» *•* * . *V
a s1
A member of AOII's newest chapter, Lian
States, Delta Kappa (Washington U), goes
for a walk during a break in shooting for
the 2009-2010 Emporium catalog.
On the cover: Thanks to Rho Omicron
(Middle Tennessee State U) collegians
who traveled to Brentwood to help us
illustrate the importance of walking in
our feature story, Walk This Way.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 7 Viewpoint
8 Fraternity News
9 Meet AOII's New Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
10 Walk This Way
Ideas to help you get back on the exercise track
16 Applauding AOII Authors
Highlighting a few of their published works
22 Chapter Profile: Lambda Upsilon (Lehigh U)
Winner of the Jessie Wallace Hughan Award
24 Convention 2009 Recap
36 Foundation Focus
Profile: Rachel Allen, A l p h a Chi (Western KY U)
Foundation Financial Overview
Foundation Scholarships
44 From the AOII Archives
47 Life Loyal AOIIs
48 Phi (U of Kansas) Sisters Reconnect
50 Online Shopping
Safety and Sanity Tips for the Holidays
54 Four AOIIs Walk to Celebrate Life
56 Member Profile: Terri Mascherin
D e l t a U p s i l o n (Duke U)
58 On tour with Chicago
M e m b e r makes t i m e t o m e e t n e w sisters in tour cities
60 AOII Goes Blue next March
AOII's new International Day of Service Project
63 High MARCs for the top AOII AC
Chicago N W Suburban Alumnae Chapter
64 Things We Love
67 Volunteer Directory
70 Member Profile: Mary Jane Bell Sharp
O m i c r o n (U of Tennessee)
From the Editor
lo Pragma
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi m o r n i n g drive to w o r k is really beautiful. T h e route takes me by
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission a pristine little pond o f f a w i n d i n g stretch o f road near our International
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and Headquarters. O n some days I catch sight o f t w o magnificent swans that
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our make their home i n that pond. One morning, the pair was out for a
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime stroll causing traffic to come to a stand still. Impatiently, I waited with
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a other agitated m o r n i n g commuters as the t w o swans slowly waddled
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. across the road. Have you ever watched a swan cross a road? T i m e stands
still. I soon joined all the surrounding drivers i n amazement as we took
How to Contact To Dragma: in the humor o f the scene before us. Sashaying one i n f r o n t o f the other,
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 the lead swan looked up toward the sky and skipped a step. I laughed
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736, www.alphaomicronpi.org, and looked up, too, noticing f o r the first time that m o r n i n g that the sky
[email protected] was aquamarine blue and filled w i t h wads o f cotton-candy-like clouds.
Gorgeous. I n my rush to get to work, I had missed all this beauty and
How to Update Your Name or Address: I was suddenly very grateful to have noticed. Just as I pulled m y head
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website out of the clouds, literally, I caught the second swan straighten up tall,
(www.alphaomicronpi.org), email your new address to stretch out her wings and tip toe a couple steps. She was dancing a little
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920. jig, right i n the middle o f the road. I t was obvious the swans had already
noticed the beautiful day.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Beginning June 1, 2008, subscriptions are $25.00 annually. The pair waddled on toward their pond and traffic began to move again.
Subscriptions are by check or credit card. Checks, made I drove off w i t h a little more appreciation for the day ahead, which
payable to AOII, should be mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, turned out to be a very productive one. I doubt that was a coincidence
Brentwood, TN 37027, Attn: Accounting. Credit card and it was a good t h i n g to be reminded o f what I have to appreciate.
subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only) should email
[email protected]. W i t h a touch o f inspiration f r o m the t w o swans, this issue o f To Dragma
is themed around w a l k i n g . W a l k this Way shares valuable i n f o r m a t i o n
A Note to Parents of Collegians: f r o m the Arthritis Foundation on the benefits o f w a l k i n g . For sisters
Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home who have chosen w r i t i n g as a w a l k o f life, w e share w i t h you some o f
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer their published works. A O I I is w a l k i n g d o w n an exciting path, too.
in college or living at home, please send us her updated Read about our new Governance Board, plans for an International Day
address, as indicated above. of Service next spring and all the details on h o w w e celebrated our last
biennium during Convention 2 0 0 9 . Y o u r Fraternity and your sisters
Director of Communications are doing great things and To Dragma's goal is to b r i n g these stories to
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) your attention. It's a good thing to be reminded o f what we all have to
appreciate - A O I I .
Graphic Designers
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) Regards,
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen
Alpha Delta ( U of Alabama)
Women Enriched through Lifelong Friendship. Director of Communications
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in New Correction:
York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen In the summer 2009 issue, we featured Dotti Cutlip as our Life Loyal spokesman
St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & Elizabeth on the back cover. Dotti's alumnae chapter was incorrectly listed as Chicago North
Heywood Wyman. Shore when it should have been Chicago NW Suburban. We regret the error and
invite you to read more about Dotti's award winning chapter on page 63.
International President
Barbara Dunn Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
Executive Director
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the Fraternity Communications Association.
Letters to the Editor
Dear Mrs. Sasseen, discussed useful topics and sparked some great introspection.
They caused me to think harder about my direction and I
Thank you so much for the insightful, well planned and cleanly appreciate the encouragement that bothrepresented to continue
produced summer issue o f To Dragma. I feel like the transition to grow and better myself and our fraternity. Great Job! Thank
to the new format has really enabled you and your staff to reach you again!
your audience w i t h more useful information and candor. Over
the years since graduating, I've not always been able to connect Fraternally,
to the content of the magazine, but this quarter's effort had a lot Amanda Houghton
o f content that spoke to me, where I am in my life and A O I I Sigma ( U of California, Berkeley)
right now. Thank you! I especially enjoyed the articles "Talk
Less, Say M o r e " and " A Leadership Challenge." Both articles
s%Online Extras
Find out how you can join an alumnae chapter, join Life Loyal AOII or become an annnual subscriber to To Dragma atwww.alphaomicronpi.org
To D r a g m a Distribution Information
If y o u are: 1) an AOII collegian, 2) a Life Loyal AOII member, 3) an alumnae chapter dues paying member,
or 4) an annual To Dragma subscriber, you will continue t o receive all three issues of To Dragma. If you are
not a m e m b e r of one of those four groups, you will begin noticing a reduction in the number of magazine
issues you receive each year based on the following schedule:
ivii-tid Your*."
Fall 2008 - Summer 2010 Fall 2010 - Summer 2012 Fall 2012 and Forward
• All members will receive 2 issues. • All members will receive 1 issue. • Only Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs,
• Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs, • Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs, Alumnae Chapter dues paying
members and annual subscribers
Alumnae Chapter dues paying Alumnae Chapter dues paying will receive the magazine.
members and annual subscribers members and annual subscribers
will receive all 3 issues. will receive all 3 issues.
AOII's new Execu
Director, Troy LeForge,
Beta Phi (Indiana U) and
L new International President,
iarb Zipperian, Kappa
lappa (Ball State U) will
help lead the Fraternity
down a path of success over
ijie next biennium.
I am honored to serve as AOII's new International President. Walking d o w n this new
path brings back so many memories as I reflect on my journey through life as a member
o f this w o n d e r f u l group o f women. M y dreams as a new member o f A O I I at Ball State
University never included this new adventure because all I ever expected was to f i n d and
belong to a sisterhood o f friends during my collegiate years. Never did I imagine that 30
years later I ' d still be involved, have friends f r o m all over N o r t h America and feel the
incredible bond and sense o f belonging that only comes f r o m a true sisterhood.
I can honestly say that A O I I has exceeded my expectations!
O u r biennial convention in Tampa this summer was a wonderful experience and I love
looking at the pictures over and over again to remind myself of the f u n we shared together.
I loved the rapper on Wednesday night, the luncheon speakers, the PIP storytelling, the
business sessions, the beautiful Rituals and most o f all the Rose Banquet where I felt like
a queen! T h e fact that I never once felt the Florida sun on my face didn't bother me at all!!
It was an adventure I'll never forget.
Professionally, I am a CPA and Chief Financial Officer for a new bank in Nashville,
Tennessee. So many people have asked me, " h o w w i l l you have time and energy to
serve as International President o f AOII?" M y answer is simple. We have a powerhouse
Executive Board, professional staff at our headquarters and the partnership o f hundreds o f
dedicated and loyal alumnae volunteers who help A O I I to grow, thrive, expand and fulfill
the dreams o f our founders. The leadership o f A O I I isn't just one person and one person
couldn't do it all! The collective effort of all dedicated members is what makes us special
and what helps ultimately enrich our lives because we chose to j o i n A O I I .
I have never considered myself a writer and w r i t i n g this letter comes
w i t h lots o f energy, thought, and time. I have ventured slightly into
the world o f published writings when To Dragma included a piece
written by me i n early 2009 on Financial Freedom. So, I'm excited
to read the published works of some o f the A O I I members featured
in this issue. I love to see our members use their special talents, and
I'm so proud to belong to a group o f strong, intelligent, educated
and creative women who make a difference to the people they love
and to the world around them. I eagerly embark upon my journey
as your International President for the next t w o years, humbled and
grateful at the opportunity to do so. I look forward to walking this
path w i t h each o f you.
Barbara Zipperian, International President
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009 To DRAGMA • 7
Fraternity News
Leadership Institute 2010 Scholarship Applications
Save the Date: June 25-27, 2010 Undergraduate and graduate scholarship applications for the
Franklin Marriott Cool Springs 2010-2011 academic year are available on the Foundation
website. A l l completed applications must be received in the
Hundreds of AOIIs w i l l come together next June to experience Foundation office no later than M a r c h 1, 2010. For more
sisterhood, education sessions, idea sharing, A O I I Headquarters information, please contact Barbie Chadwick in the Foundation
tours, and E m p o r i u m shopping. Stay tuned for more information office at (615) 695-2628 [email protected].
on how you can be a part o f the event that AOIIs everywhere
w i l l be talking about. AOII Welcomes Two New
Alumnae Chapters
Beta Gamma Celebrates
75th Anniversary A O I I is pleased to announce the installation o f its 143rd
chartered alumnae chapter, Green Bay/Fox Cities. Linda
O n September 19, 2009, Beta Gamma (Michigan State U ) Grandolfo, A O I I VP, installed the new alumnae chapter on
alumnae and collegians gathered to celebrate this important August 8, 2009.
milestone. A O I I Vice President Linda Grandolfo was present
for the festivities and to present the chapter w i t h a gift from O n January 8, 2010, our 144th alumnae chapter w i l l be installed
the Fraternity. when International President Barb Zipperian travels to Gulfport,
Mississippi to install the Mississippi G u l f Coast Alumnae Chapter.
Happy 25th Anniversary Tau Lambda!
Want to Stay Connected to AOII?
A celebration for Tau Lambda Chapter w i l l be held April 24,
2010 in honor o f their 25th anniversary. The Tau Lambda • We're on Facebook! Visit Facebook.com and search
Chapter was installed September 15, 1984 at Shippensburg Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
University. A special engraved brick for the A O I I Brick
Walkway w i l l be purchased for the chapter by the Fraternity to • We're on Twitter! Go to Twitter.com and search
honor this event. Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity.
Convention Pictures Are Still Available • Visit the main A O I I Fraternity website often at
alphaomicronpi.org. " M y A O I I " is an area on our
Visit www.8xTen.com and select " V i e w Your Photos From main website for sisters only. Email [email protected]
Your Event" to relive all of the memories everyone experienced if you do not know your member number.
during Convention 2009. Photos w i l l only remain available
until late November. • Visit the A O I I Foundation site at aoiifoundation.org.
AOII's convention photographer, 8xTen, specializes i n • Shop the A O I I E m p o r i u m at aoiiemporium.com.
composites, bid-day and event photos. Chapters w h o are in the
market for a new vendor can contact H Q for more information. • Visit A O I I inCircle, our o w n social networking c o m m u n i t y at
Extension Update
£j : : MyAOn
A O I I is excited to announce that we have been invited
to recolonize our Beta Kappa Chapter at the U o f British
Columbia. T h o u g h a time line has not been established, the
colonization w i l l occur at some point before September 2010.
Visit www.ubc.ca to learn more about this campus in beautiful
Vancouver, British Columbia.
8 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
New AOII Executive Director
D e f i n i n g the A O I I experience might be a bit daunting for W i t h all o f her accolades and accomplishments, Troy's greatest
some, but for newly-appointed Executive Director, Troylyn prizes are her family: her husband o f 22 years, John; 18-year old
LeForge, she doesn't need help to figure it out. A O I I is daughter Alexayndra (Alex); and 16-year old son, Tate. In one
best described through service, and membership w i t h i n short conversation w i t h Troy, it is easy to see that her life is f u l l
Alpha Omicron Pi offers the opportunity and instills the ot her two great loves—the LeForge family and Alpha Omicron
expectation to serve others. Pi. This fall, her daughter, Alex, fulfilled one of Troy's long
hoped tor dreams when she became a new member o f A O I I
W i t h experience in higher education specializing in advising at the O m i c r o n Chapter ( U o f Tennessee). So, w i t h that wish
fraternities and sororities on numerous campuses since 1 9 8 5 , f u l f i l l e d , the i n t e r t w i n i n g o f her t w o passions begins.
T r o y l y n (Troy) LeForge was named the Executive Director for
Alpha Omicron Pi. Although Troy officially began this new
j o u r n e y w i t h A O I I on July 6 , 2 0 0 9 , years o f service w i t h A O I I
and w i t h i n the Panhellenic c o m m u n i t y have preceded serving
as an official leader o f the organization.
A n initiate o f the Beta Phi Chapter at Indiana University, Troy
celebrated an exceptionally meaningful collegiate experience
w i t h i n her A O I I chapter. Having unique global vision, Troy
traded her degree i n German to serve as a Chapter Consultant
for Alpha O m i c r o n Pi for t w o consecutive years f o l l o w i n g
graduation. These t w o years were rich w i t h relationships
developed across the organization and throughout countless
collegiate campuses, as Troy cherished the opportunity to
meet new people. T h e experience itself, as she recalled, "is
such a reflection o f the strength o f A O I I . "
Although Troy never distinctly aspired to lead Alpha
O m i c r o n Pi as Executive Director, she eagerly j u m p e d at the
opportunity in Spring 2 0 0 9 w i t h the urging o f her family.
W i t h a distinct love for her f a m i l y and passion toward A O I I ,
Troy eagerly and successfully pursued the career shift, being
named the organization's Executive Director before the
biennial A O I I International Convention in June 2 0 0 9 .
W i t h i n her new role, T r o y brings an intense passion for
the overall wellness o f A O I I chapters, both collegiate and
alumnae, coupled w i t h the desire to provide continual value
to all members. Dynamic and vibrant i n her leadership,
volunteers and staff are drawn to Troy's personable approach
and open-door policy. Troy uses these skills to develop
a collaborative, team-centered approach to on-going
development and problem solving.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 I o DRAGMA • 9
}F I R S T I N A T H R E E P A R T S E R I E S O N T H E H E A L T H Y W O M A N
W h y is it many of us don't walk for exercise regularly?
After all, walking is good for us. It improves circulation,
lowers the risk of fractures, supports joints, wards o f f heart
disease, lowers blood pressure, raises heart rate, lowers the
risk of blood clots, increases strength and flexibility, burns
calories, lowers the risk of stroke, decreases stress, slows
mental decline, and even improves sleep. It seems like an
obvious solution to good health.
Despite all these good reasons to get on a walking
program, it is hard to keep walking, day i n and day out,
rain or shine, winter and summer. Arthritis Today magazine
recommends that we develop walking strategies to get on
track and stay there.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 To DRAGMA • 11
The First Step
m f f m "* No more excuses Buy a Good Pair of Shoes
jBUjflp Everyone has them, but SOUK- people manage the It's the only piece o f equipment you need to get w i t h a
program, but shoes do make a difference. A good pair o f
excuses better than others. T h i n k through the running shoes is actually recommended for walking. You
excuses you w i l l use and create solutions. Is the can walk in r u n n i n g shoes but you should not run in w a l k i n g
shoes. Walking shoes w i l l obviously work, too, i f they arc-
weather always a problem? Then f i n d an indoor place right for you. Seek advice f r o m a specialist, but in general,
i f balance is not your friend, stay away f r o m shoes w i t h thick
^L*rf to walk like a mall or indoor track. Do you work too treads, which can stick and lead to falls. Women w i t h bunions
should look for roomy shoes without seams or even a pair
"•^ late to safely walk by yourself in the evenings? Find a of men's shoes i f they can't f i n d a good fit i n the women's
department. H i g h - t o p athletic shoes are good solutions for
friend to walk with you or consider walking before work or weak ankles, and shoes w i t h natural foot motion are advised
for people with osteoarthritis in the knee to reduce the amount
during lunch. W h e n a real obstacle arises, skip the walk for of stress. When shopping for shoes, measure both feet in the
type of socks you plan to wear. I f your feet are different sizes,
that day and try to get back on schedule as soon as possible. buy the larger pair and replace them about every 500 miles.
Arthritis Today also suggests you schedule your exercise on your That means i f you walk 3-4 miles a day, you'll need to replace
them every 4-5 months.
calendar just like you would a meeting and always keep a pair
Vary the Route
of walking shoes i n the car for unexpected opportunities.
The same old route w i l l get boring very fast so keep changing
Walk with a Buddy things up. Take different routes through the neighborhood,
head to a nearby track, walk inside the local mall or head out
It's both safe and motivating. A friend, spouse or even a pet to walk through a local park. The goal is to make it f u n and
can make a great walking companion and it is harder to skip interesting. I f you have to keep w a l k i n g the same route too
when you are letting someone else down other than yourself, often, try to think o f ways to even make that different. Count
even i f it's just your sad-eyed pooch. A buddy makes the the number of animals you pass as you walk or the number o f
walking experience safer for security reasons as well as in the lamp posts. D o you find yourself w i t h an hour to k i l l while
event of a fall or emergency. You might also consider joining a waiting for your son's soccer practice to end? Keep a pair o f
walking club through the local Y M C A or fitness center i n your walking shoes in the car and take laps around the field while
area, too. you wait.
Keep Track of Your Progress
Log or journal your progress. Set yourself attainable goals
to begin w i t h and increase the goals as you achieve them.
Arthritis Today suggests you set yourself a one-month goal and
a reward, then post it where you can see it everyday to stay
motivated. Make adjustments each month as you progress or
struggle to achieve your goal. Write down not only how far
you walked, but make notes about how you are feeling about
yourself. The magazine's website offers a basic monthly log
for you to develop your o w n plan or you can download their
12-week plan at www.arthritistoday. G o o d journal options
are also available at www.active.com/women and w w w .
mayoclinic/health/walking. A pedometer is a great tool to use
daily. A n inexpensive version w i l l count your steps, while
more advanced versions might track distance, calculate calories
burned or allow you to log walking data.
« I
New Ways to Walk Here are a few of the latest walking
trends that you might consider:
Think outside the box, or at
least the block around your Chi Walking
house and consider some
variations on the way we think Incorporating the principles o f tai chi w i t h walking, this method
about walking. helps walkers experience both a mental and physical workout
that emphasizes good posture and proper breathing. Instead
o f listening to music or letting your m i n d wander, this method
stresses concentration on your body and its movement. Learn
more about this technique at w w w . c h i w a l k i n g .com.
Nordic Walking
Burning 20% more calories than traditional walking makes this
somewhat odd looking method an attractive way to walk. Using
modified ski poles to help propel you forward. Nordic Walking
offers several good benefits. It reduces knee strain by transferred
the impact to the poles, helps w i t h balance, encourages good
posture and is a great cardio workout that also provides a total
body workout. Check out www.anwa.us/2009/ for more details
on how this can be a great workout for any age or fitness level.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009 To DltACiMA • 1 3
Mindful Walking
Developed by Buddhist monks, this fairly new method to
our part o f the world is sometimes referred to as walking
meditation. According to Arthritis Today, "Walking meditation
combines the basic principles of meditation, such as breathing,
concentration and relaxation w i t h rhythmic walking." Classes
are popping up and the corporate world is catching on by
engaging their employees in wellness programs and team
building events. As you walk, focus on your breathing, and
find a pattern such as taking four steps on the inhale and four
steps on the exhale. Match the breathing/walking pace to a
rhythmic phrase o f your choosing i n your head such as " I feel
relaxed. I feel at peace." Remember what inspired "The Little
Engine That Could"? / think I can, I think I tad Then, as you
walk, engage all your senses. H o w does the pavement feel?
Smell the world around you. Is the w i n d blowing or is the
sun stinging your skin? D o you hear birds, cars, laughter? It
takes practice to keep the m i n d f r o m wandering, but it w i l l be
ultimately rewarding.
Water Walking
This method reducing stress on the joints, making it especially
popular for those w i t h arthritis or new to fitness. Water
provides 1 2 times the resistance o f air, so you can get a great
workout in the water while building muscle at the same time.
Don't be mistaken and assume it is only for older woman. Take
a water aerobics class for yourself and see i f you don't notice
a conditioning improvement in a short amount of time. If
starting out on your o w n , it is important to keep your core
and back muscles upright to avoid hurting your back. When
walking i n the water, remember to place the heel of your foot
down first staying away f r o m the temptation to walk on your
toes. Move forward, back and sideways and add upper body
movement to intensify the exercise. The deeper the water, the
more strenuous the workout so a water noodle or flotation belt
might be necessary in deep water.
Winter Walking
Too many o f us give up walking in the cold weather, but the
benefits o f getting out in the sunlight has surprising benefits.
N o t getting enough sunshine in the winter months slows down
the body's production o f vitamin D , which is vital to keep
bones strong. This is especially important for women w i t h
arthritis. Getting 15-minutes o f sunshine on your face, two to
three times a week, is enough sun for vitamin D production.
Studies also say the sunshine does wonders to improve your
winter mood so consider adding winter walking to your
exercise routine.
ISSUE NO. 1 • PAUL 2 0 0 9
The Next Step
Are you ready to take the next step? Y o u have eliminated all the obstacles and excuses, convinced a
w a l k i n g buddy to j o i n you, bought a good pair of shoes, and mapped out a plan. I f your goals are
to improve your health, lose weight and/or build your energy level, a ongoing walking program is
your road to success. For some, the goal might include something more challenging like completing
a 1/2 marathon. Even i f you never run a step, finishing your first 1/2
marathon is an exhilarating accomplishment. Earn the tee shirt and wear Set yourself
it proudly! I f you are a relative beginner, finishing a 1/2 marathon is not
something to take lightly and you should seek advice f r o m a professional to
develop a training schedule. I f h i r i n g a trainer is not in your plans, there a one-month
are numerous training regimens available on line to help you map out a
plan that w i l l have you still standing on your feet at the end o f the race.
At marathonrookie.com you can find a Ten-Week 1/2 marathon training goal and a
schedule for walkers along w i t h other tips. Similar information is found on
countless other sites, as well. Yahoo Groups site offers discussion boards to
chat w i t h others w o r k i n g on the same goals to keep you inspired. As you reward, then
train and move closer to race day you w i l l also need to understand proper
marathon nutrition and hydration needs, as well as what steps to take and not
take to avoid injury. post it where
Get on Track Together you can see it
everyday to
A O I I hopes that one o f the walking goals you set for yourself is participating
i n your local Arthritis Walk, which is often a 5-K event. It's easy and it's stay motivated.
f u n when you make it a group effort w i t h A O I I sisters or other friends and
family. I f you demonstrate that arthritis is a cause worth your contributions,
others w i l l follow. Are you up for the challenge? To form a team, you need
only 1 0 walkers to register and f u n d raise for arthritis. Your team can
consist o f A O I I sisters, family members, friends, coworkers, or anyone you recruit for your team.
From your group, select a team captain. W h y not select yourself? As a captain, you w i l l be given all
of the resources you need to help recruit members and lead your team. Just visit http://lmt.arthritis.
org/arthritis-walk/build-a-team.php and begin building your team. Every registered walker w i l l
receive their o w n personal f u n d raising page that w i l l track their progress and personal goals. So, get
o f f the couch and get on track today to benefit yourself and maybe even someone else.
S% For resources that will help you get on track visit the AOII
website and click on Online Extras under the To Dragma tab.
by Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Director of Communications
ISSUE NO. 1 • FAI.I. 2 0 0 9 To DRAGMA • 1 5
AOTT Authors Anne Byrn
The Cake Mix Doctor Returns
Many a person dreams of becoming a (Workman Publishing Company)
successful published author - a Nicholas Sparks, With over 2.6 million books in print, Anne
Danielle Steel or Ernest Hemingway. What great Byrn, Lambda Sigma ( U o f Georgia) is one o f
lover of words does not wish for a character today's most popular cook book authors. She
like Harry Potter or Edward Cullan to spring has authored numerous cook books on how
forth from their own imagination, but few will to make delicious desserts by t u r n i n g ordinary-
experience the literary thrill or achieve the boxed cake mixes into extraordinary creations.
financial success of J.K. Rowling or Stephenie She can do the same w i t h entrees, too. Last
Meyer. Fortunately, most wordsmiths write for February, Anne joined her fellow Lambda Sigma
the love of writing, rather than fame or fortune. sister, Barbara Woods, at an A O I I N e w York
True writers are helplessly drawn to City Alumnae function. Guests brought potluck
the written word to share their passion, tell a dishes featuring recipes f r o m one o f Anne's
story, educate the reader or inspire an audience. books. A few o f these include: T h e C a k e M i x
Doctor, The Dinner Doctor, Cupcakes
Nathaniel Hawthorne once said, "Words - so from the Cake M i x Doctor, and W h a t C a n
innocent and powerless as they are, as standing I B r i n g C o o k b o o k . W i t h the release o f her
in a dictionary, how potent for g o o d and evil new book. The Cake Mix Doctor Returns,
they become in the hands of one who knows the N e w York C i t y Alumnae Chapter was
how to combine them." Hawthorne, who delighted to, once again, host Anne for a book
famously wrote "The Scarlet Letter" ought to signing following her October 7th appearance
know a thing or two about the power of words, on Good Morning America.
or even the potential of just one letter. For the
following AOIIs, the right combination of words 4
earned each of them the honor of becoming a
published author. Read their stories, consider ISSUE NO. 1 • FAU. 2009
their advice, test out their recipes, absorb their
knowledge and, above all else, applaud t h e
success of just a few of your AOII sisters.
by Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta
( U of Alabama), Director of Communications
16 • To DRAGMA
Melissa Holmes Laura L . Smith Melissa Trevraatthhan Caryl Krueger
Hang Ups, Skinny, She Was and Sissy G o,ri f, Family Traditions:
Hook-Ups, and Starving To Fit In Mirrors and Maps 289 Things to D o
Holding Out (NavPress) A Girl's Guide to Again and Again
In this book, authors This fictional novel Becoming a Teen (Abingdon Press)
Melissa Holmes, is Omega (Miami (Zondervan 2008) A former editor of To
Lambda Sigma ( U o f U ) member Laura Melissa Trevathan, Dragma ( 1 9 5 6 - 1 9 6 0 ) ,
Georgia) and Trish Smith's first book i n Delta Omega (Murray Caryl Krueger, Rho
Hutchison write a book a series dealing w i t h State U ) is the founder (Northwestern U )
for high school girls eating disorders. Her and executive director is the author o f 16
that holds nothing back edgy fiction series w i l l of Daystar Counseling published books, most
w i t h regard to sex, focus around a group Ministries in Nashville, o f which focus on
dating and relationships. of friends dealing T N . A l o n g w i t h Sissy helping families enjoy
Their previous, and w i t h life's real issues. Goff, she has co-written a more rewarding life
widely successful book, Inspired by one o f several books which together. This child
Girlology, A Girl's Laura's friends, Skinny help girls navigate their development specialist
Guide to Stuff that features Melissa, a girl teenage years while w i t h a degree i n
Matters, targeted who appears to have growing in Christ. communications, music
middle school-aged it all. She doesn't see This book along with and education earned
girls and answered herself the way the Raising Girls and her on-the-job training
their burning questions world does and turns The Back D o o r to raising 4 children and
about their bodies, sex to weight loss in an Your Teen's Heart was actually a room
and dating. A third attempt to control her written in 20(17, and mom 17 times. Her f u n
book to be published w h i r l w i n d life. Laura's 2008's G r o w i n g U p and easy to read books
next year w i l l focus soon-to-be-released Without Getting have been translated
on what 3rd-5th grade second book in the Lost: Discovering into 9 languages so
girls w i l l experience series is titled Hot. your Identity in she has the honor o f
going through puberty. Laura is also the author C h r i s t are valuable k n o w i n g her ideas have
Melissa Holmes is of a children's fantasy resources for both girls helped families across
an ob-gyn who is a novel, Cantaloupe and their parents. the globe. Her most
nationally recognized Trees, and has had recent book, 1,444
expert in pediatric and several short stories Fun Things to D o
adolescent gynecology appear in C h i c k e n With Kids (Leventhal
and has been named Soup for the Soul. Publishers) w i l l be
among the best Doctors available November 1 st
in America. 4 Ir at national chains.
»M. llook-,,,,5 289 ingstoDo |
'"<"ns On, Again and Again
Author of 1001 Thing» to Do with Your Kid*
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 To DRAGMA • 17
Jeanine Tanner
Careerealism: The
Smart Approach to
Janet Burnett Gerba a Satisfying Career
With No Little
Regrett - A n (Dog Ear Publishing)
Historical Novel
Based on the Journal J.T. O'Donnell's, Delta
of Madam Knight
(Colonial American (Tufts U ) book is the
Set in Boston i n 1704, result of more than Alyssa Dubin
this work of historical Gusenoff
fiction by Janet Gerba, 18 years experience as Margarita Mama-
Phi ( U o f Kansas), Mocktails for
chronicles the 4-month a career coach and a Moms-to-Be (Quirk
journey of Sarah Books)
Kemble Knight. Her nationally syndicated While pregnant
journey is believed to w i t h her son, Alyssa
be the first recorded advice columnist. This Gusenoff, Delta (Tuffs
female business trip i n U ) joked at a party that
the American colonies. step-by-step guide she should w r i t e a book
Through Knight's of non-alcoholic drink
journal is retold as unlocks the secrets to recipes for pregnant
a story, we catch a women. Soon after,
glimpse of the life of a working tsomcarreteartinwghleenn her idea became a
pioneer woman, as well it comes helpful reality for
as Puritan humor. moms-to-be. Written
career satisfaction. w i t h a slice o f humor,
n the delicious recipes
in this book feature Nancy Mauro
non-alcoholic twists New World Monkeys
on popular drinks plus (Random House)
new mocktail like In her literary debut,
the Materni-Tini, the Nancy Mauro, Beta
Raging Hormone and Tau ( U of Toronto)
the Chocolate Crave. writes a funny and dark
novel about a troubled
young couple involved
i n an accident with a
wild boar while on
their way upstate for the
summer. Unknown
to them, the wild boar
is the t o w n mascot
and its hit-and-run
death is the start o f a
summer o f inescapable
ences. Nancy
i recognized by
the Canada Council for
the Arts.
18 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
Fitz Koehler Leslie Pickerill Rae Lahti Donnelly Susan Edmunds
The Everything Flat Johnstone Early Buck Hill Lewis
Belly Cookbook Science Around the - A Post Card Tour Person-Centered
(Adams Media) World (Wiley, John of the Settlement Leadership
W i t h a Masters in and Sons) (Buck Hill Falls, PA) for Nonprofit
Exercise and Sports Author Rae Lahti Organizations (Sage
Sciences, Gamma This active A O l l is also Donnelly, Theta Publications)
Omicron (U of an active writer. Leslie (DePauw U ) was a Tau Delta's
Florida) graduate Pickerill Johnstone, volunteer archivist for (Birmingham
Fitz Koehler has Beta Kappa ( U of the Quaker village Southern) Sue Lewis
channeled some o f British Columbia) and o f Buck H i l l Falls, was Executive Director
her vast knowledge her co-author Shar Pennsylvania, which of AOll from 1977-
into two books. Her Levine have published closed down in 1990. Among other
second is the soon numerous books to September 1990. Her things, following her
to be published 365 inspire young minds book was published service to A O l l , she
Ways to Boost Your on all things related in 2 0 0 1 to honor the embarked on a 5-year
Metabolism. In The to science. This book settlement's centennial study of a nonprofit
Everything Flat features scientific celebration and guides organization for
Belly Cookbook, discoveries and hands readers through the troubled teens. This
Fitz reveals secrets on projects in a fact- village's history via study led to a book she
on h o w to lose the filled book. vintage post cards. co-authored on team
bulge and tone up the and organizational
tummy with delicious leadership.
recipes, meal plans
and exercises. She
can do for others what
she has helped do for
numerous stars such as
Christina Applegate,
Donnie Osmond,
Kellie Pickler, Cheryl
Tiegs, Jeff Probst, and
many others.
I ^scmiNGmc ...
t - i *+
fitz Koehler. MSESS w
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 T o DRAG MA • 1 9
Melina B . Jampolis, Amy Rench Molly Hill Folken Kristen McNamara
M.D. Fallen Rogue Living on the Edge, That Place
The No Time to (Dorchester Growing to the (Monkeytoes Press)
Lose Diet Publishing) End of Life (Publish This illustrated
This book by Melina America) childrens' book by
Jampolis, Delta (Tufts This urban fantasy This book, by Molly Kristen McNamara,
U), is a weight loss romance by Amy Hill Folken, Omega Phi Upsilon (Purdue
guide for the person Rench, Upsilon (U of (Miami U ) looks at U ) uses Einstein's
seeking attainable, Washington) w i l l be life through the eyes o f
real-world solutions released i n December a senior citizen as she 9
for being healthier and 2009. The story encounters the fears,
slimmer. It combines features Harper Kane, problems, joys and E = M C " ' as a suggestion
good science and w h o is training for an rewards of growing for how to cope with
common sense, plus a Olympic gold medal older. It presents ways loss. Einstein theory
few tips and recipes. in swimming until to deal with everything demonstrates how
she gets caught up life has to offer and h o w energy and matter
The <• >-** in the murky waters to move through them are interchangeable
of a dark conspiracy. to a meaningful life. showing us that energy
NoTime She is injected w i t h never needs. I n the
I n I A >sc something, which midst o f grief or loss,
her brother died to this book suggests that
DIET protect, that is giving love, just like energy,
her psychic abilities she also never ends.
,|,-I„,:,H..L , . , I , . M l> cannot control. Now
someone believes she is THAT
a threat and needs to be RL.AC E
by K D Larson-
20 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
Howto Get Published
In addition t o her role as Chapter Adviser for Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U), Heather
A d a m s , L a m b d a Sigma (U of Georgia) is Director of Publicity for Thomas Nelson Publishers in
Nashville, Tennessee. For any literary wannabes, Heather represents the other side of the story,
the publisher. She offers the following tips for the fi rst time, and often frustrated, journalist
looking to get her first book published:
Educate yourself. Read 2008 Writer's Market by Robert Brewer or Christian Writers' Market
Guide 2008 by Sally Stuart. Both books include writer's guidelines and submission procedures for
publishing houses. These books will give you a good overview of the literary marketplace.
Read blogs written by agents. You can get some incredibly helpful advice and
straight-talk from people who pitch proposals for a living. Three of the best are: Terry Whalin,
Chip MacGregor, and Rachelle Gardner.
Write a killer book proposal. If you have written a non-fiction book, Michael S.
Hyatt, C E O T h o m a s N e l s o n Publishers, wrote a great article, Writing a Winning Book Proposal.
It will tell y o u exactly w h a t publishers want in a proposal. If y o u i n t e n d t o write a novel, G o o g l e
"fiction book proposal" and you will come up with several great resources.
Have someone review your proposal, if you have a friend who teaches English
or is a professional editor, ask t h e m t o review your proposal.
Find a literary agent to represent you. This is usually the only way to get in
the door with a publishing company. Most publishers do not accept unsolicited proposals
or manuscripts. Instead, publishers let the literary agents d o t h e filtering. If you want a list of
general market agents, you can buy the 2008 Guide to Literary Agents.
Finally, don't lose heart. Yes, you will be rejected a few times, but like many things in
life, n o t h i n g w o r t h w h i l e c o m e s easily. If you have questions or n e e d advice, Heather invites you
to contact her at (615)902-2224 or email [email protected].
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
Chapter Profile
From sisterhood Lambda Upsilon
and service to
scholarship and has worked hard
risk management,
Lambda Upsilon to engage their
(Lehigh U)
members have campus in the
achieved excellence
simply by living understanding of
their chapter's sub-
motto, "Love and many local, national,
everyday. Because and international
they exceeded all
others, Lambda women's health
Upsilon was
awarded the Jessie issues. They have
Wallace Hughan
Award at the 2009 partnered with
other Greek
Convention in Tampa, FL. The JWH is the highest
honor awarded to a collegiate chapter each biennium. groups to bring
Not only does a chapter have to achieve ruby level
status by completing more than 90% of their Standards speakers to their
of Excellence, but they must also incorporate all 19
areas of the Standards of Excellence into their chapter campus to discuss
operations. During the past biennium, Lambda
Upsilon has fully lived up to AOII's commitment to controversial hot
"Exceed the Expectation."
topics such as breast
Chapter members love being involved on campus.
AOIIs are leaders in student government, Global ironing, female
Union, the campus newspaper, Panhellenic, peer
educators. Psychology Club, orientation leaders and genital mutilation,
many more. The first junior elected as president of the
student senate is a member of this chapter. Additionally, JKl^* AT* I ' l ^a n C a c c u a n , : a n c e
these women are members of multiple honors
societies and have received 34 academic and athletic rape. In addition to
scholarships. Director of Fraternity and Sorority
Affairs, Timothy Wilkinson remarks, "There is no women's health, they have hosted discussions such as
organization that I have more faith in, and none that I
am prouder of." creative dating, anti-hazing, race and diversity, and the
importance of voting in state and national elections.
Lambda Upsilon's love of service has found them
creating lasting bonds with other Greek and non-
Greek student organizations. They have assisted groups
such as the Black Student U n i o n to raise money for the
Yele Foundation with their event, Rock4Haiti. They
have also partnered with Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Chi,
and Phi Sigma Kappa for philanthropy events such as a
car wash, see-saw marathon, and band party. When the
chapter isn't partnering with other groups to produce
these philanthropy events, they are supporting and
participating in the events sponsored by other groups
on campus.
Lambda Upsilon's CND, Describing their love for A O I I and community,
Laura Haran, (left) shares in Chapter Adviser Bette Fisher states, "The sisters are not
the celebration of the hard in a tiny bubble. They live their ritual by extending
themselves not only to their sisters, but to other
work they have put forth.
22 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
organizations and people and their communities both awe as the achievements of the winning chapter are
locally and globally." The ladies have formed a strong described. The suspense builds as the best all around
relationship with the local Fountain H i l l Elementary collegiate chapter of the biennium is announced. A O I I
School volunteering for PTA events, Literacy Night, chapters all over the US and Canada are wondering,
tutoring, and participating in book and winter coat "What does it take to w i n theJWH?" Lambda
drives. One member states, "As a chapter, we were Upsilon's answer is simple: love and understanding.
very happy to help out children and parents in the local
community, and we were touched that our efforts by Jodie Hassall, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U),
were genuinely appreciated. We hope to continue to AOII Marketing and Programming Manager
foster our working relationship with Fountain Hill
Elementary School."
Despite all the external involvement, the chapter still
understands the significance o f a strong sisterhood.
D u r i n g the new member period, they schedule an
event w i t h each o f the other classes to get to know
older members. N e w member parents are invited
to a "Peek into A O I I " brunch and tour to better
understand what A O I I is all about, too. Members also
love sisterhood events such as apple picking at a local
orchard and Saturday movie marathons in the chapter
house. A n d , they still find time to invite friends from
class or other organizations and university professors
to share a meal at the chapter house. They j u m p at the
chance to share their love for the meals prepared by
Chef Chris with friends and faculty.
Through grades, standards, and risk management, the f
women o f A O I I have a reputation that truly reflects
credit upon our fraternity. They have even worked
closely w i t h university staff to create a plan of action for
standards that coordinates A O I I policies with Lehigh
University policies. The women of A O I I understand
the importance o f being respected on their campus and
in their community and they excel at it.
Because the Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup is the most .-'3
coveted award for collegiate chapters, some chapters
work for years trying to determine what it takes to w i n Phyllis Gilson presents Lambda Upsilon Chapter President, Andi Lucas,
this high honor. At each International Convention's with the coveted JWH Cup.
Rose Banquet, the room is filled w i t h excitement and
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
E N T I O N 200 1 )usting off their treasure
maps and eager to "Share the
TO BE S H A R E D Adventure," over 700 AOII sisters
traveled to Tampa, Florida, where
" X " marked the spot on June 24-
28, 2009 to celebrate the Biennial
Convention of Alpha Omicron
Pi. Although AOIIs were not
on an adventure to find silver or
gold, the treasure hunt was full of
a lifetime of fun-filled memories
with sisters—with rubies and
pearls all around!
• T o DRAOMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
The city of Tampa was overwhelmed 11
with a brigade of smiling AOIIs starting 5f
on Wednesday, June 24th. Greeted by the
towering palms of the Tampa Marriott
Waterside Hotel and Marina, all attendees
were officially welcomed to Tampa at the
k i c k - o f f reception and opening session held
later that night. The highlight o f the night
included a personal concert by rapper DJ
$crilla, who performed a live tribute to his
A O I I fans w i t h his song ' A O l l Anthem" and
'AOII Anthem Remix". He brought AOIIs
o f all ages to their feet i n a chorus o f singing,
clapping, and laughter. The combination set
a great tone for the event—this adventure was
going to be unlike any other!
O n Thursday, the adventure started early
w i t h Opening Ritual. The inspired attendees
then celebrated the journey w i t h an inside
beach party at brunch, complete w i t h a
sea o f colorful sand pails, shovels, bubbles,
beach balls, and giant, oversized sunglasses.
Attendees serenaded outgoing International
President Susan Danko w i t h a personal song
and cheered Past International President
Peg Crawford for attending the most
International Conventions of anyone present
- 29! Representatives f r o m the Arthritis
Foundation and Shriners' Hospital were also
on-hand to accept the multitude o f pandas
donated by attendees through our annual
Panda Drive. C o m b i n i n g our love for the
organization and for service, the close o f the
brunch left sisters to shop the Emporium on
the way to watch history unfold within the
first o f three business sessions.
ISSUF.NO. 1 • FALL 2009
*• After the opening business session, the hotel
was aglow w i t h the beginning of A O I I
[ O DlWiMA Awards Night. A l l 700 attendees, outfitted
in their more formal adventure gear, filled
the ballroom w h i c h was adorned w i t h
the shimmer of colorful arrangements
of glowing necklaces and bracelets.
Recognizing the accomplishments from
our talented membership was a vibrant
experience for all i n attendance. To view
the complete list o f award recipients, please
• log-in to the private side o f the website
under "Celebrate A O I I . "
In long-standing A O I I tradition, the Past
International Presidents provided the
evening's entertainment i n an hilarious
self-titled skit called "PIParrazi." Our
PIPs set out on a mission to take pictures
of the most famous person they could
find, eventually coming to the conclusion
that they needed to recruit another
member with more celebrity connections.
International President Susan Danko
was the perfect choice and was eagarly
welcomed as the group's newest PIP! After
a lively evening of dinner, dancing, and
recognition, everyone retired to rest up for
Friday's day of more A O I I adventures.
Friday's adventure began amidst a sea o f red
and white as attendees gathered for an all-
Convention group photo. While not letting
the morning's rain dampen spirits, everyone
was o f f to a series of educational tracks to
share the adventures of A O I I Ritual, the AOII
Foundation, quick conversation tips, and
improving education within chapter meetings.
The afternoon's luncheon led all attendees
back together again for a delicious meal
followed with strawberry shortcake.
In another age-old A O I I Convention
tradition, PIP storytelling, the PIPs made
us all laugh and cry w i t h the sweet stories
o f sisterhood f r o m years past. Even though
the PIPs are a hard act to follow, the group
welcomed Major General Luis Visot as
he inspired and motivated all attendees
about how we should utilize the sisterhood
that we share. Feeling like we could now
conquer the world, the attendees were
dismissed f r o m the luncheon to conquer
the second business session.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
ISSUF.NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 T o DRAGMA • 27
28 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
Business sessions allow the voting members o f our
Fraternity, k n o w n as Council, to make important
decisions that lead our Fraternity's direction for the
upcoming biennium. This year, the topics that
were discussed included the organization's shift
to a governance model of leadership, the ongoing
testing of a proposed new collegiate and alumnae
structure or Beta District, and other organizational
topics of interest.
To conclude Friday's events, most individuals left
the hotel behind as they enjoyed free-time in the
beautiful city of Tampa. Whether cheering on
the Tampa Bay Rays at the nearby Tropicana Field
or enjoying the spirited and authentic Ybor City,
the city o f Tampa was bustling w i t h the chorus o f
A O I I sisters out for a night on the t o w n .
Feeling refreshed from a f u n night out with
A O I I sisters, the final business session kicked-off
the last day o f the event, ultimately electing the
organization's new leadership for the upcoming
biennium. Leading the 2009-2011 Executive
Board as International President, Barbara D u n n
Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U ) , was
welcomed by members o f Council and all attendees
into her new role. W i t h a diversely talented group
o f leaders, the upcoming biennium w i l l be an
exciting progression for each o f us.
W i t h new elections completed, all attendees gathered
in the ballroom to welcome our Panhellenic sisters
for an interfraternally-spirited luncheon. Attendees
paused for a moment to honor Melanie Lampertz,
AOII's long-time Executive Director, with sweet
stories, funny memories, and many well-wishes
for her upcoming retirement. Guests were also
introduced to Missy Jenkins Smith, Delta Omega
(Murray State U ) for an even more invigorating and
insightful message o f hope and forgiveness. After
being paralyzed following the Heath High School
shooting, Missy used her positive disposition to
show the world that forgiveness ultimately brings
happiness. The luncheon concluded w i t h droves o f
members waiting for book signatures and pictures.
Having witnessed the true sense o f living AOII's
Ritual, the attendees filed into the Closing Ritual
session w i t h full hearts, eager to experience the
last Ritual treasure.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
A n array o f beautiful ball gowns and precious pearls
helped members celebrate Rose Banquet i n classic
style. The new 2009-2011 Executive Board started
the evening in rousing style by being escorted down
the aisle by pirates! After a few last comments from
new Past International President, Susan Danko, and
the singing o f " A O 11 Grace," the delicious meal was
served and the last adventure officially began.
Following the mingling and personal pictures
during the meal, the most special awards and
recognitions commenced. The compelling
acknowledgement made to each o f the recipients
was the pinnacle o f the week's adventure, and the
sense o f camaraderie and sisterhood was evident
to all in attendance.
Helen St. Clair Mullen Award:
M a r y Jane Bell Sharp
O m i c r o n , U o f Tennessee K n o x v i l l e
Stella George Stern Perry Award:
Karli Sherman
Delta Beta, U o f Louisiana at Lafayette
Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup:
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award:
Janet Boes Sweeney
Theta Psi, U o f Toledo
Mary Ann Rice Caldwell Award:
Chicago N W Suburban Alumnae Chapter
The new International President, Barb Zipperian,
gave her keynote address after receiving her official
President's ring. Encouraging everyone to carry
out the vision of the organization in a spirit of
Fraternity and love, Barb motivated the group to
apply the experience gained at Convention to sisters
everywhere. W i t h hands linked one last time, the
ballroom was encircled by hundreds of A O I I attendees
and guests joining together for the last A O I I tradition,
the singing of the Epsilon Chapter song. W i t h the last
words, "loyal forever.. .Alpha to thee!" the room raised
arms, spun around, and hugged those around them.
W i t h that last treasure, the hunt was complete!
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
• A PIPirazzi Camera found from
the PIP skit during Awards Banquet
• A 2009 Tampa Convention Charm
• M y Life Loyal Lanyard
• A copy of Missy Jenkins Smith's
book, " I Choose to Be Happy"
• Foul ball from a Tampa Bay Rays
baseball game during free time
• A Glowstick necklace from a
centerpiece at the Awards Banquet
• A new pair of AOII Flip Flops
for the beach
• Lyrics to ' A O I I Anthem Remix,''
by rapper DJ $crilla
• M y nametag with many Rose
Tributes from my sisters
• A copy of the 2007-2009 Biennial
Report, outlining many reasons
for AOII celebration
T o DRAGMA • 3 1
1i •is \•
• 11
32 • To DRAG MA
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
moving towards a more dynamic form of small
event recruitment, which has ultimately resulted in
better educated new members celebrating higher
retention for the new classes. Under her leadership,
the chapter has reached one o f its largest recruitment
goals—achieving quota and campus total for the first
time since recolonization.
STELLA GEORGE While leading the Leaders' Council during her
STERN PERRY tenure, Karli organized overall chapter operations
AWARD WINNER by overseeing productive officer transition
workshops, streamlining chapter communication,
Karli Anne Sherman, Delta Beta ( U o f Louisiana, and educating the chapter on the importance o f
Lafayette) was named the Stella George Stern following parliamentary procedure. W i t h a more
Perry Award winner during the 2009 International organized and efficient chapter, the morale of the
Convention. Karli's distinct love and devotion for chapter has increased dramatically. Additionally,
A O I I , coupled w i t h her superior leadership and Karli has shown her sisters how personally rewarding
personal ambition have proven her deserving ot Ritual can be through her involvement, service,
this distinct honor. and dedication. One of her sisters wrote, "Karli
described the best thing about her job.. .the humbling
A significantly well-rounded student, Karli was knowledge that she had the power to initiate women
named the "Outstanding Graduate for the College into A O I I . " This honor was exponentially special
o f General Studies" for the Fall 2008 at the U o f in the fall of2007 when the chapter welcomed its
Louisiana, Lafayette. She graduated summa cum first Alumnae Initiate, Mrs. Anne Sherman, Karli's
laude, receiving the President's Medal for having a mother. As President, Karli had the honor o f
cumulative 4.0 GPA. Karli was also honored as the completing the initiation for her mother, as well.
2006-2007 Greek Woman of the Year. During her Written by the Greek Advisor at the U o f Louisiana
four year tenure at the university, Karli was an active at Lafayette, "the combination o f her hard-working
member o f many honor societies, student leadership nature, contagious enthusiasm, and tireless efforts
associations, and service organizations. to improve her sorority are extremely rare.. .She is
incredibly accomplished, an outstanding leader and a
Karli took her leadership role within the Delta Beta model sorority woman."
chapter to heart, leading by example for all members
through hard work and eagerness to make the Since graduation,
chapter more prominent on campus. She assisted Karli is w o r k i n g
in changing the chapter's style of recruitment by to pursue a
career as a special
events coordinator
by working for
the Walt Disney
Company. With her
proven diligence and
determination, we
have no doubt that she
will wholeheartedly
succeed i n all o f her
future goals!
ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2009 To DRAGMA • 3 3
3 4 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
AOII Executive Board:
International President: Barbara Zipperian, Kappa Kappa
(Ball State U )
Vice President o f Finance: Krista Malmquist Whipple,
Omega (Miami U)
Vice President: Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega (Eastern
Kentucky U)
Vice President: Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
Vice President: Karen Galehan, Phi Lambda (Youngstown
State U)
Vice President: Linda Schwartz Grandolto, N u Iota (Northern
Illinois U)
Vice President: Rebecca Admire Herman, Chi Lambda
( U of Evansville)
Vice President: Kathy Jensen, Theta Omega (Northern
Arizona U)
Past International President (ex-officio member): Susan Danko,
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)
AOII Properties Board:
President: Janette Breckenridge Tessmer, Gamma Theta
( U of South Florida)
Vice President: Katherine Leach Andrews, Gamma Theta
( U of South Florida)
Treasurer: Krista Malmquist Whipple, Omega (Miami U )
Director: Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega (Eastern
Kentucky U)
Director: Kimberly Altemus Carroll, Delta Chi
( U of Delaware)
Director: Mariele Bacon Jones, Gamma Omicron
(U of Florida)
AOII Foundation Board:
International President: Lisa Niedenthal, Beta Phi (Indiana U )
Secretary: Janet Siegel, Delta (Tufts U)
Treasurer: Caroline Craig Lazzara, Lambda Beta
(California State U -Long Beach)
Director: Phyllis Austin; N u Lambda ( U of Southern
Director: Crystal Grafton Combs, N u Beta (U o f Mississippi)
Director: Jessie Wang-Grimm, Phi Chi (U of Chicago)
Director: Cindy Visot, Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U )
International President: Barbara Zipperian, Kappa Kappa
(Ball State U )
To DRAGMA • 35
Foundation Focus
Janet Siegel (left) and Gayle Fitzpatrick (right) with Rachel Allen
The Barbara Daugs Hunt Award recognizes one outstanding A O I I decades, inspired the chapter's collegians and alumnae to endow
alumna for her lifetime of personal and financial commitment to a scholarship in Rachel's name through the A O I I Foundation in
the A O I I Foundation, its vision, mission and programs. Named record time —just one year!
in honor o f Past International President and Past Foundation
President, Barbara Daugs Hunt, this award is presented biennially One of the many sisters w h o m she advised as a collegian wrote that
by the Foundation. In one of Convention 2009's most memorable Rachel "typifies the philanthropic spirit of A O I I " and that "she has
moments, Rachel Allen, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U ) was become one o f the most cherished friends I could ever know." She
honored with this prestigious award and a standing ovation. adds "Rachel is Life Loyal i n the truest sense."
A member of the A O I I Foundation's President's Club in recognition It cannot be denied that this outstanding lady has touched the lives
of her generous annual giving, Rachel is also a member of the Ruby of many AOIIs. She has inspired them in countless ways through
Club tor her cumulative giving and recently made a generous, multi- her enduring and steadfast love for our Fraternity, and for the
year pledge to the Foundation. In addition, she has supported the manner in which she has continually exemplified our motto, i n
Fraternity by becoming a member of Life Loyal A O I I early in its ways both large and small, i n her everyday life.
inception. The Fraternity has previously awarded her a Rose Award,
the Alumnae Service Award, and the Adele Hinton Award. It is an A O I I Convention tradition to ask all attendees to stand and
then be seated as numbers are called out in order to signify how
For many years, Rachel served the Fraternity as a regional director many conventions you have attended. Rachel has been one o f the
and an international committee member, and she has loyally served last two people standing for many years, a true testament to her
her chapter of initiation as corporation board president and vice lifetime of dedicated service. This past June, it was everyone else's
president, and perhaps most notably, as Scholarship Adviser for turn to stand and honor Rachel for her mission o f securing the
more than 1 5 years. Indeed, this sister's faithful, unwavering, and future of our Fraternity through the AOII Foundation.
loving service to her collegiate chapter, over the course o f many
36 • To DKACMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
Foundation Focus
Dear Sisters and Friends,
T h e Fall Issue o f To Dragma traditionally features the Annual Report and D o n o r Listing o f
the A O I I Foundation. In past years, we have taken up to 18 pages o f the magazine to report
this i n f o r m a t i o n to you and the Foundation has always shared in the expense o f publishing
and m a i l i n g the fall issue. D u r i n g these challenging economic times, the Foundation Board
o f Directors has reprioritized its spending so that as many dollars as possible can directly
support scholarships, educational programs, grants and philanthropy. To achieve this end,
you w i l l notice that the Foundation's f u l l annual report is not included i n this issue.
However, because your donations are o f the upmost value to us, we certainly want to thank
each o f you for your generosity. You w i l l find a brief financial overview o f the Foundation's
year on the f o l l o w i n g pages, w i t h the majority o f the 2008-2009 Annual Report and D o n o r
Listing being posted on the A O I I Foundation website in November. We feel confident that
you w i l l applaud our efforts to be financially responsible k n o w i n g that your money supports
the people and programs nearest and dearest to your heart. To locate the Annual Report and
D o n o r Listing, visit www.aoiifoundation.org. I f you do not have internet access and w o u l d
like a hard copy, please contact the Foundation office.
As 2009 comes to a close, we want to stress that needs among our members and chapters
remain great. As tuition costs continue to rise, more and more women are t u r n i n g to the
Foundation for scholarship opportunities. Educational programs are being developed to set
our new graduates apart f r o m their peers as they seek employment in a tight j o b market. N e w
alumnae programming seeks to empower women o f all ages and bring added value to our
members' commitments to lifelong membership. A n d as an organization, we are charged to
be selfless, t h i n k i n g o f others first. In doing so, the A O I I Foundation is motivated to give
generously to support arthritis research grants and educational opportunities. These areas, and
so many others, continue to need your support. We hope that you w i l l remember the A O I I
Foundation i n your year-end giving, trusting that we are putting your dollars to good work.
M u c h has been accomplished this year, thanks to your generous gifts and we briefly pause to
be proud o f what we have achieved together. W i t h your ongoing financial support, large or
small, we can accomplish even more toward Securing the Future for Alpha Oniicron Pi.
Lisa Niedenthal
AOII Foundation Board
f M I. 2009 • ISSUE NO. 1 To DRAGMA • 37
Foundation Focus
Securinnga the Future
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, like most charities, uses fund accounting
to properly account for all donations received and granted. Fund accounting
classifies all donations into funds according to specific limitations that may be
placed on their use by the donors.
Why use fund accounting? Resources and donations come from a variety of
sources and are to be used for a variety of purposes that the organization tracks
with unique identification and reporting.
The main purpose is for stewardship of the gifts received and t o ensure that
the money is spent in compliance with legal requirements. In addition, fund
accounting allows the Foundation to be accountable to every donor's wishes.
Each fund is a self-balancing set of accounts. Each fund has its own income,
expenses, assets, liabilities and a fund balance. Depending on restrictions, not all
of a fund balance may be available for budgeting or spending.
The diagram illustrates the three main classifications of funds within
the AOII Foundation.
• UNRESTRICTED: The donor gives a gift that can be used at the discretion
of the board, typically in their annual budget process.
• TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED: The donor imposes a short term limitation
on the use of the gift, either of purpose (i.e. the Ruby Fund) or time (i.e. by-
next year). This money is not used in the general operating budget.
• PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED: The donor designates the specific use of
the gift, requiring that the principal, which typically is invested, cannot
be spent. Only income from the gift can be used either for the restricted
purpose designated by the donor or the income may be unrestricted.
38 • To DRAOMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
Total Contributions & Sales for 2008-2009
Non-Spendable Funds
Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted
HiMMMiHHiMNmmimtnMtimNiiiHmufiiHiwiut^iHtiiiiiimriniMiiiHii] lllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllNlllllllllNIIIHIIllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllilllltlllllllllllllllllllMllillllllllllllllllHIIIIIIItltllllllllllHI
Board determines this use By Donor By Donor
($293,403) ($717,532)
• Loyalty Fund • Endowment Fund
• Grants • Ruby Fund $264,398
• Operations & Staff $27,437
• Fundraising • Diamond Jubilee Fund
• HQ Fund $299,373
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 $25,975
• Other Named Funds
• Senior Challenge $153,761
• Arthritis Research
AOII Foundatio
Scholarships to
De t n a o w e a :
• Beverly Landes Townsend
Scholarship for Alpha^Phi >
• Delta Chapter Centennial
. ^Pfeholarship
• Ginger Banks Scholarship
• Jasmine Queen Memorial
Scholarship for Sigma Tau
• Shirley A. Lee Scholarship
for Lambda Sigma
• Sabrina Keene Scholarship
• Phyllis Casteel Gilson
' V r •,. f; ^ I
!i % * V |
Do you have a college student in your family?
We have 6,347 collegians in ours.
That makes for 6,347 good reasons to donate to the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund. Last year,
$25,000 was awarded to twenty-one deserving sisters for the 2009-2010 academic year. The AOII
Foundation awards scholarships to members of specific chapters and to members-at-large through
numerous named and Diamond Jubilee scholarships. You can help us provide more opportunities
for more sisters by donating to the scholarship fund or helping endow a specifically named fund.
The Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2010-2011 academic year. Don't miss your
opportunity to participate. Both undergraduate and graduate applications may be found on the
Foundation website at aoiifoundation.org. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2010.
IN our
Four Years of Memories, Lifetime of Connections
"Leopard print or paisley?" immediately we had oodles Being a part of a sorority
I hear myself let out a slight o f things to talk about; she or fraternity allows one to
chuckle as I ask my M o m was f r o m a different chapter grow as a person by having
which pattern I should get for in an entirely different state, opportunities he or she may
my new jersey. One would but it was as i f we had k n o w n not get elsewhere. Members
think after all of the tough each other for years. These of Greek organizations gain
choices I'd made throughout moments make me realize that knowledge and insight by
the past few months that this being part of a sorority lasts having the ability to take on
one would be a breeze! longer than four years—it's for leadership roles, plan chapter
a lifetime! events, communicate with
Over this past summer 1 faculty/staff on campus, and
decided to transfer to a new Becoming involved with they learn the importance
university. Being that I am Greek Life is an important of time management and
not a big fan of change, I was aspect o f a person's collegiate scheduling. Most sororities/
extremely hesitant about this life. M y father was an active fraternities require members
decision. I ' d been at my former member o f his fraternity, to maintain a specific GPA
college for two years, made holding offices throughout and perform a set amount of
tons of friends, and considered his years at college and community service hours.
it to be my "home away f r o m eventually becoming his Also, these groups all have
home." However, when I chapter's president. To this an individual philanthropy
found out there was an A O I I day, he continues to support they hold fund-raisers for
chapter I could affiliate with at his brothers by frequently throughout the year. Let's not
my transfer school, everything helping out at various events, forget the f u n parts, too! Greek
became much more exciting! and even though the active societies have mixers with
members are generations other groups so that members
Being a part of Alpha Omicron younger than my dad, they can meet new people as well
Pi is a special experience. The are all brothers and share such as formals and other social
ladies I share such a special a unique connection. events. The neatest thing? A t
bond w i t h are spectacular any given time, I have a huge
women who are more than just
m y friends—they're my sisters. I cannot imagine what my
I have an instant connection college experience would
w i t h thousands of girls across be like without A O I I .
the nation. One time, I was
out shopping with some o f
m y friends when I saw a girl
wearing an A O I I shirt, and
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9 To DRAG MA • 41
by Mallory Grooms, Omega group o f sisters that I can call students to go through many people are carefully
Omicron (Lambuth U) up to grab a cup o f coffee, have recruitment, as high school maintaining their budgets and
transferring to Rho Omicron dinner at the new restaurant and college-aged teenagers cutting back wherever they
(Middle Tennessee State U) around the corner, or just talk are constantly on Facebook, are able. It is important to
and exchange daily stories. twitter, and MySpace. educate incoming students and
Specifically, Facebook allows their parents about Greek Life
Greek life is such a positive users to become a part o f and the priceless value these
addition to the collegiate college networks where they organizations have for their
atmosphere. That is why these can connect w i t h others going members.
universities need to highly to the same school and j o i n
encourage incoming students site groups about university Alpha O m i c r o n Pi has
to go through recruitment. sports, events, etc. Colleges greatly contributed to the
Some schools even require should be implementing the development of the very
freshmen to go through usage o f these sites to increase person that I am, even helping
the process because it is an recruitment participation. me to figure out my major
excellent way to meet others Universities also need to and future profession. I have
in your class, as well as campus inform parents about Greek formed bonds w i t h so many
upperclassmen. Schools need Lite by sending them materials remarkable women who have
to promote Greek Life much to read and passing out become my best friends, future
more by placing easy-to- information at parent/student bridesmaids, and lifetime
understand information on open houses and other events. sisters. I cannot imagine what
their main webpage, sending Parents need to know the my college experience would
out pamphlets to new students, significance of being an active be like without A O I I . O h , and
and discussing the positives member of a sorority or by the way, I ended up having
o f Greek organizations at fraternity. both jerseys made!
orientations. They should
also utilize social networking W i t h an economy that inspires
sites to encouraire incoming worry and uncertainty,
Lifetime Commitment
(/tor's note: Perhaps it is a curious notion these days to ask young women to commit to joining an organization for the rest of
their lives when cell phone contracts and gym memberships often push the limit for commitment in our pursuit of
'tured writer. This is the eternal upgrade. In the coming of age years we call college, the moral compass is finding its true north, and
one might question the wisdom of asking for lifetime promises from students who just months ago were seniors
email response from in their hometown high schools.
AOtl staff members
dressing an alarming Yet it is ironic that a desire to solidify a lifetime commitment among friends is exactly how our organization was
begun. AOII was founded because four collegiate women, already dear friends, pledged to one another that they
42 • To DRAGMA would remain so for the rest of their lives. They understood that sisterhood continually increases in value as years
go by and enriches each phase of life.
So what is reasonable to ask of today's young women? How can a fraternal organization share what lifetime
membership means? I think we focus more on friendships and less on requirements. Friendships give our lives
purpose and depth and pleasure. They nurture and sustain us. We know the traits of friendship, ". ..patient,
kind, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres...never fails." Maybe just as important is
the knowledge that just as membership is not confined to four years, it is not restricted to the boundaries of just
one campus or city. From coast to coast, across the United States and Canada, collegiate and alumnae chapters
abound where friendships thrive in tribute to the original four women who looked beyond themselves and their
collegiate years to dream AOII into existence.
I hope that another way can be found for those seniors...besides "turning in their badges." It seems it is a
decision that screams thinking in the moment. It reminds me of a quote I read recently that said when making
decisions consider whether your choice will bring instant satisfaction or eternal joy. I hope they will choose eternal
joy.. .or at least lifetime friendships with sisters they have not even met.. .yet. I hope they continue to choose AOII.
by Lee Boone, Omega Omicron (Lambuth U), Director of Education and Research
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
I N your O W N WORDS
In Your Own Words is your chance to share your t h o u g h t s and opinions
with other AOIIs, as well as an o p p o r t u n i t y to be a published author.
The topics will be announced in the magazine and on the AOII website,
and the winning entry will appear in the following issue. Additional
qualified entries may be posted on the AOII website. Winners will be
selected by members of the AOII Communications Department.
For the Spring 2010 issue the following topic has been selected:
The early issues o f To Dragma almost always featured poetry. Stella
Perry was an accomplished poet herself. For the Spring 2010 issue,
we want to feature original poetic verse about A O I I , friendship or
sisterhood. Words written for song lyrics are also acceptable.
We encourage anyone to participate!
Submit articles by email to ToDragma
alphaomicronpi.org by January 6, 2010.
Submissions should be created in Microsoft
Word or Adobe InDesign. Include your
full name, chapter, telephone number and
email address in your email submission. The
winner(s) will be notified by February I, 2010.
From the AOTT Archives
Stella Perry collected many of the historic artifacts we n o w have f r o m
the earliest days o f A O I I . She kept these records, letters, To Dragmas
and other keepsakes i n what we now refer to as Stella's Trunk. For years
it was passed f r o m historian to historian until it was to be shipped to
Past International President, and new Historian at that time, Edith
Anderson. Edith had no room for the large t r u n k i n her home, so she
requested that it go directly to Central Office w i t h the hope it might
one day be restored. She also knew the treasure was showing great
wear and tear f r o m its travels. Restoration was initially delayed due to
lack o f funds and, as trunks usually are, it was tucked away i n a corner
for safe keeping. Eventually, restoration did occur and Edith dreamed
o f the day when we would have an area suitable to display Stella's
cherished t r u n k for members to see. Last year, Stella's Trunk emerged
f r o m storage and was added to the A O I I historical archives museum
for the very first time.
A O I I is grateful for Edith Anderson's determination to see this
important piece o f A O I I history reach its completion. I n 1982, Edith
brought Stella's Trunk to life when she wrote this enchanting dialogue
between the trunk and a young initiate.
4 4 • To DRAG MA ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2 0 0 9
Stella Perry sets up a display of the historical items stored in her trunk at Convention 1937. Her helper is Nancy Leland, daughter of Wilma Leland.
New Sister: New Sister listed Alpha, Pi, Omicron, N u Omicron.
Kappa, and Zeta Chapters of the frater-
O h , what an interesting Stella's T r u n k . What do you mean by that? nity. Conventions were annual in those
W h a t are you doing here? days, and they met i n N e w York City at
Stella's Trunk: holiday time until 1907. The Conven-
Stella's Trunk: tion o f 1907 changed the dates to the
Well, we went on lots o f trips, and I car- third week in June because they felt more
Good morning! Well, you see I didn't ried all the history o f A O I I so it could be people could come and people wanted to
always look as I do now. Once I was quite displayed at the Conventions. I carried be w i t h their families at holiday time. The
handsome and I shall be again when that a letter f r o m Stella Stern Perry to Bess second issue o f To Dragma tells o f the mar-
trunk restoration man finishes with me. Wyman ten-pages long, handwritten, riage of Miss Stella Stern to M r . George
And, w h o are you? about Florence Sanville who was president H . Perry on September 19, 1906 at home
of the undergraduates of Barnard College of the bride's mother. The Grand Presi-
New Sister: and Editor-in-Chief o f the 1900 M o r - dent of Alpha Omicron Pi, Adeline Burd,
tarboard yearbook. She was considered represented the fraternity at the wedding.
I am a new initiate w h o is trying to learn the brightest and strongest girl at Barnard In the May 1907 issue there was a picture
everything about A O I I . at that time and had not pledged Kappa o f Susan B. Anthony, a great leader in
or Theta. Many of her friends who went the suffrage for women movement with
Stella's Trunk: w i t h her did not go into any fraternity articles on the subject. D i d you know that
either. Stella Perry made so bold as to talk women could not vote i n those days?
Well, you surely have a lot to learn, and I to Miss Sanville about the possibility o f
think I can help you. You see, I belonged her becoming an A O I I , and o f course, New Sister:
to one o f our Founders, Stella Stern. later she did. She wrote the words to
W h e n she was president o f Alpha chapter, "Once More United" and was one o f our I know women have not always been able to
I was her office. W h e n she was president illustrious members. You'll see that letter vote i n the United States, but was not sure
o f the young fraternity, A O I I , I was her sometime on display at Convention. The when suffrage for them began. Tell me more.
office. W h e n she became the first Grand first issue o f To Dragma was i n 1905 and
Historian o f Alpha O m i c r o n Pi i n 1914,
that made things more interesting for me.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009 To DRAGMA • 45
Stella's Trunk: Beta. Lillian was scheduled to be chairman World War I , you know. But the longest
of N P C but died very suddenly and so was trip was in 1915 when we all went to San
Well, there is a lot more to that and y o u never able to fulfill that duty. I n 1908, C o n - Francisco. M r . Perry had worked there
can read i t i n old issues o f To Dragma vention was to be held f r o m June 16-18 i n for almost a year w i t h the Panama-Pacific
when they were making plans to get Boston, but November To Dragma o f 1909 Exposition, and, of course, Mrs. Perry and
people to vote for women's suffrage. I n doesn't give any report of it. It did, however, I went along. The 1915 Convention was
1907, Sigma Chapter was installed at tell about the installation of R h o Chapter at held there, and all the interesting things
the University o f California at Berkeley. Northwestern University near Chicago. I took along were displayed. The Little
The first of this year i n February, they Brown Playfellows, a book for children by
celebrated their 75th anniversary. Mrs. New Sister: Mrs. Perry, was written about the bronze
Mullan, one o f the Founders was Grand statues o f children that were scattered over
President o f the fraternity and installed That's all very interesting, but a trunk the grounds of the exposition.
that chapter. To Dragma o f May 1907 also should travel. Didn't you ever leave
carried ads for J.S. N e w m a n as the official New York? New Sister:
jeweler to Alpha O m i c r o n Pi. You see, I
carried all the To Dragmas back and forth Stella's Trunk: Oh, that is so interesting, but I must go and
on trips, too, so I k n o w what was i n all o f j o i n my group now. Thank you so much.
them. O n June 22, 1908, Grand Council Oh, yes. Many times. One long trip was
met again i n N e w York, but it was not to Greencastle, Indiana, for the Conven- Stella's Trunk:
reported i n the November 1908 issue. tion i n 1919. Mrs. Perry was the only
They were trying to get all the chapters Founder able to go. Having Conventions You're most welcome. Come back soon.
in the fraternity in the magazine w i t h an in June meant schools i n N e w York and I've barely started on all I could tell you.
article on the chapter and the university N e w Jersey were not yet out, so Miss A l l members should k n o w as much about
on which it was located, plus some o f Hughan and Miss Wyman were not able A O I I history as possible. Good bye!
the prominent people included. Then, i n to attend because they were teachers. A n d
November 1908, came the installation o f that year Mrs. Mullan was busy keeping Written by Edith Huntingdon Anderson,
the three N e w England chapters—Beta her husband's and his partner's law office Epsilon Alpha (Pennsylvania State U)
of B r o w n University was one which open while they did war work. It was Past International President (1933-1937)
was never active. That's an interesting
thing because B r o w n University said that Stella's Trunk is now on display in the AOII Archives Museum.
fraternities could no longer exist there
at that time, and all they did was initiate
the twelve members of Beta Chapter, and
they never served as an active chapter.
They became associate or alumnae
members, and most of them, of course,
by this time are not living. Then there
was Delta at Tufts and Gamma at the
University o f Maine, as well as Epsilon
at Cornell.
New Sister: V-
That was a lot o f new chapters almost at
once, wasn't it?
Stella's Trunk:
Yes, you see they were all strong chapters
and two Grand Presidents came from the
New England group as well as the Chair-
man of the National Panhellenic Congress.
Beta and Delta gave us those t w o presidents.
They were Ruth Capen Farmer of Delta
and Lillian MacQuillian McCausland o f
46 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009
^ ^ 7 ) ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ /W i t h grateful appreciation, AOI I recognizes the following 67 n e
members who joined between May 14, 2009 - Sept. 4 4 , 2.009.
Alpha Chi Gamma Delta Nu Omicron
J.nni Mann Nicole N i x Sartain Jen Bachmao
Tracy Maxwell
Gamma Sigma Omega Omicron
Alpha Delta
Morgan I larkrider Ariel Hall
Page Fanner Frey
Gamma Theta Omicron Pi
Alpha Lambda
Kathryn Haywood Barry Pat Kowalcluik Wilson
lenifer I teas Saunders Dcnise Summo Clair
Mclanic (loodcliild Phi Beta
Alpha Pi Stephanie Stuart
Jessica Hughes
Janice Ridgevvay Fite
Angie Blesy Dimenna Phi Chi HEALY, Lif
Alpha Theta June Nelson Kcniler
Allison Rothmcier When I firstjoined A O I I . I never imagined the impact it
Maryjanc Wcrhanc Kappa Alpha would have on my life. I was hoping to find deep and lasting
Plcmmy Phi Lambda friendships and in the past 13 years I have found that and so
Crystal Kemper much more. As a collegiate member, my A O I I sisters helped me
Beta Gamma Emily Kirkwood Sandra Marinelli Beers to find my own voice and I became the person I never thought
I could be. After graduation, I decided that I would find a way
Constance Z e k i t M u r p h y Kappa Chi Phi Sigma to be an active volunteer whenever 1 was needed. It was the least
I could do and my life has never been the same since.
Beta Phi Keisha Savoy Bouquet Briana I )uffy
When I first learned of the Life Loyal Program, I viewed
TroyJohnson LeForge Kappa Kappa Phi Upsilon my membership as an outward expression of my inward
Betty Scott convictions about A O I I . M y Life Loyal pin now serves as a
Rachel Boison Stephanie Hockema Rasich constant reminder o f that commitment. As the years have
Delta passed, the constancy o f A O I I is a source of significant strength
Kappa Sigma Pi Alpha and inspiration. As .1 mother o f t w i n boys and a community
Jamie Ryan volunteer, I find that this commitment to A O I I is increasingly
Shannon E. Rivera Amanda Ashley-Tadatada rew aiding and personal for me with each passing year. As I
Delta Kappa work with the women o f Rho Beta as their C A , 1 am flooded
Cecily Stewart Kappa Tau Pi Theta with memories o f my Omega sisters and I am always reminded
o f how much A O I I means to me.
Delta Lambda Ava Ledford Ladell Erika Gaeta
A m y Seal Tatiana Knight The recent wedding of a dear
Lauren Dearing Ashleigh Welsh A O I I sister reminded me what
Christine Hill Sigma A O I I is all about. A lifetime
Lambda Iota of membership. A lifetime
Delta Rho Sarah Holt of memories. A lifetime of
Christine Hampikian Sandy C Jlooschenko Jaeger friendship and love. What a
Mary Wilmes precious gift A O I I has given to
Lambda Omicron Sigma Chi me. There is no better reason
Delta Sigma to be Lite Loyal!
Amy Hollensvvorth Cathy Cease
Shirley A n t h o n y Swasey
Lambda Sigma Theta Pi
Elizabeth Meadows Hawkes Joanna Bell
Laura Sauter Stein Dixie Masters Jacqueline Bruno
Toni Martinez
Epsilon Chi Lambda Tau
Theta Psi
Nancy Thornhill Nicks Nancy Davis Rials
Rebecca Braatz Bair
Epsilon Gamma N u Beta Lauren Vassar
Anna Shields Virginia Muller Asbury Zeta
Chelsea Mills
Epsilon Sigma Julie Palmer Kara RolorT
Jennifer Warren Thrash
Ashli Frericks
N u Iota
Gamma Alpha
Patricia Hayes Cutlip
13. Karen Davis Jacobs
r f•
The terms "connected," "reconnecting" and "connectedness" are often used these days. O u r society pulls
us farther and farther apart both physically and spiritually. For those o f us who share the common bond as
sisters in A O I I , it is sad to realize how many o f us are currently "lost" f r o m each other. Many reunions o f
pledge sisters or classes f r o m chapters take place each year. Some are conducted independently and others are
in conjunction w i t h their collegiate chapter's activities. A l l AOIIs are occasionally subjected to loss o f contact
w i t h at least some of those special sisters with whom collegiate days were spent. We leave college, move to new
areas, become involved in our professions, families, community activities, experience changes o f address and
so on. But for those of us whose collegiate chapter's charter is being held i n trust, the "lost" status is often more
pronounced since we do not have the "connection" to a group o f collegiate sisters who maintain a presence on
our college campus - a home in which to return.
Going home was so easy. Last summer, my Phi sister, other sisters had heard about our get together and
Pat Rozema Taylor and I decided to take our long- expressed an interest, we decided to contact Phi
discussed road trip to visit another Phi sister, R u t h sisters f r o m the late 50s and early 60s w h o lived
Osborn. Time is passing and all those things we wish together i n the chapter house to j o i n us and scheduled
to do need to happen soon. Ruth and I had always our next get together for the summer of2009 i n the
been i n touch, Christmas letters regularly, but only Kansas City area.
one brief face to face visit approximately 35 years ago
(she taught overseas for many years). Pat and I had The call went out to those for w h o m we had
reconnected by letter, email and phone over 10 years addresses. They, i n turn, contacted others, and
ago, but we had not seen each other since 1961. This w i t h i n a short time we had a list of 40 sisters.
visit would mark over 47 years since we graduated Several volunteered to take over parts o f the reunion
f r o m the University o f Kansas. arrangements and w i t h their help the plans were
easily completed.
We had a wonderful time, sharing stories and
opinions that spanned many years, but w i t h the Nineteen o f us f r o m Missouri, Kansas, Colorado,
familiarity between friends that makes it feel as i f we Illinois, Indiana, O h i o and Arkansas gathered on
had never been apart. Ruth, Pat and I had so much Monday, June 1 at Sarah Seevers Lowry's home
f u n that we decided to get together again. Because for a lovely get-reacquainted dinner. Pat Rozema
i ' T o DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 1 • FALL 2009
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Taylor, Kathy Hoy-Gipe, DeAnna Hensley and During the Thursday morning breakfast at the motel,
Marcia Kyle Rinehart contributed food and Gail White Selfridge volunteered to coordinate a
beverages. Nancy Rhinehart Bluethmann had newsletter to keep us connected with each other and
researched accommodations and many of us stayed every 50s/6()s Phi sister that we can find.
at a nearby motel.
Since that time, several more Phi's have been added
O n Tuesday, we toured The Arabia Museum, to the directory and two Phi Chapter e-newsletters
organized by DeAnna Hensley, a former museum have already been distributed. Additionally, we
volunteer. DeAnna also arranged lunch and a tour received word that the Phi graduating class o f 1960
of the Hallmark C r o w n Center, focusing on the art met on June 15, 2009 in Kansas City.
collection ofjames Hamil, husband of our Phi sister,
Sharon Hide Hamil. We continued our quest to Take a minute to remember the great girls (we were
"learn everything about everyone" at dinner in an called "girls in the 50s and 60s) who asked you to j o i n
area restaurant i n the evening. A O I I , taught you the principles of our Fraternity,
were your friends in laughter and tears and were
Wednesday dawned bright and we were off to nurtured by you i n turn. Ask yourself i f you have
Lawrence and K U . This day was planned by our time in your life to say "hello, how's your day?"
Lawrence sisters, Jan Burnett Huchingson, Carolyn
McGowan Hill and Mary A n n Howard King. We It is so easy. After 47+ years of remembering
visited the Spencer A r t Museum, had lunch at a and wondering about my Phi sisters, my closest
downtown restaurant and finished the afternoon friends, my house mates between 1959 and 1961,1
w i t h a driving tour of the campus and a stop at discovered just that - it is so easy. Just contact one o f
the old Phi chapter house. The evening took us your college sisters and suggest that a gathering be
to Dianne R i n k e r Childs' son's home for more organized. You'll find others who are interested and
conversation. Dianne, her daughter-in-law, and the next thing you know there w i l l be a connection
Kathy Hoy-Gipe provided an appetizer buffet. We happening. It is so easy. It is part of the wonder o f
said goodbye while already making plans to meet belonging to AOII.
again in 2011.
by Mary McCammon Williams,
Past International President, Phi (U of Kansas)
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2009 To DRAGMA • 49
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