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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-16 13:24:02

1983 Summer - To Dragma

Vol. LXII, No. 11

ofalpha omicronpL
Summer 1983 Vol. LXII, No. 11

The €t>Hor$ Place
Our issue this summer has a special section for everyone.
With rush in the mind of every colle- gian, To Dragma salutes the products of successful rush shows.
It is finally time to share with readers the thoughts and feelings of many AOIIs who have been or are living abroad. A number of collegians who studied abroad, too, shared their experiences.
Many collegiate and alumnae chapters took time to report spring activities.
A Membership Information Form (MIF) has been printed in the issue and alumnae are urged to do their part in see- ing that outstanding rushees from their hometowns are properly introduced to AOII chapters college.
The Rush Directory can be very useful when completing the MIFs. Keep it handy.
Dear Sisters of AOII,
As another group of AOII seniors is
about to embark upon the "big world," it has hit this rookie that they have a spe- cial friend to look to. What I am referring to is the importance of AOII after gradua- tion. In the past year, I have learned that there is "Life with AOII After College."
When I graduated last June, I had no idea I was to end up in Cincinnati. I had heard that there was an alumnae chapter here, and I was lucky enough to meet Betsy W atson, our Regional Director, when I popped in on my former Omega chapter during Rush Week. I was one phone number away from a continued in- volvement with a group of women who shared that common bond of sisterhood in AOn.
That's all it took and to say that it has been a growing experience is an under- statement! By the end of the first meet- ing, I was voted in as the new Public Re- lations chairman for the chapter, an office I had previously held for Omega! I saw alums from Omega as well, and have met alot of really neat women. What I want to say then to you graduating sen- iors, is to go out into the world, and end up where you may, look up the closest chapter and get involved! It's a f u n , re- warding, and informative opportunity, and it only takes a phone call! I guaran- tee the arms of those alums will be wide open and waiting for you. We made a commitment when we were first initiated in college to serve AOII, and I just want- ed to reinforce the idea that it doesn't stop in college-it's only yet begun.
Good Luck, and Alpha Love! Jennifer Britton Kodatsky Omega
Spring must bring a special feeling among many AOIIs. To Dragma received a number of special thoughts for our graduating seniors which have been pub- lished on page 39. Our new alumnae are very important to the fraternity and we encourage everyone to take a few min- utes and look up an alumnae chapter in whatever area she settles.
It isn't a complete issue without a few words about our Superwomen. W e hear about many other each month. Keep your suggestions coming to To Dragma so we will be able to continue to recog- nize our outstanding and special alumna.
Next Issue
Our next issue will feature a wrap-up
on Convention at New Orleans.
Material for the Fall issue of To Dragma should be sent to the editor by July 15.
Theta Omega Plans Anniversary Party
Northern Arizona University's Theta Omega chapter will celebrate its 20th re- union Oct. 1 during Homecoming activi- ties.
According to Val Skole, many activi- ties are being planned for the special weekend.
Those with names and addresses of Theta Omegas, or who are interested and need information can contact V al, 4308 E. Wilshire Drive, Phoenix, AR 85008, Telephone: (602) 952-1060.
Margaret Bourke-White, a Michigan AOII, was the last member of the press to interview Gandhi before he was assassinated. She is pic- tured on a B-17 named "Peggy" by the WWII bomber crew.
Estate of Margaret Bourke-White
Notes requested on Bourke-White
Michigan alumnae 1922-24!!
You may have known one AOII sister as Peggy White or Peggy Chapman, but the world came to know her as Margaret Bourke-White, the most important wom- an photojournalist to date.
Currently Vicki Goldberg, a writer with Harper and Row, New York, is writing a biography of this famous AOII and she would like to hear from anyone who has letters or recollections of her or of her husband, Everett Chapman.
Information to help Goldberg with the biography should be sent to her at 1225
Park Avenue, New York, N.Y . 10028. Her telephone number is (212) 876-9463.
International Headquarters has a col- lection of Margaret's photographs and is anxious to add to it any of her things which might be with other AOIIs.
Margaret Bourke-White was the last member of the press to interview Gandhi before his assassination. Her assignments for Life Magazine took her all over the world.
Actress Candice Bergman plays Marga- ret in the Academy Award winning mo- tion picture, "Gandhi."
Life Magazine0
Time, Inc.

Published since January, 1905 b y
ALPHA OMICRON PI FRATERNITY, Inc. Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha OmicronPi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Sue WayenbergHinz,AT
NW 1445 Kenny Pullman, W A 99163 (509) 332-1168—Home (509) 335-4527— O ffice
Administrative Director
Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, T N 37215
TO DRAGMA O F ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $25.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to th e Editor, Sue Hinz, N W 1445 Kenny, Pullman, WA 99163. Second Class Postage paid a t Nashville, TN and additional mailing of- fices.
On the Cover
Lambda lota, U. of Cal. at San Diego, Rush Chairman Jill Eggebraaten; President Tricia Koopman, and new spring '83 pledge Charlotte Newcomb show a new star joining the cast. Staging AOTI Rush begins on page 4 .
O PRAGMA wofalpha om\
ofalpha omicronpi
Summer 1983
Staging a successful Rush
Rush Directory
Membership Information Form Endowment to remember Wendy To our senior
In Memoriam AOIIs abroad
VOL. LXII, No. 11
Editor's Place
SuperWomen 15 Alumnae Chapter Activity 19 Chapter Commentaries 24
4 12 14 24 29 30 32

How Sweet It Is!
The AOII Follies play at USC in the Nu Lambda chapter house and, with a Great Gatsby twist, at Delta Pi and at Chi Beta's first time formal rush presentation of AOII at the University of Virginia.

SCENE I centers around setting membership standards, creating hun- dreds of nametags, polishing rushing techniques, and constructing sets which will transform classrooms and chapter house living rooms magi- cally. Across AOn land, THE STAGES ARE SET.
great gatsby

S o
SCENE II THE CURTAINS RISE. The opening lines are said. Colorado Chi Delta's Rou'rke and Tatoo welcome rushees to an AOII Fanta- sy Island.
Omegas of Miami University, Ohio, invite guests to take a magic carpet ride with AOII and Delta Pi rushees at Central Missouri State University get the insider's view of the AOII Monopoly.

SCENE III opens gracefully, with the fragrance of roses and the sealing of friendship vows be- tween AOIIs and special rushees who will to- morrow join the AOH. 'cast.' 1982-83 consult- ants Becky Admire and Carol Swanson place the welcome sign. Lambda Tau sisters beauti- fully greet their preferenced rushees for the grand crescendo in AOEt rush 'theatres' everywhere.

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SCENE IV is the PLEDGE DAY celebration which brings applause and the curtain calls. Award winning productions at Delta Pi, Central Missouri; Omicron, at the University of Tennessee; and Zeta, at the University of Nebraska are celebrated with first ever AOII tee shirts, the symbolic wheat, roses, pledge ribbons, picnics, and spirited sing-alongs.

is Rush
By Camille Mitchell, Sigma
Int'l Rush Programming Coordinator
"Set the scene: You are rush guests at AOlts Preferential T ea. Assume that you know most of the chapter members, that AOTI has put on a spectacular rush overall, and that you are pretty sure you want AOIL You are torn, however, between AOTl and another group. What would you like to hear from an AQn at this party which would make you sure you want AOII and no other?"
This is an exercise from a Rush Work- shop done last fall at Iota Sigma, Iowa State University. The answers can be as varied as the women participating. But most likely, the answers would be about the feelings and ideas that are shared by both the rushee and the AOII. A n d , be- cause they have talked with each other and understand that they share certain values and interests, they like each other and want to share more.
The details of the scene change from campus to campus but the theme song is the same. It has a tune we all can sing and lyrics we can't get out of our head, "AO AO the only way to go." It's the song being sung from Maine to California and from Canada to Florida as the rush thea- tre curtain goes up.
Conversation skills are the techniques we all use to explore those things we have in common, those agreements we can make. Conversation skills aren't really necessary when we talk with our best friends . . . or are they? The things we appreciate most in our friendships are the trust, kindness, and comfort we experi- ence when we are with them. And, that makes it easier to talk. Reverse that expe- rience for the rushee (give her trust, kind- ness, and comfort) and she will find it easier to talk. As is stated in the work- shop from Iota Sigma, "develop a friend first—future AOJJ second." Your bond of friendship is her bond with AOII.
Once you find out about her, then show her what you have in AOII. To quote a recent article by Orville H . Read of Delta Upsilon Fraternity:
Fraternities . . . have a strong, positive story to sell. Socially, eco- nomically, scholastically (yes, schplastically too) they make sense. A positive approach in rush-
ing will benefit the entire fraternity system, and your chapter will share in the prosperity . . . An old merchandising axiom is, "You can't knock the competitor without de- grading your own product."
There is no need to make comparisons with other groups on campus. When your pride, security, and happiness are genuine, they will show in everything you say about AOII. It can't help but be something the rushee will want.
. The percentage of rushees invited to the first invitational party can be an indi- cator of how a chapter feels about the scarcity or abundance of rushees. Phi Sigr ma, for instance, invited only 85% of the rushees to thefirstinvitational. A chapter that invites back 99% of the rushees probably is not committed to selecting members of quality and viability. AOII members must be comfortable knowing that there are enough rushees. There are plenty of women on campus. They only need to be told about sorority. If it seems there are fewer women going through formal rush, then the job is to get out and promote the fraternity system!
It is nice to feel comfortable, but that doesn't mean one should be complacent. Reaching is necessary when you make friends. Any woman wants to know she is wanted! She won'trknow unless you tell her, and she won't believe you unless you can give her some idea why you like her. If you are looking for quality people to join your chapter, you know what qualities you value and how to spot them. Then you go for it!
Omega Omicron stated in its fall rush report that its goals for rush were, "to pledge top notch women who could help us be the leaders in every aspect of cam- pus and sorority life. T o have 100% initi- ation." That is looking for viability, for people who will really BE AOIIs. It's ex- actly like directors seeking big stars so their shows will succeed. Quality and vi- ability are achieved through knowing yourselves, knowing A0II, and knowing the rushees. There is no point in giving a bid to a woman who won't be an AOII, especially when there is someone else who would love to take her place who also has the qualities the chapter wants. It means going after leading ladies who are not only excellent but interested in doing the show!
Expecting the most from yourself and from the others in your chapter is really OK. We all want to do things right. A good place to start is to accept responsi- bility for the success of your entire rush. By so doing, you make it possible for others to be responsible, too. Your brightness, your enthusiasm, and your love for your sisters will bring joy and success in rush that you leam to expect every year. And you love doing it, too, because being in a 'hit show' is a super feeling for every member of the cast.
Working hard together will directly af- fect your emotional presence during rush. The investment of yourself makes it per- sonally important that the projects for rush be successful. The more you invest, the more genuine enthusiasm and pride you will have in your chapter. A note in Delta Pi's fall report stated, "The women realized the value of hard work and ev- eryone worked together toward perfec- tion. Everyone was so supportive of each other during the long rush week. This fostered a closeness among us that was very evident in our rush parties." (Delta Pi has been nominated for a rush excel- lence award for this biennium.)
Conducting rush as you know it should be done really creates the success. It takes away the fear that something will go wrong. It builds the confidence that al- lows you to relax and give the rushee 100% of your attention.
Even a small chapter with big neigh- bors can have confidence. In 1971 Sigma, University of California at Berkeley, had 12 members. In the fall of 1973 they pledged quota of 27. There were more pledges than initiates! And, by 1974 there were 80 members. The enthusiasm and confidence of 'doing rush' right got the chapter through a time when few women were interested in sororities. The rooms were again full of people making friends and having a good time, rushing well and succeeding.
Part of the confidence that brings suc- cess is the knowledge that there really are enough rushees to go around. A s soon as we assume that there is a scarcity of rush- ees who might pledge AOII, we start reaching too much, trying too hard, overacting.

Legacy pledging numbers increase each year as each year more AOII legacies enter college. A notable example of the popularity of legacies in AOII circles was found at chapter consultant train- ing last August where a lunch time conversation about the importance of legacy pledgings revealed the surprise that five of the eight consultants in training are legacies.
Sarah Jo Brunner told of her University of Toledo chapter experience which she shares with her mother and younger sister. Nancy Spires' sister, Carla, currently is Alpha Chi chapter presi- dent. Also boasting an older AOII sister was Carol Swanson who, with her sister Brita, was initiated into Phi Sigma chapter at Kearney State College in Kearney, Neb. Add those three leg- acy families to A m y and Julie Forsythe (Julie is now a Regional Director who lives in St. Louis, Mo.) and Malinda Sharp's two sisters and mother. That's quite an extensive AOFI family which traveled to every collegiate chapter in the United States and Can- ada last year with a wonderful legacy story to tell.
Rush on campuses where the number of AOII legacies equal or even exceeds a chapter's rush has legacy joys and some tensions also.
Our collegiate chapter members are dedicated to remembering the specialness of AOII legacies. They seek our help in preparing AOII legacies with AOII background and enthusiasm.
When legacies are pledged, everyone is happy. When they are not pledged, explanations are appropriate and always forthcom- ing. As we educate our AOTI membership, our rush will attract all legacies and we will know more often the special pleasure which accompanies a mother's or sister's pinning a shiny new AOTI badge on HER legacy.
Keep those MIFs and letters of information going to our colle- giate chapters. They do make a difference.
. sisters will be sisters and mothers can be sisters,
Sisters Amy and Julie Forsythe above love sharing stories of their AOII chapter experiences at Central Missouri just as Mary and Malinda Sharp, below, share with their mother, Mary Jane Sharp, a walk and conversa- tion of the wonders of changing seasons and changing scenes at Omicron chapter, University of Tennessee. A third sister, Martha Sharp, was away at her Alpha Chi chapter at Western Kentucky when the Knoxville part of this AOII family was photographed.
Chapter Consultant Carol and sister Brita Swanson, both Phi Sigma. 10

Rush Excellence Award nominees listed for '81-'83
Sixteen collegiate chapters have been nominated by their Regional Rush Officers and Regional Vice Presidents. Chapters achieving all criteria for excellence in their year round rush pro- gram and nominated for the Rush Excellence Award are
ALPHA GAMMA at Washington State University DELTA PI at Central Missouri State University DELTA UPSILON at Duke University
GAMMA OMICRON at the University of Florida GAMMA SIGMA at Georgia State University KAPPA TAU at Southeastern Louisiana LAMBDA CHI at LaGrange College Georgia LAMBDA SIGMA at the University of Georgia NU BETA at the University of Mississippi OMEGA at Miami University of Ohio
OMICRON at the University of Tennessee
PHI SIGMA at Kearney State College Nebraska
TAU OMICRON at the University of Tennessee, Martin TAU DELTA at Birmingham Southern College Alabama THETA PSI at the University of Toledo Ohio
ZETA at the University of Nebraska
Lambda Sigma and T au Delta were two of the three winners of the Rush Excellence Award in 1981. Should these outstanding rush programs of Lambda Sigma and T au Delta be maintained for the next two years, these chapters may become the first entrants into the AOII Rush Hall of Fame and retire their travel- ing awards to their respective trophy cases. Competition is keen the prestigious rush awards which salute outstanding achieve- ment for in every phase of year long rush. The awards commit- tee decisions are based on the percentage of success in achieving all of the following objectives:
—pledging quota each formal rush during a biennium —initiating a minimum of 90% of those pledged
—achieving and maintaining a membership which equals or
surpasses campus total
—completing and submitting to Regional Rush Officer and
Regional Director all rush program plans, evaluations,
reports, and all chapter rush communication —soliciting, using, and acknowledging MIFs for each person
—planning and conducting a year long rush program which
includes some activities for prospective rushees even when the chapter is not permitted by its Panhellenic to pledge more women
—communicating interestingly and clearly with all members and pledges during school holidays of more than a few weeks.
—establishing membership selection criteria before beginning to rush and limiting discussion and decisions to those criteria developed by the chapter
—involving the entire chapter membership in the planning and implementing the rush program
—assuring all known legacies special opportunity to pledge —extending rush assistance to chapters which can benefit by
such mentoring
—including advisers in the planning and conduct of all rush-
ing activities
—continuously reassessing and updating the adopted rush
program to keep the chapter's rush interesting to mem- bers and appealing to rushees
"The entire chapter is actively in- volved in rush decisions and prepa- rations. They love rush and eagerly look forward to participating in each rush activity through the year." This chapter's plans and reports are "al- ways days and sometimes weeks ear- ly; their organization is a wonder to see." "These women have a beautiful sisterhood which makes everyone who has the opportunity to visit with them feel important and beauti- ful. It is this genuine gift they share during rush." (Lambda Chi)
"This chapter with an average membership of more than 170 during the biennium did not lose any pledge during these two years. Wonderful!" 'They are successful year after year because they work each year to set realistic goals for improvement and to match performance and make it better consistently." (Lambda Sigma)
"This chapter has taken giant leaps forward in Rush. They are just five years old and they have already achieved rush perfection." (Delta Upsilon)
"When the RD visited the chapter during rush, she was awestruck by their polished professionalism in ev- ery detail of rush. They are a thrill- ing example to every other chapter in the region and probably also to every other chapter in AOII. The sis- terhood and pride in AOII is an in- spiration to all of us, yet members always are seeking improvement." (Omega)
"Every MIF is studied, pictures are projected and members are tested on recall of information on each rush- ee." "To assure that members rush- ing for the first time are prepared and comfortable with the proce- dures, they even conduct a mock membership selection session and smooth every detail of their selection process long before rush begins." (Alpha Gamma) "Every member is part of a rushee contact committee for her hometown and specific pre- rush activities are set up and carried out beginning with inviting high school seniors to the campus for a weekend in the sorority house to get acquainted and get some questions answered by the 'experts' (Lambda Sigma) "One committee has as its job acknowledging the receipt of MIFs so that alumnae are thanked quickly when they send information to the chapter." (Zeta)
These 16 chapters are good reasons for our belief that AOn IS BEST.

Chapter Advisers should receive MIFs NO
LATER than dates noted. This is the time chapters review MIFs prior to rush.
School, Chapter
Alabama, Univ. of Alpha Delta
Mid August
Arkansas State University
Sigma Omicron Mid August
Auburn University Delta Delta
Late August
Ball State University Kappa Kappa
Early September
Bemidji State University Beta Epsilon
Mid September
Birmingham Southern , College
Tau Delta Late August
Boise State University Beta Sigma
Mid August
British Columbia, University of
Beta Kappa Mid September
California, Univ. of Berkeley
Early September
California, Univ. of Davis
Chi Alpha
Early September
California, Univ. of San Diego
Lambda Iota Mid September
California State Univ., Long Beach
Lambda Beta Mid August
California State University, Northridge
Sigma Phi Mid August
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. T om Diener
1164 Northwood Lake Northport, A L 35401
Mrs. Thad Wyatt 3629 Blueridge C r . Jonesboro, AR 72401
Mrs. Don Vincent P.O. Box 2097 Auburn, AL36830
Mrs. William Huber 2000 W . Jackson St. Muncie, IN 47303
Mrs. Robert K. Smith 1401 Beltrami Avenue Bemidji, MN 56601
Mrs. William Do well 3207 Greendale Place,
Apt. 4 Birmingham, A L
Miss Candy Charity 1210 Camelot Drive Boise, ID 83704
Mrs. Connie Vivrik 104-274 West 2nd St. N. Vancouver,B.C.,
Canada V7M 1C8
Miss Sandy Jaegar 1817 Capistrano Berkeley, C A 94706
Ms. Karen Norene Mills
327 Zephyr Ranch Drive
Sacramento, C A 95831
Mrs. Arthur Traber 12007 Bajada Road San Diego, C A 92128
Mrs. Vince Rhinehart 1470 E. Bryant Drive Long Beach, C A
Mrs. Chris Caldwell 13701 Hubbard, #49 Sylmar, C A 91342
School, Chapter
Central Missouri University
Delta Pi
Early September
Coe College Alpha Theta Early September
Colorado, Univ. Chi Delta
Mid August
Delaware, Univ. Delta Chi
Early September
Chapter Adviser
State Miss Dianna Fidler 9415 East 81st
School, Chapter
Georgia State University
Gamma Sigma Mid September
Georgia, Univ. of Lambda Sigma Late August
Hanover College Phi Omicron Early January
Hartwick College Sigma Chi
Early September/
Early February
Huntingdon College Sigma Delta
Late August
Illinois, Univ. of Iota
Mid August
Illinois Wesleyan University
Beta Lambda Mid September
Indiana State University
Kappa Alpha Late August
Indiana University Beta Phi
Early November
Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania
Gamma Beta Early September
Iowa State University Iota Sigma
Mid August
Kansas, Univ. of Phi
Early January
Kearney State College Phi Sigma
Mid August
Kentucky, Univ. of Kappa Omega
Late August
Chapter Adviser
Miss Debbie Doverspike
1629 Camelot Circle Tucker, G A 30084
Mrs. Bob Pease Route 1, Box 135 Cleveland Road Bogart, GA 30622
Mrs. Robert McClew 159 Greenwood Lane Hanover, IN 47243
Mrs. Fred G . Hickein 82 Elm Street Oneonta, N Y 13820
Mrs. James Anderson 3637 Cambridge Road Montgomery, A L
Mrs. Butch Zunich 2005 S. Mattis, #2 Champaign, IL 61820
Mrs. Timothy Ridder- Smith
325 Hillside Court Bloomington, IL
Mrs. Paul Gibbons
35 Gardendale Road Terre Haute, IN 47803
Mrs. Barry K . Hurtt 3611 Bainbridge Drive Bloomington, IN
Paulette Fenyus
951 Lilac Street, Apt.
Indiana, P A 15701
Mrs. Wayne Ellingson 3008 Eisenhower C r . Ames, IA 50010
Mrs. Carl Hoffman 1271 Medford Topeka, KS 66604
Mrs. Jim Crocker 4319 Glenwood Drive Kearney, N E 68847
Ms. Cynthia Chandler 3421B Alpine Court Lexington, KY 40503
DePauw University Theta
Mid August
Duke University Delta Upsilon Early January
East Carolina University
Zeta Psi
Early September
East Stroudsburg State College
Phi Beta
Late August/Late
Evansville, Univ. of Chi Lambda
Late August
Florida Southern College
Kappa Gamma Mid September
Florida, Univ. of Gamma Omicron Early August
George Mason University Gamma Alpha
Early September
Raytown, M O 64138
Jan Schmidt
330 29th St., S.E.,
Apt. 24
Cedar Rapids, IA
Miss Anne Clark 1241 Pennsylvania
Street, #5 Denver, C O 80203
Miss Shelley Sharp 910 Blackshire Road,
Wawasett Park Wilmington, DE
Miss Suzanne Goin 5219 Cider Mill Lane Indianapolis, IN
Mrs. William Mattern 2429 Rosewood Court Chapel Hill, NC
Mrs. Jack Morgan 105 Lisa Lane Greenville, N C 27834
Mrs. William Burseind
4390 Clearview Circle Allentown, P A 18103
Miss Melissa Watson 1201 McArthur Circle Evansville, IN 47714
Miss Sandra Scoville 524 Lake Bonny
Dr., E
Lakeland, FL 33803
Mrs. Thomas M . Bush
37 A Grassy Lake Road
Archer, FL32618
Natalie Thomas 3354 Woodburn
Road, Apt. #21 Annandale, V A 22003

School, Chapter
Chapter Adviser
School, Chapter
Chapter Adviser
School, Chapter
Chapter Adviser
LaGrange College Lambda Chi
Mid September
Lambuth College Omega Omicron Early September
Louisville, Univ. of Pi Alpha
Mid August
Maine, Univ. of Orono
Mid September
Maryland, Univ. of Pi Delta
Early September
Miami University Omega
Early August
Michigan, Univ. of Omicron Pi
Early September
Minnesota, Univ. of Tau
Mid September
Mississippi, Univ. of Nu Beta
Mid August
Montana State University
Alpha Phi
Mid September
Montana, Univ. of Beta Rho
Mid September
Morehead State University
Omega Xi Early January
Morningside College Theta Chi
Mid August
Murray State University Delta Omega
Mid August
Nebraska, Univ. of Lincoln
Mid August
North Alabama, Univ. of
Alpha Kappa Early August
Mrs. Ed Snider
101 Lakecrest Drive LaGrange, GA 30240
Mrs. Jim Dennison 59 E. University
Jackson, TN 38301
Mrs. Philip Kennedy 3815 Briar Ridge Rd. LaGrange, KY 40031
Ann M . Deschenes 24 Sixth Street Bangor, ME 04401
Miss Ann Johnson 9158 Springhill Ct. Greenbelt, MD 20770
Mrs. Robert Schuette 489 White Oak Drive Oxford, OH 45056
Cathy Fletcher
220 N . Ingalls
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Mrs. Stephany Siitari 16727 Creekside Lane Minnetonka, MN
Mrs. Van Fenstermaker
Highway 6 East Oxford, MS 38655
Mrs. Ernest Griffanti 2904 Colter Avenue Bozeman, M T 59715
Miss Renda Greene P.O. Box 3313 Missoula, MT 59806
Mrs. Wayne Morella MSU, Ginger Hall 901 Morehead, KY 40351
Jeanine Jorgensen
933 South St. Marys Sioux City, IA 51106
Mrs. Ricky Garland Rt. 7, Box 886 Murray, KY 42071
Cindy Dumler 2800 Woods Blvd.,
Apt. 109 Lincoln, NE 68502
Miss Kathy Wheeler 164 Leland Drive Florence, AL 35630
Northeast Louisiana University
Lambda Tau Early August
Northern Arizona University
Theta Omega Early August
Ohio Northern University
Kappa Pi
Late September
Oregon State University
Alpha Rho Mid September
Oregon, Univ. of Alpha Sigma Early September
Pennsylvania State University
Epsilon Alpha Early Steptember
Purdue University Phi Upsilon
Early October
Slippery Rock State College
Sigma Rho Early September
South Alabama, Univ. of
Gamma Delta Mid September
Southeastern Louisiana University
Kappa Tau Early August
Southern California Univ. of
Nu Lambda Late August
Southwestern Louisiana, Univ. of
Delta Beta Mid August
Southwestern at Memphis
Kappa Omicron Late September
Tennessee, Univ. of Omicron
Early September
Miss Terri Parker 54B Colonial Drive Monroe, LA 71203
Mrs. Richard Baker 1508 N . Aztec Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Miss Karen Grane 1764 Channingway
Court, W Columbus, OH 43227
Mrs. John Baines 204 N . W . 27th Corvallis, OR 97330
Miss Brenda Mcintosh 3008 W. 15th
Eugene, OR 97402
Mrs. Paul Antolosky 1260 Fairview Drive Bellefonte, PA 16823
Miss Jane Hamblin 400 N. River Rd.
West Lafayette, IN
Miss Kathy Bacha 516 Stanton Street Greensburg, PA
Mrs. James M. Haig 2660 Ralston Road Mobile, AL 36606
Mrs. Joseph Lobue P.O. Box 764 Hammond, LA 70404
Miss Kim Rodgers 3220 Altura Ave.,
#132 LaCrescenta, CA
Mrs. Sue A. Sowell 209 Halcott Drive Lafayette, LA 70503
Miss Janet Mosby 1040 Cabana Circle
East, Apt. #2 Memphis, TN 38107
Miss Patricia Cosby 6315 Kingston Pike,
Knoxville, TN 37919
Tennessee, Univ. of, Martin
Tau Omicron Early September
Texas, Univ. of, San Antonio
Upsilon Lambda Early August
Toledo, Univ. of Theta Psi
Early September
Toronto, Univ. of Beta Tau
Early September
Vanderbilt University Nu Omicron
Early September/
Early January
Virginia, Univ. of Chi Beta
Early January
Wagner College Theta Pi
Late September
Washington College Sigma Tau
Early February
Washington State University
Alpha Gamma Early September
Washington, Univ. of Upsilon
Early September
Western Illinois University
Sigma Iota Early September
Western Kentucky University
Alpha Chi Mid August
Wisconsin, Univ. of, Milwaukee
Phi Delta
Early September
Wisconsin, Univ. of, Stout
Iota Tau Late August
Wright State University Kappa Delta
Mid September
Mrs. Adair Hardegree Rt. 1, Greenfield
Dresden, TN 38225
Mrs. William Cooper 6030 Forest Ridge San Antonio, TX
Mrs. Kenneth Kormanyos
418 Hillside Drive Rossford, OH 43460
Miss Arlene Drago 10 Guerney Drive Etobicoke, Ontario,
Canada M9C 3A6
Mrs. Cal Nielson
500 Plantation Court,
Unit R-3 Nashville, TN 37221
Mrs. Finis Carrell 1615 Inglewood Drive Charlottesville, V A
Miss Kay Kettering 19 Grasmere Avenue Staten Island, NY
Mrs. Lee Davis
RD 2, P.O. Box 133A Chestertown, MD
Kathleen Smith- Meadows
SW 930 Alcora Drive Pullman, W A 99163
Miss Joan Lee 516 S. 222nd #4 Des Moines, WA
Mrs. KeithRogers 106 Dove Avenue Macomb, IL61455
Mrs. Neil Allen
459 Brentmoor Drive Bowling Green, KY
Miss Diane Mercurio 5818 N.AmesTerrace Glendale, WI 53209
Mrs. Loren Gifford 920 Oakwood
Boulevard Menomonie, WI
Mrs. D. M. Andrews 7907 Northland Court Dayton, OH 45415

ALPHA OMICRON PI Rush Information
PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHAPTER ADVISER WHOSE NAME AND ADDRESS ARE LISTED IN YOUR TO DRAGMA FOR THE COLLEGE WHICH THIS RUSHEE WILL ATTEND, if you are not able to locate this name and address, send form to the Regional Extension Officer
responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend college - or to International Headquarters for forwarding. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
Rushee's Name
Permanent Mailing Address City
Parents' Names
Campus Address if Known Zip City
Age HS. Graduation Date
Home Phone
Campus Phone
Name of High School
City State
Size of Student Body / Grade Point Aver.
(describe) . .
. .
and achievements (name-use back if need"
Parents' Address if different from Rushee's
social poise -- personal standards/values likeability
special honors
academic seriousness
financial stability
* On back, name organizations, describe involvement (member, officer, etc.)
varied interests i group adaptability
group leadership *
interest in sorority membership
interest in AOTT
. - - - -
Name (include maiden name if known)
Collegiate Chapter Relationship Collegiate Chapter Relationship
<1) (2) (3)
Name (include maiden name if known)
If gfrl's college is not listed inAOTTDirectory, send the information to Peg Crawford, Vice-President Development, 9113 Massasoit, Oak Lawn, IL 64053, for extension possibilities.
YOUR Name Address
City Collegiate Chapter?
Phone (Area Code)
FOR CHAPTER USE ONLY . . . riato R ewoiuorl•
Date acknowledgement sent* Snrnritv Ruchftp nloHnoH•
On back side, please provide information which might help the chapter in getting to know this rushee.
Alumnae Chapter?
Write signature here to indicate endorsement of this rushee as an AOTT pledge.
Are you a collegian now?
special talents
. .

Investment produces an exciting career
What began as a small monetary in- vestment in her husband's business has evolved a labor of love for Emily Jonas Hill, Rho, the dynamic, world-hopping executive vice president of Gould Inc., Getty's Division.
In the last two decades she and her husband have become what Wisconsin Business Journal considers one of the fin- est husband-wife executive teams in the nation.
Emily's story begins in the late 1950s when her husband's firm decided to move from Racine, Wis., to Florida. Her hus- band and two co-workers decided to re- main in Wisconsin and form an engineer- ing consulting firm.
"My contribution at that time was as an investor," she said. " I put the last of my precious savings into the new ven- ture."
The company switched from a consult- ing firm to manufacturing in 1964 when they created an electronic control for ma- chine tools called a tracing system or tac- tile robot.
In 1965 the Hills took the tracer to the International Machine Tool Show and there Emily's active involvement with the company began.
She was successful at promoting the equipment at the show and then took over the promotional and advertising re- sponsibilities.
Two years later Emily became an in- stant hit at a machine tool show in Lon- don, and they continued to do things right for in 1972 they won the Presiden- tial "E" Award for excellence in ex- porting.
Emily's life has been anything but peaceful.
She is in charge of human recources and public relations, as well as all United States and European sales. She has con- ducted countless trade shows and promo- tional activities on four continents.
In addition to her work with Gettys, Emily is involved with many activities.
She has served as president of the Wis-
Emily Jonas Hill, Rho
has come from small businesses such as ours.
"It is important to remember how interdependent we are," she added, and that no function can exist without the
History told in pamphlet
Many years of research, evaluation and organization of data has produced for Author Sompayrac Willare, Pi chap- ter, Sophie Newcomb, class of 1920, a product of pride.
The publication, "Introduction to Fort St. Jean Baptiste des Natchitoches in Lou- isiana Oldest Colonial Gateway West," a monograph is dedicated to young and older readers who seek an historic, yet brief story of the fort and its local and in- ternational aspects.
The 12-page work hopefully will bene- fit local business, trade, tourism and edu- cation, Sompayrac added. "It was a diffi- cult task to present briefly the tread of the Natchitoches role in history."
Stop arthritis before it stops you.
Over 13 million men, women and children in the U.S. have arthritis. Y our chances of getting the disease are one in seven.
Please. Help us find a cure through research. Help us train spe- cialists to treat those who already have arthritis. Help us improve your chances of living an active life, free of the pain and disability of the na- tion's number one crippling disease.
tion. Emily has served on the Board of Directors of the Marine Trust Company, the Festival Theater of Milwaukee and the Florentine Opera. She has been on the Board of Trustees of the YWCA and on the Wisconsin District Export Council, to name just a few.
In 1970 she was honored by the Racine Children's Theatre Council as its "W om- an for All Seasons." Her vita includes four typewritten pages of organizations and causes in which she is active.
"I truly love my work," Emily told a WPJ reporter. " I love the exchange of ideas that stimulate innovation. Better than half of the innovation that this country has benefited by in this century
W omen Entrepreneurs

Nursery Schools started with alumna's efforts
shows. And flower show devotees will tell you that she's usually telling everyone within earshot about how wonderful the Nebraska Cornhuskers are when she is on tour.
"At any rate, few Nebraska fans can match her enthusiasm and dedication, and it is with a great deal of pleasure that the 1982 Nebraska Football Press Guide is dedicated to a wonderful woman and Cornhusker super-patriot—Lourene Wishart," the message stated.
Caryle Goldsack Hussey, Theta Pi 1964
Appointed to board
Caryle Goldsack Hussey, Ed.D., R.N., Theta Pi '64, has been appointed to the Editorial Board of Topics in Clinical Nursing.
The director of the Nursing Programs at Felician College, Lodi, N.J., was the is- sue editor for the April 1983 issue of the journal and co-authored an article, "Health Education for Children" pub- lished in the April journal.
Dr. Hussey, too, is co-project investi- gator for a collaborative research project on the effects of federal budget cuts in ac- cess to maternity care and perinatal mor- bidity in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Nursing Association region. With help from a member of the faculty of Rutgers University, Caryle expects the research project to be conducted during the next 15 months.
Let ToDragma know of other SuperWomen
Dr. Jamie Maclntyre Southworth, Kappa Kappa, Ball State, has opened her fourth nursery school operation in the Pittsburgh area.
She is founder and executive director of the Learning Tree Associates of Pitts- burgh which has established nursery school facilities for a number of corpora- tions including one at Columbia Health Center unit of the Forbes Hospital System for staff nurses' and physicians' children.
Dr. Jamie Maclntyre Southworth, Kappa Kappa
Jamie was a charter member of Kappa Kappa and rush captain. She also has been an adviser for Tau chapter at the University of Minnesota, a Region I di- rector, and a Rose Award recipient.
"I have been responsible for raising a crew of seven children," she added. "We have traveled extensively for the Univer- sity of Pittsburgh.
She considers a continuing concern is for the women of the third world and how they will survive.
"I am still the independent feminist and advocate of women's rights that Kappa Kappa and AOII reflected in the early 1950s," she added. " M y affection and ad- miration for Anita Owens, my big sister, along with Nancy Moyer McCain and Wilma Smith Leland (both Past Interna- tional Presidents) whose intellectual inde- pendence encouraged and assisted my intensity for living and achieving, cer- tainly predicted my success in business and education."
"The beauty of it all is that AOIIs do not ask us to be grateful; it is just accept- ed that we will individually be successful in what we may choose to do," Jamie said. " I have never felt one moment of hesitation nor remorse for choosing or being an AOII as it just seemed to verify what I should become, and what I al- ready felt about myself at 17."
Jamie has her bachelor's and master's degrees from Ball State, and a doctorate in Early Childhood Language Communi- cations, from the University of Pitts- burgh.
'Big Red' honors longtime supporter
Lourene Bratt Wishart, Zeta '15, is def- initely a special AOII.
Last year Lourene was honored by having the 296-page 1982 University of Nebraska Football Guide dedicated to her.
She was recognized for her devotion and enthusiasm for Nebraska football and the University. In addition to her love of football, Lourene has been a member of the American Rose Society since 1932. She is a past Rose Society president and has been an accredited A.R.S. judge since 1953. Lourene is also active in the Manchester Terrier Club, having produced over 30 Champion Mas- ter Terriers. She was recognized by the Club in 1981 for her outstanding contri- butions.
AOII has always held a special place in her heart and Lourene's generous contri- bution to Zeta chapter in 1981 for the chapter's 75th anniversary, enabled a beautiful gold frame to be purchased for the chapter president's picture.
Residing in Lincoln, she is a 68 year AOII member.
The dedicatory message called Lourene one of Nebraska's most distinguished and dedicated alumnae.
"She has enjoyed a love affair with her alma mater for most of her life. Howev- er, enthusiasm for football and the Corn- huskers does not occupy all of her inter- est. In addition to her devotion to the University and its athletic program, Mrs. Wishart is a renowned expert and judge in the field of horticulture, traveling throughout the world to judge flower

Just fora while
Actress decides to settle down
She's settled for the time being in Kan- sas City, but when the time is right Bar- bara Houston Schaeffer, Omega, will be ready and well qualified for that major acting role.
She earned her bachelor's degree in the- atre from Miami University and a M A T in theatre from Indiana University. After her second degree she headed for New York City and by Thanksgiving of that year (1965) she had her first leading role in a professional play. There she met her future husband who was the stage man- ager.
Barbara kept getting better jobs and climbing up the actress' success ladder. Her film work has included a part in "Funny Girl" with Barbara Strisand and the female lead in a feature, "The Prince and the Pauper." She has done some tele- vision work and many, many parts in le- gitimate theatre.
Barbara has been in companies with productions of "A Thousand Clowns," "Pippin," "Picnic," and has toured with stars such as Jane Powell, Betsy Palmer, John Raitt, Martha Raye and scores of others.
There, too, has been time for some nightclub work singing major solos from many Broadway hits. Barbara has direct- ed a number of plays for theatres in Kan- sas City, and for college and university theatre departments.
She has served as chairman of the The- atre Department of Parkland College, Champaign, III., and has worked as a publicist, agent and interior design con- sultant.
Barbara took a break in her career to have her daughter and son. The family settled in Central Illinois for a while, but Barbara and her husband missed the the- atre world. Husband, Ron, now is the production manager at Missouri Reperto- ry Theatre and also a professor at the University of Missouri Repertory Theatre in the Theatre Department. Barbara acts some at the repertory.
She said repertory theatre in the next ten years will be near disaster unless law- makers show a more responsible attitude about the arts in America.
The National Endowment for the Arts has already been depleted of half its funds with more cuts planned, Barbara said.
Not-for-profit regional theatres will not be able to stay open without govern- mental support and private and corpo-
rate gifts. Such small companies do plays which are less commercial than the fare presented at dinner theatres and road show houses, she added. They get smaller audiences so they cannot depend on the revenues from ticket sales alone.
Barbara says she looks for something special from AOII. "I am an only child," she explained. "I have a real need for sis- ters—the kind that really care and keep in close touch.
"When surrounded by loving friends, we are more willing to work at volunteer jobs," she added.
Television and radio commercials and film work is available for Barbara in the Kansas City area, but eventually, she looks forward to returning tc those major
But these plays are important, she
stressed. They need to be supported by
the government as they are in all other
civilized countries in the world. "The
United States is way behind most other
countries in its support of the arts," ac-
cording to the AOII actress. roles.
Barbara Houston
S c h a e f f e r


Alumna provides self-developing approach
Jeanne Moon, Alpha Pi
Four picked by honorary
Four Alpha Omicron Pis have distin- guished themselves from their peers. These women, all members of the Golden Key National Honor Society, have not only excelled in academics, but in leader- ship and extracurricular activities as well.
Tina Shadix, Lambda Sigma, a junior in the School of Journalism at the Univer- sity of Georgia, has served on the pledge committee and as assistant chaplain of her sorority. In addition, she has been a swim team statistician, a sweetheart in Angel Flight, the vice-president for her Colony Council, and a writer and report- er at the campus radio station.
Andrea Ramey, Lambda Sigma, is also a journalism student at Georgia. She has served as the public relations chairman of the chapter and was the recipient of an award for having the highest grade point average in the chapter. Andrea is in- volved with the student judiciary, the "Pointer" magazine, the International As- sociation of Business Communicators, the campus radio station, and the adver- tising club.
Tina Oliver, Gamma Omicron, a sen- ior majoring in political science at the University of Florida, is a member of Pi
(continued on page 31)
Steinke earns music award

To say, " I am the best that I can be . . . until tomorrow," describes the posi- tive and self-developing approach of Lin- da Mitchell and Jeanne Moon, Alpha Pi, (partners in L & J Ventures) to their semi- nars and workshops.
Combining 30 years of marriage, 21 years of teaching, 8 years of divorce and 6 children, Linda and Jeanne present a de- lightful and practical four-part workshop entitled "So Now You're You." In de- scribing the format, Ms. Mitchell says it is "designed to help one organize and evaluate the structure of his/her lifestyle in coping with the demands of living day-to-day in the 1980's."
"We are fortunate to live in an era in which we reap the benefits of 'self-im- provement schools of thought,' Jeanne added. However, too often these work- shops and sessions lift our spirits and give us a desire to go forth and change, but the demands of everyday life often inhibit the success of these new-found ambi- tions. We soon discover that we lack the practical tools, through step-by-step ap-
plication, in which to make effective changes." The workshop is designed to fill that void—it offer options which will make one's desired changes a reality," the pair reported.
The workshop is divided into four parts (The Personal Y ou, Dealing With the Routine, The Charming Y ou, Y ou and Others) and is subtitled in relation to the audience, such as "So N o w Y ou're Married," "So Now You're a Teenager," "So Now You're a Senior Citizen," "So Now You're in Management," "So Now You're a Bachelor," "So Now You're a Teacher," and "So Now You're Di- vorced."
The practical tools of L & J Ventures include developing, recognizing, accept- ing and utilizing that positive mental atti- tude which helps one work well under pressure; planning a more efficient sched- ule for going forward without falling be- hind (coping with routine and adjusting to change); and recording one's experi- ences for evaluating events and feelings which will yield positive personal growth.
Mary Kinney Steinke, Tau '56, has been presented the Community Music Award by Sigma Alpha Iota, Internation- al Music Fraternity for W omen. The award is given "in recognition of out- standing contributions to the musical life of the community."
The Minneapolis alumna has been a long time supporter of the arts in the Twin City area after graduating in music from the University of Minnesota. Cur- rently she is a chairman of the 80th anni- versary celebration of the Minnesota Or- chestra, and recently served as chairman of the "Tonight Scandinavia" event at Orchestra Hall.
Other positions she has held are presi- dent of the Women's Association of the Minnesota Orchestra (W AMSO), chair- man of the Symphony Ball, chairman of Young Audiences, Inc., chairman of Jun- ior WAMSO's Mini-Ball, and president of Sigma Alpha Iota Alumnae Chapter.
She currently serves on the board of the Minnesota Orchestra, the Metropoli- tan Opera board, University of Minneso- ta Music School, and on the board of the Dale W arland Singers. She also has served on the board of the Greater Twin Cities Y outh Symphonies and the Fashion Group. She received WCCO's "Good Neighbor" Award in 1977.
Outside of her music activities she has worked for years as a free-lance fashion
coordinator for various stores and shop- ping centers in the Twin Cities.
Mary and her husband, Glenn, have two children.
During her years in Tau Mary held various officers including president. She served as a Rush adviser and has given several programs for collegians over the years.
Mary Kinney Steinke, T au

AOII alumnae activities—all worth the effort!
Have you recently felt. . . In these busy times of
career and children,
hobbies and households, trafficjams and "Murphy'sLaw"
It sometimes feels like you're on a tread-
Even though we enjoy and love AOII— each month gives us another "meeting" and obligation . . .
It isn't easy; to feed a family, get our- selves ready, plan a car pool, make RSVP calls, even find our notes to see what we forgot to do from last month, A N D we may feel we've had-it with enough meet- ings already this week, lesson plans, colds and flu, rough days, cold weather, etc . . .
On a night before AOII, have you ever asked yourself, "Do I REALLY want to make the effort to go to the get-togeth- er?" If so, you might remind yourself of these few thoughts:
i m
Today, LIKE myself, there are many men and women who are trying to make it through:
—the stresses of unemployment —family pressures and problems —seeking purpose and fulfillment of
life. . .
UNLIKE myself, they don't have what
AOII has given me. It has helped me learn how to handle these feelings, adjust my expectations and goals for myself, and also given me a feeling of professionalism and individuality.
AOII has many good values we use in everyday life. The friends who are al- ways there to help us through happy, sad, and perhaps doubtful times. Each of us have alot to give of ourselves, even though the things may seem small at the time (Quanity), but are big in meaning (Quality).
If you could turn the clock back, would you really trade a memory with your sisters, for the convenience of stay- ing home for the evening?
I hope these thoughts leave you with a special warmth, which is an importantin- gredient that keeps our alum chapter "Alive & Well."
Take care my friend, if for no other reason, simply because there are many who care about YOU!
Love to AOII,
Linda Heaton Grates
Beta Pi 73
President, Dearborn Alumnae Chapter
1. 2.
It's your "Lady's Night Out."
We miss you when you don't come, yet rest assured we
Linda Heaton Grates Beta Pi 1973
how, where and when we need even the little things you offer your chapter.
6. Basically, we are all very fortunate to actually BELONG to a group as this. We each have a special place in AOII, as well as AOII having a special place in our heart.
3. You miss a lot of info., laughs,
good thoughts, and sharing of
4. You're a special person who is
Today living the memories of
5. You miss out on really knowing
Alumnae Chapter Activity
A mini-convention in Phoenix? That's what it seemed to be when 48 Phoenix alumnae, representing 24 chapters and 7 regions, gathered to celebrate Founders' Day in January.
Obviously the Phoenix alums are a di- verse group, but they share a common desire to serve. While actively involved in AOII so many find time to do much more.
Take Kathleen Maffeo, Theta Omega '78, who serves as Arizona Director of Community Relations for the March of Dimes. This year she is organizing the Arizona portion of the national March of Dimes Telethon. Rebecca Shook Wein- berg, Chi Delta '60, finds time to serve as vice-president of the Tri-City Mental Health Board, a citizen's group in charge of public relations for the Mental Health
Agency. Becky also is on the Board of the United W ay and is active in girl scouting. Babs Beltz Glaser, Delta '52, is aiding a local hospital organize a new Behavioral Health Library for patients and staff. Mary Riley Michel, Nu Omicron '69, is very active in the Arizona Special Olym- pics. This year she is co-ordinator for a fund-raising home landscape tour. She has written a three-year plan concerning volunteers—how to get them, train them, and keep them.
As a chapter members took to the phones for the April Arthritis Telethon. Enthusiasm generates involvement as the Phoenix Alums seek out ways to be AOIIs, reported Rita Dikeman Polese, Theta Pi '66.
The Ft. Lauderdale Area Alumnae
Chapter has been busy with philanthrop- ic projects for the Arthritis Foundation.
In addition to a Saturday of envelope stuffing, it had an evening party and auc- tion fund raiser which raised $270. Mem- bers built and decorated a bed entry for the Arthritis bed race in May. Two mem- bers, Sandy Wright Smith, Gamma Omi- cron, and Leslie Maxson Lafferandre, Sigma Chi, are currently serving on the Southeast Florida Arthritis Foundation Board of Directors, while Deborah Eckenrode Schmucker, Gamma Omi- cron, has completed training with the Ar- thritis Foundation and now instructs ar- thritis patients in self management.
The chapter worked with sisters at Florida Southern and sent donations for their HRS project. Our donation consist-

ed of items for their room used for tod- dlers through 8-years-old to meet with their parents.
Chapter activities have been diverse in- cluding such things as a program on plants and their care, a pot luck dinner, happy hour at a local night spot, a pro- gram on New Orleans to encourage at- tendance at Convention and, of course, Founders' Day celebration, added Leslie Lafferandre.
A "talking trunk" provided the Found- ers' Day program for the Omaha Alum- nae Chapter in October. Stella Perry's trunk came alive and spoke to the chap- ter via the clever tape recording by Fra- ternity Education Officer Jean Vakoc Munhall, Zeta.
"Color and Wardrobe" ideas highlight- ed the November meeting with a fashion consultant as the guest speaker.
Two Nebraska football tickets were donated by Lynn Oltmanns Olson, Phi Sigma, to be raffled for the philanthropic project. Big Red enthusiasm runs ram- pant in the state and the ticket raffle is al- ways a profitable project for our philan- thropy, reported Mary Lee Glen, Zeta.
A successful year of special events for the alumnae chapter conducted at the an- nual June brunch, hosted by Alice Wensloff Knapp, Zeta.
Newly elected alumnae president, Pam W arner Hill, Iota Alpha, will represent the chapter at Convention in New Or- leans, along with Charlene Hametz Mey- er, Zeta, and Mary Lee Glen, Zeta. They look forward to sharing ideas and meet- ing new friends in AOII during that very special week in June.
Getting to know other AOIIs has kept the Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter busy this year.
They began in September at a Salad Supper and added 12 new members to the group, many of whom have become "reg- ulars." In the spring we had a potluck supper with another AOII alumnae group and also honored graduating collegians at Senior Recognition Night at California State University at Long Beach, reported Coralie Katch.
Other highlights for the year included a craft workshop where members learned to make pine cone baskets, an annual Christmas Open House and a speaker from the Arthritis Foundation who dis- cussed various aspects of the disease.
A spring fund raiser this year was something new for the group, a Kentucky Derby Day Party. Guests had a chance to cheer on their favorite horses and win- ners will receive prizes. The proceeds were shared with the Arthritis Founda-
tion and the local collegiate scholarship fund.
The first 1983 activity for the Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter was a Founders' Day luncheon at the Hyatt Hotel in San Jose. The day was shared with the San Mateo and San Jose Chapters, and renewed friendships with sisters in these cities.
Esther Hawley Williams and Helene Knips were awarded certificates for their service to the community and the frater- nity. Mary Atkins Clayton and Jean Ken- nedy Innes received 50-year certificates.
In February, the chapter had a Dessert and Theater party with husbands. Every- one enjoyed the modern version of "Much Ado About Nothing."
Members worked diligently collecting used books for the May Book Fair to sur- pass our last Fair which netted more than $2,000 for Arthritis Research, reported Jeanne Ryan.
Janis Nelson designed and made a
stained glass window for Chi Alpha
In January the San Jose Alumnae Chapter hosted a Founders' Day lunch- eon at the San Jose Hyatt House. Mem- bers of the Palo Alto, San Mateo and Monterey chapters joined in the festivi- ties. Duties for the preparations for the luncheon were shared among the chap- ters, reported Carol Pederson Jury.
Lisa Shemwell, regional rush officer, acted as hostess. The guest speaker was Rosamond Castle, the Northern Califor- nia Panhellenic Campus Trends Chair- man. The Founders' Day message was read by Sandee Rodgers Markel.
Awards are always a highlight to any luncheon and this was no exception. A Certificate of honor was presented to Palo Alto's Helene Knips. San Jose's Marlou Weinzerl was presented a Recog- nition Rose. Palo Alto presented a Recog- nition Award to Esther Williams. We had three 50-year members honored at our luncheon, San Jose's Bee Thompson Krasno, Eta; Palo Alto's Mary Atkins Clayton, Lambda; and Jean Kennedy Innes, Sigma. Palo Alto presented their Dirty Work Award to hard working Jean
The afternoon began with the tradi- tional candle ceremony honoring our four founders and ended with the calling of the chapter roll. Each member lit her candle from one of the original four as the name of her chapter was read.
chapter at the University of California at
Davis. Maroder.
Sisterhood, good food, candles and flowers combined to make an enjoyable and meaningful celebration of Founders' Day for Peninsula alums.
A Snoopy filled with candy brightens the day for a young patient at Wyler Children's Hospital. Members of Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter (from the left) Maureen Naset, Iota; Patti Broggi, Nu Iota; and Linda Luxen, Iota, have a wonderful time playing with the children and dis- tributing the treats made by the group at a monthly meeting. Other spring meetings included installation of new officers and a Ladies Night Out at a local restaurant.

Boston alums know that "Y ou gotta have arts!", so their February meeting was held at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts, viewing the Fairfield Porter exhibit of contemporary paintings and having lunch in the new wing of the museum.
Millie Ward Eldridge, who has taken many art courses at the MFA, offered to bring some examples of her art work to the Annual Meeting in March. The result was a delightful one-woman show which was a part of the meeting and Potluck Luncheon held at the home of Donna Sheridan in March. The good cooks of AOII brought their special foods and the recipes to swap. Jeanne Marcy Sells, pres- ident of Boston Alums, and the present slate of officers were re-elected to a sec- ond term of office.
In April, the Boston Alums met at the Brocton Fuller Art Museum to view a special collection of photographs. Elea- nore Dietrich MacCurdy of Bridgewater, Mass., coordinated the meeting.
A mid-April event was the 75th anni- versary of Gamma chapter at the Uni- versity of Maine, reported Donna Sheridan.
In May the chapter planned a workshop-lunch at the home of Mary Hempstead Hemmen in Norwood, Mass.
The Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter had a swinging Spring this year. Thanks to the efforts of Carol Fiala, Omega, we were able to have a very successful Founders' Day Banquet. The luncheon was held at the Cincinnati Women's Club on Saturday, April 16. (The chapter had to hold Founders' Day activities a little late due to winter weather conditions.) Besides good food and company, the event features a cross-stitch raffle and some entertaining speeches from Presi- dent Gana Taggart, Phi Omicron, and Carol Gates, Phi Upsilon.
On the Panhellenic scene, several of our members went to the University of Cincinnati campus on Saturday, April 23, for a "Go Greek" get-together. The event offered us a chance to introduce lo- cal senior high school girls to sorority life. The AOII booth featured displays of sportswear, jewelry, pictures, and of course a few copies of To Dragma.
A little traveling was done on Sunday, May 1, to the Miami University Omega chapter for a special ritual ceremony to initiate graduating seniors into their alumna status. Travelers included Betsy Watson, coordinator, Missy Welch, Car- ol Fiala, Jenny Kodatksy, and presiding ritual officer, Jane Sweeder, past presi- dent of the chapter. A reception was held afterwards in the Omega suite, where we

Five founding members of the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of AOII are shown at the chapter's 50th anniversary tea where they were guests of honor. They are, left to right, Edith Walthall Beers, Kappa, Randolph Macon, class of 1930; Annie Stuart Ellis Pearce, Pi at Sophie Newcomb, 1924; Lorette Cloutier Taylor, Gamma, University of Maine, 1924; Elizabeth MacQuiston Nichols, Nu Kappa at Southern Methodist University, class of 1929, and DorrisBowers Garton, Tau,Univer- sity of Minnesota, 1925. All live in Atlanta except Elizabeth, who lives in Key Largo, Fla.
all met over cake and tea supplied by sev- eral Cincinnati alumnae members.
The last Spring meeting was held at Re- gional Director Betsy Watson's. We dis- cussed our plans for future Philanthropy projects and learned how to play "Dub's Bridge" before we left, reported Jenny Kodatsky.
One of the chapter's members, Debra Garside Clark, is on the state Arthritis Board.
Last Fall the chapter collected house- hold supplies (kitchen cleaning products, paper products) for the Crisis Center in Portland. The Crisis Center serves wom- en who have left home after being bat- tered or threatened.
We also have made donations to the Arthritis Foundation, and a new Ronald McDonald House, reported Cathy Tripp Pohle.
Throughout the year members worked at monthly Kiwanis suppers to help sup- plement the treasury.
Working like a beaver and busy as a bee certainly described the actions of the Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter as it prepared for International Convention at New Orleans, June 28th through July 3.
Hammond Area is responsible for the table decorations for the Scholarship- Panhellenic Luncheon on July 2, said Mary Geffs McColIoch.
Chapter celebrates 50th anniversary
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary with a formal tea at Atlanta's Cherokee Club in February.
Guests of honor were five founding members of the organization: Annie Stu- art Ellis Pearce, Pi, Sophie Newcomb College, class of 1924; Lorette Cloutier Taylor, Gamma, University of Maine, class of 1924; Dorris Bowers Garton, Tau, University of Minnesota, class of 1925; Edith Walthall Beers, Kappa, Ran- dolph Macon, class of 1930, all of Atlan- ta, and Elizabeth MacQuiston Nichols, Nu Kappa, Southern Methodist Universi- ty, class of 1929, of Key Largo, Fla.
Jo Beth Heflin of Austin, Tex., Pi Kap- pa at the University of Texas and Interna- tional Secretary-Treasurer; Becky Dun- can Massey of Knoxville, Tenn., regional director for Region III, and Nancy Bettis, also of Knoxville, Tenn., regional vice president for Region I I I , were special guests at the tea.
Several hundred alumnae and colle- giate members of AOII and guests from other sororities attended the event.
Jo Christian, Lambda Sigma, Universi- ty of Georgia and president of the Atlan- ta Alumnae Chapter, and Shirley Lee, also Lambda Sigma and the chapter's chairman for the tea, were hostesses.

AOII international Secretary-Treasurer Jo Beth Heflin of Austin, Tex., left, fastens a gold rose bracelet on the wrist of Edith Walthall Beers, of Atlanta, Ga., at the 50th Anniversary Tea of the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter.
The Memphis Alumnae Chapter has installed its 1983-84 officers at the South- western chapter house.
They are Debbie Engle, president; Kim Bledsoe, vice-president; Deborah Laman, secretary/publicity; Pam Albin, treasur- er; Carolyn Huskey, Panhellenic repre- sentative; Jenny Jenson, collegiate liasion; Carolyn Sweeney, membership chairman; and Gail Akey, philantrophic chairman.
The April 21 meeting was a Senior Send-off Dinner for the Southwestern graduates.
The Spring Luncheon, Fashion Show and Auction was held in mid-April at Portland's Lloyd Center Red Lion. Pro- ceeds from the annual event are given to the Oregon Health Sciences University Amthritis Fund for research.
Other spring events which attracted Portland Alumnae Chapter members in- cluded a Panhellenic Tea with a "Made in Oregon Fashion Show" held in early April, Ethnic Cooking at member Mary Vaillancourt's home, and a night at the Civic Theatre production "Gypsy."
Carmen Gibbons is president of the chapter for 1983-84.
Area alumnae met at a local Italian res- taurant to celebrate Founders' Day, and
International Executive Board member Kay Sutherlin is pictured with Dr. Marlene Aldo- Benson, associate professor of Medicine at In- diana University School of Medicine. Dr. Aldo-Benson is recipient of a $10,000 grant for research from the AOII Philanthropic Foundation.
comprise nearly 9,400 of the 815,000 new cancer cases in 1981) are supressed so that that tumor therapy might advance and improve.
Dr. Aldo-Benson has received several grants, awards and fellowships, including the Arthritis Foundation Fellowship, the Ralph G. Boyd Memorial Fellowship from the Massachusetts Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation and she is a diplo- mat of the American Board of Internal Medicine.
then spent the afternoon shopping for the holidays.
This spring the group elected its new officers: Beth Stump, Phi Beta, president; Buffie Kresge, Gamma Beta, vice presi- dent; Marti Windram, Gamma Beta, treasurer; Jody Massack, Gamma Beta, secretary; and Kim Perez, Gamma Omi- cron, historian.
In May the chapter watched some Pittsburgh Pirates action between its pre- and post-game tailgate function in the stadium parking lot.
In early June the chapter sponsored its "Aim for Arthritis" golf fund raiser. Alumnae new to the Pittsburgh area can contact Beth, at (412) 343-3943, for meet- ing times.
Pullman Alumnae Chapter members
ended a busy spring with a brunch for graduating W ashington State University seniors from Alpha Gamma chapter and their parents following Commencement.
Earlier the chapter awarded its presi- dent, Shirley Perryman, with an Alum- nae Leadership Certificate to recognize her efforts on the associate alumnae rush.
Alpha Gamma seniors Sharon Dining and Renee Horlacher were awarded the collegiate service scholarships, honoring the late Zelda Baker Jaekel, which are presented by Alpha Gamma Corpora- tion.
Alumnae members plan a summer get- together as well as individual efforts to oversee small projects for the Alpha Gamma chapter house before fall Rush.
Foundation awards $10,000
The Alpha Omicron Pi Philanthropic Foundation has awarded a scientist with the Multi-Purpose Arthritis Research Center at Indiana University $10,000.
Dr. Marlene Aldo-Benson, associate professor of medicine and a major re- searcher in immunology at the IU Medi- cal Center, received the award in January from Kay Sutherlin, a member AOITs Ex- ecutive Board and the Board of Directors for the foundation.
The grant is for Dr. Aldo-Benson's research on the immunologic system, spe- cifically her work on suppression of anti- body in myeloma tumors. Since its con- ception in 1979 the Alpha Omicron Pi Philanthropic Foundation has given more than $100,000 to nine researchers in the fields of arthritis and related rheumatic diseases.
Dr. Aldo-Benson joined I.U. in 1976 as assistant professor of medicine and is now associate professor of medicine, a staff physician at University Hospital and Wishard Memorial Hospital and an at- tending physician at the Richard Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center. She received her bache- lor of arts and doctorate in medicine de- grees from the University School of Med- icine, Tufts New England Medical Center and School of Medicine. She then became an assistant in medicine at Children's Hospital of Harvard University.
In her studies on immunologic toler- ance Dr. Aldo-Benson has been using myeloma tumors which make an anti- body as they grow. She has found that the same serum which can cause toler- ance in normal animals can suppress the tumor cell and its antibody. Dr. Aldo- Benson and her colleagues hope to gain insight into how myeloma tumors (which

At the new Self-Help Center, operated by the Eastern Missouri Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, a person with ar- thritis may find self-help aids to enable him to become more self-sufficient.
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter feels priviledged to have donated $1500 to help establish this center. Other work with the Arthritis Foundation includes annual participation in Balloon Day.
"We distribute literature concerning ar- thritis, give out balloons, and receive vol- untary contributions. Our Christmas Hobby Auction raised $300 this year thanks to our own Marty Deckman Cramer (expert, voluntary auctioneer). The items auctioned are all crafted by St. Louis Alums. Funds from the auction are used for our work with the Arthritis Foundation," added Betty Barnett Stokes.
Kathy Kaeser Lee, Nu Omicron '46, is St. Louis Alumnae Panhellenic Associa- tion president. A n active alum, Kathy has long been involved in Panhellenic. She was honored with a coffee given by Panhellenic last fall at the home of Sue Birk Oertli, Chi Delta '52. With Kathy's expert help a sorority showcase was held in St. Louis last summer.
It has long been the goal of the St. Lou- is Alumnae Panhellenic Association to give scholarships to undergraduate, initi- ated active members of NPC sororities on Missouri campuses. Last year the amount was $300 each and this year the funds have been raised to $500 each f o r ten scholarships, Kathy reported.
For a number of years, the St. Louis Panhellenic Association has searched for a vehicle to educate college-bound girls to the pleasure and joy which comes with Greek life. Sorority Showcase has proven to be the answer. The first Showcase was held last July 15-17 at highly prestigious Plaza Frontenac, one of America's most exclusive shopping malls. Two fashion shows were featured daily with collegiate and alum models from each group. There was a continuous slide show entitled "Going Greek in the '80s" and also dis- plays of the 22 alumnae NPC groups par- ticipating. Individual display boards showed pin, crest, colors, Greek letters and photographs of philathropic and so- cial activities of both collegiate and alum- nae as well as a copy of the group's publi- cation.
An information center provided litera- ture including a list of rush terms and the Greek alphabet. Tickets were distributed for a $25 gift certificate and a drawing was held at each fashion show. Every prospective collegian was requested to sign her name and include the school she planned to attend. These names were then given to the recommendations chair- man for use at summer meetings.
The association will repeat the project July 21-23.
Other activities of the St. Louis chapter include taking inventory at J. Riggings clothing store several times a year. We are also investigating other money-mak- ing sources. Our meetings have been in- teresting and varied this year: A fashion show by a fabric store, St. Louis County Police presentation on self defense, and a slide show and travelogue on China. In May members made favors and spon- sored a party for children at the St. Louis Shriner's HospitalinMay.
The Alpha Sigma collegians have been enjoying the re-modeled chapter house at the University of Oregon. Many alumnae contributed towards new furnishings, and the collegians raised money for some landscaping, which is an ongoing need.
In the fall alumnae met the new pledges at the home of Helen Siegmund, with our special desserts. A salad supper was planned for the seniors in May. Alums planned an arthritis fund raiser at the chapter house on an April evening. This was a bridge party to which the men were invited.
In June the alumnae chapter will again take inventory at a local department
The Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority has donated $1,500.00 to stock the supply of self-help aids needed for the new Self-Help Center at 4144 Lindell. The AOPi's have been generous to the Foundation through the years with their time, interest and monetary donations.
The Arthritis Foundation Newsletter of Eastern Missouri really went all out to thank St. Louis alumnae for their help.
This year the Sorority participa- ted in our May Balloon days.
Thanks, AOPi's.
store. Summer will bring us together for a family picnic in July, and in August we will meet for lunch at the home of Luola Rehfeld to make plans for Fall rush, re- ported Anita Gibson.
AOIls of all ages will gather on the campus of Arkansas State University Aug. 20 when the Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter and Sigma Omicron chapter co- host "State Day—1983." International President Ginger Banks will be speaker for the luncheon.
Hundreds of invitations have been sent to alumnae throughout Arkansas, south- ern Missouri, and western Tennessee, but if you have been overlooked don't let that stop you from coming. We want to see YOU in August regardless of where you are now residing, reported Barbara Reng, alumnae chapter president.
For additional information contact: Barbara Reng, chairman
AOII State Day
218 Avondale Arms
Jonesboro, Ark.72401
Those who are unable to attend are
urged to communicate with returning alums by sending "news updates" or pic- tures which can be posted at the reunion.

Collegiate Chapter Commentaries
SIGMA U.C.-Berkeley
Picture more than 100 AOIIs glamor- ously dressed dining and dancing with their escorts in the luxurious surround- ings of San Francisco's Sheraton Palace and in your mind's eye you have seen Sigma Chapter's Rose Ball.
We were pleased to welcome Chi A l - pha chapter sisters who also attended. It added to the excitement of the occasion to meet so many new and special sisters from our neighboring chapter, reported Gail Lancaster.
However, after a marvelous spring break Sigma chapter was back and ready for action. The watch-word for spring quarter was "busy" as m em bers prepared themselves for a variety of activities from the intramural Softball team, a spring scholarship dinner, to Sigma Chi Derby Days where the team was led by Pam Dennis and Cheryl Barker.
Congratulations also are in order for two of the young women of our chapter, Carolyn Peter and Erin Kelly, who have been accepted into Cal's foreign exchange program and will be spending next fall studying in France. Everyone was so en-
thusiastic and excited this quarter that the house rings with laughter as they pre- pared themselves for the fun and fellow- ship that lie ahead.
Another reason for its enthusiasm is that Sigma chapter is already preparing for fall rush. As U.C. Berkeley is switch- ing to the semester system next year, fall rush at Cal will start on Aug. 20, rather than in late September as in the past. Yet we all know that it is hard to catch an AOII off guard, so all of Sigma chapter is busy conferring and planning for fall.
SIGMA OMICRON Arkansas State
Sigma Omicron chapter at Arkansas State University tasted the thrill of victo- ry in the intramural competition held in conjunction with the third annual Springfest at A S U .
The event, sponsored by the Union Board on campus, attempts to involve the entire campus in the activities through booth participation, an auction and the intramural competition. The chapter's two teams took first and second places from a field of 15 other teams. Team II consisting of Tricia Tarver, Karrie Sims and DeAnn Aycock teamed with members of Pi Kappa Alpha frater- nity to capture first. Team II was fol- lowed closely by Team I consisting of Christy Satterfield, Karen Commer, Terri Pammulo, Susan Walsh and four men from Kappa Alpha fraternity.The AOIIs also sponsored a bake sale booth to raise money.
The chapter has been involved in sev- eral other activities in the past few weeks. The chapter held a '50s dance in February then a St. Patrick's dance in March. In late March, the members hosted a pot luck dinner for the local alumnae.
Several individuals received honors in early spring. Suzanne Downing and Kim Bridger were elected senators on the Stu- dent Government Association. LeeAnn Bruton was also elected Panhellenic Pres- ident. The junior elementary education major will serve a one year term and hopes to accomplish much during her year in office.
"We (Panhellenic) are attempting to bring all the sororities closer together. We hope to do more things such as phil- anthropic activities, pizza parties, etc. We want the Panhellenic organization to be recognized in our community," Lee- Ann said.
The chapter has several large activities planned for spring weeks. The annual
Endowment established
to remember Wendy Stark
Pi Delta Chapter at the University of Maryland and friends of the James Stark family have established an endowed scholarship in the name of Wendy Stark, a member of the chapter who was tragi- cally murdered a year ago.
"W endy had a terrible financial strug- gle to get through school on her own," her mother said. "She worked so hard to try to carry the burden of living expenses and securing student loans (always a has- sle), to take care of tuition, etc.
"We would like to see someone else who has a real financial need receive help each year," she stressed.
In her letter explaining the new endow- ment, Mrs. Stark said her family has ap- preciated A O n efforts and interest on its behalf.
"Wendy would have been one of the most enthusiastic members you ever had—had she lived. That was her way— to pour all her heart and soul into some- thing she loved." Mrs. Stark said. "She had looked forward so long to joining AOIl and let us know of each activity and happening, and her tremendous anticipa- tion of the actual induction.
"W endy called after her initiation and told me about it with such joy. That I will never forget," her mother said.
Barbara Hines, Pi Kappa, University of Texas, now assistant professor and schol- arship chairman in the Maryland College of Journalism, has assisted the chapter and Wendy's family in setting up the en- dowment.
Those interested in contributing to the fund can do so by sending contributions
Wendy Stark, Pi Delta 1961-1982
Wendy was murdered a year ago as she was on her way to meet her family for a birthday celebration. The family reports there is nothing new—publically—in her case.
(Editor's Note: To Dragma Fall 1982 reported Wendy's death in its Women and Violence feature.)
Stark Memorial
Barbara Hines, College of
to the
ship, c/o D r .
Journalism, University of Maryland, Col- lege Park, M D 20742.
W endy

Spring Banquet to recognize outstanding members was in early April. A mother- daughter banquet was held later in the month.
Two other big events in April included a retreat and a visit from Kansas AOIIs. On April 10 the chapter sponsored its first annual retreat. The event was held at El Rancho Rio on the Current River in Doniphan, M o . The day was filled with swimming, canoeing and sunning fol- lowed by a fish fry that evening. The re- mainder of the evening was spent work- ing on materials for Rush.
Sigma Omicron hosted the Fall Pledge Class from the Phi chapter, University of Kansas. The 52 women planned the visit as part of a walk out. The sisters were guests at a dance that evening which was a part of Sigma Omicron's Fun in the Sun activity, reported KimBridger.
U. of Mississippi
February was highlighted by the annu- al Miss University Pageant. The chapter sponsored four women: Kathy Johnson, Felicia Manley, Carla Bonds, and Ellen Crain. Among the top ten contestants were Kathy and Felicia. Kathy, a senior from Southhaven and former Miss Mem- phis, was preliminary swimsuit and tal- ent winner. The final evening Kathy was chosen the new Miss University. She en- ters the Miss Mississippi Pageant in July.
O n Feb. 19, N u Beta celebrated the date of its chartering 25 years ago at Ole Miss. This day gave alumnae and parents a chance to visit and see how much the chapter accomplished during the 25 years, as well as future plans. After many days of preparation and hard work, the coffee, luncheon, cocktail party, and brunch, attended by parents and alum- nae, were all a delightful success, report- ed Jennifer Hansford.
In March the formal was held in Ox- ford. The theme was Prohibition and be- gan with a hay ride on Friday night. This was only the beginning of a fun-filled weekend. Saturday evening members en- joyed dancing while dressed up as if we were in the '20s.
After spring break two exchange stu- dents from Helmstedt, Germany, spent three weeks at the chapter house. AOIIs enjoyed finding out more about German customs.
East Stroudsburg
With the first semester of rush under the new campus Panhellenic system suc- cessfully over, Phi Beta is ready to go full speed ahead with Fall 1983 Rush.
The Spring 1983 semester was very ex-
citing for the Phi Beta sisters. A Panhel- lenic Dance Marathon benefiting the Deborah Hospital Foundation took 48 hours of dedication from the women as committee chairpersons, morale commit- tee members, and dancers. Out of 119 dancers that began the marathon, only 18 lasted the full 48 hours. T w o of these dancers were sisters, Sue Collier and Jackie Tremel. A touching Parents Day, a very competitive Greek Week, a wonder- ful Spring Formal, and an Alumnae-Sen- ior Luncheon provided many memory- filled moments for the sisters of Phi Beta, added Kimberly A . Carson.
CHI DELTA U. of Colorado
Spring semester was a productive and exciting semester for the Alpha O's at University of Colorado. It started out with a retreat for the pledges in Estes Park, Colo., to raise the spirit of sister- hood in preparation of initiation. One week later the new initiates (and the older ones) celebrated initiation having a ex- change with the Phi Gamma Delta fra- ternity.
Chi Delta has been very active within the Greek society on campus. We have several new members in Order of Omega, the Greek honor society on campus.
Chi Delta held its first annual fashion show to benefit the Arthritis Research this spring. Eight of our women modeled the clothes from the Emily Lawrence shop in Boulder and about $100 was raised.
Other activities this semester included a night at the Boulder Dinner Theater, watching the "Sound of Music," Mothers Weekend, and a jungle party with the Delta Tau Delta fraternity—among other things. The semester was topped off with spring formal in Vail.
LAMBDA CHI LaGrange College
The ruby rose of AOII is forever blooming at Lambda Chi.
Winter quarter found sisters proudly represented on two beauty courts. Five AOII beauties were selected for the Quad- rangle Court (LaGrange College's winter formal). The court, consisting of 11 women, two from each class and three from the senior class, was voted on by the entire campus. AOII pride was run- ning even higher when Lora Smith, past Lambda Chi president, was named Queen of the court. The other contestants were Carolyn Fox, Beth Floyd, Laura Go- mez, and Melanie Faith. The Miss Troup County pageant, a forerunner to the Miss Georgia pageant, found two new AOII sisters, Cindy Burling and Deborah Davis, proudly competing with Alpha spirit.
Lambda Chi proved not to be just a pretty face. We showed our "hot stuff" while supporting our winning basketball team on the drill team with 12 of the 14 member squad being high-kicking AOITs. The new captain and co-captain of the squad are both new sisters: Kim Nichols and Lisa Ellenburg, reported Carol Arm- strong.
We tackled our athletic abilities on the intramural basketball court. Both teams played enthusiastically with Jenny Hor- ton being named Most Valuable Player. Jenny and Melanie Faith were named to the All Stars team, Carol added.
Sisters raised their voices up high with the formation of a new contemporary Christian singing group on campus, Man- na. Three, LeAnn Hines, Kay Camacho, and Katherine Keith, led their voices to the beautiful harmony.
Lambda Chi's Quadrangle Count is, from the left, Laura Gomez, Melanie Faith, Lora Smith (Queen), Beth Floyd, and Carolyn Fox.
Lambda Chi kept very active on cam- pus with two sisters campaigning for and winning offices in the Student Govern- ment Association. Maria Phillips is the new women's vice-president and LeAnn Hines is the new secretary.
Fund raisers during winter quarter kept the smiles big. The most widely received activity planned was the M r . H O T LEGS contest in which votes were cast for the sexiest legs at a penny a vote. Six candi- dates were selected from various activi- ties and organizations on campus with sisters carrying a collector can for their favorite candidate. The grand prize went to a well-liked English professor on cam- pus. About $100 was raised. Another no- table fund raiser was our last-day-of- classes party at the local pub. There was plenty of dancing and celebrating for all.

All is not fun and games and the AOIIs proved academic superiority by claiming the Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup for the eighth quarter in a row. This award is given to the sorority on campus with the highest cumulative average overall for the past quarter.
Socially, the AOIIs are still shining bright as seven sisters have received fra- ternity little sister bids since fall. We also joined together with the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity to host a post-concert party following the Producer's concert held at the college in February.
DELTA OMEGA Murray State
"Pardon me, could you be my date?" . . . A strange question you may think unless you attended Delta Omega's annu- al secret Valentine's Day dance. The sis- ters drew names out of a hat and were then in charge of finding a date for the sister who's name they had chosen.
We all arrived not knowing who our lucky man would be until we had matched up with him according to the numbers on our nametags. It was a great night full of pizza and a lot of laughs for all of us, reported Candy Lawson.
"Road Trip!" was the theme of the weekend in January as everyone headed out for the Maxwell House in Nashville for the annual Red Rose Ball. That was another night to remember with our sis- ters, for sure!
Back in Murray it was time to settle back and think of sisterhood and Spring Rush held here for all of the new fresh- men.
Once a week Delta Omegas met in the AOII suite for various events such as an inspiration ceremony for new initiates, initiation, Rush parties, an officer work- shop, installation of the new pledges, an all day rush workshop, and a smile for the yearly composite photos.
AOris as Punk Rockers??????? . . . Well, they all tried this new style at the mixer with the Sigma Chis. Anyone pass- ing by would have to do a "double-take" to recognize their AOII friends!
The Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity was proud to crown Vice President Denise Butler as its new Crescent Girl. AOII also has had three women make it to the 15 fi- nalists for the title of Miss MSU.
Florida or Bust was a familiar sign in the back windows of many AOII cars during Spring Break. Those who went al- most had the urge to stay in that sunny state!
The term ended with many good times during the upcoming All Campus Sing, Paul Bunyan Day with the Alpha Gam- ma Rhos, Sigma Chi Derby Day, ATO Frog Hop, a spring dance, and the favor- ite time for sharing—Senior Send-Off at the lake.
There to celebrate Founders' Day at T au Omicron were from the left, front row, Leslie Haywood, Cathy Fontana, Sydney MacRae, and Laura Riggins; back row, Diane Douglass, Kaneal Gay, Abbe James, Chris Carlson, and Sue Lewis.
TAU OMICRON U. of Tenn.-Martin
What a Founders' Day Tau Omicron had! After initiating 19 AOIIs, the chap- ter celebrated a fantastic Founders' Day in January. Joining the celebration were Chris Carlson, a CC, and Diane Doug- lass and Sue Lewis from International Headquarters.
In March, the Tau Omicrons held their annual Mother-Daughter Banquet. Colle- gians enjoyed getting to know all the mothers and the wonderful program that was planned. Afterwards the mothers were invited to the new lodge for open house.
The chapter was fired up and worked hard on its spring philanthropic project. Tau Omicron helped area alumnae to put on the Miss Weakley County pageant which has not been done in many years, explained Melanie Osburn.
All-Sing's theme was " I Hear America Singing" and the chapter spent many hours preparing for it.
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Phi Delta reported a very successful open rush and credited its chapter con- sultant, Sarah Jo Brunner.
She arrived on March 1 and left on March 7. She was full of bright and en- thusiastic ways in which we could hold open rush, explained Debi Rouse. We had just ended our first open rush party when she arrived and we had picked up two pledges and we are now on our way with 15 new rushees. Sarah Jo explained a lot of helpful and unique rushing proce- dures that could be used during open rush and they are certainly working.
While Sarah Jo was in Milwaukee we wanted to make her stay as enjoyable as
possible. During the week each officer met with Sarah Jo and she gave them tips on how they could make the most of the office. As the week-end approached we had a lot in store for Sarah Jo.
Friday started with a meeting on Con- tinuous Open Bidding and then after the business was attended to we all headed down to Park Avenue, one of Milwau- kee's most popular night clubs for college students. Saturday was another day on the road. T o start the day off we went to Milwaukee's biggest indoor shopping mall, The Grand Avenue. As everyone tired from too much shopping we all went to Sue Chan's house for a Chinese dinner. T o end a perfect day all the AOIIs went to a famous east side night club, Fried Eggs and Tootsies. When Sunday rolled around everyone was in the mood for something relaxing, so we decided to go to the Milwaukee Art Museum located on the shores of Lake Michigan. After viewing the fine art work we all went out to dinner.
(Editor's Note: The consultants visit every AOII chapter each year to share ideas and helpful hints on all aspects of Greek life with AOII collegians.)
DELTA PI Central M o .
The Delta Pi chapter got off to a good start fall term by having a successful bake sale to raise money for arthritis. Inspira- tion Week was a special time for fall pledges before they were initiated into our special sisterhood of AOII.
Founders' Day was celebrated in De- cember at Blues Hills Country Club in Kansas City. It was a chance for pledges, collegians and alumnae to get together and catch up on past and future events of AOII.

Officer elections in January introduced new eager officers into the chapter. A February Rush party with a Mexican theme added a lot of spice to the chapter as it chose six enthusiastic spring pledges, Jeanne Werth reported.
March brought AOIIs and their moth- ers closer through the success of the an- nual Mother's Tea. A Hawaiian theme set the mood for an alumnae date party in late March. Originality and creativity brought sisters together in everything from muu muus to grass skirts.
Delta Pis diligently worked on spring events such as an Easter party with re- tarded children for a philanthropic proj- ect and volunteer work in a Blood Drive on Central Missouri State University campus.
Greek Week, Rose Formal and Parents' Day, too, were added to spring events.
Each term a sister is chosen as "Girl of the Term." She is voted on by her sisters in such areas as participation, spirit, strong sisterhood qualities and an all around genuine love for AOII. Becky Wilkenson, a senior, was chosen for with winter term.
ALPHA GAMMA W ashington State
"Dance till you drop," was the Alpha Gamma's personal theme this year with eight AOIIs participating in the Alpha Tau Omega 52-hour dance marathon.
Our women glided away with first, second and third place. The first place, a $500.00 scholarship, went to Megen Dolan. A $200.00 scholarship went to Laurie Sotelo for second place and Linda Rassmussen won a watch for third, re- ported Terrie Skavlem. Our chapter was also awarded a wonderful microwave oven for the largest donation to the mar- athon.
The Alpha Gamma chapter is very proud of its 100 percent initiation of the 1982 pledge class. A special congratula- tions goes to Erin Burn for receiving the 1982 Panhellenic Pledge of the Year award. Erin is also AG's Ruby Girl.
Congratulations is a word being heard a lot around the chapter lately. Erin was also a Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl final- ist. Kappa Sigma Starlit Finalist Leslie W ard is a bright spot in the chapter along with our Sweetheart of Sigma Kappa fi- nalist, Kriss Griffin. Terrie Skavlem, also of the 1982 pledge class, is a newly elect- ed member of the Washington State Uni- versity government assembly, as well as being the WSU Scuba Diving Club presi- dent.
Boise bound was Rally Squad member, Jennifer Jansen, and cheerleader, Cathy Anhorn, having "a blast" at the NCAA basketball playoffs.
All looked forward to a hot eastern W ashington springtime weather but often couldn't seem to find it through the rain. Our Wheatfield dance boosted spirits with a hayride serenade to AG dates then to Potlatch, Idaho, for a barn stompen great time. Yea Haw!
The blustering clouds didn't stop them from stealing derbys off mens heads dur- ing Sigma Chi's Derby Days. Alpha Gamma won second place!
One member of our chapter just feels she must find the sun, Sandy Gallagher won a scholarship to Cardiff University in the fair land of Wales. Lorrenda Willcuts, just returning to us from a spar- kling semester in gay Paris, was elected to the Association of Women Students at-large office along with Stacy Sorge, an AWS senator.
Though the muddling clouds keep our usually blazing sunshine from beaming down on us, like Scotty, President Julie Elsenson and vice president Gayle Home feel, "our sizzling springtime fever and activities should carry us thru the sum- mer and into a hot rush next fall!"
Three of our women, Beverly Ash, M i - chelle McCarty and Cheila O'Neal, have been chosen as 1983 rush counselors. Jun- ior Gayle Home was tapped into Mortar Board senior scholastic and service honorary.
Panhellenic Council also has the assist- ance of an Alpha Gamma: Char Ove- land, will serve as the organization's treasurer.
University of Maryland
Pi Delta started the semester by initiat- ing 28 pledges. Shortly afterwards, we al- lowed Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity to hold its rush parties in the house.
Despite the 18 inches of heavy snow that plagued Maryland and much of the East Coast, the chapter succeeded in hav- ing an annual Valentines Day party on Feb. 12.
Later they pledged nine women, mak- ing the chapter at set quota of 85.
While on Spring Break in Florida, many Pi Deltas had the pleasure of meet- ing AOIIs from other schools.
Pi Delta had its local philanthropy Blood Drive with Maryland's South Hill Dorm Community in April and were able to obtain 135 pints of blood for the American Red Cross. The chapter worked on its national philanthropy with Phi Delta Theta. This year instead of a tennis marathon the pair sponsored a golf marathon. It was scheduled at the Uni- versity of Maryland golf course in May, with proceeds going to the Foster Grand- parents Program as well as Arthritis Re- search. In conjunction with the project, they held a Casino Night and a party in Washington, D.C.
The Pi Delta Mothers Club has been formally started. The members are plan- ning house improvements as well as a mother/daughter banquet which was held inMay.
On the athletic side, Pi Delta is getting closer to the sorority cup. Members com- pleted a basketball season as runners-up with a 10-1 record. They also had good seasons in softball and box lacrosse.
"We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Jo Sanders, head of our corpora- tion board, for fifty years of service to Alpha Omicron Pi," added Melissa Darwin.
KAPPA OMICRON Southwestern at Memphis
Spring at Southwestern wouldn't be quite the same without softball. With a little help from big brothers, the team looked forward to a successful season, and lots of good times. Speaking of good times, KO recently held its major social event of the year, the annual formal dance. A champagne party was held the night before the dance to put everyone in a festive mood.
W e were delighted to have included among our guests several of our alumnae and a few couples from neighboring
Tressa Gratewood, Pi Delta chapter president, shows the AOn square on the Greek Walk, University of Maryland. The square was painted by Tressa and Stacey Trey.

chapters as well as many other South- western students, added Lynne McMullin. The chapter's next major event was the mother-daughter banquet.
KO is very involved with the present, but it also has begun working toward the future. The chapter had spring visits from a chapter consultant and regional rush di- rector, and received many great tips.
Although we've been very busy with numerous activities the last few months, we haven't forgotten academics. Once again K O had the highest grade point av- erage among the sororities at Southwest- ern, Lynn said.
KAPPA GAMMA Florida Southern
The Kappa Gamma chapter at Florida Southern has been very busy this semes- ter with 20 fantastic new and enthusiastic pledges.
Spring week-end was April 16-17 in Ft. Pierce, Fla. Social Chairmen Teri Courtoy and Kelly Sheel worked very hard to make it all a success.
Congratulations to Trudy Hildebrand and A m y Mock for becoming members of the Greek Hall of Fame here at Florida Southern College. Suzanne Jackson is go- ing to be a Junior Advisor next year, re- ported Lynn Domagala.
KAPPA ALPHA Indiana State
Kappa Alpha chapter at Indiana State University started the spring semester with a fun and fruitful visit from Chapter Consultant Nancy Spires. During her stay, election of officers was held and Carol Oxford, the newly elected presi- dent and Diane Melick the outgoing pres- ident were involved in the officer work- shops.
Following this full week of activities, the chapter engaged in spring rush and proudly added seven new angels to share in this "Wonderful World of AOII."
By this time rehearsals and planning for the 51st Campus Revue were in full swing and the women of Alpha Omicron Pi were paired with the men of Phi Delta Theta and Pi Lambda Phi and on Feb. 19, the tremendous efforts of K A director Cheryl White, staff, crew and performers paid off with a second place trophy. The Ruth H. Tirey Award for outstanding performer was presented to Carol Terrell, vocalist. The Trio also were ranked by the judges first in music and costume. In addition Carol Oxford was the recipient of a Campus Revue Scholarship. Laurie Allen was a member of production staff.
Jennifer Franklin is serving as Panhel- lenic president. Jennifer has been active in Panhellenic since her freshman year, and
prior to her election as president, had held the position of Judicial Officer. In addition to her Panhellenic involvement, Jennifer has been active in Order of Ome- ga, Student Alumni Association, Alpha Tau Omega Little Sisters and Internation- al Affairs Association. She attended the Big Ten Conference in the fall and along with Laurie Allen, ISU's Order of Omega president initiated Peg Crawford into Or- der of Omega Honorary at the MIFCA- MAPCA March meeting held in St. Lou- is. At the awards Banquet Laurie Allen was recognized as the "Outstanding State Coordinator."
Laurie Allen pictured with Shelley Sutherland, Greek Advisor Indiana State University as she was presented the Order of Omega Service Award and the Outstanding Greek Woman Award.
Of the 20 students named to Who's Who in the Junior Class, three members Andrea Frazier, Kay Gibbons and Carol Oxford were presented certificates at the March 27th luncheon.
Brain-storming during officer work- shops inspired the chapter to raffle off a trip for two to the "sunny ? state of Flori- da" for Spring Break. As usual that AOII charm convinced students to take a chance and help AOITs support Arthritis Research. This project was headed up by Michelle Y atsko.
Outstanding chapter achievements was evident at the annual Order of Omega Banquet as Kappa Alpha received more honors than any other sorority on cam- pus. In program awards the chapter re- ceived first place for Alumnae Relations, Campus Activities, and Pledge Program. In the other categories of Community Re- lations, Finance, Scholarship and Leader- ship the chapter was awarded honorable mention. All the Panhellenic awards were
presented to AOIIs: Ann Eppert Out- standing Pledge Award went to Kim Bridge; Outstanding Chapter Member was Pam Piper; Outstanding Alum Advi- sor recipient was Marilyn Faris, K A Scholarship Adviser; and Diane Melick was recognized as the Outstanding Chap- ter Sorority President. Order of Omega Service Award was presented to KA, Laurie Allen by Shelley Sutherland, Greek Advisor. Laurie was also named the Outstanding Greek W oman at ISU.
Several chapter members were honored to join festivities of Theta chapter's initia- tion, installation and 75th Anniversary Celebration.
ISU's Homecoming Queen and Kappa Alpha's Andrea Frazier represented the state of Indiana in the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C., where she will have the honor of meeting President and Mrs. Reagan.
Enthusiasm reigns high as preparations are being made for the 30th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Dance to be held Fri- day, Oct. 21, 1983, at the Holidome in Terre Haute, added Carol Oxford.
DELTA UPSILON Duke University
Delta Upsilon has had one incredible year! Not only did it initiate five women in the fall, but pledged 42 women in the spring!
We had our best rush ever, taking more than the normal quota because the rushees were all so special. We are all very excited since we are such a new chapter and growing so quickly. Just five years ago there were only 40 sisters in our chapter, said Linda W orton.
With all the excitement, AOIIs filled the calendar with even more activities and events. First semester members sold mums last semester it was roses. They also prepared for a Duke Telethon, the spring pledge formal and Sigma Chi Der- by W eekend. Delta Upsilon sponsored a "Rock-a-thon" for charity and a scholar- ship banquet the middle of April.
The scholarship banquet is particularly important to the chapter. It honored Liz Pennington for being the pledge with the highest GPA and Barbara Schwartz for being the sister with the highest G P A . Carrie Klett received a rose for the most improved GPA, while 34 out of 69 sisters received recognition for having improved their grades. Several alumnae attended to honor these women and to speak about various career opportunities.
As busy as they were, however, Delta Upsilons can always make time for fun in the sun! Spring Break in Miami Beach was wonderful, Linda added. Sun, Sand and Sisterhood, too, who could ask for more? They did! . . . and went to Myrtle Beach inMay.

For you
AOII means . . .
Western Illinois University AOII sen- iors were asked to reveal to the rushees what our time in AOII has meant to them. Most of the seniors chose to simply say what they felt in the most simple terms, but Renee Bouchal, was not one for the ordinary, and chose instead to write a poem which the seniors say sums up what all of them truly feel.
AOII is me, AOII can be you.
I join you all to be a part too.
It's a place to grow,
You'll learn and soon show, What AOII means.
It's a place that fulfills all of your
AOFI has taught me to love and to share. It's arms are open, so come and dare.
To be a part of the best.
Put your ability to the test.
I'd like to thank you for sharing my dreams,
You my friends, are what AOFI means.
A Bond of Love
By Barbara Cooper Janicki Phi Upsilon 75
Take individual stalks of wheat, tie them together with a rope, and you have a sheaf of wheat. Take individual wom- en, from diverse backgrounds, tie them together with a common bond, and you have a sorority. Our sorority.
The sorority is AOII and the bond is love. How appropriate then, that our pledge pin is a sheaf of wheat I Individual women bound together in AOII.
Our sheaf of wheat wonderfully sym- bolizes all the unique, special, talented, individual women who are held together in this bond. And what a strong and gen- tle bond it is! If I must be bound, then let it be by love alone. It's the only bond I know strong enough to endure and gentle enough to allow those it binds their free- dom and individuality. The wheat stalks never meld but always remain distinct from one another.
Just so, AOII is made up of distin- guished and distinct women who never lose their identity to the sheaf; but rather their identities shine through to give the sheaf its special radiance. The sheaf of wheat is special because each of its mem- bers is special.
Yes,- if I must be bound, let it be by love alone. For love is the bond that per-
petuates our sisterhood and binds us even to those we have not yet had the op- portunity to know. This bond takes us, with our different interests, personalities, and histories and gives us something shared. Because of this we find friendship from unknown faces, in unexpected places, where ever we may go; for they have been our sisters all along.
Little did I understand as a pledge that this bond would not dissolve with college graduation. Rather it would expand with the years to encompass over ever grow- ing sisterhood.
Our AOII pledge pin, the sheaf of wheat, will always hold special signifi- cance for me, because it reminds me, that my bond with AOII is a bond of love.
(Editor's Note: Barbara was a member of Phi Upsilon, Purdue University, and graduated in 1975 with a speech and hearing degree. She served as philan- thropic chair for the pledge class and lat- er for the chapter.
Currently she lives in Indianapolis and is a member of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
She wrote "A Bond of Love" this spring as an expression of her feelings about membership in Alpha Omicron Pi.)
'If for our Alpha Omicron Pi graduates
If you have learned mistakes are ways of learning
That all will make, that teachers are your friends, That they are best when they are most demanding, And that your education never ends;
If you have learned that grades are rings on targets Put there to help you really it the mark,
And that if you're a cheater, you're the cheated
To turn from truth and light to choose the dark;
If you have learned that facts are tools of learning To help you think, that judging is your aim . . . To find the facts, then weigh in balanced measure And count that good which has the better claim;
If you have learned that rules are made for reasons The purpose being that they help us all,
And that the heart in youth will have its seasons And like the Hdes of spring will rise and fall;
If you have learned to laugh, but not at others,
And to be clean in body, soul, and mind,
If you have learned that you best star in teamwork, And most of all the gift of being kind;
If you have learned that you must serve to master And having mastered, then you owe your best,
If you can smile when you have met disaster And start to work again with greater zest;
If you have found that all men are really brothers And that together we must rise or fall,
That he who does the most in helping others
Is at the last the greatest of us all;
If you regard your promise once it's given
As sacred as an altar's holy fame
And treasure most of all things under heaven Your self-respect as well as your good name;
If you have learned that error's often lauded,
That truth is very difficult to find,
You will have earned that coveted diploma
And what is more, you'll have a well-trained mind.
Congratulations &
Welcome into Alumnae-ship
(The following thought was
contributed by Linda Heaton
Grates, president, Dearborn Alumnae Chapter)
by H . Reed

(The IN MEMORIAM list represents those members of Alpha Omicron Pi whose death was reported to Headquarters between 4/1/81 and 3/18/83.)
Eugenia Converse Lee Druley Hazel Irene Wayt
Alpha CM
Western Kentucky Ruth Phillips Hill Gloria Young Hovious
AI^Gannna Washington St. Margaret Julia Twohy
Alpha Omicron
Louisiana St.
Virginia Dee Gray
Dorothy Louise Brockman Shelter
Alpha Phi
Montana SL
Virginia Marie Kohn Hayler Jeanne Kellogg Holker
Edith Kuhns
Marian Jeanette Kimball Martin Edith Mary Watson McCoy Kathleen Bownes McFauddin Doris Kuhns Mullins
Elizabeth Bertha Pope Nelson Leila Mary Linfield Nye
Martha Harwood Maxey Parffy Mary MacDonald Berry Webb
Alpha n
RbrMa St.
Martha Edmondson McKnight Tyler Alice Margaretta Anderson Wicks
Alpha Rho
Oregon SL
Vanita Faye Bryan Arney Thelma Bond Dermis Eudora Mitchell Estep Elaine Ewell Forrey
Alpha Sigma
Wanda Lelota Daggett Campbell Eleanor F. KilhamHymes Barbara Evelyn Hollis McMilan Loran Elizabeth Moser Meidinger Bette Jean Eggimann Morris Dorcas Elizabeth Ward Renshaw Maude Long Spangler
Suzanne Frances Minor Stetson Martha D. Montgomery Truitt
Alpha Rho Oregon St.
Barbara Bullock Wadman
Alpha Tau
Lucille McCane Fauster Helen Marie Foster
Mary Waters Graeff Jessie Frances Hardman
Beta CM
Kentucky W esteyan
Linda Ann Likens Lankford
Beta Gamma
Michigan SL
Suzanne E. Hummitch Seely Helen Elizabeth Luger Vaydick Ruth Lorraine Gregory Whiting
Beta Kappa
British Columbia
Jo Ann Elizabeth Price Baehr Vivienne Wilda Rowley
Beta Lambda puisWesteyan EdithS. Busey
Hazel V. Shaner Foltz
Beta Phi
Maude Arthur
Dellah Kathryn Tinder Billingsly Joan Lorraine Butcher Burries Lelah G. Whitted Cowan
Sarah Alice Cullnane
Pauline Edgar Day
Kathryn Kumble Viser Hoch Margaret Elizabeth Day Larry
Mary Gertrude Manley Marbaugh Mary Richmond Fletcher Parthemer Vivian Parry Peterson
Mary Margaret Schrader
Helen Marie Snoddy Stevens
Marie Jorianne Sullivan
Anne Vernette Yelch Whlttington Mildred Monica Wight Yoars
Leila Madge Oliver Young
Beta Theta
Frances Elizabeth Shera Fessler Frances Lorraine Scott Middleton Lenore Rosa Winter
Jamesine Emily Hope Bardeen Jane Grey Burlingham Ceppi Lorraine Mildred Brett Finneran Esther Myrtle Hagenbucher Hill Rita Florence Slesser
Chi Alpha
Kristin Ann Malmquist
Chi Delta
Lois Marie Hobson Swope
Chi Lambda
Lynnelle Haydeh
Marlene Ahrens Nelson Margaret Hereman Schlumff Katherine Engelsmann Schnute Jeanne Marie C. Schroeder Grace E. Sevringhaus
Cathleen Tichenor Wilson
Margaret Durkee Angell
Ina Carney Busboom
Lydia Josephine Piper Emerson Marion Estelle Kingston Hoffmann Grace Marie Kelly
Edith Luise Roeloch Kirkpatrick Kathleen MacDonald
Christine Nelson Ortner
Frances Elizabeth Rooks
Doris Folsom Miller Slater
Rena Mae Greenwood Smith Alice Louise Beake Thurston
Delta Beta
S. W. Louisiana
Louise Kitchell Burroughs Mary Myrtle A. Veillon
Delta Omega
Murray St.
Robin Ann Sweeney Virginia Lynne Walker
Jane Bartholome Hollister
Ruth Marian Sharp Caims Marion Truth Davidson
Mary Helen Jea Hildebrand
Rosemary E. Banriigan Maher Ruth Carolyn Faber Marshall Mildred Arvilla Mosier
Evelyn Catherine Yanoshat
EpsiKrn Alpha
Virginia Bloone Beard Larretta Schlemmer Gornall Ruth Arnold McCoy Granberg Evelyn Zook Heisey
Esther Louisa Kistler
Charlotte Mary Kozlowski Louise Mirium Suckfield Yalch
Epsltonlota Eastern Illinois Patricia Hinzy
Estelle Inez Beaupre
Madeline Bird
Ramona Louise Lopez Corriveau Carolyn Ruth Foley Dineen Cathryn Rita Hector
Lois Churchill Mantor Jackson Muriel Olive Young Maines Margaret Gertrud Humphrey
Doris Savage
Frances Marie Lougee Smith
Gamma Omicron Florida
Eileen Marie Mahan
Nina Grotevant Abbey
Nelle Tanner Erskine Benjamin Dorothy Dean Cook Crane Frieda Harshbarger Hyde Daphne Hutson Martin
Eva Marie Goodman Miller Elaine Katherine Lang O'Neill Erma Marie Reller Owens
Lura Bissell Rischmiller
Mary Kathleen Howell Sanford Mary Etta Wills Scholl Florence Martin Srout Triggs Katherine Wesson
Helen Woodrow Whitney
lota Alpha tdaho SL
Joan Helen Welker Fike
Anne Calnert Jones Eike
Carrie Crane Kearney
Augusta Stacy Marshall Gertrude Claiborn Hatcher Sloan Kappa Alpha
Indiana St.
Katherine Newsom Henley Mildred Fugate Humphrey
Mary Jane Poison Williams
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern
Mary Carolyn Nelso Blitch
Marguerite Pride Coppedge Milbrey Knowlton Heard Anne Mary Trezevant Lawo Dorothy Nelle Park Reinhardt
Kappa Pi
Ohio Northern Coralie Bland Mller
Kappa Tau
S. E. Louisiana Vonnie Haisty Borden
Kappa Theta
Katherine Winifre Johnson Bates-
Kathleen Lavayea Kincheloe Elizabeth Louise Cain Peck Mary Jane Walker
Margery Gunn Armitage Gertrude Margaret Beeger Virginia Parker Flippen French Beatrice Freuler Harlowe Wana Keesling Kunzel
Ruth Anita Patterson Lovell Florence Alice Leonard Stewart Elaine Yolahae Adrian Willoughby lone Titlow Wright
Lambda Sigma
Montez Estelle Debnam Hinkle Eugenia Burton Sharp
Patricia Irene Tidwell
New York
Alice Dillingham
Ruth Gloria Lawlor MacFadden Frances Fulton Welch Sommer Marjorie E. Schwartz Tjernstrom Elizabeth S. Underhill
Nulota Northern Illinois
Nancy Lynne Obrecht Osterberg
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist Nelle Graham Barton
Nu Lambda
Carolyn Frances Blaine Jones
Nu Omicron
Grace Birkett Snell Blalock Dorothy Robinson Bramwell Martha E. Farnsworth Buchanan Edna McFall Thomason Burns Carole Ann Hooper Francis
Willie D. Halsell
Constance Orme Kredel
Frances Elizabeth Smith Lacefield Kathleen Boyd Leonardt
Betty Ray Clark Miller
Ann Augusta Perry Shofner
Lady Jean Barker Tatum Elizabeth Perry Tichenor
Grace Laura Dubois Day
Thelma Mae Sortman Ekberg Katherine V. Sheppard Howard Amelia Seufferle Kaufrnarm
Helen Louise Lindsey
Dorothy Eleanor Brooks Lockmeyer Marian Brown Arthur McKenzle Patty Joanne Elliott Paul
Helen R. Sanford
Alvera Katherine Lehrer Stephens Josephine Andrews Thoman
T ennessee
Eula Scott Bagley
Frances Sullivan Brumback Louise Featherston Etheridge Frances Musgrave Frierson Thomasine Miles Goosman Alice Newton Hayes Graf
Uly Minge Meadors Grant Sara Ann Rowers Johnston Blossom Irene Swift Slattery Helen Louise Sonner Elizabeth Rhys Jones Swan Sara Wallace Wade Tinnon Blanche Johnanne Hollbaugh
Bzabeth Edmondson Winn
Omicron Pi
Ernestine Eda Wagner Beckwith Frances May Murray Burridge Shirley A. Saunders Piatt
Lou Ann Dyck Hess
Helen Jeanette Wedow Hurley Elizabeth J. Jarrott Morgan Ollis Laverne Stugand Nowotny Hazel Marie Garrelts Pfluger Bertha Watson Webster
PM Lambda
Judith Tucciarone Hickey Roseann Antonucci Meyer
PM Omicron
Margaret Kuisey Arbuckle
Susan Wayne Powell Gordon Berdina Patricia McRoberts Reese
Sophie Newcomb
Diane Trowbridge Bell Bott Louise Church
Maxine Lanier Packer Compton Ada Mott
Marjorie Goodwine Scud
Donna Frances Lemarie Swigart Ophelia Perkins Titus
Pi Delta
Katherine Baker Bromley
May Dezendorf Fouts
Eleanor Lillian Meyer Hamilton Marie Evelyn Brueckner
Hockensmith Catherine Patricia Mackin Elsie Jane Nock Pristach Norma Ruth Person Shook Wendy Lou Stark

Pi Kappa
Anne Barker Cherry Hickey Carolen Jeanne Draper Morgan
Eleanor Florence Gaiser Allen Ruth Sandy Cotton
Mildred Taylor Hayllar Patience Anna Franks Tillman
Ruth Marjorie Tarrant Ashcraft Hazel Whitmore Bliss
Leonora Isabel Doriat Braun
Ruby Celeste Peek Evans (Catherine Louise Blair Jamart Florence Lillian Magnuson Macleod Dorothy L. Pool Marker
Phyllis Claire Gampher Montgomery Rosemary Anne Orlando
Mabel Pauline Gastfield Schubert Adeline Evans Richards Terra Virginia Wienhoeber
Mable Anna L. McConnell Willis
Cat. Berkeley
Margaret G. Weeks Ball
Sarah Wiley Anderson Best Grace Adams Bieber
Vivian Elizabeth Young Blevins Barry Patricia Goodwin Carbonell Ruth Carson Crary
Luciele Bade Gans
Dorothy Helen Young Graeser Nancy Aileen Mangelsdorf Havas Margaret Mae Hurley
Eva Alia Marty
Jane Kendall May
Marjorie Selwood McGowan Marilyn Virginia Cochrane Rosberry Thelma Donovan Slusser
Marjorie Josephin Dooling Snyder Elizabeth Jane Davis Waldron Dorothy Reichman Walker
Sigma Lambda Wisconsin St. Peg Ann Sureck
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas St.
Dana Lou Johnston Cavenor Billie Alline Cravens
Glenna Charles See Schisler
Dorona Anne Clefton Amy
Emily Elizabeth Esswein Bremer Margaret Louise Whitmore Crum Mary Katherine Black Erickson Ruth E. Wolkerstorfer Harding Emily Elizabeth Bremer Johnson Alice Louisa Eylar Kunze
Ruth O'Brien McCarn Elizabeth Reinertson Mills Helen Medbery Pierce Munro Irene Helen Buckley Sieben
Tau Delta Birmingham-Southern
Cheryl Anne Troup Blackburn Esther Catherine Merrill Folsom
Tau Omicron
Suzanne Lavillon Worsham
Mary Hester Diehl
Judith Ann Loebs Emmerich Merle Huffman Huckleberry Dorothy Dunn Huffman
Lois Ruth Long
Mabel Estelle Diee Manuel Helen Elizabeth King Pfister Minna Mae Bartley Rightsell Forest Kyle Wildman
Theta Eta
Margaret Freema Humphries
Aloise Anne Warren Garnett Elizabeth Morrison Proud Martha Kearney Shelby Velte
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona
Mary Louise Burkhart Ebner
Theta Pi
Kathleen Klimacek Manos
Theta Psi
Estelle Mathilde Hobey Deiners
Helen Quinton Allan
Miriam Jean Melis Blindheim Estelle Wheeler Flannagan Mildred Frudenfeld Fleming Laura Alice Hurd
Florence Zilda Baker Jaekel Emily Hershberger Johnson Roberta Mudgett Karrer
Ruth Evangeline Baker Kidd
Loretta Lawler Lightner Marilyn Jean Keller Lundberg Helen Forester Koller Maxfield Inez Margare Swartzlander Pipe Swanhild Constance Jule Pope Sharon Lynn Leinbach Setzer Mildred West Loring Sylvester Esther M, Melby Valentine Alice Jean Slater Weber
Alice Turtle Wolfe
Dorothy Powell Frye Cook Florence Eleanor McAlister Mildred Noble Meade
Virginia Gertrude White Parks
Hazel M. Campbell Burnham Ruth Kathryn Hitchcock Harrison Vera Alice Young Holland
Helen Harper Lavelle
Janet McAllister Logan
Laura Petersen
Joan Lorene Hertzler Saults Doris Jane Vallery Stretton Vivian Corinne Brown Tilden
Studying abroad 'an experience of a lifetime'
Two members of the Sigma Tau chap- ter, at Washington College, Michele Hartnett and Tara Purnell, consider their study abroad "an experience of a life- time," reported Kathryn H. Engle, Sigma Tau.
Michele, an economics and education major, spent one semester in Oxford, studying at Warnborough College.
While in England she stayed with a family and really got a feel for the Eng- lish way of life. She bicycled to her tuto- rials, which included, music, economics, and sociology. These tutorials each re- quired one paper a week which kept M i - chele very busy.
Pubs were a major source of activity, not only for relaxation but for work as well. In fact, it was in the pubs thatMi- chele wrote her papers and discussed the subjects with classmates.
Michele said that studying in Oxford is very different than in the States.
"Oxford is a stimulating place to be for academics . . . the social life revolves around it. Going to plays, lectures, and teas is expected because it is an extended form of education," she said.
Tara, an art major, was also abroad for a semester, in Italy. She stayed five minutes from the Religious Center in Florence, at a hotel with 16 others and the teacher. Her studies included, history of Italy, drawing, watercolor, and pho- tography. The classes were held on loca- tion which provided beautiful sceneries.
Collegian joins the Spanish life
By Lori Streifler Nu Lambda
Living abroad can be a fascinating and challenging experience as Nu Lambda Vivian Santana found out. Vivian spent the spring on U.S.C. Madrid Semester, taking classes at U.S.C.'s satellite cam- pus.
When asked what she found most chal- lenging, Vivian replied that it was the classes conducted completely in Spanish which taught her things about her own Cuban heritage and culture. She also said that just trying to get somewhere in a strange city was a challenge in itself.
She had to make a big adjustment to the Spanish lifestyle because "everything is very slow there" and Spaniards have a "totally different time clock than Ameri- cans" she said. This includes their meal- times and the fact that everything is open extremely late. She also pointed out that "they conserve everything because the cost of living is so high. The standard of living is lower there," Vivian said and hot water and electricity are sparingly used.
Sigma T au Tara Purnell, right, and her room- mate from Italy.
When asked what she gained from liv- ing abroad, Vivian replied that she re- ceived "a broader perspective of the world. In the states we don't know as much about other countries, but they know all about us." The international perspective she gained will come in handy for this senior political science ma- jor who plans on attending law school in the future. She also found the Spanish much more cultured in art and music, things she feels Americans take for granted.
Members selected
(continued from page 18)
Sigma Alpha honorary, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Kappa Phi, and Phi Eta Sigma. She is a Delta Tau Delta Little Sister and a member of Phi Lambda Sigma, the pre- legal society.
Christine V erkamp, Phi Upsilon, and industrial engineering major at Purdue University, is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Pi M u , Alpha Lambda Delta, and the recipient of a merit award for women in engineering. She has served as the house manager and scholarship chairman of the chapter and as an academic coor- dinator for Occupational Outlook. In ad- dition, she has worked at IBM as a pre-professional employee, at General Motors as an industrial engineering in- tern, and at Purdue Universityas a teach- ing assistant.
Golden Key was established to recog- nize and encourage scholastic achieve- ment among juniors and seniors in all un- dergraduate fields of study.

AOII alumnae abroad
Artist travels worldwide with works
One AOII you may find in Seattle one day and back in New Zealand the next planning her next trip to Italy . . . is Eva Ellis, Upsilon '47, University of Wash- ington.
This artist, well known for the new technique she uses in her seascapes, al- ways seems to have a show going some- where in the world.
Early last fall she was presented the "Golden Centaur" award of the Acade- mia Italia (Italian Academy). In 1980 she was given a Gold Medal in the Italian Academy, one of 100 given artists around the world.
Last fall she had a solo exhibit spon- sored by the Secretary of the Swedish Embassy in Wellington.
Eva completed her master's degree at the University of Idaho. She has worked for several art festivals as well as doing some free lance work in New York City. She serves as an art lecturer in New Zea- land.
Her work is permanently on exhibit in public and private collections across the country and in the Canterbury Public Li- brary. She is a writer and she and her husband travel extensively.
Just this February Eva received an hon- orary masters degree in painting from the Italian Academy of Art.
Not only was she awarded the degree, but also she is among 600 artists around the world to be included in a volume of top living artists.
The Italian Academy asked her to send two paintings to an international acade- my of art exhibition in the Palazzo delle Manifestazioni in Parma, Italy. Her pieces will be on display in the palace for a year.
AOII has always been an important part of her life, for this busy sister.
"I made lifelong friends among the AOII women I went to school with," she said. "My sorority is part of my family. It helped me to be active and interested in a wide variety of things in life and helped broaden my outlook. It gave me the poise and self-confidence we all need in life.
"My sorority sisters truly are my sisters and have always given me love and sup- port in my endeavors," she added. "My experiences in AOII were of enormous in- fluence in my life."
Ellis, Upsilon '47, University of Wash- ington.
It's 'the hardest job you'll ever love.
By Dorothy Odle Burger Omicron Pi
The years I spent in Afghanistan pro- vided some of the most exciting, interest- ing, rewarding, and frustrating experi- ences of my life. The Peace Corps description—the hardest job you'll ever love—is an apt one.
I first arrived there in November 1970 and, following the usual in-country train- ing for all volunteers, was assigned to the Nangrahar University Hospital in Jalalabad. By our standards, the hospital facilities were pretty primitive, but Jalalabad is Afghanistan's winter garden spot and resort. It is beautiful until the hot weather of summer, when it becomes unbearable, and everyone who can moves up into the mountains. The city lies on one of the principal nomadic mi- gration routes between Pakistan and the summer pastures in the high mountains. At migration times the streets and roads become clogged with sheep, goats, peo- ple, cattle, donkeys, and camels. To western eyes it is an incredible sight.
After about a year I was transferred to the Institute of Public Health in Kabul. A little later the clinical portion was split off into a new National Clinical Labora- tory, and I went with the clinical seg-
ment. I remained here for the balance of my time, but from time to time was sent to other hospitals in the area to help or- ganize their laboratories or set up new tests.
I came home in 1974, but after a year and a half returned to Kabul to the same job I had left. I had expected to stay an- other two years, but the political situa-
Dorothy Burger Omicron Pi
tion had worsened and I terminated after fourteen months. I had been in Kabul at the time of the first coup, which was bloodless, but resulted in the over-throw of the Shah and the establishment of a democratic government.
However, the expectations of the peo- ple were raised so unrealistically high I doubt that any government could have succeeded. Such expectations caused un- bearable frustrations and one could sense the coming explosion. I came home about three months before the second coup.
The Afghans are a truly delightful and fascinating mixture of races and cultures, fiercely proud and independent.
"I spent the summer traveling in Europe with Sue Lach, another AOII. We went to 20 countries on an International Student Exchange tour. The most interesting countries were Austria, Greece, France and Germa- ny. We visited beautifulcastles, mu- seums and wonderful countrysides. It was a valuable experience that could not be replaced. It's something everyone must do."
—Sheree Swanson, Tau


Why travel?
"Why do AOIIs travel as a group? Why do they travel abroad?"
Louise Choulian, Delta, Tufts, one of the six AOIIs who went to China October '81, said she felt more secure going to a strange country halfway around the world with her close AOII friends.
Another said she wanted to see in per- son the Chinese acrobats and had watched on TV Wide World of Sports while a third said she is interested in the cultures of foreign countries. Others go for special events like the Joyce Centenni- al in Dublin, the Grand Prix and Monte Carlo, or the running of the Bulls in Pamplona.
For some who live alone, travel is their one luxury.
Traveling is something that gets into one's blood, like printer's ink. After you have visited a city like Florence, for in- stance, you always want to go back for another long look at Michelangelo's mag- nificent David or Botticelli's beautiful Birth of Venus, explained Katherine "Kay" Davis Carter, Theta.
The other three from Tufts on the Chi- na trip were Ann MacCarthy, whose IIOA husband Charlie was tour leader; Dr. Winnie Chase, a practicing physician from Franklin, N.H., and Hazel Wood- worth. Also on the trip were Margir La- mar, Chi Delta, Colorado, and Kay.
The group found the country and its people friendly.
"At Shanghai the group visited a com- mune kindergarten and the teacher invit- ed me in to dance with the children," Kay said. "They responded to me very cor- dially and showed me the intricate arm movements and foot steps."
To ride comfortably in a Chinese plane one should be short and slim, the U.S. visitors remembered.
"But we were sorry to leave," she added. "There is so much of interest to see—our days were crowded with activities."
Jocelyn Green
Raphael Green filming kindergarten on street in Lanzhou.
Couple views today's world through the camera's eye
Jocelyn Green, Kappa Gamma '48, and her husband Raphael, a travel-film lec- turer really take a camera eye view of ev- ery country they visit.
The couple has completed 13 films— based on life in Russia, Thailand, Singa- pore, Berlin, Switzerland, Germany, Is- rael.
Because they make films the pair get into places most tourists don't go. A n d to make things even more exciting they do not make reservations ahead . . .
"So far, we've never had to sleep on a park bench," she added. "This is just part of the adventure of traveling."
While filming one of their projects on the Soviet Union, the pair asked to go into a clothing factory instead of a bunch of museums. "Our guide found us such a factory and seemed visibly relieved that she could dispense with some of the mu- seums," Jocelyn said.
Their filming often takes place in schools.
"Russian schools are show places and all you see are dimpled darlings. German schools are neat and orderly, and even when we popped in unexpectedly, the or- der was evident," she said.
Swiss schools were neat and orderly. In Afghanistan the couple visited a girls' high school where the girls were no long- er wearing the traditional veil which cov-
ers from head to toe. The young men in another school were distracted by a woman in the front of their class.
"Boys and girls are strictly segregated in Afghanistan," she said. "Very seldom does this couple end up at 'model places.'"
"We travel on trains, in buses, etc" she explained. "In European countries we blend in with other people. In Russia we were thought to be just a couple of school teachers on vacation. In China, we weren't pegged as anything in parti- cular."
And all the little things about people they have learned!
In a Russian factory the women took an "exercise break" instead of a coffee break. In China, about one-third of the work force would stop and exercise next to their work benches for a few minutes.
"There is such a wide variety of things we can learn from the cultures of other countries if we learn to open our eyes and shut our mouths," Jocelyn added. "Ifwe are gracious to others, they cannot help but be gracious back to us.
"During one-to-one conversations we can help others to understand our way of life and in turn learn what they have been told by their leaders—and correct mis- conceptions—very casually."

"People are people the world over, whether they live in a great western nation or in one of the developing countries."
—Dorothy Burger Omicron Pi
Ruth Huggenberger, Alpha Phi '69, overlook- ing her hometown of St Callen, Switzerland.
student returns
Ruth Huggenberger, Alpha Phi, is a Swiss AOII working as a teacher in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
"I was initiated in 1969 when I lived at the AOII house during a most exciting year as an exchange student at Montana State University.
She encourages everyone who has an opportunity to study or work abroad to do so.
"It won't always be easy, especially if you have to speak a foreign language. You must be very good at it to be able to follow lectures," she said. "But it is a challenge worth accepting and many uni- versities offer courses especially designed for foreign students.
"Only by living in a country for a while you can get to know its way of life, widen your views and think about your own ways again," she stressed.
"This certainly is always important," Ruth added. "Had I stayed at home, I might never have known about AOII!"
Traveling can provide scores of lifetime memories, stories
By Kathleen Shipley Chi Lambda
This summer France was exceptionally beautiful! The weather was warm and fair. The people were open, friendly, and helpful. The palaces, museums, historic spots—all that makes France the ageless country it is—were quaint and charming. To be there was like walking through time, walking among kings, queens, and courtiers, being in a modern fairyland. But, my personal vision of France is the product of a romantic's memory, tem- pered by distance.
Realistically, studying abroad is a very maturing experience. Being away from the modern conveniences of home sur- rounded by people raised in a different culture who speak another language can make the traveler strangely uneasy. I be- came immediately aware of all that went on around me. What people wore, what people did, what they thought of the U.S. and what world events were happening— all these never escaped m y observation.
My happiest moments were found sit- ting at sidewalk cafes, drinking a cafe creme while watching the daily world continue seemingly without me. The French certainly have unique ways of en- joying the sides of life which Americans sometimes miss—the beauty of flowers blooming, the sensation of eating a metic- ulously prepared meal, the sight and sound of street dancers and musicians, jugglers and fire-eaters, clowns and mimists. A n d , even outside the large city, in the countryside, the same appreciation for the little extras in life still existed. I re- turned home wishing to establish a slow- er pace, a new way of living.
My unhappiest moments, which one can never escape, consisted mainly of for- ever having to defend my homeland. Many of those studying with me were from European, Asian, and African countries. In some instances, they were in opposition to American policies and pro- cedures. Luckily, many times willing to accept the American students' explana- tions. Many, however, were not. As a re- sult, I have gained a closer understanding of the distrust among nations. All people view occurrences from their own person- al, cultural perspective. It really is neces- sary to "walk in another's shoes."
Being at home, looking back, I can say that I would not trade m y travels abroad for anything. The happy as well as the unhappy moments tend to balance out in the end, and I am left with a final feeling of content. I had gone to learn some- thing, and I had. I learned about the
Kathleen Shipley Chi Lambda
French people—a proud people often misunderstood, the French way of life— sometimes frustrating to the overly effi- cient American, the French language— beautiful to hear, at points, difficult to speak. Each moment was a learning expe- rience—the ultimate impact often impos- sible to express.
On my flight back, I composed some words in an attempt to verbalize my feel- ings:
Romance and music live there
in the streets
amid crowds of passers-by who just stroll between history and now; and I,
amid it all, thinking of home,
long to stay in some quaint second of time
and freeze forever
the memory
of each priceless moment.
(Kathleen Shipley is an alumna of Chi Lambda chapter at the University of Ev- ansville, Evansville, I N . She is a junior high school teacher as well as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Ev- ansville. Last summer she studied at the institute Catholique in Paris, France.)

Family helps with 'Operation New Life'
By Mary Gilles Johnson, Phi '52
Seven years had passed since the fall of Vietnam but the memory of seeing thou- sands of Vietnamese come to the island of Guam is still very vivid to me.
It was in April of 1975 while living at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, with my husband, David, then a chaplain in the United States A i r Force and 11-year- old son, Tim, that I became involved in "Operation New Life."
When the Americans left Vietnam, many Vietnamese also had to leave and they had no place to go. Our government designated Guam as the central receiving point until places could be located else- whereintheUSAandtheworld.TheAir Force and the Navy were in charge and the exercise was titled OPERA TION NEW LIFE, and that is exactly what it was—giving new life to 120,000 Viet- namese.
As the planes started landing every 15 minutes with 150 Vietnamese aboard, ev- eryone, including military personnel, wives, older children were involved in meeting planes, transporting the refugees to vacant buildings, getting them fed, clothed, and settled.
The American Red Cross was sum- moned, and I worked with them in "Tin City" (an area on our base that had pre- fabricated buildings) Tin City had housed the men involved in the final bombing in Vietnam and how ironic that it now housed the Vietnamese. The American Red Cross worked frantically
three months all had left but 600 who had been allowed to remain on Guam.
Guam, an island only 32 miles long and four to eight miles wide is a territory of the United States. Although it is over 5000 miles from the California coast, it rallied to its country's call. H o w fortu- nate that we, too, could serve our coun- try on Guam, where America's Day Be- gins.
(Because Guam is on the other side of the dateline it is a day ahead of us and since it is American soil, America's Day Begins there. This slogan appears on l i - cense plates and everywhere!)
Mary was graduated from the Univer- sity of Kansas in 1952 with a degree in so- ciology/social work.
"I pledged AOII immediately and lived in the house for four wonderful years," she said. "She was an officer each year and now is Panhellenic Alternate of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter.
Mary and her family have leaped and bounded around the country since her husband David became a U.S. Air Force chaplain in 1961.
She has always been a joiner and a doer and has served as a officer in count- less organizations. She was selected as "Military Wife of the Year" at Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, during the fami- ly's stay there from 1969-72.
Mary was active in the organization of an active chapter at Central Missouri State. She and her husband have three sons.
Karin Peterson Fennow, Epsilon, Cor- nell '33, traveled to Denmark in 1945 with the United States Foreign Service as what was then known as an Auxiliary Officer
"In those days women who had had government experience, as I had in wartime W ashington, were often as- signed to overseas posts. Subsequently, I married a Dane, and I have lived perma- nently in this country since 1948," she said.
In 1952 she became associated with the Fulbright Program (then known as the United States Educational Foundation in Denmark, now called the Commission for International Exchange between Den- mark and the United States of America).
"Working for the program from its in- ception was a challenging and stimulating job, and became more so after I was ap- pointed Executive Director in 1954, "Kar- in explained.
The Fulbright experience was tremen- dously awarding for this American abroad.
"I am happy to have had a share in our efforts to promote international under- standing through exchanges of profes- sors, research scholars, teachers and stu- dents; several hundreds of persons (to say nothing of their families) were involved," she said. "I'd have to write a whole book to give a complete picture of my Ful- bright years."
In addition to what she believes was important not only from an academic or scholarly point of view, human and cul- tural exchanges, too, were, significant. "Friendships that were established with fellow Americans and Danes, as well as with collegues in other participating countries, would require a sequel!," she added.
For many years she has been a member of the American Women's Club in Den-
mark, which is affiliated with the Federa- tion of American Women's Clubs Abroad and the Danish National Council of Women.
"I recommend that any of our sisters who come to live abroad get in touch with the local American Women's Clubs, either via American Embassies or FAWCO representatives. There are clubs in most West European countries as well as in other parts of the world, "she added.
"Although I have lived away from home for so many years, I am still in touch with several of my Epsilon sisters, Karin said. " I have not as yet run into any members of other chapters here or in other European countries, but if any of you come here, I'll be glad to answer let-
Mary E. Johnson, Phi
to get families reunited that had become separated when leaving Vietnam. At one time there were 5,000 living in Tin City.
From T in City the Vietnamese moved to "Tent City" on the Navy Station in the center part of the island. Over 60,000 at a time lived here. One by one the Vietnam- ese were flown from Guam and within
Foreign Service provided first trip to Denmark
ters or 44)."
calls (T el:

Family experiences life in Africa
Ethiopian countryside
Student explores German culture
Sigma Chi's Karen Nytch is back at Hartwick College after a year spent in Marburg, Germany.
Karen took an academic leave of ab- sence from Hartwick and applied to the University of Pennsylvania-Millersville junior year abroad program. Under this program, she was a fulltime student at Marburg's Phillipps University, located about an hour north o f Frankfurt.
Karen learned a lot of the German lan- guage, which is her major, but she also experienced a great deal more. T e n months in the country made her more than a tourist. She found herself being drawn into the culture around her. She lived in a dorm complex about a mileand a half from her classes, and viewed many things differently.
She learned to appreciate and accept things that were originally very foreign. This in turn has affected her view of her own life; b y exploring another culture she is able to see hers with fresh eyes.
Since returning to Oneonta, Karen has become very interested in the field of for- eign student advising. She will be doing an internship in the spring at the neigh- boring State University College o f One- onta, working in their foreign student ad- vising office. She feels that foreign stu- dents have a difficult time adjusting to our culture, and they are often ignored. She is interested in counseling such stu- dents and the families they live with, and the families they leave behind. Karen hopes that she will learn about other as- pects of this field during her internship experience, added Lisa Pacenza.
aged boys' secondary there all four years.
a n d
Sierra Leone and Ethiopia have been home to one AOII and her family.
Betty Floegel Holland, Epsilon Alpha '60, and her husband, Doug, taught in a Sierra Leone girls' boarding school and later at a boys' day school from 1962-65.
The family returned to the United States for advanced degrees at the Uni- versity of Arizona, but by 1969 Betty and Doug were ready to return to over- seas life—this timeEthiopia.
"I had hoped to teach sociology at the university with m y shiny new master's degree, but couldn't," Betty said. "If I had been a man, or an Ethiopian, or had a Ph.D., it would have been different, but they had enough enough women with master's and didn't need another."
She did find a position at a Jesuit-man-
"I think that a woman who goes over- seas because of her husband's job needs to find a job or make a job for herself, doing something she feels is worthwhile," she said. " I don't think those women whose lives revolved around the Ameri- can Embassy activities a n d bridge were particularly happy.
"It is difficult not to feel guilty at your comparative affluences, your good food and nice cloths, etc, Betty said. "If you are not doing something helpful, I think it would be difficult and unpleasant."
What did they miss?—hamburgersand other typical American foods, the free- dom of the press and the openness to ad- mit there are problems, discuss them and try to solve them!!
"But w e gained friends from many countries, an appreciation f o r American practical problem-solving attitudes, ad- venture a n d traveling," she said.
"As far as the children were concerned Jackie and Dan (born in Sierra Leone) had the experience of living in a different culture and having friends from many countries.
(With household help they didn't learn much about doing household chores until the family returned to the U.S. and Betty saidbythen"itwasalittlelate. . .")
In some ways it is very difficult coming back.
"Suddenly everyone seems so rich. Y ou are aware ofhowmuch waste thereis," Betty added. "Y ou see h o w most people have so much more than they need, b u t complain because they can't b u y a boat or other luxury they want—when so many people are just strugglingfromday to day."
i 4
"In both countries, we found our stay very satisfying," Betty said. "Times were sometimes a little dull in Sierra Leone, as we were 'up-country' away from any big cities."
There was no television, radio and only one year did the family have a car. But with the school's car the family w as able to visit teachers and missionaries in other towns, see a movie once in a while
"The people were very friendly, some- times curious—especially about white ba- bies," Betty added. They also were appre- ciative of our being there to teach them, but rather indifferent to white people in general."
Ethiopia was quite different.
"It was a more interesting country to visit with its rich history," she continued. "The people are intelligent and interesting but rather suspicious o f foreigners."
Betty said the students were eager to learn and very intelligent.
"We enjoyed our life because we were involved with the people, particularly students. W e would not trade the experi- ence for any amount of money or profes- sional advancement w e m a y have lost b y being overseas," she stressed.
Betty Holland, Epsilon Alpha

Alumna tours the world via job opportunities
Epsilon Alpha alumnae Jenny Johnson made her first trip abroad like many young women—as a college graduation present. The trip to France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Great Britain caught her up in the excite- ment of travel.
A year later a West Point Cadet (Dion Johnson) proposed a life of travel and she accepted. It was first to Alaska with one infant daughter and three years later the family returned with two more.
When her husband was assigned to Vietnam she and the girls went to Port- land, Maine, to be with his parents. There she continued her broadcasting ca- reer and again set up programming for women.
It was Hawaii for the family and then Delaware and later the D.C. area. Along the way Jenny worked on a master's de- gree but later went into a doctoral pro- gram at the University of Maryland de- spite not having a master's. Fitting classes and studies around jobs she earned her Ph.D. from the Department of Adminis- tration, Supervision and Curriculum with a major in Educational Technology, and minors in Radio-TV and International Education.
In 1977 she earned a Fulbright to the University of Ife, Nigeria, and she and the three girls settled there.
"Then lack on education was the most limiting factor for women." Jenny said. "Free compulsory primary education had just begun for children. Girls seldom fin- ished high school and without education
their job opportunities were limited to baby nurse, seamstress, seller in the market . . .
However all fields were open to wom- en who did pursue an education.
Jenny was critically injured in a car ac- cident in March of 1978 and her Nigerian experience was over. But with effort she mended well and was ready for an 1981 appointment at the University of Riyadh, now King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
There she is setting up learning re- source centers within the College of A l - lied Medical Sciences.
"I am not permitted to have any con-
Jenny Johnson, Epsilon Alpha
tact with Saudi men," Jenny said. "All of the faculty is expatriate so I can work with all of them to develop materials."
But it is not a woman's country.
"Women are not permitted to drive or even to sit on the same car seat with any male other than father, brother, son, or husband. Women are not to ride in taxis alone," she explained. "Women now are permitted to ride on public buses, but they must enter the back door and sit in a partitioned area for women only. Wom- en cannot take a train unless accompa- nied by a male relative."
The university programs for women are limited to medical, dental, nursing, philosophy, language, history, sociology and education. None of the schooling is integrated, male with female.
"All mail is censored and sections of western magazines torn out or marked out with black crayons if the subject is objectionable," she said. "Women seem not to object to the restrictions placed on them. There are bound to be some very challenging times ahead for the Saudi lady.
"When I rushed to Penn State Universi- ty back in 1950, I was impressed by AOII because it proudly emphasized that mem- bership was not restricted by race or creed," Jenny said.
"Tolerance of others' beliefs is essential to living in foreign communities," she added. "I am glad my family and I have the opportunity to live and work in Riyadh. I look forward to living in other settings and more new experiences."
Six-week Mexican adventure proves rewarding
By Jeanine Kimmerle Kappa Alpha
In the summer of 1981, I joined 12 stu- dents from the Spanish program at Indi- ana State University plus two professors for a six-week trip to Mexico.
The trip began with a 44-hour bus ride to Nuevo Laredo, Texas. The evening we arrived there, we walked to the Mexican border and got our first glimpse of the much studied and talked about Mexican culture. During the first week, we were to find ourselves living with Mexican fami- lies in the city of San Luis Potosi.
During the mornings, we attended the Benjamin Franklin Institute where we studied extensively about the Mexican culture and many reknown writers from the diverse Spanish speaking countries. Most of the day was spent with the Mexi- can family or with a tour of the city.
Meals were the first real new experi- ence for us. The breakfast was very light consisting of fruit, cereal or cookies ("ga- lletas") and milk. Lunch was considered the main meal, and consisted of first a soup, then usually rice with meat and some type of vegetable following and ended with some type of fruit. Supper was usually bread with meat (very light) since it wasn't eaten until later in the eve- ning.
The technological advancement was another definite culture shock. W ashing your clothes in a pail of water with a wash board was an everyday chore for most Mexican women. Laundromats were very scarce and expensive. There are no luxurious supermarkets, but in- stead, big open markets and smaller mar- kets. These markets don't ring up your purchases at a cash register, pack your
groceries, and send you off with a smile; instead, they have their food out in the open, right from the fields and the indi- vidual farmers (campesinos) usually sell their own products. Not only in food, but in everything, a buyer will bargain with the seller for the price. You carry the goods home in your arms or in a shopping net as the Europeans do.
This entire adventure has not only left me with fond memories of another coun- try, but provided me with a knowledge that has helped me in my first year as a Spanish teacher as well as a background that will be invaluable to me in future en- deavors. It was plain and simply an un- forgetable and worthwhile experience that I wish everyone could have the op- portunity to enjoy.
(Jeanine was the 1981 Perry Award re- cipient.)

Statements by the Regional Rush Officers are the best narrative one could read on what produces excel- lence in a rush program. "They begin holding weekly rush workshops in January and continue through the summer with a 'Great Escape' week- end where every last minute detail is finished and conversational skills are perfected." "Their close working re- lationship with their advisers has greatly benefitted their rush success. Every chapter should be so blessed 1" (Phi Sigma)
Backpacking still popular method
Backpacking, too, remains a special way for Americans to visit abroad.
Tau Deltas from Birmingham Southern College, Casey Davis, Jill Hoube, Anne Stagner and Amy Turnage backpacked across Europe during the summer months.
With hostel cards and Eurail passes, the four visited many northern European countries during a summer "we will never forget."
Teaching offers overseas life
Knoxville is home base for a wonderful example of the strength and spirit of AOII women.
For the past ten years, Marjorie Ren- nick Green has accepted teaching posi- tions in such exciting countries as Swit- zerland, Mexico, Yemen, and Kuwait. Living conditions have not always been as comfortable as home and hostilities have even broken out in some of the countries during her stay. After each as- signment, Marjorie has always returned to Knoxville f o r the summer to relax and to visit with her four grown children: Jen- nifer, Becky, Tom, and Geoffrey.
Currently, Marjorie is teaching sixth grade at the American International School in Tel Aviv, Israel, which was es- tablished by a joint effort between the American Embassy and the U.S. State Department in 1958. The school serves 370 students from 25 countries.
Marjorie, a graduate of the University of Tennessee and an initiate of the Omi- cron chapter, has had a wide range of ad- ventures. She has experienced the Christ- mas season in the Holy Land. She has formed many friendships all over the world and she is currently writing a book
about her many experiences. Her spirit and self-reliance are cause for much re- spect and admiration and we are very proud to have Marjorie spreading AOII love abroad.
A time in Spain
Delta Delta member Cherie Casey, spent five weeks of her summer vacation attending the University of Madrid in Spain. Along with other students from the University of Alabama and Auburn University, Cherie had the chance to study Spanish conversation and grammer, and visit nine other countries.
She feels that the most interesting as- pect of her stay in Spain was trying to communicate with people who spoke ab- solutely no English.
"Everything was a challenge; just try- ing to get directions to the store or a res- taurant was difficult,"Cherie stated.
She received ten hours credit for her studies and had the opportunity to exam- ine a foreign culture all in one trip.
"I went to school in Dijon France during the past school year. I was so glad to have the opportunity to trav- el throughout Europe as well as studying. I have gained a lot of inde- pendence, having gone over to Eu- rope alone. I learned a lot about my- self and the world."
—Tracy Peterson, Tau
Senior discovers England's style
Lynda Cloud, Epsilon Alpha, a senior architecture major, studied in Petworth, England, last spring semester. Lynda lived with the family of a Scottish archi- tect, and, as part of her studies, she designed a combination cricket/English football pavilion for the Village of Pet- worth.
Lynda says the British citizens love Americans and poke fun at us at the same time. For example, they told Lynda that all American "dress very smart and talk loud"!
But during the Falklands crisis, Lynda realized the greatness of the United States' world power. The British were al- ways watching to see what the U.S. was going to do next, she said.
People in England don't always fit the stereotype of "prim and proper." Says Lynda, "they like to be crazy, too!" She says the people were very warm and trusting, and always opened their homes to traveling students.
(Jean Wyckoff, Epsilon Alpha, inter- viewed chapter members for To Dragma.)
Members of the newly installed colony at the University of Virginia, too, have taken the opportunity to study abroad.
Darcy Spinney studies at Fudan University in Shaghai. The colony also has members in Spain and France and continues to encourage others to study abroad.
Studying is a dirty word to most collegians. It implies bordem, mo- notony, and no excitement. Two Gamma Omicrons at the University of Florida have changed the meaning of the word.
Becky Williams and Kim Niedert have been involved in the American Institute for Foreign Students ex- change program, in London at Rich- mond College.
Traveling can be humbling time
Traveling abroad can be a humbling experience.
Millie White, a member of Zeta Psi chapter at East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C., arrived in France deter- mined to conquer Europe with "my AOII personality and my American accent."
Needless to say, her plan of action quickly fell through.
"Conquering Europe was not the prob- lem, but conquering the language . . Millie said. "I was immediately humbled by a five-year-old who could not under- stand one word I was saying to him.
"From that day on, I avoided children. They couldn't understand that I was a foreigner. They simply thought I was a French person with a speech problem."
But Millie found Europeans under- standing.
"Why, one lady didn't bat an eye when I looked her straight in the eye and said 'thank-you' when I should have said "hel- lo," Millie said.
At first it was difficult, but by the end of the year Millie said she learned a lot about herself.
"As time went on I felt more comfort- able with my abilities and what a great feeling that was," she added. "Being abroad made me more understanding of others."
And to enjoy a trip, she quickly added, "laugh a lot and never lose your sense of humor."
(More Abroad articles are on page 31) 39

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Sharing the obvious delight of AOII collegians welcoming their newest AOII sisters-to-be is easy. One has only to scan any picture in this To Dragma to feel the friendship and remember our own similar collegiate experience. Participating in the finding of young women worthy of becoming part of the quality, lifetime friendship circle of AOII is the privilege our collegians confidently give to each of us. AOII is even bigger and better today than when we as collegians found it greatly to our liking. We are a bigger and better Fraternity each year because more of us take the time to introduce our young friends to the best one of them all . . . AOII. Please send your Membership Information now! The form and the addresses of all collegiate chapters are in this To Dragma. NOW IS THE TIME TO HONOR YOUR VOW. Make it number 1 priority for today.
Fraternally, Marilyn Herman for the Executive Board

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