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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-17 16:53:08

1985 Winter - To Dragma

Vol. LXIV, No. 1

11 * »* \



pitol Idea!


Definitions of honor around us

By Ginger Banks vote countless hours of volunteer time to There seems to be a great deal of senti-
individuals and causes. That's a defini- ment supporting that argument.
International President tion of honor.
College students are devoting more at-
"We don't live in a world in which During the 1st Century B.C., Publius tention to developing firm foundations
there exists a single definition of honor asked, "What is left when honor is lost?" for their futures.
anymore, and it's a fool that hangs on to
the traditional standards and hopes that We might also ask, "What is left when Family members are rediscovering each
the world will come around to him." traditional standards are lost?" other and the importance of sharing fun-
damental values.
So said former West Point instructor Ginger Banks
Joseph Ellis who collaborated on a book, Granted, we need to change with the Citizens are recognizing patriotism as a
School for Soldiers, which discussed the times and m o d i f y standards when neces- natural source of enthusiasm, hope and
West Point honor code. sary. continuity.
But we also need to recognize that
In saying that there no longer exists "a many traditional standards are so much a Traditional standards and honor have
single definition of honor anymore," M r . part of us, they cannot be changed. A n d made us the civilized people that we are.
Ellis refuses to be confused by the facts. to do so would be to destroy the very I am proud that Greek organizations al-
And the head-in-the-sand attitude that heart of our existence. ways have and always w i l l promote such
traditional standards should not be held important and fundamental values.
on to is an outright broadside at mother-
hood, country and apple pie. Perhaps, M r . Ellis, it is not foolish to
hope that the rest of the world will come
The fact is, definitions of honor and around to us and our beliefs in honor and
support for traditional standards sur- traditional standards.
round us.
It seems to be doing just that.
Instead of retreating into their grief,
the parents of a young boy who was kid- 1 9 8 5 To Dragma
napped and murdered later mobilized ef-
forts to establish a national center for in- deadlines:
formation about missing children. That's
a definition of honor. Jan. 15

Instead of submitting to his disease, a April 1
young man won his battle with cancer
and a gold medal in wrestling during the July 1
1984 summer Olympic Games. That's a
definition of honor. Oct. 15

Instead of selfishly considering just
their own needs, millions of people de-

Feb. 10, 1 p . m . March 12, 8 p.m.
LAMBDA BETA Iota Chapter House 8431 Bazemore Road
706 S. Mathews (home of Deborah Laman)
May 1, 7 p.m. Urbana, IL 61801 Memphis, T N
Chapter House
3980 E. 8th St. For information contact: For information contact:
Long Beach, C A Laura Sellers Donna F. Crisp
at the chapter house. 6036 East Point D r . N o . 4
For more information: Memphis, T N 38115
Mildred Slep BETA PHI
7202 Wellesey A v e . GAMMA SIGMA
Westminster, C A 92683 March 20, 7:30 p . m .
Home of Mrs. Lawrence Rink April 23, 8 p.m.
To list corporation 2207 Covenanter Dr. Chapter Room
meetings in To Dragma, Bloomington, I N 47401
send the information to For more information:
magazine editor Sue Hinz. For information contact: Malinda Sharp
Mrs. Philip Wible 3007 Tree M t n . Parkway
2701 Pine Lane Stone M t n . , G A 30083
Bloomington, I N 47401 (404) 237-2111 (o)

469-0091 (h)


Published since January, 1905 by TODRAGMA

ALPHA OMICRON PI P ofalpha omicron pi
Winter 1 985 Vol. LXIII, No. 5
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897 featuring

Founders vy 11 14 17

Jessie Wallace Hughan ( 4
Helen St. Clair Mullan 8 7
Stella George Stern Perry 8
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Convention plans underway 9
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Boutique entry form 14
Barnard College of Columbia University and all Syracuse recolonized 30
Austin Peay campus colonized
are deceased. Looking into our AOII past
Foundation assets increased
Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters MEMBER 2
3821 Cleghorn Ave. 17
Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Departments
Telephone: 615-383-1174 Perspectives
Alumnae Chapter Activity
Editor Collegiate Chapter Commentaries

Sue Wayenberg Hinz, Ar Cover photo Courtesy Washington Convention and Visitor's Association
NW 1445 Kenny

Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 332-1168—Home
(509) 335-4527—Office

Public Relations

Diane Douglass, O
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, T N 37215
Administrative Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA

PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of
Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price
is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life
subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave.,
Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all
editorial communications to the Editor,
Sue Hinz, NW 1445 Kenny, Pullman,
W A 99163. Second Class Postage paid at
Nashville, T N and additional mailing of-

On the Cover

How fitting that AOII collegians
and alumnae will gather in the na-
tion's capitol June 28—July 3 for
the biennial Convention. Just as
our nation's legislators receive
inspiration from this historic city,
the AOII members of Council will
be drafting new proposals which
will take the Fraternity "Toward
Tomorrow Together.''

Jefferson Memorial Photo courtesy of the Washington Convention & Visitors Association
AOII plans summer convention

A 0 I 1 sisters throughout the Metropoli- By Sue Loomis, chairman U.S. Capitol Building can be toured. The
tan Washington area are excited, in- mosaic and other art work in that build-
volved, and very busy right now . . . all Convention publicity ing is outstanding. Tours are also avail-
in anticipation of hosting the AOII Con- able of the FBI, the Bureau of Engraving
vention next June, in our nation's cap- art galleries around the Mall, provides and Printing, the National Archives, and
ital. for free admission to all visitors. other facilities.

We've come to the Washington area Some of the "must-see" exhibits at the Theater, music, dance . . . all are well
f r o m all over the country. A n d we've all Smithsonian museums and gallerys in- represented in Washington with National
come to love the many sights, activities clude the Wright brothers first plane, Ro- Touring companies as well as some out-
and opportunities which the Metropoli- din sculptures, the Hope Diamond, the standing repertory work. Shopping, with
tan Washington area affords. We know First Ladies' gowns, the Spirit of St. Lou- some of the finest shops, specialty and
our sisters f r o m all over this country and is, and a collection of Whistler's paint- department stores, and areas such as
Canada w i l l be just as enthused and ings. Georgetown and Old Town Alexandria,
thrilled with what Washington, D.C., provides visitors to our city many
has to offer. The history of America is brought to choices.
mind at every turn. The Lincoln Memori-
Washington, D.C., located at the head al, Jefferson Memorial, and Washington Your A O I I sisters in the Greater Wash-
of the Potomac River tidewater, is the Monument recall the founders and lead- ington Metropolitan area are excited
gateway to the coastal resorts of the ers of our nation. Across the Potomac about hosting all of you at the upcoming
Chesapeake Bay, to the Appalachian River i n V i r g i n i a is the A r l i n g t o n Convention. We urge you to plan to visit
Mountains, and to historic Virginia and cemetary with the Tomb of the Unknown us, attend the Convention, and then with
Maryland. Being the nation's capital, it is Soldier, the home of Robert E. Lee before your families or friends, stay awhile and
home to a wonderful array of free muse- the Civil War, and, a few miles enjoy the sights and sounds and many ac-
ums and attractions. The Smithsonian In- downriver, Mount Vernon, home to our tivities of Washington, D.C. . . . a
stitution, with its many museums and first President, George Washington. Capital AOn City!

Tours are available through many of
the Federal buildings. The White House is
the only in-use residence of a head of
state in the world open to the public. The



JUNE 28 - JULY 3 , 1985

1. Please complete a l l parts of this form, including Remittance Form on reverse side.
Type or print c l e a r l y . PLEASE USE BLACK INK.

2. Enclose check for the amount indicated on the Remittance Form.
3. Mail completed form and check to: Alpha Omicron P i , 3821 Cleghorn Avenue, Nashville,

. Tennessee.37215.
4. Registration Fee i s $75 i f paid by May 1. Late registrations received a f t e r May 1

are $90. The deadline for guaranteed regi s t r a t i on and hotel rooms i s May 15. Should
a cancellation be necessary, Registration Fee i s refundable only up to June 1, and
room and board fees are refundable only up to June 15.


Name (Last) (First) (Maiden) (Husband's)

CURRENT ADDRESS (Number/Street) (City) (State)

SUMMER ADDRESS . (Number/Street) (City) (State) (ITpT
From (date) to (date)
Home Work
Home Work
In case of emergency, contact:
(Name) ()
Ini ti ated Current •(Phone)
Region Number of Conventions
Previously Attended ;

Name for name tag (nickname) i f d i f f e r e n t from above:


CONVENTION STATUS: (Check a l l that apply) Chapter/Office

Delegates: Chapter/Region Represented Non-Delegates:

Chapter Adviser Collegian_
Collegiate President Alumna
Corp. Bd. Rep.^
_Alumnae President Philanthropic Foundation Member
Regional Vice President Chapter Consultant
Regional Finance Officer Parliamentarian
Regional Extension Officer _TD Editor
Regional Rush O f f i c e r HQ S t a f f
Regional Director Other (please specify)
Standing Commi ttee

I am a smoker; non-smoker.


**A11 Delegates must stay in hotel from JUNE 28 to JULY 3. You MUST get advanced permis-
si on from Executive Board for a l l exceptions.**

IMPORTANT! You must advise Headquarters of a l l changes in arrival/departure dates immediately.
You w i l l be responsible for room charges as l i s t e d on t h i s form!
You must make your hotel arrangements through. Headquarters for you and your family
to take advantage of these convention rate's. They w i l l apply from June 22 -
July 7.




Roommate preference Roommate assignment

(Name) (Name)

I am a: smoker


A l l e f f o r t s w i l l be made to accommodate your preferences, but we cannot make guarantees.

I would l i k e to be a part of the inside workings of Convention. I would l i k e to p a r t i -
cipate in the following way:


Serve as hostess for exhibits Serve-as hostess for exhibits or boutique
Help with leading a Sing-a-Long Serve as timekeeper or credentials o f f i c i a l
Serve as a page at business session


_Trans. Form Rec.'d
REGISTRATION FEE: (Note: This fee i s the Incomplete Letter Sent
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY of Delegates Conv. Info Sent
and Non-Delegates.)
$75 until May 1; $90 postmarked a f t e r May 1.
Registrations a f t e r May 15 cannot be guaranteed.


DAILY ROOM (Non-Delegates) (Not attending entire Convention)
$80 Single; $110 Double (Add $10.00 for reservations made
a f t e r May 1 s t . )

DAILY REGISTRATION FEE (Non-Delegates not attending entire Convention)
Number of Days , at $20 per day until May 1;
$25 per day a f t e r May 1.

MEALS for those not staying at hotel for entire Convention (Add
$10 for reservations made a f t e r May 1.)


JUNE 28 (Friday) JULY 1 (Monday) $_
Opening Banquet at $27. Luncheon at $19. $
JUNE 29 (Saturday) (Philanthropy and Service)
Alumnae Banquet at $27.
JUNE 30 (Sunday) JULY 2 (Tuesday)
Luncheon at $19. Luncheon at $19.
(Rush and Panhellenic) (Scholarship)
Collegiate Banquet at $27.
Rose Banquet at $50.
TOTAL AMOUNT OF CHECK ENCLOSED (Includes Convention G i f t )
(Make check payable to Alpha Omicron P i )



Smithsonian Castle Photo courtesy of the Washington Convention & Visitors Association

Hopefully, collegiate and alumnae Ling Ling's Things
chapters are busily creating hand-crafted AOII Boutique Entry Form
items at a furious pace, to be sold at the
convention boutique. The AOII Panda (Please print or type)
. . . and the giant pandas at the National CHAPTER NAME
Zoo . . . are the inspiration for this CHAPTER BOUTIQUE COORDINATOR
year's boutique, LING LING'S THINGS. ADDRESS

A l l chapters are encouraged to create TELEPHONE
one or possibly two interesting items to BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ENTRY
make, and then sell at convention. The
chapters receive all the profits f r o m sales, ESTIMATED NUMBER T O SELL
so there is real incentive to develop cre- Please use a separate form for each entry
ative, attractive boutique items. Samples and entry f o r m MUST be received by February 28, 1985.

In the past, it has usually been the Please send them to:
more inexpensive items which have sold Janet Marx
well. Items in the past which have been
"hot ticket numbers" have included AOII 8312 Oakford Drive
pencils, notepaper, note pads, T-shirts, Springfield, V A 22152
theme stitchery, key chains, balloons,
and buttons. But don't let this list of sug- 703/451-9158
gestions in any way limit your chapter's
selection or imagination!

Remember . . . a sample of your chap-
ter's item must be received by the bou-
tique chairwoman by Feb. 28. The num-
ber of items your chapter hopes to sell,
and the selling price should also be in-

Be sure your chapter is represented at
LING LING'S THINGS this coming June
in Washington, D.C. These items are f u n
to create, and they are even more f u n to


n n

1-> 1

Harnett O'Leary examines the 1914 Chi i
chapter charter signed by her mother, Flor Syracuse's Crouse College.

ence Wright Gilgan O'Leary. Harriett serves
as colony adviser.

Chi chapter recolonized at Syracuse

Since its founding in New York City in ie Sells, international nominations chair- Also present was Colony Adviser Harri-
1897, A O I I has had special ties w i t h the man; Diane Douglass from International ett O'Leary, whose mother had been a
state of New York. But none so special as Headquarters and Chapter Consultant Jill founding member of the chapter in 1914.
the opportunity to recolonize Chi chapter Eggebraaten. Each reviewed her role w i t h
of AOII at Syracuse University, Syracuse, the colonization activities. Following the pledge ceremony on Oct.
New York. The first colonization of AOII 17, Caroline Head, director of student ac-
took place at the university in 1914. Rushees lingered following the presen- tivities, and Panhellenic officers hosted a
Now, 70 years later, the founding spirit tation to view historical displays which campus reception. Syracuse alumnae
of A O I I has returned to the campus. included the original Chi chapter charter. who were present to greet the new colony
The women also enjoyed seeing the 1921 members included Ruth Furhovden,
Spear-headed by Regional Extension AOn official convention picture taken on Mary Ellen Friedman, Ellin Sullivan and
Officer Kris Burfeind and Syracuse the campus with many campus buildings Polly Theurer.
Alumnae President Majorie Julian, the still in use pictured in the background.
colonization activities were planned for Sisters f r o m Hartwick College assisted Forty-seven women decided that eve-
Oct. 14-17. Almost 100 prospective mem- with the hospitalities. ning to share in the A O I I sisterhood. New
bers gathered to meet Carmel Kaiser, re- York, Syracuse University and AOII are a
gional vice president, Lois Klotz, past Tuesday evening AOII hosted an open winning combination!
REO and a member of Chi chapter; Jean- house for rushees with Wagner College
and Hartwick College sisters on hand.

Colony members and alun New colony pledges

Joining AOIIs everywhere. The start of AOII sisterhood.

Colony begins at Austin Peay State Campus

Six became the magic number for Ten- skits and assisted with hostessing at the through the early stages of development.
nessee as Austin Peay State University reception which followed. Denise Ottinger, director of student life
became the site for a sixth chapter of
AOII in the state. Individual conversations with prospec- and Carla Barton, Panhellenic president,
tive members were held the next two issued bids to the 43 new colony mem-
Located near the Kentucky border in days at which time Sue Lewis, adminis- bers of AOII. The women attended the
Clarksville, Tennessee, the university has trative director; Nancy Bowers, regional formal pledging ceremony and were
experienced a growth in the Greek system vice president, and Mary Ann Caldwell, guests of honor at a Preference Party
and saw the need to offer the A O I I expe- membership coordinator, led the inter- which followed hosted by AOIIs from
rience to the women on campus. view teams. Also assisting were Liz Don- Murray State University.
aldson, regional director; Becky Pena,
Oct. 10 signaled the date for the Infor- chapter services coordinator, and Diane The Hopkinsville Alumnae Chapter
mational Meeting held in the Student Douglass, public relations coordinator. and the Clarksville alumnae w i l l be pro-
Center. Brightly colored helium balloons M a r i Cole, chapter consultant, assisted viding advisory support for the Austin
marked the path for rushees to the meet- with the hospitalities during the two day Peay Colony. They include Chris West-
ing spot. Susan Albert and other mem- visit and gave the rushees an overview of f a l l , M a r y Hochstetler, Susanne Hall,
bers from the Western Kentucky Univer- her role in guiding the new colony Kimberly McDaniel, Paula Howe, Deb-
sity chapter performed one of their rush bie Anderson and Ruth Van Booven.

A rose for every pledge. 1

Austin Peay pledge class.


Convention will soon be upon us and I can hardly ticularly enjoyable and included a humorous slide
presentation of our history, a fashion show and a
wait! time management seminar.

The reason for this is my experience at the last Convention is not all work and no play. Many of
us enjoyed a dinner cruise on the Mississippi, a
Convention in New Orleans—my first after 20 years guided bus tour of New Orleans and a tour of south-
ern plantations. There was a lot of heat and humid-
of being an AOII. I had heard many things of what ity, but there was also Bourbon Street, the French
Quarter, Royal Street and the Cafe du Monde.
was to happen and most came true, especially that I
The Rose Banquet was a truly beautiful affair.
—A, would have a wonderful time and become "hooked" Sadly the closing circle was made and we bid fare-
on AOII Conventions. well for another Convention, promising to meet in
1985 in Washington, D.C.
Perhaps my recollections will help you under-
Everyone was saying it was one of the best and I'm
stand why. sure it was. I know we were all renewed by our
theme—"AOII: The Source." It was friendship, lead-
Several collegians and alums from San Diego ership, knowledge, entertainment and encourage-
ment. I was glad to be part of it.
arrived early to enjoy an extra day of sightseeing in
Bonnie Somers Berger, Tau
New Orleans. Opening Banquet began with the pres- President,
San Diego Alumnae Chapter
entation of the Past International Presidents and

International Executive Board members. Convention

activities followed a beautiful Opening Ritual.

Business Sessions were conducted as well as Pot-

pourri Sessions which were of particular interest as

many ideas were exchanged. Especially exciting was

that we received an Alumnae Chapter Achievement

Certificate. Theme luncheons and dinners were par-


A)umnae Chapter Activity

PHOENIX Ann Petroff (film and video committee), the Arthritis Foundation's national tele-
Cindy Skaff (volunteer chairman), and thon April 29. The four alumnae chapters
Phoenix alumnae began the summer Ellen Yunker (performing arts chairman). which comprise Council have raised $600
cruising a cool lake and ended the season With their efforts and those of other over the last year for the AOII Philan-
among the cactus in the desert. alums who helped by staffing the drink thropic Foundation.
and information booths, the Toledo Fest
The annual IIOA party was held at a was once again a huge success. West Suburban Alumnae Chapter pre-
lakeside club and members cruised sented an additional $50 check to the A r -
around on a pontoon boat piloted by Members began the new year with a thritis Foundation, reported Pat Juza,
Linn Taylor, Delta Pi '68. potato bake for the September meeting. council president.
We saw many new faces at this meeting
The fall brunch hosted by Judy Host and were quite happy with our plans for HUNTSVILLE
Pykare, Phi Delta '61, was held on a the coming year, Raye Anne said.
desert ranch. We celebrated our awards Members of the Huntsville Alumnae
received at Leadership Conference, re- The plans call f o r some larger fund- Chapter began their 1984-85 year of ac-
ported Maribeth McAllister Lane, Epsilon raising projects in order to help meet ex- tivities with a fall fashion show. Mem-
Alpha 70. penses. The first project was a dinner bers of the chapter enjoyed modeling
sponsored by a local grocery store chain. beautiful clothes while everyone learned
PULLMAN Through the efforts of Carol Sendi and how to mix and match clothes and acces-
her committee members, the dinner was a sories.
Members didn't let rain dampen their success.
June family potluck as everyone moved The annual holiday party for colle-
into Alpha Gamma's dining room to eat Founders' Day was a very special cele- gians and their mothers was again
and visit with the AOII families. bration this year because Theta Psi is cel- planned.
ebrating its 40th anniversary. Charter
The summer passed quickly as a new members received special recognition and Founders' Day was set f o r January with
early-start calendar brought Washington other honors. a luncheon and a Valentine's Day dinner
State University Greeks back to campus with husbands and dates is planned for
for rush in early August. The Toledo area alums already are February.
making plans for a large philanthropic
In early October the chapter hosted the project for next year. One of the goals is A plant auction is set for A p r i l as well
quota-plus pledge class to a fondue party. to increase contributions to the Arthritis as the installation of officers, added
A Christmas gift exchange was planned Foundation. Carole Jones.
for November. Alumnae also used the
holiday season to sell Christmas goodies. CHICAGO AREA COUNCIL KENTUCKIANA
Profits will support the president's trip to
International Convention next June in Chicago Area Council AOIIs braved a Such sweet success was Kentuckiana
Washington, D.C. rain storm and gave up a Sunday after- Alumnae Chapter's 4th Annual Ice
noon to man the phones at the Brickyard Cream Social, hostessed in July by Alpha
TOLEDO Mall in Chicago for the local portion of Chi alumna Patti Stowe Merrimee.

Yes, the Toledo area chapter is alive i7
and well. In the past year members have
been busy with philanthropic projects as Members of the Chicago Area Council from the left, Kathy Dueball, Diane Winowitz and Jan
well as chapter fund raising. Hiser Bowsher were among the AOfls who helped with the Arthritis Telethon.

But our special goal was to get to know 11
the other sisters just a little bit better,
added Raye Ann Watkeys.

Spring saw the installation of new
members and of the new officers. Twenty
new members were installed into the To-
ledo Alumnae Chapter. Dawn Wright
and Rebecca Bair are sharing the respon-
sibilities of president this year.

Last summer Toledo alums were busy
with the Summer Luncheon held at Wild-
wood Preserve in the Manor House of the
former Stranahan estate. The luncheon
provided sisters with an opportunity to
take a break from work and catch up on
business and the latest news.

The summer also saw alums involved
in the community. The main focus of ac-
tivity was the Toledo Festival of the Arts
which was held on Labor Day Weekend.
Toledo Fest is a celebration of the visual
and the performing arts. Some alums
who were in key positions for the festival
were Susan Palmer (vice chairman), Ruth

Kentuckiana kicked off the fall calen- Chi Lambda, is now neonatal transport WW
dar with a great brunch at Masterson's, a team coordinator and educator for a local
Louisville restaurant featuring American hospital. Linda Russell, Chi Lambda,
and appropriately Greek cuisine. Joni now is enjoying writing for True Confes-
Burke, the full-time Greek advisor at the sions magazines and has taken a year off
University of Louisville, was guest speak- from teaching.
er, bringing back college memories with
her entertaining and informative talk. The members learned of each others
new jobs at two get-togethers during the
October's get-together went off on a fall. Jane Grafton Purdie, Chi Lambda,
quieter note, as the group enjoyed a hosted a kick-off dinner in September
"Classical Coffee" and a guest speaker and Becky Admire hosted the Homecom-
f r o m the Louisville Orchestra. Still on a ing open house in October, reported Pam
high f r o m hosting a wonderfully success- Adams Pepper.
f u l Leadership Conference in June,
Kentuckiana's women finished the 1984 MARIN COUNTY Kathy Goldsmith, Marin County Alumnae
season off in fine style with a Christmas Chapter member, has served as president of
Salad Luncheon at the home of its new The Marin County Alumnae Chapter Marin Panhellenic.
regional director, Elaine Kennedy. 1985 is composed of a group of women in all
started w i t h a truly fraternal tradition, as age groups who are active in not only There was a meeting in June at Ellie
we celebrate Founders' Day and the Uni- AOII but many other groups. Hendrickson's, Rho, home in Santa Rosa,
versity of Louisville's Pi Alpha chapter's and in August we took a table at a local
birthday with a dinner to share our sister- The Marin Panhellenic organization art and garden center. The proceeds from
hood, reported Katherine Lynn Edwards has an AOII who is the current presi- this went to local charities.
Brady. dent—Kathy Boyle Goldsmith, Sigma, an
active member of the Marin County In September there was a barbecue pot-
CHICAGO WEST chapter. luck at the Luptons' home in West Marin,
very near the Pacific, a beautiful spot.
The Chicago West Suburban Alumnae In December we had a white elephant
Chapter is looking for eight of the AOIIs auction at the home of Lorelei Hornuff The chapter planned to have a fund
that founded the group in 1940 in Oak Langhart, Epsilon Alpha. That event is raiser in December to help Chi Alpha at
Park, 111. Chapter officers have been able always fun, includes hearty hors d'oeu- the University of California-Davis.
to find most of the original members, but vres, wine and lively bidding. The auc-
the following eight have escaped their tion was conducted by Virginia Moore Our past president, Mignon Macurda
search: DePue, Kappa Theta, and raised $91 that Stannard, Kappa Theta, received a 50-
was given to Sigma chapter to be ear- year pin during the year, reported Mar-
The names as they appeared on the marked for robes. gery S. Wehnau.
original charter are:
In A p r i l we had an Easter Basket auc- Alumnae sold more than $1,500 worth
Theodora Boyles tion at Kathy Goldsmith's home and were of raffle tickets for the Northbay Arthri-
Evelyn Christian able to donate close to $600 to the A r t h r i - tis Foundation's Harvest raffle last fall to
Alice Duval tis Foundation. That event also included support the local cause.
Jean Forster a luncheon. Paula Mudge LeRoy, Nu
Betty Fox Iota, was the guiding light behind this President Virginia Lewis Persons said
Majorie Galbraith event and made most of the baskets but the alumnae used a telephone solicitation
Jean McDougall had help f r o m other members. Several to contact area AOIIs who were not part
Dorothy Warmblod Edwards members of the local Arthritis Founda- of the chapter.
If anyone knows anything about any tion also attended.
or all of these AOIIs the chapter would be
very anxious to hear from you. AOII heads alumnae Panhellenic
Correspondence should be addressed
to the president of the group, Judy S3 "ji Terre Haute's City Panhellenic council
Flessner, 1511 Ashford Court, Wheaton, is currently being led, by AOII, Kathleen
111., 60187. Kathleen Maxwell, Kappa Alpha '63, is presi- Tomlinson Maxwell, Kappa Alpha '62.
dent of Terra Haute City Panhellenic. This is the second time Kathleen has
EVANSVILLE TRI-STATE served as president of the group. She also
has served as treasurer and secretary dur-
The women of the Evansville Tri-State ing her 17-year tenure with the group.
Alumnae Chapter are certainly a busy
group. During her membership in the Terre
Haute Alumnae Chapter, Kathleen has
Becky Admire, Chi Lambda, is now a served as president, vice president, secre-
Regional Director. Becky had been a tary and chairman of various commit-
Chapter Consultant in the past for AOII. tees. She has also served on the advisory
Janie Mengon Bernhardt, Chi Lambda, is committee for Kappa Alpha chapter for
now head of the math department of an many years. She is currently panhellenic
area high school. She has served as cor- advisor.
poration board treasurer for seven years
and is financial adviser f o r Chi Lambda. Other local organizations and groups
also are rewarded by her service. She is a
Anne Pampe Schleper, Chi Lambda, is member of the Trinity United Methodist
now food editor for the local paper. That
promotion didn't surprise anyone who (continued on page 15)
had tried Anne's recipes f r o m the AOII
cookbook. Mary Beth Kocon Lodata,



Aloha! Teriyaki, kabobs, pineapple Following a luncheon and formal ritual in their honor, six of the eight 50-year members from Beta
salad and mai-tai punch were available to Gamma chapter, Michigan State University, gathered for a picture. From left are Irene Wagar
all who attended the Chicago West Sub- Oestrike, Charmion Griswold Annis, Mabel Petersen, Helen Lee Foster, Myrtle Winslow Hilliker,
urban Alumnae Chapter's Summer Cou- and Claudine Burkhart Jackson. Also present but not pictured were Ruth Westveer Graham and
ples Party. The luau was only one of sev- Claudia Greenhoe.
eral summer activities for the chapter.
MSU alumnae gather
Alumnae invited collegians f r o m the
area to an ice cream social in early A u - Although a chapter's charter may be as Lansing alumnae sustained Beta Gam-
gust. Many attended to meet alumnae held in trust, the chapter still lives. It is ma for 37 years.
members and find out about the alumnae alive in the hearts of its members, in the
group. We also enjoyed getting to know memories of those who knew them, in More than 50 members came f r o m Or-
the young women and finding out more the services of its alumnae of AOTI, and egon, Montana, Texas, and Missouri as
about their chapters, their majors and in AOLTs own heritage. Love lingers on— well as nearby states, to hear Mabel
personal interests, added Linda Wein- as the members of Beta Gamma chapter, Petersen tell of being asked by Harriett
gartner Brown. Michigan State University, can attest. Weston Ansley (Oil '26) to start a sorori-
ty. She was initially reluctant—after all,
In June, Judy Gambrel Flessner, alum On Sept. 22, 1934, Alpha Omicron Pi, she would soon graduate, she was al-
president, and Sherry Keaton Brenna, re- in the person of Edith Anderson, installed ready presiding over Spartan Women's
gional director, attended Region IV's its Beta Gamma chapter at Michigan League, and no sorority had attracted her
Leadership Conference in Louisville, Ky., State University, East Lansing. The chap- so far.
and brought home a Certificate of ter charter was placed in trust in 1969, as
Achievement for the group. fraternal groups on campus faced great However, Harriett's enthusiasm began
changes in university housing restrictions to interest her and she found a group of
Other summer activities included the and student housing preferences. special women who would work toward
ever popular summer salad supper and becoming a chapter of AOII. To the origi-
two fund raisers—selling flags at Hins- In the summer of 1983,. a group of nal group of 13 women who formed their
dale's Fourth of July Parade and the an- 1960s-era Beta Gammas gathered for a colony in 1932 were added more pledges
nual "Aim for Arthritis" golf outing in weekend of fun and bridge and dinner during their work to meet AOII's qualifi-
Woodridge, 111. out—just because. As the evening waned, cations. Eight of the women who were in-
they decided that getting together again itiated that September day in 1934 were
The group kicked off its fall schedule was too much f u n not to share it with present at the reunion to accept 50-year
w i t h a wine and cheese party in Septem- their predecessors—and some bright soul pins: Charmion Griswold Annis, Ruth
ber to welcome new and old members remembered that 1984 would be the 50th Westveer Graham, Claudia Greenhoe,
and with a decorating workshop in anniversary of Beta Gamma's installa- Claudine Burkhart Jackson, Mabel Peter-
October. tion. The reunion was immediately sen, Myrtle Winslow Hilliker, Helen Lee
planned for July 21, 1984. Foster and Irene Wagar Oestrike. Char-
PORTLAND (Ore.) lene Brown Potter ( B r '57), RVP I I , con-
Scheduled for summer to accommo- ducted the formal ritual including the
The Portland Alumnae Chapter held a date most members' vacations (and avoid awarding of 50-year pins and a memorial
successful luncheon and silent auction the difficulties of hotel and restaurant service.
last spring at Portland's Salty's restau- plans on a Big Ten football weekend), the
rant. More than 60 AOTIs attended the day evolved as a formal luncheon sur- Following the ritual, Beta Gammas
special event. The chapter raised $1,000. rounded by reunion time in a hospitality clustered in groups to get reacquainted
suite. Invitations went to more than 600 and filled area restaurants. In the eve-
Following the auction the alumnae who have been initiated into AOII by the ning, they found some things never
chapter presented the $1,000 check to Dr. chapter and to those alumnae of other change—Beta Gams still play bridge all
Robert Bennett. D r . Bennett does arthri- chapters whose devotion to the chapter
tis research for the Department of (continued on page 14)
Rhuematology at the Oregon Health Sci-
ences Hospital. 13

Over the summer Portland's alumnae
chapter helped in organizing to sell BJ
Noles' cookbook. The profits will go to
the Roma Whisnant Memorial Fund for
Alpha Sigma active chapter. They also
worked hard on sewing for Alpha Sigma
rush parties and, of course, on recom-
mendations for both of Oregon's active
collegiate chapters.


Chapter members will be visiting all
parts of their "district" during the year.
They will be meeting in Northwest A r -
kansas cities such as Bella Vista, Eureka
Springs, Harrison, M t . Home and Ft.
Smith in addition to Fayetteville and

The chapter started its fall with a ga-
rage sale which was very successful, re-
ported Elaine L . Olszewski.

(continued on page 31)

Looking into our AOII history

by Marty Erickson Taylor, Tau '51 •

W h y did I want to pledge Alpha Omi-
cron Pi at the University of Minnesota
during winter rush, 1951?

Was it the imposing brick three story
chapter house? Was it Link who first met



Greek Week 1952 at Tau was a success for the AOIIs who won the All Participation trophy and
came away with the Sigma Alpha Epsilon bear too.

Marty Erickson Taylor, Tau, University of me at the door during Open House? Was "all shapes and all sizes," blondes, and a
Minnesota '51, shared some of her A O n it the friendliness of the girls who were redhead here and there. One could "feel"
memories. such casually charming hostesses? the individuals—it wasn't a stereotyped
Beta Gamma . . . A l l those things prompted me to hope
for an invitation to the first set of parties. Our Pledge Walk-Out
night! A Sunday morning bus tour of the
campus and the East Lansing area, past As rush week progressed, I kept return- One of the pledges f r o m our pledge
all the locales of AOTI chapter houses, ing, and as I put names with faces, I be- class was held captive in the third floor
was a success. gan to feel more and more A t Home. dorm. That didn't stop Bobbie. She tied
There was a controlled but directed ener- sheets and blankets together and climbed
As a result of the reunion, Beta Gam- gy about the girls that I liked. They knew down the outside of the house to meet us
mas reunions are popping up everywhere who they were, what they were doing while we all went off to capture an "ac-
this coming year, as groups of classmates and where they were going. They were tive".
reaffirm their friendship across the coun-
try—International Headquarters' print- 5
outs of current addresses were the most
popular item of the weekend. 1

While Beta Gamma is not inactive in »
the minds of its members, Region I I
knows the chapter well—as of the Re- :
gional Leadership Conference in Athens
in June, three-quarters of Region II's !
ROC are Beta Gammas: Char Potter as
RVP, Joanne Nelson Nowak ( B r '56) as \
Regional Extension Officer, and Sandra
Obeshaw Slee ( B r '66) as Regional Fi- Broadway Blushes was the theme of the 1952 Campus Carnival production by T a u , University of
nance Officer. Minnesota, AOITs and members of Acacia fraternity.

Organizing the reunion were Sandy
Slee, Melody Ellis Glick ( B r '67) and Sue
Elder (Br '69), ACTI's chairman of CIRC.


Greek Week Crafty playing "Birth of the Blues" on the Maxwell. . .
The first Greek Week at the U of M piano, Bigelow singing "Give Me Your
was held when I was a new initiate. Smile" in her own inimitable style, Geor- (continued from page 12)
AOII's Kit was the first Greek Week co- gia and Norby collaborating night after
chairman. A O I I w o n the first place A l l - night to come up with many a first place- Church, and advisor for the Junior De-
over Participation Trophy. Two years winning song or skit. (Some of the songs partment Club.
later when we won it again (you couldn't we sing today originated with those two).
win the trophy two years in a row then) Kathleen has been a teacher in the Vigo
the EAE's "stole" the trophy from the Come as You Are County School corporation for 14 years.
chapter house. When we tried to recover Late night parties were held among She currently teaches f i f t h grade at
it, they "captured" some of us f o r an those of us who lived in the house. Rath- Ouabache Elementary School.
hour or two on the forbidden second er than "coming as we were" it was more
floor of the fraternity house. We finally fun to dream up wild outfits. Donnie al- Kathleen, her husband, Don, and their
escaped with our trophy A N D their life- ways wore elbow length gloves regardless three children Christopher, 15; Tiffany,
sized stuffed bear! Of course the EAEs of the rest of the outfit. 13, and Brian, 11, are currently sharing
had to come recover their bear. There's their home with an Indiana State Univer-
no telling how long this might have con- Has it changed much in 3 0 + years? I sity exchange student f r o m Honduras.
tinued had our housemother, Mom very much doubt it. The names and faces
Schmidt, not intervened. are different, but the young women I Active participation in Terre Haute
meet at International Conventions and City panhellenic has been a tradition with
Bridge regional meetings are every bit as ener- the Terre Haute chapter. AOII Interna-
Sally's cry "fourth for bridge" was fre- getic, enthusiastic, clever, attractive, tional has recognized the group twice
quently heard. You see we didn't have a "etc., etc., and so f o r t h " as when we were through the Philos A w a r d . Terre Haute
television set in the house so bridge was in college. alumnae members JoAnn Gibbons and
just one of the many together things we Mary A n n Clark served as delegates for
did. AOII offers much to so many now as many years and served in several and
then. It is a starting place, a place to be- various capacities including president,
Music gin a development (and friendships) that vice president and fund-raising chairman.
There was always music in the house. can last a lifetime.
Terre Haute City Panhellenic fund rais-
A O I I was Then, it is Now, and it w i l l ing efforts provide scholarships for local
always Be. Indiana State University students.

Thinking back

What AOII means

* What has 61 years of A O I I meant to me?
It has meant four fun-filled years as a collegian—keeping in
—*4 touch with Theta sisters of college years—getting together as
often as possible—sharing each others joys and sorrows.
i -,. These have been life-time friendships like no other
- Js£-.. " It has meant helping to organize an alumnae association that
The Toga Ball was a popular event during Greek Week 1953 for Tau, resulted in the nucleus of a collegiate chapter at the University
University of Minnesota, AOIIs. of Evansville, a wonderful and strong Indiana chapter as its
many awards attest. This experience was similar to having a
In u p c o m i n g i s s u e s To Dragma will be s h a r i n g baby and seeing the baby grow into childhood and on to
m e m o r i e s of AOLT c o l l e g e d a y s . Your participation adulthood with children of its own and now even grandchildren.
will be appreciated.
Sixty-one years has meant hearing and being a part of the
ritual through the years that ever grows in meaning and richness
with each recital.

It has meant seeing our fraternity grow f r o m 27 chapters in
1923 to 88 in 1984—growth not only in numbers but in the
building of lasting values to our members and in the deeper
purposes of greek life as evidenced by our growing A O I I
Philanthropic Foundation.

M y hope for the future of Alpha Omicron Pi is for it to
continue to stand for the high ideals laid down by our Founders
and carried out through our strong leaders. Our fraternity can
only survive as we give ourselves in love and service to each
other and to the world around us.

Alpha Omicron Pi has been a rich heritage f o r me and I am so
grateful to have been a part of this sisterhood for 61 years.

Miriam Oilar Woods, Theta '23


Zeta president earns Perry Award

Tamela Ann (Tami) Leise was selected f
the Perry Award winner for 1984. The
past Zeta chapter president at the Univer- Zeta chapter, University of Nebraska, not only celebrated Tami Leise's selection as recipient of the
sity of Nebraska won the support of ev- Perry Award, but also its first place finish at the annual Phi Psi 500, a philanthropy project for
eryone who worked with her during her children.
collegiate years at the Lincoln campus.
ter can be attributed to Tami's outstand- ter," the regional director said. "As far as
"Tami has a very strong foundation in ing leadership, Mary Lee added. Tami was concerned, there was no time
the chapter operations and Leaders for resting on laurels. She spearheaded
Council," wrote chapter consultant Vick- "After the New Orleans Convention in the chapter's efforts to continue to im-
ie Wills. "She is aware of her responsibili- 1983 Tami returned to Nebraska filled prove and strengthen its programs."
ties and she is dedicated to fulfilling them with ideas and suggestions for the chap-
. . . She is a model A O I I . "

A n d many agree. Zeta chapter adviser
Cindy Dumler called Tami a hard-
working and dedicated AOII.

"She strives for excellence in every-
thing she does and this quality is certain-
ly evident at Zeta," Cindy said. "She has
constantly stressed to the chapter the
small points of our Ritual that brings its
total meaning together."

Regional Director M a r y Lee Glen
wrote, "Tami is an extremely capable and
well organized chapter president. She is
an impressive young lady with intelli-
gence, thoughtfulness, and a great desire
for quality."

The chapter accomplished a number of
goals under her presidency, including an
extensive officer training workshop; in-
creased emphasis of fraternity education;
a new method of officer election and im-
proved chapter knowledge of regional
and international AOII officers.

Much of Zeta's success as a JWH chap-


Tami Leise received the JWH cup for Zeta chapter, University of Nebraska, at Convention 1983 in Tami Leise, Perry Award winner for 1984,
New Orleans from past Executive Board Director Marilyn Herman, left, and International Presi- with Mary Lee Glen, right, Region V director.
dent Ginger Banks, right.


Collegiate Chapter Commentaries

KAPPA KAPPA THETA promising for the busy Thetas who are
now in preparation for their fall informal
Ball State DePauw "Bahama Rama" dance.

Rush for the Kappa Kappas was hectic, The first order of business this school PHI O M I C R O N
as always, but very successful and excit- year for Theta chapter was the initiation
ing. The three-week event will give of four new members. Then came rush, Hanover
strength and leadership to the chapter for which turned out to be a smashing suc-
the next four years. cess for the young chapter. As fall and another school year began
in southern Indiana, the AOIIs of Hano-
Kris Dietz, rush chairman, and Mitzi Members arrived on campus two ver College were busier and more enthu-
Shinaiver, president, led the Kappa Kap- weeks before the start of the school year, siastic than ever.
pas through rush and to the victory of the first of which was spent preparing for
pledge night, when 28 pledged sisterhood rush. The second week the freshmen ar- Phi Omicron welcomed back the new
rived on campus and rush began. The school year and their new housemother,
to A o n . chapter had fantastic returns to each par- A m y Desjardin, and her nine-year-old
Laura Chamberlin, pledge trainer, had ty and ended rush with 31 new pledges, daughter, Celina.
making it one of the strongest of De-
many great ideas for the pledges. Coke pauw's 10 sororities. In early September, the AOIIs partici-
dates, study tables and weekly meetings pated in the Sigma Chi fraternity's Derby
were all in the planning. During coke A special guest was present for formal Week. The week was f u l l of games in-
dates each sister gives a pledge present to pledging ceremony. Mary Williams, In- cluding mud volleyball and the tradition-
the pledge, as an inspiration for all her ternational Director and Phi alumna, al run for the roses otherwise known as
hard work. In return, the pledges prepare witnessed the pledging of her daughter, the derby hat grab.
sisterhood dinners for all of the active Jennifer, into the chapter.
chapter. T w o weeks later, Homecoming ar-
After the excitement of rush subsided, rived. A l l of the AOIIs dressed in formals
Once again the AOIIs were shining at we settled down for the beginning of the and serenaded Homecoming queen candi-
the annual campus "Watermelon Bust." year and some of its activities, such as date, Amber Wuchter, with James Tay-
The Kappa Kappas received the award the Fall Parents' Weekend. The Thetas' lor's "You've Got a Friend." The sorority
for the most spirit, and the overall parents were honored with f u n at the house was packed with returning alum-
award. Queen candidate Gina Richy house, a Parents' Club meeting, and a nae the Saturday of Hanover's victory
placed in the top five, and participated in cookout with the women, reported Mary over Manchester.
the fall fashion show. Brusnahan.
The AOIIs of Phi Omicron were busy
With Homecoming just around the cor- A few weeks later, the AOIIs partici- as plans for rush and redecorating the
ner, the Kappa Kappas are planning a pated along with Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house continued.
great time with the Beta Theta Pis. Start- in a work project organized by the uni-
ing the celebration a week early, the Kap- versity. They spent the day helping ren- Phi Omicron is eagerly looking for-
pa Kappa chapter traveled to the Hoosier ovate a home for battered women and ward to a very successful formal winter
Dome with the Betas to see the Indiana children. rush and new year. We hope to be bigger
State Sycamores challenge the BSU and better than ever, added Kelly
Cardinals. The rest of the year looks equally Sweeney.

Theta, DePauw, members, from the left, Laura Jan Huskey, Amy Thompson, Angie Arihood, and NU BETA
Cindy Storer were among the stars in "The Best Little Sorority on Campus" rush skit.
U . of Miss.

The AOIIs of N u Beta chapter returned
to Ole Miss in early August eager to get
started on the first round of rush parties.
Everyone worked especially hard during
rush so the group celebrated with a pizza
party after the last skit party.

Rush efforts were once again rewarded
on bid day when we saw our terrific new
pledges running towards the house with
A O n bids in hand. Rush was successful in
that we not only pledged a great group of
women but also grew closer together
through all our hard work, reported
Leigh Lowry.

The AOIIs wasted no time in getting in-
volved during the fall semester. Dana Lu-
cas was chosen first alternate to the jun-
ior varsity cheerleading squad. Renee
Boatwright was selected as a Bat Girl,
and Stephanie Stroupe made the Univer-
sity Modeling Board. As a group the
AOIIs also got into the spirit of things.


They cheered on the Rebels at all the pep AOII history, play games, and enjoy be- tled to participate in fashion shows, and
rallies and were rewarded with the spirit ing together. ride in a classic car with her escort in the
stick for two consecutive weeks. Pep ral- Homecoming Parade. Tami had some
lies weren't the only activities involving The last big event of the semester was AOIIs dressed up as clowns and danced
AOIIs. the annual Rose Ball held at the Hyatt along in the parade. She was named to
Regency in Memphis. Everyone enjoyed the Homecoming Court.
Fraternity swaps with themes such as the formal and thought it was a great
toga, beach, and country club, were held way to celebrate before exams rolled Theta Psi enjoyed working with Tau
on Thursday nights during the first few around. As the semester came to an end Kappa Epsilon fraternity to build a float
weeks of the semester. the AOIIs were already making plans for which won third place.
initiation and an even more successful
During this time the pledges also re- spring term. Pledges and actives looked forward to
ceived rosebuddies. This enabled each the pledge-active soccer game held
pledge to get to know several AOIIs be- T H E T A PSI October 2 1 . Theta Psi continued another
fore big sis/Iil sis pairs were chosen. The tradition by holding a big-little pumpkin-
week was a lot of f u n for pledges and ac- U. of Toledo carving contest on Oct. 29. Pledge Train-
tives alike. Each A O I I left her little sister er Lori McCaig organized the contest.
clues all week. O n the last day the pledg- "Arabian Nights," sheiks, and colle- This project brought the big hearts and
es picked up their final clues and then giates dressed in harem outfits was the little hearts closer together.
headed to Sardis Lake to find their big scene at Theta Psi chapter's theme party.
sisters. Soon all the pairs were together A n honor was bestowed on Theta Psi
and we had a picnic dinner before going The rushees enjoyed the new skit, by a closed-party invitation by Sigma A l -
back to campus, Leigh explained. while seated under a huge tent. The girls pha M u fraternity on Nov. 2. Dressed in
sang songs including "Midnight at the suits and carrying roses, the brothers ap-
Homecoming was another big event Oasis," "Shall We Dance?," "Getting To peared at a sorority meeting in September
for the AOIIs. Several alums and parents Know You," and "Consider Yourself." to discuss the idea. Needless to say, both
stopped by the house before and after the Junior Cindy Staunton was the genie in groups are enthusiastic about getting to
game for a brunch and tea planned by the the skit. The informal preference party know one another.
alumnae relations chairman, Lori included AOII memorabilia and a slide
Wooley. The following weekend a few show depicting events that happened dur- Founders' Day is always a special time
AOII sisters f r o m Delta Delta chapter ing the past year. The final party's theme to pay tribute to AOII's founders. Special
stayed over for the Ole Miss-Auburn was "The Magic of the Rose." service awards are handed out each year
game. following the dinner and several guest
Theta Psi pledged eight women during speakers.
In October the chapter held its annual formal rush, and pledged eight more dur-
car wash for the AOII Philanthropic ing the first open rush party in October. Everyone looked forward to the big-
Foundation and participated in Ole Miss The chapter welcomed the pledges whole- little overnight—it's always fun to talk
Greek Week activities. The entire chapter heartedly, and everyone was psyched the night away and to anticipate any pos-
gathered together for the Greek Games at for more open rushing, reported Karole sible pledge pranks.
Sardis on a Friday afternoon. N u Beta Warrer.
placed first in the cup relay and egg toss Just before finals, a date night was
and second place in the pyramid building Homecoming is always an exciting scheduled. Before the women left for
contest. Overall it placed third. The next event. The theme for the 1984 Homecom- Christmas break, the annual Christmas
morning it was out to Sardis again for ing Parade was "The Sky Is The Limit." Party was held. Santa Claus (also known
chapter retreat. This was an opportunity This year junior Tami Philipp was co- as an A O I I friend) passed out coal to the
to get to know the pledges better, review sponsored by AOII and Pi Kappa Phi fra- "bad" and candy canes to "good" AOIIs.
ternity. As a candidate Tami was enti-
Northern Arizona

"Hello rushees, well hello rushees, it's
AOIIs at Nu Beta, University of Mississippi, who welcome new pledge, Jane Day, second from so nice to have you back at A O I I " started
right, include Donna Burford, Ruth Ward, Dana Lucas, Leigh Lowry, and Margie Ford. off Theta Omega's new Broadway rush
18 party. After four successful parties, AOII
pledged 12 girls and six more within a
week to total 18 pledges and double the
chapter size.

School started the day bids were ac-
cepted and chapter activities began. A
goal-planning retreat at a home in the
mountains brought sisters together as
well as helping set standards, plan activi-
ties, and discuss rush.

Intramurals began and AOII's were
seen out on the soccer field and volleyball
courts practicing for games.

Raymond Hall, Northern Arizona Uni-
versity's all-sorority dorm, hosted an
all-greek party where AOII's enjoyed vol-
leyball, frisbee, and meeting fellow

Mom and Dad's Day and Homecoming
week came back to back this year at
N A U bringing a flurry of activity. Time

was spent promoting AOII Kristin Kieft,
Panhellenic Council's nominee for Home-
coming Queen, stuffing pomps with Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon for the Homecoming float
and planning the annual alumnae break-
fast held every Homecoming Sunday for
21 years—all this, while greeting parents,
enjoying our banquet and NAU's football
game, reported Susan Kahon.

The main highlight of this semester was
the initiation of our spring pledges. As al-
ways, Inspiration Week ended with ritual
and the Initiation Banquet.

The AOIIs eagerly looked forward to
the scholarship banquet, exchanges with
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Nu, Sigma
Chi Derby Days, and the Christmas For-
mal, which approached quickly on the
fall calendar.

GAMMA SIGMA Among the AOTIs who were a part of Olympic activities during last summer were four members of
Lambda Beta, Long Beach State: left to right, Ginger Conwell, Anne Morris, Kathy Schmidt and
Georgia State Mariska Deuning.

Gamma Sigma has had very produc- Women join Olympic scene
tive summer and fall quarters.
The summer of '84 will be one to re- seeing the athletes, and trading pins w i t h
The chapter was awarded one of the member, especially for four women of other people at the games.
six "Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Lambda Beta, C a l i f o r n i a State
Awards" presented by International Pres- University-Long Beach. The Olympics, Kathy Schmidt was an Olympic securi-
ident Ginger Banks during the Leadership held last summer in Los Angeles, provid- ty guard at the handball facility at Cal
Conference held in Knoxville, Tenn., in ed the world w i t h two weeks of spectacu- State-Fullerton. She also was picked to
June. The rest of the summer was spent in lar competition, as well as some quality guard at the closing ceremonies at the
rush workshops and a rush retreat pre- entertainment. There was no better way coliseum. This is a very big honor be-
paring for fall rush at Georgia State. to feel the spirit of the Olympics than to cause out of 8,000 Wells Fargo Security
actually be a part of it, reported Jodi guards, Kathy was one of 30 to be chosen
Part of the preparation included hav- Masumoto. for the honor guard contingent on the
ing our room completely redecorated by floor of the Coliseum during the closing
Elaine McLure, who is an Atlanta interior Ginger Conwell was selected as a mem- ceremonies.
decorator and mother of one of our sis- ber of the Olympic Marching Band. She
ters, Margaret A n n . Gamma Sigma has been playing the clarinet for the Cal Out of her many experiences during
pledged quota with 29, reported Lisa State University-Long Beach marching the Olympics, Kathy's most memorable
Cape. The pledge class is busy with fund band for two years, but nothing can com- ones were seeing Carl Lewis, who was
raisers, projects, and a pledge retreat pare to the excitement of performing at just one foot in front of her, and catching
where they found out who their big sis- the Olympics. a glimpse of herself on the big screen T V
ters were. The chapter also took this op- in the coliseum as the first man came run-
portunity to show off our new room by "There was a feeling at the Olympic ning in from the Marathon.
inviting the pledges' moms for a reception games that can't be described in words.
one Sunday afternoon in October. The There was an atmosphere of pride and Mariska Deuning performed in the
patriotism throughout the Coliseum," Opening Ceremonies as a member of the
Ginger said. Tall Flag Corps. To be in the corps she
had to try out along with 500 others.
Anne Morris was a part of the venue
management staff at the Olympics. She After the tall flags performed, they
controlled restricted areas of the Los A n - were allowed to sit by the field, and
geles Coliseum. Her most exciting experi- Mariska's special moment was watching
ence during the Olympics was actually Rafer Johnson run past with the Olympic

Cathy Davis, Gamma Sigma pledge, Georgia moms had an opportunity to meet many for them. One big brother, Joe Brus, was
State, is hosting the television program of the sisters and their mothers, and to recently elected Incept (Student Orienta-
"Atlanta." find out exactly what A O I I w i l l mean to tion Program) president for 1985.
their daughters in the next few years.
The social chairman, Pam Pruitt, is a
One of the 29 special women who 1985 nominee of "Outstanding Young
pledged AOIT, Cathy Davis, is busy with Women of America." Pam has done a su-
an exciting new project. She is the hostess per job as social chairman, planning fall
for a pilot T V news and information mixers and the Christmas Cocktail in De-
show entitled "Atlanta." cember.

Last summer AOIIs honored big broth- Gamma Sigma sisters are involved all
ers with an appreciation party especially over campus. Lee A n n Palmer, Annette


Bradley, Debbie Pazman and Ethie The chapter welcomed 18 new pledges October. AOIIs teamed up with Delta
Casielles were initiated as Sigma N u little on Bid Day by picking them up in con- Tau Delta fraternity. Homecoming chair-
sisters, and Cindy Butler and Stacy Gra- vertibles. Strolling around campus, women, Anne Andersen and Nicole Mit-
ham are new Pi Kappa Alpha little sis- honking the horns, displayed excitement chellette delegated powers and duties.
ters. Janice Wohar is Sigma Phi Epsilon's and pride. Therefore, all members got a chance to
Sweetheart for 1984-85, and Laura Elliot participate.
is Pi Kappa Alpha's Dream Girl for 1984- The rest of Bid Day consisted of get-to-
85. Lisa Cape, Tara Caldwell, Diane know-your-sister games, a barbecue, a Kathryn remained busy planning the
W i l m o t , and Betsy Reese are all on Pi party with Kappa Sigma fraternity, then Fall Party f o r N o v . 3. A rented bus al-
Kappa Alpha's annual calendar. Jennifer a night out around the campus. Rosie lowed everyone to ride together, and at
Koch was selected as Cover Girl for the Kasbohm received the Best Rusher the same time served as safe transporta-
calendar. award. tion. The dinner took place at the histori-
cal St. Paul Hotel. A dance followed,
Gamma Sigma is sponsoring a seven- As for informal rush, chairwoman Lisa with top forty music provided by a sound
year-old child in India through the Chris- Adam, and her committee are well under system.
tian Children's Fund, Inc. His name is way creating a success.
Michael Rajesh and lives at the Ketti St. The women of Tau are not only social-
Michael's Girls Home. Homecoming took place in mid-

LAMBDA BETA Hooded Sweatshirt, $19.80 ORDER BLANK
Sweat Pants, $18.00 NAME
California State-Long Beach Light Lined Jacket $26.75 ADDRESS
A l l items are available in white or red
A O I l has everything you're looking for with contrasting SATIN LETTERS ITEM(S) (specify quantity, color and
AOII has everything and more and are available in athletic sizes S, M size)
AOII has everything in store f o r or L. Shipped immediately.
The girl who remembers Alpha Omi- AMOUNT ENCLOSED
cron Pi A l l items prepaid
Twenty-one enthusiastic women ap- SEND ORDER BLANK TO:
parently heeded these words and
pledged AOIT, completing a successful ALPHA OMICRON PI
week of rush. Themes for the week in- INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
cluded College Days, Fun in the Sun,
That's Entertainment, and Alice's Tea 3821 CLEGHORN AVENUE
Party. NASHVILLE, T N 37215

Lambda Betas slugged it out at Sigma
Pi's All-Sorority Softball Tournament.
AOIIs got a chance to show off their
biceps while enjoying some f u n , sun, and
healthy competition.

The chapter had an open house for the
parents of new pledges. It was a great
way for family members to get acquaint-
ed with AOII, added Jodi Masumoto.

In October AOII had its annual schol-
arship dinner to honor those women who
have excelled in scholastics. Special rec-
ognition went to Karen Kurtz, who
achieved a 4.0 last semester.

The fall 1974 pledge class of Lambda
Beta, Long Beach State, is planning a re-

A n y members of the pledge class who
have not been notified should contact
Francine Layns, 1055 East Evelyn Ave.
70, Sunnyvale, C A 94086.


U . of Minnesota

Viva la AOIl! This is one of the many
songs sung by Tau collegians during 1984
fall formal rush.

O n the first invitational day, Tau made
quite an impression! Can you imagine be-
ing greeted by a never ending line of
AOIIs wearing bright red berets and
white capri pants? The leader for that
day, Michelle McCulloch, devoted much
time to sewing black jersey shirts, each
bearing a clever AOII french cafe theme


ly active, but also involved with campus 5 made quota pledging 59 women who be-
activities, added Kay Wethern. Susan came busy with the T K E Spirit Drive and
Trombley, who is always full of school mm a pledge retreat in the Georgia moun-
spirit, is a U . of M . Gopher cheerleader. tains.
Pi Delta, University of Maryland, junior Caro-
Pamela Watson, for example, is the lyn Debona received the Wendy Stark Founda- We added more little sisters around
Panhellenic vice president, secretary of tion Memorial Scholarship given to journalism campus, Susan Brault said. These include
Mortar Board honorary society, Minne- majors. Leslis Kimmons—Sigma Chi; Jane Brown
sota state coordinator for M . A . P . C . A . , a and Sherri Stevenson—Chi Psi; Majorie
member of Rho Lambda and Order of Saffrin—Pi Kapps at Georgia Tech;
Omega, alumnae relations officer, and Stacey Morgan—Alpha Tau Omega;
corporation board liaison. Robin Dixon and Chelle Yarbrough—
Delta Tau Delta; and Sharon Haynes—
SIGMA IOTA Sigma Phi Epsilon as well as its "Queen
Western Illinois of Hearts." Linda Lewis was voted Phi
Kappa Tau sweetheart and Julie Black
Sigma Iotas have been working very was honored with Sigma Nu sweetheart.
hard this year. Sally Baily was named I I K A Dream Girl
and Tammy Burge was on the Dream
W i t h a pledge class of 16 and still more Girl court.
parties planned to meet other prospective
AOIIs, the chapter was very pleased with Susie Schreiner was first runner-up in
its rushing success. the Miss Hawaiian Tropic pageant and
won Phi Kappa Tau Miss Scrubbing Bub-
The chapter took third place in the bles. Further awards went to Donilyn
Homecoming banner contest and the Willis as she was named Miss W A G A - T V
"paint the town" competition—both rea- and Alpharetta Peach Bowl Princess.
sons to be proud.
We have some AOIIs out on the field
A special rush for advisers was being cheering on the Dogs. Lisa Waggoner and
planned at the end of the fall term to add Beth Cooley both made varsity cheer-
to the chapter's advisory committee, re- leaders. Lisa was chosen captain. She also
ported Janet Goldberg. was among the five women on the Geor-
gia Football Court.
U . of Maryland Lambda Sigma also is represented in
many honoraries. Susan Finger, Lisa
The fall semester began as Pi Delta Coker, and Linda Lewis were chosen to
opened its doors to 36 outstanding be in Golden Key Honor Society. Sharon
pledges. Haynes now is a new member of Blue
Key Honor Society and Cary Cunning-
The pledges were welcomed into a ham is in the Key Club. Lisa Lowe was
chapter house that had just received new invited to join M u Kappa Tau Marketing
carpeting in the living room, new drapes Honor Society.
and newly upholstered furniture in the
chapter room. 1 UPSILON

Along with showing off the house ren- 1 U . of Washington
ovations, Pi Deltas showed the rushees
our spirit and enthusiasm w i t h their "Sis- Pi Delta senior Sally Dembner also received a The school year is off to a great start at
terhood is . . . " slide show and a skit, Wendy Stark Foundation Memorial Scholar- the University of Washington. Active
"West Side A O I I . " ship for journalism majors. members came back to pre-rush and rush
with exciting stories f r o m summer break.
Rush chairman Michelle Mahon did a Jeannie Conlan organized a philanthropic The summer months found many mem-
fantastic job planning and getting every- casino night and car wash. bers away f r o m home in such places as
one involved in a great rush. Europe, California, the East Coast, and
Along with all this the chapter also even Alaska.
Rush was barely finished when it was found time for desserts and tailgates, as
time for Homecoming. Pi Delta teamed well as attended Panhel's annual Pledge Rush was fantastic, with large numbers
up with the brothers of Sigma Alpha Debut. at every party. The "Camp A O I I " theme
Epsilon for an exciting and fun-filled went over really well. Upsilon has a ter-
week of activities. LAMBDA SIGMA rific new pledge class of 20!
U . of Georgia
Pi Delta sisters also remained active in O n Pledge Day, after a small brunch,
campus activities. The "Wonderful World of AOII" was members and new pledges set off on a
the theme for another successful rush at picnic to nearby Cowen Park. Presenta-
Carolyn Debona and Sally Dembner the University of Georgia. Rush chair- tion Night was beautiful. The potted
were recipients of the Wendy Stark Foun- man Robin Hawksworth led the weeks of flowers from preference parties (Garden
dation Memorial Scholarship given to hard work and f u n . It all paid off as AOII Party theme) were left in place on the
journalism majors. Carolyn Debona also floor next to the walls in our large living
received the Kalegethos award given to room. They made an exquisite backdrop
the most scholastically outstanding for the introduction line for parents and
pledge in the University of Maryland friends.
greek system. Pamela Allen was appoint-
ed to the University Judicial Board. A O I I was featured on the front page of
the "Northwest Life" section of the Ever-
Katie Wohlgemuth and Brooke Glaser ett Herald. A huge color photograph was
were in charge of the annual blood drive
held in October, and Kellie Foster and 21

included in the coverage of rush at the medical student f r o m the United States are tied f o r second place. Intramural
University of Washington. It showed ac- selected to study in Germany. sports continued throughout the fall and
tives and rushees enjoying refreshments winter with volleyball, basketball, and
at one preference party. Scheduled events to bring actives and softball.
pledges together during the fall semester
Members of Upsilon drove to Vancou- have included an overnight on the floor, Not only do Rho Omicron sisters excell
ver, B.C., to aid the Beta Kappas at the a car wash, a retreat as well as a sister- in sports but in academic achievements,
University of British Columbia with their hood dinner. Other events included the too. One of their greatest accomplish-
preference parties. Everyone enjoyed a annual Girl Scout Sleep-In and Parent's ments is maintaining the highest sorority
delicious French meal, and got to know Day. GPA on campus. The scholarship com-
many Canadian sisters. mittee has encouraged the Rho Omicrons
R H O O M I C R O N colony to maintain high academic standards.
Informal rush chairman Kelly Perry Middle Tenn. State
planned many activities, such as "Video The colony worked hard to meet the
Night," for fall quarter. Chapter relations Members of Rho Omicron colony at goals for initiation scheduled in January.
chairman A m y Rood held theme dinners Middle Tennessee State University have
on Thursday nights, with such themes as started off the fall semester with a bang. "Initiation w i l l be the end of a hard
"Back to School" and "Halloween." road that many determined ladies have
The first formal rush was a great suc- traveled, and yet it is the beginning of a
Homecoming was an exciting part of cess by adding 23 new members through life long commitment to our sisters," Jen-
fall quarter, with the coronation of Shan- rush and picking up several more in con- nifer said.
non Underwood as Homecoming Prin- tinuous open bidding. The colony now
cess. We participated in the progressive has reached a total of 59 sisters. GAMMA
dinner and the wheel exchange, as well as
competing in all of the Homecoming A large part of our success in rush is U . of Maine-Orono
Week activities, reported Bunny Wood. due to the N u Omicron chapter at Van-
derbilt University, reported Jennifer Gamma chapter hopes to equal and
Founders' Day was held on N o v . 11. It Smith. "Thank you Vanderbilt!!" surpass its achievements of last spring in
was a f u n as well as inspirational experi- 1984-85.
ence f o r all. Seattle alumnae put on a Rho Omicron has participated in sever-
fashion show and the pledges were intro- al events. One of the most exciting was A t last May's Panhellenic Banquet,
duced to the alumnae. the annual Sigma Chi Derby Week. The AOII won awards for philanthropy,
colony took third place competing greek image, and greek spirit. Former
The pledge dance was Dec. 1 with a against six other sororities in a number of Gamma president, Becky Woods, was
"semi-formal" theme. Everyone looked events. named UMO's Greek Woman of the
just gorgeous, and our photographer was Year. Girl of Gamma award was shared
kept busy all night snapping pictures, Another activity Rho Omicron is com- by seniors Jo-Anne Shibles and Deb
Bunny added. peting in is intramural sports. Members Verrill, and celebrated w i t h a tea party
and colony members put together an ag- on Founders' Day. Senior Jayne Bergeron
gressive and impressive football team and

ALPHA CHI Tracy Mattingly, Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky, is the International Business and Professional
Advertising Association Scholarship winner. She received her award from Kirk Carr, the organiza-
Western Kentucky tion's vice president in charge of education/student development and industrial advertising man-
ager for the Wall Street Journal.
Looking for a lifetime of friendship and
sisterhood, Alpha Chi showed rushees
that there is "no place like A O I L "

Its campus wizard, Anne Wortham,
helped the tin man find individuality, a
scarecrow find brains, a party lion find a
good time, while 25 top pledges found a
place to call home. A lot of hard work,
the implementation of an official rush
committee and a new theme (Wizard of
Oz) made the Alpha Chis at W K U the
talk of campus during fall rush 1984.

A successful rush sent Alpha Chi into
the fall semester with high spirits ready to
carry on the tradition of Kappa Delta
Washboard Jamboree and Sigma Nu
Powderpuff. Alpha Chi proves to be the
only sorority on the hill to win both for
three consecutive years. Whether work-
ing as a team or individually Alpha Chis
find success.

Alpha Chi is very proud of its sisters'
accomplishments. Tracy Mattingly was
one of four college students in the United
States to win the International-Business
and Professional Advertising Scholarship
Awards. These scholarships were given
to exceptional college juniors seriously
interested in pursuing careers in business

Astrid Hoffman was the only W K U


was elected to the A l l Maine Women
Honor Society.

Gamma chapter has had the second-
highest grade point average for campus
sororities for three semesters in a row.

In September, we played and won a
mudbowl against Alpha Phi. A t the Or-
ganizational Fair, Gamma won the Punt,
Pass and Kick contest sponsored by the
guys of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Don't let any-
one say we are not athletic in Maine, re-
ported Kelli Theriault.

The mention of athletics reminds Gam-
mas of their Trampoline-A-Thon held on
Oct. 18. Sigma Chi kindly loaned their
front lawn and participated in jumping,
too. The Trampoline-A-Thon lasted 24
hours and all proceeds went to the AOII
Philanthropic Foundation for arthritis re-

Oct. 20 was Homecoming weekend
and members celebrated by attending the
football game together, with painted
faces, and, of course, wearing AOII let-
ters. Senior Heidi Spiegel was one of five
finalists chosen f o r candidates as Home-
coming Queen. Alumnae were invited to
a punch and cheese party after the game.

LAMBDA CHI Alpha Phi's Kristy Harris, left, as a flapper, and Sharon Henriques, as the "Goodship AOII," were
a part of the chapter's rush success last fall.
THETA CHI drifting skyward and 52 women enthusi-
Returning f r o m a summer of rest and astically greeting the rushees on a sunny
relaxation, the AOIIs of Lambda Chi Morningside College day was part of the house tour party. A
chapter are ready for a f u l l year. slide show that evening to " We Are A
The AOIIs of Theta Chi chapter have Family" from the broadway play "Dream
A t its Leadership Conference last sum- always been proud of their house and Girls" made all laugh, cry, and realize
mer, the Lambda Chis won an achieve- they certainly proved it this fall during how special AOII sisterhood really is.
ment award and four rush awards. The rush workshop week. By rush week
sisters planned a Rock-a-thon for the A r - which was A u g . 27-30 the house and Philanthropy was in the limelight now
thritis Foundation on Oct. 19-20, as well yard were looking great. as they prepared for the Annual A O I I
as the annual pledge luau on Oct. 26. Spookhouse held Oct. 30 and 31. The
Different activities during the week in- men of Lambda Chi Alpha helped them
The sisters of AOII are very involved cluded a Greek Picnic, Red and White thrill the visitors to the "Haunted House"
on campus this year. Sandy Johnson was Night, Candyland Skit, and Preference/ to raise funds for the Arthritis Founda-
elected SGA women's vice president and Red Rose Night. tion.
Katherine Keith was elected SGA secre-
tary. Two other AOIIs, Celeste Kenney Formal pledging took place on Sept. 21 Sigma Chi Derby Days, Homecoming,
and Sheryl Stallings, are LC basketball with five women pledged. The five are Founders' Day, and Fall Party which is
cheerleaders for the 1984-85 season. Julie presently going through pledge training planned as a surprise by the pledge class
Roberts, Cindy Halstead, Melanie Faith, and will be initiated in January. are just a few of the events on the agen-
Melanie Williams, and Celeste Kenney da. Involvement with campus activities-
are LaGrange College Hilltoppers who The AOIIs welcomed their new house Spurs, Mortar Board, Orientation Staff,
are hostesses for the campus. mom with a cheese and punch party in little sister programs, Colorguard and
September. many more—are keeping the Alpha Phis
No one can accuse the Lambda Chis of very busy. Scholarship is still a priority.
being uninvolved on campus. Scholasti- The week of Sept. 23-29 was Greek They are trying to uphold last year's
cally, the Lambda Chis won the Mamie Week, which included events such as award for the highest grade point average
Lark Henry Scholarship cup for the 14th Greek Olympics, picnics, the A l l Campus among greek women.
consecutive quarter. Scholarship chair- Social, and a hayride.
man Laurie Thompson accepted the
award. Other fall events for Theta Chi chapter
were Parents Weekend on N o v . 10 and
The chapter also won the Stepsinging 11 and Christmas Cozy on Dec. 1.
competition f o r the fifth consecutive
year. The Stepsinging competition occurs ALPHA PHI IOTA SIGMA
during LCs May Day Festivities in which Iowa State
different campus organizations compete Montana State
with their musical abilities. The new school year was off to a great
It was an exciting and spirit-filled fall start for the Iota Sigma chapter with yet
The sisters also walked away with the morning when Alpha Phi pledged 26 another successful and fun-filled rush.
W A A all sports award for the fifth con- women! The chapter picked up 26 women.
secutive year.
New variations on party themes added In mid-September, the chapter came
to the success of 1984 rush. Red balloons away with a second place victory in Sig-


ma Chi Derby Days after participating in pledge philanthropy while also compet- paign in Fairfax, Iowa; raising money
the 36-hour trampoline marathon, derby ing in Derby Days. The week was high- and walking for CROP; entering a float
snatch, and Olympics. lighted by the pledges winning first place in the Homecoming parade and planning
in the spirit category. a Halloween parade for the children in
Homecoming in late October was cele- the community sponsored by Coe Col-
brated with the men of Alpha Sigma Phi. The next week, following Derby Days, lege.
Together the pair sponsored a 24 hour the sisters showed true spirit by promot-
teeter-totter marathon to raise money for ing their philanthropy, a team triathlon. Alpha Theta was honored by the arriv-
the A0I1 Philanthropic Foundation for The Triathlon, organized by Barbara al of Jessie Marie Cramer and husband
Arthritis Research. Henken, was a team event in which the Wes on Oct. 14-16. A dinner was held to
first member ran 1.25 miles, the second welcome them. During their stay a tour
The Iowa State greek system was se- member swam 400 yards, and the last of Cedar Rapids, ritual and a special
lected to host the annual MIFCA/ person tackled an obstacle course. With meeting to hear of Jessie's experiences in
M A P C A conference in October. The Iota the help of the 31 teams entered, and Alpha Omicron Pi were held.
Sigma chapter met many AOIIs f r o m the more canning, the sisters proudly raised
five states present. $1,200 for the Arthritis Foundation. Even Our deep appreciation is extended to
though the sisters and pledges had mid- Jessie Marie and Wes—forever like the
We made our Founders' Day celebra- terms, projects, and papers due during rose, added Heidi Swanson.
tion extra special by inviting alumnae that week, the true meaning of sisterhood
and collegiate chapter members from Coe emerged as they pulled together to make TAU OMICRON
College and Morningside College to join the Triathlon a success. UT-Martin
with us in the festivities. A banquet was
held and entertainment was provided The AOIIs participated in Homecoming Spring quarter really set the pace for
through a combined effort between the with Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity and the Tau Omicrons and geared them up
alumnae and active collegiate chapter Greek Sing with Delta Chi fraternity. for a smashing fall.
members, reported Kathy Egan.
ALPHA THETA Spring events included Phi Sig Follies
Members practiced hard to combine Coe College and All-Sing. The AOIIs captured first
singing and dancing talents with the men place in the sorority division of All-Sing
of Beta Theta Pi to make Varieties '85 As the academic year began at Coe as well as Best of Show.
performance a winner. College, Alpha Theta chapter greeted the
campus with enthusiasm. Rush song and The Tau Omicrons realized that even
M a n y Iota Sigma AOIIs have been skit practices started promptly. A lot of though they were low in numbers this
busy w i t h campus and extracurricular ac- hard work brought 16 pledges to AOII. year, they were not low in spirit and
tivities. Jean Otteson, a senior public re- ambition. The chapter started this year
lations major, is the founding president Kathi Hammond, Alpha Theta, Coe College, off right with a fantastic rush and
of the Iowa State chapter of the Public greeted president Ronald Reagan during his pledged 30.
Relations Student Society of America fall visit to Iowa.
which prepares students for the profes- After things got started, there was no
sional world. Senior Deb Ubl was named The chapter also has participated in stopping the AOIIs. Homecoming fever
to Psi Chi, a national honorary for psy- several social events. One event was an has hit U T M and they were caught up in
chology students. Three AOIIs are new acceptance to attend a social gathering at the whirlwind of events that followed re-
wrestling cheerleaders: Val Meinhardt, Psi Omega, a Delta fraternity in Iowa ported by Lori Kessler.
Deb Emmert and Nancy Lecompte. City. The chapter also held an inner-
Pledge Carrie Rois sang with Barry sorority party to welcome the new pledg- PHI SIGMA
Manilow when he was here in concert. es. The chapter also enjoyed the pledge Kearney State
dance and Orange Crush, traditional fall
EPSILON ALPHA activities. The fall semester for the Phi Sigs began
Aug. 20 when members moved back into
Penn. State Alpha Theta volunteered services as the house for pre-rush work week.
hostesses f o r President Reagan's cam-
A t the beginning of this new school In between moving boxes and hanging
year the Epsilon Alphas immediately be- pictures they practiced skits, brushed up
gan preparing for fall formal rush. A l l the on rush techniques, painted, sang, and
preparation, hard work, and dedication for a little extra f u n the seniors kid-
by the sisters and the rush chairmen, Jan napped the whole house and treated them
Klingler and Kim Nestor, paid off when to donuts at 6 a.m. But all the hard work
the chapter achieved Panhel's quota of 33 and patience paid off as they filled quota
pledges. by pledging 34 wonderful women, added
Jennifer Evans.
The following week after rush, the sis-
ters of Epsilon Alpha helped Delta Tau Enthusiasm has been running high dur-
Delta fraternity co-sponsor a Bed Roll ing the busy and fun-filled first few weeks
benefiting the American Heart Associa- of school. The initiates and pledges en-
tion. The Bed Roll consisted of brothers joyed serenading the fraternities, raising
and sisters rolling a hospital bed 100 money f o r the pledge class with a car
miles f r o m Hershey to State College over wash and pancake feed and attending
a period of three days. The AOIIs and the various functions. Between a hayrack
Delts "rolled" on to raise more than ride with the Beta Sigs, a toga party with
$9,000 through donations per mile and the Alpha Tau Omegas and a beach party
canning. with the Phi Delts members have been
having a good time. The first date func-
After one day of recuperation f r o m the tion, Cow-Pi, was a foot-stomping good
Bed Roll, the highly motivated pledge time with everyone dressing in cowboy
class participated in Sigma Chi's week- attire.
long Derby Days. The pledges canned for
the Ronald McDonald House as their


Rocking Chair Marathon also was re- The annual fall rush retreat was held at pledges dressed as characters f r o m the
cently completed i n the f a l l as they a nearby lake cabin once again. The "Wizard."
rocked 72 hours, in the rain, for the A r - fresh, brisk mountain air is always con-
thritis Foundation. A little water didn't ducive to creativity. It was a weekend of Alumnae and parents joined in on the
dampen spirits as they raised approxi- hard work and hard play. f u n as Sigma Rho hosted a tail gate party
mately $2,000. A new edition this year, before the Homecoming football game.
the guest chair, was filled with such rock- Christmas brought our favorite in-
ers as KSC's president and various inter- house celebration. Our Christmas party Six members were recognized for out-
ested students and faculty. was room parties decorated according to standing scholastic performance, includ-
various themes and a contest for the best ing Linda Jay's Diamond Jubilee Scholar-
Efforts in October turned toward hav- Christmas cookie. Following the stuffing ship.
ing a great Homecoming. AOLTs built a came the unwrapping of packages by the
float w i t h the Sig Eps and participated in tree and discovering who had been K A P P A PI
such events as musical chairs, pie-eating Rosebuddies for the quarter. Ohio Northern
contest, the yell contest, and, of course,
cheering the Lopers on. Other sisters have had exciting fall "Just follow the ruby brick road," re-
quarters as well. Cindi Crilly, a late plies Glenda the good witch to a rushee.
BETA RHO spring quarter initiate has been selected This is just one of the scenes f r o m Kappa
U . of Montana as the first woman president of the Gen- Pi's rush theme, "The Wizardry of A O I I . "
eral Assembly for Model United Nations. 15 pledges chose the ruby brick road and
Beta Rho is really on the go! through open bidding three more were
September brought us into the year KAPPA OMICRON added.
with formal rush. Regional Vice Presi- Rhodes College
dent Audrey Humason and RD Kathy He
Busch, were present to help polish and Beginning of the new school year iver
perfect completely revamped party meant a busy time for the Kappa Omi-
themes. Rush ended with a giant splash cron chapter at Rhodes College. Rush k
of color in the form of a garden prefer- was very successful this year. The chap- Karen Suchanek, Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern
ence party with plenty of pastels—from ter almost doubled its size with the new University, was a member of the Homecoming
long dresses to flowers to sherbert! pledge class. Court.
A n all-greek dance and our alum-
sponsored pledge dessert were just two of To get to know the new pledges better A faculty tea was held by the chapter
the ways we welcomed our new pledges members had a homemade ice cream so- in September to better acquaint the sisters
into the fold, reported Susan L. Wordal. cial and a planned study break each week with Ohio Northern's administration.
with the new pledges. To celebrate The event was quite a success as it was
Lori Serviss, Beta Rho, was elected University Homecoming the chapter participated in the first time a greek organization on
of Montana Homecoming Queen. the pep rally and had a tea for alums, campus held an informal gathering with
added Karen Summers. the staff.
Yet another highlight of fall quarter
was the University of Montana Home- To raise money for the AOII Philan- Homecoming was a fun-filled event full
coming. During this special week Beta thropic Foundation philanthropy chair- of excitement as the Kappa Pis pushed
Rho conducted the annual Grizzly M u m man Mindy Gard organized a Halloween their way toward victory at the push-
Sale. The highlight of the sale was AOIIs stick-up. AOIIs became trick-or-treaters mobile races for the seventh year in a
V W "Bug" decorated as a mum corsage with masks and makeup and went door row. Homecoming queen candidate Kar-
for the parade. Members walked along- to door collecting change. Members are en Suchanek participated in the Home-
side the " M u m Bug" selling corsages to also active on campus. Michelle Scott be- coming parade as several other sisters dis-
the crowd. We found it to be great PR came a I I K A little sister and Katherine played their talents on the flag corps and
and much f u n as well! Following the pa- Bres was in the McCoy Theater's produc- in band. A spaghetti dinner was prepared
rade the chapter held a pre-game lunch- tion of "Gondoliers." Past chapter presi- by the pledges for corporation and alum-
eon for parents and members. To top off dent Paula Millirons ran a smooth rush nae of the chapter.
an exciting Homecoming week, sisters as president of Panhellenic council.
w a t c h e d at the c o r o n a t i o n as L o r i AOII energies also were directed to oth-
Serviss, chapter president, was crowned SIGMA RHO er events including student government,
1984 Homecoming Queen!! Slippery Rock as the hard work of student senate Angie

Sigma Rho chapter started its fall rush 25
with a "Travel Through Disney."

Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and the
Seven dwarfs accompanied the AOIIs
dressed as children. The theme proved to
be a success as we rushed nine new pledg-
es. Through continuous opening bidding,
we have added three more pledges and
with our continuous effort, we hope to
add more, reported Brenda Lee White.

Homecoming at "The Rock" was a big
hit for Sigma Rho. They teamed up with
the Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity in the
float competition. After hours of hard
work, Sigma Rho came out ahead with
the first place float. "Wizard of Oz" was
the theme for the competition. Sisters and

Tyler enabled change in Northern's visi- 1 summer she studied at O x f o r d University
tation policy. Pledges Kathy DeFabio and on a graduate scholarship. President Lin-
Chrisy Montana also were elected this Some things never change. Kappa Pi, Ohio da Madden also received a Diamond Ju-
fall to serve as members of the Student Northern University, won the pushmobile race bilee Foundation scholarship at the
Senate, added Cheryl Mumma. for the 11th out of 12 years, this time with the meeting.
help of (from the left) Liane Harsh, Laura Mar-
The Kappa Pi chapter has long been i n - tin, Jennifer Whelan, Denise Scotch and Julia The fall semester began successfully
volved in sports activities and this year is Bianchi (driver.) with a great rush, added Robin Moore. Pi
no exception. Kathy Hinkle has helped to Alpha pledged 20 women, the largest
make the O N U volleyball team second in They raised more than $400 at the annual pledge class on campus. Alumna Mary
the N C A A Midwest III Division and sev- Slave Sale. A r t h u r served as a rush counselor.
eral pledges participated on the JV volley-
ball squad. The chapter also has organ- The AOIIs have several resident advis- During Greek Week the Alphas proved
ized teams for intramural flag football ers: Cynthia Lamar, Paige Perkins, Ellen to be champions by earning first place in
and volleyball. Furio, Adelia Patrick, Chris Wenning, Greek Games, the Lambda Chi Alpha
Kathy Burnett, and Meredith Folland. All Watermelon Bust, and the Kappa Sigma
DELTA CHI of these women were very busy with the Scavenger Hunt.
opening of the school year and will be
U . of Delaware kept busy through out the year. The Pi Alphas also are involved in
many honorary societies and campus ac-
Fall brought with it warmer than nor- Tau Delta has little sisters in every fra- tivities.
mal temperatures and 19 enthusiastic ternity on campus. We are proud of our
pledges to the Delta Chis at the Universi- newest little sisters—Kappa Alpha, Pi Alpha has also been busy with phil-
ty of Delaware. As the season finally set- Adelia Patrick; Theta Chi, Leela Sistla; anthropic work. Members volunteered
tled into a chilly October, the AOIIs set- and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Judy Hastings, at the Arthritis Telethon and at the Louis-
tled into the events of the new school and Maria Adlercruetz. ville Zoo giving out candy to children on
year. Halloween. Money for arthritis was
The AOIIs of Birmingham-Southern re- raised by an A O I I Pie Throwing Contest
Keeping warm is a lot easier than keep- ceived the B-SC Panhellenic Philanthrop- and a sale of raffle tickets to the Denny
ing busy—so goes the theories of Delta ic Plaque for the past school year as well Crum Invitational Dinner, which benefit-
Chi. Mixers with many fraternities on as the B-SC Panhellenic Scholarship ed arthritis.
campus have been successful in addition Award (the highest GPA on campus),
to the Founders' Day Formal, a hayride added Sonya Thomas. With the help of Pi Alpha's corpora-
and other activities. tion board, the chapter hopes to obtain a
PI A L P H A house by the end of the year.
Greek activities also kept the AOIIs U . of Louisville
busy. Greek Weekend was filled with ac- CHI DELTA
tivities and the AOIIs proved themselves The spring and fall semesters of 1984
a tough bunch as they captured the tro- proved to be a great time for Pi Alpha as U . of Colorado
phy in the touch football competition. it reached its first year as a chapter at UL.
A t Greek Awards, the Alphas received Chi Delta is well into another prosper-
Philanthropic projects also were high the Outstanding Sorority of the Year ous year.
on the Delta Chi agenda. With local A r - A w a r d . AOIIs Jeanine Phillips and Jenni-
thritis Foundation representatives the fer Ackerman also were selected as the During formal rush the chapter
chapter planned a trick or treat for Outstanding Junior and Sophomore So- pledged 53 women and brought chapter
arthritis. rority Women. membership to 120.

TAU DELTA Pi Alpha hosted the Region IV Leader- It has been a cozy time f o r the 40 wom-
Birmingham-Southern ship Conference this summer and won en who have been living in the chapter
awards f o r the best rush display and house. While fire escapes were being built
The women of Tau Delta anxiously highest scholarship. T w o members also the 40 slept side by side on the floor in ei-
awaited the end of summer to set in ac- received recognition at the 1984 confer- ther the basement or formal living room.
tion the rush activities. The summer rush ence. Tonya York, past president of Pi
workshop was held last August in Bir- Alpha and one of its original founders, Most would not have considered the
mingham. Attendance was excellent and was given the Helen Haller A w a r d . This two month camp-out much fun, but the
the women were then prepared for the chapter pulled through with flying col-
main event—rush. ors, thanks to its president, Cassy
Thompson, reported Kerry McGettigan.
As rush began, everyone was excited "We have learned what true sisterhood
about being back with old friends and can mean."
making many new ones. The women
worked together to reach their goals. OMEGA OMICRON
Rush was very successful—22 new Lambuth College
pledges (which was quota). Bid Day was
exciting for all. That night the actives, Roses are continually blooming for the
pledges, and big brothers enjoyed being women of Omega Omicron—from social
together at a cookout on Maria Alder- gatherings and teas to money-making
cruetz'sJarm. Later in September every- projects, campus organizations and life as
one enjoyed a pledge party at Melanie college students, part-time employees and
Luther's lake house, featuring the Extras. leaders of school organizations.
Even the rain couldn't keep this group
down. This year is proving to be one of the
best ever. A busy and fun-filled year be-
Formal pledging was September 23. A t gan with an exciting rush retreat. The
this time the pledges were introduced to chapter pledged 18 women who are be-
their big sisters. The new pledges were coming active within the sorority as well
most energetic and ready to be involved. as being active in social organizations.
Cindy Blankenship, Pamela Belch and
26 Angela Long have been named as mem-

bers of the annual staff, along with Jean- ternities and sororities from George Ma- to Opryland f o r a day. Their pledge for-
nie Lee, who is a junior. Bonnie Ander- son University at Myrtle. The chapter mal was on N o v . 17 and held with the
son was named Senator of Sprague Hall had a barbecue cookout and an ice cream new Sigma Chi pledges. Socials are
and Lea Helen Evans received Honorable party, but the whole week was an oppor- planned with several groups on campus,
Mention in the "Coffee House Papers." tunity to meet people f r o m the other fra- as well as meetings on Tuesdays under
Rachel Jackson is exercising her school ternities and sororities. the direction and care of Susan Nadol-
spirit as cheerleader this year and Gay sky, pledge educator.
Carole Lester is Panhellenic president. AOIIs started off the school year with a
fantastic rush, reported Connie Velez. The 24th annual AOII Arthritis Benefit-
We have raised money for our budget We have 23 new pledges, the chapter's ing Barbeque was held on Oct. 13 before
and philanthropy, added Kimberly Belch. biggest pledge class ever. It also is the the U.T.-Florida State game. More than
We first began with our annual Fun in the largest sorority pledge class on George 2,000 volunteer fans enjoyed a delicious
Sun Bahama Bash which is held every Mason's campus. pre-game lunch and had fun listening to
September. the music of Steve Slayden, husband of
Aside from a visit and plenty of AOIT AOII Cheryl. Hog Callin' contests added
October brought to campus a new style sightseeing with chapter consultant to the mid-morning f u n .
twist—a Ghostbuster Party and Novem- Therese McKee, the chapter looked for-
ber, a pig roast. ward to the social with Pi Delta chapter AOITs filled the ranks of fraternity little
from the University of Maryland, the sisters all the way down the "Row." Fra-
Pledges were involved in a project of George Mason food drive, a carwash, ternities choosing our girls were Sigma
their own. They raffled a magnavox ster- and the annual semi-formal put on by the Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta
eo cassette player. pledge class. Theta, Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta,
Alpha Tau Omega, and Pi Kappa Alpha.
Members wrapped gifts at booths set OMICRON
up in a nearby mall during Christmas, U . of Tenn.-Knoxville Omicron enjoyed the Homecoming fes-
helping a local Arthritis Club with the tivities with Phi Delta Theta. Maria
project. AOITs also helped a Lions Club The fall started out with a flourish of Butcher was chosen to represent the two
who worked to raise money f o r sight roses—37 new pledges joined the A O I I groups as a Homecoming Queen con-
preservation. ranks in Knoxville, much to the delight of testant.
rush chairman Shelley Kelso and advisers
KAPPA ALPHA Dianne McMillin and Debbie Diddle. SIGMA PHI
Cal. State-Northridge
Indiana State Bid Day's welcome to the new sisters
began with a poolside luncheon at the The summer of 1984 was filled with
The Kappa Alpha chapter at Indiana home of alum Priscilla Siler. Pledges were hard work and good times for Sigma Phi
State University is proud to report that greeted by a group of enthusiastic alum- chapter.
Brenda Lee Staton is the 1984 ISU Home- nae and eager collegians, and given red
coming Queen. Brenda, selected by the T-shirts which proclaimed to the campus Late nights, "and well into the morning
student body f r o m a field of 15 candi- that they were new AOIIs!! The fall was a hours" were spent painting, drawing, and
dates, was featured at the annual Blue busy one for the new AOIIs as they at- choreographing dances f o r the big days
and White parade which is recognized as tended a pledge retreat which took them that were ahead. When rush finally did
the largest student-organized Homecom- arrive, we were ready for our Color Me
ing parade in the nation, and the football ft* AOII, Roaring 20's, Camp AOII, and
game against Drake University. Preference Days. The hard work definite-
r - T1 ly paid off for we were successful in
Brenda is also involved at ISU as a uni- pledging 40 wonderful women, reported
versity hostess in the Blue Beret Corps, Lee Anne M o x .
and as a member of the Order of Omega
Greek honorary and the Alpha Eta Rho Next, efforts were put into planning a
professional flight fraternity. She has also philanthropic event, M r . Fraternity.
been honored with listings in Who's Who Twelve contestants were judged in the
Among American College Students and categories of formal wear, bathing attire,
Outstanding Young Women of America, entertainment, and a question and an-
as well as being a calendar girl for two swer segment. The evening was a great
campus fraternities: Pi Kappa Alpha success and raised $1000 f o r the AOII
Dream Girl 1982-83 and Lambda Chi A l - Philanthropic Foundation.
pha Rose-Hulman 1984-85. She is also a
member of Junior Union Board and secre- Linda Davis, chapter consultant from
tary of Tandemonia Steering Committee. Penn. State, visited in October. We
gained a great amount of knowledge and
Brenda is also involved within the Kap- insight f r o m Linda and are applying her
pa Alpha. She was 2nd vice president, new ideas to Sigma Phi, Lee Anne said.
and pledge educator for 1984. She danced
in Campus Revue for 3 years. In 1984 she SIGMA OMICRON
received Campus Revue Scholarship, and Arkansas State
captured the "Rose A w a r d " f r o m her
chapter. The AOII is a senior majoring in The year has started out with a bang
speech communication theory, and re- for the women of Sigma Omicron. The
search and minoring in aerospace tech- chapter began the year by pledging 33
nology. women who are excited about A O I I .

GAMMA ALPHA Brenda Stanton, Kappa Alpha, Indiana State We really enjoyed having chapter con-
George Mason University, was named Homecoming Queen sultant Mari Cole visiting during rush.
during the campus 1984 celebration. She had a lot of ideas f o r the chapter, re-
The Gamma Alpha chapter of AOII be- ported Janie Tanner.
gan its summer with a vacation at Myrtle
Beach, S.C. AOII joined all the other fra- 27

The year may have just begun but Congratulations must go to Lisa
members have already started to receive Dumpleman, Sigma Tau Gamma White
many honors on campus. The men of Pi Rose Queen and one of three finalists in
Kappa Alpha selected eight f r o m the their national sweetheart competition.
chapter as Little Sisters. It also placed Michele Berlin won the Miss Woodstock
2nd in Pi Kappa Alpha Lif Olympics and pageant and soon w i l l be seen in the Miss
3rd in intramural football. Carole Anne Illinois pageant.
Williams was voted Tau Kappa Epsilon
Pledge Class Sweetheart. A O I I president Joan Stumpf recently
named Outstanding Greek and to the
Three f r o m Sigma Omicron were in the Senior 100 Honorary, w i l l be our candi-
Arkansas Rice Festival Pageant. Yvette date for Queen!
Norris and Jennifer Beard made it to the
top 12. Cindy Hovis, chapter relations Lisa Dumpleman, Iota, University of Illinois, T H E T A PI
chairman, was the fourth runner-up. We was crowned Sigma Tau Gamma White Rose
are really proud of these girls. Queen and became one of three finalists for Wagner
the fraternity's national title.
Mary Swindoll, philanthropic chair- The fall semester certainly proved to be
man, has really kept the chapter busy this lowed by a party with Delta Sigma Phi a busy, yet productive one f o r the sisters
year. The chapter adopted a little girl and a champagne breakfast hosted by of Theta Pi chapter. The first two weeks
from Africa through the Christian Chil- Delta Upsilon. of school, the sisters pitched in together
dren Fund. We will also team up with the and helped to remodel the sorority
men of Tau Kappa Epsilon on a joint AOIIs have not stopped since. Football lounge to prepare for upcoming rushes.
project in the Jonesboro community. season began with the largest tailgate par- Through a combined effort, the lounge
ty in the world, the Illini Tailgreat. AOII was repainted, rearranged, and recently
The chapter worked with the Tau Kap- captured second place in the student divi- had new doors, new furniture, and a col-
pa Epsilon on a Homecoming display and sion keeping in the "On the Boardwalk" or television installed.
enjoyed the formal Rose Ball which was theme of the event with its entry "The
at the beginning of December. Illini Monopolize the Big 10!" Everyone Wagner held its first annual Activities
dressed as different places on the board Fair in September. Various campus
KAPPA OMEGA f r o m Park Place to Reading Railroad to groups, organizations, sororities and fra-
U . of Kentucky Go! ternities set up booths at the student
union to familiarize new students with
With a great rush still in mind, the AO enthusiasm could not be beat as the activities available on campus. Theta
thought of having a new house, and hav- Iota walked off with the Sigma Chi Der- Pi set up its A O I I display booth which
ing two women up for Homecoming roy- by Days Spirit Award. The cheering paid contained several items such as AOII
alty, AOIIs were looking forward to a off as our queen candidate made finals sweatshirts, banners, bumper stickers,
successful year. and those fantastic pledges took first pictures, pledge pins, colony pins, AOII
place in the Trivial Pursuit contest, re- badges, roses, issues of To Dragma, and
Pledging over quota they have 42 fan- ported Jill Thomas. a three-foot Panda Bear. Chapter mem-
tastic pledges. bers were at the display table to answer
Next, Iotas put all their energy into any questions that potential rushees
The new house, which will have room philanthropy with the first annual Dou- might have about AOII.
for 56, will be finished in August. A l l of ble Racket Tennis Tournament. Laura
us had the chance to give input on the de- Leonard and Carolyn Welch, philanthro- Homecoming was held in late Septem-
sign of the house and it was unanimously py chairwomen, put long hours into or- ber with the theme of "Walt Disney." The
decided that the house design would be ganization and promotion of the event, Theta Pis participated in a float parade
English tudor. The house w i l l also be but the hard work paid off as Iota raised with a float of the Mickey Mouse Club
completely air-conditioned and have wall funds for the Arthritis Foundation. Hat and dressed as the mousekateers.
to wall carpeting. Our enthusiasm Junior Theta Pi K i m Giordano was elect-
mounts as we watch the house being One of the most exciting events of this ed Homecoming princess to reign over
built, added Laura Emery. semester has been AOII's 5th Annual Kid- the day's festivities. K i m is a nuclear
nap! When they least expect it, three or medicine major at Wagner.
The chapter gained even more momen- four AOIIs (with squirt guns loaded)
tum when two members were among the burst into their favorite fraternity and The fall rush ended quite successfully
16 finalists of the Homecoming court. carry off several men to a party. Every- for the Theta Pis since they obtained
Peggy Noe and Mendy Cumberledge one had a great time and the "guests" more pledges than any other sorority on
were picked f r o m 38 and helped to repre- went home with a T-shirt and a button campus.
sent AOII on campus. that says " M y Heart Was Kidnapped by
Oct. 19-21 was Wagner's annual Greek
IOTA Aon." Weekend. Senior Lori Mayercik who is
U . of Illinois currently the chapter's senior Panhell rep-
resentative was elected chairman of
Iotas started the semester with a bang! Greek Weekend.
Rush was a huge success as the chapter
not only pledged 48 women, but was fea- O M I C R O N PI
tured in a two-page article in the Chicago
Sun-Times focusing on sorority rush at U . of Michigan
the University of Illinois, the largest
greek system in the U.S. Reporters went Fall started early for the Omicron Pis,
to all 24 sororities, but concentrated on w i t h a rush retreat Sept. 2-6 that will not
AOII. Bid Night was great fun, beginning soon be forgotten.
with a B-B-Q at the house allowing ev-
eryone to get to know the new AOIIs, f o l - The chapter made a road trip to the
Crow Estate, home of our dedicated rush
chairman. After an evening of "Sister
Feud" and a presentation on "Rush as a


Marketing Technique" (given by Profes- tinual. In the midst of football games Other socials scheduled for the fall se-
sor Crow), we turned in, reported Debra and exchanges ( w i t h themes such as mester were with Phi Delta Theta, Kappa
Klueger. Around the World, Hard Rock Cafe, Alpha and Kappa Sigma fraternities.
Shades and Shorts, and even a brunch ex-
O n the morning of Sept. 3, the chapter change before one of our football games), Many AOIIs are active on campus.
left Kalamazoo and headed for Sigmas had a big/lil sis fireside, a pledge/ Chaney Gazzam, a new fall pledge, is
Mattawan. A Ropes and Initiatives alum brunch, intramural volleyball and Delta Upsilon fraternity's sweetheart. Eva
Course took up most of the day. A t the Softball games, and a w i l d Set-Up-Your- Pierogowski became a Diamond Doll, a
end of a long day in Mattawan, the chap- Roommate Party. select group of women who assist the UF
ter left with a renewed feeling of trust baseball team.
and sisterly love from all the team effort Furthermore, the Sigmas have also
that the day had demanded. They learned been active in the community. Beginning Tricia Adams took over as Panhellenic
that almost anything can be accom- last spring and continuing through this public relations chairman. Tchad Wright,
plished with a team effort. With this year, they have been tutoring students at Sue Senft, Suzanne Gish and Carol
thought in mind, they set out with super a local elementary school. A t one of our Szymke have been selected for member-
enthusiasm for fall rush. house meetings last fall, Malcolm X Ele- ship in Golden Key.
mentary School presented to Sigma
Regional Director Fudge Skaff and past chapter a certificate of appreciation for Early this fall, many alumnae got a
RRO Cindy Skaff attended a chapter outstanding community service. chance to see old friends and share fond
mixer party on Sept. 6. International Vice memories during the Alumnae Reunion.
President of Development Peg Crawford Members also participated in a South- Ma Blackburn, housemother to Gamma
joined the chapter for the third round side Clean-up Day to tidy up around the Omicron for 20 years, made a special ap-
party in late September. Regional Exten- campus, and also entered three teams in pearance.
sion Officer Jo Nowak spoke at the Rose the Annual Phi Psi 500 to raise money for
Banquet for the first spring pledge class the Children's Hospital. Gamma Omicron also enjoyed a spe-
Initiation on Sept. 28. cial visit from Regional Director, Judy
As for its own Arthritis Foundation Jolly.
Oct. 3 was a great day for all, as the philanthropy, Sigma chapter had its sec-
hard work of formal fall rush 1984 paid ond and even more successful Ice Cream DELTA OMEGA
off. Since then, open rush has been un- Social with toppings galore!
derway and several activities have been Murray State
planned for the chapter and pledges, BETA T A U
from fraternity happy hours, a trip to a The school year was definitely off to a
cider mill, participation in Sigma Chi U. of Toronto great start, especially when 22 new pledg-
Derby Days, touch football, a Halloween es ran into the AOII suite on the last day
party, a visit by Chapter Consultant Cin- In March, Beta Tau became a spaghetti of rush after accepting their bids.
dy Swartzfager in October, a road trip to lovers fantasy come true. In this annual
another AOIT chapter in November, Par- fund-raising event for the Arthritis Before we settled into the routine of
ent's Day, to the annual Snow Ball Dance Foundation, the sisters become cooks, school, we held a retreat to Kenlake with
in December. waitresses and dishwashers. Strong par- the pledges in order to welcome them to
ticipation from the University of Toronto their new "family." To further celebrate
SIGMA community reinforced AOITs high profile our happiness, we took an entire day off
on campus. and bravely floated down the river in ca-
UC-Berkeley noes . . . well, some of us had canoes! It
Beta Tau's Housing Corp. deserves was a wet and wild time, reported Patty
The first half of fall semester at Sigma special appreciation for their dedication Ringering.
chapter has been filled with activities i n - in refurnishing the chapter housing fol-
cluding exchanges, football games, and lowing a fire in May, 1983. Its efforts re- They also have been involved in other
firesides. In addition, members have been sulted in beautiful living room furniture. activities as well. The 1984 Lambda Chi
busy getting to know the pledges and giv- The chapter house has an inviting, warm Alpha Watermelon Bust was f u n , espe-
ing them a chance to learn more about atmosphere for all who enter, reported cially when all the AOIIs came dancing in
Aon. Mary Heyes. with the theme of "AOTI Watermelon
Busters" to the popular movie song,
To make rush even more special for GAMMA OMICRON Ghostbusters!
Sigma, we were fortunate to have Linda
Davis, Epsilon Alpha, our Chapter Con- U . of Florida The pledges sponsored a cook-out on a
sultant, share rush week with us, report- houseboat for the chapter and the Alpha
ed Christine Hollister. During her stay Gamma Omicron started off the fall se- Gamma Rho fraternity invited us to their
here Linda gave us so much encour- mester with some good news f r o m Lead- second annual Toga Mixer.
agement that we can't thank her enough. ership Conference.
As a result of a most outstanding rush we But, while all this was going on, the
now have 35 wonderful women in the fall Karen Wyngarden reported that Gam- chapter still had work to do. The number
pledge class of 1984. ma Omicron received two recognition one priority on the list has been the annu-
awards for maintaining total, achieving al M r . MSU contest held every fall semes-
A few Sigmas weren't just busy with quota and handing in rush reports on ter. A l l the proceeds f r o m this contest go
rush this year. Five of our women along time. to the Arthritis Foundation.
with some from Chi Alpha chapter at
UC-Davis hopped on a bus headed for After the excitement of rush was over, Delta Omega received a couple of hon-
the University of Oregon at Eugene to as- Gamma O m i c r o n had 47 great new ors last year. A t the pledge presentation
sist the Alpha Sigma chapter during their pledges and another successful year of for all greek organizations at Murray
rush. They, too, had a wonderful rush having made quota. Shortly after rush, State, AOII receive $100 for having the
and the Sigma women were glad to be a five pledges f r o m the fall 1983 pledge most improved grade point average on
part of it. class were initiated. campus.

Activities this semester have been con- The chapter propelled into a new se- In October Delta Omega members
mester f u l l of social activity. AOII joined traveled to Clarksville, Tenn., to help
Sigma Chi in celebrating the University start an AOII colony. The women pre-
of Florida's 60th Homecoming celebra- sented its preference night ceremonies for
tion, reported Mary Ann George. the women at Austin Peay State Universi-
ty who considered AOII membership.


Foundation's assets increased

The AOII Philanthropic Foundation for 1984
has increased its assets for 1984. W i t h the
inclusion of the Ruby Fund into the Foun- TOTAL ASSETS
dation, our assets have increased to
$200,000, reported Barbara Hunt, presi- $200,000
dent of the foundation. $150,000
"With the generosity of our chapters $ 50,000
and members, the increased investment
income enabled the Foundation to sup- ANNUAL INCOME 1982 1983 1984
port several education projects," Barbara I I = Contributions 1982 1983 1984 *
said, "including sections in To Dragma, mm = Investment Income
Leadership Conference training sessions
and the Chapter Consultant Program." $ 70,000

The Foundation also has made several $ 50,000
Arthritis Research grants totaling $30,000
plus a $1,000 memorial scholarship in $ 25,000
honor of Mary Dee Drummond, Past In-
ternational president. PHILANTHROPY & ASSISTANCE TO
In 1984 the Ruby Fund provided more
than $10,000 to alumnae and collegiate I I = Arthritis Research
sisters who have had unexpected and crit-
ical financial setbacks. = AOII Education Grant

The Foundation has incorporated the = Ruby Fund Program Services
annual all member solicitation into its
program which allows all donations by $ 46,000
members to be tax deductible, Barbara
added. Special emphasis is being given to $ 38,000
the development of the Endowment Fund
which will perpetuate the Foundation as $ 20,000 1982 1983 1984
well as support continued programs of
* Ruby Fund included
The Foundation president said the ENDOWMENT FUND

board continues to encourage donations/ (Included in Assets)
contributions by alumnae chapters and
urges them to continue to fulfill their sup- 1982 $5,306.
port by contributing as soon as possible.
1983 $6,803.
The contributions may be designated 1984 $9,378.
for arthritis research grants or to the En-
dowment Fund which supports educa-
tional grants for AOEl.

"Your gift to the AOII Philanthropic
Foundation is an investment in the future
of the Fraternity and its ideals of sharing
and caring for each other—Now and For-
ever," Barbara stressed.

Alumnae activities. . .

(continued f r o m page 13)


"Welcome Back Babes" was the theme
used by president Gail McDowell at Ven-
tura County's first meeting of the year.
Beginning our fifth year as an alumnae
chapter, each sister brought her baby pic-
ture to the meeting.

In November, Sue Durley and Paulette
Surdzial instructed their fellow alumnae
in the art of crafts. Two crafts were made
by each member to be used as Christmas

tmgifts or decorations.



AOII's regional vice presidents joined Executive Board directors for their Oct. 25-28 meeting in Nashville. Pictured are standing, left to right, RVPs
Nancy Bowers (III), Carmel Kaiser (I), Audrey Humason (VI), and Liz Coffey, (IV); XB Director Helen McMahon; RVP Barb Kramer (VII); XB Di-
rector Melanie Doyle, and RVPs Charlotte Potter (II), Robin Beltramini (VIII), and Ginny Struble (V). Seated from the foreground left to right are
Directors Barb Hunt, Mary Williams, Kay Sutherlin, Peg Crawford, Ginger Banks (International President), and Teri Anderson, and Administrative
Director Sue Lewis.


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