3L Jforoman
Manufacturer of
Special Work in Gold. Silver and Jewels
Established 1852
Fraternity Jewelry
Designs and estimates prepared upon short
notice tor emblem pins, rings and fobs;
also class cups, trophies, etc
Note paper with monograms in color; invi-
tations, to commencement and class-day ex-
ercises, menus, dance orders; also dies for
stamping corporate and fraternity seals.
Post St. and Grant Ave. San Francisco
VOL. I X SEPTEMBER, 1914 No. 4
T o DRAGMA is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
Wis., as second-class matter, A p r i l 13, 1909, under the act o f March 3, 1897.
To DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth o f November, February, May
and September.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable i n advance; Single copie«
twenty-five cents.
Virginia Judy Esterly, Editor-in-Chief. Isabelle Henderson, BusineM
At the conference o f Fraternity Editors held at Chicago i n October, there
was much discussion regarding present conditions in the fraternity and col-
lege world and those o f fifteen to thirty years ago. A number o f instances
were given where the older fraternity alumnce—those who had not been i n
touch with fraternities and their present day efforts—had been the cause o f
Pan-Hellenic eruptions and where their unacquaintance with the present times
had caused many serious complications. The opinion among the editors was
that these same alumna? would be sincerely grieved i f they realized that they
were really impeding the progress o f their own fraternity and a l l others as
well, because o f their lack o f knowledge o f present conditions and methods.
A committee was appointed to write an article to t r y to state clearly the
change i n times, hoping that the alumna; especially w i l l make a great effort
to see fraternity and college conditions now as they are now, not as they were
when they were i n college. I f so, their zeal and intelligent interest w i l l be o f
greatest benefit to the best interests o f fraternity l i f e . The article mentioned
is to be printed in all Journals.
The Committee appointed are: R. Louise Fitch, A A A , Editor o f The
Trident, chairman; Frances Perkins, Editor Alpha Phi Quarterly; L . Pearle
Green, Editor Kappa Alpha Thela Journal; and M r s . R. T . C. Jackson, K K T ,
Editor o f The Key.
My one experience of a Visiting Delegate was when I was head of
my chapter. I had to conduct the meeting—dreadful indeed was that
ordeal and fearful the nervous headache that followed it. Of course
it would have been the last thing that dear visitor would have wished
—to frighten a girl into a sick headache. I t wasn't her fault. She had
only two days to make that visit, she had but just arrived before the
meeting, and a Visiting Delegate had been heralded in the chapter as
an awesome individual—I was frightened within an inch of my life
and that impression has always remained, because in that brief time i t
was impossible to form another which would replace the first and
Perhaps I gave the girls a headache when I arrived as a Visiting
Delegate, dust-laden, tired, and travel-stained, I should think I might
but I hope I remained long enough to dispel the notion that I was
an official come to inspect and find fault. Indeed, I think our task
in this respect is easier than it used to be. I think the girls look
for the friend instead of the inspector. They trust her and confide
in her as they didn't use to do. I t used to be the thing to hide
trouble or dissension from the Delegate, to draw a sigh of relief
only after she was safely out of the house without discovering that
one of the freshmen was low in her studies, that the popular junior
cut the reception and that the town girls would not come to meetings.
Now these problems are discussed freely and solutions are often
worked out with the help of the Delegate.
Nor is this cordial relationship restricted to the visitor's own chap-
ter. Some of the pleasantest recollections of my trip are these
visits with other fraternity girls and their chaperons, for at almost
every college where I stopped, courtesies of various kinds were
shown me by chapters of other fraternities. I believe these cordial
relations are encouraged by the Pan-Hellenic Associations. The ap-
proaching visits of inspectors are announced, they are invited to talk
to the girls in these meetings, suggestions are cordially received and
discussion is free and good-natured. Many excellent lines of work
are promoted in most of these associations, an encouraging sign, for
there are a few still which exist only to make rushing rules.
What a splendid help the deans of women are! How ready to
advise about the chapter, give any information desired or provide
the scholarship standings—We didn't use to bother about these
standings much except as individual chapters, now one of the first
duties of every national fraternity is to encourage scholarship in
every possible way. Faculty, too, show this same cordial desire to
assist the visitor and even the presidents of the colleges do not think
it beneath their dignity to encourage her in her work.
I t was an eye-opener to me to see the way in which chapters en-
couraged the girls to take part in college activities. Freshmen are
brought up with the idea that they are expected to get out and work
for the college, else they are not good fraternity girls. I t made
me consider seriously my own delinquencies in this line for I flatly
refused to be interested in class politics and spent much valuable time
scheming to get out of gym work. Perhaps i f we had had rhythmic
dancing instead of dumb bells and a swimming tank instead of Indian
clubs I might have been more eager. Moreover, it was a surprise to
see the pride that many chapters take in seeing that house rules are
rigidly kept. I don't know now how I escaped a reprimand f o r
keeping a caller after hours. Probably these girls knew that I had
been out of college long enough to forget all about such rules and
were lenient with me. There are such things as study hours too,
despite the dubious prognostications of our friend—the enemy.
Whatever the chapters learned from me, I learned much from
them. Never can I listen again with any patience to the croakings
of the people who decry our present college life and say with dole-
f u l shakes of the head "Times have surely changed since our day"—
Yes, times have surely changed, for the better in almost every par-
ticular. The progress is startling and inspiring; the growth in
number of colleges, in their size, equipment and courses of study
is amazing ; the improvements in methods of student administration
is marked. Even the social life, so immensely more complex with
the increase of the student body, was never so carefully supervised,
the girl was never before so closely guarded in our coeducational
colleges. What criticism there is along the line of expenditure and
luxury is a criticism which must be borne not only by our colleges,
but by our towns, our cities and our whole country. This visitor
can only feebly raise her voice in protest against picture shows,
autos, the Boston and that lovely college store right across from the
campus, where those delicious sundaes tempt the thirsty student
from her books. Perhaps these things were not problems fifteen
years ago, but college authorities and student bodies have coped with
much weightier ones in the past and I , for one, am quite willing to
believe these questions will soon be settled and our colleges and
chapters saved from the "demnition bow-wows" whither some of
their decriers think they are hastening.
Editor Alpha Phi Quarterly.
Fifteen or twenty years ago, it was the fashion to point out the
"star chapters" of one's fraternity to the comparative detriment of
those that were not grouped in constellations. The members of one
"star chapter" whispered to members of another "star chapter"—
all very confidentially, of course—that Alpha or Beta or Gamma
chapter took in "the most impossible girls." There was a very general
feeling, shared by all except the victims of the prejudice, that "some-
thing really ought to be done about our weak chapters" ; and in some
cases, chapters in old and small institutions were blithely voted out
of existence by the very chapters that owed them their charter grants.
One of the best signs of the times in fraternity as an expression
of real fraternalism, is found in the changed attitude of the general
fraternity toward so-called "weak chapters." The qualities that
used to make up a "star chapter"—good social placement, a large
share in the gaieties of college life, leadership in entertaining and
dress, and popularity with the local smart set—are yielding more
and more to the ideals of scholarship, influence for the best in the
college circle, and true womanly character—ideals that find place
quite as much in the small and unfashionable college as in the big
well-advertised university.
The Spartans helped to keep up their high standard of physique
by killing off the weak and deformed among their offspring, but
the twentieth century method is to develop the weaklings by "better
babies contests" ; and the modern Greek is following the same good
example and strengthening the weaklings among fraternity chapters.
A policy of refusing charters to petitioners in unpromising institutions
is the part of wisdom; but a policy of withdrawing charters from
blameless chapters in such institutions is now stamped as unchristian
and unfraternal, and is rapidly dying out.
I remember a delegate from one of these "weak chapters" who
journeyed to my first convention. There was the usual convention
crowd—a rapidly growing snowball of delegates and visitors. We
alumnae had had so bad a training in the "weak chapter" viewpoint
that we all pricked up our critical ears when we heard that the
delegate from a certain small college was on the train. "What is
she like?" we asked of the sophisticated graduate who had discovered
her, and the answer was, "Oh, just what you'd expect—terribly pro-
vincial—no manner. I wonder how much longer it will be before
we'll l i f t that charter." And another blase alumna added. " I t ought
to have been done long ago. Probably it will be, at this convention.
Poor child! It's hard on her, isn't i t ! Perhaps the kindest thing
would be to ignore her."
But such was not the view of the undergraduate girls of the party.
They greeted the "weak" delegate with the effusiveness only possible
to the very young on the way to a fraternity convention.
Yet so thoroughly was I imbued with college recollections of "the
impossible girls that that chapter takes in"—("Why, one of them
came over for a dance we gave, and positively it was the most
ghastly thing!" et cetera) that in a few minutes' quiet talk with
the little delegate en route, I opened the subject of her college's small
and declining numbers, and fatuously and tactlessly asked, "Have
you girls ever thought it might be advisable to surrender your
"Why should it be advisable?" she asked calmly.
"Well, you know," I blundered on, "the college is small, and there
isn't much tr desirable material, and of course the
fraternity musn't let its chapters run down, and i f you are loyal
you would wish whatever is for the best good of the fraternity, and
" somehow it was hard for me to find words for what
had previously seemed perfectly obvious, but I tried to sum up: " O f
course you know that your chapter is more or less on trial."
" I don't know that at a l l , " she replied, quite firmly, quite im-
personally. " I t seems to me that it is the general fraternity that
is on trial. M y chapter stands for the ideals of our founders. There
isn't a girl in the chapter who doesn't succeed in expressing those
ideals, and the chapter is a real help for good in our college. I f
the fraternity has so far lost sight of its ideals, that it no longer
recognizes them in us, why, then " she paused—"why, then it
is the fraternity that should lose its existence—not my chapter."
Somewhat dazed I found myself realizing that she was right.
Something in her look carried me back to the night of initiation,
with its sense of exaltation and high intentions. Since that day,
how far I had drifted from the true concept of fraternity! The
question came—what does the fraternity stand for now? Does it
base its estimate of a chapter on outward things, as I do—or does
it recognize realities? Shall I find at convention the soul of fra-
ternity or only the outer shell? To me, it was a matter of interest.
To the delegate from our "weak chapter," it was vital. And she
was not disappointed. Though there was hostility at first from cer-
tain alumnae, who, like me, had persisted in retaining the "star
chapter" tradition; though there was of course criticism from the
class of mind that bases the success of a rushing season on externals
—yet the general spirit of convention was the real spirit of fra-
ternity; and officers and delegates united in supporting the "weak
chapters"—weak, perhaps, in material evidence, but strong in true
fraternity ideals.
Editor of The Key.
On my desk is a letter, received yesterday from the University
of Minnesota, enclosing a report on the scholarship of fraternity
chapters in that college during 1912-13. The average for every
fraternity chapter at Minnesota is given, and the individual grades
of the members of my own chapter there. This letter reiterates
the desire of these college authorities for our co-operation in their
work for satisfactory scholarship. This is the third year of such
co-operative effort at the University of Minnesota, and the fact
that this year the lowest average of any woman's fraternity is
50 per cent above the passing grade shows progressively good results.
The University of Missouri and De Pauw co-operate with us
in a similar way, while several other places the faculty formally
report grades and averages to the individual chapters at the
This fall, a dean of women at a college where the social rules
of the women's self-government association were very inadequate,
called into conference a number of the alumna? to discuss what she
desired to establish as social standards f o r the college. Several
of these alumna: chanced to be fraternity women, each of whom
a few days later voluntarily, and without the knowledge of the
dean, called together her college chapter and discussed the whole
social situation with it and asked its aid in setting a better stand-
ard. When the dean proposed her new plan to the self-govern-
ment association these chapters gave it their sincere support and,
as a result, wise rules that few thought this independent self-
government association would even consider, became part of its code
of conduct.
Another dean within the past month told me that she had found
that an appeal to the fraternity chapters was always given courteous
consideration and never rejected unless for reasons that she herself
had to acknowledge as convincing. Also, that once the fraternity
chapters were pledged to a cause, the rest of the student body, two-
thirds of which is non-fraternity, would fall into line too; while
measures first presented direct to a mass meeting of students often
failed of endorsement.
A president of a great university, with many hundreds of women
students, recently dined at a chapter house where I was a guest.
To me he said, " I t is such a relief to know that even twenty of our
woman students are comfortably housed under wholesome supervision
such as this house gives. Without adequate dormitories, which we
never can provide i f the student body continues to grow as i t
has the past few years, it is a grave problem to give our women
students proper housing conditions. The fraternities have done
much to help us solve the problem, not only through their own
homes, but, also, because they have encouraged and helped other
groups of girls to club together and at least engage all of some fair
boarding house, thus making it more or less of a home."
Another college opened its first woman's dormitory recently and
for its conduct adopted in toto the house rules its chapter house
fraternities had themselves made and kept for some years.
These actual incidents illustrate the relation of college and fra-
ternity today better than could any of the general statements of
policy and action I could so readily set f o r t h ; so I leave them to tell
their own story, adding but two facts—they are not isolated experi-
ences ; neither do they come anywhere near exhausting my knowledge
of "actual incidents" of such relations.
Scholarship, high social standards, home living conditions, are
some of the things fraternities work f o r ; that their work along
these lines is cumulatively successful and of value to the entire
college world, cannot be gainsaid. They stand ready to work for
the college i n every possible way and once the college evinces its
readiness to accept the co-operation of the fraternities, the univer-
sity world will witness undreamed of benefits through the combined
effort of fraternity and college.
Editor Kappa Alpha Thcta Journal.
I n studying fraternities for fourteen years and in visiting sixty-
five colleges my ideas of the "change" are condensed as follows:
I n the "good old days" a fraternity was a loosely bound collection
of individual chapters, each doing very much as it pleased, and really
responsible to no one. The very first fraternity purpose was to
secure some sort of recognition of the existence of women at
educational institutions. Social recognition being least assured and
most desired, emphasis was placed upon that. No fraternity had
any real supervision over its chapters save to request payment of
dues, chapter letters for the magazines, etc. National officers were
names only who had purely business relations with the chapters. I n -
dividual chapters worked out their own salvation, and some of the
methods were most peculiar in the light of the present day ideas.
I t was "each fellow for himself". There was no co-operation
among fraternities at any college and little among chapters of one
fraternity. Rushing, pledging, etc., was haphazard and generally a
question of "grab," methods being immaterial. To "run down a
rival" literally and figuratively, was entirely legitimate and daily em-
ployed. Each fraternity considered itself the best and there were no
superiors! This attitude, of course, eventually reached its climax,
and women of mature ideas began to consider the matter sensibly and
with calm judgment. The weak points, the inane points of the
methods employed were discussed, the possibilities of accomplishing
something worth while with these groups of students gradually
appeared and slowly but surely a change took place. National
visitors, interchapter visits, etc., brought chapters into closer touch
with one another and their councils. The isolated groups became
a unified whole. Woman's position in the educational world was no
longer a novelty but an ever increasing common occurrence. There
was no lack of social standing and social life. What then should be
done with the organization which was gradually becoming stronger
and more powerful? Through the exchange of interfraternity
courtesies, chapters learned much of good of their rivals, and learned
a most important fact—that their own beloved organizations really
had not been able to secure quite all the finest women in the country.
The worth of other organizations has been clearly recognized of late
years, and many valuable experiences and ideals are given and re-
ceived between one-time most "hated rivals." Some college girls
have been surprised to find that members of rival organizations know
as much (or more) about their own fraternities as they do them-
selves, aside from the "secrets" which Barnard claims to find to
terrible. Some of us who recall days when to have a chum in
another fraternity was unheard of, to work together for any college
betterment was unthought of, perhaps find difficulty in realizing the
present conditions. Do these sound familiar? A common pledge
day, no pledges below f u l l freshman class, uniform chapter house
rules, receptions for the officers of a rival fraternity, scholarship
requirement for initiation, teas for college girls—fraternity and non-
fraternity (not rushing parties, but get-acquainted parties), co-opera-
tion to secure sensible closing hours for college parties, and for
better housing facilities for all college women, upperclass sponsor
system in fraternity, and in some instances in college, through Pan-
Hellenic efforts, faculty dinners, talks by the dean of women, no
freshman mid-week dates, united efforts to secure competent refined
house chaperons, co-operation in college activities, attempts to regu-
late the college activities of individual members—to curb the over-
ambitious, so that her health may not be impaired, to encourage the
timid and under-ambitious to cultivate her abilities, curtailing of
rushing expenses, and general college social expenses, co-operation
with faculty to secure better scholarship, addresses, through Pan-
Hellenics, by prominent "Vocational" leaders, etc., etc. The list of
things done and being done is almost too long to enumerate. • This
of course mentions no individual philanthropies, scholarship awards,
etc. Most important, to my mind of all the changes which have
occurred is that of the change in the fraternity leaders and their
spirit toward their sister organizations. (The italicized word is
gradually replacing "rival"). Perhaps it can best be illustrated by
the family life. Some parents are utterly unable to recognize the
faults and failings in their own children. To them, their children
are perfect, though to an unprejudiced outsider they may be regular
"pests". They are patted on the back, encouraged to believe the
neighbor's child is always the instigator of a fight, has bad manners,
and is naughty to throw things at "mother's pet", etc. Such
parents can't understand how their children later commit mis-
demeanors or worse, when they have had "everything done for them".
Such Has been the attitude of fraternity leaders in the past. The
ideal parents recognize their children's faults and weaknesses, and
try to teach them to cultivate self-control, and to curb their dis-
agreeable tendencies. They are ready with advice and counsel, with
all the help in their power to teach their children to patch up
the weak places, to learn to discriminate themselves between good
and evil, to see the good in others, etc. Such is the general spirit
of fraternity leaders of today. They are earnest, sensible women,
who realize the possibilities they have of influencing through their
various organizations, the lives of thousands of young college girls
to live better—mentally, morally and physically, because of the
fraternity influence in their lives. Our alumna?, old and young, who
are, with practically no exception, sensible, high minded women,
can aid immeasurably in these efforts by giving their intelligent
support to present day methods of a powerful organization—the
college fraternity. R- LOUISE F I T C H , A A A ,
Editor Trident.
I . I n professional fields, as
1. Teacher.
a. Kindergarten.
b. Graded school teacher.
c. H i g h school teacher.
d. Teachers in special schools, also teachers of special subjects.
e. College teacher.
f. Governess in private family.
g. Director of public or private school.
2. Physician.
3. Dentist.
4. Lawyer.
5. Analytical chemist.
6. Sanitary inspector.
7. Tenement inspector.
8. Health inspector.
9. Trained nurse.
a. I n hospitals.
b. Under public authorities or charity agencies.
c. I n private families.
10. L i b r a r i a n .
11. Social worker.
12. Suffrage worker.
13. Journalist.
14. Manager of institutions.
15. Dietitians.
16. Actress.
17. Musician.
I I . I n commercial fields, as
1. T y p i s t .
2. Stenographer.
3. Bookkeeper.
4. Cashier.
5. Indexer.
6. Private secretary.
7. Saleswoman.
8. Purchasing agent, i . e.,
Professional shopper.
9. Telephone operator.
10. Telegraph operator.
11. Manager or proprietor of business enterprises.
a. Insurance agencies.
b. Real estate agencies.
c. Hotels, restaurants, and lunch rooms.
d. Shops f o r selling homemade food.
e. D r y goods shops.
f. Florists shops.
I I I . I n artistic fields, as
1. A r t i s t .
2. Commercial artist.
a. Pottery maker.
b. Illustrator.
c. Designer.
d. China painter.
e. Engraver.
f. Poster artist.
g. Stencil artist.
3. Photographer.
4. Architect.
5. Landscape gardener.
I V . I n industrial fields, as
1. Dressmaker.
2. M i l l i n e r .
3. Maker o f handmade art goods.
a. Wood carver.
b. Initial worker.
c. Metal worker.
d. Bookbinder.
e. Leather worker.
f. Rug maker.
g. Needle worker.
4. Interior decorator.
5. Upholsterer.
6. Corsetiere.
7- Laundry worker.
8. Baker and Confectioner.
9- Experts in vegetable and f r u i t preserving.
10. Poultry farmer.
11. Manager of farms or horticultural establishments.
12. D a i r y woman.
l.v Toilet expert.
14. Dresser of show windows.
IS- Factory worker.
Copied f r o m The Eleusis of Chi Omega.
The T w e l f t h National Pan-Hellenic Congress was the first to secure the
advantage of a stenographic report, and typewritten copies o f the f u l l report
have been supplied one to each f r a t e r n i t y . The Congress voted, however to
incorporate an abridged report o f the discussions of the meeting in Bulletin
N o . 1. The Executive Committee has deemed i t advisable to add to this,
points of general interest taken f r o m various reports submitted to the Con-
From Report of Committee on Sophomore Pledge.
I n order to secure anything even approaching a comprehensive report on
Sophomore Pledge—because of the wide range in viewpoint—it was neces-
sary to get information f r o m at least two sources in all institutions where
the system has been tried. T o w a r d this end a questionnaire was sent to Deans
of Women in order to secure the attitude of college authorities, and to local
Pan-Hellenics to get the viewpoint of the girls themselves. Each N . P. C.
delegate was also asked to contribute anything of value on the system i n
any of the institutions where her fraternity had chapters. Sophomore Pledge
is still in the process of evolution and there is as yet little of the nature
of established fact to be ascertained. Deans and local Pan-Hellenics differ
widely i n many instances—as do chapters i n the Pan-Hellenics; and even
members i n the same chapter are often divided. Hence the difficulty o f se-
curing authentic information. For the sake of expediency the varied reports
received have been condensed, classified according to institutions concerned,
and sent to Grand Presidents only.
Swarthmore, Northwestern, Goucher, Baker, Knox, Barnard, Minnesota,
Newcomb, Wisconsin, Simpson, Toronto, Randolph-Macon, Texas, North
Dakota and De Pauw are having sophomore pledging at the present t i m e :
it w i l l be adopted at Michigan, Butler and Ohio State in 1914, and is being
seriously considered by faculties at Syracuse, Washington State, West V i r -
ginia, Colorado and Missouri where this year twenty-four hours of completed
work is required f o r initiation.
Much of the present uncertainty as to the practical w o r k i n g of the system
seems to have arisen f r o m unfortunate wrangles which have developed on
the question within the local Pan-Hellenics themselves. I f there is anything
of value in Sophomore Pledge Day i t is deserving o f a f a i r test
Here is an opportunity of chapters manifesting real fraternalism by being toler-
ant of other viewpoints, and bowing gracefully to majority rule and expediency.
Best results cannot come where there is discord between Pan-Hellenics and
faculty or a lack of harmony between members in the Pan-Hellenic.
Moved that "Where Sophomore Pledge is already established we give i t our
hearty support, but that during the time that Sophomore Pledge is i n an
experimental f o r m , no additional Pan-Hellenics be encouraged by this Con-
gress, to adopt Sophomore Pledge."
L O U E S E M O N N I N G , Phi Mu.
Because o f considerable misunderstanding of the text of the resolution
as adopted by the Congress f o l l o w i n g this report, the resolution is here
printed and local Pan-Hellenics are instructed to read i t carefully. I f the
meaning is not perfectly clear, each local Pan-Hellenic delegate is urged to
write to her National Pan-Hellenic Congress delegate.
From the Report of Committee on Local Pan-Hellenics.
We find that many Pan-Hellenics are undertaking broader things than the
secondary one of rushing—such as the scholarship banquet at Northwestern
and the organization of the men and women Greeks at Baker to give a Greek
fete to raise money f o r a swimming pool. A n y effort of this kind could be
suggested to other local Pan-Hellenics as suitable endeavor f o r them.
The minutes o f the first Pan-Hellenic i n 1902, state the meeting was called
" f o r the purpose of discussing the question o f pledging and rushing and of
suggesting a set of by-laws to be adopted by all the fraternities represented,
which should tend to the amelioration of existing conditions."
Such being the object and necessity at that time, i t is not strange that f o r
a number of years, rushing and pledging should be dominant, nor that as
late as 1910 the Model Constitution for local Pan-Hellenics should have the
object stated as you all remember that it is. But it does seem that now i n
our t w e l f t h year and with the f r a t e r n i t y situation such as it is, that we
should lay stress upon other things.
We plead for a simplification of rushing rules and a broadening of effort—
the substitution of definite work for the college and its women students,
w i l l drive away the smaller, pettier question of rushing.
To that end the committee makes the following recommendations regarding
the Model Constitution.
A R T . II P U R P O S E S
1. T o work together for the good of the college and all its women
2. By cooperation to benefit the fraternities o f the college (or university)
and to u n i f y the interests of the fraternity and non-fraternity women.
E V A R . H A L L , Kappa Alpha Tketa.
The attention o f the local Pan-Hellenics is called to this change which
should be incorporated in the constitution.
From the Report of Committee on Eligibility of Students in Summer Schools.
"Your Committee f r o m a limited study o f summer schools begs leave to
voice its approval of the standing rules debarring the summer school student
for the present, and recommends that i f a case arises in a local Pan-Hellenic
involving advanced standing of a summer school student that the case be
referred to all Grand Presidents interested before the student shall be de-
clared eligible."
A M Y O . P A R M E L E E , Delta Delta Delta.
From the Report of Committee on Extension.
"Under present constitution there are no other fraternities than the eighteen
now in the Congress that are eligible to membership."
E V A R. H A L L , Kappa Alpha Theta.
From the Report of Committee on Uniform Scholarship Blanks.
This Committee submitted a u n i f o r m blank which the Congress voted to
adopt. Its use is not obligatory but i t was the general opinion of the
delegates that the use of such a card would greatly simplify the work of the
university officials who are without exception exceedingly courteous and k i n d
in giving the desired data. Arrangements have been made with the Banta
Publishing Co., Menasha, Wis., to keep these forms in stock at the f o l l o w i n g
25 copies—30 cents
50 copies—50 cents
100 copies—90 cents
500 copies—$4.00
1000 copies—$7.50
Orders should be sent directly to the Banta Publishing Co., and the prices
include the cost o f sending.
The scholarship blank is inserted in the Bulletin.
L U L A K I N G B I G E L O W , Alpha Omicron Pi.
From the Report of Committee on Uniform Scholarship Blanks.
The 1912 Congress thought an investigation o f interfraternity organizations
desirable, and appointed a committee, consisting of Kappa Delta (Chairman),
A l p h a Gamma Delta and Alpha X i Delta to conduct such an investigation.
The committee sent out questionnaires through the Congress delegates, and
arranged the information thus collected. As some colleges d i d not send
in any information, this report is necessarily incomplete; but it is hoped
that such information as it gives may throw some light on a perplexing
The institutions reporting the existence of interfraternity organizations o f
a social, honorary or philanthropic character, are as f o l l o w s :
University of Arkansas. Colby.
Butler College. University of Colorado.
University of California. De Pauw.
University of S. California. Oklahoma.
George Washington University. Oregon.
Goucher College. Randolph-Macon.
Judson College. Stanford.
Lombard College. Texas.
Middlebury. Transylvania.
Minnesota. Wesleyan.
Mt. Union. Wisconsin.
Summary. I t w i l l be seen that these societies differ greatly in size, purpose,
and effect on the college community. Some of them, especially those which
are not secret or are purely honorary in character, seem to have made them-
selves respected. Others, these perhaps the m a j o r i t y , have no serious reason
for their existence, and create a certain amount of hard feeling, which is
bound to react unfavorably on fraternities themselves. Some few societies, like
those at Goucher, are clearly a survival of medievalism, and have no reason
for continued existence. J E N N W . C O L T R A N E , Kappa Delia.
From the Report of Committee on Point System.
This Committee was appointed under a resolution adopted by the eleventh
Pan-Hellenic Congress held in Chicago, October 17, 1912.
The Point System in brief is as f o l l o w s :
Every ultra-curriculum honor (notably officers in college activities, active
participation in dramatics, etc., club membership and work on college publica-
tions) counts a certain number of points and no one g i r l can hold positions at
one time, totaling more than a designated number of points.
The f o l l o w i n g data is taken f r o m reports received f r o m 65 colleges.
Point system in vogue at Cornell University, Allegheny College, Adelphi,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Barnard, Newcomb, Randolph-Macon, Miami.
Rejected or on trial at Illinois University, Washington University, Swarth-
more College, Stanford University, California University, Toronto University,
Transylvania University, De Pauw University, Wooster University, Oklahoma
University, Arkansas, Buchtel, Wyoming, Ohio State, Adrian.
Desire for it or expression of interest by University of Colorado and Knox
Regarded unnecessary at the other 37 colleges f r o m which we have reports.
No one sees any need f o r such a system, as honors are well distributed, either
through the small number of activities or through the large number of students
ready to- assume such work.
These colleges are: Kentucky, West V i r g i n i a , Mount Union, Tennessee,
Nebraska, Illinois Wesleyan, Montana, Missouri, Baker, Cincinnati, St. Law-
rence, Southern California, Denver, Franklin, George Washington, Iowa State
College, Kansas, Simpson, Middlebury, Idaho, Coe, Florida State, Hillsdale,
University of Pennsylvania, Drury, University of Iowa, University of New
Mexico, Illinois State, Toronto, Indiana, Butler, Vermont, Vanderbilt, Colby,
Louisiana, Alabama, Boston.
To sum up, we find that 9 colleges have the Point System in successful
operation, 7 have considered and rejected i t , 12 report a need f o r it and a de-
sire to know more of i t , 37 report no need or desire f o r it—total 65.
The general conclusion of the Committee seems to be that there is no great
need f o r the system—at least no recognized and admitted need; except in a few
colleges, where the Associated students are earnestly at work for a solution
adapted to their own peculiar local conditions. The investigation also reveals
widespread lack of any knowledge of the Point System.
Therefore, i t seems to the Committee wise at this time, f o r the National Pan-
Hellenic Conference not to urge the agitation of the Point System by its chapters.
I t is very desirable that an effort be made to advertise the Point System, prob-
ably by a series o f press notices sent to the local college papers, so that when
the frequent charge of too much ultra-curriculum activities arises, this knowl-
edge of the Point System w i l l be suggestive of a practical way of taking up the
W i t h the present acute state of anti-fraternity feeling, we deem i t undiplo-
matic for fraternity members to urge any such system, which in a very indirect
way touches one o f the alleged fraternity evils, participating in college politics
as organizations and not as free thinking individuals.
Respectfully submitted,
E V A P O W E L L , Chairman,
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
I t was the wish of the 12th N . P. C . to preserve f o r reference and use o f the
National Officers of the fraternities represented, a verbatim report of all dis-
cussions. This report which takes the place of the usual supplementary report,
has been sent in f u l l to the National Presidents. Excerpts are given below.
Among the recommendations submitted to the Congress, the f o l l o w i n g are of
general interest.
Resolved, That the 12th N . P. C . (1) "Take under considera tion the w o r k
of the Collegiate Bureau of Occupations, w i t h a view to some financial support
similar to that rendered by different colleges i n order that there may be co-
operation between the fraternities and the Bureau."
A g i f t of two hundred dollars to the Bureau f r o m the 12th Congress resulted
from this recommendation. The Congress is now enrolled with the Bureau in
its search f o r chaperones.
(2) "Take under consideration the establishment of a Pan-Hellenic head-
quarters at the Panama Exposition, with representative fraternity women i n
charge—a Bureau of general service to Greek interest." This recommendation
was l e f t to discretion of the Executive Committee.
(3) "Adopt a definite outline of study, which may assist National Officers
in educating underclassmen; thus enabling them to understand and when
necessary defend the fraternity system." This compilation, which i t is i n -
tended, will include a general study of Pan-Hellenism, its relation and applica-
tion to chapter and national life, and a resume of social service and philan-
thropic work being carried on by the fraternities w i l l be presented f o r considera-
tion and revision at the 1914 Congress.
C O N V E N T I O N 1914
Alpha Phi—Ithaca, N . Y., June.
Chi Omega—Colorado Springs, Summer.
Delta Zeta—Undecided, June.
Kappa Kappa Gamma—Boulder, Colorado, August 25-Sept. 1.
Zeta Tau Alpha—Atlanta, Georgia, June.
C A L I F O R N I A 1915
Alpha Chi Omega—August.
Alpha Delta Pi—June.
Alpha Omicron Pi—June.
Alpha X i Delta—Summer.
Delta Delta Delta—August.
Delta Gamma—June.
Pi Beta Phi—Summer.
Sigma Kappa—July.
O T H E R 1915 C O N V E N T I O N S
Alpha Gamma Delta—Place undecided, A p r i l .
Gamma Phi Beta—Place undecided.
Kappa Alpha Theta—Place undecided, July.
Kappa Delta—Evanston, 111., August.
Phi Mu—Place undecided, June.
Gamma Phi Beta voted Yes on a n t i - H i g h School fraternity resolution, and
further to adopt same as their policy even i f a l l other Congress Fraternities
were not agreed.
Provided for a Visiting Delegate, and f o r Scholarship and Examination Com-
The above title appears upon the program of what is b r i e f l y termed "The
Deans' Conference." This organization of Deans of Women, which met at the
H o t e l L a Salle i n Chicago, December 16, 17 and 18, 1913, kindly invited the
National Pan-Hellenic Congress to send three delegates to meet with them at
three o'clock on Wednesday, December 17, when is was planned to devote the
time to a discussion of women's fraternities.
The three delegates appointed to represent the N . P. C. were Mrs. Louis F .
Nafis, Deputy Chairman of N . P. C , Mrs. E. N . Parmelee, Secretary of N . P.
C , and Mrs. J. L . Lardner, Chairman of the Committee on U n i f o r m House
Rules. Mrs. J. H . McElroy, Mrs. H . M . Collins and Mrs. Wheelihan also
were present.
Dean Martin of Cornell University was Chairman of the Conference but be-
ing unable to attend this session had asked Dean Jordon of the University of
Michigan to preside. Dean Austin of the University of Washington acted as
Secretary. The list of deans present is as follows.
Name University Name University
Miss Antoinette Bigelow, Colorado Miss Eva Fulton, North Dakota
Mrs. Gertrude S. M a r t i n , Cornell Miss Mary Graham, Nebraska
Miss Carrie L. Denise, Indiana Miss Caroline Breyfogle, Columbus, O.
Miss Anna M . Klingenhagen, Iowa Miss Louisa Brooke, Oklahoma
Miss Kyle, Illinois Miss Ruth Guppy, Oregon
Miss Marion White, Kansas Miss Bertha Terrell, Vermont
Miss Anna J. Hamilton, Kentucky Miss Isabelle Austin, Washington
Mrs. Frederick Jordon, Michigan Miss Susan Moore, West Virginia
Miss Eva Johnston, Missouri Mrs. Lois K . Mathews, Wisconsin
Miss Margaret Sweeney, Minnesota
Miss Irma Voigt, Athens, Ohio Miss Marian Talbot, Chicago
Miss Mary R. Potter, Northwestern
A f t e r i n f o r m a l greetings and various introductions the meeting was called to
order by Dean Jordon.
Mrs. Nafis gave a report of the principal features of the recent National Pan-
Hellenic Congress, in which the Deans would be most interested, touching up-
on the resolution i n regard to high school sororities, the adoption of u n i f o r m
house rules and of uniform scholarship blanks, sophomore pledging, the Col-
legiate Bureau of Occupations, the desire of the N . P. C. to encourage f r a t e r n i t y
women to be broad-minded, and the plan f o r better chaperonage f o r f r a t e r n i t y
houses—concluding with the assurance to the Deans that the N . P. C. stands
ready to co-operate with college authorities in all matters f o r the betterment of
conditions surrounding college young women.
Mrs. McElroy spoke in regard to l i m i t i n g the social activities of college stu-
dents and of the u n i f o r m scholarship blanks.
Mrs. Collins outlined the plan of substituting holders of fellowships f o r
chaperones in f r a t e r n i t y houses so that all the chaperones would be cultured
women. I n order to carry out this plan the co-operation of the colleges would
be necessary so that they would give free tuition while the fraternities would
furnish room and board to the chaperones.
The Deans expressed great favor in regard to the uniform scholarship blanks
and the u n i f o r m house rules and, while they agreed w i t h the N . P. C. that some
plan suggested by Mrs. Collins. Several of the Deans spoke of the women's
some of them saw many grave difficulties which would arise i n carrying out the
plan suggested by Mrs. Collins. Several o f the Deans spoke o f the women's
f r a t e r n i t y houses as being great helps i n solving many problems and many
agreed that the nearer to an ideal home the fraternity house can be made the
more good i t w i l l reflect upon the general college community.
The joint meeting was both beneficial and interesting. The Deans were very
cordial and expressed sincere gratification at the increasing co-operation be-
tween the N . P. C. and the college authorities.
"The Trident Editor devoted about sixteen hours going over this
list of sketches to see how the fraternity women had 'made good.'
As all but A A A names are unfamiliar, it is possible some others
were overlooked. There were but seventy-three in the list who had
graduated prior to 1888, the year of T r i Delta's founding. Prior
to then there were but six fraternities with a comparatively small
membership and the majority of those too young to have done
a great deal. I n all there are 377 fraternity women given, though
aside from the four—two K K T and two IT B <£ known to the
editor, who gave no fraternity affiliation, there may be others. The
377 are divided as follows: K K r 116, K A © 85, H B * 41, A T 37,
A A A 28, A * 26, T 4> B 14, A O H 10, S K 6, A H A 4,
A X f) 4, A T A 3, X Q 3, A Z 1."—Quoted.
The Trident Editor's report is most interesting, though necessarily
incomplete as in very many cases fraternity affiliations were not
Alpha Omicron Pi instead of having ten "notables", has thirty-
three, which are given here, with chapter affiliations:
Agnes Dickson ALPHA
Jessie Hughan
Edythe Hulbert Helen Mullan
Stella Perry
Florence Sanville
Bertha Patton
Helen Arthur Nu
Jessie Ashley
Marion Cothren Helen Greeley
Madeline Doty Alice Jackson
Daisy Gans Helen McKeen
Bertha Rembaugh
Mary Towle
Helen Henry
Maidelle de Lewandowski DELTA
Ruth Farmer
Blanche Hooper
Sara Field Harriet Moses
Emma Price
Isabel Healey Ethel Wood
Carrie Campbell
Josephine Britton EPSILON
Ethel Davis
Mary Fitch
Isabelle Stone
Lillian MacQuillin
Class Essayist—Miss Theodora Sumner. Her subject was "Intel-
lectual Nonsense".
Miss Rosamond H i l l represented the A r t School and chose as
her subject "The Valuable Things the Art School has meant to the
Class of 1914 and what it will mean in the future."
Class of 1903 prize for Shakespeare Essay—Rosalie Dufour.
Mary B. Scott prize for historical essay—Theodora Sumner.
Class of 1909 prize for scholarship and public spirit Miss Mar-
garet Foules.
Chi Omega prize for a thesis of a subject of economics or social
service—Angie McLees.
Newcomb varsity debating medal—Margaret Foules.
Silver cups for basket ball were presented to Margaret Foules and
Gladys Renshaw.
Elsie Emeline McCausland was married on January 1 to Dr.
Crossley, who was at William Jewell College in Missouri for two
years as professor both of chemistry and biology. He now teaches
chemistry in the Wesleyan University at Middletown, Connecticut.
Elsie is taking steps toward forming a city Pan-Hellenic.
Mr. Percy Adams, of East thirty-second Street, New York, married
Miss Jeanette Wick, also of New York, at St. George's Church,
Bloomsbury Square, today.
Jaunita Judy, Sigma, 1913, was married to Roy Vitonsek I I , on
July 12.
Every Greek will be interested in a remarkable defense of the
American College fraternity which has been written by Andrew D .
White former president of Cornell University and American Am-
bassador to Germany. Written by a man of distinction and one of
the great educators of our country alone would give the article
weight, but the manner in which Dr. White takes every objection
to the fraternity system and riddles it is immense. The article is
convincing. I t is a complete answer to the legislator or any an-
tagonist, and i f you know any parents who are objecting to the
fraternity idea and you want to convert them a copy of this brochure
will do it. I t is published by the College Fraternity Reference
Bureau. A copy may be obtained by sending fifteen cents to
William C. Levere, Secretary, Box 254, Evanston, 111.
I have great respect for college fraternities. A wise and noted
college president answered the question, "What is the best product
of a college course?" by saying, "The friendships it has made!" He
was the wisest of men: there is nothing better than inspiring com-
radeship, and nothing has yet been discovered as a stimulator of
comradeship better than the fraternities of our college.
A L M O N D GUNNISON, President,
St. Laurence University.
Kipling says:—"The strength of the lone wolf lies in the pack;
and the strength of the pack in the lone wolf". So, in the Greek
world the strength of the individual lies in his fraternity; and the
strength of the fraternity solely in the individual.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The fraternities are get-at-able; they are responsive to faculty
suggestions for good order and jealous for the repute of their
I t may be interest in the fraternity instead of in the college, but
whatever the motive the result is the same; that which is good for
the college is good for the fraternity and vice versa.
The interfraternity conference is excellent; it harmonizes and
standardizes the fraternities; it gives the sanity of more mature and
wiser men; what the alumni say, goes, not always, but generally, and
men become wise when they go out of college.
I get letters from the heads of fraternities, and they are wise
and sympathetic; they counsel the best things; they are confidential
and they stand for the best; it is a wise plan for supervision.
Yours very truly,
A L M O N GUNNISON, President,
St. Lawrence University.
—Elensis of Chi Omega.
In regard to the prizes offered by fraternities Dr. Dixon said that
in some institutions objections have been raised against fraternities,
but that Newcomb a spirit of harmony exists among the fraternities
themselves and between fraternities and the rest of the college. The
spirit of exclusiveness so evident in many colleges is entirely want-
ing at Newcomb. Nowhere is there a larger and truer spirit of
democracy. For this reason fraternities at Newcomb, instead of
being a menace to peace, are a benefit to the college and to the
The Leading Greeks, edited by W i l l i a m C. Levere.
Evanston, noted as the home of authors, compilers and literary people gener-
ally, is about to have another publication go out f r o m its doors which w i l l be
encyclodic in character. Leading Greeks is the name of the new work and
it is to be a biographical dictionary of the conspicuous workers i n the American
College fraternities. This volume w i l l aim to give a personal sketch of the
notable Greek-letter society members o f the United States, men and women
whose position of achievement has made them o f interest in their fraternities
and beyond the borders o f their fraternities. Completeness and reliability w i l l
make the encyclopedia indispensible to all the Greeks, and it w i l l everywhere
be recognized as an authority wherever authentic information is wanted.
—The Ei'anston Daily News.
Fraternity conventions which w i l l be held in California i n 1915 are as f o l -
lows :
A X ft, A A A , * K, 2 , Acacia and A T A in August, B G LT in September,
A A LT, A 0 TI and A T in June, 2 K in July, LT K A in A p r i l , A A # in Febru-
ary, * 2 K in November, # A A, A 3 A, A X , * B I I , T B I I , * X, Z T A ,
0 A X , 2 N , A K E, 4> A X , TI B * and 2 X w i l l convene in California at dates
which w i l l be announced in The Greek Exchange later, Z * , I I K * , * T A and
K 2 i n San Francisco, and A 2 $ in Berkeley.—Banta's Greek Exchange.
A City Pan-Hellenic Association for national sororities was organized at
Indianapolis, May 23. The association includes the representatives of the
eighteen national sororities, and the purpose of the local Pan-Hellenic is simi-
lar to that of the National Pan-Hellenic Association, which has been i n existence
twelve years.
The sororities which were represented at the organization meeting, May 23,
n,are as f o l l o w s : I I B * , K A 0, K K T, A A V, T * B, A X O, A A A,
A 3 A, X ft, 2 K , A 0 Z T A , A T A , A A U, A Z , * M , and K A .
Four Phi Beta Kappas is the record of A * this year at Boston University.
A * had six of her seven l i v i n g founders at the Cornell convention, June
K K T at Missouri State has built a new house.—Banta's Greek Exchange.
The decision of the Chancery Court of Lafayette County holding
the Anti-fraternity Law unconstitutional was reversed on July 19 by
the Supreme Court of Mississippi. An anti-fraternity pledge is an
entrance requirement.
"Our purpose from the beginning has been to work with the clubs
in the improvement which we know they themselves have desired.
We have no intention either now or two years hence to abolish
any of the clubs. We are simply suggesting that the clubs in
their various groups take action along certain general lines, and we
are asking them within a certain time to act upon our suggestions."—
Chairman of Faculty Committee on House Clubs.
Quoted from Alpha Phi Quarterly.
In Ohio State University an anti-fraternity paper has been insti-
tuted, "conceived in oppression and dedicated to justice", and given
over to attacks on fraternities.—The Cross Keys.
In Alabama the anti-fraternity leaders have collected a fund
amounting to $2500 to finance a campaign to procure legislative
abolition of fraternities in the two state schools.
There is in Wisconsin a survey committee which has under examina-
tion the question as to the University's usefulness to the people
of the state, and they are sending out to these erstwhile terrors of
the undergraduate world, an examination blank twenty pages in
length. The examination is being conducted by a senator and the
governor of the state.
On April 22, 1 9 1 4 a new non-secret, national fraternity was in-
corporated. Its ideals are to develop the social, intellectual, moral
and religious welfare of its members, also to foster and encourage
among its members Christian principles, service, higher education,
culture and refinement.
May would seem to be the month when the anti-sorority germ
gets in its deadliest work. A year ago it was Barnard sorority life
that fell under its blight j this year it is Wesleyan's. This college
is not very well known in the country at large, so the decision of
its trustees to permit no further initiations will not attract the atten-
tion that the faculty fiat did in the case of Barnard. Wesleyan
College, incorporated by the Legislature of Georgia and opened in
1839, was the first woman's college to receive a charter from any
state, and was one of a number of schools opened about the same
time in various parts of the South for the higher education of
women. As its name would indicate, it is a church school, as are
so many others in that same section of the country. I t was not
until rather recently that the college did work that would be accepted,
year for year, by standard universities, but the institution has always
demanded much of its students and has always attracted serious-
minded girls, many of whom have gone after graduation into the
foreign missionary field.
Quite a few of the present matriculates are at Wesleyan, because
mother or grandmother claim it as alma mater. There is a bit
of convent flavor about the college, a flavor imparted to it perhaps
by the compulsory chapel and by the call of the chapel bell, which
rings for classes as well as for religious services. For Wesleyanites
the ringing of this sweet-toned bell has much of history and even
romance connected with it, for the original bell, a brass one, was
melted into bullets by the women of Macon during the Civil War.
The present bell was presented to the college by the Macon Chapter
of the Daughters of the Confederacy, a chapter which bears the name
of the South's sweetest-voiced poet, Sidney Lanier.
Wesleyan was the birthplace of the two oldest sororities, Alpha
Delta Pi and Phi Mu, which were founded in 1851 and 1852 re-
spectively as the Adelphean and the Philomathean societies, but
which took on Greek names and policies about a decade ago, when
they were incorporated under the laws of Georgia with a view to
becoming national organizations. Both have extended widely since
that decision, each having at present about twenty chapters. The
action of the trustees will come as a distinct shock to Wesleyan
women, because it will be almost impossible for them to think of the
college without these societies, which during more than sixty years
have been a vital part of the student life.
For more than half a century these organizations carried as
many as forty or fifty on their rolls at one time. Membership was
deemed a great honor, and such it was, because even to be considered
for membership meant that a girl must attain 8 0 per cent i n all
her studies. Even that high average did not always compass an
election. I f the girl happened to be a "special" student, no matter
how high her scholastic rank, her chances were only one in four,
because by faculty ruling only one-fourth of the membership might
be taken from that class of students. With the change from local
societies to national organizations, it came to pass that the member-
ship was even more limited, as the large-sized chapters were found
unwieldy. The rather recent decision to limit the numbers to
twenty-five members meant the introduction of other sororities, so two
other nationals, Zeta Tau Alpha established in 1 9 1 1 and Delta
Delta Delta installed in 1913, likewise fell under trustee ban. These
two have not been on the ground long enough to have left any deep
impress on the college or the community, but the killing of the other
two will mean as much to Wesleyan and her graduates as would the
wiping out of the Union and Miami "Triads".
The ruthless destruction of institutions and associations that date
back nearly three-quarters of a century cannot but do harm to a
college, whose welfare must necessarily depend to a large extent
upon the good will of its graduates. Wesleyan might well take
a leaf out of the experience of a sister college in the North, Wel-
lesley, whose founder, Mr. Henry F. Durant, saw clearly the
need for student organizations and at whose suggestion three so-
cieties were formed, two of them with Greek names. For a time
these fell under the ban, but after a few years' experience with an
unorganized student body, the faculty acknowledged its mistake and
not only restored the three societies, but arranged for the establish-
ment of three others. These six have built handsome clubhouses
on the campus and have become an essential part of the student
life, so essential, in fact, that an election to membership is almost
certain to insure a girl's return to college, even when she may have
made different plans. Commencement, too, finds the badge wearers
returning en masse, and when recently a seemingly cruel fate, in the
shape of a destructive fire, wiped out almost within an hour the
building that more than any other meant Wellesley to all who had
ever seen the "College Beautiful," the way in which the members of
these organizations rallied to the support of their alma mater showed
clearly how much it means to any institution to have its roots inex-
tricably tangled with the heartstrings of its graduates. A tree cut
down often shows a more vigorous growth, but a tree torn out by
the roots is merely material for the sawmill. Wesleyan Trustees
evidently do not understand the law of conservation, so far as it
affects the future of their college. They have decided to destroy
what can never be replaced, for with the passing of Alpha Delta Pi
and Phi Mu there will be left of alumna? interest only a stretch of
barren waste. I t is to be hoped that the sponsors for this old college,
which has meant so much to the South and to all American woman-
hood, will see their mistake before it is too late.—From Banta's
Greek Exchange.
A N explanation must be made to the Fraternity for the character
of the present issue, which takes the place of the usual Sep-
tember directory. I n the course of the past few months a number
of articles and notices have come to hand which are of importance to
the fraternity and which we have so far lacked space. And as a
complete directory was published last September, the Editorial board
have decided to devote the 1914 September issue to "catching up"
on material. As usual no chapter letters will appear in the September
T ^ O R four years the editor and business manager have put forth
* every effort to get out a worthy magazine in spite of the apathy
of the alumna:. But it has come to the point where the most strenuous
efforts of the business manager cannot make the issue pay for itself.
And when better issues mean personal expense to those working
hardest for the magazine, it is time to call a halt. Hereafter the
magazine will be cut down to fit our finances. I f you have pride
in your fraternity and in the magazine as its representative, send in
your subscriptions!
Exchanges please send magazines to:
Miss Dorothy Safford, 1306 Webster St., New Orleans.
Mrs. Carrie Green Campbell, 207 Allen Blvd., Kalamazoo, Mich.
Miss Kate B. Foster, 2717 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal.
Mrs. Ward Esterly, 244 Alvarado Road, Berkeley, Cal.
We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of the following magazines:
December 1913—Journal of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
February 1914—Shield and Diamond of Pi Kappa Alpha.
March 1914—The Kappa Alpha Theta; Journal of Sigma Phi
Epsilon; Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta; The Rainbow of Delta
Tau Delta.
April 1914—The Mask of Kappa Psi; The Trident of Delta Delta
Delta; The Delta Upsilon Quarterly.
May 1914—The Journal of Sigma Phi Epsilon; The Key of
Kappa Kappa Gamma; The Phi Chi Quarterly; The Kappa Alpha
Theta; Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha; The Triangle of Sigma Sigma
Sigma; The Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly; The Scroll of Phi
Delta Theta, The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly; The Delta of
Sigma N u ; The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma; The Elensis of Chi
Omega; The Adelphean of Alpha Delta P i ; The Adamas of Eta
Upsilon Gamma.
June 1914—Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta; Shield and Diamond
of Pi Kappa Alpha; The Shield of Phi Kappa Psi; The Arroiv of
Pi Beta Phi; The Alpha Tau Omega Palm; The Alpha Xi Delta;
The Angelas of Kappa Delta; The Rainbow of Delta Tau Delta;
Sigma Kappa Triangle; The Caduceus of Kappa Sigma; The
Trident ot Delta Delta Delta; The Cross Keys; The Anchora of
Delta Gamma; The Alpha Phi Quarterly.
July 1914—The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega; Ban fa's Greek Ex-
Pi Beta Phi at
St. Lawrence University, Canton, N . Y., March 20.
Eta Upsilon Gamma at
Centenary College, Cleveland, Tennessee, March 21.
Delta Zeta at
Washington State University, Seattle, Washington, May 30.
Delta Delta Delta at
Brenau College, Gainesville, Georgia, May 5.
Butler College, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 18.
Delta Upsilon at
Northwestern and Pennsylvania.
Sigma Nu at
Oxford, Georgia and at Syracuse University.
Delta Tau Delta at
Missouri and Northwestern.
Delta Kappa Epsilon at
Kappa Sigma at
Colorado College.
Pi Delta Theta at
University of California.
Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Xi, Psi Upsilon and Sigma Alpha Epsilon at
—Santa's Greek Exchange.
1. Delegates to the general convention should be chosen primarily
for their fraternity activity.
2. Choice of the delegates should be kept distinct from all other
honors conferred by the chapter.
3. The chapter should get rid of financial considerations that
prevent a free choice.—Delta Upsilon Quarterly.
"No, you would not pick the pocket of a brother in Delta Kappa Epsilon,
nor the pocket of anybody else, we trust nor would you rummage through this
bureau for a dress shirt without at least an honest intention of returning the
same. You would resent with righteous indignation the charge that you were
a thief in any sense. But hold on a moment. Do you never drop into a
brother's room w i t h no object on earth except to chat and be sociable, when
you are well aware that he was making a real attempt to do some much needed
studying when you interrupted him? W e l l , that is theft. I t is taking some-
thing to which you have no right and which another needs. I n college, i f
anywhere in the w o r l d , time is money and is not to be stolen or wasted.
"And do you never thump on the piano or knock around the pool balls when
you know very well that there are a dozen fellows upstairs whom you are pre-
venting f r o m concentrating their attention on their books? That is making the
theft a dozen times greater. I f you do not like the word "theft," call it lack
of efficiency in the system of running the chapter house. A n d "efficiency"
among a band of brothers who occupy a college home together should be as
significant a word as it has come to be i n the business world. But call it what
you w i l l , i f you only make a change for the better. Do not let the freedom
of chapter house l i f e degenerate into license i n the use of time, and especially
in using the time of others. T h i n k it over."—The Delta Kappa Epsilon Quar-
terly. Quoted f r o m Sigma Phi Epsilon Journal.
Phi Gamma Delta is to award an "efficiency cup," known as the Cheney cup,
donated by their national president. The plan f o r grading chapters i n compe-
tition f o r this cup embraces all branches of chapter activity, under three heads:
Scholarship, 50 per cent; relations of chapter to college, 25 per cent; relations
of chapter to fraternity, 25 per cent.—Caduceus of K 2 .
Is the bejeweled fraternity pin to go? I f one reads the signs of the times
aright the answer "yes" is almost forced upon him. For many years the
wearing of a f r a t e r n i t y pin has not been considered good f o r m in either
business or social life. There are, of course, communities in which this un-
written rule does not obtain, but in the circles where fashion lives, moves and
has its being this is undeniably true. Prove i t by counting how many mature,
successful business men of your acquaintance wear the pin regularly.
Again, the p i n , fastened to an obscure part of its owner's vest, serves poorly
as a medium of identification, and the gaily colored hatband has of recent
years usurped this obvious and important function of the pin. As a positive
means of signaling members of the same fraternity, high signs and mono-
grammed pins inlaid with jewels are not knee-high to the hatband.
4> r A is the first of the national fraternities to hear f r o m afar the r i n g i n g
of the death-knell of the p i n , and at the last annual convention resoluted an ap-
propriate obituary by adopting a "recognition pin" small and inconspicuous
in itself, but worn on the lapel of the coat where its normal function might
best be performed.
T r u l y , the fraternity pin, beautiful in its carving and setting, but hidden
away under the wearer's left armpit, is a weird, laughable contradiction.—A T
Quarterly. Quoted by The Scroll of Phi Delta Theta.
"A K A T's Garden of Verse" is the title o f a clever little volume issued by
Clare Lynn Fitch, wife of Siwash George, f o r the benefit of the scholarship
f u n d of Kappa Alpha Theta, of which Mrs. Fitch is a member. A couple of
extracts, copied by The Sigma Chi Quarterly are as f o l l o w s :
I n rushing I get up by night When I have reached Alumnae state
And rush by yellow candle light, A n d become very grand and great,
I keep i t up the same old way, I ' l l visit with the girls and tell
And do not go to bed t i l l day. Just how to run the chapter well.
—Quoted by The Crescent f r o m Kappa Alpha Journal.
Chapter House Chaperons
What is a chaperone?—Webster says "a guide and a protector." But how
can anyone be a guide and a protector unless she knows to what ends she must
guide the girls in her charge and against what she must protect them? T o be
both of these she must have the powers of a Cassandra, the wisdom o f a M i -
nerva and the trust and love of a mother; she must be one who knows the
common rules of etiquette, is at ease w i t h people and can put others likewise
at ease: one whom the girls are proud to have receive with them at their func-
tions and one who has personality and power enough to see that proper house
rules are made and enforced; one respected enough f o r her word to be l a w ; one
old enough in experience i f not in years, f o r the girls to go to her f o r the
settlement of their difficulties; diplomatic enough to show no prejudices and
no preferences; and wise be5'ond all expression.
As a mother guides, teaches, leads, protects and even punishes her children,
so must a chaperon guide, teach, lead, protect and even punish her charges
in the chapter house—in short, she must be a noble, womanly woman whose
very presence commands and receives respect, loyalty and love.—The Key.
We have spoken of the obligation of the chaperon to the chapter, but there the
obligation does not end; in fact, it just begins f o r the g i r l in the chapter house
— f o r her attitude toward the chaperon should be that of scholar to teacher, of
sister to sister, of daughter to mother. She must first of all be respectful,
h e l p f u l , obedient, without resentment, but above all she must be loyal—by loy-
al we mean loyal w i t h i n and without the house, in action, speech and thought.
She should do nothing without the house which is not in accordance w i t h the
house rules, she must speak no word of condemnation or criticism to the out-
side world, which is so ready to criticise, enlarge upon and judge as the usual
in chapter house life—and never should she allow disloyal thoughts to fer-
ment in her mind f o r they always lead to disloyal speech and actions. Fight
them with might and main. Be as loyal to your chaperon as you are to your
fraternity sister.—The Key. Quoted by The Adelphean.
Recently I heard an address i n which the beauty of timeliness was the
thought developed. T o me it then seemed that we could not do better than ap-
ply this thought to our college and fraternity life.
To borrow the words of the well-known proverb—a time f o r everything and
everything in its time (and on time, one might a d d ) , is a rule that it would be
well f o r us to f o l l o w . So often the object f o r which we have come to college
is lost sight of behind the cloud of social activities, athletics or scholarship, as
the case may be. Each of these has its place and, taken in its proper time and
proportion, will develop the all-round efficient college student, who gains that
which she is seeking. A n d yet how often this proportion is lost sight of, and
we have the resultant three types so often referred to, none of which is really
educated.—Key o f K K Y.
A t a meeting of the various fraternities o f the University of California, it
has been unanimously decided to inaugurate the twelve unit requirement f o r
freshmen before their eligibility to initiation into any fraternity. The rule
w i l l not go into effect f o r a year, but i t is sure to be tried then. The inter-
sorority council adopted this policy some time ago and we have found i t to
work well.—Caduceus of K 2.
Anti-fraternity men are making demonstrations at the University of Ala-
bama and Alabama Polytechnic Institute. They have raised $2500 with which
to finance their campaign, and are making a great effort to elect members of the
legislature this month who, when the legislature meets next January, w i l l vote
to outlaw fraternities i n the two state institutions. The Phi Gamma Delta f o r
March says:
A t these meetings inflammatory speeches are delivered and carefully worded
resolutions are railroaded through by the leaders and then given out to the
newspapers as the sentiment o f the m a j o r i t y o f the students. Diatribes against
fraternity men and against the injustice of the fraternity system are being dis-
tributed to newspapers and circulated among prospective candidates for the
legislature. Newspaper editors and non-fraternity alumni are being coached
to demand f r o m the candidates an expression o f their attitude on the college
fraternity question.
Every effort is being made to smoke out the candidates and compel them to
pledge themselves against the fraternities i n order to save themselves the op-
position of the anti-fraternity element and their friends Meanwhile
there is danger that the "antis" w i l l so poison the minds of the legislators, edi-
tors and the public in general as to make their case against the fraternities
very strong.—Scroll of Phi Delta Theta.
Since coming here I have listened to the criticisms of the fraternity system;
criticisms not new to me but new in the sense that they have become political
issues i n some o f our states. I t is said that the fraternity is aristocratic, and
I am compelled to admit that it is, and that it is extravagant; but, with all that
i t is better than the colleges, it is better than H a r v a r d or Yale or Columbia or
Chicago, i t is better than our universities. H o w can this age escape aristoc-
racy, lack o f democracy, when our colleges announce large endowments, when
the talk of our college presidents is about millions, when on our campuses are
million dollar structures, when our boy's dormitories are palaces? When their
talk is of those things, they are just the things that they criticize the fraternity
f o r . We must j u s t i f y ourselves.—F. C. Howe i n Phi Gamma Delta. Quoted
by Caduceus of K 2 .
Two instances are being reported of women being initiated into men's col-
lege fraternities, Miss Patty being initiated into the K - M - I chapter of 2 A E on
account of heroic services in preserving the chapter records during the Civil
war, and Miss Carothers being initiated into the Mississippi chapter of Phi
Delta Theta several years back. On the other hand, D r . Richardson, of Fay-
etteville, A r k . , a Kappa Sigma, is a member in due standing, i t is said, and one
of the founders o f Chi Omega, while M r . George Banta, Phi Delta Theta, is a
regular in the ranks of Delta Gamma. Both D r . Richardson and M r . Banta
have attended conventions of their respective sororities.—Kappa Alpha Journal.
Quoted by Caduceus of K 2 .
Yale students who j o i n the secret societies are no longer allowed funds
f r o m the college aid moneys. They can obtain them as loans and not as g i f t s .
The announcement was made today in the annual report of Prof. Sallmon,
head of the bureau of appointments.—A K E Quarterly.
" I f I were a delegate again"' is the title of a symposium i n The Arrow of
Pi Beta Phi. Here are some of the things the ex-delegates would do i f they
were to go again :
" I would suggest that each delegate make a thorough study of previous
minutes I would avoid the clique spirit."
"Be sure and learn all you can about the matters that w i l l come to be consid-
ered at convention."
" I f I were not already very familiar with 'Roberts' Rules of Order' I would
make this book a part of my study."
" I f there were petitioning chapters present I would make a great effort to
be open to conviction, and would not say 'no' to any question of expansion
simply because of some prejudice previously formed."
" I would endeavor to b r i n g back to my chapter as many ideas as I could
gather on intensive chapter work."
"Never forget that you are not only a local but a national."
"Contact with the leaders o f any organization often brings more help and
u p l i f t than all else in a convention, so I would open my heart and mind to the
personality of the convention."
" I would t r y to remember that in me my college was up f o r inspection; that
I must represent her intelligently, dignifiedly, pleasantly."—Quarterly o f A T.
The idea is not new f o r college societies to maintain a summer camp or other
place, where, during vacation time, the undergraduates and younger alumni
can get together in an i n f o r m a l way.
D u r i n g the last two or three years this plan has been taken up by several
fraternities, which have established regular camps or meeting places f o r the
summer. Delta Upsilon has carried on what is understood to be the most
successful venture of this k i n d , and the accounts of these outings are of un-
usual interest. Delta Upsilon owns a small island i n Lake George and for
f o u r years has maintained this camp, with the result that opportunity f o r a
healthful vacation at a very moderate cost has been offered to its members,
and i t is believed the friendships formed have been of great use in promoting
fraternity interest and loyalty.
Several of the societies at Yale are understood to follow some such plan as
this, at least f o r their active members, and some other local societies do likewise.
—Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly.
Local Pan-Hellenic at M i l l i k i n started a custom this year which it is hoped,
w i l l be followed every year. There is so much said today about the non-fra-
ternity movement and about fraternity people being low scholarship people,
also about the poor feeling between fraternity and non-fraternity people. I t
was with all these in mind that Pan-Hellenic took the action i t d i d .
I t was finally decided that a scholarship dinner would be an excellent way
to find out who the high scholarship girls were; and also i f non-fraternity
girls were high in scholarship, there would be a more democratic spirit aroused
as the fraternity girls would be hostesses.
There are twelve Pan-Hellenic representatives, so they thought it would be
nice to have twelve guests beside the chaperones. The guests were the two
girls receiving the highest grades f r o m each college class, and the one g i r l re-
ceiving the highest grades f r o m each of the four fraternities. I t was announced
early i n the school year that there would be a dinner, so everyone had
the same chance to t r y f o r i t and the same length of time to make good. When
the grades f o r the first semester were turned i n , i t was found that there were
three out of the eight possible non-fraternity girls. Since then one o f those
girls has been pledged. We think we have proved that the fraternity girls can
get as high and higher grades than non-fraternity girls, and also we have
helped to bring about a better feeling between the girls.—Lyre o f Alpha Chi
Delta Kappa Epsilon numbers among its alumni twenty-two college presi-
The strength of a fraternity group lies most of all in the spirit of brother-
hood that prevails among the members. Where there is the fellowship of loyal
hearts and kindred interests, there is the only kind of strength that makes f r a -
ternity life worth while. Where there is dissension, snobbishness, uncharit-
ableness, nagging, uncongenial tastes or the display of any unbrotherly qualities,
there is the weakness that makes any chapter an i n j u r y to its college and
a reproach to its fraternity.— A K E Quarterly.
There must be, first of all, a graduate treasurer or manager, who is always
"on the job." I t is usually desirable to have a graduate brother who lives very
near the college or who is on the faculty. There should be an annual budget—
a well studied plan of making the two ends meet, of making the room rent
and other income equal to the taxes, fuel, light, water, repairs, insurance, in-
terest payments, etc. There should be a small House Committee responsible to
the graduate manager, and having immediate oversight of all the minor ex-
penditures that he cannot attend to.
I f there is an eating club, its finances should be kept wholly distinct from
those involved in maintaining the House itself—except that the dining room
management should pay a certain rental to the management of the House.
The finances of the chapter as such—its Convention tax, Council and Quarterly
dues, etc.—should be handled by the treasurer of the Chapter and be kept
wholly independent of the maintenance of the House. I f these various ac-
counts are handled by the same person or become tangled there is likely to be
a confusion that will lead to financial chaos. Yet those in charge of the var-
ious accounts should work together in perfect understanding, that there be no
unnecessary or duplicate expenses. How is it with your Chapter? I f there
is need of financial reform or business reorganization, do not delay.—A K E