To D R A G M A
VOL. V I I . FEBRUARY, 1912 No. 2.
To DRAGMA is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.
T o DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May
and July.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Single copies
twenty-five cents.
Virginia Judy Esterly, Editor-in-chief. Isabelle Henderson, Business
At lEtmmtg
When hours of toil have lingered, 'till
Each weary task is done;
When burning grain-fields watch the hue
Of red October's sun ;
When day pauses on the vineyards.
Love's message comes anew—
The same oft whispered story—for
Dusk comes with dreams of you,
With dreams of you.
With grace the thoughtful twilight clothes
The homely fence's brown,
And stealing down the narrowing lane
It nestles o'er the town.
The leafy paths where shadows flock
I wander musing through,
And let my fancies wander—for
Dusk comes with dreams of you.
With dreams of you.
The days creep on; their shadows keep
The thoughts of coming years;
The wonderings, the questionings,
The changing hopes and fears.
Whate'er the Future holds for me
Within its heaven blue,
My twilight will be blessed—if
Dusk comes with dreams of you,
With dreams of you.
University of California.
For some time we have been planning an issue of To DRAGMA
which should be devoted to the interests of the alumnae. The
experiences of the sisters who have worked professionally will be
of great interest to those girls not yet settled in their life work,
and especially to those who do not wish to teach, after finishing
college, but expect to do so, following the line of least resistance.
The articles are far too short for the amount of interest they con-
tain but a sorority magazine cannot be large enough to hold every-
thing concerning the deeds and thoughts of our sisters that we are
eager to know. VIRGINIA ESTERLY.
A O IT may well take pride in her members who have succeeded
in the difficult field of literature. Her newest novelist is Edith
Wherry, whose name is found on the title page of "The Red Lantern."
Edith Wherry is a charter member of 2 Chapter of A O IT.
She graduated from the University of California in '07. She was
married August 23, 1911, to Dr. H . S. Muckleston and is now
living at 1 1 6 University Street, Montreal. Her father, the Reverend
John Wherry, D.D., has been for many years a missionary in China,
where he is at present.
On September 14, 1911, there appeared in the Paris edition of
the Continental Weekly the following review of Edith Wherry's
novel, "The Red Lantern". (John Lane: London and New York),
signed by the editor, H . Villiers Barnett.
This book is extraordinary, picturesque, and profoundly interesting. The
"heathen Chinee" as an individual is not unknown in fiction; from Brer Harte's
time to this day he flits grotesque and enigmatic through pages nof a few.
But, so far as I know, this is the first novel that attempts a portraiture of
the Chinese people: that subordinates, in the literary picture, the white to
the yellow race. The result is very astonishing and fascinating: I warmly
commend it to all in search of a new theme, new knowledge and new
Miss Wherry—who, I understand, is the daughter of an American miss-
ionary in the Far East—has evidently studied her subject at first hand, from
the life. Her book is clearly not an invention; it is a document. Somewhat
in the manner of Salammbo: as though a sort of American feminine
Flaubert had endeavored to do for Pekin and the Boxer rising what the
real Flaubert did for Carthage and the Revolt of the Mercenaries.
But this is not to say that Miss Wherry is as good a writer as was
Flaubert. She describes well, with an almost Flaubertian passion for detail,
and her picture of Pekin before and during the siege of the Legations
and her portraits of the amazing dramatis personae of her story really
have something of that quality of the startling and the inconceivable which
so fascinates one's imagination when reading Flaubert's masterpiece. But if
her best qualities remind us of Flaubert's, she has also Flaubert's defects:
the true dramatic sense and tha strength and clearness that come of sim-
plicity are missing. It is a question of artistic vision and manipulation.
However, (and as in Flaubert!) this disappointment in no way detracts
from the prodigious interest of these vivid pages. That interest is manifold.
There's the deep interest of intimate, vivid description of Chinese persons
and things: from the delicate Empress herself, to Sam Wang the tremendous
Eurasian revolutionist, and from the Imperial Palace to the coffin-shop in
the Pekin slum. There's the interest of life; among the Chinese themselves,
high and low; and in the Christian mission—the American missionary colony;
it were difficult to say which set of pictures is the cleverer in effective light
and shade and vigorous yet refined delineation of characters. And there's
the crowning interest of all: the interest of the appalling and baffling problem
of the Eurasian. For the heroine and the hero are both sprung from the
mixture of European and Asiatic blood.
The psychologico-ethnographic conflict forms the story's warp and weft;
but it essentially concentres in the character of Mahlee, the heroine—the
beautiful, strange, hierarchic, alluring and compelling half-caste in whose
blood and soul mingle—ever self-conflicting, ever mutually destructive—the
vital antagonisms of the plebian antique Yellow with the aristocratic modern
White; the savage superstitiousness of the Chinese Buddhist and the simple,
serene and tender morality of the English Christian. This profoundly diffi-
cult matter Miss Wherry has handled with remarkable skill and sincerity.
It would require many colums to discuss the intricate and dazzling puzzle
as it deserves; suffice it to say that in Mahlee we have an absolutely new
type of woman painted with impressive and brilliant force by a hand at
once realistic and sympathetic. For Mahlee is no carven image of exotic
fiction; she is verily a woman, and great is the pity of her ineffectual tragedy.
The Red Lantern is a Romance with many facets. Its pages alternate
from brutal to poetic, from strange to charming, from gorgeous to exquisite,
from realistic intensity and force to delicate humor. By turns magnificant
and naive it teems wirh unimagined contrasts of honesty and intrigue,
bloodshed and peace, pageantry and gloom, literal truth and quiet satire.
The whole of the Mission characters are delicious; especially the Reverend
Andrew Handel, one of the neatest and most merciless portraits of a certain
sort of Minister of the Gospel yet done. His letter to his mother is a
masterpiece. What a contrast is he with the pagan might and brutality of
the Illustrious Patriot, Sam Wang, poor Mahlee's other lover! And the
sketches of the Empress and of Jung L u , the Manchu Generalissimo, are
equally splendid and shrewd.
Whether The Red Lantern be a first book or not, it is plain that its
author is a novelist of unusual powers, and her future work will be awaited
with curiosity. She has something yet to learn in matters of style; but in
the essential gifts of vision, picturesqueness, knowledge of humanity and
understanding of life, she is rich.
My part in obtaining "Equal Pay" for the women teachers of
New York City was so small a one, that it is quite unimportant.
However, I am glad to write about the City's final recognition of
the principle itself—because "Equal Pay for Equal Work" is one
of the great principles for which the "woman movement" in general
stands. Economic equality is almost i f not quite as important as
political equality. I n fact it was one of the greatest of women
suffragettes, Susan B. Anthony, who first demanded that that eco-
nomic principle be recognized in the State of New York, when in
1862 in the N . Y. Teachers' Association she offered the following
resolution which was there voted down, "Justice requires that the
amount of compensation should not be regulated by sex, but by
the amount of service rendered." I n 1906 the Interborough Assoc-
iation of Women Teachers was founded in N . Y. City, to obtain
"equal pay" for the 14,000 women teachers in the N . Y. City Public
Schools. From 1906 to 1910 that association carried on a vigorous
campaign both in the Board of Education and in the legislature
to whom it was necessary to appeal before "equal pay" could be
put into effect. Unceasingly the women worked but with no definite
success. I n 1910 Mayor Gaynor and the Board of Estimate and
Apportionment appointed a Commission to investigate the whole
subject of teachers' salaries in the N . Y. Public Schools and to
report to the Board of Estimate. There were four men appointed—
one a Banker, one a Lawyer, one the officer of an insurance company,
one an educator, and myself. We carried on our investigation with
the aid of trained experts for 9 months, serving without pay, and
in October, 1910, reported to the Board of Estimate and Apportion-
ment recommending many radical changes in the salary schedules and
advocating "one salary for one position" «or "equal pay for equal
work." The fight of the women teachers was not won yet. Our
recommendations had to be made law—and to our report there was
much violent opposition. But the Board of Education itself soon
saw the light and in January, 1911, recommended "equal pay"
schedules. To make a long story short—the legislature in October,
1911, finally passed the teachers' equal pay bill—embodying our
commissioners report with the exception of minor changes, and the
Mayor and the Governor signed the bill making "equal pay" man-
datory in our N . Y. City Public Schools. You can see that my
work was only one cog in the wheel; it was however an intensely
interesting piece of work and it seems to me it was exhaustive of
its kind (as it went into the salary schedules of all of the large
cities of the country and to some extent in Europe) and was rather
well presented. The one office that men always hand to women on
a silver salver was given me by the men of the Commission—namely
the office of Secretary of the Commission. However that office
meant a necessary amount of knowledge of detail that the others did
not have and I have no doubt that that served to offset the handicap
that I might otherwise have had, being the "one lone woman." I t is
to Grace Stracham—the President of the Interborough Association
of Women Teachers—to whom is due all honor and glory and praise
and for whose ability, perseverance and disinterestedness we women
all over the country who stand for Justice have reason to be truly
To Porfota and yesterday in thought
With us today do kings and nations turn ;
Today on Memory's shrine the lights we burn
The while to read the brave deeds men have wrought.
A land to rule for far-off Spain he sought;
A way through trackless Blue he had to learn;
But a h ! this Present he could not discern,
Nor chart the ways of Fate that thither brought—
The brown-clad F r i a r s ; the Mission bells; the place
That most the sun and love and song do grace;
The gold; the grain; the grapes; and far away
The building of a State, and by this Bay
A City that knows not nor recks defeat,
Where Then and Now, and East and West do meet.
Photography offers a most interesting field of work to women—
especially to college-bred women.
In the last decade women all over the United States and Europe
have entered the professional world as photographers, and to them
largely belongs the credit for artistic portraiture versus the old
stereotyped photography. They have raised the profession from a
mechanical process to a really fine art.
I t is (juite natural that this is so; for the work is primarily a
woman's work—her sense of the artistic; her tact in handling women
and children from whom we draw our largest trade; her patience
in matters of detail both in the studio and dark-room make her
peculiarly adapted to this work.
The ambitious woman who wishes to produce artistic work only,
will not only find that she has use for her college training in the
natural sciences and in psychology, but she will find herself forced
to study the great masters of portrait painting, to have a fair know-
ledge of drawing and composition—and a fund of general infor-
mation for the indispensable small talk that must go on during a
Then, too, a fair knowledge of business methods is most necessary
to the woman who takes up photography as a profession—for here
is the discouraging element of the business—the so-called artistic
temperament is generally sadly deficient in the capacity to make
money. But with the proper business training one can make the
profession remunerative.
At the present writing there are very few trained minds who have
taken up photography;—verv few, comparatively speaking, who have
any knowledge of chemistry or physics^—so few who are truly inter-
ested in human nature—so we must look to the college women for
our successful photographers of the future.
Color photography with its wonderful possibilities, illustrative
photography both invite the women students, but the work that
appeals to most women is child photography.
To have the power to call forth and to record on the photographic
plate the sweet expressions of childhood is indeed a fascinating art.
E T H E L BROWNING CLARKE, Sigma, U . C , ' 0 4 .
Dr. Luther H . Gulick, Director of the Department of Child
Hygiene of the Russell Sage Foundation, and leading exponent of
physical training in America, tells the story of a poor little girl, who
was found, half-starved and half-clothed, wandering about the
streets, and was brought into a neighboring settlement house. When
asked what she wanted most of all, the child whispered timidly:
" I f I could only have a pair of red shoes!" We can all agree with
Dr. Gulick that this incident shows a child's need of some share of
beauty and of pleasure in its little world. Human nature demands
pleasure—recreation; i f it cannot get the right kind of pleasure it
turns to the wrong kind.
But, how, one might well ask, was any pleasure, any beauty, to
touch die lives of the thousands of little girls in the crowded tene-
ment districts of New York? Let us see how Dr. Gulick solved the
problem. Recreation for the boys of the public schools had already
been provided for through the Public Schools Athletic League,
formed in 1903, an organization of which Dr. Gulick was Secretary.
He now took up the matter of girls' athletics, and in 1905 succeeded
in interesting a number of prominent New York women, who formed
the Girl's Branch of the Public Schools Athletic League, and en-
gaged Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, then of the Physical Education
Department of Columbia University, to find out, by careful study
and experimentation, a standard form of athletics for girls, the
primary object being to provide the city girl after school with vigor-
ous, wholesome, natural recreation and play, of which the city life
robs her. Miss Burchenal experimented with groups of little girls
in the largest public school in the world, number 188, in New York,
which accommodates 6,000 children. The girls were taught ex-
ercises, games and folk dances—the folk dances which are the
product of the civilization of the old countries, combining historv,
tradition and art. Miss Burchenal had been making these dances
a subject of original research and had been introducing them in her
normal classes in the Department of Physical Training at Columbia,
but she found no more ardent pupils than these little girls of the
tenements, who took to the dancing at once, and greedily. I t is a
fact that more people can express themselves by teaching than by
any other art; you can teach more people to dance than to sing,
play, write poetry or paint pictures.
When Miss Burchenal had discovered that folk dancing, since it
kept all the girls working at once, and needed no equipment, was the
most practical form of recreative exercise for girls in city schools, it
became necessary to spread the dancing, and for this more teachers
were necessary. To secure teachers, the Girl's Branch of the
Public Schools Athletic League offered class instruction in folk
dancing free to any woman public school teacher who in return
would pledge herself to give at least one hour a week to the conduct
of an after-school athletic club for girls in her own school, or fur-
nish music for club practice. The teachers began at once to respond
to this offer, and they felt such pleasure and benefit from the work
that they were willing and eager to pass it on to the children; so
that now 900 teachers, under Miss Burchenal's supervision, are in-
structing 20,000 girls in 300 of New York's public schools how to
be happy and grow up strong and healthy.
The culmination of the season for these girls' athletic clubs of the
elementary schools has for four years been a fete of folk dancing
and games on the meadows of the great parks of the city. These
park fetes have come to be among the most impressive events in the
life of the city, bringing together as they do thousands of girls and
illustrating a civic work of far-reaching significance. Instead of
reading what I am writing, I wish that you could be seeing the park
meadows on one of these great play days, with thousands of children
dotted in groups over the green grass. The sight of fifteen acres of
happy girls, all dancing at the same time, is a more stirring and beau-
t i f u l one than can be easily described.
So New York has solved the problem of recreation for girls under
the restricted conditions of city surroundings. The movement so
started here has been taken up by the Playground Association of
America, and by the Russell Sage Foundation, the influence of which
is nation-wide; so that all the other big cities of America which are
awakening to their responsibilities toward their "little mothers" are
watching New York and learning the value of folk dancing as a
civic movement.
ReeiMrar Auditor
K * a m j n j n K Officer
" - - *C r New Chapters
•'an-Helienic Delegate
But Chicago, Virginia, it is interesting! I'm f u l l of work up to
the chin. Sometimes I feel guilty in writing letters, but I do have
to do this once in a while—so I hope you'll pardon me i f they are
few or far between.
I just came from my class in dancing!—at the Lmiversity Settle-
ment. I have an invitation to tea there December 3. Once I had
Sunday tea there—the first Sunday I spent in town. And this my
initiation into a Settlement was a most pleasant one. I couldn't place
old spinning-wheels, brasses, oriental rugs, big leather chairs in the
living room, and the long table with doilies, blue china and the de-
licious things to eat. I couldn't place these with my idea of a set-
tlement. Miss McDowell is one of the prominent people of Chicago,
and she is the head resident.
At the Chicago Commons, we've been having a Harvest Festival—
I had three groups of children—but the work of this wasn't any-
thing to my method of reaching the place. I groaned inwardly and
spoke audibly on the subject to any one who cared to listen. The
principal street I rode on is only thirty miles long—I didn't travel
the thirty miles—an hour's ride was quite sufficient for me. I t is a
Polish-Jewish and a thousand other ish's neighborhood—not to
mention the "Stock Yards." I was either pinned in between two
seats with those ish's all around me—sitting jammed up close to an
intoxicated ish or being tossed hither and thither into these ish's
arms. The Festival ended in time to save my reputation, for I was
on the point of taking up smoking so I could stand outside on the
section reserved for smokers. Here at Lincoln Centre, our Festival
is Saturday night in the auditorium—the over worked B. M . of To
DRAGMA is to make her debut in Chicago as Mother Earth.
I come in tripping lightly and gracefully (to accompanying music)
with a green drape over my best night gown, my hair hanging—
rather flowing, having been put up in curls on the previous Friday
night. And following in my wake are fairies, flowers, etc. I and
my palpitating heart and fairies and flowers, etc., go careering
round the stage, and gradually I fall asleep. Then there should
be a curtain,—but there is no curtain—so I wake up and glide out.
The last act—the O. W. B. M . of T . D. again appears—as a
rollicking maiden, snapping corn, dancing "Pop goes the Weasel"
and the "Dargason."
I f you don't believe I am getting diversions and experiences, then
mo come and see me in the Gym. I "skin the cat", hang suspended from
bee my toes, almost commit suicide every morning in trying to vault
we a horse, do the broad, high, low, and any other kind of a jump that
Pu was ever invented, and then I also can march like a soldier. But
dai when I give orders "by the right flank." "squads left into line,"
wo "down the center by fours" etc., I have the class trying to scale the
of walls, walk on the piano, and through the apparatus, I hope some
time to be able to have them march properly on the floor.
The place where I live is six stories high, we also have an elevator
to and a furnace. I t is a "Center" for rich and poor alike. Two very
thj fashionable clubs have club rooms. We have a church and a branch
thi library and offices for a paper that is edited here, a gymnasium, sew-
str ing room, kindergarten, cooking room, Browning room, Emerson
be room, rooms named for all the members of Lincoln's family, Bible
study rooms, Sunday school rooms, queer little rest rooms, bedrooms
el< on one floor (5th) also a dining room; a flat where Dr. Jinkin Lloyd
an Jones lives (pastor of the church and a man of note here in Chicago).
pa This flat is on our floor, I didn't know it was here until I ' d been
lif here a week. Now I shall not be surprised at any room I run into.
ill Then there are assembly rooms, really, my dear, I ' m getting tired
re of writing "rooms" but there are more, only I ' m not going to men-
m tion them.
hi Last week the social worker here said there were 7000 people in
the "Center" for doings of some sort. So you can see what an
st institution it is.
is Last week I had dinner at the Chicago Commons—I've often had
v, lunch—but the workers are not all there—dinner brings them.
There were, I believe forty. I t is a wonderful atmosphere to be in.
This is next in importance to H u l l House, of the Settlements. I
Am expecting to have something over there next year.
My story work is a joy, but I shall not go into detail. I hope I
have not worn you out. My love to the girls,
Comparatively few college graduates appear to enter this profes-
sion for which the four college years seem to furnish so fitting a
background. Is it because so many college alumnae need to seek a
field which will be immediately remunerative?—or is it because they
see the "No Trespass" sign to all not bearing the diploma of a Dra-
matic School or School of Oratory? I f the former, I must admit
that beginners in sueing for public favor should recognize the neces-
sity of much labor of love in the interests of advertising. And i f
there is equal necessity for remunerative wage then she must have
other arrows i n her quiver. Fortunately there are for these, other
allied pursuits which might almost be called "by products" of the
Reading Profession,—the teaching of oratory and dramatic reading;
and the coaching of amateur theatricals.
Many colleges offer courses i n Oratory and Public Speaking, and
with this a course in Voice Culture is extremely necessary, and, where
possible, a course in Impersonation will be a good investment. With
this much technical stock in trade, there is the wealth of literary
background attained through the college course. The college trained
woman has acquired a power of selection and discrimination and an
impetus to continue in pursuit of the finest which will carry her far
toward becoming individual in her art.
The field for good readers is large and uncrowded. The great
ones will always be few, as are the geniuses in any line. But of the
really fine readers there might easily be many more. The college
graduate with her literary background and her ideals, can do much
toward elevating the public taste in reading,—for in the classics
there is much that can be made popular. Her powers of discrimina-
tion keep her from the pitfalls of mediocrity, while the exhilaration
and pleasure to the Reader herself, as she progresses in her art, are
R U T H CAPEN FARMER, Delta '02.
There's a bonny bank on a little hill,
Where the sun ii. warm and the air is still.
Where I watch the filmy butterflies swing
To and fro in the arms of Spring,
And list to the brook as it hurries down
Crooning soft lullabies to the town,
And the meadow larks in the grasses long
Call me afar with alluring song—
"Hey, you mortal with down-cast eyes,
Come, fly away to the witching skies!
We'll sail with the sun as our pilot true
On a little white cloud adrift in the blue."
I hear what the daffodil fairies say
As they whisper the thoughts of early May—
I see the golden poppies bend.
Bowing and nodding, friend to friend,
And feel a honey-bee's downy breast
Brush my cheek in a saucy jest,
And curtained in by the grasses tall
I hear the birds all summer call,
"Hey, you mortal with down-cast eyes,
Come, fly away to the witching skies!
We'll sail with the sun as our pilot true
On a little white cloud adrift in the blue."
MARTHA RICE FURLONG, Sigma, U . C , '04.
In many ways, library work offers an interesting field for women,
and up to the present time has not been as over-crowded as some
of the other professions. To those who are fond of books, the con-
stant handling of them is in itself a pleasure, in addition to the
information concerning authors, publishers, bindings and many oth-
er things which one is continually acquiring.
Of course in a large library there is a choice of several different
kinds of work. One young woman might prefer cataloguing, an-
other the classification of books—that is, deciding under what sub-
ject the book shall be catalogued—while a third would enjoy work
at the delivery desk, where one has to meet most of the people who
use the library-
Experience in the reference department is of great value to a l i -
brary assistant. One learns new and important facts every day,
finds out what books are of most authority along certain lines, and
gains a working knowledge of all that is best and most useful in this
branch of library work. I n many public libraries, the work with
children is especially emphasized, although a genuine fondness for
little people, together with a sympathetic understanding of their
needs, is indispensable for one who would be really successful in
dealing with them.
A librarian who has entire charge of a small library is at a great
advantage, as she is able to carry out her own ideas, provided the
trustees are willing to help her. Much good can be done by the
library in a small town as well as in the cities, by interesting people,
old and young, in good reading.
Illustrated bulletins, the publishing in the local papers of lists of
books on special subjects which would be of use to the townspeople
and of short articles calling attention to new books of particular
value, cooperation with the schools and women's clubs, and careful
attention to the right kind of reading for foreign population—all
these things help to make the small public library a real power in
the community.
For some reasons, women are better fitted for library work than
men, as women generally possess an aptitude for detail, which con-
stitutes a large part of the successful working of a library. Men
have little patience for filing cards, sending out notices, keeping
small accounts and looking out for the numerous little things which
must receive attention in the daily work.
In some of the larger libraries, one must pass a very difficult ex-
amination in order even to have one's name on the waiting-list. I n
others, one is expected to have received a college education, to have
taken a course at a library school, or to have had some years of ex-
perience in order to obtain a position on the staff.
Some women engaged in library work have made a specialty of the
rearrangement and recataloguing of libraries, others of cataloguing
large private libraries. A good salary is usually paid for this kind
of work, and of course i f a woman is at the head of a large library
she receives compensation in proportion, but the average salaries of
library assistants, in the east, at any rate, are small.
A librarian needs patience, tact, a fund of general information,
and a knowledge of books in order to make herself helpful to the
public she serves. No one should enter the profession with the idea
that it is a very lucrative one, for the majority, at least, but the
work on the whole is pleasant, interesting, and of itself an education.
When evening like a shrouded Dryad steals
Along the meadow and adown the hill,
Gliding so soft across my window-sill
As if my utter loneliness she feels,
And fain would chide Apolo who reveals
The sharp outlines of sorrow and of ill,
Turning from irksome tasks which daily fill
My life, I find dear friends with mute appeals
And messages from out Time's dim arcade,
Alluring me away from morbid self
And teaching life is checkered light and shade,
- And love is dearer far than earthly pelf;—
Their pleasures never cloy, nor beauties fade
These rare old friends upon my study shelf.
Editor-in-Chief BmillC*! Manager
Chapter Letter Editor Literary Editor
The earliest records of the world's history bear testimony to occa-
sional instances of women successful in the practice of medicine.
We find such accounts in mythology; and later in the history of
Greece are noted such successful instances as Olympias of Thebes,
Aspasia, and Agnodice. I n the early history of our own country, in
colonial days, the art of healing and the care of the sick and the
injured was almost wholly in the hands of the women. Mary C.
Putnam Jacobi of New York, who died in January 1906, loved and
respected by all was the pioneer American woman in medicine, hav-
ing been the second woman to receive the degree of Doctor of
Medicine from Paris. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, an English woman,
was the first woman to take a medical degree in America, having
graduated from Geneva Medical College, New York. I n 1853 she
founded the New York Infirmary for Women and Children. Wom-
en have had f u l l opportunitv to study medicine in the best schools,
and for hospital practice in England for thirty years and in America
for some twenty years.
In all the chief countries of Europe and America almost every
advantage of the study of medicine and of clinical practice in the
hospitals offered men is open to women also. I t is only a question
of time when all our great medical schools and most of our hospitals
will admit women on equal footing with men. The distinguished
and better class of medical men are not antagonistic to women in the
medical profession, and when necessary meet qualified women in
professional consultation. For the latter have been trained, possibly,
by these men themselves and their capabilities have been proved.
Channels of least resistance for women have been the professions
teaching and nursing. Neither profession affords men as large
pecuniary rewards as business life, and both require for success
patience, sympathy, and service; qualities which women's lives have
tended to develop. As a consequence men have steadily retired be-
fore women in these profession until they are now greatly outnum-
bered. Medicine on the contrary, though closely allied to nursing
and requiring for success many of the same qualities that women
seem pre-eminently to possess, has received a phenominal influx of
men during the past fifty years. Then as a sex, although there have
been notable exceptions, have disputed every step of the way with
women, using as weapons ridicule, intimidation and all the vested
privileges at their command.
One may suppose there could hardly he two opinions as to nursing
being an appropriate calling for woman, who has to work for her
livelihood; and in fact men and women alike do not question her
attendance in that capacity on either sex; yet when it comes to the
medical profession, which is in fact but a higher, more theoretical
and trained development of the same science of medical nursing.
I venture to say she is still looked upon dubiously by many.
Apart from the class of women who prefer to consult the medical
man, unhappily there is another, numbering many thousands (par-
t i c u l a r unmarried women) who would rather suffer years than des-
cribe their symptoms to a man, who neglect their health because they
have a repugnance to consulting a doctor, until their ailments, slight
at first, through neglect have become incurable. Many long illnesses,
painful operations, and supervening deaths might, probably, have
been avoided in the past, i f these women had either less modesty
about consulting a medical man, or retaining that characteristic,
enough confidence and faith in their own sex to consult a qualified
woman in the capacity of a doctor. I n fact many of them think
they have no alternative. They hardly recognize there are medical
On account of this latter class of women, who will as years go by
gain faith in their sex, and those, many in number, who desire for
themselves and their children the medical services of their own sex,
there is a demand by the public for women in medicine.
Does the general public prove its trust in medical women so
far that they can make a fair living out of their profession. In
plain words, do women, as general practitioners in this country, make
good? These questions can surely be answered in the affirmative for
those women who come to this work thoroughly prepared and who
make medicine their life work. Woe to the woman or man who
enters medicine for its lucrative results. It is not one of the most
lucrative fields, but it is the richest h. service. I t is only exceptional
women who even think in the first place, of entering the medical
profession, and still more exceptional are those women who success-
fully pass their five or more years of training.
There is surely a great opportunity in the medical profession for
those women who feel intensely that it is their vocation, and who
after completing their college course, are willing to spend a half
dozen years or more in their vocational training.
Yes, I am a Socialist, and I wonder how many other Alpha girls
are Socialists, too. I know of at least three others among our New
Y'ork alumnae, and I believe that many sisters scattered over the
United States will shake hands with me in spirit as they read these
lines and agree with me that working for Socialism is the most satis-
factory of all the tasks that the twentieth century is thrusting
upon us.
I t is no mere fad, this Socialism of ours, no mere pleasant study to
take the place of the Greek dramas of college days. We must
study, it is true, and study hard, for the world is turning around
very rapidly these days, and as Socialism, with every other living
movement, must keep pace with human development, we find that
like Alice and the White Queen we have to run very fast in order
even to stay in the same place. Yet there is work of another sort,
too, often successful and inspiring, often dull and discouraging,—
speaking to sparse little groups in out-of-the-way neighborhoods,
struggling with dull details of organization and routine business,
answering the misstatments of people who have seen just enough
of the cause to see it all awry. This afternoon for me the work will
be distributing literature,—thrusting circulars into the area-ways
of the unsuspecting citizens while the small boys look on with
interest from the street-corner. There are joys, also,—the delight of
feeling ourself in the vanguard, of hearing the talk of those leaders
who, though the world does not yet know their names, are shaping
the policies of the future, and of watching the steady uprising of
the mighty tide of human brotherhood that is to undermine poverty
and political corruption together.
Shall I try to tell you in a few words what socialism is? I t would
be useless, were it not for two things,—first that I know many
of you are already Socialists at heart, filled with disgust at the in-
justice of capitalism and ready to exchange it for any other system
of whose practicability you could be convinced, and second that what
I am writing will be at the most a suggestion for you to think and
study on Socialistic lines.
Here is the attempt, Socialists believe that the cause of modern
poverty and the many ills arising from it, is the fact that at the pres-
ent day the means of production, land, machinery and raw material,
are the private property of one class of people, the capitalists, while
the actual labor of production is performed by another set of people,
the wage workers. These are absolutely dependent on the former
for employment, and competition compels the capitalist to make use
only of those laborers who can yield him a surplus of profit and to
make that profit as large as possible.
The natural remedy, say the Socialists, is to restore to the worker,
whether manual or intellectual, the means of production. Since it is
manifestly impossible, however, to parcel out the gigantic modern
industry preceived, there is but one way out,—namely, for the col-
lective organization of the workers, known as society or the state,
to assume control of the means of production for the benefit of all.
Accordingly the definition of Socialism is the ownership by society
of the principal means of production and their democratic manage-
ment in the interest of all the workers.
There are many questions to be answered, I know: How is the
change to be made? When? By what political agency? Some time
I hope you w i l l let some one answer these for you, but now may I
just tell you a few things that Socialism is not. I t is not anarchy,
but the bitter enemy of anarchy; it is not a plan for dividing up or
for equality of income; it does not propose any change in the form of
the family; and it has absolutely nothing to do with religious beliefs,
for or against.
I hope I have whetted your appetite for Socialist ideas, sisters. I f
so, will you read everything that comes in your way on the subject?
Whether it is Socialist or Anti-Socialist makes no difference, for we
have to hear both sides in any case before coming to a decision.
To DRAGMA is published under a Socialist mayor; most of you
know of the Socialist control in Milwaukee and of our first Socialist
Congressman, Victor Berger. This week I expect to attend the con-
vention of the Inter-collegiate Socialist Society, an organization that
a year ago had twelve chapters, and now enrolls thirty-three. The
colleges are waking up to Socialism and the world is waking up to it.
The working men and women are looking to it as the hope of deliver-
ance from poverty and the promise of the brotherhood of man. Do
you wonder that Socialism is my interest?
There has been much discussion over the situation at Brown Uni-
versity both among Greek Societies and in city papers and we are
glad to print an authentic account from President Faunce himself.
The following is a letter received on January 13th by the editor:
January 6, 1912.
My dear Mrs. Esterly:
I have received your letter of inquiry. Perhaps the best answer
I can make is to send you the enclosed clipping from the Province
lournal. The action we have taken was not intended to reflect upon
any particular organization, but simply to express our agreement
with other women's colleges in the east in their view that other forms
of social organization are preferable. Of course the sensational
newspaper account to which you refer is without the slightest founda-
tion. Very truly yours,
By direction of the college authorities the sororities at the women's college
of Brown University will not initiate any new members, and will gradually
die out through inability to perpetuate themselves.
The advisory council and the executive committee unanimously voted to
enforce this position, and official notification of the decision has been received
by all the local and national Greek letter societies at Pembroke.
The official notification was received Monday by the secretary of each
of the sororities, through the mail. The vote includes the two national
sororities as well as all of the local ones.
The notification sent to each of the sororities is as follows:
"After conference with all interests concerned, and due consideration of
all statements made, the executive committee has voted that the fraternities
in the Women's College of Brown University shall not admit new members
after this date.
"The committee cordially approves every legitimate provision for the cul-
tivation of social life and in time to friendship among the students, realizing
that such fellowship constitutes no small part of the attractiveness and help-
fulness of col'ege life."
This was signed by W. ft. P. Faunce, R . E L I . Goddard, Stephen O.
Metcalf, Henry M._ King and Lida Shaw King. Following this decision was
the following paragraph:
"We, the members of the advisory council, heartily indorse this action."
Below were the following names: Sarah E . Doyle, E . G. Radeke, Amelia
S. Knight, Annie I I . Barns, A. C . E . Allinson, Hester M. Hastings and
Martha W. Watt.
For about two years the sororities at Pembroke have been under restrictions
in their action to a marked degree. Last year Dean King issued, and
enforced through her authority, a rule under which the sororities were not
to initiate new members until Thanksgiving time of the past month.
Just before Thanksgiving, it is stated, when many of the sororities were
"planning to take in members, the question of abolishing these sororities was
brought so prominently to the front that official action was taken by the
college authorities.
Dean King said yesterday that the matter would not have been acted
upon until some time later than the present if alumnae had not forced the
question. She stated that three locals desired to go into nationals, and that
it was thought by alumnae to be the better plan to settle the matter once
for all now.
Matters would have been complicated, Miss King says, if the locals were
allowed to become national chapters, and were soon afterward ordered to
Under the old agreement the sororities could have taken in members this
Thanksgiving, but Miss King said yesterday that because of the discussion
which had started, the societies voluntarily decided at that time not to
initiate until the matter was settled. They will now be unable to increase
their membership under the new vote.
Juniors and seniors who are members, there being no underclass mem-
bers, will continue in membership until they are graduated, and the sororities
will, therefore, die out, being unable to perpetuate themselves.
D r . Faunce was asked yesterday if any plan was being worked out for
the abolition of the fraternities in the men's department. He said: 'That
matter has not been taken up."
The executive committee and the advisory council of the women's college,
after canvassing the matter thoroughly, prepared the following statement,
which nbont three weeks ago was read to the women at chapel:
"The growth of the Women's College in buildings, campus and endow-
ment makes it necessary to provide more definitely for the development of
the social life of the college, and such development should be assumed and
controlled by the college itself.
"While the existence of fraternities was helpful during the earlier years
of this college, we have now come to a parting of the ways. Either we
allow the fraternities to be greatly multiplied in number and affiliated with
national organizations, or must ask them to give way to other forms of
social life.
" I n our opinion, the multiplication of exclusive self-perpetuating societies
and their permanent control by exterior organizations would be deleterious fo
the welfare of the college.
"We express the hope that the existing fraternities will voluntarily cease
to perpetuate themselves, and assist the faculty and administration in de-
veloping social groups, organized for definite purposes, to which all students
are eligible. In the future, our students should be grouped not along lines
of social cleavage, but on the basis of definite interests and purposes. Such
change would be in line with the present trend of opinion in our preparatory-
schools and in the leading colleges for women."
Recently the formal vote was taken and the ^sororities were ordered not
to take in any new members.
The Pan-Hellenic Conference (or Congress at it is to be known
hereafter) was a decided success this year. I t was marked by the
first step toward permanent usefulness, which consisted in granting
limited legislative powers to the Pan-Hellenic delegates by their re-
spective fraternities. While this does not mean direct action in many
more instances than has been possible before it does mean less delay
in the machinery of handling Pan-Hellenic questions and we hope a
quicker and more satisfactory method of adjusting local Pan-Hel-
lenic difficulties through the Congress or its committees as a court of
last resort.
Other points which are to be given attention in the future are the
scholarship and college activities of fraternity girls in college—both
separately and in their relation to each other. Active chapters are
urged to interest each girl in some college activity but to see that
no one girl has too many interests in and out of her fraternity life
to affect health and scholarship. A committee was appointed to
work out a uniform system of scholarship reports from college
authorities to each fraternity's national scholarship committee in
order to alleviate the work of the college authorities or deans of wom-
en who are kind enough to furnish the information and to encourage
fraternities who are not already doing so to pay closer attention to
the scholarship standards of their members.
Each of the sixteen national fraternities who are now members of
the congress was represented by a delegate this year, many of whom
have been regular attendants for many years. Several new faces
were seen, but every one present was well posted and actively inter-
ested in the work discussed especially in the matter of a new consti-
tution which was finally settled.
The Pan-Hellenic luncheon for all fraternity women of the vicin-
ity was the largest yet held. This was due in part to its being held
in Evanston in the beautiful big gymnasium of Northwestern Uni-
versity, where it attracted Northwestern active chapters in f u l l
force and many alumnae as well. Over three hundred and fifty sat
down at the long narrow tables and after the delicious luncheon
listened to fraternity songs from each active chapter present, and
to interesting toasts from a few Pan-Hellenic delegates and from Dr.
Harris, President of Northwestern University. Dr. Harris believes
in college fraternities and believes they do the most good to them-
selves and their colleges when each chapter works toward the ideal
of being not only the best chapter in the college but for the college,
with Alma Mater first.
Alpha Omicron Pi has twenty-three active and alumnae present
and other fraternities ranged from two to forty representatives. Dr.
Harris invited us to meet at Northwestern every year and we all felt
that we wanted to accept his invitation.
ART. I — N A M E
The name of this organization shall be the National Pan-Hellenic
The object of the Pan-Hellenic Congress shall be to improve the
conditions of fraternity life and inter-fraternity relationship, to
strengthen the position of fraternities in the college community, to
co-operate with college authorities in all efforts to improve social
and scholarship standards, and to be a forum for the discussion of all
questions of general interest to the fraternity world.
The Congress shall be composed of one delegate from each na-
tional fraternity represented.
Sec. 1. Section 1 is referred to a committee: Chi Omega, Delta
Delta Delta, Alpha Phi.
Sec. 2. Any fraternity meeting three Congress fraternities at any
institution and not eligible to f u l l membership in the Congress,
shall be admitted to associate membership—having a seat and a
voice but not a vote.
Sec. 3. The application of any fraternity for membership in the
National Pan-Hellenic Congress shall be referred to a committee of
three, which shall investigate the standing of the petitioning body,
and upon their recommendation it shall be admitted into the Con-
gress upon a unanimous affirmative vote of the delegates present.
Sec. 1. The Congress shall assemble annually, the time and place
of the following meeting to be arranged each year, and shall be
presided over by the fraternities in rotation.
Sec. 2. The official list shall be:
1. Pi Beta Phi. 9. Alpha X i Delta.
2. Kappa Alpha Theta.
3. Kappa Kappa Gamma. 10. Chi Omega.
4. Alpha Phi. 11. Sigma Kappa.
12. Alpha Omicron Pi.
5. Delta Gamma. 13. Zeta Tau Alpha.
6. Gamma Phi Beta. 14. Alpha Gamma Delta.
7. Alpha Chi Omega. 15. Alpha Delta Phi.
16. Delta Zeta.
8. Delta Delta Delta.
Sec. 3. Additions to the official list shall be made in order of
election to membership.
Sec. 1. The powers of the Congress shall be five-fold:—First,
to make laws that pertain to its own government. Second, to admit
at its discretion petitioning fraternities. Third, to levy annual dues
—not to exceed $15.00 to be paid by the fraternities within two weeks
of notification by the treasurer. Fourth, to make final settlement
of a dissention in a local Pan-Hellenic reported to its Executive
Committee. Fifth, to have advisory power over local Pan-Hel-
Sec. 2. An unanimous vote of the delegates present shall be neces-
sary to a vote in the Congress.
Sec. 1. The delegate from the fraternity calling the congress
shall act as chairman of the same, and the delegate from the fratern-
ity next in order shall act as secretary of the Congress. The treas-
urer shall be the delegate whose fraternity is next on the list after
that of the secretary's.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the secretary of
the last Congress as chairman, the secretary of the next Congress and
the treasurer.
Sec. 3. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to carry
on the work of the Congress between sessions; to appoint, on appli-
cation from a Grand President of any chapter involved in local
Pan-Hellenic difficulties, a member of the Congress whose fraternity
interests are not involved in the question at issue to investigate and
arbitrate any difficulty arising in the Pan-Hellenic, expenses of the
one sent to be defrayed by the local Pan-Hellenic; to make final
settlement and inflict penalties, i f necessary, on any chapter which
withdraws from a local Pan-Hellenic or refuses to arbitrate its viola-
tion of any Pan-Hellenic contract or the " l i f t i n g " of a pledge, after
the Grand President of the offending chapter has been duly informed
by the chairman of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 4. Chairman. The duties of the chairman shall be as
She shall keep the minutes. She shall send reports of the Con-
gress promptly to the members of the Congress and to all Grand
Secretaries of the fraternities represented in the Congress for dis-
tribution to chapters and officers of their fraternities.
She shall issue questions proposed by the Congress to the Grand
Secretaries for presentation to their fraternities and shall, upon
receipt of the result, send notices of the same to all Grand Secretar-
ies. She shall report all measures of inter-fraternity interest passed
by any Grand Council or by any convention, at once to the Congress.
She shall send to each Grand Secretary voting blanks for all motions
submitted to the fraternities by the Congress.
She shall prepare, with the other members of the Executive Com-
mittee, the program of the next Congress and the instructions to the
delegates, and shall issue the call for the next meeting. She shall
send, with the aid of the Executive Committee, quarterly bulletins
of Pan-Hellenic interest to each Grand Secretary.
Sec. 5. Treasurer. The duties of the treasurer shall be to collect
and hold all moneys, subject to the will of the Congress and to be
expended only on a written order from the chairman.
Sec. L Actions of Pan-Hellenic interest passed by any Grand
Council or any Grand Convention shall be reported at once to the
chairman of the Executive Committee and also to the Grand Secre-
tary of each fraternity represented in the Congress.
Sec. 2. Suggestions offered by the Congress shall be submitted
as soon as possible by the chairman of the Executive Committee,
to all the Grand Secretaries of the fraternities, and the result of the
vote announced by each Grand Secretary to the chairman of the Exe-
cutive Committee of the Congress within two months.
Sec. 3. The chairman of the Executive Committee shall then an-
nounce the result to all Grand Councils and chapters. The motions
that have received a unanimous vote of all the fraternities shall
at once become binding upon all chapters, the Grand Councils being
responsible for the observance.
Legislation enacted by a fraternity at the suggestion of the Con-
gress can be repealed or modified only by formal action of the
This Constitution may be ammended by a unanimous vote of all
the fraternities represented in the National Pan-Hellenic Congress.
Executive Committee of National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1911-
Cora Allen McElroy, Alpha Phi, Chairman.
Esther Rich Reilly, Gamma Phi Beta, Secretary.
Lois Smith Crann, Alpha Chi Omega, Treasurer.
T H E abolishing of the four Sororities at Pembroke is a serious
blow to the entire Sorority World. We are glad to contradict
the article in the Boston Sunday Globe of December 2 as to the cause
of this action on the part of the advisory council. A t this great dis-
tance from the ground of the action it is hard to understand the
allusion to a better form of Society for College Women. No bodies
of student women could have higher aims than love, loyalty, mutual
helpfulness, the development of the highest womanhood. We realize
that the working out of any system is faulty, but the advantages to
a college of a staunch organization with high aims is of far more
weight in the scales of usefulness than are the disadvantages of in-
dividual faults or any faults that have grown with the growth of the
system. I t reminds us of G. K. Chesterton on the English mandate
that because some poor children's hair was uncleanly, the hair of all
poor children must be cut off. England would not supply sanitary
conditions in the tenements so the poor girls hair could be clean
but no! Some are unclean—off with all hair.
Is it wise for a college to see the flaws in a beuatiful system, and
overlooking the beauty, say "Behold the flaws. Off with the Sytem"?
P R E S I D E N T W H E E L E R has taken a more thoughtful atti-
* tude, when he writes in a letter to the Editor dated January 10.
" M y own experiences with the Sorority as well as the Fraternity
System have been on the whole, favorable. I recognize the difficulties ,
and dangers but am strongly inclined to the policy of making use
of the organizations for all possible good to the University, now that
they are in existence."
T N the preparation of an Issue for the Alumnae, a grave question
* has forced itself upon us.
Both the Editor and the business manager have spent many hours
of hard work on this issue. Take for example one day's work alone.
The business manager wrote twenty-five letters asking for subscrip-
tions to the fraternity magazine, and sending sample copies. The
Editor wrote twenty-four letters to sisters in professional life asking
for articles of 500 words concerning their own professions, for a
group of articles on "The Interests and Professions of Women."
The business manager received one answer containing one subscrip-
tion, the editor received five articles!
Is a sorority so poor a thing that one can cease to love it (and love
means service) after the four years of College life are over? Have
we no finer sense of gratitude than to refuse small service, seldom
asked? Would not our entire organization be stronger and dearer to
our hearts i f we would perform the concrete services asked of us?
Our sorority is not an external organization that flourishes in spite of
us. It is—us. And every one who fails in forwarding a sorority en-
terprise, in that measure weakens her sisterhood.
SOME months ago we noticed with regret an article published in
a Greek Journal, called "The Confessions of a Psi U . " Although
regretting it at the time we passed it by without comment, hoping that
our silence would show sufficiently our stand concerning the publica-
tion of such an article. But since that time the article has been
copied in three leading Fraternity magazines.
The entire affair seems to us regrettable. That any fraternity man
should so far forget personal honor, loyalty, faith,—as to write for
publication in another fraternity's magazine a confession of such a
nature is beyond forgiveness and beneath the serious consideration of
another fraternity. Faults may be found and "confessions" made in
the secrecy of one's own Council Chamber, but to any other audience
it is disloyalty to Fraternity Ideals. The publishing of such a "con-
fession" of a member of another Fraternity is out of the harmony
with our Ideal of Fraternity dignity. With our own policy we have
everything to do, with another's, nothing. We do not exist to dis-
credit one another.
The benefit of the publication of such a confession is questionable
and is in discord with the best Ideals of the Fraternity System.
More Loyalty and less Criticism would accomplish better results.
T H E Fourth Edition of the Sorority Handbook has recently been
issued and is most valuable and highly interesting reading. No
girl who has a deep interest in the Greek World should be without
a copy. Mrs. Ida Shaw Martin, 5 Cobden Street, Roxbury, Mass.,
has collected not only the fullest datas concerning both Fraternities
and Sororities hut has given most interesting chapters on the Mission
and Evolution of the Sorority system. The scope of the book can-
not be better shown than by its index of chapters.
The Higher Education of Women.
The Evolution of the Sorority System.
The Mission of the Sorority.
Literary Sororities. Class A.
Literary Sororities. Class B.
Medical Sororities.
Musical Sororities.
Normal Sororities.
Necrology of Chapters.
Honorary Societies Admitting Women.
The Association of Collegiate Alumnae.
Southern Association of College Women.
The Carnegie Foundation.
Statistical Data (of Colleges).
Men's Literary Fraternities.
We have been repeatedly asked by members of the active chapters,
if there were not some way in \ hich to come in closer touch with
the Alumnae who are at the head of our Fraternity organization.
"We want to see them", one of the gifts said. We have been able
to get the pictures of most of oui Grand Council officers and are
publishing them so that you may feel a little better acquainted be-
fore the necessary change of officers in the summer. We are sorry
that the opportunity has come so late, and hope for a more timely
acquaintance with the faces of the next Officers.
No letter.
Pi chapter has had an unusually successful fall. Initiation was
held in the fraternity rooms on October 14 in an atmosphere of red
roses, songs, and love for Alpha Omicron. Our new carpet, which
we felt able to indulge in, came just in time for initiation and helped
to make the rooms look brighter and sweeter than ever before.
Nothing could have been more inspiring than the room initiation
night. So delighted were we with it that we wished all the sisters
could enjoy it with us.
After the excitement of initiation, came Mrs. Farmer's visit. We
are happy to have had our Orand President with us, but were sorry
that her stay had to be so short. She visited at Dorothy Safford's
home where a tea was given in her honor by Dorothy. However, the
most important social event during Mrs. Farmer's visit was the
banquet. T h e scheme of toasts was a very clever one, naturally as it
was devised by Dorothy, and one which was distinctly characteristic
and typical of the "Sunny South" and Pi chapter. In portraying the
founding of I I (Pie) there were the scenes in the kitchen when the
negro dialect was indulged in by the "colored folk," who discussed
the necessity of making a Pie and having it full of black birds.
These "two from twenty blackbirds baked in a Pie" were good en-
ough to whisper a toast to each person as she was called on for one
by the toastmistress, Betsy Dupre. Besides this, several of the
alumnae furnished much amusement by singing and reciting origin-
al songs and limericks. Iris Newton, Kappa, was, with Mrs. Fanner
and Dagmar Renshaw, our senior, a guest of honor.
In the college world, Pi's daughters hold several offices of prom-
inence. Dagmar is president of the Art School and of her class,
Betsy is stage manager of Dramatics, Angie and Rosamond are
presidents of the sophomore academic and art classes respectively,
Willie is president of the School of Music Student Body, Gladys is
treasurer of the Academic Student Body, while "Teddy" is secre-
tary of her class. With all these honors in her possession, Pi is able
to take an active part in all college affairs.
In the rushing line we have decided upon a definite plan which
we are just beginning to work out. Let's hope it will prove success-
ful and win many girls worthy of upholding the standard and glory
of dear Alpha Omicron Pi.
Owing to the peculiar difficulties under which our chapter labors—
New York University students being divided not only into classes
but into morning, afternoon and evening sections, and having no
dormitory life but being scattered all over Greater New York and its
suburbs—the chapter as a body has not been as active this fall as
could be wished. However, we gave a dinner in the fraternity room
on the evening of December 6, and on December 9 we gave at the
Hotel Albert a luncheon at which Mrs. Farmer was our guest of
honor, accompanied by several of the girls from the Alpha chapter.
On the evening of December 8 the Alpha chapter gave a reception
to Mrs. Farmer, at which N u was represented by our President, I d a
O n Friday, December 15. we had an informal tea at the Liberal
Club rooms, to which we invited several interesting girls whom we
hope to know better, though no official action has yet been taken.
Mrs. Marion B. Cothren, who is a member of the Brooklyn J u -
venile Court Committee, took an interesting trip this fall, going to
Chicago to study the internal workings of the juvenile courts there,
and then going on to Milwaukee to study their system of municipal
government. While in Milwaukee she visited Crystal Eastman
Benedict, who is a leader in the suffrage campaign in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Helen Hoy Greeley has not yet returned from California.
The last address we have is in care of Mrs. J . F . Swift, Benvenue
Avenue. Berkeley, California.
No letter.
No letter.
Zeta is very glad to introduce her pledges as follows: Delphine
Aronson, Carrie Coman, Fstella Stephens of P'remont; Ethel Chace
of Stanton; Vera H i l l of Hardy; Breta Diehl of Stratton; Helen
Westveer, Rose Krause of Schuyler; Aetna Aiken, Mary Hum-
phreys of Lincoln. Helen Westveer and Rose Krause, being sopho-
mores, have been taken into full membership. T o welcome our
pledges into the fraternity, the active girls gave an informal H a l -
lowe'en dance at the chapter house, October 28.
A new ruling has very recently been passed in the inter-sorority
council (otherwise known as Pan-Hellenic) for pledging. Begin-
ning with next year we are to have second semester pledging, which
is no doubt a definite step toward sophomore pledging. It was
decided upon after a long struggle, Alpha Omicron being one of
those opposing it to the last.
Nell Bridenbaugh, '08, is back in school working for her Master's
Degree. She has been elected to the German Club. Carrie Coman,
'15, has been elected to Mystic Fish, the freshman inter-sorority or-
Alpha Omicron Pi is secretary of inter-sorority council this year.
T h e first part of November we had the pleasure of meeting Mrs.
Farmer, and her brief visit was greatly enjoyed by all of us. H e r
accounts of the other chapters were very interesting to us, especially
the views in regard to the coming convention.
A week before Christmas a Christmas party was held at the chap-
ter house after fraternity meeting. Instead of giving each other use-
less presents, several very nice and much needed presents were given
to the house. We had a dandy time with the usual Christmas tree
and "eats" and then we had the satisfaction of feeling that we had
done something really worth while.
At the beginning of this new year we wish to extend our best wishes
to all our sister chapters, and to wish them a bright and prosperous
Well, college and work once more! It seems like old times, and
what fun it is to see the girls again. Nothing very exciting has
happened since the last letters for final examinations were upon us
in next to no time.
However, one very pleasurable incident was the visit of our
Grand President, Mrs. Farmer. We enjoyed her visit very much,
but as she remained only a few days, we were not able to do a great
deal in the way of entertaining. We gave a small informal tea for
her one evening, and after meeting, she told us a number of inter-
esting things about our different girls in the east.
T h e n the Junior Prom came off on December 1, also the Junior
Farce in the afternoon.
I fear that this is all the news I have to tell you, so here's hoping
that you all had as jolly and happy a vacation as the Sigma chapter
of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Theta has been very busy the last few weeks. Initiation was two
weeks before vacation. We initiated eleven very enthusiastic fresh-
men who seem to be heartily entering into the fraternity spirit. A
banquet followed initiation. Toasts were given and Alpha Omicron
songs sung. Mrs. Lazemby, Maybel Dice and Florence Irwin were
back for initiation.
O n Saturday night, December 16, the freshmen gave the minstrel.'
T h i s was one of the most delightful events of the year. T h e same
evening we had our Christmas party. The house was decorated in
red and green. We had a tree and Santa Claus. Each girl was
remembered with some small gift.
Theta greatly enjoyed Mrs. Farmer's stay.
November 3 was O l d Gold Day. T h i s is looked forward to with
much interest by the students. A l l kinds of athletics, class scraps
and ball games are enjoyed through the day. At night a concert was
given in the auditorium. I n this each sorority and fraternity gives
A happy New Year to all and may every chapter be as fortunate
as we are to begin our year with nine new girls. On November 18,
we pledged Dorothy Bartlett of 1913, and Marion Davis, Rena
Greenwood, Gertrude Hooper, Dorothy Houghton, Edith Johnson,
Gladys Keith, Marion Nichols, and Ruth Seavey, all 1915 girls.
We certainly have reason to feel proud of them for they have al-
ready shown that they will "make good." Rena Greenwood is pres-
ident of her class, Gertrude Hooper, vice-president, and Edith John-
son, secretary, while Ruth Seavey has made the college choir. We
held initiation December 9, and several alumnae were back to enjoy
our good fortune with us.
Next came our Christmas party, E m i l y as Santa Claus delivered
our joke presents which always prove so much fun. Everybody is
"jollied" about her particular failing so no one is sensitive. Then
our dance which was a success in every way. T h e Woman's Gym-
nasium was strung with red lanterns with a large festoon of them in
the center while tiny bulbs gave a red glow to the hall. With all of
the girls in white the effect was beautiful. During the last dance
the men threw serpentine paper and the girls broke bags of confetti
so the "gym" looked like fairyland.
There has recently l>een organized in college a religious society
called Christian Guild. Dorothy Bartlett is vice-president and also
chairman of the Bible Study Committee and Alice Spear is chair-
man of the Social Service Committee.
One of the big events of the college year is Junior Day and we
are very glad that one of our girls, Ruth Penniman, is on the com-
mittee. She was also one of the stars in the junior play as was Etta
Phillips and Dorothy Bartlett.
T h i s year for the first time a prize was awarded for the best
thesis on an American history subject. We A O IT girls were very
proud of Alice Spear when Dean Davies announced in chapel that
she had won it.
And now mid-years are almost here so frivolities must be banished
from our minds and we must settle down to real studying.
Emily Bartlett, 'i2. Alice Harvey, '13.
Celia Coffin, '12. Gladys Treat, '13.
Marion Estabrooke, '12. Antoinette Webb, '13.
Margaret Flint, '12. Louise Bartletf, '14.
June Kelley, '12. Estelle Beupre, '14.
Hazel Mariner, '12. Mary Cousins, '14.
Luella Woodman, '12. Marion Jordan, '14.
Helen Worster, '12. Luzetta Stearns, '14.
Rebecca Chilcott, '13. Alice Whitten, '14.
We can hardly realize that it is almost time for our February T o
D R A G M A , for it seems but a few short weeks since we greeted with
joy our November number. How we enjoyed reading the letters
of our sister chapters. We feel much better acquainted with all, and
seem to have been brought in closer touch with every girl in A O IT
since reading them.
Gamma has been very quiet, socially, this fall, but we are now
planning to give a "rushing" party on Friday, January 5, while later
on comes our banquet and dance. There is a larger number of
girls than ever this fall, and some especially fine girls in the entering
class. It is very hard to choose girls for our new members for
there are so many whom we want. Our "rushing" party is an in-
formal, merry affair, just to give our freshmen a good time. At
first, planned to have a baby show, with the freshmen dressed up
as babies and the upperclass girls as nurse-maids, but we were
afraid that the little freshmen would think us undignified, so we
gave up that plan. We are now planning to have a jolly little
party with singing, playing games, and dancing.
Seldom before have A O I I girls been quite so prominent in the
college world. Luella Woodman and Helen Worster began the
year by "making" Phi Kappa Phi, our honorary society. They
are the only girls who have, as yet, made the society this year and
Gamma is justly proud of them. Then, Alice Harvey and "Tony"
Webb have been chosen for the junior exhibition, and Tony is also
an associate editor of the junior "Prism." "Becky" Chilcott has
been chosen as class prophet for junior week.
As for class officers, Helen Worster and Alice Harvey are both
class secretaries.
I n Y . W. C . A., too, Gamma has held her own. Many of the
offices are held by A O I I girls and in the bazaar given a short
time ago, A O I I girls took leading parts.
And now, in closing. Gamma wishes a Happy New Year to all
her sister chapters in A O IT.
December 7th was a red letter day for sorority girls at Cornell
and Epsilon is rejoicing over her three pledglings—Clara Graeffe,
Gertrude Mosier, and Loraine Sherman. Of course rushing has
been the all absorbing topic; but we have found time for other
activities. That class spirit is strong among A O I I girls was shown
by the class elections. T h e secretaryship and vice-presidency of
the senior class, the treasurership of the junior class and the presi-
dency of the freshmen class are all held by A O I I girls, while one
of our seniors represents the girls on her class book board, and one
of our sophomores is on the Cornellian board.
Another event in which we were all interested was the "Cafe
Chastland." T h i s was a production given for the benefit of the
Girl's Athletic Association. T h e Armory was fitted up like a
restaurant and faculty and students came and were entertained.
While fifty freshmen and sophomores served refreshments, the or-
chestra played and favorite "stunsters" performed. At ten o'clock
the floor was cleared and we danced until midnight. T h e affair
was a great success both financially and socially. We are particular-
ly happy over the social success, since this was the first time that
men students were admitted to any affair managed by and for the
We were still in the midst of this excitement when Mrs. Farmer
came. I need not tell you how much we enjoyed her visit; our
only regret was that she could not stay longer.
Examinations and Christmas preparations next claimed our atten-
tion. One delightful event of the holidays was a reunion party
given by Marian Darville for all the Epsilon girls living in the
vicinity of Brooklyn. Marguerite Hallstead, '10, Melita Skillen,
'11, and Mildred Mosier, '11, were present. You may be sure that
the eight of us who were there talked at a rapid rate trying to put
into a few hours the news of the past year.
But vacation is over; "Black Week" with its examinations is near;
and we are all ready for a month of good hard work. However,
we have not entirely lost the holiday spirit and we wish you all a
very happy New Year.
Since our last letter many things have happened at Northwestern.
I n the first place, we have two fine pledges to announce, Lydia
Shirk and Estella Martin.
Then we initiated a senior, Dora Johnson, a junior, Edith Shultz
and two sophomores, Cora Hollen and Helen Shipman. We were
so sorry that Mrs. Farmer was unable to be with Rho at this
initiation but we greatly enjoyed her visit with us and were helped
by her advice and encouragement. And weren't we all proud of
her at our reception!
Coila Anderson and Julia Fuller have been initiated into Alethenai
literary society and Arie Kenner into Eulexia.
Helen Shipman has just become a member of the Helen Club
and Julia Fuller a member of Sigma Sigma, the intersorority sorority.
Caroline Power is president of the Anonian literary society. Ruby
Rapp, Julia Fuller, and Coila Anderson are members of the 1914
Syllabus board.
L o u Chace is attending Nebraska, Edna Allen is at the Univer-
sity of Iowa and Genevieve Spang is at Illinois Wesleyan. Peggy
Pittman is traveling in the South with her parents. Barbara
Minard has been staying at home in Blue Island, Illinois, this year.
Northwestern feels very keenly the loss of one of our finest men.
Professor J . Scott Clark, who died December 28. He was the head
of the English language department at Northwestern, the author
of several valuable books on that subject, and a wonderful scholar.
Not only because of his great ability will Northwestern miss him
but with faculty and students he was a genial favorite, and though
others may be found to assume his duties, no one will fill his place
in the hearts of Northwestern people.
"We're back again, we're back again, and all our hearts are gay.
And we'll ever be true, dear old Stanford to you, for we're glad
to be back again."
As we sang this song last evening at our first dinner together in
the new semester, we looked at the twenty smiling faces around
us, and felt truly glad. When I said twenty, I forgot one, and
an important one, as she is our new pledge, Grace Dickover (sister
of E v a Dickover, '08) and we are so glad to have her one of us.
Such a crowd as we are getting settled, but when we get too much
in one another's way we think of next semester when we shall
really be in our own home—for at last we have enough money,
and dandy plans, and will start when the rains are over.
But I must go back, past the Christmas holidays (and here
Lambda can only wish that her sisters had as merry a vacation as
she had) to our doings last semester. Mrs. Farmer made us a
brief visit. We enjoyed having her with us so much, and are
exceedingly sorry that she could not have remained with us longer,
and we would have liked to have the opportunity of knowing her
better, and of showing her more of our college. Our semester
passed in the usual busy fashion. A good many of the Sigma
girls came to see us over the Stanford-California game in November,
and as usual we were glad of every opportunity to become better
acquainted with them.
Just before finals, we celebrated our house birthday, on December
ninth. We had our usual dinner, and Christinas tree with its pres-
ents—jokes for all the girls. This year we made it a dress-up
party, and this only added to all the fun.
As we have hardly begun the semester, there seems little to tell.
Next week the annual Sophomore Cotillon, one of our big social
events, is to be given; and early in February " T h e Admirable
Crichton" is to be given.
Lambda sends greetings to one and all, and wishes you a happy
and prosperous New Year in A O IT.
No letter.
The first meeting of the New York Alumnae was held at the
new Alpha apartment on one hundred twenty-fourth street. There
was little business to be transacted, so most of the afternoon was
spent in gossiping about the past summer.
As the December meeting came at the time of Mrs. Farmer's
visit to New York, the Alumnae joined the actives in an informal
reception to her. Pledge day was just over, and naturally one of
the chief topics of conversation was the unsatisfactory results of a
multiplicity of Pan-Hellenic rules. We were very glad to have
Eimna Burchenal with us again after her long western trip.
The secretary urges all Alumnae living in and around New York
to send her their addresses, so she can send them notices of meet-
ings and social affairs. Address, J . S. Pratt, Mahlstadt Place,
New Rochelle, N . Y .
During each semester, the San Francisco Alumnae Chapter has
four regular meetings. Both the third and the fourth were held
at the Sigma chapter house in Berkeley.
The third meeting, on October twenty-eighth, was a formal one,
at which we admitted Olive Cutter and Netha H a l l H i l l to mem-
bership. We had hoped to have with us that day Mrs. Greeley of
N u Chapter, but she was unable to attend.
T h e following week most of us had the pleasure of meeting Mrs.
Farmer, although the Alumnae Chapter as a whole did not have
the opportunity of entertaining her, as her stay was so limited.
Our last meeting of the term was held on December second.
There was little in the way of business to transact, so the meeting
became principally a social one. A l l had their Christmas sewing,
and Helen Bancroft, who has just returned from Europe, told us
of her experiences abroad, and of her pleasant friendship with the
Delta and Boston alumnae chapters.
Our girls are turning out in such goodly numbers this year that
we shall soon have to find a larger meeting place than the Delft
T e a Room. We long ago had to give up our home meetings be-
cause of our increasing numbers, and it looks now as if we had
outgrown our present quarters. As these meetings are the only
chance many of us have to see each other, except on rare occasions
at the H i l l , we look forward to them from month to month as our
only opportunity to keep in touch with the college.
We have met the last Saturday of each month since September for
dinner and business meetings, but there has been little business
to transact this year, and the social part of the meetings has been
more prominent.
Our Christmas meeting we are anticipating with particular plea-
sure, as we expect Mrs. Farmer will entertain us with an account
of her visit to all our sister chapters. We also hope to have Miss
Rose Von Schmidt of Sigma Chapter with us.
One wedding has been celebrated with fall. O n October 28,
Gladys Waite, at whose home the fraternity was entertained at our
last Convention, was married to Mr. Theodore Wood.
The first meeting of the year was held in November at the home of
our president. Mrs. Louella Fifield Darling, '01, and was largely
social. At this time, plans for a possible reception were discussed.
T h e December meeting took the form of a theatre party at which
L i l l i a n Gertrude MacQuillin, '99, was hostess. At our last monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. Jennie Perry Prescott, '05, the new
constitution was studied and each member was assigned one of our
chapters to seek information about and present it at the February
Alice Howard Manchester, '05, is secretary to the principal of the
English High School.
Elise Emeline McCausland, '09, received the degree of Master
of Arts last June and is teaching Domestic Art in the Technical
Evening High School.
Jennie Perry Prescott, '05, is teaching in the H i g h School in
Pawtucket, R . I .
Born, November 2, 1911, to Louis E . Covell and Maud Clarke
Covell, '02, a son—James Everett Covell.
The Lincoln alumnae girls organized into a chapter last spring,
and we have been having meetings once a month, which have been
of a social character, but during this coming year we expect to have
a definite plan of work, but just what the nature of this will be, we
cannot at present state.
During the holidays we had an interesting meeting at the home of
Helen Fiske. It was a great pleasure to have so many of our out-of-
town alumnae present.
The alumnae gave the active chapter two rugs for the house at the
Christmas tree party. And what a good time we had!
The Lincoln alumnae sends greetings and best wishes for a glad
New Year to T o D R A O M A and to all the chapters.
To Mr. and Mrs. Eben Hordie, a boy in July 1911.
To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moise, a boy in December 1911.
In June a son was born to Alma Berkner Rawlings, in Lincoln.
On June 21, a son was born to Pauline Burhilt Reynolds, in
A girl has been born to Luree Bremer Beaumont, in Madrid, Neb.,
on August 29.
To Gertrude Mohler Krapceh (Mrs. Stanley) in Denver, Colo.,
October 31, a son was born.
To Marion Camp Shotwell a girl was born on October 31.
To Jessie Mosher Wigton in Omaha a son was born in September.
To Mrs. Harvey Lockridge (Eleanor Adams), a son.
To Mrs. Marcus Brown (Helen Miller, '09) a son, in December.
A son has been born to Mrs. William Schoppe (Margaret Pilsbury,
A daughter was born on October 27 to Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Lorenz (Alice Washburn), in Sacramento.
T h e engagement of Julia E l l e n Norton, '10, to Mr. Stanley W i l -
son Clemes also of Northwestern is announced.
Gamma takes great pleasure in announcing the engagement of
Rebecca Chilcott, '13, to Mr. Alton Jackson, Dartmouth '11.
T h e engagement of Sarah Brown, '08, to Mr. George Roy Sweet-
ser, '09, is announced.
T h e engagement of Miss Hazel Cooke, ex-'09, to Mr. Robert
Spain Woodward is announced. T h e wedding to take place shortly.
Mr. Woodward is a member of Zeta Psi.
T h e engagement of Marguerite Harrison Cope to Mr. Burris
Wood of New Orleans is announced. The wedding will take place in
T h e engagement of Carrie Bright to Mr. Louis Kistler is an-
T h e engagement of Marion Crosset to Mr. Strong has been an-
T h e engagement of Alice Barber to Mr. Geary has been an-
O n December 23, in the First Methodist Church of Evanston,
Louise Wernburg Norton, '06, and Mr. Charles Lemmel French, a
member of Beta Theta Pi, were united in marriage by the Rev.
William B. Norton, Louise's father. Both Louise and Charles were
Northwestern students. Mr. and Mrs. French will make their home
in Evanston.
T h e marriage of Mervina Barbara Dolsen to Abraham J . Hen-
nings is announced. Mr. and Mrs. Hennings live in Chicago.
Gladys Marie Waite, ex-'10, was married to Mr. Theodore Wood
of New Bedford.
Gamma has received the announcement of the marriage of Alice
Belle Farnsworth, '08, to Doctor George Phillips of West Sullivan.
Edith Tate, '07, and Edwin Braun were recently married.
Holmes Smith, '07, was married December 6 in Obion, Tennessee
to Mr. E . L . Banks, of Dallas, Texas. Her address is 4521 Col-
umbia Ave., Dallas, Texas.
Wallace Smith, '07, was married in 1909 to Mr. C . F . McDaniel.
Her address is 451 N . Main St., Popular Bluff, Mo.
Adele Ehrenberg, '11, and Frank Jewell Macomber Jr., Stanford,
'09, were married on August 2, 1911. Mr. and Mrs. Macomber are
residing in Lewis, Cass Co., Iowa, at present.
E l l a Margaret Cates, ex-'13, was married to Charles E . Browne
on December 20, 1911 in Los Angeles. They will make their home
in that city.
I n January 17, Pauline Beeger, '08, was married to John Leslie
Barneson, Stanford, ex-'08, in Redwood City.
I n October, Mary R . Thomas, '10 was married to Purnell Whit-
tington at the home of the bride's parents. T h e couple took an ex-
tended trip through the east, after which they returned to Alexandria
where they will reside in the future.
Mary Turnbull, '13, and Walter Wanmaker were married Novem-
ber 16 at the bride's home, Derby, N . Y . Mrs. Wanmaker is residing
at 215 Blaine St., Buffalo, N . Y .
E l l a Toorney was married to Oscar Anderson on June 17, 1911.
They are now living at Zartman. Montana.
Madge Alderman was married to Mr. Rhea West on October 17,
1911, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She will be at home after April 1,
1912 at the Palisades of the Cedar, Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
Blanche Woodworth was married to Mr. Herbert Potter on De-
cember 27, 1911, in Lincoln. She will be at home after January
15, 1912, at 711 25th St., San Diego, C a l .
Mnbti Npfibttt
<9tt mtabtv 25, fHabel Neabtit, Gambia, ?x~X2
at $all?jrj, daltfcmua
Qkanu Margaret Pgkf
$r?mbn\t nf Alulja ©mirnm Jft
(in 3rTrbruarg in, 1912
We were very glad to have among us last fall two of our sisters,
Iris Newton, Kappa, and Hazel McCoy, Theta.
Katharine Reed is now head of the department of French and
German in Coker College, Hartford, South Carolina.
Blythe White spent a few days in town having come to attend
the banquet.
Julia Bryne, who has been teaching in Central America, will return
to New Orleans shortly and will be heartily welcomed by P i chapter.
Anna Many spent a week in New York, having gone there to at-
tend the wedding of her brother.
Innes Morris is making her debut in New Orleans this winter.
Owing to this fact, P i girls d:> not see as much of her as formerly.
Dorothy Safford is planning to teach out of the city. We are
selfish enough to hope that her plan will not materialize.
Grace Dickover. '08, is teaching in the Los Angeles High School.
Gertrude Beeger, '07, is also teaching.
Marguerite Knox, '11, has been traveling abroad since her gradua-
tion in May. Next April she will be back to pay Lambda a visit.
Emma Burchenal is doing secretarial work at the Board of Educa-
tion Building, New York City.
Merle Anderson, '11, is teaching in Hesper, North Dakota.
Edith Moody, '11, is teaching at Bathgate, North Dakota.
Avaline Kindig, '11, is teaching at Yorkville, Illinois.
Margaret Wyne, '11, is teaching at Table Grove, Illinois.
Julia Norton, '10, is teaching at Piano, Illinois.
Louise Norton French, '06, is teaching in Chicago, Illinois.
The University of Pennsylvania has awarded a fellowship in
mathematics to Miss Lennie Copeland, '04. Miss Copeland is the
only woman who has won a fellowship in mathematics.
Miss Florence Brown, '11, and Miss Irene Cousens, '11, have been
engaged as teachers in the public schools of O l d Town. Miss Cous-
ens is at the head of the English department in the O l d Town High
Maude Toomey, '09, is tutoring in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Nell Briaenbaugh, '08, is teaching post graduate work.. ' She
taught in Winlock, Washington, last year. Ruby Charlton, '08, is
taking a library course at Albany, N . Y .
Mable Salmon, '11, is teaching gymnasium in the Y . W. C . A.
at Springfield, Mo.
Florence Parmelee, '07, is teaching gymnasium in the Y . M . C . A.
at Peoria, IBinois.
T h e following alumnae returned November 25 to attend the
Nebraska-Michigan football game: Mrs. C . E . Force of Portland,
Oregon,Eunice Bauman, Jess Correll, Mary Ordiarne, Allene Mc-
Eachron, Esther Devalon, Edith Swaine, Kathleen Ryan, Fredrica
Stenger, and Olive Brain, Theta.
The following alumnae spent the Christmas holidays in Lincoln:
Mrs. Lula King Bigelow, '04; Edna King, '07;' Nina Trover
Mitchell, ex-'12 and Nellie Kitchen James.
E v a Marty is a charity visitor for the Associated Charities in
Blanche DuBois is registered as a post-graduate in the Home
Economics Department at Mills College.
Isa Henderson is studying story telling at the University of Chi-
Celeste Etcheverry and her husband have bought a lot at the
corner of Presidio avenue and Jackson street in San Francisco, and
will build a home immediately.
Miss Margaret M. Burnet, L L . B. '01, has been for five years
actively engaged in the practice of law in New York City, and for
the past three years has maintained her own office at No. 2 Rector
Miss Daisy Gaus, L L . B. '04, L L . M. '06, is a practising lawyer,
and is interested in charitable and philanthropic work. She is a
member and secretary of the Social Service Volunteer Committee of
the Kings County Hospital. Brooklyn.
Miss Helen J . McKeen, L L . B. '05, was admitted to the bar in
1906. From 1906 to 1911 she was a member of the Board of Man-
agers of Kings Park State Hospital, and from 1909 to 1911 was
secretary of this board. Her legal work has consisted partly of gen-
eral practice, but chiefly of research.
Miss Elinor Byrns, L L . B. '07, is practising law at No. 5 Nassau
street, New York City, and is also doing suffrage work.
Mrs. Crystal Eastman Benedict, L L . B . '07, is at present campaign
manager of the Political Equality League of Wisconsin, and is giv-
ing her entire time to organizing the campaign which it is hoped will
secure votes for women in Wisconsin in November 1912, when the
suffrage bill will come before the voters of that state for ratification.
From 1909 to 1911 Mrs. Benedict was secretary of the New York
State Employers' Liability Commission. For two years preceding
that, she had charge of the Accident Investigation, under the Pitts-
burg Survey, and wrote a book on this subject, "Work Accidents and
the L a w . "