To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
A Windflower *93
Mary Danielson, A * '94
The Girl Who Deserves the Frontispiece *94
For the College Woman : A Call and an Opportunity . . . . Helen Kenyon 196
First to Fall Lenme Elizabeth Hanly 199
Women in Agriculture PA h c e S ear *99
A Ph.D.—An Investment j 200
Phoebe Copeland
The Business Manager's Report Carolyn Fraser Pulling 202
The College Woman's Plattsburgh 42 0
Report of Scholarship Committee for Second Semester; 1916-17 207
The Senior Who Chose Marriage as a Career Ruth Noble Dawson 208
The Alpha Omicron Pi Ambulance 92 0
The Senior Who Must Stay at Home Coila Anderson Hanson 210
Service Honor Roll 32 ,
Magda Chalaron, I I '18 42 2
All the Way Around With our Seniors 42 2
Louise Pendleton, N K 52 2
Katrina Overall, N O 52 2
In Memoriam 72 2
Constance Chandler, A °2 2
Anna White, 9 '18 228
Mabel McConnell, P 92 2
Frances Carter, X 92 2
Leta Nelson, T • 23°
Helene Jarvis Bowersox, II 23*
Bernice Hubbard, 2 • • • 32 2
Martha Lou Jones, O 233
Ruth Lusby, T 233
The Iota Seniors 234
Margaret Durkee, A 235
Gladys Reed, T 23°
Lura Halleck, B * • 23°
Winnifred Moran, Z 237
Evelyn M. C. Hieber, E • •• 23»
Report of the Examining Officer Lucy R. Somerville 239
Grand Secretary's Report •• • • • 2 3 9
A Catalogue of Homely Virtues 24°
Maxims for the Senior Who W i l l Teach 24'
Announcements and Personals 42 2
Editorials 245
Active Chapter Letters 249
Alumnae Chapter Letters 279
Alumnae Notes 290
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 378 Grand Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Helen St. Claire Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '90, 118 W. 183rd St., New
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, Hotel Maryland, San
_Francisco, Cal.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Isabelle Henderson Stewart (Mrs. B. F . , J r . ) , Sierra City, Cal.
Grand Secretary, Helen N . Henry, 415 E . 13th St., New York City, c/o Mrs.
V. L . Bennett.
Grand Treasurer, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland (Mrs. Norman), 517 Angell
St., Providence, R. I .
Grand Vice-president, Daisy Gaus, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Hotel Maryland, San
Francisco, Cal.
Registrar, Marie Vick Swanson (Mrs. A. E . ) , 1926 Sherman Ave., Evanston.
Assistant Registrar, Julia Fuller Crane (Mrs. R . S . ) , 1823 Wesley Ave.,
Evanston, 111.
Auditor, Helen Dickinson Lange (Mrs. W. R . ) , 1646 Fair Oaks Ave.,
Pasadena, Cal.
Examining Officer, Lucy R . Somerville, 509 Central Ave., Greenville, Miss.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Viola Clark Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Editor-in-chief of To D R A G M A , Mary Ellen Chase, 1316 7th St. S. E . , Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Business Manager of To DRAGMA, Carolyn Fraser Pulling (Mrs. Arthur),
100 Malcolm Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Delegate, Anna Estelle Many, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Editor-in-chief, Mary Ellen Chase, 1316 7th St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Business Manager, Carolyn Fraser Pulling (Mrs. Arthur), 100 Malcolm Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Chapter Letters, Margaret June Kelley, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Maine.
Eastern District (Nu, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Chi)
Marion Rich, 17 Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass.
Southern District (Pi, Kappa, Omicron, Nu Kappa, Nu Omicron)
Lucretia Jordan Bickley (Mrs. W . E . ) , 1516 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Middlewestern District (Zeta, Theta, Rho, Iota, Tau, Beta Phi, Eta, Alpha Phi)
Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A. J . ) , 817 S. 6th Ave., Maywood, 111.
Western District (Sigma, Lambda, Upsilon)
Virginia Judy Esterly (Mrs. Ward B . ) , 244 Alvarado Rd., Berkeley, Cal.
Pi—Theodora Sumner, 1427 Delachaise St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—not elected.
Omicron—not elected.
Kappa—Augusta Stacy, Stacy, Ark.
Zeta—Jane L . Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Alice De Veuve, Larkspur, Cal.
Theta—Irene Miller McLeod (Mrs. LeRoy), Browns Valley, Ind.
Delta—Etta Phillips MacPhie (Mrs. E . T . ) , 49 Daniels St., Lowell, Mass.
Gamma—Elizabeth Hanly, Danbury, Conn.
Epsilon—Clara Graeffe, 255 McDonough St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Rho—Edith G . Mecrs, 2301 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Harriet Maines, 439 Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.
Iota—Helen W . Whitney, 628 Grace St., Chicago, 111.
T a u — E l s a Steinmetz, 1917 Emerson Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Ruby Davis, 17 3rd Ave., Gloversville, N . Y .
Upsilon—Ruth Fosdick Davis (Mrs. A. B.), St. Maries, Idaho.
Nu Kappa—Margaret Bonner Bentley (Mrs. W . P . ) , 4617 Gaston Ave., Dallas,
Beta Phi—Vedah Covalt, 717 S. Washington St., Kokomo, Ind.
E t a — V e r a Alderson, 2252 W. 111th PI., Chicago, 111.
Alpha Phi—Ruth Noble Dawson (Mrs. E . E . ) , 315 n t h St. N . , Great Falls,
Alpha—Julia Bolger, 1891 Madison Ave., New York City.
Pi—Mary Thomas Whittington (Mrs. G. P.), Alexandria, L a .
Nu—Daisy Gaus, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y .
Omicron—not elected.
Kappa—Frances Allen, 1912 Federal St., Lynchburg, V a .
Zeta—Jane L . Piper, 1731 D St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Margaret H . Dudley (Mrs. C . D . ) , 2655 Wakefield Ave. E . , Oakland.
Theta—Clara Dills, Winamac, Ind.
Delta—Edna Woodbury, 9 Howe St., Somerville, Mass.
Gamma—Alice Farnsworth Phillips (Mrs. G . H . ) , 298 Center St., Bangor, Me,
Epsilon—Edith Cornell, 6740 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Rho—Doris Wheeler, 639 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Hazel Hartwell, 1145 21st St., San Diego, Cal.
Iota—Ethel Brooks, Beecher City, 111.
T a u — E d i t h Goldsworthy, 103 W. 52nd St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Ethel Harris, Ripley, N . Y .
Upsilon—Carrie I . Bechen, Lewiston, Idaho.
Nu Kappa—Nell Harris, Frederick, Okla.
Beta Phi—Hannah Blair, 801 N . Maple St., Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Esther Fowler, Fithian, 111.
Alpha Phi—Grace Mclver, 115 n t h St. S., Great Falls, Mont.
Pi—Anna McLellan, 2108 Prytania St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Cecile Iselin, The San Ramon, Cent. Pk. W. and 72nd St., New York, N . Y .
Omicron—Eleanor Burke, 1635 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Frances Hardy, R.-M.W.C, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Alice Sheehy, A 0 I I House, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Marion Black, 2913 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal.
Theta—Agnes Lakin, A O II, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Lorna Tasker, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Barbara Dunn, n Bennoch St., Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Dagmar Schmidt, 308 Waite Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Ruth Sharer, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Lenell Garvin, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Mary Caldwell, 706 W. H i l l St., Champaign, 111.
T a u — L i l a Kline, 328 10th Ave. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Frances Carter, 503 University P L , Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Hazel Britton, 4732 21st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Genevieve Groce, 3530 Cedar Springs Rd., Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Mildred Begeman, A O I I House, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Elizabeth Pruett, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Etta Norcutt, Hamilton Hall, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Katrina Overall, 1904 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
New York—Daisy Gaus, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
San Francisco—Daisy Mansfield Shaw (Mrs. Norman), 3073 Bateman St.,
Berkeley, Cal.
Boston—Marion Rich, 17 Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass.
Providence—Jennie Perry Prescott (Mrs. H . S.), 14 Main St., Pawtucket, R . I .
Lincoln—Annie E . Jones, 1710 B St., Lincoln, Neb.
Los Angeles—Lucile Curtis, 1933 Oxford Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Chicago—Mabel Wallace, 7000 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis—Ruth Ritchie, 3241 N . New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Anna E . Many, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Minneapolis—Carolyn Frazer Pulling (Mrs. A r t h u r ) , 100 Malcolm Ave.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor—Margaret June Kelly, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Me.
Portland—Alice H . Collier, 438 E . 52nd St., Portland, Ore.
Puget Sound—Cornelia Jenner, East Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville—Lucretia Jordan Bickley (Mrs. W. E . ) , 1516 Laurel Ave., Knox-
ville, Tenn.
Lynchburg—Clara Murray Cleland (Mrs. J . E . ) , Norfolk Ave., Lynchburg, Va.
Pi—Evelyn Pigott, 3706 Prytania St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Jessie C . Buchanan, 56 E . 59th St., New York, N . Y .
Omicron—Dorothy M. Nolan, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Linna McBride, R.-M. W. C , Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Edna Hathway, A O I I House, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Margaret Forsyth, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Helen Lange, A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Ruth Brooks, 40 Warren St., West Medford, Mass.
Gamma—Ella Wheeler, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Florence Coupe, 308 Waite Ave., Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Margaret Ariess, 5028 N . Clark St., Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Ruth Chandler, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ruth Percival, 906 W. Green St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Margaret Boothroyd, 328 10th Ave. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Ina Miller, 503 University P I . , Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Nellie McColl, 4732 21st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Rhea Burgess, 4505 Munger Ave., Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Vivian Day, A O I I House, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Dorothy 'Bassett, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Harriet Arneson, Hamilton Hall, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Katrina Overall, 1904 Acklen Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnae—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnae—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumnae—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans^ L a .
Minneapolis Alumnae—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor Alumnae—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnae—Portland, Ore.
Puget Sound Alumnae—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumnae—Lynchburg, Va.
President for Two Years of A 4> of A 0
VOL. XIII M A Y , 1918 No. 3
To D R A G M A is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.
To D R A G M A is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May,
and September.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; single copies,
twenty-five cents. Life Subscriptions, Ten Dollars.
Mary Ellen Chase, Editor-in-chief. Carolyn Fraser Pulling, Business
The wind stooped down and wrote a sweet,
small word,
But the snow fell, and all the writing blurred;
Now the snow gone, we read it as we pass—
The wind's word in the grass.
MARY D A N I E L S O N , A 3>
A girl of athletic build, with dark hair and with spirit shining in
her eyes came to America in December, 1908. Her childhood had
been spent by the sea in Arvikawarmland, Sweden. For playmates
through all the happy days on the sands of the shore and in sailboats
she had her eight brothers. iMany are the tales she can tell of childish
adventure, and of the sea voyage to America in company with a
cousin; of her beginning struggles with English, and then of her
high school work in Miles City, Montana.
In June, 1914, the Federation of Women's Clubs elected our senior
(and president) to a scholarship. She chose Montana State Col-
lege, majoring in biology, a pre-medic course. She expects to con-
tinue her student life until her M.D. is earned.
Work has always been play, and early in her college life her marked
leadership was noted; her high standards of fairness and justice
brought admiration from faculty and students; and it is with pro-
found regret that her campus days with us are numbered.
"Mary D " is a linguist of ability. Beside her mother tongues, the
Scandinavian, and English, she is fluent in French, German, and
Spanish. She is an accomplished horsewoman, has won honors in
tennis and swimming, and loves all of God's great outdoors. Above
all of her accomplishments, strength, and learning, she is a girl of
whom all Alpha Omicron Pi should be proud.
When the plans for the Senior Number were born, the Editor had
no intention of honoring one senior above the others. I n other words,
she had no idea of giving the frontispiece to one individual girl.
Not that you do not each deserve a page by yourself, but To
DRAGMA'S treasury will not permit such a luxury, and too many cuts
are being tabooed by most editors during these war times.
Nor should it be, perhaps, within the province of the Editor, who
knows personally but two seniors among you all, to choose the girl
deserving of such honor. Still by force of circumstances the person
who is blessed or cursed with the work of issuing To DRAGMA is more
or less of an autocrat. I t is not, however, with any spirit of auto-
cracy that she places Mary Danielson of Alpha Phi Chapter upon
the frontispiece. I t is because, first of all, she believes there can
be no other girl who better deserves the place, and because she wishes
to express through To DRAGMA a little of the appreciation she feels
for the personality and the work of the president of Alpha Phi
As you have already read, Mary Danielson was born i n Sweden,
and spent the first sixteen years of her life there. A t that age she
"chaperoned" her cousin, a younger girl, to America, and accom-
panied her to Miles City, Montana, where they had relatives. Mary
was merely visiting and had no intention of remaining in America,
but when she caught a vision of the splendid opportunities open to
American girls, she determined to stay, and wrote her parents to
that effect.
Since she had thus issued "her declaration of independence," she
determined to make her own way in every particular, and she has
done it since her arrival. No obstacle has been allowed to stand in her
way. Knowing little English, she first entered the public schools
of Miles City, but in a year had passed her examinations for high
school. Nothing daunted her. The way was not clear for a high
school course, but she cleared it. She has been clearing ways ever
since, not only for herself, but for others of us who perhaps do not
see life as the privilege which it is to her.
I n Montana State College no girl has made herself so well known.
She is a power for worthwhile things wherever she is, and her influ-
ence is known and depended upon. She was one of the charter mem-
bers of Alpha Phi Chapter. I t is not too much to say that Mary
Danielson has always been the "nucleus" of Alpha Phi Chapter.
She believes in one aristocracy—that of character and culture—
and she believes such an aristocracy to be within the reach of every
girl who wants it enough to work for it. To her the ideals of Aloha
Omicron Pi are of daily, practical use and she uses them. By that
use she changes hours and days into privileges and opportunities for
service, and shows to all of us who know her the great possibilities
of life.
President Associate Alumna; of Vassar College
From being regarded as something of a "freak" in most professions,
the college woman is now pretty well accepted in all of them—and
there are very few into which she has not ventured. Yet, among the
many opportunities open to her it is rather surprising that one of
the most obvious, a profession which naturally appeals strongly to
women, has been overlooked or slighted.
That is the career of nursing. The records of Vassar alumna; show
that only seven of the 5,000 are trained nurses. Investigation proved
a reason for the apparent lack of interest, but that reason has now been
in great measure removed.
Nursing, as a trained profession, dates f r o m about the time of
the Civil War, but until very recently little i f any emphasis has been
placed upon the social side. For many years, the trained nurse was
merely a higher sort of servant, without initiative or responsibility.
Slowly the attitude has changed as one pioneer after another has
demonstrated her far greater possibilities, but even yet many indi-
viduals and some hospitals regard nursing as mere bed-side care.
Small wonder that the woman of high purpose and sound training has
turned from it.
But today to the woman who adds to her " A . B . " the letters " R . N . "
there are wide fields to conquer. The registered nurse can perform
service for which no educational background, minus this special
knowledge, could prepare; and when the nurse's proficiency is added
to executive ability and the social outlook given by college training,
the fortunate possessor of this double equipment has opened to her
wide opportunities for service and high professional standing.
My own experience in trying to find a registered nurse with a
college education showed me how these opportunities have been neg-
lected. The Vassar students had guaranteed the salary of a resident
health nurse for Poughkeepsie and, thinking it would be easy enough
to fill such a position, I went straight to the National Organization
for Public Health Nursing. "The salary," I stated, "is $1,200 a year
to start with, a month's vacation, plenty volunteer help, and a Ford
car thrown i n . "
Instead of giving me a list to choose from, they promised indul-
gently to see what they could do. Feelers were sent out all over the
country, but I was told "all the college women in the profession who
have any constructive ability at all are filling positions of so much
larger salaries, that you can hardly expect to secure one." And, after
many vain efforts, we felt lucky to secure a public health nurse whose
equipment and type of mind were, it is true, rather above the average,
but who did not boast the desired A.B.
One reason for the removal of the obstacle which kept college
women from becoming nurses is already obvious—the increased possi-
bilities of the public health field. Here, indeed, the registered nurse
is becoming a power in the land. For instance, out in an isolated
Michigan county, the public health nurse, a Miss Van Duzer, is a real
pioneer. I n her little car she has visited the county schools, starting
health leagues and dental clinics among the children, and educating
the whole county on the thousand and one details of public health.
And she is only one of a growing army of women who, through rural
inspection, school visitation, and constant home care and advice, are
raising standards of living among our isolated communities.
To public health nurses who choose city work, interesting opportu-
nities are open. Going into shabby, unaired tenements, talking to
the slatternly mothers, treating the sick babies, seeing that school
children are examined, often tackling almost insuperable obstacles
of ignorance and vice, the Henry Street Settlement visiting nurses
have regenerated family after family in the New York City slums. I n
Philadelphia, public health nurses have had splendid success, and
Katharine Tucker, a Vassar graduate, is now superintendent of the
Visiting Nurse Society, with sixty nurses under her. The big cities
also open new and fascinating fields, among them "industrial nursing."
The business world has been slow to understand the benefits of keep-
ing well rather than getting well, but now leading corporations have
both factory and visiting nurses. Many cities and towns recognized
the necessity of convalescent care at home during the infant paralysis
scourage of a few years ago. The terrible suffering of that epidemic
has brought about better health for many children in our large cities.
Beside these branches of public health nursing, more than 20,000
workers could be used in infant mortality prevention alone. Surely,
the nurse now stands side by side with the doctor in the fight for
better health conditions.
A n added call to service in the profession comes in these war times,
for imperative as are the home needs, military demands must be
rnet first. Nurses and yet more nurses are needed, both abroad and
m cantonments and base hospitals in America. Here are great
possibilities for the patriotic college woman, with the breadth of vision
and executive training. Take as an example the work of Miss Julia
Stimson, Vassar '01, who, before the war, was head of all the nurses in
a large St. Louis hospital, where she introduced and built up a "social
service etxension" of the work. Her training and experience have
been of the greatest value i n France, where she has organized and
conducted a base hospital, close behind the lines. Because of her
courage and skill, she has been decorated by both General Haig and
General Pershing.
Now for the final removal of the "reason why" or rather "why not"
which has deterred college women from becoming nurses. That is,
the time required for preparation. To a girl who has given four years
to her college course, the prospect of another three years for the
course in nursing, with much duplication of her studies in science, is
very discouraging. No satisfactory compromise has hitherto been
proposed. The present need, however, and the fact that men of
ability could by intensive training be fitted, in a short time, for
officers' commissions, suggested to Mrs. John Wood Blodgett, a Vassar
alumna and trustee, the plan which has been described as "The College
Woman's Pittsburgh."
A training camp for intensive study of the subjects forming part of
a nurse's training will be held at Vassar College this summer. The
course has been arranged with the assistance of the Medical and
Nursing Committees of the Council of National Defense, and the
Red Cross has guaranteed a fund of $75,000 to underwrite expenses.
From those three months of study—June 24th to September 13th—
the graduates w i l l go into hospitals for their practical training.
There is not room to give the details of this Vassar plan, but I would
refer any who are interested—and I hope there may be many—to the
headquarters of the camp itself, to Dean Herbert E. Mills, Vassar
College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Further information about the
camp or about the profession of nursing can be obtained there or from
the Alumna: Recruiting Committee, 106 East 52nd Street, New York
City. Applications should be sent direct to Dean M i l l s ; as the lists
close on the tenth of May, inquiries and applications should be sent
The times demand service to the point of sacrifice. I t is impossible
to exaggerate the crisis of this fundamental profession or to under-
estimate the need of consecrated women to answer this appeal to
patriotism. There was never a time when training counted for so
much and mere willingness to help for so little. Today, the woman
who can help is the woman who knows.
(W. C. S., Class of 1915)
B Y E L I Z A B E T H H A N L Y , r 1915
I cannot think of you among the immortals,
One of a grave-eyed, reverential host;
I picture you come back a gallant ghost
To seek again these stately, shadowy portals
And hide your khaki 'neath a scholar's gown.
I can imagine how your face will lighten
When you behold against the western sky,
Brilliant and bold, the service banners fly,
And one by one the frat houses' windows brighten
Above the river as the sun goes down.
Then sauntering down the chapel aisle you go,
Insouciant, indifferent, and slow,
A sidelong glance of mingled pride and shame
For the bright tablet that will bear your name.
From The Outlook of March 27th.
Believing that i t will be necessary for women to work on farms this
summer i n order to relieve the shortage of labor which exists with
the present conditions, the association of Camp Fire Guardians of
Greater Boston is formulating plans whereby their girls may go out
in groups to t i l l the soil. I f possible a farm w i l l be secured where
the girls under proper supervision may raise crops and then can them
for the market. I n this way the girls will be rendering a patriotic
service while they are enjoying the experience of camp life together.
The Camp Fire ideals—work, health, and love—can no better be
exemplified than by thus doing their bit.
For those who are unable to leave their homes, community gardens
w i l l help the problem of food for next winter. Miss Hermine Schultz
of Roslindale, a Camp Fire girl who has won many honors in state
canning contests, w i l l teach the girls proper methods in preserving
their products.
The Association of Greater Boston Camp Fire Guardians is plan-
ning a Grand Patriotic Council Fire i n Mechanics' Hall, Boston, on
April 20th.
A L I C E SPEAR, A '12.
To a college graduate many doors are open into the wide, wide
world. Each door is a venture, an investment that may yield increas-
ingly large dividends i f the choice is a wise one. Therefore it be-
hooves each senior to consider well and "watch her step." We may-
take for granted that every college woman in the land these days
proposes to devote her talents to service of some sort. Hence the two
questions to be decided are these: "Where am I most needed?" For
what line of work am I best suited?"
The observations and experiences of some who have made the big
decision will perhaps be helpful. Shall we consider for a few
moments what lies beyond the door marked Ph.D.? The degree of
Doctor of Philosophy is the outward symbol that stands before the
world as a proof of approximately three years of intensive graduate
study and the achievement of some original work. Many attain the
degree and yet prove to be decidedly lacking in the ability to build
on the foundations so painstakingly laid. Others not having the
time or the inclination to work for this degree display rare genius and
perhaps become world famous. However, in general it may be said
that the possession of the Ph.D. degree is a prerequisite for college
teaching, at least for promotion in college work. To one seeking
investments i t should be emphasized that teaching at best is poorly
rewarded, and college teaching with few exceptions is not even as
lucrative as secondary school work. Yet no nobler profession than
teaching exists, and none more vital to the life of a nation. I t is
the finest type of social service, i f one but takes advantages of its
myriad opportunities.
It must be recognized that not every college graduate of good
academic standing is adapted to graduate work. An infinite store
of patience, perseverance, and zeal is necessary as well as a whole-
hearted devotion to some particular subject. Since a Ph.D. degree
is not necessarily a gilt-edged financial investment, what are some of
the rewards that may be expected? These are not a few ; the inspira-
tion of working with the leaders of thought; the satisfaction of
becoming deeply acquainted with a beloved subject; the broad out-
look obtained by approaching to its very borderland; the awe and
thrill that accompany the first step into creative work ; an appreciation
of what original work really means; a sure remedy for the scorn.that
we too often hear implied in the words, "grind," "book-worm." "high
brow." To be a leader in thought, to be of actual service in
one's line, one must grind—no other word expresses i t ; one must be
as constantly with books and manuscripts as a bookworm ; and one's
thoughts and zeal must be centered on things "high." One loses
then a certain humanness? Yes, I believe it. But is it too great
a price to pay? What would we do without the Archimedes, New-
tons, and Edisons, who have sacrificed so many human joys for the
sake of keeping their genius burning for the joy and progress of
the world?
The unfortunate side of this story is that so few research workers
prove to be Newtons. The labor may be f a i t h f u l and intense and
the result little or nothing. I have in mind a man who during two
years devoted all his available time to working out a piece of theory;
and on the eve of its publication found an article nearly identical with
his own in a current number of a foreign magazine. Of what avail
then his long, tedious, midnight toils, of the human, personal interests
sacrificed, the pleasures foregone! For that work he received no
fame, and he doubtless suffered some financial loss. Yet he had the
thrilling experience that attends the progress of every explorer, and
the wonderful joy of feeling himself a creator.
Personally speaking, the credit side of my investment in a degree
of Doctor of Philosophy far outweighs the debit. I gave three years'
hard work. Attending this were sacrifices of good times (a few)
and of coins (quite a number). I received a new point of view.
Graduate study to my unsophisticated mind had always been akin to
undergraduate study—only more of it. In particular, I received a
deeper insight and a closer contact with my beloved mathematics and
felt the fascinating zest of venturing out into unknown fields and of
bringing back a bit of the eternal truth to add the world's store of
knowledge. Although I am, alas, no genius, although I spend many
laborious hours in fruitless endeavor, and although I am not over-
burdened with salary, yet the investment in a Ph.D. degree has proved
to be one of inestimable value to me. .
It is the mind that makes the body rich ;
And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds,
So honour peereth in the meanest habit.
Below is the present standing of each chapter as regards subscrip-
tions to To DRAGMA compared with that of a year ago. Are you
proud of the record of your chapter? The assistant business man-
agers have worked faithfully and untiringly to increase this standing.
Have you who are nonsubscribers done your part? Remember, the
more money that comes in, the larger and better publication we can
give you. The Editor is brimful of ideas and has a great deal of
material of interest that may be published i f the Business Manager
can say, "We have the money in the treasurey."
There are eighty-two subscriptions that expire with tliis issue. I f
yours is one, you will find a slip in your magazine to that effect. I f
you send in your renewal at once, you will save us time, money, and
worry. Do it now !
Business Manager.
1918 1917
Eta 4 4 100
Alpha Phi . •. 9 100
68 43 63 75
39 23 60
Beta 12 7 58 58
Nu Kappa . . 6 3 50
67 26 40 34
37 14 38 72
109 38 36 51
58 20 34 56
132 42 33 58
71 20 27 29
Omicron . . . . 51 13 25 23
Chi 41 10 25 50
Pi 77 19 23 26
Beta Phi 62 22
Delta 139 27 20 17
Zeta 112 10 17 24
98 16 16 24
Theta 121 IS 15 7
Nu 63 8 13 16
86 5 6 13
Isabelle Henderson Stewart, Lennie P. Copeland, Gamma
Sigma Coila Anderson Hanson, Rho
Mae Barlow Yocum, Rho
Edith Goldsworthy, Tau Vera Riebel, Rho
Mary Rust, Omicron Isabelle Stone, Epsilon
Merva Dolsen Hennings, Rho Loretta Thompson Mitchell, Chi
Mary Wills Scholl, Iota Louise Wadsworth Zeek, N u
Clara A. Graeffe, Epsilon
Mary Kretlow, Alpha Phi Kappa
Fannibelle Leland Brown, Alpha
Great God, I ask Thee for no meaner pelf
Than that I may not disappoint myself;
That in my action I may soar as high
A s I can now discern with this clear eye.
And next in value, which Thy kindness lends,
That I may greatly disappoint my friends,
Howe'er, they think or hope that it may be,
They may not dream how Thou'st distinguished me.
That my weak hand may equal my firm faith,
And my life practise more than my tongue saith;
That my low conduct may not show,
Nor my relenting lines,
That I Thy purpose did not know,
Or overrated Thy designs.
To meet the national emergency in military and public health nurs-
ing by recruiting college women—who are especially wanted because
their previous education facilitates intensive training and rapid
advancement to the posts of urgent need—there has been established
at Vassar College a new summer school, known as the Training Camp
for Nurses. This camp will open June 24th and continue until
September 13th, and will be under the auspices of the National Coun-
cil of Defense and the Red Cross.
The camp provides an opportunity for college graduates to lit
themselves for active service in one of the leading and most necessary
professions of today with a shorter period of preparation than has
ever been possible heretofore. Just as Plattsburgh was the beginning
of a system to train educated men for the higher positions of mili-
tary life in the shortest possible time, so the Vassar Camp is the first
scientific attempt to fit educated women as quickly as possible to
officer the nursing profession. The Plattsburgh system, by giving
men of higher education intensive theoretical training in military
work, has officered our army in time to meet the emergency without
lowering the standards. The Vassar idea is its equivalent in the
nursing profession. I t is designed to overcome the shortage of nurses
that now confronts the country, when 12,000 scientifically trained
women are needed f o r every million soldiers, when our Allies are
calling on America for trained women to officer their hospitals, and
when the public health standards of the country are menaced by new
working and living conditions and a growing scarcity of doctors and
nurses in civilian practice.
Although only the R. N.—the registered trained nurse—is officially
recognized as able to perform the exacting duties required, young
women undergoing training will have plenty of chances for actual
war work. That is the very reason why every effort is being made
to obtain nurses in the shortest possible time. I n addition to the
opportunity for immediate patriotic service, there is the chance to
enter a profession of dignity and relatively high rewards.
In the first place, the better positions of the nursing profession
are the ones most i n need of candidates. I n the second place, even
while taking the probationary course, the nurse is at no expense and
is actually engaged in practical work. I n the next place, should
the war soon cease, opportunities would increase rather than diminish ;
for the field of public health nursing, sadly short of nurses now, is
steadily widening. Public health work is coming to be more and
more recognized as an exceptionally interesting and dignified profes-
sion, and the only drawback to its extension at present is the shortage
of well-educated women of the sort who can take responsibility, act
on their own initiative, and develop the latent possibilities of their
Salaries in the nursing profession range from $1,500 to $5,000
with, in most cases, maintenance under pleasant conditions. Promo-
tion, especially in these days of stress, comes rapidly, and from the
very start the nurse is assured of as rapid progress as her ability
Small wonder then that college women who are graduates of classes
between 1909 and 1918, inclusive, arc manifesting great interest in
the plans for the Vassar Camp, which will enable them to take
advantage of their education so as to shorten the usual training
course from three years to only two. The three months at the camp
will eliminate the "drudge period" of the nurses' training, doing away
with much of the manual labor and elementary instruction, thus
permitting the student to step right into advanced hospital work to
complete her training for the "R. N . " degree.
Vassar is situated on the hills above the Hudson, two hours from
New York. I t is on the State Road along the river, and is a con-
venient stop-off for automobile tours. I n addition, the Hudson river
boats run regular trips and special excursions from Poughkeepsie and
surrounding points. Lake Mohonk and other points of scenic and
historic interest are near by.
Anyone who has ever visited Vassar College in summer carries
away memories of wide stretches of green lawn, fine shade trees,
flowers in profusion, lakes, and every condition and facility for whole-
some living and amusement. Add to these attractions buildings
whose equipment and accommodations rival those of any college, and
one realizes how specially Vassar is equipped as the place for this
new project. The trustees have not only turned over the four large
quadrangle dormitories for the camp students, the newest hall for
the camp faculty, the laboratories, infirmary, and other special build-
ings for instruction purposes, but they have have also made every
effort to insure the physical comfort of the new students. The col-
lege farm will supply fresh vegetables and milk, and f u l l maid service
will be continued. The grounds will be kept up, the lakes, athletic
fields, tennis courts, etc., in running order and open to the camp
workers, under supervision of an experienced educational director.
In addition, the undergraduates have interested themselves in the
newcomers so much that they have agreed to leave their rooms entirely
furnished with all the knickknacks and comforts to make the "cam-
pers" feel at home. A recreation director will be on duty, and enter-
tainments will be given in the large theater of the "Students' Build-
ing" and in the outdoor theater as well.
There will be a number of scholarships allowing students to take
the course entirely without expense. One alumna of Vassar for
example, too old, as she says, to become a nurse, has offered to "serve
by proxy," by paying the tuition and maintenance fees of some younger
woman. The regular fees will amount to ninety-five dollars, which
will cover everything, tuition, board, lodging, and laundry—less than
a woman could live on in her own home for the same period.
The course of study has been devised by the National Emergency
Nursing Committee of the Council of National Defense, and the
faculty already comprises the leading medical and nursing authorities
of the country. The faculty and advisory board together present an
array of names which no hospital or training school in America has
ever been able to show.
The dean of the camp is Herbert E. Mills, professor of economics
at Vassar. Dr. C. E. A. Winslow of Yale University will be profes-
sor of bacteriology and hygiene; Miss Florence Sabin, Johns Hop-
kins, anatomy and physiology; Prof. Margaret Washburn, Vassar,
psychology; Dr. W. H . Park, New York Department of Health,
bacteriology; Prof. Helen Pope, Carnegie Institute, dietetics.
Anyone who wishes information as to the camp or the opportunities
for nurses should write the Recruiting Committee, 106 East 52nd
Street, New York City, or courses, instructors, etc., may be obtained
by addressing Dean Mills, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N . Y.
Forenoon and afternoon and night,—Forenoon,
And afternoon, and night,—Forenoon, and—what!
The empty song repeats itself. No more?
Yea, that is L i f e ; make this forenoon sublime,
This afternoon a psalm, this night a prayer,
And Time is conquered, and thy crown is won.
SECOND S E M E S T E R ; 1916-17
% no. hrs. Jo no. hrs., % no. hrs.
highest grade passing below
below 1 passing
Kappa 48.3 48.3 3.4
Omicron . . , 42.5 52.3 5.1
Zeta 29.6 65.8 4.4
Iota 23.6 76.3
21.3 78.6 2.4
Delta 19.9 77.6 3.1
Rho 17.8 79.2 2.7
Gamma 16.2 81 4.1
Nu Omicron 15.7 80.1
Nu Kappa . . 12.5 87.5 3.01
Chi 12.3 84.6
Beta Phi . . . Sent in report for wrong semester.
Sent in report for wrong semester.
Upsilon Sent in report for wrong semester.
Alpha Phi . .
Pi Sent in report for wrong semester.
No report
Theta No report
Eta No report
No report
No report
No report
1. Highest grade given by institution, e.g., "excellent," "honors,"
"above 90%," etc.
•2- Grades between 1 and 3.
3. Grades not resulting credit toward graduation, e.g. "condition,"
"failure," "not passed," etc.
I had always planned to work at least a year or two after my
graduation, and had anyone told me that I would he married three
months after I had finished school, 1 would have laughed at the
idea, I am sure. But that is exactly what I did, I had taken a
business course at college, and at first was at a loss to know how I
could use that knowledge after I had married. But I had worked
for two summers in the bank where I met my husband and where he
works still, so I am familiar with his work and thoroughly enjoy
helping during the busy times of the month. I also help my father
with his correspondence. He has too little to employ a regular stenog-
rapher, so I attend to it a l l for him. That keeps me in practice
and helps them too, which is satisfying.
My real "career," though, is home-making, but I find time for many
things outside, because housekeeping for two is not a time-consuming
business, I find. I have helped sell Liberty Bonds, have collected
money for the Red Cross, for the Y. W. C. A. War Fund, and for
the Armenians. A l l one needs just now, it seems to me, is time and
a willingness to help, and she will find plenty to do. Every Thurs-
day evening finds me at the Y. W. C. A. where I have charge of a
group of twelve-year old girls from one of the schools of the city.
There are several such groups and the leaders help the girls with Red
Cross work, knitting, cutting snips and gun-wipes, etc., and really a
great deal is accomplished. Beside, the girls feel that they are "doing
their bit" to help in this great work. My girls have just finished
their third layette for the Belgian babies, and I am very proud of
them. Grace Mclver, A <£, '17, has one of these groups, and she
and I agree that they have been an inspiration to us all year long.
I know we have gotten as much out of the work as the girls. I have
a Sunday school class, too, and although that doesn't take up so much
time, still I have to be there with them every Sunday, but I enjoy
them so much.
Sometimes I wish dreadfully that I could be down town all day
with the rush and hurry of business around me, and wonder whether
the little things I do here and there really amount to anything. They
surely aren't much taken separately, but, perhaps, i f they were all
put together they would amount to something definite, after all. I
hope so. I only know that my minutes are well occupied, and that
I find very few idle ones during a day.
In closing I would say to the senior who chooses marriage as a
career that it does not have to be a limited career, shut in by kitchen
walls, unless she wishes to make it so. The time calls for us all. Let
the girl who marries take her place in the ranks with her unmarried
sisters, and be of service outside the home as well as within it.
R i T H NOBLE DAWSOX, A <f>, '17.
A Notice from the War Work Committee
Address all communications to
' Mrs. Norman Leslie McCausland, Jr.,
517 Angell Street,
Providence, R. I .
Dear Sister:
What will you do to help win the war? Alpha Omicron Pi, like
other fraternities, is going to do a constructive work to carry aid to
the front battle-line in this colossal world struggle.
Our boys are giving their lives for you and for me. They are
fighting that we may not have to suffer what the women and children
of Belgium and Poland have been forced to endure. Can we sit
at home and do nothing while they are fighting for our very lives?
As a tribute, not only to them, but to what this democracy has made
it possible for us to have in the way of education, training, and culture
of the T R U E kind, let us unite to place an Alpha Omicron Pi ambu-
lance, marked with our fraternity name, on the the front line, to
show our boys that loyalty and humanity are not empty terms, and
that home and help are not far away, but are over with them.
Please send all you can, from fifty cents up, and please send it
right soon, that we may by so much hasten the day when our men
may be with us again and when peace may be not a cherished dream
but a blessed reality.
This ambulance will be given through the authoritative channels
of the Red Cross and Council of National Defense, and i f at the
time there are plenty of ambulances in the field, and some more press-
ing need is felt, that will be considered.
The committee thanks you for your generous response, which we
know will come and thanks you not only for the fraternity but for
our brothers to whom we shall be carrying life and courage.
" I f you cannot go across, come across," please!
Yours in Alpha Omicron Pi,
L I L L I A N M A C Q U I L L I N MCCAUSLAND, Chairman, B, ' 9 9 ,
E R M A LESSELL, A <£, '16.
Having made a specialty of staying at home for the past three
years, I may be able to help the senior who plans to remain at home
next year. It's a business or profession that qualifies one for the
highest of all service, that of making and keeping the home. I t
is an easy matter for any woman to find work for her idle moments
in the Red Cross workrooms when the demand now for hand made
garments, knitting, and surgical dressings is so insistent. We are
hearing so much today of the new branches open in every line for
women that there are few enough of us left who care to keep the
home fires burning, especially i f it isn't our own home—the home of
our dreams with our sweetheart in it. I n the beginning it's going to
be hard, very hard to think that you will have to return home when
you are in the first flush of ambition and enthusiasm after being
stamped "educated" by the college authorities. I t may mean a great
deal of disappointment in the f a l l to have to remain at home when
your companions are leaving for more college work or for positions
with high-sounding salaries. Cheer up! This is the time to plunge
into the pickling with an ardor that would shame the pep at a football
game. The first year that I was home I pickled everything the cook-
book advised, and to this day there are still jugs and jars of these
condiments left in the cellar. Of course, there may be someone who
will be a Calamity Jane and talk of wasted food-stuffs, but think what
a balm it is to go to bed at night so tired and saturated with vinegar
that you just have to sleep whether you wish you were at the rushing
parties or not. As long as you're lonesome for college, stick to the
vinegar jug.
I f you go back to a small village where there are only two or three
people each year who have the privilege of going to college, there
may be a few kindred spirits who will understand your loss of college
associations—but the majority of people will not. It's a good thing
then to show the town that college has not spoiled you, but that you
are brought nearer to your old friends. A t first they will expect you
to try to change the old order of things, but why not do as the towns-
people do? It's a good comfortable way no doubt, even i f it isn't as
you used to do on the campus. The church suppers are probably
grab-as-you-can, higgley, piggley affairs, but there is plenty of food
and it's good home cooking. A t the dances, of course, there are no
programs and you usually dance every number, regardless of who it
is that asks you, because you must be democractic; and though the
music at the benefit concert is rather of the popular sort and the
voices untrained, at least the young people are willing to help in its
success. It's your own home town and remember that you "get as
much out of it as you put i n . "
And the people are so interesting, just like David Grayson's charac-
ters or another Cranford; the old soldier who went through the
Indian uprisings and Civil War without a wound. What does he
not tell you of his experiences! The madame who is a small town
aristocrat in every sense of the word, and whose will is law among
a few; the vegetable woman whose name is a household by-word; the
horse-racer and his wife, the only woman in town who reads the
Congressional Record; the wash-woman making her garrulous way
once a week to your home, disseminating news, gossip, and scandal
in the same breath that she tells you how to run the house. Bless
you, when she has worked in your home since you were ten years old,
of course she has a license to advise you! Truly the people are the
dearest and the best on earth because of their very idiosyncrasies.
When winter comes, you will remember the list of books that you
jotted down i n your literature courses that you were going to read
some time. This is a splendid opportunity to become acquainted
with Tom Jones, Henry Warrington, Mr. Pecksniff, Daniel Deronda,
and many other worthwhile characters. And what of your garden
for the summer? You know that the seed catalogues come out in the
winter so that you will spend a long time looking over the wonderful
vegetables that grow best, one is forced to admit, only on the highly
colored page. But don't wear out the envelopes looking over your
display for the summer so often that the seeds all leak out as mine
did one year. Then think of the Christmas baking and candies to
be made. Here are endless possibilities in housewifery of the old-
fashioned kind.
When lovely spring in soft colors comes, you know what to do with
all of outdoors before you. Here are the long delightful tramps
into the country. Do you know where the first crocus blooms each
spring? Do you know where the flowers are the thickest in A p r i l
or where the rare mocassin flower hides in June and July? I f you
have to go out alone, get a big dog for a companion—he will respond
to your mood. I am sure that my dog is my truest friend, and he
is such a sport for a hike, he can leap a five foot fence while I roll
under it. I f you live near hills, you are twice and doubly blessed.
I f you have an imagination, how enjoyable this roaming becomes!
Indians might be behind those rocks. Maybe this was their favorite
spot to camp in ages ago. Or you might be carrying a message in
a n important battle, and you are taking a dangerous route to deliver
-J t Or perhaps you are in the hills of Scotland carrying the burning
cross over the rocks. You don't need to be alone at all i f you can be
out of doors.
I t really is fine to stay at home after college f o r a year anyway.
You can take the time then to ask yourself what were the most worth
while things in the four years—but better than that you can prove to
everyone that college has helped you and has not spoiled you. I t
isn't hard to stay at home after the first few weeks. You slip into
the old groove and it's easy after that for even though
"The little road says, 'Go,'
The little house says 'Stay!' "
Whether we climb, whether we plod,
Space for our task the scant years l e n d -
To choose some path that leads to God,
And keep it to the end.
Ruth Chalmers—fiance, Robert Dunning, U. S. Ambulance Corps,
Allentown, Pa.
Olive Chase—brother, Lieut. Edward E. Chase, Camp Wadsworth,
S. C.
Pauline Derby Haskell—husband, Lieut. W. P>. Haskell, Leon
Springs, Tex.
Ruth Ingersoll—sister, Mrs. Alice Stewart, Red Cross Corps, France.
Gladys Reed—fiance, C. Neal Merrill, Reserve Engineer Corps.
Helen White—brothers, Lieut. Merritt 0 . White, 1st Lieut., Aviation
Corps, A. E. F., France; Cadet Horace H . White, Aviation
School, Cornell, Ithaca, N . Y . ; A. C. White, Jr., Massachusetts
Reserve Corps; Walter C. White, preparing for West Point at
Marion Institute, Marion, Ala.
Hazel Mariner Buzzell—husband, Corp. Robert L . Buzzell, Camp
Devens, Ayer, Mass.
Alice Harvey Brewer—brother, Capt. Leigh I . Harvey, Rodman,
Myrtle Jones Bailey—brother, Sergt. Elmer Jones, Camp Wadsworth,
S. C.
Mary Ellen Chase—brother, Lieut. Edward E. Chase, South
Edith Aiken Corrigan—brother, 1st Lieut. Herbert Aiken, Camp
Dick, Dallas, Tex.
Irene and Mary Cousins—brother, Quartermaster Herbert Cousins,
Bar Harbor, Me.
Mildred Dow—brother, Engineer's Mate, Charles Dow, U . S. Trans-
port, Covington, N . Y . ; fiance, Ensign Charles S. Allen, Charles-
ton Navy Yard, Boston.
Edith Flint—brothers, Ralph Flint, Vancouver; Donald Flint,
Cecelia Rice Gallagher—husband, Lieut. J. F. Gallagher, M . R. C ,
Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.
Antense Cousens Hincks—brother, Roland Cousens, in charge of
C. P. 0., Mess H a l l , U . S. S. America; Jasper B. Cousens,
mechanic in auto squad San Antonio, Tex.; V. Thornton Cou-
sens, Naval Reserve, Bar Harbor; William Cousens, Inspector
of Aeroplane Lumber, Van Buren, Me.
Margaret Holyoke—fiance, Corp. Harold P. Adams, Camp Wads-
worth, S. C.
Margaret Flint Jacobs—husband, Lieut. Lester Jacobs, France;
brothers, Ralph Flint, Vancouver, Donald Flint, France.
June Kelly—brother, Sergt. Francis Kelley, Camp Wadsworth, S. C.
Alice Farnsworth Phillips—sister, Adah L . Farnsworth, Red Cross
Nurse, Newport Naval Training Station.
Madeline Robinson—brother, Quartermaster, Arthur Robinson, Bar
Harbor, Me.
Doris Savage—brother, Arno Savage, Naval Reserve, Bumkin Island.
Frances Lougee Smith—husband, Lieut. Leroy Smith, M . D . ; Base
Hospital, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.
Agnes Burnham Townsend—brother, Horace Burnham, Aviation
Service, Waiting Call.
Annie Gilbert Woods—husband, Lieut. Harry M . Woods, Camp
Meade, Md.
Emma Black Kew and Marion Black—brother, 1st Lieut. Harold
Black, Camp Fremont, Cal.
Bertha Beard—brother, Derrel Beard, Ft. Myer, Va.
Frances Corlett—brother, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Corlett, Camp Fre-
mont, Cal.
Alice Cranston—fiance, John Baxter Juvenile, Camp Lewis, Wash.
Margaret Day—brother, Corp. Charles Day, Camp Kearney. Cal.
Gertrude Day—brother, Mary Wight Day—husband, Capt. John
Briggs Day, Fort Sill, Okla.
Elizabeth Elliott—brother, Marion Elliott, San Antonio, Tex.; fiance,
Charles Clark, Camp Lewis, American Lake, Wash.
Margaret Stone Eddy—husband, Capt. James Eddy, Coast Artillery,
San Francisco, Cal.
Celeste La Coste Etcheverry—husband, M a j . Michel Etcheverry,
Camp Kearney, Cal.
Grace Morin—brother, Frank Morin, U . S. Ambulance, France.
Mildred Mallon—brother, John Mallon, Camp Kearney, Cal.
Margaret McVey—brothers, John McVey, Aviation, Berkeley, Cal.;
Richard McVey, Ordnance, Washington, D. C.
Beatrice St. John—fiance, Goodwin Searles, San Pedro, Cal.
Jeannett Miller Swartz—husband, Lieut. Burton Swartz, Camp Lewis,
American Lake, Wash.
Gladys Schmidt Graff—husband, Robert Graff, Camp Lewis, Ameri-
can Lake, Wash.
Florence Weeks and Grace Weeks—brother, Stuart Weeks, San An-
tonio, Tex.
Marian Farrington—brother, Bruce B. Farrington, Goat Island. Cal.
Netha Hall Hill—brother, Lowell Hall, San Antonio, Tex.
Mary Caldwell—brother, Lieut. B. J. Caldwell, on board Oklahoma.
Anis Coultas—fiance, John Doe, "Somewhere in France."
Maybelle Dallenbach and Grace Dallenbach Finfrock—brother, J. H .
Dallenbach, M . G. Co., 111th Infantry, Camp Hancock, Augusta,
Dorothy Dunn—brothers, Lieut. M . L . Dunn, 343rd Infantry, Camp
Grant, Rockford, 111.; Capt. T . S. Dunn, 304th Engineers, Accot-
ink, Va.
Nila Edmundson—fiance, H . W. Hoelmke, Public Works Dept., Co.
O, Barracks 4, Camp Paul Jones, Great Lakes, 111.
Grace Gantz—brothers, Howard Gantz, 3rd R. O. T . C , Camp
Grant, Rockford, 111.; Arthur Gantz, Co. I , 345th Infantry,
Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark.
Martha Hedgcock and Nellie Hedgcock—brother, Lieut. A. J. Hedg-
cock, U . S. Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Va.
Pauline Davis Hollister—husband, Lieut. C. R. Hollister, Dental
Corps, U . S. A.
Ruth Holman—brother, Private J. W. Holman, Squadron J, Aviation
Section, St. Paul, Minn.
Aileen Hunter—fiance, Lieut. Lawrence Kinnaird, Aviation Section,
Concentration Camp No. 2; Garden City, Long Island.
Florence Moss—brother, 1st Sergt. C. S. Moss, Engineering Corps,
U. S. A. Recruiting Station, McComb, Miss.
Dorothy I wig—brother, Naval Aviation.
Minnie Phillips—brother, Andrew S. Phillips, Kelly Field No. 1,
145th Aero Squadron, South San Antonio, Tex.
Mary Putnam—brother, M a j . Rufus W. Putnam, 318th Engineers,
Vancouver Barracks, Wash.
Lottie Pollard—brother, Capt. Henry Pollard, O. O. R. C , Ordnance
Dept., A. E. F., France. (Written book on Manual of Equip-
ment for Machine Gun Companies.) Capt. A. R. Pollard,
O. O. R. C , Ordnance Dept., Ford Bldg., Washington, D . C.
Leila Sheppard—brother, Lieut. C. H . Sheppard, Ft. H . G. Wright.
Quarters 15, via New London, Conn.
Hazel Stephens—brother, Private T . E. Stephens, 258th Aero Squad-
ron. Rantoul. 111.
Golda Wadsworth—brother, Dwight Wadsworth, Kelly Field No. 3,
Aero Squadron 220, Camp Kelly, San Antonio, Tex.
Mabel Wallace—brother, Lieut. Kenneth R. R. Wallace, U . S. S.
L 4, Naval Forces, Europe.
Ethel Wattes—brother, Vernon C. Wattes (address not known) ;
Russel T, Wattes, Camp Kelly, San Antonio, Tex.
Helen Whitney—brother, Grant S. Whitney, Wardmaster Ward No.
20, Post Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
Lida Belle Goyer (Mrs. C. W.)—husband, Lieut. C. W. Goyer, Ft.
Oglethorpe, Ga.
Elizabeth Bryan Williams (Mrs. S. H.)—husband, Capt. S. H . W i l -
liams, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va.
Katherine Gordon Cary (Mrs. J. B . ) — husband, Lieut. J. B. Cary,
Alice Hardy, Frances Hardy, and Helen Hardy—brother, Mahood P.
Hardy, Princeton, N . J.
Susie Mann Gannaway (Mrs. M . W.)—father, Dr. R. H . T . Mann,
Red Cross, Ark.
Linna M . McBride—brother, Sergt. Martin McBride, Rich Field,
Waco, Tex.
Elise Paxton Keebler (Mrs. R. S.) and Dorothy Paxton—brother,
Lieut. A. G. Paxton, Jr., San Antonio, Tex.
Elise Paxton Keebler (Mrs. R. S.)—husband, R. S. Keebler, Colum-
bia, Ohio.
Clara Smith—brother, Sergt. Edward Nelson Smith, Camp Mc-
Clellan, Anniston, Ala.
Nell Streetman—brother, Corp. Samuel Streetman, Ft. Worth, Tex.
Anna Taylor—brother, Sergt. Richard Taylor, Anniston, Ala.
Annie Moore—brother, Lieut. John S. Moore, France.
Julia White—brothers, Maj. Frank White, Waco, Tex.; Lieut. Horace
White, France; Lieut. King Rand, France.
Clarice Watkins Berry (Mrs. L. F.) and Daisy Watkins—brother,
Capt. Brackett Watkins, Aviation.
Katherine March Thomas (Mrs. S. J.)—brother and husband in
government service. (General March, Chief of Staff of the
American Army, is an uncle to Mrs. Thomas. His son, Peyton
March, Jr., is a cousin. He has recently given his life for his
Viola Miner Neutson (Mrs. Earl J.)—husband, in Aeronautic Ser-
vice of Navy, Mech. Mate, Pensacola, Fla.
Edith Mitchell Toland—husband, Sergt. M . R. Toland, Camp
Funston, Tex.
Phana Wernick Smith—husband, Lieut. Richard Smith, France (?)
Matie Stoner Ebeltoft (Mrs. W. H.)—brother, Lieut. Harry L.
Stoner, France (?).
Mary Lou and Vivian Watson—brother, Capt. Ernest E. Watson,
Machine Gun Section.
Zora Robinson—fiance, Lieut. Andrew Keefe, France.
Florence Brande—(self), Telephone Operator for Government.
Gertrude Falkenhagen—(self), Dietitian in Medical Corps.
Rhoda Kellogg—brothers, Lieut. Robert L . Kellogg, 20th Engi-
neers; Lieut. J. Palmer Kellogg, 20th Engineers.
Elsa Feldhammer—fiance, George Johnson.
Jennie Marie Schober—fiance, Harold E. Roenisch, Royal Flying
Corps of Canada, Toronto.
Lucile Ziegelmaier—fiance, Sergt. Walter Haertel, Co. F, 313th
Engineers, Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Lillian Hoff—brother, Lieut. Wm. Hoff, New Orleans, La.
Anne Yates—nephew, Lieut. Blinn F. Yates, American Expedi-
tionary Forces, France.
Mary Adams—brother, Private Ernest Adams, France.
Lillian Battenfeld—brother, Frank Battenfeld, Ambulance Driver,
Vera Ingalls Bliss—husband, Lieut. Robt. Bliss, Texas.
Iantha Emmerling—fiance, Private Harry Stage, Long Island.
Ethel Farrington—fiance, Private Lucien Marinus, Camp Dix, N . J.
Nora L. Knight—fiance, Sergt. Goodson Schreeder, Vancouver Bar-
racks, Wash.
Loretta Thompson Mitchell—husband, 1st Lieut. H . M . Mitchell,
Medical Reserve, Washington, D . C.
Clarita Moore—brother, Private Felix Moore, Spartanburg, S. C.
Edith Rauch—brother, Corp. Leonard W. Rauch, Camp Gordon, Ga.
Helen Schrack—brother, Lieut. Welling Schrack, Jr. ( U . S. Engi-
neers), Vladivostok, Siberia.
Emily Tarbell—brother, Corp. Luther A. Tarbell, France.
Ruth Guthrie Woodruff—husband, W. B. Woodruff, Fort Hamilton,
L. I .
Theresa Maxwell Zimmerman—husband, Capt. Robt. Zimmerman,
Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Miss.
Sara Bres—brother, Harold Adams Bres, Co. 14, Naval Aviation
Dept., Cambridge, Mass.
Mary Frere Caffery (Mrs. J.)—husband, Lieut. John Caffery, U . S.
N . , Naval Station, New Orleans; brothers—Lieut. Hugh Polk
Frere, N . A., A. E. F., France; Bryan Frere, Jr., Lieut., U . S. N . ,
Newport, R. I .
Junes Morris Ellis (Mrs. C. J.)—brother, Capt. P. S. Morris, Jr.,
Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich.; Lieut. Stanley S. Morris,
Camp Pike, Ark.
Nell Bres Enstis (Mrs. E. L.)—brother, Harold Adams Bres, Co. 14,
Naval Aviation Dept., Cambridge, Mass.
Helen Grevemberg—brothers, Capt. Frank B. Grevemberg, Camp
Pike, A r k . ; Lieut. Carlo E. Grevemberg, A. E. F., France; Cadet
M . E. Grevemberg, School of Aeronautics, Austin, Tex.
Clara Hall—brother, Luther E. H a l l , Camp Beauregard, La.
Clara Lee Snyder Hamilton (Mrs. Peter)—husband, Capt. Peter
Hamilton, Camp Beauregard, La.
Ernestine Bres McLellan (Mrs. Charles)—brother, Lieut. Edward W.
Bres, Camp Beauregard, La.
Clevie Dupre McNeese (Mrs. C.)—husband, Maj. Oswald McNeese,
Camp Pike, Ark.
Leigh Bres Moise (Mrs. H . A.)—brother, Lieut. Edward W. Bres,
Camp Beauregard, La.
Fay Morgan—brother, Lieut. J. E. Morgan (in active service) ;
fiance (in active service).
Blythe White Rand (Mrs. King)—husband, Lieut. King Rand,
M . D . , France.
Willie Wynn White—brothers, M a j . Frank White, Judge Advocate,
Camp MacArthur, Waco, Tex.; Lieut. Horace White, France.
Mary Thomas Whittington (Mrs. P.)—brother, Lieut. Newton D .
Thomas, Camp Trairs, Leon Springs, Tex.
Louise Withers—brother, Lieut. Winston Reese Withers, Palo Alto,
Virginia Withers—brothers, Lieut. Winston Reese Withers, Palo Alto,
Helen Bogardus—brother, Almon Bogardus, Camp Lewis, Wash.
Helen Fosdick—brother, S. J. Fosdick, Bremerton, Wash.
Eugenia Garratt—fiance, Sergt. Richard Abrams, Fort Warden,
Laura Hurd—brother, Sumner Hurd, Berkeley, Cal.
Mildred West Loring—brother, Sergt. R. D . Loring, Ft. Oglethorpe,
Vivian Thomas McBraun—husband, Sergt. J. B. McBraun, Camp
Lewis, Wash.
Nellie McColl—brother, E. W. McColl, France.
Mary McGinnis—brother, D . E. McGinnis, Ft. Casey, Wash.
Margery Miller—brother, Sergt. Cedric Miller, Ft. McClellan, Ala.
Margery Miller—fiance, Corp. H . S. Miller, Vancouver, Wash.
Marguerite Oathout—fiance, W. H . Wirt, Aftentown, Pa.
Charlotte H a l l Uhls—husband, K . B. Uhls, Medical Reserve Corps,
Ethel W. Richardson—brother, Ernest, Engineer Reserve Corp, M .
I. T.
Elizabeth Sargent—brother.
Kennetha Ware—brother, U. S. N . R. T., Boston.
Pauline Gardner Donnel—husband, Engineer Corps.
Genevieve Fosdick—fiance.
Dorris Morse—father, machinist.
Emily Eveleth—brother, Cadet George S. Eveleth, Jr., Aviation
Section, Signal Corps, A. E. F.
Emily Eveleth—fiance, Sergt. U . S. Snyder, Co. A , 303rd Infantry,
Camp Devens.
Blanche Hooper—brother, Lieut. William E. Hooper, Junior Grade,
U. S. S. Huntington.
Gertrude Symmes Nash—brother, Sergt. Marshal W. Symmes, Quar-
termasters E. R. C , A. E. F.
Kathryn Holden—brother, Kenneth Winslow Holden, Naval
Reserve U. S. S. C. No. 351, Charleston, S. C.
Edna Woodbury—cousin, Durant Currier, 301st Light Field Artillery,
Camp Devens, Mass.
Chetanna Nesbit Border—husband, Lee, Navy.
Rowena Bush Olmstead—husband, Raymond, France.
Anita Compton—brother, Howard, France.
Marguerite Odenheimer—brother, Milton, Camp Lewis, Wash.
Mildred Cowdrey—fiance, Frank Mosher, Hawaii.
Lucile Curtis—brother, Meredith, Camp Lewis.
Marian Loomis—fiance, Leslie Miller, Atlanta, Ga.
Muriel Turner McKinney—husband, Verne, France.
Lily Morrison Quinlan—husband, Earl, Key West, Fla.
Ruth Single—brother, Lieut. Carroll, Marines, Washington, D . C.
Ruth Single—brother, Forrest, Marines, San Pedro, Cal.
Ruth Little—brother, Dean Little, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga.
Agnes Lakin—fiance, Ralph Gorrell, Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C.
Beatrice Woodward—brother, Logan Woodward, France.
Ann and Jess Jones—brother, Samuel T . Jones, Ft. Morgan, Ala.
Merle Huckleberry—husband, Capt. Nathaniel Huckleberry, Camp
Taylor, Ky.
Bernice McCorkle—brother, Lieut. John R. McCorkle, Camp Taylor,
Ada Smith—brothers, Lieut. Earl Smith, Waukegan, 111.; Sergt. Roy
Braman, Camp Taylor, K y .
Mary Baker—brother, Sergt. Harold Baker, France.
Juanita McFarland—brother, Elmer R. McFarland, Texas.
Helen Bainey—brother, Walter Sutton, Ft. Sill, Okla.
Florence Griswold—brother, Lieut. Dwight P. Griswold, 127th
Field Artillery, Camp Cody, Deming, N . M .
Helen Hayes—brother, Russell Hayes, Headquarters Company,
350th Inf., Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Margaret Perry—brother, Sergt. Galen Perry, Presidio, San Fran-
Helen and Elsie Fitz Gerald—brothers, Roger Fitz Gerald, Nebraska
Base Hospital U n i t ; William K . Fitz Gerald, Third Officers'
Training Camp, 1st Co., Camp Funston, Kan.
Mrs. Burnham O. Campbell (Zu Chapline)—brothers, George Cha-
pline, Battleship Arizona; Vance Chapline, Washington, D . C ,
in court where decisions are made concerning the Navy.
Edna Harpham—brother, James Harpham, Purchasing Dept. of
Leather Equipment Division, Ordnance Dept., Washington,
D . C.
Mrs. Harry Lansing (Edith Hall Lansing)—brother, Col. Philip
L. H a l l , Jr., 127th Field Artillery, Camp Cody, Deming, N . M .
Mrs. Floyd Rawlings (Alma Birkner)—father, M a j . J. M . Birkner,
127th Field Artillery, Camp Cody, Deming, N . M .
Mrs. Leon Stoker—husband, Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Margaret Carnaby—brother, Lieut. J. R. Carnaby, Post Quarter-
master Office, Ft. Moultrie, S. C.
Mildred Gillilan—fiance, Laird Potter, Nebraska Hospital Corps,
Elizabeth Ayers—brother, John A. Ayers, R. O. T . C , Camp Pike,
Sue and Mary Bryant—brother, Sergt. W. P. Bryant, Camp Gordon,
Eleanor Burke—brother, Charles B. Burke, Aviation Dept.
Pauline Hobson—brothers, Lieut. Walker Hobson, Camp Oglethorpe,
Ga.; Lieut. Wiliiam H . Hobson, Philippine Islands.
Martha Lou Jones—brother, Robert A. Jones, R. O. T. C , Camp
Pike, Arkansas.
Margaret McAnnulty—brother, David McAnnulty, R. O. T. C ,
Camp Pike, Ark.
Lynn McNutt—brothers, Harold McNutt, Greenville, S. C.; Madison
McNutt, Navy Dept.
Ethel Terry—brother, M a j . Will Terry.
Eunice Marthens—brother, Bradley F. Marthens, Camp Logan.
Ruth Sharer—brother, Wentworth Sharer, Band, 17th Cavalry, Doug-
las, Ariz.
Jane Kennedy—brother, Lester C. Kennedy, Co. A, 128th U . S.
Infantry, Houston, Tex.
Leonora Doniat Braun—husband, Lieut. Walter Braun, Camp Han-
cock, Augusta, Ga.; brother—Maj. F. A. Doniat, Gen. Staff
Corps, Washington, D . C.
Francis D. McNair—cousins, Sergt. Waldo Ames, C. 320, M . S. T.
405 A. E . F., via New York; William Savage, 3rd O. T . C ,
Rockford, 111.; Clifford Savage, U . S. N . , Brooklyn, N . Y.
Coila Anderson Hanson—brother, on U . S. S. Nebraska; husband,
Ensign W. P. Hanson, U . S. S. Baltimore.
Barbara Minard Fletcher—husband, Lieut. K . L . Fletcher, U . S. N . ,
in command of Submarine L 3.
Elizabeth Neely—brothers, Dr. W. K. Neely, R. O. Medical Corps;
Mr. J. P. Neely, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hilda Greenawalt—brother, Capt. A. C. Greenawalt, Engineering
Corps, Boulder, Colo.
Deborah Hitchcock—brother, Horace Hitchcock, Pellham Bay, N . Y.
Mary Moore—brother, Lieut. E . V. Moore, Veteran Medical Reserve,
Ithaca, N . Y.
Jeannette Short—brothers, Sidney Short, Instructor, Aviation School,
Tthaca, N . Y . ; Frank Short, Aviation, France.
Marion Darville—brother,- Merton Darville, Engineering Corps,
Erma Baker Patton—husband, 2nd Lieut. Carl Patton, San Antonio,
Mary Emily Barton—brothers, Capt. W. P. Barton, Houston, Tex.;
1st Lieut. J. W. Barton, Pershing's Staff, France.
Zora Samuell—brothers, Egbert Samuell, Tank Division, Camp Up-
ton, N . Y. (soon to leave for France) ; Walter Samuell, Green-
ville, Tex.
Carrie Crane—brothers, Capt. Edward Crane, Camp Travis, San
Antonio, Tex.; 1st Lieut. M . M . Crane, Jr., Camp Travis, San
Antonio, Tex.
Martha Smith—brother, VV. J. J. Smith, Jr., A. E. F., France.
Lura Halleck—fiance, Lieut. H . G. Thomas, Camp Green, N . C.
Beatrice Coombs—fiance, Private H . A. McLeland, Ellis Island,
N. Y.
Lela Baker—fiance, Sergt. J. A. Arrowsmith, France.
Hildred Oliver—brother, Raymond Oliver, Hattiesburg, Miss.
Pauline Cox—brothers, Bryon C. Cox, France; Kenneth L . Cox,
Ft. Harrison, Indianapolis, Ind.
Lee Combs—brothers, Arlie Combs, Leon Springs, Tex.; Bert
Coombs, Hattiesburg, Miss.
lone Blair—brother, Frank W. Blair, Camp Dick, Tex.
Faith Clarke—brother, Sergt. James Vernol Clarke, Washington,
D. C.
Ellenna Webb—brother, A. C. Webb, Jr., R. O. T . C , Camp Upton,
L. I . ; fiance, Dr. Roy Douglas, B. E. F., France.
Louella Whorley—brother, Wm. W. Whorley, Engineers' Reserve
Marguerite Gooding—brother, Lawrence E., Camp Custer, Battle
Creek, Mich.
Winifred Inglis—brother, Donaldson Inglis, U . S. N . Training
Station, San Francisco.
Lydia Lacey—brother, David Lacey, Camp Zachary Taylor, Louis-
ville, Ky.
Elizabeth Pruett—brother, Lowell Pruett, Ft. Riley, Kan.
Esther Belle Cooley—brother, Corp. George Cooley, France.
Myrtle Kuhns—brother, Raymond Kuhns. Nahcotta, Wash.
Hyacinth Rowley—brother, John Harvey Rowley, Morrison, Va.
Grace Mclver—brother, Angus Mclver, France.
Cecil Walker Willson—brother, Rankin Thompson Walker, Navy,
on Battleship Frederick.
QHp ftmtnr 8jall nf Jam*
3Fnr XB full of toga, ana %gre
all ramutg thte mag.
—Stuart Walter
M A G D A C H A L A R O N , n '18
Greetings from our new Phi Beta Kappa! Though Pi was already
proud of her most prominent senior, it needed only the announce-
ment of Magda Chalaron's name, first on the list of five in the senior
class who has attained this honorary degree, to make our cup " f u l l ,
pressed down, and running over." Just one short week ago Magda,
though of course a wonderful person, was just an ordinary human;
but since that morning when her fraternity sisters burst excitedly in
upon her as she sat calmly rocking (for she was not even in chapel
when the announcement was made!) and informed her somewhat in-
coherently that she was a Phi Beta Kappa, she has seemed to the rest
of us to be surrounded with a halo of knowledge. We look upon
her with a feeling akin to awe, and wonder i f it can really be our
Magada who has covered herself and us with such glory.
Magda has always taken an active part in college organizations,
belonging at different times to the Debating and Glee Clubs and to
the Athletic Association, but she has made a specialty of the French
Circle, and of the Newcomb Arcade, the magazine which is issued
four times a year by the students and alumna; of the college. She
was secretary for French Circle in her sophomore year and is now
vice-president, and she took part as a freshman and as a senior in
plays given by the organization. For two years she has success-
fully filled the position of business manager of the Arcade, and
several essays written by her haev appeared in it from time to time.
I n the chapter Magda's record is equally good. She held the office
of treasurer in her junior year, and has worked so well and loyally
for the good of her fraternity that no one was surprised when she
was unanimously elected chapter president. I t is unnecessary to say
that our decision was a wise one, and that she has more than fulfilled
our expectations of her.
And now that the day is drawing near when she'll go out from
among us, we can wish her nothing better than that she may serve
others as well and as successfully as she has served her college and
A l l the way around with our senior is such a very long way that
I hesitate to attempt the journey. We shall make only the most im-
portant steps, however.
To begin with, she has grown up in Virginia under the.purple
shadowed Peaks of Otter and she has managed to borrow from them
something of their steadfastness—of their strong, peaceful grace. As
house president her good judgment and sympathy have played no
small part in winning the respect of all who know her—not only
respect but love, for this year's statistics chronicle her as the "most
popular." As manager of the Athletic Association, as captain of the
senior basketball squad, as winner of the coveted varsity " R - M , " as
winner of the "first place" in field day last year and in the February
indoor meet of this year, we claim her athletic prowess. As a mem-
ber of the Student Committee she commands our "awe-ful" obedience.
But you all know her, for she writes you a letter every month, and
now that the secret's out, I present Frances Hardy, Kappa's most
prominent senior.
I f we had a dozen seniors from whom to make our choice, instead
of one, we should probably have had no more difficulty in casting
a unanimous vote for Louise Pendleton, both because of her promi-
nence in her fraternity, for she is president of the chapter, and for the
part she takes in every phase of the life of the university. Louise is
a little bit of a girl, quiet, quaint, and demure, but possessing a
bubbling sense of humor. She was one of the girls selected for the
beauty page of The Rotunda last year, but one would not call her
merely pretty, for her capability shows in her face. Except f o r her
slight figure one is not surprised to find that she can drive a power-
f u l automobile with much more ease than most men. She is not
in the least impulsive, neither is she slow to act. Her extraordinary
g i f t of tact has saved her—and the rest of us—from an embarrassing
situation more than once. Good judgment, from her vocabulary
up, is her hobby, and i f Mr. Diogenes had been on a quest for a
"perfect lady," he might have stopped here. She possesses a rare com-
bination of the ability to work and play at the same time, successfully.
One might think Louise was not letting her studies interfere with her
university career, unless he knew how she stands in her classes, for
she is one of the few seniors in the university this year who are
eligible for Alpha Theta Phi, the honorary fraternity petitioning
Phi Beta Kappa.
When we were called upon to elect our most prominent senior,
we did not have the difficulty, I ' m sure, which many of the chapters
did. I n fact, the student body of the university had already voted
for us. Not only is Katrina Overall the most prominent member of
Nu Omicron Chapter, but she has been chosen as the best "all-around"
girl in college. She well deserved the honor. Never before this year
has a girl been on the staff of the Hustler, our biweekly paper, but
Katrina could not be held down, and in gaining a place on the staff,
won a victory for the coeds. She is also one of the editors of the
Commodore, our annual, and is a member of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet.
In every student activity she takes an active part. The fact that she
entered the university only last year adds greatly to the glory of her
But I could go on and on telling her honors t i l l I wouldn't have
space to tell about her, and she is much more interesting even than
her laurel wreaths. I want the fraternity to realize what it owes to
Katrina. I f it had not been for her, I am afraid I would not have
had the courage to have undertaken the organization of this chapter.
Knowing her, however, I had all faith, and she fully justified all
my expectations. With her appealing personality which makes every-
one like her, she has surely been one of the strongest factors in making
Alpha Omicron Pi known and respected at Vanderbilt.
M A R Y D. HOUSTON, '18.
GUftB flag? tB (&wn
£hrta (Tlmptrr
I know not where His islands lift
Their fronded palms in air;
I only know I cannot drift
Beyond His love and care.
Marguerite Bennett of Greencastle, Indiana, entered De Pauw
University as a freshman i n 1915, and was pledged Alpha O. From
the first she was active in fraternity work, and always ready to share
both the pleasant and the unpleasant.
Her bright, cheerful disposition instantly gained a place for her
with the faculty, as well as with the student body, and everywhere
she was recognized as a dependable and optimistic college woman.
I n the f a l l of 1917 just before the beginning of what would have
been her senior year, she met with a serious accident from which she
did not recover. Her absence is deeply felt by Theta Chapter, for
in her we have lost a loyal and trustworthy sister.
Lambda, this year, is justly proud and boasts of seven seniors.
Selecting the most prominent is not an easy matter, for different
girls are active in different fields of college life. I n the sorority
and social life here on the campus Constance Chandler has probably
taken the most prominent part.
Constance is a member of the "Varsity Girl Committee, which is
a committee that chooses the women i n college who may be "Varsity
Girls," twelve girls being chosen from the entire college. She is
also a member of the Service Flag Committee for Stanford University.
This spring she was appointed on the Senior Committee, a commit-
tee having in charge the alumna; banquet. I n the intersorority swim-
ming contest, Constance has been one of the representatives for Alpha
Omicron Pi.
For the past year Constance has been president of Lambda Chapter,
our representative in Panhellenic, and also president of the Panhel-
lenic Council. She has always been interested in college life, and in
everything which would make Lambda a stronger and a better chapter.
A N N A W H I T E , 0 '18
Four years ago Anna White was a timid freshman, whose favorite
costume was a white middy suit, a red tie, and a red hair ribbon. A l l
the girls at dear "Old Flossie H a l l " liked to be with her, especially
since she played tennis with the Phi Gamms, croquet with the Roose-
velts, and gave a birthday breakfast hike to McClain Springs in the
rain. Then she managed to pull down her share of class honors,
and also started on her hobby, "Chemistry Lab."
Since then she has accomplished wonders. I n her junior year, she
was a member of Vocational Conference Committee, a member of
Woman's Self-government Association, a member of Y. W. C. A.
cabinet, a member of the Mirage Board, and class secretary.
Then in her senior year, she is president of Chemistry Club, Pan-
hellenic president, a member of Student Council, a member of Voca-
tional Conference Committee, and laboratory assistant.
But in spite of Ann's college activities she does not forget that she
is an Alpha O. She is our chapter president and one who stands for
the high ideals of her fraternity. She is a wonder, that's all. When
she asks us to do anything, she herself offers to help. When we
argue, it is always Ann's quiet, persuasive way that straightens things
out. She has the respect of the higher college authorities. She always
has a smile and a good word for everyone, both on the campus and
in the house.
I am sure that you would all envy us, i f you knew Ann, and indeed
we shall be sorry to lose her next year. But I am sure that she has
great possibilities for the future and that it will be there, where she
will continue what college has only begun for her and where her
noble character will help her to attain her high ideals. Then, we
shall all be proud that she was Theta's president of Alpha Omicron
W l L H E L M I N A H E D D E , '19.
"Efficiency" is the password into every field of activity at the pre-
sent time, and anyone who can make the most of ever}7 minute com-
mands a great deal of admiration. Such a one is Mabel McConnell,
who, since coming to Northwestern four years ago from her home
in Des Moines, Iowa, has made an enviable record i n scholarship, i n
college activities, and in making herself known and liked.
She came here to college as a winner of a contest held by a Chicago
newspaper, which offered first-year college scholarships to the fifteen
high school students who passed the highest examinations. After
pledging A O n , Mabel went in strongly for all sorts of activities,
especially athletics, where she has scored her greatest success. A t
the end of her freshman year she had already won her numerals and
sweater, and in her junior year she received for her great number
of points the only silver loving-cup ever presented to a girl for athle-
tics at Northwestern. She has been on the hockey, track, basketball,
and baseball teams throughout the four years, she has broken the
world's hurdle record for women, and has been in turn treasurer and
president of the Woman's Athletic Association.
Mabel's executive ability has shown itself in the way that she has
guided our chapter over all the rocky parts of this year's path. Rho
knows that just as Mabel has been so successful as our president so she
will succeed in whatever she undertakes, and knows that it will have
in the future, as now, cause to be proud of her.
"And still they gazed and still the wonder grew,
That one small head could carry all she knew."
So say all who see Frances Carter and learn that she is wearing
a Phi Beta Kappa key, with an average at the end of her junior year
of ninety and eight-tenths per cent. And so afraid is she of being
called a grind, that she seldom bothers about studying. Thus she has
had much time during her college career to devote to many activities.
Her capability quickly recognized, she has been a member of the
class executive committee during her freshman, sophomore, and senior
years. She has been prominent in classical and English clubs, serv-
ing on committees i n both.
Y. W. C. A. has claimed some of her time; she was secretary of
the dean's Bible Class for junior women and served on a committee
for the formation of a college Sunday School class, of which she was
later secretary. Since the institution of the Big Sister Movement
here, she has been active in it. Last year she was elected delegate
for college Y. W. C. A. Convention at Silver Bay, and this year has
been active in the Silver Bay Club here. Neither has she neglected
her athletics for she made the hockey team in her sophomore year.
But her major interest has been reserved for Consumer's League of
which she became a member in her freshman year.
She has acted on membership and legislative committees, and for
two years has been on the cabinet and has been secretary of the league.
Four years of college seem almost interminable, but only too short
is this space when we realize that the fourth year of Leta's course
is so nearly ended, and that with it will end our close association with
her. Why be saddened with the future while we' can still glory
in the present and the past?
Four years ago, a shy, blond little girl entered Minnesota, and it
was only after a struggle that she yielded to the wiles of the irre-
sistible members of Alpha Omicron Pi. Very soon she became
known f o r her dramatic ability, and her success culminated in Kind-
ling, which made the name of Leta Nelson resound through the
entire campus. But Leta is a versatile person. As junior adviser,
and as one of the most energetic W. S. G. A. workers, she has made
her real charm and capability felt. I t was quite the expected thing
for Leta to be selected as one of the ten most representative girls
on the campus, and with a great deal of pride, but little surprise,
we heard that our Leta was elected to Sigma Tau, the membership
of which is based on "the rendering of service to the university."
We refuse, however, to let anyone think that Leta is entirely a
public character. Anyone would realize that she has propensities
toward home-making i f he could see her hurriedly "tidying up" the
chanter-house before a rushing tea. Then one realizes that a dust
cloth and broom are the true womanly weapons even for a "star."
I t is really a pleasure for one to be slightly i l l or in trouble, since
then she comes under Leta's motherly wing and solicits her tender
sympathies. No task is too menial or no trouble too great for her,
if it will in someway help a friend.
Seriously, as the time for separation draws closer, we realize that
we shall have the unfailing support of Leta, but how can we get
along without her loyalty, cheerfulness, and tireless activity in our
daily life?
A L M A BOEHME, '19.
Never-failing good spirits! That's Helene! Always ready to
laugh, to make her famous funny faces for us, to chuckle when
trouble is in sight, it is no wonder that she has endeared herself
to us. And her ragtime is divine^ i f horrified music-lovers will
permit the paradox. What would we do in the evening after dinner
without her music to dance to? To be sure we all play a little, but
it lacks the "pep" and the swing and the double base which Helene
gives us.
To be a little more explicit. Her name is Helene Jarvis Bower-
sox. I have been with her two years at girls' school and two years
here at Wisconsin, and during that time have known her to make
only one request. That is, "Please put in the Jarvis. I t sort of
helps out that awful last name of mine." She is twenty-one and
lives in Bryan, Ohio. Bryan is a small place of 5,000 people but
Helene thinks it is the finest place in the world. I n fact, we are
all interested in this little city, f o r Helene can look and act like
every person in it and has an inexhaustible fund of stories about
them. No reflections intended at all, for many of us are from
small towns and know that there are ever so many fine people there,
as well as some rather droll characters.
I have given you only one side of Helene's character. The other
side I can give you i n a word and I rather think it will surprise you
after the impression which my description above has probably made.
She is president of Eta Chapter. No indeed, she doesn't wiggle
her ears or dance a highland fling in chapter meetings. I was
afraid you'd think that after what I have already said. She can
drop her f u n and her antics in a minute and preside over chapter
meetings with perfect dignity and discipline. We have never had
a president who had better order. And we have never had an initia-
tion ceremony as solemn and as beautiful as our last one of March
9th which we held at midnight. Not one of the ten pledges initiated
at that time could have looked into Helene's big, dark, serious eyes