OCTOBER, 1931 95
weeks' honeymoon on a trip through Wright ('31), has moved to Laurelton,
California and the Grand Canyon, after New Jersey.
which they w i l l be at home at 3340
North Meridian Street, Indianapolis. Our Frances Shera ('30), is teaching his-
newest bride is Frances Richardson (Ex. tory at the Warren Central High School,
32), who since September 7 is M r s . just a few miles out of Indianapolis.
Kenneth B. McCully. Her husband is Lucille Bauernfeind (Ex. '31), is secre-
rom Sheldon, North Dakota, but they tarying at the Roberts Dairy Company
have decided on the Hoosier state. They in Indianapolis, and Lorraine Scott (Ex.
re living at 405 N o r t h Adams Street, '32), is working at the Indiana Electric
Knishtstown, Indiana. Corporation. Miriam Schad (Ex. '31),
is still wearing her A T A pin, b u t she
Ruth Lindenborg ('29), who took a looks demure and says nothing. Bertha
ourse in library training last winter, has Furstenberg (Ex. '31), is secretary to
n appointment as assistant in the Spades the Marion County prosecuting attorney.
Park Branch in Indianapolis. Ethel Beaulah Phillips (Ex. '30), has a job in
Malloch ('29), is an assistant at the Connersville, Indiana.
Madison Avenue Branch. M a r y Eliza-
eth Johnson ('29), says cheerfully that Last of all, we have another newcomer
he isn't doing anything exciting this to the ranks of Alpha O to announce.
winter—just studying organ. Lucile Born to Louise Phillips (Ex. '31), and
Herman Phillips on A p r i l 1, Louise A n n ,
familiarly called Lou Ann.
Alpha Pi
By H E L E N D A V I S
Both Rosebud DeMilly ('31), and Both Alice and Irene attended summer
Martha Crane ('31), are going to teach school at Florida State College. Last
n Monticello. "Posey" is to have the year Margaret Green ('30), taught in
ighth grade, and Martha the eighth and Memphis, Tennessee, and M a r t h a Love
Spanish. Ruby Larson ( ' 3 D , is in N o r t h ('30), in Nashville. No doubt they will
Carolina. Merle McDermid ('31), is at remain there. Wanita Walter ('29), is i n -
er home in Okeechobee, and Jaunita structor of violin at Sullins College,
Van D'EIden ('31), and Helen Bisz ('31), Bristol, Virginia. June Fulmer ('31), is
re in M i a m i . M a r j o r i e Wylam ('28), is teaching at Tarpon Springs. Only two of
n Cleveland, Georgia. After visiting in our members have chosen to become
Alabama, Ruth Bryan ('29), assumed nurses. Jessie Phinney ('29), is training
elief duty w i t h Bryan's Pharmacy, in Boston, and Rita Letty (Ex. '30), is
Lakeland. Eloise Davis ('27), is to re- at St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.
urn to Caroline Brevard School, Talla-
hassee. Louise Worrell ('29), is super- Mrs. Layton Denning (Lorena Eaddy
isor of public school music, St. Peters- '29), is associated with a newspaper in
urg- There has been a report that Deland. Hildred Newlan (Ex. '30), Palm
Mvrtle Harris (Ex. '31). is also teach- Beach, attended the Methodist Confer-
ence at Southern College, Lakeland, re-
g m St. Petersburg. cently. She plans to take the M i a m i
University art extension course. M r s .
Dorothy Bovce ('31), went abroad Guerry Dobbins (Frances George, Ex.
J 8 s u m m e r with her father and brother. '30), is at home in Lakeland. Lucile
Gates (Ex. '30), is living in Jackson-
James A . Ball (Frances Gill, Ex. ville and Jeanette Littig (Ex. '31), in
™h while visiting in Tallahassee this Tallahassee. Katherine Pride (Ex. '33),
*5* spring, introduced the chapter to has a secretarial position in Tampa.
* young son, "Jimmie" Jr. U n f o r t u - "Bee" Ober ('31), is seeing a bit of the
LInited States. She is traveling w i t h a
W e r e ^ose who were unable to see theatrical company and helps direct play
, again a n d to meet the first baby production in various cities. Please, all
Alpha Pi alumnae, help make our notes
Alpha Pi i .a u m n i E real news by sending all interesting
items concerning our members to Helen
Irene Shoun (Ex. '31), and Alice Davis, Box 184, F.S.C.W., Tallahassee.
Tam T -( E x ' '3 , ) arc to teach in
nd P , a AN' S 'S Acafeteria manager
instructor of home economics at
njamin Franklin Junior High School.
96 To DRAGM* O
M r . and M r s . Jack W . Baker ( D o r - of a son in August. They are now living C
othy Cross, Ex. '30), announced the birth in New Orleans. te
Epsilon Alpha ho
By H E L E N M . SAVARD co
Emaline Passmore ('27), and Harold a little blackhaired daughter. Lot be
Childs ('27), were married on August 7 Hoffeditz ('31), is returning to Penal ja
at West Chester. They w i l l live at E l - State for a year of graduate work and
dred, where Harold is principal of the w i l l take up her residence as chaperon| th
schools. Gladys Stranahan ('28), at- to the undergraduate Epsilon Alpha's. B
tended summer session at Penn State. so
This f a l l , she w i l l be located in Mead- The sympathy of all Epsilon Alpha's te
ville, continuing in her position as is extended to M r . and M r s . Allen Riclw of
supervisor of Home Economics in Craw- ards ( E d i t h Armstrong, Ex. I o t a ) , in the R
ford County. M r . and Mrs. Byron K. loss of their baby son who was borm bo
Judy (Marie Knoll, '25), were in State on August 8 at Kokomo, Indiana, and! In
College while Byron took advanced work to Elsie Jane Weaver ('30), whose t c her K
during the summer session. Marie has died in the Wilkes-Barre hospital last] in
spring. (B
Beta Tau
Florence Goddard ('30), is the first Betty Potter ('31), after spending' the lu
girl from Beta Tau Chapter to be mar- summer in St. Catharine's, is coming kick
ried. On August 27, she married Bruce to Toronto this fall to spend a yeai th
James McKitrick, and they are going at the Ontario College of Education..
to make their home in Brandon, Mani- Isabel Fraser ('31), has been in Oak-J
toba. ville all summer along with Alice Grant!
and Jean Fraser catering for the Coif
Douglas Milne ('30), when last heard Club. She expects to be there t i l l thej
from, was very busy w i t h social service end of October, and then will enter tbH
work in Toronto. Jessie Grant ('30), Western Hospital, Toronto, to take pupil
on the completion of her business course dietitian w o r k . Ida Hinds ('31), expects!
in Ottawa, came to Toronto and has to be actively connected w i t h the U n j J
obtained a position with the Manu- versity f o r the next year. She is goingj
facturer's Life Insurance Company. She to take post graduate work in connec-l
has been here since spring. Adelaide Gra- tion w i t h household science. Elsie Sum*!
ham, our alumna adviser, had been w i t h ner ('31), spent a month of her holidays!
them f o r some time prior to her de- this summer in the University Library!
parture i n June. She spent the summer She intends to spend the next year at
at her home in St. Mary's but expects the library school in connection witfll
to return to Toronto this fall. Winni- the University.
fred Barlow ('31), is also w i t h the M a n u -
facturer's Life.
Alpha Tau
By J A N E S C U L L Y
Commencement at Denison this year ('30), Antoinette (Tony) Shaw ('30)1
brought nine members of the active and M i r i a m Reeve ('30).
chapter to join the Alpha Tau alumnae.
Initiation was held for Harriet Fellman The class of '31 seems to be busy witH
('30), a member of the local Alpha Tau jobs. Betty Jackson is technician of tbjS
Delta, on June 14. Also back at Com- Swedish Hospital in Brooklyn, NeW]
mencement were: Helen Laycock ('27), York. I r m a Hudson is at home for the
Helen Weyeth ('29), Fem Channell winter. M a r j o r i e Rapp is teaching iK|
Newark, Ohio. Madge Barr, Martha MPl
OCTOBER, 1931 97
Cray, and Laurabelle Ashbrook are also Homecoming at Denison in October
eaching. Barbara Clarke and Dorothy is the centennial celebration of the uni-
Weichman are looking for jobs. D o t t y versity, and the Alpha Tau alumna? are
opes to be in New Y o r k w i t h Betty planning a big reunion as well as initia-
ackson. Jane Scully is taking a business tion for the remaining members of the
ourse at Katherine Gibbs i n N e w Y o r k . local Alpha Tau Delta.
Miscellaneous Notes
These notes came from interested mem- University of Illinois) at Merom, I n -
ers but whose alumiue notes editors diana, on June 20. She was attired in
ailed to send notes. French blue chiffon. The couple live at
808 South First Street, Champaign, I l l i -
Bonnie Bennett (B4>), is teaching at nois.
he John I r v i n School and Dorothy
Bennett ( B * ) , is teaching at the H a r r i - Frances Morris (611), was married to
on H i l l School. Nelle Covalt ( B * ) Walter Elliott on the evening of April
eaches in the Commercial Department 18. W a l t is B G n f r o m the University of
f the South Side High School. Mildred Michigan, and Frances is our own skill-
Richardson ( B * ) , is working in the ful musician. They plan to live in Wyom-
ookkeeping department of the Northern ing, Ohio.
ndiana Public Service Company. Pearl
Koegel (B4>), is teaching at the Bloom- On Sunday, January 11, Sadie Taylor
ngdale School. Alda Jane Woodward (©H), announced her engagement to
B#), is teaching L a t i n at South Side Florain V. Lusby of Walton, Kentucky
igh School. and Cincinnati, w i t h a tea for her
Charlotte Grace ( 0 ) , is secretary to
he Medical Director of the Lincoln Na- M a r y Elizabeth Fuldner (011), has be-
onal Life Insurance Company. Carol come engaged to Ward Corum, M i a m i
hillippe ( 0 ) , teaches English at Co- University.
umbia City, Indiana.
Jerelyn Haddock ( K 0 , '30), traveled
Ebba Marie Anderson ( 9 ) , became east to New Y o r k this summer, making
he wife of Willard S. Hansen ( T K E , the return trip to California through the
canal on the new ship, President Hoover.
Why did I not guess it
Before it was too late?
Happy Hour I
Beautiful as the sunset
But just as soon to fade!
The union of two souls
But soon the heartbreak of parting!
The breaking of a beautiful dream
And then one is left with memories!
Btt Mi
OF (Q)Wi€.
<jllpha Omicron ,cPi Cjfraternity So
Founded at Barnard College, New Y o r k City, January 2, 1897 Gr
Masonic Building, Box 262, State College, Pa. Ala
Registrar—Alice Cullnane, B«f>. Ca
Assistant Registrar—Mrs. Edward J . Nichols, K . Illi
Jessie Wallace Hughan, A , 171 West 12 Street, New Y o r k , N . Y . Lo
Mrs. George V . Mullen, A , 25 East 83rd Street, New Y o r k , N . Y . Ma
Mrs. George H . Perry, A , 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, N . Y . Ma
Elizabeth Heywood W y m a n , A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen Ridge, N . J . Ma
Grand President—Mrs. Franklyn H . Matson, T, 881 Fairmont Avenue, St. P a l i i JW
Minn. «
Grand Vice President—-Mrs. Yerne W . M c K i n n e y , A , 528 N o r t h Formosa A v e n u j 0?
Los Angeles, Calif.
Grand Secretary—Mrs. A r t h u r K . Anderson, B * , 127 South Sparks Street, S t « | Pen
College, Pa.
Grand Treasurer—Helen Haller, 0 , 2138 La Salle Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.
Grand Historian—Mrs. George H . Perry, A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New Y o r k , N . Y . J
Assistant Historian—Elizabeth , JHeywood Wyman, A, 19 Outlook Place, Glen R i d g f l
N.J. W
Extension Officer—Mis. George B . Baskervill Jr., K , Arlington H a l l , Pennsylvania U
Station, Washington, D.C. I
Examining Officer—Knoxie Faulk, TA, 2816-12th Avenue N o r t h , Birmingham. Ala.1
Editor of T o DRACMA—Mrs. Leland F . Leland, T, 313-12th Street, Neenah, Wis. I
Chairman—Rene Sebring Smith, AZ, Y.W.C.A. Office, L o n g Beach, Calif.
A O n Panhellenic Delegate—Mis. Ernst Glantzberg, 35 Claremont Avenue, N f t
York, N.Y.
Atlantic District ( N , A, T, E, X , % H A , E A ) — M r s . G. Rowland Collins,
One Bank Street, New York, N . Y . _
Southern District ( n , 0 , K , NO, T A , K 0 , A l l , N K ) — M r s . Edward G. Surgeon, SM
5625 McComas Avenue. Dallas, Tex. ,
Ohio Valley District (G, B4>, fi, B e , e n , A T ) — M a r y Gertrude Manley, B<p, SIM
Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis, Ind. 1
Great Lakes District (P, T, H , OTI, B T , I ) — M r s . Silas Spengler, I I , 342 Park S t r e «
Menasha, Wis.
CTOBER, 1931 99
id-Western District ( Z , A4», 3 , X A ) — M r s . Walter Haertel, T, 5301 Stevens
Avenue South, Minneapolis, M i n n .
acific District ( 2 , A , T, A Z , K e , A P ) — M r s . Michel H . Etcheverry, 2 , 3233 Jack-
son Street, San Francisco, Calif.
lantic District ( N e w Y o r k , Boston, Providence, Bangor, Washington, Philadelphia,
Syracuse, Rochester)—Alice J. Spear, A, 32 Pierce Street, Hyde Park, Mass.
outhern District (New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Nashville, Memphis, Bir-
mingham, Dallas)—Louise Church, IT, 1719 Valence Street, New Orleans, La.
hio Valley District (Indianapolis, Cleveland, Bloomington, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne
Dayton)—Mrs. Lester A . Smith, 4>, 126 Berkeley Road, Indianapolis, I n d .
reat Lakes District (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago South
Shore, Madison, A n n A r b o r ) —
id-Western District (Lincoln, Kansas City, Omaha, Oklahoma City, Denver, T u l -
sa, St. Louis)—
acific District (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, San Diego)—Roma
Whisnant, A 2 , Route 2, Box 14, Portland, Ore.
abama (Georgia, Florida, N o r t h and South Carolina)—Mrs. Walter B . Rountree,
NO, 216-2nd Street, Thomas Station, Birmingham, Ala.
alifornia—Mis. Walter A. English, A, 502 N o r t h Plymouth Boulevard, Los Angeles,
anada (Foreign)—
inois—Mrs. E. P. Willerton, 911 East Virginia Street, Peoria, 111.
diana (Kentucky)—Mrs. A. L . Eichenseher, B*f>, 2940 Oliver Street, Fort Wayne,
ansas (Missouri)—
ouisiana (Arkansas, Mississippi)—
aine (New Hampshire, V e r m o n t ) —
aryland (Delaware, District of Columbia)—
assachusetts (Connecticut, Rhode Island)—
ichigan—Mrs. George R. Snider, o n , 11950 Ohio Avenue, Detroit, M i c h .
innesota ( I o w a ) — M r s . Victor P. Reim, T, 304 South German Street, New U l m ,
ontana (North and South Dakota, Wyoming)—Berneice Crane, A * , 521 East Olive
Mreet, Bozeman, Mont.
W a s i u - M r s . Donald Gorton, Z, 3432 South Street, Lincoln, Neb.
«» York City (New Jersey)—Mrs. Edward M k c h e l l , X , 9 Berkeley Place, Rad-
tarn, N.J.
?? " V rk ( E x c l u s i v e of New Y o r k C i t y ) —
kTh W i l , i a m Segar, P., 1931 Benson Drive, D a y t o n , Ohio.
aiowfl (Colorado. New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona)—Mrs. Warren H . Ed-
rerii 1 2 2 0 W e s t 3 9 t h l Oklahoma City, Okla.
(Idaho)—Elizabeth Plummer, A S , 252 Radcliffe Road, Portland, Ore.
elT /xas—
a WeSt
V i r 8 i n i a ) —Mrs. W. Goodridge Sale Jr., K, Welch, W . V a .
c o « j i „ ° ^ r - ' ' -M a r g a r e t VT Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Evans 602 32nd
S j £ f 7 r W i n n i f r e d >F o l s e Josephine President—Helen Wilkinson, 30 Van Pelt
Wv 'u s e S o P h ' e Newcomb C o l - Avenue, Mariner's Harbor, Staten Is-
eefin,,,0r,eans> La- land, N.Y.
ss—Mondays at 4:30. Meetings—Mondays at 6:00.
OMICRON President—Mary Pettit. Pr
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30. Me
President—Beverly Baumann, 1818 West
Clinch Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. CHI Ho
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. House Address—603 University Avenuq Pr
KAPPA Syracuse, N . Y .
President—Louise Wolff, R.M.W.C., President—Norma Palmer.
Lynchburg, Va. Meetings—Monday evenings. Me
Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00. UPSILON Ho
ZETA House Address—1906 East 45th Street! Pre
House Address—1541 S Street, Lincoln, Seattle, Wash.
Neb. Pre
President—Marjory Beeuwkes. S
President—Lucile Hendricks.
Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. Meetings—Mondays at 7 :00. Me
SIGMA President—Elizabeth Pepple, 1721 BenJ
House Address—2311 Prospect Avenue, nett Avenue, Dallas, Tex. Me
Berkeley, Calif.
Meetings— Pre
President—Gautier Harris. r
M eetings—Mondays. BETA P H I
President—Mildred Frazee.
THETA House Address—703 East 7th Stn C
House Address—AO IT House, Greencas- Bloomington, Ind. Pre
tle, Ind. Me
Meetings—Monday evenings.
President—Helen Walker. ™d
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. ETA Streetf U
DELTA House Address—636 Langdon «ee
Madison, Wis. m
President—Winifred Blackmer, Gamma
President—Helen L a w t o n . p
House, Tufts College, Mass. Meetings—Mondays. f"
Meetings— ALPHA P H I
GAMMA House Address—119 South 6th Streel p
President—Margaret M e r r i l l , 395 Center Bozeman, Mont. Boulware. F
President—Vivienne evenings. Me
Street, Old Town, Me. Meetings—Tuesday
M eetings—Mondays.
House Address—The K n o l l , Ithaca, N . Y . President—Frances Rodenhauser, 308|
President—Ruth V . Washburn.
Meetings—No set time. 20th Avenue North, Nashville, Tenn. I
Meetings—Saturday afternoons.
House Address—626 Emerson Street, House Address—3412 Sansom Street!
Evanston, 111. Philadelphia, Pa.
President—Margaret D o r r . President—Mary Emma M a r t i n .
Meetings—Monday evenings. Meetings—Monday evenings.
House Address—704 South Mathews House Address—1144 Louisiana Streei
Street, Urbana, 111. Lawrence, Kan.
President—Faire Voran.
President—Edna Kline. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
Mailing Address—Box 1367, Stanford President—Margaret Barr, 30 HepbuM
University, Calif.
Hall, Oxford, Ohio.
President—Antoinette L . Schulte.
M eetings— Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
House Address—1052 Baldwin AvenUCA
House Address—1121 5th Street S.E.,
Minneapolis, Minn. Ann Arbor, Mich.
CTOBER, 1931 101
resident—Sarah Bond. C H I DELTA
eetings—Monday evenings.
House Address—10l5-15th Street, Boul-
ALPHA SIGMA der, Colo.
ouse Address—1680 Alder Street, E u -
gene, Ore. President—Vivian Gingles.
resident—Florence K i n g .
eetings—Mondays at 7 :00. Meetings—Mondays.
ouse Address—704 Lindsey, Norman, House Address—AOIT House, Berkeley
Okla. Road, Indianapolis, Ind.
esident—Mildred Hurst. President—Ruth Dale.
eetings—Mondays at 7 :00. Meetings—Wednesdays at 7 :30.
Pi DELTA ALPHA P I Tallahas-
ouse Address—AOII House, College House Address—AOII House,
Park, M d . see, Fla.
esident—C. Buckey Clemson.
eetings—Tuesdays at 7 :00. President—Elizabeth Markey.
Meetings—Mondays at 9:00.
TAU DELTA House Address—AOIT House, State Col-
esident—Charlotte Matthews, 909 lege, Pa.
South 30th Street, Birmingham, Ala. President—Gladys K a u f m a n .
eetings—Wednesdays at 1:30. Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
ouse Address—894 Hilgard, West President—Virginia Nolloth, 3566 St.
Angeles, Calif.
esident—Margaret Poulton. Charles Place, Cincinnati, Ohio.
eetings— Mondays.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:30.
esident—Virginia Richmond, 1780 For-
rest Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. President—Jean Fraser, 89 Breadalbane
eetings—Fridays at 2 :30. Street, Apt. 201, Toronto, Canada.
Meetings—Mondays at 5 :30.
ouse Address—560 Madison President—Marion M o h r , Denison U n i -
Corvallis, Ore.
esident—Betty Israel. versity, Granville, Ohio.
eetings—Mondays at 7 :30.
Meetings—Monday afternoons.
dent—Harriet Dunham, N , 1785 President—Mrs. C. A. Reynolds, Z, 2939
Stratford Avenue, Lincoln, Neb.
University Avenue, New York, N . Y .
Meetings—Second Saturday noon, Octo-
e/,ngs__Arranged by Executive Com- ber to June.
" , r f e , l < - - D o r o t h y A n n M i l l s , 2 , 2703 President—Mrs. LeRoy Dixon Jr., K G ,
Wooisey Street, Berkeley, Calif. 1445 West 92nd Street, Los Angeles,
cr2»gs-First Monday of month. Calif.
Meetings—Fourth Saturday of month,
Fr . ! " ~ - - > >e M September to M a y .
MrS A,anSOn D R0Se B 27
elr u c ,1 1 A v e n Providence, R . I . CHICAGO
(vl*f—Sec°nd Saturday of month,
October to June. President—Elizabeth Roberts, 2 , 747
BOSTON Cass Street, Chicago, 111.
W i ' r -M r s C a r l Schmalz, A, 170 Meetings—By arrangement.
President—Ruth Lindenborg, B e , 1038
West 35th Street, Indianapolis, Ind. SYRACUSE
Meetings— President—Mrs E. M . Perry. X. 613 iffeside
NEW ORLEANS University Avenue, Syracuse, N . Y . I Sch
President—Mrs. Oscar Schneidau, I I , Meetings—Last Friday of month. Presid
7101 H i c k o r y Street, New Orleans, La. 140
Meetings—-First Wednesday of month. DETROIT Presid
MINNEAPOLIS President—Frances Barrett, o i l , 7811 Sou
President—Mrs. Edward A . Schlampp, Mi
East Reuter, East Dearborn, Mich. 1 Meeti
T , 1511 West 28th Street, Minneapolis, Presid
Minn. Met lings— Arc
Meetings—Evening section, second Tues- NASHVILLE Comm
day of month, 8:00. Afternoon section, I.
first Monday of month, 2 :00. President—Mrs. J. R. Shackleford Jr,
NO, 22 Bellevue Drive, Nashville^
BANGOR Meetings—Second Saturday of month. 1
President—Mrs. E . M . Dunham, T, 203 CLEVELAND
Main Street, Orono, Me.
President—Mrs. G . W . Rosencrans, H a
1559 Northland Avenue, L a k e wood,
President—Mrs. W i l b u r K . Hood, P, Met tings—
1493 East 32nd Street, Portland, Ore. MEMPHIS
Meetings—Second Thursday evening of President—Catherine Underwood, KO,
month, October to June.
232 Jones Street, Memphis, Tenn.
Meetings—Last Wednesday of month,
President—Mrs. M a r t i n Norgore, E, 3403
West 71st Street, Seattle, Wash. 3:30.
Meetings—Second M o n d a y of month at MILWAUKEE
chapter house, 8:00.
President—Dorothy Marsh. I f , 3263
North Shephard, Milwaukee, Wis. j
KNOXVILLE M>; tings First Tuesday of month,
President—Mrs. John B . Bailey, 0 , 1825
West Clinch Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.
Meetings—First M o n d a y o f month at BIRMINGHAM
7 :30. President—Mrs. Enoch Benson, T A , IOUJ
LYNCHBURG South 5th Avenue, Birmingham, AM! a.
President—Mrs. R. Clark Scott, O, 2106
Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, Va.
Meetings— President—Mrs. Warren H . Edwards, m
WASHINGTON 1220 N . W . 39th Street, OklahonM
City, Okla.
President—Edith F. Burnside, ILA, 815- Meetings—Second Thursday of month.
18th Street N.W., Washington, D C.
Meetings—Third Thursday of month.
DALLAS President—Mrs. Russell F . Beazell, fl
President—Mrs. W . P. Bentley, N K , 4214 6943 Cornell Avenue, Chicago, 111. J
Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Tex.
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month wj
President—Mrs. Norman C. Horner, 4% MADISON
Pastorius Court, Lincoln Drive and
Horter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. President—Mrs. Kenneth J . Jackson, Hi
416 Chamberlain Avenue, Madiso^j
Meetings— Wis.
President—Mrs. W i l l i a m E. Burrus, #, BLOOMINGTON
700 W a r d Parkway, Kansas City, M o .
President—Mrs. Robert Ellis, B4>. 211
Meetings—Second Tuesday of month. East 6th Street, Bloomington, Ind. J
OMAHA Meetings—Second and f o u r t h Wednew
days of month.
President—Mrs. A . J. Werner, Z, 4903
Underwood, Omaha, Neb. DENVER
Meetings—First Saturday of m o n t h . President—Evelyn Van H o r n , A , 841
Adams Street, Denver, Colo.
OHKK, 1931 103
gs—Second Monday evening of ST. LOUIS
onth. President—Mrs. Earl Gauger, I , 7208
CINCINNATI Tullane, St. Louis, M o .
Meetings—Luncheon, second Monday of
ent—Lucile N e w t o n , ©II, HUlcrest
hool, Wyoming, Cincinnati, Ohio. ROCHESTER
ngs—Second Thursday of month.
TULSA President—Mrs. W . P. Van Wagenen,
O i l , 186 Summit Drive, Rochester,
dent—Mrs. H a r r y J. Friend, £ , N.Y.
07 South College, Tulsa, Okla.
ings—Second VVednesday of month. Meetings—Third Monday evening of
dent- Mrs. K. G. Wiedman, I , 206 President—Mrs. H o w a r d O. F r y , Q, 433
uth Washington Street, Ypsilanti, Central Avenue, Miamisburg, Ohio.
ich. M eetings—
dent— Dorothy Bennett, B«t>, 331 President—Mrs. Frederick Kunzel, 1946
cadia Court, Fort Wayne, I n d .
ings—Second Monday of month. Sheridan, San Diego, Calif.
mittees on National Work Mid-Western—Mrs. Ernest Bihler,
Fellowship Award—Honorary Z, 4201 North 22nd Street, Oma-
Chairman, Grand Vice President; ha, Neb.
Chairman, M r s . Ralph S. M a r x , Pacific—
2, Bowles Hall, Berkeley, Calif. Committee on Rituals and Traditions
Atlantic—Jessie Wallace Hughan, A, Chairman, M r s . George H . Perry,
171 West 12th Street, New Y o r k , A, 9 St. Luke's Place, New York,
N.Y. N.Y.
Southern—Gladys Anne Renshaw, Life Members: The Founders,
I I , 3369 State Street Drive, New Laura H u r d , 4756 University
Orleans, La. Way, College Center, Seattle,
Ohio Valley—Martha Jaques, O, Wash.; M r s . Ralph S. M a r x ,
315 East Race Street, Oxford, Bowles Hall, University of Cali-
Ohio. fornia, Berkeley, Calif.
Great Lakes—Elizabeth Bond, T,
2601 West 49th Street, Minneap- Scholarship Officer
olis, Minn.
Mrs. Edward J. Nichols, K , Central
Mid-Western—Viola Gray, Z. 1527 Office, State College, Pa.
South 23rd Street, Lincoln, Neb. Committee on Examination
Social Service—Chairman, Mrs. E. Chairman—Examining Officer
C. Franco-Ferreira. P, 901 Argyle Atlantic—Mrs. E . A r t h u r Beavens,
Street, Chicago, 111. Vera Riebel. I I A , 2915 Connecticut Avenue
P, 1541 East 60th Street, Chicago.
N.W., Washington, D.C.
III. Mrs. W. C. Drummond, A * .
610 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Southern—Catherine Underwood,
m. KO, 232 Jones Street, Memphis,
ension Committee Tenn.
Chairman, Extension Officer Ohio Valley—Mrs. R . P. Austin, I ,
Atlantic— Hagerstown, Ind.
Southern— Great Lakes—Mrs. Henry H . Ers-
Ohio Valley—Mrs. Charles A. kine, I , 7051 Oglesby Avenue,
Keener, P. 402 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Urbana, HI. Mid-Western—Winafred Steele, Z,
Great Lakes—Frances Barrett, O i l , Malvern, Iowa.
7811 East Reuter, East Dearborn, Pacific—Caroline T . Paige, T , 812
Mich. Skidmore Street, Portland, Ore.
104 To DRAGM* T
Committee on Nomination A , 25 East 83rd Street, New o
Y o r k , N . Y . Term expires June,
Chairman, Elizabeth Heywood W y - 1933. Josephine S. Pratt, A , 135 V
man, A , 19 Outlook Place, Glen West 183rd Street, New Yorkj|
Ridge, N.J. N . Y . Term expires June, 1935. 1
Members, Alumna; Superintendents.
Committee on Jewelry Constitutional Revision Committee
Chairman, M r s . George H . Perry, Chairman, Grand Secretary, Exeow
A , 9 St. Luke's Place, New York, tive Committee, Registrar, Assist^
N.Y. ant Registrar.
Julia L . Tillinghast, N , B o x 469, Song Committee
Grand Central Station, 110 East
45th Street, New York, N . Y . Chairman, Janet M . Howry, T:
1664 Van Buren Street, St. Paul;
Trustees of Anniversary Endowment Minn.
Fund Dorothy Jane Hines, T , 500 Fry
Chairman, M r s . George V . M u l l a n , Street, St. Paul, Minn.
opy o
Box 262, State College, Penn.
Please send me my copy of the DIRECTORY today. I en-
close $ 1 . 5 0 .
Name Chapter
City and State
NOTE: Also send me a copy of the New Songbook too. I
enclose $1 for it.
of Alpha Oniicron Pi
Volume 27 Number 2
To Leatric* Frontispiece
speaking of Alpha O Interest 3
Mary Rose Barrons Sings in Chicago Civic Opera 4
Alpha O Enters Canada Again 8
Alpha 0 Wins $3,100 in Eastman Contest
Life Saving Is This Alpha O's Business 14
Genealogy Brings Adventure 17
Responsibilities of Superintendents Are Increased 24
State Chairmen Plan Alumna; Contacts 27
Do You Know That 28
Wherein I Start to Angkor \ 29
She Plays With Jane Cowl
Education Recognizes the Fraternity 32
Phrateres Fills A Place in Lives of Unorganized Girls
B«a Phi Gets Beta Theta's Laurels 34
Olympic Basketball Star Belongs to Beta Kappa 35
Kentucky Offers Us Opportunities for Social Work 36
A Quota Raised Means New Social Life 37
*«ur AOn Officers At N.P.C. Meeting 39
*OT You—The New AOII Directory 47
"»rty-Fourth Anniversary of Founding Celebrated 48
*odel Panhellenic Report to Serve as Sample 53
Ai u ~C A G r e e k G o e s "Super-Suds" 58
A[Pba O Mourns Passing of Justice Mullan 60
*ne nQgu 62
J^. l ate t C Ao rlpn he ar O's :
Opposite 64fi4
AlPha O's in the Daily Press 65
Active Chapters 74
* n * Alumna: Chapters 100
directory of Officers
J A N U A R Y • 1932 •