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Full Circle
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
Published sinceJanuary. 1905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Inc
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi. (USPS-6 31-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi. is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN. Fferiodical class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices.
Subscriptionpriceis$1.00percopy. $3.00peryear.
Send address changes to:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi.
5390 Virginia Way., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Address all editorial communicationsto the Editor at the same address.
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2,1897,by:Jessie Wallace Hughan.Helen St.Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry &Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
International President
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau (Washington College)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, T ennessee 37027 phone: 615/370-0920 fax: 6l5/37l"9736
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: wwwalphaomicronpi.org
Mailing Address Updates
[email protected]
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of
the College Fraternity Editors Association.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to reflect the love and sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi through the funding of educational and charitable programs.
a o
It seems like just yesterday that my favorite "sister" was sitting in the branches of her grandparents' magnolia tree. Carefree, tanned legs dangling, she was singing at the top of her voice, her much loved song, "Tomorrow," from the hit musical, Annie. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, 1 love you tomorrow. You're only a day away," belted out this uninhibited 8-year-old.
Of course, 1didn't know at that time, a few years ago. that Rachel, my dark-haired, blue-eyed granddaughter, was to be my future sister. We would forge a bond by joining the same sorority in college. What I did know was that we were joined in blood (grandmother/granddaughter). We were tied. too. spiritually, as godmother-goddaughter. Little did I dream how our closeness would play out in her college years, for now we are bound by our Greek ties.
When Rachel made her choice to enter Samford U. I began to inquire about an AOII chapter there. Yet. I did not dare to hope that she would choose AOII and AOII would choose her. It has been a perfect match.
When I pledged at Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) in the late 40s. times were very different. Of course, then as now, we were encouraged to maintain a high GPA. and to actively participate in curriculum cen- tered clubs or groups. In those days, we held our meetings in a pretty, stone Gothic styled house on campus. We took our group pictures in front of the fireplace, which was also the backdrop for our tea parties. We called these "rush parties." According to the dress-code of the era, we wore gloves, matching shoes and carried handbags. For dances, we all wore long white dresses and each carried a red rose.
"Tomorrow" was only a day away, just as my pretty, spontaneous "future- to-be-sister" sang in our magnolia tree. Rachel cherishes her memories and associations with her sisters in AOII. Rachel's tomorrow is now. Her future has been shaped, at least in part, by the love and support of many, including and especially her "sisters." I am so proud to be one of them.
Our Missions;
7b Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII involvement: to salute excellence: and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excel- lence and lifelong learning, and develop- ing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
ToDrayma [Summer2005]
By Claire O'Callayhan Johnson. Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College) about Rachel Marie Riede. Rho Delta (Samford U)
To Dragma
5 Fraternity News
News and announcements from AOII.
6 TrueorFalse
Are we AOPi, AOTT or AOII? This article clarifies a few basic facts that members find confusing.
10 AOII Installs 179th Collegiate Chapter
Sigma Beta Chapter, Saint Joseph's U was installed April 23, 2005.
11 Collegiate News
Collegiate chapters share their best educational programs.
18 Life Loyal AOII
The alumnae department launches a new membership program designed to build loyalty and commitment.
2 0 AOII Foundation
The spotlight is on 12 Reasons to Give to the AOII Loyalty Fund.
22 Bragging Rights
A salute to our collegiate leaders and scholars.
2 4 Profile: Margaret Tallichet Wyler
This AOII actress from the 1930s was a leading contender for the role of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone Witli The Wind.
2 8 In Their Memory
Recognition of AOII members who have passed away during the 2003-2005 biennium.
3 2 Alumnae News
Alumnae chapters recognize their best educational programming.
3 8 AOII Emporium
Summer merchandise available from the AOII Emporium.
^ o f Alpha Omicron Pi
To Dragnia [ Summer 2005 ]
Sally Wagaman International President
AOII Perspecti^g
"Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses". While these words were written in the early seventeenth century by poet George Herbert, all these years later they still speak 10me of my favorite season. Warmer weather, more daylight hours and the beauty of the renewal which is spring rekindle my spirit and remind me of what is true and good in my life.
Without a doubt, this spring was full of sweet days and roses for Alpha Omicron Pi as well. In April, we installed our 179th chapter at St. Joseph University in Philadelphia. As International President, I had the
honor of conducting the Initiation and Installation Ritual. 1 saw our membership grow right before my eyes as colony member after colony member took our oath of allegiance and joined our membership. The beauty of our Ritual was reflected in their faces as they came to a full understanding of the joys and responsibilities of membership in Alpha Omicron Pi. We welcome our newest collegiate chapter, Sigma Beta, and look forward to many years of success on St. Joe's campus!
In May, Alpha Omicron Pi welcomed the Boston Alumnae Chapter back into our ranks. I had the privilege of performing the Alumnae Chapter Installation Ritual and sharing in a day of sisterhood and celebration with many Boston area alumnae. These sisters are fulfilling their initiation promise of lifetime commitment to AOII, and AOII is that much stronger forit. Our alumnae department is also pleased to launch a new Life Loyal AOII program. Read more about this exciting new program on page 18of this issue.
In the midst of all of our celebrations, Alpha Omicron Pi also experienced an extreme disappointment this spring. Proceedings are pending to close Zeta Psi Chapter at East Carolina University due to risk management policy violations. Our alcohol and anti-hazing policies were adopted with one thought in mind - the safety and well being of our members and new members. Closing a chapter is one of the most difficult decisions the AOII Executive Board must make, however, it is incumbent upon all of us to protect Alpha Omicron Pi and our members. We expect all of our alumnae chapters, collegiate chapters, and members to reflect credit upon Alpha Omicron Pi. We must each live the values upon which our Founders based our Ritual every day, and always make AOII proud to claim us
Asthisissueof7bDragma ishittingyourmailbox,manyAOIIsfromacrosstheUnitedStatesandCanada are finalizing their plans to attend our 66th International Convention in Atlanta. At convention we will conduct the business of the Fraternity and the Foundation as well as take time to celebrate our sisterhood and Ritual. This convention will also mark the end of my term of office. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your International President. This has been an experience of a lifetime and one that I will always cherish. I thank all of you, my sisters, for this incredible opportunity of service for Alpha Omicron Pi.
To Draqma [ Summer 2005 ]
Sally Wagaman
Fraternity News
Two Colonizations Announced
Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to announce
the forthcoming colonizations at the U o f South Carolina Aiken
in the fall of 2005 and the U of Arkansas in the fall of 2006. If you are interested in assisting either colonization, contact Lori Belew, Administrative Director of Public Relations, lbele [email protected].
Member Search on Website Can Keep Sisters Connected
• Is there a sister from your college days you would like to get back in contact with?
• Didyoumeet
an AOII in your city that you would like to contact?
• Or perhaps you want to look up a sister's birthday.
The "My AOII" area on the AOII website
has just the tool to help; it's the Member Search feature. The member search allows you to search for members by name, city and state, chapter and initiation year. Simply enter the information you know and all members who match will appear with their name, city and state, chapter, initiation year, birthday and email address. Login the web- site and give it a try.
Rewards Magazine Program
Every AOII has the ability to help the Fraternity raise funds by ordering or renewing magazine sub- scriptions. AOII has joined forces with magazine sales vendor QSP and developed an exciting way to increase revenue without increasing member- ship and chapter fees. By ordering/renewing your magazines through this program, YOU help AOII raise money for scholarships and programming
for Leadership Institute and Leadership Academy. AOII receives 40% of the gross sales from this program. It's quick and easy—just visit aoii.efundraising.com and start purchasing! Y ou or a friend can select new or continuing subscrip- tions and the profits will be credited toward the collegiateoralumnaechapterofyourchoice.
Brick Walkway
Recognize yourself, your sisters or your chapter by purchasing an engraved brick for the walk- way at AOII Headquarters, located in beauti- ful Brentwood, Tennessee. The brick walkway connects the front and rear parking areas on the south side of the Headquarters building and curves under the shade of tall, oak
trees. In the center of the walkway lies the Found- ers' Circle, honoring each of AOII's Founders. In the center of the Founders' Circle is the AOII Centennial Time capsule, buried in 1997. Just beyond the walkway is the Foundation's beautiful Rose Garden. Call (615)370-0920 or visit the AOII website for more information.
Fraternity Website Wins CFEAAward
The AOII website won first place in the CFEA/ NIF Annual Publications Awards Banquet held Saturday, May 14, in Kansas City, Missouri. The College Fraternity Editors Association is an 82-year-old professional association offering membership to all social, professional and honor societies. AOII is an active member in the organization. The AOII website was recognized
as best among its peers for its outstanding content, design and navigation. AOII's website contains many innovative features for our members and the general public. W e invite you to browse through our website to discover, for yourself, why it has been honored this year as the best website in the fraternal world. To Dragma, also was honored with a 2nd place award in the category "Critic's Choice Cover" for the Fall 2004 cover.
More Than A Building
AOII International Headquarters is a magnificent facility, designed and maintained for efficient support of
our members and chapters. But "headquarters"is more than a building, it is also a working business environment
for more than two dozen professional emplogees. Over the next several issues, the Executive Board would like to highlight some of the outstanding employees who work
at AOII International Headquarters.
Spotlight: Melanie Nixon Doyle
AOII for a Lifetime defines Melanie's commitment
to Alpha Omicron Pi. As the Fraternity's Executive Director for nearly 15 years, she is a constant force in the ever-changingworldofAOII. TheExecutiveDirector's role is to supervise the operations of the International Headquarters Staffand to serve as a liaison between the professional staffmembers and the volunteers, primarily the Executive Board. The International Headquarters Staffs function is to provide stability and support to the membership by maintaining effective operations. The role that each member of staffplays is essential to the daily operations of our collegiate and alumnae chapters, as well as to our general membership.
Melanie dedication to AOII is evident in all areas. She is a people person, with a warm and caring heart. She also has the ability to appreciate both the big picture and the details of any task - a strength that benefits the Fraternity daily. Her office buzz word is "flexibility." She expects all staff members to properly set a course for their tasks, while remaining flexible to changing needs at all times.
The mother of five grown children, Melanie is a master at balancing and prioritizing her life. There is never a dull moment in her job, but she always man- ages to tackle every obstacle with poise and grace. Her enthusiasm is usually contagious to everyone around her.
Before joining staff in 1991, Melanie served AOII in many volunteer capaci- ties. She was a member
of the AOII Executive Board from 1983-1987 and a former Regional Vice President. Her commit- ment to the Fraternity and to her staff is a valuable asset to AOII.
To Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
The answer to the question, "What sorority were you in?" is"IwasanAOII." False. The correct answer is "I am an AOII." Once an
AOII, always an AOII.
ToDragma [Summer2005]
TRUE OR FALSE When writing the name of our fraternity, AOPi is acceptable?
False. AOII should be written with two capital Ps. Never use capital T's or Pi in the acronym of our name.
TRUE OR FALSE W e celebrate Founder's Day to honor Stella George Stern Perry, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Helen St. Clair Mullen and
Jesse Wallace Hughan?
False. We do honor those ladies, but because we have four founders, we celebrate Founders' Day.notFounder'sDay.Founders'shouldbe plural possessive not singular possessive. This is often printed incorrectly on chapter invitations and reports.
TRUE O R FALSE The preferred title for the leader of a committee is chairman?
True. AOII prefers the use of chairman over chairwoman, chairperson and chair.
TRUE OR FALSE Phyllis Diller is a famous AOII?
False. This rumor has been circulating for years. She is not an AOII.
TRUE O R FALSE AOII no longer uses the terms rush and pledge?
True. A new member (not pledge) now partici- pates in recruitment (not rush). These terms better reflect the process and should be used by all NPC member groups.
TRUE OR FALSE AOH's membership pin is beautiful?
False. Itiscertainlyabeautifulpieceof jewelry, but it should be referred to as a badge, not a pin. Each member has a lifetime loan on her badge. In your will, instructions should be left to return the badge to AOII International Headquarters. Please do not will your badge to a non-member.
To Draqma [ Summer 2005 i
True. Capitalization, punctuation and gram- mar still matter in an email. So, STOP DOING IT unless you mean it!
TRUE O R FALSE AOII is a fraternity?
True. The word "sorority" was not coined until the early 1900s. AOII and a few other NPC women's organizations were established as fraternities. Today, some NPC member organiza- tions are correctly referred to as fraternities and some as sororities.
TRUE O R FALSE Collegiate members may N O T attend a party at a fraternity house when alcohol is being served?
True. If there is alcohol at the party, our mem- bers may not attend. Parties must be held at licensed establishments only.
TRUE OR FALSE When a collegian transfers from one chapter to another, she becomes an associate member of the transferring chapter if the chapter votes to accept her?
False. The chapter has no right to vote. The transferring member is automatically a member as long as she is in good standing with her chap- ter of initiation and AOII.
TRUEOR FALSEItisOKtowritethefraternity motto in personal correspondence between sisters?
False. Never include the fraternity motto in any written or electronic communication.
TRUE O R FALSE AOII has 144 alumni chapters across the US and Canada?
False. Actually the number of chapters is correct, but use alumna (singular) or alumnae (plural) when referring to AOII or a woman who attended a school or chapter. Alumnus/alumni refers to men, and use alumni when referring to a group of both men and women. It is incorrect
to use either alum or alums. Correctly stated. AOII has 144alumnae chapters across the US and Canada.
TRUE O R FALSE Digital photography is the wave of the future?
True. However, your chapter would be advised to occasionally take 35mm photos and archive actual prints to preserve your chapter's history. Technology changes swiftly. Fifty years from now, it remains uncertain whether we will be able to view the digital photos currently being stored on computers on CDs.
TRUE O R FALSE All AOIIs have a lifetime subscription to To Dragma?
False. AOII Council voted at the 2003 International Convention to eliminate the To Dragma Fee, in essence eliminating lifetime subscriptions.
TRUE O R FALSE Headquarters can place a chapter on suspension or probation?
False. Only the elected AOII Executive Board makes these difficult decisions. Headquarters is merely a building, filled with professionals hired to facilitate the operations of the Fraternity. Individually or collectively, "Headquarters" does not make decisions such as these.
TRUE O R FALSE Nationals placed my chapter on monitoring? O r , Nationals fined us for turning in late reports?
False. "Nationals" is not a term used by AOII. That is primarily because our many Canadian chapters and sisters make us an international organization. But additionally. Nationals is
often misused when referring to the Executive Board or International Headquarters. The AOII Executive Board can place your chapter on mon- itoring, and AOII International Headquarters will fine you for turning in a late report.
7b Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
TRUE OR FALSE Not all Headquarters staff members are AOIIs?
True. While most members of staff are AOIIs, several are members of other NPC organizations or have no Greek affiliation.
TRUE OR FALSE AOII Properties owns all AOII housing?
False. This can get confusing. AOII Properties does own several of our houses, but not all. Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity also owns some
of our properties, including the International Headquarters building. Several other houses are owned by their universities or local AOII chapter corporation boards.
TRUE OR FALSE "The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty...?"
True. That is the opening port ion of the Object of our Fraternity as stated in the Fraternity's Constitution and Bylaws. The remaining portion continues: "...to strive for and support the best interests of the colleges and universities in which chapters are installed, and in no way to disre- gard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity or any of its chapters."
TRUE OR FALSE Individual donations to the fraternity for the AOII Capital Campaign are tax deductible?
False. To be tax deductible, individual gifts to the Capital Campaign must be made through the AOII Foundation. Chapter gifts are not tax deductible either way.
TRUE OR FALSE A member can deactivate from AOII?
False. At initiation, you became an AOII member for life. There is no status in AOII for deactive. The terms re-activate and re-engage are are also incorrect.
TRUE OR FALSE An alumna initiate becomes an initiated member of Alpha Omicron Pi for life?
True. She is entitled to the same privileges enjoyed by all AOII alumnae members.
TRUE OR FALSE You may share your chapter's sub-motto with non-members?
True. Your chapter's sub-mot to is considered open information and you may share it with friends or family.
TRUE OR FALSE The AOII International President lives in Brentwood, Tennessee?
False. The IP is a volunteer elected by AOII council. She is not required to move to Brentwood, nor does any other member of the Executive Board. The AOII Executive Director lives locally and supervises the International Headquarters Staff.
TRUE OR FALSE The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation provides scholarships, educational and leadership grants, arthritis grants, and aid to sisters in dire need?
True. The Foundation also provides charitable grants for arthritis research and education.
TRUE OR FALSE I can trust that AOII mer- chandise sold in a university bookstore is always properly licensed?
False. Help us protect our trademarks. Look for the Greek Licensing Product logo from Affinity Marketing Consultants before you buy.
TRUE O R FALSE The XB, ExD, MLA and ADE are just a few of those involved in the planning of AOII conferences such as IC, LI, CP/CA LA and VPMR/RA LA?
True. You are an active AOII volunteer if you actually understand all those acronyms. That statement also proves that AOII acronyms will either make you laugh or make you scream!
To Dragma [Summer 2005]
AOII Installs
Sigma Beta Chapter Saint Joseph's University April 23, 2005
Alpha Omicron Pi proudly welcomed 37 new sisters
in an initiation and instal- lation ceremony that took place April 23,2005. The colony at Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, was colonized on February 3, 2005 and chose Sigma Beta for its chapter name. Sigma Beta's submotto - "simplicity and beauty" - was selected in refer- ence to the AOII badge.
The Hilton Philadelphia
City Avenue Hotel was the site for the initiation and installation ceremonies. This initiation ceremony was held in the Borghese Garden
Room of the Hilton. Sally
W agaman, AOII International President, served as the installing officer. Other AOII alumnae in attendance for
the installation ceremony and Rose Banquet included Toni Morgan, Vice President of Development: Kim Carroll. Executive Board Director
of Programming; Carol Stevenson, AOII Foundation President; Lisa Dutt, Colony Development Network Director; Suzanne Martin,
Kim Lake, Laura Lilley, Teresa Lynch and Bethany Kerr, Alumnae Advisory Committee: Jaynellen Jenkins, Collegiate Network Specialist; and Erin Burcham and Julie Anne Walter, AOII Membership Recruitment Consultants. Lambda Upsilon Chapter,
Tau Lambda Chapter,
Sandy Altemus, Sigma
Tau Corporation Board President and Cathy Wieand. Philadelphia Alumnae
Chapter member, also assisted with the initiation and installa- tion ceremonies.
A Rose Banquet honoring our newest sisters and chapter took place at the hotel at the Grand Garden Ballroom later that evening. Approximately too guests, including friends and family members of the new initi- ates, attended the banquet and were introduced to Sigma Beta's charter members. Toni Morgan served as mistress of ceremonies for the evening's event.
This spring, Sigma Beta participated in the school's
first ever Greek Week and
also Philadelphia's Hunger Walk. Sigma Beta is the fourth NPC organization on campus at Saint Joseph's University with members involved in almost every campus organization. Alpha Gamma Delta. Alpha
Phi and Sigma Sigma Sigma are also a part of the university's Greek system. Sigma Beta becomes the sixth chapter
in Pennsylvania and Alpha Omicron Pi's 179th chapter.
Melissa Bakesy Rebecca Campbell Jamie Dedel Danielle Deluccia Janice DePietro Danielle DiMedio Lauren Ferrentino
ennifer Fasy idget Fogarty
anda Foschini ie Gough
eleste Gribb Clare Darr Herlihy Brittany Molton Jennifer Kamp kuthryn Kasper Caitlin Kelly
Erin Marie Larsen Jennifer Lubrano Elizabeth Lynch
ryM. Manno ey Manta
liory Martell auren Marx
Jennie !V11111ins Kaitlyn B. Murphy Christina Sadowski Danielle Schweighardt Jam ie Speranzo
Dina Testa
Leslie Thomas
M eghann Williams Meghan Williamson Joanne E.Wilson Kara Wisely
ToDragma [Summer2005)
Collegiate News
[Idea Sharing] Saluting Education:
Describe a great educational program your chapter has recently conducted?
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
The programming on
the alcohol policy and procedures was presented by our Risk Management Chairman. She brought in a guest speaker to inform us on the risks and respon- sibilities that are associated with alcohol.
she wrote something good about you too. This kept going around until you got yout paper back. It was
a great feeling reading all the things your sisters had to say about you. Everybody walked away happy. I still have my paper to this day and whenever I feel down, I turn to it to make me feel good about myself again.
Beta Phi
Indiana U
One of the best educa- tional programs our chapter has presented recently was given by our very own sis- ters of Beta Phi. As an edu- cational meeting, we had some of our women speak
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U
Joe Moron, who works with Western Kentucky University Health Services, discussed alcohol awareness with Alpha Chi. An interesting topic that touches everyone in some way, Moran
talked on all aspects,
from rate of consumption
to signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning. H e
also discussed sex, alcohol and the easiness of drugs being put into a drink.
He h a d many interesting statistics a n d even gave Alpha Chi a website to visit. M o r a n also involved interaction with questions that Alpha Chi intellectually answered. He received a big round of applause!
Alpha Delta
U of Alabama
During the fall of 2004,
the Alpha Delta chapter hosted a Hazing workshop not only for the Greek community, but for the
entire campus as well.
Dr. Mari Ann Callais was our speaker. Her speech entitled "From Ritual to Reality" explored the impor- tance of Ritual not only to one's sorority life, but to
everyday life, as well. She explained the rights w e , as women, have to stand up for ourselves when w e are put into situations that are not moral or ethical. She was extremely influential and inspired all. W e had
a great turnout a n d so many positive responses to the workshop.
Alpha Gamma
Washington State U
Last semester our scholar- ship chairman implemented the Alpha Omicron Achieve Pi program. O u r chapter's goal is to reach a 3.14,
or above, GPA every semester.
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
Our chapter always tries its best to promote education and to keep the grades of all of our members high. In order to accomplish this, we recently participated in a scholarship workshop.
W e were taught ways to manage our time as well as given some great study tips! W e managed to improve our study skills while having a great time with our sisters!
Alpha Theta
Coe College
Last year, the chapter of Alpha Theta had a great educational program about self-esteem. First w e talked about how important self- esteem is to us. Then they passed around construction paper to each girl and they
To Draqma [ Summer 2005 ]
had to write their name at the top of the page. From there, you passed your paper to the girl next to you, she then would write something good about you, then she passed it on to the girl next to her, a n d
about their experiences of going abroad. W e had women speak about their experiences in England, France, Spain, and even Greece! They shared their experiences as well as answered questions about
Omicron during intramural football
(Arkansas Stale U) members
their trips. This w a s a very educational experience for our chapter because so many women are interested in going abroad. Itwas
an educational meeting that was both fun and memorable!
Beta Tail
U ofToronto
W e recently hosted our first annual Academic Dinner! The lead up to this event
is an effort by all sisters to build closer relationships with their professors by making concentrated
efforts to get to know them better by attending office hours and increasing participation in lecture. This educational initiative ends with the academic dinner, which sisters invite their pro- fessors to dinner for a night of academic and fraternal discussions. This gives
Beta Tau an opportunity
to present ourselves to the university faculty, thus build- ing a stronger relationship with our professors and the university. This year's event was a great success. W e hope this will be a lasting tradition at Beta Tau!
U of Colorado
We hada module where one of our advisers came to speak to us about financia issues. This w a s a great way to educate our sisters on how to handle their finances; what to do, what
not to do, what to be care- ful of, etc.
Chi Lambda
Uof Evansville
Last spring semester a member invited her mother to speak to our chapter about the struggles of living with rheumatoid arthritis. It was amazing to learn how
the disease affects women who continue to live their lives despite the challenges of arthritis.
California Polytechnic State U
During the presidential election, w e had a representative from each political party come to our Education Meeting. They spoke to us about the issues and each candidate. W e have also held a work-out class at a gym for an edu- cation meeting. This really gives our members a break
from school.
Chi Theta
Northeastern State U
Chi Theta's best educa- tional program presented, as of late, has been our alcohol module. W e were made aware of the effects of alcohol a n d were shown exactly what happens when someone drives drunk. W e had one-on-one discussions with highway
patrol officers and were also allowed to test beer goggles to show just h o w an intoxicated person perceives things.
Auburn IJ
At our chapter, w e have had wonderful education programs this past year.
W e were very honored
and excited to have alumna Lori Hart Ebert come to speak to us on two occa- sions this past year. She came during recruitment
to help us remember w h y AOII is so important to us and how to share that with potential new members. It was one of the highlights during pre-recruitment. She also visited us in the Fall
semester of 2 0 0 4 to pres- ent our alcohol, drug, and hazing policy. She made us realize how important it is to enforce these policies. Mrs. Ebert relates so well with our chapter a n d is
an excellent speaker. Both times she came it was a
Delta Rho
DePaul U
Delta Rho presented a university wide education on Arthritis a n d Juvenile Arthritis Research, in which a number of people attended. M a n y non-AOH's were pleased to know that our sorority helped a cause which personally affected their families.
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
W e have mandatory study hours where each person has to study in the library for two hours a week and get her hours signed off.
W e are currently working panhellenically to improve our grades in every house on campus by raising our G.P.A.'s.
Delta Theta
Texas Women's U
In a BRIDGES meeting,
we did a series of tests
to discover what type of personality everyone has. We then got into groups based on our personalities and discussed how we communicate and expect to be communicated with,
andhowwewould need
to communicate to the other groups in order to be effec- tive and loving. Itwas really fun and helpful to learn
how to better communicate with all different types of
people in our chapter!
Epsilon Chi
The best educational pro- gram the chapter presented recently was reviewing parliamentary procedures and voting. It is extremely important that during upcoming elections, all sisters are aware of what is occurring and how to make their voices heard.
very enjoyable time a n d can not wait to have her back again!
Delta Epsilon
w e
Jacksonville State U
Our chapter recently enjoyed the presentation on Alcohol Awareness. W e studied some of the recent tragic events that have occurred on other college campuses due to alcohol. W e also discussed the
importance of being accountable for each other.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
The best educational program that our chapter has presented recently w a s called Mocktails. It was a BRIDGES on alcohol rules, safety, and awareness. In this educational program we were served "mocktails" or cool-aid with umbrellas that resembled a cocktail.
Delta Pi
Central Missouri
The best educationa program our chapter has presented recently was on the risks of alcohol. What made this program so great was that, after the information w a s presented, the chapter w a s split into groups a n d w e played
a game that tested our
knowledge. That way, the presenter knew that we fully understood the important information she had given us.
To Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky Uj members during recruitment
Epsilon Gamma
U of Northern
Most recently we had
an education module on Panhellenic. Many of our sisters didn't know what Panhellenic did or even what it was. It was most definitely an educational experience. We had the Panhellenic president
come talk to us about what panhellenic is really about. If was interesting to see
what governs most sororities on campus. W e learned that there is so much more to Panhellenic than simply showing up to meetings once a week. She went
into depth about every Panhellenic position and what makes panhellenic run so smoothly on campus.
Epsilon Omega
Eastern Kentucky U
The sisters of Epsilon Omega used a BRIDGES meeting to express the do's and don'ts for letter wear, Ritual wear, and badge wear. The outfits went from the most extreme to the correct attire. This exercise helped the sisters of Epsilon O m e g a realize how we look to people outside our chapter by the
clothes we wear.
Epsilon Sigma
Quincy U
Epsilon Sigma's educational programs have been well done. One that was dif- ferent and informative was on Women's health. As college aged women, we need to be knowledgeable about our health. W e learned signs to look for in
women and some of the best ways to stay healthy.
U of Maine
Our best educational pro- gram lately was called the "class kegger". Everyone was given a card with a role that had to be acted out in a pretend party,
and they each represented something that can really take place at parties. It helped to raise awareness of the consequences of different dangerous situ- ations that can occur at
college parties.
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
Our VP/AD has put a special focus on the new members with a cute "panda race". Each quiz, paper, or exam taken by a new member that receives a "B" or higher gets a panda paw. The race tabulates how many paws each lady receives and they are rewarded every few weeks for their efforts. N e w members often get overwhelmed with how much time management is required and this is just a
positive way to show that we recognize their work.
Gamma Chi
Carleton U
Gamma Chi Chapter always succeeds in
making the mandatory Alcohol & Hazing TCP
both educational and entertaining! While learning the important policies and facts surrounding these topics, the chapter splits
up into three teams for a competitive, but fun, game of Jeopardy. The winning team gets bragging rights until the next TCP when the competition is back on!
Gamma Omicron (U of Florida! members at a Florida-Georgia football game
De/to De/ta's {Auburn Uj 'Throw a pie at an AOII"
Beta Tau (U of Toronto! members on Bid Day
ToDragma [Summer2005]
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
W e definitely enjoyed
AOII Alum Dr. Lori Hart Ebert, a speaker on alcohol awareness. She addressed today's issues with drinking on college campuses, and was informational a n d entertaining. Most of all, we enjoyed visiting with her afterward!
Gamma Omicron
U of Florida
Scholarship is fundamental to this chapter. A very highvalueisplacedon education and academic excellence. A great a n d original too! that w e have come to develop is the study closet. This is a
major resource. The closet consists of former notes a n d study tools, books, a n d multimedia reinforcements for help with a number of classes. Members con- stantly utilize a n d contribute to this resource.
to d o in case of an incident occurring. Although our campus has proven to be very safe in the past, it is always reassuring to know you are educated in how to protect yourself if the need ever arose. Also, AOII alumna Lori Hart Ebert came to speak to
the whole Georgia State Greek community on alco- hol awareness. She then did a special education session just for our chapter. She is a notable speaker and a great representative of AOII!
Gamma Theta
U of South Florida
During our annual recruit- ment retreat, w e had an alumna's husband do a motivational workshop.
Mr. Luis Visot helped our chapter discuss our goals and gave us insight on
how to achieve quality
new members. W e played interactive games that thrived on sisterhood. Sometimes during meetings, sisters that hold positions organize teaching sessions to educate Gamma Theta on issues concerning every aspect of sisterhood, life, and success.
Iota Chi
U of Western
Educational programs concerned with the everyday lives of collegiate women our age always give the girls in the chapter something to relate to. Often there are educational presentations on alcohol awareness, body image and student development that contribute to a greater understanding of situations that we may encounter.
Iota Sigma
This semester w e had our local campus officers come to our chapter to talk to
us about alcohol misuse among college students. This provided our chapter with an in depth look into what freshman face upon entering their first year of college and beyond.
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
This year KA had an excise officer come a n d talk to ourchapter. Itwasagreat program. W e learned a
lot of things that w e were unaware of, and that what we thought the rules were. To our surprise, the "rumors" were not true. W e also have a program coming up at our next chapter about parliamentary procedure, before we begin elections. This program is going to
be extremely important and helpful. This will allow our chapter to vote a n d discuss in the correct manner.
Kappa Chi
Northwestern State U
The best educational program that our chapter has started w a s called Alpha As. W e have a
jar that w e pass around during the meetings a n d for every A' that you got on a test you put your name in the jar. W e then pick one name out of the jar and
the winner gets a very cute prize. It really encourages people to do well to get a nice prize.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
When Election 2004 was upon us, the country h a d
a grave decision on our hands...and so did all of
our voting sisters. Many
of us were confused
about what positions the candidates took on issues like the w a r in Iraq, the economy, education, abortion, etc. Thus, one
of our best educational chapter meetings con- sisted of a presentation of the t w o main candidates' platforms. Itwasnota debate, but just a very peaceful discussion of where the candidates stood on the issues. This was a great way to help voters make informed deci- sions come election d a y ! W e also h a d opportunities for the women to sign up
to vote or receive absen- tee ballots.
Kappa Lambda
U of Calgary
Kappa Lambda had a presentation on arthritis to better inform the chapter about AOII's international philanthropy. A presentation was made by a volunteer from the Arthritis Society of Canada. The volunteer had rheumatoid arthritis a n d
was very informative. The chapter gained insight into the life of an arthritis suf- ferer. The presentation gave the chapter a renewed commitment to support
the philanthropy. Kappa Lambda plans to host the annual 24-hour foosball tournament to raise money for the AOII Foundation for arthritis research.
Kappa Omega
U of Kentucky
In the spring, our house mother presented a BRIDGES on health and nutrition. Mamma T is an inspiration to all of us here at Kappa Omega. She
To Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
lambda Sigma (U of Georgiaj members campaigning for student government
Gamma Sigma
Georgia State U
The ladies of Gamma Sigma recently held an edu- cational program on safety around campus. Since our school, Georgia State U, is in the heart of downtown Atlanta, this program was extremely beneficial to us.
A campus police officer came into chapter to teach us about self defense tricks and techniques and what
is incredibly fit, and often competes in triathalons and other events. She knows
a lot about nutrition. She talked to us about portion size, and the things we are eating that w e didn't know were bad for us. It was very helpful. Not only does she work hard to keep
our house food nutritious, but she put together an excellent program to inform us all!
and regulations and made sure we understood the impact of using credit.
on suicide awareness. Sisters learned the signs of depression and the risks of suicide. W e all will d o our part to ensure each sister feels safe and loved. If a crisis were ever to arise,
w e feel w e could deal with it more effectively . We are all glad to know more about suicide and steps to take in the case of an emergency.
Lambda Eta
GrandValley State U
One of the best education- al meetings was on diver- sity. The activity that stood out the most was the "Circle of Acceptance." W e stood silently together in a circle while group identities were read off one at a time. If
a sister related to what was read she stepped
into the circle. We were asked to notice who was standing on the inside
and who was standing
on the outside. W e were asked how it felt to be on the inside and how it felt
to be on the outside. The activity was very special for our chapter. It showed the strong trust and love
we have for each other besides our differences. The activity also reminded us of the sheaf; individually
wonderful way of gaining more knowledge about Alpha Omicron Pi.
Mu Lambda
Rollins College
Recently, one of the physicians from our col- lege health center came and spoke to us about HIV/AIDS. She had expe- rienced the devastating loss of her brother due to the virus and shared her story with us. She also informed us of ways to stay safe and healthy. W e were all very
touched by her story and left better informed.
U of Mississippi
With the fall 2 0 0 4 loss of three members of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity in a tragic fire, we invited the Oxford Fire Chief over to speak to the entire chapter about fire safety. He presented a DVD to our chapter about fires. His presentation was powerful and it was something that every chapter should see.
Nu Iota
Northern Illinois U
I think the best thing about our education program is the incentives for achieve- ment. We give away dif- ferent awards for members who study hard and get good grades.
Nu Omicron
\ underbill U
One of our best educa- tional meetings that we
had was when one of our own sisters spoke about the committee for Residential Colleges, in which she
was in charge. Residential Colleges have become a major issue on our campus and we had the opportunity
U of Wisconsin
River Falls
We did an educational program on safety in your workout - how to properly stretch. This may sound
so miniscule compared to another one we did which was depression and the signs and signals, but it
was a program we could participate in and have a little fun with it. W e played volley ball, demonstrating, unintentionally, the wrong moves and then got to
learn what we could do
to prevent getting hurt out on the court. It was a fun, light-hearted education session that allowed us to interact not just with what was being taught, but with each other.
Kappa Tau
Southeastern Louisiana U
W e have speakers every month who come and give us information on alcohol abuse, dating violence, arthritis information, and many more!
Lambda Beta
California State U
- Long Beach
W e recently had an educator come to our chapter to teach us some easy self-defense moves
w e all think are very useful. He informed us on some shocking facts about our community.
Rhodes College
The best program our chapter has presented is
the "Show Me the Money" Treasurer Report. This report informs members where their dues money goes, how it is spent throughout the year, and why it is important to pay dues.
Kappa Phi
In order to be more involved with the public's reaction to politics our chapter watched Fahrenheit 911. The movie sparked many political discussions among our sisters that carried on long into the evening.
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
Our latest educational pro- gram was on how to use parliamentary procedure during business meetings and how to manage your money. For the parliamen- tary procedure education we received handouts and practiced role playing in smaller groups. Our next meeting ran very effectively as a result. The second half on money manage- ment was taught to us by our financial adviser. She updated us on new laws
unique, but together are complete.
w e
To Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
LaGrange College
Lambda Chi's best recent educational program was
Cumberland U
We recently had a recruitment workshop that taught all of us a lot about Lambda Omicron and over- all about Alpha Omicron
Pi. It was very interesting and well-prepared. During this educational program, we set goals (both long term and short term),
made a priority list, and discussed ways of getting new members. It was a
to have one of our sisters, who is directly involved, help us understand the issues that were being addressed. W e had a first- hand account of what our sister does outside of the chapter, as well as receiv- ing information about an issue that is a major topic or conversation and possible change at Vanderbilt,
Miami U
W e had an academic banquet for those w h o are outstanding members of the academic community in our chapter. Awards included highest chapter G.P.A., highest class G.P.A., and awards for reaching pi which isaG.P.A. of 3.14, among other outstanding awards. It was held in a university banquet room, and our members wore their badge attire.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth U
Omega Omicron just recently had an excellent education on love and
the working world but also helps with interview skills during recruitment.
U ofTennessee
Recently we had local police officers come and speak to us about alcohol and sexual abuse. It was a very educational program and we all learned a lot from it. These two issues are very important for college women and if is important for everyone
to be well educated and know precautions.
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
W e presented a M o c k Trial as an alcohol educational for all of Panhellenic.
Phi Chi
U of Chicago
Recently, we had an educa- tion program regarding the consequences of hazing.
It included the serious
effects it could have for the organization, as a whole, as well as those in leader- ship positions in the chapter and beyond. I don't think that all of our members understood the extent to which our president and the organization, as a whole, took on responsibility for
our conduct and actions. After the program we came to realize h o w important our choices as individuals were for the chapter and organization. W e also came to understand the extent to which we repre- sent AOII at all times.
U of Nebraska
In light of recent events involving alcohol across
university campuses, Phi Sigma participated in an educational program con- cerning alcohol awareness. A Kearney Police Officer presented a graphic pre- sentation of alcohol and the possible fatal and illegal consequences of drinking. This presentation made members aware of the dangers of alcohol as well as signs to watch for when someone has had too much to drink. The impact this presentation had on Greek Life at UNK makes people think before they wink at underage drinking.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
W e really enjoyed our alcohol awareness BRIDGES. It consisted of fun facts that most people didn't know. It gave each sister the opportunity to talk openly about tough situa- tions and personal opinions about alcohol.
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
The best educational program was our Eating Disorders Awareness
who worked at the health center on campus came and spoke to the sisters of AOII and another chapter on campus about the dangers and warning
signs of an eating disorder. One speaker spoke about her experience with an eating disorder and
how she found help and over came her disorder. Another speaker informed us how we could help a sister in need. This was a great intersorority event because it was educa- tional and informative.
International U
Our best educational program has been the self- defense class that w e had this past November. Not only did it teach us how to take care of ourselves, but we've all developed great right hooks!
Rho Omicron
Middle Tennessee
State U
One of the best and most entertaining educational programs, our chapter has presented recently, was
an educational program concerning yoga. Because w e are all very stressed,
and because physical fitness is a very important aspect of our lives, we had an educational meeting concerning the importance and steps of yoga. A
yoga instructor, from the YMCA, came out to inform us of the importance of stress relief and exercise. Although this was a fun activity, because w e actu- ally learned some yoga positions and performed them, it was also very infor- mative and interesting.
U of California
Each semester, we compile a common class list to
assist sisters in finding study buddies or creating study groups. This fall, our Vice President of Academic Development installed a new program titled, "Study Tip of the Week." She gives a short presentation every week during meet- ing to help us all improve our skills a n d use our time most efficiently.
to remind our ladies that they truly are worth all the love in the world, especially when it comes to relation- ships. We do not want
our members to forget what they stand for and what they deserve. We don't want them to lose sight of what "true love" means.
Omega Upsilon
Our chapter presented
a speaker on how to put
a resume together and proper etiquette when in
an interview. This not only helps women in the chapter with their interview skills in
W e
Event. W o m e n
7bDragma [Summer2005]
Sigma Alpha
W est Virginia U
W e just had a very edu- cational alcohol program presented to our chapter. Our Risk Management Chairman brought work- sheetsforustofillinabout a possible alcohol situation and how we would deal with it.
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
The best educational program was when the University Police came
and gave a lecture about drinking and driving. W e all got to walk the line wearing drunk goggles. It was a great experience to share with our sisters and, hopefully, it could prevent an unwanted accident.
Sigma Phi
California State U
Our chapter is very proud to have recently been involved with a drug and alcohol awareness seminar presented by ALERT.
ALERT, which stands for Alcohol, tobacco, & other drugs Learning Education Research Training, is a
peer education program very active on the CSUN campus. Not only was the presentation educational, but it was surprisingly enter- taining, as well.
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock U
Our chapter participates in a tutoring program that is available to other Greeks on campus. W e pick five sisters who are excelling in certain subjects. These girls then schedule a meeting with the other Greeks, as well as our own sisters, and
help them to do better in those subjects.
Sigma Tail
Washington College
Earlier in the semester we
set aside a stress-relief
workshop inwhich weall
gathered together for a
movie night. Sisters were
encouraged to bring
work if they needed to
do schoolwork, but the
premise of the evening was
about breast cancer during breast cancer awareness month. Our adviser was more than willing to share her own personal experi- ence. W e had handouts
to help us do self-examina- tions. Then we were told how to help prevent it. If was a very informative meeting that we all found important and helpful.
Theta Beta
Theta Omega
NorthernArizona U
The best educational pro- gram our chapter has done recently was an educa- tional program on drinking, date rape, and hazing.
Theta Pi
Wagner College
The Theta Pi Chapter of
W agner College partici- pated in an alcohol module
questions were based
on the AOII Alcohol and Hazing Policies. W e found that it was a great way to learn while having fun with our sisters.
The Xi Chapter at the U of Oklahoma tries to educate the women about certain issues that are related
to them. At a chapter meeting, one of our sisters educated us about the
issue of date rape. She informed us of many dif- ferent circumstances and we all felt better informed about that subject. W e
all appreciate learning more about these important issues from our sisters.
Bid Day at ThetaPsi (U of Toledo!
ToDragma [Summer2005]
torelaxandenjoyeach lowsonU preparedbyoneofour
other's company.
U ofMinnesota
At Tau Chapter, we are the only sorority on campus
to have Professor Dinners. Members are able to invite university faculty to our Monday night dinner. It's
a great w a y for our profes- sors to see our lives outside of the classroom and it really strengthens our ties with the university.
Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U
The best educational program my chapter has presented was on suicide. How to spot it in your friends, what to do about it, and how to find help. The program was suggested by our Risk Manager.
Tau Lambda
Shippensburg U
W e recently had a pro- gram on resumes, job hunt- ing and interviewing skills. W e received informational papers and tons of great website addresses.
Tau Omicron
U of TN - Martin
For one of our meetings, we had a sister inform us
The Theta Beta Chapter
has become involved in a Mystery Reading program at a local elementary school. Every month, sisters from our chapter read
two books to the children. These children are part
of the special education program and have various mental disabilities. They get so excited each time a sister comes in and reads
to them. It really makes us happy to know that w e can make such a huge impact on a child just by sharing our time with them.
Theta Chi
Morningside College
Before Rose Ball, we had an educational meeting on etiquette. W e watched a hilarious tape with a kooky old woman telling us which fork to use, where to place your napkin when leave
the table, and how to hold different types of glasses. Then we practiced with paper plates, plastic sil- verware, and cool plastic wine glasses that we got
to keep. It was a lot of fun, and it was fun to tease each other and our dates when we did something the wrong way!
sisters, Lauren Pizzariello. Lauren prepared a very helpful presentation that taught us the dangers of drug abuse while testing
us on our knowledge of alcohol myths and facts.
W e also were given scenarios in which we were asked to determine different responsibilities that loved ones play in a situation of alcohol abuse.
Theta Psi
U of Toledo
Our chapter had a Toledo Police Officer come in dur- ing a meeting and educate us on alcohol awareness. W e also invited another local sorority chapter to come and join us for the education, and some cook- ies and brownies too!
Upsilon Lambda
U ofTexas
San Antonio Upsilon Lambda played AOII Jeopardy!' The
U of Nebraska
Every Tuesday and Thursday, the dinning room of the Zeta AOII house is reserved for study hours. The room is completely quiet and used only for studying. The VPA provides snacks for all who attend and each member gets points for attending study hours. This is a great way for homework to get done and w e keep each other
motivated to do our best in our academic studies.
A Time for Loyalty
A Time for Vision
Life Loyal AOIL providing morefor alumnae without burden on collegians.
When I think about that day in May of 1971 when I became a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and had the badge pinned upon me for the first time, I remember how much hope
and promise I had in my heart for what our beloved sorority could be. There is no ques- tion that the memories I created with my sisters at Theta Omega Chapter while in school and since then will stay with me for the rest of my life, as I'm sure you too treasure your AOII experiences.
In my role as Executive Board Director of Alumnae, I am committed to helping our soror- ity realize so much of that hope and promise that I once only dreamed about. O f all those dreams we have the unique opportunity to make three of them happen today.
1) W e c a n o f f e r m o r e c o l l e g i a t e d e v e l o p m e n t p r o g r a m s t h a n e v e r b e f o r e i n t h e h i s t o r y o f our organization. As we all know. Alpha Omicron Pi is dedicated to leadership skills, aca- demic excellence and lifetime friendships. To succeed, AOII must continue to provide a value and richness to the collegiate experience not readily found in other organizations on college campuses, by building a strong foundation for our collegiate women, setting them up to succeed not only in their careers after college, but also as character-based citizens.
2) We can offer exciting new ways for alumnae to re-connect and stay connected to our sisterhood. If we are to truly live up to our lifelong commitment as Alpha Omicron Pis, then we must constantly be searching for new ways to inspire and rekindle the fraternal flame that we all once shared.
3) W e can create more quality and content for our quarterly magazine. To Dragma. As one of the main methods we use to stay connected to our sisters who are interested in remain- ing connected with us, we want to expand the size of the magazine and further increase the quality of the content, educating, entertaining and inspiring readers. •
By Kathy Jensen. Executive Board Director of Alumnae,
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U), Houston Alumnae Chapter
To Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
As an organization, we strongly believe in making those three goals a reality. After careful research and thoughtful discus- sion, the Executive Board has worked diligently to create Life Loyal AOII, a pro- gram modeled after successful programs offered by other large national sororities and fraternities.
This program will allow us to simulta- neously achieve all three of the goals above, by focusing unrestricted alum- nae dollars towards funding programs with a strong alumnae focus, such as To Dragma, and freeing up funds to support our collegiate chapters.
For many years, To Dragma has arrived in AOII members' mailboxes free of charge. It's quite shocking to realize that the burden of paying for this celebrated and coveted award-winning publication has historically landed squarely on the shoul- ders of our collegians! With the rising cost of postage and printing, Alpha Omicron
Pi is finding it increasingly difficult to pay for To Dragma without cutting services to collegians. In order to maintain our promi- nence on college campuses, AOII must not cut services to our chapters - instead we must increase them.
The Life Loyal AOII program will provide needed funds to endow To Dragma and free up funds to support our collegiate and alumnae chapters. Using actuarial tables, part of the one-time membership fee will be set aside to fund a lifetime subscription to 7b Dragma. In addition, it also satisfies a real desire on the part of our alumnae to have something distinc- tive to show their AOII pride and loyalty, such as lapel pins and other classy, dis- tinctive merchandise.
There are exclusive benefits to member- ship, including a lifetime subscription to a new and improved To Dragma. Life Loyal AOII members also receive a lapel pin.a wallet card, and discounts at a variety of
companies including AOII Emporium, hotels, car rentals, and travel, in addition
to many other benefits. Life Loyal AOII members will be recognized by chapter in a future issue of To Dragma. However, the real value of this commitment of loyalty is the lasting pride of knowing that Life Loyal AOII members will help ensure that Alpha Omicron Pi continues to be rich in heri- tage and rich in everlasting sisterhood.
tion for every single member to the AOII magazine, it also marks a beginning of renewed commitment to collegiate pro- grams, alumnae services and communica- tion enhancements, and ultimately, a more substantial and meaningful To Dragma. I hope you will join me in taking AOII to the next level of success by supporting this incredibly worthwhile and important pro- gram - The Life Loyal AOII.
It is my sincere HOPE that all members willjoin me to secure a future
for our sisters so that they can create the same POSITIVE memories that we experienced.
Omicron Pi is built on a strong founda- tion of loyalty and commitment. One of our earliest quotes from Stella George Stern Perry says, "W e wanted a fraternity that should carry on the delightful fellow- ships and cooperation of college days into the workaday years ahead and to do so magnanimously. Above all, we wanted a high and active special purpose to justify existence and a simple devotion to some worthy end." Supporting our collegiate members and helping defray the costs for alumnae services and communications enhancements is a "special purpose" and "worthy end" indeed.
It is my sincere hope that all members will join me to secure a future for our sisters
so that they can create the same positive memories that we experienced. Together, we must realize that to move ahead, we must adapt and evolve to our changing surroundings. A n d though this evolution brings an end to the free lifetime subscrip-
ToDragma [Summer2005]
Foundation Update
Legacy of Sisterhood Basket
The Foundation is pleased to announce a new Limoges in the series available for purchase. The lovely and delicate basket has a gold sheaf of wheat on top, and roses around the sides.
You may order yours from the Foundation office for $165 plus $5 s/h. The Legacy of Sisterhood Basket will also be available at the Foundation table during convention. The cost is partly tax deductible, and proceeds benefit the Endowment Fund.
Founders' editions of previous Limoges are still available in limited quantities: Stella's Trunk, Helen's Heart, Jessie's Journal and Bess's Bag. Contact the Foundation office for prices.
Reasons to
Sisters in need depend on the Ruby Fund
Future career women get training
Kids get arthritis, too
Tuition and student loan costs increase every year Women get arthritis
Inspiring speakers teach and motivate us Everyone benefits from a strong AOII Help fund a scholarship
Preparing and guiding our leaders
AOII Strike Out Arthritis
Honor or remember a special person Share the Legacy of Sisterhood
Increase your annual Loyalty Fund support by monthly yiving!
Gift Express Authorization Form
I authorize Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation 1 withdraw $ from my checkir account each month by automatic bank dr
[ would like this draft to occur on the: . 1st day ot each month, or
. 15th day of each month
erstand there is a Ss.oo/month minir ition. I also understand withdrawals 1
continue until 1 cancel this agreement and my monthly bank statement will serve as a receipt for my donations.
Print Name
time Phone g Phone
Please attach a voided check to this form and mail to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
). Box 395, Brentwood, TN 37024-03 Thank you for your commitment!
ToDragma [ Summer 2 0 0 5 ]
Sign up for Gift Express and make your gift a monthly habit - it's easy and convenient!
Chapter President/Chapter Adviser
Leadership Academy
"A Promise to Lead"
Leadership Academy for Chapter Presidents and Chapter Advisers was held February 25-27, at International Headquarters. Approximately 89 Collegiate Chapter Presidents and 57 Chapter Advisers participated in the weekend event entitled "A Promise to Lead." The weekend was made possible through a grant from the AOII Foundation.
Friday evening began with activities designed to focus on the big picture of AOII and led by Lisa Ruster-Moore. Next, Bev Townsend presented a session titled "Living Our Ritual" and read a letter from the chairman of RT&J, Ginger Banks. Other topics for the evening included planning your year, SOE grids and goal setting, and preparation for convention. Chapter Presidents and Chapter Advisers attended sessions together on Friday evening and the first half of the day on Saturday.
Volunteers presenting during the weekend were Phyllis Gilson, Kim Carroll, Linda Grandolfo, Lisa Ruster-Moore, Melissa Healy, Bev Townsend, and Kathy Sowell. Saturday morning sessions included the following topics: financial management, risk manage- ment, and the AOII International Membership Selection Program.
Some of the areas covered Saturday afternoon and evening for the Chapter Presidents included: officer transition, etiquette and navi- gating the website. Chapter Advisers discussed leadership, chapter election procedures, along with navigating the website.
Sally Wagaman, International President, answered a multitude of participants' questions in the "Ask the International President" session and related some of her own experiences when she was a collegian and as an alumnae volunteer.
On Sunday, Dr. Robert Fisher. President of Belmont University, was the first featured speaker. He inspired everyone as he discussed characteristics of effective teams and their leaders. Next, Kathy Sowell concluded the weekend urging each participant to be "Sisters Developing Leaders Together." Kathy reminded Chapter Presidents and Chapter Advisers to strive for the best and not be afraid to call upon one another and chapter members for assis- tance in achieving their goals.
7b Dragma
[Summer 2005
bragging rights
To Dragma [ Summer 2005]
4.0 Scholars
'Denotes both semesters.
Alpha Chi
Sarah Price* Sallie Mills
Abby Lovan* Kara Sears
Tara Robinette* Brittany Fausey Mary Mills Sarah Murray Stefanie Sellers Megan Brown Rachel Foster Lindsay Harrod Lori Morel Cassie Neace Stacy Overstreet Rachel Payne Kelly Russell Jamie Sullivan Kandess Thomas Tiffany Towles
Alpha Delta
Megan Bell* Mary Kathryn
Benefield* Leigh Brock Kristen Conner Kathryn Johnson Shelia Mason Erica McCann Catherine
McCord* Kelli Roberson* Deborah
Sharpless* Sarah Stabler* Stephanie Wilson Blaire Boswell Deonna Dodd Leigh Hart Melissa Mason Ashley Oscarson Amy Vega
Carrie Allen Katherine Orman Mandy Simmons
Alpha Lambda
Allyson Carroll Cathleen Castay Melissa Gifford* Kristin Grimes Allison Healy Margaret Jackson Brittany McElroy Lea Mitchell* Elisabeth
Moskosky* Lydia Murdock Carley Prichard Amy Swindell Heather Holland Haley Crawford Kristina Medina Maryn Clements Dana Jacobsen
Alpha Phi
Kristin Wright
Valerie Forrest* Gina Paponetti Elizabeth Rausch Cassandra Veres Kristen Johnston
Alpha Theta
Rachel Baer Rachel Parr Lindsey Phillips Allison Anderson Lindsey Bowen Katie Oswald-
Caitlin Schneider
Kelley Megel Ellen Sluka Andrea Zarb
Chi Delta
Elizabeth Barton Heidi Hiltbrunner Caroline Huh Jaclyn Luca
Amanda McCartney
Sarah Brand
Chi Epsilon
Meredith Hall Vanessa Mears Ashley Shannon* Melissa Sands April Betts
Chi Lambda
Laurie Bandos Jessica Jetton Molly
McLaughlin Martha Beatty Kylie Driggs Amanda Frederick Amanda Horton Brittany Kieffner Colleen Kinney Ashley Neuman ChristineRufkahr Catherine Taylor
Chi Psi
Michelle Wastafero
Erin Moore Heather Kampfe Kristy Catafi Ashley Lennon
Chi Theta
Jenny Dixon Amber Johnson Dusti Stone* Martha Bacon Melissa Pitts Michele Schmidt Christina
Miranda Steed
Delta Beta
Anna Maragos Christine Bayma
Laura Davidson Elizabeth Coleman Catherine Guidry Karli Sherman
Delta Delta
Dianne Beard Courtney
Boeckmann Lauren Caraway* Emily Chandler Kathryn Foti Rachael Fowler* Heather Halley Jennifer Hess Jayne Hines
Ashley Imsand* Christin Johnson Stephanie Jones* Jennifer Lacharite Morgan Lynch* Katie Mitchell Manda Mitchell Whitney Phillips Audrey Reyes Leslie Rosebrough Katie Williams Kelly Blaser Kimberly Bums Laurie Caldwell Christy Cohan Kathleen Donovan Brittany Estes Caroline Goodner Kelly Keasler Rachel Kizziah Jade Lasseigne Ioanna Lianos Amanda Nichols Laura Peaden Jennifer Shepherd Melanie Tew
Delta Epsilon
Jessica Moersch Stephanie
Snourds* Hannah Turner Delta Omega Lindsay Atkins Jessica Barnes
Melissa Barron* Whitney Bushart Amy Hille*
Sarah Hobson* Jennifer Lanning Leslie Lyons* Whitney Medley Tera Murdock Jennifer Payne Kavla Rudolph* Hillary Spain Jenny Canaday Amy Clymer Laura Nixon Megan Rogers Chalise Schuyler Virginia Taylor Christin Yates Hilary Fackler Lyndsi Keel Meagan McManus Martha Ray Kristin Watson
Delta Pi
Jessica Barker* Leah Castle Elizabeth Finkle Megan Jenkins Kristi Prychitko Jennifer Verstraete Jennifer Wolf Ashton Albert Jessica Cramer Kimberly Dragoo Jennifer Schuh Stacey Smith Sheena Wiyrick
Delta Psi
Dana Kuefner
Delta Rho
Alana Fearey Karoline Filipiak*
Delta Theta
Stacy Harrison Aubree Murray
Thefollowinginformation wasgatheredfromchapterofficer reportsinAlphaLink Inmisissue,weproudlysaluteour4.0 students and ourSGA campus leaders.
Carry Hirsch
Epsilon Alpha
Stephanie Sorkin Danielle Sturtz
Epsilon Chi
Sarah Dollard Rachel Abbott Meghan Morgan Kristen Shirley
Epsilon Gamma
Shannon Stef
Emily Sickle Casey Green Martha Lewis
Amanda Kemme Aimee Koblitz Teresa Toney Deanna Henriksen
Jennifer Dragon
Gamma Chi
Julia Gardner
Lauren Evans* Dani Laws Rebecca Morris Danielle Stevens Katie Walls Haley Battiste Brandy Comer Sarah Fletcher JenniferWarren
Gamma Omicron Ashley Wheeler Bailey Barbour Barbra Gussow Colleen Lenhart* Desiree Hood* Erin Morris
Erin Garretson Gillian Russell Rebecca Russell Gina Macaluso Heather Keir Jamie Myette Jessica Cook Karen Pearson Kristen
Bodenweber Mandy Taub Maggie Dewberry Molly Pusateri Nikki Williams* Sam Murano Shayna Freyman Stephanie Cochran Bailey Barbour Ana Paula De Lima Brittany Dixon Whitney Hackett Jamie Myette Britany Raymond
Gamma Sigma
Silvana Young Rebecca Murphy Dana Burmeister Jessie McCarren Leslie Riddick Katherine Thomas
Gamma Thefa
Laura Conoly Rachel Shirk Jennifer Schultze Christina Burke
Rebecca Bisaillon Bridgette Blair Angela Brosi Kristy Devine Kiley Gibson Alyssa Mian
Beth Juiris
Katie Pekara Michelle Pezzuto Liz Shapiro Angie Stewart Jordan Stewart Sarah Stredney Erin Vance
Jill Vaughn Nikki Wackerlin Sarah Williams
Kimberly Minnis*
Kappa Alpha
Alison Antes Katherine Trout Kappa Chi Heather Cisco*
Kappa Gamma
Amanda Chin* Kathleen Dubois Jennifer Stuart Bethany Baker Carla Schnitzlein Kylee Welsh
Kappa Kappa
Kelly Nofzinger Marjorie Zihar Michel Hudgins Jennifer Schnieder* Alyssa Ivanson Jennifer Tarrance Lauren Tooley Renee Fortman
Kappa Omega
Jamie Brown* Vanessa Casey Kelsey Fort* Sherri Madison* Jill Phelps
Liz Richardson
Ali Robison Katherine Smith Brooke Tormoehlen Lisa Bames Kathleen Donoghue Amanda Koier Kailey Schulz Ann-Michelle Yates Joanna Day
Laura Nelfigan Jenny Reed Allison Rodgers Kimberly Smith Susie Theis
Kappa Omicron
Mary Ashley Carver* Natalie Dumont Frances Rabalais Sarah Hildenbrand Caroline Bishop Georgianna Bowersox
Kappa Rho
Kristin Brinker Kim Borga
Leslie DeBacker Janel Gesinski Stephanie Wallace Katherine Linder
Britni DiGeorge* Jeri-Lynne Murphy Cassandra Schnell Cassie Trahan Cori Crochet
Jennifer King Ashley Tarver Leslie James Carey McMillan
Lambda Beta
Kerri Jackson Carla Hernandez
Lambda Chi
Jennifer Aldrich Sarah Harwell
Kathryn Henry Hillary Holder Sarah Jarrett Miriam McMillan Amber Nolen Jennifer Aldrich Rebecca Teel*
Lambda Eta
Ashley Barnes Rebekah Duffey Brittany Stropich Lambda
Jennifer Pero Andrea Chapman Channing Bailey Amy Carr
Lambda Sigma
Valerie Alva Amanda Banks Ally Barnes* Laura Bedingfield Kiki Billing* Kathryn Binder Courtney Burger* RachelCarter Blair Cobb Lindsey Davison* Kris Dondero Katie Dupree Jackie Feit
Dylann Gould-
Mia Hurt Breanne Johnson* Megan Joiner Daisy Kraft Lindsay Macrae Jamie Martin* Catie McCoy Kate McLaughlin Lauren Moore Katie Morgan* Rachel Neeley Abby Peck*
Nicole Pfleger Ashlee Roberts* Tiffany Saarela Lori Sammons Katie Schickner Allison Scott* Sodashi Shallow Meghan Shingler* Sarah Kimberly
Holly Soro
Rebecca Stafford Leigh Tenewitz* Mandy Traynor* Jessica V eil
Mary Beth Wiggins Emily Williams Mary Wolfe* Kathleen Barton Elizabeth Freeman Lyndsay Hoban Meghan Pendergast
Abby Wright Sarah Acker Katherine Almand Amy Armstrong Betsy Bates
Taylor Brown Elizabeth Cain Sarah Harmon Lauren Korb Andrea Lee Ashley Mateer Colleen
McLaughlin Hawley Morrison Katie Olson Hailey Schroeder Kathryn Seal
Amy Smith
Sabra Sparks Lindsey Thomson Stephanie Walls Amanda Warmer
Lambda Tau
Meagan Crump
Lambda Upsilon
Alessia Carluccio* Margaret Miller Jessie Richter Lauren Russo Christina Schindele Jessica Wobb Tiffany Berman Nicole Sudhaus Susan Vitale
Mu Lambda
Christine Bradford Kathleen Pederson Odile Perez
Nu Beta
Angela Acred Valerie Baughn Julie Benoit Rebecca Bertrand Briana Carstens Marie Harkins Stephanie Kemper Meredith
McKinney Elizabeth Rainey
Nu lota
Diana Varga Jessica Riggs
Rose Mulvey Trudee Thielen Kimberly Weimer
Nu Omicron
Meghan Cole Dana Delisi
Stephanie Frank Natalie Gross Amanda
Hassenbusch Mary Kathleen
Petrice Mostardi Christine Myers Alexis Nesbit Martha Presley Katherine Simpson
Megan Stuk Sunny Thompson Stephanie
Trautwein Elizabeth Andrus Alison Bruckert Rebecca Carson Meghan Cole Catherine
Gallerani Amanda
Hassenbusch Sydney Larson Jamie Menzie
Kiley Bonk
Grace Gordon Julie Knapke Jennifer Miller Grace Schneider* Sarah Selong Cory Wiseman Alexandra Wolfe Janet Pettit* Brittany Brohard Cristina
DiGiannantonio Abra Kosova Megan Kuhlman Emily Mowrer Dana Smith Lindsay Young
Omega Omicron
Katie Finnern Jodie Leach Karrinn Penrod Jessica Willett Lisa Wilson Kacey Clayton* Amanda Mueller* Kim Moore
Omega Upsilon
Jayme Feldman Erin Sutherland Bethany Sanders Kristi Ruwe Danna Roberts Jacquelyn Petrucci Kelly Harkrader Sarah Loftus Julianne Petrarca
ToDragma [Summer2005'
0 0 if
Kristen Morrison Jennifer Interliggi Danna Roberts
Abby Adler Michelle Cheek Jenni Chew Christine
Iannicelli Sarah Jimenez Ellen Foody Hallie Aaron Preeya Mathew
Sigma Phi
Jessica Walch Jessica Raftery
Lisa Caldwell Leeann Connolly Krista Hammaker
Sigma Tau
Stacey Pratt Heather Cannavale
Mary Banks
Meaghan Loomis
Amanda Morgan
Michelle Theilmann Cristina Salazar
Student Government
Alpha Chi
Abby Lovan Brittany Fausey Lizzy White Patti Grise Emily Lovan Kathleen
Chi Lambda
Samantha Divine Margaret Hedde Samantha Smith Laura McNair
Chi Psi
Jenny Waller Sabrina Hansen
Chi Theta
Kelly Jones Jessica Trudell Renee Snoke
Amanda Shackelford Amanda Gary
Susan Gonzalez
Kendel Smith Christen Ridley Alex Strictland Mary Shaffer
Bullington Mary Wheeler
Delta Epsilon
Jessica Gandy Alison Pierce Summer Watts Kim McCain Emily Rollins Krystal Ponder Laurie Davis Pascha Thacker Rachel Bell Lindsey Brown Lindsey Holland Amanda Mabry Dana Roberts LaShawna Shelton Heather Williams
Delta Omega
Rebecca Boyd
Jenny Canaday Amanda Carter Kayla Cunningham Elizabeth Dandeneau Kelly Drane
Pamela Finley Brooke Fugate Susan Greene Annelise Grogan Megan Haverstock Amy Hille
Sarah Hobson Laura Holt Casey Humkey Jackie Hunter
7b Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
Katie Bondurant
Ashley Cate*
Rachel Clement
Kimberly Jones
Mia Northington
Jessica Roller
Rachel Royer
Whitney Simpson* Maria Rivera Kelly Willis*
Elizabeth Wilson Stephanie Yokely Kelly Owens Julie Hamm Sarah Roberts* Mary Rogers Taylor Scott
Maci Stephens Christia Brinkley Ashley Klein Rachel Matthews Louise Negus
Phi Beta
Claudia Cerulli*
Phi Sigma
Jada Bflau
Becky Bredemeyer Whitney Quarles*
Alpha Delta
Susan Ewton Jenna Fitzke Suzanne Martin Megan Schmidt Jessica Vossler Kristan Barleen Sheila Bouc Brette Covington Kylee Gardner Amber
Kunnemann Kerri Myers Heidi Weber Molly
Pi Alpha
Katherine V isanescu
Pi Delta
Ashley Ball Lauren Cox Ashley Desbetino Julie Johnson
Theresa Ortbals
Sigma Alpha
Melissa Kreitzer* Sheila Figel* Stephanie Lett Christy Dunn
Sigma Chi
Megan Tweedie*
Sigma Delta
Shannon Cheney KeriTill Katharine Dozier
Elke Nelson
Elizabeth Gallagher Kristen Wilt
Erin Watkins*
Margaret Lynch
Holly Cole*
Lauren Adornetto* Sigma Kristen Benovic
Tau Omega
JenniferWagenmaker* Wendalyn Prather* Lindsay Schoeni Tau Omicron Sarah Allen Rebecca Blackley* Amy Clement Stephanie Dowell Keeley Gaylord Mandy Hansen Rachel Mansfield Anna Moore Stephanie
Hardcastle Tess Morgan
Theta Beta
Ashley Christensen Leigh Herrel Christina Meyer Christina Pollack Jennifer Skahill Melanie Wilson
Ashley Dirks
Erin Bader Melissa Edson Racheal Boeger* Jennifer Edwards* Katy Michaelis* Stephanie Mohr Jennifer
Reifschneider Shelley Tift*
Sara Brostrom Shannon Doyle Emily Hilgenkamp Cassandra Ruzicka Lindsey Slobodny Jodi Throckmorton
Jaqueline Homm Katie Mitchum Hailey Parr
Kassi W ebster Abby Afshari Erin Durham Lindsey Plott Andrea West
Tara Buckley* Erin Dieterich Allie Gebhardt* Nicole Korson* Gina Ruocco Tiffany Yu*
Pi Theta
Renee Charek*
Crissy Faillo
Carmen Guidera
Katie Kormanyos
lodi Lomax
Upsilon Lambda Randi Hall Nicole Gonzales
Jessica Ash
Rho Delta
Kathryn Lamb* Lindsey Rubio Autumn Busby Mallory Kline Katherine
Rho Omicron
Michele Butler Laura Clark Christen
Culpepper Beth Hugney Mary McAdoo Megan McRae Amanda
Kristin Bradbury
Tau Delta
Jaime Burkett Whitney Curvin Elizabeth McLeod Andrea Rogers Ashton Rogers Meg Seibert
Jenni Stracener
Tau Gamma
Rebecca Sturm
Tau Lambda
Lizette Ballesteros Annie Patterson Amber Shipp
Amanda Arnold Natalie Albert Lauren Black Kendra Davis Lauren Eddy Jenna Gutierrez Laura Harolds Robin Maril Laura Pearsall Corinne Polito Erin Sullins Laurie Williams
Amy Vega
Hallie Wallen Kelly Bradbury Katie Minton Meghan Stringer Michelle Fuentes Ashley Reynolds Melisa Alicea Catherine Garland Amy Wilkinson Kristen Mugnier Catherine McCord Camille Henson Amelia McCarrell
Lauren Krnavek
Alpha Theta
Tiffany Patnode
Beta Gamma
Kathy Pawlak
Beta Phi
Claire Berghel Katie Diggins
Beta Tau
Jennifer Francis
Chi Epsilon
Katey Price Shelly Guisinger
Elizabeth Agee Lindsay Lovelace Courtney Rowe Kristen Rowe
Heather Blom Lindsay Smith
Theta Omega
Rebecca Stromfeld Kristy Gustavson Lori Barraza Kristen Marquis
Theta Psi
Jessica Purcell*
LeeAnn Wilson Emily Woodward Catherine Reed Helen Frey
Cristina Newell Emily Roberts Catherine McCord Amy Wilkinson Jana Hogland
Ashley Lanham Rachel Leach Stephanie McDan- iels
Abby Miller Tera Rica
Murdock Ashley Powell Meagan Rogers Kayla Rudolph Tiffany Snow Jennifer
Sutherland Christin Yates Stacy Leigh Browning Amanda Carter Jennifer Carter Lane Davis Hilary Fackler Lindsey Keel Sarah Schardein Kristen Watson
Delta Pi
Sarah Dickerson Wanda Miller
Delta Psi
Wendy Hale
Delta Rho
Liz Marcus Kristina Borrelli Annie Bourquin Micki Kams
Delta Theta
Lindsey Durham
Meghan Cunningham
Epsilon Omega
Whitney Bowles Casey Green Alison King Jenny Klausing Sara Liles Heather Shanks Amyjo Smith Stefany Vaughn
Epsilon Sigma
Stefanie Brezinski KellieWood Michelle
Doellman Laura Bolger Victoria Goshert Elena King
Resa Hellenthal
Celynn Goodale Amanda Brown
Gamma Alpha
Stephanie Marella Suzanne
Gamma Chi
Becky Eggett Mona Zahiri
Gamma Delta
Kelly Cook Haley Rode
Gamma Omicron Kitty Riggs Jamie Myette
Gamma Theta
Candace Wild
Tania Zambri Lisa Richards Kappa Alpha Pam Fischer Erin Reynolds Ashley Kelly Pam Fischer
Kappa Chi
Minay McConnell Kelly Miller
Lisa McQueeney
Kappa Omicron Ashley Crosland Georgianna
Bowersox Ashley Carver Jane Anne Miller
Kappa Phi
Whitney Morrison Diana
Kappa Rho
Amanda Grove Christina Johnson Jackie Caldwell Tara O'Neil
Kappa Tau
Courtney Martin Ashley Tarver Candice Sanders Leslie Millard Jeri-lynne Murphy Jaclyn Broussard Brooke
Romangano Cassie Schnell Brirni Digeorge Heidi Hayes Shannon Kimball Jackie Rodriguez
Lambda Chi
Elsa Johnson
Lambda Eta
Allison Reynolds Michelle Ftorvath Christine Brown
Lambda Sigma
Mallory Grebel Hawley Morrison Megan Bruner Lauren Stephan Ally Barne Alicia Hunt Katie Barton
Lambda Tau Lexie Kimble
Lambda Upsilon
Jenny Scott Meredith Holly Meaghan Bertsch Kelli Crabtree Jillian Koste Michelle Paitich Victoria Conte
Mu Lambda
Rebecca Charuk
Rebecca Bertrand Lauren Clark Amanda Russell
Nu lota
Jackie Riplinger Sarah Katz
Nu Omicron
Robin Kornfeld Caity Prouty
Carolyn Sloane Erica Zygelman Lisa Bryington Ashley Dameron Courtney Gould Katheryn
Streitwieser Devin Donnocan Carolyn Sloane Michelle Collins
Omega Omicron Emily Young Laura Deskin
Phi Sigma
Nicole Houser Kristan Barleen
Pi Delta
Holly Cole Brittany Tressler Dayle Dougherty Shannon Beck
Pi Theta
Alice Estevez VanessaRuiz Erika Gaeta
Rho Omicron
Candice Haynes Leah Beth Bean Jill Blount
Bess Rickman Misty Cox
Debbie Bergstrom Jeannie Czemer Elizabeth Kremen Pamela O'Leary Marisa Lau
Sigma Delta
Hayle Shamp
Sigma Omicron
Courtney Rowe Kristen Rowe Amelia Russel
Sigma Rho
Brooke Schad
Nicole Hines Betsy Raguse Katie Skoglund
Tau Delta
Penney Patterson Lenor Harrison Jeris Burns
Tau Lambda
Leah Birek
Tau Omega
Colene Elridge Wendalyn Prather Laura Lawless
Tau Omicron
Rachel Mansfield
Theta Chi
Angie Meyer Shawna Simmons
Theta Pi
Mel Powers Jackie
Ashlie Wion Stephanie Gotschall
Audra Soukup
To Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
To Dragma [ S u m m e r 2 0 0 5 ]
AOII was considered for role of Scarlett O'Hara
Editors note: As AOHs across the US and Canada travel to Atlanta, Georgia, this summer [or International Convention, we thought it would be fun to look hack on this fascinating bit of AOII and movie trivia on Margaret Tallichet Wyler, Kappa Omicron (Rhodes College, formerly Southwestern U). The following story was printed in To Dragma, January 1937,from a story appearing in the Memphis Press-Scimitar newspaper.
[Dateline - 1937] Margaret Tallichet, a recent Southwestern co-ed today became a leading contender for the most coveted role in filmland. On his last night's broadcast, Walter Winchell, keyhole columnist, said that Miss Tallichet is scheduled for the role of Scarlett O'Hara in the Selznick-United Artist production of Margaret Mitchell's talked-of novel, Gone With the Wind.
Winchell's statement brought a denial from United Artists to Associated Press that such an assignment has been made. The studio which is publicizing a "talent search" to find a Southern girl for the role, said that Miss Tallichet, however, does appear in a small part in the Janet Gaynor-Frederic March picture. "A Star Is Born," to be released early next year.
From other sources, however, The Press-Scimitar has learned that Miss Tallichet is at least being considered for the Scarlett O'Hara role, for which most of the famous actresses of Hollywood have been suggested. She has been given tests for the picture, and George Cukor, who will direct the film, has taken a special interest in the former Southwestern girl's possibilities. Miss Tallichet entered Southwestern as a freshman in 1931, remaining through her sophomore year. Mrs. R. Lewis Jones, 1039 Lamar, is her aunt.
A native of Dallas, Miss Tallichet completed her college education at Southern Methodist University, and afterward became assistant society editor of the Dallas Times-Herald. From there she went to the Dallas Morning News as society editor.
Her film career, which has been as remarkable as it has been brief, began when she inter- viewed a film executive at the Baker Hotel in Dallas. He turned the tables on her and told her she should be on the screen. She did nothing about it until her Memphis aunt, Mrs. Jones, took her grandson to California last February. Unable to leave the paper at the time. Miss Tallichet followed in March. She didn't follow up her contact there, but was lunch- ing with friends at Paramount Studios, when she was seen by an official who asked if she wanted a job. She accepted it - in the publicity department.
Since then her entrance into the acting phase of the movies has seemed inevitable. Gail Patrick, Paramount player on a recent visit in Memphis, revealed that Miss Tallichet has attracted the attention of Carole Lombard, Paramount star, who practically made her her protege. Others similarly saw the girl's possibilities, with the result that she was tested, has been given her first small part, and now breaks forth as a possible Scarlett O'Hara of the screen.
Miss Tallichet became a member of Alpha Omicron Pi at Southwestern, was a straight-A student and took part in the Southwestern dramatics. She has numer- ous friends here, with whom she keeps in louch. Her friends are not surprised at her speedy entrance into films, and believe she is just the type for the O'Hara role. She has dark brown hair, is about five feet four with grey-blue eyes. She has an unusually fine speak- ing voice, Southern, but not broadly so. Popular with men and girls alike in Memphis, she stood out for her individuality, displaying and independence of conven- tional dress that many remember. She is described by her friends as naturally brilliant, with a beautiful, strong face.
History has proven the above press release was pre- mature, as most people are aware the coveted role of Scarlett O'Hara went to Vivian Leigh after an exhaus- tive search. Margaret's strong showing as a serious contender was a tribute to her amazing beauty and tal- ent. She went on to star in two major motion pictures, Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) and It Started With Eve (1941). She also had a supporting role in A Star Is Born (1937). Despite a promising future, Margaret chose to step out of the limelight to become a full time wife and mother, after marrying famed director William Wyler in 1938. An eight-time Academy Award nominated director, her husband won three Best Director Oscars for Mrs. Miniver (1942), The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) and Ben-Hur (1959). A few other notable Wyler films include Wuthering Heights (1939). Roman Holidag (1933) and Funng Girl (1968). He received the American Film Institute Life Achievement Award in 1976.
William and Margaret W yler had five children. A gift from the children in 1997, the William Wyler Papers are housed in Special Collections at the UCLA Arts Library. Included in the collection of scripts, correspondence, and production information is a mid- 1930s scrapbook on Margaret Tallichet's acting career. Margaret passed away in May 1991 of cancer.
ToDragma [Summer2005]
Alpha Omicron Pi honors the following sisters who passed away during the biennium. This list contains names of deaths reported between April 1,2003 and March 51,2005. Names are published in the summer To Dragma of each International Convention year. A beautiful ceremony is preformed during Convention as a tribute to these ladies.
W estern Kentucky U Patricia Harper Miron
{ton State U Frances Lowden Borgen
Inez Ingling Glover
Gala Peed Jenkins
Agnes Smick Knott Carolyn Schlien Quantrille KarenWilliamsStevens
Georgia Southern U Sandra Crider
Lindsey Whitfield Nancy Wolfinger
Louisiana State U Virginia Johnson Gwinn
Montana State U Dorothy Gilbert Cooper Patricia Bowles Goodrich Renee Bushnell Hames Alice Stranahan Klatte Mabel Buiklund Lowe Linda Kalepp May Marjorie M. Peavey Mary Briggs Ross
Phyllis Todd Sundberg Freda Chamberiin Toner
Florida State U
Helen Young Carlton
Marjorie C. Dillingham Maggie McCall Hancock Horence Cameron Morris Jacqueline M. Murchek Alline Freeman Thompson
Oregon State U Janice Aikins
Roselea Eddy Anderson Shirley Abrams Davis
Muriel McLean Adams Catherine G. Divine Mary Stein Gbetz
Allean Bechill Hichens Glenna Heacock Kneeland Mary McLeod Lavelle Nancy Leake
Helen Voelker Shoemaker Gladys Banleson Tupling Helen Hoefer Olsen
Roberta Ault Bassett Elinor Eaton JaneWeimert Kincheloe Jean Gets Kreischer Esther Worstell Lawrence Norma Naab Mann Martha McCray Sperry Joan Cochran Whitlatch Mildred Wyatt
Rebeeea M. Yannitell
Bc6t< CftlMMCO Michigan State U
Mary Ellen Jenkins Whidock Deborah King Willis
Lisa York
Eastern Michigan U Joyce Service Ensign
Bcfa; lilt,
U ofToronto
Jan Morgan Boese
Agnes Drummond Wilson
Butler U
Frances Shera Fessler
U of Louisiana At Lafayette
Carroll Campbell Rowena Harrell Ashley Matey
Auburn U Patricia Conway
Ann Fogg Eich KarenMcKibbon
Jacksonville State U Tracy Smith Childress
Murray StateXI
Martha Hayes Denton Mary Mobley Heinzman Kathie Oskin Kranz Keri Zoll
Central Missouri State U Katy Henry
Joan Ferrari
Rowena Ross Hill Frances L. Wilkinson
Norma Leversee Botkin Clarissa D. Carabateas Eleanor B. Crinnion Janet Frost Keller Mary Bull ShafFner
IJennsylvanja State U Virginia Garman Condon Helen Westbrook Cox Elizabeth M. Doyle
Mimi Funke Fidlow
Ann Morris Hibbard Barbara Frederick Junker Margaret K. Kreiss Marion Tomlinson Leight Polley W. MacKenzie Romane Murray McKean Madge Terwilliger
ToDragma [Summer 2005]
Patricia Larkin Beck
Janet Englehardt Freeman Jean Grant Gardner
Ruth Westveer Graham Kathryn N. Hendrickson Carol Rans Marsh
Ann Wynkoop Petrak Robin Metz Sutton Maxine Gilbert Tucker Carol Waszak
Carol Des Jardins Wilcox
U of Briton Columbia Mary Gerow Smellie
Margaret Strachan Smith
Illinois Wesleyan U Dorothy Ehinke
Carol Borgeson Holappa
Indiana U
Philomena Zappia Bough Mary Gray Canrington Ann Gfeenawalt Diggins Jane Hetrick Graves
Doris Schory Hazelwood Jean Anderson Jenkins Nancy Bair Kelly
Marjorie Swihart McCague RuthVedellSehaaf
Carol Taylor
Syracuse U
Marjorie Pease Burke
Doris Johnson Fleming Helen Bogosta Gilbert Fran Lugg Harrington
U of Colorado
Sonya Blackford Blackstock Margaret Lee Burroughs Julia Clark
Doris Thompson Leavitt Ann Hemp Olafson
U of Evansville Edith Bates
JenniferHeuring Combs Alma Dean Wilson Hamby Margaret Kinkel
Virginia McCutchan Mellvina Tromly
Alma Schuessler Vaughn
Centenary College Mary Pembert Young
T ufts U
Dorothea C. Chisholm
Elinor Clark Cole Charlotte Koules
Nancy Mowry Ober Phyllis Howard Ryan Mary Ellen White Staubly
San Josejitate U Arvia Brooks Ayer
Katherine Murphy Pelham
Ruth Gilbert Vames Teresa Capelli Weaver
item Kentucky U Missy Fields
U ofWisconsin Florence R. Mullarky
Jeanette Z. Stebbins
• of Maine
Frances Sawyer Alford Mary Dickey Bray
Mary Cooper Cotting Jane Dyer Ellsworth Nancy Chase Koeritz Dorothy Moynihan Elizabeth McAlary Pease Karen White Plasse Helen Buker Rochlin Alice Webster Sinclair Barbara Hines Spear
Indiana U of Pennsylvania
Zelinko Gehinger
U o f South Alabama Christie Summers Draiss
Gatnjruv OmioM;
Uof Florida
Carolyn Burt Cemy
Sarah Hicks Grove
Georgia State U Frances Taylor Dupree Sandra Young Engdahl
U of Illinois
Helen H. Dommermuth Helen Murphy Hightower Gretchen Hulsebus Iben Angeline Saling Mitchem Dorothea C. Strand
Beth Fowler Vitoux
IdohoSjateU Colleen Dunn Lowe
Eleanore D.MacCurdy
IowaSjateU Maxine Sorenson
Randolph Macon Women's College
Nancy Beasley Curtis Jean Land McKinney
Eleanor Manning Robbins Jamie Crawford Trice Anita Lamar Schley
Indiana Syne U Jane Porter
Katherine Wallem
lwestern State U Evan Gambrell Christina LeVasseur Jenni Powell Roberts
Belli Statejg
Sandra Cox Bettner
Nancy Gothard Mannies
T^gMa,' OmiatHv
Rhodes College Margaret Arnold
Beth Holden Chastain Mary Sohm Glass
Mary Elizabeth Home Elizabeth Carter Lipscomb Gwen Martin Thurmond
7(gMA- P i
Oj^b Northern U
Alena Huggins McHugh
Western Michigan U Margene Hall Kwiat
Mary Ann Strieter Paulin
Southeastern Louisiana U Linda Gadmer
Christina Thomas
U/{[California Los Angeles
Carol Spence Barrow
Sue Baldwin Campbell Frances Sheeler Harris MarleneH. Kirkland Harriet W. McLaughlin Betty McFarland Merrill Kathryn Cassidy Taboada Katherine Williams
Stanford U
Marjorie Hill Bogusch Jane G. Chamberlin Virginia Fischer Jastram Marny Say Jones Frances B. Kirkwood Cardine N. Marchand Martha Shutts Orr
LaGrange College Jacquelyn Miller
Sharon Bugg Vance
Uof Georgja
Dorma Fayssoux Bowden Merriana Branan Elizabeth Ray Christian Mildred H. Donaldson Margaret Fulton King Shirley Kist Midyette Patti White Saye
Alice Bush Shirvanian Virginia Danner Smith Marie R. Thompson
U ofLouisiana at Monroe Elaine Roper Jordan
New York U
Betty Raynor Crayhon MaryDeNifT PriscillaH. Loomis Mabel A. M clndoe Grace Tessier
U ofMississippi Summer Sexson
Northern Illinois U Debra Sales Beise
Jenny Trygar
Southed Methodist U Beulah McGhee Dunlap Winona Bringhurst Hall Frances Garrett Holder
U of Southern California Marian Hibbard Brush Mildred Austin Clark
J\fuy Omic/Vils
Harriet Priester Allen
Sara Coleman Bond Elizabeth W. Davidson Hardy Noland Dietz Elizabeth Lichter Charlotte Norred Whitt
Eleanor King Blank
Cornelia Jones Hale Mary Magaw Hall Mary Baker Legge Cynthia Tranter Lynn Ann Harris Miller
Frances Cenfield Pugh Jane Troxell Schneider Charlotte M. Starrier Emma Wolf Strother Julia Fisher Vonbargen Martha Ascham Wanner Mary Helmkamp Young
Omcdtv OmiaViv
LambuthU Ashley Boyd
Robbie Fly
Mary Miller Shannon Shackelford
U of Tennessee
Mary Shanton Briscoe
Catherine Daugherty Offers Virginia S. Hammond Katherine N. Headrick Dana Dow Kastory Marianne Smith Kelley Jane Davison Wagoner
Omamty Po
Uof Michigan
Nancy Jach Aupperle
Irene Ferguson Bedson Corinne S. Eberhardt Rosemary Clifton Hicks Peggy Bayne McFarland Marjorie G. Nienstaedt Myrtle Patterson Panter Phyllis Peterson
Mary Grubbs Power Barbara Babbitt Quigley Margaret H. Underwood Abigail R. Vanwagenen Lora Wheeler Wever Dorothy Letts Wiley Helen Belcher Winter
U o f Kansas
Susie Kesner Dougherty Frances Cochrane Duryea Christy Fisher
Josephine Braucher Fugate Ruth Pyle Geis
Florence Searcy Morton Lucille Woodward Shears Patricia Deam Stubbs
Sheila Dye Ward
Sydney Letson Wilson Audrey Bateman Zishka
East T ennessee State U Haley Mozingo Hyer
Youngstown State U Jean Grace
7b Dragma [ Summer 2005 ]
Suzanne Skovira Pavlov Patricia Gilboy Vivo Betty Williams
7wL Omiami
Hanover College
Rebecca White Slemp Sue Pyle Bradley Donna Doss Hales Jane McHugh Miller Patricia Walne
Tulane U
Louise Adams Roddy Mary Price Bradford Haleyon Colomb Holmes Lmily Carter Rahter
U of Maryland
Lina Saum Burley Margaret Kelley Cohan Lillie Hill Day
Ellen Bradford Gladding Edith Sparling Little Anna Baines Mclntire Suzi Kirchiro Stillwell Nancy Loew Tacchetti Helen James Wahl Nancy Friel W ells
Kathleen Glaze Abies
Jo Beth Walling Heflin mBrenda Green Rowland
U of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Gaston Brodhead Vivian Falk Buchanan Maybella Badgley Hare Helen Euerle Huelsebus
Northwestern U
Hazel Lawn Alexander Carol Bartizal Alstot Josephine Hahen Arthur Jean McLean Boyles Alice Rueckert Cerne Gene Hanna Cutter
Gerri Swanson Forgatch Virginia Shaw Gruner Maxene Travis Helton Delphine W. Hendrickson Ann Scannell Hinchion Elizabeth Ritz Honeck Marion Warnes Miller Clarice Swanson Parker Marilyn S. Shortridge Phyllis Arner Westerman Leonore Wolf-Martin Barbara Patterson Zahrt
j^jaf OmiaPft/
Middle Tennessee State U
Laura Quinn
May Layne Davis Elizabeth Beedy Duncan Jane Rea Duveneck Grace Fan
Constance Baird Graham Jean Coughlin Griffin June MacKay Heald Isabel Avila Maurer Phyllis Fox McCarty Ruth Herrick Narfi
Alice Bellingham Olson Jan Jones Paul
Sylvia Harlow Rader Patricia Gaw Shields
Sufma O/nicmi
^Arkansas State U
Freda James Daugherty Janice Burton Holland
Sigma Pki
California State U Northridge
Joyce MacKinnon
Ann Reynosa Maldonado
Sid/nd r[ttu
W ashington College
Loraine Pink Evans Jean Owens Plotts
Tan can
U of Minnesota
Sally Feit Adler
D. Long Angwin
Marci Metzger Dennig Marie Gulick Esau
Dorris Bowers Garton Jeanne Wilson Gores
Mary Grosse
Barbara Dellago Herron Sally Lohmann Laue
Ruth Wilson Martin
Audre W. McGranahan Alice Pass McHugh Marjory Monroe
Annette Scroggins Margaret Davis Slattery Adrienne Snelling Winslow
lati Z)c/L
Birmingham Southern College
Grace Powell Clark Louise Fly Grisham Mary Rinaldi Hardin Erin Hicks
Ruth Shapard Moore Martha Moseley Elizabeth Crabbe Nelson
Thelma Noel Schieffelin Adelaide Wearn Strother Nell Dexter Waite Morwenna R. Yackzan
met Cjam/na
EasternWashington U
Marisa Caruso
Tan (JmiaiHt
U ofTennessee Martin
Linda Hingst Pinion Courtney Denton Vaughn
De PauwU
Wanda King Sabien Mary Coolman Brabston Jeannette Bell Chidley Jane Schlosser Cox
Jean McCoy Delor
Jane Dunning Dirks Margaret Gard Gebhart Alice Chandler Gockley Barbara Kaiser Haxby Mary Illgen Hicks Marjorie Mclntyre Rietz Cora Evan Rinehart Dorothy Daniel Wahl Patricia Hamke Webster
tdk < wu
Morningside College
Uyof Washington
Kennita Johnson Balarezo Edith Beachwood Blackaller Irene Baker Bostelman Marianne Davies Carton Mary Fahey Chesley
Bunny W. Christopher Ada Gatjens
Patricia Murphy Gray Marolyn Morgan Hilbert Ana Pollom Holt
Lucille Holt
Bettie Johnson
Barbara Miller Kline Phyllis Hyde Morgan Beverly Holiday Nygreen Bonnie Turnbull Skucy Alverna Ocker Swan
U/of Arizona/
Fran Yonash Farber
XU of Oklahoma Frances Mathies Evans
Lisa Wieder
U of Nebraska Lincoln
Mrs Helen G Austin Charlene Blessing Clement Sue Harrington Fitzpatrick Phyllis Philipson Flagaman Ardith Tilly Hills
Mariellen Marko Jacobson Barbara Clemons James Margaret Renard Jones Madeline W. Kerkow
Janet Swift Kilgore
Dorothy F. Neurnberger Frances Aiken Pflug
Jo Srb Schmid
Flelen Eversman Thomburg Wilma Deford Wolfe
[Summer 2005 ]
Susan Brasch Kline
U of Cincinnati
Joy Gausman Ilg
Maxine Cooper McDowell Virginia Horton Stewart Elizabeth Francis Stillwell Mary Diehl Volck
L/icfa Omtcfa Northern Arizona U
Cindy Bowers
Dionne Gipson-Watson
Wagner College
Doris Sorenson Broughton Adelaide Adams Dunn Rosemarie Bade Lasinski Mary Matanic Martinsen
U of Toledo
Joan Sutton Busick Nancy Cole
Nancie Penske Koch Betty Wilson Reithel Corky Bohnert Taberner Margaret Towe
MainsuriiT The Nuts and Bolts
ofAlumnae Chapter Involvement
"I feel like it's over!" shared one AOII senior at the Senior Banquet of her collegiate chapter. AOII is for life, so what is next for those who are ready to make the transition to alumnae chapter involvement? Whether you have just gradu- ated from college this year - or several years ago, alumnae chapter involvement is a new beginning. AOII isfar from being over.
Alumnae chapters are com- posed of AOIIs from collegiate chapters across the continent, of various ages, interests and professions. What we share
in AOII brings and holds us together. A n d together, we work for our community, care for one another, pursue com- mon interests, leam from one another, and have fun!
There are so many rewards to alumnae chapter membership! As a chapter member, you have the opportunity to make new friends, be involved in philan- thropic and other worthwhile activities, "network" with other AOIIs, discover new interests, and support the Fraternity. Contact them and you will find a warm welcome and an eagerness to include you in chapter activities.
Contact the alumnae chapter nearest you by going to the Alumnae Chapter Listing in the Directory section of the AOII website, the website, fol- low the prompts to enter your member number (on your 7b Dragma label) and a password. The chapter will add you to their contact list for mailings, phone calls, and emails.
A listing of Alumnae Chapter Presidents is also provided annually in the Fall issue of To Dragma. If you are not cur- rently receiving our Fraternity magazine, update your mailing address by emailing [email protected].
For those than have an interest for serving the Fraternity in other positions, many have found that alumnae chapter involvement has provided a stepping stone and the skills needed to serve on advi-
sory committees and network teams.CompleteaVolunteer Application by clicking on
AOII for A Lifetime, and then Volunteering to access the appli- cation. The Human Resources Committee uses the applica- tions to identify potential candi- dates for appointed positions.
An important reason that I have continued my involve- ment in AOII is that I feel a responsibility to give back to the organization that provided many benefits for me. AOII has helped me become the person I am today. Being a member
of an Alumnae Chapter has brought some unexpected rewards. After I graduated from college, I did not expect
that I would continue to make special friends as an alumna member of AOII. One alumna I met had a teen-aged daughter who became the favorite babysitter to my two daughters. Another was the director of a pre-school - where my children went on to attend. Now, I have become friends with yet anoth- ersisterwhohas adaughterin college (as I do now) and it is great to have an AOII friend to share similar experiences. One of my dearest AOII friends was a Chapter Consultant who came to visit my collegiate chapter and we met again when we became alumnae chapter sisters.
AOII is for a lifetime, and we all have a responsibility to contribute to the continuity of this organization that means so much to us. Collegiate chapters are the lifebloodof the Fraternity - as that is our source of growth. Alumnae support at all levels is the backbone we need to foster this growth.
ToDragma [Summer 2005 ]
In the closing remarks of
Stella George Stern Perry's 1946 Founders' Day Greeting, she said: Let each one of us ask ourselves. Am I accepting these responsibilities, these opportuni- ties which are offered by my sorority? Am I doing my part, the most ofwhich I am capable? Am I making my contribution -giving ofmyself,my thought my time? Am I a member of Alpha Omicron Pi or was I a member of Alpha Omicron Pi?
By: Anne Buechlein Wilmes, Human Resources Committee Member, Chi Lambda (Uof Evansville), Indianapolis AC
Alumnae News
[Idea Sharing] Saluting Education:
What is the best educational program your chapter
has recently presented?
Our best educational pro- gram was our Vice-President's seminar on beauty and stress relief techniques. She sells cosmetics and treated us to a "Spa Night," complete with pedicures and massages.
Ann Arbor
The best educational program our chapter has presented was focused on Ritual. W e reviewed practices and meanings to help refresh our minds and to remind us of Alpha Omicron Pi tradition and history.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Atlanta alumnae were honored to have one of their own speak at the October
12,2004 meeting. Susan Highsmith Graveline, Lambda Sigma '78, is a wife, mom, event planner and co-founder of MAD AC (Mothers and Daughters Against Cancer.) Susan is a two time cancer survivor and spoke of her jour- ney through illness and heal- ing. Using the organization
to raise thousands of dollars for cancer research, mothers and daughters unite in a com- mon cause. This sister's story
served as an inspiration to the Atlanta chapter highlighting the difference one person can make in the lives of others.
Baton Rouge
One of our Lambda Tau Alumnae members, Cheryl Bourg, will hostess and present a program entitled "Navigating the Medicine Wave." As a Pharmacist, she will share her expertise
in a discussion on new drugs and how they affect women. We are looking forward to this educational and informa- tive discussion.
Bloomington- Normal
Our Alumnae Chapter's best educational program took place at our 2005 Founders' Day Celebration in January. Our guest speaker was Karen Ferguson, Director of our
local Arthritis Foundation. Last year, we had an educational program and slide show pre- sented by PIP Mary Williams. Mary spoke on her experi- ence as a participant in the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. Mary participated in this walk with her daughter Jen (also
an AOII) in the Atlanta area in October 2001, just a few weeks after the September
Annual Pottery/Craft Get-together of the Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter
ToDragma [Summer2005]
11th events. The spirit of those who participated, and their courage after such a tragic time, inspired Mary, Jen, and all of us.
Our best educational pro- gram was incorporated into
a sisterhood activity at AOPie Night in November when
we met the new members and get reacquainted with the Alpha Phi members. W e bring pies to share and play a lively game of AOPrice
is Right with games that test our AOII knowledge, with prizes awarded. Some of the prizes are purchased from
the Emporium! W e have
the alumnae and collegiate members "come on down I"
Bucks County
We do not have a special educational program; however, at each meeting we discuss what is happening with AOII, where the new chapters are, both alumnae and collegiate, what our phil- anthropic programs are dong to help with arthritis research,
and the awards and honors AOII has won.
Central Kentucky Bluegrass
A representative of the Arthritis Foundation presented a program on arthritis-what it is, suspected causes, treatments and research.
Central New Jersey
A Ritual workshop, which we partnered with Phi Beta was a huge success for us last year.
Central New
Our secretary, Tricia Root,
has given us wonderful educational materials she found on the web about
AOII. She has incorporated them into added pages of
our directory and made it more than just addresses and phone numbers. The directory not only educates us on our AOII history, but it has bio
sketches of each member to get to know them better.
The best educational program the chapter has presented recently was by Paige Yeeter, who attended Leadership Institute. She gave an informative talk about
all the aspects she learned. All the members present dis- cussed how we could put the information to use in bettering our chapter.
Our chapter tries to incorpo- rate education into our meet- ings and events on a regular basis and we do this by focusing on a variety of top- ics. Some meetings promote continued education about AOII; although we are no longer collegians, we remain committed to the apprecia- tion of our fraternity and its history. Other meetings
focus on education about our members and utilize activities to increase sisterhood. Some meetings are more serious and focus on increasing atten-
tion to the needs of our com- munity while other meetings are more lighthearted and focus on enjoying ourselves by learning new skills.
Chicago City
Our chapter went on a walking tour guided by a docent from the Chicago Architecture Foundation. W e learned about the history of downtown Chicago and about many of the significant buildings most of us see every day. It was a wonder- ful day of education, exercise and sisterhood!
Chicago West
Our chapter recently had a guest speaker who also was one of our members. S h e began by telling us about her involvement with the local Arthritis Foundation as well as the AOII Foundation. She then went on to share with us what it is like for her to live with rheumatoid arthri- tis on a day-to-day basis. It was a very personal and enlightening presentation. Our volunteer efforts mean even more now that we have a better understanding of how we can each make a difference and how close to home we are touched by this disease.
September was our sisterhood month. So to celebrate, we met'at the Arthritis Foundation's Regional Headquarters. The women kindly educated us on how the Arthritis Foundation helps adults and children cope with over TOO arthritis-related diseases and how we could help. As a thank you, we presented them with pandas so they could distribute them to juvenile arthritis patients.
Preparing for a memo- rial service underlined the eternal bond we all share and re-emphasized the lessons incorporated into our Ritual.
W e discussed the FAITH suicide awareness program, developed by AOII, at one of our meetings.
Denton County
The majority of our chapter members also serve on Delta Theta'sAAC. Weassistwith various BRIDGES workshops throughout the year. One of our consistent workshops is a Financial BRIDGES that we present. We also presented a resume writing workshop for our members and graduat- ing seniors.
One of our members, Mary Enwall (lota Alpha '66) lived in Saudi Arabia for over 10 years. At our monthly meet- ing, Mary shared her experi- ence of living is this mysterious land. The high-point was the authentic Saudi food served!
At Founders' Day, we always have a great tribute to the founding members, focusing on their personalities and lifetime achievements. This personalizes our Founders and makes them more "real" to us.
East Bay
We had a wonderful educa- tion event at the home of Judy Casale, Nu Lambda, who
is a beekeeper and makes honey, soaps, lotions, lip balms. We participated in a honey tasting and watched
Judy interact with her bees.
Evansville Tri-State
W e held a fireside chat with a local female OB-GYN
to discuss issues that face women from age 18 to 80 with today's lifestyle. O u r oldest attendee was 81 This turned out to be so informative and fun. Everyone learned about myths that exist through current television marketing and what really will make a difference for a happier and satisfying life. Most of all, we were told to relax and just take one day at a time.
Fort Lauderdale
LastNovemberwehelda clinic on how to increase your Spiritual Energy! W e had
a speaker who explained
a variety of healing modali- ties including Reiki, Angel Healing, Crystals and, in general, the power of music in healing.
One of last year's educational programs was getting togeth- er for a Pot Luck Game Night. Members and their significant others rotated among five different game stations so
they were able to learn new games while always playing with a different couple.
Greater Kansas
We recently had a rousing game of fraternal trivia that was a cross between Wheel of Fortune and hangman.
A piece of paper was displayed with blanks that would spell out a word or phrase. At the bottom of
the page was a clue as to what the word related to. (Example: 8 blanks, clue- ritual,answer=cardinal| Each team took turns guessing a letter and if they guessed cor-
rectly they were able to select another letter. If not, the other team was allowed to choose. When a team felt they were able to guess the word or phrase, they let the moderator know. If guessed correctly, they get the points, but if they miss it the opposing team is allowed the chance to guess for the points. The game continues until all words and phrases have been uncov- ered. The team with the most points in the end wins!
Greater Los Anyeles
Every year we invite a speaker to attend one of
our monthly meetings. This speaker is usually from one of the different organizations we support, i.e. (women's batter shelter or arthritis camp for kids.) The speaker will share about their organization and ideas on how our chapter can help. These short discus- sions are very helpful to better understanding the organiza- tion we are supporting.
Greater Pensacola
We do a quiz or crossword at one of our meetings about AOII history and trivia. Then we discuss the answers. It
is fun and educational. T h e alumnae tell stories about when they went through membership selection, pledg- ing, etc.
Greater Portland
Our 25th year celebration was a success! A small group of 6 created quite
a celebration at a local floating restaurant for 25 alumnae! We created a video of our 25-years, a live 25-year history, favors and even a scrapbook!
7bDragma [Summer2005]
Greater Tarrant
We recently had an educational program that included information on
a summer camp that has summer sessions for children with all types of diseases
and disabilities, including a week for children with juvenile arthritis. It presents us with an opportunity to do something for these kids personally.
Our fall kick-off was set within the framework of the short Ritual. The Rituals book was available during the entire meeting for all members to look through. Conducting regular Ritual is a great way to keep our initiation pledge alive in our alumnae lives.
An example of an educa- tional program we are having for AOIIs is a self-defense training class. AOIIs can
bring their friends and learn how to protect themselves. The women will learn ways to defend themselves, awareness skills, and how
to avoid the most common hostile situations encountered in our society. This meeting is a wonderful example of how our chapter members look out for each other.
W e had an AOII story night where we got together and told stories about traditions each of our collegiate chapters had. W e were especially excited to hear from Peg Dow. She's a 50- year-plus member and it was interesting to hear how much times have changed.
Last fall, the Jonesboro alumnae presented an educational program to the
Sigma Omicron Chapter. I Both groups learned so much
from Linda Lou Moore (Sigma Omicron) an expert in eti-
quette. Her helpful business etiquette was very beneficial and enjoyed by all.
Lake County ofIII
We had a great presentation last year from Hope Haven, a local women's shelter.
The speaker was excellent! W e like using community resources for our education programs, it helps us stay in touch with what is going on in our area.
Little Rock Area
Last year, we learned stamping and card-making techniques from one of our beloved members, Jane Prather. We put our new skills to work by making cards to donate to the local Ronald McDonald house.
Lony Island
Being such a diverse group
of all ages, our AOII memory of what we learned as col- legians is not always sharp. However, with the cleverness of our membership educator, Fradell Serpe, we have begun to clear away some of those cobwebs and remem- ber some of the history and facts of AOII. W e have con- tests where the winner gets
a prize for correct answers.
It seems the younger ones are correct more than not but the veterans are coming up fast. W e all enjoy the game aspect and the competition is fun and educational for all.
In spring, we learn the latest floral techniques from our AOII sister, Denise, at Felly's Flowers in Madison. We might learn to pot ivy with other greenery, make a floral arrangement, or a hand
rO/O Alio Alumnae Chapter at NCC Founders' Day.
Long Island Alumnae at the Arthritis Walk in Suffolk County
San Antonio Alumnae Chapter helping Upsilon Lambda (U of
Texas - San Antonio]
with recruitment
To Dragma
[ Summer 2003
South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter help during recruit-
bouquet using fresh flowers. The best part is laughing and learning together while admir- ing our creativity.
We have not had an educational program recently, but plan to combine with our local collegiate chapter for
a program on breast cancer awareness. Itwillbepre- sented by the local affiliate of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation in the Fall of 2 0 0 5 .
New Orleans Area
Our best educational pro- gram presented recently: Our VP of Education is well versed in both sorority history and Panhellenic facts. She pre- pared a handout as a busi- ness-meeting opener, which tested our NPC and NPHC knowledge. Members had to guess the sororities repre- sentedthroughoutapoem, entitled "Sacred Things." At the end, she announced the correct answers, and mem- bers enjoyed comparing their guesses and learning more about fellow fraternal orga- nizations. For a copy of the poem, contact Tania Fuselier: [email protected].
New York Capital
At our Founders' Day celebration this year we had a representative from the local Arthritis Foundation speak. She gave a presentation on what they offer to people
with arthritis and how we can work together to raise money and also get involved locally.
Northern Orange
Many of the ladies in our chapter are years removed from collegiate days. We will be having an instructed Ritual this month presented by our own ANS, Wendy Wang. W e call it "Ritual Revisited".
W e are looking forward to learning more about Financial Planning from our AOII alumnae sister Louise Archer, who has recently completed training in this field.
Palo Alto
Last year we visited the new AsianArtsMuseuminSan Francisco. We went on a special tour which focused on the renovation of the building.
One of our members, Michele Pledge Tate, provided us with a "Financial Planning for Women" seminar. Shetailoredhertalk to strategies and suggestions for women, but pointed out our diversity in age, income, marital, and parental status and how that impacts our financial goals. It was extremely informative and well presented.
Our Sister-2-Sister presented at Leadership Institute is direct- ing our members toward mentorship of women, par- ticularly the collegiate AOIIs in our state. The world is getting more complicated and we purposely reach out to our sisters, younger and older to give them direction, comfort, a helping hand
and friendship.
Our most recent education program was a flower arranging workshop. This was more of a fun event, but we all learned much on how to better display our beautiful Oregon flowers.
Our best educational program presented recently was in connection with
ment at Sigma Phi [California
U -
Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter at Camp Esperanza
Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter filling Easier baskets
We metataCURVES workout center and the owner presented information on
the benefits of a 30 minute workout (three times a week| using resistance machines.
He then led us through a workout demonstrating how each machine works different sets of muscles. W e had fun, learned, and were inspired!
The Murfreesboro Alumnae Chapter truly 'came out shooting' from their best edu- cational program. Chapter members were taught firearm safety and marksmanship by an off-duty police officer at
a local shooting range. Ice cream was the reward for an bn-target' activity!
Nashville Area
In 2004, a number of mem- bers from the Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter attended AOII Leadership Institute. By having such a large repre- sentation of members at LI,
w e have had the opportunity to bring new and creative ideas back to the chapter and have a strong base from which to plan the next two years of activities.
We attended a Panhellenic Brunch featuring a speaker who discussed violence against women.
Orlando Area
During the Ritual meeting, we discuss the importance of education and how we can improve on it throughout the next year.
To Dragma
[ Summer 2005]
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter shop during their first "Home Show" fund raiser
Breast Cancer Awareness Month. W e had the head medical staff member for a Breast Cancer institute in our area discuss identification, treatment, and research for breast cancer.
San Antonio
Nutrition is a concern for everyone. We are fortunate enough to have a profes- sional nutritionist in our alum- nae chapter. Esme Esparza provided handouts as well as visuals that hit home for many of us. I think we were more in shock of how much sugar was in certain foods. San Antonio is famous for
its food and festivals and, unfortunately, for having a large amount of people with diabetes. Education is the first step towards prevention.
San Diego
One of our best educational events is not traditional in nature. Overall it is one of
our most successful meetings. Chapter members invite family and friends to meet us at the Origins beauty store after hours. Everyone samples and learns how to apply products on each other while making new friends. We also learn stress-relief techniques. This mixer is a great way to
remind and educate that of the basic AOII principle of friendship for a lifetime.
San Gabriel Valley
The San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Chapter found it to be a perfect year to discuss finances. So we invited our very own CPA, Marilyn Kruse, to help those interested in paving the way to our financial futures. Learning about financial planning basics was easy and comfort- ing as we gathered atjody Thomas' apartment over din- ner. Marilyn gave advice on investments, insurance, and other financial basics!
San Mateo
W e went on a Walking
Tour of the historic North Beach area in San Francisco learning about the history of our community while enjoying the company of AOII sisters. This Saturday event provides an opportunity for many
of our working members to participate.
Sarasota Area
At our 1st meeting in the
fall, we hold a trivia game which includes questions about our Founders, activi- ties, services and programs locally and nationally. Pieces of candy are given to the sister whose hand goes up first and answers the question correctly.
In the spring we had a well known local lady come talk to us about "How to ask
for a raise." With so many women in today's workforce, you'd think the pay between men and women in the same position would be equal, but it's not! She talked about how to prepare ourselves for an annual review, how to list our achievement during the year and how to interview for a position. W e all left the session ready to conquer the world.
South Bay/Pahs
Our chapter recently had a program on breast cancer awareness. We have several nurses in the group so we got the most up to date health information. W e all went home with packets.
Southern Orange
Because of our involvement with the Orange County
Chapter of The National Arthritis Foundation, we
invited Robin K. Dore,
M.D., to speak at our first meeting of the year. Our goal was to learn more about the disease, including Osteoporosis, and about
the strides that have been making in treatment. Dr. Dore was able to discuss these diseases in terms that we could understand and was very encouraging about the research and new treatments.
St. Louis
In November we will be participating in an historical retrospect on the Anniversary of the 1904 World's Fair. The area Panhellenic is sponsoring a luncheon and antique appraisal on the topic, which we will be fully participating.
W e perform membership education at each of our chapter meetings. Our goal for the coming year is the incorporation of Ritual into our everyday lives. Our
fall membership education session focused on what Ritual means to each of our members and how we can incorporate different aspects into our everyday lives.
Toledo Area
At one of our meetings this past year, one of our guest speakers was from a local financial planning firm.
The speakers talked about financial planning specifically relating to women. It was great information for every- one and gave us all a lot of good ideas!
We try to incorporate of bit of membership education into
every meeting, if possible.
N o one program sticks out a the "best." We are planning a program to go over the new website, now that everyone can access it.
At our Ritual event this past spring, we held a discussion group and focused on how we try to incorporate Ritual into our lives. We talked about the importance of a deep rooted collection of values and beliefs in lives that seem to speed by faster and faster each year. Each sister shared the important mes- sages that she most values from our Ritual and how it has made a difference in how she lives her life.
We held a training on the effectsofArthritis. Itwas given by a representative from our local Arthritis Chapter.
Virginia Tidewater
Our chapter thoroughly enjoyed the FAITH program which we viewed at a monthly chapter meeting. Several of our sisters have children that are teenagers or young adults, and this was an excellent opportunity to discuss and become more aware of issues that face our members and their families.
To Dragma
[ Summer 2005 ]
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
Kathleen Vaughn Holm Billings, MT
Alpha Pi
Florida State U
Lillian McDermid Bartlett Okeechobee, FL
Alpha Sigma
U ofOregon
Dorothy Sinnett Boggs Portland, OR
Reina Egersdorff Crosby San Francisco, C A
Virginia Vaughan Heily Seattle, W A
Miriam McCroskey Lynn Tacoma, W A
Rhoda Gollehur Ryan Bend, OR
Eleanor Houghton Woolley Turner, OR
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Mildred Frazee Allen Bloomington, IN
Syracuse U
Hazel Jordan Rogers Memphis, T N
U ofColorado
Leatrice Smith McAllister Denver, C O
Geneva W.Mcjunkin Pendleton, OR Trieva Nuttall Rae
Avalon, C A
Tufts u
Eileen Sweeney Chapman Milbridge, ME
Elizabeth Morris Burlington, M A
Cornel U
Angela Donally Hemenway Rockledge, FL
Epsilon Alpha
Edra Rubinkam Bechtel Ackworth, IA
Elizabeth Mellor Graul Kennett Square, PA
Isabel Martin Trenton, NJ
Catherine Hayes Nelson State College, PA
Helen Hall Parks Susquehanna, PA
U ofWisconsin
Helen Lawton Stencel Yucaipa, CA
U of Maine
Grace Quarrington Corey South Portland, ME
Caroline Averill Rogers Dresden. ME
Randolph Macon Women'sCollege
Kitty Coulbourn Edwards
Falls Church, V A Mary Keller Langford
Gadsden, AL Charlotte Darden Thorne
Tazewell, V A Katharine Bean Tucker
Arlington, V A
Kappa Omicron
Virginia R. Carries Bethesda, M D
Kappa Theta
U ofCalifornia
LorraineC.0*Connell Los Angeles, C A
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist U
Katherine Ford Gaddis Houston, T X
Grace Devereux Guinn Tyler, T X
U ofTennessee
Helen Camp Keller Knoxville, T N
Elizabeth Biddle Mitchell Wilmington, NC
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan
Judith Wilkinson Rossi Eugene, OR
U ofKansas
Theresa Jedlicka Campbell Springfield, V A
Marjorie Linsdale Delozier Topeka, KS
Irene Hansen Jordan Alpharetta, GA
Muriel Volker Marshall Atchison, KS
Belva Roesler Mettner New Orleans, LA
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
Ruth Finzel Buckley Cumberland, M D
U ofPennsylvania
Dorothy Herbst Carr Lansdale, PA Joan Krause Simonin Wyncote, PA
Northwestern U
Mona Broad Andreu Coconut Creek, FL
U of California - Berkeley
Dorothy Will Burton Penryn, CA
U ofMinnesota
Beatrice Webb Mitchell Madison, WI
Elizabeth Dornberg Pettit Minneapolis, M N
Birmingham Southern
Annie Herndon James Tuscaloosa, A L
Margaret V annice Bailey
Evansville, IN Frances Cory Hoehn Jeffersonville, IN
Anna Walker Schomer Terre Haute, IN
Theta Eta
U ofCincinnati
Frances Morris Elliott Milford, IA
Evelyn Kester Holzapfel Greenville, OH
Virginia Bruce Wuenschel Cincinnati, OH
U ofWashington
Minna Baker Gunderson Shoreline, W A
U of Oklahoma
Helen Blasdel Buffalo, O K
Hazel Deshazo Crooch Burleson, T X
Agnes Y eary Padgett Linn Creek, M O
Madeleine Coquet Willis Norman, OK
U of Nebraska - Lincoln
Sylva Kotouc Clema Blairsville, GA
Lucile Hendricks Spencer Scottsdale, AZ
Ruth Rhamey Witt
ToDragma [Summer2005]
The following women are celebrating their 75th year of membership with AOII. Congratulations!
Each was initiated during the school year 0^29-1930 and our records still indicate a current mailing address.
108S Small Black Jute Tote w/embroiderv. $42^56 SALE $10.00 108L Large Black Jute Tote w/embroiderv. $ 4 6 £ 6 SALE $15.00 108R-S Small Red Jute Tote w/embroiderv. $42^6 SALE $10.00 108R-L Large Red Jute Tote w/embroiderv. $49^68 SALE $15.00
163 Navy Mesh Running Shorts w/athletic design screen print. 100% nylon mesh.
S, M, L. $17.00
383 Black Shorts. Jersey knit w/side stripe
146 Light Blue Playground Shorts w/white trim and navy letters. S, M, L, XL. $17.00
174 Red Playground Shorts w/white trim and letters. S, M, L, XL. $17.00
188 Oxford Athletic Running Shorts w/navy distressed screen print. Jersey knit S, M, L. $4*66 SALE $10.00
S, M, XL. $ 4 4 ^ 6 SALE $11.50 146
156N Navy Tom Boy T-shirt w/distressed design. Cap sleeves and contrasting hems. Fitted. S, M, L, XL. $17.00 SALE $13.50 156R Rubv Tom Bov T-shirt w/distressed design. Cap sleeves and contrasting hems. Fitted. S, M, L, XL. $47^66 SALE $13.50
98G Oxford Drawstring Yoga Pants
w/black embroidery. Low rise waist with flare leg S, M, L, XL. $36.00
98 Black Drawstring Yoga Pants
w/white embroidery. Low rise waist with flare leg S, M, L, XL. $36.00
199 Black and Hot Pink Baseball Tee w/sewn on letters. S, M. L, XL. $22.00
211 Chocolate Vintage Realitee. Super soft material w/broken in feel.
198 White and Pink Ringer w/sewn on letters.
S, M, L, XL. $22.00
302J Square Wide Ring. Sizes 5, 6, 7, $32.00
M, L, XL. $16.00
316J Sterling Square Ring w/AOII engraving.
Sizes 5, 6, 7, 8. $23.00
396J Sterling Cigar Band Ring w/AOII engraving. Sizes 5, 6, 7, 8. $24.00
101B Striped Flip Flops Sizes S (6-7), M (8-9),
L (10-11). $20.00
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