their committee on Social Service has not yet come to decision regardin the work they will attempt, but that it will undoubtedly be a phase o child welfare.
In a plea for a National Scholarship Loan Fund, a Sigma Kap- writes, in the June Triangle:
"To me one of the gravest dangers sororities as a whole face to
is the very prevalent local attitude of mind in the members. By this mean that too many girls are interested only in the affairs of their par ticular chapter. Some years ago when sororities were not so well kno\ generally, it was doubtless true that the standing of the individual chap-> ters was not greatly affected by its national reputation. Then prospec- tive members and the community at large were more prone to take th sorority at its 'face value', as it were. This attitude has changed an broadened with the growth of fraternities and it is becoming more an more true in my opinion that local chapters everywhere are being viewe., in the light reflected from their national life, and only when this nation" light burns exceedingly bright and steady can any sorority hold the place on a campus which all sororities wish to hold.
"Name in your mind some of the national fraternities, both for meil and women. Why do you think of some as mighty near the top of tit list and of others as near the bottom. Is it not in a majority of cases be* cause you know that nationally the fraternity near the top stands for an does worth while things? Perhaps there is not a chapter of that f ternity in your college, nevertheless you know it to be a strong grou you know because its national light is strong and bright."
The September Record of Sigma Alpha F.psilon is attractive in f'm new "dress," and with a unique cover—a full page autographed phot
graph of Mary Roberts Rinehart, who signs herself. "Yours for S. A. Her husband. Dr. Stanley Rinehart. is a member of Michigan Alp S.A.E. is successfully sponsoring an Endowment Plan that will mean mu" in the fraternity's development.
Editorially, the Arrow of Pi Beta Phi speaks of recent evidences the growth of the Panhellenic spirit. Eight Kappa Alpha Thetas, cated in Soochow at Shanghai, China, celebrated their Founders day WI*
a Panhellenic tea at which fifteen of the thirty fraternity women in tha city met and formed a permanent association to mee three or four times year. Another event unique in fraternity annals—the tea given at hotel in Des Moines in April, when Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kap^ Gamma, Delta Gamma and Chi Omega united to celebrate the install tion of chapters at Drake University. Along other lines is the establish-* ment of the Panhellenic House at Akron, Ohio, for which the Akron Pa n " hellenic Club is sponsor. An incorporated company bought an attractive house and fitted it up to accommodate twenty young business and profeS" sional girls. It is not necessary that the occupants be members of a ternity or that they possess a degree—only that they have attended c°" lege and are doing really significantthings in their chosen work.
T o
Frontispiece—Founders of Alpha Omicron Pi. Three Founders
Stella George Stern Perry
The Founders' Day National Banquet
The Scholarship Report
The National Panhellenic Congress
The Quiet Corner
The Installation of Cleveland Alumnae Chapter Editorial
Active Chapter Letters
Alumnae Chapter Letters
Alumnae Notes
113 118 120 122 123
• • 124 125 126 127 129 132 148
Published four times a year, September, November, February, May, at Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Annual subscription $1.00 Life subscription $15.00.
Entered as second-class matter, at the post office at MinneapoUs, M , nn., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe- Ql*l rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, l 9 l 7, authorized February 12, 1920.
To Dragma
Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
W*i—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, La.
s«Jtfu—New York University, New York City. -Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
~*-Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va. "Zcta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal. —Theta—De Pauw University, Greenca&tle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactve. ""Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
G?.mma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N . Y . -Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, III.
»Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. -^Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
*Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
•Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. ""Upsilon—University of W ashington, Seattle, W ash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. -•Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
•-Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
-Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
--Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. * Psi—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
""Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
"Omicron Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. •;New York Alumnae—New York City.
-•San Francisco Alumna?—San Francisco, Cal. "•Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. I .
•'Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumna?—Los Angeles, Cal.
—Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb. 'Chicago Alumna?—Chicago, III.
'Indianapolis Alumna?—Indianapolis, Ind. •"New Orleans Alumna?—New Orleans, La. 'Minneapolis Alumna?—Minneapolis, Minn. "Bangor Alumna?—Bangor, Me.
"Portland Alumna?—Portland, Oregon. Seattle Alumna?—Seattle, W ash.
"Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn.
—Lynchburg Alumna?—Lynchburg, V a. "'Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C. ""Philadelphia Alumna?—Philadelphia, Pa.
'Dallas Alumna?—Dallas, Tex.
"Kansas City Alumna?—Kansas City, Mo.
*Dmaha Alumna?—Omaha, Neb. Tacoma Alumna?—Tacoma, Wash.
-Syracuse Alumnae—Syracuse, N. Y. ^"Detroit Alumna?—Detroit, Michigan. Nashville Alumna?—Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland Alumnae—Cleveland, Ohio.
1921 - 1922
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 10 Barrow St., New York City.
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V.), Alpha '98, 118 W. 183 St.,
New York, N.Y.
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), x\lpha '98, 45 West
Thirty-fifth Street, New York, N . Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J.
Grand President, Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A. J.), 2327 Central St., Evanston, 111.
Grand Secretary, Laura A. Hurd. 416 West 122nd St., New York City, N. Y. 5 % w| W^AJAJ^UJ-/ V) YlAJ\.
Grand Treasurer, Viola C. Gray, 1537 South 23rd St., Lincoln, Neb.
Grand Vice-President, Mate L. Giddings, 1112 West California Ave., Urbana, 111.
Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.), 45 West 35th St., New York City, N . Y .
Extension Officer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph), 1421 Scenic Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Examining Officer,Gladys Courtian Britton (Mrs. J. A. Jr.), 2642 Derby St., Berkeley, Cal.
National Panhellenic Delegate. Lillian McQuillan McCausland (Mrs. Norman L. Jr.), 517 Angell St., Providence, R. I .
Editor of To Dragma, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. Harry E.), 3419 N. Lincoln St., Chicago, 111.
Business Manager of To Dragma, June Kelly, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood. Mass.
President, Lillian MacQuillan McCausland (Mrs. Norman L.. Jr.), 517 Angell St., Providence, R. I .
EDITORIAL BOARD OF TO DRAGMA Editor-in-chief, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. H. E.), 3419 N., Lincoln
St., Chicago, 111.
Assistant Editor, Ann". Hofert Kirk (Mrs. B. L.). 1011 W. Clark St.,
Champaign, Illinois.
Exchange Editor, Marguerite P. Schoppe (Mrs. W . F.), 602 So. 3rd Ave.,
Bozeman, Mont.
Business Manager, June Kelley, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood, Mass.
North Atlantic District, Gladys Wales (Mrs. Winthrop L.), 416 West
Ononandaga Street, Syracuse, N Y.[N, A, F, E, X, V.]
Southern District—Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. Carl C), Bay
St. Louis, Miss. [17, K, O, NK, NO.]
E. Central District, Melita Skillen. 1340 Thorndale Ave., Chicago, 111.
{(=>, P, I, B0, H, on.]
X - W. Central District, Charlotte Hall Uhls (Mrs. Kenneth B.), 4508 Mill Creek Parkway. Kansas City, Mo. [Z, T,A&, $.)
Pacific District, Lucille R. Curtis, 1933 Oxford Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
[2, A, T.]
N. Atlantic District, Katharine March Thomas (Mrs. S. J.). 5120 Regent St., Philadelphia, Pa. New York, Providence, Boston, Bangor, Was!w ington, Philadelphia, Syracuse.
Southern District, Anna McLellan, 2108 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, La. New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Dallas, Nashville.
N. E. Central District, Grace Picrson Gilbert (Mrs. Samuel H.), 2714. Hartzell St., Evanston, 111. Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleveland], N. W . Central District, Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lincoln, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha.
Pacific District, Louise Dow Benton, 5566 29th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash.\
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma.
Pi—Genevra Washburn, Newcomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Mary Louise Hingsberg, 2162 Strang Ave., New York City. Omicron—Christine Moore, 1617 Highland Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa—Kathvrn Hodges, R. M. W. C, Lynchburg, Va. Zeta—Mildred Hullinger, 500 N. 16th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Sigma—Ellen Reed, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Mildred Panchaud, A O II House, Greencastle, Ind. Delta—Esther Fowler, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Theresa Jackson, U. of Maine, Orono, Maine.
Epsilon—Grace McAlpine, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Helen Hawk, Chapin Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Jeanne Ehnendorf, A O II House. Stanford Universitv, Calif* Iota—Helen Wolfe, 712 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Frances Graham, 914 Fourth St., SE., Minneapolis. Minn. Chi—Thelma Robertson, 1015 Harrison St., Syracuse, N . Y . Upsilon—Edith Chapman, 5724 17th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Nu Kappa—Lucille Pepple, S. M . U., Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Lillian Mullins. A O I I House, Bloomington, Indiana. Eta—Ethel Zimmerman, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Helen Chase, A O I I House, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Nell Fain, Vanderbilt Universitv, Nashville, Tenn. Psi—Ruth Clement, 3459 Woodlawn Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. Phi—May Ireland, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kansas. Omega—Charlotte Haarlamert, Miami University, Oxford. Ohio. Omicron Pi—Lorna Ketcham, 551 Church St., Ann Arbor. Michigan.
Pi—Cecilia Slack, Newcomb Dormitorv, Newcomb College. N. O.. La. I Nu—Katherine S. Keanc, 31 W. 11th St., N. Y. C.
Omicron—Elizabeth Clinton. 1627 W . Cumberland Ave., Knoxville, Tenti* Kappa—Madge Winslow, R. M. W. C, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Lois Haas, 500 N. 16th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Sigma—Zoe King, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. Theta—Mary Hester, A O II House, Greencastle, Indiana. Delta—Dorothy Hilton, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Marie Hodgdon. U. of Maine, Orono, Maine. Epsilon—Catherine Campion, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Ada Campbell, Chapin Hall, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailey, A O I I House, Stanford University, Cal. Iota—Evelyn Wissmath. 712 W . Oregon St., Urbana. 111. Tau—Lillian Kirwin, 914 Fourth St.. SE. Minneapolis, Minn. Chi—Beatrice Barron, 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N . Y . Upsilon—Marion D. Janeck, 1906 E. 45th St.. Seattle, Wash.
Beta Phi—M iriam McCoy, A. O. Pi House, Bloomington, Indiana. Eta—Edith Hastings, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, W is.
Alpha Phi—Marie Moebus, A O II House, Bozeman, Mont,
r Nu Omicron—Annie Sharpe Garrett, 2303 Highland Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Phi—Rcba White, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kansas. Psi—Genevieve McDermott, 1619 Greene St., Philadelphia, Pa. Omega—Martha Jacques. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Omicron I'i—Lillian Herman. 551 Church St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
New York—Helen N. Henry, 430 West 119 St.. New York City. Boston—Octavia Chapin, 102 Sumner St., Medford, Mass.
San Francisco—Hertha Hermann Brown, (Mrs. E. C ) , 509 Santa Ray
j Ave.. Oakland, Cal.
Providence--Muriel Wvman (Mrs. P. H.), 1739 Broad St., Providence.
R. I .
Los x\ngeles—Constance Chandler, 2330 Hillhurst Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Lincoln—Nettie Campbell (Mrs. B. O.), 1971 Scwell St., Lincoln, Neb. Chicago—Grace Pierson Gilbert (Mrs. S. H.), 2714 Hartzell St., Evans-
ton, III.
Indianapolis—Leola Goodman Scales (Mrs. Walter), 35 West 27th St..
Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Jessie Bryce Roane, 2231 Marengo St., New Orleans, La. Minneapolis—Mrs. Walter Haertel, 1522 Aldrich Ave. So., Minneapolis.
Bangor—Madeline Robinson, 463 Main St., Bangor, Maine. Seattle—Eugenia E. Garrat, 5513 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Wash. Portland -Pearl McJury (Mrs.T. M.),244 Hancock St.. Portland, Ore. Knoxville—Ailcy Kyle Peet (Mrs. A. S.). 309 8th St., Knoxville, Tenn. Lynchburg—Laura Radford Yates (Mrs. R. T .), 300 Madison St., Lynch- ... burg, Va.
« ashington—Margaret Mitchell, Silver Spring, Md.
Pallas—Eleanor M. Walker (Mrs. Jas.), 4214 Swiss Ave., Dallas,
Philadelphia-Katherine March Thomas (Mrs. S. J.), 5120 Regent St..
Philadelphia, Pa.
Kansas City—Charlotte Uhls (Mrs. K. B.), 4508 Mill Creek. Parkway,
Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha—Mattie W. Higgins. (Mrs. L. A.).6547 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb.
lacoma—Isabel McRae, 511 N. Cushman, Tacoma, Wash.
Syracuse—I ;iizabeth French. 1516 E. Genesee St.. Svracuse, N . Y . Uetroit— Ethel Watts Parker (Mrs. M . J.), Apt. 9, 8051 Wilson Ave., v Detroit. Mich.
nashvdle—Mary I). Houston. 2807 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, Tenn.
V N~~'I e S S '( ! H ' U ( ) a n c -2 -'-5 1 Marengo St., New Orleans. La. «u---Mrs. J. M. Minton. Jr.. 32 Waverly Place. New York City
Umicron-Mjn n a Ppa—Ewh,,
Kl,„\ Hunt. 509 ]-;. Hill Aveniu. Knoxville. Tenn.
—Jennie Piper. 1731 I). S.. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lynchburg. V . a
^.'Sma—Helen Schieck, 2627 Haste St.. Berkeley. Cal.
e t a ~"'-ucy Allen. 3628 Birchwood Avenue. Indianapolis. Ind.
J , a ^ T l ( ' ! l " R"we. -'II Vine St.. Winchester. Mass. "'''''"s-Mnri,,,! Jordan, Old Town. Maine.
Psilon—I.Tiu i Cornell. 74 Fenvvood Road. Boston, Mass.
- Rho—Ethel VVillman, 232 North Entrance Ave., Kankakee, III. "Lambda—Irna Taylor, 1931 Soutli Union St., Los Angeles, Cal.
* Iota—Mrs. B. L. Kirk, 1011 West Clark St., Champaign, 111. Tau—Alma Boehme, 1731 Irving Ave. North, Minneapolis, Minn. Chi—Elizabeth Zimmer, Lake Placid, New York.
Upsilon—Elizabeth McCausland, 4527 West Webster St., Seattle, Wash. Nu Kappa—Mrs. Jay B. Hubbel, 4621 Ross Ave, Dallas, Texas.
"Beta Phi—Edith Huntington, 808 4th St. SE., Minneapolis, Minn. Eta—Mrs. Oscar Rennebohm, 1817 Kendall Avenue, Madison, Wis. Alpha Phi—Henrietta Moebus, 1752 Oregon Ave., Butte, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Faith Clark, 921 Arthington Ave, Nashville, Tenn. Psi—Anna W. Hanna, 2324 Sepviva St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—Mrs. Kenneth Uhls, 4508 Mill Creek Parkway, Kansas City, Mo.
-Omega—Clarissa Scott, Shandon, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Ida Gratton, 3805 Scovell Place, Detroit. Michigan.
Before proceeding with this paper, the scribe wishes to claim immunity. She gives formal notice to the Three Founders that all responsibility rests with the Editor of To DRAGMA, who requested her to write about them. She hopes they will not "come down upon" her too hard for this courageous act of obedience.
It was a fortunate day for us all when Elizabeth Hey wood Wyman, who had completed her Freshman year at Wellesley College, decided to transfer her allegiance to Barnard. We were already pretty well "grouped" by that time in the "great and glorious class of 'Ninety-eight,"—though that class, I believe, was more unified, less divided by group partitions than most classes are. It did not take the class, it did not take our group, long to learn that Bess belonged to us.
What you want to know, of course, more than mere facts about any F'ounder, is, "What sort of girl was she? What sort of woman is she now?"
This is the kind of girl Bess Wyman was,—the kind of girl you never doubt. Steadfast. Her sure fulfilment of every task, her straight, sound scholarship, her kind and graceful manners, her selfless loyalty to college, classmates and friends, her serene pealism, her complete devotion to all duties, her unfailing sym- pathy and understanding.—we just took them all for granted. W e rarely put all this in words. One doesn't proclaim, as if it were a discovery, "Every morning the sun rises." So J do not think we stopped much to "gush" about Bess. We just relied upon her •or the light of wisdom and the warmth of affection. And she lever failed, never fails, us in either.
After being graduated from Barnard, with a staggering
ar_ray f high grades, Bessie taught English in the High School 0
°f her home town, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Bloomfield is a beautiful old-fashioned New Jersey city with a recent industrial a n d suburbanite boom. It was a problem to teach there and to iconic the kind of influence, the combined social solvent and Cental tonic that Bess Wyman was. In 1900 and 1901 she did
notable work as Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools, then taught again until 1917. Since then and apart from this, she says, " I have had no stated occupations"; in which case, the writer believes it is high time some of her occupations were stated.
During the war she labored in Red Cross organization and workroom service, in Food Conservation, as Thrift Stamp Cam- paign Canvasser, and performed valuable work under the Draft Registration Board. After pursuing special studies in Food Sub- stitutes, drying of surplus vegetables and kindred subjects, she served in the Cafeteria run by the Y . W . C. A. in the huge plant of the International Arms and Fuse Company. She also conducted School Publicity work for government agencies, and at the close of the trouble, she did signal service on the Soldiers' Memorial Committee and in the Home Welcome Celebrations. Perhaps you will understand Bess better when I say that she was reluctant to give any list of these activities, calling them "insignificant".
Besides numerous household responsibilities, she has been inspirational and active in all the leading educational and welfare movements of her town.. Prominent among these have been her work for a Community Mouse and the organization of women's church societies into one effective Guild.
She is unselfish playmate, guide, philosopher and friend to a lucky circle of nephews and nieces, besides retaining a like influence over a lot of ex-pupils and Sunday School pupils.
She has written some charming plays, pageants and dia- logues, a number of which have been successfully produced and several of which have been published. They are markedly "human" and bright and full of deft and delightful characteriza- tions. She is now busy preparing other works for publication. You will hear of them in due time.
After all, the best thing we other Founders can say to yotij of Bess,—and after all, what more can life itself say to anyone— is just this : She is a friend; she understands loyalty to her family, her community, her country, her friends. In quietness and cortl fidence are her strength.
Bess Wyman reveals herself in what she herself once wrote of our fraternity in a letter to the rest of us, "May it continue to inspire all of our members to lend their united, though it may be individually small, efforts toward making the world a liner and happier place for everyone to live in!"
Suppose Alice in Wonderland married Carlyle and these had a daughter, and suppose Robert Burns married Joan of Arc ana these had a son. and suppose that son and daughter married each other and their son wed the imaginary daughter of John Ruskin
and Louisa May Alcou who had attended a (Quaker School and lived on high thinkingand porridge and read only the finest things and the funniest,—why, their daughter might be like Jessie Wal- lace Hughan!
She is childlike and whimsical and nonsensical and humorous and sweet tempered. She is scorchingly idealistic. She is poetic, tolerant, forgiviag, pitiful. She is obedient to her heavenly visions, brave for them to the point of sacrifice and likewise loyal to her friends. She has twin passions for art and democracy. Above all things else she adores families and family-life and loves, especially her own. She is full of unexpected inconsistencies. 1 could find no place in this make-believe genealogy for George Washington; but it is true that she cannot tell a lie.
And is that Jess? No. Or it is and it isn't. You couldn't put her on paper. And she's such a dour Scot *hat, if you did, she wouldn't believe you. If you intensely admire and love her and say so again and again, she'll think you flatter, she'll doubt your sincerity until she's watched it for twenty years through a micro- scope and found no flaw ; and then she'll doubt your judgment.
Nevertheless, I defiantly state as follows: Jessie Wallace Hughan has the finest mind, the nearest to genius that 1 know. She is literally the most unselfish soul alive. She is unable to think selfishly. She really loves and cares for the happiness of all God's creatures as others care for their own happiness, and this she proves daily. She would perish for the truth and think doing so an act as natural as breathing, and probably find some- thing to laugh about on the way. She wants everybody to be right and do as rightly as she does and if they won't, she'll shake one list at them and give them her heart in the other. She hides all this under a rather severe Scotch restraint and spices it with a lively humor. She is poised, can stand grief and punishment and even praise. She is boyish, downright, scptare. She is aston- ishly naive and unsophisticated,—I'll "get mine" for that last, but Jt's true and explains part of her and several of her views. She lias superb health of body, mind and spirit; there is no unwhole- somenes> in her. The best thing she does is that she lives the principle of this fraternity as nearly as it is given to a human being to do so. And the worst thing she does is going to happen to your scribe when Jess reads all the foregoing,
r Jessie Hughan was historian of the Class of '98 and one $i 'ts bright particular stars, winning Phi Beta Kappa and other honors. After graduation she worked in a publishing house while studying for her Master's degree, which she took in 1899. Later 1 , 1 that year she taught boys in a public school in a factory town; she was too young for the job, couldn't maintain discipline and •eft, "swearing off" of bovs forever,—which is amusing since, in
all the after years, in school, in Sunday School, in clubs and in personal relations she has worked with boys and been a profound teacher and guide to them. She taught in several private schools for girls awhile, meanwhile studying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, which she achieved with distinction in 1911. In 1910 began her fine work in the high schools of New York. She says now of her boys there, "I entered the High School system in 1910 and have never regretted it, for I love boys ever since as never before,—the worse they are, the better."
She has been active in politics and has run for office a number of times, for alderman, assemblyman and for Secretary of State of New York State. She is a hard worker for the fraternal spirit, has lectured widely on economics and matters concerning public welfare and justice; she serves on the Executive Board of the Woman's International League of New York State, on the Advis- ory Committee of the People's Council and on the New York Committee of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. She is a member
of the Teacher's League.
Her thesis for her doctorate was published by John Lane and Company under the title, American Socialism of the Present Day, and is used in the departments of political economy in col-] leges, as is also her later volume, issued by the same publishers, Facts About Socialism.
But, in my opinion, her greatest gift is that of poetry, ofJ which she does not write nearly enough. Jessie Hughan's poetry\ has dignity, music and the divine flair. One of her poems, The Regents' Examination, which first appeared in Scribner's Maga- zine, was copied in many publications and was included in Braith- waite's Anthology for 1914 as one of the seven best short poems of the year. Later Braithwaite included it in his permanent Trea- 1 sury of American Verse.
If she will write more poetry we shall all be as proud of her as we may well be of ourselves if we live up to what Jessie Wal- j lace Hughan stands for and expects of us.
The only complaint I can bring against Helen St. Clair Mullan is this: When a lady so distinguished is also too modest
to "tell o n " herself, the historian's lot is not a happy one. O f . course, I know, we all know, the general story of Helen's varied and brilliant conquests; we have proudly basked in their light for years. But to make her disclose names, dates and accurate lists of honors is no slight task for a busy reporter, especially one accustomed not to "boss" but to be "bossed" by the subject. But a kind fate has helped us. After Mrs. Mullan had ignored with affectionate amusement the historian's many vain attempts to
"celebrate" her,—for Helen never would take herself or her friends' admiration as seriously as both deserve, the Barnard College Alumnae Association came to the rescue.
Mrs. Mullan has been nominated and is being enthusiasti- cally supported for Alumnae Trustee of Barnard College.* The Alumnae Association has sent its members a printed circular giv- ing the history of the candidates. From it we glean the following facts (I wonder indignantly how that committee got its data!) about Helen St. Clair Mullan:
She was graduated from Barnard in 1898 and from the New York University Law School in 1901. She served on the most important committees of the Alumnae Association,—as the Char- ter and By-Laws Revision Committee, the Faculty Committee on Student Organizations,—and has been Vice President, Assistant Treasurer and President of the Associated Alumnae of Barnard College, as well as Chairman of the Alumnae Council. She was admitted to the Bar in 1901 and has been in active practice since. She has been Secretary and Chairman of district school boards in New York City and, from 1915 to 1918, was a member of the New York City Board of Education, serving as Chairman of its Building and Sites Committee. She was a member of the Advisory Board of Mayor Mitchel's Terminal Market Committee, served on the Bronx Liberty Loan Committee as Chairman of the Woman's Division and has been a member of the Bronx Council
m Girl Scouts.
To this we can add some interesting detail. When she took that A. B. at Barnard in '98 she took with it Phi Beta Kappa and honors. She had won the chemistry prize in Sophomore year and Was known in ihe university as a brilliant student. When she entered the New York University Law School she did so on a competitive scholarship won by her work in the introductory Woman's Law Class; and when she left it with her L.L.B. she bore away also a prize which she had won over the heads of more than a hundred male competitors. In her profession she is deeply respected by her masculine colleagues not only as a "woman lawyer," but just as a lawyer, on their own terms. During the
Mrs. Mullan substituted for a prominent New York lawyer, who was then doing duty in Washington, and in his stead success-
fully conducted one of the large law offices of the city.
That is a glimpse of the efficient, sensible, businesslike, out- side Helen. But the feminine home one, the Helen we know, is still better. I lived with her in our girlhood; and that's the way
pally to know a girl. She is a wonderful "pal." Why, Helen used *°get up at night to play the violin and her virtues were such—and s ° was the ouality of her playing—that I continued to love her.
*Since this was written, Mrs. Mullan has been elected trustee of Barnard.
Seriously, though, in this connection, she has musical gifts of a
high order.
As girl and woman, Helen has always had a fine reticence and is besides, so busy that she has not always the time to make gestures of affection; but before you need her she will be found responsive to every call of friendship. All the honors she achieves —all she achieved in college and in the world,—everything she, accomplishes is accompanied by astonishing ease and a certain light finesse. This surface ripple covers generally unsuspected depths of sensitive feeling and an inexhaustible reservoir of courage and kindness.
We used to say of Helen at college, "And still the wonder grew that one small head could carry all she knew." The wonder is still growing. But her head is no greater marvel than her heart. She has, in abundance unusual among women, certain fraternal! virtues and there are no littlenesses, no envy, no small-gauged emotions in her. No one whom Tknow rejoices more completely in others' triumphs.
This professional lawyer-lady manages a charming home, can make her own clothes and those of her daughters and. on occasion, does so. Her husband is a distinguished jurist who isj not in the least conscious of that distinction and they have two. bright, beautiful and altogether lovely little daughters, Georgia and Janet, whom I saved to the end because they are the best part of this story.
Stella George Stern Perry was born and brought up in NewJ Orleans. In 1894 she came to New York City to enter Barnard College, at that time in its original quarters, a made-over dwelling house at .343 Madison Ave. Since the class of '98 of which ste was a member numbered only twenty-two, she, in common with the rest of the class had the great Opportunity of a closer asso- j ciation with instructors than is possible in most of the colleges of today.
Such an atmosphere was favorable for the development of initiative, and it is perhaps for that reason that she had theI courage and the vision that made her the prime mover in founding Alpha O. She was also interested in the Southern Club, instituted at about the same time, and in various other societies. \s W3S natural, she shone particularly in her literary work and had at that time rtreadj developed the artistic conscience to a hi£n degree. In her Junior year she was elected Art Editor of the j Mortarboard and as a Senior was chosen Class Poet.
On leaving college, she continued to show initiative in her choice of occupation. When the large majority of college grad- uates were turning to school teaching as the quickest and surest means of earning at least a modest livelihood, she entered the business world as an advertising writer and was connected with the well known New York firms of John Wanamaker and B. Altman & Co. She also conducted an advertising agency. Inci- dentally she was laying the foundations of her present career by writing children's stories and verse and by making the acquain- tance of her future husband, George Hough Perry. She also did special newspaper work and edited a woman's magazine.
Upon her marriage she devoted her spare time to writing of a purely literary character, beginning with children's stories. 'She has contributed many stories, articles and poems to St. Nicholas, and has written the following children's books: Go-to-Slccp, When Mother Lets Us Act, The Kind Adventure, The Clever Mouse, Little Bronze Playfellows, Girl's Nest. Most of them are for very little children: The Kind Adventure and The Girl's Nest are the sort that girls of ten and thereabouts read themselves with great enthusiasm and then pass around among their girl chums till they are worn out in the service.
Mrs. Perry lived for some time after her marriage in Hack- ensack, N . J. While there she served on the Relief Committee of the New Jersey Child Labor Committee, as Legislative Secretary of the N . J. Consumers' League, and as V olunteer Inspector of Labor, appointed by W oodrow Wilson.
Later she spent several years in California, in the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles. In San Francisco her husband was a Director of the Panama Pacific Exposition and she herself served on the Woman's Board. Here too, in 1915, her pageant. All the Children, was produced under the auspices of the National Child Labor Committee. She also wrote the Official Guide (hand- book) to the Sculpture and Murals of the Panama Pacific Inter- national Exposition, and in collaboration with A . Sterling Calder, The Sculpture and Murals of the Exposition.
Previous to her return to New York in 1920, Mrs. Perry had written only two works of fiction for grown-ups, Melindy |ttd The Angel of Christmas. A t that time she achieved the great distinction of having her first novel accepted by her publisher when it was only partially written. Its reception throughout the country fully justified his faith. Palmetto could only have been Written by one who knew and loved New Orleans and the coast |Rd bayou region near by. The field has been practically untouched I n literature, and the descriptions are therefore unusual. More-
° V e r they awaken an answering appreciation in the reader because
they are seen through an artist's eye and transcribed by a loving pen. The characters are rarely lifelike and appealing, and the story is full of interest and excitement. The whole book, while it shows a wide experience of actual human nature, is full of the spirit of idealism. It is rumored that Mrs. Perry has other novels in -contemplation and it is to be hoped that her next will soon be forthcoming. She has also recently written the scenario of a modern drama to be produced by Norma Talmadge.
THE FOUNDERS' DAY NATIONAL BANQUET In Honor of the Founders of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Founders' Day this year was the twenty-fifth anniversary oH the fraternity and the presence of the Founders themselves at the "Founders' Day National Banquet" made the occasion one of special significance. The banquet was held in the New York Women's University Club, in one of the private dining rooms, The tables, placed in the form of a Pi were decorated with the Jacqueminot roses of the fraternity and tall red candles in crystal candlesticks. At the head table presided over by Helen Henry, President of the New York Alumnae chapter and Past Grand Secretary, sat Mrs. Perry. Miss Hughan, and Mrs. Mullan (Miss Wyman being unavoidably absent) with Lillian McCausland,. Chairman National Pan-Hellenic Congress and Past Grand Presi- dent; Laura Hurd, Grand Secretary, and several other Past Grand Officers of the fraternity. To quote one of the alumnae representatives, "who wouldn't be proud to be one of such a fine
bunch of ladies?" There were in all about seventy present, includ- ing some of the senior members of Nu Chapter and one of Kappa's active members, now at Barnard. Between the courses, fraternity songs were sung with spirit and enthusiasm.
Helen Henry in her address of welcome paid tribute to oufj two Grand Presidents now in Alpha Omega Chapter, JessHa Ashley and Ruth Capen Farmer, and chose two red roses as! symbols of their presence with us on this night. She then intro- duced the Toastmistress, Lillian MacQuillan McCausland. who after humorously responding to Helen Henry requested the roll call of the chapters.
Each Chapter had sent some message, given by a delegate, ofm read bv Miss Henry in the rare cases when the chapter had no representative present. Mrs. MeCaushnd next spoke of the spina of the fraternity, the spirit which had animated Alpha Chapter and then spread to make the whole organization what it now isj a spirit typified by the founders, each of whom has been a living representative of the ideals of the fraternity.
The reminiscences of Miss Burd (as on the program) would have been most interesting to hear, but unfortunately she was not able to attend the banquet. Laura H u r d then skeched briefly the growth of the fraternity, founded twenty-five years ago by four women, now numbering 3050 members, twenty-five active chap- ters (two inactive) and twenty-five alumnae chapters, the twenty- fifth having been installed on this day, the twenty-fifth anniver- sary. She emphasized the fact that Alpha Omicron Pi has been a spiritual success, and according to present indications will con- tinue to be. The program of the future, she said, was outlined at Syracuse.
Mrs. McCausland followed with the introduction of the Founders, describing her previous dilemma in determining their nomenclature. She and the Founders, she explained, had been at logger heads before the banquet. "Shall it be Sister Mullan. paralleling the men's fraternities?" (Unfavorable response). "Mother Mullan?" (Strenuous objections from Mother Perry). "Well then Ma Mullan," said Mrs. McCausland, "and Ma Muflan it shall be." With this Mrs. McCausland promptly presented Ma Mullan, a lawyer of note, a speaker of ability, executive, hostess, and mother.
Mrs. Mullan, instead of speaking on the plan of the fraternity as anticipated, explained the anniversary endowment fund, its purpose and its uses.
Miss Hughan's inspiring address presented The Ideals of the Fraternity from a fresh viewpoint. The essence of what she so tellingly said was that the fraternity, because of its emphasis on fundamentals rather than on externals, judged its members spiritually; and she thought always of the Alpha Girl as taking out into the world with her the ideal of love, not in a narrow or restricted sense, but the love that means charity for all the types 0 1 people whatever their race or beliefs.
Mrs. Perry concluded the program with a beautiful expres- sion of her faith and that of the founders in the fraternity. Faith *uid lnve have ever been the keystone; by them the fraternity has U v ed and nourished and no false fear of sentimentality should ever creep in to weaken the structure.
. Let us add in closing that the splendid faith of the founders Will ever be an inspiration to those of us who have the privilege
^r e W l 1 1
knowing them either personally or through their work; and let us repeat with emphasis the phrase with which Miss n opened her address. "Hurrah for Stella!"—onlv ours
be. "Hurrah for them all!"
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The National' Panhcllcnic Congress met at Indianapolis, October 26-29, 1921. .As usual an attempt was made to define the powers of the Congress. Whenever this is done, the fact is brought out that this asso- ciation is not a law-making body; it can only discuss and advise in most cases. One of the most interesting of the acts it could carry through, however, was that in regard to high school sororities, which is mentioned editorially.
Round Tables were held on Vocations, Publicity Programs (how to control excessive publicity regarding trivial and sensational details about fraternities), and City Panhellenics; and .prious interesting reports were given. The Editors met in conference and gained much help and inspiration from a discussion of their problems.
Several social affairs occurred, culminating in a luncheon at the Claypool Hotel, which was attended by three hundred forty-nine fraternity women. Alpha O was seventh in point of attendance among the eighteen fraternities, having a group of thirty present.
Mrs. Xorman J. McCausland, Jr.. tin- next yoar\ chairman of the Congress, and Mrs. A. J. Hennings represented Alpha O at the Congress. From "Personalities Plus.-' written by the Kappa Delta delegate, we quote:
"At the head sat the chairman, Mrs. Ethel H . Weston, 2 K, still the same quiet, retiring little woman with the very appealing smile but showing much of her New England granite in her firmness in holding the Congress to order. On one side of her sat the secretary, Mrs. N . L. McCausland, Jr., A O n , and on the other Miss Alpha Burkart, Z T A, who served as treasurer for Dr. Hopkins. Mrs. McCausland always insisted on knowing exactly what was said, so the congress minutes promise to be absolutely correct this year. Her sense of humor was very keen and injected much amusement into otherwise dry business."
At 123d Street, East.
I saw them waiting all day in the rain. Patient and tired and purposeful,
Beating against the door in vain.
Grizzled old men with twisted, shrunken limbs,
Small boys on crutches; score on score
Of huddled women, each one with a child.
Then, from the vantage of a doorway opposite, Beyond the second-story window glass '
I saw a burly, bearded figure pass
And stoop above a bed. I saw his hands
Poised . . . More I could not see.
But when he rose and moved away again,
A woman held a tiny figure up
And dressed the child with trembling, practiced hands.
Kissing the tiny shoulder, the warm neck, And the wide eyes already come to wear
That bright and puzzled look of constant pain. Traffic thundered down the avenue,
Dull morning waned and duller twilight fell.
And still they came, misshapen, halt and lame.
My mind was groping for a vagrant phrase, Something to do with children and with them
Who came to touch a certain garment's hem. Something about "Such faith in Israel."
Two college boys strode by, paused for a bit,
Their splendid bodies hunched against the rain.
One said, shame-faced, "Say—like the Bible, isn't it?"
ELIZABETH HANLEV DAXFORTH. Gamma, '15. N. Y. Times. Dec. 3, 1921.
Editor's note: The above was written apropos Dr. Lorenz's clinl in New York City.
Galoshes, where do you belong? What is the music in your song?
On the slope of the sleety stair I looked down and saw—
Galoshes, fifty thousand swashes Swishing with a swishing, gishing, gushing;
Stopping with a sudden lopping of squdgy pampas grass, As oak with sloppy tops unfurled,
Galoshes, tell your aspirations to the world.
MARY URSULA EGAX, Alpha Phi. '22.
Cleveland alumnae of Alpha Omicron Pi chose Founders' Day, Dec- ember 8, for their installation. Eighteen were present at the beautiful ceremony which was held at the apartment of Avis Coultas, on Mayfield Road. Mrs. John Britton, who is in Cleveland temporarily,was the install- ing officer. To begin with we have seventeen active members and two associate, who will return to college probably next year.
A short business meeting after the installation service netted several orders for the sorority history, as well as several life subscriptions to To DRAGMA. We decided to hold meetings the second Thursday of every month. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Miriam C. Smith, Zeta, president; Edna Studebaker, Omega, vice-president; Mrs. Marjorie Man- ton, Omega, secretary; Mrs. Margaret Angell, Delta, treasurer; Lucile Dvorak, Omega, editor. M rs. Angell, M rs. Gertrude Kray, and Gisela Birkner were the very capable members of the refreshment committee. W e all agreed that Mrs. Angell makes better chicken a la king than any other member of the chapter.
We wish all Alpha O's who are newcomers to get in touch with us. Martha Whitworth, Gates Mill, Ohio, is chairman of the membership committee. When you come to Cleveland, be sure to get in touch with her.
*TpO THE readers of To DRAGMA is due an explanation of its A tardy appearance for the first two numbers of this volume. The September issue was pushed vigorously; not even a wedding
amongst the members of the' staff was allowed to hold it back. I t was ready two weeks ahead of time. Then occurred a strike at the printer's. Enough said! The November issue was actually in press when the Executive Committee requested its delay for the insertion of the Farmer memorial. We are now doing our best to get this number out the last week in February. Let us hope no more calamities occur.
>TpHK PASSING of Ruth Capen Farmer of Delta, former (irand President, came as a severe shock to us all. The Editor had the privilege of knowing her, when she made the toii| of the chapters in our undergraduate days. Her beauty and charm
won the hearts of us all. How proud we were to show her off to girls of other fraternities as "Our Grand President"! She seemed to typify to us all that a Grand President should be. May she ever live in the hearts of her sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi.
A N IMPORTANT ruling was made recently by the National Panhellenic Congress to the effect that mem- bership in a high school sorority no longer precludes admittance to women's fraternities in colleges. This does not mean that these organizations have received approval; they are to be discounten- anced in every possible way as they tend to discredit the college organizations. It simply recognizes the fact that some girls have the courage to admit their high school sorority membership, thus shutting themselves out of the college fraternities, while others through concealment, gain entrance. It is hoped that some good
way may be found of dealing with this problem.
AN INTERESTING sheet coming recently to the Edij tor's desk is "Eta Chips", published by Eta Chapter in the interest of Alpha O at Wisconsin. It contains a picture of their pledges and four pages of news items detailing the record of
the chapter for the term. It is edited by Ethel Zimmerman of the active chapter and should prove invaluable in keeping the actives and alumnae together.
BY T H E time this issue reaches you, Founders' Day will be a thing of the past. Let us hope, however, that the inspiration we gained from those celebrations, country wide, may remain with us. After reading the beautiful accounts of the lives of the "Big Four" in the foregoing pages, we should be prouder than ever of our fraternity. One way of giving our loyalty con- crete expression has often been referred to, but. not often enough
for some of us. Help the Anniversary Endowment Fund by sending in your life subscription to To DRAGMA. Turn to the inside of the back cover and see how your chapter stands on life subscriptions. Are you proud of your record? Is it because of your indifference that your chapter record has remained stationary or mounted very little? Alumnae chapters, read what our loyal Bangor Alumnae Chapter is doing for the fund. W e have Christ- mas Savings Clubs at the banks. How about an Endowment sav- ings account into which we shall put so much erch month? You'll teel so much better when you "obey that impulse"! DO IT NOW !
The fraternity directories arc being compiled and brought up-to-date by the Grand Secretary. Return postals are being sent to all associate members who should fill out and mail return section of card promptly.
Mate L. Giddings has resigned as Grand Vice-President of Alpha Omicron Pi. This information will be received with regret by the whole fraternity. Assuring her friends that her health is improved, although it has taken longer than she expected to regain vitality lost during her recent illness, she has felt it wisest to resign as Vice-President and it is with reluctance that the Executive Committee concede to her wishes. Mate has prom- ised her continued interest and support in the alumnae organiza- tion which has been under her direction. Her cooperation has •dways been appreciated and an inspiration to others. Our best Wishes and gratitude are hers.
The Committee on Fraternity Traditions, established at Convention has been organized and the Founders announce that Stella G. S. Perry has been chosen chairman and Lillian McCaus- land and Laura A. Hurd have been elected life members of the committee. The function of this committee is to serve as adviser and expositor in fraternity tradition, that in case of the death of the Founders there may be those who can transmit in accuracy
and in spirit the basic principles of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Your next year's officers and T o Dragma! Active chap- ters, you should choose chapter editor carefully, remembering that she represents your chapter not only to the fraternity, but also to the fraternity world. If your present one writes good letters and is punctual, re-elect her, as she is acquainted with the work.
Alumnae assistants should be chosen with a greater degree of care by the active chapters. Make sure that your representa- tive is one who knows the majority of your members and can and will get news about them. She should secure all possible subscriptions and take an interest in the magazine. The list of alumnae assistants is published in this issue, of whom about ten send in news. W e can only conclude that the others are putting in most of their time in gaining new subscribers to To DRAGMA!
In the case of the alumnae chapters, it would be far more convenient for the editorial staff if the office of president and chapter editor could be combined. The records would be simpli- fied, and the editor would be present at each meeting.
For the May issue all material should be mailed on or before April 8. Active chapter editors should do three things: I. Write your usual letter, but preface it by a typed list of the members of the chapter, arranged by classes. 2. Submit an article on rushing at your college written by your chapter Pan- hellenic delegate. It should not exceed 400 words and should be typed. 3. If you wish the insertion of a picture of your 1921-22 pledges, send a clear print and $2.25 for a half page or $4.25 for a full-page cut. The names should be printed in the correct order on the back.
Exchanges should be sent to Exchange Editor, Mrs. VY. F. Schoppe. 602 So. Third Ave., Bozeman, Mont.; to To Dragma Editor, Mrs. H . E. Smith, 3419 N. Lincoln Street, Chicago, Illinois; and to Mrs. A. J. Hennings, 2327 Central Street, Evanston, Illinois. 11 you exchange but one, please send to the first name on the list.
Pi Beta Phi announces the establishment of chapters at the University of North Dakota, Florida State College for Women, and Montana State College.
The June, 1921, Trident of Delta Delta Delta contains a picture and brief account of the School in Guny, France, funds for which were given by Tri Delt.
The October Caduceus of Kappa Sigma is largely devoted to their Conclave successfully held in Chicago last spring, which was a record- breaker in point of attendance.
"The granting of three new charters brings the number of chapters of our Fraternity to half a hundred. That our aim is not numbers but judicious expansion, will be proved by the personnel of the chapters admitted and by the location of the chapters. We congratulate our new chapters on their good fortune, and believe that they are on the road to a fuller completion of their aims than was possible when they were locals and had not the impetus of our national organization."
The new chapters referred to editorially in the Eleusis of Chi Omega for September are located at Drake, University of Minnesota and William and Mary.
The Shield of Theta Delta Chi for October reports the removal of their New York Club to larger and more convenient quarters downtown in New York, thus taking its place with other Nationals who maintain Downtown Club Houses. Sigma Alpha Epsilon has found its New York club most satisfactory also. Have any of our sister sororities tried the experiment?
The October issue of the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly is one of the most interesting and uniformly excellent magazines which has reached the Exchange Editor's desk. Particularly interesting features are the Convention Review—brief, comprehensive, and bright; the "Summer Camp Notes," wherein are reviewed the activities of the summer camp main- tained for eight weeks at Wolfe I-ake, Jackson, Michigan, where 110
children spent health-giving vacations and the Vocational Department which in this number, discusses out-of-door occupations for woma, Typographically, also, the Quarterly is most attractive.
The Delta of Sigma Nu for October is a Campaign Number for their Permanent Endowment Fund, and in that connection also presents a Chapter House Symposium, well illustrated and summarized.
The July Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega will orove a source of inspira- tion to the perplexed chapter hostess, as it contains under the heading "Alpha Chi Omega Parties," descriptions of many novel affairs,contrib- uted by the chapters who have successfully carried them out. A variety of Oriental parties, some clever dinners, afternoon teas, dances, and stunt parties, while even the problem of "Men Parties Without Dancing" has been solved.
The September number of the Sigma Kappa Triangle is a Chapter House number and the Chairman of the Housing Committee reports that of 27 chapters, twelve live in dormitories and fifteen in housese. She says:
"For the chapters that are not living in houses, the committee otfi housing would recommend and suggest that they immediately start a bonding system. At the present time there may not seem to be any possi- bility of owning a home—but owing to the fact that educational institu- tions are becoming more and more crowded each year we do not know when the unexpected and hoped for may happen, and then any number of sorority women may be allowed to live as organizations in houses.
"A bonding system provides for a steady income and will furnish a sinking fund which many chapters will find exceedingly useful. Perchance certain colleges never permit houses, the fund can be drawn on for furni- ture for the rooms or hall; to help National Philanthropy or may be turned into a business investment by loaning it at a fair rate of interest to some other chapter which could build, but is financially encumbered.
"New chapters, in particular, should immediately adopt a bonding system. They may not be expected to own or buy their home immediately upon being installed as a National Fraternity, but when they do find them- selves in need of a home they will also find that the 'sinking fun' will be instrumental in securing the home for them without any unnecessary delay.
The Carnation of Delta Sigma Phi contains an excellent article bf\ Thomas Arklc Clark, Dean of Men at the University of Illinois, which was given before the Interfraternity Conference on "Exploring Theta N*1 Epsilon." Quoting some of the college authorities with whom he corres- ponded and says, " I believe that T N E has done more to bring college fraternities into disrepute than any one other thing." The consensus of opinion among fraternity officers and college presidents is that T N *V has a thoroughly bad influence on the individual members, fraternity groups represented, and on the institutions where it exists.
(Prepared as an aid lo fraferuily rushing.)
Questionnaire for Men Name
Any machines?
Seating capacity7
Father's rating (Bradstreet)
; Other assets
Are you fond of athletics—check
—Football, Craps, Red dog, Danc- ing.
Do you study much?
Are you willing to stop?
Questionnaire for Women Name
your favorite point ? What magazines?
Have you any cute expressions? ? Write them here
Do you come from a good family? How good.
Where did you get it?
How could you help the frater- dresses, two best hats, and three
What kind?
Do you drink?
Y our passing record? ; Do you smoke?....
nity besides paying dues?
Which fraternity would you like to join?
o t h e r miscellaneous articles
What sorority would you prefer to join?
The Baird library, known as the most complete library on fraternity Stairs in existence, will shortly be housed by the New York public library. Arrangements for transfer and cataloguing of its contents are in the care 'f George Bruce, secretary of Beta Theta Pi, and the library officials.
—Caduceus of Kappa Sigma.
The following poem, which has been going the rounds of the frater- nity press, first appeared in the Aglaia of Phi Mu.
What does it mean—Fraternity? What does it mean—to you?
Is it just a name Bringing local fame
With perhaps a friend or t\v< ?
From "Undergraduate Humor" in the Phi Gamma Delta.
Address Peach
; Speed (laps
per hour)
Blonde, Brunette, Sorrel (Scratch the two not desired)
Who is your favorite moving pic- ture actor?
What hold do you use in dancing? Left or right cheek?
Do you read much?.
Describe briefly your five best
What of your pin—the three bright stars? What do they say—to you?
Do they stand f o r aught
In the breadth of tho't. Or just for a lark or two?
What of your life—in the world of Greekst What have they gained—thru you?
Have you won a smile—
Done a thing worth while? Or wasted a year or two?
Ah, what does it mean—Fraternity? To the girl with a heart of gold?
'Tis to love and serve,
High ideals preserve, With a wealth of joy untold.
(No letter from the Kappa and Alpha Phi. _Fine due.)
Pi has certainly been busy since she wrote you last. This all year rushing will be the death of us yet, 1 fear. Just think, we have lo wait until next September before we will be able to boast a single pledge.
We gave our first rushing party on January seventh. January sixtW is Twelfth Night, you know, and opens the carnival season in New Orleans, so our party was a Twelfth Night Revel. We surely did work hard, but now that it is over we feel that it was worth it, because it really was a great success. We have two more parties to give and would certainly be grateful for any suggestions from any other chapter.
We celebrated Founders' Day with a banquet out at the Southern; Yacht club and had much excitement when Sue Briggs and Evelyn Pigott both announced their engagements. "Pig" was married on the seventeenth of December to Frank Turner, D. K. E. Sue has everything
planned for a beautiful church wedding at the Bay on February the fifteenth. The groom is Harold W eston. Sigma N u . Dot's brother, and the wedding is to be strictly a Sigma Nu-Alpha Omicron Pi affair. Dot is going to be maid of honor, Alice Chapman and Ezrene are maids and Maia is going to play the wedding march. And to make the family group complete nearly all the chapter that haven't an active part in the wedding are going to Bay St. Louis, for it anyway. We know it is going to be
\ Our rushing problem is rather a simple matter. For one thing the rushing is confined to the Law School; and for another and more impor- tant reason, Alpha Omicron Pi is considered a desirable fraternity to belong to.
On our return in the fall, during the first month or so we look over the field for new prospects,—especially among the freshmen and new arrivals from' other colleges. At one of our meetings it is then deter- mined to whom to send invitations to tea. At this function all the members have an opportunity of meeting the prospects. When the guests have departed we hold a meeting and after discussing the different people, a secret ballot is taken on each individually, as to whether or not an invitation to join Alpha O shall be extended. Upon acceptance of this invitation the prospect becomes a pledge. In a few instances where there is doubt as to a girl's desirability, she is invited to another tea so the members may become better acquainted. Then again a closed ballot determines whether an invitation to join shall be extended. Our pledges remain so till November or December, when our "Initiation" take place.
This year our first rushing tea was given at Hallowe'en and our sorority room was decorated most attractively by our capable and charming president, Catherine Noyes. Our second rushing tea was given a little later
Our pledges have now become actives. We combined initiation and our Christmas tea. So we have three new splendid members: Catherine Henry, Dorothy Crowelly, and Helen Griffin.
The fraternity room looked so cozy the night of the birthday party. The floors fairly gleamed (the Freshmen had done well), and the big floor lamp cast a soft glow over the whole scene. The big white cake resided in state on the table in the center of the room, and it did look so pretty with the small red candles burning in the form of A () II. Besides the old girls and pledges, we had several alumnae present, in fact we W e re compelled to make the "fish" sit on the floor.
A delicious salad course was served, and when it came time to blow °ut the candles and cut the cake, we voted the honor to Miss Harriet P*eve, our Dean of Women and Sister in A O II.
Did I neglect to tell of the presents we brought? We were proud
0 1 the china, which, when all put together, composed everything we had
needed and wanted for so long! W e ended the evening by singing A O I I
° gs and making the "fish" do various stunts. We are looking forward
next Founders' Day.
This week finds us in the midst of exams, but we are not nearly so
worried as we were this time last year, because we have been given two weeks to take the exams. W e have been, and are studying hard and Omicron hopes to come through with flying colors.
It seems that Dan Cupid has been very busy in our ranks, for vm find Vivian Logue wearing the well-known solitaire, and Billie McLemore is to be married to James Benton Stewart on February 15th. However, Billie has an apartment right in town and we expect to see her as often as she will put up with us!
At the last Panhellenic meeting it was decided to have Miroritjfl basketball teams, and w e expect to have some hard-fought games in the near future. The Volunteer contest begins February, and as we are sorely in need of the $150.00 worth of furniture offered as a prize forthe most tickets sold, we intend to win!
This is the most exciting time of the year for Kappa, for pledge day;
comes March the first, and now is a very important period. So many Ffeshfiien "made up their minds" during Christmas, and 'tis our duty to help some "unchange" theirs, a n d keep others w h o have decided well (as we see it) in the straight and narrow path.
Work has begun on our "Student Building" which has been the dream of students and alumnae f o r many years. Randolph-Macon will enter- tain the Woman's Intercollegiate Association for Student Government, next fall, and we're glad we'll be able to offer them this new building and th e advantaees thereof. Kappa wants some A ' ) IPs t<> orne. repre- senting their colleges, so w e can get acquainted. How about it, Gamma?
Our town alumnae gave us a banquet down at the house on Founders Day and we had the most enthusiastic time possible. Red roses and ribbon and tiny white dandlesticks with red candles as favors decorated the table. Speeches on various fraternity topics and A O II songs furnished the program. It was a night we'll long remember. It's so nice having an alumnae chapter here, and when you have as fine a chapter as we have can y o u wonder we're always boasting o f them?
- Thanksgiving, one of R-M'sgala days, was a happy one forthe Seniors this year. T h e championship game in hockey w as played an^ we won it. The Dramatic Club presented Booth Tarkington's "Clarence that night, and Lily Blanks played the part of "the flapper" exceeding^! well. W e were proud of her, especially as it was the result of S0 0 0 acting, and not, we insist, because the part came naturally to her! MaO Bailey, Gene, Mary Reed and Martha Craddock came back for t t i e Thanksgiving week-end. and we enjoyed having them.
Joseph Pennell, the great artist, visited Randolph-Macon and ga \ us a lecture on Whistler. W e had an exhibition of his etchings at
'2 4 .
same time. Sir Philip Gibbs will be here next week. Our annual ex- hibition of water colors, this year to include pictures of remarkable repu- tation, will open the first part of February.
I almost forgot to mention the fact that our scholastic record for tiie last quarter stood remarkably high. There are tw o fraternities w ho
lave not yet turned in their marks, but we are first of the other eight.
I must tell how much we all enjoyed the last T o DRAGMA. It was
an unusually interesting number we thought, and we devoured every word. KATHRYN HODGES '2 2
We've had company since we last wrote. Five Alpha O's from Phi chapter have been up to see us. They came for the Homecoming game, and judging from these five, w e'd like to have the whole chapter come. The best b o x o f candy arrived just before Christmas from these girls. A little later Ethel W eidner, w h o started to school i n California this fall, just walked in and the best part is that she came to stay.
Our lease on this house expires this next summer and so we are looking for a new home. W e raised about $350 by means of a food-sale before Thanksgiving, and a bazaar just before Christmas to help toward a new house. W e are planning to make them a n annual affair, we had a Kensington for our alumnae one Saturday afternoon at whiah we
ml worked on things for the bazaar.
At mid-semesters, we pledged Wilma De Ford, and she fits right in o u r other Freshmen.
Valora Hullinger is to work on the A rt Staff of the Comhusker Phis year and Mercedes Abbott was elected Vice-president i>f the I'
class. Mary Herzing is on the committee fo r Alumni week. Alumni week is something new here and we are hoping that it will work c Planned. The crowning of the M ay Queen, besides the sorority and fraternity banquets is to be held before graduPtion in hopes that i"'>re Mflmni will return for the commencement exercises and that more students will stay over. too.
Just after the Thanksgiving vacation, the Freshmen gave us a dance " e r e at the house. Then, at o u r Christmas party, they gave several clever stunts with take-offs on the upperclassmen. W e all had lots
°f fun, especially at the opening of the presents with the poetry(?) fSttadhctl. Ouralumnae gave us nice presents forthe house and it was a jolly evening.
[ Josephine Doten and Ethel Weidner are now practicing for a De Molay Vanity Show which is to be given at the Orpheum. Just last
'fcht, a big box of candy arrived announcing the engagement of our treasurer, E v a Murphy.
L Exams arc coming soon and everybody is studying; forwe wantour Scholarship to be way, way up.
After nearly a three week vacation, all the girls are again returning for another semester of college work. The "rushing system" has been completely revised by Panhellenic and the "lawyer's system*' installed. It has been felt that the old system was very unsatisfactory and since the new system has been successfully tried by several universities, it has been also adopted by the University of California.
Last semester was a very successful one for Sigma in every respect. On December 5th, we initiated five more Freshmen and after the initi- ation the alumnae gave an informal party in celebration of Founders' Day. They told us of the history of each chapter of Alpha O and dfjj the university in which each is installed. We held on December 3rd,a Christmas Bazaar in order to make money for the house. With the help of the alumnae $160.00 was cleared. Immediately after this every j f l began to study very hard for the final examinations, as we wanted a high scholastic standing for Sigma chapter. We are especially proud of Zoe King who was taken into the Prytanean Society, a women's honor society.
Although Sigma is in miles very far away from the other chapters, yet each chapter seems very close when we read their letters and of what each is doing. Each one of us sends a wish for a happy and successful year to every chapter.
One of our Theta alumnae, Ruby Jones, will be on the faculty this semester. She will be assistant instructor in the English department. Mary Hester, junior, and Emma Louise Biedenhard, freshman, made Duzer Du, the dramatic fraternity, just recently. Mary has been initiated. Janice Brown is a reporter on the De Pauw Daily and Mildred Panchaud has been appointed as one of the editors of the De Pauw Magazine.
Our five sophomores pledged this year will move in the house this semester. Two of them, Margaret Safford and Lucille Porter, have been initiated.
Judith Sollenberger will not be back next semester. She has madft all her credits for graduation in three and one-half years and is either going to teach or do newspaper work.
Delta is disappointed not to be able to report an Anniversary Cele- bration. Founders' Day unfortunately came during our rushing season-^ which had to be postponed this year on account of other college activities* until November 28th to December 16th. We are planning to have afl
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI 137 Anniversary Celebration in conjunction with the alumnae at our initiation
which will come in February.
We sent out but seven bids this year and happy to announce seven acceptances. Our pledges are—Rosemary Allen, Elizabeth Atkinson, Alice Harrington, Wilma Kelch, Ruth Morris, Mildred Ward, and Ruth Whitten—all Freshmen.
We were very glad to welcome Mrs. McCausland at a rush party December 3rd after she attended the Panhellenic luncheon in Boston. The luncheon was very successful—four of our active girls attended and there were enough Alpha O's present to give A O n second place in the attendance record of fraternities represented.
Delta has some news of which she is very proud. The scholarship cup awarded each year to that women's fraternity in the college having the highest scholastic average, came to us this year. And at the awarding of academic honors, the commencement part for Jackson College was given to Rosalie Cobb as having the highest scholastic average in the graduating class. Rosalie and Helen Neal both received Phi Beta Kappa. Alpha O was the only women's fraternity represented in the group receiving Phi Beta Kappa this year.
Mary Estelle Heald '22 has joined the ranks of the "engaged people". We were alarmed when we discovered she was the possessor of two strange fraternity pins until we learned they both belong to M r . Everett Bishop, Dartmouth '21. He is now in Dartmouth medical, so the favored Pin of the two is that of Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity.
Basket-ball practice has started and many Alpha O's are out. Bettie Bcattie. Dot Rourke, and the Neal twins will surely play on varsity and probably more of our girls will have some opportunity to play.
Tonight we are having our Pledge Dance. It promised to be very successful. W e are looking forward to our pledges' first Alpha O dance.
Because of a mistake in addresses, Gamma was disappointed not to sec her letter in the T o DRAGMA. and we had so much to say, too.
hrief now. however, we had a very pleasant and successful rushing
season this fall, which was concluded by a theatre party and lunch at
\v ^ ^'^s Towner's dear, little new home right here on the campus.
are so happy to have Betty still near us.
^ e are surely proud of our five pledges—Katherine Atkins. Doris , n e d, Avary Monroe, Doris Overend, and Elizabeth Peabody.
Bet ^ C c e ' e ' ) r a * e ^ * n e twenty-fifth anniversary, December eighth, at ^ ys house again, but this time she did not know we were coming. Party was a sort of "shower" in nature, as the fraternity presented
her with a mahogany sewing-table. At mid-semester A O II was next
to the highest on the campus in scholastic standing.
"Bee" Cleaues and Mable Peabody have donned S. A. E. pins. ant|] Catherine Sargent is wearing a Phi Gam pin.
Helen Reed has had to give up teaching because of eye troublfw and, although we regret her misfortune, it seems great to have her back in Bangor where we can see her often. Rachel Bowen, '21, has announced her engagement to Mr. Raymond Adams of Bangor.
Great plans are now being made for a winter carnival next month. There will be a formal dance in the Gym, open house among the frater- nities, and all kinds of contests and winter sports. Basketball is just getting under way, compulsory Chapel has been resumed, and everywhere
one sees evidences of what we call "the Old Maine Spirit".
Pledge day at Cornell was October fifteenth and it is with the highest degree of pride that we present our eight pledges, Dorothy Johann, Huntingdon, Pa.; Marian Staples. Buffalo, X. V .: Madeline Kolby. Xaples, N. Y . ; Violet Ransome, Washington, D. C ; Edwina Carpenter, Chittenan- go, X. V.: Marian MacBeth, Auburn. X. V.: Veronica Brown, Brooklyn, N. Y . : Louise Duggar, St. Louis, Missouri, and Elizabeth Anderson. It is of interest to note that Louise's mother was one of the founders of our Epsilon Chapter. Our pledge dinner was supplemented by speeches from Mrs. Schmidt, also one of the founders of our chapter, her daughter, Dagmar Schmidt 18, Miiss Guthrie, our chaperon, Thelma Brumlield' 22, our chapter president and Louise Duggar, representing the Freshman groups.
December ninth, we celebrated our Founders' Day Anniversary b|S a banquet at the House. Many of the alumnae were there and a trul. fraternal spirit made the event memorable. After the banquet, the
company sojourned to the living room and there we initiated Florence Warner. She is an asset in every way to the Fraternity and vv -ire aU proud to have her wear our pin. The initiation was followed by singing of fraternity songs.
The Christmas celebration at the House was one of the paramount features since the last writing. The freshman came to the House 6% Saturday night and the entire chapter was up bright and early Sunday morning. The living room was decorated beautifully, and the Christmas tree spread its usual atmosphere of joy. "Santa Claus" appeared and after a few minutes rest from his "long journey," he distributed the gifts, to each of which was attached a personal verse. The entire spin* of Christmas pervaded and our party was a big success.
December third our chapter entertained at a Tea Dance given S the House. The afternoon Dance was rather a unique affair at Cornell
and we were rather skeptical as to its results. Our doubts were happily satisfied, however, for the dance was a most enjoyable function.
Most of us were certainly surprised on the night of November eighth, when Betty Ballantine, '21, walked in. W e had no intimation of her coming. Since Betty's graduation she has been doing some sub- stitution work in the Philadelphia High Schools and as usual, displays keen enthusiasm in her work.
Everybody is back from the holiday vacation and everybody had such a wonderful time! Here we are almost half way through our year and it seems as though we've just begun. It's been a busy year for Rho. Let me tell you what we've been doing since last time. First our pledges (my! but we're proud of them) gave a Bunco Party at the North Shore Hotel, Evanston. It was the prettiest party! They had a big crowd and the loveliest prizes were won and Dorothy Hammill, one of our pledges, sang beautifully to entertain our guests. It was all for the house fund, and it made it swell considerably, I can tell you.
Then, we're second in scholarship on campus this year. Delta Zeta's received first place with A O IT close behind.
Founders' Day we had a grand and glorious celebration. In the afternoon we initiated our upperclassmen pledges and were all thrilled anew by the dignity and sweet sacredness of it all. After that the Alums served us an exceedingly delectable banquet at which were present the well known faces of many A O ITs whom we had not seen for some time. And after that—you know—songs, fun, talk and good cheer.
And now we're all scrambling after fans and silver buckles and hair bandeaux to add the finishing touches to our evening togs, for our formal is Saturday night.
Rho sends greetings to Alpha O's everywhere ami proposes a toast for Alpha's success in 1922.
This is our first letter since the opening of the college year at Stanford, and naturally there are a great many things to tell about. We registered for the fall quarter on October first, and after a busy week of getting settled, our fall rushing began. We pledged three very lovely 8'rls—Irma Gutsch from Alameda, Wana Keesling from San Jose, and Evelyn Van Horn from Denver, Colorado. Now they are all A O TPs, •laving been initiated December sixth .
On November ninth we had a "seven-to-eight" dance which was attended by several of our alumnae, and which we all enjoyed very much.
The Stanford-California football game, which, by the way, was played in our new stadium, was on November nineteenth, and on that day we held open house for about two hundred of our alumnae and friends.
We have refurnished our library in the chapter house, and we are planning to remodel our chapter room very soon. Our record during the many campus drives for the Red Cross, Y . W". C. A., and for Russian and Armenian relief has been 100 per cent and of course we are very proud of the fact.
Our end quarter examinations began on the twentieth of December, and lasted three days, after which we enjoyed our Christmas vacation. We have just returned and are now preparing for our next rushing season, which will last six days.
Lambda chapter sends love to her many sisters.
Perhaps what we are most interested to hear this month concerns the various celebrations of our twenty-fifth anniversary, the banquet in New York in particular. As we were unable to be there, we decided to make our chapter celebration as near like that one as possible so that it might mean as much to us and inculcate into us that same spirit of A. O. Pi. And of course, we were fortunate; for we had our Grand Vice-president. Mate Giddings, with us to lend her prestige. Our formal banquet with all the activities and town alumnae was held on December eighth at the chapter house. At the last minute we received permission to initiate two of our pledges, Juniors, Ruth Butler and Florence Srout. We were so glad to be able to have initiation on this day; it made the event ever more significant.
Atha Wood Fowler toasted to "Our Past": Vera Bean '23 to "Our Present"; Helen Hughes '25 to "Our Future." Barbara Porter '22 told us about Stella Stern Perry's "Histoy of Alpha Omicron Pi" and thirty four girls signed up for copies. Then Mate Giddings talked on the Endowment Fund and a committee was appointed to make the necessary
by-laws regulating the payments. After the toasts we sang the Rose Song which was an impressive finish. On Friday we thought many times about the gathering in New York.
We were surprised with another five pounds before Christmas. Ruth Barrex '23, announced her engagement.
We were well represented on Senior and Junior Hockey teams this fall. Kay Wesson and "Mid" Holmes, captain, were on Senior team and Frances Dolle, captain, Frances Grove, Hester Srout, Mildred Lantz, Vera Bean and Florence Srout made Junior team. Many of the girls
are out for basketball now, and we're hoping they'll all make teams. HELEN WOLFF.
Just as the ancient Romans proudly headed their triumphal pro- cession with chained hostages, so I begin my letter by blazing forth, and I would write in letters of fire had I the power, the names of our wonderful pledges, bound to us by their golden sheaves. There are eight of them: Mayme Bender, Adile Zeiglemaier, Alma Shaper, Mar- garet Craig, Lillian Hoff, Madge Chilton, Gladys Banbury, and Katherine Doyle. No Roman Emperor could have been prouder of his prizes than Tau is of hers.
Founders' Day was celebrated more impressively than ever before, it seemed. As the actives were entirely submerged in long papers and finals, the alumnae took entire charge, so that everything was a delightful surprise. The affair, a banquet, was held in the ball-room of the Oak Grove Hotel, where the tables were made into a huge "Pi." The toast- mistress, Alma Boehme, T '19, who surpassed even her usual cleverness, and the speakers, sat at the cross-piece while the others sat along the sides, below the salt, so to speak. None of us will ever forget that evening the great bowls of our red roses, the rows of tall candles, the "peppy" songs, the clever speeches and stunts, and best of all, the enthusiasm which radiated from every face.
I suppose that according to the rhetorical principle of emphasis, I should stop, having told the most important thing, but I can't resist telling you of our newest acquisition a grand piano. It was just delivered this afternoon, and we have done nothing all evening but admire it, and the piano lamp which was our pledges' Christmas gift to the house. We wonder if some kind Grand Officer won't please come and visit us, so we will have a legitimate excuse for an All-U-Tea. We really feel that to give a musicale would be too obvious.
Back to work again. Our exams begin January 10th and it is some rush and hustle to get ready for them after the holidays. Much to our surprise and delight, "Fliv" Moore '20, and Betty Simmers '20. Reva
Snyder '19, and Irene Becker '19. were here to spend part of their Christmas vacation with us. It seems good to have them one of us again. ? I hope all the chapters had as successful a banquet as we did on Founders' Day. The tables were attractively decorated with place cards and menus made by our own art students. After dinner there was a talk from a member of each class, each one having one district to talk
about. We were glad to have so many of our alumnae with us.
We have a new pledge, Mildred Perkson '25, Salisbury, Mass. She's Just a peach and we are so glad to claim her for our sister.
Four of us teach down at the Orphanage every Sunday morning.
One evening Esther and Jerry had a dance here at the house for their girls and hoys. All of us came downstairs and enjoyed it with them. Jerry made attractive dance orders for each one and they certainly had a good time. "T ed" and I have the Primary department. W e gave them a Christmas party with the help of the girls. The kiddies played games and Santa Claus gave each one a present from the great big Christmas tree which stood in the corner of the room.
Our semi-formal dance was given the Saturday before we went home. The house was never so attractively decorated. One room was decorated in Christmas Bells; another represented a snow scene in mid- winter; while a third was trimmed with hemlock boughs. Refreshments were served in Christmas boxes with chicken salad, cake, candy and nuts tastily arranged within : punch being served during the dance.
Upsilon is happy to announce the pledging of Wilma Higgins, '25, of Seattle. Also, in the last T o DRAGMA, the name of Hazel Turtle, '23, was omitted from the list of pledges. Our pledges are all looking forward towards their initiation which is to take place this mouth.
In the last letter we mentioned a rumor that A O II had earned second place in the scholarship report of the sororities, but since that time the rumor has been officially confirmed.
Our first social event of the year was a really and truly barn dance, the house being turned into a veritable product of the farm. One little feature that caused lots of amusement was the ladder which the man had to climb to get upstairs. The programs were of red bandanas for the girls and corn cob pipes for the men.
December 8, nearly all of the Alpha O's in Seattle gathered at the Seattle Yacht Club to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of our fraternity. The alumnae chapter took entire charge of the banquet which was declared one of the most successful we have ever had. A great honor came to the chapter on that day when Helen Arkley, '21, was pledged to Sigma Xi, honorary science fraternity for men and women. Helen had also been awarded the Arthur A. Denny fellowship
in science and has begun work for her Master's degree. The writer was also pledged to Theta Sigma Phi, women's honorary journalism frater- nity since the last letter.
On the campus last quarter the Alpha O's were indeed busy. Mar- guerite Schofield was made president of the French Club and Marian Janeck of the Sacajawea debating society. Marion has also been asked to live in the dormitory this quarter as the Junior representative, an advisory office. Dorothy Redmon has been made president of Lambda Rho, honorary art fraternity at Washington. Mabel Anderson had a two weeks' leave of absence from school this quarter in order to attend the
Intercollegiate conference of Associated women students of the Northwest, held at Berkley, Cal. Upsilon wishes to thank Sigma for the cordial hospitality they offered Mabel and hopes that our chapter will be privileged to entertain them at some time in the near future.
At present we are looking forward to a visit from Lucille Curtis, our district superintendent. She will spend part of the coming week with us. In her honor, Upsilon will entertain with a tea on Friday.
The day after Thanksgiving the Mothers' club met for luncheon with the girls at the house. They have been working faithfully for the past year on rag rugs for the bedrooms ami have aided the chapter in main other ways.
1921-22 is proving a busy and successful year for Beta Phi, and indeed
for all Indiana University. The University's Million Dollar Memorial Fund Drive is in full swing and we have tried to do our part by pledging one thousand dollars.
The National Panhellenic Congress met in Indianapolis this year. The session opened Thursday, Nov. 3, and closed with a big Panhellenic lunch- eon, at the Clay pool Hotel, Saturday, Nov. 5, which fifteen of our girls at- tended. It was fascinating to see officers, delegates, and members of all the sororities, but of course in our eyes the most interesting and important guests were Mrs. Hennings and Mrs. McCausIand. Mrs. Hcnnings then came down to see us on Monday and stayed until Wednesday, when she went on to Theta. All of you who know her can realize how we enjoyed every minute she spent with us, and how much her visit meant to us. Mon- day we gave a dinner for every Alpha O in Bloomington, and Tuesday, assisted by our patronesses, we entertained at tea, sorority representatives, chaperones, and faculty members.
Founders' Day plans coincided with those our pledges had made to en- tertain us, so we combined forces and let them furnish the "party", while we initiated girls, turned our thoughts to the more serious meanings of Founders' Day, emphasizing on our j>art the story of the founding of Alpha O, then of the founding of our own chapter, and finally taking that oppor- tunity to explain and urge the purchase of the new history of A. O. Pi. The pledges then gave us a clever dramatic sketch and finally feasted us on ice-cream, cake, candy.
We are feeling very proud just now of Mary Fletcher. '22. who has re- cently been elected to membership in Pleiades, the inter-sorority organiza- tion, and of Myra Esarey, '22, who is a new member of Pi Lambda Theta. Margaret Wight, '23, and Jane Sickels '22, took important roles in a dance drama recently presented by the Women's Physical Educational Depart- ment. Mildred Douglas. '22. was captain of the varsity soccer team this fall.
Eta has added another silver loving cup to its already large number of cups. Every year since the installation of our chapter, Eta has, after fierce competition secured one of the major cups for campus activities. This year we won second place in Union Vodvil.
Union Vodvil is an entertainment, usually of eight acts put on by campus groups. Tryouts are held early in the fall of every second year and from the material presented at these tryouts Union Vodvil is produced. This year we competed against twenty-two other groups and our act was one of the eight to be chosen. It was a musical comedy act called "Fri- volity Revue." The chorus consisted of May O'Conner, Norma Hennel, Edith Hastings, Gertrude McFarland, Dorothy Tegtmeyer, Josephine Snow, Ethel Zimmermann and Mary Louise Mulhall with Evelyn Mulhall and Keginald Garstong taking the leading parts.
Since our last letter we have initiated eight pledges, lost one pledge and taken a new pledge. Flora Alcorn, Mary Louise and Evelyn Muhall, Gertrude and Joan McFarland, Marion Lynch, Elinor Sikes and May O'Conner are the new members. Dorothy Gibbs a freshman is the new pledge and Mary Paddock, who was a junior pledge has withdrawn from school.
Inter-sorority bowling and semester examinations are both in full swing at the present time. Eta hopes to be as successful along both lines as she has been hitherto to this year.
Our Founders' Day celebration was a complete success in every way, although it was planned along very simple lines. A buffet supper followed by a regular fraternity night of songs and stunts made it an occasion which will always be remembered. The fraternity spirit was emphasized in every detail, and we realize then as never before the great importance of being a part of such a vast National Organization. The Freshman stunt was very unique and clever, and proved to a great extent their dramatic ability.
But you haven't been introduced to our Freshmen. We pledged them the last week in November and feel that we got six of the best girls m school. Dorothy Bramwell '25; Sarah Ewing '25; Frances Morton '25; Marie Sneed '25; Irene Wade '25; and Josephine Wemyss '24 are all worthy of wearing the golden sheaf of Alpha Omicron Pi. Their stunt was followed by one from each of the three succeeding classes, all of them well prepared and very entertaining. I must not forget to mention the Alumnae stunt which won the laurels of the evening. It caused a roar of laughter from beginning to end and I wish that all of you might have seen it.
The important national matters were presented at that time and were received with enthusiasm by both Nu Omicron and the Nashville Alumnae
chapter. We cooperate heartily with the- partial payment plan of life subscription to To DRAGMA and have passed by-laws to that effect. We think the endowment fund has been appropriately named the Anniversary Endowment Fund, for our four founders are certainly worthy of all the honor we can bestow on them. The matter of the history of our fraternity was no less enthusiastically received and all of us are eagerly awaiting the publication of a book which will be so valuable and will mean so much to each individual chapter.
We were very glad to have so many alumnae with us that night, but of course we missed those who were unable to be present, and hope that in the future they will all make a special effort to participate in our Founders' Day Celebration.
Psi chapter has just completed one of the most successful rushing
seasons of its history. The rushing lasted for two weeks and three days and consisted entirely of campus rushing with the exception of one party or dance.
We bid seven girls and every one of them are now A O n pledges. Several of these girls had received one or more bids in addition to ours. We feel sure that our pledges will do great things for A O II. The pledges
are: Emma Fritsche, Gertrude Hayman, Katherine Elwart, Elizabeth McOwen, Ella Roberts, Margaret Story, and Gladys Brennan.
The girls at Pennsylvania University do not generally, live at the sorority houses, but at home. Therefore, of necessity, the rushing has to be done on a somewhat different plan. The girls do not eat at the house, but during rushing we decided to have luncheons every day. These were planned and conducted very efficiently by Ethel Boardman, a sister in the Home Economics department Every afternoon we either had a tea or a little party. These afternoon affairs we tried very hard to make very original and "different". One party which seemed to work out very success- fully was called a "Baby Party." We decorated the house with all kinds
of toys. We served as refreshments lolly-pops, nigger babies, and animal crackers. We entertained the Freshmen by playing such games as drop- tne-handkerchief, ring-around-the-rosie, etc. The Freshmen entered into these games with a great deal of enthusiasm. I will not go into detail about the others we gave. Then in the evenings several parties were given to which we invited the girls, we providing men for them. We danced most of the evening hut always aimed to have a boy or girl present to entertain by singing, or playing or reciting while the refreshments were heing served.
For our final party we had a dinner and dance at a country club, each freshman going home for the night with an A O IT.
Special mention is indeed due our president. Natalie Collins, for the
successful season. She worked untiringly and ceaselessly for the chapter and we know that without her the season could not have been so satis- factory.
This is the "morning after the night before'*, which means that the pledges entertained the actives with a splendid part}' down town last night, and I can get no one to register intelligence when I ask them for news to tell our sisters in other folds.
Since our last letter we have pledged: Lucille Jones, Hazel Bowman, Doris Stanley, and Kathryn Koons, making our total number of pledges this year, twelve, and I think we can say entirely without exaggeration that it is the finest group of pledges on the Hill. We have stopped rushing for this semester, feeling that our chapter is large enough for the present. Kansas University is trying to raise its standard of scholarship and since it is always the innocent by-stander that suffers, we are working harder than ever to maintain the position, which we have always enjoyed, of being among the highest in scholarship of the women's fraternities here. Finals will be here in about two weeks, and then perhaps we may breath again.
Our president, Margaret Matthews, has the lead again this year, in the University Play. Marjorie Kidwell has been going out to various Kansas towns, with the Little Theater Company, presenting plays for the University Extension Department.
The marriage of Opal W ells and Hamilton Fulton, Delta Upsilon, took place at twelve o'clock, noon, January 1, 1922. They are living at Ilolton, Kansas, where "Ham" is practicing law. Present conditions indicate several more similar happenings if we don't watch out.
Our Founders' Day banquet was a very happy affair and helped us in the realization that we are but part of a great united whole, which, in the multitude of every day affairs, we are inclined to forget.
At our Christmas party we upperclassmen were quite thoroughly squelched by the Freshmen's "take off" on us,—but we'll have revenge- wait 'till "Hell Week".
Helen Jenks Dietrich, F . A . '20, and her husband, Claire Dietrich, whtf is coming to the front in musical circles in New York, were back to visit us this fall.
The two large side sections of the new K . U . stadium are completed. Work will begin on a new library in the spring.
Omega announces her survival of the Christmas vacation, and thej freshmen for the first time are experiencing the thrill of reunion after a period of separation. Vacations, of course, are much anticipated events.
but how much more fun they would be if we could take the chapter right along with us. Preposterous as it may seem, that's exactly what happened Thanksgiving when Lillian Hcmpel and Helen McLennan took all of us home with them to Cincinnati. Limited space prevents a detailed des- cription of the party, but that can best be imagined anyhow. To say the least, it was a real party; and the fact that Miami defeated Cincinnati University in the afternoon, which made Miami Ohio's champions, crowned the day.
I suppose you all had a Founders' Day Celebration. Our pledges gave a marvelous dinner party in the Japanese Tea Room in honor of the day. We sang A O Pi, we talked A O Pi, and we digested A O Pi right along with the dinner itself.
Our Christmas party was the best informal party this year. Sophie Nickel featured as Santa, and even though Sophie is a Phi Beta Kappa, she can take the role of St. Nicholas as cleverly as she writes ballads or solves unknowns.
Two new offices have been created on the campus this year: Junior and Senior chairman of athletics, and both offices are filled by A O Pi's. We are better representee! in Madrigal than any other sorority and two of our girls have the leading parts in the annual opera. Furthermore, we are represented on the Kccensio Staff, Y. W. C. A. cabinet, and in other activities.
February 11th is the date set for initiation, and we sincerely hope the alumnae sisters won't forget us then. We are looking right through mid-year examinations to the day when we initiate the dear pledges. It's much more cheerful, don't you think?
Omega cordially invites all the sisters to drop in and see us if you are ever in the vicinity of Oxford.
; After rushing in which we won three fine freshmen, we took one long breath and plunged head first into all sorts of campus activities. Here are some results: Five made Glee Club and two made Freshman GirL' klee Club. Four of us warble weekly at Choral Union, and two wear the tiny gold mandolin of the Mandolin Club. One of these, Beatrice Hock, is the secretary and accompanist of the club. Mummers and Mar- ines, two dramatic clubs, entered respectively two and three of our girls as Members. Isabel Waterworth has already been a "beeyutiful" angel in
'Why the Chimes Rang" given by Masques. Four of our girls are also members of the Players' Club. WVre very proud of Velma Leigh Carter, w no is an all "A" student; chairman of the House Committee of the Women's League, vice-president of the Commerce Club. One of our treshman pledges, Muriel Ray, also helped to increase our vanity by cai>turing the position of secretary of Freshman Engineers.
Then a busy time for the Juniors began. All of our Juniors tried out for the Junior Girls' Play, and are trying to be patient until results are announced. Beatrice Hoek has written two pieces of music and is going to do more, while two of our girls are getting ads for the program.
We also gave our first informal house dance a while ago. The Varsity football captain was one of our most famous guests. He is only a few inches over six feet tall, and all the short girls had to worship from afar and try to act unconcerned when the lucky tall ones danced by. We had several anxious moments when he almost ruined the decorations.
Kathleen Wallace (Colpitts) from Epsilon stayed at our place one week-end when she was playing here in "Just Suppose". W ere we thrilled! A real actress to talk to and entertain! We even went behind the scenes and helped her pack.
I suppose you have all heard about how hard the Michigan women are working for the Women's League building which is to correspond to the Michigan Union. We are becoming positively avaricious about money and rack our brains for ways of earning it. Just before Christmas a big bazaar was given. The A. O. Pi booth was powder puffs, and judging by the rate at which our puffs disappeared, we think it was a great success. The profit from the whole bazaar was $2,000. Another idea, strictly our own, is the plan of having Michigan stamps. They are used like Red Cross seals, are printed in blue and yellow with a picture of the women's building. They were designed by one of our freshmen pledges, and are becoming widely known.
Our first Christmas was such a lot of fun! We had a celebration at the house and had an adorable little girl to clothe and buy presents for. The beautiful picture sent to us from the grand officers just took our breath away. We hung it in a prominent place where we could see it first when we entered the room.
ALUMNAE CHAPTER LETTERS (No letters from Boston and Tacoma. Fines due.)
The fall activities of the New York Alumnae Chapter opened with the: first formal meeting in October. The interest of the meeting centered about reports of convention, the election of a president to succeed Clare Graeffe, the organization of a program committee who should map out a schedule for the year, and discussion of plans for a suitable celebration o Founders' Day. Helen Henry, Sigma, was elected president, and Mrs- Glantzberg, Psi, was appointed chairman of the program committee. Tbc
latter is responsible lor the neat little card which now adorns the desk ot every member of the Alumnae chapter or is tucked up in her mirror (i. e., if she has not already lost it), giving the dates not only of the Alpha O meetings but also of the Panhellenie affairs for the season. Thus there is no excuse now for absences!
In response to an irresistible invitation from Mrs. Glantzberg, we held our November meeting in her delightful home on Lexington Avenue. Before any business was even thought of, Mrs. Glantzberg marshalled us down- stairs, where in charmingly artistic rooms, Swedish in atmosphere, she served us a supper—hot biscuits made by a real Southern darky (Mrs. Glantzberg is from South Carolina, you know), salad, coffee, and many other delicious things. Though, it might seem surprising that anyone had a head for it or was in proper mood, much business was disposed of at the meeting which followed. Reports from the banquet committee were enthusiastically received, and there was some discussion of Alumnae work. A committee was appointed to consider plans and lead the discussion at the next meeting.
The December, meeting was of course the Founders' Day banquet, of which a separate account is given elsewhere in this issue.
About two weeks before the banquet, occurred the first Panhellenie tea, held in the Brinkerhoff Theatre, Barnard College. Music, flowers, excellent refreshments, and a general atmosphere of friendliness contributed to make the tea as great a success as the more formal luncheon last spring. There were about 500 (or more) women present. The event of the after- noon was the presentation of the scholarship cup by the President of Pan- hellenie. This cup is offered by the New York association to the fraternity making the highest average during the year; and Adelphic, being a college in New York with women's fraternities, was selected as the recipient. The Dean of Adelphic in accepting the cup made a very graceful response and expressed her belief in the usefulness of an organization such as the city Panhellenie.
Greetings and apologies from Sigma, long lost from the Alumnae
Pages of To DRAGMA. We have been busy making news to tell you. Some of us very kindly contributed a bit by becoming engaged. Such altruistic s°uls are Catherine Cox '21, Esther Naylor '21, Harriet Rinder '22, and Helen Mclntyre '23. Ella Crawford '19 and Elizabeth Elliott '17 decided 'hat Columbus had monopolized the month of October long enough and from now on it was going to be famous from other reasons. Hence their Weddings. Betty is away off in Honolulu, too.
Katharine Hubbard '17, and Netha Hill have assured Sigma's class "' »94.3 of at least two nice little freshmen, while Marion Strong's new f son is vying with Rose Bell's for yell leader of the same class. But such
little individual efforts have not interfered with our annual ensemble attacks on the Community's Charity, such as bazaars and benefit card parties.
In October Sigma's active chapter sent out an S. O. S. for new dishes. We replied with, a benefit card party. That may sound irrelevant but we explain that Gladys Vander Naillen Parker '21, who managed the affair is a magician who can turn card tables into money galore and money galore into dishes galorissimus. lust such another witch is Gladys Schmidt Graf '17, who supervised the alumnae's part in Sigma's annual fair this year, the tea-room. Her magic wand turned sandwiches into dollars in a jiffy.
Softie of the Lambda Alumnae who with the Sigma Alumnae, make up the San Francisco chapter are going to put through a card party for Lambda's benefit. The disposition of the yet unhatched funds has not been decided upon,—suggestions please.
Alpha O's birthday always affords us at least one good time a year and this year best of all. Sixty-five of Sigma's active girls and alumnae "women" gathered at the chapter house on that day for the initiation of five new members and a pageant in honor of the anniversary. Isa Hender- son Stewart was responsible for the very clever and pretty idea of the pageant. In our initiation robes, each bearing a lighted candle, and each representing a chapter, we marched into the chapter room and fonfied lines representing the fraternity badge. Afterwards a least, not the least im- pessive part of the program, gave us "old girls" that ever welcome oppor- tunity to discuss the shocking behavior of the younger generation.
Such a jolly party as we had at Helen Rose's for our December meeting! We postponed the meeting so that we might have Grace Lawton Hubbard with us, as she was to spend the holidays with her folks >n Providence. (Grace lives in New Haven, Conn.) And the notices read "Plan to stay a little later than usual." We certainly did, and were very reluctant to have to say "Good-night" even then.
Louella Darling. Lillian McCausland, Jennie Prescott, Alice Chase, Muriel Wyman (Gamma), Martha Sheals (Chi), Elisc Crossley (home from New Jersey for the holidays). Grace, Helen and the writer constituted the party. Our Past Grand President recounted many interesting incidents connected with the Convention at Syracuse, and made us all envious with tales of the Founders' Day celebration held in New York.
Here's wishing you all a Happy New Year with all sorts of S°°W things for Alpha O in the year 1922!
Now that the first of another year has come, we pause to send the season's greetings to all members of Alpha O and we hope that the New Year will be most successful for our fraternity and each of its chapters.
Los Angeles Alumnae chapter held its first meeting this year at the home of Frances Chandler Kirkpatrick and there we were particularly concerned with plans for raising money to help our little Russian girl, Nina Gregorian, who is commencing her second year at the University of ( alifornia, Southern Branch. We are very proud of her work in the University and think she shows great talent, especially in art work. She surprised us all for Christmas by sending to each Alpha O a very attractive
greeting card winch she had printed herself.
Our second meeting was held at Mildred Hunter Stahl's home. There- were not many of us present for it came the same day as the Stanford- California big game and a number of the girls went up to Stanford to attend it and see the new stadium. Lambda had "open house" and served luncheon for the alumnae and for Sigma, so our Alumnae had an opportunity to see many of the active girls from both chapters and they enjoyed this very much.
Constance Chandler, our president, had the third meeting at her home shortly before the holidays. We regretted that it could not come when the active girls were home for vacation but we had the pleasure of seeing some of them later anyway.
Our meeting the twenty-first of this month is to be a social affair in the form of a luncheon at Erna Taylor's home. We are looking forward to this with pleasure and hope everybody will be there to help start the New Year righ(.
Our November meeting took the form of a one o'clock luncheon at the Brown Betty tea room. We decided to help the active chapter with the food sale which was held the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and also with the bazaar just before the Christmas vacation. All those who could met with the active girls and sewed for the bazaar. It was a splendid °PI>ortunity to become acquainted with the active chapter.
The active girls invited the alumnae to their Christmas party on the '9th of December. It was a splendid party—the entertainment was very 0r>ginal, and those who didn't attend are still regretting that they missed so
a treat.
Several of the Lincoln girls attended the luncheon given by the
Omaha alumnae at the Brandeis tea room, early in November. All Alpha O's who attend the State Teachers' Association look forward to this Wnchcon-our annual reunion with the Omaha girls.
Helen Piper Ilagenbuch and her husband, D r . C . H . Hagenbuch, arrived about the middle of December for a visit of several weeks, with Helen's parents. They have spent the last j'ear and a half in Lisbon, Portugal, where Dr. Hagenbuch was general secretary for the Y . M. C. A, Helen reports a year full of very interesting experiences. Lila Le Gore Ritchie and son Bobbie of McCook spent the holidays with Lila's parents.
Marion Hart Crites and her husband were down from Chadron for the "Home Coming" game with Kansas, November 12th. This was Marion's fust visit in Lincoln since her marriage and it was all too short, but she had left her two small sons at home and felt she must hurry back. We hope she will be down for the banquet in June. The Waters girls were all home for Christmas ; Mary, who is teaching in Omaha Central High School, Melvina who is teaching at Bonesle, South Dakota, and Winifred, who is teaching at Indianapolis. Winifred told of the splendid times she had with the alumnae chapter in Indianapolis.
Edna Spears and her mother spent Christmas in Lincoln. Edna Harpham returned early in October from a two months' visit in Southern California.
Elsie Ford Piper spent her Christmas vacation with her parents. Elsie- expects to go to Chicago in February to attend the national meeting of the deans of women.
In October, a very congenial group met at the home of Goldy Buehler who gave us a very lovely afternoon and I can assure you that the meeting was a most enthusiastic one. Evening parties, auctions, and in fact every conceivable plan to swell the coffers of the Rho chapter house-fund were the main discussion of the afternoon and everyone promised to do her share.
Then came the November meeting which was a combination luncheon for sixteen wonderful pledges at the North Shore Hotel in Evanston and followed by initiation at the home of our ever ready hostess, Grace Gilbert The "initiates" included Elizabeth Neely of Epsilon and Linton King Ames, Dorothy Bruniga, Carolyn Nethercot, Marguerite Ford and Marguerite Kolb of Rho. Elaborate plans for Founder's Day were completed as the Actives and Alumnae were to celebrate the memorable day together. Mcrva offered her home as "banquet hall" so to speak, the alumnae were to prepare the "eats," the pledges were to serve, and the proceeds were to be given to the house fund. Lastly, it was decided to give the subscription dance sometime after Christmas.
Now for the December meeting which was held in connection with ou | Founders' Day party, and it was a typical Alpha O banquet, too. J " imagine how appropriate and exceptional it was to have such a celcbrat'OA at the home of our own Grand President ' And let me whisper -ninetlnn further, Mcrva and Grace, our "presidents and housewives" did most j
the cooking so you can be assured that our banquet was not only in name but in fact too. Fifty were seated at the-tables which were attractively decorated with red rcses and the place-cards which were made by the pledges. Our toastmistress and hostess was splendid as were the three prominent members who were speakers of the evening, namely Betty Hiestand Smith who spoke on "Our Founders and the History," Melita Skillen who gave us the details of "The Endowment Fund" and Grace Gilbert who explained "the Greater Alumnae Organization" and pleaded for more help in the formation of new chapters and alumnae associations. It was so inspiring to be present at such a party as it was an ever to be remembered celebration.
Saturday, December 10th, we celebrated Founders' Day and the twenty- fifth birthday of Alpha Omicron Pi. The committee in charge was Ivah Chambers, assisted by Leola Scales, Geo Wood, and Mildred MacDonald was our hostess. W e met at her house at one o'clock for luncheon. W e were all seated at one long table lighted by red caudles and decorated with red roses. Place cards were baskets bound in red and tied with red satin ribbon. These contained the name, address, and telephone number of each member of this chapter and made charming souvenirs. A very attractive two course luncheon was served. The feature of the second course was a birthday cake bearing twenty-five tiny red candles each festively alight. This was placed before our guest of honor, Irene Newman DeWolf, who Was requested to cut and to serve it.
When we had finished luncheon Leola Scales read to us the anniversary ine.vsage from our Founders. Next, Ann White toasted "Our Founders" 111 verse. Mrs. DeWolf then told us informally of the founding of this chapter. She, herself, was prime mover in its establishment and was its first president. W eren't we lucky to have her here for our party?
We next adjourned to the living room where Lura Thomas accom- panied by Lucy Allen sang a number of Alpha O songs. Following the
U s ic, we held ritual service and then a business meeting.
Lk 1 0 "S l 'l c eighteen Alpha O's present, there were members of six gapters—Theta. P.eia Phi, Iota, Zeta, Omega, and Phi. The observance of
, a t
day made us feel anew our gratitude to Our Founders and our pride we nia> share with them the fine ideals of our fraternity.
^ Owing to the fact that, about the first of December. Evelyn Pigott
f 'e r '< u 'd , u be married on the seventeenth of that month (our jj^erstanding being, that, not the decision to marry, but the choice of the e was sudden") our December meeting was postponed until late in the