i et
The €t>tior'$ PUce
It was my first Convention—but it a number of alumnae features and high- Tire bonds of loving, caring sisterhood
w o n ' t be m y last. lights from collegiate and alumnae
chapters. which bind a chapter together are created by
I really d i d not know what to expect
during the four days advertised to be Upcoming a number of unique individuals who share
filled with workshops, meetings . . . I n the Winter issue To Dragma w i l l
But many, many alumnae certainly begin a series highlighting outstanding diverse but mutual interests as well as com-
must have known. alumnae chapters. We also plan a spe-
cial feature of Past International Presi- mon goals and ideals. Each chapter should
During the "Mixer/Repeater dents (PIPs) and a discussion of the con-
Luncheon" delegates met each other cept of Superwomen. AOFI nurses and strive to pledge those with whom there is
and Luncheon Mistress of Ceremony Jo their opinions also w i l l be included i n
Beth Heflin conducted the search for the another feature. compatibility and mutual comradeship.
one AOn who had attended the most
conventions. It's going to be a super issue. If you When there are more candidates than
have comments on any of the topics,
Maybe it was no surprise the winner write now . . . Participate in your mag- vacancies, choices must be made!
was Wilma Smith Leland, a Past Inter- azine.
national President (PIP) w i t h 23 con- Memories of my days in Alpha Pi chap-
ventions and close behind were three Way Ahead . . . .
other PIPs: Mary Louise Roller, Edith I n the spring To Dragma we w o u l d ter remain important to me. My daughter
Anderson and Mary D. Drummond. But like to offer chapters an opportunity to
I was amazed at how many others had share ideas. If you or your chapter has a has long known of my hope that she, too,
attended at least five, ten, 12 . . . unique activity to raise money or just
raise enthusiasm, please send i t to To could share in this special experience. This
I n o w see w h a t brings them back: ex- Dragma. We also want to hear f r o m ,
cellent programming, interesting work- members who are i n the media: What became even more important when she
shops, good speakers, well-organized do y o u do? etc.
award ceremonies and I could go on. selected my alma mater as her own. Admit-
Special recognition must be given Very Much Alive
Central Office Staff, Executive Board M a r y Jeanette Trimble Smith, N u tedly, I was disappointed when she selected
members and other International of- Omicron, reported to Central Office
ficers, but especially to M a r y Jane Ogle that she was mistakenly listed on our another sorority which met her needs.
and Geniece Tyler, chairmen for the deceased list in the Summer issue. We
Kansas City Convention and their com- regret the error. This disappointment soon turned to joy
mittees. I went to Missouri and it cer-
tainly showed me!! Deadline when I met the lovely young ladies with
Material for the Winter issue is due by
New Orleans Nov. 1. whom she had affiliated. Yes, chapters'
New Orleans area alumnae met in
mid-July for their first meeting to plan From Readers . . . needs change and campuses change.
the 1983 Convention. Schuyler Louapre Dear Editor,
has been named Local Convention Whether the girl declines A O F I or AOU
Chairman. Ember Beck reported that just a note to let you know how much I
the meeting was well attended and we enjoyed the spring issue of To Dragma. declines the girl, the same principle is in
can expect nearly all the New Orleans While receiving it is always a treat, the last
A O I l s will have a hand in it. one was simply super special! effect; the needs and goals must be recip-
You all must join me in New Orleans It's always neat to hear about alumnae rocal.
June 29-July 3, 1983, to celebrate m y who have achieved in their jobs. This issue
second Convention. I ' l l show you the certainly did a good job of covering that • This scenario was recently reversed
ropes . . . . area.
ivhen the daughter of a dear friend selected
Regional Leadership Conferences What really touched me, though, was the
Next summer alumnae and collegiate article by Sally Bradshaw. Having had a AOn (Kappa Gamma) rather than follow
situation both similar and different, it real-
chapters w i l l meet at the regional level ly hit close to home. her mother's footsteps. I find great joy in
to discuss common concerns and public
relations. Materials are being prepared These types of articles seem, to me, to es- knowing Elizabeth now wears my pen and
for the summer conferences and the ses- pecially bring home the message of our
sions w i l l be beneficial to everyone. Sisterhood. No matter how much is said in the necklace given me by my "mother" at
rush, or pledge education, or fraternity edu-
Inside . . . . cation about how all AOFls are sisters, initiation. Her mother frequently tells me
The Fall To Dragma reports the C o n - someone relating an actual experience is
vention award winners. Many of the always more real and believable. how happy they are with that special and
workshop topics w i l l be covered i n later
magazines i n more detail. This type of article should definitely be wonderful group.
Also in the magazine is our Develop- encouraged.
ment Fund list of supporters and a D i - I will continue to send recommendations,
rectory for the next year. The Diamond Alpha love,
Jubilee Foundation and the Ruby Fund, Ember Beck knowing they will be considered while rec-
too, are discussed i n this issue as w e l l as
Dear Editor, ognizing the collegiate group will make
2 May I respond to the letters concerning
selections most appropriate for their group.
legacy which appeared in Summer '81
issue? Who knows? I may someday have a grand-
daughter and 1 hope that she and AOU
mutually select each other.
Beulah M. ("Boots") Ayris
Alpha Pi
Dear Editor,
Let me introduce myself. I'm jeanne
Smith, a 1981 graduate from Iowa State
University and an AOn legacy.
While I was an Iowa State collegiate, I
served a term as our alumnae relations of-
ficer. I learned what it was like on both sides
of the fence during rush. Thus, I feel—or at
least hope—my experiences can be helpful
to some of those A O F l s who would like to
once again be proud to say they are A O F I
alumnae. (See Rush article in Summer 1981
When young women are "trained" to
rush as AOFls, they are told to treat every-
one as equals—give every girl the chance
she deserves—see if she will feel comfort-
able living here at A O F I .
(continued on page 47)
Published since January, 1905 by RAGMA
ALPHA OMICRON PI ofalpha omicron pL
Fall 1981 Vol. LXII, No. 4
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897 President Discusses Goals 4
Convention Reflectons 6
Founders Toward Tomorrow Together 8
AOPi Development Fund List 10
Jessie Wallace Hughan Consultants Named 18
Helen St. Clair Mullan Ruby Fund's History Explained 20
Stella George Stern Perry Alpha Omicron Pi Directory 21
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman International Awards Given 31
The Founders were members of Alpha DJF Scholarships Awarded 36
Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia
University and all are deceased. MEMBER
Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, A T
N W 1445 Kenny
Pullman, W A 99163
(509) 3 3 2 - 1 1 6 8 - H o m e
(509) 335-4527-Office
Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarter-
ly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription
price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $25.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
WA 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, TN and additional mailing
On the Cover Departments 2
AOris Barbie Zotz; bottom, The Editor's Place 38
and Angie Mason, both Gator Alumnae Chapter Activity
cheerleaders at the University Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
of Florida are among the hun-
dreds of collegians and alum-
nae who are cheering the start
of another year and the oppor-
tunity to work Toward Tomor-
row Together.
President Discusses Goals, Directions
Ginger Banks Alpha Omicron Pi's newly elected International President is a 1971 graduate of the
International President University of Texas w i t h a B.A. i n journalism.
V i r g i n i a (Ginger) Banks was initiated into Pi Kappa chapter i n 1968 and served as
the chapter's corresponding secretary, recording secretary, house manager. She was
honored w i t h the Best Big Sister A w a r d .
Ginger is a member of the A u s t i n Alumnae Chapter and serves as its publications
committee chairman. She also is a member of Pi Kappa corporation.
Her international activities include a traveling consultant, 1971-73; administrative
assistant, 1973-74; TC Program Coordinator, 1973-77; International Rush Chairman,
1976-77; and a member of the Executive Board since 1977.
Ginger has served as the board's vice president/operations and chairman of the
Administrative Committee (RVPs). She, too, has w o r k e d on the Revised Regional
Operations Manual, Book of Policies, TC Manual and CCOM Rush Section.
The new president has prepared and/or presented session materials for Regional
Meetings and Conventions since 1972. She has speaker at various Founders' Days i n
all parts of the country.
Ginger is managing editor for the "Texas Bar Journal." She is a member of a n u m -
ber of professional organizations including Women in Communications, Interna-
tional Association of Business Communicators, American Judicature Society and the
National Association of Bar Executives.
She is a 26-year member of the Girls Scouts of the USA and a member of the
Humane Society of Austin/Travis County. Ginger has been recognized i n Who's Who
of American Women, Who's Who in the South and Southwest, and Outstanding Young
Women of America."
D u r i n g the last few years, Alpha Consequently, the Executive for the fraternity.
O m i c r o n Pi has made a great deal of Board's determination of our aims To help facilitate the attainment
progress. Each of us can take enor- was closely related to the assign-
mous pride in our accomplishments. ment of responsibilities for each of these goals and objectives, the Ex-
Board member. ecutive Board has consolidated
We have improved rush capabil- Board assignments into fairly spe-
ities and attitudes, expanded alum- The goals for the 1981-83 bien- cialized areas. Additionally, new d i -
nae programs, increased the delega- n i u m are: rections w i t h several Board posi-
tion of responsibilities and authority tions are being taken to further
by the Executive Board, and made 1. To have all members demon- enhance the fraternity's efforts in
business operations more efficient strate pride in our fraternity. meeting our goals and objectives.
and manageable.
2. T o have all members be re- Particularly notable in this
But, we cannot rest on our laurels. sponsive to our fraternity and category is the shift i n respon-
As Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in involved i n its development. sibilities for the Vice President/
1858, " I f i n d the great thing i n this Operations. I n the past, the V P / O
w o r l d is not so m u c h w h e r e w e 3. T o have a w e l l - i n f o r m e d f r a - has supervised regional operations,
stand, as i n w h a t d i r e c t i o n w e are ternity membership. the collegiate department, and the
moving: to reach the port of heaven, chapter consultant program. During
we must sail sometimes w i t h the 4. To m a i n t a i n a fraternity w h i c h the 1981-83 biennium, the VP/O's
w i n d and sometimes against it—but is well-managed, progressive, primary responsibilities w i l l be the
we must sail, not drift, nor lie at and competitive. supervision of regional operations
anchor." a n d t h e alumnae d e p a r t m e n t .
The fraternity's goals were sup-
Building on the progress of the p l e m e n t e d b y objectives (a complete Since there is more correlation be-
past, the current Executive Board is list of w h i c h has been sent to each t w e e n r e g i o n a l a n d alumnae o p e r a -
committed to guiding the AOFI member of Council). The wide- tions than there had been between
"ship" in positive, progressive, and ranging objectives include analysis r e g i o n a l a n d collegiate o p e r a t i o n s ,
productive directions. of the training needs of volunteer this new approach will allow the
personnel and development of pro- VP/O to more fully develop regional
That is a lofty and noble aspira- grams to meet those needs; expan- activities. A n d , as w e strengthen
tion. But is has little meaning w i t h - sion of alumnae chapter programs alumnae programs and chapters, we
out a plan for h o w it w i l l be at- and increased participation by w i l l increase our pool of personnel
tained. That plan must include not alumnae; improvement of com- who may serve i n regional capaci-
only goals and objectives, but the munications w i t h present and past ties, b u t also as collegiate chapter
organization of the people w h o will fraternity leaders; increased mem- advisers and corporation board
help guide us toward them. bership development and retention
in collegiate and alumnae chapters;
and development of a 10-year plan
members. 1981-1983
Another important reason for the Executive Board Assignments
change i n V P / O responsibilities is International President: Ginger Banks Director: Kay Sutherlin
consolidation of collegiate affairs. National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Loan Committee Chairman
D u r i n g recent bienniums, supervi- Philanthropic Foundation Director Corporations
sion of collegiate chapters and Liaison with: Liaison with Management Account
supervision of rush activities had National Panhellenic Conference Delegates
been split among at least t w o Board Central Office Director: Marilyn Herman
members simply because the w o r k - Collegiate Department
load was so great. Constitution Interpretation & Revision Committee Rush
Rituals, Traditions & Jewelry Committee Chapter Consultant Program
However, significant changes Parliamentarian Liaison with Perry Award Committee
allow these important and related Nominations Committee Loan Committee Member
collegiate affairs to again be unified. Fraternity Development Committee Chapter Assistance Fund
For example, the development of the
Regional Rush Officer concept and Vice President/Development: Peg Crawford Director: Neen Neale
the emphasis on the authority and Extension Philanthropic Foundation Director
responsibility of regional officers to Loan Committee Member
handle collegiate chapter operations Regional Extension Officers Liaison with:
have allowed the related Board International Convention Chairman
member to move from a daily in- Vice President/Opearations: Nancy Clark International Regional Meetings Chairman
volvement mode into policy-setting International Historian
and overall supervision. Regional Operations Historical Society
Approval of Number of RDs in Each Region Diamond Jubilee Foundation
Finally, putting collegiate affairs, Alumnae Department Ruby Fund
rush and the Chapter Consultant Budget Committee Member
program under a single Board mem- Director: Teri Anderson
ber will eliminate jurisdictional and Secretary/Treasurer: jo Beth Heflin Training Methods and Materials
logistical questions that sometimes Secretarial Duties Membership Education (Fraternity and Pledge
arose when t w o Board members Budget Committee Chairman Education)
were i n charge of those areas. Philanthropic Foundation Director
Regional Finance Officers Convention Seminars
Also significant i n Board assign- Development Fund Regional Meeting Seminars
ments is the addition of respon- International Headquarters Fund Liaison with International Scholarship Chairman
sibility for training programs. N o w
a Board member will examine all Pair Elected To Executive Board
AOn training needs—from colle-
giate chapters o n up. She w i l l w o r k •
with Board members and others to
i d e n t i f y needs a n d see t h a t ap- * - Msm, Teri Thomas Anderson
propriate and comprehensive train- Neen Neale Executive Board Member
ing methods and materials are Executive Board Member
developed for all levels of the frater-
nity. Two new A O I l s have been elected to gram.
the International Executive Board: Teri Neen has used her psychology major
The Executive Board encourages Thomas Anderson, Theta Omega, and
each member and chapter to devel- Neen Neale, Kappa Phi. well in extensive personnel work and
op goals and objectives consistent n o w as Secior Academic Advisor for
w i t h those we have adopted for the Teri, a 1975 graduate f r o m Northern John Abbott College in Montreal.
biennium. Further, we would like to Arizona University, in education,
see each chapter e x a m i n e its assign- earned her master's in special educa- Neen has served AOFI most recently
ment of responsibilities to determine tion—gifted, f r o m Arizona State U n i - as International Scholarship Chairman,
whether chapter operations are versity. and previously as a member of the
enhanced by the structure utilized. Nominations Committee, co-coordina-
She has served as a traveling consult- tor of the 1974 Regional Meeting i n Re-
The Executive Board is convinced ant and a special adviser for A O n . Terri gion I , and various offices in her alum-
that our goals and objectives are re- is director of a high school gifted pro- nae chapter.
alistic and attainable, but, more i m -
portantly, that they will guide AOIl
in proper directions.
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi's success w i l l
be determined largely by each mem-
ber's commitment to helping main-
tain and develop the fraternity.
With unified and concerted efforts
on the part of every AOn, the fra-
ternity truly will move move toward
tomorrow together.
Convention (Reflections
"CONVENTION '81 was certainly an
experience and opportunity of a lifetime
for Gamma Chapter's four representa-
tives and the Greater Portland Alum-
nae's representative. Vie dream for us to
attend convention all started with the
enthusiastic visit of our TC, ]une
Perkins. Tlie reality soon developed as
final preparations were made to drive
dozen to Kansas City. With our rented
station wagon we were on our way.
After a few minor problems (such as a Karen Butler, Denver Alumnae President,
lost purse on Interstate 64 in West Vir- accepts the Philanthropic Award from Mary
ginia that was retrieved with all con- Moore, Philanthropic Foundation Chair-
tents intact a couple of hours later in
Ohio), we made our way through many Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana Univer-
sity, earned the Philanthropic Award. There
different states and arrived on time the to receive the honor were Judy DuBois, left,
night before the convention. The semi- and Sharon Thompson right.
nars, business meetings, luncheons, din-
ners, and regional parties were all a
time to love, laugh, and learn. What
seemed so far away in our minds when
we were pledges was definitely real as
we shared with A O n sisters from all
over various thoughts and ideas.
Convention was such a special time
for us because it really expressed what
A O n means. One alumna said to us at
the Rose Banquet, 'Once you go to a
convention you'll never be inactive!!'
We believe it!!!"
Delegates were challenged to match Execu- Susan Faucher '80
tive Board members like Peg Crawford with Donna Gregoire '79
their baby pictures. Sheri Conte '81
Deb Thurrell '80
Michelle Violette '80
1O N O P C
Executive Board members, from the left, Sharon Martin, Marilyn Herman, Joan MacCallum, Ginger Banks, Peg Crawford, (Administrative
Director) Sue Lewis, Nancy Clark, Kay Sutherlin and Jo Beth Heflin gave Convention participants a special look at their parts of the country.
Past International Presidents (PIPs) hosted International Headquarters supporters for a reception and "autograph" party during Convention.
There to sign special momentos were, from the right, Joan Deathe MacCallum, Norma Marshall Ackel, Janie Linebaugh Callaway, Eleanore
Dietrich MacCurdy, Carolyn Huey Harris, Jessie Marie Senor Cramer, Wilma Smith Leland, Nancy Moyer McCain, Mary Louise Filer Roller,
Mary Danielson Drummond and Edith Huntington Anderson.
Kate Jackson, Delta Delta, Auburn Univer !
sity, picked up the Central Office Coopera
tion Cup. Convention business session.
Toward Tomorrow Together
By Joan Deathe MacCallum
Immediate Past International President
Rose Banquet Speaker
The dictionary selected by sisters
says T O W A R D is a who were selected
preposition mean- by sisters who
ing "along a course were selected by
leading to . . . . " our Founders. We
To me this con- must always select
notes forward wisely i n order to
movement, not create a greater
standing still or forward momen-
stagnating, and tum for Alpha
certainly not mov- Omicron Pi.
ing back away All healthy orga-
from something; nizations have
and also connotes momentum, which
a G O A L to be in its purest sense
strived for. means "Quantity
No chapter, no of M o t i o n . " Of
officer, no commit- course, an organi-
tee, no part of zation could have
A O n is an island. frivolous momen-
Let us never forget tum, so one must
that our strength also consider the
flows in two direc- QUALITY of Mo-
tions—from the tion i n assessing
top down and from The 1979-1981 Executive Board: seated, Kay Hansen Sutherlin, director; and Nancy Anderson the health of any
the bottom up. The Clark, director; standing from the left, Jo Beth Walling Heflin, secretary/treasurer; Margaret o r g a n i z a t i o n . Is
laws of physics are (Peg) Kramer Crawford, vice president/development; Joan Deathe MacCullum, International the Quality of your
immutable: to go chapter's momen-
FORWARD (ie. for President; Marilyn Rose Herman, director; Virginia (Ginger) Banks, vice president/ tum one which
A O n to move for- operatons, and Sharon Diane Martin, director. adds to the health
ward) we must all pull i n the same direction T O W A R D our of our Fraternity as a whole???
goal. Excellence is contagious. But Excellence demands a commit-
We, the members of Alpha Omicron Pi, must decide that d i - ment. Pursuit of Excellence by every chapter demands a fierce-
rection, for others certainly are not going to decide it for us. ly driving and motivating philosophy of operations—perhaps
We must point her firmly in a positive direction along a getting r i d of the last vestiges of hazing f r o m some collegiate
course leading to our objectives. chapters, perhaps making certain that all bills are paid on time
Toward Tomorrow for others.
The only cloud on the horizon of Excellence is that Tomor-
Tomorrow can mean different things to different people: row lies ahead! Maintaining Excellence is not easy!
our collegians plan for a tomorrow which is a semester or
perhaps a year away. Alumnae chapters plan programs and We must be so careful not to stagnate. What was good
membership recruitment f o r as much as t w o years ahead. Re- yesterday or two or five years ago probably w i l l not be the best
gional officers work on biennial objectives and must often in tomorrow's world. Although we want the excellence of
plan for four years ahead. International officers must look at yesterday and today to continue tomorrow, we must not be
least four years ahead and many goals have a five-to-ten-year afraid of facing the fact that change is inevitable. To maintain
life span. For example, we know that we will have many more an excellent standard one needs to carefully analyze the past,
keep what is good and update and change the rest.
working students and many more working volunteers in the It all can be
future. We must plan now for that Tomorrow. That is the challenge of T o m o r r o w w h i c h faces us and it
But i n order to plan effectively for a healthy tomorrow we brings to my mind something which Franklin Delano
must be cognizant of our past. Fraternity Education and the Roosevelt said, "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow
History of A O n are N O T just for pledges! If you have read the w i l l be our doubts of today."
History of AOFl you will know that it really renews one's Urge your chapter to excellence.
faith to realize all that we have come through, and the dedica- Accept the Challenge of Tomorrow!
t i o n of those w h o have gone before us. They have given so Toward, tomorrow, together . . . .
much of themselves to AOn, now we must build upon what Together to me means Cooperation—working for the same
they gave us. purpose. Our sisterhood certainly is like our Sheaf of Wheat.
Our Founders' example guides us well. They were not We are strong only when we are bound together—single stalks
deterred by groups older or larger than A O f l . They believed have no strength. We must " i n preference prefer one
in themselves and worked constantly to guide their team another," help one another, and help A O F I as a whole.
Toward Tomorrow. They believed in those whom they You are one part of the whole—part of the dream which is
selected as sisters. They believed i n us, because y o u and I were (continued on page 46)
Director Picked achievement in her profession, and Dr. Burroughs joined the Cal Poly
For Region VI devoted service to her University faculty i n 1967 after earning her
and community." Ph.D. from the University of Cali-
Denise Jacobson, Alpha Phi '73, fornia, Berkeley. Also a graduate of
is the newest regional director for Lucy, a past president of the the University of Michigan where
Region V I . A resident of Amity, g r o u p , h a d served m a n y terms as she earned her B.S. degree, she was a
Ore., Denise works closely with A l - vice president, and was a member of chemist with Akron (Ohio) General
pha Phi and Beta Rho chapters a n d the board for 40 years. Before her re- Hospital, Parma (Ohio) Community
the Missoula Alumnae and tirement she was an associate editor hospital and Stanford Research I n -
Pocatello Alumnae Chapters. of Parents' Magazine. Earlier she stitute.
had been the editor of School Man-
A graduate f r o m Montana State agement Magazine; and with her Service Rewarded
University in elementary education late husband, had owned and oper-
w i t h a library science minor, Denise ated the Chelsea Book Shop i n In honor of her 50 year of service
has w o r k e d six years as a n educa- Greenwich Village. Three AOI~I to Alpha Omicron Pi, the Clyde
tional media specialist at the ele- founders visited the shop often: Cates Distinguished Service A w a r d
mentary level. She, too, coaches Jessie Wallace H u g h a n , Stella has been established as a n a n n u a l
after-school sports. George Stern Perry, and Elizabeth recognition to a Western Kentucky
Heywood Wyman. University faculty member or ad-
Denise enjoys many creative hob- ministrator w h o contributes the
bies such as stained glass, etched W i t h the late Mildred Rothhaar most time and effort to Panhellenic
glass, drawing, photography and Dennison she organized the Cleve- on the campus.
spends much time in the out-of- land Alumnae Chapter of AOn i n
doors backpacking, hiking, alpine the early 1920s. Clyde, R h o '30, began teaching at
skiing. W K U d u r i n g the 1940s and was i n -
In 1967 she received the Elizabeth strumental in establishing not only
D u r i n g her collegiate years as her Heywood Wyman Award for dis- the Alpha Chi chapter there, but the
chapter's corresponding secretary tinguished service. Lucy n o w is an Greek system as a w h o l e .
and chapter relations chairman. She active member of the Atlanta A l u m -
served as M S U ' s P a n h e l l e n i c r u s h nae Chapter. When she and Rachel Allen, A l -
chairman and assisted i n the re-col- pha Chi '65, also a W K U professor,
onizing of Upsilon Alpha at the Burroughs founded the chapter, it was called
University of Arizona. Honored Alpha Chi in their honor.
Kirk Recognized Sarah E. Burroughs, O m i c r o n Pi, Clyde was the first president of
professor of nutrition at California the Bowling Green Alumnae Chap-
Lucile Dvorak K i r k (Mrs. George Polytechnic State University, San ter w h i c h was installed i n 1967. She
W.), Omega '19, has been honored Luis Obispo, Calif., was one of three also was Alpha Chi's financial
by the Case Western Reserve U n i - faculty members at Cal Poly hon- adviser f r o m 1965 to 1975.
versity New York Metropolitan ored during the university's 75th
A l u m n i Association. A t a party at commencement ceremony in June. The Clyde Cates award w i l l be
the Lotos C l u b i n N e w York she was presented annually during Greek
presented w i t h the W . A d r i a n Free- Week on the W K U campus.
man Distinguished Alumni Award
for "recognition of outstanding Judy McGinnis, Alpha Chi rush adviser, left, shows Clyde Cates, Rho '30, the Distinguished
Service Award which will be given in her honor each year on the Western Kentucky Univer-
sity campus. Assisting Judy was Sharon Joslin, center, and Gloria Hovious, Alpha Chi schol-
arship adviser.
Development Fvmtt
Alpha Omicron Pi salutes our membership and programming and A O f l needs YOUR support to
sisters who gave generously to the have begun make it possible. The 1981-82 Devel-
1980-81 Development Fund drive. • a new public relations coor- opment Fund drive will soon begin.
Through their financial support, the dinator position has been added
Fraternity has been able to accom- to the Headquarters staff Be watching your mailbox . . . .
plish many of its goals . . . • regional budgets have been i n - Please, respond to this important
creased to allow for additional request. W i t h the spiraling costs of
• Epsilon Alpha chapter has been support visits and services college, the Fraternity cannot main-
recolonized at Penn State • two days of regional officer tain these important services
training were held immediately through collegiate fees alone. A l u m -
• A O n has two additional col- prior to the Kansas City Con- nae support is essential for the con-
onies and is working toward vention tinuing vitality of our organization.
And much more! Help insure that young women
• every collegiate chapter re- There is still much more to yet be w i l l continue to have the oppor-
ceived a visit by a Traveling done in the months and years ahead, tunity for the A O f l experience . . .
Consultant last year both in college and throughout their
alumnae life.
• new alumnae programs in
Alpha Beta Stephanie Josephine Davitt Sue Carolyn Rogers McClain Virginia Louise Gamham Detzcl Beta Kappa
Florida Atlantic British Columbia
Lucille Ann Felice Elaine Marie Defrances Ellis Ada Jo Starling Miller Janet Rettig French Louise Marie Celest
Naylor Deborah May Brown Gentry Barbara Jean Poe Peterson Margaret Lucille Vanhorn Grant Mouat
Alpha Chi Irma Marie Louise Kenney Mary Nannette Cecil Rankin Glover : Dorothy Jean Rennie
Western Kentucky Josephine Arthur
Rachel Smith Allen GUmer Winona A.dele Ziel Sanchez Hedges
Sandra Lynne Dorroh Bennett Gwendolyn Marie Glueck Deborah Ann Sorsby
Margaret Stone Cantrell Louise Elaine Barrois Mount Mary Jo Hoffmeier Thomas Joanne Ruth Neumeister Hoppe Beta Lambda
fane Violette Fergus Cherry Illinois Wesleyan
Karen Jeanne Miley Espenlaub Dorothy Elma Hartshorn Valentine Ann Cleckner
Rhona Gwynne Runner Kathy Dueball
Mary Diane Benton Murphy Alpha Rho Kortepeter Sara Eckert
Hammond Marilyn Jean Matulik Ruiz Oregon St. Dorothy Margaret Ehmke
Eleanor Elaine James Kennedy Cynthia Kay D. Smith Osa Lautner Ballen Julia Ann Mills Littlejohn Joan Gail Honegger Glendenning
Sylvia Rae Hallenberger Klein Sheila Ann Vanderbrook Trahan Marijean McClure Boyles Carolan Jones
Claire Summers Edgington Mary Catherine Greco Villere Mollie Ann Winters Brusseau Kathryn Viola Luebben Cindy Gay Sloan Kistenfeger
Alpha Phi Natalie Louise Essig Cantrell Lorrie Lynn Johnson Leahigh
Roberts Montana St. Phyllis Elaine Case Irma Grace Hudson Morrow Sidney B. Voss Morice
Brenda Armuth St. Pierre Susan Dennison Hoffman
Barbara Jean Mueller
Lillian Henderson King Nicholl Jngrid Heidi Latimer Schulz
Elinor Diane Brown Thorstenson
Cora Evelyn Case Noges Nancy Louise Ohr Travis
Nancy M. Wolff
Eileen Jeannette Olson Bourdet Carol Joyce Clark Barbara E. Easterday Schwarting
Margrette Alice Gray Brown Olive M. Dietlein
Marjorie Elizabeth Cole Jeannetta Rice Hewitt Susie Lee Shelton Shawkey
Erma May Lessel Collins Helen Knips
Julie Ann Paugh Curd Karin Klitgaard Lightner Jane Carol Wonders Stiff
Bess Barbara Philips Daum Veroka Wampler Morrison
Nancy Diehl Dear Geneva Hale Quigley Jane Hastings Scully Taylor
Kay Lister Deshamps Joan Elizabeth Zimpelman
Alpha Delta Mary Ursula Egan Marjorie Lois Jump Walker
Alabama Karen Lee Olson Egged Shalikashvili
Lynn Ellen Amos Laurie Galle Galle-Green Clara Knips Sharp Wilda Grace Wiest Webster
Kathy Laseter Bishop Jean Leverich Lenham Hansen Esther Nordstrom
Margaret Jean McGrady Linda Jean Bourdet Hurless Alpha Theta Dutcher Beta Phi
Skelton Coe Indiana
Boohaker Anne Reid Steele Olga Almasov
Mary Lynn Buffler Bryant Susan Arlene Ahlquist Vivian Day Allis
Linda Susan Curry Linda Garrett Martin Barbara Alice Aman
Nancy Ann Curry Edith Elizabeth Huntington
Bonita Devon Hubble McLaughlin
Carol Ann Massey Anderson
Mary Carol Baxley Morgan Alice Mary Stranahan Kiatte Alpha Sigma Beta Chi Krista Lee Houze Bill
Linda Dale Newman Ruth Frances Carnes Blackmun
Connie Diane Pickett Lou Ann Valjacic Montgomery Oregon Kentucky Wesleyan Vickie Lynn Seller Bledsoe
Virginia Joy Lewis Rhea Juliana Nancy Bane Bordner
Denise Arden Simmons Grace Orid Campbell Morphey Joan Claire Herbranson Agerter Barbara Ottilio Nass Gatz Yvonne Jean Park Boseker
Doris Shumaker Bratten
Margaret Ann Simpson Nolan Joyce Evelyn Newberg Allen Sheridan Ann Jackson Jackson- Harriett G . Heavenridge Brinson
Catherine Eliza Williams Broyles
Mary Francesca Palffy Ruth Crary Holmes Boling Mazzella Alda Jane Woodward Carson
Mary Jane Robertson Ciotti
Joanne Marie Johnston Parris Helen May Anderson Chown Barbara Ann Cheatham Schmitt Cynthia Ann Orr Cohn
Susie Lee Trueman Cummings
Margy Burgess Peterson Betty Jeanne Clark Sally Jane Magruder Standiford Deborah Laine Davis
Anna Katherine Greenawalt
Alpha Gamma Rachel Azalea Linfield Sager Tia Moore Coker Beta Epsilon
Washington St. Bern id ji St. Diggins
Janice Irene Magnuson Charlotte Benson Scarlett Mildred Maxine Martin Cramer Vicki Sue Schoonover Dorothy Marie Hett Dillon
Beta Gamma Mildred Bodine Douglass
Amsberry Gyla Margaret Marmont Smith Ruth Ellen Dexter Michigan St. Doris Marjory Rose Dunn
Julie M. Beckel Lee Ann Foust Egan
Stella Genevieve F. Phelps Lorene Alice Stranahan Helen Scott Cantine Dunn Beverly Sue Hurst Erdmann
Nancy Sue Grabill
Buchanan Connie Jeannette Niebel Lucy Mahalah Kurtz Hilands Carol Lynn Grigsby
Janet Jlene Lehn Connors Mary Winifred Bir Guard
Cheryl Sue Molinero Dowdy Townsend Jean Marion Boggs Knight Barbara Jean Powers Brown Dona Beatrice Coombs Harris
Jodi Ann Guthrie Marilyn Jean Bull Bruins Analie Frances Shaw Hepley
Debbie Ann Hernas Maryann McGirmis Waylett Edith Clement La Borde Betty Jeanne Vaughan Carter Audrey Jeanne Smith Hiller
Susan Camille Wayenberg Hinz Helen Hollister Lee Foster Mary Ann Cortese HUz
Carol Louise Garretson Redman Verna Marie Willis Brenda Marie Mcintosh Ella Jane Wise Gilbert Ruth Louise Hutt Jenkinson
Susan Jane Daiger Schell Marilynn Yvonne Heim Mary Frances Spurgeon Kitchel
Cecil Walker Willson Loran Elizabeth Moser Marian Scott Kirby Hermann
Molly Howell
Alpha Pi Meidinger Arley Berwald Hulstrand
Sally Ann Vegors Janis
Florida St. Leona Melva Hostetler Mosher Patricia Ann Velliquette
Alpha Kappa Elaine Marian Guagliardo Belt Luola Benge Rehfeld Koproski
Northern Alabama Maudine D. Blair Nonearle French Ryder Carol Ethel Wolfe Mendrick
Beverly Atchley Valerie Moore Clayton Jean Alice Carkin Sanesi Doris E. Baguley Miller
Linda Hyde Elizabeth Ann Christ Cory Donna Jane Ketchum Westfall Barbara J, Spehar Millington
Laura Highsmith Tinsley Patricia Kay Donaldson Cox Roma Whisnant Irene Florence Wager Oestrike
Mabel Fern Peterson
Angela Amelia Griley Cre*ed Alpha Tau Donna Ruth Messenger Rowe
Mary Eloise Davis Denison
Scott Julia Kennon Dunn Lucy Virginia Bell
Lucinda Lee Homko Filomio Jeanette Nilma Knoeppel Bishop
Alpha Omicron Martha Jane Baumrucker Galek Catherine Ellen Jansen Bowles
Louisiana St.
Vijean Louise Piazza Robyn L. Kimble Green Jean Rhosa King Brown
Burden Lucile Dale Haag Diana Sweeder Carleton
Ruth Harpole Mueller Chi Delta Sallie Belinda Cobb Schumann Margaret Louise Weekes Elynore Frances Bell Wegner
Kleymeyer Colorado Pamela Jane Wright Spengeman Hendrickson Margaret Bertha Rasmussen
Mona Diane Crump Spurlin
Barbara Owens Kramer ; Jane Beard Elizabeth Lee Smith Thompson Ruth Mulford Hess Winn
Margery Carole Lay cock Marcia Ruth Hunt Brewer Cynthia Walker Lois Mildred Walsh McDonald
Linda Marie Gibson Levi Carmen Billington Coghlan Karen Gay Kroft Wheeler Ruth E, Smith Wilson Gamma
Miriam Frances McCoy McBride Carolyn Ann Suckla Faulkner Donna Katherine Wiggins
Mary Ruth Whiteley McKnight Laverne Long Ferguson Vicki Pate York Maine
Joan Bonewitz Minsel Ruth Ann Olson Gatchell
Virginia Moore Lynda Jean Brown Grayson Epsilon Alpha Mildred Mae Haney Berdeen
Mary June Cave Nordhoff Harriett Matilda Burke Histed Perm St.
Martha Ellen Wiseman Parsell Judith Carol Keck Hutchison Mary Carolyn Leworthy Joanne Daley Clark
Gail Geneve Glenn Ramsey Valerie Joyce Kohlman
Barbara Ann Brown Reifeis Florence Belle Miller Lynch Bachmann Eveline Foster Snow Cross
Florence Louise Rich Charmin Phyllis Briggs Ellen McCoy Messick Ball
Mary Elizabeth Mclheen Rose Delta Omega Selena Amole Wunderlich Bing Dolores Helen Amergian Drivas
Helen Groenier Thomson Russell Murray St. Sally Ann Oberle Colby
Mary Margaret Schrader Carrie Joy Welborn Brookshire Helen Louise Jones Davis Carolyn Imogen Wormwood
Lynne Florine Rhoda Sinn Mary Duff Matarazzo Bryant Frances May Speicher Fileger
Helen Marie Hughes Smeltzer Jane Marie McDonald Bush Lenore Helen Hofmann Freitag Ingalls
Marcella Bertha Beaber Smith Leslie Kay Riggins Carswell Nancy Louise Baier Gilbert
Martha Nelle Foley Sparks Sandra Lee Wallace Cunningham Phyllis Ann Herr Grobert Cynthia Lee Peacock
Joanne Bowlby Speyer Pamela Anne Mumford Hay June Eleanor Gurke Hall
Carol Angela Swakon Lynne Omer Lawson Ladd Hazie Jane Davis Heaton Eunice Dorothy Barrows Powell
Julia Elizabeth Myers Tindall Linda Joyce Durham Ledford Cicely May Desilver Hindenach
Nancy Jane Stiles Wagoner Cathy Ann Hancock Longton Dorothy Jane Jennings Evelyn May Gleason Rawson
Grace Aileen Wate Jill Anne Burkel Mueller Marion Mae Eberts Johnson
Geneva Winifred Crayden McMillan Lana Loy Garner Porter Margaret White Fairchild Jones Ruth Helen Spear Rich
Effie Lucetta Gleason Miles Gwen Kay Vanscyoc Westendorf Esther Louisa Kistler
Joanne Jnez Bruland O. Dwyer Janet Virginia Holmes Deborah Ann Scott: \
Geraldine Helen Prince Parker
Ruth Ann Kehmeier Phippeny Linsenmaier Alice Burr Webster Sinclair
Norma Sally Yankocy Riffel Evelyn Lapham Mehl
Diane Constance Panagakis Eleanor Gwynn Merrifield Katherine Dudley Stewart
Barbara Torrence Nelson
Rouman Marjorie Ann Porter Penfield Debra Ruth Clark Susi
Anna Katharine Barker E. Louise Hoffeditz Porter
Dorothy Fox Hull Reinhart Maryann Carr Tiemann
Schroeder Virginia Deane Brown Taricco
M. Vivian Gingles Stone Madge Luella Terwilliger Wendy Witham Wilkerson
Patricia Ann Lawton Walton Alice Enid Stage Townscnd
Mary Rebecca Shook Weinberg Delta Phi Deborah Colt Ellis Vandenberg Gamma Alpha Foster
Mary Dollar Rose White South Carolina Marjorie Day Cousley Winkler George Mason
Grace Winebrenner Louise Mirium Suckfield Yalch Nancy Katherine
Chi Lambda Edna Mae Oglevee Yaun
Evansville Watts Gamma Beta
Marianna Andres Indiana
Wiseman Young Lavyme Hanson Brown Delta Pi
Jane Catherine Koval Zeller Carolyn Anne Patterson Garrett Central Missouri St. Celeste Anne Kososki
Shirley Ruth Johnson Delia Welborn Bigger Goodman Bernise Marie M. Delaney Doreen Rae Gromen Mathas
Robin Kay Chapman Hartman Julia Annette Forsythe Emily Therese Corso O. Keefe
Catherine Ann Coleman Johnson Paula Sue Merriman Hiber
Beta Pi Margaret Korff Kinkel Debra Rae Justice Gamma Delta Taul
Eastern Michigan Dorothy S. Lankford Linda Louise Mansur S. Alabama
Ingrid Christina Blom Sheldon Toni Kathryn Lauer Rebecca Ann Zobac Mauch Donna Lynn Haswell
Paula Oneda Davis Tarvainen \ Mary Antoinette Reitz Sherry Sue Reeter Sandra Lynn Kraeer
Barbara Jean Zolnierczak Marilyn Goeke Engle Simms Geniece Gayle Clawson Tyler Monica Richey
Maria Victoria Venegoni Unger Patricia Barlow Byrne
Beta Rho Delta Sigma Epsilon Iota Hays Gamma Omicron
Montana San Jose St. Eastern Illinois Florida
Polly Sibley Hanson Hanson Shelley Annette West Adams Charlotte Casey Susan Ruth Bailey Adair
Yvonne Mindati Madsen Marlene Joann Peterson Adams Heidi Anne Stunner Anders
Gloria Miller Ortiz Chi Omicron Bette Jo Belda Janet May Stoddard Andres
Central St. Nancy Claire Schlosser Dunn Beverly Marie Barker
Beta T a u Troullos Linda Louise Patterson Braden Jo Ellen EdaArnaudo Ellis Eta Charlotte Townsend Burton
Toronto Mabel Gomes Frelier Wisconsin
Constance E. Saunders Delta Marilyn Lucilla Wylie Hart Grace Geraldine Austin Gray Bray
Jackson Marguerite C. Crawford Lloyd Maude Irene Jones Pamela Karen Rehm Dingus
Beta Theta Phylis Louise Brug Bleyle Leah Anne Hardcastle MacNeil Margaret Isabel Ebert Kelk Carolyn Louise Kohler Driscoll
Butler Marie Barrett Carney Irene Rose Woodworth Margaret E. Heinecke Ladwig Nancy Ann Fantz
Princess Virginia Finney Baugher Mildred Ward Eldridge Bemice Charlotte Lembcke Debra Marie Holder Greene
Ruth McClurg Brown Margaret Mary Harris Henry Shephard Linda Carol Greene
Mary Elizabeth Hall Butz Ellen Rhoda Cogen Lewis Matthiesen Dorothy Katherine Lawton
Dorothy Louise Swift Deitsch Ruth Anna Dresser Metcalfe Epsilon Mary Crescence Meek
Melba Gertrude Bray Fisher Beth Marion Ringer Moran Cornell Muriel Minnie M. Moodie Hodges
Mary Alice Burch Fizer % Marion Phillips Porter Thelma Flournoy Brum field Eleanor Sikes Peters Valerie Jean Plumb
Betty Louise Alvis Hyland Olive Byrne Richard Marion ]. Bain Ransel Suzanne Carol Snyder
Virginia Katheryn Sheely Marion Christine Shorley Dunn Margaret Melass Spengler Angela Lynn Huggins Stephens
M. Wilma Koelsch Smith Gwendolyn Owen Faith Maude Aleen Gray Stewart Laura Ann Taulbee
Thompson Helen Hartley Downs Haller Sarah Augusta Hardy Ward Susan Elizabeth Edwards
Chi Delta Beta ''When a score of memories Thompson
Syracuse the time winds bring, Marilyn Lisa Krekel Walton
Marjorie Julia Pease Burke I will remember many things . . . Cynthia Lee Wilson
Helen Isabelle McNees Burnham A friendly smile, a helping hand,
Myrtle Munson Ciccarelli S. W. Louisiana Someone you knew would understand. Gamma Sigma
Carolyn Elizabeth Oliver Collier Friendship that lingers thoughout the Georgia St.
Mary Frances Youdan Davis Karen Neli Willis Bernard years . . . Joyce Anne Conway
Marcia Lynette Bond Evans Bonded by laughter, sharing and tears. Marcia Lane Welch Davis
Irene Marie K. Becker Ferguson Nancy Lynn TuttleBoisture A musty old rose, pressed into a page, Patricia Jane Cowley Hardy
Jane Anna Flynn Once fragrant and red, Cheryl Lynn Hall Jones
Helen Bogosta Gilbert Carroll Cecila Campbell Now crackling with age . . . Lisa Ann Reifenberger
Ruth Magdalene Marsh A laughing voice, Tracey Shepard
Denise Elizabeth Paretta Cenac A bubbling song,
Haggerty That wonderful feeling
Martha Lois Garrahan Hazard Eunice Marie Dugas that you belong.
Dorothy Lucille Lane Oliver Love, fun, laughter, sharing
Mariba Lovinia Morse Rogers Beatrice Parkerson Pride, joy, knowledge and caring
Charlotte Louise Mahaney Sisterhood in AOU
Clara May Bell Talmadge Mary Elizabeth M. lota
Helen Frances Janota Taylor Illinois
Kathryn Amelia GUcher Holloway
Martha Jane Hill Anderson
Thomasmeyer Sandra Ann Boatner Newman Winifred llona Timmons Baker
Florence Zuia Shafer Witthoft Lois Ellen Dungan Bohon
Beulah Dupre Stephan Wilma May Allen Bredar
Chi Alpha Lois Estella Davis Caldwell
Cal.-Davis Delta Delta Carolyn Jane Carlson
Sylvia Ting Hsieh Ma Auburn Lucile Josephine Arnold Denker
Barbara Ann Bassie Dunnivant
Felicia Annette Ray Davis Marjorie Fisher Morrison Dwyer
Michal Brown Hearn Hopson Charmaine P. Esposito Fair
Dianne Routon Horn Judith Ann Gambrel
Brenda Bonds Howell Emily Bertha Tonsberg Gates
Mary Elizabeth Morgan Klein Phyllis Jane Murphy Gerler
Audrey Jean Howard Lowe Deborah Ann Lee Gould
Reta Ann Allen McKannan
Angela Corinne Kennedy Payne
Paula Moore Woods Payte
Martha Carol Bullard Rhodes
Margaret Aileen Hagan Four y o u n g w o m e n gave us 84 years Carol Corinne Stich Lamar Fiji Christina Lamas Menzelos
Erma Atvira Bissell Hedgcock they gave us a standard to follow . . . a Jane Marie Campion Leininger Holly Nanette Purdy
Nancy Jane Hesse guidance for when problems arise. They Dorothy Lee Woodbury Linn Julie Elizabeth Worrill Reeve
Irene Jeanette Davis Jansen charged us that not only to ourselves, Eleanor Bouton Corwin Mary Karen Schulte
Beatrice Esther Levy Johnston must w e as A O I l s be of value, but we Dianne Callaway Sheppard
Dorothy Frances Dolan Kelly must carry into the w o r l d about us a McHenry Nancy Ann Devore Sheppard
Wilma Carolyn Haeger Kendrick spirit of charity, we must reflect our Ruth Vivian Oberg Metcalf Jo Ellen Shiver
Ruth Charlotte Page Kephart standards of character, dignity, Doris Jean Blunden Northrup Lois Helen Johnson Shortt
Ellen Kay Kinch scholarship, and college loyalty. They Evelyn Culver Ostrander Patricia Diane M. Stewart
Patricia E. Hoffman Klint gave us a mutuality of purpose, a simple Lydia Jane Cable Phillips Andree Lanthe Clark Terry
Laverne Ruth Kruggel symbolism to remind us daily of our Mary Young Poulton Pingree Barbara Woods Wallace
Barbara Anne Paakh Lechner unity, our beauty of strength, our beauty Karran Elizabeth Perk Richards Tammy Sheree Williams
Margaret Helen Waldo Lewis of purposefulness, our beauty of having Lois Quinn Roskam Beverly Marcell Scarboro
Betty Jane Lois Carver Lumbattis attainable goals . . . our love . . . our Jean Alberta Cook Steinberger
Nancy Beth Luneburg light . . . our virtues . . . our guide for Henrietta Meta Blanc Tow Willingham
Maria Veronica Manning living and our willingness to guard all Joan Elizabeth Landweer Waltz
Margaret Andrea Moeck Mathis that we hold dear w i t h i n our fraternity. Gwendolyn J. Thompson Ward Lambda Tau
Evelyn Harriet Davenport Karen Jean Vandyke Watson Northeast Louisiana
Elizabeth Jane Smith Wright Felicie McEnery Barnes
Parker Cheryl Ann Larrieu Bourg
June Ruth Lotz Pearce Edith Sweeney Kappa Omicron Lambda Gayle Suzanne Dickerson
Diane Meredith Kellogg Shonfield Southwestern Stanford Eva Claire Ginn
Janet Patrice Peery George June Hodge Godfrey Godfrey
Pellettiere Gail Lynne Showers Julia Twist Kirkpatrick Elsie Louise Barber Catherine Gregorio
Gertrude Elizabeth Moore Pierce Marcia Lee Whitaker Smith Helen Quindley McClure Eunice Helena Force Barkell Susan Kay Luce
Ermina Smith Price Jane Kay Wilkinson Sotebeer Mary L. Holiman Norton Velda Hancock Berry Judith Ann Sherman Nicholsen
Helen May Roberts Rackow Kathryn Lee Marquess Steel Lillian J. Gilfillan Seabrook Fanita Ewing Yoakum Druehl Margaret Lynn Hmdmon O.
Deborah Ruth Olson Read Margaret Alexander Stultz Charlotte E. Stratton Dorothy Bogen Farrington
Betty Marguerite Hoyt Reynolds Emalee Brackemyre Van Scyoc Virginia Huntingto Mangum Dorothy Mae Bishop Garber Donnell
Wanda Luan King Sabien Valerie Ann Walker Dorothy Ann Huff Kathy Jan Phillips
Wayne M. Scklentz Lynn Marie Walston Tate Merilyn Smith Putnam Eloise Calhoun Stanhope
Annabel Jean Scott 5chmelzle Norma Lois Godfrey Taylor Ann Sweatman White
Mary Etta Wills Scholl Minnie Bernard Lundy Wellford Oma Lillian Retterath Tuttle
Virginia Bairstow Schroeder Blanche Barbara Wayne Ward Nu
Jean Aileen Spencer Kappa Phi New York
Barbara Jean Stehno Kappa Gamma McGill Lambda Beta Martha Jane Morrissey Albert
Jennifer Ellen Swenson Warren Florida Southern Sandra Homfray H. Keymer Cal.-Long Beach Amy Dexter Dunhaupt Baker
Joan Lucile Ryan Wickham Nancy Lambeth Ford Ford Merilee Ann Bennett Bennett Enid Watts Busse
Mary Elizabeth Jens Williams Anne Elizabeth Mayo Girata Amos Hillary Anne Crane Bryan Gladys E. Moeller Drumm
Dorothy Jane Edwards Yonker Deborah Marie MacDonald Margaret Jean Ivarson Putman Pamela Sue Caudill Patricia Fahy
Iota Alpha Kim De Lay Ruth Elizabeth Treadway
Idaho St. Hunt Kappa Pi Elizabeth Susan Baum Glascock
Sandra Lee Melton Cadiente Donna Mae Thompson Kuiken Ohio Northern Robin Darlene Holt Hamilton
Urah Claudene Hull Carlson Ruth Lee Ellis McKeowi. Marsha Jean Bricker Brook Craven Nesbit Muriel Shanley Hoost
Karen Lee Popplewell Shelley Lee Overholt Roxanne Dolores Crews Laureen Sue Paisley Steidl Ruth Gloria Lawlor MacFadden
Sharon Ann Johnston Marqueen Helen Ayers Arminah Ellen Davis Florence Lilian Murison
Pamela Jean Henry Lambda Chi
Rhodenbaugh Schlarbaum Deborah Lea Hunter L a G range Macintosh
Catherine Ann Russell Karen Duval Krieger Seal Linda Gay Gerhart Olson Elise Belle C. Reboza Oswald
Carol Louise Lady Thompson Ruth Ann Ranson Kathleen ]o Sheridan Nichols Elizabeth A. Beatty Satton
Iota Sigma Joanne Rasmussen Susie Ann Whalen Marjorie Henrietta Jervis Shull
Iowa St. Frances Fulton Welch Sommer
Dorothy Minnie Chapman Kappa Rho Lambda Iota Ei>elyn Helland Sprigg
Western Michigan Cal.-U. of San Diego Grace Tessier
Hubbard Arlene Marie Sirtola Kalis Eleanor Hanbridge Brown
Marjorie Bernice Meinhold Ann Laurimore Laura V. Bloom Doyle
Doris Ann Cline McKenzie Vandeusen
Mangum Kappa Kappa Harriet Jane Heethuis Oliver Lambda Omega
Suzanne Davis Van Balen Alice Elayne Kozlowski Pinder N. W. Missouri St. Nu Beta
Ball St. Ruth Anderson Linda Kathleen Barnes Francis Mississippi
Iota Tau Elizabeth Anne McKee Mary Elizabeth Barrett
Stout St. Cynthia Lee Bowser Ronningan Susan Ann Jackson Mitchell Patricia Wade Sample Bendall
Katherine Halama Loisel Karen Lee Tompkins Donna Jean Pinnick Jan Lynette Bolton
Mildred Iona Turney Durena Annette Dewey Angeline Mary Spehar Zantjer Pamela Kaye Cox
Sarah Josephine Fowler
Kappa Bridgegroom Kappa Tau Linda Lee Harpole
Randolph-Macon S. E. Louisiana Margaret Elizabeth Hook
Katherine Louis Heathcock' Deborah Dolores Nelson Bruner Marie Yvonne Baragona Jaubert Nelanie Patricia Bernard Ladner
Janice Elizabeth Irwin Pereira Sharon Elizabeth Reece Neff
Castner Sandra Sue Jefferson Chandler Lambda Phi Ellen Elizabeth Roberts Russell
Adelaide Carleton Sterne Lentz Kappa Theta Wisconsin St. Laketa Marie Rickly Thompson
Helen Gertrude Fitzhugh May Candace Lynn Kirkwood Colyer U.C.L.A. Janet Lee Brewer Donna Kay Tutor
Jane Boggess Mylander Beryl M. Arbit Cynthia Senn Kunkel Judith Watkins Williamson
Sharon Dalke Crowder Kathleen Perrin Asay Jeanne Marie Morgan
Wainwright Gloria Joanne Smith Ashton Nu Iota
Jennifer Lee DeHaven Patricia Ann Adrian Beitzel Northern Illinois
Kappa Alpha Letitia Marie Derus Bierschenk Susan Lynn Bennett
Indiana St. Deborah Lee Jennings Ernst Mary Leigh Watters Blek Tennant Pamela Sue Calacci Boyer
Neva Loraine R. Edith Clara Belsher Butler Patricia Lee Annen Broggi
Anne Louise Whitcraft Garrett Marilyn Luridin Chandler Lambda Sigma Rosanne Marie Snyder Burns
Barnard Julia Nixon Chase Georgia Paula Wynne Hill Buttel
Saundra Lou Martin Bridwell Pe&gy Ann Sheets Gay Mary Elizabeth Wallace Davis Lisa Lorraine Ackerman Geraldine C. Chalifoux Dulkoski
Lois Mae Gatchell Brown Judith Theresa Hasche Dorothy Barrow Atwell Elizabeth Ann Griffin
Jane Brunner Grob Rosemary Jean Snyder Gray Margaret Hall Clifton Henrich Donna Katherine Gude Barwick Marion Louise Fort Hartmann
Carol Lee Hammond Florence Alice Peterson Holden Virginia Ann Adams Broderick Madeline Louise Seaman
Linda Carol Kingsley Jeffries Pamela Sue Jordan Jordan Barbara Ann Dean Kapell Deborah Anne Nichols Busbee
Leisa Gay Emge Kennedy Jacqueline Ann Norton Cline Hastings
Lois Ann Roth Leclair Joan Pearl Nichob Leinbach Beverly Dale Hall Coggins Connie Kay Schuett Heffron
Patrice Elizabeth McKenzie Kathy Jean Wigington Culpepper Judy Ellen Young Huss
Susan Kay Hughes Ley Carole Ann Thomas Davis Patricia Lynn Grundmeier Juza
Liebler Constance Ann Enzbrenner Nancy Lee Decho Laures
Norah Lea Bush McKay Sandra Mattingly Lugwietcz Marcia Elizabeth Davis Moser
Carla Jo Showers Paul Devine Susan Hope Edison Rasmussen
Elizabeth Joann Woods Perney Linda Joan Camren Mann
Orva Pratt Sinclair Schramm June Miriam Haines Edwards
Kelli Susan Fitzpatrick McNulty Brenda Jean Settles Geer
Edith Mayree Heston Harmon
Joyce Anne Zaviski Melvin Karen Ann Pope Hart
Betty Ann Hogan
Mary Ann Myers Meyer Diane Denise Kurtze
Emily Jane Huie Langston
Connie Sue Trent O. Maley Louise Burrus Leonard
Donna Lee Lewis
Margie Howell Harrelson Ostler Cecelia Mary Shook McAuliffc
Barbara Ann Johnson Ottinger
Nancy Susan Baker Reed
Karen Ann Gesell Ripberger
Wanda C. Swift Rogers
Carol Sue Loudenback Sommers
Jane Ann Vigus Steiner
Mary Strange Strange
Linda Jean Cullnane Vogler
Janis Vanderweele Wagner
Anna Jane Gorrell Wilson
Virginia Condon Sokol Susan McClure Sturrup Sharp Betty Jo Reese Witt Grace Lenore Manbeck Weber Phi Omicron
Cynthia Mary Steckel Ann Augusta Perry Shofner Lora Ann Wheeler Wever Hanover
Debra J. Tenkash Bridgett Leigh Luther Thompson Omega Omicron Audrey Lois Murphy Whitham Sandra Lee Crush Bourff
Barbara Bertha Hasch Valasek Pearl E. Tuttle Lambuth Patricia Pauiin Kowalchuk Laura Ann Bretzloff
Janice Ann Wostratzky Voight Bessie Mai Bramivell Waller Rena Waddy Hunt Hampton Beverly Margaret Delon
Nancy Luise Wargo Natalie Overall Warren Mildred Adams Harris Wilson Rachel Wakefield Greenwell
Corinne Gleaves Anderson Melissa Gayle Miller Parks Mildred G. Lemen
Nu Kappa Mary Emma Watlington Phi Margaret Rosalee Marquess
Southern Methodist Watkins Kansas
Valerie Verne Benoist Adams Irene Happel Wade White Omega Xi Elizabeth Catherine Hille Bryan Lower
Marjorie Hila Sigler Dawson Frances Evelyn Bratton Williams Morehead St. Denyce Gracanna Gammell Byas Wilma Katherine Miller
Maxine Graves Price Mattie Carter Wood Neva Anne Brown Conway Doris Ann Francke Schipper
Jayne Ann Owens Woods Beverly Anna Mercer Arave Jessie Marie Senor Cramer
Nu Lambda Maria Hadges Foy Phi Sigma
U.S.C. Nu Zeta Dooley Amy Hamilton Helen Mather Gibson Kearney St.
Mary Elizabeth M. Booth Chadron St. Roberts Elizabeth Schieber Gounaud Elizabeth Marie Booth
]ody Clark Jacqueline Lynn Oliver Patricia Elaine Patchin Hoffman Debra Ann Dales Jacobs
Camille Lamar Tribelhorn Teena Marie Mary Sue Price Leiker Peggy Jo Robinson Kelley
Analee Belle Omicron Beverly Joan Emerson Locke Cindy Sue Shada
Crawford Tennessee Alice Elizabeth Goldsmith Phi Upsilon
Beverly Anne Wood Freeman Omega Dorothy Adams Purdue
{Catherine Gulmert Miami Lina Small Matthews Bowyer Lockman
Elizabeth Lassan Hart Margaret Isabelle Barr Amos Elizabeth Rose Christrup Janet Sue Rowland Asher
Therese A. Hurtado Nancy Isabel March Andrews Mary Wead Osborn Moore Joanne Byerly Carper
Joyce Darlene Hall Jackson Ruth Louise Kugele Baker Callaway Judith Ann Carper
Marilyn Tevriz Kezirian Estelle Fisher Carrel Baldwin Iris Aubrey Tucker Cantrell Eva Lodema Drumm Stacey Rosalyn Franta
Gail L. Sullivan McDowell Anne Marie Stone Bandi Deborah Dean Congleton Dianne Lee Boggess Fullam
Jane Ann Snider Eleanor Louise King Blank Mary Elizabeth Moore Dominick Virginia E. Zenishek Struble Sharon Lee Kulanko
Elaine L. Soost Rita Lynn Blickman Frances Musgrave Frierson Jane Julianne Geiger Niemeier
Kim Rodgers Wille Esther Schmidt Bohlender Nell Pickard Nowlin Haberley Blanche Annie Ports Stucker Pamela Susanne Stewart
Virginia Jean Gardner Yerkes Barbara Lynn Jones Brough Helen Maxine Croswell Sandra Kay Wagner
Alice Mae Kleinfelder Carrico Mary Kathryn Dowell Thorpe Leslie Carolyn Welch
Nu Omicron Patricia Louise Davis Ceyler Hansberger
Vanderbilt Carolyn Corinne Clark Sara Kay Carpenter Jowers Mary Rose Barrons Von Pi
Joy Murphy Adams Kathy Jo Holden Dahler Emily Elizabeth King Sophie Newcomb
Gayle Grizzard Allen Mary Elizabeth Williams Carol Elizabeth Greer Lashlee Fursteneau Emay Hart Buchanan Baird
Eloise McBride Barrett Marion Logue Ezrene Fisk Bouchelle
Pamela Leah Bell Barth Denman Kelle McConathy Carolyn Wellington Mary Elizabeth Bolton Brown
Caroline Daniell Chadwick Sandra Elizabeth Sommer Grace McDougall Frances Nannett Tomlinson Carr
Donna Kay McKaughan Mary Lee McCammon Williams Gayle Rhoades Marschall
Beasley Dominick Lida McMillian Moore McLean
Alice Williamson Bratton Anna E. McConnaughy Nancy Peeples Mills Phi Alpha Cosgrove
Rebecca Brooks Brooks-Eournier Ellen Owen Goodrich Morgan Eastern Tennessee St. Clara Lee Snyder Hamilton
Emily Elizabeth Dobson Easterday Maxine Christenberry Preas Beverly Nell Mackie Clayton Diane L. Ryan Holt
Polly Ann Easton Muttie Elizabeth Stewart Lois Ann Hawkins Mary Ann Bourne Johnson
Childress Carol Suzanne Ehlert Louise Ann Ellis Hawley Anna McLellan Kastler
Anne Eaton Meeks Davis Judith Ann Eschmeyer Evans Sammons Haley Wanda Mozingo Hyer Schuyler T, Ruhlmman Louapre
Mildred M. Derryberry Dodd Denise Sue Hewitt Fargo Laura Schaad Deanna Sue Gass Mays Charmagne Padua
Angela Jo Berry Donahue Susan Fried Vivian Logue Seymour Marseilia Darlyn Taylor Annie Stuart Ellis Pearce
Ellena Webb Douglass Martha Patricia Fry Natalie Ross Neff Smith Emma Sue Smith Shashy
Lorraine Church Beasley Virginia Peelle Weyman Getter Emily McGee Handly Spence Richardson Ophelia Perkins Titus
Cynthia Ann Green Sherry Ann Fisher Tarwater Pi Delta
Downey Mary Marcella Conover Haines Lois Paralee Randall Taylor Mary Florence Hart Self Maryland
Katheryn R. Crockett Dunn Alice Gertrude Peterson Elizabeth Koella Vestal
Linda Christine Eason Margaret Collins Waller Phi Beta Julia Virginia Hester Atchison
Annie May Rawls Fly Harrison Virginia Mimms Fisher White E. Stroudsburg St. Elizabeth Cooper Phillips Baird
Melinda Jean Ford Leafy Jane Hilker Marjorie Jo Gage Lobelia Ellen Jane Keiser Beavens
Terri Sue Galland Mary Ann Suhs Holly Omicron Pi Thea Marie Steidinger Scioscia Nancy Lee Crowther Berman
Patricia Ayres Simpkins Garman Martha Jaques Michigan Mary Katherine Medinger Butz
Nancy Dolle Whitehurst Janet Mary Nonemacher Johnson Judy Clare Lindow Adams Phi Delta Cassandra Anne Bond Carney
Lucile Dvorak Kirk Laura Jane Zimmerman Wise.-Mil waukee Madeline Marie Bernard Cecil
Goggans Phylis E. Kreuzwieser Anne Kathleen Harrington Anna Helen Emily Dorsey
M, Joan Wallace Gordon Sharon Kay Lowry Lang Andersen Ruth Louise Miles Henderson
Jayne Alston Napier Gordon Margery Sue Anderson Jjxrose Judeth Grace Barber Lynne Ann Radtke Radtke Cooke
Edwyna Howard Griscom Helen Alberta Leon Jeanne Elaine Lindsey Butler Sharon Ann Limberg Schroeder Mildred Lee Morris Darkis
Lillian Ann Harpole Edith Roberta Cope Lockard Dorothy Marie Adams Phi Kappa Lillie Lucile Hill Day
Mary Patricia Harris Kathryn Delana Lockridge Morris Harvey Robin Beth Epstein Elkinson
Eleanor Cooper Hill Gertrude Weir Lohman Bychinsky Adeline Melis Roche Erlbeck
Kathy Jean Johnson Jeanne Allison Aborn Mahlig Ella Babs Carle Collins Dianna Lynn Lesher Carpenter Sarah Elizabeth Bissell Ervin
Josephine A ustin Wemyss Jones Helen Josephine Scott Mann Irene Mathilda Lutz Dunham Donna Lee Reed Corbet May Dezendorf Fouts
Barbara Anne Shields Kelley Elizabeth Adella Hanson Martin Ruth Genevieve Morey Eisele Mary Margaret Hague Girod Ellen Elizabeth Bradford
Evelyn Evans Coker Kleber Nina Kathleen Hale McGory Mary Ellen Appleton Fralick Phi Lambda
Gloria Jane Enochs Laroche Sandra Jessamine Merry Nix Marjory Lucile Hittle Harrington Youngstown Gladding
Marianna McAllister LaRue Margaret Neal Snyder Petersen Virginia Marie Kern Heymoss Theresa Ruth Herring Hongell
Alice Elizabeth M. Gladys Herrle Petry Wanda Janet Walgenbach Sondra Tina Marinelli Beers
Ruth Esther Tollman Pifer Elaine J. Glaros
Lichter Lisbeth Allyne Boey Prater Jacobson Marlene Kay Betras Houlihan
Jane Carothers Beasley Frances Catherin Cenfield Pugh Yvonne Marian Johnson Mary Lou Goncz Krauss
Emily Gene Elliott Reed Norma Joyce Rowe Kiesel Patricia Marie McAtee
Linebaugh Doris Jeanne McVicker Rinal Amelia Ruth Dustman Lindsley
Alison Fox Walton Macheras Ora Champion Robishaw Nancy Anne Kuchta Mack McNicholas
Amie Forman Boyd McBride Alice Jean Debuino Schuette Virginia Loma Crossman Virginia Krupa Shaw
Katrina Overall McDonald Martha Pontius Shablesky Margaret R. Stanko
Betty Ray Clark Miller Jean Elizabeth Boles Smith Maguire Julia Ann Marie Smesko
Laura Elizabeth Miller Mary Marjorie Hepburn Stahl Ruth Sonnanstine Milks
Jeri Ann Emmert Stahr Constance Collins Mirageas Tammaro
Netherland Dorothy Alice Petit Stohlman Pamela Ann Smith Mooradian
Sally Baum Nordlund Nancy Carmean Sullivan Florence Alberta Light Neumann A O n ' s influence is a part of learning to
Mary Horton Ormsby Nancy Marilyn Hall Swisshelm Herminia Del Carmen Perez live with diversity, to adjust to
Alice Ann Taylor Parks Josephine Andrews Thoman Phyllis Jane Peterson personalities, to see human needs. Says
Carol Sue Adzick Popp Jean Brandow Vance Stella Artus Glass Roos Wilma Smith Leland, " I feel sure that I
Joyce Yvonne Hailey Proctor Marsha Jayne White Warren Marion Tanner Rylander am a different person than I might have
Judith Cragon Reeves Helen Ruth Gay Stewart been had A O n friends and the
Mary Kathryn Riley Lillian M. Herman Stickney opportunity to work in AOU and with
Joan Critton Runnion Mary Georgia Kokales Tower other fraternity and sorority officers not
Nancy Ellen Lewis Van Deusen been my privilege. In other words growth
Abigail Roberts Van Wagenen is a two-way experience. One grows only
by sharing/'
" I have discovered anew that old Sigma Chi Grace Elizabeth Lehmann Theta Chi
adage—the more you put into something, Hartwick Sweeney Morningside
the more you'll get out of it.—I shall Delia Ahearn Susan Ann Horning
continue to repay my 'debt' in whatever Judith Gayle Hunt Butcher Beverly Dawne Ness Thorson Janet Young
way I can, for A OF! has given me a Susan Patricia Consiglio Margaret Ann Torreano
lifetime of friends and friendships which Leslie Maxson Lafferandre Dorothy Marguerit Riebeth Theta Eta
are very special, a philosophy for a Susan Lyon Lundstrom Cincinnati
lifetime and a lifetime of memories/' Margo Elizabeth McMahon Wilson A. Mary Bayles
Jane Mehl Nancy Maxwell Gaines Bernard
Ann Timmons Tau Delta Doris Ann Eberhardt
Virginia Ann Witter Birmingham-Southern Elsbeth Janet Botsch Fisher
Lynn Marie Martin Anderson Lucile Dolores Newton Fisher
Phyllis Regina Sell Macveigh Elinor Wallace Hendrickson Sigma Delta Jones Eliza Boulware Stokes Brunson Shirley Marie Stutzman Grisham
Carolyn Ann Grabowski Mahon jeannie Lois Bassett Jones Huntingdon Marylee Ransom Davis Ruth Woolley Heslar
Pamela Lynne V. Taylor Erna Ariess Kroll Audrey Kay Gomillion Lynne Langstaff Frederick Laura Belle Gang Kelch
Caryl Waller Krueger Shawn Allyson Freeman Shirley Simone Smedley Kramer
McEnany Dorothy Ann WalHn Larson Sigma Iota Nancy Jane Watwood Gibbs Patricia Louise Prashaw
Charlotte Buckey Clemson Joan Lois Elfring Lindell Western Illinois Elizabeth Morris Hackney
Frances Kathryn Schnitzer Jeannie Christin Janice Ruth West Ingram Lockhart
Merkel Edith Valetta Jones Mary Elizabeth Light Meyer
Sophia Waidner Hoenes O. Neill Loeppert Apostole Edna Reynolds Parks Ruth Feinthel Moos
Flora Edith Waldman Reid Esther McClellan Lundquist Debbie Kouzes Burdick Karen Porch Alice Ellen Biechler Muller
Helen Elise Wollman Sheats Gretchen Baarsch McEwen Cathy Smith Hunt Winona Rae Rogers
Doris Mae Thompson Terry Frances Dwight McNair Debra Ann Cecil Jacobs Mary Rawlings M. Reese Elizabeth Ann Rush
Kathleen Lucinda Wester Angela Serpe Metzger Nancy Jean Schmidt Dorothy Faye Hendrix Thames Leona Mary Hering Shawver
Nellie Rebckah Fouts Wharton Renee Adrienne Desmet Mogni Rita May AUgood Tubbs Cecile Maureen Tansey Tokar
Jessalyn Malmgren Nicklas Sigma Lambdc Caesar
Pi Kappa Margery Ames Pflughaupt Wisconsin St. Hunter Tau Omicron Theta Omega
Texas Helen Genevive Quayle Karen Ann Dwyer Tenn.-Martin Northern Arizona
Jean Katherine Beshell Benton Helen Jeanne Compere Rahe Nancy Lee Plappert Glenda Sue Householder Mary Hennessey Becka
Barbara Seim Campbell Jean Elizabeth McClayton Reiche Jill Deyo Macey Bourns
Phyllis Joan Kemp Carter Queenie Evelyn Broad Sigma Omicron Eastridge Jessica Anne Barlow Daniels
Betty Ruth Aschenbeck Daniel Arkansas St. Christine Theres Robinson Pamela Lynn Rose Edens
Elizabeth Lenda Kennedy Delk Rosendahl Cheryl Ann Davis Bartell Carol Beth Burbrink Jerabek
Brenda Lou Green Dillon Ellen Sue Page Sarture Peggy Kay Keasler Dawson Howard Debra Kay Ladehoff
Mary Louise Naumann Douglas Arleta Kirlin Schaub Dorothy Raye Kinman Charolette Ann Hubbs Sherrie Renay Nicholls Levenson
Dennis Anne Raymer Fields Marion Mackay Schmidt Nancy Lynn Johnston Metaxas Nancy Jo McConaha
Mary Nell Garrison Garrison Margaret J. Dorr Schutt Kimbrough
Veronica Elizabeth Morel Helen Winters Seubold Sigma Phi Pamela Joy McCaslin Theta Pi
Marilyn June Schumacher San Fernando St. Rhonda Jean McGovern Wagner
Giesecke Peggy Parsley Horlick Louise Helen Adolphson
Catherine Jeanette Gainer Shortridge Debi Helene Kraus Theta Kathy Lynn Perricone Bistreich
Vivian Bernadine Swanson Naomi Segal DePauw Marcia Louise Foltz Bova
Gonzales Louise Talman Lowry Karen Smith Joyce Rosemary Vietzke Allen Nancy A. Cochrane
Barbara Anne Bealor Hines Sarah Dorman Bailey Karen Distler
Margaret Ann Knox Lattimore Thompson Sigma Tau Ruth Esther Bush Bauer Kathleen Mary Gessner
Michal Anne Lord Marilyn Elizabeth Loeppert Washington Florence Elizabeth Beatty Margaret Helga Glueck
Ruth Awiette Neel Miller Christina Maria Schilling Jane Ann Briner Beavers Frances Mary Lorenzo
Peggy Rene Mathis Moye Thurau Mary Marjean O'Rear Binkley Rita Veronica Dikeman Polese
Dorothy Depriest Warrington Stella Florence Dueringer Wells Harrison Janice Marie Neibert Bressler Dorothy Ann Wedge
Barbara Newhall Going Willock Phyllis Marguerite Arner Jean May Leland Smith Sheila Gladys Tourtilot Burris Elyse Nancy Wells
Elizabeth R. Thibodeau Ruth Isabel Myer Campbell
Psi Westerman Katherine Elizabeth Davis Carter Theta Psi
Pennsylvania Hazel Wilbar Tau Dorothy Bowland Chambers Toledo
Johanna Agatha Carrozzino Ruth Geraldine Piper Winzeler Minnesota Elizabeth Combs Elizabeth Ann Allen Breymaier
Ellen Dupuis English Wiseman Edith Elizabeth Olin Batchelder Lenore Alice Johnson Coon Suzanne Elizabeth Barry Furrer
Adamczyk Bonnie Jean Mondl Wolfgram Marion Jean Nordal BUger Jane Lois Horders Cox Gwen Petersen Geis
Rosalind Marsh Bradbury Rho Sigma Julia Maxine Morse Blackmer Lucille Reynolds Dallas Charlotte Schafer Hoekenga
Clementine LaRue Kellar Portland Margaret Louise Whitmore Mary Hester Diehl Elaine Wilkinson Howe
Margaret Betz Foster Gertrude Florence Kanney
Crossan Diane Marie Eaton Crum Helen O 'Rear Gregg Brenda Louise Klecha
Gladys Delight Parks Flick Dorothy Remington Cutts Lynn Mary Tozer Hammond Ruth Lee Leichtamer Leichtamer
Helen Charlotte Wallauer Sigma Marian Janet Falkenhagen Engels Tata Jane Hanley Wilma Diegelman Lupe
Marian Mann Falkenhagen Helen Jeanne Beaubien Hayford Beryle Margaret Dunlap
Homer Cal.-Berkeley Ruth Lillian Cole Fouts Mildred Betz Heiken
Helen Louise Euerle Huelsebus Carol Minton Barber Altshuler Kathryn Ann Clarke Grant Carol Frances Sears Hess McCioskey
Emma Carolyn Taylor Kitchin Joy Ann Martin Ashley Barbara Honor Quick Hancock Karen Elaine Miller Himebaugh Maryhelen McMacken Meyers
Byrhl Elma Vought Plattenberger Marguerite Ives Gist Butler Elna May E. Thurston Hansen Carol Ann Roesener Jackson Yvonne Julia Cousino Morgan
Ida Marie Freeborn Sellinger Marion Alice Black Corwin Clara Marie Kurz Hockstedler Phyllis Lorraine Dodds Kaiser Barbara J. Mishler Nightingale
Joan Krause Simonin Jacqueline L. Stultz Czarnecki Jean Harlowe Ashton Hollister Lila Jane Dayhoff Kalm Fadwa Haney Skaff
Agnes Gertrude Slaven Adair Carol Thrash Davis Lorine Dolores Moen Holschuh Joyce Ann Nighbert Karau Katherine Fitts Well
Margaret L. Pennypacker Wisner Linda Louise Taylor Drew lone Jackson Lucile Klauser Betty Lou Weber Ziler
Alice Rhoda Bailey Wolf Jane Rea Duveneck Mae Moran Johnson Barbara Ann Beck McCan
Rho Jane Dudley Epley Suzanne Elizabeth Zuehlke Esther Elizabeth McCord Upsilon
Elizabeth Hesser Glenn Patricia Jane Jacobs Mottweiler Washington
Northwestern Margaret Louisa Jones Larsen Mary Asenath Morrison Obear Judith Ann Rumble Bergvall
Ann Ayres Florence Foster Patterson Edith Marie Beachwood
Gertrude Louise Nizze Badt Grimshaw Kaia Marie Ellingson Lehman Marilyn Louise George Poluzzi
Norma Nierstheimer Berry Alma Adele Colling Haight Wilma Helen Smith Leland Elizabeth Morrison Proud Blackaller
Barbara Ann Cryer Bowermaster Joanne Fenner Hays Sandra Elizabeth Rodgers Cora Dealba Brodhecker Carrie Isadore Bechen Braman
Linda Mary Cesal Browder Elizabeth Ann Paul Hunt Marianne Davies Carton
May Ruth Norton Brown Vivian Georgene Knudsen Markel Robertson Mary Ellen Krug Case
Betty Louise Brown Burgoyne Alice Elizabeth Pass McHugh Shirley Elizabeth Shazer Mary Jane Brooks David
Nancy Kay Anderson Clark Johsens Hermione Delwer Stewart June Morris Silverman Gwynne Hynson Dodge
Nancy Katheryn Vanmeter Louise Kramer Mills Elizabeth Land Smith Carmen Lorenne Baker Gibbons
Doriel R. Goltz Parkinson Nelson Mary Elizabeth Schultheis Aase Loe Gronlund
Colpaert Deanna Jewel Lynn Parrish Marsha Kay McMannus Page Helen Whiting Johnson
Blanche Dorset McGregor Barbara Francis Jensen Rains Inez Kolar Petrok Stoudenmire Gregg Morris Lev
Anne Perkins Redelsperger Marie Bremer Reim Kay Fern Hansen Sutherlin Barbara Trask Clark Marsh
Fordtran Rosalinda Amelia Olcese Ricconi Jean Behrends Rotegard Elizabeth Elle Buckingham Margaret Elaine Reid McKenna
Marion Elizabeth Abele Franco- Mona Kewin Say Eleanor Binane Frankosky Smith
Florence Alverez Spaulding Edith Jennie Robinson Tourtelot
Ferreira Noreen Curtis Higgins Stoner Elizabeth Anne Ayres Tucker
Dorothy K. Bartholomew Florence McDougall Pierce Watt Suckerman Nina Victoria Maple Tyson
Carol Joan Wilhelmy Eddice Dochterman Sullivan Martha Matilda McKinney
Margaret Snook Folwell Guthrie Wilhoite
Mary Patrice Moloney Hancock
Beatrice Jean Heitmann Upsilon Alpha Zeta Alice Joanne Wenzlaff Knapp Lucile Margaret Hendricks
Nowogroski Arizona
Martha Anne Shidler Betts Nebraska Jane Virginia Kessler Kurtiss Spencer
Ann Lorraine Schultz Pare Jeanette Harden Broshears
Marjorie Eleanor Palmer Passler Mary Arline Ebert Sandra M. Buell Albertson Ann Genene Jensen Lewis Faye Curry Stannard
Carol Dee Tracy Peterson Elizabeth Ann Jones
Laura Katherine Bahl Schaub Janis Tremble Nelson Mildred Ellen Wright Anderson Jane Marie Grosserode Loken Julie Ann Thibault
Janet Ellen Stipp Schumacher Suzanne M. Levitz Payton
Doris Moore Sutton Dorothy Elizabeth Woodward Irma Clarice Mattingly Shirley Lou McPeck Walker
Alverna Mary Grace Ocker Upsilon Lambda
Texas-San Antonio Barnard Diana Lee Rasmussen Meiches Laura Agnes Scherff Waters
Swan Elissa Diane Denk Helen Nona Bergin Bertha Jane Carr Miller
Allie Kalin Thiel
Eileen Ann Thorpe Erna Margaret Phillippe Cheney Jean Elizabeth Marcy Sells Zeta Fst
Reba Alice Shannon Traber
Emma Jean Steen Werrbach Laura Estelle Perkins Dokken Dorothy Elizabeth Bradt East Carolina
Melanie Caroline Peterson Wide Kathleen Ryan Dougherty Smiland Catherine Ann Manley Banks
Lois Wiley Phyllis Mae Davidson Dunlap Carolyn Anne White Shenton
Gwenavere Imogene Wilburn Jean Elizabeth Gieselman Gladys Opal Mathews Smythe
Worrick Xi Mary Lee Glen " I have received more than I ever
Oklahoma Lois Lorraine Blair Golding hoped for from AOF1—love, satisfaction,
Gwendoline Showell Wrede Bette Lou Wefso Hagel
Mamie Ban
Irma Virginia Strand Helen Margaret Gould Henderson self-development, dignity, loyalty, high
Paula Montgomery
Josephson Elizabeth Mae Evans Hummel ideals and willingness to work with
Tooke Opal Loraine Johnson Janelle others/'
Mary Ball Clearman Johnson
Creativity Contest
"Making Dreams Come True"
Poetry Division Winners
Connie Nelson—Nu I o t a : First Place
Sandra Ann Thomas—Alpha Beta: Second Place
Kathleen Guilfoyle—Sigma Phi: T h i r d Place
Black & White Art
Gail Self ridge—Phi: Second Place
Elizabeth Varnum Townsend—Gamma Omicron: T h i r d Place
Carolyn McCullough McDonald—Chi L a m b d a : H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n
Color Photography
Kathleen Guilfoyle—Sigma P h i : First Place
Short Stories
Gail Self ridge—Phi: H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n
Sandra Ann Thomas—Alpha Beta: H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n
Congratulations to all winners!
A]umn&e Activity
When Naomi Bates Machmer Jr., Beta Celebrating the Ventura County (Calif.) Alumnae Chapter installation last March were, first
Phi, welcomed N.J. alumnae and friends row—left to right—Susan Durley, Candy Driscoll, Patricia Beitzel, May Brown; second
to her home in April, it marked the row—Susan Englund, Dorothy Linn, Nancy Andrzejczak, Mary Jane Brown, Dorothy Robin-
twentieth consecutive year that she has son, Genie Lawnsdale, Gail McDowell; third row —Louise Middagh, Susan Measures, Mary
entertained for the Philanthropic Fund Jane Dell, Mary Newman and Dorothy Trout.
Bridge Luncheon, the chapter's main
fund raiser. Board of Summit, N.J., and for six years, As a Founders' Day speaker a few
an elected member of the Common years, Naomi's subject was "Careers for
About midmorning the day began for Council of that city. Women in Business and Politics and
the serious bridge players. H o w to Get There." It was a very ap-
As a member of the Board of Direc- propriate choice for our Theta Pi sisters
One o'clock announces luncheon tors of Overlook Hospital, Summit, she from Wagner College had the oppor-
time and the arrival of nonplaying was on its Planning Committee. She t u n i t y to see a thoroughly likeable
alums and their friends. The day closes n o w serves as Chairman of Public woman with warmth of personality and
with each table winner receiving a Affairs as w e l l as just recently being a relaxed manner who had succeeded in
brightly colored potted flower ready for made a trustee. business, was outstanding in her com-
garden planting. munity's civic affairs, and managed a
family. Needless to say, A O F I plays a
Naomi is one of northern N e w Jer- part in her planning, too.
sey's leading realtors. She headed her
own firm with offices in four com-
munities and a staff of over forty-five
until she recently merged w i t h a larger
concern, becoming one of its officers.
" N o w , " she laughed, " I ' m busier
than ever. We have eight offices with a
staff of 150. I like to be busy and I love
what I'm doing. I feel very lucky for I
see so many people w h o seem to be
working in situations where they are
unhappy but feel that they can't get
No stranger to civic affairs, Naomi
served on the Advisory Board of the
National Department of Agriculture for
Consumer Affairs, explained Gina
Strauchon, Epsilon Alpha.
She was an appointee on the Planning
Four longtime A O n alumnae were among many 50-year alumnae who returned to Washing- OMAHA
ton State University in early June for recognition as "Golden Grads." The Alpha Gamma
alumna included from the left, Marion Taylor Kinder, Louise Lahse Spinning, Adria Veleke Last spring the Omaha Alumnae
Hubbarb ('35 but on campus with her Golden Grad husband) and Allie Kalinowski Thiel. Chapter staged a dessert-style show to
benefit the Arthritis Foundation. The
16 scene was a church fellowship hall w i t h
nearly 100 persons i n attendance. Cher-
ry-Berry Torte, smart fashions and
entertainment by the Elkhorn High
School Triple Trio made the afternoon a
A donation of approximately $150
was collected for the fight against
The Athens Alumnae Chapter re-
ported a busy summer! In July it had an
annual Alum Pot-luck Dinner, com-
plete with tennis and swimming.
Members were hostesses i n August at
a rush party held for area seniors going
• Christmann Burghard, Rho '57; Diane SPOKANE
Kellogg Pellettiere, Iota '58; Marion The Spokane Alumnae Chapter was
Kathy Johnson, Phi Sigma '69, left, presents Hunter Keenan, Iota '58; Peg Malecki
Diana Waggoner, executive director of the Frerk, Iota '58, and Pat Grundmeier rechartered in May. Mary Enwall, of
NE Arthritis Foundation, with the Omaha Juza, N u Iota '68—all past presidents- Spokane, regional extension officer for
Alumnae Chapter's Founders' Day Award. were introduced. Other guests were d i - Region V I , served as the installing of-
rector of Region IV, Jeanne Crippin, and ficer.
through Fall rush. There was a lot of re- West Suburban Vice-President Patti
freshing of rush skills, and we were Broggi. The newly-elected president of the
very proud of our efforts!, Bonnie Han- chapter is A m y Hooper.
nah, reported. Kay Turner Dole was the featured
speaker. For many years she has kept a PULLMAN
In November, the chapter is sponsor- diary which included numerous per-
ing the 5th annual fund-raising Lasagna sonal and humorous accounts of AOFI Members of Pullman Alumnae
Dinner at the Lambda Sigma chapter in her life. Her comments and stories plan a year of activities which will
house. Alumnae were able to make a revealed a very active and interesting meet the needs of its diverse mem-
contribution of $100 to the AOn Phil- A O n history. bership: several alumnae socials, a
anthropic Foundation last year fol- night at the theatre with spouses,
lowing the dinner. Nancy Anderson Clark spoke briefly Founders' Day and initiation with
and presented the club president with the collegians of Alpha Gamma and
CHICAGO NW SUBURBAN an engraved gavel, commemorating the special times with the WSU chapter
Five below zero!! Miles to travel!! anniversary. of A o n .
Surprise snowstorm!! The memorable celebration drew to a New Awards Given
The Chicago Northwest Suburban close w i t h an inspiring candle lighting, Winning Corporations
explained Merrie Mille Henson, Nu
Chapter Alumnae, were turning out to Iota ' 6 1 . As each of the 25 chapters rep- At Convention the Executive Board
participate i n a 25th anniversary cele- resented was read, the chapter members introduced a new biennial Outstanding
bration, last February. The celebration came forward to light individual can- Corporation Award and citations for
was co-ordinated by Karen Fleischer dles from a single red candle. two runners-up.
Steigmann, N u Sigma '68, social chair-
man and the frigid outdoor tempera- MEMPHIS The 1981 winner was Phi Upsilon
tures did nothing to chill the warm rose Corporation, Purdue University. Cita-
scented A O n spirits. Memphis alumnae sponsored an tions were awarded to Omicron Pi Cor-
All-star basketball game last spring poration, University of Michigan, and
Initial welcome was extended by which raised more than $120 for Chi Lambda Corporation, University of
President Judy Freundt Zawacke, Beta Arthritis Research. Evansville.
Lambda '68. Special recognition was
given Charter Member and original Members of the sororities on Nominations were submitted by the
Club President Kay Turner Dole, Eta Southwestern's campus played Regional Finance Officers with support-
'41; AOn Executive Board Member members from campus fraternities. ing recommendations from other re-
Nancy Anderson Clark, Rho '64 and The fraternity all-star team won the gional officers.
Charter Member and 1st Chapter Presi- contest, however the alumnae chap-
dent Ruth Black Lyon, Rho '42. Out of ter plans to sponsor the event next
the original 21 charter members, Mary year to revenge the loss.
Lou Boehmer Allen, Iota '52 and Esther
Streger Voise, Iota '47 also attended. Montreal Alumnae Chapter members joined the winning horse and jockey in the winner's
circle at Blue Bonnets Pare Richelieu Park last February d u r i n g the chapter's " E v e n i n g at the
Ruth Black Lyon, Rho '42; Patricia Races." With Montreal Alumnae Chapter President Sandy Amos, left, were Joan MacCallum,
Jacobs Mottweiler, Theta '50; Jan recent past international president, and Karen M o o n , past president of the alumnae chapter.
Taverner Juckett, Theta '53; Valerie
Consultants Named For School Year
(Editor's Note: 77n's letter is a trib- Public Affairs Student Assoc., American arship Fund, an award voted on by the
ute to a special chapter assistant that Society for Public Administrators, Cali- Alumnae Advisory committee.
came to Upsilon at the University of fornia Women in Government and she
Washington.) was the undergraduate representative Elaine has been a rush counselor and
to the Inner Greek Society. member of several rush teams. She has
"Throughout her three week visit, she w o r k e d as a volunteer for the Red
spent her time getting to know each of In the community she has been a Cross, a Historical Society and for a cen-
us. We expressed our concerns and hopes camp counselor and a recreation leader. ter for retarded children. Elaine also
for the chapter and her consistent posi- Phyllis also coaches gymnastics for a served on the Student Alumni Council.
tive reinforcement made our goals at- private team and has served as a com- Five times on the Dean's list, Elaine was
tainable. This persoti taught us a new munity consultant for gymnastic pro- also a member of the Indiana Arete
meaning for sisterhood and we now feel gramming. She received her chapter's Greek Leadership Honorary Society.
Founders' Day Award for Outstanding Elaine w i l l be a traveling consultant.
closer to our AOFI sisters throughout Service to the Chapter. Phyllis w i l l be
the resident consultant for Chi Delta — Jennifer Macey-Theta Omega, North-
the country. University of Colorado. ern Arizona
"This special person is Janet Fell- Elaine Luebbe-Beta Phi, Indiana Uni- Jennifer graduated with a degree in
wock. When it came time for Janet to versity Marketing/Management. She served her
leave, we all felt a certain emptiness as chapter as rush chairman, social chair-
she had touched each of us in a unique Elaine, too, is a former chapter presi- man, keeper of the ritual, assistant
way. Though Janet's term as special dent. She is a May graduate i n Elemen- pledge trainer and representative to
chapter assistant is over, her hard work tary Education. Elaine was voted Out- AWS. Jennifer also was a rush coun-
and efforts still affect Upsilon and we standing Pledge by her pledge class and selor. She was voted Most Outstanding
want to express to everyone how much was also voted Outstanding Pledge by Pledge and Initiate of the M o n t h . She
we appreciate her. We CARE . . . . " the chapter. She has also been honored has also received Theta Omega's
as " G i r l of Beta P h i " w h i c h is the award "Leaves of Gold" award for outstanding
Fraternally, to the most outstanding member as service to the chapter. Jennifer has been
Katie Hallahan and voted by the chapter. Her service to the honored with a service award for her
the sisters of Upsilon chapter has also been recognized as she help w i t h the Arizona Special Olym-
received a Certificate of Honor at pics.
The 1981-82 Chapter Consultants are Founders' Day and was the recipient of
dedicated leaders who will serve our the Edith Huntington Anderson Schol- She has also done volunteer w o r k at
fraternity well throughout the coming the local Republican headquarters in
year. They w i l l share their love and
commitment to A O 11 and together w i l l •
work to strengthen and further develop
our membership and all our chapters. 3i
The chapter consultants for the com- A •y f )
ing school year include Phyllis Austin,
Rebecca McCampbell and Jennifer M e m b e r s of the 1981-82 consultants team f o r A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi include standing f r o m the
Smith, resident consultants, and Elaine left, Jennifer Smith, Jennifer Macey, Katherine Wilson, Nina Martin; seated, Suzanne Col
Luebbe, Jennifer Macey, Nina Martin, gan, former Chapter Services Coordinator w h o assisted w i t h summer consultant training,
and Katherine Wilson, traveling con- Becca M c C a m p b e l l , P h y l l i s A u s t i n and Elaine Luebbe.
TCs travel across the country, visiting
and teaching collegiate chapters more
about AOn and will focus on any con-
cerns which the individual chapter
wants to discuss. They also share ideas
from one chapter with other chapters
they visit.
RCs attend graduate school or are
employed while they work with one
specific chapter for the entire school
The consultants were in Nashville in
early August for special training before
they started their assignments as the
colleges and universities opened for the
fall terms.
Phyllis Austin-Nu Lambda, USC
Phyllis is a past chapter president and
also held the office of corresponding
secretary. She graduated i n June w i t h a
degree in Public Administration. Active
on campus, Phyllis was a member of
several organizations including the
Flagstaff. Additionally, Jennifer was Interested In The Program?
selected as the Student Liaison to the
Arizona Board of Regents. She has Interested in learning more about needed to perform the duties well.
w o r k e d as a tennis instructor, lifeguard, the Chapter Consultant Program? If you are interested, clip the form
salesperson and secretary. Jennifer w i l l
be a traveling consultant. Each year a group is selected to and additional information will be
work with chapters across the coun- mailed to you.
Nina Martin-Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt try—and you might have the skills
Nina is another former chapter presi-
I am interested in the Chapter Consultant program.
dent. She graduated w i t h a double de- Mail to: A O f l International Headquarters
gree i n English and Psychology. Nina is
another one of the team members to 3821 Cleghorn Ave.
have been honored by her chapter as Nashville, T N 37215
the Best Pledge and Member of the Please send information to:
Month. Most recently, she was selected
as the O u t s t a n d i n g Senior G r e e k NAME CHAPTER
Woman. She also is a member of Mortar
Board and ODK. Nina was a member of ADDRESS
the Vanderbilt Junior and Sophomore
Honoraries during those school years. DATE OF GRADUATION
She has served as a Resident Advisor Jennifer Smith-Tau Omicron, U . of Who in American Colleges and Univer-
in a freshman dormitory, and earlier, a Tennessee-Martin sities and was in the top ten for Home-
freshman hall president, then vice-pres- coming Queen. Jennifer makes most of
ident of her d o r m i t o r y as a sophomore. Jennifer, too, is a former chapter pres- her own clothes and was voted one of
Adding to her list of activities, Nina was ident. She was also her chapter's rush the Top Ten Best Dressed Women on
a member of the Honor Council and chairman. Jennifer graduated with a de- Campus. Jennifer w i l l be a Resident
then served as its adviser. She partici- gree i n Fashion Merchandising. She has Consultant. —Epsilon Alpha —Penn
pated in the Vanderbilt-in-Oxford pro- been honored by her chapter as a M e m - State.
gram and studied abroad for a summer. ber of the Quarter, Best Big Sister and
Nina w i l l be a traveling consultant. w i t h a Certificate of Honor at Founders' Katherine Wilson-Alpha Theta, Coe
Day. College
Rebecca McCampbell-Omicron, U. of
Tennessee-Knoxville She was the Sweetheart for Alpha Katherine w i l l travel for a second
Gamma Rho Fraternity, a member of year. She is a graduate i n speech.
Becca, as she is k n o w n by her friends, the SGA Congress, a member of the Katherine was vice president/pledge
graduated in March with a degree i n UTM Undergraduate Alumni Council trainer and president of her collegiate
Merchandising. She was Omicron's and the Student Representative of the chapter. She was active as a school
pledge trainer and philanthropic chair- Faculty Admissions Committee. Jen- cheerleader, captain of the women's
man. She was also summer rush chair- nifer is also an Outstanding Young tennis team and a disc jockey.
man as w e l l as a rush counselor. Becca Woman of America, is listed in Who's
has t w o A O n sisters. D u r i n g her school
days she had been voted Most Active Philos Awards Received
Member and in 1981, Most Outstanding
Senior. Outside of A O n , she is most Kappa Tau's representative, Sharon The San Antonio Alumnae Chapter
active i n Angel Flight. She has been Thompson, center, accepted the Philos won the Alumnae Philos Award during
honored as the Most Outstanding Flight Award for the Southeastern Louisiana Uni- the Kansas City Convention. Citations
Member and with the Area Commander versity chapter. Citations were given to were awarded Lafayette Alumnae
Award. Her greatest recognition came Peggy Scott f o r Lambda Sigma, University Chapter, Indiana, and the St. Louis
w h e n she was selected as the Most O u t - of Georgia, and Chris Carlson, for Zeta, (Mo.) Alumnae Chapter.
standing Commander in the United University of Nebraska.
States. Based on Panhellenic activities dur-
ing the last two years, winning chapters
O n campus, Becca has been honored have been active in local Panhellenic
as the Most Outstanding Greek Junior groups, show interests in community
and Senior during those years. She was philanthropic projects and provide
also SGA secretary. Becca was also very good public relations reflecting credit
involved in the College of Home Eco- on Greeks as a whole.
nomics and was honored as the Most
Outstanding Senior here as w e l l . She is The Collegiate Philos Award winner
a member of Mortar Board and ODK was Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisi-
and received the Women of Achieve- ana University. Citations went to
ment Award and the Chancellor's Cita- Lambda Sigma, University of Georgia,
tion for Extraordinary Professional and Zeta, University of Nebraska.
Promise. Added to all of that, she is a
member of the Daughters of the Ameri- (Other Convention highlights are reported on
can Revolution and is on the Knoxville pages 31-35.)
A r t h r i t i s Foundation Board. Becca w i l l
be a resident consultant at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky.
Ruby Fund Chairman Discusses History
It has become very evident in the last sented and passed at the Port Huron, fault of their own are in desperate
few years and especially at our recent Mich., Convention on June 28, 1946, es- straits financially and would not be able
Convention in Kansas City that many of tablishing the Ruby Fund to render to secure their degrees without the as-
our collegiate and alumnae members financial assistance to all members in sistance of a Ruby Fund loan. Loans do
are not aware of the history and func- dire need. riot bear interest and are repayable
tions of their Ruby Fund and want to beginning the year after graduation.
learn more about it. Contributions from members and
chapters were encouraged but it became Need can be generated by many
Marianne Carton, fund chairman, apparent by 1949 that they were insuffi- different circumstances. The following
discusses Fund history. cient to meet the need and at Conven- examples illustrate grants made
tion that year a resolution was adopted through the years:
In the late 1930s there was a growing which provided for an annual grant of
awareness in our fraternity of the need $4,000 from the general Philanthropy A monthly check was sent to a
for such a fund. It was triggered by the Fund to the Ruby Fund. This continued blind alumna to help with her liv-
difficulties of a beloved alumna who until 1957 when accumulated funds ing expenses while she was re-
was growing old. She was in frail determined that the amount be de- training for future employment.
health, had no family, and her income creased to $2500. It was further de- A n operation was financed for a
was insufficient for the simplest neces- creased to $1000 i n 1967 and discon- collegian who had no other way of
sities of life. She had given so much of tinued completely in 1970. paying for it.
her time and energy and, even more im-
portant, of her creative imagination and The Ruby Fund has been on its own The Fund helped with medical ex-
poetic touch to the fraternity, that it since that time . . . dependent for sup- penses for an alumna who was bat-
could almost be said that Alpha O m i - port on member contributions, bequests tling cancer and had no social
cron Pi was her life. and income from investments. security or insurance.
Medical expenses were paid in part
A sense of obligation was over- The Ruby Fund was established by for a collegian who was critically
whelming among those who knew of Council with the avowed purpose of injured in an automobile accident.
her plight. How to help her became a helping by gift or loan A O f l s in "dire A monthly stipend has been given
matter of grave concern. The general need." This has been interpreted to to a disabled alumna to help with
funds of the fraternity could not be used mean need due to illness, accident, old her living expenses until her ap-
for her-assistance as they were allocated age or other disabling affliction that plication for H U D assistance is ap-
for operating expenses. Then it was makes financial aid pressing. proved.
learned that other sororities and frater-
nities had special "Funds" for helping This interpretation has been An alumna whose family unit was
members in need. A resolution was pre- broadened in recent years to include broken by divorce was aided by the
some college seniors who through no Fund when she returned to school
to prepare herself to be the sole
Dear Sisters: support of herself and her children.
1 have been asked to share a short article about the success story of a "super-woman."
Based on recent experience with an
Three things bother me about such a request: 1) 1 can't say "hello" in less than five pages, A O n family who has suffered the loss
2) the vote is still out as to whether 1 am a success or not and, 3) if you contact the of a beloved member, trustees suggest
Trustees of the Ruby Fund you'll quickly discover that success is a "sometimes" thing. that friends respond willingly and gen-
The goals often got lost during the battle but when the war was over, they were all erously to newspaper articles indicating
reached. a family preference for contributions to
the Ruby Fund in lieu of flowers. The
One thing I do know for sure is without the financial support from the Fund and the International Headquarters address can
emotional support and friendship of the Trustees, 1 would not have made it through this be included so that memorial donors
doctoral program. It's unfortunate that more do not realize the network of sisters available may contribute directly to the Fund. A l l
in times of crises. I have been a full-time doctoral student for the past 2-1/2 years, trying gifts are acknowledged promptly.
to balance home, family, and academic completion.
Marianne and Ruth Brown and Gerry
Without recounting the details, you may assume that there were countless times when I King, both trustees, thank members
would have given up without all of you. Everytime one of you contribute to the Fund, you who contributed to the Ruby Fund at
should know that somewhere there is a sister, who without that help, could not continue. the annual Founders' Day celebrations.
Figeratively, you stand beside them Us they struggle to gain a sense of perspective in their
own lives, a fuller awareness of their role in society, and in their attempts to develop "We hope that all AOFI chapters will
their potential and talents. also include their Ruby Fund in their
philanthropy budgets each year and
At this point, thanks to all of you for making the Fund work. My responsibility from that A O r i s everywhere will think of
this time on, is to hold out my hand to another in whatever supportive gesture is their Ruby Fund when formulating
necessary. Understand, that whenever you offer support, you are supporting an their wills and when honoring birth-
individual not a nameless fund. By your generosity, the "ripple effect" has touched my days, anniversaries and loved ones who
life and without it, I would have been deprived of attaining my full potential. are no longer with us. A certificate of
appreciation is presented annually to
Not only did your assistance make it possible for me to succeed but it make it possible the top Collegiate and Alumnae Chap-
for my three children to continue their college education. I'm fortunate to have had so ter contributors," they added. "Please
many sisters along the way. Your gift of your love and assistance will never be forgotton. help us, sisters. We need your support
This, then, has been a love letter. For all of you who knew 1 could . . . so very much to continue the assistance
to our very own sisters in 'dire' need."
Alpha love and mine,
A Ruby Fund Recipient
-Alpha Qm\cYOY\ V% Directory
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity founded at Barnard College January 2, 1897
Keep This Directory. The Directory is printed only once a year.
•FOUNDERS 1st Alternate: Janie Callaway (George), O Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry
2400 Craghead'Lane Chairman: Mary Louise Filer Roller (George), A n
Jessie Wallace H u g a n Knoxville, T N 37920
Helen St. Clair M u l l a n (Mrs. George V.) Telephone: 615/573-2336 Box 933
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H.) Mt. Dora, FL 32757
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman 2nd Alternate: Joan MacCallum (John), K * Telephone: 904/383-6376
13195 Edison Crescent
*The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada H8Z 1Y5 Scholarship
Barnard College of Columbia University and all are Telephone: 614/626-1247 Dr. Harriet L. O'Leary, 0 H
3rd Alternate: Ginger Banks, I1K 309 Waring Road
EXECUTIVE BOARD 3108 West Terrace Drive Syracuse, N Y 13224
Austin, TX 78731 Telephone: 315/446-5648
President Telephone: 512/454-8572
3108 West Terrace Drive
Austin, TX 78731 Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Alumnae Committee
Telephone: 512/454-8572 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Membership: Susan Davies Holtkamp
Nashville, T N 372115 (Phillip), Q
Vice President/Development Telephone: 615/383-1174
Peg Crawford (Richard C ) , 1 1115 Solana Drive
STAFF Del Mar, C A 92014
9113 S. Massasoit A v e n u e Telephone: 714/755-7732
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Administrative Director: Sue Edmunds Lewis
Telephone: 312/422-5244 (Rex), TA Programming: Jeanne Hayes Crippin (Larry), B A
21 S. I l l i n o i s A v e n u e
Vice President/Operations Accountant: A n n Reynolds, N O Villa Park, I L 60181
N a n c y C l a r k (Jack, Jr.), P Office Manager: Jeanne Ascolese, N O Telephone: 312/279-1057
Receptionist/Secretary: Charlotte Sharpe, N O
1207 West Haven Drive Public Relations Coordinator: Troylyn Regional Rush Officer Coordinator
Arlington Heights, I L 60005 Camille Stickney Mitchell (Phillip), X
Telephone: 312/392-1936 Johnson, B<t>
Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins 805 C Street
Secretary/Treasurer Membership Secretary: Mary A n n Caldwell, T A Eureka, CA 95501
Jo Beth H e f l i n ( H u g h ) , U"K Secretary: Sandra Click
Printing/Shipping: Joe Kane Telephone: 707/442-7875
11200 Pinehurst Drive
A u s t i n , TX 78747 Chapter Consultants: Parliamentarian
Telephone: 512/282-2655 Phyllis Austin, NA Ingrid Latimer Schulz (Carl, Jr.), BA
Elaine Luebbe, B *
Director Jennifer Macey, &Q 1700 Lake Avenue
Teri A n d e r s o n ( M a r k ) , &Q Nina Martin, NO Wilmette, IL 60091
Rebecca McCampbell, O Telephone: 312/256-0472
314 E. Viola Jennifer Smith, T O
Casa Grande, A Z 85222 Katherine Wilson, A S Fraternity Development Committee
Telephone: 602/836-6735 C h a i r m a n : Joan Deathe M a c C a l l u m (John), K<t>
Director 13195 Edison Crescent
Marilyn Herman (Gerald), T Constitution Interpretation and Revision (CIRC) Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada H 8 Z 1Y5
Chairman: Susan Elder Roach (Eric), BT Telephone; 514/626-1247
8805 Cliffridge Avenue
LaJolIa, CA 92037 6065 Carriage Hill Drive Historical Society
Telephone: 714/452-8453. East Lansing, M I 48823 Chairman: Norma Marshall Ackel (August), KQ
Telephone: 517/351-5270
Director 5340 Yarmouth Avenue, Apt. #308
Neen Neale (Ross), K<t> Convention Encino, C A 91316
M a r y Jane Thomas Ogle (Lynn), A n Telephone: 213/345-5199
391 Brookhaven Avenue
Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9S 2N6 7309 North Euclid Philanthropic Foundation
Telephone: 514/631-9796 Gladstone, M O 64118 President: Mary Hansuld Moore (Wayne
Telephone: 816/436-0643 R.), I I
Kay Sutherlin (Stephen), 6 Historian B* 1627 Amherst Drive
Edith Huntington Anderson (Arthur K.), Ames, I A 50010
2239 Rome Drive Telephone: 515/292-8555
Indianapolis, I N 46208 836 S. Henderson, A p t . 1
Telephone: 317/293-0894 Bloomington, I N 47401 Ruby Fund
Telephone: 812/336-1996 Chairman: Marianne Davies Carton (W. A.), T
CONFERENCE Leadership Conference/Regional Meetings 1262 Upas Street
Becky Shook Weinberg (Frank), XA San Diego, C A 92103
(College correspondence should be directed to 1st Telephone: 714/298-2150
Alternate) 859 E. 9th Place
Mesa, A Z 85203 Diamond Jubilee Foundation
A O n Delegates Telephone: 602/969-0114 President: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert
C), 1A
Delegate: M a r y Louise Roller (George), AU
Box 933 100 Norlen Park
Mt. Dora, FL 32757 Bridgewater, M A 02324
Telephone: 904/383-6376 Telephone: 617/697-7855
(June 1-October 1) Scholarship Chairman: Karen Thomas Tucker
P.O. Box 198 (James), A A
Balsam, N C 28707
Telephone: 704/456-6284 500 E. 77th Street, Apt. 520
New York, N Y 10162
Telephone: 212/879-5814
Vice President: Helen M c M a h o n , P, 7432 Colshire Dr., # 5 , McLean, V A 22102. Telephone: 703/893-4746
Extension Officer: Lois Klotz (Harold), X, 506 Shannon Lane, State College, P A 16801. Telephone: 814/238-1274
Finance Officer: R u t h Healy F u r h o v d e n (Terry), STl, 4280 P e r s i m m o n Path, L i v e r p o o l , N Y 13088. Telephone: 315/652-3206
R u s h Officer: K a t h y M i l l a r d L l o y d (Ron), B T , 4 % D u r i e St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6S 3G7. Telephone: 416/767-1324
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Susan Byrne, 24 Madison Ave., Toronto, Susan Smith, 88 Colbeck Street, Toronto,
Beta Tau D i a n n e Taylor Pressey ( D o n a l d ) , riA, 75
University of Ontario, Canada M5R 2S1, 416/922-3646 Ontario, Canada M6S 1Z2, 416/762-7811 Jackson Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Toronto M 8 X 2J7, 416/231-2744
Veronica M . Diaz, 27 Chambers St., Pam M u n f o r d H a y (James), A n , 36 Stature
Delta Chi Newark, DE 19711, 302/731-7989 Rd., Newark, DE 19713, 302/737-1248 Carmel Gabriele Kaiser ( M a r t i n ) , 115
University of Bosley Ave., Cockeysville, M D 21030,
Delaware Lisa Lundy, 435 West Fairmount Ave., Patricia Rine Antolosky (Paul), E A , 1260 301/666-7756
State College, PA 16801, 814/238-0245 Fairview Dr., Bellefonte, P A 16823, 814/
Epsilon Alpha Colony 355-2776 Leslie Welch, * T , 203 Riverview Rd.,
Pennsylvania State Bridgewater, NJ 08807, 201/526-2538
Gamma Deb Thurrell, A O n , Penobscot Hall, U M O , M a r y Ambrose Dumais, T, 18 Pine Haven Dianne Pressey
University of Orono, M E 04469, 207/581-7996 Trailer Park, O l d Town, M E 04468, 207/
Maine-Orono 827-6473 Julia Jo Santiago ( A l ) , K A , 4327
Tami Fischer, G M U , Student Union Bldg., Ravensworth Rd„ #318, Annandale, V A
Gamma Alpha 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, V A 22030, Nancy K. Foster, TA, P.O. 1631, VHFS, 22003, 703/941-3710
George Mason 703/938-6915 Warrenton, V A 22186, 703/368-8652
University Miriam (Mim) Arbuckie McCullough
D o n n a Steibel, 709 South St., Indiana, P A Cheryl L. Stewart, FB, 230 Beverly Rd., (Mike), I P , R D 1, Rural Valley, P A
Gamma Beta 15701, 412/357-4506 #61, Pittsburgh, PA 15216, 412/531-3695 16249, 412/783-6232
Indiana Univ. of
Pennsylvania Kathleen D z i u r a ESSC, A O I X Box 882, Thea Steidinger Sciosca (Staley), TB, 3482 Leslie Welch
Stroudsburg PA 18201, 717/424-4709 Linden St., Bethlehem, P A 18107, 215/
Phi Beta 866-3078 Julie Santiago
East Stroudsburg
State College Susan Dulkerian, 4517 College Ave., Col- Patricia P. Savory, V, 1550 M o n u m e n t Rd.,
lege Park, M D 20740, 301/927-9871 Middletown, M D 21769, 301/293-1633
Pi Delta
University of
Sigma Chi T a m m y Gooden, 17 M a p l e St., Oneonta, Eleanor B r o w n H i c k e i n (Fred), I X , 82 E l m Dianne Pressey
Hartwick College NY 13820, 607/432-4271 St., Oneonta, N Y 13820, 607/432-6596 Mim McCullough
Sigma Rho K e l l i Novak, SRSC, 150 Towers, Slippery Kay Bellissimo, I P , 273 N o r m a l A v e n u e ,
Slippery Rock Rock, P A 16057, 412/794-9918 Slippery Rock, P A 16057, 412/794-2534
State College
Sigma Tau Sally Wagaman, Washington College, Karen Gossard Price (Frederick), I T , P.O. Carmel Kaiser
Washington College Chestertown, M D 21620, 301/778-9882
Box 92, Chestertown, M D 21620 301/
Theta Pi Lisa Mayercik, Wagner College, Harbor N a n c y C o c h r a n e , e n , 327 M a i t l a n d Carmel Kaiser
Wagner College View Hall, Room 806, 631 H o w a r d Ave.,
Staten Island, N Y 10301, 212/390-3072 A v e n u e , Teaneck, NJ 07666, 201/837-
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Baltimore Sarah Owens, I T , 6706 Bonnie Ridge Dr., A p t . 1, Ottawa Norma Jean Vincent, K A , 34 Glendenning Dr.,
Baltimore, M D 21209, 301/254-4639 Nepean, Ontario, Canada K 2 H 7Y9,613/829-5053
Boston D o n n a Sheridan (Peter), $ 0 , 10 L a n a r k • R d „ Philadelphia Joan Krause S i m o n i n , yV, 600 Park Lane, Wyncote,
Sellesley Hills, M A 02181, 617/235-6422 PA 19095, 215/884-6961
Charleston, W V Mary Ferrell, 6443 Starlite Drive, Charlestown, Pittsburgh Connie Anderson, FB, 622 South Lang Ave., Pitts-
W V A 25302> 304/984-2238 burgh P A 15208, 412/241-3513
Greater Allentown/ Jean Peterson Rice (Elwood), E A , 1309 Overlook Rochester Colony Barbara DeYoung Gibson (Bruce), E, 81 Lanvale
Rd., Whitehall, PA 18052, 215/432-9089 Pk., Rochester, N Y 14617, 716/544-8713
Bethlehem Dawn George Eichelbeiger (Curtis), EA, 3224 South Jersey Elinor Shoop (Gail M . ) , NP, 145 B r e n t w o o d Terrace,
Greater Harrisburg Scenic Road, North, Harrisburg, P A 17109, 717/ Southern Connecitcut M t . Laurel, NJ 08054, 609/235-7843
Greater Portland Joyce B r o w n H i l l (Stephen), P, 11 Surrey Glenn,
K i m b e r l y M . D o w n i n g , Y, 56 E. K i d d e r St., Port- Wilton, CT 06897, 203/762-9439
Long Island land, M E 04103, 207/775-3669 State College Jean L u n d y (James), E A , 435 West Fairmount Ave.,
Barbara Romeo Castello (Michael), 4>K, 783 N o r t h State College, PA 16801, 814/238-0245
Montreal Bixby Road, Baldwin, N Y 11510, 516/868-6721 Syracuse Dr. Harriet L. O'Leary, 0 H , 309 W a r i n g Road,
Sandra A m o s (John), K4>, 46 Chartres, D o l l a r d des Syracuse, N Y 13224, 315/446-5648
Ormeaux, M o n t r e a l , Quebec, Canada H 9 A 1J5, Toronto Helen B. Chomolok, B T , 187 Burndale Avenue,
514/683-4993 Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M 2 N 1T1, 416/225-
New Jersey Alice Jeane Lemon Riebe (E. W . ) , * , 3945 Park Ave., 2005
Edison, NJ 08817, 201/548-5075 Washington, D.C. Nancy Gaines Bernard (Richard), 0 H , 10009 Ren-
Northern Virginia Janet M a r x (Robert), T, 8312 Oakford Dr., frew Rd„ Silver Springs, M D 20901, 301/593-9038
Springfield, V A 22152, 703/451-9158 Wilmington Margaret (Meg) Johnson Brabson (Ronald), A X ,
I-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters: 5408 Doral Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808, 302/366-
Carmel Gabriele Kaiser-Baltimore, Long Island, N e w Jersey, W i l m i n g t o n . 8101
Leslie Welch-AUentown/Bethlehem, Greater Harrisburg, State College, Syracuse, N e w Jersey, Rochester Colony
Julie A . Santiago-Northern Virginia, Philadelphia, South Jersey, Washington, D . C
Diartne Pressey-Boston, Greater Portland, Montreal, Southern Connecticut, Toronto, Ottawa.
Miriam Arbuckie McCullough-Charleston, Pittsburgh.
V i c e President: Barbara Daugs H u n t (Cecil), <t>A, 930-17th A V e . , G r a f t o n , W I 53024. Telephone: 414/377-7766
Extension Officer: Joanne "Jo" Nelson N o w a k (Edmund), BI", 17288 Tremlett, Fraser, M I 48026. Telephone: 313/791-3914
Finance Officer: Carolyn Weschrob Katz (Morton), X X , 2245 Lane Rd., Columbus, O H 43220. Telephone: 614/457-2807
R u s h Officer: June Perkins, TO, Bowling Green State, Office of Residence Life, 425 Student Services Building, Bowling Green, O H 43403. Telephone:
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Sandra Mauga Sklenar (Fred), N I , 3916
Beta Epsilon Jodie Swenson, Bimidji State College, Hob- L i z Proud B r o w n (James), 6 , Rt. 2, Box
Bemidji State son Union, Bimidji, M N 56601, 218/751- 266, Bemidji, M N 56601, 218/751-1535 L y n n Ave., S., M i n n e a p o l i s , M N 55416,
University 7417 612/920-5586
Dottie Kramer (David), I T , 1203 Ballentine Sandra Mauge Sklenar
Iota Tau Sue Peterson, A O n Student Center, U . of Rd., Menomonie, W I 54751, 715/235-
University of W.-Stout, Menomonie, W I 54751 9563 Charlene B r o w n Potter (Warren), BT, 1468
Wisconsin-Stout Briarmeadow, Worthington, O H 43085,
Jean Winters, W r i g h t State University, 3640 Nancy Andrews (D. M . ) , f2, 7907 N o r t h - 614/888-9762
Kappa Delta Col. Glen Highway, Dayton, O H 45435 land Ct., Dayton, O H 45415, 513/890-
Wright State 1811 Joyce M u r d o c k Leff (Myron), * A , 1761
University L y n n Moomaw, 116 W. Highland, Ada, O H Ramblewood Ave., Columbus, O H
45810, 419/634-3171 or 634-8586 C h r i s Stein (Tom), 414 S. M a i n Street, A d a , 43220, 614/459-2933
Kappa Pi O H 45810, 419/634-7345
Ohio Northern Susan Wiant, Miami University, 180-C Joyce Murdock Leff
University Richard Hall, Oxford, O H 45056, 513/ Alice Schuette (Robert F.), O, 489 White
529-3684 or 529-2245 Oak Drive, Oxford, O H 45056, 513/523- Charlene Brown Potter
Omega 5282
Miami Laura King, 800 Oxford, A n n Arbor, M I
University 48104, 313/994-5572 M a r y Elizabeth Jereck, OPI, 87 N . Minges,
Battle Creek, M I 49015, 616/963-5180
Omicron Pi
University of Linda Moore, Phi Delta Chapter of AOn, K r i s t i n Maegli, <t>A, 3519 N . 97th Place, Marsha Guenzler, BA, 111 Warfield, Ox-
Michigan University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, W I 53222, 414/461-8925 ford, O H 45056, 513/529-5524.
Union box #6, Milwaukee, W I 53211,
Phi Delta 414/963-7625 Dianne Walker (Cortez), T, 4909 Park Marsha Guenzler
University of Ave., Minneapolis, M N 55417, 612/825-
Wisconsin-Milwaukee Karen Synder, 148 Broadway Ave., 1st 4671 Sandra Mauge Sklener
Floor, Lower Level, Youngstown, OH
Phi Lambda 44505, 216/793-7264 Fadwa Haney Skaff (George), e * , 2674 Charlene Brown Potter
Youngstown State D r u m m o n d , Toledo, O H 43606, 419/535-
. University Debbie Sit, 1121 5 t h Street, SE, M i n - 7092
neapolis, M N 55414, 612/623-9140
University of Sarah Jo B r u n n e r , 2909 W . Central Avenue,
Minnesota Toledo, OH 43606, 419/531-7821 or 531-
Theta Psi
University of,
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Ann Arbor Grand Rapids Kathleen Snyder (David), K K , 1763 W e y m o u t h , SE,
Cincinnati Judith Douglas Monaghan (James), Bn, 811 Lowell, 'Lansing
Ypsilanti, M l 48197, 313/482-3919 Macomb County Grand Rapids, M I 49508, 616/455-7039
Cleveland, East Madison Sue Elder Roach (Eric), Br, 6065 Carriage H i l l Dr.,
Cleveland, West K a t h y S i m p s o n T i r s c h e k ( J o h n ) , t>X, 7594 Milwaukee
Whitehall Circle, West Chester, O H 45069, 513/ Minneapolis/St. Paul East Lansing, M I 48823, 517/351-5270
Columbus, O H 777-7907 Toledo Sandra Tomilson (Eugene), KP, 32820 Bassett
Dayton Youngstown
Dearborn Janet Schad (Donald), A T , 967 Roland Rd., Woods Ct., Birmingham, M l 48010, 313/645-5994
Detroit North Suburban Lyndhurst, O H 44124, 216/461-5679 Key Alums K a r y l H o u l e A n d r e o l i ( C l i f f o r d ) , P, 205 S. O w e n
Phyllis Kiss (Frank), Q, C l i f f Towers, A p t . 26A, Dr., Madison, W I 53705, 608/231-2209
2159 Wooster Road, Rocky River, O H 44116, 216/ Nancy Fiorina (Mark), I T , 9731 W. Lisbon Ave.,
Milwaukee, W I 53222, 414/463-7379
A u d r e y Herbster Lueth, T l , 1239 Fletcher Drive, Charlotte Scarlett (Theo), A * , 6628 Southcrest Dr.,
Reynoldsburg, O H 43068, 614/863-1571
Minneapolis, M N . 55435, 612/920-8472
Carol M u l d o o n (J), A T , 2025 Tweed Circle, Dayton, Barbara Patroulis (John), 0 * , 3907 Kimberton Dr.,
O H 45459, 513/435-2027
Toledo, O H 43614, 419/385-6740
Linda Grates (Michael), Bn, 7410 Areola, West- Deborah Fry-Zamary (Frank), * A , 211 Berkshire
land, M I 48185, 313/261-9795
Dr., Youngstown, O H 44512, 216/788-7136
Pamela Smith Mooradian (Paul), On, 13326 Sher-
wood Dr., H u n t i n g t o n Woods, M I 48070, 313/ Alice Rath A d e r m a n (Ralph), 6 * , 2302 E. N e w -
547-8630 berry, Milwaukee, W I 53211, 414/962-3804
II-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Joyce M u r d o c k Leff-Cincinnati, Cleveland East, Cleveland West, Columbus.
Charlene Brown Potter-Ann Arbor, Dayton, Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban, Macomb, Toledo.
Marsha Guenzler-Grand Rapids, Lansing, Madison, Milwaukee, Youngstown.
Sandra Mauge Sklenar-Minneapolis/St. Paul.
* Redevelopment
Vice President: Nancy Bettis (Charles), O, 7709 Bennington Dr., Knoxville, T N 37919. Telephone: 615/693-1514
Extension Officer: Sally Huck Drea (Harold), Z A , 4311 Crystal Lake Dr., #303, Pompano Beach, FL 33064. Telephone: 305/781-4602
Finance Officer: M a r y Rawlings Reese, T A , 3202-B Post Woods Dr., N W , Atlanta, G A 30339. Telephone: 404/955-2500
Rush Officer: Deb Strickland, A K , 3601 Gas Light Curve, Apt. 3-A, Montgomery, A L 36116. Telephone: 205/279-6717
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Delta
University of Lisa Hinson, University of Alabama, Carolyn Diener, B A , 1164 N o r t h w o o d C a r o l y n A n n Sweeney, T O , 53 N .
Alabama Drawer A - Z , University, A L 35486, 205/ Lake, Northport, A L 35401, 205/339- Belvedere, A p t . #3, Memphis, T N 38104,
348-4900 9726 901/726-4239
Alpha Kappa
University of Nan Sanderson, University of North Ala- Susan Melinda French, A K , Chateau Becky Montgomery, K n, LaMancha Apart-
North Alabama bama, Box 5516, Florence, A L 35630, 205/ Orleans, Apt. 4B, Muscle Shoals, A L ments, 4184-F Memorial Parkway SW,
381-2227 35660, 205/381-4226 Huntsville, A L 35802, 205/881-7266
Delta Delta
Auburn University Kate Jackson, A u b u r n University, AOn Patsy Faulk Vincent (Don), A A , P.O. Box Sandra Johnson Dowell, T A , 3207 Green-
Box, D o r m C, A u b u r n , A L 36849, 205/ 2097, A u b u r n , A L 36830, 205/749-2277 dale Place, A p t . 4, Birmingham, A L
Delta Upsilon 887-9615 or 826-6748 35243, 205/969-1689
Duke University
Paula Lock, Duke University, Box 5225, Sue M a t t e r n ( W i l l i a m ) , X A , 2429 Joan Piper Shepherd, I P , 108 Jackie
Gamma Delta Duke Station Durham, N C 27706, 919/ Rosewood Ct., Chapel Hill, N C 27514, Avenue, High Point, N C 27263, 919/431-
University of 286-7851 919/942-4308 5996
South Alabama
Karen Wilson, University of South Ala- Margaret E. Hook, N B , 2660 Ralston Road, Sandra Johnson Dowell
Gamma Omicron bama, AOn, University Center, Mobile, Mobile, A L 36606, 205/478-8904
University of A L 36688, 205/460-6452 or 343-6350
Dottie Juskowiak, 819 W . Panhellenic K a t h y W o o d r u f f S i m c o e , TO, 392-7 Linda McLaughlin (George), A 6 , 1 2 7 0 1 N .
Gamma Sigma Drive, Gainesville, FL 32601, 904/373- Maguire Village, Gainesville, FL 32603, 53rd Street, Tampa, FL 33617, 813/985-
Georgia State 4550 or 373-4491 904/371-2231 2805
Helen Margaret Berkshire, Georgia State Lisa Bell (Stephen), V2, 1616 Briarcliff Rd., Becky Montgomery
Kappa Gamma University, University Plaza, P.O. Box #4, Atlanta, G A 30306, 404/872-9084
Florida Southern 540, Atlanta, G A 30303, 404/659-1743 or
College 981-1546 .
Kappa Omicron Lisa Pannazzo, Florida Southern College, M a r y Vanessa Draper, K T, 3520 Cleveland Linda McLaughlin
Southwestern P.O. Box 4868, Lakeland, FL 33802, 813/ Heights, Apt. 171, Lakeland, FL 33803,
at Memphis 683-5521 Ext. 393 or 394 or 203/673-7629 813/646-6025
Lambda Chi Kimberly L. Bledsoe, Southwestern at Elizabeth Hopkins, T O , 1829 Downing, Carolyn Sweeney
LaGrange College Memphis, 2000 N . Parkway, P.O. Box Memphis, T N 38117, 901/682-6854 ,
710, Memphis, T N 38112, 901/458-5669
Lambda Sigma or 276-2640 Linder Snider (Ed), A X , 101 Lakecrest, D o n n a Reed Corbet (Todd), 4>K, 1252
University of LaGrange, G A 30240, 404/884-2552 Monroe Drive, NE, Atlanta, G A 30306,
Georgia Ellen Twitty, LaGrange College, P.O. Box 404/876-0513
214, LaGrange, G A 30240, 404/882-0828
N u Beta Donna Reed Corbet
University of Peggy Scott, 1190 S. M i l l e d g e Ave., Athens, Claire Pease, A I , Rt. 1, Box 135, Cleveland
Mississippi G A 30605, 404/548-3366 or 546-5161 Rd., Bogart, G A 30622, 404/353-7693
Nu Omicron Vickie L. Willis, University of Mississippi, Debely Fenstermaker (Van), AQ, Highway Becky Montgomery
Vanderbilt P.O. Box 7987, University, MS 38677, 6, East, O x f o r d , M S 38655, 601/236-1904 Sandra Johnson Dowell
University 601/234-2718 or 236-2672
Omega Omicron
Lambuth College Hayden Dyer, 2415 Kensington Place, Suzanne Colgan, A T , 595 Hicks Rd., A p t .
Nashville, T N 37212, 615/329-3760 19N, Nashville, T N 3722L 615/646-0965
University of Melinda Jennings, Lambuth College, Box Lynn McAlister Wills (Mike), OO, 7 Carolyn Sweeney
Tennessee 277, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/422-4963 or Sagewood Cove, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/
Sigma Delta 424-2617 668-6024 Nancy Perry Bowers, N O , 728 Summerly
Huntingdon College Drive, Nashville, T N 37209, 615/352-
Tau Delta D a w n Pearson, 1531 W. Cumberland Ave., Nancy M i l l s (Jack), O, 3543 Iskagna Drive, 8174
Birmingham Southern Knoxville, T N 37916, 615/525-3752 or Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/522-8508
College 974-8472 Donna Reed Corbet
Tau Omicron A n n i e Ingram, I A , 1267 H u i e Street, Nancy Perry Bowers
University of Lisa Lacy, Huntingdon College, Box 58, Prattsville, A L 36067, 205/365-6298
Tennessee-Martin Montgomery, A L 36106, 205/264-9024 Nancy Perry Bowers
Zeta Psi Janice Ingram (Dick), T A , 808 11th Street,
East Carolina Nickie Koulourides, Birmingham Southern Pleasant Grove, A L 35127, 205/744-9333 Joan Piper Shepherd
University College, Box A-56, Birmingham, A L
35254, 205/322-6417 or 324-6389 Kaneal Gay,^TO, University Courts, L-12,
24 Martin, T N 38237, 901/578-7024
Nancy Smith, University of Tennessee at
Martin, Box 126, M a r t i n , T N 38238, 901/ Marsha Tyndall (Carl), W , 404 Elizabeth,
587-6817 or 587-7940, Ext. 6722 Greenville, N C 27834, 919/752-1253
Belinda Barker, 805 Johnston Street, Green-
ville, N C 27834, 919/758-4290
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Athens Knoxville
Atlanta Sis Gravely (Mike), A 2 , 225 Winterberry Drive, Lakeland Area Becky Massey (Morton), O, 500 Gila Trail, Knox-
Atlanta Tri-County Athens, G A 30606, 404/546-8821 Martin ville, T N 37919, 615/693-7239
Birmingham Memphis
Broward County Gale Mabe (William F.), TO, 2959 Rockingham Dr., Mobile Pamela Osthoff, 4327 Lisa Avenue, Lakeland, FL
Charlotte, NC N W , Atlanta, G A 30327, 404/351-7338 Montgomery 33803, 813/644-4964
Chattanooga Morgan County
Columbus, GA L y n n Wheeler, TZ, 3535 Roswell Road, NE, C-2, Nashville Kaneal Gay, T O , University Courts, L-12, Martin,
Greater Pensacola Atlanta, GA 30305, 404/266-1885 Orlando-Winter Park T N 38237, 901/578-7024
Greater Pinellas Palm Beach County
M a r y P. O w e n , A A, 3350 A l t a m o n t Road, A p t . B-9, Shoals Area Kathy Williams (Mike), T O , 4546 Sawmill Drive,
Huntsville Birmingham, A L 35205, 205/323-0844 Tallahassee #4, Memphis, T N 38128, 901/386-4857
Jackson Triangle Alum
Jacksonville Rebecca M i l l e r L o d r i c k (Joseph), <1>0, 845 N E 16th Tuscaloosa Sue Banks (Don), A A , 3000 Demetropolis Rd.,
Terrade, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304, 305/462-7446 Key Alums Mobile, A L 36609, 205/666-1287
Joyce Rosemary A l l e n (Melvin), 0 , 3513 H i g h v i e w B. J. G o r d o n ( H . S.), A A , 3163 K n i g h t s Bridge
Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210, 704/553-0331 Curve, Montgomery, A L 36111, 205/834-1729
Sue Crowder, O, 7003 Genoa Drive, Chattanooga, . L i n d a H y d e , 2404 Crestview D r . SE, Decatur, A L
T N 37421, 615/894-4609 35601, 205/350-3565
Beverly Jones M a r i o n (Phillip), A A , 3454 Ethel Nancy Perry Bowers (Robert), N O , 728 Summerly,
Ave., Columbus, G A 31906, 404/324-3857 Nashville, T N 37209, 615/352-8174
Elizabeth Prochaska, Jr. (Otto), A B , 332 Valencia Elise Simpson Einselen (Paul), <J>T, 1340 Chestnut
St., G u l f Breeze, FL, 904/932-3698 Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789, 305/647-3951.
Marion Grassmuck Clouse (Stephen), X , 1530 86th Sara Parise Ridolph (Edward), API, 92 Plumosa
Avenue, N , St. Petersburg, FL 33702, 813/577- Lane, Lake Worth, FL 33460, 305/967-2197
Theresa Boles (Jeffery), A K , 505-C Elder Street,
Pat Abel Lowery (Richard), K A , 10014 Conrad Florence, A L 35630, 205/767-1626
Drive, Huntsville, A L 35803, 205/881-1194
M a x i n e M i t c h e l l (J- W . ) , B4>, 212 Cactus Street, T a l -
M a r y Nell Coles Hardee (David), T O , 144 N o r t h lahassee, FL 32304, 904/575-1384
Edenwood, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/668-4626
Janelle Haseman (Joe), K O , 2408 Ferguson Road,
Candy K i r k w o o d Colyer, K K , 4737 Princess Anne Raleigh, N C 27612, 919/781-4265
Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32210, 904/384-5611
Joy McNees Lambert (Buford), A A , 20 Academy
Key Alums Drive, Tuscaloosa, A L 35406
Alice Garver, 5183 Cortina Court, Naples, FL 33940 Indiana Harbour Beach Joann Guzak, 120 Anona Place, Indian Harbour
Naples (Melbourn Area) Beach, FL 32935
Deland Frances Pugh (David), 806 N . Boston Ave., Deland, Enterprise Joanne Kettles, P.O. Box 141, Enterprise, FL 32725
FL 32720 Orange City Bernadette " B u n n y " Pavlik, 1016 Springbank
Deltona (Daytona Beach Daisy Lindsley (Milton), 1070 Elkcam, Deltona, FL Mississippi Avenue, Orange City, FL 32763
Area) 32725 Bonnie Young, 170 Oxford Square, Oxford, MS
Tupelo 38655
Altomonte Springs Jane Marker Snook, 103 Orange Blossom Circle, North Carolina
Altomonte Springs, FL 32701 Debbie Keene, 1302 Emily St., Tupelo, M S 38801
Coral Gables A n n e Beauchamp, 1540 Blue Road, Coral Gables, FL Debbie Harlee, 2890-B Carriage Drive, Winston-
33146 South Carolina Salem, N C 27106
Port Orange Angela Stephens, 604 Hamlet Drive, Port Orange, Jo A n n e Hancock, 301 Springlake Road, C o l u m b i a ,
FL 32019 Myrtle Beach SC 29206
Fort Myers Janet Cox, 4581 Trawler Court, #201, Fort Myers, Mrs. William Hinman, 216 Myrtle Lane, Briarcliff
FL 33907 Acres, M y r t l e Beach, SC 29577
Winter Springs Susan Ennis, 701 Briarwood Drive, Winter Springs,
FL 32708
N e w Smyrna Beach Imogene Harper, One Bogey Circle, New Smyrna
Beach, FL 32069
Ill-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Linda McLaughlin-Broward County, Lakeland, Orlando, Palm Beach County.
Nancy Perry Bowers-Birmingham, Greater Pensacola, Jacksonville, Knoxville.
Joan Piper Shepherd-Charlotte, Johnson City, Tallahassee, Tringle.
Donna Reed Corvet-Athens, Atlanta, Columbus, Macon, Montgomery.
Sandra Johnson Dowell-Chattanooga, Mobile, Nashville.
Becky Montgomery-Atlanta Tri-County, Huntsville, Memphis, Shoals Area.
Carolyn Sweeney-Greater Pinellas, Jackson, Martin, Tuscaloosa.
Vice President: M a r y McCammon Williams (Robert), * , 1113 East Monroe, Bloomington, IL 61701. Telephone: 309/829-3656
Extension Officer: Dea Abbott Beck (James), X A , 10922 Williamsburg C t , Newburgh, I N 47530. Telephone: 812/853-9194
Finance Officer: Liz RomaineCoffey (William), X A , 7754 N . Whittier Place, Indianapolis, I N 46250. Telephone: 317/849-3030
R u s h Officer: Jane Hamblin, * T , 400 N o r t h River Road, #1115, W . Lafayette, I N 47906. Telephone: 317/743-6663
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Chi Linda Davidson, W K U , College Heights, Rachel Smith Allen (Neil), A X , 459 M a r i a n H u t c h i n s o n ( M a r k ) , AO, RR # 1 ,
Western Kentucky P.O. Box 291, Bowling Green, KY 42101, Brentmoor Dr., Bowling Green, KY Box 362A, Philpot, K Y 42366, 502/281-
University 502/748-2732 42101,502/843-8570 5948
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Julie Reed, 1314 N o r t h Fell Avenue, Bloom-
Beta Lambda Betty Ridder-Smith (Timothy), I , 325 Susan Guenzler Getz (Herbert), B A , 655
Illinois Wesleyan ington, IL 61701, 309/829-1890 Hillside Court, Bloomington, IL 61701, West Irving Park Rd., Apt. 3617, Chicago,
University 309/662-5053 IL 60613, 312/281-2332
Beth Kaser, 901 E. 10th Street, Blooming-
Beta Phi ton, I N 47401,.812/332-7296 Rita Conray Hurtt (Barry), K A , 3611 LynnStouse Redmond (Thomas), K K , 1709
Indiana Bainbridge Dr., Bloomington, I N 47401, Carlsbad Dr., Lafayette, I N 47905, 317/
University Becky Admire, University of Evansville, 812/332-0671 447-2984
P.O. Box 2684, Station D, Evansville, I N
Chi Lambda 47714, 812/477-6838 or 925-7043 K a t h y David (Thomas), X A , 15000 M c - A n n Gilchrist (Keith), 0 , 5613 Skyridge
University of Cutchan Rd., Evansville, I N 47711, 812/ Dr., Indianapolis, I N 46250, 317/849-
Evansville Emily Susan lines, M S U , AOn House, Box 867-3002 6142
2399, University Station, Murray, K Y
Delta Omega 42071, 502/753-9174 or 753-2736 Ellen White Harrell (Ken), K O , MSU Box T o n i Reitz, X A , 521 S. R u n n y m e a d e ,
M u r r a y State 2080, University Station, Murray, K Y Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-0005
University 42071, 502/753-1642
Iota N a n c y H e j z a , 706 S. M a t h e w s Street, Faye B r o w n Valbert (Paul), B A , 1720 L i n - Jane Karasick (Bernard), 4>T, Mare Barn
University of Urbana, I L 61801, 217/344-0136 coln Rd., Champaign, I L 61820, 217/359- Lane, Wayne, IL 60184, 312/584-5055
Illinois 3623
Kappa Alpha Jacque Cline, ISU; Suite 122, Lincoln Quad, JoAnn B o h n Gibbons (Paul), K A , 35 Gar- L y n n Stouse Redmon
Indiana State Terre Haute, IN' 47809, 812/232-1051 dendale Road, Terre Haute, I N 47803,
University 812/877-2279
Kappa Kappa K i m Burtt, BSU, P.O. Box 219, Student Cen- Mary Lou Niedenthal Huber (William), Anne Buechlein Wilmes (Arthur), XA,
Ball State ter, Muncie, I N 47306, 317/285-4415 or K K , 2000 W. Jackson St., Muncie, I N 4665 Edwardian Cr., A p t . 2-A, Indianap-
University 286-4830 47303, 317/288-3100 olis, I N 46254, 317/291-7255
Nu Iota Anne Mahon, 918 Kimberly, DeKalb, IL Jane Karasick
Northern Illinois 60115, 815/758-5332 or 758-2631
Omega Xi A n n e Adams, M S U , U P O 1284, Morehead, Dr. Diane L . Ris, Q = , 399 Bays Avenue, Marian Hutchinson
Morehead State KY 40351, 606/783-3920 Morehead, KY 40351, 606/784-4862
Phi Omicron Ginger Babcoke, Hanover College, AOn Sue Yoder McClew (Robert), * 0 , P.O. Box Lynn Stouse Redmon
Hanover College House, Hanover, I N 47243, 812/866-2151 254, Hanover, I N 47243, 812/866-2572
Ext. 277 or 278
Phi Upsilon Suzy Goin, 1001 David Ross Road, West L y n n McHenry (Thomas), * T , 1011 Anne Buechlein Wilmes
Purdue University Lafayette, I N 47906,317/463-9566 or 463- Oakhurst Dr., West Lafayette, I N 47906,
5206 317/463-6716
Phi Alpha Colony Tonya York, UL, Alpha Omicron Pi, Stu- Teresa (Terri) H i l l Harrison, K A , 1917 E. Toni Reitz
University of Louisville dent Center, Louisville, KY 40292 Oak St., N e w Albany, I N 47150, 812/944-
Sigma Iota Janice Olendzki, 901 West Carroll, Judy Rogers (Keith), 21,106 Dove Avenue, Susan Guenzler Getz
Western Illinois Macomb, I L 61455, 309/837-4001 Macomb, I L 61455, 309/833-4867
University of Sara L. Simms, 1207 Raven Crest, Marian Hutchinson
Kentucky Frankfort, K Y 40601, 502/695-2779
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Bloomington, I N
Bloomington-Normal Shirley K e i t h (John), B<J>, 3125 Snoddy Road, Hanover-Madison Colony Serena W. Keach, Box 496, Hanover, I N 47243
Bowling Green Bloomington, I N 47401, 812/332-6515
Champaign-Urbana Indianapolis Dee Ehmke, B A , 5607 Scarlet Drive, Indianapolis,
Chicago Area Council Patricia Carman (Richard), NO, 2901 Kingsbury I N 46224, 317/293-0111
Chicago-Beverly Hills Ct., Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/663-1498
Chicago-North Shore Kentuckiana M a r y Bryant (William), An, 2113 M a r y l a n d
Chicago-Northwest J. Melissa M c D o n o u g h , A X , 1922 Price Street, Avenue, Louisville, K Y 40205, 502/458-1202
Chicago-West Suburban Bowling Green, K Y 42101, 502/843-3938
DeKalb-Sycamore Colony Kokomo M a d o n n a M c M u r r y L a r r i c k (Robert), <t>0, 235
Evansville Tri-State Linda Frank (Ted), N l , 2513 Stanford Drive, Cham- Greenbriar, Kokomo, I N 46901, 317/452-9310
Fort Wayne paign, IL'61820, 217/359-5125
Lafayette A i l e e n Bean (Jerome), <t>T, 716 Sugar H i l l D r i v e ,
Patti A n n e n Broggi (Michael), N I , 910 E. H i l l s i d e West Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/743 J 8 5 0
Rd., Naperville, I L 60540, 312/961-3777
Lake County Karla Charnekar, K A , 1331 W i l l o w Court, Scherer-
Joanne Macander, 2 1 , 15807 Woodbridge Street, ville, I N 46375, 219/865-6746
Harvey, I L 60426, 312/333-4369
Lexington Beverly Patrick, QE, 2200 Richmond Rd., #404,
Joanne Zolomij (Robert), EA, 3205 Hartzell Street, Lexington, K Y 40502, 606/277-4950
Evanston, IL 60201, 312/869-6845
Muncie Nancy Campbell (Larry), K K , 69 Cherrywood
Judith Zawacke (Michael), BA, 1302 W. Palatine Lane, R #12, Box 462, Muncie, I N 47302, 317/284-
Rd., Arlington Heights, I L 60004, 312/253-5538 2001
Linda Dell Luxem (William), B A , 8215 Garfield, Rockford Georgene Mary Reichert (Frank), BA, 5944 Creek-
Burr Ridge, IL 60521, 312/887-1273 South Bend side Lane, Rockford, I L 61111, 815/877-1222
Springfield Area
M a r y Diaz (Angel), I"IK, 1548 Timberwood Court, Sue Jones, B4>, 1609 Renfree D r i v e , S o u t h Bend, I n
Sycamore, I L 60176, 815/895-6667 46614, 219/291-2943
Jane Bernhardt (Richard), X A , P.O. Box 116, Elber- Mary M u r p h y (Harlan), 21, Box 774, Farmersville,
feld, I N 47613, 812/983-6966 IL 62533, 217/227-4589
Susan Miller (Ken), K K , 1908 Montgomery Court, Terre Haute Dr. M a r i l y n Lee Faris, K A , 1810 N o r t h 7th Street,
Fort Wayne, I N 46805, 219/749-5847 Terre Haute, I N 47804, 812/232-1905
IV-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Anne Buechlein Wilmes-Indianapolis, Lafayette, Muncie.
Susan Guenzler-Bloomington-Normal, Lake County, Rockford, Springfield Area.
A n n Gilchrist-Evansville-Tri-State, Fort Wayne, Kokomo, South Bend.
Jane Karasick-Champaign Urbana, Chicago Area Council, Chicago Beverly Hills, Chicago N o r t h Shore, Chicago Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban.
L y n n Stouse Redmon-Bloomington, I N , Terre Haute.
Toni Reitz-Kentuckiana.
Marian Webb Hutchinson-Bowling Green, Lexington.
V i c e President: V i r g i n i a Zenishek Struble ( W i l l i a m ) 4>, 2330 S.E. A l a m a r Road, Topeka, KS 66605. Telephone: 913/233-0842
Extension Officer: Jayne Hager Dee (Eric), 11, 106 3 r d St., N E , State Center, I A 50247. Telephone: 515/483-2576
Finance Officer: Lorie Urben Vandermeulen, S X , 7800 litis Drive, A p t . C-34, Des Moines, I A 50322. Telephone: 515/278-4719
Rush Officer: Charlene Harhetz Meyer (Lloyd), Z, 11475 Frances, Omaha, N E 68144. Telephone: 402/334-9030
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Vanessa Batey Altheide (Steve), A O , 1208
Alpha Theta Stephanie Yanaga, Coe College, Box 554,
Coe College Cedar Rapids, I A 52402, 319/399-8407 Cherry, Norwalk, I A 50211, 515/981-
Delta Pi Deanne Fidler, CMSU, A211A Panhellenic Janet Sue Rhoads, An, 323-A K i n g Street, Shelly A n n Schleselman, An, 12817 13th
Central Missouri Hall, Warrensburg, M O 64093, 816/747- Warrensburg, M O 64093, 816/747-6362 St., A p t . 53, Grandview, M O 64030, 816/
State University 9813 966-9304
Karen White Shirk (Robert), I I , 2854 Vanessa Batey Altheide
Iota Sigma Debbie Bittinger, 2007 Greeley, Ames, I A M o n r o e St., Ames, I A 50010, 515/232-
Iowa State 50010, 515/292-3993 or 292-9057 7903 Shelley A n n Schleselman
Nora Fisher, Room 403, 500 West 11th Elaine H o f f m a n (Carl), <t>, 1271 M e d f o r d ,
Phi Street, Lawrence, KS 66045 Topeka, KS 66604, 913/232-0004
University of
Kansas Diane Quadhamer, KSC, AOn House, Jeanne Deyle Blausey (Richard), <t>I, 3702 Vanessa Batey Altheide
Conrad Hall #112, Kearney, NE 68847, Avenue " M " , Kearney, NE 68847, 308/
Phi Sigma 308/236-4050 or 236-3102 234-3659
Kearney State
College Connie Diekema, 3823 Garretson Avenue, Dixie A l l e n (Doug), O X , 2616 So. Paxton,
Sioux City, I A 51106, 712/274-5798 or Sioux City, I A 51106, 712/274-1655
Theta Chi 274-5507
Morningside M a r y Jane Bruce, Z, 4307 F Street, Lincoln,
College Christina Carlson, 1541 "S" Street, Lincoln, NE 68510, 402/489-3784
NE 68508, 402/474-9238 or 476-6719
University of
Alumnae Chapter President
Columbia-Jefferson City Eileen M u f f (Don), Z, 1312 Scott Circle, Ames, I A
Des Moines 50010, 515/292-2725
Greater Kansas City
Kearney Diane Poole Sprenger (Gary), TA, 1802 Juniper Dr.,
Lincoln Columbia, M O 65201, 314/443-8416
Omaha Vanessa Batey A l t h e i d e (Steve), A O , 1808 Cherry,
Saint Louis Norwalk, I A 50211, 515/981-0220
Jean Harper Kraus (Richard), An, 9412 Sycamore,
Kansas City, M O 64138, 816/763-7980
Peggy N a b i t y (Steven), * I , 2106 East 32nd Street,
Kearney, NE 68847, 308/236-6114
Maggi McGowan (L.M.), 5916 Bartholomew Cr.,
Lincoln, NE 68512, 402/423-0417
C h r i s t i n e H o u g h t o n (Ben), AQ, 300 M a t t h e w s
Lane, Box 486, Gower, M O 64454, 816/424-6248
Peggy Kelley (Michael A . ) , 4 > I , 13561 G o l d St.,
Omaha, N E 68154, 402/333-7198
Barbara Frey Scott (Mitchell), AH, 7821 Parkwood
Dr., St. Louis, M O 63123, 314/631-3894
Pamela Y. Waterman (Jordan), An, 2636 S.W.
Shawnee, Topeka, KS 66604, 913/234-9421
V-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Shelley A n n Schleselman-Columbia-Jefferson City, Greater Kansas City, St. Louis, Topeka.
Vanessa Batey Altheide-Ames, Des Moines.
To be filled—Kearney, Lincoln, Maryville, Omaha.
Vice President: Audrey Hoenshell Humason (Harlan), T, 14548 Edgewater Lane, NE, Seattle, W A 98155. Telephone: 206/363-0151
Extension Officer: M a r y Daly Enwall (Robert) LA, W. 4512 Shawnee Avenue, Spokane, W A 99208. Telephone: 509/466-1314
Finance Officer: Pamela Davenport H o w a r d (Kent), T, 17814 N.E. 8th Place, Bellevue/ W A 98008. Telephone: 206/747-8504
Rush Officer: Darci Sullivan D u f f y (James), A Z , 1674 N W Midlake Lane, Beaverton, OR 97006. Telephone: 503/644-5209
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Karen Brown, NE 820 Campus, Pullman, Becky Blake (Jim R.), I A, N E 102 Scott
Alpha Gamma N o r m a Loye Longmire (Thomas), KP, 5615
Washington State W A 99163, 509/335-8502 Place, Pullman, W A 99163, 509/332-1357 M o h a w k Dr., Spokane, W A 99206, 509/
University 922-2466
Valerie Dewell, 1119 South Fifth Avenue, M a r y Jane G f i f f a n t i (Ernest), A<t>, 2904
Alpha Phi Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/587-0691 Colter Ave., Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/ Denise Jacobson, A<P, Route 1, Box 45C,
Montana State 586-5231 Amity, OR 97101, 503/835-3006
Alpha Rho Cindy Foote, 2435 N . W. Harrison, Cor- Ruth Gillmore Baines (John), AP, 204 Barbara Bierer Long (Keith), A P , 2166
Oregon State vallis, OR 97330, 503/754-4949 N.W. 27th, Corvallis, OR 97330, 503/752- Yolanda, Springfield, OR 97477, 503/746-
University 2968 9769
Alpha Sigma Carrie Harmon, 1680 Adler Street, Eugene, Constance Fullmer Hixson (Lester), A Z , Barbara Bierer Long
University of OR 97401, 503/686-4691 1523 Russett Drive, Eugene, OR 97401,
Oregon 503/345-9991
Beta Kappa Marie Kathleen Dyck, UBC, Panhellenic Connie Bentley, B K , 104-274 West 2 n d St., Barbara Bierer Long
University of House, #10, 6478 N . W . Marine Drive, N o r t h Vancouver, BC, Canada V 7 M 1C8,
British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1A5, 604/ 604/986-2673
Beta Rho Diane Elliott, 220 Daly, Missoula, M T Carol Henderson (Bill), 2995 Golden Hill, Denise Jacobson
University of 59801, 406/728-2151 Missoula, M T 59801, 406/549-5232
Beta Sigma Julie Parke, BSU, A C T I House, 1906 Potter Shannon Phillips (Russ), A Z , 701 Warren, Norma Loye Longmire
Boise State Drive, Boise, I D 83706, 208/344-7054 Boise, I D 83706, 208/344-4686
Upsilon K i m Bachert, 1906 N E 45th, Seattle, W A Joan Lee, A T , 516 So. 222nd #4, Des Norma Loye Longmire
University of 98105, 206/524-4669 Moines, W A 98188, 206/878-3219
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Eugene- Luola Benje Rehfeld, 3090 Emerald, Eugene, OR Seattle Susan Daiger Schell (Gary), A r , SE 915 Skylark,
Springfield 97403, 503/343-3508 Spokane Pullman, W A 99163, 509/332-4923
Missoula Stephanie Lambert, BP, 6001 Sunview, Missoula, Vancouver BC Kathleen Paterson (Richard), 1521 N . W . 188th St.,
M T 59801, 406/251-5166 Seattle, W A 98177, 206/542-2349
Pocatello Marianna Beers (Kenneth), © , 3595 Johnny Creek Amy Hooper, A Z , N . 1711 Normandic, Spokane,
Rd., Pocatello, I D 83204, 208/233-0684 W A 99205, 509/327-2593
Portland Elizabeth Corlett, P Z , 1724 N E 48th Avenue, Port- Judit Putti Spence (Kerry), B K , 4128 Virginia Cres-
land, OR 97213, 503/284-2771 cent, N o r t h Vancouver, BC, Canada V7R 3Z6,
VI-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Barbara Bierer Long-Portland, Vancouver, BC.
N o r m a Loye Longmire-Pullman, Seattle, Spokane.
Denise Jacobson-Missoula, Pocatello.
V i t e President: Melanie N i x o n Doyle (Edgar), A Z , 2624 Arkansas Valley Dr., Little Rock, AR 72212. Telephone: 501/225-8427
Extension Officer: Barbara Owens Kramer (Raymond) B * , 7516 Chattington Dr., Dallas TX 75240. Telephone: 214/233-6495
Finance Officer: Pamela Hathcock de Zevallos (Edward) N O , 12020 Naughton Drive, Houston, TX 77024. Telephone: 713/467-8560
Rush Officer: Lynne Garvey, Bn, 2608 Glen Forest Lane, Piano, TX 75023. Telephone: 214/867-5376
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Delta Beta Lisa Fernandez, USL, Box 42130, Lafayette, T o n ! M . Speights (Joel), N B , 3600 E. Sim- Susan Bloxham W a l d r u p , A T , 2270
University of L A 70504, 318/233-0134 or 237-0096 coe, #30, Lafayette, L A 70501, 318/234- HoUybush, #2065, Dallas, TX 75218, 214/
Southwestern 7293 324-3926
Sharon Thompson, Southeastern Louisiana Judy DuBois, K T , Southeastern Louisiana Frankie Frazier Roberts (Lloyd), N B , P.O.
Kappa Tau University, P.O. Box 948, H a m m o n d , L A University, P.O. Box 295, University Box 55028, Hillcrest Station, Little Rock,
Southeastern 70402, 504/549-3677 Center, Hammond, L A 70402 AR 72205
University Julie Mills, N L U , P.O. Bos 4173, Monroe, Judy Nicholson (Tom), A B , 1001 McKeine Frankie Frazier Roberts
L A 71201, 318/342-4376 Place, A p t . 1401, Monroe, L A 71201,318/
Lambda Tau 323-5235 Jane Keener H o f f m a n (James), K A , 8911
Northeast Louisiana Robin Besancon, ASU, P.O. Box 928, State Leatrice Dr., Little Rock, AR 72207, 501/
University University, AR 72467, 501/972-2187 Carolyn Swindle Wyatt (Thad), Z O , 1812 225-0796
Eldridge, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-
Sigma Omicron Leigh Perry, Upsilon Lambda Chapter of 1155 . Jane Kenner H o f f m a n
Arkansas State AOn, University of Texas at San
University Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78285, 512/ Marie Louise Dieu Cooper (William), UK,
696-1377 6030 Forest Ridge, San Antonio, TX
Upsilon Lambda 78240, 512/684-5188
University of
Texas-San Antonio
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
•Arlington Mid-Cities •Jonesboro
V i r g i n i a A n n Jennings H i l d e b r a n d t (Gary), <t>K, Brenda Coop (David), Z O , 1514 Alonzo, Jonesboro,
Austin 1413 W o o d w a y Dr., Hurst, TX 76053, 817/284- Little Rock AR 72401, 501/932-0813
Baton Rouge 3221 Monroe
Beaumont New Orleans Bonnie Dineen (Daniel), N I , 6 Sugar Creek St.,
Dallas Diana Scarbrough, P.O. Box 18395, Austin, TX Northwest Arkansas North Little Rock AR 72116, 501/758-2231
Fort Worth 78760, 512/447-7851 Oklahoma City
San Antonio Mary Webster (Jerry), A T , 2008 Milton, Monroe,
Greater Lafayette Cheryl Bourg (Belaire), A T , 7445 Vice President, Shreveport LA 71201, 318/323-4271
Hammond Baton Rouge, L A 70816, 504/292-5909 Tulsa
Houston •Redevelopment Schuyler R u h l m a n Louapre ( H e n r i ) , n, # 8 8 D r e a m
Dorothy Smith (Sam), I l K , 5680 N o r t h Circuit C t , Metairie, L A 70001, 504/833-8300
Drive, Beaumont, TX 77706, 713/892-9487
Martha-Katherine Taylor (John), T, RR 1, Box 112,
Gloria C. Jay, I l K , 312 Fall Creek, Richardson, TX Fayetteville, AR 72701, 501/521-1933
75080, 214/234-2196
Paige Finnigan (Rick), T O , 2617 N . Markwell,
N u m a Ablowich Surgeon (Edward), N K , 3717 Bethany, O K 73008, 405/787-0728
Overton P a r k East, Ft. W o r t h , TX 76109, 817/923-
8003 Debbie Knight, T A , 8210 Little Bear, San Antonio,
TX 78242, 512/623-4150
Judy W i l l i g (David), A B , 728 Brentwood Boulevard,
Lafayette, L A 70503, 318/981-1235 Laura Walcher Wilkerson (Mike), A T , 9257 H i g h -
crest, Shreveport, L A 71118, 318/687-3605
Cynthia Kirk, K T , P.O. Box 764, Hammond, L A
70404, 504/542-1847 Barbara Lasley (Michael), FIK, 5010 S. 71st East
Avenue, Tulsa, O K 74145, 918/622-7164
Debbie Bando, A O , 2601 Augusta, Unit #13,
Houston, TX 77057, 713/789-65.15 Barbara G o i n g W i l l o c k (James), UK, 1502 W . Spur,
Alvin, TX 77511
Key Alums Kathy Eubanks Beasley (John), N B , 714 Adams Key Alums
Arkansas Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 Texas Constance Quigg Bhasker (Chand), A S , 6715
Sandie Ct., Amarilio, TX 79109
Blytheville Roxanne Brown Daniel (William), A H , 2220 M a u l Alvin
Camden Road, NW, Camden, AR 71701 Amarilio Rebecca Sharp Huchingson (Richard), Z O , 3705
Bryan Holly, Bryan, TX 77801
Hot Springs Dorothy Sherman Dean (Robert), Z, 43 N . Badalona College Station
Dr., Hot Springs, AR 71901 Conroe Pat Reinerth Reed (Raymond), O, P.O. Box 9863,
Pine Bluff Corpus Christi College Station, TX 77840
Rebecca Cheney (Morgan), Z O , 2 3 0 6 Sheffield, Pine Denton
West Memphis Bluff, AR 71603 El Paso V i r g i n i a Castille M u r r a y (Dennis), I l K , Rt. 5, Box
Wynne Georgetown 120, 112 Artesian Oaks Dr., Conroe, TX 77301
Louisiana September Griggs (Urfer), Z O , 914 Mimosa, West Harlingen
Alexandria Memphis, AR 72301 Sandra Mathis Van Wie (Stonewall, III), FIK, 4505
Kilgore Mt. Vernon, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Bogalusa Jeanne Crain Owens (Thomas), Z O , 1311 Marion Longview
Drive, Wynne, AR 72396 Lubbock Arley Berwald Hulstrand (Richard), Br, 3110
Chalmette Carmel, Denton, TX 76201
Houma Stephanie Beaty Kammer (Bruce), A O , Inglewood Lufkin
Lake Charles Plantation, Rt. 2, Box 53, Alexandria, L A 71301 Miles Joanne Tontz Ellzey (Lawrence, Jr.), K, 310 Oliva
New Iberia Nacogdoches Cr., El Paso, TX 79912
Thibodaux Barbara Gadmer M o h o n (Bill), K T , Rt. 2, Box 159R, Odessa
West Monroe Bogalusa, L A 70427 Waco Margaret Green (Sam), n, Rt. 3, Box 128A, George-
Wichita Falls town, TX 78626
Oklahoma Carla Sue Culotta, K T , 2016 Culotta Street,
Bartlesville Chalmette, L A 70043 Dana Adams Clark (William, III), I l K , 2401 Louis
Place, Harlingen, TX 78550
Edmond Sarah Lou Guichet Scharder (Charles), K T , 621
Lawton School Street, Houma, L A 70360 Valerie Adams, N K , 721 E. Filmore, H a r l i n g e n , T X
Stillwater 78550
Janet Booby Morgan (Joseph, Jr.), A O , 4305 West
Prien Lake Road, Lake Charles, L A 70601 Carmille M i n o r Brackeen (William), I"IK, 2701
Spruce, Kilgore, TX 75662
Brenda Wimberly K i n g (Gordon), A B , 606 Hacker
Street, N e w Iberia, L A 70560 Susan H i l l Perry (Milton), 0 , 1 9 0 9 M a r y Jane Drive,
Longview, TX 75601
M u r r y Jo B u r f f o r d Dennis (John, Jr.), A T , 301
Washington Street, Thibodaux, L A 70301 Lisa Johnson, Z X , 4306 36th Street, #B, Lubbock,
TX 79413
Margaret L a n d Fisher (Gary), A T , 105 Pinewood,
West Monroe, L A 71291 Jane Mannweiler Cardea (George), X A , 3414 93rd
St., Lubbock, TX 79423
Barbara Kenagy W o o d (Richard), 6 , 1847 Barlow
Court, Bartlesville, O K 74003 Lois Clement White (Herbert, Jr.), FIK, 1005
Turner, Lufkin, TX 75901
Karen B r n a K l i n k a (John), P, 1520 Oak Creek Drive,
Edmond, O K 73034 Frances Wheat H i l l (Grady), I l K , Rt. 2, Box 84,
Miles, TX 76861
Constance Quigley Overby (John), BT, 114
Berkshire Way, Lawton, OK 73501 Rebecca Slack Stanly (T. J.), A O , 219 Parker Road,
Nacogdoches, TX 75961
M a r y Kennedy Lawler (James, Jr.), O i l , 1109 N .
Skyline Stillwater, OK 74074 Diana Kammerlohr Cooke (Steven), X A , 3901
Candy Lane, Odessa, TX 79760
Dr. K a r e n Peeler, IT, 1624 S. 10th, Waco, T X 76706
Dorris Wells Bishop, T, 4918 Big Bend, Wichita
Falls, TX 76310
VII-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Susan Bloxham Waldrup-Austin, Houston, Greater Lafayette.
Jane Kenner H o f f m a n - A r l i n g t o n Mid-Cities, Beaumont, Dallas, Fort W o r t h , Jonesboro, Northwest Arkansas, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, Tulsa.
Frankie Frazier Roberts-Baton Rouge, Hammond, Little Rock Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport.
V i c e President: R o b i n Lee B e l t r a m i n i (Richard), 1, 5924 S. Stanley Place, Tempe, A Z 85283. Telephone: 602/838-7475
Extension Officer: Crystal Paine Compese (Joseph) XA, 23063 Baltar, Canoga Park, C A 91304. Telephone: 213/884-9914
Finance Officer: Nancy Schlosser D u n n (Charles), A 1 , 11 Raymond Court, San Carlos, C A 94070. Telephone: 415/368-2418
R u s h Officer: Lisa Richtermeyer S h e m w e l l (Michael), Afl, 255 S. Rengstorff # 4 2 , M o u n t a i n V i e w , C A 94040. Telephone: 415/965-2041
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Susan Vanderlip, 203 First Street, Davis,
Chi Alpha A l i c e H u s t o n ( W i l l i a m ) , A4>, 4640 Denise Hembree, X A , 231 Ranchero Way,
University of CA 95616, 916/756-5572 Hillview Way, Sacramento, CA 95822, Tracy, C A 95376, 209/835-1027
California-Davis 916/442-7044
Laurie Armstrong, 1015 15th Street,
Chi Delta Boulder, CO 80302, 303/443-0546 A n n e Clark, 2 A , 1241 Pennsylvania St.,
University of #5, Denver, CO 80203, 303/832-4098
Elizabeth Craig, 3980 East 8th Street, Long Barbara Kramer Rhinehart (Vincent), A B , Phyllis Casteel Gilson (Stanley), I * , 6628
Lambda Beta Beach, CA 90804, 213/433-9592 1470 E. Bryant D r . , L o n g Beach, C A Woodlake Ave., Canoga Park, C A 91307,
California State 90815, 213/498-2693 213/887-9344
University-Long Beach Leah Scheibe, c/o Mrs. Marshall H o l -
brooke, 5581 Linda Rosa Ave., Lajolla, Cynthia Steckel, N l , 1750 Grand Ave., # 2 , Gayle Fitzpatrick, A P , 1820 A r d m o r e Ave.,
Lambda Iota CA 92037 San Diego, C A 92109, 714/272-1007 # 38, Hermosa Beach, C A 90254, 213/379-
University of 6793
California-San Diego Donna Stanislawski, 647 W . 28th Street,
Los Angeles, C A .90007, 213/746-8426 or Gayle Fitzpatrick
Nu Lambda 746-7397
University of Carol L . Rice ( D . ) , 2, 134 Journey's End, Denise Hembree
Southern California Carol Whitlatch, 2311 Prospect, Berkeley, Walnut Creek, C A 94595, 415/944-5282
CA 94704, 415/845-9279
University of M i n d y Morgen, 9950 Zelzah Avenue, Donna M . C. Koziol, Z D , 208021 Kings- Gayle Fitzpatrick
California-Berkeley Northridge, C A 91324, 213/885-9787 or bury, Chatsworth, C A 91311, 213/341- Phyllis Casteel Gilson
767-5981 6430
Sigma Phi
California State Tracey Ragel, N A U , C U . B o x 7617, Lillian Palmer Baker (Richard), O f ) , 1508
University-North ridge
Flagstaff, A Z 86011, 602/523-2917 or 523- N . Aztec, Flagstaff, A Z 86001, 602/774-
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona 4747 3659
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Palo Alto
Amador-Livermore Valley Juanita Skajian Haugen (Gilbert), NA, 3845 Pinot Pasadena Janis Nelson (Peter), T A , 42 San Juan Court, Los
Ct„ Pleasanton, C A 94566, 415/846-1816 Phoenix Altos, CA 94025, 415/948-6583
Denver Karen Butler (Lynn), A n , 17414 E. Ford Drive, Sacramento Janie Little Steckenrider (Troy B.), 1, 834 Balboa,
Aurora, C O 80012, 303/752-0862 San Diego Arcadia, CA, 91006, 213/445-6424.
San Fernando Valley
Diablo Valley Eda Davis (F.R.) XA, 2391 Tice Valley Blvd., W a l n u t San Jose Sandy Loeffler (George), T A , 5111 N . 32nd Place,
Creek, CA 94595, 415/934-4511 San Mateo Phoenix, A Z 85018, 602/955-6797
South Bay-Palos Verdes
East Bay Leah Hardcastle MacNeil (Niel), A 2 , 7033 Hem- Southern Orange County Colleen Hise Munson, ATI, 8040 Magnolia Avenue,
lock, Oakland, CA 94611, 415/339-0312 Tucson #5, Riverside, C A 92504, 714/687-0618
Ventura County
Glendale Helga S. M a x w e l l , NA, 5186 La Canada Blvd., La Connie Jo Badgley, B<t>, 6801 Red M a p l e W a y ,
Canada Flintridge, CA 91011/213/790-2148 Citrus Heights, CA 95610, 916/725-9889
Hawaii A n n B u r r ( T i m o t h y ) , VT, 407 Iliaina Street, Kailua, Reba Shannon Traber (Arthur), T , 12007 Bajada
H I 96734, 808/254-3905 Road, San Diego, C A 92128, 714/487-0408
"Las Vegas Sherlene Stonner Parson (William A.), A n , 4165 E. Jeanne Lee O r r (James), A P , 23859 Aetna Street,
Judson Ave., Las Vegas, N V 89110, 702/452-6301 Woodland Hills, CA 91367, 213/888-6257
Long Beach Laurenn Steidl (Thomas), A B , 6513 Ulithi Street, Jean K i n g Brown (Lyle), A T , 5152 Rafton Drive,
Cypress, C A 90630, 714/898-2485 San Jose, C A 95124, 408/266-3095
Los Angeles Corrine McCann, N A , 1638 Maple H i l l Road, Dia- Rebecca Brooks-Fournier (George), N O , 220 Garces
mond Bar, C A 91765, 714/595-0339 Dr., San Francisco, C A 94132, 415/587-5926
Marin County Mary A n n Hobbs (Gregory), E A , 1 San Rafail Donna Bittmann Kasper (Paul), A B , 5016 Steve
Avenue, Belvedere, CA 94920, 415/435-9959 A n n St., Torrance, C A 90503, 213/540-2463
Monterey M a r i a N e w e l l (Wesley), A, 357 Raindollar Avenue, Carol Frogue (Stephen), N I , 24912 Cavanough, El
Marina, CA 93933, 408/384-3227 Toro, C A 92630, 714/830-5218
Northern Orange County Carol Lamar (Robert), K 9 , 6910 Michigan Circle, Suzanne Payton, T A , 2701 E. Windsor, Tucson, A Z
Anaheim, C A 92807, 714/998-5365 85716, 602/881-7997
'Redevelopment Carolyn Driscoll (Russell), TO, 997 Calle Contento,
Thousand Oaks, C A 91360; 805/529-1312
Key Alums L i n d a Vasquez, API, Phase 3, A p t . 34, 31 D e a r b o r n Key Alums Joanne Johnston, I , 9655 South 2760 East, Sandy,
California Place, Goletz, C A 93117 Utah Utah 84070
Santa Barbara Salt Lake City
VIII-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Phyllis Casteel Gilson-Long Beach, Northern Orange County, Phoenix, Riverside, South Bay-Palbs Verdes, Southern Orange County.
Gayle Fitzpatrick-Glendale, Los Angeles, Monterey, Pasadena, San Diego, San Fernando Valley.
Denise H e m b r e e - A m a d o r - L i v e r m o r e , D i a b l o Valley, East Bay, H a w a i i , M a r i n C o u n t y , Palo A l t o , Sacramento, San Jose, San Mateo.
To be filled—Denver, Las Vegas.
International A wards Given
i The Adele K. Hinton Award was pre- 77^
sented to Past International President
Hazelle Rollins Edith Huntington Anderson. Mary Louise Roller, left, presents Carolyn
Huey Harris w i t h the Mullan Award.
Hazelle H . Rollins, Phi '32, has re- The Adele K. Hinton Award, named
ceived the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman in memory of a beloved past president, Carolyn Huey Harris, Lambda Sig-
Award which honors an alumna mem- is for that alumna w h o has set a per- ma, w i n n e r of the Helen St. Clair
ber w h o has achieved outstanding suc- sonal example for others to follow, who Mullan Award, is a perpetual cheer-
cess and/or acclaim in the arts, her pro- has encouraged others i n AOn to re- leader for the Fraternity.
fession or service to humanity. main active and involved, w h o has been
a personal inspiration to others—not so She has served Alpha O m i c r o n Pi as
Hazelle is an artist, a wood carver, an much through her official positions or everything from chapter adviser to In-
industrialist. She is k n o w n nationally duties, but through her own personal ternational President over a span of 30
and internationally to individuals of all example, explained Administrative D i - years.
ages. rector Sue Lewis as she presented the
award. She is an advertising/public relations
She retired in 1975 f r o m the business writer i n Atlanta, w h o has managed to
of making puppets for 43 years. A t her "We've all had that special professor spend countless hours and years in the
retirement the company was the in college—a mentor, an example, an interest of the Fraternity while man-
world's largest commercial manufac- inspiration. The Adele K. Hinton aging hornets) and innumerable profes-
turer of puppets. A w a r d is to that person i n AOI~I— be- sional and communtiy obligations with
cause that is the kind of person Adele equal enthusiasm.
She was shipping puppets to many was—leaving a legacy of sisters w h o
foreign countries and one fourth of the care about our Fraternity because she Her landscape architect husband,
dollar volume came f r o m sales outside cared," Sue added. Rodney, admittedly, is proud of the
of the United States. The company man- M u l l a n A w a r d recognition. He says he
ufactured about 175 different puppet This, too, is the one award that is a knows better than anyone that Carolyn
characters that Hazelle had designed in surprise to the Executive Board since it deserves it, and he intends to share the
three type: finger puppets for the pre- is voted on by secret ballot. award, since he shares his wife w i t h
school age, hand puppets for the lower AOIT.
grades and marionettes or string pup- "The award goes to someone who is
pets for children in the upper grades, all these things —inspiration, example, She was a gung-ho member, vice-
including scouts. mentor, sister, and more. Her list of of- president/pledge trainer, at the Univer-
fices and positions in A O n is endless, sity of Georgia chapter, but never
Hazelle had collected more than but that's not the reason for the award," dreamed of participating in the affairs
1,000 d i f f e r e n t puppet characters she said. "The sisters Edith has touched of the Fraternity beyond graduations
through the years and she showed her number in the thousands. The inspira- except, maybe, as a member of an a l u m -
famous puppet collection in Kansas tion she has given has lasted as long as nae chapter.
City i n 1979 for the benefit of Alpha our Fraternity.
Omicron Pi Alumnae chapter for its "After World War II, my husband
philanthropy project. In June 1980 "The chapter named for her rested in and I returned to the university so he
when the Smithsonian Institute showed several years of dormancy and is n o w could earn his war-delayed degree, and
its special puppet display seven of the returning to our active chapter roster Lambda Sigma members asked me to
18 puppets were Hazelle's. w i t h our new colony at Penn State— serve as their chapter adviser, Carolyn
Epsilon A l p h a , " Sue added. added.
Hazelle has been honored statewide
and nationally as an artist and as a man- Edith served as International Presi-
ufacturer. Presently she is A O I Y s Kan- dent f r o m 1933 to 1937. Currently she is
sas City Panhellenic alternate. International Historian.
Edith H . Anderson
S3 The chapter fully supports all Panhel- Jeanine Kimmerle, Kappa Alpha.
lenic-sponsored activities and always
—mm. has several rush counselors for the Fall "Jeanine has distinguished herself
activity. Two members have been uni- and her chapter through persistance
Karen Brown, president of Alpha Gamma versity cheerleaders and 62 members and unfailing dedication with faith in
chapter, the J W H chapter for 1979-81, w i t h participate i n little sister programs with herself and her chapter. She is a f i r m be-
PIP M a r y D . D r u m m o n d . fraternities or have won special frater- liever i n that w o r k i n g together as a
nity sweetheart titles. group any obstacle can be conquered.
Alpha Gamma She was so w e l l organized that she was
Earns JWH Cup A n d the list of activities, honors, able to work, spend time and accept
awards goes on and on . . . leadership roles on campus as well as
Alpha Gamma chapter at Washington give unselfishly of herself to A O f l . A l l
State University received the pres- "The chapter is composed of the most this w h i l e maintaining outstanding aca-
tigious J W H (named for Jesse Wallace mature, poised, self confident young demic achievement; attaining over a
Hughan) Cup. women that I have ever met," Norma 3.75 out of a possible 4.00 point grade
added. "They reflect their thorough average.
" I can't help but comment on these knowledge of AOn and Ritual i n
young women," reported the chapter's everything that they do. They seem to "The 1981 Perry award winner repre-
Regional Director Norma Longmire, f i n d that having 100 other 'sisters' is sents the highest ideals of Alpha O m i -
"and their complete sense of well being, just one large family and truly care for cron P i , " Jesse Marie added. "She is
with themselves, with AOFI and with each other i n all aspects. consistant in upholding her o w n per-
their sisters. sonal standards as well as those of
" P a r t i c i p a t i o n is 100 percent — i n A O F I . She was fair, never took a dic-
"There is a 'feeling' i n the chapter everything." tatorial attitude toward her presidency,
that radiates love, respect, pride and the but presented all subjects to be dis-
pleasure each is having. It is such a The JWH Cup was the first award in cussed w i t h Leaders Council and then a
pleasure being a guest w i t h them. Their A O n and was granted to Kappa chap- final decision by the chapter. She was
hospitality is tops, and I have always ter i n 1915. It has been presented bien- kind, meeting all situations with under-
come away f u l l of pride that they can be nially since then except for the war standing and love in the true A O f l
my sisters . . . such lovely women." years when no conventions were held. manner. She practiced self-discipline i n
budgeting her time as is illustrated i n
The 102-member chapter on the cam- Jessie Wallace Hughan was an out- her scholastic standing and in the many
pus of 17,000 students excells i n its standing leader. As she developed per- campus honors she has received: Phi
campus and PanheHenic activities. sonnally and professionally she has Sigma Iota, National Foreign Language
become a role model, explained Mary Fraternity; recognition for outstanding
Twelve Alpha Gammas were mem- Dee D r u m m o n d , PIP. "Her merry academic achievement by local hon-
bers of the Mayfest Committee, 16 b r o w n eyes attested to a great sense of orary organization that became Mortar
worked on another campus-wide com- humor. She was tall, a little gangly, a l i t - Board in April, 1981; recognition by
mittee for Mom's Weekend. Five served tle absent minded. PanheHenic for outstanding achieve-
on the Special Events campus commit- ment.
tee, t w o serve on the staff on the WSU "She became a poet, author, teacher,
information center while many others politician and philosopher. She is t r u l y an inspiration to us all —
participate in every major committee on collegians and alumnae.
the Eastern Washington campus. "Alpha Gamma, after fulfilling all re-
quirements has received the coveted The Perry Award, established by
The women participate in all intra- cup," Mary Dee added. "The w i n n i n g of Council of Alpha Omicron Pi at the
mural sports and have members on the this outstanding honor there is an addi- 1959 convention and first awarded at
women's intercollegiate basketball and tional dividend. The personality of an the 1961 convention, honors Founder
track teams. individual and the traditions of AOJJ Stella George Stern Perry.
are reinterpreted and kept vibrantly
Nine members belong to Spurs while alive."
two were picked for Mortar Board hon-
orary. Some 47 other honoraries, clubs, Perry Winner
etc., have ACT1 members assisting w i t h
their activities, etc. The 1981 winner of the Stella George
Stern Perry award is Jeanine K i m -
merle, Kappa Alpha chapter, Indiana
State University.
Jessie Marie Cramer w h o announced
the award winner called Jeanine "a
shining example of outstanding leader-
ship as a leader of her chapter and on
the campus, winning not only the re-
spect of her peers, but of the adminis-
tration. "She guided and inspired her
chapter by example, performing her
duties with enthusiasm which was
infectious to others i n the chapter. She
enforced the goals and policies set by
the chapter, was always willing to
listen, but more importantly, to imple-
ment suggestions. She is an outstanding
young woman, handling difficult situa-
tions with a wisdom far beyond her
Regional Director Honored Chapters Earn
Jeanne Hays Crippin, Beta Lambda, Jeanne has had to give up her RD Service Awards
received the Regional Director Award position, but is in charge of alumnae
in recognition of outstanding service to programming. She n o w is a f u l l t i m e Alumnae and collegiate philan-
her chapters, both collegiate and alum- graduate student to work toward a thropic awards were given to several
nae and for service to the Fraternity. master's in counseling psychology. chapters for outstanding philan-
thropic achievement, fulfilling quota
What does it take to be a good RD? Her family includes husband Larry, a and contributing time and/or money
"First of all you have to be a little bit high school dean of students; son, to local projects.
crazy and not afraid of adventure," she David, 11, and daughter, Rachel, 7,
laughed. " I really had no idea of what I whose prize possession is a T-shirt " M y Winning the collegiate title was
was getting myself in for when I started, Mom's an AO IT' which was given to Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana
but it sounded challenging and I sure her by Sigma Iota chapter. University, while citations were
haven't been disappointed in that re- given to Kappa Kappa, Ball State
spect." A word for alumnae who are think- University; Tau Omicron, Univer-
ing about getting involved. sity of Tennessee-Martin, and Zeta,
0>+ University of Nebraska.
"Do i t , " Jeanne stressed. "The f u n
doesn't stop after college. There are so The Denver (Colo.) Alumnae
many ways that you can help your fra- Chapter was awarded the Alumnae
ternity, but the rewards that you will Philanthropic Award. Citations were
reap from it far outweigh what you put earned by Detroit North Suburban,
out in time and energy. Michigan; San Diego, Calif., and
Tulsa, Okla.
"Give AOn a portion of your time
and you won't be sorry you d i d . "
s Membership Success Rewarded
Jeanne Hays Crippin Marion Clouse, seated, representing the In conjunction with the membership
Regional Director Award winner Greater Pinellas Alumnae chapter, accepted recruitment/rush training emphasis of
the award for Outstanding Membership Re- this biennium, the Executive Board
Jeanne said it took about a year before cruitment. Citations were awarded to voted to establish a new award and cita-
her heart stopped jumping every time Houston, represented by Debbie Bando, tions for alumnae chapters to be given
she w o u l d get a call f r o m someone w i t h left; and Evansville Tri-State, represented for the most outstanding Membership
a problem that needed her solution. by Mary Bernhardt. Recruitment/Retention Program.
"Just when you think you've heard The board looked for a well-rounded
everything, something comes up that program—an organized, successful pro-
there's absolutely no precedent for and cedure for contacting new members,
you are back to square one," she said. specific efforts made to integrate them
into the chapter, a program for contact-
Another RD prerequisite is that an i n - ing members who are not attending
dividual must not be afraid of respon- functions on a regular basis, and special
sibility. courtesies or types of recognition given
to their members.
"It's an awesome fact that your guid-
ance, advice or ' r u l i n g ' may completely One citation went to Evansville T r i -
change the whole course of a young State whose current membership is 52.
woman's college career, so what you are
doing can't be taken l i g h t l y , " Jeanne A second citation was given Chicago
emphasized. "On the other hand, if you Northwest Suburban whose highly
take yourself too seriously, you lose structured membership program has
your sense of humor and have absolute- served as a model for other chapters for
ly no fun!" many years. Its current membership is
also 52.
She is quick to question that as an RD
she does "extra w o r k . " The first runner-up citation went to
Houston w h o has had an extremely
" I set out to do what I thought was successful membership program this
expected of any RD and to do as good a biennium. In 1979 there were eight
job as I could w i t h i n the constraints of members. In 1981 there are 40, repre-
time and my o w n personality," Jeanne senting a 400% increase i n two years.
A few years ago the winning chapter,
She supports the regional set-up of Greater Pinellas, was reorganized—be-
the Fraternity. ginning with a recruitment committee
of five. In 1979 there were 6 members,
" I am happy to see responsibility for in 1981 there are 41 active members
decision-making delegated to the re- w i t h close to 40 different collegiate
gional officers," she said. "Individual chapters represented.
chapters w i l l be strengthened i n direct
proportion to the strength of the re-
gional operations teams."
Chapter Certificates Presented
Alumnae Chapter Certificates of municative link to our national organi-
Achievement are presented annually to zation.
alumnae chapters whose programming
is well-rounded and meets the needs of In order to earn a certificate, an alum-
their members, who serve our collegiate nae chapter must achieve a m i n i m u m of
chapters, and who are a vital com- 95 points out of a possible 110 to dem-
onstrate that it is a well-rounded, active
The 1980-81 winners are: chapter deserving of recognition for its
outstanding achievements.
Southern Orange County, Calif. Northern Virginia Pullman, Washington
East Bay, Calif. San Diego, Calif. Chicago West Suburban, 111.
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. Jonesboro, Arkansas Evansville Tri-State, Ind.
Indianapolis, Ind. New Orleans, Louisiana Chicago Northwest Suburban, II
Athens, Ga. Saint Louis, Mo. Muncie, Indiana
Knoxville, Tenn. Greater Pinellas, Fla. Portland, Oregon
Little Rock, Arkansas San Antonio, Texas Dallas, Texas
B l o o m i n g t o n - N o r m a l , 111. Baltimore, Maryland Greater Portland, Maine
San Jose, Calif. Omaha, Nebraska Toledo, Ohio
Detroit North Suburban, Mich. Wilmington, Del. Northern Orange County, Calif.
Greater Allentown-Bethlehem, Pa Atlanta, Ga.
Fort Wayne, Ind. Syracuse, New York
Houston, Texas Tulsa, Oklahoma Terre Haute, Ind.
Kearney, Nebraska Dearborn, Mich.
Greater Kansas City, Mo. Palo Alto, Calif.
Dayton, Ohio
Top Scholarship Dr. Daniel Stechschulte of the University of Colony representatives Lisa Lundy, left,
Earns Awards Kansas received the $15,000 Alpha Omicron Epsilon Alpha; Tonya York, center, Pi Al-
Pi Philanthropy Foundation Award for re- pha, and Sara Simms, Colony Adviser-Uni-
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern, search in systemic lupus erythematosus versity of Kentucky, also were honored
was awarded the McCausland Cup. which is one of the many diseases which can during Convention.
The award honors the collegiate cause arthritis.
chapter with the most outstanding Rush Excellence
scholarship for the past two years. Chapters recognized Given Attention
Those collegiate chapters winning Five alumnae chapters were recog- For the first time an International
scholarship cups were Beta Kappa, nized as the most outstanding i n A O n Award for Excellence in Rush was
University of British Columbia; Nu for the 1979-81 biennium. The Dis- given to each of three chapters
Iota, Northern Illinois University; tinguished Service Awards are pre- (categorized to size) who exemplify
Delta Upsilon, Duke University; sented for the purpose of honoring excellence formal rush, achieves and
Beta Phi, Indiana University; Zeta, alumnae chapters for service to the maintains totals, initiates large per-
University of Nebraska, and Omi- community and our collegiate chapters, centage of pledges, solicits MIFs and
cron Pi, University of Michigan. for support of philanthropic projects, uses them i n membership selection
for participation in City Panhellenics and maintains year round program
Delegates spent time looking at historical and for promotion of a variety of activi- to promote rush success.
exhibits. ties designed to meet the needs of their
34 membership and to keep them informed The three to receive the new inter-
on fraternity matters. national awards were Tau Delta,
Birmingham Southern; Kappa Al-
The distinguished chapters are pha, Indiana State University, and
Chicago Northwest Suburban, Greater Lambda Sigma, University of
Kansas City, Knoxville, Northern Vir- Georgia.
ginia and Syracuse.
Rose Award recipients will
be featured in Winter
To Dragma.
Regional Vice Presidents show off dancing talents during Convention.
Convention Photos by Linda Mansur, Sue Hinz, and Mid-America Photo.
Service Awards 5411 W. 95TH STREET
Ten collegiate chapters were
awarded Distinguished Service 636-1400 — 585-0261
The awards honor well rounded,
top-notch chapters for their campus, (CALL COLLECT]
college, community service; scholar-
ship; activities; internal quality; re- 35
lations with national; financial re-
sponsibility and training programs
for a two-year period.
The chapters are Alpha Gamma,
Washington State University; Beta
Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan; Beta
Tau, University of Toronto; Chi
Lambda, University of Evansville;
Delta Delta, Auburn University;
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U n i -
versity; Kappa Alpha, Indiana State
University; Lambda Sigma, Univer-
sity of Georgia; Tau Delta, Bir-
mingham Southern, and Zeta, Uni-
versity of Nebraska.
DJF Awards 1981-82 Scholarships
The Diamond Jubilee Foundation nated as Helen Haller awards. L. Colson E. Craig
w h i c h continues to assist graduate Helen, Q, was a past national presi-
and undergraduate members in dent, a founding member of the K. Davis S. Fitzpatrick
their pursuit of excellence an- Board of Trustees and DJF and the
nounces the 1981-82 scholarship first scholarship chairman of the Theta, and Olga Siebert Vatcher,
awards. Foundation. Policy has been estab- Lambda.
lished by the trustees that there will
Since the first $50 scholarship i n be no other named awards given. The selection process for next
1962, 293 awards totaling more than year's awards begins in January
$95,000 have been provided by the To follow the A O n tradition of when application forms are mailed
Foundation. The generosity of mem- "helping each other and the world to collegiate chapter presidents.
bers and friends of Alpha Omicron around us," DJF also gives a grant Completed forms, signed by the
Pi has enabled the scholarship f u n d annually to a university for awards chapter adviser, must be received
to reach another rung on the to n o n - A O r i s selected by the by the scholarship chairman by
upward climb. This year $10,000 school. Lambuth College, Jackson,
has been given to 22 qualified, Tenn., received the 1981-82 grant, M a r c h 1.
deserving young women to assist i n which honors Joan MacCallum, i m -
completion of their educations, ex- mediate past president of the frater- Financial need, scholarship, chap-
plained former Board Member nity. The award w i l l be given to a ter and campus activities are all
communications major. important considerations in the
Lynne Johnston. selection process. A l l undergraduate
Additional scholarship money is applicants are notified by M a y 15.
The largest undergraduate award being given this year to K e l l y
each year is given in the name of D e m p s e y , Chi Lambda, w h o is serv-
Muriel Turner McKinney, Lambda, ing as assistant to the resident con-
the founder of the Diamond Jubilee sultant for the new colony at the
Foundation, whose financial University of Kentucky.
wisdom foresaw, over twenty years
ago, the money situation students The annual meeting of the Board
are facing today. Since formation i n of Trustees was held at Convention
1959 the Foundation has played an in Kansas City. K a r e n Thomas
ever increasing role in enabling T u c k e r , Delta Delta, was elected
members to meet the increasing chairman of the Scholarship Com-
costs of an education. mittee. Other committee members
Originally available only to are M i l d r e d W a r d Eldridge, Delta;
undergraduates, now a limited
number of graduate scholarships Rosalie G o r h a m Barber, Sigma Om-
are given each year. They are desig-
icron; Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler,
V/ P. Mohliere ... •5 Three graduate scholarships were
K. Bellissimo L. Allen given to Katherine Bellissimo, Paola
J. A. Yonke Mohliere and Jo Anne Yonke.
D. Anderson R. Besancon P. Carter
36 C. Carlson Katherina Bellissimo, of Ellwood
City, Penn., graduated from Slippery
Rock State College (Sigma Rho) i n 1980.
She is w o r k i n g on a master of arts de-
gree at SRSC and plans a career i n stu-
dent personnel work in higher educa-
tion when she completes her advanced
1 degree.
Paola Mohliere, of Glen Ellen, Calif.,
completed her undergraduate degree
from the University of California,
Davis, (Chi Alpha) i n 1980. She is
working on a master of science degree
at the Davis campus and hopes to
become a doctor of veterinary medicine.
Jo Anne Yonke, of Crete, 111., too,
earned her bachelor's of science i n 1980
from the University of Illinois (Iota).
C u r r e n t l y she is w o r k i n g on a master i n served as chapter vice president, assist-
community health from Illinois and ant treasurer and earned the Ruby
plans to w o r k i n the field of sports med- Scholarship Badge. Luana plans to con- Aon
icine and patient education. tinue her studies for a degree in phar-
The following women were awarded macy.
the undergraduate scholarships. Elizabeth Craig, of La Mirada, Calif., Let's
Laurie Allen, of Valparaiso, Ind., is a graduates next spring from California
member of Kappa Alpha chapter, Indi- State, Long Beach. The Lambda Beta
ana State University, and finishes her member plans to attend law school.
degree i n 1983. Katherine Davis, of Omaha, Neb., is Not"TV ~T I SCHOLARSHIP
She is interested i n w o r k i n g i n dis- a senior at Zeta chapter, University of FOUNDATION
Nebraska, Lincoln. She plans to join an
ease research.
Dawn Anderson, of Issaquah, Wash., accounting firm following graduation.
is a senior member of Upsilon chapter Suzanne Fitzpatrick, of Bayside, Forget
at the University of Washington. She is N.Y., is working on her bachelor's de-
majoring i n microbiology— im- gree at Wagner College, Staten Island,
munology and plans to attend graduate N.Y. The Theta Pi senior has served as
school. rush chairman, pledge class president
Robin Besancon, of Benton, Ark., a and a member of the pledge committee. Ourselves
member of Sigma Omicron chapter, is a She plans a career i n business.
senior at Arkansas State University. She Cindra Foote, of Beaverton, Ore., is a
is majoring i n nursing and plans to senior at Alpha Rho chapter, Oregon
work i n a hospital and complete a State University. She has been chapter
master's degree in nursing in the future. president, house manager, food com-
Christine Carlson, of Lincoln, Neb., mittee chairman, etiquette chairman Diamond
w i l l graduate in June from the Univer- and alumnae relations chairman. Jubilee
sity of Nebraska, Lincoln. A member of Scholarships
Zeta chapter, she has served as chapter Cindra plans to teach chemistry and
president, activities chairman, Panhel- physics and later complete a master's Y o u can help by:
degree i n science.
• Seals Contributions
lenic delegate and parliamentarian. Carolyn Lacey, of Toronto, Ontario, • Memorials
• Bequests
Paula Carter, of Dalton Ga., is a is a senior at Beta Tau chapter, Univer- • Buying Honor Cards (Min.
member of Lambda Chi chapter and a sity of Toronto.
physical therapy major planning to 85 donation)
graduate i n 1983. On campus, Carolyn is active i n • Buying Rose Weavings
Chemistry Club, community outreach
as a first aid instructor and as a host for (Matted/Unframed 87.50)
• Using your company's
Luana Colson, of Murray, Ky., is a the Ontario Science Centre. She plans to
Delta Omega senior at Murray State attend graduate school i n research or matching gift program
University. A biology major she has medicine. • Gifts of stocks, bonds,
Brenda Lambright, of Topeka, Ind., insurance policies,
will graduate next spring from Ball real estate
State University w i t h a degree i n • Collegiate and Alumnae
marketing. The Kappa Kappa member chapter fund raisers for DJF.
plans a career i n sales or marketing or-
ganization. Treasurer:
Mrs. H . L. Winn
C. Foote 0 Cheryl Matthews, of Salisbury, Md., 2809 Lincoln Street
C. Lacey finishes next year in business adminis- Evanston, Illinois 60201
» tration from the University of Mary-
land. The Pi Delta member plans to 37
earn an MBA degree.
Lynn Moomaw, of Smithville, Ohio,
w i l l finish her degree in chemistry next
spring from Ohio Northern University.
The Kappa Pi member plans to work in
school administration or chemistry-
(continued on p. 47)
B. Lambright C. Matthews
-Collegiate Commentaries.
ALPHA GAMMA leadership of chapter president Marie anniversary on Oct. 13, added Jeannie
Dyck, an enthusiastic group made Gorman.
Washington State workshops on goal-setting, rush and
post-convention ideas highly suc- CHI ALPHA
Alpha Gamma chapter at Washing- cessful.
ton State University reported a busy U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a — D a v i s
spring semester. Members still find time to keep up
with their individual interests. Cynthia Even during a typically rainy winter,
In March, the chapter initiated 27 Panneton's pursuits in singing have A O f l s at UC-Davis managed to find
women. brought her acclaim in two prominent some bright spots. In February, mem-
music festivals. At the Kiwanis Festival, bers danced to their Roseball, " M i d -
Three members of the chapter were open to Vancouver area residents aged night Roses."
honored w i t h awards last spring. Mary 18 and under, C i n d y w o n t w o first place
Wagner and Lynn Pixley were elected honors in the categories high voice and A f t e r a short spring break i n classes,
to Mortar Board. Margo Myers, a soph- solo, and two second prizes in light Chi Alpha was ready to jump into a big
omore majoring in communications, opera and past festival. Cindy also spring quarter, starting with its sixth
was awarded second place in the placed second in the North Shore Music birthday celebration.
sportswriting category of the statewide Festival, a competition open to musi-
Journalism Excellence Awards by the cians of all ages. A past K i w a n i s schol- The first week of classes was a sunny
Washington Press Association. She is arship winner, Cindy plans to continue one for Greek Week, with A O n partici-
currently sports editor for the student her pursuits by majoring in voice. pating in all of the crazy activities.
newspaper. Informal rush and the university's fa-
BETA LAMBDA mous Picnic Day rounded out the fol-
Rose Formal was held i n nearby Illinois Wesleyan lowing week.
Lewiston, Idaho. Sixty-eight couples at-
tended the dance and enjoyed an eve- The coming of warm, lazy days and Back by popular demand was our Sec-
ning of dancing after a steak banquet. cool nights found many Beta Lambdas ond Annual Teeter Totter Marathon. It
reminiscing about the past year. The gives us a chance to act like kids for
One chapter alumna was recently second half of the year started off with seventy-two hours straight!, explained
honored as one of five Faculty members the excitement of Rose Formal, w h i c h Reporter Lisa Hansen.
of the Year. Sue Hinz, an editor w i t h was held in Springfield.
university relations at WSU and To BETA EPSILON
Dragma editor, secured the honor. Along with the many social events Bemidji State
this year, AOris took the initiative
Delta Upsilon and Alpha Omicron Pi around campus when Sarah Pingry was 1981 marks Beta Epsilon's tenth an-
teamed together to compete in the finals elected to a second term as Panhellenic niversary as a national sorority.
of the annual Songfest during Mom's president, along w i t h Jenny Wesner, as
Weekend at WSU. The group performed secretary. Also, of great importance last spring
a medley of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely was its 3rd annual Rock-A-Thon for the
Hearts Club Band. Beta Lambda can boast a successful Arthritis Foundation which went over
Sigma Chi Derby Days and Greek Week with a bang, Kathy Freeman reported.
More than 400 members, moms and last spring. The chapter came out w i t h a All chapter members participated en-
guests had a chance to experience AOFI first place overall in Derby Days events thusiastically i n the 24 hour event.
hospitality, and a wonderful buffet and also showed exceptional spirit for
during the special May weekend on Greek Week at Illinois Wesleyan. A Spring Retreat also was planned by
campus. members. This gave the sisters of Beta
Beta Lambda is celebrating its 25th Epsilon a chance to really get to know
The Spring Cruise was held in May each other and share in many activities,
on Lake Couer d'Alene in Idaho. "This one of which was an Easter candy hunt.
year the women and dates did not find Set, too, for the quarter were various
M t . St. Helens ash falling as they d i d on fund-raising activities.
last year's cruise weekend," added
Margo Meyers.
University of British C o l u m b i a
Editor's Note: Even a Canadian postal
strike did not keep the Beta Kappa report
from arriving on time.
A O r i s at the University of British Participating in the chapter's Third Annual Rock-a-Thon were Beta Epsilon members, from
Columbia had a busy summer, partici- the left, Kathy Higgins, Kathy Freeman, Paula Gaspar, Helean Bauer, Jodie Swenson, Krista
pating in a wide range of activities and Haaversen, Ann Scott and Denise Dodds.
making plans for the upcoming year. As
well as hosting i n f o r m a l rush parties,
collegiate members have sponsored a
dog wash and a garage sale.
Beta Kappa alumnae have been par-
ticularly involved in many of the func-
tions, and especially in the organization
of the chapter's 50th anniversary cele-
brations this fall. Through the strong
CHI DELTA door to door at dormitories and apart- in a 1928 fire truck holding a dalmation
ment buildings. dog. Some of her sisters jumped out
University of Colorado wearing her T-shirts and dispersed
During campaign week, each girl had Allison "Fire Rags" to students.
The strength of Chi Delta chapter at a special gimmick planned to catch the
the University of Colorado is ever i n - students' attention. Allison carries out Kylee was serenaded by the "Orange
creasing. her " f i r e " theme as she drove into a and Bluegrass Band," whose members
crowded student area between classes were wearing Kylee T-shirts. Lynn rode
A t first we appear to be a small group into a student area between classes,
in comparison to the rest of the campus, Allison Adams also, but she arrived i n a black Cadillac
being only 34 strong, explained Jean while being serenaded by a jazz band
Schmidt, but we are like the "Mouse wearing her T-shirts. She had sisters
That Roared." Some of our power has helping pass out star-shaped cookies
come from the support of the C U Pan- with "Lynn" printed on them in icing.
hellenic Committee. At each of these events, AOris were
everywhere to be seen, all wearing their
If anyone were to ask us, we'd be the three candidates T-shirts, all cheering
first to admit that our rebuilding has gleefully for their girls.
not been a summer cruise and we have
many more hurdles to overcome. Even though none of the "Three
Musketeers" were elected to the title of
A dynamic group of 21 was initiated Miss Auburn, the unified efforts of
in March. In early May the spring AOn were recognized and commented
pledge and those held over from the fall on by students, faculty, and top advisers
were initiated. of Auburn University. If Delta Delta
doesn't have a Miss Auburn, the sisters
Chi Delta paired with the Sigma Nu's, feel nothing has been lost, and a great
to perform several songs from " W i l l y deal has been gained. The chapter has
Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" for won something more important—an
the 1981 Greek Songfest on campus. even stronger bond of love and unity
within the sisterhood of Alpha Omi-
"We would like to express a special cron Pi.
thanks to everyone who helped us
become what we are today," Jean DELTA OMEGA
added. "We look to the constant sup-
port of the alumnae chapter in this area, Murray State
and the bright new future of A O n at
the University of Colorado. Without all The spring term proved to bring
of the support we have received we much excitement and a lot of hard work
could not have shared the great rewards for members of Delta Omega.
of such a wonderful group of women."
After returning from Christmas
DELTA DELTA Kylee Grimes Break, the chapter held its informal
Lynn Murray rush parties and pledged five. The high-
Auburn University light of January was the annual Red
Rose Formal Dance, this year held i n
In February the top five candidates i n Evansville, Ind.
the running for the title of Miss Auburn
were announced, and three of the five Delta Omega is very proud to report
selected happened to be AOris at Delta several awards on its trophy shelf. Delta
Delta chapter, Auburn University! Omegas w o n first place in the Sigma
Chi Derby Day. Dana Allen, who repre-
The three, Allison Adams, Kylee sented Delta Omega in the event, was
Grimes, and Lynn Murray, along with crowned Derby Queen. The chapter also
much help from the whole sorority, won the spirit award in the Paul
spent two months preparing for campus Bunyan Day hosted by Alpha Gamma
elections i n April. Beth Yost, also a Rho fraternity. Delta Omega, too, was
Delta Delta, managed the campaigns for awarded the " A l l Sport Trophy" for
all three girls. winning the most intramural sport pro-
grams at M u r r a y State i n the sorority
Because the w o r d "candidate" sig- division.
nifies competition, the girls were re-
ferred to as "The Three Musketeers" Member Nancy Moriarty was chosen
among the sorority. The campaign was by the Lambda C h i Alpha fraternity as
run according to the Musketeer's its annual Crescent Girl Sweetheart.
slogan, " A l l for one and one for a l l ! "
The chapter was sectioned into three
parts; each group alternating the daily Central Missouri State
wearing of special T-shirts about each
of the trio for six consecutive campaign Delta Pi kicked-off the 1980-81
days. school year by taking 25 pledges and
filling quota. In December the pledges
Instead of putting up one campaign had a walk-out and went to Indiana to
poster i n each store window, the Delta visit the Chi Lambda chapter.
Deltas had the opportunity to display
three. Many of the girls also took turns During homecoming Queen Candi-
escorting the candidates while they date Paula Foster placed in the top ten.
campaigned at chapter meetings, frater-
nity dinners, club meetings, and from 39
Later three Delta Pi actives went to gional Blood Center. The chapter also GAMMA SIGMA
Colorado to help the Chi Delta chapter helped Shands Hospital put on an
begin. It was another opportunity for Easter egghunt for underprivileged Georgia State
the group to learn more about rush children. Furthermore, many members
f r o m other AOn chapters, added Re- and pledges are involved i n a volunteer Gamma Sigma's Third Annual A O f l
porter Carol Bruce. program called SAMSON. This is a pro- Athletes went off to a " r u n n i n g " suc-
gram where students w o r k i n areas cess as the chapter raised almost $1,000
Last year the chapter had its first an- such as "adopt-a-grandparent," "Baby for Arthritis Research. Seven frater-
nual A l u m n a e Day. " I t was great to see Gator" (nursery school), detention cen- nities competed for an Overall trophy,
all our alumnae sisters and to share our ters, etc. based on philanthropy and events, and
slide show with them," Carol added. a Spirit trophy, voted by the chapter.
Nancy Brown
Fourteen Delta Pis are members of The hectic week began with frater-
Student Ambassadors, a student group IOTA SIGMA nities baking cakes, sending flowers and
of 45 w h o shows the campus to pro- Iowa State University putting up huge banners bearing their
spective students. symbols in the A O f l chapter room.
Many long hard hours of practice Each fraternity had t w o AOn coaches
Delta Pi Karen Bollinger was paid off when the A O r i s at Iota Sigma helping raise money and keeping spirits
awarded Outstanding Greek during won the Tau Kappa Epsilon Mary high.
Greek Week. Cathy Huffendick placed House Softball Tournament for cancer
third in the Greek Goddess competition. research. Iota Sigma, undefeated after On Saturday, fraternities participated
A O n Bathing Beauty was Paula Foster four games rallied in a contest with the in events which counted towards the
who placed second in the competition. Chi Omega Stacks for its final victory. Overall trophy. There was weightlift-
ing, tug-of-war, and various running
GAMMA OMICRON They were dynamite! Tied at 3-3 i n events. The highlight of the day was the
the final inning of the championship Mr. A O f l Athletes contest. Judging the
University of Florida game, the bases loaded, and a f l y ball day's events were Miss Atlanta and an
was caught, but Tami Smith who was Atlanta Falcons cheerleader.
GO are the initials of Gamma Omi- on third, tagged up and ran to home
cron chapter and that's exactly what it's making the final score 4-3. That was just The final touch was the Awards party
done this year! one example of the many great plays given by the A O r i s that night. A l l
that the group of athletes exhibited dur- sororities and fraternities were invited
After a successful rush consisting of ing the tournament, reported Jan Beske. to attend.
42 pledges, A O n at Florida hit the GO
button! AOn swept through panhel- The team received the Traveling Tro- Preparation for A O n Athletes began
lenic, student government, and all over phy once again and Nancy Brown was back in January with the newly elected
campus to bring us the Fraternal Excel- named Most Valuable Player of the A O n Athletes chairman planning, or-
lence award of "Most Improved Chap- tournament. ganizing and instigating. T-shirts and
ter" given by the Inter-Fraternity programs were designed and printed,
Council. Nancy not only excells in Softball, but local celebrities contacted for judging
also plays basketball for the Women's the days' events, a field had to be
About 30 members and pledges were ISU basketball team. She also has been located, a band had to be booked for the
involved in panhellenic this year—and involved in campus activities including party—the list seemed endless. But,
as a result A O n Leslie D u n n w o n the student ambassador for ISU Student with the help and cooperation of every-
title of panhellenic vice president. Alumni Association, Cyclone Aide, the one, A O f l Athletes went like clock-
Chapter involvement in student Industrial Administration Student work, reported Nalini Rao.
government elections saw AOris i n Advisory Council and American
such positions as greek co-ordinator, Marketing Association. IOTA
campaign managers, and elected sena-
tors. One senator, Charlotte Mather, be- Other members on Iota Sigma's team University of Illinois
came administrative assistant to the vice were Kathy Armbruster, Nancy Bar-
president of student government. telson, Amy Blenderman, Nancy Imagine . . . the lights dimming and
Brown, Nancy Klindt, Deb Lorimor, Jill a hush falling over the audience. A
Gamma Omicron has been active i n Sandy, Beth Shillberg, Tami Smith, and bright spotlight appears, and Alpha
little sister programs. More than 40 Lori Ward. Omicron Pi sorority and Phi Sigma
AOris are little sisters at the fraternities Kappa fraternity take the stage as the
on Florida's campuS. opening act of the 1981 Atius Sachem
Mom's Day Sing.
Two Gamma Omicrons are cheer-
leaders—Barbie Zotz and Angie Mason. After months of practice, chairperson
Angie is the new women's co-ordinator Julie Cassioppi led her talented cast
for the 1981-82 Gator Cheerleaders. through tryouts and on to the finals.
The show, "Love Has Come of Age,"
Besides the social side of Gamma O m - entertained hundreds w i t h such songs
icron—there is a hardworking side as "Yessir That's M y B a b y , " a n d
devoted to raising money for Arthritis "Heartbreak Hotel."
Research! That's w h y we sponsored our
second Annual Fraternal Feud. Many In addition to the Sing, the early
sororities and fraternities entered the months of 1981 were busy but pros-
feud and the chapter raised several perous for Iota. Founders' Day helped
hundred dollars. We've also raised bring our roots back to us, and under
money by having car washes and a pan- chairperson Julie Whalen, we have been
cake breakfast, explained Cathy Gray. working on details for our night —
" G r i n and Beer I t " — w i t h Alpha Kappa
Gamma Omicron, too, has been an Lambda fraternity, reported Linda
asset to the Gainesville community. It Kleczewski. This fund raiser netted a
w o n second place in the greek blood good sum for arthritis.
drive, sponsored by the Civitan Re-
Several AOFIs on the University of
Illinois campus are being honored for Kim Burtt, Kappa Kappa president, reigns ning, but the best part was the closeness
service to the school. Jeanine Czerniak as the 1981 Miss Bike-a-Thon Queen at Ball that every sister felt f r o m working to-
was initiated into Mortar Board, and State University. gether and in sharing in achievement,
Maria Hoekstra and Abby Herget were added Debra Walker. Also, during a
chosen for MaWanDa honorary. And KAPPA KAPPA phone-a-thon AOITs raised $5,000 for
the chapter is i n Memorial Stadium this the Clarence Day Foundation. Clarence
fall to help Kathy Bugaieski cheer on Ball State Day is a Southwestern alumnus w h o
the Fighting Illini. pledged $100,000 if other alumni could
Kappa Kappa chapter at Ball State match that amount. During the phone-
KAPPA ALPHA University last spring was picked as the a-thon Kappa Omicron raised more
most outstanding sorority on campus. money than any other organization on
Indiana State campus.
According to Reporter Linda
It was a hectic, but enjoyable spring Delladio, the award is based on philan- The Arthritis Foundation benefited
for Kappa Alpha at Indiana State Uni- thropic contributions, scholastic from the Alpha Omicron Pi Follies.
versity. Performing in Campus Revue achievements, participation in campus Different organizations on campus
paired with two other Greek groups, it activities and campus organizaton in- competed for trophies under a common
received second place for a performance volvement. theme. Last year's the theme was "What
entitled "Showtime." If They Had Done It Differently In The
The chapter really bounced into Movies?" Each organization selected a
A O f l s receive recognition not only spring with its Basketball Marathon for particular movie and changed parts of
locally, but strived to reach it nation- Arthritis. Some 85 teams entered f r o m the plot so that it had a different twist or
ally. Lori Howard, a finalist in all parts of the state and the group ending.
Mademoiselle's Rave Contest, traveled netted more than $3,600 for the fight
to New York City. against arthritis. KAPPA PI
On the campus level, numerous "Remember my name-Fame!" is what Ohio Northern
AOris are involved i n many varied ac- the AOris sang to the campus as they
tivities and/or have received special rec- won first place in the annual Spring For the Kappa Pi chapter at Ohio
ognition. A t the Greek Awards Banquet, Sing. They paired with another sorority Northern University, the past few
and sang a medley of songs from the years have meant an upswing i n size, as
Olga Imperial was named the O u t - movie "FAME." And that's just what well as attendance and participation i n
they did—became famous! It was the various campus activities.
standing Greek Woman, and Barb first time in the history of BSU that two
Kinzer was the Outstanding AOFI sororities paired in the event. But the chapter still wasn't quite
Woman. Mary A n n Clark was selected satisfied. "So our social chairman
as the Outstanding A l u m Adviser. Kap- KAPPA OMICRON started making large calendars to hang
pa Alpha also received awards for in the lounge, to remind us about our
financial management, community Southwestern at M e m p h i s activities," reported Lynn Knopp.
service, and alumnae relations.
Kappa Omicron adds much to its Historian Connie Puterbaugh (Kodak
Members of the Order of Omega are every event. Connie), always has her camera w i t h
Jacque Cline, Linda Brown, Jeanine her, taking pictures to add to the scrap-
Kimmerle, Suzanne LeClair, Olga Im- Everyone attend the Winter Formal book. She puts as much enthusiasm i n
perial, and Lori Howard; the latter last year. Later in the spring the chapter taking the pictures as the girls do ham-
three also i n Pamarista, and Olga and sponsored a "Dressed-to-Kill" party ming them up! Offices have been re-
Lori along with Pam Piper are Blue Key where members and pledges dressed vised to make them more efficient, and
members. like their favorite? killer. People came some assistants are used to make certain
looking like everything from cigarettes offices more effective. More internal
Julie Morris is a newly selected Blue to bullfighters. public relations is in effect starting this
Beret, and Hospitality Corps members fall to keep close contact w i t h everyone
are Lori Howard, Suzanne LeClair, Pam Lead by Dorothy Sanders, our song and make sure information is passed
Piper, Laurie Allen, Sharon Henley, and chairman, everyone worked together around.
Rhonda Shoemaker. Liz Cole, Holly very hard so that Alpha O m i c r o n Pi
Byers, and Diann Melick were Alpha could place first in the Kappa Delta A l l - In January, a letter on behalf of the
Project Leaders for summer orientation. Sing! Everyone loved the feeling of w i n - sisterhood was sent to President Ronald
Laurie Allen and Arlette McMahon Reagan. The chapter congratulated h i m
were picked as Small Group Leaders. on his inaugeration and wished him
well in his term of office. Then, in May,
Kappa Alpha also participated i n the chapter received a letter back from
Tandemonia on the ISU campus. The the president. He wished us luck in our
chapter captured second place in the new offices, too, and thanked us for our
recreational games and the tandem support.
games, and tied for second i n a yell con-
test. "Well, not all of America may know
we're here, but the president isn't a bad
KAPPA GAMMA place to start!" Lynn exclaimed.
Florida Southern LAMBDA CHI
Kappa Gamma chapter at Florida LaGrange College
Southern College showed its concern
for the Atlanta children last spring. "Gonna take a sentimental journey
. . . " — A O n alumnae remembering
Members passed out green ribbons their college days? Possibly, but it also
which symbolized hope and also is one was the theme for Lambda Chi chap-
of the colors in the Afro-American flag. ter's singing competition on May Day
The chapter hopes that the terrible 41
ordeal is over for everyone involved, re-
ported Pat Schilling.
w i t h the other sororities at LaGrange NU LAMBDA OMICRON
College. Last spring Lambda Chi de- use
cided to do a medley of songs from the University of Tennessee-
forties, such as "Chatanooga Choo- " H o l a Senoritas, Como Esta U d ? "
Choo," "You Are My Sunshine," and This was a common phrase the Nu Knoxville
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Lambda chapter at the University of
Southern California heard when they Omicron chapter at the University of
The day of competition also spot- traveled to Estero Beach, Mexico for Tennessee was very active during past
lighted LaGrange College's May Queen, their first house weekender. Spring.
Jennifer Bullock, president of Lambda In addition to the weekender which
Chi. marked one of the final events of the Athletics is one of Omicron's greatest
season, N u Lambda celebrated the end assets. Members w o n the All-Sorority
The May Jacqueminot Rose Ball was a of the school year with its annual luau. division i n volleyball, and placed sec-
very special affair for Lambda C h i as i t Heidi Lieb, house social chairman and ond in All-University volleyball—not
celebrated our tenth anniversary, added organizer for this event, described bad out of 30,000 students. In basketball
Lynne Carpenter. the party as, "Imagine yourself on Fan- Omicron placed second in the Sorority
tasy Island with the A O I l s and you've division.
LAMBDA IOTA got the atmosphere and fun of our
luau." The AOris, too, received their share
UCSD The past spring brought with it the of recognition this spring. Rebecca Mc-
annual Easter Egg Sale. The girls sold Campbell, w h o has served at pledge
Sounds of laughter and dancing candy eggs to all w h o wanted to buy, trainer and philanthropy chairman,
floated across the ocean breeze at UCSD and then delivered them in bunny suits was named the Most Outstanding Area
in A p r i l , as 20 young women were to Greek Row, reported Lori Strakosch. Commander i n the United States at the
entertained by AOFI during Rush Academics rank high at N u Lambda, Angel Flight National Conclave and she
Week. The 18 p r o u d AOris of Lambda and at Founders' Day last spring, was also chosen to be a resident con-
Iota chapter had diligently posted pub- various AOris walked away with hon- sultant at the A O n colony at the U n i -
licity about rush on campus, sponsored ors. Becky W i n t h r o p received the Jane versity of Kentucky.
a bake sale for arthritis, wrote skits, Hamblein award, and Cindi Marks re-
learned songs, and discovered new and ceived the highest GPA award with her Several A O I l s were tapped into Mor-
hidden talents within the chapter. 4.0. tar Board and Omicron Delta Kappa
Sigma Chi Darling Laura Brownson during the spring. Also, the A O f l s
At the end of a busy rush week the led the A O I l s in the annual Derby Days placed third in the annual All-Sing
chapter met quota of ten rushees. Since last May. competition with the Pi Kappa Alpha
rush, we have kept out pledges busy fraternity.
eating famous Chart House M u d Pie AO
and selling ferns, reported Wendy Jo Omicron's own Suzanna Timberlake
Gallup. The chapter also planned a trip I turned over her c r o w n as the 1980 Miss
to Disneyland. i Knoxville this quarter, however Suzan-
na w i l l continue to work w i t h the Miss
LAMBDA SIGMA Paula Jones was one of many Nu Beta mem- Tennessee Pageant as a consultant.
University of Georgia bers to help paint the Lafayette County
Adult Day Care Center as a community NU BETA
Involvement is the key at Lambda service project last spring.
Sigma. Three members are in Palladia University of Mississippi
Society of Outstanding Women: Julie
Rhodes, Liz Wyman, and Sharon White paint and Uncle Remus will
Johnson, president. The trio also repre- always remind Nu Betas of their f u n -
sents AOFI in Omicron Delta Kappa, filled Spring '81 semester at Ole Miss.
with the addition of Karin Pendley and
Peggy Scott. The chapter also has mem- I n late March, the N u Betas stormed
bers in Blue Key, Rho Lambda, Golden the Lafayette County Adult Day Care
Key, Order of Omega, and Outstanding Center and painted the seven-room
Young Women Of America. house in one day. Due to A O n Audrey
Graham's great organization, everyone
Sharon Johnson, 'Julie Rhodes, and had an enjoyable day, and the ap-
Lauren Wynn are members of Who's pearance of the center was much i m -
Who Among American Colleges and proved, reported Pam McCluskey.
Universities. We have members i n sev-
eral professional honor societies w i t h N u Beta's Renon Varnell was chosen
Susan Ellison serving as president of Derby Day Queen, to add a little more
Phi Chi Theta, added Heather Place. excitement to the spring. K i m Logan
was elected Panhellenic treasurer.
Five Georgia A O f l s were inducted
into Angel Flight this year. Nine were Rush starts early at Ole Miss, and the
tapped into Alpha Lambda Delta. Laura chapter had its new pledge sisters by
Vining serves on Freshman Council and Aug. 28.
Heather Place is a finalist i n Out-
standing Freshman of the Year. N u Beta retreated i n September, to re-
view its Fraternity Education.
The chapter as a whole has been real-
ly involved. Last spring it co-sponsored OMICRON PI
an Easter Egg Hunt for underprivileged
children and volunteered to participate University of Michigan
in a community theater renovation
project. Omicron Pi reported a busy spring at
the University of Michigan.
A super-AOn effort into rushing
produced nine pledges!
Taking a break from rush, the chapter
rounded up alumnae and celebrated a
"belated" Founders' Day on Feb. 7, w i t h
a luncheon. Perhaps the special high-
light of all the activities that kept us I
bouncing around in spirit, was a wine &
cheese party, honoring a Michigan Sigma's winning team during Berkeley's Derby Days '81.
scientist, who accepted a $15,000 check
from AOn funds for his arthritis re- Phi proved that a house isn't every- quarter ended with a bang for Phi
search, Katherine Chu said. thing, reported Annette Riley. Lambda at Youngstown State Univer-
sity, reported Mimi Bienko.
Fund raising was also a big part in Debbie Brewton, then a special chap-
chapter activities. Omicron Pi held a ter assistant from Alpha Delta chapter, K e l l y O'Brien was elected co-chair-
backgammon tournament at Michigras, University of Alabama, addressed the
a casino party. For Greek Week, its recently formed Mothers Club during man of YSU's Greek Program Board and
kitchen magically transformed into a Mom's Weekend last spring. Paula Blum, treasurer of Panhellenic
bakery, with sisters churning out Council.
goodies for a bake sale! They also She said that Phi "originally wanted
showed support for the philanthropies to renovate, but couldn't find a house Pam Royal was crowned TKE May
of the other fraternities on campus by that was competitive enough." Queen at the fraternity's annual festivi-
participating in a spaghetti chow-down, ties to benefit its philanthropy. By p u l l -
other spirit-filled events and placed Phi chapter was founded at K U i n ing together in true A O n spirit, the
fourth in the Sigma Chi Swim-a-Thon! 1918. They went off campus in 1969, chapter won the Sigma Chi Derby Days
during a very radical, anti-establish- by a landslide, Mimi added.
Senior Ruth Pickett, for the second ment period. The money used to pur-
year i n a row, was awarded the Broder- chase the lot for the new house was SIGMA
ick Cup for her synchronized swim- f r o m the sale of the old house, supple- University of California —
ming at Michigan. This cup is presented mented by national monies. Berkeley
to the outstanding female collegiate
athlete of the year. The new structure w i l l be built by W i n n i n g has been common among
A On International and leased by the the Cal Berkeley A O I l s . They suc-
OMEGA XI local corporation. ceeded in earning first place in scholar-
Morehead State ship among all of the sororities for the
The final plans were approved by the fall quarter '80-81.
Omega Xi chapter has been awarded Housing Committee consisting of Jessie
the President Citation for services on Marie Cramer, Marilyn Herman, Opening the winter quarter, they
the campus, reported Laurie Patton. Sharon Martin, and Kay Sutherlin. The initiated their pledges and had an
The award was the first of its kind given plans were developed from scratch be- initiation dance at the San Francisco
to any group on the Morehead State cause plans f r o m other recently devel- Club. There was an activity for every-
University campus. It was given to oped houses could not be altered to fit one to take part in, tennis, dancing or
chapter members by Morehead Presi- the lot. simply socializing.
dent Morris Norfleet.
The women have accomplished many New officers were elected for the ' 8 1 -
The Holiday Inn in Huntington, W. things in their short history. They are 82 term i n March, Kelly L . Erb said.
Va., was humming with activity in slowly, but surely, establishing them-
A p r i l as the chapter prepared for its selves on the K U campus. The road has The big event of the year for A O I I
Spring Formal and the 11th anniversary not been an easy one, but it w i l l be was its victory of Sigma C h i Derby Days
of its founding at MSU. worthwhile when the new house is fi- in April. AOFI placed in the majority of
nally built. events. The week prior was full of com-
The spring pledge class sponsored petition including a skit night in which
"Stick 'Em Up," a project for the "Stick The strong bond that hold Phi chap- the chapter also took first place.
Up for Arthritis Drive." While the ter together is very special to each mem-
pledges were doing their "Stick Up," ber. They all know the meaning of A p r i l proved to be a very successful
the actives were doing a radio project to working to get what they want. month when the chapter pledged six
raise money for Arthritis. Omega Xi women through spring rush.
raised more than $200 for the national
philanthropy from the two events. PHI LAMBDA SIGMA CHI
Youngstown State Hartwick College
The chapter showed its athletic ability
by participating in many intramural Instead of quietly slipping into Sigma Chi completed its fall rush
sports. Members took first place in "Those lazy days of summer," spring
bowling, volleyball, badminton, and
University of Kansas
Phi chapter at the University of K a n -
sas has proven the impossible is possi-
ble i n the Greek system at this particu-
lar school. They were colonized in the
Fall of 1979, w i t h 56 members, and are
n o w a strong chapter comprising 104
actives. A t K U , this is quite an accom-
plishment because any fraternity or
sorority without a house is at a severe
season w i t h four very enthusiastic SIGMA OMICRON special it w o u l d be to have sisters that
pledges and in the spring, after a " A Arkansas State loved and cared for her.
Night at Rosie O'Grady's," w i t h a
Mega-team of 17! The Sigma Omicron chapter at A r - The AOris found Cinderella and
kansas State University was very busy asked her to come where she "can be
AOn is known on the academic front during the summer preparing for fall whatever she wants to be" i n the w o r l d
with Tammy Gooden and Mary Gausby, rush. A workshop was conducted in of A O n , yet belong to one single-
nominated for the John Christopher Jonesboro to discuss new plans for rush bonded group.
Hartwick Award for academic standing and making various items which would
and extra-curricular participation. be needed. TAU
The chapter has had sisters all over Following the workshop, members University of Minnesota
the world this year. One member was in traveled to Little Rock for their annual
Washington, D.C., studying labor man- State Day. While there, they initiated Cheryl Oulicky, T a u , University of
agement relations and another was in four spring pledges and an associate Minnesota, was awarded an "Out-
Albany, N.Y., at the New York State member, Sue Buffalo. Carolyn White, standing Greek Women" award during
Museum. Members also were i n San chapter adviser, received the Rose the school's annual Panhellenic Recep-
Salvador, Austria, and France. Award, and Collegiate President, Robin tion last May.
Besancon received the Diamond Jubilee
Philanthropic projects last year i n - Foundation Scholarship. She was recognized for her contribu-
cluded a raffle in the fall and a spring tions to the Greek system. Cheryl has
yard sale. Pledge community projects After a luncheon held at the Little served on many Panhellenic commit-
included entertainment at the local Rock Plaza, the chapter heard a guest tees and is credited for helping to gener-
nursing home and collections for the speaker from the Arthritis Foundation. ate positive feelings toward the Greeks
American Cancer Society. in the university community.
SIGMA IOTA Slippery Rock College Cheryl is a 1981-82 DJF scholarship
Western Illinois Sigma Rho chapter at Slippery Rock
College (Penn.) has been given the out- T a u chapter has women w i t h many
Spring semester started off i n a busy standing Greek Organization Award. interests, in addition to furthering their
way for the Sigma Iota chapter of Alpha One of seven sororities on the 6,000- education. Tau has had participants i n
O m i c r o n Pi. The Fall pledge class went student campus, the chapter, too, placed the U of M cheerleading squad, U of M
through its Inspiration Week and were second overall in a Greek Sing program choir, two on the danceline, fencing,
initiated on the Jan. 30. and Greek Week. ballroom dance, karate, little sister pro-
grams in at least four fraternities, co-rec
Soon after initiation, members busily The chapter chose a "Cinderella" Softball, auto repair, modeling, water
began working on rush, which included theme for its fall rush, explained Kelli safety, voice, professional international
rush workshops, song and skit prac- Novak. Cinderella attended the A O n ice skating and juggling.
tices. Our SCA Liz Hafner, helped us Rose Ball and met all the sisters, but she
w i t h rush in a tremendous way, Re- left i n such a hurry, she lost her glass Many hold part time jobs including
porter Audrey Clark said. After the slipper. cashiering, waitressing, keylining for
week of rush, the chapter began open the Minneapolis Star and Tribune
bidding which built the new pledge The AOris searched endlessly to find newspaper, teaching swimming les-
class up to the second highest sorority those who fit the glass slipper. Mean- sons, taking x-rays at a chilren's hospi-
pledge class on campus. while, Cinderella began to think how tal, lab assisting, nursing home aiding
and one A O n even filled i n as cook for
Our pledges were given their moms a week at the Delta Kappa Epsilon fra-
and formally initiated into pledging. ternity for a week, reported Cheryl
This really psyched everyone up. We Sutton.
are really proud of the job our pledge
trainer, Kelly Florie, and Mary Noblitt, \
our assistant pledge trainer, are doing,
Audrey added. Sigma Iota pledges, left to right, Laurie Irvine, Lorrie Luallen, Rayeann Huber, Brenda Hoff-
man, Mary Beth Shaw, Michelle Gilbert, Anne Oleson and Patti Bradley, with the help of
The new pledges surprised the chap- University President Leslie Malpass raised more than $100 for the Arthritis Foundation.
ter w i t h a steal on March 27, to North-
ern Illinois University. During that
same weekend, the Ag Mech show
sponsored its annual "Farmer's
Daughter Beauty Contest" and Becky
Avery w o n third place in the contest.
O n A p r i l 4, the Spring Formal was
held in Debuque, Iowa. The dance was
held aboard a riverboat on the Missis-
sippi. Later in April, pledges held a
Phone-a-Thon for Arthritis. Dr. Leslie
Malpass, president of WIU attended.
One hundred dollars in pledges were
called in.
A n all university Greek Weekend was
held July 17-19. The highlight of the
weekend was an all Greek hog roast at
the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. It was
a great summer break for those who at-
THETA PSI Four years of hard work paid off to Colony Now Chapter
University of Toledo three seniors last spring. Phi Beta Kap-
pa awards went to seniors Elizabeth Kappa Delta colony of Alpha Omi-
The women of the Theta Psi chapter Emery, Ruth Opstad and Mar Harmon. cron Pi became Kappa Delta chapter at
were the talk of theme parties during Wright State University May 17.
fall rush with the theme of the Wizard- A mid May spaghetti feed organized
ry of A O n . A skit during the party, a by Joanne Hughes, philanthropy chair- Then International President Joan
take-off on the "Wizard of Oz," kept the man, netted more than $300 for the In- Deathe MacCallum served as the in-
rushees and sisters in laughter. ternational Headquarters Fund. stalling officer while being assisted by
collegians from Omega chapter, Miami
The skit was so successful, that it was THETA OMEGA University, and Theta Psi chapter, Uni-
given for alumnae and mothers at Northern Arizona versity of Toledo.
Founders' Day, and repeated for a rush
party during informal rush. Theta Omicron is coming up roses! Members of the collegiate chapter
A O f l s at Northern Arizona had an ex- are: Jeanne Winter, President; Lori
Founders' Day was the high point citing semester starting with four new Kobes, Vice president; Lisa Miller, Cor-
of fall activities. As always, it was a spring pledges and many activities in- responding secretary; Kelly Ervin, Re-
beautiful way to pay tribute to A C T ! cluding an ice cream social for all the cording secretary; Vishakha Thakrar,
Founders. sororities, big sis, little sis week and Treasurer; Karen Hopkins; Ellen
bake sales. Fleeger; Sheila Shrom; Kathy Shakro;
A return to school a year ago meant a Mary Woods; Lisa Sharp; Laura
fantastic surprise. The grades for fall Getting involved is our business here Thompson; Joanne Hoying; Amy
quarter were tallied and in the rankings at A O n and we sure have been busy, Weideman; Donna Lenning; Marsha
the AOn fall pledges were number one explained Lucia Bramanti. Theta Llewellyn; Ginger Kissell; Karen Mac-
in scholarship, added Ruth Ann Omega has had a baby pajama party Connell; and Debra Daugherty. The
Petroff. with members of Sigma Phi Epsilon, a alumnae members are: Catherine Grob-
tie matching exchange with the Sigma meier; Terry Miller; Lisa Lutz; Mindy
During the year the immortal words Chis, a punk rocker party with Tau McNutt Young; Jan Williams Sutton;
of Fraternity Officers, regional direc- Kappa Epsilon and final getaway before and Deborah Cleland Keesey.
tors, and a d v i s e r s - R U S H , RUSH, final exams.
RUSH,—paid off. During the winter, Mindy McNutt Young, a new alum-
five new pledges were added. They Greek names have really been spread- nae member and assistant in student de-
were joined in the spring by four more. ing at N A U , and A O f ! has been right velopment, extended Greetings from
along with them. Two new members to Wright State University. Other Digni-
A pizza sale to raise money to refur- Mortar Board, Kathy Fuller and Heidi taries and Committee in attendance:
nish the kitchen in the suite meant a Bunkowski, and for the first time A O F I Carolyn Weschrov Katz, Finance of-
Saturday morning of spreading sauce, has a 1981-82 Pom Pom girl, Lora ficer, Region II; Nancy March Andrews,
cheese, and pepperoni. After all 300 Warner and a 1981-82 head cheer- Kappa Delta chapter adviser; Barbara
plus pizzas were finished, it was hard to leader, Lucia Bramanti. We also have a Daugs Hunt, regional vice president,
resist finding the nearest oven and hav- new member to Spurs, Teresa Herman- Region II; Barbara Zolnierczak, exten-
ing lunch'. We were aided by Traveling Cordova. sion officer, Region II; Charlene Brown
Consultant June Perkins and sisters Potter, Region II director; Janet Brandt
from University of Michigan. Theta Omega has also been busy with Ogg, general chairman of the installa-
fund raisers like selling candy and tion; Connie W. Fox, ritual; Kathleen
And in between songfest practice scrubbing cars, to support A O I T s new Shipe, reception and banquet; reserva-
members helped the Arthritis Founda- International Headquarters. tions, Bonnie Kriener Mathies; pub-
tion with a tennis tournament featuring licity, Sue Knierim; printing, Kara
the top names in tennis such as Betty TAU OMICRON O'Grady; hospitality, Ann Cheatham
Stove, Victor Amaya, Hie Nastase, and University of Tennessee-Martin Schmitt, and rose inspiration night,
Kathy Jordan. Dotty Taylor Begovich.
In March, Tau Omicron won second
UPSILON place in the Annual Phi Sig Follies Collegian Competes
University of Washington under the theme of "Prime Time Televi-
sion." Imagine Crissy, Janet, and Jack of Bernae Peterson, of T a u chapter,
The A O r i s at the University of "Three's Company" going to "Fantasy traveled to Jaka, Spain, to compete in
Washington started off spring by par- Island" to become movie stars and the the ladies world professional figure
ticipating in the annual Sigma C h i Der- hilarious predicaments they get into! skating competition last spring. She
by Days. The games day on Saturday has been skating for 11 years and has
turned out to be one of unpredictable In sports, Tau Omicron placed first in competed all over the country. Last
weather. Rain, hail, and sun were all basketball and competed fiercely in February she competed in Philadel-
encountered on one afternoon. Spirits water basketball and Softball, Leah Jean phia and placed third in the U.S. pro-
were high the entire day and chapter Moss said. fessional competition. During her
members earned a sixth place in the April trip, Bernae placed twelfth. She
Greek competition, reported Paula Tau Omicron celebrated its 15th an- performed a western routine which,
Berkman. niversary in April with an impressive according to Bernae, is a lot flashier
banquet honoring the alumnae. Several than the routine she skated during
The first week in May was filled with collegiate members spoke about how her American competitions.
many Greek Week activities. A O I l s Alpha Omicron Pi has changed through
raced tricycles, bellyflopped and tossed the years and a founding member pres- Her current plans include major-
kegs during some of the week's events. ent was honored. ing in communications, and possibly
One of the events was an air guitar con- going into broadcasting.
test. The A O I l s dressed in true style of At the annual Panhellenic Banquet,
a rock band and performed to a Pat six A O I l s were selected to receive Dis- 45
Benatar song. Upsilon placed fourth tinguished Service Awards: Karen
among the 19 sororities. Kehoe, Patsy Milford, Rose Boyd, Janet
Spore, Nancy Smith, and Jennifer
Banquet Speech between voluntary conformity in A O n . It is "How to tell a Winner from a
behavior and purpose, and enforced Loser"
(continued from page 8) conformity in thought. When we each
contribute our ideas toward a solution —A winner says "I don't know. Let's
our Tomorrow. Each chapter, each of- or problems or challenges, we tie our find out," a loser says "Nobody
ficer, each committee is a step in the lad- minds to our sisters in bonds of respect, knows."
der which will help A O f l reach its love and trust.
dream. No one or two or even five —When a winner makes a mistake,
strong, supporting rungs will build an The greatness of Alpha Omicron Pi he says "I was wrong;" when a
entire ladder. Each of us must dream will be measured by the extent to which loser makes a mistake, he says "It
the dream, remember the whole pur- each of us is disciplined by Commit- wasn't my fault"
pose—the big view—and understand ment.
that not only her own job, but all the —A winner works through a prob-
surrounding jobs contribute to the Commitment means that at times lem; a loser goes around it and
whole and will build a stronger support each of us must submerge our personal never gets by it.
system for AOU. wishes, must cooperate with our sisters
for common benefit, and must then con- —A winner' makes commitments; a
But, ambition to accomplish some- tinue to contribute our service and our
thing in AOn does not mean all mem- own special talents to Alpha O. We loser makes promises
bers in a footrace—competing for a have promised to always have a feeling —A winner says "I'm good, but not as
quick get-away when the starting gun of Fraternity and Love for our sisters,
goes. It is a positive, purposeful, crea- but "Love does not consist in gazing at good as I can be;" a loser says, "I'm
tive, long-term goal. It is an urge to each other, but in looking together in not as bad as a lot of other people."
reach the dream, to help A O H fulfill its the same direction." —A winner tries to learn from those
whole potential. who are superior to him; a loser
It is a commitment to the future; of tries to tear down those who are
We must build upon what is the best giving our best to our sisterhood BUT superior to him.
from the past, remembering not to be also remembering that only a mediocre —A winner says, "There ought to be
negative and find fault unless we have a person is always at her best! a better way to do it;" a loser says,
better way. It is foolish to believe that "That's the way it's always been
your way is the only way of doing All that each of us can do is to prom- done here."
something. After all, the method is less ise to try to do our best, to strive to The challenges facing us today and
important than getting the work done build a winning team. tomorrow will be met so long as all of
satisfactorily. us continue to have pride in AOri's
I would like to read to you a short Heritage, Loyalty to her Ideals and the
By living within a fraternal organiza- passage which I have kept on the wall Fraternity as a whole, and commitment
tion we do lose a little of our indepen- beside my A O n desk during my term and determination to Strive for Excel-
dence, but there is a vast difference in office. I think it has applications for lence.
Let us always move TOWARD T O -
FRED.S.JAMES&CO.OF COLORADO 600 South Cherry Street, Suite 720, Denver, Colorado 80222
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The Fred S . James Company of Colorado is pleased to have been elected by the Council of Alpha Omicron Pi as
your broker for all liability coverage on all collegiate and alumnae chapters.
We now have available a very broad property policy at competitive rates for all chapters.
We are also a market for all other insurance coverages—Worker's Compensation, Bonds, Boiler, etc. Please contact:
Fred S . James & Co. of Colorado
600 South Cherry Street, Suite 720
Denver, C O 8 0 2 2 2
Phone: (303) 320-1522
AH Collect Calls Will Be Accepted
Letters . . . ANNUAL MEETING DJF Winners
(continued from page 2) (continued from page 37)
Collegians take it for granted that Cheryl Oulicky, of Fridley, Mont., is
legacies will be given a little special treat- Dec. 7, 7 p.m., a junior at the University of Minnesota,
ment. Sometimes, however, a legacy comes following the Founders' Day majoring in education. The Tau mem-
along who the chapter does not feel will he dinner which begins at 5:45. ber plans to teach women's history in
happy living with the group. As with any Dinner reservations may be made secondary schools.
other rushee, it is voted that she will not re-
ceive a bid. by calling or writing: Ellen Twitty, of Pelham, Ga., is a
Martha W. Suter senior education major at La Grange
At this point, alumnae often become irate 120 Suter Place College. A member of Lambda C h i , she
and tell the chapter that they are making a plans to teach and work toward a
drastic mistake. "Mrs. So and So was such a West Lafayette, IN 47906 master's degree in education.
prominent and important member . . . how (317) 583-4994
can you turn her daughter down?" Sarah Wagaman, of Landisville,
Forms will be sent to current Penn., is a senior at Washington Col-
My answer to that question?Mrs. So and corporation members. lege, Maryland. The Sigma Tau member
So and her daughter are two completely finishes her bachelor's degree next year
different individuals. And isn't that some- ANNUAL MEETING and then plans to enter graduate school.
thing that we believe in? What's more, if OMICRON PI
it's the case of a mother/daughter legacy, Mary Wheeler, of Wayne, Penn., is
it's been close to twenty years since "Mom" CORPORATION working on a pharmacy degree at the
lived there. I watched my chapter change so University of Kansas. The Phi chapter
much in four short years, I can't begin to Oct. 11, 2 p.m. member plans to become a chemical
imagine what it'll be like in twenty years. Chapter House pharmacist in a hospital.
800 Oxford Road
I'm not denying your hurt. That's only Ann Arbor, M I 48104 Christine Zaborske, of Milwaukee,
natural, and I'm sure that if I have a For information call Wis., is recipient of the Muriel Turner
daughter who goes through sorority rush, I'll Pam Mooradian McKinney Scholarship. The University
too be hurt if AOFI drops her. Through (313) 547-8630 of Wisconsin major in early childhood
what I've learned now, perhaps the hurt education and Phi Delta member plans
will be lessened. Newsletter Tracks to earn a master's degree in library
Beta Phi Alums science.
I cannot change the hurt you mothers
already have, but for the future I have a Keeping contact with college sorority L. Moomaw C. Oulicky
suggestion that might help. Do what my friends through an annual newsletter
mother did for me. snowballed into an A O n reunion held E. Twitty In
at the Beta Phi chapter house at Indiana S. Wagaman
Don't play up "legacy." My mom never University in Bloomington. In 1978 two
once pushed AOU on me. In fact, she mere- '74 graduates, Sarah Kennedy Ose and
ly encouraged me to go through rush to see Marsha Stanley Nelson started a
what it was like. Til always be grateful to newsletter tracking d o w n Beta Phi
her for that. sisters from the years 1970-1976.
So, why did I become an A O n ? Because It was a popular success and newslet-
out of all the sororities at Iowa State, that's ter #4 was out in April followed by an
where I felt I belonged. And do you know A O n reunion weekend June 27-28 at
what else? Those girls—wanted me because IU. More than 70 women met at the
I was me, not because my mother was an chapter house for two days filled w i t h
A O n or Panhellenic Woman of the year, renewing friendships, reminiscing good
or. . . times and catching up on the past few
Try to remember that it ivorks both ways.
Often legacies pledge only so that they Sisters came f r o m as far as Florida,
won't hurt their mothers. I admire the girls New York, Arkansas and Colorado but
who are strong enough to go where they feel the majority were from the Indiana
they belong. After all, that's what sisterhood area. Organized by a group of Indianap-
is all about!! olis alums including Jackie Uecker
Guiser, Sue Wood Runkle and Bobbi
I'm not trying to be a smart-aleck grad. Halvorsen O'Neal, "the reunion was
I'm only trying to stop the hurting and nar- truly memorable and a reminder of the
row the gap. As Linda Blau wrote, "I am lasting ties of sisterhood," Marsha
sure that our hurt will ease with time." added.
Perhaps, sisters, my thoughts will make that
time period shorter. A n y Beta Phis interested i n receiving
the newsletter please contact Marsha,
Alpha love, 45 So. Eudora St., Denver, CO 80222.
Jeanne C. Smith
Iota Sigma
Oct. 14, at the chapter house.
M. Wheeler C. Zaborske
POSTMASTER—Please send notice Second Class Postage Paid at Nash-
of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 ville, Tennessee and additional mail-
to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn ing offices.
Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
SEND TO A O n Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
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NEW Address:
founder's (Day message
Stella Perry once said that on Founders' Day, we should not honor the founders of Alpha Omicron Pi, but the founding of
Alpha Omicron Pi. While Stella's admonition is understandable, it also is very difficult to follow.
H o w can we t h i n k about the founding of A O f l w i t h o u t t h i n k i n g of the founders?
H o w can we t h i n k about the clarity of our principles w i t h o u t t h i n k i n g of Jessie Wallace Hughan?
H o w can we think about the forthrightness of our philosophy without thinking of Helen St. Clair Mullan?
How can we think about the warmth of our sisterhood without thinking of Elizabeth Heywood Wyman?
A n d how can we think about the progressiveness and enthusiasm of our organization without thinking of Stella George
Stern Perry?
Those four women brought so much of themselves to Alpha O m i c r o n Pi, it is, indeed, d i f f i c u l t to separate the founding of
AOn from the founders.
A n d so should it be today. Just as Jess, Helen, Bess and Stella gave of themselves and left a lasting heritage of guidance
and love, so can we profoundly influence the future of Alpha Omicron Pi.
How that future w i l l be influenced is up to each of us—not just to officers, advisers, or staff—but to each of us. I n our o w n
ways, each of us is a founder of A O I T s future.
So, today, we honor not only the original four founders and what they d i d for us, we also honor the present and future
founders and continual founding of Alpha Omicron Pi.
May those founders never lose their faith in AOI~I.
A n d may that founder i n each of us never die.
Ginger Banks
Peg Kramer C r a w f o r d
Nancy Anderson Clark
Jo Beth W a l l i n g H e f l i n
M a r i l y n Rose Herman
Kay Hansen Sutherlin
Anita D'Amato Neale
Teri Thomas Anderson