi!"
H p H I S IS T H E T I M E O F T H E Y E A R when the Senior
X begins to feel that the bottom has dropped out of things
—that everything is about over; her college days are slipping
through her hands like sand. Yes, it is a hard, a difficult time to
go through. I t brings her up to the proposition that nearly every-
thing good or bad must end soon. But what a glorious thing it
is to think that Alpha O days never end—that every day of ou'r
lives is an Alpha O day! A n d after all, how difficult it is to
appreciate Alpha O when it is new to us or at the most, but four
years old. O, the years must go on before you truly realize
what it is to be an Alpha O ! And so cheer up, dear girl graduate,
there is still a place f o r you to serve—the Alumnae Chapter. The
best is ahead. T r y to believe those who have gone before you.
B O O K , Ida Shaw Martin, has just come to hand. One
new and interesting feature is the plate showing the pledge pins
of the academic sororities. This is especially helpful in large
universities where the number of organizations cause confusion.
Of course no chapter can do without this book. H o w about you
as an individual? Do you know the plain facts about our Greek
neighbors? There is no better authority than Mrs. Martin's
TH E R E H A S B E E N C O N S I D E R A B L E C O M M E N T , gen-
erally favorable, in regard to the new cover of To Dragma.
The old cover was changed because there seemed to be a general
feeling throughout the fraternity that it had outlived its use-
fulness. The new one is more or less of a makeshift, simply to
finish out the year. W h a t would please the Editor most would
be some new and original designs submitted by members of the
fraternity. I f this interests you, send in your idea f o r a cover to
the Editor by June 1 0 . These designs will then be exhibited at
convention where a choice can be made.
D I D Y O U E V E R P A Y F O R S O M E T H I N G and then never
get it? Did you ever expect something and be disappointed
when you did not receive it? D i d you ever move so that your
post office address was changed? Perhaps your creditors were
not chasing you so you left a forwarding address with the post-
master, but magazines are not forwarded unless you furnish
more postage upon request of the postmaster. However, there
is an easier way to get every issue of your magazine; notify the
correct person, the B U S I N E S S M A N A G E R O F T H E M A G A -
Z I N E , every time that you move and this is moving time. I t is
your move.
W I T H T H I S I S S U E O F T O D R A G M A , the present
editorial staff retires to make way f o r the new one to be
selected at convention. Each of the eight numbers has been
fraught with both joys and disappointments to the editor. But
if the result of her labors has not always been what she hoped
for, the by-products i n the shape of the affectionate interest and
friendly counsel of the other officers of the fraternity have been
a source of inspiration and will continue to be a pleasant memory.
The editor cannot say enough in appreciation of the work of-
Mrs. Schoppe, Exchange Editor and of the Assistant Editor, Mrs.
K i r k . As f o r the Business Manager, she has been a tower of
strength at all times. Thanks are due the contributors who gave
so freely of their time and efforts and to the splendid corps o f
assistant editors of To Dragma, both active and alumnae. I f the
readers of To Dragma have enjoyed reading it half as much as
the editor has, preparing it, the result may be said to be satis-
factory. The best of luck to the new staff!
Convention—Whittle Springs, K n o x v i l l e , T e n n . , June 25-30, 1923.
Convention—Notify the Omicron Committee that y o u w i l l be
among those present. T e l l them what train w i l l b r i n g you so they may
meet you. Give your baggage checks to the official Alpha Omicron
Pi representative only.
Convention—Address C o m m u n i c a t i o n s to M r s . W . E . B i c k l e y , 1516
Laurel Ave., Knoxville, T e n n . Room reservations at the hotel w i l l be
arranged by the local committee. Prices $6 to $7.50 a day if y o u r o o m
alone. Best of service $4 to $6.50 i f you share sleeping porches and
room with others. Reservations for official Grand Council members
have already been made by the Executive Committee. Others are ad-
vised to notify local committee of their room requirements and leave
selection to them. No room mate assignments except by request.
Convention—Bring your bathing suits! T h e r e w i l l be several
splash parties! Bring your kodaks! Clothes? Cool "summery" ones.
A wrap for the mountain trip to Elkmont. The reception and the
banquet w i l l be f o r m a l . F o r the A l p h a O m i c r o n P i M a r d i Gras every-
one w i l l be in costume—sublime and ridiculous, short and tall, "spare"
and plump! Select your choicest wardrobe—you may win a prize!
O r y o u m a y be the queen—who knows?
Convention—Everyone but the active chapter delgates will pay a
$3 Banquet tax.
C o n v e n t i o n — H i s t o r i a n s ! M a i l your exhibits before J u n e 15 to
Mrs. George H . P e r r y , in care of M i s s D o r o t h y W h i t a k e r , 413 W e s t
Cumberland, Knoxville, Tenn. Be sure the address is correct. Pack
exhibition material carefully. Insure it. Directions for preparation of
e x h i b i t were i n the N o v e m b e r , 1922, T o D r a g m a .
Convention—Bring your Song Books to Convention! I f you
haven't a copy and do not k n o w the songs—send $1.25 to the G r a n d
T r e a s u r e r , V i o l a G r a y , 1527 E. 23rd St., L i n c o l n , Nebraska, w h o w i l l
send your copy of the Song Book. Please b r i n g along all your best
local songs—but learn perfectly the following songs for Convention
The Rose of Red Girls Page 2
Epsilon Chapter Song Page 7
Spelling Song Page 8
Loyalty Page 10
Oh, Alpha O Page 13
Whistle Song P a g e 16
In the Love of A O P Page 17
Alpha Omicron Pi Hymns Page 20
Goodnight in Alpha O Page 27
Grace Page 29
Fraternitv Love Page 31
Oh, When I Came to College Page 32
Pi Chapter will have charge of the Convention Singing. They will
he glad to k n o w the names of all musicians c o m i n g to Convention.
Convention—Journalists! N u Kappa Chapter is to have the honor
of editing the first Alpha Omicron Pi Convention Newspaper. They
want to include on their editorial staff the very best journalistic talent
the Convention affords. While definite plans and arrangements can only
take place at W h i t t l e Springs, N u Kappa calls for volunteers and those
who can offer their services should write now to Catherine Rasbury,
5005 Gaston A v e . , Dallas, Texas. O f course, the newspaper m u s t have
a suitable name! W h a t shall i t be? Members deprived of the happi-
ness of actually being at W h i t t l e Springs—may secure copies of the
newspaper by making arrangements w i t h the editors.
Annual and Convention Reports. Annual reports are due in the
G r a n d S e c r e t a r y ' s O f f i c e b y M a y 15 f r o m a l l G r a n d O f f i c e r s , Super-
intendents, Vice-Superintendents, Active and Alumnae Chapters and
National Committees. I n addition to the annual reports—a short Con-
vention report is to be presented. Chapter Delegates should limit these
reports to not more than three minutes. Absent officers and other
members of the Grand Council f r o m * w h o m reports are required—
s h o u l d file t h e i r C o n v e n t i o n r e p o r t s w i t h the G r a n d S e c r e t a r y b y June
Directories—'More orders should be placed f o r the f r a t e r n i t y d i -
rectory with either the Grand Treasurer or Grand Secretary. The
price is 40c. T h e f r a t e r n i t y w i l l gain no profit f r o m the sale o f the
directories—but sufficient orders should be placed to make the l i m i t e d
edition self-supporting. Have you ordered your copy?
Convention Mail—Members at Convention will receive their mail
if i t is addressed in care of Alpha Omicron P i Convention, Whittle
Springs, Knoxville, Tenn.
Convention—Come! W e need y o u ! W e want y o u ! W e do!
Carnival Night is to be an " A l p h a O " Southern M a r d i Gras. E v e r y -
one m u s t w e a r an a t t r a c t i v e c o s t u m e to fit i n w i t h the c o l o r e d l i g h t s ,
balloons, confetti, and rose garlands. T h e grand march will be made
m u c h more effective if there is a great variety of costumes.
W e can assure you that the stunts we have selected will measure up
to the standard of f o r m e r " A l p h a O " stunts. W o n ' t you please get to
w o r k i m m e d i a t e l y and help us make this night one to be l o n g r e m e m -
bered in the history of the fraternity?
N u O m i c r o n e x p e c t s t o see e v e r y one o f y o u at C o n v e n t i o n , f u l l
of "pep," and feeling that you have a vital part in making stunt-night a
big success.
Alumnae Assistants. Probably the new editor will wish to include
a l u m n a e notes i n the S e p t e m b e r issue as has been c u s t o m a r y i n past
times. H a v e t h e m ready b y A u g u s t 8. N o active or alumnae chapter
letters required for the September issue.
Due to lack of space, the editor was forced to o m i t the chapter
rolls f r o m the active chapter letters. She wishes to thank the faithful
editors who actually included their rolls with their letters!
News has just arrived that the Oregon petitioners have been
granted their charter as a chapter of A l p h a O m i c r o n P i . N o details
about installation have arrived.
(Continued f r o m Page 215)
Madison, Wis. C. M . & St. P. or C. & 25.47 6.38
Bozeman, Mont. N . W . to Chicago. Leave
Seattle, Wash.
Portland, Ore. Chicago on Penn Sys-
San Francisco, Cal. tem, arrive Knoxville on
Berkeley, Cal.
Palo Alto, Cal. L . & N . (See Chicago
Los Angeles, Cal. schedule.)
N . P. and C. B . & Q . to 70.94 15.00 to Chicago
6.38 to K n o x v i l l e
Chicago; Penn. System
and L . & N . to Knoxville.
(See Chicago schedule.)
C. M . & St. P. to C h i - 98.22 23.63 to Chicago
cago ; Penn. System and
6.38 to K n o x v i l l e
L. & N . to Knoxville.
(See Chicago schedule.)
U . P. and' C. & N . W . to 98.22 23.63 to Chicago
Chicago; Penn. System
and L . & N . to Knox- 6.38 to K n o x v i l l e
ville. (See Chicago
C. & N . W . to Chicago; 90.29 23.63 to Chicago
Penn and L . & N . to 6.38 to K n o x v i l l e
K n o x v i l l e or V i a S. P.
to New Orleans or
Omaha and L . & N . or
N . O. & N . E. and South-
ern to Knoxville. (See
Chicago, Omaha and
N e w Orleans schedules.)
S. P. to N e w Orleans 92.26 21.00 to New Or-
and L . & N . or N . O. 6.75 leans and
& N . E. and Southern to
K n o x v i l l e or same routes to Knoxville
as f o r San Francisco,
Berkeley and Palo Alto.
(See schedules.)
"Once an Alpha Chi, always an Alpha Chi" is a slogan in the fraternity.
It is the chapter's newest affiliate who realizes most keenly the meaning that
this expression has for her affiliating chapter. And, strange to say, it is not
the chapter that has the most affiliates that needs most often to be reminded
of the unalterable fact that a member of the fraternity in one chapter may
be as truly a member in another chapter.
Alpha Chi Omega requires its chapters to affiliate members coming from
other chapters. The courtesy of inviting affiliation must be extended and an
affiliation certification must be given without vote by the original chapter,
provided the candidate for affiliation has for one full semester made the same
scholarship average required for initiation and has secured from her former
alumna adviser a recommendation certifying as to her previous sincerity and
standing in the college community and chapter. With this safeguard, it is
believed that chapters are fully protected and have as much guarantee of the
future scholastic and moral conduct of their affiliates as they have of any of
their pledges. Legislation at the 1922 convention now permits chapters to
charge an affiliation fee and to have certain alumnae notes turned over to the
affiliating chapter." L y r e of Alpha Chi Omega.
We are pleased to call your attention to The News Bulletin of the Bureau
of Vocational Information, which made its initial appearance October 1. It
is a semi-monthly four-page sheet. The subscription price is $1.00 a year,
single copies ten cents each. The Bureau of Vocational Information is located
at 2 West 43rd St., New York, N. Y.
The Bureau is doing valuable work for self-supporting women of the
professional and business class, and has chosen to further extend its useful-
ness through this medium, which we recommend to Alpha X i Deltas. The
Bureau is not an employment agency. All of the information in its files is at
the service of the public, but it does not undertake to locate a position for
those seeking one.—Alpha X i Delta.
In an interesting article in the Alpha Phi Quarterly for January, under
the caption, "Women in Architecture," Dorothy French speaks most encourag-
ingly of that comparatively new field for women. Accompanying the article
are drawings of the front elevation of a fraternity house and the basement
plan of the same, by Miss French.
The February Sigma Chi Quarterly chronicles the installation of Gamma
Delta chapter at Oklahoma State in December '22, when 90 Sigs representing 27
chapters took part in the impressive ceremonies.
Under the title "Candle Light" in the March Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha a
new and delightful way of observing Founders Day is told:
Some time before October 10, Founders' Day, at Illinois Women's College,
a printed slip was sent to all alumnae, former students, and the homes of our
present student body. In this was announced the beautiful new plan of
Candle Lighting as a "happy remembrance of the college days, and as a token
of continued interest in the College, and of communion with every other
former student." I t was requested that a blue and a yellow candle be burn-
ing on the table at the evening meal "in any place where two or more former
students can get together, in every Woman's College home, or wherever any
former student takes her meal alone."
The plan was carried out at the college, there being a large blue and
yellow candle on each table in the dining-room and at each place a small
blue or yellow one. The large candles burned throughout the meal, thus
lending an air of festivity and causing us all to think of those candles of the
same hue which were burning in the individual homes throughout our states,
in the large cities where alumnae associations were having a Founders' Day
banquet, and in those out-of-the-way towns across the sea where lone 1. W. C.
missionaries were remembering their college days and associations in the
same way as their classmates on home soil were reviewing the days gone by.
When, after the meal, the toasts began and, while singing the college song,
the girls lighted their individual candles, the impressiveness of the day
reached its height. The supreme degree of college loyalty was reached as
toasts were made to the college, to its Founders of 1S4C, its Builders of 1622,
and to its increasing influence of the future.
"A black-ball is not a dagger for a coward's use, with which to even up
an old score,'' says the editor of the Sigma Chi Quarterly. "It is not a brush
with which to besmirch the character of one who may hold different views
from yours. A black-ball is a fraternity's shield to protect not individuals
but the fraternity from those who would injure it. It should never be cast
with a prejudiced mind, or a selfish thought. Remember, it is a serious thing
to constitute one's self jury and executioner in one single act, unless the
fraternity's interests absolutely demand it."
The Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha for January, has an interesting article on
the social service policy of the N. P. C. Fraternities, and an unusually varied
Vocational section.
Pi Beta Phi is to hold its convention at Estes Park, Colo., June 25 to 30.
The Sigma Kappa Triangle, in its annual vocational number, has a num-
ber of interesting articles, ranging from those on teaching to several on social
service, journalism, and several less crowded professions.
A study of the scholastic standing of fraternities at any given university
will show that the order of the various organizations in scholarship will
closely parallel their rank in a table showing the number of men who drop
out of college each year. I f an organization wants to see the majority of any
Freshman Class graduate, it will only be able to do this through insistence
upon high scholastic standing from the day the Freshmen are pledged until
they leave the college with a degree. And all the rules and good resolutions
handed down for the guidance of Freshmen are worthless unless they are
effective on upperclassmen as well.—The Delta of Sigma Nu.
The girls at Northwestern have banded themselves into class societies for
purposes of a social nature as well as for unity. Each class has its lantern
on its button (as in the case of the freshman class) to be handed down to the
succeeding class. The various colors of these symbols hold meanings sacred to
the memory of class traditions. The seniors prefer the gold which will be
given over to the present sophomore girls when the seniors leave. The juniors
favor blue, the sophomores, red, while the freshmen naturally cling to the
Once a month "cozies" are given by these various organizations at homes
in Kvanston, and a better way of becoming acquainted with one's classmates
could hardly be found. Besides get-togethers of a purely social nature alone,
business meetings are held about once or twice a month. Kings with silver
lanterns on colored stone have been chosen as the insignia.
The idea of class societies is a new one at Northwestern this year but II
argues well to become one of the university's most potent factors in foster-
ing class spirit, loyalty, and unity.—The Alpha X i Delta.
When I read the last Q U A R T E R L Y and did not find a letter from my
chapter I was thoroughly disappointed. I've not been able to visit my chapter
in years, but I watch for the chapter letter eagerly. If the under graduates
appreciated how much they are accomplishing by writing this chapter letter
for the Q U A R T E R L Y , they'd never fail to have it in an issue. On the con-
trary, I dare say we alumnae should tell them what it means to us more often.
Here is a suggestion for the Chattering Squirrel and the alumnae. When
you read this issue of our magazine suppose you sit down and if your chap-
ter's letter was in send a card to the chapter editor expressing your apprecia-
tion and if you find no letter from your chapter sit right down and write two
cards to her!
—Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly.
(No letter from Beta Phi. Fine due.)
1 wonder if you can be half as anxious to see Pi at convention as we are
to see you! Not one of us has ever been to convention before and we are all
absolutely ignoring little events like coming graduation in our one thought of
"Whittle Springs in June.'" We hate to seem boastful but, in spite of our
lazy southern climate, our natural versatility has just gotten the upper hand
and we have dragged ourselves away from day dreams about convention long
enough to enter into quite a few college activities. Phi Beta Kappa was an-
nounced about a week ago and of course Genevra was elected. Every year it
is customary for P i to give a luncheon on this day for the senior class and
the Phi Beta Kappa members of the Faculty. This year we had a lovely
picnic lunch prepared to serve under the willows and it is unnecessary to add
that it rained in great torrents. We appropriated the "gym" quite undaunt-
edly though and continued inside. Besides making Phi Beta Kappa, Genevra
has the lead in the senior class play.
We are having Junior Prom on April 7, and Betty as chairman of the
decorating committee is going to make it quite a success. The commonplace,
everyday "gym" will become a rare old Spanish courtyard with even a
fountain in the center of the patio. The rest of our Juniors are making us
proud of them too. Elizabeth Kastler has made all the class teams and from
the "wicked slings" I see Mary Bolton giving the baseball bat I'm sure Babe
Ruth had better look to his laurels. An original May Day the Juniors are
giving on May 6, is the chief concern of all the Juniors at present, and we
are proud of Emily for having a lead in it. I am chairman of the May Day
committee. I was also fortunate enough to be one of the lucky Juniors elected
to Alpha Sigma Sigma, the senior honorary society.
I cannot close without telling you about our good fortune in receiving a
visit from Mrs. Hennings in January. I'm sure if she enjoyed her visit half
as much as we did it was a complete success. I t was most helpful and in-
spiring and only adds another big reason for not missing convention in June.
Pi wishes to extend her invitation to convention also and we assure you it
will be too good to miss. DOROTHY WESTON.
We had our initiation banquet at Whittle Springs Hotel, in the Palm
Room, again this year, and it was more beautiful than ever. The very
natural woodland centerpiece of Jacqueminot Roses was unusually attractive,
and the red and white color scheme was carried out in detail. The Fresh-
men were unusually witty and charming, and we had a large number of
alumnae present both at the banquet and initiation. Then, too, we had taken
in another freshman, Jennilee McCracken, at mid-year, who now makes our
ranks complete. Ruth Beach, Mary Rowe Moore, Sue Rogers, and Martha
McLeniore are little sisters. Dorothy Brown and Virginia Frantz are quite
gifted vocally, besides Virginia's really excellent dancing.
Virginia Jones and Louise Pope are making high averages and helping to
keep Alpha O in her scholastic position. Fannilee and Mary Rowe are very
athletic, so you see, we have beauty, brains, and athletes this year.
The "Hill" is very beautiful in the spring and the students seem busier
and happier. We are in for tennis and swimming, and basketball is our long
suit, with three varsity men. We will lose seven of our girls this year, and
altho we are proud of them, we will miss them.
Just now, Convention is the sole topic of conversation. We are all very
anxious for June to come, and are looking forward to meeting you all. Until
June, then— L U C Y MORRISON '25.
Perhaps it is still winter-time with you who are towards the north, but
with us, in Virginia, true spring has set in. A few warm, sunny days, and as
many misty, moisty ones, have brought out the green everywhere, so that
we are beginning to forget that winter ever was. It all means that it is
Springtime, almost summer—April, almost June. Convention! We are wait-
ing for Convention.
For Kappa, March the third was Pledge Day, when we pledged the seven
who had promised, and one other freshman, a splendid girl, whom we were
fortunate in getting. That night, at the Virginian Hotel, we had the annual
banquet, and a wonderful one it was, with its toasts and songs and red
Part of the elections for next year's college officers have been held, as a
result of which one of our present juniors, Lucille Lamar, is next year's senior
president, and nearly all of our freshmen hold class offices.
We hope that Mrs. Hennings is coming down to see us soon—and are
feeling proud and excited. Next week will be a wonderful one for us, if only
her plans do not change—and if anything happens to prevent her, we shall be
terribly disappointed.
Kappa sends best wishes to all the chapters, with high hopes of knowing
many of you in June. R O S E McC. SMITH.
Convention Ho!! is the talk around here at present. Gladys Rice, our
newly elected president, will go as Zeta's delegate. But we're not planning
on her being the only one from Zeta. I f our plans materialize you'll prob-
ably see some of us "drivin' in" to Knoxville. I believe we're so enthused
because Mrs. Hennings told us what to anticipate. You know Mrs. Hennings
was here the first part of February. She helped us a mighty lot and the only
objection we can raise is that she didn't stay with us long enough.
We have two new pledges since the last espistle: Margaret Dow of
Omaha and Mildred Freas of Beaver City. We were mighty happy to pin the
ruby colored ribbon on them.
Dorothy Woodward writes from California that she is wearing an Acacia
pin. Hawley Barnard is the man. "Milly" and "Val" Hullinger announced
their engagements in the very cleverest way. The box of candy arrived—a
huge enameled tin box, but no card. I t was all we could do to eat; then be-
tween courses the candy was passed, and in the middle were two rather large
pieces of candy. Some one finally braved the jests and remarks about "being
so careful to pick the largest piece" and took one—well you know it proved
to be a litle box covered with chocolate and inside were the pictures of the
girls and the men, heart shaped pictures—"Milly" and Jimmy Fiddock,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and "Vail" and Fred Royce, Phi Delta Theta.
Being engaged though didn't seem to stop "Val" from going to Swarth-
more, Pa., as delegate to Mortarboard convention.
We have initiated ten freshmen and from the way they "stepped" after
receiving their pins they seemed to be proud.
"Dolly" Hilsabek had a solo dance in the W. A. A. dance drama. Darleen
Woodward was in the "Junior League Revue." Leona Whittier, Darleen and
"Polly" Gellatly were in the Demolay Variety show and Dolly, Darleen and
Polly are going to be in the Kosmet Klub show the "Yellow Lantern."
Dorothy Hoy is in the Rifle Club. Bonnie Hess is now on the Daily Nebraska
staff. "Polly" is on Y . W. Vesper staff and Gladys Rice has been elected to
Senior Girls' Honor Society of Teachers' College.
Zeta hopes to be well represented at Convention. We're anxious to know
you all. P A U L I N E G E L L A T L Y '25.
The opening of college was followed by a week's rushing, after which we
pledged three new freshmen and have since pledged two others. Different
from previous semesters we have been having rushing parties throughout the
semester and feel it will mean greater success with next year's rushing.
With Blanche Ewing as president, we have had a very happy semester.
On February 16 we had an informal dance and are looking forward to April
20 when we will have our formal.
We celebrated the chapter's birthday, February 6, with a party with the
alumnae. Each class gave a stunt. The Seniors took the prize when they
appeared as ex-soldiers, having been cripples in the many wars of college;
one was crippled in the war of finals, another in the battle of study table,
and another in the battle of two o'clock rule. The Juniors were by no means
backward when they pictured many of the girls ten years from now. The
Freshmen and Sophomores still have time to show their genius.
Besides Zoe King and Anita Avila, Helen Barry has become .a member of
Prytannean Honor Society. I may also say that Zoe King has been president
of Prytannean this past semester and now has been succeeded by Anita Avila,
who has so successfully managed all dancing parts for Parthenaia.
E L I Z A B E T H H E S S E R '24.
T H E TA—D e P A U W U N I V E R S I T Y
On the last lap of the year 1922-23—with what a variety of emotions do
we meet it! A number, no doubt, think of it with gladness and relief; but for
some of us—the five Seniors In particular—it is a sorrowful thought. We
hate to think of next year when we shall no longer be in the chapter but be
of the alumnae instead.
The University has been the scene for a number of interesting occurrences
within the last two months. First there was an immense historical pageant
celebrating the eighty-fifth birthday of DePauw, followed by a drive for a
million and a half dollars endowment. At the end of the first day the students
were found to have subscribed 100 per cent. The next thing of interest was
the annual W. S. G. A. Circus, an extremely clever and successful affair; the
main show was planned and conducted by two of the sisters: Geraldine Can-
Held and Margaret Safford. Following this was the Gym Exhibition, con-
sisting of various stunts by the physical training classes of both men and
women. The only individual feature of the exhibit was a bit of interpretive
dancing by our own May Elizabeth Davies. Later a dance was given by Pan-
hellenic Council for all the organized girls in school for the purpose of help-
ing to bring the girls of different sororities closer together for better friend-
ship and understanding. This was quite an event, for regular dancing is
strictly taboo here.
Margaret Safford was recently honored by being elected the delegate to
the Theta Sigma Phi Convention in Oklahoma the latter part of this month.
She has also been made Publicity Chairman on the W. A. A. Board. Geraldine
Oanfleld has been elected our chapter's representative to the National Con-
vention this summer. Accompanying her will probably be Margaret and
Kathryn Safford, Ruby and Golda Larkin, Katherine Davis and Mary Hester.
We are more than delighted to have our chaperone of last year, Mrs. D.
A. Cox, return to us for the remainder of the year.
Initiation was held for five girls, early on the morning of March 4. I m -
mediately afterward we proceeded to Elliot's Tea Room for the Initiation
Breakfast, which we found to be a novel but delightful idea.
So—goodbye until Convention—we hops to see all of you there.
Greetings from Delta. A great many things have happened since our
last letter. On February twenty-eighth a very impressive initiation and
banyuet were held at the Hotel Vendome. Five girls were initiated—Mary
Hall, '26, Dorothy Hettinger, '26, Pauline Johnson, '26, Eleanor Prescott, '26,
Marian Russell, '24, and Madeline Snow, '26. We were more than fortunate
to have three other chapters represented on this occasion. 'Jackie-' Jackson
from Gamma. Annetta Wood from Iota, and Dorothy Gibbs from E t a all
brought greetings to Delta. I t was really quite a cosmopolitan affair!
' Our Freshmen showed their cleverness in a "stunt" which they gave
for the chapter (at the chapter's suggestion!) on the Monday night preceding
their initiation. We were much entertained and secretly proud of our verdant
Frosh. The pledging of Vivian Wight, '26, makes the number of the Fresh-
men pledges one of the largest in years.
The active chapter is making plans for a joint meeting with the Alumnae
as soon as we return from vacation. Extensive preparations are also being
made for the big Spring Formal to be held May fifth. Under the direction
of Marjorie McCarty, '24, it promises to be one of the best.
Vacation comes the eighteenth and we are ready for it. Of course we
are all planning to spend most of it studying for the Fraternity exam.
SUE O ' B R I E N , 24.
Since our last letter we have had our wonderful banquet and initiation
dance; pledged and initiated a little sister, Kera Chaplin; and pledged Betty
Armstrong, of Galveston, Texas. It seemed so nice to look down the length
of the rose strewn tables at banquet, past the soft circles of light from
the tall red tapers, aud see the faces of so many of our alumnae. The speeches
of the pledges were as amusing as could be all except the "Response to the
Welcome," by Beulah Osgood, and that was so sincerely beautiful that it was
greeted by a moment of perfect silence, then a storm of applause.
Alpha O is doing very well in college activities. Many have signed up
for track and baseball, although it is too early to predict who will make
the teams, as the snow and ice delay practise outdoors. We had two girls
on the first team in basketball, and one on the second. Ruth Savage, tennis
manager for the coming season, is making plans for the tennis tournament,
although all the courts are little else than mires.
In scholarship. Alpha O has fairly sustained her reputation. This year, a
scholarship cup for the highest ranking of the women's fraternities will be
awarded, and we are hoping to maintain the lead which we won last spring
in being the first among all the organizations on the campus. Phi Beta Kappa
has been recently installed here and of the six student women chosen, we
can claim three, Mabel Peabody, Sarah Wiswell and Molly Perkins. We
are glad that Mabel was also elected to Phi Kappa Phi at its spring elections.
Jackie Jackson is president of the English club. Three Alpha O's were
chosen among the eight prettiest co-eds on the campus for the cast of the
M Club Minstrel show. We are to give a stag dance in the gymnasium to
raise money for the house fund on the afternoon of April 19.
During the recent Memorial drive, the pledges made by our girls averaged
very favorably with those of other fraternities. The student body succeeded
in raising the quota of one hundred thousand dollars. Ruth Savage has been
elected as our convention delegate and we are very sure that you will all
think she is a splendid choice. MOLLY PERKINS.
The most important event of which I have to tell you was initiation. On
February 17th our five pledges donned the pin and we celebrated with our
usual banquet in the "Dutch." Betty Neely '19 came back to act as Toast-
mistress and Lydia Godfrey '21 to speak for the alumnae. We certainly
were glad to have them with us again. A surprise feature came after the
speeches—a song written by Alice Green to the tune of Cornell, and
rendered by Martha McCormick. Both the words and the singing were well
calculated to imbue the listeners with a deeper realization of the spiritual
meaning of Alpha Omicron PI.
A few weeks after initiation we pledged May Eisemann '26.
At the W. S. G. A. elections this year Alpha Omicron PI came off with
no less than three offices. Anita Goltz being elected President of Risley,
while Hilda Wilson and Frances Eagan were made presidents of the junior
and sophomore classes, respectively.
Another event which certainly deserves mention here was the freshman
play in which Johanna Buecking starred. So excellent was her portrayal
of the Toymaker of Nuremburg in the play of that name, that two columns
in the Sun were devoted to her praises. Frances Eagan and Charlotte Teeple
also had important parts in the play.
If the happiness of children is measured by the noise they make then
the chapter certainly succeeded in givins the Settlement House kiddies a
happy Easter party on the afternoon of March 3lst.
Two days, or rather nights, later, came the sleep distracting antics of
the Junior nonoraries. On Easter Monday morning at 3 a.m. Marion Mac-
beth and Hilda Wilson were roused from their slumbers and carried off by
the Ravens and Serpents, and I can assure you we are mighty proud of
them for being thus disturbed.
Several of its are looking forward eagerly to the time when we will
start for Whittle Springs. CATHARINE CAMPION.
Now that it is April, it seems that our newest sisters, those who were
initiated on March 2, have been within the bonds always; but we have uot
quite got over being proud of the fact that so many of them made their
grades. They are: Bernice Anderson. Marie Dolf. Agnes Eiberg, Eleanor
Goodrich. Lucile Hurley, Ruth Jndson, Eselwyn Larson. Margaret Mackay,
Marion Rogers, Dorothy Scharf, Dorothy Spiers and Julia Thompson. I n -
itiation banquet was held on the evening of the 2nd at the Evanston Hotel.
Everyone felt so gay that we had toasts from all the alums present, including
Dot Crugar Williams, who has been Mrs. Williams since December.
We also have a new pledge, Margaret Tawes, who certainly is a willing
help to us in everything we do.
Our formal dance this year was on March 9th. For weeks we worked
on decorations, under the supervision of our foremost artist, Dot Poole—
and thej- really turned out to be gorgeous. They are being used now by
several other organizations.
In January we had a sleigh ride party and are thinking of making it
an annual affair, it was such fun.
The alums have been helping us give entertainments on Saturday morn-
ings at the New Evanston theater, and just before Easter we gave a Flower
and Food Sale—for the House Fund.
The W. A. A. musical show. "Milady's Bandbox," is scheduled for May
4th and 5th, and two of our girls, Bea Anderson and Dot Pearson, have
specialties. Helen Schmidt, Dot Duncan, Marion Warnes, and Julia Thomp-
son are also taking part. Agnes Biezerneier, Marie Dolf, Louise Lowry and
Dorothy Scharf are singing in Spring Festival.
The N. U. circus is on the 28th of April so we must concentrate ,on
stunts and sawdust. We have just space and time enough to wish you
all a happy summer and hope to see you at convention.
Easter vacation is over and now we are all back at study. Our house
has been dressed up a little this last quarter, the new additions to her
clothing being a re-tinting of the living room, new coverings for the chairs
and davenports, and new window drapes. We fairly purr with pleasure
when we view our almost new living room.
The big thing in our minds at present is Rushing, spelled with a
capital R this year. We have been rushing steadily for two quarters now,
and this is our very last quarter. The rushing contract has been changed
a little for this last quarter, which tends to make the rushing even harder
than it has been before. Instead of having informal rushing until May
15, which is bidding day, we are to have a week of concentrated rushing
beginning April 9, after which we can have no further communication with
the Freshmen until after May 15. We are eagerly looking forward to the
fateful date, May 15, and we are hoping that we will be able to pledge the
girls whom we want.
We have been studying very hard this last week for the fraternity
examination which was held Thursday.
We are looking forward to a visit from Lucille Curtis English, whom we
expect Monday. We will be very glad to see Lucille as it has been a long
time since she was here to see us.
We are pleased to announce that Evelyn Van Horn, '25, has been elected
to Masquer's Society, the Stanford women's dramatic organization. Evelyn
took the leading part in this year's Sophomore play, and was also in the
chorus of the Football Show.
We also wish to announce that Ellowene Delahoyde, '24, and Anna Fitz-
hugh, '25 are on the Senior Cabinet of the Y . W. C. A.
D O R I S B A I L E Y '23.
We were delighted to have Merva Dolsen Hennings with us the week-
end or" March 16th. Her talk to us about Convention at the Southern tea-
room luncheon we gave for her was especially inspiring. Friday afternoon
of her arrival we entertained at tea in her honor, presenting prominent
faculty and campus people. We hope that many of Iota's girls may be
able to see her and many other Alpha Omicron P i sisters at Convention in
Rho chapter was kind enough to extend an invitation to its formal dance
in March to representatives of our chapter, and although no one was able
to attend, we appreciated their thoughtfulness.
Dean Voight of Ohio University, Athens, was our guest at luncheon
during her visit to the Illinois campus. She i s - a member of Sigma Kappa
and spoke interestingly to us about our rushing problems.
Ruth Butler "23, has just completed a very successful term as president
of the Y. W. C. A. She represented the University district as a delegate at
the Episcopal Students' Conference of the Mississippi valley in Chicago,
April 7-8 and was a speaker there.
The newly appointed Y. W. C. A. first cabinet includes Gladys Hall
'24, and Veta Holterman '24, and the second cabinet Louise Adams. Gladys
Hall is also a member of the executive committee for the annual Y . W.
stunt show.
Alpha Omicron P i played in the Shi Ai inter-sorority basket ball tour-
nament until the semi-finals and then succumbed to the strong Loki group.
Mildred Lantz '23. has been elected to Alpha Sigma Nu. honofary
athletic organization. Dorothy Dickinson '25. and Betty Renuen '26, are
on the Daily Illini staff and Cora Jane Stroeheker '24. has been made Junior
track manager. Dorothy Dickinson '25, and Lorna Kooi '26. have been
elected to Alethenai literary society.
Agnes Fuller Ward '21, with young Jack Fuller AVard, dropped in to
see us recently. He'll make a splendid Alpha Omicron Pi fiance sometime!
To begin the spring quarter with two feet of snow on the ground has
rather made us lose our enthusiasm for all the things we were going to do
this quarter. It has, on the other hand, whetted our enthusiasm for con-
vention, for if there is anything we would rather have now than some nice
warm weather, and a swimming pool with a lot of Alpha O s splashing
about, I don't know what it is. We are forgetting the weather, though,
in our preparations for the benefit bridge which we are to give on April
28, to raise money for our delegate. Mrs. Hennings. made convention seem
so vital and interesting that we hope there will be a large representation
there from Tau.
Several of the girls are now flaunting fraternity pins. They are: Mar-
garet Borum, engaged to Clair St. John, Delta C h i ; Margaret Wilson to
Henry Bjorndahl, Psi Omega, and Wilma Arnold to Donald Westcott. We're
anxiously awaiting the fifteen pounds of candy, and rather suspect that
there will be even more.
There have been a lot of things happening since last To Dragma. We
pledged Bonita L a Favan, and, as she made her grades, she will be initiated
very soon. She is taking Art, is very active in college activities, especially
athletics, so we are fortunate in getting her. Hazel Hitchcock made Aquatic
League and Irma Fliehr is in charge of stunts for Theta Epsilon. Wilma
Arnold, Senior, made P i Lambda Theta. national honorary education. Mar-
garet Borum is on the general arrangements committee for the Senior prom,
the last big formal of the year. Four of our girls are contestants for Vanity
Fair, beauty section of the Gopher: they are, Rita Heggerty '23, Dorothy
Hill '24, Margaret Borum '23, and Irma Fliehr '24.
"Connie" Coulin. teaching at Willmar, came to see us during her vacation
and her interesting reports form at least some* consolation to the twelve
of us who have to graduate this year. We don't want to go at all.
Don't three months seem like ages, when we're waiting for Conven-
tion? M I N N I E HANSON '23.
Chi is especially happy to announce the formal initiation of her pledges
Friday, March 16, at the chapter house. Our new members are: Jennie Good-
ing '25, Ruth Hawks '26. Gertrude Baumhart '26. Winifred Riese 26,
Mariba Morse '26. and Virginia Wilson '26. We certainly have the njcest
freshmen on the hill. We gave our annual initiation banquet the next
evening at the Onondaga and many of our alumnae returned for the event.
We are so proud of our new members. Jennie Gooding has been retained
as a regular reporter on The Daily Orange; Ruth Hawks received second
highest honors in the College of Home Economics; Winifred Riese is Presi-
dent of the Freshman class at Teachers' College. The other girls are busy
in Y. W. and W. S. G. A. and are doing big things. Mary Williams '25. was
elected Secretary and Treasurer of large board of \V. S. G. A. and we are
very proud of her.
We are planning to have our formal April 21, at the Onondaga. Many of
the alumnae are coming back and our seniors will attend their last Alpha
Omicron Pi formal.
Our Easter vacation began the 28th of March and ended April 5. We
were indeed thankful for a short respite from work. We have come back
with clearer thoughts all ready to begin intensive work for fraternity
With what eagerness we are awaiting convention ! I wish that we could
all go. My, what a meeting we could have if all Alpha O's everywhere were,
to meet in one place. But would it not be fun?
Several of our alums are going to France this summer to take up graduate
work at Sorbonne. Oh, to be a graduate and to be with them!
H E L E N L . R O Z E L L '25.
Upsilon is happy to announce the pledging of Myrtis White '26, and
Susan Schofield '26, two wonderful freshmen.
We are also glad to write of Hazel Turtle's engagement to Ray Davis.
Ray surely is a lucky man.
Betty Riipe '23. who graduated at Christmas time, was married in
January to Walter Schneider. The reception was held here at the house
so it was a true Alpha O wedding. Also one of our alumnae, Beryl Dill,
was recently married and is now Mrs. Kneen.
Upsilon boasts of another Varsity Debater as Adelaide Brown, a senior
made Varsity and won her first debate here at Washington. Upsilon is
very proud of Adelaide.
Helen Welsh '25, has recently brought a great honor to our chapter.
Last week she was elected secretary of Women's Federation of the Uni-
versity of Washington. Now that all women's organizations on the campus
have been combined into one large body, we are very happy to have an
Alpha O filling an office in this Federation. Upsilon always expects big
things from Helen.
We are now looking forward to the spring opera as several of our girls
will be in it and Helen Bechen has charge of the costumes.
H E L E N H E P L E R '23.
Everyone is greatly excited over coming convention and the chance' of
meeting some of our other sisters.
We are exceptionally proud that two of the recently elected officers of
the Women's Governing Board are Alpha Omicron Pi's. Robert Lindsey is
president and Katherine Price is vice-president. Algene Chiles is our fresh-
man representative.
Since our last letter we wish to announce the pledging of Lois Turner,
of Dallas.
Katherine Price is president of Trois Singes and Katherine Rasbury
is president of Swastika which are the only two inter-sorority social clubs
on the campus.