focus And
* m D L
^ j STuDENT THOU6ti7"|
A O T s ARE. Distinct
Mary Aldrich (Mrs. Milton E.) Rho, local chairman of AOII's 1971 International Con- vention in Dallas, and International Conven- tion Chairman Lorna "Terry" Quick (Mrs. Edward) Kappa, at a May planning session to set preliminaries into action.
There's a rollicking round up of AOIIs of international proportions brewing in Dy- namic Dallas, home of the Cotton Bowl and Southwest leader in finance, fashion, lovely ho?nes and true Southern hospitality.
Though Texas' colorful history is reminis- cent of oil, cattle and horses, Dallas glows with a warm, casual, yet sophisticated, air. The city's friendliness is contagious.
Put AOII on your June, 1971 calendar and plan to come to Big "D" for stimulation, in- formation, challenge and renewal of what AOII's all about. Region V I I chapters will be hostesses.
So Set Your Sights On Dynamic Dallas For AOII's International
June 13-17, 1971
The town fabulous
lures, will be
heart of Marcus and
of the big
down- other meeting.
Statier Hilton,
exquisite hotel,
in the
just steps shopping
away from
Nieman the site
AlphaOmicron Pi
258 A Salute To AOII
260 Focus and Forecast
261 Kaleidoscopic Communica-
1970 Regional Conventions
270 Discourse On Drugs
272 Post-Convention Tours 274 AOII's On the Move
278 DJF Scholarship W inners
279 Perry Award Recipient
In Memoriam—Kathryn Matson
280 Special Adviser on Campus Problems Speaks
281 Collegiate Participation Study
282 Collegiate Commentaries
283 New Beta Rho Chapter
284 Singled Out for Special
The third and fourth covers of this issue of TO DRAGMA contain a partial di- rectory including the names and ad- dresses of new major regional officers
Sept. I—alumnae send story and photo on AOII city panhellenic projects in which your chapter participates includ- ing fund-raising, aids to collegiates, good public relations or any other facet that promotes all-Greek cooperation. Sept. I—collegiates send article and photo on offices held by your own chap- ter's members in campus panhellenic organizations. Also related reports on new ideas for panhellenic rush or any- thing your chapter does that's original, unusual and beneficial in promoting the advantages of being a member of an international sorority.
Nov. I—alumnae and collegiate re- porters send reports and pictures about Founders' Day and special philanthropic projects in which you engage.
Autumn, 1970
published since January 1905 by
ALPHA OMICRON PI Fraternity, Inc.
Vol. LVII, No. 9
Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897 Edited by Millie Milam Murphy (Mrs. Robert C.)
Send all EDITORIAL material to the editor, 4534 Shy's Hill Road, Nashville, Tenn. 37215
Send all changes of ADDRESS, death notices, magazine and TO DRAGMA subscriptions to: Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
POSTMASTER: Please send notice of undeliverable copies to Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office, Suite 109
3000 Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205
TO DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and printed by Kable Printing Company, Mount Morris, Illinois £1054. Second Class postage paid at Mount Morris.
TO DRAGMA is published four time a year. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy; $3 per year; Life Subscription $25.
AOII is women—four Founders and over 44,000 members.
AOII is progress—founded seventy-two years ago, it has 92 collegiate chapters, 1 colony and almost 200 alumnae chapters.
AOII is facilities—chapter houses, apartments, suites and rooms.
AOII >s international—three collegiate chapters in Canada plus alumnae.
AOII is philanthropy—The Arthritis Foundation with offices everywhere needing volunteer service.
AOII is a lifetime commitment to scholarship, leadership and friendship. AOII is the inspiration that grows in meaning with the years.
Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address until graduation so you can learn more about AOII and TO DRAGMA. If sheisno longer in college and is not living at home, please send her presentaddresstoAlpha Omicron Pi Central Office at the address above.
Married Name- Maiden Name- New Address-
TO CHANGE ADDRESS: Clip this box, paste your TO DRAGMA address label in the space provided, print your new address and ZIP code number below and mail to ALPHAOMICRON PI Central Office, Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway, Indianapolis, IN 46205
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
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Indicate here if you are an officer.
When writing about your address, please paste your present TO DRAGMA address label here to speed your address change.
By Fern Robinson Kallevang (Mrs. Charles J.—Eta) international President
Total commitment to AOII and devotion to its ideals and welfare, buffered by a penchant for long hours of hard work characterize personalities who comprise AOII's Executive Committee.
Not only do they take care of their own particular areas of respon- sibility, but they also counsel and advise on all facets of the operation of AOII. Not anywhere was this more apparent than at recent initial Regional Conventions each of which was attended by a member of the Executive Committee as leader.
Composing this group of AOII international executives are: Fern Robinson Kallevang, president; Mar- ion Grassmuck Clouse, executive vice president; Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, administrative vice presi- dent; V erginia Long Miller, exten- sion vice president; Norma Niers- theimer Berry, secretary-treasurer; and Adele K . Hinton, N P C dele- gate.
This hard-working group met for a grueling, four-day session in May at O'Hare Inn in Chicago, 111.Ex- ecutive Director, Marie Hughes was with them for the entire session.
For the first time, a collegiate, in the person of Edith Anderson, Rho, a member of the Collegiate Partici- pation Committee, was present for many sessions of the meeting. A l l ramifications of collegiate participa- tion on the Executive Committee, on Standing Committees and on the Regional Level were investigated. Recommendations will be made at the 1971 convention as well as leg- islation introduced to bring about such action.
The attendance of Edie, who was amazed by the amount of work turned out by the Executive Com- mittee, was beneficial to the commit- tee and to this collegiate.
In accordance with Council's in- structions at the Los Angeles con- vention, legislature was developed
to eliminate life tenure on all AOII committees which will be presented by Council at the 1971 convention. There are only two committees that this effects, RT&J and the Perry Award Committee.
Jessie Marie Cramer, chairman of the Board of Directors, spent one day with the Executive Committee going over financial needs of vari- ous chapters and also working on necessary changes in AOII's finan- cial structuredue to the Tax Reform Act of 1969.
Discussions were held regarding Traveling Secretaries, expansion and last minute details of the Re- gional Conventions with necessary decisions being made and rough spots ironed out in each of these areas.
International Convention Chair- man, Terry Quick, spent one day at the regular session and plans were materialized regarding the forthcom- ing biennial session in Dallas next
By Carolyn Huey Harris (Mrs. J . Rodney—Lambda Sigma) Board of Directors,
Past International President
Who is this Board of Directors of Alpha Omieron Pi . . . Why is this Board of Directors? What Do they do? Do they direct? Whom? They met in April in Chicago . . . What did they talk about?
From the best I can calculate without computer and slide rule, the Board of Directors consists of 260 years of experience in the fra- ternity divided into ten women. These women, six of whom have been international presidents, all of whom have been international offi- cers, were elected to administer the fraternity's financial affairs which extend beyond a two year period.
Most big businesses and all cor- porations have a board of directors. They are usually thought of as "el- der statesmen" because the judg- ment and experience of prior serv-
June. Once again Edith Anderson's presence was helpful as better in- sight was gained as to the desires of collegiates at conventions. A pro- gram was planned which will satisfy their needs as well as those of alum- nae.
When meeting in any city, the Executive Committee always enter- tains some of the alumnae of that area. They met for dinner with a group of Chicago alumnae and in this way were able to find out what their members want in AOII, hear their suggestions, and show their appreciation for their interest in AOII.
Many other topics were discussed. Among them were: rush aid, Dia- mond Jubilee Foundation, needed revision in the constitution and by- laws, philanthropic grant to D r . Carol Smith, appointments needed, the running of Central Office and the 75th Anniversary Committee.
ice is advisable. If you could see the excitement and enthusiasm gener- ated at the AOII board meeting you wouldn't believe that Alpha O's ever grow old when there's work to do for the fraternity
Let's look at it this way . . . The Executive Committee is elected to operate the fraternity for a two year period . . . They direct the paid staff in Central Office in Indian- apolis and the volunteer leaders in regions and local levels, but many decisions involving housing, chap- ter loans, extension on various cam- puses and projects of long range development will require the coop- eration and administration of sev- eral executive commitees in the future to see the decisions com- pleted.
You see, for example, the new house at Montana State at Missoula was planned in 1965 yet it was com- pleted in 1970. The University of Alabama house was agreed upon in
1967 and it is just now being fur- To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
The topmost echelon groups of our international structure are com- posed of executives characterized by devotion and dedication to the principles of AOII and business acumen equaled only by their gravi- tation to long hours of hard work.
nished. These commitments and promises spanned several Executive Committee administrations.
You might say that the Board of Directors, five of whom are elected each convention, is the assurance of continuity of planning in our fra- ternity. With only five members elected every two years, our frater- nity has a built-in financial stability in development.
Jessie Marie Cramer is chairman of the board. She was elected by the board itself and it is easy to see why she was chosen. She not only is a Past International Treasurer and President, but has served as chair- man for the Anniversary Endow- ment Fund for the past six years.
Other members of the board are: Dorothy Farrington, immediate past International Treasurer, who served in that capacity for six years; Phyl Westerman. former International Secretary and finance committee chairman; Mary Lindrooth, former International President and longtime Finance Chairman; Dorothy Dean, former International President and Chairman of the Ruby Fund; Mar- garet (Peg) Miller, former Interna- tional Treasurer and treasurer of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation; Mary Louise Roller, former International Treasurer and President and imme- diate Past Chairman of NPC; Dor- othy Matchett, former treasurer of DJF and AEF Committe, and Caro- lyn Harris, immediate past Interna- tional President. The death of Kay Matson will leave a vacancy on the board, which will be filled by ap- pointment as provided in our consti- tution and by-laws.
Since AOII is incorporated under
In other words,
each local group should strive to meet its quota
to the Arthritis Foundation in order for
the laws of the State of Indiana, all legal requirements of a non-profit organization must be adhered to in accordance with Indiana Law, and in accordance with federal regula- tions.
At the April meeting the foremost topic on the agenda was the neces- sity of changes in our fraternity financial structure to comply with the Tax Reform Act of 1969 which became law December 31, 1969. Realizing that the new tax act would affect the fraternity at all levels, chapters, corporations and specific international funds such as the Ruby Fund and the Anniversary Endow- ment Fund, our ten board members worked until all hours of the night to evaluate various possibilities and to offer a sound plan of procedure in order to conform to the law.
A special committee of the Board of Directors will meet with the audi-
tors of the fraternity and finalize the proposed modifications and adaptations.
All this was done in addition to reviewing proposed housing loans and financial requirements for f u - ture housing for established chap- ters and possible new chapters.
One thing that is often confusing about this organizational set-up, the Board of Directors approve the budget allocated to the Executive Committee for operating the frater- nity, but they do not govern the Exec- utive Committee. The International President and the International Sec- retary-Treasurer are members of the board. They report to the board on the status of the fra- ternity and the projections for the fraternity, but they do not account to the board for any policies or de- cisions which are within the operat- ing fund allocated to them.
to he filled
Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority's hard-driving Executive Committee are caught in a rare moment of repose. They are, left to right, Mrs. Robert D. MacCurdy (Eleanore Dietrich), lota Alpha, administrative vice president; Mrs. Frederick Hinton (Adele), Rho, NPC delegate; Mrs. George C. Miller (Verginia Long), lota, extension vice president; Mrs. Charles J. Kallevang (Fern Robinson), Eta, international president; Mrs. Willard D. Berry (Norma Nierstheimer), Rho, secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. Stephen C . Clouse, Jr. (Marion Grassmuck), Chi, executive vice president.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
This Is Your Executive Committee
IN THE 70s
The following is a condensation from a speech, "The Colorado Study and Its Meaning for Wom- en's Fraternities" as presented by Dr. Frederick D. Kershner, Jr., to the collegiate representa- tives of campus panhellenics at the National Panhellenic Conference in Miami in October, 1969, and is used with the permission of Operation Greek.
Dr. Kershner, distinguished educa-
tion, employing the most advanced social science
Hence the need for pledge education which explains what a fraternity is—in clear, simple but college level language. If we know what fraternity is, then we can define it successfully against New Left and conservative faculty at- tacks alike. We all know how important self- respect can be to personal strength and inner peace; the same is true of fraternity member- ship. Pledge education of quality holds the an- swer, and we should act immediately to provide it.
and humanistic arguments. Thus the Greeks tor, professor of American Social themselves might learn what a fraternity really
and Intellectual History at the Uni- versity of Colorado and director of counseling, Operation Greek, is widely regarded, as foremost author- ity on American fraternity history. He is heeded and listened to with concern by fraternity and sorority men and women throughout the country. His book, The Meaning of Fraternity, A View for the Seventies, was used extensively as training ses- sion material at seminars on pledge education at AOII's recent regional conventions.
"Obviously there are two parts to rny remarks this morning. First, there must be a reporting job, with as much compression as is compatible with clear understanding. Once this survey of events has been set before you, the interpretive sequel about the larger meaning of the Colo- rado story for the entire sorority system should become more down-to-earth, and less a matter of unsupported, subjective beliefs.
In September of 1968, at the invitation of the University authorities and the combined Pan- hellenic-lFC groups, I began a year's inquiry into the future of the fraternity system at the University of Colorado. What happened at Colo- rado? For almost a decade the Greek system has been losing momentum, with rushee interest and chapter morale declining a little more each year.
Between April of 1968 and June of 1969, four of the oldest top prestige houses at Boulder had become defunct— a massive drug use crisis nearly destroyed three other strong fraternity chapters—apartment fever sapped the morale of every group on campus. The rumor mill was busy with campus gossip that the fraternities had had it, leading to a morale crisis among the Greeks, themselves, many of whom were understandably panic-stricken.
Under these circumstances, long range analy- sis gave way as a primary concern to short term survival—we were able to meet all of these threats fairly successfully. To match the four houses lost, we got back three and a very concrete program to aid expansion of the sys- tem in the future has been adopted by IFC. The drug crisis was met without any chapters disappearing for this reason alone. A campaign to sell the superior value of fraternity housing to all who seek to gain maximum personal development rather than personal amusement from their stay in college was put into motion. The morale crisis was overcome by an aggres- sive campus reform and leadership movement, under interfraternal auspices.
Meanwhile, three action programs were in- stigated on a purely optional basis, open to all fraternity and sorority groups. The first was an eff~rt to establish a Greek journal of opinion, VOICE, written and financed by the Greek system. Second was a set of Greek lectures, each sponsored by sorority-fraternity pairing, dealing with controversial issues of the day, on a small group, open-to-the-campus basis. Third was the preparation of basic pledge education concepts which would explain the potential of the system and its place in high quality educa-
is. This was best received of all and had a sig- nificant impact upon the morale and effective- ness of the chapters which make use of their concepts most extensively. These concepts have been published by Operaticn Greek under the title, The Meaning of Fraternity, A View for the Seventies.
In retrospect, the whirlwind events of campus
crisis at Colorado, together with the three ex-
perimental programs and what befell them, are
unusually revealing to any searcher for the deep the University is something for which under- underlying causes of student and fraternity
malaise. Colorado University is not the only Greek campus where disintegration and crisis has reached an advanced stage.
Before suggesting in detail what the Colorado experience tells us about meeting the future, let me make a few related observations in re- gard to Colorado happenings. Like many other institutions, Colorado has officially abandoned the claim of the University to act in loco paren- tis, a claim previously accepted throughout the entire western world as a matter of course for at least 300 years. This new attitude has pro- duced open visitation, and often the abandon- ment of university efforts to regulate drinking or drugs, though advisory services are usually avail- able for those who desire to use them. It has brought sharply increased emphasis upon "true learning" instead of grades as a university rec- ommendation to Greeks, but without any par- ticular spelling out of the meaning of such a presumably new attitude. The faculty, espe- cially younger faculty, are abandoning their former inertia and disregard of Greek events. They are suddenly showing a degree of interest in how fraternities ought to be run which has has not been equalled for almost a century when in loco parentis was used to justify such intervention in student life and thought. National fraternities are embarked upon unprecedented experimentation to make the fraternity idea work effectively once more, spurred by the dis- content already mentioned. In a word, nothing is fixed and rigid; it is a time for building new things, for learning and gaining immensely from our adventurous era and for reexamination of one's philosophy of life and happiness.
On the surface, there is so very much to in- spire fear and misgiving about the future. But on close analysis and after hard thought there is even more in the story to arouse hope, to prove that these terrible emergencies can be coped with, and to justify a vision of the most mature, the most positive, the most wonderful fraternity structure ever known, as the end point of this ordeal by fire.
graduates are unprepared.
1 suggest that you consider each of the fol-
lowing "meanings" in terms of its applicability
to your own chapter and campus, whether as a
current emergency or a long range possibility 6. Involvement of chapter personnel was much for which you should be prepared.
1. Sororities and fraternities need to resocialize,
not desocialize.
In a word, social overemphasis had been car- ried to the ultimate extreme of liquor and drugs for themselves alone. The effect in brutalizing behaviour and de-energizing the lives of activity was massive and unmistakable. The "party sorority" is living on borrowed time, unless the social life is of decent quality and balanced by other major commitments to creative lives of activity. As the Colorado experience showed over and over again women who join a Greek society only for parties will abandon the sorority as soon as the going gets even a little rough. We need a sound, healthy social program based on normal, constructive human relations be- tween the sexes—not a saturnalia or' an explora- tion of decadence.
2. Most of the Greek difficulties at Colorado stemmed from the fact that no one knew what a fraternity for men or women really was.
doers who carried a huge majority of passive, apathetic member drones along with them. To broaden this involvement by more numerous chapter activity programs, especially, campus leadership, was a clear necessity. Even those who disclaimed the slightest interest in activities, obviously resented having everything done for them.
Obviously this is no more than a beginning to the important questions sororities must answer satisfactorily, often on a panhellenic basis be- cause of their campus-wide nature. We could ask, should sororities take a stand for feminine equal rights or should they support a "new morality" which seems to return them to the second-class status of a toy and sexual con- venience for all-powerful males? How far can political leadership go, without involving sorori- ties in dangerous national partisan obligations?
3. Colorado experience makes it crystal clear that the abandonment of in loco parentis by
They seem not to realize that such autonomy also means adult-type responsibility and self- regulation of drink, drugs, sex mores and finan- cial obligations. A substantial number of men's fraternities had drunk, drugged, and "sexed" themselves out of existence or into dire mem- bership straits at Colorado before they learned this lesson. The fraternity will have to behave in a mature fashion, by its own decision, if it is to live.
4. Colorado experience showed that the keenest and deepest student interest lies not in parties, b u t in campus reform and socio-political action.
Let it not be forgotten that most sororities were founded and gained their enthusiastic sup- port, primarily to uphold women's rights from the bigoted opposition of male college students. From this suffragette base, sororities broadened out to support other reforms such as the social settlement movement to aid slum dwellers and the opening of all professional lines of work to women, and a share in literary and musical culture. If the modern sorority is to serve this primary student interest, it will have to devote massive attention to developing campus and political leadership for campus change and re- form. This means a new importance for Pan- hellenic/IFC development since leadership is almost impossible on the large campus except through cooperative effort. Greek-Independent relations are sure to improve, as campus politi- cal leadership brings the two groups into closer contact. For another, cooperation with nationals will probably increase, as national provides the facilities and skills for planning reform cam- paigns at its leadership conferences. Finally, it's interesting and it's fun—and you learn from it— which is no small dividend.
5. Gradually we were forced to the conclusion at Boulder that we were not rushing a broad range of potential Greek society members.
Those who had most to learn from sorority experience were turned away by the over social Greek reputation. We must sell them sorority instead of "my sorority". This calls for a more open, person-to-person rush plus more and smaller chapters some of which appeal to spe- cial interest groups.
too limited in Boulder sororities.
All but a few were run by a tiny handful of
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Conclude: First Regional Conventions,
Vitally Successful, Totally Involving
By EleanoreDietrichMacCurdy, Iota Alpha, Administrative Vice President
Rose Power, Greek power, wo- man power was the name of the game as Alpha Omicron Pi met in regional conventions from coast to coast—from Canada to California under the guidance of Nancy Young, International Regional Meetings Chairman.
Planes, trains, buses, V W s , pri- vate cars carried delegates to con- ventions in Vancouver, B.C., Staten Island, N . Y . , Oakland, Calif.,
Bloomington, Ind., Harrisburg, Pa., Nashville, Tenn., Lincoln, Neb., Dallas, Texas, and Boulder, Colo.
They were housed in lodges, so- rority houses, university dormi- tories, a Kellogg Center and even a hotel. They wore everything from dungarees, to mini skirts, to cocktail dresses. Training sessions began as early as 8 a.m. and there was many a delegate who put the moon to bed and hung the sun in the East before getting her ration of shuteye.
What did they like best? Oppor- tunities to meet AOII sisters from
everywhere; the Rose Power Ban- quet; training sessions. What did they like least? Lectures; too little time; too many topics; too few col- legiates involved in the planning. Individuality reared her lovely head in the evaluation sheets—showed that what one member thought was GREAT, another deplored and that's what made the convention theme "What AOII Needs Now," a relevant one. As the evaluation sheets are closely tabulated we will established guidelines for the re- gional meetings in 1972.
1970 AOII Regional Conventions Revisited
Comments, evaluation, letters and reports continue to pour in regard- ing AOII's nine, initial regional conventions.
The first was scheduled in mid- May and the remaining eight had taken place before June was over.
A follow-up of the international reorganization plan inaugurated at last year's convention in L o s A n - geles, the nine sessions were geared to close up communication gaps between collegiates, alumnae and international officers.
Closer communication and in- volvement in keeping with AOII's rapid growth and expansion moti- vated and keynoted the meets which tooks the form of training sessions and communication seminars.
Masterminding overall region convention plans were Administra- tive Vice President, Eleanore Diet- rich MacCurdy (Mrs. Robert D.) Iota Alpha, International Regional Meetings Chairman Nancy Kay Yarbrough Young (Mrs. Joe Clay) Sigma Omega, and the nine regional meetings chairmen.
From the shifting, colorful, kalei- doscopic views gleaned from glimpses, bits and pieces of informa- tion from all over the country, emassed kudoes, criticisms and ca- joles— one large, overall picture definitely has taken form.
Operation Regional Conventions was definitely a success!
"Being the first region to have its convention has definite disadvan- tages," offers Region IX V.P. Norma Ackel (Mrs. August). "The first day was pretty frantic."
"Everyone seemed to feel," says Norma, "that the convention was worthwhile. The collegiates, particu- larly enjoyed meeting one another."
General overall theme, intro- duced, expanded and explored dur- ing all nine meetings was "What AOII Needs Now."
The expertly compiled training session material, universally praised to the heavens by all convention planners and participants, was pref- aced by a welcome from Interna- tional President Fern Kellavang.
She extended the wish that each regional delegate find her respective session "a very worthwhile experi- ence, and . . . will return home re- committed to developing AOII to its greatest strength. Involve your- self during this Regional Convention in every facet of our sorority," she urged. "It is by the depth of your involvement that your enthusiasm will increase."
"What AOII needs now is you— each of you working to the best of her ability. I hope this convention will help you to give of your best to the best sorority."
Jane Quick (Mrs. Morris), Re- gion VI V.P. terms the regional convention training session mate- rial and the meets, as a whole, "su- perb and the whole idea of regional sessions a very good investment of AOII funds!"
"Our accommodations could not be improved," said Del Keller (Mrs. Lyndon M.) Region I,V.P. Wagner College, Staten Island, N . Y . , was the scene of this meet.
man Carol Touzalin (Mrs. Rex), who points out that this particular area is small in terms of chapters, felt fortunate, indeed, that at their meeting Fern Kallevang was in at- tendance. Carol reported her ad- dress at the Rose Power Banquet as "inspirational."
Training session material for all conventions was basically the same. Vigorously brought up for examina- tion, evaluation and appraisal in the light of the present scene, were such vital sorority issues as extension, finance, fraternity education, philan- thropy, pledge education, public re- lations, ritual, rush and scholarship with study and discussion guidelines set up by international AOII authori- ties in each of these fields.
All nine conventions were spiced with variety, business and social wise, including "brag sessions", when each chapter got the oppor- tunity to describe their most current claims to fame, informal parties and dinners, addresses by local personal- ities in the'news, elections, rituals and Rose Power Banquets when specially created awards were an- nounced and regional officers hon- ored.
Administrative Committee com- posed of the nine R.V.P.s established three awards to be presented at each of the nine sessions. They included a citation to the most outstanding leader in a collegiate chapter; the chapter with the highest scholarship and an alumnae appreciation prize singling out a non-regional officer in an alumnae chapter who has served over and above the call of duty.
Region VIII's convention chair- To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Honors Lovingly, Lavishly Bestowed At Regional Meets
Proudly displaying the awards they won at Region IV's Convention at Bloomington are, standing, left and right, Sandy Law, Delta Omega Chapter president, who accepted the silver bud vase for her chapter's high scholarship rating, and Paula Fetty, Kappa Alpha president, who accepted the collegiate leadership award for member, Arlene Eclterle, who was not present at the convention. Seated, left and right, are Ruth Landis Wible (Mrs. Philip), who holds the charm she received as winner of the Alumnae Appreciation Award, and Sherry Fitzwater, Omega Xi Chapter president, who accepted the silver cup for the newest collegiate chapter.
Terry Sutor (Mrs. Edward) of the San Diego, Calif., Alumnae Chapter won the Alumnae Appreciation Award at Region IX's Conven- tion.
Rosalie Barber presents the award for the outstanding alumnae in Region VII to Adelaide Brook Falgrout, Phi, for her contribution as alumnae adviser to Pi Chapter.
Displaying the awards they took home from Region V Convention are: Jannene Mclntyre Kain, Tau, outstanding alumnae; Peggy J. Robinson, Phi Sigma president, certificate for high scholarship; Chad- ron's Nu Zeta representative, newest chapter award, and Jody Beck, Zeta, outstanding collegiate.
Zeta Psi Chapter at East Carolina Univer- sity in Greenville, N.C., walked away with the scholarship award at the Region III session. This group's president, Myrna Pecu- nia, is seen here conferring with Past Interna- tional President Carolyn Huey Harris during an informal session.
International President Fern Kallevang, third left, whose speech at the Rose Power Ban- quet highlighted Region VIII"s Convention, present awards to Carrie Klein, Zeta, for Alumnae Appreciation; Lynn Rumsey, Theta Omega, and Sheila Stein, Chi Delta, colle- giate leadership.
Eloise Davis, seen above, right, with Katrina Overall McDonald, was awarded the Alum- nae Appreciation Award for Region III for her contribution to the recent installation of Alpha Beta Chapter.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Third Annual $6,000 Fellowship Presented At Region I Convention
Top brass at Region I's session at Wagner College included, left to right, Dean of Women Elizabeth Kuusisto, who welcomed AOIIs to the campus; Del Keller (Mrs. Lyn- don M.) Gamma, regional vice president; and Donna Hoover (Mrs. Hubert), regional extension officer.
Serving punch at the reception which pre- ceded the Rose Power Luncheon are Kath- erine Graham Y oung, Rho, and Helen Christian (Mrs. Kenneth) Nu, general con- vention chairman.
sented at the Saturday luncheon. They went to Mrs. Linda Scheuller, Theta Pi, alumnae appreciation; and Dorothy Dodge, Chi Pi, collegiate leadership. Chi Pi, new chapter at Northeastern University, Boston, walked away with both the collegiate chapter scholarship award and the youngest chapter cup.
A big ovation was given this re- gion's meeting chairman, Helen Christian (Mrs. Kenneth) Nu.
Del Keller, regional V .P .; Donna Hoover (Mrs. Hubert), extension officer; and Helen Christian, finance officer, were unanimously elected after being presented by the nomi- nating committee.
meetings throughout the conven- tion.
Special guest was International Secretary-Treasurer Norma Berry (Mrs. Willard D.)
There were many business meet- ings and those who attended were able to share ideas on problems and strong points in the AOII organiza- tion and the Greek system as a
Presentation of the third annual
$6,000 fellowship for arthritis re-
search to Dr. Carol Smith, attend-
ing physician, Montefiore Hos-
pital, in the Bronx, highlighted cannot be detected by the usual
Region I's Convention June 12-14 at Wagner College, Staten Island,N.Y. Joan Deathe MacCallum, Inter- national Philanthropic Chairman, made the presentation to Dr. Smith on behalf of thousands of AOIIs in the United States and Canada at a
gala luncheon on the second day of the session. A graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dr. Smith is married and is the mother of a two-year-old son.
The $6,000 will be used for re- search into possible causes of rheu- matoid arthritis.She explains her re- search project in the following lay language.
methods for discovery of the more common infectious viruses such as measles or polio. We are investigat- ing other methods specifically de- signed to recover such latent virus from joint cells. If this were success- ful, then it might be possible to do additional studies to prove that the virus does indeed cause rheumatoid arthritis. Once a virus is definitely proved to cause a specific illness, then consideration can be given to the development of a vaccine to pre- vent the disease."
Del Keller (Mrs. Lyndon M.), regional vice president, was presid- ing officer at the convention and among other standout dignitaries
eral earlier investigators have tried to find a bacteria or virus which might be responsible. Recent obser- vations have been reported about the abnormal behavior of cells from the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis when these cells are grown in the laboratory for many weeks or
Clouse, International Executive Vice President, who lead the Dia- mond Jubilee Foundation presenta- tion and an informative discussion about AOII ritual. Introduced were regional directors, Canadian alum- nae and other luminaries.
Regional awards also were pre-
Region IX Meet Calls For Closer Unity Among Greeks
Region IX's Convention was hosted by the East Bay Alumuae and Sigma Chapter of the University of California in Berkeley at the Claremont Hotel in the Oakland- Berkeley Area.
highest grade point of all regional chapters and had won three of five awards offered on the Southern Calfornia campus. Deborah Blevans, president of the chapter, was chosen most ontstanding AOII in the re- gion and was honored at the Rose Power Banquet.
Four collegiate chapters were rep-
resented: Sigma Phi of San Fer-
nando Valley State College, Sigma
of the University of California, outstanding alumna. Terese, or Kappa Theta of U.C.L.A., and
Lambda Beta from Long Beach State College. Many alumnae groups from both Northern and Southern California sent delegates. There was a total of 25 alumnae and 19 col- legiates registered plus quite a few additional individuals who attended portions of the convention.
Terry as she is called, is president of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter and was cited for her untiring devo- tion to her group.
Norma Ackel (Mrs. August) of Granada Hills in Southern Cali- fornia was re-elected Regional V ice President and was responsible, along with convention chairman, Connie Root (Mrs. G. T., Jr.) for the or-
Sigma Phi was the focus of col-
legiate awards. This chapter had the ganization and arrangement of
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
months. Such abnormalities suggest that a special kind of viral infection may exist in these joint cells. This is known as a latent virus because it
"The cause of rheumatoid arthri-
tis remains unknown, although sev- present was Marion Grassmuck
Mrs. Edward Sutor was named
Capitol Campus Of Penn State Proves Ideal Setting For Region II Session
Just a portion of the large group attending the Rose Power Banquet at Region ll's Convention June 19-22 at Penn State University's Capi- tol Campus in Middletown, Pa.
Regional V.P. Mary Louise McMillan, who was re-elected, con- fers with Laura Perry, Lambda Sigma, International Public Relations Chairman. That's Carole Walters in the background.
According to Sally Saylor (Mrs. Roger), convention chairman for Region I I , this group's first session on the Capitol Campus of Pennsyl- vania State University, Middletown, Pa., proved most successful.
Besides those who registered, alumnae from Allentown, Bethle- hem, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, W ashington, D.C. and Virginia dropped in for various phases of the meeting. Just short of one hundred attended the Rose Power Banquet when the keynote speaker was Eleanore MacCurdy.
Regional officers named for 1970- 1972 included Mary Louise Mc- Millian, vice president; Ruth Hag- gerty, finance officer, and Josephine
Sanders, extension officer.
The Regional Operations Com-
mittee assistance to Chairman Sally Saylor made this entire meeting one that delegates want held annually.
They felt that the rush session was way out in front for excellence and delegates preferred panel pre- sentations to lectures. Several com- mented that they were impressed with the progressive approach of AOII.
A special guest speaker at the luncheon on the second day of the convention was Marx Leopold, who heads the Arthritis Foundation of Harrisburg.
The collegiates added lots of en- thusiasm to the social aspects of the convention with their spontaneous songs.
The Capitol Campus proved an ideal setting with the AOII's having the dormitory, dining hall and stu- dent building to themselves. A few delegates had some difficulty in find- ing Middletown with road construc- tion in the area. The Harrisburg Airport being jnst across the high- way from the campus made access to most delegates comparatively easy.
Mrs. Saylor lauds all the officers and program participants for the success of the meeting. " I had great cooperation from all officers and collegiates and express my thanks to all of them," she declares.
cation lines must be kept open among AOII members and in the larger sense, among all Greek mem- bers and the outside community. Sororitities and fraternities should be a positive and relevant group of organizations working for construc- tive and meaningful goals.
Cindy Howland, Eleanore MacCurdy, who was Region II Meeting's leader, and Jo Sanders chat during a let-up in the proceed- ings.
whole. A general feeling that there must be organized plans for in- creased interest in AOII and the Greek system emerged. Delegates expressed the desire for more inter- action among collegiates and alum- nae, actives and pledges and between AOII chapters and collegiate and alumnae groups of other Panhellenic fraternities.
Panhellenic organizations on the campus and city level could use a new injection of energy from AOII members, many delegates said in meetings, so that primarily social and fund-raising groups would have more of a responsibility in the sup- port of campus chapters.
Subject matter was wide ranging and many ideas came in to focus.
In the area of collegiate chapters, it was suggested that pledges be integated into the college and fra- ternity system earlier and be im- pressed with the fact that they are life-time members. Source lists were suggested for collegiate chapters so that collegiates could call on alum-
Always a busy point was the registration desk, gathering place here for Dot Denison, Epsilon Alpha, and Kay Lyons, Psi, both re- gional directors; Vivian Kreasky, Psi, finance officer, and Sally Salyor, Epsilon Alpha, chair- man of the meet.
nae for aid in terms of finance, manpower for rushing and other ser- vices. Alene Des Jardins, an alum- nae regional officer, suggested that the term "standards" might be given another name and the positive as- pects of social behavior be empha- sized as well as the punitive.
Alumnae chapters based in the community rather than the campus area seemed to have problems which are often as complex as those of the collegiate chapter.
Rushing received a lot of atten- tion at convention. There was a great amount of time spent on the importance of sincerity for all rushees and yet emphasis was placed on organization.
Panhellenic groups should or- ganize to be more positive forces in spreading the ideals of fraternity membership. They should direct themselves to areas other than once- a-year fashion shows, etc.
Most of the convention's meet- ings, seminars and discussion groups brought out the fact that communi-
To Dragma of ALPHA
It Was A Memorable Spree In Region III
A battery of seven international officers, headed by three past presi- dents, a record turnout of almost
150 delegates from seven states and an inspirational and creative Re- gional Vice President and presiding officer made Region Ill's first con- vention truly the memorable spree it was previewed to be.
Montgomery Bell State Park, 40 miles west of Nashville, Tenn., was the scene of the four-day session, beginning Thursday, June 18.
Following registration, the assem- bly was opened with a moving, i m - pressive ritual conducted by Mary Louise Roller (Mrs. George K.) Past International President and a member of the Board of Directors. The service was a memorial to an- other member of the Board of Di- rectors, Kay Bremer Matson, who had died earlier that month.
"Stop the world! I want to get on" was the startling thought with which Region I I I V .P . Janie Callaway
(Mrs. George) challenged delegates at the opening business session when regional officers presented various sides of the proposition, "Y our Jobs, My Job, Our Job."
Janie called for total involvement on the part of regional convention participants by absorbing, sharing, questioning and, thereby, growing stronger through this very process of sharing.
What can a collegiate do to chal- lenge alumnae interest? What is our individual role in strengthening the Greek system? What kind of train- ing makes for a good pledge? Does our rush seem superficial to the rushee of today? These were ques- tions she raised and promised would be investigated during the conven- tion. And examined and reexamined, they were, during the fast-paced meet.
She stressed for guidance pur- poses, the actual presence at the meeting of such AOII luminaries as Carolyn Huey Harris (Mrs. Rod- ney), a member of the Board ofDi- rectors and a Past International President; Adele K. Hinton (Mrs. Fred W.),NPC delegate and Execu- tive Committee member; Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. C. C ) ,
another Past International Presi- dent and one of the founders of Vanderbilt University's golden Nu
Omicron Chapter; Terry Quick (Mrs. W. Edward), International Convention Chairman; Mary Louise Roller and Nancy Young (Mrs. Joe Clay) International Regional Meet-
ings Chairman.
Nancy Young served as toastmis-
tress that evening at the dinner when regional officers were introduced and presidents of collegiate and alumnae chapters were afforded an oppor- tunity to brag about their honors and achievements.
Definitely a high point in the con- vention was an address Friday morn- ing by Dr. Nat Winston, former Tennessee state commissioner of mental health and now president of American Psychiatric Hospitals, Inc. His speech initiated a discussion ses- sion entitled, "Are You Part of the Answer or Part of the Problem?"
He attributed many pressing cur- rent problems to "the big conscience developed by society since 1900. The mentally ill have always been with us," he declared, but it wasn't until the turn of the century that we realized that they were due more than custodial care."
World W ar I I brought home the added impact that out of this con- flict came far more mental than physical casualties. A b o u t 1954 came a second far-reaching revolu- tion with the introduction of tran- quilizers.
Dynamic, driving, dedicated Car- olyn Harris presided at the Rose Power Banquet that evening when all was romantic and festive with the glow of red tapers burning in silver candelabra bearing epergnettes filled with rich, red velvet roses. Adele Hinton was the keynote speaker.
Sandra Harmon, immediate past president of N u Beta Chapter, was winner of the collegiate leadership prize; Eloise Davis of Ft. Lauder- dale, Fla., so integral in the recent installation of Alpha Beta Chapter at Florida Atlantic University, was cited for alumnae appreciation, and Zeta Psi Chapter, at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., walked away with the collegiate scholarship trophy.
Going over last-minute details for the meeting are, left to right, Jean Whorley, regional finance officer; Adele K. Hinton (Mrs. Fred), N P C delegate, and Janie Calla- way (Mrs. George B.), Region III vice president.
Pat Dickerson (Mrs. Gordon, Jr.), Sue Clark (Mrs. Fred) and Nancy Bowers (Mrs. Rob- ert), chairmen for Region Ill's convention, register Jacque Dinwiddie (Mrs. James F.), regional director.
Table of celebrities includes Adele K. Hin- ton, who served as leader of Region Ill's meeting; Nancy Yarbrough Young (Mrs. Joe Clay), International Regional Meetings Chairman; Dr. Nat Winston, former head of Tennessee's State Department of Mental Health, guest speaker at the convention, and Terry Quick (Mrs. Edward), International Convention Chairman.
Past International President Mary Louise Roller (Mrs. George K.), right, holds a group of collegiates enthralled.
Comprising a quintet of regional directors are Rena Hampton (Mrs. Clarence), Linda Fuson (Mrs. Alfred D.), W endie Nowlin, Mary Ann Caldwell (Mrs. Robert) and June Bogle (Mrs. Robert B.).
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Region IV Tells It Like It was Pictorially
Ruth Wible (Mrs. Philip) and Betty Rinne (Mrs. William) were conven- tion co-chairmen. A most successful session is reviewed in pictures.
Indiana University's Beta Phi Chapter and Bloomington, Ind., Alumnae joined in welcoming dele- gates to Region IV's first convention.
Judy Van Hendel Slocum (Mrs. Richard), local reservations chairman, shows convention literature to delegates as they register. Left to right are Mrs. Slocum, Leslie Beck, Sally Randolph, Carol Cooper, Hazel Shaner Foltz (Mrs. Francis), and Peg Maleclti Frerlc (Mrs. Laurence).
Newly elected Regional Finance Officer Ruth McClurg Brown (Mrs. Victor) Beta Theta, stands with Gwen Everetts Lee (Mrs. William D.) Rho, new Regional Vice Pres- ident. Absent when the picture was taken was Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler (Mrs, Wil- bur) Theta, Regional Extension Officer.
National officers meet with local and regional AOII's for Region IV's first convention. Left to right are: Ann Carter Rinne (Mrs. William) Beta Phi, convention chairman; Florence Dodge Ennis (Mrs. John) Kappa Alpha, International Parliamentarian; Carole Krug, Beta Phi Chapter president; Peg Kramer Crawford (Mrs. Richard] lota, National Rush Chairman; Dee Brink Garrett (Mrs. David) Kappa Alpha, Regional Vice President; Ruth Landis Wible (Mrs. Philip) Beta Phi, convention chairman; and Adele K. Hinton (Mrs. Fred) Rho, National Panhellenic Council delegate.
Mrs. William Huber leads a panel discussion of the booklet, "The Meaning of Fraternity." Participating in the discussion are, left to right, Bonnie Johnson, lota Chapter president; Mrs. Huber, Kappa Kappa Chapter adviser; Sally Meyers, Kappa Kappa Chapter vice president, and Rita Leonard, Sigma Lambda Chapter vice president.
-; A
Regional dignitaries
AOII house after a busy day of meetings and discussions. Stand- ing, left to right, are: Ann Carter Rinne, Beth Fowler Vitoux and Ruth McClurg Brown. Seated, left to right, are: Alice Rath Aderman, Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Pat Jacobs Mottweiler, Mildred Hull Sweeder and Gwen Everetts Lee.
Collegiate presidents talte time from their meetings to pose for "convention history."
relax on the front porch of the Bloomington
266 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Nebraska Center for Continuing Education Is Site of Region V's Convention
Ne son
Bobbye McCarter, vice president, and Eleanor Oyer, extension
Posing prettily with international luminaries are the following chap- ter presidents: Kathie Lewis, Central Missouri State College; Peggy Robinson, Kearney State College; Mary Dickinson, University of Nebraska; Joan Meuwissen, University of Minnesota; Wilma Smith Leland, International Chairman, Rituals and Traditions, Marion Grassmuck Clouse, International Executive Vice President; Carol Chivers, Iowa State University; Sue Bowan, Morningside College; Connie Quigg, Coe College, and Cynthia Bowers, Chardon State Col- lege.
egion cers
Region V was very fortunate to
have extra special guests at their convention June 19, 20 and 21 at the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education in Lincoln.
They were Marion Grassmuck Clouse, International Executive Vice President, and Wilma Smith Leland, Past International Presi- dent and currently Chairman of the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee.
Margaret Wondra, regional vice president, was the presiding officer for the meeting and inspiration to all.
All of Friday afternoon and eve- ning was crowded with meetings, some very serious and some serious but with good humor thrown in for effect. Jean Olson, capable conven- tion chairman, served as toastmis-
tress at dinner that evening.
Dr. Gay Dodge, executive direc- tor of the Human Resources Re- search Foundation of the University of Nebraska; Gilbert Sullivan, exe- cutive director of the Nebraska Arthritis Foundation; and a rehabili- tated drug addict, now a Salvation Army lieutenant, were among the provocative speakers whose ad- dresses provided grist for interesting
discussion groups.
High points of the Rose Power
Banquet on Saturday evening was Marion Clouse's address, presenta- tion of the new regional operations committee and the awards presenta- tion.
Succeeding Margaret Wondra as regional vice president is Bobbye L . McCarter while regional finance and extension officers, respectively,
are Marlene Glen (Mrs. Carl), and Eleanor Oyer (Mrs. John, Jr.).
Receiving special recognition dur- ing the awards ceremony were Mar- garet W ondra, retiring regional V.P., and Jean Olson, regional con- vention chairman.
Scholarship recognition went to Phi Sigma of Kearney State College for the greatest improvement in grade standing; Theta Chi of Morn- ingside for the pledge class with the highest grade average, and to Peggy Robinson, Phi Sigma, for the in- dividual collegiate with the highest grade average.
Jody Beck, Zeta, University of Nebraska, was awarded the colle- giate leadership prize; Jamie Kain
(Mrs. Jay D.) alumnae apprecia- tion citation and Nu Zeta of Chad- ron State College, the newest chap- ter award.
meeting for Region V included, seated: Phyllis Beck, Patty Bachtold Here they are! Delegates to AOII's Region V Convention June 19-21 and Marlene Glen. Standing In the background are Mary Claire in Lincoln, Neb. Jacobson, Alys Wallace, Dolli Jones, Jean Olson and Sue Westerhoff.
To Dragma of ALPHA OM1CRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Committee chairmen who capably handled various phases of the
"Roses Of Recognition" Awards Instigated At Region VI Meet
Region VI officers pictured at Vancouver include, left to right, Mrs. Roy Miles, Beta Gamma, nominating chairman; Teresa Howard, lota Alpha, regional director; Audrey Humason (Mrs. Harlan), Psi, regional finance; Jane Quick, regional vice president; Linda Rust (Mrs. Theron V.), rush officer; and Afverna Swan (Mrs. Forrest), regional director.
as follow: Glenna Treat, Alpha Gamma president at W ashington State in Pullman, collegiate award. Sharing honors for the Alumnae Appreciation citation were Mrs. Gene Bourdet of Bozeman and Mrs. Richard Faust of Missoula, while Alpha Sigma at Oregon State was given the scholarship prize for most improvement and the highest ac- cumulative grade point. Region VI's newest chapter, Beta Sigma, was appointed "Guardian Angels" of the baby cup until a new chapter arrives in that area.
Innovations were rampant at this session. In planning for two years hence, assistance and evaluation was asked of the delegates who came up with the following guide- lines for the regional executive com- mittee in making plans for 1972.
They picked the second week in June, Thursday through Saturday, as the ideal time for a regional ses- sion. They thought the best time of day to begin such a meeting would be the morning, and were in favor of it lasting no more or less than two and one-half days.
Delegates liked this year's train- ing sessions the most, and listed as liking the least, the panel discus- sions. They want their next regional convention held in Seattle.
The Rose Power Banquet with Norma Berry as the principal speaker was regarded as the high- light of the meeting. Jane Quick termed it "a lovely climax to a good convention."
Festive scene at Region VIII Rose Power Banquet includes Colleen Thompson and Carrie Klein, foreground, and Lucile Spencer, Becky Weinberg, Nona Oglevie, Fern Kalle- vang, Carol Touzalin and Judi Hansen.
Alumnae president, Luanne Allen, and a very active member of the Denver Olympic Committee, enter- tained the assemblage with an ac- count of some of the efforts involved in winning the site for the Winter Olympics. He showed a movie en- titled, "Olympics '76". He and Lu- anne had just returned from Am-
In addition to the special awards
established by the Administration
Committee to be awarded at the Re-
gional Conventions, Region V I in-
stitigated additional prizes dubbed
"Roses of Recognition" by Regional
Vice President Jane Quick (Mrs. giate chapter; Pocatello, involve- Morris) Iota Alpha.
Receiving these roses were:
Alpha Sigma, most improved chap-
ter; Beta Sigma, sending report in on
time; Alpha Gamma, outstanding
rush entertainment; Iota Alpha, im-
proved interfraternity relations on
campus; Beta Kappa, outstanding
campus philanthropic project; Up-
silon, panhellenic cooperation; lumbia in Vancouver under the Alpha Rho, excellence in rush; Rho capable chairmanship of Honore Sigma, campus Greek communica- Findlay (Mrs. James).
tion; Alpha Phi, excellence in
Regional awards were presented
Diminutive Aspects Of VIII Add To Convention's Interest
Region VIII Convention was held June 12-14 at the Chi Delta Chap- ter house in Boulder, Colo. Our re- gion is a small one in terms of chapters. Representatives were there from three collegiate chapters, Chi Delta, Theta Omega and Up- silon Alpha, and two alumnae chap- ters, Denver and Phoenix.
Because of the small size of our meetings, participation was excel- lent, and sometimes the most in- teresting sessions had to be cut short to move on to the next topic.
Present regional officers were re- elected to serve another two years, They are: Nona Oglevie, regional vice president; Lucile Spencer, re- gional extension officer, and Anne
Larkin. regional finance officer. Edith Cole Lockard (Mrs. Rob- ert L . ) , Chairman of the Interna- tional Constitutional Interpretation and Revisions Committee, intro- duced the convention theme, "What
AOII Needs Now." This was fol- lowed by a discussion of collegiate trends led by Becky Weinberg, Re- gional Director for Arizona. Carol Duff, Regional Director for Colorado and New Mexico, was leader for the seminar on Dr. Kershner's "The Meaning of Fraternity" and his in- volvement with Operation Greek and with our chapter on the Colo- rado University campus.
A change of pace was provided when Neil Allen, husband of Denver
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
chapter management, and Beta Rho, loyalty and fraternity spirit.
Alumnae chapters cited for excel- lence in various areas included: Portland, summer rush program; Missoula, special effort for a colle-
ment of young alumnae; Seattle, out- standing philanthropic contribution; V ancouver, excellence in hospital- ity; Boise, most improved chapter, and Pullman, unanimous participa- tion.
Region VI's session was the only one held this year in Canada. Site was the University of British Co-
Region VII Meet "Inspiring, Challenging, Fun!"
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, International Administrative Vice Presi- dent, challenging her sisters at VII's Rose Power Banquet with "Facing the Facts." Others at the speakers' table are, left to right, Mary Camp- bell Aldrich, Rosalie Gorham Barber, Gloria Cunningham Jay, Dr. Morris Ziff, Arthritis Foundation; Nancy Y arbrough Y oung, Interna- tional Regional Meetings Chairman; and Marjorie Sanders, regional director.
Dallas Alumna Bobbie Meeler Sahm, Lambda Sigma, presents a check in the amount of $1,636 to Dr. Morris Ziff, Arthritis Foundation. This money was raised by Dallas Alumnae at a Monte Carlo Night.
Delegates from Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma gathered in Dallas June 12-14 on the campus of Southern Methodist University to study in depth "What AOII Needs Now."
General business meetings were conducted bv Rosalie Gorham Bar- ber (Mrs. Michie M.) Sigma Omi- cron, Region V I I Vice President. She's a resident of Jonesboro, Ark.
Convention chairman, Gloria Jay (Mrs. Joe Bob) Pi Kappa, enlight-
sterdam where the site selections had been made.
Saturday was almost too full as we dashed from one topic to another, often reluctant to leave an interesting subject.
A break from the more orthodox chapter problems was provided by our speaker on drug problems, George Anderson, Boulder Com- munity Hospital pharmacist, who has worked with the district attor- ney's office in setting up a drug edu- cation program. He is extremely familiar with Boulder's efforts to combat drug abuse. The program was enlightening to the alumnae
present and shed new light on the problem for collegiates.
Since Region VIII was fortunate enough to have International Presi- dent Fern Kallevang attend our meeting, we felt she was the ideal speaker for our Rose Power Ban- quet.
ened the Friday dinner by a humor- ous and provocative slide presenta- tion.
During the Saturday panel dis- cussions on "Potentials for Greeks," many contemporary ideas emerged that definitely reflects today's colle- giates' thinking. Our rushing tech- niques must evolve from a truer fraternal love. Questions about life are the core of young women's thoughts today. They seek a deeper meaning from organized groups.
The social aspect is not enough to attract outstanding women.
A Dallas policeman challenged us to think about our goals and activi- ties when he spoke on "Are You Part of the Answer, or Part of the Problem?"
A special treat was Saturday evening's Rose Power Banquet in the lovely Mockingbird Room of the Hilton Inn Central when our International Administrative Vice President, Eleanore Dietrich Mac- Curdy, spoke on "Facing the Facts."
Sheila Stein, Chi Delta, and Lynn June Lewis, publicity. To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Rumsey, Theta Omega, were given
awards for collegiate leadership and
Carolyn Marshall Klein, Zeta, from came down from Bridgewater, Denver, was presented the alumnae Mass., and charmed us with her Appreciation Award for her contin-
ued interest and contributions to
Sunday morning we tied up loose ends by finishing the discussion of campus panhellenic associations, and by comparing standards rules in our three collegiate chapters in a session led by Julie Jewett, Chi Delta Chapter adviser. Fern con- ducted a training session for the chapter presidents and advisers, and with the installation of our new of- ficers, our meeting was at an end. The Arizona girls had time to take
a quick walking tour of the campus and a choice of a drive around Boulder or a fast trip to Denver's Museum of Natural History before plane time.
Also at the banquet Dallas alum- nae presented their check for $1,636 to the local Arthritis Foundation. These were proceeds from a games benefit they staged.
Special Regional Awards in Re- gion VII went to the following: Out- standing leadership to chapter, campus and community, Jane Elrod, Sigma Omicron; service award, Mrs. Adelaide Falgout, adviser to Pi Kappa Chapter, most improved in scholarship.
Prior to the closing ritual Sunday, the following Region V I I officers were installed: Rosalie Barber, re- gional vice president; Joe Beth
Denver alumnae who served as Walling Heflin (Mrs. Hugh) Pi committee chairmen for the session Kappa, regional finance officer; and
She gave an inspirational talk
about our potentials as a group and
presented the regional awards. ity; Pat Wilson, reservations; and ton E.) Rho, regional extension of-
included: Luanne Allen, hospital-
Mary Cambell Aldrich (Mrs. Mil- ficer.
An alumna of Iota Alpha, she
presence and wealth of ideas to de- velop.
By a Parent — A Psychologist — A Policewoman
Editor's note: Because AOII is an involved organization, concerned with all of today's problems and their serious ramifications, T o DRAGMA is privileged to print por- tions of this timely article. It is one in a series prepared for fraternity magazines by the Operation Brass Tacks Committee of the National Panhellenic Editors Conference.
I. A Parent Speaks
No matter how much we read in
the papers, most parents are really not very knowledgeable about the drug problem. But two new books, Society and Drugs and Students and Drugs* by Dr. Richard H . Blum and associates at the Institute F o r the Study Of Human Problems at Stanford University of which D r . Blum is director of drug studies, help give a picture of what parents are up against. A l l in all, it is rather frightening.
First, it is frightening because Dr. Blum's work shows how rapidly the use of drugs is increasing nation- wide, being heaviest in metropolitan areas but gradually seeping on down through schools in rural conserva- tive areas, too.
This statement is particularly chilling: "While it took approxi- mately ten years, by our estimate, for experimentation and use to shift from the older intellectual-artistic group to graduate students, it only took an estimated five years to catch on among undergraduates, only two or three years to move to a significant number of high school students, and then, within no more than two years, to move to upper elementary grades—although we have no sound data as yet on the numbers involved in elementary schools." Y et, the "drug movement" or "craze" only had its beginning in 1954.
*Published by Jossey-Bass, Inc., San Francisco
The findings are frightening, too, on who is taking drugs. On the college level these surveys show they are primarily "those students who . . . are secure by reason of wealth, are white Anglo-Saxon, have Protestant backgrounds." Also, the parents of drug users "are more liberal than those of non-users. These homes emphasize adjust-
ment, disregard tradition." Likewise, "these students . . . who have less regard for rules or the feelings or rights of others . . . are the most drawn to illicit drug use on campus."
What illicit drugs do students start on? Apparently alcohol (illicit in most states until age 21) most often precedes other use. Cigarettes come early, too, and for most youngsters under 16 these are also illegal. Amphetamines (pep pills) are next, then marijuana, and then the hallucinogens, of which L S D is the best known. Dr. Blum's studies find usage of hard-narcotics rare on the college level except that "if opium is so classified, their use is expanding rapidly."
A majority of students (60%) interviewed who have used mari- juana, L S D and so on say they first took illicit-exotic drugs out of curi- os'tv or adventure. Other reasons: 25% were persuaded to try drugs because of a social situation where others were trying them; 25% de- nied any active decision one way or another, say "it just happened." A much smaller number were per- suaded by intellectual information they had gleaned on drug effects; because of personal goals of an aesthetic-sensory or religious mysti- cal nature; for self-exploration or enhanced self-perception. Likewise, only a very small number spoke of using drugs to show rebellion against convention, the law or pa- rental wishes.
Certainly the material indicates it is important to postpone, if we can- not always prevent, drug experi- mentation, since it is shown "inten- sive users of all drugs start at an earlier age than less intensive users."
If we were not convinced before, certainly these books should con- vince us parents that we have a big job ahead as the first line of de- fense in preventing drug abuse by our young people. Only by learning about drugs and then listening— really listening to what our children are trying to tell us, can we succeed in our task. At least, that is how I—a parent—see it.
make so bold, on the concern which I take underlies this parent's re- marks.
I think these days, many, if not most, parents are worried. Often- times their worries focus on the dramatic things their children do or might do. Drug use, of course, is among these potential activities, but so is dropping out, getting killed in an auto accident, getting hurt in some demonstration or other and the like. All of these have in com- mon the fact that each is an oppor- tunity our modern world provides. That is, each is a probability which might occur, given the freedom that young people have and given the uncertainty of the world in which we all live. Yet it is, I suspect, the general nature of the world which worries parents more than the spe- cifics of any possible ill event, for parents are notorious worriers whereas their youngsters, espe- cially their college-age youngsters, appear to be remarkably confident about those same things which worry their parents.
This is, perhaps the crux of it. The world looks very different to a 20-year-old young lady who looks forward to a variety of triumphs and who has, most likely, already experienced a considerable number of good things. Compare her to the mid-forties adults who find the world changing not only too quickly for their tastes but perhaps even too quickly for their understanding. Further, these self-same parents, if they are at all like me, have had a variety of bad experiences. Almost all of these come after the age of 25; at least I think they do.
So it is that some young people are often quite sure about drugs, sure that marijuana is safe, sure that amphetamines are only a quick boost for studying, sure that L S D is exciting and only rarely a disaster, even sure that heroin is just another kick which any strong person can leave even after taking it. And, of course, they may be correct—in- deed they often are. But the older view, taken by parents, doctors and the like, tends to be darker. We think of the risks, of the fallen stars and of the sadnesses. We tend to be risk oriented, like an insurance company.
Richard H . Blum
Replies — D r . I would like to comment, if I may
To Dragma of ALPHA
Further, parents do, I suspect, tend to exaggerate, especially about drugs, for these substances symbol- ize for the over-thirty people the classical case of the temptation which can, as the Victorians would say, "lead us astray." But, as the literature of adventure tells us (although only via the pens of those who did well at it), that being led astray may not be all that bad. And so it is, on the one hand the older worriers, on the other hand the young daredevils, drug fanatics and other birds of the hip genus. And in between—well???
It is, I think, the in-betweens who are of considerable interest. One large group includes the sen- sible folk who may experiment a bit with risks, whether driving too fast, drinking too much (but only once or twice before they learn), enjoy- ing an ill-starred romance, or trying one of the milder illicit drugs, mari- juana of course as the prime ex- ample. But these in-betweens do not become "druggies," that is, they find life fuller and richer than preoccu- pations with drugs allow. They intend to accomplish a lot, not just turning on and staying that way, which is, of course, to mean turning off the grey matter eventually.
Most college students whom I know, and they are indeed a pleas- ure to know, are in this group. A few others are in the abstainer cate- gory which, while admirable be- cause of their strengths, is rather hard to stay in during these tempt- ing times. Another group of in- betweens are those who have been there and back. These are the fel- lows and girls (mostly fellows; girls are generally less extreme) who went further down the drug road, and, trying almost everything, living the hip or near-hip life, then found it wanting. Some found that out the hard way, after arrest or hospitali- zation. Most were less dramatic and simply got bored.
Whatever drug we discuss, the average college student, especially the girls—and my guess would be particularly sorority girls since their membership implies traditionalism —are in the safest group as far as health or arrest risks are concerned. That means that only a very few par- ents of college students have to worry about their daughters getting in trouble with drugs. To stop at that point is, however, selfish. If we are to be a community at all we must be concerned with the troubles that our non-college population get into, for the maladjusted adolescent
boy, the slum reared young man, or the poorer older man.
Dr. Richard H . Blum is the United States representative to the United Nations Narcotics Commission, a consultant for the Center for Drug Abuse of the National Institute of Mental Health, a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.
III. A Policewoman Speaks—No- reen Skagen
The college student today can easily find herself faced with a situ- ation where she is tempted to "pop a pill" or "smoke a little grass" and there will probably be peer-group pressure to join the ranks of those who extol the pleasures of the mind- affecting drugs.
The drug abuser has infiltrated our society . . . and thousands of young people are getting badly hurt from what they consider is just a lark, an adventure . . . or an escape. The apparently easy solution to pressures has turned into a night- mare where untold numbers of young people from grade school through college have "blown their minds, their health and their future."
In agreeing to discuss drug abuse, particularly marijuana and its effect on this generation, I realize I have undertaken an unpopular task. It has become fashionable to encour- age the use of a little "grass" now and then. Scientists are involved in a running debate on whether or not it is harmful.
As a police officer I work in the real world, the world of individual frustrations and suffering. I have seen the 20-year-old driver, high on marijuana, and he is a deadly men- ace on the road. I have seen the her- oin addict, the barbiturate addict, the amphetamine addict, and they each started with marijuana. Whether their addiction was physical or psy- chological wasn't really relevant.. . the physical and mental destruction was just as devastating. I've talked with ex-college students whose drug use impaired their motivaton and their ability to concentrate. They were dirty, emaciated relics of their former selves, but they were anxious to tell me of the beautiful world of love and dreams that they had dis- covered.
The purveyors of drugs can offer convincing arguments to dispute the harmful effects from the use of nar- cotics and dangerous drugs. T h e police officer can only rely on his experience with real people.
Recently the director of the Na- tional Institute of Mental Health,
Dr. Stanley F. Yolles, told Con- gress than 1,000,000 Americans are hooked on narcotics and that mil- lions more smoke marijuana or use other hallucinogenic drugs. He esti- mated that drug addiction was cost- ing the country $541 million a year.
There are three general types of drug users. The situational user is the housewife who is taking anti- obesity pills and becomes dependent on the energy and self-control she derives from their use. Or the stu- dent who uses amphetamines to keep awake at exam time, then finds his study habits depend on the pills that prolong his hours of wake- fulness.
The spree user takes drugs for kicks. This is often in a group or so- cial situation and the drug use be- comes a daring, adventurous expe- rience. The L S D user, the mari- juana smoker, quite often starts his involvement with drugs as a hedonis- tic experience. This periodic flight from reality can degenerate into a way of life, a continuous escapism.
The hard-core addict typically begins as a spree user and reaches the state where he cannot function without drug support.
Young people from twelve to twenty-five are the favorite targets of the drug hucksters. A n d young people are playing the role of sheep in their naive eagerness to pop the first pill or smoke their first "reefer" of marijuana. The main involvement of college students has been the mis- use of amphetamines for study pur- poses and the added energy to enjoy an over-active social life, and the use of marijuana for "kicks." There is the common rationalization that drugs are the only way to escape from the "mess" created by the es- tablishment. This could appropri- ately be called the ostrich approach to today's problems.
What is the answer to the epi- demic increase in drug involvement? Each person has to make the indi- vidual decision regarding drugs. We are in danger of becoming a drug- infected society of pleasure-seeking escapists who face today's problems through a self-induced smoke screen. Only individuals with backbone and common sense can reverse this trend.
Noreen Skagen (Mrs. Roy Skagen) is a graduate of the University of Washington. For the past ten years she has been a policewoman on the Seattle Police Department and is presently assigned as Public Affairs Assistant to the Chief of Police. She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI[—AUTUMN of 1970
If You're Planning to Attend The 1971 Convention In Dallas
Join This Post-Convention Tour In June-July, 1971, for Members Of Alpha Omicron Pi and Families
Hotel Grande Bretagne in Athens
$1275 for 21 days
from New York
INCLUDES: Relaxation at Vouliagmeni Beach, Apollo Coast
Days of sightseeing, evenings of adventure, relaxation, entertainment in Athens
Side trips to the sites of
Ancient Greece and Corfu Cruise to the Grecian Isles
and Turkey
Meals and tips included
First stop on the Greet tour is the Vouliagmeni
Beach on the Apollo Coast.
Seen here is the Astir Palace Hotel and private beach there.
The rocky plateau of the ancient Acropolis (the "Upper City") overlooks modern Athens.
Photo by Greek National Tourist Office
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Send now for a brochure. Reservation deadline is Dec. I, 1970 Space is limited so reservations should be made now!
Please make checks payable to Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation. All gifts and bequests to this Foundation are tax deductible. The Trustees of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation appreciate your gift and thank you for "Investing in Education."
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Maiden Name. Coll. Chapter.
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My Investment in Education (tax deductible)
| wish to pledge $
|~~| supporting membership $1 -$100
• participating membership $101-$500 sustaining membership over $500
I wish to make a cash gift of $_
I wish to make a gift of Stocks •
My Broker • Attorney • will forward.
| wish to give $ (Print Name) Please sign card (Print Name) Street Address City, State, Zip
enclosed as a Memorial to:
First payment of $
Balance will be paid • Annually
is enclosed.
• Semi-Annually • Quarterly.
which is enclosed. Bonds • Other •
| wish to leave a gift in my will as follows:
Specific Amount $ Percentage of Estate
enclosed to honor:
on the occasion of (birthday, graduation, holiday, award, etc.)
| wish to give $
(Print Name)
. — -
Please sign card. and send to: (Print Name)
and send to: —
Or Possibly You're Limited To JLess Timt>
Al Small Mtudfjet
Two days of festivities in Miami Beach will precede the sailing aboard the new luxury liner, M/S Skyward of the Nor- wegian Caribbean Line. This magnifi- cently appointed, floating resort will put in at Haiti, San Juan and St. Thomas for shore excursions and sight- seeing. All outside cabins have been reserved for AOII's use. Included in the tour are all tips and shore sightseeing tours.
El Morro Fortress in Old San Juan was for
centuries Puerto Rico's chief defense.
Photo through the courtesy of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Basket seller in Haiti
The best buys in Puerto Rico can be
found along the Old San Juan Shopping
Streets. Shown at lower left is Martha Sleeper, a shop catering to women only.
Mrs. Edward J . Murphy Transportation Chairman 2850 Linneman Road Glenview, Illinois 60025
Name Address City/State . . Zip
No. in Party
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Three Installations Mark AOIFs Extension
Zeal Sparks Sigma Iota Installation
Sisterhood, individuality and a fresh, new concept of sorority life at Western Illinois University— these are the goals each charter member of Sigma Iota Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi pledged to them- selves and their sisters April, 1970. Installation of the chapter officers took place Friday evening, April 3, and the other girls were installed Saturday, April 4, at the Holiday Inn at Macomb.
The Saturday morning ceremonies preceded a Dutch treat luncheon at Holiday Inn, and afternoon cere- monies concluded official individual installation. A Rose Banquet was held Saturday evening. Sunday was Parents' Day and a special banquet was given for chapter members and their parents.
Attending the weekend festivities were distinguished guests including: International President Fern R. Kal- levang; International Vice President Verginia Long Miller; International Rush Chairman Peg Kramer Craw- ford and Region I V Directors, Patri- cia Mottweiler (Mrs. Wilbur) and Beth Vitoux (Mrs. George E.) Other guests included Dr. John T. Bernhard, president of Western Illi- nois University, and Mrs. Bern- hard, several AOIIs from the Uni- versity of Illinois, including Iota president, Bonnie Johnson, and AOIIs from Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity.
Founded in 1899, Western Illi- nois University has grown to a pop- ulation of 11,000 students. Alpha Omicron Pi is the sixth national so- rority on campus. Its roots took hold in February of 1968 when the Sister- hood of Western Women took up its goals as a new sorority on West- ern's campus. This initial pledge class of twenty-seven girls strove for members possessing high char- acter, excellent scholastic rating, unselfish service and genuine con- cern for their sisters and Greek life at WIU. In October, 1969, SWW became a colony of Alpha Omicron Pi and proudly numbered nearly 60 members.
The 77 charter members of Sigma Iota include: Jeannie Apostle, Diane Ballowe, Sharon Baker, Pat Binkley, Bonnie Birsa, D'Ette Bourell, Sharon Buchardt. Patti Campbell, Mary Cook, Linda Crain, Rose Cuma.
Diane Cuma, Missey Current, Sue Czernick, Nancy DeSalvo, Lauri DeFranco, Randi Dennis, Cyndi Drag, Carole Faber, Vicki Devick, Marily Dudley, Gail Eisen- beis, Mary Fowler, Lynn Freeman, Bev Gallico, Jean Gillette, Georgia Goers, Diane Gordon, Linda Gry- zieki, Carol Hamm, Rita Hamm, Ronya Hartwig, Ellen Hoffman, Marge Hunt, Barb Hubert, Vicki Iwanow, Chris Jahnke, Jill Johann- son, Bonnie Johnson, Syd Karl, Kay Kastel.
Nancy Kenworthy, Linda King, Lynn Koenig, Barb Krog, Christine Leo, Joan Letch, Jo Macander, Beth Mandelco, Liz Maroen, Carol Mathews, Sue Matthys, Kathy Mc- Whorter, Laura Meffert, Bonnie Meyer, Peg Meyer, Pat Neff, Judy Peterlin, Delores Porch, Mary Ryan, Sue Santarelli, Nancy Schmidt, Jean Severson, Gayle Sloier, Pam Smoot, Duane Stevenson, Diane Stravin- skas, Ann Swarts, Linda Szegedy, Nancy Trainer, Marie Unhock, Fran V andermore, Denni V eroni, Sher- rill Wall, Frankie Wheeler, Sherry Williams, Barb Wolf.
Diane Ballowe and Pam Smoot, assistant chairman and chairman of installation week- end, also shared the highest grade point award.
AOIIs from Beta Lambda and lota Chapters turned out en masse for Sigma lota's installation.
Luminaries, national and regional, Verginia Long Miller, Beth Vitoux, Fern Robinson Kalievang, Patricia Mottweiler and Peg Kramer Craw- ford enjoy installation festivities.
274 To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Two Installations Mark Month OfMay
Morekead State Is Scene
Of Ceremonies For Omega Xi
May 16, 1970, was the official installation date of Omega Xi, nine- ty-first chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, at Morchead State University in Morehead, Ky.
Installation and initiation cere- monies were presided over by Inter- national President Fern Robinson Kallevang and former International President Edith Anderson. Other visiting dignitaries including Anne Rinne (Mrs. William), IV Regional Director, and Marilinn Melton, pres- ident of the Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter. The installing chapter for the occasion was Phi Kappa, Morris Harvey College, Charleston, W.Va. Lending assistance were collegiates from Alpha Chi Chapter at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, and Delta Omega Chapter at Murray State.
Installed as collegiate members of Omega X i were: Sherry Fitzwa- ter, president; Glenna Christman, vice president; Beata Hatfield Leh- man (Mrs. Thomas), recording sec- retary; Jacqueline Pinkston, corre- sponding secretary, Karen Shawhan, treasurer; Sandy Roser, standards officer; Mereda Collins, Lynne Cole, Brenda Powell Kuck (Mrs. Dan), Rebecca Combs, Paula Hampton, Wendy Mix, Jean Jacoby, Judy Shields, Jane Stigall DeKorte (Mrs. David), Helen Walker, and Mar- garet Kenner.
Alumnae members installed in- cluded: Carolyn Dorton, Pamela Early, Sue Stephenson and Faye Walker. Associate members in- stalled with new chapter were: Carla DeMoss (Mrs. Gerald), Marion Eyster (Mrs. George), Carolyn Flatt (Mrs. Don), Gloria Harrell (Mrs. Bill), Carole Merella (Mrs. Wayne), Mildred Quinn, Betty Rahn, Elizabeth Sadler (Mrs. George) and Marguerite Schoffstall (Mrs. Robert). The chapter adviser is Betty Thompson (Mrs. Charles), Omicron, University of Tennessee.
At the time of installation two pledges were added to the ranks of Omega X i , Frances Williams and Janet Klimowich.
Saturday evening newly installed Omega Xis were honored at a Rose
Highlight of installation festivities for Omega Xi Chapter, Morehead State University, was the Rose Banquet. Pictured at the affair are Anna Mae Riggle, dean of woman; Sherry Fitiwater, Omega Xi president; Mrs. Adron Doran, wife of the university's president; Dr. Doran, president of Morehead State; Fern Robinson Kallevang, AOII International President, and Betty Thomp- son, chapter adviser.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Installing officers included Edith Anderson (Mrs. Arthur K . ) , Past International Presi- dent; Anne Rinne (Mrs. William), regional director; Marilinn Melton, president, Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter, and Fern Robinson Kallevang ( Mrs. Charles J . ) .
Banquet held in the Red Room of the Adron Doran University Center on the campus of Morehead State University. Guests at the banquet included Dr. Adron Doran, presi- dent of the university; Mrs. Doran; Miss Anna Mae Riggle, associate dean of students; International President of Alpha Omicron Pi, Fern Robinson Kallevang; Anne Rinne, regional director; Marilinn Melton, installation chairman; and Kathy Bradshaw and Ellen Gannon, who spoke as representatives from Alpha Chi Chapter, Western Ken-
Charter members of Omega Xi Chapter are caught in an informal moment on the campus of Morehead State University.
tucky University, and Phi Kappa Chapter, Morris Harvey College, re- spectively.
Five initiates received awards at the Rose Banquet. Beata Lehman was recognized as model pledge; Jackie Pinkston and Margaret Ken- ner tied for the scholastic achieve- ment award. Janet Klimowich was recognized as the girl most improved in the area of scholarship, and Karen Shawhan received the service and cooperation award.
Theta Kappa On Campus At West Chester College
Members of the recently installed Theta Kappa Chapter of AOII at West Chester State College, West Chester, Pa., pose prettily on the lawn of the Kennett Square Golf and Country Club prior to their Rose Banquet May 23 with installing officers. They are, front row, left to right: Sandy Woodside, Helen Sharkey, Eileen McDonald, Linda Cohen, Kathy Lara, Pat Misterka, Jean Ann Foresta, Patti Dove, Pat Stees, president. Second row: Renie Pugh, Barb Murphy, Leslie Thiele, Joanne Mento, Pat Ernst, Barb Newton, Debbie Gozzard, Bonnie Sanders, Joyce Cavanaugh, Ginny Bowen, Beth Steele, Pat Cox. Third row: Chris Stewart, Kay Lyons, regional director; Trudy W elsh, Gail Sisak, Cindy Logan, Betsy Kuykendall, Beth Seckinger, Connie Walters, Jo Sanders, regional extension officer; Vicky Xenakis, Mary Salino, Marion Clouse, International Executive Vice presi- dent; and Sue Leedecke. Four of the 35 initiates not present for the picture were: Kathi Sheehy, Evelyn Cower, Barb Phelps and Carol Mayer.
Handsome red programs embel- lished with white cords and tassels proclaimed the installation of Theta Kappa Chapter of AOII at West Chester State College, West Chester, Pa., May 22-23.
These mementos were found at each guest's place at the Rose Ban- quet Saturday evening, May 23, at Kennett Golf and Country Club, Locust Lane, Kennett Square.
Installing officers were Interna- tional Executive Vice President Marion Grassmuck Clouse and Josephine Stetler Sanders regional extension officer.
General chairmen of the installa- tion committe were Elaine C. Holden and Mrs. David Watters. The latter served as toastmistress. at the banquet.
Principal speakers chose the Red Rose of AOII, its roots, stem, foli- age and buds, as their subject mat- ter, with Marion Clouse expounding on the beauty of the fully matured flower.
Phillips Memorial Auditorium was the scene of initiation and in- stallation ceremonies.
Rosalind March Bradbury, Psi,
ings of any size are all right.
Submit your entries to DJF Presi- dent, Mrs. Verne W. McKinney (Muriel Turner—Lambda), 528 N . In DJF Seal Formosa Avenue, Los Angeles,
Ii t \
Compete Competition
Are you of an artistic nature? Then why not lend your talents to AOII by competing in the compe- tition for a new Diamond Jubilee Seal design now underway?
Ideas must be original and lim- ited to three colors. Any color me- dium is acceptable and scale draw-
who serves as pledge adviser and was one of the speakers at the Rose Banquet, cites, as one of the most impressive points of the entire week- end, the singing of "Only A Rose" by one of the members of Phi Beta Chapter as each new initiate was presented with a rose.
Calif. 90036.
Muriel, an outstanding personal-
ity among this sorority's loyal and dedicated leaders, reports latest re- sults of the special "Muriel McKin- ney Gift Fund" established with the approval of the Executive Commit- tee and inaugurated at the 1969 Convention when members of for- mer Districts 19 and 20 and others who have been closely associated with her paid special tribute to her at the scholarship dinner.
In addition to individuals who contributed at the dinner when a special scrapbook of letters was pre- sented to Muriel, many others heard about it and gave as well as those in California. Sixty-five contributed approximately $2,000 designated for scholarship or for a Central Of- fice Building Fund. It was a nice boost for the Diamond Jubilee Foundation toward its goal of $1,- 000,000.00 by 75th Anniversary in
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Gamma Iota's Installation Will Highlight October At Southern Illinois University
Audrey Herbster, president of Southern Illinois University's Gamma lota Colony of AOII, scheduled to be installed in October, stands outside their house with two other colony mem- bers, Mary Jo Teague and Diana Smith.
Southern Illinois University's University Cen- ter was the scene this spring of the coloniza- tion of Gamma lota which will be installed in October.
Morris Library at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, was named in honor of SlU pres- ident, Dr. Delyte Morris, whose wife is the former Dorothy Arnold May, Gamma Chap- ter.
nae Chapter president, house fur- nishings.
The wife of Southern Illinois University's president, Dr. Delyte Morris, is the former Dorothy Arnold May, Gamma. A legacy is Cindi Bach, whose mother is an AOII.
Founded in 1869, Southern Illi- nois University is state-supported and has colleges of education, liberal arts and sciences, and schools of communications, fine arts, agricul- ture, business and home economics. Maroon and white are its colors and the nickname of the athletic team is the Salukis.
Exciting highlight of the autumn calendar at Southern Illinois Uni- versity in Carbondale, ML, will be the installation of Gamma Iota Colony of AOII.
The installation ceremony and the festivities surrounding it are set for the weekend of October 10 with Joan Hasty Dommermuth (Mrs. William) Iota, as chairman.
The group will join four other NPC groups already established on campus for a number of years: Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Zeta, Sigma Kappa and Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Gamma Iota, consisting of 38 girls initially, was colonized March 14 in the Mississippi Room of the University Center. Installing officer
was Verginia Long Miller (Mrs. George) Iota, Extension Vice Presi- dent, assisted by Pat Jacobs Mott- weiller (Mrs. Wilbur) Theta, Region I V extension officer.
Colony roll call presently stands at 66. Audrey Herbster is president, and other officers include Sally Ran- dolph, vice president; Paulette Raineri, treasurer; Sandra Driska, house manager, and L y n Jarnigan, standards chairman.
Advisers to this new colony in- clude: Carol Cooper, Alpha Rho, chapter adviser; Gertrude Klenner Wilkerson (Mrs. Ralph) Nu Beta, pledge; Annie Smith W oodbridge
(Mrs. Hensley) Delta Omega, finan- cial, and Dorothy Wallin Larson (Mrs. John) Rho, St. Louis Alum-
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Announcing—Diamond Jubilee Foundation Scholarship Winners
Cheryl Crowson Lambda Tau Northeast Louisiana State College
Victoria barr Kappa Kappa Ball State University
The Diamond Jubilee Founda- tion, through the Committee on Scholarship, has the pleasure of an- nouncing eight 1970-71 scholarship winners, plus an additional recipi- ent for a special award, the Brother- hood-Cole Scholarship for this year only.
Each has been very active in her chapter, often achieving the presi- dency. Many have been members of important campus activities and often chairmen of organizations. Some have managed part time jobs. All have maintained excellent grade point averages.
Over and above our usual awards, DJF was asked to select an addi- tional winner for the special Broth- erhood-Cole Scholarship in honor of two alumnae, Elizabeth Robert Cole, a graduate of Sigma Chapter, who was an attorney in Washington, D.C., and Betty Brotherhood from Epsilon Chapter, who was vice pres-
Sandra Henshaw Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg State College
Bonnie Parish Nu Beta University of Mississippi
Linda Lee Kappa Kappa Ball State University Brotherhood-Cole Recipient
Gifts to the Diamond Jubilee Foundation are tax deductible. Make checks payable to DIAMOND JUBILEE FOUNDATION and mail to Treasurer, Mrs. Justin Miller,
Gail Acomb Kappa Kappa Ball State University
Paula Ferry Kappa Alpha Indiana State University
Patricia Slcelton Delta Delta Auburn University
ident of a
The latter also served as national treasurer of AAUW. Both were out- standing women, did much for AOII nationally and were greatly es- teemed in our fraternity.
They passed away within a few months of each other and DJF un- dertook a special scholarship in their memory. Because of the special na- ture of the scholarship, a graduate student has been honored, Linda Lee. She has chosen the field of stu- dent personnel in higher education for graduate study.
The Diamond Jubilee Foundation is a non-profit corporation author- ized by council in 1959. Its "Invest- ment in Education" program was established to aid qualified students with the interest earned on funds obtained by the sales of seals, dona- tions as memorials and tributes, and contributions by individuals and chapters.
Glenna Treat Alpha Gamma Washington State University
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
W ashington,
D.C. bank.
3913 N . Hoyne 111. 60618.
Avenue, Chicaso,
Alpha Omicron Pi Presents The Stella George Stern Perry Award
3Jn JWemortam
"Daughter of St. Paul banker dies."
These words in our paper sad- dened all of us who loved Kathryn Bremer Matson, our St. Paul girl of brillance and beauty who became one of our most prominent national AOIIs and one of our most devoted Tau members.
Kathryn entered Tau Chapter as a junior and at once was elected treasurer, the next year president. Soon she directed the building and arranged through her family for the financing of our magnificent chapter house made of steel, brick and stone. And happy, indeed, she was at a dinner the evening she called us all together to burn the mortgage papers.
In St. Paul, she was president of the American Association of Univer- sity Women—then in 1927-29, Grand National Treasurer of AOII.
At Troutdale in the Pines in Colo- rado in 1931, I fastened her mother's beautiful diamond neck- lace which she wore that night and stood back to admire the new Grand National President.
She attended every national con- vention and was a member of the Board of Directors making a special study of the new tax laws and re- organizing finances.
As her winter home was in Pom- pano Beach, Florida, she was active in the Broward County Alumnae Chapter and this winter, assisted in the installation of Alpha Beta Chapter at Boca Raton.
Kathryn was devoted to her two beautiful AOII daughters, Mrs. James J. Trunk of St. Paul and Mrs. Richard J. Neagle, Jr., of Galesburg, 111., and to her seven grandchildren, as well as her husband, Franklyn, with whom she traveled all over the world.
After Kathryn received her degree at Minnesota at 20, she did graduate work at the University of California. Then in 1923-25 she was business manager of TO DRAGMA. As Kay was a lovely hostess who always welcomed every AOII, she brought a number of California girls to visit Tau.
At her Florida home by the sea, she loved to give big parties around the pool and in the garden, and any
1969-1970 president, Chi Delta Chapter The University of Colorado
In recognition of
Her acceptance of the challenge of the presidency of an apathetic and divided house and her demonstration of a deft ability to unify, inspire and rebuild the internal structure of Chi Delta Chapter . . . She faced the problems with honesty and a firm conviction and strove for only the best for AOII. By her active participation in the Presidents' Round- table (the organization of Inter-Fraternity Council and Panhellenic Presidents), Alpha Omicron Pi's image was greatly enhanced on campus.
Miss Stein's achievements were not confined to chapter activities. As an individual, Sheila exemplified the high ideals of an AOII woman by her superior scholastic standing and meaningful campus activities. She received campus and nationwide recognition by her election to Mortar Board and Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.
Of her nomination for the Perry Award, Sheila writes as follows.
"Slightly more than a year ago, I was standing in the presence of my sisters promising to do my best to fulfill the duties of president as stated in our constitution. At the time I was frightened, pleased and filled with great expectations of the year that was to come."
"I knew that my sisters had of- fered me one of the greatest oppor- tunities of my life, and I was deter- mined to do everything to live up to their expectations and the ideals of Alpha Omicron Pi. My goal upon entering the presidency was to make the chapter better for my having been there. The chal- lenge was posed!"
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Special Adviser
On Campus
Problems Speaks
of your own choice to show your grief, and to help to create the con- ditions that will remedy the errors of the past, and mend our nation of the future. Not everyone de- scribed our present crises in the same way; not everyone offers the same solutions. What all Americans can agree upon is that we have a crisis, a crisis of confidence in our- selves. And all Americans will agree that we must work our way out of this crisis of confidence in ourselves, and out of all the dilemmas and disasters that create it.
Twice in the last two weeks I have been in a group of eight uni- versity presidents who met with the President of the United States to discuss the conditions of higher edu- cation in our country, and the rela- tionship of the Federal Government to them. Yesterday, at President Nixon's request, these eight univer- sity presidents from across the na- tion again met with him. For ap- proximately one hour and 30 minutes we discussed the distress, frustration, and anger found this week among large numbers of stu- dents and faculties and others across the nation.
Our language was forceful and explicit and made, among other points the following ones:
That disaffection and disillusion- ment in educational communities across our country are so deep and widespread that we have a true na- tional emergency, a true national crisis.
That this crisis extends even in some quarters to loss of confidence in our political processes;
That this condition is produced in part by the conflict in Southeast Asia and the Cambodian decision;
That it is heightened by the tragic events that have occurred on several campuses, especially at Kent State University;
That feelings of distrust and alien- ation on the campuses have been in- creased by hostile comments by members of the Administration, especially about individual institu- tions and persons;
That the feelings of concern and resentment extend to large numbers of persons of moderate and conser- vative political viewpoints;
And, that there is a widespread belief among members of the edu- cational community that the Presi- dent and his advisers have not been adequately sensitive to the feelings and convictions of large numbers of peaceable men and women of good will and deep patriotism on the cam- puses of the nation.
will do my best to help him
are some of Chancellor
thoughts and insight into unrest as expressed in an address he made at a campus con- vocation May 8 at Vanderbilt, im-
Earlier this year when the nation's universities erupted in rebellion pre- cipitated by the government's war policy and the Kent University trag- edy, President Richard Nixon named Dr. A lexander Heard, Chan- cellor of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., his special adviser on campus problems.
The President's liaison with the universities is not only well re- spected in academic circles, but he is a good politician who has made a detailed study of the finances of American politics.
In accepting the appointment, he made the point that he regards him-
AOII around was invited.
Many contributions to the Dia-
mond Jubilee Fund have been re- ceived by Kay's daughter, Carol, with the hope that a scholarship in the field of finance will be estab- lished in her name. A group of her close AOII friends plan with her AOII sister, Marie Reim of New Ulm, to hang her picture with a brass plate in our Tau Chapter house library.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
self as an ambassador of the uni- versity community to the adminis- tration rather than the other way around.
"The President demonstrated to me his willingness to listen," Heard
said. "I hear."
mediately after his appointment.
"The past week has been one of deep grief for our nation. I felt it as I have watched my own children, and the men and women who are students at V anderbilt, living their lives of study and work and feeling and thought and hope, in the days since the tragedies at Kent State University. I have felt it as members of various colleges and university communities across our land aban- doned the practices of freedom and reason on which universities rest. I have felt it as our colleges and uni- versities drifted further and further apart from the rest of the nation around them. And I have felt it as we have pursued national policies overseas, whatever their origins, that deeply divide us and help to erode the foundations of our common faith and mutual trust.
No one of conscience, or insight, or wisdom can escape the feeling of grief; and all persons of all kinds must share the blame.
During the past week, many of you here have been laboring in ways
In spring as I kneel to pick the lovely, fragrant lilies of the valley planted in my yard from my father's garden, I always contemplate on the wonder of the return of life from the dark brown earth. I feel con- fident, and we all know, that our dear Kathryn will have eternal life as
"Each spring proclaims
That ancient truth to us again Consider the lilies how they
By Lucile Haertel (Mrs. Walter G.)
Here Heard's campus
Our group proposed to the Presi- dent that the quality of public de- cisions affecting higher education in the present crisis can be improved if students, faculty members, trus- tees, administrative officers, and others who comprise higher educa- tion had a direct way to express to him and others in the White House their anxieties, their judgments and their recommendations. W e urged that a position be created close to the President, occupied by a repre- sentative of the educational com- munity, through whom the President could hear from students, faculty, trustees, and other constituencies of higher education in the country.
We know that communication must be a two-way street, but we proposed that this individual be the representative of the campuses to him, not his representative to the campuses. Our group nominated to the President for the position two persons not of our number, stating the assets we thought each would bring to the task.
The President listened attentively. He clearly appreciated the emphasis with which we spoke. He empha- sized his desire to understand.
Following the meeting the Presi- dent sent word that he would adopt the proposal, that he preferred to have one of the group of eight who called on him, and that he wished me to undertake the assignment. If the crisis is as grave as we repre- sented it to him to be, and if the need to increase communications from the campuses to him is as great as we stated, and if that need could be filled at least in part by the creation of the position we recom- mended, he thought one of our own number ought to be willing to try.
I spoke with William S. V aughn, President of the V anderbilt Board of Trust, who conferred with other trustees. He authorized me to accept the assignment, with the understand- ing that I would be available for important University obligations be- tween now and then, the principal one of these being the commence- ment exercises on May 31. To em- phasize the independence of the position, as representative of the campuses, M r . V aughn proposed that I decline compensation from the United States Government and remain during the period of assign- ment as Chancellor of Vanderbilt. President Nixon gladly accepted this last provision of independence. H e stated that it is in the spirit that motivated him to create the posi- tion.
What good can come of it? I have worked on assignments from other Presidents, and over the years have
Collegiate Participation Study Gains Momentum
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
The Study Committee of Colle- giate Participation, headed by Bob- bye McCarter, recently elected vice president of Region V , is comprised of five collegiate members, in addi- tion to Miss McCarter.
It continues its concentrated in- vestigation into better methods of communication between collegiates and AOIPs international and re- gional operational setups.
Working closely with the Exec- tive Committee in recent months, it has submitted suggestions which this body has discussed at great length. In turn, E C has submitted sugges- tions for advisement by the study committee in preparing results of its study for presentation at the 1971 International Convention in Dallas.
Two questionnaires are in various
worked for departments of govern- ment and committees of the Con- gress. For some time I have been chairman of the Council on Federal Relations of the Association of American Universities, seeking to represent the interests of Vander- bilt's type of university, in matters of national educational policy and financial support, in the administra- tive and legislative councils of our government. I have no illusions about myself, or about how much I can do, or about how easily any- thing can be done, by any one per- son.
I do know that nothing worth- while can be done unless all of us apply effectively all the competence and energy and conviction we pos- sess to the solution of the very prac- tical, complex problems that beset us. .
Many of you have been working, peacefully, for peace. Y o u have been seeking with determination and within the rules of this University to advance the causes of peace and happiness for the United States and for the world. And you of many varied viewpoints have done this in rational ways that increase the power of your message.
The President demonstrated to me yesterday his willingness to lis- ten. I will do my best to help him hear. You can do your best by con- tinuing to work with all your heart and mind for your goals of educa- tion at Vanderbilt and peace in the world."
stages of preparation and tabulation by the committee. The first is to be completed by the Executive Com- mittee, Central Office, chairmen of standing committees and special committees, and regional vice presi- dents. It is designed to see what cur- rent use these officials make of col- legiate members and in what ways they might anticipate using them as a part of their work with AOII.
Another questionnaire was to be completed by collegiates who at- tended the recent regional meetings and is designed to obtain from them their degree of willingness to serve and suggestions on collegiate par- ticipation on regional and interna- tional levels.
The Executive Committee has pointed out that the study commit- tee's appointments should be for the biennium and should continue until this group's report is given at the convention.
It also suggested that the present committee make guidelines for the next year and also for the next com- mittee in the 1971 biennum.
After consideration of all recom- mendations of the study committee, the Executive Committee feels that it's logical to start with this top- ranking governing body and stand- ing committees in considering active representation for collegiate partici- pation.
Al umnae Reactivated
The Palm Beach County Alum- nae Chapter of AOII has been re- activated!
April 18 at the Famous Restau- rant, Mrs. Rachel Moehle, Region III Regional Director, installed the following officers: Mrs. Earl Hay- wood, Alpha Pi, president; Mrs. Arthur Blau, Omega, first vice pres- ident; Christi Hattan, Alpha Pi, second vice president; and M rs. Celia Pasternak, secretary-treasurer.
Following installation, Mrs. Moehle spoke on "Looking Ahead with AOII in Palm Beach County." Mrs. Alec Livingston, Gamma Omega, collegiate chapter adviser at Florida Atlantic University, dis- cussed the new Alpha Beta Chapter.
The luncheon and installation was attended by 20 members of the Palm Beach County Chapter and eight members of the Broward County Alumnate Chapter.
What's New
When it comes to the title of Miss Hammond at Southeastern Louisiana College, Hammond, La., AOII's Kappa Tau Chapter admit they like to "keep it in the family." For the past five years, an AOII has merited the beauty title and this year, AOIIs were selected as first and second runners-up, too. Rubye Marie Howes, center, was crowned Miss Hammond 1970, and Jo Ann Termine, left, and Robbie Eaker, right, were second and first runners-up,
Sandy Carson, Kappa Kappa, reigned as
Miss Ball State University at that pageant's
festivities. respectively.
For philanthropic activities, the chapter helped with the United Fund drive, visited a nursing home during Christmas, helped with the Easter Seal drive, sponsored a Cystic Fibrosis drive and canvassed the dormitory for the American Cancer Society. The fall pledges had a Christmas party for underprivileged children in the area. Proceeds from the annual AOII All-Greek Songfest went to the National Arthritis Foundation. The chapter received a plaque for outstand- ing service from the Arthritis Foundation.
Who's Who selected Linda Lou Lipscomb and Jane Elrod. Patsy Biggs was an A S U cheerleader. Libby Watson and Linda Lou Lipscomb were majorettes with Barbara Reng and Marlene Remec in the band. Vickie Forrester was feature editor of the school paper and Pam Mortimer was copy editor of the school annual.
Terry Porter
Theta Omega
Named outstanding Panhellenic Woman of the year was senior, Lynne Knutson. an elementary education major who will be teaching in Colorado next year
Theta Omega took overall women's tops in Northern Arizona University's annual Greek Week and received a trophy. We also received five plaques for placing first in Softball, volley ball, women's best in the talent show, powder puff football and tri- cycle racing.
We came in second in the service project, selling bumper stickers for the Coconio County Association for Mentally Retarded
Alpha Delta Chapter's year was high- lighted by moving into the new chapter house in April. With living facilities for 24 girls, the residence has plenty of extra room for all actives and pledges, and the new furniture and spacious rooms are a wel- comed change for everyone.
A big campaign is underway this year for arthritis. Alpha Delta sponsored physical therapy classes for arthritis sufferers in the Tuscaloosa area plus a mail fund drive and road block.
Honors Day, Frances Smith and Pat Creel were tapped for Mortar Board. Carol Holloman was initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta; Pat Creel, into Phi Upsilon Chi, pro- fessional home economics honorary, and Maureen O'Donnell and Moira Judas, Tri- angle, honorary service club.
L. Cecile Lewis
Sigma Omicron
Dominating the homecoming court at Arkansas State University was Sigma Omi- cron's Debbie Cook Huggins, Gayle Tam- buro and Patsy Biggs. The chapter also placed second in the Alpha Gamma Delta Talent Show with Jane Elrod, Terry Porter, Anne Horton, Jane Frier, Cathy Hollings- worth Johnson and Dee Dee Crane singing a medley from "Oliver." Third place also was won in the homecoming displays.
A new musical group, the "AOII Pickers," was formed to provide entertainment for Parent's Day, the All-Greek Songfest and other activities around the campus and city.
W e
Alpha Omicron Pi, with Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, won the coveted Sweepstake Trophy for the best entertainment booth, the House of Horrors, at Mardi Gras which grossed more than $100,000. Profits went to Uni-camp, a university-sponsored camp for handicapped children.
Jessica Lane is a member of Chimes, junior women's honorary. Mary Ellen Lopez received a $400 scholarship from the A A U W to attend the Stanford Secondary T eachers Education Program.
Iris Berezin was given a government fel- lowship for studying in special education and is a member of Pi Gamma Mu, honor- ary social science society. Nancy Nikirk, will be a teacher assistant at the University of California and will graduate cum laude. Janice Coleman, sophomore, is a member of Sophomore Sweethearts, women's aux- iliary to the UCLA swim team and also of Shell and Oar, auxiliary to Crew, along with Carol Fotlette, junior, who is an active par- ticipant in Anchors.
Lizabeth Granik also is a member of Anchors, along with Vickie Nouvert, who is a candidate for the NROTC Stars and Stripes Ball Queen, and Angela Tosti, who is a Bruinette, UCLA freshman hostess or- ganization.
Rose Almacher
Lambda Beta
Lambda Beta Chapter had a very busy year. One of the most outstanding activities in which we participated was Cal-State Long Beach 49'er Days. During this event, campus
Alpha Delta
Kappa Theta
turned in $225.
Patty Morison
Handsome new edifice on the University of Alabama campus is the Alpha Delta Chap- ter house.
organizations built a town recalling gold rush days. We constructed a cobbler shop and won third place in the women's build- ing division. Our skit took first place honors in the women's division, and a recent alumna. Kim Howard, was a member of the 49'er Days Committee.
Lambda Beta Chapter and Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity gave a Christmas party for children in a low income housing area.
Denise Downs was named Cal-State's Fall Festival Freshman Princess.
Keeping the 'Gator spirit up at football and basketball games was cheerleader Sue Salerno.
Year round, AOIIs were busy in Union offices. Vickie Krezdorn held the position of finance chairman for ACCENT '70. Undersecretary for Academic Affairs was AOII, Nancy Kelly. Faith Tulino, a veteran of the Senate, served as director of the budget. Engineer Fair secretary for '70 was AOII Eileen Mahan.
Outstanding leadership and scholarship led to top honors. Mortar Board and Who's Who awards went to Judy Mathews, while AOIIs, Faith Tulino, Vickie Krezdorn, Joyce Bartlett and Judy Mathews joined Marti Cochran in Savant.
AOII rated second in overall sorority scholarship. Phi Beta Kappa tapped three, Sandy Fuller, Sandy Reid and Andy Tomko. The thousand dollar U F Alumni Scholar- ship went to Nancy Kelly. Other AOII scholars included Pat Tuck, recipient of the J. Hillis Miller American Cancer Society Scholarship; and Marti Cochran and Sandy Fuller, Diamond Jubilee Foundation award winners.
Florida Southern's Best Dressed Coed was Wanda Lassiter, an AOII transfer from the University of Alabama. Barbara Blander, Bev McAlfee and Odalie Kromp were elected to Cap and Gown, women's leader- ship fraternity.
Climaxing an outstanding year was Odalie Kromp's being chosen "Miss Interlachen" by actor Steve McQueen for the yearbook, "The Interlachen," edited by Wendy Werner.
Alpha Pi
At Florida State University in Tallahassee, Alpha Pi Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi has supported many campus activities. In the annual Acro-Gypsies Gymkana Show and Beauty Pageant, Linda Cross was second runner-up to the princess and Barbara Poe was included in the honor court.
In the beauty contest of the Sigma Chi Derby, Robyn Ann Green was first runner- up. In support of Greek Week Carnival, AOII combined efforts with Sigma Phi Epsilon and built a bowling concession. A l l proceeds from Greek Week were contributed to various charities.
Members of Alpha Pi collected money for the Easter Seal drive by setting up road blocks, toured the Tallahassee Arthritis Clinic and have started a program of volun- tary service hours with arthritic patients.
One of the high points of Iota's activity calendar was assisting with the installation of Sigma Iota Chapter at Western Illinois University. This was a very inspiring event, and all who participated were greatly im- pressed by the spirit of sisterhood which prevailed. Seeing the birth of a new chapter made us all even more aware of the bonds which unite AOIIs everywhere.
Sigma Phi Chapter won three trophies for scholarship at the Greek Ball. Both pledge class and initiates won a combined trophy for the highest grade point average; Sandy Kiewert, new initiate, won an award for
the highest G P A , 3.75; ranked first with their sororities.
and the pledge class G P A among all eight
Phyllis Casteel was elected first vice presi- dent and rush chairman of Panhellenic Council. She will coordinate the eight soror- ities in formal rush and set up open house and rush parties.
New Chapter House For Beta Rho
Kyle Golding
Sigma Phi
This year started off with a bang as Kappa Gamma won the Sigma Chi Derby trophy and Odalie Kromp was crowned Sigma Chi Derby Queen.
Greek Week was another highlight for AOII when Fran Mitchell was chosen Greek Goddess at the Greek Banquet which climaxed the festivities.
Greek Sing also was topped by AOII. The Best Sorority trophy was captured by Kappa Gamma with a medley of television commercials, "Good Morning Starshine" and the love theme from "Romeo and Juliet." Bev McAlfee and Jill Eilertsen worked together in producing the winning arrangement.
Sherry Bennett
Pam Hcaton
Kappa Gamma
Kathy Boross
Chi Delta
Highlighting Chi Delta's social calendar was the spring semi-formal with the theme, "Dawn of Aquaris." One week later, the annual mother's luncheon feted 30 visiting mothers and their daughters at a luncheon, fashion show and house entertainment.
Chi Delta placed first in the intramural basketball competition and was a major contributor to the campus Blood Bank. The chapter had the second highest number of donors among sororities on campus. Nine girls either donated three times during the year or helped staff the donation facilities.
Pat Bechtel, Mary Jane Pettigrew and Chris McClure participated in the Angel
Flight program.
Carol Dunlap
Gamma Omicron
Phi Taus were charmed by AOII again this year. Michele Demaree was chosen as Dream Girl and Sue McMunn was in the Dream Girl Court. Delta Chi claimed Debbie Adams as Sweetheart, and Pat Klonne and Joyce Bartlett as members of their court.
Several members of Gamma Omicron held top positions for Homecoming. Joyce Bart- lett served as executive secretary, Nancy Kelly, secretary in the technical division, and as assistant chairman of the Home- coming Slogan Contest, Vicki Krezdorn judged thousands of 'Gator riddles. Blue Key. too, enjoyed a taste of AOII leadership as Judy Mathews took the secretarial post for the annual banquet.
Activities varied, but wherever they served, AOIIs were leaders. Panhellenic elected Melody Roberts as chairman of judiciary; Pat Tuck wore the insignia of comptroller for Angel Flight and Nancy Kelly was named secretary of Swim Fins.
cluded International
Treasurer, Norma Berry and Jane Quick (Mrs. Morris), Region V I Vice President; Andrew Cogswell, Dean of Students, Mrs. Grace Sho- nan. Beta Rho housemother, and several alumnae officers and mem- bers of the Corporation Board.
Norma Berry presided over the candlelight dedication. Following the special ceremony, a reception was given and guests were taken on tours of the house.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Surrounded by smiling AOII col- legiates, pledges and alumnae, Susan Higgins, outgoing Beta Rho Chapter president, cuts the ribbon at dedi- cation ceremonies which highlighted the opening of AOII's new chapter house at the University of Montana in Missoula.
Guests were then brought into the drawing room where they were wel- comed by the new Beta Rho presi- dent. Anita Schroeber. Special guests there for the dedication in-
Singled Out For Special Honors
One of Montana State University's highest honors went to Alpha Phi Chapter's Linda Bourdet when she was chosen Five Year Speaker for Women's Day. She'll return to the campus at the end of that period of time and speak at this annually, auspicious occasion. She is a member of Mortar Board and was on the honor roll for 12 consecutive quarters.
A 1970 Woodrow Wilson designate is De- Pauw University's Theta Chapter's, Kitty Col- leen O'Donnell, who will be at the University of Illinois this fall as an NDEA fellow.
Sue Daiger and Glenna Treat, Alpha Gamma, are both outstanding at Washington State University. Sue edited the college yearbook, The Chinook, and Glenna is a member of Mortar Board.
Alpha Phi Chapter's pretty pixie, Roxie Gordon, wos chosen Montana State Uni- versity's Ski Queen.
Sigma Omfcron's Karyn Walker proudly dis- plays the award for outstanding service awarded her chapter at Arkansas State University by the Arthritis Foundation.
Ellen Rohrbacher and Lynne Wetzel, Sigma Tau, are vice president and president, re- spectively of Panhellenic Council, Washing- ton College.
Chosen May Day Queen at Ohio Northern University was beauteous Jeanie White, Kappa Pi.
Dean of Women at Northeastern University in Boston, Edith Emery; Ellen Devine, C h i Pi Chapter president; and Millie Eldridge, chapter adviser, admire the Dorothy G . Dissell Scholastic Excellence Award cap- tured by this AOII chapter for the second consecutive year. Later Ellen herself was honored as Sorority Woman of the Year at the Greek Week Ball.
Judy Mason, Kappa Alpha, was selected president of the Panhellenic Council at Indiana State for 1970-71.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
AOII invited three liberal professors to speak on social reform. Open to the public, the meeting was very well attended. A worthwhile discussion resulted and some of the more radical participants gained new insight into sororities.
Instead of selling doughnuts as we've done in previous years, we served dessert to 30 fraternities, providing the dessert, waitresses and an entertaining skit for an assessment of 15 cents per man. The result was a very successful fund-raising campaign.
Beta Lambda
A successful fall rush kicked off an active year for Beta Lambda Chapter at Illinois Wesleyan University. Our new pledge class gave a traditional informal party with a Hawaiian theme, the A O Pineapple Party, for the actives and representatives of each housing unit on campus.
Many of the girls of our chapter were involved in organizing campus activities in connection with Homecoming, Dad's Day and Mom's Day.
The chapter took an active part in the campus' concern for the environment with two actives from Beta Lambda heading this program. Girls from the house brought at- tention to the program as they helped wash car windshields and road signs.
Nu lota
Nu Iota started off the second semester by having the highest sorority grade point on campus. Our new program of treating pledges as sisters from the start of pledging has worked out most successfully. We're the first sorority to break away from the old traditional way of pledging and are proud to be leading the way.
Barb Pautz, Jan Anderson, Judy Sadowski and Maureen Blaha were on the Winter Carnival Week committee. We teamed up with ZBT for our midway activity, a light show.
In May, with Delta Upsilon, we enter- tained 50 special education children at a nearby park with hot dogs, pop, balloons, games and lots of fun!
Judy Sadowski and Jan Shimokubo made the pompon squad this year.
Individual honors went to Mary Lou Bucha who was elected Indiana's State Sweetheart of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. April Hampton was elected by popular vote as one of Ball State's Calendar Girls.
Rush resulted in 26 new pledges, two of whom are legacies: Susan Kirkwood and Kathy Poorman. Academically AOIIs moved from third to second place in overall sorority rating.
Elected to chairmanships on Student Cen- ter Governing Board were Gail Acomb, pub- lic relations, and Victoria Barr. social. S'isan Berry is the new secretary of Panhellenic Council.
This has been an active year for Delta Omega Chapter. The first week of September brought rush. At the end of Rush Week, 23 pledges were added to the sisterhood of AOII.
With the coming of autumn, the mind of the college student turns to football. Closely related to this are the try-outs for cheer- leaders. Freshman cheerleaders are selected at Murray in early October. AOII had four girls who earned a spot on the Freshman Squad. They were: Nancy Jo James, cap- tain, Kim Stevens, Rhonda Wilson and Anne Bradley. During football season Vickie Russell was selected as a member of the Homecoming Court for her second year.
AOII had several hard working members on the Shield staff this year. They were: Vickie Russell assistant editor; Sallv Holt, managing editor; Gwen Davis, features editor, and Jeanie Diguid, staff member.
In just a few months since iastallation several girls have brought pride to both Sigma Iota and AOII. Scholastic chairman awarded two rose bracelets at the installa- tion banquet for exceptional scholastic achievement. Barb Hubert won one bracelet for the greatest amount of improvement dur- ing the winter quarter. The second bracelet went to Pam Smoot for maintaining the highest chapter grade point average. Pam also just recently was awarded a fellowship for 1970-71 at Western Illinois University in geography.
Kay Kastel, past president, has accepted the position of assistant activities director in the University Union.
Kay Pendleton
In November four members were selected
to represent M S U in the 1970 edition of
"Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni- tion of Founders' Day. versities. They were: Sally Threkald Lips-
comb, Mary Jo Oakley Hinton, Deb Mathis
and Barbara Brown.
Queens were in the stars for Kappa Kappa. Homecoming started the year with Linda Lee chosen queen for the weekend's fes- tivities along with Shari Mattix in her court.
Miss Ball State for this year is Sandra Carson. She captured this title from a field of ten finalists and will compete in the state pageant. Victoria Barr also was among the ten finalists.
For the second consecutive year, AOIIs captured the trophy in Sigma Chi Derby Day events. Two other trophies, one for the most participation and the other for first place in the chase were won by AOIIs. Later in the same month, the chapter com- bined efforts with four other Greek groups to win a second place trophy in the annual Theta X i Variety Show.
With January and February came the dramatic presentations of Murray State. AOIIs were again in the lead as Linda Brownfield played the role of the witch in "Rapunzel and the Witch." Treva Everley had the leading female role in "Campus Lights," a musical production sponsored by the Music Department.
The month of March brought "Insight," a lecture series sponsored by the Student Government. It was a great success and we had several members who spent a great deal of time working to have this event become a reality. They were: Sandy Law, Linda Brownfield, Fonda Adams, Johanna Comisak
For several years Pi has had the privilege of honoring all Phi Beta Kappas of the senior class and the Newcomb faculty at a luncheon. This year we were delighted to have three Phi Beta Kappas in the chap- ter, Nona Bear, Carol Meyer and Kathy Ventura tos.
Many honors and awards were captured by members of Pi during the school year. Nona Bear was chosen for Mortar Board and Who's Who. Karen Manemann was selected for membership in Kappa Delta Pi, national honorary educational organization. Beth Singleton was chosen for the sweet- heart court of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity, and Tori Dillon was chosen sweetheart of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity on the Tulane campus.
Debbie Ford
Sigma lota
Fashions from around the world were modeled in this year's Cards ' N Fashions, a relaxing evening card party and style show, Alpha Chi's annual philanthropic project. Models representing each sorority and wo- men's dormitory displayed haute couture donated by a a local department store. In addition, we also helped collect in the local arthritis drive.
This year the Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter hosted State Day. Alpha Chi helped in arranging workshops to exchange ideas for improvement. After the luncheon and some chapter reports, our role as an alumna member was stressed by our guest speaker.
Denise Veroni
Kappa Kappa
After completing a very successful rush, members of Pi Chapter went on to receive a third place trophy for their float in the annual Homecoming Parade. Other fall and winter events included participation in pan- hellenic volley ball competition and celebra-
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI:—AUTUMN of 1970
Linda S. Chapman
Kappa Alpha
Kappa Alpha Chapter soared to new heights this year. The kick-off was the crowning of Mary Whitaker as football Homecoming queen. Mary, a sophomore from Muncie, serves as AOII social chair- man.
Rush which took place in September was successfully combined with moving into Lin- coln Quadrangle new sororitv housing, homecoming festivities and the annual campus carnival.
Under the capable rush chairmanship of Liz Sample, our enthusiastic parties result- ing in our pledging 17 new angels." Feb- ruary saw preparation for the annual Cam- pus Review when all Greeks vie for a gleaming four-foot trophy. The judges pre- sented it to the AOIIs who paired with Theta Chi Fraternity for their skit. "Where Do I Go—What Is the Answer?" The win- ning team also received the Best Music and D i a l o g u e T r o p h y . T e r r i Hi l l , d i r e c t o r o f C.R., received the silver charm bracelet given each year to the outstanding active chosen by the pledges.
Kappa Alpha is proud to have Judy Ma- son as 1970-71 Panhellenic president of I.S.U. Nancy Donna, typifing the ideals of our chapter, represented her sisters at the Panhellenic Crystal Ball.
Kappa Alpha's actives held first place on campus in scholarship, and second when combined with the new initiates' index.
W ide
AOII Sorority and Theta Chi Fraternity's contribution to City Beautification W eek at trie University of Florida in Gainesville when they combined forces with citizens of the community in cleaning up and helping historic Pine Grove Cemetery regain its identity.
and Deb Mathis. During March Johanna Comisak was awarded a $100 scholarship to further her studies in journalism. A n - other honor came when Ruth Alexander was appointed to the Judicial Board.
A O I I s c o n t i n u e d t h e i r a c h i e v e m e n t s throughout the month of April. Elaine Stice and Janet French were named first and second alternates, respectively, for Murray's Mountain Laurel Queen. Sigma Chi Last Resort took place in April. AOII won first place trophies for the best set and best parody of current movies. For the third year in a row, AOIIs were awarded the scholarship trophy with an overall average of 3.06.
Beth Zeller
Delta Omega
Nancy Jo James
Alpha Ch!
resulted from
Alpha Omicron
Three members of Alpha Omicron Chap- ter were chosen sweethearts of fraternities in recent months. Kathleen McAdams was named sweetheat of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Nancy Shaw and Marsha Tucker were chosen in the sweetheart courts of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Sigma Pi business fra- ternity, respectively.
Charlotte Defrances' name appears in
Who's Who Among American Greek Fra- ternities and Sororities.
Alpha Omicron won third place in the concessions at the annual Jambalaya Jam- boree, the Cajun festival at L.S.U. We held the second annual country fair with local alumnae to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation. Chapter members are partici- pating in Arthritis Bucket Day and are con- tributing an hour each week per member at the foundation.
Lambda Tau
Successful would be the word to describe this past year for Lambda Tau Chapter in Monroe. The year started out great with the chapter making its quota in formal rush.
Activities during football season included selling programs at home games, making posters to boost team spirit and baking cookies for the football team to take on out-of-town trips. Donna Adams reigned as Homecoming Queen.
Gail Coates reigned as Miss Northeast, and Tanya Graham was second runner-up in the 1970 Miss Northeast Pageant.
Individual honors included Judy King as Outstanding Student in the School of Busi- ness and Outstanding Collegiate Member. Becky Sanford was outstanding pledge.
Philanthrophic activities included an Arthritis forum for the community where collegiates aided in distributing educational material and collected funds.
Kappa Tau
After the vigorous rush schedule in the fall. Kappa Tau sponsors the Southeastern Louisiana College Homecoming game. Our fall pledges greet onlookers as they ride atop a red fire truck leading the annual parade sponsored by AOll. Kappa Tau also decorates the Homecoming court's cars, stadium and the queen's stand.
Martie Fellom reigned as SIX Homecom- ing Queen while Pat Miley, Robby Preddy and Cynthia Fellom served as court mem- bers.
A number of other chapter members were recognized for individual honors. Rubye Howes was selected Miss Hammond, 1970, and is eligible for competition in the Miss Louisiana Pageant. Robby Eaker and Jo Ann Termine were selected first and second runners-up.
J? 1
Pat Bechtel recently was elected secretary of University of Colorado's Panhellenic Council. She is a senior majoring in psy- chology, an enthusiastic member of Angel Flight, as well as Chi Delta's recording secre- tary and panhellenic representative.
Talent abounds in Sigma Omicron Chapter at Arkansas State University. AOII "Pickers" perform at All Greek Sonq Fest, left. At right, this same chapter wins Alpha Gamma Delta Talent Show singing a medley from "Oliver."
Gayle Robinson, former AOII president, was honored as Outstanding Greek W oman during Greek Week activities.
Darlenc Zito and Martie Fellom were members of the Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose Court, and Pat DeAgano was a mem- ber of Delta Tau Delta Sweetheart Court.
Diana Pollock served as SLC's head cheerleader, and Pat Miley. Martie Fellom and Vickie Head, also served on the squad. Debbie Hammill assumed the job of Lionette choreographer from Paulette Drake, another AOII
We earned money in a variety of ways including picking up corn, selling soap prod- ucts, bake sales, a car wash, work day and a pop bottle drive. From these efforts we collected $1,024 and won the contest.
Theta Pi
A successful year for Theta Pi Chapter was begun when we won first prize for our 13-foot, purple and pink "Fire the Chiefs" float at Homecoming. An informal party was held after the game to celebrate.
Again we were invited to celebrate Foun- ders' Day with the Bergen County Alumnae Chapter at Glen Ridge Country Club. The following month set the scene for a winter wonderland at Judy Accettola's farm with everything from skiing to horseback riding.
April saw the election of new officers. They are: President Pam Broderick; first vice president. Nancy Hupprich; second vice president, Judy Accettola; recording secre- tary, Judy Midthassel; corresponding secre- tary, Cathy Chinnici, and treasurer, Judi Schmidt.
Spring offered the sisters an opportunity to sell doughnuts and bagels to raise money for charities. Their efforts were rewarded with a second place in Solicitation Week preceding the annual Campus Community Carnival, and a first place beauty trophy.
Initiation of five new sisters and the wel- come of seven new pledges also took place during spring. Our annual Easter party for the children of the faculty was fun for Theta Pis as well as the guests.
Debbie Hammill
Chi Pi
With the help of 12 pledge sisters who put on a cider and cookie Halloween sale in the student cafeteria, Chi Pi Chapter was able to contribute more than $275 to the National Arthritis Foundation in 1970. The pledge sisters raised nearly SI25 of the total contribution.
Charlene Nixon and our reigning Home- coming Queen. Louisa Visconti, were Chi Pi entries in the toga contest.
Other activities included the annual Smooth Party and a banquet at the Town Lyne House in Lynnlield. Mass.. highlighted by the installation of officers. Our new presi- dent is Dorothv Dodge, a senior in elemen- tary education who ranks at the top of her class with a 3.92 scholastic average.
Among the many honors to come Chi Pi's way this year was Ellen Devine's being named Sorority Woman of the Year and receiving the sorority scholarship award.
Louisa Visconti reigned as Homecoming Queen, Linda Clare was in the W inter Carnival Queen's Court, and Carol Mc- Eachern and Anne McCue received the Chi Pi Alumnae Award and the Boston AOII Alumnae Award, respectively.
Alpha Phi
During the school year the AOIIs at Montana State have been busy.
Our pledges participated in Sigma Chi Derby Days. They played numerous games and then a queen was chosen. The Queen or Derby Darling was an AOII. Maria Grunditz. an exchange student from Sweden.
For the benefit of retarded children, Sigma Nu Fraternity and AOIIs had their annual door-to-door fund-raising drive.
Alpha Phi tied for first place in the Sig Alpha Olympics, a fun-filled day sponsored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Arlene Kegel
Delta Pi
Our year started out with Homecoming. We took third place in the float division and first in the walking banner contest. Our candidate this year was Karen Wood. Our next big project was U.M.O.C. sponsored by Alpha Phi Omeca service fraternity. The money that we collect for this goes to our philanthropic project.
Kappa Kappa Chapter's illustrious Linda Lee was crowned Homecoming Queen at Ball State University.
Twice the Arthritis Foundation of New York has cited collegiates and pledges for money-raising efforts. Currently we plan to aid an underprivileged adult in financing medical costs.
In May the Rose Ball honoring seniors was held, and the following evening, Theta Pi warmed the hearts of all by singing their arrangement of "A Time For Us" under the direction of C . B. Linsenmaier.
Kappa Pi's Homecoming Queen entry was Mary Siferd, a senior English major from Ada, Ohio, a member of Sigma Tau Delta, English honorary and Aurora, pre-Mortar Board honorary. One of her special interests is folk singing.
The next event was the chapter's annual winter Rose Formal held at the Molonos Club in Lima. AOII Sweetheart was Ron Knoble, who is pinned to Lynne Lanier.
May Day is an all-campus event when each sorority has serenades for their candi- dates. There is a Queen and Junior, Sopho- more and Freshman candidates. We followed a western theme in carrying out our cam- paign.
Senior, Jeanie White of Englewood, Ohio, reigned over May Day festivities while rep- resenting Kappa Pi.
Jeanie is a German major and was 1969- 70 president of Panhellenic Council. She is a member of the Student Education Associ- ation, Kappa Delta Pi and Aurora.
In addition to a large number of Kappa Pi Chapter's members holding membership in a variety of honorary organizations, AOII was awarded the scholarship trophy for all Greeks on the Ohio Northern University campus. We have maintained the highest grade point average for all Greek women on campus for two consecutive quarters.
Kappa Pi Chapter also received the all sports trophy for 1969-70. Roxanna Grist was the recipient of the Clyde A. Lamp Me- morial Scholarship.
Mary Jane Shannon
Epsilon Alpha
The past school year involved many happy memories, lots of concentrated effort and work for Epsilon Alpha Chapter, but the individual and group rewards were well worth it.
To raise money for the National Arthritis Foundation, we cooked spaghetti dinners for a number of fraternities. On April 12, Epsi- lon Alpha took on the adventure of prepar- ing and selling 500 hoagie sandwiches. In one evening's time we sold every last one of them!
Epsilon Alpha also participated in the Cancer Drive, received a special citation from the national organization for aiding in sending 1,344 mice to college for research purposes and, this year, went well over our quota.
Spring term was not all work, but time for Spring Week Carnival. The overall theme was "Those Were the Good Old Days." With Zeta Psi Fraternity, AOII chose the Boston Tea Party as our theme.
Spring term also saw many sisters receiv- ing individual honors. Cathy Fortman was accepted into the honors program by the Art History Department; Gretchen Klina, Omi- cron Nu; Margot Streeter, editor of L a Vie, our yearbook; Brenda Bachman, Panhellenic Council public relations rush chairman; Bette Corson, Theta Sigma Phi; Margot Moser, Horticulture Club secretary; Mari- beth McAllister, Penn State Greeters' secre- tary, and Gail Malinoski, Phi Kappa Phi.
Sigma Rho's Pat Phenicie was named one of the five outstanding women on Slippery
Kathy Perricone
Nu Zeta
There was an amazing turn out for Phi Alpha's public Arthritis Forum when a rep- resentative from the National Foundation and two local men spoke.
We did our part in the March of Dimes by serving as telephone operators for the Johnson City relay office. W e entertained patients at the local Veterans' Hospital by playin; baseball for them, a project we plan to make a year-round undertaking.
Our chapter president, Judy Burnett, was elected secretary of legislative affairs, Sandra Donnelly, delegate to SUSCA, and Becky Wood was named a senator.
Sandra Donnelly has been elected Panhel- lenic president.
Sheridan Lee Smith
Kappa Omicron
The activities and honors of Kappa Omi- cron Chapter, Southwestern University, point to a fine year in 1970-71.
A second place winning entry in the an- nual Homecoming competition paid off with a beautiful loving cup for our trophy case.
Under the guidance of philanthropic chair- men, Jo Atkinson and Jan Martin, Kappa Omicron sponsored Stunt Night, an evening of skits in which all Greek and independent groups are invited to enter. Prizes were awarded the winners, and proceeds went to the National Arthritis Foundation.
On the basis of her appearance, versatility and campus activities, Susan Witt, a recent pledge, was judged Southwestern's best dressed coed in the annual competition.
Southwestern's Kinney Program, headed by AOII Kittie Johnson, sponsored a blood drive for St. Jude's Children's Hospital of Memphis. Many Kappa Omicrons donated blood and helped with the program and K O was proud of Kittie for heading up such a worthwhile project.
Tau Omicron
New initiates for the spring quarter of Tau Omicron Chapter, University of Tennes- see-Martin, were: Barbara Scott, Renee Ladd, Kathy Sue McConnell, Becky Hooper, Ann James, Janie Reynolds, Joanie For- rester, Rose Leeke, Lynn Howell, Melina Lawrie, Peggy Ryder and Betty Jean Thomp- son.
Becky Waller, Carnicus Queen and U T M Pageant director, was named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, the Honor Corps, received the Tennessee State Seal for Service, was vice president of Stu- dent Government, and received the Pan- hellenic Certificate of Merit.
Cindy Black was Alpha Gamma Rho Sweetheart, second maid in Homecoming court and Orange and White Princess. Janie Reynolds and Carol Jordan were among the top ten in the Miss U T M Pageant.
Among those whose names appeared on the Dean's List were: Lynne Pepin, Melinda Hughes, Teresa Anderson, Carol Gaffney, Ann James and Betty Hopper.
Barbara Stockdale served as editor of V olette.
Sigma Tau
The girls of Sigma Tau occupy the major leadership positions on campus. Lynne Wetzel, senior honor student, is president of the Panhellenic Council and her vice presi- dent is Ellen Rohrbacher.
When yellow roses were delivered to the new initiates of the Senior Women's Honor Society, six of the 12 went to Sigma Tau girls. They are Calvert Daiger, Cecilia Gor- dinier, Linda Baird Hawkes, Carol Payne, Sally Soderberg and Lynne Wetzel. The so- ciety has applied this year to become asso- ciated with Mortar Board, and AOII was instrumental in this move.
Twenty-two of Sigma Tau's 40 girls were on the Dean's List.
Red knee socks with white tennis shoes or dresses below the knee? What are those AOlIs from Nu Zeta Chapter up to?
Why it's Turn About Day, a day in which the actives change places with the pledges. Everyone is very enthusiastic during this activity.
AOII singing Valentines have become a traditional money-making project. A small decorative booth is set up in the campus center where we sell and schedule the time for the Valentines.
"Twelve inches of snow! My car is stuck!" 'Good! The snow plow is finally here! What! The band can't come? I just took my snow boots home!"
This was just a portion of the conversa- tion that took place March 18, 1970, the day of our annual spring formal.
As the AOIIs and their dates arrived with snowboots under their formals, long winter coats, ear muffs, and wool mittens, they stood by the window watching the snow plow trying to pull their cars out. As they entered the doors to the ballroom, they were greeted by a sign proclaiming the theme, "Spring Time Carousel." Soon everyone for- got about the snow. Either we had imagina- tion or loads of that good old AOII spirit, or could it have been both?
At the stroke of 11 o'clock, the crowning of King Adonis took place. Adonis is from Greek mythology, a Greek boy loved by the goddess, Aphrodite. He symbolizes our ideal of a sweetheart. There were four candidates,
Steve Aggers, E d and T om Paulsen. King Adonis, 1970.
Denton, Jan Kuxhausen E d Denton was crowned
Among individual members of Nu Zeta Chapter who have received honors are Doro- thy Clarkson, who was chosen chairman of the educational central committee, Nebraska Federation of Y oung Republicans; Patricia Deines, tapped as a member of Cardinal Key Honor Society at Ivy Day Ceremonies; Teri Levick, chosen Ivy Day Queen, and Jacque Rabe, one of Chadron's five cheerleaders for 1970-71.
Cathy Littrell
Zeta AOIIs at the University of Nebraska raised almost $200 on May 3 in a city-wide Arthritis Drive. For an afternoon spent dis- tributing information and collecting dona- tions throughout Lincoln, they were awarded a plaque for their house and individual cer- tificates for their contribution to the Arth- ritis Foundation.
Outstanding individuals in the chapter in- clude Cherol Smith, who was named one of the 10 Best Dressed Coeds on campus. Jody Beck received a Gold Key in Journalism for outstanding scholarship and was crowned Air Force Queen at the Military Ball in March.
Former pledge trainer, Randi Geshwender added one more laurel to her crown before graduation when she was elected Maid of Honor to the May Queen in the annual spring Ivy Day Fest
Diane Koltes received second runner-up in the Miss University of Nebraska pageant for her dramatic, vocal and choreographic interpretation to the end of Westside Story.
Claudia Johnson
Kappa Pi
The women of Kappa Pi were involved in three major events this past year. Two in- cluded the campus activities of Homecoming and May Day, and the third was our chap- ter's annual Rose Formal.
Dawn George
Sigma Rhe
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Sigma Rho Chapter has been involved in many campus activities. Our philanthropic project was the Mr. Fraternity and Miss So- rority Dance attended by a capacity crowd and highlighted by the selection of a Miss Sorority and Mr. Fraternity.
Greek Week dominated the month of April. In a campus-wide election, Pat Phe- nicie, Sigma Rho's candidate for Greek God- dess, was first runner-up.
An enthusiastic crowd cheered AOII's can- didate on to many victories during the Greek Olympics. Paired with Sigma T au Gamma Fraternity, we won the annual Chariot Race and placed second in the over-all competi- tion during Greek Week.
Well represented in a campus clean up drive, AOII's trash barrel entry decorated by Pam Wilson and Lynn Sibley, won third place.
Rock State campus.
Cheryl Hall
Phi Alpha
Daphne Hanks, Sigma Tau, was first runner- up in the Miss Washington College competi- tion.
Group activities at Rho this year have revolved around the theme, "The City." We hosted speakers, such as local aldermen; visited art galleries, and experienced dif- ferent ethnic restaurants in an attempt to become more involved with our environ- ment. W e also held weekly discussions with a faculty adviser. Chairman of the theme committee was junior, Barbara Bolas.
Chapter president, Alice Tredup, was elected vice president for the Panhellenic Council.
One of the two co-chairmen for this year's WAA-MU Show, Northwestern's annual musical revue, was Estelle Danish, a senior radio and television major. Business manager was Valerie Smith.
Doris Waltemeyer was elected Women's Athletic Association president.
Alpha Gamma
Alpha Gamma Chapter at Washington State University put their musical talents to work last spring and entered the Spur Song- fest with Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity. T h e y w ere chosen f r o m the p r e l i m i n a r y auditions to sing their "Mamas and Papas" medley for the Mother's Weekend Program. The 20 girls participating made colorful, California style dresses to set the scene.
Sue Daiger, 1970 elementary education graduate, was editor of the yearbook, The Chinook.
O u r 1970 president, G le n n a T reat, has been exceptionally active in campus activities especially in Associated W omen Students and Spurs. She is junior advisor to the latter. Recently tapped for Mortar Board, she is active in Alpha Lambda, Rho Nu and the Washington State University Concert Choir.
Phi Kappa
Phi Kappa Chapter paid a tribute to spring with the traditional Spring Weekend in April which included the Red Rose Ball. The sisters also celebrated with picnics and games.
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Phi Delta wasted no time in capitalizing on Milwaukee's new attraction.
The theme for this all-school fund-raising event was movie titles. By mixing yesterday with today, we brewed up the baseball theme with the movie titles and came up with "Angels In the Outfield."
In building our booth, we included every- thing from bats and balls to peanuts. N o t one peanut went to waste. A ticket entitled the customer to try to score by tossing pea- nuts into the "outfield" for a home run and win prizes donated by local businessmen. All the tickets accumulated by the close of the carnival were cashed in for that amount of the proceeds and donated to the National Arthritis Foundation.
Besides the money that was made through the booth. Phi Delta also entered the Beauty and the Beast Contest. The money collected through this contest also was sent to the National Arthritis Foundation. Beginning this year and from now on, this money will be donated in the name of Georgianne Gago, last year's Phi Delta Beauty, who passed away in April.
Shari Anderson
Sigma Lambda
Sigma Lambda Chapter sponsored many campus events. Approximately one-fifth of freshmen coeds attended the fashion show we staged. During the first part of October, LaCrosse has an annual Oktoberfest which is comparable to the Oktoberfest in Ger- many. The entire community participates and people from surrounding areas travel here for this gala event. One of the high- lights of the week is the pageant when Dona Salske, one of our sisters, received the Miss Congeniality award.
During Homecoming Sigma Lambda con- structed a float, and were most fortunate in having one of our sisters. Miss Kari Daniels, reign as Homecoming Queen.
In order to enhance the Christmas season, we sponsored an all-campus Christmas tea which preceded the Christmas Concert. W e invited all the girls in the dorm in which our suite is located to join us for punch and cookies.
Four of our collegiates were contestants in the Associated W omen Students' Ten Best Dressed Coeds Contest. They were A n n Meadows, Connie Trites, Pam Eastman and Mary Rash. Sigma Lambda proudly watched Mary accept the title of Best Dressed at LaCrosse.
T h a n k s t o th e c h o r e o g r a p h y o f S u s a n Hulme, we took first place in the annual Beta Variety Show. Costumed in hot pink tunics, we danced under black lights to "Santana" and "Chicago." This was the first time we had won Beta Variety. Needless to say, we were elated.
Sharon Repoli
Lambda Phi
WSU-W's winter carnival, "Ice-O-Rama." took place in February. Our chapter received a second place in the ice carving competi- tion in the Greek women's division.
The Milwaukee Chapter. Arthritis Foun- dation, sent two doctors to speak at the arthritis forum we sponsored for this area. More interest was shown than was antic- ipated, the event was informative and we felt everyone left with a better insight into the problems of arthritis.
One of our pledges. Linda Wirtanen, was elected to the executive board of the student government as recording secretary, and Diane Depratt was elected senior senator of student government. Lam bda Phis, Jill Abrams and Chris Pogas, have been elected co-cordinators of a program to get up a rush pamphlet to be mailed to all new stu- dents and organize a Greek newspaper scheduled to start publishing this fall.
Kathy Burke was named to Who's Who, and Jan Brewer was initiated into Silver Scroll, scholastic and service organization.
Mary Steele reigned over the state wres- tling tournament held at Whitewater this winter, and Lela Wachendorf was second runner-up for Swim Queen on our campus.
Lynn Campbell
Delta Beta of the University of South- western Louisiana managed to lure not only 32 pledges but also the cameras of a local television studio. The stardom of the chapter resulted from the station's special report on rush activities at the university. AOII was featured in the general activities involved in rush: singing, serving refreshments, chat- ting, etc.
One of the largest sororities on campus, Delta Beta takes part in many activities which result in personal honors and achieve- ments.
Chris Desjardins graduated with the high- est average in the Home Economics Depart- ment and now is working with VISTA in the East. Emily Cantrelle, a recent graduate, served as student government representative, a Blue Key Darling finalist, and was named to Who's Who. New initiates to Angel Flight included Beth Warner and Chris Truxillo. Carol Kempf. an older member, is requisi- tions officer in that organization.
Liz Oubre is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha's Court; Kay Montgomery is Theta Xi Sweetheart, and Chris Truxillo is a Phi Theta Calendar Girl. K i m Bowles was voted Miss Congeniality in the Miss Lafayette con- test, and Chris Truxillo is first runner-up in the Miss University contest.
Delta Beta Chapter won second place in the SAE Girls' softball tournament and the first place attendance trophy and second place overall trophy in the Phi Psi 500.
A beautiful, modern structured dormitory was dedicated to Delta Beta's founder, Anne Deli Bancroft. Our chapter donated a large, original oil portrait of Miss Bancroft to hang in the lobby of Bancroft Dormitory.
Three philanthropic projects keep mem- bers busy. First and foremost is raising money for the Arthritis Foundation. This was done by selling cookies, candy and punch on campus. The DBs also worked closely with children at the Johnny Scott Center for Mental Disturbed. Our chapter also sponsors a foster child in South Korea.
Janie Prudhomme
Carolyn Kelso
lota Tau
To Dragma of ALPHA OMICRON PI—AUTUMN of 1970
Ellen Davis Bowman
T h e
Thirteen," were initiated at the beginning of May. As part of the spring service project, the pledges contributed markedly by work- ing with the A m erican Cancer Society. Spring was not all play, but also included work and studies.
AOIls were the holders of the scholarship trophy from last year. Patty Clark was named active of the year, and Barbara Quinn, best pledge.
Serving as May Day Queen was Laura Dellaquzzo, and reigning with her as attend- ants were Karen Farmer, Robin Radda, Stacey Martin and Patty Clark.
Patty Clark also was TKE Sweetheart. Carole Flint and Linda Teth were listed in Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- versities. Carolyn Kelso was awarded the scholarship trophy for having the highest overall average in the chapter with a 3.78. Representatives of Phi Kappa went to Morehead State University in Kentucky to participate in the installation of a new chapter.
s p r i n g
p le d g e
class, " T h e
L u c k y
As summer draws to an end and fall ushers in a new semester, the AOII house of Iota Tau Chapter finds 18 girls unpacking their pillows and teddy bears. Gathering to- gether once again, they reminisce over the past year and summer.
Our local philanthropic project was work- ing for two hours each Saturday afternoon in Menomonie's Memorial Hospital gift shop. We sold some of the paper flowers that we made.
No one forgot the M ay Day tea and fashion show we held in the Union's Fire- side Lounge. A band played and clothes from local merchants were modeled by AOIIs and several men students.
Brenda Seng becam e Stout's new Pan- hellenic president. Betty Koepp. a graduating senior, received a Medallion Award. Sum- mer was an exciting time for many AOIIs. Some of us spent it at summer school. Others had jobs. Marsha Tobin and Carolyn Robertson spent part of their summer in Europe.
Our suitcases are now unpacked and our thoughts are settling and ideas for a new and exciting 1970-71 are brewing.
Phi Delta
Since the Braves left Milwaukee in 1965, this city has been working on getting a new major league baseball team to replace the old one. Well! Baseball finally returned to Milwaukee in the form of the American League Seattle Pilots, now the Milwaukee Brewers. This arrival was just in time for spring and the annual Campus Carnival, one of the major events held at the University
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan (M rs. George V . )
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs.George H.) Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University, and all are deceased.
Mrs. Charles J . Kallevang (Fern Robinson H ) 147 S. Lincoln A ve., Park Ridge, IL 60068 Tel. 312-823-7477
Executive Vice President
Mrs. Stephen C . Clouse, Jr. (Marion Grassmuck
170 Larchmont Ave.,Larchmont, NY 10538 Tel. 914-834-8352
Administrative Vice President
Mrs. Robert D . MacCurdy (Eleanore Dietrich IA) 100 Norlen Park, Bridgewater, M A 02324
Tel. 617-697-7855
Extension Vice President
Mrs. George C . Miller (Verginia Long I ) 5776 N.E. Circle A ve., Chicago, I L 60631 Tel. 312-631-6864
Also first alternate to NPC
Mrs. Willard D . Berry (Norma Nierstheimer P ) 3030 W . Laurelhurst Drive, N E , Seattle, W A
Tel. 206-523-9763
JVPC Delegate
Mrs. Frederick Hinton (Adele K . P ) 6128 Hillsboro Rd., Nashville, T N 37215 Tel. 615-297-8022
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Suite 109, 3000 Meadows Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46205
Tel. 317-545-6553
Executive Director—Mrs. Marie E . Hughes, B<f>
EX-OFF1CIO MEMBERS Mrs. Charles J . Kallevang. International
Mrs. Willard D . Berry, International
Presi- Secretary-
COLLEGIATE PARTICIPATION Miss Bobbye McCarter, NO, Box 2436,
Stephens College Columbia, M O 65201
Tel. 314-449-3270 Ext. 525
Mrs. James L . Fleagle (Gerry Walker, A S ) 3559 N.E. Tillamook St., Portland, O R 97212 Tel. 503-281-5768
Mrs. Joseph Sweeder (Millie Hull, A T ) 3150 N . Lake Shore D r .
Chicago, IL 60657
Vice President—Mrs. Lyndon M . Keller, (Adol- phine Voegelin D. 78 Beverly Rd., Upper Montclair. N Y 07043 . 201-744-6106
Secretary—Mrs. Secretaries
Nell Smith, B<1>
ronto, Montreal.
Vice President—Mrs. Thomas S. McMillan (Mary Louise Lakoff, N O ), 28331 Forestbrook Dr., Farmington. MI 48024. 313-477-2545
Finance Officer—Mrs. John Haggerty X, 11450 Waterview Cluster, Reston, V A 22070
Extension Officer—Mrs. Donald Sanders E A , 5616 Gary A ve., Alexandria, V A 22311
Rush Officer—Miss Mary deKay Kennedy, 5143 Forbes A ve., Pittsburgh, P A 15213
Mrs. William Belke. Jr., 33 Woodland Drive,
Pittsburgh, P A 15528
Mrs. Samuel Billig, 3772 Schneider Rd., Toledo,
OH 43614
Mrs. Mason W . Denison, 125 N . 28th St., Camp
Hill, P A 17011
Mrs. Martin Hawley. 343 McMillan, Grosse
Pointe Farms. MI 48236
Mrs. B. Kenneth Lyons, 383 N. 49th St., Har-
risbura. P A 17111
Mrs. Richard F . Maroney, 2643 Oxford R d .,
Findlay, O H 45840
Collegiate Chapters—Gamma Beta, PhiLambda,
Sigma Rho. Alpha T au, Omega, Phi Kappa, Epsilon Alpha. Pi Delta, Sigma Tau, Beta Pi, Omicron Pi. Phi Beta, Theta Kappa, Kappa Pi, Theta Psi
Alumnae Chapters—Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Charleston, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Baltimore. State College, Harrisburg, Washing- ton. North Virginia, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids. Lansing, Allentown, Bethle- hem, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Akron, Can- ton, Massillon. Cleveland, East. Cleveland, West. Cleveland Council. Findlay, Toledo. Ann Arbor. Detroit. North. Detroit, North- west, Detroit Council, Dearborn, Macomb County, Monroe.
Miss D ee Gardner, AA Miss Cindy H^wland £A
Miss Kris Miss D e b
Mrs. Wesley G . Cramer (Jessie Marie Senor >J>) 8830 Delmar, Prairie Village, K S 66207
Tel. 913-648-5335
Mrs. George P . Dean (Dorothy Bruniga P ) . 2219 Country Club D r ., Montgomery, A L 36106. Tel. 205-263-3627.
Mrs. T . K . Farringtcn (Dorothy Bogen A ) . 1615 Dry Creek Rd., San Jose, C A 95125. Tel. 408- 269-5809.
Mrs. J . Rodney Harris (Carolyn Huey AE), 2965 PharrCourtS.,NW,Atlanta,GA30305.Tel. 404-237-1487.
Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen P ) , 1241 Burr O ak Ln., Barrington, I L 60010. Tel. 312-381-6222.
Miss Dorothy Matchett AT. 10000 S. Bell Ave., Chicago, IL60643.Tel.312-238-3923.
Mrs. Justin Miller (Margaret Wolf P ) , 3913 N . Hoyne A ve., Chicago, I L 60618. T el. 312-327- 3160.
Mrs. George K . Roller (Mary Louise Filer ATI), 4261 Palm Lane. B a y Point, Miami, F L 33137. Tel. 305-759-5227.
Mrs. William W . Westerman (Phyllis Arner P), 88 Lake Sh~re Drive, Youngstown, O H 44511. Tel. 216-788-3956.
Wahlberg T Mathis AS!
Mrs. Walter M . 38775 Byriver 48043
ex-officio members
McCain Drive,
(Nancy Mount
Moyer, Clemens,
P ) ,
Mrs. George B . Baskerville. K), Gold Hill, A L 36857
J r .
Chairman—Mrs. Robert L . Lockhard (Edith R .
Cope Q) 3128 S. York, Englewood, C O 80110 Members—Mrs. Louis C . Dorweiler (Josephine Smith, T ) , 6004 Halifax A ve., Edina, Minne-
sota 55424
Mrs. Arthur K . Anderson (Edith Huntington, B4>) 836 S. Henderson St., Apt. 1, Blooming- ton, IN 47401
Chairman—Mrs. Edward Quick (Lorna Terry. Finance Officer—Mrs. Kenneth Christian (Helen
K) 120 N . Perkins, Memphis, T N 38117
FRATERNITY EDUCATION and PLEDGE TRAINING Chairman—Mrs. Gilbert R. Haugen (Juanita Sa-
kaiian, NA), 3845 Pinot C t., Pleasanton, C A 94566
Wilkinson N), 1040 Forest Ave.,Staten Island,
NY 10310
Extension Officer—Mrs. Hubert M . Hoover
(Donna Bell B*), R F D 1, Wilton, N H 03086 Rush Officer—Mrs. William Graver (Louisa Ernst ill), 15 Eleanor St.. Vernon, C T 06086
Mrs. Raymon Eldridge, 27 Mountford Rd., New-
ton Highlands, M A 02161
Mrs. Norman Stafford, 213 Cambridge R d . ,
Weburn, M A 08101
Mrs. Thelma Mitchell, 5 Ballard PI., Fairlawn,
NJ 07410
Mrs. F a y K . Brown, 302 Westholm Blvd., Syra-
Danielson, A<I>), 610 Hinman A ve., Evanston, IL 60202
Mrs. Donald Sanders (Jo S. Stetler, EA),5616
Gary A ve., Alexandria, V A 22311
Mrs. John D . Ennis (Florence Dodge, KA), 200
Gardendale, Terre Haute, IN 47803 PHILANTHROPHIC
Chairman—Mrs. John D . MacCallum (Joan Deathe, K*), 13195 Edison A ve., Montreal 920, Quebec, Canada
Magazine Promotion. Send all orders to M rs. Irvin Taylor (Nancy Barnett *->), 5116 Laurel Hall Dr., Indianapolis, I N 46226. Make checks payable to Alpha Omicron P i .
PUBLIC RELATIONS Chairman—Miss Laura Perry, AI, 209 Shawnee
Rd., Ardmore, P A 19003.
Chairman—Mrs. Wilma Smith, Leland, T , 2828 France Ave., S., Minneapolis, M N 55416.
Miss Laura A. Hurd, T, 101 Olympic Place, Apt. 409, Seattle, W A 98119.
Mrs. Warren C . Drummond (Mary Danielson, A*), 610 Hinman A ve., Evanston, I L 60202
Mrs. Robert F . Lindrooth (Mary Paschen, P ) , 1241 Burr O a k Lane, Barrington, I L 60010
Mrs. Walter C . Mylander. J r . (Virginia Boggess, K), Stevensville, M D 21666
Warren C . Drummond (Mary
Mrs. John Gilmore (Rose Gardner, I ) , 1028 Oxford St., Berkeley, C A 94707
Chairman—Mrs. Richard C . Crawford, Jr. (Peg
Kramer, I ) , 9113 Massasoit, O a k Lawn, I L Vice President—Mrs. George B . Callaway
President—Mrs. Verne W . McKinney (Muriel Turner A) 528 N . Formosa Ave., Los Angeles, C A 90036
Send all gifts and contributions to: Treasurer—Mrs. JustinMiller(Margaret Wolf,
P), 3913 N . Hoyne A ve., Chicago, I L 60618 REGIONAL MEETINGS
Mrs. Jre Clay Young (Nancy Kay Yarbrough,
TO) 514W.Washington, Jonesboro, AR72401 Tel. 501-935-3985
Mrs. R. Keith Gilchrist (Ann Griffin McClana- han. e) 5613 Skyridge Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46250. T e l . 317-849-3061
(Janie Linebcnieh. 0 ) . 2400 Craghead Lane,
Knoxville. T N 37920. 615-573-2336
Extension Officer—Miss Becky Thurston, 355
Sequoia Cove, Memphis, T N 38117
Finnnc Officer—Miss Jean Whorley, 2010 Over-
hill D r . . Nashville. T N 37215
Rush Officer—Mrs. Bill Keller (Barbara), 185
Mrs. Clarence Hampton, 575 Lambuth Blvd.,
cuse, N Y 13219
Collegiate Chapters—Chi P i, Gamma,
Chi, Theta Pi,Kappa Phi,BetaTau Alumnae Chapters—Boston, Providence, ford, Southern Connecticutt, N e w
Hart- Jersey, Staten Island, Westchester, Albany, Camden, Bergen County, Brooklyn, Ithaca, Rochester, Binghamton, Syracuse, Buffalo, Ottawa, T o -
Jackson, T N 38301
Mrs. James Dinwiddie. 118-1
Andrews A.F.B., M D 20331
Columbus Circle.
Miss Wendie Nowlin, 1152 Greenleaf Rd., At- lanta. G A 30316
Mrs. Charles Moehle. P.O. Box 892, Merritt Island, F L 32952
Mrs. Robert Caldwell, 215 Rolling Fork C t., Nashville, T N 37205
Mrs. Alfred D . Fuson, 1110 Stonewall Dr.. Nash- ville, T N 37220
Mrs. Robert B. Bogle. 6037 Sherwood Dr., Nash- ville, T N 37215
Collegiate Chapters—Omega Omicron, Tau Omicron, Zeta Psi, Alpha Delta, Gamma Delta, Delta Delta, Alpha Beta, Gamma Omi- cron, Kappa Gamma, Alpha Pi, Tau Delta, Omicron, Phi Alpha, Gamma Sigma, Lambda Sigma, Nu Beta, Kappa Omicron, Nu Omi- cron
Alumnae Chapters—Jackson, Tuscaloosa, M o - bile, Montgomery. Columbia, SC. Charleston, SC, Cocoa-Melbourne, Daytona Beach, Miami, Broward County, West Palm Beach, Gaines- ville. Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Or- lando-Winter Park, Tallahassee, Knoxville, Johnson City, Birmingham, Huntsville, At- lanta. Atlanta Tri-County, Atlanta Suburban, Jackscn. North Mississippi, Oxford, Memphis, Nashville, Auburn.
Vice President—Mrs. William D . Lee
lyn Everetts P), 1004 Eliot Dr., Urbana. IL 61801, 217-365-3154
Finance Officer—Mrs. Victor Brown (Ruth Mc- Clurg B*), 811 East 80th. St., Indianapolis. I N 46240
Extension Officer—Mrs. Wilbur Mottweiler (Pa- tricia Jacobs, W), 504 South Owen, Mount Prospect. 1L 60056
Rush Officer—Mrs. Stephen Sutherlin (Kay). 4723 East Round Lake Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46205
Mrs. Ralph Aderman. 2302 E. Newberry Blvd..
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Mrs. Jo>eph Sweeder, 3150 N. Lake Shore Dr..
Chicago, iL 60657
Mrs. George Vitoux. 610 S. Evergreen. Arlington
Heights, I L 60005
Mrs. Wilbur Mottweiler, 504 South Owen, Mount
Prospect, IL 60056
Mrs. K. Keith Gilchrist, 5613 Skyridge Rd..
Indianapolis. IN 46250
Mrs. Stephen W. Sutherlin, 4723 East Round
Lake Rd., Indianapolis, I N 46205
Mrs. Victor Brown. 811 E. 8th St.. Indianapolis,
I N 46240
Mrs. William Rinne. 711 PleaLsant Ridge Rd..
Bloomington. I N 47403
Collegiate Chapters—Iota Tau. Siuma Lambda.
Phi Delta, Lambda, Phi, Nu Iota, Rho, Iota, Beta Lambda. Sigma Iota. Theta, Kappa Alpha, Kappa Kappa. Phi Upsilon, Phi Omicron, Beta Phi. Chi Lambda, Beta Chi. Southern Illinois Colony, Delta Omega, Alpha
Chi Omega Xi.
Alumnae thapt rs—Milwaukee. Madison, Chi-
cago-Beverly Hills. Lake County, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Elkhart, Chicago North Shore. Chicago N W Surburban, Chicago West Sub- urban, Chicago-Dupage Valley, Chicago SW Suburban. Fox Valley, Chicago Council, Rock- ford, Bloomington-Normal. Champaign-Ur- bana, Peoria, Kokomo, Indianapolis, Terre
Haute, Muncie, Anderson, Richmond, Shelby- ville, Lafayette, Columbus, Bloomington, Evansville Tri-State. Owen-boro, Paducah. Kentuckiana-Louisville, Bowling Green, Lex- ington.
Vice President—Miss Bobbye L. McCarter, Box 2436 Stephens College, Columbia, M O 65201, 314-449-3270
Finance Officer—Mrs Carl Glen (Marlene Nel- son), 3900 South 42nd St., Lincoln NB 68506 Extension Officer—Mrs John Oyer, Jr., (Eleanor Massman), 523 Westvale Rd. Kansas City K A
Mrs. Leo Morton, 2024 Crosbv Rd, Wayzata,
M N 55391
Miss Bobbye L. McCarter, Box 2436 Stephens
College, Columbia, M O 65201
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Theta, Iota Sigma,
Tau. Zeta, Nu Zeta, Phi Sigma Theta Chi,
Delta Pi
Alumnae Chapters—Ante*. Des Moines, Minne-
apolis. Kearney, Lincoln, Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City, Lawrence. Manhattan. Wichita. Sioux City, St. Paul. Mankato. Twin Cities Council.
Mrs. Mike Mitchell, Box 532, Jacksonville AR
Mrs. Francis Bryan. 2606 Whisper Leaves, San
Antonio, T X 78230
Mrs. Jack Sanders, 12026 Sherbrook Dr., Baton
Rouge, L A 70815
Mrs. Milton Aldrich, 3917 Clayton Rd. E., Ft.
Worth, T X 76116
Collegiate Chapters—Pi, Alpha Omicron, Kappa
Tau, Delta Beta, Pi Kappa, Rho Alpha. Sigma
Omicron. Lambda Tau.
Alumnae Chapters—Baton Rouge. New Orleans.
Lafayette, Austin, San Antonio, Lower Rio Grande Valley, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Mon- roe, Shreveport, Alexandria, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Dallas, Ft. Worth. Permian Basin- Houston. Arlington-Mid-Cities.
Vice President—Mrs. James R. Oglevie (Nona Mirnies Chi Delta), 1251 Orchard Road, Golden. CO 80401, 303-237-3784
Finance Officer—Mrs. Dale Larkin (Anne Svmonds), 4421 Marigold Lane, Littleton, CO
Mrs. Frank Weinberg (Beckv Shook), 859 East
9th PL, Mesa, A Z 85201
Collegiate Chapters—Chi Delta, Upsilon Alpha,
Theta Omega
Alumnae Chapters—Denver, Phoenix, Logan.
Salt Lake City. Tucson. Flagstaff. Albuquer- que, Ft. Collins-Greeley, Pueblo.
Vice President—Mrs. August Ackel (Norma
Marshall. K9), 12218 Sarazen Place. Granada
Hills. C A 91344, 213-363-0271
Finance Officer—Mrs. Francis Lipscomb (Pat).
160 S. Michigan, Apt. 303, Pasadena, CA
Extension Officer—Mrs. Sterling Batsford
(Nancy). 2369 Howard Ave., San Carlos C A 94070
President—Mrs. Morris L . Quick, 930 Ave. Pocatello, I D 83201, 208-233-2725
Finance Officer—Mrs. Harlan Humason (Au- drey). 14548 Edaewater Lane. N.E.. Seattle, W A 98155
Extension Officer—Mrs. W. Keith Gould (Jo- Ann). 7851 N.E. 21st Medina. W A 98039
Rush Officer—Mrs. Theron V . Rust (Linda), 2270 Elysium Ave., Eugene, OR 97401
Mrs. Marie L. Walker. P.O. Box 1288. Lake
Oswego, OR 97034
Mrs. Forest Swan. 7406, 78th S.E.. Mercer
Island, W A 98040
Miss Teresa Howard, 626 Fort No. 1. Boise. ID
Collegiate Chapters—Alpha Gamma, Alpha Rush Officer—Mrs. Jerrv Ditto (Sallie). 1607
Sigma. Alpha Phi, Alpha Rho. Beta Kappa, Beta Sigma. Beta Rho, Iota Alpha. Rho Sigma, Upsilon
Alumnae Chapters—Vancouver, B.C., Bozeman, Billings. Pocatello, Portland, Missoula, Bell- vue. Boise, Salem, Pullman. Spokane.
Wright Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Mrs. Richard Des Jardin. 1812 Oakwood Ave..
Arcadia, C A 91006
Mrs. Robert W. Belk, 255 Javne Ave.. Oakland,
C A 94610
Collegiate Chapters—Kappa Theta, Lambda
Beta, Sigma, Sigma Phi
Alumnae Chapters—Contra Costa, East Bay,
Fresno, Glendale, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marin County, Palo Alto, Pasadena. Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Fernando Valley, San Jose, San Mateo, South Orange County, Southern California Council.
Finance Officer—Mrs. Hugh Heflin (Jo Beth), 1403 Northridge Dr., Austin, T X 78723
Extension Officer—Mrs. Milton Aldrich (Mary), 3917 Clayton Rd. E., Ft. Worth, TX 76116
President—Mrs. Michie M .
alie), 605 West Thomas, Jonesboro AR 72401, 501-935-3393
Officer—Mrs. R. W . Spencer (Lucile), East Montecito, Scottsdale, A Z 85251
Two Delia Omega beauties, Janet French and Linda Brownfield, were chosen first runner-up and Miss Murray State University, respectively, at this exciting beauty pageant at their university.