BRa$£iNc; RicjHts - zeta ceLeBRates ceNteNNiaL - ReCRuitmeNt foRms
Happy 100th Birthday Zeta!
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron R
Published sinceJanuary, 1905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Inc
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U )
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron R, (USPS-631-840) the official oigan ofAlpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN. Periodical class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. life subscription: $85.00.
Send address changes to:
To Dragma ofAlpha Omicron Pi,
5390 Virginia Way., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications totiie Editor at the same address
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2,1897, by: Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry &Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
International President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. phone: 615/370-0920 fax: 615/371-9736
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Mailing Address Updates
[email protected]
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of
the College Fraternity Editors Association.
This year, Zeta Chapter (U of Nebraska - Lincoln) became the sec- ond AOII chapter to turn too years old. This significant achieve- ment is a tribute to a great chapter and hundreds of outstanding members, both past and present. We salute you!
Congratulations to the following collegiate and alumnae chapters also celebrating milestone anniversaries this year:
Gamma Alpha (George Mason U)
Upsilon Lambda (U of Texas San Antonio) Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter
50th Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U) Dearborn Alumnae Chapter
Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter
Our Missions:
7b Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Pi Fraternity,
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to reflect the love and sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi through the funding of educational and charitable programs.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excel- lence and lifelong learning, and develop- ing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
To Dragma
*^of Alpha Omicron Pi
5 Fraternity News
AOII announcements, notes and news.
6 Collegiate News
Collegiate chapters salute outstanding chapter advisers.
1 3 Bragging Rights
AOII recognizes scholastic achievement and campus involvement.
2 4 AOII Foundation Update
Noteworthy information from the AOII Foundation.
26 InTheirMemory
A tribute to members who have passed away during the 2001-2003 biennium.
3 0 Alumnae News
Chapters share ideas on their best community service project.
36 The 2003-2004 Chapter Consultant Team Meet the young women who will travel this year for AOII.
3 8 Zeta's Centennial
Zeta (U of Nebraska-Lincoln) celebrated 100 years of sisterhood.
4 1 75-Year Members
A salute to members initiated in the 1927-28 school year.
43 AOII Membership Information Forms The Membership Information Form (MIF) and Legacy Form.
4 6 AOII Emporium
Summer merchandise from the AOII Emporium.
Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
AOII Perspective
During the 2001-2003 biennium, the Fraternity's goals were built around three areas of focus - membership recruitment, membership retention and sound financial management.
Membership recruitment focused on our goal to increase the number of both collegiate members and active alumnae members. As collegians, we leam that being a member of Alpha Omicron Pi extends beyond our college days. As alumnae, we have the opportunity to continue the journey we began in college. With that in mind, we have reached out to our alumnae members by creating AOII Always, a new international alumnae program.
We have worked to enhance membership recruitment within our collegiate chapters by providing training opportunities for the Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment and utilizing the Recruitment Task Force to assist in implementing effective membership recruitment programs and assisting with workshop facilitation. To recognize those chapters who successfully meet and exceed the membership recruitment standards, we have implemented the quota and total honor rolls.
Extension efforts have been successful in both the collegiate and alumnae departments. Five alumnae chapters were installed this biennium, seven petitions have been submitted for approval and 15 alumnae groups are in various stages of organization/reorganization. W e welcomed one new collegiate chapter, M u Lambda at Rollins College, and reinstalled Xi Chapter, at the U of Oklahoma.
We focused on our goal of membership retention by educating both the collegiate and alumnae membership about the importance of lifetime commitment as well as by offering ongoing education on senior programming, alumnae relations, new member education and Ritual.Through education, our membership better understands how commitment, or lack of commitment, affects the success of AOII.
Our third area of focus, sound financial management, resulted in educating our membership at all levels on
the importance of timely financial support. We also educated our members on how their management of funds affects the Fraternity. As a result, three collegiate chapters paid off their old debt to the Fraternity.
The tremendous efforts made during the past two years to upgrade AOIFs resources for our chapters and volun- teers, including offering on-line manuals for both collegiate and alumnae chapters, support all three focus areas. These projects are a continuation of providing our members with the resources they need to achieve success.
The 2001-2003 biennium has been marked by great accomplishments in all areas of the Fraternity, including collegiate and alumnae programming, leadership development and technological advancement. It's now time to look to the future as we work together to ensure our legacy of sisterhood is passed on to future generations.
As I conclude my second term as International President, I want to take this opportunity to thank you, our mem- bers, for the dedication and support you continue to give our Fraternity. I thank our wonderful International Headquarters staff for outstanding service and commitment, and I thank my family for their never-ending support. To all of these people. I am forever grateful for allowing me this memorable and fulfilling experience.
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Carole Jurenko Jones
Fraternity News
NewAOII Chapter to Colonize
at Mississippi State U
Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to announce the upcoming colonization of a new AOII chapter
at Mississippi State University this fall. AOII receivedofficialnotificationregardingtheselec- tion earlier this spring. Since that time, several public relations projects have been held at the Southeastern Conference school located in Starkville, MS.
Ifyou know of any interested women who will be attending MSU this fall, please contact Lori Belew, Administrative Director of Public Relations, at AOII H Q . If you are an AOII alumna living in the Starkville area and are interested in serving as an adviser or corpora- tion board member, you are encouraged to contact Belew at 615-370-0920, ext. 2600 or [email protected].
Thanks to all our collegiate chapters who have assisted with our PR and colonization events over the past year at both the University of Oklahoma, and thus far at Mississippi State University) A special thanks to Alpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama), N u Beta Chapter (U of Mississippi) and Delta Delta Chapter (Auburn U) for their assistance at MSU. A n d again, we'd like to thank, Alpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama), Chi Theta Chapter (Northeastern State U), Delta Theta Chapter (Texas Woman's U) and Sigma Omicron Chapter (Arkansas State U ) for their help at the University of Oklahoma.
Renewyour Magazine Subscriptions
AOII receives 40% of the gross sales from
any magazine sold through AOII's Magazine Program, Gr-r-r-eat Expectations. That
includes new orders or renewals of magazines you already receive. The proceeds are being used for scholarships and programming for Leadership Academy and Leadership Institute. You are encouraged to order or renew your magazines through your collegiate or alumnae chapter to give them credit. Alumnae who
are not members of an alumnae chapter may order online at By marking AOII as the benefitting organization when you order or renew, you are helping AOII without spending additional money.
Affordable Medical
Plans Available
Benefit packages for AOII members: • Medical Plan #1 - Major Medical Package (Comprehensive Health BenefitsPolicy):NationalNetworks; $3 million lifetime maximum; doc- tor's office and prescription copays; life, accident and wellness included; alternative medicine coverage.
• Medical Plan #2 - Basic Mini- Medical Package (Indemnity Benefits Policy): Benefits paid directly to you: up to $800 per day daily hospital benefit; doctor's office visits and wellness;
life, accident and surgical
schedule included.
Enroll Today!
(800) 280-8383
Fax: (352)375-7566
Or visit:
Sister Search Research to begin for new AOII Alumnae Directory. Have you lost contact with
anAOII sister?
Now is your chance to reconnect with memories and catch up
with sisters using the 2004 AOII Alumnae Directory This exciting and invaluable resource will include personal, academic and business information about AOII alumnae. The book is being researched and compiled by Harris Publishing.
When you receive your directory questionnaire from Harris Publishing, don't miss your opportunity to be a part of this important project. It only takes
a few minutes to update your information! Be sure to return the updated questionnaire so that you are included in our directory and AOII sisters can find you!
To Dragma and
Alpha Omicron Pi Honored
To Dragma and AOII were honored to receive the following awards during the 2003 College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA) annual awards banquet inIndianapolis, Indiana, May 10, 2003.
• First Place - NIF Publications Award
(Presented by the North American Interfratemal Foundation)
Recognizing outstanding articles that better the Greek system or campus student life, this award honors writing and subject matter in four categories (NPQNIC, PFA and NPHC). To Dragma received first place in the NPC category for "Suicide - A Silent Killer Speaks," Spring 2002: Samatha Owens, Author; Mariellen Sasseen, Editor.
ToDragma [Summer 2003]
Third Place - News Writing
(Presented by CFEA)
Recognizing outstanding news articles
which feature subject matter that is timely, informative and well written. To Dragma received third place for "Suicide - A Silent Killer Speaks," Spring 2002; Samatha Owens, Author; Mariellen Sasseen, Editor.
• Second Place - Logo Design
(Presented by CFEA)
AOII won second place for our new "AOII Always" logo, Rebecca Davis, Designer.
• Third Place - Two Color or Less Article Layout
(Presented by CFEA)
Recognizing two-color or less article design, To Dragma won third place for the article "AOII Songbook," Fall 2002; Rebecca Davis, Designer; Mariellen Sasseen, Editor.
• First Place - Critics Choice Award for Best Cover Design
(Presented by CFEA)
Recognizing the best cover design as selected by fellow members of CFEA, To Dragma won for the Spring 2002 Cover, "Suicide - A Silent Killer Speaks," Rebecca Davis, Designer; Mariellen Sasseen, Editor.
Collegiate News
Each chapter salutes one of their outstanding chapter advisers.
advisers, Amy Junkins, has truly been an asset to Alpha Psi. She has put in many long hours helping our Public Relations Chairman with updating the website. During Formal Recruitment, potential new members even commented on the website as they toured our house.
AJpha Theta
Coe College
Anne Henze is the best chapter adviser. Some
of us knew her when
she was a colligate sister in our chapter and we absolutely adore her. She is so dedicated, caring, and has so much advice for us, we would probably be lost without her.
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U
Our outgoing CNS Melissa Healy, is a true AOII. W e would like
to thank her for her support and wish her all the best. She has inspired each individual in our chapter-you are greatly missed!
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Angie Lindauer has been our primary
source of support through the entire tumultuous process
of re-colonizing the chapter and establishing ourselves on campus.
She is always around to listen to our worries and frustrations, and is the first to celebrate our accomplishments with us.
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
our chapter. Throughout her busy schedule with her career, family, not to mention another baby on the way, she has been persistent in making time to help us run our chapter. She is truly full of grace and light and shines for our chapter ever so brightly.
Chi Psi
California Polytechnic State U One of our chapter advisers is Katy Martin, who is an alumna of
Chi Psi Chapter. She offers great insight into what the chapter can
do to progress and grow.
She assisted us with recruitment and really encouraged us to go the extra mile. Thanks Katy for all that you do!
Chi Theta
Northeasterm State U
We salute Farah Jones. She has made herself very available to our chapter- not just helping out with the big stuff, but the little stuff too, which is sometimes just as important.
Tufts U
Our whole AAC deserves special thanks. It is so great to have advisers so willing to give their time and energy to the chapter.
Alpha Chi
W estern Kentucky U
The Alpha Chi is proud to salute Jenn Day as
an outstanding chapter adviser. Jenn is an amazing presence in
our chapter and devotes herself unselfishly
to AOII. Aside from attending meetings and helping when problems arise, she's always there to offer a smile or joke to keep us all amused.
Alpha Delta
U of Alabama
The Alpha Delta chapter is extremely thankful to have Mrs. Tina Miller
as our new member educator adviser. The new members love
her and appreciate
all of her hard work
and dedication to the chapter. Not only is she our adviser, but she is also a role model for what AOII is all about.
Alpha Gamma
Michigan State U
Ginny Boyle is the best chapter adviser that Alpha Omicron Pi could ask for. She is an awesome women who
would do anything for us. She reminds us that true sisters are forever!
AJpha Lambda
Georgia Southern U
The Alpha Lambda Chapter would like
to thank our chapter adviser, Jill Forehand, for all her time and support. Jill is a wonderful adviser who does anything
and everything for our chapter. She is very helpful and extremely supportive.
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
Kerry Hanson is hardworking on and off campus as our chapter adviser. She is there for us whenever we need her, whether it be her advice, words of wisdom, her time, or her guidance. She lives everyday with ritual
in her heart and it is recognizable through her unique character.
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green State U
One of our newest additions to our chapter
Our financial
adviser, Aspen Large, contributes more to
our chapter than just helping us arrange our finances. She is a friend to the girls, listening
to their problems and giving them advice. She shares ideas with our chapter on how we can improve it. And, she devotes a great deal of
time to coming to our chapter meetings.
Chi Epsilon
The Ohio State U
Our chapter adviser is an extremely dedicated woman. She continued to advise us during
her pregnancy and delivered her baby only hours after leaving our Leadership Council meeting. She does her best to make sure that our chapter succeeds, and she is always there when a sister needs to
talk to someone.
Chi Lambda
U of Evansville
Dina Wilming is our chapter adviser and has been a wonderful asset and a true AOII sister to
[Idea Sharing]
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Delta Delta's financial adviser, Patsy Faulk Vincent, has been volunteering for our chapter since 1978, serving as chapter adviser from 1980 until 2000. She says that, even after all this time, she still loves AOII as much as she did when she pledged fifty years ago.
Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
Sharon Dassinger is
one of the productive advisers in our chapter. She has been here many years. This woman is an extraordinary lady, and if it were not for her, our chapter would not be what it is today.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
Delta Omega would
like to salute our new chapter adviser, Debbie Carter. She also served
as chapter adviser from 1994-1996. When her daughter Amanda pledged in fall of2001, Amanda encouraged her to once again take on the roll of chapter adviser. She agreed and Delta Omega thanks Debbie for all of her hard work and her dedication to
our chapter.
Delta Psi
State U of New York
We salute Fran Harkes for all the time and effort she gives to
our chapter.
Delta Rho
Delta Upsilon
Laura Coble is a dedicated and loyal chapter adviser. She is not only knowledgeable and helpful, but also caring and thoughtful. This spring she is retiring after many years as our chapter adviser, and many more years of service for Delta Upsilon ~ we will miss her greatly.
Cornell U
Our chapter adviser, Lisa Coffin, has been
a great help and inspiration to all of the sisters in our house. Whether offering her ideas and feedback
at Leader's Council meetings, or making herself available for help at any hour of the day, Lisa has worked hard with sisters to improve our programs and sisterhood.
Epsilon Alpha
State U
Our chapter adviser, Pat Antolosky, has been the chapter adviserforover 20 years. She is always thereforevery member of Epsilon Alpha and provides an enormous amount of support and guidance for us. She truly is an amazing adviser.
Epsilon Gamma
U of Northern Colorado
Our chapter adviser, Carol Roehrs, is
4|Mi 11
We salute Amy Crihfield, our chapter relations adviser. She
is always there for us
and supports our CR Chairman in many different capacities. listens to our problems and then gives guidance without judgment. She relates to our chapter by being knowledgeable, flexible, compassionate, firm, fair, and dedicated.
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
Kathy Reynolds is
a great adviser. She attends our chapter meetings, LC, and comes out and supports us whenever she can. She really loves the girls and knows everyone personally, which shows her dedication. W e are lucky to have her!!!
Delta Theta
TexasWoman's U
Kristina Jimenez, our fantastic panhellenic adviser, is very committed to the office. She attends each weekly NPC meeting with the representatives from AOII and goes above and beyond her adviser duties. In the Spring she organized
a joint event between collegiate members and alumnae in which we walked in Relay for Life, a walk that supports the cure for cancers.
Gar j
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky Uj
Chi Epsilon [The Ohio State Uj
Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State Uj
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Delta Upsilon (Duke Uj
Mason Uj
absolutely wonderful.
At this time, Epsilon Gamma has 3 advisers. Carol must fill the role
of all the remaining advisers while working
as a professor at the University and at the hospital in town. She is available to us whenever we need her and never utters a single complaint.
Epsilon Omega
Kentucky U
Anne Jones is really doing a terrific job
as our adviser. She is always encouraging us to better ourselves.
Epsilon Sigma
Quincy U
W e are pleased to have one of our founding alumnae return to the chapter as a member of theAAC. Thank you Randi Ramsey foryour time and love of AOII. We are havingfun having you back!
U of Maine
Our new chapter adviser Carrie has been wonderful! She has been very helpful in getting us back on track this semester and she
is definitely a greatly appreciated asset to Gamma Chapter!
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
Gamma Alpha salutes Chapter Adviser
Pamela Boley. As chapter adviser she
has dedicated herself
to Gamma Alpha for over ten years. She encourages the sisters
to help others through philanthropy; she assists Gamma Alpha with recruitment and guides the Leadership Council in positive directions by encouraging the
new initiatives.
Gamma Chi
Carleton U
Kim Pearcey is one
of our great chapter advisers. Attending every meeting or event with a smile on her face, she brings our chapter
a great personality filled with love and understanding. Kim issomeonewhogoes
the extra mile for our chapter and someone who cares and looks out for our best interests at all times.
Gamma Delta
UofSouth Alabama
Elizabeth Dewitt is our chapter adviser. She is an inspiration and role model to every girl in this chapter. Not only does she help Gamma Delta out in every aspect, but she is also the Mobile Alumnae Chapter President. Elizabeth Dewitt is not only our adviser; she
is our friend and most importantly our sister.
U of Florida
Gamma Omicron would like to salute our chapter adviser, Shag Derazi. She cam e to us from Indiana U and has been a great asset. Not only is she our adviser, but a listening ear and shoulder to cry on when we need her the most. She is extremely loved by Gamma Omicron and yet we could never show her truly how great she is.
Gamma Sigma
Georgia State U
Kara Stole Creel just became our new chapter adviser. She
is an alumna from Gamma Sigma. We are proud to have her as
our adviser and cannot wait to see what she will help us achieve as our chapter adviser.
Gamma Theta
U of South Florida
If there was one word to describe Rita Madden, it would be devoted. Rita's unyielding devotion to Gamma Theta is what makes the chapter what it is. She is more than an adviser, she is truly a sister who we can come to with any problem or simply justtotalk.Weare forever thankful to Rita for giving up time from her family to spend
time with us.
Iota Chi
U of Western Ontario
The sisters of Iota Chi would like to thank Janine Hodgson for all of her help and commitment to our chapter throughout Recruitment in 2002.
Iota Sigma
Iowa State U
Our chapter salutes advisers Kristin Kernen and Emily Kappeler.
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
Our chapter would like to salute Glenna Timmons because
this is our 50th year
at Indiana State U
and she has been our adviser for the past 15 years. She does a lot for our chapter and we couldn't do it with out her support.
Kappa Chi
Northwestern State U
Wewouldliketosalute To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Theta PsifU of Toledo!
Zeta Psi (East Carolina
our Network Specialist, Linda Mahfouz. Linda has been a huge help
to us!When any of us needs anything, we just pick up the phone and she is there to help. She has been such a great sister to us. Thanks Linda! W e love you!
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
Kappa Kappa's Randi Carmichael has been recruitment adviser for several years now. Once again she has done an excellent
job in assisting with Fall '02 recruitment. Her selfless acts have enabled Kappa Kappa's legacy to carry on.
Kappa Lambda
U of Calgary
Our chapter adviser, Barb Louie, works extremely hard for our chapter. She'salways available for questions and is always involved in every aspect o f Leaders Council and chapter business. W e couldn't do better!
Kappa Omega
U of Kentucky
Whether it is living ritual, being a leader
or just a loyal friend-. Ms. Ellee Humphrey does all of that and more.Forsixyears,Ms. Humphrey has helped this chapter through good and bad times, but her determination and enthusiasm for our chapter never changes. We couldn't begin to thank her for all that she has done.
Kappa Sigma
U of Wisconsin River Falls
Kappa Sigma would love to be able to salute only one of our advisers, but as it takes more
than one to guide and build a chapter. W e salute our four advisers who make daily lifein AOII that much more meaningful. Thanks to Jan, Roxanne, Barb and Rachel.
Kappa Tau
Southeastern Louisiana U
Kalli Blackwell is our new chapter adviser. Everything that she does, she goes above and beyond what is needed. The chapter looks up to her with the utmost respect. She is
a true living symbol of Ritual and enhances Kappa Tau to its full potential.
Lambda Beta
California State U - Long Beach
The adviser we would like to salute would
be Lisa Weiss, our recruitment adviser. She puts in 110% for our chapter and is always very organized for every recruitment workshop. She makes us feel secure about our sisterhoodandour place in AOII.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
Stacy Gorman is a fantastic adviser. She comes to almost every meeting and has been
Gamma Theta (U of South Florida!
a great supporter for the entire chapter, no matter the job or committee.
Lambda Eta
Grand Valley
State U
Pat Matthews is our academic adviser. She has been a Biology professor here for 31 years. Pat is an AOII from the U of Michigan c l a s s o f 1966 a n d s e r v e d as the social chair for the Omicron Pi chapter. She has two daughters Jill and Joy Matthews, both AOII's at Grand Valley.
Cumberland U
Monica Ramey is such a superstar and is so dedicated not only to Lambda Omicron but also to AOII. There are not words that explain the love and hard work this lady has put onto making sure Lambda Omicron survives and grows as chapter, but that we grow as women.
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
We want to salute Heather Dixon, a Lambda Sigma alumna. She served three years as our recruitment adviser, and has done
a terrific job. She has always been there
for us, tightening the friendships within Lambda Sigma. She is also the public relations adviser.
Beta Phi (Indiana Uj
Delta Delta (Auburn Uj
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Gamma Chi (Carleton Uj
dedicated to our chapter that she even stayed with us at the house until 2 a.m. during recruitment this past January. Tiffany is a great addition to the house, and Nu Omicron is lucky to have her.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth U
The Omega Omicron chapter would like to take the time to salute our one of our chapter advisers, Amanda Smith. To her, being a chapter adviser is not a job, but part of her life. We would like to take a moment to say "Thank You" to Amanda Smith for taking the time out of her busy life for us.
Omega Upsilon
Meredith W ard, our chapter adviser, has greatly supported
our chapter. Before recruitment started,
she wrote us all a letter describing how much our chapter meant to her and how close we
all are to her heart. Our recruitment proved to be a success and we owe a lot of the credit
to Meredith.
U of Tennessee
Ms. Trish Cosby, our recruitment adviser,
has been Omicron's recruitment adviser for well over 10 years. Aunt Trish, as we call her, works tirelessly along side our recruitment and assistant recruitment
Lambda Tau
U of Louisiana at
DO Lambda Tau's chapter adviser, Evelyn Zagone,
"3 has had tireless dedication to AOII for
U over 20 years. She is an outstanding adviser and
a wonderful mentor.
Mu Lambda
Rollins College
All of our advisers have been great this year.
W e look forward to working with them as new officers are sworn into office.
Nu. Beta
U of Mississippi
Jennifer Anderson is one of our advisers who is always willing to go out of her way to help us whenever we need her.
Nu Iota
Northern Illinois U
Our adviser, Michelle, was incredible this year at formal recruitment! She was there for us when we had any problems and was
of tremendous help making sure everything went smoothly. Michelle was a great motivator as well, getting us pumped before every party and helping us to receive quota plus one for the first time in years!
Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U
The Nu Omicron Chapter is ecstatic to have Tiffany Robertson as recruitment adviser this year. She is so
Rho Delta (Samford U)
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Afofui Omicron<Pi
lambda Beta (California State U - Long Beach]
Tau (Southeastern
Louisiana Uj
Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee - Martin]
chair. She gives it her all so that we can get excellent new member classes each year.
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
Jaynellen Bahr for helping us accomplish our goals and motivate to always improve in whatever we can.
Pi Alpha
U of Louisville
The Pi Alpha Chapter has wonderful advisers, so picking just one to salute is difficult. Carrie Hawkins is the main adviser for our AAC. She is always really helpful, and very willing to answer any of our questions.Weloveallof our advisers and without their encouragement, dedication, and help
who knows where we will be.
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
Mary Sotak Barbuto was named Chapter Adviser of the Year. This award is given
to the adviser of a Greek chapter who has dedicated herself to her chapter in many ways. Mary has dedicated herself to this chapter in so many ways and we are so thankful for all she has done.
Pi Theta
Florida International U
Pi Theta's AAC is great! Not only are they great in supporting our chapter, but they also support
many of us on personal levels. Without them, we would be lost. W e love you all!
Rho Delta
Sam ford U
One of Rho Delta's salutes Charlotte Pelz, the assistant chapter adviser. Although AAC is just one of Charlotte's commitments, she always takes time
to get to know new sisters and fulfill her position to the best of her ability. Charlotte is warm-spirited and fun is always willing to help wherever she is needed.
Rho Omicron
Middle Tennessee StateU
Kristen Lovett is our chapter adviser. She is an amazing woman. After only one semester of being our chapter adviser she won the "Best Chapter Adviser" award at MTSU Greek Awards. She joined
the AAC right after
she graduated and has been extremely active. Our chapter would not be where we are today without her.
U of California Berrkeley
Stacey Krum is the epitome of an AOII Sigma - she is intelligent, empathetic, and successful. She cares about each and every member of Sigma Chapter and we know that her involvement with the women and the
officers in our chapter
is an accurate reflection of her desire to see AOII continue to thrive on the campus of UC Berkeley.
Sigma Alpha
West Virginia U
Our previous adviser Colleen Caban, was a big help to us. She met with all of our officers individually and gave us great ideas for our chapter to improve even more.
Sigma Chi
Hartwick College
We salute Lindsey Ward and Andrea Loren (who is battling cancer right now) for helping us so very much this year. Weowemuchof our success to you both.
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
The Sigma Omicron chapter would like
to salute two of our chapter's advisers. W e would like to recognize Mrs. Jennifer Penson and Mrs. Leith Hoggard. These two ladies assist our chapter during
the stressful time of recruitment.
Sigma Phi
California State U Northridge
We would like to salute Erika Boyd and Jill Garelick. These women are amazing! From day one until the end of recruitment, they were there to help us organize, put up decorations, supply us
with meals and lend their encouraging support. W e owe you our greatest gratitude!
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock U
April Longwell is the Sigma Rho chapter adviser. She is a true friend to all of us. She
is someone we can go and talk to whenever we need someone there. She is someone who would enjoy a quick visit, or someone from which we can all expel a few wise words. W e love you, April!
Sigma Tau
Washington College Thechapteradviser
that we all chose was
Jen Hoffman. Jen knows Sigma Tau's goals as a chapter and how to help us achieve them and our potential as a successful and functional sorority. She makes herself very available to each of
us in the chapter and definitely looks to help us in bettering our chapter in any
way possible.
U of Minnesota
Right now Tau chapter does not have an active AAC board.
We however do have
a fabulous role model and mentor in Mandi Watkins the University of Minnesota's campus Greek coordinator,
an AOII alumna from Kappa Sigma Chapter. Mandi have been very
Beta Gamma (Michigan Slate Uj
Zeta (U of Nebraska
- Lincoln)
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia,
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi!
0 ^
Chi Lambda IU of Evansville)
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Sigma (U of
Po U
supportive of our chapter, sharing ideas, fun stories and songs with us. Not only is she a wonderful friendandmentortoour entire chapter, she is a great example of what an AOII should be.
Tau Delta Birmingham Southern College The TauDelta's
would like to salute Kassie Doggett for her continued dedication to our chapter. Kassie is always motivating us to do our best,
praises us for our accomplishments, and
has a genuine love for Alpha Omicron Pi. Thank you Kassie for all that you do!
Tau Gamma
Eastern Washington U Nikki Board Tau Gamma's chapter adviser has been a major help in getting us back on our feet and informed on issues that we don't understand.
Shippensburg U
Kim Carrol, our Network Specialist, has helped our chapter grow in numerous ways. From helping us build a new house, to increasing chapter involvement, she has helped our sorority grow.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
Natasa Pajic is our chapter adviser. She goes above and beyond for us everyday. She works here on campus and never fails to welcome us into her office even though I
am sure that she often has more pressing things to do.
Tau Omicron
U of T ennessee Martin
We would like to
show our chapter's appreciation towards our new chapter adviser, Tracy Bell. She has always helped us
so much, and is behind us every step of the
way, and I would just like this chance to tell her thank you from our entire chapter.
Theta Omega
Arizona U
Theta Omega is proud to have Sara Trotter
as our new chapter adviser. Sara is always going out of her way
to make time for the chapter and guiding
us toward making the right decisions. Theta Omega also appreciates the constant help from Rosemary Schwierjohn, Victoria Saldano and Melissa Halter.
U ofToledo
We would like to send
a salute to our chapter adviser Beverly Hatcher. She has supported Theta Psi for many years, and we hope she knows how thankful we really are!
Upsilon Lambda
U ofTexas
San Antonio
Big Salute to Esme Esparza! She is always there when we need her. She takes time out and helps us and gives advice. She is a great example that AOII is forever! Thank you, Esme.
U of Nebraska Lincoln
We would love to salute our chapter adviser, Shelly Smith. She
has been the most wonderful adviser that a
chapter could ever have. She has been a helping hand to all of the sisters in Zeta and has become arolemodelforus all.
Zeta Kappa
Southwest T exas State U
Roxanne Moran has been an outstanding adviser for Zeta Kappa. She has given up countless hours and has taught each sister remarkable things about life, love and sisterhood. W e will truly miss Roxanne next year!
Zeta Pi
U of Alabama Birmingham Amanda Horton is always full of fire and ready to rekindle anyone's flame that may have gone dim from the stress of school, work and lifein general. A cheerleader, a mom, a counselor, and a leader, but most importantly a sister who is one of the most inspirational leaders our chapter has ever seen.
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
Our chapter's academic adviser, Dr. Mike Brown, helps us with many different aspects of school life. He leads us in exercises that help us relieve stress, gives
us better ways to study, and also helps us with our many scheduling problems. He is an excellent help to our chapter.
(U of
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U)
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Phi Chi (U of
The following information was gathered from chapter officerreports in AlphaLink. We salute each member and chapter for these outstanding achievements!
• indicates both semesters Alpha Chi
Madelyn Anatrella Emily Drumwright Merida Foster * Leah Lantry * Brittney Long * Kasey Jo Pelham Abigail Wegenka Erin Brothers Kristyn Hammond Kara Chamberlain Brenna McCormick Abigail K. Lovan Sarah M. Murray Stefanie A. Sellers
Alpha Delta
Sue Deshpande Molly Dyrsen Kayla Erwin
Jaime Haggard Rebecca Myers Erinn Rafalsky Jennifer Sapp Ashley Thomson Rachel Wood * Kimberly Harrison Melissa McLure Molly Murphy Laurel Brannon Corri Musterman Brooke West
Katie Yarbrough Catherine Alford Lisa Brecciaroli Tonita Romero Jennifer Sapp Jamie Zarrilli Catherine McCord Deborah Sharpless Rissa Weathers Amy Wilkinson LeeAnn Wilson
Alpha Gamma
Megan Smeall
Alpha Lambda
Dana Baxley Rebecca Claytor Carrie Forrester * Emily McDaniel
Elaina Philipps * Amy Swindell * Kathleen Tanner * Kelly Green Margaret Hurlburt Murdock Lydia
Alpha Phi
Ashley Ellis Kirsten Stokke
Alpha Psi
Gina Paponetti * Martina Ambrosic * Kristin Bruni Kristin Colella* Valerie Longfield Elizabeth Schroeder Valerie Forrest Jaclyn Gilbert Allison Quinlan Kristy Maxwell
Alpha Theta
Bailer Jessica Jessica Fritzsinger Alana Wesley Jane Lehmann Andre Sturm
Beta Gamma
Leah Jenkins Leslie Ransdell Rachael Frasure
Beta Phi
Andrea Layman Nina Klein
Sara Diaz
Courtney Henson * Anne Sommer * Ashley Byers
Kate McPheeters Ashley Bake Brittney Meyer Amber Huffman Lindsay Carr Amanda Eich
Chi Delta
Caroline Hult Krista Kastriotis Ashley Larsen Jessica Naughton * Bridget Hagen
Heidi Hiltbrunner Caroline Hult Rachael Simms
Ellen Bruns Deanna Gerberry Ginny Burba
Jen Paris * Lindsey Biddle Kerrie Gardner Kari Mahar
Chi Lambda
Cris Brannock Ashli Christner Brianna Dunn Molly Kellams
Jen Schwenk Amanda Thompson Cristina Brannock
Charla Hollister Conner Canter Jennifer Fauerbach Lisa Bengston Marlys McGovern * April Syrek *
Karen Brenner Kimberl Mokros Lindsey Ewick Shannon White
Chi Theta
Jennifer Claborn Holly Clay Jessica Fisher Allissa Lee
Beth McCarthy Brooke McClellan Jamie Ray
Betsy Thomas JuleWard
Jenny Dixon
Jae' Wheeler Michele Schmidt
Delta Beta
Anna Maragos KristySatter
Delta Delta
Kristen Cantrell Kathleen Donovan *
Kathertne Rowers Joy Gettys
Heather Halley Christy Home Kathleen Lathram Jenny Miller Katherine Mitchell * Amy Morris * Amanda Mussig * Leah Pasqualine Andrea Quick Kristin Rice
Haley Thames * Catherine Tilt Nicole Weekley * Rebecca Armistead Jamie Bres
April Owen Leslie Rosebrough Susan Ross Andrea Smith Jamie Wilson Jessica Agee Emily Chandler Kathryn Fbti Adrienne Rosene
Delta Epsilon
Joy Boyd
Elizabeth Brodowski Melissa Brown Christa Collins Leslie Daniel
Russell Davis
Kerry Hudson Catherine Lecroy Heather Miller Kristi Smith
Jessica Henry
Sara Thompson Brooke Davis Stephanie Shrouds
Delta Omega
Shae Barnes Melissa Barron Ashley Beyl Brooke Brittain Leah Bowland Laura Bowland Jessie Cherry Wendy Davis Megan Douglas Meghan Heine Katherine Konrad
Stephanie Minix Melissa Barron Natalie Bringham Heather Cleaver Megan Douglas Courtney Griffiths Meghan Heine Amy Hille Whitney Holland Julia Janes Stephanie Minix Jenny Canaday Pamela Finley Kendra Hurt Leslie Lyons
Tera Murdock
Delta Pi
Ashley Coulson Danielle Geisler Jessica Muehling Cathy Petrich * Jennifer Verhulst Leanne Watkins
Delta Rho
Melissa Morrissett
Delta Sigma
Cynthia Clower
Delta Theta
Meredith Rucker Stephanie Terry
Margo Worms Jolene Rail Elizabeth Goulding Rebecca Orsher Kerry McBroom Colleen Reiss
Epsilon Alpha
Elizabeth Berenbaum Lauren Brantz
Amy Nawrocki
Rose Rubin
Rachel Scherzer Heather Timbie Jamie Libeskind Lauren Collier Jamie Libeskind Rachel Papsin Amy Winheld
Shaina Yahr
Epsilon Chi
Lauren McNally Melissa Martchek Sarah Hoelter Anna Earles Alison Bunches Patty Basial
Epsilon Gamma
Gretchen Marah Kathleen Moore Cara Friery
Epsilon Omega
Kristin Davis * Amy Wells Martha Lewis Sara Pace Jennifer Butler Ashley Long Lauren Williams
Epsilon Sigma
Dawn Burns Alana Jordan Cindy Martin Teresa Toney * Jamie Friye
Gamma Alpha
Rachel Silver * Sarah Gerstner * Susan Rabil
Gamma Delta
Nancy Andrews Rebecca Bond Lauran Hess Ashley Hood Lauren Huff* Danielle Stevens Sheena Thomas Kristen Weaver * Ann McCrory Lauren Held Rebecca Morris Daniela Renfroe Laura Cowan
Gamma Omicron
Dawn Bradly Kristin Burger Melissa Candella
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Jessica Cook Desiree Hood Valerie Kanter Melissa Mazer Megan Musacchia Misha Nasr
Katie O'Neil Kristen Fetters Nicole Santom Lauren Swann Johanna Wood
Gamma Sigma
Iacey French Kristen Galloway Lindsey Martin
Sara Churchill Tracey Davis IMyrna Favela Shannon Kelly Judie Levy * Sarah Needham Christina Riley Angic Stewart Niki Wackerlin * Tracy Walsh * Alyssa Illian Michelle Pezzuto Julia Dossett Jennifer Harris Sheri O'Brien Elizabeth Shapiro Patricia Valassis
Susan VanBlarieum
Iota Sigma
Erin Camponeschi
Kappa Alpha
Alison Antes Samantha Elliott Lacey Frye
Susan Gordon Samantha Hamilton Katiri Mahoney Jessica Hogue Amber Langsdon Alison Antes StaciHickman Missy Miller
Krystal Kama Lacey Frye Katiri Mahoney
Kappa Chi
Kristin Lowery * Jennifer Hodges Angela Warnock
Kappa Gamma
Randi Honer Jennifer Stuart
Kappa Kappa
Michele Hudgins Michelle Braun Summers Amanda
Kappa Omega
Kylene Claucherty Nicole Owens * Jodee Pride
Ali Rechtin
Angela Rowlett Lindsey Sadosky Amie Sells Katherine Smith * Brooke Tormoehlen Lauren White Tiffany Wilson
Liz Richardson Kim Skeene Kearra Welker Lindsey Burke Erin McBride Ali Robison Susan Theis Ashley Watson
Kappa Omicron
Katie Cox Natalie DuMont Holly Hickham Kathryn Taylor Emily Ramsey Casey Hail Jessica Hoback Stephanie Cox
Kappa Rho
Anne Wisneski Janel Gesinski Stephanie Wallace
Kappa Sigma
Sarah VandeBerg
Kappa Tau
Megan Bello Cady Breyel Michelle Lay Lindsay Sharp
Lambda Beta
Heather Norman * Jeannette Correa Elise Loeb
Lambda Chi
Amanda Aldrich Melissa Cavalin Jennifer Aldrich Rebecca Teel Sara Skinner
Lambda Eta
Becka Duffey Shannon Makki
Lambda Omicron
Bethany Griffin *
Lambda Sigma
Allison Acree
Emily Askew
Kiki Billing
Kathryn Binder* Katherine Bugg Katharine Carrington Kimberly Connell Doris Daniel
Kristin Dondero * Kristin Gann * Virginia Girardeau Carol Gore
Sarah Hale
Rebekah Henson
Bre Johnson *
Daisy Kraft
Betsy Lee *
Kristen Lee
Shelley Long * Dorielle Ludwig
Jamie Martin
Katie Mathis * Meredith Miller
Sarah Moses
April Payne
Christy Rice
Katie Schickner Allison Scott *
Kelly Stevenson
Sarah Swingle
Lauren Weidman * Mary Beth Wiggins Katie Dupree
Jackie Feit
Dylann Gould-Bowring Lauren Greenwald Rachel Neely
Katie Seal
Gina Addington
Blair Buckler
Lindsey Davison
Kim Evans
Lucinda Johnson Casey Jones
Annie Jones StephanieIangston Lauren Moore Jessica Veil
Emily Williams
Lambda Tau
Yvie Edwards Lynn Gibbs * Kayla Haltom Anya Morris * Ashleigh Saucier Jill Warren Brook Owens Lindsay Davis Mindy Sanders
Lambda Upsilon
Patricia Kurz Stephanie Rogers Christina Schindele * Laury Jones
Lacey Anzelc Lindsey Carloni Regina Linskey Kimberly Porpora
Angela Acred Kelly Allison Caroline Cahill Delia Charest Alica Cole Jennifer Crain Paige Douglas * Courtney Gregory Ashley Heinz Ashley Hood * Cindy Jones Steffie Kemper * Celeste Latham Corby Mason Jodie Mcferrin Amanda Milner * Corey Palmer
Melanie Paulson Kelly Smith Ashley LLutton Kimberly Parkes Jenna Phillips lauren Harrell
Nu lota
Jennifer Porter Elizabeth Elftmann Colleen Glynn Marjorie Iang Diana Varga
Nu Omicron
Shannon Bader Marianne Bean * Stephanie Frank Erin Guy
Megan Linger
Laura Mathis Margery Maxwell KathrynMullen* Alexis Nesbit *
Katie Smothermon * Carey Unger Catherine Clary Courtney Curb Adrienne Klock Caitlin Prouty
Alison Rigsby Stephanie Trautwein
Laura Johnston Lauren Harlow Danielle Donaldson
April Harpp Jennifer Strickland Cory Wiseman Jennifer Young
Omega Omicron
Jenny Hayes Amanda Mueller
Omega Upsilon
Melissa Faist
Cheryl Harbeck Emily King *
Rachel Lewis Jennifer Reeder * Audrey Wilson Renee Casteel Jennifer Interliggi Amy Tortoriello Robin Bremner Meghan Carter Ashley Horr
Meghan McClelland Iindsay Phahl
Erin Sutherland
Katie Bondurant Christia Brinkley * Kathleen McCallen Kelly Owens *
Sara Pottinger * Allison Reego * Allie Clement June Marable Rachel Matthews Beth Meadows Courtney Roberts Ashley Smith Lauren Suttorfield Tyra Tucker
Abby Weil
Mary Keller Whitmer Adriene Waters
Phi Beta
Nicole Seminski
Phi Chi
NinaPrasad Emiko Kurotsu
Phi Sigma
Jessica Vossler * Jessica Oilman Katie Hoffman Andrea Steele Jada Bilou
Phi Upsilon
Kate Tooley Alissa Starn Willow King
Suzanne Eastman Beth McGargue
Pi Delta
AbbyAdler* Lauren Bograd Emily Dammeyer Melissa Dobres Anna Edmonston Bonnie Finlay Maya Graham * Kathryn Iannicelli Dawn Julian * Lauren Ohno * Joyce Sanchez Ashley Silverman Stefanie Stratton Amy Taylor
Jean Taylor
Yael Zakai
Denise Grosberg * Saleena Subaiya Denise Whalen Jessica Daniels Jennifer Fiorica Maggie Lynch Jessica Townsend
Rho Delta
Emily Evans
Bashan Holt
Susan Kenoyer Rachel McWhorter Carrie Montgomery Kristen Ramsey Katie Rooks
Marian Smith * Allison Crumley Vickie Lally
Rho Omicron
Jessica Alexander * Kelley Anderson Jessica Pott *
Amy Midgett Amber Grantham Megan McRae Michelle Butler Holly Haggard * LauraClark
Lauren Cox Mollie Shaw
Jenna Leyton Jessica Higashiyama Gail Abbey
Erica Kishi
Ceil Walker
Sunny Lu Sara Mackie Jenna Leyton
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Sigma Alpha
Andrea Muccari
Sigma Chi
Cathy Paolucci Larissa Waysl * Megan Tweedie
Sigma Delta
Charlotte Cooper Holle Hartzog * Kelly Long *
Mary Henderson * Morgan Goodwin Ashley Dobbs Leah Nesbitt Lindsey Chappell Ashley Clark Alexandria Garrett Leann Mallory
Sigma Omicron
Rachelle Diemer Marissa Mayberry Marsha Mays Magan McDonald Julie Phillips Courtney Rowe * Leslie Knod
Jana Greeno Natalie Powell
Sigma Phi
Jessica Resnick Alissa Scagliotti
Sigma Tau
Katie Piringer
Tau Delta
Jaime Gober Sarah Marshall Valle Marzella Megan Seibert * Lindsey Thomas Mary Snell Jaime Burkett Sara Doughton Virginia Dyson Laura Latham
Tau Gamma
Lynn Painter Melissa Mickelson
Tau Lambda
Amanda DufFey Cindy Robinson Emily Shank Becky Mundy
Tau Omega
Drew Slone
Jen Wagenmaker * Sara Gibson
Katherine Lobe Tamara Bentley Whimey Puce Samantha Shockley Amye Day
Kelly Morris
Tau Omicron
Amanda Burton Katie Dane Amanda Garner Amanda Lamberth Tasha Morgan * Melanie Rose Kristin West Whimey White Karen Wilson Sarah Allen * Marikay Cook Britini Freeman Tori Stout
Laura Brandes
Theta Beta
Joanne Green Aja Kosanke Lauren Mehr Erin Kennedy Jamie Zisow
Theta Omega
Lori Barraza Kristina McKnight Jaime Nelson Lindsey Rogers Heather White
Theta Pi
Melissa Javaheri Michele Sampson
Theta Psi
Abi Good
Rebecca Marzec Lindsey Pinkelman
Upsilon Lambda
Jen Montemayor Belinda Kypuros Jessica Peterson
Stephanie Benshoof Robyn Cowee Lauren Eddy
Jenna Gutierrez Abby Mann
Robin Maril Cam Mortonson Maghen Petty Erin Sullins
Andrea Deichert * Jennifer Edwards
Brady Fritz Jacqueline Hill Jennifer Deeper Stephanie Schaefer * Jodi Throckmorton Sara Ludemann-Davis Jennifer Alexander ElizabethEvans Charlene Kastanek Maggan Kitten Jennifer Peterson Laura Peterson Andrea vonRein
Zeta Pi
Amy Dill *
Tiffany Hall
Kassi Webster
Katie Mitchum * Karen Leigh Samples Ashley Uhrich Rhonda Ledbetter Ashley McCary Samantha Sterling Melissa DuBois
Zeta Psi
Cindy Anderson Jill Hastings Jennie Lamont Jenn McCloskey * Kelli Quelet Sarah Seligson Lindsay Adcox Autumn Bullock Carina DiFiore Ashley Lawson Kristin Maddox
Student amBassaooRS
Alpha Chi
Laura Allen
Alpha Delta
Tonita Romero Courtney Gover Kayla Erwin Maury Wilkinson
Alpha Phi
Hillary Gilford
Alpha Psi
Kristin Collela
Beta Phi
Jenni Jacobs
Andrea Minarcek Stacy Thompson Mariana Cotromanes
Chi Delta
Sabrina Klinger Katie Reynolds
Chi Epsilon
Anne Knapke
Chi Lambda
Kristen Boldt Danielle Grecco Jill Birtchman Ashley Sticht Danielle Grecco Cris Brannock Rita Jung
Catie Taylor Andrea Langemaat Nicole Keith
Jill Birtchman
Chi Psi
Chelsea Drennan Jessie Budzinski Jennifer Thomson Stephanie Davi Erin Moore
Erin Mayes Kimberly Tienken
Chi Theta
Tasha Holmes
Delta Delta
Tayor Rigdon Caroline Hester Kristin Johnson
Delta Epsilon
Alison Pierce Sara Thompson
Delta Omega
Whimey Bushart Nacy Gates Cynthia Glass Kelli Hall
Meghan Heine Ashley Meador Jennifer Payne
Elly Wells EmilyWells Natalie Bringham Megan Douglas Laura Nixon Susan Greene Kayla Rudolph Annie Leigh Cruse Jennifer Guthrie Marybeth Harris
Delta Pi
Amanda Miller Emily Bezy
Delta Psi
Michelle Fiasconaro
Delta Rho
Micki Kams Alexis Auditore Nora Clancy JenLowery
Lori Heidemann Katie McCormick
Delta Sigma
Melody Idillier
Delta Upsilon
Stephanie Roos Lauren find
Sarah Blum-Barnett Mary Ellison Baars Naomi Reagan Livia Fine
Kassie Doyle
Miriam Fischer Susan Birnbaum Gretchen Guzek Elizabeth Goulding Jessica Rosenthal Dana Cohen
liana Kramer Jessica Welker Melanie Manaoch Stephanie Spector Elyssa Koeppel
Epsilon Alpha
Jill Caughie Jill Caughie Theresa Kim
Epsilon Gamma
Sara McCarl
Epsilon Sigma
Michelle Doellman Kristi Barnes
Laura Andrew Aimee Koblitz
Gamma Chi
Brooklyn Wiggins
Gamma Delta
Miranda Sutley Lauren Hess Miranda Sutley
Gamma Omicron
Natalie Gonzalez Sarah Walker Kristen Leonard
Gamma Theta
Carlene Brown
lota Sigma
Emily Kix
Kappa Chi
Leslie Bean Angela Warnock Kristin Wilkins BrittanyJones
Kappa Gamma
Jennifer Stuart Nicole Maassen Lisa-Michelle Mc- Mullen
Jennifer Stuart Nicole Maassen
Kappa Kappa
Sarah Ernstberger Cassie Sample Kelly Nofzinger Nikki Smith Megan Chamness Kate DeHaven Jessica Kimberlin Jennifer Cline Alycia Dant
Kappa Omega
Tarah Hawkins
Kappa Omicron
Grace Williams Ashley Kutz
Erin Vickers Phaedra Fisher Catherine Harris Therese Holm Elizabeth Maxey Jane Anne Miller Mollie O'Dell Josie Orlando Amber Shaw NicoleVasquez Katie Walsh
Kappa Rho
Heather Pangle Erin Beauvais Jackie Caldwell
Kappa Sigma
Nicole Nohl
Krista Frederickson Sheila Hill
Kappa Tau
Anne Belanger Joelle McWilliams
Lambda Eta
Becka Duffey
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Lambda Omicron
Lacy Denney Lane Crockarell
Lambda Sigma
Katie Mathis KimEvans Ginny Barton Tricia Newton Blair Cobb Nancy Watson
Lambda Tau
Courtney Creekmore Jennifer Henry
Mu Lambda
Mary Meyers Lizzette Congora
Nu Beta
Kelly Newell Amanda Clark Meredith Scott Amanda Bevill
Nu Omicron
Christy Eayrs Katie Garrety Stephanie Frank Erin Guy
Ginny Robertson Christine Johnson Hadley Doolittle
Ashley Meade
Omega Omicron
Cathy Bistolfl Ashleigh Martz Leigh Darby
Jordan Crihfield Sara Pottinger Laura Haddock Shelton SwafFord Keeling Baird
Ashley Meece
Darcy Cates Sarah Below Loran Bernert
Rho Delta
Jennifer Carr
Sigma Chi
Sue Pelo
Sigma Deka
Elizabeth Frank Leah Nesbin Holle Hartzog Charlotte Cooper Lindsay Shehee MaryHenderson Whitney Dubose
Sigma Omicron
Audrey Nelson Marissa Mayberry Leslie Knod Jessica Gibson
Tau Delta
Niki Rogers Whitney Curvin Meg Seiben Emily Lewis Jennifer Snell Jamie Gober
Tau Omega
Jennifer W agenmaker Amy Musterman Colene Elridge
Jaime Dye
Greta Hicks Elizabeth Wells Sarah Tedford Jessica Hicks Drew Slone Katie Bartlett Emily Ball
Kim Cook
Tau Omicron
Kaythryn Douglas Kristi Moore
Theta Chi
Bridget McEldery Ashley Dirks
Abby Oliver Bridget McElderry Shawna Simmons Elizabeth Miller
Theta Omega
Shana O'Mara
Theta Psi
Lisa Dotto Debbie Bench
Upsilon Lambda
Marissa Gonzalea Brandi Banks Kristy Pacheco Laurie Ritter Delma Barrera
Chelsey Wasem Erin Bader
Zeta Psi
Sadie Cox CHeeRLeaoeRS
5aNCe team
Alpha Lambda
Maria Fricks
Alpha Theta
Kadi Deatsch
Alpha Theta
Tiffany Patnode
Beta Phi
Ashley Byers Erin Retter
Beta Tau
Marissa Bushe Jennifer Reichert Kearsten Lyon
Chi Delta
Christine Hood
Chi Lambda
Leslie Payne
Sarah Lamar Megan Meyer Alicia Wilderman Amanda Schroeder Lyndsi Chandler Colleen Kinney Sara Ray
Alicia Wilderman Heather Rupprecht Dani Beatty Jovanni DiLegge
Alexis Russo Laurel Zeidman
Delta Delta
Jane Brooks
Delta Epsilon
Dana Roberts Leslie Gossett Nealy Stephens
Delta Omega
Elizabeth Hawkins
Delta Pi
Sheena Wyrick Tricia DePriest Jacklyn Deflenbach
Delta Psi
Jill Prescott Belh Schissler
Delta Sigma
Tiffany Quintana TarahDeNardo
Delta Theta
Meredith Rucker
Delta Upsilon
Suzanne Lieb Sarah Stogner Rosie Canizares Erin Crawford Ashley Smith Suzanne Lieb
Laura W eatherbee Courtney Blake
Epsilon Sigma
Aimee Koblitz Deanna Henriksen Lindsey Reichert Marlene Toennies Ashli Frericks Amber Fasching Michelle Doellman Anne Parry
Molly Toennies
Celynn Goodale Emilie Lachance
Gamma Alpha
Allison Clark
Sara Jones
Chrissy Hanna Anabel De la Cema Danielle Briley Jenny Golf
Natalie Reck Ashley Stewart Kristen Stull Megan Teesdale
Gamma Delta
Katie Sullivan Kelly Cook
Kappa Kappa
Cynthia Berkley
Kappa Phi
Kimberley Zell
Kappa Sigma
Krista Frederickson
Kappa Tau
Elizabeth LeBlanc Ashley Merritt
Lambda Eta
Jenny McCracken CarolynMalak
Pi Delta
Stratton Stefanie
Rho Omicron
Carrie Smith Cindy McElroy Kirsten Holbrook Nikki Orr
Amy Midgeott
Gianna Segretti
Sigma Chi
Megan Tweedie Lindsey Colella Alex Wachtel Brenna Hanrahan Megan Tweedie Cathy Cease Cassandra Holleran
Sigma Delta
Melanie Smith Elizabeth McLain Crystal Bedwell
Sigma Omicron
Kymberly Gutherie
Sigma Rho
Jenn Roe Stacy Szura
Bridget Gruber
Tau Delta
Hagen Stegall
Tau Lambda
Jamie Weaver
Tau Omega
Lindsey Reid
Tau Omicron
Paige Wilson Rachel Mansfield
Theta Chi
Shawna Simmons Jennifer Rold Jessica Hansen
Theta Pi
Andrea Reese Teresa Scardino
Theta Psi
Becky Weidel
Zeta Psi
Sara Teeters Amy Askew
gma [Summer2003]
Kathy Nash Katie Bugg Kristen Owens Katie Dupree
Lambda Tau
Lindsey Hill Claire Corley
Lambda Upsilon
Kelli Crabtree Michelle Homung
Nu Omicron
Katherine Shister Lucy Hight Stephanie Frank
Jessica Reichwien Sarah Diaz
Jen Strickland Jessica Reichwein
Omega Omicron
Katie Finnern Katie Crump Julie McHugh Quita Harper Ashley Foley Terri McDonald
Omega Upsilon
Kaycee Christman
Sara Wilson
Anna Clare Snyder Kelley Eidenmuller Christia Brinkley Saskia Lindsey Elise Collier
Katie Hill
Lindsey French
Phi Beta
Jamie Kropkowski
Phi Chi
Michelle Miller Bianca Sepulveda
Phi Sigma
Jody Trautman Brianna Duffy Tamina Eshleman
Kristin Winstead Brianne Kavanagh Liz Teeters
Melysa Wilbur Amy Askew
Emily Cox editoRS
Alpha Delta
Kelly Reynolds
Alpha Lambda
Laura Wooten
Alpha Psi
Sarah Ruck
Alpha Theta
Tamara Shafer
Chi Lambda
Mandy Bumett
Chi Psi
Jennifer Thomson Callie Lindahl Sara Howell
Lisa Olmo Thresea Ngo-Anh Andrea Svboda
Rachel Taylor Dani Holmes
Delta Delta
Amanda Roach
Delta Epsilon
Nikki Taylor Elizabeth Davis
Delta Omega
Stephanie Elderporter
Delta Pi
Marci Crouch Kristan Hassler
Delta Rho
Alexis Auditore
Delta Theta
Hether Holmes
Delta Upsilon
Ami Patel Danielle Behr
Lindsey Rosenthal
Gamma Alpha
Gamma Chi
Brooklyn Prior
Gamma Omicron
Tara Craddock Pam Ghazi
Kappa Kappa
Marjie Zihar Katie Yee Alyssa lvanson Lisa Oehl
Kappa Omicron
Frances Rabalais Margie Hall Amber Shaw Erin Vickers Catherine Harris Grace Williams
Kappa Phi
Kate Fugler
Kappa Sigma
Elizabeth Ablett
Lambda Chi
Dianna Damond Hannah Bloodworth
Lambda Sigma
Katie Wood Andrea Lee
Lambda Upsilon
Erin McCallum
Aimee Bertrand Natalie Hankins
Nu lota
Linda Luk
Nu Omicron
Stephanie Trautwein
Omega Omicron
Katie Barratt
Omega Upsilon
Pam Latiano
Dabney Patterson
Melissa Weirmeister
Rho Omicron
Erin Pauls Brooke Ponder
Sigma Delta
Morgan Goodwin
Sigma Omicron
Meghan Hackney
Sigma Tau
Heather Reader
Sam Campanaro Kelly Sands
Lisa Carlson
Tau Omega
Ashley Porta Casi Clark
Theta Omega
Liz Dinoffria
Theta Pi
Jill Higgins
Nichole Brunner
Zeta Psi
Emily Carter
Alpha Chi
Ashley Wagner
Alpha Delta
TonitalRomero Laurel Brannon Lauren Adair Maury Wilkinson Abby Brown Leigh Ann Clifton Michelle Dubois Leah Deramus Ashley Oscarson Cathy Dewirt
Jodi Teaford Shelley Buck Leigh Hart Ginger Banks Katie Yarbrough Emily Bishop Kristin Bradbury Jeannie Powell Jennifer Sapp Leslie Stinson Jillian Hyde Courtney Gover
Alpha Lambda
Jennifer Gordon Allyson Carroll Alicia Barger
Alpha Phi
Hillary Gilford Paige Lester Sarah Ruck
Alpha Theta
Tamara Shafer Lindsey Bowen Michelle Harman Michaela Ross Allison Schue Andrea Sturm Karry Jannie
Beta Gamma
Jessica Severt
Beta Phi
Jenni Jacobs RachellConroy KatielDiggins NatashalHeimer BeStacylHoward MarissalLutz
Chi Delta
Becca Nichols
Chi Lambda
Courtney Cline Danielle Grecco Christine Rufkahr
Lisa O l m o
Callie Lindahl
Lisa Bengston Carrie MacCallister Thresea Ngo-Anh Chelsea Drennan Jessie Budzinski Stephanie Davi Jenny Rocci Kimberly Tienken Jennifer Thomson
Chi Theta
Gina Baker
Stacey Kokaram
Delta Delta
Lauren Mabry Caroline Hestor Emily Cangie Kendall Smith Katie Williams Allison Reiland
Delta Epsilon
Lacey Daniel Elizabeth Davis Heather Miller Alison Pierce
Delta Omega
MaryBeth Harris Jennifer Payne
Stacey Stephen
Emily Wells
Ashley Meador Jennifer Sutherland Sarah Clark Stephanie McDaniels Susan Greene
Kayla Rudolph Amy Hille
Kayla Cunningham Megan Rogers Ashley Lanham Jenny Canaday Laura Holt
Delta Pi
Liz Finkle Alyson Stowe Emily Bezy
Delta Psi
Michelle Fiasconarol
Delta Rho
Lori Heidemann Alexis Auditore Micki Karns
Delta Theta
Elizabeth Roy
Delta Upsilon
Jennifer Beall
Jade Goh
Lindsey Rosenthal
V anessa Sisto
Nicole Schwartzberg Courtney Blake Diane Wuest
Epsilon Gamma
Leah Ornellas
Epsilon Sigma
Ashli Frericks Laura Andrew Andrea Obert Michelle Doellman
Rachy Coakley
Gamma Alpha
Sarah Gerstner Christina Logan
Gamma Chi
Michelline Nesarallah Julia Gardner
Gamma Delta
Tory Estle
l07lHolly Dickson , Lindsay Ann Parvin Amiee Rivera ( Beth McReynolds
Zp — - - Gamma Omicron
Ysabel Cruz
Lara Tucci
Christine Knight
Kristen Fetters
Jackie Alder
7b Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Jennifer Stuart
Kappa Omega
Liz Wilson
Kappa Phi
Jenny Peterson Sandrine Simard
Kappa Rho
Leigh Shugrue Lisa Tellish
Kappa Sigma
Nicole Nohl
Kappa Tau
Anne Belanger Christine Barrios Megan Bello Rachael Bergeron Carrie Biggio Jenny Brand Cady Breyel Jaclyn Broussard Nikki Broussard Kacie Brummel Jamie Burchfield Vita Carbo Katherine Cascio Jamie Cooper Cori Crochet Lulu Crowe
Gamma Sigma
Abby Wiggins
Noke Sengphrachanh Lacey French
Noke Sengphrachanh 0 . Maria Hagler
Gamma Theta
Candice Wild
lota Sigma
Mary Dobling
Kappa Chi
Mindy McConncIl Kelli Miller
Leslie Bean
Kappa Gamma
Hi 04
Dianne Donald Megan Doyle
Regina Eschette Brittany Faciane
Lori Falterman Colleen Fandal Emily Gallagher Emily Gerkin Michelle Gurdian Heidi Hayes
Brandi Jones Shannon Kimball Jennifer King
Amy Landraneau Selena Landry
Kathy Lanser Michelle Lay Elizabeth LeBlanc Lindsey LeBlanc Courtney Mahler Stephanie Matthews Tammie May
Joelle Mc Williams Brittany Miranda Jeri-Lynn Murphy Kristen Poor KAngela Puglia Kristen Ruiz Candice Sanders Tracy Schultz Lindsay Sharp Rachelle Simmons Mandy Simoneaux Jessica Stone Ashley Tarver Lindsey Taylor Erika Thomassie Cassie Trahan Jennifer Walley Jessica Zachary
Lambda Chi
Amber Nolen Hannah Bloodworth Amy Baxter
Kat Bailey
Lambda Eta
Ashley Ryan Roberta Payne Elizabeth Bonnell Michelle Horvath
Lambda Upsilon
Gina Leffler
Mu Lambda
Mary Meyers
Carol Anne Emmons Aimee Bertrand Rebecca Bertrand
Nu Omicron
Christy Eayrs
Jane McKeel Kimberly Schraeder
Omega Omicron
Jennifer Roberts Cerissa Sanderson Meghan Steadman Cathy Bistolfl Anna Brewer
Omega Upsilon
Rachel Lewis Alisha Connars Valerie Hillow Debbie Auten Corinne Hoover
Elizabeth Clement Rachel Clement Rachel Frey Lauren Sutterfield
Phi Beta
Amanda Valente Michelle Cassidy
Phi Sigma
Amy Weingardt
Rho Delta
Katie Gilbert Vickie Lally Sarah Wilcox Anne Grinnell Jessica Rogers Sara Marshall
Rho Omicron
Michele Butler Morgan Lomax
Christina Coffey Amanda Giaimo Sunny Lu
Therese Mascardo
Sigma Chi
Susan Pelo Sue Pelo Lorri Adair
Sigma Delta
Jessie Burris Stephanie Black Elizabeth Frank Lindsay Shehee Leah Nesbitt Ashley Dubuque Charlotte Cooper Melissa Braun
Sigma Omicron
Courtney Rowe
Sigma Rho
Mara Mannella
Sigma Tau
Nikki Gillum lindsey Eichner Courtney Devine Shannon Krsek
Tau Delta
Niki Rogers Amanda Latin' Betsy McLeod Lena Bayazid Jeris Burns Alexa Jones
Tau Lambda
Leigh-Ann Hruz
Tau Omega
Colene Elridge Drew Slone Christina Urig
Liz Miller
Shawna Simmons Bridget McElderry
Melissa Powers Jackie Mastromatteo
Carrie Bowman Jamie Dieringer
Upsilon Lambda
Marissa Gonzalez Delma Barrera Brandi Banks Laurie Ritter Kristi Pacheco
Sara Ludemann-Davis Andrea Vos
Renee Else
Erin Bader Christy Schmidt Megan Heald
Erin Burcham Sarah Campbell Sarah Dickc Chelsey Wasem
Sadie Cox Cole Taylor
H o m e c ^ m i N g
Epsilon Sigma
Lindsey Reichert
Gamma Alpha
Andrea Ogden
Gamma Delta
Holly Dickson
Gamma Sigma
Jamey Forehand
lota Sigma
Elizabeth Ehlers
Kappa Alpha
Lauren Belt Krystal Kama Krista Frost Nicole Gallo Ashley Furnivall Katie Shawger Kiley Baumann
Kappa Omega
Courtney Melton Teddie Erikison Brooke Tormoehlen Grace Williams
Kappa Rho
Tonya Tibbs Stephanie Wallace Heather Pangle
Kappa Sigma
Heather Moyer Jenna Jacobson Kristen Dickmann Krista Frederickson
Kappa Tau
Selena Landry Jennifer King
Erika Thommasie Cassie Trahan Colleen Fandal Stephanie Matthews
Lambda Beta
Carrie Rosplock
Lambda Chi
Jenny Fletcher Amber Nolen
Lambda Omicron
Lacy Denney Lane Crockarell Martha Montiel Brandi Quinn
Lambda Sigma
Ali Acree Katie Mathis
Lambda Tau
Amanda Colter Cija Sanderlin Lindsey Hill Anya Morris
Nu Omicron
Angela Kimbrell Bonnie Bargmeyer Lauren Howard
Omega Omicron
Katie Barratt Katie Crump Kara Pursell
Phi Beta
Amber Davidson
Phi Sigma
Jada Bilau Mackenzie Green
Lorry Marvin
Pi Delta
Joyce Sanchez
Rho Delta
Rachel Mitchell
Rho Omicron
Carrie Smith Lindsey Logsdon RKatie Thornhill Brittney Gammell
Lauren Andrews Anne Williams
Sigma Delta
Crystal Bedwell Whitney Dubose Laura Tyree Brittany Dubose Leah Nesbitt Holle Hartzog Katharine Dozier Elizabeth Frank Ashley Dubuque Laura Sanders Casey Woodall
Sigma Omicron
Lindsey Brown Becky Koontz
Sigma Rho
Christy Stevens Amanda Patkalitsky Lisa Caldwell Carrie Amstutz
Lambda Omicron
Martha Montiel Lane Crockarell
Lambda Sigma
Ginny Barton Allyson Barnes
Lambda Tau
Kayla Haltom Jennifer Henry Jennifer Stephenson
Alpha Lambda
Leigh-Ann Grimes
Alpha Phi
Rebecca Tunkel Hillary Guillford
Alpha Theta
Kadi Deatsch
Chi Lambda
Christina Girten Mandy Burnett
Lisa Bengston
Dara Freedman Katherine Brumberger
Delta Delta
Amanda Head Adrienne Coley Lauren Mabry
Delta Epsilon
Kristi Smith Sarah Thompson Ashley Stedham
Delta Omega
Wendy Davis Hillary Spain
Delta Pi
Kristan Hassler
Delta Rho
Ryan Nyby
Delta Upsilon
Sarah Burley
Jennifer Bellor
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Q u e e N S C O U R t
Alpha Chi
Brittney Long Laura Allen
a N b
Imee Cambanero Molly Matson Jessie St Arnold
Tau Delta
Alexa Jones
Tau Omega
Serena Britt
Tau Omicron
Kaythryn Douglas
Shawna Simmons
Emily Moment
Jen Kerman
Upsilon Lambda
Sarah Garza Marissa Gonzalez Kristi Pacheco
Lindsay Adcox Cole Taylor Autumn Bullock
vanity atHLetes
Alpha Chi
Sarah Melius
Alpha Theta
Keyli Schultz Molly Charley Michal Kelly Michelle Harman
Beta Phi
Barrett Belstra
Melissa Sands
Chi Lambda
Brooke Hoener Jessica Jetton Amanda Horton Charly Kraft
Brianne Eckel Michelle Maddux
Anna Brennan Amanda Scheinfeldt Dani Holmes
Delta Epsilon
Heather Miller
Delta Omega
Ashley Meador
Delta Pi
Victoria Freeman
Delta Rho
Debbie Coligado Ann Mayhann Michele Hargreaves Shannon Beck
Delta Sigma
Tiffany Quintana Rebecca Phillips
Delta Upsilon
Carrie Starr
Lisa Nagorny
Mae Joyce Gay
C. Palmer Fitzhugh
Alethea Wait Miriam Fisher Colleen Reiss Joanna Britten-Kelly Meghan Cunningham Renee Wohltman Valerie Forker
Epsilon Alpha
Rachel Smith
Epsilon Gamma
Jessica Dimino
Epsilon Sigma
Lynn Schlepphorst Katie Hopkins
Kate St. John
Gamma Alpha
Jodie Santo
Katie Swearingen MolleyO'Sheal
A n n a Litticoat Rachel Wishner
Gamma Chi
Jennifer Dool Julia Gardner Emily Mathiesen
Gamma Delta
Jennifer Frost
Gamma Sigma
Barbie Kinder
Gamma Theta
Kristen Orsage
lota Sigma
Mallory Przybylski
Kappa Alpha
Melissa Buback
Kappa Chi
Kappa Kappa
ChristyVelgersdyke Jessica Kimberlin
Kappa Omicron
Katie Walsh Chelsea Ashworth Libby Shea Phaedra Fisher Mary Johnston Sarah May
Sandy Marcon
Kappa Phi
Emmanuelle Buron lambda Chi
Kat Bailey
Tammy Beckman
Lambda Omicron
Martha Montiel
Lambda Sigma
Jen Berger
Lambda Tau
Claire Corley Lindsey Hill
Lambda Upsilon
Kristen Sherry Bethany Nessler
Mu Lambda
Sarah Sedberry Dakota Fiori Kelley Johnson Natalee Hayes Stephanie Keller Sarah Sedberry
Caitlyn Gibson
Julia Poccia
Omega Omicron
Andrea Khulman Cerissa Sanderson Jessica Craig
Jaime Ealey Amanda Mueller Kara Pursell McKenzie Chandler Jennifer Craig Jessica Willett Meredith Goodman Melanie Goodman
Omega Upsilon
Phi Beta
Amanda Manjone VanessaKraft Amanda Valente
Phi Chi
Rina Martinez Lisa Kahn
Nina Prasad Dorothea Hunter
Phi Sigma
Sara Enninga Heather Wehrle
Rho Delta
Emily Nunnally Stephanie Harity
Rho Omicron
Erin Russell
Audrey Krumpholz
Sigma Chi
Susan Pelo
Stacey Viebrock Molly Johnson
Ann Fidler
Heather Yerkie Kelly Honsinger Erin Cobb
Katrina Coons Ashley Underhill Megan Davis Jennifer Munch Cassandra Holleran Lauren Kroncke
Sigma Delta
Jenna Holman Kristen McDonald Lindy Lunkenheimer Sigma Omicron
Sara Gresham Joanne Huck
Sigma Tau
Kristen Bozzella Heather Reader Paige Heller Sarah Polhamus Erin Alessi Samantha Hunt Yianna Patronas Katie Piringer Erin McMahan Kathryn Zajac Maggie Klag Carolyn Meyers Katie Orga
Ally LaMarca Theresa Pyzik
Amy Bromwell Jennifer Cox Meghan Hartzel Stacey Pratt
Emily Rawson Min-Li Wu
Carly Hankins Lindsay Stockfisch Lindsey Eichner Sara Mackaverikan Kat Zajak
Tau Delta
Whitney Curvin Jeris Burns Alaina Shelton Jennifer Williams Leslie Roberts Cami Nix
Leigh Morgan Jenny Thomason
Tau Lambda
Jessica Rinesmith
Tau Omega
Janey Watts . Nicole Nugent Kristen Keish
Theta Chi
Jackie Kinnetz | Angie Meyer Courtney McClasky
Melissa Javaheri \ Melissa Paschal Quinn Brennan
Upsilon Lambda
Brandi Salazar
Stephanie Schaffer
Zeta Kappa
Janette Pacheco
Zeta Psi
Sara Teeters
Liz Teeters
Melysa Wilbur Amy Askew Brianne Kavanagh Kristin Winstead Emily Cox
ToDragma [Summer2003]
academic HONORS
Alpha Chi
•Kasey Jo felham- Golden Key, Tri Beta •Leslie Butler- Golden Key
•Amy Becker- Phi Eca Sigma
•Emilia Bertelkamp- Phi Eta Sigma •Sarah Price- Phi Eta Sigma
•lauren Massey- Golden Key •Abigail Lovan- Phi Eta Sigma •Brooke Marshal- Order of Omega •Lacey Luxon- Phi Eta Sigma •EmilyDrumwright-Golden Key •laura Allen- Alpha Epsilon Delta •Meridafoster-Order of Omega. Golden Key, Phi Eta Sigma
•Brittney Long- Order of Omega, Phi Beta Phi
•Marilyn Bungo- Order ofOmega, Beta Gamma Sigma, Golden Key
•Madelyn Anetrella- Gamma Beta Phi, Golden Key
Alpha Delta
•Molly Murphy- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Iambda Delta, NSCS, University Honors Program, Gamma Beta Phi, President's List •Katie Wallace NSCS, Order of Omega. Mortar Board, Golden Key
•Jamey Sturm- Freshman forum •Rachel Weatherly- Gamma Beta Phi •Melanie Carroll- Beta Alpha Psi, Golden Key
•Kayla Erwin- Gamma Beta Phi, Lambda Sigma, Emerging Leaders, University Honors Program, Golden
•Jeanie Powell- Freshmen Forum
•Jamie Zarrilli NSCS. Alpha Lambda Delta,, President's List
•Jennifer Pridgen- Golden Key
•Jodi Teaford- Gamma Beta Phi, Mortar Board, Blue Key, Golden Key, Order of Omega
•Kelli Roberson- Freshmen forum. Blount Undergraduate Initiative
•Amy Wilkinson- Freshman forum •Ashley Oscarson- Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi
•Elizabeth Lowery- Gamma Beta Phi •Kelly Hauer- Alpha Lambda Delta, NSCS
•Megan Smith- Alpha Lambda Delta •Christina Newell- Freshman forum •JoAnna Hudso-n Phi Gamma Beta, Phi Upsilon. Golden Key, Emerging Leaders, •Rachel Wood- Order of Omega. Blue Key, Mortar Board, Golden Key, Kappa Delta Pi.
•Cardinal Key. Lambda Sigma, Freshman Forum
•Emily Bishop- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa, Gamma Beta Phi, Golden Key, NSCS, Emerging Leaders, lambda Sigma. Order of Omega, Phi Delta Sigma, Beta Beta Beta
•Courtney Gover- Capstone Men & Women, Cardinal Key, Lambda Sigma, Freshman forum, Alpha Lambda
Delta, Gamma Beta Phi. Phi Eta Sigma. Alabama Student Society for the Communication Arts
•Kristin Bradbury- Lambda Sigma, Gamma Beta Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma. Freshman Forum, NSCS •Jana Hyde- Gamma Beta Phi
•Brooke Inman- Order of Omega
•Lane Turley- Gamma Beta Phi, Sigma Tau Delta.
•Nita Romero- Alpha Lambda Delta,
Phi Eta Sigma, Lambda Sigma, Cardinal Key, Mortar Board, Omicron Delta Kappa, Anderson Society, XXXI, Alpha Pi Mu, Order of Omega, University Honors Program
•Leigh Hart- Alpha Lambda Delta. Phi Eta Sigma, NSCS
Ashley Roberts- Freshman forum. Gamma Beta Phi
•Leah DeRamus- Alpha Lambda
Delta, Phi Eta Sigma. Freshman forum. Lambda Sigma, Gamma Beta Phi •Laurel Brannon- Gamma Beta Phi, Alpha Lambda Delta, University Honors Program,
•Liz Pons- Gamma Beta Phi
•Katie McLure- Blount Undergraduate Initiative, Sigma Tau Delta
•Maury Wilkinson- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Lambda Sigma, NSCS, University Honors Program. •Katie Yarbrough- Alpha Lambda Delta, NSCS
•Christina Zaden- Gamma Beta Phi
Alpha Phi
•Marisa Hanson- Alpha Epsilon Delta •Kristin Wamsley- Alpha Lambda Delta, NSCS Tara •Prybil Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Alpha Kappa Psi •Margalie Farach- Alpha Kappa Psi •Hillary Guilford- Order of Omega
• AlpKirsten Madsen- Order of Omega, Mortar Board
•MacKenzie Buus- Order of Omega, Mortar Board
•Kelsie Eggensperger- NSCS
Alpha Psi
•Kristin Colella- Golden Key. Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma •Elizabeth Flores- University Honors Program
•Valerieforrest-Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Kristen Johnston- University Honors Program
•Gina Paponetti- Phi Eta Sigma, Order of Omega, Golden Key, Gamma Sigma Alpha
•Rochelle Perez- Order of Omega
Alpha Theta
•Allison Anderson- Alpha Lambda Delta
•Jessica Fritzsinger- Alpha Lambda Delta. Mortar Board, Order of Omega. Phi Kappa Phi, Strata
•Jennifer Srreck- Alpha Lambda Delta •Caitlin Schneider- Alpha Lambda Delta
•Sara Campbell- Alpha Lambda Delta •Lindsey Bowen- Alpha Lambda Delta •Kimberly Schnurr- Order of Omega •Andrea Sturm- Alpha Lambda Delta •Alinda Buckingham- Order of Omega •Jane Lehmann- Alpha Lambda Delta, Mortar Board, Strata
Beta Gamma
•Kristy Janson- Gamma Sigma Alpha •Lauren Veraldi- Order of Omega •Sarah Grossbart- NSCS
•Stacey Brumbaugh- NSCS
•Leah Jenkins-NSCS
•Leah Jenkins- Honors College •Lindsay Wielgolewski- Honors College •Sarah Grossbart- Honors College •Leslie Ransdell- Honors College
Beta Phi
•Jessica Robinson- Phi Eta Sigma •Mariana Cotromanes- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key
•Katie Lutzow- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Alissa Ladyman- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Megan Roth- Phi Eta Sigma
•Jennifer Spalding- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma •Jill Saphir- Phi Eta Sigma
•Ashley Byers- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma •Abby Keeping- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha LambdaDelta
• Shauna Santare- Phi Eta Sigma
•Alexis Jordan- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Chi •Jessica Bednarz- NSCS, Order of Omega
•Christie Schroeder- Order of Omega, Phi Beta Kappa
•Emily Bean- Mortar Board
•Amy Lessing- Mortar Board
•Amber Huffman- NSCS, Golden Key •Lynseyfowler-NSCS, Golden Key •Kate Schott- NSCS
•Stacy Howard- NSCS
•Anne Sommer- NSCS •Suzannefoy-NSCS
•Katie Diggins- Phi Eta Sigma
•Maria Delimata- Alpha Beta Honorary, Big Ten Athletic Scholar
•Charlotte Tull-NSCS
•Sarah Nichols- Alpha Lambda
Delta, NSCS, National Residence Hall Honorary
Chi Delta
•Sarah Brand-Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha, NSCS •Lacey Bowman- Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha, NSCS •Shannon Curtis- Order of Omega •Casey Hall- Phi Sigma Theta, NSCS •Renee Hill- Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha, Mortar Board, Golden
Key, Kappa Tau Alpha,
•Heidi Hiltbrunner- Order of Omega, •Anne Huse- Order of Omega,
•Sabrina Klinger- Order of Omega •Rachael Simms- Order of Omega, Psi Chi, Gamma Sigma Alpha, Golden Key, •Jessica Naughton- Order of Omega, NSCS,
•Katie Reynolds- Order of Omega, Phi Sigma Theta
•Jodi Welsby- NSCS, Order of Omega, Phi Sigma Theta
•Jessica Koehler- Order of Omega, Mortar Board. Gamma Sigma Alpha
Chi Epsilon
•Elizabeth Bostdortf-Phi Sigma Pi •Kerrie Gardner- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha •Lambda Delta
•Lindsey Heffelmire- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Lambda Delta
•Amanda Perrill- NSCS
•Jamie Secor- NSCS. Golden Key •Melissa Smith- NSCS, Golden Key International Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Ginny Burba- Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Lambda Delta
•V anessa Mears- NSCS. Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha •Lambda Delta, Golden Key •Megan Miller-NSCS
•Ashley Shannon- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
Chi Lambda
•Kathleen Taylor- Rho Lambda •JillianBisher-RhoLambda,Mortar Board. Order of Omega, Sigma Theta Tau •Kristin Boldt- Kappa Kappa Iota •Alicia Wilderman- Mortar Board, Phi Eta Sigma
•Elizabeth Nimnicht- Rho Lambda. Phi Eta Sigma
•Sarah Lamar- Phi Eta Sigma
•Nicole Keith- Rho Lambda
•Angela Pignatiello- Kappa Kappa Iota •Jamie Dwyer- Psi Chi
•Tobi Pinsky- NSCS, Golden Key National Honor Society, Order of Omega
•Carolyn Florey- Order of Omega, Golden Key National Honor Society •Amanda Scheinfeldt- Eta Kappa Nu •Shauna Gilmore- Golden Key National Honor Society
•Jennifer Lash- NSCS
Delta Epsilon
•Elizabeth Brodowski- President's List •Leslie Daniel- President's List, Phi Eta Sigma,
•Heather Miller -President's List, faculty Scholar, Rho Lambda, Omicron Delta Kappa, 'Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities, Scholar Athlete Hall of Fame
ToDragma [ Summer 2003 ]
•KristiSmith-PresidentsList.RhoLambda •Lacey Daniel- Rho Lambda
•Andrea Martin-, Rho Lambda, Oreder of Omega
•Alison Pierce-. Phi Eta Sigma
•Nikki Taylor-, Phi Eta Sigma
•Sara Thompson- .Omicron Delta Kappa, Rho Lambda, Kappa Delta Pi •Courtney Goldenburg-, Phi Eta Sigma •April Illilf- Phi Eta Sigma
•Ashley Stedham- Phi Eta Sigma
Delta Omega
•Michele Byassee- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Melissa Barron- Phi Eta Sigma
•Shay Barnes- Alpha Mu Gamma Beta Alpha Psi
•Lacy Clapp- Gamma Beta Phi. Lambda Delta Chi
•Kennette Cleaver- Alpha Mu Gamma Sigma Eta
•W endy Davis- Gamma Sigma Alpha, Order of Omega, Alpha Zeta •Cynthia Glass- Gamma Sigma Alpha •Courtney Griffiths- Samma Sigma Alpha
•Brandy House- Rho Sigma Alpha, Lambda Alpha Delta
•Whitney Holland- Phi Zeta Alpha, Whitney Holland Alpha Mu Gamma •Julie Janes- Gamma Beta Phi, Janes Omicron Delta Kappa
•Lauren Johnston- Phi Alpha Theta. Order ofOmega
•Katie Konrad- Gamma Beta Phi •Ashley Meador- Beta Beta Beta •Stephanie Minix- Order of Omega. Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Chi
•Jennifer Payne- Phi Beta Lambda, Gamma Beta Phi
•Hillary Spain- Alpha Lambda Delta •Meredith Vanderford- Omicron Delta Kappa
•Sly Wells- Alpha Lambda Delta •Amanda Carter- Alpha Lambda Delta. Gamma Beta Phi
Delta Sigma
•Christina Macalino- Dean Scholar
•Marcella Houser- Quill and Dagger Senior Honor Society
•Joanna Britten-Kelly NSCS
Epsilon Omega
•Jana Lilly- Golden Key. Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Sigma
•Jennifer Ferguson- Golden Key, Phi Kappa Phi
•Kristin Davis- Kappa Delta Pi
•Sara Pace- Gamma Beta Phi. Golden Key, Phi Sigma
Epsilon Sigma
•Andrea Obert- Phi Eta Sigma
Gamma Alpha
•Ashley Relf- NSCS
•Kimberly Tarby- NSCS and Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society
•Sarah GrifFi-n NSCS and Golden Key National Honor Society
•Sarah Gerstner- Alpha Lambda Delta: NSCS: and Golden Key National Honor Society
•Brittney Kneussl- Alpha Lamba Delta •Jessica Keating- Honor's Program •Rachael Silver- Beta Gamma Sigma
Gamma Delta
•Donata Abruntilla- Alpha Theta Chi •Haley Battiste- Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Theta Chi. Golden Key
•Ann McCrory- Alpha Theta Chi, Phi Eta Sigma
•Lauren Held- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Theta Chi, Chi
•Stephanie Herbet Phi Eta Sigma •Aja Chism Lambda Eta Pi •Danielle Stevens- Lambda Eta Pi, Golden Key, Phi Eta Sigma
•Lindsay Ann Parvin- Golden Key, Alpha Theta Chi, Alpha Chi
•Natalie Sutton- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Theta Chi
•Aimee Rivera- Alpha Theta Chi •Lauran Hess- Alpha Theta Chi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Psi Chi •Lauren Huff- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Theta Chi, Alpha Chi, Golden Key, Lauren Huff Mortar Board, Lauren HuffLambda Pi Eta, Lauren HuffPhi Kappa Phi
•Beth McRenyolds- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Theta Chi, Mortar Board
•Jessa McCarthy- Alpha Theta Chi •Dana Simms- Alpha Theta Chi.Golden Key, Alpha Chi
•Kristin Weaver- Alpha Theta Chi, Golden Key, Phi Kappa Phi
•Lindsey Timmerman- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Theta Chi. Mortar Board, Alpha Chi, Phi Kappa Phi
•Rebecca Morris- Alpha Theta Chi. Golden Key, Phi Eta Sigma
•Sheena Thomas- Alpha Theta Chi, Golden Key. Alpha Chi
•Nicole Wackerlin- NSCS, Phi Kappa Phi •Caryn Bova- James Scholar
•Elizabeth Giglio- Alpha Lamda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Bridgette Blair- James Scholar. Epsilon Delta,
•Ann VanBlaricum- Chi Epsilon.
• Angie Stewart- Sachem, Order of Omega. Campus Honors Society, NSCS •Krista Kimme- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lamda Delta
•Heather Hastings- Phi Eta Sigma •Jordan Stewart-. James Scholar. National
•Joy Daniel-, Alpha Lamda Delta, James Scholar
•Andrea Clinard- Atius-Sachem Honorary, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lamda Delta
•Christine Maliwanag- Alpha Lamda Delta
•Joan Powers- Alpha Lamda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Carlin Sarmiento- Pi Alpha Xi
•Jillian St. Leger- Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key, Phi Eta Sigma, NSCS, Phi Kappa Phi
•Amy Campbell-NSCS
•Katie Bossen- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma •Christina Riley- Phi Kappa Phi
•Alyssa Illian- Jame's Scholar, •Hizabeth Shapiro- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma,, Jame's Scholar •Christine Hussey- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, NSCS
•Janet Zoch- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Susan Van Blaricum- James Scholar •Krista Diestel- Delta Phi Alpha Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, NSCS, Golden Key,
•Julia Dossett- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Patricia Frazier- Tau Bela Pi, Order of the Engineer
•Sarah Stredney- Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Scholars
•Diana Chang- NSCS, Alpha Lambda Delta, Jame's •Scholar, Beta Alpha Psi •Christina Twardowski Phi Alpha Xi •Lisa Weinstein- Phi Upsilon Omicron •Paula Banser- Jame's Scholar
•Sara Disney- Campus Honors Society
Kappa Gamma
•Jennifer Stuart- Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Eta Sigma
•Kathleen Dubois- Kappa Delta Pi •Deborah Clark- Delta SigmaPi
Kappa Kappa
•Kelly Nofzinger- Order of Omega •Anne Kramer- Order of Omega •Amy Morris- Order of Omega •Megan Allen- Order ofOmega •Andrea Bunton- NSCS
•Andrea Streit- NSCS
•Amanda Engh- Alpha Lambda Delta •Jessica Guest- Alpha Lambda Delta •Brandi Fricke- Education in Action •Michelle Hudgins- Alpha Lambda Delta •Dedra Ling- Alpha Lambda Delta •Courtney Martin- Alpha Lambda Delta •Kendyle Siefert- Alpha Lambda Delta •Amanda Summers- Honors Colllege •Meredith Bal-i Honors College
•Abby Adams- Honors College
•Alycia Dam- Honors College
•Morgan Barry- Honors College •Elizabeth Hoover- Honors College Alyssa Ivanson- Honors College
Jennifer Pokomy- Honors College
Kappa Omega
•Jayme Brockman- Phi Sigma Theta
•Tarah Hawkins- Phi Eta Sigma •Michelle Inzetta- Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma
•Susan Theis- Phi Eta Sigma
•Katie Berghausen- Phi Upsilon Omicron
•Terrianne Dick- Phi Upsilon Omicron
Kappa Omicron
•Amber Shaw- Phi Alpha Theta, Eta Sigma Phi, Mortar Board
•Kim Bartmess- Beta Beta Beta, •Abby Bomar- Theta Alpha Kappa •Stephanie Cox- Phi Alpha Theta •Lisa DiTrolio- Theta Alpha Kappa •Natalie DuMont- Beta Beta Beta, Order of Omega
•Michelle Eacret- Sigma Iota Rho •Erin Gabbert- Order ofOmega •Margie Hall- Sigma Tau Delta, Mortarboard, Omicron Delta Kappa •Rebecca Held- Sigma Iota Rho, Mortarboard
•Jessica Hoback- Sigma Tau Delta •Lindsay Hughes- Eta Sigma Phi, Phi Alpha Theta, Order ofOmega
•Sarah May- Beta Beta Beta, Order of Omega, Mortarboard
•Josie Orlando- Order ofOmega
•Jess Paz- Phi Alpha Theta
•Beth Purves- Omicron Delta Epsilon, Mortarboard
•Emily Ramsey- Beta Beta Beta. Order of Omega, Mortarboard, Theta Alpha Kappa, Psi Chi
•Kathryn Taylor- Beta Beta Beta, Mortarboard, Theta Alpha Kappa •Mary Taylor- Search Advisory Council •Grace Williams- Phi Alpha Theta, Order ofOmega
•Amanda Womack- Theta Alpha Kappa, Order of Omega
•Ann Young- Beta Beta Beta
•Whitney Garman- Theta Kappa Alpha •Josie Orlando- Mortar Board
•Marisa fbshee- Theta Kappa Alpha, Mortar Board
•Erin Johnston- Theta Kappa Alpha •Lindsay Hughes- Mortar Board •Ashley Kutz- Order of Omega
•Kim Bartmess- Mortar Board •Caroline Bishop Ela Sigma Phi
Kappa Rho
•Jessica Mok- Gamma Sigma Alpha •Sarah Meekhof- Gamma Sigma Alpha •Janel Gesinski- Alpha Gamma Sigma •Nicole Meyer- Gamma Sigma Alpha •Anne Wisneski- Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key, Order of Omega, Phi Sigma Theta, Kappa Omicron Nu, Pi Lambda Theta
•Courtney Verhalle- Alpha Lambda Delta •Janel Gesinski- Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key
•Kim Borga- Golden Key. Alpha Lambda Delta
•Lisa Tellish- Gamma Sigma Alpha
ToDragma [Summer2003]
•Rebecca Allen- Kappa Delta Pi. Order of Omega
•Meredith Leeson- Alpha Lambda Delta •Heather Pangle Alpha Lambda Delta •Alyia Hakim- Lee Honors College, Honors Student Association, Alpha lambda Delta, Psi Chi, Golden Key,
Phi Kappa Phi, Order of Omega, Pi Delta Phi
Kappa Tau
•Megan Bello- Gamma Beta Phi •Rachelle Simmons- Gamma Beta Phi •Selena Landry- Gamma Beta Phi, Order of Omega
•Regina Eschette Gamma Beta Phi •Cady Breyel-13 Club and Kappa
Delta R
•Stephanie Matthews- Gamma Beta Phi •Vita Carbo- Order ofOmega
•Joelle McWilliams- Order ofOmega, Gamma Beta Phi
•Cori Crochet- Order ofOmega, Gamma Beta Phi
Lambda Chi
•Sara Skinner- Omicron Delta Kappa •Amber Nolen- Kappa Delta Pi •Diana Damon- Kappa Delta Pi
Lambda Eta
•Donna DiMichele- Sigma Tau Delta
Lambda Tau
•Fenny Lawrence- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Suzanne Thompson- Alpha Lambda Delta
•Allison Hartwell- Alpha Lambda Delta •Jennifer Henry- Alpha lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Cardinal and Amber •Kayla Haltom- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Lori Santoro- Alpha Lambda Delta •Holly Post-Phi Sigma Pi
•Kelli Hutchinson- Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Rho lambda
•Courtney Creekmore- Alpha Lambda Delta
Lambda Upsilon
•Jennifer Benfield- NSCS, Psi Chi •Jill Lagowski- Phi Eta Sigma, NSCS •Brooke Colflesh- Alpha Phi M u •Kelsey Musselman- Phi Beta Delta •Rosemary Sherry- Phi Eta Theta •Fayth Bums- Phi Eta Sigma
•Kyra Specht- Phi Eta Sigma, NSCS •Adrienne Panos- Phi Eta Sigma •Laura Tattoli- Phi Eta Sigma
•Gina Leffler- Phi Eta Sigma, •Kathy Whitesell- Phi Eta Sigma •Molly Forte- Phi Eta Sigma. NSCS •Christina Shindele- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi
•Kimberly Porpora-Phi Eta Sigma, Beta Gamma Sigma
•Katie Mannion- Phi Eta Sigma
•Lauren Russo- Tau Beta Pi. Phi Eta Sigma,
•Maggie Miller- Phi Eta Sigma •Michelle Hornung- NSCS
Mu Lambda
Emily Gironda- Sigma Tau Delta Meghan Sheleg- Order ofOmega Carrie Capron- Phi Eta Sigma Sara Usher- Phi Eta Sigma
Charise Rechnitz- Order ofOmega
Nu Omicron
•Alison Bruckert- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta. Kappa Delta Epsilon •Cynthia Tsai- Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi
• Katherine Colloton- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Katherine Shister- Gamma Beta Phi, Order ofOmega
•Michelle Baldwin- Omicron Delta Epsilon
•Rachel Carson- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi •Aubrey Hunt- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Phi Omega
vDana Delisi- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Soha Ratel- Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Lambda Delta, Lotus Eaters •Katharine Smothermon- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta. Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon
•Stephanie Trautwein- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi •Elizabeth Hales- Kappa Delta Epsilon •Kathryn Mullen- Gamma Beta Phi •Paige Edwards- Kappa Delta Epsilon •Adrienne Klock- Psi Chi
•Shannon Murphy- fti Chi
•Katie Gallerani- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Martha Presley- Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi •Amanda Hassenbusch- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Kappa Delta Epsilon
•Petrice Mostardi- Alpha Lambda Delta •Stephanie Frank- Alpha Lambda Delta, Kappa Delta Epsilon
•Alexis Nesbit- Alpha Lambda Delta, Kappa Delta Epsilon
•Carolyn Sloane- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Jennifer Hansen- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
•Kristen Quirk- Order of Omega, Kappa Delta Epsilon. Kappa Delta Pi
•Christie Myers- Kappa Delta Epsilon, Gamma Phi Beta, Pi Lambda Theta •Maryanne St. John- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Katherine Hurst- Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta, Order of Omega, Mortar Board. Gamma Beta Phi
•Natalie Gross- Alpha Lambda Delta, Gamma Beta Phi
•Amanda Colgan- Alpha Lambda Delta,
Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Eta Sigma •Caitlin Prouty- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Kappa Delta Epsilon •Jessica King- Gamma Beta Phi. Sigma Delta Pi, Mortar Board
•Anne Marie Townsend- Kappa Delta Epsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi
•Amy Gordon- Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Lotus Eaters, Gamma Beta Phi, Athenians
•Melissa Daniels- Delta Sigma Theta •Elizabeth High- Delta Phi Alpha
•April Harpp- NSCS, Golden Key •Carmen Younger- NSCS
•Jenny Young- NSCS
•Chelsea Webber-NSCS
•Danielle Donaldson- NSCS
•Emily Bartlett- NSCS, Beta Gamma Sigma
•Brynn Decker- NSCS
•Carolyn Patterson- NSCS
•Grace Schneider- Alpha Lamda Delta •Christy Hill-NSCS
•Brittany Thorton- NSCS
•Katie Donohue- NSCS
•Shannon Gilreat- NSCS
•Maria Rivlin-NSCS
•Jenny Kershaw- Beta Gamma Sigma •Julie Knapke- NSCS
•Sarah Hennings- NSCS
•Dana Smith- NSCS
•Rachel Blom- Golden Key International Honour Society, NSCS •Mary Gordon-NSCS
•Jasmine Fbust- NSCS
•Kate Fisher-NSCS
•Tasia Danger- NSCS
•Jenny Reed- NSCS
•Beth Pasko- Beta Gamma Sigma, NSCS •Jenn Winter- NSCS
Omega Omicron
•Meredith Taylor- Psi Chi
•Bethany Sanders- Alpha Lambda Delta •Renee Casteel- Alpha Lambda Delta •Val Hillow- Order of Omega
•Gennie Geiselmann- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Ashely Johnson- NSCS
•Kim Keightley- NSCS, Golden Key •Emily Lay- NSCS. Phi Eta Sigma. Golden Key
•Caitlin OShea- NSCS, Golden Key •Lindsey Peace- NSCS, Golden Key •Shelley Rappe- NSCS, Golden Key •Allison Sain- NSCS, Golden Key •Wren Smith- NSCS
•Shelton Swafford- NSCS
•Tyra Tucker- NSCS. Order ofOmega •Leslie Veler- NSCS, Golden Key •Mary-Keller Whitmore- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Sarah Wilhite- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Katy Wilson- NSCS. Golden Key •Amy Fisher- Phi Eta Sigma
•Lauren Jones- Phi Eta Sigma
•Kylie Keller- Phi Eta Sigma
•Rachel Matthews- Phi Eta Sigma •Kelly Owens- Phi Eta Sigma
•Sara Pottinger- Phi Eta Sigma
•Ally Sharp- Phi Eta Sigma
•Leslie Veler- Phi Eta Sigma
•Martha Jo Willis- Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
Phi Beta
•Jessica King- Order of Omega
•Kelly Albertson- Order of Omega •Courtney Coccaro- Order of Omega •Jessica King- Order of Omega
•V anessa Kraft- Order of Omega •Nicole Seminski- Order ofOmega •Megan Winship- Order of Omega
Phi Sigma
•Susan Ewton- Honors Program •Andrea Steele- Honor's Program, Phi Eta Sigma
•Jada Bilou- Honor's Program. Phi Eta Sigma
•Jenna Fitzke- Honor's Program •Kristy Kumm- Mortar Board •Tamina Eshleman- Mortar Board
•Kate Dupin- Alpha Epsilon Delta
Pi Delta
•Lauren Ohno- Primannu, Order of Omega
•Kira Tullio- Prtmannum, NSCS •Kim Jekabsons- Primannum, NSCS, Alpha Lambda Delta
•Jenn Lege- Primannum. Golden Key, NSCS, Psi Chi
•Maya Graham- NSCS, Pi Sigma Alpha, Golden Key Honor Society
•Stefanie Stration- Primannum, Order of Omega. NSCS, Phi Chi Theta, Golden Key
•Melissa Dobres- NSCS. Lambda Pi Eta •Sara Taliano- NSCS. Primannum •Jackie Coulter- Kappa Delta Pi
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
•Elizabeth Clement- Gamma Beta Phi. Golden Key. Phi Eta Sigma
•Courtney Brown- Golden Key
•Laura Haddock- Golden Key •Margaret Rarrish- Golden Key
•Amy Frey- Lambda Pi Eta - Speech Communications Honor Society •Lanie Blankenship NSCS
•Christie Brinkerhoff- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Jordan Critchfield- NSCS. Phi Eta Sigma •TarahDanie-NSCS
• Andrea Garman- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Emily Garrett- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Ashley Gass- NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Golden Key
•Leslie Ludington- NSCS, Order ofOmega •AmyRlesi-NSCS
•Saleena Subaiya- NSCS, Gemstones •Christine Cline- NSCS, Honors Program •Erin Dieterich- NSCS
•Abby Adler- NSCS, Primannum
•Dara Siegel- NSCS. Primannum. Order of Omega
•Joyce Sanchez- Primannum, NSCS, Phi Sigma, Honors Program
•Mojdeh Saba- NSCS, Honors Program •Hallie Aaron- NSCS, Primannum, Honors Program
•Annie Caldwell- NSCS, Primannum •Amanda Frost-NSCS
•Lynn Bleiler- NSCS, Primannum •Dawn Julian-NSCS
•Marybeth Bomhorst- NSCS
•Lauren Bograd- NSCS. Golden Key, International Honors Society, Order of Omega
•Jessica Daniels- Phi Chi Theta, Order of Omega, Golden Key
•Denise Grosberg- Honors Program, Honors Fraternity
•Sara Hanenstine- Primannum
•Allison Kinsley- College Park Scholars •Raquel Lesnever- Primannum
•Preeya Matthew- College Park Scholars •Suzanne McLaughlin- Order of Omega, Lambda Pi Eta
•Krista Page Primannum
•June Ruppert- College Park Scholars •Katie Sullivan- OV1CUS
•Nicole Marino- College Park Scholars, Order of Omega
•Erin Snyder- Order ofOmega
•Hana Kim- Order of Omega
Rho Delta
•Kristen Carter- Alpha Lambda Delta •Amanda Bell- Alpha Lambda Delta •Kate Dale- Alpha Lambda Delta •Emily Evans- Alpha Lambda Delta •Vickie Lally- Alpha Lambda Delta, Order of Omega, Kappa Delta Episilon, Kappa Delta Pi
•Leslie Dellinger- Alpha Lambda Delta, Order of Omega
•Rachel McWhorter- Alpha Lambda Delta •Marian Smith- Alpha Lambda Delta •Merrill Bolton- Sigma Tau Delta,
Alpha lambda Delta
•Christen Saunders- Kappa Delta Episilon,Kappa Delta H
•Natalie Fuller- Order of Omega, Lambda Pi Eta
•Stacy Shoemake- Rho Chi
Rho Omicron
•Michele Butler- Order of Omega
Sigma Alpha
•Kristen HiUegas- Golden Key, NSCS
Sigma Chi
•Megan Tweedie- Phi Alpha Theta •Stacey Viebrock- Phi Alpha Theta
•Larissa Wasyl- Pi Sigma Alpha •Sue Mo- Pi Sigma Alpha
Sigma Omicron
•Jessica Buck- Gamma Beta Phi •Courtney Morgan- Gamma Beta Phi •Stephani Shannon- Honors Program, Gamma Beta Phi
•Megan McDonald- Honors program. Gamma Beta Phi
•Elizabeth Agee- Gamma Beta Phi •Lesha Boals- Kappa Delta Pi •Marissa Mayberry- Gamma Beta Phi •C.J. Smith- Gamma Beta Phi
•Jamie Wheeler- Phi Theta Kappa •Leslie Knod- Alpha Lamda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Gamma Beta Phi
•April Adams- Gamma Beta Phi •Jessica Gibson- Gamma Beta Phi •Marsha Mays- Gamma Beta Phi, National Broadcasting Society •Courtney Rowe- Gamma Beta Phi, National Broadcasting Society
•Mindy Slaten- Gamma Beta Phi •Sarah Caddy- Gamma Beta Phi
Sigma Phi
•Christine Rodriguez- Golden Key, Gamma Sigma Alpha
•Jessica Resnick- Gamma Sigma Alpha, Order of Omega
•Erica White- Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha, NSCS
•Mary Antonaros- Order or Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha
•Juliet Mothershed- Kappa Tau Alpha. National Journalism Honors
•Gen Lodevico- Phi Eta Sigma
Sigma Rho
•Marie Leuenberger- Sigma Delta Pi •Leeann Connolly- Kappa Delta Pi. Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta, Gamma Sigma Alpha, Phi Eta Sigma
Sigma Tau
•Kristen Bozella- Psi Chi, Junior fellows •Elizabeth Dunlap-Junior fellows.
Order of Omega, Omicron Delta Kappa, Psi Chi •Psychology Honor Society Sarah Bolhamus- Juniorfellows,Silver Pentagon Society, Philosophy Honor Society, Hodson Trust Scholar
•Patricia Wehner- Juniorfellows.Silver Pentagon Society, Order of Omega, Beta Beta Beta
•Nikki Gillum- Beta Beta Beta
•Jen Cox- Junior fellows
•Allison LaMarca- president of Omicron Delta Epsilon, Junior fellows •Juliane Olbers- Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society
Tau Delta
•Carla Robinson- Omicron Delta Kappa •Sara PDoughton- Omicron Delta Kappa
Tau Omega
•Drew Slone- Pi Sigma Alpha, Order
•Cassie Jobe- P3eta Beta Beta •Ftebecca Huyck- Omicron Etelta Kappa Order of Omega
•Amy Musterman- Order of Omega •Magan Mcfadden- Order of Omega •Greta Hicks- Delta Omicron Music Fraternity
•Janie Castle- P3eta Beta Beta •Kathryn Gam- Delta Omicron
Tau Omicron
•Valerie Gilliland- Psi Chi, Rho Lambda •Amanda Garner- University Scholars, Phi Kapa Phi, Rho lambda. Order of Omega. Gamma Sigma Alpha. Tri-r3eta •Cassie Bumham- Gamma Beta Phi •Tasha Morgan- Phi-U, Gamma Beta Phi. Fiho Lambda
•Stephanie Dowell- Alpha Psi Omega •Kristi Moore- Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Alpha Rho Lambda. Order of Omega
•laura Brandes Sigma Theta Tau •Kristen Baker- PUio Lambda
•Jenny Stout- Society of Honors Seminar Students
•Laurel Durham- F*hi Upsilon Omicron •Melanie Clinton- Order of Omega. I?ho Lambda
•Elise Evans- University Scholars Organization
•Amy Clement- Rho Lambda •Crystal Fieynolds- Alpha Zeta Agriculture Honors Fraternity
Theta Beta
•Jody Nicholson- Order ofOmega •Kerri Caruso- Towson University Honorary Society
•Laura DeAvila- Order ofOmega •Joanne Green- Education Honors Society
•Erin Kennedy- Order ofOmega •Lisa Lydic- Order ofOmega
•Marci Pinglora- Order of Omega •Amy Sussman- Order of Omega •Eleni Popomaronis- Order of Omega •Jessica Wohlmuth- Order of Omega
Theta Pi
•Michele Sampson- Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Tau Delta
•Quinn Brennan- Omicron Delta Kappa
•Jillian Vollentine- Kappa Delta Pi •Tammy Ryan- Omicron Delta Kappa •Catherine Kennedy- Omicron Delta Kappa
•Lauren Garetano- FJeta Beta Beta •Jillian Higgins- Qmicron Delta Pi
Upsilon Lambda
•Melissa Apodackis- Rho Lambda •Kristy Pacheco- Rho Lambda •marissa gonzalez- Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key, Psi Chi, Order of Omega, and Sigma Kappa Upsilon •Delia Sanchez- Order of Omega,Rho
•Brandi Banks- Alpha Lambda Delta, Sigma PCappa Upsilon, Omicron Delta Kappa, Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Rho Lambda. Honors Alliance.
•Kia Dirkson- Order of Omega, Piho Lambda, English Honors Society
•Sara Ludernann-Davis NSCS, Golden Key, Phi Eta Sigma. Alpha Lambda Delta
•Renee Else- NSCS. Golden Key. Order of Omega
•Ashely Arts-NSCS
•Mindy P3oehr- Golden Key. Phi Eta Sigma. Rho Lambda
•Cheryl Halstead- NSCS
•Jaclyn Charles- Oxford Study Abroad Program
•Kristin Sneller- NSCS. Oxford Study Abroad Program
•Katie Cloke-NSCS
•Erin Burcham- NSCS
•Angie Vinduska- Golden Key. NSCS •Megan Heald- Golden Key. Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta. Mortar Board
•Maggan Kitten- Golden Key, NSCS, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta •Jill Riley NSCS
•Andrea Diecherl- Golden Key, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Lambda Delta. Beta Gamma Sigma, Honors Program
•Sara Dicke-NSCS
•Shelly Tiffi- Golden Key, NSCS, Honors Program
•Andrea Vos- Phi Omega Upsilon •Crystal From- Golden Key, NSCS, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma •Jennifer Edwards- Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma
•Chelsey Wasem- NSCS, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Honors Program
•Sarah Campbell- Order of Omega, Omicron Delta Kappa
•Erin Bader- Golden Key, NSCS, Omicron Delta Kappa
Zeta Pi
•Andrea Aubrey- Golden Key, Psi Chi. NSCS. Order of Omega, Gamma Sigma Alpha
•Katie Mitchum- Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Epsilon Delta Golden Key •Jessica Grizzard- Order of Omega, P?ho Lambda
•Kassi Webster- NSCS, Psi Chi, Golden Key
•Amy Dill- Alpha Lambda Delta, Psi Chi, NSCS, Golden Key, Phi Kappa Phi, Order ofOmega
•Katherine Butler- NSCS, Golden Key Honor Society
•PJndsay Martin- Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key. Order of Omega. Gamma Sigma Alpha, Phi Alpha Theta UAB Honors Program
ToDragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Foundation UPodate
Foundation Donor Profile
Krista Malmquist Whipple Omega '87
Do you know the feeling that you get when you are vacuuming a sofa and you find a quarter? I got that feeling the other day but on a larger scale. Back in December of 2001, my company announced that they were starting a Foundation. The Progressive Foundation would serve as a vehicle for contributing to specific organizations that their employees support. Employees were able to enroll in the program in the fourth quarter of2002. Hie Progressive Foundation would allow a person to contribute up to $2500 per year to a 501 (c) (3) charity of their choice and the company would then match up to a percentage based on the company's performance that calendar year.
I was excited about this opport unity because the AOI1 Foundation accepts company- matched donations and the process is very easy. I make donations throughout the year and record the transactions in our Human Resources online system. The Progressive Foundation allows me to print a form to send to the Foundation office at AOI1Headquartersforprocessing. Mostcompanieshaveformsforemployeesto fill out and send with a donation to the Foundation. You just need to check with your Human Resources Department for matching gift information.
I give to the AOII Foundation because I consider myself lucky to belong to such a wonderful organization that gives back to the membership. 1 was fortunate that I did not have to worry about my tuition when I was getting my degrees. I realize that this type of situation is not the norm anymore and I want others to be able to fully experience our sisterhood while completing their studies.
I received an e-mail last week telling me that the Progressive Foundation would match one hundred percent of my 2002 contributions. Yes, I still get excited about quarters in the sofa. Sometimes it is the little things
that make you smile. With my contributions to the
Foundation - which are doubled by my company -1 can make a few more sisters smile as welL
Krista Malmquist Whipple Collegiate Network Director Foundation Ambassador
Arthritis Mini-GrantProgram An OptionforChapters!
Now alumnae and collegiate chapters can take advantage of a Foundation donor option only
for chapters, the Arthritis Mini-Grant Program. Chapters had asked for a way to support a local arthritis organization while still receiving recognition for Foundation support, and the mini-grant program was the answer! Here is how it works:
An AOII Chapter sends a donation, administrative fee and the application form to the Foundation indicating that the gift is for the benefit of a specified local arthritis chapter or program. The AOII Chapter receives Foundation recognition and credit to the chapter giving record in the usual way.
Mini-Grants require only a short one page form and Foundation approval is automatic based on prior receipt of the chapter gift during the current fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) and the proposed use of funds for an educational or charitable purpose, such as a local children's arthritis camp. The application is
on Alphalink under the Resources tab or you can contact the Foundation. Each grant is assessed a $15 administrative fee to cover Foundation costs. For example, an AOII chapter gift of $500 means $485 would be available to a local arthritis chapter. Or the chapter can send an additional $15.
Consider including a Mini-Grant in your chapter philanthropy planning for 2003-04.
ToDragma [Summer2003]
• •
I am pleased to enclose my check. $
(Make check payable to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.)
Please send me information about making a monthly gift through an automatic bank draft.
I wish to charge my annual gift as follows: • VISA • MC • AMEX
• A single payment of $
• Twelve equal monthly payments of $ Account #
B3= Donate on-line at Thanks.
UP TO $124 - Friend
$125 - Sustaining Member $250 - Sponsor
$500 - Wheat Club
$1,000 - Rose Club $2,500 - Pearl Club $5,000 - Ruby Club
Name. Member #. Address City Chapter. Phone _ E-mail_
$10,000 - Gold Club $15,000- Pi Circle
• •
Send me information about including the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in my will.
Contact me to discuss gifts of appreciated stocks or life insurance.
My company will match my gift.
(Please provide us with the company form.)
$50,000 $100,000 $150,000
- Omicron Circle
- Alpha Circle
- Founders' Circle - Diamond Circle
. State.
. Init. Year.
What's a Matching Gift?
A contribution from your employer that matches all or a percent of your own gift! Double or even triple your dollars! Many corporations provide the employee the opportunity to increase the value of her gift through a company matching gift program. Check with your employer, or your spouse's employer, and send a matching gift form with your donation. The company gets the tax deduction, but your company's match is credited to your lifetime giving level.
Foundation Gift Express
Makes Giving Easy
The Foundation has a monthly giving optionavailablefordonors.
Save postage! Save time! Avoid check charges! With the use of electronic funds transfer (EFT or bank draft) to make your annual gift convenient or make a larger annual gift possible through monthly giving, you divide your contribution into small and convenient automatic payments.
Foundation Gift Express maximizes the benefit of your gift to the AOII Foundation. It reduces fundraising and administra- tive costs. Eliminates reminder mailings. Reduces clutter in your mailbox. You set the schedule of automatic payments.
It can allow you to make a larger annual gift though the "installment" plan of your choice. Your Gift Express can be set up for monthly payments in the amount you prefer. There is a minimum of $5 per month for a $60 per year giving plan.
Easy to start Call or e-mail and we will send you a sign up form (with no obligation ifyou want to think it over.)
Easy to stop. W rite or e-mail the Foundation and your EFT will be discontinued.
Easy to change your giving amount if you want to increase (or decrease) your EFT Gift Express gift. Simply write or email the Foundation with your instructions.
All Foundation gifts continue to be tax-deductible according to current IRS guidelines. A n d you can still designate your donation to a specific fund or program, ifyou wish.
Add your name today as an annual donor to the AOII Foundation! Increase your total annual gift by using Gift Express! For more information, or to request an EFT sign-up form, contact Angie Adams or Bobby Stanton at 615-370-0920 or [email protected] and you're on your way to the easiest giving ever!
25Jteasons to Celebrate
ToDragma [ Summer 2003 ]
The AOII Foundation is celebrating its Silver
but AOII is getting the gifts - more educational and
charitable programs, scholarships and leadership training, and a strong future for ourfraternity.
1. International Academic Development Program for Collegiate Chapters. 2. New Member Education Manual life skills module. ^ . Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Campuses for the Future environmental program.) 100 Centennial Scholarships. AJAO grants total over $64,700. 6. DJF Scholarships/endowed named scholarships total over $664,000. J . Arthritis Research grants total over $1 million. 8. Centennial Video "Founding of AOII". 9* Alcohol 101 Program for Collegiate Chapters. 10. AOII Arthritis Investigator Award in 1992 - $150,000. 11. "Loyal Forever" Video. 12. Arthritis Corporate Hero Award. 13- Ruby Fund grants total over $539,600. 14' Launched Strike Out Arthritis! as AOII's international philanthropy. 15• Established Endowment. 16. Expanded Arthritis to include AJAO. J/- Funded HQ computers. 18. Founded Second Century Society, lty. NPC Foundation Centennial Endowment Charter Member. 20. NPC "Something of Value" funded by AOII Foundation permanent endowment grant. 21. Educational and Leadership Grants to Fraternity total over $956,500. 2 2 . Jacqueminot Rose Garden at HQ. 2 3 - Archives/Museum grant support. 2 ^ . Speakers for Convention/LI. 2 ^ . Ensuring the Fraternity's future!
The goal for the Silver Anniversary Campaign is to raise a minimum of $100,000 for the combined Endowment Funds. Ifgou have not made your gift in honor ofthe AOII Foundation's Silver Anniversary, please use the enclosed envelope, and designate your gift for either the General Endowment or the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Endowment.
/ /7 /
Alpha Omicron Pi honors the following sisters who passed away during the past biennium. This list contains names of deaths reported between April l, 2001 and March 31,2003. Names are published in the summer To Dragma ofeach International Convention gear. The Closing Ritual Memorial Service, performed during Convention, also pags tribute to these ladies.
iWf Alabama
Catherine Alford Margaret Alford
uM/L Lj(Utvntt> Washington State U Janice Magnuson Amsberry Adria Veleke Hubbard
Louisiana State U
Jane Marker Snook
Montana State U
Pearl Hirsh Elderkin Edith Johnson Estey Lucille Staebler Martin Janet Taylor Russell Elaine Guth Tashjian
Ffofrida State U
Charlotte Maxwell Black Mary Brotherson Link Betty Lee Newman
Mary Louise Filer Roller
Oregon State U
Thalia Larson Maginnis
• jn
id Sidtnd
U*ff Oregon
Maxine Martin Cramer Mildred Vaughan Draper Elaine Nemerovsky Kingsley Vera Snow Reid
Marjorie Ott Weber
nlma laa
Denison U
Jane Bond Baker
Frances Longley Bigelow
Alice Coombs Burg
Natalie Hasbrook Del Porte Carol Taylor Muldoon Shirley Brown Rundell
Jane Scully Taylor
73c6t Gamwf
Michigan State U
Barbara Klein Borseth Helen Janz Hale
Mari Lou Larsen Kelley Jo Gelow Knop Margaret Miles Peabody
Illinois W esleyan U
Carol McGrath
Bck Pk
Indiana U
Barbara Groff Ammon Mabel Brown Beeson Lucille Gust Bluhm Georgia Hendrick Cargile Mildred Fall Clark
Mary Dobbins Dunn
Daisy Hinkle Garton CarolynBellGeorge Donna Bolt Hoover
Mary Spurgeon Kitchel Axsa Anglin Knoop Marilyn Fowler Kruggell Elizabeth Johnson Moss Carolyn Callahan Shawver Pauline Kellison Tanner Mary Thompson
Cecelia Yaste Webster
Sc6t Tau
U of Toronto
Jean Pearson Cullen Isabel Fraser Dickey Helen McLennan Forbes Helen Boston Kennedy
JBcfo TM&L
Butler U
Miriam Vanmetre Brown Frances Richardson McCully Alice Hill Steger
Syracuse U
Anna Kallfelz Cleary Marion Grassmuck Clouse Shirley Gravius Florance Ruth Sydney Merchant Ann W oessner Priem Gladys Lunn Trezise
U of Colorado
Mildred Reinke Dordal Ruth Thompson Drotleff Stella White Fitts
Lynne Fontainer
Jaime Frantz
Harriett Burke Histed Mildred Paine Kreft Alice Maize McKnight Gladys Connell Miller Carol Dunlap Reiser
Janet Lex Angermeier Mary Edwards
California Polytechnic State U
Lori Ananos Wolfe
Centenary College
Martha Zagst Sicard
Tufts U
Caryl Magnus Boyden Marian Sears Chaffin
Shirley Kaloostian Gazarian Helene Belger Lindblade Alma Hescock Linden Constance Handy Richardson Caroline Breen Shores
Nancy Foltz Valenta
Aubum U
Marian Clark Hill Eloise Killion Sweeney
Murray State U
Antoinette Talmage
~DA P£
U of South Carolina
Eulee Lide Wheeler
Central Missouri State U
Michele Milosevich
San Jose_8tate U
Joyce Frost
i ) A i £ k
TexasWomen's U
Sarah Stokes
C o r n e l l U
Elizabeth Smith Eichacker Irma Greenawalt
Jean Haupin Sickles
P&ifcm, s A i a
Pennsylvania State U
Miriam Gaige Blaisdell Heather Davidheiser Frantz Patricia Pyott Gerhart Catherine O'Connor Greider Jean Cousley Harbison Marion Eberts Johnson
7b Dragma [Summer 2003 ]
Audrey Rewbridge Randle Elizabeth McVicker Startzell Mary Alice Clemmer Turner
Eastern Illinois U
Janet Adamski Foltman
Eastern Kentucky U
Brenna Kihlman
U of Wisconsin
Jeannette Dimond Colloton Eileen Smith Haberman Winifred Patch Hodges Helen Laird McPhee Virginia Huwen Proctor Ruth Bauman Ziemer
U of Maine
Madeline Smart Beardsell Mildred Haney Berdeen Natalie Sweetser Hart Charlotte L. McManamy Edith Dick Stackpole Margaret Fellows White
U of Florida
Lauren Weiss
U of Illinois
Lois Treadwell Bouilly Lucile Arnold Denker Audrey Skinner Geisler Catherine McCord Leydorf Eleanor Hall Nerad
Rosalia Freda Nield Jennifer Paletti
Phileta Burnham Springer
idolph-Macon Women's College Celeste Craig Abernathy Ruby Reed Graham Louise Martin Harney Mary Aldridge Harris Betty Podlich Hudson Edwina Coulbowon Sykes
Indiana State U
Saundra Martin Bridwell Nadia Nebeshy Mitchner
Florida Southern College
Suzanne Speidel Neubauer
Patricia Schoon Fisher
JsMM UmiaViV
Rhodes College
U of Georgia
Esther Davis Cottingham Martha Addison Kirkland June Walker
U of Louisiana at Monroe
Rosalie Womack
New York U
Carmen Capon Elizabeth Rennmann
U of Mississippi
Susan Cato
Northern Illinois U
Barbara Dean Friker Katera Jarka Murphy
Southern Methodist U
SteveThackston Conn Ethel Crow Dahmer Mary Swonger Peters Janet Caldwell Walker
U of Southern California
Beverly Smith Mullen
Vanderhilt U
Anita Chronos Chandler Mary Morrison Cline
Sara Bowen Gardner
Betty Seigler Hutton Margaret Thompson Silver Eva Wrather
M i a m i U
Beatrice Hardy Allinger Gloria Waterfield Bradshaw Sarah Struble Humphreys Gertrude Weir Lohman Jeanne Abom Mahlig Sherrie MacDowell McGuire Ora Champion Robishaw
U of Tennessee
Maria Angotti
Gertrude Childers Bethell Elizabeth Christrup Callaway Janirae Linebaugh Callaway Vivian Gies Cornforth
Bette Raque Forren
Nell Nowlin Haberley
Jewell FJoltsinger Hodge Gwendolyn Bittle Keister Virginia Black Snoddy
May Garland Tucker
(Dmc/Pil Pi
U of Michigan
Marian Reish Bain
Mary Brice
Jeanne Prentice Butler Margaret Smith Davis
Joan Bernhardt Pieczynski Eleanor Stewart Ryckman Dorothy Warmeling Smalter Carol Koszkowski Trewern
U of Kansas
Susan Henneberger Glad Johanna Trotter Packwood Marjorie Jacobs Randolph Vera Stoops Rosenkranz Margaret Gosney Silverman Olga Wallace Smith Frances Kosar Snyder
Avis Stoops Tillman Marie Isern Waggoner Norma Fenn White
U of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Susan Hlavka Cornwell
Morris-Harvey College
Judith Barrett
P^l Lamina,
Youngstown State U
Sylvia Collins Carolyn Burr So
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Aimee Leprince Andrus Carol Marsh Claus
Jean Venn Cregan Martha Cage Edge
Helen Quindley McClure
Ms p £ JiUU
Vivian Grayston Baker Helen Smiley Campbell
Western Michigan U
Rachel Browne
Southeastern Louisiana U
Cynthia Kirk Lobue
Kathryn Meyers
Cecilia Deynoodt Mouledous
LLof California
Los Angeles
Ruth Koster Burke Mildred Bostwick Finney Susanna Tyler Hadley
Stanford U
Maria Rael Nowell Georgann B. Perelli-Minetti Dorothy Kimberlin Thayer
LOAI/H/H Beta California State U Long Beach
Leslie Whittinghill
Hanover College
Barbara Schutt Newkirk Pamela Richardson Thomas Tammy Beach Vernon
U of Nebraska-Kearney
Lorraine Langford
Susan Butz Marlene Yoder
Tulane U
Laura Walsh Bleil
Joyce Hatfield Coleman Barbara Campbell Gibson
Betty Granberry Moss Patricia LykinsPatteson
n ~DA
U of Maryland
Mary Stallings Coleman Rosalie Goodhart Dietz Phyllis Kress Gabster Barbara Stark Madary Ruth Somerville Sachs Rebekah Fouts Wharton
Northwestern U
May Norton Brown Geraldine Fenlon Gaskins Eleanor Hinckle Ingram Beverly Medlin Johnson Carol Lundquist Livengood Catherine Lang Martin Barbara Sheffield Melberg Jeanne Bettcher Searles Mary Wakefield Spencer Rosemary F. Thompson Dorothy Yetter Trombold Carolyn White
Middle Tennessee State U
Zoe Williams
Xroi California-Berkeley Marie Felthouse
Elizabeth Hesser Glenn Bethel Brown Griffith
Sharon Tamor Hansen Barbara Sharp Melnyk Marian Jensen Moffatt Elizabeth Wall Pearson Mildred Ewing Taylor Elizabeth Breen Thornton
Si^na Z)euk>
Huntingdon College
Sandy Till
Sid/no. Omic/Ms
Arkansas State U
Ann Davidson Driver Nora Jackson Hanshaw Ernestine French Sexton
SidtiUV P^L California State U
Jessica King
SMppery Rock U
Cynthia Reckon Lindsay
W ashington College
Margaret Bell Hickman Elizabeth Maguire
U of Minnesota
Bonnie Somers Berger Margaret Baldwin Dean Gayle Sampson Fellinger Mary Ring Gibbs
Mary Jenia Hakanson
Edna Schlampp Johnson
Julie Knoff Johnson
Judith Jacobson KnofF
Mary Theimer Knutson Genevieve Mattson Manthe Shirley St Clair McDonald Jeannette Knutson McLaughlin Elinor Button Reichow
Eddice Dochterman Sullivan
Birmingham Southern College Doris Bohannon Butsch Annie Frances Davis Elsie Morrison
Peggy Malloy Sturdivant
D e P a u w U
Jean Krueck Bolyard Annette Paulsen Bort Jane Dinkins Dickinson Joan Beckman Hoch Lucile Klauser-Batell Sally Smith McFarlane Eloise Chapin Mosley Patricia Johnson Spong Barbara Simpson Spore Marion Sykes Stinson
U of Cincinnati
Ann Quigley Meyers Alice Biechler Muller Eloise Archibald Rexroad
U of Toledo
Alice Aderman
Betty Hobey
Patricia Newbold
Ruth Rahilly
Margaret Horner Sakel Virginia Blanchard Smith Laurie Daschner Warner
U/of Washington
Dorothy Andrew Boitano Musette Haack Brenden Elizabeth Reeves Burrow Marjorie Mayo Cass Alice McLean Fadden Matilda Daniel Grabert Antoinette Moceri Lee Mrs Andrew K Nielsen Louise Benton Oliver Billee Mason Olson Margaret Rourke Gustene Rupe Schneider Nancy Thomas
Merilyn Wiltsie Tilger
U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Mary Quigley Bailey Pauline Moore Carman Carol Beattie Harlan Elizabeth Evans Hummel Marjorie Kryger Ikle Opal Johnson Janelle Shirley Hahn Jones
Elma Pospisil Knott
Irene Hentzen Koop Dorothy Caress Krum
Ellen Srb Markytan
Bernice Giesler Mousel Mary Davis Nuss
Manorma Swanson Stoecker Marion Miller Weston
To Dragma
2LeadershiD Academies
Leadership Academy is an avenue forAOII to educate, train and create a peer net- work for our collegiate leaders. Through this training, AOII raises the bar and creates high- erstandardsforourchapter officers and collegiate chapters.
The 3rd annual Leadership Academy (LA) for Chapter Presidents was held
February 28-March 2 at AOII Headquarters in Brentwood, Tennessee with 92 Chapter Presidents attending. The officeof president is one of the most rewarding experi- ences an AOII member can have. As the chapter leader, these ladies are called on
by their peers, college/ university, alumnae and AOII international personnel to answer questions about the chapter and be accountable for the actions of her chapter and its members.
The Leadership Academy for Chapter Relations Chairmen was held on February 21-23 with 88 CR Chairmen in atten- dance. Chapter Relations consist of interactions between members ofthe chapter, between the chap- ter and other Greeks, and between the chapter and the campus community. This important office was selected for training this year because the CR Chairman must have a working knowledge of a
vast amount of resources and information to properly per- form her job. How we estab- lish our way of life together profoundly affects everything in which the chapter engages, both within the chapter and as a part ofthe campus.
As in years past, the small group meetings throughout the weekend allowed officers a time to ask questions and share experiences. Small groups were facilitated in order to offer feedback and encouragement.
The books FISH! and Whale Done, The Power of Positive Relationships were used dur- ing the weekends to teach the officers that each person has the power to create a more interesting, playful and ener- getic chapter for AOII. Looking at things "outside o f the box" often helps develop new ways to solve problems.
Presenters for the CP LA includ- ed: Carole Jones, International President: SallyWagaman, VP/Operations; Renee Smith, VP/Finance; Lori Hart Ebert, Education and Training Chairman: Ginger Banks, RT&JChairman;LisaDutt, Colony Network Development Specialist; Lisa Ruster and
Rissa Welcker, ETC Committee Members; Grace Day, Assistant Director of the AOII Foundation and Jessica Burger, CC.
Presenters for the CR LA included: Julie Christensen, ETC Committee member; Susan Danko,XB Directorof Collegiate Chapters; Susan Bonifield, Programming Committee Chairman: Grace Day, Assistant Director of the AOII Foundation; Melissa Healy, Collegiate Network Specialist; Leigh Perry, RT&J Committee Member and Abby Epps, C C .
AOII staff support for Leadership Academy includ- ed Melissa Ball, Lori Belew, Julie Hacker, Stacia Hopper, Rebecca Davis, Mariellen Sasseen, Linda Fuson, Shelley Straker, Tanna Seever, Mary Beasley and Lou Harrell.
Above: Chapter
Below: Chapter Relations
Leadership Academy is partially supported by a grant from the AOII Foundation
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Alumnae News
What is your best Community Service Project?
activity and the parents that were there visiting were very appreciative.
In the past three years, we have collected dona- tions of socks, winter accessories, pajamas, toiletries, and many other items at several chapter meetings for The Center for Women in Transition. The Center is one of the community's answers to the rising homeless situation.
For two years, we were pleased to volunteer
as wine servers for the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation at their wine tasting/silent auction. We also have a chapter tradition of visiting patients at the medical university hos- pital each winter, bring- ing stuffed animals and personal care products to adult patients.
The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter is not only com- mitted to helping the Arthritis Foundation,
but helping other groups in need. Last winter
we adopted a family to help during the holiday season.Thisyear,the Charlotte chapter is work- ing to volunteer at a local
group home for children and adolescents. W e are hoping to be involved with this project on an ongoing basis.
Chicago City
Cleveland Area
Our chapter enjoys donating items to a local women's shelter. This year we plan on donat- ing items to the Ronald McDonald House.
We domanycommu- nity service projects throughout the year. Some include partici- pating in the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure" run/walk, which supports breast cancer research; making treat bags for needy children at Halloween, donating canned food items to
a local food bank and donating toys and pan- das to needy children at Christmas.
Each year, we gather the Saturday before Palm Sunday to create 20 or more Easter Baskets for families at our local bat- tered women's center. We usually combine this with lunch at a fun place.
We enjoy filling Christmas stockings and school supplies for First Step, a local abuse shelter.
Denton County
Everyyear,weparticipate in Denton's Relay for Life
Baton Rouge
We adopted a needy family at Christmas. W e provided food, cloth-
ing and many home furnishings for a single mom with 3children. It brought our chapter clos- er together and we were amazed at the truckloads of items donated.
Book-It or Bear-It
- Sisters brought a children's book or bear (preferably panda) to a meeting in October. The books and bears collect- ed will go to children at a local hospital.
Our chapter decided a couple of years ago to join the Adopt-a-Park program in the area.
Our area includes two playground areas and some picnic tables. After one year of volunteer-
ing, we received a large, sponsorship sign in the middle of our adopt-a- park area.
Bucks County
At monthly meetings, we have collected items such as canned food and children's art sup- plies to donate local organizations.
Chicago NW
Sorting and pricing clothes, games and books will become a new project for us. The "Sparrows Nest", a thrift shop whose proceeds benefit a local women's shelter, desperately needs volunteers. This will become an excellent project within the com- munity.
Chicago South
We held a community service project titled, Philanthropy in Poland, which fit perfectly with our theme of "Around The World With AOII." The project called for our members to bring dried non-perishable food items to send to an orphanage in Poland. One of our members, JoAnneMacander,is active in helping this orphanage through her local church.
7b Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
We collect personal items at each of our meetings, childrens' clothing, cosmetics, paper products, and sonal products, and then one of our members takes the bags to a local women's shelter.
A Silent Auction is our best project. Members solicit donations from companies and corpora- tions around Calgary. We put together baskets, usually worth $100 -$500 each. We find
a venue that will let us hold it 'free of charge' and we use the venue's clientele as our custom- ers. Last year, we raised over $1000 for arthritis research and educa- tional grants.
Central New Jersey
We started a new annual tradition -Make a Valentine- with the children patients in Morristown Memorial Hospital Itwasreally great brightening the kids' day with a fun
[Idea Sharing]
lo benefit the American Cancer Society. W e combine our efforts with Delta Theta to make Team AOII. This year, our team alone raised over $1,100!
We collect pandas at Founders' Day to give to a local children's charity.
Detroit N Suburban
Furniture Resource pro- vides needed furniture to familiesor individuals who need it due to finan- cial stress, a lost job, a fire, etc. W e help with their largest fundraiser
Our "Clean your Closets" Annual Fundraiser has many benefits. First of all our closets get cleaned, but in the process we
also support Meals on Wheels, the Women's Resources, and Goodwill.
Greater Los
Our best community service projects would
be working with a local homeless women's shel- ter, Day Break. W e col- lect clothes and toiletries for them monthly. W e visited the facilities and had a speaker come into a meeting.
Greater Pinellas
We have chosen to support Religious Community Services. Each meeting we
will bring items to donate to the program.
Greater Harrisburg
Our Habitat for Humanity work session with our area collegiate chapter, Tau Lambda (ShippensburgU) in Pennsylvania was a great event. W e know that the work we didwill fill our hearts forever with the
memory of helping a fam- ily in our community.
Greater Lafayette
Information will be available to the sisters as to how we can volunteer to help.
Greater Portland
During our December meeting, each mem-
ber brings one or two Christmas ornaments to auction. In our small group of ten or twelve, we have raised some- times up to $120.00! With these earnings, we finance our holiday con-
Each year we assist our local philanthropy,I Have A Dream, with their black-tie silent auction fundraiser. We assist with hosting each table and increasing bids on the items fea- tured. This fundraiser benefits youth in the Houston area.
We participate in the Jingle Bell Run every year for arthritis research. This year is our first year to help sponsor the event.
Jersey Shore
We enjoyed assisting
at a water stop for the Jersey Shore marathon, especially when 2 of our sisters were participating!
The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter donated items such as water bottles, cameras, sunscreen, and postcards to be sent to the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation to
* H^tf '"Bad
Ventura County Alumnae Chapter
Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter
Our best Community Service Project is adopt- ing a local family for the holidays, providing them with a food basket, clothes and Christmas gifts.
Greater Lee
of the year -Chair Affair -where we man
the silent auction.
Evansville Tri-State
On December 8th
we celebrate and give thanks during our holi- day open house. AOHs are asked to bring either a non-perishable food
item fora local food pantries or a new toyfor "Toys for Tots'.
Grand Rapids
Our best community project is walking in "Race for the Cure" for breast cancer research. It is an event that sup- ports all women and gives us the opportu- nity to feel good about ourselves for exercis- ing, helping others,
and catching up with fellow alumnae.
Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter
[ Summer 2003 ]
Calgary Alumnae Chapter
Montreal AlumnaeChapter
support group.
New Orleans Area
This past spring New Orleans Alumnae Chapter participated
in a drive for "Dress for Success".At our May meeting, members were asked to clean out their closets. W e collected several closets full o f business attire at the meeting and some of our members even asked
their family and friends to join in which made it a very successful event.
New York Capital
For the past 2 years, we have participated in
the Susan G. Komen Race forthe Cure that supports breast cancer research. Both Delta Psi and Sigma Chiwalked with us. Not only did
we raise money for an important cause, but we also wore our AOII let- ters, which was great PR in the community!
Northern Orange County
Our best project is Adopt A Panda. Each member purchases
a panda, which we order in bulk from the Emporium, and donates it to Camp Esperanza.
Northern Virginia
Our best community service project would
be the participation in the Jingle Bell Run. W e have some sisters that participate in the run, while others help out at the registration table and along the track.
be used for their Juvenile Arthritis Summer Camp.
Long Beach
Long Island
sold tickets for the photo shoot sittings. Quixtar organized a photogra- pher, a hairstylist, and makeup artist to be pres- ent to pamper the "mod- els." This event came at a great time of year as a lot of participants got Easter photos or Mother's Day
LaAe County
The theme forour year is Sharing O u r Sisterhood with Others. Each month, we focus on helping a local or AOII charity. W e supported Camp Jam. the local AJOA camp; donated our proceeds from
Lehigh Valley
One of our successful projects was a "baby shower" where we col- lected baby items for a local agency. Everyone seemed to enjoy shop- ping forthese items and it was especially f u n since one of our mem- bers was also expecting at the time.
W e have several events during year. W e took the month of February and helped at a local shelter doing anything that was needed. W e also took donations.
Little Rock Area
W e helped the Rice Depot, which supplies food to the needy, by packaging rice from solb. bags into small bags for individual use. W e also plan to help them make rice and bean mixes that are sold to raise money for the organization.
This year we have decid- ed to focus on our com- munity. At each meeting we do something to give back to the community such as clothing drive for battered women's shelter.
Bunko to disaster relief; made Halloween treat bags forPhi Chi Chapter and supported The Haven, a local transition shelter for women.
W e will be visiting Gilda's House, a cancer patients' support group, with the aim of encour- aging volunteers. We
also hope to forge links with AWISH, an arthritis
At one of our meetings each alumnae made potpourri pies. W e gave them to a shelter for bat- tered women because when these women leave their homes they do not have time to bring much with them. Not only do they smell and look nice, but it is something each woman can call her own.
Sf. touis Alumnae Chapter
Long Island Alumnae Chapter
Macomb County
W e work with the Grosse Pointe Woods beautifica- tion committee every year, and see very good press and growing com- munity awareness from this activity.
Minneapolis/ St Paul
W e attend our local Corp of Engineers 'Toys for Tots' campaign.
Each year this organiza- tion accumulates toys
for kids during the Christmas season and
it is very well publicized on the local T V stations. We arranged foran on air donation of pandas from AOII.
Our best commu-
nity service project was a fundraiser with Artistic Photos sponsored by Quixtar. The alumnae
Monies raised from
our Holiday Auction are givento a varietyof local charities such as the Children's Clothing Bank, Better Way,ARF, Red Cross. Bed and Britches, Hospitality House, etc.
Nashville Area
O u r best project this
past year was selling exam "Survival Bags"
to parents of local col- legiate AOIIs. Each bag contained snacks, (from bags of chips to fruit), basic study supplies, such as highlighters and notepaper, inspirational messages from the alum- nae chapter, and notes
of encouragement from the parents. The chapter raised over $500 and sold over 125 exam sur- vival bags.
ToDragma [Summer 2003 ]
NY/NJ Metro
Oneofour projectsis our annual involvement in the Staten Island American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Walk. W e sign up spon- sors, we allvolunteer at the refreshment stand before the walk and then we walk the three mile course with our AOII Alumne Chapter banner and AOII letters. W e have a good time while also raising money and awareness foran impor- tant cause.
One community service project we do is to pre- pare dinner forthe fami- lies staying at the Ronald McDonald house here
in Omaha. The families appreciate someone else preparing a meal, and the AOII alumnae get a chance to visit with some very special children on an extended stay at our medical center.
Orlando Area
Our best community service project is two- fold. W e have at least one of our monthly meetings as a fundraiser party, and we also sell Entertainment Books. The monies raised not only go to the AOII Foundation and its arthritis efforts, but we also set aside a portion for the Central Florida Arthritis Foundation. Locally, many of our members participate
in the Arthritis Foundation and its Magic of Caring event.
The OttawaAlumnae Chapter has been supporting the Paul Menton Centre (for students with special needs) at Carleton U
for about 5 years. This project has an added benefit forGamma Chi Chapter -of promoting AOII on this Canadian campus where 'Greek Groups' are relatively unknown or regarded in a negative light.
Our bestcommunity project is the donation of food to the local food bank. It helps someone in need and boosts moral within our group.
Palm Beach
Our project is Children's Hope, a support group
for foster children. W e fill stockings for teenagers
at Christmas and Easter baskets for children.
Palo Alto
We collect toys at our Christmas Open House to donate to a local toy drive and volunteer
for a day at a local food bank in January. W e
are hoping that both the Delta Sigma collegians and some of the San Jose Alumnae Chapter members will join us for this project.
The Philadelphia A C supports Laurel House, a local domestic violence shelter that provides a
safe haven for abused women and their chil- dren.Throughtheyears, we've donated toiletries, baby items, underwear, pajamas, pillows, cleaning supplies, etc. This sum- mer, they requested out- door toys,so we brought them hula hoops, balls, and even a sprinkler.
For the last six years,
the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter has donated pandas to a local fire station for firefighters to give to children in emer- gency situations. Pandas are collected throughout the year at a number of our social events.
Piedmont, NC
We adopted an angel tree for Christmas to help provide gifts to needy children. W e also donated used and new books to the Hospice ward of the hospital. One of our members
had family who utilized the Hospice ward and it was helpful to have some activity while waiting.
We collect personal care items for a local women's support group annually. These items are greatly valued by the organiza- tion when women and their children present in a crisis and no personal items follow them.
Each spring we host the Rockford Panhellenic Bunny Breakfast. Each sorority isincharge of
one aspect of the break- fast. This year, we were inchargeoftickets. We, also, volunteer our time the day ofthe event. The proceeds are used to award scholarships to local collegians who are active in theirsororities.
San Diego
Place and Rape Crisis Center in Sarasota. Thisyear,wehave added to our agenda assisting the Arthritis Foundation with the Jingle Bell Run, collecting stuffed panda bears forAll Childrens' Hospital of Sarasota, and assisting the Arthritis Foundation with other events including their huge walk inMay.
South Bay/Pahs
Our best community ser- vice project for 2002 was to adopt a family during the Holiday season.
Southern Delaware
Our chapter participates in the MS Walk each spring. W e make it a tra- dition to kick-off spring in a meaningful way.
Southern Orange
We volunteer to assist during the Orange County Arthritis Foundation's four
major events each
year. They include the Spring Swing and Silent Auction, "Walk This Way" Fundraiser in
May, September's "Art of Wine" Silent Auction, and December's local Golf Tournament.
Our chapter has adopted a dorm of eight ladies
at Epworth, a local children's home. Each month we take items
to the girls to enjoy, such as Easter baskets,
7bDragma [Summer 2003 ]
For the 4th year in a row the San DiegoAlumnae Chapter supported the Arthritis Foundation's Annual Holiday Party for Children with Arthritis. Sisters decked out in letters and Santa hats provided 5 "fun sta- tions" for the children. At the end of the event, photos were presented
to the children and their families in a keepsake photo-holder compli- ments of AOII.
San Fernando
We partner with
another Alumnae Panhellenic Sorority for exchanges and/or being sister sororities. In doing so, we grow in our com- munity service projects by organizing collections of clothing and/or food for an organization, such as MEND (Meet Each Need with Dignity).
San Jose
We support our local Children's Shelter with candy bags at Halloween, warm clothes donations in December and new books in the spring.
Sarasota Area
We have always collect- ed toiletriesforthe Safe
Halloween candy, a dec- orated Christmas tree, umbrellas, stuff to make ice cream floats, nail pol- ish and hair accessories, etc. W e allow money
in our chapter budget
to shop foreach girl's Christmas wish list. W e also have a pizza party for the girls.
State College
The State College Alumnae support Toys forTotsinCentreCounty. At our December meet- ing,we brought an unwrapped toy and took all the items to a collec- tion location. Sisters then got together on a weekend afternoon with others in the community to wrap gifts for children in our local area.
Ourtwomain projects are the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis and Toysfor Tots. For the Jingle Bell Run, we get a group of our members together, put on letters and walk/run a 5k race for arthritis. As part of our annual holiday party, we ask that our members bring a toy for underpriv- ileged children, which
we donate to the local toys fortots drive.
Tampa Bay
W e have done an annual Exam Pack Fundraiser each November for GammaThetaand the AOII Foundation. A portion of the money goes to Gamma Theta who are getting ready to start the construction o f
their FIRST house on the USF campus. Another portion will go the AOII Foundation.
Terre Haute
W e collect items throughout the year for the W omen's Shelter o f Raleigh, NC. The items include undergarments, hosiery, clothing, and travel size toiletry items. Our chapter also is help- ing with the Arthritis Foundation Walk in Raleigh, N C .
Some of our projects include the Jingle Bell Run,Cards fora Cure Passive projects, collect- ing clothes and shoes for Y W C A Sister's Closet, and collecting toys, books, and games forTu Nidito
- Children's Hospice.
W e hold a fundraiser every year for arthritis research. Sometimes it is
a Tupperware party or a fashionshowwhereall
the proceeds are donated.
Ventura County
W e support the local Arthritis Foundation Run fundraiser by staffing one of the rest/ water stops.
W e make an annual donation of goods to Avalon, a local shelter for women and children.
W e donated small items such as scarves and hats from our closets to the Alzheimer Day Care in our community instead of exchanging birthday gifts to celebrate our chapter's birthday.
rmiaae fohia Alumnae Chapter
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter
Southern DelawareAlumnae Chapter
• H
W e have showers for any of our members who have had babies and everyone brings at least one gift. W e play a game with the gifts in which the new mothers get to 'steal' the most recently opened gift from anoth- er. Eachnewmomgoes home with at least one gift. The remaining gifts go to the local shelter for Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA).
Toledo Area
Every November, we hold an Auction. The proceeds from this event are donated to the Arthritis Foundation to go towards Camp Busy Bee.Thecampisafun- filled and educational event for children who suffer from juvenile arthritis. The monetary donation helps defray the cost of goodie bags, programming, and gifts for the children.
W e organized a stuffed toy project to the local pediatric unit.
Toronto Area
At Founders' Day we ask alumnae to bring canned goods. When fiftywomen gather, they can bring a lotoffood!!Ourcharity golf tournament keeps growing as well!
Palo Alto Alumnae Chapter
m T
Charlotte Alumnae Chapter
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
AOII Always
Remember that day as a new member when you finally received your first shin with AOII letters? You were so proud and could hardly wait to wear
it everywhere! It was an amazing feeling to know that you are a part of such a wonderful organization. Notice the word "are." You ARE a part of this organization for a lifetime. Be proud ofyour choice to become an AOII sister! Whether you are in your twenties or approaching 100 years old,you are an AOII Always!
Often when you meet men and women for the first time, they might introduce themselves and say where they went to college. Inevitably if they are Greek, they will tell you which organization they belong to. This is common as a collegian, but what happens after college? Will you stand up proud- ly at your 20th year high school reunion and state that you are an AOII? Ifyou spend your lifetime living by our high ideals everyone will notice that "something special" about you. You are our best advertisement! Don't forget to tell the world who you are. For AOII to be around forever, we have to continue to get the word out and be proud to claim it!
Many dedicated alumnae have already taken pride in AOII by becoming an AOII Always member. By making this commitment, they continue to support an organization that promotes friendship for a lifetime, inspires academic excellence and lifelong learning, and develops leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
Thankyou to the followiny AOII Always charter members:
Please send a check with the form below, or visit Sisters Online section to electronically become an AOII Always member.
1. Kimberly Anne Del Pozzo
2. Kimberly C. McGowan
3. Ellen Angus
4. Julie Brining
5. Linda Hendrixson Fuson
6. Kathy Jensen
7. Joy Tollman Lashley
8. Janet J. Brown
9. Carole Jones
10. Kelli D. Harris
11. Linda Moehring Austill
12. Sara Cooley
13. Paula H offm an De
14. Christina W aldron
15. Kathy Sowell
16. Lynn M. Christman
17. Challis Erin Prillaman
18. Jennifer Sem eyn
19. Melanie Nixon Doyle
20. Carol Caldwell
21. Sherry Haman
22. Renee Pugh Smith
23. Wanda Cowling
24. Donna Musard Burge
25. Pam Lydy Schultz
26. Anna Stanford
27. Sally Wagaman
28. Jacquelyn Hill
29. Jennifer Triefler
30. Dionn Tron
31. Suzanne P. Jones
32. Shea Gamble
33. Jeanette W iederien
34. Melissa Kovaskitz Ball
35. Angela Smith Dierckman 36. Lori Gallimore Belew
37. Julie Hacker
38. Antonia Harris Morgan 39. Karen Snyder Galehan
40. Sarah Krans
41. Mary O'Ryan Johnson
42. Carolyn C. Shawver
43. Sandra Cook Ostrow
44. Krista M alm quist W hipple 45. Paula Lydy Kube
46. Melissa Parsons Healy
47. Sarah E.Oyer
48. Sherri Bergner
49. Ellen Julian
50. Charlene Cumberland
51. Amy Splengler
52. Stacia Waltz Hopper
53. Susan Danko
54. Andrea Smythe Lafleur 55. Mary Frances Hastritch 56. Tanna Seever
57. Marie Carlile Newberry 58. Kay Elam
59. Linda F. Collier
60. Louise Nelson-Bass
61. Ann G. Gilchrist
62. Pamela A. Masucci
63. Ginger Banks
64. Adrienne Noles Kimball
Member Number. Name
Pleasejoin us in reflecting credit upon our Fraternity by becoming a proud AOII Always member!
Please check here i f above contact information needs to be updated at HQ.
Note: If you would like to pay by check, simply com- plete this form and send along with your check made payable to "Alpha Omicron Pi" to: Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027.
Gifts made to Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity are not tax-deductible.
7b Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
AOII + Pride = AOII Always!
Email Chapter/Uriiversity_
Y ear of initiation
Type of payment- Visa Credit card #
Expiration date_
Designate my gift to the following area: Alumnae Leadership Development Technology Development Collegiate Leadership Development Overall Fraternity Development
Chapter Consultant Team
The following six young women will be representing AOII while travelling across the United States and Canada during the 2003-2004 academic year. Each has been trained to assist collegiate chapters and new colonies with recruitment, new officer workshops, financial guidance, and risk management issues. AOII genuinely appreciates the dedication and service each of these women will provide to the Fraternity and to the individual chapters they will visit.
MacKenzie Buus Alpha Phi Montana State U
MacKenzie graduated from Montana State U with a degree in Sociology and Justice Studies. She held the AOII
offices ofActivities Chairman, Vice President Membership Recruitment, Risk Management, Assistant House Manager, Keeper of the Ritual and Chapter Treasurer. On campus, she served as
the 2002 MSUHomecomingChairman, was a two-year OrientationLeader and a General Studies Peer Leader. She was honored to be a member ofOrder of Omega, Mortar Board, ASMSU, Dean's List, and the Girl ofAOII. Her home- town is Great Falls, Montana.
Wendy Davis Delta Omega Murray State U
Wendy, from Cunningham,Kentucky, earned a degree in Agriculture Business from Murray State. She was Delta Omega's Chapter President and Alumnae Relations Chairman. On campus, she was a member ofOrder ofOmega, a summer orientation counselor, PBL President and served on the Agriculture Leadership Council. She also par- ticipated in the Sisters' Mentor Program and Alpha Zeta Agriculture Honor Society. W endy was also Murray State Homecoming Queen and won the "Ideal Active Member" award from her chapter.
Dawn Marquez Alpha Gamma Washington State U
Dawn earned a B.A. in Communications with an emphasis in Advertising from Washington State U. She served her chapter as Chapter Relations Chairman, Vice President/Membershp Recruitment, Keeper ofthe Ritual, Assistant Philanthropy Chairman, and a member
of the Total Chapter Programming Committee. On campus, she was a mem- ber of Order of Omega and Rho Lambda. Additionally, she received the Zilda Jaekal Service Award and the Founders' Day Award from her chapter.
ToDragma [Summer2003 ]
Theresa Ngo-Anh
Chi Psi
California Polytechnic State U
Theresa earned a B.S. in Journalism and
a minor in Ethnic Studies. A native of
San Diego, California, she served as Chi Psi's House Manager and Song Chairman, as well as on numerous committees. She served as Panhellenic's Vice President, Secretary and Recruitment Counselor. Theresa was the primary news anchor
for the Cal Poly Television station, a staff writer forthe Mustang Daily campus
paper and a member ofPRSSA. She
was recognized as the 2002 Best Hard News Writer Award, and received Most Inspirational AOll and Outstanding Junior honors from her chapter.
Aimee Rivera Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
A native of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, Aimee graduated with a degree in Exercise Science. In her chapter she served as Philanthropic Chairman, New Member Educator, Activities Chairman, JAAW Chairman, and as a member of the Chapter Relations and Academic Development Committees. Aimee served as Panhellenic Treasurer for
two years, and President ofboth Order of Omega and Bacchus. Additionally, she was an SGA Senator, Southbound Orientation Leader and a member of the Sport Medicine Club. Her honors include newcomer Athlete of the Year, Greek Woman ofthe Semester and Senator of the Semester.
Lara Tucci Gamma Omicron U of Florida
Lara is a Telecommunications major from Sarasota, Florida. She served Gamma Omicron as Chapter President, Vice President/Administration, and Chairman of numerous committees, including Intramurals, Involvement,Mr.UF Solicitations and Blood Drive. On campus, Lara was Gator Growl Director (largest stu- dent pep rally), Florida Blue Key Divisions Assistant Director,SGA Senator and Committee Chairman, Accent Director, Recruitment Counselor and Impact Party Leader. Some ofher many honors include Panhellenic Chapter President ofthe Year, President's Recognition of Outstanding Leaders, Academic Excellence Award, Florida Bright Futures Award, and the
AOII Ruby "A" Award.
Would you like to be a CC?
Applications will be available on sisters Online by November 1, 2003. Forms are also available on AlphaLink. The application deadline for next year's CC Team is January 15, 2004. For more information, contact Stacia Waltz Hopper, Collegiate Services Administrator, (615)370-0920 or [email protected].
ToDragma [ Summer 2003 ] 57
c h a Pt e telebrates Centennial
Left Zeta Centennial Reunion Banquet. March 29, 2003. Below: Helen, Elsie and Jennie "Precious"Piper in 1956. Elsie and Precious are charter members of Zeta. Helen was initiated later the same year (1903).
To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
One hundred years ofsisterhood were remembered as Zeta Chapter celebrated their Centennial year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Over 300 alumnae helped to commemorate this special occasion by attending a weekend long celebration held March 27 through 30.2003.
The weekend began with an open house, in which members showcased the chapter house to the Greek community as well
as students and facultyof the University. Many guests attended the event and brought with them words of congratula- tions and praise forthe chapter.
The following evening, the collegiate women, adorned in matching Centennial T- shirts headed to Embassy Suites fora "meet and greet" with arriving alumnae. The evening was spent sharing stories and laugh- ing with sisters as everyone realized how different or often times how similar it was to be an AOII throughout the years. The expe- rience gave many a time to catch up and reunite with long missed sisters. The women of Zeta chapter were also very privileged to have International President Carole Jones
in attendance, who spent the weekend in Lincoln in honor of the celebration.
Saturday March 29, was marked with day long festivities that began with an open house for alumnae. House tours were given and refreshments were served to over 150 alumnae.
That afternoon the celebration continued at the Nebraska Student Union with a "Decades Luncheon" held for alumnae only. The women spent the afternoon din- ing with their pledge/new member class and listening to speakers from classes from the 1940s on up reminisce about "what it was like to be an AOII" in their decade. The luncheon concluded with a medley of well-remembered AOII songs and chants. Carole Jones also presented the chapter with an engraved silver tray and certifi- cate of congratulations from the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation.
The luncheon was followed by Ritual, which was conducted by Carole Jones. Alumnae and collegians gathered to par- ticipate in this very moving event which reinforced the lifelong bonds of sisterhood.
Saturday evening concluded with a ban- quet held at Embassy Suites. The scene was breathtaking as collegians and alum- nae wore black and red semi-formal attire. Tables were decorated with pictures and
Above clockwise: 20's day from rush week in 1988; Zeta members in theformal living room circa 1960s: Patriotic Zetas: Nebraska Cheerleaders 1958-1959. TwoAOUs in the picture are Karen Krueger and judi Zikmund.
candles as well as red rose petals. After dining, guests were graced with speeches from Carole Jones and Alpha Omicron
Pi Foundation Past President, and fellow Zeta, Jean Marcy Sells. Zeta Chapter Adviser, Shelly W ahl Smith also spoke. Alumnae were honored, including many 50 year members and one 70 year member.
Entertainment includedacollegian performance ofthe 2002 recruitment
skit, a video trip down memory lane, a
skit presented by alumnae, and a special vocal performance by six collegians and Chapter AdviserShelly Smith of "Through It All:" an original song about sisterhood written by a Zeta collegiate member. A special surprise included a candle pass- ing inwhich AACmember Susie Wahl announced her engagement.
Sunday included a farewell brunch at the chapter house fordeparting alumnae.
The weekend was filled with laughter, tears, and all around sisterhood. The event reinforced that the women of Alpha Omicron Pi,wherever found will forever be our sisters, and that AOII is not only a four year collegiate commitment,but one that lasts a lifetime.
by Erin Burcham, Chapter President
Above: Collegians atZeta's Centennial Banquet; Zeta Chapter House circa 1950; Lucile
ToDragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Oppositepage toptobottom:Jean Marcif Sells '69 and Alison Vickery Rider '69 taken in 1971; Mary Ellen Schroeder '47 and Janet N'utzman 47: Shellg Wahl Smith '87 and Susan Wahl '88 taken at bid dag. Both now serveasZeta chapteradvisers.
HendricksSpencer'30. chapterpresident in 1952.
The Human Resources Committee is pleased to intro- duce exceptional volunteers who are working hard to build upon the successes we all enjoy as members ofAlpha Omicron Pi. Just like each ofus, AOII volunteers maintain busy fam- ily lives, and are also active in their communities.
Carole Jurenko Jones, AOII International President (IP), is perhaps the Fraternity's most prominent volunteer. Carole is a caring person with a humble heart who is eager to share her vision and goals for AOII.
Carole was elected chapter president ofAlpha Delta Chapter (U of Alabama) in 1983. Carole believes that the experiences she enjoyed through AOII as a collegian taught her leadership skills, and the alumnae working with the chapter were strong role models.
After graduation she became involved in the Huntsville Alumnae Chapter and, by
the second year, was elected Chapter President. It was important to her to begin giving back to the Fraternity what the Fraternity had given her.
When asked why she wanted to become International President (IP). She said that she had never aspired to the position, although many of her Alpha Delta sisters joked with her that one day she would be IP.After having served the fraternity
in several international level positions, she was approached by a fellow volunteer who wanted to nominate her as IP. Carole was very honored and, after thoughtful consideration, agreed. She was elected IP in 1999, then re-elected in 2001.
When asked what she
enjoys most about serving as International President, she said, "Traveling to the collegiate chapters and meeting sisters across North America has been the highlight ofmy service."
One of her goals as International President is to instill self-esteem and pride in each of our members. "AOII should play a positive and meaningful role in the lives
of all its members," she said. She also strives to listen to our membership and their visions for the Fraternity.
Cultivating leadership skills and their value in all AOIIs
is a personal objectiveof Carole's. "We have made
great strides in emphasizing
the importance of Alumnae Advisory Committees and the impact they have on the suc- cess ofour chapters," she said. "Additionally, programming and leadership training has been strengthened for alumnae and collegiate chapters."
The position of International President requires daily atten- tion. Carole said that she spends two to three hours every morning doing paper- work, writing and returning emails, making and returning phone calls, and planning her travel schedule. Then, off and on throughout the day, she responds to issues and attends to Fraternity business.
Carole's husband, Buddy, and 13-year-old daughter, Laura, whole-heartedly support her involvement. She is passion-
ate about making a positive impact, but feels she has gained much more from AOII than AOII has gained from her.
"Serving as International President has had a tremen- dous impact on my life," Carole said. "I have been challenged, disappointed, rewarded, renewed, satisfied, but above all, most honored to serve in this capacity. The lessons of life
and joys ofsisterhood 1have experienced will always be one of the highlightsofmy life".
AOII is not the only organiza- tion that benefits from Carole's service. She works on the Teen Shelter Building Committee for the Junior League of Huntsville, and she serves as a board member for the Huntsville Museum ofArt Foundation. Additionally, she is a member of the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra Guild, volunteers
in the officeat Laura's middle school and volunteers for the youth program at church.
Just as Carole has done, we have the chance to influence future generations of women by becoming volunteers for AOII.
Through volunteer opportuni- ties, AOII affords us a chance for the ongoing development of our talents. Submit an
AOII volunteer application found on the AOII website,, under the quick references button and volunteer opportunities.
By Sherri Clark Burt Human Resources Committee Member. Gamma Delta (Uof South Alabama), Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma
[ Summer 2003 ]
air 73J ^Yc&
Congratulations to the following women who have reached their 75th year of membership with AOII!
These women were initiated during the school year of 1927-1928 and our records still indicate a current mailing address.
Alpha Phi Montana State U Mary Taylor Fjeld
Greensboro, N C Gretchen Thornton Frisby
Billings, M T Mildred Hasker Johnson
Medford, OR
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U Irene Griggs Brandeberry
Lincoln, NE
Frances Comes Hankins
Port Angeles, W A
Alpha Sigma
U of Oregon Elizabeth Plummer Kiesz
East W enatchee, W A Glenna Heacock Kneeland
Portland, OR Amy Porter Rapp Portland, OR
Edith Pearson Stain Eugene, OR
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Howarda Clarke Vansickle
Quincy, IL
Chi Delta
U of Colorado Margaret Lee Burroughs
Ault, C O
(tomel U
Margaret Pontius Stevens
Geneva, N Y
U ofWisconsin Florence Reynolds Mullarky
Wauwatosa, WI Marion Bain Ransel Indianapolis, I N
U of Maine
Katharine Jackson Adkins
Saint Michaels, M D Ellen Wareham Holmer
Exeter, N H
Randolph Macon Women's College Mary Wingfield Perrow
Lynchburg, V A
Ann Shinkle Spaulding
Louisville, KY
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College Pauline Barton Blaylock
Memphis, T N Katherine Mercere Collins
Memphis, T N
Kappa Theta
U of California Los Angeles
Frances Shields Raffetto
Newport Beach, CA
New York U Bettie McStea
Fort Lauderdale, FL Harriet Dunham Patterson
Riverside, RI
Nu Kappa
Southern Methodist U Beulah McGhee Dunlap
Dallas, T X
Miami U
Mildred Riegle Browder
New Bremen, O H
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan Elizabeth Hemenger McCoy
State College, PA Elizabeth Morley Pentrop
Royal Oak, MI Anita Lamar Schley
East Providence, RI Dorothy Hall V antuyl
Ann Arbor, MI Grace Manbeck Weber
Naples, FL
U of Kansas Florence Searcy Morton
Lansing, KS
Elba Ellison Wimmer
Clarks Summit, PA
Tulane U
Violet Hardtner Howell
i f of California - Berkeley
Mary McCain Kennedy
Menlo Park, CA
U of Minnesota Beatrice Anderson Flueck
Roseville, M N Elizabeth Ebeling Kane
Minneapolis, M N Dorothy Pace Riggs
San Jose, CA Virginia Rohlf Spigler
Medford, OR
Tau Delta Birmingham Southern College Elizabeth Crabbe Nelson
Birmingham, A L Helen Borchers Rea
Eufaula, A L
DePauw U
Cora Evan Rinehart
Hampton, N H
if ofWashington Helen Lea
Kent, W A
U of Oklahoma Frances Mathies Evans
Houston, T X Ella Sigmon Walker
ToDragma [Summer2003]
Lake Charles,
Pi Delta
U of Maryland Madeline Bernard Cecil
Fullerton, C A
Ruth Miles Henderson
Chevy Chase, M D Jane Hammack O'Neill
Delray Beach, FL Mildred Kettler Twilley
Bethesda, M D
U of Pennsylvania Katherine Knauss Lyons
Burke, V A
Cornelia Patterson Weirick
Northumberland, PA
Northwestern U Anna Teuscher Schmidt
Greenville, SC
[Fostering Awareness In Teaching Hope]
Alpha Omicron Pi to Introduce New Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program
Suicide is an epidemic reaching college campuses everywhere. In the spring 2002 issueofToDragma magazine,anaward- winning article- "A Silent Killer Speaks" brought the social concern of suicide to the forefront formany of us.
In order to better educate and increase awareness to our membership about this social crisis. Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to introduce F.A.I.T.H. - a suicide aware- nessandpreventionprogramforour AOII members. F.A.I.T.H., Fostering Awareness In Teaching Hope, will be launched this fall to help all AOIIs gain a better aware- ness and understanding about suicide, develop positive self-esteem, and leam where to go for help.
The F.A.I.T.H. program is comprised of an educational kitcontaining a CD-Rom and personal journal. The CD-Rom features personal stories told by AOII sisters. It also includesaseriesofactivitiesthatprovide chapters an opportunity to learn about
the warning signs of suicide and ways to cope with stress that can eventually lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
The personal F.A.I.T.H. journal provides members with the tools to deal with stress, and information and facts about the causes ofsuicide.Oneofthemost important features of the journal is that the last page provides each woman with a copy of local and national resource information. This includes phone numbers and web address- es of places to go for help in the event that
a sister is seeking more information or help regarding the prevention of suicide.
While the program was initially designed for Alpha Omicron Pi,the CD-Rom can alsobeusedasaneducationaltoolto build awareness about suicide with other Greek organizations, college campuses and communities.
The educational kitwill be released
this fall. Y ou may contact Melissa Ball, Administrative Directorof Education at AOII Headquarters - 615-370-0920, ext. [email protected] for more information.
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:_
Please complete this form, indicating the change above and return to:
AOII International Headquarters 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TIN 37027 -or-
email the following information to: [email protected]
Zip/Postal Code:
Chapter/College where initiated:
Place of Employment:
Zip/ Postal Code:
Alumnae Chapter: Special Interests:
Please help AOII save money!
the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
email: Member #:
From To Dragma Label
Year Initiated:
Occupation: State/Province:.
Current AOTT Office:
Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect (uldress costs the Fraternity 70c, in addition to
42 To Dragma [ Summer 2003 ]
Alpha Omicron Pi Membership Inforrnation Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT address for the college which this potential new member will attend. The addresses are available on the Sisters Online area of the AOTT website or you may contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. Ifyou have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated from the chapter
attach photo if available
Collegiate chapter pledging depends ° n j ^ g ! £ s u g g / y i n ^ available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at.
Potential New Member Information
Name of Individual
preferred name
Home Address
College Classification (check one) Parents'/Guardians' Names Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
Does the individual have an AOTT relative? (check one) Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden) Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( )
(work): ( )_
Does the individual have affiliations with any other NPC groups? If yes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the individual have a special interest in AOTT? If yes, please list.
Have you talked with this individual about AOTT (check one) yes no Is this individual able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one)
yes no
don't know
High School Attended.
Scale School Attended after High School.
Scholastic GPA_ Scale Scholastic Honors
Scholastic GPA
Class Rank/Class Size
Number of Credits Completed,
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the individual's participation and leadership in each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
7bDragma [Summer2003] 43
. Major,
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the individual's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples whenever possible. Indicate the individual's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOII Recommendation for Membership
_ _ I.
I recommend this individual for AOTT membership.
I know this individual personally.
I do not know this individual personally, but I am basing my recommendation on information from these sources:
(circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy
peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is
desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. I am unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership:
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By:
Name Address
city state/province
Phone: ( )
Collegiate Chapter, Alumnae Chapter_
Due to limited information received.
After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Group Pledged Date
What to do with recommendations after recruitment:
Date recommendation acknowledged
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all potential new members who pledged an NPC sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for potential new members who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years).
44 ToDragma [Summer2003 ]
postal code
Alpha Omicron Pi
* legacypolicyexplained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopted daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated member, alive or deceased, of any chartered AOII chapter. Half-sisters or step relations are also included if the relation to the AOII member has been a close one.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to offer a bid to every verified legacy.
•Collegiate chapters are required to give serious consideration to each verified AOII legacy out o f courtesy to the AOII sister to whom she is related. A collegiate chapter may decline membership to a legacy only for very appropriate and verifi- able reason(s).
•In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the first round of parties.
Legacy Introduction Form
•An AOII legacy should be a qualified rushee in her own right - grades, activities, accomplishments, and overall compatibil- ity with the chapter.
•If a chapter releases a legacy, a member of the Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact the AOII relative o f the legacy by telephone to inform her of the legacy's release from membership consideration. This contact must be made prior to the dis- tribution of invitations for the next round of recruitment parties.
•If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOII relative by telephone, written notification of the legacy's release must be sent. This is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's release from membership consideration.
•If a chapter carries a legacy through Preference, she is placed on the chapter's first b i d list.
Sunny Lipscomb and her mom, Laura Lee Lipscomb, boh members of Omicron Chapter (U of Tennessee).
•AOIIs must remember that some legacies are happier in another Greek group. Every National Panhellenic Conference group offers a worthwhile experience for college women.
•Introduce your legacy with the form below. Attach it to the Membership Information Form (page 43 and 44) and send it to the address for the school your legacy will be attending. A listing of chap- ter addresses can be found on in the Sister Online area
This form is designed to introduce AOII legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information form (page 43 and 44) which also must be sent. Y ou can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOII chapter on the cam- pus your legacy plans to attend. A list of addresses appears on the Sisters Online area of the AOII website.
This is to advise you that my (check one) • Sister will be attending
as a (check one)
your name
• Freshman
• Sophomore
• Senior
college or university
beginning date .
your street address
college or university
• Daughter
• Junior
your chapter
•Remember: send the Membership Information Form with this form to the A O f l address at the school your legacy will be attending.1
ToDragma [ Summer 2003 ] 45
your state
your maiden or initiated name
your phone
your year of initiation
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357J Large Multicolor Bead Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $32.00 363J Primary Bead Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $30.00
388J Large Pearl Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $20.00
389J Fresh Water Pearl Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $30.00 391J Sterling Silver Child's Legacy Braclet
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yearsofage.) $18.00(Alsoshownonpage17)
392J Large Bead Multi-Crystal Bracelet w/Sterling Silver charm. $38.00 393J Handcrafted Antiqued Design Ring. Sterling Silver.
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