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Photo by Lewin and H a l l Studio 8hi
Mrs. W . Jeter Eason ( K ) , the former Lois Nickey, was formally presented as a duchess at the annual Mid-Winter
9 Court Ball held by the Mystic Society of the Memphi on the final night of the 1954 Memphis Cotton Carnival.
A past president of the Junior League, Mrs. Eason was chosen princess to K i n g Cotton in 1938, the year she made
her debut, and since 1949 she has been co-chairman of the Children's and Teen-Age B a l l and has designed the
costumes for the court. Her gown of silver and white nylon tulle was designed especially for the carnival.
Published by
Sdited by Katherine Davis
Rushing Issue May, 1954 'Presenting
"With the tongues of men and of angels" 2 Four Alpha Phi chapter leaders, who were honored on
Woman's Day at Montana State: Joan Huxley, Mortar Board
Mission in Korea 4 president, who presented the Mortar Board scholarship; Martha
Johnson Haynes, A<r> charter member, who was named MSC's
I Married a Tourist 6 Outstanding Alumna; Edith Johnston Wright, A * president,
Jo Dorweiler Installs New Jersey Alumnae 8 who won the Laist Award for outstanding campus leadership;
and Sanna Green, A W S president, who received the A A U W
Where AOIIs Live and Have Fun 9 award. Sanna, as A W S president, made the M S C Outstanding
Phi Omicron and Hanover Dedicate a House 10 Alumna award speech and presentation to Mrs. Haynes.
Sigma Omicron Has a Beautiful Suite 12 At the 1953 Woman's Day program, which is one of the
traditional Commencement features at Montana State, several
London and Paris Model 13 other AOIIs were honored: Vera Stucky, AAA president; Her-
"Recipes for Rushing" 14 mine Lenther, recipient of AAA scholarship award; and Sally
Kraenzel, Spurs president.
"My Babies" 18
Social Service Scholarship Winners Are Announced 19 A highlight of the program was the selection of the outstand-
ing alumna by the A W S Council, made up of student leaders,
Epsilon Alpha is 25 20 faculty, and deans. Mrs. Haynes was chosen for her leadership
Theta Eta is 25 also 21 in the community and state and for her contribution as an out-
standing mother. A l l four of her children attended Montana
Denison Players Journey to Great Britain 22 State, and her two daughters are A * chapter alumnae. Graduat-
Sue Stokes Runs for Place in Alabama Legislature 23 ing in 1918 with a B.S. degree in home economics she taught
school before her marriage. Following the death of her husband,
Help Y o u r G i r l s to Be Themselves 24 she returned to campus, served as house director of Hamilton
Campus to Career 25 Hall, and received a master's degree in 1932. Her teaching career
resumed, Mrs. Haynes is now serving a second term as County
The Pattern of a Good Publicity Chairman 27 Superintendent of Schools in Bozeman.
Our Girls on the Flying Trapeze 29
Dayton Alumnae Help Retarded Children 31 (Back Qover. . .
Medical Social Service as a Career 32 "ARBEAUTY QUEEN"
Gwin Prayor ( K O ) and B+
The Story of "The Lady of the Bracelet" 33 president, is crowned by
Joan Barr Wins "Sadie Thompson" Contest 35 Vaughn Monroe at an Indi-
Sororities Survive for a Good Reason 35 ana U . Concert. Chosen from
62 candidates, G w i n repre-
Collegiate Chapters Report 36 sents the highest type of
Nebraska Wins N.P.C. Trophy 39 queen, selected for her beauty
Recommendation Blank 43 and talent as a singer. Glamor-
plus, she will be B<f>'s first
Initiates 44 president in the new house
Directory 50 which they expect to occupy
next fall. Gwin is KO's gift
Jront £over . to Indiana, where she is a
"MISS C H A R M 1954," junior in Music School.
Becky Howell (NO) gives a
kiss to K i n g Rex ( 2 A K
Phelps Montgomery) at the
Vanderbilt Co-ed Ball. Re-
cently chosen "Lady of the
Bracelet," the highest honor
that a Vanderbilt girl can
win, Becky typifies the kind
of leadership that AOIIs seek.
Mortar Board, W.S.G.A.
president and S.C.A. leader,
Becky sings in a quintet that
appears on T V . She plans to
continue postgraduate vocal
and dramatic training at
Northwestern next year.
—Photo by Nashville Banner
T O D R A G M A is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 404 T O D K A G M A is published lour times a year, October 25, January 25,
North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois, and is printed by Kable March 25, May 25. Send all editorial material to the Editor at A O I I House.
Printing Company, 404 North Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois Hanover College. Hanover. Indiana, before Sept. 1, Dec. 1, Feb. 1, and
Entered as second-class matter Nov. 9, 1950, at the post office at Mount April 1. Send chanae of address to Executive Offices. A O I I Central Office.
Morris, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing 4th National Bank Bldg., Suite 1109-11, 18 E . 4th St., Cincinnati 2, O .
at special rate of postage provided for in Section 34.40, Act of Feb. 28,
1925. authorized Nov. 9. 1950. The suDscription price is 50 cents per copy; $1 per year, payable in
advance: Life subscription S15.
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 1
With the Tongues of M.en
and of Angels
Marie Vick Swanson ( P ) Grace Duerson Suhr ( P ) Helen Laycock (AT)
Graduate and trustee, Denison University
Graduates and trustees, Northwestern University
I T IS T R I T E to begin a thumb- by M A R Y DEE D R U M M O N D served and continues to serve the
nail sketch of an individual with university in many though lesser
a definition, because people cannot Alpha Phi Chapter undertakings.
be reduced to definitions. Never-
theless, it is necessary. Webster Former National President Community-wise she has held
says, *'a trustee is a person holding presidencies galore, of the Evanston
property in trust." How simple and what she deemed to be the qualifi- Woman's Club, the Service Guild,
how important! I n the hands of cations of a university trustee, each the Woman's Society of Christian
university trustees lies the welfare answered almost in the same words. Service of the First Methodist
of great institutions, the making of A trustee must have a deep loyalty Church, the Woman's Auxiliary for
policies which affect the lives of and an understanding of the mean- the Rock River Conference of Lake
faculty and students, not only today ing of higher education, and a will- Bluff Orphanage f o r 15 years, and
but tomorrow and tomorrow. ingness to spend time and money she is still a member of the orphan-
to see that the objectives of the age board of directors, and chairman
What kind of people, then, must respective institutions are furthered of the committee of social services
trustees be? Obviously they must and maintained. and scholarship. She is a board
speak with the tongues of men and member of the University Guild
of angels and have charity. There is a recurrent phrase that and the Evanston Drama Club; is
Marie Swanson uses, "There is no active in the work of the Evanston
These three trustees of North- harm in trying." I t may sound cas- Y W C A , and was chairman of its
western and Denison Universities, ual but to us who know her it means building committee in the leanest
Marie Swanson, Helen Laycock, and that we need not lack courage or be of years. When her sons were in
Grace Suhr, outstanding members afraid of failure. I f the latter school the P T A had the benefit of
of A O I I and outstanding members comes, we will have learned some- her good sense and guidance. A t
of the community, have certain thing which will be useful later. present she is also a member of the
marked characteristics in common Her calm acceptance of "trying" Woman's Republican Club and the
besides blue eyes. A l l three have a makes her unusually successful in League of Women Voters.
calm way about them which makes tasks both small and large.
you feel comfortable in their pres- A O I I - w i s e , Marie is a member of
ence ; they have the same direct and Marie was a trustee of North- Rho chapter, has served as national
thoughtful way of speaking, the western University from 1942 to registrar, alumnae adviser to Rho,
same approach and pleasure in work- 1946, assigned to the committee on president of Chicago North Shore
ing with and for people, the same education. She worked for 25 years alumnae, and president of Rho cor-
quick recognition of values con- to secure Scott Hall as an activity poration.
tributed by others to the sum total center for alumnae and students.
of living. When each was asked As is her wont, she says she only Arthur, her husband, can be found
"helped," but she was the moving in Who's Who, and was formerly
force in the enterprise. She has
2 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Five College Trustees
And a Woman Associate
Josephine Braucher Fugate (<1') Mary Honor Donlon ( E ) Margaret Burton Harter ( I )
Graduate, University of Kansas Graduate and trustee, Graduate, University of Illinois
Chairman, University of Wichita Board Cornell University Member, Hanover College Board of
of Resents Women Associates
the Dean of Northwestern Univer- How would you like to sit at the the third largest city in the world
sity School of Commerce. He served nerve center of a big business in and in the second largest city in the
on the War Trade and Shipping nation ? Helen Laycock does this
Board in W o r l d W a r L A t present T H E EDITOR is very grateful to as advertising manager and loves it.
he is the Management Engineer of Mary Dee Drummond for her in- High above the city her office at
Swanson, Ogilvie, and McKenzie. spired sketches of three of our The Fair in Chicago, is. as she says,
university trustees, Marie Swanson, "contrary to aspiring young adver-
Vick Swanson, cattleman, farmer, Grace Suhr, and Helen Laycock, tisers' ideas, a dreary place but
and assistant branch manager of whom Mary Dee took the time to makes up for it in a rare kind of
the First National Bank of Gilbert, interview in order to present up- friendliness that belies its look."
Arizona, is one of their two sons. to-date facts about their careers. Thirty-six people comprise her team,
Compton V . was a P.T. captain and However, due to the editor's illness and the Boss, who is Helen, is a
a 1st lieutenant of the Navy in and the loss of about six weeks in member of that team. She thinks
W o r l d W a r I I . He and his attrac- planning time for this issue, no that advertising is a woman's oyster.
tive wife, Betty, are proud parents proper persons were found to inter- The Fair does a 40-million dollar
of Arthur C , five, and Victoria view our other three illustrious business annually. More millions
Marie, three. members, Mary Honor Donlon change hands across the retail count-
( E ) , graduate and trustee, Cornell ers in the seven-block area, which
The Swansons sort of hobby to- University; Josephine Braucher constitutes the Chicago Loop, than
gether on things like trips, and they Fugate (<f>), University of Kansas in any other area of similar size in
took a good look at Europe and the graduate and third term chairman the world. Helen was the first
Near East last summer. A portion of the University of Wichita board woman to be chairman of a major
of the summer is spent at Pine Lake of regents; and Margaret Rurton committee of the State Street Coun-
in Wisconsin, and they look for a Harter ( I ) , University of Illinois cil, which comprises 90 firms, whose
little sun in Arizona in the spring. graduate and a member of the job it is to make State Street beau-
board of Women Associates of t i f u l , profitable, and withal possessed
What would Marie do i f she Hanover College. of human values.
could play God f o r a day? She
would erase from the minds of men Rather than attempt to write Helen graduated from Denison
the destructive uses of the atom about them hurriedly from tele- University in 1927 and had the dis-
and hydrogen bomb and convert phone and letter interviews, the tinction in her senior year of being
that energy entirely to the benefit editor has chosen to postpone their asked by the university administra-
of Man. Young people she would sketches until the fall issue, when tion to master-mind the colonization
advise to seek integration into the their attributes can be presented in of a group of girls that subsequently
church, civic, and educational life a manner in keeping with Mary
in the community. "One must im- Dee's thoughtful approach. (Continued on page 48)
prove conditions a little, i f one can."
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 3
Betty Warner Dietz ( I I ) is shown at
left with Korean children; middle,
with a Korean mother and daughter:
and at right with her interpreter on the
shores of Suyong Bay, near Pusan. The
battleship is the "Big Mo."
Mission in Korea
BETTY W A R N E R DIETZ (H. Wisconsin)
F O L L O W I N G the end of w o r l d The writer, convinced that this ican, his interpreter, and his trans-
project, in its small way. might lator ; the harmony and rapport
War I I the United States Army strengthen democracy's cause in the which prevailed between us con-
Military Government in Korea ef- world, eagerly accepted the invitation tributed much to the success of the
fected noteworthy achievements in to become a member of this group. project. Throughout our stay in
educational reconstruction. The M i n - Because we were to work in a war Korea we found the educators eager,
istry of Education of the Republic zone, it was necessary f o r us to work hard-working, intelligent people, un-
of Korea carried on its work with under the Civil Affairs Branch of the daunted by conditions which at first
the assistance of experts from United Nations Military Command. seemed appalling to us.
abroad. But the Communist in- So the United Nations Civil
vasion eradicated most of the gains Assistance Command Korea Their request was f o r help in
made from 1945 to 1950. School ( U N C A C K ) gave us logistical sup- establishing a democratic system of
buildings were destroyed or taken port and the assimilated rank of L t . education. We worked as a team in
for government use; books and Col.; and the United Nations Korean order to demonstrate democratic
equipment disappeared; schools met Reconstruction Agency ( U N K R A ) group process in action. We had
when and where they could; and gave us much needed supplies. done pre-planning alone, then
many teachers were killed, taken planned with various groups of ed-
prisoners by the Communists, or Many months had elapsed be- ucators in Korea and with Ministry
went into military service with the tween the making of the original officials, and finally we planned with
United Nations Army. However, request and our arrival in Korea on the participants of each workshop.
regardless of the difficulties, Minis- October 12, 1952. This delay prob- Each group modified the plans of the
ter of Education Paik, in December ably increased the state of readiness other but, since all planning was
of 1950, ordered the reopening of of the Korea educators to accept as- intended to be tentative and flexible,
the schools. sistance in the development of their this caused no trouble. The flexibility
educational system. No visiting and willingness to change plans to
Help was needed! group could have been received more meet each local situation was one of
Minister Paik appealed to the enthusiastically. the greatest strengths of the team.
American Embassy in Pusan in It made f o r good human relations
1951, and the Department of State Because we came to work directly and typified a functioning democracy
soon entered into a contract giving with the Koreans, helping them to which was recognized and frequently
the Unitarian Service Committee the solve their most pressing problems, commented on by workshop par-
responsibility of recruiting, organiz- to share their burdens—not to im- ticipants.
ing, and supervising an American pose an American system of educa-
Education Mission to Korea. This tion on them nor to conduct another I n the course of the nine months,
mission, composed of five educators survey and file a report somewhere we held three long-term workshops
and one administrative officer, was to gather dust—we were imme- of five or six weeks in length and
to furnish technical assistance to the diately drawn into a warm working many shorter workshops, usually of
Minister of Education in educational relationship. The world has learned three days' duration, in cities
rehabilitation. The minister was a great deal in recent years about throughout the nine provinces and
interested in setting up Teacher group dynamics and the significance the Special City of Seoul.
Training Institutes to give help to of true cooperation, which we tried
educational leaders, principals, ex- to put into action in order to develop Educational conditions in Korea
perienced teachers, and college pro- good human relations. Our young are ghastly! Even with emergency
fessors of education in re-studying Korean assistants helped immeasur- rebuilding programs carried on bv
their basic philosophy of education, ably in interpreting the Koreans to U N C A C K and U N K R A , classes
curricula, teaching methods, and us and us to them. Enduring friend- meet on hillsides. Many children
school administration. ships developed among each Amer- gather in tents, or in buildings with
broken windows . . . and may I
4 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
remind you that it gets mighty cold substitute fuels, so that all Korea's ance programs from having strings
there in the dead of winter! Often trees need not be cut down. They attached to them.
water puddles stand in the middle coined a new term—Podanayun
of the dirt floor or rivulets run Kyoyuk—"better" education instead Han Suyin, a young Chinese
through the classroom. And, when it of "new" education. There is emo- physician, educated in England,
snowed in Pusan last winter, a whole tional security in knowing that you writes. " I t is in Asia that we have
colony of school tents simply col- can keep the best of what you have, seen the Western world undone, that
lapsed under the weight of the snow. world which we admire for its tech-
Why don't they repair the broken BETTY DIETZ. then Betty Lou Hoff- nical felicity and at the same time
windows? Are they too lazy? Have mann, was a member of the Eta resent, we do not quite know why.
you ever been in a country where you chapter at Wisconsin in the class It is here that we have seen it undone
couldn't buy anything? I didn't know of 1929 but left school to get mar- by itself ; its unfulfilled promises, its
what that was until I went to Korea! ried. The mother of two children, generosity with many strings, its
Not only is Korea poor, but the she is now a grandmother by her convenient high-sounding absurd-
people find it difficult to buy what daughter, Nadine, a Vassar '48 ities ; its reluctance to let go. its
they need with the little money that graduate. H e r son, Ted, a W i l - parsimonious philanthropy. Of all
they have! liams '52 grad, is w o r k i n g f o r the evil done in the past, we in Asia
Carbide and Carbon of Houston. enjoy the fruit, rotten or ripe."
There are few books, no labora-
tory equipment, nor, for that matter, Returning to school i n 1939, Later, she adds a comment that I
equipment for anything else. Even Betty received a B.S. at N o r t h - like: "Whatever the West had done,
paper and pencils are in short sup- western in 1940 and M . A . i n 1942. some of us loved it for one thing;
ply. Prices are prohibitive for the She taught elementary school f o r that delicate reality, frail and hard
few things to be found on the open several years and is now in the de- to handle, gentle, and strong in ten-
market. A n d the Japanese, during partment of education at Brooklyn derness ; spiritual liberty."
their forty-year domination of College. Her work f o r a doctorate
Korea, banned the use of the Korean in education at New Y o r k U n i - Let us defend our spiritual liberty
language . . . that means that no versity is all done except for w r i t - here at home and extend a full
textbooks were available in their ing the final document and taking measure of it to peoples abroad. We
own language and, since they have her oral examination. did not elect to become world lead-
repudiated everything Japanese, out ers ; this role has been thrust upon
go the Japanese textbooks—and one She spent 1952-53 as a member us before we are ourselves mature
operates in a void ! of the American Education Mission as a nation. We can do much through
to Korea, sponsored jointly by the support of the United Nations.
But there is hope. The spirit of United States Department of State
the people outweighs all difficulties: and the Unitarian Service Commit- What an era in which to live and
they are more eager f o r education tee. She is now w o r k i n g h a l f - t i m e serve! W i t h Emerson I believe, " I f
than for almost anything else. A wel- for the newly organized American- there is any period one would desire
fare officer of U N C A C K , concerned Korean Foundation and w i l l soon to be born in, is it not the age of
with the distribution of relief grain, w o r k f u l l time on the specific as- Revolution: when the old and the
said, "The farmers of Korea don't signment of implementing educa- new stand side by side and admit of
care or know anything ahout politics, tional projects in Korea. being- compared; when the energies
the war, or much else. They recog- of all men are searched by fear and
nize only two needs : rice and educa- " I came back home f r o m Korea hope; when the historic glories of
tion." Parents will make great sacri- around the whole beautiful world," the old can be compensated for by
fices to send their children to school. writes Betty, "and loved riding my the rich possibilities of the new era?
magic carpet! En route I studied This time, like all times, is a very
The educators themselves defined teacher education in many coun- good one, i f we but know what to do
their goals rather clearly: they tries. May I add that I think I am with it."
wanted to know the purposes of ed- the luckiest and happiest woman
ucation in a democracy, and asked to alive. W h o else can combine recent I t is up to us as Americans—every
learn ways of carrying our demo- past adventure w i t h exciting work, one of us—to search humbly and
cratic goals into practice. They a new husband (the pilot w h o flew diligently for ways to serve human-
wished to try newer teaching meth- me around K o r e a ) , a new job, the ity. We M U S T discover what to do
ods, to experience the processes, and near-completion of a doctorate, and with our "time," if civilization itself
to learn to adapt the methods to the j o y of becoming a grand- is not to disappear from the face of
various subject matter areas. They mother?" the earth. This is our responsibility!
began to see that even the youngest
children could work on national and work toward improvement. N . B . If AOITs want t o assist directly,
problems, such as conservation of What can we do to help ?
natural resources and the use of We must continue to send as much they can send contributions to the U n i -
technical assistance as possible. Sup- tarian Service Committee, 9 Park Street,
port the Point Four program in its
original form. T r y to keep our assist- Boston 8, M a s s . ; or t o the A m e r i c a n -
Korean Foundation, 345 46th Street, N e w
York, N.Y.
Betty Dietz sold these four pictures and others to "Quick" magazine to illustrate an article by Gen. James A . V a n Fleet on the
mission to Korea. A t left, Betty pictures a bombed out school; next, the shelters which Pusan's homeless people built along the river;
second from right, an undefeated woman makes a living selling chestnuts; at right, a Korean elder observes a group of soldiers.
I'T A L L started with our wedding Thames, crawling around on the then sq.uirm into their togs. You
trip—a carefully planned drive to floor of Westminster Abbey in- should see our pictures !
the Smoky Mountains, Sea Island, specting the tombs, and dangling
and other romantic spots. Not that off the back end of tottering London I n the days that followed, we
we didn't go to those places, but, buses. Never before had I realized motored up through the Shake-
since the weather was extremely what real antiquity was—that an speare country, past thatched-roof
warm (a natural phenomenon in item was not really old until it had cottages, lakes, moors, and up to the
August), I found myself being seen several centuries. land of heather and the city of tow-
taken up through New York and ers. Edinburgh, Scotland, was a bee-
New England to cool Canadian In our rented Austin A-40, we hive of activity due to the gigantic
weather, where in Montreal we soon set off for Britain's south festival going on—and like every-
practiced our college French on resort coast. I should add here that one else we attended performances
chambermaids, waiters, bell boys, our car was one of those tiny mites at 6 and 9 p.m. and then dashed off
and theatre ushers. Coming from a to the midnight bagpipe and march-
family who spent a leisurely three I Married ing extravaganza in the court of
weeks seeing Lake Louise, Grandma Edinburgh castle. I feel sure that
in Michigan, or New Orleans, this a Tourist those pre-dawn hours of bagpiping
3,000 mile trip in 14 days somewhat make f o r an experience I will never
startled me. But my husband's love by C A R Y L WALLER KRUEGER have to repeat.
for travel was hardly quenched.
(Rho, Northwestern) Due to the desperately crowded
I was glad I ' d brushed up on my hotel situation in Scotland, we were
French in Montreal for in exactly with the hole in the top to let in the more than grateful to stay with
one year we were flying across the sunshine—a feature appealing only friends who had a spacious house
Atlantic on the first leg of our to men with bald heads. I t was also and gave us a royal welcome. I was
European trip. Now my husband in England that I had my first taste usually so weary at night that I
lias nothing against tours, travel of driving on the left hand side of barely had the energy to clamber
agents, and planned trips—except he the road, a habit which still over- into our feather bed—a perilous five
has that undying male curiosity to comes me occasionally, much to the feet off the floor. However, the get-
see if he can do everything himself. horror of my fellow drivers. To get ting out in the morning seemed even
I had ahvays been considered hope- back to the south coast—we stayed more impossible when one looked
lessly unmechanical and had left at a typical British resort, where the way down at the cold wood floor
travel details up to Daddy and the ungirdled English figures, with their and thought of breakfast without
travel agents, hut, as Cliff and I straw hats and satchels, sat around toast and bacon—just porridge in a
headed toward London. 1 thought of eating tomatoes and watching other wooden bowl plus stewed tomatoes
the year that had passed—a year in people swim. and sausage. This porridge I really
which I had learned to read road got to love, but there was one ritual
maps of the various zones of Ger- Ah, but before you can swim you I will never understand. I t seems
many, decipher 60-page world air- must get into your bathing suit, and it is more genteel f o r a lady to have
line schedules, and change every that is the fascinating part. There her washing facilities right in her
known European currency into dol- are hundreds of bath houses along own bedroom. So each morning, as
lars so that I could take care of the the Bournemouth coast, but still my leering husband trotted across
writing and paying for our nightly the majority of natives prefer to the hall to our private bathroom—
European reservations. wrap a towel (or two towels for the size of a small ballroom and com-
women) around themselves and plete with hot and cold running
Dawn found us winging over his- water—I was presented with a big
toric London, and, since Cliff had
been abroad before, I was left to my Top left: My husband says I'm the de-
own devices part of our stay in that structive type; so I showed him by putting
city. While he took care of some my head through the top of our car. In
minute business. I had a charming the background is one of our London
time sailing up and down the hotels, next to a bombed-out building.
1\1 i#s: rrrri. Bottom left: Just an old-fashioned girl
in a Scotch four-poster. Note the height
of the table and chair back in relation to
the height of the bed.
Center: Leis and Aloha shirts make you fit
right into the Royal Hawaiian scene—five
minutes later we were sinking our surf
boards on W a i k i k i beach.
Below: Our Austrian hosts and fellow
villagers dressed this way every day. They
were extremely proud of those dahlias,
since there was snow just about one mile
copper pitcher of lukewarm water was fried for us. M y system was seemed most like those at home. The
and forced to splash away on a to look the other way and nod ap- food was excellent, the countryside
marble dresser in the corner of our proval quickly since I don't care for clean and beautiful.
room. Now you know why pictures the "before and after" approach to
of me with the kilted folk show me food. However, I found I could Still, the fascination of Paris
with an ash gray face. not escape the reminder that this pulled us on through the many in-
was a fish that had been gaily swim- teresting provinces of the French
A f t e r roaming through the hills ming about moments before. When countryside. There all the beauty
and loch country f o r a few days, my breakfast platter came there he and legend of this carefully laid out
we headed across the channel to the was carefully fried but still attached city with its parks, broad boulevards,
land of windmills, wooden shoes and to his head and with his eye artistic- tiny shops and winding streets, mag-
wonderfully smelly cheese markets. ally decorated with mayonnaise nificent cinemas and intimate cafes
Our trip through the Low Countries eylashes. While I longed f o r my seemed to climax the trip. I shall
and Germany was especially inter- Wheaties, my husband (a charter never forget the last day of our stay-
esting since we had several friends clean-plate club member) hungrily when we climbed for a second time
there, and travel always seems more attacked his fish—something I found to the top-most point of the Eiffel
rewarding i f one can steer clear of myself able to do only after placing Tower and looked out across the
the spots created especially f o r tour- a lettuce leaf over my friend's head. city, excitingly alive with color and
ists and talk with the people them- motion in the evening hours.
selves and see how they live. From Austria we honked our way
through Italy, through mountains The back seat of our car now
From the dismal views of bombed- where we saw women carrying bas- loaded with china and leathers,
out Germany and sights of prison kets of grapes on their head—wom- kilts and clocks, we were ready to
camps such as Dachau, we left the en with bare-feet in preparation for unload these contents into our Pan-
industrious German people f o r the doing "you know what" with the American plane and head home,
gay Austrian alps. A t a secluded grapes. Then down the mountain- clutching my precious clock bought
mountain lodge we found glorious sides to exotic Asiatic resorts, from a little man whose minute
views of the Grossglockner, their through picturesque canals in Ven- work had made every clock human
highest mountain peak. They talked ice. N o pictures can give you the to him—all clocks with "good in-
us into going up one day, f o r it full idea of that city- until we can sides" and "sad faces."
seems that every village i n Europe devise a system that records smells
has a mountain, hill, tower, steeple, as well as scenes. Through villages Hardly had the excitement of
or other point to which every visitor staging Communist demonstrations Europe subsided when I found my
must climb. (these we took in rather fast since IIOA musing with pictures of bronze
our car still carried a big "Welcome beauties in sarongs. I wondered if
Amid yodeling, dancing in leather to Britain" banner) and across the I were beginning to lose my charms
britches, and flag waving exhibitions, boot to Rome with its arches and but soon found out it was another
we dined on venison and other churches, the Roman Forum end the trip—this time one of those happy
mountain delicacies. As an example little men whom you must pay to combinations of business and pleas-
of what you can expect, let me tell watch the little man you pay to ure. M y business is writing adver-
you about breakfast. I t seems there's watch your car. tising for financial institutions, often
a mountain stream passing the lodge dealing with homes and mortgages:
that is stocked with tasty fish who We drove on to Switzerland with Cliff is sales manager for a suburban
don't mind being served up for its chalet villages nestled between real estate firm. (I've always won-
breakfast. As soon as the guests the whipped-cream-topped moun- dered how a fellow who loved to
appear in the morning, our leather- tains. And then an excitm? after- pack a suitcase and eat foreign foods
britches host would run out with a noon spent dangling in a little chair could be so sincere about selling
net and bring up its contents so that being towed up a mountain as our home ownership and the mechanics
we could inspect the fish before it feet scraped the tops of evergreens of settling down to hundreds of
and cows looked up startled to see families). A t any rate, the realtors
Top right: The well-dressed Hawaiian us zooming to such lofty heights. I convention beckoned us to Los
tourist with cute knees is comparing think it was Switzerland I enjoyed Angeles and then it convenientlv
Hawaii's Kauai Waimea Canyon to our most, probably because the people adjourned to Hawaii.
own Grand Canyon. (Continued on page 8)
Bottom right: T h e ruins of the Roman
Forum make an excellent spot for my
tourist husband to look back on the Sen-
ator's arch and the Coliseum.
Center: Tourist and wife set the exposure
for their two-thousandth picture taken
together . . . this one of Hawaii's Golden
Shower or Acacia.
Below: This Swiss cow (the one on the
left) seems to be getting the straight-
arm from my husband. W e met the cow
at a stopping point while taking the
chair-lift up the mountainside.
Jo Dorweiler Installs New Jersey Alumnae
by EVELYN De ROSA C A P K O V I T Z \* this area and spread the feeling. The
tea got cold but we got warm in
Nu, New York University The president and vice president of the anticipation of writing to national
new New Jersey alumnae chapter smile and getting a list of names of alum-
The installation of the New Jersey happily at the tea following the installa- nae in this vicinity. We felt like the
Bergen County alumnae chapter of "four founders." As time went by,
Alpha Omicron Pi took place at a tion the four of us worked furiously with
tea on Saturday afternoon, March plans and finally arrangements were
27, at the home of Gloria McQuil- had heard from the New York made for our first meeting at Marion
lin ( H A ) Ridgewood, New Jersey. alumnae group, which I then attend- Van Pelt's home in November. We
ed, that Jane would like to know an all took cups, saucers, and chairs
Amid all the excitement and emo- AOI"I from her neighborhood and over to Marion's, since the response
tion on this beautiful spring day, that I should call her. A note like- to the announcement of our plans
there were many familiar faces. We wise went to Jane giving the name was so very successful. The enthu-
were honored with the presence of of Evelyn Capkovitz ( N u ) . siasm shown is what makes AOII the
one dear Founder, Stella Stern wonderful sorority it is. Four meet-
f e r r y ; Emily Basher, New York Knowing nothing of what was in ings altogether were held before the
State membership chairman; M i l - store f o r the day, I thought I would installation date. Officers were elect-
dred LaDue, fraternity education invite Jane and two N u chapter ed, dues were paid, and a white
officer; Marge Lamar, district I I alumnae of Tenafly, namely Marion elephant sale was held to help raise
collegiate director; Virginia Hamil- Kilpatrick Van Pelt and Marguerite the needed finances. W e were off
ton, alumnae director; Marylin Kilpatrick Kelly, to my home to tea to a fine start.
Mangus, alumna adviser, N u chap- to help make Jane feel welcome. Our
ter ; Betty Jackson, president of the afternoon was so congenial that we Do not confuse us with the origi-
other New Jersey alumnae group; decided to gather all the AOTIs f r o m nal New Jersey alumnae chapter,
Barrus Dickenson, president of the who have been in existence 20 years
Westchester alumnae chapter; and in the locality of Essex County.
last, but not least, our very charm- Their location is so distant f r o m us,
ing national president, Jo Dorweiler. preventing those of us in the north-
who installed us. eastern section, Bergen County, to
participate in their group. One look
As I sit here writing up this mo- at the map will explain itself.
mentous event, my mind wanders
back to last October, 1953, and the Our meetings will be held in pri-
incident that brought all this about. vate homes f o r the time being, on
Tenafly is a growing town not far alternate days once a month, cover-
from the George Washington ing as many towns as AOIIs demand.
Bridge and Route 4. Many newcom- A l l new sisters are welcome to join
ers have come to live here, one of us. A most interesting program is
them being Jane Marker Snook ( T ) , already planned f o r the coming year.
from Illinois and Cleveland. I am a
lifetime resident of this town and
I Married A Tourist to where the dolphins swim under found ourselves almost content to
and tip your boat a little, wild pad- keep the 9 to 5 routine for awhile.
{Continued from page 7) dling in outrigger canoes prior to That is until an aunt of mine decided
catching a wave and shooting in to to live in California. Before we
So there we were under a palm shore: these were just child's play knew it we were off on another lark,
tree listening to ukulele music— in comparison to surf board riding. reaching the land of sunshine in
something that repulsed me until I Of course, those who really know 3 ^ days, going at a 95-mile an hour
was fed a steady diet of it in the how can stand on their boards and pace via route 66, the Ozarks, Rocky
islands. Now my favorite records enjoy a 25-mile an hour ride racing Mountains, painted desert, petrified
are the ones I brought back f r o m the ahead of the foamy surf from a dis- forest, Grand Canyon, and Hoover
islands. Again we avoided organ- tance of a half-mile out. Then there dam. Having safely delivered aunty
ized tours and, with my husband at are the extreme novices like my and her car, it took us a mere 5j4
the wheel and me as navigator, we tourist husband, whose massive hours to return on the new fast
bounded over the roads-of the many form only succeeded in submerging DC-7.
interesting islands, seeing volcanos, the board. However, I made friends
getting blase over orchids, marvel- with a native lad who showed me For a girl who went just 30 miles
ling at the Waimea Grand Canyon, the fundamentals and, much to my away to school so that she wouldn't
and dancing under the stars at own amazement—and horror, I have to be bothered with lots of
Waikiki. found myself shooting in toward luggage and long trips home for
shore hanging onto my board f o r vacations, the last few years have
Pineapple and papaya, fish and dear life. The food, the sports, the changed my travel viewpoint. I ' m
poi, coconuts and sugar cane—it all unending list of things to see and keeping a suspicious watch on my
became second nature as we fell places to shop, soon made us boost- tourist husband, waiting for the
into the wonderful pattern of three- ers of the 49th state. evening he marches in the f r o n t door
hour dinners, graced by leis around with an armload of travel folders
our necks and perfect Royal Hawai- We came back home from the 78- and books. Funny, he hasn't noticed
ian service. degree weather just in time for a that lately I've been reading books
rousing midwest snow storm and on South Africa.
But the sports of the islands are
the real f u n . Catamaran trips out
8 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
and Have
Fun mam I
Right: Some live in beautiful houses, like
N u Omicron at Vanderbilt. Below: Some
have fun in suites, like Omega at Miami.
_ TH E H O U S E S where AOIIs live and have fun—and work—
are as varied as the campuses where they are. Vanderbilt
Illl AOIIs with their housemother, Mrs. Self, live in the former
home of Chancellor and M r s . Brascomb ( K ) surrounded by a
Le/fOthers garden large enough for al fresco parties. After 20 years of
have fun in happy association and progress (including winning the J . W . H .
lodges, like Cup) in their old home, N u Omicron moved into a lovely new
Alpha Tau at home, established a lovely new tradition when they made Mary
Denison. Bot- E . Sharp E l k i n s their first "Lady of the Rose" and recognized
tom left: Some her loving service to NO chapter. . . . I n Omega's newly deco-
have to work rated suite in Hamilton H a l l at Miami, the center of interest is
hard to get their the combination radio, phonograph, and T V . I n the picture
beautiful houses, Sandy Cowell, Barb Wahls, and Marty W a r n e r relax between
like Beta Phi at classes. Omega members merit their share of campus honors,
always having Mortar Boards, P h i Beta Kappas, and scholar-
Indiana. ship at the top or near there. . . . Alpha Tau's beautiful lodge
on the sorority circle at Denison was the scene of a district
workshop in April. Alpha T a u always has her share of honors
and won the J . W . H . Cup several years ago. . . . Beta Phi saw
a dream come true when they broke ground for their new home
next door to the Betas at Indiana. I n the picture they speed
construction by serving coffee and doughnuts to the workmen
one April morning; they expect to move into their new house
of contemporary design next fall. . . . P h i Omicron had had
only a small lodge before moving into the house Hanover built
for them; one of their happiest moments after moving in was
when Donna Strettar, retiring president, was elected May Queen.
Others have their houses built for them, like Phi Omicron at Hanover.
Picture by Bob Doeppers, Indianapolis News.
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 9
Phi Omicron
and Hanoveii
Phi Omicron's new officers welcome you to their new On January 1, 1827, Hanover College
house. was opened in a log cabin, with John
Finley Crowe and six students
The old Crowe homestead and the
site of the log cabin are behind the
Go Vi mile west past post office, stores
and homes to the H A N O V E R PRESBY
T E R I A N C H U R C H organized 1820
(h* ColUg* Ed.l..." end
lea* mo*>d lo r-
'"7/tc Uutatic and cattti*uu*tf pMifioie....lii&tal a*ti....u* a matut
The living room bay is the focal point of house gatherings by ELSIE BARRETT, Phi Omicron Reporter
The library is a PhI O M I C R O N proudly announces the birth of a new
secluded spot for house. Although it was not finished until February, we were
d i s c u s s i o n s and able to move into it immediately after the Christmas holidays.
1954 will always be known at Hanover as the year of the
dates. "big move," as all three sororities moved in the same week.
Our housemother, Kay Davis, was the first occupant, as she
Pictures by Tom Roe. moved out of our small lodge before Christmas. Since the
college owned the cottage we used for a lodge, they wished
The chapter sings to have the two weeks during Christmas vacation to prepare
its heart out on it for a faculty family.
sorority skit night.
Peg Harter ( I ) , one of our Kentuckiana alumnae, was
the first guest in the new house. Being a charter member of
Alpha Lambda Delta, and actually the person responsible for
the scholastic honorary establishing a chapter at Purdue and
thus becoming national, Mrs. Harter came to Hanover to
attend the installation of Alpha Lambda Delta on the Han-
over campus. (This is a good opportunity for me to tell you
that Phi Omicron had more than a third of the charter mem-
bers in the new honorary and that we have four out of the
seven officers in the chapter. We don't like to brag, but we
are proud of our scholars.)
(Continued on page 34)
Dedicate a House
M O R G A N FIELD j^S^ View of the Ohro River from 700 President Parker, center, dedicated the AOII House at Hanover. Dean
the campus looking south Tate, at right, is ready to give the invocation. At left are the house-
S mother, president, and dedication committee. The open house, held by
mOf> arucJn by T
U all three sororities, followed immediately.
ME CIRCLE ABOUND THE E Nancy McCain, national first vice president, who accepted the house
POINT. YOU SEE IH1 N for AOII, rests from standing in the receiving line and talks over the
HVEH 400 FEET BFLOW- S day's events with the open house committee.
teve/ofi and lu-ltain Clvu&tai*t tUcuufAt a*td conduct.. 50 Dedication day opened with an early initiation and closed with the
initiation banquet. T h e happy faces of big and little sisters reflect the
P joy of the occasion. In the lace dress is Annie Dickey, <K)'s house
R manager in the year of the "big move," with her little sister at her
0 right, Bonnie Lewis, <K) initiate and daughter of Dotty Symons
E Lewis (8).
S Picture by Bob Doeppers, Indianapolis News.
I Carol Forbes, 4>0 initiate, reads from "To Dragma" to some of the
officers. Patti Logsdon, second from right, is Panhellenic president.
"Little girl, you've had a big
day." Joyce Hollensbe, new
* 0 president, climbs into her
dormitory bed at the end of
dedication day.
Below, initiation day was a
day of dedication to "Little
Pat" Walne, super pledge
trainer, who presented the
awards at the banquet. Behind
Pat is Mary L o u Fitton (B<t>),
•JO adviser and Hanover l i -
brarian. Donna Strettar, shown
in the dedication picture above
right, conducted the first big
initiation in the new house.
Sigma Omicron members relax in the "Green Room" of their beautifully redecorated In the "Pink Room" is a pink piano.
suite. White folding doors separate the rooms.
Sigma Omicron Has a Beautiful Suite
by FRANCES JONES, Sigma Omicron Reporter
S l G M A O M I C R O N has had one of its most successful years a large mirror over it. On the wall directly opposite the entrance
door, is a floor-length mirror. T h e pink and tropical green
since it was founded at Arkansas State. I n the fall the chapter rooms are separated by white plastic folding doors.
got off to a fine start by being able to move into a completely
redecorated suite. During the summer Colonel George M . Peek, This was only the beginning of Sigma Omicron's achievements.
T K E alumnus adviser, drew up floor plans and sketches for the W e went on to take 19 pledges of the 50 girls who joined the
built-in study desk, powder room, and ritual closet; and car- three sororities during rush. O u r other accomplishments in-
penters immediately began working. cluded having two maids in the Homecoming royalty, Doris
Strickland and Joyce Pasmore, and winning third place for our
After the carpenters finished their work, M r s . Paul Couch, float in the Homecoming parade.
Mrs. Mary Rogers Brown, and Mrs. D . F . Pasmore, met with
one of the actives, Joyce Pasmore, and they came up with some Doris Strickland, past president of SO, Panhellenic Council,
very beautiful and modern ideas in color. and A . W . S . , was named T K E Fingerbowl Queen and vice
president of the Women's Residence H a l l . Ina L e e Wiles, follow-
Some of the most outstanding features were the additions ing in Doris's footsteps, is the new president of S O and Asso-
of mirrors. I n the "Pink Room," there is a 4x8 foot mirror ciated Women Students, associate editor of The Arrow, and a
over the buffet, and the square post in the room has been cheerleader. Frances Jones, president of the Graphic Arts club
mirrored from ceiling to floor. Another addition to this room for the fall semester, is society editor, working with L o u Couch,
is a pink piano. our adviser, on the newspaper staff.
In the "Green Room," there are two contour-shaped bitter- One of our initiates, chosen an Annual Beauty and Honorary
sweet couches with a glass-topped coffee table in front of each. R O T C Cadet L t . Col., played the feminine lead in the campus
Two beautiful grey chairs with tiny green stripes fill two corners play, Male Animal.
of the room. T h e study desk, which runs 10 feet along one wall,
is set off by a wide mirror that goes the entire length of the The Greek Song Fest, sponsored by Alpha Omicron P i ,
desk. Also in this room is the built-in powder vanity which has planned for February 26, was a big success.
Doris Strickland, Sigma Omicron presi- The fall pledge class was introduced to the campus at the Rose B a l l . T h e large A O n
dent, poses at the Rose B a l l with the three formed an effective background for the girls in their white dresses, highlighted by red
fraternity sponsors, Jerry Bookout, Sigma rose bouquets.
P i ; Gene Moody, T a u Kappa Epsilon; and
Robert Cantrell, Pi Kappa Alpha.
L O N D O N A N D P A R I S M O D E L . W h e n Barbara Vaughan (XA) married Kurt Kaufman, a Fulbright scholar in 1952, they sailed immediately for England,
where K u r t was to study at Oxford. T o help the family budget Batbara, who had done fashion modelling before her marriage, sought photographic
assignments in London and was so successful that full-page pictures of her appeared in such English magazines as Vogue, Woman's Own, Illustrated,
Picture Post, Vanity Pair, and Harper's Bazaar. Last summer, when the Kaufmans were having a week's holiday in Paris, Barbara managed assign-
ments for the French magazines, Figaro, Elle, and Pemme Chic, and was photographed in the Paris creations of Fath, Dior, Lanvin, Maggy Rouff, Balmain,
and Desses, Back in London she modeled full-time for the English designer, Mattli, and did a T V film showing how a new fashion is created and
presented. Barbara's most recent achievement was modelling Mattli's collection for the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret.
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 13
Phi Omicron
J — / V E R Y C H A P T E R is always on the At Omega's Hawai- chievous penguin. T h e refreshments are
lookout f o r new ideas about rushing. ian rush party ice cream balls rolled in coconut.—SYLVIA
Some of the collegiate chapters have their Louise Hall was so YOTT, Theta.
own "recipes f o r rushing" which they impressed that she
would like to share with you. pledged AOII and —"Recipe for Rushing"—
later became the
© Ruby-Alpha honor H E R E is a good general recipe for suc-
cessful rushing:
RUSH SALAD initiate.
During rush at Sigma chapter we find
Hawaiian Style Hawaiian shirts; they play ukes, and a the best recipe includes lots of these two
member from Hawaii does the hula. T h e ingredients, friendliness and naturalness.
40 vivacious actives—Hawaiian imported room is decorated with palm leaves and W e try to show the rushees that we are
big, colorful flowers. T h e girls sit on the having a good time talking to them and
35 hopeful tourists floor on two long pillows facing each entertaining them. W e show them that
other—a little reminiscent of a luau. T h e y we are proud of our home in Berkeley
An appropriate setting: palm trees, serve pineapple sundaes in half coconut and tell them of the wonderful times we
shells and hors d'oeuvres stuck with tooth- have together. W e are careful not to
coconuts and sand picks into half a pineapple. T h e hors put on airs of superiority, and we try to
Add a blend of sun tan and 1J4 yards d'oeuvres are pineapple chunks covered be natural and treat them as real friends.
of colorful print to each active. with cream cheese and rolled in chopped Sigma has a reputation for being a friend-
Sprinkle with hopeful tourists, and nuts, and pieces of pineapple, marshmal- ly house, and we strive to maintain this
fold in warm conversation. Garnish this low, and cherry on colored toothpicks. reputation by practicing this naturalness
mixture with leis and an abundance o f . and friendliness at all times—not just
laughter. Kappa Theta stresses the importance twice a year during the rushing seasons.
Flavor with chilled pineapple juice i n of personalized rushing with the rushees' W e find that our recipe turns out an ex-
coconut shells. Season the batter with en- names worked into the theme of the party cellent pledge c l a s s . — M A R G A R E T L E V I S ,
tertainment : a dash of Hawaiian music, —perhaps written on a balloon or on a Sigma.
a pinch of authentic hula, and a smatter- cookie with frosting.—ANNE CROWELL,
ing of A O Pi melodies. Kappa Theta. —"Recipe for Rushing"—
Toss the ingredients together carefully
and simmer f o r two hours. —"Recipe for Rushing"— K A P P A has worked out a rush party
The finished dish would entice anyone. which was unusually successful. It cen-
The result: a pledge class fit f o r the dis- " P O L A R P A R A D I S E " is the theme of the tered around an underwater theme. T h e
criminating taste of a gourmet.—ANNE new rush party originated last fall at actives dressed in "mermaid costumes,"
BERNARD, Omega Theta chapter. made from bathing-suits with "fish scale"
(silver paper discs) legs and numerous
—"Recipe for Rushing"— The props are an igloo (chicken wire artificial flowers. A s favors, we used
covered with cotton), a large eskimo sled, live guppies which were presented in tiny
T H E H A W A I I A N T H E M E is also the ice skates, boots, snow shoes, and skis. fish b o w l s . — M A R Y J A N E B U H R E R ,
favorite of Kappa Theta chapter at The whole room is decorated with tiny
U.C.L.A. There the rushees are given snow flakes. T h e girls wear white shorts —"Recipe for Rushing"—
leis w i t h their name tags on them. T h e and blouses, fur mittens and ear muffs,
entertainers are dressed i n mumus or white boots, and plaid scarves. One mem- I O T A has a marvelous system of rotation
ber, Judy Duchess, is dressed as a mis- which they use at Illinois rushing parties.
They presented the idea in an exhibit at
the Memphis convention, which showed
the exact position of each member in
relation to the rushees. I f chapters are
interested, they could probably get the
information from Iota's rushing chairman
(Continued on page 1 7 )
Penn State AOIIs featured an "Alpha-O-Boat" party with the members dressed as Southern belles and gentlemen. K a p p a at
Randolph-Macon has a successful "mermaid" party.
14 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
ALUMNAE APPROACH an area of our size. A l l agree that the Mary L o u suggests that the
"thumbnail sketch" contain vital
A L U M N A E generally have found that Chicago area would have to be divided information about AOn—number of
the most effective approach to rushing is collegiate and alumnae chapters (to
from the Panhellenic angle. Our alumnae into geographical parts in order to have be obtained from the Directory in
chapters have found that it is of prime T o D R A G M A ) , a list of illustrious
importance to "sell" all sororities before any party be effective. AOlIs and what they are doing, and
they can effectively rush for their own a resume of our national philan-
group. W i t h this in mind we have coop- T h e North Shore Panhellenic has gone thropic work. The last two are also
erated with City Panhellenics on such to be found in T o D R A G M A . The
things as Panhellenic booklets, giving sta- on record as unanimously disapproving editor invites you to make up your
tistics on fraternity fees, functions, and own list of outstanding AOITs and
philanthropic programs ; style shows, illus- of summer rushing by separate groups. to take your pick of the various
trating to the prospective student what angles of our philanthropic pro-
she must include in her college wardrobe; A committee has been appointed to work- gram.
and T V programs, featuring exhibits of
the various sororities' local and national up suggestions for a united Panhellenic C I N C I N N A T I P A N H E L L E N I C C O U N C I L main-
service projects. tains a file on all the girls in the Greater
effort in the summer of 1 9 5 5 . — M A R Y Cincinnati area who are planning to attend
Since the entire fraternity world is a college where there are sororities on
under fire, it is necessary to emphasize P A S C H E N L I N D R O O T H , National Panhel- the campus. T h i s file is available to the
general fraternity attributes, based on members of the Panhellenic group.
friendship, loyalty, and service. W i t h the lenic Delegate.
general independent movement growing In the spring representatives contact all
in strength—an actual denial of our group L A G R A N G E - W E S T E R N SPRINGS, Illinois, of the high schools in the area. Through
spirit based on fellowship—it has become Panhellenic has one goal: to secure rec- the cooperation of the deans, the senior
increasingly difficult for an individual ommendations for every girl from Lyons girls who plan to attend college are
group to interest a student. T h u s has de- Township high school who plans to go brought together to have the Panhellenic
veloped the necessity for concerted action through rushing upon entering college. file system explained to them. A t this
on the rushing front. At our one meeting of the year, in June, time the students fill out information
two mimeographed copies of this informa- cards for the file.
W i t h that in mind one of our alert re- tion are given to each of the sororities.
porters, Chicago North Shore's Mae Mac- The card includes the girl's name and
Kay, asked AOII's national Panhellenic In March, the Panhellenic chairman is address, her father's name and occupation,
delegate, Mary Lindrooth, to interpret asked by the dean of girls to get together the high school she attended, her high
the stand of N P C on summer rushing, three sororities alumnae and one inde- school activities, her scholastic average
which this issue anticipates. Mary's report pendent for a panel discussion, question (added to the card by the dean), the
follows: and answer period. This is part of the name of the college the prospective fresh-
school's college guidance series for the man plans to attend, the name of a Pan-
T H E R E have been varied proposals that seniors. Questionnaires based on recom- hellenic woman who could be contacted
have been considered in the Chicago area mendation forms are given the girls to for character reference, and any sorority
as answers to the problem of summer be filled out within the week. affiliations there may be in the family.
rushing. Most of the alumnae feel that
they agree with N P C in their recent dis- After sending in my recommendations T h i s file has proved helpful to collegiate
cussion of the harmful effects of elab- to AOTI chapters, I try to write each girl chapters who are interested in rushees
orate summer rushing which, in recent a note telling her she has been recom- from Cincinnati and vicinity. It saves
years and in many communities, has be- mended to AOII and giving her a thumb- much basic work on the part of the rush
come an exaggeration of the former alum- nail sketch of AOII. Many girls have chairman.—MARION R. GILLETTE
nae rushing of college entrants. taken this opportunity to thank me by ask-
ing further questions about sororities.—
W e have considered an all Panhellenic
party, which would be a party to inform MARY LOU WHEELER OMEIS, Panhellenic
and educate students and their mothers
on the subject of all national sororities. Chrm., Chicago West Suburban.
A n information booth in a prominent Among AOn's Panhellenic presidents-elect are: Elizabeth Hunt, Oklahoma City, left,
department store during the summer modelling a Jacques Fath suit and mink stole in a Panhellenic style show, and Jean Colby,
months. has been considered. W e feel Dayton, shown at right in her library. Mary Lou Omeis, shown at center managing her
that, if questions were answered before church circle's doll sale, is Panhellenic chairman of Chicago West Suburban alumnae
a girl enters college, many worries and
false beliefs could be eliminated. in the LaGrange-Western Springs area.
A committee is presently working on
the idea of sending qualified Panhellenic
women to talk to the senior high school
graduates on the subject of sororities in
general. The request for such informa-
tion would have to come from the school
itself and there is no idea of forcing such
meetings upon school students.
A suggestion was recently made to
have a Panhellenic summer party for the
whole area, but the number of students
to be invited and the size of the party
make such an undertaking impossible in
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 15
Nu Iota Chapter of Alpha Omicron
P i w i l l be installed at Northern I l l i n o i s
State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illi-
nois, on M a y 22, 1954.
Nancy McCain, national first vice pres-
ident, will conduct the initiation and in-
stallation ritual at 1 P . M . , in the Home
Economics Building. The installation
banquet will be held in the College tea
room at 5:30 P . M .
Send reservations to D r . W i l m a K .
Miller, 329 N . 1st St., D e K a l b , 111.
Marjorie Anderson Hooker ( A ) , left, president of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Alpha Omicron P i extends lov-
Area Panhellenic, and Harriet Hinds Waldron ( K 6 ) , rush director at U . C . L . A . , ing sympathy to Margaret S . Dud-
ley, whose husband died suddenly
are valued members of the Los Angeles alumnae chapter of A O n . A p r i l 30, 1954, in Baltimore.
Los A N G E L E S A L U M N A E may well be proud of two of their most active members The editor regrets that, due to ill-
who this year assume important positions in the Panhellenic picture—Marjorie ness, there was no Spring issue and
Anderson Hooker ( M r s . Phillip B . ) , new president of L o s Angeles Metropolitan that the pressure of getting together
Area Panhellenic and Harriet Hinds Waldron (Mrs. John H . , J r . ) , new rush a combined Spring-Summer issue
director at U . C . L . A . made several "short cuts" necessary.
If the virus hityou this winter, you
Both members have contributed their time freely over a long period of years will surely understand. When the
toward the building of A O n and are we'll prepared for their new responsibilities. sun shines, many o f your unac-
knowledged communications w i l l be
Marjorie graduated from Stanford, where she served as president of the house. answered. I n the meantime your
She is the mother of two sons and has held executive offices in the P . T . A . as indulgence is sought.
well as taking a leading part in other community projects. Now she is busy
inaugurating plans for a central Panhellenic file to be used in rushing. T H E EDITOR wishes to express
personal appreciation to the Kable
Harriet graduated from U . C . L . A . , served as adviser to Kappa Theta chapter. Printing Co., and to M r . Harold
She started with the Panhellenic rush program as proctor (alumnae women who Knodle in particular, f o r their for-
answer questions for the rushees when they come to pick up their invitations) bearance of a weary editor and f o r
and became a member of the advisers' council. A s rush director, she advises rushing through this combined issue
college rush chairmen in setting up their program, sets up all material to be in time f o r the M a y mailing dead-
printed, including the rush hand book, rush rules for college chairmen, and all line.
the invitations and other material needed in the office during rush week. She is
closely associated with the Assistant Dean of Students for Women, Nola Stark ##
Rogers, in aiding and improving the Panhellenic program and feels that it is
through Mrs. Rogers' understanding of the value of sororities that the harmonious
relationship between students, alumnae, and administration has been achieved
at U . C . L . A .
Marjorie and Harriet were the honorees at an A O n luncheon May 1 at the
Wilshire Country Club.
H A R T F O R D C I T Y P A N H E L L E N I C had a tea used elsewhere—seated tea, out-of-town Peggy Knopsnyder, pictured with her two
last fall for girls going away to college speaker to present sorority system on a A O n legacies, is president of the Evans-
and invited the mothers to attend with national and Panhellenic basis, informa-
the girls. E a c h alumnae group made up tion cards filled out at tea to serve as a ville Panhellenic.
a list of girls they thought were good nucleus of a file for use of all sororities
sorority material and had Panhellenic in rushing and recommendations. W e
send invitations to them. W e wore no invite the girls' mothers in order to "edu-
pins, and it was strictly a non-rushing cate" them too—also the nearby deans of
affair. W e had a fine speaker, who ex- women and counsellors of girls in the
plained all phases of sorority life. She local high schools.—ELIZABETH H U N T
stressed the goals of all groups—scholar-
ship, character building, and leadership. M A N Y alumnae and collegiate chap-
We found that most parents are concerned ters have the presidencies of their
with the cost of sorority membership and city and college Panhellenics. A l -
overemphasis of social life. T h e tea was though we received many pictures
very informal and resulted in a fine rela- of these presidents, time did not
tionship between the mothers, daughters, permit for the preparation of these
and the City Panhellenic.—ZORA D E L A N E Y features for this issue. The pictures
and articles will appear in a later
O K L A H O M A C I T Y on April 28th held issue.—EDITOR
the fourth annual Panhellenic tea for high
school seniors who are planning to go to
college, from all the ten local high schools,
parochial, private, and public. W e have
followed substantially the same pattern
16 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
"Recipes for Rushing" When the rushees entered the door, they In order to become better acquainted,
were welcomed by AOIIs dressed in peas- we give each rushee a "date" with an
(Continued from page 14) ant skirts, blouses and jeans. F i r s t the AOII for a portion of the party. This
rushees received name tags of red necker- dating system is rotated, emphasizing
by addressing her at the chapter house in chiefs with a clasp, the head of a steer. the fact that we are interested in each
Urbana, Illinois. This was made of cardboard and had the rushee individually—JUNE T I S O N , Tampa
girl's name printed on the front. T h e alumnae chapter.
—"Recipe for Rushing"— actives wore name tags in the shape of
a gun with a pipe cleaner denoting smoke —"Recipe for Rushing"—
Since Peen State sororities don't have coming out of the end of it.
houses, Epsilon Alpha's formal rushing is F O R T W A Y N E alumnae have decided to
confined to two weeks early in the fall After each girl signed the guest sheet, eliminate their large rushing party for
semester with open houses, parties, and which was designed according to the high school graduates and to substitute
informal get-togethers. theme, everyone gathered in the living several beach parties at the summer cot-
room, where we played an informal game tages of alumnae, devoting one party to
A southern theme, featuring the "Alpha- which consisted of dividing into groups of each group of rushees bound for a cer-
O-Boat" is used for the informal party. about eight and guessing the titles of tain school. AOIIs attending that school
Workshops are held the previous spring western songs from pictures drawn by are included in that certain party, and the
to make favors and decorations for the the rushees. rushees appreciate the opportunity of be-
party. The favors are black yarn dolls coming acquainted with girls already in
with red and white dresses, white ban- After the game and a little informal the school of their choice. Fort Wayne
dannas, and aprons with AOII in red. chit-chat, a western skit was presented by alumnae emphasize friendliness in their
Refreshments are shrimp cocktail and soft the actives. It dealt with a western parties, which are informal, and they be-
drinks in frosted glasses. The entertain- weakling, Hoppy, who took the Charles lieve that at small parties their guests
ment is a variety show emphasizing the Atlas Body Building course and won not will better remember AOIIs as their
southern theme. Costumes for the sisters only a gal but captured the "villians" who friends.—DONNA M A K I , Fort Wayne
are those of Southern belles and gentle- had tried to kidnap Hoppy's gal. I n the alumnae chapter.
men, while the rushees wear informal skit the audience participated by cheering
attire.—ANNA SAYLOR, Epsilon Alpha. the hero and hissing the "villians." I n - —"Recipe for Rushing"—
formal singing of western songs also took
—"Recipe for Rushing"— place during the skit. T h e setting con- MONTGOMERY alumnae chapter has a
sisted of an outdoor scene complete with "School Daze" rush party which is effec-
D E L T A D E L T A had a very successful a fence on which were saddles.—SUE tive. O n a blackboard is written:
rush season at A . P . I , last fall. One of W H I T N E Y , Alpha Tau.
the most original events was a Monte An international sorority
Carlo party. Name tag represented a —"Recipe for Rushing"— Located in the United States and Canada
pair of dice; refreshments included triple- Philanthropy emphasized
decker club sandwiches, ginger ale, nuts. A L U M N A E C H A P T E R S , due to the re- Has 20,000 members
Card tables with checked cloths, bottles Automatic affiliation
with candles provided night club atmos- strictions placed on summer rushing by
phere. Skit included can-can dance by National Panhellenic Conference, do not Organized in 1897
six girls, song "Put the Blame on Mame" do a great deal of rushing. T h e majority .Montgomery alumnae organized in 1951
by quartet, cigarette girls on sidelines. of them cooperate with their City P a n - /nitiative developed
Favors—small glasses with A O I I in fin- hellenics in giving a large party to present Cooperation stressed
gernail polish on them or candy cigarettes. the general sorority idea to girls going .Responsibility encouraged
Final and most impressive party was Red away to college. These projects are pre- On leading campuses
Rose party. Real rose for favor. AOII sented in another section in this issue, iVew chapters constantly
cakes for refreshments. Alumna speaker. given over to Panhellenic rushing.
Favors presented as members sang Promotes scholarship Director.
"Rubies and Roses".—Jo A N N M U R P H Y , —"Recipe for Rushing"— /nstills loyalty
Delta Delta.
Hovever, several alumnae chapters sent — D O R O T H Y A L L E N , Dist. V I I I
—"Recipe for Rushing"— good rushing ideas, which follow:
—"Recipe for Rushing"—
Z E T A chapter held a very successful R U S H I N G IDEAS : Portrait photographs
rose tea in the fall including several varia- of the rushees framed in an A O n cut-out
tions in the traditional rush party. T h e poster are taken with a Poloroid camera.
most impressive part was when each The negative is developed and in a few
rushee was given a red rose to make a minutes the rushee has a memorable pic-
wish on by dropping it into a rose covered ture souvenir of the party.
wishing well. The wishing well had a
pink light inside and water dripping on «.*>
dry ice caused a pink fog to rise from this
well. Our beauty queens, Marlene Rees
and Paddy Wright, dressed in red for-
mats were standing behind the wishing
well to remind the rushees of the prefer-
ence brunch the next morning.—JANIS
—"Recipe lor Rushing"—
A L P H A T A U chapter had a western
theme for the novelty rush party. It
proved to be fun for both rushees and
Columbus alumnae entertain informally
for girls going to Denison and Miami and
invite A O H s from those schools to help
che rushees get acquainted with A O I L
Nancy McCain, who dreamed up the
"Recipes for Rushing" idea for this page,
is at left in the swing.
Columbus Dispatch Photo
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 17
W H E N anyone speaks of " m y " M Y BABIES pital, and M r . Burns was bound and
determined to take Chad on home—
babies" around the FNS, it is usually by ANNE CARTMELL 12 miles up a rocky road, then
a m i d w i f e talking about the babies through the creek, all the way by
she has delivered. B u t n o w I feel Social Service Director jeep. W e finally persuaded h i m to
as i f I , too, have " m y babies," babies spend the night at our hospital, both
whom I have helped take care of 9 f o r the sake of his w i f e , who seemed
soon after their birth. Such is Baby t o be f e e l i n g fine, and f o r Chad's
Chad. Another of Anne Cartmell's "babies" is sake, w h o might easily catch cold
this little deaf and dumb boy, whose pic- since he was not at all used to the
Perhaps you've heard of Baby ture she took on the porch of his moun- night air. M r . Burns w o u l d n ' t sleep
Chad—he is the boy I was asked to w i t h o u t C h a d ; so we fixed the t w o
bring back to the mountains f r o m tain home. of them a bed in my office and there
Lexington, the boy who turned out they spent the night.
to be a baby boy o f seven months. let the nurses there show him off to
His father is the excitable type, me. He was a hospital favorite and About two weeks later I was
something most mountain people seemed to thrive on all the love and making a visit on Fern Creek, right
aren't. W h e n I went to tell him I attention he received. near the Burns home, when our
had brought Chad back to our hos- midwives delivered Chad's new
pital, he fairly flew out of the house Then one day I received a phone brother, Bobby. That night two very
in his desire to bring his baby boy call f r o m Lexington saying that it sad m i d w i v e s came i n to see me.
home as soon as possible. H i s f a t h e r was time f o r Chad to come home, "Guess what," they said, "Chad's
has an interesting story, too. H e was and this time for good. Everyone brother has clubbed feet, t o o ! " I t
discovered by Miss Lester, who is was very excited to hear the news, was quite a blow. I went to visit the
now o u r hospital superintendent, as and especially his father! A n d I was f a m i l y and they seemed to be taking
a boy o f 12 o r 13 w a l k i n g out o f the looking forward to the day I could it very well. Bobby's feet weren't
mountains at Fern Creek—walking take both parents to get "my baby." as bad as Chad's, and besides, they
with the rolling gait peculiar to a Both parents had to go, since the had confidence in "that there doctor
child w i t h club feet. M i s s Lester, so doctor wanted to instruct them in in Lexington," f o r hadn't he fixed
Mr. Burns later informed me, the care of the child. This created Chad's feet? A n d hadn't M r . Burns
picked him up on her horse and sort of a problem, since M r s . Burns h i m s e l f had his feet fixed once? So
took him out of the mountains to was pregnant and due to deliver i n our medical director came out to
Louisville and the Children's Hos- t w o or three weeks. H o w w o u l d she check the baby, and arrangements
pital there. H e had his club feet take a trip of well over 200 miles? were made to take Bobby to Lexing-
straightened, can walk almost nor- W e solved the problem by taking ton.
mally now, and is able to work in our medical director and a nurse
the mines to support his growing along on the t r i p , as w e l l as all the W e went out to fetch Bobby .two
family, who live in a run-down four equipment f o r a home delivery, all days before he was to go to L e x i n g -
room house at the mouth of Stormy j u s t i n case the mother should take ton, so that he could get used to
F o r k on Fern Creek. H i s w i f e is a a notion to deliver on the way! But traveling and to hospital life. The
young sweet g i r l , as quiet and shy f o r psychological reasons we didn't f a m i l y were h e a r t - b r o k e n to see h i m
as her husband is excitable and talk- inform her of our plans. really go, especially his four-year-
ative. old sister who couldn't understand
Chad was so happy to see t h e m ! how the midwives could bring him
When Chad was taken home f r o m He fairly beamed while the entire one day and then take him away a
our hospital, I stopped in soon after staff at the Children's Hospital lined few days later!
to see i f M r s . B u r n s was c a r r y i n g the halls, trying to wink back tears
on the exercises I had shown her, and wave goodbye. W e finally j u s t W i t h Bobby all bundled up in a
the exercises that would help cor- had to pick the baby up and push basket and a nurse to watch him, we
rect Chad's feet and maybe keep our w a y out, else we w o u l d still be drove to Lexington. W e were due
him f r o m needing to have plaster saying goodbye. for a surprise there; for the hospital
casts on his feet. T h a t weekend I had a measles epidemic, and no child
saw Chad again, when his parents I t was about 8 :30 that night when could be admitted unless the mother
brought him i n to have our medical we finally arrived back at our hos- had had the real, old-fashioned Ger-
director check him f o r a slight cold man measles that would give the
and v o m i t i n g . H e still looked to be baby art i m m u n i t y to them. O f
fine, and he smiled his sweet t o o t h - course, ive had n o w a y o f k n o w i n g
less smile w h e n he saw me—not that whether M r s . Burns had had the
he recognized me, but he is an espe- measles or not, but luckily the phone
cially friendly baby and will smile lines were back up after the snow
back at anyone. s t o r m ; so w e called back t o the
mountains to find out. A jeep was
Great was my surprise when I sent up Fern Creek to ask M r s .
received a letter f r o m Lexington B u r n s i f she had had the measles.
two days later saying that a very ex- Meanwhile the nurse with me had
cited M r . Burns had returned with been mistaken f o r Bobby's mother
Chad that day because he still had and, since she admitted she had had
his cold! So Lexington decided to the measles, the hospital thought
keep Chad, realizing he wasn't used they had solved their problem. W e
to the more rigorous life on the discovered the mixup just in time!
creek, and put the casts on his feet. Since we couldn't leave the baby in
Each time I took children or pa- the hospital, we had to take him
tients to Lexington I would stop in w i t h us to a d r i v e - i n so that we
to see h o w Chad had g r o w n or to
(Continued on page 19)
i s T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Social Service Scholarship Winners Are Announced
by M A R G A R E T S. DUDLEY, Third Vice President
EL E A N O R S M I T H ( X A '56) Eleanor Smith (XA), center, is the winner chology major, has plans directed
has achieved the honor of being of the AOII Social Service Scholarship; toward religious education. Barbara
the first w i n n e r o f the n e w l y created Sue Lepard ( B r ) , left, is the alternate; MacCready ( ® i l ) , second year nurs-
Alpha Omicron Pi Social Service and Mary Atkinson ( F ) received honor- ing student, expresses herself de-
Scholarship — f o r social service l i g h t f u l l y : " T h e reason I w a n t to be
worker - in - training. The award, able mention. a nurse is that I want to help those
given jointly by the philanthropic who cannot help themselves. I like
department of AOLT and the Fron- on a European-Middle East trip. to make people happy. I am not
tier N u r s i n g Service, sends the w i n - (Anne Cartmell, our present social afraid of hard work."
ner to live and w o r k w i t h our social service secretary, was also one of
service secretary in the Kentucky the group.) Sue speaks of the ex- Joyce Hollensbe ( $ 0 '55) visited
mountains f o r six weeks this sum- perience : " B y travelling and sleep- Wendover on her way to convention
mer ; it covers board and room at ing in two well-equipped trucks last summer. A quotation f r o m her
the Hyden Hospital plus $100 for f r o m Holland to the poverty areas application shows a good feeling for
expenses. of the Near and Middle East and the Kentucky w o r k : "Wendover
back we saw many sobering sights and its activities represent in my
Eleanor is a sociology m a j o r at of the backward people. I t was dif- mind more than a charitable organ-
the University of Colorado and ficult to realize that there were ization. The outstanding attitude of
plans to go into social work or rural places i n our o w n country in need each person at Wendover proves
teaching after college. H e r past ex- of a i d as much as those we saw." that more than a cold regard is held
perience includes work with Girl f o r all who come in contact with the
Scouts and counselling in summer Mary Atkinson ( r '55) received service. Each possesses the personal
camps, including camps f o r under- honorable mention f o r her past rec- and w a r m touch needed to deal suc-
privileged children. She has worked ord of social service work w i t h the cessfully w i t h those less f o r t u n a t e . "
as a N u r s e s ' A i d e and i n other serv- Vermont Church Council. Through
ice capacities. Membership in this interdenominational agency she My Babies
S P U R (sophomore women's hon- spent the summer of '53 in the neg-
o r a r y f o r campus service) m i g h t be lected rural areas of Vermont, or- (Continued from page 18)
enough to keep another girl busy, ganizing vacation church schools could get some lunch. W h e n we re-
but Elbe adds to that—Campus and carrying out social service pro- turned to the hospital the call had
Chest volunteer worker, Brownie grams which were successful to an just come through that Mrs. Burns
leader, intramural sports, and at the outstanding degree. bad had the measles, the real, old-
same time keeps up an over-all B fashioned kind.
average. Applications came in f r o m all
parts of the country; the selections So another one of " m y babies"
Suzanne Lepard ( B T '56) was committee found it most difficult to was safely taken care of f o r awhile.
chosen as alternate f o r summer choose the one girl best qualified. I almost hated to leave h i m ; f o r we
work with AOII's social service in W e truly wish that every applicant had grown very much attached to
Kentucky. Her major of nutrition could share in the experience. Bobby, but I ' m sure I ' l l be seeing
or dietetics w o u l d be h e l p f u l in the Others with outstanding records: him again. A n d I have the joyous
mountains, where knowledge of Suzanne Nagley ( A T '55) has had a day to look f o r w a r d to when I can
good diet is one of the outstanding great deal of experience w i t h chil- again go jeeping up to M r . Burns's
needs. Suzanne has had the unusual dren; Elizabeth Harvey ( r '56) a and tell him that I've brought an-
experience of spending last summer sociology major, plans to work in a other one of his boys home to stay.
social agency when she graduates;
Lucy Fisackerly, (KT '56) a psy-
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 19
JJ/PSILON ALPHA CHAPTER Helen Galbraith, and Mary Roberts. Beta Phi, then registrar; Mary
of Alpha Omicron Pi celebrated the The chapter was installed by Glowacki, charter member of Psi
twenty-fifth anniversary of its i n - chapter at the University of Penn-
stallation at Pennsylvania State Col- E d i t h H u n t i n g t o n A n d e r s o n (B<f> sylvania, f r o m Nanticoke, Pennsyl-
lege on Saturday, A p r i l 10, 1954. '21) at her home, 123 South Sparks vania ; and Mamie H u r t Baskervill,
with a tea i n the chapter suite i n Street, State College. I t was f r o m Kappa '09, then southern district
McElwain Hall, and a banquet at her initials, at the suggestion of superintendent from Birmingham,
the State College Hotel. Agnes Geary that the chapter took Alabama. O f these all except M r s .
its name, since it was mainly Baskervill were able to attend the
O f the 419 members (all of whom through her efforts that the local anniversary banquet on Saturday
are living) initiated since the chap- fraternity, Arete, affiliated with evening.
ter was installed, 115 attended the Alpha Omicron Pi. Most of the
banquet, which was held in the same years since 1925 when the members A t the banquet Marie Wrobleski
room as that used f o r the installation of A r e t e first c o n f e r r e d w i t h M r s . Fedon ( E A '50), president of the
banquet on A p r i l 6, 1929. A n d e r s o n she has served as advisor State College alumnae chapter and
to the group, and since 1944 has chairman of the committee which
A t the time the chapter was i n - been editor of the alumnae news planned the anniversary celebration,
stalled eight charter members, four letter. I t was f o r these reasons that gave the address of welcome and
collegiate and nine alumnae were the collegiate and alumnae members introduced Mrs. Anderson, who
initiated. The charter members, all of Epsilon Alpha Chapter made con- served as toastmistress.
members o f the class o f 1929 but tributions for the gifts which were
two, were: Helen Boyle (Fischer), presented to M r s . Anderson at the The story of the chapter's found-
Clara Evey (Lauer), Agnes Geary anniversary banquet as a token o f ing was told by M r s . Galbraith and
(Jamison) now of Centre Hall, their appreciation and affection f o r Mrs. Anderson. They recalled the
Ruth Gohl (Carpenter), Edna her. These were a portable type- history o f the chapter as a local
Jackson (Smith), Frances Speicher writer and a Hamilton wrist watch. organization and, after it became a
(Fileger), Emma Jean Walser part of Alpha Omicron Pi, the
(Curran) '30, and Elsie Jane The contributions of Mrs. Ander- honors won by chapter members
Weaver '30. Members o f the class son to Alpha Omicron P i have not and their part in campus activities.
of 1931 initiated as actives w e r e : been limited to Epsilon Alpha chap-
Myrtle Binney, Louise Hoffeditz ter. She was a very active under- The goal for the banquet was to
(Porter), Margaret A . Kline graduate member of Beta Phi chap- have at least one representative
(Kreiss), and Mildred Lyle ter at I n d i a n a U n i v e r s i t y , serving as present f r o m each class w h i c h has
(Shields), who was president of the chapter president in her senior year been graduated i n the 25 years. O n l y
local group. Miss Walser was the of college. F r o m 1927 to 1933 she six classes were not represented:
first president of the g r o u p a f t e r i t served as g r a n d secretary o f the 1930, 1931, 1932, 1939, 1941, and
was installed into Alpha Omicron f r a t e r n i t y , as national president 1948. As the representatives f r o m
Pi. f r o m 1933 to 1937, and as national each class were asked to stand and
Panhellenic delegate f r o m 1937 to were introduced, one member told
Alumnae initiated at the time of 1944. of the high-lights of that year and
installation were: Helen May David the significant accomplishments of
(Drumm), '27; Esther L . Kistler, Those who assisted M r s . Ander- her class.
'26; Charlotte M . Kozlowski, '28; son in the installation of the local
Emaline R. Passmore (Childs), chapter i n 1929 were Alice Cullnane, Joanna Horrisberger, chapter
'27; Marco E. Riegner, '26; Mary president f o r the past year, intro-
Richards (Roberts), '25; Helen M . EAis25 duced by classes the collegiate chap-
Savard (Galbraith), M A . '27; ter members. Each girl gave her
Josephine M . Schellenberg, '26; and by A N N A C. SAYLOR name, home town, and her major in
Gladys E. Stranahan (Farley), '28. college. Joanna also made the
(EA, Penn State) awards t o the collegiate members as
Representing this original group follows : outstanding pledge, Winnie
at the banquet were Agnes Jamison, Mae Shelley, Steelton; outstanding
Esther Kistler, Emaline Childs.
(Continued on page 2 1 )
Present at Epsilon Alpha's 25th anniversary banquet were, from left, Mary Richards Roberts, Helen Savard Galbraith, Marie Knoll
Judy, Mary Glowacki, Edith Huntington Anderson, Emaline Passmore Childs, Alice Cullnane, Agnes Geary Jamison, and Esther
Kistler, all of whom participated in the chapter installation. 115 members attended the banquet.
20 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Theta Eta is 25 also w
and G R A C I E GRATER, Phi Omicron and Theia Efa
ON J U L Y 30 Theta Eta will tell about this house, because the A• are
celebrate AOII's twenty-fifth year on local chapter had to vacate the Mayor and Mrs. Carl Rich
the campus of the University of quarters it was then using. The next "angels" of Theta Eta chapter
Cincinnati. I t has been of interest to night Peg Miller, who was then
alumnae and collegiate chapter national treasurer, came to Cincin- Theta Eta's other activities run
members alike to look back over nati f r o m O x f o r d , Ohio, to give her the gamut of the social calendar
these 25 years—to the alumnae i t approval to the purchase of the f r o m b u i l d i n g a float f o r homecom-
has been a reminiscence of days property. ing to exchanging dinners with the
past; to the actives, an understand- fraternities. Wherever you look,
ing of the growth and development The alumnae chapter then went AOIT is well represented on the
of the chapter as they k n o w i t to- to IIOA Carl Rich, a former Cin- University of Cincinnati campus.
day. cinnati mayor and at that time a
lawyer, and asked him to draw up A twenty-fifth anniversary is al-
The local sorority, Theta Eta, was the papers for a house corporation. ways an important event—a time
active on the U . C . campus f o r two A f t e r he and M r s . R i c h had set up for looking back over the past, and
years before affiliating with AOII. the corporation, they lent the chap- a time f o r looking ahead to an even
W a n t i n g to be a part of a larger, ter money to assist i n financing the better future.
national group, the girls of Theta purchase of the house.
Eta began to look about at various E A is 25
national sorority groups of which AOLT moved into the t w o - s t o r y
they might like to become a part. house across the street f r o m the {Continued from page 20)
W h e n they became interested i n university campus i n June, 1948. sophomore, Dolores Spathis, Erie;
AOIT, Frances Rich, an Omega That summer the girls raised money outstanding junior, Eleanor Gwynn,
chapter alumna, took Theta Eta's with which to furnish and redeco- Syracuse, N Y . ; outstanding senior,
petition for membership to the con- rate the house. I t was again redeco- Joanna Horrisberger, Harrisburg,
v e n t i o n at C o r n e l l i n 1929. T h e rated last year before rushing began. (award made by Mrs. Anderson) ;
petition was approved and AOII soon activities award, Lois Lehman,
had a new chapter in Ohio. T h r o u g h the years Theta E t a has Shamokin, who graduated in Febru-
taken a very active part in the ary, 1954; and Marian Romberger,
O n J u l y 30, 1929, the charter University of Cincinnati campus H a r r i s b u r g ; scholarship award, Sue
members Evelyn Kester Halzapdel, life. The girls begin the year each Abell, Harrisburg.
Pauline Clark Massie, Vera Haster- fall with rushing. Throughout the
berg Shadwald, Neele Fitzsimmons semesters there are parties, dances, Special guests at the banquet, in
Wuest, Frances Yost O'Reilly, contests of various sorts, honorary addition to those named above, all
Hope Johnson Tiemeyer, Lucile tappings, elections, and selection of of whom were introduced, were:
Newton, Marjorie Hollenberg Hart- queens. The present group of AOIls Mrs. Russell Blair, M r s . Charles
zell, Mariemae Forbus Schwarz, continues to show this interest in Keister, and Mrs. H . L . Stuart, all
and Aimery Heber participated in campus life. of State College, patronesses of the
the ceremony which made them chapter; Alice Gwynn ( x ) , former
initiates of Alpha Omicron Pi. Phyllis Haas, a member of AAA, district director, f r o m Syracuse,
Some of these and the girls who is also a member o f A<E>A, art honor- N . Y . , whose daughter, Eleanor, is
made up the first pledge class i n ary. Though only a junior in experi- a junior in the collegiate chapter:
September, 1929, are still i n C i n - ence, she has h a d her illustrations Mrs. Allen L . Baker and Mrs. Vic-
cinnati and work with the collegiate published in Akron, Ohio, papers. tor Beede, of State College, the two
and alumnae chapters. Doris Eberhardt, another AAA, is honorary members who have been
on the News Record S t a f f and a initiated by the chapter; and Phyllis
Frances Yost O'Reilly was the member of Mummers, the theater Westerman (P) of Youngstown,
first president o f this n e w AOII guild at U.C. Ohio, present director of district
group. She conducted her meetings V I . Mrs. Gwynn and Mrs. Wester-
in various campus buildings—usu- Along the beauty line Theta Eta's man made short talks at the banquet
ally the Women's Building or the Janie Ellis has been Sweetheart of closing the anniversary event.
Y . W . C . A . Later the chapter had Lambda Chi Alpha and Joan Hage-
apartments i n the university area. busch, chapter president, is a can-
A t length the chapter progressed to didate for Sweetheart of Pi Kappa
the point where it was able to rent Alpha.
a house, but what Theta Eta really
looked forward to was owning its Maureen Tansey, second vice
own house. president, is the only sorority girl
in the School of Architecture. Darvl
T h e b i g day came i n 1948 when Wachs received one of the coveted
Ebby Lakamp, then alumnae presi- freshman honors w h e n she was
dent, heard that Zeta Tau Alpha elected freshman representative in
was ready to sell its house. She A p p l i e d A r t s T r i b u n a l . AOIT keeps
wrote to national headquarters to in the news with Margy Skeel work-
ing on the staff of the year book,
The Cincinnatian.
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 21
Denison Players
Journey to
Great Britain
Alpha Tau, Denison
D ,' U R I N G the months o f A u g u s t Christine Korn- facets of everyday American life
man (AT) ap- not usually seen i n professional
and September 1953, I was p r i v i - p e a r e d in theatre exports. Our evening pro-
leged t o travel i n Great B r i t a i n as "Quare Medi- g r a m , e n t i t l e d Americana, consisted
a member of the Denison University cine" with the of four one-act plays—Thornton
Players, the first g r o u p o f A m e r i c a n Denison Players W i l d e r ' s The Happy Journey to
collegiate actors to make such a tour. who toured Trenton and Camden, E . P. C o n -
A s l o n g ago as N o v e m b e r o f the Great Britain kle's Sparkin, P a u l Green's Quarc
preceding year, theatre enthusiasts Medicine, and W i l l i a m Saroyan's
at Denison had heard rumors of this last summer. Hello Out There. I n response t o a
t r i p as a summer p r o j e c t . T h e first request f o r a children's play ( f e w
general hint had been dropped by —Photo by productions of this type are pre-
W i l l i a m Brasmer, associate profes- Rolan Thompson, sented i n Great B r i t a i n ) , the com-
sor of Theatre Arts, during an i n - pany played matinee performances
formal Sunday afternoon get- Granville, O. o f C h a r l o t t e C h o r p e n n i n g ' s Grand-
together at his home. O f course, mother Slyboots, a v e r s i o n o f the
those present spent the rest of the dreams of European travel—that the Red Riding Hood story. The plays
day furiously castle-in-airing; but, Scottish Community Drama League and players were well received. W e
being practical college students, we had decided to invite a foreign group had been frightened, of course,
soon forced our w i s t f u l desire f o r to play at its Little Theatre festival, knowing that we were not only a
travel to give place to the more i m - (one of the " f r i n g e " events of the group of strolling players but also
mediate concern of comprehensive annual Edinburgh Festival of Music unofficial cultural ambassadors. Yet,
and final examinations. F r o m t i m e and Drama) and that the Denison when the applause continued long
to time, however, 11:00 P . M . pop- company had been the one chosen. after the curtains closed on our
corn parties, cigarette breaks on the Moreover, Miss Beryl Baker, the opening night in Birmingham and
library steps, and forehead-mopping agent selected by M r . Brasmer and when the Edinburgh audience ap-
pauses i n the scene-building shop M r . E. A . Wright, (head of the provingly stamped its feet, we knew
were punctuated by " I wonder what department of Theatre Arts and on that we hadn't failed the twenty-two
plays we'd take i f we did go to Eng- sabbatical leave i n England at this we left behind. The critics, too, were
land" ? or " H o w big a troupe do you t i m e ) , had secured f o r us other play- enthusiastic, praising particularly
suppose the department can afford ing dates throughout the Midlands the freshness and unity of our en-
to send"? Still, no official word of England and in northern Scot- semble style of acting.
came: a new semester of work was land.
begun; the members of the Denison T h r o u g h o u t the five weeks o f the
Summer Theatre company were Even though the students and the tour we stayed i n the homes of Brit-
selected; and preparations were be- University Theatre were to share ish and Scottish amateur theatre
gun f o r our regular season of sum- all expenses, it was financially pos- lovers. Their warm hospitality and
mer stock. sible to send only seven members of friendly curiosity about American
the Summer Theatre company on life soon disproved the cliches of
W e were rather amazed to learn, the tour. The fortunate seven were British reserve and Scottish reti-
therefore—the enjoyable but stren- H a r r y Swoger, w h o acted as c o m - cence. Since we traveled i n their
uous task of mounting and rehears- pany manager, Diane D i Rosa, Fred countries as c o n t r i b u t o r s t o t h e i r
ing ten plays in ten weeks having Curry, Sally Lashar, Jack Tamashu- knowledge o f the theatre and not as
taken preeminence over any day- nas, W i l l i a m Moor, and myself. tourists only, we had little time to
However, the whole company view the usual tourist attractions.
pitched i n to sew our costumes, W e did take a few side trips. A
gather our props, and bring us coffee climb up A r t h u r ' s Seat (a mountain
f o r midnight rehearsal sessions. near Edinburgh), an exciting pro-
They worked all night to dismantle d u c t i o n o f Richard I I I at S t r a t f o r d -
the b i g blue tent w h i c h served as our on-Avon, an afternoon spent wan-
auditorium and to store the scenery dering through Litchfield Cathedral
until another season—and then sent were high points of our leisure
us a wonderful cablegram f o r our hours. But i t was the time spent
opening in Birmingham! working and talking with our Brit-
ish friends while arranging furni-
T h e plays selected f o r our tour ture and setting lights, gulping cups
did not represent the greatest works of strong tea in the dressing room
of American dramatic art but were
planned by M r . Brasmer, our direc- (Continued on page 2 3 )
tor, to present to a British audience
22 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Sue Stokes Runs
for Place i n
Alabama Legislature
Q U E S T O K E S (Pi, Newcomb), Sue Stokes
(Pi, New-
whom convention delegates will comb) being
sworn in as
remember as the efficient parlia- deputy solici-
tor of Etowah
mentarian at Memphis, has an- County of Ala-
bama by Cir-
nounced her candidacy for Place cuit Judge
Pittman while
No. 2 in the Alabama House of Circuit Solici-
Representatives from Etowah tor watches.
County on the Democratic ticket. families and moved out of the state.
Under a new reciprocal agreement
Gadsden's only woman practicing Photo by Gadsden Times
with a number of other states, many
attorney, Sue was nominated for of these Alabama men can now be grapher except that some of the re-
made to "pay u p , " she says, and her cruiting posters f o r the W A V E S
Gadsden's Woman of the Y e a r last job w i l l be to handle the big back- intrigued her.
log o f these cases that have been
month. building up in her county i n recent B e f o r e she k n e w i t she had
months. "joined up" and was in a whole new
Miss Stokes has participated in world of activity and opportunity.
Grand Jury investigations, tried But that w i l l be only one of her
cases in County Court, and assisted duties. A f t e r her N a v y career, she went
in the prosecution of felony cases to the Veterans Administration f o r
from first degree murder to trans- She also will assist Circuit Solici- some testing to determine what
porting liquor. T h e first woman tor Arthur Burns, who appointed should be her future. She thought
prosecutor to serve in Alabama, her, w i t h j u r y trials, and she expects she wanted to be a doctor.
Sue will also be the first woman to prosecute many cases by herself
to qualify for an elective office in since the heavy current schedule o f T o her surprise, the tests vetoed
Etowah County. She has served cases w i l l probably have t w o courts that.
as lobbyist in the Alabama legisla- in action much of the time.
ture and has appeared before com- She was t o l d firmly that, first and
mittees of the House and Senate Technically, she w i l l be i n charge foremost, she was cut out to be a
on jury service for women and of equity cases, w h i c h means she housewife. A n d , secondly, she
poll tax reform. will handle car condemnations, i n - showed marked leanings toward a
junction proceedings, and other legal career.
W h i l e it is not the policy of T o equity type cases.
D R A G M A to take sides politically, " I ' m t a k i n g second things first,"
we cannot help but wish Sue suc- She's already been handling a she grinned. "That's how I became
cess in the coming election and in man-sized j o b and finding t i m e f o r a a lawyer." She was graduated f r o m
her political career.—EDITOR number of "extra" activities besides. Tulane in 1946 ( n , Newcomb) with
a bachelor's degree i n business ad-
GA D S D E N , Ala., Nov. 18— Miss Stokes opened her own law ministration, then entered the law
Probably never in all Etowah office here in November, 1951, and school at the University of Virginia,
County's history have so many per- has been busy w i t h her private prac- where she was one o f two women
sons expressed delight over the ap- tice since, with time out f o r some i n her class, and where she got her
pointment of a new deputy solicitor. lobbying and special activities in law degree in 1948.
Montgomery during the Legisla-
But then never in Etowah's his- ture's session. She is president of the Alabama
tory, and probably never in all Ala- Women Lawyers Association, chair-
bama history, has there been a dep- She was in the forefront of the man of the status of women commit-
uty solicitor like the one who took fight f o r j u r y service f o r w o m e n and tee f o r the Alabama Division of the
office here Nov. L to get the cumulative feature of the American Association of University-
poll tax revoked. Women, co-chairman of the public
For this new deputy solicitor is a affairs committee of the Alabama
very handsome young woman, with Miss Stokes also has one eye Business and Professional Women's
sparkling eyes, a s o f t way o f speak- cocked on the possibility of a politi- Club and co-chairman of the wo-
ing, and premature gray streaks in cal career and is currently toying men's division of the Alabama
her hair. w i t h the idea of running f o r the Young Democrats.—by J A N E A L -
State Legislature. D R I D G E , Birmingham Post-Her-
But Deputy Solicitor Sue Stokes, ald Staff Writer
t h o u g h delighted at being the first This good-looking attorney is the
woman prosecutor in Alabama his- daughter of M r . and Mrs. David F . Denison Players
tory, wants to make one thing clear Stokes of Gadsden and grew up
from the start. here, but becoming a lawyer didn't (Continued from page 2 2 )
enter her mind until just a few years between acts, rehearsing music cues,
She really can be tough i f she has ago. and relaxing after the show at the
to be. local "pub," that the basic purpose
She started out i n the business of our tour was accomplished—the
" I ' m g o i n g to be a prosecutor first world and probably would have friendly exchange of ideas on the
and a w o m a n second," she insisted. w o u n d up as a secretary o r steno- level common to us all—our love of
"It's a principle of mine not to trade the theatre.
on m y sex professionally. I've got
a job to do that I ' m trained f o r and
that I think I can handle and I don't
see w h e r e the f a c t t h a t I a m a
woman should enter into i t . "
H e r first target i n her n e w j o b
w i l l be husbands, charged w i t h non-
support, who have deserted their
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 23
Help your girls to be themselves,
says Thekla Chambers
The housem other can develop chapter leadership,
believes Nu Lambda's gem of a housemother
W ,H E N a chapter blossoms into Mrs. Chambers, NA housemother a tender young shoot that is to be-
come a tree—can see that n o t h i n g
importance and grows in significance that Joyce Kilmer's tree has " l i f e " . obstructs its g r o w t h — c a n see that i t
on its campus, it is safe to assume One can spade the ground around has sunlight and water. A f t e r this
that the credit f o r this can be put one stands back, continues the ten-
into one word—leadership! From the December, 1949, issue of der care, and watches it grow. Never
Kappa Alpha Theta: can one take credit f o r the " l i f e "
But what makes a leader? Or which makes this tender shoot turn
leaders? Joyce Kilmer said, "Only "In each chapter house is a 'good into a strong tree.
God can make a tree," and we be- woman' whose praises are too sel-
lieve, by the same reasoning, "only dom and too quietly sung. H e r Just as every tree has " l i f e " i n i t ,
God" can make a leader! I t is the duties and position differ in various so every g i r l has leadership qualities.
part of folly to assume that we know sections of the country but every- They are God given—inherent.
something because we can name i t . where her influence is legion. Her What we and the advisers did was
O f t e n w e see and k n o w only the attitudes, tastes, characteristics, to see that n o t h i n g obstructed this
results when the power at w o r k has and standards are copied uncon- leadership. I t was given f u l l play.
been invisible, j u s t as the l i f e of a sciously by the girls who pass
tree and the thing that makes it grow through the chapter house. There are many ways of "spading,
is invisible. watering, and giving sunlight" to
" H e r salary can never be ade- the tender leadership plants. T w o of
Certainly N u Lambda at the U n i - quate, because she is dealing with a the most important of these are the
versity of Southern California has commodity—our daughters—which "listening ear" and the open door.
taken on new life, new verve, and cannot be paid for in dollars and This is the housemother's job. I t is
great charm, exemplified in its pres- cents. She shares their joys; challenging! I t is all important! One
ent members and pledges. Its pledge soothes their bumps; guides the that cannot be done i n half-hearted
class is said to be one of the largest tempestuous; cheers the homesick; measures. T o do it the housemother
and finest i n character and type o f takes temperatures; administers must have the cooperation, help, and
girls on the university campus. aspirin, humor, and good advice at affection of her advisers and alum-
proper intervals. nae. I think that N u Lambda's board
The rush chairman, Alana under the chairmanship of Mrs.
Packer, has done a remarkable job. "Perhaps, too, she plans and pro- Verne McKinney (affectionately
Quite the most outstanding job, we vides three meals a day which is called " M u r i e l " by her A O n sisters)
think, on campus. She was able to no small task when there are 25 cannot be surpassed i n this matter
do this because of the cooperation or 50 girls in a house. Then there of cooperation and helpfulness. N u
she commanded among her AOII is the housekeeping angle. Around Lambda is fortunate in having two
active sisters. the clock our houses must be im- past national presidents on its board
maculate and gracious, with wel- —-Mrs. McKinney and Miss Helen
So, i n tracing the source of lead- come on the mat and parties galore. Haller. They work with the N u
ership we can put down the fact of Lambda housemother in all that is
cooperation. The heavy formal rush "Dear Housemothers, we could done. T o the wonderful N u Lambda
season last f a l l at the N u Lambda not fly the Theta Kite without you. girls go the laurels for victory.
chapter house was the most beauti- Maybe we take you for granted T h e diadem is theirs and they wear
ful example of cooperation on the (like our parents) but we appreci- it modestly.
part of alumnae, advisers, actives, ate, love you, and bow to you.
and pledges that one could imagine. The "listening ear" is the thing
I t was a happy season packed f u l l "A Past G.P." that brings out hidden leadership.
of excitement, adventure—and love. Every human being needs a listening
Naturally this gracious atmosphere post, and this also is the house-
of f u n and affection attracted the mother's work. A l l collegiates get
best o f the rushees. W h o doesn't "pent up" and need to unburden
want to be part of a happy group? themselves. T h e i r nervous tension is
the result of two world wars. They
What produced this atmosphere have been left with feelings of in-
of f u n and affectton and coopera- security which many adults seem not
tion? A group of sisters who were to comprehend. They want and need
fond of each other and at ease! to be listened to, and loved. They
need to be set f r e e ! Free of their
So here you come to the "$64 anxieties and fears. W h e n they are
question"—what produced this af- walled in spiritually by their frustra-
fection and social ease? Simply, tions they must seek a kindred spirit
girls had found their self-confidence who w i l l be a patient listener. W h e n
through many conferences—girls emotions are spent in expression,
had come to know themselves and
others as they really are—fine (Continued on page 3 0 )
T o say, "they found themselves"
is like saying that leadership has
produced their success. L i k e saying
24 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Campus to Career
(77)era, DePauw)
Y o u who are alumnae, at one championships), I transferred to Indiana Ethel Fosbrink ( 6 ) congratulates two of
time or another must have smiled University where I not only continued my her Tobe Coburn Scholarship winners.
as y o u reflected on how close or study of Latin, literature and psychology,
how far afield you have traveled but also became a member of the varsity D e P a u w , I shall t r y to make this fit
f r o m your career goal established in debate team and participated in some coveted her specifications and hit the high
college! Y o u realize now how i m - victories, . . . was elected to Tau Kappa spots.
possible it was to anticipate the Alpha and Eta Sigma Phi. I was awarded
turns in the road, and how much a B.A. degree by I . U . with a declared major The first job was that of be-
more f u n and exciting it has been to in Latin, a major in English, and a minus coming familiar w i t h every phase of
explore along the way! three hours major in psychology. Life was the store's operation, both selling
wonderful. Job offers were abundant . . . and non-selling. This involved ac-
T o you who are i n college and even a fellowship at I.U. to work on my tual participation in all activities
think you have all the plans for your master's. and functions, study of store pol-
career and f u t u r e made and set, icies, work with the administrative
these travels are recorded. D o n ' t be More important and exciting matters branches, . . . . and endless hours
alarmed or shocked i f changes occur claimed my attention, however, for on Sat- of study of various departmental
and y o u find y o u r s e l f m a k i n g a t u r n urday of commencement week one of those procedures.
that you did not expect. Accept the .Purdue Boilermakers and I were married.
challenge and see where i t leads. Here was one of those hidden curves that W i t h this experience as a back-
I didn't anticipate. This could have ended ground, I organized a salescheck
To prove that unexpected turns in my teaching career! However, a job was system and wrote manuals for
the road can be vastly more interest- waiting for me in the high school where teaching and f o r employees, and set
ing than traveling the main high- my husband was athletic coach. When we up a formalized program of train-
way, I submit this little story to an- had completed three happy and profitable ing. Here I was, back in my teach-
swer those who have said, " T e l l us years, adding to our experience, my hus- ing field, but how different! So
more about what you do. H o w did band became connected with the Aetna much more stimulating and exciting.
y o u get started? W e r e y o u spe- Casualty and Surety Company of Hartford, Every day a new challenge, with
cifically trained f o r i t i n college? Connecticut. new faces, and new problems!
H o w did you happen to leave I n -
diana and put your roots down in This unexpected turn of events promptly Like Topsy, the program and de-
Connecticut ?" transplanted us from Indiana to Connecti- partment g r e w and grew as new
cut, and opened up new paths to explore. ideas were developed and courses
To answer some of these questions, I Opportunities in many challenging fields were added. I wrote and published
shall start by saying that, when I entered were abundant in this choice New England a weekly store newspaper, wrote a
DePauw University and was initiated into city, that has superior schools, three col- store handbook which is the "Bible"
Theta chapter of Alpha Omicron P i , I was leges, home offices of 48 of the world's of information concerning store his-
determined to become a teacher, . . . from largest insurance companies, and one of the tory, policies, regulations, benefits,
parental direction and from having forebears finest department stores in the country. It and opportunities. There quickly
who followed the profession. I am a teacher was this_ byway that lured me into a new followed the development and addi-
today, but not a teacher of Latin and Eng- and fascinating career. . . . tion of all kinds of teaching aids in
lish as I had anticipated. the f o r m o f charts and film t r a i n i n g
I t so happened that G. F o x and courses. W e acquired a movie ma-
After two wonderful and valuable years Company, "the store that could be chine, enlarged the program with
at DePauw, and two years of teaching Latin dropped down on F i f t h Avenue and visual cast, presentation of special
and English in high school (also coaching belong," was at the moment search- fashion shows and clinics for em-
a girls' basket ball team to two county ing for a girl with the educational ployees who sell ready-to-wear and
background and experience to build home-furnishings, courses f o r sec-
Ir • a training program and a training retaries, wrappers, cashiers, wait-
f department. B y sheer coincidence, resses, and refresher sessions f o r
having worked one summer during the supervisory level, which in-
• college i n L . S. A y r e s and having cluded a special course in human re-
loved it, I stopped in to check on lations. A d infinitum . . . . the pro-
Mrs. Fosbrink's home base. the casual rumor that G. F o x and gram grew.
Company was looking f o r college
people. F r o m that moment to this, The training staff was gradually
things happened so fast that i t all increased to ten. As we became lead-
seems an exciting and absorbing ers i n o u r field o f t r a i n i n g , I was
drama. called on to discuss our programs
and experience at several sessions
A f t e r a brief interview, I was of the National Retail D r y Goods
swished into the superintendent's Association conventions in New
office, and from there to the office
of the president and owner. They
wanted me to go to work the next
day! However, I did delay for a
month so that I could see a b i t o f
New England before tying myself
to this new career. 'Twas a good
thing too, f o r there have been
precious few moments f o r sightsee-
ing since!
What did I do and how did I
start? I wish that circumstance and
time permitted a tour, because you
all would love it. Since this story
was requested by our T o DRAGMA
editor whose friendship I was privi-
leged to share at our beloved old
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 2.5
You all have learned that many
Deceased Members of Alpha 0micron VI interests can get you into much
trouble as f a r as w o r k is concerned.
April I, 1953—March 31, 1954 T h e many interests which cannot be
related here have accumulated the
Kleanor M a r i e Holter Dilles ( M r s . F r a n k ) , C h i '40 Date Unknown following facets to my job :
Dorothy Allen Fuller Parks (Mrs. K i r t G . ) , X i ex'26 September 1, 1951 Foreign Trainees
Florence Elizabeth Pierce Kennedy ( M r s . E a r l ) , E t a '28 Date Unknown Direction of exchange trainees
Mabel E s t e l l a Jackson, D e l t a '06 December 26, 1952 and development of program, which
Lois Nesbit, Zeta Special Date Unknown includes supervision, follow-up con-
Lucille E . Kistler Wagy (Mrs. Earl W . ) , Sigma T l May 11, 1953 ferences, and rating. W e now have
F l o r a Sanders H a r d i e ( M r s . E b e n ) , P i 'OS S Date Unknown
Phana Otta W e r n i c k e Smith ( M r s . R i c h a r d K e e n e ) , T a u '17 two young men, one f r o m Copen-
Jeannie D o w C a r m a n ( M r s . F r a n k D . ) , Zeta '21 June 3, 1953
M a r y B r u n e r T e h o n ( M r s . L e o R . ) , Iota '13 Date Unknown hagen, and one f r o m Stockholm.
Mary Rutter Towle, N u ex'10
Maude Bacon Nolte (Mrs. Charles B . ) , Iota ex'09 M a y 5, 1953 College Trainees
Mabel Maxwell Robinson, Iota exT2 Date Unknown
Grace Bombarger, X i '27 Cooperative programs with two
Ruth Ellen Davis, Phi ex'23 June 12, 1953
Edith Edna Goldsworthy, T a u 'IS December 1, 1952 colleges offering a m a j o r in mer-
L o i s M a r j o r i e M u r r a y , Omega '31
Jessie Jones P r i c e ( M r s . R a l p h a A . ) , T h e t a '18 Date Unknown chandising and business administra-
A n n a C l a r a W o l l B u c h e r ( M r s . Robert L e o n ) , P s i '22 Date Unknown
Helen C o r a Burright, K a p p a G a m m a '45 Date Unknown tion :
Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n , A l p h a '98 Date Unknown
Alice V a n d e r H i d e n D a m o n ( M r s . Albert N . ) , T a u '12 Date Unknown University of Connecticut
Alice Staples Robbins ( M r s . L e o n R . ) , T a u '12
Genevieve G r a c e W r i g h t Smith ( M r s . Claude H . ) , P i D e l t a '30 August 1953 H a r t f o r d College
Ruth E l i z a b e t h F o s d i c k D a v i s ( M r s . A l e x B . ) , U p s i l o n '17 Date Unknown
V i o l a Steele Hodge ( M r s . F r e d M . ) , L a m b d a '08 August 29, 1953 T h i s involves participation i n se-
June 29, 1952 lection, development of program,
Date Unknown
September 30, 1953 supervision o f field w o r k , and r a t -
November 17, 1953
Date Unknown ings f o r the colleges.
M y public relations work f o r
management is another interesting
facet. I go out to the high schools,
colleges, and clubs, periodically, to
Nelle Josephine Fitzsimmons Wuest (Mrs. Eugene F . ) , discuss opportunities in retailing,
T h e t a E t a ex'31 November 1953 and to recruit. I made a trip recently
Agnes Joan H a u s e l m i r e F r a n k e ( M r s . John R u s h ) , C h i L a m b d a ex'56 November 1953 to the University of Rhode Island
F l o r a Josephine M i l l e r F r e e m a n ( M r s . F r a n k N . ) , Sigma '05 December 17, 1953 where I interviewed a number of
Pauline Pearson H u f f m a n ( M r s . B l a i n e ) , R h o '13 Date Unkown students who are interested in com-
Pearl M. Wenger Meriweather (Mrs. L . S.), Theta ex'12 October 4, 1953 ing with G. Fox and Company.
U n a E l l e n W e a v e r W a y ( M r s . R a l p h I . ) , Upsilon ex '20 October 1953 Enough of this. Come to Hart-
Nell Bridenbaugh, Zeta '08 Date Unknown f o r d and see f o r y o u r s e l f . O f f i c e a n d
M a r t h a Post Greenshields E l l s w o r t h ( M r s . K e n n e t h ) , Omicron P i ex'33 Feb. 5, 1954 desk closed, I turn my whole atten-
Jessie Gentry Folk ( M r s . Leonard), Zeta ex'46 December 1953
Mildred H u n t e r Stahl ( M r s . L e s l i e W . ) , S i g m a '13 Date Unknown tion and thought to home, hobbies,
Martha Bell, Zeta TO October 1953 husband, and two interesting cats.
Florence P i x l e y Shlaudeman ( M r s . K a r l W . ) , L a m b d a '23 February 1954 T h e hobbies? G o l f , flowers, music,
Mary Marguerite Norman, P i ex'06 Date Unknown
Pauline Jane F a r r e l l Baer (Mrs. R a y ) , E t a ex'24 barbecues on the terrace, and a ski-
E d i t h Mitchell T o l a n d ( M r s . M . R a n d a l l ) , T a u '17 M a r c h 8, 1954
Helen Westveer Grainger (Mrs. Herbert), Zeta ex'14 M a r c h 24, 1954 ing weekend at Stowe, Vermont,
O l i v i a F r e u l e r , S i g m a '16 Date Unknown
Date Unknown when time and weather permit. So-
cial obligations are many, including
work with our alumnae chapter of
A l p h a O m i c r o n P i , serving as a
member of the Panhellenic Board.
The rest of the time, . . . well, I am
York, the clearing house f o r ideas lege have certainly paid o f f ! still looking f o r that day with the
and experience i n the retail field. Job number two . . . . As Fashion
plus-24 hours!
W h a t do I do now? Since Sep- Scholarship Director for G. Fox
tember, 1950, as D i r e c t o r o f E x - and Company, I do all of the plan- Letter to the Editor
ecutive Training, I have been p i - ning, promotion, and recruiting of
oneering in the development of a college women f o r our annual schol- Dear Mrs. Dorweiler:
new program for on-the-job train- arship of $1,000 tuition f o r one year
ing and development of executives. of professional training at the Tobe A l l the members of Mortar Board wish
This is the most absorbing and re- Coburn School for Fashion Careers that you could know how much we appre-
warding experience of all, working in New York, the foremost school ciate, and feel flattered about, the kind
entirely with selling and non-selling of its kind in the country. This ac- and gracious words in your recent issue
executives, the folks who have tivity is concentrated in the period
started up the ladder and really f r o m September through January of T o D R A G M A .
want to succeed, the college squad when contact and publicity through
w h o have achieved their first recog- letters, trips to the colleges, radio, I was interested in the comparison made
nition. I t has also been a source of television, and newspaper alert col- in similarity of purpose between A l p h a
satisfaction to be a part o f one o f lege girls to their opportunities. Omicron P i and Mortar Board, for I am
the first stores to recognize this need Competition is based on personal sure it is true that our total interest is in
and do something about it. qualifications and a paper on five the development of a finer type of college
fashion topics, similar to the Prix woman.
Naturally, I have another manual de Vogue. This is stimulating and
in process f o r this group of depart- f u n , even though i t steps up the pace Please express our appreciation to your
ment managers and assistants. The during these months. editor, Katherine Davis, and to your col-
hours spent on English back in col- legiate director, Laura Perry.
January 28 Rosemary Lucas Ginn
1954 (Mrs. M. Stanley)
Mortar Board
National President
26 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
The Pattern of a
Good Publicity
After Mart a Driscoll (P) received her B.S.
from Northwestern, she went to Michigan,
where she earned her Master Degree. She
taught in the Gary Public Schools and at
the University of Michigan. During the
war Marta was a Radio Engineer (Civil
Service) with the U . S. Army Signal Corps.
Before her marriage she worked on the
Chicago Daily News, and now she covers
women's clubs for the Chicago American.
M A R T A PARRISH DRISCOLL (Rho, Northwestern),
Chicago American Club Editor, gives pointers on obtaining good publicity
a ' N E M O R N I N G while going a blurry carbon is too much of a risk. J o h n J. Jones never M r s . Mary-
Always put the complete title of Jones !) time, place, and agenda.
through the mail, I came across a But get i t before you communicate
notice of a meeting of the Chicago your organization at the top of the with the papers. No editor wants
North Shore alumnae chapter of page. I t is perfectly all right to refer to write a correction—or do half
Alpha Omicron Pi. As it was the to the group as AOIIs i n the copy, a story!
first such notice I h a d received since but at the top give the formal name.
becoming C l u b E d i t o r o f the Chi- Also include your name as publicity A n ideal publicity chairman has
cago American. I i m m e d i a t e l y called chairman and give y o u r phone n u m - a nose f o r news. This, I admit, is
the sender. That is how I met Mae bers so that a quick call can be made a talent. However, a good publicity
Hallberg MacKay (Rho). for verification i f necessary. chairman w i l l t r y to develop one.
Look over your material carefully.
Mae, i n m y estimation, is one of A f t e r sending her first release, W h a t is outstanding? I f not out-
the best non-professional publicity- Mae called the papers and talked to standing, what is of general inter-
chairmen I have come across. A n d , the person who handled club news. est? A ritual meeting has meaning
in Chicago and its environs, that is ( I beat her to the phone!) She only f o r us. But a Chinese auction
no mean compliment! asked about deadlines, type of news w i l l be of interest to other club
wanted, i f pictures could be taken women trying to think of new ways
Since publicity—or press rela- and how arrangements were made. to raise funds. Service to the com-
tions, i f you prefer—is of prime Being a busy person herself, she d i d munity has more appeal than a tea
importance to a club group and, not consume time, but asked quick party—although they may occur
since Alpha O m i c r o n P i is of prime concise questions. ( A n d she made simultaneously. Begin your story
importance to us, this article on a complete record for the publicity for the paper with the community
newspaper publicity is being written. scrapbook and succeeding publicity service.
The names, places, and papers will chairmen.)
d i f f e r i n each city, but the pattern One last word—realize that all
of a good publicity chairman is the Mae also read each of the pa- things your group does are not news-
same where ever you are. pers—city, neighborhood, and subur- worthy. D o n ' t expect each story
ban—to which she sent releases. you send to appear i n print. The
So I feel the best way I can tell Knowledge of your papers is very- editor must cover all the clubs in
my story is to describe Mae. important. No cook worth her salt your d i s t r i c t and even i f she is a
w o u l d start a new dish w i t h o u t first devout AOn (as I a m ) she can not
She sends mimeographed releases reading the recipe carefully and as- give one group precedence over the
well i n advance of each meeting. sembling the necessary ingredients others. I f your meeting has news
M i m e o g r a p h i n g is not necessary, but before proceeding. However, pub- value—and you present it properly—
a neatly typed release is a must. licity chairmen do (and I k n o w ) she w i l l use the item. D o n ' t take
A G O O D carbon will do but. i f you send i n stories to papers without ever her time and embarrass her by ask-
are trying to w i n friends and influ- having read the publication! Some ing why news did not appear.
ence newspaper people, send an editors report on meetings that have
original. Not that an editor con- already happened. Others prefer to A f t e r Carolyn Harris' compre-
sciously discounts carbons, still there write of coming events. Y o u must hensive compilation of public rela-
is always the insinuation that an- know what is wanted before you tions. I hope this peek at the needle
other paper received the original! can supply it. in the haystack—publicity—is a little
Never, under any circumstances, help and that we. all over the coun-
send a "smudgy" carbon. ( I have B E A C C U R A T E . I t may take try, w i l l be seeing more and more
received some so b l u r r e d I could not you hours to assemble all the names about AOIT i n o u r newspapers.
read them.) A n editor must be sure involved, correct spellings ( M r s .
of her names, dates, times, etc., and
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 27
by J A N EICHINGER four years her name appeared on the A back revol
Dean's list, but she hasn't been so Left, a girl
Alpha P! Reporter busy studying that she has slighted volving swi
campus activities, which range in
A,- L P H A P I C H A P T E R claims scope f r o m membership i n Kappa triple
Delta Pi, national education hon-
with pride four girls in Florida's orary, to being a cheer leader f o r
famous college circus which, thrill four years. A senior senator in the
f o r t h r i l l , is as e x c i t i n g as any- University Government Association,
thing you ever saw under the big she is also a member of the Cotillion
top. Traveling with the circus on its Club, dancing honorary. Vivacious,
spring and summer tour of south- f u l l of energy and new ideas, she is
eastern states are Renie H a l l , Peggy always " o n the g o " and is k n o w n as
Halberstadt, Murrie Durach, and an ambassador of friendliness on
Laura Eiler, all members of Alpha the campus.
Pi at Florida State University.
Peggy Halberstadt, a sophomore
Renie, who has been w i t h the cir- and a business major, traveled with
cus f o r f o u r years and is one o f the college circus to her home town
the foremost stars this year, is work- of Atlanta on the spring tour and
ing the cloud swing in the center
Laura Eiler (An), right, performs with the triple trap trio.
ring and the hanging perch pole. "Our girl on the flying
Also a member of the line in the trapeze," Peggy Hal-
Indian and can-can dances, Renie is berstat ( A n ) , top per-
a senior f r o m Tampa who is major- former in the FSU all-
ing in elementary education. For
student circus.
Contortionist act
Casting act
)n the perch girl f r o m Tampa to m a j o r i n ele- in the abovementioned Atlanta
mentary education, works the triple magazine.
the giant re- trapeze, ladders, Spanish web and
Right, the performs in various dance acts. Tall The circus hits the road about the
trio. and slender, M u r r i e shows grace, middle of February and travels
ease o f m o t i o n , and excellent co- until early May. The last perform-
ordination in her performance/ Her ance of the season is the big home
campus record does not suffer be- show given on the Florida State
cause of her circus activities; she University campus i n Tallahassee.
holds a $400-a-year state scholar- On the road, rigging, dressing room
ship, is on the Dean's list, and is a tents, and other equipment are
member of Sophomore Council, a hauled in a 32-foot semi-trailer
service honorary. truck. Clowns, tight rope walkers,
aerialists and acrobats travel in a
A third Tampa girl, Laura Eiler, big bus w h i c h is painted as gaily as
is a freshman circus performer. She anything ever sent out by Ringling
works the triple trap, swinging lad- Brothers, Barnum & Bailey.
ders, Spanish web, and is in the
can-can, Hula, and Indian dance The student troupe, which gives
line. Also studying to be a teacher, more than a dozen shows a year, has
p e r f o r m e d as f a r f r o m home as K e y
on the
was pictured on the front cover of Renie Hall (ALT), left, rides on a bicycle built for three.
the Atlanta Journal and Constitu-
tion Magazine o f F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 1954. Laura has a ready smile which spells West. Most of the traveling is done
She was shown i n circus regalia do- success i n her chosen fields o f sec- in Florida but the group sometimes
ing a beautiful back lay-out on the ondary education, the circus, and comes north to Georgia and Ala-
single trapeze, making a stunning bama. Some acts i n the college circus
color picture f o r the magazine cover. AOn.
W o r k i n g the triple trapeze, Spanish (Continued on page 3 0 )
web, and various types of ladders, T o give you briefly some of the
Peggy displays poise and versatility background of the F S U Circus, I Adagio team
in her acts and enthusiasm f o r cir- quote from Andrew Sparks' article
cus that are unmatched in the troupe.
Murrie Durach, another circus
will keep you on the edge of your various other sports. Men students the circus for the rest of her life
seat, like the cloud s w i n g i n w h i c h a can get only one hour's credit f o r because it caused the change."
coed leaps toward the audience f r o m taking the circus course, and girls
30 feet up in the air, the giant only half an hour's credit. Since Every homecoming queen selected
whorl that spins a girl head over F S U requires 124 hours f o r gradu- since F S U became co-educational
heels, and the F l y i n g DeCosmos— ation, it is obvious that the circus after W o r l d W a r I I has been a cir-
aerialists who fly through the air credit,is almost insignificant. cus girl. Sometimes conservative
f r o m the high trapezes. Floridians, who send their daughters
" W e aren't i n the business of to Tallahassee to become school-
F S U has so many top-notch per- training professional performers." teachers, are aghast to hear that they
formers that only a third of the are hanging by their heels on the
troupe appears i n each two-hour N o one has received more than web or by their teeth in the iron jaw
show. A n d there are never any stars, one hour's credit f o r his circus work. act. But the safety record is remark-
except when a local boy or girl is A n y one who works with the circus able. Every student learns to r i g his
featured in his or her own home f o r more than one semester does so own act—so that he can check the
town. Everybody helps out offstage strictly as an extracurricular activity apparatus even if he doesn't always
as well as on, d o u b l i n g as roust- —like being a member of the debat- put it up. The practice ground, re-
abouts, riggers or spotters. ing team or the dramatic club. A lot cently moved to the main campus, is
of students who "go out for circus" covered with f o u r inches of sawdust.
Unlike show people, these student as f r e s h m e n don't even ask f o r Safety nets are used under the high
performers work strictly for fun. credit until they are juniors or trapeze. I n all seven years there has
They travel almost exclusively on seniors. been only one serious mishap, a fall
weekends, just as football players in which a boy broke both arms. He
do, giving their show usually on F r i - "Students get into the circus in recovered completely and later that
day or Saturday nights. They have a variety of ways," M r . Flynn said. year went back into the act.
to make up classes they miss. A lot "Some o f them see a home-town
of students take books in their performance when they're in high T h e circus has done as m u c h as
suitcases, write term papers in their school and decide right then that anything else to build school spirit
hotel rooms and review f o r exams as they are coming to F S U . Others and has given the college national
they ride down the highway. aren't interested until they get there. publicity. B u t it w o u l d n ' t be con-
A lot of them are asked to join. tinued at all, M r . F l y n n says, unless
No one can stay i n the circus i f his it paid the handsome dividends it
class average drops below "C." "Circus kids stick together. I f does to the students themselves.
they see a nice-looking student w h o
This studiousness of the circus seems to have the build and the per- Help Your Girls
sonality f o r the circus, they invite
troupe w o u l d probably come as a him to t r y out. Usually he's over- (Continued from page 2 4 )
whelmed. The circus requires a cer- mental peace returns, and w i t h calm-
complete surprise to one of the most tain body type—long, lithe muscles ness comes self-confidence and love
and coordination, not the strength for others. These are the founda-
famous educators in America, Rob- and bulk of football players. tion stones f o r the development of
leadership qualifications.
ert M . Hutchins, former chancellor "The group exercises its own dis-
cipline and really bears down on any- Here the role of pure and absolute
of the University of Chicago and one who tries to act like a star. I f motherhood comes to the f o r e . T h e
a valuable member of the show be- "mother" must have the vision to
now an associate director of the gins to fall down on his grades, the see the potentialities o f a g i r l w h e n
other kids gang up to make sure he this girl's o w n vision is dim. The
Ford Foundation. A few months studies, even coaching h i m i f neces- "motber" must also have the knowl-
sary. • edge to point out the high principles
ago M r . Hutchins tried to drop an of AOII when mediocre, worldly the-
"Coach Haskins' first concern is ories are picked up by brushing
educational bombshell on F S U . that the boys and girls get all the shoulders w i t h the masses. Right
good they can out of the circus. The now there is clanger of having the
W r i t i n g i n the Saturday Review chief value is not physical, although ways of gracious, more cultured liv-
this is highly important. The tone ing in sororities taken away from
he said: "The award of college o f the body is improved and the youth by mass submission to lower
muscles are relaxed and lengthened. standards. Since the housemother is
credit at Florida State University Former circus girls, f o r instance, the only mature person in the house,
have a much easier time than most it is her responsibility to keep close
f o r being a c l o w n is i n m y view as other women when they marry and and l o v i n g contact so t h a t c o n f u s e d
have babies. The greatest value is voung minds may not be contam-
great a disservice to higher education emotional—the fact that the per- inated.
formers belong to a going concern
and academic f r e e d o m as any o f the and that they accomplish seemingly But the open door must come be-
impossible feats. W e ' v e seen some fore the "listening ear." Closed or
carryings-on of Senator McCarthy." fantastic changes i n personality. locked doors are the symbols of
closed or locked minds. M y door
F S U rose up i n ire. I n the first " I remember one girl, a muscular is not only unlocked, i t is never
place, according to Roy Flynn of the little blonde, who came here as a closed unless a confidential confer-
Public Relations office, the Univer- freshman just to get in the circus. ence is g o i n g on. E v e n then every-
sity of Chicago has a circus of its Suddenly she disappeared on the one feels free to knock and poke her
own, an acrobatic group called campus. 1 didn't realize until months head in for a moment.
Acrotheater which is highly regard- later that she had changed so com-
ed by the Chicago school: i t was a pletely that I didn't recognize her. M y room is cheerful. I think every
student activity when M r . Hutchins N o w she is charming and completely housemother's room should be cheer-
served as chancellor. A n d in the sec- feminine. She w i l l be g r a t e f u l to
ond place, nobody gets credit f o r
just being a clown.
" W h e n Coach Jack Haskins be-
gan the circus seven years ago," M r .
Flynn said, "a photographer f r o m
a national magazine came to Talla-
hassee and asked i f he could make a
picture of two clowns in cap and
gown receiving degrees in 'circus-
ology.' There's no such degree, of
"Circus is an elective i n physical
education just like golf, swimming,
tennis, skish, archery, basketball, and
30 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Dayton Alumnae Help
Retarded Children
b y V I R G I N I A T I P T O N N I P S O N , AT, Denhon
Dayton alumnae preparing materials for eral types of cases, some unable to words. They must recognize the
the retarded children's classes are Virginia speak plainly, some unable to hear dangers of fire, water, and knives.
Nipson, Joan Neumister, Dottie Begovitch, well, none able to coordinate
thoughts and fingers in the simple A l l of these skills and many more,
and Thelma Heath. routines of everyday life. so easy f o r a normal child, must be
painstakingly taught by repetition,
S E E I N G is believing" and be- Their teacher, M r s . L . D . Jen- explanation, and many hours of
lieving is feeling with the heart—we kins, is held back by inadequate help. The tools provided must be
of the Dayton alumnae have found equipment and lack of understand- suited especially for them and their
this to be true. Over the years ing by the public and some parents. needs.
we've groped for a local philan-
thropic project that we could be- We sent several members to visit We sent records for them to en-
come interested in and believe in and the class and began by brightening joy and to aid in coordination by
call our own. We contributed to the classroom with gay curtains and dancing and rhythmic songs or
several worthy institutions and providing books and a reading movements. We offered a few sug-
funds but our hands were idle as corner. We invited Mrs. Jenkins to gestions for projects to make things
far as a cause was concerned. speak at one of our meetings and and donated money f o r a playhouse.
learned of her problems and needs
Then in March of 1952 we settled and the heart breaking plight of A t our November meeting one
on a class of retarded children. The these children. None of them can group cut duplicate pictures from
class of ten boys and girls with ages be made well again with normal magazines to make a lotto game.
f r o m six to 12 years meet in a base- whole minds, but all of them can The children learn to identify house-
ment room of a public school. They learn to care for themselves and to hold objects and food items through
receive small support f r o m the local perform simple useful tasks. play. Another group made bean
board of education and the com- bags in varied colors. The teacher
munity chest. Each parent must They must learn slowly to go throws the bags to the children, who
pay $90 tuition for the year, and through the motions of tying shoes, count each bag and identify its color.
bus transportation is provided with taking coats on and off, using but-
parent help. The children are sev- tons and snaps and hooks. They can We are contributing to the tuition
learn to identify objects, colors, and of two children this year whose par-
ents are unable to carry the full
financial burden.
Mrs. Jenkins has guided us in
our gifts choosing carefully from
her needs for the children. We have
learned a great deal through this
project and done some good, we
believe, not only f o r the children
but f o r ourselves. Certainly we
have warmed our own hearts by
helping these helpless souls, in a
personal way that we have never
experienced before.
ful. I am extravagant in lights for hall and a wood pile in the back regular following of fraternity men
my room. They burn day and night! yard. Any one is free to build a who like our cake and have now
When the outside is dark and rainy, fire when the weather permits. I t learned to like our spiced tea!
my lights burn brightly and beauti- takes almost forty candles to light
fully. M y walls and draperies are the dining room and this too is ex- A l l of the foregoing—the "listen-
yellow! Dark rooms increase fears. pensive, but we eat by candlelight ing ear," the open door, the gay con-
Sunlight banishes them—even simu- every night. We have buffet lunches fident companionship fostered by
lated sunlight. A l l advisers, alumnae, at noon and carry trays all over the teas, bright lights, and the glow of
actives, and pledges are free to use house. For these we use good silver candles and firelight,—develops lead-
my room whether I am there or not. trays, pitchers, and other silver. It's ership in a chapter. Actually a house-
I keep a tea service on a graceful pretty, relaxing, and fun. mother's greatest contribution is to
turn table and often come home help the girls with whom she lives
f r o m town to find eight or ten girls We have open house and serve be themselves. Self -expression is the
sitting on chairs, couches, and the tea every Wednesday afternoon sine qua non of existence—it is the
floor drinking tea. from four to five-thirty. This is the secret of self-knowledge and this
beginning of what will be a N u produces both the courage and confi-
The reception hall, living room, Lambda tradition on the U.S.C. dence to act upon high principles—
and dining room downstairs boast of campus. One of the mothers brings and to stand back of them! Thus
as many flowers and as much green- us lovely cakes f o r these. During acting on high principles is leader-
ery as we can afford every day. Not the tea we have a good radio pro- ship! The kind of leadership which
just on party days or chapter nights! gram of music and couples sit in va- will build happy, constructive chap-
We have a fireplace in the reception rious corners and talk. We have a ters.
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 31
^ M a R R I A G E and a home were Medical Social Service After completing the required two
first in my mind when I graduated As a Career years of graduate study at Western
from the University of Nebraska. Reserve, I accepted a position as a
Certainly, I could not have imagined By P A U L I N E R Y M A N caseworker on the orthopedic service
myself as I am today—a medical (Z, Nebraska) at Strong Memorial Hospital in
social worker in a large university Rochester, New York. This is also
hospital in the city of Rochester, will in the world but before too long a large teaching hospital of about
New York. Nor would it have mat- I realized that I needed more train- 830 beds, attached to the University
tered so much to me then, as it does ing and skill. of Rochester School of Medicine
now, that medical social work has and Dentistry. On the orthopedic
led me into an intellectually stimu- By this time I had heard about service I worked with patients of all
lating atmosphere with opportuni- medical social work. Here seemed ages who had fractures, poliomye-
ties to develop professional skills to be exactly what I wanted, since litis, congenital anomalies, or other
and to know good friends. it combined my recent interest in disabilities of a short or long term
social work and my deferred interest nature. I worked closely with the
By the time I graduated, any long in medicine. A f t e r two years of pub- doctors, nurses, the physical ther-
thoughts I once had about specialized lic welfare experience, I was for- apists, and other members of the
training and a professional career tunate enough to be accepted for medical team, and with many com-
had been pushed into the back- enrollment in the School of Applied munity agencies involved i n the care
ground. I became engaged at the Social Sciences in Western Reserve of people with physical handicaps.
end of my freshman year. Like a University. There I found what I
lot of other AOITs, I was sure that had been looking for. I n addition to Three years later I left Rochester
I had found the best that college had two days of class work, I had three and returned to Nebraska, where for
to offer. days a week of supervised field work five years I worked as medical social
in a family welfare agency; then, consultant in the state program f o r
Ours was a postwar atmosphere, after one semester, my field work crippled children. M y work became
too—post World War I . When I placement was in the university hos- mainly consultation with other mem-
entered college in 1919 and joined pital. There I worked closely with bers of the staff with regard to policy
Zeta chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi, patients and their families, with doc- and program planning, but I also
I had some interest in medicine. I n tors, nurses, and other medical social had some direct contact with patients
a vague sort of way I considered workers. As a medical social work and their families. Since our pro-
being a doctor or at least a nurse. student I also attended many clinical gram was limited to persons under
Vocational counselling didn't exist demonstrations and had opportuni- 21 years of age, I had more op-
on our campus then. From my lim- ties to add to my understanding of portunities to work with and for
ited experience I saw nothing for medical and public health problems. children, especially through the or-
college women but secretarial work, thopedic and other hospitals and the
nursing, or teaching. Any idea of The big day came for me when I clinics in different parts of the state.
being a doctor was "venturous". was on my own, f o r the first time
wearing my white coat with the Strong Memorial Hospital asked
I did begin a pre-medic course Social Service patch on the sleeve. me to come back to Rochester in
which, fortunately, gave me some of No outfit I have worn before or 1946 to serve as Director of Social
the background I have since needed since has given me so much satisfac- Service and I am still here. Our
in medical social work—biology, tion. That day I was allowed to go staff of 17 medical and psychiatric
psychology, anthropology, and soci- unaccompanied to one of the di- social workers serve patients and
ology. But after my engagement I visions in the hospital for a confer- their families who are referred to
couldn't face the prospect of eight or ence with one of the young residents us by the staff physicians or other
ten years more work toward a medi- in regard to a cardiac patient to members of the hospital staff. We
cal education. I switched to Teach- whom I had been assigned. are also involved i n the teaching of
ers College and became a kinder- student nurses, medical students,
garten teacher. resident staff, and others. We have
opportunities to contribute our
M y first years of marriage and thinking in the policy formulation
family life were not too different of the hospital and in program plan-
from those of my college friends. ning in the community to meet the
But i n 1934, at the depth of the de- needs of i l l people.
pression, I found myself a widow
with two children, six and eight I cannot help but wish that I
years old. I had to earn our living had known about medical social
and find a whole new way of life. work during my undergraduate days.
I f what I have said here quickens
Two good Zeta friends, Helen the interest of any member of A O I I ,
Fitzgerald and Margaret Edwards, I hope she will write to me at Strong
talked to me about the work they Memorial Hospital for further in-
were doing in the Lancaster (Ne- formation. Ours is a growing pro-
braska) County Department of So- fession with many interesting job
cial Welfare. This seemed to me opportunities for well-trained per-
work I would like to do; so I wasted sons who like the medical atmos-
no time in applying f o r a job as a phere, enjoy working with all kinds
caseworker. I got a job and found of people, and who want to be use-
great satisfaction working with trou- f u l in their communities. What is
bled people of all races, creeds, and more, medical social work, marriage,
colors but I often found myself at and family life can and do have a
a loss to help them solve their com- healthy give-and-take relationship.
plex problems. I had all the good
32 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
The Story of aThe Lady of the Bracelet
I n T H E 26 Y E A R S that "The Lady 31 one of her Senior women. She wanted it
of the Bracelet" has been chosen at euphonious and dignified, and invented
Vanderbilt University, AOIIs have been ••• the phrase "Lady of the Bracelet."
selected eight times. Within the last eight
years five of the eight "Ladies" have i The 1931 Commodore implies expan-
been members of Nu Omicron chapter. sion of the original concept: "This title
That is a record of which we are sure Becky Howell (NO), 1954 "Lady of the recognized as the women's Bachelor of
they are proud, and Alpha Omicron Pi Bracelet" at Vanderbilt. Ugliness . . . was made more nearly paral-
congratulates N u Omicron upon the dis- lel to that honor in 1930 by allowing the
tinction which has come to her members. 1928: Bess Brown (Mrs. W. O. Tirrill) entire body of women students to partici-
1929: Mary Jane Lowenheim (Mrs. Albert pate in the choice."
Becky Howell is the 1954 "Lady of the
Bracelet," the most recent to bring ac- Werthan) Today petitions are sent to the Women's
claim to AOII. When "Beezy" Walston 1930: Martha Davis Lambeth (Mrs. Hardee Student Government Association from in-
was chosen in 1953, on the twenty-fifth dividuals, from independent groups, and
anniversary of the establishment of the Kilgore) from sororities. There are usually about
award, we intended to run the story of 1931: Martha Strong Weaver (Mrs. G. O. fifteen names submitted each year. There
"The Lady of the Bracelet," which ap- is a primary election held during a wom-
peared in the May-June, 1953, issue of Bailey) en's chapel in early spring when each
the Vanderbilt Alumnus. Our good friend 1932: Frances Rodenhauser (Mrs. Ned woman votes for six nominees. During
and editor of The Palm of ATfi, Bob the following week the Hustler prints a
Simonds, sent us the clipping, and we Lentz)* resume of the six nominees who have
have been looking for space ever since 1933: Betty Crawford (Mrs. Charles Wil- received the highest number of votes—
to run the feature. Now that Becky their activities and accomplishments on
Howell has made it two in a recent row, liams) the Campus, and their class standing in
we find we must take the space, and wc 1934: Mary Eleanor Rodenhauser (Mrs. grades. A t the following women's chapel,
present herewith part of the article. You each of the final nominees is introduced,
w i l l note that this is the second time that M. M. Calvert)* and after chapel, the girls go to Frierson
AOIIs have won the honor twice in a row, 1935: Jane Brown (Mrs Josh Ambrose) Hall in Alumni Memorial Hall, and vote
having repeated also in 1949 (Barbara 1936: Nancy Edwards (Mrs. James William for the first, second, and third candidates
Woodard Crawford) and 1950 (Evelyn whom they prefer. The officers of the
Coker Kleber). Ward) WSGA count the votes. The funds for the
1937: Louise Hardison (Mrs. Frank T. purchase of the bracelet come from the
Twenty-five years ago, in the spring of W S G A treasury, as they always have,
1928, the Junior class of co-ed women at McCoy, Jr.) presumably.
Vanderbilt numbering around forty met 1938: Landis Shaw (Mrs. B. B. Gullett)
secretly and nominated and elected whom 1939: Alice Beasley (Mrs. Campbell Mc- Quoting from the 1952 Co-ed Hand-
they considered the most outstanding book published by the Women's Council
Senior co-ed. Bess Brown, now Mrs. Lester) of Vanderbilt University: "The election
W . O. T i r r i l l , recalls complete surprise, 1940: Virginia Blair (Mrs. William de- of the Lady of the Bracelet is held in the
when at an assemblage of Junior and spring. . . . This is the highest honor
Senior co-eds, she was presented a silver Turk)* which any woman in the University may
bracelet engraved on the inside: Bess 1941: Miriam McGaw (Mrs. Fred Cowden) receive. The Senior to whom this honor
Brown, Lady oj the Bracelet, 1928. 1942: Selma Seligman (Mrs. J. M. Lewis) is awarded is considered by her fellow
1943: Martine Chaffin (Mrs. W. D. Ken- women students as the most outstanding
In the 1930 Commodore there is a girl on the Campus, and the one who has
page with a picture of Mary Jane Lowen- dall) contributed most to University life during
heim, now Mrs. Albert Werthan, the 1929 1944: Susan White (Mrs. J. L . Perry, Jr.) her undergraduate days."
recipient, the second Lady of the Bracelet. 1945: Anna Marie Cate (Mrs Edwin B.
The caption beneath the picture reads: " I n There are as many styles of bracelets
accordance with the precedent set by the Anderson) as there have been Ladies of them. The
Junior Girls in 1928, each year a Senior 1946: Katherine Dale (Mrs James I . Potts, budget itself, which has vacillated over
girl is chosen Lady of the Bracelet. The the years, is a factor in the varied selec-
choice is based upon scholarship, partici- Jr.) tions. Some recipients have been given
pation in school activities, personality, and 1947: Sara West Robertson (Mrs. W. A. the privilege of selecting their choice of
general popularity. I t is hoped that the bracelet at a local jewelry store; during
school as a whole w i l l recognize the Lady Robertson)* other years the members of the WSGA
of the Bracelet as the woman Bachelor of 1948: Carolyn Neathery (Mrs. J. D. Alder- board have made the selection. Today
Ugliness of the University, as that is the the treasurer of the WSGA is the selector.
light in which the title is regarded by the man) The bracelets have been of gold and of sil-
girls themselves." 1949: Barbara Woodard (Mrs. J. A. Craw- ver ; they have been of a solid cut of metal,
or divided into links, or they have been
Five years earlier Dr. Ada Belle Staple- ford, Jr.)* chain bracelets uniting a plate which
ton was appointed the first Dean of 1950: Evelyn Coker (Mrs. Francis Kleber)* bears the engraved inscription. The in-
Women at Vanderbilt. She served until 1951: Betty Ruble scription is uniform: the name of the
September of 1940, when she resigned be- 1952: Joann George recipient, the title of the honor, and the
cause of ill health. I t was she who organ- 1953: Kathryn Lee Walston Smith* year awarded.
ized the Women's Student Government 1954: Becky Howell*
Association on the Campus, and the The typical Lady of the Bracelet is a
Women's Athletic Association. And it *Represent AOIIs girl of multiple honors on the Campus.
was she, presumably, who originated the One of them—Frances Rodenhauser, now
idea of the Lady of the Bracelet. We present this feature with the idea Mrs. Ned Lentz, the 1932 winner—was
that other chapters may wish to contribute also the Founder's Medalist for her aca-
I t soon became apparent to "Dean Ada to such an idea. If your campus has such demic class.
Belle" that there was no honor for women an outstanding award and your chapter
comparable to that of Bachelor of Ugli- members have been honored many times, The newest Lady of the Bracelet is
ness for men. Vice-Chancellor Sarratt won't you write the editor about it and Kathryn Lee Walston, AOII and Phi
recalls discussion with Dr. Stapleton request space for your featuret Beta Kappa, from Birmingham, immedi-
about a title to be conferred annually upon ate past president of the WSGA—By
Lavina Witherspoon, A'42.
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 33
Phi Omicron House "uncluttered look" a masterpiece of address and challenged the chapter
understatement. to dedicate the house to the high
(Continued from page 10) purposes of an institution of learn-
Bruce Fox, a friend of Kay's, did ing.
To get back to the house, we were the fireplace in a black mesh curtain
very fortunate in acquiring it, for screen with two tall brass giraffes In her truly gracious way Nancy
the college built ours and the other (Fox originals) standing out on the rose to the spirit of Dr. Parker's
two sorority houses, f o r Alpha Delta hearth as andirons. He also did the inspiring message and accepted the
Pi and Phi Mu. We live in a three- imperial lion and crown with three house on behalf of Alpha Omicron
sided "quad," which was laid out on swords and fleur-de-lis on either Pi. We were genuinely proud to
the site of the old observatory. As side, which glorify one wall in the have her present to receive the house
a matter of fact, Kay had a ring- library, and the silver fighting cocks in the name of our national organiza-
side seat to watch construction, as which stir up a tempest in the house- tion, and to pledge our support of
the quad is just across the road f r o m mother's sitting room. Hanover's educational aims. The
our old house. entire chapter sang "Bless This
On the lower floor are the kitchen House"; M r . Fox said the benedic-
We pay rent to the college, as we and recreation room, the only rooms tion ; and the never-to-be forgotten
did in the dormitory, f o r the use of we completely furnished with our service was over.
the house. The college will always own money. Gifts from our good
own the house, and they take care friends, Kentuckiana alumnae, Chi- A t the open house which followed
of maintenance, insurance, utilities— cago North Shore, and other alum- we were happy to have Nancy stand-
everything except the housemother's nae ; f r o m parents and other close ing in the receiving line with Kay
salary and the telephone bill. We friends have made possible the beau- and Donna Strettar, our president.
feel very fortunate to have so much t i f u l appointments in our house. We The huge reception was our first
given to us, and we love living in are deeply grateful for this help, real chance to show off the house,
our new house together. A t present without which we could not exist, and the girls acted as guides and
the college permits us to eat only as our chapter is only five years old. conducted tours all over the house,
breakfast in our house, and an occa- f r o m the guest room on the top
sional dinner, but before too many Nine girls live on the first floor, floor to the powder rooms on the
years we expect to take all of our 24 on the second; three girls to a ground floor. The laundry room
meals in the A O I I House. room fill the house to capacity of was the only spot not open to inspec-
33 students. The remainder of the tion. This was the safety valve room
A l l of the houses are of modi- members and the pledges live in the and was piled high with unfinished
fied Georgian colonial architecture, college dormitory. There is a small jobs and "last year's birds' nests."
which fits in with the building bath on the first floor and a large
scheme of the campus. A l l are built one on second with showers and The grand climax of the week-
on the same plan, and the study tubs providing ample accommoda- end was our initiation banquet that
rooms and dormitory are furnished tion f o r the occupants. same Sunday evening, when every-
identically, by the college. How- one had f u n and rejoiced in the
ever, the doorways are different, The dormitory is a large spacious presentation of awards to initiates.
and ours is beautifully simplified to room on the third floor, with a small A t the speakers' table were Nancy,
suit our modern decor. bath room, guest room, pledge bed- Mary Lou Fitton ( B * ) , our adviser
room, and two storage rooms filling (also Hanover librarian and AAIT
Our living room and library colors the corners. The pledges, working housemother) ; Kay, Donna and
are brown and gray, with beige, out special projects before they were "Little Pat" Walne, but there were
black, and green variations, and activated, decorated the guest room, no speeches—by request of every-
orange-red accents. The living room a Victorian blue room; and the one. I t was simply a time of hap-
is at the back of the house and. pledge room, an AOII-red-and-white piness over the fact that we had 18
when you come up the half flight of room with A O I I spreads on the dou- new and good actives. Donna had
steps in the hallway, you get the ble-deckers. conducted the first big initiation i n
full benefit of our wonderful view the big house, and "Little Pat" had
of the campus. Because we made Our life in the new house was completed a good job, well done, as
the most advancement in scholar- started off in good spirit with our pledge trainer. Pat presented the
ship last year, we had our pick of big initiation week-end, when Nancy Ruby-Alpha pin to Shirley Hersh-
location and chose the east house McCain was our honored guest. We berger as model pledge, the activities
because of the view. A t the bay began the big day early by initiating award to Mary Bogner, and a recog-
window framing the view are filmy 18 pledges, the best we've ever had, nition pin to Jane Rankin as pledge
curtains with scarlet tanagers flitting we think. A f t e r a quick breakfast president. It's a good thing the
in symmetric pattern on the mate- we attended church in a body. Then scholarship cup has two handles, f o r
rial. The key to our color scheme came Sunday dinner, always a spe- two of our freshmen made straight
was a group of Toulouse-Lautrec cial meal in the college dining room. A , and so the names of both Caro-
prints, which were in our red-piano line Lines and Becky White go on
room in the old house and which Preceding the Panhellenic Open the scholarship cup f o r 1954.
now decorate the library. House in the afternoon, we held a
prayerful dedication of our beloved A t our recent election of officers
The modern idea is carried out house. The only people invited were Joyce Hollensbe was chosen presi-
in tobacco finish maple tables, with President Parker and his family, dent ; Jane Rankin, vice president;
bamboo shelves and wrought iron Dean and Mrs. Tate, Dean and Mrs. Lucia Barnes, recording secretary;
legs. The lamps, in brown, silver, Calvert, Dean Dorothy S. Bucks, Mary Bogner, corresponding secre-
wrought iron, and brass, are mas- Dean of Residence Naomi Brown, tary ; and Barbara Kryter was re-
sive to fit in with the modern scheme. the Reverend M r . Fox and Mrs. elected treasurer ( " K r i t t e r " is also
One lamp looks like a large fish Fox, and our good friend the col- AAA president).
bowl covered with wire netting. The lege dietitian, Mrs. Sidney Zemp.
red accents of the curtains are con- Our new officers w i l l be the first
tinued in two pairs of upholstered Dr. Tate, the Dean of the College, to lead us through an entire year in
chairs. W e consider our modern started the dedication with his sin- the new house.
cere and earnest invocation. Dr.
Parker delivered a brief dedication
3-1 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Joan Barr Wins
"Sadie Thompson" Contest
b y H E L E N H U Y C K , (Phi, Kansas)
A :A" E N T R Y B L A N K picked up livery of the 21-inch Sylvania blond Photo by E d Schultz, Radio Station W H B .
table model set! Kansas City
with little thought that it ever would
be used, was the beginning of a se- " I really didn't have the slightest Joan Barr (•!> '51), winner of the "Sadie
ries of events which resulted in Joan intention of sending in that blank Thompson" contest conducted by Loews
Barr ( * '51) being acclaimed the when I picked it up," Joan con- Midland Theater and Radio Station W H B
girl whose measurements were most fessed.
like Rita Hayworth's in a "Sadie in Kansas City.
Thompson" contest conducted by a But her three room-mates, all
Kansas City theater and radio sta- members of Phi chapter at Kansas difference in social adjustment, morale, fam-
tion. The prize—a 21-inch tele- U., Betty Tice, Margaret Hoopes, ily relationships, economic views, and other
vision set! and Zoe Siler, are glad that she did. factors, but the independents achieved
I f you should stop by Betty's home, slightly better grades.
Now the reason Joan was inter- where they live at 4158 Eaton street
ested in the entry blank in the first in Kansas City, Kansas, you in all Although few significant differences were
place was because she saw the note probability would find them seated found between the freshmen groups, this
" W i n a T V Set" in large letters! about the room in pajamas or robes was not true four years later.
And Joan and her three Alpha O watching television, eating popcorn,
room-mates really needed and want- or munching on apples—having f u n Among senior women belonging to sor-
ed a television set. as you'd expect a bunch of AOIIs to orities, Mrs. Rogers found higher personal
do wherever they get together! morale, strong optimism, and faith in the
The room - mates encouraged future. They also outranked independents
"Jem," as she is affectionately Sororities Survive in social adjustment and family relation-
known to them, to submit her meas- ships. In general they were more conserva-
urements "just f o r f u n " ; so she For a Good Reason tive politically and expressed less concern
finally succumbed to the request, for the welfare of other races and nationali-
then promptly forgot about it. I N an article called, " W h y Sorori- ties.
The contest was sponsored by the ties Survive," in the October Seven- Senior independent women got better
Loews Midland theater in coopera- teen Nola-Stark Rogers, Assistant grades, averaging 1.7 compared with 1.4
tion with radio station W H B , while Dean of Students at U.C.L.A., says for sorority members, with a C-average rep-
Rita Hayworth was appearing at that sororities survive because they resented by 1.0. Comparatively, the inde-
the theater in the revised version of serve as marriage marts for the pendent women held less conservative
"Sadie Thompson." members. The sorority house is the political and economic views and were more
ideal place for a college girl to meet sympathetic toward the problems of racial
I t was almost two weeks after and become acquainted with her and national minorities.
she had finally sent in the entry future mate. The sorority carries
blank before Joan was contacted by on the social training begun by the At the same time their family relation-
Wayne Stitt, disk jockey f o r the girl's family and provides the setting ships were not as harmonious as those of
radio station, who asked her to ap- for her development. sorority affiliates, and they were less opti-
pear with nine other contestants who mistic about their future.
had been selected as finalists. For the purpose of analyzing the
functions of sororities Mrs. Rogers Both groups, in interviews, agreed that
Although they were assured the did a study on the personality char- women in sororities have a better chance to
radio station i n no way doubted acteristics of sorority and non- meet eligible young men while in college
their integrity, each of the girls was sorority women at U C L A with the than do non-sorority women.—IRAC Bul-
again measured officially. Joan's following results, quoted from the letin, March, 1953.
height was listed as 5 f t . 6*4 inches; IRAC Bulletin:
her weight, 125 pounds; bust, 35 Conclusions to be drawn from the
inches; waist, 24% inches; hips, 36 WHETHER a woman chooses to belong to a study indicate that sororities have
inches; wrist, 6j4 inches; and ankle, sorority during her four college years ap- a stabilizing influence upon the girls
7^2 inches. pears to have a definite effect on her per- and teach them self-discipline.
sonality and academic performance, accord-
The girls were interviewed, and ing to a doctoral investigation completed by Mrs. Stark addressed the National
after a half-hour wait, the announce- Mrs. Nola-Stark Rogers, acting assistant Panhellenic Conference at its No-
ment was forthcoming that Joan dean of students at UCLA. vember meeting in Pasadena on the
Barr was the winner! I t was a subject of her study of sorority and
memorable February 17! Her study involved interviews, tests of non-sorority women.
personality traits, and comparisons of aca-
The excitement really began then. demic achievement of four groups of women
Pictures were taken; she was inter- enrolled at UCLA, including freshman sor-
viewed over radio station W H B by ority women, freshmen non-sorority, senior
Wayne Stitt; and her picture and an sorority, and senior non-sorority women.
account of her accomplishments was
given over the T V newscast that Betweenfirst-yearaffiliated and non-affil-
night on channel No. 9, by John iated women, Mrs. Rogers found little
Thornberry, newscaster.
I t was an excited group of work-
ing girls who anxiously awaited de-
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
At A.P.I. • This lively group is composed of 45 girls
from 15 states.
DELTA DELTA has been in the news this Barbara Coan ( * ) was tapped for Mortar
year. Two of our girls, Garrity Watson Board at Pennsylvania by V i Simmons, Chi Deltans were active in philanthropy
and Babs Tittle, were on the Dean's List. this year. They entertained the Girl Scout
Nancy Atkinson was one of the finalists another AOII. troop and helped wish Merry Christmas
for cheerleader. Mona Fuller, Edwina to needy families in Boulder by sending
Sims were members of the Homecoming Dottie Tyler, Merry Lynn Hayes and food baskets. The girls also made cloth
Court. Our president, Betty Coleman, Connie Jean Conway. I n the beauty line scrapbooks for children in mental hos-
was chosen for membership in Sphinx, we really took the lead placing six girls
honorary for outstanding senior women. in the beauty section of the annual. Tau pitals.—GAIL WRIGHT
Betty Sue Johnson, past sweetheart of Delta beauties were Ann Barr, Jean
T K E , presented the bouquet to Babs Branch, Suzanna Davis Maloney, Bonny At Cornell
Tittle, the new sweetheart. Margaret Smith, Faye Woody, and Betty Ann
Ladner was elected to the art honorary. Howell. Heading the list of our big EPSILON'S Barbara Merritt, president-
We held a houseparty in Florida and wheels are Mary Jacq Snow, Suzanna elect for 1953-54, became Mrs. Kenneth
one at Auburn during this past summer. Davis Maloney, and Faye Hendrix. Mary Lawrence during the summer; so Janet
In the fall, A.P.I, tried a system of pre- Jacq, chosen as the chapter's outstanding Van Aken, our vice president, became
school rush which proved quite successful. senior, wields the gavel of the Y W C A president. A t the first meeting in the fall,
Our formal, January 30, had as its theme, and the Physical Ed club, being head we elected Margaret Barry as our new
the AOII Red Rose. Members, pledges, cheerleader. Both Mary Jacq and Suz- vice president. Kathleen Wickes, who
and their dates enjoyed coffee in the anna were selected to Who's Who and became Mrs. Oakley Ray this summer,
chapter room the night of the dance. Honor Council, and Suzanna and Faye is our recording secretary; Marcia Mac-
Following the formal a breakfast .was both were members of Mortar Board. Donald is treasurer; Gayle Griswold,
given us by the Lambda Chi Alpha fra- Faye is also a cheerleader.—CONNIE JEAN corresponding secretary, and Nancy Mar-
ternity-.—BABS TITTLE CONWAY tin, rushing chairman. Mrs. Grace Rog-
ers, who had been housemother f o r two
At Ball State At Colorado years, decided to retire, and Mrs. Ger-
trude Smith has taken her place. Marcia
KAPPA KAPPA chapter proudly claims C H I DELTA is especially proud of three MacDonald was elected to Phi Kappa
among its leaders its president, Joanna outstanding seniors, who have been active Phi, scholastic honorary society, and is
Allen, a senior, past president of Y W C A , in campus life throughout their college historian for the senior class. Connie
and past vice president of Theta Sigma, days. Activities of Joan Altherr, our Jones, Panhellenic delegate, is the editor
home economics honorary. Dottie Swan- president, include Phi Sigma, Panhel- of this year's rushing booklet. The social
son, senior, is another Kappa Kappa lenic, Actions Board, Colorado Daily service project for several years had
leader. She was recently chosen as one staff, A W S House of Representatives, been the support of Ellie, a child from a
of 30 outstanding Ball State students political party representative, student ad- home broken by the war. As she became
named in Who's Who in American Col- visor, and Spur. Patty Mullen, our treas- 18 this year, we discontinued her partial
leges and Universities, is student dorm urer, is a member of the Flatiron, Colo- support. As a new project, under the
staff director, and past president of. the radan, and Colorado Daily staffs; the leadership of social service chairman.
"Mike Club." In A O I I , she is activities classical music committee, high school Donna Jean Avery, we have been col-
chairman and past social chairman. Kappa welcoming committee, and House of Rep- lecting $10 a month for a milk fund for
Kappa is also proud of Ruth Ina John- resentatives. Jerri Srp, student director war orphans and underprivileged children
son, senior, back with us filling many of Dennison Hall, is also A W S vocations in Korea. Our annual charity bazaar for
speaking engagements after four months chairman and active in Mortar Board. the Frontier Nursing Service in Ken-
in Belgium as one of four students to be Hesperia, and Spur. The record for the tucky was held Dec. 6. Many socks, baby
so honored as a part of the Exchange largest pledge class for all national A O I I clothes, aprons, and other handmade gifts
Farm Student Program. Ruth Ina is chapters this year went to Chi Delta. by actives and alumnae were sold, netting
past treasurer of AOII. Helen Kimes,
senior, our past philanthropic chairman a sum over $90.—DOROTHY CONLEY
and past rush chairman is another of our
leaders. She is dorm treasurer, past presi- A t Denison
dent of Y W C A , and a leader in W U S ,
World Union Service.—SARA STANLEY A L P H A T A U holds a position of leadership
on the Denison campus. Many girls in
At Birmingham-Southern our chapter are outstanding in campus,
sorority, and community affairs. One of
T A U DELTAS began the year with three our sophomores, Joan Chappell, last year's
top honors under their hat: the Interfra- model pledge, has made quite a name f o r
ternity Sing cup, the "Miss Victory" herself in two short years. She is a
trophy which is awarded to the sorority member of French and music honoraries;
most outstanding in sports, and the Bir- of the community orchestra, and was
mingham Panhellenic plaque for philan- tapped last year for Phi Society, fresh-
thropic work. Water Ballet found Tau man scholastic honorary. Nancy Tucker,
Deltas again leading the list in numbers one of our juniors, has also been a leader.
participating, with Mary Jacq Snow, Ann She is a Junior Advisor in one of the
Yates, Nancy Graves, K i t Martin, Dottie freshman dorms; a member of Crossed
Tyler, Faye Hendrix, Zachie Doughty, Keys, a junior women's honorary; and
and Connie Jean Conway taking part. a member of Women's Judicial Council,
The lead role in the campus opera, Amahl, to name a few of her many activities.
went to K i t Martin. Pledges Ann Yates Our delegate to national convention last
and Zachie Doughty were elected to the summer, our vice president and pledge
Y W C A Freshman Commission, while trainer, was Jan Krieckhaus, who is the
sophomores elected Betty Ann Howell, secretary of Alpha Epsilon delta, national
pre-medical honorary; secretary-treasurer
of Denison Chemical Society; and a
member of Denison Young Republican
36 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Club. Next year she plans to enter Ohio Anderson Street spring formal dance year, Our Town. Gamma Omicron took
State University to obtain a certificate which we are planning with our neigh- first place in the Homecoming sorority
in medical technology. bors, the Delta Gammas and the T r i house decorations and was one of the two
Delts.—CAROL HERSHBERGER finalists in Gator Growl, the Homecoming
In addition to these individual members. variety show. We initiated five girls this
Alpha Tau as a group has played a lead- At Evansville fall and pledged 28 during first semester.
ing role on campus. Last spring we had The chapter is proud to have one of the
the highest scholarship average of the C H I LAMBDA holds a position of leader- best pledge classes on campus.—BEVERLY
sororities on campus. During Homecom- ship on the Evansville College campus.
ing we made a fine showing placing in Marlene Day serves as president of the BALFE
decorations, in the novel character con- Women's Athletic Association, with
test, and having an attendant in the home- Jackie King helping her as vice president. At Florida Southern
coming queen's court. I n a drive by the Jackie also serves as sophomore class
whole school for funds for a nearby hos- treasurer, and Marilyn Randolph, junior KAPPA G A M M A is more than just happy
pital, we pitched right in, being one of class secretary. Marilyn was also Home- that Shirley Cantwell was elected Miss
the first groups on campus to reach 100% coming Football Queen this year, and the Southern. We are also proud of Xanie
participation in donations to the drive. A O I I float placed second. Carolyn Rusch- Kalivocas who placed second in Lakeland
meier is treasurer of Women's Council Rodeo Contest. We are enjoying reading
We were very happy and proud of our and keeps the minutes for the Pre-Med to little tots at a local orphanage each
last year's chapter adviser, Nan McCain, Club. Janet Lex is the corresponding sec- week. We made St. Patrick's Day brighter
who was elected our new national first retary of the Newman Club. Our presi- for the children's ward at the hospital by
vice president at convention. To honor dent, Bess Mullet, has a role in our giving them appropriate favors. For the
this occasion we gave a lovely tea for her. Thespian play Elizabeth, the Queen. On first time in its history Kappa Gamma
February 2 formal pledging was held for was hostess to Florida State Day. We
A few weeks before Christmas every- 11 new girls: Joan Bosse, Joan Bugg, had a wonderful time and hope everyone
one was quite busy making everything Helen Brown, Carolyn Brown, Mary Lou else did, too. Marge Maypole was re-
from Christmas tree ornaments to fancy Born, Faye Forster, Joan Hamel, Sara elected president of Kappa Gamma.
aprons for our alumnae holiday bazaar. Golden, Lois Ryan, Irene Rechnic, and Recently we initiated 15 girls. Sue Speidel
The project was quite a success and a lot Mary Giovanetti. — CAROLYN RUSCH- was awarded the honor pledge bracelet.
Our philanthropic activity as a group was
of fun too.—FRANCES REES MEIER the presentation of "Fashion Delicacies"
at Lakeland's largest theatre. Proceeds
A t DePauw At Florida went to philanthropic work. Hallowe'en
was a busy time for Kappa Gamma as the
T H E T A has had several girls chosen for G A M M A OMICRON has several members girls went "trick or treating" for their
campus positions this semester, although who hold positions of leadership on the French war orphan, Monique. They also
most new elections are not held until Florida campus. Margie McGarry was gave a big Hallowe'en party for some
spring. Bernie Brown was appointed appointed Commissioner of Women's A f - orphans. Joanne Antons, Shirley Cant-
junior business manager of Little Theatre fairs to the cabinet of the president of well, Lib Page, and Jackie Rickerson
and Judy Dutchess, slip sheet editor of the student body. This is the highest were chosen for Who's Who. These four
The DePauw. Barbara Ganster, vice pres- women's appointed office on campus. plus Marge Maypole and Betty Gene
ident, was elected secretary-treasurer of Peggy Luitich is Under-Commissioner of Stallings are in Cap and Gown, the
Psychology Club, and Gail Barlow was the Campus Chest committee and Beverly women's honorary leadership organiza-
named to serve on W . R . A . board. Our Balfe is Under-Commissioner of Women's tion. Lucy Fisackerly is a cheerleader,
philanthropic project for the year is work- Affairs. Peggy Luitich was also the John Barbara Bittner is the Dream Girl of
ing at the Putnam County Hospital. Marshall Bar Association's candidate for Pi Kappa Alpha. Shirley Cantwell is
Every afternoon from four till six two Homecoming Queen. Pat Ackerman is president of Panhellenic. Lucy Fisackerly.
girls aid the nurses and serve supper president of the Riding Club, president of Dagmar Hunnicut, Carolyn Greer, and
trays. The A O I I s at DePauw have begun Apprentice Players and was recently Dolores Daughtery are active in the
the custom of having Friday afternoon tapped for Florida Players, a dramatic Concert Choir. Dolores, in addition to
faculty coffee hours from four till five. honorary. Joan Hand, a transfer from being soloist for the touring group, had
Each week eight girls ask one of their Rho at Northwestern, had the lead in the the female lead in the Desert Song, given
professors for informal talk, coffee, and first Florida Players production of the during Founders' Week.—CAROLYN GREER
spudnuts. We are finding this an enjoy-
able way of getting acquainted with our
teachers. Theta is looking forward to the
At Auburn Delta Delta's Babs Tittle, left, Sweetheart of TKE, is on the Dean's List; Edwina Sims was chosen by Cecil B. DeMille as
a yearbook beauty; Betty Sue Johnson, rush chairman, was past Sweetheart of TKE.
> 57
T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Marianne Brish ( K ' 5 4 ) College Board.
has won a Fulbright
Scholarship to study at
the University of Lon-
don. Taking honors
work in English and
French, Marianne, sec-
ond from left, is shown
conferring with Dr.
John P. Kirby, head of
the Randolph-Macon
English department, left,
and Dr. Irl B. Krause of
U. of Mississippi. Mari-
anne, recently elected to
Phi Beta Kappa and
chosen a Junior Usher, has been active in editorial circles, having served last year on Mademoiselle's
At Florida State and has been woman's editor, society edi- At Hartwick
tor, and assistant business manager of
A L P H A P I initiated five members this fall that publication. Lambda Sigma is also SIGMA C H I chapter is very proud of its
and pledged 23 after a very successful outstanding for its leadership in athletic president, Elva Johnson, of Beacon, New
rush period. Four transfers welcomed into events, winning a cup in horseshoes and York, who in her junior year has been
the chapter this semester are Sarah Willis, volleyball. As a community philanthropic elected to Who's Who in American Col-
Indiana State Teacher's College, and project, the chapter gives aid to needy leges and Universities. Elva also holds
Joan Carpenter, Laurie Kent and Betty- families, taking as a special project a offices in the Student Christian Associa-
Lee from Florida Southern. Renie Hall, group of underprivileged children who tion; the junior class; Sigma Alpha Iota,
initiated into KAIl, educational honorary, visit the chapter house for dinner and national music fraternity. Her other ac-
is cheerleading for the Seminoles again entertainment one night a week.—LENORA tivities include the Yearbook staff, cheer-
this year and serving as a senior senator. leading, Music Educators National Con-
Starring in the F.S.U. circus, she ap- TILLMAN ference, concert choir, band, radio choir,
peared on the F.S.U. circus float in the and orchestra. Added to this. Elva is a
Gasparilla parade in Tampa. Also in At Hanover music education major with a fine scholas-
circus are Peggy Halberstadt, Carol tic rating.
Membert, Murrie Durack, Gerry Lehner, P H I OMICRON has assumed a position of
Jeannie Hotard, and Laura Eiler. Marilyn leadership at Hanover with the introduc- Sigma Chi's diligent work in extra-
Goble, a junior counselor in one of the tion of a new honor code which we hope curricular activities this past year has
freshmen dorms, is in charge of the "Miss will soon be adopted by the entire school. resulted in the following awards:
Gymkana" contest and played a lead role Our vice president, Pat Walne, has also
in The City of Kings, a Broadway play extended the honor code to pledge train- 1. Scholarship trophy (third consecu-
presented by the Newman Club. Cally ing very successfully. We have continued tive year).
Economos is serving as president of our philanthropic work at Cragmont men-
F.T.A. and Ann Blitch is vice president tal institution with weekly trips to the 2. Sinfonia Sing trophy (musical
of A.C.E. Jan Eichenger, vice president hospital and parties for the patients at award).
of Tarpon, women's swimming group, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have
appeared in the movie short, "Water collected old clothing which we are send- 3. Float trophy (winter weekend pa-
Swimphony." Joyce Elson was selected ing to the United Friends Service for the rade).
as a member of the Modern Dance Group people of war-torn Europe. This fall
and is the accompanist for the Collegians Lora Jo Tanner was initiated into Phi 4. Sports trophy (winter weekend
again this year. A O I I is represented on Omicron, and several weeks later, we sport events).—JOAN ASPINALL
Sophomore Council by Barbara Lynch happily pledged 27 wonderful girls. Sev-
and Murrie Durack. Diane Jones was eral of our girls have honored us with At Illinois
chosen as one of the finalists for the "Miss their membership in Alpha Lambda Delta,
Gymkana" contest, where she will com- a new scholastic honorary. They are IOTA scholarship rating went up from
pete against 16 other beauties. Rose Ellen Gladys Crawford, Barbara Eskew, Joane third to second quartile, and we are proud
Rilea was recently initiated into Women's Kasparek, Barbara Kryter (president), to claim two Alpha Lambda Deltas, Joan
F Club. The whole chapter had fun mak- Pamela Patterson (vice president), Dor- Freitag and Shirley Bradshaw, and two
ing and selling fudge and cookies for the othy Pickens (historian), and Patricia five point students, Ernestine Dewhirst
Walne (senior adviser). In Delta Epsi- and Martha Rosebraugh. Martha is also
Campus Chest.—MURRIF. D I R A C K lon, a science honorary, Doris Huber and in charge of publicity for Campus Chest.
Lora Marlette have been elected. Sue Shirley Bradshaw was initiated into Mask
At Georgia Boyle received the highest grade on a and Bauble, theatre honorary, and has
social science test which is required of been in two major productions of Illini
LAMBDA SIGMA holds a position of lead- all Hanover juniors. These girls helped Theatre. Anne Davis is the new presi-
ership in several fields at the University us to achieve the most scholastic improve- dent of Mask and Bauble. La Vaun
of Georgia, one of which is scholarship. ment of any campus sorority for the pre- Schild. our new vice president, received
We are proud of the fact that our chap- vious year. Peggy Heberling, one of our the highest grades in the journalism
ter has led the campus in scholastic aver- aspiring thespians, received a leading role school and is a member of Theta Sigma
ages for the past two quarters, winning in the school play, Twilight Walk, this Phi, journalistic honorary, and Gamma
for us a gold cup. Phyllis Allen, chapter fall. Our president, Donna Strettar, was Alpha Chi, advertising fraternity, and is
president, is one of the outstanding women re-elected secretary of the senior class. also chairman of the Matrix Banquet.
students on the campus, holding the office These things illustrate our leadership Barbara Babcock and Mary Ellen Hein-
of Professional Panhellenic president, ability in our school as well as in our icke are members of Terrapin, swimming
among her many honors. Marjorie Morse, community. Pictures of our beautiful new- honorary, and are co-directing one of the
treasurer, has done outstanding work on house will appear in the next issue.— shows. Mary Jane Fishel is treasurer of
the school publication, The Red and Black, Psi Upsilon Omicron, home economics
ELSIE BARRETT honorary, and secretary of Shorter Board,
junior honorary for activities. Kay
Stobbs, our new president, is a sub chair-
man of Spring Musical in charge of cos-
tumes. Gale Brittin and Bonnie Pavne
38 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
are Illio beauty finalists. Marilyn Perry A t Louisiana State dren's Hospital. The fall semester has
is a finalist for Plowboy Prom queen and been filled with many happy times for Pi
represented Miss Minnesota of the Big A L P H A OMICRON chapter has emphasized Deltas. We enjoyed exchange desserts
Ten in the Homecoming queen's court scholarship above everything else in an with several fraternities and were de-
this year. We performed in Stunt Show attempt to raise our overall average. The lighted by the numerous serenades we
with Tau Delta Phi and are in Spring fruits of our labors are beginning to show, received. Pledge-active slumber parties
Carnival with Phi Gamma Delta. Peggy too, in the fact that three of our pledges were lots of f u n on Friday nights after
Hoover will be singing this summer on will be invited to membership in Alpha dates. The Christmas season found us
Lambda Delta, an honorary organization very busy giving a party for underpriv-
WGN-TV.—SHARLENE MAYER for freshman women who have a high ileged children and presenting our pledge
scholastic average. We have two out- class at our annual Christmas dance.
At Indiana standing members scholastically. Mar- Another holiday custom was our formal
garet Stumpf, a music major in piano, has Christmas banquet, which was followed
BETA P H I is proud of our Gwin Pryor been invited to membership in M u Sigma by entertainment and singing. In addition
for being chosen "Arbeauty Queen" of Rho, honorary scholastic society. Mar- the Deans of Women and two foreign
the Arbutus Year Book. Vaughn Monroe garet is a senior and has consistently held students were our guests for dinner on
presented Gwin with her crown and bou- a high average in addition to participating several occasions.—PAT ELLIOTT
quet of roses. She was selected from 62 in many campus activities. Pat Bautsch, a
contestants entered by all the housing freshman, has been invited to membership At Miami
units on campus. Recently Gwin was in Alpha Lambda Delta. Pat had a 2.78
chosen by conductor Fabien Sevitzky to (based on a 3.00 grading system) average OMEGA has its share of leaders on Miami's
be the guest soloist for the Indianapolis for her first semester.—ROSALYNE BROWN campus. Our president, Lyn Pugh, is
Symphony Orchestra. Donita Nash and also the head of Mortar Board, senior
Gwin toured Florida with the "Indiana At Maryland women's honorary. Nancy Kiehborth,
Belles," a choral group of 40 girls from who was also tapped for Mortar Board,
the School of Music. Our chapter is well P i DELTA takes pride in the abilities of and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, was
represented in campus activities. Judy many of its members. Kitty Patrick is co-chairman of Homecoming. Many of
Douthitt was selected for I . U . Student vice president of the Panhellenic Council, our members are active at our campus
Foundation, with members being selected a class officer, and chairman of the very radio station. Linda Lewis is personnel
by the faculty. Beta Phi has 100% mem- successful blood drive. She's also an " A " director and president of Alpha Epsilon
bership in the I . U . Union. Fifteen AOIIs student. Mary Broumas is head cheer Rho, radio honorary, while Pat Paul is
received invitations to the "Razz Ban- leader, secretary of the Childhood Educa- the publicity director. Mary Jane Hugh
quet" given by Theta Sigma Phi and tion Club, and our very own vice presi- and Pat Topper each has her own pro-
Mortar Board for outstanding women on dent. Pat Killingsworth is an outstanding gram. Pat was also initiated into Kappa
campus. Beta Phil members cheered when leader of the sophomore class and has Delta Pi, education honorary. The posi-
construction started on our new chapter directed many successful parties at Chil- tion of photography editor for our year-
house. We are anxiously awaiting next
fall when we can all move into our ultra Nebraska N.P.C. Trophy
modern home. Of our eight fall pledges
Lois Schmidt is one of I.U.'s three harp- NEBRASKA'S PANHELLENIC was award- they have association with unaffiliated
ists and Jane Crowe was recently initiated students, the projects of philanthropy,
to Enomone. Other new initiates to non- ed the Fraternity Month trophy at the the support of school administration
aries are Leslie Yearian, Alpha Lambda National Panhellenic Conference in policies, good inter-sorority relation-
Delta; Kathy Riggins, Enomone; and Pasadena last fall, for its most con- ships, and the well organized program.
Donna Hein and Katherine Steinwedel, structive public relations program in
Omicron Delta, business honorary. Leslie furthering fine relations between so- The outstanding features of the
and Jane Crowe received Mortor Board rorities, between sororities and the Nebraska Panhellenic which were con-
recognition, and Ann Noonan recently university, and between sororities and sidered in the selection were as fol-
pledged Theta Alpha Phi, dramatics hon- the community. lows : The all-sorority average on the
Nebraska campus is higher than that
orary.— M A R L E N E DE GROFF The decision is made on the basis of any other group or groups. Panhel-
of the scholarship ratings of the so- lenic voted to support the inspection of
At Indiana State rorities on the campus, the degree to sorority kitchens and promote exam-
which they promote health standards inations of food-handlers in the vari-
KAPPA A L P H A holds a definite position of in their houses, their safety standards, ous houses. Representatives have been
leadership on the campus. Jo Ann Bohn, the extent to which they take a stand sent to the houses to examine fire
past president, served as director of the for good politics, the extent to which equipment and sponsor fire drills. The
annual Campus Revue. Shirley Alman Panhellenic has taken a stand against
Cunningham was director of the AOn block voting and ticket voting and
skit, entitled "Candied Capers." Kay urged its reform among the sororities.
Bissell represented AOn in the State For the past three years, Panhellenic
Cherry Blossom Queen contest, and Nancy has supported a foreign student in re-
Barbati, in the Queen of Hearts contest. gard to board and room, books, and
Rosemary Munson was honored as AOn spending money. A n annual Panhel-
Ideal Sorority Girl. An initiate into lenic Workshop is held to combine
Pamarista, equivalent of Mortar Board, various ideas and exchange programs
was Roseann Huey, who also excelled in within the houses. A little better than
leadership as president of the Student 8 8 % of those going through Rush
Union Board, and as lay-out editor of Week are placed. An outstanding fea-
the campus yearbook. Kappa Alpha is ture of this rushing program is the
very proud of its philanthropic work this excellent cooperation among the groups
year. Kay Marquess, philanthropic chair- in working it out.
man, directed elaborate Thanksgiving and
Christmas holiday plans for three local The trophy was awarded for the
orphan children; a children's clothing first time this year. Nebraska will
drive; a magazine drive for funds to be keep it for two years and then the
contributed to the Frontier Nursing Serv- committee will reevaluate the program
ice ; and many other projects. W i t h Ruth and the trophy will be passed on to
Pickett serving as this year's rush chair- the next winner.—BETTY SISSON
man, IS pledges accepted AOn ribbons.
In the drama department, Christine Bikos
served as student director of Children's
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 39
- At Montana State
1 A L P H A P H I chapter maintains a position
of leadership on campus. Leading in
t -Jta beauty and popularity are our three attrac-
tive queens: Dorothy Larsen, chapter
Dene Anderson and Sally Vegors are two of Beta Gamma's outstanding girls on the president, who was chosen Homecoming
Michigan State campus. Queen; Margaret Olsen, Phi Sigma
Kappa's Moonlight G i r l ; and Carol Mc-
book is held by Cathy H i l l . Omega also en's business honorary, and is planning Rae, who reigns over the Aggies as
has its share of sophomore counsellors. to run for class officer next term. She Harvest Ball Queen. Connie Niebel, i n -
Donna Hewitt, Judy Heinzelman, and has served as a committee chairman for dustrious senior, has been serving as
Gene Elliott are our representatives. the J-Hop, Spartacade, and Spinster's chairman of the local March of Dimes
Gene is also a member of Cwen, sopho- Spin, and is social chairman of Beta campaign here. Leading in scholarship
more women's honorary. Joan Behrens Gamma. And, incidentally, she still found among the actives is Sharon Elliot, recent
and Fran Boothe have recently been time to maintain a 3.9 scholastic aver- pledge to Phi Kappa Phi. Recently elected
initiated into the psychology honorary, age—almost straight A. For scholastic to Who's Who in American Universities
Psi Chi. As a group Omega cooperated achievement she was chosen for Tower and Colleges are two outstanding seniors,
with a fraternity on campus to entertain Guard, sophomore women's honorary, last Dorothy Larsen and Patsy Erickson.
some local underprivileged children at year. Beth is a senior from Detroit, and Class leaders are secretaries of senior,
our annual Christmas party.—MARTY has been active in Wolverine, campus junior, and sophomore classes respective-
year book, the J-Hop, Spartacade, and ly : Evie Eaton, Delores Smith, and Shir-
WARNER psychology. She is a charter member of ley Frenk. Leading roles in the winter
the first literary honorary to be formed play are held by Dorothy Larsen, Betty
At Michigan at MSC, and is rush chairman for Beta Lou Kanalz, and Jackie Sampson. A t
Gamma. In between these activities, she Founders' Day Shirley Frenk was chosen
OMICRON P I S tore themselves away from writes a weekly column for the Detroit outstanding pledge for her hard work and
our new television and the spacious dining Times. Her plans for the immediate cheerful attitude around the house. As a
room addition to capture a record array future? She's marrying an army lieu- local philanthropic project, Alpha Phi
of major positions. We proudly claim tenant in June!—MARY ROUSE chapter is lending its talents and time to
members in Phi Beta Kappa, Scroll, entertain at a local orphanage on Valen-
Sigma Alpha Iota, Sigma Delta Pi, Zeta At Minnesota tine's Day.—VERA STUCKY
Phi Eta, several Women's League offi-
cers, Michigan Daily assistant night edi- T A U holds a position of leadership on At Newcomb
tor, Panhel Ball Assistant Decorations the Minnesota campus. Three of our
Chairman, Orientation Social Chairman, outstanding girls are: Marty Taylor, a P i can boast of being a leader on the
W.A.A. officers, campus judiciary, Wom- senior, on Panhellenic judiciary board, Newcomb campus. Accounting f o r two-
en's Glee, and the Scholarship String Panhellenic housing chairman, University thirds of the Newcomb girls directing the
Quartet as our own—to mention a few. Homecoming parade chairman and Greek cheering for the Tulane Green Wave arc
We reminisce fondly over fall rushing's Week program chairman. Lou Johnson, Julia Cherry ('55), filling the role for a
success (20 wonderful pledges), a mem- a junior, University Homecoming Office second year, and freshman Connie Stew-
orable Fathers' Weekend, winter formal, chairman, on Greek Week promotion art ('57), who we hope will continue to
and Marty Tyler's visit, while we antici- committee, secretary of Congress public win this much sought-after post. A class-
pate initiation and its formal dinner- relations agents and a member of Sigma mate, Naomi Birdwell, is vice president
dance. For Michigras, the biennial spring Epsilon Sigma (honorary society). Nikki of the freshman class. Holding firmly
carnival, we're pooling our efforts with Chafos, a junior, on the University Home- the governing reins of the A r t Club is
the Phi Kappa Taus. Through pinnings, coming publicity committee, on Greek Marilyn Moore ('55) with roommate
serenades and fun we've initiated an in- Week publicity committee and magazine Ann Cushing ('55) lending a helping-
tensified study program to send the house co-chairman, secretary of the board of hand as vice president. Though still busy
average way up, and also given philan- publications and on the finance commit- with starring roles in Tulane University
thropy a new emphasis via bake sales, tee. These are three of our outstanding Theater productions, Lee McNamara
auctions and "Tuckies" boxes.—JANF. girls, although the rest of the chapter ('54) can now relax some from the
has contributed its share. Every week responsibilities of her last semester's post
HOWARD two girls go to Sister Kinney Institute as president of that organization. Mary-
to entertain the children, and there are Myers, chosen for Who's Who, is presi-
At Michigan State two or three girls who are leaders of dent of Panhellenic. Sterling Peebles is
youth groups. We enter into most of the head of the national honorary classics
BETA G A M M A has two girls who have University activities and competitions— fraternity, Eta Sigma Phi. Carol Alford,
contributed a great deal toward repre- to win our share of trophies.—JAN as squad leader, commands the Wavettes,
senting the chapter in campus affairs at a precision drill team, and Pat Lykin
Michigan State, Beth Karkanen and Sally GLOVER helps pilot the sailing club. Mademoiselle
Garvin. Sally, a junior from Beaver, Pa., Bibsy Silin est la presidente de la massue
is vice president of Phi Gamma Nu, worn- de Francais. Mai oui! No wonder Pi is
proud of her girls—leaders in spirit,
beauty, and executive ability.—NANCY
At Oregon
A L P H A SIGMA opened the fall term with
the pledging of 1 6 new girls. They are
Abbie Andrews, Nancy Clarke, Joanne
Donnelly, Janet Filbert, Carolyn Kaser,
Janet Kneeland, Jackie Myatt, Norma
Jean Nye, Judy Reynolds, Dian Rondeau,
Shirley Sealander, Janet Southwell, Janet
Stafford, Pat Wilson, Kay Whiteman,
and Tannia Lennox. A picnic on the
MacKenzie River at the home of Marilyn
Harber provided a day of fun and frolic
for both members and pledges. With
40 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
October came our annual Founder's Day- annual bazaar. Our new pledges carried Senior Marianne Brish is editor of the
banquet, which we celebrated jointly with out the spirit by planning a Christmas newly combined literary and humor maga-
Alpha Rho. Hazel Gill, district director, party for orphans. Each child was given zine, Potpourri. We were certainly proud
spoke briefly on each Founder. Winter a toy and refreshments. Several members when Potpourri won first place in a state-
term will be highlighted by our tradi- work at settlement houses, read to the wide competition at the . Virginia Inter-
tional Rose Formal, which will honor fall blind, and counsel at University Camp for collegiate Press Association Conference
term pledges. A dinner will precede the underprivileged children. Adele Rocco, in the fall. Marianne is a member of two
dance at which time rose favors will be pledge, has one of the female leads in campus secret societies, Quill Drivers and
given. Our girls have been as busy as our Penn Players' Cocktail Party. Verne P.M. Blanche Baltzer, Kappa star ath-
chapter. Kwama, sophomore women's Spitz, another pledge, is also active in the lete, is president of the Athletic Associa-
honorary, tapped June Browning and dramatic productions. Ida Freeborn, pres- tion. Jeanne Thompson is an active mem-
Donna H i l l . Martha Spatz was tapped by ident, was elected to Bowling Green dra- ber of the dramatic group, Sock and
•Phi Sigma Alpha, political science hon- matic society and Joan Jackson to the Buskin. She had a large part in their
orary. Verle Thompson captured the lead, sophomore service organization. Round- recent production, Playboy of the West-
"Venus," in One Touch of Venus, a musi- ing out the activities of various girls are ern World. Of 21 Junior Ushers, girls
cal produced by the University Theatre.— choral society, fencing, swimming, leader- chosen for their scholastic achievement,
ship programs, and the religious organiza- four are Kappas. Although freshmen are
DONNA HILL tions.—JOAN JACKSON not allowed to participate in campus or-
ganizations during the first semester, our
At Oregon State A t Penn State . . . pledges are active in their class organiza-
tion. We feel that this is a good year for
A L P H A R H O is attaining new positions of EPSILON ALPHA'S outstanding January
leadership by having girls like Dorothy graduate was Lois Lehman, who, in addi- Kappa.—JOAN DENNY
Hughes, Alpha Jane Clinkenbeard, and tion to being a member of the women's
Jeanne Merryweather. Dorothy Hughes, debate squad, was president of Delta At Southern California
a junior in Medical Secretarial Science, Alpha Delta, debate honorary, and, due
with a B average, participates in such to her numerous outstanding activities, N u LAMBDA holds a position of leader-
activities as: Talons, sophomore service was selected for "Who's Who in the News ship on the Southern California campus.
honorary; Phi Chi Theta, women's com- at Penn State." Phi Upsilon Omicron, A l l the girls participate in at least two
merce honorary; Euterpe, music honor- national home economics scholastic and worthwhile campus activities. Virginia
ary ; activities chairman for Associated activities honorary, tapped Marion Rom- Barhouse, Panhellenic president, is one of
Women Students; and was awarded a berger and Bettie Caskey early last se- our most outstanding actives. She is a
state scholarship. Alpha Jane Clinken- mester. I n addition, Marion received the senior, recently elected to Who's Who.
beard, a senior in Elementary Education College of Home Economics George D. Virginia is in Mortar Board, the Senate,
with a B average, participates i n : Alpha Barby Scholarship. Other Epsilon Alphas A.W.S. Cabinet, Amazons, a Cappella
Lambda Delta, scholastic honorary; with major extra curricular activities are choir, Y.W.C.A. and she wears the fra-
Kappa Pi, art honorary; Delta Sigma Eleanor Gwynn, Women's Recreation ternity activities bracelet. She wore the
Rho, forensic honorary; Oratory Squad Board; Ann Loftquist and Sally Lessig, Lucille Curtis English ring as a junior.
for three years; Euterpe; Phi Kappa College of Education Student Council; Our pledges also have leaders in their
P h i ; and Choralaires. Jeanne Merry- and Terry Dolson, head choregrapher, midst. There is Patricia Crawford, who
weather, a junior in Secretarial Science, spring Thespian show. Aiding the com- is in Chimes, Amazons, on the Y . Cab-
with a B average, transferring from munity was a major project for Epsilon inet, on Greater " U , " Junior Class Coun-
Sacramento Junior College, is active as Alpha last semester. The pledges col- cil, and is Trojan Day co-chairman. One
Senate secretary; Campus Fund Drive lected games and magazines for a nearby of our newest pledges, Canadian born
secretary; a member of Phi Chi Theta, mental hospital, while the sisters assem- Jean Stewart, is a girl of many interests
women's commerce honorary; and is act- bled food and clothing for homeless fam- and activities. She is on the Y. Cabinet
ing president of our chapter.—ALICE ilies in and near State College. The chap- and C.S.T.A. Cabinet. Jean is the re-
ter also, sponsored a joint Christmas party gional co-chairman for Asilomar and a
FERREE for underprivileged children with Kappa member of the Wesley Club. Jean also
Delta Rho fraternity.—ANNA SAYLOR writes the society page for our school
At Pennsylvania paper, The Daily Trojan. — CONNIE
At Randolph-Macon
Psi as a group has been active with the KRANTZ
accent on service. First project was run- KAPPA members are playing leading roles
ning a "Loop the Leg" booth at the on our busy Virginia campus this year. At Southwestern
campus Chest Carnival. Next Psi helped
decorate the Christian Association for its KAPPA OMICRON girls hold several key
offices on the Southwestern campus.
Betty Jene Stallings ( K T ) was coed captain of the Military Ball at Florida Southern. Ev Whitney is one of three Gammas in the Sopho-
more Eagles at Maine. Joan_ Huxley ( A * ) combines beauty and brains, is a 4>K<i> and Junior Prom Queen at Montana State. Elaine
Sterling (XA), a <J>BK, graduated magna cum laude at Colorado, majoring in dietetics.
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 41
Emily McKay, our most outstanding Watts and Norma Nunn; Pat Lovette, campus. Peppers, women's honorary,
senior, is editor of the college annual, Who's Who in American Colleges and tapped two of our actives f o r membership
Lynx; Emily also serves on the Honor Universities; four A.C.E. Queen finalists, at the annual sorority song fest held in
Council and was recently elected to Who's Nancy Minor, Nancy Crosslin, Margaret the spring. Chosen for their outstanding
Who. Esther Jane Swartzfager, our rush Trotter, and Charlotte Jones; Jean Nich- service to university life were Helen
chairman, holds the office of Commis- olson and Diane O'Donnell, Intramural Collier and Ann Edelen. Helen also was
sioner of Undergraduate Women and was Shuffleboard winners. AOIIs placed third chosen for Who's Who and is a member
a finalist in the 1954 Maid of Cotton Con- in the Relay Carnival and Charlotte Jones of Beta Beta Beta, biology honorary.
test. Lisa Rollow, KO's president, is a was elected to Phi Eta Tau, phys. ed. Ann Hagerty is secretary of the junior
member of Stab Intersorority, while Anne sorority. Janet Parrott, Eleanor Simpson, class; Arlene Hoffman is a member of
Riley and Esther Jane Swartzfager repre- Paree Thornton, Diane Leslie, Sandy Delta X . mathematics honorary; Betty
sent us in Pi Intersorority. Among the Turner, and Kathy Reuter were initiated Lou Weber is a member of M u Phi
freshmen, Grace Morris is president of Sunday, January 17, and afterwards all Epsilon, music honorary; Nancy Cole
the freshman dormitory and Suzanne activities and pledges attended church to- belongs to Alpha Phi Gamma, journalism
McCarroll is secretary-treasurer of the gether. A date has been set for the Spring honorary; and Beverly Wisniewski is a
freshman class. Having won second place Fling, and all the profit will go for our member of Kappa Gamma, pharmacy hon-
in homecoming decorations, first in A l l - philanthropic work. Plans are being made orary. We also call "sister" the champion
Sing, first in intersorority basketball, the for our Spring formal, March 12. For pie eater of the annual Sig-Alph Olym-
chapter's latest victories include the vol- winter rush we had a dinner party in the pics, sponsored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
leyball and Talent Night winners' cups. home of Katherine Andes. The pledges Margie Halpin broke all records with her
We're hoping to add more successes, in presented the entertainment. Donna Gard- spectacular showing in this event.—
spring sports and in sponsoring Stunt ner, Knoxville, and Norma Stookes,
Brownsville, are our new pledges. Omi- NANCY GILLIAM
N i g h t . — M A I D A MOORE cron is staying busy with All-sing prac-
tice, intramurals, and campus activities, At Tufts
At Syracuse but believe you me—WE L O V E I T ! !—
DELTA is in the midst of great plans for
C H I is looking forward to greater leader- JAN MILES our last rush party, which will be based
ship in 1954 with members actively par- on an Oriental theme. Under the leader-
ticipating in many campus and community A t Texas ship of co-rush chairman Babs Beltz and
activities. We are especially proud of our Barbara Holly, our first rush party was
service to the campus in helping main- P i KAPPA has some oustanding girls on a huge success as freshmen and transfers
tain the Student Cooperative Book Mart. the Texas campus. Caroline Williams, a boarded the AOII showboat complete with
Officers include Betsy Pritchard, presi- senior majoring in piano pedagogy, was entertainment, singing, and refreshments.
dent, and Marcie Damiecki, treasurer. selected as the outstanding student in Delta began the year under the capable-
Chi girls are active in the various music school. President of her national leadership of Claire Cahill. president;
branches of Women's Student Govern- honorary music sorority, Mu Phi Epsilon. Patricia Genthner, vice president; Carole
ment. Joan Wallick is chairman of For- she is a teaching fellow and is teaching Smith, recording secretary; Mary Lou
eign Student Guides, in which Sue La- piano. Caroline is also the organist and Borden, corresponding secretary; and
Vigne and Jeanne Spencer are Senior choir director at her church and is active Joan McGarry, treasurer. AOIT's partici-
Guides. The vice president of City Guides in the Canterbury Club and the Univer- pation in campus activities has continued
is Cynthia Overton. Sue is also president sity Singers. Another busy AOII is Gwen as fully as ever. Patricia Genthner and
of the Physical Education Majors' Club, McCullough, senior journalism major and Natalie Settimelli are leading the senior
a national organization. Angel's Flight, past corresponding secretary for Pi and junior classes this year. Mary Lou
ROTC auxiliary, was organized at Syra- Kappa, who is secretary of Theta Sigma Borden holds the presidency of the Jack-
cuse by Ann Middleton, who heads this Phi, national honorary journalism fra- son A l l Around club while Cathy Likely.
Semester. Officers on the policy-making ternity. She is also a nominee for Blue AOn's representative to the Panhellenic
Chapel Executive Council are Lorraine Bonnet Bell on the campus. Pi Kappa's on campus, is president of the intersoror-
Chanatry, Marcy Damiecki, Sue LaVigne, past president, Rae Belcher, is a senior ity council. During the fall season, Delta
and Joan Wallick. Recent initiates into sociology major, belongs to a national girls have been noted in many varied
scholastic honoraries were Cynthia Over- honorary sociology fraternity, Alpha activities on the campus, including the
ton, Omicron N u ; Wilhelmina Werner Kappa Delta, and is past secretary of the Jackson, news and feature editors of the
and Lorraine Chanatry, Sigma Chi A l - Campus League of Women Voters.— Tufts Weekly, three members of the var-
sity debating society, student council
pha.—DORIS BROWN MARILF.E D U N STAN members, and active participants in 3
P's, the Tufts dramatic society.—DORIS
A t Tennessee At Toledo
OMICRON continues to bring in the honors, T H E T A P S I is proud of its members who
having two of U.T.'s beauties, Charlotte have assumed positions of leadership on At Wagner
5 T H E T A P I won third prize for its float in
the traditional Homecoming float parade
1 contest on the Wagner College campus
last October. The parade was composed
J of 1 3 floats entered by sororities, fra-
The Fine Arts and Commerce Building is one of 15 new buildings on the campus, which ternities, and campus organizations. Our
occupies about 17 acres in the heart of Terre Haute. Indiana State is a member of the float w'as constructed in the likeness of a
stage painted in lime-green and red. On
Indiana Collegiate Conference, made up of six Hoosier colleges. it in big, black letters was printed "Can-
Can We Certainly Can Beat Ursinus."
Six sisters were dressed in black velvet
blouses and black cotton skirts trimmed
on the underside with red crepe paper
ruffles, which we made ourselves. Our
can-can dance routine which we did all
across the campus drew more applause
than any other float. The spectators were
even singing in time to our dancing, beat-
ing time with their hands, and taking
movies of us. That night, at the Home-
coming Dance, we received $ 1 0 prize
42 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
At Washington HONOR ROLL
UPSILON chapter has really been active P r e p a r e d b y R U B Y A D A M S , Scholarship Director
on campus these last few months. Susie
Scribner has been elected to Beta Gamma Chapters ranking first on campus among sororities
Sigma, the business woman's honorary,
and Mary Jane Palmer to Zeta Phi Eta. Alpha Tau Lambda Sigma
Jo Beeson is a pledge of W-Key, an Gamma Sigma Chi
activities honorary; Carol Schweizer is
a recent member of Washington's aquatic Chapters ranking in the upper fourth on campus
club, Silver Fish; and Lynn Gardner is Kappa Kappa
a member of Orchesis, the dance club. We Alpha Tau Sigma Tau Kappa Theta
entered the present bowling contest with Alpha Phi
our team of Shirley Thompson, Shirley Beta Kappa Lambda Sigma
Germaine, Colleen Bresson, and Sally Delta Delta Omega
Rhodes. Out of six games with Alpha Iota Alpha
Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, and Delta Gam- Kappa Alpha Phi Omicron
ma, we have won five. Our December Sigma Chi
project was a party given for 24 girls from
the Seattle Children's Home, complete English major in secondary education. patients of Pinecrest Sanatorium and the
with games, refreshments, presents, and Lola Hammond, Kappa Rho's new vice Kalamazoo State Hospital have been part
Mrs. Santa Claus. The pledges enjoyed president, recently acted as student direc- of the chapter's local philanthropic work.
Inspiration Week. Initiation took place tor of the Water Sprites show in connec- Gwen Phillips was chairman of the Pan-
on January 31, followed by a breakfast in tion with the annual Festival of Arts at hellenic Convocation January 14 which
honor of the new initiates. Also honoring Western. Lola, who is also a junior, hails opened formal rush season for all sorori-
the pledges is our annual Formal Rose from Berwyn, Illinois. ties on campus. Kappa Rho has started a
Ball which will be held at the Seattle house fund. Money is being saved for the
Tennis Club.—SYLVIA S I M S We held our annual stuffed animal day when sorority houses will be built.-—
sale November 30 to raise money for
At Washington College Frontier Nursing Service. Parties for the MARIE REUM
SIGMA T A U has had a successful fall A O I I NEEDS Y O U !
semester, under the capable leadership of
our president, Saylee Urig. The first part Service to the fraternity offers a rewarding experience.
of fall was spent in redecorating our If you are interested in doing national work—serving in any capacity—write to
room with new slip covers for the furni- the national president giving your interests and qualifications.
ture and a new paint job for our piano.
Next came six weeks of rushing, at the Recommendation Blank
end of which we took in seven new girls.
Our informal party had a Hawaiian Name _ _
theme. Late fall we gave a "Bunny Hop"
for the school. We crowned a "Miss Address ___
Bunny Hop of 1953," and the proceeds
from this occasion went towards the fund Parent's name _ _ _-
for our adopted Dutch War Orphan. To
complete this fund, we gave a card party (Father's occupation _ __- _ _
around a Christmas theme. Sigma Sigma or •(
Omicron is the only scholastic society on
campus that women may belong to. Three [Mother's occupation _ _ _ _ _ __ - --
AOris were elected to it this f a l l : Mary
Lee Lincoln, Saylee U r i g , and Martha Name of previous school When coming __ -
Goldsborough. Mary Lee Lincoln, our to college?- _ - _— -
vice president, is also vice president of (College or High School) _ _- __ -
student Government, and president of the __ _ ____ -
college choir. She will return to Wash- Scholastic standing _ -_
ington College this semester, after having _
taken part in a Political Science project Activities and talents- _
at American University this fall. We are
looking forward to spring with the An- Outside interests and type of friends.
nual Stunt Night, Song Fest and the
Intersorority Dance.—SUE SAMUELS
At Western Michigan Is shefinanciallyable to belong to a sorority?
Name any family sorority affiliations
KAPPA RHO'S Elaine Kay Dobbs is the
new president of Panhellenic at Western. Do you truthfully feel she will make a good member and develop in AOII?.
Kay, a junior from Plymouth, Michigan,
has served as treasurer of Kappa Rho. Is this recommendation a necessary courtesy?- _ _
A language major, she has also taken
part in Spanish and French clubs. As Remarks ( how well do you know her and give your general opinion.)
president of Panhellenic, Kay is an active
member of the Student Activities Com- Return to State Membership Chairman
mittee, which guides all functions of the
college. Suzanne Johnson of Sawyer, Recommended by- _ _ .....Chapter
Michigan, is the new president of Kappa
Rho chapter. Sue was vice president and Address — Date...
pledge mistress of the chapter before
being elected president. She is active in COLLEGIATE CHAPTER Date..
Spanish club and has served on Student
Council and on various student-faculty This recommendation was acknowledged by
committees. Sue, who is a junior, is an
Pledged to_ Rush Chairman Date
fraternity. Recommender notified.. 43
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
December 1, 1953 - March 31, 1954
AO—Louisiana State University
New Orleans, Louise Elaine Barrois, Evelyn
Morgan Commagere, Mary Frances Timothy;
Metairie, Patricia Joan Bautsch, Lynne Esther
Plonsky; Baton Rouge, Pauline Rose Galiotto
Carter; Little Rock, Ark., Margaret Joan Clark;
Houma, Mona Lee Ann Dufour; Hammond,
Joy Ellen Garrett; Merion Station, Pa., Susan
Jane McAdoo; Hialeah, F l a . , Barbara May
Thiel; Aurora, Ohio, Maria Lee Vaughan.
A*—Montana State College tit
Philipsburg, Janice Louise Burnett; Great Kappa Kappa's 1954 initiates at Ball State help keep the chapter at the top scholastically.
Falls, Patricia Barney, Beverly Lin Greenwald;
Ennis, Freda Louise Chamberlin; Butte, Billie
Marie Dulong, Claudia McLeod, Jacklynn
Sampson; Helena, Shirley Green, Mary Jo
Morton; Hinsdale, Rosann Hillman; Clyde
Park, Nancy Hubbard; Bozeman, Anina Irene
Ibsen; Billings, Sheila McCormick, Glenda
Shirley; Lodge Grass, Laura Ruth Miller;
Stanford, Judy Neubert; Whittier, Calif., Gail
A l l — F l o r i d a State College beth Anne George, Gwenythe Moira G i l l , EA—Pennsylvania State College
Isobel Louise Gouch, Leslie Ann Newman,
Tallahassee, Roberta Joy Baker, Patricia Elene Mary Louise Robertson, Ruth Eleanor Ward, Steelton, Winnie Mae Shelley; Pittsburgh,
Day, Shirley Faye Harris, Evelyn Candacy Marie Jacqueline Smith, Morleen Frances Christine Elizabeth Austin, Marjorie Jean Hopp;
Mahon, Angie Rose Palermo, Geraldine Louise Carscallen, Diana Sylvia Speaight; Regina, Sauderton, Diane Ruth Edelman; Big Run,
Lehner; Jacksonville, Barbara June Brown; Beverley Diane Lee; Hamilton, Josephine Bliss; Ann Hamilton Hutchison; Drexel Hill, Dorothy
Miami Beach, Linda Lou Brown; Tampa, Willowdale, Janet Lindsay McCabe. Ann Kauffman; Glenside, Nancy Jane King;
Laura Ann Eiler, Miriam Dorothy Roch, Shirley State College, Patricia H i l l McLauchlin, Elaine
Jane Russell, Mary Jo Shaeffer; Orlando, Cordia X—Syracuse University Ruth Myers, Nancy Burgess Smith, Rosalie,
Diane Jones; Evansville, Ind., Kathryn Lee Mary Muir White, Dorothy Barbara Zettle.
Schmidt. XA—University of Colorado
r—University of Maine
AP—Oregon State College Glendale, Calif., Arlene Joyce Arnold, Char-
lotte Ann T o d d ; San Francisco, Calif., Lois Manset, Margery Ann Benson; Fort Fairfield,
Corvallis, Louise Marie Hannah, Honorary Arnstein; Lubbock, Texas, Sonya Blackford; Elizabeth Harvey; Orono, Ann Marie Keyo;
Member; Antionette Jean Ward Wood; Coos Cheyenne, Wyo.; Barbara Jean Chase; Chicago, Maiden, Mass., Laura Jane Krueger; Bar
Bay, Marvel Laurene Christensen; Madras, 111., Leslie Jean Claussen; Wilmette, I I I . , Harbor, Grace Stoddard Libby; Presque Isle,
Roseanne Elaine Jefferson; St. Helens, Tekla Elinor Ann Cook; Los Angeles, Calif., Mary Isabelle Jane Caton; Limestone, Marilyn Get-
June Nye; Tacoma, Wash., Mary Frances Elizabeth Fitzgerald; Clayton, Mo., Ann Green; i.hell Page; Biddeford, Doris Irene Provencher;
Clinton; Lebanon, Patricia Lynn Dodds; Billings, Mont., Cleo Frances Heiken; Oakland, Bangor, Jane Frances Farwell, Judith White;
Bandon, Margaret Jane Fasnacht; Medford, Calif., Patricia Dorothy Hughes; Bismarck, Caribou, Mary Jane Kilpatrick; Westbrook,
Janet Johnson; Riverside, Cloria Sue McKin- N.D., Helen Luane Hulett; Oak Park, III., Sylvia Marie MacKenzie; Saco, Julie Dean
non; San Gabriel, Calif., Carol Joyce Malm- Audrey Louise Jindra; Colorado Springs, Mahaney; Woonsocket, R . I . , Claire Ann Rusk;
green; Merrill, Edna Mae Reeves; Albany, Patricia Lois Martin; Western Springs, 111., Jonesport, Judith Ann Sawyer.
Lola Faye Ridenour; Beaver, Cecile Kathryn Mary Barbara Nauman, Patricia Kay Snyder;
Schulmerich; Stayton, Sherry Joan Spaniol; Lake Forest, III., Nancy Jean Newbell; TO—University of Florida
Eugene, Molly Carolyn Taylor. Altadena, Calif., Suzanne Marie Port; Denver,
Martha Marie Roderick, Connie Carolyn Sut- Lake City, Yvonne DeVane; Gainesville, Sena
AS—University of Oregon ton; Hastings, Nebr., Virginia Lee Rose; Patricia Hinnant, Geraldine Rae Steinmetz
Pueblo, Joan Loretta Starika; Boulder. Claud- Scholz, Winnie Lee Trolan; Nashville, Tenn.,
Bend, Abigail Harriet Andrews; Eugene, Naomi ette Thompson; Aurora, JoAnne Sterling; Hilda English Jordan; Panama City, Fla.,
Ruth Brooks, Clarice Marie Duling, Shirley Wauwatosa, Wis., Suzanne Mathilda Thor- Martha Ellen Smith.
Lorain Dunning, Jacqueline Louella Myatt; stensen; Mamaroneck, N . Y . , Norma Sally
Roseburg, Maurine Melville Doerner; Redwood Yankocy. I—University of Illinois
City, Calif., Diane Eileen Gillespie; Portland,
Janet Elaine Kneeland, Norma Jean Nye, XA—Evansville College Rockford, Barbara Elizabeth Babcock; Pontiac,
Judith Mae Reynolds, Janet Louise Stafford; Shirley Ann Bradshaw; Metamora, Georgia
Oswego, Janet Chary-Ann Southwell. Evansville, Jacqueline Delano King, Mary Lou Mae Doak; Champaign, Mary Ellen Heinicke;
Born, Joan Patricia Bosse, Harolyn Lee Brown, Peoria, Sherrill Ann Jeneson; Streator, Merle
AT—Denison University Helen Sida Brown, Faye Philipina Forster, Darlenc Likens; St. Charles, Nancy Ann
Mary Elizabeth Giovanetti, Sara Lou Golden, Mongerson.
Springfield, Vt., Ruth Jean Barbier; Lenior, Emily Wright Hard, Irene Rechnic, Lois Jean
N.C., Vera Evelyn Dodge; Fairview Park, Ryon. IA—Idaho State College
Elinor Frances Eaton; Hatboro, Pa., Shirley
Kaye Eaton; Royal Oak, Mich., Janet Lee A—Tufts College Pocatello, RaNae Benson, Joyce Augustine
Forbes; Granville, Joan Halsey; Snyder, N . Y . , Brusati, Norma Lucille Simpson; Tulsa, Okla.,
Patricia Farrington Jacobs; Lockport, N . Y . , Dobbs Ferry, N . Y . , Edchen Evelyn Querker; Margaret Florence Copelin; Anchorage, Alaska,
Eileen Ann Johnston; Walled Lake, Mich., Wallaston, Sheilah May Archambault; Wellesley, Barbara Jean Eridley; Firth, Shirley Joan
Jennifer Beebe King; Millersville, Pa., Beatrice Beverly Ann Callow; Coronado, Calif., Joan McConville.
Lou Kittridge; Youngstown, Ann Louise Arlene Chace; Somerville, Jane Alice Doggetr;
Linder; Wayne, Pa., Patricia Cortright Kennedy Long Island, N . Y . , Deirdre Ellen Giles; Lowell, K—Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Lockhart; Belleville, III., Deborah Jean Man- Irene Ann Maurogianis; Worcester, Lynn Ann
ning; Springfield, Marilyn Mumma; Library, Reilly; Brooklyn, N . Y . , Helene Doris Wolfe. Laurel, N a n W i l m a Brown; Effingham, 111.,
Pa., Sarah Ellen Murdoch; South Charleston, Jo Ann Bryson; Richmond, Carolyn Lee Carter,
Suzanne Nagley; Pittsburgh, Pa., Nancy Martha AA—Alabama Polytechnic Institute Patricia Ann Kelly; Montclair, N . J . , Arline
Newton, Betsy Richmond Pickett; Detroit, Dutrow, Barbara Lou Page; Evanston, 111.,
Mich., Nancy Jane Plastow; Massillon, Barbara Mobile, Elizabeth Joyce Barnett, Martha Patricia Ann Kelly; Montclair, N . J . , Arline
Jane Richards. (Mitzi) Turner Brady; Montgomery, Dorothy Louise McConchie; Jonesville, S.C., Sara Blake
Sharon Best, Lucille Watts Hardaway, Martha Mazyck; Hightstown, N . J . , Geraldine Ann
BT—Michigan State College Charlotte Martin; Knoxville, Tenn., Barbara Potter; Winnsboro, S . C . , Sarah Anne Quattle-
Sue Cole; Pensacola, Fla., Patricia Ferebee, baum; Dobbs Ferry, N . Y . , Alamo June Reaves;
BK—University of British Columbia Gloria Dianne Hughey; Albertville, Anne Allentown, Pa., Helen Burroughs Stone;
Pearson Franklin; Birmingham, Dinah Ruth Fayetteville, N . Y . , Barbara Ann Tauman.
New Westminster, Anne Hathaway Bracher, Hearn, Bette Marie Schuler; Balboa, Canal
Margaret Annette Lewis; Vancouver, Marilyn Zone, Gay Hogan; York, Miriam Rebecca KA—Indiana State Teachers College
Cowan Carr, Carole Lynne Stenhouse, June Longshore; Decatur, G a . , JoAnn Margaret
Marion Walker, Bernice Elizabeth Wolverton, Murphy; Decatur, Carolyn Sue Odom; Centre- Kinston, N . C . , Beth Andre O'Laughlin, Charter
Elizabeth Jean Donald; Salmon Arm, Tannis ville, Mary Jane Stallings; Anniston, Mary Member; Gary, Ind., Carole June Windrotte;
Susan Leonard; Calgary, Shirley Alice Venables. Garrity Watson; Phenix City, Mary Jane Terre Haute, Elizabeth Ann O'Laughlin Larkin,
Wright. Charter Member; Mitzi Ann McGinnes Tran-
B$—Indiana University berg. Charter Member; Brazil, Mary Leigh
AS—San Jose State College Eppert Jenkins, Charter Member.
BT—University of Toronto
E—Cornell University KT—Florida Southern College
Toronto, Stefan Gail Anderson, Patricia Eliza*
St. Petersburg, Nannette Burket; Homewood,
III., Connie Jean Crenshaw; Jacksonville,
Dolores Justine Daughtery, Myra Elizabeth
44 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Dyess; Havana, Mary Lou Gandy; Clearwater, NA—University of Southern California Ruth Hoar; Sunflower, Helen Joan Talley;
Xenia Kallinokas; Ridgeneld Park, N . J . , Susan Kansas, Patricia Jane Crawford; Pratt, George-
EUa Ludewig; Frederick, Md., Charlotte Marian Los Angeles, Marilyn Anne Brown, Jocelyn anne Griffith; Winfield, Mary Suzanne Mc-
Paugh; Highland City, Betty Jean Pollock; Dealey Jones, Joan Beverly Mannix, Atlanta Cartney; Leavenworth, Mary Lou Reyborn.
Keystone Heights, Marilyn Anne Rushton; Jeanne Schatte, Donna Mae Sebring, Lois
Pittsburgh, Pa., Diane Mae Seymour; Kenmore, Arlein Wingfield; Phoenix, Ariz., Rosa Lee 4>0—Hanover College
N . Y . , Suzanne Marie Speidel; Manatee, Joan George; Corona, Helen Litwin; Red Bluff,
Louise Stewart; Lakeland, Martha Ann Tag- Jean McGIynn, San Marino, Mary Jean Stewart. Oak Park, III., Mary Ellen Bogner; Indian-
gart; Cuvundu, Canal Zone, Alice Faye Tucker. apolis, Nancy Carolyn Bowman, Carol Antoi-
NO—Vanderbilt nette Forbes, Mary Ann Lorts; Richmond,
K K — B a l l State Teacher's College Jeannine Carol Happ; Walkerton, Shirley Anne
Baton Rouge, L a . , Margaret Lowise Brown; Hershberger; Hanover, Bonnie Jane Lewis;
Pendleton, Danna Louise Adams; Logansport, Hendersonville, Laurale Burrus; Lawrenceburg, Connersville, Caroline Jane Lines; Franklin,
Dorcas Charlene Condon; Muncie, Elinor Mann Mary Elizabeth Caperton; Mamaroneck, N . Y . , Ohio, Sheila Logan; Valparaiso, Faith Mc-
Edmonson (Honorary Member) ; Middletown, Evelyn Gwyn Compton; Memphis, Sue Watkins Kellips; Dubois, Mary Ellen Poe; New Albany,
Elinor Ann Livezey; Windfall, Dorothy Marie Hall; Nashville, Martha Cromwell Lentz, Doris Elizabeth Radcliff, Marcia Jo Shepherd;
Parr; Lapel, Martha Jean Paulsel; Wabash, Sylvia Kay Tanner. Greenville, Tenn., Jane Katherine Rankin;
Janice Louise Scheerer; Kokomo, Marilyn Kay Cincinnati, Ohio, Jennie Justine Sandoz
Stouse. P.—Miami University Schmithorst; Elwood, Ann Trittipo; Chicago,
111., Susan Ann Wharton; Mitchell, Rebecca
KO—Southwestern University Glen Ellyn, III., Joan Carol Behrcns; Pitts- Jane White.
burgh, Pa., Anne Bernard; Franklin, Helen
K<P—McGill University Eleanor Boswell; Findlay, Sylvia Anne Elder; I I — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial
Wyoming, Emily Gene Elliott; Oxford, Ruth College
Montreal, Arlette Marguerite Ben2ac;ir, Karen Edson Fuss, Gwelda Louise Sebald; Cincinnati,
June Harding, Ruth Wayland; Lachine, Joan Judith Heinzelman; Fairborn, Mary Jane Hugh; Shreveport, Patricia Akin, Martha Armistead,
Marguerite Biard, Jean Agnes Lawrence; Mount Warren, Nancy Lee McKee; Canton, Susan Naomi Birdwell; New Orleans, Carol Jean
Royal, Blair Elizabeth Borden, Joan Ethel Jane Osterholm; Hansfield, Shirley Lee Pirrgo; Arnoult, Beth Bowermaster, Joy Jones, Natalie
McCormick; Verdum, Joan Elizabeth Edwards; Newark, Marjorie Ann Pound; Lebanon, Roehrig, Brenda Wallbillich, Olive Webb;
West mount, Huguette Marie Saint-Denis. Beverly Jane Van Camp; Warsaw, N . Y . , Texarkana, Ark., Dorothy Baskett; Russellville.
Kathryn Siehler Willse; Carroll, Patricia Anne Ala., Sarah Britton; San Antonio, Tex., Carol
KP—Western Michigan College of Eliza- Beaty; Cleveland, Sandra Ellen Cowell; Des Byrd; Metairie, Joan Dunn; Allentown, N . J . ,
Education Plaines, III., Carol Ann Mary Cox, Valerie Johanna Hamell; Hamden, Conn., Frances
Rae Netzel; South Bend, Ind., Patricia Louise Potts; Jacksonville, Fla., Connie Stewart.
Dearborn,Elaine Jean Schantz; Newberry, Davis; Massillon, Alice Jean DeBuino; Ash-
beth Jane Thompson. land, Ann June Fendrick; Wapakoneta, Mar- TIA—University of Maryland
garet Frame; Dayton, Judith Helen Haas,
KB—University of California at Edwina Lee May; Middletown, Ruby Louise Silver Spring, Patricia Irene Callahan, Marilyn
Los Angeles Hall; Mt. Healthy, Diane Elaine Hauer, Donna Lila Swindell; College Park, Paula Joanne
Jane Hauer; LaGrange, III.. Marjorie Jean Floyd; Annapolis, Sue Garner; Baltimore,
Glendale, Susan Russell Parr; No. Hollywood, Hill, Lois Marlene Velek; Greensburg, Pa., Nancy Louise Hogan; Parsonsburg, Betty Anne
Marjorie Eliz. Anderson; Pacoima, Dorothy Nancy Lou Kettering; Euclid, Joanne Marie Jackson; Hagerstown, Phyllis Elaine Myers;
Izma Baldwin; Pasadena, Rachel Noel Bryant, Pilla; Eastchester, N . Y . , June Lorraine Eliza- York, Pa., Barbara Anne Peterson; Chevy
Elizabeth A. Dahm, Nancy Lou Hayes; San beth Sharak; Marion, Suzanne Simmons. Chase, Barbara Louise Roane, Georgia Wcigel;
Leandro, Marian Louise Carlson; San Pedro, Hall, Shirley Ann Sears; Cumberland, Barbara
Marjorie Jean Gordon; Bakersfield, Marlene 0—University of Tennessee Grace Stark; Packanack Lake, N.J., Jill Anna
Joyce Hanning; Fullerton, Noel Hoyt Jacobson; Vasilyk; Towson, Sue Ann Weintraub; Hyatts-
Carmel, Nancy Voitus McCarthy; Manhattan Greenville, Diane Davis Leslie, Alice Eleanor ville, Betty Jane Zieber.
Beach, Beverly Kay Maxwell; Glendale, Sally Simpson; Newport, Dorothy Janet Parrott;
Beth Mosher; Arcadia, Barbara Railcon Neely; Knoxville, Kathleen Janet Reuter; Brownsville, IIK—University of Texas
Sunland, Rose Marie Rainero; Los Angeles, Pattie Marie Thornton; Memphis, Helen Sands
Mary Jean Rogers, Nancy Carleen Wolvin; Turner. Paris, Mary Margaret McLemore; Mission.
Guatemale City, Guate, Kathryn Helen Rorem; Mary Ella Saunders; San Antonio, Dianne
Anaheim, Lorraine Amelia Sehr; Ojai, Jane On—University of Michigan Dorothy Belton; San Angclo, Nita Carroll
Ellen Wadlington. Knox; Dallas, Sharon Elaine McGauhey*
Dearborn, Margaret Helen Brandt; Kalamazoo, Dorothy Ann Payne; Jacksonville, Myrna Eliza-
A2—University of Georgia Ellen Elizabeth Brown; Detroit, Mary Sue beth Ragsdale; Houston, Dennis Anne Raymer;
Curry; Lakewood, Ohio, Georgiana Davidson, Austin, Patricia Adele Williams.
San Antonio, Tex., Mary Lynn Baines; Atlanta, Amelia Ruth Dustman; Pontiac, Mavis Beverly
E. Jane Davis, Joyce Elaine McDaniel, Janice Fors; Dexter, Suzanne Gary; Bloomfield Hills, >jf—University of Pennsylvania
Armstrong Neidlinger, Hazel Maude; Partridge, Donna Jeanne Hammill; Grand Rapids, Irene
Helene Rossoll; Athens, Elizabeth Bo-.vden Ethel Kellogg; Chicago, III., Kathryn Violette Philadelphia. Marian Agnes Carrozzino, Marie
Eberhart; Lindale, Frances Katherine Lam; Leo; Saginaw, Carol Ann McMacken; Owosso, Catherine Farca, Nancy Patricia Galbraith;
Rome, Madolyn Carole Latham; Puerto Rico, Pamelia Ann Mills, Mary Jane Storrer, Judith Cynwyd, Patricia Anne Coughlan; Bloomsburg,
Virginia Margaret Pennock; Macon, Julianna Lillian Sweet; Ann Arbor, Carol Jean Sevebeck. Gwendolyn Moser; West CoIIingswood, N . J . .
White. Jeanne Mae Rafferty; Lansdowne, Verne Carlin
^—University of Kansas Spitz.
N'—New York University
Kansas City, Mo., Frances Marion Berry ; Mis- P—Northwestern University
Orono, Maine, Hannah Steele Calkin; New sion, Carol Ann Bowman, Rae Arlene Youmans;
York, Dorothy Gloria Schmarje Ewert; Forest Junction City, Elaine Elizabeth Carlson; Beloit. Duluth, Minn., Ann LaRae Beck; Napoleon,
Hills, L . I . , Elizabeth Levinson; Bronx, Carolyn Marilyn Mareen K u l p ; Newton, Sondra Jean Ohio, Marjorie Ann Billig; Wannatosa, Wis.,
Pellettferi; Brooklyn, Anita Dolores Petrucelly. Long; Lawrence, Joan Faye Schroeder, Lorena
Pledges g e n e r a l l y become initiates, and KA's winter pledges at
Indiana State are probably initiated by now; they are holding
an A O I I centerpiece used at rush parties.
Theta's pledge class at DePauw usually contains some legacies,
as the chapter, installed by the deceased Founder, Helen Mullan,
will observe its 50th anniversary in 1957.
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 45
Barbara Ruth Brooks; Alberta, Canada, Joyce mm Fritts; Saginaw, Kathleen Ellen Gallagher, Jo
Audrey Buckles; Chicago, Valerie Elise Christ- Anne Gelou; Vicksburg, Norma Ann Harper;
mann, Renne Adrienne DeSmet; Evansville, At the Tau Delta pledge banquet Dottie Owosso, Doris Emily Leckteig, Constance Gay-
Ind., Susan Roberta Enlow, Phyllis Anne Tyler pins a corsage on her "little sister," line Peterson; Farmington, Ann Elinor Louys;
Nenneker; Watseka, I I I . , Margaret Leslie Fay; Nancy Graves. Others in the picture are Lansing, Shirley Ann Moses, Carol Joyce Parks,
Ogden Dunes, Ind., Carolyn Marie Freund; Carol Janet Steadman; Lincoln Park, Carole
Harrington, Birdie Lee Gross; Elmwood Park, Fay Woody and Charlotte Lane. Jane Noullet; South Bend, Ind., Carol Sue
Joanne LaVerne Hasselbring; Evanston, Joan Rans; Berwyn, III., Susan Rezabek; Flint, Sally
Adrienne Hatch, Margaret Leng Welsh; Skokie, Ann Johnson; Seattle. Barbara Joan Engleson, Lee Salay; Three Rivers, Helen Marie Smith;
Anne Lenore Hickey; Hartford, Conn., Patricia Elizabeth Bentley Henderson, Gudveig Holmes, Muskegon, Neda Rae Anderson; Benton Harbor,
Jane Jervis; Riverside, Muriel Jane Kozel; Mary Anne Lindholm, Mary Sue McCaffree, Marilynn Yvonne Heim; Ann Arbor, Suzanne
Minneapolis, Marilyn Anne Marie Tobin Loretta Ann Moilanen, Joanne Lucille Patton, Lepard, Mary Viola Nellis; Erie, Pa., Anne
Masters; Omaha, Nebr., Margaret Jane Moor- Carole Ann Schrader, Caryl NeReed Schweizer, MacMillan.
liead, Jean Ann Spelic; Mt. Clemens, Mich., Emily Ann Teel; Stanwood, Durlene Mae
Judith Ann Nickel; Oak Park, Lois Annette Hamilton; Castleford, Idaho, Mary Nelle E4>—Indiana University
Popken; Great Falls, Mont., Sharon Louise Hesselholt; Aillah, Barbara June Holman; Ray-
Rytz; Wilmette, Joan Asunta Anna Sottile; mond, Barbara Ann Kaasa; Richland, Sara Crawfordsville, Dorothy Jane Baker; Edinburg,
Klamath Falls, Ore., Frances Marie Stearns; Jane Larkin, Helen Irene McKay; Enumclaw, Beverly Ann Boegaholtz; Noblesville, Katherine
Wauwatosa, Wis., Betty Helen Van Schaack; Irene Elizabeth McDonald; Walla Walla, Lou Cloe; Warsaw, Donna Rae Hein; Evans-
Short Hills, N . J . , Lorelee Ward. Jacqueline Jo Struthers. ville, Gayle Karch; Kokomo, Phyllis Ann Mill-
bern; Webster Groves, Mo., Katharine Ann
2—University of California Z—University of Nebraska Riggins; Columbia City, Rheta Laydene Rumsyre;
La Grange, I I I . , Jane Ellen Toates; West
Oakland, Barbara Bishop Alexander, Helen Holdrege, LaVon Marie Brown; Mitchell, S.D., Lafayette, Leslie Louise Yearian.
Louise Eddy, Anna Marie Goerig, Nancy Jan Sandra M . Buell; Davey, Kay Arlene Christen-
Hansen, Marilyn Marshall, Nancy Ellen Palmer; sen; Oakland, Marilyn Mardelle Christenson; X—Syracuse University
San Francisco, Judith Elena Barbara, Marianne Omaha, Maryclare Dodson, Dorothy Marie
Merriam Hobbs; Alameda, Grace Marian Cud- Farris, Carolyn Ann Galley. Nancy Carolyn Brooklyn, Joan Irma Bodziak; Marblehead,
worth; Walnut Creek, June Ilene Derry, Diane Taylor; Rosalie, Barbara Ann Eicks; Cotesfield, Mass., Joanne Bridges; Bridgehampton, Mar-
Cecille Wulzen; San Lorenzo—Ann Margaret Marcia Ann Gebhardt; Lincoln, Janice Lucille cella Damiecki; Mechanicsburg, Pa., Barbara
Dunmire; Lafayette, Janet Harkness; La JoIIa, Hussey, Donna Marie Medued, Phyllis Ann Kay Diehl; Sparrowbush, Ann Elizabeth Middle-
Elaine Alice Johnson; Concord, Jacqueline, Philipson, Sondra Kay Smith; Geneva, Shirley ton; Camp Hill, Pa., Florence Sheridan Pil-
Foster Jones; Woodland, Janice Lee Melton; Lou McPeck; Herman, Beverly Rae McVeigh; chard; Sayreville, N . J . , Roma Joan Presnal;
Modesto, Sara Lee Stult2; Berkeley, Joyce Viola Valentine, Phyllis Irene Ormesher; Trumbull, Oxford, Mariba Cecile Rogers; Binghamton,
Sundman, Elizabeth Eleanor Tellefsen; Napa. Janis Lee Samuelson; Cook, Carolyn Ann Audrey Lou Benn; Bronx, Dorothy Ann Hilkert;
Veraice Gladys Wachter; Novato, Barbara Christine Schacht; York, Alyce Jane Steven; Howe's Cave, Sylvia Elaine Mallery; York,
Diane Watters. Cozad, Jane Rhe Yeiter. Pa., Barbara Ann Pritchard; North East, Pa.,
Eleanor Joan Worster.
SX—Hartwick College INITIATES
XA—University of Colorado
Warrensburg, Margaretann Bellmore; Flushing, April 1, 1953—November
Helga Claus; Oriskany Falls, Verne Elaine 30,1953 Palo Alto, Calif., Joan Elsmore; Fullerton,
Gray; Beacon, Patricia Ann Johnson; Coble- Calif.. Ann Harrington; Banner, Wyo., Lucy
skill, Lucille Elinor Marshall; Endicott, Mar- A*P—Montana State College Blair Leach; Salinas, Calif., Luanne May Sloan.
jorie Ann Tricschler.
Bozeman, Jean Hazel Buchanan, Carolee Red- XA—Evansville College
20—Arkansas State College man; Butte, Calrice Joan Morrow.
Evansville, Nancy Rose Bollinger, Paula Sharon
Leachville, Winona Brown; Jonesboro, Mar- All—Florida State College Davies, Agnes Joan Hauselmire Franke, Janet
garet Elizabeth Cooper, Patricia Alma Henry, Theresa Lex, Marilyn Jean Randolph, Loretta
Nancy Lynn Johnston, Vivian Jean Mayo; Tallahassee, Gwyneth Anne Cooper, Sarah May Woltz, Carian Rosamond Stambaugh,
Newport, Glenda Jane Dudley; Blytheville, Renola Fletcher; Tampa, Evelyn Murray Du- Honorary Member; Gary, Irma Martin Plum,
Martha Janice Nichols; Harrisburg, Barbara rack ; Bradenton, Kalliope Economos; Ocala, Honorary Member.
Annette Phillips; Osceola, Barbara Ann Shaney- Sonia Kay Lovell.
felt; Memphis, Tenn., Carol Ann Wadeking. A—Tufts College
AP—Oregon State College
ST—Washington College Watertown, Mary Louise Choulian; Long Beach,
Eugene, Beverly Joyce Barker; Roseburg, Marian Calif., Mary-Ellen Lovci.
Washington, Lynn Vivian Emory; Cumberland, Elizabeth Boise; Portland, Evelyn Caniparoli;
Md., Carol Ann Kniseley. Mt. Angel, Barbara Hug; Corvallis, Arlene AA—Alabama Polytechnic Institute
Wanda Ray, Joan Diane Warner; Jordan Valley,
T—University of Minnesota Shirley Jean Sinclair; Bend, Jennie Lee Woods; Auburn, Janiece Vernon Bryant; York, Martha
McMinnville, Joan Zimmerman. Estelle Davis; Decatur, Peggy Isabel Henley,
Minneapolis, Millicent Ann Bloom, Carah Jane Mary Kay Schmidt; Anniston, Nancy Lois
Jacobson, Marsha Kay McMannus; Aberdeen, A2—University of Oregon Landers; Atlanta, G a . , Frances Camille Pharr.
S.D., Beverly Ann Johnson; Wayzata, Barbara
Ann Kohler; Bismarck, N . D . , Barbara Jean Sheridan, Mary Ellen Ivie; Portland, Alison A2—San J o s e State C o l l e g e
Schwa ndt. Annette Piatt, Diana Mae Starr; Lafayette,
Calif., Joan Willits. Livermore, Eleanor Allen; San Jose, Nancy
TA—Birmingham-Southern College Jane Appleby, Ellen Carol Baird, Nancy Vir-
AT—Denison University ginia Costantino, Dolores May Hilje, Joyce
Birmingham, Bobbie Jean Branch, Zackie Annette Steiner, Marlou Charlene Weinzerl,
Louise Doughty, Berma Elizabeth Jarrard, Pittsburgh, Pa., Janet Rinaman Carmeron; Ann Amelia Marie Lippolis, Joyce Ella Osborn;
Samye Sue Monteith, Alvah Margaret Richards, Arbor. Mich., Ruth Eleanor Loucks; Dayton, Winnemucca, Nevada, Josephine Mary Bidart;
Bonny Faye Smith, Ann Fowles Yates. Cynthia Louise Strohmeyer. Crockett, Doris Nelda Cralle; Bakersfield, Janet
Carolyn Creel; Yuba City, Charlene Anne Doll;
0—DePauw University BT—Michigan State College San Mateo, Margaret Awtrey Dorrill; Bur-
lingame, Nancy Farrel; Oroville, Joan Lucille
River Forest, 111., Jean Louise Anderson; Detroit, Phyllis Jean Armstrong, Ellen Margaret Flynn; Antioch, Katherine Madge Frazee; San
Indianapolis, Patricia Sue Ham; Greencastle, Harrington, Ruth Larkins, Mary Lee Dierker, Francisco, Norma Diana Giovannetti, Dorothy
Madonna Gail Harrington; Chicago Heights, Joanne Shirley Nelson, Patti Irene Pinkerton; May Rudeen; Oakland, Leslie Germaine Groat,
II!., Mary Ellen Illgen, Susan Anne MacMillan; Ecorse, Elizabeth Yvonne Brant; East Lansing, Irene Marguarite Hohener; Watsonville, Barbara
Maywood, 111., Sandra Arlene L o u y ; Chicago, Carol Arline Eck; Cortland, Ruth Alice Buech- Joan Hollenberg; Los Angeles, Corrine Joan
Mary Lucille Manning, Jean Marian Wallin; ling; Berkley, Barbara Ann Church; Kalamazoo, Howard; Bellingham, Wash., Mary Louise
Gaston, Judith Dian Melvin; Oak Park, 111., Janet Ethel Clark; Dearborn, Patricia June Olsen; Reno, Nevada, Delphine A. Peraldo;
Marcia Miller, Joan Drue Moore, Ruth Ellen South Pasadena, Rosemary Sater; Corona,
Wessman; Barrington, 111., Charlotte Anne Juanita June Shaw; Santa Maria, LaVera
Pohlman; Wilmette, 111., Edna Dunwoodie Yvonne Van Wyk; Redwood City, Carol Louise
White. Brown; Richmond, Sally Anne Busselle;
Berkeley, Barbara Ellane Reynolds.
0H—University of Cincinnati
E—Cornell University
Horseheads, N . Y . , Mary Jane Bailey; Cin-
cinnati. Doris Ann Eberhardt; Dayton, Char- Groton, Margaret Alice Barry; Earville, Dorothy
lotte G i n n , Julia Ann W a l k e r ; Columbus, Jane Conley; Syracuse, Eleanor Madge Vitt-
Celia Kay Hicks; Bonita Springs, Fla., Eliza- mann; Richmond Hill, Aiden Ehlert; Buffalo,
beth Ann Rush; Cleveland, Daryl Leora Wachs. Patricia Joan Hamm, Lucia Long; Dayton,
Shirley Jean JoIIs; Yonkers, Kathryn Marie
011—Wagner College Lundy; Arlington, Mass., Marcia Jane Mac-
Stravic; West Hempstead, L . I . , Dorothy Eliza-
8^—University of Toledo beth Morlock; Glen Rock, N . J . , Virginia Alma
Seelig; White Plains, Nancy Jean Van Valken-
T—University of Washington burg; Brooklyn, Claire Florence Wagner; Man-
hattan, Marilynn Rose Woollatt.
Tacoma, Betty Louise Benson; Longview,
Dorothy Ann Boaglio; Everett, Marilyn Ann {Continued on page 47)
Francis Duffy, Christine Bloom Severson, Sharon
46 TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954
Initiates A2—University of Georgia IIA—University of Maryland
{Continued from page 46) Millen, Gloria Ann Averitt; Bremen, Adrienne Washington, D . C . , Mary Ellen Atwell; Kensing-
Jones; Fawn Grove, Pa., Patricia Ann Prim. ton. Md., Loretta Jane Bickford; Falls Church,
EA—Pennsylvania State College Va., Elizabeth Lucille Hansbarger; College Park.
NA—University of Southern California Emily Ann Harding; Mount Vernon, N . Y . ,
ReMHag, Sarah Wylie Lessig; Glenside, Larretta Marilyn Fayette Howaard; Hyattsville, Anne
Schlemmer; Pittsburgh, Rosemary Clare Short; Willows, Patricia Ann Baker; Long Beach, Morrow Owings.
Erie, Dolores Barbara Spathis; Washington, Joeanne Black; Los Angeles, Patricia Kay Hol-
D . C . , L u Collins Weber; State College, Joan land, Marilyn Edith Anderson, Mary Elizabeth IIK—University of Texas
Bergman Williams; Wilkinsburg, Nancy Lee Boc-h, Marilyn Breinholt, Gloria Joan Marie
Acheson; New Castle, Terry Ann Dolson; DePietro, Mary Grace DePietro, Constance Waco, Barbara Ann Callaway; Amarillo, Bar-
Allegany, Karen Elaine Scherer. Jacqueline Krantz, Patricia Joanne McGrew; bara Ann Gillespie; Houston, Lillian Frances
Pasadena, Elva Orlow; Walla Walla, Wash., Hall.
r—University of Maine Janet Kathleen Tandy; Altadena, Doris Ann
Bradley; Downey, Nedra Mulleneaux. &—University of Pennsylvania
Middlcton, Sally Lou Anderson; East Paterson,
N . J . , Diana Mary Livi; Newport, Jane Rodick; NO—Vanderbilt Philadelphia, Johanna Agatha Carrozzino, Elinor
Machias. Evelyn Jane Whitney. Carol Fisher, Antoinette Jean Lulka, Marie
Perryville, Ky,, Lexic Dell Daugherty; Aiken, Ruth Klenk.
TO—University of Florida S. C a r . , Sydney Jane Patterson; Memphis.
Harriet Elise Priester. I*—Northwestern University
Newberry, Ouida Kathleen Barry; Bradenton,
Mary Katharine Moore; Palatka, Anne Gale 0—University of Tennessee Garden City, N . Y . , Joan Rittenhouse Barth;
Ramsey; Miami, Patricia Ackerman; Tavares, Evanston, Jcannette Graves Laird.
Norma Louise Fraser; Pensacola, Ann Geraldine Knoxville, Katharine Andes, Patricia Jean
Hoyt. Batchelor, Mary Lee Rule, Shirley Cornelia 2—University of California
Van Pelt; Memphis, Eleanor Phillips Crawford,
I—University of Illinois Martha Sue Gray; Eaglcville. Nancy Sue Cros- Watsonville. Janet Elizabeth O;oper; Piedmont,
slin; Bluefield, W. V a . , Patricia Ann Hawley; Carol Ann Hack; Oakland, Jessie Janice Jones,
Centralia, Wilma May Allen; Sparta, Judith Murfreesboro, Angelyn Jenkins; Nashville, Karin Elizabeth Munck; Santa Rosa, Diane
Ann Floyd; Riverside, Mary Lou Marshall. Blanche Johnanne HoIIabaugh, Diane Elizabeth Charmaine London; Berkeley, Donna Mendonca,
Frances O'Donnell; Ripley, Norma Carolea Patricia Gail Wheaton; Alameda. Patricia Carol
LA—Idaho State College Nunn; Finger, Rosemary Dillon; Mountainside, Waterlow.
Diane Lois Hunter.
Pocatello, Jane Frances Davis, Jacquelyn Filer. —X—Hartwick College
Georgia Lee Kortum; Burley, Lois Joanne Second Lieutenant Ethel 1). Bumen (<1>0)
Gochnour. received her gold burs when she gradu- Oneonta. Eleanor Louise Brown, Joan Mary
ated from Officer Candidate School in the Covey, Janet May Eggleston, Shirley Yvonne
KA—Indiana State Teachers College Women's Army Corps, Fort Lee, Virginia, Hungerford, Carol Jane Becker; Teaneck, N.J..
in November. She w i l l be stationed at Marion Alice Cadman; Albany, Elizabeth Carol
Terre Haute, Mildred Russell, Catherine Estella Davidson; Cobleskill, Beverly Edith Fraats;
I-11 roct, Madeleine K i n g Bresett, Margaret Helen Fort Myer, Virginia. Taipeh. Formosa. Lily La Tao: Gloversville,
Ellis, Jcraldine Full, Eileen Haller Lee, Beverly Dorathy Ann Perry; Ghent. Elizabeth Ann
Jane O^born, Sara Council Sagraves, Mary Jane Oil—University of Michigan Schnackenberg; Herkimer, Carolyn Elizabeth
Scherer, Marguerite Dunkin Stout; Biloxi, Weschrob.
Miss.. Rosemary Heidenger Burget, Honorary Dearborn, Gretchen Harriet Quine.
Member; Chicago, 111., Caryl Louise Stomal; ~0—Arkansas State College
Dayton, O . . Marie Eurily Stout Goodbar; <i>—University of Kansas
Covington. Kathryn Lee Marquess. State College, Virginia S. Campbell, Honorary
Lawrence, Frances Dabney Grinstead, Honorary Member; Jonesboro, Mary Jane Perkins, Jane
KF—Florida Southern College member; Mary Lou Hill, Honorary member; Porter.
Elma Roseman Stauffer, Honorary member;
Clearwater, Helen Marlyn Blake; Lakeland, Coffeyville, Opal Lucille Defenbaugh; St. T—University of Minnesota
Jessie Fleming Vose, Honorary Member; Cocoa, Joseph, Mo., Carol Ann Peters; Leavenworth.
Mary Ann Nicholls; Belle Glade, Donna Jean Ruth Ann Sutton; Washington, D . C . , Ann Minneapolis, Mildred Louise Anderson, Noreen
Norris; Penns Grove, N . J . , Joan Robb Sautter; Elizabeth Vaughn. Hilary Herreid; Montevideo, Sallie Ann Iver-
St. Petersburg, Janet May Van Derzee. son; Windom, Maria Louise Juhnke; Glencoe,
4>0—Hanover College Georgia Agatha Gould, Sandra Lou Jacobson;
K K — B a l l State Teacher's College Superior, Mary Annette Kinney; Mankato,
Jeffersonville, Lora Jo Tanner. Nancy Louise MacKenzie; Edina. Joann Gina
Holland, Elinor Dorothy Beumer; Yorktown, Spanjers; Stillwater, Ann Marie Dew hurst.
Shirley Louise Bilby; Muncie, Cynthia Alice I I — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial
Butts. Marilyn Jane Crampton, Martha Louise College Theta—DePauw University
Hanhan, Barbara Ann Humbert, Margaret Ann
Lafferty, Patricia Jeanne Mitchell; Anderson, Texarkana, Texas, Dorothy Good; Foley, A!a., Indianapolis. Marcaret Carolyn Dessauer; Bay
Marilyn Lee Carroll, Suzanne Mae Lindsey; Sally Ann Lyon; Humbolt, Tenn., Alice Marilyn Village, Barbara Elizabeth Ann Dunn; Auburn,
Fort Wayne, Shirley Ann Dare, Anna Jane Moore; New Haven. Conn., Dorothy Potts; Mary Elizabeth Gengnagel; Madison, Wis..
Gorrell, Janet Sue Helmes. Lucile Rnhrer Arabi, Mary Lynn Trist. Joanne Elzine Lohman; Dayton, O., Greta
Neaderhouser; Monticello, Margaret Arlene Kristina Nelson; Evanston, III., Jeannette Ann
Godlove; Warsaw, Madeleine Marjorie Holt; Baldwin.
Peru, Margot Diane Loveland; Salem, Ruth
Osborne; Dayton, O . , Jane Best; Highland, Theta TI—Wagner College
Beverly Joan Schultz; Urbana, III., Sara Mae
Stanley; Sharpsville, Wilma Louise Underwood; Staten Island. Carol Hazel Arkwright, Sheila
Mishawaka, Martha Webb, Beverly Lou Hoover; Veronica T . Byrne, Carolyn M. Young, Grate
South Bend, Betty Jeanne Isza; Roanoke, Nancy Elaine Brill; Narrowburg, Helen Louise Haase;
Jean Rumple. Lawrence, Mass., Caroline Louise Herrmann;
Ozone Park. Dagmar Elsie Kreider; Brooklyn,
KO—Southwestern University Barbara Ellen MacCready. Madeline Jane Rexer,
Joan Thirza Ritzheimer; Jamaica, Doris Eleanor
Martin. Sarah Jane Wood. Riker; Swarthmore, Pa., Tyra Rydell; Kingston,
Una Louise Schafer; St. Albans, Else Steffensen;
KP—Western Michigan College of Hillside. N . J . , Grace Elizabeth Sutton; Spring-
Education field Gardens, Joan Lisbeth Venes; New Britain,
Conn., Faye Arline Zitzkat.
Kalamazoo, Marie Purdy Berry, Honorary Mem-
ber, Lois Patricia Falls; Grand Rapids, Mar- Theta ^—University of Toledo
garet Mary Brozovich, Shirley Ann Schribtr;
Glen Ellyn, 111., Audrey Evelyn Campbell; Toledo, Nancy Ann Gilliam, Mar jorie Ann
Fremont, Peggy G i l l i l a n d ; Berwyn, I I I . , Lola Halpin, Janet Mae Martelsman; Trilby, Shryle
Margaret Hammond, Marlene Jean Karas, Swanson.
Arlene Elizabeth Richards; Royal Oak, Carol
Ann Lawrence; Niles, Margaret Lucile Mannix; T—University of Washington
Plymouth, Gwendolyn Amy Phillips, Avis Ann
Waldecker. Seattl", Virginia Ann Callison, Sharon Eliza-
beth James, Jacquelyn Maureen Stoneburg.
Kappa Theta—University of California at
Los Angeles Z—University of Nebraska
Ventura, Denise Diane Barrows; Los Angeles, Lincoln. Barbara Jones Deuser.
Alice Doreae Bulkley, Barbara Ann Smith;
Altadena, Patricia Marie Eggers, Kathryn Wirch;
Breman. Ind.. Martha Jane Mayer; Arcadia,
Ann Laverne Norris.
TO D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954 47
University Trustees Corian Stambaugh, XA adviser, is the Grace and Bob have two adopted
Home Economics professor at Evansville c h i l d r e n , T o m m y , five a n d one-half,
(Continued from page 3 ) College. Miss Stambaugh graduated from a staunch devotee of kindergarten
Piedmont College and has her rraster's culture, and Katie, four, who at-
became A l p h a T a u chapter o f A O n . degree from Teachers' College, Columbia tends nursery school.
She is p r o u d o f the success of the University. She is a Lieutenant Com-
chapter because she understands and mander in the U.S. Naval Reserve, havin Bob, who is a vice president of
sympathizes w i t h the hopes and served as a WAVE Commissary officer. the Continental Illinois Bank and
fears of the undergraduates. Trust Company in Chicago, and
her family, the community, and the Grace have a passion f o r building.
Helen became the "alumnae-elect- university with the same devoted They are both skilled in the art of
ed" trustee of Denison in 1953 f o r thought fulness and v i g o r she has railroading. Grace pulls out f r o m
a term of three years. Denison shown toward AOTL under the couch on her sun porch
alumnae traditionally nominate a what seems t o be miles o f track,
number of graduates for this high Grace has been closely associated engines, freight and passenger cars,
honor, and ballotting is clone by with Northwestern since her grad- all intricately fashioned and fasci-
mail. Helen was one of many nomi- uation f r o m the School of Speech nating. (Son T o m m y is a lucky
nees and the only w o m a n . She is i n 1932, having served as president boy.) Together they built a charm-
not, however, the only woman on of the Associate Alumnae, the wom- ing recreation room in the basement,
the Board of Trustees. H e r assign- en's organization, and vice president partly pine-paneled, with the rest
ment is to the committee on g i f t s of the Alumnae Association. of the wall space covered in huge
and bequests. travel posters collected on a Euro-
H e r appointment to the trustee- pean trip. A Franklin stove serves
As an authority in the field of ship came last fall. A t Northwestern, as the center f o r c u l i n a r y e f f o r t s
advertising she has spoken before alumnae are privileged to suggest like hamburgers and hot dogs.
such groups as the N a t i o n a l Retail names of graduates to the committee
D r y Goods Association at its annual of the Board of Trustees which Grace lays no claim to fame, but
convention in New York. Reper- handles this matter, but the commit- is a f a i r to middling gardener, golf-
cussions of that speech brought her tee selects the names f o r the ap- er, and bowler.
invitations elsewhere and f r o m such proval of the board. As the board
groups as Chambers o f Commerce. has only one woman member, Grace C o u l d Grace play God f o r a day-
This spring she w i l l be the speaker is that one and the second AOIT thus she w o u l d enable everyone to analyze
at two meetings of advertising f r a - honored, Marie being the first. and see the f u l l value o f the lesson
ternities at the University of I l l i - A O n has chosen f o r its o w n as the
nois, and upon one of these occa- I n Evanston Grace' has been the greatest aid to daily living.
sions she w i l l become an honorary president of the Auxiliary of the
member of Gamma Alpha Chi. Woman's Club, and is now a mem- Since in the order of things these
ber of the Board of the Woman's three cannot play God they are con-
A s a business woman she has very Club, where she is chairman o f the tent t o be H i s Trustees i n AOTT. i n
little time f o r what the rest of us home and education committee. business, in the community, and for
call community work. She is a mem- E a r l i e r i n her career she taught at their A l m a Maters. I t is w i t h pride
ber of the 4th Presbyterian Church the Northwestern Settlement House we thus present them.—MARY D E E
in Chicago and belongs to the W o m - in adult education and dramatics.
an's Advertising Club, also serves She has worked i n a volunteer capac- DRUMMOND.
as secretary o f the A d v e r t i s i n g E x - ity for this charitable organization
ecutive Club. ever since and finds it one of her Management Training Program
most satisfying jobs. (Northwest-
Her contemporaries at Denison ern Settlement House, which has T W E L V E full-tuition fellowships will be of-
remember her as the pianist o f the as its f u n c t i o n the w e l f a r e of c h i l - fered next year by the Management Training
Communitv Sing. She still keeps dren, is not connected in any way Program, a one-year graduate course for
her hand i n music as a hobby and with the University.) women, jointly administered by Radcliffe Col-
owns quite a collection of records, lege and the Harvard Business School. The
ranging f r o m the classical to the Not being content to work only program, which has been closely associated with
"bouncy." She loves long drives in with children away from home, the Business School for 17 years, helps prepare
the countryside and pokes around women for administrative positions in business,
in antique shops f o r an occasional government, social service, and education.
"find" but mostly "for fun."
Two full-time job assignments on both un-
Could she play God f o r a day she skilled and supervisory levels are integrated into
would make people live each day six months of classroom work based on a case-
according to a standard so h i g h that study method. The cases—descriptions of actual
there w o u l d be no cause f o r the operating situations of business organizations—
slightest regret. are drawn from the Business School's collec-
tion, and instruction, for the most part, is by
Helen likes team w o r k , be i t i n members of the Business School faculty. Class-
AOII, business, or any other en- room work includes courses in human relations,
deavor. H e r motto seems to be, management methods, marketing, accounting, and
" I can't do everything by myself." personnel, while the field-work gives the stu-
dents practical experience.
Many of you already know Grace
Suhr as a f o r m e r district director Alumnae, numbering more than 450, are now
and vice president of the alumnae employed in such capacities as personnel and
department of AOIT, in which capaci- training officers in both business and non-profit
ties she served w i t h wisdom and dis- organizations, and as buyers, management con-
tinction. T h o u g h less active i n her sultants, security analysts, statisticians, and
sorority than f o r m e r l y , she serves stockbrokers.
I n addition to the 12 full-tuition fellowships,
two partial fellowships and college loans are
awarded on the basis of merit and financial
need. F o r more information, write to the Man-
agement Training Program, Radcliffe College,
Cambridge 38* Mass.
Alice Wessels Burlingame ( O i l ) is a
lecturer and teacher of Horti-Therapy
and an active member of the Birmingham,
Mich., alumnae chapter.
48 T O D R A G M A — S P R I N G & SUMMER, 1954